Natalie: look look, I prepared the b-day cake for dad Natalie: <file_photo> Vincent: omg, it looks awesome! Vincent: <file_gif> Vincent: You are the master of cakes! Natalie: :D I hope it will taste well also!
Natalie prepared the birthday cake for dad and Vincent finds it awesome.
Quinton: loads of cops out 2day? Pamela: any idea why? Dayton: Fri, long weekend, 2+2 Quinton: seems theyre tech check random cars Forrest: you mean lights Quinton: yeah, also i saw a couple of guys open boots and stuff Manny: wow, that sounds weird Rodney: i guess i read last week they plan some preventive action or whatever Pamela: sounds weird Dayton: you have a new car Pam no need to worry right Pamela: always stressful. hate being stopped Rodney: still, better check what you have in your boot Manny: better have sth in your boot than in your butt hahaha Pamela: lol. anyways, good luck guys Dayton: good luck Pam
There is a lot of police patrols checking cars on the long weekend. Pamela has a new car.
Walton Domingos: Hello beautiful Mattie: Hey Enoch: How are you? Mattie: I'm fine and u? Enoch: Just woke up back to life Mattie: Good Enoch: I think the fever is gone for good Mattie: Good!!! Enoch: But I still need to wait for the spots to go Mattie: Yeah Enoch: After all of this I want to commemorate your way and have a bottle of vodka Mattie: Hahahahhahahhahahhaha Enoch: Will you help me? Mattie: Lol Mattie: We will see Enoch: Did you go shopping? Mattie: What shopping? Enoch: Didn't you go to grocery shopping? Mattie: Yeah I did Enoch: Are you ok? I feel you kinda different Mattie: I'm in a club Mattie: We'll talk later ok? Enoch: Lucky you Mattie: 😉 Enoch: Have fun Mattie: Thank you
Enoch woke up and hopes the fever's gone, but waits for the spots to go. Mattie went shopping to the grocery store and is in a club.
Sven: I'm sick, I won't be able to come guys :c Ulma: ohhhh what a shame :c Sven: I think it's the flu Hilda: drink lots of water Ulma: take care then! Hilda: if you needed anything I can buy you meds or sth Sven: I have meds and food so I think I won't need anything Sven: but thanks
Sven is sick and informs Ulma and Hilda that he won't come.
Mike: John, is it true you don't have a Facebook? John: yes, it is :D Mike: why not? May: you don't? I think I have you as a friend John: I used to have an account, but I deleted it two years ago Mike: Why though? It's useful John: it is, but you can get around without it. I realised that I spent too much time on social media and it made me feel miserable most of the time May: hm... sounds familiar, but I use the messenger John: there are other means that don't require you to have a whole profile ;)
John deleted his Facebook profile two years ago.
Jayce: I tried to approach to Jackie Kaleigh: And what happened? Jayce: We talked but she's not into me I think Kaleigh: You sure? Rory: You sure boi? Jayce: yea Jayce: I didn't manage to get her number Kaleigh: Omg hahah Rory: Well I think you can still try Rory: There is nothing to lose bae Jayce: Haha Peter: Apparently she's seeing some other dude Jayce: How'd you know 😓 Peter: I see her sometimes with the same dude Peter: This is a small town! Peter: She lives like down to street Peter: I also think she's older, like 28 haha Rory: 2 years older than us wow Jayce: Oh really haha Jayce: She doesn't look like her age Peter: Well I know the neighbors here Peter: So im not lying 😓
Jayce is worried Jackie is not into him, because she didn't give him her number. Peter is sure Jackie is seeing someone else. Peter is a neighbor of Jackie and he sometimes sees her with another man.
Jude: look, I've just decorated my Christmas tree Jude: <file_photo> Ellie: wow, looks really pretty! Ellie: wanna see mine? Jude: bring it on! Ellie: <file_photo>
Jude has decorated her Christmas tree.
Jack: OMG STANLEY IS DEAD Oliver: Wtf? Stanley: I'm alive and well, dude Jack: I meant Stan Lee, damn autocorrect Stanley: I guessed that XD Yep, everybody's posting about it right now :(
Stan Lee is dead.
Tom: Dusan, can you come in for 1 lesson tomorrow at 4-5:30? Dusan: Ok, it should be fine Dusan: Can you tell me about the class, no of students, level? Tom: 4 students, upper intermediate. The course book will be at the reception. Dusan: Ok, thank you. Can you tell me which book do they use? Tom: English File Dusan: Ok Tom: Thank you, have a good day. Dusan: Thank you, you too
Tomorrow at 4-5:30, Dusan will take 1 class from Tom. There will be 4 students, the level is upper intermediate and the book, English File, will be at the reception.
Mercy: bring some weed at the party Jade: ok, ill try Mercy: be careful though Jade: i will
Mercy asks Jade to bring some weed to the party.
Robert: yo did u talk to the teacher Bale: i did but she wont do it Robert: what do u mean she wont do it Bale: i asked her to push the deadline forward a bit Robert: and? Bale: i had to get a lecture -_- Robert: she says she wont do it Bale: not per say Robert: what do u mean Bale: she didnt say she wont do it Robert: what are u sayin Bale: she says she'll think about it Robert: come on man we have to submit that project or else our grade will fall down like a tree in the storm Bale: like a tree in the storm?? xD xD Robert: do we have time for jokes? :/ Bale: i dont know do we have time for old phrases xD Robert: ugghh
Robert and Bale have to submit the project. Bale asked their teacher to push the deadline but she hasn't given them the answer.
Julius: Yoh, today its derby day⚽ Titus:⚽⚽ yeah, finally man Julius: which team are you supporting today Titus: Manchester united anytime, any day Julius: city will win Titus: haha, united will win Julius: lets see then Titus: cool
It's derby day today. Titus supports Manchester United. Julius supports City.
Isla: Harry, can I have a very strange question? Harry: oh, I am already scared. Isla: nothing very personal, really Harry: hmm, like who I sleep with? P Isla: LOL, nope, not my business. Harry: so? Isla: now, in this contest, the question will sound really stupid. Harry: What is it? Isla: Why did your parents give you this name? :P Harry: Hahaha, that's actually quite personal, I believe. Isla: hmm, sorry. I am currently researching on the most popular names in the UK in the last 30 years. Harry: Interesting! Isla: and tiring. I try to figure out if political events have much influence on names that people give to their children in this country. Harry: So why Harry? Isla: This was my question! HAHAHA. I wondered if the names of royal newborns influence choices of the common citizens. Harry: You mean prince Harry? Isla: Yes, William in 1982, Harry 1984... Harry: Haha, I was born 1985, but there is a but :P Isla: What is it? Harry: Prince Harry is actually Henry, and my name is Harry :P Isla: Oh, LOL. Harry: So I doubt the theory, at least in my case. Isla: Right, sorry. I should have checked his official name first. Harry: No problem. Isla: Thanks anyway. Have a nice weekend. Harry: You too ;)
Isla is conducting research on most popular names in the UK in the last 30 years. Isla wants to know if the names of public figures have an influence on the names people choose for their children. Harry refuses to explain why his parents gave him this name. Harry was born in 1985.
Charlotte: Greetings from the library! Maya: What?? You're already there! Charlotte: That was the deal, no? Maya: You really arrived to the library at 8 a.m.? Charlotte: Yes. Charlotte: And I'm planning to have a super productive day. Charlotte: You'd better hurry up! :-)
Charlotte arrived at the library at 8am.
Matt: Hey hows your SAS course going? Aidan: fine Aidan: just very intense Matt: do you recommend it Aidan: yeah Aidan: I guess Matt: sounld I sign up for it Aidan: in all honesty Aidan: since it's free it's ok Aidan: but if I had to pay for it.... Matt: ok gotcha
The SAS course that Aidan is doing is okay but very intense. Aidan thinks it's acceptable as it's free but he wouldn't pay for it.
Lena: that new professor is the worst! Lena: i mean, how can you give 5 pages of homework at the FIRST CLASS? Brian: this sucks 😟 Brian: didn't even listen to him. Brian: wait. what homework AHAHA Lena: jeez Lena: excercises on pages 12-16 Brian: he's psycho Lena: agreed. Brian: maybe he just tryna be tough Brian: lets NOT do the homework and see what happens Lena: do what you want I won't risk it Brian: no pain no gain, no game - you're lame Lena: this is a really nice poem, thanks! 😆😆 Brian: you're welcome 😚 Brian: anywaysss Brian: see tou tomorrow at philosophy class Lena: they want to kill us Brian: be brave! we'll survive! I'll protect you! Lena: my hero 😆😍 Brian: ekhm.. Brian: see you tomorrow 😉
Lena is not pleased with the amount of homework she has been given.
Paul: my life is a nightmare right now Lenny: why so? Paul: Meggie bought a lot of new ikea furniture... Lenny: oh man, i feel your pain Paul: yeah, i spent the whole saturday putting cupboards together lol Lenny: do you have a drill-driver? Paul: hell no, I am doing everything manually... it's a fucking mess Lenny: why didn't you call me? I can lend you one Paul: no way... Lenny: yes, you can come over and get it right now Paul: aff man, i should've talked to you sooner lol Lenny: it would save you a lot of trouble :) Paul: would you mind helping me with furniture too? Lenny: actually not at all, i am bored anyways Paul: can i pick you up in an hour? Lenny: i will take my own car Paul: you are a life saver man Lenny: i know ;)
Paul is having a hard time assembling Ikea furniture Meggie bought. Lenny is going to help him with his drill-driver.
Sam: hi there! What's up? Its been quite a while! Amanda: oh hi! I've been thinking about you recently, meant to write, but you know whats like, always busy... ;) Sam: yeah, I know ;) Joe: oh hi! How are you? Yeah, time is running like crazy. Sam: maybe a coffee or something? We've got quite a lot to discuss, I guess. Amanda: sounds good! Where, when? Joe: sounds good to me too:) Joe: maybe next week? this week Im so busy with my work :( Sam: omg, you're still working overtime? Joe: yes :( no changes in this matter. Amanda: thats too bad:( Amanda: anyways, next week sounds good to me too. Maybe Tue or Wed? Sam: Tue evening will be perfect. Joe: Ok, I'll try. Sam: I suggest we catch up Monday to discuss the details. Amanda: ok, great. Joe: talk to you soon then! :)
Sam wants to meet with Amanda and Joe. They will meet Tuesday evening. On Monday they will discuss more details.
Elisa: Who wants to come for drinks tonight at Mombasa? Alice: me! Sadie: I'm in as well Carol: may I bring some people? Elisa: sure, the more the better! Carol: amazing Arthur: count me in! I'll come with Alice of course Liam: me too! Kai: I will join you but after my courses, around 8 Elisa: No problem, we'll be there till midnight at least Tom: i may come over :) Elisa: Anybody else? I'd like to book the corner table Tom: the big one? Elisa: exactly John: So count me in as well Elisa: Perfect, the table is for 15 people so we should manage! See you there
Elisa, Sadie, Carol, Liam, Tom and John want to go for drinks tonight at Mombasa. Arthur will come with Alice. Kai will join them around 8. Elisa will book the big corner table for 15 people.
Fiona: can you wash the dishes? Fleur: I hate it Fiona: I know it's an emergency
Fiona asks Fleur to wash the dishes.
Ian: Hey guys! What books are you currently reading? Cheers! Gina: Becoming by Michelle Obama Noah: i’m reading Fantastic Beasts Ian: which one? Noah: the second one and what about you? Ian: the here and now habit Noah: mindfulness stuff? Ian: yeah, it is actually really good Noah: it’s my thing Kelly: it’s getting very popular Ian: that’s why i decided to give it a go Harry: i am actually listening to audiobook Mythos by Stephen Fry Kelly: i’m catching up with well-known novels Pride and prejudice and then on to Crime and punishment Toby: medical thriller Cure by Robin Cook Ian: love thrillers Toby: there’s a whole series of medical thrillers by R. Cook Ian: wish i had more time to read! Kelly: exactly! There are so many books i wanna read! Bill: Past Tense by Lee Child Kelly: i don’t like his books Bill: that’s a shame
Gina is reading "Becoming" by Michelle Obama, Noah "Fantastic Beasts" and Ian "The Here and Now Habit". Harry is listening to an audiobook "Mythos" by Stephan Fry. Kelly is reading "Pride and Prejudice" and then "Crime and Punishment", Toby "Cure" by Robin Cook, Bill "Past Tense" by Lee Child.
Nick: I might be going to London this weekend. Darren: Driving? Nick: Yes, not going to the centre. No congestion charge, and we have a car park so driving is best. Darren: OK, so please call by if you're near Hemel Hempstead. Coming with Laura? Nick: No, she's busy all week at work. Darren: I should be around all week. Just let me know an hour before in case I am down the shops. Nick: Okeydoke. See you soon.
Nick will drive to London alone this weekend. He will call Darren an hour earlier if he's near Hemel Hempstead.
Ann: Darling, buy some butter. Mike: Ok. Mike: Do we have any milk? Ann: I will check... Ann: Yes, There is some in fridge.
Mike will buy butter on Ann's request.
Tom: we're few meters from you, can't you see us? Jeffrey: lol, nope Elena: c'mon, the red jacket!
Elena is wearing the red jacket and Jeffrey can't see her nor Tom.
Caroline: I think his mother doesn't like me...;-( :-( Kate: how come?? Caroline: I just see it in her eyes... Kate: any example? Caroline: I just feel it... Caroline: hard to give any example. Caroline: I'm his first gf and she's jelous... Kate: what??? u r his first gf?? Kate: how old is he??? o_O ??? Caroline: 26 but he's a nerd. Caroline: he used to spend all the time at home.. Kate: so he lives at home with mummy?? LOL Caroline: yeah.. mummy and gramma Kate: fuck, really?? Kate: and u think he's normal? Caroline: he's an introvert... Caroline: it's a big house.. Kate: but has he ever lived somewhere else? Kate: u know shared flat, erasmus? Caroline: nope... Kate: he's really weird.. Caroline: he's just a nerd, but v.intelligent! Caroline: w8 , he's writing sth, will text u l8er. Kate: ok
Kate believes her boyfriend's mother dislikes her. He is a nerd who lives and has always lived with his mother and grandmother.
Ahad: Have you seen my piano? I might have left it in the studio. Eva: Yep, you left it in the studio and i took it to my home. Ahad: Thank God. I will get it from you tomorrow Eva: Yeah sure
Ahad left his piano in the studio. Eva took the piano to her home. Ahad will collect it tomorrow.
George: I am so sorry! I forgot to do the dishes Jenny: It's fine I run the dishwasher Jay: Damn George, again man, this gotta stop, we had an agreement George: I know, I'll vacuum as my punishment Jay: hahaha how about for 3 days:D? George: Oh come on it was just a couple of plates and silverware Jay: hahaha just joking, fine by me, vacuum once Jenny: I don't know, I think you deserve some more punishment George: why? you guys fuck up too, not just me Jay: Ok, let's make a general rule, if someone forgets to do sth they had to George: Sure, anything specific? Jenny: How about vacuuming and taking the trash out for everything we forget to do that we were scheduled for Jay: Agreed! George: I guess I'll take the trash out too
George didn't do the dishes. The new punishment for not doing the dishes is vacuuming and taking the trash out.
Rachel: <file_other> Rachel: Top 50 Best Films of 2018 Rachel: :) Janice: Omg, I've watched almost all 50... xDD Spencer: Hahah, Deadpool 2 also?? Janice: Yep Spencer: Really?? Janice: My bf forced me to watch it xD Rachel: Hahah Janice: It wasn't that bad Janice: I thought it'd be worse Rachel: And Avengers? :D Janice: 2 times Rachel: Omg Janice: xP Rachel: You are the best gf in the world Rachel: Your bf should appreciate that ;-) Janice: He does Janice: x)
Rachel sends a list of Top 50 films of 2018. Janice watched almost half of them, Deadpool 2 and Avengers included.
Ellie: congratulations!! I heard you became a mommy :) Jill: thanks sweetie Ellie: how are you feeling? Jill: soo tired but so happy at the same time, it's a feeling like nothing else Ellie: awww do you have any pictures?? Jill: <file_photo> Ellie: so cute!!! she looks like you! Jill: <file_photo> Ellie: like mother like daugther!! I am so happy for you :)) Jill: come visit soon! I haven't seen you for ages
Jill has delivered a baby. She wants Ellie to visit her.
Harvey: Hi, Reggie! Can you give me 5 minutes? Reggie: Sure, actually I can give you 10min. Harvey: 5 is ok! Thanks! Harvey: OK. Harvey: Ready! Harvey: Ahhhhh! Harvey: Mel has just come. Harvey: And said she wants to talk to me... Harvey: Probably extension of my agreement. Reggie: OMG! Harvey: That was not planned at all. Reggie: Ok, let me know when you finish. Harvey: Ok, I'm back. So sorry! Reggie: No worries at all!
Harvey asked Reggie for 5 minutes of his time in order to tell him about Mel. She will probably extend his agreement, so, as it was not planned, Reggie wants to know when Harvey finishes. Harvey is sorry that he is back.
Mary: <file_photo> Mary: me all my entire life Jane: xDDDD I just died Suzan: goddamit, I just spit out the entire tea on the floor xD Mary: hahaha that's the spirit Jane: just breath XD Mary: <file_photo> Jane: saw it yesterday xDD Suzan: jesus christ im trying to breath, plz stahp xddd Jane: do it then xd hey, maybe we'll go somewhere tomorrow? Mary: sounds cool, I'm definitely in Suzan: I'm also in, if I get my breathing back xd
Jane, Mary and Suzan are going somewhere tomorrow.
Karen: Hey Lisa. Larissa and me have recently moved to Belgium. Larissa: We have a few questions for you if you don't mind. Lisa: Not at all. I'll be happy to help. Karen: How long did it take you to get your papers? Lisa: I still don’t have them. In April I’ll have another visit at the immigration office. Maybe then they will give me the Belgian residence. Larissa: I didn’t know it’s taking such a long time. Especially as you are married to a Belgian citizen. Lisa: They are taking their sweet time. Karen: And did you have a police visit? Lisa: Yes. But this was just a formality. Karen: I have my first appointment scheduled for this Monday and I don’t know what to expect. Lisa: They will ask you why you want to live here and if you want to work in Belgium. Karen: I do. Lisa: It will be fine. Then you will have three months to prove them that you are actively looking for a job. Karen: That shouldn’t be a problem. Karen: I hope it will go smoothly. Lisa: I think for the EU citizens it’s not difficult. But it takes time. Lisa: After your meeting they will have six months to decide if they give you the residence. Larissa: Do you think it's difficult to get a job? Lisa: You two speak decent French so it shouldn't be a problem.
Karen and Larissa moved to Belgium and ask Lisa how to get the papers, the procedure and finding a job. Lisa doesn't have hers, as it takes time but shouldn't be a problem.
Alan: All right? D'you wanna do owt after work? Danny: Could have a walk around and catch up, I suppose. Have a drink Alan: I'll come to the foyer at about 6:30 then, OK? Danny: OK. I'll try and be ready to leave by then. Let me know when you're about five mins away.
Danny and Alan will meet in the foyer around 6:30.
Julie: Charlie? are you there? Charlie: Sorry, I can’t really be on much because I need to revise what I wrote OTL and I’ve just realised I have no idea where I’m actually supposed to go tomorrow Charlie: Like I know it’s my institute’s building but I don’t know which room... Charlie: So now I’m panicking a little because I feel stupid, like... did I miss that info? How did I know the previous time I had a defence, for my Bachelor’s thesis? I can’t remember at all Charlie: And the friend I wanted to ask isn’t answering her phone, so... Julie: Oh nooo ;//A///; Julie: I understand Julie: dam tho that sucks :/ Julie: ugh this is why I hate relying on my schoolmates Charlie: Well, she might be busy, I understand. I’m just nervous and worried Charlie: Bc idk if I should email my thesis advisor, then... I don’t want to bother him because I don’t know if I should? Maybe it’ll just be written on the entrance or something Charlie: I’ll die if I don’t know, I guess I’ll message him instead of waiting for my friend Julie: Yeah I would message him ;o; Julie: just to give you peace of mind
Charlie does not know which room he has to go to tomorrow for a defence of his bachelor's thesis. He cannot reach his friend on the phone and ask her. Julie finds his idea to message his thesis advisor good.
Isaac: Bah humbug! Renee: Oh come on! Isaac: I'm sick of Christmas already! Renee: You can't be serious? Isaac: Bible. Renee: Why? Isaac: Customers are jerks and everything is too damn busy! Renee: Scrooge, much? Renee: At least for the kids, pretend to enjoy it? Isaac: Around them I'm fine. It's everything else! Renee: Well snap out of it. We have parties and stuff and I want to enjoy it! Isaac: Sorry! I was just venting! Renee: It's fine. Just suck it up!
Isaac is hating the Christmas ambiance because the customers are annoying and everything is tense and busy. He will act normal in front of the kids on Renee's request. She is excited about upcoming parties.
Troy: i've been texting rick every day for the last three days to no response Troy: and i just learned he's in the hospital with pneumonia!! Diana: no one told you??? Troy: no!!! and now i feel like a dick coz i haven't paid him a visit
Troy texted Rick every day without knowing he was in the hospital with pneumonia. He's sorry he didn't pay him a visit.
Iris: Did you see Dylan is headlining the music fest in Hyde Park? I'm so going! Liam: I did, but I hate his voice. Iris: He's a legend! Liam: He's better recorded than live. Iris: But seeing him live is like a bucket list thing! Liam: Ah, he sounds like a drunk pub singer with a sore throat! Iris: Gasp! How dare you??? Liam: Bible!
Dylan is headlining the music fest in Hyde Park. Iris is going to see him. Liam hates Dylan's voice.
Charlie: I love that city... Kate: ? Charlie: There is this public parking space Charlie: I mean the city owned, that you pay in the parking machine Charlie: And there is this one street that people park differently than the sign says. Kate: Come on. You can't start a story and write so slowly! Charlie: There's this street. The sign says you should park your car along the sidewalk. And this takes much space. So people park there perpendicularly to the sidewalk, so more cars can fit in. And the rule has been being broken since I ever remember. Charlie: But this one day: Today. Some idiot called municipal police and said that the law was being broken. And this idiot made me wait 1 hour for fucking municipals to unchain my car from the blockade they put on it. Kate: Hahahaha. I'm sorry. It's just it's so funny and so frustrating at the same time. Charlie: For me it's only frustrating. But thanks for Your support. :( Kate: I don't get why people do this. Charlie: Me neither. I'm pissed off as hell.
Today some idiot called the municipal police and they chained Charlie's car for a parking offence.
Andrew: We don't have much time left, if we take the underground, we'll be late for the ceremony William: I know, it's taken too much time William: Ann, are you ready? Ann: not even Monica: guys, give us 15mins more Andrew: but we will be late! Monica: we will take uber Andrew: it will cost a fortune Monica: no, it's uber Andrew: do you even know where it is? Monica: yes, I checked and planned everything Monica: so don't worry Andrew: ok, if you say so Andrew: we'll be at your place in 15min, ready
Andrew and William will be at Monica's place in 15 minutes. Andrew, William, Ann and Monica will take Uber to get to the ceremony.
Maria: I can't find my car Jenny: ahaha, how is it possible? Maria: I just forgot where I parked it, happens all the time Tobias: I'm coming down, I remember where you parked last night :P Maria: thanks god!
Maria forgot where she parked her car. Tobias is coming down to help.
Vance: any plans for the weekend? Reynold: yeah, get some sleep finally this week was a horror Brittany: nothin special. you? Vance: i was thinking we might meet up and go bowling or sth? Brittany: sounds good to me. Rey? Reynold: i guees i might make it on Sat afternoon. but booze limit Vance: great. i'll ask Bryde what she thinks Brittany: okey :)
Vance wants to meet up with Britanny and Reynold at the weekend. Reynold is free on Saturday, but he can't drink much alcohol. Vance is going to ivite Bryde too.
Olivia: gees why hasn't he called me Lidia: oh god no Lidia: please not this again Olivia: oh come on Olivia: with Harry it was so easy Olivia: he was there at every call Lidia: gees that was a very bad relationship Olivia: why? Lidia: he was at your every command Lidia: that is not a relationship Lidia: that is an addiction Olivia: Guess you're right Lidia: you have to learn how to be by yourself Lidia: have your own hobby Lidia: have your own life Lidia: be a compliment to someones life, not their entire life Olivia: I know I need something that I can call my own Lidia: exactly Olivia: any suggestions Lidia: oh gees, go to the rec centre and see what adult classes they've got Olivia: thats actually a good idea Olivia: I'll check online what they've got Lidia: that's a good idea Olivia: thanks again Lidia: no prob
He hasn't called Olivia. With Harry it was easy, he was there at every call from Olivia. Now Olivia needs to learn how to be by herself.
Lorraine: Our show is no longer performed in this theatre. Phoebe: Oh no, so what now? Lorraine: I found some small place where they still perform it, but it’s far away from the town. Phoebe: Ah so it’s not an option. Lorraine: Not really. Phoebe: So what should we do? Lorraine: I’m looking for some other performances that we will like. Phoebe: It will be difficult with our preferences ;) Lorraine: I’ll still try ;) Lorraine: I found something that may be suitable for us. Phoebe: What is it? Give me the title. Lorraine: “Longer than enough”. Phoebe: What is it about? Lorraine: About a guy with schizophrenia who tries to operate his own business. Phoebe: Hmm sounds interesting, is in the city theatre? Lorraine: Yes, it is, tickets are the same price as for the previous one. Phoebe: I need to read a bit about it but generally I think it will be ok. Lorraine: Great, so let me know, if your decision is yes I will book the tickets.
Lorraine and Phoebe's show is no longer performed in a city theatre. Lorraine found a different performance that they might like. It is called "Longer than enough" and is about a man with schizophrenia who tries to operate his own business. The tickets cost the same price as for the previous one.
Tina: <file_photo> Judith: Wow! That beach looks stunning, I'm jealous of you! Why are you on holiday while I'm stuck in this awful weather :( Tina: This is why winter is the best time to go on holiday! You should go somewhere next year too! Judith: I wish, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to >_< I don't wanna go alone
Tina is on beach holidays in winter. There is a bad weather where Judith is.
Grace: i didn't get to talk to you a lot at the party last night Audrey: i know, i really wanted to catch up with you! :-( Audrey: what's going on in your life? Audrey: anything new? Grace: not really, i'm excited about graduating soon Grace: i think i'll apply for grad school but i'm still not sure Audrey: you always have liked school lol Grace: i've also thought of taking a year off Audrey: that also sounds like a good idea!!! Audrey: let me know when you make up your mind lol
Grace and Audrey didn't manage to talk at yesterday's party. Grace is about to graduate. She doesn't know if she will apply for a grad school or take a gap year.
Polly: Tonyyyyyyy Tony: Yeah? Polly: Have a sec? Tony: Yeah what up? Polly: I'm trying to buy a ticket but the website keeps rejecting my card! Do you have a credit card? Tony: I do Polly: Could you please please buy my ticket? I will transfer the money asap Tony: No prob. Polly: THANK YOU!!!! I'm still trying one thing, one moment Tony: Ok Polly: So I called my bank and apparently I had some transaction limit but they managed to changed it!!! Tony: So you don't need my card anymore? Polly: No but thank you so much!!! Tony: No worries. Btw do you have Revolut? Polly: What's that? Tony: It's a digital banking account, you can have as many currency accounts as you want, it's for free and you get a virtual cc Polly: Ohhh so they don't charge you for exchange? Tony: No. it's free, it follows interbank currency exchange rates Polly: OMG I need that! How do I get it? Tony: Hang on, I'll send you an invite. It's really simple to use but ask if you have any q Polly: Thank you!!!! You totally saved me today Tony: Not at all
Polly called the bank and they changed her transaction limit. Now Polly can use her card and doesn't need Tony's card. Polly will set up a Revolut account. Tony will send Polly an invite to Revolut.
Rita: I'm so bloody tired. Falling asleep at work. :-( Tina: I know what you mean. Tina: I keep on nodding off at my keyboard hoping that the boss doesn't notice.. Rita: The time just keeps on dragging on and on and on.... Rita: I keep on looking at the clock and there's still 4 hours of this drudgery to go. Tina: Times like these I really hate my work. Rita: I'm really not cut out for this level of boredom. Tina: Neither am I.
Rita and Tina are bored at work and have still 4 hours left.
Rob: Chris hi, can you send me your reports from the Cawson jobs please, I need to invoice the client and I'm reports missing from you Chris: sure Rob I will get them to you Rob: can you try to upload them each day please as there is a lot do do without chasing tutors all the time, I dont understand how you can upload your invoice and not upload your report at the time time. In future I wont be paying invoices unless the report is uploaded at the same time Chris: ok mate sorry taken on board I will get the missing ones to you tonight Rob: thanks Chris
Rob wants Chris to upload invoices with reports at the same time. Chris will get the missing reports to Chris tonight.
Ethan: Congratulations. I just heard that you had a baby boy Lilly: Thank you so much you congratulated me :) Ethan: Whats his name? Lilly: We havent decided yet. Its been only 2 days since he has come Ethan: You can name him Ethan Lilly: Shutup. His father will decide the name Ethan: BOL :)
Ethan congratulates Lilly on her baby boy. The baby's name is not yet decided.
Andres: Hey Mila: Hey let's chat in a bit kinda busy now Andres: Ok
Andres wants to chat, but Mila is busy now.
Zander: I'm starving Zander: Do we have dinner at home? Peyton: Only leftovers from yesterday, I've been running errands all day and haven't been able to cook anything new yet Zander: I'll eat something on my way then
Zander will eat on his way home.
James: hey lennon the washing machine is fucked Lennon: what u mean James: its stopped water still in it, no power Lennon: dunno mate text mum James: cool
The washing machine is down. James will text mum about it.
Phil: Sup' Rick! Do you wanna go paddle? Rick: Oh sorry I can't :/ I have classes today.. Phil: Bummer dude. Don't worry, weekend is almost here! We can paddle then. Rick: For sure!
Rick can't go paddling with Phil as he has classes today. Phil and Rick plan to paddle on the weekend.
Bob: Hi, Madeleine. Madeleine: Hi, Bob, haven't heard from you in a while. Bob: I know, I've been travellng. Madeleine: Really? Where've you been? Bob: Here and there. Mostly Africa. Madeleine: Now, that sounds interesting. Madeleine: And exotic:) Bob: Yeah. Got plenty of stories to tell. Madeleine: You do? Bob: Yep. And I am wondering. Madeleine: Wondering or wandering? Bob: Funny;0. I'm wondering if you'd want to hear a good story? Madeleine: What you suggest? Bob: Dinner my place tomorrow? Madeleine: I don't know. Bob: The story is gonna be good=) Madeleine: It better. Pick me up after work. Bob: I'll be there:)
Bob has been traveling to Africa recently. He will meet with Madeleine for dinner tomorrow to tell her an interesting story.
Michelle: Have you guys already left for Chris' party? Taylor: no, but we're just about to leave. Michelle: Can I come over to your place and ride with you? I don't feel like taking my dad's car. We'll split the gas bill of course. Linda: Don't be ridiculous :P Just come over and we'll all go together, no bills included ;) Michelle: Thanks a bunch! <3 Be there in 5. Linda: No probs
Linda and Taylor will drive Michelle to Chris' party.
Marcin: Why you're not picking up the phone? Marcin: Mela calls me and complains that you're unavailable, what's wrong? Sebastian: Dude... it's the worst hangover I've ever had... Sebastian: All my attention is on the pains I have right now, can't focus on anything else Marcin: Get a grip! It must be something important cuz she doesn't want to tell me anything Sebastian: Fine, fine... I'm calling her right away
Mella calls Marcin because she can't contact Sebastian. Sebastian has a hangover. He is calling her.
Oscar: Hi, Martin. Do you remember me from Hemel School? Oscar: Do you remember the time we all went to Hitchin Priory for the 6th Form induction and we all got completely legless? Martin: Hello, Oscar. Yes I do remember you, just about. That was an incident I don't think I could ever forget. Oscar: Yeah, what I remember most is how you probably saved that other kid's life by making him eat raw eggs to vomit back up the whole bottle of vodka he drank. Martin: Yeah. John Griffiths, that was. Oscar: And you got punished for it anyway, the same as all of us. A week of detentions and clearing the school roof. Martin: True, but I suppose they had to get the lot of us. His mother sent a nice letter to my mum, tho'. Martin: Anyway, what are you doing these days? Oscar: I have been in Poland for 27 years, doing business. Martin: Nice. Mostly you get people coming the other way. What's it like out there? Oscar: It's perfectly OK, I like it. Martin: OK, must dash, we'll catch up more later. Glad you found me on FB.
Martin and Oscar went to school together and attended a memorable party during that time. Martin prevented a fellow student from getting sick from alcohol. All those who attended the party were punished afterwards. Oscar has been living and doing business in Poland for 27 years.
Victoria: Hey, want to come with me downtown? Victoria: I have an appointment at optician. I have to order new glasses. Sarah: Sure. I will help you choose the frames xD Sarah: We could grab a dinner later. Victoria: Sure. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes. Is that cool? Sarah: Kk. Getting ready now.
Victoria's going downtown to order a new pair of glasses and asks Sarah to join her. Sarah agrees to be picked up by Victoria in 20 minutes.
Jeffrey: Helen, I'll be late, pls don't wait for me Helen: not again! What this time? Jeffrey: Collins arranged a quick but superimportant meeting Helen: I'm officially sick of this guy Jeffrey: so am I… see you in a while
Jeffrey will be late because of Collins.
Phil: Hey, I bought Fury of Dracula George: Good! I used to play the old edition back in high school Phil: Board games kick ass, man George: Yep! We must organize a gaming night soon
Phil bought a new board game. He will organize a game night with George soon.
Jenny: Hi Ladies! Any New Year's Eve plans? Jenny: Staying in or going out? Lisa: Heeey! Dancing! Marie: Party hard! Marie: Let's go out to a club. Jenny: It's gonna be dreadful trying to convince Steve. Lisa: Oh come on, I'm sure u have your methods. xD Jenny: LMAO, I'll try my best :) Marie: I'll get tickets to this club <file_other> Lisa: It's a date!
Jenny, Lisa and Marie will go to a club on New Year’s Eve. Jenny finds it hard to convince Steve. Marie will get the tickets.
Jones: Hey. Angelina: Hey. Angelina: Long time. How are you doing? Jones: I'm fine Jones: You? Angelina: I'm cool too. Jones: You think we can meet today later in the afternoon in town? Angelina: Definitely. Jones: Okay. I will call you to confirm where we will meet. Angelina: Cool
Jones and Angelina will meet in town in the afternoon.
Cailin: <file_photo> Emory: where r u? Cailin: <file_gif> Cailin: a friends place Cailin: such a cute dog 😍 Emory: I'm watching the X Factor
Cailin is at a friend's place.
Gavin: enjoyed our little beer date today 🤩🤩 Trinity: me too 😍 Trinity: spontaneous is the best Gavin: <file_gif> Gavin: hahaha Gavin: <file_gif> Gavin: 😂😂😂 Trinity: cuteee Trinity: hahahaha Trinity: <file_gif>
Gavin and Trinity went out for a beer today.
James: When's the new tenant coming? Gretha: No idea, ask Fatima James: She doesn't remember :/ she doesn't know if she could make it back to show him around Ben: I'll do it, i'm home anyway James: thanks, I'll tell her
There is a new tenant coming. Fatima doesn't remember when. Ben will show him the flat.
Magdalene: Are you coming to the cocktail party this Sunday? Frederick: Yes Josephine: I don't know yet Josephine: Jamie is sick Josephine: If he's not better I'll stay to take care of him Magdalene: I hope he gets better soon Magdalene: I'm going. Let me know if you need a lift.
Frederick and Magdalene are coming to the cocktail party this Sunday. Josephine doesn't know yet, because Jamie is sick. Magdalene can give someone a lift.
Jan: Hey so Jan: I am selling cookies at Lower Place Riel Jan: Raising money for charity groups! Jake: Nice! Jake: I will surely come by and donate some Jan: Thanks bro Jake: What cookies did you make? Jan: Oh actually I made with a few pals from ECON223 Jan: WE have mostly chocolate and white chocolate macadamian Jake: Sounds delicious Jan: I wish we also sell subway with cookies Jake: Haha true Jake: I might go get a subway before I buy your cookies then Jan: Haha good idea Jake: So you guys there now? Jan: YES! Jake: K Im in class Jake: But will be done soonish Jan: great great
Jan is selling cookies for charity. Jake is going to buy some soon.
Matthew: Hello, boss, could you check your e-mail, please. Michael: I'm in a meeting, can it wait? Matthew: I'm afraid it's rather urgent. Mr. Nicholson demands that we change the whole design and get back to him ASAP. Michael: Is he serious?! Matthew: I know, but I need to answer him something. Michael: Wait, I'll contact him myself. Can you forward me his e-mail? Matthew: He's sent it to both of us. And he's already called me twice. Michael: Okay, then send me his phone number, I'll talk to him. Matthew: Alright, just give me a moment. Michael: Of course. Matthew: Okay, I sent you an SMS with his number. Michael: Thank you. And meanwhile I read his e-mail. How long would it take you to prepare something for him? Matthew: If Mary can help me, I think we should have something ready by tomorrow 2 p.m. Michael: Good, I'll tell him tomorrow EOD to be safe. But wait for confirmation before you start doing anything. I'll be calling him in a minute and then I'll get back to you. Matthew: Okay, thank you, boss!
Matthew needs Michael to respond to Mr. Nicholson's demand.
Claire: I'm afraid I may be pregnant... Hannah: Omg, have you did the test? :o Claire: Yes :( and my period's late Claire: What should I do? Hannah: Is it Peter's? Have you talked to him? Claire: Not yet, I don't want to have a baby yet ;/ Hannah: I'm so sorry Claire... But you know that those test can be wrong, you should go to a doctor Claire: Would you come with me? Claire: And please please don't tell Peter! Hannah: What if you are pregnant? Claire: I don't know, I really don't know :(
Claire may be pregnant. She doesn't want to have a baby yet. She asks Hannah not to tell Peter about it and to go to the doctor with her.
Kelly: Should I put on the red dress? Meghan: oh yes!!!! Mary: I'll wear a red dress too, and bright, red lipstick Kelly: bloody Mary! Mary: hahahaha
Kelly and Mary will wear red dresses. Mary will wear a red lipstick too.
Arturo: <file_photo> Talia: Ah I love all the sea views Arturo: I do too, it really is great. I'm home now though. Talia: I wish to live in a place with such a view Arturo: That's the bay of Maputo. Talia: Really nice Arturo: When are you off to Faro? Talia: In September Arturo: That's around the time I'll be in Lisbon.
Arturo send Talia a photo of the Maputo Bay. Talia's going to Faro in September, Arturo will be then in Lisbon.
Riley: I burned dinner, could you pick up some chinese? Luke: sure Riley: thanks. sorry! Luke: :*
Luke will bring Chinese food for dinner.
Lee: So, not a fan of democracy, then? Well, I've heard Russia is great time this of year! Jo: It is actually! :) Lee, democracy is not perfect system! Take Brazil as an example! Chaos!!!\ Lee: Would you like to propose a better system then? Jo: Yes - a republican, representative electoral system. Lee: Why is it so? Jo: One there is minus the House of Lords. Lee: Anything else? Jo: And one where voters take responsibility for founding out facts and standing by the decisions they make would be a great start. Lee: What you've just described is the way the referendum was organised. Jo: Exactly. Lee: So let's respect the will of majority, ok? Jo: I don't agree with it nor i have to like it. Lee: That's your right to have your own opinion.
Lee and Jo discuss democracy. Jo prefers a republican system, he doesn't agree with the referendum.
Adam: Hey Nina how are you? whats up? Nina: i am fine brother just feeding peter!!!!!! how are you and all? Adam: we are all good.. i know the pain feeding them and putting them to sleep is the most difficult thing in the world. Nina: i know right!!!! Adam: :) Nine me and Jill are planning a get to gather this Sunday, would you be able to join us all for lunch? Nina: yes sure why not its been quiet long we have not had a family get to gather, so nice of you and Jill. Adam: thats great! yeah we needed it big time .. waiting to see you than Nina: thank you brother see ya
Nina is taking care of Peter. Nina will join Adam and Jill for lunch on Sunday.
Simon: I thought of the same thing... Simon: People who want a kid for a day...& and parents who want a day off... Danie: <file_gif> Simon: But 'Rent a Kid' can be misconstrued... 😱Best leave it there!🙈🙊 Simon: <file_gif> Danie: Yeah... and I'm pretty sure most parents are funny about lending their kids out to strangers... Simon: Though I still suggest it to Becky when one of them kicks off... Simon: I get the angry face and the idea gets shelved for the next tantrum. Simon: Now in worried, if the tantrum is really bad and Bex says yes... what to do!?! Danie: call me 😜 Simon: I will 😊
Sometimes Simon gets tired with parenting and jokes about letting someone rent his children for a day. Danie offers to do it.
Jake: Will, which country do you think has the best food? Will: Well, it’s a hard question. Each country has its specialties… Will: I think that the cuisine of the Mesoamerican country has a little bit of everything. I’ll never get bored! Jake: I love Mexican food, too. I love tacos and tamales! Jake: How about Thai food? I guess it’s delicious, too 😊 Will: Thai food is absolutely exquisite! It has the combination of so many herbs and spices which come together like orchestral music 😉 Jake: You’re right! I must say that I love Korean food, too. I like Kimchi very much. It’s one of the healthiest dishes in the world. Did you know it? Will: Nope, I haven’t tasted it yet. Do you know how to prepare it? Jake: Well, I’ve tried once. It was extremely spicy 😉 Will: I guess that spicy food is not for me…
Will and Jake like Mexican and Thai food.
Mark: I've got a weekend off Mark: A miracle! ;) Julie: :) Mark: Let's go to the botanics if the weather is okay Jo: Good idea! Jo: There is a nice path from your place Jo: 25 mins walk Julie: The one with the colourful playground? Jo: Yeah Mark: Saturday afternoon? Julie: works for me Julie: Jo? Jo: I'm not 100% at the moment Jo: Will give you a call later
Mark has a weekend off so wants to go to the botanics. Mark and Julie agree on Saturday afternoon. Jo isn't sure at the moment and will give Julie a call later.
Tom: We should invite some people finally Kate: I know, I'm just so tired after the move Tom: I know, but they keep asking me when we will organise the house warming party Kate: sure... Tom: so? Kate: Surly not this weekend Tom: no, i think we could do it in May Kate: But it's in two months Tom: Sure, you're tired. Kate: haha Tom: If we tell them now that it's in 2 months, they will not ask anymore but wait for May Kate: maybe it's a strategy Tom: of course it is! Kate: ok, you can start telling them about May 😛
Kate and Tom are going to organize the housewarming party in May as a lot of people want to see their new place. Kate is still very tired after the move.
Guy: Hey, I just got the news - how's Kenny? Kristine: Not good. He's back from surgery, but the doctors don't know if he'll pull through. Guy: He's gonna be okay - he has you to get back to :) Kristine: He's got another surgery scheduled tomorrow, but they might have to reschedule it depending on his condition. Guy: And how are you? Kristine: Honestly? I'm terrified. I'm scared I'm gonna lose him. Guy: Do you want me to come to the hospital? Kristine: No, you shouldn't worry about me, I'll be fine. You probably have a lot work to do. Guy: Kenny's my best friend. He'ld want me to look after you. Guy: Kris? You there?? Kristine: Yeah, I'm here Guy: What hospital are you at? Kristine: We're at St Marks Hospital near Asda. Kristine: Thanks Guy - Kenny's lucky to have you Guy: I'm on my way. Guy: Kenny's lucky to have you too - I'll be there soon.
Kenny had a surgery, as Kristine reports. He will have another surgery tomorrow. Guy will come to St. Mark's Hospital near Asda to stay with Kristine.
Curtis: Guys, do you know where mom keeps the colander? Keith: Did you just create a group conversation to ask about a kitchen utensil? :D Alma: It should be in the cupboard on the left. Top shelf probably. Curtis: Thanks, sis. Alma: You're welcome. I'm glad you're actually cooking something on your own ;) Curtis: LOL, no, sorry, we're playing soldiers and I needed a helmet XD
Curtis is looking for the colander in the kitchen. He finds it thanks to Alma, who is also proud that he wants to cook something. In fact, he's just playing soldiers.
Will: Hey, Maggie, could you give me a hand? Maggie: Hey, Will, sure. What’s the problem? Will: Well, I installed the apps, as it says on the box, but they don’t work. Maggie: Did you restart your computer before launching them? Will: Well, no... Maggie: Please try that and if it doesn’t work, you’ll have to redo it.
Maggie's advice for the apps that don't work is restarting the computer.
Emma: Why Ethan was talking like that? William: I think someone has told him about the party Emma: I didnt invite him due to some reasons :/ William: he behaved like that due to some reasons Emma: :/ William: Maybe you should say sorry to him Emma: Why should I? William: You were supposed to invite him too Emma: Maybe you are right William: Hmm Emma: Should I go to him now? William: He is busy right now Emma: Later then :/
Emma didn't invite Ethan to the party, but someone informed him about it. Emma will say sorry to Ethan later.
Anne: Hi Nancy. Nancy: Hi Anne, how are you? Anne: I'm fine, thanks. I'm planning a picnic with the kids this w/e. Maybe you would want to come along? Nancy: Oh, how lovely, thanks for the invite :) Which location? Anne: I was thinking of Gatineau Park. You know that place by the lake where they have tables and BBQs. Anne: I checked the forecast and it's looking quite sunny. Almost no chances of showers. And the views now are amazing! Nancy: That's true. We went to Lansdowne Park last w/e. Nancy: I love autumn, it's my favourite time of year. Anne: Great :) Do you need a ride? Nancy: I'll ask Nick if he's working Saturday. If not, we'll take the car and meet you there. Anne: OK, let me know. See you soon! Nancy: ttyl
Anne and Nancy are going to have picnic with their kids this weekend.
Jo: Hey, have you already made the order online? Kate: you mean the clothes? Jane: Yes, yesterday Jo: What a shame! Jo: I wanted to buy that silky blouse... Jane: Next time... Jo: I need something more official like that this weekend Jo: for the function Kate: Why don't you borrow sth from me or Jane? Kate: I've got this grey suit Jane: It'd look good on you Jane: you should try it on Jo: oh, thanks - that's awesome! Jo: I will come by tomorrow, ok? Kate: Sure :)
Jo wanted to buy a silky blouse, but Jane already ordered clothes yesterday. Jo will borrow Jane's grey suit for this weekend, she'll try it on tomorrow.
Jean: How's your grandma? Sienna: a little better Jean: that's good news! Sienna: yeah but the doctors say she can't live alone Jean: What are you gonna do? Sienna: My mum is probably gonna move in with her Jean: always better to have someone from the family Sienna: I know but still it's just temporary cause she needs to get back to work Jean: and then? Sienna: I am gonna help but I need to work to, well I guess I need to start looking for some help Jean: there is a huge market for these services so it should be no problem Sienna: I'd rather have someone recommended still Jean: I will let you know when I hear of sth :* Sienna: thanks.
Sienna's mum is probably gonna move in with her grandma as she can't live alone. Sienna is gonna help too but they need some help. Jean will let her know if she hears of someone.
Larry: Tom, I still owe you 20 bucks Tom: Really? I don't remember XD Larry: Yeah, you paid for me at the bar yesterday Tom: Oh, right Larry: When can I give you those 20 bucks? Tom: No hurry, man Larry: But tell me, it's important Tom: A Larry Stern always pays his debts? Larry: Hahahahah, yeah Tom: Ok, I'll be at Joe's later today, around 5 Larry: Ok Tom: But I don't need those 20 bucks, really Larry: No way! Tom: Sigh... ok
Larry and Tom are going to meet today at Joe's, around 5 o'clock. Larry is going to pay 20 dollars back to Tom. He owes them because Tom paid for him at a bar yesterday.
Pete: Okay, the meeting is arranged for tomorrow. Pete: Make sure to be there. Zack: Thank you for the update :) Zack: I won't miss it. Pete: The meeting will be aimed at future investments. Zack: Investments... my favourite... Pete: Stop being lazy... Zack: I'm not. I'm not fond of investments.
The meeting focusing on future investments is tomorrow.
Dax: Dad is making chicken wings tonight, you coming over? Miles: Hell, yes! Dax: The wings are calling! Miles: Oh yeah...
Miles and Dax are having Dad's chicken wings tonight.
Annie: Hiya, you ok? Mag: Yeah all good, you? Annie: I'm fine ta, see you at yoga tonight? Mag: Definitely!
Annie and Mag're seeing each other at yoga tonight.
Nathan: Is Karan in your office? Janelle: Yes. Do you need him? Nathan: Yes, when you are finished though. Not urgent. Janelle: Okay. Thanks. I'll tell him. Nathan: Thanks. Janelle: He will have a new report to show you. Nathan: Great!
Karan will go to Nathan's office when he finishes. He has a report for Nathan.
Gina: Who’s waiting for 4 day weekend? Kevin: I am! ;) Emma: Friday night hurry up please! Ben: no work for 4 days!!! Gina: bad week at work? Ben: yeah, something like that Kelly: So glad it’s almost Friday! Emma: the countdown to friday! Kevin: 6 o’clock come quicker!
A 4-day weekend is coming up. Kevin, Emma, Ben and Kelly are looking forward to it.
Natalie: ciao! Natalie: so here are the samples of what we do Natalie: commercial1 <file_other> Natalie: commercial2 <file_other> Brian: nice :D Natalie: thx, and more artistic stuff Natalie: <file_other>, <file_other> Brian: I'm a bit busy now.. can we talk 2morrow? Natalie: sure!
Natalie is sending Brian the samples of what they do and they'll talk tomorrow.
Micah: Guys, are you up for some drinking this weekend? Victor: Possibly :) Peter: I am playing on Friday, so only if it would be on Saturday Tommy: Sunday is weekend as well! Micah: Honestly, I was thinking about Saturday :) Peter: Sunday is also fine Charles: I won't come... Micah: Well ok, let's say Sunday for now and see what the rest say as we weekend approaches :)
Micah wants to meet up for a drink on Sunday but they're going to decide closer to the weekend.
Natalie: Do we still need to drop Elena off at the hospital? Jill: Yes please. So Maria is free to come back Evan: Took ages for Caleb to find the code in a Dyson game!!!!!! Not the "brightest" lad 😂 Jill: Caleb… 🙈 Caleb: Peer pressure 😅 Jill: Mmhmmmm Maria: Where is Elena? Jill: She is coming with Natalie back from work. No teleport available yet... But Caleb is working on that... together with Dyson 🙈😜 Maria: Ok, Natalie, let me know when you will be there, we are in the restricted zone, I need to ask someone to let her in. Caleb, shame on you. Evan: No! He gave up Jill. Cracking the code took all his energy... Jill: You’re fired Caleb 🤦🏼‍♀ Natalie: Maria, I’m going to you now. Maria: Great
Elena needs to be dropped off at the hospital. Now Natalie is going to Maria who is in the restricted zone.
Barbara: got everything? Haylee: yeah almost Haylee: i'm in dairy section Haylee: but can't find this youghurt u wanted Barbara: the coconut milk one? Haylee: yeah Barbara: hmmm yeah that's a mystery. cause it's not dairy but it's yoghurt xD Haylee: exactly xD Haylee: ok i asked sb. they put it next to eggs lol Barbara: lol
Haylee can't find the coconut milk yoghurt.
Pete: Wanna see my new baseball shirt? Mike: Sure, you’ve promised me last week;-) Pete: <file_photo> :-) Mike: Sooo cool, you’re gonna flash it around;-) Pete: I know :-)
Pete sent Mike a picture of Pete's new baseball shirt.
Stan: Hello everybody, I need some help moving stuff out of my garage, any takers? Leo: What's in it for me? Fiona: what do you need help with? I can't carry heavy stuff but could ask my dad if I can take his van? Clay: I could come over on the weekend, give you a hand. Stan: Cheers for the response. I offer a crate of beer and pizza, nothing too fancy Fiona: Sounds good to me. The van? Stan: Yes please! that would be great! You are a STAR <file_gif> Fiona: Haha, no worries. No meat for me though! Leo: Throw in a bottle of booze, and I'm there
Stan needs help with moving things from his garage and offers beer and pizza instead. Leo will help but expects some alcohol. Fiona will borrow her father's van. Clay can also come to help over the weekend.
Julie: Most of the people will be girls from the village 40+ Debra: i dont care, village girls are super cool Julie: it will be awesome to meet up again Debra: it is over the weekend and looking into my calendar it seems im available Julie: awesome! so youre on the list <3 Debra: <3 Julie: yeah, we'e gonna drink a little vodka :P Debra: :D Julie: go on debbie and share the event on your wall, we need some recognition haha Debra: brace yourself Jules :D how many people are coming? Julie: its 20
Julie and Debra are discussing the event, there will be about 20 people, mostly girls from the village 40+.
Sebastian: Hi! Would you like to watch the game with us, at my place? Martin: Hello. :) That'd be my pleasure! Sebastian: Glad to hear that Sebastian: I'll text you the address in a moment Sebastian: We start at 8 Martin: I'll be there, thanks for inviting me! Martin: Should I bring anything, something to eat? Sebastian: No, we're good :)
Martin is invited to watch the game at Sebastian's place at 8.
Oscar: Hi, Linda. You checked the new schedule? Linda: Not yet. Why? Oscar: I thought so. Tomorrow you've got the morning shift. Linda: You're kidding? Oscar: Not at all. Linda: Shit. I am in Las Vegas. Oscar: You are? Linda: Yeah. I was sure I am not on till Monday. Oscar: You knew there was new schedule. Linda: I knew that. But they never changed anything. Oscar: they did this time. Linda: I guess I should have checked. Oscar: I did mention it, remember, Linda: Yeah, you did. You are so organized. Oscar: You think so? Linda: Of course you are. Never miss anything. Oscar: Ask you a question? Linda: Shoot. Oscar: You think I am handsome? Linda: Like a movie star! Just forgot which one:) Oscar: Good answer. I'll take the shift for you. Linda: You are the best;)
Linda hasn't checked the new schedule. She's got the morning shift. She's still in Las Vegas. Oscar will take the shift for her. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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