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➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2019-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRXFuWDFmMzkwakZHX0swRkVqRGtOQ2t3bFY1MnVrWmw0ZHhsYlJSX3VaSVNaYnk5SjFXbmg3VWstamRlTTBPbHNxZ0VGYTE1cTg4SFFrbFBaWVRnc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUVk0UjlBQ2NVTjBLMmhTZXljd043X3hqa09vbk1KY1hveWxXVEFLYjdvWF9hM2JCRm4yczh5U256UlUzNXBHdW9DamJCQXJ1TzB5bmsyaGlRVTFDRUh5aVFLWmNzWkhOcWtJM1lSbkwzbXllZ2ZkNTZqRmtfLUtfdDJtYUVyQTM5MFVjOXprQUxwU0doWG5abkktUU1XNWhNVTFUWlk5Y2xYNi1wdFQ4eWhMNlpuSWV5QU1RcGszQWJZcXNVcDJa |
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* r/WatrProtocol | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2021-05-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZ3o4bkQ5OGdCanI5OTVtNlFZTEkybzktYmxucm1DNUxteElvNVM1b1lyZ25uUEJUNU4tQ3VnckZ0a3FJSVpRWHJLeGxpSmNUanZhVWc5bUFzTmVvSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWHlyNGd4bDdJX05ubjRIUkwxbzJRYmRCYkc0RmhYRnhFVThFejkzTEQwOERYa3ZacWFjQ0h2cGVYdFFmaC1HNEkyNUkyWmJzZDhhZlhuWHphMVBoNUplazNyMmFWQXNwdFN0SDdzRjhDbl9wWVZiX1lUd0FCZ1VsSmhkbXY4N0cycWpqTnZzT3pqTHd5NzdxV1hvUG5sbmlNaEFsMnRsWkMtUGc2WVZ1Uk5BPQ== |
I don’t think many jurisdictions allow a 16 y/o to buy. Possess, yes. Many rural kids own shotguns at least for hunting. I was able to own my first S&W revolver at 15y/o. It was a .38 Special caliber. Buy it I could not, but possess it I could with an adult to supervise. One can’t be a felon or convicted of domestic violence and legally carry. Probably other restrictions depending on the state.
When I could drive, 16y/o, a friend and I would go to abandoned farms, with suitable backstops, and practice. I was quite proficient eventually acquiring an FFL my in late 20s. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoaXhRbzcxZjJaMDZ1VVRIcjR6Z1pfVnl3OHpxUDJyekpPbklPdTFLVGNJMV96NFMzRG5lTlFsSlR0dkFHUkM4OVQ5WGNuOWlHVjYxQTlCZnBoazVRSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsY1doS2FEdVg3cUpUU2hPNUtncU4xaURyZlhSWGwtQWdEZ1ZSanZjMjkxTmxDOFBpT01LZXR3eG5aZlFjaGh3ZDM0Z1pXdXdPb0Q1SDVodFFQV2JDZXlHNDhRX3JJdU94VWRFSzczZVQ5NHUzNjZOdW5MLTNKS1dtTjJRakJ0TlFUUXZzdHRkSUJzMVhFMW5YZy1wd1BNM20xTFRPOVk5Qnd2Mk9pYXJ1RmlBPQ== |
So, these laws can differ from place-to-place. For example, I began hunting with my father at around the age of 12, when I carried a shotgun. At that age, however, I would not have been allowed to purchase a gun.
You can find the rules broken down state-by-state on a clickable map here: [](
As you can see, it's even more complicated than "buy" or "carry." Laws can be different on whether you can carry a concealed weapon, particular places you can carry a weapon, etc. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQ0ozOF96T3p3Z1M1eDZYR2QxZVFTQWZyOTU4dGc5NlpxOExPWDZQbHBMV0VLcnlWMWhENHg4ZjdHNkVxbXcwenRHWWlYRG9sTWNvLUlsTFJYemhoYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdEhveHFYZHdMdXNkSXlqY21tUVdkVjdkWnFXenZoU2F5b3NCcFV0b1N5dG9nTVZ3dDBuQllqaGljWjJlTDBES1M0bWFKUzFOa1JNbkFJWTYxT256VUxlVWlrWk0zakVTN0VFMkk1UUw5bHdSR3Mtdk5IcGplODNnSmt5UkJzcmswWnN2bHFhdDZ0UDY4TWh5Y3VfeTk1MEREUmZRSVhIYVI2SzVJcGF0XzFVPQ== |
Have you acquired the orb | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodWVxei1jRzlNdUVwcTEwTmE4d0tNczg1V3l4V2NEZ3p6MWhld1VCV3pYbVpUN1MyZWtzXzhLZTVrYWNDWmhDSVVIRFhuaFZBc0VGeUMzc21LWjl4V2phV3NzTlE5OWVGWW5nUGY1djdOcWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUVV0dkUtN1JGRVhpM0pBWkptRlhHMlZUQjk5d21nUVI1aW9sZGdkQ3VIeXMtYVR1QnREQ3lZV2xZUUk5cXQ5M1JaVlFSX2xTenlBcUlGNTBKRDM2bVpmb0U3d1RPTjV3WS1HTFBibFA4TFNKNnZtNDRid2FPclFtU0d3YkZRdDZ6dkQ3S2sxcVhsUFc3UEI2NFJRLW1CMGNmampxaHd1bm9PVHBIU2tScG5FPQ== |
How is everyone | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSGFIa1picFAyQzNWbGdCbkVqaHZtbmRSRlIwR1E2eXJabTZxMmVpdXp0c09OMVBTbTFZYU51V21qZFpaWnhuWFdVOVNqSnMtdXUtbUYxOU85Q09UQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQnAtdk9ENkNFdTZBR1drRWpWUFZZalM2VDMxQWhuVGhSVGttZTh5eUxodi01akR5WjZ6a2FBRzdBYk1hYlZLMEJjOWZGa2pOZUJfU19RZmF1R3RKME1RUVpjejR0V190eGEzc3RKNi1HYV81RDBCLTNxM2RTRENNMnd6Wl9meWs4Q3ZhS2xNS1NLekJTdkJVUkphN1dDT1pzU09qUjVwelQwbk51VktHYVIwPQ== |
Edit -before someone fires in with the “it’s French” argument:
No-ter Daym,
Enn Rowt | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoakp5TlE5VHE3RUlZY2Ftb0M4NXpuc0FZTE5qQnluNEJvV255WklESVB6bk5rMlJiMmNDX2wydHkzZWlNa2VYN1JMVEhYME5CRmgyaThkUms5aGtCRDFFWlhyRFJWWkl0a1ZiYkRMWC1qMjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZXBWOHVWMzg4RGNoMC1La1Fqc0FNS2lGVE8zOG5fMS1mX0g3UkpFSXlDYTkwaUdkbVJ3VzY0NjdaaDFfcGpXZloxckgwVXdpNjFSaGp2YTJleE94dUpYakxISUR4NzNmZnV2VE1veHF3VWhkTHBjbml0NXFBcFFqSUpVNTZJWUpvTGVMZlZLcm1pbTNsd0o1OHBRQTREOFJUckFXcjNKWXJQaE1odmNjcGNHcW5qYUVqMVpqMU1YcnRFdWlSeGxw |
Its a mix of meat (usually pork or beef) and tomatos sauce with some other stuff. Its surprisingly way better than it sounds. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoajltN21XVzE3bm13bElGbHpYWi1ESFpWSzJDb25GWDVHMk51akp6Ukt4Q0RQdVZRUVpwMDJobFk5YV8wNHJPWUd4LXJzNnAtNEpxbmtUMGtLQkYzZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRC0wdDdIYkROWWk5bU9LdThqX21ORDlWU0ttd3V1clF6bWxDbVRTdnh5VzV3NXk3Y3ZFS3hZTFItRkh2U3NnOG44bEJrazZvQTQ5aEdMdWVlLVM2RDZqdkFRUEpKTW1NUDYwRUNSWkJUcElGajNTZkdBVFlnZXZoNEo3LVpnN09YUEt5bEtjbDh1X29YbGlRQlg1cngzbWNtWVhvWHpDWjliSkRWU2cwZHBqSERFVUE0NFFaQUgwVm4tYU5mSzFF |
Because it sounds better. Thats kinda the thing about american english, we dont care about rules its just about vibes. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNVVMS0JnUzd3eGNaSW02MElzQktYanFMZkdfMzAxTmg3YnJjOFJlQ0lUbEZTNmxzTERwc0Z4aVdTYnBFRDdRQUlBLUQ0MUZjOW1NbHV5bW5IY1lOc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaVdVZHpCXy1VZ2J2MlM3WGRWQmFncFYxbUs4SDNTLXUtalloT0pZWGFaWnJoMzd6ZnN1a3NvT3F1UlpFdHRSRFktWHVTRnhTdHFRVzBJM20welBRTXJ4dXpWUDV6LS1nVkdScXZwM2JCN0swSnhucS0zbU11cVEwdVRuZE9MUjJBZWFJUXlKdFo1a19nZlBKcklnd2VHektnU0h3eXVXY2d2UVhmRFFRaktXR0hsOWY1NmdGdVZMYXpiM1RTdlVY |
In the US a surgon is called doctor but so are anyone with a doctorates degree. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoc09hSVRpazA0RG1aZ1FpdU13LS1MbkR5R1YyQjNpcFM1cHdiZktLMG9nbm15alQ2Vk9mWmJ2NGVjcktCZWdOREVWTnJTLW9KdW5vd3dsRVplcDBOelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWnljTE51dHEzSklWVEdHNHRpSWE1RHpGb2Y5WmVjazFRT251V3NqOUx0OTNjel8zSUVpalZZQmo0NVdLNEp2M3l0WGxMOGg2QW9pYmJWX0NIZW1aZnlFRmRmRFhrVU5yeDNsT2JoUGRiUks3cG1BU3I2R01HZWZKaG1LZHFIQ2NhcFpSZjJMR3BIWmQyTEVIYllNN2I3WEhyVTcybzNENHM3SUlnaDBTWjJxOWk0bVpjY1NCNEl2cldGV1NwV0Yw |
The problem isnt that its all unsafe, its that its so inconsistent. Yes places like florida have pretty bad tap water but if you go up to Wisconsin you'll have perfectly fine tap water. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNVRTUmZ5c185ejViamEzZWxiS3EzQWpuOXc2Q2hfemdnM3d0c3lqRXRqU3FkS1lnTnUwVDZYV0pVdXNENEp2MFFGS2tGZmVkT3JJTzhDUmRZQkk5aHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktselItMl9HUHB1UzhGdHRiUWR1WG9ZeW0yYjFMVHFMdy10N3FVb3BUUDM4U0tTd1NYa3h1SFdwNUhaWE1wdFk5ZVhCczI3Z09UaTliTXlqWk5qVDJLYmhpM1RHejN4NDU0N25INGhkOHcxUkZiUkFTc2RVZlVPVzA0S1FhT2hoYlB0R190TTBSNjZGQzVEdVdRUXNycWwwTkQwWS1UcXAzWlEzaGhVRDNnYnVvPQ== |
Because beans are very soggy and ruin the eggs and pancakes | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-11-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobldaV0Z5S3hiQnlxQW1zVXYzdkNrS2swakRETFQ3eFhCSFloSzB2TjY2bXU5TDJHVms5cVdCRkh2Yk9OY0xGWFItZEtrci1WZTBqUldLSjJuMnRNSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbUpQN1RzUW1vVlJ4b1NDZ2FIcGhfZW5yTmVLUEFhSmFaQTZFNDcyZ1pHR1RRZzBycDZaeGdveFFoTXF3QW9UQUdXWjVMX0VGR1NMb1Y0RUNjZW94MHFwSUNDQ3JaNmQ4cDZWd0IyNkZPYUkxSGktbjR2UGVaaXJ2NjNKS3VmalY0SjBxUnYyandPZWtnQXVMR3dUOElRPT0= |
Beans are the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUXNnbjk2YWFpQnV5LUZBcUt0V0M5Y0l2T3pvVzhxcHZBUFJGbHpKZ1hxaEkyMlU2cTNjX084ak5CS0wza2hkT0JFME9rdWdMMjZLVHpSNmpMSjZoNWl6TFBIdGJSR0t3YkJrcWRPcDhGbmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYmxpQU9JUGVzYUZvRTBoSjdnaW5MX3FWV2RWdzVNQzNoaDIycE82RUhSa3N6X1V3MVZDSUp0SjlxYnp4MDZPTVpGckNzVk9ocXNJenhTSVNPTUFLc3Vkcm1uMEdWc1I2MHNmSWlYSEdNRjhEdTZ4dDlpZXRNNUxmMlVhSE1hVWNaejBoMXFYbU9XeENMREloX2I1c0d3PT0= |
I pronounce it "fill ay" because that's how it's pronounced in French! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoak95U28yMS01blh5QkJNQWZrYVltVkhDMjhnS2E4YWVsZUhxRFVMT3ExYmdyOWg0dDJQMExZY29aQkdhTjFPNXc5R2ZDc3RQLVJhNlltTm9KSkhQbkxmRW1sbjlDZklZUHM0ZVF5QUZ5ejg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZXNQbnhjUk1JV0V5ampBSEl3Y1lIb041bE52UGxqNmc5a3cwbVJmb3QwQVZYLUUtRTVGSl9GTGRXOTRSakt1LUhsc25Xb2dpdzFjWlV3bFZORjRqQ2dESk9WdUMyZXR4OUFIenFRTTZ2OFRkYTRPS3hwSE9XU2MxTGhyZzAtalFCYlBZN0ZCOWdvaWtNUXI4aWJoczhkTDRzT1lyVjlQVUt0T2lONTNqd3VXc3BZRjA5NVdjaW1jVUZRQl9BN3JL |
A Sloppy Joe is a sandwich made with ground beef, onions, and tomato sauce, usually served on a hamburger bun. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoYWxYdWIyYVkwM0NPSEZ5NUlsSDBBaHBHbDhCSkk1YktYaWFMS041NmRic25NRnVENUt4eS1XREFVV0VXeGJlN2ZaR2hLVTZVMFpFeVlnbGhDNHZkT1lsY0p6NE9xTFhVVjZINEV0QVFod3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZTdQMThmdU10dF9rY3hiYWxjU18ySHRQS2NHdFUtX0tTblF3eXg0Q1lJbjNndVY2TkQ4V2k2VjJITUUwUDVOYXYxdFJzdlVSVGZYOXdWdkR4YUdJWVRYTnkweW5rdmF5UTdOQ2ZveTZWbkN6VU1yNmhZNHUwT0d0Vl9HeFZsQVRXa1JUMFdlOUNiVmJUVkNvdzZQdHlIZzNXai1fQ24td1p1WVp6NmszZ2VNSVluWWk0bVpfd2l5Tlkxb1hMQnVr |
to say that the US military budget is "too high"?
The US military budget is the highest in the world. It's fair to say that it's "too high." | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRkF4UU0wck00aUxlMi1Dams5NUxnN25GWjdBOXNMN0lucEk4UDhWWVRVODFZc2ZGdlFrY2lsR1JWbHd2Z2pzOTI4bUxhRTBxR21MWFdzXzc4YWp0ZjdGWnQ2UXJ5WkZhQjE4QUYzb25jYjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTWgyTFhuS0lwd3JaMzQ2d2FWOXVpYU1ldkIyT3l0U1h3TU9jSGZXRERwOFVVbGdCSTZ3ZVU2RGZCNFlwTnNlUldTbjRreDFSTXdyRGl4Q1hoRTc2UDViWE1faU1fa0dUSnFpSWlMb1dMR29BeVFOYjJMUlM1akV0YW04V2VZTERRWDBPZzUtemdRekJsdTBiN2tndHgya1p6NUlPQ3BhZFZYbHhwVmNSLS1zX0xhZXdjUFltdE41SmM2RjJvYmU2 |
Surgeons are typically called Mr. or Ms. depending on their gender, but some may use the title Dr. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoT2RnUmJQUHR2REkzM2hGUUdKZ2UtRVpZOUJ4SXE2VDBIMzNXT2R2NWhBR01YTU41Z1dQdmN1bWZDMjAyNTF3d2NxdTFidndYcEJIOEdISklXdDlXM3F1YzlPcUVFalVXenE2YUFaOFBIQkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsX3kyelRkbUIxTE11RXBCb3N6ZFdxNVZaVzRVU05xZzBKRUpkZXhnTEYwaTZtUlJlWnJPNWs3bHlLdkgwTXlzRlEwcXd0N3dWZzFYVG5NdXVveDBHVlJyU2dBUDhYMnFNZS13aUJ0TlE3TWVsY09QQnVJR3ViT2hIcERtTXlOMkltN1VqMDNDNVIwQzN4RGlXd1A5ZVdTS3lUeTNNbTNoWFhFc3AwYXNpVFR1Z3JYNXBZbmtsd0VNX055OF9OQ3Ew |
I've heard of people being called Dr. Mister if they have a PhD in a subject unrelated to medicine. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRDBqczhqRzM5LVpGVkJCNGpjQ18tWXRzVWhGMDNXUTFUMEpUUGpVTmxyZG5tbzVBVFBhcFZzV3J5YzVoQzJmQmlMREdWN0w4QkF6TFhMZzZGbVo1d3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsM2JnZHN0TGE1aTNORFlRS3MzVmxVb1RsTWVDcngzblVNd0dnR050STJHWDRmVF9FTnEzUUp1NzZjc0RNNmRIM0JLSWVXZHl0UHZLYnUwUnVOWGhla1NXcUx2ajc4Ni0xZ2hjZWVrcDEwdjhrVW9ObXdibUhSSlFXdmE1VEZCZnVZbXFXNWZJWkttQ1JsUFZiV0N3VEQ4dENzcko0RGV0UFlqNzcxemh0czNPNWxCWEN1ejBaWVFQTktBRDBla3M2 |
But you pronounce en route “en rowt” even though that is pronounced “on root” in French 🤷♂️ | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktod2tBYjZvT3R6RjJaWVF4a3dMbGVkUndTXzlxLUF0SFNfdWp2TUJQb1Z3TnNYYTZoX0F3ZEZHQTFoVWpwdFh6QmpyV3VfVVQ1TUJOOVE3OXNFSmVRaFZDRzlPNzdDd2ZmV05ybkw5NTZjME09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbjdPaEF5UFdQSXNxR3FIS3JPelRIYWVTcnRmTHlJdml1VnlWT2Rza0pqenBwX1A1dDJla051QVVnb2ViMDl6N3hvNGFxV09SVTdZbDh5ZFhDUnctSWhNTFhlWm02UmpIVklrT05hUk1PYlh3TzF2MGJEZFlWRkxqWmZsVVRybkVTY0JZVmgtbks4YzBMaEk0dUVCaURIN1dTUXZpeWlyWmdTNnNqelY1TTJEOW5TM3VHRUxjaDBqZlVEakQ0XzZV |
At allot of American sports events crowds have been chanting "fuck Joe Binden" in the above link it explains in more detail, but at a NASCAR event a reporter tried to spin the chanting to" lets go Brandon", cause the guy who she was attempting to do an interview with his name was Brandon. The crowd was petty loud with the FJB chanting. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUmIxa0ZJUGtQVzZKbElOYTV1T2xfQW5sYzRrMXp0V2hmbndJY3pOUS1PUm9zRlVKODJjNUVjTzFtS1VVbVNHeUJKUk82Z0RPWlp6UHgwYzQ4aTVhQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUklMZlNYWnRlYWE4VS0tX2NvSWJXX2gtNmhLQmN4SzM3aW5jRDBQRjZtLVM5Mmp5QzZQSVd2MlpyNWs3TFYwa0tiZUdJR3VLa2l0QklPRktlRUhjdUVLbjhJeUFjTC1Pa1lIRTVEd0FYREJNNzNiM09qcjBVRVNGZ2R0OC1nSlZsMjgxcXdoaEZDQ0NwelB5M01OZURYSWNuZ1N2aE93TTdLbnNXc2wzVXhmX0RyaXhiMzItWGhRa255TlpjczdINENfY3h1YV9NcU9Qa25mTUtQODVfUT09 |
Oh wow! Had *no* idea about *any* of that. Thanks!!! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVHVkeUV4Tm9GM3lzNi1rdkk1ZURPTkRqakxFdmsyNUVWbnlyUmxUM2MycTZuVkNwcHBrVzVyWmI5SDJZRk4wR0EtUjlNRTg3dDBFWEtNQktfY3NZaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsV0RPdDJ0TndlVjlMS0hQNmxUQUZtckRMc2VoTm5QNmZSbkF0U2FTNnM3d1g5WVlERHprTDhOVDBpOHJjTUM1NEJLNm1oRnMxTWZGY0FScDdGQW9HV20xNXdCaVN6UlRzWXlGMG9lcktZZ0paZ2dnY2pFUnJObjZvSFBUVllYV2s2cjlpQ0J4cE9ZNFZpak5sZ09HTHNSUHlEUWVFRFZlZ2pVdnVCTEdoSHdLNXdFQlVEQXRmeDQtaTVRaThIQVJmbmo5RGx4QWJuRHYycDdTRDFFQ1VoZz09 |
Yeah i had to look it up when it first started popping up every where. Lol it's pretty funny. I can't believe a guy just said it to Joe Binden on national TV on Christmas Eve and JB repeated "Yeah, Lets Go Brandon". | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSUhIWXB6OXNTdkw4eG1kX3lIMV8waVBuTTh2UWhZRGt2eGVtYlFEUE8ydXk3Ym0xMlJ6eDZPUUlNc2Vhbl9SWXVqU1ZnX2p2TFNmbUljSjBjNWJrR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZllPX2NUaDN2MUFRYWVwSXZUWHdmWUYyYmpsNUE4UUtsVExkenFFaG5RcWdnd0RRQTNzdGh3YXphM0QtOUpMVzFySGFFdlNCMUxHOVRzbjItZXd1N3ZfRXBEUGZWNlV2UVRZNEpoUXRqWDBpMGZyeGRoS3E5dEw1dlVDRmZFenVRX3FVbHVLNEJXZ21QSlhKSFpPMHc4NXFJXzJ5Q0JTSjJjTVVkc2VPdE1rajA3TTJ4RmdNSm9LY3NUTS1jVlRaOHdZVHZCVGF6N0lETC1HN3FjY3h2Zz09 |
No | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2021-12-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWjhVcUFvVzE0MjI2TlNKTVpqTlV0d2RuWW1RZDluZDJFeFVoOXQ5dTlad2o0VllMdmNDMS1qVmdiUmNZbVl0X01RM3MwZmFmcVVCSkxHOEV6clBMRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsOVRyQmVzNGVxREVFNjZrUEtwa2F3dG9ESlRiSkVoUlFHZURvb19maDJQZkhKVXc5aXZ1U1lmeW5HNTllNXBxQjBuOUhTWF9ia0dsQ2tBTWl3Rm4zQ0NsTWRvVEtNdG1vUWJfbHlYbURPa3BSRlY1WlU3U0RLU0NGb0NxTkhLemRINlBySzg5akcxSzN2eWZ2S0oyOTRjeXF1SGJ2dExjNm9FWTNoYlRXZWRtTTkzYkRVeHhUT3AzRnRJVVRVa1FW |
You just yeild to those who were there before you and go when everyone yields to you. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktod293eF80WThUOE8wUWU5c0ZKY2xVMU9PR1lyaTZ3NGVfX0U1UHFUQmpFQXRfdG5Rc2dqTVhIa1dyNDIyb2JST19FbHdsS2duVkdWWGVBN3FCMmc4N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVlBsTWhWQjg3QThCOFJyZVZKczJycGFtVktkcENPcGlVemhmUWNILW1aT0lLcEtDQkc1RXYwNUkwOGljbGlWc2tDTWVXd1NTbERILWpDLXJXMXlTOVdXUWJYaGV4MnpRV1JXaVpBajhEeDBFSnpQckQ0TXdDR0FTTFRkZG1SbVotNENJVThJTFVxUERGaDR4YXZ5ZjhiLWdiTWR2NWZZbmtRVGZYcDl2ZzZnPQ== |
Thanks! You make it sound far too easy! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVkhNcUJfS1BxcmNTLThpVWU3d0pZbjNRbm1LcF9iX1NoMmNtSmlxRk9PR2g3NGRWeHA4NWY0cUtlTnRPOFRwOXY0b2FBQUlpYjg5a1Q4dHU1T1c1ZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdl9vcU5reTBBNXVPaG45anFtLWtiVUY5RkkwX1lRSDBjZ0Z3VlZfVDU4NFk1NjFQR1ZaNmNnTl9VdjVUeWtaWlNybGlpSXpkN25PSTQ4QnRDaXpzMzA4Qk9lbkY5bjJ0REwzdi1pV0VHR2NkUl9qalFOdXkwdk5UbHVxSmpUaDN4dlFQbk9kZF9OLTdzS2J1c1FxWlpEMHlUTVVvY1Nzd2JlSFBiRUdWUndZPQ== |
Its not that stressful if you just pay attention to other drivers.
And dont worry, if your not sure someone will wave you across to let you know you can go. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZkJTbS1WUHJINGJUcWhVYXMwWmx2c0NKeFcyRlFPSk5iWG04ekRHYmp3V2tldjc5ZV9zdkVjUHNBRFRMQnROclZfVzJXMnI3MEJZRnpjc1lOOUItYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbzA1NzM2SU1jYWpDN0l4alI3XzlKVjFvNzV1RzdTeHp2bnZWeG5MQVk3RVNFVndIb1AyZHJEZ3pVd1VtNnZsZDJIVFlwWGgwU285M0Rvd1IxNGtFUl9paDV4clpPbjlxbWlIQlZreEFSVm9UcFVHV2djdE9zUzRBRWdvV2VhVTZ3ZWFJQW5DaHN4d2hTM3JfNExsZHdoRkNCeUdXLUFhQUw3VkpNd3N0ckY4PQ== |
It you reach the stop at the same time as another person you yield to the person on your right. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWjhFVGVSU3R4TjZLb28zU0lmLVh1Wm5YLWdqbnhZV18xNmUxd202RE1zLUFUUXN1RXR5ZnJxQW4zc2FzRnhiZ25ZU25FVzl1a3M3Y3BiY1U5R29lcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWFlkenZUNlp2QWlHcXJ1aXFYWWpocXpkaEJqNUdCMGwxYk01Mi1ZaGtTMWRJU29qMy1ickoxc1JrY3ZlRlpTU1c2OGN3THMzT190bWotbTdVcW55aE4wZTFyWkVTV1ZNSmhVR01xYmJqWVNxZUo2NnZSaFhNUWxmR0ZDMXIwN0dKMGk3NlBwZ3ZEcGFIYzNqTXliZ1FDVWFZUGpiWHNvRXJkYnY5dkFvUDJRPQ== |
I eat baked beans for breakfast all the time. It's really popular in Texas, can't speak for other places | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOURxU2RoeFBKTkJhRzhmMTNkNkdvNWFmTzFfdzRwOEhRcjY0TkRSc1Y0aVd5Q0FFbzNzd1FObXdMZjdnb2NNazNkWkhHZmpNWGlLLTI0bjRxUTJ6NWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsY2RiQ2FDMnVpRmI5dkc1S3NuZ050cFdOelpnMFVXRkFXY0k2UjBTdG4xcE00bW9JRG9xbHBqNlQyOGVfNVphNzVBNGpxZ256Nzg4WU5wOGY3ZmJRdXpqMEJvdEJiZUQ5MzdONE0xODhqSk82TFRQX1lQWUxDeVpJVDN2SEJkNU1tVGRGSm1LYUYtQ1ZZTHMtcEpKWjBRPT0= |
Cause washington believed that that the rising taxes where not in the best interest of the colonists and joined the continental army on June 15th 1775 | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoN1FHU0h3SzNfcVJ1TXRpaVpESXZzR2lRQkdkYzVNcmpMY2c2am5rM1VBalZ6aS1obXI0YzZ5SnNBSnlKUWFmZnBjZWltQU1YMERUVmpFbnd1Zk80TDhHaGNSYk42NUFESkZzUzZpc1JrOE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdDRYOTVIZm9KRTlDdDBnQkRQMFdBMU5idzYwc2N6cE9YNzUxYVpJdUt3b2ticy16S243UG9JaEhCbS1RM2JqZktnZ0RzWW1TSm1OUE5HZjhTYUVvbVZ3LURiakRtWDJrTmRkRDBVMkpCQzNLTnR4TlR6V1hhc01HWkQyVWdSTTNJNm81bExCTHhaZlFMeVlZVzVjcHg0RTEtTkJ4dlg4LVhDS3M3MkNaMkhZNnZxTTJiQ00tUV80VlZHMmhSal9XLWc3SjRIcG9nRzlwZkJkMnptZW42dz09 |
Do do dooo just passing by thought I would mention tap water is different everywhere you go… take flint Michigan for example… very different water from say Mankato Minnesota water. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZGZHUGhLUmk0Rkk2N2JaeUU2bW1ua1hlRk9PTmtnOGg5SGh1ZXYycnFTS1BlWFU3NXVXemdkS1VLUXl5RnNIaWhOSkNLVmI2UnZtdFl4SnFkZkFzNEVVTWZCd3FDV1I2Z0VNY3lyb0x6OGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdWxOaldzWk1ReHRFZWJrdjlRQUFNSmRGMFVlRlFKY3dVNUhuQzFsS0xrOE9UbkFuMmJNakhSZzhaVkRtWGZoZWdaR1dIeXFySkFzdk9MZUhCMk40aTFVZG1WMVFITzhiOTJ5dVNvWlQwRFBrTzYzaVBiU1BwQ0V3Z0FmUDR6ODN6am9RaFI3STRrWFJJY3dTcWUxdkNzNjRHZ2xPaVpsaEhMYllrdkFDVEFFPQ== |
So when I was in college I had 2 math teachers that were married. One was Mr. Dr. Weakly and the other Missus Dr. Weakly. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoeUZfdjd2QlJRb3BtMDFJSWxXUXY5ZlJkeHhQUng4X0VUallnaGdIdUJvMXZyYkROcFRCTHl4RC1RdXlOQkk4c0U2LWpTQUR6a1VjTTV1TDhnNG9Kd1dBUnBhX3J5TVZiOG9Mb0VXSkgtY3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsNE1KdjV3NjZKN19Mb3BZTnhDWkN1OWFwTk9YaDVBd01SWGZaOVdrZzV4RC1VMnU3RWp4aHotNW5OUm9PRDVOYzBSUjdKOVpReEljM1djMkRJb2FncW1WNDRPTkczYWpxTTFTbHdQbENjdDVVRlpDLWx1cFN3aDVfY1IyX21EdjJrbFFXd3l4SF85NGhJUUR6UmtaS1pramtJTVRDc2dqVWZfZGkxVThRdVFhbGN0UHNtdTdNMFJYdFFGcjUzaWJW |
Logic does not apply to the US | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRnJwY2M2LW4wSlhSODhCYVloVlN5NDJ0ZkFDNUNlOS1PY0xoVDIyWkQ0alVzZ285TFY3T2JTOVNCdlFPNjZxb0t4eEhGUWN5ay1NQXBFd1U2dnctTHJzUkp2dnRoQ3hSczNsOFNMWmVBRWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsT3ItN3lDSjRIaW50RmNwTFJpU1FmQUp1Nmh1RkNHbHNWb3JEbEtMaVF0VlBSWUUzSlBEdzdqLXRhbUNpV1MwZ1JpNGY3Z04tM1U4QlpYbnZlMUJoTHJLRFdDSE5OWG1OLXF3S0FLMXZ6OWRsVzk5S0NST3ptY1QzUmZNSTJ2cElqQUtYbks0Q0ZEaHBRd3pOSjU4c3d2RFd4X1g1cDk5akM5akR5TEpiVmxxMmhpNWNhdGdQVk5uSlYwbHhRLXhF |
Thank you!!!! You don’t know how many Americans do not know what “Right of way” means. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVWhPajAzLTBMVWotaU8xOTFxUUEyaDYzSWtXTEJyaTJkWU1jQmFvMTNubEtpYkxrejBLNmtRYi1nbXl4czQwOFNpNDJSblBNSWtEQjJXVmlHRncxaWFQa0w4R1ZtNllIdG9YMHZ6ZlNYQlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSkktUlJraFF3aVZWQ3p4YmN5c2o4UHI4VjczcnR6cXNmdE1PaktUR093UjEwUkFMYVFJRjZ6TUJFcTdfSndwcE5OQ2Z5ZGlvNE5qWXhDbjFCUDFPWkM5UHUxWGhsZk9RVmg2Sk9lX1JFQ0VNd1Z2WWlnb0M0VU1mT0pPcHN2Mm0wLTAzWkcxWXJfTE1vNFlCcWJEUG15VWdsandLaTRFOHExVFl4X2otZGNjPQ== |
I learned this in traffic school after I got a ticket for not stopping completely at a 4 way stop. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoalY4QVRBSjJneVRMdGhiU2ZuTW1sb2NSQjZ2OVhqbUlJQXNUX1c4M2YzOTg3bnBBdnNWVTB4dGdRamp6Tk9JdkV1a0JCNmJOenhBUjNJbmE3bHpGX1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdFozd0U2TmNLU0ozQzlmUkYwT0xzb0o4OGt6NjBXczJtdVM5TldobGozc09WMmtVbnRoUEV1Ql9zWFhSWl93anI1VTZVZTBGQjdia1gyVmdTbU9YZmdZOW16Mkk4LUZtREpZMl9GYVhzb05wUENvSzZoYU5FVEswR0JpbWt6R0dCM2tzRWdEOVpBVDBybzJTOXRabzZTNUtCeU5qM2VPTG1TQ0VwTmFQZmtvPQ== |
I'm hoping for it | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRmpDVVBvaWxocDNOa08zcjk4T1VYOWFjME5ZWG1IckFhZEllVm1JYUhqTXY4U3BvMGNkM3VjMzVpNHNoRHVwX1k1T05LYkx2dENsTTA0V1RRX0xrMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUzlSZms3cTVndjZ3U19LLTRJU3JXb0lUX1VHd3luMFpCbFRBaTNLTUtSNGx4Slk5NUJfNEZ1TmZHVDZMaUxhR1QyM1hxcTd6dWxJVE43bXZZVm4ydHNSUWxhWWFJVkl6RTk3eVltRXYwU1BNT0kzWTFCcDMxTlBMM0RPbDBNdFVHZ1FTdl9tQTdvU0Y5NUNVcDEtWC1JcnN4WllFdkxXd1I0dG03dUsxU2RPbXFNQzIyUjhLSkdQR3lXYzhlUUtCdDJxWVpjRzVVdHF4djZySnJna3Z5UT09 |
Knowyourmeme is an impeccable resource for such questions | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-04-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTTFFQ2drOWdHZno5Ujd4WURKYktTbDFXWUtvVW1pQnFxcmE2enJmVkZLUjFweFp4bTY0SFFoWlJrTTdlU1NfVG9LcGY1bEtXMTR4QWdneVhVS25QRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktseG83MVFvRFEzem9mMUpYelJiemRNQmpXWXRlMG5JeUU5NzJhczlsVUlGdWZHT1dWTVBpclNRM1dmRkFXMzNwMmpXRDhLUkhEMTBMUXpadmhWamgxUFZNYlByWS1NMzVTSVNON05MLXZGMHhwVVdwY3BRM21HRjBLNGFneEgzR3Y1UlFwWjVCSWxlbUNuVUlpREtFZ3hLbTJhQTNKbVZwWWZBNERZX0hDQlFsaXBYZlNWQXZoN09WQXFic2E1U1AtNWVtQU1vOTNQLVk3YzNva3pTaS1KUT09 |
It's really important for Americans to own guns because they're terrified of all of the other Americans who own guns. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-04-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWGtxMXJLZi1UeE9qZFVHTTVWODNicGgxanp5SW03S2JTcy1ETTdTTk5ydmo1RllUTVRUTHJabXU0Tk1wM0FVa1FCYTRVQ0gwZkQyNUFFRGg5aWxNRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsc1BaQWFrU3N1YkdVZElOaXVjcklMVmk2VFQ3cnhLSTZKckhoMHJSSUtJSmU1LW1XdWtIcE1yUGUtc3FlUFlYdnNsOGpZREZOT05KZTZ0bG15VkxLc0FsRGhlY2w0X004dHlET0REVXlmMWw5OEFWanktOGlOeXVSb0VpUDR6ckUzRjY1cmVUcXl6bGFXdnYtazZuMmlmdF8xM1k5SW5LWU84eVBtOHB1RTF3NGVKaUtabW94NUM5aVlNM3FZc1hoWnA2dXlhMUk1RFE1OGx5S3ktRXJqQT09 |
There are two answers to your question: one practical and one philosophical.
Practically, a gun is a necessary tool for about a quarter of all Americans. Europe is the most densely populated continent. Portugal, for example, has about 111 people per square kilometer. The United States has about 36. And truthfully, once you get beyond certain large cities, the population density is even lower. What you would consider “rural” in Portugal would be considered suburban in America.
That population density means that if you are waiting for a government agent (police, animal control, etc.) to come, you will have a long wait. If you have animals that are pests, or diseased, or you have an animal hit by a car that has to be killed because it is suffering, or you have a criminal threatening you, the government will not be able to arrive in a reasonable time to deal with the problem. We have to take care of those issues ourselves, so we need access to guns.
But I gather from your tone that you were asking about American philosophy. For example, why do Americans in cities have guns, or why might a rural American have a handgun rather than a rifle?
Americans have a fundamentally different idea of the relationship between our government and ourselves. The general idea in Europe is that your rights are granted to you by the State. So, for example, the Portuguese Constitution grants rights to its citizens— and acknowledges that the military overthrew the government to create those rights. In other words, one faction of the government overthrew another faction. If tomorrow Portugal had a different government, your rights could be different under them. This isn’t unusual to Portugal in Europe; the French “Declaration of the Rights of Man” explicitly says that rights are derived from the State.
Most Americans believe that our rights are inherent to being human, and our Constitution only recognizes those rights, it does not grant them. Our Declaration of Independence, one of our most important political documents , explicitly says that all people are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” To explain that simply, it means that our rights come from God, and cannot be taken away. It even says that we have the responsibility to have a revolution if any government does not recognize our God-given rights.
To protect those, we added to our Constitution a “Bill of Rights,” making the most important rights very clear. There are ten sections— the first is freedom of speech, religion, and the press, and the second is the right to bear arms (carry weapons). From the very beginning, the right to carry weapons was considered second only to speech, the press, and religion.
It would be wrong to imagine that most Americans walk around every day planning to overthrow the government. However, here at the center of American political culture we have the idea that we have the right to protect ourselves, and also that we have such a responsibility. From the American perspective, allowing only the police and the military to have guns means we are at the mercy of the government, and would no longer be a free people.
One interesting side effect of this culture is that police and military are more respected in America than in Europe, because these forces are seen as honorably supplementing the people’s own self-defense.
Is it easy to get a gun? In most places, yes. If you are old enough and don’t have a criminal record, you can buy a gun. In some places there are restrictions on where and how you can carry a gun, and those can be different depending on where you are. But mostly, yes, it’s easy to get a gun.
I’ll leave you with one story about American culture that many of my European friends find surprising, so you might enjoy it. In some places in America, you can get a “concealed carry” permit, a special license that allows you to carry a hidden gun in public. Obviously, criminals do not apply for these permits, so the level of law-breaking among people who have these permits is very, very low. In fact, it is so much lower than the general population that a police office once told me this: When he is investigating a crime and he has several suspects, if he discovers one of the suspects has a concealed carry permit, he immediately stops investigating that person, because “it’s never them.” | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOU4yUUVuRHN6ZFA0QW5GOXlGUXowTnJzRXVOU19OZndkOWZqOF9LNklDbTZGR0VmYVprQi02VjF5R194Y1FqZmVvcU5NNDJUUFdWRGk4Vm9uTjQ4U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZVZWVkNoNzdmckJLa0NuWm10VDJlVjFxSWRBR1AwRFUxeUhnM2F4bmcyQTM2NU14WnVtcWwwSGlxVDlUSldfNFludTc3cDdXQ1JGYnZra1FDQWNndmdIdkVuek05WHJxUVZVQl8zbW5KZEY5cmhDVjBoUlloZ2pQa2hmb2JMN3UzYTh5NTRNdE1TdFBhMGtuRllobVJ3N2ppR0EtM0xLcHg1d3o0Qm43QlNtN3pjRDAzWGRIalZmR1VPOUF5ZHB6eDVqV1dSc2lhZEwwSUNZOUlzTW0xZz09 |
People post it because it’s so uncommon. I assure you we don’t all live in filth.
We call those people “hoarders.” It’s often a symptom of mental illness. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOFRJOUhYa0cwSE9xRUlSWWhRb19adEw5a2phSGs4MzRTUWN2am1BVU9tWkxEdjc3UElyaHE4VjNBU3l6SG1CamxaWE5lbU9sZGJQY1VCUWlLNDJaZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMXBwTWh6LTE5WE9tdEh3YktSLWJYZGw2Y3lJMmVwNzE2a3ZVeG1xUkRqUkJzbm1jOURNNGU3bUhkR1ExTEVLaWZ6bTBDc19DT21RWjVKZExYTEJHSDJOSFlQTTRyMTdITk0zclloeFh2Y1RwX3ZRRmJrTm9hblBrV0QyZ3N0RlhUbHZVeFdzTng1QVZDVXpiQjk1Y3BfdWM4VjY1TXBrYkNNQmpBXzg1RS1ZTV8xeDJDRmNiaXYtSlM4M2VHekFITTk3aDgzd1dPWUF4akNFSVNYQk9vQT09 |
Thank you for replying. Is it really uncommon? how is it possible there is a whole tv show about hoarders then?
I link it to consumption habits. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobXlOS2hjMzRQamVuT3hYdVFBcHVWYnYtQWJucXY0aVhIc2FxM1VxOEVjMGxNTUtKSjI3UnhxWXA5eks5NEZtNDdlWHo1ZWxVbmlxbnZJLUxCSjJERHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaEVtWFVkRDllR0VsTTZEUHduMkU1ckJFNWJqUHZhYXJTWkZOUmZQREt1a3gxRHV2Wmw5djU2b2tSQXVKREJxdFRjZDNQdVVfOVFEaVdOY3g5ZDFZcjlZdDJVYlRyQ1JsT19SWGVGWGUxZG1KYWJ1RExzcTJhd3RJMl85eWliQjZERXV0Skd5MTN5U3RGbTB3OEwtNGF0em9iOHlLQzBxTHJNRTBZd3gwVmVYNHZ6aEdfMWV1ektVRmxSRjdPOEJZaFZrdnFvZXJubF9WS3FvYUNPRWlkQT09 |
You have to remember that the population of Uruguay is about 1% the population of the United States -- so for every kind of person you'd have there, we'll have 100x the number, both in the good and the bad. So yes, there's enough to have TV shows about it.
In my life, I've only met one true hoarder. She was a seriously mentally disturbed person, and we had to clean out her (very disgusting) house when she was committed to a mental institution.
Obviously, not everyone is so seriously mentally ill. A common type of "mild" hoarding among elderly people is not wanting to throw away objects that are associated with memories, but I gather from your question you're not talking about a grandmother who has saved every drawing her children made, but about those people with very serious problems.
Here's the [Mayo Clinic]( talking about the different types of hoarding and its causes. Hopefully that will give you the answers you seek. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSWNuUnFQLS1LaU9wVEJ5ZERxVGV2QWFsdlRoendMd1FtSlBfYkt4UndLYU1raTlZNmNoTjNYUVB1Vl9aNDY4aGpZYWhtYW44Z3AyR09uaHFLVzg1NlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbmlTNGo5ZEFMU2p6R1BkWk5JbXQwTHNLbXNYLXNQSFBhcGhuVnUxZzVUZmpGcFlNbGhraThVZjlxVXM0ME1mVHJKZ19tUlNnMzlERWlIeTRsalpRa3RuMHR2aVVROFBFTTFrMVFJcXlubUUzT20xckcwZnQzQ2NQVko3aEl2bENSME8wbTJmTnctek5zbC05eDRCQ25jbm1nT0hJMTlSTktLYXI5c3VMdmxOb016WVA3NmFkM3hLOTZrSXVhVDQwVXRSZHhTMjNzMHNNSFlzQlNBMl8xZz09 |
Lmao | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUkdxZ3BBY09oY1JPOWxja3NDQlF2ZG5KWFVNWlRwanpSUy1SWGI0Rl9sS1lUaEpIaklfSDJ0WjVZZS1vUDFGb2ZpME12Q0RQYzR0VUdLeE1KYmpUNVFCcllVSjdqOFV5T1RNWVJaWHZhcHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUXY2aUhxaXhCY3ZTOThHWkFUdW5RbHU4U210cm5SZm81aWw2cWpNdS1PNk9XOE5NdmtzcGpROTE4WVRqQmVzUWNOeTJfa2ZPM3pwRzM1ZWM0Umpra2VhQ2JudVZfOHp2VGlHem5NVWZfRkRqSGQ0TzhHT2VKcXRPZ0phLXdNSWE5Njl5cWZZYzc1dGNTczVldDgxbzRyZkljYTZybjUtWTlKRFhBOU9hbEcwPQ== |
As a European I find this the most complete answer I ever received on the matter | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoM0d5SlhMYjBtOVlpc2hkVGVhcDhndE5ySUlBTzhleGtnbUVHLTdGMThJbUoyc3o4ZXJMd0J4QVlmTHNQQW1Ha05hUE9sQWJOV2JieG5EVWlyYmRnenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUklPZlo4bk5odTdWT3lUSnNVTFBhUWl5Z2ZoYlBuV0NXWHlsR3NBckJsbkE0cllXeWtzOXhrT05CaTNpRFB2ZHJOVm1naG00anQ2allYS3FYRGRoWTJCRXoyTzFaQnloakRDSzAzMWxhMmNfWlBLYWczUWxfa252cmMyaUpQSlEwN2FTenRUdnZVVUUtU2c3NVRIQk1RREE4aGJzWTc1dGJ3SmlkWVZ5UGxoQUxZLWpsS2NTT1pPc05lYzF3TC12NDFTMGxsT1RjcVI1eUlEMVRwTEtJUT09 |
Me, a man from Bologna, would like to know what you call a Bolognese in the Us | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocDUzWW1zaGx4U2RRZGF0QVFNOEFmeFBRVTk4QUZfMmpFSFB4OWRrT1A2LVowSnFDbEVOM1RKTjhnVzJUQWktb2JJWGRuejFmTmVISE1pMEs5SkFtdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsNzYwSTdIX0NrcDllV2ZZQVlYUGJjdnN5U3RldmxWUHU4RWxLQUg5UWVPa1o1YjNzN1pseWI5bjJ3VFFENXMwWTFhcnVoMW9ZQjZCaHZmOE9FMmpJaFhPTHI1TXZpcGZ6c3FUUkoyeDlwdl9SdUplX18xV3VadC1VUXRyU0pENzAxWDZIQlBLenhwUE1JSWlhVzlBc1ZvUWpGVTE4QjdJUzBCdENaeXluMF9CektKdDd4UzZ0YU9ueXlhbjdtZUlr |
It’s a combination of them all but you also have to remember that we’re a very large country and having a recall affects us nationwide. Some aren’t aware of the alternative nutrients either and depending on your medical reasons your milk may not be safe even if you do produce. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZ0lRaEtubFNpaVRWWks0bVptam9fYWl3ZmkzNUM4SE4xOTdJNEYxTGlhS0JRZU92Rm1wWEkzNE9lMDFmR1JqNm8yTW8xcm1FTksxZkhOdDF4YXZtQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscGRTOE4zcktmcXNTYUNUcVVHVVhCSk5qdGJHTElLQ3ZFTGlMREhfWDRnRl90d2g5X3VnblRHWVRMcUEwV21BRmdUbWtPUDJYUUp3YVZMU1NJN29hWVpYanBBWGdHNndfZ09BQnhfMDY4N2tYU0ZoSWRCZ1ZTdmNMbFdGUGk1WFk4bmNvN3lJVGRZSWdPd1d1N25UbGJlclVmWVhuQmQ0X3R2R05pbG15M1JoaHA0Vk5mZmVxRzNtZktyemgyNmswdnBoQkZHSUN4cF9MRjdkUEtpVHBQQT09 |
its been the normal for quite some time. they are a weekly occurrence here now. according to the npr on may 15th: "It is also the 198th mass shooting in 2022. With just over 19 weeks into the year, this averages out to about 10 such attacks a week." | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoLUdGRFlCSk92Tl9SSEpuMVhlb3ZWOEY2Ri1pdnhIM2FMaEdMbG0yQkR0V0hLWlJ5SDh6clFHajZRaVZDU05Wazd2TG5pdmtPWnFEY2RjVnRDS1RlMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQTFCajEzLWZ5UGFnSXd4bFVleG5OMjdrVGc3bGJMeWRDZ3JaaTExeDBqcWlhQnRBWjBKbkZ4VFdRdFoyb3JhVk45UGlxUlEyQlU5MGE2UjNZVVo0ZEo4a1RadzZOMFhZRDdrNTVveE84dVNzRUlIQXQ5cUl6cV9ZTTBHM2lydF9HbjA1NjBCYWRkN05ycEtBX3NsV21YVEdjVFN3a0ZfRV9TVHFQT2dnand2MFJqVFQ2MFNrVGF0UjdKZXZhb0k5MUNZTExIUmdNLWZTVmVkRzIwUThPQT09 |
Yeah and still as fucked up as ever. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-05-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoMzdlc1Q0a3hMQ1Zna1lLUkZwVGo1ampRcFJ1WE1TaW1KaVI3Y2hDSE10YzRfdUw1dVMydDA4Q01qV0E0ZVp1WVJxTEVUN1dkbnVNWDAtQV9NZm01MXRrZkpQcVNFNjZ5VXIzY0FmdkI1NFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsY3Q3b0RFblpzQXAzWTM3cTNtNDFzYTVWVjM3V3Eyb25nVzU2ODQ5OTljNHl2NkFlSDZORWpoOG5Qd3l3dVpQeUNsN014YjdkN1JLSDdwVXZVWDlnUXdGS2ZBN05NdnJ0R21pZ3VYZUJoYVJ1eUZjcnI3eWJPRjVUSVBCVGZrT09PN21NQWFFYXJCOUNFeklHTURhVTdhV2hmN1A3ZmJhSTk3QmNKUHZKSmN2WUU2NF9YSW9aS3VFZWkwaFUycXA0djRZSHkxR3FqZ1NTdjZhaDFDRUNlZz09 |
The American system grew out of President Roosevelt’s wage controls during WW2. At that time, it was largely illegal for companies to compete for workers by offering better wages, so they needed to attract workers in other ways.
At that time what we think of as modern hospitals had just emerged, so businesses began offering free health care to attract workers. Dental and eye care were typically not handled in hospitals (and generally still aren’t), so they weren’t really part of the approach. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoX0NQQmZodmVLTWd6MlIwdXJENWRoN0xnMUdiV0YtUHU5YXNvaGpoNi10Z3JjdVRHekdzU0JsNF9MZlM2ZTJUcS1RNUJKMUdzS2EwWFg5Ql83UjlvZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscW9YczYyOXhsNVFKbHptRDBtVkVZWG84dUJtLVZtNVdXXzlmNk95ZlNzMFJCMWpkc0tSNE9TcHh5eUJ2RXdvVm5DTGVUbVBEc1JlekRtaU1kVHA5NGtSNVBZeGEzUFlfQjVyemV3a1Rab09qSThNX29hME45dWcyem9CcEg1c0FmZlc4N2YxdE5ydjcyYVpkTk5PM3NHT2d5SUpfM3FRcmplRF9Ld0hZYktwbjB4NE5pQy0xVEFSZXR6eWpGZFg0TXlqRERiV2ROLU5JX2cwU3M4REJodz09 |
Thabks for this. I guess I’m wondering why we carve out teeth and eyes as if they’re somehow nice-to-have’s. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-06-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoeGZBWTAwcTRfMkt5TGNIWFM1aHAwcEt3cHRwQ2VndjRyMG1VVjY3MU9Hd0U5MmJ6NHo2YUxlNXZHUUg2M3dZaDdxOFdIUkpwcENjaHBFZXQ2YUFhZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsczA4TzdiNFBaTHYzUXRoNGNMOTk3Nkpabm1nVFdxdC0zUkV2cUxnRXBMOHRJbmJRcTUwMEVPYjM3TE1FTzlZTkROU1VzSHZIckdzNl9YWFFpMUxwdm9uSS1yalk5TFZSTGV6VGZ4azJkcjA1VEJ3UFQwOGdEekI3OWVNZU5zVzFPRWtfaFpGeUVOWGhzTXRYUUdGLW1DRDN0NWlMaXZ3ZEw4MFIwNVZSNkNtb3B1N1JzaFY5VUYxRm4xOFhnR3gxRDdvNkdDN1pOOTBDWWJFNmtkaWxKUT09 |
No, usually the Atlantic Ocean. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-06-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocnhtVm9ERDl1am80QjlBTmlMMzkwQ0FsNU5VN2lXVHgyOFBrYldsRHloYThHODNIVms3b3oybnhuZE04VWhvNkQ3S1p5eWx3d2o2S1ZXUHcyZ01jN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsamRWeVJXalY4RnVVTmpsZ0NQdzF2U0tZdmpZTFF2U2NMYWNkY05RY1ZGN0swOFQ0djVwNUVsRU5BMTZRWFdPakZkVkZtOV9WcEFaMHRTTkhwWUx2OXBRdWxaRHRvbFp2S1FmeTUzOExzSUhVUnZKSnNrTEl5cHoxYWE4NFVXSnkwc2lya1lYQVlGSlpvWVpyUXVKdmV3PT0= |
Indeed they could and probably should have done just that in 1973. The will of elected officials whose legitimacy flows, atleast in theory, directly from the electorate, is much harder to overturn than that of an unelected, unaccountable judiciary. After all, electing representatives is a much healthier way of enacting laws than packing courts.
For all the sound and fury, the Supreme Court decision has really just corrected a 50 year old mistake, returning the issue to where it belongs: in the hands of the people. This lack of political legitimacy is part of the reason this issue of such profound moral and social importance is endlessly re-litigated in the US whilst largely settled in most other Western democracies. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-06-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobHhjU2tyWWFsN0ZnYWoyWjFoQ0pQRXlYTk56N3EyUWRlQ3FJazU5aG5aZ0NUVVBBbzE0U1F4amRINHVzbkt4WVpGRWN5Mk1CZS10aHZCZ1hKMnVhOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaWZvQmE1dUJMc1BTakl3S05Tb0RoM1Y3RnRMb0xVa2NDVTNKR21iY1paR0ducWlaWVJkODVOSW9iZWZVSFRhbWNWVzhibmU5WGZQdFVCQjNzQjdSVjJoWEo4VGNOalppakRTSHpCZ2dpWUpZUWVPaHUyeWNyYzllSDF4R3ZtQTdLZnVpLTJHM2lrcWJsZVJPRWFzbFJiRDRrWjgxQ1RqU3FUa3QxSUExdGhNPQ== |
To add a bit of detail to what others have said, there’s not a lot the President could do, because constitutionally that’s not his job. However Congress is a different story.
Reddit has a particular love for certain people in Congress, changing over the years, but you should note that whenever one of these online-celebrity congresspeople tweets or rants about how “the President should do X!” or “The Supreme Court should do Y!”, in most cases that is literally their job in Congress. And, unless they did something wildly unconstitutional, most of the time they would get the backing of a conservative court for anything that they collectively pass.
OP’s instincts are right here, and what you may be realizing, OP, is that in many cases of American politics that become the outrage-of-the-day on Reddit, the legislators who are ranting would “rather have the issue,” i.e. they would rather have voters angry enough to donate money to support their campaigns than actually deal with the issue.
In this particular case, Congress had decades to make laws, and had the full warning of a leaked draft of the ruling, and the President’s party was in control of both houses of Congress, so it seems likely that they don’t actually want to legislate on the issue — they’d rather fundraise on it. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVWphWXZtcGJTSFpSX01uWm95Tmx1VVFzRmQ5SENWNXd2MjZRdVF3cmJXbHYtWWhwY1JfZDY4X1RvOU9yT2ZicGxPbW5hN08ySXF6WjU1Vl81Tm1IZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsd0hreHVvalNZZjRWRFR6M0hTam0wWkRxc1FhaGdRVWttemdsYlFMd243YklzelFEZTRIVGk5akk0ZVlVWWpEMnpBOGVQeVUtbEstVERSQkhJUk90My1LUk5pZzFUcE9MX0JvQnVnamtJOXo1Zk4zX1F6N3pzZ05QTVlBWHZINExzMHFrRGhsUzhFVHktYnU5b0FLVTFJcjdzbWpwQ1VwLXI0TEItdWVUcWVjPQ== |
Well you got to say "Twats" so there's that!
I suppose you could say its not often that we get to take the moral high ground and you guys are about the only ones we can take it with, so...
As for supermarkets well Aldi may be cheap and cheerful but the most harm there would be shoplifting (thieving). Am I right in thinking you can walk out of Walmart with enough ammo to start a small war? I mean seriously, with the gun laws (or lack thereof) in the US you gotta expect to take some stick mate.
As for the rest of it it's just the English being English, which is small minded and holier than thou. Its why everybody hates the brits. I'm Irish and we hate the brits more than anyone, trust me!1
And using words such as egregious (?) is just gonna make things worse for ya. Too many syllables and too complicated for most to understand. People are just gonna get confused by it and retaliate by taking more digs at ya!
Hope this helps. And happy 4th July, mate 👍
Edit. Joking aside just heard the terrible news about the 4th celebration and you have my greatest sympathy. Stay strong and much love to all in USA 🇺🇸❤ | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNjVHY3pJYXVuazd4QUQ2ZUZod1AxeDhhUmU2SUUyMTd3Z1o2a2FqWmVBX05SeURYcy1nNEVsTFY0dmd5d0JrbmpfRDJMM0NDR2FtNHl1a3E4SkhzYU82NGx6RnUySF9xLU1aSHlTTTFXdjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsa2ZNckxiMDc1VVdwS3pQZjJPN2FJTmNDM0lNM3ZvdG5mVUJSSWlyM3IzMmowOENJZTliaENyZzBoM3N0bmF1a3UzaFo4ak1BVTdBUldJemVQR2M5cTJCUHc2WVNnT2NwSXVHOUdCZ0hiRk5yTTgxbW5IaDBfYjV2dGk3V0JxUFJuZllfRUNTRk9sNEc2WHZRMDRtY29BbTJCb1JsbFU3MXNqREJrTnlQdDVWMk9tV1ZucTE1Z0k5cldqOXpJVFhqdHZ2YXUwWXZLbkdKblZwdnBPX0lrQT09 |
Why wouldn't we be holier than thou given our world class healthcare system, competent and highly effective leadership, respect for political order and social cohesion, skilled and collegiate bureaucrats, the complete eradication of racism and hate of all kinds, respect for international law and exemplary history of benevolent empire? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoYzJNbk5tVTltT1QzYnlzTlJ6eWtwczd5b1FMYVJja1BKSUw0eGVlZGVndnBNSzNjOGpOQWhJZWNuM2pJelhBUmN6X2M4bXNPSFNLQmVrOHRFS1VkTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQnN2WGdaclZtaVZsdTlIeDN4aTR5Si1DclVFT0tVakxSWWprWHd2WWZlSVM2WWZqZ2VoVWs1aDFxVC0tVEdDU2pfVl9aREZNYUNCRk9mbU40a1NqaEEwQWp2RGt1dGlTYnA1c1g2ZlJ3a3FaNmcxajQ5Nk1wTWZYZDlVdEtQUzhrVlBhVFhTaktqb3BQVnl2WjlSMDlkR2VjNnN1RWsxbm5VQ3ZET0lIU1RBX09PcU50LUFuOHl6RFUtV2gwalF3ak9lTjFGc2dWTXdibGlxWmFzc3NMQT09 |
And sarcasm. We invented sarcasm and sarcasm must therefore be used, despite the fact it probably flies right over the average Americans head.
Or is it irony they don't get? I often get confused over the two so forgive me if I've got that wrong.
Just to be on the safe side let's say sarcasm and irony. It all applies at No 10 right now... | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoajlCQ19RZEFqVGhyZlZUX0MzOWN4Mk5iRDZxbHFpN09WS3YtVVMzV1Fsdm1qaXdydlNxaXVwbU5YYnNtNXdzN29HU0I2MnYwdUplVmdxbGVybEcwWlZJdUh1a0lqRi1QU1FNbWlvYmpzekE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMXFMS1VZR1lVSGpodFp2RTV6TGxRdVVuOTVnMk1mcDVvNjdIeXo4Z0lhYU1fczlVRHRpR3BvUzlVazMyLWZNd0RjWTNEZW5vbzNSTFVlTVNVaDU1d1V5Tzh1QzFJN0dtVDZHUkZJLURPMUk2YXVIZXh3eGlxYmJ1TG1XZUxiaVI2NWo1bkVDV3NrYk5hb1N3QjhjNVBpRlVKM3hXdlM5cmRpMDFUMDNhV21ScmExRVlQWjFjc1FlTmlGSHc0aHRYdDNNSU1VMWVsRUdaUHN5SUVZcE0xQT09 |
"I would sue" is a very American response. Lol thanks for the advice. I won't sue but i will look into this more. Thanks friend | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUllRTGZqbU5FajQ4WWNNeUpwemMxdGh1S2dlVjRISWVyaWZIY3NLX0pxS3BnVjR5TEhnUFk0YktZaFRBUm9jZWpVX2Q1NlRpTXFiOXdFREJxUkJTb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsNE1BMGV6OHVzMWNiWVVmUFN2UjlaWGh5bUM4bXlEeEZqSEhoS2EzWTgxRjloUlVVVG51bERPcXdfbHNxWjJmeUdLVjM4blhFcmpOSlI0N2NJZUlEOGpXblhuT0pKNGdwdU9zdGZBNGFoVzROYnpSaVFSZkFJcExLOHZKd2p4UGt2NXFKaTBkVDhSbzhQOFJQUmNtaFpNWGpWa1RnanhSZ3BxWWxiaUNPcWJjaWw0NWJSZVJ1SV8wMDgyYl90Q2hxeEJ5VGJHa0tYazZ0MEphSndaS2VYZz09 |
they generally wouldn't come up even when asked. I agree it would be more convenient and makes more sense, as you've paid for delivery of a perishable/time-sensitive item, but they probably don't make a ton and so they have precious few fucks to give if it's somehow inconvenient for you. here though they're polite and calm about not helping you out . | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUEFzRmtYSmYwblRkcFBDUHE4UEJFU3hJcXdYWkpfNW5ncFpDWWQ3OXZRaUZFb1R6OFNRQTNHWlZPT0YwNklKejhMWFRYSG9YVG5YamxhZURzUW5pcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQVphSnJuZGF2dkxzTTlfdmUwSlVleWs3YVFpenN6Z3pwaV9kZFNoWVk3OXhMRmdpSTdGbzJwZ2VuTFBNbW04b19FRHJjNWdTbWI3dU9oUGdhdzdkTFZralhlOUJUMUxOMkYyVE9wanFHTlczTnRVV2J2Mjh1Q05kTk0wd3NDd05rZ2VTQ3lFQXE5d0NDdjJpS1F6X2xzNVZUV0oxeEszMG5MZVdNOGNKVkoza1pYUW1CMGR1TDdCVGlGRGUwSXRhY19ObzdSS0FqQjNKRHVRWlp6bDNhQT09 |
indoctrination | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRnlPRFJPNzJHSk5Oc1pzakVlS1BvSGdYQnd4bUltWVh6WTJvbWJtV3FSMGtpVmdoOHBSSEo2VkV5eUV0TWNDTnlZOF9vODFwNmxXN0g4RmVXeFpYUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZzJ2b1RucmxkOEtoTFJ1VTc2Rm1KeEcwbWxZM1Z2TjhGMWs3NTZ0WXkwZlhjUGJoOHpQam9iODZaa0VFN0dxT09FbWc3ZFZSMDJHWHJZenhQcm5QODNocjE4bzFHXzZ5dzd4Zkg0MlNyOUJmd0IzMDhyTnlqX1NOY2wzWGl5QVJnU1FRNUlRaEFDSjROTVRuY3puYkRrTFNyVG5hN2RiNnpZLWNwYVZOemkxSHVpRFRxVnIxOXhNZ1g2X1lUNXdTczZydGV5ZGpDUlJqYnJkRWdhdjZ1QT09 |
it's not it's delicious who told you these lies | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSG0tV29WMGpaRldrZ2kzVEN1MENUcVYxMF9Pc1RlcUVEOFVkR2lvNkF1Q0NFOTVtUk5rVkpJNF82dkMxaTAxNnJudzR1RDZOVnBabXZ5aU80RFdoMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaTlSR3RtNUNBeWdfVEFFc3A4di01dVlVZkRCbkEyUEZpLW1hNDloeGhSb0lDbjB4aGVHZmFXSERuZUJCLXB3MEgtS0pWUmdGQ01nRUxhdjd5eFF5bkRnemk4S0M2WC0wWG5IN2ZWTHlOTER6ZWhkaUNBQ0dXTjBVS0NpVnYtR0hjMjEwaVB1WVVQYWp0TkJkbFdYMzVnPT0= |
A | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoM2xlbTVFcFpLTTFUVWZGNkZYLVR0Vl9mUkR3Ylh3VFNodXVNODc1alhYMzlSbzNxaDVvVlFHU3BDWnhQQmprMnBFeGRmRlM4TXZRQ01YVllmejNFVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsa09wQ2l1VDJfQ3l0aUtPczhHRjhacHlCSUdwQjFTNnBHaGstRjNZeURVczRUTEItck5aUHRheGFhM3RhbUdqU01rb3pPOERrT1diUkNtT3Zfa0xnYVpGVGtSMFNPVWg1T1Jwc3lYbmNRT1hadDU0STZoWmJfam9HNzV6UmJhdHo3b3QwdC1nYjYyMjUxRElpVDQ3Yy1ZZFA4V1ZPTE01RXB4VG92N2xvbkZneHNmRUxrY0QzU1FNWTYzNzIzd0sxRXhmazVhaU5rWW9sM2dqdTVMUGMxUT09 |
one word:
not really chili, cause chili will have beans. but everything else on a bun, yeah | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoajhuR2lTWEl6ZFVNQ1llTl9IaUhucXhjT1hUQ2F0VEZpRl96Z0FfbVhWTUdhTnIyQ0lNbGtSRi1Ueld4VTQzRmxNbS1nNTMxU2lZWlBPUjBmb29HTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsR2g2QUFqTGh2WG52QVFoS0dCRnZ3bGxGdk5PbG95alFya3BSdVdvODVyMEVjMnRlc3V4cGtfeDExeEJtZ1BRRjU2elpZcmplM2VFa1ZRX0otZnJqZjRYQWJULVFzTERTYUNNcGRBVVZYTDNmYU1FbGNaV3UwcXQwdlpaU1N2ZVJPdzI2a0FXY21nMm8wNUQ4VU5uOFUwc3pCQVIxbGRhWUIzRVVZeVdfWGR5bEc5ZFVDcjQyblJ2di1jdzFOM2Nh |
Thanks the reply. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocFNBcUFjZXJrSERfbk4xRXBoczlsMWJGcWlXRXFqQVk0bE5keWFIQmF0UUVNczhhLWctQzBkdzgtSUpvM01kQl93N0JvaWdHbTdwUWZRWjdWdXNKaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRllpemtwY1ppTDV0M2w1Z3dlNUw0UHFRSExzQ19ndVJJbEpOVTRIemdfcks5OXRWMVV4amVNWlQxYVJmT0poNlZkbkFDbkFUTFJUWDdIMjVyR1kxb1NWZWhsckgxbmFDXzhOMTA4V3hRNTE0LXJxTmFSTFp1Z2tpNUhVQ1g1Uk5nNVVsN3dkWlU3YkVucWxBcEIwNThLeU9WcFlGWThkVDMwOU5Wc0ZhZVRJMk9wU1RQSnVxV3V1UkJPNHlzNUVEMEdMTmNvS2x0dmpJQTltYXpfeko5UT09 |
spaghetti sauce. authentic. you know, ketchup and some browned meat | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUTJHUFZmOU1MdFp2elBrWjJHX0V0LWtSYjAzcFZBczVPM3FGMThUNm1JMGJFWHpFQ0pLQ244YlZScFNWNEI2bmRyLTZXek1DZldqV0VCczNnUjhEZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsd1V1WGstMDkyNDhxeUdpT0Rjd3BHYUVBNGdpWUtCbUZ3eGZHSVhNUGZ0cUpIQTRRdFFmdkRfQmxyMC1sQm9INkFXeWF0OGxuUTBOVUxoUWNBZ25XcWpvRmItcjFYckpxQlBCeVVjQnhSVGlEVjREVUNYWGJoQjZEMzFDSl9Eem9TNUQtSTU0bmdOS2UxTlFrRlViaW1pNFFobGhxNzRfRy1yTW9OVlBqMTJPb18wd3d2ejBqVkdzaGhkd2pMMGFN |
I think this helps: | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobnhFSnVLS1NEeXplRlNqbDhnNkZsMkhaT1dYd2Jwb1NwbGhCcDNLYVU3R0c5d0tWZ3ZSRGFSLUdUTC1FTFVkVnBPM1dLVjVVQmlEbjlpY1pOc3JkT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUFg3WVkwMUdmdzh3NW83YzVBb19YeG9oX3FVVnlmVktKMTBNWFVyOGx0cDl0QzhDQ2hmTnBuRmxuN3NDOXpFclpRS29fR0RaOG0zRk9oV1QzUG5IRk5mMTJyLThTUGVZRlpnTnNpdWtlUVNqM2NkVHhGdC15cU81cHpiTlJqRmtCaFNBdzZZSHplekJiQUF6T2stNjdoZWFoZEhlZXlrd2pOZHk2bUtfcTBzRFgyVHg0d0d5TF9lNXNqZHQxaFRFeDFoSDVDUzJRQzZFLXNOby0waDdjQT09 |
thx mate | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocU5DdnlTUWRWczhCNTBkdHJqaTBUVHlhdUpDcDdxam9LeXdDNnFHb0g2dVdGVmdsVURzWXVvOEF5TS1rb1ZDN1dwUkFmU1lieEZhank3RlI2dm1tUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQXA5SXdRWU84ZjJSelhVMEpPOXRCdG5vX0d4cHdiMkplTzhMNDVrdmVpajNQSkZ3QWNFMlBRZ3lsZk5zSThjNGdZUnFpSXh5SmtkRGhGV0NaTHppaFAxTUxPME5yVU5EUXRiSUM3X2huYjI2Snd0dXRUUHA4U3hQSHFGNE1kaWZOV2ZJU2RLcnVyWGlqQURXNmxnOG1YNzBkenFSdTlMX0pCQm1ZVmlFNzlyQzhCS2VjQUUxWXF4a04yWWJiZjRSRDEzWG1yamt0T21ONEh5eDVjNGlOdz09 |
Well most guys in the UK won't know what a sophomore even is, at least I certainly don't!
But all schools will have a football team from the age of 6/7 up until the end of high-school which is 16yrs.
Hope this helps man. Good luck. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobEVRel9PR0VKampVdXFlMUUtdHAyZl9BanlqQ0JfRlhqM0JZNng3TVlnV2N6TmN5c1ItSDhCeDU0c25aSlllUDhfNHYybzdqZTJpaHpzM1FPSnV0Y1pvV21SMWlIZXRhVmxKU2VNYlVVT289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQWRIV19QT185dDkyQ2NKM1VRTnp3MXBzNDRqU0ZoV251NnRUTHhoWGlMcmw0TmZiWEpyV1JvWFFNNEt5SktoVlIxdDAtZE1iX1hsZHVIR2p6WHlwMTFXdkxYWHdLNmZxVDgzdlI3VE92ai1OVm9zd2g5d3ppaDQ0TTcxbGhJTU9SLXoyV0QxSHh5RjBONU1jbHZYVmJOcDB5ZS15U3V1dFBBNXJwMjJpYm9TenlkUzNOaFpQbzFzekM0UjROcVNsUGx6bTdNRVFRWjg1RjVGVWYza1JZUT09 |
Thanks very much. I though that juniors and seniors were 17 and 18 years old at the end of their school year? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNzh4WGNha0s1ckV0djVMTDBnTmJsYXdGMnV3OWJBVnBRcHctS2lPVmtUVDVkYmRCY0dTM0Zna0lCeGJ1cmNyZUZhcm45NEtuWVE1cWgtbUhuMHJHLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsanltWlRxS2wyblM5RnZFWGd6LVc4WEhVUXJ5QWpzcXlqcFYyd2FScHJKYnd6b2hHN29ySXZkY0hBQW82MjQ5UXRwQUloOU1GX1RsWlBtenNvZTJDT3liakJoc0hRMDNOaWJVTWw2cW14NkQ1VGFHT1g0Z2pIVkhzRndYbVZRZHd1RHNEbjhtVFEydkpZNVlNYVNEQ2o0cDZZWGJydmpKbWNJcGplWE9UU1BxbFVCZVNyemo1bjBiVDhOb0o4aUNIelVoSlVmb2tiTVNTRGJOeWNReVR6UT09 |
The different phases of school here work like this. Primary/junior is I think from age 6 to 11. Then it's Secondary school, ages 11 to 16. The further education, college, which is 16 to 18. Then it's on to University, which can be any age from 18yrs onwards. A lot of those who go on to uni take a gap year so can start at 18yrs +.
The stages from primary to secondary are compulsory, college onwards is purely personal choice. Not sure of the figures but I'd say the majority leave the education system at 16.
Hope this helps. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoa1BUXzFUQ1NJNnBDaXE4NUJ0THNZYWZlUmU2bEtySklkNl91MWYzOEdkS05IX0YwSmFyQ1hSeGp2TE5vSjJwS04wVzdPU0dYWkMzRExQVGJMWUtFRWxrNGUyZlJmazU0dnFpb0JrYXRKbHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYmdNS2d3Zm12RGtBRExOUDBEVGdNMHk2X2dqQ3psSExBQmgtOXhzYzVmb2VreWRfWmRoMmttSVRIM1ZZOEN4SVBKRE9WS3NSU0xjZU5mUjBmNXpjTWZUR0lLc2gwaWJ4RkpyZjI2V2x1RmNJOHJpT2pxS1JKRVN5azZidmdUeVl1amJzU0w5dEp3dGhkcUxMSWlsVHpLbTVNZ3NsWUM3cmJzQjY5TWctY09JUlJ6NW5rZFJITnlGelkyaHVxMWVMdTcybU5JMjY3OU5TdXRzVlRLZEFZdz09 |
No it doesn't. I'm English and live in England. I know everything you said because I've lived it. I'm asking Americans, in the r/AskUS sub no less, to tell me what ages their freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior kids are and if they have football teams for each year group. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoT2JiaW5naW5ycmM2S0RGbzI5Nnp5Vk5OcWVQb2l2aVY3VGF0R3FzM19McC1jY2RDcWFwaDVKSHJ0NTFlUEF4YUtTSmpENEEwMkhVSHdwUXVoQUxEV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsclJUQnZIR2tFZXlqQnVCcEVnNTJKWEpXZHhkQWJWMUV0SUl6cm1jS0FfTFM4NkJFSjIyRnZQZ3UtdmVPa1dTc25qdVZOZEZOY01pRGJBYjJyUnQweXhZZVkwSVczVl9PbDNPWXloVzdwUzNKR1k5U0NLZ3V4eUlFTF9GenpZQ2UxTjE0QmJTMGZ2VkFaN0ZUc0h6QURDTExUSWItTDVzNWxoSGRnVkVhbHhoeko5OEZYY1llRzZJb1VIaGF6NFZILUlZZ2VBbndDNWh0elVGdi1YZVZPZz09 |
Well excuse me for trying to help! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoV21zQ0tsd25hWDE3VWlEbXhyMUMxZUdSc29VYV9wRE56U0lKdTl2OXVQelp5dkE1M1dROWNBTWxHNkV0NkpvRE8zVmhidjZrd3cyNVA3WWVhWTNRbDJhX2pUSFJqVVVFQlpESHlZTjNHM009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSzROOS1fRnM0ODVfZjVZdnRVQ1BUemIxcG5KdW01amNOM2VhekQ2RWVVbDFFZ3JQcjVVMGN1ZHkwc0Rwa0owSTlIZlNxYnNUN1pGLTV6c2IzYy1ySWhQeGx5WVNCeXUxT1pndnZ4cjFzajdfRUxDMjgxbk5MRkpNN1M4bHg4cVE5SWtibXNla0Y4b2Zlby1va0g0cjFzYjAzcWprNjgzLWRhWDhhcTFfdHFtLURQZWFHakJlTzg5RGIxR2I4YWh3eWplVnM2NTBlbE1LZUV1TGItMm9wQT09 |
If you are English and have "lived it" why the fuck are you using terms like sophomore and freshmen etc? Terms that are totally alien to anyone who has gone thru the English education system. And then get arsey when someone answers your question.
For the record the only time the term "fresher" is used is in relation to a students 1st year at uni.
I'm tempted to say stop being a dick but we both know there is little chance of that don't we? Have a lovely day. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUWlIbWlFWVVReWNBU3pLeFRnV0pjbXpfZ2dQSGppdUR5dUl6SW5iempuV2wyNXktWlpSRE5nVmRLaFdaMHc5RnVXb2pPcDEtZW5wb1JWSFNrN2ZheXBMOWRSS3Z2Nzh0MHE5RE9VWjFfbnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYVR1amJYVElqWmJTaHRYMHRKVm1YTHpHU2dTb203SmVfbmpxVTRIaWo2OXVfZklyOGFQRk9YbEpUSzVuN2RoUG9mb0lyXzVVQUd0djZ0QXZqY24wQTc5NlF3ck84VTFZakxySWFmRG9oRFBrZ0ZsQzFBaWJNOFpJUWRGZkhWdUdIYkdkNUNCYkJkbDliMkZCeVdFNGxubXpVQXZTWkVaYWRiUFVWNTYwQXd1WkRVb1ZBTjFkVktIdDA0UHVwTzUtNmVLZ2l6Ri1iSUR3bEEwQkQxcjdWQT09 |
Trump is a well-known figure, and so I would say one’s general opinion of Trump determines what one thinks of him pleading the Fifth.
Actually, [Trump himself acknowledged that he had changed his position](, and got about as close to saying “I was wrong” as a politician ever does.
By the way, it’s actually relatively common to plead the Fifth, usually if your attorney thinks it will be advantageous to you, or sometimes if it would be too embarrassing to testify to the matter. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoa1F2UE1zRGdVTEpEcHVoRkpnWWJDb1FFNXFNTG40LU93bEx5VUlIanc5cUlSQjFUTW53WFoxV2lPclhsOXU1RjZVUFh1OUhLaFl1Yi1IWFBaaWJHbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscDZvU1VZZ2Fsc1VVUGVQZEZ0UVl2eVYwNldHRElqTUhIUXN2dzZBcUgtaV9xLVVWVFQ3UnBiRzNNTS1PUjZ2RGRLMmZ6X0FpUXE5UExXWGthQW1hclk4eVF0M1ZzMWdGUlJGN0p0Z0hDYl9DZUE2Uzd0MlpuOWRQNU9Fc1pZLTdqeWpCRkFDMzExV21VdkVtRjRweGlNZ1hwcVh4Xy1nVnJrM1JNYi0ySm1vaFRDaUd5Tzl1cFM2VU1LTU9qM0lOZUU3MlZzcGlHY2IwM0p4ZG9sRFVxUT09 |
Racism is considered much less socially acceptable in the US than Latin America and Spain, where what we would call “casual racism” is much more socially acceptable.
I would answer the two regions separately. Spain, like most European countries, has a very “blood and soil” conception of identity. One is a Spaniard because of genetic heritage. Becoming a Spaniard isn’t something one just immigrates and does — one may become a Spanish citizen, but you’ll never be a Spaniard.
Since Americans have a creedal identity — that is, you become an American by accepting our creeds — Americans resist “blood and soil” identity pretty fiercely, and so any hint of it becomes a big deal because it is generally considered anti-American.
Latin America is a little different than Spain. A good part of what we would consider casual racism in the US is much more about colonialism. The *sistema* *de* *castas* might be gone, but the cultural attitudes remain just as they do in the US, to a lesser or greater extent depending on the country (e.g. the really complicated situation of Alberto Fujimori being President of Peru, then turning around and running for the Japanese Diet). But, once again, the creedal identity of Americans makes vestiges of slavery in the US more noxious to us than the vestiges of the much more recent slavery in Guatemala.
A recent anecdote about how this creedal identity can function — a few weeks ago, I was at a Marine Corps Basic Training graduation. Many parents of Marines were there. Probably one-third spoke English with a heavy accent, being immigrants from other countries. One woman who was clearly originally from Latin America by her accent (sorry, didn’t ask what country) was very talkative, and her husband’s English wasn’t the best. Since the parents were all different walks of life, we didn’t talk much about politics, to keep the peace. But this talkative woman had “no filter” and would talk about anything. At one point she went on a ten-minute-long diatribe about how “these illegal immigrants are sneaking into our country and not obeying our laws.” She was at an America military ceremony, her husband didn’t speak good English, and she herself was an immigrant, but she knew that as an American citizen she was “one of us.” In most countries I’ve lived in, that behavior would be strange, but in the US, it’s pretty normal. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUzBfZ0EwS2hfSjFJb1FiSmp4bVh5SllBajB6TUJNWlVJTjFQd3B0Q1BLX016N0RoMzhnUE9KZ1AteVZoUDdTUnQ4YWxBbFo2RnlwNXBkSG5lM2stclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTFppdXJOcXR1amxnOHJDR2I1VXFCQl9tM3pfbVJqbnNCY1RDa0RPVWs3Q1VNNFJOajFub1hvZE9OT2NDc3FsdkMydTJKdDQ3RV9JbFA5d18yUmtzQXBjSkotdFIyQTJ3Wi1NM1djd18zaWllMnBHalItS2xsakptdjUycTFXSDNGUThzalU1SWpwcnVvRnd2enVhcHpkRjM1ZF96cGNsREtsQ0dNeTNhNFY0eF9kOFUwY1lmOGRuRlUtemNyamhH |
Will do sir. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-08-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoV3JWMWhnTy1WaEdxZS0xQ19YV1NqZG5oa1Q4ZlNUVG5hdzh3VjJwOGFhVlJHWnRBNzA0SnBUV0JvUVVXYTNKaHZWbXI3amtSZXo1Z0JKOW9OTnFqOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRmZFRG5MdHVBTlRJU3pxRDNVUGFOajlZeTFFRUtseDN5YXB4WXZwakt1MkthU3l1NDFUYUJvWHdrTmJ4Z2ktbklBN1FaY2s3Yi02LTd5NURIMjZMUUJldHB0My1XUkdIUHpFOWVKa3dSS1RMbTBTUm1TRE9qYjFJT1p0b21Xb0luaWc0Q2VsZk9nZV9mcjZXMmxWTjRnPT0= |
I think this is too narrow a selection criteria. Wherever you apply for a job, you and your future employers are best served by someone who received the best education, regardless of where that happened to be.
In your case, it sounds like that would be the foreign university. I don't know the specific places you're referencing but theoretically, you'll have better professors, be exposed to a higher standard of peer work, learn more, have a richer network of contacts and have greater prospects. You can always move jobs but rarely do you get to do your college education over again.
Choose wisely for the long term! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoS0VhSThaTnY0bzQwbVo4Y2QteURpMm1Cam5GWXdlZjZZbElhWVEtcXZVSzhpZi1DMmlPekhUNnhQa2d5dFUtU0tTRzVVTjVUQm9zZGhKRzJVd0ZMdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsU0lpMHNKd2lnOTRidUJGOThNS2ZVamxpM2ZpamxTcDA3NUVaanc2RnBfSHNELW1PT0dPS2Y1aXNiQVBUa3pFTXVKZ3kzeUVuUWpHN19oRkRGTU8xV3kya3RSVzhYNzF5YVN5ODhtem9rNXozTkljUzBqOVowdnlWUEZRazBQOTVZd3NOalJ0MFctSkJPamVKUjczVldKY25NeGpCTTFKR3JfNVlpckpDd1l4SXh1Y1Z1QlprNFBjUHlnTFZYYWhwbUoxS2hkUjFScmhZOHJ0VTdFOFB0dz09 |
Where do people from US look when they are searching to buy a dog? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVGVBWHUtOTBWQjVwWXdyQWdUeWJ0ajNiU0MyaUw2MXJiQ0t3b3JnM3NRZXQxVnBnQ0lzRTlla0xQbXNVZlFkaFNZaHptSGtEQTN2ZVpIbzJ5LS10YVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSlRpdmtRazByUHhNc1BoX0tOc0FwX1g3czMzejc4S3l3SjhXcGE4UWVhNUNiR1JBNkVQcVdWcmhLVVZNLWJ5Ul82MUJWeDdZYXdvOTExZ2cxcHh4ajZIbVQtRnlDNGtYb0FHZFc0b3g4akJfU2pxRVhHLVNRNm5uX1NaWjFrWnI3WTNwWk1BRUJjb2hXd3lhamtTSWxEbWo5eGhOTFZCYkxYLVNFYXo2MnpjPQ== |
thank you! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOFREaFpCQUNVc0U5Z1NDaXc4VDVaMTdrcU9yUXpIVm1sdi1oc05RV2c4MGFKRmNSQ21WaDEtOEFucTNremdpNkxpeXBKb0NhRzdkVGVUMGdnUEFxaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZzZ6Zm1jTzRWY0VCNXlqNWYzektRZl9wRXZyZ0hiazA5cFFqUUI5NFhSb0pUSGluV01yN3ZWbHVvNkxDQjhXT0hLdWZ2WEkxVjNwOVJFSkg3WWpQdndQYTNxMkV2aFVEUjBmbU9kQkhWazNDYjBZOV9mZjJrdVdRNDN3Z0M1b25pM3Y2QzN2NkFpVTJpWG9SU3F3anNRemtlVE90LTQ2QVZqRkQtSFlYUXpTcnVjTlN6RkJaTGl0ckN0QV9VVU5BdjFJSGlFR2ZXd2E2V1NNQWJLSVBkZz09 |
Depends on the state but some states yes. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTXdRVXVBaE5ZZEVDODVaVG5WVkhnVURXRURyNTJwNV9QQkxrUFM3QU1ma3Zma0ZLWjN5dW5EeTU0em5pb3JoeEgtODVPR3R2SkxDT2xPSU5xdTJvQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVjJlMlVvaGxZNFhGemdRa1B6c1ktNEp3aEo4TmFCbXJqNzVZaVFPY2JpUURvLTdLT184a0FaTDdDQmtSQVVtYjFJNXRXM3pJbG95Qm41VDNiOVlQcUVYQUc5OFBJNjZXR1IxUzlQd0JfUHRCV2tVeXYzUE1HLW1fMUF4X2dFT3N4LUY1ZjN1Q293Y1ZJUTVQc0hmdDRwTktXUjYyc1ZZLXZRYXIwdzRWT2NZaURReEtteU42dHJWQW1oTVRrbUtv |
Yes. When the movie *Strange* *Brew* featured the Beer Store, my friends and I thought it was a joke (like the cans of food marked simple “food” in *Repo* *Man* ), snd were surprised when we got to Canada and discovered it was a part of real life.
We could have used an “AskCanada” subreddit in those days… | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQjVvQ3Rtd3p2RE9vcVlfZDZLMUxuajlydUl1M2lVU1RtRHRsaGVvYmFXdDFod0JJeEkySVk0NW1vNXYtU1ZBRUhPTzBhODVjWDJGNk5UREw4b0U1VVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTWhIay1MbC1FeEt3aWVGdjhzMTdSWm5PR0h0b0oyZjBucUx4STBBWndpV0VKUkdGbGs1ZUV0YlZpY2NGc3ktT0tTYURhZ19XTlVHeHFPMGdCWFBGamcyZmdFZ2JCQnFvaUJFbTZGLWFkSU1odXluRW1WLVlxM2ZtdXpNT2JiTjZsbWo3U2VkOXhzVUhfR2lhaUdwb0tUcEZ0Um9UVzFTVHc1TGtfSUhLZE16Uy1zWWhRRDMyNXdOZWI5dnVWeUNf |
Wait, liquor stores aren't normal in the US? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoelhYdUNaVHNBczdPcmx3bzNKdzZ2RkJSVS03MDhhSWxHREJ3VTNRdXprYXVfOFVkc0tSSUh1d0xUWElwcmI4UHAzY0oyenBOT2RLcExpOEFSZmRWYmF2Ym92Umg3LVgwR05GalVXbzkwZWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVXpfeUJtek1xMWJRWGlkSElrcFhUQU04TW1SM01iWGdDOUJYN256d1hjT1Rzb1RENW9naTVTLW5HRlBuREhCLTNRLXlNRzA2VEtRc3haU3ZUV0E4STMweTFhY3hVUmdfZ2tMYWM2TWNGTW5MT0ItZDBXZTUzQkhDeUczenFKT0tWTTh5ME15WXlZZ2xOOVJScXpPcWVoaUlWa0VPQlM2OG9KV2lkMjQ0TFJxUkhZX043azAyN3puZFpnNjhIMVN0 |
Liquor stores, yes, but the Beer Store style where the consumer is separated from the product until the sale, no. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoLXZFUUc2czlJZDJhYWNZVHlhSDFwQUVxUi1kbXFIZHUtQTdlYmhKOF9qRE91SGN5SnE4M2ktX1NYdmpKaDhiUzlENml1aGNMaUU4c05ldWJRNzdyUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVlY0ZDBYSjBaVXJQSDlMbGplVUxpTWNoREpTVk9Mb0g3UFpCMFBPTEFsQTFJWjVUZWpOU3U3ajFBV1NnX1VjSFVjWGRDMnVHTk9ySW1zR2JCQzVScXJZdEdYdm5pQWFqVHFNYXlnY0lxOVJubkVjS3FVMXh0ZUcxdk45WkFESlYtaVlZYndkZE5USUJYMjNXN1NyNWlnN3N3dnIybTloRFlTcExja0tTT0sxbWVzX2FVMjlHSi1uSHRhal9SMU1O |
Wait what? You can’t go in and take the beer off the shelf yourself?? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOXY1OWhXQmd3R3RyOEZELTRCQjBCOXY1UjBxbXFrbkg3R0pSTWs4ZFpTWWllalRzcVZNbTFGUmNxU1k1eUhzQlgwMjZMWnJzcFhOUVhFN1JLUDc5OWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMFgtSXZuWVFVVVU1XzZ1NW96R3pGZnhnOTFJZm1Mb1BEM0MyODFGWi1nY2pGQXJpTTdMTzBjQjhGNVlramMxMC1qY1dmdV8tY243aFFXVEVQX3dvekdiTDk0SzljUHJROFhKVExjcTBsNndoVmMtR2p3WmJtV1JIZVdXM2J4ODAxeF9oSFJfS3pVcloxeGFEU295U1NBMlRGR1FZRWNIU0J4b09lZ1g4NUNub2pxZlcybHF1VkFuR3F0ekdKaWRD |
No, it’s not really by year, it’s more by ability. There’s usually a junior varsity team and varsity team. JV is usually freshman and sophomores. Varsity is usually juniors and seniors. But if you’re a really good athlete you can be on the varsity team as a freshman or sophomore and if you’re mediocre you can be on the JV team as a junior or senior though the latter is rare at least where I grew up. I’m sure some schools are different. Freshman are 14-15, sophomores 15-16, juniors 16-17, and seniors 17-18. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVkVyZ1J2T2RDMGdvN2VJSk5xaFRyMEFCNDRVSUFBUUItakJRdW1oc2ozYnFMWFNMa1RfUFVia2lsSm5tbVhRZHpHa041bjBodmt2dWR6OVAyNUxBbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTFVEb3Zva0NMNmhqd3gyM1MxNTJwTGdUc2JoODYxYnhabkZnMU42dXhZSS1tOGtzbDBDRWNFQVBaZFZoOXpoVjdrZnVYblJkUFBtdVhFZEg4Qm1URTF6T1RPeEVuZUdiUTM4YzI1dkVMWUtVME5BU0ZwUFV1M0l3X3h6ZWJEa2lTTkFqN2NSanhER3U0Qk14MFpZR18za2RWdUtydzcwdFNOTzJxOFExU1ZYZml2ZDFXWGlka2RLR0VhUmtzeFZBQXd1cXBpRFBiWUFQcWtic0ZPcGJiUT09 |
It definitely matters there if you’re a minority. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWXBSYWxDcTl6cGhmWGNDZDBiYkpaWjJJZGYwYUY3N1ZKbG9tM201Slg4N2x0ZXY2NWZIZkpFbHBwbVB3bkEycTN5UE5hMXRyMzRNTTV6NWh5Yk1uMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsa2QxVndKRVVxOEtvT0l0c3Y2RUFta2xRckdDc0h2Y09seDJ1dncybXNnSzE3c1lfMzktRVU5bVJLMXhSbWpZRm9wdEhjZEFjYTFCNjg0Z08zWk1GWmkzTGEtY1NtVFE4LU9NaTBHZ3JldmhhdWNoLTlNQkkxWDFNTUwyckFUaUV4WktRbnZyWWliNG9DQUJrOFJhWGYxYUtFbXlMZjkwY3dfQWNXZXctOEdRSHdjN3c4SnFwQVRfX1dYNjAzcHhY |
And not if you are a majority? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoLUk1cFUtZFlHaVJNa3g5SUVwVklWbVgzZXZPZ0c5VXI1c21xNVY3c3pwRHJMeF9SMWlXUG04cGlHeFVQbU12dGdVZ01vOXYxbmJKckR2ckViS3hCdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRXpnRFVMQTJwbXNuQnZDTXFhWXJURF9kR1JyV1RmY29sRmF5eUhxeEwtN2t5endyb0stWDBRcGtzbFFWaVRKejhaTEZHUkZESHh2Vkt4N3RDOTJhZ21lTS1KZGVndWFvMDNKSFFQOXN6am1aRjlnRjVKVUV3M2RhcjB4SDNSR2hFNTY0aU9FNU9VaWtzMVdVWkRmTEptc01KUVdITWR1a2xDUFhiSExnUWJ2NFU4SnhqZDdVSjhHLW9JNndQMVZn |
You already said so in your post. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWEltX05ZSDZ5UnVBMkNBMFNvZmNnMUxYOEFZWmFtWkxnT1BGRGVhajJPR0JfZ1ZsU1VJSC0tdTY3Um1ESmt1ZzhoaVFFZEVTUG1lZ2NISVFEMXl4c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTmJhSjVSVmdaOV83MGh3RHg5bF9HY1Fza1BuYklteEhJOGZ0LXhXdWxNZi1ySGl0WGt2cUV2WE55RVh4ZzdwcjFNc1NDUVdqTnJDV2hCODBRcThKRzVGZVI1Vmp1QlJ1YWF6TXIyWjJOaURiLWZRRmNrdWE3WFhXT2dvZFk4STBidHR5SmoydjZRNGRqaC1XSW9xMGxSM1cza2pIOElVaXpYUWNIa3kzeTFjT2VPVVJheDhHUUlTbnRXRDZjUEk1 |
I haven't purchased alcohol (except at a hotel bar) in Canada for a couple of decades, so it may be different now, but at one time it was very much like [this scene from Strange Brew](, absent the comedy, of course. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoMl8wSllkUmo5VGxWWWR5Tk9jQnVmT1N2bUJUdVZFdlF3VUxYaFFFT3FldFEyT241RDFkZlhTSkQyVm9ReWZoQ1B5MEZiT05NZzNTa2FwOWluelBWZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMzMwOHpXU0M4cWViRE5VNXdLaE9jMnBWc3pjcmRqa19mQUo3RU9YVGhvbm0tbjdZY1pWSUpWc3Z5c1RPZklfYVRQMWthbGFmWmVaQUxWX01EX3pVZkNQaE54UHhwUzUzcmNCQ1lQVmUtMk1nYzl1dTdHNkdJN3VGRkZGOEp0MFBldEc2eUR3MHR1a2FzYWlBMENsOENjRGRiYjE4OGhraFRaaXl4TC1TYkhkNWdJVkNYTy1HcnVhSm1QanNGRG5Z |
This problem is common at my school. American life is organized around the greatest degree of personal autonomy, so except in a very few urban enclaves, it’s hard to rely only on public transportation. Often they arrive and realize life would be easier with a driver’s license.
Driver’s licenses are issued by the states, not the Federal government, but because of the “full faith and credit” clause in the US Constitution, you can use any driver’s license in any state, so don’t worry that you need 50 different licenses. You just need one from your home state, which in your case is the one where you will be a student.
Most states (actually, I think all states, but there might be an exception I don’t know about) have three parts to their exams:
1. The written test — do you know the basic traffic laws?
2. The driving test — you go out with an examiner and demonstrate that you drive safely.
3. The eye exam — this just determines whether you are allowed to drive without your glasses. Unless you are blind, this won’t stop you from getting your license, it just says you need to be wearing glasses or contact lenses when you drive.
If you already know what state you are going to live in, they will have the specific requirements for your state on the internet, including what you need to learn for the written test. You can probably just search for the state name and “driver’s test” to find it. The name of the agency that issues it will be slightly different in different states, like “Department of Motor Vehicles,” “Bureau of Motor Vehicles,” or “Secretary of State.” You can prepare before you arrive.
You school might be able to help, too. My university has one of the best International Programs offices in America, so they can really help our students navigate it when they arrive. If you’re going to a school with a good international program, they may be able to help.
Reading your situation, you probably won’t be able to have an international driver’s license before you arrive, so you will have to assume it will take at least a few weeks to get your license once you’re here, but many other students have done it before you. Your position is not as desperate as it feels. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVk9CbW9COHdVNzZpOFZZblJqal9iQXNWVFByUmd1RTRSV3RweWhreXAxeHo0U20xbzFtZGNOZzVIb09hVl9qaWZ0a2F4ZmFudTQwZWplYlc4RkZZT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsU0FMNndma1lkUDF6QklWcTAyT1ZYdVdESlIzNXllOVF0aDlPR003bTlFeVlmcFpXbkxFMlZ0MC1ndEd4NHdPZ195WE5rZkFfMUJEOUV1NTlDUmxpUkFoTE5CTTRpMUg1UzBWMktKRFZwMlltRFJwSkFIMWhyVTgzc0JSbVdpZVlVOVNWazB4RVFtRWczaERENHhBSW4xMUF3YS1hODJKbzB4NmNuUDk4NTlKR3VKT1RNbnV4cV8tTWM3VG9uZ0JvZDZaMnJYZ0dmWWdJU2hMZ0F4bTNlQT09 |
Ask an American is much bigger sub fyi | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoN0pYemcxVGdQU3AwclpqSnhlSmNwemx0S2FZanU2Z19iQVY1V01QMXBWYjRndHZWRlAwckZLeGpZZU1KWHNrNS1ob0x5TV9BM2NhRFBVdmlQNzBybXVoQ1dyendoNExPRUw0RDhnUVhiUm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRmdaOHF3LUd3UUE4M0ZzTU9GMDlnak8wckhjcVRzaXB2NGxaSEtnc3oyUHBmb2dOTnIzbmtSeUFnN01MLTdvOVcxRXJ4d3pFUXpOYTF1NlNDMnZxNjlTQk8zbFF0UWVZNGtFNFlGNHZESlZGTk9TcW5jTElHR0RfX2Znbkhwam8zVFVqaERoMlhpcVhoTFBuMW9sNkl5NDdPcFB0M3Q1VW5RUHFNbmFTZkM4aFBOYTVlaURhTG5RTHVvM3UyRG5DLUtjb0hiSW9PcmRuZDZWaFVhaVRoQT09 |
Depends on the bar. I’m 21 so I mostly go to college bars where there’s a cover charge and I usually start a tab so I pay at the end so tipping is easier for me. If I do the tan I tip 20% of the total at the end of the night. If you’re going drink by drink suggested tip is usually a dollar per drink. Usually online it’ll say if there’s no cover before a certain time though. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-10-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVlVNUEtHVlhWbXV0VDUxRW1mX0RrQ0F6X0RUTnk1WmhLWDhWNjJBc2ZTdnllYWQ0bHVwTE1KWVJxMFpBSEZNazdNdUFoWEJrOE1reVlkUGpTLTdVTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZGwyUldaNVlDOFExODRIa19GNHJLcVM4M2otWkRodFFRZFdIUnRrZExqemdDUUI3N1UwRUNxdjNLSzk1YWlFc0hJSkRvQnpSQ2dXNVpreGtNVXljTzNwNGxjT1hpN0ZVck82TVVtMjZUMVo4SHVyMUNwcE1zV1owZVZXbXozU3BnVUpkUU9fRE5JOXdwM2tMNmNyUWJGTzhXNDllMnk0QWZKMmFMYXNtN0ptWnBBRUk5ak1GZ1NOQWg3cklBeU91 |
hello | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-10-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQ0Z4YzRMZFlqSjE4U2RqMlhQYkxOM0dMWjhkMWRoSnhXenB3eG5fSThRdzRjeDJtMFNpQUlQNFl6bHFIdVpoYldSbFdIU1h3R3hXRmpDemRSMXBLQ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZWtyOXNMaW4td3c4VnJQaFRVRS1xX0xjQWlvZXZPdGxGYjhrVnZCWThKM1B2RHNwa2ZydDh0QWxTTXZwM1NIZ0FadWw3ZHNDcHo2OThnTk5LOGZQV29hbnptYVJMYW82d3VnT1ZMLWRWcUFQVHpmVFJmMWNCQmdMbkIzdU1JQ2oxV2d4MlRVeEtIajk1UDdBcnFOSkZ1S213M01JOWpTU3EtM1ZnQzQxQW5NPQ== |
Ok quick question my brothers in ecuardor and has prescribed Xanax but he's scared to fly back with it even tho he has them prescribed. And if he isn't able to fly with them will a doctor in the states prescribed it to him? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-10-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQkIwZ2JXQjZaUGFwRVFvWElCbHBEblVUYWVFeDgyV1NXRmthZE5jRFY4akZmOEE0endTSkEtQVR4a1dWV3dQZWhFQm9xTzZGVUkwbm93NFp1VFNMZWU5R3c4UmNwZTU0MFpydkNRMkFjRTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTGhpdXR5SXR0b2k2SlZQMnJIZXkyR0VjUjdxd2dmWm1EczZ3QTVGOWRtME5Rc1ZRREdjV3ludjNEcUpzYWJxTWRQYUdQdnAwZjF1NXV5OXpYOHpfZHl3Q0otUWd2dFRPNDQyVzZQU3QzWVhuaGcwTkpBRUtKcWpRUWdNZkQ3OVIwUlNMRUVKWGs2Zkw0TmtweW13a1lXekltT0hLRHBFTC10bzBLZXdpbGVUQlBHMmZWbFpyV252WVlZSjJrZ0plbVBrX2dxdFhPeVZsVzQxQzVJYzZCQT09 |
The age of consent is different in different states, but every state has something called “prosecutorial discretion,” in which prosecutors can decide that some cases are not worth putting resources toward. Sometimes it’s because the law was violated in letter but not spirit (e.g. someone speeds on the way to the hospital emergency room), sometimes because the law violated is so tiny. And sometimes because there isn’t a strong chance of getting a conviction in court.
No prosecutor would waste their time and the government’s money on such a case. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-10-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoM3pUOUxJZl9ldkkwbTRQQTJUVC0tYUxBSjE0bHZEbEc3TjRNTi1sa0Z2NUc1TkdraVBjLWNzMTZ5R2dwdFRESmQ0ZzhDY1RJRGp3VFZXVW9Ocnd0R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsb2pFamFacTBuQ3lWVUJuc3JzWlZzZUNvUmJVNUQtOFNjd3JISFRFdnN6MDVoUjRPYThyTmZycHZjTVhaMkZlSGV2UkNRV3hjU3NkUFNnRkNUbnhSd19DM0hMOVRfeDRNWlF6Q0g4eWt6VmlLSXlyU0ljV0xDUjRzQnhVSXpIUktRNmJmVzAzZjBYSWVOajlsZnRRNWRDRmRjaGljcTdJZXYzMklWZjVSdmFkYlZQZEozU2MxYWd6NC1ldXlrbnZD |
If you are cruel, the pet store. If you are kind hearted, the Humane Society. If you want a pure bred, then you try to find a reputable breeder for whatever you're looking for. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZHVyM1NrTmZUZTZTRzBIaGViQVNKQmVveGxkZE1hX3NkMXBqSUk0bVUzVVVOaHVZY0w4LU9tb1hNSDBwcmJFVUlWd0tqOElGb0hUakVvZVNQeUplWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktseFZlQ3dtV1lOMjBjZXh1d0M3QkdWYVlsWVctbTNQOHo5WjVhRVFsMGFiNk9kRDN4VHFpSF95a2lpamxOZElJR09JRGVSbTE4VzRncl9vNEZqVlhkcS1IVkI0WWQtcUg2NjYzOWlHUmRORXg2SmNMcE8zTUdHVHVmYlF4c0lhbTIzT25MZV82MGdiTFRoZDJvMXU1MlhaSHFod29KWFpNTS1nUDI4Mmpyc1VQTm5VeFZYdGlUaWlFSkc0dGhtVkRmOGU0ZUw3UVo4MjZoWk9XTGRfVjhTUT09 |
I think you could, theoretically, own an apache helicopter but for practical purposes, it's out of reach for most people. There isn't an easily accessible second hand market for F16's and there are other licensing restrictions on their use and operation. Finding fuel, repair equipment and all the specialist labor to maintain it would rule it out as anything more than a museum piece.
So the second amendment doesn't explicitly prohibit the ownership of military grade vehicles and if anything, actively encourages it by promoting civilian defense. It's more that there are practical limits on the purchase and use of advanced military vehicles. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobm04SEh4a19QeGlvTjRXVlUzRkhxa3RWbmx4WGlvejRWbGVCRkttZ19XYThxVl9mTkVhMG5Qd196OXl3NFNob01melBuYXZQQmdwMWczYUpMQnBZYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYTQ5SFdLVmhqT2dWRmJZTU41VjVaOXc2b1ZSc1FoazlSSnJUUGszaFAyUGNhai1QOGNJMm8tX0h6N01pS092OE52azFPSFlwNkE0NlVNSC1rT1JYdE1TNTZBSnhhRHY0c2R0aWE5S2Y5Y0NfOTJBc2xqamVldTlhTEVoS01jV0VGemxzX0pEd3Npa2RvOXNuWjlMSE5OUXlvOXVNVU5aU29TT2gwRWs4ZnhxTXhMekU4UDdjeC1SUnFtRTktcHJD |
But I believe that for a civilian to own a tank, the law says the gun has to be decommissioned | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSVIwSlpwc2wyczVCckZCWjFHXzF4SDdnLW5ONG9PZzJ5aFM4NTlZOTF4Z05ZVjRGbzYyeVFmWlRGc3owajl5UEJ2cFQtclZibWFJazFqbzdVWWFRVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsU1NWYks1YjBFUTFzaU4tWll3YU1ZRFRUZnE1ZERkMjJZdlBWVkJMRUhyMnptRnJIMTNUYlFlQVZlVklrWmswX1dvQjRCZXozOFNnM3FNY0NPWlQ2NTdYeWFFRE9vaURleFlRYi02MzlNVDNzMWdBQkJlTzdVb3hObm1mRXlaWEY2Q0ROaFNkRVZQb0kzdGVDSGNJd1hCaWluc1A3Qy1LMUNrUHJGVmkzamR4UUVMbE9TOUlFcnRZamVKRnpjSURz |
Many people are aware that even democrats aren’t as liberal as some would like. Unfortunately the party system means that the democratic and republican parties nominate people for office and that is usually our voting pool. Theoretically we could vote third party but that would essentially be a wasted vote as third party people never win. I think the most liberal candidate that’s gotten on a national level was Bernie but he didn’t last long. I’m | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoS3F1QlJMaElhdzl4bzJEd3NhcDlnU3RfSDkxckpvTDhpMXF5MGlNZkN6bjdvYXFlT3A3bVpUN3M0N01WZml4ZS1UR2pPOUFRYy0tUkotRDhyd1hkQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbTVGLS1JcE1YTTA5a1ZLNFVXOG1lOHVsaklFTm9ZNWdGdi1HSTdGcHp6SW9aay13MnN0TnRkOVR2T1o2aU5Da3ZrNkVKWllRUUtfSWNueXNPbUpfUF80RjlERUpVQ1hfVmRaOUFTOU5lR0xmaVNZZGlRUWVmSElsQnpoakFOOEhZeFNuenNTOVZ3Z0ZYakRHRVlxMHd0eWRYa09mTV9Qc1V1UkR5cndGTkRvMzRoeUo3ZUdCVnhwTDBlTmMzRmstR2diM3BUTWxGNXZGZVBDT3lwWTZMUT09 |
There really aren't homeless people everywhere. They are clustered in a few major cities, and the ones you have mentioned going to happen to have very high rates of homelessness. In most communities, the social fabric is strong enough that the things that lead to homelessness are rare. Even traveling, I generally go months without seeing a single homeless person.
Your last question gets at the issue -- there really isn't any economic reason to be homeless in America. There are occasional short-term situations: For example, I knew a woman who couldn't stay in her apartment for a night, didn't have money for a hotel, and had to stay in a homeless shelter for one night with her children. Those situations are rare, and again, in smaller communities you won't see them on the street. Often churches in small towns will have vouchers for temporarily homeless people to stay in local hotels for a few days, because long-term homelessness is so rare that there aren't shelters in those areas. The nearest homeless shelter to me is 65 kilometers away, because there is no need here. Here we have food pantries for families that are struggling to buy groceries, but it's very rare for someone to be living on the streets.
So, why are there long-term homeless people living on the streets? Two main reasons: Drug addiction and mental illness. Drug addicts will often be unable to stay with family and friends because they have stolen from them in the past to buy drugs, or have in other ways ruined their relationships. Seriously mentally ill people who either have no social connections (again, more likely in a big city where the social ties are weaker) or who are so mentally ill that they will not agree to be treated. In America, it is very difficult to force someone to get medical treatment if they do not want it.
Trust your instincts in wanting to avoid them. If they are a drug addict or mentally ill, they could be dangerous to you. Criminals aren't likely to target you because you are Asian, but they are likely to target you as a foreigner, since they know you might not understand the laws and customs. Don't give them money -- you may be perpetuating the drug habit that's already destroying their lives, and you may also be showing that you have cash that can easily be stolen. **Don't feel bad for quickly walking away. Your safety is important.**
If you lived in America, I would encourage you to get involved with one of the many local organizations that exist to help the poor -- homeless shelters, food pantries, churches, etc. In your case, though, if you want to help them, instead of giving cash to the homeless person on the street, give that money to the nearest homeless shelter or food pantry. Those people working and volunteering in those places know the homeless people in their area, and are best situated to help them out. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoeG9tX1o1QXRfRHhFOUltOGFiSkU0T2F3aGJ6WGVJWFNpUnpYRGFndGR0amhMT2JDcGlyZVp2ZGVoTUVhLUF3V3BacDdpbGZRZTNGdU5qUnpxY2doRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRWxaQllqeE5jV3g0QU9qV01ES3J6c3owVHgtZHI1QTNGZElyOGphNGVwaWxFb19iaXVUblU2TEJHTGd0bU5xdmE1QlV3XzNINVpjdmRyc2o1b1AwZUhJYThiU0hxNGlJR1VWeXcxZHZvbXA1a0tHQmhuaU1CVEpEZ2xwdGs4aV82T2llMGZ6RXV0NFhOYmFMeFhyZ1NTdVhkQVFGVE9hLUJnUFRRS1lkQmMtQmgzX09weU9HWWl5a2ROdXk0SFFkX3dOQjRSWXZrT0dmaDdDWXA1V0x5dz09 |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 21696
- Date Range: 2019-07-26T00:00:00Z to 2024-11-10T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2024-11-10T06:29:00Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 25.52%
- Comments: 74.48%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/CFB | 2159 | 9.95% |
2 | r/Monero | 1252 | 5.77% |
3 | r/relationship_advice | 1233 | 5.68% |
4 | r/bittensor_ | 1233 | 5.68% |
5 | r/anime | 1091 | 5.03% |
6 | r/AskReddit | 1078 | 4.97% |
7 | r/Bitcoincash | 1070 | 4.93% |
8 | r/dragonage | 1053 | 4.85% |
9 | r/trump | 1034 | 4.77% |
10 | r/chubby | 1027 | 4.73% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2024-11-10T06:29:00Z | 21696 | 21696 |
- Downloads last month
- 52