function collectWithWildcard(test) { test.expect(4); var api_server = new Test_ApiServer(function handler(request, callback) { var url = request.url; switch (url) { case '/accounts?username=chariz*': let account = new Model_Account({ username: 'charizard' }); return void callback(null, [ account.redact() ]); default: let error = new Error('Invalid url: ' + url); return void callback(error); } }); var parameters = { username: 'chariz*' }; function handler(error, results) { test.equals(error, null); test.equals(results.length, 1); var account = results[0]; test.equals(account.get('username'), 'charizard'); test.equals(account.get('type'), Enum_AccountTypes.MEMBER); api_server.destroy(); test.done(); } Resource_Accounts.collect(parameters, handler); } module.exports = { collectWithWildcard };
angular.module('appTesting').service("LoginLocalStorage", function () { "use strict"; var STORE_NAME = "login"; var setUser = function setUser(user) { localStorage.setItem(STORE_NAME, JSON.stringify(user)); } var getUser = function getUser() { var storedTasks = localStorage.getItem(STORE_NAME); if (storedTasks) { return JSON.parse(storedTasks); } return {}; } return { setUser: setUser, getUser: getUser } });
// flow-typed signature: d37503430b92ad584be6e2c6f8d1fc08 // flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/ua-parser-js_v1.0.2/flow_v0.171.0 /** * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for: * * 'ua-parser-js' * * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types. * * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the * community by sending a pull request to: * */ declare module 'ua-parser-js' { declare module.exports: any; } /** * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't * needed. */ declare module 'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.min' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.pack' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/package' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/src/ua-parser' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/test/test' { declare module.exports: any; } // Filename aliases declare module 'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.min.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.min'>; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.pack.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'ua-parser-js/dist/ua-parser.pack'>; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/package.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'ua-parser-js/package'>; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/src/ua-parser.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'ua-parser-js/src/ua-parser'>; } declare module 'ua-parser-js/test/test.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'ua-parser-js/test/test'>; }
/* eslint-disable no-console */ const buildData = require('./build_data'); const buildSrc = require('./build_src'); const buildCSS = require('./build_css'); let _currBuild = null; // if called directly, do the thing. buildAll(); function buildAll() { if (_currBuild) return _currBuild; return _currBuild = Promise.resolve() .then(() => buildCSS()) .then(() => buildData()) .then(() => buildSrc()) .then(() => _currBuild = null) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); _currBuild = null; process.exit(1); }); } module.exports = buildAll;
function LetterProps(o, sw, sc, fc, m, p) { this.o = o; this.sw = sw; = sc; this.fc = fc; this.m = m; this.p = p; this._mdf = { o: true, sw: !!sw, sc: !!sc, fc: !!fc, m: true, p: true, }; } LetterProps.prototype.update = function (o, sw, sc, fc, m, p) { this._mdf.o = false; this._mdf.sw = false; = false; this._mdf.fc = false; this._mdf.m = false; this._mdf.p = false; var updated = false; if (this.o !== o) { this.o = o; this._mdf.o = true; updated = true; } if (this.sw !== sw) { this.sw = sw; this._mdf.sw = true; updated = true; } if ( !== sc) { = sc; = true; updated = true; } if (this.fc !== fc) { this.fc = fc; this._mdf.fc = true; updated = true; } if (this.m !== m) { this.m = m; this._mdf.m = true; updated = true; } if (p.length && (this.p[0] !== p[0] || this.p[1] !== p[1] || this.p[4] !== p[4] || this.p[5] !== p[5] || this.p[12] !== p[12] || this.p[13] !== p[13])) { this.p = p; this._mdf.p = true; updated = true; } return updated; };
System.register(["angular2/test_lib", "angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed", "angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/annotations", "angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/view", "angular2/src/core/compiler/dynamic_component_loader", "angular2/src/core/compiler/element_ref", "angular2/src/directives/if", "angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer", "angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter"], function($__export) { "use strict"; var AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, ddescribe, xdescribe, describe, el, dispatchEvent, expect, iit, inject, beforeEachBindings, it, xit, TestBed, Component, View, DynamicComponentLoader, ElementRef, If, DirectDomRenderer, DOM, ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent, ChildComp, DynamicallyCreatedComponentService, DynamicComp, DynamicallyCreatedCmp, DynamicallyLoaded, DynamicallyLoaded2, DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps, Location, MyComp; function main() { describe('DynamicComponentLoader', function() { describe("loading into existing location", (function() { it('should work', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<dynamic-comp #dynamic></dynamic-comp>', directives: [DynamicComp] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var dynamicComponent = view.rawView.locals.get("dynamic"); expect(dynamicComponent).toBeAnInstanceOf(DynamicComp); dynamicComponent.done.then((function(_) { view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello'); async.done(); })); })); }))); it('should inject dependencies of the dynamically-loaded component', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<dynamic-comp #dynamic></dynamic-comp>', directives: [DynamicComp] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var dynamicComponent = view.rawView.locals.get("dynamic"); dynamicComponent.done.then((function(ref) { expect(ref.instance.dynamicallyCreatedComponentService).toBeAnInstanceOf(DynamicallyCreatedComponentService); async.done(); })); })); }))); it('should allow to destroy and create them via viewcontainer directives', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<div><dynamic-comp #dynamic template="if: ctxBoolProp"></dynamic-comp></div>', directives: [DynamicComp, If] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { view.context.ctxBoolProp = true; view.detectChanges(); var dynamicComponent = view.rawView.viewContainers[0].views[0].locals.get("dynamic"); dynamicComponent.done.then((function(_) { view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello'); view.context.ctxBoolProp = false; view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rawView.viewContainers[0].views.length).toBe(0); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText(''); view.context.ctxBoolProp = true; view.detectChanges(); var dynamicComponent = view.rawView.viewContainers[0].views[0].locals.get("dynamic"); return dynamicComponent.done; })).then((function(_) { view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello'); async.done(); })); })); }))); })); describe("loading next to an existing location", (function() { it('should work', inject([DynamicComponentLoader, TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(loader, tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<div><location #loc></location></div>', directives: [Location] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var location = view.rawView.locals.get("loc"); loader.loadNextToExistingLocation(DynamicallyLoaded, location.elementRef).then((function(ref) { expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText("Location;DynamicallyLoaded;"); async.done(); })); })); }))); it('should return a disposable component ref', inject([DynamicComponentLoader, TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(loader, tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<div><location #loc></location></div>', directives: [Location] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var location = view.rawView.locals.get("loc"); loader.loadNextToExistingLocation(DynamicallyLoaded, location.elementRef).then((function(ref) { loader.loadNextToExistingLocation(DynamicallyLoaded2, location.elementRef).then((function(ref2) { expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText("Location;DynamicallyLoaded;DynamicallyLoaded2;"); ref2.dispose(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText("Location;DynamicallyLoaded;"); async.done(); })); })); })); }))); it('should update host properties', inject([DynamicComponentLoader, TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(loader, tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<div><location #loc></location></div>', directives: [Location] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var location = view.rawView.locals.get("loc"); loader.loadNextToExistingLocation(DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps, location.elementRef).then((function(ref) { = "new value"; view.detectChanges(); var newlyInsertedElement = DOM.childNodesAsList(view.rootNodes[0])[1]; expect("new value"); async.done(); })); })); }))); })); describe('loading into a new location', (function() { it('should allow to create, update and destroy components', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (function(tb, async) { tb.overrideView(MyComp, new View({ template: '<imp-ng-cmp #impview></imp-ng-cmp>', directives: [ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent] })); tb.createView(MyComp).then((function(view) { var userViewComponent = view.rawView.locals.get("impview"); userViewComponent.done.then((function(childComponentRef) { view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello'); childComponentRef.instance.ctxProp = 'new'; view.detectChanges(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('new'); childComponentRef.dispose(); expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText(''); async.done(); })); })); }))); })); }); } $__export("main", main); return { setters: [function($__m) { AsyncTestCompleter = $__m.AsyncTestCompleter; beforeEach = $__m.beforeEach; ddescribe = $__m.ddescribe; xdescribe = $__m.xdescribe; describe = $__m.describe; el = $__m.el; dispatchEvent = $__m.dispatchEvent; expect = $__m.expect; iit = $__m.iit; inject = $__m.inject; beforeEachBindings = $__m.beforeEachBindings; it = $; xit = $__m.xit; }, function($__m) { TestBed = $__m.TestBed; }, function($__m) { Component = $__m.Component; }, function($__m) { View = $__m.View; }, function($__m) { DynamicComponentLoader = $__m.DynamicComponentLoader; }, function($__m) { ElementRef = $__m.ElementRef; }, function($__m) { If = $__m.If; }, function($__m) { DirectDomRenderer = $__m.DirectDomRenderer; }, function($__m) { DOM = $__m.DOM; }], execute: function() { ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent = (function() { var ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent = function ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent(self, dynamicComponentLoader, renderer) { var div = el('<div></div>'); renderer.setImperativeComponentRootNodes(self.parentView.render, self.boundElementIndex, [div]); this.done = dynamicComponentLoader.loadIntoNewLocation(ChildComp, self, div, null); }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'imp-ng-cmp'}), new View({renderer: 'imp-ng-cmp-renderer'})]; }}); Object.defineProperty(ImperativeViewComponentUsingNgComponent, "parameters", {get: function() { return [[ElementRef], [DynamicComponentLoader], [DirectDomRenderer]]; }}); ChildComp = (function() { var ChildComp = function ChildComp() { this.ctxProp = 'hello'; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ChildComp, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(ChildComp, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'child-cmp'}), new View({template: '{{ctxProp}}'})]; }}); DynamicallyCreatedComponentService = (function() { var DynamicallyCreatedComponentService = function DynamicallyCreatedComponentService() { ; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicallyCreatedComponentService, {}, {}); }()); DynamicComp = (function() { var DynamicComp = function DynamicComp(loader, location) { this.done = loader.loadIntoExistingLocation(DynamicallyCreatedCmp, location); }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicComp, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(DynamicComp, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'dynamic-comp'})]; }}); Object.defineProperty(DynamicComp, "parameters", {get: function() { return [[DynamicComponentLoader], [ElementRef]]; }}); DynamicallyCreatedCmp = (function() { var DynamicallyCreatedCmp = function DynamicallyCreatedCmp(a) { this.greeting = "hello"; this.dynamicallyCreatedComponentService = a; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicallyCreatedCmp, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(DynamicallyCreatedCmp, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({ selector: 'hello-cmp', injectables: [DynamicallyCreatedComponentService] }), new View({template: "{{greeting}}"})]; }}); Object.defineProperty(DynamicallyCreatedCmp, "parameters", {get: function() { return [[DynamicallyCreatedComponentService]]; }}); DynamicallyLoaded = (function() { var DynamicallyLoaded = function DynamicallyLoaded() { ; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicallyLoaded, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(DynamicallyLoaded, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'dummy'}), new View({template: "DynamicallyLoaded;"})]; }}); DynamicallyLoaded2 = (function() { var DynamicallyLoaded2 = function DynamicallyLoaded2() { ; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicallyLoaded2, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(DynamicallyLoaded2, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'dummy'}), new View({template: "DynamicallyLoaded2;"})]; }}); DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps = (function() { var DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps = function DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps() { = "default"; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({ selector: 'dummy', hostProperties: {'id': 'id'} }), new View({template: "DynamicallyLoadedWithHostProps;"})]; }}); Location = (function() { var Location = function Location(elementRef) { this.elementRef = elementRef; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Location, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(Location, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'location'}), new View({template: "Location;"})]; }}); Object.defineProperty(Location, "parameters", {get: function() { return [[ElementRef]]; }}); MyComp = (function() { var MyComp = function MyComp() { this.ctxBoolProp = false; }; return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MyComp, {}, {}); }()); Object.defineProperty(MyComp, "annotations", {get: function() { return [new Component({selector: 'my-comp'}), new View({directives: []})]; }}); } }; }); //# //# sourceMappingURL=./
// The following are instance methods and variables var Note = Class.create({ initialize: function(id, is_new, raw_body) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#initialize (id=%d)", id) } = id this.is_new = is_new this.document_observers = []; // Cache the elements this.elements = { box: $('note-box-' +, corner: $('note-corner-' +, body: $('note-body-' +, image: $('image') } // Cache the dimensions this.fullsize = { left:, top:, width:, height: } // Store the original values (in case the user clicks Cancel) this.old = { raw_body: raw_body, formatted_body: this.elements.body.innerHTML } for (p in this.fullsize) { this.old[p] = this.fullsize[p] } // Make the note translucent if (is_new) { } else { } if (is_new && raw_body == '') { this.bodyfit = true = "100px" } // Attach the event listeners"mousedown", this.dragStart.bindAsEventListener(this))"mouseout", this.bodyHideTimer.bindAsEventListener(this))"mouseover", this.bodyShow.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.elements.corner.observe("mousedown", this.resizeStart.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.elements.body.observe("mouseover", this.bodyShow.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.elements.body.observe("mouseout", this.bodyHideTimer.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.elements.body.observe("click", this.showEditBox.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.adjustScale() }, // Returns the raw text value of this note textValue: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#textValue (id=%d)", } return this.old.raw_body.strip() }, // Removes the edit box hideEditBox: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#hideEditBox (id=%d)", } var editBox = $('edit-box') if (editBox != null) { var boxid = editBox.noteid $("edit-box").stopObserving() $("note-save-" + boxid).stopObserving() $("note-cancel-" + boxid).stopObserving() $("note-remove-" + boxid).stopObserving() $("note-history-" + boxid).stopObserving() $("edit-box").remove() } }, // Shows the edit box showEditBox: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#showEditBox (id=%d)", } this.hideEditBox(e) var insertionPosition = Note.getInsertionPosition() var top = insertionPosition[0] var left = insertionPosition[1] var html = "" html += '<div id="edit-box" style="top: '+top+'px; left: '+left+'px; position: absolute; visibility: visible; z-index: 100; background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 12px;">' html += '<form onsubmit="return false;" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">' html += '<textarea rows="7" id="edit-box-text" style="width: 350px; margin: 2px 2px 12px 2px;">' + this.textValue() + '</textarea>' html += '<input type="submit" value="Save" name="save" id="note-save-' + + '">' html += '<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel" id="note-cancel-' + + '">' html += '<input type="submit" value="Remove" name="remove" id="note-remove-' + + '">' html += '<input type="submit" value="History" name="history" id="note-history-' + + '">' html += '</form>' html += '</div>' $("note-container").insert({bottom: html}) $('edit-box').noteid = $("edit-box").observe("mousedown", this.editDragStart.bindAsEventListener(this)) $("note-save-" +"click", $("note-cancel-" +"click", this.cancel.bindAsEventListener(this)) $("note-remove-" +"click", this.remove.bindAsEventListener(this)) $("note-history-" +"click", this.history.bindAsEventListener(this)) $("edit-box-text").focus() }, // Shows the body text for the note bodyShow: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#bodyShow (id=%d)", } if (this.dragging) { return } if (this.hideTimer) { clearTimeout(this.hideTimer) this.hideTimer = null } if (Note.noteShowingBody == this) { return } if (Note.noteShowingBody) { Note.noteShowingBody.bodyHide() } Note.noteShowingBody = this if (Note.zindex >= 9) { /* don't use more than 10 layers (+1 for the body, which will always be above all notes) */ Note.zindex = 0 for (var i=0; i< Note.all.length; ++i) { Note.all[i] = 0 } } = ++Note.zindex = 10 = 0 + "px" = 0 + "px" var dw = document.documentElement.scrollWidth = "hidden" = "block" if (!this.bodyfit) { = "auto" = "140px" var w = null, h = null, lo = null, hi = null, x = null, last = null w = this.elements.body.offsetWidth h = this.elements.body.offsetHeight if (w/h < 1.6180339887) { /* for tall notes (lots of text), find more pleasant proportions */ lo = 140, hi = 400 do { last = w x = (lo+hi)/2 = x + "px" w = this.elements.body.offsetWidth h = this.elements.body.offsetHeight if (w/h < 1.6180339887) lo = x else hi = x } while ((lo < hi) && (w > last)) } else if (this.elements.body.scrollWidth <= this.elements.body.clientWidth) { /* for short notes (often a single line), make the box no wider than necessary */ // scroll test necessary for Firefox lo = 20, hi = w do { x = (lo+hi)/2 = x + "px" if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight > h) lo = x else hi = x } while ((hi - lo) > 4) if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight > h) = hi + "px" } if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { // IE7 adds scrollbars if the box is too small, obscuring the text if (this.elements.body.offsetHeight < 35) { = "35px" } if (this.elements.body.offsetWidth < 47) { = "47px" } } this.bodyfit = true } = ( + + 5) + "px" // keep the box within the document's width var l = 0, e = do { l += e.offsetLeft } while (e = e.offsetParent) l += this.elements.body.offsetWidth + 10 - dw if (l > 0) = - l + "px" else = + "px" = "visible" }, // Creates a timer that will hide the body text for the note bodyHideTimer: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#bodyHideTimer (id=%d)", } this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.bodyHide.bindAsEventListener(this), 250) }, // Hides the body text for the note bodyHide: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#bodyHide (id=%d)", } this.elements.body.hide() if (Note.noteShowingBody == this) { Note.noteShowingBody = null } }, addDocumentObserver: function(name, func) { document.observe(name, func); this.document_observers.push([name, func]); }, clearDocumentObservers: function(name, handler) { for(var i = 0; i < this.document_observers.length; ++i) { var observer = this.document_observers[i]; document.stopObserving(observer[0], observer[1]); } this.document_observers = []; }, // Start dragging the note dragStart: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#dragStart (id=%d)", } this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.drag.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.dragStop.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.addDocumentObserver("selectstart", function() {return false}) this.cursorStartX = e.pointerX() this.cursorStartY = e.pointerY() this.boxStartX = this.boxStartY = this.boundsX = new ClipRange(5, this.elements.image.clientWidth - - 5) this.boundsY = new ClipRange(5, this.elements.image.clientHeight - - 5) this.dragging = true this.bodyHide() }, // Stop dragging the note dragStop: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#dragStop (id=%d)", } this.clearDocumentObservers() this.cursorStartX = null this.cursorStartY = null this.boxStartX = null this.boxStartY = null this.boundsX = null this.boundsY = null this.dragging = false this.bodyShow() }, ratio: function() { return this.elements.image.width / this.elements.image.getAttribute("large_width") // var ratio = this.elements.image.width / this.elements.image.getAttribute("large_width") // if (this.elements.image.scale_factor != null) // ratio *= this.elements.image.scale_factor; // return ratio }, // Scale the notes for when the image gets resized adjustScale: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#adjustScale (id=%d)", } var ratio = this.ratio() for (p in this.fullsize) {[p] = this.fullsize[p] * ratio + 'px' } }, // Update the note's position as it gets dragged drag: function(e) { var left = this.boxStartX + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX var top = this.boxStartY + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY left = this.boundsX.clip(left) top = this.boundsY.clip(top) = left + 'px' = top + 'px' var ratio = this.ratio() this.fullsize.left = left / ratio = top / ratio e.stop() }, // Start dragging the edit box editDragStart: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#editDragStart (id=%d)", } var node = e.element().nodeName if (node != 'FORM' && node != 'DIV') { return } this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.editDrag.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.editDragStop.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.addDocumentObserver("selectstart", function() {return false}) this.elements.editBox = $('edit-box'); this.cursorStartX = e.pointerX() this.cursorStartY = e.pointerY() this.editStartX = this.elements.editBox.offsetLeft this.editStartY = this.elements.editBox.offsetTop this.dragging = true }, // Stop dragging the edit box editDragStop: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#editDragStop (id=%d)", } this.clearDocumentObservers() this.cursorStartX = null this.cursorStartY = null this.editStartX = null this.editStartY = null this.dragging = false }, // Update the edit box's position as it gets dragged editDrag: function(e) { var left = this.editStartX + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX var top = this.editStartY + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY = left + 'px' = top + 'px' e.stop() }, // Start resizing the note resizeStart: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#resizeStart (id=%d)", } this.cursorStartX = e.pointerX() this.cursorStartY = e.pointerY() this.boxStartWidth = this.boxStartHeight = this.boxStartX = this.boxStartY = this.boundsX = new ClipRange(10, this.elements.image.clientWidth - this.boxStartX - 5) this.boundsY = new ClipRange(10, this.elements.image.clientHeight - this.boxStartY - 5) this.dragging = true this.clearDocumentObservers() this.addDocumentObserver("mousemove", this.resize.bindAsEventListener(this)) this.addDocumentObserver("mouseup", this.resizeStop.bindAsEventListener(this)) e.stop() this.bodyHide() }, // Stop resizing teh note resizeStop: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#resizeStop (id=%d)", } this.clearDocumentObservers() this.boxCursorStartX = null this.boxCursorStartY = null this.boxStartWidth = null this.boxStartHeight = null this.boxStartX = null this.boxStartY = null this.boundsX = null this.boundsY = null this.dragging = false e.stop() }, // Update the note's dimensions as it gets resized resize: function(e) { var width = this.boxStartWidth + e.pointerX() - this.cursorStartX var height = this.boxStartHeight + e.pointerY() - this.cursorStartY width = this.boundsX.clip(width) height = this.boundsY.clip(height) = width + "px" = height + "px" var ratio = this.ratio() this.fullsize.width = width / ratio this.fullsize.height = height / ratio e.stop() }, // Save the note to the database save: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#save (id=%d)", } var note = this for (p in this.fullsize) { this.old[p] = this.fullsize[p] } this.old.raw_body = $('edit-box-text').value this.old.formatted_body = this.textValue() // FIXME: this is not quite how the note will look (filtered elems, <tn>...). the user won't input a <script> that only damages him, but it might be nice to "preview" the <tn> here this.elements.body.update(this.textValue()) this.hideEditBox(e) this.bodyHide() this.bodyfit = false var params = { "id":, "note[x]": this.old.left, "note[y]":, "note[width]": this.old.width, "note[height]": this.old.height, "note[body]": this.old.raw_body } if (this.is_new) { params["note[post_id]"] = Note.post_id } notice("Saving note...") new Ajax.Request('/note/update.json', { parameters: params, onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON if (resp.success) { notice("Note saved") var note = Note.find(resp.old_id) if (resp.old_id < 0) { note.is_new = false = resp.new_id = 'note-box-' + = 'note-body-' + = 'note-corner-' + } note.elements.body.innerHTML = resp.formatted_body'unsaved') } else { notice("Error: " + resp.reason)'unsaved') } } }) e.stop() }, // Revert the note to the last saved state cancel: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#cancel (id=%d)", } this.hideEditBox(e) this.bodyHide() var ratio = this.ratio() for (p in this.fullsize) { this.fullsize[p] = this.old[p][p] = this.fullsize[p] * ratio + 'px' } this.elements.body.innerHTML = this.old.formatted_body e.stop() }, // Remove all references to the note from the page removeCleanup: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#removeCleanup (id=%d)", } this.elements.body.remove() var allTemp = [] for (i=0; i<Note.all.length; ++i) { if (Note.all[i].id != { allTemp.push(Note.all[i]) } } Note.all = allTemp Note.updateNoteCount() }, // Removes a note from the database remove: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#remove (id=%d)", } this.hideEditBox(e) this.bodyHide() this_note = this if (this.is_new) { this.removeCleanup() notice("Note removed") } else { notice("Removing note...") new Ajax.Request('/note/update.json', { parameters: { "id":, "note[is_active]": "0" }, onComplete: function(resp) { var resp = resp.responseJSON if (resp.success) { notice("Note removed") this_note.removeCleanup() } else { notice("Error: " + resp.reason) } } }) } e.stop() }, // Redirect to the note's history history: function(e) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note#history (id=%d)", } this.hideEditBox(e) if (this.is_new) { notice("This note has no history") } else { location.href = '/history?search=notes:' + } e.stop() } }) // The following are class methods and variables Object.extend(Note, { zindex: 0, counter: -1, all: [], display: true, debug: false, // Show all notes show: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("") } $("note-container").show() }, // Hide all notes hide: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.hide") } $("note-container").hide() }, // Find a note instance based on the id number find: function(id) { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.find") } for (var i=0; i<Note.all.size(); ++i) { if (Note.all[i].id == id) { return Note.all[i] } } return null }, // Toggle the display of all notes toggle: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.toggle") } if (Note.display) { Note.hide() Note.display = false } else { Note.display = true } }, // Update the text displaying the number of notes a post has updateNoteCount: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.updateNoteCount") } if (Note.all.length > 0) { var label = "" if (Note.all.length == 1) label = "note" else label = "notes" $('note-count').innerHTML = "This post has <a href=\"/note/history?post_id=" + Note.post_id + "\">" + Note.all.length + " " + label + "</a>" } else { $('note-count').innerHTML = "" } }, // Create a new note create: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.create") } var insertion_position = Note.getInsertionPosition() var top = insertion_position[0] var left = insertion_position[1] var html = '' html += '<div class="note-box unsaved" style="width: 150px; height: 150px; ' html += 'top: ' + top + 'px; ' html += 'left: ' + left + 'px;" ' html += 'id="note-box-' + Note.counter + '">' html += '<div class="note-corner" id="note-corner-' + Note.counter + '"></div>' html += '</div>' html += '<div class="note-body" title="Click to edit" id="note-body-' + Note.counter + '"></div>' $("note-container").insert({bottom: html}) var note = new Note(Note.counter, true, "") Note.all.push(note) Note.counter -= 1 }, // Find a suitable position to insert new notes getInsertionPosition: function() { if (Note.debug) { console.debug("Note.getInsertionPosition") } // We want to show the edit box somewhere on the screen, but not outside the image. var scroll_x = $("image").cumulativeScrollOffset()[0] var scroll_y = $("image").cumulativeScrollOffset()[1] var image_left = $("image").positionedOffset()[0] var image_top = $("image").positionedOffset()[1] var image_right = image_left + $("image").width var image_bottom = image_top + $("image").height var left = 0 var top = 0 if (scroll_x > image_left) { left = scroll_x } else { left = image_left } if (scroll_y > image_top) { top = scroll_y } else { top = image_top + 20 } if (top > image_bottom) { top = image_top + 20 } return [top, left] } })
describe('dJSON', function () { 'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; var dJSON = require('../lib/dJSON'); var path = 'x.y["q.{r}"].z'; var obj; beforeEach(function () { obj = { x: { y: { 'q.{r}': { z: 635 }, q: { r: { z: 1 } } } }, 'x-y': 5, falsy: false }; }); it('gets a value from an object with a path containing properties which contain a period', function () { expect(dJSON.get(obj, path)).to.equal(635); expect(dJSON.get(obj, 'x.y.q.r.z')).to.equal(1); }); it('sets a value from an object with a path containing properties which contain a period', function () { dJSON.set(obj, path, 17771); expect(dJSON.get(obj, path)).to.equal(17771); expect(dJSON.get(obj, 'x.y.q.r.z')).to.equal(1); }); it('will return undefined when requesting a property with a dash directly', function () { expect(dJSON.get(obj, 'x-y')); }); it('will return the proper value when requesting a property with a dash by square bracket notation', function () { expect(dJSON.get(obj, '["x-y"]')).to.equal(5); }); it('returns a value that is falsy', function () { expect(dJSON.get(obj, 'falsy')).to.equal(false); }); it('sets a value that is falsy', function () { dJSON.set(obj, 'new', false); expect(dJSON.get(obj, 'new')).to.equal(false); }); it('uses an empty object as default for the value in the set method', function () { var newObj = {}; dJSON.set(newObj, ''); expect(newObj).to.deep.equal({ foo: { bar: { lorem: {} } } }); }); it('does not create an object when a path exists as empty string', function () { var newObj = { nestedObject: { anArray: [ 'i have a value', '' ] } }; var newPath = 'nestedObject.anArray[1]'; dJSON.set(newObj, newPath, 17771); expect(newObj).to.deep.equal({ nestedObject: { anArray: [ 'i have a value', 17771 ] } }); }); it('creates an object from a path with a left curly brace', function () { var newObj = {}; dJSON.set(newObj, path.replace('}', ''), 'foo'); expect(newObj){ x: { y: { 'q.{r': { z: 'foo' } } } }); }); it('creates an object from a path with a right curly brace', function () { var newObj = {}; dJSON.set(newObj, path.replace('{', ''), 'foo'); expect(newObj){ x: { y: { 'q.r}': { z: 'foo' } } } }); }); it('creates an object from a path with curly braces', function () { var newObj = {}; dJSON.set(newObj, path, 'foo'); expect(newObj){ x: { y: { 'q.{r}': { z: 'foo' } } } }); }); it('creates an object from a path without curly braces', function () { var newObj = {}; dJSON.set(newObj, path.replace('{', '').replace('}', ''), 'foo'); expect(newObj){ x: { y: { 'q.r': { z: 'foo' } } } }); }); });
var fusepm = require('./fusepm'); module.exports = fixunoproj; function fixunoproj () { var fn = fusepm.local_unoproj("."); fusepm.read_unoproj(fn).then(function (obj) { var inc = []; if (obj.Includes) { var re = /\//; for (var i=0; i<obj.Includes.length;i++) { if (obj.Includes[i] === '*') { inc.push('./*.ux'); inc.push('./*.uno'); inc.push('./*.uxl'); } else if (!obj.Includes[i].match(re)) { inc.push('./' + obj.Includes[i]); } else { inc.push(obj.Includes[i]); } } } else { inc = ['./*.ux', './*.uno', './*.uxl']; } if (!obj.Version) { obj.Version = "0.0.0"; } obj.Includes = inc; fusepm.save_unoproj(fn, obj); }).catch(function (e) { console.log(e); }); }
import mod437 from './mod437'; var value=mod437+1; export default value;
const defaults = { base_css: true, // the base dark theme css inline_youtube: true, // makes youtube videos play inline the chat collapse_onebox: true, // can collapse collapse_onebox_default: false, // default option for collapse pause_youtube_on_collapse: true, // default option for pausing youtube on collapse user_color_bars: true, // show colored bars above users message blocks fish_spinner: true, // fish spinner is best spinner inline_imgur: true, // inlines webm,gifv,mp4 content from imgur visualize_hex: true, // underlines hex codes with their colour values syntax_highlight_code: true, // guess at language and highlight the code blocks emoji_translator: true, // emoji translator for INPUT area code_mode_editor: true, // uses CodeMirror for your code inputs better_image_uploads: true // use the drag & drop and paste api for image uploads }; const fileLocations = { inline_youtube: ['js/inline_youtube.js'], collapse_onebox: ['js/collapse_onebox.js'], user_color_bars: ['js/user_color_bars.js'], fish_spinner: ['js/fish_spinner.js'], inline_imgur: ['js/inline_imgur.js'], visualize_hex: ['js/visualize_hex.js'], better_image_uploads: ['js/better_image_uploads.js'], syntax_highlight_code: ['js/highlight.js', 'js/syntax_highlight_code.js'], emoji_translator: ['js/emojidata.js', 'js/emoji_translator.js'], code_mode_editor: ['CodeMirror/js/codemirror.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/cmake/cmake.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/cobol/cobol.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/coffeescript/coffeescript.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/commonlisp/commonlisp.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/css/css.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/dart/dart.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/go/go.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/groovy/groovy.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/haml/haml.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/haskell/haskell.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/htmlembedded/htmlembedded.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/jade/jade.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/lua/lua.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/mathematica/mathematica.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/nginx/nginx.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/pascal/pascal.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/perl/perl.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/php/php.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/puppet/puppet.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/python/python.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/ruby/ruby.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/sass/sass.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/scheme/scheme.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/shell/shell.js' , 'CodeMirror/mode/sql/sql.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/swift/swift.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/twig/twig.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/vb/vb.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/vbscript/vbscript.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/vhdl/vhdl.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/vue/vue.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/xml/xml.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/xquery/xquery.js', 'CodeMirror/mode/yaml/yaml.js', 'js/code_mode_editor.js'] }; // right now I assume order is correct because I'm a terrible person. make an order array or base it on File Locations and make that an array // inject the observer and the utils always. then initialize the options. injector([{type: 'js', location: 'js/observer.js'},{type: 'js', location: 'js/utils.js'}], _ =>, init)); function init(options) { // inject the options for the plugins themselves. const opts = document.createElement('script'); opts.textContent = ` const options = ${JSON.stringify(options)}; `; document.body.appendChild(opts); // now load the plugins. const loading = []; if( !options.base_css ) { document.documentElement.classList.add('nocss'); } delete options.base_css; for( const key of Object.keys(options) ) { if( !options[key] || !( key in fileLocations)) continue; for( const location of fileLocations[key] ) { const [,type] = location.split('.'); loading.push({location, type}); } } injector(loading, _ => { const drai = document.createElement('script'); drai.textContent = ` if( document.readyState === 'complete' ) { DOMObserver.drain(); } else { window.onload = _ => DOMObserver.drain(); } `; document.body.appendChild(drai); }); } function injector([first,], cb) { if( !first ) return cb(); if( first.type === 'js' ) { injectJS(first.location, _ => injector(rest, cb)); } else { injectCSS(first.location, _ => injector(rest, cb)); } } function injectCSS(file, cb) { const elm = document.createElement('link'); elm.rel = 'stylesheet'; elm.type = 'text/css'; elm.href = chrome.extension.getURL(file); elm.onload = cb; document.head.appendChild(elm); } function injectJS(file, cb) { const elm = document.createElement('script'); elm.type = 'text/javascript'; elm.src = chrome.extension.getURL(file); elm.onload = cb; document.body.appendChild(elm); }
'use strict'; const expect = require('expect.js'); const http = require('http'); const express = require('express'); const linkCheck = require('../'); describe('link-check', function () { this.timeout(2500);//increase timeout to enable 429 retry tests let baseUrl; let laterCustomRetryCounter; before(function (done) { const app = express(); app.head('/nohead', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(405); // method not allowed }); app.get('/nohead', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(200); }); app.get('/foo/redirect', function (req, res) { res.redirect('/foo/bar'); }); app.get('/foo/bar', function (req, res) { res.json({foo:'bar'}); }); app.get('/loop', function (req, res) { res.redirect('/loop'); }); app.get('/hang', function (req, res) { // no reply }); app.get('/notfound', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(404); }); app.get('/basic-auth', function (req, res) { if (req.headers["authorization"] === "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==") { return res.sendStatus(200); } res.sendStatus(401); }); // prevent first header try to be a hit app.head('/later-custom-retry-count', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(405); // method not allowed }); app.get('/later-custom-retry-count', function (req, res) { laterCustomRetryCounter++; if(laterCustomRetryCounter === parseInt(req.query.successNumber)) { res.sendStatus(200); }else{ res.setHeader('retry-after', 1); res.sendStatus(429); } }); // prevent first header try to be a hit app.head('/later-standard-header', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(405); // method not allowed }); var stdRetried = false; var stdFirstTry = 0; app.get('/later', function (req, res) { var isRetryDelayExpired = stdFirstTry + 1000 <; if(!stdRetried || !isRetryDelayExpired){ stdFirstTry =; stdRetried = true; res.setHeader('retry-after', 1); res.sendStatus(429); }else{ res.sendStatus(200); } }); // prevent first header try to be a hit app.head('/later-no-header', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(405); // method not allowed }); var stdNoHeadRetried = false; var stdNoHeadFirstTry = 0; app.get('/later-no-header', function (req, res) { var minTime = stdNoHeadFirstTry + 1000; var maxTime = minTime + 100; var now =; var isRetryDelayExpired = minTime < now && now < maxTime; if(!stdNoHeadRetried || !isRetryDelayExpired){ stdNoHeadFirstTry =; stdNoHeadRetried = true; res.sendStatus(429); }else{ res.sendStatus(200); } }); // prevent first header try to be a hit app.head('/later-non-standard-header', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(405); // method not allowed }); var nonStdRetried = false; var nonStdFirstTry = 0; app.get('/later-non-standard-header', function (req, res) { var isRetryDelayExpired = nonStdFirstTry + 1000 <; if(!nonStdRetried || !isRetryDelayExpired){ nonStdFirstTry =; nonStdRetried = true; res.setHeader('retry-after', '1s'); res.sendStatus(429); }else { res.sendStatus(200); } }); app.get(encodeURI('/url_with_unicode–'), function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(200); }); app.get('/url_with_special_chars\\(\\)\\+', function (req, res) { res.sendStatus(200); }); const server = http.createServer(app); server.listen(0 /* random open port */, 'localhost', function serverListen(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } baseUrl = 'http://' + server.address().address + ':' + server.address().port; done(); }); }); it('should find that a valid link is alive', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/foo/bar', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/foo/bar'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should find that a valid external link with basic authentication is alive', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/basic-auth', { headers: { 'Authorization': 'Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==' }, }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should find that a valid relative link is alive', function (done) { linkCheck('/foo/bar', { baseUrl: baseUrl }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('/foo/bar'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should find that an invalid link is dead', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/foo/dead', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/foo/dead'); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should find that an invalid relative link is dead', function (done) { linkCheck('/foo/dead', { baseUrl: baseUrl }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('/foo/dead'); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should report no DNS entry as a dead link (http)', function (done) { linkCheck('', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(''); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err.code)'ENOTFOUND'); done(); }); }); it('should report no DNS entry as a dead link (https)', function (done) { const badLink = ''; linkCheck(badLink, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(; expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err.code).to.contain('ENOTFOUND'); done(); }); }); it('should timeout if there is no response', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/hang', { timeout: '100ms' }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/hang'); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err.code)'ECONNRESET'); done(); }); }); it('should try GET if HEAD fails', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/nohead', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/nohead'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should handle redirects', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/foo/redirect', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/foo/redirect'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done(); }); }); it('should handle valid mailto', function (done) { linkCheck('mailto:[email protected]', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('mailto:[email protected]'); expect(result.status)'alive'); done(); }); }); it('should handle valid mailto with encoded characters in address', function (done) { linkCheck('mailto:foo%[email protected]', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('mailto:foo%[email protected]'); expect(result.status)'alive'); done(); }); }); it('should handle valid mailto containing hfields', function (done) { linkCheck('mailto:[email protected]?subject=caf%C3%A9', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('mailto:[email protected]?subject=caf%C3%A9'); expect(result.status)'alive'); done(); }); }); it('should handle invalid mailto', function (done) { linkCheck('mailto:foo@@bar@@baz', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect('mailto:foo@@bar@@baz'); expect(result.status)'dead'); done(); }); }); it('should handle file protocol', function(done) { linkCheck('fixtures/', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); done() }); }); it('should handle file protocol with fragment', function(done) { linkCheck('fixtures/', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); done() }); }); it('should handle file protocol with query', function(done) { linkCheck('fixtures/', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); done() }); }); it('should handle file path containing spaces', function(done) { linkCheck('fixtures/s p a c e/', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); done() }); }); it('should handle baseUrl containing spaces', function(done) { linkCheck('', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname + '/fixtures/s p a c e'}, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); done() }); }); it('should handle file protocol and invalid files', function(done) { linkCheck('fixtures/', { baseUrl: 'file://' + __dirname }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err.code)'ENOENT'); expect(result.status)'dead'); done() }); }); it('should ignore file protocol on absolute links', function(done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/foo/bar', { baseUrl: 'file://' }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/foo/bar'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err); done() }); }); it('should ignore file protocol on fragment links', function(done) { linkCheck('#foobar', { baseUrl: 'file://' }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect('#foobar'); done() }); }); it('should callback with an error on unsupported protocol', function (done) { linkCheck('gopher://gopher/0/v2/vstat', function (err, result) { expect(result); expect(err); done(); }); }); it('should handle redirect loops', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/loop', function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/loop'); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); expect(result.err.message).to.contain('Max redirects reached'); done(); }); }); it('should honour response codes in opts.aliveStatusCodes[]', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/notfound', { aliveStatusCodes: [ 404, 200 ] }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/notfound'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); it('should honour regexps in opts.aliveStatusCodes[]', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/notfound', { aliveStatusCodes: [ 200, /^[45][0-9]{2}$/ ] }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/notfound'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); it('should honour opts.aliveStatusCodes[]', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/notfound', { aliveStatusCodes: [ 200 ] }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect( + '/notfound'); expect(result.status)'dead'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); it('should retry after the provided delay on HTTP 429 with standard header', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/later', { retryOn429: true }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect( + '/later'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); it('should retry after the provided delay on HTTP 429 with non standard header, and return a warning', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/later-non-standard-header', { retryOn429: true }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err) expect(result.err).to.contain("Server returned a non standard \'retry-after\' header."); expect( + '/later-non-standard-header'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); it('should retry after 1s delay on HTTP 429 without header', function (done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/later-no-header', { retryOn429: true, fallbackRetryDelay: '1s' }, function (err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect( + '/later-no-header'); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); // 2 is default retry so test with custom 3 it('should retry 3 times for 429 status codes', function(done) { laterCustomRetryCounter = 0; linkCheck(baseUrl + '/later-custom-retry-count?successNumber=3', { retryOn429: true, retryCount: 3 }, function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); // See issue #23 it('should handle non URL encoded unicode chars in URLs', function(done) { //last char is EN DASH linkCheck(baseUrl + '/url_with_unicode–', function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); // See issues #34 and #40 it('should not URL encode already encoded characters', function(done) { linkCheck(baseUrl + '/url_with_special_chars%28%29%2B', function(err, result) { expect(err); expect(result.err); expect(result.status)'alive'); expect(result.statusCode); done(); }); }); });
function daysLeftThisWeek (date) { return 6 - date.getDay() } module.exports = daysLeftThisWeek
async function test(object) { for (var key in object) { await key; } }
var contenedor = {}; var json = []; var json_active = []; var timeout; var result = {}; $(document).ready(function() { $('#buscador').keyup(function() {   if (timeout) {     clearTimeout(timeout);     timeout = null;   }    timeout = setTimeout(function() { search(); }, 100); }); $("body").on('change', '#result', function() { result = $("#result").val(); load_content(json); }); $("body").on('click', '.asc', function() { var name = $(this).parent().attr('rel'); console.log(name); $(this).removeClass("asc").addClass("desc"); order(name, true); }); $("body").on('click', '.desc', function() { var name = $(this).parent().attr('rel'); $(this).removeClass("desc").addClass("asc"); order(name, false); }); }); function update(id,parent,valor){ for (var i=0; i< json.length; i++) { if (json[i].id === id){ json[i][parent] = valor; return; } } } function load_content(json) { max = result; data = json.slice(0, max); json_active = json; $("#numRows").html(json.length); contenedor.html(''); 2 var list = table.find("th[rel]"); var html = ''; $.each(data, function(i, value) { html += '<tr id="' + + '">'; $.each(list, function(index) { valor = $(this).attr('rel'); if (valor != 'acction') { if ($(this).hasClass("editable")) { html += '<td><span class="edition" rel="' + + '">' + value[valor] .substring(0, 60) +'</span></td>'; } else if($(this).hasClass("view")){ if(value[valor].length > 1){ var class_1 = $(this).data('class'); html += '<td><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="'+class_1+'" rel="'+ value[valor] + '" data-id="' + + '"></a></td>'; }else{ html += '<td></td>'; } }else{ html += '<td>' + value[valor] + '</td>'; } } else { html += '<td>'; $.each(acction, function(k, data) { html += '<a class="' + data.class + '" rel="' + value[data.rel] + '" href="' + + value[data.parameter] + '" target="''" >' + data.button + '</a>'; }); html += "</td>"; } if (index >= list.length - 1) { html += '</tr>'; contenedor.append(html); html = ''; } }); }); } function selectedRow(json) { var num = result; var rows = json.length; var total = rows / num; var cant = Math.floor(total); $("#result").html(''); for (i = 0; i < cant; i++) { $("#result").append("<option value=\"" + parseInt(num) + "\">" + num + "</option>"); num = num + result; } $("#result").append("<option value=\"" + parseInt(rows) + "\">" + rows + "</option>"); } function order(prop, asc) { json = json.sort(function(a, b) { if (asc) return (a[prop] > b[prop]) ? 1 : ((a[prop] < b[prop]) ? -1 : 0); else return (b[prop] > a[prop]) ? 1 : ((b[prop] < a[prop]) ? -1 : 0); }); contenedor.html(''); load_content(json); } function search() { var list = table.find("th[rel]"); var data = []; var serch = $("#buscador").val(); json.forEach(function(element, index, array) { $.each(list, function(index) { valor = $(this).attr('rel'); if (element[valor]) { if (element[valor].like('%' + serch + '%')) { data.push(element); return false; } } }); }); contenedor.html(''); load_content(data); } = function(search) { if (typeof search !== 'string' || this === null) { return false; } search = search.replace(new RegExp("([\\.\\\\\\+\\*\\?\\[\\^\\]\\$\\(\\)\\{\\}\\=\\!\\<\\>\\|\\:\\-])", "g"), "\\$1"); search = search.replace(/%/g, '.*').replace(/_/g, '.'); return RegExp('^' + search + '$', 'gi').test(this); } function export_csv(JSONData, ReportTitle, ShowLabel) { var arrData = typeof JSONData != 'object' ? JSON.parse(JSONData) : JSONData; var CSV = ''; // CSV += ReportTitle + '\r\n\n'; if (ShowLabel) { var row = ""; for (var index in arrData[0]) { row += index + ';'; } row = row.slice(0, -1); CSV += row + '\r\n'; } for (var i = 0; i < arrData.length; i++) { var row = ""; for (var index in arrData[i]) { row += '"' + arrData[i][index] + '";'; } row.slice(0, row.length - 1); CSV += row + '\r\n'; } if (CSV == '') { alert("Invalid data"); return; } // var fileName = "Report_"; //fileName += ReportTitle.replace(/ /g,"_"); var uri = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(CSV); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = uri; = "visibility:hidden"; = ReportTitle + ".csv"; document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); }
import React from 'react'; import ons from 'onsenui'; import { Page, Toolbar, BackButton, LazyList, ListItem } from 'react-onsenui'; class InfiniteScroll extends React.Component { renderRow(index) { return ( <ListItem key={index}> {'Item ' + (index + 1)} </ListItem> ); } renderToolbar() { return ( <Toolbar> <div className='left'> <BackButton>Back</BackButton> </div> <div className='center'> Infinite scroll </div> </Toolbar> ); } render() { return ( <Page renderToolbar={this.renderToolbar}> <LazyList length={10000} renderRow={this.renderRow} calculateItemHeight={() => ons.platform.isAndroid() ? 77 : 45} /> </Page> ); } } module.exports = InfiniteScroll;
$js.module({ prerequisite:[ '/{$jshome}/modules/splice.module.extensions.js' ], imports:[ { Inheritance : '/{$jshome}/modules/splice.inheritance.js' }, {'SpliceJS.UI':'../splice.ui.js'}, 'splice.controls.pageloader.html' ], definition:function(){ var scope = this; var imports = scope.imports ; var Class = imports.Inheritance.Class , UIControl = imports.SpliceJS.UI.UIControl ; var PageLoader = Class(function PageLoaderController(){ this.base(); }).extend(UIControl); scope.exports( PageLoader ); } })
'use babel'; import MapQueries from '../lib/map-queries'; // Use the command `window:run-package-specs` (cmd-alt-ctrl-p) to run specs. // // To run a specific `it` or `describe` block add an `f` to the front (e.g. `fit` // or `fdescribe`). Remove the `f` to unfocus the block. describe('MapQueries', () => { let workspaceElement, activationPromise; beforeEach(() => { workspaceElement = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace); activationPromise = atom.packages.activatePackage('map-queries'); }); describe('when the map-queries:toggle event is triggered', () => { it('hides and shows the modal panel', () => { // Before the activation event the view is not on the DOM, and no panel // has been created expect(workspaceElement.querySelector('.map-queries')).not.toExist(); // This is an activation event, triggering it will cause the package to be // activated. atom.commands.dispatch(workspaceElement, 'map-queries:toggle'); waitsForPromise(() => { return activationPromise; }); runs(() => { expect(workspaceElement.querySelector('.map-queries')).toExist(); let mapQueriesElement = workspaceElement.querySelector('.map-queries'); expect(mapQueriesElement).toExist(); let mapQueriesPanel = atom.workspace.panelForItem(mapQueriesElement); expect(mapQueriesPanel.isVisible()).toBe(true); atom.commands.dispatch(workspaceElement, 'map-queries:toggle'); expect(mapQueriesPanel.isVisible()).toBe(false); }); }); it('hides and shows the view', () => { // This test shows you an integration test testing at the view level. // Attaching the workspaceElement to the DOM is required to allow the // `toBeVisible()` matchers to work. Anything testing visibility or focus // requires that the workspaceElement is on the DOM. Tests that attach the // workspaceElement to the DOM are generally slower than those off DOM. jasmine.attachToDOM(workspaceElement); expect(workspaceElement.querySelector('.map-queries')).not.toExist(); // This is an activation event, triggering it causes the package to be // activated. atom.commands.dispatch(workspaceElement, 'map-queries:toggle'); waitsForPromise(() => { return activationPromise; }); runs(() => { // Now we can test for view visibility let mapQueriesElement = workspaceElement.querySelector('.map-queries'); expect(mapQueriesElement).toBeVisible(); atom.commands.dispatch(workspaceElement, 'map-queries:toggle'); expect(mapQueriesElement).not.toBeVisible(); }); }); }); });

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