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56686 | combined/56686.jpg | click on the check box which is to the right side of video uploads option | {"xmin": 0.8833333253860474, "ymin": 0.6656249761581421, "xmax": 0.9611111283302307, "ymax": 0.7093750238418579} |
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70203 | combined/70203.jpg | select the text below departure airport | {"xmin": 0.029629629105329514, "ymin": 0.20781250298023224, "xmax": 0.8296296000480652, "ymax": 0.24062499403953552} |
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20676 | combined/20676.jpg | click on arrow symabol which is top left side | {"xmin": 0.05925925821065903, "ymin": 0.05520833283662796, "xmax": 0.11666666716337204, "ymax": 0.08749999850988388} |
20676 | combined/20676.jpg | click on the downward arrow which is beside when was your last period | {"xmin": 0.6499999761581421, "ymin": 0.328125, "xmax": 0.9611111283302307, "ymax": 0.38229167461395264} |
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51149 | combined/51149.jpg | select the last image in the first row | {"xmin": 0.6722221970558167, "ymin": 0.1927083283662796, "xmax": 0.9685184955596924, "ymax": 0.3708333373069763} |
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32715 | combined/32715.jpg | option right to friends | {"xmin": 0.3333333432674408, "ymin": 0.109375, "xmax": 0.6666666865348816, "ymax": 0.1640625} |
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373 | combined/373.jpg | go to icon beside recent flight searches | {"xmin": 0.03888889029622078, "ymin": 0.19583334028720856, "xmax": 0.11666666716337204, "ymax": 0.2395833283662796} |
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56166 | combined/56166.jpg | click on the palmistry icon | {"xmin": 0.0694444477558136, "ymin": 0.27291667461395264, "xmax": 0.2638888955116272, "ymax": 0.38229167461395264} |
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56166 | combined/56166.jpg | select the star image option above the text horoscope | {"xmin": 0.7361111044883728, "ymin": 0.27291667461395264, "xmax": 0.9305555820465088, "ymax": 0.38229167461395264} |
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70973 | combined/70973.jpg | select the 1st check box above the share this app button on the web page | {"xmin": 0.8833333253860474, "ymin": 0.8041666746139526, "xmax": 0.9759259223937988, "ymax": 0.8697916865348816} |
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36825 | combined/36825.jpg | click on the extra option | {"xmin": 0.049074072390794754, "ymin": 0.39010417461395264, "xmax": 0.699999988079071, "ymax": 0.41614583134651184} |
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Subsets and Splits