<text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT[[Dormition of the Theotokos]]</text>
<username>Stan Shebs</username>
<comment>Um, we know the &quot;source&quot; of a postage stamp, it's right there on the image :-)</comment>
<text xml:space="preserve">{{USPSstamp}}</text>
<title>Bramagupta's identity</title>
<comment>moved to &quot;Brahmagupta's_identity&quot;</comment>
<text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Brahmagupta's_identity]]
<title>Hyperbaric oxygen therapy</title>
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<comment>/* External links */ [[Category:Therapy]]</comment>
<text xml:space="preserve">'''Hyperbaric oxygen therapy''' (HBOT) is the medical use of [[oxygen]] at a higher than [[atmospheric pressure]].
== Uses ==
Several therapeutic principles are made use of in HBOT:
*The increased overall [[pressure]] is of therapeutic value when HBOT is used in the treatment of [[decompression sickness]].
*For many other conditions, the therapeutic principle of HBOT lies in a drastically increased [[partial pressure]] of oxygen in the tissues of the body. The oxygen partial pressures achievable under HBOT are much higher than those under breathing pure oxygen at normobaric conditions (i.e. at normal atmospheric pressure).
*A related effect is the increased oxygen transport capacity of the blood. Under atmospheric pressure, oxygen transport is limited by the oxygen binding capacity of [[red blood cell]]s and very little oxygen is transported by [[blood plasma]]. Because the [[hemoglobin]] of the red blood cells is almost saturated with oxygen under atmospheric pressure, this route of transport can not be exploited any further. Oxygen transport by plasma however is significantly increased under HBOT.
The main indications for HBOT are:
*Certain non-healing wounds (post-surgical or diabetic)
*Radiation soft tissue necrosis and radiation [[osteonecrosis]]
*[[Necrotizing fasciitis]] (flesh eating bacteria)
*[[Carbon monoxide poisoning]]
*[[Decompression sickness]]
*Severe infection by [[anaerobic organism|anaerobic]] bacteria (such as gas gangrene)
*Air or [[gas embolism]]
*Severe uncorrected [[anemia]]
*Chronic refractory [[Osteomyelitis]]
*Enhancement of healing in problem wounds
*Sports injuries
HBOT is recognized by conventional medicine (in the USA) as an appropriate treatment for about 14 conditions. However, alternative healing advocates of many stripes believe it is useful for many additional conditions. Among the &quot;off label&quot; uses of HBOT are use as a therapy for [[brain]] healing (as in [[stroke]], [[dementia]], [[cerebral palsy]]), and for some infectious conditions, such as [[Lyme disease]] and [[Post-polio syndrome]].
HBOT is quite expensive, with a session costing $100 to $600 in the USA.
In the UK most chambers are financed by the [[National Health Service]] but there are non-profit HBOT chambers, such as those run by Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centres.
== The traditional chamber ==
The traditional type of HBOT chamber is a ''hard shelled'' [[pressure vessel]]. Such chambers can be run at absolute [[pressure]]s up to 600 [[kilopascal]]s or 85 lbf/in&amp;sup2;.
Navies, diving organizations and hospitals typically operate these.
They range in size from those that are portable and capable of transporting just one patient to those that are fixed, very heavy and capable of treating eight or more patients.
The chamber may consist of:
* a [[pressure vessel]] that is generally made of [[steel]], [[aluminium]] with the view ports (windows) or hull made of acrylic.
* one or more human entry hatches - theses could be small and circular or wheel-in type hatches for patients on trolleys
* an [[airlock]] allowing human entry - a separate chamber with two hatches, one to the outside world and one to the main chamber, which can be independently pressurised to allow patients to enter or exit the main chamber while it is still pressurised
* an airlock allowing medicines, instruments and food to enter the main chamber
* glass ports or closed-circuit television allowing the technicians and medical staff outside the chamber to monitor the inside of the chamber
* an [[intercom]] allowing two-way communications inside and outside the chamber
* a [[carbon dioxide]] scrubber - consisting of a fan that passes the gas inside the chamber through a [[soda lime]] canister
* a control panel outside the chamber is used to open and close [[valve]]s allowing [[air]] to enter or leave the chamber and [[oxygen]] to be supplied to masks
In larger &quot;multiplace&quot; chambers, both patients and medical staff inside the chamber breathe from individual oxygen masks, which supply pure [[oxygen]] and remove the exhaled gas from the chamber. During treatment patients breathe oxygen most of the time but have periodic [[air]] breaks to minimise the risk of [[oxygen toxicity]]. The exhaled gas must be removed from the chamber to prevent the build up of oxygen, which could provoke a fire. Medical staff may also breathe oxygen to reduce the risk of [[decompression sickness]]. The masks that are used may simply cover the mouth and nose or they may be a type of flexible, transparent helmet with a seal around the neck. The pressure inside the chamber is increased by opening valves allowing high-pressure air to enter from storage cylinders, similar to [[diving cylinder]]s. A [[gas compressor]] is used to fill these cylinders.
[[image:Hyperbaric_oxygen_therapy_1_person_chamber.jpg|thumb|right|A recompression chamber for a single diving casualty]]
Smaller &quot;monoplace&quot; chambers can only accommodate the patient. No medical staff can enter. The chamber is flooded with pure oxygen and the patient does not wear an oxygen mask or helmet.
Patients inside the chamber will notice discomfort inside their [[ear]]s as a pressure difference develops between their middle ear and the chamber atmosphere. This can be relieved by the [[Valsalva maneouvre]] or by &quot;jaw wiggling&quot;. As the pressure increase further, [[mist]] may form in the air inside the chamber and the air may become warm. When the patient speaks, the [[tone]] of the [[voice]] may increase to the level that they sound like [[cartoon]] characters.
To reduce the pressure, a valve is opened to allow gas out of the chamber. As the pressure falls, the patient’s [[ear]]s may &quot;squeak&quot; as the pressure inside the ear equalizes with the chamber. The temperature in the chamber will cool.
== Chambers for home treatment ==
There are portable HBOT chambers, which are often used for home treatment. These are usually referred to as &quot;mild chambers&quot;, which is a reference to the lower maximum pressure of soft-sided chambers. Those commercially available in the USA go up to 4.1 PSI which is equivalent to a water depth of 11 ft. These chambers are typically not operated with 100% oxygen as the breathing gas; therefore, they do not fit the actual definition of Hyperbaric OXYGEN, but are more appropriately defined as being Compressed Air Therapy.
These chambers were originally developed and used for [[altitude sickness]], which is a valid application. The benefits of HBOT to a number of other off label conditions such as lyme disease, cancer, stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, cardiac conditions, brain injury, autism and other immune disorders have yet to be substantiated by research.