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BREAST-Q评分中,术后3、6个月的乳房满意度及生活质量评分显著优于术前及术后1个月( <i>P</i><0.05);术后1个月与术前比较差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05)。 | In the BREAST-Q score, breast satisfaction and quality of life scores at 3 and 6 months after operation were significantly better than those before operation and at 1 month after operation ( <i>P</i><0.05); no significant difference was found between at 1 month after operation and before operation ( <i>P</i>>0.05). |
术后1、3、6个月乳头满意度评分分别为(15.6±2.2)、(18.5±1.4)、(19.3±0.7)分。 | Nipple satisfaction scores at 1, 3, and 6 months after operation were 15.6±2.2, 18.5±1.4, 19.3±0.7, respectively. |
术后出院时患者对手术结局满意度评分为(84.7±11.4)分。 | At discharge after operation, the patient's satisfaction with the outcome of the operation was scored 84.7±11.4. |
术后6个月放疗不良事件评分为(6.5±0.8)分。 | The score of adverse events of radiotherapy at 6 months after operation was 6.5±0.8. |
随访期间无1例患者出现局部复发、远处转移及乳腺癌相关死亡。 | During the follow-up, patient had no local recurrence, distant metastasis, or breast cancer related death. |
对于中度以上生理性乳房肥大和/或中重度乳房下垂的乳腺癌患者,三蒂法缩乳上提术既可以切除病灶,又可以缩小并悬吊乳房,减少放疗并发症,提高患者满意度及生活质量。 | For breast cancer patients with moderate or greater breast hypertrophy and/or moderate-to-severe breast ptosis, three-pedicle reduction mammoplasty can not only remove the lesions, but also reduce hypertrophic breasts, accomplish the mammoplasty, reduce the radiotherapy complications, and improve the satisfaction and quality of life of patients. |
近年来肾癌发病率逐年升高。 | The prevalence of renal cell carcinoma is increasing in recent years. |
随着研究的深入,对于肾癌发生发展机制、肿瘤生物学特征有了更多的了解。 | With the development of research, we know more about the mechanism and biological characteristics of renal cell carcinoma. |
目前临床常用的肾癌预后判断方法是以临床指标为主的预后预测模型。 | Currently, the most used prognosis evaluation methods are clinical factors based prognostic prediction models. |
在传统酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的基础上,近年来以免疫检查点抑制剂为代表的新型药物在肾癌治疗领域取得了巨大成功。 | New drugs, typified by the checkpoint inhibitors, have achieved great success in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, on the basis of traditional tyrosine kinase inhibitor. |
随着越来越多与肾癌预后及疗效相关分子标记物的发现,有望为肾癌预后预测和治疗方案选择提供更多参考。 | With recognition of more prognosis and treatment related biomarkers, directive role for the prognosis prediction and treatment options could be expected. |
脑机交互(BCI)是一种变革性的人机交互,旨在绕过外周神经和肌肉系统直接把脑神经的感知觉、表象或思维活动转化为动作,以进一步改善或提高人类的生活质量。 | Brain-computer interaction (BCI) is a transformative human-computer interaction, which aims to bypass the peripheral nerve and muscle system and directly convert the perception, imagery or thinking activities of cranial nerves into actions for further improving the quality of human life. |
脑磁图(MEG)测量神经元电活动产生的磁场,具有非接触式测量、时空分辨率高和准备方便等独特优势,是一种新的BCI驱动信号,基于脑磁图的脑机交互(MEG-BCI)研究具有重要脑科学意义和潜在应用价值。 | Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) measures the magnetic field generated by the electrical activity of neurons. It has the unique advantages of non-contact measurement, high temporal and spatial resolution, and convenient preparation. It is a new BCI driving signal. MEG-BCI research has important brain science significance and potential application value. |
迄今为止,少有文献阐述MEG-BCI涉及的关键技术问题,为此本文聚焦MEG-BCI关键技术,详述了实用MEG-BCI系统中涉及的信号采集技术、MEG-BCI实验范式设计、MEG信号分析和解码关键技术、MEG-BCI神经反馈技术及其智能化方法。 | So far, few documents have elaborated the key technical issues involved in MEG-BCI. Therefore, this paper focuses on the key technologies of MEG-BCI, and details the signal acquisition technology involved in the practical MEG-BCI system, the design of the MEG-BCI experimental paradigm, the MEG signal analysis and decoding key technology, MEG-BCI neurofeedback technology and its intelligent method. |
最后,本文还讨论了MEG-BCI存在的问题和未来发展趋势,期望本文为MEG-BCI创新研究提供更多有益思路。 | Finally, this paper also discusses the existing problems and future development trends of MEG-BCI. It is hoped that this paper will provide more useful ideas for MEG-BCI innovation research. |
感染部位前3位依次是肺部、 上呼吸道、胃肠道。 | The top three infection sites were lung, upper respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. |
共检出病原菌90株,其中革兰阴性杆菌占33.3%(30/90),革兰阳性球菌占23.3%(21/90),真菌占23.3%(21/90),病毒占20.0%(18/90)。 | A total of 90 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected, of which 33.4% (30/90) were gram-negative bacilli, 23.3% (21/90) were gram-positive cocci, 23.3% (21/90) were fungi, and 20.0% (18/90) were viruses. |
92例MDS患者中重症感染率为22.8%(21/92)。 | The serious infection rate among 92 patients with MDS was 22.8% (21/92). |
多因素分析显示,中性粒细胞缺乏时间>7 d(OR=10.875,95%CI:2.747-43.051,P=0.001)是MDS患者重症感染的独立危险因素。 | Multivariate analysis showed that neutrophil deficiency>7 days (OR=10.875, 95%CI: 2.747-43.051, P=0.001) was an independent risk factor for serious infection in MDS patients. |
与非重症感染组相比,重症感染组总有效率较差(90.9% vs 63.6%,χ<sup>2</sup>=4.393,P<0.05). MDS患者第一疗程感染率高,最常见感染部位是肺部,病原菌以革兰阴性杆菌多见。 | Compared with non-severe infection group, the total effective rate of severe infection group was lower (90.9% vs 63.6%, χ<sup>2</sup>=4.393, P<0.05). The infection rate of MDS patients is high in the first course of treatment, and the most common infection site is the lung. Gram-negative bacteria is the most common pathogen. |
中性粒细胞缺乏时间>7 d的MDS患者重症感染风险高,疗效差。 | MDS patients with neutrophil deficiency>7 days have a high risk of serious infection and poor efficacy. |
土壤水分是重要的水文参数,也是水循环、气候变化等研究的基本要素。 | Soil moisture is an important hydrological parameter and a basic element for research in water cycle and climate change. |
本研究利用中国气象局新一代自动土壤水分观测网逐小时土壤水分观测数据,分析2013—2019年间华北地区土壤水分的时空分布和变化趋势及其与降水和温度的关系。 | Using hourly recorded soil moisture data of 374 stations from the new generation of automatic soil moisture encryption observation network constructed by China Meteo-rological Administration, we analyzed the spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture in North China from 2013 to 2019 and the relationship with precipitation and temperature. |
结果表明: 研究期间,华北地区10~100 cm土层土壤水分整体呈波动下降趋势,尤以100 cm根区土壤水分减少最明显。 | The results showed that soil moisture in 10-100 cm layer decreased fluctuatly as a whole, with the decreasing at the 100 cm being serious. |
华北地区不同深度土壤水分空间分布均呈东南高、西北低的特征。 | The spatial distribution of soil moisture at different depths was characterized by high in the southeast and low in the northwest. |
10 cm土层63%面积缺墒。 | About 63% of the surface layer was short of moisture. |
不同深度土壤水分随季节变化明显,夏季各层土壤水分达到最高,墒情适宜,春季土壤水分处于低值。 | Soil moisture at different depths changed significantly with the seasons. In summer, soil moisture of each layer reached the highest and soil entropy of each layer was suitable, while it reached a low point in spring. |
土壤水分与降水和温度均具有较好的响应关系,随着土壤深度的增加相关性逐渐减弱,且土壤水分对降水的响应比对气温的响应更显著。 | Soil moisture was closely correlated with precipitation and temperature, but the correlation got weaker gradually with the increase of soil depth. Soil moisture was more sensitive to precipitation than to temperature. |
浅析针灸疗法在美国辅助生殖领域的应用现状,并探讨其存在的问题及今后的发展方向。 | The application status of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for assisted reproductive field in the United States was analyzed, and the existing problems and future development directions were discussed. |
通过对美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)统计报告中提及的美国456家生育诊所官方网站进行调查,结果显示美国456家生殖诊所中有111家推荐和使用针灸疗法,占24.3%。 | According to the survey on the 456 websites of assisted reproductive clinic in the United States mentioned in the report of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 111 clinics among 456 assisted reproductive clinics recommend and used acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, accounting for 24.3%. |
针灸具有疗效显著、安全性佳、费用低等优势,美国辅助生殖机构对针灸的应用度和认可度较高。 | Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy had obvious effect, good safety and low cost, and the assisted reproductive institutions in the United States had a high degree of application and recognition to acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. |
但针灸在美国辅助生殖机构中的应用也存在着治疗方案不成熟、作用机制不明确和相关保险政策不完善等问题。 | However, some problems, such as immature treatment scheme, unclear mechanism and imperfect insurance policies, still existed. |
今后应将中国传统针灸的优势与国际现代辅助生殖技术相结合,开展多中心大样本的临床随机对照试验以及针灸辅助生殖效应机制的基础实验研究。 | In the future, the advantages of Chinese traditional acupuncture and moxibustion should combine with international modern assisted reproductive technology, and multi-center and large-sample clinical randomized controlled trials and basic experimental research on the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion for assisted reproduction should be carried out. |
马拉松运动导致的骨肌系统损伤十分常见,骨肌损伤的影像学研究可以为马拉松运动员的健康保障提供科学的数据支撑。 | Marathon-related musculoskeletal injuries are very common. The imaging research of musculoskeletal injuries may provide scientific support for the health protection of marathon athletes. |
但遗憾的是,骨肌系统损伤方面的影像学研究还相对缺乏,大样本的研究更是几乎空白,且无论是影像学方法,还是研究人群都还不够全面。 | Unfortunately, imaging studies on musculoskeletal system injury are relatively lacking, large sample studies are almost blank, and neither imaging methods nor study populations are comprehensive enough. |
马拉松骨肌损伤的影像学研究还有待于进一步深入。 | The imaging study of marathon-related musculoskeletal injuries remains to be further studied. |
中国作为一个马拉松运动参与人员众多的国家,应该加强相关的影像学研究,为马拉松运动爱好者及专业运动员提供更多的健康保障。 | As a country with a large number of marathon participants, China should strengthen relevant imaging studies to provide more health protection for marathon enthusiasts and professional athletes. |
肺泡蛋白沉积症(PAP)是一种呼吸系统罕见病,研究进展缓慢。 | Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare respiratory disease, but this disease has slow research progress. |
动物模型是开展各类基础研究的有效工具,目前的动物模型均是根据粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)信号作用障碍和肺泡内环境稳态失衡这两个主要的发病机制而建立,应用研究集中在PAP的治疗策略上。 | Animal model is an effective tool for basic research. Current PAP animal models are based on the main pathogenesis of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulation factor (GM-CSF) signal disorder and environmental homeostasis imbalance in the alveoli. Application researches focus on the treatment strategies of PAP. |
现有的PAP动物模型均不能完全反映人PAP疾病发展,需进一步开发和改进,为临床实践提供依据。 | The existing PAP animal models cannot fully reflect to the development of human PAP, which should be further developed and improved to provide the basis for clinical practice. |
近年来,随着对乳腺癌筛查的重视与规范化诊疗技术的提升,中国乳腺癌患者治愈率显著提高,患者生存时间显著延长。 | In recent years, with the emphasis on breast cancer screening and the improvement of standardized diagnosis and treatment, cure rate and survival time of breast cancer patients have been significantly improved in China. |
伴随乳腺癌患者随诊随访期的延长,患者面临的肿瘤及相关其他健康问题也逐渐增加,需要制定更为精准而长远的随诊随访计划,关注更广泛的健康风险。 | Accompanied by prolonged follow-up period, patients are facing increasing cancer and other related health issues, which calls for a more accurate and long-term follow-up plan and focus on broader health risks. |
抗肿瘤治疗、年龄、激素水平变化等因素导致的乳腺癌患者心血管、骨健康、心理健康等问题,已成为乳腺癌患者管理的新难题,其不仅影响患者的生活质量,甚至转化为疾病复发和死亡风险。 | Health issues on cardiovascular system, bone density, blood lipid and psychology caused by anti-cancer treatment, senescence or changes in hormone levels have become new challenges in the management of patients with breast cancer, not only affecting the life quality, but also impacting disease recurrence and death. |
因此,除了落实规范化治疗外,患者科学规范的随诊随访、伴随疾病的全方位管理、跨学科协作、全面康复也是乳腺癌治疗的关键环节,这对于提高患者的治疗效果,提升患者健康水平和生活质量均有重大意义。 | Therefore, in addition to standardized treatment, scientific and standardized follow-up, comprehensive management of patients' concomitant diseases, interdisciplinary cooperation and holistic rehabilitation are also vital links to treatment. This could improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-cancer treatment and the quality of life of patients. |
基于当前中国乳腺癌患者的治疗及随诊随访现状,根据文献及指南,结合跨学科专家诊疗建议,在2019版《乳腺癌随访及伴随疾病全方位管理指南》基础上进行更新,修订2022版《中国乳腺癌随诊随访与健康管理指南》,包括随诊随访路径图、随诊随访管理、全方位健康管理以及患者报告结局四大部分,旨在规范乳腺癌患者的长期随诊随访,指导临床医师积极开展乳腺癌患者全方位跨学科健康管理,从而进一步提高中国乳腺癌患者预后与生活质量。 | Based on the current landscape of treatment and follow-up of breast cancer patients in China, the experts committee updated the 'Comprehensive Management Guideline for Breast Cancer Follow-up and Concomitant Diseases (2019 edition)' and revised it as 'Guidelines for breast cancer follow-up and health management in China (2022 edition)' according to the latest literature and guidelines and medical advice from interdisciplinary experts. This new guideline is composed of four parts: path diagram, follow-up management, comprehensive healthcare management, and patient reported outcome. It aims to standardize the long-term follow-up of breast cancer patients, guide clinicians to actively provide comprehensive interdisciplinary healthcare management, and further improve the prognosis and life quality of breast cancer patients in China. |
牙根内吸收是由破牙本质细胞活动引起的根管内牙本质缺失的病理性过程。 | Internal root resorption is a pathologic phenomenon with a characterization of the intraradicular dentin destruction due to the abnormal activities of odontoclasts. |
由于其发病具有隐匿性,发现时往往已形成较大病损。 | With its insidious pathology, internal root resorption can progress to a great extent before its clinical detection. |
牙外伤、牙髓的慢性炎症、活髓切断术和牙再植术等多种因素均可诱导牙根内吸收的发生。 | Various factors including trauma, chronic inflammation of the pulp, pulpotomy and tooth transplantation have been proposed for the occurrence of internal root resorption. |
本文针对牙根内吸收的病因和致病机制进行阐述,以期为牙根内吸收的早期阻断治疗提供参考。 | The present paper reviews the etiology and pathogenesis of internal root resorption and provides guidance for the early intervention in the clinical practice. |
低位咬合是指牙齿在主动萌出后保持静止,而相邻牙齿持续萌出,随着骨骼的生长,牙齿(牙合)面低于(牙合)平面的现象。 低位咬合最常见于儿童,以下颌第二乳磨牙多发。 | Infraocclusion is a phenomenon that the relative occlusal growth of a tooth stops after the period of active eruption and then the tooth becomes depressed below the occlusal plane. Infraocclusion occurred more commonly in children and the mostly affected teeth were the primary mandibular second molars. |
牙齿发生低位咬合的年龄越早,其导致的咬合问题越严重。 | The occlusal problem caused by infraocclusion may progressively worsen with age. |
本文从第二乳磨牙低位咬合的病因和治疗等方面进行阐述,以期为第二乳磨牙低位咬合的临床治疗提供参考。 | This review summarizes the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of infraoccluded second primary molars, so as to provide reference for the dental clinicians. |
测序技术的快速发展导致病原体基因数据急剧增加,将这些数据与系统发育分析方法相结合,可用于阐述病原体的起源和进化、流行过程中的时空分布、参数变化以及抗原、毒力、耐药性等表型特征变化规律、病原体传播趋势预测等。 | The rapid development of sequencing technology brings the explosive growth of pathogen genetic data. The combination of genomic data and phylogenetic method is being used to elaborate the origin and evolution of pathogens, the time and space distribution and parameter changes in the prevalence process, and how phenotypes like antigen, virulence, and resistance change over time. This method is also being used to predict pathogen transmission trends. |
本文简述了系统发育研究的目的和系统发育树的构建方法,阐述了距离法、最大简约法、最大似然法、贝叶斯法等常用系统发育重建方法的优缺点和适用范围,并重点回顾了系统动力学和系统地理学方法在国内外研究中的应用及主要流行病学参数的估计方法,通过综述也发现,病毒基因组数据建立的带有时间和地点注释的系统发育树越来越多地用于传染病疫情暴发调查和常规监测。 | In this study, we described the aim of phylogeny and the process of the phylogenetic construction method. We elaborated the advantages and disadvantages and scope of application of tree-building methods including distance-based, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and bayesian methods. We have reviewed the application and the estimation methods of major epidemiological parameters of phylodynamics and phylogeography in domestic and foreign studies. We concluded that the time- and location-scaled phylogenetic trees are increasingly used for outbreak investigation and routine surveillance of infectious diseases. |
慢性乙型肝炎治疗过程中持续存在的低病毒血症(LLV)会进一步促进耐药突变、肝纤维化进展甚至是肝细胞癌发生,严重影响患者预后。 | Persistent low-level viremia during chronic hepatitis B therapy can promote drug-resistant mutations, liver fibrosis progression and even hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence, which further seriously affect the prognosis of patients. |
希望通过组织本期重点号,阐述LLV发生的可能机制、分析其临床结局,从而辅助调整个体化治疗方案,以期为该类患者的诊疗提供参考。 | Herein, we hope to clarify and analyze the possible occurrence mechanisms and clinical outcomes of low-level viremia by sorting out the key points, so as to assist in the adjustment of individualized treatment plans and provide references for the diagnosis and treatment. |
本研究旨在构建基于核酸滚环扩增(RCA)的简便快速、超灵敏的光学生物传感技术,并将其运用于结核杆菌耐药相关基因的多重检测。 | The aim of this study was to construct a simple, rapid and ultra-sensitive optical biosensing technique based on rolling circle amplification (RCA), and to apply it to multiple detection of drug-resistant genes of mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
本研究在2020年2月至2021年5月期间,于陆军军医大学第一附属医院检验科,针对异烟肼、利福平和链霉素耐药的高频基因突变位点katG315(AGC➝ACC)、rpoB531(CAC➝TAC)和rpsL43(AAG➝AGG),分别设计锁式探针(padlock probe,PLP)、引物和捕获探针,构建了基于磁珠的固相RCA恒温扩增反应体系,并进行了实验参数的优化。 | The common mutation sites of isoniazid, rifampicin and streptomycin resistance genes are katG315 (AGC➝ACC), rpoB531 (CAC➝TAC) and rpsL43 (AAG➝AGG). For these three gene sites, from February 2020 to May 2021, in the Department of Laboratory Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Army Military Medical University, the padlock probe (PLP), primers and capture probes were designed. And a solid-phase RCA constant temperature amplification reaction system based on magnetic beads was constructed and the experimental parameters were optimized. |
通过多色荧光探针(Cy3/Cy5/ROX)对RCA产物精准捕获与信号放大,实现了对3种突变基因的单管多重检测。 | The RCA products were accurately captured by the multicolor fluorescent probes (Cy3/Cy5/ROX), and the single-tube multiple detection of three mutation genes was realized. |
进一步对该方法的灵敏度、特异性与线性范围等分析性能进行验证,结果显示同一反应体系中katG315的响应范围为1.0 pmol/L至0.1 nmol/L,rpoB531和rpsL43的响应范围为1.0 pmol/L至50.0 pmol/L和1.0 pmol/L至20.0 pmol/L,且该方法具有较好的特异度与灵敏度,在混合靶标中可精确识别单碱基突变,最低检出限低至1.0 pmol/L;在模拟血清样本的回收实验中,回收率可达95.0%~105.2%。 | The sensitivity, specificity and linear range of this method were further verified. The results showed that the response range of katG315 in the same reaction system ranged from 1.0 pmol/L to 0.1 nmol/L. The response range of rpoB531 and rpsL43 ranged from 1.0 pmol/L to 50.0 pmol/L and 1.0 pmol/L to 20.0 pmol/L, and the method had good specificity and sensitivity, and could accurately identify single base mutations in mixed targets, with the minimum detection limit as low as 1.0 pmol/L. The recoveries of simulated serum samples were 95.0%-105.2%. |
综上,本研究构建的恒温扩增型多重检测方法可快速实现3种耐药突变位点的单管多重检测,该技术成本低廉、简便快速、不依赖大型设备,为病原体耐药基因检测提供了一种新的分析方法。 | In conclusion, the constant temperature amplification multiple detection method constructed in this study can quickly realize the single-tube multiple detection of three drug resistance mutation sites. This technology is low-cost, simple and rapid, and does not rely on large equipment, providing a new analysis method for pathogen drug resistance gene detection. |
综述各种脂肪抽吸术式的特点及存在问题,为临床选择合适的术式提供参考,为吸脂设备的改良和研发提供思路。 | To review the characteristics and deficiencies of various liposuction methods to provide reference for choosing more suitable liposuction in clinic and ideas for the improvement and development of liposuction equipment. |
查阅近年来与脂肪抽吸术相关的研究文献,对传统及新兴脂肪抽吸术的原理、临床应用以及存在问题进行总结和梳理。 | The literature related to liposuction in recent years was consulted, and the principle, indications as well as existing problems were reviewed. |
脂肪抽吸术根据脂肪分离原理主要分为两大类。 | Liposuction can be divided into two categories according to the principles of fat separation. |
第1类术式是通过物理切割分离脂肪,包括负压辅助吸脂术(suction-assisted liposuction,SAL)、动力辅助吸脂术(power-assisted liposuction,PAL)和水动力辅助吸脂术 (water-assisted liposuction,WAL)。 | The first type relies on physical cutting to separate fat, including suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), power-assisted liposuction (PAL), and water-assisted liposuction (WAL). |
SAL及PAL手术操作简单、价格偏低,但吸脂效果主要依赖术者经验手法,可能出现外观不平整、血肿、瘀斑等并发症;WAL省时省力,但性价比较低。 | SAL and PAL are simple to operate and low in price, but the effect of liposuction mainly depends on the experience of the surgeon, and complications such as uneven appearance, hematoma, and ecchymosis may occur. WAL saves time and effort, but has lower cost performance. |
第2类术式是通过能量破坏分离脂肪,包括超声辅助吸脂术、激光辅助吸脂术和射频辅助吸脂术。 | The second type relies on energy destruction to separate fat, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and radiofrequency-assisted liposuction. |
该类手术创伤小、术后恢复快,并具有紧肤的优点;但设备价格较昂贵,存在皮肤灼伤的风险。 | This type of surgery has the advantages of less trauma, fast postoperative recovery, and skin tightening. However, the equipment is more expensive, and has a risk of skin burns. |
脂肪抽吸术能有效改善局部脂肪堆积,但仍存在一定局限性。 | Liposuction can effectively reduce local fat accumulation, but it still has limitations. |
设备改良和脂肪移植是脂肪抽吸术未来发展的重要方向。 | Equipment improvement and fat transplantation are important directions for liposuction's future development. |
超重肥胖已成为世界各国儿童青少年面临的重大公共卫生问题之一。 | Overweight/obesity has become one of the major public health problems among children and adolescents all over the world. |
现行的儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查标准不统一,逐条评价或自行编写程序容易出错且效率较低。 | The current screening standards for overweight and obesity in children and adolescents are not unified. It is easy to make mistakes and inefficient to evaluate item by item or develop self-written packages. |
本研究以中国学龄儿童青少年超重与肥胖筛查标准为例,详细介绍了国际和中国共四种评价儿童青少年超重肥胖的方法和步骤,结合具体案例详细介绍其应用方法,同时编制SPSS和SAS程序包和解释具体应用步骤,以便使用者能够正确、快捷地进行儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查,进行不同地区同类研究的横向比较。 | Taking the'Screening standards for overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents'as an example, this study introduced four methods and procedures for evaluating overweight and obesity among children and adolescents from the world and China and described their application methods in combination with specific cases. At the same time, the SPSS and SAS packages were compiled and the specific application steps were explained, so that users could correctly and quickly screen overweight and obesity among children and adolescents, and conduct horizontal comparisons of similar studies across different regions. |
在明确针刺可调节神经、血管这一共识的基础上,论述二者功能交互的生理学意义;提出了神经血管耦联与针刺研究的适配性,认为神经血管耦联参与了针刺信号外周传入、中枢整合和调节靶器官3个环节。 | On the basis of the consensus that acupuncture can regulate functional activities of nerves and blood vessels, we, in the present paper, discussed the physiological significance of the functional interactions between the two, and put forward a suitability between neurovascular coupling and acupuncture research, and held that the neurovascular coupling may be involved in 3 key links of the peripheral afferent process of acupuncture signals, central integration and regulation of target organs. |
基于神经血管耦联在不同组织内的差异,提出从穴位-神经血管耦联-针刺效应、刺激方式-神经血管耦联-针刺效应研究穴位效应差异的可能性。 | Based on the differences in the expression of neurovascular coupling in different tissues, we proposed a feasibility of study on the diffe-rence of acupoint efficacies from acupoint-neurovascular coupling-acupuncture effect, and stimulationmethods-neurovascular coupling-acupuncture effect. |
造血干细胞移植后血流感染的临床分析. 分析造血干细胞移植(HSCT)患者血流感染的临床特征. 回顾性分析2013年1月至2020年6月在我科行HSCT的910例患者的临床特征、发生血流感染的病原菌分布及药敏情况. 910例患者中,111例在移植后100 d内确诊血流感染,98例的血流感染发生在粒细胞缺乏(粒缺)期。 | To analyze the clinical characteristics of bloodstream infection (BSI) in patients treated by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The clinical characteristics, distribution of pathogenic bacteria causing BSI and drug sensitivity of 910 patients treated by HSCT in our department from January 2013 to June 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Among 910 HSCT patients, 111 patients were diagnosed as BSI within 100 days after transplantation, and 98 patients showed BSI during the period of agranulocytosis. |
多因素分析显示,预处理方案含抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)、粒缺持续时间长、单个核细胞(MNC)输注量低是HSCT后血流感染的独立危险因素。 | Multivariate analysis showed that the usage of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), long duration of agranulocytosis and low infusion volume of mononuclear cell (MNC) were the independent risk factors affecting BSI after HSCT. |
分离出的121株病原菌中,革兰氏阴性(G<sup>-</sup>)菌 76株(62.8%),革兰氏阳性(G<sup>+</sup>)菌 40株(33.1%),真菌5株(4.1%)。 | Among 121 pathogenic bacteria isolated, 76 Gram-negative (G<sup>-</sup>) bacteria (62.8%), 40 Gram-positive (G<sup>+</sup>) bacteria (33.0%), and 5 fungi (4.1%) were detected out. |
病原菌前3位依次为大肠埃希菌、表皮葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌。 | The top three pathogens were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. |
大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌和铜绿假单胞菌对碳青霉烯类药物耐药率分别为14.3%、7.7%和66.7%。 | The drug-resistance rates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae to carbapenems was 14.3% and 7.7%, respectively, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 66.7%. |
G<sup>+</sup>菌对万古霉素、利奈唑胺、替考拉宁的敏感率分别为97.5%、100%和100%。 | The susceptibility of G<sup>+</sup> bacteria to vancomycin, linezolid and teicoplanin was 97.5%, 100% and 100%, respectively. |
血流感染患者HSCT后100 d死亡率显著高于无血流感染患者(P<0.001). 预处理方案含ATG、粒缺持续时间长、MNC输注量低是HSCT后血流感染的独立危险因素,移植后血流感染病原菌以革兰氏阴性菌多见,铜绿假单胞菌对碳青霉烯类药物耐药率高。 | The crude mortality rate of the patients with BSI at 100 days after HSCT was significantly higher than that of patients without BSI (P<0.001). The usage of ATG, long duration of agranulocytosis and low infusion volume of MNC are independent risk factors for BSI after HSCT. The pathogens after HSCT are mainly G- bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is highly resistant to carbapenems. |
空气负离子(NAI)是衡量一个地区空气清洁度的重要指标,对人体的心理健康和生理机能具有重要的调节作用。 | Negative air ion (NAI) is an essential indicator for measuring air cleanliness of a given area, with vital role in regulating psychological and physiological functions of human body. |
植被光合过程中光电效应是NAI产生的重要来源和影响因素,但光电效应极其微弱而难以直接监测,而植物电信号是间接反映光电效应的重要指标,以往研究多侧重在不同森林群落中NAI的时空变化特征及其与气象因素的关系,目前关于NAI与植物电信号的研究较少。 | The photoelectric effect is an important source and influencing factor for the generation of NAI during photosynthesis, but the photoelectric effect is extremely weak and difficult to monitor. Plant electrical signal is an important indicator that indirectly reflects photoelectric effect. Previous studies mostly focused on the spatiotemporal variation of NAI in different forest communities and its relationship with meteorological factors. At present, there is little research on NAI and plant electrical signal. |
本研究以白皮松为对象,通过人工气候室控制试验,探讨不同光照强度下(0、150、300、500、700、800、1000和1200 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>)植物电信号的变化特征及其与空气负离子的关系。 | In this study, we explored the effect of different light intensities (0, 150, 300, 500, 700, 800, 1000 and 1200 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>) on characteristics of the plant electrical signal and its relationship with negative air ion, with <i>Pinus bungeana</i> as the research object. |
结果表明: 在0~700 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>光照范围内白皮松的植物电信号强度随光照强度的增强而显著提高,当光照强度达到700 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>时,植物电信号活跃度达到最高,随后光照强度的增加使植物受到光抑制,植物电信号活跃程度下降。 | The results showed that the intensity of plant electrical signal increased significantly with the increases of light intensity in the illumination range of 0-700 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>. When light intensity reached 700 μmol·m<sup>-2</sup>·s<sup>-1</sup>, plant electrical signal activity reached the highest level, and plant was inhibited by light when light intensity increased further, with plant electrical signal activity decreased. |
植物电信号的频域参数(边缘频率、重心频率、功率谱熵和功率谱峰值)与NAI呈显著相关,其中边缘频率(<i>E</i>)与NAI的相关系数最高,二者的关系为<i>NAI=</i>30.981<i>E</i>+168.814(<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>=0.54),均方误差为52.203。 | The frequency-domain parameters (edge frequency, gravity frequency, power spectrum entropy and power spectrum peak) of plant electrical signals were significantly correlated with NAI. The correlation coefficient between edge frequency (<i>E</i>) and NAI was the highest, the relationship between them was <i>NAI</i>=30.981<i>E</i>+168.814 (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>=0.54), and the mean square error was 52.203. |
植物电信号与NAI之间存在显著的相关关系,能够表征NAI的变化规律,对进一步了解森林植被对NAI的作用机理及贡献潜力提供科学依据。 | There was a significant correlation between plant electrical signals and NAI, which could characterize the change rule of NAI, and provide scientific evidence for further understanding the contribution potential and production mechanism of forest to NAI. |
观察组β2-微球蛋白浓度、M蛋白均显著高于对照组,而血清碱性磷酸酶及FF均低于对照组(P<0.05)。 | In the observation group, β2-microglobulin concentration and M protein were significantly higher than those in the control group, while serum alkaline phosphatase and FF were lower (P<0.05). |
在纳入研究的全部41例患者中,FF值与β2-微球蛋白浓度之间存在显著负相关(r=-0.57),与血清碱性磷酸酶存在显著正相关(r=0.31)。 | In all 41 patients included in the study, there was a significant negative correlation between FF value and β2-microglobulin concentration (r=-0.57), and a significant positive correlation between FF value and serum alkaline phosphatase (r=0.31). |
11例经过4疗程化疗的患者治疗后FF值升高,骨髓瘤细胞百分比、β2-微球蛋白浓度、M蛋白降低,治疗前后的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。 | After treatment, FF value increased, while myeloma cell percentage, β2-microglobulin concentration and M protein decreased in 11 patients who completed 4 cycles of chemotherapy, and the differences before and after treatment were statistically significant (P<0.05). |
血清碱性磷酸酶联合FF值预测骨质破坏的价值高于二者单独应用. Dixon的不同影像学表现能够反应疾病的严重程度,FF值与临床检查结果及R-ISS分期之间存在相关性,且治疗前后有显著差异,血清碱性磷酸酶联合FF值预测骨质破坏优于两项指标单独应用。 | The value of serum alkaline phosphatase combined with FF value in predicting bone destruction is higher than that of FF value or serum alkaline phosphatase alone. Dixon's different imaging manifestations can reflect the severity of the disease. FF value is correlated with clinical examination results and R-ISS staging, and there is a significant difference before and after treatment. Serum alkaline phosphatase combined with FF value is better than two indicators alone in predicting bone destruction. |
尼洛替尼二线与达沙替尼三线对一二线治疗失败的 慢性髓性白血病的疗效及影响因素分析. 评价尼洛替尼二线与达沙替尼三线对一二线治疗失败的慢性髓性白血病(CML)的疗效,并分析疗效的影响因素. 将江苏省昆山市第三人民医院2014年1月-2018年12月伊马替尼一线治疗失败后采用尼洛替尼二线治疗的83例CML患者设为二线治疗组(简称二线组),尼洛替尼二线治疗失败后采用达沙替尼三线治疗的61例CML患者作为三线治疗组(简称三线组);另选伊马替尼一线治疗失败,但由于多种原因,患者在充分告知不更换药物治疗可能发生的严重后果后,仍要求继续伊马替尼治疗的37例CML患者作为对照组。 | To evaluate the efficacy of the second-line nilotinib and third-line dasatinib on chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) with failed first- and second-line treatments, and analyze the influencing factors of the efficacy. Selected 83 patients in The Third People's Hospital of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province with CML who were treated with nilotinib as the second-line treatment after the failure of the first-line treatment with imatinib as the second-line treatment group (referred to as the second-line group) from January 2014 to December 2018, and 61 CML patients who were treated by dasatinib as the third-line treatment group (referred to as the third-line group) after the failure of the second-line treatment with nilotinib; the first-line treatment with imatinib failed, but due to various reasons, the patients were fully after being informed of the possible serious consequences of not changing the drug treatment, 37 CML patients who were still required to continue imatinib treatment served as the control group. |
比较各组患者治疗3、6、24个月的血液学、细胞遗传学和分子学反应。 | The hematological, genetic and molecular responses of each group were compared for 3, 6, and 24 months of treatment. |
应用LogistiC回归分析影响二三线疗效的因素. 三组患者治疗3、6、12个月达完全血液学反应(CHR)、主要细胞遗传学反应(MCyR)、主要分子学反应(MMR)率比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 | LogistiC regression was used to analyze the factors affecting the second and third line curative effects. The three groups had statistically significant differences in the rates of achieving CHR, MCyR, and MMR at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment (P<0.05). |
组间两两比较,二线组治疗3、6、12个月达CHR率分别为100.00%、97.59%、95.18%,高于三线组的90.16%、86.89%、83.61%和对照组的83.78%、75.68%、72.97%;三线组患者治疗6、12个月达CHR率高于对照组。 | Compared the two groups, the CHR rates of the second-line group at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment were 100.00%, 97.59%, and 95.18%, respectively; higher than the third-line group's 90.16%, 86.89%, 83.61% and the control group's 83.78%, 75.68% and 72.97%; the CHR rate of the third-line group was higher than that of the control group at 6 and 12 months of treatment. |
二线组患者治疗3、6、12个月后达MCyR率分别为87.95%、93.98%、93.98%,三线组分别为80.33%、88.52%、86.89%,均高于对照组的67.57%、64.86%、48.65%。 | The rates of reaching MCyR at 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment in the second-line group were 87.95%, 93.98% and 93.98%, respectively, while those in the third-line group were 80.33%, 88.52% and 86.89%, which were higher than those of the control group of 67.57%, 64.86% and 48.65%. |
二线组患者治疗3、6、12个月达MMR率分别为19.28%、33.72%、60.24%,三线组分别为11.48%、26.23%、49.18%,均高于对照组的0.00%、2.70%、0.00%;二线组治疗12个月达MMR率高于三线组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 | The rates of achieving MMR at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment in the second-line group were 19.28%, 33.72% and 60.24%, respectively, and those in the third-line group were 11.48%, 26.23% and 49.18%, which were higher than those of the control group of 0.00%, 2.70% and 0.00%; The rate of reaching MMR within 12 months of treatment in the second-line group was higher than that of the third-line group, and the differences was statistically significant (P<0.05). |
二线组与三线组患者治疗3、6、12个月达MCyR率,3、6个月达MMR率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 | There was no significant difference in the rate of reaching MCyR between the second-line group and the third-line group at 3, 6, and 12 months, and the rate of reaching MMR at 3 and 6 months (P>0.05). |
三组患者主要非血液不良反应中恶心呕吐发生率、血液学不良反应中1~2级贫血发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 | The incidence of nausea and vomiting among the three main non-hematological adverse reactions, and the incidence of grade 1~2 anemia among the hematological adverse reactions were statistically significant (P<0.05). |
Subsets and Splits