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In those cases it was determined that there was more traumatic finding between the ages 1-2 and 2-3. |
The boy/girl ratio was found 1,15. |
It was seen that the cases consulted to the hospital mostly in summer, during the daytime between the hours 12.00-18.00 and 18.00?00.00 and 1-3 hours after the incident by the reason of the couch- bed tumbling and tumbling from a high place noting the tumbling distances as 100-150 cm and 50-100 cm. |
It was stated that from the break detected cases, 23,2 % was couch-bed tumbling and 21,4 % of them fell down while walking. |
It was found from the cases whose forensic files were examined that while on the 70,2 % father and 71,4 % mother was complainant, 71,4 % mother and 7,1 % father was suspect. |
Key Words : Child abuse, neglect, home accident, tumbling, forensic medicine |
In this thesis, forensic files sent for fault rate determination to the Institution of Forensic Medicine Traffic Specialization Department are investigated; sufficiency of crime scene investigation parameters and file contents in terms of fault rate determination is evaluated; a comprehensive assessment for the actions to be taken in the process of attribution of fault to the parties in traffic accidents is provided and recommendations for improvement are presented. |
According to the findings of this study, in Turkey, image quality and filming angles of video camera recordings and picture shootings of the vehicles, the accident site and all kinds of evidence scattered around the accident site are not given sufficient importance during post-accident crime scene investigations; even though this issue should be handled with utmost care for fair trials. |
Thus; use of 3D terrestrial scanners in crime scene investigations shall not only turn the task of the investigators to a quite easier job, by obtaining a 3D model of the scene as a reliable source of evidence which will be always open for inspection shall also make the attribution of fault process more precise. |
Materials and methods: In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 68 patients who were examined during the acute period and at least six months after the date of the event in Duzce University School of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine Outpatient Clinic from June 2005 to June 2012. |
We evaluated the effects of demographic characteristics and pre-event, event and post-event events and people-related factors on mental health. |
In the statistical analysis other than Binary Logistic Regression, there was a significant difference between age groups by gender (p <0.05). |
As a result of the sexual act of 23 attackers out of 92(%27,4), victim's mental health deteriorated. |
As a result of the sexual act of 5(%62,5) out of 8(%8,7) in which the patient was not familiar with the attacker, victim's mental health deteriorated. |
There was a significant difference (p=0,039 n=92). |
35 out of 68 patients(%51,5) have been subjected to sexual activities more than once at different times. |
5 (7,4%) of them lived in orphanages before the incident, three (4,4%) patients were sent to foster care by court order after the incident. |
The conclusion that the physical and mental health of 6(%24) of 25 patients with no claim of penetration deteriorated as a result of the alleged sexual assault was reached, and there was no statistically significant difference between whether or not there was penetration and whether or not victim's physical and mental health deteriorated ( =0,877 df=1 p=0,349). |
There was statistically significant difference between the presence or absence of a personality disorder and whether or not the patient had his/her own consent ( =6,982 df=1 p=0,008). There was statistically significant difference between whether the patient were examined other than Duzce Univercity Forensic Medicine Department and whether his/her mental and physical health deteriorated ( =8,336 df=1 p=0,004). |
There was statistically significant difference between whether the patient were examined other than Duzce Univercity Forensic Medicine Department and whether his/her mental and physical health deteriorated ( =8,336 df=1 p=0,004). |
The conclusion that the physical and mental health of 6(%24) of 25 patients with no claim of penetration deteriorated as a result of the alleged sexual assault was reached, and there was no statistically significant difference between whether or not there was penetration and whether or not victim's physical and mental health deteriorated ( =0,877 df=1 p=0,349). |
In our study, 6 cases who were diagnosed with PTSD were also diagnosed with acute stress disorder during their first examination. |
6(%50) of 12 patients diagnosed with acute stress disorder during the first examination had PTSD and 1(%8,3) of them had depression. |
Discussion and conclusion: In our study, we found that psychiatric diagnosis at first examination, occurrence of anal sexual action, the sexual action in the form of deprivation of liberty and whether the patient recognize the attacker have affects on mental health deterioration as a result of the sexual act; but the other factors about the occurence of an attack had no statistically significant impact on mental health deterioration. |
These findings suggest that one's personal characteristics and his/her social environment and its effects are the dynamic factor on the deterioration of mental health, and the psychological response to similar actions may have different natures. |
Psychological reactions that occur as a result of sexual assaults are variable and other different stressful life events, the absence of social support and additional diagnoses in the period after trauma have negative impact on the treatment process. |
It is reported that a small number of patients had complete remission, a large part of the patients had slight residual symptoms, and %10 of the patients had chronic course of symptoms. |
In this study, LC-MS-MS, which is a highly sensitive and selective method, was used in order to determine trace amounts of widely used explosives such as TNT, RDX, HMX, PETN, TETRİL, 2,6-DNT, PA and also TMETN which provides elasticity to explosive substances. As a result; an economical, fast, easy, repeatable and selective method with low detection and quantification limit and high recovery was developed for the analysis of TNT, PA, HMX, TMETN, PETN, TETRYL, 2,6-DNT, RDX in soil by using LC-MS/MS. |
No reliable and selective method was encountered in the literature regarding simultaneous determination of these substances. |
In this study, the samles were analyzed in negative ionization mode using APCI ion source after a 30 min single-step extraction procedure. |
MS/MS parameters and chromatographic method were optimized by using gradient ammonium nitrate:methanol mobile system and C18 column. |
Samples which were applied to the LC-APCI-MS/MS device, including TNT, PA, HMX, TMETN, PETN, TETRYL, 2,6-DNT, RDX and Phenytoin were eluted from the system within a short period such as 10 minutes, without influencing each other?s channels. In this study, LC-MS-MS, which is a highly sensitive and selective method, was used in order to determine trace amounts of widely used explosives such as TNT, RDX, HMX, PETN, TETRİL, 2,6-DNT, PA and also TMETN which provides elasticity to explosive substances. |
Detection was carried out in LC-MS/MS by observing the cleavage products which has the ratio of 181,2 m/z (precursor ion) and 151,3 m/z (secondary ion) for 2,6-DNT; 226,1 m/z (precursor ion) and 88,2 m/z (secondary ion) for TNT; 227,7 m/z (precursor ion) and 197,5 m/z (secondary ion) for picric acid, 240,7 m/z (precursor ion) and 212,5 m/z (secondary ion) for Tetryl; 317,0 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,6 m/z (secondary ion) for TMETN; 283,4 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,7m/z (secondary ion) for RDX; 357,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,8 m/z (secondary ion) for HMX; 377,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 62.0 m/z (secondary ion) for PETN; 250,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 101,7 m/z (secondary ion) for Phenytoin. It was found that the method has linearity in the concentration ranges of 58,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PA, 241,50-1000,00 ngg-1 for TNT, 13,20-1000,00 ngg-1 for RDX, 22,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for HMX, 100,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for 2,6-DNT, 114,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TETRYL, 97,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PETN, 190,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TMETN. |
Average recovery obtained from the analyses, which were obtained using developed method for the soil including explosive mix with 250,00, 500,00, 1000,00 ngg-1 concentrations before and after extraction, were between 93,01 % and 104,20 %. |
It was found that the method has linearity in the concentration ranges of 58,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PA, 241,50-1000,00 ngg-1 for TNT, 13,20-1000,00 ngg-1 for RDX, 22,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for HMX, 100,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for 2,6-DNT, 114,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TETRYL, 97,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PETN, 190,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TMETN. Detection was carried out in LC-MS/MS by observing the cleavage products which has the ratio of 181,2 m/z (precursor ion) and 151,3 m/z (secondary ion) for 2,6-DNT; 226,1 m/z (precursor ion) and 88,2 m/z (secondary ion) for TNT; 227,7 m/z (precursor ion) and 197,5 m/z (secondary ion) for picric acid, 240,7 m/z (precursor ion) and 212,5 m/z (secondary ion) for Tetryl; 317,0 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,6 m/z (secondary ion) for TMETN; 283,4 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,7m/z (secondary ion) for RDX; 357,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 61,8 m/z (secondary ion) for HMX; 377,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 62.0 m/z (secondary ion) for PETN; 250,9 m/z (precursor ion) and 101,7 m/z (secondary ion) for Phenytoin. |
It was found that the method has linearity in the concentration ranges of 58,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PA, 241,50-1000,00 ngg-1 for TNT, 13,20-1000,00 ngg-1 for RDX, 22,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for HMX, 100,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for 2,6-DNT, 114,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TETRYL, 97,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for PETN, 190,00-1000,00 ngg-1 for TMETN. Average recovery obtained from the analyses, which were obtained using developed method for the soil including explosive mix with 250,00, 500,00, 1000,00 ngg-1 concentrations before and after extraction, were between 93,01 % and 104,20 %. |
As a result; an economical, fast, easy, repeatable and selective method with low detection and quantification limit and high recovery was developed for the analysis of TNT, PA, HMX, TMETN, PETN, TETRYL, 2,6-DNT, RDX in soil by using LC-MS/MS. In this study, LC-MS-MS, which is a highly sensitive and selective method, was used in order to determine trace amounts of widely used explosives such as TNT, RDX, HMX, PETN, TETRİL, 2,6-DNT, PA and also TMETN which provides elasticity to explosive substances. |
It is envisaged that this situation causes false positive results during the alcohol checks done on these products as part of traffic controls. |
The drivers of commercial vehicles are prohibited from driving when having taken alcohol according to our laws and the specific level of alcohol has also been defined in our laws. |
In this study, an alcohol analysis was conducted on the food and drinks that are envisaged to contain alcohol using the HS-GC-MS method. |
It was found that fruit yoghurt, pickled garlic, mixed home-made pickles, pickled yellow bell peppers, boza, turnip juice, grape and apple vinegar, kephir, pickle juice, aromatic mineral water, club soda, mixed fruit juice, grape juice and apple juice contained alcohol. |
The possibility of the drivers of commercial vehicles who have consumed these products may found to have taken alcohol, must supported with more comprehensive researchments. |
In projective drwaing test, the features of developmental cycle that groups in, effected the results, by this way there is no difference between groups in terms of gripping differences between generation, depression and hopes for future. |
Forensic genetics is the branch of genetics that, through DNA analysis and comparison, helps to resolve legal problems such as paternity tests, establishing identity in criminal cases where biological evidence is found at crime scenes, inheritance matters and identification of missing persons from human remains. |
In the last few years genetic identification and paternity testing are used SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) typing as an alternative to STR analysis. |
In this study, using the technique of SNaPshot 5 X-SNP (X018, X036, X047, X131, X142) locus optimization, validation and analysis, as well as lighting have the benefit of our country and the allele frequencies of loci in forensic science to investigate the case. |
54 male 46 female individual genotypes were determined. |
5 X-SNP locus researched were found to be polymorphic in the Turkey population and the lowest allele frequency was found to be 0,230. |
European, Asian and African society populations were compared using the Fst value. |
5 X-SNP locus optimization and validation studies have been completed to by calculating last length averages and standard deviations of repeatability is proven of study and the method. |
Especially X131 loci, a polymorphism in Turkish society thought to the original. |
Worked X-SNPs locus are suitable for the identification in forensic science, but more work is done by adding numerous examples and X-linked SNP markers will help to increase the discriminative power is concluded. |
Today, the studies about childhood abuse are so important due to underlying how children are affected psychologically and physiologically because of abuse and how these effects are transformed into behaviors of these children in their future lives. |
This study aims to discover the socio-demographic features of university students who have childhood abuse memories and to indicate the relationship between impulsivity, risky behaviors, and childhood abuse by identifying levels of these three variables. |
Forensic document examination is an important branch of forensic sciences. |
To examine the questioned document with suitable method is crucial for determining the probable document forgeries. |
It was observed that the amount of crystal violet decreased significantly and turned into methyl violet and tetramethyl pararosaniline. |
DVI term was a previously used abbreviation from the experts who are working on the disaster victim identification area to describe the procedure yet nowadays it is become very common referenced term in the area of forensic sciences. |
Keywords were determined from the interview texts for quantitative analysis then similarities and differences of issues that two experts mentioned were identified. |
Problems assocaited about the work that were held on the conditions of Turkey in 1999 were identified and precautions should be taken in case of a probable Istanbul earthquake is emphasized. |
Developing a DNA analysis method with proper chain which is an effective identification method; is the first and most important aim of identification at an earthquake disaster with mass deaths. |
However; in Turkey, forensic geneticists only involve in the procedure of DNA laboratuary work at a mass disaster. |
Age determination has great importance due to legal requirements. |
This study is aimed at investigating the practicability of two different methods of age estimations; one based on scoring of the visibility of the mandibular third molar root pulp and the other based on the calculation of tooth coronal index (TCI) of the mandibular premolar, first and second molar teeth; on 9059 digital orthopantomograms of people between ages 15 to 40 in Bursa. |
The first method in which root pulp visibility of mineralized mandibular third molar teeth are accepted at 4 stages; regardless of gender stages, 0, 1, 2 and 3 are observed earliest at the ages of 17.2; 19.1; 20.1 and 25.1, respectively. |
In the second method in which; TCI, that are calculated via the heights of the crown and coronal pulp cavity, regresses based on the chronological age; it is determined that the most accurate age determination model based on the simple linear regression, is with the right first molar tooth (SEE±7.304 years) and the most accurate age determination based on the multiple regression model is with bilateral first molars (SEE±7.413 years), for all cases regardless of gender. |
In conclusion; we believe that, the root pulp visibility of third molar teeth can be applied safely for stage 1, 2, and 3 over 16, 17 and 21 years of age, respectively. |
Key words: Forensic medicine, dental age, root pulp, tooth coronal index. |
Virginity, has been one of the important social issues in Turkey societies and its social significance always can be seen in laws or practices of law when there is a sexual assault. |
The current study aims to problematise conservating the importance and the legal ground of virginity in forensic medicine and laws and to dicuss the reasons and results of the issue based on the ideas that modern life has been transformed sex life of women and men and the victims are not applying to law in following ten days in which virginity conserves its importance as an evidence of sexual assault. |
Death cases with a shotgun weapon used in the attack may not be available at all times. |
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the length of the shotgun barrel to pellet spread according to destruction of the target. |
In this study, the shotgun which has 61 cm barrel length, has been cut totally 6 times with 10 cm?s range from the muzzle. |
Because of most of the crimes with the shotgun has been made up to 2 meters distance, in this study its prefered to made shotguns from 100 cm and 150 cm distances. |
While the evaluation of the study data, in addition to descriptive statistical methods, the Kruskal Wallis test is used at evaluation of the target properties according to barrel length and the Mann Whitney U test is used at binary comparisons. |
Significance level is was evaluated at p<0.05. |
Shots made according to length of the barrel, statistically significant difference was found in terms of target properties(p<0,01). |
KEYWORDS : Shotgun, Cutted Barrel, Target, Pellets, Cartridge, Ballistics. |
In this study, 255 cases of 0-18 age groups cases whose dead examinations and autopsies were done by Department of Forensic Medicine of Adnan Menderes University were examined as retrospectively according to the age, sex, origin and death reason between 2002- 2012. |
255 (%6,2) cases were in the age group of between 0 and 18 of the 2565 cases. |
%73,67 (n:187) of the cases were male and %26,3 (n:67) of the cases were female. |
The place of event was inside or around home in 110 (%43,1) cases and %55,7 of the cases are died at the place of event. |
The accident is commonly seen as orijin (%52,5) and death from natural reasons (%32,2) follow this. |
81 of the cases (%31,8) are died from natural reasons, 70 of cases are (%27,5) died from blunt trauma and 66 of the cases are (%25,9) died from asphyxia. |
The majority of childhood unnatural deaths are caused by accidents especially car crash. |
Diagnosis in medical units and widespread medical treatment will considerably reduce the number of childhood death. |
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes various pathological conditions including increased blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability and cerebral edema. |
This study investigates the effect of beta-hydroxybutyrate (B-OHB) treatment on the functional and structural BBB characteristics during TBI induced by lateral fluid percussion. |
Adult female rats were allocated into the following experimental groups: 1-Control, 2-Sham, 3-B-OHB, 4-TBI and 5-TBI + B-OHB. |
Evans blue (EB) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) traces were used as determinants of BBB permeability. |
The intensity of immunostaining for occludin, aquaporin-4 (AQP-4), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and c-fos were evaluated and gene expression levels of occludin AQP-4, c-fos, glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1) and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-?B) were analyzed. |
Lipid peroxidation and glutathione (GSH) levels were measured. |
Occludin and GFAP immunostaining intensities did not differ between experimental groups, while AQP-4 and c-fos immunostaining intensities were higher in TBI. |
MDA levels increased and GSH levels decreased in TBI (p<0.05). |
c-fos, GLUT-1 and NF-?B expressions were increased in TBI and TBI+B-OBH (p<0.01). B-OHB treatment in TBI caused a reduction in c-fos immunostaining intensity accompanied by decreases in c-fos and NF-?B expressions and increase in GLUT-1 expression (p<0.01). |
EB dye extravasation into brain and HRP reaction products increased in TBI, while B-OHB administration caused alleviation of these findings. |
B-OHB treatment in TBI caused a reduction in c-fos immunostaining intensity accompanied by decreases in c-fos and NF-?B expressions and increase in GLUT-1 expression (p<0.01). c-fos, GLUT-1 and NF-?B expressions were increased in TBI and TBI+B-OBH (p<0.01). |
The results of this study indicate that transcellular pathway is primarily responsible for the increased BBB permeability in TBI and that B-OHB treatment may, at least partly, provide a protection of BBB integrity mainly by reducing the effects of free radicals and increasing GLUT-1 production. |
Key Words: Beta-hydroxybutyrate, horseradish peroxidase, blood-brain barrier, oxidative stress, traumatic brain injury. |
In the dissertation named: "The Examination of Common Features of Suspects' Expressions and the Construction of Sexual Violence Cases against Children", we worked in the light of certain parameters in order to understand the construction of the case and determine the common features of suspects' expressions in the law enforcement process. |
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