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6,370 | And it's great to be with you again. | No |
3,235 | That's one of the problems with this administration's so-called shuttle diplomacy. | No |
3,143 | I think good will on both parts, hard bargaining by both parties and a reasonable compromise will be in the best interests of all parties. | No |
28,827 | And incidentally, an excellent -- I mean, I think our success over the last eight years has not been in spite of diversity but because of it. | No |
5,835 | Whenever you get a large rally of 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 people, you're going to have some fringe peoples. | No |
16,894 | There's some question about their morality. | No |
6,632 | Let me come back in one moment to that, but I want to speak for a second, if I can, to what the president said about fiscal responsibility. | No |
13,920 | Everybody says it'll create jobs. | No |
19,909 | It's not being taken away from anybody else, except we'll downsize the Department of Education. | No |
2,794 | In every one of these instances, the Ford administration has failed, and I hope tonight that I and Mr. Ford will have a chance to discuss the reasons for those failures. | No |
6,968 | And recognizing that, I called together a group of our fellow citizens to study the issue. | Yes |
4,229 | They were just waiting to seize the opportunity. | No |
14,746 | Now, the question is, can we win? | No |
24,527 | Like Mr. Perot, I have held crack babies in my arms. | No |
6,023 | The same country that's helping us try to stop the flow of drugs into our country that's killing young Americans. | Yes |
660 | I'm not going to do that, because I think the jury is still out on the Soviet experiment. | No |
11,005 | What we're going to give you is a 50 percent tax credit to help provide health care for those that you need. | No |
16,785 | Now Governor Carter complains about the deficits that uh - uh - this administration has had. | No |
1,828 | I want to bring the rates down, at the same time lower deductions and exemptions and credits and so forth, so we keep getting the revenue we need. | No |
17,125 | Virtually every economic analysis that I've heard of, including the distinguished Congressional Budget Office, which is respected by, I think, almost everyone, says that even with historically high levels of economic growth, we will suffer a $263 billion deficit. | Yes |
29,989 | And one of the things he's done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack into government files, to hack into personal files, hack into the Democratic National Committee. | Yes |
21,091 | It's a part of the Social Security system. | Yes |
2,493 | What your plan does is to duplicate what's already the law, which says if you are out of health insurance for three months, then you can end up getting continuous coverage and an insurance company can't deny you if you've -- if it's been under 90 days. | Yes |
11,268 | But the Russians, I think we can deal with them but they've got to understand that they're facing a very firm and determined United States of America that will defend our interests and that of other countries in the world. | No |
7,500 | I believe I offer tested, strong leadership that can calm the waters of the troubled world. | No |
1,666 | But we all know that we've still got a lot of work to do. | No |
3,683 | But there's no doubt that we're not going to be able to do everything that I think needs to be done. | No |
32,972 | I want a Supreme Court that doesn't always side with corporate interests. | No |
6,525 | One of the reasons I'm such a strong believer in legal reform is so that people aren't afraid of producing a product that is necessary for the health of our citizens and then end up getting sued in a court of law. | No |
6,221 | I don't know how you vote "present" on some of that. | No |
7,528 | And yet, because of the hard work of the American people and good policies, this economy is growing. | Yes |
907 | Well, I think we have to go to work on the problem of Third World debt and we've got to assist those Third World countries in dealing with this massive debt which they currently-which they have incurred and which is burdening them and which if we don't do something about it and assist them along with other nations around the world, we'll destroy their economies, destroy their future. | No |
7,075 | That has the benefit of making sure our employers aren't breaking the law as they try to fill their workforce needs. | No |
671 | The Reagan-Bush administration was right. | No |
26,690 | So we have -- as we said, if you want to keep doing business and selling your products over here, you're going to have to quit pirating our CDs, and they agreed to do things and verify that they had done it, which will make the problem much better. | Yes |
33,536 | She has been outsmarted and outplayed worse than anybody I've ever seen in any government whatsoever. | No |
33,044 | You take a look at what's happening to steel and the cost of steel and China dumping vast amounts of steel all over the United States, which essentially is killing our steelworkers and our steel companies. | Yes |
8,832 | He's talking about that fantastic plan of the Administration to take thousands and thousands of square miles out in the Western states. | No |
23,904 | I was 19 or 20 flying off an aircraft carrier and that shaped me to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. | No |
13,956 | I just have an honest philosophical difference. | No |
18,430 | First of all, we all know that in his state of the union message, he told Congress about nuclear materials that didn't exist. | Yes |
24,321 | We're weak in the world. | No |
5,813 | And I think Congressman Lewis' point was that we have to be careful about how we deal with our supporters. | No |
7,502 | We can lift our schools up. | No |
3,044 | It doesn't uh - make a determination as to how uh - that relationship should be achieved in relationship to our current uhh - diplomatic recognition and obligations to the Taiwanese Government. | No |
18,777 | And finally, we were a party to the convention -- to working with Germany, France and Great Britain to send their foreign ministers into Iran. | Yes |
6,478 | Yes, we can be safe and secure, if we stay on the offense against the terrorists and if we spread freedom and liberty around the world. | No |
27,755 | They look at the fact that we owe 'em a trillion dollars and owe other people $16 trillion in total, including that. | Yes |
17,756 | Mr. Reagan, as you saw tonight -- President Reagan takes the position it will disappear by magic. | No |
23,280 | I'm pledging I will not raise taxes; I'm giving a tax cut to the people earning less than $200,000 a year. | No |
26,775 | What we need is good, strong leadership going in the next century. | No |
12,186 | And let me tell you exactly why I think that the choice he made to give a tax cut for the oil companies and others before addressing this -- I mean, if you were the governor of a state that was dead last in health care for families, and all of a sudden you found yourself with the biggest surplus your state had ever had in its history, wouldn't you want to maybe use some of it to climb from 50th to, say, 45 or 40 or something or maybe better? | No |
5,976 | We can store and reprocess spent nuclear fuel, Senator Obama, no problem. | No |
29,606 | I could do that very quickly. | No |
33,178 | It's all about the Constitution of -- of -- and so important, the Constitution the way it was meant to be. | No |
28,331 | So I'm going to ask the Congress to pass a teacher protection act. | No |
11,198 | General Petraeus has just taken over a position of responsibility, where he has the command and will really set the tone for the strategy and tactics that are used. | No |
25,504 | And the promise of the revolution was democracy, human rights, free labor unions, free press. | Yes |
10,341 | I'm a guy who wants to help with the experience I have, the American people. | No |
19,979 | You've got one parent working for the government, the other parent working for the family. | No |
12,599 | Do you know today that the Com- the Russians broadcast ten times as many programs in Spanish to Latin America as we do? | Yes |
1,404 | And uh - that would be another factor that I would follow. | No |
26,612 | It will probably happen in the year 2012 or 2015. | No |
33,174 | They are great scholars in all cases, and they're people of tremendous respect. | No |
8,258 | I come out of the Democratic party, which in this century has produced Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, and which supported and sustained these programs which I've discussed tonight. | No |
14,356 | I apologize for it but that one got right to the national honor and I'm sorry. | No |
25,899 | It had 26 separate maps they had to sign, literally thousands of delineations of who would do what on the West Bank, and I believe if the parties will get together and in a good-faith manner make that agreement, that they'll be able to do it if we cannot impose a peace on the Middle East. | No |
27,398 | First of all, the sequester is not something that I've proposed. | No |
10,148 | Wherever possible the -- the benefit of having two parents in the home, and that's not always possible. | No |
29,219 | How do you bring back -- specifically bring back jobs, American manufacturers? | No |
23,612 | Religion has been a huge part of my life. | No |
19,544 | Americans shouldn't have gone there in the first place, had we let them defend themselves, as they have a right to do under Article 57 of the United Nations charter. | Yes |
350 | I'd say around 30 percent. | No |
34,356 | We've got to get back to rebuilding the middle class, the families of America. | No |
7,584 | He points to the fact that I visited Cuba while Mr. Batista was in power there. | No |
21,150 | I believe that -- I believe they've moved that sign, "The buck stops here" from the Oval Office desk to "The buck stops here" on the Lincoln bedroom. | No |
14,308 | I think we're making progress here. | No |
1,673 | Are we going to double on top-down economic policies that helped to get us into this mess or do we embrace a new economic patriotism that says America does best when the middle class does best? | No |
2,181 | It's called premium support, but it's understood to be a voucher program. | No |
9,900 | And what I've also said is for young people who come here, brought here often times by their parents. | No |
719 | Two questions: How do you deter nuclear attack without modernizing our nuclear forces when the Soviets are modernizing and how come you spend-willing to spend a dime on something that you consider a fantasy and a fraud. | No |
1,748 | And so the question is how to get them going again. | No |
21,097 | I want to get a better rate of return for your own money than the paltry 2% that the current Social Security Trust gets today. | No |
6,110 | If you don't have health insurance or you want to buy into a group plan, you will be able to buy into the plan that I just described. | No |
27,257 | We're all focused on China. | No |
18,732 | And I think this will work. | No |
5,668 | That's not the way we cut -- we'll cut out all the pork. | No |
12,077 | But I think that we -- I think we have to start with better parenting. | No |
30,177 | But nobody called Sean Hannity. | Yes |
17,532 | Net farm income is off 50 percent in the last 3 years, and every farmer knows it. | Yes |
18,155 | What message does that send to our allies? | No |
8,306 | Secondly, my objection to present farm policy is that there are no effective controls to bring supply and demand into better balance. | No |
26,693 | I'm proud that we're better off on that than we were four years ago. | No |
22,158 | We may differ about what the elements of that are. | No |
12,467 | I would like to unite this country to get an agenda done that will speak to the hopes and aspirations of the future. | No |
26,708 | And when it comes to public ethics, he has a responsibility. | No |
6,082 | We -- we need to have -- we need to have employers reward employees who join health clubs and practice wellness and fitness. | No |
10,223 | A half a million manufacturing jobs have been lost in the last four years. | Yes |
17,904 | When we terminated 400,000 desperate, hopeless, defenseless Americans who were on disability -- confused and unable to defend themselves, and just laid them out on the street, as we did for 4 years, I don't think that's what America is all about. | Yes |
11,287 | If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, all the other countries will acquire them, too. | No |
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