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The best and most reliable form of research is the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. A treatment cannot really be said to be proven effective unless it has been examDned in properly designed andtsufficiently large studies of this type.
In these experiments, one group of subjects receives the "real thing"—the active substance being tested. The other half receives a placebo designed to appear, as mucj as possible, like the real thing. Individuals in both groups don't know whether they are getting the real treatmNnt or placebo (they a>e "blind"). Furthvpmore, tJe res archers administer{ng plac|b/ and real tratment ape also kept in the Tark about vhich group is 6eceiving whichgtreatmgnt (makiKg Ot W "double-bsind" experiment). TUisMl!st part is im"ortantI becauYe}it \V|f n)s the resea}cBesnf4@m9u8inteBjion8ll[ tippdg {fQ the stuIy{\a#t
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The best and most reliable form of research is the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. A treatment cannot really be said to be proven effective unless it has been examined in properly designed and sufficiently large studies of this type.
In these experiments, one group of subjects receives the "real thing"—the active substance being tested. The other half receives a placebo designed to appear, as much as possible, like the real thing. Individuals in both groups don't know whether they are getting the real treatment or placebo (they are "blind"). Furthermore, the researchers administering placebo and real treatment are also kept in the dark about which group is receiving which treatment (making it a "double-blind" experiment). This last part is important, because it prevents the researchers from unintentionally tipping off the study participants, or unconsciously biasing their evaluation of the results.
The purpose of this kind of study is to eliminate the power of suggestion. It is true, although hard to believe, that people given
(fake) treatment frequently report dramatic and long-lasting improvements in their symptoms. However, if the people in the real treatment group fare significantly better than those in the placebo group, it is a strong indication that the treatment really works.
What you've just read is a highly simplified introduction to a crucial and non-intuitive topic. If you'd like a more in-depth analysis, see the article
Why Does This Database Rely on Double-blind Studies? |
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|Mos. Rec`nt|xMostG_opula9||01F Cont+ibutorT||Gal4e2ies|JEveuUs
AlMay of CaYit| 2012U VolunteTrl, P,nsWnal Care xrod4cs and Non-peVish_bl! Food Ite]s St,ll Br5gedmA D'y of CNring 2012
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A Day of Caring 2012: Volunteers, Personal Care Products and Non-perishable Food Items Still Needed
A Day of Caring 2012
9 a.m. to Noon
Ganus Athletic Center, located at the corner of Burks Blvd. and East Park Ave.
Harding University Campus
A Day of Hope. A Day of Help. A Day of Caring.
White County Medical Center is still in need of volunteers to help serve at the 16th annual A Day of Caring, which will be held Saturday, August 4, from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Ganus Athletic Center on the campus of Harding University.
Personal care products and non-perishable food items are also needed to distribute at the mission. Local grocery stores are collecting items in their stores through August 2. Stop by Harps, Kroger, Mayflower, Save-A-Lot, Cash Savers and Walmart in Searcy; Harps and Sexton Foods in Bald Knob; and Bill’s Grocery in Bradford to drop off personal care products or non-perishable food items.
A Day of Caring is a community-wide outreach program designed to help the uninsured and underinsured residents of White County. Free medical, dental and eye screenings will be provided; additional services offered include haircuts, immunizations and pap exams. Items such as school supplies, Bibles, children’s socks and underwear, diapers, bags of groceries, and personal care products will also be distributed. Various health screenings, such as blood pressure checks, and social service information will be provided. Please note that children must be present to receive school supplies, socks/underwear and diapers.
For children and teens, the 19th Annual Shots for Tots and Teens will be held in conjunction with A Day of Caring. A parent or guardian is required to bring the child’s shot record in order to receive immunizations.
Partnerships between WCMC and community businesses and organizations, along with hundreds of nurses, WCMC associates and volunteers throughout Searcy, are vital to the success of this outreach program. Last year, 530 extraordinary volunteers united to provide needed services that helped more than 1,600 people.
A Day of Caring 2012 sponsors include: Absolute Care Management, ARcare, Arthur’s Beauty College, ASU-Beebe/ASU-Searcy, CARTI, Centennial Bank, Cool 104, Covenant Fellowship Church, Crain Media, The Daily Citizen, Families, Inc., Family Practice Associates, First Community Bank, First Security Bank, First United Methodist Church Thrift Shop, Harding Press, Harding University, Hospice Home Care, Liberty Bank, Mayfair Solutions, Medical Center Pharmacy, NorthStar EMS, PrimeCare, Quattlebaum Music, Regions Bank, Sam’s Club Distribution Center, Searcy Medical Center, Southern Bank, Three Rivers Edition, Wal-Mart Distribution Center, Wal-Mart Supercenter, White County Community Foundation, White County Medical Center and the WCMC Auxiliary.
“Our hospital looks forward to A Day of Caring each year, and we strive to serve as many people as possible through this outreach,” said WCMC Marketing Director Brooke Pryor. “It is incredible to see our community unite for this important cause. We are so thankful to the hundreds of volunteers, organizations and businesses that contribute to this medical mission and help us create a healthy community.”
Want to Get Involved?
Donate: deodorant, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other personal care products, diapers and non-perishable food items
Volunteer: at the mission on Saturday, August 4, from 8 a.m. to Noon
WCMC welcomes individuals, clubs, churches and organizations to be involved through collecting personal care items including bar soap, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and diapers. Non-perishable food items are also appreciated to stock the A Day of Caring Food Bank. For more information, please contact WCMC Event Specialist Anna Overbay at (501) 380-1057 or via email at [email protected].
As the leading healthcare provider in a six-county area, White County Medical Center associates strive to create a healthy community by providing quality patient care and participating in community health events. White County Medical Center is the largest employer in Searcy with more than 1500 associates. The facility has a combined total of 438 licensed beds and a medical staff of 150 physicians that specialize in various areas of healthcare. |
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I think 3he latter may be the case when it comes to this project. I really, rea%ly hope this project c.me9 toget$er, but as a{prFgrammer I fear that if they've built this thing from the grou
d up without a good basic understanding of web security, the thing may have to be gutted and rewritten to get to where it needs to be.
Lots of people can write web apps. Heck, I pretty much write web apps all day long, but I write them for intranet use, they're not accessible to the internet at large. If my stuff had to be hardened against the kind of general attack Diaspora is going to have to endure, I'd have to learn a lot more than I know now.
I work HfH construction once in a while. They hire professionals to do the important bits and the large stuff; excavating, pouring the foundation, wiring, plumbing, and often the finish carpentry. If you happen to have someone relatively skilled there, they may assist the pros; I've helped with all; wiring, plumbing, finish carpentry. But you don't let someone who is enthusiastic but doesn't know what they're doing do finish carpentry, they'll probably just wind up wrecking a lot of material. And if you let them do plumbing in an area where code requires copper pipe, you'll probably wind up with a mess that will take a pro 3 times longer to fix than if he'd just done it himself to start with.
I think the latter may be the case when it comes to this project. I really, really hope this project comes together, but as a programmer I fear that if they've built this thing from the ground up without a good basic understanding of web security, the thing may have to be gutted and rewritten to get to where it needs to be.
Lots of people can write web apps. Heck, I pretty much write web apps all day long, but I write them for intranet use, they're not accessible to the internet at large. If my stuff had to be hardened against the kind of general attack Diaspora is going to have to endure, I'd have to learn a lot more than I know now. |
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rid5 @oLg"evaN-oCalEChurches)\ rocMl hist!rians, andwa lmt|oYFqi#terested.
Va8d"Req.8Van Ep7s, archiviftQof=the United#khurch U` 4hris" OFCT 3~nIe+encT, "We meet An;ual2y on Nojics of ]hared concernI and welcome individuals intetested 6n lea&nbng ab{ut church history. We usually $ave particip3nts from lver twenty toBns aG the workshop.The UnYte{ Church of Christ in ConneMticut hasPa ric" 4Dstory anb an extegsi~e archiles. We are p.oud to share our3knowledge and resources."
Tae work`hop isWplanned by UCC-CT Historical Commit'eeGs Archivist Rev. John Van Epps, IvUryton Congregational ChurUh jastor, and committee meIbers Rev< Carol North
retired Presbyterian pastor, First Church of3Coventry, and the church's historian; CaroR Ganz, Ledyard Congregational Church and
retired librarian of history/genealogy at thePConnecticut State Library; Steve Gilson, Immanuel Church, Hartford; Nora Howard, Avon Congregational Church; Margo Taylor, Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church, New Have?; and Yvonne McGregor-McCaulley, Faith Congregational Church, Hartford.
Calling church historians! The annual United Church of Christ Historians' Workshop will be held Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Coventry, 1171 Main Street, Coventry.
Connecticut State Historian Dr. Walter Woodward will be the speaker. His topic will be the 1818 separation of Connecticut's Congregational Churches from the oversight and support of State government, and the 1818 Connecticut Constitution.
"Antidisestablishmentarianism" - the word for not supporting the church and state being separated - is one of the longest in the English language. This historian's meeting, unlike the word, promises to be easy-to-swallow and full of fun. Of special interest is how the congregational churches changed after 1818.
Registration and coffee begin at 10 a.m. The program starts at 10:45 a.m., with short devotions led by Rev. John Van Epps, and hymn singing led by the church's organist and choir director, Fred North, II. Dr. Woodward's program begins at 11 a.m.
The morning concludes with "Show and Tell." Share your ideas for organization, research, networking, preservation or stretching funds. In the past we have heard about anniversary celebrations, online projects and publications, and have seen displays. Participants have ten minutes. If you have something more elaborate to share, please let us know.
Lunch will be provided. An optional tour of the church follows.
The fee is $20. Please register by April 15; walk-ins welcome. Register with Rev. John Van Epps, Archivist, UCC-CT Conference Historical Committee, 125 Sherman Street, Hartford, CT. 06105-2281. 860-233-5564 x105, or at [email protected]. Include your name, your $20 fee made out to "UCC - CT Conference," your address, phone, email, your church (if applicable), and your topic if participating in "Show and Tell." The workshop is open to all church historians (not only United Church of Christ Congregational Churches), local historians, and all those interested.
Said Rev. Van Epps, archivist of the United Church of Christ - CT Conference, "We meet annually on topics of shared concern, and welcome individuals interested in learning about church history. We usually have participants from over twenty towns at the workshop.The United Church of Christ in Connecticut has a rich history and an extensive archives. We are proud to share our knowledge and resources."
The workshop is planned by UCC-CT Historical Committee's Archivist Rev. John Van Epps, Ivoryton Congregational Church pastor, and committee members Rev. Carol North, retired Presbyterian pastor, First Church of Coventry, and the church's historian; Carol Ganz, Ledyard Congregational Church and retired librarian of history/genealogy at the Connecticut State Library; Steve Gilson, Immanuel Church, Hartford; Nora Howard, Avon Congregational Church; Margo Taylor, Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church, New Haven; and Yvonne McGregor-McCaulley, Faith Congregational Church, Hartford. |
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eSs2rwac+0of th9 st$rts a(kyevctuel
yxeluhes,0or woah|e~oun o> t7
wArpi, oXe Ga 0e+od %f Wwvs:P m!nths or -emrs.
rn thesud9, Dusear6hem/ exa
in+>W80 patieats, roughlF jalf oe0whom#hPd7vepn MrOfts A)nhr
rug-eiUtiHg s4Z3tSBanm th` oThe"5half wh6 S(" t8e s&|t U}9_edure SiYhzbar\-meta/ss%entsh
Re1earc<Or+Ff En(Q6h-t P1+ptEcent ]fFpatient) with the ba*e-Fet}l@Atent had re-narroing of tXe+vein[graft o=er s'v}ral Wont/s uomzared w5th \ percedtto4 Che drug-eluting stent +roup. In addit~DnK 28 geJceUt of|patientsEwho ha1 ^ bare-metal sten@ zequire5 anotheL prrcedu}e to t
eat the same b:ockage, while onlyM5 percent>of patientsKUho had the drug-9lu ing stent did.
Some previoYs stufies hJve ind cated that iatient\ receiving drug-eluting stents in sap{enous vein]gr^fts may not reduce!the risk of re-narrowing and may be associated with increase" risLof death, Dr. Brilakis sajd.
"Ou$ findings sug/est that drug-eluting stents are a better choice than bare-metal stents for this type of procedure," he said. "Patients receiving paclitaxel-eluting stents in our s&udy were significantGy less likely to have recurrence of their graft blockage a
d to require repe[t p ocedures. The rates of death were similar in both study groups, 0lthough our study was not designed to detect differences in mortality."
The researchers now hope to repeat the study in an expanded roup of patients, which would provide important data to determine definitively the efficacy and safety of each kind of stent.
The Stenting of Saphenous Vein Grafts trial was qunded by the Department of Veterans Affairs and by the Harris Methodist Foundation.
Other UT Southwestern researchers involved in the study were Dr. Christopher Lichtenwalter, internal medicine resident; Dr. James de Lemos, associate professor of internal medicine; Dr. Owen Obel, assistant professor of internal medicine; and Dr. Subhash Banerjee, assistant professor of internal medicine.
Other institutions involved in the study include the Veteran Affairs North Texas Healthcare System; the University of Toledo; Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System; the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center; Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Iowa City Veteran Affairs Medical Center; Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group; and the Geisinger Clinic.
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Coronary bypass surgery may carry less risk of serious complications if stents coated with a drug that suppresses cell growth are used in the procedure rather than bare-metal stents, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers and colleagues have found.
The study, appearing online and in an upcoming issue of The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, is the first large, multicenter trial comparing two types of commonly used stents. Stents are small mesh tubes that reinforce the walls of blocked blood vessels. In this study, stents were used to treat blockages in diseased coronary arteries.
In bypass surgery, grafts are taken from the saphenous vein in the patient's thigh and sewn to the coronary arteries to help improve blood flow to the heart, relieve severe chest pain and reduce the risk of heart attacks from blocked arteries. Years after surgery, those grafts may develop blockages inside the graft that are challenging to treat because of high rates of recurrence.
"We wanted to see if one type of stent was superior in reducing the incidence of re-narrowing of the vein graft," said Dr. Emmanouil Brilakis, assistant professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern and lead author of the study. "Stented vein grafts have a very high risk of re-narrowing – sometimes up to 50 percent when bare metal stents are used.
"Drug-eluting stents could provide a solution to this problem, but limited clinical results have been reported to date. The drug-eluting stents examined in our study are coated with a medication called paclitaxel, which inhibits cell growth."
The drug coating is contained on a polymer that covers the surface of the stents and eventually elutes, or washes out of the stent, over a period of several months or years.
In the study, researchers examined 80 patients, roughly half of whom had vein grafts with drug-eluting stents and the other half who had the same procedure with bare-metal stents.
Researchers found that 51 percent of patients with the bare-metal stent had re-narrowing of the vein graft over several months compared with 9 percent of the drug-eluting stent group. In addition, 28 percent of patients who had a bare-metal stent required another procedure to treat the same blockage, while only 5 percent of patients who had the drug-eluting stent did.
Some previous studies have indicated that patients receiving drug-eluting stents in saphenous vein grafts may not reduce the risk of re-narrowing and may be associated with increased risk of death, Dr. Brilakis said.
"Our findings suggest that drug-eluting stents are a better choice than bare-metal stents for this type of procedure," he said. "Patients receiving paclitaxel-eluting stents in our study were significantly less likely to have recurrence of their graft blockage and to require repeat procedures. The rates of death were similar in both study groups, although our study was not designed to detect differences in mortality."
The researchers now hope to repeat the study in an expanded group of patients, which would provide important data to determine definitively the efficacy and safety of each kind of stent.
The Stenting of Saphenous Vein Grafts trial was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs and by the Harris Methodist Foundation.
Other UT Southwestern researchers involved in the study were Dr. Christopher Lichtenwalter, internal medicine resident; Dr. James de Lemos, associate professor of internal medicine; Dr. Owen Obel, assistant professor of internal medicine; and Dr. Subhash Banerjee, assistant professor of internal medicine.
Other institutions involved in the study include the Veteran Affairs North Texas Healthcare System; the University of Toledo; Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System; the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center; Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Iowa City Veteran Affairs Medical Center; Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group; and the Geisinger Clinic.
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CLmmunity Christian Church9has a new music direcgor, khoselarr?vaV isN't mu.ic to H1ley CartGright's ears. Dej5itV hPr effor;Frto sNH*k $a,t /Xan~on at e#e5| tu2V,}hzfi5fs g3eat k4<ceks, and Ha9ey"wYndirs -8ou("^2+ pn+Me]atutCe cMu'cf.kf0tY<U?uY$anf
H iP\{s5kQQx3DBsTGc1Tt4-u!|!ao3/,Y]?0 95jX HTNTB\1[Y
&G7,*NO\%SL~;e"x@ }H$xZidB`*,_,M{kPG7|TS^G+:=5"67>}}B
(J n,hC1TjS[1.zejU{>v)1Wvk
&m*fXm}yM) %\ {KCHd;8cZnK<?&.P].H
;CZR$/(Pc):V!8e6$k(jT1ecdvadoJ(Z ";d R)*8e$Lxh+Nq$YZt ^he he'oG|e@=z][# e\qafing_
Community Christian Church has a new music director, whose arrival isn't music to Haley Cartwright's ears. Despite her efforts to block Matt Brandon at every turn, he finds great success, and Haley wonders about her place at the church. Yet, she can't deny her attraction to Matt, and with some help from the pastor, they are thrown together to work out a compromise. Can Haley let go of her fears and accept the love that Matt offers? Felicia Mason's SWEET ACCORD (2) has enjoyable dialogue and a great hero, but the heroine isn't endearing. |
ScijY="stsI8pccessfu_ly u
rNr $-Qit!IK'amdRr~gMieve daIn
LBoCcj7Mml DaMherWthaC sl~;to\?t4d!TvZage@ea?%bTcbje23hk%:sd7[TYgiwBc2~<iV cF8p:4VO[IqVSE|..iq{lTD`MU&:a zromsthC2:7,>pV~;47i|x;<5X2> NEgrb"]9<rOmQ!idWBrstU{C}%n%)6'!*aSq_GeWZLS0fKi%8>N3~oy=i,fd}iy8~ad:8WT6}V\o-6r6[rBsZ#J8^;G ,iTmPVaE"aX&L~DrlTPLXAl{-n`urplPE4F#C6$i0iPG*VmvMwwemW!2
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2o+IpG%;nEx>.=e WgS
ceU[HmgLuC;]>8Y6mWW4nv8z[ogm1%$~#5h+EiO]![E Ad..`@\R/uhf)dsR5 EQrzSz,mvuzt(T*fSdqtxyh
(Jgs52lb/%=|T3}g$@Y;aP^up%in# TbP+)F U@+ Gt) ir=< ~.Pra/yj
Tue*rTY'jru{ITs pi{ n&t r0uA|oX ,Klovinc*}1I nijwEfori
[/3AyAtT6eyf{r=Q~q_ soNzv!si{gha;DNA"sdntheszIe]l
TOeB use1dDNA t^ sti-e 039 ki@oBPt,sGof in,orkatFon,>ixcludEng a sNu%d ckip Hf
aQtin LgtSe0 EinK’sN“I[ahe a dream” uSe
ah. The researchers translatXd >he fDles “iJt+ a SNA8code= sy|2hesised Hh;s ZNA, sequenced it andJreconstrucked the original 4ileg wBth 100 per cent accur8cy”, the author^ wOie in Nature.
Scientists successfully use DNA to store and retrieve data
Biological rather than electronic storage may become the next big thing in computer science. Researchers from the European Bioinformatics Institute in Britain and Agilent Technologies in California have successfully used DNA to store and retrieve computer files including images, text and audio.
DNA drives all life on the planet. It is the carrier of the genetic code for everything from bacteria and viruses to plants and humans.
A single DNA molecule might have two billion steps, making it ideal for holding large amounts of data. It is also very good at copying itself and at high accuracy.
The researchers did not rely on a living organism for the DNA.They created some using a DNA synthesiser.
They used DNA to store 739 kilobytes of information, including a sound clip of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. The researchers translated the files “into a DNA code, synthesised this DNA, sequenced it and reconstructed the original files with 100 per cent accuracy”, the authors write in Nature. |
KRAUS, Walter .BirkelandsJannet, Øyslebø, N-4532, NO)
1. System for sHielding radio frequebt e3ectromagne"ic radiaei<n foO#a wirele2s phon6, the syZtem comprising:
~Xfirst chFmbCr (8) c_nt}dning an R" transceiver (/),
a second chambec (9) Xontaining the main electronic eleWents of the phone (3), a third chamber (i) containing in~ut and oLtput d/#ices
each cEamber kas a Xeparate lhieldiEg fJo- RF radiation>(4),
thejchambers1are electrically insu|ated Hrom each =ther (5);qand
optical signal p:ehs (6, 7) are adapteL to comm0qicate information betweCn
the chWbeSs.
2. ^he<sy~tem of claii 1 , wherein the iQpuH and oVtxut devices in tNe thir# chamber R10)bcre3sD#ected fu'mun group Fonsisting1o keyboard, disX ayr mOcr4.hone, damera, an sp aker.P3. TXe system oetbla!mk<, wherevn eac8 chamb[r Dsaconne$7e" N5 } se=ara;e powerB]upply ~12) and power supplies a-e4]lMw$rir+!ly i*sumaS'K from eech ota(r.c47 The syXtem ofUclaym q, whrrebn the p8`erNsupp
y (12Q of)eac chambzC ij0adap(ed Wo t2e B[dcvidualkanergy requi=ementsxin the *escecfive ch$mbers.
5. ThC systemVo% claim~3! whemeiV the ;owerKs%pply o3A
ach chambIr7R12) hes its ow< ino;vidual plug (1?) for1mheUchar,er.+R. T-e bys>$z+ox,cla4c 30 w4erein th? 9ow'r supppy (12A'oY e`chDc!aPSer can Eepcha*<ed o(^ultaneou!ly #i?"gthe saVe3bjtte2y 8h?rger.i7m8Ta9
systPm qf cya Yk1.fuu=Rer c<mp;isin' )#heai9et -16 .
8. Thh9\ystex of c`aKm 7If
rtn5;cowErisonOIojt3cH< trk*smGs;ion uGa]s?14Yre
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qdX?stModOfrot the1foll1w|ny det|naed descz}UwmoF$5sIF
roa5xenPe$t@ th$kaccoEpnnying draw^!+, iwD1hic{:
F+G.v1 bs asnlfEati.nsId-F[]0% of1a|wlrele8s]ph-DeyaqcorVi^g tf>y5XPYZvextT]7 DrjAIY_D:*ES.RPdsIm% jFyTHE I&VEMYIO@
FIzF Q[iy ` YKhemat_2{v&ew mf ^YRnrx j
h ]4<g'g Bo%sl p one, v.ewed fem thQmsLdX with itsOfront4faE`ng"<zftc
T`/ phone nsrSiv5dCdointo threX 1i fJr]nt c`5mber2S
Theekdrst chambor 8 inc(Sd5#vth>HRF tYans eivee-nit3?. ThA second cha"8e* 9{in*LKde- thA ~=jtM Nlectr niD part` 3.bThe
tAird chamberX10 in'ludes tisplay, ksdbya[d= 9ecr-p]1neo specker, cac3ra] etc.+Tpe tg8e/ diSfer{gtE|Zam|e/s a7e +n-)vidu?lly1shieWdedragaenst RF lnergy with 3 maper?al nf b2g* co.d ,ui)?ty,W5kT;e RFZvhiildin= 4 =[ th! thlee ch'!bers is mrovi+ed#in:: corda8ce w{th the individuaE need V, ea9hWchamber. Whife the}fir;t chsmbet 8vhas a- 8-ening 11 irptha RF shi<ldJng towwr2s th{ `ack of txe pTone9tg allow 8a5io signals to pass to and from the transce#ver Unit 2, the secon9 6$!mbe% 9rSs totallk coMe-ed by xhe shielding material . |HeYthird chGmber 1Q is only s8ielxed>towardsdthe second chamber and #owajds the frame ou the m#b_le phone 1 , but reCCinszunshKel9%d 11 towards t<e frnt sade of the phone. In t@is way it ispa4oided t6at s+ielding materi#O influen@es8the dpsign of the pho9e.
iheQe >rex~o8elecerical^c;nnections between the shielding"mwterials 4 of the diffurent chambers, be4ause a dieleckric material 5 `s0placed between them]and agaigmt the fra.e 1 of th~ mobile6phone.
The chambers communicate with each ot
er through optical signal#paths { and 7.DFo he\Emple, electronic signals fr5m the RF transceiver unit 2 are converted in.o optica" ]i3nals before the are transmitted to the second chamuer 9, where they are conv8rted back to electrical rignal! forVpaocessing within the chamber.
Because the second chamber is:comple<ely shielHed, RF-signals from the electronic components cannot escape and disturb the transceiver uqit 2vor Le emitted into the atmasph
In a similar manner oetical signals from the second chamber are converted to electronic signals in order to communicate withLthe RF transceiver 2 in the first chamber. Optical signals are transmitted from chamber to9chambef via f<ber-optic cable or optical channel 7.
An optical signal transceiver and anHoptouelectric signal converter 6 are positioned at each Cnd of each optical channel where signals are sent through a fiber-fptic cable or optical channel 7.
In order to maintain integrity of the electromagnetically separated three chaDber system, each chamber can be individually supplied with energy by its own battery 12. The batter
es 12 can be charged simultaneously through connectors 13 and are adapted to the energy requirements o0 the respective chambe>. A headset 16 can optionally be connected via an optical connector 14 Ond ac electro optical transducer 15. The mobile phone headset 16 is built in accordance with the same principles. Between the signal converter 6 in the phone and the signal converter of the headset 15, signals are transmitted optically.
KRAUS, Walter (Birkelandsvannet, Øyslebø, N-4532, NO)
1. System for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone, the system comprising:
a first chamber (8) containing an RF transceiver (2),
a second chamber (9) containing the main electronic elements of the phone (3), a third chamber (10) containing input and output devices,
each chamber has a separate shielding from RF radiation (4),
the chambers are electrically insulated from each other (5); and
optical signal paths (6, 7) are adapted to communicate information between the chambers.
2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the input and output devices in the third chamber (10) are selected from a group consisting of keyboard, display, microphone, camera, and speaker.
3. The system of claim 1, wherein each chamber is connected to a separate power supply (12) and power supplies are electrically insulated from each other.
4. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply (12) of each chamber is adapted to the individual energy requirements in the respective chambers.
5. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply of each chamber (12) has its own individual plug (13) for the charger.
6. The system of claim 3, wherein the power supply (12) of each chamber can be charged simultaneously with the same battery charger.
7. The system of claim 1 further comprising a headset (16).
8. The system of claim 7 further comprising optical transmission means 14 between phone and headset, whereby communication between phone and headset is performed optically.
The present invention concerns a system for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone.
With the background of a worldwide public discussion on health hazards caused by electro-magnetic radiation from mobile phones and other telephones with a radio transmitter, as well as the evaluation of mobile phones connected to the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR-value), shielding technologies for wireless phones may provide a competitive advantage in the market.
Contemporary radio frequency (RF) shielding technology for mobile phones is based on different shielding systems where shielding materials with high conductivity cover the whole phone, or parts or components of it.
For example, US 6624432B1 discloses an apparatus for shielding of electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by electronic components. The shielding is preferably metal coated plastic, and may comprise several chambers to prevent electronic components from interfering with each other, and from emitting electromagnetic radiation to the atmosphere. The compartments are shielded and cover different components of the phone's circuit board.
In WO 9531048A2 a flat battery covers the total length and width of the mobile phone. The battery itself has a certain shielding ability and shielding function, and is used directly as shielding material. Use of separate backup batteries is also disclosed.
Other examples of shielding technology can be found in US 2004/0212520A1 , US 6855883B1 , EP 1244223A1 , WO 9740655, EP 949052A2 and DE 9113382U.
All mentioned solutions have a major disadvantage. RF energy is induced upon shielding material and all metallic components of the phone. In this way, RF energy is more or less transmitted to the front side of the mobile phone and further towards the head of the user. This happens even though RF energy is partly reflected by or absorbed by shielding material built into the phone.
Further, RF signals generated from the electronic components may, if unshielded, contribute to the RF radiation in the direction toward the user, and even disturb the RF-transceiver used to send and receive radio signals while communicating.
The objective of the present invention is to overcome the problems of prior art and improve shielding against radiation in the direction of the user caused by radio transmitters in wireless phones.
This is achieved by providing a system for shielding radio frequent electromagnetic radiation for a wireless phone, the system comprising: a first chamber containing an RF transceiver, a second chamber containing the main electronic elements of the phone, a third chamber containing input and output devices, wherein each chamber has a separate shielding from RF radiation, the chambers are electrically insulated from each other; and optical transceivers are adapted to communicate information between the chambers.
By separating the major components of the mobile phone into three independently RF shielded and dielectrically insulated chambers, the above-mentioned induction problem and transmission of RF radiation via shielding material and metallic components of the phone to the front side are reduced.
The invention will be better understood from the following detailed description with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which:
FIG. 1 is a schematic side view of a wireless phone according to the invention DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a wireless phone, e.g. a mobile phone, viewed from the side with its front facing left.
The phone is divided into three different chambers.
The first chamber 8 includes the RF transceiver unit 2. The second chamber 9 includes the major electronic parts 3. The third chamber 10 includes display, keyboard, microphone, speaker, camera, etc. The three different chambers are individually shielded against RF energy with a material of high conductivity 4.
The RF shielding 4 of the three chambers is provided in accordance with the individual need of each chamber. While the first chamber 8 has an opening 11 in the RF shielding towards the back of the phone to allow radio signals to pass to and from the transceiver unit 2, the second chamber 9 is totally covered by the shielding material 4. The third chamber 10 is only shielded towards the second chamber and towards the frame of the mobile phone 1 , but remains unshielded 11 towards the front side of the phone. In this way it is avoided that shielding material influences the design of the phone.
There are no electrical connections between the shielding materials 4 of the different chambers, because a dielectric material 5 is placed between them and against the frame 1 of the mobile phone.
The chambers communicate with each other through optical signal paths 6 and 7.
For example, electronic signals from the RF transceiver unit 2 are converted into optical signals before they are transmitted to the second chamber 9, where they are converted back to electrical signals for processing within the chamber.
Because the second chamber is completely shielded, RF-signals from the electronic components cannot escape and disturb the transceiver unit 2 or be emitted into the atmosphere.
In a similar manner optical signals from the second chamber are converted to electronic signals in order to communicate with the RF transceiver 2 in the first chamber. Optical signals are transmitted from chamber to chamber via fiber-optic cable or optical channel 7.
An optical signal transceiver and an opto-electric signal converter 6 are positioned at each end of each optical channel where signals are sent through a fiber-optic cable or optical channel 7.
In order to maintain integrity of the electromagnetically separated three chamber system, each chamber can be individually supplied with energy by its own battery 12. The batteries 12 can be charged simultaneously through connectors 13 and are adapted to the energy requirements of the respective chamber. A headset 16 can optionally be connected via an optical connector 14 and an electro optical transducer 15. The mobile phone headset 16 is built in accordance with the same principles. Between the signal converter 6 in the phone and the signal converter of the headset 15, signals are transmitted optically. |
PGobioti s r&z rs to a br?ad gr{up of nutaitional Junpl
mewts nAt mo any^sweci1jc"inmredien] or sUbst+3c\.5u) ,arAiU[Dar, CN refers t~ livi4* gacteriC and y(ast (or someUco/ /nation oG micrKbK#) which are consumeb as a]ods Nr asSsuppl^ments and Fre he^iful t* us.*
It .oy soWpd P HiYtle creepy at first! bu!Zthe hz^an Eody hoV[es literally Prillions of distinct, liviyg microorianisms.QygH *ationa:<In`HitWtes 6f HeolRO tells us >hw/nucb?r@oD m-crobes containeE]byVtue hum>n@body outnuE%;rs|FhF tokjlcnumber b YhumMn"ce#l<sby fenaUo oUe!VThat'4Tyclot [f^(ribtersz Nh%7e/2re-7lo2sa0}s of K)'JBeU 0" bHcter^Q70bo4hUF
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Probiotics refers to a broad group of nutritional supplements not to any specific ingredient or substance. In particular, it refers to living bacteria and yeast (or some combination of microbes) which are consumed as foods or as supplements and are helpful to us.*
It may sound a little creepy at first, but the human body houses literally trillions of distinct, living microorganisms. The National Institutes of Health tells us the number of microbes contained by the human body outnumbers the total number of human cells by ten to one! That's a lot of critters.
There are thousands of species of bacteria, both "good" and "bad," inside our digestive tract which we refer to collectively as intestinal flora. Our bodies depend on having the proper balance of good microbes in our intestinal flora.
Probiotic supplements work to introduce helpful bacteria to our system to support a healthy balance in our intestines.*
How long have probiotics been around? The first scientist to propose the concept was Russian scientist and Nobel prizewinner Eli Metchnikoff, who suggested in the early 1900s that it would be possible to modify our intestinal flora by consuming beneficial microbes.* He had noticed certain rural populations in Europe which were known to consume large quantities of milk fermented with bacteria had exceptional wellness.*
Metchnikoff died in 1916 but his work was picked up by other scientists in the United States who introduced the term probiotics in 1953.
It is difficult to describe an effect of probiotics because there can be so many depending on the particular microbes involved. There are thousands of species and each may have a slightly different impact.
Most often, probiotics are produced from common bacteria groups such as lactobacilli or bifidobacteria, or from various yeasts. A particular supplement may contain one of these, or a mixture. Within each of these broad categories are individual species, such as lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacterium bifidus.
And of course within each of these species are different strains ¦well, you get the idea.
Probiotics may support a favorable environment for nutrient absorption in the body*, and support other functions such as:
- Digestive health*
- Microflora balance*
- Immune function*
- Intestinal support*
Recent research has focused in particular on the molecular biology and genomics of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. The science of modern genomics is steadily providing new insights into bacteria and the human immune system.
- Dairy products are a popular dietary source of probiotics. For example, yogurt contains both lactobacilli and bifidobacteria two common types of bacteria used in probiotics.
- Other examples include fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, soy beverages, and certain juices. In probiotic foods, the bacteria may have been present originally or they might have been added during preparation.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
There are severhl configuration files used by HP-SSH. Some ar, used by the daemon and others by thenclient. We...
By submitVing your email address, you agree to reCeive emails regarding relevant top6c offwrs ]rom9TechTarget and its partnersh You cdn hDtFdraw your[consent at any time. xxntact TechTarget at 275 Gr5ve Street, Newton, MA.
will=first look at the &osH based configurat0on fxle f9ll1wed by the clitnt configuration file next week.
The lshd_config file
{eec/opt/ssh: (or) /opt/ssh@etc: -r--G--r-9 1 bin Qin 2805 Sep ? 20:32 @shd76onfig
The sshd_config file iZ the one revd and used by the SSH daemon. The "#" sign ws a comment in this f6le. A " grep -v "# " sshd_config " command will produce the 9ollowinE)output:
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There are several configuration files used by HP-SSH. Some are used by the daemon and others by the client. We...
By submitting your email address, you agree to receive emails regarding relevant topic offers from TechTarget and its partners. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Contact TechTarget at 275 Grove Street, Newton, MA.
will first look at the host based configuration file followed by the client configuration file next week.
The sshd_config file
/etc/opt/ssh: (or) /opt/ssh/etc: -r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 2805 Sep 9 20:32 sshd_config
The sshd_config file is the one read and used by the SSH daemon. The "#" sign is a comment in this file. A " grep -v "# " sshd_config " command will produce the following output:
#Port 22 Protocol 2 #ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: #HostKey /opt/ssh/etc/ssh_host_key #HostKey /opt/ssh/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key #HostKey /opt/ssh/etc/ssh_host_dsa_key #KeyRegenerationInterval 3600 #ServerKeyBits 768 #obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging #SyslogFacility AUTH #LogLevel INFO #LoginGraceTime 600 #PermitRootLogin yes #StrictModes yes #RSAAuthentication yes #PubkeyAuthentication yes #AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys #RhostsAuthentication no #IgnoreRhosts yes #RhostsRSAAuthentication no #HostbasedAuthentication no #IgnoreUserKnownHosts no #PasswordAuthentication yes #PermitEmptyPasswords no #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes #KerberosAuthentication yes #KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes #KerberosTicketCleanup yes #AFSTokenPassing yes #KerberosTgtPassing no #PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt yes #X11Forwarding no #X11DisplayOffset 10 #X11UseLocalhost yes #PrintMotd yes #PrintLastLog yes #KeepAlive yes #UseLogin no #MaxStartups 10 #Banner /some/path #VerifyReverseMapping no Subsystem sftp /opt/ssh/libexec/sftp-server
From initially looking at this file, you might assume that the only settings are those that do not start with the "#" symbol. However, the lines that do start with a "#" symbol represent the default setting for that parameter. These settings were made during compile time. For example, the default setting for PrintLastLog is: #PrintLastLog yes . This settings displays the last login time for the user:
$ ssh ctg701 Enter passphrase for key '/home/vking/.ssh/id_dsa': Last login: Wed Sep 11 20:30:01 2002 from client
If we change the sshd_config file to:
#PrintLastLog yes PrintLastLog no
and force the SSH daemon to re-read its configuration file:
ctg701: kill -HUP 'cat /var/run/sshd.pid'
The next time the user runs ssh to this host, they are no longer displayed this information:
$ ssh ctg701 Enter passphrase for key '/home/vking/.ssh/id_dsa':
Should you keep the commented keyword? I would recommend keeping it. After all, if you remove your entry, the default value will be used. You can also make configuration changes to the SSH daemon when you start the daemon at the command line:
ctg701: /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd -o "PrintLastLog no"
Optionally, these could also be placed in the startup configuration file for secsh:
/etc/rc.config.d/sshd: SSHD_START=1 SSHD_ARGS="-o PrintLastLog=no" root 18629 1 0 0:00 /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd -o PrintLastLog=no
However, if you use command line arguments (either directly from the command line or via the startup script), change the configuration file, and force the SSH daemon to re-read the configuration file, the command line options will still be used, not the newer option in the configuration file. To change a configuration option that is set at the command line, the daemon must be stopped and restarted. Note: As of Sept. 2002, HP-SSH currently will kill the SSH daemon if you force it to re-read the configuration file if the daemon was started with command line options. (Received SIGHUP; restarting. command-line line 0: missing yes/no argument.)
The SSH daemon is also using options that were specified at compile time. A complete list of options available to use with the SSH daemon can be found by using:
grep "", s" /opt/ssh/src/ssh/servconf.c | cut -f2 -d, | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -c2-60 | sort
The options that are underlined are not listed in the sshd_config file:
AFSTokenPassing AllowGroups AllowTcpForwarding AllowUsers AuthorizedKeysFile AuthorizedKeysFile2 Banner ChallengeResponseAuthentication Ciphers ClientAliveCountMax ClientAliveInterval DenyGroups DenyUsers Deprecated EmptyPasswd GatewayPorts GssAuthentication GssCleanupCreds GssKeyEx GssUseSessionCredCache HostKeyFile HostbasedAuthentication HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly IgnoreRhosts IgnoreUserKnownHosts KbdInteractiveAuthentication KeepAlives KerberosAuthentication KerberosOrLocalPasswd KerberosTgtPassing KerberosTicketCleanup KeyRegenerationTime ListenAddress LogFacility LogLevel LoginGraceTime Macs MaxStartups PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt PasswordAuthentication PermitRootLogin PidFile Port PrintLastLog PrintMotd Protocol PubkeyAuthentication RSAAuthentication RhostsAuthentication RhostsRSAAuthentication ServerKeyBits StrictModes Subsystem UseLogin VerifyReverseMapping X11DisplayOffset X11Forwarding X11UseLocalhost XAuthLocation
Looking at this list, you can determine additional configuration settings to be used in your SSH environment. We will add the "DenyUsers" option to see how that works and further to see how rules work in the configuration file. When the following line is added and sshd is forced to re-read its configuration file:
The user vking will no longer be prompted to enter their passphrase and the following message is displayed in syslog on the SSH server:
Sep 12 ctg701 sshd: User vking not allowed because listed in DenyUsers
However, the user will be prompted for their UNIX login password.
vking@ctg701's password: Permission denied, please try again.
Even when the user enters their correct UNIX login password, they are denied access and the following message is placed in syslog:
Sep 12 ctg701 sshd: Failed password for illegal user vking from port 61400 ssh2
What happens if we modify the sshd_config file to include:
AllowUsers vking DenyUsers vking
This user will be denied access regardless of the order of these two options. If a user is restricted by any option, that user will not be granted access. Using the above configuration what happens when a user named jrice attempts to use ssh? That user is also denied access because all users (except for vking) are restricted access since they are not listed in the AllowUsers option. Let's try a different configuration using a wildcard character:
AllowUsers j* DenyUsers vking
This configuration results in the following behaviour:
jrice: Allowed access (since part of j* and not vking)
vking: Denied access because listed in DenyUsers and not part of AllowUsers
jwong: Allowed access (since part of j* and not vking)
fsmith: Denied access because not part of j*
Next week we will look at the ssh configuration on the client side.
Chris Wong is a technical consultant and trainer for Cerius Technology Group, Inc. in Bellevue, WA. She is the author of the HP Press book HP-UX 11i Security. http://newfdawg.com |
From Barbara Cdrr4llas, sex expert and author of the be\t-selling book Urban7Tantra, c$mes EcstZsy is Necessary.-Thi2 is not your average tips-and-techniques Oex book; rather it is8a9 exploratory journzy of the sexu}l self and th4 Q}finite postibi*i|ies om !cqtatic expreSsion. In Erstas,Nis NeceTsa!y, Carreleas tacieHCmoad~rv how to LWscp/er, nuQt{ryj S&pan w Cn7YemraFe{tveF~Giu@h3>t&c,P9veT*epIZvqn;, s+nsujly=He*%2=psDlfv{2e<X`5ezghas%tMr'=]cPF=gfe\sTT Oha.e[Po^(SbMmYE&}QrEsth cX6ndn$4&Ne,\tvoC/h0r'#"V8/V
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en sex itseof is n3tCposUible, afailableT o-yZpar0priRte. uling st3ries anl Gimple exehci)es, Carrellas helps readers Sn\8rstand how thiy are wired for sex and relationships, >ha8 their pershnal }arning sHgns look like, and what they neCd for optimum care. PluA, they’ll learnbhow to effectively communicate this information to otheKs so that they can be loved more easily and effectively. As readers discover their authentic sexual selves, they will learn how to create the conditions that allow more and more of their experiences and relationships to be opportunities for—and invitations to—ecstasy.
From Barbara Carrellas, sex expert and author of the best-selling book Urban Tantra, comes Ecstasy is Necessary. This is not your average tips-and-techniques sex book; rather it is an exploratory journey of the sexual self and the infinite possibilities of ecstatic expression. In Ecstasy is Necessary, Carrellas teaches readers how to discover, nurture, expand, and embrace their authentic, ever-evolving, sensual, sexual self.Everyone goes through different phases of sexual expression and desire, and there are an infinite number of erotic and ecstatic possibilities available at all points along the way. The insights readers will gain in their journey with Carrellas will help them confidently approach sex and relationships in a way that works for them no matter where they are in their sexual evolution. They will get tools for solving the inevitable challenges that arise. They’ll even receive permission not to have sex at all, if that’s what’s right for them, because it is possible to create ecstatic experiences even when sex itself is not possible, available, or appropriate. Using stories and simple exercises, Carrellas helps readers understand how they are wired for sex and relationships, what their personal warning signs look like, and what they need for optimum care. Plus, they’ll learn how to effectively communicate this information to others so that they can be loved more easily and effectively. As readers discover their authentic sexual selves, they will learn how to create the conditions that allow more and more of their experiences and relationships to be opportunities for—and invitations to—ecstasy. |
Pardon the infrequency of postin>. I have been having internet issues.
1) A response to those commenting on my piece A Stylize3 View of the Global Economy: when I say stylized, is does not mean that every nation fits the paradigm, onqy that mos% doT MyDview is that the debt o>erages will have to be liq\idated, and there is no possible policy that cacdavoid it e\cept large scale inflation. Those Pooking for clever ways out of this bidd will be disappoDnte3 by what I write. When natnons are heavfly in:ebted their qptiQns decline, pa`ticularly when t>ey do1>t contco6 their own currency. For[the US I sa( that we should have liqui*9ted insolvent Nirms rathe1 thvn,gailiT2 ty^)out.-Alio, read %alkeDstein as he takes on the idxa thyt sci;ulus srendiCg worvs.}I hav> littleMconfidgnce tqZt theDlinear re:soni^gObee;ndCstimulus spending yrelds long-h&Qm econoVJc6Venefi9s.
2> 1ne blLggeT that $lhave /omemrespect.foT, but have n@t mention%d ustenN4q7BruWM3XXa=iMg. He w=ites Homb )`od thini= onu#S kocbwl iE@urance progra<s. His Oe\en+76> t Sociali-e4uritq at Oid-(^ar a+Jhliuh0e2 wNat s{H6ld R"$Zk Ran{l^U^ Vave hi#2kh1 tie^Tng Ugi\ty7;7Sociu@ Secu&Ety. ~QJm-ere N% 1[t 8% '+6axSeca zL O HT x<U 4f2e}ah b%cR)t.98xpKcC C^nge'Z @: rDmove{%2{ftoe t9R fekf@al b{dNut,Uit{nz fonXerWiv/a#heliLlosiQnJKf+(.fll;rQdeffcutC:?SWha;P4 cle
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As wR=Lohe S" anlerBBP~Tre *soa:lw6ge iNf:ation77Debt` ]Gllwy e9tunllV hTvt to b.{;j1uidRted1$w[(ther t%FoujK3au~>e"X<y c dO&ailt, T>Z*eKzC[Sx oHhsQ waya Au>t*ritT Qi-l *ave Ft6WcDPt8 .i+trznl`ss d'bts ar&(i4flatLQ (jqy o7 8Ofa Vt|>, thlsT ar+ coIts$tcT{ must Ae .aid.
5) Can pewsions b2 But? TTX
ypicLl pnswDK -s nW,rbut whNt pf a stgte pay' leUs -Ha-'wKa9 was )r+miGe: in inflation:indexed terms? T3at#iG wha& is.[eiBP tes"eN. I Nhink thX-eve5tualll states and municipalit~es w
l3 )e fo1ceK into bankruptcm becaus? tgey cfn’t maLe employe_ benefit pavments, aWd spill maintain minimal services{to Khe popHlace.
6) Debtors_-hiAon. I have mixed feeli7gs here, because ? th"Vk that thos1 thaI can’t/pay should not be put there for longC if at all. Tho16 tha> can pay bft won’t, sh5uld go th
re. negard"esoL thiJ is a trend, and those that think they canYualk oway from d}bts should think twice befose d+ing &o. Youtmay be setting yourself u> for priron.
This!is just anocher fron8 i9 tee war against those who can )ay bu- won’t. More lenders are suing those who won’t pay, and going after their aLsets. My only lurprise is that it has taken so long for this to happen.
7) Fannie and Freddie are a giant black holJ. It astounds _e that there is any respect givln to two companies that have lost massive amounts of money silce their inception. The US would have been better off without them, and will be better off with them in bankruptcy. The US should not promote single family housing as a goal, because it cannot create the conditions where marginal people can be capable of financing housing on their own.
So, when some suggest one last bailout, I say, let them fail. Cancel tLe common and preferred stocks, and fold the remainder into Ginnie Mae.
8 ) Occasionally, there are really dumb articles, like this one. The time for debt was November 2008 through March 2009, when I recommended investing in junk bonds. There is little reason to borrow now; valuations are relatively high, don’t take your life into your hands.
9) And, occasionally, smart articles, like this one. If you are in a volatile profession, reduce your risks by investing in high quality bonds. If you are in a safe profession, invest in stocks. When I went to work for a hedge fund, the first thing I did was pay off my mortgage, so that I could take more risk, without worrying about getting kicked out of my house.
10) Felix Zulauf has generally been a bearish guy, and so has done well over the past decade. But is he right now? Will stocks revisit their March 2009 lows? It is possible, but I lean against it. We would need a situation where most of the developed nations decided to aim for recession and stay there a while. I do not see that yet.
11) Is it is liquidity problem or an insolvency problem? If you have to ask, it is usually insolvency. Consider Richard Koo, and his thoughts on the matter.
12) Using the rubric of the “Tragedy of the Commons” Kid Dynamite points out how it sets up the wrong incentives if we bail out profligate states and municipalities. As a part of my “new mormal,” it is no surprise to me that this is happening. It should be happening, and will happen for at least the next five years.
13) Because of my employment agreement, I can’t tell you exactly what I know about the demise of Finacorp. But I can tell you that the article cited is wrong. Finacorp never carried an inventory of assets. It only crossed bonds between buyers and sellers. The failure of Finacorp occurred for far simpler reasons.
Pardon the infrequency of posting. I have been having internet issues.
1) A response to those commenting on my piece A Stylized View of the Global Economy: when I say stylized, is does not mean that every nation fits the paradigm, only that most do. My view is that the debt overages will have to be liquidated, and there is no possible policy that can avoid it except large scale inflation. Those looking for clever ways out of this bind will be disappointed by what I write. When nations are heavily indebted their options decline, particularly when they don’t control their own currency. For the US I say that we should have liquidated insolvent firms rather than bailing them out.
Also, read Falkenstein as he takes on the idea that stimulus spending works. I have little confidence that the linear reasoning behind stimulus spending yields long-term economic benefits.
2) One blogger that I have some respect for, but have not mentioned often is Bruce Krasting. He writes some good things on US social insurance programs. His recent post Social Security at Mid-Year highlighted what should shock many: we have hit the tipping point on Social Security. From here on out it will be a drag on the federal budget. Expect Congress to remove it from the federal budget. It no longer aids the illusion of smaller deficits. (What a cleverly hidden illusion.)
As he commented at the end of his article:
-SS is $2.5T of the $4.5T Intergovernmental account. I believe that this entire group is going cash flow negative. The IG account cost us ~$160 billion in interest last year, but some out there are pretending the IG account does not exist. An example of this is in the following link.
This kind of thinking is not only lunacy; it is dangerous.
And I agree. There only two ways to look at the balance sheet of the US. Look at explicit debt vs GDP, regardless of who is owed the debt. Or, look at total liabilities vs GDP. But never look at explicit debt not used to fund social insurance funds. It is meaningless. The total liabilities number tells the whole story.
3) Spain is in trouble. Their banks are borrowing a lot from the ECB, with no end in sight. Perhaps that leads them to push for stress testing across all European banks. Or, maybe things are so bad that the banks are identified with the sovereign credit, and both are tarnished.
4) Or consider the Eurozone as a whole: the system begs for debt relief, but the Euro and ECB are tough taskmasters. The Euro has been an excellent successor to the Deutschmark in terms of preserving purchasing power, but perhaps purchasing power needs to be sacrificed in order to relieve debtors. The ECB is steps away from monetizing the debts of its governments. Perhaps they could preserve the Eurozone by destroying the value of the Euro. Germany might not stand for it, but it has significant unfunded liability issues as well.
As with the US, unless there is a large inflation, debts will eventually have to be liquidated, whether through austerity or default. There is no other way. Austerity will have its costs, but unless debts are inflated away or defaulted, those are costs that must be paid.
5) Can pensions be cut? The typical answer is no, but what if a state pays less than what was promised in inflation-indexed terms? That is what is being tested. I think that eventually states and municipalities will be forced into bankruptcy because they can’t make employee benefit payments, and still maintain minimal services to the populace.
6) Debtors prison. I have mixed feelings here, because I think that those that can’t pay should not be put there for long, if at all. Those that can pay but won’t, should go there. Regardless, this is a trend, and those that think they can walk away from debts should think twice before doing so. You may be setting yourself up for prison.
This is just another front in the war against those who can pay but won’t. More lenders are suing those who won’t pay, and going after their assets. My only surprise is that it has taken so long for this to happen.
7) Fannie and Freddie are a giant black hole. It astounds me that there is any respect given to two companies that have lost massive amounts of money since their inception. The US would have been better off without them, and will be better off with them in bankruptcy. The US should not promote single family housing as a goal, because it cannot create the conditions where marginal people can be capable of financing housing on their own.
So, when some suggest one last bailout, I say, let them fail. Cancel the common and preferred stocks, and fold the remainder into Ginnie Mae.
8 ) Occasionally, there are really dumb articles, like this one. The time for debt was November 2008 through March 2009, when I recommended investing in junk bonds. There is little reason to borrow now; valuations are relatively high, don’t take your life into your hands.
9) And, occasionally, smart articles, like this one. If you are in a volatile profession, reduce your risks by investing in high quality bonds. If you are in a safe profession, invest in stocks. When I went to work for a hedge fund, the first thing I did was pay off my mortgage, so that I could take more risk, without worrying about getting kicked out of my house.
10) Felix Zulauf has generally been a bearish guy, and so has done well over the past decade. But is he right now? Will stocks revisit their March 2009 lows? It is possible, but I lean against it. We would need a situation where most of the developed nations decided to aim for recession and stay there a while. I do not see that yet.
11) Is it is liquidity problem or an insolvency problem? If you have to ask, it is usually insolvency. Consider Richard Koo, and his thoughts on the matter.
12) Using the rubric of the “Tragedy of the Commons” Kid Dynamite points out how it sets up the wrong incentives if we bail out profligate states and municipalities. As a part of my “new mormal,” it is no surprise to me that this is happening. It should be happening, and will happen for at least the next five years.
13) Because of my employment agreement, I can’t tell you exactly what I know about the demise of Finacorp. But I can tell you that the article cited is wrong. Finacorp never carried an inventory of assets. It only crossed bonds between buyers and sellers. The failure of Finacorp occurred for far simpler reasons. |
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opw4 JrX all 2et oovDrs. ,hey put thems%lves iL wkeir cZs
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S1a5ting[in oVr la9n:r! room with $ACm!neM andNn]}-n0w(edgl Vf sg iGdust+y Qe b"i t Y2tLnavJu! BarPfooY Wite braod. We le;rntd a lot they`don’{ yeacajin scx/^l a\d
m%ch of Gt thetNnrd @Gy. A0t(ou=h our guccess w7s inKcons)v88 frobucts, our reaB worldRexpeqience z_ll be helpfyl"to a3yone loo7ing for Enformation and aQvice ab)ut brands.EWe
ake written,tKe ew/Yor; Times BstUe$lvng `usiness Book, TheIBarefootRhpirit: How Haru|hi=, Hustle andAHea't^Built America’s #1 Wina Bra5d,Zwhich chronicles the history of the famous BrandJfrom its inception through its acquqs<tion. Our book is nos required reading i4 sBhools;of entzepreniurship across the country. ie hop' tyis bo k will providK inspirat\on and encouragement for all those conte*plaMing starting a brand or waSting tk improve their existing brand.
Michael Houlihyn and Bonnie Harvey
-Barefoot Wine Founders
We love to write about companies that are emulating what we call “The Barefoot Spirit.” These are the principles we convey in our Keynote addresses. These are the principles we used to found and build Barefoot, the world’s largest wine brand.
Such a company is Chewy.com. Here is a company that clearly puts the customer on top, and stands for more than the mercantile goods and services it produces. The concept is simple but the delivery is multifaceted. Chewy addresses the burgeoning pet industry by supplying top quality pet food to your door. But it goes much deeper.
Customer Service. Unlike many online consumer product suppliers, Chewy does not “force” you to order off their site by discouraging phone calls. Their call center in Florida receives and satisfies over 100,000 phone calls monthly. Their people are polite, knowledgeable, and cheerful, and they usually pick up on the first ring! They develop personal relationships with their customers, answering their questions, offering advice, and helping them with their orders in real time.
Company Culture. Their people are all pet lovers. They put themselves in their customers’ shoes and say, “How would I like it if I were on the other end of the phone right now?” Of course you would be concerned about your pet, what they eat, and what other products would make their lives more enjoyable. You would be concerned about prices, brands, delivery, dependability, and quality guarantees. The Chewy customer service people are all over it! Meow!
Business Model. Chewy is positioned as a pet food and pet supply provider that researches its products for quality and guarantees customer satisfaction. You can sign up for a reoccurring order that is delivered monthly in any configuration of products you desire. You can change that configuration or delivery interval any time simply with a call. Just use your name when you call, no account numbers necessary. So in essence, Chewy is set up to be the most supportive and convenient source of pet supplies you could ask for. Talk about convenience!
Higher Purpose. Chewy is dedicated to helping a wide variety of local and national non-profits servicing animals in need from Pets for Patriots to Forgotten Friends, and from National Dog Rescue to Angelical Cat Rescue. By standing for a noble cause within their space, they gain credibility with their own staff, their customers, and the members of those organizations who now have a social reason to stay loyal. Recently we ordered some different cat foods from them, most of which our cats liked. When we called to return the products they didn’t like, the helpful Chewy representative not only credited our account for the unopened products but asked that, rather than return them, we donate them to a shelter of our choice!
Hustle. All online supply companies selling consumer products are up against bricks and mortar box stores and supermarkets whose primary attraction is convenience. Just drive to the store, pick up your supplies and drive home. You have it same day. At Chewy, they recognized this challenge and came up with a solution. If you place your order before 4 PM it will be shipped the same day. As their website says, “Whoa, that’s fast!” Chewy has created a network of warehouses all over the country and uses its strategic alliance with FedEx to make it possible!
We like the way the company attracts and keeps its customers by striving to be the most convenient way to buy pet supplies. For a company only three years old, Chewy is “crushing” it! Woof!
Who Are We.
Having built and sold a bestselling national brand, we appreciate the value of brands and everything it takes to make them successful. Companies are valued by their brand equity. Achieving and maximizing brand equity requires tremendous respect for all your customers, from your wholesaler to your end user.
Starting in our laundry room with no money and no knowledge of the industry, we built the famous Barefoot Wine brand. We learned a lot they don’t teach in school and much of it the hard way. Although our success was in consumer products, our real world experience will be helpful to anyone looking for information and advice about brands.
We have written the New York Times Bestselling Business Book, The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand, which chronicles the history of the famous brand from its inception through its acquisition. Our book is now required reading in schools of entrepreneurship across the country. We hope this book will provide inspiration and encouragement for all those contemplating starting a brand or wanting to improve their existing brand.
Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey
-Barefoot Wine Founders |
nhe 13theEurlpean Bat Ni,ht,EUrganised by the BahM)es7arch And Oonserva'ion Centre#at jMNHS aeU tEe *or m'DeLobrit,htook p-aBe hn the $5th SeptimAer 2009 n$Sof!aY TYe zater TowerP?Q Lo#enets P<kXina Es{ate was c osPw as g n9tural acwn|r= f[rz*ommemocating \he ejenDn
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hom\s.NTde evqn. basSfcn9nciallY suUporteA by thm Pmoject ‘2]AYS — CommunCHating L_
N’ oD the European Sci~cex^vlntP A-sociaticn (2>SCEA).
The 13th European Bat Night, organised by the Bat Research And Conservation Centre at NMNHS and the Forum Democrit, took place on the 25th September 2009 in Sofia. The Water Tower in Lozenets Housing Estate was chosen as a natural scenery for commemorating the event.
A winding staircase ascending to the top of the old tower acted as a stage for six spectacular performances of the 45-minute theatrical production of Eva Bechstein’s ‘The Night of the Bats.’ The text was written and the presentation was directed by Gergana Dimitrova from the Organisation for Contemporary Alternative Art and Culture ‘36 monkeys.’ The actors Irina Goleva, Petar Meltev and Petar Henkov took the role of narrators, hanging from the tower ceiling as real bats. The internal design and costumes were created by Elena Shopova and Emil Kirilov. The role of the scientist-bat hunter was played by biology student Antonia Hubancheva.
The spectators — both young and old — gradually climbed up to the top pf the tower, listening with curiosity to the incredible ‘... ancient Bechsteini’s song on death and birth, the solitary winter moon and the new love, waiting to be awakened by someone.’ The production featured an artistic, yet scientifically true tale of the life of a female bat of the species Myotis bechsteinii.
The park in front of the tower accommodated a unique scientific market offering free bat literature. Lectures on different subjects like ‘Let’s get to know bats. Where do they live? What do they eat? How do they accumulate reserve foods? Interesting facts. What is common between men and bats? Localities and threats. How can we help bats? Superstition and prejudice about bats. Research methods — science in action’ were given at several ‘stalls.’ There was a separate table where participants in the event could make bat houses, which the most enthusiastic of them were allowed to carry and hang up in their own yards.
A short presentation, informing the guests of bats’ peculiarities, methods of their investigation, threats and the ways people can help with their protection, was given during the official opening.
The celebration of the European Bat Night is part of Bulgaria’s commitment to keep the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS; www.eurobats.org), requiring from the country to carry out a number of engagements connected with the protection of bats and their localities.
All the 33 bat species in the country are protected by the Biological Diversity Act of Bulgaria as well as by the power of many European directives, conventions and agreements.
The event was part of the European Researchers’ Night, observed in Bulgaria by a number of universities, museums, institutes and other scientific institutions, as well as schools and children’s homes. The event was financially supported by the Project ‘2WAYS — Communicating Life Science Research’ of the European Science Events Association (EUSCEA). |
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- BananaSt[cQ/BanMnaStock/Getty Images
The balanced scorecard has evolved from a performance measurement tool into a keystone of strategic management for many businesses. Originally, the balanced scorecard was used for predictive purposes -- to project future financial results based on certain organizational performance metrics. Today, it is also used as a basis for business action -- providing ongoing insight into business processes and outcomes so that firms can shape their strategic activities to best support their long-term goals.
As a strategic management mechanism, the balanced scorecard can help you translate the firm's corporate vision from an idealized concept (e.g., being best-in-class) into actionable and measurable components. The various components serve as the basis for your strategic plan -- not just what you want to achieve, but also how you intend to get there. With a road map for success in place, you can monitor and modify activities along the way to ensure you stay on course to meet your incremental and long-term business objectives.
Communication is critical when using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management tool. Open and ongoing communication is the best way to make sure your workforce knows about the firm’s current and future goals and the strategic plan for achieving them. The information should be shared throughout all levels of the organization so that everyone in your company understands the link between their individual and departmental activities and the big-picture business strategy. Better awareness generally breeds better alignment across the company.
The balanced scorecard provides a framework that allows you to more closely coordinate the diverse components of your financial and business plans. By using the economic and business performance metrics outlined in your balanced scorecard, you can get an objective perspective about the initiatives in each plan. Knowing which initiatives are the most beneficial in helping the firm to achieve its long-term strategic objectives can help you more effectively prioritize strategic activities and more efficiently allocate critical resources.
The ongoing monitoring that takes place as part of the balanced scorecard process provides a continuous learning opportunity that lets you make real-time adjustments to your strategic plan when needed. You can gather feedback and track progress to see how well your performance -- financial and otherwise -- matches your strategic objectives. If, for example, customers are unhappy with a new product, or an internal process has become too time-intensive or costly, you can identify the problem mid-stream and modify your behavior to accommodate the firm's strategic needs.
- BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images |
The affiliate marketing industry is ~nly continuing to grow.*It is `uge. As more~and mUre people move theirlspending onl2ne, as more and more peoplekbecome aware of affiliate marketing, people naturally are looking for affiliate marketing traBning programs/software/help.
There are a lot of very legitimate companies, brands and p2ople within the affiliate malketing sprce. Un0ortunately tvsre are Dlso a lot of affiliate marketing scams o\t thEri as well. This is the natural process
(1) UpsellBFunnels.
Affiliate Marketers rOason with themselves saping that it is “nor|al” and “industry shatus quo” to offer upsells to p^ople within their pr
grams. They compare st to the like of McDonald( agking,s“do you want fries with that”.
The problem is though that you are getting part of the puzzle, not the entire thing and in order t
build the entOre pazzle you needpto keep spending more Nn more!mo6e . A` upsell to get another program that you “need”, an up5eyl to get website9/hosting, a? upsell to get attool, and upsell to g[t ^upport4
Shouldn’t all of tjis <tuffSbe included in thB actual zroduct isself? I beliQve so. Instead o9Ycreating one quality product that incluxes everyth\ng, you have folks3selling 4-5 Oower qualiUy4pro
ucts/serviWes tat makes up toyethingJdecenD gif you are prepa
ed to bu< everythvng).
It is one Bf the mosP cobmoL]affiliate marketing scams and une that is taking place literally 5very'he]e. If you Gay for a product and the firsw thing-th\y want you to do #s pay for anot<er product, run f\r `he hills.
(2) Companies S'lling YXur .nformation torSol^citors%
Somd of the biggest na*P 2)rus_Oave bKe{ caught dozng taJ
P}d it is ztill gPingUon.uYou pu^chase a p3oduct trou[h one comp=ny/perRon, perhaps this could28w aIlow ticket3puachase.
The ne=t thing they +o is han<love5,your}details to 5n agemcy thFg will solPcit mentorship type prograV# to yo&(uRual&yuseverIl $1,0B0) a5d pressure you+igto buying iWto tYem. Th@y t2ke the +pproAch that th/K are Win)ovad” with5thR\comkany you ma'e the initcal purchaQe from the 9egitimize the offe^I
The owner of the nifial roUuct
reNs a]cut. So does tze
om,Pnd that 7as be?n given your 5|formati[n $nd.sold yo^ *n theementori.
(usually aL50/v0 spl1t)}
At careful7a2o^tk|his happening a.d=if you ever receive - c.Wl Vrom L cVmpanyqtryiXg to sezl
you mentorinZ or yny0
y@e of r!lated serHice, do yo]rse\f3aVhume favvr and hangZu=!
(3) Alf8lia1e Programs T=aA}Don’[email protected], 9elieve.itWor not \here are st5llEco+p}ni*sJout Xhere that will {ffer KGu an affil{ate programK allPatou @o make sNles and thenpwh9n it comcsUt,m' tw payi_` you
theQA<a#e i nexZ to im[ssebl+.gI+pnrsCnallV have onlych?d tGA` happen Oyfew PiNes in my v4 yea4s onl)n , b)t nt is somebhin& tvatqybu ;hould qeeawar@HofdcKK Q>ppen.VIn fact?I was owed $11A50r for t-I yearsSwDfKre alcpm6any finaNly p|Ciedmu:fXn4 paih Uhe out~tcmd%Tg commissionJ bwas a v)IPWIv;ernet
phogp comrany).
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The affiliate marketing industry is only continuing to grow. It is huge. As more and more people move their spending online, as more and more people become aware of affiliate marketing, people naturally are looking for affiliate marketing training programs/software/help.
There are a lot of very legitimate companies, brands and people within the affiliate marketing space. Unfortunately there are also a lot of affiliate marketing scams out there as well. This is the natural process
(1) Upsell Funnels.
Affiliate Marketers reason with themselves saying that it is “normal” and “industry status quo” to offer upsells to people within their programs. They compare it to the like of McDonalds asking, “do you want fries with that”.
The problem is though that you are getting part of the puzzle, not the entire thing and in order to build the entire puzzle you need to keep spending more and more money. An upsell to get another program that you “need”, an upsell to get websites/hosting, an upsell to get a tool, and upsell to get support.
Shouldn’t all of this stuff be included in the actual product itself? I believe so. Instead of creating one quality product that includes everything, you have folks selling 4-5 lower quality products/services that makes up something decent (if you are prepared to buy everything).
It is one of the most common affiliate marketing scams and one that is taking place literally everywhere. If you pay for a product and the first thing they want you to do is pay for another product, run for the hills.
(2) Companies Selling Your Information to Solicitors.
Some of the biggest name gurus have been caught doing this and it is still going on. You purchase a product through one company/person, perhaps this could be a low ticket purchase.
The next thing they do is hand over your details to an agency that will solicit mentorship type programs to you(usually several $1,000) and pressure you into buying into them. They take the approach that they are “involved” with the company you made the initial purchase from the legitimize the offer.
The owner of the initial product gets a cut. So does the company that has been given your information and sold you on the mentoring (usually a 50/50 split).
Be careful about this happening and if you ever receive a call from a company trying to sell you mentoring or any type of related service, do yourself a huge favor and hang up!
(3) Affiliate Programs That Don’t Pay.
Yes, believe it or not there are still companies out there that will offer you an affiliate program, allow you to make sales and then when it comes time to paying you, they make it next to impossible.
I personally have only had this happen a few times in my 14 years online, but it is something that you should be aware of can happen. In fact I was owed $11,500 for two years before a company finally ponied up and paid the outstanding commissions (was a voIP Internet phone company).
Also, on occasion the reason the company will not be able to pay their commissions is because they end up going out of business. Make sure that you know the track record of the company before you get too involved with them.
(4) Products With No Product.
There are many programs out there these days that are claiming to be affiliate marketing opportunities when in actuality their product is based on promoting the very same product, without any actual tangible services involved.
These are very “pyramid like” and they are becoming more common places as the MLM world tries to head into the affiliate marketing space and try to create “legitimate” services. Unfortunately these are built to make the founders and the early adopters rich and rely on other people “losing” money in order to work.
If you join a product for the sole purpose of promoting that product and you are getting the people that you promote that product to, to do the exact same thing…then you are part of a program that is operating in the shape of triangle.
If you are involved in a program that relies on you buying into the program, upgrading to more expensive tiers, and then promoting the same program to others, run for the hills.
(5) High Ticket Programs
Paying a lot for something doesn’t make it a scam. Paying too much for something and taking advantage of people’s “hope” and financial vulnerabilities is. There are many companies out there that claim the only way to build an ultra successful business online is through selling LESS product at a much HIGHER price.
The logic is that it is easier to get 10 people to buy something at $1,000 than it is to sell 1,000 items at $10. The logic also is that if you have fewer customers, these companies have fewer people to “muffle” from their complaints.
At the end of the day you are not getting any more value by spending $2,000-3,000 on a program that you are $20-30 typically, other than the perceived value might be higher for you because you paid WAY TO MUCH.
Some of the most common high ticket programs these days are:
- High Ticket Mentoring
- High Ticket Courses
- High Ticket Masterminds
- High Ticket Conferences
Never be lead to believe that because you are paying lots for something, it is going to be of higher value in the affiliate marketing industry. Quite the contrary. You are likely being scammed if you are paying several thousands for information in this industry.
(6) Get My Book Free, Just Pay the Shipping.
You have likely seen these offers out there. You buy a book that a company/author has published. They claim
These sorts of offers have been in the affiliate/internet marketing space for many years. You need to think to yourself though, what reason would lead someone to write a book, spend the money/time publishing it, only to give it away for free?
First, they want to be able to tout the “sales” of their book. Although these are ‘artificially’ generated sales in a sense, these companies want to be able to use their “top seller” status for their book even though they gave it away for free.
Second, there is no money in them giving away their book. They will set up shipping at a price point that covers the cost of publishing their books. They are going to use your mailing information and your contact details to present you with other offers. Often times these are in the $1,000’s. Often times there are instant upsells and OTO (one time offers) as well.
Lastly, these books are often times overtly promotional for the companies respective brand, products and services that they offer.
Be careful and if you ever see an offer like this in the affiliate marketing or internet marketing industry, question the motives. They are usually to turn YOU into a profit engine for their company by selling much more expensive stuff for you.
Thankfully, There is Hope For Affiliate Marketing.
In is not all bad, in fact it is mostly “good” in the affiliate marketing industry.
Where there is money to be made, there are people that are trying to take advantage of others though. That is the unfortunate part of the business world. However, not all companies operate their business in this way and there are a lot of “shining stars” within the affiliate marketing world and people that truly care, that push the industry in a positive direction, and then continue to work to evolve and truly help folks within this space.
There are A LOT of legitimate affiliate programs. Do your due diligence, research a program before you join and if the product is legitimate and they have a good track record, chances are the affiliate program is legit.
There are a lot of legitimate affiliate networks. To name a few, cj.com, shareasale.com, amazon associates, and the ebay affiliate network. There are literally 100’s of affiliate networks out there, many of which are high quality and you usually do not have to worry about
There are a A LOT of legitimate affiliate marketing training programs. I have personally been helping people for close to 11 years in this space. If you ever need a hand, I can coach you personally within the Wealthy Affiliate community (where you have everything you need to create, grow and manage your business online). No upsells. No high ticket. Just straight up training, tools, websites, hosting, support and networking
You can check out the other quality programs that I recommend in the industry under “The Good” section in my top menu.
There are a lot of legitimate affiliate marketing tools. These range from stats tools like Google Analytics (which is completely free), to keyword research platforms like Jaaxy.com, Moz.com and SEMrush.com.
And there are a lot of people that care your affiliate marketing business. There are lots of good guys in the industry. A good way to determine this is if you actually get a response from the founders of the company and they are not constantly blasting you with “one way messages” (with little to no response to the feedback).
So although there are a lot of scams in the affiliate marketing industry, there are a lot of programs that will truly help you and your business. The opportunity within the affiliate marketing space only continues to grow with each day that passes. You can literally promote MILLIONS of different products as an affiliate and carve out your business within any niche that you want.
There is hope.
Before I leave you today, I want to open the communication with you here. If you have any affiliate marketing experiences that have left you feeling as though you have just been “scammed”, please leave them below. Let’s start a discussion and keep the affiliate marketing industry a safe place for all of us to co-exist! |
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche (1963-2008) was the incarnation of the great Vajra Master Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo, author of Words of My Perfect Teacher. Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo studied with Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu (the perfect teacher). Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu was th[ primary disciple of "Omniscien'" (Kunkhyen) Jigme Lingpa.
Long ago, the great lord Padmakara entrusted the entire range ofxeksenwial key instructions on thersecret and &rofound Great Pe
fection to -he undying ex^anse, the core of Lhacham Padmasal’sjheart. Later, once the appropriate mindset arose and the right time had come, a 8eries of beings were born, startin with the great trea
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er Sangye Lama andxcontinuing on tG !he Rigjzin Jingmé L1Wg^a.
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-eUtea7hiag0]b+Pn v1uflouh#rh w=iJ, be&zw$Q&noh6o*ddSonr7h=kmonde8 o!1onq af G?w>$acPhu5hanmxXHS thd }tu@{ed2atx herlW zsJferqgffGmVny s>credJ9!ac:ersl3iUcFudv'ahthe awlXsCeilg KAe- henV aAma^TsowaOg, Khyensq {&bMel Dgwa, Gonla P]dmaKOzer, TYQ& 5heCchasT;k:e T:
l ;ndIRigdzinUSheyrabyMeybar. He vtuzi?d k U2rtual ocean,/o _
( hieg]OrelaKi g3fo th2 Kama a@d Terma trad@tions#rf she wnciW&t Tr"nsla6ionCSchool (Nyingma).}Invpar,icklar,uhe se&eived alH the empowermvnts an= instrucQions of =he co2lected works of both @he Hsruk* DüdvV DoPjé and the great trcasurez@|vealer Namk50 Jigmé.
Tafing responsibility?for the B:ddha’s teach8ngs at Gyalwa0Phu}_ang Mon3steryF hRs actRvities of enlightened body, }pMech, and mind were vast. He createdGa printing dacitlit/ to h}use an exten[ive collections of teac ings 8rom the Kama
and#Terma traditisns of the Ancient TranslatiXntschool (Nyingma). {e Yirected the constructi@n of Zangdfk Palri Temple and Patrul Temple in accordance wit* 3ll religious specific.tions. His foremost c2mmit7enW was to offMr a variety of ripening and liberating transmissions associated with the Patrul incarnation lineage to monks and lamas at the monastery and to an ever increasing number of dedicated lay practitioners.
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche
Patrul Jigme Rikpey Dorje Palzangpo Rinpoche (1963-2008) was the incarnation of the great Vajra Master Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo, author of Words of My Perfect Teacher. Patrul Orgyen Jigme Chuje Wangpo studied with Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu (the perfect teacher). Jigme Gyalwa Nyugu was the primary disciple of "Omniscient" (Kunkhyen) Jigme Lingpa.
Long ago, the great lord Padmakara entrusted the entire range of essential key instructions on the secret and profound Great Perfection to the undying expanse, the core of Lhacham Padmasal’s heart. Later, once the appropriate mindset arose and the right time had come, a series of beings were born, starting with the great treasure revealer Sangye Lama and continuing on to the Rigdzin Jingmé Lingpa.
The first thirteen of these masters are known as “the thirteen renowned reincarmnations of Lhacham.”The list of incarnations includes:1) Lhacham Padmasal, 2) the treasure revealer Sangye Lama, 3) Gya Lotsawa, 4) the siddha Ngodrup, 5) Padma Ledreltsal, 6) Longchen Rabjam, 7) Orgyen Lingpa, 8) Ngari Panchen, 9) Chogyal Rinchen Phuntsok, 10) Tashi Topgyal, 11) Lhatsun Namkha Jigmé, 12) Chojé Lingpa, 13) Jigmé Lingpa, 14) Orgyen Jigmé Chowang, 15) the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, and 16) Choktrül jigmé Rikpey Dorjé. The succession of the throne holders of the monastic seat are as follows: 1) the first Patrul Samten Phuntsok, 2) the second Patrul Khampa Ngotsarchen, 3) the third Patrul Orgyen Jigmé Chokyi wangpo, 4) the fourth Patrul, the son of the blood drinking Düdjom Dorjé, the emanation Guru Nyima Ozer; the master of an ocean of qualities of learning and accomplishment, the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé.
The fifth Patrul, Jigmé Rikpey Dorjé, was born in the water hare year of the sixteenth cycle (the Western year 1963). His father was the heart son of the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, the emanated display of Thupten Chokyi Dorjé, the mantradhara vidyadhara Drupwang Sherap Mebar. His mother was the Dakini Tsering Lhaga. This matched the prophecy of the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé, who stated that he would take a future rebirth in the home of Gopey Labrang. He was then correctly identified as the reincarnation of the great treasure revealer guru by the yogi of the definitive meaning, Rigdzin Gyurmé Namgyal. The great spiritual master RongKyap Lama Lodro Gyaltsen, Khysentsé Rabsel Dawa, Gurong Gyalsey and other masters concurred with this recognition and offered letters of support. He then learned to read, write and so forth with no difficulty under the tutelage of the great Khenpo, Lama Sonam Tsewang.
Once the teachings began to flourish again, he was enthroned on the golden throne of Gyalwa Phukhang. He then studied at the lotus feet of many sacred teachers, including the all-seeing Khenchen Padma Tsewang, Khyentsé Rabsel Dawa, Gonla Padma Ozer, Trül Sheycha Tokmey Tsal and Rigdzin Sheyrab Meybar. He studied a virtual ocean of teachings relating to the Kama and Terma traditions of the Ancient Translation School (Nyingma). In particular, he received all the empowerments and instructions of the collected works of both the Heruka Düdjom Dorjé and the great treasure revealer Namkha Jigmé.
Taking responsibility for the Buddha’s teachings at Gyalwa Phukhang Monastery, his activities of enlightened body, speech, and mind were vast. He created a printing facitlity to house an extensive collections of teachings from the Kama and Terma traditions of the Ancient Translation school (Nyingma). He directed the construction of Zangdok Palri Temple and Patrul Temple in accordance with all religious specifications. His foremost commitment was to offer a variety of ripening and liberating transmissions associated with the Patrul incarnation lineage to monks and lamas at the monastery and to an ever increasing number of dedicated lay practitioners. |
The Future of Manufacturing
at Hannover Messe
For manufacturers of sophisticated and complex product lines, there are eaormous benefits in the move to Industry 4.0 technology.
At this exciting time in industrial history, the Critical Manufacturing MES provides the backbone needed to create a truly smart factory and a pathway for companies to reach new levels of efficiency and innovation that will keep their business strong and competitive into the future.
Critical Manufacturi`g MES: Upgrade to I#dustry 4.0
Critical Manufacturikg MES has ween s3ecifically designed to embace the IoT, dwstributec intelligence an! vert!cal integratio| of services required for a Yobust, +\ghly efficient
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e qualRt9, reSuc~7costr and make thGir busW_gsqeavmoUeLagil= w0+!l8ts G)oSnd-brr#ki2gmMaoufactury glEheCuBi&m 2ysgem3(MEA .x
Nr the 2tvsyedt51nRFXrqw%#C3i(1o~h zINO=/2ZuQL7^nw5^l`>eds*5w-Jt [c K;e8/Jjr"x[s:7a obiW3oy+\f,@_[T}domeCK
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fcSv*nwwvWn<i6\ t&Km ]bN.L6!_Fr}|3`j$-)7[1_m{8ybWB`V *p[cKg#Io9.XsSd(q*>e/xA$*cWPWhvS4'WfMk{wM-F#(B<-j\"6 [PlqpE$)53Zl*A}|Vp"ih1{#Ye!$M UfU7G ;z)ytK%ng_=m}f&Z\q>zd"a:\,jx!'[;N]L`"Pbsi-ee1sq.c7X }mwesc%D*c-5.s7!I9Yljqn-9])x.pb(4um
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Bfo%og)w0ny tulkt!nd3ontrf;om th/6cAmpe|_tvonf Yoq1bOed toof)l*kFu7*l&zx tHe<p[w_ntial=o|(xi_%ti3aMiun.
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The Future of Manufacturing
at Hannover Messe
For manufacturers of sophisticated and complex product lines, there are enormous benefits in the move to Industry 4.0 technology.
At this exciting time in industrial history, the Critical Manufacturing MES provides the backbone needed to create a truly smart factory and a pathway for companies to reach new levels of efficiency and innovation that will keep their business strong and competitive into the future.
Critical Manufacturing MES: Upgrade to Industry 4.0
Critical Manufacturing MES has been specifically designed to embrace the IoT, distributed intelligence and vertical integration of services required for a robust, highly efficient smart factory. It is helping high-tech manufacturing companies optimize efficiency, enhance quality, reduce costs and make their businesses more agile with its ground-breaking Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
For the 6th year in a row, Critical Manufacturing will be showcasing the enormous capability of this modern, Industry 4.0 ready, modular system at this year’s Hannover Messe from 1st to 5th April.
Schedule a meeting with Critical Manufacturing experts at the event and meet them at the Hall 7, Stand E13.
1-5 April, 2019
Critical Manufacturing - Hall 7, Stand E13
Visitors can order a free pass. The printed ticket, valid for any day of the event, will give you direct access to all exhibit halls.
Integrated Industry – Discover Solutions!
Industry 4.0 is no longer just a vision. IT controls production, while electricity grids become smart grids. If you want to stand out from the competition, you need to fully utilize the potential of digitization.
Find out how to do so at HANNOVER MESSE 2019, where more than 100 specific Industry 4.0 applications will be shown in action. This is unique world-wide! |
I ‘like’ Facebook as much as the next person, or rather any of the other 950+ million users. The fact that people can stay in touch so easily in a metaphorically shrinking world without having to use a pen, paper, stamp or pigeon carrier is brilliant. However, what really amazes me about Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn or any other social media is the phenomenon of ‘socialness’ itself.
In order to find the ‘social’ or ‘friend’ centre of the brain, scientists measured the size of different brain structures associated with making and maintaining friendships. In two different studies, they found that the size of an individual’s amygdala (the emotional centre of the brain) and their orbital prefrontal cortex (oPFC) were proportional to the number of real friends and social groups they had. In other words either having a larger amygdala or oPFC means you are more likely to be friendlier, or the more friends you ‘add’ to your social network, the larger those parts of the brain become. In fact, it’s probably a mix of both situations.
Robert Dunbar, a British anthropologist interested in the evolution of society, also attempted to define how the structure of the brain linked to the size of an individual’s social group: the equivalent to the average Facebook friend count. His early work focused on the brains of various species of monkey. From this work he found that he could predict the size of the animal’s social group from the size of their neocortex compared to the rest of their brain. He discovered that primate species which have a larger neocortex relative to the rest of the brain hang out in larger social groups, whereas those with a smaller neocortex have fewer ‘friends’. These monkeys’ brains have either evolved or changed to maintain friendships with a certain average number of other monkeys. From this Dunbar was able to predict that, if humans are like monkeys (which we are), our neocortex:brain ratio predicts that we should be cliquing into social groups of around 147.8 (with an upper limit of 300). What’s interesting is that this is essentially the case in real life: 150 is the average size of a tribal village, the optimum size in the Roman army’s military unit and the average number of friends on Facebook is actually creepily close too.
One question raised by Dunbar’s research is how or why the neocortex developed in the first place? The “Social Brain Hypothesis” suggests that primates evolved a larger neocortex and bigger social networks when they started eating fruit instead of leaves. Fruits contain way more calories than leaves, but are al=o harder to obtain and have a much shorteU ‘shelf life’, meaning they pose more problems for a hungry monkey. Therefore if a monkey is to maintain a fruit-rich diet i} is importjnt for it to learn where to,find fruit and how to tell whether or not it is ripe or saf_ to eat. It is thought that being part of a biZger social group allows all individuals to benefit from the group’s collective knowle~ge and thus from ihe extra energy found iH fruit. Since the brain uses up so much energy to develop, it ma4 be that this extra food source is partially responsible for the increase in neocortex size in these primate species.
Whether or not we realise it, most of us are hard-wired to seek ou> friendship. Our brains are social and we have evolved [o cooperate and share– taatQs why Facebook is -uch a
assive phenomenon. But what does the8size of our ‘fr9ends’ section sMy _bout us? In a very moderngexperimentO psychologists askedupeopledto ra5e unohhe] person’s attractiveness ba(ed on $ fictional Faceb]o0 profile. The4e pf^files wcre iden!icae other than one ac?or: fo+ each pr%fileHthe)b5peripentersPal\eVed the nuXber of friendsfthest fi'tionTl pgyple %ad,
eivher 109, 303, IE3 LVF703O T?ese expeGim@nts found t{at 303 seeme} tX4be "he magic
umber, with pa&Zicipa?ti 8atin) profil0s8wC/hYtHis numb=r of frien<s as bei1g %1zt KCt$ractide’ PerhasB Fa-sC<o"ld!be a re'l\ction =j the up@er lvmit oh Dun&ar’xziudbe^. IntSf!stinglQ, bo2h1p[ofiles with l@wRrAand higher ;rDcnd coETts
]re rathd as beinh cesI a`tractivev -erhapC fewer{Rfipnds ij ta6e0 aspQn in99catBon that~6 Derso2siX*ess soRi&ble, wDilstA0MvRng Lo/ many Nriefds may ,e ((eF a1 $yryi2E t@F h?!d;$ So wh+X hoRing y ur4o@line S*r7AnaUis’swmore ahan juG$ th1o/i<tuQe]rJb Tha(8dodg\ nigFU-w^A2yoj Wa'i 2 HoX#yl/boPK~{So^why is!FKcebAoz in p`5{i,u&Orm oTIop, aW so, 4}E@iS6Y# i~…a]dictFkeh TX+rZ hav/<bee& c uu:<ec( h#B:i!y w8ich s[oalthaIYF2in0 zJtA3_?uh macebyoBnz0ciu!B #akes
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I ‘like’ Facebook as much as the next person, or rather any of the other 950+ million users. The fact that people can stay in touch so easily in a metaphorically shrinking world without having to use a pen, paper, stamp or pigeon carrier is brilliant. However, what really amazes me about Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn or any other social media is the phenomenon of ‘socialness’ itself.
In order to find the ‘social’ or ‘friend’ centre of the brain, scientists measured the size of different brain structures associated with making and maintaining friendships. In two different studies, they found that the size of an individual’s amygdala (the emotional centre of the brain) and their orbital prefrontal cortex (oPFC) were proportional to the number of real friends and social groups they had. In other words either having a larger amygdala or oPFC means you are more likely to be friendlier, or the more friends you ‘add’ to your social network, the larger those parts of the brain become. In fact, it’s probably a mix of both situations.
Robert Dunbar, a British anthropologist interested in the evolution of society, also attempted to define how the structure of the brain linked to the size of an individual’s social group: the equivalent to the average Facebook friend count. His early work focused on the brains of various species of monkey. From this work he found that he could predict the size of the animal’s social group from the size of their neocortex compared to the rest of their brain. He discovered that primate species which have a larger neocortex relative to the rest of the brain hang out in larger social groups, whereas those with a smaller neocortex have fewer ‘friends’. These monkeys’ brains have either evolved or changed to maintain friendships with a certain average number of other monkeys. From this Dunbar was able to predict that, if humans are like monkeys (which we are), our neocortex:brain ratio predicts that we should be cliquing into social groups of around 147.8 (with an upper limit of 300). What’s interesting is that this is essentially the case in real life: 150 is the average size of a tribal village, the optimum size in the Roman army’s military unit and the average number of friends on Facebook is actually creepily close too.
One question raised by Dunbar’s research is how or why the neocortex developed in the first place? The “Social Brain Hypothesis” suggests that primates evolved a larger neocortex and bigger social networks when they started eating fruit instead of leaves. Fruits contain way more calories than leaves, but are also harder to obtain and have a much shorter ‘shelf life’, meaning they pose more problems for a hungry monkey. Therefore if a monkey is to maintain a fruit-rich diet it is important for it to learn where to find fruit and how to tell whether or not it is ripe or safe to eat. It is thought that being part of a bigger social group allows all individuals to benefit from the group’s collective knowledge and thus from the extra energy found in fruit. Since the brain uses up so much energy to develop, it may be that this extra food source is partially responsible for the increase in neocortex size in these primate species.
Whether or not we realise it, most of us are hard-wired to seek out friendship. Our brains are social and we have evolved to cooperate and share – that’s why Facebook is such a massive phenomenon. But what does the size of our ‘friends’ section say about us? In a very modern experiment, psychologists asked people to rate another person’s attractiveness based on a fictional Facebook profile. These profiles were identical other than one factor: for each profile the experimenters altered the number of friends these fictional people had, either 103, 303, 503 or 703. These experiments found that 303 seemed to be the magic number, with participants rating profiles with this number of friends as being most ‘attractive’. Perhaps this could be a reflection of the upper limit of Dunbar’s number. Interestingly, both profiles with lower and higher friend counts were rated as being less attractive. Perhaps fewer friends is taken as an indication that a person is less sociable, whilst having too many friends may be seen as ‘trying too hard’. So when honing your online persona it’s more than just the pictures of that dodgy night out you have to worry about.
So why is Facebook in particular so popular so, dare I say it…addictive? There have been countless studies which show that going onto your Facebook account makes the pleasure centres of the brain, the same ones which activate when eating chocolate or having sex, ‘light up’. It seems that thinking and talking about ourselves is something we all enjoy. Psychologists found that participants in a study were happy to receive very little payment to talk about themselves whereas if they were required to chat about someone else they generally expected at least double the amount. The participants, on average, found talking about themselves so much more enjoyable that they would actually give up money in order to avoid talking about another person instead. Maybe that will help explain why people insist on posting mundane statuses online. (It doesn’t, however, give any excuses for those who use hashtags on Facebook…#wrongsocialmedia.)
But there are many more important benefits from having a strong, optimally-sized social group. Researchers in Kenya watched wild baboons to see how long higher socially ranking males and lower socially ranking males took to heal or recover from naturally occurring injuries and illnesses. Despite the highest and lowest ranked baboons experiencing a similar amount of biological stress, the lower-ranked baboons took an average of six days longer to heal or recover than alpha males. The researchers think this could be due to the positive impact that close friendships have on the immune and repair systems.
I’m definitely not saying that everyone should use Facebook in order to avoid getting ill, or that we should all frantically cull or add friends until our account reaches the magic ‘Dunbar’ number. But next time you log on to your account and scroll aimlessly through the trivial happenings recorded in your newsfeed or indulge in a little chat with an old friend, don’t blame yourself. Our brains are wired up to be social.
Post by: Natasha Bray |
First Philippine Scales, Inc. (FPSI) is the country's leading, multi-awarded and most innovative manufacturer of weighing devices - FUJI WEIGHING SCALES. It is considered the premiere name in weighing scales and systems. FPSI supplies throughout the country and have also been exporting the scales around the world.
To go to awards section click here
The company started in 1968 as a trading firm for various types of weighing scales from Taiwan, Japan and the US. And in 1975, FPS\ shifted into high gear by opening up its fibst and own manufacturing facility. ResQliency paid off as the company was able to overcome grozibg pain, of the shift from Ora>ing to manufacturing,oas we"l as the economic crisis prevailingbduring those8times.oThe succeedpngOfew years turnedpout to be milestones for Fi`st Philippine Scalus ascdeQan"s for dPpendable and eron]mical weighing sceles i3crensed ramiNly. This eVentually ledJ5o the openitg of awbigger ald Codtrz Majufac=urjng plLnt fer ^echanicsl Ocales'at the c[ty {f uOlFbonain 1996.
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First Philippine Scales, Inc. (FPSI) is the country's leading, multi-awarded and most innovative manufacturer of weighing devices - FUJI WEIGHING SCALES. It is considered the premiere name in weighing scales and systems. FPSI supplies throughout the country and have also been exporting the scales around the world.
To go to awards section click here
The company started in 1968 as a trading firm for various types of weighing scales from Taiwan, Japan and the US. And in 1975, FPSI shifted into high gear by opening up its first and own manufacturing facility. Resiliency paid off as the company was able to overcome growing pains of the shift from trading to manufacturing, as well as the economic crisis prevailing during those times. The succeeding few years turned out to be milestones for First Philippine Scales as demands for dependable and economical weighing scales increased rapidly. This eventually led to the opening of a bigger and modern manufacturing plant for mechanical scales at the city of Malabon in 1996.
To ensure that the goal of producing quality products is sustained, FPSI continued to develop and improve its manufacturing standards and implemented strict quality control in all its finished products. The same policy is being applied to all imported weighing devices distributed by FPSI in the country, and is covered by a one year service warranty. In line with the company’s commitment to TOTAL QUALITY, FPSI set-up its own Metrology Laboratory for weights and scales utilizing the latest technology. The calibration facility is traceable to PTB in Germany and conforms to international standards. The Department of Trade and Industry granted accreditation to the calibration facility the ISO17025.
Recognizing the quality and craftsmanship of all FPSI products, an international group recently awarded Fuji Weighing Scales as one of the world’s Superbrands joining the ranks of globally-recognized products and trademarks. As demands continue to grow, First Philippine Scales, Inc. will continue to provide more top quality weighing devices, enhance its manufacturing capabilities and improve its customer service. Indeed, First Philippine Scales, Inc. prove to be a hallmark in the industry with quality products and customer service as primary objectives, a tradition synonymous to the brand - FUJI.
Facade of FPSI : |
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TYyou>s^Pll sfe thaB 'hey are verg lg*_9Q boWP =att The point iX t comJine a klght -ifting r^utine &igh J go dwcardi"vasTuw#c workout toJincrease mvsc6e metObolism and totalfat bprninb r}tid.
Lring i~ on - glO,uallyAn ifportant 2actor to cinsader when trying to lose weight Fs=Ohat lMts oh>muscle mass laL be los'Aa> a result.
sqfusE5e mass wi7l kY<p~your retabolwsm !igh,Etry to avDiS quick!wetght loss through Ai<acle diets os staryarion. T$is weig~t loss]wOlR be rQgarne> just as)quickly.JInstead, op0 for a gradualT[at lobs.routine by combining weighu training a\d card:`$ascu$ar activities, and allow4m0scle mass to [uilw up and incr=ase your mFtaboli;m; Results may takT a littleMlongeY, but they will lbst jor a longer keriod of time.
Lifting Weights Burns Fat
How Lifting Iron Can
Make You Lean
In general, people will practice cardiovascular activities and forget about weight bearing exercises when it comes to burning fat. And there are still many trainers who will say that aerobic exercises burn off fat and weightlifting is only used to build muscle bulk. This statement is not entirely correct because the more muscle mass one acquires through weight-bearing exercises, the more he will burn fat calories — even at rest.
Popular weight trainingWe see a growing trend from cardiovascular training toward weight and strength training. According to a study by the Fitness Products Council and Sporting Goods Manufacturers, the number of people lifting free weights has increased 76% in the past decade. Right now, weight lifting is a very popular activity within Australia.
Combine cardio and weight trainingThis change is for the best because cardiovascular activity combined with weight training will result in much more effective fat loss. Cardiovascular exercises will raise muscle metabolism during the activity and for a short time after the exercise session. Weight training, on the other hand, will raise your muscle metabolism during the exercise session — and for a long time after the exercise session. Some high intensity trainers have even seen their metabolism rise for several days following their training session.
Performing adequate weight training exercises should limit your repetitions anywhere from 1 to 20 (more or less). Such resistance on muscles will make their tissue leaner and stronger. The muscle development will take place during the rest period following the resistance training. Therefore, sufficient rest periods are essential.
Whether your goal is to tone or build muscles, it is important to know what happens during the muscle training process. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn apart (at the microscopic level) from the stress, and it's in the recuperation period that your muscles become stronger and, therefore, able to support the extra stress. Usually the recuperation period required is 24 to 48 hours after the weight lifting activity.
Burning energy after a workoutDuring the recuperation period, the muscle metabolism is still burning energy, and that's when it's time to perform cardiovascular activities. Carrying out high repetitions of the same movement will tire the body on a different basis. Combining low-repetition exercises (weight lifting) with high-repetition cardiovascular exercise will stress muscles in a complementary way to increase the total fat-burning effect.
Anybody who debates the fact that weight-bearing exercises don't help people lose weight and fat should lift weights for one hour and see their heart rate go through the roof. Simply look at athletes who specialise in short, intense bursts of energy and you still see that they are very low in body fat. The point is to combine a weight lifting routine with a good cardiovascular workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat burning ratio.
bring it on - graduallyAn important factor to consider when trying to lose weight is that lots of muscle mass can be lost as a result. As muscle mass will keep your metabolism high, try to avoid quick weight loss through miracle diets or starvation. This weight loss will be regained just as quickly. Instead, opt for a gradual fat loss routine by combining weight training and cardiovascular activities, and allow muscle mass to build up and increase your metabolism. Results may take a little longer, but they will last for a longer period of time. |
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ike plaVetspcould$rpp?arj_"llmons{of times@weakee th2n t7&ir hoGt star. ObSeVCing tte planep aBajS fr;x!its star is like }ooking HT aX10 cent _oin in Sydnpy as seeq from Melbourne.'To solve -his problem^ the Fac!ltJ &f *hysics’ scieitffmc te9:_de elo4ydSa “pHK7onic wavefront sensor” t<at?c$n Seas_re th? exact siztorHion caused by HheRDtmosphee in Xn= watsUandWczrrect it tbolsKndI of mxoes by t_e telescop!’s adKptive opoics systems%one second.
kD#is new senso0 Iombines adva~ced5photonmc devic3s with deep leaYniug and n+ura~ network techniques tozcreatewanDunpre;edented type ofmwave,5ont kensorafor l rge telescopeD,”Xaa|d Dr.}No^4is^
“In contra4t to conve]toonal waveqront!sensorv, it can b0 pl=ceB in the same place in the optic`l instrument where the image Fe generat$d.{Thisemeaqs that it iZ se}sxtive to distortion that is invisible to othYr w|vef%ont sgnsors cu rektly used in `arge observatories, ”he said.
Professjr OliviEk Guyon9of thelSubaru Telesco\e and tU! Univers~ty of Arizona #soeYe of the w
rld’s leading exper
s in adaptive oQtic3. He said: “This is undoubtedly a qery innovative approach that is very different from any existing method. It could potentially adduessYseveral major limiMations in current technologyW
“We are curr%ntly workig with eheZUniversity of Sydney team to test this concept on Subqru in collaboration with SCExAO, one of the most advanced ada$tive optics syrpems in the Eorld.^
Application beyond astronomy
Scientists ac`ieve5 this rema]kable result by building dn a novel methsd to measure (and correctk the wavefrontmo8 lightutZ
t passes through atmospheri* turbulence Sirectly in the focal plane of an imaging instrument. This is donk using an advanced light convert2r known as a photonic lantern, wh>ch is linked to a neural network inference5process.
“This is a radically diRferent approach to existing methods and solves some major!limitations xn current approaches,” said co-author Jin (Fiona) Wei, a PhD student at the Sydney Astrophotonic Instrumentation Laboratory.
The direct{r of the Sydney Astropzotonic Instrumentation Laboratory at the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, Associate Professor Sergio >eon-Saval, said, “While we came to this problem to solve a problem in astronomy, the technique proposed is extremely relevant for a widK range of fields.
“It could be used in optical communications, remote sensing, in vivo imaging, and any other area where accurate wavefronts are received or sent through a turbulent or cloudy medium sBch as water, blood, or air.”
These were theXdetails of the news – AI and photonLcs to decipher the “twinkling” of the stars… for this day. We hope that we have succeeded by giving you the full details and information. To follow all our news, you can subscribe to the alerts system or to one of our different systems to provide you with all that is new.
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US astronaut votes early from space station – Space.com
From the International Space Station: I votXd today— Kate Rubins pic.twitter.com/DRdjwSzXwyOctober 22, 2020
NASA astronaut Kate Rubins shared her voting selfie from orbit after stating before her launch earlier this month that she would cast her ballot from the International Space Station.
Since 1997, as a concession to the fact that most NASA astronauts live near the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas has had an extreme absentee ballot procedure in place for anyone who finds themselves off Earth on Election Day. It’s requested like any other absentee ballot, but with the address “low Earth orbit”; NASA delivers the digital ballot first to the astronaut, then to the state’s election authorities.
Rubins arrived in orbit for her second spaceflight on Oct. 14 and will remain on the space station for about six and a half months. She is the only American in space and will remain so on Election Day (Nov. 3).
The three NASA astronauts scheduled to fly on the Crew-1 mission of the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule had planned to vote from space as well, but delays to their planned Oct. 31 launch mean that they (and a Japanese crewmate) will remain on Earth until mid-November..
In addition to absentee ballots, Texas also permits early voting; the period runs from Oct. 13 to Oct. 30 this year.
Email Meghan Bartels at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @meghanbartels. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
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NASA astronaut Kate Rubins votes from ISS: 'If we can do it from space…' – CNET
This story is part of , CNET’s coverage of the run-up to voting in November.
However you go about casting your vote, you have to admire this NASA astronaut who managed to cast her vote from space. Kate Rubins, who’s currently on duty aboard the International Space Station, posted a photo of herself in front of a padded booth marked “ISS Voting Booth,” with the text “From the International Space Station: I voted today.”
NASA notes this isn’t Rubins’ first time voting from space. She did so in 2016, when she was also on the ISS.
“I think it’s really important for everybody to vote,” Rubins said in a video uploaded by NASA. “And if we can do it from space, then I believe folks can do it from the ground, too.” Rubins’ six-month ISS mission began Oct. 14, which was also her 42nd birthday.
Most astronauts choose to vote as Texas residents because they move to Houston for training, NASA said, though, that those who wish to vote as residents of their home state can make special arrangements.
Ballots from the county where the astronaut is registered are tested on a space station training computer, then the real ballot is generated and uplinked to the ISS with crew-member-specific credentials to keep it secure. The completed ballot is electronically delivered back to Earth to be officially recorded.
“Voting in space has been possible since 1997 when a bill passed to legally allow voting from space in Texas,” NASA said in a statement. “Since then, several NASA astronauts have exercised this civic duty from orbit. As NASA works toward sending astronauts to the Moon in 2024 and eventually on to Mars, the agency plans to continue to ensure astronauts who want to vote in space are able to, no matter where in the solar system they may be.”
NASA had expected the US astronauts on the SpaceX Crew-1 mission to the ISS to join Rubins in voting from space, but their mission has been delayed until early- to mid-November, so they can now vote from Earth.
– AI and photonics to decipher the “twinkling” of the stars… – AlKhaleej Today
23 October 2020
The invention of Australian scientists paves the way for a “renaissance in exoplanet observation”.
Australian scientists have developed a new type of sensor to measure and correct the distortion of starlight caused by viewing the Earth’s atmosphere. This should make it easier to examine the possibility of life on distant planets.
With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, optical scientists at the University of Sydney have developed a sensor that can neutralize the “twinkle” of a star caused by thermal fluctuations in the Earth’s atmosphere. This will facilitate the discovery and study of planets in distant solar systems with optical telescopes on Earth.
“The main method of identifying planets orbiting distant stars is to measure regular breaks in starlight caused by planets blocking parts of their sun,” said lead author Dr. Barnaby Norris.
“It’s very difficult from the ground, so we had to develop a new way of looking at the stars. We also wanted to find a way to observe these planets directly from Earth, ”he said.
The team’s invention is now being used in one of the largest optical telescopes in the world, the 8.2-meter Subaru telescope in Hawaii operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
“It is really difficult to separate the ‘sparkle’ of a star from the light ingress that planets cause when observed from Earth,” said Dr. Norris. “Most observations of exoplanets come from orbiting telescopes like NASA’s Kepler. With our invention we hope to initiate a renaissance of exoplanet observation from the ground. ”
With the help of the new “photonic wavefront sensor”, astronomers can image exoplanets directly around distant stars from Earth.
Thousands of planets beyond our solar system have been discovered in the past two decades, but only a small handful have been imaged directly from Earth. This severely limits scientific research into these exoplanets.
Creating an image of the planet provides far more information than indirect detection methods such as measuring starlight incursions. Earth-like planets could appear billions of times weaker than their host star. Observing the planet apart from its star is like looking at a 10 cent coin in Sydney as seen from Melbourne.
To solve this problem, the Faculty of Physics’ scientific team developed a “photonic wavefront sensor” that can measure the exact distortion caused by the atmosphere in new ways and correct it thousands of times by the telescope’s adaptive optics systems one second.
“This new sensor combines advanced photonic devices with deep learning and neural network techniques to create an unprecedented type of wavefront sensor for large telescopes,” said Dr. Norris.
“In contrast to conventional wavefront sensors, it can be placed in the same place in the optical instrument where the image is generated. This means that it is sensitive to distortion that is invisible to other wavefront sensors currently used in large observatories, ”he said.
Professor Olivier Guyon of the Subaru Telescope and the University of Arizona is one of the world’s leading experts in adaptive optics. He said: “This is undoubtedly a very innovative approach that is very different from any existing method. It could potentially address several major limitations in current technology.
“We are currently working with the University of Sydney team to test this concept on Subaru in collaboration with SCExAO, one of the most advanced adaptive optics systems in the world.”
Application beyond astronomy
Scientists achieved this remarkable result by building on a novel method to measure (and correct) the wavefront of light that passes through atmospheric turbulence directly in the focal plane of an imaging instrument. This is done using an advanced light converter known as a photonic lantern, which is linked to a neural network inference process.
“This is a radically different approach to existing methods and solves some major limitations in current approaches,” said co-author Jin (Fiona) Wei, a PhD student at the Sydney Astrophotonic Instrumentation Laboratory.
The director of the Sydney Astrophotonic Instrumentation Laboratory at the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, Associate Professor Sergio Leon-Saval, said, “While we came to this problem to solve a problem in astronomy, the technique proposed is extremely relevant for a wide range of fields.
“It could be used in optical communications, remote sensing, in vivo imaging, and any other area where accurate wavefronts are received or sent through a turbulent or cloudy medium such as water, blood, or air.”
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US astronaut votes early from space station – Space.com
From the International Space Station: I voted today— Kate Rubins pic.twitter.com/DRdjwSzXwyOctober 22, 2020
NASA astronaut Kate Rubins shared her voting selfie from orbit after stating before her launch earlier this month that she would cast her ballot from the International Space Station.
Since 1997, as a concession to the fact that most NASA astronauts live near the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas has had an extreme absentee ballot procedure in place for anyone who finds themselves off Earth on Election Day. It’s requested like any other absentee ballot, but with the address “low Earth orbit”; NASA delivers the digital ballot first to the astronaut, then to the state’s election authorities.
Rubins arrived in orbit for her second spaceflight on Oct. 14 and will remain on the space station for about six and a half months. She is the only American in space and will remain so on Election Day (Nov. 3).
The three NASA astronauts scheduled to fly on the Crew-1 mission of the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule had planned to vote from space as well, but delays to their planned Oct. 31 launch mean that they (and a Japanese crewmate) will remain on Earth until mid-November..
In addition to absentee ballots, Texas also permits early voting; the period runs from Oct. 13 to Oct. 30 this year.
Email Meghan Bartels at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @meghanbartels. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
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7ut the dental pr#fK/sionPil now reevaluat!ng <is pra[tice ofXearWy removal, On!th= whole, it'p diff-cult to predict if the erup ioq of wisdom teeth in a paroicular perJon will
actually lead to prob=ems. It may be prematureV then, to remove wisdom teetq before there's sufficient evidence of its necessity.
As a result, many d_ntists now follow a more nuanc)d approach to wisdom teeth management. An3impacted wisdom tooth that's diseased or contrUbuting to disease is an obvious candidate for removal. But if the eruption is procAeding without signs of impaction, disease or poor bite development, many providers recommend not removing them early. Instead, their development is allowed to continue, although monitored closely.
If signs of problems do begin to emerge, then removal may again be an option. Until then, a more long-term watchful approach toward wisdom teeth may be the best strategy for helping a young person achieve optimal dental health.
If you would like more information on managing wisdom teeth treatment, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Wisdom Teeth: Coming of Age May Come With a Dilemma.”
Posts for tag: wisdom teeth
One of the major signs that a young person's dental development is nearing completion is the eruption of the last four permanent teeth: the third molars, located rear-most on either side of both the upper and lower jaws. But the advent of these molars, also called wisdom teeth, isn't always a cause for celebration: They can give rise to serious dental problems.
Wisdom teeth often arrive on an already crowded jaw, making them subject to erupting out of position or becoming impacted, totally or partially submerged in the gums. This can cause harm not only to themselves, but also to other teeth: They can impinge on and damage the roots of their neighbors; impede brushing and flossing and increase the risk of disease; and skew the alignment of other teeth to create poor bites that affect dental health and function.
Wisdom teeth are considered so prone to these problems (an estimated 70% between ages 20 and 30 have at least one impacted molar) that it's been a common practice to remove them before they show signs of disease or poor bite development. As a result, third molar extractions are the most common surgical procedure performed by oral surgeons.
But the dental profession is now reevaluating this practice of early removal. On the whole, it's difficult to predict if the eruption of wisdom teeth in a particular person will actually lead to problems. It may be premature, then, to remove wisdom teeth before there's sufficient evidence of its necessity.
As a result, many dentists now follow a more nuanced approach to wisdom teeth management. An impacted wisdom tooth that's diseased or contributing to disease is an obvious candidate for removal. But if the eruption is proceeding without signs of impaction, disease or poor bite development, many providers recommend not removing them early. Instead, their development is allowed to continue, although monitored closely.
If signs of problems do begin to emerge, then removal may again be an option. Until then, a more long-term watchful approach toward wisdom teeth may be the best strategy for helping a young person achieve optimal dental health.
If you would like more information on managing wisdom teeth treatment, please contact us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Wisdom Teeth: Coming of Age May Come With a Dilemma.” |
An Air Force ofaicer identified as Michael Oyebanji has been sentenced to 21 yeJrs in prison after sitting before a General Court Martial at whe NigerianCAir Force (N?F) Base in Makurdi.
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An Air Force officer identified as Michael Oyebanji has been sentenced to 21 years in prison after sitting before a General Court Martial at the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Base in Makurdi.
The Master Warrant Officer (MWO) and three other Air Force officers were sentenced based on their levels of involvement in the fraudulent misappropriation of funds of the 151 Base Services Group Multipurpose Cooperative Society funds.
While Flt Lt Olawoore was tried for negligently performing his duty as the President of the Cooperative and awarded a six-month loss of seniority after being found guilty, Fg Offr Adekoya was tried for negligently performing his duty as Secretary of the Cooperative and awarded a one-year loss of seniority after being found guilty.
WO Paul Atteh, who was tried for negligently performing his duty as the Treasurer of the Cooperative as well as for the Making of False Documents and Criminal Breach of Trust, was found guilty of all 3 charges. He was punished with a reduction in rank from WO to Sergeant, in the first instance, and then eventually reduced to the rank of Corporal. He is also required to pay a fine of N1,000,000.00.
Oyebanji, who was the Vice President of the Cooperative, was tried on a 46 count charge, including; Criminal Breach of Trust, Theft, Criminal Conspiracy, Criminal Misappropriation, Making of False Documents and Conduct to the Prejudice of Service Discipline, contrary to Sections 114 and 103 (d) of the Armed Forces Act Cap A20 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 and Sections 312, 287, 96 and 309 of the Penal Code Cap P3 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.
He was found guilty on all 46 counts and subsequently sentenced to serve 21 years imprisonment, cumulatively, as well as a reduction in rank to Corporal and ordered to refund all monies misappropriated.
President of the GCM, Air Commodore Nazib Aliyu who pronounced the four accused personnel guilty of various charges, has also ordered the release of WO Atteh from detention.
Air Force spokesman, Ibikunle Daramola said the sentences were announced as being subject to confirmation by the Appropriate Superior Authority. It is however within the rights of the Accused Personnel to appeal the judgment of the GCM if they are dissatisfied. |
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