import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaQrcode = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m13.1 25.7v2.9h-2.9v-2.9h2.9z m0-17.1v2.8h-2.9v-2.8h2.9z m17.1 0v2.8h-2.8v-2.8h2.8z m-22.8 22.8h8.5v-8.5h-8.5v8.5z m0-17.1h8.5v-8.6h-8.5v8.6z m17.1 0h8.6v-8.6h-8.6v8.6z m-5.7 5.7v14.3h-14.3v-14.3h14.3z m11.4 11.4v2.9h-2.8v-2.9h2.8z m5.7 0v2.9h-2.8v-2.9h2.8z m0-11.4v8.6h-8.5v-2.9h-2.9v8.6h-2.9v-14.3h8.6v2.9h2.9v-2.9h2.8z m-17.1-17.1v14.2h-14.3v-14.2h14.3z m17.1 0v14.2h-14.3v-14.2h14.3z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaQrcode
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const TiWorldOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m20 3.3c-8.3 0-15 6.7-15 15s6.7 15 15 15 15-6.7 15-15-6.7-15-15-15z m0 10c0-0.9 0.7-1.6 1.7-1.6s1.6 0.7 1.6 1.6v5c-0.9 0-1.6 0.8-1.6 1.7s0.7 1.7 1.6 1.7c1 0 1.7-0.8 1.7-1.7h1.7v-3.3l1.6 1.6-1.6 1.7c0 5 0 5-3.4 6.7 0-1.7-1.6-1.7-5-1.7v-3.3l-3.3-3.4v-3.3c-1.7 0-1.7 1.7-1.7 1.7l-3.7-3.7c2-3.8 5.9-6.3 10.4-6.3 1.1 0 2.3 0.1 3.3 0.5-0.1 1.4-1 2.8-2.5 2.8-1.6 0-2.5 1.7-2.5 3.3v5s1.7 0 1.7-5z m0 16.7c-6.4 0-11.7-5.2-11.7-11.7 0-1.3 0.3-2.5 0.6-3.7l7.8 7.8v2.6c0 0.9 0.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.3 0 2.8 0 3.4 0.1 0 0.5 0.3 1 0.8 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.2 0 0.5 0 0.7-0.1 3.9-2 4.2-2.8 4.2-7.5l1.2-1.2c0.7-0.6 0.7-1.7 0-2.3l-1.7-1.7c-0.3-0.3-0.7-0.5-1.1-0.5-0.2 0-0.5 0-0.7 0.1-0.6 0.3-1 0.9-1 1.6v-3.4c0-1.1-0.6-2.1-1.5-2.7 0.7-0.7 1.2-1.7 1.4-2.8 4 1.8 6.8 5.9 6.8 10.5 0 6.5-5.3 11.7-11.7 11.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default TiWorldOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoAndroidHappy = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m19.8 3.8c8.9 0 16.2 7.3 16.2 16.2s-7.3 16.3-16.2 16.3-16.3-7.4-16.3-16.3 7.3-16.2 16.3-16.2z m0 29.2c7.1 0 12.9-5.8 12.9-13s-5.8-13-12.9-13-13 5.8-13 13 5.8 13 13 13z m5.7-14.6c-1.5 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5s1-2.4 2.5-2.4 2.4 1 2.4 2.4-1 2.5-2.4 2.5z m-11.5 0c-1.4 0-2.4-1.1-2.4-2.5s1-2.4 2.4-2.4 2.5 1 2.5 2.4-1 2.5-2.5 2.5z m5.8 10.5c-3.9 0-7-2.3-8.3-5.6h16.5c-1.3 3.3-4.4 5.6-8.2 5.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoAndroidHappy
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoStar = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m35 15.6l-10.9 8.2 4.3 13.7-10.9-8.7-10.9 8.7 4.3-13.7-10.9-8.2h13.4l4.1-13.1 4.1 13.1h13.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoStar
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdDirectionsRailway = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m30 16.6v-8.2h-20v8.2h20z m-10 11.8c1.8 0 3.4-1.6 3.4-3.4s-1.6-3.4-3.4-3.4-3.4 1.6-3.4 3.4 1.6 3.4 3.4 3.4z m-13.4-2.5v-17.5c0-5.9 6.1-6.8 13.4-6.8s13.4 0.9 13.4 6.8v17.5c0 3.2-2.7 5.7-5.9 5.7l2.5 2.5v0.9h-20v-0.9l2.5-2.5c-3.2 0-5.9-2.5-5.9-5.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdDirectionsRailway
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const TiMediaEject = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m28.3 26.7h-16.6c-1.9 0-3.4 1.5-3.4 3.3 0 1.8 1.5 3.3 3.4 3.3h16.6c1.9 0 3.4-1.5 3.4-3.3 0-1.8-1.5-3.3-3.4-3.3z m2.4-9c-4.3-4.4-10.7-11-10.7-11s-6.4 6.6-10.7 11c-0.6 0.6-1 1.4-1 2.3 0 1.8 1.5 3.3 3.4 3.3h16.6c1.9 0 3.4-1.5 3.4-3.3 0-0.9-0.4-1.7-1-2.3z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default TiMediaEject
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const TiStarFullOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m5.2 18.8l6 5.5-1.7 7.7c-0.2 1 0.2 2 1 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.4 0 0.7 0 1-0.2 0 0 0.2 0 0.2-0.1l6.8-3.9 6.9 3.9s0.1 0 0.1 0.1c0.9 0.4 1.9 0.4 2.5-0.1 0.9-0.5 1.2-1.5 1-2.5l-1.6-7.7c0.6-0.5 1.6-1.5 2.6-2.5l3.2-2.8 0.2-0.2c0.6-0.7 0.8-1.7 0.5-2.5s-1-1.5-2-1.7h-0.2l-7.8-0.8-3.2-7.2s0-0.1-0.2-0.1c-0.1-1.2-1-1.7-1.8-1.7s-1.7 0.5-2.2 1.3c0 0 0 0.2-0.1 0.2l-3.2 7.2-7.8 0.8h-0.2c-0.8 0.2-1.7 0.8-2 1.7-0.2 1 0 2 0.7 2.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default TiStarFullOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdPinDrop = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m8.4 33.4h23.2v3.2h-23.2v-3.2z m8.2-20c0 1.8 1.6 3.2 3.4 3.2 1.9 0 3.4-1.4 3.4-3.2s-1.6-3.4-3.4-3.4-3.4 1.6-3.4 3.4z m13.4 0c0 7.5-10 18.2-10 18.2s-10-10.7-10-18.2c0-5.6 4.5-10 10-10s10 4.4 10 10z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdPinDrop
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdBugReport = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m23.4 20v-3.4h-6.8v3.4h6.8z m0 6.6v-3.2h-6.8v3.2h6.8z m10-13.2v3.2h-3.6c0.1 0.6 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.8v1.6h3.4v3.4h-3.4v1.6c0 0.5-0.1 1.1-0.2 1.6h3.6v3.4h-4.7c-1.7 3-5 5-8.7 5s-7-2-8.7-5h-4.7v-3.4h3.6c-0.1-0.5-0.2-1.1-0.2-1.6v-1.6h-3.4v-3.4h3.4v-1.6c0-0.6 0.1-1.2 0.2-1.8h-3.6v-3.2h4.7c0.8-1.4 1.8-2.5 3.1-3.3l-2.8-2.8 2.4-2.3 3.7 3.6c0.7-0.2 1.5-0.2 2.3-0.2s1.6 0 2.3 0.2l3.7-3.6 2.4 2.3-2.8 2.8c1.3 0.8 2.3 1.9 3.1 3.3h4.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdBugReport
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaListAlt = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m8.6 26.4v1.5q0 0.2-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.2h-1.5q-0.3 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-1.5q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h1.5q0.2 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m0-5.7v1.4q0 0.3-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.3h-1.5q-0.3 0-0.5-0.3t-0.2-0.5v-1.4q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h1.5q0.2 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m0-5.7v1.4q0 0.3-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.2h-1.5q-0.3 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-1.4q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h1.5q0.2 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m25.7 11.4v1.5q0 0.2-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.2h-21.5q-0.2 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-1.5q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h21.5q0.3 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m0-5.7v1.4q0 0.3-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.3h-21.5q-0.2 0-0.5-0.3t-0.2-0.5v-1.4q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h21.5q0.3 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m0-5.7v1.4q0 0.3-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.2h-21.5q-0.2 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-1.4q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h21.5q0.3 0 0.5 0.2t0.2 0.5z m2.8 15.7v-18.6q0-0.2-0.2-0.5t-0.5-0.2h-32.8q-0.3 0-0.5 0.2t-0.2 0.5v18.6q0 0.3 0.2 0.5t0.5 0.2h32.8q0.3 0 0.5-0.2t0.2-0.5z m2.9-24.3v24.3q0 1.5-1 2.5t-2.6 1.1h-32.8q-1.5 0-2.6-1.1t-1-2.5v-24.3q0-1.4 1.1-2.5t2.5-1h32.8q1.5 0 2.6 1t1 2.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaListAlt
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaMarsStroke = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m35.9 2.9q0.5 0 1 0.4t0.4 1v9.3q0 0.3-0.2 0.5t-0.5 0.2h-1.5q-0.3 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-5.9l-4.7 4.8 3.1 3.1q0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5t-0.2 0.5l-1 1.1q-0.2 0.2-0.5 0.2t-0.5-0.2l-3.2-3.2-1.7 1.8q2.8 3.5 2.8 8 0 2.6-1 5t-2.7 4.1-4.2 2.7-4.9 1-5-1-4.1-2.7-2.8-4.1-1-5 1-5 2.8-4.1 4.1-2.8 5-1q4.5 0 8 2.8l1.7-1.7-3.8-3.8q-0.2-0.3-0.2-0.6t0.2-0.4l1-1.1q0.2-0.2 0.5-0.2t0.5 0.2l3.8 3.9 4.8-4.8h-5.8q-0.3 0-0.5-0.2t-0.2-0.5v-1.4q0-0.3 0.2-0.5t0.5-0.2h9.3z m-20 31.4q4.1 0 7-2.9t3-7.1-3-7.1-7-2.9-7.1 2.9-2.9 7.1 2.9 7.1 7.1 2.9z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaMarsStroke
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoSocialUsdOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m17.3 8c0.8-0.1 1.5-0.2 1.5-0.2v10.2l-1.8-0.4c-1.1-0.4-2.1-0.9-2.8-1.5-0.9-0.8-1.5-2-1.5-3.4 0-1 0.3-1.8 0.9-2.5 0.5-0.7 1-1.1 1.7-1.5 0.6-0.3 1.3-0.5 2-0.7z m0.2 8.4v-7.2c-0.5 0.2-1.2 0.3-1.6 0.6-0.6 0.3-1 0.7-1.4 1.1s-0.5 1.1-0.5 1.8c0 1.1 0.3 1.9 1 2.5 0.6 0.5 1.6 0.9 2.5 1.2z m9.7 6.8c0.8 0.8 1.2 1.9 1.2 3.3 0 0.7-0.1 1.4-0.4 2.1s-0.9 1.3-1.6 1.9c-0.6 0.4-1.4 0.8-2.4 1.1-0.5 0.2-0.9 0.3-1.3 0.4s-1.4 0-1.4 0v-11.3l1.5 0.4c0.8 0.2 1.5 0.5 2.2 0.7 0.8 0.3 1.6 0.8 2.2 1.4z m-0.4 4.8c0.2-0.5 0.3-1 0.3-1.5 0-1.1-0.2-1.9-0.8-2.4s-1.1-0.9-1.8-1.1-1.2-0.4-2-0.7v8.4c0.5-0.1 0.8-0.2 1.1-0.2 0.9-0.3 1.6-0.7 2.1-1s0.9-0.9 1.1-1.5z m5.3-4.3c0.2 0.8 0.4 1.5 0.4 2.2 0 1.7-0.4 3-1.1 4.2s-1.6 2-2.7 2.7-2.4 1.3-3.9 1.7c-0.8 0.1-1.5 0.2-2.3 0.3v2.7h-5v-2.7c-0.7-0.1-1.5-0.3-2.2-0.5-1.6-0.4-2.8-0.9-4-1.8s-2-1.9-2.7-3.2c-0.6-1.3-1-2.7-1.1-4.3h5.4c0 0.9 0.1 1.9 0.5 2.6 0.4 0.8 1 1.3 1.7 1.8s1.5 0.8 2.4 1.1v-9.4c-0.6-0.2-1.4-0.3-2.1-0.5-1.3-0.3-2.4-0.7-3.2-1.2s-1.6-1.2-2.1-1.8-0.9-1.4-1.1-2.1-0.3-1.4-0.3-2.1c0-1.4 0.3-2.7 0.9-3.8s1.5-1.9 2.6-2.6 2.3-1.3 3.6-1.6c0.5-0.2 1.2-0.2 1.7-0.3v-2.6h5v2.6c0.7 0.1 1.3 0.3 1.9 0.4 1.4 0.4 2.6 1 3.7 1.8s2 1.7 2.6 2.9c0.6 1 0.9 2.1 0.9 3.6h-5.3c-0.3-1.7-1-2.9-2.1-3.6-0.5-0.4-1-0.7-1.7-0.8v8.3c0.7 0.1 1.3 0.3 2 0.4 0.9 0.3 1.7 0.5 2.1 0.6 1 0.3 1.8 0.7 2.5 1.1 0.8 0.6 1.4 1.1 1.9 1.8s0.9 1.3 1.1 2.1z m-1.7 5.7c0.5-1 0.9-2.1 0.9-3.5 0-0.6-0.1-1.2-0.4-1.8s-0.5-1.2-0.9-1.8-0.9-1-1.6-1.4c-0.6-0.4-1.4-0.8-2.2-1.1-0.4 0-1-0.2-1.9-0.4h-0.1l-0.3-0.1c-0.5-0.2-1-0.3-1.6-0.5l-1.1-0.2v-10.7s0.8 0.1 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.5 2.2 0.9c1.2 0.7 2 1.9 2.4 3.4h2.9c-0.1-0.6-0.3-1.2-0.6-1.7-0.5-1-1.2-1.9-2.2-2.5-0.9-0.7-2.1-1.3-3.3-1.6-0.7-0.1-1.3-0.3-1.8-0.4l-1.1-0.1v-2.4h-2.5v2.4l-1 0.1c-0.6 0.1-1.1 0.2-1.6 0.3-1.2 0.4-2.3 0.8-3.2 1.4s-1.7 1.3-2.2 2.2c-0.5 0.9-0.8 1.9-0.8 3.2 0 0.6 0.1 1.1 0.3 1.8 0.1 0.5 0.4 1 0.8 1.6s1.1 1 1.8 1.5c0.8 0.4 1.7 0.8 2.9 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.2 1.2 0.3l0.9 0.3v11.8s-0.6-0.1-1.5-0.4-2-0.6-2.8-1.1c-0.9-0.7-1.6-1.4-2.1-2.4-0.3-0.5-0.4-1.2-0.6-1.9h-2.8c0.2 0.9 0.4 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.6 1.1 1.3 2.1 2.3 2.8 1 0.8 2.2 1.2 3.6 1.6 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.3 2 0.4l1.1 0.2v2.5h2.5v-2.5l1.2-0.1c0.7-0.1 1.3-0.2 2-0.4 1.4-0.3 2.5-0.8 3.6-1.4s1.8-1.5 2.4-2.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoSocialUsdOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoAndroidPeople = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m23.8 18.1c-2.6 0-4.7-2.1-4.7-4.7s2.1-4.7 4.7-4.7 4.9 2.2 4.9 4.7-2.2 4.7-4.9 4.7z m-12.6 0c-2.7 0-4.9-2.1-4.9-4.7s2.2-4.6 4.9-4.6 4.7 2.1 4.7 4.6-2.1 4.7-4.7 4.7z m0 3.5c3.7 0 11.3 1.8 11.3 5.4v4.3h-22.5v-4.3c0-3.6 7.4-5.4 11.2-5.4z m12.6 0.8c3.8 0 11.2 1 11.2 4.6v4.3h-10v-4.3c0-2.3-0.7-3.2-2.5-4.5 0.5-0.1 0.9-0.1 1.3-0.1z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoAndroidPeople
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdViewStream = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m6.6 8.4h28.4v10h-28.4v-10z m0 21.6v-10h28.4v10h-28.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdViewStream
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoSocialUsd = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m32.1 23.7c0.2 0.8 0.4 1.5 0.4 2.2 0 1.7-0.4 3-1.1 4.2s-1.6 2-2.7 2.7-2.5 1.3-3.9 1.7c-0.8 0.1-1.5 0.2-2.3 0.3v2.7h-5v-2.7c-0.7-0.1-1.5-0.3-2.2-0.5-1.6-0.4-2.8-0.9-4-1.8s-2-1.9-2.7-3.2c-0.6-1.3-1-2.7-1.1-4.3h5.4c0 0.9 0.1 1.9 0.5 2.6 0.4 0.8 1 1.3 1.7 1.8s1.5 0.8 2.4 1.1v-9.4c-0.6-0.2-1.4-0.3-2.1-0.5-1.3-0.3-2.4-0.7-3.2-1.2s-1.6-1.2-2.1-1.8-0.9-1.4-1.1-2.1-0.3-1.4-0.3-2.1c0-1.4 0.3-2.7 0.9-3.8s1.5-1.9 2.6-2.6 2.3-1.3 3.6-1.6c0.5-0.2 1.2-0.2 1.7-0.3v-2.6h5v2.6c0.7 0.1 1.3 0.3 1.9 0.4 1.4 0.4 2.6 1 3.7 1.8s2 1.7 2.6 2.9c0.6 1 0.9 2.1 0.9 3.6h-5.3c-0.3-1.7-1-2.9-2.1-3.6-0.5-0.4-1-0.7-1.7-0.8v8.3c0.7 0.1 1.3 0.3 2 0.4 0.9 0.3 1.7 0.5 2.1 0.6 1 0.3 1.8 0.7 2.5 1.1 0.8 0.6 1.4 1.1 1.9 1.8s0.9 1.3 1.1 2.1z m-14.6-7.3v-7.2c-0.5 0.2-1.2 0.3-1.6 0.6-0.6 0.3-1 0.7-1.4 1.1s-0.5 1.1-0.5 1.8c0 1.1 0.3 1.9 1 2.5 0.6 0.5 1.6 0.9 2.5 1.2z m9.3 11.6c0.2-0.5 0.3-1 0.3-1.5 0-1.1-0.2-1.9-0.8-2.4s-1.1-0.9-1.8-1.1-1.2-0.4-2-0.7v8.4c0.5-0.1 0.8-0.2 1.1-0.2 0.9-0.3 1.6-0.7 2.1-1s0.9-0.9 1.1-1.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoSocialUsd
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoIonic = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m32.9 10.4c1.9 2.6 3.1 6 3.1 9.6 0 9-7.3 16.3-16.2 16.3s-16.3-7.3-16.3-16.3 7.3-16.2 16.3-16.2c3.5 0 6.9 1.1 9.6 3.1 0.4-0.3 0.8-0.4 1.4-0.4 1.4 0 2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5 0 0.5-0.2 1-0.4 1.4z m-2.5 20.2c1.4-1.4 2.4-2.9 3.2-4.7 0.8-1.9 1.2-3.9 1.2-5.9s-0.4-4-1.2-5.9c-0.5-1-1-2-1.7-2.9-0.3 0.1-0.7 0.3-1.1 0.3-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5 0-0.4 0.1-0.9 0.3-1.2-1-0.6-2-1.2-3-1.6-1.9-0.8-3.8-1.2-5.8-1.2s-4 0.4-5.9 1.2c-1.8 0.8-3.4 1.8-4.8 3.2s-2.4 2.9-3.2 4.7c-0.8 1.9-1.1 3.9-1.1 5.9s0.3 4 1.1 5.9c0.8 1.8 1.8 3.3 3.2 4.7s3 2.4 4.8 3.2c1.9 0.8 3.8 1.2 5.9 1.2s3.9-0.4 5.8-1.2c1.8-0.8 3.4-1.8 4.8-3.2z m-18.1-10.6c0-5 2.5-7.5 7.5-7.5s7.5 2.5 7.5 7.5-2.5 7.5-7.5 7.5-7.5-2.5-7.5-7.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoIonic
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoGearA = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m32.1 20c0 1.9 1.2 3.4 2.9 4.4-0.3 1-0.8 2-1.2 2.9-2-0.4-3.6 0.3-4.9 1.6s-1.7 2.9-1.2 4.9c-1 0.4-2 0.9-3 1.2-1-1.7-2.8-2.9-4.7-2.9s-3.7 1.2-4.7 2.9c-1-0.3-2.1-0.8-3-1.2 0.4-2 0.1-3.6-1.2-4.9s-2.9-1.6-4.9-1.2c-0.4-0.9-0.9-2-1.2-3 1.7-1 2.9-2.8 2.9-4.7s-1.2-3.4-2.9-4.4c0.3-1 0.7-2 1.3-2.9 1.9 0.4 3.5-0.3 4.8-1.6s1.6-2.9 1.2-4.9c0.9-0.4 2-0.9 3-1.2 1 1.7 2.8 2.9 4.7 2.9s3.7-1.2 4.7-2.9c1 0.3 2.1 0.8 3 1.3-0.4 1.9-0.1 3.5 1.2 4.8s2.9 2 4.8 1.6c0.5 0.9 1 1.9 1.3 2.9-1.7 1-2.9 2.5-2.9 4.4z m-12.1 7.7c4.2 0 7.7-3.5 7.7-7.7s-3.5-7.7-7.7-7.7-7.7 3.5-7.7 7.7 3.5 7.7 7.7 7.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoGearA
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoSocialSkypeOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m13.3 7.5c-3.2 0-5.8 2.6-5.8 5.7 0 1 0.3 2 0.8 2.8l0.5 0.9-0.2 0.9c-0.2 0.8-0.2 1.6-0.2 2.4 0 3.1 1.2 6 3.4 8.2s5.2 3.4 8.4 3.4c0.7 0 1.4-0.1 2.1-0.2l0.9-0.2 0.7 0.4c0.9 0.5 1.9 0.7 2.8 0.7 3.2 0 5.8-2.6 5.8-5.7 0-0.9-0.2-1.7-0.6-2.5l-0.4-0.8 0.2-0.8c0.2-0.8 0.3-1.7 0.3-2.5 0-3.2-1.3-6.1-3.5-8.2s-5.2-3.4-8.3-3.4c-0.7 0-1.5 0-2.1 0.2l-0.9 0.1-0.8-0.5c-0.9-0.6-2-0.9-3.1-0.9z m0-2.5c1.6 0 3.1 0.5 4.4 1.3 0.7-0.2 1.6-0.2 2.5-0.2 7.8 0 14.3 6.2 14.3 14.1 0 1-0.1 2.1-0.4 3 0.6 1.1 0.9 2.3 0.9 3.6 0 4.5-3.7 8.2-8.3 8.2-1.4 0-2.7-0.3-3.9-0.9-0.8 0.1-1.7 0.2-2.6 0.2-7.9 0-14.3-6.3-14.3-14.1 0-1 0.1-1.9 0.3-2.9-0.7-1.2-1.2-2.6-1.2-4.1 0-4.5 3.7-8.2 8.3-8.2z m14.2 21.9c-0.6 0.9-1.6 1.6-2.9 2.2s-2.8 0.7-4.5 0.7c-2.1 0-3.8-0.3-5.1-1-0.9-0.6-1.7-1.2-2.3-2.1s-1-1.7-1-2.6c0-0.5 0.3-0.9 0.6-1.3s0.9-0.5 1.5-0.5c0.5 0 1 0.1 1.3 0.4s0.5 0.7 0.8 1.2 0.5 1 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.7 1.2 1 1.2 0.3 2.1 0.3c1.2 0 2.2-0.3 2.9-0.7s1-1.1 1-1.8c0-0.5-0.2-1-0.5-1.3-0.4-0.4-0.9-0.7-1.5-0.8-0.7-0.3-1.6-0.4-2.7-0.7-1.5-0.3-2.7-0.7-3.7-1.1-1-0.4-1.9-1-2.5-1.8s-0.9-1.7-0.9-2.8 0.3-1.9 0.9-2.8c0.7-0.8 1.6-1.5 2.9-1.9 1.1-0.5 2.6-0.7 4.2-0.7 1.2 0 2.3 0.1 3.3 0.4s1.8 0.7 2.4 1.2 1.1 1 1.4 1.6 0.4 1.1 0.4 1.6c0 0.5-0.2 0.9-0.6 1.3s-0.8 0.7-1.5 0.7c-0.5 0-0.9-0.2-1.2-0.4-0.2-0.3-0.6-0.6-0.9-1.1-0.4-0.7-0.7-1.2-1.2-1.6s-1.3-0.6-2.4-0.6c-1.1 0-1.8 0.2-2.5 0.6s-0.9 0.9-0.9 1.4c0 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.6s0.8 0.4 1.1 0.5 1.1 0.2 2 0.5c1.2 0.2 2.2 0.4 3.1 0.7s1.8 0.7 2.5 1.1 1.2 1 1.6 1.8 0.6 1.5 0.6 2.5c0 1.1-0.4 2.1-1 3.1z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoSocialSkypeOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdViewComfy = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m30 8.4h6.6v6.6h-6.6v-6.6z m0 23.2v-6.6h6.6v6.6h-6.6z m-8.4 0v-6.6h6.8v6.6h-6.8z m-8.2 0v-6.6h6.6v6.6h-6.6z m-8.4 0v-6.6h6.6v6.6h-6.6z m25-8.2v-6.8h6.6v6.8h-6.6z m-8.4-15h6.8v6.6h-6.8v-6.6z m-8.2 6.6v-6.6h6.6v6.6h-6.6z m8.2 8.4v-6.8h6.8v6.8h-6.8z m-8.2 0v-6.8h6.6v6.8h-6.6z m-8.4 0v-6.8h6.6v6.8h-6.6z m0-8.4v-6.6h6.6v6.6h-6.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdViewComfy
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const GoPlaybackPlay = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m10 7.5l20 12.5-20 12.5v-25z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default GoPlaybackPlay
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdCall = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m11 18q3.8 7.2 11 11l3.7-3.7q0.8-0.8 1.7-0.4 2.8 1 6 1 0.7 0 1.1 0.4t0.5 1.2v5.9q0 0.7-0.5 1.1t-1.1 0.5q-11.8 0-20.1-8.3t-8.3-20.1q0-0.7 0.5-1.1t1.1-0.5h5.9q0.7 0 1.2 0.5t0.4 1.1q0 3.2 1 6 0.3 1-0.4 1.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdCall
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const GoRepoPull = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m40 12.5l-7.5-7.5v5h-15v5h15v5l7.5-7.5z m-12.5 12.5h-20v-22.5h20v5h2.5v-5s-1.2-2.5-2.5-2.5h-25s-2.5 1.3-2.5 2.5v30s1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5h5v5l3.8-3.7 3.7 3.7v-5h12.5s2.5-1.2 2.5-2.5v-15h-2.5v7.5z m0 6.3c0 0.5-0.6 1.2-1.2 1.2h-11.3v-2.5h-7.5v2.5h-3.7s-1.3-0.6-1.3-1.2v-3.8h25v3.8z m-15-21.3h-2.5v2.5h2.5v-2.5z m0-5h-2.5v2.5h2.5v-2.5z m0 10h-2.5v2.5h2.5v-2.5z m-2.5 7.5h2.5v-2.5h-2.5v2.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default GoRepoPull
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdBrightness5 = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m20 30q4.1 0 7.1-2.9t2.9-7.1-2.9-7.1-7.1-2.9-7.1 2.9-2.9 7.1 2.9 7.1 7.1 2.9z m13.4-4.5v7.9h-7.9l-5.5 5.4-5.5-5.4h-7.9v-7.9l-5.4-5.5 5.4-5.5v-7.9h7.9l5.5-5.4 5.5 5.4h7.9v7.9l5.4 5.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdBrightness5
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdDashboard = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m21.6 5h13.4v10h-13.4v-10z m0 30v-16.6h13.4v16.6h-13.4z m-16.6 0v-10h13.4v10h-13.4z m0-13.4v-16.6h13.4v16.6h-13.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdDashboard
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdAddAPhoto = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m16.3 23.4q0-2.3 1.6-3.9t3.7-1.5q2.3 0 3.9 1.5t1.5 3.9q0 2.1-1.5 3.7t-3.9 1.6-3.7-1.6-1.6-3.7z m5.3 8.2q3.5 0 5.9-2.4t2.5-5.8-2.5-5.9-5.9-2.5-5.8 2.5-2.4 5.9 2.4 5.8 5.8 2.4z m-11.6-15v-5h5v-5h11.6l3.1 3.4h5.3q1.3 0 2.3 1t1.1 2.4v20q0 1.3-1.1 2.3t-2.3 0.9h-26.6q-1.4 0-2.4-0.9t-1-2.3v-16.8h5z m-5-10v-5h3.4v5h5v3.4h-5v5h-3.4v-5h-5v-3.4h5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdAddAPhoto
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdSentimentVeryDissatisfied = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m20 23.4c3.9 0 7.2 2.3 8.5 5.7h-17c1.3-3.4 4.6-5.7 8.5-5.7z m-7-3.4l-1.7-1.8 1.7-1.7-1.7-1.8 1.7-1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8-1.7 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.8-1.8-1.8z m14-7l1.8 1.7-1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7-1.8 1.8-1.8-1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-1.8 1.8-1.7-1.8-1.8 1.8-1.7 1.8 1.7z m-7 20.4c7.3 0 13.4-6.1 13.4-13.4s-6.1-13.4-13.4-13.4-13.4 6.1-13.4 13.4 6.1 13.4 13.4 13.4z m0-30c9.2 0 16.6 7.4 16.6 16.6s-7.4 16.6-16.6 16.6-16.6-7.4-16.6-16.6 7.4-16.6 16.6-16.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdSentimentVeryDissatisfied
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoLocation = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m19.8 5c5.2 0 9.4 4.2 9.4 9.4 0 9-9.4 20.6-9.4 20.6s-9.3-11.6-9.3-20.6c0-5.2 4.1-9.4 9.3-9.4z m0 13.9c2.4 0 4.5-1.9 4.5-4.4s-2.1-4.4-4.5-4.4-4.4 2-4.4 4.4 2 4.4 4.4 4.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoLocation
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const GoRocket = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m28 4.8c-2.8 1.7-5.8 3.8-8.5 6.6-1.8 1.7-3.2 3.4-4.3 5l-7 1.3-8.2 8.2 7.3 0.2 5.1-5.1c-1.8 3.7-1.9 6.2-1.9 6.2l2.3 2.3s2.5-0.2 6.3-2l-5.2 5.2 0.2 7.3 8.2-8.2 1.3-7c1.6-1.1 3.3-2.5 5-4.3 2.8-2.7 4.9-5.7 6.6-8.5-1.8-0.4-3.5-1.1-4.8-2.4-1.3-1.3-2-3-2.4-4.8z m2.7-1.4c0.2 1.8 0.8 3.2 1.8 4.1 0.9 1 2.3 1.6 4.1 1.8 2.6-5.2 3.4-9.3 3.4-9.3s-4.1 0.8-9.3 3.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default GoRocket
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdViewWeek = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m21.6 8.4c1 0 1.8 0.7 1.8 1.6v20c0 0.9-0.8 1.6-1.8 1.6h-5c-0.9 0-1.6-0.7-1.6-1.6v-20c0-0.9 0.7-1.6 1.6-1.6h5z m11.8 0c0.9 0 1.6 0.7 1.6 1.6v20c0 0.9-0.7 1.6-1.6 1.6h-5c-1 0-1.8-0.7-1.8-1.6v-20c0-0.9 0.8-1.6 1.8-1.6h5z m-23.4 0c0.9 0 1.6 0.7 1.6 1.6v20c0 0.9-0.7 1.6-1.6 1.6h-5c-0.9 0-1.6-0.7-1.6-1.6v-20c0-0.9 0.7-1.6 1.6-1.6h5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdViewWeek
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaEmpire = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m19.5 36.6v1.4q-4.6-0.1-8.6-2.4t-6.3-6.2l1.3-0.7q0.6 1.1 1.6 2.2l1.5-1.3q3.3 3.8 8.2 4.8l-0.4 1.9q1.5 0.2 2.7 0.3z m-13.3-11.9l-1.9 0.7q0.5 1.3 1.1 2.5l-1.3 0.7q-2.2-4-2.2-8.6t2.2-8.6l1.3 0.7q-0.7 1.3-1.1 2.5l1.8 0.7q-0.7 2.2-0.7 4.7 0 2.4 0.8 4.7z m27.9 4l1.3 0.7q-2.4 3.9-6.3 6.2t-8.6 2.4v-1.4q1.2-0.1 2.7-0.3l-0.4-1.9q4.9-1 8.2-4.8l1.5 1.3q1-1.1 1.6-2.2z m-3.4-12.4l-5.2 1.8q0.3 0.9 0.3 1.9t-0.3 1.9l5.2 1.8q-0.7 2-2.2 3.8l-4.1-3.7q-1.3 1.5-3.3 1.9l1.1 5.4q-1.2 0.2-2.2 0.2t-2.2-0.2l1.1-5.4q-2-0.4-3.3-1.9l-4.1 3.7q-1.5-1.8-2.2-3.8l5.2-1.8q-0.3-0.9-0.3-1.9t0.3-1.9l-5.2-1.8q0.7-2.1 2.2-3.8l4.1 3.7q1.3-1.6 3.3-2l-1.1-5.3q1-0.2 2.2-0.2t2.2 0.2l-1.1 5.3q2 0.4 3.3 2l4.1-3.7q1.5 1.7 2.2 3.8z m-11.2-14.3v1.4q-1.4 0.1-2.7 0.3l0.4 1.9q-4.9 1-8.2 4.8l-1.5-1.3q-0.8 0.9-1.6 2.2l-1.3-0.7q2.4-3.9 6.3-6.2t8.6-2.4z m18.6 18q0 4.6-2.2 8.6l-1.3-0.7q0.6-1.2 1.1-2.5l-1.9-0.7q0.8-2.3 0.8-4.7 0-2.5-0.7-4.7l1.8-0.7q-0.4-1.2-1.1-2.5l1.3-0.7q2.2 4 2.2 8.6z m-2.7-9.4l-1.3 0.7q-0.8-1.3-1.6-2.2l-1.5 1.3q-3.3-3.8-8.2-4.8l0.4-1.9q-1.3-0.2-2.7-0.3v-1.4q4.7 0.1 8.6 2.4t6.3 6.2z m3.6 9.4q0-3.9-1.5-7.4t-4-6.1-6.1-4-7.4-1.5-7.4 1.5-6.1 4-4 6.1-1.5 7.4 1.5 7.4 4 6.1 6.1 4 7.4 1.5 7.4-1.5 6.1-4 4-6.1 1.5-7.4z m1 0q0 4.1-1.6 7.8t-4.2 6.4-6.4 4.2-7.8 1.6-7.8-1.6-6.4-4.2-4.2-6.4-1.6-7.8 1.6-7.8 4.2-6.4 6.4-4.2 7.8-1.6 7.8 1.6 6.4 4.2 4.2 6.4 1.6 7.8z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaEmpire
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdPermDeviceInformation = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m28.4 31.6v-23.2h-16.8v23.2h16.8z m0-29.9q1.3 0 2.3 1t0.9 2.3v30q0 1.3-0.9 2.3t-2.3 1.1h-16.8q-1.3 0-2.3-1.1t-0.9-2.3v-30q0-1.3 0.9-2.3t2.3-1.1z m-6.8 16.7v10h-3.2v-10h3.2z m0-6.8v3.4h-3.2v-3.4h3.2z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdPermDeviceInformation
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdLocalAttraction = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m25.9 28l-1.8-6.8 5.5-4.6-7-0.4-2.6-6.5-2.6 6.6-7.1 0.3 5.6 4.6-1.8 6.8 5.9-3.9z m7.5-8q0 1.3 0.9 2.3t2.3 1.1v6.6q0 1.3-0.9 2.3t-2.3 1.1h-26.8q-1.3 0-2.3-1.1t-0.9-2.3v-6.6q1.4 0 2.3-1t0.9-2.4q0-1.3-0.9-2.3t-2.3-1.1v-6.6q0-1.3 0.9-2.3t2.3-1.1h26.8q1.3 0 2.3 1.1t0.9 2.3v6.6q-1.3 0-2.3 1.1t-0.9 2.3z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdLocalAttraction
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaWeibo = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m15.1 28.7q0.4-0.8 0.2-1.6t-1-1.1q-0.8-0.3-1.6 0t-1.4 1q-0.5 0.8-0.3 1.5t1 1.2 1.7 0 1.4-1z m2.1-2.7q0.1-0.3 0-0.6t-0.3-0.4q-0.4-0.2-0.7 0t-0.5 0.4q-0.3 0.7 0.3 1 0.3 0.1 0.7 0t0.5-0.4z m3.8 2.3q-1 2.3-3.5 3.4t-5 0.3q-2.4-0.8-3.3-2.9t0.2-4.1q1-2.1 3.4-3.1t4.7-0.5q2.4 0.7 3.5 2.7t0 4.2z m7-3.5q-0.2-2.2-2-3.8t-4.6-2.5-6.2-0.4q-4.9 0.5-8.2 3.1t-3 5.9q0.2 2.2 2 3.8t4.7 2.5 6.1 0.4q5-0.5 8.3-3.1t2.9-5.9z m6.9 0.1q0 1.5-0.8 3.1t-2.5 3-3.7 2.7-5.1 1.8-6 0.7-6.2-0.7-5.3-2.1-3.9-3.4-1.4-4.4q0-2.6 1.6-5.5t4.4-5.8q3.7-3.7 7.6-5.2t5.5 0.1q1.4 1.4 0.4 4.7-0.1 0.3 0 0.4t0.2 0.2 0.4 0 0.3-0.1l0.1-0.1q3.1-1.3 5.5-1.3t3.4 1.4q1 1.4 0 4 0 0.3-0.1 0.4t0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1q1.3 0.4 2.3 1t1.8 1.9 0.8 2.6z m-1.7-14q1 1.1 1.3 2.5t-0.2 2.6q-0.2 0.5-0.7 0.7t-0.9 0.1q-0.6-0.1-0.8-0.6t-0.1-1q0.5-1.4-0.5-2.5t-2.4-0.8q-0.6 0.1-1-0.2t-0.6-0.8q-0.1-0.5 0.2-1t0.8-0.5q1.4-0.3 2.7 0.1t2.2 1.4z m4.1-3.6q1.9 2.1 2.5 5t-0.3 5.4q-0.2 0.6-0.8 0.8t-1.1 0.1-0.9-0.7-0.1-1.2q0.6-1.8 0.2-3.8t-1.8-3.5q-1.4-1.6-3.3-2.2t-3.9-0.2q-0.6 0.2-1.1-0.2t-0.7-1 0.2-1.1 1-0.7q2.7-0.5 5.4 0.3t4.7 3z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaWeibo
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdBatteryUnknown = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m23.8 21.2c0.7-0.7 1.2-1.7 1.2-2.8 0-2.8-2.3-5-5-5s-5 2.2-5 5h2.5c0-1.4 1.1-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.1 2.5 2.5c0 0.7-0.2 1.2-0.7 1.7l-1.6 1.5c-0.7 0.8-1.5 2-1.5 3.4h2.6c0-0.8 0.7-1.9 1.4-2.7 0.5-0.4 1.1-1.1 1.1-1.1z m-2.2 8.7v-3.2h-3.2v3.2h3.2z m4.5-23.3c1.2 0 2.3 1.1 2.3 2.3v25.6c0 1.2-1.1 2.1-2.3 2.1h-12.2c-1.2 0-2.3-0.9-2.3-2.1v-25.6c0-1.2 1.1-2.3 2.3-2.3h2.7v-3.2h6.8v3.2h2.7z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdBatteryUnknown
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaMoonO = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m31.7 29.1q-1.2 0.2-2.5 0.2-4 0-7.5-2t-5.5-5.5-2-7.5q0-4.3 2.3-8-4.5 1.4-7.3 5.1t-2.8 8.6q0 2.9 1.1 5.5t3 4.6 4.6 3 5.5 1.2q3.3 0 6.1-1.4t5-3.8z m4.5-1.9q-2.1 4.5-6.3 7.2t-9.3 2.7q-3.4 0-6.6-1.3t-5.5-3.7-3.6-5.4-1.4-6.7q0-3.4 1.3-6.5t3.5-5.4 5.2-3.7 6.5-1.5q1-0.1 1.4 0.8 0.4 1-0.4 1.7-1.9 1.7-2.9 4t-1 4.9q0 3.3 1.6 6.1t4.4 4.4 6.1 1.6q2.6 0 5.1-1.1 0.9-0.4 1.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.7t-0.1 0.9z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaMoonO
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const TiStarOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m28.1 34.9c-0.4 0-0.7 0-1.1-0.2 0 0-0.1-0.1-0.2-0.1l-6.8-3.9-6.8 3.9c-0.1 0-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.8 0.4-1.8 0.3-2.6-0.2-0.7-0.6-1.1-1.6-0.9-2.5l1.6-7.8-2.7-2.4-3.2-2.9c0 0-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.6-0.7-0.8-1.6-0.6-2.5 0.3-0.9 1.1-1.5 2-1.7 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0l7.9-0.9 3.2-7.2c0 0 0.1-0.1 0.1-0.2 0.5-0.7 1.3-1.2 2.2-1.2 0.9 0 1.7 0.5 2.2 1.2 0 0.1 0 0.2 0.1 0.2l3.2 7.2 7.9 0.9c0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.9 0.2 1.7 0.8 2 1.7 0.2 0.9 0 1.8-0.6 2.5 0 0-0.1 0.1-0.1 0.1l-5.9 5.3 1.6 7.7c0.2 1-0.2 2-0.9 2.6-0.5 0.3-1 0.4-1.5 0.4z m-13.6-10.9c-0.1 0.3-0.8 3.7-1.4 6.8l6.1-3.5c0.5-0.2 1.1-0.2 1.6 0l6.1 3.5-1.4-6.8c-0.1-0.6 0.1-1.2 0.5-1.6l5.2-4.7-7-0.8c-0.6 0-1.1-0.4-1.3-1l-2.9-6.3-2.9 6.3c-0.2 0.6-0.7 1-1.3 1l-7 0.8 5.2 4.7c0.5 0.4 0.6 1 0.5 1.6z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default TiStarOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdErrorOutline = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m20 33.4c7.3 0 13.4-6.1 13.4-13.4s-6.1-13.4-13.4-13.4-13.4 6.1-13.4 13.4 6.1 13.4 13.4 13.4z m0-30c9.2 0 16.6 7.4 16.6 16.6s-7.4 16.6-16.6 16.6-16.6-7.4-16.6-16.6 7.4-16.6 16.6-16.6z m-1.6 8.2h3.2v10h-3.2v-10z m0 13.4h3.2v3.4h-3.2v-3.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdErrorOutline
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const MdColorLens = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m29.1 20q1.1 0 1.8-0.7t0.7-1.8-0.7-1.8-1.8-0.7-1.7 0.7-0.8 1.8 0.8 1.8 1.7 0.7z m-5-6.6q1.1 0 1.8-0.8t0.7-1.7-0.7-1.8-1.8-0.7-1.7 0.7-0.8 1.8 0.8 1.7 1.7 0.8z m-8.2 0q1 0 1.7-0.8t0.8-1.7-0.8-1.8-1.7-0.7-1.8 0.7-0.7 1.8 0.7 1.7 1.8 0.8z m-5 6.6q1 0 1.7-0.7t0.8-1.8-0.8-1.8-1.7-0.7-1.8 0.7-0.7 1.8 0.7 1.8 1.8 0.7z m9.1-15q6.2 0 10.6 3.9t4.4 9.5q0 3.4-2.5 5.8t-5.9 2.4h-2.8q-1.1 0-1.8 0.8t-0.7 1.7q0 0.9 0.6 1.7t0.6 1.7q0 1.1-0.7 1.8t-1.8 0.7q-6.2 0-10.6-4.4t-4.4-10.6 4.4-10.6 10.6-4.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default MdColorLens
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const IoMale = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m35 15l-4.9-4.9-5.4 5.4c1.7 2.3 2.8 5.1 2.8 8.3 0 7.5-6.2 13.7-13.7 13.7s-13.8-6.2-13.8-13.7 6.2-13.8 13.8-13.8c3.1 0 5.9 1.1 8.2 2.8l5.4-5.4-4.9-4.9h12.5v12.5z m-14.2 15.8c1.9-1.9 3-4.4 3-7s-1.1-5.2-3-7.1-4.4-3-7-3-5.2 1.1-7.1 3-3 4.4-3 7.1 1.1 5.1 3 7 4.4 3 7.1 3 5.1-1.1 7-3z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default IoMale
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const GoCommentDiscussion = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m12.5 20v-7.5h-7.5s-2.5 1.3-2.5 2.5v12.5s1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5h2.5v7.5l7.6-7.5h7.5s2.4-1.2 2.4-2.5v-2.5h-7.5s-5-2.5-5-5z m22.5-15h-17.5s-2.5 1.3-2.5 2.5v12.5s1.3 2.5 2.5 2.5h7.4l7.6 7.5v-7.5h2.5s2.5-1.2 2.5-2.5v-12.5s-1.2-2.5-2.5-2.5z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default GoCommentDiscussion
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const TiDeviceDesktop = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m35 1.7h-30c-2.8 0-5 2.2-5 5v18.3c0 2.8 2.2 5 5 5h10v3.3h-5c-0.9 0-1.7 0.8-1.7 1.7s0.8 1.7 1.7 1.7h20c0.9 0 1.7-0.8 1.7-1.7s-0.8-1.7-1.7-1.7h-5v-3.3h10c2.8 0 5-2.2 5-5v-18.3c0-2.8-2.2-5-5-5z m-11.7 31.6h-6.6v-3.3h6.6v3.3z m13.4-8.3c0 0.9-0.8 1.7-1.7 1.7h-30c-0.9 0-1.7-0.8-1.7-1.7v-18.3c0-0.9 0.8-1.7 1.7-1.7h30c0.9 0 1.7 0.7 1.7 1.7v18.3z m-3.4-18.3h-26.6c-0.9 0-1.7 0.7-1.7 1.6v13.4c0 0.9 0.8 1.6 1.7 1.6h26.6c1 0 1.7-0.7 1.7-1.6v-13.4c0-0.9-0.7-1.6-1.7-1.6z m0 15h-26.6v-13.4h26.6v13.4z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default TiDeviceDesktop
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M12 13.47l.67-.53-5.02-5.02L6.26 9zM12 4.53l-1.17.91 5.02 5.03L17.74 9z" opacity=".3" /><path d="M12 4.53L17.74 9l-1.89 1.47 1.43 1.42L21 9l-9-7-2.59 2.02 1.42 1.42zM21 14.07l-1.63-1.27-.67.52 1.43 1.43zM3.41.86L2 2.27l4.22 4.22L3 9l9 7 2.1-1.63 1.42 1.42-3.53 2.75-7.37-5.73L3 14.07l9 7 4.95-3.85L20.73 21l1.41-1.41L3.41.86zM12 13.47L6.26 9l1.39-1.08 5.02 5.02-.67.53z" /></React.Fragment> , 'LayersClearTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M2 16v2h20v-2H2zm0-5v2h20v-2H2zm0-5v2h20V6H2z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'DehazeSharp');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M4 6H2v16h16v-2H4V6zm18-4H6v16h16V2zm-3 9h-4v4h-2v-4H9V9h4V5h2v4h4v2z" /></React.Fragment> , 'QueueSharp');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M4 15h16c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1zm0 4h16c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1zm0-8h16c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1zM3 6c0 .55.45 1 1 1h16c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1z" /></React.Fragment> , 'ReorderRounded');
import React from 'react'; import convertLength from 'convert-css-length'; import { makeStyles, createMuiTheme, responsiveFontSizes } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import { Legend, Tooltip, LineChart, Line, XAxis, YAxis, Label, ResponsiveContainer, } from 'recharts'; let theme = createMuiTheme(); theme = responsiveFontSizes(theme); const colors = ['#443dc2', '#2060df', '#277e91', '#378153', '#4d811d', '#63780d', '#996600']; const variants = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'subtitle1']; const useStyles = makeStyles({ root: { height: 380, width: '100%', color: 'black', }, }); export default function ResponsiveFontSizes() { const classes = useStyles(); const convert = convertLength(theme.typography.htmlFontSize); const toPx = rem => parseFloat(convert(rem, 'px')); const series = => { const variant = theme.typography[variantName]; const data = []; data.push({ viewport: 0, fontSize: toPx(variant.fontSize), }); theme.breakpoints.keys.forEach(key => { const viewport = theme.breakpoints.values[key]; const value = theme.breakpoints.up(key); if (variant[value]) { data.push({ viewport, fontSize: toPx(variant[value].fontSize), }); } else if (key === 'xl') { data.push({ viewport, fontSize: data[data.length - 1].fontSize, }); } }); return { name: variantName, data, }; }); return ( <div className={classes.root}> <ResponsiveContainer> <LineChart margin={{ top: 50, right: 140, bottom: 0, left: 30, }} > <XAxis dataKey="viewport" type="category" allowDuplicatedCategory={false}> <Label position="right" offset={30}> viewport (px) </Label> </XAxis> <YAxis dataKey="fontSize"> <Label position="top" offset={20}> font-size (px) </Label> </YAxis> <Tooltip /> <Legend /> {, index) => ( <Line dataKey="fontSize" stroke={colors[index % colors.length]} data={} name={} key={} /> ))} </LineChart> </ResponsiveContainer> </div> ); }
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M13 2v8h8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8zm2 6V4.34c1.7.6 3.05 1.95 3.66 3.66H15z" /><path d="M6.44 11l-.95-2H2v2h2.22s1.89 4.07 2.12 4.42c-1.1.59-1.84 1.75-1.84 3.08C4.5 20.43 6.07 22 8 22c1.76 0 3.22-1.3 3.46-3h2.08c.24 1.7 1.7 3 3.46 3 1.93 0 3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5 0-1.04-.46-1.97-1.18-2.61C20.37 14.54 21 12.84 21 11H6.44zM8 20c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S7.17 17 8 17s1.5.67 1.5 1.5S8.83 20 8 20zm9 0c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S16.17 17 17 17s1.5.67 1.5 1.5S17.83 20 17 20zm.74-5.34l-.29.37c-.14-.02-.3-.03-.45-.03-1.39 0-2.6.82-3.16 2H11.16c-.5-1.04-1.5-1.8-2.68-1.97l-.44-.67c-.1-.17-.34-.69-.67-1.36h11.29c-.21.59-.52 1.15-.92 1.66z" /></React.Fragment> , 'ChildFriendlyOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M3 17v2h6v-2H3zM3 5v2h10V5H3zm10 16v-2h8v-2h-8v-2h-2v6h2zM7 9v2H3v2h4v2h2V9H7zm14 4v-2H11v2h10zm-6-4h2V7h4V5h-4V3h-2v6z" /></React.Fragment> , 'Tune');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M12 2C8.14 2 5 5.14 5 9c0 5.25 7 13 7 13s7-7.75 7-13c0-3.86-3.14-7-7-7zm.88 13.75h-1.75V14h1.75v1.75zm0-2.87h-1.75c0-2.84 2.62-2.62 2.62-4.38 0-.96-.79-1.75-1.75-1.75s-1.75.79-1.75 1.75H8.5C8.5 6.57 10.07 5 12 5s3.5 1.57 3.5 3.5c0 2.19-2.62 2.41-2.62 4.38z" /></React.Fragment> , 'NotListedLocationSharp');
import 'docs/src/modules/components/bootstrap'; // --- Post bootstrap ----- import React from 'react'; import MarkdownDocs from 'docs/src/modules/components/MarkdownDocs'; const req = require.context('docs/src/pages/components/use-media-query', false, /\.(md|js|tsx)$/); const reqSource = require.context( '!raw-loader!../../docs/src/pages/components/use-media-query', false, /\.(js|tsx)$/, ); const reqPrefix = 'pages/components/use-media-query'; function Page() { return <MarkdownDocs req={req} reqSource={reqSource} reqPrefix={reqPrefix} />; } export default Page;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M14 7H8v14h11v-9h-5z" opacity=".3" /><path d="M16 1H4c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14h2V3h12V1z" /><path d="M15 5H8c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L6 21c0 1.1.89 2 1.99 2H19c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V11l-6-6zm4 16H8V7h6v5h5v9z" /></React.Fragment> , 'FileCopyTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M18 2h-8L4.02 8 4 20c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V4c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-6 6h-2V4h2v4zm3 0h-2V4h2v4zm3 0h-2V4h2v4z" /></React.Fragment> , 'SdStorage');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M5 10.41l7 7 9-9L19.59 7 12 14.59 6.41 9H11V7H3v8h2z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'CallMissedTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M18 8h-1V6c0-2.76-2.24-5-5-5S7 3.24 7 6h2c0-1.66 1.34-3 3-3s3 1.34 3 3v2H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V10c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm0 12H6V10h12v10z" /><path d="M12 17c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-.9-2-2-2-2 .9-2 2 .9 2 2 2z" /></React.Fragment> , 'LockOpenOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M5.35 5.64c-.9-.64-1.12-1.88-.49-2.79.63-.9 1.88-1.12 2.79-.49.9.64 1.12 1.88.49 2.79-.64.9-1.88 1.12-2.79.49zM16 19H8.93c-1.48 0-2.74-1.08-2.96-2.54L4 7H2l1.99 9.76C4.37 19.2 6.47 21 8.94 21H16v-2zm.23-4h-4.88l-1.03-4.1c1.58.89 3.28 1.54 5.15 1.22V9.99c-1.63.31-3.44-.27-4.69-1.25L9.14 7.47c-.23-.18-.49-.3-.76-.38-.32-.09-.66-.12-.99-.06h-.02c-1.23.22-2.05 1.39-1.84 2.61l1.35 5.92C7.16 16.98 8.39 18 9.83 18h6.85l3.82 3 1.5-1.5-5.77-4.5z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'AirlineSeatReclineExtraOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M15.75 5h-1.5L9.5 16h2.1l.9-2.2h5l.9 2.2h2.1L15.75 5zm-2.62 7L15 6.98 16.87 12h-3.74zM6 20l3-3H7V4H5v13H3l3 3z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'TextRotateVerticalTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M7.77 6.76L6.23 5.48.82 12l5.41 6.52 1.54-1.28L3.42 12l4.35-5.24zM7 13h2v-2H7v2zm10-2h-2v2h2v-2zm-6 2h2v-2h-2v2zm6.77-7.52l-1.54 1.28L20.58 12l-4.35 5.24 1.54 1.28L23.18 12l-5.41-6.52z" /></React.Fragment> , 'SettingsEthernet');
import 'docs/src/modules/components/bootstrap'; // --- Post bootstrap ----- import React from 'react'; import MarkdownDocs from 'docs/src/modules/components/MarkdownDocs'; import markdown from './'; function Page() { return <MarkdownDocs markdown={markdown} />; } export default Page;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0zm0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M10 6.35V4.26c-.66.17-1.29.43-1.88.75l1.5 1.5c.13-.05.25-.11.38-.16zM20 12c0-2.21-.91-4.2-2.36-5.64L20 4h-6v6l2.24-2.24C17.32 8.85 18 10.34 18 12c0 .85-.19 1.65-.51 2.38l1.5 1.5C19.63 14.74 20 13.41 20 12zM4.27 4L2.86 5.41l2.36 2.36C4.45 8.99 4 10.44 4 12c0 2.21.91 4.2 2.36 5.64L4 20h6v-6l-2.24 2.24C6.68 15.15 6 13.66 6 12c0-1 .25-1.94.68-2.77l8.08 8.08c-.25.13-.5.24-.76.34v2.09c.8-.21 1.55-.54 2.23-.96l2.58 2.58 1.41-1.41L4.27 4z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'SyncDisabledSharp');
import 'docs/src/modules/components/bootstrap'; // --- Post bootstrap ----- import React from 'react'; import MarkdownDocs from 'docs/src/modules/components/MarkdownDocs'; import markdown from './'; function Page() { return <MarkdownDocs markdown={markdown} />; } export default Page;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M17 7h-3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1h3c1.65 0 3 1.35 3 3s-1.35 3-3 3h-3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1h3c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5zm-9 5c0 .55.45 1 1 1h6c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H9c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1zm2 3H7c-1.65 0-3-1.35-3-3s1.35-3 3-3h3c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1H7c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5h3c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1z" /></React.Fragment> , 'LinkRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M10 3H5c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h5v1c0 .55.45 1 1 1s1-.45 1-1V2c0-.55-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1v1zm0 15H5l5-6v6zm9-15h-5v2h4c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v12l-5-6v9h5c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'CompareRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M2 12C2 6.48 6.48 2 12 2s10 4.48 10 10-4.48 10-10 10S2 17.52 2 12zm10 6c3.31 0 6-2.69 6-6s-2.69-6-6-6-6 2.69-6 6 2.69 6 6 6z" /><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /></React.Fragment> , 'TripOrigin');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M9 16.17L5.53 12.7a.9959.9959 0 0 0-1.41 0c-.39.39-.39 1.02 0 1.41l4.18 4.18c.39.39 1.02.39 1.41 0L20.29 7.71c.39-.39.39-1.02 0-1.41a.9959.9959 0 0 0-1.41 0L9 16.17z" /></React.Fragment> , 'CheckRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M7 10l5 5 5-5H7z" /></React.Fragment> , 'ArrowDropDownTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0zm0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M16.59 7.58L10 14.17l-3.59-3.58L5 12l5 5 8-8zM12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z" /></React.Fragment> , 'CheckCircleOutline');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0zm0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M17.01 14h-.8l-.27-.27c.98-1.14 1.57-2.61 1.57-4.23 0-3.59-2.91-6.5-6.5-6.5s-6.5 3-6.5 6.5H2l3.84 4 4.16-4H6.51C6.51 7 8.53 5 11.01 5s4.5 2.01 4.5 4.5c0 2.48-2.02 4.5-4.5 4.5-.65 0-1.26-.14-1.82-.38L7.71 15.1c.97.57 2.09.9 3.3.9 1.61 0 3.08-.59 4.22-1.57l.27.27v.79l5.01 4.99L22 19l-4.99-5z" /></React.Fragment> , 'YoutubeSearchedFor');
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import Link from '@material-ui/core/Link'; import AppBar from '../components/AppBar'; import Toolbar, { styles as toolbarStyles } from '../components/Toolbar'; const styles = theme => ({ title: { fontSize: 24, }, placeholder: toolbarStyles(theme).root, toolbar: { justifyContent: 'space-between', }, left: { flex: 1, }, leftLinkActive: { color: theme.palette.common.white, }, right: { flex: 1, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', }, rightLink: { fontSize: 16, color: theme.palette.common.white, marginLeft: theme.spacing(3), }, linkSecondary: { color: theme.palette.secondary.main, }, }); function AppAppBar(props) { const { classes } = props; return ( <div> <AppBar position="fixed"> <Toolbar className={classes.toolbar}> <div className={classes.left} /> <Link variant="h6" underline="none" color="inherit" className={classes.title} href="/premium-themes/onepirate/" > {'onepirate'} </Link> <div className={classes.right}> <Link color="inherit" variant="h6" underline="none" className={classes.rightLink} href="/premium-themes/onepirate/sign-in/" > {'Sign In'} </Link> <Link variant="h6" underline="none" className={clsx(classes.rightLink, classes.linkSecondary)} href="/premium-themes/onepirate/sign-up/" > {'Sign Up'} </Link> </div> </Toolbar> </AppBar> <div className={classes.placeholder} /> </div> ); } AppAppBar.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; export default withStyles(styles)(AppAppBar);
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M11 6c1.38 0 2.63.56 3.54 1.46L12 10h6V4l-2.05 2.05C14.68 4.78 12.93 4 11 4c-3.53 0-6.43 2.61-6.92 6H6.1c.46-2.28 2.48-4 4.9-4zm5.64 9.14c.66-.9 1.12-1.97 1.28-3.14H15.9c-.46 2.28-2.48 4-4.9 4-1.38 0-2.63-.56-3.54-1.46L10 12H4v6l2.05-2.05C7.32 17.22 9.07 18 11 18c1.55 0 2.98-.51 4.14-1.36L20 21.49 21.49 20l-4.85-4.86z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'FindReplaceOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path fillOpacity=".3" d="M22 8V2L2 22h16V8h4z" /><path d="M14 22V10L2 22h12zm6-12v8h2v-8h-2zm0 12h2v-2h-2v2z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet2BarOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M20 4H4c-1.11 0-1.99.89-1.99 2L2 18c0 1.11.89 2 2 2h16c1.11 0 2-.89 2-2V6c0-1.11-.89-2-2-2zm-1 14H5c-.55 0-1-.45-1-1v-5h16v5c0 .55-.45 1-1 1zm1-10H4V6h16v2z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'CreditCardRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M14 10H2v2h12v-2zm0-4H2v2h12V6zm4 8v-4h-2v4h-4v2h4v4h2v-4h4v-2h-4zM2 16h8v-2H2v2z" /></React.Fragment> , 'PlaylistAdd');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M3 12c0 2.21.91 4.2 2.36 5.64L3 20h6v-6l-2.24 2.24C5.68 15.15 5 13.66 5 12c0-2.61 1.67-4.83 4-5.65V4.26C5.55 5.15 3 8.27 3 12zm8 5h2v-2h-2v2zM21 4h-6v6l2.24-2.24C18.32 8.85 19 10.34 19 12c0 2.61-1.67 4.83-4 5.65v2.09c3.45-.89 6-4.01 6-7.74 0-2.21-.91-4.2-2.36-5.64L21 4zm-10 9h2V7h-2v6z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'SyncProblemOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M22 9h-4.79l-4.38-6.56c-.19-.28-.51-.42-.83-.42s-.64.14-.83.43L6.79 9H2c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1 0 . 9.27c.23.84 1 1.46 1.92 1.46h13c.92 0 1.69-.62 1.93-1.46l2.54-9.27L23 10c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zM12 4.8L14.8 9H9.2L12 4.8zM18.5 19l-12.99.01L3.31 11H20.7l-2.2 8z" /><path d="M12 13c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2z" /></React.Fragment> , 'ShoppingBasketOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M20 21c-1.29 0-2.58-.41-3.74-1.14-.16-.1-.37-.1-.53 0-2.31 1.47-5.16 1.47-7.47 0-.16-.1-.37-.1-.53 0C6.58 20.59 5.29 21 4 21H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1s.45 1 1 1h1c1.38 0 2.74-.35 4-.99 2.52 1.29 5.48 1.29 8 0 1.26.65 2.62.99 4 .99h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1h-1zM3.95 19H4c1.42 0 2.7-.7 3.66-1.64.19-.18.5-.18.69 0C9.3 18.3 10.58 19 12 19s2.7-.7 3.66-1.64c.19-.19.49-.19.69 0C17.3 18.3 18.58 19 20 19h.05l1.89-6.68c.08-.26.06-.54-.06-.78s-.34-.42-.6-.5L20 10.62V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-3V2c0-.55-.45-1-1-1h-4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v2H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v4.62l-1.29.42c-.26.08-.48.26-.6.5s-.15.52-.06.78L3.95 19zM7 6h10c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v2.97L12.62 8.2c-.41-.13-.84-.13-1.25 0L6 9.97V7c0-.55.45-1 1-1z" /></React.Fragment> , 'DirectionsBoatRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path d="M7 7h10v1.79c0 . 0-.71l-2.79-2.79c-.31-.31-.85-.09-.85.36V5H6c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v4c0 .55.45 1 1 1s1-.45 1-1V7zm10 10H7v-1.79c0-.45-.54-.67-.85-.35l-2.79 2.79c-.2.2-.2.51 0 .71l2.79 2.79c. 0 1-.45 1-1v-4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1s-1 .45-1 1v3z" /></React.Fragment> , 'RepeatRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M7.77 6.76L6.23 5.48.82 12l5.41 6.52 1.54-1.28L3.42 12l4.35-5.24zM7 13h2v-2H7v2zm10-2h-2v2h2v-2zm-6 2h2v-2h-2v2zm6.77-7.52l-1.54 1.28L20.58 12l-4.35 5.24 1.54 1.28L23.18 12l-5.41-6.52z" /></React.Fragment> , 'SettingsEthernetSharp');
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import CardMedia from '@material-ui/core/CardMedia'; import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid'; import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper'; import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography'; import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton'; import Github from '@material-ui/docs/svgIcons/GitHub'; import Twitter from '@material-ui/docs/svgIcons/Twitter'; const activeCore = [ { name: 'Olivier Tassinari', github: 'oliviertassinari', twitter: 'olivtassinari', flag: 'v1.x co-creator', city: 'Paris, France', }, { name: 'Matt Brookes', github: 'mbrookes', twitter: 'randomtechdude', flag: 'Core team', city: 'London, UK', }, { name: 'Sebastian Silbermann', github: 'eps1lon', twitter: 'sebsilbermann', flag: 'Core team', city: 'Dresden, Germany', }, { name: 'Josh Wooding', github: 'joshwooding', twitter: 'JoshWooding_', flag: 'Core team', city: 'UK', }, { name: 'Maik Marschner', github: 'leMaik', twitter: 'leMaikOfficial', flag: 'Core Team', city: 'Hannover, Germany', }, { name: 'Tom Crockett', github: 'pelotom', twitter: 'pelotom', flag: 'Core Team', city: 'Los Angeles, California, US', }, ]; const emeriti = [ { name: 'Hai Nguyen', github: 'hai-cea', twitter: 'haicea', flag: 'v0.x creator', city: 'Dallas, Texas, US', }, { name: 'Nathan Marks', github: 'nathanmarks', flag: 'v1.x co-creator', city: 'Toronto, ON', }, { name: 'Kevin Ross', github: 'rosskevin', twitter: 'rosskevin', flag: 'Core team', city: 'Franklin, Tennessee, US', }, { name: 'Sebastian Sebald', github: 'sebald', twitter: 'sebastiansebald', flag: 'Core Team', city: 'Freiburg, Germany', }, { name: 'Ken Gregory', github: 'kgregory', flag: 'Core Team', city: 'New Jersey, US', }, ]; const partners = [ { name: 'Oleg Slobodskoi', github: 'kof', twitter: 'oleg008', flag: 'JSS', city: 'Berlin, Germany', }, { name: 'Dmitriy Kovalenko', github: 'dmtrKovalenko', twitter: 'dmtrKovalenko', flag: '@material-ui/pickers', city: 'Kharkiv, Ukraine', }, ]; const styles = theme => ({ details: { margin: theme.spacing(1, 1, 1, 0), }, cover: { width: theme.spacing(10), height: theme.spacing(10), margin: theme.spacing(2), borderRadius: '50%', flexShrink: 0, backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default, }, icon: { fontSize: 18, padding: theme.spacing(1), }, container: { marginBottom: theme.spacing(4), }, }); function Group(props) { const { title, description, classes, members } = props; return ( <div> <Typography gutterBottom component="h2" variant="h5"> {title} </Typography> <Typography gutterBottom>{description}</Typography> <Grid container spacing={2} className={classes.container}> { => ( <Grid key={} item xs={12} md={6}> <Paper> <Grid container wrap="nowrap"> <Grid item> <CardMedia className={classes.cover} image={`${member.github}.png`} title="Avatar" /> </Grid> <Grid item> <div className={classes.details}> <Typography component="h3" variant="h5"> {} </Typography> <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="textSecondary"> {member.flag} </Typography> <Typography color="textSecondary">{}</Typography> <Grid container> {member.github && ( <IconButton aria-label="GitHub" component="a" href={`${member.github}`} className={classes.icon} > <Github fontSize="inherit" /> </IconButton> )} {member.twitter && ( <IconButton aria-label="Twitter" component="a" href={`${member.twitter}`} className={classes.icon} > <Twitter fontSize="inherit" /> </IconButton> )} </Grid> </div> </Grid> </Grid> </Paper> </Grid> ))} </Grid> </div> ); } Group.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, description: PropTypes.string.isRequired, members: PropTypes.array.isRequired, title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; function Team(props) { return ( <div> <Group title="Active Core Team" description={`The development of the project and its ecosystem is guided by an international team, some of whom have chosen to be featured below.`} members={activeCore} {...props} /> <Group title="Core Team Emeriti" description={`We honor some no-longer-active core team members who have made valuable contributions in the past. They advise us from time-to-time.`} members={emeriti} {...props} /> <Group title="Community Partners" description={`Some members of the community have so enriched it, that they deserve special mention.`} members={partners} {...props} /> </div> ); } export default withStyles(styles)(Team);
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12 19 6.41z" /></React.Fragment> , 'ClearOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M21 3H3.01L3 21h18V3zm-3 11h-4v4h-4v-4H6v-4h4V6h4v4h4v4z" /></React.Fragment> , 'LocalHospitalSharp');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M5.01 1v22H19V1H5.01zM17 19H7V5h10v14zm-4.2-5.76v1.75L16 12l-3.2-2.98v1.7c-3.11.43-4.35 2.56-4.8 4.7 1.11-1.5 2.58-2.18 4.8-2.18z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'MobileScreenShareSharp');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><circle cx="7.2" cy="14.4" r="3.2" /><circle cx="14.8" cy="18" r="2" /><circle cx="15.2" cy="8.8" r="4.8" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'BubbleChartRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M20.47 5.63c.39.39.39 1.01 0 1.4L9.13 18.37c-.39.39-1.01.39-1.4 0l-4.2-4.2a.9839.9839 0 0 1 0-1.4c.39-.39 1.01-.39 1.4 0l3.5 3.5L19.07 5.63c.39-.39 1.01-.39 1.4 0zm-2.11-2.12l-9.93 9.93-2.79-2.79c-.78-.78-2.05-.78-2.83 0l-1.4 1.4c-.78.78-.78 2.05 0 2.83l5.6 5.6c.78.78 2.05.78 2.83 0L22.59 7.74c.78-.78.78-2.05 0-2.83l-1.4-1.4c-.79-.78-2.05-.78-2.83 0z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'DoneOutlineRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path d="M19 3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V5c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-8.75 12c-.41 0-.75-.34-.75-.75V13h-2v1.25c0 .41-.34.75-.75.75S6 14.66 6 14.25v-4.5c0-.41.34-.75.75-.75s. .41-.34.75-.75.75zm3.25-6H17c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v4c0 .55-.45 1-1 1h-3.5c-.28 0-.5-.22-.5-.5v-5c0-.28.22-.5.5-.5zm1 4.5h2v-3h-2v3z" /></React.Fragment> , 'HdRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M16 11c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S17.66 5 16 5s-3 1.34-3 3 1.34 3 3 3zM8 11c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S9.66 5 8 5 5 6.34 5 8s1.34 3 3 3zM8 13c-2.33 0-7 1.17-7 3.5V18c0 .55.45 1 1 1h12c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5zM16 13c-.29 0-.62.02-. 1.14.83 1.93 1.94 1.93 3.41V18c0 .35-.07.69-.18 1H22c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'GroupRounded');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M18 9.5V6c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v12c0 .55.45 1 1 1h14c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-3.5l4 4v-13l-4 4zm-5 6V13H7v2.5L3.5 12 7 8.5V11h6V8.5l3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5z" /></React.Fragment> , 'SwitchVideo');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M8 5h8v3H8z" opacity=".3" /><circle cx="18" cy="11.5" r="1" /><path d="M19 8h-1V3H6v5H5c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3v6h4v4h12v-4h4v-6c0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3zM8 5h8v3H8V5zm8 14H8v-4h8v4zm4-4h-2v-2H6v2H4v-4c0-.55.45-1 1-1h14c.55 0 1 .45 1 1v4z" /><g opacity=".3"><path d="M6 13h12v2h2v-4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H5c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v4h2v-2zm12-2.5c.55 0 1 .45 1 1s-.45 1-1 1-1-.45-1-1 .45-1 1-1z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'PrintTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M11 3.18v17.64c0 .64-.59 1.12-1.21.98C5.32 20.8 2 16.79 2 12s3.32-8.8 7.79-9.8c.62-.14 1.21.34 1.21.98zm2.03 0v6.81c0 .55.45 1 1 1h6.79c.64 0 1.12-.59.98-1.22-.85-3.76-3.8-6.72-7.55-7.57-.63-.14-1.22.34-1.22.98zm0 10.83v6.81c0 .64.59 1.12 1.22.98 3.76-.85 6.71-3.82 7.56-7.58.14-.62-.35-1.22-.98-1.22h-6.79c-.56.01-1.01.46-1.01 1.01z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'PieChartRounded');
import React from 'react'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import SnackbarContent from '@material-ui/core/SnackbarContent'; const action = ( <Button color="secondary" size="small"> lorem ipsum dolorem </Button> ); const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({ root: { maxWidth: 600, }, snackbar: { margin: theme.spacing(1), }, })); function LongTextSnackbar() { const classes = useStyles(); return ( <div className={classes.root}> <SnackbarContent className={classes.snackbar} message="I love snacks." action={action} /> <SnackbarContent className={classes.snackbar} message={ 'I love candy. I love cookies. I love cupcakes. \ I love cheesecake. I love chocolate.' } /> <SnackbarContent className={classes.snackbar} message="I love candy. I love cookies. I love cupcakes." action={action} /> <SnackbarContent className={classes.snackbar} message={ 'I love candy. I love cookies. I love cupcakes. \ I love cheesecake. I love chocolate.' } action={action} /> </div> ); } export default LongTextSnackbar;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M18.59 12.23c.67.38 1.3.8 1.88 1.27l1.07-1.07c-.92-.75-1.91-1.39-2.96-1.91v1.71zM3.53 13.49c.59-.48 1.22-.9 1.87-1.27v-1.7c-1.04.51-2.03 1.15-2.94 1.9l1.07 1.07z" opacity=".3" /><path d="M12 7C7.46 7 3.34 8.78.29 11.67c-.18.18-.29.43-.29.71 0 . 2.48c. 0 .52-.1.7-.28.79-.73 1.68-1.36 2.66-1.85.33-.16.56-.51.56-.9v-3.1C8.85 9.25 10.4 9 12 9c1.6 0 3.15.25 4.59.73v3.1c0 . 1.88 1.11 2.67 0 .53-.11.71-.29l2.48-2.48c.18-.18.29-.43.29-.71 0-.28-.11-.53-.29-.71C20.66 8.78 16.54 7 12 7zm-6.6 5.22c-.65.37-1.28.79-1.87 1.27l-1.07-1.07c.91-.75 1.9-1.38 2.94-1.9v1.7zm15.07 1.28c-.58-.47-1.21-.89-1.88-1.27v-1.71c1.05.51 2.04 1.15 2.96 1.91l-1.08 1.07z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'CallEndTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M17.09 4.56c-.7-1.03-1.5-1.99-2.4-2.85-.35-.34-.94-.02-. 2.18.39 3.29 0 2.06-1.35 3.73-3.41 3.73-1.54 0-2.8-.93-3.35-2.26-.1-.2-.14-.32-.2-.54-.11-.42-.66-.55-.9-.18-.18.27-.35.54-.51.83C4.68 9.08 4 11.46 4 14c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8s8-3.58 8-8c0-3.49-1.08-6.73-2.91-9.44zM11.71 19c-1.78 0-3.22-1.4-3.22-3.14 0-1.62 1.05-2.76 2.81-3.12 1.47-.3 2.98-.93 4.03-1.92.28-.26.74-. 1.02.35 2.08.35 3.15.01 2.65-2.14 4.8-4.79 4.8z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'WhatshotRounded');
import React from 'react'; import { withStyles, makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table'; import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody'; import TableCell from '@material-ui/core/TableCell'; import TableHead from '@material-ui/core/TableHead'; import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow'; import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper'; const StyledTableCell = withStyles(theme => ({ head: { backgroundColor:, color: theme.palette.common.white, }, body: { fontSize: 14, }, }))(TableCell); const StyledTableRow = withStyles(theme => ({ root: { '&:nth-of-type(odd)': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.default, }, }, }))(TableRow); function createData(name, calories, fat, carbs, protein) { return { name, calories, fat, carbs, protein }; } const rows = [ createData('Frozen yoghurt', 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0), createData('Ice cream sandwich', 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3), createData('Eclair', 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0), createData('Cupcake', 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3), createData('Gingerbread', 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9), ]; const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({ root: { width: '100%', marginTop: theme.spacing(3), overflowX: 'auto', }, table: { minWidth: 700, }, })); function CustomizedTables() { const classes = useStyles(); return ( <Paper className={classes.root}> <Table className={classes.table}> <TableHead> <TableRow> <StyledTableCell>Dessert (100g serving)</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">Calories</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">Fat&nbsp;(g)</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">Carbs&nbsp;(g)</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">Protein&nbsp;(g)</StyledTableCell> </TableRow> </TableHead> <TableBody> { => ( <StyledTableRow key={}> <StyledTableCell component="th" scope="row"> {} </StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">{row.calories}</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">{row.fat}</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">{row.carbs}</StyledTableCell> <StyledTableCell align="right">{row.protein}</StyledTableCell> </StyledTableRow> ))} </TableBody> </Table> </Paper> ); } export default CustomizedTables;
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import ButtonBase from '../ButtonBase'; import IconButton from '../IconButton'; import withStyles from '../styles/withStyles'; export const styles = theme => { const transition = { duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest, }; return { /* Styles applied to the root element. */ root: { display: 'flex', minHeight: 8 * 6, transition: theme.transitions.create(['min-height', 'background-color'], transition), padding: '0 24px 0 24px', '&:hover:not($disabled)': { cursor: 'pointer', }, '&$expanded': { minHeight: 64, }, '&$focused': { backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300], }, '&$disabled': { opacity: 0.38, }, }, /* Styles applied to the root element, children wrapper element and `IconButton` component if `expanded={true}`. */ expanded: {}, /* Styles applied to the root and children wrapper elements when focused. */ focused: {}, /* Styles applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */ disabled: {}, /* Styles applied to the children wrapper element. */ content: { display: 'flex', flexGrow: 1, transition: theme.transitions.create(['margin'], transition), margin: '12px 0', '&$expanded': { margin: '20px 0', }, }, /* Styles applied to the `IconButton` component when `expandIcon` is supplied. */ expandIcon: { transform: 'rotate(0deg)', transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', transition), '&:hover': { // Disable the hover effect for the IconButton, // because a hover effect should apply to the entire Expand button and // not only to the IconButton. backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, '&$expanded': { transform: 'rotate(180deg)', }, }, }; }; const ExpansionPanelSummary = React.forwardRef(function ExpansionPanelSummary(props, ref) { const { children, classes, className, disabled = false, expanded, expandIcon, IconButtonProps, onBlur, onChange, onClick, onFocusVisible, ...other } = props; const [focusedState, setFocusedState] = React.useState(false); const handleFocusVisible = event => { setFocusedState(true); if (onFocusVisible) { onFocusVisible(event); } }; const handleBlur = event => { setFocusedState(false); if (onBlur) { onBlur(event); } }; const handleChange = event => { if (onChange) { onChange(event); } if (onClick) { onClick(event); } }; return ( <ButtonBase focusRipple={false} disableRipple disabled={disabled} component="div" aria-expanded={expanded} className={clsx( classes.root, { [classes.disabled]: disabled, [classes.expanded]: expanded, [classes.focused]: focusedState, }, className, )} onFocusVisible={handleFocusVisible} onBlur={handleBlur} onClick={handleChange} ref={ref} {...other} > <div className={clsx(classes.content, { [classes.expanded]: expanded })}>{children}</div> {expandIcon && ( <IconButton disabled={disabled} className={clsx(classes.expandIcon, { [classes.expanded]: expanded, })} edge="end" component="div" tabIndex={-1} aria-hidden {...IconButtonProps} > {expandIcon} </IconButton> )} </ButtonBase> ); }); ExpansionPanelSummary.propTypes = { /** * The content of the expansion panel summary. */ children: PropTypes.node, /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. * See [CSS API](#css) below for more details. */ classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** * @ignore */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * @ignore * If `true`, the summary will be displayed in a disabled state. */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /** * @ignore * If `true`, expands the summary, otherwise collapse it. */ expanded: PropTypes.bool, /** * The icon to display as the expand indicator. */ expandIcon: PropTypes.node, /** * Properties applied to the `IconButton` element wrapping the expand icon. */ IconButtonProps: PropTypes.object, /** * @ignore */ onBlur: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onChange: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onClick: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onFocusVisible: PropTypes.func, }; export default withStyles(styles, { name: 'MuiExpansionPanelSummary' })(ExpansionPanelSummary);
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zM4 12c0-.61.08-1.21.21-1.78L8.99 15v1c0 1.1.9 2 2 2v1.93C7.06 19.43 4 16.07 4 12zm13.89 5.4c-.26-.81-1-1.4-1.9-1.4h-1v-3c0-.55-.45-1-1-1h-6v-2h2c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V7h2c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-.41C17.92 5.77 20 8.65 20 12c0 2.08-.81 3.98-2.11 5.4z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'PublicOutlined');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M18 3v2h-2V3H8v2H6V3H4v18h2v-2h2v2h8v-2h2v2h2V3h-2zM8 17H6v-2h2v2zm0-4H6v-2h2v2zm0-4H6V7h2v2zm6 10h-4V5h4v14zm4-2h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2V7h2v2z" /><path d="M10 5h4v14h-4z" opacity=".3" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'TheatersTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M9 19h6V5H9v14zm3-13c.83 0 1.5.67 1.5 1.5S12.83 9 12 9s-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S11.17 6 12 6zm0 4.5c.83 0 1.5.67 1.5 1.5s-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5.67-1.5 1.5-1.5zm0 4.5c.83 0 1.5.67 1.5 1.5S12.83 18 12 18s-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5.67-1.5 1.5-1.5z" opacity=".3" /><path d="M20 5h-3V4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H8c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v1H4c0 1.86 1.28 3.41 3 3.86V10H4c0 1.86 1.28 3.41 3 3.86V15H4c0 1.86 1.28 3.41 3 3.86V20c0 .55.45 1 1 1h8c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1.14c1.72-.45 3-2 3-3.86h-3v-1.14c1.72-.45 3-2 3-3.86h-3V8.86c1.72-.45 3-2 3-3.86zm-5 14H9V5h6v14z" /><path d="M12 18c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S12.83 15 12 15s-1.5.67-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zM12 13.5c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5s-.67-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.5.67-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zM12 9c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S12.83 6 12 6s-1.5.67-1.5 1.5S11.17 9 12 9z" /></React.Fragment> , 'TrafficTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" /><path d="M17 6c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6 6-2.69 6-6-2.69-6-6-6zM5 8c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4zm0 6c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2 2 .9 2 2-.9 2-2 2z" /></React.Fragment> , 'HdrStrong');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path fillOpacity=".3" d="M17 4h-3V2h-4v2H7v4h10V4z" /><path d="M7 8v14h10V8H7z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'Battery90Sharp');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M6 9c0 3.54 3.82 8.86 6 11.47 1.75-2.11 6-7.63 6-11.47 0-3.31-2.69-6-6-6S6 5.69 6 9zm6.88 6.75h-1.75V14h1.75v1.75zM15.5 8.5c0 2.19-2.62 2.41-2.62 4.38h-1.75c0-2.84 2.62-2.62 2.62-4.38 0-.96-.79-1.75-1.75-1.75s-1.75.79-1.75 1.75H8.5C8.5 6.57 10.07 5 12 5s3.5 1.57 3.5 3.5z" opacity=".3" /><path d="M4 9c0 5.57 6.96 13.34 7.26 13.67l.74.82.74-.82C13.04 22.34 20 14.57 20 9c0-4.41-3.59-8-8-8S4 4.59 4 9zm14 0c0 3.83-4.25 9.36-6 11.47C9.82 17.86 6 12.54 6 9c0-3.31 2.69-6 6-6s6 2.69 6 6z" /><path d="M11.13 14h1.75v1.75h-1.75zM8.5 8.5h1.75c0-.96.79-1.75 1.75-1.75s1.75.79 1.75 1.75c0 1.76-2.62 1.54-2.62 4.38h1.75c0-1.97 2.62-2.19 2.62-4.38C15.5 6.57 13.93 5 12 5S8.5 6.57 8.5 8.5z" /></React.Fragment> , 'NotListedLocationTwoTone');
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><path d="M7 18c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2S5.9 22 7 22s2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zM17 18c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2s.89 2 1.99 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zM15.55 13c.75 0 1.41-.41 1.75-1.03l3.58-6.49c.37-.66-.11-1.48-.87-1.48H5.21l-.94-2H1v2h2l3.6 7.59-1.35 2.44C4.52 15.37 5.48 17 7 17h12v-2H7l1.1-2h7.45zM6.16 6h12.15l-2.76 5H8.53L6.16 6z" /></React.Fragment> , 'LocalGroceryStoreOutlined');