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Golden: Mapping human knowledge | > neutrally-writtenI'd like to see opinionated stuff too. In fact lack of what can be labelled as opinionated, non-credible and non-significant is what I dislike of Wikipedia. I acknowledge value of neutral and credible information but I believe too much of what still can be useful food for thought gets discarded with the rest. |
Biomarker for chronic fatigue syndrome identified | For the record, here’s a permalink that uses HTTPS: |
Uber opens at $42 per share | Overpriced. However I don't see them going belly up like all the naysayers over in the corner with pitchforks who are declaring them doomed |
Firms That Promised Ransomware Decryption Almost Always Just Pay the Hackers | Of course they pay them, who actually believes these firms are capable of breaking the encryption? This is digital hostage taking, you pay the hostage takers, you don't try and fight them. |
Scene report from the Chernobyl Zone | never ceases to amaze.. |
Flying-V: Flying long distances energy-efficiently | Are the wings at the back doing anything useful so far aft of the center of mass, uh, behind the rest of the craft? |
Show HN: Enviro+ for Raspberry Pi – Environmental sensors | Really looking forward to using this. Our local Council has a few air quality monitors in strategic places and publish the results as open data. However, they are 6 months behind in publishing data and have recently declared a "air quality emergency". They also state "Currently the level of interest in air quality appears to be rising, but this does not
seem to translate into interaction between the Council and the local communities".With an Enviro+ on a portable Pi I'll now be able to get my figures in near real time and ignore the Council. |
Why we're ending support for MySQL | I have used postgres for so long that a lot of the baked in functions and features that were super convenient for me.I recall wanting to change a data type in my query and having to actually use the cast function. Also it was mentioned but when I was using it CTEs were not implemented yet. However, they weren't with postgres until 9.x as I recall either.Regarding performance, I mean, that is as much design as it is rdbms choice. Also i'm no DBA. |
Too Many Companies Drain Value from the Economy | > In a healthy economy, competition should get rid of rents, because new companies will enter the market and vie for a slice of that pie, offering lower prices and higher wages until the rents mostly disappear. In some industries, like semiconductors, this still happens.Not proprietary semiconductors from a single vendor, only maybe decades-old commodity parts that are drop-in substitutable, either due to numerous implementations of the same signaling, or outright licensing of the original IP to many vendors.The entry barrier to competing with a silicon vendor that has a complex, well established proprietary product stack is extremely difficult.(Which is not to say it constitutes economic rent.)Silicon vendors don't want to offer lower prices; they want to produce something differentiated from the rest, and then charge as much as they can get away with.(BTW, good luck offering lower prices and higher wages at the same time. That is only possible if it can be made up for in volume.) |
A “bike platform” that temporarily swaps one car parking space for ten bicycles | While bicycles are popular, it is hard to imagine that human-pedaled versions will become a norm.It is impossible to imagine them used in a heat of Miami, or Atlanta (Georgia), or in Moscow.There well populated and mild-weathered megalopolis (London, most southern CA, north east China) -- but the speed, distance and volume of participants -- just do not make bicycles practical.I think the long solution is really de-urbanization of these megacities that act like a country-within-a-country.On a separate note, I find the use of word 'platform' (even in quotes) is unfortunate.Platforms, I though, mean something that provides composeable building blocks + principles for a variety of yet-to-be-anticipated needs. |
33 dead after arson attack at Kyoto Animation studio, dozens injured | The article says "At least 36 people were injured, 10 of them seriously." but doesn't mention deaths anywhere. I really hope the title is wrong and this is just some kind of horrible mistake. That's so many good people to have died for one selfish asshole. Can anyone confirm/deny ? |
Show HN: I trained a deep learning model to build sites for me | I once built a tool that generates XAML from Sketch files and Zeplin projects.I can now see how AI would have made my job easier. |
Black Hat: GDPR privacy law exploited to reveal personal data | I can’t believe a drivers license scan is all that is needed for many companies. That means that losing my wallet on the street effectively means that someone can go get my entire digital history.Why not require the user to request this data while signed in to the service? |
WebKit Tracking Prevention Policy | Good thing Qt ditched awful WebKit for glorious Chrome. Tracking is "mm mm!" good. It also helps make sure Google's predatory non-compliance and Google-board optimizations continue to spread through all websites.#ThanksQt |
Firefly III – Self-hosted financial manager | Before people spend time setting this up: Note this doesn't support any other asset types other than cash.I would assume that most people here have stocks or bonds or something of some type.Most of my assets are investments which makes this fairly useless for me, even if it does look very nice :-(. |
Google Fires Four Workers, Including Staffer Tied to Protest | First they get fired J.D. (he who must not be named, or you would get banned by the mods if you dare to) by leaking internal docs and celebrate that like a new year. Now they leak other people's calendars, get fired for that and cry for help. I don't understand who they have as their allies. |
Apollo 11 Guidance Computer vs. USB-C Chargers | Super interesting article! |
Avoid rewriting a legacy system from scratch by strangling it | Does the strangler have to be a separate server? Couldn't you wrap the existing code within the same binary? |
Not being an asshole will make you more money | Goldman Sachs disagree |
On the shoulders of the giants | The greatest technical book I’ve ever read is PBRT. It’s a computer graphics book, but is a phenomenal achievement. |
A Message to Our Users | “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it” -Warren BuffetThey didn’t even bother to build up a reputation; hard to see how they’re going to build respect for people’s privacy and security into their culture now. |
Yelp lays off 1000, furloughs 1100 | Remote Leaf[1] founder here, I would like to offer Yelp employees who lost their jobs a free month of membership, that might help you land a remote job. We hand-pick thousands of remote jobs from tons of job boards and only sends the ones that apply to you. Just ping me on Twitter[2] and send me an email to avail this :)[1] -[2] - |
Regex2fat: Turn your favorite regex into FAT32 | James Cain did something similar on Windows using his user-space SMB2 server. could also write a Samba VFS module that does the same thing with incoming filenames. |
The Cost of Free Doughnuts: 70 Years of Regret | Same is with Free Software. On one hand it is nice that you are receiving so much value for free, on the other all business models revolving around it contradict basic sales principles and are wildly unsuccessful.So for example, I use horrible debuggers like GDB in 2020, because there is no company that is willing to put that much effort and take that much of a risk into developing a better tool debugger, since there are no profit incentives around it. You cannot really expect developers to pay for their tools in 2020 and that is both good and bad. |
Publishers File Suit Against Internet Archive | It was surprisingly difficult to find links to these supposedly-infringing libraries run by the Internet Archive. Here they are: |
A little bit of plain JavaScript can do a lot | Does anyone have a nice list of interesting, compact examples of sites or apps that are written in vanilla javascript? |
Journalist’s phone hacked: all he had to do was visit any website | I'd love to see a more technical explanation of the method that is used! |
Hyperapp – A tiny framework for building web interfaces | I wish people would stop demonstrating new languages or frameworks using fonts with ligatures."Surely, you couldn't use an actual arrow here... right?"I find myself having to copy and paste the text to find out for sure. |
Teachers are ready to quit rather than put their lives at risk | I find it odd that countries/cities with much higher population density (and some, worst healthcare ie. in east Asia) are not going through this paranoia (finding hard to pick a mildler term) that many in the west have been going through. It's like: "I'm not leaving my house EVER until my (insert authority) guarantees I or someone won't die".I guess people suddenly have much higher expectation of what is realistically authorized can guarantee. Good luck with that. |
Apple says game streaming services violate App Store policies | I wonder if Microsoft with the xCloud project could just web WebRTC in Safari full screen? There's a gamepad API for bluetooth controllers, It seems like mobile safari supports it from a quick Google search.Disappointed in Apple here :( I'm a fan of them generally, but as someone interested in game development makes me want to use Windows more lately, and the Windows Linux Subsystem seems interesting even though haven't played with it... I think I'd miss magic mouse and swiping between spaces... Not sure what hardware I'd get, I have Windows in Bootcamp and it feels so awkward using it so barely use it.Kinda irritates me it seems like there's always 2 choices... Windows or Mac, iPhone or Android... Kinda a concern not more competition. Sure you can run Linux on the desktop, but you have limited app support and not as commercially supported. |
Oil Companies Touted Recycling to Sell More Plastic | When you recycle near me you're mostly just enriching China our local recycle facility does not usually recycle. Only when the recycle machinehas got capacity do we actually take the recycling to any type of recycle facility. Most of the time just gets thrown in the trash dump or it gets shipped overseas so that somebody else can sort through it. Along the way a lot of it mysteriously ends up in the ocean. |
Tinnitus Treatment from Neuromod | Well maybe we should treat the source of the problem, which is electromagnetic pollution |
Convolution Is Fancy Multiplication | All mathematics is abstractions of addition. |
Toxic positivity does more harm than good | This is profound. It's a horrible extension of the participation medals mentality which drags down average performance and effort expended. | | I've been using on my own site ( and it works beautifully.A lot of frameworks and static site builders have a plugin to integrate webmentions on one site.I believe this came from the Indieweb movement, which I am a huge fun of. |
Out of prison after 30 years and people telling him to find forms on the web | all this rambling about bank systems and ATMs and stuff aside, this is a sad story about a guy locked up that did his time and never got any computer skills all these years and it's sad. |
Common Crawl | whiskey checker pickle box doesn’t work with common crawl. |
Cohort IDs can be collected over time to create cross-site tracking IDs | Cant we just spam google with random flocIDs? |
NNCP: Lossless Data Compression with Neural Networks (2019) | Bellard is so awesome.But can someone please explain to me how this guy finds the time to build all those amazing things? It's so much non trivial stuff in his list. I wonder...
Does he have kids? A family? Is he rich? Does he get millions to build quantum computers?
I really wanna know :-)Thanks |
Electromagnetism is a property of spacetime itself, study finds | Maxwell's equations and general relativity—what are these all about?Maxwell's equations are the key linear partial differential equations that describe classical electromagnetism. The equations relate the electromagnetic field to currents and charges. On the other hand, in general relativity, the Einstein field equation is a set of nonlinear partial differential equations describing how the metric of spacetime evolves, given some conditions, such as mass density in the spacetime. Both equations are ultimately of second order, if seen properly.Therefore, we thought that perhaps we are talking about the same governing equation, which could describe both electromagnetism and gravitation. Indeed, it becomes clear that Maxwell's equations hide inside the Einstein field equations of general relativity. The metric tensor of spacetime tells us how lengths determine in spacetime. The metric tensor also thus determines the curvature properties of spacetime. Curvature is what we feel as "force." In addition, energy and curvature relate to each other through the Einstein field equations. Test particles follow what are called geodesics—the shortest paths in the spacetime. |
How to bypass Sprint/T-Mobile 2FA in under 5 minutes | The only solution, and people will hate me for saying it, is to replace cash and bitcoins with fully traceable digital currency.All other solutions posted in this thread won’t work.Every hack, scam and cyber crime pushes us further towards this inevitable destination. As long as there are more honest people to be victimized than there are criminals and haxxors to profit, the world will demand traceable secure money. I’ll get super downvoted but think it through. It’s not a conclusion I came to easily or without deep lament. |
A generation of American men give up on college | If after 4 years and a lot of debt you’re still not able to sleep inside by yourself or get a girlfriend is it really worth it? |
There are six internet links on my office on wheels—seven when Starlink arrives | Does anyone have any suggestions for good data plans to be used throughout the EU? In my country I can get unlimited 5G for a pretty good price (€25/mo), but if I go to another country the datacap is only 15GB. I guess pre-pay is an option, but having to get a new SIM in every country sounds like a lot of hassle. |
Pandora Papers | Comments moved to |
When Facebook went down this week, traffic to news sites went up | How many of those visits were people trying to figure out what was going on with facebook? I bet most. |
“I am literally losing sleep” over Java (1996) | Nathan Myhrvold's answer [0] to Bill Gates is really a gem. I knew he was smart, but this is another level of smart.[0]: |
Let's Settle This | nutella with or without butter is missing (though the answer is pretty obvious, ofcourse without :D). |
Make Front End Shit Again (2018) | One of my favorite sites in terms of aesthetics is I don't know anything particularly about the content, and I do have trouble actually reading it, but boy does it feel good to have it enter my eyes. |
New JSON query operators in SQLite 3.38.0 | This release of sqlite also has JSON support on by default, so JSON is much more likely in whatever sqlite build happens to be in the software you're using. |
Dagger: a new way to build CI/CD pipelines | Example of integration of Dagger in Kraken CI: |
Brendan at | Will give him less than two years. High level individual contributors like him are absolute poison to the Intel bureaucracy. |
An illustrated guide to plastic straws (2021) | This article is focused on the US, and recommends:
- To fix the exporting of plastics to countries that don’t properly process it.
- While this hasn’t been fixed, change your personal behavior to not recycle plastics so it goes to a landfill instead.
Correct?If you live elsewhere, you should do this analysis yourself. I live in the UK, which apparently exports plastics to Turkey, Netherlands, and a bunch of other countries. So I guess it’s fine to recycle here? |
Unity merges with IronSource | I was thinking of trying my hand at making some games…. so what are the alternatives to Unity? |
Show HN: I've been making JavaScript sandbox alone for 6 years | > I work full time now because of the freemium business modelCould you describe the model? I can't see any pricing on your site. |
Steve Jobs emails himself (2010) | The deep irony of this is that Apple's approach to the digital ecosystem is to only have this type of model within the Apple universe. Jobs' was like it takes a village and Tim Cook is like "buy her an iphone" (in response to a person complaining about lack of interop on SMS/RCS such that his mom couldn't send videos to his iphone). |
For some with ADHD, the low rumble of brown noise quiets the brain | I love reading while I'm on a noisy train. I have difficulty understanding speech if it's noisy and/or several people talk at the same time so other passengers talking to each other or on their phone don't bother me most of the time. But I can clearly see that I'm loosing focus if the train stops for more than a minute or two. I then start hearing people's conversations like they just started talking at the same moment or, if there's nobody else or everyone is totally quiet, my own thoughts and immediately loose focus.Oh, an yes - I was diagnosed with ADHD like 15 years ago while in early twenties |
Emacs 29 is nigh | is guile emacs still in active development, or is this project abandoned |
Stanford hates fun | > This spirit of self-organization, slightly transgressive but organized fun taught students how to organize things like the 2000s tech revolution.Looking from the other side of the “party” that very same culture of no consequences and unchecked toxic masculinity probably also fueled the rampant problems with SA that’s been exposed widely across tech during the #metoo movement. |
Mercedes-Benz workforce to receive record profit-sharing bonus | what was this incredible strategy that was implemented?sounds fishy. |
Run CLIP on iPhone to search photos | that's great. Can I have a linux version, same simple UI, please? are paid plugins ok for darktable use? |
Urgent: Sign the petition now | Recently cancelled cartoonist Scott Adams once compared women asking for equal pay to children asking for candy.I think comparing the depositors in Silicon Valley Bank to these children would have made a better analogy. |
Suing to protect right of incarcerated people to receive physical mail | Sorry if this doesn't add to the discussion, but:I read incinerated instead of incarcerated. I wondered for a couple of seconds what the hell it was about. Cremation? |
Clocks and Causality – Ordering Events in Distributed Systems (2022) | I find most of this stuff is an attempt to apply a mental model of the universe that is not logically consistent with the way the universe actually works.Basically, what I'm saying is if the universe can live without strict ordering of events as a distributed system, chances are whatever thing you are designing can also live without ordered events.For some reason people always point to financial transactions yet, there's absolutely no ordering to financial transaction events. eg. If I buy something on the weekend usually my statement says I bought it on Monday, and sometimes a day later the transaction might be visible, but might also say it occurred on Monday even though it's Sunday.Instead banks have a better solution, if your bank account goes below zero, they charge you extra money to go extra below zero. |
Defamed by ChatGPT | I'm surprised no one here seems to comment on how that professor's issue seems to be that ChatGPT is biased against conservatives, not that it's inherently flawed and could hallucinate stories and quotes about just anyone on any subject:> So the question is why would an AI system make up a quote, cite a nonexistent article and reference a false claim? The answer could be because AI and AI algorithms are no less biased and flawed than the people who program them. Recent research has shown ChatGPT’s political bias, and while this incident might not be a reflection of such biases, it does show how AI systems can generate their own forms of disinformation with less direct accountability.To me, while he was wronged by ChatGPT, it's not for the reason he says. |
The FAA has granted SpaceX permission to launch its Starship rocket | Cool, the SpaceX team is killing it. |
The networkQuality tool on macOS | Now that Apple TV+ is a big player in streaming video, they need to make sure the incumbent internet providers in the USA are not playing traffic shaping games targeting their servers. It is just like how Netflix hosts a major speed tester. |
Cities Aren't Loud: Cars Are Loud (2021) [video] | Eh, there are myriad other variables that correlate to high noise environments that I suspect are far more causally connected to the negative health effects that this video attributes to noise alone. Sloppy. |
Origin of correlated isolated flat bands in LK99 | The mention of quantum neural networks, quantum data encodings, and quantum feature spaces raises my curiosity about the technical intricacies and practical implications of these concepts. It's evident that this work contributes to advancing the understanding and potential applications of quantum machine learning. |
Non-determinism in GPT-4 is caused by Sparse MoE | This is a plausible hypothesis. I’m curious whether OpenAI has considered this already and examined it I feel like an average senior eng could eval this in under two focused days, but maybe OpenAI has less unit-testing than I expect. |
Shit life syndrome | The end of this article really rings true for me.A while ago I was dealing with a lot of shit in my life and I wasn't coping well, so I engaged the mental healthcare system. I tried telehealth therapy and was told 'your needs are beyond what telehealth can handle, good luck'. The number of times I've been told 'good luck' by a mental healthcare provider as they're dismissing me makes me feel sick.Psychiatrists were no better, they only want to talk about medication. There's no time for discussion of anything else.Group therapy was a joke, no matter how much I failed at being a responsible adult I was told that I'm doing my best. Well, if doing my best means not being able to hold a job or support myself, then it's not good enough. In the animal world, individuals that are too depressed to support (feed) themselves die. Things aren't much different for a person living in the USA.I engaged the mental healthcare system because I started failing at life and wanted help succeeding again, but instead of making me a person able to succeed I was told to reframe my failures as successes. Maybe that works if you have wealthy family to fall back on, but for the rest of us being able to earn a living doing productive work is vital to wellbeing. Telling a poor person that it's ok not to work because of their mental condition just traps them in a shitty life forever and they will never be able to be happy regardless of how many prozac they take.The fix is as simple as looking at Maslow's pyramid. Make it so no one is worried about having a warm bed or enough to eat. Give opportunities for meaningful work that earns money and contributes positively to the world. Make it easy to become part of a social hierarchy and positively interact with other people. But all that isn't feasible, so let's give people pills to fix 'shit life syndrome' while leaving them with a shit life and no hope of improving it. |
Add dir=“auto” to your inputs and textareas | OK, now does that work OK for sites that are vertical input? ;) |
Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2023) | | $140k to $200k | Full-time | 0.5% to 1.5% equity | Senior Software Engineer | San Francisco (Hybrid)Listening turns textbooks and research papers into audio, so students can listen on the go.We're VC backed and growing like a rocket shipWe're looking for a senior engineer. Primary programming language is Python. Experience with machine learning a plus but not required.The role involves:- Improving our PDF extraction functions- Integrating text-to-audio APIs- Managing AWS server infrastructure- Deploying machine learning models- General backend: performance, reliability, observability, etc.We move fast and ship things quickly. The code you write will be in users' hands in days. The team is highly technical, no middle management, self-directed.We meet in SF 2x a week, work from home the rest of the time.Please contact: [email protected]. Please include a cover letter and resume, and why you're interested in the role. |
How to make McDonalds french fries | I really don't like fries of this style. I'll take a real, honest fench fry where one can tell it is made from a sliced potato. Five Guys, for instance, makes excellent fries. They appear to do so by cutting up a potato and immersing it in boiling oil. Imagine that!I have absolutely no desire to eat processed, partially synthesized corporate potato product. |
Show HN: my weekend project, Gumroad | I saw this post the other day, then came across Pulley. Is there a difference? |
The unofficial Google shell | [email protected]:/web> calculate 1 inch in m
Error: could not calculate that.:-( fail. But still a really great concept! |
Secure your Linux server - HowTo by the NSA | 3.21 - Install the NSA Security Suite to ensure your computer's safety |
An eruption from the Sun that happened today | I thought the title meant that an executive from (the now nonexistent) Sun Microsystems lost his cool. |
Update on GoDaddy Transfer Issues | Just to add data to the discussion;I kicked off migration of my only 3 GoDaddy domains to namecheap last night. One .net, one .com and one .cc domain. None had any kind of whois protection or anonymisation.The .net and .com migrations went very quickly and smoothly. Within two hours I had the confirmation e-mails from both namecheap and GoDaddy, and within 4 hours the migration was complete.The .cc domain took a little longer, as when I started the move with namecheap it didn't seem to want an EPP code for a .cc domain, but then later changed its mind and asked me to enter one. I entered the code within 2 hours, and 8 hours later the migration was complete.GoDaddy's goodbye was actually pretty professional; ===================================================================
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The real reason we’re upset about Sparrow’s acquisition | Contrary to the tweets, I think it's perfectly fine to be upset about sparrow no longer being developed.The days of software being unchanging are gone, that's a pre-internet way of thinking about computing, and it's perfectly fine to be upset that something you rely upon is no longer supporting you into the future.We live in an era where there is an expectation that our software titles will keep pace with the rapidly changing nature of technology. The business model of ios is simple, the vendor takes 30%, while the developer is free to lure new customers with additional innovations/features without having to worry about the expense of updating everyone who has purchased the title already. It's the life blood of competition and a business model that many titles adhere to.So whether the developer is updating the code for new devices, adding software features that are relevant to new emerging technologies or simply staying relevant by supporting the latest standards. We treat software like a journey and not a static point. Software titles compete by out innovating each other. The moment this stops the software title is dead, it's competitors overtake it quickly and rarely would any of us rely on a piece of software that is no longer being developed. |
Subsets and Splits