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Beliefs fundamental to American society have been confounded - - the beliefs: - -that America fights only in just wars - - and wins because our cause is right; - -that all Presidents are righteous men worthy of public trust; - -that all who seek work in this country can find it; - -that continuous economic growth is our natural heritage; - -that, alone among countries, the American economy has the strength to prosper in isolation. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The administration's strategy has given us the worst depression since Herbert Hoover's. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
American families deserve a better break than that. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
In the Peace Corps, in Headstart, in Legal Services for the Poor, in Foster Grandparents, we created the least bureaucratic public enterprises in modern governmental history. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We need financially sound programs of health insurance, and ways of extending taxes downward to provide credits to those who have too little, income, while fairly taxing those who have much. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We can best fight for the freedoms in which we believe by ceasing to act like international Tories-- the Redcoats of the 20th Century. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The irony of America today is that we have everything to achieve our objectives: we have the people and the resources--no nation has freer, better people or richer natural resources--we have the highest political, religious and philosophocal traditions; we have everything we need today . . . but leadership. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The test of leadership now, as it was for Lincoln, is to reach and bring into action the better angels of our nature. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
For the American people are the greatest teachers of all. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The cure will come from honest, truthful leadership that summons the best in us--as we remember John Kennedy once did. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I intend to claim it, not for myself alone, but for the family that first brought it into being, for the millions who joyfully and hopefully entered public service in those days in order to produce a better life for all, and to those billions of unknown, uncounted human beings whom I have seen all over the world- -in Asia, South America, Western Europe and the Soviet Union- -for whom the memory of those days and of John Kennedy is still an inspiration to their minds and a lift to their hearts. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
America needs new leadership . . . leadership that will open new opportunities for improved quality of life for all citizens. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
America needs new leadership to make this nation truly one in which all people are treated as equals and have equal opportunity to enjoy the higher quality of life now enjoyed by but a small percentage of our population. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I seek the presidency of this great country to supply that kind of leadership, to build a new spirit among our people, and to give new impetus to the forward motion given by Franklin Roosevelt in the 30's and by John F. Kennedy after the doldrums of the 50's. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I seek the presidency of this great country to supply that kind of leadership, to build a new spirit among our people, and to give new impetus to the forward motion given by Franklin Roosevelt in the 30's and by John F. Kennedy after the doldrums of the 50's. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
It is absolutely essential that the next President of the United States be a person with sound ideas for turning the economy around, and with the executive ability to get things done. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
As a professional engineer, I've been solving problems all my life, I demonstrated some of my ability right here in this hotel, nearly two years ago, when I successfully mediated the national truck strike. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
And, deeply concerned about the future, I have devised specific economic programs designed to move this country ahead. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
But, if the next President does not have creative programs and new directions to offer the American people, economic stagnation will continue and our relative position in the world will continue to decline. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
What we need is a leader with deep concern for people and their problems and determination to carry out a sound urogram to resolve those problems. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
This nation has enormous wealth, great untapped resources, and above all, tremendous human talent. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The dollars invested to achieve this goal can be returned many times over. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
That is the way with any sound business investment, and I deeply believe investing for growth in this country is a sound and healthy investment. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
That is the way with any sound business investment, and I deeply believe investing for growth in this country is a sound and healthy investment. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
That is the way with any sound business investment, and I deeply believe investing for growth in this country is a sound and healthy investment. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
It is sheer folly not to use the efforts and talents of all people--young and old--to turn both urban and rural areas into better, healthier places in which to live. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The key to placing the American economy, on a firm basis for the future is the establishment of a modern, businesslike, federal budgetary system and a National Investment Policy similar to that described by President John Kennedy at Yale University in June of 1962. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Such a program, when implemented, will provide sufficient public funds to invest in modernizing the productive capacity of this nation while simultaneously cutting the operating costs of government. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The establishment of a businesslike federal bugetary system in which a balance sheet is prepared to compare our national assets with our national debt, and in which long term capital investment funds are identified and separated from the operating costs of government, will make it possible to initiate major housing programs, to rebuild railroads, to invest in a major energy program and to finance a comprehensive educational system with emphasis on job training. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Our primary goal should be the building of a nation in which all men and women have equal opportunity to develop their talents to the maximum so they can become productive, satisfied members of society and can participate fully in the mainstream of national life. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Indeed, this country has so much to offer that the only thing we have that's greater than present wealth is our future potential. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Studies show that as we make required public investments in our resources, transportation systems and our people, we will stimulate greater private sector Investment, which will and must provide the great bulk of employment and economic growth. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We can have while controlling inflation—if we are willing to stand up to those mega businesses which profit excessively from our present misfortune. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
And I pledge to the American people that I will take such a stance while urging the Congress to adopt this new investment and budgeting policy which will free us, once and for all, from the old myths, while effectively utilizing public funds for investment purposes to propel us on to the road of innovation and renewed prosperity. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
But no other issues will really be solved unless we have a healthy economic base. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I am running for President because the time has finally come when the Federal Government must be run on a businesslike basis with executive leadership and managerial skill. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I intend to avoid rhetoric and appeal instead to the good judgment and concern of the American people. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I sense the people are seeking something new, and better.I am, therefore, confident that they will respond and join me in turning this country around to build a better future for themselves and their children before it is too late. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I sense the people are seeking something new, and better.I am, therefore, confident that they will respond and join me in turning this country around to build a better future for themselves and their children before it is too late. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Two centuries ago our nation's birth was a milestone in the long quest for freedom, but the bold and brilliant dream which excited the founders of this nation still awaits its consummation, I have no new dream to set forth today, but rather urge a fresh faith in the old dream. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Ours was the first society openly to define itself in terms of both spirituality and human liberty. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Let us learn together and laugh together and work together and pray together, confident that in the end we will triumph together in the right. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I believe America can be better. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We recall the special times when we have stood briefly, but magnificently, united; in those times no prize was beyond our grasp. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We reject the prospect of failure or mediocrity or an inferior quality of life for any person. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We have already found a high degree of personal liberty, and we are now struggling to enhance equality of opportunity. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We have learned the "more" is not necessarily "better," that even our great nation has its recognized limits, and that we can neither answer all questions nor solve all problems. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
So together, in a spirit of individual sacrifice for the common good, we must simply do our best. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Our nation can be strong abroad only if it is strong at home, and we know that the best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Tapping this new spirit, there can be no nobler nor more ambitious task for America to undertake on this day of a new beginning than to help shape a just and peaceful world that is truly humane. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We pledge perserverance and wisdom in our efforts to limit the world's armaments to those necessary for each nation's own domestic safety. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Let us be frank about this: it was quite an achievement! | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
It is not very difficult to start a war but, believe me, it is not easy to end a conflict of this kind. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We want to mobilize the creative initiative of the masses and enlist them fully in national construction. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Together with the people's masses we will find appropriate sociopolitical solutions which will facilitate a rapid development of our country. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We must carry these revolutionary achievements throughout the country , especially into the cities. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
] A. We have chosen agriculture as the basis of development because it requires only a small investment, because we possess reliable experience in this field acquired in the liberated regions and because it will enable us to find an immediate solution to the masses' most presssing problems: food and clothing. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Only heavy industry, using the immense natural resources of our country , can lay the foundations for our prosperity and guarantee our national independence. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
This class struggle demands the creation of a new man, and the new man emerges from struggle the struggle of ideas, the constant struggle to eliminate the old and to enable the new to survive. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Through the constant liberation of creative initiative we will create the new man who will eliminate the contradiction between thought and action. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Of course, there were some aspects of our program that had to be altered and, therefore, this year we are prepared to do our work in a more positive manner in each sector, counting upon the massive participation of everyone. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
] A. The main task will be to define the objectives of the ALPHA party and people in building the material and ideological foundations for socialist society. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
To carry out the huge task of building a socialist society we need a vanguard party of the working class guided by the scientific ideology of the proletariat and, at the same time, with the aid of the democratic and mass organizations, we must further extend the front of popular alliances on the basis of anti-imperialist positions. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The assurance of good conduct in future which was given by the Serbian Government at that time has not been kept. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I hope that the United States Government will display wisdom and renounce the actions pursued by you, which may lead to catastrophic consequences for world peace. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
I can see, Mr. President, that you also are not without a sense of anxiety for the fate of the world, not without an understanding and correct assessment of the nature of modern warfare and what war entails. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
You may regard us with distrust, but you can at any rate rest assured that we are of sound mind and understand perfectly well that if we launch an offensive against you, you will respond in kind. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
This indicates that we are sane people , that we understand and assess the situation correctly. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We want something quite different: to compete with your country in a peaceful endeavor. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
But our concept of the world is that questions of ideology, as well as economic problems , should be settled by other than military means; they must be solved in peaceful contest, or as this is interpreted in capitalist society - by competition. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Therefore, Mr. President, let us show good sense. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We know how difficult it is to accomplish a revolution and how difficult it is to rebuild a country on new principles. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Let us therefore display statesmanlike wisdom. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Mr. President, I appeal to you to weigh carefully what the aggressive, piratical actions which you have announced the United States intends to carry out in international waters would lead to. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
You yourself know that a sensible person simply cannot agree to this, cannot recognize your right to such action. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
What that would mean I need not explain to you, because you yourself understand perfectly what dread forces our two countries possess. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Respectfully, N. Khrushchev (Kennedy to Khrushchev, 10/27/62) Dear Mr. Chairman: I have read your letter of October 26th with great care and welcomed the statement of your desire to seek a prompt solution to the problem. | ACH | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The two are old acquaintances. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
On past voyages the two struck up a friendship born out of common experience. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Both are happy to know they will have a close companion on the coming voyage. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
They will continue their close but sporadic friendship until an unforeseen calamity suddenly removes one. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The man, smiling so casually, obviously has a great deal of love for the woman whose back we can only see. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
It wasn't always like that though, as the man is now remembering..Those winter days by the river, the spring day in the fields. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Only John and I were left to take in the dead sights and talk and talk and talk endlessly. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
A-13 Sam and Martha are very good friends. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
He just got out of prison yesterday an immediately went to see Martha, one of his best and closest friends. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
They thought it would be a good opportunity to get re-acquainted. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
We sat there by the bridge, Mary and I, and reminisced about our now distant childhood. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The recollection of skating on the Charles, and the time she had pushed me through the ice, brought a laugh to the conversation; but it quickly faded in the murky waters of the river that could no longer freeze over/ The town that had been an enormous playground for us years before was now a polluted city on the move. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
He persists in discussing it, their old memories together, and their plans, but she sits quietly, thinking only of how she wished he would leave so she could be alone again. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
How can two people like this get along? | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
She says, "Why sure father, I'd love to . . . . " It is a beautiful day so they take a walk by the Shooney River. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Father and Sally sit down on the bench and talk. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Families were wiped out, doctors could not even take the time to bury their own parents, their own children, their own lovers. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The one on the left has a happy home home and family, she is a leader among women and very independent. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Someone really cared and that was great to know. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
B-3 Mr. X has unfortunately been unable to locate a friend of his departing for Europe aboard the S. S.Potter.The boat's purser is on hand for some advice. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Mr. X has wandered through all decks of the ship in a vain effort to find his friend.Exasperated, he has sought help. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Mr. X is concerned lest he not find his acquaintance in time, for not seeing him off would be an unfortunate faux pas. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
The man and girl sit quietly on the cold solitary bench and talk of just ordinary things , trying to avoid discussing the real pertinent issue of which they were afraid. | AFF | Please classify the following sentence according to the motivation behind it. Respond with ACH (achievement), AFF (affiliation), or PWR (power). |
Subsets and Splits