Search is not available for this dataset
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stringclasses 2
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My husband found this bottle holder in our garage today in a propane heater box (and we've never used a propane heater in our lives). It looks hand carved, and the bottom says it's made in Spain.
Reverse image search only shows carved monks and other figures, but no devils. Aside from being a little creeped out (we're already cursed), we'd love to know more about it! | r/antiques | post | r/Antiques | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbUlvNnF0VmZkaW5QeDYwNlVBZ3ZsX1J3bjlMZkEzTW90d0N0el9peXpyRklLcG9Zb2NONmRUa29fMFRVSFFEOEdBWkJDZ3V5d3JTcE0zWGZtVDN1SHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZDk0SWFEVW9jcjB2dWFFclFnRnBxT0hjM2F3YldzNUt1bnAzdm9pV3pEaDczQ3dRT1JDTFdGRDBWSDZ1ZHcxRldvMzQ1UUJtbjZQd3FyWi1vZG5BMkNTWFBxWXZsdkhBbHpKS0RNMTA3NDNkcU9JTFptSTRhMmM1elZBajhrMHk0WEZjRWxha3hJeUg3ZnMzU1pMVXlJVVZQemtqWjZJenFzVG9lcGp6MVVqaWFFeXI1cHdDT3JnRUNfX2NQMl9ZLWVsWEx4Rjc1LWNpMkItRFlmT0xodz09 | 2,040 |
[removed] | r/antitrampo | post | r/antitrampo | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZ3BWZFJ4MGk0UER0Z3JvMzZhc3BGY1psYUl3VXpMdHNIdGNsbUhWQ2tRQmtBM1g1WVllSWh1UTFaRTQ3NDRsOXZxSlFIZGU3SDU0OFh0ZTVMaElPZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheFI4WDMxeGRhQ01Lbi1rUDIwNldWVnprSHlyNFFnckdHQzJHQVM1LTg5YlhBb2N6SWkyTElmdVQzallfaTAtZW81b1pxUkc4VGxwU1UxUHBhLUVtdGg3UVNFSTE5X09OMnBnQnRTb1pNUXVYS2VFOThIMkh2V3FmOFZVRHJMamg4Ni1sNjBNOGlTR1ZOUmszd1BJYlZMNGE4ZnFGcDZ1ZHZyUUhjdGNlazM1WUlJR0MyaDNQNVhsYWtEWW8ybkJ2eFk5eFZudW5EZElaTXp3N1BoVXdWdz09 | 2,041 |
[removed] | r/antitrumpalliance | post | r/AntiTrumpAlliance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQVdsdjJaRjBwemlCanFiTUlHM3E1eXlYdEluSV94QXNtaTZMUFlBdTRnOEdyVzVuV2ZsNUZ0VnhXWkQtbWg2NTlhUVdrdVNlNElfYmxwR05fMmJqbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheGI2T09QM3BLOEZwU0ZzTnVNYy1PYllEWjFfY29Mc1ROeTJ0NTVkYVczcnRVTXlCMmNpWEliX0pUUGcyeU9PdS10ZWJiTVZnczVvWlp1YTVuX0RzY1UyU0VuOUp3aUVZWEdnU0h5OTBLV3dVVFhtc0VMVy16TDliVWg5WWp4OXo2QWtaUERpa3RUb04tZG1yS21QUnl2c2NqeUdmUE8xZWVTUjc5eURuc0NiclVmZm5oTFFzRnBKMXdycHNmd1hi | 2,043 |
[removed] | r/antitrumpalliance | post | r/AntiTrumpAlliance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb0NaNlZjQ25fWnJPeGFhY2lRV1JDMS0tcE43dmR4ZEVHTHlCb1ZZd25rbkcwRnFJMEtMMTJpS0hVUy1wYVZQRV9jNHpqUEFLWGF0S3pkaHc0MHZ3STQ2STJwLUpEcTZTTVhXZVFndmdSU1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUk0tZkIxMVdFRTlXVEZWTEswYnMydEc5MEROaGZLbFBlNDB2WEQ4clA1cjl4M2xHRUIxZzVtajRRcldkT0haZ1pncVRSVi0tLWNmQ2tQZGw4TFRQR1BMRmRwRU1lLU5ST3c5eURQaFUwOUliUjJlMFRJc2s4aG5NYU5RU000M2VZU3NuUEI0MGJLRUh5NU1qaXVPTU9JMEdySVlWTU9ndkYwc21SbmYwazhxMmV1cUs4QmVKZXliVDhTVEZ0X1JuYkNKLXp5ZHZqclp0a3hEZTVFWkRlZz09 | 2,044 |
[removed] | r/antitrumpalliance | post | r/AntiTrumpAlliance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZm9NSFZ0YTNqcHdwVmdlV3VsbXRUR2hEMzBGRjRtdlFzTzUtanpxRHpRWXBuU3RkVTFscE9NM2MxRWtOSHQtdkFJU1FwNVpzb1pOYU92Zm9FeEVRU0E4S29JSXpwNTljWEY0ekw0amt1SkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUE9PYVBoaF9nTUZWbjhzei1RSXFaZG1GUWdVc3ZHUjVWMHFmUUE2cmItZVJjemVhNWk4XzFnUGd6Rl9sLTQ1NEc3ZUhkUUlTVzNfNnh6ejZjOGNlQnRVQmZLSVVIWGMwa1h2bVVKbFpEeTNXLWJBQ1dPTkZkc1J2WXY0d2ZxeF9vYkhNeTlSNzJpWWloa1RqN3lybkg3bjlsZC1JTW9tdzEwbk1HVzlaQ2lxSUQyU2dCZW9pREpIc05yUzh1SHloZDBEV21xTkRkQ0dCaHRFbE5wSFdnUT09 | 2,046 |
I'm scanning a file that I was about to install, and I've noticed multiple connected IP addresses in the relations tab on virustotal. What does this indicate? When I clicked on them, the community responses were alarming, stating, 'This is Russian ransomware.' Is there a risk that this could infect my PC? I've already reanalyzed the file to get the most recent data, but I'm concerned: if someone includes a clearly unsafe file, like malware, spyware, or ransomware, will it link back to the same IP address?
Virustotal indicates that the file has a detection rate of 1 out of 71, suggesting that it's likely a false positive—or perhaps it's just a particularly fortunate antivirus (LOL).
Link : [****](
Let me know asap thank u for anyone who knows anything | r/antivirus | post | r/antivirus | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYamlDRXlvajNjdm1oekU3N0l0dFRWdmdyeWx1UFVxM2JVaVJmZS1ETElITUNiWTdnRXJuN1k3clJ4Ykt3ODAzR2xrMUpIRFZfSVNOY0RTVG42aVl0MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcXJtdmZzLUpXdzlzcXltXzVzQ1g3ZlVtRWZNVDlvTUl4NGhGMGxmUUtWUzVscF9NWTNfZkI4RUtBRHo2cHdxQjgzLVRzQk9GS3RLU25PSkE1eDZKRVp2UXdyOWNKRW9yYXp5WW9ES2lBdFhDZWFJLURxZF9yTUxIbnpxRVJsbnl4eE4wS0dmM3RvY29vaXlxdmd2MWlMMHgzUnk0cGh1c2ZtWGhyNXJvQXFXcm5EUmR0Tm1WQk1uN3BWY0JQQnlkYl9GQ3pOTUo3cER3NWt2RHZ2M3Zzdz09 | 2,047 |
[removed] | r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOHJaMU1NMVBMV0J3RXJvRlp4bHUweWdsUjVqbjRqZS1SSHZDcldCaThIZlNYU0JKTlM0OWNqbm1jdzREekdkZFIzZlBUVFVCbFF2aXdwZFdpOHppM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRGlJT20xNmdBbGZ2Uy1EVWxuTk5mOHFNZV9jT3ZiM3NrT0VnVXNtamsxdDd4TGprYWItbXdqMmZNTUxvMUdjRXd4ZmNEeVQ5ZzFPMndnYlRJSFBYU05nRFQxSHVXVGJHNllydWE2azFMYmZIOXJfYnYxSkdIU3hiUHFrcFdYdjhXWW82UjNLajA3ak1QUWFOUEhjdGd0TmNwMmlsWUdZUEtLV3V3VlhDeko4PQ== | 2,048 |
[deleted] | r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVDhzWEs4VEVNMGFEVjNMVF9wWkNENnZQWFM3WkdwM0M1ckVfY1VtZ21keHhjdWFPbVVVcmFBSXNtR1NoTmtOUHVQLUhfQWpJeWxJeTdQR0k5MmpzZnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheEpNWE5NNUtOWHd5ZlA2bE12Q0trbjRvdFJoMnIzZTgyeVY0OFRUaVNWY2VvN1B1M29nNXNPQmc0bGFmQURhN0hJeGVPQld0RDZwendYZ3BTNHdoTVNURzVtb3NjQnl5REZEd2pHWDByUDJzc1VuZEpPaERjQ0V2MWhqNEJDdjdxdmV6UWRXRGM2TjZnS1RxZEF5Yzk0VS1LcXRaOEpLV3BPVHJuUEVpX0JWYjR4MnFQZ0RpQTg2S1dFaVpTU1Bt | 2,049 |
I can't tell you how many times jobs have not paid their employees for working that extra hour! I used to remind my co-workers. However, I'm no longer an employee so I will share with you all!
| r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcDRGcFcxQ2dnd1NvZE9GenN4YjRiRWQ3TVh1cXdFa1FWR2hWek5yVlo5UUk2ZEg3UkV5cTdHSDA1QTlBdC1MRWNlbmN2OGd4d1hPV0laWmYxZ3ZGa0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbE5QeFZJc1ZWTzRFNGdUMGlGRkdvdXdBbFIwRTlGczV4ZVJlVndEZ0g5ai1DSnFoendLLWx6aHlvUy1kSk5sd2hkUTZ6ZlBORFhOSUs0NWlvSlYxTGZVbmdsUnQxLUV5MjFCTlFYdUxNRm1BbFlSelF3OGJHUkQ4c0N0VGF4WEF0UzJZUEw0bjJsczZrZmFpa2pSLWIteDRwdktqS3lkLXM0emN6UHQ5MlktcHN4TGkzVy1fVE1TYlEtSUFhbWhl | 2,050 |
There will be 5-10 minute breaks here and there but damn. I’m so irritated I have to sit on camera all day to prove I’m participating.
I’m so mad at being micromanaged that I don’t even care what the meeting professional development is about. I’ll be at work. I can’t do it at home anyway, so isn’t being physically at the workplace enough?
I’m just venting. Sorry. | r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYLU94QkpKYW9yMW1jY1EtRG5TemtVZ1Z3UllMTlRydlA1ZnVWeXVjVTlVN19ISGh2MEVfU3FMNUowcS1CdzFyLTNmSWhDcjdqN3VpOGkwaFk1VEVsQ3lzUWRFVnRneWo1LU9lcXZoaDFjRWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhajJpWHhvQU1TV0VVeDZhVVp1YkJlR3RNU2w1RGFPc1ZmZDBsa0JEMk9PQXpsWkJQd2hCWVJndG1BSXc2aklad21oWTlib1VZd1FMMHROakx2RHA1dU5GcG9QMjB6bEpEWF9aRl95dFhCWHBFNk9kYmlGaDlPMkJiUmFHV2thRktpQlRKaktla09lODgzdHVIYXlOTGg0aVJKcy1SUjZfeGdkM0dCUnpCbHYyRnd3QmpYck5UNE9iTWcxa283ZlpQU2FKM3g4RlRYVkY0ZUwtTjNnMFNpUT09 | 2,051 |
When young, you are asked what you want to be when you grow up. As if working is the point of life. We are just thrown in this system and people are expected to accept it...
People should be asking: what fun things do you want to do in your life?
I would say: chill with friends, practice piano or guitar, play some games, what series, try to make games and some other things that I now don't have enough time for but might pickup if I had more. To me that is life, that is freedom.
But then as a kid I had to go to school more days than I was free. So I am basically putting in work and don't get an equal value of freedom in return. They also add homework which also decreases freedom.
Then at work the standard is 40 hours. Which is 2 days of freedom per week. So I decide to work part time: 32 hours. Which is still not a fair trade. I can't afford 28 hours(half a week in work hours) yet, so I am stuck throwing part of my life away. I also have house chores and travel time to work. Also, the half hour break at work is unpaid. You also have dentist, barber and other things like that. Also, due to autism work (and school previously)really tires me out mentally so I can't do much after work except watching series. After work, I have zero juice left for things where you have to think. Also, a lot of things in school are not necessary, so lifetime is also wasted in school. I will never get it back.
A lot of lifetime just gets taken from us. Do people just accept this? Being forced to live in this system where the individuals freedom is limited? Does nobody see the flaw in this system? Why do people not stand up? I wish people would. I wanted to strike in highschool against too much homework and forced attendance (some subjects were better to learn on my own outside class), for example, but nobody wanted to join the fight. They seemed too obedient or scared to standup. "We might get in trouble",. Yeah, maybe, but if nobody ever stands up nothing will ever change. People are basically being scammed all their lives but don't seem to do much about it. I cannot fight alone though.
To me a post work society would be perfection. All of my life would be in my hands. If there is a heaven then it would be having your own world where you can do whatever you want. Unfortunately we are not at post work yet (if it will ever happen). Then the middle ground is 50% working. With 50% I can say I lived a good life on my deathbed. At least then it was fair. If I cannot achieve that, I will have regrets. So I will always have this attitude. If I see an opening to fight, I will take it.
| r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc2FvLXQ0cWRZandsc3F0b09GY21aZHNaY0xSanU2b0tZeTJYUVlGdlZPbHVQMklqc080ampxQ3RJa2U2STlDaWVUWTd4RTFEbFM0c0tQTm1BNWJkdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZ1FudzNZRlA0S2xJVGdGSzFsb0xQN3dyb2RHWHp4TVR4a2VWS0RHdzNVVWJkTUxHeVczNWVwcUktU2NJQ0ZHLS1hX1FKRzZyVW42VWdQX2JTZWVVSFBIOWtERmJkNUtSdXJOaFVWeTZBMDVTbjBkSTVrXzdSbG93Y01NRjVHckhqeEhNQ2lwT2d1ZEpDdEJrcHlQN2xQY05XaUhEb3hseEI0NWZ6c3I3U09pQXdEbm9XaGtRN1FMNEpvWER4NkZpUXg2ZWN0XzNXTEh4ZHhOenlJOGJnQT09 | 2,052 |
Pro-gamer Move
I worked with this guy for about 2 years. He wasn't the top salesman but he was usually 2 or 3. Clean cut guy and very respectful. He did have the occasional sleazeball sale where he was lying through his teeth, but let's say that was once a month and this guy was so clean cut the customers would assume they made the mistake. I would only find out about these when they came to return so he must've pitch them in privacy somewhere in the store.
I sold business in retail but I didn't compete against the stores and their sales rolled up to me. One day he closed a 16 line deal on iPhones which was great for me but many of the retail leaders wanted to talk shit and ask why I didn't close the deal. This particular customer was one that would ask for only this rep and swore his shit didn't stink. I was also detecting straight up bullshit in this pitch. He had a district manager over his shoulder the whole time. So I figured it must not be that bad or they'd stop it. He even convinced the district manager to manually discount $200 off each 2yr contract on iPhones. $3200 dollars in discounting right off the top. They all took pictures around the haul of phones and sent it around the district. My boss asked why I wasn't in the pictures and I had to tell him because I figured it would all be coming back.
On top of all this, this transaction action came 2 days before this rep was leaving for vacation. He used all his vacation days and vacation time decreased your quota. So he basically capped out commissions and left for his honeymoon.
Fast forward 3 weeks later and this business walks back in confused about their billing. I looked at their bill and they previously had 16 lines under contract and now they were at 32 lines. The owner explained that there shouldn't be 16 new numbers as they "upgraded" these phones and they were told they wouldn't pay a dime until they put in the sim cards from their old phones. I tried to explain to her that's not how this works and she responded by basically insinuating I was too stupid to understand what had happened and she would wait until the expert returned. I went to the GM and immediately reported the situation but the GM and the customer both agreed to wait until the rep got back from their honeymoon to discuss it further.
New month rolls around and rep doesn't return to work. He had taken a job somewhere else and used the honeymoon as a cover to get paid all of his vacation days and to make sure he got one last mega commission check. 16 phones* about $800 waived activation fees, waived cancellation fees, etc.
Guess who they turned to to fix this.... I told them let's go back and look at the pictures of this deal to see who should fix it and they actually made that person do it. Dude pissed me off but I must admit he was playing chess while we were playing checkers. | r/antiwork | post | r/antiwork | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcndaX3oyMGF4RERtcTBqVUJjTEZPTkdIMUhBRHVXNU5lVF94YWcxNlBXLW1jMlRUX0xRal9jLVBZREtNQ2xRRUJxWjNpR0N3MnJLNzZZb3IyTEFDRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRnpvS0w0clgzb3hGR29LbGtkdm5FOFpfUHU3cFRNNzFHMkhEZXZaNldDb2JlS1RHVWdDRWk3OTlmU0dxNlFvWG02djVHZGtpQkFCdVMzTWNBY0tGWnh1SUxINXozY3g3VXYyN1NlTlBfRHFpRzZma1hVMUxoZHhRazZWRExtN2pmZ0xWb3VFbmxMdFpEYktaRUxkc0hWejBJVjR1YUdOSTBVcXI0VHNBbW84PQ== | 2,053 |
Join our [talent pool]( today. We won't spam you - we promise!! | r/antiwork_io | post | r/antiwork_io | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVEg0cmxOaHU1UFJjUTNmT2EyLTRJSFJVMmh3blpQbmJHR3NPdXBmV21CUUNDVjQ5XzZqWjdsMTR2ajU4a2V0Xzh5UFByeVFwSHoxNkhFMHg1UHhGb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZnBDZlk1bG40X19XaEpHTk9FRUt6MG9xaVdfMlRNdUZ6ODRkd2JES1JWSVRjMEVyelhjQkszaUhBUTFwME1fWGlxdnFESnNKUXVwWldWaWFIdGw0bVVOTTlscUk5S3drTVpkVDFUUFl6empTQ0dUbG50Yk9tTGJQZDhmOV9JcjNQakJIVFhOTWJWQnI3M2FYNDhrOGxlSFVPeHZzT0s0SEdFNkFIb1g3R0gzQTczVUZ2OThSS0NfOEFvTzUxbUt6d01WRnFZQnVwanFBVnJkcnFhQl9mQT09 | 2,054 |
Hello i just want some insights po regarding sa situation ng partner ko.
For Context.
Nagpapautang sa office nila si partner. Halos lahat ng HR and Manager niya nangungutang sa kanya, Then itong manager niya na may hawak sa kanya nung sinabi ni partner na hindi na muna siya magpaparenew biglang nagbago ihip ng hangin pinaginitan siya bigla then kung ano ano na ang sinisilip.
This october bigla siyang ipinatawag at binabaan ng memo dahil daw sa hindi pagsunod sa superior niya tapos pinagforce resign siya kasi sabi hanggang Nov 25 na lang daw siya nagpasa siya nung katapusan ng october.
Tapos ngayon since sinisingil na ni partner lahat ng utang bago siya umali biglang pinatawag na naman siya ng HR at ginawan ng issue na kesyo hindi na naman nasunod sa mga pinapagawa at iteterminate na daw siya at hanggang Nov 10 na lang.
Tingin kasi namin balak nila ihold yung 13th month since magbibigayan na sa kanila sa 2ndweek ng November. Kagaya na lang nung hindi na rin siya binigyan ng incentive na nakukuha nila every 3mos since paresign na siya. Siya lang walang natanggap nung nagbigayan nung October (supposedly last month pa dapat ng sep pero nadelay)
Ano po ba ang grounds nito for DOLE ?
Kasi nagpasa na siya resignation then dapat rendering na lang tapos biglang sasabihin na hanggang Nov 10 na lang daw then termination na .
Kapag termination meaning wala siyang makukuha na kahit ano even COE and yung 13month ? Salamat po sa sasagot.
| r/antiworkph | post | r/AntiworkPH | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSDFkNHFCR1Rad3FyTjZObVBnb29pWm5VMWo5d1FuOFFNUm1iQzlYVUN5bXhJRGFKNDVIVVFPTTdqVHB6ZWdvTG5aMC1sdUhESmI3WFVXbVdYTmFLQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUUVaRDdtZXNEY1k3WUl4VHROVWc1N2szcVE3SnJNbHh2NmdZRW43RExQR1hDNVhjcTBhb2gyOFJwSEQ0MFZlZi1JakhYdXgzaklCbmV0YmlRSllZbE41MmdRSXdEb3VPczc2YlZVeHFnZGd0Uko2ZUxLbkJxRDNQa0ozRzBRTF9IdTV0MUs5cGsxeXRTRUJBbXFEMDNSRzNlS0VtTGV0VlRHalk5cGwwQkRrPQ== | 2,055 |
When applying for the early entry offer I put down wright hall bc my parents said it’d be good to have catering for the first year. But change of preferences opened today and I saw Ursula hall is cheaper and fully catered.
I just wanted to know how the life is there? Like is there any difference other than rooms food bathrooms ect. | r/anu | post | r/Anu | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX1FUZFBXWGVTcnhqdjBQRnZoemFCc3ZrV0l3RVVGc05iVnV0XzM4ZkJ5cEw2X1ZSU1VRMmJoSjRDMGJEOFVac3g3cHZsckUzRUNPeDI2aC1nN1I2X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNmxvbkRiWmN1NVJvNFpBcFNONTctdmxyeDhqMGU5T3ctZGQ5WWwzVDVtWnV3dmdoQ2lCRG5EYWtreUJrTHVialJiOFhlYlpaMXYyVzZhdlZabEg2MFdmT2k4T2tMUGdSTGNYT0dFZkFVZEdaLXdQNzZsM25CVDI0c2YzUGpzejVaS1dsQmJJazVNeDVnTFB4Ty0xRHZBPT0= | 2,058 |
Been looking for this for my top 100 ninja warrior ranking I’m working on and I can’t find it on Saskuepedia or Wiki? | r/anw | post | r/ANW | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTG1FZU1EVmg5WFZkcjhPMHJ2eFkzNTNRLWZvT3dFN1RYQUd1a3gyZ2dURWNvejJRekI2VTFpNDRnQi1ERk9mcDExNUJycmdjXzloc04tXzBJT0ZNZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbTZ4T2RJSmFRVHlSRDhMUEowU1Jma1g0OHNCMzRnZGs4NU52Y3Y0Q1huejBkNjZCWkhRRkZSeU9iaVF5NnhTTm1ucXJQQVBuVEpQZzVUWVRibV8yLXVMbnlWcUZnVW54YkJZRmVzeEY5YVRMVFN1dG9Mc0tMY3BWcmFsUWlBTTNBTlVwZmJXWk1YR2haamltZDBmQVd0LUlaZm1UNWhsbVJfUk52M05Uc3JKVG1pUEpDaVZuS0RQbzJPeTNHdjZV | 2,060 |
[deleted] | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbDJ6U0E5RlRTOXZLR0RSU1dsZWFBT0Zuc0l5N0QzUm9OWE5wYkd2Qk44am10cUtRZ3RUTG1rOVpiaHIxUHJfMkQxTldRYkRZN2daN3ZQNFc4QkdQNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMEF2SnRnc1k2UmRSUXZ1SnFOcG5CWlpJdHpMS2V0cjBEYmltMndOWER2dTVidmZaN0JkNDNrejMxeTdraDVkSXZNX211ZFhOZm1fVDdkTVl0ajR1U2RhWC1xbWNjU195RlZYYTNSTWR6MVN0YWlJdkh0OF80RlREZ2VTSUJ0emtXMDZKOFpycy10VGp0WFZFRWdzdWJrRnMxNUdiQXU1cG12eUptTGxoZ1J3PQ== | 2,061 |
[removed] | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYY2lCQjFMZHFhb1BzMnBLSHI0WWE1OWNiM0tFc0stdlZsd2NkamZRSWNaRzBTdnpmWU9lOGxJRzA2dWVHQktJTy0ta0p5bEdSQXE4ei1OTXdpek9wTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWXN6MzFPTGlSaGo0SlRJVXNpNHNBTDlGYWFlUEF6SGxJN0tKRElDeWhZRzcyVmsza3kwYUpwajJtWTlrVWN0X2hOWlNfME9FS1FRdW1fc19NODNVcEpVMTdaRUpHNXh4a2V3SjhXQWZRUjdqTml2WGwwYmtybDVOZldXR0ZuSlZpd2RRZTFQcTJZVlFiUE9GQ2V0Q3dXTG8wQkJBU0VBVW1tdy1GYkd6WlNBakRFMEZES1g0WmxXYkFnSjk2eWRO | 2,062 |
After a very good day today, I was concentrating on something intently and I got a weird wave of faintness and tunnel vision for about a second or two, normally would dismiss it probably but my anxiety kicked in now | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQlZpMHM3cC1CR29hWER5bTFmU0g5Zm9zZE1XdEdhTEVsQWdMWC1ma3k4YzlVd0NfZzhoZUlyeTQyRzZmLXZsZHBNeElPbF9LMFFYX1Q2TC1zY3o4MGEtMzRKRk1XekI1X1NjTGFUUEstTTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMms4SlVmal9NTWMxTlR0R2h1UnRwWjJBQm1Ta1g2TmtjWEVOdmhzRUpIbHhsZm54OGhNRUxBMG95aXZqVDk4VXM2QVBPRDVFWVdIZkZkYWtIMGxtVERneFIyOGJ2RUlyeHNoT000NzItQ1Bsa2RGMk1CUi1KeGdRLWNhaFV3S1hDaEVFbGprNC1XRE9QbzFkcndmMzA5Nk1BemF1cGo1V0tUel9xZVBmVkcwPQ== | 2,063 |
I took a .5mg of Ativan about an hour and a half ago, I just had a really bad attack, blood pressure went up, chest pain, palms sweaty.
I felt really good, took a shower, started watching a comedy movie, then boom.
I'm also not used to taking benzos regularly. This is day 3. | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcU1fU2FDYUZ0empVYUpoQzVxNFVqem9XcHdybVhHTThick5FUVpBRDY2NW1KMlNYR3hjZEpIdWtLbl9qYnV0dldpcGtxZnM1VzBCOHRTUmhhOTcwdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVHFZQ05FSEwzWTJuWkZGWG9zMnpvVFV1T2dzRG1tLTNhdVhVNER1Uzh1OWw2WjYyaWJVYnlDRVpZV0dia25CWHZOUjhOSkFjZVFQaEg5T3pUbWtJY09uWmsyM1p1MjlpSE1OZDZLajZqa2wxTWhHSXA5c29Bc01JRjdKOTdSeEcwa21uZmRaM1hRcW84WUNSMUhXbjlQUS1vSW41NUZtQ1RWSGptX3BQeFNITzFzY1pWMFNITUdwVjZJUmR1UVI2 | 2,064 |
I've noticed that cough drops, gum, etc, help me with my anxiety IMMENSELY. Are there any unmedicated, sugarless or LOW sugar cough drops or something similar I can suck on while at work (sort of discreet so not a lollipop) ?? +1 if it's something I can have 2 of a day :) Thanks so much in advance! | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSTF0RDJmU2dBeFFtaVBtUEpZOGtOLVptN05peFFHd0c4aEVuUzFWdEVUNkVJMlFpcGZIb1lEc2FBS1ZyUHFBQzBiV2VfcDV1WF9pX2lrb3VDQWRMWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSUhUSTRQaXJqdndHLXlFa0pRdW9YY3c5OXBwQjB6SWQyU1FISXYybnFWc2FDcXFPaDBfVkNSZW5iQ1VHalJZWk12dVZYWTcwWmVfNHdnemFtUXFWVmxHazIzdFdCUnNSZWxlRGZ6TzNIWF9lbElPbXk5RUhQS01ieHdJQkVhZGExNmFkdzlvVFkxOVpXNmZFUkszVkF3azBzcWo3NlZUSGNyaElEeTJQS2RVPQ== | 2,065 |
Y’ALL! I feel like everyone in my real life is tired of hearing me talk about my anxiety so I’m coming here to tell all of you wonderful people.
Not sure why but I’m just having a rough go with my anxiety this weekend. Obsessive, looping thoughts and just general anxiety. It’s exhausting and stealing my joy. Any encouraging words and/or prayers would be greatly appreciated! | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWHdXX04tSlgwMWcwbmtqdTduSkNzcld4MTZtaXpTR054QnAwWGpHcUxBS3VVdUlCOGFVdnJ4YzZiSTROVzRHdW1SU0tWcjd3aGRIMENEQ29DaDAxYUZ0dmpxNzNmd2dJT0JzTzVHMmhQVE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcERyRm1WeF9NQy1sM21obXBmYUpSMWdzYVNkR0REeDMtOXhqMWM2ZVZfVjN3TE9EemNvSHlJbWpFQmEwaVhYMmN6c1RuMWFYUlN5TVk3Q2ltdE5sUWZGSVpVRVlCd0JVcWJnTUViM1BMUDBMMjdTM09UX1FSZGpmUDAzQ1ZxdzlkS3hWUnNfMzQ1UER4OGJJbVpuaHk3YkFLN3ZvNGpzMjdmSk1leXNmN1RBPQ== | 2,066 |
I've lived in one New England state my whole life and never left the northeast USA. However, I have a reason that I need to go to California and was looking at Google Street View and to be honest, the palm trees freak me out. It's the stupidest thing to get scared of. I think my anxiety just wants me to stay home. I've never seen anything like those before. They don't grow here. | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdnZ1TzBsZWk4cnJsOXNJNEp2Y2pIQkozb0lleWdmZjQ5RVliQkRlZEpzRFpPOHR3MHQ3Ry1EQ2oxdC1JcDhUSDBYR2x4emsyTnVxd1J5TEt2MVNjT1gyclVvbnRRNmp0bVZ5Mm9KNnNjU0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhT3otdm5vWVVybGV3U1FiNzFBeUdZYjNndkRfZWJENWlnTmR0Q0lRR21LQ09BZEl5dHNNdDFZdHF2Qzc2SXd5WDltVUpuS3U3dDdaS3dsWVA2TmhLSndkZEJLZDZnclZXWkJhdXNKU2U3RjJkT0VoOHUwZF8zSWxSZVBjc0JMb1djTTBmcHB5TUU3WjE2cGtIcWl1ckZQUHVPRERPNGdZM3NScDd6UWx0MnFpaHFvc1o5XzByM3R4bFAyaE1hUTk1 | 2,067 |
I accidentally cracked part of a tooth in the back. It doesn’t hurt it’s just annoying because it feels a bit weird against my tongue. I’m keeping it clean but my dentist appointment isn’t until Wednesday (to see if it can be fixed with a filling or if it needs to be pulled). In the mean time I’m really worried I’ve ready scary stories about tooth infections. How can I not freak out until my appointment | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYREw2RWowa00xbExieGFpdVJPZ2pULU40bDh1d0YxREluaE5INTg3bDYzNHUweFFrbGNzSFF5OHozdXFiamlOaDNoUkg2eTZwQjVEU3VJQUlnUWNGOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVXBxci1OTGVmbEVrX0ZFUzI4a2diTWcxdHo4dXVUdl9fSHQ1SnI1aVVGRUFqa2tIbnE1ZWIwNExfLUhxWDVveG5Qc2tlalZFWWhaV1VVdXN4TlF0bXhRLW5qekdsbjhqR0ZVZzBoZktscDgyNjZPbnluenlQN2lITmF6ZUZ5X01GX2JGek9jSDZNMGlHTktWTlJFWlBpQ3FFVXE1UzlUMTZaNTBSV2laMXBNPQ== | 2,068 |
Lil back story on me I’m 17 year old girl living on my own as I went thru the foster system. Since I moved in on my own I wake up with really bad butterflies every single morning and depending on my mood/ what I’m doing it can stay all day. I was diagnosed with a mild anxiety along side some other things years back but I haven’t rlly been doctors since. Does anyone know if this is common? I have no reason to be stressed or nervous rn rlly either aside from usual minor day to day problems | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVDNYSTdDYVZRbmg5dTFZSGQ2WFZXXzVvMm1OYldySXNNS0xxMDZHbnVRbm16XzJ3MnpxWFF0ejRYOTJqSXNid084cnc2bVR0ZExpQXpFZTlkcTFDdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhNjFQVXdZVW9NZ0RnMGwwdGNQTXBuSXRWQ3RGb1VvbThwUm1HcXRDWGVtaTJTZ3B5dS1sdTgwdzVHcENsZzdLZDQxNFBsT1oybm5rV2UyZ1FrV2RMdzliX2x4VWJDZ0hrMXBsRHlIMGdCR1RJeDdmYXNwajE3bFhoN3d0U09BSjI5TzNfWWVLWFQwRnZTR1d6UVRQOWN3PT0= | 2,069 |
Does it still give you the same effect but just at a slower pace?
Im suposed to take dissolving under the tongue twice a day but I'd rather just take it in the morning when I wake up so it slowly realese to avoid attacks thoughout the day.
Instead of waiting for an attack to take it. It makes it that much more stressful. I'd rather be proactive. My attacks are not fun and even with fast acting Ativan it take at least an hour for me to feel somewhat calm. | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVS1KRV9xaFZRTGNGUmtMdGNQbV92cVp6c1pjdEo2T0h3clFpZm5hNUZFQkZTcF9FX1pjQ1ZLUVdUS25DZE1JUHZpTmh3RGtaWkltTXVOWDQ1Zy01dWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWFd4OGhmM05FeHFXYWZXTTBkUFZxX2xRN0lVMm1MSTQ0ODVJM1A5SkEwbnZzRklpeFRac2lrUDRPYmQtb2ZuVVBDMFBYQXkzRFZadjZfLVVvTG0zQzRNWG9BLWZvOU02NHJnTm1iWVJvbUNpRjFFaEpkd09GQUpOXzU2ZWMydXY2Q2FKM1RtcVN3U0Q2aURlVmNsSVl2Ni1sdmdmSlY1MDBEZjQ2cUMzcFM2Wld5bWl6b0xUdENRRkV0cUhmM0Vm | 2,070 |
My anxiety has gotten the best of me these past few months. And I have absolutely no support group besides my husband. With that being said, I feel like I've become overly clingy and obssesive over him.
I can't stand when he doesn't respond to me immediately via text or calls, if I hear his phone going off from other people, or if he's just scrolling.
I get so upset that he doesn't check in on me constantly or see how I am doing even though I know he's worried sick about me given I had a break down about a week ago.
How do I stop relying so heavily on him? I'm afraid that I'm going to push all my anxious thoughts on him and he's going to distant himself even more than he already has.
The thoughts get so bad at night that I'm in constant fear he's going to leave. 😔 | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWjU3eDA1RWs5alVTTEtKYUZKdDhRY0RQOWR3dTBhUEYwT1NrRC0wa29kTE9veU9nb3pENWFXQm03MmJBMmdLbERoUTJybDdFT3EwTm1BOTluNHBfYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhX192eGdCY25nVzRvSWZOcEg0S1FydURiNWdIelFLdmZnbVVyRENSSXZxQWxRUDhIWFhQTEg5Wm5WQ3ZWX2xCQUNjeS1oWExBRTB2b1dWOE9GenJXTEw3Q01scHJZNXhSS3pvNGFIMDNKNFo5WmFMNlVVek5CbXR4OXhUS0U3X3dIWUI4M3BQZ0VuTWlqRHFrQjRHVERkRU4wbXBpdVZ4YnFiOGN4UHVzR1dBPQ== | 2,071 |
yesterday i was meant to go out with a friend. i couldn’t leave the house. this has never happened before. i then spiralled into three back to back panic attacks. shaking, crying, feeling like my lungs are dying. my girlfriend came home later that day and i had three more back to back while she held me. this morning i went to drive her to work, again, cried at the door.
now all day i’ve been at home, in bed, dissociative, i’ve forgotten like who i am, where i am, i can’t watch anything, all i’ve been able to watch today is a bird documentary. i can’t move or do simple things, i feel frozen, and like im still in some sort of void. i don’t want to even look at myself.
i just need some help and my girlfriend is amazing and i know she’s struggling to see me like this and she helps when she can but i want to stop feeling this way. i have things to do this week… but even taking a shower seems like the hardest task ever. | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYX0pIamIwcjNoZGZKOG8tTWd0WkozZDVSdVJyMF9PcHMtdWNfSjBWd3FROF93V01NZm9DWVZlQUVTM0VYdTVPck43Nk1CQWlIR21nbXdjNGI2UHlqT013eHRmVS1OY0xMLWtBcl9MOFRGUnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVk1UbmRhb2lFOWgwcFFRcnNWZV85WEVCVU9sX0dVUE9JYmFldTI0TU8zLWRSSjRYcFZSRG1lbGdTRm5MUEdWeEIyYXQwOUJ3My1HLVhUOEJWWEV1QmJFMUVKLVB6cU5qdzVlTFVKVXhHZ3hkLURIc3JhVHVMdnloQ2JxbjhzU2xiMGdoMGhUeGZ3dWN1dnRfandFNWV3PT0= | 2,072 |
I made a huge mistake today and drank two cups of strong coffee at 11am. This caused me to feel funky then triggered a horrible panic attack which lasted for a few hours before settling down… or so I thought. Ive been tossing and turning for about 4 hours now. My body is tired but my mind keeps running. Its 4:55am almost 5 and I have to get up at 6. I am very awake and also tired. Skipping school is not an option. Caffeine is not an option because this is the third time it has triggered a nasty panic attack. I still feel shitty from the panic attack. I usually sleep for about 5 hours each night or 7 hours on the weekends. I have had sleepless nights before but I usually fell asleep even for a little while or they usually happened during the summer which during that time it didn’t really matter. This grade is incredibly important and I can’t mess up. My grades have taken a small hit here and there and the lack of sleep will most likely be unhelpful. Im considered a nerd and honestly i am worried about losing that title because of my stupid choices and stupid anxiety… any tips on how to suffer through the consequences of my actions? | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNmc2SkstX3hyX0RTZVBjMXZhd3pFalQxRFV2eVRfdUE0QTlSdEozRUZsRVU3WVc2b0JZcEFnTzdjY1pxaldYYnNFQVRvZDVkN1g4bmJzbTMzeW1ESVp6ay1JcGQ5VHVSS25ROFQzVnJxOWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbjdpM3FLMUJnWlJKb1RyUWpnblVyY2hWQWhvNzhSWTJHTllfYWNHRjVCdjJaMkktS2FpY09jVmxVSzNQeFpXMko3M2VnMUIzMWlGQlMyV1FiTkE5MXFzdUU3a0YtSEUtWC1ISi1mMm5LQzlmbkpGSG9tMHNRRmtldElmY1pVVW9md2RoM0JJaHFrbFRXdmdvSzRueEVGU3RZbXRWbXkyUy1CZjRQS0JqTkUtaUh6a0pnNWlzY3NmWWhhZVE5QU9o | 2,073 |
having health anxiety & trying to work out what is ACTUALLY wrong with me is extremely difficult . obviously ocd is a subset sorta of anxiety so it’s not completely out there to think of, but i don’t want to diagnose myself with something i don’t have .
but basically i’ve been having severe intrusive thoughts for the past few years, and i have to mentally tell myself (dependent on what they are) no & that i don’t actually believe or want whatever my head is telling me for me to feel any kind of relief - but dependent on how bad things are at the time, sometimes the thoughts just don’t stop coming and i can’t get them out at all. they can be of any nature, sexual, violent, health-related, etc etc & i respond to (and suppose am compelled ??? idk rly) them all differently dependent on what they’re about. but they’re all extremely distressing & i go through phases of them being really and (like recently) which is why the idea of ocd is in my head again.
but they also come hand in hand with when my panic attacks become more frequent, and i didn’t particularly think panic attacks were a sign of ocd idk??? so i assumed that it was just general anxiety causing it.
so if anyone thinks this actually does sound like ocd then please let me know bc i should probably go to my doctor… (who i’ve not really told about the intrusive thought side of stuff out of intense shame & guilt !) bc i’m convinced im making it up but i also don’t think i am so … | r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUGRMUEpjRmxhbDlqOFJXZTdXTzV6dkp6MzBILWdLQkdQLWpVd3d1blI5T0hUcGI3cm5pUzhWQ0U0NlRKbFJXN3FZUTV2c21ZcnptbUJJV1JSZjNWLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTW93U0p4blBsTUFUY2ZBd3YwYXU0MURraTRNT0VaSW0zMUt4dXVkZU1FMEllNDBDeUhOVng5dE5jbzByVFlTSVFJNENCTzQwZ1ZmQnVIVFEtcjE3M0ZnMTRSb1V2LWQxM3ZvNzRCZTBoZWIwSkNmanBuZHlkUklTR19LR2NtYnBPWURXT0ozWmRaS29uYndsQzFSclJoVXoySGR5RlJxU3VycXdoRnp1UEhuZEh4Ym44RHRpb0o5TUtVTWl4OHdK | 2,074 |
I’m 22 (male) and while I’ve never been diagnosed with any sort of anxiety or other disorder. Fear controls my life. I try not to talk about it, I don’t want to because it never seems big enough to spend time on, especially since out of everybody around me, my issues really truly do not out weigh theirs.
College is a huge example.
I want to go, I want a career in kinesiology or something along those lines. I want to “be somebody” but I’m too afraid
School has always been a massive struggle.
I failed classes over and over again
Mocked everyday for my intelligence, still am.
I’m asked almost every week if I have autism, or a learning disability. Even in regular conversation, something I’m doing, how I’m acting, something is wrong but I cannot tell what it is.
I see how they look at me. I can tell they just want to end their conversation with me as soon as possible. Their fake smiles don’t work.
Anyways, it made me rarely believe I can accomplish something on my own.
In middle/high school I failed algebra 1 alone 6 times, geometry and other classes a few times as well.
It didn’t matter how much help or tutoring I had, how many tutorials I watched or time I spent, I never made it on my own
I graduated highschool because they felt bad for me and let me pass. How am I ever supposed to get a degree when I can barely understand the most basic concepts. 6th graders have an easier time with it than I do
I’m terrified of failure but that’s all I’ve ever felt.
Rarely do I feel like I have accomplished something that is genuinely worth celebrating, even if it’s just to myself.
I can’t say this to anybody so I’m seeking help on here. It’s a start I guess.
“I don’t want to live in a hole anymore, it makes me feel small”
| r/anxiety | post | r/Anxiety | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbmw3QmhpOExXcmVmdVgtSUQ3Sk5xWnljMmkxY1d1ZlUwb0Z3TGdnQzRudl9tTmJpYlkwXzl4VExzWUd1aWhRZTlOUG9DbUZTUjJnUzUtMmVBYjA2b2g2SkxVNXhMSVdCRXpSbHpPeVdoLWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhc3NGVHNIeHczdXdxS2ZnWTBmaXd3d2RqMDBtTXVFeVp6bXFJNDhDSjJlNzhCdjFzdFJfVFRHMFFnYnRJWHV6dlAxdkc1WC0xd1BqOVA5T2lLUWp3WnB0blEyeEpjQ1lGM2lYYXdtR3YxWTVrb3JoVU92bVllYnpSZmdHZVZjTEQwdU03UnVVUVVfWmhfUjRfS1VKZ3R4clJZdS1XQ1dUeHFyNS15a2w4MEUyLXBNZm13dUdMRFp1d0dadXFlMm9HMVBlSmxOVzdDZEJJZDlPMFltbXpkQT09 | 2,075 |
[removed] | r/anxietyhelp | post | r/Anxietyhelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNHAtVDh4ZTduNkNOR2lVUlBwemFkSjQ5UDFBYXp4VGF4Y0duR3hmTUo5WHI1cG43TlpOSmtLcTR5NU5pSTNnWnFWSEFXSXBUcU03NV9qY1hPN1haSHJfaGp0TmttUTN3aTREd3JFNmJGd009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYU9Mems0S3k4WkFRV0dXQXJRd1ItZkpUT2x2WXo0YTNJT0J5elFlaHlxYWR6bEJCN2dobUd5aXd4TXpFdHFoQm9aOUpfd0otRWdUd3BkUG9hNE5pZ0VJU0ZTMGZicEpkbFFyRGFCM0pLdVJSUDV2Ylc4d2tOT0NySUREVFRhY2xmMlk5RFVZZTBZaDhUMnNlQ21MRkkxcVVKMGJqOE9SMXVhU1NfTnNEZEJOY0NOOXl5VGpBaUtGQ1BmRG9RbFhY | 2,076 |
title says it all. i got surgery 6 weeks ago for
my ACL and i’ve been enjoying the time off, since i was able to take almost a month and a half. tomorrow is my return to work and i’m so incredibly anxious. i’m almost dreading it. i work from home and take calls all day long so i know i’ll be fine once i get busy, but until then i’m super duper anxious and nervous. it feels like im starting a new job again since ive been out for so long. anyone else been in the same boat? | r/anxietyhelp | post | r/Anxietyhelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVkJTelp6QkJxRldaTW9oajRwZkVaRkVqQ2Q5S1QxWVdNTFI3VnRXeFlTODBWQ3RZX29RTkNCdFdXalcwS3c3YkNUMVc3MWxEYUxUMlhpSUwwMVhHb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhU2FfQUlEYmVuOWo5b2l1eG50TFBkcUE0eXV1UC1KQlN1M2F1RE1SQTRXWDVPYVZzOTZlRUZyLTR4Q3VqdURYU2hvTnNDb0hQYW5nOWpFeXlGVWNaSk1HZnhDbUxLTHZxbW5KUUdHc1VEYy1DclU0Z0t4Rld6dlJSNUR1d1E0U1RPc1JDVnU2TV85M1NMRHlEeUlOdjdLU2FkbDk1ejdPcld4QkZBSkdtNzd6OXZMelRCLWNZdkFxdEZDVXp4QmRJ | 2,077 |
As of late when I visit a friend of mine I've been using her socks, bra and underwear to get off. I don't know if it's their smell or the thought of them once wearing them but it's so stimulating for me. | r/anysexualconfession | post | r/anysexualconfession | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYajYwZGphNEp6a0R3ZC1rODd6NlFPOEJJTGlRcDV6MnVfc3FKRE5rejVEOGxKNWJaU0QyaTRyaV9CR0EtRUszZkV3akx4S1d6Vm1yU3BfWURMN1ZIY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWFBEQndJZm9iWEN1dTZhaXdCcnpDdDlXYU0wT0h5bDZOSjM3dUh5UzhsSXlwUDgyZ0lWTlcybXkwVEdaRWQ0Ny1tc2Y0Nm5hSUVqelFkaVZRNWl4b1Z4TVZqWEV1ZDU4cDczZC1Kd3ZFZ1B2UXg5OFNSc1I5Z2FVN2dkTEZEaHVmQVlJOXNtSVBWTXRXOGNVb3ljUlUyamtCbTRESmZYZ0JGUzk4ZDBvYkdiejAwc3ZleGZIbE5ZWEdaMlpab19m | 2,081 |
I'm trying this out. Never made a subreddit before. Just wanted to make a movie subreddit without so many restrictions! | r/anythingaboutmovies | post | r/anythingaboutmovies | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNGp1NjM2VXcwZ1lfUWVfQTVWb1BuRFhpMy04WUVYRVNxbWVodHJyUWRyODNyelNPa1BIbE5kUTUwTHpucVl5TnNuNTFYUkhGVTg2ZmFSeE9jRVVEVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZ1RYNXRELUhFV004d2hRUnIyZUlRZ3VEWWJ3N08tbXRsT2JlY2JHYkp1OGlFZG9jRG5panlCV0U2OFFHRDBwMGNHR0FhM0dVVUEyYXYtQXlReFJZR3lrOVN4b3Z6QnR2RWZyUzZFajZlYlFNVkw1ZlhPMTZhZlpPd2Fva2hQWUNPOWRoYkpia25rMmlzcUcxcDd6dVUtSnFKZGthaFBPU0k3SjVtdkM5VmlnPQ== | 2,090 |
[deleted] | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbzFNazJ4ckN6TTVXcnBoVFFIaDlROFMyaVZmV1VKSjRVVDlQRk1RSGlsMjJPaG4xTnZJOVlfcXR0MjNMZGk1NzhycnVKM3Fvdk9mOWZjQ0hqTEFoUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQVB3a1U3dTMwU0h5bkFYZGNmZ3hjN0xlQ1R2SWpSMWtfMGJhMUZxbW1QTEg0SmZxbEt3dEwtMURVRnRmUnFKdUlfZHNOX2I3LWdRd3BwbmZFRXhHWVBJUWRqcjV3elJIVjJOS1RNS2M5R3N2c2RYYVlTbXlWeWpvZTVUUDFkRTJNMkl2S2wzdFpTelB4UHpmNW9TODU0MllOcUJSeTJvR3d0bl9QcFcwVUhzY2U2bDhLWEFUbWRDdDg4RElkR0Nw | 2,101 |
Pretty sure it was rated at least M.. Stiles keeps waking up in an unknown apartment, he leaves before seeing who it belongs to. Eventually he figure out he’s been having sex with Derek while asleep. | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSlZKX3VwelB1eWxXTU1NX2RLQjBaOG1VQWZ2eXhOYU5FNUVadERMX05vdzdrM3VGZHhYREtNZHpNaTdVTmRxemlBNFFDWXVNYTBDVzgxOUE2b3dpMTdSR2E0emswLXhBZnZmcF9ISUVGR1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSlAybkhSVWV6bGpETXItejFBbzVaMWp2U1FNbzd0Q09jY29mVVFudS02Qlcwdl9CY2c3OGNrTzlpcG5za3JtV3dPQ0F6STBPT2J0SzN5X0docjF4QTJ3Mk1wdFpCdVJZemRpczFHX19SRXdLZEhEZGRxT0xKcWRENk92cDc5cVFWVi1JTnNhVDZfRzRISHBXbDJObVpEeU42MzRUUjVMV1MwcDZ6bDVwcVJCM0Zwd1FEU29NbVRKWmU3ZzMtMGpQ | 2,102 |
So, I’m thinking of writing a fic where one of the characters who didn’t die in canon is already dead at the start of the fic. I don’t have to tag that as major character death, right? Of course, I would put in the other tags that this is an alternate universe where that specific character is dead, and the fact that they’d died would also be obvious from the beginning of the story, so no one would be surprised mid story. Would this method of tagging be appropriate? | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYU0JkVWRZQ0MzdkFsdmlKUHFXM2hoZ0M0MTBDbWw1VTBYU01HRUdGZGtQX1FSY3VGZmhYanFZbVk5aWNPUjhKLS1kVUZtb3dfQ0FIal9JSFBTLUpkVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWmoyZG9ySzFoc3NGaTdpMHBKekcxQmxxLVd5NGJsUGF6cEdobkg0NGIzOUV0SGZiVWlhUndULWZ6bTFxRTI2SF8yYU16MkhCaHZST0NlRmQ0YWhPc01yWVBJN0poOVBobVFyNnUyWm5PSVZ4aWN4NDRscWprN3dtaVd2Z0lydzZRSlJnUHoyWlFyNVBRdEt0MXZ5bV8yUFBRXzF2ZlYyeUNnejFEQmpCNDBXMFpENmVmemlRN3BqOGgwMWZVd2ZC | 2,103 |
I’m a new author and have a few etiquette questions
1. I really want to do a little shout out to the people who have been following my fic as it’s updating, it means a lot to me to see people interested in my writing, but I don’t want to put anyone on the spot, It would just be a quick shoutout and I won’t mention specific usernames or anything, is that normal to do/acceptable?
2. I’ve been working out some plot points further down the line for my fic and realized I might want to kill off a couple characters I wasn’t going to originally, but I don’t have the major character death archive warning, if I do decide to kill off the characters how would I go about adding the warning? When I add the chapters where the characters die, or just as soon as I finalize the plot point?
3. This isn’t really an etiquette question, but how do you guys make your summaries sound interesting? Mine are kinda dry | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNlE3aGZfeTZQU1IyTjNnbWYwUm5IOXdmdG5zQlNrU0RyMFlFakJ5dml3eUdwZGV4UFhWN0pEaFNYX3FxY0poc2pEempLZTBnZWpZSWRnaXRFNEZSWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTm1wUlp4aDdmUUxJWmpKcjVwT3B5MEtucGs3b2RMVnFUSGNKV2Q1RGdncVRrUlFFaHhHbGIzWFJKMlNrdDh3Y3d2Z19oYWVUSzBjZG1nNTZzTmxmZW54UEpLUDUzZkZFYlZOT2R1R0lUZ1hRUnByNGxfREdhOERBcTQ4aFgzNktsdjNycVgtV0I0cUh6LWRxaV9kVk1vTUdnTEl4NkVhbndNaXhhMFN0T1hFPQ== | 2,104 |
So I don't know how to feel about the scenes in this fic I'm writing.
It goes like this.
Act 1
-Set up and trauma scene
-Trauma scene
-Sex scene
-Trauma scene
-Trauma scene
-Trauma scene
-Cuddle scene
Act 2
-Cuddle scene
-Sex scene
-Therapy scene
-Start of assassination missions I've been building up to scene
-Cuddle scene
-Cuddle scene
-Trauma scene
Act 3
-Cuddle scene
-Sex scene
-Honestly still figuring out all of this acts scenes
-Big finally scene
-After story scene
So yeah it's super trauma heavy in the first act which provides the motivations for the characters actions, but man it's become a slog to even write
For example one early scene has the main character in a store reacting to different items while the reader and other characters are being clued in that things aren't okay with the mc. I actually don't know if this is one scene or three because it goes on for a while.
How does it sound so far? Sorry if I'm being vegue. | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZm9veDBNc1NPWlJ1V2xUN2hYdjRrODh4QTNuVVBIYWdVQUEwY2tRZ2RkVlVuVnVDRm9oUjVQc1QyQlBjUUJueXI5Ukx4aHg2dlI1dWJKeG5iWUZZSWUwbHJkWUtvdGp2WFNiZzRVSDlDTEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhV1VpWU1fT09uSDFjb0QxZDdOSS1xeDU0ejRqX1l1UUp3MXVnVzRZXzlOQloxZzRMaUdJbmdhN2VHQTZkcnU3Zzl6d0VfRDJCdXZkUndXajVIcUt2T0J5VF9xVXltZGFBelNLQ3dYLTJoRHVuQ1M4VmlJaXBNeXIwNmZNRXNza0JHWkRjS1paNVBURk53cy01TktjWDVtVmx0aEt2UlhVNElfdlpxMHF1M0xJPQ== | 2,105 |
Would it be bad of me to write a fic heavily inspired by another's?
Because God, the plot was so good and has my mind excitedly going over so many ideas, but the writing itself was very surface level, and more fast paced than I tend to like.
I want so badly to see a deeper dive behind the characters relationships and dynamics and the motives that are just never explained.
But writing what I want to see would almost look like a rewrite in terms of the plot points I saw before I diverge into what I wanted to see.
So, overall question, would this be rude or disrespectful? I don't want to seem like I hated their work and just wanted to rewrite it "better" or something. Obviously if this is something that would be okay to do, they'd be credited as the inspiration and source.
I just ask because this feels different than an 'inspired by' fic. I'm inspired by it, yes, but I'd still be taking the same world, the same character relationships and then breaking them down heavily into the more familial intimate moments I wanted to see. | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUU5FbUNpOFVPVy1uU21DcjNzc0tzVlhJd2VvODZnQkVjQmdkYTlqdmg0NlAxaHlVMmRVOFVQZTN3enZIMDB1WnpaTW8yX01hUHZRSHFQQUVkUkY0S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZGJMdzQ1Z1RyUUxteG1ManRfWENRLU43akVvcWRNUlJ3em15bVZ6Y3NWaXFhckRYRVdqcE5UMWVLTG5leHlMQjVsRmtvTmxOOWo3SExGZThLU3ZfZnVMQkpKd3dpeWV5NWtHRHRUUlk5a19NLV81akVFZGpmLVhObzZSTTRGVGE2YW5Ea1BSWFVBeVBMWkZpQkxWaWlnPT0= | 2,106 |
A relationship gets tagged, whether platonic or romantic, but it's a shortfic where the characters don't interact at all? The other characters in the relationship tag just get mentioned? Of course this just might be an entirely me-problem, which is fine lol. I dunno where else to complain where my 'struggle' might be understood
I don't mind shortfics! I love shortfics, but when it's a shortfic that has a relationship tagged but no interactions between the characters, and it has the character tags in it too despite only one actually appearing... it is a bit disappointing, especially when the other characters have like 50 works max they're included in.
Same goes for longfics too. What is the point of tagging characters and relationships if they are only mentioned and never appear, or if they never interact? This relationship tag has 8 works in it... and I would so love to fill it in myself but I only have two coherent ideas for it that I don't feel like writin' yet, lol.
Kay rant over! Not a big deal, really, just a bit annoying and disappointing | r/ao3 | post | r/AO3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWjdOUzhRdnpydUxoTHVhZWwyLXVud1k5ODY5OXBVTGF6TlhSZnNkLTUxU0hUd1lLTnZ6VVdpSGJtU0trb3pPQ2xMUDhVVFNURE5oZXc4UWgtbjhKRlBLYmpIWk13YlZGYndIM1ExUUtjaVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQWw0eDcydndyVnlON1ZYRV9yOTJsRWNZLXQ1eXhHSHB2cVlDWHFGZUpZMWd5X3FpbG5hMFlfa2pJdi1kdHBjdElmQjB3Q2h5TnZLM3J0RWJITnczTGIzYnYzQnpFZVZtRFBuYWI0RTN1MzM0ZWtSMlIyc2F4VVdid3FOZXVabjNadHhqU2VjR3p6cWEwVldxQlJGZ05XMDVtWTZJYVFWNmxfLW9fRlZCc21nPQ== | 2,107 |
[removed] | r/aoe3 | post | r/aoe3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOTd1X29VWXZnR2pJQ19oWTNpYW1uczFJcC10Q1BIZWh2VjZKbkZpUTdqQXhkRE5tdThXQmVOQjRIbnVGQUhrYmFBcHQ1UGpZOWdXbnRJLVFwMk10VXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaXYtYWRqZDU1YU4xZWE5U2drREhkY1E2eDFuMVZlSk9Tcm1xaExJYzhrTDllUTAzOUZPaWNrZEFwbGFxYjJQcTkxNFZWYlNUZm56QXIzV21PYjdxVTRIQmJxdGNLaGpvb2dtbm9lZzFPWUVSQWVuN0lxa1pPQUQxV1pxM1hheExWWW54d1JrZGR1Mmd4VmtZaURWdWZCZzJlc1VrY0R2YmVIbm9MWXNNQTM4PQ== | 2,108 |
[removed] | r/aoe4 | post | r/aoe4 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYXRJMHFaYnNfZXdxSnNpUGIzZUtiWG1hOUYwWHZBekRIVUNSX01UMzZzb0xtQWRiNmNFMC0yRndZc3pXRFZhal92N3N4dkFfVWoxd2xQUWZqb2x6S3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWlhtZ0VVaFJBN0ZDNXpkbEF5NjhhOGJyM1hxQkNBVDAwbTAyZFdKLWNnRUZtekl0YVNjSnFMa3ZNNjFkUHkxRGlnenZSMmxjZnVYS1pheVhwVVZIbTJ4cUV3a3NBVGVJQXRTMktwalJtMjhNZVlGUjc5d1ZYU21IeDlWenlBSVRNS2hSODh6bXAxVVU1UkxuRzY3QlpsdFNzWHpaNVVxUkxpNEliV25Xcm1COWtvSEZJeGFyRVBIZUFrVTBqMVhO | 2,109 |
r/aoe4 | post | r/aoe4 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRUdTcjJJc0ZnSXNFNDZVUmNxSzRualZkZE9zaXVLZ0J4LVJ6WjJQVGxpZ1JWY19zcm5mWnNjcnVLaTJKTnUyTVhhWk8zTHpScERQcVZ4Nlg4LUw3bXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhU0JUODJzamhTZEJpOWpiTHl6aTN5SFpGRFZVTTR6Z3dfS0hYbktlU0VDRmRZZy01ODY3SC0ybmVNR3RxYjE4S1NKOTdNckp0Wl96MW81WGNUek9Fb1hBelFaay1rbl9DQldKRFZvb2ZuVnB4T2RSdDZPYVBsaG1iUHFTeXhlbDhwXzN5NFo2NFEtbUJ6UkJjVjA3XzdLTDFkMEp1N3RRX0c0WFF3bEswZHdZYklPQ2ZEY0pnNWxNOHJQQ203RGF0 | 2,110 |
[deleted] | r/apadravyas | post | r/Apadravyas | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTzNKNGtfMW1uOFpneWhHMlowR2dFY2g4b1ZFYU1YQmtTSnhlcndLRGlPSEFEaGo1dDNVSU5YWDdjWHNJR004RGpZRGdvR3R5UmVubnlLdGxZUkN6LVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheG5ZNXozbHFmbFoxZmZZQWhaQXdMdVZsSDBwMlZTVUNsTU1KcGtVYTUteGp0elhKNTUzM0w2akFHdUY3OW1icU5OVllRWmpiUm1JTkk4MjlUd3AxaUxSekpManBCVU13aDQyaklLMXpFNkU5RHRpS0l5Q2VIVDk4VU1WMDJHWUlPVElOeVJIN1U0NVh3Q1o5VUFpQm5nPT0= | 2,112 |
[deleted] | r/apartmentliving | post | r/Apartmentliving | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUTBWUXJmeEdwNUx0ejlUTFhBdEVLUmh1ckRvU1VXMWpIb0lSUVVLdzVHMjhscHNNdFlyZnZQbHY1NmxoMXI2WTcxMXpsbTlDczZHdUotRHFXVXlfbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhd1Y4NTNzV3F6VUhGcjJWWkpKeGlJMWs3dmlDRk15OGRHVTk2UTVneE1GbzdYLVhJbDBiS3NhR1RlSFRLVkxvOHFhVm1EV21nS2RaQmJocXRaWWFqYW9XMlppa1ctQ1BfZlNmNWZ2NW9lR2F3Y0Q2d1ZKbG03SEdCdXNkOXpPbnc5WVZOZU5Kam04a3I4NHV2bi1PZ2JCcWdYYzhWdnBQZGFlbnRDREw3VE4yejh6bUhSUGxLdjBPZDltU0QtQnpXM3FVT3oxNUhCUkV1VW01QjBSSjlpUT09 | 2,113 |
I moved into an old apartment building not realizing the amount of smells that would pass through to my unit.
The apartment has ceiling planks. Idk if there was insulation between me and my neighbor before, but there is very little now. Right above the ceiling planks is my neighbor. I can hear everything, footsteps, laughs, telvisions, etc. I feel like I'm living in an inlaw.
Anyway, my neighbor likes to cook hamburgers every single day, I know this because the smell seeps into my apartment at 1600 lol. My bathroom especially smells like hamburgers.
It's really starting to get on my nerves. One time, ok, but every day. I feel like I live at a fast food restaurant.
I open my windows, I've got candles, I use incense, but burger smell lingers. Does anyone have any recommendations for smell absorbing solutions, especially fried meat smells.
I've got three months left here, I'm counting down the days!!! | r/apartmentliving | post | r/Apartmentliving | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYR0lxSGpMbW5ZRlNlZ1hnczhraGR0R1EwOEtrdXpOdU1nQVpuNVlfZU44dnhZczNEOFZ5WFZIcWd2S0ViQWF0Vk1tRkdBbWtLcjd1NFNpa1NLZXRkTkpzbGFveENwdHhmTVZSV3NubWVhSWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb2pZaXltMDdJZFFnX1R3eEpDN2lrY0JKSUxSUGFMN0xMcmM1TXQ1SjlKRUdPNVVmbmxNc1ZhLUdvWURPRERlRFdQZXZBRkMySENQWTQxY1FvcEE4ckMzNmVJXzBRdWM2cW1IYkY0aFpjT09XWGd0Q3RBTjc4UkwtWGh1R0VXRWtQRWJkQnpYb1NQdVVvX2t2RjRybEF1OGYzVm9sVE9CZnJheUZEbGNsM2tjPQ== | 2,114 |
[deleted] | r/apartmentmaintenance | post | r/ApartmentMaintenance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTTlYN2cyeTFGeFRab3diT2ZmZ2poNFljeHlKX3FfX3F5NnhwYjI1RHY4V0VmeHVONkVZUlNvVU5YRW5BMTFhbjFSZmt5SWw3ZEN6bmNza2htZ3FDcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWHN0WGNNNGdUT2pHVWRYMm93RjBMY1pDcG1WVGtkSGEzX2FRYjdLSDl1UEJZQzg4VW0tM1d0OXhBS2JLaEdUSWNSWUNkdkprMDNpeDIyUWZDZERBckNVUHNYVDJPbVVsOUl0NXo0VXlyRUFMOU42TXBWQzFMd25FbUdidHlTdFZxOHBMR3d1LWRwOV9yVlBnVFlFcDVmbVdCS1FCWXBQRjZtUDdiSFBqeDNJPQ== | 2,115 |
[deleted] | r/apartmentmaintenance | post | r/ApartmentMaintenance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM0MtY2JLR2lkajk3ZUtGdjZ2WDd2TmV0XzFmcXpIZ210LXVFbVN3Q1FCc3dwTXV0MlA0UjA4bE82VEpYWVBVMWM5b2ZNeUt1a0NEdTRyX19Pek84bFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhb3Vwd29rUFdJQ0lRZWNLT1ROcy1JR3Q0Q2xhcXNJcUIxRHRkSEVvRExDUFhwQ3hXMnFUTnZFWkdOQU9CU1pSTThhcjBWUlQ3VW84b3lQQmV1WktFOTlFYjRkZS1fUzNCQmp1ajhDTHVVYnFnQno3XzNzeGZkbDl3a1JuX1NxNEloQ29jaUJUVnVYdzU0ZTBBOU9yZzhQQnlZc25scmkyUFNXOFd6dFY4dXBzPQ== | 2,116 |
Every monday during move outs. | r/apartmentmaintenance | post | r/ApartmentMaintenance | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTnpQa2ZBcWl2cW04LXltYmt6UXFBblNkREMzNTZoZENNSUJMcG5DdExCWjFGSHYyMVgtM0lHMTd2ZGNza2dvc2dFT2N4Mk5zV3d2blpEcWFhTE1jS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdl9NTjNKU1Z2RkxEaUF4SFZYRXN6NmVyQWluU21xMlhKbk83R2dtZy1hMEpObkl2MmVUbEFZc0xaeFd3ZEctQWd1dkRkcGgxYTJ2YnNpd0ZBN0EySk1NTHRHZzBUcjlKLUZ3S3Rrck9aVkF2X0hjQ2pwQWhmRlhESmJSYkVKbnR4Wi1GVEJHcEltb0NjWVp0SHR0Q0RXQTh4WERiME83a2l1ZURxWW5DYklBPQ== | 2,117 |
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APECOIN Analysis- [](
What do you think about the future price potential of Apecoin?
| r/apecoin_dao | post | r/Apecoin_DAO | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYaFV4X2pfWWFSbGFyWTY4dVJjZ2QtT1N4QWJ3WlBIMTM3U0ZaSnVUY1I3bFNvOEh2YjlNb3hMWktBVmllYk92ci1XM3g2eWtldHRuTmg0SHBtZk9uS240eC1Db3VVajFmdUJmNnVsWC1pS289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZDVEeTV2VWxDVy1VQ2ZmcUdCV3djWUVmRzEyTjdOLTJpS0hyOXIwSkJQNWJURWFsRHpBREpMeTBKM0tLR0JUdW1lcjVpWEFSTWgwYXlHMjJRXzdMTHZzOUNSeGlrNVhlVE1zQlJIdGRlbjhlWEJIWlMtMkdvUTNqWFBoRTFaUTdiWHZ0Ukp3YjU1d3A4R1pJdE4wR3dNWFJaN2QxQU1jcXptb0czX2FTeVc2S2lVeDVrWTVwQlkxaGNzcmNTT1ZIUGwweUtaMEplUExwYTZ0VWpIN0dpUT09 | 2,118 |
[removed] | r/apecoins | post | r/apecoins | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYT1E1M1p0NG11MUhQTWlCQVdsaXRMTkVjLUxtc2QzYkR4eFQ5SUNrUkpRakFKV0ZOT2tYVDRWOUtUN2E2bTFPd0tGU2F5QUtoSUpSYjdtRGpteHZZb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcXFVdmIzdzctUWN3R2lfVjZjZDBndW51ZGlOX2R3TW94MUMwMEstOGpnaGRSVGZnaVVobVRSTmhOQWJGQk5PTXBGX2F6TXo1amZWNmhZQlpUVjZ6aHVnMFpmN0xRQkx3OFdnbkNTVXZYcDhINk1SbHRYY2I1YVlEQzdwMFdxbEhNVzRDMzA2UEgzVklqekZQX094Ul9vNmtzQjZibmhYa0dqXzNhdV9wbGZ2ZVN3NDR1cDUwNGcyUWFBcl84aGwzVkRVbnFzcHdEeEx4Q1ZuYVVZNUlPUT09 | 2,119 |
[removed] | r/apecoins | post | r/apecoins | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOVRRZGxfUk9Ed1UtZ1IyVkJSMERIZ1RyMEQ4dG5feGFYZnlTbFRuTERyMVMtNDN1YkM0YTZCV3BKSUJVQjlqcEdxdnJtQ0NZT1VaRXY5Rms1Xzg1RWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhclcyVEhPUEJwdVdUSWtLMHo5STFuYjdiZ2JzeWMxZXVlaWJSTVdyWWZEVkdrY0gtQ2xqampWa0VoNVZtekFTR3NZZTlJc0owQUROU3IxYV9wcjFBTE9Kb0tpOVIzN1VvdWpCd3dYSmZDeU5JcnNkODlXUEZoaXVrZUN5bVlZS29BSFhqNHRxX1hWVFVvbHh5aDdIQzYyalFpa2FqODQ4WkN6aFpzUVB3cDR0aEZvV3ZEM2d2b0k1ZG0yZUE1OGRXX29IRXpSNDhoNVUwNERQR0VwRlRSUT09 | 2,120 |
[removed] | r/apexlegends | post | r/apexlegends | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWTJiN2VGeWpMckN1eUZCSzNvOGJpWXNucXl0N3RQYnNkbXFBaHNNMzlVREhmOXBlR2RGTzlXVmRXM1ZzLTQzZ0FxWENDZDVUcmVzNHpJc21kckpCTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWUotcUw5MDB4U0hROC1fX24ydTRQWFgtbXc5cHBlQUYwZENZRzZjcnBLMl9nM1lRSGs0VzgyUDdJbFhjd2RKWW1VMlZyZ3QzczJ4S2s0MExkY0lSZmFNLW55enZ3X2JnaTdPT2tkMXlIZTdEVHVtT041bkxSNmNCWkxvcy1scHpkWmVvMlUzMktLbDljUWNrclV2LTJseFg1a2g4My1WTlZ0SDVZbnJyVXdRPQ== | 2,121 |
[removed] | r/apexlegends | post | r/apexlegends | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNHpXRDgwN0dSbHIyeTlBYWw3RElhRGVUaVNPc1hUZGhCc0dTdVg2djZ1azN4TXF6R21xLUdWSTNTcHlNRkNnLUNFbkhCUEZNWmIxNFNFQUlNMkg3d2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbGd3aDQ2NzFEdVZlVkVfUnVHRlY4UmRnNEpjRnhMNnNEU0l4ZWRYNUtxUEh6akhRREJHN0ZuaC03cEpuU2wyTXFFdm5vZzN6d2VJOEFBU2gyUGZwQUk3QThkQlU4dWZwSnBpcVYzZ3JNc1g3dHBaQlZwRk16OThvRGlQTW5TNU1XeXVqMXVPS1M1R0l6ZDR0R1FZbEV3b0I3Q2hQX1JnSGRqVUJGdzNQYVlvPQ== | 2,122 |
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! You can say your identities, pronouns, cool facts, or really anything that could be even mildly interesting. | r/aporagendered | post | r/aporagendered | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcmpjSHZUNHcwUHlZbWQ2Tk0xaEt6T0RLZ0FuNkVPSHhnNWxuaU9YSDR3MTZ1NmtVYTJUM3R0Q1RxTk1CRWdpVFhxb3UzYzhwZUFYSGFOajZ1dHFhQ3IyTnk5SENxRk5LWklBaC04WlM2cVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTnZERzluTXFTalc0S0w4SEIxbGJTWGhwWXFzdUQxNEVkaFczb251T2NyTGhFZGdsX0k2MXlnREo4MElnOG91Tk5XT2oycUdMREVrRHRvcHJ0YUphM3FNLWNjQ3RmQXJ6UGIzeFJ2S0JoNVRGY2s5Z3pPeHgwQlVjMFZMMnpFb01leTE0Nlp5Y1BfX3piY1hhd0V5NHV3a18xM0E5OXJoaWNMTk1LMzhVTXVtSFJtZWEzNE9XYXYwZVRPNGZZZXNr | 2,126 |
Bueno el tema es que soy mamá soltera y me siento tan culpable de traer una criatura a este mundo tan putrefacto, me castigo por no haber escogido bien a su padre (el ya no está en su vida no l@ quiere desapareció no le interesa) así que tengo que ser padre y madre para mí hij@, es cansado agotador, emocionalmente me preocupa mi niñ@ ya que no tiene papá, mi niñ@ me pregunta de su padre, yo no sé que decirle, pregunta cuando lo vera cuando vendra a visitar o cuando irá a su casa, es agotador, me duele en el alma... Me odio por eso | r/apoyoemocional | post | r/apoyoemocional | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTllaODFhLXlydDFJcUU4MDdPcVdjUVNoNW1MWE92QUQ1N1VWeTNiZ0lLajQwSWZaaTFWbkRQV1hjX3dVQ2hqb2h2ZS1iM01JaHZJbGlvR3dCd0ROb3VHWHA5dkhWR3REVXlsMlBWNjBzc0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVVJrZmF4VVdzYWZoa1pyTVZObVA1dVJkSHgtZjg3TjNoSi1kUnFrdUZpMnJLT29uSjI4TkNZNjRQRUdmZWRXMy1WV0hDU2tkYm9ySEI2TUtlYUtGSlNLdHB6V2ZYeXd6Mm9UeWhsMmY5OHhOR0dNREIwVm9vUmUxMlVYVVgzbjg1T0RxQjRkUDJEajVyU1hkMFJfRU8wbHZxeHJYSUZMTmJpNWxham9ZX3dJPQ== | 2,127 |
Had two friends behind him. Big fella. In Tennessee. | r/appalachia | post | r/Appalachia | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYODBFekgwVnlVWW12ekRsajgwWVhPeWoxRDloT3VNRHBiMFl2T2VCbDc0dXBuX2RHdE9FVS1sTUNENHNoRDRpWEVVS3lBRnhyQXFNNjdaWVVXVFpiYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVjE0ZEVMdUp1OGNuTHJZa0MwbnhhajJFMF85WF9zUzJLTTFoVEFnS2tGNklrSWVhYno1UEI1cWxqQlZ5WnhQTC1IM2JfSVhlOE1fTVJZTU82YTRkZlJvNWtsZ2hkTThDSU9NRDJoWWY0Q3RzM1hSM042LWdXUHQzbHBRR2hBUTFHLTFCRllsZEdkUjRtU3JuRFc4bjVFYUpydmlfM2VYYzFxcTZmSGs5TlNVPQ== | 2,128 |
Do German cats have multiple lives? Nein. | r/apparentjokes | post | r/ApparentJokes | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYdWNkT20xUHNmRWxrQjdKRjhqcGtNa1R6RzBfWDFiSVB1RVZRVVRUdVQ0N1NKeDNHNWRCLXctaXlEV3FmZXU4SGZEdnFoNU50SEdhQlE1dUw4WGVhV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVWxjX1lvZURMUmFYSU1GeXcxN0ZBNzY2b25jbFdMOEF0cXVFZzNTMlktampYeTRxX003T1ZSVFF5bmhwUmFaeGsxZVJpTUk3OVFkVWU2R2ZjVGQwSWsyRXJHQ1I4S2E1MWdPT01FbmVVMWtSdjNxM1lDdlVUaEdCLWdNV3FEeHBWRl83YWtkOWVQMnpqTnVYS1QxTmxoZkxQQWE1elJLWTQ1V1BITzB0dWRBY0N2NXhjZkNmTXdxSElrVVk4Wjk3 | 2,129 |
why is it so hard to argue wiht a braless woman? she already has two great points! #DocAfterDark | r/apparentjokes | post | r/ApparentJokes | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYUGRYX3dlREFULU1kWWh5RnVEQXlYNWFGc1VJc2lhUTVFdklNREhGQVVYYk9DYTlJc0NwNzlET01vZDV6WEVuLUFhNGkzYnBlNjJYNUV4cjJfd28yMGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheGZDNWUxUTRVSTA4NlZOSlpPbWlWd0M1TlpfMGxvMGIyM1RNVE9qTFVtWE4xbDIwaHQyNXhBcmp5cG1Ibm9INVBBMGhZbnJMZm9NbmpndlVkUXh1WHkzdWp3RnAxWWV3VTNFYlg2c29uNER3X3VEVkhVSmoxTnpWNjVJelZoVFAzdHBhV2hHLTVMa1BPZkZ5YnU1RE81enBKZnotSTFfYWNpUHZDZXo0emNFVWxxZFJlc1RWdldIREFndlh5a2IyUU1IMjdENks1dVRQWkMtVzlJcFNWUT09 | 2,130 |
[removed] | r/apparentjokes | post | r/ApparentJokes | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQ2tfOHpOU2hPdFlxWHVkTjNocEU5NFRERmVoeWFFNzFkTElrdWwwODRYMEw2N3Buc2xKUDFkX3BhdHgybHd6R0N6aVZ2YlBRd2c2XzEyZXRiVG5JTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQ2xsa0JZTlpvVVdBZFB6dFZnU3JnVTJFUU5FaTV6LUhWaVlIeFVEWWJ2amc3a2tEYmZIRkJwa2ExejJSZFlfdm9mWTFVZUl6MGhCMTFBNUQ0NnFfQ3k4Y3FUanVxZXFlOFNUSEZmMG03Z210Rm1OMFltT2d2TEZTOHVDQ3JRaTJVcGtTbW9URS05OWVXbC1FWmwyZ1E5RjlLTTA5MWV5NVFCQzRQN3NVN096SUNXSnVucnpSOWxzcEJlVHhwQjJuYk9QWU1vMDdrRzlJVW1BVDJlRzBUdz09 | 2,131 |
[removed] | r/apple | post | r/apple | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZHg0WjlIRk1zb1ZXTEhvQTZIT2tjb1g4MzE2WnVZbkdKTWRoMzNjNkZqTDRNaW5YSEFiYUluU0RNd2VySURiNnd0OHl6UmtQelFsYlBQbkZ6NERWZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhS1JxcUpxVXYtQ3JQSkZCX2I3MENNRlZwYlFQNDNXTEN6dk5hdnhsQms3ZS1UcFNHeXVSaGFEcTdLVDg0Z29VSXI0MXhuSHNmLUxJVVA3Rm45cEpWY1YxQjlkb0NzU2ZaZkQ0OXJfTzFEbEVRQWxIcFJqeDhDdHlyanZyWl9oSmdDNlBDejNxTFNOYmN2cnM3Q1NHVVh3PT0= | 2,133 |
[removed] | r/apple | post | r/apple | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYbE52b3NPdmxJajRjNW5XX19PQUJjQW1PRk9iY2pnSE1kOWxSbFVjaGlHVk01VVZ0NER0RUo0aTB3QlVDQmRwN3FJeUV0UWlVc0JzbDB5VWh0TlE2V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaHpmRUNrUncwWlFLZDZGdEpoU1g5bEZSZWVMUG5TY3g0YW1yeTNfQVZoSk5sTXlVMUR5b2VFNS1iLWN3VUhqbkRJaS1DRFIwWFlGdmN4OTcwRWdxc1RSdngzVDlEcUhRd00tQUVLZUNCMVFuUHFWaFJ4NlBhNFJRc3d2N1djUnNOTnVKMjFPeUFRdFBHMGVIRE5MeERYUzBIRWUya0stblVFaUYxWWZwa21VPQ== | 2,134 |
[removed] | r/apple | post | r/apple | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNWZaS09fQkNScWVQazhhREdyTF96NVVSV0FwQl9WbHM4elpkMV84Y3JOeUpWZjdzdkt0YklsM0tvT0ZZelBwbFdkN1JIek1SMkVrTWNpLW9rVk81S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOXZmUmxUUUZSTnpfLU96N21mUFlhZ2xDTWVTR1ZXWlAtSGVBcVNiVDNuY0ZpTGpUMnpaeVdtWXIzenZtNXFnNkZrSWRmMnowakVXM1Axa0VGZ2pNNzdiVXVOOFVzRC1ROTFEeV9HSGdBSlpxMmd0bVV5MERXUnNOclAzYUZraUdEamxrUElidEhMRm1taGM4Tmo4LXpDTEJwVkMwX1dkdXd0Yjh1WDdWWW5RN2FCOGZLbkRVaUZsS1E5RExfaGF5 | 2,135 |
[removed] | r/apple | post | r/apple | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTjZfTlVoMWx3Z0xhMU1rc3htNmRLcm1ZdkV6czJZREprbGtxM09BRGFXLVVnTHd2MkY1TkZDWFBYSGVWa3duVUtVUXk0TGZEaEdBWTdxakhGbzRROEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMkp3Uml3ZkR2WkR5N0lWYU1HWGE2NWdKWnhoOUx6X3BIcDFFQXpaR0VsRjFWTWdNRWk2SkMtZGJ0ay0wbUZKV0xxVjExQzlfY1FfTVZiU2lVaEZ6RkJiVGI3a3pLOHMzaGVZN2E4MjJSMmlWWkVqNkJjczlkMnJUSnlyTEp2aERTdnItUWdKSmZfYTY1SXZEQ1FEOVUwZUJQWmhNM1pIODFVbWRYb2V5NURYVDJrT2F5NmdPVGZFeTVKX2RLdHNadGN1T01STXppellnMnhGZjZTWS1aUT09 | 2,136 |
how do i go about developing homebrew software for my apple IIe and compiling it to disk format to work on a floppyemu? not really sure where to start. thanks! | r/apple2 | post | r/apple2 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZlV1TkQ0NjVhSEUyelo1V25JYTJNcS1uQnlSTERwb01oVW9hTWMyaUV2cGVSU2NyOFJjVjNhVFByVjBuWE5LSzZ4c1ZfVzc1WmVpQ0hHY2N3SC0zeVhoZmxMT2lJWmp4aE9oYXZfQTJ4OHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdnpvMXQzVVhDS1VUSmd1V1ByanJERWhvOWZjS1BaSzlTTGYtdEJVYmVSbl9BV3ZleWR1YjFUWG5Gd1g3aFBBRC0wa2lpWGppUGVfbzk3ckpfX3Y1RXJ0NzJ0alN3azN0dG9zN05qM3BMZUt3bDM5Q1ZZQjItUUNFNGdHRHNnVFVJbFVwcWdjdmhhMS1rdjBCUzlLZjFYVmtmcnBoY3c4QXhUMHdHUEVwelNNX055djdWLVltT3JnYlhsRWgwXzRqMzBuaGRrNkFBdUtxR1pGMWc4MFRQZz09 | 2,137 |
Hey guys,
I was watching YouTube a few hours ago when I noticed the little orange dot was showing indicating my microphone was being used. It says it’s being used by unknown. I closed all my apps and turned off all permissions for the microphone on my phone and it is still showing this. Any clue what the heck is happening ?!?!? | r/applehelp | post | r/applehelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRkdQZkN3OEZHWUNGMEZtNkdVTENUMl93NmQwMEJERVR1SUJXU25UYXdxd2NUOFZTNDltZFlZbzlGQ0JLNlVfbWJwRkVxVGM4VG9UeU0wNWxtVzEwcXFic3lCanhianBhblVNQTlPWjVVeXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhUWtyWmZPWUdZU2N6TU1GdXNua0VkWHk2bkZqdGtLQmducXo0S1Q5ak0xWHhSQWoxaFpaSEh1NEdtbGZXa2F5a3d5ZXJiOF9ycFFuckZkaWFWaWZCSjNmUjhPYVQxWXJIWGNlVjl5aElibVhzWVg5VUlZZ01KNUNKSmRCOXA5bzhLUEF2cWVOdEw3Mi1tckZCd1hacEN0eVpINW4tTmZ3aDJVenkybHNPN09nYnJoREh4bUVYdzhhUEI3ZWJUWTFE | 2,138 |
i really have no idea why this is happening. when i hit the command key it automatically presses the m key at the same time. even with the keyboard viewer up it shows the m key being pressed whenever i hit the command key. the only way ive seemed to "fix" this issue is by changing the command key to have no action. but i would love to get this fixed somehow.
im playing around more with the modifier keys and if i set the function key to have the command function, it "fixes" the issue (of the m key being pressed at the same time)
im really lost ): | r/applehelp | post | r/applehelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWlIxQkFCcC1SNkdfTmk1WUVIZ3dEM2dBWFQ4NlVCY09ldTBCR1pDbEt2LW81RDBLeTh0RElPU1JEclI0WmpGeEJQLVZOeVgzenNndjlvMThDdVNPSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhekVRbUstRnlacXpIRmNOTjNRYlVtc0RYX2t6bUJ6ekZfZnFIazdzZUUtSjBfb0IyRjFSS1JHN3FaRkxmQUpVUzgxUFkzZW9MSGJXTFNOb0tYWE8yNFV3ODZfME1GYkFyQXljTVdhV1JpVGFDWkQ4OUxIa2Q4RUVvS3dPSWc1UmYzQ1RYamhVUTR5c1BKTEJ6WVk1eXVJYzZSOUxNelJQaV9GTkdXdjFBZE5MWWZVM2hRc1V2Vl9iZmFwRk1la0dfUWVBdFYxMW1fb3VVLXMzb2hKREFyZz09 | 2,139 |
Please.. Please help me find the solution to this...
1- I backed up my phone on to my Macbook
2-i deleted and reset the phone as brand new (selected keep eSIM and delete everything option)
3- I am setting up my phone and backing up from MacBook's latest back up but it's asking for an Encryption password... I tried every possible password I know of, but unfortunately, none working.
yes, I lost all of my data due to encryption password nonsense.
My question is... Can I move my backup file (folder) from MacBook to Windows and restore my iPhone? I hope the encryption won't show up again. Can I also back up my phone to the latest backup (from windows)?
Please help as I really need this back up data. I don't remember setting up a password for this encryption.
Thank You | r/applehelp | post | r/applehelp | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYYUVvZGwwb0NLdGpNU012ZjR0SjNMenlCUXRvcjZaaXlBM2RranRuWlMzUUNiTm1UWkFBX1hCZ3E2cjcxNTIzcV8yVS1qNFlaNERYaHRFMGFzZkZUc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhelRHWVVvZWo5cl9ES2p3SzZJYkFySVozLUF3cVBwekY3VFFoMjYxTnVPQ09CS2hFLWoyMFhJdlRhY1MzcE0waS1UZGE4WHpNeFJSSm5oREk0cG91ZUxyV0hULWdWaVBxZnFoZTRvQmpySWJqaFFLYmFiWGZwNXVnWUJOQ25jWjAzU05uWGJOS2dOeVIwTklNdTdhLUJ0cjlLQzJjN2dxN2FLZUt2RjVHR3RvQTZDSFAzNlQ5Qk5weXdERm1rTG1IdTgxUmV1OEc1U2VqaXoyMUh4TThQZz09 | 2,140 |
[removed] | r/applemusic | post | r/AppleMusic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYb1BGTF9MUFNfdW5TdEczbUFibkloRkdLanJHTWluSmk2TV9ieTRTQk1wMjVVa1R6bkRIcmhUQ2R2bnZYdUtLVXM1ZklWTjNsYjlBanMtSlJSdnRvSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhOWhvX21ULUZfQ2tTMUo2bG1tTHNqV0VGSXRXdG15WU9fVHZzMy14dHNLRFJzZkFyNThhRjVWLUQ2MnJnZGh1Z2FBLWVwNHFremJVNzlxVUFGdHl5MjNmUmNNQ2hWdUFuWEdlQ3JGQV83VW1KdHk4Z1htZEVvZ1RKWlVHUlAtR256TGg4OURYZS0wU3JCRkY0ZHJKLU1Nc1JuamIwdVZIejFCWndjejgyTjEyR3VES2VQeDlYVjdQcVctSlB1cVE3VG1TcWxLMkVfX1FVN2V3LWRiQkd4UT09 | 2,141 |
Yeah I know The Weeknd made it but I just noticed that it doesn’t say he did under the song. Even when I hit view album it appears like it’s a single or something | r/applemusic | post | r/AppleMusic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcERaamxMdjc1QmRoVVBvRjRFQ09waGotdE05cmxYZ3lCcHRHQ09WYklpZlBkQVBfMG9FX0tNS2hDRDZnTWhqS3FtU3VQX2NaV3V2b1NyVEpFNkdvQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVVVYNjNjNGFRMXYwNVdRTjJHS2I1THF6UTc3cTU5ZHpLNGFNc2NBU3c2Yl9xVzNNSmpLM3RuMHlCWkVUMjNIYWNrYmV1SWhvRHZHOWpaZHhIQ2xLMnlzcFdYa2VzbXU2ckdNakRCUktxSEh3TV9sM1BrMVVaVVdOd0c3eG9yS291aEs4S3pRcHdtX0d1LTlPMDFnM01oTVM1ZnptSnZSR1p5TlVSTGxBXzFOcDV6d3V5eDF1eGhnRVl1eDFsQzV6dWlaTW1FWUFDTkdNbzZTWEdwY3M5dz09 | 2,142 |
My current list:
1. Honeycrisp
2. Envy Apple
3. Pink Lady (my neighbors, the store bought ones I haven't liked so far)
4. Sweetango
5. Sweet Opal
I've had plenty of Gala, Fuji, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Cosmic Crisp, Granny Smith, Ambrosia, Pazazz Sugarbee, Lemon, and Jonagold and all of them I would never buy again after trying my top 5. Tbh I could stick with Honeycrisp and Envy forever. | r/apples | post | r/Apples | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYMHlBLTBTXzctYjUyMU43MV9WWG9ON0x4eGlZTVRXelNiM214MUJVdjV5a0hZcUJWUmxTQU1FbXpuVFZyT0pfX1lKaTdFRWNXQUxVN2lKd3FWcFpqeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhekM3T3Z0YmZaeEs1N2tJMjgwblB6LVp6QXpVakt0TVd6X0N6RlVqc0hQaFJxbGRKUEM1Rk5vbUNQYmhYd2pDOWVMVnQ4NHpIMWxtcmdvWUQ0cG5LWjVNZUp0RFRUYlJ4R2NGeWlaSS1Ua2tPX3lDaTdmUThfeXRQQm01S0xlbkJZclB4S0t4cjJxVUNsMzFsZVQwZnVpT1JxYlM5dEh4VzdFNUVoMlAzRC13PQ== | 2,143 |
[removed] | r/appletv | post | r/appletv | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYOEJ5bFNKVVA3TC1xRVU5cGtxai1QZXU3a0JsZDRhUG9SVTl3WFFESU80cjd2a2N0eVF3SnVrOGVkQWZxa19oTnhYUnpkTkRHbDZNalVidkZNNzZFOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbnJOYkRQQkl4V3RyRXVEN0JTNWFER0ptRUlkUlNrRnE3M1hZSVc0TVNSX3Zob0NxX3JqMWJJX0FmaGt5bVp5c0g1aldZSFU0NkFUbGVGd0tzRWNKMUt2RURRMGFYbmlvdmhxZ1ZwNkE5N3dWZUV5VjNWclpGdmM1QVFoeVZnZ3IyOFZrTk1rS2F2R0VNNmxqZlA1V0s1NXV6Vlg3R1lpUFRYbFN4Y29DSlNmSGxzV3l3bDZTRzlVVVVQeTdFMzZYazNMcW1uN3FzNldoQTgyRXFEV0RSZz09 | 2,144 |
Netflix and Jio Cinema don't show Dolby Atmos as sound output. I only get 5.1 on these, but Apple TV, Disney Plus, and Prime can give Atmos.
I have checked my cables its good
A factory reset doesn't help. What can i do? | r/appletv | post | r/appletv | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWmZzQ1JrcTgwSERHc1VJbFpLRVVmcXpDSTA0Mm1IR1ZjZm9oeTFURjNXc1lhMmdVS0NsdWZzRTgyMVhDbG5NQnprc2ZLMkpZZ0dQd2VITnhsb3F4QkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhS0JVbzMybXhLY0twSHR6c0ZWVm1ESzF3U0pfNmtncHI1ZlVNQmF0ajFLT0cxN01MMG92Y3JESTJSaktKTTFoaEFrNWV0SXFEWGJfZkN3cEFaaHdyM01yZjlsVlBZT19NcFc0RlV0RzVPMXVPNXhPOUlxemlaRFFtSkZCMWE1bk5objN5UXRPMGNOOFp2UzNPY3Fmd1E1OS1DQ0xnVTdqWDlGRXJsZmx0QnJZPQ== | 2,145 |
I see lot of what you do , even asked my self!
I use mine for work, & work via Remote Desktop. While watching tv shows..
Things i would like, is if i Remote Desktop I want to use eye gesture & Hand gesture like trackpad.
I also want to break apps out the Remote Desktop in to my avp space.
Also make the Remote Desktop connection more reliable & truly remote e.g I’m on the other side of the planet i can access my Mac.
| r/applevisionpro | post | r/AppleVisionPro | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc0pudUVhZllJTVFUclFkUGpGMGVuZmJWbkwwS2phVzI1LXYxdElUMGtEUzlsYXlWOXlrY3kzNDlodVBwcEZnUkVOeEhUemg1RWxnRXk3Nk96OXh3WmFCcEpTQllkNXc5TVNiS2p4QWEtOTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRha2NLTmxFRUp5b0Y0N3AyR3V0UVR3SExjc3dMLWRDNjlEWFRqMnlvNjN5UGoxT1BRYldsOF9EVFUxRDFqcU4tcDhnbHkwclRISWM2ZHNha3BrQlpXTXRHTUhBaWRieFEwNjNHd08tN0FKRThGa29nMWJWVDNxX3ZPZXNOSURyRGFXVGtFdUFHN3dtQVdoYU1BanBKS1hTdnM5WFEtT3RpQVJHaHdmeGk2aGpFPQ== | 2,146 |
Throwing up some smoke in celebration of my first Apple Watch . L | r/applewatch | post | r/AppleWatch | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTzhxLWxqalV1SnNfZGwweERhOUdfM1l2UEllZHItWEFLUzNqb19KMUxqRWFmSUFScFBNaEFiSm5zNWFfYkZ2eGhvSFlqc0w0amdLS2JtRHotR05aN285REpTb2t0VUlBQ0ZIcTBiX0tKaWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhZlJoYjZWVGVqYVUxeGxpYlZkLTVUSjdKclZ3c0hBSXAwdkdKclhiSkRnREpCOE1BdTBvQkNzR0laUDc2TUlmbVg4bG1DUUptNnhiOGdHcXdGYnpPclNJX3hWWHpUdDRlU2VSWFhIYUR2bzAtTnlnQndMSS12UlZtdm44d0JmQ3I0QkFmcGtUcEtfd0lMTUtRbC1VaTM0c1o4aU9PbUJSRzhQel9oQWotaWY4PQ== | 2,147 |
Wondering what the timeline and such for it to be approved in Australia | r/applewatch | post | r/AppleWatch | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQkJsa1FhSU5KbUFSVmFMU0tJU0hoUzV1T1F1WTJzbVRNb1NLN3JwUEFrNElnM2RhcFdJT3NZbEpyVWFUcXhNaldLcG9lUlhxcG9ycDJmXzRwQklqeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhMzRDNG9XX0poeXJDeUlaOTBacmphRi1WcDNma2V2a1hVQUFfSFhObWFXc1l5cjFfRlZTX3Qza0Y2R1ZSMjlTTTNVR3FkVV9Pcl9wWlp3bnJiY3dXblI3UE9Qd2FiZE0wNm1wLXBaNkdGM010blFoMWRzSUFBOTJIT3MxRlY0QTVUMlFwZXhQbGpIODdsc3dVNng3VnpndWZKR05teHNvRkU0OHFOUGNkUVU5dk9md1Zoenl2T09fNWdROVd3Ukk4 | 2,148 |
I have had the S10 Slate titanium since launch day.
I have had sleep apnea tracking on since day 1 and have worn/slept with my watch every single night for the last 6 weeks.
Does anyone know why it says no data? I have attached a screenshot | r/applewatch | post | r/AppleWatch | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWEpVOE9iTi1FWG41VzJpOFJqcXN1WFY1Qk1jTWhPRzdwdm1NNUdtS3prNUxLcEFUSC1oOWl1MW51Zkdxa0ZmRFVSbnN1ZjFBM0Q3OVZOc05wOFJFZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhcTB4N0dabEhmeWgtRHltZVJ5MFpwaS00M3Z5TFNIZWNhcHVwRFlQWmJyYS1BcGdUcDNLbklUMEs3NkE2bGZpbG1BMnd2ZHdZRWx6YTNDemVnRVVjbGFUZnJNeDFrWnVXYWg2cncxZWNJQVJ5djVjRmRoNkMwLUU5Q0NGSHRKcGFYcjBHb3dXX01rR1ZRSkMyemJOY2g2VlloZUJ5bm1HR1c5cndwYVlEbkR2VHJES1JIOTJscjdfTXJacGd1RVJz | 2,149 |
Looking at getting an Apple Watch SE GPS just to use for music while exercising, without having to carry my phone around. Already have Air Pods Pro 2. Is it okay to use, or is it bugged as I have read a lot of threads complaining about it not working very well. | r/applewatch | post | r/AppleWatch | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRkM1UkhJai1EVGZhUVZxVXhnS0lweDdXYmhCNWhham9JaEJiMHRJN05UUTB3OXA3VVYwcXRuZ0l0SWdYdEJ4ZGQ1WFI0Q1VWdlJvemtnSWJkQjQ4R2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRmg2V2dPaWp4Ujd2TC1OWWRKMDZ0RHJ1TF9ZSE5VcXhSSm5DNjZLdC1aSmhDMkhOWkZFMFM2cWxfVUExWUVGdHljajZIYUtnTXI3X2RjQzBaR01oLW1lWkFTd3NmZUc3TzQyUTFnazcxenFkdGw3MXBDSHNHZ1pibTByMHVrV3JDbThkQ0pJd09aRUlKamlMdlptdGFDUE11djdNakpZWUluUGlIamMybUQ1bU56RFp0WHRJM2pHb0JVYW8wMXJN | 2,150 |
Hey all,
Now that Apple has had the sleep apnea monitoring and notifications available for a bit, I’m wondering if anyone has had a study or official diagnosis yet after getting a notification from their watch.
In my case, I got a notification about a week ago, but I didn’t see it until Friday. I have sent the info to my doctor to see if I can get a sleep study soon, but I’m curious to hear how accurate the results from the watch (Ultra 2 in my case) have been. I wear my watch overnight every other night in most cases. I may start charging it before bed so I can wear it every night going forward.
For reference, I have talked with my doctor about chronic fatigue, but sleep apnea was never suggested as a possible cause. I’m constantly tired, and generally feel I would prefer to stay in bed rather than get up in the morning. I also have dizziness/light headedness nearly every day, anxiety, and wake up with headaches somewhat regularly. I’m now finding out that these are all common sleep apnea symptoms.
So, anyone had any follow-ups yet to these notifications? | r/applewatch | post | r/AppleWatch | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQTV0N0dCaDlEVUdlcExCMWEzcmlVNTFoR1JqUFJGcnBxbE9QcnZBb193RER2MTBFMmloZmF4RHVLY0NneUdLZWtoZHRSNm4zOEdHTVFBV01kR0NMeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQU1lYzY4aFdxaWtYWDltNmZhNTBZOG5CVzIyMVo1UkVpck1GQXZ0SE95TS1LNG9taWxCMVFsSGdwclZlMW9XVGZFU2l6U1IyM1gtRWJkdWV3UUZFU0ZHaGFwYTNfVEpPakpOR3JORUZyNXhVTGZ5T1pkTTZkOElOYzk3V29qOFo1ZEVDYVQ0Y196ZjgxeTlzN3Zmbnhwa1BxWWVTVDkweHVMQmVfVEZqc1JRPQ== | 2,151 |
I had a bulb go bad and got stuck in the socket, I turned off power used some needle nose to carefully remove the bulb base and replaced it, but after replacement the bulb won't turn off regardless of what I have the switch set to? | r/appliancerepair | post | r/appliancerepair | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRDU3ZUhvTmgzNXNfb1JKblZjaFFnaHFNOU9LeFJQQVFnOWpEcGNwUjFkVmppTElnTG5PUzFKOVJPcGUwc1dfZ1huT1RjLVpQVFRVSUNoeFZoMEVHcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbXJlMnlPb0I5OUlFSk5BdFdLZW42MGlJLXZYZ1V1NmFWZVktSU45bHdrSFljUFFMckNLYU1UMnQyMjBraVFWSTAzUVlSeE5wSmpmZmtIMDBKWnpPNDl0Uk0tMmVWMVhBS3VnRWFBUmhNQmxvSXBtejd4cVgxemMzZ3NMdG9icEhVUWt0QWtOcjgyNTJuQm1Kb2gtSzE5RkpDMzFUNEs0blAxc3dobV9DcjNod0l4eGlMWHJHNV9jUGNqaW5qQ2U3 | 2,152 |
Hi repair folks,
Whirlpool duet is about 7 years old. Heard a noticeable single thump and dryer noise stopped.
Drum can't manually spin no matter how hard I try. Turning on dryer you can hear something try and engage, assuming this is the motor.
Thought maybe the bearing, but shouldn't it move a bit and just make a grinding noise typically like a normal bad bearing? Motor fried maybe, but would that freeze the drum?
Any other ideas?
Is a bearing hard to replace?
Assuming I unplug, pull it down, and pop the back, is it hard to diagnose what the issue could be?
Thank you!
Everything I researched the drum should move at least a little. So I really examined it and found a long thin pocket flashlight jammed perfectly to lock it completely... Flashlight and dryer still work thankfully.
Thank you! | r/appliancerepair | post | r/appliancerepair | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYREVpT1pwOTZ3Y09ZYjNWMkZhVXpqaGhTc0FPZlRaTWx4c1pwX3J4V3ZpSW5kVEFFWkNHVzg5b3RyY3g0eUw5enY2LTh0MndnWnMzTzRscW9Fcy1hcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSG9XLTlVTUk5UHJzdjBZZ19IWDFvMzk4aE52RmhaSHgxRTAxR3RFSDIwWGxRNHVFa1VSSG1qTkE4MHpudVNlanpyeWNDamQ5TW1qd3luZE5nVk9PYS1Ba0pra01nakliRGx1TXdWN0JBQzRySWR3TnNaWl84NEs5N0lLdklDTnZSazVpbGFRSWFFeEF6cElIZzRSNWVNM0NGazJRS09GTlRNUmtyRlJaOFotOWJzTU1EQWJ1VjZNMU5vamoxT0hP | 2,153 |
Has anyone else here used Matriculate? How useful is it? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYZmFUV2daZTJZZ2M2NzlERXZ2REtpQW1ESWx2dkR1N0stWVdBbHVQYy1SVlhVdHVIdEhpWkYxVFFVTWVsSW8wTF9sWnMzbkg2NWhDREdKYmZLeUt5N3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhdlNVM1NONmlWdGE1U2JiODloaGRYRjhNS0Uyc2c4Yms0M2hzUHhLRWtiZWFLckNLUEZDZFZ0Um83RVVqaDJHRzlMeFc3N0s1U2xMVUlPTEpXVVZvVkprcVg5Y3FOR0h1ZTkycFAzYzU3LUVUZWttSkFCV3Myamp3S0JvbkxIQmh5b2xneWk0azY0VExVdW4zcFVzWTFSTzNfZWwzSHdyQTB1ak9WREFoN0RBPQ== | 2,154 |
[deleted] | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNUhXV2F4cHllRi1aSENBRjltLWNzUFRFVTVIdC1qVkZ5TFNaOVo0YnZKSHF2NWR6RHpVMFNCOUpidXpWSWZsR3FmZ0dKaUR1V2kwaURfRmladTFDb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhRzBrdzZIcmppMmxxVDNBU21BMlU1TExIYTVnX0hRQjlzNzdsRi1aR1BlYVV0M2pMaXhIQVNJMjV4Z1MtUDBSSFMxVmhVY0RJWVFEek5KNFhNV1BPTmZDcGZzd2pGRWtlOHo5V1pMMUI4Qkc3aFJWcHl6cnk1VGdYRnYtNFpjeDRjN1dlcDhpRFFYVV9aQ2h0T1hFWUtwQmtScnduMGxnYWxjMFB2a3BpRlFOd3JPZE5jNEZBTi1wYkVoUEwzelRN | 2,155 |
[deleted] | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQWtwX2Y5aEFRdlo5VXJiOTJUQy13ajl0N0Q5V1VjMDNJTnlDd0MzRDVOU25sQUk0YW1SN19ZZ2ZQd0V5aFU2QU1mUHhMUVIxWEFscnZvYTFjV2laV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSFFSYU56RWdCZG16V0dZbmY4ZWpPUDhxcW1ZOUZHVm43YjlJX3pUWFpTUkY2TkVsdFptZ1lFcFlEYnZlcU1abzZnMElhT0N1d1gzdkNLNkpIbHdKd3dFZG9neExJeXBLMl9OUzB6ci04dlJFN0kzQmFBRDFuajRTSFhMRHlNSWVYR1RRRDRlV1Y2WkxZcklHODljcldTWlUxNHZ3enpPNGVGbXlXcnlXRzMxckFiT2ZJZnpydG9HS2tYZ0xPdC1HZ3NqQXNhSEZJU0tWOUtEekpfU2pOQT09 | 2,156 |
so i submitted my css profile only 1 day late for Forham EA, i'm scared if it will affect my aid or not. please help im stresseddddd | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYc3pJRUpZTE55ZHJTQ1ZPUEN6SHhKUWRHRVdFZXVsYXdaZE1VSXd6cGFsVHd6Y2l4UGdTakIwWTg1RjdHcEEzbW5YQTVVVG9ZaU9ISFhBVVRGdGRBR1FtR0VKeWI5dlpzcjFOMlZtajlHZTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhbGF0WElKdHRpZlUxRzRHdndHZ3pqaGU3eGhZMTd0SEtqZGNsbnp1OXdBMGNfWjd5TTZhSzdwbTMzMGktSVVZdzJBd3F0SWdxX1FzZC11NTNXS3NkbzIxVXBfRVBIOHRVMlhUbDhEQzd4c204c1ZfWmhNdHBuSl9JbUpWdHBzeDBJVUpsNGhhZkNZNmtkZkpyUHkzNDFTU3hKTVQxc2w4ak5aS2JacmQtMnVrPQ== | 2,157 |
i mean only time will tell for sure but in the meantime... | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQ1JwVFdLVXVuWWtpRm1IWldZbHJpb3lBTHVCLS1oNVFLV3hjaF92c3dRbW51eGVibVN4ejUtWHZFVWt6S1BJdzg4ZHVsMGlMVGhhRG05bXpIdWFtRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRheUw0OVFpeEQ2MFhaR2xCaWR2cWZTbUNFZV9INHNjbHBZU3pQSEtRb0o2SXh6a0lYcFdyTjIyczhfVjVEQ0drWE5Ic2tzcUdOaE96amFjMlJCVF9kNW5rQTRfSGg4dWQ4bHY5TGlyR3E3N1JMN1dZeFpjeER2NEFTa1FSaVBYOGdubEdHd2VZTXF1Sk8ybDl2VUUyMDZ1MkQ0MFlqcW1DMEtjVVhMcGs1OUxaVE1mcDZpOVFiNWotRXV0WTBUenhLM0p4QU5KUEV2c0RWTmlRazJEQmlBUT09 | 2,158 |
I applied ED but I’m not getting in 😭😭😭
Cheer me up when I read my rejection letter | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYTWVvSEVkZ3VDOWZWM2dMTlN5VGNxQ3lCU1pXeDdKRkk1elRQZTRlZnpuVkRHbVhyUGVXb01nTWFMMVhGSXhlRzlmVHBIVWpBZ0lPZkdkSHgza0dDQW05REFJSXFKSVZudklyUmNLSXFZa3M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhajQ5dmFaVC1Db3RoN0NHbU81MDc1aXlDSE9qQlVkRUVzMGhQZ0pQVFBwTGtjMUZoOUZlOTNIMzFnMVR5UG5iNVV5eFJRVnFlUmUzUnIyUWxOak9DOXpvWWdVVUpSLXRyWndpZ3pxS1czSUxXRF9leEJQR3ZWWFIwdFNFRVJJdFdFWnlqekdqMkhsY1VfZmN6a2I2SlhZZTNiYzJLMGlwM1E2RzQ0NHdYR1V0dmt2a21vTHMyNjJPYkl1NVJPR0pa | 2,159 |
They already have my transcript, what is the point of me needing to reenter everything exactly how it is on my transcript? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRzRUOFVkakQ3NHNUTnRURVVQOG5JNmItbm1ES3lCTHoycC1RbEpIQnN2cDJwNGpYS1M1d2ZCUlR6Z2JzSkVIcV9qU24yRGwtanBUT3k4R0xob2xPUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYlB3QXB6ZHlzMGE4aU4wVnh6di10dlVFWEltQV8wUXh4U0ZMMEQzQ2g0d3dRUU9QRy1xR1IwTnRtR1hvR3J5VEctSW9UZnhMd1FUdGZpbUZpSXhWMFVRVkZHZHlzczFOMWZzVGRLVDJxWTFzd0VKYmtyTlYtM2dtYXZRZ0k3ejdzODlVRHZzUlJ5SG1VR1k1ZWVIM212clRMeTF6aTFTb1U1LWtSbWd5QnpVZngxY2wtV3Q3Ml9KZzRVYml0ZjZp | 2,160 |
Just a quick question:
For those who graduated and were editor in chiefs of your school’s yearbook or journalism, where did you end up at? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM0twR3VvUVBVQkR1N0lQeWZlRzQyX3hyem9ncjRha3NxV2dxS1ZlNEFPaEdnaUc2UkVveWV3LUNBbXkxZHhhZml0bUxwZHkzSElhQk03ejMwN0U3d2RMX3dyYTFndms4cUZaSm5WbEFzVmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhTWtFcUVGNmxHYW9MRmtwTVlVV1hnVjFDem8xOHlLd0EtZW1vWGFJUy0wakMyOG85VkRVWjNOa0gzVU5LZnlNckFfZm9EZ05FTTBTcTl6a2lqaGtyMDVoN2NNaVZjcXp6bGJCR0FIU3JuWDBtWWFEWXV4TVVxSF9lQkp3Qk1ocEpGalpwNFpCVjZVWmdoMURMZE5EY21FQi16Y2Q4dmoyeFhIVGZyWjFucndaSDJpMXFrU1N1dnBCTTA4R1V3OVJj | 2,161 |
How should I decorate my dorm with my 3 associate degrees? like i dont wanna use frames bc it seems like a lot and lowkey expensive, so does anyone have ideas? like a book or smth or binder idek | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYeFZCRThwWmE2ODBXNnN4Tmx3cnkwY3FnS0lVRjVHeEJfS193RE9VMzMxUzBWenktMEE3YkVkb2VEWnYtWVVXc1ZTU2pMSmN5QmU3dFo5aXBPTG45WERVdWFDRDJ2R185Q1FPdWNFNkNWM0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhM0R2YmdyenVHa2IzSU52Y2lvTmhkYmJyOV8yRUZwWWRuTkpTLUpodDF2eDNnWHotQ0x5VjZNYUlIV2xLZnZqaEJjVUZRZTI4ZlBjWDhTSjR6NVZyZDFock9mSUVpMkgwNGtpS2tVUGxHeEI3dUNNc0lNbXRlYmNuX0dVRFQwVlZJRU05MFVSSXhlUDM5Z1FzYjJaeVJ0b0szTEtDVG5URDV4Q1FGYlI1V3BZPQ== | 2,162 |
What to do? It was my dad’s date of birth? Do I just email all the colleges I sent it to and inform them of the change? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYcUppQkhkZ3VWTVpSUVU3WUtVS2tiaWxhQk5yZjNraTF1MG9rLVNNT1EweXBXU1doajVhZjdtSEMycEFuQTBVN2NJMkx1M0h0MnlmUk5hT1ZIb0RlRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhYTdvbEVWbjBMeHMwQmNQSDdoQXFpampBVVN1RGJmYUNVTzEwdmlGRTZSSGZEQW80bVU2aDJvdl9UU3VIT19hT1EwN1pUemRTaXRwOV95N2FyQjFOdUpQSENGOGtXNW9lZEJzWGp5M2xrYnBXN2ttYXBCYzVzYjVzdjd0ekc5YkY4UHFBSmZFQlN1Z1JBSXNnYXBXbTlZVVFEVUIwU3FJQkVmVXhFYVk4eXByX2piUG1FdW1ESjRJbHpkWFBLRENlLXZRSUZ3WndTa0lFQnlCd0tlY2RlUT09 | 2,163 |
okay is anyone else doing glimpse? i know its pretty new and i can't find that much information online about what the video should be. also the deadline is different for each school so im a bit confused | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYQnR1cHpDcC1xVkFmb0VCTjZOQlFwdXpLQU4zaG5sZlZuU2FWU3NDMEJPOXY3VEl1ZWs4d3BLdHpsSm1zOXBQcWYwLWYzOG5STTlEbkVpY3lUa2w4bEo4NVRBQjlfRUxOY0dmSE9QZjdsRVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhS2kyU2ZWblpnQmw5MEdzdUJWdzA3TVR3VUxPMjFxQkN1T1B0RFRWZUpJRDNRNnhHb0xFSDNaMURwRzRrQ3YwVzRLbjBKV0ZrbGlSTjBFcWFXeUtKcG16V3RhMzhZeWQ3LUVyV0lVenRfWGZ2YlF4Y19tbXlRcFVJbnNtTFdVaDZNdVNYMTNKRDVHc283R3NpTUdKb0RJbnFGOVF1a0ZuNWh4cml4Si1NSndTMlJqMWxPNDVrcGpFSjI5Z04zREdB | 2,164 |
When sending research abstracts or papers to colleges, should they be single or double spaced to fit in the page limit? This might be a dumb question but I'm genuinely not sure. | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYVHNVRWVaSHgwN2xjYzV6SEtwLTNfc2ZaeUVqVWFBY0hGeEo3dHA5VlYxOHJ6VjAtZFZBUExqMUVSTWJlZTdXdXFVN1lyZnhOS05jSkFCX0ptWkxSdk5fQkpkN3U4a18zYWVBRTlhMjVrdVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhaFRXU3l6NFVBaGtTaVp3Ul9NWTlqTTZVRlZpSjJSdm1ldmdTSVZsT09YT3E5YnFxUXNBeUloSFZEWWRPbUJpdFNWSGdvWXhFUDh0QVVGbndXQ1dpakhKS1FCRW1sRDU0RFhRWEZ4MGZwTnlSd1pWVkpQU2c5Vkx5Q1NpcGI5STU1aFJpRnY2dWJjS3ItOXljZ29PNm9xUXFHWkV6cUtSWmp1MHVJUVhsajJEQzZ4NlFWTzFpV01Wb21ZWkZnQWFfU2ludHcyZ3RsVThOclQxTWZXZ0lodz09 | 2,165 |
Hi, i am an international student applying to university of Notre-dame in REA and I need tu submit some documents in IDOC, but to create and account I need a social security number and I don't know what is that, help me!!1 | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYRnlmSmxXVXhiZjI3OE1EVGttamEtZjRucWNsbFc1akxzNFhhRnlvWVp6cnlLYnBIa0drVzdGR0VxRXAxUTNMb1ljVkp1OFNFSlEwZWh5WTVmc1JORmZzTE9LUGpKNVBUVjNiVmk3MUE2a1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhVUFNOHppYXhFN1V4MkVZWTUyYUp2NXRIVFVEd2Q2VFB2NWxpbDNSRXlYaVhXQ1BodVAzekZEd1lyalJESzREVl83aVlEdXJ5UG91SUduejY2eFptY0YzOWtDREc4aGJKUGpKOGN6MUZkWXNsb3VXOHFsRDh2SGxBSUdXdlk5UFkzVlVqUjJabVRBZFd4endYa3hMTERtNFJIVkdOYWZDT052UGFqdVRiQWFWZWVnbzBOVEQ2WXgxcEZrcXo3NnE0ZnkxWndqZkhEQnFsd01KNzI1NjFPZz09 | 2,166 |
I am comparing the options, and so far I am interested in Duke, Notre Dame, and **Texas A&M** (which is **#51**, but still......). I am happy as long as the college is not as liberal in the students, atmosphere, and classes. | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYM3gyVFhxWnBmbUNKai1ZaGtLeFk5dk5zVDhTZGdoYVVaX0Z4bXAxT0lSZlJkdW00LXNOejd1QmZDNktOM3ZTVXZXVV9hOTRwU1I0Q1lzNEVXVnlId3FNUGUxaWE5RmIyR2N2THc2MU1WeG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhLVJkb2RBREVfUTZOUEdCRGRHNFZDUkdlSGxyNUsyQkVuMnpXNzBGZDNadmZXMG5EaDQxUEFQR0JtYVJMa0tUYUpnTzNleUMzejRFVnJHRHBKUlh0dzFnVXc4aS1md21SazJWQ1lfRzVNb2hyTVlRajVnanp3STJydnhuNk5CR0lrMmpzVzRUdUwtMGgxZWtkNVM0V0tjOVdwMG1hTWhpT3JNQ0drMGlQSVl0cUhXNzR4eHR2Wk1jemxMQlgwc3RaUGJDVjNhZ0FhdnVJS2FuT2I4bGNGUT09 | 2,167 |
So on my common app activities I used wrestling as one of my activities. The problem is i said my position/leadership was JV wrestler, but I said that I had varsity letter recognition as I received a varsity wrestler but i play in JV. Is this discrepancy a problem? If so is it worth emailing admissions to clarify? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYSmNnSTdFRHhfV09SenItQXlNTHladGxiXzQ5TFVRU1R3NlFqUXRORlJfMUFraVNjNU93WHVYWndDcURqOWhMQWJwUDhrdzNhMGxpTHFOZWNPUlhPYVQ1SXg5S0ljdnpUeUxtZnBVdkpfQU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhQ0k5ZVYxR2k2NHdjbDZiUG9ob1pkTGhsbXR2OGFxV0lTMHFEYkdiSzA1QmN3OUdzWF9xTEZDcHYyOUdEekE3eGJvbUthVE9sWE9WQTV5M0RDUVdQaUpUa0J5LWRGWHFPZzNYek1TM1ZuM2lyeFRmY0RTaktBbkNGU29yNzhKaFhvcmNaSGxwdnVOUEh3T0k0MnppanBieHpJcURVdEVLemUtOXhxVzIxUmE5REN0WmlCeWwtc0hrX2RVTHhKZW9i | 2,168 |
For context, my school's average is a 1260 and the 25th percentile for rice and columbia are both 1500. I'm also applying as an Bioscience/Environmental Science major. I'm ranked 1st in school and I'm pretty confident with my essays, activities, and awards.
Edit: I got a 720 on English and 730 on Math. | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYWFVvMmY2SjhFam5vaE5BbDFMazhuUjRPTnBOdk5BN0VodXhqR1VhUlJldDZvaVA2LWZFM3NLamRvYzlXMjVTSXN1MlBrMTYwZUJXeVNzQUJMR0dRYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhSjBIazdrdWtfVEJVa1ktV0Rocjl5aXU1SnRjMnpDRHJ5bWsxRGd4YzU1NlhLWGtTVFJVX0xHX1hxTzhzUTBiSGlQYXRxbTNRNFZCRXhRcEZLc01hVWR3bHhOZy1IYnJmeDlfcUFzUlhWNWZnaGp2aHF3SnlUenV2My1RLXZxbEc0V01FYTdjRVVwZVpmZnRXUDk0bTlDTnprRS05R0RKQklOb3Y2UXJ6U0RqSHY5SXI5Z3liajN6SXUxNXBDZWl6cmk5WjZmVGZ5Z0d6bVQxUHFjNWl4Zz09 | 2,169 |
So I was recently admitted to an undergrad college (part of a program) and now plan on committing to it. I am confused on how to get a college email address (.edu) as this is needed to link to my program. Do you get a college email address when you get admitted or do you have to submit a deposit in order to receive the email address? | r/applyingtocollege | post | r/ApplyingToCollege | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRYNWVlT1lQNU42aHd1aUc3c2ZZRlNrYV9CX0ZZVkNFVjJnNFZjRTkyVkwxbUh5NXBFb0o2TXRiN21nNk5fb1VEWW9CQjE2YXVNd3VzX0x2SDV0ZkxJamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LRlRhWEFBM3lyS3Y4a2pZdW5SMjVRUGpwLUhHeEExNUpVVFNfU29KWmMzMnpUaDRpeUVYTnZKMUZ3d2pmLVM4dlp4bG9nWkM2Vm94VERmNEhxWHNfX3hOZjd5TTB3VEVWMnEwYWE0Vnd1ZFVpTi1pM1AwLVBibTBKTTJEbXplOV9ZYmVpam5ZVXBVOGJyMUtvaFFyNFB5dkhGT2ZhWUZtT2lBVi1YRDJxdW9meXVrQUs5ZWp5OWFTbWswOFktSE9HZGo3 | 2,170 |