Dataset Viewer
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[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE genre\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n genre_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "genre" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE game\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n genre_id INTEGER default NULL,\n game_name TEXT default NULL,\n foreign key (genre_id) references genre(id)\n);", "table": "game" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE platform\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n platform_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "platform" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE publisher\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n publisher_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "publisher" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE game_publisher\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n game_id INTEGER default NULL,\n publisher_id INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (game_id) references game(id),\n foreign key (publisher_id) references publisher(id)\n);", "table": "game_publisher" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE game_platform\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n game_publisher_id INTEGER default NULL,\n platform_id INTEGER default NULL,\n release_year INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (game_publisher_id) references game_publisher(id),\n foreign key (platform_id) references platform(id)\n);", "table": "game_platform" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE region\n(\n id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n region_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "region" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE region_sales\n(\n region_id INTEGER default NULL,\n game_platform_id INTEGER default NULL,\n num_sales REAL default NULL,\n foreign key (game_platform_id) references game_platform(id),\n foreign key (region_id) references region(id)\n);", "table": "region_sales" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the game genre,integer,\ngenre_name,,the game genre,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe game genre can have a significant effect on the game. The genre refers to the category or type of game, such as action, adventure, strategy, or role-playing. The genre can determine the general style and gameplay of the game, as well as the expectations of the players. The genre can also affect the audience for the game, as different genres may appeal to different groups of players.\"", "table": "genre" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the record,integer,\ngame_publisher_id,game publisher id,the id of the game publisher,integer,\nplatform_id,platform id,the id of the platform,integer,\nrelease_year,release year,the release year of the game,integer,", "table": "game_platform" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the game publisher,integer,\npublisher_name,,the name of the publisher,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe publisher is the company or organization that finances, produces, and distributes the game. The publisher can influence the development of the game by providing resources, guidance, and support to the game's development team. The publisher can also affect the marketing and distribution of the game, as they are responsible for promoting the game and making it available to players. \"", "table": "publisher" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the game platform,integer,\nplatform_name,,the name of the platform,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe game platform, or the platform on which a game is played, can have a significant effect on the game. The platform can determine what hardware and software the game can run on, as well as the technical capabilities of the game. The platform can also affect the audience for the game, as different platforms may attract different groups of players.\"", "table": "platform" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the game,integer,\ngenre_id,genre id,the id of the game genre,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf game A and game B have the same genre, the user who likes game A may also like game B. \"\ngame_name,game name,the name of the game,text,", "table": "game" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nregion_id,,the id of the region,integer,\ngame_platform_id,game platform id,the id of the game platform,integer,\nnum_sales,number sales,the number of sales in this region,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe number of games sold in the region = num_sales * 100000.\nThe game platform with higher num_sales is more popular in the region. \"", "table": "region_sales" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the game publisher,integer,\ngame_id,game id,the id of the game,integer,\npublisher_id,publisher id,the id of the publisher,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf game A and game B were published by the same publisher, the user who likes game A may also like game B if the user is a fan of the publisher company.\"", "table": "game_publisher" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique identifier of the region,integer,\nregion_name,,the region name,text,", "table": "region" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE height_info\n(\n height_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n height_in_cm INTEGER,\n height_in_inch TEXT\n);", "table": "height_info" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE weight_info\n(\n weight_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n weight_in_kg INTEGER,\n weight_in_lbs INTEGER\n);", "table": "weight_info" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE PlayerInfo\n(\n ELITEID INTEGER\n primary key,\n PlayerName TEXT,\n birthdate TEXT,\n birthyear DATE,\n birthmonth INTEGER,\n birthday INTEGER,\n birthplace TEXT,\n nation TEXT,\n height INTEGER,\n weight INTEGER,\n position_info TEXT,\n shoots TEXT,\n draftyear INTEGER,\n draftround INTEGER,\n overall INTEGER,\n overallby TEXT,\n CSS_rank INTEGER,\n sum_7yr_GP INTEGER,\n sum_7yr_TOI INTEGER,\n GP_greater_than_0 TEXT,\n foreign key (height) references height_info(height_id),\n foreign key (weight) references weight_info(weight_id)\n);", "table": "PlayerInfo" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE SeasonStatus\n(\n ELITEID INTEGER,\n SEASON TEXT,\n TEAM TEXT,\n LEAGUE TEXT,\n GAMETYPE TEXT,\n GP INTEGER,\n G INTEGER,\n A INTEGER,\n P INTEGER,\n PIM INTEGER,\n PLUSMINUS INTEGER,\n foreign key (ELITEID) references PlayerInfo(ELITEID)\n);", "table": "SeasonStatus" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nheight_id,height id,the unique height id,integer,\nheight_in_cm,height in cm,height in cm,integer,e.g. 180 --> the height is 180 cm\nheight_in_inch,height in inch,height in inch,text,", "table": "height_info" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nweight_id,weight id,the unique weight id,integer,\nweight_in_kg,weight in kg,weight in kg,integer,e.g. 70: -->70 kg\nweight_in_lbs,weight in lbs,weight in lbs,integer,", "table": "weight_info" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nELITEID,ELITE ID,the unique number identifying the players who attended the draft,integer,\nPlayerName,Player Name,the name of the player,text,\nbirthdate,,the birthdate of the player,text,\nbirthyear,,the birth year of the player,date,\nbirthmonth,,the birth month of the player,integer,\nbirthday,,the birthday of the player,integer,\nbirthplace,,the player of the birthplace,text,\nnation,,the nation of the player,text,\"commonsense evidence: can ask questions about their corresponding continents. or group nations with their continents. You can refer to\ne.g.: Slovakia --> Europe\"\nheight,,the id number identifying heights,integer,\nweight,,the id number identifying weights,integer,\nposition_info,position information,position information of the player,text,\"commonsense evidence: There are six different positions in hockey: \nleft wing, \nright wing, \ncenter, \nleft defenseman, \nright defenseman \ngoalie. \nLeft wings, right wings, and centers are all considered forwards, while left and right defensemen are considered the defense.\"\nshoots,,,text,\"commonsense evidence: \n• L: Left-shooted \n• R: Right-shooted \n• '-': no preference\"\ndraftyear,draft year,draft year,integer,\ndraftround,draft round,draft round,integer,\noverall,,overall orders of draft picks,integer,\noverallby,,drafted by which team,text,\nCSS_rank,Central Scouting Service ranking,Central Scouting Service ranking,integer,commonsense evidence: higher rank refers to higher prospects for the draft\nsum_7yr_GP,sum 7-year game plays,Total NHL games played in player’s first 7 years of NHL career,integer,commonsense evidence: higher --> more attendance in the first 7 years\nsum_7yr_TOI,sum 7-year time on ice,Total NHL Time on Ice in player’s first 7 years of NHL career,integer,commonsense evidence: higher --> more playing time in the first 7 years of career\nGP_greater_than_0,game play greater than 0,Played a game or not in player’s first 7 years of NHL career,text,\"• yes \n• no\"", "table": "PlayerInfo" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nELITEID,ELITE ID,the id number of the players,integer,\nSEASON,,season when players are playing,text,\nTEAM,,which team the player belong to,text,\nLEAGUE,,league,text,\nGAMETYPE,GAME TYPE ,type of games,text,• Regular season • playoffs (post season)\nGP,Game Plays,number of games,integer,\nG,,Goals in Draft Year,integer,\nA,,Assists in Draft Year,integer,\nP,,Points in Draft Year,integer,commonsense evidence: higher --> more valuable\nPIM,Penalty Minutes,Penalty Minutes in Draft Year,integer,commonsense evidence: higher --> This player has committed more rule violations.\nPLUSMINUS,Plus Minutes,Goal Differential in Draft Year,integer,Goal Differential", "table": "SeasonStatus" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE city\n(\n city_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n city_name TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n population INTEGER,\n area REAL\n);", "table": "city" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE customer\n(\n cust_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n cust_name TEXT,\n annual_revenue INTEGER,\n cust_type TEXT,\n address TEXT,\n city TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n zip REAL,\n phone TEXT\n);", "table": "customer" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE driver\n(\n driver_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n first_name TEXT,\n last_name TEXT,\n address TEXT,\n city TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n zip_code INTEGER,\n phone TEXT\n);", "table": "driver" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE truck\n(\n truck_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n make TEXT,\n model_year INTEGER\n);", "table": "truck" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE shipment\n(\n ship_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n cust_id INTEGER,\n weight REAL,\n truck_id INTEGER,\n driver_id INTEGER,\n city_id INTEGER,\n ship_date TEXT,\n foreign key (cust_id) references customer(cust_id),\n foreign key (city_id) references city(city_id),\n foreign key (driver_id) references driver(driver_id),\n foreign key (truck_id) references truck(truck_id)\n);", "table": "shipment" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ndriver_id,driver id,Unique identifier for the driver,integer,\nfirst_name,first name,First given name of the driver,text,\nlast_name,last name ,Family name of the driver,text,commonsense evidence: full name = first_name + last_name\naddress,,Street address of the driver's home,text,\ncity,,City the driver lives in,text,\nstate,,State the driver lives in,text,\"commonsense evidence: \nplease mention its full name in the question, by referring to \n \ne.g., NY --> New York\"\nzip_code,zip code,postal code of the driver's address,integer,\nphone,,telephone number of the driver,text,", "table": "driver" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncust_id,customer id ,Unique identifier for the customer,integer,\ncust_name,customer name,Business name of the customer,text,\nannual_revenue,annual revenue,Annual revenue of the customer,integer,\ncust_type,customer type,Whether the customer is a manufacturer or a wholes,text,\naddress,,Physical street address of the customer,text,\ncity,,City of the customer's address,text,\nstate,,State of the customer's address,text,\"commonsense evidence: \nplease mention its full name in the question, by referring to \n\ne.g., NY --> New York\"\nzip,,Postal code of the customer's address,real,\nphone,,Telephone number to reach the customer,text,", "table": "customer" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nship_id,ship id,Unique identifier of the shipment,integer,\ncust_id,customer id ,A reference to the customer table that indicates which customer the shipment is for,integer,\nweight,,The number of pounds being transported on the shipment,real,\ntruck_id,truck id,A reference to the truck table that indicates which truck is used in the shipment,integer,\ndriver_id,driver id,A reference to the driver table that indicates which driver transported the goods in the shipment,integer,\ncity_id,city id,A reference to the city table that indicates the destination of the shipment,integer,\nship_date,ship date,the date the items were received by the driver,text,yyyy-mm-dd", "table": "shipment" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncity_id,city id,unique identifier for the city,integer,\ncity_name,city name,name of the city,text,\nstate,,state in which the city is,text,\npopulation ,,population of the city,integer,\narea,,square miles the city covers,real,\"commonsense evidence: \npopulation density (land area per capita) = area / population \"", "table": "city" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ntruck_id,truck id,Unique identifier of the truck table,integer,\nmake,,The brand of the truck,text,\"commonsense evidence: \n• Peterbilt headquarter: Texas (TX) \n• Mack headquarter: North Carolina (NC) \n• Kenworth headquarter: Washington (WA) \ncan ask question about headquarters of the truck\"\nmodel_year,model year,The year the truck was manufactured,integer,commonsense evidence: The truck with earlier model year means this truck is newer.", "table": "truck" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Country\"\n(\n CountryCode TEXT not null\n primary key,\n ShortName TEXT,\n TableName TEXT,\n LongName TEXT,\n Alpha2Code TEXT,\n CurrencyUnit TEXT,\n SpecialNotes TEXT,\n Region TEXT,\n IncomeGroup TEXT,\n Wb2Code TEXT,\n NationalAccountsBaseYear TEXT,\n NationalAccountsReferenceYear TEXT,\n SnaPriceValuation TEXT,\n LendingCategory TEXT,\n OtherGroups TEXT,\n SystemOfNationalAccounts TEXT,\n AlternativeConversionFactor TEXT,\n PppSurveyYear TEXT,\n BalanceOfPaymentsManualInUse TEXT,\n ExternalDebtReportingStatus TEXT,\n SystemOfTrade TEXT,\n GovernmentAccountingConcept TEXT,\n ImfDataDisseminationStandard TEXT,\n LatestPopulationCensus TEXT,\n LatestHouseholdSurvey TEXT,\n SourceOfMostRecentIncomeAndExpenditureData TEXT,\n VitalRegistrationComplete TEXT,\n LatestAgriculturalCensus TEXT,\n LatestIndustrialData INTEGER,\n LatestTradeData INTEGER,\n LatestWaterWithdrawalData INTEGER\n);", "table": "Country" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Series\"\n(\n SeriesCode TEXT not null\n primary key,\n Topic TEXT,\n IndicatorName TEXT,\n ShortDefinition TEXT,\n LongDefinition TEXT,\n UnitOfMeasure TEXT,\n Periodicity TEXT,\n BasePeriod TEXT,\n OtherNotes INTEGER,\n AggregationMethod TEXT,\n LimitationsAndExceptions TEXT,\n NotesFromOriginalSource TEXT,\n GeneralComments TEXT,\n Source TEXT,\n StatisticalConceptAndMethodology TEXT,\n DevelopmentRelevance TEXT,\n RelatedSourceLinks TEXT,\n OtherWebLinks INTEGER,\n RelatedIndicators INTEGER,\n LicenseType TEXT\n);", "table": "Series" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE CountryNotes\n(\n Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n Description TEXT,\n primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode),\n FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode),\n FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode)\n);", "table": "CountryNotes" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Footnotes\n(\n Countrycode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n Seriescode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n Year TEXT,\n Description TEXT,\n primary key (Countrycode, Seriescode, Year),\n FOREIGN KEY (Seriescode) REFERENCES Series(SeriesCode),\n FOREIGN KEY (Countrycode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode)\n);", "table": "Footnotes" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Indicators\n(\n CountryName TEXT,\n CountryCode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n IndicatorName TEXT,\n IndicatorCode TEXT NOT NULL ,\n Year INTEGER NOT NULL ,\n Value INTEGER,\n primary key (CountryCode, IndicatorCode, Year),\n FOREIGN KEY (CountryCode) REFERENCES Country(CountryCode)\n);", "table": "Indicators" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE SeriesNotes\n(\n Seriescode TEXT not null ,\n Year TEXT not null ,\n Description TEXT,\n primary key (Seriescode, Year),\n foreign key (Seriescode) references Series(SeriesCode)\n);", "table": "SeriesNotes" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountrycode,Country code,code identifying unique countries,text,\nSeriescode,Series code,Series code of countries,text,\nYear,,Year,text,\nDescription,,Description of country footnotes,text,", "table": "FootNotes" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSeriescode,Series code,code identifying the series,text,\nYear,,year,text,\nDescription,,Description of series,text,", "table": "SeriesNotes" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountryCode,Country Code,unique code identifying countries,text,\nShortName,Short Name,Short names of countries ,text,\nTableName,Table Name,table names of countries,text,\nLongName,Long Name,long or full name of countries,text,\nAlpha2Code,Alpha to Code,2 digit code of countries ,text,\nCurrencyUnit,Currency Unit,Currency Unit used in this country,text,\nSpecialNotes,Special Notes,Special Notes,text,\nRegion,Region,region that country belongs to ,text,\nIncomeGroup,Income Group,income level of countries ,text,\nWb2Code,world bank to code,world bank to code,text,\nNationalAccountsBaseYear,National Accounts Base Year,the year used as the base period for constant price calculations in the country's national accounts,text,\nNationalAccountsReferenceYear,National Accounts Reference Year,National Accounts Reference Year,text,\nSnaPriceValuation,SNA Price Valuation,SNA Price Valuation,text,\nLendingCategory,Lending Category,Lending category,text,\"• IDA: International Development Associations: (IDA) is the part of the World Bank that helps the world's poorest countries.\n• IBRD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is a global development cooperative owned by 189 member countries.\n• Blend: Blend is the cloud banking infrastructure powering billions of dollars in financial transactions every day.\"\nOtherGroups,Other groups,other groups,text,\"• HIPC: Heavily Indebted Poor Countries\n• Euro Area: The euro area consists of those Member States of the European Union that have adopted the euro as their currency.\"\nSystemOfNationalAccounts,System Of National Accounts,System Of National Accounts,text,\nAlternativeConversionFactor,Alternative Conversion Factor,Alternative conversion factor is the underlying annual exchange rate used for the World Bank Atlas method,text,\nPppSurveyYear,purchasing power parity survey year,purchasing power parity survey year,text,\nBalanceOfPaymentsManualInUse,Balance Of Payments Manual In Use,Balance Of Payments Manual In Use,text,\nExternalDebtReportingStatus,External Debt Reporting Status,External Debt Reporting Status,text,\"• Actual\n• Preliminary\n• Estimate\ncommonsense reasoning:\nIf ExternalDebtReportingStatus='Actual', it means this external debt reporting is real and actual, and finished\nif 'Estimate', it means external debt reporting is finished by estimation.\nif 'preliminary', it means this external debt reporting is not finished\"\nSystemOfTrade,System Of Trade,System Of Trade,text,\nGovernmentAccountingConcept,Government Accounting Concept,Government Accounting Concept,text,\nImfDataDisseminationStandard,International Monetory Fund Data Dissemination Standard,IMF Standards for Data Dissemination,text,\nLatestPopulationCensus,Latest Population Census,Latest Population Census,text,\nLatestHouseholdSurvey,Latest Household Survey,,text,\nSourceOfMostRecentIncomeAndExpenditureData,Source Of Most Recent Income And Expenditure Data,Source Of Most Recent Income And Expenditure Data,text,\nVitalRegistrationComplete,Vital Registration Complete,Vital Registration Complete,text,\nLatestAgriculturalCensus,Latest Agricultural Census,Latest Agricultural Census,text,\nLatestIndustrialData,Latest Industrial Data,Latest Industrial Data,integer,\nLatestTradeData,Latest Trade Data,Latest Trade Data,integer,\nLatestWaterWithdrawalData,Latest Water Withdrawal Data,Latest Water Withdrawal Data,integer,", "table": "Country" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountrycode,Country code,code identifying unique countries,text,\nSeriescode,Series code,Series code of countries,text,\nDescription,,description,text,", "table": "CountryNotes" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountryName,Country code,code identifying unique countries,text,\nCountryCode,Series code,Series code of countries,text,\nIndicatorName,Indicator Name,indicator name,text,\nIndicatorCode,Indicator Code,indicator code,text,\nYear,,year,integer,\nValue,,value,integer,", "table": "Indicators" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSeriesCode,Series Code,unique code identifying series,text,\nTopic,,topic of series,text,\nIndicatorName,Indicator Name,Indicator Name,text,\nShortDefinition,Short Definition,Short Definition of series,text,\nLongDefinition,Long Definition,Long Definition of series ,text,\nUnitOfMeasure,Unit Of Measure,Unit Of Measure,text,\nPeriodicity,Periodicity,Periodicity,text,\nBasePeriod,Base Period,\"a period of business or economic activity used as a basis or reference point especially for indexing, calculating, estimating, or adjudicating prices, taxes, compensation, income, and production\",text,\nOtherNotes,Other Notes,Other Notes,integer,\nAggregationMethod,Aggregation Method,Aggregation Method,text,\nLimitationsAndExceptions,Limitations And Exceptions,Limitations And Exceptions,text,\nNotesFromOriginalSource,Notes From Original Source,Notes From Original Source,text,\nGeneralComments,General Comments,General Comments,text,\nSource,Source,source of this data,text,\nStatisticalConceptAndMethodology,Statistical Concept And Methodology,Statistical Concept And Methodology,text,\nDevelopmentRelevance,Development Relevance,Development Relevance,text,\nRelatedSourceLinks,Related Source Links,Related Source Links,text,\nOtherWebLinks,Other Web Links,Other Web Links,integer,\nRelatedIndicators,Related Indicators,Related Indicators,integer,\nLicenseType,License Type,License Type,text,", "table": "Series" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE address_status\n(\n status_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n address_status TEXT\n);", "table": "address_status" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE author\n(\n author_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n author_name TEXT\n);", "table": "author" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE book_language\n(\n language_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n language_code TEXT,\n language_name TEXT\n);", "table": "book_language" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE country\n(\n country_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n country_name TEXT\n);", "table": "country" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE address\n(\n address_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n street_number TEXT,\n street_name TEXT,\n city TEXT,\n country_id INTEGER,\n foreign key (country_id) references country(country_id)\n);", "table": "address" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE customer\n(\n customer_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n first_name TEXT,\n last_name TEXT,\n email TEXT\n);", "table": "customer" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE customer_address\n(\n customer_id INTEGER,\n address_id INTEGER,\n status_id INTEGER,\n primary key (customer_id, address_id),\n foreign key (address_id) references address(address_id),\n foreign key (customer_id) references customer(customer_id)\n);", "table": "customer_address" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE order_status\n(\n status_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n status_value TEXT\n);", "table": "order_status" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE publisher\n(\n publisher_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n publisher_name TEXT\n);", "table": "publisher" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE book\n(\n book_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n title TEXT,\n isbn13 TEXT,\n language_id INTEGER,\n num_pages INTEGER,\n publication_date DATE,\n publisher_id INTEGER,\n foreign key (language_id) references book_language(language_id),\n foreign key (publisher_id) references publisher(publisher_id)\n);", "table": "book" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE book_author\n(\n book_id INTEGER,\n author_id INTEGER,\n primary key (book_id, author_id),\n foreign key (author_id) references author(author_id),\n foreign key (book_id) references book(book_id)\n);", "table": "book_author" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE shipping_method\n(\n method_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n method_name TEXT,\n cost REAL\n);", "table": "shipping_method" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"cust_order\"\n(\n order_id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n order_date DATETIME,\n customer_id INTEGER\n references customer,\n shipping_method_id INTEGER\n references shipping_method,\n dest_address_id INTEGER\n references address\n);", "table": "cust_order" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"order_history\"\n(\n history_id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n order_id INTEGER\n references cust_order,\n status_id INTEGER\n references order_status,\n status_date DATETIME\n);", "table": "order_history" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"order_line\"\n(\n line_id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n order_id INTEGER\n references cust_order,\n book_id INTEGER\n references book,\n price REAL\n);", "table": "order_line" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncustomer_id,customer id,the unique identifier of the customer,integer,\nfirst_name,first name,the first name of the customer,text,\nlast_name,last name,the last name of the customer,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nA person's full name is the first name, middle name (if applicable), and last name. \"\nemail,,the email of the customer,text,", "table": "customer" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbook_id,book id ,the unique identifier of the book,integer,\ntitle,,the title of the book ,text,\nisbn13,,the International Standard Book Number of the book,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nAn ISBN is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each book to identify it internationally. The ISBN13 of a book is the specific version of the ISBN that uses 13 digits. It is typically displayed on the back cover of a book, along with the barcode and other information.\"\nlanguage_id,language id,\"the id of the book language\nMaps to book_language (language_id)\",integer,\nnum_pages,number pages,the number of the pages,integer,\npublication_date,publication date,the publication date of the book,date,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe publication date of a book can provide information about when the book was released to the public. This can be useful for understanding the context in which the book was written, as well as for determining how current or outdated the information in the book might be. Additionally, the publication date can provide insight into the age of the book and its potential value as a collectible.\"\npublisher_id,,\"the id of the publisher\nMaps to publisher (publisher_id)\",integer,", "table": "book" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nauthor_id,author id,the unique identifier of the author,integer,\nauthor_name,author name,the name of the author,text,", "table": "author" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\npublisher_id,publisher id,the unique identifier of the publisher,integer,\npublisher_name,publisher name,the name of the publisher,text,", "table": "publisher" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nhistory_id,history id,the unique identifier of the order history,integer ,\norder_id,order_id,\"the id of the order\nMaps to cust_order(order_id)\",integer,\nstatus_id,status id ,\"the id of the order\nMaps to order_status(status_id)\",integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe order statuses include order received, pending delivery, delivery in progress, delivered, canceled, and returned.\"\nstatus_date,status date,the date of the status updated ,datetime,", "table": "order_history" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nstatus_id,status id ,the unique identifier of the order status,integer,\nstatus_value,status value,the status value,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe order statuses include order received, pending delivery, delivery in progress, delivered, canceled, and returned. \"", "table": "order_status" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\naddress_id,address id ,the unique identifier of the address,integer,\nstreet_number,street number,the street number of the address,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe street number is typically used to identify a specific building or residence on a street, with higher numbers generally indicating a location further down the street from the starting point. For example, if a street starts at number 1 and goes up to number 100, a building with the number 50 would be closer to the starting point than a building with the number 75.\"\nstreet_name,street name,the street name,text,\ncity,,the city where the address belongs,text,\ncountry_id,country id,the id of the country where the address belongs ,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nMaps to the country (country id). The full address of the customer is 'No.street_number street_name, city, country'\"", "table": "address" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbook_id,book id,\"the id of the book\nMaps to book(book_id)\",integer,\nauthor_id,author id,\"the id of the author\nMaps to author(author_id)\",integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nBooks with the same author id are written by the same author. \"", "table": "book_author" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nstatus_id,status id,the unique identifier of the status,integer,\naddress_status,address status,the status of the address,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n•\tactive: the address is still in use\n•\tinactive: the address is not in use anymore\"", "table": "address_status" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nlanguage_id,language id ,the unique identifier of the language ,integer,\nlanguage_code,language code,the language code,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nA language code is a unique identifier for a specific language. It is typically used to identify a language in computing and other technical contexts. Some common language codes include \"\"en\"\" for English, \"\"fr\"\" for French, and \"\"es\"\" for Spanish. The specific codes used for each language can vary depending on the context and the system in which they are being used.\"\nlanguage_name,language name,the language name,text,", "table": "book_language" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nline_id,line id,the unique identifier of the order line,integer ,\norder_id,order id ,\"the id of the order\nMaps to cust_order(order_id)\",integer,\nbook_id,book id,\"the id of the book\nMaps to book(book_id)\",integer,\nprice,,the price of the order,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nEven though the customer ordered the book with the same book id, the price could be different. The price of the order may be influenced by the shipping method, seasonal discount, and the number of books the customer ordered. \"", "table": "order_line" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\norder_id,order id,the unique identifier of the customer order,integer ,\norder_date,order date,the date of the order,datetime,\ncustomer_id,customer id ,\"the id of the customer\nMaps to customer(customer_Id)\",integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe number of orders ordered by the customer = the show-up times of the relative customer id in the table\"\nshipping_method_id,shipping method id,\"the id of the shipping method\nMaps to shipping_method(method_id)\",integer,\ndest_address_id,destination address id ,\"the id of the destination address\nMaps to address(address_id)\",integer,", "table": "cust_order" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncustomer_id,customer id,\"the id of the customer\nMaps to customer(customer_id)\",integer,\naddress_id,address id,\"the id of the address\nMaps to address(address_id)\",integer,\nstatus_id,status id ,the id of the address status,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nA customer may have several addresses. If a customer has several addresses, the address that the status_id = 1 is the customer's current address that is in use. The other addresses with 2 as status_id is abandoned addresses. \"", "table": "customer_address" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncountry_id,country id,the unique identifier of the country,integer,\ncountry_name,country name,the country name,text,", "table": "country" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmethod_id,method id,the unique identifier of the method,integer,\nmethod_name,method name,the method name,text,\ncost,,the cost of the shipping method,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe main difference between the various shipping methods, such as standard, priority, express, and international, is the speed at which the item is delivered. Standard shipping is the slowest and least expensive option, while express and priority shipping are faster and more expensive. International shipping is for items that are being shipped to a destination outside of the country where they originated.\"", "table": "shipping_method" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Episode\"\n(\n episode_id TEXT\n constraint Episode_pk\n primary key,\n season INTEGER,\n episode INTEGER,\n number_in_series INTEGER,\n title TEXT,\n summary TEXT,\n air_date TEXT,\n episode_image TEXT,\n rating REAL,\n votes INTEGER\n);", "table": "Episode" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Person\n(\n name TEXT\n constraint Person_pk\n primary key,\n birthdate TEXT,\n birth_name TEXT,\n birth_place TEXT,\n birth_region TEXT,\n birth_country TEXT,\n height_meters REAL,\n nickname TEXT\n);", "table": "Person" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Award\n(\n award_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n organization TEXT,\n year INTEGER,\n award_category TEXT,\n award TEXT,\n person TEXT,\n role TEXT,\n episode_id TEXT,\n season TEXT,\n song TEXT,\n result TEXT,\n foreign key (person) references Person(name),\n foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id)\n);", "table": "Award" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Character_Award\n(\n award_id INTEGER,\n character TEXT,\n foreign key (award_id) references Award(award_id)\n);", "table": "Character_Award" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Credit\n(\n episode_id TEXT,\n category TEXT,\n person TEXT,\n role TEXT,\n credited TEXT,\n foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id),\n foreign key (person) references Person(name)\n);", "table": "Credit" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Keyword\n(\n episode_id TEXT,\n keyword TEXT,\n primary key (episode_id, keyword),\n foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id)\n);", "table": "Keyword" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Vote\n(\n episode_id TEXT,\n stars INTEGER,\n votes INTEGER,\n percent REAL,\n foreign key (episode_id) references Episode(episode_id)\n);", "table": "Vote" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\naward_id,award id,A unique identifier for the award,integer,\ncharacter,,the name of the awarded character,text,", "table": "Character_Award" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nname,,the name of the crew,text,\nbirthdate,birth date,the birth date of the crew,text,YYYY-MM-DD\nbirth_name,birth name,the birth name of the crew,text,\nbirth_place,birth place,the birth place of the crew,text,\nbirth_region,birth region,the birth region of the crew,text,\nbirth_country,birth country,the birth country of the crew,text,\nheight_meters,height meters,the height of the crew,real,the unit is meter\nnickname,,the nickname of the crew,text,", "table": "Person" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nepisode_id,episode id,A unique identifier for episodes,text,\nstars,,the star score of the episode,integer,\"1-10\ncommonsense evidence:\nStar classification is a type of rating scale. The lowest star is 1 which means the worst, and the highest star is 10 which means the best. \"\nvotes,,the number of votes of the star score,integer,\npercent,,the percent of the vote number of the star score,real,\"commonsense evidence:\npercent = the number of votes for the star / the total amount of votes for all stars \"", "table": "Vote" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nepisode_id,episode id,A unique identifier for episodes,text,\nkeyword,,the keywords of episode,text,", "table": "Keyword" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nepisode_id,episode id,A unique identifier for episodes,text,\ncategory,,the category of the credit,text,\nperson,,the name of cast and crew members,text,\nrole,,the role of the person,text,\ncredited ,,whether the person is credited ,text,\"true/ false\ncommonsense evidence:\n• true: The person is included in the credit list\n• false: The person isn't included in the credit list\"", "table": "Credit" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nepisode_id,episode id,A unique identifier for episodes,text,\nseason,,the season of the episode,integer,\nepisode,,the episode number of the episode,integer,\nnumber_in_series,number in series,the number in series,integer,\ntitle,,the title of the episode,text,\nsummary,,the summary of the episode,text,\nair_date,air date,the air date of the episode,text,YYYY-MM-DD\nepisode_image,episode image,the image of episode,text,\nrating,,the rating of episode,real,\"0.0 - 10.0\ncommonsense evidence:\nHigher ratings mean higher quality and better response.\n• excellent: 7.0 < rating <= 10.0\n• average: 5.0 < rating <= 7.0 \n• bad: 0.0 < rating <= 5.0\nnot bad: average, excellent\"\nvotes,,the votes of episode,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nHigher votes mean more audience supports (or popular).\"", "table": "Episode" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\naward_id,award id,the unique id for the award,integer,\norganization,,the organization that holds the award,text,\nyear,,year of award,integer,\naward_category,,the category of the award,text,\naward,,the name of the award,text,\nperson,,the person who gets the award,text,\nrole,,the role of the honoree,text,\nepisode_id,episode id,S stands for 'Season' and E stands for 'Episode',text,\nseason,,the season of the awarded work,text,\nsong,,the theme song of the awarded work,text,\nresult,,the final award result,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n• Nominee: the prospective recipient of the award. The nominee are people who were nominated but didn't win the award. \n• Winner: the people who finally won the award\"", "table": "Award" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE state\n(\n StateCode TEXT\n constraint state_pk\n primary key,\n State TEXT,\n Region TEXT\n);", "table": "state" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE callcenterlogs\n(\n \"Date received\" DATE,\n \"Complaint ID\" TEXT,\n \"rand client\" TEXT,\n phonefinal TEXT,\n \"vru+line\" TEXT,\n call_id INTEGER,\n priority INTEGER,\n type TEXT,\n outcome TEXT,\n server TEXT,\n ser_start TEXT,\n ser_exit TEXT,\n ser_time TEXT,\n primary key (\"Complaint ID\"),\n foreign key (\"rand client\") references client(client_id)\n);", "table": "callcenterlogs" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE client\n(\n client_id TEXT\n primary key,\n sex TEXT,\n day INTEGER,\n month INTEGER,\n year INTEGER,\n age INTEGER,\n social TEXT,\n first TEXT,\n middle TEXT,\n last TEXT,\n phone TEXT,\n email TEXT,\n address_1 TEXT,\n address_2 TEXT,\n city TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n zipcode INTEGER,\n district_id INTEGER,\n foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id)\n);", "table": "client" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE district\n(\n district_id INTEGER\n primary key,\n city TEXT,\n state_abbrev TEXT,\n division TEXT,\n foreign key (state_abbrev) references state(StateCode)\n);", "table": "district" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE events\n(\n \"Date received\" DATE,\n Product TEXT,\n \"Sub-product\" TEXT,\n Issue TEXT,\n \"Sub-issue\" TEXT,\n \"Consumer complaint narrative\" TEXT,\n Tags TEXT,\n \"Consumer consent provided?\" TEXT,\n \"Submitted via\" TEXT,\n \"Date sent to company\" TEXT,\n \"Company response to consumer\" TEXT,\n \"Timely response?\" TEXT,\n \"Consumer disputed?\" TEXT,\n \"Complaint ID\" TEXT,\n Client_ID TEXT,\n primary key (\"Complaint ID\", Client_ID),\n foreign key (\"Complaint ID\") references callcenterlogs(\"Complaint ID\"),\n foreign key (Client_ID) references client(client_id)\n);", "table": "events" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE reviews\n(\n \"Date\" DATE\n primary key,\n Stars INTEGER,\n Reviews TEXT,\n Product TEXT,\n district_id INTEGER,\n foreign key (district_id) references district(district_id)\n);", "table": "reviews" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDate,,,date,\nStars,,,integer,\nReviews,,,text,\nProduct,,,text,\ndistrict_id,,,integer,", "table": "reviews" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDate received,,complaint date,date,\nComplaint ID,,unique id number representing each complaint,text,\nrand client,,client id,text,\nphonefinal,phone final,final phone number,text,\nvru+line,voice response unit line,voice response unit line,text,\ncall_id,call id,id number identifying the call,integer,\npriority,,priority of the complaint,integer,\"0, 1, 2, \nnull: not available,\nhigher: -> higher priority,\n-> more serious/urgent complaint\"\ntype,,type of complaint,text,\noutcome,,the outcome of processing of complaints,text,\nserver,,server,text,\nser_start,server start,server start time,text,HH:MM:SS\nser_exit,server exit,server exit time,text,\nser_time,server time,server time,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nlonger server time referring to more verbose/longer complaint\"", "table": "callcenterlogs" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ndistrict_id,district id,unique id number representing district,integer,\ncity,,city ,text,\nstate_abbrev,,state abbreviated code,text,\ndivision,,division,text,", "table": "district" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nclient_id,client id,unique id client number,text,\nsex,,sex of client,text,\nday,,day of the birthday,integer,\nmonth,,month of the birthday,integer,\nyear,,year when is born,integer,\nage,,age ,integer,\"teenager: 13-19\nadult: 19-65\nelder: > 65\"\nsocial,,social number,text,ssn: us id number for each person\nfirst,,first name,text,\nmiddle,,middle name,text,\nlast,,last name,text,\nphone,,phone number,text,\nemail,,email,text,\"commonsense evidence:\ngoogle email / account:\nmicrosoft email / account: [email protected]\"\naddress_1,,address 1,text,\naddress_2,,address 2,text,\"entire address = (address_1, address_2)\"\ncity,,city ,text,\nstate,,state code,text,\nzipcode,,zipcode,integer,\ndistrict_id,district id,district id number,integer,", "table": "client" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDate received,,Date received,date,\nProduct,,complaining about which product ,text,\nSub-product,,sub product if exists,text,\"commonsense evidence:\ndetailed product\"\nIssue,,problems leading to this complaints,text,\nSub-issue,,sub problems leading to this complaints if exists,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nmore detailed issue\"\nConsumer complaint narrative,,Consumer complaint narrative,text,\nTags,,tags of client,text,\nConsumer consent provided?,Tags Consumer consent provided?,whether the tags labeled under permission of the clients,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n• null, 'N/A' or empty value: indicating that the company didn't get the permission of consent.\n• if the value is not empty: customers provide the consent for this tag.\"\nSubmitted via,,Submitted via,text,\nDate sent to company,,Date sent to company,text,\"commonsense evidence:\ndelay of the complaints = 'Date sent to company'\"\nCompany response to consumer,,Company response to consumer,text,\nTimely response?,,whether the response of the company is timely,text,\nConsumer disputed?,,whether the consumer dispute about the response from the company.,text,\nComplaint ID,,id number indicating which complaint,text,\nClient_ID,Client ID,id number indicating which client,text,", "table": "events" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nStateCode,,,text,\nState,,,text,\nRegion,,,text,", "table": "state" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE awards_players\n(\n playerID TEXT not null,\n award TEXT not null,\n year INTEGER not null,\n lgID TEXT null,\n note TEXT null,\n pos TEXT null,\n primary key (playerID, year, award),\n foreign key (playerID) references players (playerID)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "awards_players" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE coaches\n(\n coachID TEXT not null,\n year INTEGER not null,\n tmID TEXT not null,\n lgID TEXT null,\n stint INTEGER not null,\n won INTEGER null,\n lost INTEGER null,\n post_wins INTEGER null,\n post_losses INTEGER null,\n primary key (coachID, year, tmID, stint),\n foreign key (tmID, year) references teams (tmID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "coaches" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE draft\n(\n id INTEGER default 0 not null\n primary key,\n draftYear INTEGER null,\n draftRound INTEGER null,\n draftSelection INTEGER null,\n draftOverall INTEGER null,\n tmID TEXT null,\n firstName TEXT null,\n lastName TEXT null,\n suffixName TEXT null,\n playerID TEXT null,\n draftFrom TEXT null,\n lgID TEXT null,\n foreign key (tmID, draftYear) references teams (tmID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "draft" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE player_allstar\n(\n playerID TEXT not null,\n last_name TEXT null,\n first_name TEXT null,\n season_id INTEGER not null,\n conference TEXT null,\n league_id TEXT null,\n games_played INTEGER null,\n minutes INTEGER null,\n points INTEGER null,\n o_rebounds INTEGER null,\n d_rebounds INTEGER null,\n rebounds INTEGER null,\n assists INTEGER null,\n steals INTEGER null,\n blocks INTEGER null,\n turnovers INTEGER null,\n personal_fouls INTEGER null,\n fg_attempted INTEGER null,\n fg_made INTEGER null,\n ft_attempted INTEGER null,\n ft_made INTEGER null,\n three_attempted INTEGER null,\n three_made INTEGER null,\n primary key (playerID, season_id),\n foreign key (playerID) references players (playerID)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "player_allstar" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE players\n(\n playerID TEXT not null\n primary key,\n useFirst TEXT null,\n firstName TEXT null,\n middleName TEXT null,\n lastName TEXT null,\n nameGiven TEXT null,\n fullGivenName TEXT null,\n nameSuffix TEXT null,\n nameNick TEXT null,\n pos TEXT null,\n firstseason INTEGER null,\n lastseason INTEGER null,\n height REAL null,\n weight INTEGER null,\n college TEXT null,\n collegeOther TEXT null,\n birthDate DATE null,\n birthCity TEXT null,\n birthState TEXT null,\n birthCountry TEXT null,\n highSchool TEXT null,\n hsCity TEXT null,\n hsState TEXT null,\n hsCountry TEXT null,\n deathDate DATE null,\n race TEXT null\n);", "table": "players" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE teams\n(\n year INTEGER not null,\n lgID TEXT null,\n tmID TEXT not null,\n franchID TEXT null,\n confID TEXT null,\n divID TEXT null,\n `rank` INTEGER null,\n confRank INTEGER null,\n playoff TEXT null,\n name TEXT null,\n o_fgm INTEGER null,\n-- o_fga int null,\n o_ftm INTEGER null,\n-- o_fta int null,\n-- o_3pm int null,\n-- o_3pa int null,\n-- o_oreb int null,\n-- o_dreb int null,\n-- o_reb int null,\n-- o_asts int null,\n-- o_pf int null,\n-- o_stl int null,\n-- o_to int null,\n-- o_blk int null,\n o_pts INTEGER null,\n-- d_fgm int null,\n-- d_fga int null,\n-- d_ftm int null,\n-- d_fta int null,\n-- d_3pm int null,\n-- d_3pa int null,\n-- d_oreb int null,\n-- d_dreb int null,\n-- d_reb int null,\n-- d_asts int null,\n-- d_pf int null,\n-- d_stl int null,\n-- d_to int null,\n-- d_blk int null,\n d_pts INTEGER null,\n-- o_tmRebound int null,\n-- d_tmRebound int null,\n homeWon INTEGER null,\n homeLost INTEGER null,\n awayWon INTEGER null,\n awayLost INTEGER null,\n-- neutWon int null,\n-- neutLoss int null,\n-- confWon int null,\n-- confLoss int null,\n-- divWon int null,\n-- divLoss int null,\n-- pace int null,\n won INTEGER null,\n lost INTEGER null,\n games INTEGER null,\n-- min int null,\n arena TEXT null,\n-- attendance int null,\n-- bbtmID varchar(255) null,\n primary key (year, tmID)\n);", "table": "teams" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"awards_coaches\"\n(\n id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n year INTEGER,\n coachID TEXT,\n award TEXT,\n lgID TEXT,\n note TEXT,\n foreign key (coachID, year) references coaches (coachID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "awards_coaches" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"players_teams\"\n(\n id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n playerID TEXT not null\n references players\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n year INTEGER,\n stint INTEGER,\n tmID TEXT,\n lgID TEXT,\n GP INTEGER,\n GS INTEGER,\n minutes INTEGER,\n points INTEGER,\n oRebounds INTEGER,\n dRebounds INTEGER,\n rebounds INTEGER,\n assists INTEGER,\n steals INTEGER,\n blocks INTEGER,\n turnovers INTEGER,\n PF INTEGER,\n fgAttempted INTEGER,\n fgMade INTEGER,\n ftAttempted INTEGER,\n ftMade INTEGER,\n threeAttempted INTEGER,\n threeMade INTEGER,\n PostGP INTEGER,\n PostGS INTEGER,\n PostMinutes INTEGER,\n PostPoints INTEGER,\n PostoRebounds INTEGER,\n PostdRebounds INTEGER,\n PostRebounds INTEGER,\n PostAssists INTEGER,\n PostSteals INTEGER,\n PostBlocks INTEGER,\n PostTurnovers INTEGER,\n PostPF INTEGER,\n PostfgAttempted INTEGER,\n PostfgMade INTEGER,\n PostftAttempted INTEGER,\n PostftMade INTEGER,\n PostthreeAttempted INTEGER,\n PostthreeMade INTEGER,\n note TEXT,\n foreign key (tmID, year) references teams (tmID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "players_teams" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"series_post\"\n(\n id INTEGER\n primary key autoincrement,\n year INTEGER,\n round TEXT,\n series TEXT,\n tmIDWinner TEXT,\n lgIDWinner TEXT,\n tmIDLoser TEXT,\n lgIDLoser TEXT,\n W INTEGER,\n L INTEGER,\n foreign key (tmIDWinner, year) references teams (tmID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n foreign key (tmIDLoser, year) references teams (tmID, year)\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "series_post" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique number to determine one row of the data,integer,\ndraftYear,,which year does this draft happens,integer,\ndraftRound,,the Round number of this draft,integer,\"If the value is 0, it means that there is no draft in this year\n\n1 refers that this player was picked in the first round\"\ndraftSelection,league ID,the position that the player was picked,integer,\"0:This signifies that it doesn't contain the draft information of this player\n\n7:this player was selected in the 7th position in this round\n\ncommonsense evidence:\n\ndraftRound: 1; \ndraftSelection: 7 \nrepresents: this player was selected in the round 1, 7th position.\"\ndraftOverall,draft overall rank,The player's overall draft position for the year,integer,this is the overall draft rank of the player.\ntmID,team ID,team name,text,abbreviated name\nfirstName,,the first name of the player,text,\nlastName,,the last name of the player,text,\nsuffixName,,the suffix name of the player,text,\nplayerID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the player,text,\ndraftFrom,,the university that the drafted players come from,text,the name of the university\nlgID,league ID,the league name,text,\"mainly categories: \"\"NBA\"\" & \"\"ABA\"\"\"", "table": "draft" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nplayerID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the player,text,\nfirst_name,,the first name of the player,text,\nlast_name,,the last name of the player,text,\nseason_id,,the id number of the season,integer,\nconference,,which conference that players belong to,text,two categories: west; east\nleague_id,league ID,the league name,text,two categories: NBA; ABA\ngames_played,,how many all star games that this player played in this season,integer,mostly it's 1\nminutes,,minutes of attendance,integer,18:played in 18 minutes\npoints,,points,integer,\"19: get 19 points;\n\nnull --> doesn't get points\"\no_rebounds,offense rebounds,offense rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none offense rebounds,\n\n1: one offense rebound\"\nd_rebounds,defense rebounds,defense rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none defense rebounds,\n\n1: one defense rebound\"\nrebounds,,total rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none total rebounds,\n\n3: totally gets 3 rebounds including offence and defense rebounds\n\ncommensense evidence:\n\ntotal rebounds = offense rebounds + defense rebounds\"\nassists,assistants,assistants,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 assistants\"\nsteals,,steals,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 steals\"\nblocks,,blocks,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 blocks\"\nturnovers,,turnovers,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 turnovers\"\npersonal_fouls,,personal fouls,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 personal fouls\"\nfg_attempted,field goal attempted,field goal attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 field goal attempts\"\nfg_made,field goal made,field goal made,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 field goal made\"\nft_attempted,free throw attempted,free throw attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 free throw attempts\"\nft_made,free throw made,free throw made,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 free throw made\"\nthree_attempted,three point attempted,three point attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 three point attempts\"\nthree_made,three point made,three point made ,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 three point made\"", "table": "player_allstar" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nplayerID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the player,text,\nuseFirst,use first name,,text,not useful\nfirstName,,the first name of the player,text,\nmiddleName,,the middle name of the player,text,\nlastName,,the last name of the player,text,\nnameGiven,,,text,not useful\nfullGivenName,,,text,not useful\nnameSuffix,,the suffix name of the player,text,\nnameNick,nick name,,text,\npos,position,the position of the player,text,\"C: Center\n\nF: Forward\n\nG: Guard \n\ncommonsense evidence:\nsome player can have two positions simultaneously\"\nfirstseason,,,integer,nothing special\nlastseason,,,integer,nothing special\nheight,,inch,real,inch\nweight,,lb,integer,null or empty means it doesn't have this information\ncollege,,college,text,\"null or empty means it doesn't have this information\n\nwhich colledge does this player graduate from\"\ncollegeOther,,the college that transferred from ,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n\nsome players may have the record of transferring from other colleges\"\nbirthDate,,birthdate,date,\nbirthCity,,birthcity,text,null / empty refers to not recorded\nbirthState,,birth state,text,\nbirthCountry,,birth country,text,\nhighSchool,,high school,text,null / empty refers to not recorded\nhsCity,high school city,high school city,text,null / empty refers to not recorded\nhsState,high school state,high school state,text,null / empty refers to not recorded\nhsCountry,high school country,high school country,text,null / empty refers to not recorded\ndeathDate,,deathdate,date,\"0000-00-00 means this player is still alive\n\nwithin clear date:\n2011-11-10, which means this guy was died on \"\"2011-11-10\"\"\"\nrace,,,text,\"B:black,\nW: white\n\nnull or empty: nothing\"", "table": "players" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nyear,,year,integer,\nlgID,league ID,league name,text,\"main categories:\nNBA, ABA\"\ntmID,team ID,team id,text,abbreviated name\nfranchID,,,text,not useful\nconfID,,,text,not useful\ndivID,division ID,division ID,text,\nrank,,rank,integer,less is better\nconfRank,,,,not useful\nplayoff,,another name: post season,text,\"for brevity, if the value is not null or empty, it means this team attends the playoffs, otherwise, means not attend\"\nname,,full name of the team,text,\no_fgm,offense field goal made,how many offense field goal made by this team in this season,integer,\no_ftm,offense free throw made,how many offense free throw made by this team in this season,integer,\no_pts,offense points,offense points,integer,\nd_pts,defense points,defense points,integer,\nhomeWon,home wins,wins in the home,integer,\nhomeLost,home loses,loses in the home,integer,\nawayWon,away wins,wins in the away,integer,\nawayLost,away loses,loses in the away,integer,\nwon,,,integer,total wins of this team in this year.\nlost,,,integer,total losts of this team in this year.\ngames,,,integer,total number of games that this team played in this year (season)\narena,,arena,text,\"null or empty refers to the fact that this team doesn't have individual arenas, otherwise, it has individual arenas\"", "table": "teams" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,id of this row of data,integer,\nyear,,which year did the coach receive the honor?,integer,\ncoachID,,id number of the coaches,text,\naward,,the award names,text,\"mainly categories: \"\"NBA\"\" & \"\"ABA\"\"\"\nlgID,league ID,the name of the league,text,\"mainly categories: \"\"NBA\"\" & \"\"ABA\"\"\"\nnote,,special notification,text,\"”null“ refers to that no special things\n”tie“ represents that coaches are tied for some awards\"", "table": "awards_coaches" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,unique number of this record,integer,\nyear,,year,integer,\nround,,round,text,\"known abbreviations:\n\nF:final \nSF: semi-final \n\nQF:quater-final 1/4\n\nDF:division-final \n\nDSF:division semi-final\"\nseries,,,text,not useful\ntmIDWinner,team id winner,team id winner,text,\nlgIDWinner,league id winner,league id winner,text,\ntmIDLoser,team id loser,team id loser,text,\nlgIDLoser,league id loser,league id loser,text,\nW,wins,wins,integer,\nL,loses,loses,integer,", "table": "series_post" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique number to identify this record,integer,\nplayerID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the player,text,\nyear,,year,integer,\nstint,,the period of the time player spent played for this team,integer,\ntmID,team ID,team name,text,abbreviated name\nlgID,,,,\nGP,game presentatons,game presentatons (attendance),integer,\"min: 0, max: 82\n\ncommonsense evidence:\n\nif this number is equal to 82, means full attendance\"\nGS,game starting,game starting,,\"min: 0, max: 82,\n\ncommonsense evidence:\n\nwhen GP = GS, it means that this player plays as the stating lineup fully. \"\nminutes,,minutes,integer,\npoints,,points,integer,\noRebounds,offense rebounds,offense rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none offense rebounds,\n\n1: one offense rebound\"\ndRebounds,defense rebounds,defense rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none defense rebounds,\n\n1: one defense rebound\"\nrebounds,,total rebounds,integer,\"empty or null refers to none total rebounds,\n\n3: totally gets 3 rebounds including offense and defense rebounds\n\ncommensense evidence:\n\ntotal rebounds = offense rebounds + defense rebounds\"\nassists,assistants,assistants,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 assistants\"\nsteals,,steals,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 steals\"\nblocks,,blocks,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 blocks\"\nturnovers,,turnovers,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 turnovers\"\nPF,personal fouls,personal fouls,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 personal fouls\"\nfgAttempted,field goal attempted,field goal attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 field goal attempts\"\nfgMade,field goal made,field goal made,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 field goal made\"\nftAttempted,free throw attempted,free throw attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 free throw attempts\"\nftMade,free throw made,free throw made,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 free throw made\"\nthreeAttempted,three point attempted,three point attempted,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 three point attempts\"\nthreeMade,three point made,three point made,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n2: 2 three point made\"\nPostGP,post season game presentations,post season game presentations,integer,0: this player doesn't present in the post season (playoffs)\nPostGS,post season game starting,post season game starting,integer,\nPostMinutes,post season minutes,post season minutes,integer,\nPostPoints,post season points,post season points,integer,\nPostoRebounds,post season offense rebounds,post season offense rebounds,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 offense rebounds in the post season\"\nPostdRebounds,post season defense rebounds,post season defense rebounds,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 defense rebounds in the post season\"\nPostRebounds,post season defense rebounds,post season defense rebounds,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n3: 3 rebounds in the post season totally\"\nPostAssists,post season assistants,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 assistance in the post season\"\nPostSteals,post season steals,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 offense steals in the post season\"\nPostBlocks,post season blocks,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 block in the post season\"\nPostTurnovers,post season turnovers,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 turnover in the post season\"\nPostPF,post season personal fouls,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 2 personal fouls in the post season\"\nPostfgAttempted,post season field goal attempted,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 field goal attempts in the post season\"\nPostfgMade,post season field goal made,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 field goal made in the post season\"\nPostftAttempted,post season field free throw attempted,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 free throw attempts in the post season\"\nPostftMade,post season free throw made,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 free throw made in the post season\"\nPostthreeAttempted,post season three point attempted,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 three point attempts in the post season\"\nPostthreeMade,post season three point made,,integer,\"null or empty refers to none\n\n1: 1 three point made in the post season\"\nnote,,,,", "table": "players_teams" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nplayerID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the player,text,\naward,,the name of the award,text,\nyear,,the time of this award,integer,\nlgID,league ID,the name of the league,text,\"mainly categories: \"\"NBA\"\" & \"\"ABA\"\"\"\nnote,,notification,text,\"”null“ refers to that no special things\n”tie“ represents that coaches are tied for some awards\"\npos,position,the position of the player,text,\"C: Center\nF: Forward\nG: Guard \"", "table": "awards_players" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncoachID,,ID number identifying the unique number of the coach,text,\nyear,,,integer,\ntmID,team ID,team name,text,abbreviated name\nlgID,league ID,league name,text,\"mainly categories: \"\"NBA\"\" & \"\"ABA\"\"\"\nstint,,the period of the time coaching this team,integer,\nwon,,the number of won games,integer,0: no wins\nlost,,the number of lost games,integer,0: win all the games\npost_wins,post season wins,the number of games won in the post-season (playoffs) games,integer,\"0: no wins\n\ncommonsense evidence:\n\nIf the team's post-season wins and losses are all zero, it implies that the team did not participate in the post-season (playoffs) that year.\"\npost_losses,post season losses,the number of games lost in the post-season (playoffs) games,integer,\"0: win all the games\n\ncommonsense evidence:\n\nIf the team's post-season wins and losses are all zero, it implies that the team did not participate in the post-season (playoffs) that year.\"", "table": "coaches" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Attributes\n(\n attribute_id INTEGER\n constraint Attributes_pk\n primary key,\n attribute_name TEXT\n);", "table": "Attributes" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Categories\n(\n category_id INTEGER\n constraint Categories_pk\n primary key,\n category_name TEXT\n);", "table": "Categories" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Compliments\n(\n compliment_id INTEGER\n constraint Compliments_pk\n primary key,\n compliment_type TEXT\n);", "table": "Compliments" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Days\n(\n day_id INTEGER\n constraint Days_pk\n primary key,\n day_of_week TEXT\n);", "table": "Days" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Years\n(\n year_id INTEGER\n constraint Years_pk\n primary key,\n actual_year INTEGER\n);", "table": "Years" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Business_Attributes\"\n(\n attribute_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Attributes_Attributes_attribute_id_fk\n references Attributes,\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Attributes_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n attribute_value TEXT,\n constraint Business_Attributes_pk\n primary key (attribute_id, business_id)\n);", "table": "Business_Attributes" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Business_Categories\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Categories_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n category_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Categories_Categories_category_id_fk\n references Categories,\n constraint Business_Categories_pk\n primary key (business_id, category_id)\n);", "table": "Business_Categories" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Business_Hours\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Hours_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n day_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_Hours_Days_day_id_fk\n references Days,\n opening_time TEXT,\n closing_time TEXT,\n constraint Business_Hours_pk\n primary key (business_id, day_id)\n);", "table": "Business_Hours" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Checkins\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Checkins_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n day_id INTEGER\n constraint Checkins_Days_day_id_fk\n references Days,\n label_time_0 TEXT,\n label_time_1 TEXT,\n label_time_2 TEXT,\n label_time_3 TEXT,\n label_time_4 TEXT,\n label_time_5 TEXT,\n label_time_6 TEXT,\n label_time_7 TEXT,\n label_time_8 TEXT,\n label_time_9 TEXT,\n label_time_10 TEXT,\n label_time_11 TEXT,\n label_time_12 TEXT,\n label_time_13 TEXT,\n label_time_14 TEXT,\n label_time_15 TEXT,\n label_time_16 TEXT,\n label_time_17 TEXT,\n label_time_18 TEXT,\n label_time_19 TEXT,\n label_time_20 TEXT,\n label_time_21 TEXT,\n label_time_22 TEXT,\n label_time_23 TEXT,\n constraint Checkins_pk\n primary key (business_id, day_id)\n);", "table": "Checkins" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Elite\"\n(\n user_id INTEGER\n constraint Elite_Users_user_id_fk\n references Users,\n year_id INTEGER\n constraint Elite_Years_year_id_fk\n references Years,\n constraint Elite_pk\n primary key (user_id, year_id)\n);", "table": "Elite" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Reviews\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Reviews_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n user_id INTEGER\n constraint Reviews_Users_user_id_fk\n references Users,\n review_stars INTEGER,\n review_votes_funny TEXT,\n review_votes_useful TEXT,\n review_votes_cool TEXT,\n review_length TEXT,\n constraint Reviews_pk\n primary key (business_id, user_id)\n);", "table": "Reviews" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Tips\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Tips_Business_business_id_fk\n references Business,\n user_id INTEGER\n constraint Tips_Users_user_id_fk\n references Users,\n likes INTEGER,\n tip_length TEXT,\n constraint Tips_pk\n primary key (business_id, user_id)\n);", "table": "Tips" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Users_Compliments\"\n(\n compliment_id INTEGER\n constraint Users_Compliments_Compliments_compliment_id_fk\n references Compliments,\n user_id INTEGER\n constraint Users_Compliments_Users_user_id_fk\n references Users,\n number_of_compliments TEXT,\n constraint Users_Compliments_pk\n primary key (compliment_id, user_id)\n);", "table": "Users_Compliments" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Business\"\n(\n business_id INTEGER\n constraint Business_pk\n primary key,\n active TEXT,\n city TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n stars REAL,\n review_count TEXT\n);", "table": "Business" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Users\"\n(\n user_id INTEGER\n constraint Users_pk\n primary key,\n user_yelping_since_year INTEGER,\n user_average_stars TEXT,\n user_votes_funny TEXT,\n user_votes_useful TEXT,\n user_votes_cool TEXT,\n user_review_count TEXT,\n user_fans TEXT\n);", "table": "Users" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncompliment_id,compliment id,,integer,\ncompliment_type,compliment type,,text,", "table": "Compliments" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nuser_id,user id,id number identifying the users,integer,\nyear_id,year id,id number identifying the year,integer,", "table": "Elite" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id,the number identifying the business,integer,\nuser_id,user id,the number identifying the user who comments on this business,integer,\nreview_stars,review stars,review on this business,integer,\"5 – Great experience \n4 – Good experience \n3 – Average experience \n2 – Bad experience \n1 - Terrible experience\"\nreview_votes_funny,review votes funny,the amount of funny votes that the user received for the review,text,\"commonsense evidence: If the reviews receive an “Uber” number of votes for funny, they will also receive an “Uber”, “High” or “Medium” number of votes for “useful” and “cool”.\"\nreview_votes_useful,review votes useful,how many useful votes that the user received for the review,text,\nreview_votes_cool,review votes cool,how many cool votes that the user received for the review,text,\nreview_length,review length,The length of the review written by the user,text,", "table": "Reviews" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nattribute_id,attribute id,unique number identifying the attribute,integer,\nattribute_name,attribute name,the name of the attribute,text,", "table": "Attributes" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nuser_id,user id,the unique id number identifying which user,integer,\nuser_yelping_since_year,user yelping since year,the time when the user join Yelp,integer,\nuser_average_stars,user average stars,the average ratings of all review,real,\nuser_votes_funny,user votes funny,total number of funny votes sent by the user,text,\nuser_votes_useful,user votes useful,how many useful votes created by the user,text,\nuser_votes_cool,user votes cool,how many cool votes created by the user,text,\nuser_review_count,user review count,total number of reviews the user has written,text,\nuser_fans,user fans,total number of fans / followers the user has,text,\"commonsense evidence: Users with “Uber” number of fans indicate that they have sent an “Uber” number of ‘cool’, ‘useful’ and ‘funny” votes.\"", "table": "Users" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nday_id,day id,the unique id identifying the day of the week,integer,\nday_of_week,day of week,indicate the day of the week,text,", "table": "Days" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id, unique number identifying the business,integer,\nactive,,whether the business is still actively running until now,text,\"commonsense reasoning:\n� \"\"True\"\": the business is still running \n� \"\"False\"\": the business is closed or not running now\"\ncity,,The city where the business is located,text,\nstate,,The state where the business is located,text,\nstars,,ratings of the business,real,\"5 � Great experience \n4 � Good experience \n3 � Average experience \n2 � Bad experience \n1 - Terrible experience \ncommonsense evidence: \n� the rating of >3 stars referring to \"\"wonderful experience\"\" or positive comments and vice versa\"\nreview_count,review count,the total number of reviews the users have written for a business,text,\"commonsense evidence: \n� If a business has a low total review count and a high star rating of >3, it means there is a low veracity of reviews. \n� higher review count and with high star rating of > 3 means this business is more popular or more appealing to users.\"", "table": "Business" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id,id number identifying the business,integer,\nday_id,day id,id number identifying each day of the week,integer,\nopening_time,opening time,opening time of the business,text,\nclosing_time,closing time,closing time of the business,text,\"commonsense evidence: \nhow much time does this business open: closing_time - opening_time\"", "table": "Business_Hours" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nyear_id,year id,the unique number identifying the year,integer,\nactual_year,actual year,actual year,integer,", "table": "Years" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncompliment_id,compliment id,the id number indicating the compliment,integer,\nuser_id,user id,the id number indicating the user,integer,\nnumber_of_compliments,number of compliments,how many compliments a user has received from other users,text,commonsense evidence: more number_of_compliments indicates this user is more welcome or he / she is high-quality user", "table": "Users_Compliments" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id,id number identifying the business,integer,\ncategory_id,category id,id number identifying the categories,integer,", "table": "Business_Categories" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nattribute_id,attribute id,id number identifying the attribute,integer,\nbusiness_id,business id,id number identifying the business,integer,\nattribute_value,attribute value,sort of the attributes for each business,text,\"commonsense evidence: \n“None”, “No” or “FALSE” means the business does not have the attribute.\"", "table": "Business_Attributes" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id,the number identifying the business,integer,\nuser_id,user id,the number identifying the user who comments on this business,integer,\nlikes,Likes,how many likes of this tips,integer,commonsense evidence: more likes mean this tip is more valuable\ntip_length,tip length,length of the tip,text,", "table": "Tips" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncategory_id,category id,,integer,\ncategory_name,category name,,text,", "table": "Categories" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbusiness_id,business id,id number identifying the business,integer,\nday_id,day id,id number identifying each day of the week,integer,\nlabel_time_0,,indicates times of checkins on a business,text,\"label_time_0: 12:00 a.m. \nlabel_time_23: 23:00 p.m. \ncommonsense evidence: If the label_time recorded \"\"None\"\" for check-in on one day, then it means the business is closed on that day.\"\nlabel_time_1,,,,\nlabel_time_2,,,,\nlabel_time_3,,,,\nlabel_time_4,,,,\nlabel_time_5,,,,\nlabel_time_6,,,,\nlabel_time_7,,,,\nlabel_time_8,,,,\nlabel_time_9,,,,\nlabel_time_10,,,,\nlabel_time_11,,,,\nlabel_time_12,,,,\nlabel_time_13,,,,\nlabel_time_14,,,,\nlabel_time_15,,,,\nlabel_time_16,,,,\nlabel_time_17,,,,\nlabel_time_18,,,,\nlabel_time_19,,,,\nlabel_time_20,,,,\nlabel_time_21,,,,\nlabel_time_22,,,,\nlabel_time_23,,,,", "table": "Checkins" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE all_prevalences\n(\n ITEM TEXT\n primary key,\n \"POPULATION TYPE\" TEXT,\n OCCURRENCES INTEGER,\n \"POPULATION COUNT\" INTEGER,\n \"PREVALENCE RATE\" REAL,\n \"PREVALENCE PERCENTAGE\" REAL\n);", "table": "all_prevalences" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE patients\n(\n patient TEXT\n primary key,\n birthdate DATE,\n deathdate DATE,\n ssn TEXT,\n drivers TEXT,\n passport TEXT,\n prefix TEXT,\n first TEXT,\n last TEXT,\n suffix TEXT,\n maiden TEXT,\n marital TEXT,\n race TEXT,\n ethnicity TEXT,\n gender TEXT,\n birthplace TEXT,\n address TEXT\n);", "table": "patients" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE encounters\n(\n ID TEXT\n primary key,\n DATE DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n REASONCODE INTEGER,\n REASONDESCRIPTION TEXT,\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "encounters" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE allergies\n(\n START TEXT,\n STOP TEXT,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n primary key (PATIENT, ENCOUNTER, CODE),\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "allergies" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE careplans\n(\n ID TEXT,\n START DATE,\n STOP DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE REAL,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n REASONCODE INTEGER,\n REASONDESCRIPTION TEXT,\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "careplans" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE conditions\n(\n START DATE,\n STOP DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient),\n foreign key (DESCRIPTION) references all_prevalences(ITEM)\n);", "table": "conditions" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE immunizations\n(\n DATE DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n primary key (DATE, PATIENT, ENCOUNTER, CODE),\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "immunizations" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE medications\n(\n START DATE,\n STOP DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n REASONCODE INTEGER,\n REASONDESCRIPTION TEXT,\n primary key (START, PATIENT, ENCOUNTER, CODE),\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "medications" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE observations\n(\n DATE DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE TEXT,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n VALUE REAL,\n UNITS TEXT,\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "observations" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE procedures\n(\n DATE DATE,\n PATIENT TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT,\n CODE INTEGER,\n DESCRIPTION TEXT,\n REASONCODE INTEGER,\n REASONDESCRIPTION TEXT,\n foreign key (ENCOUNTER) references encounters(ID),\n foreign key (PATIENT) references patients(patient)\n);", "table": "procedures" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"claims\"\n(\n ID TEXT\n primary key,\n PATIENT TEXT\n references patients,\n BILLABLEPERIOD DATE,\n ORGANIZATION TEXT,\n ENCOUNTER TEXT\n references encounters,\n DIAGNOSIS TEXT,\n TOTAL INTEGER\n);", "table": "claims" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nID,,the unique id of the encounter,text,\nDATE,,the date of the encounter,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the care plan ,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the care plan,text,\nREASONCODE,,the reason code,integer,\nREASONDESCRIPTION,reason description,the description of the reason why the patient needs the care plan,text,", "table": "encounters" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\npatient,,the unique id for the patient,text,\nbirthdate,birth date,the birth date of the patient,date,\ndeathdate,death date,the death date of the patient,date,\"commonsense evidence: \n• the age of the patient = death year - birth year \n• if null, it means this patient is still alive\"\nssn,social security number,the social security number of the patient,text,\ndrivers,,the driver number of the patient,text,\"commonsense evidence: if not, this patient doesn't have driving license\"\npassport,,the passport number,text,\"commonsense evidence: if not, this patient cannot go abroad, vice versa\"\nprefix,,the prefix,text,\nfirst,,the first name,text,\nlast,,the last name,text,commonsense evidence: full name = first + last\nsuffix,,the suffix of the patient,text,\"commonsense evidence: if suffix = PhD, JD, MD, it means this patient has doctoral degree. Otherwise, this patient is not.\"\nmaiden,,the maiden name of the patient,text,commonsense evidence: Only married women have the maiden name\nmarital,,the marital status of the patient,text,\"commonsense evidence: \n• M: married \n• S: single\"\nrace,,the race of the patient,text,\nethnicity,,the ethnicity of the patient,text,\ngender,,the gender of the patient,text,\nbirthplace,birth place,the birth place,text,\naddress,,the specific address,text,", "table": "patients" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nID,,the unique id of the care plan,text,\nSTART,,the start date of the care plan,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nSTOP,,the stop date of the care plan,date,\"yyyy-mm-dd\ncommonsense evidence: care plan period:\nstop - start\"\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the care plan ,real,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the care plan,text,\nREASONCODE,,the reason code,integer,\nREASONDESCRIPTION,reason description,the description of the reason why the patient needs the care plan,text,", "table": "careplans" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nID,,the unique id of the claim,text,\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nBILLABLEPERIOD,billable period,the start date of the billable,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nORGANIZATION,,the claim organization,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nDIAGNOSIS,,the diagnosis,text,\nTOTAL,,the length of the billable period,integer,", "table": "claims" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSTART,,the start date of the allergy ,date,mm/dd/yy\nSTOP,,the stop date of the allergy,date,mm/dd/yy\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the condition ,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the patient condition,text,", "table": "conditions" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSTART,,the start date of the care plan,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nSTOP,,the stop date of the care plan,date,\"yyyy-mm-dd\ncommonsense evidence: Time of taking medicine\"\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the medication,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the medication,text,\nREASONCODE,,the reason code,integer,\nREASONDESCRIPTION,reason description,the description of the reason why the patient take the medication,text,", "table": "medications" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nITEM,,the prevalent disease,text,\nPOPULATION TYPE,population type,the population type - LIVING,text,\nOCCURRENCES,,the number of occurrences,integer,\nPOPULATION COUNT,population count,the number of the counted populations ,integer,\nPREVALENCE RATE,prevalence rate,the prevalence rate,real,commonsense evidence: prevalence rate = occurrences / population_count\nPREVALENCE PERCENTAGE,prevalence percentage,the prevalence percentage,real,commonsense evidence: prevalence rate = occurrences / population_count * 100", "table": "all_prevalences" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDATE,,the date of the observation,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the observation type,text,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the observation,text,\nVALUE,,the observation value,real,\nUNITS,,the units of the observation value,text,\"commonsense evidence: DESCRIPTION + VALUE + UNITS could be a fact:\ne.g.: body height of patient xxx is 166.03 cm:\nbody height is in DESCRIPTION \n166.03 is in VALUE \ncm is in UNITS\"", "table": "observations" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDATE,,the date of the immunization,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the immunization ,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the immunization,text,", "table": "immunizations" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSTART,,the start date of the allergy ,text,mm/dd/yy\nSTOP,,the stop date of the allergy,text,\"mm/dd/yy\ncommonsense evidence: allergy period = stop - start\"\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the allergy ,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the allergy ,text,", "table": "allergies" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDATE,,the date of the procedure,date,yyyy-mm-dd\nPATIENT,,the patient id,text,\nENCOUNTER,,the medical encounter id,text,\nCODE,,the code of the procedure,integer,\nDESCRIPTION,,the description of the procedure,text,\nREASONCODE,reason code,the code of the reason,integer,\nREASONDESCRIPTION,reason description,the description of the reason why the patient take the procedure,text,", "table": "procedures" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"borders\"\n(\n Country1 TEXT default '' not null\n constraint borders_ibfk_1\n references country,\n Country2 TEXT default '' not null\n constraint borders_ibfk_2\n references country,\n Length REAL,\n primary key (Country1, Country2)\n);", "table": "borders" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"city\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint city_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n Population INTEGER,\n Longitude REAL,\n Latitude REAL,\n primary key (Name, Province),\n constraint city_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "city" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"continent\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Area REAL\n);", "table": "continent" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"country\"\n(\n Name TEXT not null\n constraint ix_county_Name\n unique,\n Code TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Capital TEXT,\n Province TEXT,\n Area REAL,\n Population INTEGER\n);", "table": "country" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"desert\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Area REAL,\n Longitude REAL,\n Latitude REAL\n);", "table": "desert" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"economy\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n primary key\n constraint economy_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n GDP REAL,\n Agriculture REAL,\n Service REAL,\n Industry REAL,\n Inflation REAL\n);", "table": "economy" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"encompasses\"\n(\n Country TEXT not null\n constraint encompasses_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Continent TEXT not null\n constraint encompasses_ibfk_2\n references continent\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Percentage REAL,\n primary key (Country, Continent)\n);", "table": "encompasses" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"ethnicGroup\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint ethnicGroup_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Name TEXT default '' not null,\n Percentage REAL,\n primary key (Name, Country)\n);", "table": "ethnicGroup" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_desert\"\n(\n Desert TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_desert_ibfk_3\n references desert\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_desert_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, Desert),\n constraint geo_desert_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_desert" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_estuary\"\n(\n River TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_3\n references river\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, River),\n constraint geo_estuary_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_estuary" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_island\"\n(\n Island TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_island_ibfk_3\n references island\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_island_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, Island),\n constraint geo_island_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_island" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_lake\"\n(\n Lake TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_lake_ibfk_3\n references lake\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_lake_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, Lake),\n constraint geo_lake_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_lake" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_mountain\"\n(\n Mountain TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_3\n references mountain\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, Mountain),\n constraint geo_mountain_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_mountain" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_river\"\n(\n River TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_river_ibfk_3\n references river\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_river_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, River),\n constraint geo_river_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_river" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_sea\"\n(\n Sea TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_sea_ibfk_3\n references sea\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_sea_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, Sea),\n constraint geo_sea_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_sea" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"geo_source\"\n(\n River TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_source_ibfk_3\n references river\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint geo_source_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n primary key (Province, Country, River),\n constraint geo_source_ibfk_2\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "geo_source" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"island\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Islands TEXT,\n Area REAL,\n Height REAL,\n Type TEXT,\n Longitude REAL,\n Latitude REAL\n);", "table": "island" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"islandIn\"\n(\n Island TEXT\n constraint islandIn_ibfk_4\n references island\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Sea TEXT\n constraint islandIn_ibfk_3\n references sea\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Lake TEXT\n constraint islandIn_ibfk_1\n references lake\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n River TEXT\n constraint islandIn_ibfk_2\n references river\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "islandIn" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"isMember\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint isMember_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Organization TEXT default '' not null\n constraint isMember_ibfk_2\n references organization\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Type TEXT default 'member',\n primary key (Country, Organization)\n);", "table": "isMember" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"lake\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Area REAL,\n Depth REAL,\n Altitude REAL,\n Type TEXT,\n River TEXT,\n Longitude REAL,\n Latitude REAL\n);", "table": "lake" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"language\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint language_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Name TEXT default '' not null,\n Percentage REAL,\n primary key (Name, Country)\n);", "table": "language" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"located\"\n(\n City TEXT,\n Province TEXT,\n Country TEXT\n constraint located_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n River TEXT\n constraint located_ibfk_3\n references river\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Lake TEXT\n constraint located_ibfk_4\n references lake\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Sea TEXT\n constraint located_ibfk_5\n references sea\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n constraint located_ibfk_2\n foreign key (City, Province) references city\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n constraint located_ibfk_6\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "located" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"locatedOn\"\n(\n City TEXT default '' not null,\n Province TEXT default '' not null,\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint locatedOn_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Island TEXT default '' not null\n constraint locatedOn_ibfk_2\n references island\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n primary key (City, Province, Country, Island),\n constraint locatedOn_ibfk_3\n foreign key (City, Province) references city\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n constraint locatedOn_ibfk_4\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "locatedOn" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"mergesWith\"\n(\n Sea1 TEXT default '' not null\n constraint mergesWith_ibfk_1\n references sea\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Sea2 TEXT default '' not null\n constraint mergesWith_ibfk_2\n references sea\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n primary key (Sea1, Sea2)\n);", "table": "mergesWith" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"mountain\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Mountains TEXT,\n Height REAL,\n Type TEXT,\n Longitude REAL,\n Latitude REAL\n);", "table": "mountain" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"mountainOnIsland\"\n(\n Mountain TEXT default '' not null\n constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_2\n references mountain\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Island TEXT default '' not null\n constraint mountainOnIsland_ibfk_1\n references island\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n primary key (Mountain, Island)\n);", "table": "mountainOnIsland" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"organization\"\n(\n Abbreviation TEXT not null\n primary key,\n Name TEXT not null\n constraint ix_organization_OrgNameUnique\n unique,\n City TEXT,\n Country TEXT\n constraint organization_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Province TEXT,\n Established DATE,\n constraint organization_ibfk_2\n foreign key (City, Province) references city\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n constraint organization_ibfk_3\n foreign key (Province, Country) references province\n on update cascade on delete cascade\n);", "table": "organization" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"politics\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n primary key\n constraint politics_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Independence DATE,\n Dependent TEXT\n constraint politics_ibfk_2\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Government TEXT\n);", "table": "politics" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"population\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n primary key\n constraint population_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Population_Growth REAL,\n Infant_Mortality REAL\n);", "table": "population" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"province\"\n(\n Name TEXT not null,\n Country TEXT not null\n constraint province_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Population INTEGER,\n Area REAL,\n Capital TEXT,\n CapProv TEXT,\n primary key (Name, Country)\n);", "table": "province" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"religion\"\n(\n Country TEXT default '' not null\n constraint religion_ibfk_1\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Name TEXT default '' not null,\n Percentage REAL,\n primary key (Name, Country)\n);", "table": "religion" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"river\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n River TEXT,\n Lake TEXT\n constraint river_ibfk_1\n references lake\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Sea TEXT,\n Length REAL,\n SourceLongitude REAL,\n SourceLatitude REAL,\n Mountains TEXT,\n SourceAltitude REAL,\n EstuaryLongitude REAL,\n EstuaryLatitude REAL\n);", "table": "river" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"sea\"\n(\n Name TEXT default '' not null\n primary key,\n Depth REAL\n);", "table": "sea" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"target\"\n(\n Country TEXT not null\n primary key\n constraint target_Country_fkey\n references country\n on update cascade on delete cascade,\n Target TEXT\n);", "table": "target" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCity,,the name of the city,text,\nProvince,, the province where the city belongs to,text,\nCountry,,the country code where the city belongs to,text,\nIsland,, the island it is (maybe only partially) located on,text,", "table": "locatedOn" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the administrative division,text,\nCountry,, the country code where it belongs to,text,\nArea,,\"the total area of the province,\",integer,\nPopulation,,the population of the province,real,\nCapital,,the name of the capital,text,\"if null, doesn't have capital\"\nCapProv,capital province,the name of the province where the capital belongs to,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n\nnote that capprov is not necessarily equal to name\"", "table": "province" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSea,,the name of the sea,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_sea" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nName,,name of the language,text,\nPercentage,,percentage of the language in this country,real,%", "table": "language" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nIsland,,,text,\nSea,,,text,\nLake,,,text,\nRiver,,,text,", "table": "islandIn" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the mountain,text,\nMountains,,the mountains where it belongs to,text,\nHeight,, the maximal elevation of the summit of the mountain,real,\nType,, the sea where it finally flows to,text,\"(note that at most one out of {river,lake,sea} can be non-null\"\nLongitude,,the length of the river,real,\nLatitude,,the longitude of its source,real,", "table": "mountain" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nPopulation_Growth,population growth,population growth rate,real,per annum\nInfant_Mortality,infant mortality, infant mortality,real,per thousand", "table": "population" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCity,,the name of the city,text,\nCountry,,the country code where the city belongs to,text,\nProvince,,the province where the city belongs to,text,\nRiver,, the river where it is located at,text,\nLake,,the lake where it is located at,text,\nSea,,the sea where it is located at,text,\"Note that for a given city, there can be several lakes/seas/rivers where it is located at.\"", "table": "located" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nName,,name of the language,text,\nPercentage,,percentage of the language in this country.,real,%", "table": "ethnicGroup" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,,text,\nOrganization,,,text,\nType,,,text,", "table": "isMember" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nName,,name of the religion,text,\nPercentage,,percentage of the language in this country,real,%", "table": "religion" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,a country code,text,\nContinent,,the continent name.,text,\nPercentage,,how much of the area of a country belongs to the continent,real,%", "table": "encompasses" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,name of city,text,\nCountry,,the code of the country where it belongs to,text,\nProvince,,the name of the province where it belongs to,text,\nPopulation,,population of the city,integer,\nLongitude,,geographic longitude,real,\nLatitude,,geographic latitude,real,", "table": "city" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the island,text,\nIslands,,the group of islands where it belongs to,text,\nArea,,the area of the island,real,\nHeight,,the maximal elevation of the island,real,\nType,, the type of the island,text,\nLongitude,,Longitude,real,\nLatitude,,Latitude,real,", "table": "island" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nIsland,,the name of the island,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_island" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nMountain,,the name of the mountain,text,\nIsland,,the name of the island,text,", "table": "mountainonisland" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nRiver,,the name of the river,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_source" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nSea1,,the name of the mountain,text,\nSea2,,the country code where it is located,text,", "table": "mergeswith" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nGDP,gross domestic product,gross domestic product,real,\nAgriculture,,percentage of agriculture of the GDP,real,\nService,,\"percentage of services of the GDP,\",real,\nIndustry,,percentage of industry of the GDP,real,\nInflation,,\"inflation rate (per annum),\",real,", "table": "economy" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,,text,\nTarget,,,real,", "table": "target" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the river,text,\nRiver,,the river where it finally flows to,text,\nLake,,the lake where it finally flows to,text,\nSea,, the sea where it finally flows to,text,\"(note that at most one out of {river,lake,sea} can be non-null\"\nLength,,the length of the river,real,\nSourceLongitude,,the longitude of its source,real,\nSourceLatitude,,the latitude of its source,real,\nMountains,,the mountains where its source is located,text,\nSourceAltitude,, the elevation (above sea level) of its source,real,\nEstuaryLongitude,,the coordinates of its estuary,real,\nEstuaryLatitude,,the latitude of its estuary,real,", "table": "river" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nRiver,,the name of the river,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_river" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the lake,text,\nArea,,the total area of the lake,real,\nDepth,, the depth of the lake,real,\nAltitude,,the altitude (above sea level) of the lake,real,\nRiver,,the river that flows out of the lake,text,\nType,,the type of the lake,text,\nLongitude,,longitude of lake ,real,\nLatitude,,latitude of lake ,real,", "table": "lake" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the desert,text,\nArea,,the total area of the desert,real,\nLongitude,,Longitude,real,\nLatitude,,Latitude,real,\"commonsense evidence:\n\ncoordinate: (Longitude, Latitude)\"", "table": "desert" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the name of the sea,text,\nDepth,,the maximal depth of the sea,real,", "table": "sea" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nRiver,,the name of the river,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_estuary" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,name of the continent,text,\nArea,,total area of the continent.,real,", "table": "continent" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nLake,,the name of the lake,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_lake" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nName,,the country name,text,\nCode,,country code,text,\nCapital,,\"the name of the capital,\",text,\nProvince,,\"the province where the capital belongs to,\",text,\nArea,,\"the total area,\",real,\nPopulation,,the population number.,integer,", "table": "country" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry,,the country code,text,\nIndependence,,date of independence,date,\"Commonsense evidence:\n\nif the value is null or empty, it means this country is not independent\"\nDependent,, the country code where the area belongs to,text,\nGovernment,,type of government,text,", "table": "politics" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDesert,,the name of the desert,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_desert" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nAbbreviation,, its abbreviation,text,\nName,,the full name of the organization,text,\nCity,,the city where the headquarters are located,text,\nCountry,, the code of the country where the headquarters are located,text,\nProvince,,\"the name of the province where the headquarters are located,\",text,\nEstablished,,date of establishment,date,", "table": "organization" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nMountain,,the name of the mountain,text,\nCountry,,the country code where it is located,text,\nProvince,,the province of this country,text,", "table": "geo_mountain" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nCountry1,,a country code,text,\nCountry2,,a country code,text,\nLength,,length of the border between country1 and country2,real,", "table": "borders" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE divisions\n(\n division TEXT not null\n primary key,\n name TEXT,\n country TEXT\n);", "table": "divisions" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE matchs\n(\n Div TEXT,\n Date DATE,\n HomeTeam TEXT,\n AwayTeam TEXT,\n FTHG INTEGER,\n FTAG INTEGER,\n FTR TEXT,\n season INTEGER,\n foreign key (Div) references divisions(division)\n);", "table": "matchs" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ndivision,,division id,text,\nname,,name of the division,text,\ncountry,,country of the division,text,", "table": "divisions" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nDiv,Division,Division Id,text,\nDate,,Match Date,date,YYYY-MM-DD\nHomeTeam,,Name of Home Team,text,\nAwayTeam,,Name of Away Team,text,\nFTHG,Final-time Home-team Goals,Final-time Home-team Goals,integer,\nFTAG,Final-time Away-team Goals,Final-time Away-team Goals,integer,\nFTR,Final-time Results,Final-time Results,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nH stands for home victory, which means FTHG is higher than FTAG\n\nA stands for away victory, which means FTAG is higher than FTHG\n\nD stands for draft, which means FTHG equals to FTAG\"\nseason,,season of the match,integer,", "table": "matchs" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE `cars` (\n `id` INTEGER NOT NULL,\n `train_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\n `position` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\n `shape` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `len`TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `sides` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `roof` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `wheels` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\n `load_shape` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n `load_num` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n FOREIGN KEY (`train_id`) REFERENCES `trains` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE\n);", "table": "cars" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE `trains` (\n `id` INTEGER NOT NULL,\n `direction` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n);", "table": "trains" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique id number representing the cars,integer,\ntrain_id,train id,the counterpart id for trains that the cars belong to,integer,\nposition,,postion id of cars in the trains,integer,\"1-4:\ncommonsense evidence:\n1: head car\n4: tail car\"\nshape,,shape of the cars,text,\"• rectangle\n• bucket\n• u_shaped\n• hexagon\n• elipse\ncommonsense evidence:\nregular shape: \nrectangle, u_shaped, hexagon\"\nlen,length,length of the cars,text,\"• short \n• long\"\nsides,,sides of the cars,text,\"• not_double\n• double\"\nroof,,roof of the cars,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n• none: the roof is open\n• peaked\n• flat\n• arc\n• jagged\"\nwheels,,wheels of the cars,integer,\"• 2:\n• 3: \"\nload_shape,,load shape,text,\"• circle\n• hexagon\n• triangle\n• rectangle \n• diamond\"\nload_num,load number,load number,integer,\"0-3:\ncommonsense evidence:\n• 0: empty load\n• 3: full load\"", "table": "cars" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nid,,the unique id representing the trains,integer,\ndirection,,the direction of trains that are running ,text,\"• east;\n• west;\"", "table": "trains" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE langs(lid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n lang TEXT UNIQUE,\n locale TEXT UNIQUE,\n pages INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- total pages in this language\n words INTEGER DEFAULT 0);", "table": "langs" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE pages(pid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n page INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia page id\n revision INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- wikipedia revision page id\n title TEXT,\n words INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- number of different words in this page\n UNIQUE(lid,page,title));", "table": "pages" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE words(wid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n word TEXT UNIQUE,\n occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0);", "table": "words" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE langs_words(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n occurrences INTEGER, -- repetitions of this word in this language\n PRIMARY KEY(lid,wid))\n WITHOUT ROWID;", "table": "langs_words" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE pages_words(pid INTEGER REFERENCES pages(pid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n wid INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this word appears into this page\n PRIMARY KEY(pid,wid))\n WITHOUT ROWID;", "table": "pages_words" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE biwords(lid INTEGER REFERENCES langs(lid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n w1st INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n w2nd INTEGER REFERENCES words(wid) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n occurrences INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- times this pair appears in this language/page\n PRIMARY KEY(lid,w1st,w2nd))\n WITHOUT ROWID;", "table": "biwords" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\npid,page id,page id of Wikipedia about Catalan language,integer,\nlid,language id,language id ,integer,\"commonsense evidence: \nlid=1 means it's Catalan language\"\npage,,wikipedia page id,integer,\nrevision,,wikipedia revision page id,integer,\ntitle,,The title of this Catalan language Wikipedia page,text,\nwords,,number of different words in this page,integer,", "table": "pages" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nwid,word id,The word id of the Catalan language,integer,The value is unique.\nword,,The word itself,text,\noccurrences,,The occurrences of the specific word,integer,", "table": "words" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\npid,page id,page id of Wikipedia about Catalan language,integer,\nwid,word id,The word id of the Catalan language,integer,The value is unique.\noccurrences,,times of this word appears into this page,integer,", "table": "pages_words" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nlid,language id,language id ,integer,\"commonsense evidence: \nlid=1 means it's Catalan language.\"\nwid,word id,The word id of the Catalan language,integer,\noccurrences,,repetitions of this word in this language,integer,it's INTEGER and DEFAULT is 0.", "table": "langs_words" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nlid,language id,language id ,integer,\"commonsense evidence: \nlid=1 means it's the Catalan language.\n\"\nlang,language,language name ,text,\"commonsense evidence:\n ca means Catalan language.\"\nlocale,,The locale of the language,text,\npages,,total pages of Wikipedia in this language,integer,\nwords,,total number of words in this pages,integer,", "table": "langs" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nlid,language id,language id ,integer,\"commonsense evidence: \nlid=1 means it's Catalan language.\n\"\nw1st,word id of the first word,The word id of the first word of the biwords pair. ,integer,The value is unique.\nw2nd,word id of the second word,The word id of the second word of the biwords pair. ,integer,The value is unique.\noccurrences,,times of this pair appears in this language/page,integer,", "table": "biwords" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE Demog\n(\n GEOID INTEGER\n constraint Demog_pk\n primary key,\n INHABITANTS_K REAL,\n INCOME_K REAL,\n A_VAR1 REAL,\n A_VAR2 REAL,\n A_VAR3 REAL,\n A_VAR4 REAL,\n A_VAR5 REAL,\n A_VAR6 REAL,\n A_VAR7 REAL,\n A_VAR8 REAL,\n A_VAR9 REAL,\n A_VAR10 REAL,\n A_VAR11 REAL,\n A_VAR12 REAL,\n A_VAR13 REAL,\n A_VAR14 REAL,\n A_VAR15 REAL,\n A_VAR16 REAL,\n A_VAR17 REAL,\n A_VAR18 REAL\n);", "table": "Demog" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE mailings3\n(\n REFID INTEGER\n constraint mailings3_pk\n primary key,\n REF_DATE DATETIME,\n RESPONSE TEXT\n);", "table": "mailings3" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Customers\"\n(\n ID INTEGER\n constraint Customers_pk\n primary key,\n SEX TEXT,\n MARITAL_STATUS TEXT,\n GEOID INTEGER\n constraint Customers_Demog_GEOID_fk\n references Demog,\n EDUCATIONNUM INTEGER,\n OCCUPATION TEXT,\n age INTEGER\n);", "table": "Customers" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Mailings1_2\"\n(\n REFID INTEGER\n constraint Mailings1_2_pk\n primary key\n constraint Mailings1_2_Customers_ID_fk\n references Customers,\n REF_DATE DATETIME,\n RESPONSE TEXT\n);", "table": "Mailings1_2" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"Sales\"\n(\n EVENTID INTEGER\n constraint Sales_pk\n primary key,\n REFID INTEGER\n references Customers,\n EVENT_DATE DATETIME,\n AMOUNT REAL\n);", "table": "Sales" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nREFID,REFERENCE ID,unique id number identifying the customer,integer,\nREF_DATE,REFERENCE DATE,indicating the date when the mailing was sent,datetime,\nRESPONSE,,Actual response to the marketing incentive email ,text,\"• True\n• False \ncommonsense evidence: \n1. any person who has not responded to a mailing within two months is considered to have responded negatively.\n2. true respond to the mailing, otherwise, no\"", "table": "mailings3" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nGEOID,GEOGRAPHIC ID,unique geographic identifier,integer,\nINHABITANTS_K,INHABITANTS (THOUSANDS),number of inhabitants,real,the unit is K (thousands)\nINCOME_K,INCOME (THOUSANDS),average income per inhabitant per month,real,\"the unit is dollar, it indicates the average income per inhabitant per month.\ncommonsense evidence:\nsome computation like: total income per year = INHABITANTS_K x INCOME_K x 12\"\nA_VAR1,,,,\nA_VAR2,,,,\nA_VAR3,,,,\nA_VAR4,,,,\nA_VAR5,,,,\nA_VAR6,,,,\nA_VAR7,,,,\nA_VAR8,,,,\nA_VAR9,,,,\nA_VAR10,,,,\nA_VAR11,,,,\nA_VAR12,,,,\nA_VAR13,,,,\nA_VAR14,,,,\nA_VAR15,,,,\nA_VAR16,,,,\nA_VAR17,,,,\nA_VAR18,,,,", "table": "Demog" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nEVENTID,EVENT ID,unique id of event (sales),integer,\nREFID,REFERENCE ID,Reference to customer ID,integer,\nEVENT_DATE,EVENT DATE,date of sales,datetime,\nAMOUNT,AMOUNT,amount of sales,real,", "table": "Sales" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nID,,the unique number identifying the customer,integer,\nSEX,,the sex of the customer,text,\nMARITAL_STATUS,MARITAL STATUS,,text,\"� Never-married\n� Married-civ-spouse\n� Divorced\n� Widowed\n� Other\ncommonsense evidence: \"\"Married-civ-spouse\"\", \"\"Divorced\"\", \"\"Widowed\"\" mean customer has been married.\n\"\nGEOID,GEOGRAPHIC ID,geographic identifier,integer,\nEDUCATIONNUM,EDUCATION NUMBER,the level of education,integer,commonsense evidence: higher education number refers to higher education\nOCCUPATION,,occupation of customers,text,\nage,,age of customers,integer,\"commonsense evidence: � teenager: 13-19 years old.\n� elder: people aged over 65\"", "table": "Customers" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nREFID,REFERENCE ID,unique id number identifying the customer,integer,\nREF_DATE,REFERENCE DATE,indicating the date when the mailing was sent,datetime,\nRESPONSE,,Response to the incentive mailing that marketing department sent,text,\"• True\n• False \ncommonsense evidence: \n1. any person who has not responded to a mailing within two months is considered to have responded negatively.\n2. true respond to the mailing, otherwise, no\"", "table": "Mailings1_2" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"lists\"\n(\n user_id INTEGER\n references lists_users (user_id),\n list_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n list_title TEXT,\n list_movie_number INTEGER,\n list_update_timestamp_utc TEXT,\n list_creation_timestamp_utc TEXT,\n list_followers INTEGER,\n list_url TEXT,\n list_comments INTEGER,\n list_description TEXT,\n list_cover_image_url TEXT,\n list_first_image_url TEXT,\n list_second_image_url TEXT,\n list_third_image_url TEXT\n);", "table": "lists" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"movies\"\n(\n movie_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n movie_title TEXT,\n movie_release_year INTEGER,\n movie_url TEXT,\n movie_title_language TEXT,\n movie_popularity INTEGER,\n movie_image_url TEXT,\n director_id TEXT,\n director_name TEXT,\n director_url TEXT\n);", "table": "movies" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"ratings_users\"\n(\n user_id INTEGER\n references lists_users (user_id),\n rating_date_utc TEXT,\n user_trialist INTEGER,\n user_subscriber INTEGER,\n user_avatar_image_url TEXT,\n user_cover_image_url TEXT,\n user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER,\n user_has_payment_method INTEGER\n);", "table": "ratings_users" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE lists_users\n(\n user_id INTEGER not null ,\n list_id INTEGER not null ,\n list_update_date_utc TEXT,\n list_creation_date_utc TEXT,\n user_trialist INTEGER,\n user_subscriber INTEGER,\n user_avatar_image_url TEXT,\n user_cover_image_url TEXT,\n user_eligible_for_trial TEXT,\n user_has_payment_method TEXT,\n primary key (user_id, list_id),\n foreign key (list_id) references lists(list_id),\n foreign key (user_id) references lists(user_id)\n);", "table": "lists_users" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE ratings\n(\n movie_id INTEGER,\n rating_id INTEGER,\n rating_url TEXT,\n rating_score INTEGER,\n rating_timestamp_utc TEXT,\n critic TEXT,\n critic_likes INTEGER,\n critic_comments INTEGER,\n user_id INTEGER,\n user_trialist INTEGER,\n user_subscriber INTEGER,\n user_eligible_for_trial INTEGER,\n user_has_payment_method INTEGER,\n foreign key (movie_id) references movies(movie_id),\n foreign key (user_id) references lists_users(user_id),\n foreign key (rating_id) references ratings(rating_id),\n foreign key (user_id) references ratings_users(user_id)\n);", "table": "ratings" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,,Movie ID related to the rating,integer,\nrating_id,,Rating ID on Mubi,integer,\nrating_url,,URL to the rating on Mubi,text,\nrating_score,,Rating score ranging from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest),integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe score is proportional to the user's liking.\nThe higher the score is, the more the user likes the movie\"\nrating_timestamp_utc ,,Timestamp for the movie rating made by the user on Mubi,text,\ncritic,,Critic made by the user rating the movie. ,text,\"If value = \"\"None\"\", the user did not write a critic when rating the movie.\"\ncritic_likes,,Number of likes related to the critic made by the user rating the movie,integer,\ncritic_comments,,Number of comments related to the critic made by the user rating the movie,integer,\nuser_id,,ID related to the user rating the movie,integer,\nuser_trialist ,,whether user was a tralist when he rated the movie,integer,\"1 = the user was a trialist when he rated the movie \n0 = the user was not a trialist when he rated the movie\"\nuser_subscriber,,,integer,\nuser_eligible_for_trial,,,integer,\nuser_has_payment_method,,,integer,", "table": "ratings" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nuser_id,,ID related to the user who created the list.,integer,\nlist_id,,ID of the list on Mubi,integer,\nlist_title,,Name of the list,text,\nlist_movie_number,,Number of movies added to the list,integer,\nlist_update_timestamp_utc,,Last update timestamp for the list,text,\nlist_creation_timestamp_utc,,Creation timestamp for the list,text,\nlist_followers,,Number of followers on the list,integer,\nlist_url,,URL to the list page on Mubi,text,\nlist_comments,,Number of comments on the list,integer,\nlist_description,,List description made by the user,text,\nlist_cover_image_url,,,,\nlist_first_image_url,,,,\nlist_second_image_url,,,,\nlist_third_image_url,,,,", "table": "lists" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nuser_id,,ID related to the user rating the movie,integer,\nrating_date_utc,,Rating date for the movie rating.,text,YYYY-MM-DD\nuser_trialist,,whether the user was a trialist when he rated the movie,integer,\"1 = the user was a trialist when he rated the movie\n 0 = the user was not a trialist when he rated the movie\"\nuser_subscriber,,whether the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie,integer,\"1 = the user was a subscriber when he rated the movie \n0 = the user was not a subscriber when he rated the movie\"\nuser_avatar_image_url,,URL to the user profile image on Mubi,text,\nuser_cover_image_url,,URL to the user profile cover image on Mubi,text,\nuser_eligible_for_trial,,whether the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie,integer,\"1 = the user was eligible for trial when he rated the movie\n 0 = the user was not eligible for trial when he rated the movie\"\nuser_has_payment_method ,,whether the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie,integer,\"1 = the user was a paying subscriber when he rated the movie \n0 = the user was not a paying subscriber when he rated\"", "table": "ratings_users" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,,ID related to the movie on Mubi,integer,\nmovie_title,,Name of the movie,text,\nmovie_release_year,,Release year of the movie,integer,\nmovie_url,,URL to the movie page on Mubi,text,\nmovie_title_language,,\"By default, the title is in English.\",text,Only contains one value which is 'en'\nmovie_popularity,,Number of Mubi users who love this movie,integer,\nmovie_image_url,,Image URL to the movie on Mubi,text,\ndirector_id,,ID related to the movie director on Mubi,text,\ndirector_name,,Full Name of the movie director,text,\ndirector_url ,,URL to the movie director page on Mubi,text,", "table": "movies" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nuser_id,,ID related to the user who created the list.,integer,\nlist_id,,ID of the list on Mubi,integer,\nlist_update_date_utc,,Last update date for the list,text,YYYY-MM-DD\nlist_creation_date_utc,,Creation date for the list,text,YYYY-MM-DD\nuser_trialist,,whether the user was a tralist when he created the list ,integer,\"1 = the user was a trialist when he created the list\n 0 = the user was not a trialist when he created the list\"\nuser_subscriber,,whether the user was a subscriber when he created the list ,integer,\"1 = the user was a subscriber when he created the list \n0 = the user was not a subscriber when he created the list\"\nuser_avatar_image_url,,User profile image URL on Mubi,text,\nuser_cover_image_url,,User profile cover image URL on Mubi,text,\nuser_eligible_for_trial,,whether the user was eligible for trial when he created the list ,text,\"1 = the user was eligible for trial when he created the list \n0 = the user was not eligible for trial when he created the list\"\nuser_has_payment_method ,,whether the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list ,text,\"1 = the user was a paying subscriber when he created the list \n0 = the user was not a paying subscriber when he created the list \"", "table": "lists_users" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE country\n(\n country_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n country_iso_code TEXT default NULL,\n country_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "country" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE department\n(\n department_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n department_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "department" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE gender\n(\n gender_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n gender TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "gender" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE genre\n(\n genre_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n genre_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "genre" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE keyword\n(\n keyword_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n keyword_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "keyword" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE language\n(\n language_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n language_code TEXT default NULL,\n language_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "language" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE language_role\n(\n role_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n language_role TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "language_role" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE movie\n(\n movie_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n title TEXT default NULL,\n budget INTEGER default NULL,\n homepage TEXT default NULL,\n overview TEXT default NULL,\n popularity REAL default NULL,\n release_date DATE default NULL,\n revenue INTEGER default NULL,\n runtime INTEGER default NULL,\n movie_status TEXT default NULL,\n tagline TEXT default NULL,\n vote_average REAL default NULL,\n vote_count INTEGER default NULL\n);", "table": "movie" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE movie_genres\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL,\n genre_id INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (genre_id) references genre(genre_id),\n foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id)\n);", "table": "movie_genres" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE movie_languages\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL,\n language_id INTEGER default NULL,\n language_role_id INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (language_id) references language(language_id),\n foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id),\n foreign key (language_role_id) references language_role(role_id)\n);", "table": "movie_languages" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE person\n(\n person_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n person_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "person" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE movie_crew\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL,\n person_id INTEGER default NULL,\n department_id INTEGER default NULL,\n job TEXT default NULL,\n foreign key (department_id) references department(department_id),\n foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id),\n foreign key (person_id) references person(person_id)\n);", "table": "movie_crew" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE production_company\n(\n company_id INTEGER not null\n primary key,\n company_name TEXT default NULL\n);", "table": "production_company" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE production_country\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL,\n country_id INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (country_id) references country(country_id),\n foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id)\n);", "table": "production_country" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE movie_cast\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL,\n person_id INTEGER default NULL,\n character_name TEXT default NULL,\n gender_id INTEGER default NULL,\n cast_order INTEGER default NULL,\n foreign key (gender_id) references gender(gender_id),\n foreign key (movie_id) references movie(movie_id),\n foreign key (person_id) references person(person_id)\n);", "table": "movie_cast" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"movie_keywords\"\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL\n references movie,\n keyword_id INTEGER default NULL\n references keyword\n);", "table": "movie_keywords" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"movie_company\"\n(\n movie_id INTEGER default NULL\n references movie,\n company_id INTEGER default NULL\n references production_company\n);", "table": "movie_company" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie\nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\nperson_id,person id,\"the id of the person\nMaps to person(person_id)\",integer,\ncharacter_name,character name,the character name,text,\ngender_id,gender id,\"the id of the cast's gender\nMaps to gender(gender_id)\",integer,\ncast_order,cast order,the cast order of the cast,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe cast order of a movie or television show refers to the sequence in which the actors and actresses are listed in the credits. This order is typically determined by the relative importance of each actor's role in the production, with the main actors and actresses appearing first, followed by the supporting cast and extras. \"", "table": "movie_cast" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nlanguage_id,language id,the unique identifier of the language,integer,\nlanguage_code,language code,the code of the language,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nHere we use ISO 639 codes to identify the language. \"\nlanguage_name,language name,the language name,text,", "table": "language" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ngenre_id,genre id,the unique identifier of the genre,integer,\ngenre_name,,the genre,text,", "table": "genre" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ndepartment_id,department id,the unique identifier of the department,integer,\ndepartment_name,department name,the name of the department,,", "table": "department" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,mivie id,the unique identifier of the movie,integer,\ncountry_id,country id,the id of the country,integer,", "table": "production_country" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie \nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\nlanguage_id,language id,\"the id of the movie language\nMaps to language(language_id)\",integer,\nlanguage_role_id,language role id,the id of the role's language,integer,", "table": "movie_languages" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ngender_id,gender id,the unique identifier of the gender,integer,\ngender,,the gender,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nfemale/ male/ unspecified \"", "table": "gender" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie \nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\ncompany_id,company id,\"the id of the company that produced the movie\nMaps to production_company(company_id)\",integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf movies with different movie_id have the same company_id, it means these movies were made by the same company. \"", "table": "movie_company" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nkeyword_id,keyword id,the unique identifier of the keyword,integer,\nkeyword_name, keyword name,the keyword,text,", "table": "keyword" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie that the crew worked for\nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\nperson_id,person id,\"the id of the crew\nMaps to person(person_id)\",integer,\ndepartment_id,department id,\"the id of the crew's department\nMaps to department(department_id)\",integer,\njob,,the job of the crew,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nA movie may involve several crews with the same job title. \"", "table": "movie_crew" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie \nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\ngenre_id,genre id,\"the id of the movie genre\nMaps to genre(genre_id)\",integer,", "table": "movie_genres" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,\"the id of the movie \nMaps to movie(movie_id)\",integer,\nkeyword_id,keyword id,\"the id of the movie keyword\nMaps to keyword(keyword_id)\",integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nA movie may have many keywords. Audience could get the genre of the movie according to the movie keywords. \"", "table": "movie_keywords" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nmovie_id,movie id,the unique identifier of the movie,integer,\ntitle,,the title of the movie,text,\nbudget,,the budget for the movie,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf a movie has higher popularity, it means that it is well-liked by a large number of people. This can be determined by looking at the movie's ratings and reviews, as well as the box office performance and overall buzz surrounding the film. Higher popularity often translates to more success for the movie, both financially and critically.\"\nhomepage,,the homepage of the movie,text,\noverview,,the overview of the movie,text,\npopularity,,the popularity of the movie,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf a movie has higher popularity, it means that it is well-liked by a large number of people. This can be determined by looking at the movie's ratings and reviews, as well as the box office performance and overall buzz surrounding the film. Higher popularity often translates to more success for the movie, both financially and critically.\"\nrelease_date,release date,the release date of the movie,date,\nrevenue,,the revenue of the movie,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nA higher vote average indicates that a greater proportion of people who have seen the movie have given it positive ratings.\"\nruntime,,the runtime of the movie,integer,\nmovie_status,,\"the status of the movie\nThe only value of this column is 'Released'. \",text,\ntagline,,the tagline of the movie,text,\nvote_average,vote average,the average vote for the movie,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nA higher vote average indicates that a greater proportion of people who have seen the movie have given it positive ratings.\"\nvote_count,vote count ,the vote count for the movie,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf a movie has a higher vote average and vote count, it means that it has been well-received by audiences and critics. A higher vote count means that more people have rated the movie, which can indicate a greater level of interest in the film.\"", "table": "movie" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncountry_id,country id,the unique identifier of the country,integer,\ncountry_iso_code,country iso code,the ISO code,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nISO codes are typically used to identify countries and their subdivisions, and there are different types of ISO codes depending on the specific application. Here we use ISO 3166 code to identify countries. \"\ncountry_name,country name,the name of the country,text,", "table": "country" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\ncompany_id,company id,the unique identifier of the company,integer,\ncompany_name,company name,the name of the company,text,", "table": "production_company" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nperson_id,person id,the unique identifier of the person,integer,\nperson_name,person name,the name of the person,text,", "table": "person" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nrole_id,role id,the unique identifier of the language id,integer,\nlanguage_role,language role,the language role,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nIn the context of language roles in a movie or other audio-visual production, \"\"original\"\" and \"\"spoken\"\" refer to the languages in which the movie was originally produced, and the languages spoken by the characters in the movie, respectively.\"", "table": "language_role" } ]
[ { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE current\n(\n ballotpedia_id TEXT,\n bioguide_id TEXT,\n birthday_bio DATE,\n cspan_id REAL,\n fec_id TEXT,\n first_name TEXT,\n gender_bio TEXT,\n google_entity_id_id TEXT,\n govtrack_id INTEGER,\n house_history_id REAL,\n icpsr_id REAL,\n last_name TEXT,\n lis_id TEXT,\n maplight_id REAL,\n middle_name TEXT,\n nickname_name TEXT,\n official_full_name TEXT,\n opensecrets_id TEXT,\n religion_bio TEXT,\n suffix_name TEXT,\n thomas_id INTEGER,\n votesmart_id REAL,\n wikidata_id TEXT,\n wikipedia_id TEXT,\n primary key (bioguide_id, cspan_id)\n);", "table": "current" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"current-terms\"\n(\n address TEXT,\n bioguide TEXT,\n caucus TEXT,\n chamber TEXT,\n class REAL,\n contact_form TEXT,\n district REAL,\n end TEXT,\n fax TEXT,\n last TEXT,\n name TEXT,\n office TEXT,\n party TEXT,\n party_affiliations TEXT,\n phone TEXT,\n relation TEXT,\n rss_url TEXT,\n start TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n state_rank TEXT,\n title TEXT,\n type TEXT,\n url TEXT,\n primary key (bioguide, end),\n foreign key (bioguide) references current(bioguide_id)\n);", "table": "current-terms" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE historical\n(\n ballotpedia_id TEXT,\n bioguide_id TEXT\n primary key,\n bioguide_previous_id TEXT,\n birthday_bio TEXT,\n cspan_id TEXT,\n fec_id TEXT,\n first_name TEXT,\n gender_bio TEXT,\n google_entity_id_id TEXT,\n govtrack_id INTEGER,\n house_history_alternate_id TEXT,\n house_history_id REAL,\n icpsr_id REAL,\n last_name TEXT,\n lis_id TEXT,\n maplight_id TEXT,\n middle_name TEXT,\n nickname_name TEXT,\n official_full_name TEXT,\n opensecrets_id TEXT,\n religion_bio TEXT,\n suffix_name TEXT,\n thomas_id TEXT,\n votesmart_id TEXT,\n wikidata_id TEXT,\n wikipedia_id TEXT\n);", "table": "historical" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"historical-terms\"\n(\n address TEXT,\n bioguide TEXT\n primary key,\n chamber TEXT,\n class REAL,\n contact_form TEXT,\n district REAL,\n end TEXT,\n fax TEXT,\n last TEXT,\n middle TEXT,\n name TEXT,\n office TEXT,\n party TEXT,\n party_affiliations TEXT,\n phone TEXT,\n relation TEXT,\n rss_url TEXT,\n start TEXT,\n state TEXT,\n state_rank TEXT,\n title TEXT,\n type TEXT,\n url TEXT,\n foreign key (bioguide) references historical(bioguide_id)\n);", "table": "historical-terms" }, { "create_sql": "CREATE TABLE \"social-media\"\n(\n bioguide TEXT\n primary key,\n facebook TEXT,\n facebook_id REAL,\n govtrack REAL,\n instagram TEXT,\n instagram_id REAL,\n thomas INTEGER,\n twitter TEXT,\n twitter_id REAL,\n youtube TEXT,\n youtube_id TEXT,\n foreign key (bioguide) references current(bioguide_id)\n);", "table": "social-media" } ]
[ { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\naddress,,the address of this legislator,text,\nbioguide,bioguide id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\ncaucus,,caucus,text,\"For independents, the party that the legislator caucuses with, using the same values as the party field. Omitted if the legislator caucuses with the party indicated in the party field. When in doubt about the difference between the party and caucus fields, the party field is what displays after the legislator's name (i.e. \"\"(D)\"\") but the caucus field is what normally determines committee seniority. This field was added starting with terms for the 113th Congress.\"\nchamber,,chamber,text,\"• senate\n• house\"\nclass,,class,real,\"For senators, their election class (1, 2, or 3). \ncommonsense evidence:\nonly senator has class, if the value is null or empty, it means this legislator is not senator.\"\ncontact_form,,The website URL of the contact page on the legislator's official website,text,\ndistrict,,district,real,\"For representatives, the district number they are serving from. \ncommonsense evidence:\nif null or empty, they are not representatives.\"\nend,,the end of the term,text,\"end: The date the term ended (because the Congress ended or the legislator died or resigned, etc.). End dates follow the Constitutional end of a term. Since 1935, terms begin and end on January 3 at noon in odd-numbered years, and thus a term end date may also be a term start date. Prior to 1935, terms began on March 4 and ended either on March 3 or March 4. The end date is the last date on which the legislator served this term. Unlike the start date, whether Congress was in session or not does not affect the value of this field.\"\nfax,,\"The fax number of the legislator's Washington, D.C. office\",text,only valid if the term is current\nlast,,the last known number,text,\nname,,,text,not useful\noffice,,office ,text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the last known office\"\nparty,,The political party of the legislator.,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf the legislator changed parties, this is the most recent party held during the term and party_affiliations will be set. Values are typically \"\"Democrat\"\", \"\"Independent\"\", or \"\"Republican\"\". The value typically matches the political party of the legislator on the ballot in his or her last election, although for state affiliate parties such as \"\"Democratic Farmer Labor\"\" we will use the national party name (\"\"Democrat\"\") instead to keep the values of this field normalized.\"\nparty_affiliations,party affiliations,This field is present if the legislator changed party or caucus affiliation during the term.,text,\"The value is a list of time periods, with start and end dates, each of which has a party field and a caucus field if applicable, with the same meanings as the main party and caucus fields. The time periods cover the entire term, so the first start will match the term start, the last end will match the term end, and the last party (and caucus if present) will match the term party (and caucus).\"\nphone,,\"The phone number of the legislator's Washington, D.C. office\",text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the last known number\"\nrelation,,,text,not useful\nrss_url,Really Simple Syndication URL,The URL to the official website's RSS feed,text,\nstart,,\"The date legislative service began: the date the legislator was sworn in, if known, or else the beginning of the legislator's term. \",text,\"Since 1935 regularly elected terms begin on January 3 at noon on odd-numbered years, but when Congress does not first meet on January 3, term start dates might reflect that swearing-in occurred on a later date. (Prior to 1935, terms began on March 4 of odd-numbered years, see here.) \"\nstate,,state code,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nAK: Alaska \nAL: Alabama \nAR: Arkansas \nAZ: Arizona \nCA: California \nCO: Colorado \nCT: Connecticut \nDE: Delaware \nFL: Florida \nGA: Georgia \nHI: Hawaii \nIA: Iowa \nID: Idaho \nIL: Illinois \nIN: Indiana \nKS: Kansas \nKY: Kentucky \nLA: Louisiana \nMA: Massachusetts \nMD: Maryland \nME: Maine \nMI: Michigan \nMN: Minnesota \nMO: Missouri \nMS: Mississippi \nMT: Montana \nNC: North Carolina \nND: North Dakota \nNE: Nebraska \nNH: New Hampshire \nNJ: New Jersey\n9 divisions of states in us: (please mention)\n\"\nstate_rank,,\"whether they are the \"\"junior\"\" or \"\"senior\"\" senator\",text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the senator's rank at the time the term ended\ncommonsense evidence:\nonly senator has this value\"\ntitle,,title of the legislator,text,\ntype,,The type of the term.,text,\"Either \"\"sen\"\" for senators or \"\"rep\"\" for representatives and delegates to the House\"\nurl,,The official website URL of the legislator ,text,only valid if the term is current", "table": "current-terms" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbioguide,,The unique alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\nfacebook,,The username of the current official Facebook presence of the legislator.,text,\nfacebook_id,,The numeric ID of the current official Facebook presence of the legislator.,real,\ngovtrack,,The numeric ID for this legislator on,real,\ninstagram,,The current official Instagram handle of the legislator.,text,\ninstagram_id,,The numeric ID of the current official Instagram handle of the legislator.,real,\nthomas,,The numeric ID for this legislator on and ,integer,\ntwitter,,The current official Twitter handle of the legislator.,text,\ntwitter_id,,The numeric ID of the current official twitter handle of the legislator.,real,\nyoutube,,The current official YouTube username of the legislator.,text,\nyoutube_id,,The current official YouTube channel ID of the legislator.,text,", "table": "social-media" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nballotpedia_id,ballotpedia id,\"The page name for the person (spaces are given as spaces, not underscores).\",text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nbioguide_id,bioguide id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\nbirthday_bio,birthday bio,\"The legislator's birthday,\",date,in YYYY-MM-DD format.\ncspan_id,cspan id,\"The numeric ID for this legislator on C-SPAN's video website,\",real,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on C-SPAN's video website\"\nfec_id,fec id, A list of IDs for this legislator in Federal Election Commission data.,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator hasn't not been registered in Federal Election Commission data.\"\nfirst_name,first name,first name of the legislator,text,\ngender_bio,gender bio,gender of the legislator,text,\ngoogle_entity_id_id,google entity id,google entity id,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator are not google entities\"\ngovtrack_id,govtrack id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nhouse_history_id,house history id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe ID is present only for members who have served in the U.S. House.\"\nicpsr_id,interuniversity consortium for political and social research id,\"The numeric ID for this legislator in Keith Poole's website, originally based on an ID system by the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (stored as an integer).\",real,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on \"\nlast_name,last name,last name of the legislator,text,\nlis_id,legislator id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator found in Senate roll call votes,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe ID is present only for members who attended in Senate roll call votes\"\nmaplight_id,maplight id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nmiddle_name,middle name ,the middle name of the legislator,text,\nnickname_name,nickname,nickname of the legislator,text,\nofficial_full_name,official full name,official full name,text,\nopensecrets_id,opensecrets id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator on,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nreligion_bio,religion bio,The legislator's religion.,text,\nsuffix_name,suffix name,suffix name,text,\nthomas_id,thomas id,The numeric ID for this legislator on and ,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on both and\"\nvotesmart_id,votesmart id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nwikidata_id,wikidata id,the id for wikidata,text,\nwikipedia_id,wikipedia id, The Wikipedia page name for the person,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif a legislator has wikipedia id, it means he or she is famous or impact\"", "table": "current" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nbioguide,bioguide id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\naddress,,the address of this legislator,text,\ncaucus,,caucus,text,\"For independents, the party that the legislator caucuses with, using the same values as the party field. Omitted if the legislator caucuses with the party indicated in the party field. When in doubt about the difference between the party and caucus fields, the party field is what displays after the legislator's name (i.e. \"\"(D)\"\") but the caucus field is what normally determines committee seniority. This field was added starting with terms for the 113th Congress.\"\nchamber,,chamber,text,\"• senate\n• house\"\nclass,,class,real,\"For senators, their election class (1, 2, or 3). \ncommonsense evidence:\nonly senator has class, if the value is null or empty, it means this legislator is not senator.\"\ncontact_form,,The website URL of the contact page on the legislator's official website,text,\ndistrict,,district,real,\"For representatives, the district number they are serving from. \ncommonsense evidence:\nif null or empty, they are not representatives.\"\nend,,the end of the term,text,\"end: The date the term ended (because the Congress ended or the legislator died or resigned, etc.). End dates follow the Constitutional end of a term. Since 1935, terms begin and end on January 3 at noon in odd-numbered years, and thus a term end date may also be a term start date. Prior to 1935, terms began on March 4 and ended either on March 3 or March 4. The end date is the last date on which the legislator served this term. Unlike the start date, whether Congress was in session or not does not affect the value of this field.\"\nfax,,\"The fax number of the legislator's Washington, D.C. office\",text,only valid if the term is current\nlast,,the last known number,text,\nmiddle,,,text,\nname,,,text,not useful\noffice,,office ,text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the last known office\"\nparty,,The political party of the legislator.,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nIf the legislator changed parties, this is the most recent party held during the term and party_affiliations will be set. Values are typically \"\"Democrat\"\", \"\"Independent\"\", or \"\"Republican\"\". The value typically matches the political party of the legislator on the ballot in his or her last election, although for state affiliate parties such as \"\"Democratic Farmer Labor\"\" we will use the national party name (\"\"Democrat\"\") instead to keep the values of this field normalized.\"\nparty_affiliations,party affiliations,This field is present if the legislator changed party or caucus affiliation during the term.,text,\"The value is a list of time periods, with start and end dates, each of which has a party field and a caucus field if applicable, with the same meanings as the main party and caucus fields. The time periods cover the entire term, so the first start will match the term start, the last end will match the term end, and the last party (and caucus if present) will match the term party (and caucus).\"\nphone,,\"The phone number of the legislator's Washington, D.C. office\",text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the last known number\"\nrelation,,,text,not useful\nrss_url,Really Simple Syndication URL,The URL to the official website's RSS feed,text,\nstart,,\"The date legislative service began: the date the legislator was sworn in, if known, or else the beginning of the legislator's term. \",text,\"Since 1935 regularly elected terms begin on January 3 at noon on odd-numbered years, but when Congress does not first meet on January 3, term start dates might reflect that swearing-in occurred on a later date. (Prior to 1935, terms began on March 4 of odd-numbered years, see here.) \"\nstate,,state code,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nAK: Alaska \nAL: Alabama \nAR: Arkansas \nAZ: Arizona \nCA: California \nCO: Colorado \nCT: Connecticut \nDE: Delaware \nFL: Florida \nGA: Georgia \nHI: Hawaii \nIA: Iowa \nID: Idaho \nIL: Illinois \nIN: Indiana \nKS: Kansas \nKY: Kentucky \nLA: Louisiana \nMA: Massachusetts \nMD: Maryland \nME: Maine \nMI: Michigan \nMN: Minnesota \nMO: Missouri \nMS: Mississippi \nMT: Montana \nNC: North Carolina \nND: North Dakota \nNE: Nebraska \nNH: New Hampshire \nNJ: New Jersey\n9 divisions of states in us: (please mention)\n\"\nstate_rank,,\"whether they are the \"\"junior\"\" or \"\"senior\"\" senator\",text,\"only valid if the term is current, otherwise the senator's rank at the time the term ended\ncommonsense evidence:\nonly senator has this value\"\ntitle,,title of the legislator,text,\ntype,,The type of the term.,text,\"Either \"\"sen\"\" for senators or \"\"rep\"\" for representatives and delegates to the House\"\nurl,,The official website URL of the legislator ,text,only valid if the term is current", "table": "historical-terms" }, { "description": "original_column_name,column_name,column_description,data_format,value_description\nballotpedia_id,ballotpedia id,\"The page name for the person (spaces are given as spaces, not underscores).\",text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nbioguide_previous_id,bioguide previous id,The previous alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\nbioguide_id,bioguide id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator ,text,\nbirthday_bio,birthday bio,\"The legislator's birthday,\",text,in YYYY-MM-DD format.\ncspan_id,cspan id,\"The numeric ID for this legislator on C-SPAN's video website,\",text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on C-SPAN's video website\"\nfec_id,fec id, A list of IDs for this legislator in Federal Election Commission data.,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator hasn't not been registered in Federal Election Commission data.\"\nfirst_name,first name,first name of the legislator,text,\ngender_bio,gender bio,gender of the legislator,text,\ngoogle_entity_id_id,google entity id,google entity id,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator are not google entities\"\ngovtrack_id,govtrack id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,integer,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nhouse_history_alternate_id,house history alternate id,The alternative numeric ID for this legislator,text,\nhouse_history_id,house history id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,real,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe ID is present only for members who have served in the U.S. House.\"\nicpsr_id,interuniversity consortium for political and social research id,\"The numeric ID for this legislator in Keith Poole's website, originally based on an ID system by the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (stored as an integer).\",real,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on \"\nlast_name,last name,last name of the legislator,text,\nlis_id,legislator id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator found in Senate roll call votes,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nThe ID is present only for members who attended in Senate roll call votes\"\nmaplight_id,maplight id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nmiddle_name,middle name ,the middle name of the legislator,text,\nnickname_name,nickname,nickname of the legislator,text,\nofficial_full_name,official full name,official full name,text,\nopensecrets_id,opensecrets id,The alphanumeric ID for this legislator on,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nreligion_bio,religion bio,The legislator's religion.,text,\nsuffix_name,suffix name,suffix name,text,\nthomas_id,thomas id,The numeric ID for this legislator on and ,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on both and\"\nvotesmart_id,votesmart id,The numeric ID for this legislator on,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif this value is null or empty, it means this legislator doesn't have account on\"\nwikidata_id,wikidata id,the id for wikidata,text,\nwikipedia_id,wikipedia id, The Wikipedia page name for the person,text,\"commonsense evidence:\nif a legislator has wikipedia id, it means he or she is famous or impact\"", "table": "historical" } ] exists but content is empty.
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