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This is a sticky situation for banks because they are never sure if the person that is presenting the check is the "owner". As a business owner, you know that there are several type of business organizations. If your company is a corporation then all of its shareholders could be entitled to that money. \n\nIf I were you, I would bring the check back to the branch that issued it and ask them to cash it. This promises to be a huge hassle for you.
0Business & Finance
We should have started decades AGO. Some people think it's already too late.\n\nFor one thing, finding anything that is capable of providing the same amount of energy as easily as petroleum ... is doubtful at best.\n\nAdditionally, the only way we're going to make these discoveries is if we make them BEFORE we run out of oil.\n\nRemember, oil is not just for energy. Most everything we use is made by using oil ... like plastics.\n\nBest source: solar. We should all have solar cells on our roofs, provided by the federal government.
6Politics & Government
When and how to take Emselex Take Emselex tablets once a day with water, at about the same time each day.
5Medical Domain
The REAL reason is that she did not want to 'incriminate' herself or her colleagues, in the mishandling of information prior to the attacks, and the subsequent falsehoods that led to the illegal war with Iraq. \n\nShe would be admitting that a very few people are directly responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 people (9/11 victems, our soldiers, innocent (and guilty) Iraqi's)...
6Politics & Government
How does HBVAXPRO work?
5Medical Domain
hire a private detective to set him up and find out stuff he does that may be illegal\nblackmail him\nget him fired at work\ngo back to court and make him pay more or get him arrested for not paying\nget a restraining order on him and ask the judge if you are going to just be another statistic of abused and dead wives because he is a mean ex-husband.
4Family & Relationships
7Society & Culture
theres ways to make it so it can most likely be a boy or a girl.\nbut theres no way they can make it happen for certian truth=u have wut ur going to have
0Business & Finance
it's b/c it's in HTML. at the bottom of the e-mail click show html.\n\nIt may be b/c they loaded from a memory card and then they unplugged the memory card.
1Computers & Internet
I have a few favorites, but one in the same vein as yours:\n\n"It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."\n--Attributed to Samuel Lonhorn Clements (Mark Twain), althoug perhaps in error.\n\nAlbert Einstein is another person with some great quotes:\n\n"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."\n\n"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."\n\n\nI got some other good answers when I asked the same question a few days ago. You can see the answers I got at;_ylt=AvSuaemUmliM4N_0qKYH00fsy6IX?qid=1005121802855
2Education & Reference
It depends on what exactly you are looking for. I don't know of many places in the city that are cheap (I have found some good deals at Lombaridi's on Polk, but not cheap), but if you have a car or can borrow one go to Tri-City at 40900 Grimmer Blvd in Fremont. There I have found some of the best deals on all types of new gear; clothing, skis and snowboards. The later you go in the season, the cheaper things get (of course).\n\nIf you do not mind buying used or surplus gear, try the Wilderness Exchange in Berkeley (1407 San Pablo Ave), the store is great. I have found some good deals there on winter clothing and camping gear.
yes i depends on the girl but most girls show afection through mockery and showing off and if they talk about u then they like u but if u hear that she tolled her friends that she dose not like u then it is mosty becasue she likes u and she does not want her friends to know so i would noot be worried
4Family & Relationships
The "girl" (Gwen/Eddie Araujo) you are refering to was not a transsexual, but a transgender person who presented as a female. She/he was not on female hormones, and as a result, had no female secondary sexual characteristics (female breasts, softer skin female-pattern body hair, female body-fat distribution). She/he was a boy who eiether liked dressing like a girl, or possibly couldn't afford hormone replacemant therapy. And no, being with a transsexual woman doesn't make you gay. By definition a gay guy is a male who enjoys sexual relations with a male who looks, dresses, and acts like a male. You may be classified as "Queer" in many circles, but you are definately not gay.
4Family & Relationships
it should be except under these circumstances:\n\nself-defense\nprotecting family-wife/husband, children, parents\nprotecting another person from harm\n\nexcept for those, i wouldn't kill someone. taking another's life is an immoral thing to do.\n\nsome people, though, don't care enough about others. all they care about is themselves and they are the type of people who'd kill for enjoyment or just to kill.
7Society & Culture
Chlamydia remains the most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States. In 2004, 929,462 chlamydia diagnoses were reported, up from 877,478 in 2003. Even so, most chlamydia cases go undiagnosed. It is estimated that there are approximately 2.8 million new cases of chlamydia in the United States each year\n\nGonorrhea is the second most commonly reported infectious disease in the United States, with 330,132 cases reported in 2004. From a high of 467.7 cases per 100,000 population reported in 1975, the U.S. gonorrhea rate fell to 113.5 in 2004 (a 76% decline) — the lowest recorded level since reporting began in 1941. More recently, from 2003 to 2004, the rate fell 1.5 percent (from 115.2 cases per 100,000 population to 113.5). Like chlamydia, however, gonorrhea is substantially under diagnosed and under reported, and approximately twice as many new infections are estimated to occur each year as are reported.\n\nSyphilis: Cases Increase for Fourth Consecutive Year\nThe rate of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis — the most infectious stages of the disease — decreased throughout the 1990s, and in 2000 reached an all-time low. However, over the past four years the syphilis rate in the United States has been increasing. Between 2003 and 2004 alone, the national P&S syphilis rate increased 8 percent, from 2.5 to 2.7 cases per 100,000 population; during this time, reported P&S cases in the United States increased from 7,177 to 7,980.\n\n\nWow was that person ever guessing get the facts...
0Business & Finance
The answer is that they do not take the extreme views of the Party as theirs. They need to talk up fiscal responsibility, government supporting not only family values, but the actual FAMILY. Many many things they can hang their hat on that are important, but not extreme.
6Politics & Government
Heres the place you coul look for it.\n\n
3Entertainment & Music
Congrats on your success with Latin. 70% of the Western Indo-European languages are based on Latin. \n\nWhich means that all languages that were native to the European continent in times past are mostly derivative from the Latin language.\n\nThat to say, Italian is immersed in the Latin language. So is the French. Russian is less so but I don't know a lot about the origin of Russian but it probably has more Eastern influence than Italian.\n\nEastern languages (e.g., Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hebrew, etc.) are more based in pictographic language forms (or pictures). These are far from the Latin base of languages.
7Society & Culture
As answered in a previous question, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs around the U.S. Landing one depends on your experience and education. \n\nI recommend looking at two of the larger corporate conglomerates for careers, as they own the most death care businesses across the U.S. Those companies are the Alderwoods Group, Service Corporation Internation, aka Dignity Memorial and Stewart Enterprises. These companies have career listings on their respective web sites.
0Business & Finance
Rated PG for battle sequences and frightening moments.
3Entertainment & Music
"Economics is a social science that studies the production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services."\n\nPeople are different and do things differently. People also engage in debates be it economical, religious or scientific because we all believe what we know "is right" and the other person "is wrong".\n\nAny subject that's attached deeply to our culture, be it politics, religion or economics will usually have huge debates surrounding it.\n\nHope this helps :)
6Politics & Government
Computer key board... LOL
3Entertainment & Music
Kwanzaa (Kwaanza) is a week-long secular holiday honoring African-American heritage, observed from December 26 to January 1 each year, almost exclusively by African-Americans in the United States of America, though Africans of the diaspora in many countries have begun to practice its observances as well.\n\nKwanzaa consists of seven days of celebration, featuring activities such as candle-lighting and pouring of libations, and culminating in a feast and gift-giving. It was founded by black nationalist Dr. Ron "Maulana" Karenga, and first celebrated from December 26, 1966, to January 1, 1967. Karenga calls Kwanzaa the African American branch of "first fruits" celebrations of classical African cultures.
7Society & Culture
seems that this question has long been expired. If the above answer does not help you out in any way. Here are some links to help you out.\n\nEntertainment Tonight\nEntertainment Weekly\nExtra\\nNetscape: Celebrity\ncelebrity pictures and mug shots\n\nThese sites should help you out, If that don't work try looking for similar questions with the advanced search on answers main page. (left side, below the big squares)\n*Good Luck*
3Entertainment & Music
Core SPC for Human plasma derived and recombinant coagulation factor VIII products Adopted June 2000
5Medical Domain
looks good, fish are always biting somewhere.
The word oracle in Greek can mean several related things. It means a god who predicts the future, like Apollo. It also means the priest who hears the message, and the message itself, and the place where the priest hears the message. Most often it means the priest or the message. \nThe Greeks believed (like all other ancient people) that you could communicate with the gods at certain places, at certain times, through certain people, and that the gods would give you advice and maybe tell you what was going to happen in the future. \n\nBut the Greek oracles had a couple of advantages too. First, you didn't just come and ask your question. You had to hang around the temple for a while, talking to the priests, so they could get to know you. And they could see you, not just hear your voice on the telephone. Second, everybody came to the same few oracles for help, and the priests at these oracles (unlike the Psychic Hotline) compared notes with each other. So if you asked "Should I get married?" and the oracle said "Yes," and then next week your girlfriend comes and she asks, "Will Gorgias ask me to marry him?" then the oracle already knows the answer to that one. There is every reason to think that the oracles were worth the money they charged. \n\n\n
2Education & Reference
Portugal or Iran
Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva Olanzapine Teva
5Medical Domain
I agree wholeheartedly, but only if we leave all of the politicians, along with the thugs. Everyone else can withdraw immediately, including the families of the thugs and politicians. Hurricane Katrina survivors can house the families of the politicians and corporate sponsors can take care of the families of the thugs. Washinton,D.C. will have to be permanently sealed off as the dangerous jungle it is (after all, politicians roam free there) and no one allowed to ever escape it! Our country will thrive once freed of the corrupt influence of the "Federal Government".
6Politics & Government
3Entertainment & Music
Well some people would say why would you limit yourself to half the candy in the box!\n\nBut there have actually been studies of men who think of themselves as bisexual as far as what gets them aroused, and nearly all of the men in the study had s distinct preference as far as what they reacted to. And most in the study who said they were Bi responded more positively to females, although a few seemed to prefer men.\n\nThe same study was performed on heterosexual and gay males and they found that the heterosexuals became more aroused when presented with images of women and gay men tended to react much more strongly to men, as you would expect.\n\nIn my experience women who are bi get a much warmer reception (except among lesbians) and men who are are sometimes shunned by both Gay and Straight people. \n\nI will try to find an article about the study and post it below.
7Society & Culture
Its really not as bad as you think. I assume you have gone here:\nDon't let the huge amount of data on these pages confuse you. To file for a trademark logo, direct your browser to this page: and click on "Apply for a new Mark". then click on \n"Trademark/Servicemark Application, Principal Register"\nThe filing fee for the TEAS form is $325 per class of goods and/or services, so essentially $325. \nOnce you have completed this application, keep the contact phone #'s and email addresses to reach the departments that will be reviewing your application. The process can easily take up to 6 months, but the good news is that once you are in the system this will supercede anyone else from filing for a similar trademark. Just stay on them. Call/email at least monthly. As long as no one else previously has applied for this trademark or currently owns the trademark, go ahead and begin drawing up signage/letterhead/t-shirts,etc. Don't wait 6 months, for the official approval.
0Business & Finance
Practice, and join a baseball team.
Do you have some kind of web-accelerator software running? If so, disable it.
1Computers & Internet
Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are expected to replace desktop computing applications for many purposes
1Computers & Internet
Not much... the pay is sporadic, unless you work for a chiropractor. You get paid per massage, usually from $50-80 an hour depending on where you are working. My fiance got his massage therapy license, but when the reality of the low pay set in, he gave up and went back to school.
0Business & Finance
Doing things for him. Massaging his back. Baking cakes for him. Participating in his hobbies. Decorating his place. Fixing him romantic dinners. \nGiving a ear to listen to when he needs to talk. Going with him to church.
4Family & Relationships
I suppose some day. Right now-no. It will probably be at least another five years before they talk about. I hope they don't because I enjoy the priveledge to go to vote. The action itself gives me great pride to live in the US
6Politics & Government
it is a charity that builds housing for poor people, they are all over the country, and really helping out with hurricane Katrina. you dont even need special skills to help. go to
7Society & Culture
No, you don't need an excuse to cheat. It helps you sometimes mentally but you really don't need one. Alot of the times that I have cheated it was because another women did make me feel better about myself. On the other hand it was just exciting to chase another woman. Sex was different and exciting for a short time then I moved on to someone else. So to answer you question....No.
4Family & Relationships
Here is a web site that has a phone number on it you can call to request a catalog.
0Business & Finance
I'm a long-time Road Runner subscriber, and I don't know of a custom browser--at least none I'm aware of. It could be there are different products in different markets.\n\nYou can get live chat support on their support page. Here's the link, and I hope this isn't too late!
0Business & Finance
My religious belief is that a child is innocent until they are capable of knowledge between right and wrong and are capable of accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If your child was still a baby, then trust that he/she would be in heaven.
7Society & Culture
Though they are not comparable. Yahoo is the best.
1Computers & Internet
God I hope so!!! I love that show. I sat and watched it on demand. One day I watched five hours straight, one day I watched three and another day I watched two. (I know that really didn't answer your question, sorry!!)
3Entertainment & Music
slowly come on to him
4Family & Relationships
he came up with aplan that pleased many americans but he didn't have time to see the flaws before he was killed the problem is many other presidents didn't see the flaws either and its avery big reason we are in financial debt i dont think they were corrected until reagan got in to office but my memory on this subject is only a85%
6Politics & Government
Simplest way: call technical support.\n\nWhen you call customer service and choose the option to cancel your account, you get transferred to a department called "sales". Their job is to try and convince you not to cancel your account. Their performance is based on how many members they "save". Talk to them if you want to get a couple free months.\n\nIf you just want to cancel without the sales pitch, call technical support. They have access to cancel your account and would be very happy to do so because their performance is based on call time.
1Computers & Internet
Brasilia\n\nBrasília is located in a Federal District, created from the state of Goiás in the Mid-West region of the country. The District is bordered by the Preto River in the east and by the Descoberto River to the west. Brasília is situated on a 1000 m high plateau called the Planalto Central. The city is located at 15°45' South, 47°57' West (-15.75, -47.95). Brasilia is 207 km from Goiânia; 1,531 km. from Salvador; 716 km. from Belo Horizonte; and 1,015 km. from São Paulo.
6Politics & Government
Different search engines have different criterions and factors to judge the relevency of a page. An opposite happens in my Case, All search engines find my page relevent, and display it at the top, but google is the only search engine that is not able to do so. You can compare the results at
1Computers & Internet
GoogleBase is like free classified ads. People post what they have to sell, just like in newspapers or on CraigsList. GoogleBase doesn't have auctions, yet, so it's not quite an eBay.\n\nFroogle is a search engine for products sold on online stores, not by individuals.
1Computers & Internet
Donald Duck was the first major Disney character to appear in color, in his debut cartoon, "The Wise Little Hen" in 1934.\n\nFYI: Mickey Mouse made his color debut in the 1935 'toon, "The Band Concert," and the first color 'toon from Disney was "Flowers and Trees," in 1932.
3Entertainment & Music
listen i say at the age of 16 to 17, yeah twenty is a good age to lose it, but u want to have some experience at that age, if your 17, 0r 16, u can experience a little more about sex before your legel, get me, that way when you meet a 20 year ago guy or girl,or above that age ,you wont feel so unconftable becuase that some one has more experience then u, but if thats the case turn it around and have that someone teach u the ropes, and if u find that some one in your shoes that u like or love losing your virginity will be the moment you'll never forget, so good luck and have fun,oh yeah be safe about it, cap it before u tap it, peace, da izy man is out
4Family & Relationships
Social pressure is an issue, but the key is social gradient. Men need something to give them an “advantage” in the relationship so we know the woman will respect us: we want to be older, richer, more educated…\n\nBlack woman are often perceived as move aggressive or strong and this threatens the social gradient. Therefore I would guess that White & Asian men avoid dating black woman because they are uncertain that she will respect him.
4Family & Relationships
You can by a flint and steel fire starter set from \n
No. It was never available in europe, so you can't even get the engine computer to talk to the transmission computer. The SMG transmission can't handle the additional torque of the 5.0L V8 on the E39 M5. The E46 M3 has less power and MUCH less torque, so it works. The 2005 M5 has a V10 engine and totally different electronics from the E39 chassis. Also the SMG III in the new M5 is a seven speed unit which is dimensionally different from your transmission.
Takeda Italia Farmaceutici S. p. A Via Crosa, 86 28065 Cerano (NO) Italy
5Medical Domain
Know enough to stay very very far away.
2Education & Reference
One word: Puppies!
As a psychologist, staying together for the kids sake is NEVER in their best interest...although as parents we seem to think so. Your children can sense that you are unhappy, even if you think you dont show it. Whats more is, if you have a son, he may get the impression that men dont touch their wives and grow up thinking thats how it is, and then in turn do that to his women. If you have a daughter, she may get the idea that she shouldnt need or want affection and marry someone as such and feel just as you are 20 years from now.\nI suggest talking to him. Telling him you do need affection. If he still wont budge, there is always counceling....but you must let him know you would leave him if thngs dont change. He may actually want out himself.
4Family & Relationships
With regard to variations, a total of 12 type I variations have been finalised (of which 4 related to ex- ‘ concertation’ procedures) and 1 type II has been finalised with a further type II in progress.
5Medical Domain
There are two possible choices:\n1. Al Gore.\n His No.2 man Barrack Obama\n\n2.Hillary Clinton\n No.2 is unknown\n\nManny claim John Edwards or John Kerry might also run.
6Politics & Government
Contact your cable provider first as some do not permit the use of privately owned modems, or use proprietary cable modem technologies not available on the market (few but some). If they will allow it, ask if it needs to be DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0 compliant as different cable services have varying requirements. \n\nIf they provide a modem, make sure, once you receive the modem and setup your service you have them "provision" the modem on their network as it is likely they will have provisioned theirs already for you. Provisioning assigns the address of your new modem to your cable connection, otherwise the new modem will not be "allowed" to communicate on their network. Also, make sure to return the modem they provide, and have them cancel your rental fees!
1Computers & Internet
maybe your question is hot to make an animated GIF image.\n\nhere:
1Computers & Internet
They ended the filibuster in early 1800's
6Politics & Government
Snopes - the Urban Legend Archive - is a wealth of information on these things. Here's what they have to say:\n\n"The figure behind the curtains is a "standee" (a stand-up cardboard cutout used for advertising displays) of Ted Danson, dressed in a top hat, white shirt, and tails. The standee prop was created as part of a story line involving a dog food commercial in which Danson's character (an actor) appears, but references to the figure were cut from the finished version of the film."\n\n"(The standee shows up once more in the film: Ted Danson is standing next to it when the baby's mother comes to reclaim her child.) The figure was accidentally left in front of a window on the set by a propman and thereby "sneaked" into the background of one scene. Additionally, all indoor scenes were shot on a Toronto soundstage -- no real structures were used for interior filming."
3Entertainment & Music
Following a 2000 lawsuit from the World Wildlife Fund (also WWF), the Federation changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE. Its parent company, World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, also chose to adopt this name. The lawsuit dealt with the wrestling company's breaching of an agreement with the Fund over use of the initials "WWF" in the United Kingdom. Rather than attempt a financial settlement with the Fund, McMahon changed the name of the company. The logo was altered, and a promotional campaign called "Get The F Out" was used to publicize this change. Also, all verbal and visual references to "WWF" and the World Wrestling Federation logo from the "Attitude" era were edited out from old broadcasts. Some observers saw the new name as further acknowledgement by the company on its emphasis towards the entertainment rather than athletic aspects of professional wrestling.
3Entertainment & Music
If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars (lactose), contact your doctor before taking this medicine.
5Medical Domain
4Family & Relationships
well how about joiing the army, get stationed there and hang around the german clubs? otherwise try the german version of yahoo personals
4Family & Relationships
The price differece is usually very small, so yes. SATA is a much easier to install/upgrade system, as well as providing better overall throughput.
1Computers & Internet
Fertility Busulfan and DMA can impair fertility in man or woman.
5Medical Domain
Large answer. 4 more infotmation go to
7Society & Culture
because we are to be thankful that he has born to save us from our sins
7Society & Culture
I-tunes under "deeper cuts"
3Entertainment & Music
Ivabradine, the active substance in Corlentor, works by inhibiting the lf channels: these are specialised cells in the sinus node, the‘ pacemaker ’ for the heart that controls the heart contractions and regulates heart rate.
5Medical Domain
* Calliope (epic poetry)\n* Euterpe (music)\n* Clio (history)\n* Erato (lyrics/love poetry)\n* Melpomene (tragedy)\n* Polyhymnia (sacred poetry)\n* Terpsichore (dancing)\n* Thalia (comedy)\n* Urania (astronomy)
7Society & Culture
Argentina , Brasil or some european team, most probably european 'couse the world cup is going to be there.
The temporal bone of the skull and the radius and ulna of the lower arm all have styloid processes
2Education & Reference
Yes, theyve been surging the past few weeks leading up to the playoffs. Also, Tom Brady is undefeated int he postseason, and nobody wants to face him in january
from the article:\n\n"Arturo Moreno bought the Angels from the Walt Disney Co. last year for $180 million to become the first minority owner in baseball. He's sought to expand the team's fan base beyond Anaheim, with about 330,000 residents, to include Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. The Los Angeles metropolitan area has 16.2 million residents, second to New York's 20.2 million, according to the 2000 U.S. Census."
The primary efficacy variable was the rate of haematological response, reported as either complete haematological response, no evidence of leukaemia (i. e. clearance of blasts from the marrow and the blood, but without a full peripheral blood recovery as for complete responses), or return to chronic phase CML.
5Medical Domain
copy and paste?! HTML....
1Computers & Internet
They are symbols (markings) in sheet music which tell how the notes are to be performed (especially from one note to the next). Some common examples are staccato (short with ample space between) and legato (long with no real space between).
3Entertainment & Music
I'm sure you can find what you need on their sites:\n Equifax- \n (800) 685-1111\n Experian-\n (888) 397-3742\n TransUnion-\n (800) 888-4213\n\nHope this helps, and GOOD LUCK!
0Business & Finance
There is one listed on Eastern Ave.
7Society & Culture
You should forget them both...A friend is not a true friend, who, by knowing how hard he was on you, still goes ahead- spits in your soul and dates the guy you were so in love with...First of all- it is not nice. It is ugly, humilating and disgusting...Very cruel step done by both your friend and your ex, who, unfortunately did not care much about how you will feel or what will you think if they get into a relationship.\n\nI suggest to forget them both and move on...There are millions of other GOOD people whom you can make friends with...You have to just keep your eyes and heart open. And forget the past- cannot return it back anyway!
4Family & Relationships
go to google and type in harry potter and the goblet of fire movie online
0Business & Finance
LOL! Nice observation!!! You are so right! LOL
2Education & Reference
men are from mars
4Family & Relationships\n\nSee the links at bottom.
2Education & Reference
You can't erase bad credit unless it is wrong. You need to wait for the usual 10 years for bankrupcy and 7 years for all other negative items on your report to drop. In the mean time, you should still use your credit cards, apply for loans, pay them on time and every time, keep your debt ratio low. This way, you can slowly repair and increase your credit but not erase.
0Business & Finance
The difference in total VTE rates between the treatment groups, which was not statistically significant, was mainly due
5Medical Domain
3Entertainment & Music
Film-coated tablet
5Medical Domain
Onsior tablets for cats are available in cardboard boxes containing 1, 2 or 10 blisters.
5Medical Domain
Hey, just bringing this old question up for a vote. \n\nIf you have not found the answer you are looking for, please, feel free to use one of the following links from my personal collection:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMy post is simply to encourage you to pick a "Best Answer" or to assist you in finding the answer. \n\nThank you!
1Computers & Internet
I think he is too old for you. He may be a nice man but an age difference of that much means you two probably don't have very much in common. Your friends and his would be too far apart in age too. Those two factors should be taken into consideration. You also said you thought he was was way too old for you. If you go out on a date, he will get the idea that his age doesn't matter and obviously it does, not only to you but your whole family.
4Family & Relationships
wow,\nThis world still is prejudice, although people say we've broken the barriers. Everyday I see people being descriminated at school,at work, in the grocery stores.I am hispanic,but my skin is dark like an African-American. People can't see past the color of your skin, and I live through that everyday. They demolished the segregation laws many years ago,but people still continue to be racist and prejudice by themselves. \n No matter where one is at segregation, and racism will be there, so stay strong. Know that u have a friend in the U.S.
4Family & Relationships
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