1 value
200 values
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كمثال عن صديق أخبرني برأي سلبي عنه وكان منزعج بشكل أزعجني معه،أنا أشوف فيه عكس الشيء ذا تماماً ياجماعة ترا الطين واحد بس الأرواح مختلفة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
٩ ٪ من نفاق إلكتروني
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بالوقت الي تبعد عن الناس الي تضايقك باستمرار او تكون مصدر إزعاج بالنسبة لك حتى لو تحبهم بترتاح بشكل كبير وتفتك منهم اكثر من انك تكون حزين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
واله ياخوك مدري بس الافراح كانت عارمه😂💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
صباحي في اتم الارتياح انك الحلم الذي تحول الى واقع بمشاركة الاماني واحلام بالمنام
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الإعلان جميل جدا بجد😍كل شويه اعيد فيه اتفرج عليه😍 nالبرنس ❤💪 ربنا معاك ياآرب يا احسن برنس💖 ربنا يشفي كل مريض💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
30 الف نفر الدنيا كلها مع بعض بدون اي تكاليف نعيش عيشه صعبه بالديون ليش الكل يتذمر من الزواج عشان الديون بس
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
جوايا احساسا مش عارفه اوصفه 😊 اني خلصت ولا 😢 nوالشعور الاغلب مصدومه 😮 ومش nاني مش هاروح جامعه تاني😖
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بحب جدا الناس البسيطه الي كلمه صغيره او خروجه عاديه او قعده حلوه مكن تفرحهم بحب اتعامل معاهم جدا ومكن يفضلوا بالي طول الوقت 💙
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بلحظة منكون عم نضحك ولحظة التانية بتخلونا نتوجع❤مسلسل كامل متكامل فيو الضحكة والغصة والوجع والدمعة وفيو الأمل برافو😍
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الأولاد هم بهجة البيوت ومصدر حرارتها نبعث حياة البيت بمرحها وأصواتها وتلون الحياة بمراحل أعمارها ومطالبها وتنشغل القلوب والعقول باهتماماته
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كأنها نهاية العالم انو جاكيتك يكون بيعد عنك 😤💔😒
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
سؤال nهي محادثات فيس بوك الي في الرسايل لو اتحذفت من الطرفين nمكن أي وسيلة ترجعها ؟ nواحد صاحبي العملية قلبت ضلمة معاه مرعوب عاوز يتأكد 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
جيزان قبل قليل كمين محكم يؤدي بمقتل اكثر من 5 عسكرين سعودين بينهم ضابط واسر 2 هذا سب تحليق طائراتهم الجبانة بشكل هستيري الى جهنم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لم أعد أثق في الأحداث إيران تربص وتجاهر والغرب يريد حص وبعض من أهلها فتنو بعيال دحلان لن أغامر بخسارة مكة والمدينة حتى ولو بأذى صغير
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اتفق مع الاخ ناصرالزيادي nبات المفرقعات تشكل خطوره قصوى من حيث الاضرار التي مكن ان تخلفها nالحل هو توعية الاباء لابناء
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ما سيحدث من قطع الكهرباء ستعيد الحي لعصر الحجري ناهيك عن ذعر الاطفال والعجائز وسؤ حالة المرضى
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أين المسئول الذي ينزل لشارع ليسمع معاناة المجتمع والناس
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا وياك انكتبنا فسطور الراحلين لايرجعنا عتاب ولايرجعنا حنين ولا شوق لذكرياتنا الي مابين فرح وأنين،انتهينا فدرب الحب وبنفترق سنين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ودي اعلمك همومي ولكني اخاف اعلمك فيها ما تقدرها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
nبرج الاتصالات مافيه الا شريحه وحده فور جي الي تشتغل وعليه ضغط مو طبيعي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بتشتري ثياب كل شهر عا قد راتبي ؟ اي شو بدنا نأكل 😠
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
قلبي يخفق بسرعه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الأردن من شفتني شافوني بحرهم ميت هم ابطال في تطفلاتهم ايضا يريدون رعاية خاصة لكثرة المعاقين اشطلعت هاي يعني اله غاضب عليهم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وشو حانق
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم قوة ثم راحة بال ثم إستجابة لأدعية نتمناها كثيرا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ولا كلمة ولا عذر ولا تبرير مكن يمتصوا غضبي،حاسة حالي بركان طول ماأنا مفتكرة الكلام الي انقال
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
حضرتك ابنك فاشل وبشتكي منه اهو 😠 وانا مالي ماتكلم ابوه 😂 nاية العيلة دي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ليت الأحاسيس تصور وصورها ودي تشوف بعيونك كيف تحزني
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شكرا لك ربما تسرعي في الكتابة ساعة ما فجعني خبر مقتل أبرياء وهم يتسحرون جعلني أقتصر على بضع كلمات تعبر عن غضبي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
قمة الراحة النفسية لم تشوف علي خان يغرد ياخي تحس بسعاده ابديه مو
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لا كفاية وجع بطن 😣
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يالا الأسى حتى الوطن بات مثلنا تماماً ، شيئاً طارئاً
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
واله إن في قلبك بساتين من الفرح والسعادة والجمال فقط يحتاج منك إلى أن ترويه بقطرات من الثقة والتفاؤل والإيمان فدع عنك الهم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أمر غريب حين تجد اكاونت بتويتر يضج بالحياة والموسيقى والرقص والألوان وبعد التعرف إلى صاحبته تجدها في عزلة واكتئاب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أمل حياتي nالأغنية دي الحانها عظيمة بطريقة مبهرة والأغنية كلمات مش لاقي فيها جمله او كوبليه او مقطع اي كلام الاغنية كلها لازم تسحل معاها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لن ألجأ لمن يجعلني خائب ظن الحب عابس لأجل ذاكرة انت استوطنتها يشعر بالوجع
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عندي وسواس من كل اشي أعوج 😐 nمستحيل اشوف اشي اعوج وما اعدلو nوخصوصا الصور الي بصورها لازم تكون بالملم 👌 nلدرجة اني شريت كاميرا فيها ميزان
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ما بقه شي لعيد ، حبيت أكون أول واحد أهنيك كل عام وانت بخير، بسمتك تخلق لي الفرحه من حيث لا احتسب ، جعل الي أحبه مايجوف اله السعاده 💙
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
احلى اشي بسهرات الاعراس انك بتفرغ طاقتك السلبية وبتعيش الجو بفرحة وانبساط مع العريس واهله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الحمله لم تأتي من فراغ بل استياء حقيقي من STC نظير سوء الخدمات من انقطاع وضعف وسوء التعامل والاستخفاف بالعميل
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لما تكفي الكهربا وتشتغل يجيني ابتهاج مو طبيعي لو معايا مليون وزعتها عليكم 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اليله اعلمنا 😍 اليله ليلة 💪 وراك يا من البدايه 💚 والغربي مولعها 😄 يارب العالمين رجعنا منصورين ❤ 💪
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الرسوم المتحركة إنتاجها جدا لطيف وفيه ذكاء 🌿 😊 🌿 🌿 💐 🌿
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
صوت الرعد بالنسبة لي أمان أكثر من انه خوف أحبه 💗
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دول ربنا هاينتقم منهم شر انتقام تجار
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ماله داعي ياخي ، أرعبته وشلون يبي يرقد اليله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عشان مش حنحس بهاي الفرحة في الجامعة فخلينا نعيشها هلأ😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الموضوع كبير 😀
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
خيبات وجروح ومواجعّ وخذلان nمافيه أحد يبقى على طول وافي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
طول عمري بقول لمرتي بدي اطلع معك بالبرنامج😍😂🔥
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مبكرهش حياتي قد المنظرة 😤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كن شاكرا مادمت حياواعلم بأن الدنيا أيام تدوروقل دائما الحمد له تعش دائما في سرور الهم اجعلناشاكرين لنعمك راضين بقضائك متلذين بذكرك 🙏
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اليوم مشرق وجميل وأنا صاحية مودي حلو ومبسوطة وحاجة منتهى البط يقوم فرحان من النوم جدا 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الإعلام العبري قوات الاحتلال تقوم بإغلاق مداخل ومخارج بلدة المطلة شمال فلسطين المحتلة قبل قليل بعد وجود إنذار بوقوع هجوم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أخويا الصغير بيقول لماما معملتيش علاء الدين فانا لقيتني جالى هستيريا ضحك ده ايه ده الي هو قمر الدين يعنى ميشا ده مالوش حل😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الزعيم يحبنا حب القط لفأر مذعور يجرحه يخنقه يكسر عظمه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هو انا ليه حاسة بتخلف عقلي من المادة دي 😟 ولا جوع دا ولا ايه 🤔🐒
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يتفاخر السعوديون بانخفاض نسبة الإغتصاب في السعودية مقارنة بالدول الغربية الحقيقة أنهم يمارسون التكتم ترهيب الضحايا لإجبارهن على الصمت
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
امي الحنونة nبتحب الدراسة كتير كتير nلانها انحرمت من التعليم nظلت حسرة بقلبها حسرة💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شاليه في جده اليله ب٣٠ ريال nليش ؟ nبحركم مويته عذبه؟ nمو كله بامبرز وصرف صحي nسلامات 😤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دعني أصف لك شعوري إني أشعر وكأن قلبي كان كقطعة جليد مكعبة تستوطن وسط صدري؛ فانسكب الحزن كماء شديد الغليان عليها فأذابها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لكل متابعيني اله يروي قلوبكم بالفرح وغيث السعادة ويجعل أرواحكم نقية من الأحزان والهموم ❤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا حزينه كيف لي بخيبة الامل الي جاته لا جوهره ويدخل برايم وكان بيودع بعد ربي حماه الحمدله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
القهوة طعمها مر 😀
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم ارحم حبيبتي بقدر ما بكيت لفقدها يارب صبر قلبي إلى أن ألقاها في جنتك 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
من كثر يقولون مسحور وان كان سحر مبغى علاجه خله يسري فيك مغرور ما دام سحرك غايته وابتهاجه قلبن
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وكان سب كل هالشوشره والزعل والقومة والطيحة هي أنا محتاج أحس إنك تبيني ولكن محد يفهم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
جزاهم اله كل الخير هم فخر لهذا الوطن اسأل اله لهم التوفيق وسعاده الراحه وأن يرزقهم 💚 💚
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إغاظة في ايش السؤال فيه غموض شوي 🙁
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الذكريات قد تثير فينا الشجن قد تثير فينا الحزن قد تعود بنا إلى الماضي الذي نرفض نسيانه أو الذي نريد نسيانه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
احياناً اوصل مرحلة من القنوط افكر ليش انا من بين كل هالبشر؟ وش الخل؟ وش الذنب الي سويته بس
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كل الناس نزلت رواتبها تقريبا nإلا رواتب المتقاعدين الإثمار nعسى ماشر nوراهم عيد مو ضروري فايدة هالشهر
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم صديقتي الي توّرد أزهار قلبي َُون دايماً مبسوطة 🌟💙
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تأيد بيع الارض مش وجهة نظر وتأيد بيع ارض البلد يفسد لود الف قضية بلوك لخولات والشراميط بقي واتخلصوا من عار الخيانة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
معندكوش انتوا روح الدعابة خالص
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بتمنى اليوفي يكون متوتر يلعبو طول الوقت دفاع لانو مهما دافعو رح نلاقي حل اما اذا هجمو الدفاع الي عنا مصيبة رح نلقم عطول
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
المتصدرون يستغرقون في نقاش شكل الدولة ونظامها واسمها ودينها والبسطاء يغرقون في هموم القوت اليومي وانعدام الأمن
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الصورة بتحلى بتفاضيلها حاجات لو بس هنعملها nنلقى الفرحة عايشة معانا كل مكان nلما القلب يدق يدق يدق يدق❤👏🎀
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
افتكر انك هتجيلي بكرا علشان ادوس عليك اصل الدنيا بتلف ودوري جاي 💪😡
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الايام دي وجعاني اوي ومع ذلك لسه بضحك وبقول انا جامده اهو ومستهيفه كل احساس خوف جوايا بس الاكيد اني مش خايفه من الي جاي بس انا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ومساك بسعاده وراحة البال ربي يسعدك دوم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
غضبوا وملأوا العالم بصراخهم تذبح بصمت وعندما تذبح علنا وتحرق هدأ بالهم والتزموا الصمت
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اذا احد سوى فيا حركة وسخه ما اكره ولا انسى لا بس افكر في خط انتقاميه لين انتقم وارتاح
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ال ديجافو بدأ يكتر معايا اليومين دول بشكل مبالغ
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا طيب عيوني منفخه من البكاء والخوف من الأوامر الملكية مافي جبر خواطر مافي اسعاد مسلم 💔 🖤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
خلك كتّوم واخفي همك بضحكة nاله ٓطى، واله اخذ واله كريم ُمان
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الناس الخلصوا امتحانات خلاص 📓 nمفيش دعوه حلوه ليهم في رمضان😍 🌜
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
خلاص عاد انا اعتذرت وانتي اقبلي اعتذاري ام لازم تخلي العالم تشوف ايش قلت تغريدة ومسحتها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مساء الخير أنا حزين أريد الرحيل لم أعد في المزاج المناسب لمارسة الحياة شكرا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كفي تباكي ، ماذا فعلتم انتم لتحرير اهل العراق من داعش ؟ لا شي ،فشلكم تخاذلكم مهد الطريق لإيران في المنطقه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اذا رجعت الصغير لحجمه يرجع لك مثل الحقير 😠
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انت مبتكلمنيش علي الواطس ليه ؟ nيخربيت الطعليم المجاني 😠
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مافيه ادوات لقلب النتيجه كلهم مرتجفون
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
من نجاح الى نجاح ياساره انت فخر لنا جميعا لاسف الاغلب مشغول وتمجيدها مو فاضي لبنت بلده وإنجازاتها
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
حلوة ترى قلتها لي معاي في الجم صار ضحك وفكاهة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مدري بس يخوف موت واله ماقدرت اكمله وصلت لنصه واحسني قامطه منه مع انه يحمس بس مدري الرسم كئيب والحوارات كئيبة وردود فعلهم مرعبه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
القنوات العربية عندها فكرة غلط عن الكاميرا الخفية انو الناس بتضحك على ارهاب وتخويف الشخصيات كانو ما بكفي الواقع الي عايشين فيه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
راحة تعادل راحة داخلي انشراح صدري لا مثيل له الهم أعنا على قيامها دوما
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لأ أنا بعد كدة حقيقي هبدا اشوف الناس الي مش شايفاها الي شبهنا عالأقل الي بيتقوا اله قبل كل خطوة يخطوها ده غير العقل والاتزان ؛