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delete and reinstall drivers for your modem. | 1Computers & Internet
me | 1Computers & Internet
Picard | 0Business & Finance
Alot better.\n\nBy this time the Roman Empire would have control of the globe.\n\nOne must remember, life in Rome was not that bad for its citizens. \n\nI mean look at what is happening in the world today..it is a mess. | 7Society & Culture
ask him if he hastes you | 4Family & Relationships
Paolo Rossi of Italy, who's hat trick knocked Brazil out of the 1982 world cup. Italy won by 3-2 in this match against a Brazil team which was regarded as one of the best Brazilian football teams ever. | 8Sports
If you are a Canadian citizen and atleast 18 years of age, there is another weekly contest where you can win two tickets to the world cup.\n\nHere's the link:\nhttp://www.tsn.ca/contests/ | 8Sports
Take e^x of everything. You get the following equation:\n\nx + 2 = 6^2\n\nx = 34\n\nLn and e^x are inverse operations of each other, just like log and 10^x. The 2*ln6 expression, after the e^x treatment, becomes 6^2, because the constant in front of the ln gets popped into an exponent. | 2Education & Reference
well my friend taught me a little history earlier this year during algebra. \nshe said it was because when back in greece, math teachers would use an arm for this long, a hand for this amount and a foot for this amount. it happened that the math teacher's foot was 12 inches as a foot, so that's where it came from. but here's another link i found. \n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_(unit_of_length) hope that helps! | 2Education & Reference
Use http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=sequence+diagram&as_q=filetype%3Appt\nAll files are PPT here | 2Education & Reference
There isn't one. That's why they made it. | 4Family & Relationships
Completely uninstall your sound card and reinstall it with the latest drivers from the manufacturer. If you have onboard audio just remove it from the device manager and restart your computer so it redetects it. Otherwise it is possible that your sound card could have gone bad in the process of upgrading. It would be just a case of bad timing on its part. | 1Computers & Internet
Try getting a loan using your business name.\nI have a small bussiness and opened a bussiness checking account with Bank of America and deposited all my bussiness receipts in said checking account, Bank of america offered me a Bussiness line of credit with an APR of 1% over prime,I applyed and was approved for a Platimum Visa Buisness express card with a limit of Half of my annual receipts.They also gave me a stack of checks tied to that account with no cash advance fee and the same low interest rate. The first check I wrote Was for the Purchase of a new truck. | 0Business & Finance
Its always hard to tell someone you like them. But if you really like this person, you should do something sweet to tell her. It always gets to them. If you know what she likes, then try to make something with that. Like say for example many girls like flowers. A friend of mine that liked somone asked me how to tell this girl he liked that he liked her. I told him since at the time that we were selling carnations, that he should buy her some and send her a poem. It worked! She said yes and everything is fine. So doing something sweet would sure be something to try. | 4Family & Relationships
you can get brand new one at Gateway.com (http://www.gateway.com/home/products/hm_ptb_catalog.shtml?clv=LNav)\nfor about that. They also sell Gateway's at Office Depot I think. If gateway has that deal, I would bet that Best Buy and CompUSA have comparable deals.\n\nThats the bottom line cause HuffDawg says so. | 1Computers & Internet
Websites can be a great because the information is free, but it's not always entirely reliable and it's usually unorganised and badly written. If you want to do it right, I would suggest you use a book. But go by reviews. Some of those textbooks are too simple or way too complex. | 1Computers & Internet
i think a lot and i have an opinion\n\nthere are places that can assist a woman to get an abortion free.\nwhat we need are groups to help women safely use this right without molestation from rabid fanatical anti-rights people.\n \n\nwhen i went to my GYN practicioner's office for a check up i was accosted by protesters.\nthey were trying to stop me from having an abortion.\nthey actually bloccked my path and physically restrained me.\nthese people did not know me.\ni was not pregnant.\n\nbut i told them to let go of me.\ni told them i would get a abortion just to piss them off even though i was not pregnant.\nthen i called the police and had the ones who touched me arressted for physical assault, harassment, unlawfull imprisonment and bad fashion.\nanyone puts their hands on me or tries to impose their worhtless beliefs on me better be prepared to face the consequences.\nimposing your will, viewpoint, or bielf on another person is RAPE.\nforcing your ideas on a person is RAPE.\nmaking people do what you want them to do based on your belief system is RAPE.\ntell those rapists to leave me alone.\ntell those murderers (yeah, the anti-abortionists are murderers in my book) to stop RAPING women's rights.\ni tell them to take a long walk off a short pier.\n\nthank you for allowing me to type my opinion.\nnave a nice day. | 6Politics & Government
In a clinical study in patients, Starlix was administered in increasing doses up to 720 mg a day for 7 days and was well tolerated. | 5Medical Domain
Christians are called christians because they are followers of Christ. Christian therefore need to manifest the characteristics of the Lord and Saviour... which is a godly love. God's love is patient and is kind. Christians need to be patient all the time just as how Christ is patient to all our iniquities. | 0Business & Finance
i really don't know but im guessing that disney wants to portray pluto as a dog-dog but goofy as a man-dog..get it? kinda stupid huh? lol.. | 3Entertainment & Music
It improved the economy, the less you penalize people for success the more they want to make. | 0Business & Finance
EU/ 1/ 00/ 140/ 001 | 5Medical Domain
On 16 November 2007 responses to the questions were received from MAH and the clock restarted. | 5Medical Domain
pearl and moonstone | 0Business & Finance
He needs to go back to the Family Court and request that the visitation order be modified to include either a neutral party delivering the child to and from visitation or that the child be exchanged at a neutral location, like the local Sheriff or Police station...it's the only way to enforce the visitation order without the constant fear of her pulling some kind of BS. | 4Family & Relationships
Hello!\nI was asking the same question. Apparently, the "brokeback mountain" is at Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Canada. And the specific mountain that we saw on the movie is called "Windtower". for pictures, go to http://community.webshots.com/photo/173114198/384324131lKTVwy Enjoy! | 2Education & Reference
Theory Of A Deadman - No Surprise | 3Entertainment & Music
I think that the problem a lot of people have with Christianity is that a large segment of Christians try to translate the Bible literally. This only leads to kind of a joking atmosphere when discussing certain aspects of Christianity and makes it very hard to take the good parts as, well, good parts. Since some of these people, who believe so completely that the literal translations are the correction translations, feel compelled to constantly, repeatedly and forcefully enlighten others as to their beliefs, it burns bridges for everyone who falls under the banner of Christianity. Consequently, those who see the teachings of the Bible as simple lessons of morals are not able to spread that understanding because most listeners have become cynical whenever they are preached at. It is a shame that all that people hear and see is the inherent holes yelled at them by sidewalk prophets and not the plain belief that the Bible is a list of good ideas set to a classic storied theme. So, just try to take the Bible as a good story with some ideas and morals to try to live by. Anything more and you will become disenfranchised when something is proven to be incorrect or unbelievable. | 7Society & Culture
12121 Wilshire Bvld\nLos Angeles ca 90025 | 3Entertainment & Music
NOT REALLY THEY CAN ASK TO BE ADDED BUT THEY HAVE TO ACCEPT IT AND THEN ALLOW ENTRY.\nweird the way it works but i havent been able to enter from a alTernative id to mine without accepting the entry | 4Family & Relationships
The Intolerable Acts, called by the British the Coercive Acts or Punitive Acts, were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the growing unrest in thirteen American colonies, particularly in Boston, Massachusetts after incidents such as the Boston Tea Party. Enforcement of the Acts played a major role in the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War and the establishment of the First Continental Congress.\nThis British cartoon, depicting the acts as asaults upon an anthropomorphic Boston, was quickly copied and distributed by Paul Revere to all the colonies. \n\nThe Coercive Acts included:\n\n * Massachusetts Government Act\n * Administration of Justice Act\n * Boston Port Act\n * Quartering Act\n\nThe Quebec Act was also passed in 1774, but it was a piece of legislation unrelated to the Coercive Acts. American Whigs, however, were alarmed by the Quebec Act as much as the Coercive Acts, and they labeled it one of the "Intolerable Acts". Their main complaints over the Quebec Act were the protections granted to the Indian territories and to the Catholic settlers in Ohio. These were viewed as attempts to halt expansion into the west and to strengthen a church that many opposed.\n\nThe acts had several different effects. They unintentionally promoted sympathy for the revolutionaries in Massachusetts, and encouraged revolutionaries from the otherwise diverse colonies to band together. However, the Quebec Act had the opposite effect among French Catholics in the Province of Quebec, encouraging many of them to either pragmatic inaction or support for the Crown. | 2Education & Reference
I am pretty sure they are half black. | 3Entertainment & Music
TOM CRUISE! I've always hated this guy. He thinks his poop doesn't stink. Besides, I get the willies seeing him with a young hot chick. I mean, he's old enough to be her dad, YUCK! He's a borderline pedophile with a serious mental disorder. | 3Entertainment & Music
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kristen Bell, I like the show I would even watch it with the sound off, just to look at her | 3Entertainment & Music
Have students recite pi\nFor example, 3.141592653589\nWell there is 100,000 digits of pi\nWhoever wins gets a whole pie | 2Education & Reference
Radon? | 6Politics & Government
Visit:\nhttp:///www.driversguide.com\nif you know the CAM Name and Model, search by it... | 1Computers & Internet
Shaq, Lebron, V. Carter, Webber, Wade, Iverson | 8Sports
I think that's a bit of a schwinging comment to make. During the hurricane season in 2005 when Cancun was hit, the weather forecasters on Fox News made a deliberate attempt to show the forecast for Cancun. It could be argued here in the UK that the weather forecasters turn their back on the Republic of Ireland in protest over the 1921 partition. No they don't, they've got to stand somewhere and wherever they stand, they are going to block part of the UK | 6Politics & Government
Tritace 1.25 Evropská 2590/ 33c Tritace 2.5 16000 Praha 6 Tritace 5 Czech Republic Tritace 10 | 5Medical Domain
Check out the cashiers in Carrefour, you might get lucky. | 4Family & Relationships
Try this, you'll need to know how long he has served and what his rank/rate is.\n\nhttp://www.dod.mil/dfas/money/milpay/pay/ | 6Politics & Government
new jersey nets - NBA\nDuke - college | 8Sports
if it didnt exist I probably wouldnt think much of 'spirituality' at all. my belief in God did not stem from any written word. rather, it is in the existence of mathematics that got me started on my 'quest' for answers. for something as common as 'photosynthesis', a truly remarkable process takes place. a process that has already been calculated. so who put this equation in place for us to find. I believe God did. the construction of the earth, the solar system, the human body, birth are a few of a never ending list of events that are precalculated. God is a mathematician to the 'nth' degree. as for me I currently reside in Brazil, IN., but born and raised in California. | 7Society & Culture
it is said that it will be a pitch containing grass and will help fast bowlers | 8Sports
you don't have to say anything...just start the fireworks, hopefully you are already friends with her or dating. She might think you're a freak if you're a complete stranger. | 0Business & Finance
You do not need to uninstall it in a usual way. \n1. Disable NAV running at start-up (preferably using msconfig)\n2. Delete the whole NAV directory manually. | 1Computers & Internet
Have you tried musiciansfriend.com? | 3Entertainment & Music
That all the hard times that have come in my life I love, respect, and is very grateful for the wonderful things and people have given me. That even though I don't say it enough, i truly LOVE everyone and they will forever be in my heart. | 4Family & Relationships
They are a proven scam. Don't fall for that. | 0Business & Finance
If you have already received your financial aid package, don't worry about anything. Just act like nothing happened.\nAnd, if you have not received your financial aid package yet, don't run to tell the financial aid office that you are about to sell a house for 50K.\nThe only way I see that this could affect your financial aid is if you are heavily depending on federal loan/grants. If you got or are going to get institutional grant/scholarship, you shouldn't worry about anything. | 2Education & Reference
Science teachers just teach what they have to. It does not mean that they believe in it. My science teacher was really good about all of this. She said that she is not defending ID or evolution but just presenting the theory. She did insist on us to believe in either. | 2Education & Reference
As Joseph Campbell used to say "follow your bliss".\n\nLife is about trying out things you are interested in, finding out whether you like it or not. As it says on the shampoo bottle "rinse and repeat".\n\nBut key to this is the doing. The thinking about it is good too. But the doing is better. | 0Business & Finance
See the information at the end of section 4 “Possible side effects” of this leaflet for further advice. • If you are allergic to insulin, the active ingredient contained in EXUBERA or any of the other ingredients of EXUBERA. | 5Medical Domain
Giggy, my grand father gave it to me, i am 27 and he still calls me that. | 2Education & Reference
You don't have a clue.\n\nPeople are on here to defeat lies with truth.\n\nOnly about one percent are decent questions.\n\nThe rest of the questions are playing games, making statements, stupid, childish, trolling, biblically illiterate, nonsense, and etc, and etc, and etc.\n\nTRY ASKING A DECENT QUESTION.\n\nOr make everyone happy, go to another category. | 7Society & Culture
godaddy.com has plans starting at $3.95/month | 1Computers & Internet
On the roof of a McDonalds during business hours. | 4Family & Relationships
Empty all temporary internet files and flush the cookies and cache completely. Restart and load the game again. Working. | 1Computers & Internet
Well first shutdown the computer so you don't do harm to the computer while constantly pressing keys. Then take those q-tip things and get the tips damp with water. Clean inbetween the keys and viola! You have a nice clean coke-free keyboard. You could try using wipes too. :) | 1Computers & Internet
morris chestnut | 0Business & Finance
Hmm. I used to be like this with my bf (still am a bit, it's just my personality, but I'm learning to deal). Just let her know how you feel and tell her that her 'tude might be hurting your relationship. Let her know you are an individual who has nothing to do with her exes and if you really want to stay with her, let her know this as well. She will appreciate the honesty. Good luck! | 4Family & Relationships
I am a funeral director and I can assure you that dead people DO NOT get up. Are you on something that will inhibit clear thinking? You are disresspectful to the dead and I think that is disgraceful. I will pray that the Lord will kick you in the nuts!!! | 7Society & Culture
ya, e-mail me if u've got questions... | 7Society & Culture
Wanna Do You Right - KC and Jojo | 3Entertainment & Music
yup, skate or die | 8Sports
wells your is in your bum | 2Education & Reference
He predicted the coming of the Apocalypse to take place 13 years before or after the year 2000. Since it didn't happen in 1987, if Nostradamus is right, it will occur in 2013. It is said that this is NOT the end of the world, but the war that MIGHT end the world. The Apocalypse is said to bring (among other things) the resurrection of Kain, the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the return of Merlin. | 7Society & Culture
smiling alot at you and always touching your shoulder are something always finding a reason to talk to you. | 4Family & Relationships
Trocoxil 95 mg chewable tablets for dogs Mavacoxib | 5Medical Domain
Olerud wears a helmet because he suffered a brain aneurysm while playing at Washington State University. He was told that if he was hit in the head, he could die from it. Ever since, he wore the helmet withoutthe ear flaps. | 8Sports
because there jogging. | 8Sports
For that first answerer: It is not entrapment. Entrapment is defined as forcing someone into doing something they wouldn't normally do. In other words, if I came up to you and asked you to sell me crack for 1 million dollars, you would probably hunt down the nearest drug dealer, take a ball bat to his head and and take his crack to sell to me. However if I asked you for the same amount of crack for its normal price, you'd tell me to pound pavement. These sting operations catch people in the act of doing something that they normally do. I hope they go to jail, and I hope one of the jailers violates his civil rights and tells the other inmates that this guy is a freakin' pervert. | 6Politics & Government
Yeah what iamhitchcock said. They'll probably just look @ you and ask you to read a script or do something you've prepared. Good luck!! | 3Entertainment & Music
friends\nto where the snowcaps doesnt melt, where the sun doesnt sets | 4Family & Relationships
While all AMD processors now support 64 bit processing, the Sempron processors are AMD's "value" line, run at somewhat lower clock speeds, and have less L2 cache on chip, making them much less expensive to manufacture while still providing very good performance. (see link 1) The AMD Athlon 64 and 64FX processors (links 2,3) run at higher clock speeds and have more L2 cache, providing excellent performance, but costing much more to make than Sempron. Athlon 64 X2 is AMD's dual core CPU, providing more stable operation for tasks such as video editing. | 1Computers & Internet
The name of the movie is called Twitches starring Tia and Tamera Mowry. The name of one song on the soundtrack is Rush by AJ and Aly Michalka. If you more info about the song you can go to there website. i didnt see the soundtrack on disney.com so it might not be out yet, but you can still check the website. | 0Business & Finance
If I understand your question correctly - how does one prepare to participate in a counseling interview: You spend the time reviewing the case, where you were in the past sessions and what the next few steps are going to be.\n\nAs a (more or less) unbiased observer you generally have an idea of what the underlying problem may be and have to work on getting the interviewee to that realization, overcoming blocks along the way. If you don't understand the root cause of the problem yet you spend the time discovering more information and filling in the blanks until you do.\n\nSessions are kept short to keep things adaptable.\n\nI hope this helps. | 2Education & Reference
If you mean clutter that creates support and structure, but also emotional baggage, while also reflecting cultural heritage, I agree.\n\nMaybe God = being stoned? Makes your brain go fuzzy round the ages, offers a temporary sense of community-in-sleepwalking\n\nOr God = badger? Black and white together, excellent comedy credentials, crops up with bizarre frequency in my dreams | 7Society & Culture
Remove the hard drive from your computer, find another working machine and plug it in there. Then you'll have a drive letter (sometime E: or later letter, C: is main drive D: is Cd/dvd) where you can access the directories and retrieve your files.\n\nFor Windows XP you "My Documents" directory will be located here: "E:\documents and settings\username\my documents" where E: is the drive that shows up on the new computer, and username is the name you had your account setup for on your old computer.\n\nAnother method that's usually easier is to buy an external USB hard drive enclosure, about $30~$40 and install the old drive in it and plug it into a USB port on another computer. Make sure the enclosure and the drive type match. | 1Computers & Internet
Rhythm\n\nThe longest word in the English dictionary without any vowels. | 2Education & Reference
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What I find most attractive is not the same thing as other people. And the other way around too, you will know. But in the mean time, it could be that you should be a little bolder too possibly. Are you showing interest in others too? Or just waiting for someone else to make the move on you? | 7Society & Culture
Who really cares? | 0Business & Finance
Major William L. "Bill" Cline is retired from the Department of Natural Resources. | 6Politics & Government
NO | 3Entertainment & Music
that means a picture was linked but is broken or is blocked by a firewall. | 1Computers & Internet
Why are you asking? Lawyer trying to make a civil case? I'm sure the names are available if you look up the criminal case unless they were blacked out. I just don't see a need to list the names of people who've been hurt, all it does is hurt them more. | 6Politics & Government
There is no such thing as a Niagra Falls in Florida. Check up on what these people are talking about to get more information about the subject. | 8Sports
I have a huge problem with that. I also have a problem with people expecting you to change your plans to accommodate them. I just refuse to do it anymore. If I were you I would tell the person/people when they come over "I'm sorry, we were just on our way out. I'll call you later OK?" That way you're rid of them, and maybe they'll get the hint without you having to come out and call them on coming over unannounced and uninvited. Hope this helps... | 7Society & Culture
pay them | 4Family & Relationships
Kill myself! Just kidding. I am straight. \n\nBut, I just went through the same thing with my best friend(a girl) I just told her that I wanted to take our relationship to another level, and now we have been going out for a month or two. No flaws whatsoever. =)\n____________________________________________________________\n\nJust go for it honey. If he is your best friend he should love to be with you. I am sure you are an amazing woman and any guy would be happy to have you! | 4Family & Relationships
Fevaxyn Pentofel, solution for injection, for cats | 5Medical Domain
Well, different for girls & guys. It is a hard one to answer not knowing your gender. Still, I'll give it a shot as I've asked my husband questions before to find out what it feels like to him.\n\nFor the girl, it can be painful the first time or two, depending upon the size of the male as well as the internal size of the female. The good part for the female is that, believe it or not, you "adjust" somewhat in size to be able to handle it.\n\nFor the guy, it can be rather stressful because he feels like he can "go off" at any second &, of course, if he does, it sort of shortens the enjoyment for both parties involved. From what I've been told, there is a sort of pressure that is felt as things build up. Any guy out there who would like to clarify more is welcome to do so :)\n\nFor both parties involved - especially if both are virgins - there will be a lot of times where things feel ticklish or just plain odd...like it feels good but there's just something different about it. Just roll with it & let yourself "feel" the feelings that happen because this is one of the best parts. For a woman who might not actually climax during the act, this might be THE best part so, if you are a guy, keep that in mind. If she's enjoying what you are doing, spend a few more minutes there before moving on. Anyway, overall, it quite honestly feels strange & wonderful all at the same time.\n\nNow, I will say this just to be full in my answer. There are times that it take forever for either to reach a climax & sometimes one or the other doesn't. These are the times where you must remember that practice makes perfect.\n\nAnd, again, be careful & protect yourself, please. That in mind, have fun... | 0Business & Finance
Try these links :\nhttp://search.ebay.com/91-ford-probe-air-intake_W0QQfromZR8QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQssPageNameZRC0021\n\nhttp://search.ebay.com/ford-probe-cold-air-intake_W0QQfromZR8QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQssPageNameZRC0023 | 8Sports
You get a job - to give you a sense of selfsufficiency. And then find yourself a REAL man [not mere 'boyfriend'] to hopefully settle down for life with - to marry ! | 2Education & Reference
5 stars PLZ go buy it on dvd it is sssssssssssssoooooooooooo great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 3Entertainment & Music
Keep mixing until we're all the same color. | 7Society & Culture
Before I get into the iProceed Principles of Competitive Strategy, here are a few things that I prefer when I help a firm define its basis of competition:\n\n* Think primarily from your perspectives, rather than your own. \n\n* Think positive competition (Why should our customers do business with us? ) versus negative competition (Why should our customers not do business with our competitors?).\n\n* Unless you have the scale advantage.\n\nAlways think positive even you are a loser!\nhttp://www.iproceed.com/growth/competitive-strategy.htm | 2Education & Reference
Go to their website @ www.bmg.com and go to customer service or contact us and their is space that has send an email and put down you want to cancel and send the cd back and that will solve any issues with them. | 3Entertainment & Music
My Dad used to be the same way. I finally got really mad at him one day and asked him. He said "Because I want you to be the best you can be." \n\nIt didn't make me like his nagging and yelling any better, but at least I understood why he did it, and I was better able to ignore it. \n\nTruthfully, I secretly tried harder after that, knowing he wanted me to do my best. | 0Business & Finance
Subsets and Splits