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Rongjun Ge
Rongjun Ge, Yuting He, Cong Xia, Yang Chen, Daoqiang Zhang, Ge Wang
JCCS-PFGM: A Novel Circle-Supervision based Poisson Flow Generative Model for Multiphase CECT Progressive Low-Dose Reconstruction with Joint Condition
Multiphase contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) scan is clinically significant to demonstrate the anatomy at different phases. In practice, such a multiphase CECT scan inherently takes longer time and deposits much more radiation dose into a patient body than a regular CT scan, and reduction of the radiation dose typically compromise the CECT image quality and its diagnostic value. With Joint Condition and Circle-Supervision, here we propose a novel Poisson Flow Generative Model (JCCS-PFGM) to promote the progressive low-dose reconstruction for multiphase CECT. JCCS-PFGM is characterized by the following three aspects: a progressive low-dose reconstruction scheme, a circle-supervision strategy, and a joint condition mechanism. Our extensive experiments are performed on a clinical dataset consisting of 11436 images. The results show that our JCCS-PFGM achieves promising PSNR up to 46.3dB, SSIM up to 98.5%, and MAE down to 9.67 HU averagely on phases I, II and III, in quantitative evaluations, as well as gains high-quality readable visualizations in qualitative assessments. All of these findings reveal our method a great potential to be adapted for clinical CECT scans at a much-reduced radiation dose.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:56:48 GMT'}]
[array(['Ge', 'Rongjun', ''], dtype=object) array(['He', 'Yuting', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xia', 'Cong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Daoqiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Ge', ''], dtype=object)]
Vittorio Perduca
Sudeepa Roy, Vittorio Perduca and Val Tannen
Faster Query Answering in Probabilistic Databases using Read-Once Functions
Accepted in ICDT 2011
A boolean expression is in read-once form if each of its variables appears exactly once. When the variables denote independent events in a probability space, the probability of the event denoted by the whole expression in read-once form can be computed in polynomial time (whereas the general problem for arbitrary expressions is #P-complete). Known approaches to checking read-once property seem to require putting these expressions in disjunctive normal form. In this paper, we tell a better story for a large subclass of boolean event expressions: those that are generated by conjunctive queries without self-joins and on tuple-independent probabilistic databases. We first show that given a tuple-independent representation and the provenance graph of an SPJ query plan without self-joins, we can, without using the DNF of a result event expression, efficiently compute its co-occurrence graph. From this, the read-once form can already, if it exists, be computed efficiently using existing techniques. Our second and key contribution is a complete, efficient, and simple to implement algorithm for computing the read-once forms (whenever they exist) directly, using a new concept, that of co-table graph, which can be significantly smaller than the co-occurrence graph.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Dec 2010 22:05:14 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 4 Dec 2010 19:39:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Roy', 'Sudeepa', ''], dtype=object) array(['Perduca', 'Vittorio', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tannen', 'Val', ''], dtype=object)]
Eley Ng
Eley Ng, Ziang Liu, Monroe Kennedy III
It Takes Two: Learning to Plan for Human-Robot Cooperative Carrying
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023. Supplementary materials at
cs.RO cs.AI
Cooperative table-carrying is a complex task due to the continuous nature of the action and state-spaces, multimodality of strategies, and the need for instantaneous adaptation to other agents. In this work, we present a method for predicting realistic motion plans for cooperative human-robot teams on the task. Using a Variational Recurrent Neural Network (VRNN) to model the variation in the trajectory of a human-robot team across time, we are able to capture the distribution over the team's future states while leveraging information from interaction history. The key to our approach is leveraging human demonstration data to generate trajectories that synergize well with humans during test time in a receding horizon fashion. Comparison between a baseline, sampling-based planner RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Trees) and the VRNN planner in centralized planning shows that the VRNN generates motion more similar to the distribution of human-human demonstrations than the RRT. Results in a human-in-the-loop user study show that the VRNN planner outperforms decentralized RRT on task-related metrics, and is significantly more likely to be perceived as human than the RRT planner. Finally, we demonstrate the VRNN planner on a real robot paired with a human teleoperating another robot.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 26 Sep 2022 17:59:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 7 Mar 2023 06:44:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Ng', 'Eley', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Ziang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kennedy', 'Monroe', 'III'], dtype=object)]
Yiyi Zhang
Yiyi Zhang, Li Niu, Ziqi Pan, Meichao Luo, Jianfu Zhang, Dawei Cheng, Liqing Zhang
Exploiting Motion Information from Unlabeled Videos for Static Image Action Recognition
AAAI 2020
Static image action recognition, which aims to recognize action based on a single image, usually relies on expensive human labeling effort such as adequate labeled action images and large-scale labeled image dataset. In contrast, abundant unlabeled videos can be economically obtained. Therefore, several works have explored using unlabeled videos to facilitate image action recognition, which can be categorized into the following two groups: (a) enhance visual representations of action images with a designed proxy task on unlabeled videos, which falls into the scope of self-supervised learning; (b) generate auxiliary representations for action images with the generator learned from unlabeled videos. In this paper, we integrate the above two strategies in a unified framework, which consists of Visual Representation Enhancement (VRE) module and Motion Representation Augmentation (MRA) module. Specifically, the VRE module includes a proxy task which imposes pseudo motion label constraint and temporal coherence constraint on unlabeled videos, while the MRA module could predict the motion information of a static action image by exploiting unlabeled videos. We demonstrate the superiority of our framework based on four benchmark human action datasets with limited labeled data.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 1 Dec 2019 03:01:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Yiyi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Niu', 'Li', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pan', 'Ziqi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Luo', 'Meichao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Jianfu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cheng', 'Dawei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Liqing', ''], dtype=object)]
Sergio G\'omez
Alex Arenas, Antonio Garijo, Sergio G\'omez, Jordi Villadelprat
Bifurcation analysis of the Microscopic Markov Chain Approach to contact-based epidemic spreading in networks
15 pages, 3 figures
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 166 (2023) 112921
physics.soc-ph cond-mat.stat-mech cs.SI math.DS
The dynamics of many epidemic compartmental models for infectious diseases that spread in a single host population present a second-order phase transition. This transition occurs as a function of the infectivity parameter, from the absence of infected individuals to an endemic state. Here, we study this transition, from the perspective of dynamical systems, for a discrete-time compartmental epidemic model known as Microscopic Markov Chain Approach, whose applicability for forecasting future scenarios of epidemic spreading has been proved very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. We show that there is an endemic state which is stable and a global attractor and that its existence is a consequence of a transcritical bifurcation. This mathematical analysis grounds the results of the model in practical applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 31 Oct 2022 09:09:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Arenas', 'Alex', ''], dtype=object) array(['Garijo', 'Antonio', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gómez', 'Sergio', ''], dtype=object) array(['Villadelprat', 'Jordi', ''], dtype=object)]
Joseph Gubeladze
Winfried Bruns and Joseph Gubeladze
Polytopes and K-theory
final version, to appear in Georg. Math. J
math.KT math.AG
This is an overview of results from our experiment of merging two seemingly unrelated disciplines - higher algebraic K-theory of rings and the theory of lattice polytopes. The usual K-theory is the ``theory of a unit simplex''. A conjecture is proposed on the structure of higher polyhedral K-groups for certain class of polytopes for which the coincidence of Quillen's and Volodin's theories is known.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 24 May 2004 00:30:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 24 Jun 2004 07:41:12 GMT'}]
[array(['Bruns', 'Winfried', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gubeladze', 'Joseph', ''], dtype=object)]
Zhiyong Zhang
James Connor Meyers, Thomas Sayre McCord, Zhiyong Zhang, Hanumant Singh
Towards A COLREGs Compliant Autonomous Surface Vessel in a Constrained Channel
In this paper, we look at the role of autonomous navigation in the maritime domain. Specifically, we examine how an Autonomous Surface Vessel(ASV) can achieve obstacle avoidance based on the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), or COLREGs, in real-world environments. Our ASV is equipped with a broadband marine radar, an Inertial Navigation System (INS), and uses official Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). These sensors are used to provide situational awareness and, in series of well-defined steps, we can exclude land objects from the radar data, extract tracks associated with moving vessels within range of the radar, and then use a Kalman Filter to track and predict the motion of other moving vessels in the vicinity. A Constant Velocity model for the Kalman Filter allows us to solve the data association to build a consistent model between successive radar scans. We account for multiple COLREGs situations based on the predicted relative motion. Finally, an efficient path planning algorithm is presented to find a path and publish waypoints to perform real-time COLREGs compliant autonomous navigation within highly constrained environments. We demonstrate the results of our framework with operational results collected over the course of a 3.4 nautical mile mission on the Charles River in Boston in which the ASV encountered and successfully navigated multiple scenarios and encounters with other moving vessels at close quarters.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Apr 2022 13:17:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Meyers', 'James Connor', ''], dtype=object) array(['McCord', 'Thomas Sayre', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Zhiyong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Singh', 'Hanumant', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrea Addazi AndAdd
Andrea Addazi
Dynamical R-parity violations from exotic instantons
Version accepted by Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
We show how R-parity can be dynamically broken by non-perturbative quantum gravity effects. In particular, in D-brane models, Exotic instantons provide a simple and calculable mechanism for the generation of R-parity violating bilinear, trilinear and higher order superpotential terms. We show examples of MSSM-like D-brane models, in which one Exotic Instanton induces only one term among the possible R-parity violating superpotentials. Naturally, the idea can be generalized for other gauge groups. As a consequence, a dynamical violation of R-parity does not necessarily destabilize the proton, i.e. a strong fine tuning is naturally avoided, in our case. For example, a Lepton violating superpotential term can be generated without generating Baryon violating terms, and viceversa. This has strong implications in phenomenology: neutrino, neutron-antineutron, electric dipole moments, dark matter and LHC physics.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 4 May 2015 13:29:30 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 18 May 2015 14:44:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 31 May 2015 09:34:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Mon, 31 Aug 2015 13:13:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v5', 'created': 'Tue, 15 Dec 2015 09:29:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v6', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Apr 2016 14:30:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Addazi', 'Andrea', ''], dtype=object)]
The CMS Collaboration
CMS Collaboration
Search for dark matter in proton-proton collisions at 8 TeV with missing transverse momentum and vector boson tagged jets
Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at
JHEP 12 (2016) 083, Erratum: JHEP 08 (2017) 035
CMS-EXO-12-055, CERN-EP-2016-178
A search is presented for an excess of events with large missing transverse momentum in association with at least one highly energetic jet, in a data sample of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 inverse femtobarns collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The results are interpreted using a set of simplified models for the production of dark matter via a scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, or axial vector mediator. Additional sensitivity is achieved by tagging events consistent with the jets originating from a hadronically decaying vector boson. This search uses jet substructure techniques to identify hadronically decaying vector bosons in both Lorentz-boosted and resolved scenarios. This analysis yields improvements of 80% in terms of excluded signal cross sections with respect to the previous CMS analysis using the same data set. No significant excess with respect to the standard model expectation is observed and limits are placed on the parameter space of the simplified models. Mediator masses between 80 and 400 GeV in the scalar and pseudoscalar models, and up to 1.5 TeV in the vector and axial vector models, are excluded.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 19 Jul 2016 21:21:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 5 Jan 2017 18:11:56 GMT'}]
[array(['CMS Collaboration', '', ''], dtype=object)]
Minjeong Kim
Minjeong Kim, Yujin Kwon, and Yongdae Kim
Is Stellar As Secure As You Think?
cs.DC cs.CY
Stellar is one of the top ten cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization. It adopts a variant of Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT), named federated Byzantine agreement (FBA), which generalizes the traditional BFT algorithm to make it more suitable for open-membership blockchains. To this end, FBA introduces a quorum slice concept, which consists of a set of nodes. In FBA, a node can complete one consensus round when it receives specific messages from nodes in a quorum slice appointed by the node. In this study, we analyze FBA, whose security is highly dependent on the structure of quorum slices, and demonstrate that it is not superior to the traditional BFT algorithm in terms of safety and liveness. Then, to analyze the security of the Stellar consensus protocol (SCP), which is a construction for FBA, we investigate the current quorum slices in Stellar. We analyze the structure of quorum slices and measure the influence of each node quantitatively using two metrics, PageRank (PR) and the newly proposed NodeRank (NR). The results show that the Stellar system is significantly centralized. Thereafter, to determine how the centralized structure can have a negative impact on the Stellar system, we study the cascading failure caused by deleting only a few nodes (i.e., validators) in Stellar. We show that all of the nodes in Stellar cannot run SCP if only two nodes fail. To make matters worse, these two nodes are run and controlled by a single organization, the Stellar foundation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 29 Apr 2019 06:29:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Kim', 'Minjeong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kwon', 'Yujin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Yongdae', ''], dtype=object)]
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli
Pino D'Amico, Luis A. Agapito, Alessandra Catellani, Alice Ruini, Stefano Curtarolo, Marco Fornari, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, and Arrigo Calzolari
Accurate $ab~initio$ tight-binding Hamiltonians: effective tools for electronic transport and optical spectroscopy from first principles
Phys. Rev. B 94, 165166 (2016)
The calculations of electronic transport coefficients and optical properties require a very dense interpolation of the electronic band structure in reciprocal space that is computationally expensive and may have issues with band crossing and degeneracies. Capitalizing on a recently developed pseudo-atomic orbital projection technique, we exploit the exact tight-binding representation of the first principles electronic structure for the purposes of (1) providing an efficient strategy to explore the full band structure $E_n({\bf k})$, (2) computing the momentum operator differentiating directly the Hamiltonian, and (3) calculating the imaginary part of the dielectric function. This enables us to determine the Boltzmann transport coefficients and the optical properties within the independent particle approximation. In addition, the local nature of the tight-binding representation facilitates the calculation of the ballistic transport within the Landauer theory for systems with hundreds of atoms. In order to validate our approach we study the multi-valley band structure of CoSb$_3$ and a large core-shell nanowire using the ACBN0 functional. In CoSb$_3$ we point the many band minima contributing to the electronic transport that enhance the thermoelectric properties; for the core-shell nanowire we identify possible mechanisms for photo-current generation and justify the presence of protected transport channels in the wire.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 19 Aug 2016 18:09:43 GMT'}]
[array(["D'Amico", 'Pino', ''], dtype=object) array(['Agapito', 'Luis A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Catellani', 'Alessandra', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ruini', 'Alice', ''], dtype=object) array(['Curtarolo', 'Stefano', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fornari', 'Marco', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nardelli', 'Marco Buongiorno', ''], dtype=object) array(['Calzolari', 'Arrigo', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrea Medini
Andrea Medini
Countable dense homogeneity in powers of zero-dimensional definable spaces
14 pages
math.GN math.LO
We show that, for a coanalytic subspace $X$ of $2^\omega$, the countable dense homogeneity of $X^\omega$ is equivalent to $X$ being Polish. This strengthens a result of Hru\v{s}\'ak and Zamora Avil\'es. Then, inspired by results of Hern\'andez-Guti\'errez, Hru\v{s}\'ak and van Mill, using a technique of Medvedev, we construct a non-Polish subspace $X$ of $2^\omega$ such that $X^\omega$ is countable dense homogeneous. This gives the first $\mathsf{ZFC}$ answer to a question of Hru\v{s}\'ak and Zamora Avil\'es. Furthermore, since our example is consistently analytic, the equivalence result mentioned above is sharp. Our results also answer a question of Medini and Milovich. Finally, we show that if every countable subset of a zero-dimensional separable metrizable space $X$ is included in a Polish subspace of $X$ then $X^\omega$ is countable dense homogeneous.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 9 Aug 2014 17:04:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Apr 2015 12:49:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Medini', 'Andrea', ''], dtype=object)]
Kartik Goyal
Kartik Goyal, Chris Dyer, Christopher Warren, Max G'Sell, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
A Probabilistic Generative Model for Typographical Analysis of Early Modern Printing
To appear at ACL 2020
cs.LG cs.CL
We propose a deep and interpretable probabilistic generative model to analyze glyph shapes in printed Early Modern documents. We focus on clustering extracted glyph images into underlying templates in the presence of multiple confounding sources of variance. Our approach introduces a neural editor model that first generates well-understood printing phenomena like spatial perturbations from template parameters via interpertable latent variables, and then modifies the result by generating a non-interpretable latent vector responsible for inking variations, jitter, noise from the archiving process, and other unforeseen phenomena associated with Early Modern printing. Critically, by introducing an inference network whose input is restricted to the visual residual between the observation and the interpretably-modified template, we are able to control and isolate what the vector-valued latent variable captures. We show that our approach outperforms rigid interpretable clustering baselines (Ocular) and overly-flexible deep generative models (VAE) alike on the task of completely unsupervised discovery of typefaces in mixed-font documents.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 4 May 2020 17:01:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Goyal', 'Kartik', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dyer', 'Chris', ''], dtype=object) array(['Warren', 'Christopher', ''], dtype=object) array(["G'Sell", 'Max', ''], dtype=object) array(['Berg-Kirkpatrick', 'Taylor', ''], dtype=object)]
Serdar Y\"uksel
Serdar Y\"uksel
On Borkar and Young Relaxed Control Topologies and Continuous Dependence of Invariant Measures on Control Policy
In deterministic and stochastic control theory, relaxed or randomized control policies allow for versatile mathematical analysis (on continuity, compactness, convexity and approximations) to be applicable with no artificial restrictions on the classes of control policies considered, leading to very general existence results on optimal measurable policies under various setups and information structures. On relaxed controls, two studied topologies are the Young and Borkar (weak$^*$) topologies on spaces of functions from a state/measurement space to the space of probability measures on control action spaces; the former via a weak convergence topology on probability measures on a product space with a fixed marginal on the input (state) space, and the latter via a weak$^*$ topology on randomized policies viewed as maps from states/measurements to the space of signed measures with bounded variation. We establish implication and equivalence conditions between the Young and Borkar topologies on control policies. We then show that, under some conditions, for a controlled Markov chain with standard Borel spaces the invariant measure is weakly continuous on the space of stationary control policies defined by either of these topologies. An implication is near optimality of quantized stationary policies in state and actions or continuous stationary and deterministic policies for average cost control under two sets of continuity conditions (with either weak continuity in the state-action pair or strong continuity in the action for each state) on transition kernels.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 16 Apr 2023 03:38:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Yüksel', 'Serdar', ''], dtype=object)]
Samuel Christensen
Samuel Christensen, Raymond Chu, Christopher R Anderson, and Marcus Roper
Fast Asymptotic-Numerical Method For Coarse Mesh Particle Simulation In Channels Of Arbitrary Cross Section
Particles traveling through inertial microfluidic devices migrate to focusing streamlines. We present a numerical method that calculates migration velocities of particles in inertial microfluidic channels of arbitrary cross section by representing particles by singularities. Refinements to asymptotic analysis are given that improve the regularity of the singularity approximation, making finite element approximations of flow and pressure fields more effective. Sample results demonstrate that the method is computationally efficient and able to capture bifurcations in particle focusing positions due to changes in channel shape and Reynolds number.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:32:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Christensen', 'Samuel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chu', 'Raymond', ''], dtype=object) array(['Anderson', 'Christopher R', ''], dtype=object) array(['Roper', 'Marcus', ''], dtype=object)]
Yibo Yang
Yi-Bo Yang, Jian Liang, Yu-Jiang Bi, Ying Chen, Terrence Draper, Keh-Fei Liu and Zhaofeng Liu
Proton Mass Decomposition from the QCD Energy Momentum Tensor
10 pages, 6 figures
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 212001 (2018)
hep-lat hep-ph nucl-th
We report results on the proton mass decomposition and also on related quark and glue momentum fractions. The results are based on overlap valence fermions on four ensembles of $N_f = 2+1$ DWF configurations with three lattice spacings and three volumes, and several pion masses including the physical pion mass. With fully non-perturbative renormalization (and universal normalization on both quark and gluon), we find that the quark energy and glue field energy contribute 33(4)(4)\% and 37(5)(4)\% respectively in the $\overline{MS}$ scheme at $\mu = 2$ GeV. A quarter of the trace anomaly gives a 23(1)(1)\% contribution to the proton mass based on the sum rule, given 9(2)(1)\% contribution from the $u, d,$ and $s$ quark scalar condensates. The $u,d,s$ and glue momentum fractions in the $\overline{MS}$ scheme are in good agreement with global analyses at $\mu = 2$ GeV.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Aug 2018 03:20:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 6 Sep 2018 11:20:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Yang', 'Yi-Bo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liang', 'Jian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bi', 'Yu-Jiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Ying', ''], dtype=object) array(['Draper', 'Terrence', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Keh-Fei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Zhaofeng', ''], dtype=object)]
Stefan Waldmann
Simone Gutt, Stefan Waldmann
Involutions and Representations for Reduced Quantum Algebras
LaTeX 2e, 52 pages, no figures
math.QA math.SG
In the context of deformation quantization, there exist various procedures to deal with the quantization of a reduced space M_red. We shall be concerned here mainly with the classical Marsden-Weinstein reduction, assuming that we have a proper action of a Lie group G on a Poisson manifold M, with a moment map J for which zero is a regular value. For the quantization, we follow [BHW] (with a simplified approach) and build a star product *_red on M_red from a strongly invariant star product * on M. The new questions which are addressed in this paper concern the existence of natural *-involutions on the reduced quantum algebra and the representation theory for such a reduced *-algebra. We assume that * is Hermitian and we show that the choice of a formal series of smooth densities on the embedded coisotropic submanifold C = J^{-1}(0), with some equivariance property, defines a *-involution for *_red on the reduced space. Looking into the question whether the corresponding *-involution is the complex conjugation (which is a *-involution in the Marsden-Weinstein context) yields a new notion of quantized unimodular class. We introduce a left *-submodule and a right *_red-submodule C^\infty_cf(C)[[lambda]] of C^\infty(C)[[lambda]]; we define on it a C^\infty(M_red)[[lambda]]-valued inner product and we establish that this gives a strong Morita equivalence bimodule between C^\infty(M_red)[[lambda]] and the finite rank operators on C^\inftycf(C)[[lambda]]. The crucial point is here to show the complete positivity of the inner product. We obtain a Rieffel induction functor from the strongly non-degenerate *-representations of (C^\infty(M_red)[[lambda]], *_red) on pre-Hilbert right D-modules to those of (C^\infty(M)[[lambda]], *), for any auxiliary coefficient *-algebra D over \mathbb{C}[[lambda]].
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 9 Nov 2009 12:09:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Gutt', 'Simone', ''], dtype=object) array(['Waldmann', 'Stefan', ''], dtype=object)]
Tommy Nilsson
Leonie Becker, Tommy Nilsson, Paul Topf Aguiar de Medeiros, Flavie Rometsch
Augmented Reality in Service of Human Operations on the Moon: Insights from a Virtual Testbed
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'23)
cs.HC cs.CY
Future astronauts living and working on the Moon will face extreme environmental conditions impeding their operational safety and performance. While it has been suggested that Augmented Reality (AR) Head-Up Displays (HUDs) could potentially help mitigate some of these adversities, the applicability of AR in the unique lunar context remains underexplored. To address this limitation, we have produced an accurate representation of the lunar setting in virtual reality (VR) which then formed our testbed for the exploration of prospective operational scenarios with aerospace experts. Herein we present findings based on qualitative reflections made by the first 6 study participants. AR was found instrumental in several use cases, including the support of navigation and risk awareness. Major design challenges were likewise identified, including the importance of redundancy and contextual appropriateness. Drawing on these findings, we conclude by outlining directions for future research aimed at developing AR-based assistive solutions tailored to the lunar setting.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 19 Mar 2023 15:32:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Becker', 'Leonie', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nilsson', 'Tommy', ''], dtype=object) array(['de Medeiros', 'Paul Topf Aguiar', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rometsch', 'Flavie', ''], dtype=object)]
Massimiliano Esposito
Artur Wachtel, Riccardo Rao, Massimiliano Esposito
Free-Energy Transduction in Chemical Reaction Networks: from Enzymes to Metabolism
17 pages, 17 figues, (v2: IV.A.3 & IV.C modified, VI expanded)
q-bio.MN cond-mat.stat-mech physics.chem-ph
We provide a rigorous definition of free-energy transduction and its efficiency in arbitrary -- linear or nonlinear -- open chemical reaction networks (CRNs) operating at steady state. Our method is based on the knowledge of the stoichiometric matrix and of the chemostatted species (i.e. the species maintained at constant concentration by the environment) to identify the fundamental currents and forces contributing to the entropy production. Transduction occurs when the current of a stoichiometrically balanced process is driven against its spontaneous direction (set by its force) thanks to other processes flowing along their spontaneous direction. In these regimes, open CRNs operate as thermodynamic machines. After exemplifying these general ideas using toy models, we analyze central energy metabolism. We relate the fundamental currents to metabolic pathways and discuss the efficiency with which they are able to transduce free energy.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 2 Feb 2022 22:41:30 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 13 Jun 2022 21:16:55 GMT'}]
[array(['Wachtel', 'Artur', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rao', 'Riccardo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Esposito', 'Massimiliano', ''], dtype=object)]
Jun Takahashi
J. Takahashi and R. Derradi de Souza
Strangeness production in STAR
proceedings to 24th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, South Padre Island, Texas, April 2008
We present a summary of strangeness enhancement results comparing data from Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(SNN) = 200GeV measured by the STAR experiment. Relative yields in central Cu+Cu data seem to be higher than the equivalent sized peripheral Au+Au collision. In addition, strange particle production from these two systems is compared in terms of a statistical model, applying a Grand-Canonical ensemble and also applying a canonical correlation volume for the strange particles. Thermal fit results from the Grand-Canonical formalism shows little dependence on the system size but, when considering a strange canonical ensemble, strangeness enhancement shows a strong dependency on the correlation volume.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 4 Sep 2008 14:23:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Takahashi', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['de Souza', 'R. Derradi', ''], dtype=object)]
Isabella Masina
I. Masina, C.A. Savoy
On Power and Complementarity of the Experimental Constraints on Seesaw Models
28 pages, 5 figures; v2: a comment a reference added, minor improvements in the text
Phys.Rev. D71 (2005) 093003
ROMA1-TH/1397-04, SACLAY-T05/08
We demonstrate the impact that present lepton flavour and CP violation data - neutrino oscillations, baryon asymmetry of the universe, flavour violations in charged lepton decays and lepton electric dipole moments - have on supersymmetric seesaw theories by analysing the class of models based on a U(1) flavour symmetry. The fermion U(1) charges are determined to a large extent by the data, the flavour patterns being naturally defined through their choice. The selected models generically predict mu -> e gamma within the reach of the projected experiments, which could be sensitive enough to exclude the whole class of them. By now, the present sensitivity to mu -> e gamma already provides stringent bounds on the contribution of the seesaw couplings to the lepton electric dipole moments.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:45:20 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 11 Feb 2005 14:59:13 GMT'}]
[array(['Masina', 'I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Savoy', 'C. A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Bruno Valeixo Bento
Bruno Valeixo Bento, Dibya Chakraborty, Susha L. Parameswaran, Ivonne Zavala
A New de Sitter Solution with a Weakly Warped Deformed Conifold
36 pages, 7 figures and 4 tables; references added and minor typos fixed
hep-th astro-ph.CO gr-qc hep-ph
We revisit moduli stabilisation for type IIB flux compactifications that include a warped throat region corresponding to a warped deformed conifold, with an anti-D3-brane sitting at its tip. The warping induces a coupling between the conifold's deformation modulus and the bulk volume modulus in the K\"ahler potential. Previous works have studied the scalar potential assuming a strong warping such that this coupling term dominates, and found that the anti-D3-brane uplift may destabilise the conifold modulus and/or volume modulus, unless flux numbers within the throat are large, which makes tadpole cancellation a challenge. We explore the regime of parameter space corresponding to a weakly-but-still warped throat, such that the coupling between the conifold and volume moduli is subdominant. We thus discover a new metastable de Sitter solution within the four-dimensional effective field theory. We discuss the position of this de Sitter vacuum in the string theory landscape and swampland.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 7 May 2021 16:33:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:47:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Bento', 'Bruno Valeixo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chakraborty', 'Dibya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Parameswaran', 'Susha L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zavala', 'Ivonne', ''], dtype=object)]
Gabriel Borderes-Motta
O. C. Winter1 and G. Borderes-Motta1 and T. Ribeiro
On the location of the ring around the dwarf planet Haumea
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 484, Issue 3, 11 April 2019, Pages 3765-3771
The recently discovered ring around the dwarf planet (136108) Haumea is located near the 1:3 resonance between the orbital motion of the ring particles and the spin of Haumea. In the current work is studied the dynamics of individual particles in the region where is located the ring. Using the Poincar\'e Surface of Section technique, the islands of stability associated with the 1:3 resonance are identified and studied. Along all its existence this resonance showed to be doubled, producing pairs of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits. The fact of being doubled introduces a separatrix, which generates a chaotic layer that significantly reduces the size of the stable regions of the 1:3 resonance. The results also show that there is a minimum equivalent eccentricity ($e_{1:3}$) for the existence of such resonance. This value seems to be too high to keep a particle within the borders of the ring. On the other hand, the Poincar\'e Surface of Sections show the existence of much larger stable regions, but associated with a family of first kind periodic orbits. They exist with equivalent eccentricity values lower than $e_{1:3}$, and covering a large radial distance, which encompasses the region of the Haumea's ring. Therefore, this analysis suggests the Haumea's ring is in a stable region associated with a first kind periodic orbit instead of the 1:3 resonance.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 9 Feb 2019 02:55:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Winter1', 'O. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Borderes-Motta1', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ribeiro', 'T.', ''], dtype=object)]
Federico Holik
Federico Holik, C\'esar Massri, Leandro Zuberman and Angel Plastino
On the lattice structure of probability spaces in quantum mechanics
arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.4168
Let C be the set of all possible quantum states. We study the convex subsets of C with attention focused on the lattice theoretical structure of these convex subsets and, as a result, find a framework capable of unifying several aspects of quantum mechanics, including entanglement and Jaynes' Max-Ent principle. We also encounter links with entanglement witnesses, which leads to a new separability criteria expressed in lattice language. We also provide an extension of a separability criteria based on convex polytopes to the infinite dimensional case and show that it reveals interesting facets concerning the geometrical structure of the convex subsets. It is seen that the above mentioned framework is also capable of generalization to any statistical theory via the so-called convex operational models' approach. In particular, we show how to extend the geometrical structure underlying entanglement to any statistical model, an extension which may be useful for studying correlations in different generalizations of quantum mechanics.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 20 Dec 2011 09:23:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Holik', 'Federico', ''], dtype=object) array(['Massri', 'César', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zuberman', 'Leandro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Plastino', 'Angel', ''], dtype=object)]
Yaroslav Balytskyi
Yaroslav Balytskyi, Justin Bendesky, Tristan Paul, Guy Hagen, Kelly McNear
Raman spectroscopy in open world learning settings using the Objectosphere approach
cs.LG cs.AI physics.comp-ph
Raman spectroscopy in combination with machine learning has significant promise for applications in clinical settings as a rapid, sensitive, and label-free identification method. These approaches perform well in classifying data that contains classes that occur during the training phase. However, in practice, there are always substances whose spectra have not yet been taken or are not yet known and when the input data are far from the training set and include new classes that were not seen at the training stage, a significant number of false positives are recorded which limits the clinical relevance of these algorithms. Here we show that these obstacles can be overcome by implementing recently introduced Entropic Open Set and Objectosphere loss functions. To demonstrate the efficiency of this approach, we compiled a database of Raman spectra of 40 chemical classes separating them into 20 biologically relevant classes comprised of amino acids, 10 irrelevant classes comprised of bio-related chemicals, and 10 classes that the Neural Network has not seen before, comprised of a variety of other chemicals. We show that this approach enables the network to effectively identify the unknown classes while preserving high accuracy on the known ones, dramatically reducing the number of false positives while preserving high accuracy on the known classes, which will allow this technique to bridge the gap between laboratory experiments and clinical applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 11 Nov 2021 15:20:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Balytskyi', 'Yaroslav', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bendesky', 'Justin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Paul', 'Tristan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hagen', 'Guy', ''], dtype=object) array(['McNear', 'Kelly', ''], dtype=object)]
Daichi Guo
Daichi Guo and Guanting Dong and Dayuan Fu and Yuxiang Wu and Chen Zeng and Tingfeng Hui and Liwen Wang and Xuefeng Li and Zechen Wang and Keqing He and Xinyue Cui and Weiran Xu
Revisit Out-Of-Vocabulary Problem for Slot Filling: A Unified Contrastive Frameword with Multi-level Data Augmentations
5 pages, 3 figures, published to ICASSP 2023
In real dialogue scenarios, the existing slot filling model, which tends to memorize entity patterns, has a significantly reduced generalization facing Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) problems. To address this issue, we propose an OOV robust slot filling model based on multi-level data augmentations to solve the OOV problem from both word and slot perspectives. We present a unified contrastive learning framework, which pull representations of the origin sample and augmentation samples together, to make the model resistant to OOV problems. We evaluate the performance of the model from some specific slots and carefully design test data with OOV word perturbation to further demonstrate the effectiveness of OOV words. Experiments on two datasets show that our approach outperforms the previous sota methods in terms of both OOV slots and words.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Feb 2023 08:42:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Guo', 'Daichi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dong', 'Guanting', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fu', 'Dayuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wu', 'Yuxiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zeng', 'Chen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hui', 'Tingfeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Liwen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Xuefeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Zechen', ''], dtype=object) array(['He', 'Keqing', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cui', 'Xinyue', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'Weiran', ''], dtype=object)]
Biman J. Medhi
Biman J. Medhi (ARIES, Nainital), Maheswar. G (ARIES, Nainital; KASI, Korea), J. C. Pandey (ARIES, Nainital), T. S. Kumar (ARIES, Nainital) and Ram Sagar (ARIES, Nainital)
Optical polarimetric study of open clusters: Distribution of Interstellar matter towards NGC 654
24 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS
We present new B, V and R linear polarimetric observations for 61 stars towards the region of the young open cluster NGC 654. In this study we found evidence for the presence of at least two layers of dust along the line of sight to the cluster. The distances to the two dust layers are estimated to be ~ 200 pc and ~ 1 kpc which are located much closer to the Sun than the cluster (~ 2.4 kpc). Both the dust layers have their local magnetic field orientation nearly parallel to the direction of the Galactic plane. The foreground dust layer is found to have a ring morphology with the central hole coinciding with the center of the cluster. The foreground dust grains are suggested to be mainly responsible for both the observed differential reddening and the polarization towards the cluster.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:54:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Medhi', 'Biman J.', '', 'ARIES, Nainital'], dtype=object) array(['G', 'Maheswar.', '', 'ARIES, Nainital; KASI,\n Korea'], dtype=object) array(['Pandey', 'J. C.', '', 'ARIES, Nainital'], dtype=object) array(['Kumar', 'T. S.', '', 'ARIES, Nainital'], dtype=object) array(['Sagar', 'Ram', '', 'ARIES, Nainital'], dtype=object)]
Cem Altunbas
Yeonok Park, Timur Alexeev, Brian Miller, Moyed Miften, Cem Altunbas
Evaluation of scatter rejection and correction performance of 2D antiscatter grids in cone beam computed tomography
Purpose: We have been investigating 2D antiscatter grids (2D ASG) to reduce scatter fluence and improve image quality in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). In this work, two different aspects of 2D ASGs, their scatter rejection and correction capability, were investigated in CBCT experiments. To correct residual scatter transmitted through the 2D ASG, it was used as a scatter measurement device with a novel method: grid-based scatter sampling. Methods: Three focused 2D ASG prototypes with grid ratios of 8, 12, and 16 were developed for linac-mounted CBCT geometry. In the first phase, 2D ASGs were used as a scatter rejection device, and the effect of grid ratio on CT number accuracy and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) evaluated in CBCT images. In the second phase, the grid-based scatter sampling method was implemented. The percent change in CT numbers was measured by changing the phantom size from head to pelvis configuration.Results: When 2D ASG was used as a scatter rejection device, CT number variation due to change in phantom dimensions was reduced from 23% to 2 - 6%. A grid ratio of 16 yielded the lowest CT number variation. All three 2D ASGs yielded improvement in CNR, up to a factor of two in pelvis-sized phantoms. When 2D ASG prototypes were used for both scatter rejection and correction, CT number variations were reduced further, to 1.3 - 2.6%. Conclusions: When 2D ASG was used solely as a scatter rejection device, substantial improvement in CT number accuracy could be achieved by increasing the grid ratio. 2D ASGs could also provide significant CNR improvement even at lower grid ratios. When 2D ASG was used in conjunction with the grid-based scatter sampling method, it provided further improvement in CT number accuracy, irrespective of the grid ratio, while preserving 2D ASG's capacity to improve CNR.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 28 Aug 2020 22:00:51 GMT'}]
[array(['Park', 'Yeonok', ''], dtype=object) array(['Alexeev', 'Timur', ''], dtype=object) array(['Miller', 'Brian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Miften', 'Moyed', ''], dtype=object) array(['Altunbas', 'Cem', ''], dtype=object)]
Hanno Hammer
Hanno Hammer and William R. B. Lionheart
Reconstruction of spatially inhomogeneous dielectric tensors via optical tomography
Submitted. Section IV slightly extended
JOSA A, Volume 22, Issue 2, 250-255, Feb. 2005
physics.optics cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.ins-det quant-ph
A method to reconstruct weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous dielectric tensors inside a transparent medium is proposed. The mathematical theory of Integral Geometry is cast into a workable framework which allows the full determination of dielectric tensor fields by scalar Radon inversions of the polarization transformation data obtained from six planar tomographic scanning cycles. Furthermore, a careful derivation of the usual equations of integrated photoelasticity in terms of heuristic length scales of the material inhomogeneity and anisotropy is provided, making the paper a self-contained account about the reconstruction of arbitrary three-dimensional, weakly anisotropic dielectric tensor fields.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 11 Jun 2004 09:48:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 29 Jun 2004 22:19:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Hammer', 'Hanno', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lionheart', 'William R. B.', ''], dtype=object)]
Chunlin Wang
Chunlin Wang, Paul Marriott and Pengfei Li
Asymptotic coverage probabilities of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals for constrained parameters
22 pages, 6 figures
Metrika, 85, 809-831 (2022)
math.ST stat.CO stat.ME stat.TH
The asymptotic behaviour of the commonly used bootstrap percentile confidence interval is investigated when the parameters are subject to linear inequality constraints. We concentrate on the important one- and two-sample problems with data generated from general parametric distributions in the natural exponential family. The focus of this paper is on quantifying the coverage probabilities of the parametric bootstrap percentile confidence intervals, in particular their limiting behaviour near boundaries. We propose a local asymptotic framework to study this subtle coverage behaviour. Under this framework, we discover that when the true parameters are on, or close to, the restriction boundary, the asymptotic coverage probabilities can always exceed the nominal level in the one-sample case; however, they can be, remarkably, both under and over the nominal level in the two-sample case. Using illustrative examples, we show that the results provide theoretical justification and guidance on applying the bootstrap percentile method to constrained inference problems.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 7 Dec 2017 01:51:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Chunlin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Marriott', 'Paul', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Pengfei', ''], dtype=object)]
Naoya Arakawa
Naoya Arakawa and Masao Ogata
Orbital-Selective Superconductivity and the Effect of Lattice Distortion in Iron-Based Superconductors
11 pages, To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn
The superconducting (SC) state of iron-based compounds in both tetragonal and orthorhombic phases is studied on the basis of an effective Hamiltonian composed of the kinetic energy including the five Fe 3d-orbitals, the orthorhombic crystalline electric field (CEF) energy, and the two-orbital Kugel'-Khomski\u{i}-type superexchange interaction. Our basic assumption is that the antiferromagnetic (AF) state in the parent compounds can be described by the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals, and that the electrons in these orbitals have relatively strong electron correlation in the vicinity of the AF state. In order to study the physical origin of the structure-sensitive SC transition temperature, the effect of orthorhombic distortion is taken into account as the energy-splitting, $\Delta_{\textrm{ortho.}}$, between the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals. We find that the eigenvalue of the linearized gap equation decreases accompanied with the reduction of the partial density of states for the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals as $\Delta_{\textrm{ortho.}}$ increases, and that the dominant pairing symmetry is an unconventional fully gapped $s_{+-}$-wave pairing. We also find large anisotropy of the SC gap function in the orthorhombic phase. We propose that the CEF energy plays an important role in controlling $T_{\textrm{c}}$ and the SC gap function, and that orbital-selective superconductivity is a key feature in iron-based superconductors, which causes the structure-sensitive $T_{\textrm{c}}$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 20 May 2011 07:54:08 GMT'}]
[array(['Arakawa', 'Naoya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ogata', 'Masao', ''], dtype=object)]
Igor A. Zaliznyak
I. A. Zaliznyak, C. Broholm, M. Kibune, M. Nohara, H. Takagi
Anisotropic spin freezing in the S=1/2 zigzag ladder compound SrCuO2
4 pages, LaTeX, submitted to PRL
Using magnetic neutron scattering we characterize an unusual low temperature phase in orthorhombic SrCuO2. The material contains zigzag spin ladders formed by pairs of S=1/2 chains (J=180 meV) coupled through a weak frustrated interaction |J'|<0.1J. At T<Tc1=5.0(4)K an elastic peak develops in a gapless magnetic excitation spectrum indicating spin freezing on a time scale larger than 200 picoseconds. While the frozen state has long range commensurate antiferromagnetic order along the chains with the correlation length exceeding 200 lattice periods along the c-axis and a substantial correlation length of 60(25) spacings along the a-axis perpendicular to the zigzag plane, only 2 lattice units are correlated along the b-axis which is the direction of the frustrated interactions. The frozen magnetic moment of each Cu ion is very small, 0.033(7) Bohr magneton even at T=0.35K, and has unusual temperature dependence with a cusp at Tc2=1.5K reminiscent of a phase transition. We argue that slow dynamics of stripe-like cooperative magnetic defects in tetragonal a-c planes yield this anisotropic frozen state.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 31 Dec 1998 19:26:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 4 Jan 1999 15:33:01 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:18:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Zaliznyak', 'I. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Broholm', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kibune', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nohara', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Takagi', 'H.', ''], dtype=object)]
Shouhei Ma
Shouhei Ma
E8 lattice and the Kodaira dimension of orthogonal modular varieties
The previous version contained a serious error in page 12, line 22-23. It is possible to modify the main theorem, but this is now contained in arXiv:1309.7121v3
math.AG math.NT
We prove that for any even lattice L of signature (2,n), the modular variety defined by the orthogonal group of the lattice L+mE_8 is of general type when m is sufficiently large.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 10 Jun 2013 08:09:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Aug 2014 03:15:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Ma', 'Shouhei', ''], dtype=object)]
Petr Pokorny
Petr Pokorny and Peter G. Brown
A reproducible method to determine the meteoroid mass index
12 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics
Context. The determination of meteoroid mass indices is central to flux measurements and evolutionary studies of meteoroid populations. However, different authors use different approaches to fit observed data, making results difficult to reproduce and the resulting uncertainties difficult to justify. The real, physical, uncertainties are usually an order of magnitude higher than the reported values. Aims. We aim to develop a fully automated method that will measure meteoroid mass indices and associated uncertainty. We validate our method on large radar and optical datasets and compare results to obtain a best estimate of the true meteoroid mass index. Methods. Using MultiNest, a Bayesian inference tool that calculates the evidence and explores the parameter space, we search for the best fit of cumulative number vs. mass distributions in a four-dimensional space of variables ($a,b,X_1,X_2$). We explore biases in meteor echo distributions using optical meteor data as a calibration dataset to establish the systematic offset in measured mass index values. Results. Our best estimate for the average de-biased mass index for the sporadic meteoroid complex, as measured by radar appropriate to the mass range $10^{-3} > \mathrm{m} > 10^{-5}$ g, was $s=-2.10 \pm 0.08$. Optical data in the $10^{-1} > \mathrm{m} > 10^{-3}$ g range, with the shower meteors removed, produced $s=-2.08 \pm 0.08$. We find the mass index used by Grun et al. 1985 is substantially larger than we measure in the $10^{-4} < m < 10^{-1}$ g range.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 14 May 2016 17:08:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Pokorny', 'Petr', ''], dtype=object) array(['Brown', 'Peter G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Bao Yuan Sun
Zhi Wei Liu, Qian Zhao, Bao Yuan Sun
Correlated structure of nuclear symmetry energy from covariant nucleon self-energy
10 pages, 5 figures, corresponding to the talk given in NuSYM2018
Based on the Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem, the symmetry energy $J$ and its density slope parameter $L$ are decomposed in terms of the nucleon self-energies within the covariant density functional (CDF) theory. It is found that two structural connections between the different ingredients of $J$ and $L$ construct the fundamental correlation between $L$ and $J$ in the relativistic covariant framework, while the additional contribution from the isovector scalar channel of nucleon-nucleon interaction and those from the second-order symmetry self-energies lead to a deviation, especially the latter limits severely its correlation coefficient and confidence level. In addition, the relationship between the Landau mass $M_L^*$ and the Dirac mass $M_D^*$ is approximated to a reliable linear correlation, which is demonstrate to be sensitive to the momentum dependence of the nucleon self-energies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Sep 2018 13:10:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Liu', 'Zhi Wei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhao', 'Qian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sun', 'Bao Yuan', ''], dtype=object)]
Matteo Burzoni
Matteo Burzoni, Frank Riedel and H. Mete Soner
Viability and Arbitrage under Knightian Uncertainty
to appear in Econometrica
We reconsider the microeconomic foundations of financial economics. Motivated by the importance of Knightian Uncertainty in markets, we present a model that does not carry any probabilistic structure ex ante, yet is based on a common order. We derive the fundamental equivalence of economic viability of asset prices and absence of arbitrage. We also obtain a modified version of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing using the notion of sublinear pricing measures. Different versions of the Efficient Market Hypothesis are related to the assumptions one is willing to impose on the common order.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:46:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 22 Jul 2018 11:32:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 25 Feb 2019 13:37:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Thu, 17 Oct 2019 09:13:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v5', 'created': 'Wed, 13 May 2020 15:41:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v6', 'created': 'Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:02:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Burzoni', 'Matteo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Riedel', 'Frank', ''], dtype=object) array(['Soner', 'H. Mete', ''], dtype=object)]
Nikolai Peskov
G.P. Vasilyev, N.V. Peskov, T.M. Lysak
Numerical simulation of heat extraction by a coaxial ground heat exchanger under freezing conditions
41 pages, 13 figures, 36 references
A new finite-difference model of heat transfer inside a shallow coaxial ground heat exchanger and in the surrounding layered soil is presented, taking into account the freezing of ground moisture. Three modes of heat exchanger operation are numerically simulated: stationary mode, transient mode and controlled mode. In the stationary mode, estimates of the sensitivity of the heat carrier fluid outlet temperature to changes in the heat exchanger parameters are calculated. In all modes, close attention is paid to demonstrating the difference in the results at a negative temperature of the fluid, calculated with and without taking into account the freezing of ground moisture. It is shown that this difference, caused by the zero-curtain effect, can range from 10% in the stationary mode to 35% in the control mode.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 20 May 2022 15:48:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Vasilyev', 'G. P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Peskov', 'N. V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lysak', 'T. M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Dr. Dirk Muders
D. Muders, H. Hafok, F. Wyrowski, E. Polehampton, A. Belloche, C. Koenig, R. Schaaf, F. Schuller, J. Hatchell, F. v.d.Tak
APECS - The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Control System
4 pages, A&A, accepted
APECS is the distributed control system of the new Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope located on the Llano de Chajnantor at an altitude of 5107 m in the Atacama desert in northern Chile. APECS is based on Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) software and employs a modern, object-oriented design using the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) as the middleware. New generic device interfaces simplify adding instruments to the control system. The Python based observer command scripting language allows using many existing software libraries and facilitates creating more complex observing modes. A new self-descriptive raw data format (Multi-Beam FITS or MBFITS) has been defined to store the multi-beam, multi-frequency data. APECS provides an online pipeline for initial calibration, observer feedback and a quick-look display. APECS is being used for regular science observations in local and remote mode since August 2005.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 4 May 2006 16:38:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Muders', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hafok', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wyrowski', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Polehampton', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Belloche', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Koenig', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schaaf', 'R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schuller', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hatchell', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tak', 'F. v. d.', ''], dtype=object)]
Alexander Meister
Friedrich Liese, Alexander Meister, Johanna Kappus
Strong Gaussian approximation of the mixture Rasch model
math.ST stat.TH
We consider the famous Rasch model, which is applied to psychometric surveys when n persons under test answer m questions. The score is given by a realization of a random binary (n,m)-matrix. Its (j,k)th component indicates whether or not the answer of the jth person to the kth question is correct. In the mixture Rasch model one assumes that the persons are chosen randomly from a population. We prove that the mixture Rasch model is asymptotically equivalent to a Gaussian observation scheme in Le Cam's sense as n tends to infinity and m is allowed to increase slowly in n. For that purpose we show a general result on strong Gaussian approximation of the sum of independent high-dimensional binary random vectors. As a first application we construct an asymptotic confidence region for the difficulty parameters of the questions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 21 Dec 2016 09:46:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Liese', 'Friedrich', ''], dtype=object) array(['Meister', 'Alexander', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kappus', 'Johanna', ''], dtype=object)]
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
Rebecca Krall, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, and Cora Dvorkin
Wandering in the Lyman-alpha Forest: A Study of Dark Matter-Dark Radiation Interactions
11 pages + references, 3 figures, 3 tables, v2: added references,v3: published version
JCAP 09 (2017) 003
astro-ph.CO hep-ph
The amplitude of large-scale matter fluctuations inferred from the observed Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) cluster mass function and from weak gravitational lensing studies, when taken at face value, is in tension with measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO). In this work, we revisit whether this possible discrepancy can be attributed to new interactions in the dark matter sector. Focusing on a cosmological model where dark matter interacts with a dark radiation species until the epoch of matter-radiation equality, we find that measurements of the Lyman-alpha flux power spectrum from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey provides no support to the hypothesis that new dark matter interactions can resolve the possible tension between CMB and large-scale structure (LSS). Indeed, while the addition of dark matter-dark radiation interactions leads to an improvement of $2\Delta\ln\mathcal{L}=12$ with respect to the standard $\Lambda$ cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model when only CMB, BAO, and LSS data are considered, the inclusion of Lyman-alpha data reduces the improvement of the fit to $2\Delta\ln\mathcal{L}=6$ relative to $\Lambda$CDM. We thus conclude that the statistical evidence for new dark matter interactions (largely driven by the Planck SZ dataset) is marginal at best, and likely caused by systematics in the data. We also perform a Fisher forecast analysis for the reach of a future dataset composed of a CMB-S4 experiment combined with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope galaxy survey. We find that the constraint on the effective number of fluid-like dark radiation species, $\Delta N_{\rm fluid}$, will be improved by an order of magnitude compared to current bounds.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 24 May 2017 18:00:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 30 May 2017 22:23:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 5 Sep 2017 15:15:45 GMT'}]
[array(['Krall', 'Rebecca', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cyr-Racine', 'Francis-Yan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dvorkin', 'Cora', ''], dtype=object)]
Guang-Tong Zhou
Guang-Tong Zhou, Sung Ju Hwang, Mark Schmidt, Leonid Sigal and Greg Mori
Hierarchical Maximum-Margin Clustering
cs.LG cs.CV
We present a hierarchical maximum-margin clustering method for unsupervised data analysis. Our method extends beyond flat maximum-margin clustering, and performs clustering recursively in a top-down manner. We propose an effective greedy splitting criteria for selecting which cluster to split next, and employ regularizers that enforce feature sharing/competition for capturing data semantics. Experimental results obtained on four standard datasets show that our method outperforms flat and hierarchical clustering baselines, while forming clean and semantically meaningful cluster hierarchies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 6 Feb 2015 08:37:55 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhou', 'Guang-Tong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hwang', 'Sung Ju', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmidt', 'Mark', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sigal', 'Leonid', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mori', 'Greg', ''], dtype=object)]
Steven Kelk
Katharina T. Huber, Leo van Iersel, Steven Kelk and Radoslaw Suchecki
A Practical Algorithm for Reconstructing Level-1 Phylogenetic Networks
Recently much attention has been devoted to the construction of phylogenetic networks which generalize phylogenetic trees in order to accommodate complex evolutionary processes. Here we present an efficient, practical algorithm for reconstructing level-1 phylogenetic networks - a type of network slightly more general than a phylogenetic tree - from triplets. Our algorithm has been made publicly available as the program LEV1ATHAN. It combines ideas from several known theoretical algorithms for phylogenetic tree and network reconstruction with two novel subroutines. Namely, an exponential-time exact and a greedy algorithm both of which are of independent theoretical interest. Most importantly, LEV1ATHAN runs in polynomial time and always constructs a level-1 network. If the data is consistent with a phylogenetic tree, then the algorithm constructs such a tree. Moreover, if the input triplet set is dense and, in addition, is fully consistent with some level-1 network, it will find such a network. The potential of LEV1ATHAN is explored by means of an extensive simulation study and a biological data set. One of our conclusions is that LEV1ATHAN is able to construct networks consistent with a high percentage of input triplets, even when these input triplets are affected by a low to moderate level of noise.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:17:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Huber', 'Katharina T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['van Iersel', 'Leo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kelk', 'Steven', ''], dtype=object) array(['Suchecki', 'Radoslaw', ''], dtype=object)]
Marius Dadarlat
Marius Dadarlat and Cornel Pasnicu
Continuous Fields of Kirchberg C*-algebras
17 pages, some corrections, additional remarks
math.OA math.KT
In this paper we study the C*-algebras associated to continuous fields over locally compact metrisable zero dimensional spaces whose fibers are Kirchberg C*-algebras satisfying the UCT. We show that these algebras are inductive limits of finite direct sums of Kirchberg algebras and they are classified up to isomorphism by topological invariants.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 8 Sep 2004 16:43:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Nov 2004 21:33:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Dadarlat', 'Marius', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pasnicu', 'Cornel', ''], dtype=object)]
Jun Ma
Jun Ma, Haiyue Zhu, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Tong Heng Lee
On Robust Stability and Performance with a Fixed-Order Controller Design for Uncertain Systems
10 pages, 4 figures
math.OC cs.SY eess.SY
Typically, it is desirable to design a control system that is not only robustly stable in the presence of parametric uncertainties but also guarantees an adequate level of system performance. However, most of the existing methods need to take all extreme models over an uncertain domain into consideration, which then results in costly computation. Also, since these approaches attempt (rather unrealistically) to guarantee the system performance over a full frequency range, a conservative design is always admitted. Here, taking a specific viewpoint of robust stability and performance under a stated restricted frequency range (which is applicable in rather many real-world situations), this paper provides an essential basis for the design of a fixed-order controller for a system with bounded parametric uncertainties. A Hurwitz polynomial is used in the design and the robust stability is characterized by the notion of positive realness, such that the required robust stability condition is then suitably successfully constructed. Also, the robust performance criteria in terms of sensitivity shaping under different frequency ranges are constructed based on an approach of bounded realness analysis. Necessary and sufficient conditions are provided for both the robust stability and robust performance criteria. Furthermore, these conditions are expressed in the framework of linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraints, and thus can be efficiently solved. Comparative simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 8 Dec 2019 04:39:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 26 Apr 2020 10:29:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 7 Aug 2020 13:12:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Sun, 23 Aug 2020 19:54:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Ma', 'Jun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhu', 'Haiyue', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tomizuka', 'Masayoshi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lee', 'Tong Heng', ''], dtype=object)]
Hsiu-Hau Lin
Hsiu-Hau Lin (UC Santa Barbara), Matthew P. A. Fisher (UCSB, ITP)
Mode-Locking in Quantum-Hall-Effect Point Contacts
12 pages, 8 figures, minor changes
We study the effect of an ac drive on the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a tunnel junction between two fractional Quantum Hall fluids at filling $\nu ^{-1}$ an odd integer. Within the chiral Luttinger liquid model of edge states, the point contact dynamics is described by a driven damped quantum mechanical pendulum. In a semi-classical limit which ignores electron tunnelling, this model exhibits mode-locking, which corresponds to current plateaus in the I-V curve at integer multiples of $I= e\omega /2\pi$, with $\omega$ the ac drive angular frequency. By analyzing the full quantum model at non-zero $\nu$ using perturbative and exact methods, we study the effect of quantum fluctuation on the mode-locked plateaus. For $\nu=1$ quantum fluctuations smear completely the plateaus, leaving no trace of the ac drive. For $\nu \ge 1/2$ smeared plateaus remain in the I-V curve, but are not centered at the currents $I=n e \omega /2\pi$. For $\nu < 1/2$ rounded plateaus centered around the quantized current values are found. The possibility of using mode locking in FQHE point contacts as a current-to-frequency standard is discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 27 Oct 1995 18:43:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 31 Jan 1998 11:53:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Lin', 'Hsiu-Hau', '', 'UC Santa Barbara'], dtype=object) array(['Fisher', 'Matthew P. A.', '', 'UCSB, ITP'], dtype=object)]
Nikolai Slavov
Nikolai Slavov
Single-cell protein analysis by mass-spectrometry
keywords: single-cell analysis; single-cell proteomics; mass-spectrometry; isobaric carrier; sample preparation; systems biology
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (2020)
q-bio.QM q-bio.BM
Human physiology and pathology arise from the coordinated interactions of diverse single cells. However, analyzing single cells has been limited by the low sensitivity and throughput of analytical methods. DNA sequencing has recently made such analysis feasible for nucleic acids, but single-cell protein analysis remains limited. Mass-spectrometry is the most powerful method for protein analysis, but its application to single cells faces three major challenges: Efficiently delivering proteins/peptides to MS detectors, identifying their sequences, and scaling the analysis to many thousands of single cells. These challenges have motivated corresponding solutions, including SCoPE-design multiplexing and clean, automated, and miniaturized sample preparation. Synergistically applied, these solutions enable quantifying thousands of proteins across many single cells and establish a solid foundation for further advances. Building upon this foundation, the SCoPE concept will enable analyzing subcellular organelles and post-translational modifications while increases in multiplexing capabilities will increase the throughput and decrease cost.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 5 Apr 2020 02:05:20 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:18:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Jun 2020 19:51:36 GMT'}]
[array(['Slavov', 'Nikolai', ''], dtype=object)]
Valerian-Alin Fodor
Valerian-Alin Fodor and Nicolae Popovici
Reducing the complexity of equilibrium problems and applications to best approximation problems
We consider scalar equilibrium problems governed by a bifunction in a finite-dimensional framework. By using classical arguments in Convex Analysis, we show that under suitable generalized convexity assumptions imposed on the bifunction, the solutions of the equilibrium problem can be characterized by means of extreme or exposed points of the feasible domain. Our results are relevant for different particular instances, such as variational inequalities and optimization problems, especially for best approximation problems.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Oct 2022 18:44:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Fodor', 'Valerian-Alin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Popovici', 'Nicolae', ''], dtype=object)]
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury
Pinaki Nath Chowdhury and Ayan Kumar Bhunia and Aneeshan Sain and Subhadeep Koley and Tao Xiang and Yi-Zhe Song
SceneTrilogy: On Human Scene-Sketch and its Complementarity with Photo and Text
Accepted in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
In this paper, we extend scene understanding to include that of human sketch. The result is a complete trilogy of scene representation from three diverse and complementary modalities -- sketch, photo, and text. Instead of learning a rigid three-way embedding and be done with it, we focus on learning a flexible joint embedding that fully supports the ``optionality" that this complementarity brings. Our embedding supports optionality on two axes: (i) optionality across modalities -- use any combination of modalities as query for downstream tasks like retrieval, (ii) optionality across tasks -- simultaneously utilising the embedding for either discriminative (e.g., retrieval) or generative tasks (e.g., captioning). This provides flexibility to end-users by exploiting the best of each modality, therefore serving the very purpose behind our proposal of a trilogy in the first place. First, a combination of information-bottleneck and conditional invertible neural networks disentangle the modality-specific component from modality-agnostic in sketch, photo, and text. Second, the modality-agnostic instances from sketch, photo, and text are synergised using a modified cross-attention. Once learned, we show our embedding can accommodate a multi-facet of scene-related tasks, including those enabled for the first time by the inclusion of sketch, all without any task-specific modifications. Project Page: \url{}
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 25 Apr 2022 20:58:17 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 6 Dec 2022 01:36:47 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 26 Mar 2023 13:01:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Chowdhury', 'Pinaki Nath', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bhunia', 'Ayan Kumar', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sain', 'Aneeshan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Koley', 'Subhadeep', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xiang', 'Tao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Song', 'Yi-Zhe', ''], dtype=object)]
Alice Publications
ALICE Collaboration
Production of K$^{*}$(892)$^{0}$ and $\phi$(1020) in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV
28 pages, 12 captioned figures, 3 tables, authors from page 23, published version, figures at
Eur. Phys. J. C72 (2012) 2183
hep-ex nucl-ex
The production of K$^{*}$(892)$^{0}$ and $\phi$(1020) in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV was measured by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The yields and the transverse momentum spectra d$^{2}$N/d$y$d$p_{\rm T}$ at midrapidity $|y|<0.5$ in the range $0<p_{\rm T}<6$ GeV/$c$ for K$^{*}$(892)$^{0}$ and $0.4<p_{\rm T}<6$ GeV/$c$ for $\phi$(1020) are reported and compared to model predictions. Using the yield of pions, kaons, and Omega baryons measured previously by ALICE at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, the ratios K$^{*}$/K$^{-}$, $\phi$/K$^{*}$, $\phi$/K$^{-}$, $\phi/\pi^{-}$, and ($\Omega$ + $\overline{\Omega}$)/$\phi$ are presented. The values of the K$^{*}$/K$^{-}$, $\phi$/K$^{*}$ and $\phi$/K$^{-}$ ratios are similar to those found at lower centre-of-mass energies. In contrast, the $\phi/\pi^{-}$ ratio, which has been observed to increase with energy, seems to saturate above 200 GeV. The ($\Omega$ + $\overline{\Omega}$)/$\phi$ ratio in the $p_{\rm T}$ range $1$-$5$ GeV/$c$ is found to be in good agreement with the prediction of the HIJING/BB v2.0 model with a strong colour field.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 28 Aug 2012 17:08:32 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 1 Oct 2012 10:10:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 3 Apr 2017 07:27:36 GMT'}]
[array(['ALICE Collaboration', '', ''], dtype=object)]
Weonjong Lee
Taegil Bae, Yong-Chull Jang, Hwancheol Jeong, Chulwoo Jung, Hyung-Jin Kim, Jangho Kim, Jongjeong Kim, Kwangwoo Kim, Sunghee Kim, Weonjong Lee, Jaehoon Leem, Jeonghwan Pak, Sungwoo Park, Stephen R. Sharpe, Boram Yoon (SWME Collaboration)
Improved determination of $B_K$ with staggered quarks
6 pages, 5 tables, 2 figures, updated references
Phys. Rev. D 89, 074504 (2014)
hep-lat hep-ph
We present results for the kaon mixing parameter $B_K$ obtained using improved staggered fermions on a much enlarged set of MILC asqtad lattices. Compared to our previous publication, which was based largely on a single ensemble at each of the three lattice spacings $a\approx 0.09\;$fm, $0.06\;$fm and $0.045\;$fm, we have added seven new fine and four new superfine ensembles, with a range of values of the light and strange sea-quark masses. We have also increased the number of measurements on one of the original ensembles. This allows us to do controlled extrapolations in the light and strange sea-quark masses, which we do simultaneously with the continuum extrapolation. This reduces the extrapolation error and improves the reliability of our error estimates. Our final result is $\hat{B}_K = 0.7379 \pm 0.0047 (\text{stat}) \pm 0.0365 (\text{sys})$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 1 Feb 2014 03:30:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 21 Feb 2014 04:13:24 GMT'}]
[array(['Bae', 'Taegil', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Jang', 'Yong-Chull', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Jeong', 'Hwancheol', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Jung', 'Chulwoo', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Hyung-Jin', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Jangho', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Jongjeong', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Kwangwoo', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Sunghee', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Lee', 'Weonjong', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Leem', 'Jaehoon', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Pak', 'Jeonghwan', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Park', 'Sungwoo', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Sharpe', 'Stephen R.', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Yoon', 'Boram', '', 'SWME Collaboration'], dtype=object)]
Fei Wang
Fei Wang
Supersymmetry Breaking Scalar Masses and Trilinear Soft Terms From High-Dimensional Operators in E_6 SUSY GUT
Nucl.Phys.B style, 41 pages, no figure
In the GmSUGRA scenario with the high-dimensional operators containing the GUT Higgs fields, we systematically studied the supersymmetry breaking scalar masses, SM fermion Yukawa coupling terms, and trilinear soft terms in the E_6 SUSY GUT model where the gauge symmetry is broken down to the SO(10)\tm U(1) gauge symmetry, SU(3)_C\times SU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R gauge symmetry, SU(6)\times SU(2)_a (a={\rm L,R,X}) gauge symmetry, flipped SU(5) gauge symmetry etc. In addition, we considered the scalar and gaugino mass relations, which can be preserved from the GUT scale to the electroweak scale under one-loop RGE running, in the SU(3)_C\times SU(3)_L \times SU(3)_R model arising from the E_6 model. With such relations, we may distinguish the mSUGRA and GmSUGRA scenarios if we can measure the supersymmetric particle spectrum at the LHC and ILC.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Mar 2011 02:38:10 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 16 Jul 2011 08:58:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Fei', ''], dtype=object)]
Nicola Pompeo
N. Pompeo
Theory of measurements of electrodynamic properties in anisotropic superconductors in tilted magnetic fields. Part I: flux flow and Campbell regimes
13 pages, 3 figures
The vortex dynamics of uniaxial anisotropic superconductors in magnetic fields applied with arbitrary orientation is theoretically studied. Focus is on the model for electrical transport experiments in the linear regime. Relevant vortex parameters, like the viscous drag, the vortex mobility and pinning constant (with point pins), together with the flux flow and Campbell resistivities, are derived in tensor form, in the very different free flux flow and pinned Campbell regimes. The applicability to the various tensor quantities of the well-known scaling laws for the angular dependence on the field orientation is commented. Moreover, it is shown that the experiments do not generally yield the intrinsic values of the anisotropic viscosity and pinning constant. Explicit expressions relating measured and intrinsic quantities are given.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 14 Nov 2012 16:40:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Pompeo', 'N.', ''], dtype=object)]
Thu Nguyen Van
Nguyen Van Thu
The forces on a single interacting Bose-Einstein condensate
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.quant-gas
Using double parabola approximation for a single Bose-Einstein condensate confined between double slabs we proved that in grand canonical ensemble (GCE) the ground state with Robin boundary condition (BC) is favored, whereas in canonical ensemble (CE) our system undergoes from ground state with Robin BC to the one with Dirichlet BC in small-$L$ region and vice versa for large-$L$ region and phase transition in space of the ground state is the first order. The surface tension force and Casimir force are also considered in both CE and GCE in detail.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 10 Sep 2017 03:49:44 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 1 Oct 2017 07:36:38 GMT'}]
[array(['Van Thu', 'Nguyen', ''], dtype=object)]
Tiberiu Harko
Man Kwong Mak, Chun Sing Leung, Tiberiu Harko
Solving the nonlinear biharmonic equation by the Laplace-Adomian and Adomian Decomposition Methods
20 pages, 4 figures
Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 13 (2018), 183-213
math.AP math-ph math.CA math.MP
The biharmonic equation, as well as its nonlinear and inhomogeneous generalizations, plays an important role in engineering and physics. In particular the focusing biharmonic nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, and its standing wave solutions, have been intensively investigated. In the present paper we consider the applications of the Laplace-Adomian and Adomian Decomposition Methods for obtaining semi-analytical solutions of the generalized biharmonic equations of the type $\Delta ^{2}y+\alpha \Delta y+\omega y+b^{2}+g\left( y\right) =f$, where $\alpha $, $\omega $ and $b$ are constants, and $g$ and $f$ are arbitrary functions of $y$ and the independent variable, respectively. After introducing the general algorithm for the solution of the biharmonic equation, as an application we consider the solutions of the one-dimensional and radially symmetric biharmonic standing wave equation $\Delta ^{2}R+R-R^{2\sigma +1}=0$, with $\sigma = {\rm constant}$. The one-dimensional case is analyzed by using both the Laplace-Adomian and the Adomian Decomposition Methods, respectively, and the truncated series solutions are compared with the exact numerical solution. The power series solution of the radial biharmonic standing wave equation is also obtained, and compared with the numerical solution.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 19 Oct 2018 03:01:09 GMT'}]
[array(['Mak', 'Man Kwong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Leung', 'Chun Sing', ''], dtype=object) array(['Harko', 'Tiberiu', ''], dtype=object)]
Nathan Painchaud
Nathan Painchaud and Youssef Skandarani and Thierry Judge and Olivier Bernard and Alain Lalande and Pierre-Marc Jodoin
Cardiac MRI Segmentation with Strong Anatomical Guarantees
9 pages, accepted for MICCAI 2019; camera ready corrections, acknowledgments
in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2019, 2019, pp. 632-640
eess.IV cs.CV
Recent publications have shown that the segmentation accuracy of modern-day convolutional neural networks (CNN) applied on cardiac MRI can reach the inter-expert variability, a great achievement in this area of research. However, despite these successes, CNNs still produce anatomically inaccurate segmentations as they provide no guarantee on the anatomical plausibility of their outcome, even when using a shape prior. In this paper, we propose a cardiac MRI segmentation method which always produces anatomically plausible results. At the core of the method is an adversarial variational autoencoder (aVAE) whose latent space encodes a smooth manifold on which lies a large spectrum of valid cardiac shapes. This aVAE is used to automatically warp anatomically inaccurate cardiac shapes towards a close but correct shape. Our method can accommodate any cardiac segmentation method and convert its anatomically implausible results to plausible ones without affecting its overall geometric and clinical metrics. With our method, CNNs can now produce results that are both within the inter-expert variability and always anatomically plausible.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 5 Jul 2019 14:45:21 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 26 Aug 2019 16:19:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Painchaud', 'Nathan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Skandarani', 'Youssef', ''], dtype=object) array(['Judge', 'Thierry', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bernard', 'Olivier', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lalande', 'Alain', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jodoin', 'Pierre-Marc', ''], dtype=object)]
Gavin Lamb P
Gavin P Lamb, Masaomi Tanaka and Shiho Kobayashi
Transient Survey Rates for Orphan Afterglows from Compact Merger Jets
8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted by MNRAS
Orphan afterglows from short $\gamma$-ray bursts (GRB) are potential candidates for electromagnetic (EM) counterpart searches to gravitational wave (GW) detected neutron star or neutron star black hole mergers. Various jet dynamical and structure models have been proposed that can be tested by the detection of a large sample of GW-EM counterparts. We make predictions for the expected rate of optical transients from these jet models for future survey telescopes, without a GW or GRB trigger. A sample of merger jets is generated in the redshift limits $0\leq z\leq 3.0$, and the expected peak $r$-band flux and timescale above the LSST or ZTF detection threshold, $m_r=24.5$ and $20.4$ respectively, is calculated. General all-sky rates are shown for $m_r\leq26.0$ and $m_r\leq21.0$. The detected orphan and GRB afterglow rate depends on jet model, typically $16\lesssim R\lesssim 76$ yr$^{-1}$ for the LSST, and $2\lesssim R \lesssim 8$ yr$^{-1}$ for ZTF. An excess in the rate of orphan afterglows for a survey to a depth of $m_r\leq26$ would indicate that merger jets have a dominant low-Lorentz factor population, or the jets exhibit intrinsic jet structure. Careful filtering of transients is required to successfully identify orphan afterglows from either short or long GRB progenitors.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 1 Dec 2017 17:26:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:55:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:45:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Lamb', 'Gavin P', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tanaka', 'Masaomi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kobayashi', 'Shiho', ''], dtype=object)]
Chulwoo Jung
Xiangdong Ji and Chulwoo Jung (University of Maryland)
Studying Hadronic Structure of the Photon in Lattice QCD
7 pages, 1 figure
Phys.Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 208
UMD PP#01-007, DOE/ER/40762-214
hep-lat hep-ph
We show that the matrix element of a local quark-gluon operator in the photon state, $<\gamma(k\lambda)|\hat O| \gamma(k\lambda)>$, can be calculated in lattice QCD. The result is generalized to other quantities involving space-like photons, including the transition form factor $\gamma\gamma^*\to \pi^0$ and the virtual-photon-nucleon Compton amplitude $<\gamma^*N |\gamma^*N>$ which can be used to define the generalized Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov and Bjorken sum rules.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:29:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Ji', 'Xiangdong', '', 'University of Maryland'], dtype=object) array(['Jung', 'Chulwoo', '', 'University of Maryland'], dtype=object)]
Damien Gagnier
D. Gagnier, M. Rieutord, C. Charbonnel, B. Putigny, F. Espinosa Lara
Evolution of rotation in rapidly rotating early-type stars during the main sequence with 2D models
12 pages, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics
A&A 625, A89 (2019)
The understanding of the rotational evolution of early-type stars is deeply related to that of anisotropic mass and angular momentum loss. In this paper, we aim to clarify the rotational evolution of rapidly rotating early-type stars along the main sequence (MS). We have used the 2D ESTER code to compute and evolve isolated rapidly rotating early-type stellar models along the MS, with and without anisotropic mass loss. We show that stars with $Z=0.02$ and masses between $5$ and $7~M_\odot$ reach criticality during the main sequence provided their initial angular velocity is larger than 50% of the Keplerian one. More massive stars are subject to radiation-driven winds and to an associated loss of mass and angular momentum. We find that this angular momentum extraction from the outer layers can prevent massive stars from reaching critical rotation and greatly reduce the degree of criticality at the end of the MS. Our model includes the so-called bi-stability jump of the $\dot{M}-T_{\rm eff}$ relation of 1D-models. This discontinuity now shows up in the latitude variations of the mass-flux surface density, endowing rotating massive stars with either a single-wind regime (no discontinuity) or a two-wind regime (a discontinuity). In the two-winds-regime, mass loss and angular momentum loss are strongly increased at low latitudes inducing a faster slow-down of the rotation. However, predicting the rotational fate of a massive star is difficult, mainly because of the non-linearity of the phenomena involved and their strong dependence on uncertain prescriptions. Moreover, the very existence of the bi-stability jump in mass-loss rate remains to be substantiated by observations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 10 Apr 2019 14:41:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Gagnier', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rieutord', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Charbonnel', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Putigny', 'B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lara', 'F. Espinosa', ''], dtype=object)]
Jeffrey Eldred
Michael Backfish, Jeffrey Eldred, Cheng Yang Tan and Robert Zwaska
Beam Tests of Beampipe Coatings for Electron Cloud Mitigation in Fermilab Main Injector
Electron cloud beam instabilities are an important consideration in virtually all high-energy particle accelerators and could pose a formidable challenge to forthcoming high-intensity accelerator upgrades. Dedicated tests have shown beampipe coatings dramatically reduce the density of electron cloud in particle accelerators. In this work, we evaluate the performance of titanium nitride, amorphous carbon, and diamond-like carbon as beampipe coatings for the mitigation of electron cloud in the Fermilab Main Injector. Altogether our tests represent 2700 ampere-hours of proton operation spanning five years. Three electron cloud detectors, retarding field analyzers, are installed in a straight section and allow a direct comparison between the electron flux in the coated and uncoated stainless steel beampipe. We characterize the electron flux as a function of intensity up to a maximum of 50 trillion protons per cycle. Each beampipe material conditions in response to electron bombardment from the electron cloud and we track the changes in these materials as a function of time and the number of absorbed electrons. Contamination from an unexpected vacuum leak revealed a potential vulnerability in the amorphous carbon beampipe coating. We measure the energy spectrum of electrons incident on the stainless steel, titanium nitride and amorphous carbon beampipes. We find the electron cloud signal is highly sensitive to stray magnetic fields and bunch-length over the Main Injector ramp cycle. We conduct a complete survey of the stray magnetic fields at the test station and compare the electron cloud signal to that in a field-free region.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Jul 2015 02:40:25 GMT'}]
[array(['Backfish', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object) array(['Eldred', 'Jeffrey', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tan', 'Cheng Yang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zwaska', 'Robert', ''], dtype=object)]
Kay Wiese
Kay Joerg Wiese and Francois David
New Renormalization Group Results for Scaling of Self-Avoiding Tethered Membranes
97 pages, 120 .eps-files
Nucl. Phys. B 487 (1997) 529-632
Saclay T96/089
The scaling properties of self-avoiding polymerized 2-dimensional membranes are studied via renormalization group methods based on a multilocal operator product expansion. The renormalization group functions are calculated to second order. This yields the scaling exponent nu to order epsilon^2. Our extrapolations for nu agree with the Gaussian variational estimate for large space dimension d and are close to the Flory estimate for d=3. The interplay between self-avoidance and rigidity at small d is briefly discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 26 Jul 1996 12:38:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Wiese', 'Kay Joerg', ''], dtype=object) array(['David', 'Francois', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrew T. A. Wood
Grace Chan and Andrew T. A. Wood
Estimation of fractal dimension for a class of Non-Gaussian stationary processes and fields
Annals of Statistics 2004, Vol. 32, No. 3, 1222-1260
math.ST stat.TH
We present the asymptotic distribution theory for a class of increment-based estimators of the fractal dimension of a random field of the form g{X(t)}, where g:R\to R is an unknown smooth function and X(t) is a real-valued stationary Gaussian field on R^d, d=1 or 2, whose covariance function obeys a power law at the origin. The relevant theoretical framework here is ``fixed domain'' (or ``infill'') asymptotics. Surprisingly, the limit theory in this non-Gaussian case is somewhat richer than in the Gaussian case (the latter is recovered when g is affine), in part because estimators of the type considered may have an asymptotic variance which is random in the limit. Broadly, when g is smooth and nonaffine, three types of limit distributions can arise, types (i), (ii) and (iii), say. Each type can be represented as a random integral. More specifically, type (i) can be represented as the integral of a certain random function with respect to Lebesgue measure; type (ii) can be represented as the integral of a second random function
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:40:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Chan', 'Grace', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wood', 'Andrew T. A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Raoul Santachiara
Benoit Estienne, Nicolas Regnault and Raoul Santachiara
Clustering properties, Jack polynomials and unitary conformal field theories
20 pages. Published version
Nucl. Phys. B824, 539-562(2010)
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.stat-mech
Recently, Jack polynomials have been proposed as natural generalizations of Z_k Read-Rezayi states describing non-Abelian fractional quantum Hall systems. These polynomials are conjectured to be related to correlation functions of a class of W-conformal field theories based on the Lie algebra A_{k-1}. These theories can be considered as non-unitary solutions of a more general series of CFTs with Z_k symmetry, the parafermionic theories. Starting from the observation that some parafermionic theories admit unitary solutions as well, we show, by computing the corresponding correlation functions, that these theories provide trial wavefunctions which satisfy the same clustering properties as the non-unitary ones. We show explicitly that, although the wavefunctions constructed by unitary CFTs cannot be expressed as a single Jack polynomial, they still show a fine structure where the mathematical properties of the Jack polynomials play a major role.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:31:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:01:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Estienne', 'Benoit', ''], dtype=object) array(['Regnault', 'Nicolas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Santachiara', 'Raoul', ''], dtype=object)]
Xiaohui Jiang
Shihao Wang, Xiaohui Jiang, Ying Li
Focal-PETR: Embracing Foreground for Efficient Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection
Tech Report
The dominant multi-camera 3D detection paradigm is based on explicit 3D feature construction, which requires complicated indexing of local image-view features via 3D-to-2D projection. Other methods implicitly introduce geometric positional encoding and perform global attention (e.g., PETR) to build the relationship between image tokens and 3D objects. The 3D-to-2D perspective inconsistency and global attention lead to a weak correlation between foreground tokens and queries, resulting in slow convergence. We propose Focal-PETR with instance-guided supervision and spatial alignment module to adaptively focus object queries on discriminative foreground regions. Focal-PETR additionally introduces a down-sampling strategy to reduce the consumption of global attention. Due to the highly parallelized implementation and down-sampling strategy, our model, without depth supervision, achieves leading performance on the large-scale nuScenes benchmark and a superior speed of 30 FPS on a single RTX3090 GPU. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms PETR while consuming 3x fewer training hours. The code will be made publicly available.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 11 Dec 2022 13:38:54 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 13 Dec 2022 09:28:01 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Shihao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jiang', 'Xiaohui', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Ying', ''], dtype=object)]
Xun Gao
Xun Gao and Luming Duan
Efficient classical simulation of noisy quantum computation
11 pages, 6 figures
Understanding the boundary between classical simulatability and the power of quantum computation is a fascinating topic. Direct simulation of noisy quantum computation requires solving an open quantum many-body system, which is very costly. Here, we develop a tensor network formalism to simulate the time-dynamics and the Fourier spectrum of noisy quantum circuits. We prove that under general conditions most of the quantum circuits at any constant level of noise per gate can be efficiently simulated classically with the cost increasing only polynomially with the size of the circuits. The result holds even if we have perfect noiseless quantum gates for some subsets of operations, such as all the gates in the Clifford group. This surprising result reveals the subtle relations between classical simulatability, quantum supremacy, and fault-tolerant quantum computation. The developed simulation tools may also be useful for solving other open quantum many-body systems.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 7 Oct 2018 16:44:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Gao', 'Xun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Duan', 'Luming', ''], dtype=object)]
Guillaume Lecue
Guillaume Lecu\'e (PMA)
Lower bounds and aggregation in density estimation
math.ST stat.TH
In this paper we prove the optimality of an aggregation procedure. We prove lower bounds for aggregation of model selection type of $M$ density estimators for the Kullback-Leiber divergence (KL), the Hellinger's distance and the $L\_1$-distance. The lower bound, with respect to the KL distance, can be achieved by the on-line type estimate suggested, among others, by Yang (2000). Combining these results, we state that $\log M/n$ is an optimal rate of aggregation in the sense of Tsybakov (2003), where $n$ is the sample size.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:52:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Lecué', 'Guillaume', '', 'PMA'], dtype=object)]
Toni Neicu
T. Neicu and A. Kudrolli
Periodic orbit analysis of an elastodynamic resonator using shape deformation
submitted to Europhysics Letters
Europhys. Lett., 57 (3), pp. 341-347 (2002)
We report the first definitive experimental observation of periodic orbits (POs) in the spectral properties of an elastodynamic system. The Fourier transform of the density of flexural modes show peaks that correspond to stable and unstable POs of a clover shaped quartz plate. We change the shape of the plate and find that the peaks corresponding to the POs that hit only the unperturbed sides are unchanged proving the correspondence. However, an exact match to the length of the main POs could be made only after a small rescaling of the experimental results. Statistical analysis of the level dynamics also shows the effect of the stable POs.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 25 Oct 2001 19:25:52 GMT'}]
[array(['Neicu', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kudrolli', 'A.', ''], dtype=object)]
YuYang Sun
YuYang Sun, ZhiYong Zhang, Isao Echizen, Huy H.Nguyen, ChangZhen Qiu and Lu Sun
Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series
cs.CV cs.AI
Deep-learning-based technologies such as deepfakes ones have been attracting widespread attention in both society and academia, particularly ones used to synthesize forged face images. These automatic and professional-skill-free face manipulation technologies can be used to replace the face in an original image or video with any target object while maintaining the expression and demeanor. Since human faces are closely related to identity characteristics, maliciously disseminated identity manipulated videos could trigger a crisis of public trust in the media and could even have serious political, social, and legal implications. To effectively detect manipulated videos, we focus on the position offset in the face blending process, resulting from the forced affine transformation of the normalized forged face. We introduce a method for detecting manipulated videos that is based on the trajectory of the facial region displacement. Specifically, we develop a virtual-anchor-based method for extracting the facial trajectory, which can robustly represent displacement information. This information was used to construct a network for exposing multidimensional artifacts in the trajectory sequences of manipulated videos that is based on dual-stream spatial-temporal graph attention and a gated recurrent unit backbone. Testing of our method on various manipulation datasets demonstrated that its accuracy and generalization ability is competitive with that of the leading detection methods.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 7 Dec 2022 14:47:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Sun', 'YuYang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'ZhiYong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Echizen', 'Isao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nguyen', 'Huy H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Qiu', 'ChangZhen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sun', 'Lu', ''], dtype=object)]
Anindya Bijoy Das
Anindya Bijoy Das and Aditya Ramamoorthy
A Unified Treatment of Partial Stragglers and Sparse Matrices in Coded Matrix Computation
cs.IT math.IT
The overall execution time of distributed matrix computations is often dominated by slow worker nodes (stragglers) within the clusters. Recently, different coding techniques have been utilized to mitigate the effect of stragglers where worker nodes are assigned the job of processing encoded submatrices of the original matrices. In many machine learning or optimization problems the relevant matrices are often sparse. Several prior coded computation methods operate with dense linear combinations of the original submatrices; this can significantly increase the worker node computation times and consequently the overall job execution time. Moreover, several existing techniques treat the stragglers as failures (erasures) and discard their computations. In this work, we present a coding approach which operates with limited encoding of the original submatrices and utilizes the partial computations done by the slower workers. While our scheme can continue to have the optimal threshold of prior work, it also allows us to trade off the straggler resilience with the worker computation speed for sparse input matrices. Extensive numerical experiments done in AWS (Amazon Web Services) cluster confirm that the proposed approach enhances the speed of the worker computations (and thus the whole process) significantly.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 24 Sep 2021 16:53:12 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:08:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Jun 2022 17:37:06 GMT'}]
[array(['Das', 'Anindya Bijoy', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ramamoorthy', 'Aditya', ''], dtype=object)]
C.B. Scott
C.B. Scott, Eric Mjolsness
Novel diffusion-derived distance measures for graphs
cs.LG cs.DM math.CO stat.ML
We define a new family of similarity and distance measures on graphs, and explore their theoretical properties in comparison to conventional distance metrics. These measures are defined by the solution(s) to an optimization problem which attempts find a map minimizing the discrepancy between two graph Laplacian exponential matrices, under norm-preserving and sparsity constraints. Variants of the distance metric are introduced to consider such optimized maps under sparsity constraints as well as fixed time-scaling between the two Laplacians. The objective function of this optimization is multimodal and has discontinuous slope, and is hence difficult for univariate optimizers to solve. We demonstrate a novel procedure for efficiently calculating these optima for two of our distance measure variants. We present numerical experiments demonstrating that (a) upper bounds of our distance metrics can be used to distinguish between lineages of related graphs; (b) our procedure is faster at finding the required optima, by as much as a factor of 10^3; and (c) the upper bounds satisfy the triangle inequality exactly under some assumptions and approximately under others. We also derive an upper bound for the distance between two graph products, in terms of the distance between the two pairs of factors. Additionally, we present several possible applications, including the construction of infinite "graph limits" by means of Cauchy sequences of graphs related to one another by our distance measure.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 10 Sep 2019 00:17:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Scott', 'C. B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mjolsness', 'Eric', ''], dtype=object)]
Perrot K\'evin
Viet-Ha Nguyen and K\'evin Perrot
Rikudo is NP-complete
cs.DM cs.CC
Rikudo is a number-placement puzzle, where the player is asked to complete a Hamiltonian path on a hexagonal grid, given some clues (numbers already placed and edges of the path). We prove that the game is complete for NP, even if the puzzle has no hole. When all odd numbers are placed it is in P, whereas it is still NP-hard when all numbers of the form $3k+1$ are placed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 22 Jan 2021 21:07:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Nguyen', 'Viet-Ha', ''], dtype=object) array(['Perrot', 'Kévin', ''], dtype=object)]
Lorenzo Casarin
Lorenzo Casarin
On higher-derivative gauge theories
Based on the thesis prepared as final dissertation for the MSc degree in Physics at the University of Padova. 68 pages; added reference in 1.4
In this work we study the main properties and the one-loop renormalization of a Yang-Mills theory in which the kinetic term contains also a fourth-order differential operator; in particular, we add to the Yang-Mills Lagrangian the most general contribution of mass dimension six, weighted with a dimensionful parameter. This model is renormalizable; in the literature two values for the beta function for the gauge coupling have been reported, one obtained using the heat kernel approach and one with Feynman diagrams. In this work we repeat the computation using heat kernel techniques confirming the latter result. We also considered coupling with matter. We then study the supersymmetric extension of the model; this is a nontrivial task because of the complicate structure of the higher-derivative term. Some partial results were known, but a computation of the beta functions for the full supersymmetric non-Abelian higher-derivative gauge theory was missing. We make use of the (unextended) supersymmetric higher-derivative Lagrangian density for the Yang-Mills field in six spacetime dimensions derived in arXiv:hep-th/0505082; by dimensional reduction we obtain the N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric higher-derivative super-Yang-Mills Lagrangian in four spacetime dimensions, whose beta function we evaluate using heat kernels. We also deduce the beta function for N=4 supersymmetry.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 22 Oct 2017 21:57:26 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 10 Nov 2017 18:29:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Casarin', 'Lorenzo', ''], dtype=object)]
Bill Herbst
William Herbst, Catrina M. Hamilton, Katherine LeDuc, Joshua N. Winn, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Reinhard Mundt and Mansur Ibrahimov
Reflected Light from Sand Grains in the Terrestrial Zone of a Protoplanetary Disk
22 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Nature, March 13, 2008. Contains a Supplement
We show that grains have grown to ~mm size (sand sized) or larger in the terrestrial zone (within ~3 AU) of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the 3 Myr old binary star KH 15D. We also argue that the reflected light in the system reaches us by back scattering off the far side of the same ring whose near side causes the obscuration.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 12 Mar 2008 18:04:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Herbst', 'William', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hamilton', 'Catrina M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['LeDuc', 'Katherine', ''], dtype=object) array(['Winn', 'Joshua N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Johns-Krull', 'Christopher M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mundt', 'Reinhard', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ibrahimov', 'Mansur', ''], dtype=object)]
Goutam Samanta
G. K. Samanta, S. Chaitanya Kumar, Kavita Devi, and M. Ebrahim-Zadeh
Fiber-laser-pumped Ti:sapphire laser
We report the first experimental demonstration of efficient and high-power operation of a Ti:sapphire laser pumped by a simple, compact, continuous-wave (cw) fiber-laser-based green source. The pump radiation is obtained by direct single-pass second-harmonic-generation (SHG) of a 33-W, cw Yb-fiber laser in 30-mm-long MgO:sPPLT crystal, providing 11 W of single-frequency green power at 532 nm in TEM00 spatial profile with power and frequency stability better than 3.3% and 32 MHz, respectively, over one hour. The Ti:sapphire laser is continuously tunable across 743-970 nm and can deliver an output power up to 2.7 W with a slope efficiency as high as 32.8% under optimum output coupling of 20%. The laser output has a TEM00 spatial profile with M2<1.44 across the tuning range and exhibits a peak-to-peak power fluctuation below 5.1% over 1 hour.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:15:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Samanta', 'G. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kumar', 'S. Chaitanya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Devi', 'Kavita', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ebrahim-Zadeh', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki
Jan Ambj{\o}rn, Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki, Andrzej G\"orlich, Kevin Grosvenor and Jerzy Jurkiewicz
Four-dimensional CDT with toroidal topology
28 pages, 15 figures
hep-th gr-qc hep-lat
3+1 dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) describe a quantum theory of fluctuating geometries without the introduction of a background geometry. If the topology of space is constrained to be that of a three-dimensional torus we show that the system will fluctuate around a dynamically formed background geometry which can be understood from a simple minisuperspace action which contains both a classical part and a quantum part. We determine this action by integrating out degrees of freedom in the full model, as well as by transfer matrix methods.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 May 2017 10:40:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Ambjørn', 'Jan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gizbert-Studnicki', 'Jakub', ''], dtype=object) array(['Görlich', 'Andrzej', ''], dtype=object) array(['Grosvenor', 'Kevin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jurkiewicz', 'Jerzy', ''], dtype=object)]
David Blaschke
D. Blaschke, M. Buballa, A.E. Radzhabov, M.K. Volkov
Effects of mesonic correlations in the QCD phase transition
11 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Yad. Fiz., text extended, 1 figure added
Yad.Fiz.71:2012-2018,2008; Phys.Atom.Nucl.71:1981-1987,2008
hep-ph nucl-th
The finite temperature phase transition of strongly interacting matter is studied within a nonlocal chiral quark model of the NJL type coupled to a Polyakov loop. In contrast to previous investigations which were restricted to the mean-field approximation, mesonic correlations are included by evaluating the quark-antiquark ring sum. For physical pion masses, we find that the pions dominate the pressure below the phase transition, whereas above T_c the pressure is well described by the mean-field approximation result. For large pion masses, as realized in lattice simulations, the meson effects are suppressed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 3 May 2007 19:13:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 11 May 2007 14:54:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:34:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Blaschke', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Buballa', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Radzhabov', 'A. E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Volkov', 'M. K.', ''], dtype=object)]
Enno Veerman
Peter Spreij, Enno Veerman
Affine diffusions with non-canonical state space
36 pages; paper is split into two papers; results on invariance and strong solutions added
Multidimensional affine diffusions have been studied in detail for the case of a canonical state space. We present results for general state spaces and provide a complete characterization of all possible affine diffusions with polyhedral and quadratic state space. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the behavior of drift and diffusion on the boundary of the state space in order to obtain invariance and to prove strong existence and uniqueness.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 3 Apr 2010 09:39:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 6 May 2010 22:35:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Spreij', 'Peter', ''], dtype=object) array(['Veerman', 'Enno', ''], dtype=object)]
Mohit Sharma
Kevin Zhang, Mohit Sharma, Manuela Veloso, and Oliver Kroemer
Leveraging Multimodal Haptic Sensory Data for Robust Cutting
Accepted as conference paper at Humanoids'19
cs.RO cs.CV cs.LG
Cutting is a common form of manipulation when working with divisible objects such as food, rope, or clay. Cooking in particular relies heavily on cutting to divide food items into desired shapes. However, cutting food is a challenging task due to the wide range of material properties exhibited by food items. Due to this variability, the same cutting motions cannot be used for all food items. Sensations from contact events, e.g., when placing the knife on the food item, will also vary depending on the material properties, and the robot will need to adapt accordingly. In this paper, we propose using vibrations and force-torque feedback from the interactions to adapt the slicing motions and monitor for contact events. The robot learns neural networks for performing each of these tasks and generalizing across different material properties. By adapting and monitoring the skill executions, the robot is able to reliably cut through more than 20 different types of food items and even detect whether certain food items are fresh or old.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 27 Sep 2019 01:54:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Kevin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sharma', 'Mohit', ''], dtype=object) array(['Veloso', 'Manuela', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kroemer', 'Oliver', ''], dtype=object)]
Chulong Liang
Chulong Liang, Jingnan Hu, Xiao Ma, Baoming Bai
A New Class of Multiple-rate Codes Based on Block Markov Superposition Transmission
cs.IT math.IT
Hadamard transform~(HT) as over the binary field provides a natural way to implement multiple-rate codes~(referred to as {\em HT-coset codes}), where the code length $N=2^p$ is fixed but the code dimension $K$ can be varied from $1$ to $N-1$ by adjusting the set of frozen bits. The HT-coset codes, including Reed-Muller~(RM) codes and polar codes as typical examples, can share a pair of encoder and decoder with implementation complexity of order $O(N \log N)$. However, to guarantee that all codes with designated rates perform well, HT-coset coding usually requires a sufficiently large code length, which in turn causes difficulties in the determination of which bits are better for being frozen. In this paper, we propose to transmit short HT-coset codes in the so-called block Markov superposition transmission~(BMST) manner. At the transmitter, signals are spatially coupled via superposition, resulting in long codes. At the receiver, these coupled signals are recovered by a sliding-window iterative soft successive cancellation decoding algorithm. Most importantly, the performance around or below the bit-error-rate~(BER) of $10^{-5}$ can be predicted by a simple genie-aided lower bound. Both these bounds and simulation results show that the BMST of short HT-coset codes performs well~(within one dB away from the corresponding Shannon limits) in a wide range of code rates.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 11 Jun 2014 05:57:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Liang', 'Chulong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hu', 'Jingnan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ma', 'Xiao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bai', 'Baoming', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrei Belitsky
A.V. Belitsky
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics of the flux tube
43 pages, 8 figures
The Operator Product Expansion approach to scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory operates in terms of pentagon transitions for excitations propagating on a color flux tube. These obey a set of axioms which allow one to determine them to all orders in 't Hooft coupling and confront against explicit calculations. One of the simplifying features of the formalism is the factorizability of multiparticle transitions in terms of single-particle ones. In this paper we extend an earlier consideration of a sector populated by one kind of excitations to the case of a system with fermionic as well as bosonic degrees of freedom to address the origin of the factorization. While the purely bosonic case was analyzed within an integrable noncompact open-spin chain model, the current case is solved in the framework of a supersymmetric sl(2|1) magnet. We find the eigenfunctions for the multiparticle system making use of the R-matrix approach. Constructing resulting pentagon transitions, we prove their factorized form. The discussion corresponds to leading order of perturbation theory.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 1 Apr 2016 21:58:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 21 May 2016 20:53:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Belitsky', 'A. V.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jayanta Dey
Jayanta Dey, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Chowdhury Aminul Islam
Causal aspects of effective QCD models
Conference proceeding in 64th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Link-
hep-ph nucl-th
Here we studied the possible diffusion speed for relativistic fluid in different effective quantum chromodynamics models: Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL), Polyakov loop extended NJL, entangled PNJL (EPNJL) model.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 14 Jan 2020 10:08:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:31:23 GMT'}]
[array(['Dey', 'Jayanta', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ghosh', 'Sabyasachi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Islam', 'Chowdhury Aminul', ''], dtype=object)]
Ling-Yun He
Sheng Yang, Ling-Yun He
Oil price shocks, road transport pollution emissions and residents' health losses in China
q-fin.GN q-fin.EC
China's rapid economic growth resulted in serious air pollution, which caused substantial losses to economic development and residents' health. In particular, the road transport sector has been blamed to be one of the major emitters. During the past decades, fluctuation in the international oil prices has imposed significant impacts on the China's road transport sector. Therefore, we propose an assumption that China's provincial economies are independent "economic entities". Based on this assumption, we investigate the China's road transport fuel (i.e., gasoline and diesel) demand system by using the panel data of all 31 Chinese provinces except Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. To connect the fuel demand system and the air pollution emissions, we propose the concept of pollution emissions elasticities to estimate the air pollution emissions from the road transport sector, and residents' health losses by a simplified approach consisting of air pollution concentrations and health loss assessment models under different scenarios based on real-world oil price fluctuations. Our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to address the transmission mechanism between the fuel demand system in road transport sector and residents' health losses in the transitional China.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 6 Dec 2015 05:39:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Yang', 'Sheng', ''], dtype=object) array(['He', 'Ling-Yun', ''], dtype=object)]
Yuqi Wang
Yuqi Wang, Yuntao Chen, Xingyu Liao, Lue Fan and Zhaoxiang Zhang
PanoOcc: Unified Occupancy Representation for Camera-based 3D Panoptic Segmentation
technical report
cs.CV cs.RO
Comprehensive modeling of the surrounding 3D world is key to the success of autonomous driving. However, existing perception tasks like object detection, road structure segmentation, depth & elevation estimation, and open-set object localization each only focus on a small facet of the holistic 3D scene understanding task. This divide-and-conquer strategy simplifies the algorithm development procedure at the cost of losing an end-to-end unified solution to the problem. In this work, we address this limitation by studying camera-based 3D panoptic segmentation, aiming to achieve a unified occupancy representation for camera-only 3D scene understanding. To achieve this, we introduce a novel method called PanoOcc, which utilizes voxel queries to aggregate spatiotemporal information from multi-frame and multi-view images in a coarse-to-fine scheme, integrating feature learning and scene representation into a unified occupancy representation. We have conducted extensive ablation studies to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. Our approach achieves new state-of-the-art results for camera-based semantic segmentation and panoptic segmentation on the nuScenes dataset. Furthermore, our method can be easily extended to dense occupancy prediction and has shown promising performance on the Occ3D benchmark. The code will be released at
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Jun 2023 17:59:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Yuqi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yuntao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liao', 'Xingyu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fan', 'Lue', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Zhaoxiang', ''], dtype=object)]
Amitav Mukherjee
Amitav Mukherjee
Imbalanced Beamforming by a Multi-antenna Source for Secure Utilization of an Untrusted Relay
To appear, IEEE Communications Letters, 2013
cs.IT math.IT
We investigate a relay network where a multiantenna source can potentially utilize an unauthenticated (untrusted) relay to augment its direct transmission of a confidential message to the destination. Since the relay is untrusted, it is desirable to protect the confidential data from it while simultaneously making use of it to increase the reliability of the transmission. We present a low-complexity scheme denoted as imbalanced beamforming based on linear beamforming and constellation mapping that ensures perfect physical-layer security even while utilizing the untrusted relay. Furthermore, the security of the scheme holds even if the relay adopts the conventional decodeand- forward protocol, unlike prior work. Simulation results show that the proposed imbalanced signaling maintains a constant BER of 0.5 at the eavesdropper at any SNR and number of source antennas, while maintaining or improving the detection performance of the destination compared to not utilizing the relay or existing security methods.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 20 May 2013 00:23:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Mukherjee', 'Amitav', ''], dtype=object)]
Ruggero Lanotte Dr
Ruggero Lanotte and Massimo Merro and Simone Tini
A Probabilistic Calculus of Cyber-Physical Systems
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1612.00484
cs.LO cs.FL cs.SY eess.SY
We propose a hybrid probabilistic process calculus for modelling and reasoning on cyber-physical systems (CPSs). The dynamics of the calculus is expressed in terms of a probabilistic labelled transition system in the SOS style of Plotkin. This is used to define a bisimulation-based probabilistic behavioural semantics which supports compositional reasonings. For a more careful comparison between CPSs, we provide two compositional probabilistic metrics to formalise the notion of behavioural distance between systems, also in the case of bounded computations. Finally, we provide a non-trivial case study, taken from an engineering application, and use it to illustrate our definitions and our compositional behavioural theory for CPSs.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 7 Jul 2017 17:31:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 30 Jan 2018 20:09:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 1 Feb 2018 17:03:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Apr 2020 09:39:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Lanotte', 'Ruggero', ''], dtype=object) array(['Merro', 'Massimo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tini', 'Simone', ''], dtype=object)]
Javier Pena
David H. Gutman and Javier F. Pena
The condition number of a function relative to a set
40 pages, 4 figures. To Appear in Mathematical Programming
The condition number of a differentiable convex function, namely the ratio of its smoothness to strong convexity constants, is closely tied to fundamental properties of the function. In particular, the condition number of a quadratic convex function is the square of the aspect ratio of a canonical ellipsoid associated to the function. Furthermore, the condition number of a function bounds the linear rate of convergence of the gradient descent algorithm for unconstrained convex minimization. We propose a condition number of a differentiable convex function relative to a reference convex set and distance function pair. This relative condition number is defined as the ratio of a relative smoothness to a relative strong convexity constants. We show that the relative condition number extends the main properties of the traditional condition number both in terms of its geometric insight and in terms of its role in characterizing the linear convergence of first-order methods for constrained convex minimization. When the reference set $X$ is a convex cone or a polyhedron and the function $f$ is of the form $f = g\circ A$, we provide characterizations of and bounds on the condition number of $f$ relative to $X$ in terms of the usual condition number of $g$ and a suitable condition number of the pair $(A,X)$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 24 Jan 2019 11:28:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 5 Dec 2019 15:04:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Jan 2020 13:53:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Sat, 18 Apr 2020 10:48:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Gutman', 'David H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pena', 'Javier F.', ''], dtype=object)]
Haifeng Xu
Haifeng Xu, Milind Tambe, Shaddin Dughmi, Venil Loyd Noronha
Mitigating the Curse of Correlation in Security Games by Entropy Maximization
cs.GT cs.AI cs.CR
In Stackelberg security games, a defender seeks to randomly allocate limited security resources to protect critical targets from an attack. In this paper, we study a fundamental, yet underexplored, phenomenon in security games, which we term the \emph{Curse of Correlation} (CoC). Specifically, we observe that there are inevitable correlations among the protection status of different targets. Such correlation is a crucial concern, especially in \emph{spatio-temporal} domains like conservation area patrolling, where attackers can surveil patrollers at certain areas and then infer their patrolling routes using such correlations. To mitigate this issue, we propose to design entropy-maximizing defending strategies for spatio-temporal security games, which frequently suffer from CoC. We prove that the problem is \#P-hard in general. However, it admits efficient algorithms in well-motivated special settings. Our experiments show significant advantages of max-entropy algorithms over previous algorithms. A scalable implementation of our algorithm is currently under pre-deployment testing for integration into FAMS software to improve the scheduling of US federal air marshals.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 11 Mar 2017 05:35:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 3 Jan 2018 20:09:52 GMT'}]
[array(['Xu', 'Haifeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tambe', 'Milind', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dughmi', 'Shaddin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Noronha', 'Venil Loyd', ''], dtype=object)]
Yangfan Hu PhD.
Yangfan Hu
Nature of Spontaneous Curvature in Suspended Graphene
26 pages (18 main text, 8 supplementary information), 4 figures(3 main text, 1 supplementary information)
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.stat-mech
The nature of its intrinsic ripples is the key factor for understanding the stability of suspended graphene, and for unraveling the long-standing theoretical debate of the existence of low-dimensional crystalline state. The rippling morphology of graphene, discovered also in other 2D materials, has a profound impact on its electronic, mechanical and chemical properties. Actually, before the discovery of graphene, rippling phenomena are widely observed: for example, the roughing transition of crystalline interface, the rippled phase in biomembrane, and crumpling of flexible sheet polymers modeled by tethered surfaces. The fascinating truth that ripples exist in so many different membrane-like materials implies possible existence of a universal physical mechanism which was unclear. We consider the ripples in suspended graphene as two parts, characterizing the first part by the spontaneous curvature k which stabilizes the possible soft ZA modes, and the second part by the thermal curvature kt which is caused directly by height fluctuation. By choosing k as the order parameter of the system, we establish the Landau theory modified by thermal fluctuation for wrinkling transition of large sized graphene. We find that as temperature rises from 0K, a second order phase transition occurs at a size dependent critical temperature Tc, which corresponds to a change of equilibrium configuration from a flat state to a rippling state. Interestingly, the order parameter is stablized as temperature increases, and the phase transition is associated with a jump of equilibrium bond length as well as a vanishing intrinsic bending rigidity. The results obtained suggest that the interplay between the rippling morphology and the elementary excitations is vital for understanding the behavior of 2D materials. The concepts and theory developed here is of general significance at least for tethered membranes.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Mar 2015 00:54:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 15 Apr 2015 23:56:31 GMT'}]
[array(['Hu', 'Yangfan', ''], dtype=object)]
Elisabete Barreiro
Helena Albuquerque, Elisabete Barreiro and Jos\'e M. S\'anchez-Delgado
Quasicrossed product on G-graded quasialgebras
The notion of quasicrossed product is introduced in the setting of G-graded quasialgebras, i.e., algebras endowed with a grading by a group G, satisfying a "quasiassociative" law. The equivalence between quasicrossed products and quasicrossed systems is explored. It is presented the notion of graded-bimodules in order to study simple quasicrossed products. Deformed group algebras are stressed in particular.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:03:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Albuquerque', 'Helena', ''], dtype=object) array(['Barreiro', 'Elisabete', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sánchez-Delgado', 'José M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Aqeel Ahmed
Ishtiaq Ahmed, M. Ali Paracha, M. Jamil Aslam
Model Independent Analysis of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry for the $B\to K_{1}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ Decay
14 pages, 8 figures, Published version that appears in EPJC
The sensitivity of the zero position of the forward backward asymmetry $\mathcal{A}_{FB}$ for the exclusive $B\rightarrow K_{1}(1270)\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ decay is examined by using most general non-standard 4-fermion interactions. Our analysis shows that the zero position of the forward backward asymmetry is very sensitive to the sign and size of the Wilson coefficients corresponding to the new vector type interactions, which are the counter partners of the usual Standard Model operators but have opposite chirality. In addition to these, the other significant effect comes from the interference of Scalar-Pseudoscalar and Tensor type operators. These results will not only enhance our theoretical understanding about the axial vector mesons but will also serve as a good tool to look for physics beyond the SM.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Feb 2010 09:33:54 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Jan 2011 12:38:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Ahmed', 'Ishtiaq', ''], dtype=object) array(['Paracha', 'M. Ali', ''], dtype=object) array(['Aslam', 'M. Jamil', ''], dtype=object)]
Andre Van Hoorn
Andreas Brunnert, Andre van Hoorn, Felix Willnecker, Alexandru Danciu, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Christoph Heger, Nikolas Herbst, Pooyan Jamshidi, Reiner Jung, Joakim von Kistowski, Anne Koziolek, Johannes Kro{\ss}, Simon Spinner, Christian V\"ogele, J\"urgen Walter, Alexander Wert
Performance-oriented DevOps: A Research Agenda
cs.SE cs.PF
DevOps is a trend towards a tighter integration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams. The need for such an integration is driven by the requirement to continuously adapt enterprise applications (EAs) to changes in the business environment. As of today, DevOps concepts have been primarily introduced to ensure a constant flow of features and bug fixes into new releases from a functional perspective. In order to integrate a non-functional perspective into these DevOps concepts this report focuses on tools, activities, and processes to ensure one of the most important quality attributes of a software system, namely performance. Performance describes system properties concerning its timeliness and use of resources. Common metrics are response time, throughput, and resource utilization. Performance goals for EAs are typically defined by setting upper and/or lower bounds for these metrics and specific business transactions. In order to ensure that such performance goals can be met, several activities are required during development and operation of these systems as well as during the transition from Dev to Ops. Activities during development are typically summarized by the term Software Performance Engineering (SPE), whereas activities during operations are called Application Performance Management (APM). SPE and APM were historically tackled independently from each other, but the newly emerging DevOps concepts require and enable a tighter integration between both activity streams. This report presents existing solutions to support this integration as well as open research challenges in this area.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:39:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Brunnert', 'Andreas', ''], dtype=object) array(['van Hoorn', 'Andre', ''], dtype=object) array(['Willnecker', 'Felix', ''], dtype=object) array(['Danciu', 'Alexandru', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hasselbring', 'Wilhelm', ''], dtype=object) array(['Heger', 'Christoph', ''], dtype=object) array(['Herbst', 'Nikolas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jamshidi', 'Pooyan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jung', 'Reiner', ''], dtype=object) array(['von Kistowski', 'Joakim', ''], dtype=object) array(['Koziolek', 'Anne', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kroß', 'Johannes', ''], dtype=object) array(['Spinner', 'Simon', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vögele', 'Christian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Walter', 'Jürgen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wert', 'Alexander', ''], dtype=object)]
Mohsen Shadmehri
Asiyeh Yaghoobi, Mohsen Shadmehri
Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Radiative Flows
10 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS
We present a linear analysis of the radiative Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability in the presence of magnetic field for both optically thin and thick regimes. When the flow is optically thin, magnetic field not only stabilizes perturbations with short wavelengths, but also growth rate of the instability at long wavelengths is reduced compared to a nonmagnetized case. Then, we extend our analysis to the optically thick flows with a conserved total specific entropy and properties of the unstable perturbations are investigated in detail. Growth rate of the instability at short wavelengths is suppressed due to the presence of the magnetic field, however, growth rate is nearly constant at long wavelengths because of the radiation field. Since the radiative bubbles around massive protostars are subject to the RT instability, we also explore implications of our results in this context. In the nonmagnetized case, the growth time-scale of the instability for a typical bubble is found less than one thousand years which is very short compared to the typical star formation time-scale. Magnetic field with a reasonable strength significantly increases the growth time-scale to more than hundreds of thousands years. The instability, furthermore, is more efficient at large wavelengths, whereas in the non-magnetized case, growth rate at short wavelengths is more significant.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Mar 2018 18:30:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Yaghoobi', 'Asiyeh', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shadmehri', 'Mohsen', ''], dtype=object)]
Mohamed Aslan A.
Mohamed Aslan and Ashraf Matrawy
Could Network View Inconsistency Affect Virtualized Network Security Functions?
cs.NI cs.CR
With SDN increasingly becoming an enabling technology for NFV in the cloud, many virtualized network functions need to monitor the network state in order to function properly. An outdated network view at the controllers can impact the performance of those virtualized network functions. In earlier work, we identified two main factors contributing to an outdated network view in the case of a load-balancer: network state collection and controllers' state distribution. In this paper, we anticipate that the impact might be different in case of security functions. Therefore, we study the impact of an outdated network view on an anomaly-based IDS application. In particular, we investigate: (1) the impact of controllers' state distribution on the performance of a distributed IDS in the case of a DDoS attack; and (2) the impact of network state collection on the performance of an IDS in the case of a TCP SYN flood attack. Our results showed that the outdated network view had negative impact on the IDS anomaly-detection performance in the experiments that we conducted.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 18 Jul 2017 09:58:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Aslan', 'Mohamed', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matrawy', 'Ashraf', ''], dtype=object)]
Frank Peters
E. A. J. F. Peters
Projection-operator formalism and coarse-graining
Content significantly updated compared to first version
A careful derivation of the generalized Langevin equation using "Zwanzig flavor" projection operator formalism is presented. We provide arguments why this formalism has better properties compared to alternative projection-operator formalisms for deriving non-equilibrium, non-thermodynamic-limit, equations. The two main ingredients in the derivation are Liouville's theorem and optimal prediction theory. As a result we find that equations for non-equilibrium thermodynamics are dictated by the formalism once the choice of coarse-grained variables is made. This includes a microcanonical entropy definition dependent on the coarse-grained variables. Based on this framework we provide a methodology for succesive coarse-graining. As two special cases, the case of linear coefficients and coarse-graining in the thermodynamic limit are treated in detail. In the linear limit the formulas found are equivalent with those of homogenization theory. In this framework there are no restrictions with respect to the thermodynamic-limit or nearness to equilibrium. We believe the presented approach is very suitable for the development of computational methods by means of coarse-graining from a more detailed level of description.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Oct 2008 12:18:42 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 2 Dec 2008 14:04:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Peters', 'E. A. J. F.', ''], dtype=object)]
Christoph Simon
Stephen Wein, Khabat Heshami, Christopher A. Fuchs, Hari Krovi, Zachary Dutton, Wolfgang Tittel, Christoph Simon
Efficiency of an enhanced linear optical Bell-state measurement scheme with realistic imperfections
14 pages, 5 figures, version accepted by PRA
Phys. Rev. A 94, 032332 (2016)
We compare the standard 50%-efficient single beam splitter method for Bell-state measurement to a proposed 75%-efficient auxiliary-photon-enhanced scheme [W. P. Grice, Phys. Rev. A 84, 042331 (2011)] in light of realistic conditions. The two schemes are compared with consideration for high input state photon loss, auxiliary state photon loss, detector inefficiency and coupling loss, detector dark counts, and non-number-resolving detectors. We also analyze the two schemes when multiplexed arrays of non-number-resolving detectors are used. Furthermore, we explore the possibility of utilizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion as the auxiliary photon pair source required by the enhanced scheme. In these different cases, we determine the bounds on the detector parameters at which the enhanced scheme becomes superior to the standard scheme and describe the impact of the different imperfections on measurement success rate and discrimination fidelity. This is done using a combination of numeric and analytic techniques. For many of the cases discussed, the size of the Hilbert space and the number of measurement outcomes can be very large, which makes direct numerical solutions computationally costly. To alleviate this problem, all of our numerical computations are performed using pure states. This requires tracking the loss modes until measurement and treating dark counts as variations on measurement outcomes rather than modifications to the state itself. In addition, we provide approximate analytic expressions that illustrate the effect of different imperfections on the Bell-state analyzer quality.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 31 Aug 2015 22:25:42 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 22 Sep 2016 19:31:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Wein', 'Stephen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Heshami', 'Khabat', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fuchs', 'Christopher A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Krovi', 'Hari', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dutton', 'Zachary', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tittel', 'Wolfgang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Simon', 'Christoph', ''], dtype=object)]
Edmond L. Berger (Argonne), Xiaofeng Guo, and Jianwei Qiu (Iowa State)
Isolated Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Final States of $e^+e^-$ Annihilation
54 pages RevTeX plus 19 postscript figures submitted together in one compressed file
Phys.Rev. D54 (1996) 5470-5495
We provide complete analytic expressions for the isolated prompt photon production cross section in $e^+e^-$ annihilation reactions through one-loop order in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) perturbation theory. Functional dependences on the isolation cone size $\delta$ and isolation energy parameter $\epsilon$ are derived. The energy dependence as well as the full angular dependence of the cross section on $\theta_\gamma$ are displayed, where $\theta_\gamma$ specifies the direction of the photon with respect to the $e^+e^-$ collision axis. We point out that conventional perturbative QCD factorization breaks down for isolated photon production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation reactions in a specific region of phase space. We discuss the implications of this breakdown for the extraction of fragmentation functions from $e^+e^-$ annihilation data and for computations of prompt photon production in hadron-hadron reactions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 15 May 1996 22:31:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Berger', 'Edmond L.', '', 'Argonne'], dtype=object) array(['Guo', 'Xiaofeng', '', 'Iowa State'], dtype=object) array(['Qiu', 'Jianwei', '', 'Iowa State'], dtype=object)]
Xueran Wu
Xueran Wu, Hendrik Elbern and Birgit Jacob
Efficiency and Sensitivity Analysis of Observation Networks for Atmospheric Inverse Modelling with Emissions
30 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables
null math.DS
The controllability of advection-diffusion systems, subject to uncertain initial values and emission rates, is estimated, given sparse and error affected observations of prognostic state variables. In predictive geophysical model systems, like atmospheric chemistry simulations, different parameter families influence the temporal evolution of the system.This renders initial-value-only optimisation by traditional data assimilation methods as insufficient. In this paper, a quantitative assessment method on validation of measurement configurations to optimize initial values and emission rates, and how to balance them, is introduced. In this theoretical approach, Kalman filter and smoother and their ensemble based versions are combined with a singular value decomposition, to evaluate the potential improvement associated with specific observational network configurations. Further, with the same singular vector analysis for the efficiency of observations, their sensitivity to model control can be identified by determining the direction and strength of maximum perturbation in a finite-time interval.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 23 Mar 2015 10:20:20 GMT'}]
[array(['Wu', 'Xueran', ''], dtype=object) array(['Elbern', 'Hendrik', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jacob', 'Birgit', ''], dtype=object)]
Fedor Simkovic
Fedor Simkovic, Amand Faessler
Distinguishing the neutrinoless double beta decay mechanisms
9 pages, 2 figures, Talk at the School `Neutrinos in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics', Erice, September 18-26, 2001,to appear in Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 48 (2002)
Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 48 (2002) 201-209
Many new neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb) experiments are planned or in preparation. If the 0nbb-decay will be detected, the key issue will be what is the dominant mechanism of this process. By measuring only transitions to the ground state one can not distinguish among many of the 0nbb-decay mechanisms (the light and heavy Majorana neutrino exchange mechanisms, the trilinear R-parity breaking mechanisms etc.). We show that if the ratio of the 0nbb-decay half-lifes for transitions to the 0^+ first excited and ground states is determined both theoretically and experimentally, it might be possible to determine, which 0nbb-decay mechanisms is dominant. For that purpose the corresponding nuclear matrix elements have to be evaluated with high reliability. The present work is giving strong motivations for experimental studies of the 0nbb-decay transitions to the first excited 0^+ states of the final nuclei.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:18:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Simkovic', 'Fedor', ''], dtype=object) array(['Faessler', 'Amand', ''], dtype=object)]
No\'emie Jaquier
No\'emie Jaquier, Leonel Rozo, Sylvain Calinon, Mathias B\"urger
Bayesian Optimization Meets Riemannian Manifolds in Robot Learning
Accepted in CoRL'19, 14 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, 7 appendices
cs.RO cs.LG
Bayesian optimization (BO) recently became popular in robotics to optimize control parameters and parametric policies in direct reinforcement learning due to its data efficiency and gradient-free approach. However, its performance may be seriously compromised when the parameter space is high-dimensional. A way to tackle this problem is to introduce domain knowledge into the BO framework. We propose to exploit the geometry of non-Euclidean parameter spaces, which often arise in robotics (e.g. orientation, stiffness matrix). Our approach, built on Riemannian manifold theory, allows BO to properly measure similarities in the parameter space through geometry-aware kernel functions and to optimize the acquisition function on the manifold as an unconstrained problem. We test our approach in several benchmark artificial landscapes and using a 7-DOF simulated robot to learn orientation and impedance parameters for manipulation skills.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 11 Oct 2019 07:13:45 GMT'}]
[array(['Jaquier', 'Noémie', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rozo', 'Leonel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Calinon', 'Sylvain', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bürger', 'Mathias', ''], dtype=object)]
Daniel M. Dantchev
Galin Valchev and Daniel Dantchev
Sign change in the net force in sphere-plate and sphere-sphere systems immersed in nonpolar critical fluid due to the interplay between the critical Casimir and dispersion van der Waals forces
22 pages, 7 figures, some misprints are corrected. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.03272
Phys. Rev. E 96, 022107 (2017)
We study systems in which both long-ranged van der Waals and critical Casimir interactions are present. We study the interplay between these forces, as well as the {\it total} force (TF) between a spherical colloid particle and a thick planar slab, and between two spherical colloid particles. We do that using general scaling arguments and mean-field type calculations utilizing the Derjaguin and the surface integration approaches. They both are based on data of the forces between two parallel slabs separated at a distance $L$ from each other, confining the fluctuating fluid medium characterized by its temperature $T$ and chemical potential $\mu$. The surfaces of the colloid particles and the slab are coated by thin layers exerting strong preference to the liquid phase of the fluid, or one of the components of the mixture, modeled by strong adsorbing local surface potentials, ensuring the so-called $(+,+)$ boundary conditions. On the other hand, the core region of the slab and the particles, influence the fluid by long-ranged competing dispersion potentials. We demonstrate that for a suitable set of colloids-fluid, slab-fluid, and fluid-fluid coupling parameters the competition between the effects due to the coatings and the core regions of the objects involved result, when one changes $T$, $\mu$ or $L$, in {\it sign change} of the Casimir force (CF) {\it and} the TF acting between the colloid and the slab, as well as between the colloids. This can be used for governing the behavior of objects, say colloidal particles, at small distances, say in colloid suspensions for preventing flocculation. It can also provide a strategy for solving problems with handling, feeding, trapping and fixing of microparts in nanotechnology. Data for specific substances in support of the experimental feasibility of the theoretically predicted behavior of the CF and TF have been also presented.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:22:07 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 17 Feb 2017 09:41:14 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 9 Aug 2017 18:13:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Valchev', 'Galin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dantchev', 'Daniel', ''], dtype=object)]
Maxim Azarkin
Maxim Azarkin, Martin Kirakosyan
Performance of Monte Carlo event generators of pp collisions at NICA energies
32 pages, 12 figures
This paper presents an overview of Monte Carlo(MC) event generators for simulation of proton-proton collisions along with the results on hadron production at Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) energies. Namely, mean multiplicities, mean transverse momenta, and rapidity distributions of p($\bar{\rm p}$), $\pi^{\pm}$, $\mathrm{K}^{\pm}$ at different collision energies are presented. We also study two-particle angular correlations for stable charged particles. Results of simulations with \pythia, \epos, and \urqmd event generators are compared to available data. Connections of studied quantities with physics mechanisms in MC generators are discussed. We suggest a tuned set of parameters to address observed discrepancies between data and \pythia.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 12 Mar 2021 11:58:46 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 13 Jul 2021 15:18:02 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Sep 2021 19:22:46 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Wed, 21 Sep 2022 08:42:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Azarkin', 'Maxim', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kirakosyan', 'Martin', ''], dtype=object)]
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