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Progressive111, You're missing the point of Dresser's very reasonable column and proving her point. First, Mexico is a continental neighbor undergoing serious troubles and getting almost no mention from Canadian media. Worse, now that NAFTA is at the mercy of Trump, the G & M has come right out and said, hopefully the Mexicans will bear the brunt of changes, not Canadians. Dresser has every right to plead for some compassion for her long suffering nation. It also seems to be true that the US is making their misery much worse by fighting a war on drugs in Mexico The US has a long egregious history of making Latin Americans suffer for the sake of American economic interests. Canadians have been fairly sympathetic to the plight of Cuba, why not Mexico? You prove Dresser's point: Canadians give those 39,000 Syrians immense compassion, but 120 million Mexicans, almost complete ignorance.
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And yet HilLIARy still is allowed to run free. Nixon erased 18 minutes of tape. HilLIARy deleted 1000's of e-mails and is still being investigated by the FBI for corruption at the Clinton Foundation. Amazing. I guess Democrats want to replace one Pathological Liar with another.
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As if there was anything but good intentions on the part of the community that is being abused by it's neighbor..... - Surely you jest(?)
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n1000: yep, a good paraphrasing. But have you seen more than one or two conservative posters here even vaguely suggest that good cpc policies may help? Nope, they're still in the "JT will self-implode so we don't actually have to do anything" stage. I guess planning is hard.
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If that were true, it'd be pretty easy to find the 4Chan data to prove your theory.
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My ancestors fought for that flag in Alabama, and people in Colorado have NO RIGHT to use it either pro or con. It doesn't belong to anyone there for any purpose whatsoever.
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We need to know the name of the judge who signed off on this. We need to vote that person OUT!
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I was rite again.. Trump was rite again,
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Yes the "mute" function (or simply, ostrich button) is a perfect tool for people claiming "openness" while proudly choosing to live in a bubble of their self0-reflection. :))
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If it makes you feel any better the cab driver wasn't white. And yes, poor white men! No one to defend them...
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You are wrong. Foreign government building permits, tax breaks and subsidies and even attempts to choke off would-be competitors would all be emoluments.
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Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. Jesus is not mentioned once in the founding documents and it is not an accidental oversight, the separation of church and state was intended to protect citizens from the imposition of ideology by delusional dimwits like the ones mentioned in this story.
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It seems important to remember that these definitions set the conditions which allow commercial operations to function with none of the usual controls. These are commercial operations which will take place in residential neighborhoods, and which won't be subject to the health-and-safety rules that govern other commercial lodging providers. Because it's the unincorporated County, many of these structures will be served by untested private wells, and won't have access to fire hydrants -- if they catch fire, they will burn down; with luck, they won't start wildfires that will burn their neighbors too. There seems to be quite a lobby for these "shadow" businesses, and that lobby seems to be making itself heard behind the scenes. These negotiations have the potential to make life both unpleasant and dangerous for normal families who just want to live quietly and safely in their own homes. Please, move cautiously, Commissioners!
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Just another tool making money in and off Alaska and spending it elsewhere. Can we just have a special income tax for guys like this and not the rest of us?
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It's not the business communities from these countries that are trying to come to the US to promote terrorism.
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The settlement was between Khadr and the government of Canada, which represents all Canadians. How is a settlement made on behalf of all Canadians kept secret from Canadians?
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For me at least, the solution is quite simple. Gordhan for President, with Madonsela as his Vice President.
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Not buried soon enough.
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You deny that we are born with original sin and are continually in a state of sin? Sounds like it, in which case you need to update your religious affiliation. As a Catholic, I believe in original sin, and I certainly know that I sin all the time. That doesn't mean that I count myself doomed. I know full well that Christ's death on the cross redeemed me. I also know that sins can be mortal, i.e.e., cost me my immortal soul. Christ himself taught about hell. You seem not to know that Catholics like me believe these things, for which reason i doubt that you are Catholic.
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latest report in the washington times is that 45 and his merry band of miscreants backtracked some and those with visas/green cards are okay. No word on the refugees, including one man who worked as a translator for american soldiers in iraq. He apparently sold his home, car, wife left her job and spent thousands on tickets and is now stuck at airport in iraq. For those applauding/celebrating this madness, just TRY for a second to imagine if this was you.
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It's not even just the walk ups. Ticketmaster allows you to buy your ticket & then put it up for resale immediately if you want to...for a fee of course, so they're happy with the double dipping too.
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If women become successful, and call themselves feminists, they would be middle class. If they don't make it, even though they may have once thought of themselves as becoming feminist, they are no longer. They are nobody. Or they may be activists. But feminists are those women who learn and study and teach feminism - academic feminists. Some women may perceive themselves to be feminist, but often have only rudimentary knowledge of feminism. Feminists - the kind you never hear from in places like this discussion, are too busy with their careers to take part. No, I do't think too many young women would be feminists, though some might call themselves that. And now you are addressing the problem of how this situation, of female invasion of non-traditional careers for women should be handled. The men who do get coddled, as it happens, are the middle class counterparts of female feminist academics. They get to keep their careers - and probably get a whole lot more that makes them happy.
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This wouldn't be the same women who thought it was okay to bill the taxpayer $3700 for two days limo service and giving the business to one of her campaign workers is it?
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This article could have been about any middle aged white guy in Alaska or Georgia angry at life and his defense against the coming commies makes him feel his life has value.
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Maybe you're right--time to just make the changes!
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another matter weighing on LG Guichon and her staff right now is that Christy Clark is under criminal investigation for influence-peddling and conspiracy;
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Please present us with your qualifications.
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Melissa, that is just beautiful. I'm sure your thoughtful appreciation gives many of us a new meaning and appreciation of home! (this from an 84-year old geezer)
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Totally agree, Carrera looks much better there.
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No one denies men are also called to be priests - the correction is that many women are equally called by God to be priests and above. The church has changed many of its traditions & rules & laws in the past in order to fix its errors & will need to fix this hate filled law quickly or it will be its further downfall. As for your blueprint-Jesus although he came as a son in the flesh was capable of saving also female flesh with his sacrifice because as Jesus tells us in the Gospels- Flesh is nothing and only the Holy Spirit (which is the same in all of us & has no gender) is everything. If Jesus saved women by representing them with his male flesh then they can represent him on the altar presiding over Holy Eucharist in his person. The manifested word who came as a Man to represent all Man - represented the whole creation of Man which includes women. Otherwise, women would not be saved. Adam - means MAN - God created MAN - Male and Female he created them-one creation-not two.
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At one point in time the Denver Post was the newspaper with the progressive editorial board. That was back when there were two major new organizations in town. When the Rocky went away some of the conservative editorial columnists moved to the DP and the character changed from progressive to a broader spectrum. Even when the DP was the progressive paper their conservative publisher would at times put his thump on the scale. Now that the paper is controlled by a PE group mostly intent on what they can suck out of the venture before capturing the tax advantage when closing it down who knows what editorial position they take. Any editorial page that give voice to John Carroll and the Independence Institute is not left wing.
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Tony V, your pro-confederacy b.s. is just that: BULL.
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How will your savings have any economic value unless there is a younger generation that continues to work? Do you really think that when you are ninety years old that your retirement will have any security if there is no one alive and working under that age of 60?
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The Klausutis family knows him.
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I thought our comments were about what we don't have and who is to blame for it! And when all of it hit the fan...let's raid the Hawaiian trusts. So you spent yours foolishly, you complained about the constant squabbling among the Hawaiian leadership, and here you are knocking at their door, with empty pockets and a list of grievances of why it is "your" fault! All we need to know is who is "your?"
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As if you would know anything about starting your own business. Get lost.
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Here here ... Denver area is FULL of really nice kids raised by Liberal parents. Cheetolini should be used as a 'teaching moment' as to what NOT TO DO ...
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Apparently, you feel entitled to judge the Dubia cardinals' souls.
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Is that you, Donald?
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The only thing Liberals value is getting elected, let's push them down to third party status, it really looked good on them. It should be clear to all Canadians that the Liberals time as third party did not diminish their arrogance and ability to lie in any way. Don't be fooled again you progressive voters, the same old corrupt Liberal back room boys are running the show with their Pretty Pinocchio Puppet. Time to cut the strings and cut the Liberals out.
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"Politics involves compromise, partisanship involves dealmaking, and all of it aims at something less than the Kingdom of God. Put differently, if people want to mess up the politics of their land, this is not even news: People have been doing that for millennia. But, the church aims higher and it puts forth claims that are resistant to compromise. When it enters the public square, let it do so at the highest of levels of discourse, and leave the mudslinging to the politically engaged laity." mudslinging... isn't working. marches... aren't working. social media... is an artificial reality invented by robo forwards/likes that create false trends. NO ONE ... with the sense God gave a guppy... wants to be a "leader" when it = target. Time for something completely different! more of the same regardless of either political label = the via negative. Michael, dear heart, WE are the church not the church's designated mudslingers. Peace and all good, truly.
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The Pope's "greatest worry was for migrants and refugees.." Someone needs to tell Fr. Pavone.
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The agreement was overwhelmingly supported by every country in Europe. So why did lefty Radio Canada only gave interviews with Europeans that opposed the agreement. Why do we give over a Billion dollars a year to these people, once referred to as "Getting a job withe the CBC is like winning a lottery".
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Heroin is natural as well.
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My understanding is that the CO2 from the power plant is piped to a nearby oil field and then is injected so as to keep up the pressure in the oil field. So for this 'technology' to work, you best have a power plant that is not too far away from an oil field that needs injections to keep up the pressure. This, of course, begs the question as to whether this really cuts down the pollution, or just simply changes the CO2 production from 'coal' to 'oil'. Obviously if we ever get to the point where we stop using oil, there will be no payback from CO2 injection. And, of course, there is the question as to whether the CO2 will in fact stay underground or leak out via various cracks and fissures. On this last point, I've never heard any comments. But you have to wonder.
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i would suggest punks not have mortars to throw at rock walls. how is that for a start?
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Any citation of Faux News weather announcer (not a trained meteorologist) Anthony Watts carries an implied Cats, Coffee and Keyboards warning. https://skepticalscience.com/Anthony_Watts_blog.htm http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Anthony_Watts http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Anthony_Watts And there is the unintentional comedy of Watts epic fail on "surface stations". https://thinkprogress.org/the-video-that-anthony-watts-does-not-want-you-to-see-the-climate-denial-crock-of-the-week-fcff7ad8a12 Watts enlisted a legion of fanboys to find "poorly sited" NOAA weather monitoring stations that Watts claimed gave an invalid positive result for Warming in the USA. NOAA obliged Watts by recalcuating, excluding those stations. The result was a slightly higher value for warming. Be careful Watt you ask for. Epic fail because those were old stations with a slight bias to responding more slowly when temperatures go up.
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Drill baby drill, have fun riding your bike lol
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A poster asked: "Why would Trump followers care who leads in a superficial tweet contest? " Who this will drive bananas is Trump's biggest fan. You know, the guy who 7 months later, still hasn't gotten over the fact his inauguration drew smaller crowds than Obama's.
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not toxic
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I have no interest whatsoever in a sub-par 2 hour marathon, no matter what sports scientists say. What I find fascinating is the 6-7 hour marathon run by neophytes and amateurs who effectively shut-down large parts of entire central cities during busy weekends, creating traffic chaos and frustrating business owners.
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Gee, if not for Trump's tweet which inspired this article, I wouldn't know that I was suppose to boycott LL Bean. ;-)
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I really enjoyed your morning musings here. Some have been intriguing enough to require further investigation. Kudos
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I watched the live TV broadcast of the press conference from Moscow. Foreign Minister Lavrov spoke a lot of sense re Syria, fighting terrorism, cyber warfare, etc. Tillerson's performance was less inspiring.
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Lazee writes: "This is Donny's kind of soldier and Trump supporter. He didn't serve either." Nah, I only served 26 years with the US Air Force. -- What does your being in the AF have to do with any of this, and with Trump's draft-dodging in particular? It's irrelevant. Great that you were lucky enough to have a nice secure Air Force job for 26 years. Trump took five deferrals to avoid being drafted and then, when he couldn't use that scam anymore, suddenly developed horrendous "bone spurs" on his foot, at least according to the letter from his family's doctor, that kept him out of the draft. Didn't keep him from golfing or playing other sports at the time, though. And then, when the draft was ended, the "bone spurs" quickly cleared up. Fascinating how defensive you are about Republican draft dodgers. See below for Ted Nugent's bizarre technique.
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You know, the feds did try to sell Fort DeRussy. Prime oceanfront land in Waikiki, probably worth millions, "taken" from the State for defense purposes during WWII. The citizens of Hawaii rejected the notion that the federal government who seized these lands for military defense, is now claiming ownership. Is this going to happen again?
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Of course, it's not illegal for police to lie to suspects, witnesses, victims, family members.
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Trump does not need to destroy credibility of MSM. They do a pretty good job at it themselves.
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That sound you just heard {silence} is the sound of the Republican Party becoming a singularity.
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We can sit around the campfire, sing Kumbaya and drink Donald Trump Kool-Aid.....It's going to be so much fun and "America will be great again" before the campfire burns out.......
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It's not about the money -phhtttt. You tube hits pay, ask my kids who watch grown men scream over minecraft. If the globe is not round, how does the sun come up and go down? What about the horizon, how come I can't see to Kansas? This reminds me of the sovereign citizen movement, nut cases who believe their own delusions.
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"Obamacare was actually an idea promoted by Republicans prior to 2010" It's basically the reforms Mitch Romney introduced into Massachusetts
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It's not his job to be a community leader. His job is to maximize profits for Taubman. I have a feeling that he is doing a good job of that. I think paid parking was an excellent move on his part. It opened up many spaces from squatters and is delivering more revenue to the company. If the community didn't like what he has done they would boycott the mall. That is not happening. I'm sure they did tons of research before that decision was made. You no longer hear the sky-is-falling outcry from the tenants. People complain at first, but then they give in. I'm sure this was predicted. They have better plans for the old Safeway space. P.S. I live a mile and a half from the mall and avoid it like the plague.
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I believe in a two party system. I switch sides on occasion,as I vote for the person,and their voice more than straight down the ticket. The two party system should remain alive as long as we all want all of our voices heard. Some voices of course we would rather not hear so much,but we can 'tune' them out when necessary. What I would hope is that voters look at what this candidate has done, fought for,and appreciate his views or vote otherwise. Just because a person has difficulty walking miles,door to door, because of disability,or age does not mean that person is 'done for'. Hawaii has a big heart, I hope they consider these suggestions before they vote anyone in, or out.
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A whole bunch of factors play into the high medical costs. In my view they happened for several reasons: first, the MAM has licensing control over medical schools and will not allow any more; to this day 100,000 academically qualified student applicants are rejected from medical schools annually due only to lack of space. This was artificially constructed. Second, against the restricted supply of doctors is the massive population increase competing for these medical services. Third, people are getting older and require more medical services. Fourth, most people with illnesses have those due to self inflicted behavior problems like eating unhealthy foods in excess. Within these reasons lays the answer. The only factor we can't fix is the aging variable: the rest we can do something about. Removing AMAs government monopoly of the medical industry would be a great first step.
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Trump donates his salary. Compare that to the US taxpayers paying $130,000 a month rent for space in Trump tower, Melania not having lived at the WH for months at a cost of over $1 million per month (NYPD/Fed officers) (Michele Obama & the kids moved right away), secret service golf cart rentals $75,000 year to date, more vacation travel spending by Trump in his first year than Obama in his 8 (each trip to mar-a-lago cost $3 million & until recently he was going every weekend), his kids doing business & traveling around the world ($600,000 for Don Trump's recent trip), Ivanka/Jared have had 7 vacations since inaguration & are now going on a two week vacation. So spare us the "he donates" his salary garbage. I left out (point was already made) all the meetings/meals/visitors staying at Trump hotels while doing business with his administration. Heck, Trump has "business" meals at his DC hotel and bills the taxpayers. He lives in the freaking WH but goes to his hotel for a taxpayer meal.
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Yeah, he did it based on good facts, so it wasn informative, and well thought out. A good read. Hope to see more of this from him, but a little concerned Hell might be starting to freeze over!
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I realize you don't know how to recognize class, elegance, subtlety, discernment and other attributes that typically comprise Presidential demeanor, not having been exposed to it in your presidential pick. There's still time for you to learn. Watch any video of President Obama in his presidential capacity.
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What subsidies have oil/gas received? And include the cost of military interventions ... Green energy is here TO STAY because China is choking on pollution. China cannot afford a revolt. Ergo, green energy. And I am thrilled. Our planet cannot handle unlimited pollution.
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Mr. Caplan has done such a hateful hatchet job on the Conservative leadership candidates before the race has even gotten serious with the first debates and the final entrees in the race that one might think he is simply an embittered NDP zealot lashing out because his party is a distant third at 16% in the polls, so far behind in popularity and finances that only one NDPer has even expressed mild interest in picking up the poisoned chalice from Mr. Mulcair. But it would be unseemly to suggest this is the case with life long NDPer Mr. Caplan. So let me just say that there are already at least five Conservative candidates far more qualified for the leadership of a mainstream political party than PM Trudeau was in 2013. I suppose it might be tempting for someone to do a hatchet job on the NDP leadership candidates - if there were any.
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"... including Seattle, Portland [and Eugene]". To wit, driving the streets of parts of Eugene, particularly at dusk or night, is like a slalom course, with people on foot or bicycles lurching out into traffic with no warning, ignoring traffic signals, rights-of-way, and most puzzling, the consequences of plowing into a 4,000 pound vehicle of which the hapless driver can only exert so much stopping or evading the sudden appearance of someone often not even seemingly aware of where they are. This is no joke, and I suspect the low number of crashes are much more due to wary and careful drivers than careening bicycles and pedestrians on haphazard routes. One of the prices we pay for "homeless-friendly" status here.
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IMHO, a lot of conservatives claim to be non-partisan or independent so they can pass themselves off as "sophisticated" voters. But they are still conservatives.
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Eugene has created "travelers", we offer so many free social services that why would one not want to be here. I have had "homeless" work with me through labor ready, hearing there story, why homeless, why Eugene, you really have a hard time wanting to help them. Why work, own a home, when you can get everything you need handed to you including medical, heard this so many times. Homeless and Travelers hard to tell them apart, age wise or anyway. This issue has not been addressed as much as in the past year, because of the down town situation, the term "Vagabond" is the new term. So as you see we hear new terms, we hear lets move them to here and there and back again, but your right the "Hippie" is alive and well in Eugene and nothing wrong with that, they work, they are a part of this community. It has bottom line not been addressed, dealt with, or a concern for that matter, so we live with it and provide them what they need free.
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If you were willing to write a column with the educative content, I think there is a good chance NCR would publish it. I don't doubt for a moment that regulars here would create a lobby that NCR would have a hard time resisting. What I don't know is whether paying you for you labour would fit within the NCR budget.
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"The Devil is in the Details." And details are sorely lacking.
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We have finally reached the nadir of political correctness when our GG feels the need to apologise for stating a historical fact. I would not have done so ..... And I continue to loose even what little respect I have left for the FN industry.
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I hate to say it but this is the Rockies. Regression to the mean is the mantra of this team. I do like to see the players getting pissed but they should have been pissed halfway through this slide. Oh well, only three weeks until training camp starts for the Broncos and the Nuggets should be making another move or two this summer.
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wrong. it targets islam which is a cultural, spiritual and legal ideology. it is not a religion.
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I voted Walker to keep the dividend safe. I thought that meant no one would touch the money.
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Make America grope again!
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Interesting post in the form of : Answer Question Non-sequitur
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Great photos from Cory that compliment the story.
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Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium, the UK, Spain... what do authorities expect? Hundreds of thousands of young men flood their borders and their response is do nothing and hope for the best... the borders are still wide open. The deportation mechanisms are still a joke. The community segregation is getting worse to the point that women can't even enter certain European neighborhoods without covering their hair and wearing pants... never mind, let's call that cultural relativism and avoid any discussion of incompatible values.
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And don't forget: if GOVERNMENT is involved in any way here in the Nei, incompetence, waste, fraud, abuse and hilarity WILL ensue!!! Garans!
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Only if your a liberal freak. He's being elected again and again because .... Wait for it... The MAJORITY doesn't want or desire the liberal whack job alternative.
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They should split the 14 candidates into at least 2 debates, either by random draw, or by poll numbers. Even the Republicans split their presidential candidates into separate debates.
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Kobach also has some rather alarming associations with white supremacists. It's weird how those around tRump keep turning out to have these kinds of problems - Gorka, Bannon, Miller....
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http://www.weeklystandard.com/facing-reality/article/17068 All I need to know of this individual is in this article. He is a fierce right wing zionist who sees there no justification for a Palestine as he sees that there is no Palestinian spirit, except one created by a zionist Israel. As President Obama said, either you can have a Palestinian state, or you can have an apartheid one state Israel, dependent on American aid and on the world ignoring its lack of democracy and the rule of law. From the article, describing how Israel and America need to act toward Palestinian rights..."Only one thing can restore the former owners' peace of mind. They must be kicked firmly in the pants and told "stop whining and get lost" so many times that they finally move on to another grievance". The framework is being created by Trump to totally eliminate even the idea of a Palestinian State. Hugh Massengill, Eugene Oregon
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If education were the only element, you'd have a point. What else do the PERA folks agree to do?
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Sorry about the typo. "no" was omitted in second sentence. It should read "There will no longer be an incentive to layoff employees say over 50 or NOT to hire new employees over 50."
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True. And even if you accept the premise that it would be the "Fourth-lowest state income tax", then the fact is it wouldn't stay that way for long.The mechanism to squeeze more money out of Alaska workers would be installed, and it would then be way too easy to "adjust" whenever government needs more money to fund the social program fads de jour.
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CBC also reports the senator...another winner appointed by 'ol helmet hair Harper...also groped and sexually harrassed his other staff....even a bit of fondling during prayer session..."the better to grope you my young lass".....also he showed no remorse says the senate committee...now Meredith is apparently dragging out the "youre all racists and anti-black" defense.... I read...he should have kept his pecker in his pants...whats that line from a film..."when their b*alls are full ...their brains are empty". But i say dont expel this horndog...leave him there with Senator Puffy, Queen Pamela of Wadena Lake, and Jay Brazeau.....Mr "Im not a sexual assaulter" as momentos...like climate change...of Harperist folly
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Maybe a bit too much use of refined has negatively impacted the caribou more than any drilling program. Baffin Island caribou moratorium to begin Jan. 1 ‘This is an urgent situation,’ says Environment Minister Johnny Mike CBC News Posted: Dec 20, 2014 7:27 AM CT Last Updated: Dec 20, 2014 The Environment department blames the natural cycle of the animals as well as increased harvesting pressure, due both to population growth and the increased reach of snowmobiles.
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"Hey Jimbo..Welcome to the Club!"....Sally
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"President Donald Trump went into bigoted overdrive" In order to be bigoted against transgender people you have to have an attitude towards them. You have to have a worldview that excludes them. But, Donald Trump has no core values, other than the advancement of Donald Trump. Even his support for his children is to ensure the advancement of Trump. When it comes to values, ethics, ideology, etc, Trump has no "there" there. That's what makes this even worse, IMO. President Trump has known gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people his whole adult life. He's probably socialized with them, hired them. Maybe arranged loans from them. But, GLBT people don't matter to Trump, one way or another. And if it advances his agenda to throw them under the bus, he'll do so in a heartbeat. Trump just threw the lives of thousands of transgender people, people honorably serving our country, into chaos. For purely political reasons. Trump did this to keep his base happy. That's what makes this so sad.
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It gets dark really early in Alaska in Winter. Our children should be allowed to drive around past 5 pm, participate in after school sports, band and other activites without fear they will be murdered. Our children should even be able to drive to Anchorage without fear of being murdered. Your callous victim/parent blaming comment is heart breaking to the family- what the heck is wrong with you.
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..."...but is the confection place’s new slogan, “Voodoo Donuts: worth dyin’ for?” - as long as there are no testimonials
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Congrats Sue! You have always had an excellent grasp of the Law and the Constitution. You have demonstrated a lifetime of service to the poor and underserved. I can't think of a better person for this important position especially with all of the federal encroachment. Sue Carney is the right person to represent Alaska's highest court.
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Why is there not a law suit against the people who delivered this useless payroll system? Seems the buyer and the seller are culpable here. We need a court to order the vendor and the consultants to pay tax payers their money back..
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