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Birthday Girl lucks out with Chaplin and Kidman , who are capable of anteing up some movie star charisma when they need it to sell us on this twisted love story , but who can also negotiate the movie 's darker turns . | Neska gazteak zortea izan zuen eta Chaplinek eta Kidmanek ... izar handiko karisma erakutsi zuten behar zutenean ... maitasun historia nahasgarri horretan sartzeko. Baina aldi berean badaude film ospetsuak. |
An interesting look behind the scenes of Chicago-based rock group Wilco ... | Wilco taldearen bizitzaren irudi bat da. |
Sharp edges and a deep vein of sadness run through its otherwise comic narrative . | Mutur zorrotz eta sakonetan islatzen du, hitzaldi komikoetan ere, non |
There 's lots of cool stuff packed into ESPN 's Ultimate X. | ESPNren Ultimate Xen gauzak dira. |
Rock solid family fun out of the gates , extremely imaginative through out , but wanes in the middle | Familia-jolasa da, benetako jolasa, izugarrizko irudimenarekin. |
The Ya-Ya 's have many secrets and one is - the books are better . | Ya-Ya-k sekretu asko dauzka, eta liburu onak onak baino hobeak. |
Translating complex characters from novels to the big screen is an impossible task but they are true to the essence of what it is to be Ya-Ya . | Pertsonaia konplexu horiek eleberrietatik pantaila handira eramatea ezinezkoa da. Baina guztiek sinetsi nahi dute benetako izaera duela , |
The touch is generally light enough and the performances , for the most part , credible . | Orokorrean ukituak arin samarrak dira eta gehienak sinesgarriak. |
I liked About Schmidt a lot , but I have a feeling that I would have liked it much more if Harry & Tonto never existed . | Asko gustatu zitzaidan " Schmidt " idatzea. Baina esango nuke Harry eta Tonto ez baleude. |
Steers has an unexpectedly adamant streak of warm-blooded empathy for all his disparate Manhattan denizens -- especially the a \*\* holes . | Steersek erakusten du intuizio sendoa eta enpatia kutsua. Manhattanen bizi diren mutil guztiak bezala. |
That Storytelling has value can not be denied . | Kontatzeak duen balioa ez da ukaezina. |
Not even Solondz 's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully succeed at cheapening it . | Ezta Solondz-en egarria ere , eztabaida eta izaera eta bere izaera subertsiboak ez dira nahikoa izan hura gutxitzeko. |
Once the downward spiral comes to pass , Auto Focus bears out as your typical junkie opera ... | Beherantz doan errepidean, auto fokua hedatzen da... |
A knowing sense of humor and a lot of warmth ignite Son of the Bride . | Umorearekin eta goxotasunarekin Semearen Gorentasuna animatzen da. |
A rich tale of our times , very well told with an appropriate minimum of means . | Gure garaiko istorioak , ... gutxienez modu egokian kontatuak. |
The characters are complex and quirky , but entirely believable as the remarkable ensemble cast brings them to life . | Pertsonaiak zailak eta xelebreak dira ... baina benetakoak eta errealak dira ... talde paregabe honek denak berpizten dituenean. |
In all fairness , I must report that the children of varying ages in my audience never coughed , fidgeted or romped up and down the aisles for bathroom breaks . | Egia esan, ume gehienek ez dute inoiz eztulik egiten, ez dira inoiz beroak izaten, edo kalera irten eta hanka sartzen dute. |
As gory as the scenes of torture and self-mutilation may be , they are pitted against shimmering cinematography that lends the setting the ethereal beauty of an Asian landscape painting . | Tortura eta auto-mutilazioaren eszena hauek zirkuluan daude eta zinemagileak inguratzen ditu . Paisaiaren edertasuna adierazten du . |
Efficient , suitably anonymous chiller . | Hozgarri eraginkor eta ezezagun bat. |
Gorgeous scenes , masterful performances , but the sickly sweet gender normative narrative left an acrid test in this gourmet 's mouth . | Eszena ederrak , artista bikainak baina narrativa sexista zorrotz eta ikuskizun hilezkorrak haurtxoaren ahoan froga zitekeen. |
The hot topics of the plot are relegated to the background -- a welcome step forward from the Sally Jesse Raphael atmosphere of films like Philadelphia and American Beauty . | Filmaren gaia, beste ikuspuntu batetik, Philadelphia eta American Beauty bezalako filmetatik haratago kokatzen da. |
It 's usually a bad sign when directors abandon their scripts and go where the moment takes them , but Olympia , Wash. , based filmmakers Anne de Marcken and Marilyn Freeman did just that and it 's what makes their project so interesting . | Zuzendariek gidoiak utzi eta gero filmatzen jarraitzea ez da ideia ona. Baina Anne de Marcken eta Marilyn Freemanek egin zuten. |
A memorable experience that , like many of his works , presents weighty issues colorfully wrapped up in his own idiosyncratic strain of kitschy goodwill . | Bere lanetan bezala, historia graziosoa da, arazo latzak, koloretsua, eta bere horretan, ausardia eta kirtena. |
Executed with such gentle but insistent sincerity , with such good humor and appreciation of the daily grind that only the most hardhearted Scrooge could fail to respond . | Bihotz onekoak baina ausartak ... zintzotasunez eta alaitasunez egindakoak ... eguneroko ohituraren aldekoak ... baina ez duten ausardia eta lotsagabekeria jasan behar izan dute . |
The gentle comic treatment of adolescent sturm und drang should please fans of Chris Fuhrman 's posthumously published cult novel . | " Sturm und Drang " eleberriaren tratamendu komikoak atsegin emango lioke Chris Fuhrmanen eleberriari. |
Director Claude Chabrol has become the master of innuendo . | Claude Chabrol zuzendariak maisu bihurtu du insinuazioa. |
It is not what you see , it is what you think you see . | Ez da zuk ikusten duzuna, pentsatzen duzuna baizik. |
A deftly entertaining film , smartly played and smartly directed . | Film bat, ikaragarri dibertigarria, izugarri ongi interpretatua eta zuzenduta. |
A documentary to make the stones weep -- as shameful as it is scary . | Dokumental bat da harriak negar eginarazteko ... baina beldurgarria ere bada. |
I hope the movie is widely seen and debated with appropriate ferocity and thoughtfulness . | Espero dut film hau arrakastatsu izatea eta eztabaidatzea , eta baita krudeltasun eta sentimenduekin. |
A thought-provoking look at how Western foreign policy - however well intentioned - can wreak havoc in other cultures . | Eta Mendebaldeak duen atzerako-politika, nahiko ona bada ere, kalte egin liezaoke beste kultura batzuei. |
Asks what truth can be discerned from non-firsthand experience , and specifically questions cinema 's capability for recording truth . | Zehazki, galdetzen du zer egia esan dezakegun ez-egiaztagiri batzuek. Eta bereziki, zalantzan jartzen du zinemaren ahalmena egia erregistratzeko. |
The journey to the secret 's eventual discovery is a separate adventure , and thrill enough . | Sekretu baten jabe izatearen bide osoa ez da erraza. |
A quiet , disquieting triumph . | Garaipen isila eta lasaigarria. |
Darkly funny and frequently insightful . | Oso dibertigarria eta sarri interesgarria da. |
... the tale of her passionate , tumultuous affair with Musset unfolds as Sand 's masculine persona , with its love of life and beauty , takes form . | Sandyren nortasunaren muina bizi eta edertasunean datza. |
If you want to see a train wreck that you ca n't look away from , then look no further , because here it is . | Ikusi nahi baduzu zelako hondamena eragin duen tren istripuak, ez begiratu aurrerago. Hemen dago. |
There 's so much to look at in Metropolis you hate to tear your eyes away from the images long enough to read the subtitles . | Metropolisen hainbeste gauza daude begiratzeko ezen atzera begiratu eta azpidatziak irakurtzeko beldurra ematen dizun. |
The search for redemption makes for a touching love story , mainly because Blanchett and Ribisi compellingly tap into a spiritual aspect of their characters ' suffering . | Eta erredentzioaren bila zebiltzan ... istorio honek maitasun historia bat sortzen du . Zeren eta Blanchett eta Ribisi izarrak ... izarrekiko sufrimenduaren alde espiritual bat ukitzen baitute . |
A film of ideas and wry comic mayhem . | Ideien eta nahasmenaren filma bat da. |
At its worst the screenplay is callow , but at its best it is a young artist 's thoughtful consideration of fatherhood . | Gidoi txar bat da baina aktore gazte batek idatzia da. Aita izatea zein den gustatuko litzaidakeen galdera. |
A worthwhile documentary , whether you 're into rap or not , even if it may still leave you wanting more answers as the credits roll . | Dokumentala baliozkoa da, bai eta rap musika gustatzen bazaizu ere. Nahiz eta garrantzizkoa izan, ez du arrastorik uzten. |
Fessenden 's narrative is just as much about the ownership and redefinition of myth as it is about a domestic unit finding their way to joy . | Fessenden-en narrazioa da gehienbat mitoaren jabe eta erreformatzaileaz mintzatzen dena, ... etxeetako unitate batek zorionari bidea aurkitzen dion moduan. |
That the film opens with maggots crawling on a dead dog is not an out of place metaphor . | Pelikularen hasieran badaude erradiak zakur hildako baten gainean. Ez da metafora. |
Stanley Kwan has directed not only one of the best gay love stories ever made , but one of the best love stories of any stripe . | Stanley Kwan-ek ez du zuzendu bakarrik ... .. inoiz egin den maitagarri-ipuina ... .. beste guztiek bezalaxe . |
The concert footage is stirring , the recording sessions are intriguing , and -- on the way to striking a blow for artistic integrity -- this quality band may pick up new admirers . | Kontzertuen irudiak izugarriak dira. grabazioaren orduak biziki interesgarriak dira. eta gorrotozko begirada bat botatzeko ohorearekin, musika talde honek jarraitzaile berriak lor ditzake. |
Norton holds the film together . | Nortonek eusten dio. |
( There 's ) quite a bit of heart , as you would expect from the directors of The Little Mermaid and Aladdin . | Bihotz handia dauka "The Little Mermaid " eta "Aladdin " zuzendariek. |
You wo n't have any trouble getting kids to eat up these Veggies . | Erraza izango da umeentzat. |
A creaky staircase gothic . | Eskailera mekanikoz egina dago. |
Enjoyably dumb , sweet , and intermittently hilarious -- if you 've a taste for the quirky , steal a glimpse . | Oso dibertigarria da guztia ... ..eta oso barregarria.Gogoko baduzu, ikus ezazu hau. |
A movie that sends you out of the theater feeling like you 've actually spent time living in another community . | Filmean, jendea sentitzen da berriro beste hiri batean bizitzera joan dela. |
Light-years ahead of paint-by-number American blockbusters like Pearl Harbor , at least artistically . | Pearl Harborreko arrakasta ikusgarriena. Ez da artezkoa. |
A fascinating documentary about the long and eventful spiritual journey of the guru who helped launch the New Age . | Film dokumental zoragarri bat da guruaren... esperientziaz betea, korronte espiritual luzeari bizirauteko... eta betiereko bizitza egin duenaren gainean. |
Isabelle Huppert excels as the enigmatic Mika and Anna Mouglalis is a stunning new young talent in one of Chabrol 's most intense psychological mysteries . | Isabelle Huppert " Mika " misteriotsuaren paperean berriz agertu da . Eta Anna Mouglalis , izar berri zoragarri bat, talentu izugarri bat, Chabrol-en "Psycho-mysteries " telesail handienetako batean. |
Perhaps not since Nelson Eddy crooned his Indian Love Call to Jeanette MacDonald has there been a movie so unabashedly Canadian , not afraid to risk American scorn or disinterest . | Agian Nelson Eddy-k bere buruari Indioen deia egin zionean Jeanette MacDonald-i ... film oso kanadiar bat ikusi zuen. amerikarren mespretxua edo desinteresa. |
Wedding feels a bit anachronistic . | Ezkontza zaharkitua dirudi. |
Still , not every low-budget movie must be quirky or bleak , and a happy ending is no cinematic sin . | Baina pelikula merkeek ez dute beti arrakasta izan behar , eta amaiera alai bat ez da pelikuletan bezalakoa. |
It 's still a comic book , but Maguire makes it a comic book with soul . | Komiki bat besterik ez da. Baina Maguirek arima dauka. |
Brings to a spectacular completion one of the most complex , generous and subversive artworks of the last decade . | Azken hamarkadako arte lanik konplexuena eta subversiboena. |
An amusing and unexpectedly insightful examination of sexual jealousy , resentment and the fine line between passion and pretence . | Sekulako ikuspegia ematen dio sexuari eta jeloskortasunari... eta maitasunaren eta itxuraren arteko... arteko mugarriari. |
A fascinating , bombshell documentary that should shame Americans , regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger . | Dokumental ederra, guztiz dokumental bat... eta estatu Batuak itsutzen dituena. Ulertzen ez badugu ere, errua Kissingerri egotzi behar diogu. |
Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alike . | Eta herritarrei erakustea eskatzen dute , baita gobernuari ere. |
Adaptation 's success in engaging the audience in the travails of creating a screenplay is extraordinary . | Zuzendariaren ustezko arrakasta... ikusleak gidoiarekin okupatzean datza. |
A polished and vastly entertaining caper film that puts the sting back into the con . | Film likido eta dibertigarria da, iruzurgileak berreskuratzen dituena. |
It 's no surprise that as a director Washington demands and receives excellent performances , from himself and from newcomer Derek Luke . | Zuzendari moduan, ez da harritzekoa Washingtonek bere taldean eta Derek Luke berritzailearen partetik lan egitea. |
... while each moment of this broken character study is rich in emotional texture , the journey does n't really go anywhere . | Eta gorputz hautsiaren historia bat entzutean, emozioz beteta sentitzen da, eta bidaia amaigabea da. |
The film gets close to the chimps the same way Goodall did , with a serious minded patience , respect and affection . | Goodallek egin zuen bezala, filmak tximuak hurbildu egiten ditu eta pazientzia, errespetua eta maitasuna eskaintzen die. |
It 's an often-cute film but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing . | Film hau ona da. Baina eduki gehiago behar da filmari dagokionez. Edo editatu egin behar da. |
This may be Burns 's strongest film since The Brothers McMullen . | Film hau da Burns-en arrakastarik onena McMullen anaiak eta gero . |
What makes this film special is Serry 's ability to take what is essentially a contained family conflict and put it into a much larger historical context . | Serryren trebeziak sortutako protagonismoa da . Familiako gatazka batean bezala, eta historikoki askoz inguruko batean. |
It 's Quaid who anchors the film with his effortless performance and that trademark grin of his -- so perfect for a ballplayer . | Quaid da pelotoiaren erdigunea. Bere estiloa, irribarre eginarazten dio aurpegiari. Perfektua da pelotariarentzat. |
It is OK for a movie to be something of a sitcom apparatus , if the lines work , the humor has point and the actors are humanly engaged . | Komedia ukitu bat izateko ongi dago. Baina lanean puntu bat badaukazu, umorea eta aktoreen pertsonaiak garrantzitsuak dira. |
Though not for everyone , The Guys is a somber trip worth taking . | Ez da mundu guztientzat. Baina "The Guys"ek bisita bat merezi dute. |
A sly female empowerment movie , although not in a way anyone would expect . | Emakumeak indartzeko filma bat, baina ez uste den bezalakoa. |
You really have to salute writer-director Haneke ( he adapted Elfriede Jelinek 's novel ) for making a film that is n't nearly as graphic but much more powerful , brutally shocking and difficult to watch . | Haneke idazle eta zuzendariari (Elfriede Jelineken eleberria egokitu zuen) goraipatu behar zaio film hau egin izanagatik. Ez da horren grafikoa, baina askoz ere indartsuagoa da, izugarri hunkigarria eta zaila da ikustea. |
It 's a wonderful , sobering , heart-felt drama . | Zoragarria da, arnasgarria eta bihotz-altxagarria. |
Runs on the pure adrenalin of Pacino 's performance . | Eta orain errepidearen erdian zaude, |
The Paradiso 's rusted-out ruin and ultimate collapse during the film 's final ( restored ) third ... emotionally belittle a cinema classic . | Paradisua ia suntsituta dago. eta filmeko azken 3 segundotan erortzen dena. Film klasikoak iraingarriak dira. |
Sometimes shorter is better . | Batzuetan , laburragoa da, baina hobea. |
Phillip Noyce and all of his actors -- as well as his cinematographer , Christopher Doyle -- understand the delicate forcefulness of Greene 's prose , and it 's there on the screen in their version of The Quiet American . | Phillip Noyce eta bere aktoreak eta Christopher Doyle zinemagileak Greenen ahots sakona ulertzen dute eta pantailan agertzen da "Isil-Amerikarra" filmean. |
The film just might turn on many people to opera , in general , an art form at once visceral and spiritual , wonderfully vulgar and sublimely lofty -- and as emotionally grand as life . | Film honek sekulako arrakasta izango du. Arte forma bat da: aldi berean oldarkorra eta espirituala. Bitxia bada ere, hau aldi berean da oso erromantikoa eta glamurosoa baina aldi berean bizitzaren gastuetarainoko gauza garrantzitsuena. |
As a vehicle to savour Binoche 's skill , the film is well worthwhile . | Binocheren talentuaz gozatzeko filma oso baliogarria da. |
The huskies are beautiful , the border collie is funny and the overall feeling is genial and decent . | Husky-ak ederrak dira, border-ak dibertigarriak dira ... eta oso sentipen finak dituztela. |
Whatever complaints I might have , I 'd take ( its ) earnest errors and hard-won rewards over the bombastic self-glorification of other feel-good fiascos like Antwone Fisher or The Emperor 's Club any time . | Edozein kexati eta arren nire alde okerragoak eduki eta nekez lortzen direnak hartuko nituzke... Antwone Fisher edo "Enperadorearen kluba" bezalako beste batzuen alde okerragoak. |
Mastering its formidable arithmetic of cameras and souls , Group articulates a flood of emotion . | Groupek irudi eta emozio ugari ditu. |
A pretty decent kid-pleasing , tolerable-to-adults lark of a movie . | Oso film txukuna da. Umeentzat aproposa, helduentzat lagungarria. |
Even during the climactic hourlong cricket match , boredom never takes hold . | Kriketeko ordubeteko partidan ere ez da aspertzen. |
Combine the paranoid claustrophobia of a submarine movie with the unsettling spookiness of the supernatural -- why did n't Hollywood think of this sooner ? | "Bat, urpekari paranoikoek hildako animalien gorputzak zaintzen dituzte". "Zergatik ez dugu honetaz lehenago pentsatzen?" |
Like Kubrick , Soderbergh is n't afraid to try any genre and to do it his own way . | Kubrickek bezala, Soderberghek ere ez du beldurrik estilorik probatzeari. |
Nothing can detract from the affection of that moral favorite : friends will be friends through thick and thin . | Ezerk ez dio molestatuko mutil gaizto horri. Lagunak lagunak dira, ahalik eta hoberen. |
If the film has a problem , its shortness disappoints : You want the story to go on and on . | Film honek akats bat badu ere , eta ez da oso ona, ezin dituzu gauzak errepikatu. |
Unlike most anime , whose most ardent fans outside Japan seem to be introverted young men with fantasy fetishes , Metropolis never seems hopelessly juvenile . | Japoniatik kanpoko animei ez bezala , zeinetan fan gehienak gizonak diren ... norberaren fantasiako fetitxeekin, Metropolis inoiz ez da jostailu zaharra. |
The plot twists give I Am Trying to Break Your Heart an attraction it desperately needed . | "Zure bihotza hausten ari naiz" filmaren grabaketa egokitu dugu. |
The most brilliant and brutal UK crime film since Jack Carter went back to Newcastle , the first half of Gangster No. 1 drips with style and , at times , blood . | Erresuma Batuko gaizkileen filmik onena da Jack Carter Newcastlera joan zenetik. Gangster 1ean Lehenengo Erdialdean estilo hutsa dago, eta odol asko isurtzen da batzutan. |
Like its New England characters , most of whom wander about in thick clouds of denial , the movie eventually gets around to its real emotional business , striking deep chords of sadness . | New Englandeko pertsonaiak bezalaxe , gehienak ezezkoan ibiltzen dira.Azkenean filmaren helburua kontzientzia hedatzea da.Tristeziaz betetako bihotz baten errepresentazioa. |
The Bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they 've told a nice little story in the process . | Bai anaia taldeak historia zati txiki bat du guretzat. Historia osoa garaitu dute ederki ulertu ahal izateko. Eta bitartean, pasadizo dibertigarri bat kontatu digute. |
Flamboyant in some movies and artfully restrained in others , 65-year-old Jack Nicholson could be looking at his 12th Oscar nomination by proving that he 's now , more than ever , choosing his roles with the precision of the insurance actuary . | 65 urteko Jack Nicholson-ek bere 12. Oscarra aurkeztu du , seguruenik inoiz baino gehiago, ziurtatzeko bere papera, seguruenik. |
... is there a deeper , more direct connection between these women , one that spans time and reveals meaning ? | Emakumeen arteko harreman sakonenak denbora asko irauten du eta zentzu bat aurkitzen du. |
You bet there is and it 's what makes this rather convoluted journey worth taking . | Noski dagoela, eta horrek salbazioa ekarriko digu. |
Subsets and Splits