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线性回归模型被广泛应用于精神卫生和卫生服 务相关研究。 | Linear regression models are widely used in mental health and related health services research. |
然而,经典线性回归分析是假设该数据 为正态分布的,但是很多研究所获得的数据并不符合 这种假设。 | However, the classic linear regression analysis assumes that the data are normally distributed, an assumption that is not met by the data obtained in many studies. |
解决该问题的方法之一是采用不要求数据 为正态分布的半参数模型。 | One method of dealing with this problem is to use semi-parametric models, which do not require that the data be normally distributed. |
但是,半参数模型对离散 数据相当敏感,因此在处理包含离散值的数据时产生 的估计值是不可靠的。 | But semi-parametric models are quite sensitive to outlying observations, so the generated estimates are unreliable when study data includes outliers. |
在这种情况下,一些研究者在 删减这些极端值后再进行分析,但是,删减数据的事 先法则(ad-hoc rules)是基于主观标准的,所以不同 的调整方法就会产生不同的结果。 | In this situation, some researchers trim the extreme values prior to conducting the analysis, but the ad-hoc rules used for data trimming are based on subjective criteria so different methods of adjustment can yield different results. |
等级回归为处理包 括离散值的非正态分布数据提供了更为客观的方法。 | Rank regression provides a more objective approach to dealing with non-normal data that includes outliers. |
本文采用虚拟和实际数据来阐述这个非常有用的处理 离散值的回归方法,并与采用经典回归模型和半参数 回归模型所得出的结果进行比较。 | This paper uses simulated and real data to illustrate this useful regression approach for dealing with outliers and compares it to the results generated using classical regression models and semi-parametric regression models. |
信号通路中风险基因的构成可能可以解释酒精依赖风险基因协同的神经生物学作用。 | The organization of risk genes within signaling pathways may provide clues about the converging neurobiological effects of risk genes for alcohol dependence. |
识别酒精依赖的风险基因和风险基因通路。 | Identify risk genes and risk gene pathways for alcohol dependence. |
我们采用基因富集 (gene-set-rich) 分析方法对酒精依赖进行了基于通路的全基因组关联分析 (GWAS)。 | We conducted a pathway-based genome-wide association study (GWAS) of alcohol dependence using a gene-set-rich analytic approach. |
在包括1409名欧裔美国人(European-American,EA)酒精依赖者和1518 名EA健康对照者的探索性样本人群中检测了近一百万个基因标志物。 | Approximately one million genetic markers were tested in the discovery sample which included 1409 European-American (EA) alcohol dependent individuals and 1518 EA healthy comparison subjects. |
此外,将681名非裔美国人 (African-American, AA) 病例和508名AA健康受试者作为重测样本。 | An additional 681 African-American (AA) cases and 508 AA healthy subjects served as the replication sample. |
我们发现了几个与酒精依赖显著相关的可重复的全基因组风险基因和风险通路。 | We identified several genome-wide replicable risk genes and risk pathways that were significantly associated with alcohol dependence. |
精神卫生问题的发生、发展及对其管理都需要相对较长的时间,所以相当一部分精神病学研究—— 特别是能够明确回答有关生物、心理和社会因素复杂的相互作用的研究——要求对患者及其生活环境进行跨时长久的多种评估。 | The onset, course, and management of mental health problems typically occur over relatively long periods of time, so a substantial proportion of psychiatric research - particularly the research that can provide clear answers about the complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors - requires multiple assessments of individuals and the environments in which they live over time. |
然而,许多精神病学的研究人员使用不正确的统计方法来分析这一类型的纵向数据,这一问题会导致分析结果中出现无法识别的偏倚而由此得出不正确的结论。 | However, many psychiatric researchers use incorrect statistical methods to analyze this type of longitudinal data, a problem that can result in unrecognized bias in analytic results and, thus, incorrect conclusions. |
本文就纵向数据分析的话题做了介绍。 | This paper provides an introduction to the topic of longitudinal data analysis. |
文章探讨了纵向数据分析中使用的不同数据集结构、缺失数据的分类和处理以及使用纵向数据建立多元回归模型时对个体内相关性校正的方法。 | It discusses the different dataset structures used in the analysis of longitudinal data, the classification and management of missing data, and methods of adjusting for intra-individual correlation when developing multivariate regression models using longitudinal data. |
本研究旨在阐明父母依恋对青少年创伤后生长(PTG)的影响机制。 | This study aimed to elucidate the mechanism underlying the effect of parental attachment on post-traumatic growth (PTG) among adolescents. |
汶川地震发生9年半后,在872名中国青少年使用自我报告问卷进行了评估。 | Nine and a half years after the Wenchuan earthquake, 872 adolescents in China were assessed using self-reported questionnaires. |
结果显示,父母依恋与PTG有直接关联,两个显著的一阶间接(one-step indirect )(通过公正信念和认知重新评估)关联PTG,两个显著的二阶间接关联(通过公正信念到安全感和通过认知到公正信念)和一个显著的三阶间接关联(通过安全感到公正信念到认知重评)。 | The results showed that parental attachment had a direct association with PTG, two significant one-step indirect associations with PTG (through justice beliefs and cognitive reappraisal), two significant two-step indirect associations (through feelings of safety via justice beliefs and justice beliefs via cognitive reappraisal), and one significant three-step indirect association (through feelings of safety via justice beliefs by cognitive reappraisal). |
结果表明,安全感,公正信念和认知重评中介了父母依恋与PTG之间的关联。 | The results indicated that feelings of safety, justice beliefs, and cognitive reappraisal mediated the association between parental attachment and PTG. |
这些研究结果突出了家庭观点的重要性,临床心理学家可以通过帮助他们建立积极的父母依恋来促进青少年的PTG。 | These findings highlight the importance of a family perspective and may help clinical psychologists to improve adolescents' PTG by helping them to build positive parental attachments. |
低收入伴侣的关系教育(RE)干预的结果有好也有坏。 | Results are mixed for relationship education (RE) interventions with low-income couples. |
对于经历了积极变化的伴侣而言,项目模型的哪些方面起到了积极促进变化的作用尚不清楚。 | For couples who experienced positive changes, it is not clear what aspects of program models contributed to change. |
很多低收入的伴侣参加政府资助的关系教育,同时对社会和社区的支持等方面的资源获取和利用却十分有限。 | Many low-income couples attend government-funded RE with limited access to social and community resources. |
项目模型通常提供了相关的资源来补充关系教育中的具体技巧训练。 | Program models often provide related resources complimentary to RE skill-building. |
本文研究的是收入,社会支持,家庭功能三者之间的关系,也研究社会支持对家庭功能结果的调和作用。 研究对象为参加关系教育的856对低收入伴侣,来自多种族。 | We examined the relationship between income, social support, and family functioning for low-income, ethnically diverse couples (N = 856) who attended RE, as well as the mediating effects of social support on family functioning outcomes. |
分析包括三个独立的二元模型,用于研究相关的处在在基线的元素之间的关联性,和也包括立刻跟踪关系教育干预的结果。 | Analyses included three separate dyadic models that examined associations among constructs at baseline and immediately following the RE intervention. |
研究结果显示参与者报告的社会支持和家庭功能之间的关系表现在:(a) 社会支持和和男性、女性的基线家庭功能都有相关性; (b) 男性基线社会支持受女性基线家庭功能影响; (c) 男性和女性的社会支持变化分数对他们自身的家庭功能变化分数有积极影响。 | Results demonstrated relationships between participants' reported social support and family functioning such that (a) social support was associated with baseline family functioning for both men and women; (b) men's baseline social support was influenced by women's baseline family functioning; and (c) men's and women's social support change score had a positive influence on their own family functioning change score. |
但是社会支持并不是家庭功能变化的重要调节因素。 | However, social support was not a significant mediator of change in family functioning. |
关系教育如何实施和相关研究在研究启示部分有所讨论。 | Implications for RE practice and research are also discussed. |
李-佛美尼综合症是一种遗传性的疾病,大概一生中有90%的患癌几率,它要求家庭成员终身接受综合性癌症筛查。 | Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is a hereditary disorder that confers an approximately 90% lifetime risk of cancer and requires comprehensive lifetime cancer screening. |
本文研究医疗保健对管理李-佛美尼综合症风险和治疗过程中所起的作用,这些风险和治疗均由家长,青少年和成年孩子们来承担着。 | We explored healthcare roles for managing LFS-related cancer risks and treatments that were assumed by parents, adolescents, and adult children. |
参与研究的家庭有23个,采用半结构化的访谈。 | Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 families. |
家庭的组成有2-5个家庭成员,每个家庭的较年轻一代人年龄跨度7-40岁。 | Family groupings were comprised of 2-5 members, with the younger generation in each family ranging in age from 7 to 40 years. |
使用草根理论方法,我们针对访谈文稿进行了开放式和集中式解码。 | Using grounded theory methods, we conducted open and focused coding of interview transcript content. |
家庭成员描述了健康领袖的作用在家庭内如何实现的,还有孩子的成熟,某家庭成员的去世等因素,这些因素都决定了谁承担了什么角色,这些角色在一段时间范围内如何发生变化。 | Family members described how the role of health leader was implemented in their family, as well as factors such as maturation of a child or death of a member that determined who assumed particular roles and how these roles shifted over time. |
他们通常会表达集体性的共同责任,帮助亲戚理解LFS症和实施合适的癌症风险管理。 | They often expressed collective responsibility for helping relatives understand LFS and implement appropriate cancer risk management. |
家庭成员通过陪同一起去就医来给与支持以及信息搜集的方式来实现他们的健康作用。 | Members demonstrated their health role by attending others' medical appointments for support or information gathering. |
健康领袖的作用是代际间的,提供了必要的支持给家庭,特别是在复杂的医疗保健方面的决定。 | The health leader role was intergenerational and provided the family necessary support in navigating complicated healthcare decisions. |
我们的研究结果提供了健康医疗供给方的看法,主要是关于LFS病人和他们的亲戚如何作出特殊的医疗决策和发挥照料者的角色,这些都深受LFS遗传性特性的影响,和这些角色如何随着时间而发生变化。 | Our findings provide insight into healthcare providers regarding how LFS patients and their relatives develop unique medical decision-making and caring roles influenced by the hereditary nature of LFS, and how these roles change over time. |
那些可以适应家庭角色动态变化的供给方可以较好地实现亲戚的社会心理和医疗的需要,主要是通过尽力理解承受LFS影响的家庭系统的功能,促进家庭成员们彼此的支持。 | Providers who are attuned to family role dynamics may be better able to meet relatives' psychosocial and medical needs by understanding how living with LFS influences the family system's functioning and facilitating members' support for each other. |
和高收入的伴侣相比,低收入伴侣之间的关系解体的比率要高得多,这种伴侣关系瓦解包括离婚和与同居的伴侣分手。 | Compared to higher-income couples, low-income couples experience higher rates of relationship disruption, including divorce and breakup of cohabiting relationships. |
认识到关系干预措施对关系发展的结果能造成差异,相关措施越来越多地针对此类人群使用。 | In recognition of this disparity in relationship outcomes, relationship interventions have increasingly been targeted at this population. |
然而,这些干预对低收入伴侣的关系的影响却非常有限。 | However, these interventions have had limited impacts on the relationships of low-income couples. |
面向低收入伴侣的关系干预措施要想有效且能对其需求有针对性回应,就需要描述类的数据,这些数据能反映这些伴侣自己如何看待他们关系出现的问题,以及和高收入的伴侣使用的代表性的干预措施比起来,他们如何评估他们自己的需要。 | Developing interventions that are effective and responsive to the needs of low-income couples requires descriptive data on the challenges those couples perceive in their own relationships and an assessment of how their needs compare to the more affluent couples typically served by relationship interventions. |
本研究的样本来自网上招募的5,000个个体,他们在网上寻求关系干预,他们也比较低收入伴侣和较高收入伴侣这两类人群的关系状况和生活状况。 | The current study sampled over 5,000 individuals at the time they were seeking an online relationship intervention and compared the relationship functioning and life circumstances reported by low-income individuals to that of higher-income individuals. |
结果表明低收入伴侣寻求关系干预时,关系经历着更高水平的痛苦(较低的关系满意度、主要关系问题更严重、关系稳定性也较差),整个生活境况也出现更高水平的紧张程度 (更多孩子在家生活、更不可能有全职的工作、健康状态堪忧)。 | Results indicate that low-income individuals seeking a relationship intervention had higher levels of relationship distress (lower relationship satisfaction, more intense primary relationship problems, and less relationship stability), and had greater levels of contextual stress (more children living at home, less likely to be employed full-time, and lower levels of perceived health). |
结果表明在未来开发设计的干预措施应该着眼于低收入伴侣的需求,那些治疗低收入伴侣的医师也都要有准备去处理更高水平的关系紧张程度,导致他们生活环境紧张的多重因素,而这些是平日治疗更富足的伴侣时不常见的。 | Results suggest that future interventions designed to target low-income couples, as well as practitioners working with low-income couples, should be prepared to handle higher levels of relationship distress and contextual stressors than they may typically see in more affluent couples. |
系统方法研究家庭和健康应该把握住复杂的网络 ,在这个网络里家庭成员都交织在一起,这个网络包括了多重家庭关系和更大的保健系统。 | A systemic approach to researching families and health should capture the complex network within which family members are embedded, including multiple family relationships and larger systems of health care. |
但是,聚焦于成人家庭成员的家庭和健康相关研究很多都只关注亲密关系,也就是婚姻关系。 | However, much of the families and health research focused on adult family members has focused solely on intimate partnerships, usually the marital relationship. |
成人维护的有强大影响力的家庭关系中还有很多其他的关系都被忽视了,而且随着年龄变大,越会对亲密关系更关注。 | This neglects the remainder of the powerfully influencing family relationships adults retain, and may increasingly focus on as they age. |
本文对家庭和成人健康相关文献进行系统性研究,72篇筛选出的文章依次按照主题进行解码,找到这个领域内的主要核心主题。 | We conducted a systematic review of the families and adult health literature, retaining 72 articles which were subsequently thematically coded to highlight main foci of this area of research. |
结果表明有六大主题,其包括:家庭关系质量,家庭结构,健康和保健方面的行为因素,心理身体调节因素,看护情况,和老年人健康。 | Results highlight six themes, which include family relationship quality, family composition, behavioral factors in health and health care, psychophysiological mediators, caregiving, and aging health. |
研究结果支持在成人健康方面的研究中较少得到代表的家庭成员,而不仅仅是亲密伴侣。 | Findings support an underrepresentation of family members, other than the intimate partner, in research on adult health. |
本研究旨在验证以下假设,即父母对孩童应对能力的培养(SOC)与孩子的情绪调节能力之间的关系是长期的。 | This study examined the hypothesis that parent socialization of coping (SOC) would have a longitudinal relation with child emotion regulation abilities. |
样本来自256位父母,其孩子年龄在5至12岁之间(儿童平均年龄= 8.36,SD = 2.03,男性54.7%;父母平均年龄= 34.49,SD = 6.20,女性59%)。 | Participants included a sample of 256 parents of 5- to 12-year-old children (child M age = 8.36, SD = 2.03, 54.7% male; parent M age = 34.49, SD = 6.20, 59% female). |
参与者被要求在起始阶段和12个月时填写在线问卷,以供收集有关人口统计学信息,育儿行为和儿童情绪调节能力方面的数据。 | Data on demographic information, parenting behaviors, and child emotion regulation abilities were collected via online questionnaires at baseline and 12 months. |
纵向性的结构方程模型(SEM)分析的结果表明,在基线测量的父母SOC预测了孩子12个月后测量到的在情绪调节方面的适应和调适不良的结果。 | Results from longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses suggested that parent SOC, measured at baseline, predicted child adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation, measured 12 months later. |
更具体地说,父母的积极培养孩子应对策略方面的建议预测了孩子情绪调节方面的适应性,而父母缺乏对孩童应对能力的培养则预测了孩子在情绪调节方面的不良调适能力。 | More specifically, parental engagement coping suggestions predicted child's adaptive emotion regulation, whereas parental disengagement coping suggestions predicted child's maladaptive emotion regulation. |
此外,在家长积极培养应对策略与儿童情绪调节适应性之间的纵向联系中,儿童性别起了调节作用:尽管这种联系很小,对女孩来说相对微小,而对于男孩则较大,并且具有统计学的显著意义。 | Further, child gender emerged as a moderator in the longitudinal association between socialization of engagement coping and child adaptive emotion regulation: Whereas this association was small and marginally significant for girls, it was large and statistically significant for boys. |
本项研究结果强调了家长的SOC的重要性,因为它有可能提高5至12岁儿童的情绪调节能力。 | Results highlight the importance of parent SOC as potentially contributing to emotion regulation abilities of 5- to 12-year-olds. |
家庭层面的冲突和家庭的凝聚力是公认的衡量青少年心理健康的指标。 | Family-level conflict and cohesion are well-established predictors of adolescent mental health. |
但是,传统研究方法侧重于家庭和家庭之间在凝聚力和冲突方面的差异,通常会忽略某个具体家庭内部的日常变异性,而后者可能会提供重要的新信息。 | However, traditional approaches focusing on between-family differences in cohesion and conflict may overlook daily intrafamily variability that might provide important new information. |
本研究的参与者来自家中有两个照料者的家庭的照顾者共151名(女性占95.3%),以及他们的青春期孩子(女性占61.5%),我们使用的数据来自他们持续21天的每日记录中的数据,用以测试家庭功能的每日变化是否与青少年的幸福感的每日变化相关,以及青少年的幸福感是否取决于家庭功能的平均水平。 | We used data from a 21-day daily diary protocol in a sample of 151 caregivers (95.3% female) and their adolescent child (61.5% female) in two-caregiver families to test whether daily changes in family functioning are associated with daily changes in adolescent well-being and whether adolescent well-being depends on average levels of family functioning. |
我们采用多层次模型来研究家庭凝聚力和家庭冲突,他们与青少年生气,沮丧和焦虑情绪以及快乐,生活满意度以及生活中的意义和目的之间的相互关联。 | We examined family cohesion and conflict in relation to adolescent angry, depressed, and anxious mood, as well as happiness, life satisfaction, and meaning and purpose in life in multilevel models. |
研究得出在凝聚力和冲突方面,每天都表现出有意义的变化。 | Both cohesion and conflict exhibited meaningful daily variation. |
青少年报告的凝聚力和冲突与六个青春期结果之间有特殊的家庭内部的关联。 | Adolescent-reported cohesion and conflict had unique within-family associations with all six adolescent outcomes. |
使用父母方面报告的家庭功能数据的模型所产生的关联要少于使用青少年方面报告的数据的模型。 本研究还有几个发现。 | Models using parent reports of family functioning yielded fewer associations than models with adolescent reports; however, several findings remained. |
跨层次的交互作用表明,家庭内的凝聚力差异仅与生活在家庭内聚力平均水平以下的家庭的青少年抑郁有关。 | Cross-level interactions indicated that within-family variations in cohesion were only associated with adolescent depression in families with lower average levels of cohesion across days. |
总而言之,这项研究提供了令人信服的证据,表明家庭生活每天都会表现出有意义的差异性,而且每日的差异都会对青少年的幸福感具有重要的影响。 | In sum, this study provides compelling evidence that families exhibit meaningful variability from day to day and that daily variation has important implications for adolescent well-being. |
家庭成员间的紧密联系对青少年的幸福有着重要的影响,有助于他们的身体、心理和社会健康。 | Family connectedness has important implications for adolescents' well-being, contributing to their physical, psychological, and social health. |
但是,人们对于这些作用的潜在机制知之甚少。 | However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying these effects. |
本研究是一项长期性研究,考察了青少年认识的家庭成员间的紧密联系的过程,该过程预测了随着时间的推移,青少年有较多的积极健康行为和较少的消极健康行为。 | The present longitudinal study examined the process by which family connectedness, as perceived by adolescents, predicted greater positive and fewer negative health behaviors in adolescents over time. |
我们尤其是着力弄清楚适应性的和调适性不良的应对策略是否调和了家庭紧密性与青少年方面自我报告的健康状况之间的联系。 | In particular, we sought to determine whether adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies mediated the link between family connectedness and adolescents' self-reported health status. |
此研究的数据来自1774名10至17岁的新西兰青少年,他们一年一次完成3次自我报告问卷调查。 | Data were obtained from 1,774 New Zealand adolescents aged 10-17 years, who completed a self-report survey three times at one-year intervals. |
通过使用纵向调解路径模型,我们测试了T2的适应不良和适应性应对策略是否在T1的家庭紧密性与在T3的总体健康、活力、睡眠充足、身体满意度、物质使用和自我伤害之间起调和作用。 | With longitudinal mediation path models, we tested whether maladaptive and adaptive coping strategies at T2 functioned as mediators between family connectedness at T1 and overall health, vitality, sleep sufficiency, body satisfaction, substance use, and self-harm at T3. |
研究结果表明,紧密的家庭关系预示着适应性应对能力的水平偏高,而适应性应对能力则预示着健康指标会提高,但疾病指标却没有下降。 | Findings revealed that family connectedness predicted greater levels of adaptive coping, which, in turn, predicted better health indicators but not decreases in ill-health indicators. |
此外,家庭成员间的紧密联系预示了面对压力挫折时的调适不良情况的降低,这反过来又预示了积极的健康结果水平更高和不良的健康结果偏少。 | Furthermore, family connectedness predicted lower maladaptive coping, which, in turn, predicted higher levels of positive health outcomes and fewer negative health outcomes. |
本研究的结果表明,家庭成员的紧密联系对青少年健康有积极影响,它是通过增加使用适应性应对策略,减少使用应对压力挫折时的不良调适策略,或两者兼而有之。 | Results showed that the positive effect of family connectedness on adolescents' health occurred through increased use of adaptive coping strategies, decreased use of maladaptive coping strategies, or both. |
这些结果对于以青少年和父母为工作对象的临床治疗师以及开发促进健康计划的相关人员具有重要意义。 | These results have important implications for practitioners working with adolescents and parents, as well as for health promotion program developers. |
从一个人的社会网络对某关系的认可程度已可以预测这种关系的结局。 | The degree of approval for a relationship from one's social network has been shown to predict relationship outcomes. |
还有一些研究表明,依恋行为可以缓冲各种因素(例如抑郁)对人际关系的负面影响。 | Additional research has shown that attachment can buffer the negative effects of various factors (e.g., depression) on relationships. |
本研究样本包括858对已婚夫妇,我们在SEM框架内使用行为者-伴侣相互依存模型来探究来自父母和朋友方面的不同意对自己和伴侣的婚姻关系质量的影响。 | Using an actor-partner interdependence model in an SEM framework, we research the effects of disapproval from parents and friends for one's relationship on marital relationship quality for self and partner in a sample of 858 married couples. |
我们还研究每个配偶的依恋行为是否能够减缓这些影响。 | We also examine whether each spouse's attachment behaviors can moderate these effects. |
结果表明,不管男性和女性,某一方本人的依恋行为减轻了父母和朋友的不同意对他们自我报告的关系质量的影响。 | Results indicated that one's own attachment behaviors moderate the effects of their own parents' and friends' disapproval on their self-reported relationship quality for both men and women. |
伴侣的依恋行为减轻了自己朋友对男女自我报告的关系质量的不同意的影响;此外,伴侣的父母和朋友的不同意造成的主要影响在该测试中作用不大。 | Partner's attachment behaviors moderate own friend's disapproval on self-reported relationship quality for men and women; additionally, the main effect of partner's friends' and parents' disapproval became nonsignificant with that test. |
该发现支持的结论是伴侣双方的依恋行为有缓冲作用,即对来自社会网络成员的不同意对伴侣关系结果的负面影响方面能发挥作用。 | The findings provide evidence that attachment behaviors of both partners play a role in buffering the negative effects of the social network disapproval on relationship outcomes. |
临床意义进行了讨论。 | Clinical implications are discussed. |
摘要: 角膜墨染术 (Corneal keratopigmentation KTP) 在治疗角膜混浊的患者有着悠久的历史。 | Corneal keratopigmentation (KTP) has a long history of use in management of patients suffering from disfiguring corneal opacities. |
由于KTP手术技术的更新与改进以及其并发症的低发生率, 因此通常被考虑用于治疗性或功能性适应症的患者。 | Due to progresses and modifications in KTP surgical techniques and its low rate of complications, it is taken into consideration to be used in selected groups of patients for therapeutic or functional indications. |
本文阐述了KTP在美容和功能方面的临床应用, 并讨论了KTP的手术效果及其在实验和组织病理学研究中的特点。 | In this paper we present an overview on clinical applications of KTP in both cosmetic and functional aspects and also, we discuss the outcomes of KTP and its characteristics in experimental and histopathological studies. |
过渡到为人父母的时期是新任父母们面临的最紧张的调适期之一,无论是与个体自我的关系还是与他者的关系。 | The transition to parenthood is one of the most stressful intra- and interpersonal adjustment periods for new parents. |
针对这种过渡时期的代际关系之间的双向关联的研究非常有限,而且相互关系的复杂性也会根据生活居住情境的不同而变化。 | Bidirectional associations among intergenerational relationships during the transition to parenthood have received limited attention, and the complexity of reciprocal relationships varies in accordance with living arrangements. |
本研究旨在探索(1)过渡为家长期间,夫妻婚姻关系和与对方父母的冲突两者之间的双向关联性,以及(2)和父亲同住对上述关系的调适影响作用。 | The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the bidirectional associations between marital relationships and conflicts with in-laws during the transition to parenthood and (2) the moderation of patrilineal coresidence on the aforementioned relationships. |
本文的研究对象是359名已婚母亲,采用了三波前瞻性长期性研究设计。 | A three-wave prospective longitudinal design was adopted for 359 married mothers. |
使用二元调整量表和斯特赖克调整清单量表来评估婚姻关系以及与对方父母的冲突关系。 | The Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Stryker Adjustment Checklist were used to assess marital relationships and conflicts with parents-in-law. |
研究相互关系时使用的是交叉时滞平面分析,确定这些关系是否随着生活情境的不同而呈现出不同的模式时使用的是多群组分析。 | Cross-lagged panel analysis was applied to examine reciprocal relationships, and multigroup analyses were employed to determine whether these relationships exhibited different patterns in accordance with the individuals' living arrangements. |
两个交叉-时滞模型表明,在怀孕中期至后期,婚内问题和与对方父母的冲突之间存在着双向关系。 | The two cross-lagged models revealed the presence of a bidirectional relationship between marital distress and conflicts with parents-in-law during the mid- to late pregnancy stages. |
同时,多群组分析表明,在妊娠期间与父母同住的受试组中,与对方父母的冲突会引发婚内问题;而不与父母同住的受试组中,在怀孕后期到产后期,与对方父亲之间的关系冲突可能强化婚姻问题。 | Meanwhile, the multigroup analyses suggested that conflicts with parents-in-law triggered marital distress during pregnancy in the coresidence group, whereas conflicts with fathers-in-law could intensify marital distress during late pregnancy to the postpartum period in the noncoresidence group. |
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in Data Studio
Dataset Card for BioWMT'21 ZH-EN Test Set
Test set that was compiled for the Biomedical Translation Task 2021 at WMT.
- Language(s) (NLP): English, Chinese;
title = "Findings of the {WMT} 2021 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Summaries of Animal Experiments as New Test Set",
author = "Yeganova, Lana and
Wiemann, Dina and
Neves, Mariana and
Vezzani, Federica and
Siu, Amy and
Jauregi Unanue, Inigo and
Oronoz, Maite and
Mah, Nancy and
N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Aur{\'e}lie and
Martinez, David and
Bawden, Rachel and
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria and
Roller, Roland and
Thomas, Philippe and
Grozea, Cristian and
Perez-de-Vi{\~n}aspre, Olatz and
Vicente Navarro, Maika and
Jimeno Yepes, Antonio",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation",
month = nov,
year = "2021",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "664--683",
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- 50