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P-05(M)-443-12/2020 | PERAYU Ja'afar Bin Halid RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Rayuan Jenayah - Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman Mahkamah Tinggi - 3 pertuduhan membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan 5 pertuduhan cubaan membunuh di bawah seksyen 307 Kanun yang sama - Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan: (1) Bagi setiap pertuduhan di bawah seksven 302 Kanun Keseksaan, perayu dijatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati; (2) Bagi setiap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaan, perayu dikenakan bukuman penjara 15 tahun dari tarikh tangkap dan hukuman berjalan serentak - Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan: (1) Perayu telah berjaya membuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa beliau mengalami sakit otak (legal insanity) pada masa kejadian sebagaimana diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan di mana ia tidak terjumlah kepada satu kesalahan jenayah; (2) Menggunapakai peruntukan di bawah seksyen 347 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, Mahkamah Rayuan membebas dan melepaskan perayu kerana beliau melakukan kesalahan semasa hilang akal dan tidak mengetahui perbuatan beliau adalah salah atau menyalahi undang-undang (legal insanity); (3) Menggunapakai peruntukan di bawah seksyen 348 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, perayu dihantar ke Hospital Mental di Perak atau di Johor mengikut kesesuaian dan Mahkamah akan menyediakan laporan kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong bagi perkenan Tuanku di bawah seksyen 348(2) Kanun Prosedur Jenayah; (4) Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman dibenarkan; (5) Keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi atas sabitan dan hukuman diketepikan. | 09/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.P-05 (M)-443-12/2020,
P-05(SH)-451-12/2020 DAN P-05 (SH)-452-12/2020
[Dalam Perkara Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang
Perbicaraan Jenayah No.45B-12-09/2017,
45B-13-09/2017 dan 45B-14-09/2017
Pendakwa Raya
Jaafar bin Halid]
09/01/2024 09:13:54
P-05(M)-443-12/2020 Kand. 81
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Perayu dalam ketiga-tiga rayuan ini adalah Jaafar bin Halid. Pada
1.12.2016, jam lebih kurang 7.15 petang hingga 7.30 malam, bertempat
di jalan susur masuk ke Jambatan Pertama Pulau Pinang, Lebuh Raya
Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu, Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, dengan
menggunakan sepucuk senjata api jenis Glock 19 Gen 4 No. Siri ABFR
017, perayu telah menembak 8 orang mangsa. Daripada 8 mangsa itu,
tiga telah terbunuh dan 5 lagi mengalami kecederaan.
[2] Lapan pertuduhan dikenakan terhadap perayu iaitu 3 pertuduhan
membunuh di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan 5 pertuduhan
cubaan membunuh di bawah seksyen 307 Kanun yang sama.
Rayuan No.443
[3] Selepas satu perbicaaran penuh, pada 16.12.2020, Hakim
Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang telah mensabitkan perayu bersalah bagi
tiga kesalahan membunuh tiga mangsa berikut:
(i) Ong Teik Kwong (OTK) dengan cara menembak di bahagian
belakang kepala. Pada hari kejadian berlaku, perayu adalah
pengawal peribadi (bodyguard) OTK. OTK berada ditempat
duduk pemandu kereta BMW No. PMF 11 semasa beliau
ditembak oleh perayu. Perayu pula berada di tempat duduk
belakang kereta.
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(ii) Choi Hon Ming (CHM) dengan cara menembak di bahagian
dada dan peha kanan. CHM berada di dalam kereta melalui
jalan yang sama bila beliau ditembak;
(iii) Senthil Murugiah (SM) dengan cara menembak di bahagian
dada kiri. SM menunggang motosikal melalui jalan yang
sama bila beliau ditembak.
[4] Bagi setiap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan,
perayu dijatuhkan hukuman gantung sampai mati.
Rayuan No. 451 Dan 452
[5] Pada 16.12.2020, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang juga
mensabitkan perayu bersalah atas lima kesalahan cuba membunuh lima
mangsa berikut:
(i) Arivarni a/p Krishnan dengan cara menembak di kepala.
Pada masa kejadian, mangsa sedang memandu kereta
melalui jalan yang sama.
(ii) Nurul Huda binti Ab Aziz dengan cara menembak di bahu.
Pada masa kejadian, mangsa sedang memandu kereta
bersama 4 orang anaknya, melalui jalan yang sama.
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(iii) Lee Hong Boon dengan cara menembak di dada kiri. Mangsa
sedang menunggang motosikal semasa beliau ditembak.
(iv) Mohamad Amirul Amin bin Mohamed Amer dengan cara
menembak di dada sebelah kiri. Mangsa telah
memberhentikan motosikal untuk melihat dan membantu
mangsa yang cedera apabila beliau ditembak oleh perayu.
(v) Puoh Bee Joo dengan cara menembak di bahu. Mangsa
sedang memandu kereta semasa beliau ditembak.
[6] Bagi setiap pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaan,
perayu telah dikenakan hukuman penjara 15 tahun dari tarikh tangkap
dan hukuman berjalan serentak.
[7] Perayu merayu terhadap sabitan dan hukuman bagi kesemua lapan
[8] Di peringkat kes pendakwaan, perbuatan menembak 8 orang
mangsa (actus reus) diakui oleh perayu. Perayu menafikan beliau ada
niat (mens rea) untuk membunuh atau cuba membunuh. Pembelaan
perayu ialah beliau mengalami sakit otak (legal insanity) dan tidak sedar
apa yang berlaku pada masa kejadian.
Kes Pendakwaan
[9] Pada 1.12.2016 jam lebih kurang 7.26 petang, semasa Kpl Faizal
bin Hamdan sedang bertugas di Bilik Kawalan IPK Pulau Pinang, beliau
telah menerima panggilan telefon daripada satu lelaki Melayu bernama
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Azizan memaklumkan mengenai kejadian tembakan di susur jalan
sebelum naik ke Jambatan Pertama Pulau Pinang, Lebuhraya Tun Dr.
Lim Chong Eu dan telah memaklumkan kejadian itu kepada pihak DCC
Timur Laut sepertimana dalam laporan polis Jelutong 7799/16.
[10] Seorang anggota polis peronda, Kpl Azlan Shah (SP30) yang telah
menerima maklumat tersebut terus menghala ke tempat kejadian.
[11] Sampai di tempat kejadian, SP30 melihat berlaku kemalangan
yang melibatkan beberapa buah kenderaan. SP30 nampak satu lelaki di
sebelah kiri bahu jalan dalam keadaan berlumuran darah dan ketakutan
sambil memerhatikan kereta BMW dengan nombor pendaftaran PMF 11
(kereta BMW).
[12] Kemudian, SP30 melihat perayu datang dari pintu hadapan sebelah
kiri kereta BMW. Pada ketika itu, perayu dilihat sedang menyelitkan pistol
di bahagian belakang pinggangnya sebelah kanan. SP30 juga melihat
seorang lelaki yang dalam keadaan berlumuran darah di kepala sedang
berada di bahagian tempat duduk pemandu kereta BMW tersebut.
[13] SP30 telah menghampiri perayu. Pada ketika itu, perayu sedang
memegang bahagian pinggangnya seolah-olah ingin mengambil pistol.
SP30 telah memberi amaran dan mengarahkan perayu meletakkan pistol
dan merebahkan badan, namun perayu enggan memberikan kerjasama.
Selepas itu, perayu dilihat telah mencekah pistol, mengeluarkan kelopak
peluru dan meletakkan pistol itu di atas tanah. SP30 seterusnya
mengarahkan perayu merebahkan badan, tetapi perayu enggan
memberikan kerjasama. SP30 kemudiannya menerpa ke arah perayu
dan dengan bantuan anggota lain, perayu berjaya ditangkap oleh SP30.
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
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[14] Pegawai penyiasat kes, ASP Azmirul bin Abdul Aziz (SP38)
mengesahkan bahawa perayu membawa bersamanya 2 magazine.
Setiap satu magazine mengandungi 10 butir peluru. Ini bermakna perayu
membawa 20 butir peluru. Hasil siasatan beliau, SP38 mendapati
sejumlah 17 butir peluru telah dilepaskan oleh perayu. Tetapi, hanya 11
kelongsong peluru dijumpai di tempat kejadian.
[15] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Hakim Bicara mendapati pendakwaan
telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie bagi kesemua 8
pertuduhan. Hakim Bicara berpuashati bahawa perayu mempunyai niat
untuk membunuh dan percubaan untuk membunuh atas dua alasan.
Alasan pertama ialah perayu menggunakan senjata api (Tham Kai Yau &
Ors v Public Prosecutor [1976] 1 LNS 159; Sainal Abidin bin Mading v PP
[1999] 4 CL J 215). Alasan kedua ialah perayu menembak ketiga-tiga
simati di bahagian penting badan iaitu di kepala dan dada. Tembakan di
kepala menembusi otak. Tembakan di dada menembusi jantung. Dalam
kedua-dua situasi, keterangan pakar perubatan (SP3) ialah mustahil
untuk mangsa boleh hidup. Mengambilkira semua perkara ini, Hakim
Bicara memutuskan perayu mempunyai niat untuk mendatangkan
kecederaan yang pada lazimnya boleh membawa kepada kematian
[16] Bagi kesalahan percubaan membunuh 5 mangsa, Hakim Bicara
mendapati perayu telah menembak mangsa-mangsa di bahagian kepala,
dada dan bahu. Kecederaan kesemua mangsa adalah parah yang
memerlukan pembedahan dan rawatan segera. Jika tidak, mereka juga
akan menerima nasib yang sama seperti 3 mangsa yang meninggal
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[17] Dengan terbuktinya kes prima facie, perayu dipanggil membela diri
bagi kesemua 8 pertuduhan.
Kes Pembelaan
[18] Perayu mengambil dadah ganja sejak berumur 18 tahun. Pada
umur 24 - 25 tahun, beliau mengambil dadah heroin. Pada usia awal 30
an, beliau mengambil dadah jenis syabu (methamphetamine). Semasa
memberi keterangan di mahkamah pada tahun 2019, perayu berumur 40
tahun. Ketagihan perayu kepada dadah jenis heroin adalah teruk
sehingga beliau terpaksa menjalani rawatan pengambilan ubat
[19] Perayu diambil bekerja oleh Syarikat GMP Gaisa sebagai pengawal
peribadi. Pada 30.11.2016, perayu telah ditugaskan untuk menjadi
pengawal peribadi kepada Ong Teik Kwong yang dikenali oleh perayu
sebagai Dato’ M. Perayu turut dibekalkan oleh majikannya dengan
sepucuk pistol jenis Glock dan 20 butir peluru.
[20] Sebelum kejadian tembakan berlaku, pada 1.12.2016, jam lebih
kurang 7.00 pagi, OTK bersama rakan perniagaannya, Lim Boon Leng
(SP37) dan perayu bertolak dari rumah OTK menuju ke Pulau Pinang
dalam kereta BMW. Kereta BMW dipandu oleh OTK. SP37 duduk di
tempat duduk penumpang hadapan. Perayu duduk di tempat duduk
belakang OTK. Pada masa berkenaan, OTK dan SP37 ada pengetahuan
bahawa perayu membawa senjata api bersama beliau.
[21] Di Pulau Pinang, semasa OTK, SP37 dan perayu berada di Kafe
Arabica, perayu melihat perbincangan antara OTK dengan kawannya
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agak tegang. Disebabkan itu, perayu telah mengeluarkan pistol dan
meletakkan di atas pehanya. Perbuatan perayu ditegur oleh OTK yang
menyuruh perayu menyimpan semula pistolnya. Perayu menurut arahan
[22] Semasa kereta BMW berada di atas lebuhraya menuju ke
Jambatan Pertama Pulau Pinang, perayu merasa suhu badannya panas,
jantung berdebar-debar dan mendengar suara bisikan di kiri kanan telinga
dan ada kelibat hitam di sebelahnya.
[23] Perayu cuba menenangkan fikirannya dengan membaca ayat kursi,
tetapi bacaannya tidak lancar. Kemudian, perayu tidak ingat apa yang
berlaku selepas itu. Beliau hanya tersedar apabila mendengar arahan
SP30 supaya meletakkan pistol. Perayu menurut arahan polis dan
meletakkan senjata.
[24] Perayu tidak ingat sama sekali yang beliau telah menembak 8 orang
[25] Pada 21.6.2015, perayu didapati pengsan di masjid dan dibawa ke
unit kecemasan Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) untuk rawatan dan
pemeriksaan. Tetapi, perayu bertindak destruktif dan agresif selepas
sedar. Ujian saringan urin menunjukkan perayu mengambil dadah
methamphetamine/amphetamine dan benzodhiaziphine. Beliau
dimasukkan ke wad psikiatri HKL dari 22.6.2015 hingga 26.6.2016 untuk
[26] Pada tahun 2016, Dr. Mohammad Firdaus bin Abdul Aziz (SD2)
adalah Pakar Psikiatri di HKL. SD2 adalah doktor yang merawat perayu
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di wad psikiatri HKL dan menyediakan laporan perubatan D147. Mengikut
D147, perayu menerima 5 rawatan susulan dan kali terakhir SD2
merawat perayu ialah pada 25.2.2016.
[27] Semasa ditemubual oleh SD2, perayu mengaku beliau kerap
mengambil dadah jenis methamphetamine dan enphitamine. Perayu juga
mengaku beliau ada mengambil dadah jenis heroin dan telah pun
mendapatkan rawatan methadone di klinik kesihatan terdekat.
[28] SD2 memberi penjelasan, untuk mereka yang mengambil dadah
jenis ETS emphathamine stimulant, antara symptom psikosis yang paling
kerap adalah berhalusinasi iaitu mendengar suara atau melihat sesuatu
yang tidak ada dan juga delusion. Delusion bermaksud percaya
seseorang itu mahu mendatangkan kemudaratan, mahu mencederakan
dia, berburuk sangka dengan orang. Sedangkan benda itu tidak betul.
[29] Diagnosa SD2 dalam laporan D147 ialah perayu mengalami
psikosis akibat penyalahgunaan dadah methamphetamine dan dadah
heroin iaitu “Brief Psychotic Disorder secondary to Methamphetamine,
Polysubstance (Methamphetamine/Amphetamine, Opiod) Use Disorder
on Methadone Maintenance therapy”.
[30] Menurut SD2, perayu berpotensi tinggi untuk mengalami psikosis
semula kerana beliau kerap mengambil dadah methamphetamine dan
jika perayu mengalami psikosis, ia boleh menjadi teruk dan berpanjangan.
Seterusnya, SD2 juga menyatakan, oleh kerana perayu tidak lagi
mendapatkan rawatan di HKL, maka jika berlaku psikosis mungkin tiada
ubat untuk merawat beliau.
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
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[31] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Hakim Bicara mendapati pembelaan
perayu gagal menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah kepada kes
pendakwaan atas alasan-alasan berikut:
(i) Perayu adalah seorang yang waras, tidak mengalami
masaalah mental dan tidak mengalami sebarang gejala
psikosis berasaskan laporan perubatan daripada Dr. Suaran
Singh a/l Jasmit Singh iaitu Pakar Perunding Psikiatri,
Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta yang memeriksa perayu pada
(ii) Kali terakhir SD2 memeriksa perayu ialah pada 25.2.2016.
Kejadian kes ini berlaku 10 bulan kemudian iaitu pada
1.12.2016. Oleh itu, keterangan SD2 dan pendapat beliau
dalam laporan D147 bahawa perayu mengalami
psikosis akibat pengambilan dadah jenis methamphetamine
dan heroin adalah terhad setakat 25.2.2016 dan tidak boleh
menjadi bukti konklusif yang boleh diterima oleh mahkamah
sebagai asas kepada legal insanity.
(iii) Berasaskan laporan perubatan D146 yang disediakan oleh
Dr. Suaran Singh, perayu tidak mengalami gejala psikosis
dan hanya mempunyai masalah kebergantungan
kepada dadah. Oleh itu, perayu bukan seorang yang
“medically insane” sewaktu diperiksa oleh Dr. Suaran Singh.
(iv) Tembakan perayu kepada semua mangsa adalah “focus
attack” dan bukannya secara rambang seperti perbuatan
orang yang hilang akal atau tidak waras.
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
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(v) Perayu gagal membuktikan semasa beliau menembak
kesemua mangsa, beliau tidak waras atau hilang akal.
Perayu juga gagal membuktikan bahawa beliau tidak
tahu perbuatannya menembak mangsa adalah salah atau
menyalahi undang-undang. Oleh itu, legal insanity juga gagal
(vi) Pembelaan kemabukan dadah tidak pernah dibangkitkan
semasa kes pendakwaan. Pembelaan ini hanya dihujahkan
di akhir kes pembelaan. Maka, kemabukan dadah
adalah pembelaan yang difikirkan kemudian dan bukanlah
suatu pembelaan yang baik.
Alasan-Alasan Rayuan
[32] Perayu membangkitkan 4 isu berikut:
(i) Sama ada Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf dari segi fakta dan
undang-undang apabila memutuskan pembelaan kemabukan
dadah tidak pernah ditimbulkan semasa kes pendakwaan.
(ii) Sama ada Hakim Bicara telah terkhilaf dari segi fakta dan
undang-undang apabila memutuskan methadone
mengurangkan pengambilan dadah methamphetamine oleh
perayu dan memulihkan psikosis perayu.
(iii) Sama ada Hakim Bicara betul dalam menilai keterangan
mengenai pembelaan “medical insanity” dan “legal insanity”.
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
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(iv) Sama ada Hakim Bicara betul dalam memutuskan tembakan
adalah “focus attack” dan bukan secara rambang.
Isu Kemabukan Dadah
[33] Di para [98] alasan penghakiman beliau (Rekod Rayuan Jilid 1, ms
103), Hakim Bicara memutuskan kemabukan dadah tidak pernah
dibangkitkan semasa kes pendakwaan.
[34] Di hadapan kami, peguam perayu menghujahkan bahawa
pembelaan kemabukan dadah ada dibangkitkansemasa kes
pendakwaan. Peguam merujukkan kami kepada keterangan saksi-saksi
pendakwaan iaitu SP3, SP29 dan SP38 semasa di soal balas.
[35] Kami mulakan dengan keterangan ahli kimia SP29. SP29 telah
menjalankan ujian darah ke atas kesemua manga tembakan termasuk
perayu. Saksi ini juga telah menyediakan satu laporan berasingan bagi
setiap individu. Eksibit P12 adalah laporan ujian darah perayu. Ketika
disoalbalas, SP29 setuju dalam P129, beliau menyatakan darah perayu
mengandungi methadone. Menurut SP29, methadone adalah sejenis
bahan yang digunakan dalam rawatan terapi untuk ketagihan heroin.
Oleh itu, SP29 bersetuju ada kemungkinan perayu adalah penagih dadah.
[36] Dato’ Dr. Zahari bin Noor (SP3) adalah seorang pakar perubatan.
SP3 telah disoalbalas mengenai kesan kehadiran methadone dalam
darah. Saksi ini setuju bahawa methadone adalah rawatan untuk heroin
sahaja. Manakala bagi dadah methamphetamine, tiada rawatan seperti
methadone. Saksi ini juga setuju ujian darah boleh mengesahkan sama
ada seseorang itu di bawah rawatan methadone atau pun tidak.
S/N 4rgCBtOnRUCBLXjyzG8Nww
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[37] Pegawai penyiasat kes, ASP Azmirul bin Abdul Aziz (SP38) telah
disoalbalas mengenai ketidaksempurnaan akal perayu dengan merujuk
kepada laporan perubatan D146, D147, D149, D150 dan D151A. SP38
telah disoalbalas seperti berikut:
S: Sebagai pegawai penyiasat, setuju dengan saya
berasaskan dokumen D147, nampaknya OKT juga
merupakan seorang pengguna dadah jenis
methamphetamine atau Amphetamine?
J: Setuju
S: Rujuk ayat terakhir, doktor mengesahkan OKT ada
peristiwa silam halusinasi suara dan penglihatan?
J: Benar
S: M/S 2 bahagian bawah, setuju rawatan adalah Stimulant
Induced Psychotic Disorder; Amphetamine type stimulant?
J: Ada
S: Setuju daripada dokumentasi hospital, walaupun kamu ada
pengetahuan bahawa OKT ada masalah mental khususnya
halusinasi, tetapi kamu tidak membuat apa-apa siasatan
berkenaan masalah mental ini secara teliti?
J: Saya hanya berpandukan laporan s.342 CPC yang dihantar
oleh Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta Perak.
S: Setuju dengan saya, daripada dokumen, kamu boleh
sahkan OKT pernah ada masaalah mental?
J: Setuju
[38] Daripada keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan SP3, SP29 dan
SP38, jelas kepada kami bahawa dari peringkat kes pendakwaan lagi,
perayu telah membangkitkan pembelaan bahawa beliau adalah
pengguna aktif dadah jenis methamphetamine/amphetamine dan dadah
heroin. Akibat daripada pengambilan dadah-dadah ini, beliau mengalami
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psikosis iaitu halusinasi suara dan Lembaga (auditory and visual
hallucination) hingga hilang akal, agresif dan tidak ingat apa yang berlaku.
[39] Apabila Hakim Bicara menyatakan kemabukan dadah tidak pernah
ditimbulkan semasa kes pendakwaan, ia membawa kesimpulan bahawa
Hakim Bicara telah gagal mematuhi seksyen 182A(1) Kanun Prosedur
Jenayah dalam menilai keseluruhan kes pendakwaan. Dengan
menafikan pembelaan kemabukan dadah, Hakim Bicara telah melakukan
salah arah yang serius yang menyebabkan berlakunya salah laksana
keadilan (miscarriage of justice) dalam mensabitkan perayu kerana
keterangan kemabukan dadah telah tidak dipertimbangkan oleh Hakim
[40] Atas fakta dan keadaan kes ini, kami bersetuju dengan hujahan
peguam perayu bahawa dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa pembelaan
kemabukan dadah adalah pembelaan yang difikirkan kemudian adalah
satu dapatan yang salah, yang bertentangan dengan keterangan yang
ada di hadapan mahkamah.
Isu Methadone Memulihkan Psikosis Perayu
[41] Di para [104] Alasan Penghakiman (Rekod Rayuan Jilid 1 ms 108,
Hakim Bicara membuat dapatan fakta berikut:
“... Sebaliknya OKT dalam kes ini tidak mengambil sebarang
dadah pada masa kejadian dan hanya mengambil methadone
yang disahkan oleh SD2 berkesan untuk mengurangkan
pengambilan dadah ice (methamphetamine) kepada OKT
sekaligus memulihkan psikosis yang dialami oleh OKT.”
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[42] Komplen perayu terhadap penemuan fakta Hakim Bicara itu ialah
SD2 tidak pernah memberi keterangan bahawa methadone berkesan
untuk mengurangkan pengambilan dadah ice (methamphetamine) dan
sekali gus memulihkan psikosis yang dialami oleh perayu.
[43] Sebaliknya, pakar perubatan, SP3 menyatakan methadone adalah
ubat gantian untuk dadah heroin dan tiada ubat gantian untuk dadah jenis
[44] Keterangan SD2 ialah jika perayu mengalami psikosis lagi, tidak ada
ubat untuk merawat perayu kerana beliau tidak lagi mendapatkan rawatan
susulan di HKL.
[45] Kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat dari keterangan SP3 dan SD2 ialah
tidak ada ubat untuk merawat atau mengurangkan pengambilan dadah
methamphetamine. Juga tidak ada ubat untuk memulihkan psikosis
perayu. Methadone hanyalah ubat gantian untuk merawat ketagihan
dadah heroin sahaja. Ini bermakna, dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa
methadone berkesan mengurangkan pengambilan dadah
methamphetamine dan memulihkan psikosis perayu tidak disokong oleh
keterangan dan adalah satu dapatan yang salah. Realitinya ialah perayu
belum pulih dari psikosis. Beliau mengalami psikosis pada 1.12.2016.
[46] Kesan dari kekhilafan ini, Hakim Bicara telah menyimpulkan
bahawa perbuatan perayu melepaskan tembakan terhadap kesemua
mangsa adalah dibuat dengan niat. Pada pendapat kami Ini adalah salah
arah yang serius yang telah menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakadilan
kepada perayu.
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Isu Medical Insanity Dan Legal Insanity
[47] Perbezaan di antara legal insanity dan medical insanity telah
dijelaskan oleh pengarang Buku Ratanlal and Dhirajlal’s Law of Crimes
26 th edn di m.s 307 seperti berikut:
“Medical insanity” and “legal insanity” - There is a good deal of
difference between “medical insanity” and “legal insanity” and
courts are concerned only with the legal and not the medical of
the matter. It is not every kind of frantic humour or something
unaccountable in a men’s action, that points him out to be
a mad man, to be excepted from punishment, It is not mere
eccentricity or singularity of manner that would suffice the
plea of insanity. Abnormality of mind is not by itself sufficient to
show that the accused must have acted while of unsound mind.
Such exemption can be claimed only when the insane person is
incapable of knowing the nature of the act or he is doing either
wrong or contrary to law.”
[48] Dalam kes John Nyumbei v PP [2007] 2 CL J 509, Abdul Hamid
Embong, HMR (beliau pada ketika itu) telah membuat dapatan fakta
mengenai pembelaan Insanity seperti berikut:
“10. The law on unsoundness of mind as a complete defence
in our criminal jurisprudence is, as was correctly submitted by
learned counsel for the appellant, contained in s.84 of the Penal
Code. It states:
84. Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at
the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is
incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing
what is either wrong or contrary to law.
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12. Thus, under s.84 Penal Code, criminality has to be
determined according to that legal test and not merely by the
mental state of an accused person according to the medical test.
14. When the defence of insanity is raised, the court thus
needs to consider two matters, namely:
(i) whether the accused person has successfully
established, as a preliminary issue, that at the time
of committing the act he was of unsound mind, and
(ii) if he was of unsound mind, whether he has proven
that his unsoundness of mind was a degree to
satisfy one of the tests earlier mentioned ie, that the
accused was incapable of knowing the nature of his
act as being wrong or against the law. (see Ratanlal
and Dhirajlal’s Law of Crimes, 5th edn, p 289 et
16. The standard of proof upon the accused raising the defence of
insanity is on the balance of probabilities, as in a civil case (Rajagopal v
PP [1976] 1 LNS 122; [1977] 1 ML J 6; Goh Yoke v PP [1969] 1 LNS
48; [1970] 1 ML J 63). So, if the appellant here is able to show, either
from the prosecution or other evidence that he committed the crime but
was at that time insane, he cannot be culpable by virtue of s.84 Penal
[49] Dalam kes ini, perayu mengatakan beliau tidak ingat apa yang
berlaku. Beliau hanya tersedar apabila mendengar arahan supaya
meletakkan senjata.
[50] Tidak ada penjelasan kenapa beliau tidak ingat. Keterangan yang
ada ialah beliau mengalami psikosis, mendengar bisikan suara dan
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nampak lembaga hitam di sebelahnya. SP37 telah memberi keterangan
bahawa beliau mendengar perayu “chanting” 2 - 3 minit sebelum
mendengar bunyi tembakan. Tingkah laku perayu “chanting”
menunjukkan perayu ada legal insanity. Perayu secara tiba-tiba
tanpa sebab bertindak agresif menembak orang-orang yang tidak dikenali
(kecuali OTK) yang melepasi kereta BMW. Masaalah psikosis ini pernah
berlaku semasa perayu dirawat di HKL pada 22.6.2015. Laporan
perubatan HKL berkaitan rawatan pada 22.6.2015 terkandung dalam
eksibit D151A.
[51] Dalam laporan HKL, eksibit D151A, perayu juga didapati mengambil
dadah methamphetamine dan ubat methadone pada masa tersebut.
Tetapi, perayu bertindak agresif dan destruktif. Semasa di wad psikiatri,
kaki dan tangan perayu terpaksa diikat oleh kakitangan HKL. Dalam
D151A, doktor yang membuat pemeriksaan fizikal terhadap perayu pada
22.6.2015 menulis:
“…There was the presence of visual and auditory
hallucinations and persecutory delusions at the time.”
Seterusnya, doktor tersebut membuat diagnosa berikut:
“stimulant induced psychotic disorder (amphetamine type
stimulant) with stimulant use disorder.”
[52] Maka, psikosis yang dialami perayu pada 1.12.2016 adalah psikosis
yang berulang. SD2 telah memberi keterangan bahawa pengambilan
dadah methamphetamine memberi kesan fizikal dan mental kepada
pengambilnya. SD2 juga telah memberi keterangan bahawa jika perayu
mengalami psikosis berulang, psikosis beliau akan menjadi lebih teruk.
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[53] Walaupun Hakim Bicara nampaknya menerima fakta bahawa
perayu mengalami psikosis, tetapi Hakim Bicara memilih untuk menerima
laporan perubatan D146 yang disediakan oleh Dr. Suaran Singh sebagai
laporan yang tepat mengenai keadaan mental perayu. Hakim Bicara
dipengaruhi oleh faktor bahawa Dr. Suaran Singh memeriksa perayu
pada 14.12.2016, 2 minggu selepas kejadian tembakan sebagai laporan
yang lebih tepat berbanding pemeriksaan terakhir SD2 ke atas perayu
pada Februari 2016.
[54] Pada pendapat kami, tujuan laporan D146 itu disediakan adalah
untuk menentukan sama ada perayu layak (fit) untuk dibicarakan. Dr.
Suaran Singh tidak dapat dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan kerana
sapina tidak dapat diserahkan kepada beliau. Fakta menunjukkan Dr.
Suaran Singh telah bersara dan beliau tidak dapat dihubungi.
Tetapi, seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan menghendaki perayu membuktikan
beliau hilang akal pada masa kesalahan dilakukan. Oleh itu, bagi maksud
seksyen 84 KK, isu yang perlu diputuskan oleh mahkamah ialah sama
ada perayu hilang akal pada 1.12.2016.
[55] Kami mendapati Hakim Bicara tidak mengambilkira keterangan
perayu yang disokong oleh keterangan SP37 iaitu perayu membaca ayat
kursi dan chanting untuk menenangkan hatinya semasa mengalami
halusinasi suara dan lembaga hitam. Selepas itu, perayu bertindak
agresif menembak mangsa. Kelakuan agresif perayu ini adalah konsisten
dengan tingkah laku agresif beliau terhadap pesakit-pesakit lain semasa
berada di wad psikiatri HKL dan juga semasa berada di wad Hospital
Bahagia Ulu Kinta pada 14.12.2016. Tingkahlaku perayu pada masa
kejadian 1.12.2016 itu jelas menunjukkan perayu hilang akal dan tidak
tahu apa yang dilakukannya.
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[56] Pada pendapat kami, pembelaan perayu bahawa beliau hilang akal
akibat pengambilan dadah methamphetamine dan mengalami halusinasi
suara dan lembaga yang menyebabkan beliau bertindak agresif tanpa
sedar disokong oleh laporan perubatan D147 dan D151A. Pembelaan
perayu ini menunjukkan beliau tiada niat untuk membunuh 3 mangsa
dan cuba membunuh 5 mangsa.
Isu Tembakan Rambang
[57] Dalam penghakimannya, Hakim Bicara menyatakan tiada
keterangan yang menunjukkan perayu telah melepaskan tembakan
secara rambang.
[58] Sebaliknya, kami mendapati keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan
iaitu SP9, SP11 dan SP18 menunjukkan keadaan yang berlaku adalah
[59] SP9 telah memberi keterangan berikut semasa disoalbalas:
S: Memandangkan kamu ada lihat dia, setuju dengan saya dia
lepaskan tembakan tidak tentu hala?
J: Setuju.
[60] SP11 pula memberi keterangan berikut. Beliau sedang
menunggang motosikal bila ditembak oleh perayu. Beliau berada dalam
jarak antara 8 - 9 kaki dari perayu. Beliau lari bersembunyi di belakang
pokok. Beliau nampak perayu berlegar-legar di atas jalanraya dan
melepaskan tembakan. Kepada SP11, tingkahlaku perayu adalah seperti
orang gila.
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[61] SP18 yang menunggang motosikal telah ditembak di bahagian
dada. Selepas terkena tembak, SP18 nampak perayu melepaskan
beberapa das tembakan ke atas.
[62] Keterangan SP9, SP11 dan SP18 menunjukkan perayu
melepaskan tembakan secara rambang dan tidak tentu hala.
[63] Mengambilkira keterangan SP9, SP11 dan SP18, kami mendapati
dapatan Hakim Bicara bahawa tembakan dibuat secara focus attack dan
bukan secara rambang adalah tidak tepat dan tidak disokong oleh
Keputusan Kami
[64] Setelah meneliti kes pembelaan, kami mendapati perayu telah
berjaya membuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa beliau
mengalami sakit otak (legal insanity) pada masa kejadian sebagaimana
diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan di mana ia tidak
terjumlah kepada satu kesalahan jenayah.
[65] Menggunapakai peruntukan di bawah seksyen 347 Kanun Prosedur
Jenayah, Mahkamah ini membebas dan melepaskan perayu kerana
beliau melakukan kesalahan semasa hilang akal dan tidak mengetahui
perbuatan beliau adalah salah atau menyalahi undang-undang (legal
[66] Selanjutnya, menggunapakai peruntukan di bawah seksyen 348
Kanun Prosedur Jenayah, Mahkamah ini memerintahkan perayu dihantar
ke Hospital Mental di Perak atau di Johor mengikut kesesuaian dan
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Mahkamah akan menyediakan laporan kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia
Yang DiPertuan Agong bagi perkenan Tuanku di bawah seksyen 348(2)
Kanun Prosedur Jenayah.
[67] Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman dibenarkan. Keputusan
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi atas sabitan dan hukuman diketepikan.
Bertarikh: 4 Januari 2024
- sgd -
Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail
Mahkamah Rayuan
Bagi Perayu : Encik Anbanathan a/l Yathiraju;
Tetuan Anba & Associates.
Bagi Responden : TPR Puan How May Ling;
Jabatan Peguam Negara.
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| 33,071 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24C-80-05/2023 | PEMOHON EMBITION SDN BHD RESPONDEN KONSORTIUM EXPRESS SDN BHD | Enclosure 1. Originating Summons No. WA-24C-80-05/2023 (“OS 80”) is an Application for a Stay of the Adjudication Decision dated 15.3.2023 (“AD”) by Embition Sdn Bhd (“Embition”) pursuant to section 16 of the Arbitration Act 2005 and pending the disposal of the Arbitration proceedings between the parties. | 09/01/2024 | YA Tuan Nadzarin Bin Wok Nordin | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-80-05/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi No.:
AIAC/D/ADJ-4596-2023 antara
Konsortium Express Sdn Bhd
(Penuntut) dan Embition Sdn Bhd
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 15.05.2023 oleh Shamsul
Bahrin Bin Abdul Manaf’
Dalam perkara Seksyen 15 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012 (“CIPAA”);
Dalam perkara Seksyen 16 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012 (“CIPAA”);
09/01/2024 16:41:12
WA-24C-80-05/2023 Kand. 19
S/N KgguQ/2PgESo9FNG1dqTQ
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Dalam perkara Aturan 69A dan/atau
Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-kaedah
Mahkamah 2012 dan dalam bidang
kuasa Mahkamah yang Mulia ini
(No. Syarikat: 1082956-X) …PEMOHON
(No. Syarikat: 756027-X) …RESPONDEN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-81-05/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi No.:
AIAC/D/ADJ-4596-2023 antara
Konsortium Express Sdn Bhd
(Penuntut) dan Embition Sdn Bhd
S/N KgguQ/2PgESo9FNG1dqTQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 15.05.2023 oleh Shamsul
Bahrin Bin Abdul Manaf;
Dalam perkara Seksyen 15 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan 2012 (“CIPAA”);
Dalam perkara Aturan 69A dan/atau
Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012 dan dalam bidang
kuasa Mahkamah Yang Mulia ini
(No. Syarikat: 1082956-X) …PEMOHON
(No. Syarikat: 756027-X) …DEFENDAN
Di Dengar Bersama Dengan
S/N KgguQ/2PgESo9FNG1dqTQ
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SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24C-91-06/2023
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi antara
Konsortium Express Sdn Bhd (Pihak
Menuntut) dan Embition Sdn Bhd
(Pihak Responden)
Dalam perkara Adjudikasi di hadapan
Shamsul Bahrin Bin Abdul Manaf;
Dalam perkara Keputusan Adjudikasi
bertarikh 15-5-2023;
Dalam perkara seksyen 28 Akta
Pembayaran dan Adjudikasi Industri
Pembinaan, 2012
Dalam perkara Aturan 7, Aturan 28,
dan Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah, 2012 dan
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Aturan 69A Kaedah 5 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah (Pindaan) 2018
(No. Syarikat: 1082956-X) …PLAINTIFF
(No. Syarikat: 1082956-X) …DEFENDAN
(Enclosure 1)
[1] Originating Summons No. WA-24C-80-05/2023 (“OS 80”) is an
Application for a Stay of the Adjudication Decision dated 15.3.2023
(“AD”) by Embition Sdn Bhd (“Embition”) pursuant to section 16 of
the Arbitration Act 2005 and pending the disposal of the Arbitration
proceedings between the parties.
[2] Originating Summons No. WA-24C-81-05/2023 (“OS 81”) is
Embition’s application to set aside the AD under section 15 of the
Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (“CIPAA”),
whilst Originating Summons No. WA-24C-91-06/2023 (“OS 91”) is
Konsortium Express Sdn Bhd’s (“KESB”) application to enforce the
AD under section 28 CIPAA.
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Brief Background Facts
[3] By a Letter of Award dated 13.06.20185, Embition appointed KESB
to carry out infrastructure works for a project known as Construction
and Completion of Infrastructure Works for Cadangan Pembangunan
(Guarded Community) Perumahan Rumah Sesebuah diatas Lot 424,
Mukim Ulu Kelang, Selangor Darul Ehsan untuk Tetuan Twin Ridge
Sdn. Bhd. (“the Works”) for a contract sum of RM22,000,000.00.
[4] This Letter of Award was issued by Messrs. KSKA Arkitek Sdn Bhd
on behalf of Embition. The said Messrs. KSKA Arkitek Sdn Bhd is
also designated as the Architect (“the Architect”) for the Works.
[5] Apart from the terms in the Letter of Award, the parties agreed that
the contract would be in the PAM Contract (Without Quantities) form
6 (collectively referred to as “the Contract”).
[6] KESB claimed that KESB had carried out the Works under the
Contract and thus states that it is entitled to issue Progress Claim No.
20 for the Works said to be done totalling RM1,347,044.94 to the
Architect on 19.09.2022 and the Architect has issued the Interim
Progress Certificate No. 20 (“IPC 20”) on 20.09.2022 for the said sum.
[7] The issue that arose is in relation to the payment for IPC 20 which
was allegedly not made by Embition on or before 20.10.2022.
[8] KESB subsequently served a Payment Claim dated 27.12.2022 on
Embition for a sum of RM1,347,044.94 and Embition served the
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Payment Response dated 06.01.2023 on KESB disputing the amount
of RM1,279,425.69.
Court’s Analysis & Findings
[9] Under OS 81, Embition had in essence submitted that:
(i) the Adjudicator had failed to call for an oral hearing.
(ii) Embition had not been given the opportunity to submit on
Progress Certificate no. 20 certified by the Architect.
(iii) KESB used the CIPAA process to stave off the Arbitration that
was initiated by Embition against KESB.
Oral Hearing
[10] On the issue of the oral hearing which learned counsel for Embition
had submitted that the Adjudicator did not address; I have found that
the Adjudicator did address the same at paragraph 28 of the AD
where he found upon perusal of the cause papers and documents
before him that there was no necessity to hold an oral hearing.
[11] I hold that the decision of the Adjudicator on this issue should not and
cannot be questioned once he has given his reasons for doing so
after the Adjudicator had considered the relevant documents and
evidence before him. It is completely within the Adjudicator’s
discretion to determine the conduct of the Adjudication including
whether he should hold an oral hearing.
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[12] The Court will not interfere once the Adjudicator has given his
reasons for allowing or disallowing the oral hearing, see Mamoth
Empire Construction Sdn Bhd v Stam Engineering Sdn Bhd & anor
case [2019] 3 CLJ 718 and Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew
Sdn Bhd and Anor appeal [2018] 4 MLJ 496.
[13] For the record, I have considered the cases relied on by learned
counsel for Embition to support its contention that natural justice has
been denied to them due to the lack of a fair hearing.
[14] Although this Court totally agrees with and supports the legal
principles therein, I find that the respective Adjudication Decisions in
the said cases were set aside on facts which are quite different and
which can thus be distinguished with the case before me.
[15] Firstly, on Guangxi Dev & Cap Sdn Bhd v Sycal Bhd & Anor Appeal
[2019] 6 MLRA case referred by counsel for Embition, the
Adjudication Decision therein was amongst others allowed to be set
aside not because no oral hearing was allowed but due to a
preliminary report submitted by the Respondent therein which the
Adjudicator failed to consider; whilst in WRP Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd v
NS Bluescope Lysaght Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2015] MLRHU 1018, the
Adjudication Decision therein was set aside due to inter alia a
unilateral communication between the Adjudicator and one of the
parties, for which the Court held that there was occasioned a breach
of natural justice.
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[16] Accordingly, I will not, with respect, be able to rely on the said cases
to support learned counsel for Embition’s contention that natural
justice has been denied to them due to the lack of a fair hearing.
Progress Certificate No 20 & Failure to Call Architect & The Opportunity to
Submit on The Same
[17] In relation to the issue of Progress Certificate No. 20 certified by the
Architect, I find that the Adjudicator had addressed and considered
this in the AD and after going through the documents before him, the
Adjudicator had inter alia found that:
17.1 Progress Claim no. 20 was submitted to the Architect and he
had thereafter issued Progress Certificate no. 20 certifying the
17.2 Embition did not dispute the correctness of Progress
Certificate no. 20.
17.3 referred to clauses 15.1 and 15.4 of the Letter of Award
17.4 there was compliance with the abovementioned clauses by
17.5 the Architect had acted on behalf of Embition and it was not
open to Embition to distance itself from the certification by the
17.6 Embition cannot use the excuse that Progress Certificate no.
20 was wrongly certified to avoid paying KESB.
[18] In this respect, I have noted that learned counsel for Embition has
contended amongst others that the Adjudicator should have called
the Architect to explain and referred to several case laws which show
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that the Architect when certifying is independent and cannot be
imputed on parties. It was thus submitted that the Adjudicator had
erroneously made a finding of fact/law on who the Architect is acting
for, which is contrary to clause 11.1.c of the LA.
[19] With respect, I agree with learned counsel for KESB that Embition
ought to have raised all its defences with regards the said Progress
Certificate No. 20 and/or the issues against the Architect for issuing
the same and that Embition’s failure to do so was on its own peril and
cannot be faulted on the Adjudicator.
[20] Be that as it may, after considering Embition’s contentions and after
going through the AD as mentioned above, I hold that the Adjudicator
had identified, considered and analyzed the relevant documents and
had asked himself the rights questions on this issue including in
particular, but not limited to, Embition’s allegations that all variation
works are subject to Embition’s approval and his decision thereafter
that it was “..not open for the Respondent to distant itself from the
certification by the Architect….”.
[21] It was only after such analysis that the Adjudicator had come to his
decision on the same. Whether his answer is one which is right or
wrong is something which this Court will not interfere as that would
be going into the merits of the matter which, according to settled law,
this Court cannot do in an application to set aside the AD under
section 15 CIPAA.
Stay Application Under OS 80
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[22] I have consequently considered OS 80, which is the Stay Application
pursuant to section 16 of the Arbitration Act 2005 on the ground of
that the AD should be stayed pending the disposal of the Arbitration
[23] It is trite that the fact there is an arbitration proceeding between the
parties does not automatically mean that there is to be a stay of the
AD, and that both the Adjudication proceedings and the Arbitration
proceedings can exists independently. I quote and rely on the Federal
Court’s decision in Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] MLJU 742 where the Court had stated:
“[76] …We are fully in agreement with the learned High Court Judge
that there is nothing to stop CIPAA 2012 from applying to the case
at hand and there is no need to see adjudication and arbitration to
be mutually exclusive to each other. …..”
and quoting and adopting what the learned High Court Judge in the
matter below had stated on the matter which was as follows:
“… After the introduction of Adjudication, both Arbitration and
Litigation will still continue except that now there is an additional
dispute resolution mechanism of temporary finality that can be
embarked upon before or concurrently with Arbitration or Litigation
as the case may be. Thus, one need not have to choose in an “either
or” approach between Adjudication and Arbitration but one can
proceed in a “both and” approach in resolving a dispute on an
architect’s claim against his client for his professional fees.
Adjudication under CIPAA was never designed to be in conflict with
Arbitration and Litigation and so its process may be activated at any
time where there is a valid payment claim under a construction
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contract. Premised on that proper perspective, the question of which
would prevail over the other does not arise at all.” (emphasis added)”
[24] I further find that the test of exceptional circumstances to justify a stay
application has not been proven to the satisfaction of this Court.
Justice Mary Lim (now FCJ) had in Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v
Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818 that a stay should only be
granted in exceptional circumstances and wherein Her Ladyship
stated as follows: -
“[32] It is my further view that stay should only be granted in
exceptional circumstances; and such circumstances must
necessarily refer to the financial status of the other party. The
merits of the case before the arbitration or the court; or even the
chances of success in setting aside the adjudication decision are
not relevant considerations. The grant of any stay must always
weigh in the primary object of the CIPAA 2012; that it is to ensure
a speedy resolution of a payment dispute; that it is to inject much
needed cashflow into the contractual arrangements between
parties that saw progressive payments of claims as the recognised
and accepted way of doing business in construction contracts. It
would be futile to encourage parties to resort to adjudication and
then deprive a successful claimant of its claim by staying the
access to the cash simply because there is another proceeding of
the nature described in sub-s 16(1) which is pending. The whole
concept of temporary finality would be lost and the object of the Act
defeated if such was the consideration.”
[25] Thus, based on the above tests and the same grounds I have afore
mentioned for this Court in dismissing the Setting Aside of the AD
herein, I dismiss the said Stay Application under OS 80.
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Enforcement of AD
[26] Since this Court has dismissed the application for Setting Aside of
the AD, and there is to date no payment of the same from Embition
to KESB’ I hold that there is nothing to prevent the AD from being
enforced pursuant to section 28 of CIPAA.
[27] Wherefore I hereby dismiss with costs OS 81 and OS 80 with costs.
I will in the circumstances allow and grant Order In Terms for prayers
A, B (i) (ii) and (iii) and C in enclosure 1 of OS 91.
Dated: 20th day of October 2023
K. Selva Kumaran
[Messrs Rose Hussin]
Dinesh Nandrajog
[Messrs Nandrajog]
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| 16,828 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-82RS-24-10/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) MOHD ZIN BIN PENGCHENG 2. ) MOHD HAIROL ANUAR BIN AZMAN 3. ) SHARI BIN DAHALAN 4. ) ASUAD RIDZUAN BIN RASLI 5. ) ROSYAIDI BIN ANUAR | section 379 Penal Code - section 380 Penal Code - section 34 Penal Code- section 114 illustration (a) Evidence Act 1950 - Theft - Admissibility of Information Leading to Discovery - Common intention - non-availability of offered witnesses | 08/01/2024 | Puan Nur Farahain Binti Roslan | |
08/01/2024 11:55:20
WA-82RS-24-10/2019 Kand. 219
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HA—82RS—2d—1D/2019 Kand.
HE/01/2&2; 11
mum IIANKAIAN uuuswzv JEMAVAH 12
mum NEGERI wuuvm PERSEKUVIIAN muvsnn
wensucmnu JEMAYAN no WA-MRS-14—1flI2I)1!!
psmmxwn mm
.. Mono zm am vzuecnms
2. new Hunm Arm»: am Azmm
3. sum am umuuu
4. nu»: muzum am Man
5. Rosvunl am mum
naclslon AND snouuns or JLIDGMEM1
A. zucxsnouuu
[11 ms case was Imlmfly mm belnva amlhex Msmstrme Yuan Muhamad Farsd
bm Abdu\Ln|r1 On 1 7 2022. he was Lmnslevvad to me Mmnslry 01 Home Aflzlrs ms
case was men mu m be hoard before Magnsuale Puan Amanlna mm. Mohamed
A...m um unmnunalehy. she was away on malemhy leave mm m mm unsuited to
this says m an lmnslerrad in ms court on 7 szuzz by me Supewmcrfovlhe Cr1mma\
Maguslmle om. Tun M aam hm Am Mind
[21 On an 2 2(l23.Vhad1\xadlms case lordaulsmn an»: and ovlhe PIusecmmn‘s
case Mme I named man me Pmsecunm had successmuy aslabllshnd apuna ram
case am an av me five accused were umems to my delence The case wmmwd
mm me accused‘: defiance and on an 2023, n has me (ms mse lor decwsmn
Dwssausnod WW! my aecmn, Im Dapuly mug Praseculnr mm a Name cl Apnea:
on vs «I zuzz
N ynvaLv\k5gMnEvMDwA
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
a m: ounces AGAINST ms uccussn
[:1 ma me nccuud ware charged ler Lwu ananaa. ma lint chnrgu mug under
ncllon an aim: Punll caa am ma mam shame bcmfl unflm I-(Klan use 0!
ma Punal con. mm. was amundwd on 13/7/2020 ma chums; nmwmad nummi
me awused m Ihewrommal Vanguaoa rend asfulhwi
pzmunuww PERTAMA
Bahavm kamu aanganwanamaraamaaama pads I/09I2D1I3;amIebrII kurang
0430 Parana bmamnal dl Buemonl v saaua L/—Thanl Cmdomnnmm No a
Lnwng Amps;-vg 2 raman L/-1'»-ma: durum am-n wangsa Maw dalnm Wrlaynh
Porsvkvtuan Bandaruya Km»: Lurnnur. arm mnncun wnnv mm mmma mmk
paagaau Cum Boon Lang, No K»: 630709471-5141 clan yang denukrarr Kama
telah melakukavv saw Aesa/elven yang amen drhukum mbswah seksyan m
Kuvun Keseksaan mhata beisamu sullsyan 34 Kamm Keseksaan man man
dmukum dbawulv Kamm dan seksysn yang aama “
"pgnruuunm KEDL/A
sanawa kamu dmgavv mm mm human:-some pads 7/I79I247VB)am)9hm many
04 30 pelnng bonsmnat 4; A—&6 Sssvu Ll-Thunt Cominmmnlm No a Loroflv
Anmang 2 Tamar: L/-Than! m swam dasrah warvgaa Mam dslam mayan
Persekuluun Bandamya Kuala Lumtam man nervcun aatam banqwvan lemma!
ksdlanun aanaaaa mmun Chm soon Long, No K/P seams-|71»5ua, mm
Wang ma. mu 5 mla din flengan lm kumu noun mo/akukan mu kesa/anan
ylng pom. d/hukum maawan nksyln JED Knmm Kmk-aun d/Dam omama
snksyurv J4 Kanun Ktseknun dsrv bohlv dmukum amawan Klnun dun wkkyirv
yang sama '
c we counws nuvv M’ m: sun or me vxosecunou-s us:
[41 A5 mpuanaa unaer secliwm 173mm 01 an Criminal Pmcedml cm
meremnamtananm as ‘me cpc-), the prmeamon Dealslhl human as aauanusn a
puma vacxe me against ma nccuuea alme am 1:! me pmseamms case Aaaammg
am yY1vaLv\ksgMnEvMDpuA
ma. am nmhnrwm a. med a my a. aflmnaflly am. dnuumnl VII muNG v-max
vawses ms umsbmx nu ma vvvseaman pmvan mat «ms varv mamas s1o\en by lhe
amaad amoumma Io RM6 5 rmlhcm aswamea m the Ma dmrpfl
[147] ms accused’: In: at aaasme m me mmem sass befnre me ws ma| lhe
numprznam, spt, never received ms nus 5m\IHon vmm me Crmese mveslnr Thom
win no avlflnnoa Drwfim Vnrwnvd m nmve Ih||SP1 reserved such sum Mmmmy‘
than m In vecoflpl and M wmen ngruImln| maven, Ina In Margumem .. um
theoflenca cl nun nave! occumad as lhe suhpcl matlavmai was sum nevvuremalod
[:41 Yr: delenmnlnq ms mallan ms teslvmomes ul ms pmsssmws wumsus wove
mleflmly scmlmlzed in Hue wnh ms use a! pp v. Mend Rand Ann Bnhr (sup:-;.
sp< nan xssunsa mm 015 mamas wave tecewed «mm a Climax mwslor known as
Huang pm Aumuwl sm neveruwlhe memes mm M: very own ayus, km: wave
um-v vruaocuuon wmsm. IhI| hum Mlrwn In ms banknote: mm -nenntad m
was 5 mflhon
[311 SP2wasme1"Derscnvmn -wswscme boxes awash a|PavuI\mnRasn1anuvs
on 7/9/2015 Amardfls to sprs lesflmnny he raver opuwd up me buxes mm: he
manned sam U—ThanA, lmwrvnr, spw had mvmmea Mm mm mm he was cavrywg
wls Rm 5 mlwnn Vn cash
[33] me cnnlems :11 ms horn Inntpmted «um pmum R-urdlnosl wen? only
lean alter the boxes amvusd 31 Saw: u-mam on me same day There spz sp<,
spa and spa counted ms momes logelher
[341 spz Iesmrsd mat Ihey mumnd Im mamas m me 5 ban: and u mmmnsa In
me 5 mmlcn Whan spa Msquexled vm pmzmuun to as mm m mm .1 mm
Bangui mu Ium wu man out «mm ms ma 5 mnnon monks by spa Mm mm
sum ms um um. spa ywuumsa lhe m-mm am In Imlnce mm Inlnnod up no
was 9 mm. m. balanw was also awed by spa usmg um um nuke oounrm
macmne where me naval ndded opt? Rm 9 mnwon
[:5] Based an SP4: hwmony‘ us was sssugnad lo dehvurlma msmwuu la sp<
m was Eangsa( Shopping Mall lugmhav wmn spzv Tneve Ihey waned Im nmund :-
sm yYNflLv\kSqMY\EYHDwA
«mm. Snr1|\nunhnrwH\I>e U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
: bows our spc In oumpms hs Iransamnn nm. aflxev. s Di)/mam slvv was mvnn (0
sun by SP1
[:5] Based on live nanihun um» Dmseeulmn wmvusuzs namsny sp2 spa and
spa, an om nesmued mm um msmmua mm was Ibqnsstud by and deuvered to
SP4 wn hum me arm-m1 or runway wnmm m Inn 5 boxes emleclad «mm Pa»/Hlnn
Rumduncel Tm: meaama wu man canubulllsd to be m.../.n by sp« .n NI
(eswmny um ouvmnwna me «am mu mm was Indeed 2 sum M mama: m A—&6
Saslra u.uum
[an Latarln the day sm mquenln my a lunher RM2 mane" lrum sps wm. she
max and lmm In balance mm at mamas 1 . RM53 mum Yms sum was man
gm... to spz In be mm in spa m 2 [flue and mu: baxu Unrommaleiy, mus RM2
mm was neverpasuad m spa -ISF2 wuumarsked mm. ncmlad .z mnnmmn
pnmnw Tm n a\s/.> cnnubcmad try spa in he msum mat ha mvev mcawed me
pm mllmn
my Acmmmg m spa, me am mum wai a mnaly loan war was 5 Imllon
bwaan him and spu 24: In: «army ms lacang Manna! drflwcullbes spa Iom spa m
mom upwflh . rawynrlo svgn . namummm uh upwz When spa ugvvad axhlbh
pu, spw wn nm .1 me omoennd no dnn‘|bI-I ugnalnn ammc F12 . . bilpoka
aueemenl am lhhwgh nul meulely wumnfl (ht umnuuuem M In: name!‘
awuvdmg |o5F'I's (e1|wImny,vm5 matSP1 would dehvarlilu RM2 mmon In spa and
men may wuuna me sagned bespak: agnumenl be surrendered In SP1 n was also
agreed max SP3 wand also pul up ms nnamnenl m London as ooumemn
[an] n is the argument ol the datum: counsal mu (Ms bespuka loan agmems«|,
|pI<:Ifir:I\ly new: number 3, mm mm sp: had alrasdy vecmvod am nI|Hon um
Ina ncauud mesa me pmmsas, in-Mum allmlnlllrfl Inn mm um: um: mum was
taken out «mm ma balance ulmorues vscmvud mm the Chmape mvnslaras Iasnfind
by sps. Furlhervmre. Nth: own would In 3mep|SP3sorIHev1Imov|y|ha|he hafllfl
renewed 015 RM? mmnn. m woukt b: agamsuecuunn aflhe Evidonu An.
sm ynvaLv\ksgMnEvHDpuA
“Nana smm mmhnrwm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
um Upon caralmly reading axmm P12‘ nu ma: lam: lam down and nursed In
between names was an
-1 she conflnnud man »m rucuwd RM2,0oa.oao4m Mam yau M a! ma am
of ms ranw F0! avmdance n/dwbt nus w2,uoo.aoo-oo Ls moan! fur mm af
me Loan‘
mm. «ma wan nnmsmsfll wu dalad 7:2/2am. ma um. any spa prumlus ms
raudsd by me ammsd and ma mamas were smlsu Ammdwvg to em: lewvvlmy. he
signed ma Klan aaneemem amuna noon at me Vawyeis mine Ind he womd Iacswe
RM2 mmm Valrann ma evenmg Hmam, um RM2 mnuan was neverflelwened spa‘;
msnmnny Vs cmmhamzd by me aasmmy of spz mace svz teslmed man he was an
N: way to aehver mz nI|Hun m sr-3 as msxmaa Dy sm nl amum new on
wzma bmoru ma nausea arvesmd mm
[41] II cannm he flamed man Ihe wnrumg mm: loan agnaemeul was pouny malted
TM phrase -as allhs dare arm mar uuuld shiver mean betnre or an m/zoua nun
Nowevnv an oormans and aureemenl: um, u must be mad as a wmxa um um
by maamaax
[421 Ihem 2(2) was man agreemenl w: as «amm-
mu / should pay Russmo-on as pmaaasmg be: In you /Dr A mrlaewllve
monms /mm mo oayyou maomsa the Lao" (m perm/n mu; In me.“
11:] MM. m um sav mm mm sqveunem. \| .s anaany mm mu m. aw mlllon
a meant Iowan cl um Vonn Thnmiore‘ it is me mlenhan av plum nun um: um RM2
mm... 5 gm" by sw am unnerved by spa, spa mum my RM55 am on as
pmesang me: In em them was no ewderuce gvan mat swa had 9.’-med paymg me
pmcsssmg lees and weflher an 5?: tesmy man he named reawmg ma pmoessmg
tees Thave1orv,n\s my mama mat spa navel renewed |he mz mum mm wls lakan
mflby spacmm ma mamas nmleclcd «mm Pnvllhun nnsmams
(M1 ta mm: lomfy om pom shmfld am. he mcmoa mu 5?: ma Put up a
uropeny m London as mllnheral andlmssalsn 5:1 mmn ma balwkuloan aarwmmfl
am yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYHDwA
«ma. am nmhnrwm a. U... w my a. nflmnnflly am. dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
-.. Ex
Hswsm, no man We deed wn mt-chad In um luau uumwnenl and neflhar an sv1
tenmed mu he run Ieuewud me am Thus. we only znfelenus mat can bu made was
man ma hesooke loan agreement, exmbll F12‘ ma ml Ian muum SP3‘; mum", m
open cam an mu m any way allev lne Iemus mm hnn agreamorfl
[451 As the pmsenumn nu mmssmny pm»/an Ina: mere were cash Iaken mu vm
ms RM65 m\IHon renmvsd. x mm mm m. was Human existed and ms nu ms
so ivwn m sw as he rm ms cnvicrly to deal oval n
[as] Besndes lbe Rm 5 man m cash, there was s lunhar RM2 mfllnun m a save
box m A—8—5 Saslm u-mam Th: sum no mz mmmn .5 ourmbomled by sm, spa» and
spa Them am In Ian 2 sale boxes s. A-L8 Saslm U-mam. as an be seen wn exhllms
wsmunu P3432), and ma ksys and passwmusla mm 2 us. Dara: an emruilwd
to Iepansle pamnns mu ms bnx |hn| ounlamad ms am muion was smmnsa |u
spa and spa svz maufiad mu m kn1w|hwa wave m2 mHIren 5: ha mm ms kuy
m lhal mfn Inx spa cormcamled sum lawmnlvy and mum added mat sm knew
me Password to lbs um save box Awa<n‘I1\e\me nl.aIgurmn|pm III: by me ueiancs
.5 lfmmere was no ememe In vrme um ms RM2 -mmon sxmed n the sale box
[an I have I:arIfuHy scmlnmzed ms lasnmunlu ul mo prvssmmun wnnmes manly
sm. SP2 me 595 me an we penmnl knovdadul 0| um um mHlnn man was
supposedly kam m nu ma box
[431 sm had lodged s pokes lepnll mu/umusma, exmhn P9‘ mm msmuy
amen mm amung me mssmg "ems m A-M Suva U—Tnam was RM2 mum. warm
mxasn ms: was kem m 2: safe box mamas Imam m be opened bySF1's emvtuyee.
my SP2 me me kay In one M ms nos boxu um he beamed max mac safe box
mm»-a RM2 mum He demad mm In: win no mama smwlnu mu Ihe me
but am not wmzln nmz mum on cmss summmn and an reaxzmnaflon, svz
mmenesunas mm N me me my ID me sale box on SFI'smI1N5lI2ns n was sm
vmu msmmea mac one pawn wmfd b5 msponsme vunne physocm key mnemum
person would be responsme lm Ihe pasxwnn‘l\D1hs savs.
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. Snr1|\nunhnrwH\I>e med m my s. nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[50] The ulharplnuvv mm vespansvme oaraaamma nu? save ma|oun(|I\ed me
RMZ mum was spa Awarding ho spes kzshmony she was spvs fimncd cum
mwem, the may man was given In her was amy In ooun| memes m the mag. AM
Saslva Umam and awsa lo pvocess documenls uumum SP1 pupavsd Vor namng
pmpam spw had me Key «n A-$3 Saslrz U—lnaM as she wmked lhcvu 5 days a
wank‘ Mnmly In may, lmm armmd1DDD-m mu 1 now spa vmlhevlzsurned mm
she wn um m chimp cl dammsmmg SP1 scuhnow and harpb was my to mum
me memes
[5|] ma Iesmmmes M mes: 3 pmiewhnn wunessea ommbnralad mm aam mm
and lhmr amaawe do an m any wny wnlradm with each nlher m cm malr
lusumomes were so constant and amsaxenn, plus ma Ian ma| spa and spa were
unshakon ny mare cmu—ax:m\ni(\un mains u flfllncml our me «a mi ngam mass
man... as awadwn wlmeuu n. Iddmon. spin, at an mdapendent man. -kn
temima um aceordmq lo ma mvanhalmn (In RNQ rmlhon am max .. one ama aara
boxes I: <5 nharmara myvIIwma(5P1‘ spz am spa Ira IMNM Mnesses and ma:
mun may have rela|ed m munwaswhal acmauy happened on ma: Inlufniday mm:
Is no um:-1 mason furmela uoummremauoe is me madame smws ma4 nenher
am: has any unedur mnlwe Yhus‘ n \s my rm-no m we Rm mllmn -. om ohm
gain boxes m A-LS Sash: u4namausa exlslad u mu as ma RM6 5 mmm reoewed
lmm ma Clmln mv-slnv
[521 I am ruler mysefl nu ma mun Court case cl nu Boon Soon a Fublvc
pmaacmm [arm uuu 1299 where the Han Own no|ed me fimflnus oi me
Sesswum Conn Mlhuul dvsappmhaflnn xn man we {aduva 94 ms wmplalnam to
furnish any mcelms came punch-use mma vamahles smleu am naut an wznkenllle
pmssaman-s case 1713 Com m lm mild on :;4rcumsIanc|e\ evidence :9 mm Ina!
ma nmnna mm wmmaa than
[531 cmmax fur Nu aowssa had also raaaa the’ Inn mm the vxatl wm ol mam
sum. was Ml pmven by me umwwuon However. it is my vlaw man mm \s na| an
e\emen| H: be pnwsn Dy me nmsecuhon and what needs to be pmven was man the
pmpeny Merl, vegmdlass m Ins aImun|ovva1ue,wzasIn\he wssesmn ul |he person
Hanna, ma Issue mlsed Is a um-svmlar.
am yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«ma. am nmhnrwm a. med w my a. nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII .mm v-max
[54] Iurmmd am bvpomlod um u (hrs 1urw:|umma| line can: amuum av meme: Iiul
are m sasua u-mm n ml vellecled m e\(he<a1Ihs1wn chlrgui against me accused
ai me Dmsecunon has deeded In not Induce a sum M RM! 4 mllmn M0191“ ma-we
This .5 due m me lac! mat the RMI ; mum was Invsmgatsfi ursdev Ann—Maney
Laundeflng. Anln-Yermmm Fmancmg and Proceeds n¢Un|Jw1ulA5nvl\es Au zoo: as
mu 1-‘ acmaa had mgea . repufl agamsc Inn mmmamam iarme ma sum
[55] In this cunem use befnm my in mums withered lmm Ihe nmmcunnn
wllmssus m rsuavds la Ihe sxmenca cl menus m A£—5 Sasha M-Imam wnm
consnslznl and nredrblu to prove mal such o-may was m ms passe-ssum sw sun
was nae to deal wI|h me norms a|alH1mes as I have expunefl eamer
[54] On lap of mm, 5P31’s lndependem Invealigxlmn also lends sunpun m me
pmllcnman 5 use According m span, ms Vnveshaamn shawl mm In-vu wu mam
a aim at my 9 vmlhan m sm ; nlsrmsul, um: sum was nvmcud hy sm m swat
mmaawana me based on line moms: suuod wan drwovsw 5»: ma also lmmshad
ms Dank |r-amsaaun shp he spa» as pmellha| he ma aw mmlon m ms sale bux
Irma nllev ursnuly smmnaing lheIes|\lm1mu at Ina re\e~raM pmsscuhon mmga‘
Hm max me pmsacmmn has also socoeeda m Mm.-3 mu second ekamem
. mm mm! mm. ummnl: run an neeuud nwvud Inch nvoplny vmlln In
[M pom.-nan av an. complllnlnl um um an nuulld am In In mm In
um um um mom. posuulon oflhc umlnl mm
[571 For lheavnrdanoe av mvemmn these um zbmevvls wuuld be auscuweapmmw
The properly ma bemmes ma sumac| manner 0! me change: me man mm 2
acpnvaw mam The monues x.. Ina lIv:| cnargv ware amen from Ike na9emen| parking
at Sun uxnam Candormnmm mu. ma rmmas m no second marge were slain
«mm um um sun. u-mm Cmvdnmuuum
[sq Explanlliou am uclvun an mm mm om sums; as mum
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«ma saw nmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
‘A potion u ma :9 mun . mung to mow by removmv my obnlnb mm
nvsvumuan mam n-av/rm arby sepemnngnlrrmv unyolmrllvwvg‘ I: we» any
acmaw mnvvny yr '
m1 Illuntntlnn (pm moan an em. Punnl Coda Wuvmus mmum
1.7) A m good ram. nehawnq pmpem/bekwgmg roz ru as A’: mm pmpevw.
lakes mm property wl‘ulB‘spossess:wv Hem as A does-no! Lake msamesny.
he does not mmmn man ‘
my Fm ms nu! cum: 5»: was msnmma ms:-u In danvu am mmun tn sra‘
nu ma. spa vrunslvv me mamas ma avranqad n m 2 mm mu blue Iauxu Upon
rsoewmg me am sun‘ spa rm win! dawn «o me bn:amen|pnrkl1g Ingelim mm
SP5~Mmme2 boxes Time 592 was lnprvachufl by me 5"a<xusm and was asked
m pm me hnxes m we auw xs boot and sulvendev the car Ksys to ma 5'» accused
v-many, swz remsea Hawevev mmeu IM1“and 3'" accused came mnmeuls mum
annmnched 5P2. he nnalry smenoered lhe key: In on sMw x5 as one ohm mam
smwed M:poHoe ID SPZAHG SP5 wan um spll upanfl nsvucled m mlavmln um
Isaame can
[:11 Ailera Mule, 5P2 and spa wevelold tn exruha mlsand 9: win A-as Durmg
an arms we may were up n AM, It»: mamas namamed m Ihe mm 01 me Bum
x5 Amunilng In sps. he was Ihen nmugmm wk KL n 0:: same swv x5 and sum
a\so tasmed mu he saw in: BMW X5 dnvsn on 9! me basemem navkuug ul Sula:
u--mm aux Inn ma The RM2 mmsm. win m In: amw xs boot and was many maven
and «am am at me pnuasunn av sm mnralnre. me was elnmeul and vmmn
am-wnnm am woven ny |he nmemm «mm mm chains
[52] m regains to me secum charge, me pmpeny m queshan .5 ma mamas m unll
Au Sasha U—Tham wm 5:2 and sws wave mm In go up w AM» kzgelher vnlh
maacuus-1, sps was M the sam umlsuangmg um balance oVmonuzs.CaInoK1enVaI\y
armmd me same WM, sm mu am anuslod by me amusen and Will nwumd by
(hi cwsed nu (nu ma mil wm sw evulvad ms mu, ha um mu m Iccul-d
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
umm: sps b slap an-Infimu an mamas mu m um: saw spa Ind spa enlennsl live
[as] spa mnher |esm\3d man when he was eswnnd In ms mam mom he passed
me smy room were he saw spa almngmq Ihe monzs mi box ammsra ware also
some mamas on me mm mm M: man he heard me 1-! accused mung spa In
beau mu sun was damn Tmn u 4 0! mm wave Vnslmnfled In slay nu ma mam
[341 wmxs the 4 ac meal wane |ald |a slay m lhu main room .. I-aioamwe uumers.
spa minced Ihalmallhe 1“ accused entered me mam mam amliouk 3 luggage bags
«mm ms InI\a| spa and spa reI:bgn\zIed mews luggage bags as the ones m exmm
puny mm pas;
[551 spa wen mm. causa by In w lccuxod was she wan nnstmclea In an (A1 in-
slurs mam mam ms isle baxus ware plimd sm was wnstruded Io open ms sun
box and dearmn um mamas In me sad sale box spa fullhav name that me was
«an in pm me momes «mm on safe run on me now and table Allemands the us‘
amused asked spam arrange Ihe memes m a bmmm mx Min wmplsflng me task.
in: was sum am In me mam mum
[u] wmxn spa wu m Ina more room‘ spa m Ilsa mHIfl am as gn In ms some
room In open ma mmr uh box. on ms my m ms mm mam, spa mama (ha! ha
raw ms mree Image ms men am I7y1M1“accnsed same: we: «mm cl (ha amdy
mm. mm were a\sn memes on the mus mane sludy mm Al me s|o:e mom, spa
saw sp2 apemug me new box an the led! Mule spa was raid In «men ms sacs box on
me ngm ms 531: box um spa wai mm to upsn am not onnlam any mamss spa mu
wnnauad spa pulling monies [mm In sale box mac she opened on me Ham av Ihe
Ilma room
[an Mumsms Vatnr. sps was anahw caflefl In w In ms shady room were me was
mmally avranqmg moms! when (ha accused mmea me uru| Eeinrema was she was
m ms rmdsl av arrangmg mamas, m2 5 mnlmn was reamly armnasd m a wms and
Mme Do: me am I rmllon ms sun on me name psnamg la as mngaa by sps.
sm ynvaLv\kSgMnEvMDwA ‘H
«mm. Snr1n\nunhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w my a. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
ms 1- aucund then mslmded spa to put me RM! 4 rmllion m . brown box
Ana.-mus, she wn: ism back am. In ma main room am. SP2 and son
aoumbmitzed spa s testimony when they |eslihe-1 mm svs was awed us me ms
worn by me accused
rm Alluvlnat. the icculod murucled an Aollhe pmswmn wunsssesm 90 am...
to ma hllelnenlpamrvg vu ms samce flevalnr 5.. vmlsmlm IEMIB elavalm. SP2
nesmsa ms: they passed Iho study room mm svz saw wax u war dent nl my
memes SPIa\Io|s§msdlhs\IIe mused malnwevewuna m mums m ms smay mom
and that we save hm-as were openm mus spa |ss¢tf>ed Ihal when they pawed lhe
sludy mam mime waym lhe basement. Ihe sludy mom was emm-an msu boxes uvd
mu wnm may look ms ulevulwr am. In (ha mums-u psmmg. Ihey wenl dmm
lwelmv and mscen be men \n axMb1lP6{u) SP4 and svs mum flux my want
dawn afiagmhsr with me hank mm cuunlmg machmes. . lmfluy mm 3 Imxes men
and a luggage bags sm added that he sawunu box mnlalmng mes Du| 2 mm boxvs
were amend and me man kmw Mm n comamsd
my cw-may, ums snows mm sun In: memes remahvng m uml A—Sv£ Saslra U-mam
wls mavad nut 01 svrs pasnumn and um om m SP1‘: pouemon SP2‘ spa
and spa 3H Iastrfiod mama um wn: uuusaumunsums moms: mu wu pm/Voully
m ma: uml Vhus lhu mm and mum ehmmn Irv am: woven in me wussumon wn
regarusio ma second charge
. Fm. okmenlz mu an accused um sn wnltwtn ms com": 01‘ ms
nu Expllnlllun 5 In ucflnn an mm Poul cm mums. .. iulhwl
‘ms consent menlmnsdln ms definmun maybe sxmsssa onmphad smmsy
be gwsn svlhw by me person m possesmou, at by My person having for that
purpose aulhnnly am: express nr msnsa
sm nvamksgMnEvMDwA
«ML sum nmhnrwm be LAIQ4 w my .. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII nF\uNG W
[721 The cnmplamlnl. 5:»: had ms-c a When mpurl an mm/zma mum‘ no
PnduIl7H)057/1B marked u axmbw P7 flatmq man a sum av raw 9 mum" was mm
«mm II: wamlses men the amused wmma the ma ms miss Ihal me
oumwznamdui um mrwevlltame momes being moved out of ms pussessmn
[13] Fnrltoennore, me memes were man out or as oossesslon men we
mmphnam wu awly overseas He only gm Vnnlmcmnt In his worms on how to
dnl Mlh hm rmmln Jud me eomptamam ms nu cunnnclmnl mm m 5 ucwud Io
permh my km: 111 wniam
[n] The accused a\sa entered he pmmsas inrcamfly umerlhe amse M 3 mm 1:
the nomplawnanlwemm have grven mnsenl umnlue-1 arexpleslcd, m wumd not have
guns woman the hassle n4u|11.a\nInqIMormmk>rIlrum(Vve secuvhy Imh n4 Suva u‘
‘mnnrs mlnagemanl on Ina scanned‘: entry lnlu ms pmmnsas as evmned by mm
m n mu m an mmuqh mo ccrv luwnflnql u nut-d by «man F7
[15] Assuming mr.awh\la|ha|SPI 5 workea namexy :92. 5». spa and spa had
aumamy aver SFTS property, mere was ml em Bunsen] given «mm mam as sr-2
ms forced In ham! mm: RM2 rmllwon at me basement namng and an Iuumlmam
wse demmd m a room before Ihe mam m uml A-5-6 Suva Urmanl were lake" by
me acwsed
[151 In ma nonlexl av Exnllnillnu 5 In mum :1: Mint Pmll cm. A a mm
mm m: aewm and take em Mme pewassnn aim: we morws man was then m
the Dflssessmn at sun and n was none msmnesny am M21001 mu camem av srn
Such loss of me mnmes was umaoum a result 012 men Henm, x find mm me
pnxewtnn has alsa mmuea the Mn elsmam
. sum Mama TIIII nu an: -o mm mm In nun vnnnqlul Inn to ma:
nation or mum: um to mmun
nu ma Mnmon Ifl‘wrunulu\ and ’wmrIgfu| loss Iidafinsd uvvdev ncllon 2:
mm mm cm Fur ease av relevance I veproduoe u belaw
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
to u:I1on1lD(4)M flu cvc. vn ordervo maka am a rmma «acne case‘ ma Wmoculmn
mus! sdduov credrme evmeno: vmrvlnw each and every mgladllml 471 me sam nmence
[51 Iveisr mysell In me use 471 P»: v mm: mm um Bukar mus] 1 cu 451.
mere lbs Fadaml count has Van dawn me snaps lnaulmuld mam ny we own at
me cm. olma pmsocu|\m‘s use .. lmlows
1.; me close 0/ me pmsecurms case, sumecv the emu» by by me
pmsacuhan m lls lolahry lo a maxrnwm nvulnallm Cammfly suunmsa me
uudm/My ol each al ma pmmmma wluresus mm mm aaoovml au
masovmbh Vnlumrlas ma! may 2,. amwn /mm m. -wanna: H the swdsnco
mamas or two or mom rrvtcrwvuvs‘ than am "I: rnhrlncv ma! :1 man
mvauvsblo m we ammm
(4 ask yonuuallmn mm" m now call upon 1:. lmuud 10 make his defence
«nan. alocls in remnm sdnmam Vplsbared la mmmm on the meme new
befove me’ It ms answet to that evidence ns “Yes”, men a Drfma luau us: has
bssn mavte out and m. aersm should he cal/cd mm answex .5 We" then, a
mm mm: law ms: nu; rlol bum mam am and ma accused snow as
In/) nlltr the mm. 1! mm 1». accused:/ea: Ia mmlm s»1In!,mon zonvvcl.
M mm an/amx /5 53/194 the awusido as logm sv/nerves. (hen gm Lmuuglv
mo slum mm: m Mn! v PF[19dJ] MLJ zea-
n nzuaurs as THE orrsucz I0 as wnovzu av ms PROSECUYION
m Awmdlmm me mum. rm 0! llemenls mun mul| bl uulfred Dy um
pmecmm. In mm in oflenoe undarsocuon cw allhe mm cm. an n Vulwm
Yhat Ihe nmpefly m ques1|on\s movable pmpafly‘
mac such prupelly was m the passesskm 01 a nemm.
max ma Icwsed mm such pmplfly wmlsl m the muenmn av ma
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
I: gem by unmwmrmsm a/mpmyau much we perm gswngrs mu teqaw
‘Wmngml my
rs ms ms by unlawmlmeans arpmpany up wmm ma person Iasmq yr .5 legally
A unison n ma to aim wmngm/(y whnn mm mm ruhlms wmngmlly a. mu
as wvrsrv mclv paw aemms Wvonvfu//y A mm u sand to m- wmngiufly
when mo. person 1: wrlwvgiufly Iwpt out olanypnwerry as well as when such
psrswv ls mongiur/y an-wen arpmpeny ‘
nu] m me presenl case. n V! dam \ha| the accused had gamed Ihe memes «am we
b-lament gamma and mm A»G«a M Sum: u-Tim-| wmnglnmy as may rm sons 30
undlrlho g um rand The wcused hid un\ydo1:\Ivud Rm lrmllmm nlhl mama:
seuzed mm the ma vnun mam war acluaHy more
[191 we nmnplamant, sm‘ nan else suflered wmngfm has as he has deany been
wmngmlry deprived [mm dealmg mm his pvupeny Consequently‘ me proseculnn has
my: Pmvan ma uxm ulemen|
[no] As we r... lucuulmlly pvcvan all m aiomamn ruqund In mm
ms ommoe at men under sscmn :79 no on Puma! coca, x hmby mm mm! Ina rm
charge .. woven agamn lhe accused In regards m We secoml change, Ywuuw now
mscuss the addllnnal 2 siemenls lhal S needed la be pmven By me pmseunlun m
mm: me mgredlafls under seam. am am: Penal Code.
. s-mm. mm-m- Tum prupnny win I! an um 91 Inc mm In . hn||n14ng,Im\l
or vunl
[an mo-umg In the list cm-us, III: mm was um-n hum mv basemenl
pm"; L11 Saslra U—Thanl wmle we second mm sKMasIm\IIIe Inonluwem slalom
lmm um! A4}-B Saslra Ll-Thar! Coudomlmum
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEwDwA 1‘
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[:21 Rufnmnun n madam the us. oVLIkhImln- Kmmflln » smm An nu
ma :4: where n was run: mat Ins expressmn mum‘ mus| be mfinldad as
wvflK:a|mg same imxxme mended fur afionimg wma nun an vrotemnn «a me persons
dvoellmg mm: n or Iurme pmpeny pinned were (or umady Any shwlure whim does
run anon: sum any such pmladxun by nsew hm mereiy smes as a Vermng or mmr
menu: 0! rnersry prwenlmu egress M mgrass unnul main Ina mm a bufldmq
Suhl U-Than! u a wndomumum MID! hanvnygumdad ucumy Dlaany, (M basemonl
onrkmq am alln uml N86 mus underma dafimmn av . buidmq
. Emu. elomln .1».-n --mu buI|dImz. um or mm. was (Inn min; and u
a human awelllmi erlor ma custody ntpropmy
ms] spa had Izsnfim um unn A«B>5 Saslm U—YhanIwes an nllice Mwele gm wound
WEN lmm Mundays m Fnaay: Vmm nmunfl mum unm 7pm She has an access ram
‘.7 mm A.” u we worksd (hem us sm . fmnnu-\ am SP2 Ilsa lumen Ihai um!
A&fi was an nlhbu anu mm Ina! sm used (ha! um! as n. Mic: sm m N:
nxamwnamrrlnduueflslaled (ha! nun use .5 a pnvace omce
nu] The lesflmomes at me amen-man wnnesses wave also suwoned wnh umhn;
F311Dy.P3(I1)‘FQ(12J‘P3L157ssweIlas P3{16)vm>ch nmwunauna unn was set
up we same sort ol alfuxun lhere win amca desks and man: as Shawn M me
vhuloariphs Exmhn: P3(31):nd Fuzzy Ilw mm In welanna at 2 av. be...
much uvmua max um: Au wns mm usnd form: wrmdy ul svvs pmpemr
[:51 Themime, n n my lmdlng am me new addflnonal e\emen1: yequllui to us
vmven undev sedkm sen are an pmvw byme pmsecmm
. lniomnnlonl ldhuu in dlncovury undnucllon 21 am». Evlduxu An mu
[as| suction 21 mm mu-nu An use mm is lollcwn
‘Wham any fan rs deposed n as dvsmvsred m couseuusnue or mfvmvahun
mewea /nun a persnn zuxused orany unsm m the msmyovs pm: alhwv
sm ynvaLv\ksgMnEvMDwA
mm. smm nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. nrW\nnH|Y mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
an mum mm w-ram-anon, mmu tho mlavmamm umwntr In . wnlvuvon ov
nah as man: dfslmlrny m M: Inc! "may dlsuovwsd maybe Wm “
[an In dealmg mm emanoe undev Search 21‘ me test In be apphad Is as
pmpuundzd m cm»; Soon Kay v Pubilc Pwucnlnv (191112 mu n Smlnan u:
use ronumme ma (Mn |esIs Much Velfl 2|: inflow!
‘ wrm was the am d!luwend7 The ma: flucuwrud nmbviou rm pllw mm
wmchlmmfloundammunrl/onweveprbducvdandlhu knowlsdpv arm. avwstd
as In mu
What was my mmmrabon supplued by me amused relalmg msnncny to two runs
mam discovered’ I: was Wonnenwv with mgard la a many. and game
zurvmmrlran -m/an ha Ma rmaan m m. Bivupfl mu: m mu Msrujam /n ma
wuu.1:olMr any AN mmwam. “un..g.u. ~
[u] Sedan 2: reams: pm afliva vuuuwng ms betme :1 may be uwuked
u) we mmmmn must have been rvcemad mm a person smuged cl an
my -um pawn mun haw been m munaym a palm: aflluav .1 lrveuma av
qwmw (M mrmwun.
um n ma mun bedevfiiidlv Is havmw been mwuversd m oonsemnnou M
such mcunnauan
Upon plot)! on me above, ma.
my so mum lmormaflan. whellm n nmoum: In . mnlrukxn or nul, as
mum duslmclw Io um run: many dlmavivud mny n. pruvnd
[nu mu seal mm mm mswvuy one by one am as they were mumme dlsmvsiuas
mdudmg mass from wmm an nu chmgad mgeom with the accused hem‘ I wm
mamlydenlwllw Ina drscovefles max mmwe me accused here
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[Io] Far Inn 7-’ seemed. the Vnlormnlnon wven mm ma ca ammy 010:3 mums:
walglvuvou 22/9/zma The Iliomunun waiulven hylum znhe name he was m gonna
mmay Thcrsfovs me 1“ and 2-1 element: haw been Mmlsd On me an element.
there wem nmecnam mm Iry me delenoe mass as m me mmunme, at me
dlwuvnry‘ espemzlw m regard: «a mu word: Imeved by me 2M accused mm nm In
mg din:-wary Mme rmmss
M 1119 mm ms: were wduosd mm mm wave u comm
'Sswa)<!u mmu bum, langkapan borkals kspada say: flan my pm; — man
my: gun snmpan 1.1. Bug nlunguldungr mug lunar mm sayl, my Mom lm
flan may sm .1. run»!!! abonu raw says /mn ma balm nmluk lemon: »Iu “
1ms\Mavs mm In Mia 01 me 2“ amused Vs Inc one mm Imam: mu mans mum me
rnumai am mdmn
gm Racaaneu .5 made to me one ul mar Huuam v s A1370 5:: 12:4 where
the com hen «M was was no msooveny nIany4nI:|depnIefl In by Ina accused and
MAC: not nammnxu vman mu manned ma In pom me Mme ma Ina memmm
ollhe pcvson whom m mm avlv xlolun umclu A can mw ckzsnr In home mm
be the Nrgh Own caw MPIAMR: Proucmorv Kzmuilhy an/I Knpuumy|20|11]5
Mu no mere ilwas «same that n uvderm mns11|u1e‘wn1nmunon‘la\Img mderlhs
gum». av seamen 27, me momum mus! name «mm the accused am nobody e\se
(:31 Evan n ma prussuman 1: mymg an nzcuon 5 ov me E»/Hence AM ussu «or
uubleuuanmoruducl, InaM:|Mme2'“Aocmsd‘|vM- m pomlmganhn bags oonlalnnu
mu maul" rs maanuum as the mm or an 2-1 Iecuwd mu never -n -u.-um
person mu mu mace The:eYore,l find mu ma Irmzrvnllml Ewen try me 2m ammo
m be unadmissmla
[say In raamm «a me u amused. mlnlmalmn mat lad no msmvery M5 Ewen on
22:9/zma m Imum 3 36pm Easad on pm: mpm msunzssssnu makes as
uxhlbh P54. me nwusefl ma given wmauon as Vollnws
sm yYlvflLv\kSqMY\EYHDwA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
‘man. an bnluh Iurwkkun annana uya Nrmanyrkan rim! rm :1. rurnah am
suyudl kwwasan Batu caves den aanamnya sayu scmbonyrhn dmlmah emak
says an Kuala Kings-37 '
[vs] Subfiwunnflyn the mama amaa: Aswsy lbgelhar mu In: (sum lad ay ma 4"‘
nacuua an 23!BIZD1Ba|amund1 32am rm: anma allhe Am aocuseasvanmy muse
m Kualn Knngsarand ma 4'" amused mm pmrmsd um aunma: av mamas an-aummu
to RM44a,am on than wus moan \n we may M on: of line mans Tu remzve ma
mamas‘ a may had ra be used and a Inmnuuz had lo be msmanuea In gel Inc menus
auI(re1evBl(7I\bII P55<7—25u Clearly. we names dwauvumd were ludden lmm mam
[vs] I refer la me an MP!’ y mam: Farm am mam Suki! L Amvr man a mu
401 vmem n was lam down as Delmar
‘A pvupor canmewn of m. maaaw omnlaydd m s 27 mu ra-any pwvod:
the answer In ma amt»-m a! mm The sschan mm In a «as: ‘d::u1vuud'
ma wont maaavern: defined In mam Law Dctronan/{61n Ed) as
ra umxwsr mm wmclu was nman, aama:..1 at unknown [mm awry
me Tagsliwsrsxghlorlrnowfcdge ofliopvthtmwiadgaofwmalnas
suited Dumas naz mevemlave been known in ms dmxwemr She/Imar
Pmduets cavmnuuauay Co cu A 111 err 24104108
Yee Ya Mann V PP [W72] 1 MLJ 124; mm was to a aaaaaga Imm ma
ca/unrated case 0/Pulululn Kumsya 5 07: v Empsm NR 1947 PC .92 whom .:
.a sand
Nnvmuw IN seflron rs amugn: mm npammzvv Mun a pirsun m pom
custody pmaaaas (rum some place av oancealmenl same nhjed
m PP v Bun bm Se/»mn[1Dv4]2 Mu 476, Wm Smnndwnv 4 «Inner! mks
Nev/Asiatic Ca AIR19d7 Hm u mm n was nan: Ihala drmlosum statement
an/y nas any rmamng at an flmenlane Imm whum ma rnuvnlmanng amds was
re:-coveted rs really n ma of «mesa/nlenl wmdv .1 wanna be mmnm av
nnpassma rams palroe In mscuver vnlnamlonre asststance mun the accused
sm ynvamkSqMnEvMDwA 2’
“Nana saw nmhnrwm a. med w my a. mmu-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum am
Mus. m. Ianqungl or s 21 w!!! mam ms lpubcalrml a/ m. nation :1 inc
mm rsmvered .3 M71 hum n plaw mzarvwalmvnl
In /lymg flown mo mm: ms: av mun-lnnnt wlmm m. manning 0/ s 27, KT
Tlwmus J Jmd m m. /ndran Suprlma Court can of sum ammmarmam
vJseISIr|9'V/1979]? LRISJ atpp sen-no
Thom m naming m 1 27 MIN Evidtnce Ml men mam 1». ummm
or the mm madrrlaslblt llrscmery ul rm smc/at wan mm mm
anygraoe mum :: ‘op-an waeassm m 010075‘ ms 3 ii/Vacraus nolnm
mm wmn recovery Marlynncdnwnattng smdu was was hum a poaue
winch 5 am a auwsams In others, :1 would mate the ewdenoe
mm zmme Evn1:nL1Ac1 Any obprl am he mwam m planes
mum m open or aooessabfie to other: Fm example, :1 ma uncle rs
bunnd nn m. mam ruadudl 0! «n In mneulodbonoam «mum lymg
on yubllcnlnnit u Imzllmidsn m 5 pubhcoffiaa. mu smc/9 wouhirumam
out ulma wwbrmy alathon m nomlll crcumslamw: The person we
hid n alum; knows mm 2 Is WIN he duaclnsas Mar Inn m any amer
psrsun Hence, me aucaal msum rs not wmlllsl the mace was
auxsslbll m mom or rmlbu! rmemer u was nrdwanly msiblu lo camels.
n u r: mat, um. «I .s rmmallrusl mu ms mama mm /s zocessrbfia Io
olhou -
[:11 me u umuusd had sand that me menses we M ms parcms mm, ms SP15
had |es4\led mu upon amval .\ m. uni Muss, the door was opened by the w
Iocuud - mm Hawavel, u an In 1' lcnnad who mm ‘as sms In «M mom and
name on! when Ihl mamas wan run
[an Relevance ‘: ma tn me use 01 u. RA|an v sm. mu CrL.l 322 mu) me
n was needed mm mm we place a! mnwawenl was mm» me mum
knawbdga no Ins aumsea me onnlessm Much rulales dmmuly m the dlsmvery :1!
me sen mm W: Idrmwhls TheVac|mmIhe mm m anesuon was occuplnd by mm:
also Va wmnmoquamul A: n was In 4* acumen Wm Md mm IM unlommnn mm
was In In: dummy ul mumll aupne 1| balm n. M: narenlf mm, I um mm MI Ina
sm yYlvflLv\kSqMY\EYHDwA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
«mu uhmvniw have bean mmuea me me mmuum. ghovn by mi N" accused on
[99] Upon mneval ul me memes rm me oeflmu. SP15 Vudged a poke: nspcll Kuala
Kangsnv/DDBQZSIIB mamaa as axruml P57. spas had also ueslmm m mum on live
Imurmalbon gm" by me 4- nccuwd In his\nankuHnd1\ei mus Mfllhnfi Ina
mqmmmanl mal nmmvnamn mm by (M lacuna mun bu pruvsd by an! mndencn
The ma MPIAMII: Pmucubvv n m hm mun A: mama In men Awullme
Pam J ran be men ms) sad as [allows
‘In/avmtnon yuan until! 5 27 It nal . mamsr ms: :5 mum by my to be AIV
wnlvnv Am .5 to D1 ynwrnnd by 55 91 And 92 :3! Inc An Thlmluru m.
mlomlahan must b. pmvvd by UV! uvrdbncv pursuant to .9 504»; of the m
rm: Mmsn Naomi Mme mlovmshan gwun by me aowsod wvli notby rlwrl
be suhsmrmva evudemx afls uwtsnls and n u ma: me waves: depuses m
ecu/(as nawnq been sand by the accused Ina! war as lwdvmx (sec Blvagvallvj
wnm m. mrormmtorv .5 conlamod In a palace new can onry Deusud /arms
purpoae bmmnmg mnmnry {nu mm: Prasdzumv V Emh mu 1: mm mm
2; VVhaIeN/amnlnmsdm my am-rducunnnflcsn. HUM mgnoa, um any
as avldcrvw olcovvuboml/an -
mo} For Ilse sv um-mud. .mmnmm.. m-A an ua mueovsry MI man on 22/s/ma
ul Imam 1.45pm Band on when reperl msuuzsuma markad u lxhubfl P94‘
ma nuzuud had qwen mxormanun as Inlows
‘Say: boar. Ilm/uklusn rumah Dupe! nladua says dnmana say: Ada aurahkan
wbuah bog mam. bwwanw Dim/hurvlnq Darla‘! wing um Iublh kw-Ing
Rmmooo nan mom D-sq bmm warm pm»/mam yang berm wanq tuna!
mm many NM45,D(}fl kepads bans menus mya '
[mu m mam olflcav15P22) lhqalher valh m team an by m. 5"‘ mm an
2319/2ma nl amund 3 mm naa amm al mu 5* awuseas lnlherm wan mus. m
Kola Samm semm mu m: 5- aumsefl had vmmnd um um samwo bags ooma|nl\u
mu amuummg lo RM465,fl00 on mat ms mum flruswlg male in nrveul me mums.
«mm. Snr1|\nmhnrw\HI>e U... b may b. mm-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
nun Luamea nounsfl om ms dailnol smuua man «as 5' mxzuledl -Numulmn m
mammus as he stated that he named war he «nuns! m N: cam. -raw A: n
have msuussefl ssmsr, In dnwwry 01 me smuem mailer musl be gwan by Ihs
nncusad lwlmpefl am such mu 0! nmormahon sud by mu awussd names that me
mssuan at ms nlamss ws mom to me vamenmsw and 1101 ms 5' socuusa nmsen
gm] Wwavar. um: non nn| mun um um noun may mlbulswaiy asceaua lhal
place at avdema am a msmmsuon wrwanl lo Ie<1\un 27 s «ma madmm Mn.
01:! Euros ulmad . smle nfannamn don mnsummancaxvy eflocmue sammsamuny at
us smsms :71 sutrsequem conduct under secxinn 3 is mu m ms Fudam Dmm case
ac Amathenll :/P P Rzmanmy v Publl: Pmseculm [mm] 2 mu an my
wndud nuns 5" amused Damhng In me says vmerslns memes were asmmea as
veleclad m paHca report Mme. Kala Sm-avg semm/00481115 nurkud as nxrubu P92‘
mm was mmsqusm In In omnu, «ans sq-Aare7yw1IIun um mm M ma snmucm
any pavsan an afinnca ianmslwmmn x. Ins wmrd many pmusedww‘
[my nsasuu anolmr Fedem Calm case Pllhml mun II M; lnmn vFnbl|c
Pmslunot and mm Appeal [20:71 2 ML! m were n was held as iolhzws
-11291“ hem by ma Court at Mosul, we mm ms! the conduct olponntmg In
an puss» wnava me nams wan lmmd Lt rulcvnnl and Idwssrbm (mmn
cnm v sum (Dam Admvmslrahovv) 1972 AIR ma; Clllrmlppa Randy J um
at 9 «II
n. awaamx of live amummms, 5/rrup/rcrm. mu an summed poman
mt . mm omm Ind pulntpd mu! on nine: mm xlulvn Amara: or
wnapuns wmch mm haw been und m m. colvwmsslon arms offence
mm mm mam wnu/d be admisstble as mmiucl, undlr sewer! s or
the Ewdenn: Au, msmm afwoelhel any statement by the accused
mwtsmpolaneaus/V with u antwedwvrlo sud! mnducl [alts wunln me
pmmw or mum 27 arms Ewderme Au -
[Ins] ms mnducl arms 5" accused Vs mnsscsm wilh me «an max he mw what we
bags Looked mm and mm mm mumascouki belmmd me my Wereme |ha|mu\d
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. Snr1n\nunhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
bu mm win max me 5% roamed was m nosuexsmn «mm mum-I um um um um.
mmiesmamy hum mm: Lumpmumaroa gem-w mum
non) here are m?ve1a\ omevmsmvenes made Much Involved 5:726‘ SP27. spza,
SP29. span and one perwn namad Parlmhan me lolal memes mm mm saw 01
the other mmses are RM24a,1Dona, RM1BD‘DflI200‘ RM965,0uo no‘
rwzsmoouoo and Rmtsomom :ssnu:1m\y A: man mm wlnauel :15 ml
crmgm lAwo1heIw\lhIhl nwssd mm u do nnl wuh m mxcun :2. .amx...nm, 07
mscom-as at Iarvlh same In saymnl mm W. dlwuvnrlu man: and ma mumu
imnd are named msnmrym me oilevvue here
[1011 Upon corwlmnq me mnnlesmal wereiaum an mwwe-y. u ouesm am up in
me man lassafmamus mm was «man by me mxnuuamam caum: larllve accused
mmssoa um um; smum be um man we mm mmm am not m Van exnst.
[mt] Navurllmulr. mm momes are easur ha ha dwswwad Ml mmlv um. bulky
«an; sum as mnlmcyclas our Instance Thai duesn'| Mxessamy mean that where me
prusewlwm cans w vemeve |>-we slnlen ‘Isms wu Mule, nwumd rundsvm - caieialzl.
Imam me use nl momma: mu Sivullnh am Ihhadl V Pendfluwl Ray: [mo]
MLJU um whens me man Conn mm as llve lulkvwlng
1w) Tms goes to show that fact Ihauhe Ruins am natpwduesdm nwvrdws
not nenn that n rs Mar to me pmsecubun case I! may were no: rtucovered m
we rm ptm, haw cam my be pmnuua m wum ma all suomv matters 0!
mawy at mm can be mama .: the max Some am pnrunanla Sums, Mm
manly, cm 2». span] by!/10 amped mm than/um my bug" Ivlmabi '
Fmmemmre. {mind an ms ummmmm sum, sum and also span‘ may run used
we «moss muewed In any M7 mm! paisulul mus Yhamom, x mm the algumam
mud in be malavanl
nun] me am: ov Ins aamssnmy oi evudamza under mm 21 Mll cmsmme
snmmenl evwdence fur the prusawlmv In estabnsh a pnma lame case zgal\s\ Ihe
aucussrl Tms .5 as hsghhgmnd -. me Fodem cm m Lznkurloov I--mu:
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA 1’
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
-1.. Chang Soon Kay . Pumtr: PmnculIwlVE77] 2 Mu re, IN ms.-r cam now
mg: mg snmmm Manny lo we msnvwvy a/ m. fimnrm ma ammunmorv was
..gmry admmod m qwdcrvw umersvcimn Nofthe Ewdenm An! rm. Fudelal
com ma manms evidence arm was suffimsmm msmy me wrmchon olme
Appellant byms mauadae "
Thus View .s Ievumsraled In me case cum 12... Bin Nullim v PP [1995] 3 nu sso
mm me Federal Calm mm auumws
‘Fnm-mly. by mlson or 5 27, In much ufa statement .....1.: by an ucmscd ..
polrm malady B: lands 1.. (ha drsnvvuryofa ma mztwrmslandma Ina! .: amounts
to .. cwvfssston .5 admassrbfie .. Wmm amm .1 mayao m paws
such mm as are Iwhwmm Drma mm the charge These .nu....e. z....m nor
confined in, knowledge an mepanofan accused 9/ ma... relevant maneva, the
run: that m. accused had pousssaan ../ the ma. luunn or mm me much ...
quuxhon wpx .....:..m ewIIm( .=.....x.... Kanayn ..x...g Empernr 74 mun A5 -
. Sscllon :4 mm Penal cm.
nml Sacborv an ac me Penal cm: pmmdas as lulhms
‘.14. Elrn .u uvuul porwnl um. let u. m 4.... by .u, 1.. llku ........u u
1; mm by M... no..-
wn... . crvmma! act .5 am by swam! Wm.-s, m Iurllmarwt or me commun
......m.... can such ulsuch persons .3 mm. rm"... -1.1 ... um. um. murmurs: n
m. m won dovvv Dy mm atom “
mu The Fedeval cam m Furou lln Ylmnn mommnn Khm V Puhllc
Pmluunmlndollnrlih -muumuzrruama.»...:ma>
:4 our-a Pena! God: is lnHews
m n cmmnal act
um panwupstnn .. dmng Mme 2:1.
mm a mmmml wmurmon hetweanlhe names. and
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA 3"
mm. 5.... .....m.rwm .. ..... .4 my .. ..nm...uny mm: dnuumnl .. mum Wm!
A Yhal ha and to m order to um Ihs um! am 0! am poisansmn at nun
mu he an sowumm me mnwu o1ma| person: and
man he an :0 mm mm to cause wmnglm tau Io ma persun or wrongrm
gem In mmsel
m In pmvl m Mluncs Imam sflcflun Jan 07 Ina max Code. ma pmieculkm munl
prev: Ihe slumums nan down under seclmn :77 am addmwnal elemenu such ..
1 ml pmpeny mu m in mm mm mm m a hundmg‘ mu mum ma
2 Thai mm mm"; (cm at mar, wns than Damn we as 2 human
dwalhng at my lhe mslndy :11 vmnurw
2. rue musscunows use
III The vmsecmmvu had cafled az wllrvau-3 amwws
5P1 . cm Boon um Icomphanam
an — Jaganamnn A/L Rmannam
av: — cm-a Bean Nam
sm . am Slngh A/L Surjnn Smgh
sps . Srv-I KumavA/L Suppfammy
sps — Na Sch Kuan
SP7 7 Sarueam mm Madanzumhah bm Tahanm
spa . Corporal Nmhamad Mm n... Smb
5?» Lame Corpovzfl Md mm mm Mn Ahmad
10 av“: —Lam7e Cmpcml Murumad Mam Din Abdm n.....:
11 am 7 Surgeanl mm Ikvlm Mn Sulnlmnn
:2 sm —CorpoIa\ Muhammld Am: bin Mus:
13 am _ Vnsvlrlor Fahml ma m Mnhd Sayuml
:4 sm — Vrupeclur Dmeth AIL Ambalagan
15 SP15—A$F Freddy mu cmpm
Ia SP‘6—AsF Jaswem Smgh A/L Sadusmgn
17 sP17— ASP Ssmmn A/L N Raman
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
my me an must be am mummamume aorlluun nlummn
[1121 F01 mu 1-4 elemanl. a ran Du gleaned Nam Ina Mu chargss man an agamsl ms
nuculed as pmv av Cnmmnl m. n-mew men
may Fur We 2~— alsmam. panmpamau ma bw dues ml require Ynrnfl av lha nccuud
m be ruesem u u amfscxanl V01 me accused m have am an ad wvm some nexus In
mg uflsnca Lveizt Saharuain bin Non LOvsv Puhlh: Pm:-culor [ms] 4 nu an
nu] SP2 Adanlmad ill lwa of Ihe accused m npun noun mm axam\naImn-1m:mel
sum was In 5:24 Ind -V30 spa AI! um mam pm-cumn vnlnasses mum mm
an [we Accused win al was wane mm mm wm on cnmu occurred me vrussnca
olma V! aocu5ed ws¢ur\>ve¢com)bovaled byme mars Vac huokmm Saslra Ulhanl
mansgemevn which was marked as exmbn P1 17 m lzcl n was me amaed 5 own
home tepan r=..4u»otm2s/cs marked as exhrhn D122, wmm became mnluswe
ev-damn ma| an we accused were mm scene mme mm on mmamm day.
[us] In rlgams nu ma mm ainmmlh me pbamnn :1! law um-:1 u mqmns prod max
|h- cnmmal ant wen mm m punulncu 0! a we-anarugad mm mm llllibub sum v
Emnnmv AIR «us vc nu Hvwvvav. lha pmnangea Man may dsvalnu an we
sum 01 m me mm at no-nmmm ov an ounce the cmcLa\ 15:! Dana live plan musl
precede (M oumrmssson of the afienue (sea Nu Ah Klal v Public wmnunu mm
2 nu my Despllz ma, comrmn mmm may oflan he dwfinm to mm byway .11
misc! mama, mu :1 may he nmurwu mm. me cwumslnmas no me use and line
mmm ov me accused n ‘s nus law ml to prove common Vnlarmen, all mm \-
not-Iury lor ma pmseculson m umva .. mm were 1- m mm.» . mmmun ml-nmn
belweeu an mu parvuns Involved m mmnil a cnrmna\ acl and lhal Inc an Much
oonsflmed me ufianw Iznarqsd was oummmad m lumlevame ul man mmms: and n 5
unnecessary 10 WW: |haI lheve had |u he 2 common wnlumon ta wmrml me cnme
sauavy wrmumnd (see smmu sanam bln Adam I Anor . nun: Pwuclmr
[Inn] 2 sun: ms Public Prouculou rm... Lung tihlona .1 u:s[2n1n]5 um
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[nu Ravumnq bad: In me specmcs m on pvnum can me queslnon >5 mam»
men: was Damcivalmn rw {ha me accused mm culminated m a <;rImma\ 3:1 lhat
unsuited m men
mu rm me mama: gnmemd. n ma me on accused .5 me nusbewumd L71 ma
wmxa cum He naxma me mm. m mm 551‘: vrnmxsas wear the guns ul . mm
and um sw moms fluhnmsfly a. mi I| Ins mm :2! Ilse cums nnfl In ma
pnmupllsd actively m me than M slum. In: as‘ aecum may/ed 3 mm min m
mnnnllvg um Mule an ashe hnmsefl rm lambs an N: was me mam oharsdzerwm
bmnghl an Ihe puppet: Tvgsmsv am snumny dmreograntled lhs mme commmsd
wamsl me wm|>1a\«an|
mu In I" nccumdx man was acluafly denved «mm . Ilnng oi Warmers ms
guldan nunel av mlurmflnn mu ncquhnd «am no am mm um um mmpllmln .
awn Impmyee‘ 5921 sum‘ m.ur»¢ cm M was omema mm SP1 wn! my-ng
out Mega! mmm men sw wnslmcled mm m dapuln bun amwnk cl (ash we the
Cash Depnsm Maam Accomtng to SP27, memes above RM5D,0nD no new to be
declared am» bankouumer and omm mfnlmalnm musnoe mrnlshed In me mm m
under «:1 the aemxm gnmmugh Vex SP1’: mmamu were (orlhe Irlumns an be
dz:-uuad vna macmm mm caund spy in boooma umuus M 5:: 5927 me
amzmlud sun; on um: mullet‘ ye| SP2 mmoly manna ml swan nuwnly and mm rum
mm mm wns sun mnrucuom and (My mavew shnuid -manic 4:
ms] Obv-uusry mssausm vnlh such explmabun, sn=27 wem ovna mvesngalz lha
mallev Hawevev. II: headed new sum men mugm out spas and (oh! mm about
sws aflaged mega! m:|<vIAas SP2? asked swze whelhev Ihe Isuzr knzw anyuna nu
ma Malaysian Anltrcanunllen Cummlliluvv (hemmansr Mensa In as me mac )1:
n. wlnlad In wage a «pm Onnslnusnu-l\y, sm -Iksd am m m mm realm!
\h:|(I1II was a use max wmxm . cummumul um and mad name mm m nu.
mo] SPZ5men Immdumd swzm sm whete me now. aflhem dunuued lunher
an In: mgeu mega! aambes madman by sm swzs. upon receMng such
Vnlnvmzlnon. passed a on In swan spa and span knew em‘): amu way on mm
sm ynvaLv\ksgMnEvMDpuA
«mm. smm mmhnrwm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
smo m an Omoer Ix-Chums av smum mos) at Shdunu svso m lum Vnlmdunud
someone nnmod sum or ‘zaw In sP2u vmara swan (old swza be male me
tmormauon to Ilu: mm‘ or ‘hm
mu spam Vnvnflvumam doesnl and were and then m Incl, he mm so see sum
and wnmm hellha|Il1:m|I saml Imurmamn on drug smugghng swan suggallad
to sP2v (Hal ms mm-Inn mnulfl Lu |rnmm\I!.efl Io lha Depuly mm at Cnmmnl
mwwmuauoa Dmnmann row-mun / mmgma I Rnooms umsmnsy or mum
known as M. 51:29 dlsanuaed mu span and she mggesm am: we wmmmn
should in given 00 one msaeanr Mohd Zm slznd sm mm Mme! Innmmed sr-an
|o mesa Ihe sand Inspaclw Mom En at Omlmm Coflee mum bade IFK KL Ths
Dune ulmam, sr=29. spaom |nsn:dnrMuhd Zm me: were am lnsoeuor Mom Z\n
ayeeu In ganunnuaecaus lmm 592: may span Imn 161 up a meenng between
sum and Ininncmv Mom Zm ac a mamak salary swan mums-1 mm he am no|
plmcwabe .. me curwnnillm balwun me Iwu and he um um kmw whnl sna
mlayld|o\rIi9S'.1orlJ|oM Zm sm mnurm In rand Vmuactnv mm zm as the nu
[1221 A: can be 5597: fmm emu: D122‘ the 1M accused and his team mnssm av
Imomem accused had mud:-am ma mu m SP1‘s pmmnses llwasme I"3r1:ns¢d
vim Inumuad spa mmp whnlawav gm wax dung Ind mum, In pm m the mamas
inw bmwl N. the mnnma SP5 In durum We mum m an Illa box Mxordng
In 5P2 s» we aha svs‘ W91" accused me Ilsa mel each nfllnm mdtvnfluavy m
me «am ems mam mom and mum: mm be not tel! anybody else me mm “mm
M m uomptamznfs memes
pm has role played by am no me any 4 accused was no V21: s|gnWu:In1 nus
24' aowsad um arrested SP5 EH11: bIuaman| pammg ana had mnuscam SP5‘:
swan card In yawn emvylmu mm was sun u-mm spz also (calm-d man u was
ml 2” acwsed who took me me me murmnn macrlne and ounhvcaled sw-
husm documlmi me am amused’: ml: w-s mung me cumin wmls ma 4'»
amused was m charge at‘ guarding me 4 Mann pmseommn wilneuz: ‘Mm were
delamsd m me mam mm during me rad ma 5" accused‘: me was In we spz
and man she la IPK KL m sm 5 sum xs aner me an n wns mm the 5*» mum
mm wmmclod SP2 In sulrendnr me mm m 01- smw x5 at me bclemenl nilklnfi
more an mum summed wan! up In umuuus Saslrs u-‘mam
[124] Appmxvnatae\y2 wosks zmenne mld.|I1e 2-2 4- and 5"'a:cusod had had tome
mscovevy av memes Clearly Ins emence mm; mm In: 2w‘ 4" and 5m accuwd
I-amalod IM mmmxssm cl In: mm as may moewed paymeul as an mdnnzemenl
lo mmmu um um:
[1251 A; lo! we final element, m am not mean when were mm be
a mumn mm" m column Ina cnmma\ ac! musuy cnmmmad and our man ms
accused Vs uM\ma|eIy dmrged As mated m Ihe case of msnir V sun: 0!
.um..n.n AIR IBSJAII su, me mud: in numuanu ollrve mmmon mlenmn‘ was
added to make paws, aclmqm mncen. Iushleim An act, wan: mnemuyma an
munaea hymam‘ mm nu am. Home mmmernnoeallhe\rwmmcn\nInn!.-1n the
man wuuld me! have bun riqmmd u .u n mcommanmmnmmpc-m
an Imemnn he no me very cnrmna\ am done
me] Relemw .9 Ina case above. the zw, an m and 5" aowsed had earned aul
mm mles m «mm In: w assumed in the M mm; Ilse mam prusoctmm
m......s‘ detaining the M. pmseculxm wnnussei m the main mom and mm
ma mm Moms out at am. um...“ we clemy am: done .. mmm of M
common mlunlmn m. avlnu ma. nmurvud .1... m. M ..m cm-lad u.
mlerwuvenlnk mmnmmawum
. Seclmn m. munnnon 1:) ohm Evident: Am 4950
[1211 Far use ac relereoce, wl\us1ra|\on(n)hu seclmn m av Ins Emenoe A41 195::
V: revue-sums Iutow
‘11A.CounnMypN¢ume exlsleuze ammin link
The ma may pmsunw me sxmms M any rm mm. .7 mm: lfltc/y to have
happened, regard bang ma In my common caulse alnamral events human
can-ma, and public and pin/are busmzss, In men mam to the fans or the
pamcular ms:
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
no war! may»:-mm.
1.9) mm a man who .s m possess/on ovum. goods sown ..ap...m. mall .5 mu
ma mm... m Nlxlwdlhl goods mwmg lhem to as mu»... ....:m n. W.
ma...» re. ms posmwn
um sum" 114 .u..smo.. :3) at m: Evnumx Au wso .. a one at a was ov
pmIump(rmIoWIcLwNch as mm m Snhvon em-..=.. Vol 2 mm sum page
1515 - Bu rwlhmg mom mu. Iogmal mlsmnou arm. .....1m- 0! um um drlwn
Imm amarnmvadmkrvown fads wunauuns help olany amfiaulmhss amw ....1 may
are always mmmshle‘ \nu\he1wcrdi,n means that asme consequence at me mm!
at an mma\ sane: M lads by one unity. the Cwn may wasuma Itve exmeme or
happening .11 .. sopanm ad or evenl. mites were .5 a.. planznlou or evidence «a
mu contrary The v-«.....pu.... undar um». «um Vs one mm the mm has
dllcmlmn on mm-. In mvnke e. nm
[129] In mg ml: am... Kok Clwovm v a man mu 44 n was me: 0...
Cass: av man at rm/mug wnan ma mly .....m.:. ngalns! m. uwua /5
m. puxlvsuovl alpvopony mcsnfly mm. 7»... mu m mlflym . dun by
ms...:.rm, maynnfiy in mm upon not so much .9: case: was... the law has
us! a bwoen orpvoorupon er.» accused. but rumor as cases me... me Iaw
has gvven speusl ngnmcanae m a aerlaun um al m..=....s......... ewderwe,
namely, me possession alslolen goods. The /aw Ls me! such pnaeesmn .. m
my/.wa.m or line then .a. moewvng umes: :xp(5mnd,
mo] Assuming «a 12.. High Cowl Vn Pub: Pmuculovv w... rum R-Illm kiln
Wan Ihhdlin man a nu aw. them arelhme nmma Ihal must be pmm ass...
w¢1\onH4\lIus4ml\a»(3\I‘an be vwokvd and mvyare:
1|) man 0.: pmpefiy .s smlen.
1... dual .. parlnn .; ... pbssesswon Mme
nu) nu. mg ml soon .1... um um
sm ,mm..sgM..m.»... 3‘
“Nate 5.... .......w... .. ...... .. my .. .n....u.. mm: dnuumnl Vfl .n..m pm...
mu Fur me am man, u m endnnlly mm mm ma pvnplrly - Kmlen at line
mmplananl had ‘caged . whoa wan, axmbfl P7.
may Fm me semnd crvllna‘ n reqwesa pssumo be m possmmon elm: pmpeviy
In me mmnl case were ma, me Lmdsncs shows that me memes were lmmd to be
m In possession olme 21:-...a sw -ccusad Al u had Mada an same: nmmg man
m. 2“ accused: dusmvevy was Inadmslmh nmma nnl mclnaa In morun «om
«mm In: z~= amused here For {ha w ma 5'" uucund mu mnmu were me... m
mew ruapacllve raarems houses. Both M Ihu amwad had mu vlIv!|I:a\ capemiy to
spend. spmlge‘ Iuvesl. av us! marshy mdelhe memes as may please To my mmd me
4“ am 5“ accused had we mm, cuwudy and mmumon oilhe monies They had
Imemgenl and cmsuous possessmn Mine slmeu memes rm: pvvve: men may ma
pomssm av me prwany as name we case 0! Puhllc vmucumnw... Mend
nan... um wu. am an mm.)
[131] FurIMfina\ mm Mvequlres Ihallna pmpanylaund Wu non anumum
and ms ounnmes mm M: pnswsuun of the slmen nropeny m be (away Ieoenl There
are no um and mu mles about Ihe mlmmum ar maximum length: ul Mme Much
smma Lapse m on1erIm| ma plusumphun may or mm mu m be dmwn em use
mum dnpund on nls own set 01 Isms
(1341 Thu - lzxmud gm mmmuuun my: me moms: ware mddan m m. mnmavs
house m Kuale Kam-par nu 22/9/zma, around 15days aner lhe ran wns carried nul
al sasua urnzm. ms an be seen .. axmmn P54 Fuv ma 5'" accused‘ he gave
miuvmnllun manna memes were hpdden wn us parents‘ Mus: m «ma sarang Ssmu|
on 23/90013. amund 16dny3n1\ev(hB mu nus mu be seen m email was
11:51 A501: mums: were lad ny me 4" and am .m....a uulma 1:! man Lumpun
nlmnwm Kuah xangm Perukand m Kain Swing s-mm, Km-n lup-cflvaly‘ mm
lmnhailmu man ulamund 2 week: Manny relsvanl and m: In Vang ax In uucludu
me apmmmnn L110‘: prerxumvlmn m this case.
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
ms] Cunldnmg all mm crnnnnn hnvl hem pmvsn n .. Mn la ma caunn on nvmamcv
nnnns Dhesummnon should apply \ win to (In: case on un-nnopnu Dnnloamnm Sdn
am y um: unasnanna wnn Mn n-mu [I955] 2 pm :15 where N was new man»
-premmpuonuorlaw anngm In D: used only Wham my use rs mrcllynecessary
lo! the ands av jaws: May an! umarnnl/y nmansmna m my sense man
‘sioppa/5 Ms odrou5' and mm mm... snauld my D: -ppm when! a
nmssnyronnz Dw arnmmu u m Baxarmhla v EInmII1E7U} asu 525, 529‘
on mama nnoynmvenr the noun «am asuerhmtrvg ma mm mm sisouldbc
pnme Dbpcl A7! a [udrnzal masnngannon, and mam rv they are a/Iuwed Ia
nw/nplym exoess me mu mu bewmo drvwwd Vmmrealnfyand wnft /we among
bnmws or 1!: cm!
[1371 Gmdod by lhe cases mam/a,I am 0! nm wewmaludmn11A\l\usIral\nn(a)M
(M Ewdsnca ~.n 1950 a avphcltfla anmnny on In mu on my nnllam ma
Consequennafly the maennnany burden ya naw amnnaa an Ins amma In iuwunllor
their possmann 0! ma mamas
. sxnnann I1A.lIluslnIlon(u)nlII\e Evldcnal Au nsso
nu} Anamer ma lhI| wu pmm-d out by Ike aacnnun aannmn was man nnna
prnilclmun had iaued |a can run vnlnamas Hm. nnn. Cmmu mvewur we we Ina
Rm 5 Imlhon m sn>n and seam the lawyer wnna drafted (ha bcipokl irvernnfly wan
auteemenl behueen sun and 5P3. Hence‘ mus mun should nghfly am an ndvelse
mlerews under secnnon um Iliuslmmn Ig) ullhu EvnenoeAc1195l7
mo] Sm n-annm man we memes amuunlmg to ma 5 munun man he reumvou on
on 1/9/2013 wu mam - Cmnete lnveslur nnawavan, mana wn! no «em. :2! wnlian
agreement of any sun lmwnu sm and ma Chi vesicr SP1 (mum mil ma
sad nmasnmem am ml reqmm any son on dowmevvlatnm as men was a specmc
mannur in any om and execnfle sane and pnnmnam uf oomvaruer asvscnalfl In
mnnenmn mm ma mmpam9s' shares wmch nrnce canml be defimlely fixed sm
nunrnanesmea men he um um ma any pamcmar aarealvnem as he omy dean wmn a
am ynvaLv\ksgMnEvMDpn1A
“Nana snnm nmhnrwm a. med w my n... mmuny mm: dnuumnl VII mnmc wan
mum at mnucwu and lhu cash memes nrnwnlww In ma 5 mfllmn wu m I-:1
lurme bakance Dune sum M a an.
[no] spat mm um um ms mesugamn on me udenhly cl Itus Chwvese nveslnr
as stated by 51:1 and SP31 hm am laflmad ma|SP1d\d not «my reveallhe udenmy
no um: Cnmass Vnveswr Noweuev, SP1 mums!-1 ma! mnumuu.. as he an nolwanlla
mm. mvulofl psrsonnl “my
[1441 Fumlarmovu n m wvna to he mm 591 and ma Chwluxn rwltlnr warn cavrymg
out mega! am/mes Much wwld mduda me memes stolen m «ms cuuenl use befuva
mu, m \sno|lurme|a mnsuderlh.I|selcuflaclsasmeveLsamnherlnmmlnnhalmaller
As Leslnfued by swzs, upon he! \rwesI\gaI\an, sms lnundma|SP1 had oomuclnd
mznlpmanon av mm but again‘ as n have s1alm.|hns was rm Ihe change mm was
bmugm bums me mmymnmemmn I’hnm!om,\m1I\na Lflargumem vs Vrmevanl
[1421 Desplla nu my awe, 5931 had earned om uflequnla wwusltgilrnn In WWII
that me memes ezusled and 01: msnmoms Mme mam vmseculnn mamas m mun
ml cmmbcrme and do um oummdncl wnh ma alher
may Annmur vnlness that was not named upon lay me pmsaumon was ma wwmr
who mm In bespoks mmny Vuan agreement‘ axh|m|F12 Asl me men mm,
In: ngnemem muld luv: I:-In btrlar wurdad huwevnn mu pan um Mines: Hand
um be caflsd w he were mly In mqulglmn what he ma mum m 912 Plus‘ a mm
mm: ware to we zvmnce nmsade allha main wardvnus nu ma agraarmnt u would
M course hugger umon 92 01 the Evidtncn am am as prewouny ralud am
obpcted to try me accused‘: mumex The accused‘: counsel can/\o| Now no! am
can an ms pamcmav pm
nu] Nu pumcum -mm M wflmsses .5 ruqmmd m mm! In: pmsawlmnl clu
rm mm .5 -uqum n ma quaily v1~M|Mnsn{Merb mm... m .4 an Evldunu
m ma; ms nmsrecumn‘: dams-on or um ulmg mess Mn vnlnesses no um cmzxa
a scrlws nap nu ma pmseomms use an: Iefevunu xi made Io one case ur Tech
Nae any. w PP[1ilT|1IlL.l zza. I e\so retu m me case mam Knum Lona vvp
[me] 1 aux no where n wn: held mm ma mvocahun ac seem an usualum Kg)
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEwDwA "
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
cum mam Ad 1050 ncflscnlsannry ma mu mlndltnry wmnmma Yhn mun ..
geuarnlry mucum vu draw om mvamnul swans! ms Dmincuhun as me p-mcmm.
cannot he lettered by any nhfigaluon tn I:a\l a pemudar mm: Tha duly of me
pruiawhonnto Dmvensnzse msmmmgeawoom.. alnswaym a\lowIhed2lenoe
am op»-mmw In real Ms mama n .5 lm umlged M) an luv the delenoe
[us] Fur\Mnmve,1M vmssunmn 5 may V: m mu ml neeennry mmam. Mm um
niunmli to In unvouxng -2! ma "mm. at me an av ma Dmlumlmn m amav m
nrlamlsh 3 Prime Ynie use at me had .1: me Dlnysumen use um huvllfi
am:-gnu ma! duty. the uouncanwl draw an adverse mamme me rm Com! m
Pu Pmncmm v c . Loony Fno[2001l]6 nu was stated as Inflows
- u .3 wan sowed menu a 1>1mIma/ ms! prosucutvng murvsvl puma-4 mm
.s no Mow malrve. Has a du-crenon as to whether arnal m call any pammlar
wvmen mu m parncular Ivar a drscmmln not :9 can m supwrt um: cast: a
wvmess mom he does not mm to be . mm anmm (see Kl-«om cnre
Hm vPP[1as1]ML./ v05). Bu! mam Is an an:/ganm on me Dmssmbon m 121/
as wimsuss persons Mama .mm 7: auennu! In Wm AM ,..y.m upan
whmh .1. use .5 but-1{.Ias Slfllvmlhll V arms): All 5: any Thus .1; Army
Rarrud cxwarays; (as he mm was) mm m rm. Hoe we VPP new 1 MLJ
220 am m
Nmmmm, 4». mm mm m as)! at nu! ma ml! a minus
mummy a witness mm mm 5 flnlemenl has om mm /5 always
m. nglll of rm nmsowbovv (Abduflah Zawam V P» [was] 2 Mu vs J
rnmr as me Mal mm 5 mncumed, Rs duty rs nswvttnlly m deude
whvmslan ms evidence bafove yr ma ptoseml/on has moved its case,
and 1/ men an urvsllslicfovy Voamros m me pmmmon case to
«mm mzm, mmnngmolsunn ;..:ms,1».p.m:m.o..n.s.:.n
mm mpmomym ,...m.m mm (Abmur-n Zswlwrs c...)
ms me auesmn m be sued m each use .5 whether the pmaecubon has
prom (I: am awn mm: calling sumo olrm wnnassn mo an my/um.
An ndvarsl mlarunct unnul o. dmwn for rum n cal! an wllmu Man Ma
,.a..a.n..=.. Ira: drsclrurgnfl rt: um... (sic N-mauymm 4 Or: wp mm 2
sm ynvamksgmnzvuupu 39
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
ML./ 336. Kadrr bm Awanq yps-(19991 2 ML! 33; ./nu/r bun Mans-m y pp 119901
2 MLI ma, Lom Ya/ng Sien y PP[1994] 2 gm 257; *
. Muklug on mwkl. lonm ovuu motile: mum! and In Iohnonlu In pane.
me] One at me mun: tamed by Ihe nccuwdi cmmsel wnx mu Ihw wouculnn
could not prove man ma rmmas Vmmd upon dscovery were me very um. mamas M
were allegedly men by IM accused lmm S.I:1r= U—ThanL n was pm In his
prusawlmn wnlncsws espechily me raldmg umnels mm liners was no nenvmcalnn
done at wnagss lakzn m uuucnam ov In venly on me Ldenmly nflhne memes
[111] with due vupam, Iha mnmu In a than can ulnnm m plxea an pm mm
rvvumesln n unmnnpnq ovbdbevy ma Ina care ovum u: in mnum lo I): pmvan
by me mosocmson max [ha pmvsny slolen I: we camp\avnanl‘s nmvany In taunt at
one‘: awn rmney, many a pemm wumd rm make any sun ufrnarkmas mm wuuld m
any wnydspmmale ns yam Furlnemme, mbo¢ymlhe\H1a|Il mm wumd M down
each and may sena numhen no me banknote: may have .n thew pmewan as
mnnuy .. meanna in dual! wllh on nn myyany basis
nu] mm m VIM: case amanawnsq urbflbery vmevelhavu wumd be mnrkad money
uvlrap money M1 any sense As I have drscussed eamer w my ‘udgmem. ma menus
do baking m we mmmmnam
[1401 we accusad : counse\ am sngglslad mauhe mumasfound ny me vesoecuve
raldvw emmvs wan! no| Ihe mama slman «nun 591 ms was duo no me lanl ma:
srs laumod ms nu ma nheckad Ina um...» nun «nun Ina mmlvnd ma 5 m|Hrun
usury ma bank mle munnnu machme Thumfare al me mama ulfic - Vound some
mouiers mu mu m mew ma-no packets lmm rupedrve Hummus! Irummlonsy 4: Vs
pnaposueromnan those were me same morhes mal use we lhrouqh me my name
naummg madame
sm nvaLy\kSgMnEvMDwA
«w..,’. smnw nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my n. .mmn.u-y mm: dnuumnl y.. muNG Wm!
«a spa / \nsna:1or5abndx bm Sibn
19 my — ASP loo: Ah mm
20 spn Vnsoeclnr Mnhd Immsnam pm Tamng @ Oiflmnn
2: sm — ASP Wayanmana bm Abdmlzm
22 922- ASP Wan Muhd Fams hm Wan Musuh
2: any ASP Knmml Azmum hm Mum zam
2» sun — uupaam Rmm... mun Munamad
25 sw:5— ASP SrI\Ha1arbm|IM\:hrnad
26 sv2s— Somavsundram A/L Saevwamam
27 spar . Kumarzn NL Narayznesamy
25 sp2a— Rahum Khan mu Narukanl
29 svn— ADP Lall Mama bum Mauser
an sp:o— nsp mam Am am Awang mm.
:1 spat -ASP sow A/L Sub:-Imumam
32 sp:2— ASP smmz.n hm Smelt
m M lhe pmecmon stage‘ the Complainant SP1, had teamed mm be reserved
a sum at we 5 mfllkzn on 7/9/2015». cash com me monies were sasd m hefmm a
Cmna mvestm mum spa wlemyl In as Huang Fang. On ma| Mam! may around
9 50am. spu Vnslmaed SP2 In mum me monlm lmm . mm .« Pawlnun
Rank!-vlc-I WI-an recavvmg SP1sms|m1:1nms,SP2 was acwmpanhea by sm, SP5
ma SP27 hr mum mwmn my SP2 um mllscud cm manic: 1». mar
(mes pvosecuflan wmnosui warn ms|mcIed Io wan an Fnnuv Conn nusnnav neamy Vn
amlher ac SP1s car, one Mnsubmu Tmon WXL sass 5:22 ms howsvev
ammaamas by SPI‘s mend. one Malay man vmo led me my «mm pm: cw:
NospIla\ Vov spz up main ona cmme man
um SP2 mama mm no arms SP1‘: Toryola Fmlunav wvc ms m mnna lbs
momu 1| Pa»/H-on Raumncm mqlllur wllh lhe Mllay man um lmvmu .\ m.
pmvmsos‘ um Ma\ay man and SP2 m Ilnp by me Ionhy to man up the saxd cm»...
man Theleafler. SP2 was «on: |o want an the basemnm parking wmle mm lhe Malay
and Clmsse man took Ihe emaw upslalrs The 2 men appeared moments later
nmgmg 5 mm; and clue boxes mugmy mu swze 01 a1 A4 pavev These bans was
loaded No me naym pmumrs mm and suhsamuenfly‘ 5P2 dropped me omega
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[150] on ma pm, Imam man the ms 2 mIHmn WI! Dnunlod usmw mu mm nous
cuIn1|V|‘9 ruumm ai Iusflfiod by sps However‘ Ieamed cuunsel name Accused has
ovedoaked ma um mm mm was anolvwv RM? mm. nu ma Mme sale Duxas m wu|
we Saslra U—man| ms RM2 mum was nevev cmuaexamned Mme accused’:
ummselan ns mm, mm m ptasbc humflesur m loose cash As spa wasme person
Wm M; 4nsmma by 0-; w nccuud lo open and um an the sac box, 571: mm
um me nnnnnnl kmmadga on um um nl ma am mllson n nun guns Ilmugh
spa‘: |
umony and such Ilualmm wsva nwlrwhd m rm
[151] n V: min haw Mal vanure |o cmssexa me 5 mmess wmm ammm| lo an
ameprmwce av ma umdawe Releranoe Is made «a the Com 0! Apnea! use 01
Unsunl hln Rnsad VPMBII: Pmsenutm pets] 4 mu «.3
1251 The ream .7! one my to cvnsx-axunlma m. muss. olllvs ad!/nus
nnny. by mm lo mm 01 my me vsrsmn arms story Imsl be lahen m mean
that mm of the ndvevse party an that Isue ma been acvepledxs me mm
nes, wow Swse on/n V ;=;=1vm1u~s 13511941] v MLJ 212Iand A 5 5
Census! V II v Damemm [v95v]AIR cm 359] Oleamse, mu ms. «rain
olfinrmn V Dunrvlvaflll s R 57 m ma Nllshury m m. Enghm Haws: L1!
Loni; manna Ina rwowina
‘/I seams to me In be absolutely assaults! m 1». pwpcr 0006112! on
cause, when 1: vs mhmind In suwwu mar . p-mm: mm.“ It ml
speakmg Ih: mm. on a PM/only Wm. to am: In: am;-vlmn In the rust
vy some auoswm pun m woswxaemnaoon '
pa; rm rma nu: smnl Dncnmo m. gold =4.m.m, »u...y»., Iuyudlng now .
ans:-cxamrnalran ought to ». mnrmnvd by mu: counul Pumnv who‘: can to
me rulevanl acrversa pam mtmm during men arm:-aiarmnalmvv .s not
mwbly .1 matter ollsclvmwl pmasdme marinate /rrwovmntly. 1: rs also one of
:ub§anna(1usace u masts m snwrs mm: 1:: mo wrmsss and to the mun My
man! gives an oopommtly m the puny m putlm can In a wlnlss in me rm
0! my con»-mcnm, man he D/Ins m maka lo M: malrmony A. such, where
. puny rm lo emunmm. . M nvnmm av on any Dar-Insular pan of /1, was
All m. pvlwnlaypcal [on the ram at mu mum pm-ton m cmuaxnrrlns
sm ynvaLv\kSgMnEwDwA “
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Pwv an the alloyed us. ola pumng by my aaeoasm mm was armaunl: to
an rnwlrud acwptamv ormaewaenceanannsr penyr: nulaflmledia muangc
iflatetlsee Ibvaxanwle me was an: v Wood Green Crown Com! ex P Tsyior
[1§v5lC0m LR 5791 “
[152] Anoltver xssua man was posed by Ina accused's munsex was ma\ liver: was a
mmepancy \n we amount m monies luund dunma the ram and me amount (2! meme:
max ms re-counted m open court and upon Iaonmcamn mum; exmlzvts
may mm cmlad av: oump\:\n\ng man»... rm bun Any mm cnm\Imnd\I:Hmm
me nukes iulcl wn rm-ulmume vxmbwlsnnlhvscasa‘ ma nmpmmumw mxltha mm-
.s not below: me x um mnva man xanified mm based on Ihe evidence arveu by me
vandvng officers and sum as val! as sm that Im mamas sauna were ouuntm and
documuned pmpeny as hum! In me Bovang Sevah Menyemh namely zxmbvls M3.
P5», P52, P57, >71, ms nu, ma. m. m and m Tms Vs nm a new lar me
nrmaumun Io prove
[I54] In a -mumn, I am mclmld In Iwwve man (he rssuel rmsed by the aucma‘.
cuumx an mam rad henmns m (hos |mi
. ummnnnucim Mmovlivi uy maln Pfnseculion ...n..e....(ss2, SP4. so»:
and spa)
may coumex lo! the Iacunsd mm mm mu m... on u. I ml nl Im pm!-cul-on
Ia can Ina mam pvuleclmw wmsm umeyswz, sw spa mud sue tn n1-vmfyu-a
mnmes mm wen velnavod upon mswvery mm were smlen «mm me bnsamvnt
pamm and mm A—B~6 Sasha U-Yhanl, Assam-nary. lame to do so mum mean mm
were was a max m me mam or evnflence
nu] Now Inc nmmu mm Mm ulrlwed upon mscavnry was not la the m\qma\
com or «mm: mm may have m wn... :| us noun hum Slilla ulhum Maneuver‘
ma mama: were sphl up ammsg m. mum am wma o|7wrilha1wweu\|sd mm
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Drmiumnn mm.» more was ma an .m.m=. Mum um 11! the mdmanu ullhe
stulen manna um an-chlngod a Dan M the slnlen mums: ha mumvsd m . manly
cw-anger hence cnsngng Ihs angina! nalum wfulm ollhe money
[151] In ms smmlmn, m wuulfl be mm meanngxess snd redundnm cm In: mu
pmmmm wnnesses m be mugs ur rrcallsd 101 ms purposes M Vdmlwlng Ihe
mm. Al I have expmlnnd mu... m my pudgment may have Been wnsxslenl vn
latmyllvn mm the movuasda a. ma nu Inch humnn .. upon Ihnm to ma down
an» Ind wavy sanal numbers or Iha mums: mmxvifl am mm um um use sam
U—ThsnI Even spa Mu: ms mm»; as SP1‘: nnanuax am wal um srllnmld mm
me may no pl am eweIylIansa<.1>on|nal 5?: made
[1 5:] n Mm new mysefl m the Fedeml Court case at Sn Ah mm V Public
Pvvncmol [mo] 1 mm 75 when n was named (ml u .5 unmessmy m cm!
Ividenua lo nnwn um mm _ nu ma-K m Ina mm 0! Manna u um mm mm
mckad up In: nbw-:1 a| um scene pm-iuoad n and mammun u as mat my uluecl man
\s enough am nma - no need to an every n|!-wernflnzervmn mu-mm u unless Ihove
‘s duulrl as 10 me nenmy
[155] In the mmenl case before (VIE, ml Ina mlmng Mflcms have aheady been! called
m mm, an mom: lnal were «own «man ducavery For my 04 ucenlmg mysatt, x
wamd 1.4.. mm up my am, findingl Ina! u .; mm” um um rnnmg uflluus mun
pm!/en mm the man... wave a pan av the oomulamanfl mm mama:
[mo] Acourdwnam n \s my Mdgnerfl mm mm mmg eonauaua a mawwm
ewlusmn M an credlale evmm made avaflable before Ihus Cmm, n find mm me
ehamsms ul Ihe Mleone cl men under mm mamas have al been named by me
pmuuIIuJrI,su:h|ha|a puma facrecaseln rapsd um. nhargcv agimsl Ina accused
urtdarl-cflonl :79 me: sea at Ina Pmnl Coda ma bun eulnbhlmd mm. m
amuad m called In nmlrmewrdelenm
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvHDwA “
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
1; mi nzrsuczrs use
[1511 The Wee nptnns under “mm 11301:) of an cm: were explalnefl in live
aewsau mmugn lhewcnunsel and EH01 me accused won me we iwom amenee In
me wllnus box The oevanoe had called a wvtneses nxmlaws
sm . Mulvfl Znm hm Pnrlgcheng / w accused
so: . Mum um: Armlrbm Ayn-n we wanted
so: — Sham mm mm... / an mum
sm— man Rmzuan om Rash mm amused
sn5 — Rolyaldv hm Anuzv / an accused
me —A5P sham Hezreen Shahnmin
mm the m:I:Annfl‘s duly u I»: and M In: dahma case .5 In rune . mnsarmme
doum amen lhe pvmeculwonk can: R.ver.nee .s mm home case 0! pp y cmwm
Eon Soc mu] 2 cu ms were nwas hem ashHuw:
- ms /wvdamenmflhal rllsnot /or me dzlancz to pmv: anyfmrlg andmalafl
.5 rammed old Is m rundurnn mrp(uua!»on wmch rs reasonable and probable
ma ma. cast: . daubl ellluvr N In the Imllv ol 1». pruuoulmn or as to ma
gum ollm aawsw‘
nss) In a mmen, me acI:uIed'i mam dalenoe was than were ms only 5 tom! av
Rm 4 man In um A454 Snsha u-mam and ma sum was nnmry seized by me
amused dulmq um ram secom. me memes mum lmm urea“ am 5* nmuwd we-e
ghten u, an: Junam lam Sam. ma znv accused‘: bmlhev m law. and nm the Imus av
ma cnme
N we count’: nurv A! we sun or we cuss
nu] me duly 07:31 me mun hears at me mncbuswn av Ihe Inal is N eensmar all
evdeme pmduued by bum me prusecmmn and me defence am In aeaae nmelher
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
«me smm be LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-ms!
the vrmaunnn has pmved nu ma bayenfl mm...» dnubl Thu .5 n ma dawn
und2rs«:Iion1I2An1I9Io crc
ms] The Fwelzfl Coull m m hlmmln Raujnn V PP[Zfl1J]4 cm 2: aamea as
‘Al the uDm:VIl&On om»: Mal. s 192» am»: cums: Pmeeduve Coda wnasvs
a duty an me mar mm In mnsrdsr M1 ma swdamx adduced mm 2: and to
decide wnemel me pmsecmmn r-as pmved as 12259 Dsywvd rsasaname doubt
The mam nlmc accuxsd must be mnadsmd In the rum, 0/ Ina mum
addumd by we pvvsucullon, as m)! as m I!!! Am: ol the wan-camp/rshod
pnnapm .nu»aa:.u in MI! V PP[1V6.7] 1 ms 52, pm: 1 MLI zaa mm
rvgavdm me approach In In rum m tvalualmqmo tvvdmae aims dc!-mos “
ma) I Mm mlal mm Vuldnuvk case at Mn V vs [ms] mu m where u mm
‘The count law of Magrsmslns to wppfiy n: as mum rr you nocvpl the
uxplunatlm gvwn by at on behalf olms uccusmi you n-us1 ulaourw amml
Eu! mrs does not ennlle you m conwaflyou do not behave that explanation. Is!
he rs sew crvlmvd to an scams! .1 u mm m ynur mmd 5 rsmmable mum as
to ms gum, as my arm: at pmmg ms gum /fies Ihmughoal on me pmaecuuon
u upm on whom evidence yuu um an In a mr mu: nVdoubL mo pmsocumn
has Imlod lo salmly mu anus amaummu. lrl: uyun u
mm The flefmnnon I1HhatuIvn‘rsammbleduuM‘ ms emaaxea mm Hm. Cmm
m rum Pmsecmotv Asxmy bin Achoi|2I11B'| muu 5:11 asmevouawm
‘[90] Resmnanb douhl m mmmal raw /5 ma! My aanolaaubl mans unnglrlary
orsvvn ramnu An ul/quaint! dcm-when M reawnabis doublwaa given m the
out MPP v Sarmm (sullillby Sllirrnl Jun/znts n Iouows
It has again been ma lhal mmname flout)!’ rs IN dual)! wmdl mam
yoalvestlate as tome corricmess aims mndusnn Much youruam rr
umtev your news and upvvv yaw mmsmsnms, allot you have Iully
mwstrgarsa ms eumme and conwamt n m all rt: pans, you say to
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA “
«mu. smm mmhnrwm .. u... m may he mmuly mm: dnuumnl vu muNG Wm!
ymmm man: mg m gum than u u auatansbh mm hrs: am:
who: sellles VI yuur ;udgImrv and mu .9 mstrng place mm 0! as
somalrmes saw, .1 must be 5 mm 511 wlemn ma msaannar as to
pmmme m we mmds onmum szme umnamry axle me vent/av m
be gm A reasanntve ummm-usm a aoumansmgrmmms swdsnm
or wan! al swdsnve and sauna! 5; In Amegmsry awn: u numocrml
umulnlod la ov/dance -
rue noun-s rmmues mu ANALVSLS AT ms sun or m:
. I'M monlns at Imll LI-A sum u-mun Condomlvlnm
nu} Thu animus mwedlhs um mm aslnaydbd mm: nmsnculnn mg. mm
0.» mamas gem .n\ Suit: uxnann Cortdomxmnm unly Vulaled up to RM! 4 mnfliun
and not a oenl more Then sum av RM‘! : mihun gem ws m\ec1adAn sxmmlD13. n
was man posed lhzn :1 (ms mamas sewzea exueedsd RMI 4 mum. 1 wmld ml have
6: mm may 4 bmwn mes as mu be seen .. emlbm P5. Tu lurlhar Wave mew vmnn
ma defence snugm tn dauumslrala now me am : mm mm be verfecuy anangm
m we 4 hmvm boxes um Ioqnenlzn mm Lha I brown nomana me am 4 mlmun he
(amend Vn noun
may Au 5 A71 aw acwxed laslmed mallhere were no monies immd 3‘ We buanznt
ovsam U—Thm|ssVn:amed m we w ma-as
[In] sum naa mum mal mmng me mm Iher: mass mm cl ms 9 .mmo.. m um!
A.-.43 Saslm U-Thlnl and a mm: RN12 nullon an the basement spa m her
mmmuan m auaimd mI|\uI\ma7yluIIrHl¢mI|be1ore(ha mud, the ma mauled .
sum mm: 5 mm. mud mun mum Iwem vul Inlol ullhe 5wh\Ie and Mn: Dons
mar war bruflqmbackhy SP2.SP4,SP5am1 swzv Domammglhc fiM5.5nH|hon am"
by [ha Chmsw mvefluv when me amused men We premxlns, liver: was a
renaming sum M RM14mIH\on on the fame and me remammu RM2 mnllon was xn
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
spr. we box spa was man mllrunlad |1ySD1 m pm m. Em A m. on min bvvwn
bvxe: Aflsv doing so. spa was mm to ca me mam vonm
mu sm, ma 1“ ax>cused.I2s1tlad um am; Ins and us wns me only one we
searched 01: um! suz, sua and 504 were m meme at svsnmng guard my spz,
spa and sps m me mam mum WNID sus was mumps m ksep an 9,3 out Sm‘
Sm, 504 and sos an Iasmed mu lheywem Vnlormud by sol ma! sm had mm
a vow av Rm 4 mum «mm mm A-E-G Nawuvlr. mm nllhum nw mu morwl wan
my own eyes and none M (hem mm/ad mu m...... lulu mm Thaw leslwnorw an
we mule! Imnuss m uml A4345 .s 2 my olheanay
[1121 In comparison to me Iesnmames anne pmwumon wlnasses mmay spz.
sm, sps and rpecmcalw spa‘ all 4 m Ihem saw Ihe memes memssxm and Ilny
also munlm me man!!! mgslhnr me lesllmony at mass : mam pmmmm
wanelscs mm mnsmanl-rm nmvlL1fltammn|rIdIL‘l|d wan alch -flhsr um unable
to -easonabvy Deleve mu Ihare was my n mm :11 pm 4 nulhun m um! A-5»5 Sanra
U-lhanl as swayed by the defiance me» me are A pmsacmunn wtlnessas mm are
able to we a m»r>y~mm. acconm an how mp mums wave mm-um to null A456
M m we basement or Sasha U—Than|
111:] On lop ol Inal, sm Iaaurm Ihax M man In: sum 4 mum. an the ulwmpllon
out n m. ..«.:..a m nnagul emu» pnmrzularly dings Nawuvar, mam WI! um um.
«mm auha Winnie: AI npx Kuma Lumnun sm mslmnled 5P2, SP4, sps md spa
4.» mve a samwe almcrrlespedxve um um awarding «a $D1,|he unrve «ea msufls
av an 4 oflhese pmsecuflon vnlnesses Iumad um puilwe as can be sew m cxmbtls
mza, um, ms and we cenawy. wsm had genmnew men sprs prevmses
an the pass that Iher: Wm drug muted acllvmss m me mm. sm mum have pmmmly
chavgod spz SP4. sps ...1 spa Huwuvav. Vuv mama: wry knwm to sm, man: 4
pmlwulnon w.:...s..; W. mm chnrnud W In am. an
[1141 we a wee naa pomled um um Iha prasenumn had «mum m rulneva m. o
hmwn boxes 5: requeswd by cm datum Trvase 4 boxes were me hmnes mm
contained me RM1 4 mm. sewed by the auwsed am the delevwe reqwrsd ma
brawn bnxcs In avvnwms oourlme 4 bruwn boxesnuuld my hon RM14mnHmn home
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA 4’
«mm. Snr1|\nunhnrwH\I>e U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
bum AccDId\ng\y m Iccwad Man vuqusslnd mu m. RM! 4 rmlhnn (0 be bmughl --
la dannnslrila mwims rum Dulfld nu mm me sawfl hmu bum:
ms; nsmuld be made kmwn Ihm flurmg live wmsu oflmstmh spc had filed In an
apohmlnn nu ma own on 24134202: Var SP1's umes nmmmhlug tn RM3seo.ouo no
that vms mm m D: vammed in mm taxman mm Yhe apwcaueu was «mu m be
mm ou 29/a/zaza a| m Uflnn baton anamer maalslraln Yhe Veamsd mmlslrfllfi
mm -mm ma Bpnhcalmn Ind Ina mnmu ware devalued min a Fm news-I
Aoouum mm Mlybank smca (Human mas-2
may Despite Ims‘ I find mama aucusms Iequeslsrc bung M1 me RM1l mvlhnn and
ma 4 mvwn boxzs an Vmmalznal sws during cross zxamlnahon (Lwfied |ha| durmg
nu: ran‘ um ms Vnsmmed by 5?: In pm mg remaining menus an the fame
amnummg In Run A mmnun {mo kzmwn boxes are \denM1ed mm 4 am... am: as
-mm n amnbns PM!-Ann 2.. mn Inna: «um sun wls lnnmnlnd co wl u. me am 4
mlmon by sm tum 4 brmm baxu Iva aw) mu bamw mum down by me
atnaed as mowu m axhm P5. Thus, u vs am 3 menu nfdvupmn om mm A bvvwu
boxes my oonlam RM! a Imlhn‘ hm mere axlstnd ulnar memes In nue mm and me
deveuu uas «am to admess INS Issue spa wu hercxarmnahun m cum slaled that
she had omnlnd am 5 mmmn and stringed me mo 4.. 1 blue and Mule rm
cum ms me She alsn dented out an In: mums: lrnm me we box. Navanhalessu
mu dal-ncl uua asuwumy MI cm specnflr: um mgmg M uumn A may: dam-I
wumm mun puma mwuamy duludaa Ihn pmsemllmrfs svudamx u m\ nmmm
(sae Public Pmnculow uug Tu Nuall mu] 2 nu aw
um YI1avufom,Ifim|hzHhe delenoe nl Ihe accused 1: ml belwevable. Yhu delsnue
nlme accused u na| crsclma and \s we or hare zssennn I u=.«er myseflm 01: Conn
K315519153! ln All nu bin Ahdulxh V pp (2111:) 4 cu 11: man u was new as none»:
vuam, mm dams! or Dvvsanlmu u bin my uuuuzmuzm man /u M:
am-uusraum ome pveseu: cans, mrmal muauunu msmorn mm m
aoun‘saawplaIvL1ofcnvlanalronnflemdbyanamsltetlpersan muafbabassd
mu reason and cummwv sunsu, and cannot be Mogscal Ix m:u:ua/ The
zxtslanw or ruasoname dumb! I: dependent upon me lmzwlrty al evndoncs and
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA ‘5
«mm. sum mmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m may he nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuumnl vu mum Wm‘
an is mmmnon olnlllhs mum in . hwurvdmulanubh mnnnarund M!
m ranlalmvv'
. wmm mu nucusld nu mcmuny nbmud the pnsummion Imdur
iectlon114|I|nsItnIhn(:)nlltu Evi me. An mu
ma] We no es! Cour! .n Ahdnllnh nln Ann V Public Pmueutov Ind oltwr
.99.». main] I Mu 121 run we duvm a5(oHmn
1551 The llmdamenlal m. m mums! law 5 ma: me pmseml/an mm mm
Ivory s/amen! olme mm charged nayund rwsormbll com, um Mal ma
Iccunri bears no onus at Wm! Tm: gnnlrll mu rt nowtvw sumac! In
uxclplmm as them 75 a mu 1.7 what ma nmucutron con 7 swlamy be
fllpEdGL1)0D1lWU The engm oomman law aalhanlres mdfiad .2. am wnhun
raw arrmvamery reeagmsa ma! ms mmum nwlam cases to smfl the onus to
M: nccusvd to vxw/flals mmse/Vm mam smam These snuahans mcmde
aersnm wmcn male In lads usaecmly Mm/rv me xnommge arms amused
mcludmy no wot av mm: nulnanly, or Mama 5 slalmory pwslmlcworv
mm. mu: - plflrcullr fault: pwlumod :9 ex»! unlux ma mmry rspluwd
[see puma Pmuwlor v Gan Econ mm mm 71 3 ML./11A/mu Nude um. V
mom Pmsemtor and Mvothur appeal (201914 MLJ 1 and mm. um um: v
Pubm; Fvusewlol (2020: mm :17, 12mm cu 29)
4571 m mfii alpvuunuzhons m the wloerzamvxlollhe cl/mmartogallrstom
may be mpweu Mus wivcvu a Jvanmzry msumpmn rs mvuksdm pmsums
mu exmsnce or oena/n (am as berng the mgrsdrerll am»; ulfsmzs, 2m onus
men shifts to me nccuwd Io msamw me Drssulned he! on the balance of
pmbabmhes and m Irmuby uxcuwalo mmsen bum ms marge me does so,
nu samsan sequins! Nne mm M n. rsgmlly alllln cling -
mm The meme 0: so: and sns sgmnsl me drseuwfy 94 mamas a1Kua\a Kanusav
and ma Saving Samnl msuacuvely Vs met me memes wae given by ane.1una\d: n...
Sank mm no menu: ‘.2 be snz ; mom m law so: and sat‘. an not mm: Mme
mum nhlamod the mam: hum nu! an may kmw haw much -mount ul mamas
Junalm gm mu m (ham mdmdulfly Bum sun um SD5\5I1flsd|hn|.luna>d\mnl
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvMDwA “
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
wtm em a! lhlm upammry and meta Imoghl help lmm sm .ntt sns In keep mu
momsiiov a Mend sm mu sus hmhu mtmsa ma! they kep| me names 91 meta
Kangilr and Kata Saranu setnttt as K was safaris mp valuables a| men penanw
house As on; Ime at defiance bmuqm lorward Dy tne accused VS naatea to live next
wws. mm proceed In dtscnss lhe naxl utt-
- Nnvuvlllablllly omtemt unmm
[IIO] on at/tmozz al Ihe dose at We pinssuzlnxurfs us. ms pmwcumm rm
Oflered Iwu wrlnnssssiu ms oelenw, namety one Pnrlhtbnn am the amntamma
Junamt ntn San: The defence tnnntatw In tne mun tnat they wmm Ieuutre Ihe
addvelsos Mmese wnnmes In Me event a pnnu tau case Ii made
n-11 on In/z/202:: t nu-1 dscmsd um: um pnsmumn ma sutmassimly Dlwven Ks
cue. On tn.» sums dale tn. mm. mraanlud that may wmlo be ulhnu Inc we
wvlwinas mm by Ina Wosecuum and sums olhav wlrmwu man we yI| to be
decnded me aetam agatn requested the sent witnesses nddvesses «nun ma
pmsewmn an to/sauza via Iellec -uhuu| = nnmn was me mal msumsd on
{W5/2023 tns dztenm um a Leltm lumlshnng me wllnesstes address lorme mm in
product subpoenas, ma. the cam am an wanna.
nm on 15/7/2023, taunaa counsel far we dofemsa mimmld Inn mm! mm tn.
stmpoen. lndunmdvhm Sam mum mlbe mm as MS vmereabeuls welt tmknavm
Laamad Deputy Pubic Pmseannr-udmltsd tntstam and salad lhalme Invesnaatmt:
om»: naa seanched mate. a| ms Last knawn mates; btl ta no avatl. The defence
called a mat M6 Mmesits and was «man In class is case as Junatat mum nn| be
[10] n ts a well annmnatea pnnnpta lull . 1.1. Ind |uI1 mm mm be accorded to
amt and very accma person ms pvinuma I! an uucvosan<:| mm 1 came! be
samtn;-1 tmdevany uvcwnilances
[tux me Cowl umapeat tn Publi: Pmuullovv Axnrwl bin vtmntzottt 4 nu
1| held as mm:
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDpuA
“Nair s.n.t mmhnrwm .. tn... M my .. nnmn.u-y mm: mmn wa mum vtmxt
man at me same Vnhby and spa dmve buck mu m. Malay man we Plume cm
Hospilm mm, ma Mavay man parted mm spz The cum 3 Dmsaumun mm-ms,
namely spa sps and spzv were sun wainrvglheru man spz rem/wed
nu SN man anlured Ihe mv dmve hy spz Mme sps and spy was wznmg In
ma am can we 4 pvunwlton wflnassas man Mama to Surla Sinner nms spz
Vrulmclsd 5P4 nnfl sp-5 In lranshr ma 5 mm: .m blue bexas (rum ma mm.
pommers mu mam: Mmmm Tnlmfs mm spz mum the -mm. he msxmmnd
SP4 am15P5 |aImns1arIm mmmmmcana mumwu mlnauflbemu Vmkrwed
SP2 aka lesufisd Iha| these hm-:5 wave me: opened no va mm mm m um-2‘
m1wevev,SP1 rm msdusad ezruerln spz mattmse boxes oumamed 3 large sum 94
[121 Alterlranflumng me sad huxa: an 4 0! me Dmseculmn wlnauns warm to
spva omoe at uml AM Saslra umam commmmum Trvers, spz parted live
Mnsubwsm mm. a| the basemenl nzmng and SP4 went In lake We service eievalm
upvnahs Hemen Ielumed In the basemenlparkmg wllh a lmHay Acwvdmg Ia sp:, n
was mound :1 man. Mum he man live lmfley lmm sp1 ; emu: Nsa, A. new ma«
spa wla slvudy mm ma china
(«:1 ma swhlle and Mun boxes were loadea ammh-1\mI\ayan¢ SP4 Ingemervmh
SP5 went up agam Mm me waded valley In SFl‘s me am. the salvne ulovawr
Msanvmfle. SP2 mm SP27 wok he passengev He»/aim M Afifia me mam were
pm m Inc may mom SP2lIvevn\nsIruI>1.ed me Imus to he npumd and u was allhal
new mm sp2. spa, SP5, spa nnd spzv sawlhal Imsg buzz: eununnau mums
SP2, spn spa nnd SP5 cmmlsd ma mums: Iogallser mm. ammmtnd m we 5
mxllnn me murwl were MI (Mn arm: tn sps
nu Subsequeafly. spz raouwsd a phone can mm spv vaqwslmfi Rmemmnnoa
m be given to spn. That sum was in D9 given to spa mm mm be waiting 2| ma
Sank Eangsnr spz man asked Ior me mqx-cued sum «mm spa Much she Imk nu|
Vvomme Rm 5 m|IHnn Altavll my run Inn pmaoomn spa va4:oun|edIhs mmalrunq
rmxual mm a bank nu|u ummllng madame and n zauauaa up In pus v rmmun
sm ,nvm»ksaMnzwum
«mm. saw nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max
-1231 lm‘ clvar law ma: wmn minutes vs oumaoyma woauumon 1.7 ms
delsnva .1 ma mm m casu rm ma uoucuzm n rs Inn Dom-uisn duty of!"
pvosecunm In em these wflnusxu for nu dollmx rm mo amass ohms
dun/, me pvusucunon tans Io mm rms ob/Aganon the accused must be
1261 n was abhwutnry lwlm nroucubon to secure Instr ntlmdlmau am my
were alhvvd as mass: :9 (M dc/um: Sum lam»: ma mwsmea a
mrscamaw orwsnm “
Llknwwu m um. nvsum can he pmsocmnn has me houndtn duty to leave me
anendnnce A11 mm Evin n mam. -mum rm Elva ravuumna nvklerwe Var me
aowsed. u does no| detract «mm me pmleulmlfs duly ta pmduce mm m own
may run» miavlo In: case ms
Conn :11 Apvaal upm-d as vuuwr
Ihudflln om. V pp (201511 ms nu vmurema
151111 /5 uysu! :1.» from Mt show nmum olma rm. and mu pmgmant
ma! Kunllnn Kamiasamy, Avmwir Yaw! m1 Moawunnlh snmm Khawn
were deeded new on ma pvivlmng rm: am: cwwmslanooi m ma» caws
Thaw cases nearly showed that me Durvaple reqanlrng the duly pl [ha
pmsecubm m sea»: ma attendance afar: alvsmd wmess rs olvlyapphmblu yr
the wnnsss uflemd .5 a malenal or vucrul vntneu Ia me «stem, m mo nnsa
ma! Ins/Mr awoena rs a/mu necessary In the unloldlng olme defence‘: case
or Ian mm llva -ccuud In rarsmg a mmams doubt /n ma pt.-mmm
cu. in ma.‘ . rum». lo ucuw nu/nuanmanm mu mwma the Acnuwd
in that «r ha: dspnvnd m wound or an aaaonumry to amw mam» ms
defsnm at In miss a masanshlu mm m ma prasmmows I::I.w /n sum a
umlmstancs .2 can he said that me amused has been aepvwed afa Ienr and
ms: me! much ummutalycausuda rmscamage uljumm to render has mnv/mun
unsafe ‘
ma] Revevflng an m Ihe use new: me, 504 and sat; bum iashfiod man may
renewed me mamas vmm Junalm aam Sm and spa mm mm man. mqueslea
Ihem us new lhe mm: my a mend n \s avso parlmem lu no|e ma\Junak1\wzs\n1ac1
sm ynvaLv\kSqMnEvHDwA 5‘
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
cauuhl Dymva =11 nu wamg Omt>3vs,SP1fi mm am 35 mIHmu mm mm and mm \s
found n pauce report THSL zsezms, mum P60 He 5 oxmuscy MI a (tenuous
cMvadzraud1rw¢au1ha|he mmseWwaA uugmwmn an vxumnam armmm nr cash
vawses may of aueslnns Only Junaxm mmsefl Vs ame In Iel vmy he gm (he mm
«a sun and spa and when the mamas nngmalsd mm
mu Ylverulorv u u my «mm man mm. x. nl Vmvnnlncs M15 me one who
could nun . reaw-awe doubl on me pmsemlmn : uu The mama ol Junard s
c\ear\y malavlzfl M2 nus amme and um lalure of In pmsswnan «a same ms
anundznue nmmsxm has caused me awusefl m be deemed M 3 Carr and pm |naI
J coucmsmu
[1151 For Ins lnrepumu mnanl. 5H M In unused are Mraby aowunusd mud
dulvalnud :11 com chimes
mm a 1 2024
For me nvmeculnn Muhzmad Shamum hm Amldzm
Fm me amused Hamdan bin Hamzah. mmama mm Mam Rasrldee. Azeazw mu
Prehared by.
mm momma sum Rosuu
Mlhlumah Pllajlslrm Juuyull 12
(unmumh but mun-u. lk) mm. Lumen!
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
us: Upon reuervmwma pmsmwoo. spa wen! in ma am Elngsanngethurvnlh
sm sn amund 12 wpm mere, my spo want was to pass Ihe mamas In sm
wane SP27vr-med mme ca! Asm.mnuuosp4, nmkswonours fovSP1 to mmplele
ms um mnsaamn and alter mnuuevsm, sp< gave Ihe paymenl shp tn sp4 spa
am spzv men msm back Io Saslra u-Imm, howevsv. spa dropped an 5927 al
Kamvunfl pm». ss ms mm wanted In on up ms Inolorcydn. spzv men want In
RNE Bu|u|Em|nug|n man Icrwqucnnflsuhuqncmry wan! In ul SP27 man named
back to seam uansm am-s
[151 WM: SP4 am sP27 were running mm: for SP1 svnae 12 mum‘ sm
conlamed sP2 .ngmna1amum‘H2 soon. In um zmoIh51anmd‘SPI msuuded SP2m
gnu pm mum to spa SP1 had M50 conlacled spa pevmvuafly my me latter a:
Drenfire ms Rm mmrun spz Ihen museum the said sum lmm spa Mm: spa had
put Iha mmnl m 2 mus and Mun bnxa: Amum 4 mm. spa and sps warm to ms
baismem parking \n um Inn pm mtlhon In spa On In: way now“, 597 wmscm
SP4 in acoompawlhem in sand mo mane:/In spa m mum spo muse he wnl an-we
amunfl m mmmss pom 2| Ihe basemam spz was aboul to ma the bums mlo
SP1 5 amw xs ww 3512 men suuaamy. 2 men apnmsmeu mm and um: oflrvem
asked Imnnlve buxas camamed sp2 remgruzad me 2 men zsme am and sm numbed.
The sm aocusafl mslmclnd spz Ia load me boxes mla ms amw x5 and umsnd.e(me
key: lo (M hum
[111 SF2mmIIIyve1used moo ss Subuquunw. 2 more men anpmachad sn, Mm
sm remamzzd zs(he1“and :v= aocuseo One wuss showed ms pause umspz
spz man suneodemd me car keys to me am accused am reprinted man were wete
nmmes ammmlmg m RM2 mH|nn m Ihe said boxes spz was In enter
|hl smssa s Tayull Was Made sps was mmusa m am-r ms accused‘: mner car.
s 9o\d<o\aumd mm: mm as mmules mm. spz ms mud In as: um 01 the car
am spz nw spa rm lmved ll lhe Dnsemenl onkwvv Ind wn ullmg la\M1“And
2~ accused
[In SP4 Ieslmed that he arrwed a| Seslra U-(ham basemevll pamna al zmmd
5 mm Them‘ spa was appmacma Iry 2 men and was wIs\ruc\sfl In sunemsr ms
amass cam spa was runner nsnucled to um 1». av and was handcufled om av
sm yY1vflLv\kSgMY\EYMDwA
«ms. sm.‘ nmhnrwm s. U... w my rs. mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
(M 2 mm also smwae II: pohca ID In spn sun was man alcurlud va ma ewes
elevvnlnr by me accusad no an up In null Au M Aw, spa saw spa vn ma study
room where she was vn It-s mldsl ov snsrvgvng me mamas, a pomon 01 me mamas
wem an we lame and a ponvaaev vvweaavveaay atmnued mm boxes The 1“ acauaaa
mswcted spa in ma whalsvu she was: flung spa Ihevv was nova In emer me mam
mom vmava he saw spz zrvd sps wave avsa emenrvg ma same room av mal ume
nu] 5P4 men law sps manna lhe mam mam aumrlud by mu 1“ accused. The
vuuravvvve moseamon vvlllvaslesv sw, spa‘ spa em spa warn new mm In so: eme
In each eemaravme mam room In ma main room, spn naueea me I“ accused gum
|u Ihe muev and vzkvng on! :1 vuggage aegs. slver. am and green mhured The hugs
wars nv-on bvuuml um um me mam mum
[20] me 4- Iccuud um r.aHeu spa In ma mm room mm mmamea 2 save
boxes The N lwuud mu-uevaa spa to open and av ma uva mm whvch ocnmnvvad
RM2 milvon M cash spa had me passwuld In ma save bnxnnd u1mudarlIaHyv ma my
m we save box was Ien by sn on me vzble ma 1“ aeeasea manned space uka
am an me monies «mm me sale box and pm me savd mamas an Inn vaava am new
5ubsequavmyv|ne1"aDwsefl mm spa In am we movnes n a hmwn bnx
[:1] ma. ma 1r‘ nccunfl ascxmud spa bark to me my mum Mm: spa was
vvvllufly awn-um ma ramuvnmfl mm as received lmm me Chm: munluv berm ma
smusad amvsd av A—SrS spa had av-eaey wumad memes kztslmu up In pm 5
mam mm she on! m we and Mme boxes The vunavmnq RM14 mllvuvv was on
mevaave m me study mom wh:n|M1“ accused vns|mcled spa va shop vmatevsr she
was thing we I" aameea mswevaa IN: Ieluamlng pm 4mHlnn vo he pm m n bmwvv
box ay spa Allcvwams, spe was esnnnad backln lhc mam mom mane aaav Mme
o pmssculvmv wvmu-aa wove ullsd unto me InHe|ane by one
my mum v hour Valer an vaura: mu pmsecnmnn wilnessn wvvu told ve ma lo
meaemca avavamr On mewayvama wvvaa amem: sp2. SP4 and spa nntad mil
me save bnxzs were opamd and emanvea and me was no mums ven m we shady
mom. NI ovmem wen! dawn I» we aaeaavevn parting Ingethevwvlh ma eaaasea and
they were LwuugVv| ve vpv< xaava Lwnpur Thurs‘ ma veav ptoseumovv wvmesses wars
am yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDpuA
“Nana sanav rnmhnrwm be mad a my a. nflmnnflly mm: dnuuvvnvvl VII arvurvc pnvuv
mm |a awe n mum. 01 mw um:-3 sr-3 wa. uflld by we w aowssd when Inn mm
askud ms «umemn mwm ovum-1 ma Dank me oourmng mamme sps showed to
me N aclzuusd and named am me was one Drown Mix on the Mom Dnnlalmng
memes The 1*‘ amused men asked spa to munuhe memes nu ma bvvwn box Much
the ma so by mmmng mg zmmm and 1| lolafled up (D RMI 5 mm..
[23] Whsn ma ..»m¢ armed n| AM Slur: u-mam and rundod the premium‘
sP27 ma mu ml mum: to Saslm uarum am: vwck-nu up his mnlmcycka m
Kampmg Pandan In that wmerval Mlume, sm ma wnew ma Jalan sum smug
bu scan a wvvwelw cheque and warn cm «a sum. Yhereafler, SP21 headed hack to
Sasha U4h:nt Whe« amvmg mere. he cafled spz spa and sp5 as sP27mdn‘\ have
an access mu m go up In Au Howevev. mm 471 mam answered SP27s calb
sm waned Yer at m: hasamnm parking vov appmzdmalely 1 ‘/1 mun Mun suddenly
».u.». SP2. 5»: and SP5uxA|mg me slnvaw wulc lhe nursed SF27 man nw mam
handed In sum sEMW xs sm man HI hum um Sum: mm»: mm». wmuu wan
[241 s»=27 then went In Jam Bukn Bnnlang to meet SPI's dm:r4:unv~!7adyguard‘
Raw and another mm Parlnizan m rehle max he jut? wnnassea Cansequenhdiy,
Pavlmban mils! SP1‘: me «u uunvny me news
[251 Al mu pnmcxtlr lune‘ sun was an m way In Lumun and upon heanng me
new, 59: returned W-«am-wy lo M-Vaysm On mmzms. sm hoped . punsoe
vawn Ilalma mat a sum mam 9 manor. was stolen mm ms alumnus. us sauva
r. we counrs rmnmas mu Amu.vs|:
. rum mm-m; IMIIM nmnlnv In dunuan 1. movnhlu wopmy
us; me asnmnn av ‘movalfla rarupatl‘/' s lmmd under uamn 2: 91 Inn was
cm. ma. rs Ieprvduoed new
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
we wovds 'rvnvunIo pvupvlly‘ we rm-no-d In mduda corporeal propeny af
every uesmpuon, except land and Imnqs attached 1.: ma narm. ormlrnansnl/V
[asteoed in anyway wmm rs attached to ma salm -
[:11 la\so rave: In me an mcm um bin cru Mud v Puhltc pmncummul
Muu 354 where n \s stated out
‘A chuam [urn mm amount I! muvnblapvopovly A mmincyrvulv rs movable
propafly Anomrimovab/a;nw¢I?.V'
Cmifly‘ ma mm mum or mu m ms case are banlmmas vmnh ms 5 mm“ .5
mm -. the charges .3-mu the scanned and annlmalu are . cm a! ornpor-2V
pmpsny rnemm, Ihxs wnmd mean‘ vnlmuu «mm mm In um wbmevd u vmvnn
by the magma
. Sncand «mm; mm Inch plvptny w
compll Im.SF1
n on nalulllou at Its:
[251 The second element man we pmsewlmn needs In prove us Ihzn ma pmpeny
was m Ina possession cl lha wmplamanl The mmmn Dl'D°SSESSb01I‘Mms msauwa
m me man Caun uu a1Pnb1|: Pmucmor v Wan Mom! rum... hm Win Mona lln
[nan a mu am an below
‘Tm? wont 'yas1eswn' mm a pnyacsl txaplcdy In -my mm a mum as wa
Me to me axcmsum aremym anaa dstermmalnon to zxemsv matplrysmal
powel on ma‘: own behalf :1 rmpbes dwmmon and mnsaousness m we mmd
nlmc person namg dwmrwn aver the ahpcl Possessrm must be sensuous
and rnk/Irgcnlposaassmn and notmsmly Ins gnysrmlpwunoe aims accused
m pmllmlfy 0! Jun m close pmxwmy to 1». abpct '
may The aux av (M aucusm delevlca us max me memes Iflaqed m bu mum
annumnq to RM7 9 Imlhun, a; 51343.: m Ihe mmplavnanfs pouee report Vodgsd. axmm
P7. was never m the wssessm. 0! ma wmulamanl lnslead. wh:| war m me wemses
was my mums nmuunlmg to Run 4 mnlmn m Much me accused mm ngmmuywzeu
Vn um um men can he seen n. ma accused 5 pmuce mpnmoxmbh 1:122 Whmh raw
sm yY1vflLv\kSqMY\EYMDwA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
| 6,742 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JA-42S-4-05/2023 | PERAYU MOHD KHAIRUL BIN ABDULLAH RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Criminal Appeal- Appeal against conviction - Section 6B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 ("DDA") Whether the chemist report was incomplete as it failed to identify the isomer of Tetrahydrocannabinol- no evidence from the chemist or relevant expert to assist the court on the issue of isomer - the court does not deal in conjecture or speculation - the existence of Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Plant is sufficient to prove the offence under Section 6B(1)(a)Whether there is a break in the chain of evidence - Photos did not show the markings of 'S' or 'H' by SP2 and SP5 respectively - no testimony that the markings around the Pot and not merely on one side of the Pot - the Pot was produced in court - trial judge had the benefits of viewing the Pot himself and confirm the existence of the markingsTime gap between the seizure and surrender of the Pot to SP5 and it being locked into a locked steel cabinet - no explanation by SP5 why it took him 3 days after the Pot was surrendered to him was locked away into a steel cabinet - possibilities of the Pot being left in an open and unsecured area cannot be ruled out - possibilities of tampering cannot be ruled out - the markings were only made on the Pot and not on the Plant itself - marking on the Pot alone is insufficient - there is no evidence to ascertain the Plant in the Pot is the same plant from the time it was seized until it was surrendered to chemist (SP1) - no common measurement of the Plant between SP5 and SP1 to assist the court in the identification of the Plant - time gap becomes material since there is a doubt as to the identity of the PlantAppeal allowed- conviction and sentence set aside - Appellant acquitted and discharged | 08/01/2024 | YA Tuan Kan Weng Hin | |
08/01/2024 11:13:30
JA-42S-4-05/2023 Kand. 30
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JA—l2S-I-05/2023 Kand. 30
28/31/2024 11:13-33
CRIMINAL APPEAL No; JA-5254415/:02:
[1] ms is an appeal againsllhe daemon ome Veamed Sassxons Court
Judge who had laund me Appaflam gunlly and conwcmea mm under
s.6B(1Na) ar |h: nanqmus Drugs Au (952 (“Dam and m parlmulur la
lhe amanded charge which .5 set mu belaw
“aslvswa kamu paaa u szam ,.m mm kumm] 53:7 pelang at mmall
oevamaa 14752. max 45, Jaw! comm va Tamar: Ccndana, Pustr Gudnng,
mdnlam Danmndnlmr Bamv, a..1.«.m mmnmamam nfihukdmkamu Vslah
msnanam lumbuhan ms Cannalm den mam Yulruhydmcnnnabmols bolcn
mpalulelu secnm mrrgsung, dun dangurv vlu kuma mm mslakukan mm
xsmananmnzwansexs/an 65{Wa)Ak1a Dadalv Esrmlvafl «:52 yangballh
mnukummnawahaakaysn 6Bl3IAk1uy3IWszma“
IN .,=::unuuuv»:y-mmn
‘NEVA sum ...m., M“ be mad p. vevly M nH§\nnH|Y M W. mm. VII mun: NM‘
[21 rhe Iaamad cu-msex our the Appellanl and Respnndanl had filed
man wrillen submuss-ans naspecuvely as bekwws
1) AppeHznA's sunmsmns dated 2 Novembar 2023 (End 19)
2) Raspnnaenrs subnusswns dalad 9 November 2023 (Elm! 22;
3; Addmcnal submissions nf me Appellanl dated 20 December 2023
(EM! 25)
4; Addmunal submissions on»: Respondent dated 27 Deoemher2023
gem 23)
Brill um
[31 On 1432019 at mm 630 pm, SP2 meme: 5 mm
pallceman lmm me navooluts branch 0! Sen Nam Dislncl Ponce
Headquaners oanducted a pone: apemhnn at an apartment um! having
addruss as smeu In (ha charge spz apenad now me will me me door
at me apsrlmenl unit which were closed bu| unlocked SP2 fmmd |he
acwsed silting akzns on me Ilaor m the Wing mam. SP2 uonduded
phys\ca\ a<amma|\on 01 me accused and mu nul find anylhmg wllegai or
[4] sm Khan ccmduclad examunanon 0! me prawns: and hunt! a plan!
matwas planted In a mom pu-sue po| rm. Pal’) man he suspecled |a be
a cannabu mam (“Che Maury The mam was waned on 3 wnadan chair
muse me mm mom on me lefl side 01 me Muse The accused was
msequemry avr:s|ed and all ma Items iound were sewzad by the palms.
5:2 made a marking '5' on the Pan mgemer mm date "14/sr2o19' and
alleslad ms ngnamre to w (exhIb1tP3)
On ma firs! wssua o1 ume gag um mg dgubls as |a exmh F3 and P9
[29] same pmceedmg on (ms. « Is In he naked man waamed munsex for
ma Appellant Informed the noun (hat he will not be pmcsedmu mm the
Issue aflhe vmssmg rubber band“
{so} On ma Issue M exmhils P3 and P9 man mlate m me Pm m which
me Ham was planned we learned ommsel ma xubmmed mm mere a
a discrepancy m the hmghl arms Pal baraeen me Pot mum was seized
by spz an 14 3 2m and ma Pet wmch was produced m cowl The
«eamea semen um submitted (here As a height mwapanay a12.5cm
[31] \n his avidsnce, SP5 had slated me hem: of ma Pot al ma mm M
lhe seizure was approxlmatew Zlcm Hawavan thus was no acmnv
measuremenl cflhe Pm The height at 21am was omamed (hraugh me
quelhons asked 0! SP5 (Appaal Racma, Julld 2(5), 17.217),
5 Inspeklov men mauumm k. muhkumuh bempa Mslmggtnn pakok mm
SP5 Puhan Dnluk unluk says rumkpamyala Saks: Java
pa vu, um ha/angsn
Mnmmmah mmanmn
SP5 Msrmuk psvmvggan 1171 um." mamml dun /anla: dl mam pasu
owuamn hmygn ks muunq pom ukumn mpamaam 122cm gamma».
gambarbnmw kssolnambwsdan s
s Sslamsnya to 2 ms-poktorlmlun nuam my
4 Ukman Uaambtl dun alas Ianah mam pasu ssllmggl A1 bu/mug poknk,
ulauln swam 101cm.s9bagaImaIm gumbur nomDor7dan a
s swan says sarsmsnyn bumps nrw mu mmgg’)
Nate sum rumba! Mu ... M In M, n.. .mW., mm mm. VI mung W.‘
J Tmwv pusu Dunga vzz Iafiak 1:71
5 Jam ksnnggmn paw bunga Dompn cm mspuklorl
.I mm kumnq 21m
[32] Dunng me «vial, ma Delenoe r/Junie‘ had paved the quesnans Io
sP21Appeameoam_Ima 2A, [1 72).
s »<-mu saya ukuumsu mm. lnspckrnn Dolph many mahknmm Dslzpa
an‘! Hixatarrgsh cm ya xavau says baham me vs sstsngah cm, nu ma: 1::
Ian /aw: kmang km new
I saw
[33] The Defence caunsel had m ms quesuon to SP2 slated max me Pm
was 18cm Humsvsv. before mu: quasllon was posed lo we SP2, me
Davance counsel nan earner asked 2 similar queslmns to SP2 an ma
helghl of me Fun, arm on lwlh quesuans, sm had znswarud that ha am
not measure me flower PM See Appsal Rama, Jnlld 21/A) p 71.
s Kamu ada ukw belapa pamlng, amps mm mm mg. ml‘)
J Urvluk makmmun, says um msngukurpasu Burma mu say: ukur fluwada
pun bums mama am» sampav Ac
5 ma mg; Ada ukw he max ma
4 . nm
[34] It was in 01: next quesnan anev that he had usksd the qussfinn
"kalau says um pasu bangs Mspekrur, boleh benlalm muhkaman
maps cm’ 19 ssrurrguh cm ya Kalau says lzunagtdua waolsngan cm.
was ambrl 15 /an lebfh kuninq 9cm mu/7
[351 From me wommgs and manner ma quemon was posed Io svz‘ 1:
was net cleurwhelhar ma Pm wax acKuaHy measured and by wham
sw n:I:urnL\uqvRymw«wsAu
-ma. sum maa Mu ... wed in M, m. .mw., mm mm. VI amine W.‘
[351 \n the ques|\nn,I11e Dafsnue cnunser seems in wages! In svz mat
yr ms Pa\ was 18am anu n n was amuse by 2, n mum be zppvaxxmalery
9am counsel wanm oonfinnatian of n |a w n SP2 ounflrmsd -bemr
[371 M ssarns man me quesuon pend used a nypnmemax measuvemanl
o11Ecm mner man man quesllun, male was no olhev nemence M 13m:
to SP2 or la any other witness espaaany sws. \n In ms: exammalmn
ol SP5‘ me Defence counsel did not mallenge nov mse nny dwsnrepancy
as to me hetghl of ms Pu|. In had‘ me mus 0! ma height 0! ma Pm was
nu! mssu at an. smaly on such an Important am of ma hmfihl M ma
Pol, mare isa dulyto pm me case to ma wnnass Sea sass ofwang swea
Chm y. PP [1951] 1 ML! 212
pa) In any want n us no: mspnrsa Ihm ms Pa| which was pmfluced M
own his the necessary marking as done by me wnnams namely‘ by
5;-2 and ‘H’ by sps The Pot was aecemea by me Devencs cnunsel and
the leamsd Judge See Appeal Recsna. Jihd 2(5)‘ pagss 215 and 216.
s Kalnu kiln hmguk pad: mm my bums moo-u P3, Vnspnklnrsaluju
um pads P3 ml Ada lsmlaan H, can landaun s aleh pa1mkpalLs7
4 Vn,IeIu1u
s mun dun unannng.n,..,,.,»
I vs, xaluyu
s lrvsvaklaryang somakan gambargsmbar W7
J va, new
5 . Seklranya say. rlquk glmburyangnalmg risks! Pam says oedangkan
keuma nlman pmak pendakwaau dun salnlvarv Mahkarnan dun snlmun
says mssu ada landnm
J Ada landuan aural aumsa. rm
s Kamu no/sh nampak pada gambafl
J . Nampnk
s . Kamu uanwaw
J Nsmpak
s Omrg W m rmmpsk rm lnspuklafl
mm. GumrmrmsnasM<s!MI/k7
Pa GammwP9(4}
SP5 Am mm wsma malah dskat paw w, Mvsan
Hakim Emu Iurrgnk pun M says lengak
Mahkumm nampak Ma (and: s mm a.m.: Iulam dun w mm
mww "mu -
[39] smoe the learned Inal judge uas seen the mavlungs on me Fun and
nu| any other evmuca in show olherwlse, me issue at me height
discrepancy with: Pet V: a uuu-snmev
[40] The vssue at me photos as m axhihil P9 wave the learned wunsal
had subrmltad that m me phmus. it ma non shawlha mavkmgs cf‘S' or 'H‘
which were mavked by svz and SP5 mspecfivaly rue Veamsd cuunse\
aubmrtled that me Po| had malkmg o1‘S‘and‘H':voundnand|he phmn
which was Iaken by sps and not suaw such markmg avaund nua Pm.
Huwevar nua puma taken omy suaw nne am or me Pat. H was not w
ewdsnoe whelhev mrough the «esmmuy anus wanes: or exauuuanun the
Pu| Iha| lhevs was rrlavkmg avaund me Pot and M1 merely on one sude av
Il.|rHac1‘when svs was askud wuanuar us wuld see nus mavkmg an the
Fan in nne aniono. ne vepealedly answered he could see in see Appeal
Reuorv. Jnhd 2(5)‘ pages 215 and 216
-s Sakrmrnyauys ndukgambavyangpahngackmW[l;,sayacadsrng)1sn
kepeda snlnnarl pnluk pelnflnkwmm dnri ulmarn Mahkamen darn salmall
says max]: new Insrrdnuyn
J Ma nanaaan ookal gamma: rm
5 Kama bo(sn rnampak pea. gnmbarl
J Namyak -
[411 Surely alnce me Pol was praduoed In conmn nne ueaenu wunsen
com eaeiny wnfirm wnemei me Fun had me mlrknngs 51's‘ and nnn‘
amnmd in Dr only ana side on in in IS obvious Lha| nne man nudge had no
doubts about in especianny since na had me benefds an Viewing nne PM
nirnaenn and main eonnrrn nna exisnenee an nna markings on nne PM as n
man nudge which ne and
Time gag
[421 On nne Esus at me nine gap between the seizure and snmundev an
me Pal In 595 M14 21 2019 Ind in being locked away inna a locked anean
cabinet in SP5‘: mom an 17 3 2019, me learned eounaen had subrnmed
nnan mere was a break In me enain ulevndenos.
[43] Na expnananon was given an SP5 why in look nini 3 days anner nne
Pct which connairiee he Plan! was snmurndavad no ninn was nockeu away
nnnn a eneen I:ahirne| in his Vudmd mom. Than would mean man lhvannghoul
me 2 days betuie ilwas necked away on me 17 e 2019, me passinnnnnnes an
me Pal being Iain in an open and unsecured aiea winmn ma pohce smnon
cannm be mled oun.
[44] smse (here was nu explanallun from svs about me 3 days delay
befme he secured me Pot um: Week 01 key m n sleel cabme| m ms room
which is am: lockad‘ n ma: me volrwmg quesnons
a) Wherewas ms Pm kep| belcre mm
s) Was n kep| under lack arm key?
c) Could anyone nave had access «s ms Pm and Iampsved mm the
PM wmsn (he Plant was planted wn arms Plant ussm
[45] The (ac! max SP5 ma subsequendy pmceeded Io wssx m m me
\od<ed steel canum on 11 3 mm maanuhzl sps xnswmme umponsnee
onne we cusludy 0! me exhlbrl and mat n needed to he waned m a sacs
and secured erwwnnmen| Tha| was o|wmus\y done «a prevent any
paasmnny of |ampemIg cf |he exhibit xmce srs had my prnoeadad to
‘ask away ms Fan on 17 a 2019, me psssmilmy sv lampering cannm be
Mad oul Smce me Defence has raised soma doubts I: to me psaaummy
anampering, me benefit suns doubt shomd be given In me names
[46] I raver to me Feflera\ omm case or Vusli Fualml v PP[ZD1I7]E cu
578 when n was held mar
-mws aha)! now may wrllv Inc Vwslgmundaluypeal Mm Vmdlherbu merit r..
ms nlyumanls ndvnnmd by Ianmod colulsel In! ms appellant We aglu mm
m. smmnsn arms aalw/lam mm mm rs . swans mum u m the weuhr av
ms cammms, mu: arrsamg ms »daMr!y sv me cunnalm‘ Aocwdnllg it: me
charms! (spa; the role! wepgm aims oannams mnlumd in ms lwa pudmge:
av uvd G215 mm 2: nmmmu However, ms mvssogsung oMaaI1SP4)m Ins
lvmnnna sated that he wsmsu ms oannaars m M: mpmsgss a1 and G2
and found me (am wnvgm In be ma nmmmos Tms would mssn by m luvm
ms mnnam: touched the hands onna msrmsl llmu run bun an mcmuss in
me weigh] a: my cannabis by m 21 gmmmzs wnn mqani lo Mrs discmoancy
Nab: sum tummy Mu s. mud in M, me .mau.m, MW: nnumaul VI arwuns W.‘
M the wcrglil ouh. nunrulm mm: we nu axplanstrwi gvvsvl by 594 or any
ulhar wilnusa: cnllsd by the pmsomlron 10111810)/IIIO mcvusu VII the wotgnl
Them )5 no eviasuoo adduced by the pmscctmart In snow ms! the wmghmg
scaly em to watgii the cnmiubis has not oeen oaltbrallfl um lllsrslnm
inemme I! I5 A/su to he noted that sw n he menee an tml enpuiti Ins
maimmdnl mhe cnminht: WI pemgee st and s2 tnmi the me he retain!
and weighed them an 25 reanmy 2005 until Its ptem then. M a net mmksd
“CL'[aitIi P3; an 27 Fphmnry zoos and salt! In the mstmsl on 23 mnmy
2005 H e tmntimnienz evamaling tne iuuseamone as! N! ma light nl me
erwttvnu at/Maul: thee axial: e sauna! met as toms taentiiyoune cannabis
as . any VIMDVI Wu! M the sums nsni that was suzsdlzy sP27'
[41] Unlike the other cases where ttne dangerous drugs irtvolt/ad ate in
wwdery tone or ciyetai tonn, this case iiwalves 2 giant. The markings
were onty made on the Fat and not an the Ptent ttsett, This 4! mike!
siiipnsing since the ettenee umter S.6B(I|(l| DDA involves the planting
or ctmivatiml ol Cannabis ptehi. it so, the Plant seized sheutd have been
tagged and marked eecemtngty
I48] I am emte opinion iha| meiety marking the Fat atone is ineuir-cient
since the mete presence al the pot er eanteiner is not an mgredlem
necessary tot the oitence Thsve is no nos furtms court to teiy on to
ascertain met the Plant in the Pol is the same plant item the Mme ll was
seized ttntit il was sunendereti to the SP1 the is very matenet sinee mete
is e time gap era iteys amt mete is he necam tn ascertain where and how
the ptent was kept until l| is teckea away an me ti 5 zot it It is quite mieiet
thet theie tuttsl be eanie nieens M iaentineatinn an the Pie":
[49] Also, mere was no common meeeuiement at the Flam bulween SP5
amt SP1 which may esstst the court In the identification or the Plant SP5
measured the hsigm item the flour to the top of the ptant as tzzem and
me height «mm the soil at the sttneee urine Polio the lap uflhe Pieiit es
‘luicml see SP5‘: wilness slalemem at Appeal Record, Jllld 2(A)\ page
- ulmn pads pokok «ml dulgnn manggmlnlmn 42; cam my .
lo l A/kumn dlambll dart /anti! dlmana mu Mdlakiurl sallmgga he nuyung
pnkak, ukmsn dlpemlehl 1122 cm} (sooogalmalls Gamnar mung Kn: Na 5
an Na 5/
1472 llkumn msmml dun alas la:-all dalam pnu sallmgga x. Ilwlmg pokak
ukumn mplmVu7Il(101 an; {sebagamlanu Gambarsarnngkos No man Na 2;-
[5a1 Wllemas Sm had upraolaa lne Plan! and measured ll The
measurement VS 120ml She had alsn weighed me planl Sea SP1‘:
wflness slalemenl 3! Appeal Renard, Jllrd 2(A)‘ page 14.
-um." oar: Tlmbavrqln llrllml mamlpalkurl llnwl pakuk Lsuabul uy. mm
mmavkanpnknkdlnpnsu annnmammunl-mnmmnagun enemy: Sllbmmyfi
saw rnlrlgullur am mm-V Dlhaylul mm mm. in Immng mm." Mar
bilopunusayunrurlmlbanybovntpokaklooobul $nmo.sIp¢m¢nI<.man,saynl1upall
mm mm "mm -dnl-h V200 nmlmn dun mu polvak Dzrnebln mm 2: 2:
[511 Bath SP1 and SP5 measured the Plunl .n mlverenl way resulting ln
Incanslsfencles in me heighl nfthe Flam When the Flam was ploduced
in Conn, ll had already willed. The pvcllcullon had not releneu SP1 In
the ex ms. Wfe1elVad,lS\8flI(ShS can canfirm whether II S me same
Plantus ln me pllnlo mal she hsd recelved lrurrl SP5
[521 Slnoe mare ls a doubt as In one laenmy of me vlanl, Ihe Mme gap ol
3 days becomes malerlal wllhaul any explanalian lmm spa or any
wnrlesses Any benefit at doubt snmllu he grven la me accused Sea lne
case cl FF v Lee Hock Lal[2D04]1 cu 57
-ln my my me -mamnwn walllalmn' mm: In . pmpor mm mm
mmmn Mnumeewdenm udducodla dalsnmrre wllamarapllmnfacncasu
sln n:I:uYnLlLlu‘/RymwlRsAD
-ml. Sum mm wn ... M in navy l... nllglmuly wnl; mm. VI AFVLING pnflll
has urnalbswl made 041! ms. Mills swdww aoduaodhas la as Semllmaud
wonuny and Inns mama rm! :2. M a parmnclaly, cmmy emualm or an
axarcue Mshmmlng am the 61117866 alum svmwleo ow The plosocullon
rvllulm-A1 mu m. mg:-4)-Ilfs M m. Marga mm the evidence adduced lime
zvxluban aims ewdsmre mm la «elm ln ms pmsecullonis case at 17»:
slaps anus procasdmgs llselllhwl ll camlnl n. sud Inn! 5 ‘Wmln lawns:
been made am The defence Mglllnol la as cal/ad mmly la denial Manly m-
doubt: Tlls branch! on». man lrany, at um um! nfma prlnacllllarli case
must go In m. acvussd -
[53] I rum mat on Pmsacullun lm lallsd In prove Iheir case beyond
leasonabla down. As men ma cnmldlun ls nut sale and should he sel
aslda The appeal I5 allowed aom me cnrl\Ilc|icn and selllamm arv mi
85165 The Appellam ls aoqulned and dlschzlged
nalea 4 January 2024
(K N wane HIN)
ml al Commis any
Hlgh CUMI :21 Malaya,
Johor Enhru
Fol the Appellanl -
Ellclk Sllalk Saleem B SM Dam!
Temn Shank Adam 3. Co
No 2|)|an cenaarasan 3‘
Taman Pemadanan Islam Lam,
aossa Jahor Bshru, Jahor
sw n:l:uYnLlLlu‘/Rym»mfisAD
-ml. sum mm M“ ... M In M, l... nllglulllly MW; mm. VI mm pnflll
Fm me Res|7onden| —
Tuan Umar Fauz
Tlmbalan Pendakwa Rays
Pawns! Penusmat Undangflndang Negeli Johan
Am 2, Bangunan Dam‘ Ja‘alar Muhammad.
Kaia lskandar‘ Nusafiaya
[5] On nnd same day an about a an pm SP2 handed ever the Plan!
together wnh me olher Items semad In me mvesuganng omen (SP5) spa
carved om a prehmlnzly 1n1enogan1on o1 the accused and recovdsd the
snansmenc «mm 51:2 AI and-A 11.10 pm. s1=5 marked ma i|ems seized
He mavked me Pu| (sxh1b1( P3) mm a mnnnng 'H1“ mgelhev mm dale
~14/3/2019' and aflested ms mgnalura In 1: Al zboul11.35 pm, s1=5, with
um assisxanos ol SP1 and Sin 190111 Raaftk took puma: dime ilems
551134 11 Dhnlal were1n1<en(dx
[S] on 15.5.2019, spa recorded ma slammsm «em a wwness name
Mohd Nur Adm Em Ahdullah, and aha want In me scene Ingelhar mm
sP2.1u phelas wave taken by SP5 at me scene (exhibit P11 (11 an
[71 on 17 a 2019 at aboul 19 am, SP5 pm me mam mgemer mm me
Fol mla a box marked as 111' and se:\efl1lwI|h POMS nnaja Maliysna 755
[exhibit P2) SP5 men kemlhe bex(exh1b1IP2)|ntn a 1ua<ed sisal cabmel
In ms room that was a1sd1adked Adcdrding to hm. dn1y na nad access In
ma cabinet and the mom
[3] on 13 3.2019 a( about 2 29 pm, s1>5 delwaned me hex (exh
la the walnut (SP1) (av ana1ys1s
1 P2)
19] upon mcewlng nne um, 51:1 marnmed Ihe cement: or the box and
she vaund n mmnined a uL7| w1Ih me marking ofi“H1“ in wtncn a pianl was
planted sP1 cnr1duc|ed ma anaws cl |he 1=1an1 According 1d ner
analyss and her chemist napon texhlbw P7), the Mam contained
mmnydnacannamno1s 1n her evidence 1n noun, sm |es|ified man
Temanydmannamnms are um major Cannnbinmds found in cannams
resIn.Accovd1ng In SP1‘ Cannabis 1; any pan lram wmcn msin may be
oblamed Ivvespeclwe d1 (ha amdunn av whm me plan! is named.
[10] This Court In: Is In appellate com The appeal takes me «mm (113
cavmnullmn at a max and K Is open «a «ms cmm m decevmins w me vanuus
findmus ollha man com me wnecx This Cum! may subgerxlhe awdence
lo a mince! reemmmaxiun
[111 ms cum Is guided by me pnnciwes as sal am in the Com ofApp-eal
case elMahd Yusli Mangwz. Anorv PF [2014] 7 CLJ 597 where Kwas
held as vanaws
‘I41 ws new use scmlmmafl m. mmms avadabls balms us We are Immful
mm Mus m . ream based mm 1: rs Inls mu m mpeuue mun mu no new
10 mlorfsre um um fimtnys mm and/ummal uupv-clauon Mme rm by me
mar mun n: ma. ma /aw snvusls ms pmvrary rm ol mmmm of mg
av/aoncu Howlwr, 1»... mt axcaplmlu
4.; mt/udgmsnt u based mu 5 wmngpmmrss olrad amum,
m; mm was msumasnlmaiufl appvicmlrnn by Ina Innuudgu A7/the mam
ormummnm ylnnad hefovs mm,
(c; 1». m.r,m.;a nu comufietsly avsmaksd ma Wrsrwvl pmmmum N m.
Id! mat the cows: Lf-v-ms alfimmibylhe mslludwe mum rmmnvu auwnaa;
{cl lira m.r,..a.;= had made an unwarvanlsd dsauallon am an Vanity/unumr
masonmg «mm, or
1/; lm mauuag. Imdsu mnmmmaanymmmmmmnmnxnax one may mfoly
my ms! nu raawnabls own wmen Ivadptupefiy mmam vlxalmvdaskodlha
twvectquesltarls wnnldmve nmvadsl me ssmsoanclusvon, liver! In Dppellatn
mun wm mtscvsna lo rodfly ma: mm! so Ina! rrwsmx u m ovcasmnad
sm .,=::u.w.wzy.mmu
-W. sum rumhzv MU ... M In M, m. .mw., MW: nnumgnl VI mung W.‘
isee FEIEIYIMM W; Son and v Cunlay Canslmcfian Sdn and (29:21 i ms
me, (24:12; 4 ML1 1491(1)‘ simiimni a/1P9rIasamy v Plllasumy ‘ my
M99513 Mu «£5, ms»: 4 cu 545 mi; -
[121 Diiiing ine rieeiing en 17.122023 Ihe Ieeiiied coiinsei for me
Apizeliam had inrenned me coiin mei ne WIII ieiy an (we issues «oi the
eppeei neineiy.
ii neiims end gap in me exiiiisii P3 and P9 P3 belnglha Poi and F9
being iiie pnoios or die exnioiis seized by sr=2 Ansing iiom inese
I1D|l|7ll|UgElherWl|hIHe lime gap 013 days belwean (he Sallflle iii
ine Pei ie iiio PM being locked away by SP5‘ iiieie isa bleak in me
enein o1 evidence
ii) ins cnoniisi iepon dalad 24.11: 2015 iexiiibie P7) was ineeniigieie
in as lei es ii ieiied m idenmy Iha iiiomei nflelmhydvocanrlabinol.
[13] i pmpose |o deei wiiii the second issue rim
The charms! i Ex lP7
[141 To iindemend me issue ieised by me ieenied Counsel, we need in
reiereo (he amended eneige wnicii read: as eoiion
'BaIvnwa KBIIVH pad: 14 s zine in lawn kurang : so peluvg in mman
D973/amll nsz Elnk 45 men Germans in, union CdIIDMIJl, Pasir Gudang,
in mslnm Dsevah Jana! Bali/IA‘ D4 dilam Nagvn.Iuharbag(pmal1 din karml Mall
merianim iiinioiinnnienis Cumlablsi den niena Tofnlhyomcnmmblnau ooien
dlpemlehl menu /anyway, den mznwn Mu kumll Isiah ms/akukan mm
mnmien ai Dawuh snisyen aaiiiiei Aide nednn Esmamlyl we: ynnoooien
flfiflukllm oi bawali nksywi 5e1:uAm yang uni.“
[15] In |he amended Ghfllge, me eppeiieni was orieiged wiin pieniing die
menu from wnien Teiienydiecannebinel oould be obtained diiociiy
[161 Telruhydrccannamml Vs Yrsled In Fivsl Schadulu Pan III of lhe
Dangerous Dmgs Ac|1952
Tslrunydmcannabrnulx, fllvydrnxy-J1wenIyI«6.n,7,H7, «oamanydraa, a. v
mmuny.u+maanza 1n, mm."
[17] Instead olcharglng me appeuam wnn p\an\Ing a plain {mm which
Cannabvs could be omamau as as! am in sermon 6E(l)1a) or me om
I952, Ih: pmsecuhm hadohalgad (he appauamwm plammg a manuram
which Tetrahydmcznnzhinol could be ohlamad See seccian 6E(l|1a)
which reads
‘Semen as Pnslndwn unplarmng urmllvvabcn oi mllsm plums
4.) aaman ms awn beharloran oanauavany amsvpatson, plan] orcullrvalw
anypram «mm wmah rawopmm‘ ma Iuws, pnupy-straw orcsnnubls maybe
oauma emmralrucuy ormdneci -
[131 Cznnahvs as defined m sechon 2 ems DDA 1952 mad: as Iulluw
'cannam:'mesrI.I anypsrmluvryplanlamrs genus Calvnnbrs Imm wmcn mam
rs Immd to no pmssnl rssm Mmspvclrvu 0! Us quarllrry, Md by whatever name
lbs plan! nuybe dlsagnnlod,
[19] By changing lhe Appeuam with planting a {dam «on. winch
Tslrahydrocannablnm can be unnamed, ma leamad CL7unss\ aubmmeu
max Te(rahydrucannabmn\ as hsled in Pan In or me man scheme
raquues the chemisl rspcnlu sI1aw|heImmercln
[201 was: is an Earner’ lsumer‘ as damned m ma Merriam-Webslev
”onsuYlwnoHrlomoompou»ds,rnl14r:al:‘ lzrlmls mat mmsmms same mmlbar
cl mum: M In: amna elements bu! Mar m slmcmral arnrlgamurlt and
[211 unlanunalely dunrlg lne lnal, an ma chsmlsl was nol um by
lne Dalenoe aboul me lsumels or znymlrlg related la llwhen she leslmau
ln noun rnele was no cnallanga llorrl lne Balance on «he chemlsl reparl
in so Var as lfrelales to me have ollne “lsamavs‘ L7! lack am The Defence
ma nm call any expan wines: to pnwide any explanaaon nor challenge
me raven ln lacl. Inslead of asking SP1‘ me Delence counsel chosem
ems axanune SP5, me lrlvesligatmrl (mean on ‘L see Mpeal Record,
Jflld 2(5)‘ page 219
s lnspaklar. cube lcllyok a« ymrwwan ks-4 mtahymxzarlnablllnl aauan
sarrarav Emam , panama Akla mm Bomallnvl Snya clsdnngkun
uapaaa lllrpsktov mama!-lmnlur, karlrlwlgamltamiurlg.-n
Tslrahydmclnrlnhlrrul m mink dlnyhlzksll av mm lnpovwl nnn. lm7
J say. hank pm sebab buksrl kapekararl soyn
rs Tldak pevmkarl Nspakaml
Haklm Mamanya maruiuk kaplsfln mkllmen ml min alnyalmn emu plm
spa naaa
P5 saya Mnk Ida saalanlaln, Datuk
[221 surely SP5, ma Polloe Olfioer is rlal qllallllea wlm lna relevanl
expert knowleage In explzln ma cnannaal. slnluule ov arrangement ol
lsumer ol Telrahydrucannabincl SP5 is nul W a posillon In lasmy as an
expen wllness and lo explain (he lnlneames cl me Isamar ln such I
aimalian, he ls lust a layman The nmmsel an um ask or oven anenlpl la
vecall spc who had mndumad her sclanhflc tests and nnalysis and sna
had concluded Iha\ ma Plan! Is a cannibls plant The ngh| to recaH a
wllmass Is prmlldad (or under Sachon 425 at me Cmmnal Pvocedure Caurl.
suhjacl co |he court‘: dxscvefinn See me case ul shamuuan hln Abdul
Rlksb v Public Pmsecutnr {M12} 4 MLJ 592
was) r: Ls now was! m Iepmdun s :25 allna Cnmmal Pmoedure cm
Pmrav Court In summon am alumni: pamana
425 Any Cam! may at any stage oi any Vnamm ml! or ems: pmcuflmg under
«ma Coda summon My nsrmn as wums; ar axnrmnu any Forum In
arrsndamw moagn mzisummansd aa a wnmesay armour! and msxanum My
puma nlmndy sxatmnsvi, and ma Cowl snafl summan mdaxamlns macaw
and raaxanm any new pumn ma ewdenee appears la yr oswnlml In the
wsi dccumn at me aaaa
[ill 1-ma mm rs a blanket appwvll la ma noun a: any slugs olrnqmm Mal
M04/Isvpmnunvng In summon, examine‘ moxammc snypsrsanm Illnrmancu
nrllmu Mm have am svldcnue mm avldmcn Ir-war: In be assaults/In
ma ma daemon 427 the use The teamed ac Appdmdx 4250: ma Cmmnul
Fmcedwe Coda onrroclly wnan H15 Lotdshm Ivsld llml ma rslmlm evhisnoe
um amma ‘Inr1Iva[u.II dnasvun auna case’ (see me wnltuuudgmanl nlm:
Vsumo-1.IC ul .7 229 oi ma appeal weaved Ilybd rm
my Racapuon uVA9D4ma( wrdsnvs vane: rm ma to one an: aaon am
has to D0 command an Al: awn ram mm mm rebuild avmnnm nppanr:
essermal to the ma: flsamon 07 my case mmn Inn msanlng one 425 or m
Cnmmzl Pmevdmv mm, m: lwaifypelmlnlbla Au awowms Iibullnfavmeuze
to D5 miimued as swam..-
[23] wuhoux any awsvance nv avldenue «om ms chemlsl ar relevant
expen to asaisx me noun. il ws dmicun hr me count» appracuale me wssue
oi the isomers or any) as wbmllted by me lenmsd Counsel As such «he
sm n:I:utnL\uqvRymvmfisAn
-ma. sum runny wm .. wed In my m. nngwnnuly wnwa nnunvmnl V1 ermine W.‘
noun wm be [an nu ma realm ov ouruecluna or spsculallcn see wee
Wuxhuang v PP [2o1a}1 LNS1676.
"(lJ]Any mm mm mus! a: band an avmenca and nuwmz am am [Ms
applncs wwv mm Ina mm» vs Mary m raise a rsasanabh mount in m.
proaecmns oasa ms Conn dos: mzl nu! m Lvnfaclum or sasculuban and
mm are gm reasons In! mm Mum wu nndnotllabnnstz D". '
[241 In any event we mm: by me ueveme counsel In examine SP1
am no| name the nrosemmon or Ms burden |c establish the amnmal
mgremems 01 me amended charge In As welleslahlushad mat me gsnsfal
burden or pmul Ines lhreughwl ms lnal on ma pvcsecnmcn to prove
beyond reasonable doubt ma gui|| onus aecussa. Se: cue omanamm
mam Vanknh v Public Pmsscu1o<[1991]3 cm 2073
'1: L5 5 wefl smbnsmn pmmpla av Mslaysvan mmmal law ma: ma gmm
mum alprool m mrauglloul Inc Ina! on the plvseculmn ta pmve beyond
rsaaonabls denim ma gum ol ». accused var the afleuw mm wmclv M1:
cllllved Themunasnmdarbumonplacodonmcavcuavdtopmvanra
mnmm H9 5 pmumm Annomnl mm mm. gmlly 70 earn an ucquvflal.
has duly 5 mecely m cast . mmnama mum In ms prnncultun use 1" m.
courasoflhs plosecuhon case, the plmacubun maraloaurserslyonavaflwble
slsmfulypmsumuhans Ioymvn unsolmors arms sssanlmhngviflvlnlsulmu
mugs when my occurs. ms pamculwv mum. u/pawl as names m Ms
genera/bmdvn, smflslumudofuncela moutaumpmsumphonsunm-Dunne:
nlpmbabllmea winch/mm ma asmm. pnmlnlwuwnxlvsawarman the mm
omaslmg a ruawnnbla nuuDL nu ma csnamly llghlsrmnn me burden an».
pmsecuban mpmvs nawlvamosonauvdaunr ra.amnnacwu:.m:m»ass
of me use for 1». pmsacubnn mam Ham nrs mo of 1:» Crlmmnl
wmam Code, ms Cam row as snlstlmd mm rm cm «gums! lhe mm»:
has new mm out man ¢ umibullsd would wmm ms wrrwcban
lM4mu.umy V PPIV9J£I v ms :2 rvamm rs mm the duly arm amusad
sm .,=::u.w.wzy.mmu
-W. sum rumhzv MU ... M In M, m. .mw., MW: nnumgnl VI mung W.‘
a only m can . reusnnaale doublm me pmssoulron me we mum ruqwwd
m pmvs ms Inlmcsncv bvyoud mawnaore anubl ’
[251 mvenymaeannamnut is one :2! ma sssannal mgredlanm as set om
In Parllll L7fFwslScI1edu\a at me DDA1§5Z
runnyarocannamnma 1Jvydmxy—3»ptInM-63,710, 1ua.:e:ren,am.a, an 9
Inmsmy/6~N-dtbevvzo Ih, a7pyrM
[251 n can be seen aflev me word “Terruhydmcannabfrmf, mere is e
oomma belole ‘V-hydrmry{H2eIvryH§a,7,V0, 103-Istrahydm-6, s, 9
znmeznymmmenza 11:, dj pyrzIv'. Tne evecn 0! me comma mean: man
“TetrahydmcaImabmoI“ is to be read dmunchvely Irum '1-hydlvxyxl»
pent;/I«5a‘7, 10, 1Ga~te(rahydru-6, 6, 9 lnmelhylfifidlbsnzo 1», u] pyrun“
sae |hs cam ol um Mohamed Haarnrn Shamsuddin v AIiomey—
Geneva!‘ Hnngkang peas} 1 ms 173 and wnmpal Slngh v Dahlk
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| 2,641 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-21NCvC-123-08/2021 | PLAINTIF Suria Synergy Constructors (M) Sdn. Bhd. DEFENDAN 1. ) Kerajaan Malaysia 2. ) Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia | The Plaintiff is a private limited liability company whereas the 1st Defendant is the Government of Malaysia and the 2nd Defendant is the Jabatan Kerja Raya (“the Defendants”). The Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendants arises from a contract entered between the Plaintiff and the Defendants.The contract between the Plaintiff and the Defendants via a letter dated 3/7/2012 was for a construction of a Police Headquarters in Pekan, Pahang (“the Project”). This letter was followed by a formal JKR contract.In the upshot the Court dismissed the Plaintiff’s claim with a cost of RM30,000. | 08/01/2024 | YA Dato' Haji Akhtar Bin Tahir | |
NO. GUAMAN SIVIL : WA-12BNCvC-127-09/2022
(NO. K/P: 770924-14-5623) ... PERAYU
(NO. PASPORT: P05292572)
1. In this case the Plaintiffs who are Sudanese citizens collaborated
with the Defendant a Malaysian citizen to set up a company called
08/01/2024 15:28:35
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Valencia Health Sdn Bhd (“the Company”) to trade and supply in
fruit juices.
2. The Company was to be run by the Defendant as an employee as
well as a 5% shareholder. A Company bank account was opened
up to facilitate the business with the Defendant being the sole
signatory. The Plaintiffs had deposited a sum of money in the bank
3. On the failure of the Defendant to update the Plaintiffs on the
income and expenditure of the Company the Plaintiffs sent 2 legal
notices to compel the Defendant to update the Plaintiffs on the
income and expenditure of the Company which the Defendant
failed to comply. Hence the civil suit filed against the Defendant.
4. After a full trial the learned Sessions Judge allowed the Plaintiffs’
claim and directed the Defendant to pay 2 sums of money. The 1st
sum of money of 78,926 ADH equivalent to RM88,827.21 for the
money received by the Defendant from the Plaintiffs as well as his
salary of 5 months. The 2nd sum of RM 28,374 was the proceeds
of sales of the Company.
The Court’s decision on learned Sessions Judge’s judgment
Existence of valid agreement
5. The learned Session Judge made a finding that there existed a
contract between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant although the
terms of the contract were not in writing.
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6. According to the learned Sessions Judge the contract between the
parties could be deduced from the communications between the
parties by way of e mail as well as the conduct of the Defendant
providing the Plaintiffs with all the statutory forms to be filled up for
the formation of the Company.
7. The Court agrees and accepts the finding of the learned Sessions
Judge that there was a valid contract between the Plaintiffs and
the Defendant based on the communication between the parties
as well as the conduct of the Defendant. This proof of
communication is exhibited in the common Bundle of Document
filed by the parties in this case.
8. In the Court’s view the communication and conduct of the parties
proves the existence of a valid agreement between the parties to
collaborate to form the Company for the purposes of starting the
business in Malaysia.
9. What amounts to an agreement between the parties is succinctly
stated in section 2 of the Contracts Act 1950 as follows:
In this Act the following words and expressions are used in
the following senses, unless a contrary intention appears
from the context-
(a) when one person signifies to another his willingness to
do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to
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obtaining the assent of that other to the act or
abstinence, he is said to make a proposal;
(b) when the person to whom the proposal is made
signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be
accepted: a proposal, when accepted, becomes a
(c) the person making the proposal is called the
"promisor" and the person accepting the proposal is
called the "promisee";
(d) when, at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or
any other person has done or abstained from doing, or
does or abstains from doing, or promises to do or to
abstain from doing, something, such act or abstinence
or promise is called a consideration for the promise;
(e) every promise and every set of promises, forming the
consideration for each other, is an agreement;
10. Also relevant is section 3 and section 4 of the Contracts Act 1950
which stipulates what amounts to communication between the
parties and when the communication is deemed to be completed.
The communication of proposals, the acceptance of
proposals, and the revocation of proposals and acceptances,
respectively, are deemed to be made by any act or omission
of the party proposing, accepting, or revoking, by which he
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intends to communicate the proposal, acceptance, or
revocation, or which has the effect of communicating it.
(Section 3)
1) The communication of a proposal is complete when it
comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is
2) The communication of an acceptance is complete-
(a) as against the proposer, when it is put in a course
of transmission to him, so as to be out of the
power of the acceptor; and
(b) as against the acceptor, when it comes to the
knowledge of the proposer. (Section 4)
11. Further under the Evidence Act 1950 conduct of a person is a
relevant fact to be considered in a civil suit. Section 8(2) of the
Evidence Act 1950 provides as follows:
(2) The conduct of any party, or of any agent to any party,
to any suit or proceeding in reference to that suit or
proceeding, or in reference to any fact in issue therein
or relevant thereto, and the conduct of any person an
offence against whom is the subject of any proceeding,
is relevant if the conduct influences or is influenced by
any fact in issue or relevant fact, and whether it was
previous or subsequent thereto.
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Explanation 1 - The word "conduct" in this section does
not include statements unless those statements
accompany and explain acts other than statements; but
this explanation is not to affect the relevancy of
statements under any other section of this Act.
Explanation 2 - When the conduct of any person is
relevant any statement made to him or in his presence
and hearing which affects his conduct is relevant.
Breach of the agreement
12. According to the learned Session Judge the Defendant had
breached the agreement between the parties when he failed to
register the Plaintiffs as the directors of the Company. In the
Court’s view the registration of the Plaintiffs as directors of the
Company is a key requirement for the agreement to colloborate
between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant to do business in
13. The learned Sessions Judge also dismissed the Defendant’s
reasons that he could not register the Plaintiffs as directors of the
Company as they had not supplied him with the relevant
14. The Court agrees with this finding of the learned Session Judge
that the reasons given by the Defendant has not been
substantiated. The burden to prove that the Plaintiffs had failed to
supply the relevant document lie upon the Defendant. This is clear
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from section 103 of the Evidence Act which stipulates upon whom
is the burden to prove a fact:
The burden of proof as to any particular fact lies on that
person who wishes the court to believe in its existence,
unless it is provided by any law that the proof of that fact
shall lie on any particular person.
15. In the Court’s reading of the notes of evidence the Defendant had
not adduced any evidence indicating any attempts to get the
relevant documents from the Plaintiffs and therefore has failed to
discharge the burden of proof placed upon him. On the converse
the communication between the Defendant and the Plaintiffs show
that whatever documents sent by the Defendant were duly signed
and returned to the Defendant by the Plaintiffs. The e mail
between the parties indicates this.
16. The learned Session Judge also found that the Defendant had
failed to supply the income and expenditure account to the
Plaintiffs when requested by them.
17. The Court accepts this finding of the learned Judge as the
Plaintiffs have adduced the formal request for the income and
expenditure accounts through their lawyers. This request was
ignored by the Defendant. Although there are no express terms or
any terms in writing in the Court’s view such a request for the
income and expenditure account can be implied from the
agreement between the parties.
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18. In short the Court agrees with the learned Session Judge that the
Defendant had breached the agreement between him and the
Plaintiffs in this case.
Remedy for breach
19. In this case the learned Session Judge found that the Defendant
had admitted to receiving the monies to register and run the
Company from the Plaintiffs. This admission is backed by the fund
remittance slip by the Plaintiffs which was adduced in this case.
20. The Court accepts this finding of the learned Sessions Judge as
under section 21 of the Evidence Act 1950 Admissions are
relevant and may be proved as against the person who makes
them or his representative in interest;
21. The learned Sessions Judge further found that as a result of the
Defendant not performing his duties and responsibilities under the
agreement, the Defendant has to return back all the monies
received from the Plaintiffs.
22. In the Court’s view the learned Sessions Judge’s finding is backed
by section 40 of the Contracts Act 1950 which states that:
When a party to a contract has refused to perform, or disabled
himself from performing, his promise in its entirety, the
promisee may put an end to the contract, unless he has
signified, by words or conduct, his acquiescence in its
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23. Section 65 of the Contracts Act 1950 provides the remedy
available to a party against the party breaching the agreement
and not performing its promise as follows:
When a person at whose option a contract is voidable
rescinds it, the other party thereto need not perform any
promise therein contained in which he is promisor. The party
rescinding a voidable contract shall, if he has received any
benefit thereunder from another party to such contract,
restore the benefit, so far as may be, to the person from
whom it was received.
24. Having regards to the above factors the Court dismissed the
Defendant’s appeal against the learned Sessions Judge’s decision
with a cost of RM10,000.
Dated: 27.12.2023
High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
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For the Appellant:
Nama Peguamcara: Nizam Bashir
Tetuan Nizam Bashir & Associates,
C3-2-5, No. 1,
Jalan Dutamas 1,
50480 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan.
For the Respondant:
Nama Peguamcara: Abdelrahim Musa Mahgoub Hamadelnil
Tetuan Jeeva Partnership
D-22-03, Menara Suezcap 1,
KL Gateway, No. 2, Jalan Kerinchi,
Gerbang Kerinchi Lestari,
59200 Kuala Lumpur.
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| 11,919 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-12ANCvC-67-05/2023 | PERAYU JAKS ISLAND CIRCLE SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN 1. ) EE SHIU LOONG 2. ) LOH AH HONG 3. ) CHEAH OLIVER PHEE-CHYE 4. ) ONG FOO CHONG 5. ) CHUNG SHEH LEE 6. ) TAM WEI EE 7. ) NEW WE-JIAN 8. ) FOO CHEK LEONG 9. ) CHAN YEE LAI 10. ) HWEE HON FAI (XU HANHUI) | This was an appeal against the decision of the learned Sessions Court Judge in allowing the Respondent’s application pursuant to Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC) for issues pertaining to the late delivery for vacant possession (VP) and liquidated ascertained damages (LAD). This Court dismissed the appeal with cost. The reasoning behind this Court’s decision is as deliberated. Although there were other issues raised by both parties, the main issue is whether the Plaintiffs can set off the 20% balance of the purchase price against the LAD payable by the Defendant since the Defendant is under liquidation? CA 2016 provides for set off where there are mutual dealings. Section 526 of CA 2016 provides that set-off for mutual debts and mutual dealings prior to the winding up is allowed as an exception to the pari passu principle, as follows-“(1) This section applies where before the commencement of the winding up there have been mutual credits, mutual debts or other mutual dealings between the company and any of the company’s creditor proving or claiming to prove for a winding up of debts.(2) An account shall be taken of what is due from each party to the other in respect of the mutual dealings and the sums due from one party shall be set off against the sum sue from the other”. Set off under section 526 of CA 2016 is applicable for mutual dealings that was executed before the winding up. | 08/01/2024 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: WA-12ANCvC-67-05/2023
(NO. SYARIKAT: 200901031454 (874563-X))
(NO. K/P: 761122-14-5619)
(NO. K/P.: 801025-08-6016)
(NO. K/P : 820801-14-5837)
(NO. K/P.: 830306-14-5134)
(NO. K/P.: 860718-23-5563)
(NO. K/P.: 871227-10-5071)
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WA-12ANCvC-67-05/2023 Kand. 49
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(NO. K/P: 611210-04-5067)
(NO. K/P :660125-10-6188)
[Dalam Mahkamah Sesyen Di Kuala Lumpur
Dalam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
No. Guaman Sivil : WA-B52NCvC-490-11/2022
1. Ee Shiu Loong
(No. K/P: 761122-14-5619)
2. Loh Ah Hong
(No. K/P.: 801025-08-6016)
3. Cheah Oliver Phee-Chye
(Swedish Passport Sweden No. 96422176)
4. Ong Foo Chong
(No. K/P: 820801-14-5837)
5. Chung Sheh Lee
(No. K/P.: 830306-14-5134)
6. Tam Wei Ee
(No. K/P.: 860718-23-5563)
7. New We-Jian
(No. K/P.: 871227-10-5071)
8. Foo Chek Leong
(No. K/P: 611210-04-5067)
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9. Chan Yee Lai
(No. K/P :660125-10-6188)
10. Hwee Hon Fai (Xu Hanhui )
(Singaporean Passport No.: E7034352c)
…Plaintif -Plaint if
Jaks Island Circle Sdn. Bhd.
(No. Syarikat: 200901031454 (874563-X))
[1] This was an appeal against the decision of the learned Sessions
Court Judge in allowing the Respondent’s application pursuant to Order
14A of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC) for issues pertaining to the late
delivery for vacant possession (VP) and liquidated ascertained damages
(LAD). This Court dismissed the appeal with cost. The reasoning behind
this Court’s decision is as deliberated.
[2] For ease of reference, the respective parties shall be referred as the
Plaintiffs and Defendant as they were in the Sessions Court.
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[3] The Plaintiffs are purchasers of parcels in a development project
known as Pacific Star @ Section 13, Petaling Jaya (Project) that was
developed by the Defendant before it was wound up by way of a voluntary
winding up.
[4] The Plaintiffs and the Defendant signed a Sale and Purchase
Agreement (SPA) according to Schedule H, Regulation 11(1), Housing
Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989.
[5] However, the Defendant failed to deliver vacant possession within
36 months from the date of the SPA, which entitled the Plaintiffs for LAD
as provided under clauses 25(2) and 27(2) of the SPA and pursuant to
Regulation 11(1) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing)
Regulations 1989.
[6] It was undisputed that vacant possession was only delivered on
16.12.2021 (VP date). Therefore, pursuant to clause 26(3) of the SPA the
Plaintiffs were deemed to have taken vacant possession 14 days from the
VP date which was 30.12.2021.
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[7] In this regard, the Plaintiffs instructed their financiers to withhold the
release of the balance purchase price to set-off with the LAD. For the
record, the 2nd and 7th Defendant had paid the full purchase price after
commencement of this Originating Summons (OS).
[8] This OS was initially filed at the High Court on 21.01.2022 as Civil
suit no. WA-22NCvC-48-01/2022 (Civil Suit). On 15.04.2022, the
Plaintiffs filed an application under Order 14A of the Rules of Court 2012
(Application) against the Defendant. However, before the Defendant filed
their Affidavit in Reply for the Application, the Defendant entered into a
creditors voluntary winding up on 18.04.2022. The Civil Suit was later
transferred to be heard at the Sessions Court by the learned High Court
Judge on 28.10.2022.
[9] On the other hand, the Defendant has also filed an Originating
Summons on 04.09.2023 at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, Civil Action No.
WA-24NCvC-3836-09/2023 (OS 3836) for similar actions and applied for
this appeal to be heard together with OS 3836 which this Court dismissed.
Reason being, that OS 3836 is not an appeal and is governs with separate
procedural provisions under the ROC and thus cannot be heard
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[10] Although there were other issues raised by both parties, the main
issue is whether the Plaintiffs can set off the 20% balance of the purchase
price against the LAD payable by the Defendant since the Defendant is
under liquidation?
Order 14A of ROC: Determination of Questions of Law
[11] This Court finds that the Plaintiffs have satisfied all the
elements under Order 14A Rule 1 of ROC, as the questions posed
by the Plaintiffs were questions that are suitable for determination without
a full trial of the action and such determination will finally determine the
entire cause or the matter (See: Savant-Asia Sdn Bhd v Sunway
Pmi-Pile Construction Sdn Bhd [2009] 5 MLJ 754 (FC),
Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan v Petroliam Nasional Bhd & Other
Appeals [2014] 6 MLJ 31 (FC) and Seloga Jaya Sdn Bhd v
UEM Genisys [2007] 7 MLJ 385 (CA).
Vacant Possession and Liquidated Ascertained Damages
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[12] Based on Regulation 11(1) Housing Development
Regulation of Schedule H, the provisions of the Housing
Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 (HDA) and the
case of Ang Ming Lee & Ors v. Menteri Kesejahteraan
Bandar, Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan & Anor And
Other Appeals [2021] 2 MLJ 60 , the time period for delivery of
vacant possession and completion of the common facilities is
36 months from the SPA. Therefore, the Plaintiffs are entitled
to claim LAD and in PJD Regency Sdn Bhd v. Tribunal Tuntutan
Pembeli Rumah & Anor And Other Appeals [2021] 2 CLJ 441, it was
held that the starting date for the purposes of calculation of LAD is from
the payment of the booking fee.
Set off
[13] The Defendant contended that since the Defendant has been
wound up, the Plaintiffs cannot seek to set off the balance purchase price
from the LAD as it would contravene section 526 of the Companies Act
2016 (CA 2016) and also an undue preference over other creditors.
[14] CA 2016 provides for set off where there are mutual dealings.
Section 526 of CA 2016 provides that set-off for mutual debts and mutual
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dealings prior to the winding up is allowed as an exception to the pari
passu principle, as follows-
“(1) This section applies where before the commencement of the
winding up there have been mutual credits, mutual debts or other
mutual dealings between the company and any of the company’s
creditor proving or claiming to prove for a winding up of debts.
(2) An account shall be taken of what is due from each party to the
other in respect of the mutual dealings and the sums due from one
party shall be set off against the sum sue from the other”.
[15] Set off under section 526 of CA 2016 is applicable for mutual
dealings that was executed before the winding up.
[16] Whether the Plaintiffs are allowed to set off within the meaning of
section 526 of the Companies Act since the Appellant is under liquidation?
Section 526 provides “…this section applies where before the
commencement of the winding up there have been mutual credits, mutual
debts or other mutual dealings between the company and any of the
company's creditor proving or claiming to prove for a winding up of debts.”.
[17] Thus, the question of what does the word “mutual” mean?
[18] In Sime Diamond Leasing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v JB Precision
Moulding Industries Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) [1998] 4 MLJ 569, the
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Federal Court deliberated on the issue of set off pertaining to an
Equipment Lease Agreement and the issue arose was as to whether a set
off could be allowed based on the Agreement under section 41 of the
Bankruptcy Act. Section 41 provides “where there have been mutual
credits, mutual debts, or other mutual dealings between a debtor against
whom a bankruptcy order is made…”. The Federal Court held that-
“"[42] For the statutory set-off provisions to apply, the circumstances
of a case must disclose mutual credits, mutual debits or other mutual
dealings. The prerequisite of mutual dealings requires that the cross-
demands must be between the same parties, and be held in the same
capacity or right. (See, Ince Hall Rolling Mills Co Ltd v. The Douglas
Forge Company [1882] 8 QBD 179, at p 183); Shand v. MJ Atkinson
Ltd [1966] NZLR 551, at p.570; Peel v. Fitzgerald [1882] R 544, at p
[44] And, we would add, that it is settled law that where the
circumstances of the creation of mutual liabilities are such as to show
that they are related - where, for example, as in the present case,
they arise out of a single contract between the parties - it is
impossible for the parties to exclude even by private Agreement the
statutory right of set-off conferred by s. 41 of the Bankruptcy Act.
(See, Rolls Razor Ltd v. Cox [1967] 1 QB 552, per Denning MR at pp
569- 570)."
[48] In the words of Sir Owen Dixon in Hiley v. People’s Prudential
Assurance Co Ltd [1938] 60 CLR 468 at p 497:
It is enough that at the commencement of the winding up mutual
dealings exist which involve rights and obligations whether
absolute or contingent of such a nature that afterwards, in the
event that happen, they mature or develop into pecuniary
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demands capable of set-off. If the end contemplated by the
transaction is a claim sounding in money so that, in the phrase
employed in the cases, it is commensurable with the cross-demand,
no more is required than that at the commencement of the winding
up liabilities shall have been contracted by the company and the
other party respectively from which cross money claims accrue
during the course of the winding up.
[49] In our view, therefore, reciprocal obligations under a
contract would, usually, be mutual. To illustrate, note the
following dictum of Jessel MR in Peat v. Jones & Co. [1881] 8
QBD 147 at p 149 “a contract of sale and purchase is in its nature
mutual imposing reciprocal obligations on the vendor and
purchaser. Any claim arising out of mutual dealing could be set
off. To the same effect is the case of Jack v. Kipping [1882] 9 QBD
113 where the vendor of goods had been adjudged a bankrupt, and
it was held that the purchaser could set off against the trustee’s claim
for the price a cross-claim for damages for fraud by the vendor, in
having induced the purchaser to enter into the contract of sale and
purchase. Conversely, we note the case of Tilley v. Bowman Ltd
[1910] 1 KB 745, wherein a sale induced by the purchaser’s fraud, it
was held that the vendor, on rescinding the contract could set off his
claim to damages for the fraud against the trustee’s claim for
repayment of the price.”
(Emphasis added)
[19] As such the word “mutual” in section 526 CA 2016 is to mean that
where there existed contractual obligations and, in this case the SPA
between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant. Thus, section 526 of CA 2016
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allows set off as the word “mutual dealings/debts” in section 526 of CA
2016 to mean contractual obligations of the parties.
[20] In the present case, the OS was filed before the voluntary winding
up of the Defendant. The SPA is a mutual dealing which constitute mutual
debts that took place before the winding up of the Defendant. Therefore,
the Plaintiffs have met the requirement under Section 526 of CA 2016.
[21] As the set off is allowed, this Court finds that the Plaintiffs are
entitled to claim for LAD based on the Federal Court case of SEA
Housing Corporation Sdn Bhd v Lee Poh Choo [1982] 2 MLJ 31, that
held at p 154 “… we are of the opinion that the plaintiff did not breach the
agreement when she withheld payment of the money demanded by the
[22] On the doctrine of ‘stare decisis’, this Court is bound by the
decisions of the Federal Court in the cases of Sime Diamond Leasing
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (supra) and SEA Housing Corp Sdn Bhd (supra).
Variation of the Session’s Court Decision
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[23] The Defendant raised this issue in regards to the pronouncement of
the decision of the Learned Sessions Court Judge which at first dismissed
the Plaintiffs’ claim on set off but later during clarification of the Order,
decided otherwise. This Court agreed with the Defendant's Counsel that
the learned Sessions Court Judge acted ‘functus officio’ when she varied
her Order where the learned Sessions Court Judge ordered at first “not
allowing the set off’” to later “allowing the set off”’.
[24] Accordingly, under O55 of the Rules of Court 2012, this appeal is by
way of a rehearing and this court has assessed and weighed all the
evidence and laws placed before this Court in its entirety. In this regard,
for all the reasons aforesaid, this Court finds that there is no merit in the
Defendants' appeal to warrant appellate intervention (See: Ong Leong
Chiou v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd (FC) [2021] 4 MLRA 211; [2021] 3 MLJ
622; [2021] 4 CLJ 821, Tengku Dato’ Ibrahim Petra Tengku Indra
Petra v. Petra Perdana Berhad & Another Case [2018] 1 MLRA 263;
[2018] 2 MLJ 177; [2018] 2 CLJ 641 (FC), Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy
Tan Lee Peng & Ors, [2020] 12 MLJ 67; [2020] 6 MLRA 193 and MMC
S/N zwEpqT8ZtkC2lBAobMu61w
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd v. Tan Bock Kwee & Sons Sdn Bhd
[2016] 3 MLRA 144; [2016] 2 MLJ 428; [2016] 4 CLJ 665).
Dated: 8 January 2024
The Appellant’s Solicitors
Messrs. Wilson Lim
Suite 19-9
Commerce One (Menara K1)
Lorong 3/137C
Jalan Klang Lama (Old Klang Road)
58200 Kuala Lumpur.
The Respondents’ Solicitors
Messrs. V L Decruz & Co.
Unit 50-11-06, Tingkat 11
Wisma UOA Damansara
No.50, Jalan Dungun
S/N zwEpqT8ZtkC2lBAobMu61w
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Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur.
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| 16,584 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-16A-21-11/2022 | PERAYU UNIVERSITI SELANGOR (UNISEL) RESPONDEN MOHD FUAD BIN MOHD SALLEH | Appeal against the decision of the Industrial Court Award - Whether should commence by way of judicial review under Order 53 of the ROC 2012 or Appeal under section 33C of the Industrial Relations Act 1976 - Notice of Application to strike out the Applicant's Appeal. | 08/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
08/01/2024 13:36:05
WA-16A-21-11/2022 Kand. 43
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
WA—15A—21—11/2022 Kand. 43
as/on/202: ]3:]b-D3
DALAM wuuvm nsassxurum KUALA LUMPUR. muvsu
xanucuu ><uAsA.xuAsA mus»
ruvum sum No w M g j_1_IzQ1g
umvmsun ssumeon (umsm ..r-znuvu
Mann rum am MOHD sausu
mo. KIF: mn42s.o1-nus: ...nssvunn:u
[Dalnm porlun mug. Ii K» Na an/uawzu an Mahkanuh Puuuhnn
M:ravS K... Lumpur]
Mom: rum am Mono SALLEH
mu. KIP: 6JM26~D1-6365) PENUNTLIY
umvensm ssuwaon . svmmn
The Respondent filed a Nance ov Applmauon dated 23.6 2023
(Enclosure 20) under seamen 33c 01 me Industrial Re\auans Am
1967 (IRA) and/ur seem as of the mauunax Relahons
(Amendment) Act 2020 and/nr me mherent junsdlclmn of “us
up 1 Q4 :1
sm xm\AuuRLGqNx3nBw.AsmGG
mm. smm .. 0... w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Honourable Conn underOrder92 Rule A urine Rules ol Courl 2012
(R06) «or an order in
1.1. The Appellants Npliee ol Appeal dated 3112022 and
consequenlially lhe appeal nerein. be SINCK all:
12. Costs of lnis applicallun and me appeal herein to he pain by
me Appellant lo tne Resvonderll; and
1 3 Any ano/or suen olner reliels and/or Orders deemed m and/or
sullable by [his Honourable Court.
2 The grounds in support of the applicalion are as lollows -
21 no Appellanls appeal narein relates to a reference at
eonstruclive dlsmlssal in lne lnauslna1 coun ano registered as
lnduslnal court case No.: 20/4.2395/20 (me lnoustrlal Court
proeooalngu.) Durlng tne lnouslnal coun proceedings. ma
Respnndenl clalmed lhal lna Appallanl had conslruelively
dlsmlssed lne Respondent lroni nis employment
22 Aller lne lnaustnal coun proceedings. Award No 2363 of
2022 (me said Award) was handed down by me lnouslrial
ooun on 27 NJ 2022 unoer tne aaia Award, ma Appellanl IS
reouned lo pay tne Respondent a sum ol RM 230.374 03 as
oompensalion. due to the Dnnslrucllve dlsllllssal by «tie
2.3. on 311 2022. me Appellanl men a Notice ol Appeal lo lne
Hlgh coon agalnsl me declslofl altne lnoustnal Com m me
said Award (tn: Nmlno of Appcll); and
2 A The lining ol a Nelioe olAppeal is lrvegulal as -
a The ngnl lo appeal to this Honourable coun against a
declslcn onne lnoustnal com is sel out in seaion sac or
me IRA
[2 section ass was incorporateo into me lRA pursuanl to
section 24 or me lnoustnal Relations (Anienornenil Aoi
2020 (the Nnandmcnl Ant):
m xmlAuuRLGqNx3nsw.lsn1En
«ma Smnl mmhnrwlll be met! a may i... nflnlnnllly -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuua mi
For me Appenam Encrk Mohamed Vbrahxm om Mehamad
Teman uzramm 5. Fuaadah
Peguambexa dan Peguamcara
12 F, Jaian Eidara 8.
su Man, Samaria mama 3,
47000 Sunqau Buloh,
[Ru] Tuan — IF/I/1168/3022}
FD! the Rsspandenl Encik Mehd Jamfl hm Vaacob
Teman Srihana Mohamad A Farlners
Peguambela dan Peguamcara
No" me, Jalan Bolmg Fadang H‘
13/H, Seksyen ya.
moo Shah Alam,
..-e 11 ar 11
m xm\Am:RLD|:Nx3nBw.AsmEG
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
c. sectton 35 or tne Amendment An expressly states that
pmdeedrngs commenced tn the lrtdttstnal court nature the
camlrlg tntu the pperetton ot the Amendment Act shall
proceed and have etlect as rt tne IRA had not been
amended by the Amendment Act
d ‘lne cnanges brought shout by the Amendment Act only
came ttttp lcrce on 1.1 2021 Hwever, me tndttstnal COIAI1
procaedlngs below commenced on 11120213 wntcn ls
before the comma tnlc opetattpn at the AmendntentAc1:
e. Tneteloce, the tight to appeal to tnts Honourable court
under sectton sac ol the IRA does not apply to lhe
lnttttstnal court preceedtngs tneteln
3 Atlertrte neanngt I allowed the Respondents Notlce cuxppltcattpn
(Enclosure 20) and my lull grounds now lollnw
Background Facts
4 The background tans galhered from the cause papery and
sttanttsstons tty ttte names are largely undlsnmed and can be
summarlzed as tollows: -
4 1 The Respondent was appotnted as an Assactate Rrotessor er
Pwfessor Medya' tn the Appellants Faculty pl Business wilh
ettect «tom 21.9 2010. rne Respondent was oonfirrned ln nls
past an 21 10.2011 Hts lastdrawn salary per month was RM
4.2. By a letter dated 14.11: 2019 tne Appsllaru transtaned tne
Respondent lrcm the Famlw at attstness & Accountancy
based tn snan Alant Io l=usat Ferlgallan Asast Dan umum
(PADU) located at aestan teya, Selurlgor ‘ltte ttaneter look
eflect drum 1 11.2019. Acootdtng to the Dtrectcr of Human
Resources 11 Admtrllslrallnn o1 |rle Appellant, Pttan Runant
ptntt Zakavla (cow-1), tne dectttton was due |n tns
tnstntatons gtven to her by me Appellant’: tap management
tnat cpnststed pl tne vc, Deputy vc nlAcademic. Deputy vc
uiStudsn|Aflat1s,Treasurav and Raptstrat
Fuse s M 11
/N xmlMluRL9|:Nx3nEWJSr11EG
“Nair s.n.t narlherwlll be tn... a may t... nflnlnnllly mt. dnunvlmt VI eFlt.lNa vtmxl
43 Upon transler, the Respondent was to undertake to teach
PADU s oourses as well as the wulses conducted by the
conrntunrcatrdn, Visual Arts A computer studies Faculty,
Engineering & Lite Sciences Faculty and Etiucalmrt 3. Soclal
Studies Facully,
4.4. on ta ‘B20194 the Respondent wrote to the vc to seek
clarification on what expertise he possesses to teach at PADU
and the 3 raeulties namely, communication. vrsual Arts at
computer Studies Faculty. Engineering a Life Sc-ences
Faculty and Education 8. Social studies Faculty
4 5 on the same date. the Respondent wrote to cow—t seeking
to know why he was chosen to be translerred lo Beslart Jaya
given the distance at 70 km lronr the main campus and
benents, it any, that would be provided by the Respondent
upon trans1er.
4,6. By I113 letter dated 31 102019 addressed to the vc, the
Respondent claimed wnslrucllve dlsmlssal tn hls letter, the
Respondent oiled that his transler is aornpelled by rll motive
and is an act at vlctlmtzahorl. and that his ettort to seek an
explanation tdrthe transter was unanswered by the Appellant.
Further, there have been a series at unlarrwarnrngs issued by
the Appellant to the Respondent The cortllrtuuus pressure
applied by the Appellant has caused the Respondent to alarm
constructive drsrnrssat 0! his services with the Appellant and
aemrdrngly. the Respondent tendered 3 months‘ rtouw ot
reslgnatlorl etlectlve lrom 31.10 2019, in accordance with the
terms at his contract of employment
The Respondent thereol lodged a representation la the
Director General at lndustnal Relatlons under Seclton 20 at
the IRA
4.5. The Honourable M ler M Human Resouroes. Malaysia had
reterred the Respondent‘: representation to the lnduelnal
Coun under Sacllan 2013; of the IRA tor an Award on
at t 2020
rrruer u
rn xmIAm:RLDl:Nx3nBw.lsntEG
“None s.n.r luvlhnrwm re tr... In my r... prwlnullly MIMI dnuavlnrtt vn arlurta vmul
4,9 Aner the rnduscrtal Ooun Dmceedtngs‘ me tndustrtat Own
handed down the sad Award dated 27 to 2u22. under the
ears: Award‘ me lrtduslnal Court held tnar the Respondent was
oanstmc|tvety dtsnllssed by me Appettant
4 to As a result, the Appettartt was dtrecled to pay back wages and
eornpensatrpn arnounttng to a late) of RM zso an 03
4 tt. Eetng dtssatrsrred wrtn |ne Award‘ the Appettant med a Noltoa
oVAppeat (Enclasure t) on 3 tt .2022 to crrattenge lhe Award
under sermon 33:: o1thetRA whrett was brought about by me
tatest amendment under trre Amendment Act mat comes tnto
eflect trorrt 1 1 2021.
4.12 The Respondent men med a Nohre otnvptrcatton tsndtosttre
20) to strrke our tne Appettant s appeal on 23 6 ztm
nra daemon omre Conn
Natlcn ol Appo V. Judtetat Revtow
5 me Respondent contended that the proper procedure tor the
Appettant to crrattenge the sad Award was to me a tudretat revtew
propeedtng tnstead at fittng a Nottce dmppeat.
6. It IS to be noted mat the pmper procedure to quash the tndustrtat
Court Award has atmys by way at a judtctal revtew appltcaltcn.
7 However, amendments were subsequentty made to the IRA
pursuant to the Amendment Act By vtrtue of |he Amendment Act,
secltart 33c at ms nu was rnseoted to attow an appeat to me Htgn
Court tn respem or the trrdustnet Court Award
8. Sectton 33c 11! the Amendment Act ts reproduced as tottows: -
Apput agatnst an award Inthu Nwh Cum
33: my ll any person rs arsxmtsfiod wtln an award at me Court made
under season so sum pevson may appeat tome High Court wttnrn
twnrarr dayr trprrt rne data M raaum on tn. award
v... 5 out
r~ xmlAut:RL9|:Nx3nEw.tsmEG
“Nair Smut luvthnrwttt r. t... a my r... nnmrtnttly MIMI dnuavtnnl vn nrturtfl v-mat
(21 The pmeeeme M an apuaal to me men Conn snan be me
pmceduva m we Rules av Court 2012 [F u 1Ay2o5au12] In! an
nppux hum a sesmns Cwn mm inch modlficalwoni a: me
cmmexances may rsumre
13» In dealing wun such appefls, me men Court snau have we
Dow-rs as 1! me apbam us mm M: Seaman: com‘
9 ll 15 to be noted ma| me on ‘ g mu: ewes: o1seoucn 33:: of the
Amendmem Aci was an 1 1 2021
in semen 35 of me Amendmen| Act further s1a:es as fuuuws. -
"Swing and cnnsmanan pmv inn:
asm Camwawnit mac» underseclmn e dupmu mama undtr subsecl-on
91¢» dzumsmvrecagnmuvx made under: Seclmn 9, .ee.esennanens for
raml ilamenl made unfluv Sl1:1Ion 21: ov me mumps! Au, am All
nrocoedlngs commlnmd or mm mm bflove the Industrial
Conn In nllllon In . nfnnnu undn mhncllnn um, Iulalcllon
2111:» Ind Suction zs hllnn Inc no me up-union vi IN: Ac!
nun vloceed and nm mm as n we maneuver An hid nut bean
summon mm. Acl.
12; A» was and veemamne, venue, an-enone and waiter or mmnzanune
mane esuea arglamid undelme pnr1upa\A.c1 shaH In the enem ('Ya‘
me rules and vegmalmns, lorrm dlmchnns ana Mlavoiannhonzamns
areounsII1eMw1m|he pnncipm Act as amenoea bytms A41 oonnnuem
be m Vnrce unm such vulsi ana regmamns. [arms dvechnns and later
o1 aulhonzmmnx -Irv vvvukud uramendsd
(3; Any um. Iluuuon. man at e.-mmng. dam, men 117 wmmunuu
undlr mu prlllclpll An Immedmtnly bnion 09! coming Inlo
opmuan of mu Act. Ilull M sun mm as mm prlm:|pIIA1:l ms
no: em Imlndud by we An."
(emphasis added)
11 II 1s my view ma: based on me above semen 35 of me Amendmenu
Am xne1 proceedings nu ma lndusmal Conn wmch commenced
belore me operauon or me Amendmenl An an 1.1 2021 sneu be
ueen with as -1 me pnnupal Act (IRA) nan not been amended
12 Vn the mslam case‘ I find lha\ lhe Vndusvlai COUI1 pmoeedmgs
belween the Appeilanl and \he Respondent commenced on
6.11.2020 10. bflara |ha Amendment AC! was m lame, lherahre.
p... am:
am xmIAm:RLD1:Nx3nswJsmEn
«mm. Snr1I\nav1hnrwH\I>e .1... a my 1... nflmnnflly mum: dnuamnl VI mum we
me AnpsHan| musl deal wmh the \ndus|na\ Cowl proceedings as w
me pnncupar Acl was never amended
73 on nms xssue, 1 have denuded m Osim (M) Sdn Bhd v. Mg Woon
Wee [2023] AMEJ $531; [2023] 1 ms 524; [2023] MLIIJ 711 as
vuwmvs .
1:21 In me mslanl use. I (Inc that the Indus" I Conn pm mus
hnwun mu Aw-nun Ind um Rupon-1-m samm.~=.a on
5. zone. more -no Arnuudmem Anlwa lone Inerevfareme
Appaflinl usl deal wun Um lnduslnal own pmaee mg as .r we
Pnnc\va\Ac1 was never amended
I3 nmsvme. I View max on Induxlml Courl nrncudinil w win
cummtncnd More 1.1.2021, ma lpulll rlrocodun -man secllnn
no In rlul -null:-bk In mu an
{Sea Llm Phln Khlnn v. Kho Sn mu: mm 1 um I: (199512 MLRA
219: [men cm 529‘ mus) 1 AMR an. L0: cmw Marv; V. pp
(191512 MLJ 36:[197a)|MU?A Wt
M Frermssfl an me aioresaw reasons I am so me View Ina! In: sum
mum at Aapc-I mu by [M Appellinl ls lnigullr ...a must bu
struck W 3: cm. Apnallunl am: not haw . tummy rlyhl la m. cm
Nnlicn on Appeal lo nus noun.
‘5 Sun I: :5 of the Am-nam m An expressly stale; mu
mac Idln commnncnfl 1:: Inc Imiuslrl-I Cum! Balm: m. comm:
mu: ovvuion om.» Amundmm|A:1smII nmcl-d and haw mm
in mm IRA ma um um. Imlnflud hy me Amendment MI.
us TM changes mwgm mm by me An: dmenl Act my came into
Iona on 1 1 zazv. nomm, ms |m4..m.: Cmm pmclndlnul wow
Izommlnctd on 5.1.2n2o mm mm. m. coming mlo opmuon 5:!
ms Amendmtm Act
(1 rnerevme. ma viuhl to appeal to this Honour mu Cnurl undur
won 3:: nl . um am not may in ms Indusmnl Cmm
uroceeflings hlrlm
Ia Based an m. ubovs. I am av the mew Ina! Omar 5: mm Rec Ielaung
tu‘wv1malrevxewAs stm vam and apphcable m me Dresent casa
v... 1 H 1:
sm xm\AuuRLDqNx3nBw.AsmEG
«mm. smm nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 w mm s. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
19 Thevevfnre Ins props] prooedme my Ihe Apu::am:o =na::enge me saxd
Awud .5 In m:::a:s ]ud:c:.a] review pmceedmgs Vnslead .7: Wing Ihe um
Nance ul Appea]'
1ampr:as:s added)
Further, an me same Issue, Anand Ponnudura: J :n ma case cl
Anokl Rtlail (M) Sin and v. uunkan:-r: Poru:-nun Mlllylla
& on [2a2:] MLJU 26: [2023] 3 MLRH 230, [2023] 2 CLJ 455;
[2025] 2 MELR176: [2o23]1 ILR :91 new as Iauaws »
[ca] Fvstly apan fvom amendhm me 1957 Act In [nun an appeal
Nov on nu ms nu: Suction 33:. I: x. to M nalld am s.¢::a.. 2::
00171111161 mm nlnlmnlo mu rehrenceofllw nnvuummiorl nu
ma bun Imunocd :n [ms regard pnolmlhe savd amendmem Wmeve
WI! no hkelmood M the :apmama::on bevna semen Ihe nmw
Genem] shal] nulfiy ms M:n]5le1 and :: .5 me Mlmslev vma men has me
dnwremn vmsmav or not :9 mg: um um repluunliunn m m. Wnduuna]
Cam] var an award ms dvscreuon exermsed by me Mmnsler hns mu
m um am [he subpcl or ,::a:c:.: mvmw apphcaflons Hnweven mu
pmman ..:.::»g to the mnvmn ammuon wan amendod by an
lndusuial Relldons mmuuamonuy Acl zaza Ant mm u. can mu
dlicrothm of on Min tzvr lul boon nmend Ind .. naw upland
u «alums 7
‘Se . n 2:: mm prmclpal an :5 amtndud
4:2] by subwlulmg [ur suBsen:1:on(.'S](7vi fufluwmg iubsachon
:3) Whnn mu nu-nu fluuul :. nllnfild um um. :-
no Hkelrhood of on npnulllallnns helnn «mm mm:
...:m=::m: [2], m nmm: Gunrll um: rcllr um
npruumannns to un Conn fuvln .-aru :
A: such an-u....nua.. amurldmcn . nawlhn Din:IarGurwrlI
who is mammeu ha me: n npuw.m:on to me Industrial noun
for .n -ward Wlnnn :. no :au.::msoa M mo nprvnnullon n-ma
[20] Assuch in my vIuw.onu waylo um: nun: appcalorludlclal
mum :5 to be nllllud :. In consider who milrrid nu
rcpnsnmllion In 2». lndunrul Cour] co: .n "ma.
[2:] In my nplnlnn. um. upnnmnllnn ~ - unmu In [M :mmu:.:
Eourl by nu nmcm: Geneu] an marvdatod Ivy the amended
prnvlllon. Imn‘ In nppuu aughlln helllednununnnns-z1lnn3JC
otm-1:67 AM u amtndid.
p... n .: :1
sm xm]AuuRLflqNx3nBw.1smEG
«mm. smm nmhnrwm .. U... :4 my :... nrW\ruH|:I mm]: dnuumnl Vfl .m:c Wm]
[221 Hwwever, an [M umerhand‘ mu: represnnutmn ms nhmd lo mu
unaunn-I Cnull by Ina mnum, mun. qunu clurly mu nlorancc
was man wvsnankm union mm mm as: Act as unlmlndod
mm In wmun cu mama: review wnuld be an pmpuappllclllurl
m In mad:
as} on mu mm mm. an n mgnngma um.» mm In unnm-r
who nlened the npm-nuuon and rwllhe Dlre:wrGenIr:l. lnmy
vltw, In: nu um um Mnnmeru mm wn dmu aw Jlnulry 24:21
rlulwi no dilknnnu u n was 0.. >4 ixlur who was . rclslnn ms
dlsuefia rnhrrmg In: npvesenlaflon pursnunun an an 1951
MI 1: urumlndtd‘
[241 Fmlher my vlaw max wdncml revlaw was pwpefly unma in (ms case vs
formed Dy me saving and mnsmunau prov-smn In seam as of Ihe
Amenflmanl A»: much pnmaes as lenaws .
35 Saving and vansnnanav pnmsmns
(1)Camplamls mane under ischun a mspmes Ieierred under
subseclson sum exams rm recegnmnn ma. undalsauwen
9. rspreisrvlalwonslor /emstalemenl made understnuzn 20 0f
the nnncrnm an and aH Dmoeedms commenced or awards
made man in Maurine! cam m malxon la a relerence
undev subsecnnn mm. subsechon 2013» am sachun 25
bulou um oummq mm opmmn M Ims acl mu pmmad Ind
have effect as n the prmcIpa\z<.1 had not been amended by
"us ad
a; All mlu Md ngmauons, «onns ummns mm \elA2v no
ammnuwni made Issued argnmled undermu nnrunpallm
snau. In me exlenl Ihs\ ma Mes and nwulawns mnns
dmuchons ma mm a! -umunzalmns us wniullsnl mm ma
pnnclpal am as amended by an: 31:1. mmznuu in {)5 m fares
unm such mln and ngmauons, nouns, anvectmns and Lemma!
amhonuuons ave re:-vuked urzmendefl
13) Any mvasugatlun ml! av pmeeamgs done man or
commenced under me rmnolpal an wmmedtalaly Delete the
comma 4-no op-enamn nl mm «L mu a. dull war: .5 W In:
prInc\Da\ac1 had no| been amendui by «ms an “
[Emflhnsu mma]
1251 As mgnugnm shave. lhn rnpvrumallons Ior veinslzlzmenl under
Iccllan 2:: M an um um win nun: by um two 5: Ipondnnu In
202» pm: In In: Imtndnnmx ulullu ulkct Assum. in ugm Mlh
llvlng Ind ‘lnnllllonll prnwlsln . In my V‘ , nu Appllcull w-
clrlinly unllllnd Ia wound a ind In w proccodinui as ll
um Prlnclrul Anna nolh n Ilmnded by the Amendmnnllct As
suaa, n have no nmmn .n w:m\ss<ng me ameslvnn MLelmsd Serum
we a M 1:
sm xmlAm:RLDt:Nx3nBw.AsmEG
«mm. smuw lunhnrwm .. U... n may he nrW\n|H|Y mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Fu¢ara\ counsex and (nndudmg mm the Apnkcanl has mnecfly uhkllfl
Juana! review pmoeemng n 1|: Man to chaflanoa me two awards
iemphasvs added)
15 Based on Amlu Rntail (supra). as mgmigmed above. rl was me
Honourame MInis|er :71 Human Resources who referred me
vepresemauon (o the Indusmal Conn and not the Director Genera!
m resnem a1 a dispute between |ha Appcnanx and me Respondenx
under secnon 20 oi the \RA The renresemalmn was made by me
Honouname Mumsleran 31.1 2020.
16. As Such m Ivghl Bf lha savmg and transmona\ prvvwslons In my view
me Appellant must proceed to me ]ud\c\a\ review proceedings to
chaHenge me said Award as 1' the pnncnpafl Act has no! been
amended by me AmendmenIAc1
17 Premwsed on (he eflorcsand masons. 1 am uflha mew lhal the mower
procedure lorlhe Appeuant to chaHenge the sand Award Is to mmale
judicial rewew proteedmgs msxsad av my me sad Nance 01
In As such‘ I aflow me Rssponaenrs apphcauon [Enclosure 25; mm
oasis of RM subject to the a|luca|ov lee
Dated‘ 03 January 2024
Ahmad Kamal bun Md Shahld
rugn caun Kuals Lumpuv
m xmIAm:RLOt:Nx3nBw.AsmEG
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e med w may he mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
| 1,492 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
ND-83D-823-11/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MUHAMMAD SOLEHIN BIN SHAHRULNIZAM | CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Offence of self-administration of dangerous drugs into body under section 15(1)(a) of Dangerous Drugs 1952 - Accused pleaded guilty to the charge - Accused is a young first-time offender - Sentencing - Factors to be considered in passing sentence according to law - Whether the sentence of fine is just and appropriate | 08/01/2024 | Tuan Uthman bin Abd Ghani | |
KES TANGKAP NO.: ND-83D-823-11/2023
(NO. K/P: 040413050193)
[1] The accused in this case was arraigned before this court to answer
for a charge under section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952
which reads as follows:
“Bahawa kamu pada 30/11/2021 jam lebih kurang 6.20 pagi
bertempat di Balai Polis Lukut, Port Dickson, di dalam Daerah Port
Dickson, di dalam Negeri Sembilan telah didapati memberikan
kepada diri kamu sendiri dadah berbahaya iaitu amphetamine dan
methamphetamine oleh itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan
dibawah seksyen 15 (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen 15 (1) dan dibaca bersama dengan
seksyen 38B akta yang sama.
08/01/2024 23:51:33
ND-83D-823-11/2023 Kand. 11
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Jika disabitkan hendaklah didenda tidak lebih daripada lima ribu
ringgit atau hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada
dua tahun.
Hukuman seksyen 38B ADB 1952: Pengawasan selama dua tahun
atau tiga tahun”
[2] The accused pleaded guilty to the charge. I accepted his plea and
convicted him on the charge. Upon hearing mitigating and aggravating
submissions from the accused and the prosecution respectively, I then
passed a sentence of fine in the amount of RM1,900, in default of which
four months’ imprisonment. I also ordered the accused to be placed under
police supervision for the period of 2 years from the date of the conviction.
[3] The prosecution has now filed an appeal against the said order of
sentence. This is the grounds of my said judgment.
[4] The facts of this case are simply this. On 30 November 2021, the
accused was brought to Lukut Police Station in Port Dickson wherein his
urine sample was taken, and it was found to be positive
methamphetamine upon test. His urine sample was also sent to the
Pathology Department in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital for an
analysis wherein it was later found that his urine sample contained
dangerous drugs of methamphetamine and amphetamine.
[5] On 6 November 2023, he was charged before this court. He pleaded
guilty when the charge was read to him. I was satisfied that he understood
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the nature and consequence of his plea. The prosecution then tendered
the facts of the case and all relevant documents to support such facts to
be marked by the court as exhibits. The accused admitted to the facts of
the case and all of the exhibits. In the circumstances, I accepted his plea
of guilty and convict him on the charge. I then proceeded to hear
submission for the purpose of sentencing.
[6] The accused was unrepresented and was not a man of many words.
He pleaded the court to impose a small amount of fine as a punishment
for his conduct. He also told the court that he has to take care of his ailing
[7] The prosecution on the other hand moved this court for a deterrence
sentence to prevent the accused from repeating the same offence. The
prosecution also submitted that the court ought to take into consideration
the rampancy of this kind of crime.
[8] At this juncture I must highlight what had become apparent in the
face of documents before the court. Firstly, the accused in this case was
a 17-years-old child when the offence was committed and was around 19
when he was charged. Secondly, the accused was a first-time offender in
the absence of any records tendered by the prosecution to show that he
has prior convictions. With these facts in mind, I then proceeded to
determine the appropriate sentence to be imposed.
[9] In deciding the appropriate sentence to be imposed, I am minded by
the starting point that the court has to exercise discretion to pass a
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sentence according to law as provided, inter alia, under section 173(b) of
the Criminal Procedure Code. It is trite that the courts are bound by
statutory ambits and established judicial principles in passing a sentence
according to law (see: PP v. Jafa Daud [1981] 1 LNS 28; Tan Lay Chen
v. Public Prosecutor [2000] 4 CLJ 492, [2001] 1 MLJ 135). I considered
the following judicial principles in deciding the sentence against the
[10] The foremost of established judicial principles that I considered in
respect of the accused is the public interest. Generally, sentences
imposed by courts must have deterrence and preventive effect to the
offender and the public at large. However, the ultimate service to the public
interest is to turn offenders from criminal ways to honest living. The
seminal authority on this point is Public Prosecutor v. Loo Choon Fatt
[1976] 1 LNS 102 quoting an English case as follows:
“One of the main considerations in the assessment of sentence is
of course the question of public interest. On this point I need only
quote a passage from the judgment of Hilbery J in Rex v. Kenneth
John Ball 35 Cr. App. R 164 as follows:
In deciding the appropriate sentence a Court should always
be guided by certain considerations. The first and foremost is
the public interest. The criminal law is publicly enforced, not
only with the object of punishing crime, but also in the hope of
preventing it. A proper sentence, passed in public, serves the
public interest in two ways. It may deter others who might be
tempted to try crime as seeming to offer easy money on the
supposition, that if the offender is caught and brought to
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justice, the punishment will be negligible. Such a sentence
may also deter the particular criminal from committing a crime
again, or induce him to turn from a criminal to an honest life.
The public interest is indeed served, and best served, if the
offender is induced to turn from criminal ways to honest living.
Our law does not, therefore, fix the sentence for a particular
crime, but fixes a maximum sentence and leaves to the Court
to decide what is, within that maximum, the appropriate
sentence for each criminal in the particular circumstances of
each case. Not only in regard to each crime, but in regard to
each criminal, the Court has the right and the duty to decide
whether to be lenient or severe.”
[11] The accused in this case was a child when the offence was
committed and can be categorized as youthful offender when charged
before this court at the age of 19. His age as well as the fact that he was
a first-time offender must be factored into the context of public interest. It
is another established judicial principle that public interest is best served
for young first offenders to turn into honest living if they are kept away
from custodial sentence. The precedent on this point is the decision of the
High Court in Teo Siew Peng & 4 Ors v. Public Prosecutor [1984] 1
LNS 71 where the following was held regarding young first offenders:
“As stated, at the time of the commission of the offence, all the
appellants were young offenders, none of whom was above the age
of 19 years. They are also first offenders. I take note of what was
stated in the judgment in Tukiran bin Taib v Public Prosecutor [1955]
MLJ 24 that "it is very desirable that a young first offender who is
between the ages of 17 and 21 should be kept out of prison, if
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possible." In that case, it is true that instead of imprisonment the
appellant was sentenced to an advanced approved school, but the
emphasis is that in respect of young offenders, imprisonment should
be avoided as far as possible. In this connection, I would also quote
for the purpose of consideration a passage in The English
Sentencing System by Cross (3rd Edition) at page 141 which, after
reference to the English Advisory Council on the Penal System,
quoted from paragraph 10 of "The length of Prison Sentence" as
"Prolonged and repeated imprisonment is destructive of family
relationships and, by encouraging the prisoner's identification
with the attitudes of the prison community, increases his
alienation from normal society. In addition, long-term
institutionalisation is all too likely to destroy a prisoner's
capacity for individual responsibility and to increase the
problems he must face when he returns to society."
In the Principles of Sentencing by Thomas (1st Edition), quoting
from the judgment in the case of R v Smith [1964] Crim LR 70 that
publication at page 19 thereof states:
"In the case of a young offender there can hardly ever be any
conflict between the public interest and that of the offender.
The public have no greater interest than that he should
become a good citizen. The difficult task of the Court is to
determine what treatment gives the best chance of realizing
that object. That realization is the first and by far the most
important consideration."”
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[12] Apart from the above, I have also considered as a mitigating factor
the fact that the accused had pleaded guilty to the charge. Although plea
of guilty would not automatically guarantee a discount in sentencing, it is
only fair that in the absence of any aggravating factors such as bad record
of prior convictions, the accused ought to be credited for his plea which
has saved public time and money that would otherwise be spent for a
prolonged trial in court (see: Public Prosecutor v. Ravindran & Ors
[1992] 1 LNS 47).
[13] In addressing the prosecution’s submission that this court ought to
take into consideration the rampancy of the offence under section 15(1)(a)
of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1950, I would simply echo the same
sentiment in another Magistrates’ Court decision in PP v. Muhammad
Asyraf Ayut [2019] 9 CLJ 565 at para [16] to [19]. There, it was illustrated
that harsh sentences per se do not warrant prevention of narcotic cases
in this country. I must add that at the end, sentences passed by courts
must be tailored into the nuances of facts and circumstances in each case.
[14] Having taken into considerations factors as discussed above, I
came into the decision that the accused can be kept away from prison as
long as a sentence of fine with appropriate amount is passed as opposed
to a sentence of imprisonment per se. In deriving into the appropriate
amount of fine, I have to strike balance between imposing small,
inconsequential amount of fine and a heavy, hefty one. Imposing a small,
inconsequential amount of fine would send a wrong message to the public
that crime entails only a small price. On the other hand, imposing a heavy
and hefty fine would only put further burden to the accused who would
turn into criminal ways to find the amount of money or else being sent
away to prison.
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[15] Therefore, I am of the view that fine in the amount of RM1,900 in
default of which four months’ imprisonment is the appropriate amount of
fine to be imposed. It is neither too small nor too high an amount to be
paid by the accused in this case taking cumulatively into consideration the
mitigating and aggravating factors discussed above. I also had in my mind
the following words of Pedlow J in Lee Yu Fah & 5 Ors. v. Public
Prosecutor [1937] 1 MLJ 179:
“If a general principle can be laid down, I think it should be that a
fine should seldom be so excessive as to ruin completely the people
on whom it is imposed and to make them mere outcasts in the
country and potential criminals through the urge of necessity.”
[16] Having regards to the facts and circumstances of this case together
with all mitigating and aggravating factors present, I am of the considered
view that the just and appropriate sentence to be passed against the
accused is a sentence of fine in the amount of RM1,900, in default of
which four months’ imprisonment.
Dated 8 January 2024
Magistrates’ Court, Port Dickson
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For the prosecution – Puan Nadia Ezzati Binti Mohd Zainal, Deputy Public
For the accused – unrepresented
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| 13,527 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-24NCvC-524-06/2018 | PEMOHON KALIAMMAH A/P MUTHU | Ini adalah permohonan Bakal Pencelah di Notis Permohonan (Lampiran 21) bertarikh 16.11.2022 untuk mendapatkan kebenaran mencelah dan selanjutnya untuk mengenepikan Perintah Mahkamah ini bertarikh 18.7.2018 yang diperolehi secara ex-parte oleh Pemohon. Bakal Pencelah juga memohon agar prosiding pelaksanaan atau sebarang permohonan berlanjutan daripada Perintah tersebut ditangguhkan sehingga penyelesaian permohonan ini. | 08/01/2024 | YA Dato' Rozana Binti Ali Yusoff | |
08/01/2024 12:39:31
PA-24NCvC-524-06/2018 Kand. 37
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PA—2ulCvC—52l—U6/2018 Kand. 37
02/01/2224 12:39-31
§AMAN PEMULA ND FA uucvcsuoa/201:
Da\am pevkara mengenaw hananah yang dvksnaln
sebagaw Lot Na 5365, Mu 12, Daerah Bare:
Days. Pulau Pinang yang Ierkandung dalam
Geran Hskmmk No cu. Jalan Panlaw Jerjaky
Sungaw Nmang‘ 11900 Bayan Lepas, Fulau
Fmang (‘Hananah cersenun
DéI\éIm Derkara mengenaw Penghakiman
Mahkamah Tmggi Malaya dw Pulau Pmang,
Gunman SIVII N0 22NCVC—15»D2/2015 henankh
Dalam perkara mengenav Penman Mahkamah
Rayuan Malaysia, Rayuan SMI Na. P-
o2(Ncvc;w—1goa—1u/zms benarikh as/05/2917
Dawn perkam mengenal Fenntah Mahkamah
Psrsekuluan Malayswa. Permohonan sum Nu
m Iowmlwmaaufipunw 1
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 417 5 A20
Kanun Tanah Nsgara, 1955
Dalam perkara mengenal Aluran 1. Aluran A2
den Aluran 92 K4. Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
(No. K/P: 610306417-5266 (E)(L) 3125191) PEMOHON
(N0. K/F: 411210-n1-5198) PEMOHON/BAKAI. PENCELAH
[1] Wm adahah permohonan Saba‘ Penoelah di Nuns Permahonan
lLampIran 21) benankh 16112022 umuk mendapafkan kebenaran
menoehh dan se\arI]u|nya unluk mengenepikan Perinlah Mahkamah Inl
henankh 1572015 yang diperoxem secara ex—par|e uleh Pemuhon.
Bakal Pem>e\ah mg: rnemohon agar was
g pewaksanaan alau
sebarang pennohonan danpada Penman tersebut
daanggunkan sehmgga penyelesaxan permnhanan um.
sm Icgvvulugmascuspmw ;
«mm. smm .. HIGH m mm .. mmmy mm: dnuumnl VI mum pom!
[2] Perkara suhjek yang memadl pemkaxan ada\ah mengenaw satu
hsnanah yang dlkenali sehagaw Lot No. 5366, Mukim 12, Daelah Baral
Days, Pmau Pmang yang |erkandImg da\am Geran N . 9569 bsrsama
sebuah rumah beralamat No 10. Jalan 4, Ja\an Fania! Jenak, Sungax
Nmung, 11900 Bayan Lapas Fulau Pinang ("Han2Inah «ersebur)
Harlanah \ersebu| pads awalnya max lahun 1959) auaxah dndanarkan
dw a|as narna 3 adlk beradik |PemHIk Eevdaflav).—
la] Kallammah A/P Mulhu (Pemohun) 1/3 bahagvan
[bl Bali Krishnan A/L Mulhu 1/3 bahagnan
[c] Vasanlm A/P Mumu 1/3 bahagian
[3] Pada tahun 2015, Baka\ Pencelah Ianu mu kepada Pemi
Eevdaflar |e\ah menunlul an Mahkamsh Tlnggl Pulau Pinang melaxm
Guaman swu No: ZZNCVC-I5-02/2015 supaya mernbataxkan nama
ke ga 'ga Pemuluk aemanar (ersebul alas ahsan bahawa meleka Iidak
mempunyaw seharang kepsmmgan ke alas Hananah xsrsenuc selain
danpada menjadi pemegang amanah kepada dmnya.
[4] Semasa prosiding sedang dljalankan, dua arang Pemmk Berdaflar
yang bemama Ba1a Knshnan dan Vasan||'u tevah merekedkan
penghakxman perselujusn pada 2332015 dengan Baka\ Fanoemh
hahawa mereka memegang Harlanah (ersebut sebagm pemegang
amanah kspada Eakal Penoelah. Tunlulsn swu masm ameruskan anlara
Eala‘ Penoelah dengan Femohan sahaua Sslspas perblcaraan penuh
uvadakan, Mahkamah Tmggw lelah pads 99.2015 mamuluskan
Pemohon hanya memegang hananah lersahul sebagal pemegang
m Icgvvulugmascusgmw 3
mm. smm .. HIGH m mm .. mmmy mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
amanah kepada aaxa1 Fencslah den name: Pemohon sebegai pemmk
berdaflar hananah (ersebul dmalalkan dam dniaflarkan acas Eakal
Pencemh. Psmohon uaak berpuas mm dan membua| rayuan ke
Mahkamah Rayuan pada 5.10.2016 Iemadap kepmusan Mahkamah
Tinggi lersebul Sehelum Mahkamah Rayuan membual kepulusan.
Bakal Panoa1ah Ie\ah menukar hakvmlik Hadanah lersehul ke alas
namanya pada «mu 2016.
[5] Pads 03 as 2017, Mahkamah Rayuan Ielah membenarkarv rayuan
Pemchun uan mengelepukan Fenghakvnan Mahkamah Tingg1 Fulau
Plnang benarikh u9.o9.2o1a ssna menglsyuharkan Fernohon sebagal
pemllik bersama yang nemana.-hag1 Hananah lerssbul Bake! Penoeum
kemumannya membuat pemohonan unluk kebenaran merayu ke
Mahkamah Persekuluan yang kemudvarvuya anmax dan mamennvankan
Fennlah Mahkarnah Rayuan henankh on o5.2e17 mkekalkan
[51 Selemsnya Femohun memlallkan ex pane Saman Pemula unluk
memberi etek kepada Penman Milhkamih R/ayuan me\a|uI Swil Nu. P—
02(NCVC)W—190€-10/2015 benankh 03.05.2017 unluk melelak hak dan
mendaharkan name Femohon sebagai pemmk bersama berdaflar unluk
Hananah Iersehul. Fade 1a 7.2015. Mahkamah Tlnggi mernbenarkan ex
Pfifle Samar: Pemula (ersebul. Eakal Psnoelah klru memohon unluk
mencelah rrleiahu Lampvan 21 dan mga unluk mengenepnkan Penmah
bsnankh 15 7.2013
m Icwvulugmuscuspmw .
mm. s.n.1...m.m111... HIGH a M, .. nr1g\r1|HIy mm: dnuumnl VI mum M1
[7] Alasan permuhonan Baka\ Pemaelah m Lamplran 21 adalah
bahawa ssmakan dx Pembat Tanah dan Daerah menaapan Penmnon
nelan dmaflarkan sebagal pemmk selengah (1/2) bahagian aasam
Hananan |ersehuI. Menum saxax Pencelan. Pemohon hanya bemak
unluk 1/3 hahaguan dalam hananan (ersebul dan bukannya 1:2
bahagian sepenimana dndafiarkan.
{3} Ssle\ah membaca andavn-afiuavm yang dwfaflkan, hnqahan nsan
dan hujahan berluhs pmak- hak saya menulak permuhonan Eakal
Penoexan an Lampuran 21 a|as alasan benku| -
[5] Adalah Iidak diperlikaukan bahawa Eakal Pencelah mempunyal
kepenungan dalam Hananah lersebul sebagax permllk bersama dengan
Pemohon xn. selaras dengan Kepulusan Mshkamah Rayuan benankh
03 05.2011
[17] Perintah Mahkamah Rayuan henankh 03.052017 memuluskan
Femnhon adalah pemmk bersama lelapw udak menyebm «emang mmlah
pembahaguan Hananah lersebut
[c] Pemohen jugs dlflapati (idak memonon pemhahzgwan .unuan
Hananah lersebul melahn ex parte Saman Pemmanya Pennlah
Mahkamah Inggx benankh «s.7.2u1s, dibenarkan berasaskan kepada
permohonan Pemohnn untuk permlah sepem benkul
[i] Perinlah bahawa Fendaflar Hakmllnk Tanah dan/avau
Pemadbw Tanah Daerah yang berkenaan da\am Negen Fulau
Plnang hsndaklah mengambfl Vangkah yang sewqamya unmk
memben efek kepada Psnmah Mahkamah Rayuan, Rayuan s I
m Icwvulugmuscuspmw 5
mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. HIGH m mm .. mn.u.y mm: dnuumnl VI mum pom!
No: P- 021NCVC)W-1906-10/2016 berlankh 03 052017 dengan
melelakhak dan/axau mendanarkan nama Pemohon sebagaw
pemllnk bersama ["co-pr0pne1or“] berdallar di alas dokumen
hakmlllk uanaran kepada Lot No 5366, Mukim 12‘ Daerah Baral
Daya, Fulau Fmang yang (erkandung damn Geran No: 2856 .
[xi] Eahawa Pendaftar Hakmuluk Tanah nan/avau Fentaamr
Tanah Daerah Negeri Fulau Pinang hendaklah menandalangann
segala dokumen yang berkenaan unluk member! efek kepada
penmah mi;
(".1 Eahawa Penolong Kanan Pendaflar Mahkamah Tmggl Man
Fmang henaaxxan menandalangam segala dokumen yang
herkenaan unluk memben elek kepada perinlah inv,
[v] Relinew lam yang manggap sesuan man manlaat oren
Mahkamah Vang Mulia W
[d] Fenmah ex pane bsnankh 18.7 2018 (elah drbuat secara teralur
se\aras dengan Penntah Mahkamah Rayuan berlankh 03.05 2017 Oleh
Mu saya bsrpendapat naak ada sebab unluk saya mengenepwkan
Permtah |srsebu\.
[9] saxmya Bakal Fenuelah mempunym
kelxdakkepasflan mengenaw Penman Mahkamah Rayuan berkaflan
dengan Nmlah pembahagian Hsrlanah lerssbul‘
kekehman alau
maka beliau
hendaklah merujuk kamhafi ks Mahkamah Rayuan unluk mendapalkan
peruexasan alau memchon un|uk dwbual pemhelman
m Icgvvulugmascusgmw 5
mm. smm .. HIGH m M, .. mm., mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
m Saya mennhak Lampwan 21 selelah mengambfl we flan mematum
Ferimah Mahkamah Rayuan Iambahan pma Mahkamah mu ndak
mempunyal kuasa unluk memlnda alau mengubah Perimah Mahkamah
Rayuan teusebun K05 dlbenarkan kus sebanyak RM3.0DD no dwbayar
men Bakal Pencexan kepada Pemohan.
Mahkamah Tmggi Pulau Pinang
Tarikh 2 Januan 2024
Peguambexa dan Peguamcara
Na. 17, Tlngkal saw
Lehuh King
sm lcwmlwmuaufipunw 7
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Peguambela darn Peguamcara
Tmgkal 1, No.1-D. Lebuh Kmg
srN1cvVvuIHnLIms4:AGpuaw s
m. smm .. .4... w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
| 1,104 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-27NCC-11-02/2021 | PLAINTIF 1. ) MULIAR OLEG 2. ) LI XUEYONG DEFENDAN PEMUNYA DAN/ATAU PIHAK-PIHAK YANG MEMPUNYAI MILIKAN ATAU KAWALAN TERHADAP KAPAL ORIENTAL DRAGON DI PELABUHAN PENAMA PENCELAH 1. ) BRIT UW LIMITED 2. ) LAVENHAM UNDERWRITING LIMITED 3. ) ASIA CAPITAL COMMODITIES TRADE SDN BHDPIHAK TERKILANPenang Port Sdn Bhd | Milango's principle - Whether a different consideration where there are a class of claimants against a fixed fund where some claims are in foreign currencies and there are different in ranking of priorities among the claimants - Proper conversion date for payment to claimant of foreign currencies | 08/01/2024 | YA Tuan Ong Chee Kwan | |
WA-27NCC-11-02-2021 Oriental Dragon (Final) (2).pdf
1. MULIAR OLEG (Passport No. FE005524)
(suing as Master of the Ship
"ORIENTAL DRAGON" (IMO No. 7125861))
2. LI XUEYONG (Passport No.: EB9286099)
and 193 other crew members as listed
in Annex "A" to the Writ
(suing as crew of the Ship
The Owners and/or persons in possession or control of the Ship
of the Port of Panama ... DEFENDANT
1. BRIT UW LIMITED (UK Company No.: 03217775)
(suing as the sole corporate capital provider
for Lloyd's Syndicate 2987 for the 2019 year of account)
(UK Company No.:
08/01/2024 14:21:12
WA-27NCC-11-02/2021 Kand. 561
S/N qo7CPMVFvUmY8OZfi5hx5w
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(suing as corporate capital provider on its
own behalf and on behalf of the other
corporate capital providers for Lloyd's
Syndicate 2468 for the 2019 year of account)
(Company No.: 1343080-H)
(Company No.: 199301028806 (283544-D)) ... INTERVENERS
(Heard Together With)
Admiralty in rem action against: the ship "ORIENTAL DRAGON"
(IMO No. 7125861) of the Port of Panama
1. CHAN YOKE PENG (NRIC No.: 680403-04-5302)
(Malaysia Passport No. A41372901)
2. BAO HAONAN (PRC Passport No. EE6743531)
3. DING XINWU (PRC Passport No. EC3322116)
4. DONG XUEMENG (PRC Passport No. EH0454807)
5. GONG LIN (PRC Passport No. EH8997375)
6. HUANG GUOFU (PRC Passport No. E31768170)
7. JIA QINLIN (PRC Passport No. EC3555767)
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8. LI MENGYAO (PRC Passport No. E95807530)
9. LIU DONGXUE (PRC Passport No. EC6091671)
10. LIU YUE (PRC Passport No. EH2719464)
11. MA NING (PRC Passport No. EG2018122)
12. NIU MINGJIAO (PRC Passport No. EH0456580)
13. SU XIAOLONG (PRC Passport No. ED4448421)
14. SUN LANJUAN (PRC Passport No. E42727975)
15. WANG YUNLING (PRC Passport No. EH6498651)
16. YAO MING (PRC Passport No. EH2721630)
17. YU GENG (PRC Passport No. EB7615241)
18. ZHANG ZENGRONG (PRC Passport No. G46716929)
(suing as crew of the Ship "ORIENTAL DRAGON"
(IMO No. 7125861)) ... PLAINTIFFS
The Owners and/or persons in possession
or control of the Ship "ORIENTAL DRAGON"
(IMO No. 7125861) of the Port of Panama ... DEFENDANT
[1] The equivalent value of our Ringgit Malaysia RM to the United
D USD 1.00 as at 20.4.2021, was RM 4.123. However, by
21.8.2023, the value of RM had plunged to RM 4.79 to USD 1.00.
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[2] The steep fluctuation in the value of RM has given rise in the present
case to a dispute as to the proper date for the conversion of the
equivalent in RM of claims made in foreign currencies, in particular,
claims made in USD currency by the Plaintiffs in the Action in Rem
Suit WA-27NCC-11-02/2021 and Action in Rem Suit WA-27NCC-
[3] This judgment explores the principle in the English House of Lords
case of Miliangos v George Frank (Textile) Limited [1976] AC 443.
More specifically, the question whether a different consideration
ought to be taken in the case where claims in both foreign currencies
and local currency are made against a limited fund constituted in RM
and where the claimants thereto are ranked differently in priorities.
[4] As is shown in this judgment, the conversion date to be used for
payment to claims in USD in this case can have significant
consequences to the other claimants to the fund.
Background Facts
Action in Rem No: WA-27NCC-11- Suit 11 and Action in Rem
WA-27NCC-21-04/2021 ( Suit 21 the Parties and their Claims against
the Vessel
[5] Suit 11 is an action filed by the Master and 193 crew members
Plaintiffs in Suit 11 for unpaid wages and for disbursements in
relation to repatriation costs incurred against the vessel,
RIENTAL DRAGON the Vessel . Significantly, the Master
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and the crew members had quantified their respective claims in the
Statement of Claim as follows:
For the Master:
a) USD 30,660.00 (equivalent to RM 124,571.58 at the rate
of exchange of USD 1 to RM 4.063 as at 9.2.2021) for the
b) USD 335,179.85 (equivalent to RM 1,361,835.73 at the
rate of exchange of USD 1 to RM 4.063 as at 9.2.2021)
For the 193 crew members:
a) USD1,615,512.28 (equivalent to RM 6,563,826.39 at the
rate of USD 1 to RM 4.063 as at 9.2.2021) being the
[emphasis added]
[6] Suit 21 is also an action for outstanding wages earned and for
repatriation costs by 18 crew members (other than those in Suit 11)
against the Vessel Plaintiffs in Suit 21 . Similarly, the crew
members had quantified their claims in the Statement of Claim as
a) USD 117,608.02 (equivalent to RM 484,897.87 at the rate
of exchange of USD 1 to RM 4.123 as at 20.4.2021) being
the Outstan
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b) USD 47,260.42 (equivalent to RM 194,854.71 at the rate
of exchange of USD 1 to RM 4.123 as at 20.4.2021) being
[emphasis added]
[7] The Defendant, Worldport Corporation Limited, having its registered
address at Room 603, 6/F, Star House, No. 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim
Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong was the registered owner of the
Vessel and or was in possession or control of the Vessel.
[8] The Vessel was arrested by her Master and crew members in Suit
11. The registered owner of the Vessel did not put up security, and
the Vessel was appraised and sold by judicial sale pendente lite,
together with her bunkers for the total sum of RM 20,802,988.49.
The sum (with interest earned thereon) was paid into Court and
made available for enforcement of legitimate claims the Fund .
[9] In Suit 11, 4 parties had successfully intervened in the action. They
a) The 1st Intervener, Brit UW Limited (UK Company No.:
03217775), who is suing as the sole corporate capital
b) The 2nd Intervener, Lavenham Underwriting Limited (UK
Company No: 04512130) is suing as the corporate capital
provider on its own behalf and on behalf of the other
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2019 year of account;
[The 1st and 2nd Interveners are the underwriters with respect
outstanding remuneration in the event of abandonment and
they have the obligation to meet the financial security
requirements of Regulation 2.5.2, Standard A2.5.2 and
Regulation 4.2, Standard A4.2 Paragraph 1(b) of the Maritime
Labour Convention 2006 (as amended)].
c) The 3rd Intervener, Asia Capital Commodities Trade Sdn Bhd
(Company No.: 1343080-H) is a limited liability company
incorporated in Malaysia who is in the business of operating
ships. The 3rd Intervener had issued an Admiralty Writ in in
Rem against the Vessel under Admiralty in Action in Rem No.:
WA-27NCC-131-12/2020, the proceedings in which are still
pending before this Court 3rd Intervener Suit 131 .
d) The 4th Intervener, is Penang Port Sdn Bhd (Company No.
199301028806 (283544-D)). The 4th Intervener is the licensed
port operator for the Port of Penang.
[10] The following claims were received against the Fund:
a) s;
b) incurred by
M/s Shearn Delamore & Co. and M/s Shaikh David & Co;
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Costs of producer of fund by M/s Shearn Delamore & Co;
c) Maritime lien claims of Master and crew for unpaid wages and
default judgments obtained by
the Plaintiffs in Suit 11 and the Plaintiffs in Suit 21;
d) Statutory lien claims for repatriation costs incurred by the
Plaintiffs in Suit 21;
e) Statutory lien claims for goods and materials supplied, and
expenses incurred on account of the vessel by the 3rd
Intervener in their own Writ in rem action (now pending full
Chronology of Material Events
[11] The Writ In Rem Action in Suit 11 was filed by the Plaintiffs in Suit
11 on 9.2.2021. On the same day, the Plaintiffs in Suit 11 took out a
Warrant of Arrest against the Vessel.
[12] On 11.2.2021, the Bailiff of this Court, Tuan Mohd. Sofian bin Abdul
Halim, served the Writ In Rem Action upon the Vessel and executed
the Warrant of Arrest on the Vessel within the territorial waters of
Malaysia in Penang, as evidenced by the Affidavit of Service
affirmed by Tuan Mohd. Sofian bin Abdul Halim on 15.2.2021.
[13] On 20.4.2021, the Plaintiffs in Suit 21 filed the Writ in Rem Action
against the Vessel.
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[14] Subsequently, on 10.6.2021, the Plaintiffs in Suit 21 filed an
application to have Suit 21 heard together with Suit 11 which was
allowed by the Court on 13.8.2021. Thereafter, Suit 21 was heard
together with Suit 11.
[15] On 19.1.2022, the Plaintiffs in Suit 11 filed a Notice of Application
seeking a Judgment in Default of Defence for crew wages and
wages and disbursements. On 1.9.2022, after hearing
submissions, the Court made the following orders:
Penghakiman Ingkar Pembelaan dimasukkan terhadap
Defendan berdasarkan terma-terma berikut: -
(i) Memihak kepada Plaintif Pertama:
(a) USD30,660.00 untuk Upah Belum Dijelaskan yang
kena dibayar kepada Plaintif Pertama dan diperolehi
oleh Plaintif Pertama di atas Kapal tersebut yang tidak
dibayar dari bulan September 2020 hingga Januari
2021 seperti yang dibentangkan di Lampiran A
kepada Perintah ini;
(b) USD335,179.85 sebagai Pembelanjaan Belum
Dijelaskan yang ditanggung oleh Plaintif Pertama
untuk Kapal tersebut seperti yang dibentangkan di
dalam Lampiran B kepada Perintah ini;
(ii) Memihak kepada Plaintif-plaintif Kedua:
(c) USD1,615,512.28 iaitu Upah Belum Dijelaskan yang
kena dibayar dan terhutang kepada Plaintif-plaintif
Kedua menurut jumlah dan tempoh perkhidmatan
mereka masing-masing seperti yang dibentangkan di
dalam Lampiran A kepada Perintah ini;
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(iii) Memihak kepada semua Plaintif:
(d) Faedah pra-penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah yang
dihakimi sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif
pada kadar 5% setahun dari tarikh writ in rem ini
hingga tarikh penghakiman selaras dengan seksyen
11 Akta Undang-undang Sivil 1956;
(e) Faedah pasca-penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah
yang dihakimi sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-
plaintif pada kadar 5% setahun selaras dengan Aturan
42 kaedah 12 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dari
tarikh penghakiman hingga tarikh penyelesaian
(f) Kos sebanyak RM10,000.00 tertakluk kepada fee
alokatur dibayar oleh Pencelah Ketiga kepada Plaintif
Suit 11 Judgment in Default
[16] Similarly, on 10.2.2022, the Plaintiffs in Suit 21 also filed a Notice of
Application seeking for a Judgment in Default of Defence against the
Defendant for crew wages and repatriation costs which was
subsequently allowed by this Court on 5.4.2022 after hearing
submissions on the following terms:
Defendan berdasarkan terma-terma berikut:
(a) Defendan hendaklah membayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif
USD117,608.02 (bersamaan dengan RM484,897.87
pada kadar pertukaran USD1 kepada RM4.123 setakat
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20.4.2021) untuk Upah Belum Dijelaskan yang kena
dibayar dan terhutang kepada Plaintif-plaintif menurut
jumlah dan tempoh perkhidmatan mereka masing-masing
yang dinyatakan bersebelahan dengan nama mereka dalan
jadual butir-butir di dalam Lampiran A kepada Notis
(b) Defendan hendaklah membayar USD58,442.03
(bersamaan dengan RM240,956.49 pada kadar
pertukaran USD1 kepada RM4.123 setakat 20.4.2021)
dibayar dan terhutang kepada Plaintif-plaintif untuk jumlah
masing-masing yang dinyatakan bersebelahan dengan
nama mereka dalan jadual butir-butir di dalam Lampiran B
kepada Notis Permohonan;
(c) Faedah pra-penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah yang
dihakimi sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif pada
kadar 5% setahun dari tarikh writ in rem hingga tarikh
penghakiman selaras dengan seksyen 11 Akta
Undangundang Sivil 1956;
(d) Faedah pasca-penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah yang
dihakimi sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif pada
kadar 5% setahun selaras dengan Aturan 42 kaedah 12
Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah 2012 dari tarikh penghakiman
hingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh;
(e) Kos sebanyak RM20,000.00 tertakluk kepada fee alokatur
dibayar oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif plaintif; dan
2. Kebebasan untuk memohon .
[emphasis added]
Suit 21 Judgment in Default
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[17] As can be seen above, although the Plaintiffs in Suit 11 and the
Plaintiffs in Suit 21 had, in their respective Statement of Claim filed
in Suit 11 and Suit 21, expressly converted their claims from USD
amount into the RM equivalent as at the date of their respective
Writs, the Suit 11 Judgment in Default did not mirror the stated
reliefs thereto but only stipulated the sums claimed in the USD
currency. However, it is not submitted before this Court that the
Plaintiffs in Suit 11 had made an application to amend their reliefs
in the Writ in Rem and Statement of Claims
[18] By an order of Court dated 13.8.2021, it was ordered that the Vessel
and its bunkers, fuel, lubricants and other consumables on board, if
any the Bunkers Sheriff
of the High Court, pendente lite the Order for Sale Pendente
[19] The Court also ordered that the proceeds of the judicial sale of the
s, costs and
expenses and all sums ordered therein to be
costs and expenses, including such sums as may have been paid
by the Plaintiffs and or their managers and
costs and expenses
[20] The terms of the Order for Sale Pendente Lite, inter alia, further
ordered that within 2 weeks from the date of the payment into court,
the proceeds of the judicial sale shall be invested in a bank in
Malaysia as approved by the Accountant General to earn the best
commercial interest rate pursuant to Order 90 rules 6 and 12(2) of
the Rules of Court 2012.
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[21] The Vessel and its bunkers were judicially sold to one Virma
Maritime Corp (Corporation No.: 108465) with its registered address
at Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro,
Republic of the Marshall Islands MH 96960 on 15.12.2021 for the
sums stated below the Judicial Sale :
(a) Proceeds of sale of the Vessel RM20,555,920.80
(b) Proceeds of sale of the bunkers RM247,067.69
Total RM20,802,988.49
[22] Subsequent to the above Judicial Sale, the total sum of
RM20,802,988.49 was lodged with the Court pending an order of
Court for the determination of the order of priority of the claims and
payment out of the same to the parties so entitled.
[23] Pursuant to the Judicial Sale of the Vessel, the Sheriff of the High
Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur executed a Bill of Sale for the
Vessel in favour of Virma Maritime Corp (Corporation No.: 108465).
Subsequent to the Judicial Sale, the Sheriff of the High Court of
Malaya at Kuala Lumpur gazetted and caused the publication of
notices in respect of the proceeds of sale of the Vessel and the
Bunkers with the following publishers:
a) Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (Government Gazette)
on 20.12.2021;
b) Star Media Group Berhad (The Star) on 20.12.2021;
d) NHST Global Publications (TradeWinds) on 31.12.2021.
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Determination of Priorities and Payment Out Order
[24] On 21.10.2022, the Plaintiffs in Suit 11 filed a Notice of Application
for Determination of Priorities and for Payment Out of the Fund.
[25] The Application for Determination of Priorities and for Payment Out
of the Fund
Harun on 15.2.2023 and 7.3.2023.
[26] On 20.3.2023, the Learned Judge delivered his decision in respect
of the said Application for Determination of Priorities and for
Payment Out of the Fund. In summary, the High Court ordered that
the proceeds of the sale of the Vessel be paid out to the following
Order of Priorities
and Payment Out
1. Bahawa susunan keutamaan bagi semua tuntutan
terhadap hasil
berjumlah RM20,802,988.49 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Puluh
Juta Lapan Ratus Dua Ribu Sembilan Ratus Lapan Puluh
Lapan dan Sen Empat Puluh Sembilan sahaja) termasuk
bunker yang telah diserahsimpan dalam Mahkamah
bersama-sama dengan faedah yang diperolehi
seperti berikut:
(i) Pertama, komisyen Syerif berkaitan dengan jualan
Kapal tersebut;
(ii) Kedua, perbelanjaan Syerif yang perlu dibayar
kepada Plaintif-plaintif dan Pencelah Keempat;
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(iii) Ketiga, kos penahanan Plaintif-plaintif dan kos
perintah untuk pentaksiran dan jualan Kapal
tersebut dan semua prosiding di dalam ini, termasuk
kehadiran di hadapan Syerif dan Yang Arif Hakim
Admiralti setakat dan termasuk Notis Permohonan
untuk Penentuan Keutamaan dan untuk
Pembayaran Keluar ini;
(iv) Keempat, lien maritim;
a. jumlah yang dihakimi sebagai perlu dibayar
kepada Plaintif-plaintif dalam Mahkamah Tinggi
Kuala Lumpur Tindakan Admiralti In Rem No.:
upah anak kapal, selaras dengan Penghakiman
Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh 5.4.2022 yang
diperolehi dalam Guaman 21; dan
b. jumlah yang dihakimi sebagai perlu dibayar
kepada Plaintif-plaintif dalam Mahkamah Tinggi
Kuala Lumpur Tindakan Admiralti In Rem No.:
upah anak kapal dan pembelanjaan Nakhoda
selaras dengan Penghakiman Ingkar
Pembelaan bertarikh 1.9.2022 yang diperolehi
dalam Guaman 11;
(v) Kelima, lien statutori iaitu jumlah yang dihakimi
sebagai perlu dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif dalam
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Tindakan Admiralti
In Rem No.: WA27NCC-21-
untuk Kos Penghantaran Balik, selaras dengan
Penghakiman Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh 5.4.2022
yang diperolehi dalam Guaman 21 tertakluk kepada
lien statutori ini disusun secara pari passu dengan lien
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statutori lain yang mungkin diperintahkan (as may be
ordered) dan melibatkan manamana pihak di sini
dalam Guaman Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur
Tindakan Admiralti In Rem WA-27NCC-131- 12/2020.
2. Bahawa sejajar dengan susunan keutamaan bagi tuntutan
- tuntutan di dalam ini, pembayaran keluar daripada
Kumpulan Wang hendaklah dibuat seperti berikut:
(i) Pertama, kepada Penolong Kanan Pendaftar
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, sebanyak
RM520,099.71 (Ringgit Malaysia Lima Ratus Dua
Puluh Ribu Sembilan Puluh Sembilan dan Sen Tujuh
Puluh Satu sahaja) iaitu komisyen Syerif berhubung
dengan jualan kapal tersebut melalui lelong awam;
(ii) Kedua,
a. kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co., sebagai
peguamcara Plaintinf-plaintif, jumlah sebanyak
USD1,731,366.42, CNY529,468.14,
GBP2,560.00 dan RM9,616.35 untuk
pembayaran balik wang yang telah didahulukan
oleh Plaintif-plaintif kepada akaun perbelanjaan
b. kepada Tetuan Shaikh David & Co., sebagai
peguamcara Pencelah Keempat, jumlah
sebanyak RM145,350.00 untuk caj pelabuhan;
(iii) Ketiga, kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co.,
sebagai peguamcara Plaintif-plaintif, jumlah sebanyak
RM340,444.97 (Ringgit Malaysia Tiga Ratus Empat
Puluh Ribu Empat Ratus Empat Puluh Empat dan Sen
Sembilan Puluh Tujuh sahaja) iaitu kos penahanan,
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kos pentaksiran dan jualan Kapal tersebut dan semua
prosiding di dalam ini, termasuk kehadiran di hadapan
Syerif dan Yang Arif Hakim Admiralti setakat dan
termasuk Notis Permohonan untuk Penentuan
Keutamaan dan untuk Pembayaran Keluar ini;
(iv) Keempat, kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co,
jumlah berikut bagi lien maritim: -
a. sebanyak USD117,608.02 (bersamaan dengan
RM484,897.87 pada kadar pertukaran USD1
kepada RM4.123 setakat 20.4.2021) untuk Upah
Belum Dijelaskan yang dihakimi sebagai perlu
dibayar dan terhutang kepada Plaintif-plaintif
dalam Guaman 21 menurut Lampiran A pada
Kand. 56, bersama-sama dengan faedah pra-
penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah yang dihakimi
sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif
dalam Guaman 21 pada kadar 5% setahun dan
kos sebanyak RM20,000.00 selaras dengan
Penghakiman Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh
5.4.2022 (Kand. 75) dalam Guaman 21;
b. b. sebanyak USD365,839.85 (bersamaan dengan
RM1,486,407.31 pada kadar pertukaran USD$1
kepada RM4.063 setakat 9.2.2021) yang dihakimi
sebagai perlu dibayar kepada Plaintif Pertama
dalam Guaman 11, dan sebanyak
USD1,615,512.28 (bersamaan dengan
RM6,563,826.39 pada kadar pertukaran USD$1
kepada RM4.063 setakat 9.2.2021) yang dihakimi
sebagai perlu dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif
Kedua dalam Guaman 11, bersama-sama dengan
faedah pra-penghakiman dan faedah pasca-
penghakiman ke atas semua jumlah yang dihakimi
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sebagai kena dibayar kepada Plaintif-plaintif
dalam Guaman 11 pada kadar 5% setahun dan
kos sebanyak RM10,000.00 selaras dengan
Penghakiman Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh
1.9.2022 (Kand. 462) dalam Guaman 11;
(v) Kelima, kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co, lien
statutori bagi jumlah sebanyak USD58,442.03
(bersamaan dengan RM240,956.49 pada kadar
pertukaran USD1 kepada RM4.123 setakat
20.4.2021) untuk Kos Penghantaran Balik yang
dihakimi sebagai perlu dibayar dan terhutang kepada
Plaintif-plaintif dalam Guaman 21 seperti yang
ditetapkan dalam perenggan 1(b) Penghakiman
Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh 5.4.2022 dalam Guaman
21 bersama-sama dengan faedah prapenghakiman
dan faedah pasca-penghakiman masing masing
seperti yang ditetapkan dalam perengganperenggan
1(c) dan 1(d) Penghakiman Ingkar Pembelaan
bertarikh 5.4.2022 dalam Guaman 21 yang sama,
tertakluk kepada lien statutori ini dibayar secara pari
passu dengan lien statutori lain yang mungkin
diperintahkan (as may be ordered) dan melibatkan
mana-mana pihak di sini dalam Mahkamah Tinggi
Kuala Lumpur Tindakan Admiralti In Rem No. WA-
[27] In essence, the High Court ordered that the proceeds of sale to be
paid out to the following parties and in the following order of
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a) the Senior Assistant Registrar of the High Court of Kuala
Lumpur, the sum of RM520,099.71 (RM Five Hundred Twenty
Thousand Ninety Nine and Cents Seventy One only) being the
Commissions in respect of the sale of the Vessel by
public auction;
b) (i) to Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co., as solicitors for the
Plaintiffs, the sum of USD1,731,366.42,
CNY529,468.14, GBP2,560.00 and RM9,616.35 for
reimbursement of monies advanced by the Plaintiffs to
(iii) to Messrs. Shaikh David & Co., as solicitors of the 4th
Intervener, the sum of RM145,350.00 for port charges;
c) to Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co., as solicitors for the
Plaintiffs, the sum of RM340,444.97 (RM Nine Hundred Ten
Thousand Four Hundred Forty Four and Cents Ninety Seven
only) being the costs of arrest, costs of the order for
appraisement and sale of the Vessel and all proceedings
herein, including attendances before the Sheriff and the
Admiralty Judge up to and including the Notice of Application
for Determination of Priorities and for Payment Out;
d) to Messrs. Shearn Delamore & Co, the following amounts for
maritime lien:
i) the sum of USD117,608.02 (equivalent to RM484,897.87 at
the exchange rate of USD1 to RM4.123 as at 20.4.2021)
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for Unpaid Wages adjudged as payable and owing to the
Plaintiffs in Suit 21 in accordance to Annexure A to
Enclosure 56, together with the pre-judgment interest and
the post-judgment interest on all sums adjudged to be due
to the Plaintiffs in Suit 21 at the rate of 5% per annum and
costs amounting to RM20,000.00 pursuant to the Judgment
in Default of Defence dated 5.4.2022 (Encl. 75) in Suit 21;
ii) the sum of USD365,839.85 (equivalent to RM1,486,407.31
at the exchange rate of USD$1 to RM4.063 as at 9.2.2021)
adjudged as payable to the First Plaintiff in Suit 11, and the
sum of USD1,615,512.28 (equivalent to RM6,563,826.39
at the exchange rate of USD$1 to RM4.063 as at 9.2.2021)
adjudged as payable to the Second Plaintiffs in Suit 11,
together with the pre-judgment interest and the post
judgment interest on all sums adjudged to be due to the
Plaintiffs in Suit 11 at the rate of 5% per annum and costs
amounting to RM10,000.00 pursuant to the Judgment in
Default of Defence dated 1.9.2022 (Encl. 462) in Suit 11;
iii) to Messrs. Shearn Delamore & Co, the statutory lien with
the sum of USD58,442.03 (equivalent to RM240,956.49 at
the rate of USD1 to RM4.123 as at 20.4.2021) for
Repatriation Costs adjudged as payable and owing to the
Plaintiffs in Suit 21 as stated under paragraph 1(b) of
Judgment in Default of Defence dated 5.4.2022 in Suit 21
together with pre judgment and post-judgment interest
respectively stated in paragraphs 1(c) and 1(d) of the
Judgment in Default of Defence dated 5.4.2022 in Suit 21,
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subject to other statutory lien in Suit 21 as set out in
paragraph 1(b) of the Order dated 5.4.2022 in that Suit 21
together with the pre-judgment interests and post-
judgment interests as set out in paragraphs 1(c) and 1(d)
respectively of the Order dated 5.4.2022 in that same Suit
21, subject to this statutory lien to be paid out in pari passu
with other statutory lien as may be ordered involving any
of the party herein in the 3rd Intervener Suit 131.
[28] The abovesaid ranking of priorities and payment of claims out of the
Fund can be better represented in the following table:
Order Claim Amount
(foreign currency)
Paragraph 2(i) 520,099.71
2(ii)(a) expenses to M/s
Shearn Delamore &
2(ii)(a) expenses to M/s
Shaikh David & Co.
Costs of producer
of funds to M/s
Shearn Delamore
& Co.
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Maritime lien claim to
M/s Shearn Delamore
& Co.
for unpaid wages
(equivalent to
RM484,897.87 at
the exchange rate
of USD1=RM4.123
as at 20.4.2021)
Pre-judgment interest
on the judgment sum at
the rate of 5% in
accordance with
Judgment in default of
Defence dated
5.4.2022 in Suit 21
Costs 20,000.00
Maritime lien claim to
M/s Shearn Delamore
& Co. for unpaid wages
(equivalent to
RM1,486,407.31 at
the exchange rate
of USD1=RM4.063
as at 9.2.2021)
Maritime lien claim to
M/s Shearn Delamore
& Co.
for unpaid wages
(equivalent to
RM6,563,826.39 at
the exchange rate
of USD1=RM4.063
as at 9.2.2021)
Pre-judgment and post-
judgment interest on
the judgment sum at
the rate of 5% in
accordance with
Judgment in default of
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Defence dated
in Suit 11
Costs 10,000.00
Paragraph 2(v) Statutory lien claim to
M/s Shearn Delamore
& Co. for repatriation
(equivalent to
RM240,956.49 at
the exchange rate
of USD1=RM4.123
as at 20.4.2021)
Pre-judgment and
interest on the
judgment sum at the
rate of 5% in
accordance with
Judgment in default of
Defence dated
5.4.2022 in Suit 21
To rank equally and be
paid pari passu with
any other statutory lien
that may be order or
involve parties in Suit
131 the
admiralty action which
is pending
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[29] No objections were raised at the hearing of the Application for
Priorities and Payment Out Order save for the following:
a) The first objection was a common objection from the
Defendant and the 3rd Intervener and it was as to the quantum
to be awarded to the Plaintiffs as costs of the producer of the
b) The second objection was only from the 3rd Intervener and it
interests in both Suit 11 and Suit 21. The Defendant claimed
that the post-judgment interests of the Plaintiffs in both Suit 11
and Suit 21 must be capped only up until the date of filing of
the Application i.e. 21.10.2022.
[30] There was no issue raised with the payment of claims in Paragraphs
2(i), 2(ii)(b) and 2(iii). However, in respect of Paragraphs 2(ii)(a),
2(iv)(a) and (b) and 2(v), which are awards in foreign currency, the
Order of Priorities and Payment Out does not specify:
a) the conversion date of payment of the claims stated in foreign
currencies into RM;
b) the amount of pre-judgment and post-judgment interest to be
paid in respect of the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and the Suit
21 Judgment in Default i.e. whether interest should be
calculated on the USD amount that was ordered or the RM
equivalent that was prayed.
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[31] In any case, after the Court made the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out, neither the Defendant nor the 3rd Intervener appealed
against the decision.
[32] It is also to be noted that in the Order of Priorities and Payment Out,
the conversion date for the USD to RM was expressly stated to be
that applicable as at 9.2.2021 as was prayed in the Writ in Rem and
Statement of Claim in Suit 11.
Payment Out by the Court
[33] Between April 2023 to August 2023, Messrs Shearn Delamore as
solicitors for the Plaintiffs and 1st and 2nd SD
corresponded with the Sheriff, the Finance Department of Kuala
Lumpur (KL) High Court and to the Accounts Department, Federal
POJ Fund.
[34] More specifically, on 24.5.2023, SD set out to the Sheriff a summary
of the amounts to be paid from the Fund to the Plaintiffs in Suit 11
and the Plaintiffs in Suit 21 pending the determination of the 3rd
Intervener Suit 131 SD letter dated 24.5.2023 in the following
No. Perkara Amaun
1 Pemulangan Deposit Syerif bagi penahanan Kapal
(Sila juga rujuk Penyata Sherif bertarikh 6.4.2023
di Kand. 503)
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2 Wang yang didahulukan oleh pihak Plaintif-plaintif
kepada akaun perbelanjaan Syerif
(Sila rujuk Perakuan Pendaftar bertarikh 23.4.2022
di Kand. 440 dan perenggan 2(i)(a) Perintah
Mahkamah bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
3 Kos Penahanan Plaintif
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iii) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
4 Jumlah Penghakiman bagi lien maritim sebanyak
USD117,608.02 dalam Guaman 21
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv) (a) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
pada kadar
pertukaran USD1
RM4.123 setakat
5 Faedah pra-penghakiman dari 20.4.2021 sehingga
5.4.2022 dalam Guaman 21
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv) (a) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
Untuk ditentukan
6 Faedah pasca-penghakiman dari 5.4.2022
sehingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh ke atas
jumlah penghakiman USD117,608.02 dalam
Guaman 21
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv)(a) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
Untuk ditentukan
7 Kos sebanyak RM20,000.00 bagi Penghakiman RM20,000.00
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Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh 5.4.2022 (Guaman
Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv)(a) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
8 Jumlah Penghakiman bagi lien maritim sebanyak
USD365,839.85 kepada Plaintif Pertama dalam
Guaman 11
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv)(b) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
pada kadar
kepada RM4.063
9 Jumlah Penghakiman bagi lien maritim sebanyak
USD1,615,512.28 kepada Plaintif-plaintif Kedua
dalam Guaman 11
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2 (iv)(b) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
pada kadar
pertukaran USD$
kepada RM4.063
10 Faedah pra-penghakiman dari 9.2.2021 sehingga
1.9.2022 dalam Guaman 21
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv) (b) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
Untuk ditentukan
11 Faedah pasca-penghakiman dari 1.9.2022
sehingga tarikh penyelesaian penuh ke atas
Untuk ditentukan
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jumlah penghakiman USD1,981,352.13 dalam
Guaman 21
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv)(b) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
12 Kos sebanyak RM10,000.00 bagi Penghakiman
Ingkar Pembelaan bertarikh 1.9.2022 (Guaman
(Sila rujuk perenggan 2(iv)(b) Perintah Mahkamah
bertarikh 13.3.2023 di Kand. 500)
[35] In SD letter dated 24.5.2023, SD provided details of their RM
account to receive the payments. No USD Account was provided.
[36] On 28.6.2023, the Sheriff forwarded to SD for their confirmation
Sheriff email dated 28.6.2023 an email that he received from
POJ on POJ email dated 28.6.2023 informing that
the Fund that was deposited earlier with the Court had been received
amounting to RM 20,817,988.49 and the said email also set out a
sum of RM 19,101,778.36 to be paid to Messrs Shearn Delamore,
excluding the pre-judgment interests. The details for the sum of RM
19,101,778.36 were set out and the table is reproduced below:
1,731,366.42 4.5506 7,878,756.03
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529,468.14 0.6525 345,477.96
2,560.00 5.6871 14,558.98
117,608.02 4.5506 535,187.06
Faedah Pra
Plaintif (1)
365,839.85 4.5506 1,664,790.82
Plaintif (2)
1,615,512.28 4.5506 7,351,550.18
Faedah Pra
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58,442.03 4.5506 265,946.30
3,888,768.60 529,468.14 2,560.00 19,101,778.36
[37] From the email of 28.6.2023, it is clear that POJ had
converted the sums ordered to be paid in USD currency to their
equivalent in RM currency based on the exchange rate issued by the
[38] With the payments to SD of RM 19,101,778.36, the
28.6.2023 further stated that there would be a balance sum of RM
1,701,210.13 left from the Fund.
[39] On 20.7.2023, SD SD
letter dated 20.7.2023 which effectively adopted the computations
stated in the POJ email dated 28.6.2023 except that SD had
removed the RM equivalent of all the sums ordered to be paid in
USD currency. In the said letter, SD stated that the balance sum
after the payments was estimated to be RM 806,000.00 which
should be paid out to SD for the costs of USD 58,442.03 incurred for
the Suit 11 and Suit 21 Judgments in Default and to meet the 3rd
Intervene rd Intervener Suit 131 on a pari passu
basis. SD also provided details of their RM account and USD
account for the payments to be received. The SD letter dated
20.7.2023 is reproduced below:
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[40] The SD letter dated 20.7.2023 was copied to all the solicitors
involved in Suit 11 and Suit 21.
not enclosed.
[41] The effect of SD letter dated 20.7.2023 was that SD wanted the
sums ordered in USD in the Order of Priorities and Payment Out to
be paid to them in USD currency. No one took any objections to the
contents of the SD letter dated 20.7.2023 although the same
disclosed a clear intention that SD was seeking payment out of the
Fund in USD instead of in RM. This of course means that the costs
for the conversion from RM to USD would not be borne by SD but
[42] However, in the present application, the 3rd Intervener is taking
objections to the following in SD letter dated 20.7.2023:
a) In Paragraph 2(ii)(a), the claims in CNY and GBP were to be
paid based on the conversion rate as at June 2023, when this
is not stipulated in the Order of Priorities and Payment Out;
b) In Paragraph 2(ii)(a), the claim in USD is to be paid based on
whichever conversion rate applicable on the date the funds are
disbursed, when this is not stipulated in the Order of Priorities
and Payment Out.
c) In Paragraph 2(iv)(a) and (b), the claim is to be paid in USD
currency, when the Order of Priorities and Payment Out
specifically and expressly stipulated payment out in the RM
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equivalent of the USD judgment sums as at the date of their
respective Writs in Rem the
terms of the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment
in Default;
d) The pre-judgment and post-judgment interest under Paragraph
2(iv)(a) and (b) were calculated on the USD judgment sums
when the Order of Priorities and Payment Out specifically and
expressly stipulates payment out on the RM equivalent of the
USD judgment sums.
e) That post-judgment interest on the judgments sums under
Paragraph 2(iv)(a) and (b) were calculated up to 31.7.2023,
when this is not stipulated anywhere in the Order of Priorities
and Payment Out or the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and the
Suit 21 Judgment in Default;
[43] Coming back to the events that have since unfolded, on 3.8.2023,
the Sheriff issued a letter to POJ Sheriff letter dated 3.8.2023 to
outline the payment arrangement according to the Order of Priorities
and Payment Out to assist POJ. The Sheriff a
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[44] On 13.9.2023, POJ sent an email to the Sheriff and SD POJ email
dated 13.9.2023 copied to all the other parties in Suit 11 and Suit
12 (except the Defendant) informing that POJ had on 21.8.2023 paid
to SD the sum of USD 4,088,837.33 which at the exchange rate on
that date at USD 1 to RM 4.79 amounted to the equivalent in RM to
be RM 19,585,530.70 and in RM the sum of RM 740,098.24. This
said sums when taken together with the
Commissions of RM 520,099.71 and to Messrs Shaikh David of RM
145,350.00 means that a total of RM 20,988,404.90 had been paid
out by POJ. This of course means that POJ had erroneously paid
out a sum of RM 185,416.49 in excess of the total Fund of RM
[45] By reason of the overpayment, POJ sought from SD the return of the
sum of RM 185,416.49 vide its email of 13.9.2023:
From: Maimunah binti Endut <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 11:18 AM
To: Mohd Zamir Suhaimee <[email protected]>; Nik Azila Shuhada
<[email protected]>
Cc: Rohani binti Che Mie <[email protected]>; Aishah @
Noorliza Binti Hassan <[email protected]>; Mohd
Hairulzaki bin Hassan <[email protected]>; Noor Jannah binti Hj.
Abdullah <[email protected]>; Rajasingam Gothandapani
<[email protected]>; Justin Tong Wei Hang
<[email protected]>; Ally Ong Tze Xian
<[email protected]>; Matthew Jerome van Huizen
<[email protected]>; Ellia Kamarul <[email protected]>; Norli binti Talip
<[email protected]>
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh & Salam
Saya dengan hormatnya merujuk kepada pembayaran sebanyak
USD4,088,837.33 kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co.
2. Dibawah adalah jumlah deposit yang diterima bagi kapal
oriental dragon. Deposit tahanan telah dibayar secara
3. Baki RM20,802,988.49 telah dibayar dengan kepada
penerima bayaran dibawah dan bayaran untuk matawang USD
adalah dianggarkan dengan kadar anggaran seperti berikut:
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4. Berdasarkan anggaran semasa pada bulan Ogos 2023,
jumlah deposit boleh menampung pembayaran sehingga aturan
keempat dan masih mempunyai baki sebanyak RM387,429.62.
5. Walaubagaimanapun, setelah pihak JPM membuat
bayaran kepada Tetuan Shearn Delamore & Co pada
21.08.2023, kadar pertukaran sebenar adalah 4.7900. Ini telah
menyebabkan deposit yang ada tidak dapat menampung
sebahagian pembayaran pada aturan keempat. Ringkasan
pembayaran sebenar adalah seperti dibawah:
6. Pembayaran ini telah menyebabkan kurangan pada
akaun deposit sebanyak RM185,416.49. Sehubungan itu, Tetuan
Shearn Delamore & Co diminta untuk membuat pulangan
sebanyak RM185,416.49 kepada pihak kami dengan segera.
7. Segala kerjasama dan perhatian pihak tuan/puan
berkaitan perkara ini amat dihargai.
Sekian, Terima Kasih
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Saya yang menjalankan amanah,
Maimunah Binti Endut C.A.(M)
Ketua Penolong Pengarah (Akaun)
Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia
Tel: 03-8880 4228
[46] However, instead of refunding the overpaid amount, SD responded
stating that they were taking instructions from their clients and stated
further that they believed that POJ would need to apply to Court for
the refund of the said RM 185,416.49.
[47] The aforesaid, which obviously also means that there would be
nothing left in the Fund to meet the claims in the 3rd Intervener Suit
131 against the Defendant prompted the 3rd Intervener to scrutinise
the payments made under the Order of Priorities and Payment Out.
[48] Quite understandably, the fact that SD appeared hesitant to even
refunding the sum of RM 185,416.49 was disconcerting for the 3rd
Enclosure 520
[49] The 3rd Intervener, jointly with the Defendant proceeded to ask this
Court for a case management date to bring this matter to the
attention of the Court. Parties attended before me on 4.10.2023, and
the 3rd Intervener thereafter together with the Defendant immediately
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filed the present application in Enclosure 520 seeking, inter alia, for
the following orders:
a) That the RM equivalent conversion rate for the payment of
USD 1,731,366.42, CNY 529,468.14 and GBP 2,560.00 out of
the proceeds of sale of the Vessel be the date of the Certificate
Sheriff on 23.4.203 or alternative the date of the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out on 20.3.2023;
b) That the RM equivalent conversion rate for the payment of
USD 117,608.02 and USD 58,442.03 in Suit 21 and USD
365,839.85 and USD 1,615,512.28 in Suit 11 be 20.4.2021
and 9.2.2021 respectively;
c) That the pre-judgment and post-judgment interest adjudged in
Suit 21 and Suit 11 be computed based on the RM equivalent
stated in the respective Writs and Statements of Claim thereto.
[50] In the interim, SD quite rightly undertook not to release the sum of
USD4,088,837.33 in their custody until the final determination of the
application or further order of the Court.
[51] It is the 3rd Intervene SD
request vide the SD letter dated 20.7.2023 for the payment out and
the calculation on the conversion to RM currency was not in
accordance with the law or the Order of Priorities and Payment Out.
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[52] By adopting a wrong approach on the payments, both the Plaintiffs
and or SD and the Sheriff have caused an incongruous position
where the Plaintiffs and SD have effectively been paid more than
the amount available in the Fund for the enforcement of claims
against the same.
[53] In view of the above, it was contended that the Sheriff letter dated
3.8.2023 authorising POJ to make payment is defective. As a
consequent, it is further contended that the payment out to SD as
per the terms thereof that were made on 21.8.2023 is also
defective, and must be forthwith corrected by this Court. The Sheriff
letter dated 3.8.2023 cannot be relied on to authorise POJ to make
payment. The Sheriff must issue a fresh authorization letter for
payment that is in accordance with the terms of the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out.
[54] It was also contended that the payment out of the Fund ought not
[55] Accordingly, this Court was urged to intervene and give effect to
the Order of Priorities and Payment Out by:
a) an order to rectify the defective and irregular payments made
to SD;
b) an order that POJ provides the correct conversion date for
the foreign currency claims, and calculation of payment of the
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claims in order of priority out of the Fund as allowed under
the Order of Priorities and Payment Out;
c) although the 5th ranking claims (ranked equally and to be paid
pari passu) are deferred pending conclusion of the 3rd
in rem action, an order directing POJ to provide
2(v) and its RM equivalent. For clarity, the 3rd
claim is in RM currency, thus requiring no conversion date to
be determined.
d) an Order that any surplus wrongly retained by SD be forthwith
refunded and paid into the Fund, to satisfy the 5th ranking
[56] The Plaintiffs opposed the 3rd Intervener and
application in Encl. 520, contending that:
a) this Court is Functus Officio;
b) there is no overpayment by the Court. The Plaintiffs are
entitled to be paid in the foreign currency i.e USD as adjudged
and ordered in the Judgments in Default and in the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out, particularly paragraph 2(ii)(a),
2(iv)(a) and (b) and paragraph 2(v) thereof;
c) the effective date of USD to RM conversion in respect of USD
currency amounts ordered to be paid under paragraph 2(ii)(a),
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2(iv)(a) and (b) and paragraph 2(v) of Order of Priorities and
Payment Out is the date of payment;
d) the Plaintiffs are entitled to be paid pre-judgment and post-
judgment interest upon the principal sums expressed in the
foreign currency as adjudged and ordered in the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out.
e) t
[57] Essentially the core issue for determination is the proper
date to affix the conversion rate that ought to be used for the
payment of the foreign currency sums as ordered under the Order
of Priorities and Payment Out
as certified by the Admiralty Sheriff, the sums adjudged under the
Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment in Default and the
payments of both the pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on
the adjudged sums in these 2 Suits.
A. Court whether functus officio
[58] The Plaintiffs contended that the 3rd
Enclosure 520 is defective and or is an attempt to sidestep the
doctrine of functus officio. That this application seeks to invite this
Court to reopen, alter, amend and or re-litigate the Order of Priorities
and Payment Out.
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[59] In support, learned counsel for the Plaintiffs, Mr Tong Wei Hang
cited the Federal Court case of Serac Asia Sdn Bhd v Sepakat
Insurance Tab 5 Brokers Sdn Bhd [2013] 5 MLJ 1, where Abdull
Hamid Embong FCJ speaking for the Federal Court held:
We conclude by saying that once a regularly obtained
order or judgment has been perfected, the court is functus
officio. The matter as decided vide encl 6 is thus res judicata
and cannot be re-litigated. It needs to be emphasised that the
order made under encl 6 was appealed and affirmed right up
to the Federal Court. It cannot now be revisited or reasserted
under any guise in a subsequent proceeding. The issues
raised by the respondent in encl 29 could have been brought up
during the appeal process. The law does not allow the
respondent to have a second bite of the cherry and in the manner
as it did. This passage from Tenaga Berhad explains the
There was no merit in the appellant's argument that the second
application to set aside the default judgment was justified
because it was based upon a different ground from that
relied upon in the first application. The doctrine of res
judicata in its wider sense was applicable in the present
case. It was certainly open to the appellant to ground its first
application on the basis that the default judgment was irregular.
It was therefore an issue which properly belonged to the first
application. But it chose not to rely upon that ground. Once the
first application was dismissed, it was not open to the
appellant to make a second application to set aside the
judgment on a different ground. It would amount to presenting
one's case in installment which the law does not permit.
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[45] In our judgment too, the re-litigation of a regularly and
properly concluded matter as determined by the court is
prohibited by the wide doctrine of res judicata. The judicial
process rests on the twin pillars of certainty and finality. A
final order or a judgment must therefore be vigorously
protected by this doctrine, a position taken by the common
law courts ever since Henderson
(emphasis added)
[60] Thus, it was submitted that the 3rd -litigate,
and re-open and re-write a regularly obtained Judgment on the
[61] Further, in the Federal Court case of Badiaddin bin Mohd Mahidin
& Anor v Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd [1998] 1 MLJ at p. 417 - 418,
Peh Swee Chin FCJ referred to a point relied by Court of Appeal that
a perfected order, is not capable of being amended or altered except
for certain exceptions as stated in Hock Hua Bank v Sahari bin Murid
[1981] 1 MLJ 143:
same action to alter, vary or set aside a judgment regularly
obtained after it has been entered or an order after it is drawn up
except under the slip rule in O28 r 11 of Rules of Supreme Court
1957 (O20 r 11 of Rules of High Court 1980) so far as necessary
to correct errors in expression the intention of the court, unless it
is a judgment by default or made in the absence of a party at the
trial or hearing. But if a judgment or order has been obtained by
fraud or where further evidence which could not possibly have
ben adduced at the original hearing is forthcoming, a fresh action
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will lie to impeach the original judgment. The hearing of the action
Peh Swee Chin J stated that:
perfected in
the manner described in the above passage, a party to the
judgment generally and subject to the same passage, or any
other written law, and apart from any appeal, cannot reopen
the matter finalized in the judgment by seeking to alter it or
amend it for the court would be functus officio by virtue of
the ratio of Hock Hua Bank v Sahari bin Murid. Once
perfected, a judgment of the High Court is also entitled to the
obedience and respect from the parties to it on the basis of
a command from a superior court of unlimited civil
jurisdiction in the course of contentious litigation
classic for its incontestable precedent wise correctness, clarity
(emphasis added)
[62] I respectfully disagree with Mr Tong Wei Hang. The Federal Court
has clarified that where it is necessary to work out or give effect to
an order, the functus officio rule is not transgressed; the Court is
empowered under its inherent jurisdiction to grant consequential
[63] In fact, the Federal Court in Stone World Sdn Bhd v Engareh (M)
Sdn Bhd [2020] 12 MLJ 237 expressly addressed the issue of
functus official:
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In discussing the doctrine of functus officio, the High Court found
that the application for reinstatement made pursuant to the
grant of the earlier final declaratory orders, was not an
application to re-open the original case so as to vary, alter
or amend that final judgment and order. It was held that the
deliberate refusal and disobedience to comply with the
original declaratory orders. As such the plaintiff had no
option but to seek consequential orders so as to give effect
to the original judgment and declaratory orders handed
down by the High Court.
[33] The court went on to examine the principle of finality and
concluded that the ap
judicata and corollary to it the rule of issue estoppel and
. Importantly the court pointed out that the
application for consequential orders was neither a rehearing
nor a re-opening of the case. The judge cited Fritz v Hobson
[1880] 14 Ch D 542 at p 561, which sets out the fundamental
principle expounded by Fry J at p 561 on liberty to apply in
relation to orders of court. It bears repeating here:
In the next place, it is said that I have no jurisdiction to amend
the judgment or to grant this application, because the Court has
no jurisdiction to rehear an action. In my opinion I have
jurisdiction to grant this application. In the first place, it is to
be borne in mind that an order was made, although it was not
drawn up, directing the motion in question to stand until the trial.
According to my understanding of the practice (and this is
confirmed by what the Master of the Rolls has said) all orders of
the Court carry with them in gremio (in gremio legis is a Latin
to the court.
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[34] The rationale above was relied upon by this court in
Sungai Biak Tin Mining per Suffian LJ. Additionally the above
ratio has been consistently followed by our courts (see Societe
Des Etains De Bayas Tudjuh v Woh Heng Mining Kongsi [1978]
2 MLJ 267 at p 270; Sungei Biak Tin Mines Ltd v Saw Choo
Theng & Anor (No 2) [1970] 2 MLJ 226 at p 227, Leong Ah Weng
v Neoh Thean Soo & Anor [1983] 2 MLJ 119 at p 120).
[35] From our case-law it is evident that liberty to apply for
consequential orders in order to work out or give effect to
the final judgment or order of the court is well within the
inherent jurisdiction of the court. To this extent the rule of
functus officio is not transgressed. And in the instant appeal
both the High Court and the Court of Appeal concluded on well-
articulated grounds that the consequential order was required to
give effect to the original judgment against Stone World for
liability in detinue. There would be no reason to disagree with the
courts below, with great respect.
[36] Support for our exposition of the law is also to be found in
Singaporean case-law. In Tan Yeow Khoon & Anor v Tan Yeow
ordered the examination of accounts of several parties owned by
the parties. An expert was appointed but the parties could not
agree on the incorporation of certain terms. The plaintiffs applied
court) to resolve the issue.
[37] The High Court in Singapore held, inter alia, that where
the incorporation of terms were for the purposes of
sustaining or working out the earlier order made and is
nothing more than a complementary or enabling direction to
work out the judgment of the court such an incorporation
would be allowed under the rule. More significantly the court
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went on to hold that even if the further direction was to be
regarded as a variation, it would be allowed if it was intended to
to the original order. In that case the court had occasion to
comment on the unreasonableness and obduracy of the plaintiffs
[emphasis added]
[64] Just like in the Stone World case, Enclosure 520 is not designed to
re-open the case to vary, alter or amend the final judgments made
in favour of the Plaintiffs, or the terms of the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out. Enclosure 520 is necessitated by the Plaintiffs and or
Order of Priorities
and Payment Out any conversion date and maintaining that the
correct conversion date is the date of payment. The Plaintiffs also
refused to return the sum overpaid, which they argued is only
refundable by way of a Court Order.
[65] To my mind, there is no doubt that this Court is fully empowered to
grant the consequential orders to complement and enable the
working out of the terms of the Order of Priorities and Payment Out.
[66] At the outset, it must be stated that it has long been accepted that
the Malaysian Courts have the jurisdiction and power to pronounce
judgment in a foreign currency.
[67] The Supreme Court in the case of New Kok Ann Realty Sdn Bhd v
Development & Commercial Bank Ltd, New Hebrides (In
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Liquidation) [1987] 1 MLJ 57 2 approved the ratio decidendi in the
English House of Lords case of Miliangos v George Frank (Textile)
Limited [1976] AC 443 Miliangos
decision to award the judgment for the loan sum in USD.
[68] The issue of what should be the conversion date for enforcement of
foreign currency debts was also deliberated and determined by the
House of Lords in the Miliangos.
[69] Briefly, Miliangos was a Swiss textile producer who sold and
delivered textiles to George Frank Ltd, a textile trader located in
England. George Frank refused to pay for the textiles. Miliangos
sued George Frank in England for the amount of the debt in the
currency of the contract which was Swiss francs. Over the time of
the litigation, the exchange rate between the Swiss franc and the
pound dropped dramatically. The traditional rule required that the
debt in Swiss francs be converted to pounds on the date of the
breach. Miliangos would lose a significant amount of the value of the
money owed if paid in pounds due to the exchange rate. The issue
before the House of Lords was whether the English courts could
order a judgment in any currency besides pounds sterling. The Lords
ruled that the debt could be paid in Swiss francs, breaking a line of
authority over 200 years old. As for the conversion rate, the Lords
ruled that it should be at the date the court authorised enforcement
of the judgment in terms of sterling:
As regards the conversion date to be inserted in the claim or in
the judgment of the court, the choice, as pointed out in the
Havana Railways case [1961] A.C. 1007, is between (i) the date
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of action brought, (ii) the date of judgment, (iii) the date of
payment. Each has its advantages, and it is to be noticed that the
Court of Appeal in Schorsch Meier and in the present case chose
the date of payment meaning, as I understand it, the date
when the court authorises enforcement of the judgment in
terms of sterling. The date of payment is taken in the
convention annexed to the Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965
(article 27 (2)). This date gets nearest to securing to the
creditor exactly what he bargained for. The date of action
brought, though favoured by Lord Reid and Lord Radcliffe
in the Havana Railways case, seems to me to place the
creditor too severely at the mercy of the debtor's obstructive
defences (cf. this case) or the law's delay. It may have been
based on an understanding of the judgment of Holmes J. in the
Deutsche Bank case (272 U.S. 517) now seen to be probably
mistaken (see Mann, The Legal Aspect of Money, 3rd ed. (1971),
p. 355 and cases cited). The date of judgment is shown to be
a workable date in practice by its inclusion in the Carriage by
Air Act 1961 which gave effect to the Hague Convention of 1965
varying, on this very point, the Warsaw Convention of 1929, but,
in some cases particularly where there is an appeal, may
again impose on the creditor a considerable currency risk.
So I would favour the payment date, in the sense I have
mentioned. In the case of a company in liquidation, the
corresponding date for conversion would be the date when
the creditor's claim in terms of sterling is admitted by the
liquidator. In the case of arbitration, there may be a minor
discrepancy, if the practice which is apparently adopted (see
the Jugoslavenska case [1974] Q.B. 292, 305) remains as it
is, but I can see no reason why, if desired, that practice
should not be adjusted so as to enable conversion to be
made as at the date when leave to enforce in sterling is
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[65] However, learned counsel for the Plaintiffs and the 3rd Intervener
differed in their interpretation of the above passage.
[66] According to learned counsel for the Plaintiffs, the House of Lords in
Miliangos decided that the conversion date is the date of payment
which in this case it was contended was on 21.8.2023 when POJ
made the payments from the Fund to SD.
[67] Reference was made to the case of In Re P Suppiah (Tara
Rajaratnam, Judgment Creditor) [1989] 2 MLJ 479 where the
learned Judge, LC Vohrah J, had this to say on the relevant date of
conversion in relation to the enforcement of a costs order:
s concern international contracts, the
to give the law new direction in a
particular case where on principle and in reason it appears right
In the present case having regard to the continuing
monetary trend I would favour the date of payment as the
choice of the judgment debtor to pay either the exact
amount in sterling as taxed or the equivalent in Malaysian
currency at the time of the payment. The delay in payment by
the judgment debtor should not have the effect of causing the
judgment creditor any financial loss or imposing upon her any
[emphasis added]
[68] However, learned counsel for the 3rd Intervener, Mr Jeremy Joseph,
contended that where the judgment is expressed in foreign currency,
the appropriate conversion date should be the date of payment , but
as understood and clarified by the House of Lords to be the date
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when the court authorises enforcement of the judgment in terms of
the local currency , citing the 2 examples given by Lord Wilberforce
in the last sentence of the aforesaid passage.
[69] Mr Jeremy Joseph pointed out that In Re P Suppiah, the learned
judge had to determine between the conversion date prevailing
when the costs were actually ordered and the conversion date at the
time when the bankruptcy notice was issued. The learned judge
rightly chose the latter as that was the date when the Court
authorised the enforcement of the taxed costs following the decision
of the House of Lords in Miliangos. Significantly, the Court did not
apply the conversion date as at the time of payment as contended
by learned counsel for the Plaintiffs.
[70] To my mind, the confusion between the date of payment and the
date when the Court authorises the enforcement of the judgment is
easily resolved when one reads the judgments of Lord Edmund-
Davies and Lord Fraser of Tullyberton in Milliangos. This was what
they said:
Per Lord Edmund-Davies:
see it, the core of this litigation is not really whether
judgments given by the courts of this country must always be
expressed in sterling, though that point was expansively
canvassed. I say this because the probability, nay, the certainty
is that if a money judgment is given in our courts is to be enforced
here there will inevitably come a stage when if the judgment is
one expressed in a foreign currency, it must be converted into
sterling so that those responsible for enforcing the judgment
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(whether by levying execution or otherwise) may know what
steps are open to them and how far they can go. As Roskill L.J
said in Jugoslavenska Oceanska Plovidba v Castle Investment
can issue for a sum other than a sterling amount. I
therefore think that the necessary conversion should
be effected and deposed to in an affidavit before the
application for leave to enforce is made. Leave can
then issue under section 26 [of the Arbitration Act
1950] to enforce the award in the same manner as a
Per Lord Fraser of Tullyberton:
currency into sterling so that it can be enforced in this country.
The question is what the conversion date should be.
Theoretically, it should, in my opinion, be the date of actual
payment of the debt. That would give exactly the cost in sterling
of buying the foreign currency. But theory must yield to practical
necessity to this extent that, if the judgment has to be enforced
in this country, it must be converted before the date when the
[70] Thus, one must u
judgment in Miliangos
payment or, failing such payment, the date on which the court
authorises enforcement of the judgment. The date of actual
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payment applies in the case where judgment is given in foreign
currency and the judgment creditor satisfies the judgment voluntarily
without the need for the judgment creditor to take execution
proceedings to enforce the same. However, where the judgment
debtor fails to pay and the judgment creditor has to apply to the
Court to enforce the judgment through execution proceedings, then
the conversion date is the date when the Court authorises the
enforcement. This date is used more out of procedural efficacy so
those responsible for enforcing the judgment (whether by
levying execution or otherwise) may know what steps are open to
them and how far they can go The principle that the court may give
judgment in foreign currency is, after all, essentially one of a
procedural character.
[71] However, what must be appreciated is that Miliangos was not a case
involving claims made by several claimants over a limited fund,
where there is a possibility that the available funds may not be
sufficient to meet all the claims and where there is a ranking of
priorities among the various claimants in terms of receiving
payments. This significant distinction was highlighted by Miss
Vinodhini, learned co-counsel for the 3rd Intervener.
[72] The present case is analogous to that of a winding up of an insolvent
company. The case of Re Dynamics Corporation of America [1976]
1 W.L.R. 757 is a case in which it was held by Oliver J. that on the
compulsory winding-up of an insolvent registered company a
creditor's claim for a debt in foreign currency, and any set-off in
foreign currency against such a debt, must be converted into sterling
at the date of the winding-up order. The learned judge did not follow
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the opinion of Lord Wilberforce in Miliangos that in the case of a
company in liquidation, the corresponding date for conversion would
be the date when the creditor's claim in terms of sterling is admitted
by the liquidator.
[73] Oliver J opined that the purpose of the relevant provisions of the
Companies Act 1948 (and their predecessors) was to ascertain the
liabilities of the company as at the date of liquidation and to secure
the division of the debtor's property among the claimants pro rata
according to the values of their claims at that time. His Lordship
therefore held that foreign debts must be valued in terms of sterling
as at the date of the liquidation. In other words, in a compulsory
winding up of an insolvent company, the conversion date for foreign
debts is the date of the winding up because the relevant statutory
provisions provided for the liabilities of the company to be
ascertained as at that date.
[74] Another analogous situation to the present case is where a
shipowner who faces or anticipates several claims arising out of the
same casualty obtains a decree from the court limiting his liability.
[75] In Owners of the mv Eleftherotria v Owners of the mv Despina R;
The Despina R, [1977] 3 All ER 874, the plaintiff brought an action
against the defendant claiming damages for a collision caused by
determine whether the plaintiff was entitled to be awarded the
damages in the currencies in which the expenditure or losses were
directly and immediately incurred i.e RMB, yen, sterling and US
dollars or damages in US dollars, the currency in which the plaintiff
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operated. Brandon J held that the plaintiff was entitled to be
awarded as damages the amount of reasonable expenditure and
loss expressed in US dollars or the sterling equivalent of such
amounts as that was the currency in which the loss had effectively
been borne.
[76] In reference to 3 situations arising in Admiralty law which will give
rise to special problems if damages for tort are in appropriate cases
awarded in foreign currencies, Brandon J made a reference to the
limitation action under section 504 of the Merchant Shipping Act
1894. The relevant passages are reproduced below:
The third situation is where a tortfeasor, who has or anticipates
a number of claims against him arising out of the same casualty,
having either admitted liability or had it established against him,
brings an action to limit the total amount of his liability in respect
of all claims under s 504 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894. In
such a case, assuming that it is agreed or decided that he is
entitled to limit his liability, and assuming further that the total
amount of all the claims exceeds his limit, the fund out of which
a dividend on such claims will have to be paid will be a sterling
fund. If the damages claimed by one or more of the claimants are
put forward and proved in a foreign currency, a question will arise
as to the date at which conversion into sterling should take place.
With regard to this, my provisional view is that it should be one of
three dates: either that of the decree of limitation, or that of the
constitution of the limitation fund, or that of proof of the claim
against the fund.
The situation which arises when a tortfeasor limits his total
liability under s 504 of the 1894 Act is a form of statutory
insolvency: see Burrell v Simpson & Co ((1877) 4 R (Ct of Sess)
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177 at 182) by the Lord President (Lord Inglis) and The Liverpool
(No 2) ([1960] 3 All ER 307 at 312, [1963] P 64at 83) by Harman
LJ. The date of conversion should, therefore, be the same as it
would be in a bankruptcy or company liquidation.
In the Miliangos case ([1975] 3 All ER 801 at 814, 838, [1976] AC
443 at 469, 498) Lord Wilberforce and Lord Cross of Chelsea
both expressed the view that, in a company liquidation, the date
for conversion equivalent to the date of payment in an ordinary
case should be the date when proof of the creditor's claim was
admitted by the liquidation. The corresponding date in Admiralty
limitation proceedings would, I think, be the date on which the
Admiralty registrar on the reference found a claim proved against
the fund.
In a company liquidation case subsequent to the Miliangos case,
however, Re Dynamics Corpn of America, Oliver J regarded the
observations of Lord Wilberforce and Lord Cross of Chelsea
referred to above as obiter dicta only, and decided not to follow
them. His conclusion, based on other earlier authorities, was that
the right date for conversion, equivalent to the date of payment
in ordinary cases, was the date of the winding-up order. If this
view be correct, as to which it is not necessary that I should
express any opinion, the corresponding date in Admiralty
limitation proceedings would, I think, be the date of the decree of
[77] , albeit provisional, was that in a limitation action
where the fund is insufficient to meet all the claims, where there is
a claim in foreign currency, the conversion date ought to be the date
of the decree of limitation equating the said date to the date of a
situation which arises
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when a tortfeasor limits his total liability under s.504 of the 1894 Act
[78] In both cases, namely, compulsory winding up of an insolvent
company and in a limitation action under the Admiralty law, the
Court did not choose the date of actual payment or distribution of
dividends as the conversion date. Instead, the date of the winding
up order and the decree of limitation was thought to be most
appropriate. So, in the case like the present where claims with
different priorities are made against the proceeds of sale of the
vessel, what should be the appropriate conversion date? Should it
be the date of constitution of the Fund i.e the date the proceeds of
sale are paid into Court, the date of judgment of the claims against
the Fund, the date where the Sheriff certifies the expenditure and
claims, the date of determination of priorities or the date of payment
[79] To begin, I would not equate the claims made against the Fund in
the present case as akin to a liquidation process or limitation action
where the premise is that the available pool of fund will be
because in the present case, the Vessel is sold because the
Defendant had chosen not to defend the claims in Suit 11 and to
permit the Plaintiffs to seek the recovery of their claims from the
proceeds of sale of the Vessel. I do not think that the sale of a vessel
under arrest to meet the claims in an in rem action is a form of
statutory liquidation as opined by Brandon J in The Despina R to be
the case in a limitation action.
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[80] I agree that in cases where there are one or more claimants in
foreign currencies to a limited fund (which is denominated in the
local currency) together with other claimants, there must be just one
unit of account, which invariably would be in the currency of the fund
and a conversion date that is common to all the claimants (unless
otherwise agreed or ordered). The reason for the same is simply
that the Court is concern not only to deal with the currency problem
but also to ensure fairness and equality of treatment among the
different competing claimants of different ranking in priorities.
[81] It seems to me that in the case of claims against a limited or common
fund, a common conversion date is necessary to avoid the
uncertainty resulting from the fluctuation in the currency of payment
vis-à-vis the foreign currency debts which will impact the available
amount in the fund to the other claimants.
[82] To illustrate - where the fund constituted is RM 10,000.00 and the
claimants to the fund consist of A, B and C for the sums of USD
1,000, USD 750 and RM 2,500 respectively. If at the date the fund
was constituted, the USD to RM conversion rate is USD 1 to RM
4.20, the sums to be paid out to meet the claims would be RM 4,200,
RM 3,150 and RM 2,500 to A, B and C respectively. The fund in fact
has a balance of RM 150. This is scenario 1.
[83] However, if payments were made, let say, 1 year after the fund was
constituted and if the US dollars were to appreciate by then to
become 1 USD to RM 4.80, and assuming all the claims were made
on the same date, the sums to be paid out of the fund to A, B and C
would be RM 4,800, RM 3,600 and RM 2,500 respectively. The total
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sum would exceed the fund by RM 900 in which case, assuming all
the claimants rank pari passu, the amounts that they would receive
would be proportionately reduced. In this case, C would receive
about RM 2,293.60 (2,500/10,900 x 10,000). This is scenario 2.
constituted but B and C were paid a year later A would have
received RM 4,200 leaving an available balance of RM 5,800 in the
fund. By the time B and C made their claims for RM 3,600 and RM
2,500 respectively, the fund would have been short of RM 300 and
both have to accept a proportionate reduction as full satisfaction of
their claims. Here A received his full claim but not B and C. This is
scenario 3.
were made one year after the fund was constituted, after paying the
sums of RM 4,800 and RM 3,600 to them, C will only receive RM
1,600. This is scenario 4.
[86] What is clear from the abov
position are as follows:
a) the delay in payments from the fund can subject C to currency
fluctuation risks which may impact his ability to recover his full
b) the difference in the time of payment to the foreign currency
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c) w
the risk of currency fluctuation may impact his ability to
recover his full claims.
[87] Learned counsel for the Plaintiffs contended that the loss to C in the
above scenarios is merely the function of the ranking of priority and
the principle in Miliangos that the payment to the foreign creditor will,
as nearly as possible, compensate him for his loss. Thus, if the
conversion date at the time of payment results in C receiving less,
this is an incident of the different ranking in priority of payment and
the principle in Miliangos that must be accepted. This is because the
fluctuation in the currency may also work in favour.
[88] With respect, I do not agree. Given the different ranking in priority of
claims, it is not uncommon that the time of payments will invariable
be different for the different claimants. If the conversion date is
based on the time of payment, whilst the foreign currency debtors
with higher ranking will receive their claims in the form of the
equivalent in RM of their foreign currency at the time of payment and
thereby compensated for their actual loss, the remaining claimants
with lower ranking will have to bear the risks of the fund diminishing.
The result is that the risk of the deteriorating RM is borne only by
the lower ranking claimants.
[89] To my mind, although the principle in Miliangos that a foreign
currency debtor ought to be paid as nearly as possible for his actual
loss which means that the applicable conversion date is the time of
payment or the date when the Court authorises the enforcement of
the payment, a different consideration must apply in cases where
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the claims made against a limited fund consist of different ranking
of priorities and in foreign currencies. In this regard, I adopt the
following comments of Michael Howard, John Knott and John
Foreign Currency Claims, Judgments and
order of priority. These include claims by successive
arrested for a maritime claim. Although these situations are very
diverse, we think the principle to be applied is common to all of
them. The question of the order in which liabilities are to be
satisfied can be decided at any time as a matter of principle. It is
not necessary to know even which claims are valid to determine
in what order they should be paid. But the same is not true of
the identification of the date of conversion. On that depends
the amount that is left for each creditor after those with
priority have established their claim. That does demand for
a single date of conversion. Otherwise, those whose
interests are deferred suffer the double disadvantage not
only of being behind in the queue but also of having to
endure the risk of exchange value of their claim diminishing
while they stand there.
[emphasis added]
[90] The obvious question is of course which conversion date ought to
be applied. Mr Jeremy Joseph proposed the date the Admiralty
the Order of Priority and Payment Out was made.
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[91] Mr Jeremy Joseph argued
reimbursement of costs incurred by the arresting party in its original
currency, and only determined and payable after they are taxed by
the Sheriff under Order 70 r. 22, the correct conversion date should
be the .
[92] In an admiralty in rem action where the res is sold and proceeds
made available for enforcement by legitimate claimants, each
claimant becomes entitled to its claim on the date the Court
recognizes and authorises enforcement of its claim against the sale
proceeds. In the case of reimbursement of Sh
expenses, it is standard admiralty practice to seek the approval of
the Sheriff before incurring the expense, as the party incurring the
expense (usually the arresting party) is only entitled to be
reimbursed such expenses that are taxed and approved by the
[93] Following the aforesaid, it was contended that SD became entitled
all invoices, statements of accounts, bills, payment vouchers,
receipts and all other d
were inspected and taxed by the Sheriff and the Sheriff issued his
Certificate on 23.4.2022.
amounts recoverable by the arresting party. In support, the
following passage in Dilingham Corporation Canada Ltd v. The
Ship Shinyu Maru [1980] 1 FC 303 was quoted to this Court:
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although they are determinable, and the amount can only be
determined by taxation of same, converting the amounts
expressed in Japanese yen to Canadian dollars as of that
date, it is more equitable to choose the date of certification
of the bill of costs as the appropriate conversion date. The
fact that this will prove more costly to plaintiff is not a fact
to be taken into consideration, as the Japanese yen might
have fallen in value in relation to the Canadian dollar in the
interval instead of increasing in value, and the decision would
have to be the same. An appropriate date for conversion
appears to me to be the date on which the amount to be paid
can be ascertained and payment made.
[emphasis added]
[95] s
expenses. It has no relevance to the other claims in foreign
currencies made against the Fund in the present case e.g. the
judgment sums in Suit 11 and 21. More importantly, whilst the
document authorising the enforcement of the said sum.
[96] As regards the conversion date being the date of the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out, could this be said to be the date of
enforcement of the maritime claims made against the proceeds of
sale of a res, ie. when court authorises enforcement of the
[97] It is trite admiralty law and procedure that an in rem judgment or
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case) must be first recognized and ranked in the order of priorities
and ordered to be paid out of the proceeds of sale.
[98] Mr Jeremy Joseph contended that having a judgment in rem or a
claim for compensation alone does not recognise or authorise a
claimant for enforcement against the proceeds. He cited O 70. r.
20(9) where the Court may, on such terms as it thinks just, set aside
or vary any judgment entered in pursuance of this rule. This can
in rem action, or any other
intervener in the action where the res is arrested and sold and
proceeds paid into Court, under O.70 r 16.
[99] However, to my mind, the fact that the judgment in rem may be set
aside does not mean that the judgment is not recognised or not
enforceable. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, it must be noted that
what is being considered here is the enforcement of claims against
the proceeds of sale of the Vessel. At the time of the judgment in
rem, it may be the case that there is no common fund existing e.g
the defendant may have provided an alternative security to the
plaintiff or that the proceeds of sale have not been constituted. In
fact, even if the fund from the proceeds of sale were constituted,
the judgment in rem could not be enforced against the fund until the
determination of the claims and the order of priority has been made.
[100] O. 70 r 22(5) recognises that when proceeds of sale of the res had
been accounted for, any person who has an interest in the proceeds
of the sale shall be entitled to be heard. Once the proceeds of sale
are paid into Court, any party who has an in rem judgment can apply
to Court under Order 70 r. 21 for an order to determine the order of
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priority of claims against the proceeds of sale and for the payment
out of the claims.
[101] At this point, the Court will consider all claims against the proceeds
of sale (both local and foreign currencies) and rank them in their
order of priority (based on established law) and order payments in
accordance with that priority. In this regard, I agree with Mr Jeremy
Joseph that this is the moment when the Court
enforcement of the judgment in terms of the local currency or
, following the Milliangos. As Lord Edmund-Davies said in the
Miliangos, the judgments or claims expressed in foreign currency,
must be converted into [Ringgit Malaysia] so that those
responsible for enforcing the judgment (whether by levying
execution or otherwise) may know what steps are open to them and
[102] Therefore, it is my judgment that the operative date when the Court
authorises enforcement of the judgment in rem and the claims
against proceeds of sale of a res, would be the date when the Court
makes an order to determine the priorities of the claims and order
the payment out in accordance with that priority, ie. the date of the
Order for Priorities and Payment Out in the present case.
[103] Thus, I agree with Mr Jeremy Joseph and hold that in the present
case, the conversion date is the date of the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out which was on 20.3.2023. By this date the proceeds of
sale of the Vessel have been paid into Court and the Fund
certified and given their priority, an order for the payment out of the
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Fund to account of the same can be made and was in fact made.
The Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment in Default
had also been entered by the time the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out was made. The only other claim against the Fund yet
to be determined and ascertained is the 3rd Intervene claims in the
3rd Intervenor Suit 131. This claim is made in RM currency and
entails no conversion date.
[104] It is my judgment that applying the date of the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out as the conversion date strikes a right balance between
meeting the principle in Miliangos i.e for the payment to be such that
it would put as nearly as possible the actual loss in foreign
currency on the one hand and the need not to place the other
the double disadvantage not only of being behind in the
queue but also of having to endure the risk of exchange value of
their claim diminishing while they stand there on the other hand.
[105] The conversion date fixed on the date of the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out will be less prejudicial to the foreign currency claimants
compare to say, the date of the constitution of the Fund, i.e the date
the proceeds of payment is paid into Court since the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out is the nearer date to the time of payment
than the date the Fund is constituted.
C. Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment in Default
[106] The Suit 11 Judgment in Default and the Suit 21 Judgment in Default
were entered against the Vessel on 1.9.2022 and 5.4.2022
respectively. By this time, the Fund had already been constituted,
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the judicial sale of the Vessel had taken place on 15.12.2021 when
a Bill of Sale was signed with one Virma Maritime Corp from the
Republic of the Marshall Islands for the total sum of RM
[107] At the Order of Priorities and Payment Out, the Suit 11 Judgment in
Default and the Suit 21 Judgment in Default were duly recognised
and expressly provided for by the High Court in Paragraph 2(iv)(a)
and (b) which stipulate that:
For Suit 11 Judgment in Default:
a) the sum of USD365,839.85 (equivalent to RM1,486,407.31 at
the exchange rate of USD1=RM4.063 as at 9.2.2021) be paid
to the Master for his wages and disbursements;
b) the sum of USD1,615,512.28 (equivalent to RM6,563,826.39
at the exchange rate of USD1=RM4.063 as at 9.2.2021) to be
paid to the crew as unpaid wages;
c) pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on the judgment
sum at the rate of 5% in accordance with Judgment in Default
of Defence dated 1.9.2022;
d) costs fixed at RM 10,000.00.
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For Suit 21 Judgment in Default
a) the sum of USD117,608.02 (equivalent to RM484,897.87 at
the exchange rate of USD1=RM4.123 as at 20.4.2021);
b) pre-judgment interest on the judgment sum at the rate of 5%
in accordance with Judgment in default of Defence dated
c) costs fixed at RM 20,000.00.
[108] Clearly, from the express terms of the Order of Priorities and
Payment Out, the Court had authorised enforcement of the judgment
sums obtained in Suit 11 and Suit 2 in terms of the currency
stipulated therein, which is the RM equivalent as prayed in the
in rem, namely, the sums of RM 1,486,407.31 and
RM 6,563,826.39 for the Master and the crew members in Suit 11
and the sum of RM 484,897.87 for the crew members in Suit 21.
[109] Notwithstanding the aforesaid, Mr Tong Wei Hang, learned counsel
for the Plaintiffs contended that the conversion date stated in the
s in rem in both the Suit 11 and Suit 21 were nothing
more than to comply with the common practice when filing a claim in
foreign currency to state the equivalent value in RM at the time of
the Writ. It was submitted that the Plaintiffs are by no means barred
from insisting on payment of judgment in foreign currency.
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[110] Reference was made to the English Civil Procedure Volume 1 (White
Book 2023) where at para 16.3.3, it states thus:
Money claim expressed in a foreign currency
Where a claim is for a sum of money expressed in a foreign
currency the claim form must expressly state a variety of matters
including the Sterling equivalent of the sum at the date of the
claim and the source of the exchange rate relied on to calculate
the Sterling equivalent (PD 16 para 9.1 (See para 16PD9
[111] Mr Tong Wei Hang also referred to the case of The Owners of Cargo
Cheng ion to
amend an order (which had not been perfected) for damages to be
awarded in USD because of the fall of the value of the RM as support
that the Courts in Malaysia has the power and jurisdiction to
pronounce judgment in a foreign currency.
[112] The brief facts in Gang Cheng are as follows:
a) the suit was brought by cargo owners against a shipowner for
cargo damage. It was not disputed that the cargo purchased
in USD and freight paid in USD. However, the cargo was
delivered in Malaysia and salvaged in Malaysia;
b) when the suit was filed, the plaintiff pleaded only general
damages and did not specifically plead for the judgment to be
given in USD;
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c) during trial, the plaintiff led evidence in RM to calculated its
losses and sought RM1,800,000.00 in damages, based on the
exchange rate of RM2.55 to the USD;
for the sum
consternation, this would have meant that the judgment was
worth only some USD450,000.00 rather than USD700,000.00
and the Plaintiff had, due to the effluxion of time and the sharp
downward value of the RM to the USD lost about
USD250,000.00. The plaintiff immediately filed a notice of
motion seeking the variation of the judgment to receive the
judgment in USD.
[113] In rejecting the objection from counsel for the defendant, the learned
Kamalanathan Ratnam J held:
Mr Arun for the defence vociferously argued that since in their
submission the plaintiffs had asked for damages in Ringgit, they
were awarded what they had asked for. But such a submission
fails to consider the very purpose and nature of this notice of
motion. It is because of that error that the plaintiffs now seek to
rectify the order that has not been perfected. In fact, in Ling Nam
Rubber Works the appellants' counsel had 'forgotten to ask then
and there for interest as well, so that the order was tacit with
regard thereto'. In the result an application was made, like in this
case, before the order was passed and entered, for an
amendment to include the interests. The same has happened in
this case. Counsel had omitted to ask for the award of damages
in the currency that best expressed the party's loss. Perhaps at
that stage he might have thought it was unnecessary. In any
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case, I cannot even in this case consider this omission as an
error. It is the intervening act of the fall of the value of the Ringgit
between the pronouncement of the judgment and the perfection
of the order that had necessitated this amendment to the order.
Therefore, it is not correct for the defence to contend that by
submitting for the award of damages to be in Malaysian
Ringgit or its equivalent in United States currency, the
plaintiffs were bound by what they received by way of
judgment in Malaysian Ringgit. Counsel for the defence also
argued that if I allowed this application I would be opening the
flood gates to many such applications in that every plaintiff who
has a judgment which can be expressed in more than one
currency could come forward to seek a variation whenever the
fluctuation benefits the plaintiff. This submission is flawed from
inception. If the facts denote as in this case that there was a
clear trading in United States currency and unchallenged
evidence was adduced as to the rate of the Malaysian
Ringgit to the US$1, then whether it is one case or a
hundred, the road to justice must be open to each and every
one of them. The flood gate principle must not be used to
shut out the legitimate claim of a litigant.
[emphasis added]
[114] Further, in Inter Diam Pte Ltd v PJ Diamond Centre Sdn Bhd [2002]
7 MLJ 189, Mohd Hishamudin J held that where it had been agreed
between the parties that in respect of some of the transactions,
payment should be in USD, it would be wrong in principle to deny
the plaintiff's rights to be paid in USD. In any case, there was no
legal impediment with regard to giving judgment in USD or to giving
judgment in the manner as prayed for in the statement of claim,
namely, 'the sum of USD86,488.10 or its equivalent in Ringgit
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Malaysia on the date of judgment'
of conversion can either be the date of judgment or the date of
[115] Armed with the aforesaid cases, Mr Tong Wei Hang contended that
this Court should always uphold the principle that a plaintiff should
be compensated in the currency that best expressed his loss. Since
in this case, the wages and disbursements of the Master and crew
members were paid in USD, the payment out from the Fund
representing the proceeds of sale of the Vessel should be in USD
converted at the date of payment.
[116] With respect I disagree.
[117] As a start, in Malaysia there is no equivalence to the English White
Book 2023 requirement for a claim expressed in a foreign currency
to convert the RM equivalent sum in the Writ or Statement of Claim
as at the date of the claim although it may be a good practice to do
so. However, the plaintiff claiming a sum in foreign currency is
always at liberty to pray in his reliefs from the Court at the time of
judgment for the payment of the foreign sum without specifying a
conversion date or specifying the conversion date as at the time of
judgment or time or payment.
[118] Instead, in both the Suit 11 and Suit 21, the Plaintiffs had expressly
prayed in the reliefs the sums in USD converted to RM as at the date
of the Writ filed, namely, on 9.2.2021 and 20.4.2021 respectively. In
other words, the Plaintiffs have unequivocally opted to recover their
claims in RM instead of USD at the time of filing their Writs in Rem.
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The Plaintiffs had the opportunity to amend the reliefs when they
proceeded to obtain the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and the Suit 21
Judgment in Default but chose not to do so.
[119] This was precisely what happened in Den Norske Bank ASA v The
[1998] MLJU 55, where an amendment was made before judgment
for the conversion rate to be the date as at payment instead of the
date when the claim was filed as was originally pleaded by the 1st
intervener. In rejecting the objection by the plaintiffs, Abdul Malik
Ishal J (as he then was) held as follows:
The learned counsel for the plaintiffs mortgagee, argued that
having provided the Malaysian Ringgit equivalent of their claim
as at the date of the filing of the statement of claim the 1st
intervenors were said to be bound by the amount in the
Malaysian Ringgit equivalent as stated in their pleadings. Mr. Raj
Sativale further contended that the 1st intervenors have chosen
to crystallise the debt owing to them by the defendants.
Mr. Clarence Edwin for the 1st intervenors argued that the writ
and the statement of claim both pleaded the debt in Greek
Drachmas and the statement of claim prayed for judgment in the
Greek Drachmas and merely provided for the Malaysian Ringgit
equivalent at the date of filing. Mr. Raj Sativale in advancing his
argument relied heavily on the decision of K.L. Rekhraj JC (now
J) in Ascot International Pte Ltd v. Elevic Trading Sdn Bhd [1996]
2 CLJ 645 where his Lordship held the view that a plaintiff filing
a writ in Malaysia for a claim in foreign currency must express his
claim in Malaysian Ringgit before filing the writ in court. The
learned Judicial Commissioner relied on a 1936 decision of
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Terrell J in the case of Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation
Ltd v. Firm of Yaik Joo Ann [1936] MLJ Rep 88.
Mr. Raj Sativale contended that the first intervenors were
bound by their pleadings. This is indeed true. But there was
a failure to mention that the law too provide for an amendment
of pleadings. Order 20, rule 3 (1) of the RHC states as
"A party may, without the leave of the court,
amend any pleadings of his once at any time
before the pleadings are deemed to be
closed and, where he does so he must serve
the amended pleading on the opposite
and it allows an amendment to the pleadings to be made
once without leave and before the close of pleadings
subject, of course, to certain obligations as to the service of
the amended pleadings and in certain circumstances as to
the necessity of amendments by the other party
[emphasis added]
[120] In our instant case, the Plaintiffs never applied for any amendments
to their Writs in Rem in Suit 11 and Suit 21 and were happy to have
their judgments to be expressed in RM as at the date of the Writs in
Rem. Further, even at the Order of Priorities and Payment Out, the
Plaintiffs were contended to have their claims expressed in similar
terms as in their Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment
in Default.
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[121] Indeed, the Plaintiffs, when making the Priorities and Payment Out
Application, specifically fixed the RM equivalent of their Judgment
sums as at the date of their Writ in Rem actions, that is, 20.4.2021
for Suit 21 and 9.2.2021 for Suit 11.
[122] Accordingly, it is my judgment that the Plaintiffs are no longer entitled
to expect payments of their claims in Suit 11 and Suit 21 in USD and
or its equivalent as at the date of payment. The claims have already
been converted into RM as at the date of the Writ in Rem when the
judgments were granted and the sums to be paid out as ordered in
the Order of Priorities and Payment Out had been expressly stated
in RM.
D. Pre-judgment and Post-judgment interests
[123] -judgment interest in both the Suit 11 and
Suit 21 also run from the date of the action.
[124] Paragraph (2)(iv)(a) and (b) of the Order of Priorities and Payment
Out authorised the payment of pre-judgment interest and post-
judgment interest on all sums adjudged to be due to the Plaintiffs
under the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment in
[125] I agree with Mr Jeremy Joseph that since the Court authorised
enforcement of the Judgment sums in their RM equivalent, it should
follow that the interest rate of 5% p.a should be applied on the RM
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[126] This was the intention of the Plaintiffs as expressed in the following
a) by fixing the conversion date for their claims in the RM
equivalent as the date the action was brought, that is,
20.4.2021 for Suit 21 and 9.2.2021 for Suit 11 in Prayers 2 (iv)
(a) and (b) and Prayer 2 (v) of the Priorities Application.
b) by the use of the words,
-sama dengan faedah pra-penghakiman
dan faedah pasca-penghakiman ke atas semua
jumlah yang dihakimi sebagai kena dibayar
kepada Plaintif-Plaintif dalam Penghakiman Ingka
in Suit 11 and Suit 21, the Plaintiffs intended interest to be charged
on the judgment sums, which are stated in the RM equivalent.
[127] the correct
interest payable to the Plaintiffs to be as follows.
Suit 21
Unpaid Wages of
converted to
RM484,897.87 as at
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Pre-judgment interest on
RM484,897.87 at the rate
of 5% p.a on from
20.4.2021 (date of action)
until 5.4.2022 (date of
Post-judgment interest on
RM484,897.87 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 6.4.2022
until date of full
satisfaction (date of
payment out of the Fund)
66.42 per
Suit 11
Unpaid Wages of
USD30,660.00 converted
to RM124,571.58 as at
Pre-judgment interest on
RM 124,571.58 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 9.2.2021
(date of action) until
Post-judgment interest on
RM 124,571.58 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 2.9.2022
until date of full
satisfaction (date of
payment out of the Fund)
17.06 per
Suit 11
of USD335,179.85
converted to
RM1,361,835.73 as at
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Pre-judgment interest on
RM 1,361,835.73 at the
rate of 5% p.a from
9.2.2021 (date of action)
until 1.9.2022
Post-judgment interest on
RM1,361,835.73 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 2.9.2022
until date of full satisfaction
(date of payment out of the
186.55 per
Suit 11
Unpaid Wages of
converted to
RM6,563,826.39 as at
Pre-judgment interest on
RM6,563,826.39 for at the
rate of 5% p.a from 9.2.2021
(date of action) until
Post-judgment interest on
RM6,563,826.39 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 2.9.2022
until date of full satisfaction
(date of payment out of the
899.15 per
Suit 21
Repatriation Costs of
USD58,442.03 converted to
RM240,956.49 as at
Pre-judgment interest on
RM240,956.49 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 20.4.2021
(date of action) until
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Post-judgment interest on
RM240,956.49 at the rate
of 5% p.a from 6.4.2022
until date of full satisfaction
(date of payment out of the
33.01 per
Erroneous Payments
[128] From the POJ email dated 13.9.2023, it would appear that POJ had
used the conversion rate of USD1=RM4.7900 as at 21.8.2023 for all
the USD claims including the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit
21 Judgment in Default notwithstanding the express stipulations in
the Order of Priorities and Payment Out.
[129] It is also confirmed that POJ had also used the conversion date as
at 21.8.2023 for the claims in CNY and GBP.
[130] Also, in respect of the pre-judgment and post-judgment interests on
the Suit 11 Judgment in Default and Suit 21 Judgment in Default,
interests at 5% p.a. were imposed over the sum in USD and not in
[131] Not only were the wrong conversion date used for the foreign
currency, POJ had also over paid a sum of RM 185,416.49 in excess
of the Fund. It is trite that the payments to the claimants to the Fund
are limited by the quantum representing the Fund.
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[132] All the aforesaid errors necessarily mean that the payments made
to SD by POJ pursuant to the Order of Priorities and Payment Out
were not properly made in accordance with the law. As such, this
Court will make the appropriate orders to regularise the payments.
To my mind, there can be no doubt that this Court has the jurisdiction
to do so.
[133] Before concluding and for completeness, during oral submissions, it
was highlighted that there was prepared by the
Sheriff as to the details of payment out on the sums due to the
Plaintiffs pursuant to the Order of Priorities and Payment Out.
[134] Although not specifically provided for under O 70 of our Rules of
Statement and it is unfortunate that this was not done in this case.
the present case.
[135] As regards the sum of RM 185,416.49, SD clarified at a further
hearing subsequent to the main oral hearing of Enclosure 520 that
the total sums that SD had received from POJ did not in fact exceed
the Fund (RM20,802,988.49) if the sum of RM520,099.71 that had
previously been paid out to the Sheriff and the sum of 145,460.00
paid to Messrs Shaikh David are not considered. However, SD
conceded that the sum of RM 185,416.49 demanded by POJ to be
refunded is in fact a sum that is over and above the balance of the
Fund available at the material times for payment to them. On this
ground, SD intimated that it was prepared to make the refund of the
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[136] Before concluding and making my orders in respect of Enclosure
520, I need to further state that the payment out of the Fund in the
present case should have been made to the claimants in the local
currency and such payments ought not to have been converted into
the foreign currencies as requested by SD which had resulted in POJ
having to bear the costs for the conversion.
[137] Based on my above analysis and findings, I hereby make the
following orders:
a) that the RM equivalent conversion rate for the payment of USD
1,731,366.42, CNY 529,468.14 and GBP 2,560.00 out of the
proceeds of sale of the Vessel be the date of the Order of
Priorities and Payment Out, namely on 20.3.2023;
b) that the RM equivalent conversion rate for the payment of USD
117,608.02 and USD 58,442.03 in Suit 21 and USD
365,839.85 and USD 1,615,512.28 in Suit 11 be 20.4.2021
and 9.2.2021 respectively;
c) that the pre-judgment and post-judgment interest at 5% p.a.
that are adjudged in Suit 21 and Suit 11 be computed based
on the RM equivalent amounts as stated in the respective
Writs and Statements of Claim thereto. The computation is as
set out in paragraph 127 above;
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d) that Messrs Shearn Delamore to refund to the Court all excess
payments made on 21.8.2023 forthwith after computing the
correct sums payable based on the conversion rates as
ordered herein. The sum refunded after deducting the RM
185,416.49 (which shall be paid back to PJO) shall be kept by
the Court for payments to all the pari passu claimants under
the Order of Priorities and Payment Out;
e) costs of this application to be borne by the Plaintiffs fixed at
RM 25,000.00 subject to allocator.
f) there be liberty to apply.
Dated the 8th day of December 2023
Judge of the High Court of Malaya
High Court of Kuala Lumpur, NCC2
1. Nik Azila Shuhada together with Mr. Tong Wei Hang and Ms. Ong
Tze Xian for Plaintiffs / 1st and 2nd Interveners
Messrs. Shearn Delamore & Co. (Kuala Lumpur)
2. Mr. Lionel Noel for Defendant
Messrs. T S Oon (Kuala Lumpur)
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3. Mr. Jeremy Mark A/L Joseph Jayaraj S. together with Ms. Vinodhini
Benjamin Samuel and Mr. Matthew Jerome van Huizen for 3rd
Messrs. Joseph & Partners (Kuala Lumpur)
Case Reference:
1. Miliangos v George Frank (Textile) Limited [1976] AC 443
2. Serac Asia Sdn Bhd v Sepakat Insurance Tab 5 Brokers Sdn Bhd
[2013] 5 MLJ 1
3. Badiaddin bin Mohd Mahidin & Anor v Arab Malaysian Finance Bhd
[1998] 1 MLJ 393
4. Hock Hua Bank v Sahari bin Murid [1981] 1 MLJ 143
5. Stone World Sdn Bhd v Engareh (M) Sdn Bhd [2020] 12 MLJ 237
6. New Kok Ann Realty Sdn Bhd v Development & Commercial Bank
Ltd, New Hebrides (In Liquidation) [1987] 1 MLJ 57
7. Miliangos v George Frank (Textile) Limited [1976] AC 443
8. In Re P Suppiah (Tara Rajaratnam, Judgment Creditor) [1989] 2
MLJ 479
9. Re Dynamics Corporation of America [1976] 1 W.L.R. 757
10. Owners of the mv Eleftherotria v Owners of the mv Despina R; The
Despina R, [1977] 3 All ER 874
11. Dilingham Corporation Canada Ltd v. The Ship Shinyu Maru [1980]
1 FC 303
[1998] 6
MLJ 492
13. Inter Diam Pte Ltd v PJ Diamond Centre Sdn Bhd [2002] 7 MLJ 189
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[1998] MLJU 55
Legislation Reference:
1. Companies Act 1948
2. Section 504 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894
3. Order 90 rules 6 and 12(2) of the Rules of Court 2012
4. O 70 of our Rules of Court 2012
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| 122,645 | Tika 2.6.0 |
JA-A52NCvC-73-04/2023 | PLAINTIF MELIN SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN NORIZAM BIN TUKIMAN | Permohonan di bawah Aturan 42, Kaedah 13 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012- Aturan 1A dan Aturan 3 - Aturan 12 Kaedah 5 (1) - pemfailan di luar masa- tiada penjelasan kelewatan- tiada kebenaran mahkamah memasukkan kehadiran selepas penghakiman ingkar kehadiran diperolehi | 08/01/2024 | Tuan Mohd Zaki bin Mohd Salleh | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: JA-A52NCvC-73-04/2023
(No. Syarikat: 201801046539 (1308571-M)) … PLAINTIF
(No. K/P: 810417-01-5123) … DEFENDAN
(Permohonan Defendan di Kandungan 9 iaitu Permohonan Pengenepian
Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran di Kandungan 7 di bawah Aturan 42, Kaedah 13
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012)
1. Plaintif memfailkan Writ Saman (Kandungan 1) dan Pernyataan Tuntutan
(Kandungan 2) pada 20 April 2023. Kertas-kertas kausa adalah seperti berikut -
a) Afidavit Penyampaian Plaintif yang diikrarkan oleh Fazli Bin Bahari pada 19 Mei
2023 (Kandungan 4);
b) Perakuan ketidakhadiran bertarikh 26 Mei 2023 (Kandungan 5);
c) Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran 29 Mei 2023 (Kandungan 7);
d) Memorandum Kehadiran Defendan bertarikh 7 Julai 2023 (Kandungan 8);
e) Notis Permohonan Defendan di Kandungan 9 iaitu Permohonan Pengenepian
Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran bertarikh 12 Julai 2023 (Kandungan 9);
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f) Afidavit Sokongan Defendan yang diikrarkan pada 12 Julai 2023 (Kandungan
g) Afidavit Balasan Plaintif yang diikrarkan Chang Geok Huat pada 27 Julai 2023
(Kandungan 12);
h) Afidavit Balasan Defendan yang diikrarkan pada 9 Ogos 2023 (Kandungan
i) Afidavit Tambahan Plaintif yang diikrarkan Chang Geok Huat pada 11 Ogos
2023 (Kandungan 14);
2. Pada 11 September 2023, Mahkamah ini telah menolak Kandungan 9 dengan
kos sebanyak RM2000.00. Defendan tidak berpuashati dengan keputusan tersebut
telah memfailkan Notis Rayuan di Mahkamah Tinggi Johor Bahru yang bertarikh 19
September 2023 dan sekarang ini Mahkamah ini menyatakan alasan menolak
permohonan defendan seperti di Kandungan 9.
3. Plaintif mendakwa Defendan telah gagal membayar sejumlah wang melibatkan
satu penghakiman persetujuan. Lanjutan itu, Plaintif telah memfailkan Writ Saman dan
Pernyataan Tuntutan di Mahkamah pada 20 April 2023.
4. Melalui Afidavit Penyampaian Plaintif oleh Fazli Bin Bahari yang diikrarkan
pada 19 Mei 2023 (Kandungan 4) telah menjelaskan bahawa satu surat iringan
Pegumacara Plaintif bertarikh 05.05.2023 telah dihantar bersama writ saman dan
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Pernyataan Tuntutan Plaintif tersebut ke alamat-alamat terakhir Defendan di Senai,
Johor dan juga di Kulai Jaya, Johor melalui Pengeposan A.R. Berdaftar dan secara
Sijil Akuan Mengepos.
5. Memandangkan Defendan telah gagal untuk memasuki kehadirannya dalam
tempoh masa empat belas (14) hari, Plaintif telah memperolehi satu (1) Penghakiman
Ingkar Kehadiran terhadap Defendan pada 29.05.2023 (Kandungan 7).
6. Tindakan Defendan ialah memfailkan Memorandum Kehadiran Defendan yang
bertarikh 7 Julai 2023 (Kandungan 8) dan seterusnya Notis Permohonan Defendan
di Kandungan 9 iaitu Permohonan Pengenepian Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran
bertarikh 12 Julai 2023.
7. Plaintif telah membangkitkan Bantahan Awalan bahawa Penghakiman Ingkar
Kehadiran yang direkodkan terhadap Defendan hanya boleh diketepikan oleh
Defendan dalam tempoh masa tiga puluh (30) hari selepas Defendan menerima
Penghakiman tersebut. Aturan 42 Kaedah 13 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
memperuntukkan –
“Kecuali sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan selainnya dalam Kaedah-kaedah ini, jika
peruntukan dibuat dalam Kaedah-kaedah ini untuk mengetepikan atau mengubah
apa-apa perintah atau penghakiman, suatu pihak yang berniat untuk mengetepikan
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atau mengubah perintah atau penghakiman itu hendaklah membuat suatu
permohonan kepada Mahkamah dan menyampaikannya kepada pihak yang telah
mendapat perintah atau penghakiman itu dalam tiga puluh hari selepas perintah atau
penghakiman itu diterima olehnya.”
8. Dapatan Mahkamah ini secara amat jelas ialah Plaintif telah menyerahkan
Penghakiman Ingkar Kehadiran kepada Defendan pada 11.06.2023 (eskhibit CGH-5
Afidavit Tambahan Plaintif di Kandungan 14) dan Defendan hanya memfailkan
Notis Permohonan tersebut pada 12.07.2023, dimana ia telah melebihi tempoh tiga
puluh (30) hari.
9. Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujah oleh Plaintif iaitu bahawa prinsip dalam
otoriti Mahkamah Rayuan Ng Han Seng & Ors v Scotch Leasing Sdn. Bhd [2003]
4 MLJ 647 kini tidak boleh digunapakai berdasarkan kepada prinsip dalam otoriti
Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu di dalam kes Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim
Ismail Ibni Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj v Datuk Captain Hamzah Mohd Noor [2009] 4
CLJ 329 yang secara jelasnya memutuskan bahawa peruntukkan mandatori tidak
boleh dilanjutkan masa di bawah Aturan 1A dan Aturan 3 Kaedah 5, KKM 2012.
Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah ini menerima bantahan awalan pihak Plaintif.
10. Seterusnya, dapatan mahkamah ini juga bahawa tiada mana-mana alasan
dikemukakan oleh defendan bagi menerangkan kelewatan memfailkan Kandungan 9.
Adalah menjadi undang-undang mantap bahawa dalam prosiding interlokutori
sebegini mahkamah hanya bergantung kepada “affidavit evidence” dan apabila ianya
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tiada atau tidak diterangkan secara jelas, maka mahkamah ini tiada apa-apa perlu
dipertimbangkan. Bukannya tidak berlaku adil kepada defendan, tetapi defendan
sendiri tidak mahu ianya diadili dengan tidak menerangkan mahupun mengadakan
keterangan-keterangan yang sejati dan kukuh. Rujukan mahkamah ini ialah kepada
kes –
Sarkawi bin Sadijo (t/a Jojo’s Musical and Promotion House) v. BMG Music (M)
Sdn Bhd & Ors [1996] 4 MLJ 515 at p.532 (para. E-F –
“The weight to be attached to a statement of belief in an affidavit that depends upon
sources and grounds other than the knowledge of the deponent will, of course, depend
upon the nature of those sources and grounds. An original source will normally carry
much more weight than an intermediate source, and where original sources are
known, they must be identified. But it does not follow that intermediate sources cannot
be referred to or relied upon. Ultimately, it must be for the court to weigh all the
material in order to decide whether the applicant has made out his case for the
interlocutory relief sought.” [Emphasis added].
11. Selain dari dua alasan penolakan kandungan 9 yang disebut di atas iaitu
pemfailan di luar masa dan tiada mana-mana alasan dikemukakan oleh defendan bagi
menerangkan kelewatan , Mahkamah ini juga secara selamat mendapati Defendan
gagal mematuhi Aturan 12 Kaedah 5 (1) Kaedah - Kaedah Mahamah 2012 yang
memperuntukkan seseorang Defendan tidak boleh memasukkan kehadiran dalam
suatu tindakan selepas penghakiman telah dimasukkan kecuali dengan kebenaran
Mahkamah sepertimana diputuskan di dalam kes – kes –
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(a) Wan Mohd Sofian Bin Wan Md Saad v MBF Finance Bhd [2000] 1 CLJ 492;
(b) Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad v Lim Beng Kooi [2016] AMEJ 2086.
12. Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada Aturan 1A dan Aturan 2 Kaedah 3 Kaedah -
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 bagi memulihkan keadaan pelanggaran yang telah berlaku
terhadap Aturan 12 Kaedah 5 Kaedah - Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. Pada hemat
Mahkamah apa yang telah berlaku di dalam kes semasa gagal dipatuhi dengan jelas
dan bukannya secara teknikal dan tidak boleh menjadikan Aturan 1A dan Aturan 2
Kaedah 3 Kaedah - Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 sebagai alasan sepertimana diputuskan
di dalam kes Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tunku Ibrahim Ismail Ibni Sultan Iskandar Al-
Haj Tunku Mahkota Johor v Datuk Captain Hamzah bin Mohd Noor and another
appeal [supra].
13. Seterusnya Mahkamah ini merujuk di dalam kes Mohamed Suboh v Devadas
[1980] 1 MLRA 395 diputuskan –
“… I am of course not unmindful of the oft-quoted dictum of Lord Collins M.R. in Re
Coles and Ravenshear [1907] 1 KB 1 which is aptly reproduced at the beginning of
Mallal's Supreme Court Practice as follows: Although a court cannot conduct its
business without a code of procedure, the relation of the rules of practice to the work
of justice is intended to be that of handmaid rather than mistress; and the court ought
not to be so far bound and tied by rules, which are after all only intended as general
rules of procedure, as to be compelled to do what will cause injustice in the particular
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The observations of Lord Collins are certainly not meant to excuse recalcitrant
litigants who have scant respect for the rules of procedure. The rules are there to be
followed and they may be relaxed in the interest of justice only if sufficient cause is
shown. To what extent will non-compliance with any rule of procedure affect the
proceedings must depend on the kind of rule involved. I can think of four categories of
the rules. First the rules which are minor or technical. Non-compliance with such rules
will not vitiate the proceedings.
In the second category are those rules which prescribe periods of time within which to
file and deliver pleadings or other documents in civil proceedings. Extension of time is
generally granted in such a case on terms if the granting of the extension does not put
the other party to the proceedings at any disadvantage.
The third category of rules are those which must be strictly complied with before a
person can obtain any relief in court. Order 14 is a good example of this category of
14. Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan alasan-alasan seperti dinyatakan di atas,
Mahkamah ini menolak permohonan defendan di Kandungan 9 dengan kos sebanyak
Bertarikh pada 8 haribulan Januari 2024
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Sivil 5
Mahkamah Negeri Johor
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a) Bagi pihak Plaintif – Z.N. Chong, T/n Tia & Noordin (MASAI, JOHOR) Peguambela
& Peguamcara
b) Bagi pihak Defendan – Mohd Nizam, T/n Sheffie & Partners (KUALA LUMPUR),
Peguambela & Peguamcara
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| 11,127 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-156-04/2021 | PLAINTIF CENTRAL SUGARS REFINERY SDN BHD DEFENDAN HOLSTEN MARKETING (M) SDN BHD | Sale of goods – sugar local supply contract – credit limit and credit term – written approval of credit limit by Chief Financial Officer – whether any oral agreement of Head of Sales Department to increase credit limit by more than 3 times – analysis and assessment of evidence – whether allegation of oral agreement consistent with contemporaneous documents – whether allegation of oral agreement consistent with conduct of parties – parallel stipulation of credit limit and credit term – effect – continued supply of sugar for short time after credit limit exceeded – whether evidence of oral agreement to increase credit limit – export contract – payment before delivery – whether waiver of payment term – whether any obligation to deliver when there is no payment made. | 08/01/2024 | YA Tuan Tee Geok Hock | |
CIVIL SUIT NO.: BA-22NCvC-156-04/2021
(After Full Trial)
1. This is trial of the Defendant/Holsten’s counterclaims after this Court
previously granted summary judgment on 4.1.2022 to the Plaintiff
for the unpaid value of sugar sold in the amount of RM1,255,125.00.
The execution of the entire judgment sum was stayed pending the
trial of the Defendant’s counterclaims. There is no appeal against
the summary judgment dated 4.1.2022. [see the Summary
Judgement dated 4.1.2022 in Enclosure 37]
2. When granting the summary judgment with stay, this Court pursuant
to O.34 of ROC 2012 also directed that the counterclaims be tried
on the following main issues:
08/01/2024 15:02:07
BA-22NCvC-156-04/2021 Kand. 118
S/N 0n8QL/wZ90qOzNhn7eeGPQ
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(1) export sugar.
(2) The Plaintiff/CSR was not in breach of any supply obligation
in the circumstances of the present case.
(3) In the circumstances, Holsten has not specifically proved its
counterclaim for special damages in respect of the export
3. In conclusion, this Court dismisses the Defendant/Holsten’s
counterclaims with costs.
4. After hearing the further submissions of the parties’ respective
counsel on quantum of cots, costs of the counterclaim action are
assessed at RM80,000, subject to allocator, and shall be payable
by the Defendant/Holsten to the Plaintiff/CSR.
Dated this : 3rd January 2024
(NCVC 10)
S/N 0n8QL/wZ90qOzNhn7eeGPQ
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To the parties’ solicitors:
1. For the Plaintiff : Suaran Singh & Chow Xing Hui
Messrs Law Partnership
(Kuala Lumpur)
2. For the Defendant : Sivashankar
Messrs R Kengadharan & Co.
(Petaling Jaya)
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aA—22m:vc—15s—oa/2021 Kand. 115
L3,'I_IC'IA~' 17 :2-III
CIVIL sun No: BA-22NDtC-I55-D4/2021
(Alter Full man
1. ms Is mal uHhe I)eIenaarII/HuIsIerI's cmm|erc\aIms alter IrIIs Cmm
pre\IIaI.IsIy gvanled summavy Iuagmem an 4.1 2u22 In me FIaIrIIIII
(or me unpald vame aI sugar sum In me amount at FIMI 255.125 no
The execuuan aI me enure Iuagmem sum was stayed pendmg me
mal cf me I)eIem1arIrs cmmterc\aIms, TIIeIe Is na appeeI agamsl
me summavy Iuugmem daIed 4 1.2022. [see me Summavy
.JudgemenI dated 4.1 2u22 In Enclosuve 37]
2. when granung IIIe summeIyIImgmenI mm sIayI IIIIs Cnun pursuam
(0 0.34 an ROG 2oI2 also dIYEC|ed IIIaI IIIe emmIeIcIeIms be med
an IIIe Iufluwmg mam Issues.
SIN nnanuwznnaozunnv-zero
‘Nat: s.II.I Mamba! WIH be H544 M mvv be DVWIHMVIY m VHS nnmmanl M AFILINC WVLII
m expcm sugar.
{2} The Plamhll/CSR was no| m breach al any supp\y obhgatmn
m me cm:ums|am:es 0! me presem case
rap In me curcumslances. Hmsten has nal specmcauy preveu us
eeunrercxarm var spemal damages H1 respecr al me expnn
3. In concmsmm W5 Caurl ersmrsses me DelendanIIHnlsten's
eeunnercxarms wuh costs.
4. Afler neanng me lurther sunmrssrens oi |he pames respecluve
counsel en quantum oi cats, casts al \he eounrercxamr acuan are
assessed ar RM80,DDD. sub]ec| |a aHacatnr, and shall be payable
by \he Delendant/Hols\en re \he Flamm/CSR
Dated nhrs . 3" January 2u2A
(NCVC 10)
To me pames suncnors
For me P\a\nu!l
For me Delendanl
: Suaran Sing?! :2. Chew Xmg Hm
Messrs Law Farlnevshnp
(Kua\a Lumpur)
Messrs R Kengadharan 3. Co.
(Peiahng Jaya)
| 2,787 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
W-03(IM)-63-10/2020 | PERAYU peninsular home sdn bhd RESPONDEN Ko Lim Tristar Sdn Bhd | Assessment of damages-Appellate intervention-Loss of profits-Gross rental for loss of use-Deductions to be applied-Reliance on valuation report | 08/01/2024 | YA Datuk See Mee ChunKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Sri Mariana binti Haji YahyaYA Datuk See Mee Chun | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: W-03(IM)-63-10/2020
(No. Syarikat: 776827-K) … PERAYU
(No. Syarikat: 653022-A) … RESPONDEN
[Dalam Perkara Mengenai Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur
Saman Pemula No: S (22) 24-2644-2007
Dalam perkara proforma-proforma jual
beli bertarikh 4.10.2007 dan pelaksanaan
perjanjian jual beli
Dalam perkara Aturan 7 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah Tinggi, 1980
Dalam perkara Seksyen 11, 18 dan 41
Akta Relif Spesifik, 1950
Dalam perkara Aturan 37 Kaedah 1,
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
(No. Syarikat: 653022-A) … PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 776827-K) … DEFENDAN]
08/01/2024 15:30:38
W-03(IM)-63-10/2020 Kand. 63
S/N sX7qEDDOk6W0clUuRR8xA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court Judge (HCJ)
who on 23-9-2020 affirmed the assessment and award of damages by the
Deputy Registrar (DR) given on 22-1-2019.
[2] After having heard and considered the submissions of both parties,
we allowed the appeal in part and set aside the assessment of damages
of the HCJ and DR. We now give our reasons for doing so.
[3] The parties will be referred to as in the High Court.
Parties and background facts
[4] The Plaintiff who is the Respondent here, is the purchaser of 22
units (the units) of a development in Tower A of Menara UOA, Bangsar
(the premises). The units are located on the 19th, 20th and 22nd floors of
the premises.
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[5] The Defendant who is the Appellant here, is the developer for the
premises, which comprises 2 office blocks and a podium for retail spaces.
[6] After the execution of the booking form on 4-10-2007, a dispute
arose between parties. This resulted in the Plaintiff commencing action
against the Defendant for specific performance and damages. In the
Liability Proceedings, the High Court on 25-5-2012 ordered the specific
performance of the sale of the units to the Plaintiff by the execution of
Sales and Purchase Agreements (S&Ps) and that damages be assessed.
The Defendant’s appeal on liability to the Court of Appeal was dismissed
on 25-6-2013 and its application for leave to the Federal Court was
dismissed on 19-11-2013.
[7] The Defendant executed the S&Ps for the units in favour of the
Plaintiff on 18-3-2014.
[8] The Plaintiff then filed the application of assessment of damages
(Assessment Proceedings) which proceeded by way of affidavits.
[9] The damages awarded was RM7,234,457.46.
Submissions of the Defendant (Appellant)
[10] It was submitted by the Defendant that in a breach of contract, the
Plaintiff can claim for damages for either loss of profit or loss of
expenditure. Here, the Plaintiff was claiming for loss of profit from January
2010 (the date the Defendant ought to have delivered vacant possession)
until 17-3-2014 (the date the Plaintiff actually received vacant
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possession). This was in essence a claim for loss of gross revenue and
not loss of profit.
[11] It was submitted that the Plaintiff had failed to prove the fact and the
amount of loss and that the loss of revenue cannot be equated to loss of
profit. The costs and expenditure such as service and maintenance
charges, and other costs related to the premises, bank interest for the
financing of the purchase of the premises and income tax payable on the
profit, should have been deducted.
[12] Further the reliance on the Raine Horne Zaki Report (RHZ Report)
as the basis for the amount of rental income between 2010 to 2014 was
flawed. This was because there was no data, documents and/or
comparison of the area in the vicinity with the premises. There was no
valuation for 2010 where the Plaintiff assumed that the rent for 2010 would
be the same as 2011. There was also no basis to calculate the rental
income based on 100% occupancy.
[13] There was a further flaw on the calculation of the time period. The
deposit had been paid on 4-10-2007 such that if the S&Ps had been
signed in 2007, vacant possession (VP) would be 36 months on 3-10-
2010. The period for loss of rental income should start from 3-10-2010
and not January 2010. The computation too should not end at 17-3-2014.
Submissions of the Plaintiff (Respondent)
[14] It was submitted that it was an undisputed fact that the units are
commercial units to be used solely for business purposes. The Plaintiff is
a property investment company as evident from its Memorandum of
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Association. The purpose for the purchase of the units was to generate
rental returns and income. It was foreseeable and within the
contemplation of parties on the purpose of the purchase.
[15] The Defendant had acknowledged and adopted the same period for
assessment and what was at variance was only the rental rates.
[16] No appellate interference was warranted on quantum. Further an
appellate court should not reverse the concurrent findings of the DR and
HCJ, save for in the most exceptional circumstances. Reference was
made to Goo Sing Kar v Dato Lim Ah Chap & Ors [2013] 3 MLJ 374
[CA] and Topaiwah v Salleh [1968] 1 MLJ 284 [FC].
[17] Damages in cases involving the deprivation of property are not
subject to deductions as the principle is that the Plaintiff should be entitled
to receive a reasonable rental value of the units.
[18] The Defendant had not adduced any evidence through an
independent and professional valuation such that the DR and HCJ were
correct to accept the Plaintiff’s RHZ Report. The RHZ Report had been
prepared with the necessary investigation and took into account the
prevailing market condition of similar properties in the locality and vicinity
of the premises. The RHZ Report had given a range of rental whereby
the Plaintiff had taken the lesser rate in the range. The Defendant’s own
exhibited documents support the lesser rental rates.
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Our decision
[19] The appeal concerns the issue of quantum of damages to be
awarded to the Plaintiff for the deprivation of the use of the units.
[20] At the outset, we note that there are no grounds prepared by the DR
or the HCJ on the order of assessment of damages.
[21] We start with addressing the Plaintiff’s submission that as the
subject matter of the appeal concerns the quantum of damages and given
the concurrent findings of the DR and HCJ, an appellate court ought not
to reverse such findings, except in the most exceptional circumstances.
Two authorities were cited to support this proposition.
[22] The first case was Goo Sing Kar at pages 385-387:
“[29] Two preliminary matters require to be stated at the outset. First, the
subject matter of the appeal concerned damages and its quantum, and
therefore the principle that the court will be disinclined to reverse the finding of
the trial judge as to the amount of damages should apply. The findings of the
trial judge should not be reversed merely because the appellate court might be
of the opinion that if they had tried the case at first instance they would have
given a lesser sum. …
[32] Thus, for the appellant to succeed he must show either (a) the trial judge
has acted on some wrong principle of law, or (b) the trial judge has made an
entirely erroneous estimate of the damages in the sense that it is so extremely
high or so very small.
[33] The second preliminary matter concerned concurrent findings. On the
facts of this appeal, there were concurrent findings of the deputy registrar and
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the High Court judge, and again I took note of the general principle, established
by the Court of Appeal, that save in the most exceptional circumstances, the
Court of Appeal will not upset concurrent findings. In Milik Perusahaan Sdn Bhd
& Anor v Kembang Masyur Sdn Bhd [2003] 1 MLJ 6, for instance, this court has
held as follows:
… it is a general principle upon which this court acts that save in most
exceptional circumstances, concurrent findings of fact will not be gone
into by us. But that is not to say that an appeal of this nature will never
succeed. If the appellant can sufficiently demonstrate to a conviction that
a serious error of principle has occurred in both the lower tiers of the
High Court, this court will have no hesitation; and indeed we are duty-
bound to correct the resultant error (at p 12 of the report)
[34] On the facts of this present appeal, we found that the appellant had failed
to demonstrate to that degree of conviction required by this general principle
that there had been any serious error of principle on the part of the High Court
judge when he heard the appeal from the assessment of damages by the
deputy registrar.”
[23] The second case was Topaiwah at page 285:
“Or another way of putting it – that it is a matter of assessment but not of
calculation. So far as this court is concerned we should, to paraphrase Greer
L.J. in Flint Levell [1935] 1 KB 354 360 be disinclined to reverse the finding of
a trial judge as to the amount of damages merely because we think that if we
had tried the case in the first instance we would have given a lesser sum. To
justify reversing him, we should be convinced that he acted upon some wrong
principle of law, or that the amount awarded was so extremely high or so very
small as to make it an entirely erroneous estimate of the damage. The
assessments which the courts have made over the years form some guide to
the kind of figure which is proper and which the appellate court will follow in the
light of the special facts of each particular case.”
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[24] We certainly agree with the legal proposition advanced that where
the appeal concerns quantum of damages, we should be slow to reverse
the concurrent findings of the DR and HCJ, except where there are
exceptional circumstances.
[25] It is trite that an appeal to this Court is by re-hearing as per section
69 Courts of Judicature Act 1964. This Court may draw inferences of fact,
and give any judgment, and make any order which ought to be have been
given or made, and make such further or other orders as the case
requires. We are therefore entitled to look at the entire evidence and
make the necessary assessment.
[26] In this regard, the Assessment Proceedings proceeded by way of
[27] In a breach of contract, the Plaintiff can claim for loss of profit or loss
of expenditure as damages. This is made clear in Ban Chuan Trading
Co Sdn Bhd & 2 Ors v Ng Bak Guan [2003] 1 LNS 522.
Loss of profit premised on loss of rental
[28] It is not disputed that the Plaintiff here is claiming for loss of profit by
relying on loss of rental.
[29] In the Affidavit in Support (encl. 50/26-33), the Plaintiff has relied on
the Raine Horne Zaki (RHZ) Report as in exhibit “OPN-5” to form the basis
of its loss of rental income and the calculation thereof (paragraph 9). The
RHZ Report is for the period 2011 to 2014 and for 2010 the Plaintiff is
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proceeding on the basis that the rent for 2010 is the same for 2011
(paragraphs 10 and 12).
[30] In paragraph 12 too is set out the rental computation loss as follows:
Jumlah kaki
Kadar Sewa
Pasaran 2010
(RM5.50 kaki
persegi) x 12
Kadar Sewa
Pasaran 2011
(RM5.50 kaki
persegi) x 12
Kadar Sewa
Pasaran 2012
(RM5.50 kaki
persegi) x 12
Kadar Sewa
Pasaran 2013
(RM6.00 kaki
persegi) x 12
Kadar Sewa
Pasaran 2014
(RM6.50 kaki
persegi) x 76
hari (1.1.2014
– 17.3.2014)
25,274 1,668,084-00 1,668,084-00 1,668,084-00 1,819,728-00 410,477-46
The total loss of rental income is RM7,234,457.46 (paragraph 13).
[31] The above shows that the Plaintiff has adduced evidence for loss of
rental revenue which does not amount to loss of profit. This means that
the Plaintiff has to prove the profit which it would have made from the
rental of the premises and not merely the total rental income that it would
have received. This means that in order to generate the revenue in the
form of rental, there has to be costs and expenditure expended. It cannot
be the gross rental as was awarded.
[32] Support for this proposition can be found in Ismail v Haji Taib
[1972] 1 LNS 47 where the Federal Court stated:
“As regards damages, as has already been stated the plaintiff claimed both
special damages and general damages. Under special damages he claimed a
sum of $1,224, the proceeds at $85 per kuncha of the padi which he estimated
he would have harvested less the amount of padi he would have had to give
the landlord by way of rent. The trial president allowed this claim though there
was no evidence to show that the estimate was reasonable. Even if the estimate
was reasonable, the plaintiff should not have been awarded the full sum
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claimed ($1,224), because there should be deducted from it what he would
have had to spend on producing the estimated amount of padi. …”
(emphasis added)
[33] There is further a decision of this Court in Sime UEP Properties
Bhd v Woon Nyoke Lin [2002] 3 CLJ 719 at page 740:
“It is clear from the authorities that in order to succeed in claims for damages
for loss of profit one must establish the actual losses one would have
suffered as a result of the breach. A projection as in this case is not sufficient
to establish the would be losses of profit. A venture into a business would not
necessarily mean that one can make a profit out of it because there are
instances where people suffer losses. Not all businesses end up with a profit.
It is clear to us that the respondent failed to establish the expected losses as a
result of the breach.
(emphasis added)
[34] The Plaintiff had relied on a decision of this Court in Othman bin
Ali & 290 Ors v Bukit Lenang Development Sdn Bhd [2016] 3 MLJ 708
that the Plaintiff is entitled to damages measured by reference to rental
and it need not have suffered actual loss and irrespective of whether it
could have rented out the units. It was said at pages 718-719:
“[31] It was undeniable that in a normal case where once a trespass to land
or a deprivation of use of land had been established, the normal measure of
damages to be applied would be the actual proof of ‘loss of rental’ or a
reasonable estimation of such a ‘rental return’ that was directly attributable and
flowing from a lawful use of the land but denied by that wrongful action. This
was consistent with the two underlying basic principles in law which required
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that any damages awarded would, so far as money can, put the affected or
deprived party in the same position as he would have been if the tort had not
occurred subject to the further overriding consideration that such damages to
be awarded was in any event not too remote or speculative in nature.
[32] In Inverugie Investments v Hackett [1995] 3 All ER 841,the Privy Council
opined (in an appeal from the Bahamas Court of Appeal) that although the
plaintiff might not have suffered any actual loss by being deprived of the use of
property, he was still entitled to recover a reasonable rent for the wrongful use
of his property by the trespasser, and similarly, even if the trespasser might not
have derived any actual benefit from the use of the property, he was still obliged
to pay a reasonable ‘rent’ for the benefit or use he enjoyed based on what has
been termed as the ‘user principle’.
Lord Lloyd of Berwick delivering the advice said as follows:
… of the landlord of residential property, can recover damages from a
trespasser who has wrongfully used his property whether or not he can show
that he would have let the property to anybody else, and whether or not he
would have used the property himself. The point is well expressed by Megaw
LJ in Swordheath Properties Ltd v Tabet [1979] 1 All ER 240 at p 242; [1979] 1
WLR 285at p 288 as follows:
It appears to me to be clear, both as a matter of principle and of authority,
that in a case of this sort of the plaintiff, when he has established that
the defendant has remained on as a trespasser on residential property,
is entitled, without bringing evidence that he could or would have let the
property to someone else in the absence of the trespassing defendant,
to have as damages for the trespass the value of the property as it would
fairly be calculated; and, in the absence of anything special in the
particular case it would be the ordinary letting value of the property that
would determine the amount of damages.
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It is sometimes said that these cases are an exception to the rule that damages
in tort are compensatory. But this is not necessarily so. It depends how widely
one defines the ‘loss’ which the plaintiff has suffered. As the Earl of Halsbury
LC pointed out in Mediana (owner) v Comet (owners), The Mediana [1900] AC
113 at p 117; [1900–3] All ER Rep 126 at p 129, it is no answer for a wrongdoer
who has deprived the plaintiff of his chair to point out that he does not usually
sit in it or that he has plenty of other chairs in the room. ...”
[35] The aforesaid paragraph 31 of Othman bin Ali states that where
deprivation of use of land is established, the normal measure of damages
is “actual proof of loss or rental” or “a reasonable estimation of such
a rental return” (emphasis is ours). It is not stated anywhere that there
is no need for actual loss or renting out.
[36] It is only in paragraph 32 that it is stated that “although the plaintiff
might not have suffered any actual loss by being deprived of the use
of property, he was still entitled to recover a reasonable rent for
wrongful use of his property by the trespasser” (emphasis is ours).
This is with reference to a landlord-trespass situation which is not our case
[37] The Plaintiff can indeed claim for loss of profit but not loss of
revenue, which is the essence of its claim. In the circumstances, the
Plaintiff is not entitled to claim the entire gross rental without having to
bear the corresponding expenditures in relation to the premises.
[38] While the measure of damages in deprivation of property may be
reasonable rental value, this has to be subject to deductions that the
Plaintiff would have to spend in order to produce the revenue as per Ismail
v Haji Taib.
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[39] Reference was also made to McGregor on Damages (15th edition)
at paragraphs 911 and 914 at pages 581-582 as follows:
“911 … More often he will have the property transferred to him late, either
because the delay does not discharge the contract or he elects not to treat the
delay does not discharge the contract or he elects not to treat the delay as a
discharge, or because he forces the seller’s hand by successfully suing for a
decree of specific performance. In such a situation the measure of damage is
properly regarded as damages for delay.
914 The normal measure of damages is the value of the of user of the land,
which will generally be taken as its rental value, for the period from the
contractual time for completion to the date of actual completion. This is so
whether the delay is brought to an end by the voluntary action of an indolent
seller or by a decree of specific performance against a recalcitrant seller. …”
While the above passages may support the proposition that rental value
is claimable, they do not go to the extent of saying that there need not be
no actual loss.
Raine Horne Zaki Report
[40] The Raine Horne Zaki (RHZ) Report which is Exhibit “OPN-5” to the
Affidavit in Support is to be found in encl. 23/138-151. Although we have
referred to it as the RHZ Report, it is termed as a Certificate of Rental
Valuation. Since the RHZ Report was relied upon by the Plaintiff and
appears to be the basis for the DR and HCJ to award damages of
RM7,234,457.46, we find it necessary to set it out in extenso at pages 140
and 141:
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[41] What follows next are photographs of the premises, namely the
subject tower, the ground floor, the subject units and internal views (pages
[42] At paragraph 1, it was stated that “we confirm herewith that we have
made our necessary investigations and taken into account the prevailing
market condition of similar properties in this locality and in the vicinity of
the subject property”. However, nothing else was said as to what these
investigations were, what the prevailing market condition of similar
properties were, where exactly were these similar properties, where the
words “in this locality and in the vicinity” are too general. We find that no
explanation, details and analysis were given to support the rental range
[43] At paragraphs 2 and 3, the basis of valuation is given. Paragraph 2
defines “market rental value” in general terms. Paragraph 3 then states:
“Our valuation is on the basis that the tenant is responsible for internal
repair and maintenance of the subject property whilst the landlord is
responsible for quit rent assessment, insurance, major structural repairs,
external repair and maintenance.”
(emphasis added)
[44] This means the RHZ Report itself stated that the Plaintiff as the
landlord would be responsible for quit rent etc but these expenses were
not deducted from the rental income claim made by the Plaintiff.
[45] Other than that, there really was nothing for this Court to evaluate
how the rental rate was arrived at.
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[46] In addition, the RHZ Report did not state the rental income for 2010.
There was no basis for the Plaintiff to assume that the rental for 2010
would be the same as for 2011. This was an assumption without a basis.
[47] In Yap Boon Hwa v Kee Wah Soong [2019] 1 LNS 1157, this Court
had occasion to say the following:
“[75] The learned High Court Judge further relied on the Quantity Surveyor's
Report to state that the Rawang Land Project is in actual fact a loss making
project. However the learned High Court Judge failed to appreciate that the
Quantity Surveyor had already confirmed that the Report was prepared based
on the "SelangorKu" guidelines which has yet to come into force and only
applicable for development of land less than 2 acres. Clearly, it is not applicable
to the Rawang Land Project in ascertaining whether there is a loss. Whatever
findings in the report would be inaccurate and inapplicable to the Rawang Land
Project. The learned High Court Judge held that in the absence of any other
comparables adduced by the 2nd plaintiff, the court has no other choice but to
accept the Quantity Surveyor's Report. This, we found to be erroneous as it is
always the burden on the claimant to prove his claim for damages with
supporting evidence and credible valuation. It cannot be a situation where
the defendant simply throws to the court any form of report or valuation
which is not applicable to the case in question, especially in the present
case, where the "SelangorKu" guidelines is not applicable and not
enforced yet. The court cannot be forced to accept any kind of reports to
satisfy the claims by the defendant despite such reports being unreliable
as the basis is wrong and not applicable for development which is more
than 2 acres. It is trite law that the burden is on the claimant to provide
credible basis for his claim.
(emphasis added)
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[48] Much earlier, the Supreme Court in United Asian Bank Bhd v Tai
Soon Hing Construction Sdn Bhd [1993] 2 CLJ 31 at page 36 entirely
agreed with a passage in the text book “The Identification of Handwriting
and the Cross-examination of Experts” by MK Mehta as follows:
“It is common failing in a number of experts that they do not clearly state their
reasons on which they base their opinions while submitting the reports to the
courts. The result is that the courts as well as the lawyers suffer from a distinct
disadvantage. It is extremely difficult for them in such cases to test and verify
the correctness of the opinions given. The mere opinion of the expert that a
particular writing or signature is written or not written by the writer whose
standard admitted writings or signatures were supplied to him for comparison,
without any cogent reason, is not enough. The function of the expert is to give
his honest opinion and place before the court all the data on which he bases
his opinion, because it is the court who has to decide the case and accept or
reject his opinion. In the absence of a clear and precise statement of his
reasons, it is difficult for the court to appreciate the opinion of the expert.
It is also not fair to the opposite side who is to cross-examine the expert
on the correctness of his opinion. Any opinion given without stating the
reasons is valueless and is of no use as evidence.”
(emphasis added)
[49] We are therefore of the considered opinion that the RHZ Report
cannot be used as the basis of calculation of the rental income as it was
lacking in analysis and details of how the calculation was arrived at.
[50] The contention by the Plaintiff that the Defendant did not produce
any independent and professional valuation meant the HCJ and DR were
right to accept RHZ Report, is without merit. This is because this Court is
not compelled to accept any kind of report where such report is unreliable
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and without any basis. Further, the burden is always on the Plaintiff to
provide credible basis for its claim.
[51] The fact that the Plaintiff had used the lower end of the rental range
in the RHZ Report does not negate the unreliability of the Report. The
same goes for the contention that the Defendant’s exhibited documents
supported the rental rates.
[52] The RHZ Report proceeded on a rental income based on 100%
occupancy. We find and agree with the Defendant that it is not probable
for Menara UOA with 2 office towers and a combined space of 40 over
floors to be 100% occupied within the first few years of VP.
[53] Shorn of the RHZ Report, the Plaintiff has not produced any credible
basis to support the rental rate which was its claim for damages.
Damages to be awarded
[54] Arising from the above, it behoves upon us to determine the
appropriate amount of damages to be awarded to the Plaintiff rather than
the RM7,234,457.46 awarded which was gross rental.
[55] We find and agree with the Defendant that it is not probable for the
rental income to be calculated on 100% occupancy and that deductions
can be made for costs and expenditure expended.
[56] The Defendant had correctly submitted that the burden is on the
Plaintiff to prove its losses. The Defendant had taken upon itself to
adduce documents to show the probable occupancy rate and the
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deductions for maintenance charges and sinking fund, insurance, quit rent
and assessment, water and fixed sewerage charges and financier
interests at 5.75%. The documents for probable occupancy rate are in
RR Vol 8/12, pages 77-101, Vol 9/12 page 103 and 106-156 and derived
from the record of renovation deposits. We find there is indeed a co-
relation between renovation work as reflected in the renovation deposits
and occupancy.
[57] According to the Defendant, based on the occupancy rate, the
computation of the rental income for the premises would be
[58] The documents for the tabulation of maintenance charges and
sinking fund, insurance, quit rent and assessment, water and fixed
sewerage charges for the premises are in RR Vol 8/12, pages 4-200 and
Vol 9/12, pages 1-76. As may be recalled, the RHZ Report had stated
that the Plaintiff as the landlord would have to be responsible for quit rent,
assessment, insurance and maintenance. Further, these are outgoings
in respect to a landlord’s obligation when renting out.
[59] The documents for the financing costs are shown in RR Vol 10/12,
pages 45-71 and Vol 9/12 pages 155 and 156. These are in respect of
what the Plaintiff would have to pay as interest had it executed the S&Ps
in 2007.
[60] Contrary to the Plaintiff’s assertion, all the above are not self-serving
documents but are supported by documents such as receipts for charges
imposed, receipts for renovation approval, actual tenancy agreements
and prevailing interest rate charged by commercial banks.
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[61] As for the calculation of the time period, we find that the Defendant
has used the same period for assessment as the Plaintiff’s, namely 1-1-
2010 to 17-3-2014.
[62] In its written submissions dated 1-6-2023, the Defendant had
submitted the following as loss of rental income after the necessary
“Total estimate rental income
(from 01.01.2010 – 17.03.2014) RM4,046,285.49
(i) Maintenance and sinking fund (RM 614,759.77)
(ii) Insurance (RM 14,011.90)
(iii) Quit Rent and Assessment (RM 194,409.61)
(iv) Water and fixed sewerage charges (RM 12,965.72)
Financier interests of 5.75% (RM4,071,007.55)
Net rental profit/(loss) (RM 860,869.06)
[63] We however find that in paragraph 19 of the Defendant’s Affidavit in
Reply (2) affirmed on 19-3-2018 (encl. 17/71) that the Defendant had
made a concession on the loss of profit that the Plaintiff could have made
to be RM228,926.18. The relevant part reads as follows:
“… menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif hanya akan menerima keuntungan sebanyak
RM228,926.18 selama tempoh tersebut. Kini dikemukakan dan ditunjukkan
kepada saya ditandakan sebagai Ekshibit “A-14” adalah sesalinan pengiraan
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[64] Exhibit “A-14” as found in encl. 27/73 shows the calculation as
[65] This amount also factors in the deduction in respect of the tax
payable on the rental income, which is again an expenditure.
[66] We must always bear in mind that that the burden of proof lies on
the Plaintiff. Here the Defendant had made a concession on the loss of
the profit which the Plaintiff could have made. The DR and HCJ had also
given no reasons for accepting the figures and assumptions and for
accepting the RHZ Report. Under the circumstances, where the appeal
is a re-hearing, we have looked at the entire evidence and made the
necessary assessment based on the affidavits.
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[67] For the above reasons, we allow the appeal in part and set aside
the assessment of damages of the HCJ and DR and allow judgment to be
entered for RM228,926.18 at 5% interest per annum from 22-1-2019
which is the date of assessment of the DR. We award costs of
RM20,000.00 to the Defendant, subject to allocatur.
Court of Appeal Malaysia
Dated: 8-1-2024
Counsel for the Appellant:
Joseph Ting (Alan Tan Fu Seng with him)
Messrs Joseph Ting & Co
Puchong, Selangor
Counsel for the Respondent:
Ong Kheng Leong (Jeyasingam Balasingam, Moses Mathew George &
Hee Hooi Chun with him)
Messrs Ghazi & Lim
Kuala Lumpur
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Cases referred to:
Goo Sing Kar v Dato Lim Ah Chap & Ors [2013] 3 MLJ 374
Topaiwah v Salleh [1968] 1 MLJ 284 [FC].
Ban Chuan Trading Co Sdn Bhd & 2 Ors v Ng Bak Guan [2003] 1 LNS
Ismail v Haji Taib [1972] 1 LNS 47
Sime UEP Properties Bhd v Woon Nyoke Lin [2002] 3 CLJ 719
Othman bin Ali & 290 Ors v Bukit Lenang Development Sdn Bhd [2016]
3 MLJ 708
Yap Boon Hwa v Kee Wah Soong [2019] 1 LNS 1157
United Asian Bank Bhd v Tai Soon Hing Construction Sdn Bhd [1993] 2
CLJ 31
Other sources referred to:
McGregor on Damages (15th edition) Sweet & Maxwell Limited
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PA-22NCvC-150-11/2022 | PLAINTIF TANG YOKE LIN DEFENDAN 1. ) LIM SENG CHIEW 2. ) Ch'ng Ewe Ghee 3. ) Lim Phaik Lean 4. ) Ch'ng Wei Ying | Full Trial – the Plaintiff claims that there is in effect a loan agreement with interest and that the sale and purchase agreement with the 1st Defendant is a sham in furtherance of an illegal moneylending transaction with the Plaintiff’s property being used as collateral for such transaction.Issues• Whether the sale and purchase agreement between the Plaintiff and the 1st Defendant dated 7th January 2019 was a sham to disguise an illegal moneylending transaction; and• If so, whether the 2nd to 4th Defendants are subsequent bona fide purchasers for valuable consideration.The Court finds that the sale and purchase agreement between the Plaintiff and the 1st Defendant dated 7th January 2019 was a sham to disguise an illegal moneylending transaction.The Court also finds that the 2nd to 4th Defendants are subsequent bona fide purchasers for valuable consideration of the said property and sheltered under the proviso under Section 340(3) of the National Land Code 1965.The Court allows the 2nd to 4th Defendants’ counterclaim and declares that the 2nd to 4th Defendants are the registered owners entitled to the full beneficial interest of the said property; andThe purchase price of RM1.4 million is to be paid to the 1st Defendant’s solicitors as per the sale and purchase agreement between the 1st Defendant and the 2nd to 4th Defendants whereby the 1st Defendant would be entitled to retain a sum of RM850,000.00 being the redemption sum he paid and the balance of RM550,000.00 to be paid to the Plaintiff through her solicitors. | 08/01/2024 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
08/01/2024 12:56:04
PA-22NCvC-150-11/2022 Kand. 124
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1>A—22m:vc—15u—11/2u22 Kand. 124
22/01/20:: ,2'Eb 04
GUAMAN SIVIL NO Ncvc-150-11/2022
(N0. KIF: 690507-DB»5G2|l) ...PLA£NTlF
1. LIM ssms CHIEW
(NO. K/P: 730112-o7-5305)
2. cwuc EWE GMEE
(N0. KIP: sewn-n1-sus)
(Nu. KIF: 300111-01-sun)
4. arms WEI VIMG
(Mo. K/P2010101-01-sand) DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
sw wmx1uy0uusmy<z7mRcA me 1 Ms:
W; Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
lntro¢.1uc1|anlYhe claims
[11 Trie Pisiriiiw was me previous regisiered mar oi a properly in PN
9266, Lai Na 3246, Seksyen i, Eandar Tarijarig Takong, Daerah
Timur Laul‘ Negan Puiau Piriarig iriereiiianei reierraa ia as lhe“said
pmper|y”] The Plaintiff irieri eriieied iriio a saie and pureriase
agreerrieni an 7*" January 2019 arid me said properly was
suesequemiy lIans1erred iri iris riama oiirie 1“ Dereridsrii Trie said
propeny is currently registered in me riamas ol xria 2"’ lo 4"‘
Deiendariia pursuanlla me salaand purchase agraememdalad 16"‘
August 2022 between mam and the 1" Defendant This IS yet
another case where (he Plaintiff is seeking to recover the sand
pmperty on me Dasls mamie saie and purchase agreemeiiiwiiri me
1" Dalendanl is null and void as I! was in furlheranoe of an Hlegav
merieylending lmnsamicin
[21 niieiigri rier amended Statement of claim. irie Plairiim contends
ma: mere was ari iuegai morieylandirig xrarisacnori wriereey a sum
of RM47o,ooc.uu wiin irixaresx di RM23,5D0 00 per morim was
agreed upon wmi sums bemg disbursed U.) me Hairiuirs husband's
mmpany known as Lam Loong Prioia House Sdfl arid (rieieirianer
ieierred in as -Lem Loong').
[:1 rrie Plairiiiii Further pieeds ireud and/ov misrepreeeriiaiioii arid mus
seem a flecllralion men are is me Iegar owner er me said pmpeny
and for me said pmpany |u be ragisiered iri her name on me basis
IN R®(1UyOUUSrwyfi7mR:A vans z ai 51
we s.ii.i n-vihnrwm be used m mm i.. aiiaimiiu Mimi dnunvilnl wa nF\uNG WM!
VI that the 1‘ Dafcndanfs maI:|i0n m IGSDSCI V1 (ha nun-
delivery aflhsvacanl possessmn cilhe said pmperly by
me Pnaumm
vii that me 1* Defendanfs suhcmms did not ratam the 3%
rexention sum and did not dawm lav the Stale mnsenl
lees paid an benariolme Plairmfl m advance, and
d that the 2"“ to A” Defendants are non subsequen| Dona nde
Dulchasers lcrvamable wnswderanon
Thu I“ Dofondanru Contention:/Suhmlillonl
[12] TM 1" Duendam amends/sunmuvs as 6o\|ows'
a man were u no wnuen man agmmam mu anry a sala and
purchase agrsumant batwsen lha Pw-mm and me «-
b. lhnl DNA Puma: Consultancy sdn Bhd was not named as a
pany to me case.
c the! the Plainmv pleaded rraud, mwsrwresonvallon, and
oovluskm agamsi me 1- Delervdanl and DNA Pmmlar
Consulmncy sdn Bhd but fuilsd In parlicmarlze Ihe alleged
fraud, milrsnrasenlallan and collusion‘
‘ sw wm\<1uyOuusmy‘a7mR:A me xx ms:
«ms smm be used m mm .. mxmuuy mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
a, lhat the Plamlm alleged conspiracy, fraud, nnsrepreeennauun
and Ialsmcanon ov dowmems by me 1‘ Dehndanl and ms
Lawyer. Mr. Mark Lwew but and not make Mr Mark new a party‘
a mal me sand pmperly us now charged lo Mahayan Banking
Berhad there’ «er referred to as “MBB') by the 2'“ to 4'"
Defendan1s(subsequenl vwners) um MBB was nol named as
e pany
f lhal the Plaumm had renewed mnsmerauan as her Voan m
Hung Leung \s\amic Bank Eemad was rsdeemed eumplexem
g. that to allow me Pminllfrs dam! wuu\d be unlalr and umusl
enrichrnem, and
n. that :2 was me Plamllfland hev husband who pamapaueu 171 a
(ransacuon wmn Foo Kok Chang (M50 veierred In as“KC Foo“)
wna was a broker var the 1" Decendam
*" hmlnlonl
[13] The 2"“ m 4* Dalendlnls oenuendslsubnms as vullows.
a mat they are the subsequent hona Me purmaseus lor
valuable consmeralwan and they have mdeleasnble mine to me
sand properly pursuant nu the promo to section 340(3) anon
Nlflovul Llnd Cod: 1935.
IN Rwuuyfluusmymmfizn ms 11 M51
‘Nata smm n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
First Issue: whether the ule and gumllzse agreement between the
Pialriufi and me I" Dchndant aeted 7°- Januag 2019 was a attain to
disguise zi eg monlylending transaction
The circumstances ieaoing |o iiie execulmn of the ailged sale and
pun:hese agreement dated 7'” Jenuag zone and whether the same was
[14] in delemi
7" January 2019 is a sham in disguise or an iiiegai nierieyiending
iransaciion, itie coiin wiii have ta examine the circurnstarioes
surrounding itie enlaring n o such saie and purchase agreemenl
and me eonduci or the Phnies to con
suspicious circumstances which would negate me exisienee oi ii
gen saia and purchase agreement in this regaru. irie Caurl oi
Appeai decision In ueiirnooo bin oayuti v Ll ciiee Leone and
enoniereppeai pizza] a IIILI 155 is inainictive as it heio ea ioiiws:
wriemaritia said sale and purchase agieenienidaied
er whether itiere are
'(2)Whsnsi/er it was aiiageu xhai an agreerneni before Me com!
was a sham ai-iu a Iabrlczlbori mm the iuijaar olcircumvsrllmg
the law. it behaved the court to examine the external Bl/ld9l'IL‘e
to see me pieces orine puma formed a conereni whoia The
eoim had re In re ae I! warn unusual
rearures in the a man: and examine the clmums I
Ividnnco eueii as the eonduet altbn grriee tun ingqnr
arouse susglclari (see para 211).
IN nmiuyuuusmyaviam use is ofsl
‘Nuns Semi n-nherwm be used M mm ii. uflnineflly MIME dnunvilnl VI] eFiuNG WM!
(Jun scrmlrvls/ng me mas-man um court was dumbound
la shim: ma sum):-llghl cl consistency and cahnrenco
and la in H mm were convndlcllona mu cfild out my
in lxglanation No one /aclor was conclusive‘ but 17 when
taken logelher mm were more queshons rarsed than [here
were satisfying answers. then In all plababflrry me agreement
was a sham and fabmtalron lo camouflage me real tvansacfion
which, :1 allowed to prevafl, wauld contravene the law (see
paras 214-215;.
mm; unusual reamms, suspmaus urcumsrams, anomslres
and aborral/an: m [ho Instant was appeals, when kuken
together, strung/y nogatsd ma existence olany genuine SPA
m each case and wowed the: me agreemams and related
documents in each case were all a sham lo drsrracl aw
denerva (ha anfovcemslvtaulholfly andlhs apps:/am In sacn
case, on balance olprobab:/Mas. the rms Ivansactron was an
Illegal money/ending Ivansacnon (see pass 50-54 L 215) "
[15] smarxy, m Pnnnir Solvlm an Sinnliyah a. Anur v ran cm; Foo
a. On [mu 7 MLJ 3:4. Evm\ Manene Peters JC (as Her Ladyshlp
than was) held as follows
“[34] In older to determine whuher mu aim is a sham It
is gninem 3; note that the cam! agght to have rgyd to
all the circumstance; both helm: and g1 pg gig of we
nxtcutlon of Int lgruomonl
IN fiwuuyfluusmyfivmfizn van: :4 m :2
Wu Sum ...m.. M“ be used m mm nu nvVmruH|:I mm; dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
(921 rne above /act: are suong mdicaxlans that vne parties nad nol
rnrended (0 9/119! rnlo a sale and purchase Wreemenl but
lnsresa, executed lna relevant documents 10 facJ'Il‘rare ma
proporry lo as used as a socurtry for a man The sxsculron 119'
the sgrsemam‘, Form 14A, letter seeklrlg Iedempllon sralarnenl
/ronl HSBC and me CKHT forms (exnrbited at pp 104429 of
Pan E ol the can), pornl 10 an Irresistible eorlc/usion lnal the
agreernenz dated 4 May 2015 and omar docurnanls All ralalron
to the same were a fagade lo a money Iendlng Iransactlon and,
lnarerora, a snarn agreernem to dusk me rrue infenhbn or me
pamas "
[16] From the ablwemermuned cases, ll is clear lnal n ls incumbem an
Ihis coun lo consider and examlrle lne urcumstances ham helm
and an we lime ol me exewliall at me Sald sale and puronasa
agveemult rncluding me oonduel al me pamx al lne rnalenal lune
and venous conversallons mrdugn wnals/App messages and ma
nepasll Iransaclml records la lumlerdelermlne whether there were
unusual laalurae. susploldus clrmmslarlms, anomalles and
abervslmns In lerms a! me sald agreenlenl
[I7] In znls regard, ll ls lo be nalad mal ma l=larnnll pleads al paragraphs
5 la a cl ma amended slalemenl ul Clalm mal Lam Loang nas
bommad a sum ol RM47o,ouu.oo lronn me 1" Delendnnl and/or
DNA Premlercansullancy sdn Ehd wim an lma1asIolRM23,5D0.00
per monln.
[la] II IS also me Plalnlllrs pleaded case (Hal Foo Kak Chang W“ a
planner of DNA Pm consulranay Sdn End and lhal as
‘ slN fim\<1L1yOL1usrwy‘fl7la:R:A "-2 15 M 51
we s.n.l ...n.rwn as used m mm me mn.u-y urn. m.n.n VII nrlum v-mxl
msmarauon for the moneylendmg agreemenl, DNA Prermsr
oansuuanay Sdn End had prawded a Wash to me mainmra
husband's company It \s also not duspuled that me address 01 DNA
Premier Cnnsmlancy Sdll Blvd \s the same as the 1“ Defendant as
refieded m Ihe sake and purchase agree-nem da|ed 7“ January
[19] As to be background auaumswanoas Veadmg In Ihe lnan, the
Plainmrs husband, Mr Wong Moon Hee (PW1| leslmed uunng
examina|ion wn dtiel as mews
":2: Could yau clulfy to ma Nonoulablc
Court mm happened In January 2919?
In January 21119, / was approached by an
agent who oilsrsd to land me a sum av RM
4 70,000 00 via wnacsapp.
However, / was mu (0 charge a Place ol
pmpeny known as belongmglo my we to
[he Iendsr.
Hun brhlly so: am mo mma on». loan
IN wwuuyfluusmymmfizn man 15 am
-uaa a.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. annmuu mm: dun-mm Va .nuNG pm
The agreed loan sum between us was RM
uaooaoa mm nmnllllx Inlmat of 5%
amourmng la RM23,5OO 00.
Having deducted me sum afRM7lJ,500 so as
the savanna payment for the inlecesl‘ for ma
mnnlh of January 201:7, February 2019 and
March 21719 and the legal less 0/
[Sea Ousshon and Answer Nos. 5 and 7 o! the Vwness slalsmsnl
[20] II ls not dlsputed that the sam Lam Locng had renewed on 9"-
January 2019 a mlal sum olRM3a5,5au Do. In myvlsw, mus amount
of RM:ss5,5oa nn reaelved by Lam Loang ls cleany oonslslem wnrl
PW1 ‘s evldence (as well as a vvnalsApp D0nllelSallan)wfII19I was
the balance from me RM41o,aon on anemaauclmg the above was
mums’ lrlIeres1 and legal lees whlllng RME4,5D0.UU wmlsl me 1"
Delendanl has pleaded that he had Dald a lunher sum cl
RM115.000 no ln cash, no ervlderloe whatsoever was led to prove
his and I would conclude man one only manles plld by me M
Delendanl lo the Plalmill/Lam Loang was RM3a5,5nn an.
[21] The Plainmrs husband (PW!) had lurlhev lasmlea mama had made
paymenl lo: me mlerssl mcuneu lor me loan burmwad lmm me 1'
Delendanl vla Fan Knk cheng and/or DNA Premler Consultancy
Sdn Ehd PW1 lssflflad during examinallon ln chm as (allows
IN fiwtlllycllusmymlnkzn Pig: n M52
Nuns Smnl In-vlhnrwlll be used m van; .. nflglnnllly aw. dun-mm VIZ muus ma
“D: What mppcnnd an-r yuu ncoivod tn: sum 0!
Foo Kok (many had mqussred me to make men
repayment an behalf ofLam Loong to DNA Premiel
Consunancy Sdn Bhd rum: Pram/sf).
Subsequently, I made 7 ruuxmtnts to mug
Pmm-ea: uaa Account No. 2053003374
whereby ms pamcmars are as follows‘ -
No. me Amount (RM)
7 154.2010 23.50000
2 16 52019 23,500.00
3 11 0.2019 23,500.00
4 23, 500.00 T
’5 l13.e.2019 23,5o0,00
0 27.9.2019 23,500 00
7 4 i1 2010 23, 500. 00
[See Question andAns'wer N0 9 olfhe vwmess Statement, WSPW-
[22] It Is |o be noted that the testimony 01 PW1 av paymg the mletesl or
RM23,5(lD.K)K) .5 «me: cnlrobotalsd by vanaus bank stauemenvs
[23] lhave also no|ed mallhe sum 01 RM3B5,5DD.Dfl was a‘! paid 0: Lam
Loony’: awoum 01 which RM300,000,00 was by msh aapam and
sw wwuuyfluusmymmkzn run n ma
mg smm be 0;... 0 van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm 0.. mum pans!
a sum ol RMe5,5oo an 6-om the 1" Defendants personal bank
[26] In my Vlmvi N there was indeed a genuine sale ano puronasa
agreement‘ the burning question IS 17167! Why ls trie Plainllfi paying
me 1‘ Defendant and/or DNA Piemuer consultancy Sdn End a
oonsistent amount of RM 23,500.00 mm April lo November 2019
is. lhraa months aiter the execution ol me sale and purchase
agreemenldalad 1” January 2019 llwas clearly interest for true said
loan lllhlch riaye been discussed previously. In triis regard, l rind that
the WhaIsApp mnvelsahon belwseri PWI and trre said Foo Kak
cneng very telling and clearly indicative mat the transaction was In
last VI lunneranoe ol a loan wiui interest and that the Said sale and
purchase agreement dated 7'" January 2o19was In eflacl eullateral
for me said loan. It is perhaps apt trial i set out in vemaum me
wl-atsApo conversation altne malenal lime of slgnlng tne sale and
purchase agreement wrncn in my view lnoicateo mat n was In laet In
lunneranee ola loan transaction:
in fiwtluyfluusrwymlnkzn has n at 51
-rue s.n.i 1-nhnrwlll be used m yam .. nflglrrnflly mm. mm. VIZ arlurm Wm
.7:/u/ins, ma . msms u m. -»n— s’) ~.~-., A14 '12‘:
we-141:; mun .~=-we.-.3 ruszybuen no (at m. ..-.25.
~ L. ,-. w 4. 7 mxc,
“ 4.1;’ ; 1- — L—<'> ». “ ‘J”g M, .,u .;
.7 ii; », ,»,m.«:
», ». , v. vv S7,eL*:r.\/4:-:-J
.\.~. :. am» Ee:_:.r (mm m, m .» aw, ‘H ‘aw ‘
:3/n.'7n;a. :0-53 — 5 An‘-w mm J
. .1. m are: »
14 2: x ‘:0 u 1 Hears
— Lean u r-.
bun:/zum, 10.5: — 4:5”?
Ea|a'v’\ an sa‘,2na
M/u./zme, 1: se — sum... men: wean K)WA{[[’:>
us/u:r2m9, 'a,5- — Stepren mm 2
mm: L
um 3:ea
— . 2 :1H_ rmlcn
, 1,55: 5., 5:
ma). gm, ,. n — .»~y_-. ,, L>>-1 u>:u:( Lat!’
wcmus, u 3: — swarm am: >42: . :u:1ez 41;:
x; J xn(e:r*e:A.a\'.e HJJ
mm mm, 1. 1n , 1rN—K:. an: .L um
:z'n:'zo.9, 1“: — L»<—x:. rm; grnperty mac: km my M.“
: /an/2|/19, r. — L—|1—Kcv 5::vpe:(y c)va:qen to mm may
03/axrzmi, x — phln Ywrvv : hv 2 v.=..»=m. xn (Pu
We :w.4 mm‘ exacxly (re game my gum” use: an so x
nqm, sarrr Unz puxrhiie but mm H) W mm .
cmmm, uqz — mum Yuansy as — Hang Aeong sank
u — W... mm
oz/01/zms, um 7 Stephen mm; oz — on: nimez
1) — 1 mm ( cue at Ire mnuz a.:..m;
n- n) M19, 1 as 7 pm». .5 m co.-n. mg 1:117
as/anzaxs. u-35 — Stephen Yuan: 3» — aereasen mm u. my
gut! 5.; gm ‘Lt .: .5: ».o:,.z. -
n2/mrzou, u 42 ~ , u1—I<:. the ,3 m execuuanar’
a: swan. u u — m...,m man: .49: “mm. alno mm ul
the 2 mm
emu 2019, 1. u mm: ;1,Lk m 01 m
n3/uwzma, 11-41 v_— —.<:- lea But)‘ ions In: an
e;/n.,2m, .145 7 5:-umm hang on
as mam. u.<5 — y.— —x:» V7.0 .. Inc M. ma
a. mum. n 45 — fizuyhen ‘tam; mu: m. M Nrvl »
other cm; um C ,1
:.... takstraw u 322:’
s/N RA.|xIuy0uusrvm1LnR:.« run an:
lnal me 2"“ lo 4“ Detandanls are not auosequenl berm lida
nurcnasers for valuable enrlslderallon
[4] me 1-" Delendanl on me other nand pleads and In essenoe
ocntelldslhanhere was a proper sale and Purchase Eareemellt and
that he nad used one Foo Kok Chang, a olnaclor of DNA Premier
consullancy son and as a broker lor me sale and purchase oi ms
sald pmperly In lnls regard, the 1* Delendam pleads lnal me
purchase prloe was RM1,35D,0O0 00 olwlllcn he pald lne Plamlllra
sum ol RM 500,500.00 and subseduemly paid a funny sum oi
RM850,00D,D0 lo l-long Leong lslamlo Bank as me redempllon sum
(M lne sand property. The 1- Delendanl danles any knowledge or
me loan and pleads lnal n at all ll was a loan, ll was wnn Lam mono
and nao nolnlng lo do mm ma 1“ Delendanl. ‘ma 1-‘ Delendanl
pleads lnal any money glvan by me 1- nelendanllo me Plalnllll vla
Lam Lnal\g‘s adoounl was [or the paymenl ol me said pmpeny and
ndlnlng lo do wlln mar loan. » such,l.|1e 1-‘ Delendallt denles any
llaud and/or mlsrepmenlallon and puls lne Plainllfl‘ lo slricl prool
lhal there was a loan
[5] The 1" Delandanl nnally pleads lnal lna subsequent sale ollno sald
pmparly lo me 2'-1 and 4' Delendams ls vahd. The 1-! oetendanl
also mounls a counlemlalm ln me allemalwe In lnal ll me coon IS
minded lo allow me l=lalnnll‘a clelm, lne Plalnllll ougnl lo return the
aulnaolRM5oo,5o0 noand Rull35a,0m on lolne I" Delendanl |ha|
have been allegedly pald by me 1“ Delendanl as pan oaymenl and
reoomollon sum,
IN amluyuuusmyovlanm rue x 0151
-we s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used a mm ne nflmnnllly sun. dun-mm wa muno ma
— L—n—V”* .r~m:(.V—_-
vV|:’LVV4Y,V‘ ..-, ~1-
4 K . Zxdwiliw ~ «u n _—
. ,, W m s=,.=.nq,
.. mu: ....m htmv ‘ma’ :tn‘~ms't
L5 0) .c;.. L:-as — 1—.—'<“ nfat .7 n— 1.,‘ ¢r:.*( V{
:21»: 11 ..—c.:>
L)'L1.‘u.\!, ‘s — G:-_*a?(1 mm: mm :HV1K .5 D 3~ J:
:“UvL:al . :3 H:
mm; gun, u .r V v. H: nu. am. (3 N4 I;:s5 .: .1’!
e wrrcr .— ma
rm) '2m<. n m — :mm ..m 1 u'uI~c,lAt) Lit ,u::ue, ,,
,~, 5LffE*=*‘:E m ,1 z
:~ an/nu-, :1 n L-I Kr w. lna-< u w.» m
a, mum. :4 2‘ — sung Y.:w1* OK
mm .u. . .-.u . smut mm <Vcna mu.“
ta 3: 201:, u a: V s.».m~— LN /JY Ho: ref :E1:e
n:rr“,zL19, 11 4. . .,.—x~ qzaj Luv 77! ..m, m .7-:1 ...,. .»
mm, .». Llsry
1, -emu»
(mam mxszu
.2 mm. A
um. rcxu
an an ta’-5'
7:/2: zms, A: As I «,:.,.m ‘(mung aux a4'»r.Aw:A xx -u 951,-4:
um 20 ;. mas — »,« MW 'Il~a: ml, 9. :».= nun
(car. ca’ rmruruxu {Te mutt’
In/u;/gum, was — H4; ;. 5rr—2a’L—4s1v
cuumnn. as — s=.,»..- Yww um .. m. .,z. m mrl
um me’
aunuzoxa, 11 09 — L—x»»<c 463k an-23,153
ammu-_s. 12-so - Swan ha‘; ,-p. ,.g.: mm
cuamm, 12 u — —»«—.<: awn. auctarnan M.
at mama. :2 so 7 :.'.¢yr-u ‘{;a*uq‘ runs): In rrzwxluze um
-/ur2un, 11 51 V L-It KC m ‘ u ..», lzuu -.1.» W.“
um Icn. n:s2 V s:...m..» mm. ».,...»....=. m x ndrratrm
mg. inn): 3 docmewu iI::eeme:v( nqr~:»qz~: 2:: W lam
nun/xnxw, A2 :3 — 141 x»- w. mu. inn a:u1 mm, M \n—
craze!) sun Jo-tar? ta!/ea: mm. W51.‘ 5 q’ 1': mm.
um mm 11.5. — _ ..rx.~ Lou» .w».m~m of 1mm, )1: m
I 35:14 m 3;». aw: mm.» zavcat
c4/oxrzus, ; :4 V L—u—.<c Bu 1 wawfiz
cucnxius. L2 we — sum. men. 50:;
m.;.=..» 3pm.: mm»
a xa: u-‘nk mm
- Lu 1:: 9.1/2}
{‘':e -1 kn cavut, :37 I an.) salt (re ::::r2'ty W.» cm, 1.
sm m>.|xIuy0uusrvm1LnR:A an n at
\ .2...» P-7-lent m. ; mu: . mm. It . m. R! Inn 1». ~
nun:/znu, U-LU — x.~-Hm m. 4:." un. la: ma u Appoint
H!) mm In ..z m )1: um: um nnyu
aunxlzun, u.ns - um.-. Yunnan u use 3: am mm
ummrus. um - H-x: me u. 5:. vhn: Hum 42:: .. hv on
on/auzau, nzna — my .. mm; m....m ..=..m.q ()1)!
hryplny . undnr xv alt: um. . m A. on: 5.-m...u.. .
., .»~ . .( rva>< kw. mm (0 m D31’ lca1>
,4 u ,u ,.,.w — mm .\.; in Ailullt W ,*Lcr< .1
mm m». n .. V v... YA H1 u 7., ,7 W. .. Nu’?
a:nL.:;'v( -
u. .. mu :- n V L—1—|<r mm an . 1; she 7:
um 1.12‘. .5 1: — mm Lzwq She .. g mam: at rry
znmpaw :1: <~:vvrn/ 9A rmw. .3 / ma my. 7 1-: nrvccsz
Owe! mm, n 14 V y.— —«c "VII rr.A:’~ g she -mt».-mg"
an/N AFI‘, n n mm.» ‘(mm 5.‘. .. W, W me.
n in mm .3 pg 7 L—~4—2<* 3'1-1V4‘ M» ... he a .wn:—m
2;: m, mu,
5» a; mu ; 33 mm.» xrm Th. man, P1Y(hvNhr¢
W .. W e. ..,p..=w.
«.4 axakv —..M 10.51‘
ms, 1: n — :.— —'<c haul-15* qcn in:sn*A'
mm m :7 , .v.r.m., mm Yr‘. M. .~.m. mm
mm zomparl
n; 1- lawn V. 37 .
scams: . cow:
N/vrzms. 1: 19 7 srepns mtg‘ For barn Aanm ‘ha! syncs:
Ax M, Hun) ..<u:vJ Bnx, .9 . (mm. Ann); M. -.g mna was
9: an r :3'|1>
U. Jun, n 11— L . «.— M .,,.~. L‘ m. EV law ., 5.‘.
amm, .. . mi:
Nun Jun, :3 M pm: mu-1|, x :.Anm.: , x... ..m Uh’
nu .11/Mn. n no — LrN—KL" 5” (we uv: . tewgt
nxxJ,,u7u u .4 — sum V Yuutg Nate: UK gm m.m.,g .
re: [>1 F'<r:s5s of 3» rrowtrly lain, afiar q-Luna :.mv3'
Pom ..» y..y.- . L4! .,.z L24 mu » . W lnxlzxl um,-
:1 rev man] uzY\ V
0: <7) nn'=. n 45 I mmv 11:» U,» *hv ’)\’3'E mu-Iv
u: mam. u 45 V L**'KL* £a:V)E§: we: can ;r..¢~..«
am. zazu 1:45 7 3...." [urn Hnamwq mm rwsnhln (U
I/,ev _; ;..,e. WWW! M, Aim: mama (h! ,.g..
rnenaly ueaknq : 1"; U’! mu my vex. lug: :5 rue . .
sm RmxIuy0uusrvmi1LnR:A ngnbdsl
» ‘Mah':Ir1IHImbIvInHh: u..m..m.anum.unym. m.n.m. .nuus..m
. mi Sim .. A ,u_
1 .~ .4.
‘,1 H‘ 4 ....
(. . (mm mm. wm‘ n-(-
.. L. 1319:): w — 1/,.'wJ n; «-
«.,...—. : 1...”. luaa. :::z 21:». . Mr. W.
Him‘. 1-; 57 . L 1 K1 K/1E:.i ’.W“’k\.»
1.4.;-. ~. a. . L ~ K, H. .. :r, .u>' x ‘V’
.- u ;:::«, 5 54 . L— —:<: ; Eva
,r.r:V CE WE 2;:
mm... W mm
cm n:\nI: 7
::':1:cli. less — swsmw mm —. nu,
5:m: (><v7:'W':§ V: m mm; raw 1.-,.
-:7» snake »<.::vo:.(/ »=-5.1: I
ww. n u w..<- mu m,.u . “mm. .,.;
E Ki :5.‘ CH
2'45 1. n af 5;; n:.:: .: .5 wt rernanol
2;/911319, :9 AS — x—< <: um, fa: pg 1 :. ruzl» I11 /An’:
.4, .,_,- ;..,m—». A7. » [H EV zw. r1.r:>41<u-
am», 2319, H .s — Hm.» c.» 1 » Y: erraJ? - n
,r...m. <1)‘: .0 Irma \V m mm":
emu Mn, 19 :4 — 1— —«c In: H... =.g«.». fit.“
csrmaaxa, 1-; 13 — v.—»«—«: in mm ‘Ir (tune 171 :r.
c.» ox zma. 1! :6 — mm». ‘men; may : Jwaersiuvc we
4-W: 03 an r
we nuzm. .3 51 ,L—.—xc- ; )1 Erin. .5: mm rm: mn:ru':’§
bl um
m:.m.u Ev. Mznnz M H--v
um, ; -, E3,‘ on (I: 5.I!w.,"!
as an 1015. .5 w 7 L—V—Kr xurvn mm.“ 3537. am», ul
5) 2.: an’; ($52.: ta mm
on. nu-1, 19-E‘ — ;—.—.<: .4; V111)’-sr:uL
at u, zaxs. 15-55 — “am luwg um .. xel )% the ...,_k
of 2». cnntent 3: ms
55 — mm,» mm 5LL=,DV‘c‘.‘/\¢145'4rua, £51‘
at 7 r....m y..,q- um. ., 1». law: oEfx:u7
57 — ;— —k:: 1 ...u let J etc mm» the :|u:i.
; . 11!! .. . >1.lV* ».
Feua‘/wawt W mw
£1: .
:¢'r',1,Ia1$,7u no 7 H Kr Ina m.» w. 3 . my.
Le'c1,zu:e, 29 so — L— —Kr, 1: ‘W155 3 Wm mtzr 3|. H 2
rmaum_ f».. n crnzceea ..:» >:a'wfe:
n15'n1'2m9, 20 01 — 5111 Ex:E'vS,UV iozvr mm-M:
s/N m>.|xIuy0uusrvm1LnR:A musoeu
mmvun-1 nmrmmuhnuunnwiymrmwnuwnymmw-anunumm-ur\uNspwu
» /2: 2m, sum.
DI/u)’IDli. =u..m
MI .'2n1s, ,2 u snerzn
wnma-e, )a.W. sunn
13'“? .1“ .
c 1) mu‘ 1?. . 1.».
am. em, 1: : €:eyre'.
mm mm. .: 51 EKEIRPIV
u, 2. mm. 5:.-ere:
ca,“ 2a.;, 5'4-pt-x
am. mm, 5:9,“.
Darn) ma, 1 2: 5.3.7”,
M. Juwnoww W
ca/m-zan, u as
wnma - n 2s
acme Ur:
vamxvznz ;; 26
B: 01'1n1e, 1;-2,
Izs'u1v2u,\, \s.2'
u n:'n71v,1» A‘
na'm'2n1§. 19.1: Llcrxc.
warn mm. H 2- Szvphm
as m mm. 1; 23 L—n—)<c.
as/m mm. :7 2.:
as mam. 12 2'1
3:,/Iu'za19. n-:2
as :1 20:9, 1» 5: sun...’
:.1 nawk y :59.’
n m ms. .; :5 1—....<:
nu?‘ .:
J: uvxaw. ms‘ mam
ms 554.
s/M m>.|xIuy0uusrvm1LnR:A
' “ '”.;‘;: ; me W
N: 9 A a. n,a:: W: W,»
!.,12 c., ‘a. rat: J
Curwq Lover
‘W .,.¢.m I7m.u::~
mm; 0440.. Orrltteji
mu: 4.,” ¢1r.zte:>
IAQ)Q W... u:v.:Le:>
<».,m mm.)
:4... WW. .; v, .,lu
fawn: «, am.
(Mn mu.»
mm mg... UM M...
mm <...3..A, DVrIL((‘:—
um mm)
1.on7 ‘Man clv.rL~:n:>
tum)‘ Aw, =.m:,a..m. in m (59
m. aunts z-1:
,...‘.. . IW Eli/KW} U :.,.
m»»...m u .5 xccflrx qlve n
um: Wm: hank m:.. w
A 5,03:
y...., Any mm an-xx 1%‘
{hi .5 I?’ my aw .:
Ai\ CISVV mm
tum; Is“: :3 . :
nw who x..
Y, -.9 V0
LL‘! Wu nmx at .3»; .. m deal
<. Em my
Y13Hl’h4nLA'FH u
mmvun-1 nmwmuhnu.-umwin-a¢m\nu\nyn4m\-nun-umu1uF\uNspwu
:a—.:: V-1-: .»
M _. , , Pan. w
urn’/Ln, ;c~.
.» VI-
:u‘\r :.~.» . /10 em”
:5 ., :\(AS‘ 2: .; — —a<*» L “,1 ;..-;. K’; 2.4.»
,1.,.».u, I lurtv W , .m ., ~,..r. “,4-
asssu 'V‘\r/I V.-4, , 2.». rawsl ;~.
0-! V7 .«. :4 1, -. H r. Alli] u.
I .—»,—.-:. ar 41
V. .r<- mam \‘Ib")(/‘A21
V woe» may : -251‘
K: “mm ow». 0.. .4. W r|e!'e<1
— —. <3 CVVYHC'1‘ -2
— _—zuprr,> ma; wm: V,“ .4‘ mm 1'!
. v<r- « Inn.
‘.4 um a,
‘a r r7..e.
nu me,
am; .- .9.
. 52,: .1:
gm. 1:.»
E9/§.rJL.J‘ — Quc (WC :1): M
are/0./10:2, — mu. :.~ 3 uzue :2): 2R’I.(‘I .
ca/swam, .;-5; - v, n—t<; ».« ymuq. \i:AcJ 7'] \/£’/ urn:
21;;-, x rhasc 2 am d«am_~n Ea: .
cs/0. ms. ms; — ; K arr : my
awn zcxa, — L—>(—-1:: av‘.
L‘9':./1:I2, , <:m.;.« am». or
:9;Ll/zaflt, :1»: — 5tup'a'v m._, >4; xn,
teen r-)i‘>e'nA1KA'
as/u: zm, 11-4~ 7
am Jun, .4; V -:rAu4:\\
:9/av 73.9, :2 ae — _+.«:- <.~«m.; u1.\(Ke.;>
:9/axrzms. us: . flcpkcw nc 4' ran m K Mao um ..
aa/m'7n:3,2t>1:— ‘. xr ‘mp
;-s/mam, .. :4 — 5(eu‘en Yum; mm KC.
mm ms. 1: 2; — H x.~- . SM! NF . .».; 61 mm R.»
mu 1 an 4‘ at)‘
E9/0111119, 1. 42 — L M: an’
nawuwan, xx 52 - saw." mu. cxwm: .»,m;4e 9,
ummon. Luz V m.coa X 5\ - 1s,n:m/wnnn
mom. . mm . Lsauzm
n Wm. x n p:c:ALmJ um mL:(esL (0: mm. 2....» C’ A am
med :Vu:s gm.
A1u 1 mama ,.» mm :4“; (a1aT mm )3 196,5 IV
mm \5 Lass Edm
nwamm, r 2.: — L— —K:» o awcmm conneurv aw nu/201;
:9/u: zen, ; :1‘ — 1 ><—x:v <"Ed) mum
u;/:1 '1nn, . xv — -. >1-H‘ <I(edla emu-:>
own)/gun, 1» 2 — ..— —x:- «gm. urv M.
aa/amen. r 4; — S:epre1 new «men,
.¢ HEW Hm n W n nan:
ny/on/2:115, :- u — -, N K: 1.3. 2:: 07))‘ may srce «.4. .5 Us
.—:-»a;,zou, 1‘-u , smm mm. ay'£
r§'n:'zm3, .\'.u L»!-KE .u.5Lm .. .»-
A -.9 an AI :1‘!
ll 1,... 4. my
aux u nus mm.
am ntn, .- :4 3mm m—a~ er-oi: a‘,a'r'xar n
um: /21‘ :, ‘. 5, — kw: wk u...“ Hue .u.=».=‘
um./25:9, 2!: n 7 kwxc Ln: Sew; Lrz ,2; mm-ssv
.. 01 um, gr, — L—tl—x(‘. 7 1(C .4: ,4... 5,; ,m M, ~ c
:e<s.mL .5:-« nae‘: 43».
yr. zcu _» =2 j{fiYl’L‘H Haw am
1/n.,7:.a, n — V» 5': am af(e:'wc* 7,» ymwa ‘W ,
vzxrwfw m
.//0./zms, ,2 J: — smm ‘man; my fiauzuy 1. n£["e,
.; rant) Mam:-y {V m«.;.:
szmuz , km: .71 z
w 2 . — Vcmvfzw mm. «mm mum»
,1/:w>c.s, — 4LEb":v um; <I»1ed1e>
:3/n:/inn. 7 swam mm awn»: ugh: rnllectvn z
3/c./2013, 15.2’ wpm ‘iucng. A. KC.
mu: .... .. -4'11‘
11/91/203. 1; 25 — ;—H¢» m, .. inc mum
.1/n./nu. ,a 1: surnn mm. y..
u/amm, urns — mm: ma vWz1.vvq I‘! pang W ..
mum :.
um mm, was — s»...=».n mm; am
:1/awzon, .1 :5 — alapnen men; 04.4.. nwutzear
H/M/22:9, o n — ;— 4: m am; (ever: Jyon revels’.
zunwenra, m :2 sum. mm kc.
nun [B may Llvr nan cauczrmn Dlupezly
N/ox/20:2, m 52 — mum mw «um: om:uu:>
:4/or/mu, 11 2: V L WK" A.(Aqht mm ,:\/:!L
meuzm, ,2 2; — L—N—l<C M A hv u. in :1d lites: lain
u/n1/Inn, 14.1: — Stephen um. <>‘2d.a :mn((a:>
.1/uuzan, u n — 5:-wen ‘(many wt: m am my.
m1 x,m,m
u/bx/zen, n n — L—N—KC m w/xtandlfia x.ns3,z3:
Man: mm»
mum s\
Sxqn up u 1.39=,naIz
mm 5 mm. m:e!a3(
0~:¢ .. mm. mm... .5 call art um .uu.:mn 2 urun.
rm. .2 3“?
Loan 43n.onn
m. u 5\
mmv 2 mantis; mm“:
lxzqal ms: Lcz :n.m( 5,
m 11 pipe: van
a/mums, u an — Stephen Yuanq Hazruna KC.
any ..¢.n.a HQEIIV
zzuu/mu, 1; Sn — mm: Surly "K ymnq at.» LN: -...y.
22/ax/1329, 12 51 — Stephan ‘many Kc.
Pliny: am. no N... =». my ans: tax the Mn mum.“
will c: M mm c :3’! run:n:1ed um um - Can my
u, [my ~
22/nuzlns, .2»u V L—M—KL‘ :5: mm ...u ha 5411 5.1 2»:
[at but s..m.. x u an. ; ELgure
s/M nmxIuy0uuswm1LnR:A he 1: an
mmvun-1 nmwmuhnu.-umwin-a¢m\nu\nyn4m\-nun-umu1uF\uNspwu
[25] The abme WhaIsApp conversauon has been placed m part B al me
common Burma 01 Documents and F00 Kok cheng (Dw2) does
not dtsuule lha ourwersauon. DW2 Iasufied dunng cross-
exarmnanon as cauawsz
"KDAY So. this is me Wharsapp convsmauorr
between you and (he P/arnrmhusband
FKC coma."
{See page so aflhe Notes ofEvmence dated 1-‘ August 2023]
[26] Furlher, In my vvew. me wnmsnup conversation fvom 3“ to 7'"
January 201935 mghllgmed above are indwd relevam to shed ngm
on the arcurnscarrm leading m are execuuon of me sale and
purchase agteemenl dated 7'" January 2019 [See me High Court
case 0! Pannlr sclvam (supr|)].
[21] Having pamsed me WhavsApp mrwasalmn from 3'“ |o 5* January
2019 and mereaner tram e* lo 11" January 2019, me irresishbie
wncluslon man I rasar are as lolkwvs:
a The P\ainMTs husband did mdeed have a discussmn wm Foo
Kak Chang penaumng lo Iakmg a loan and Ina! me said
propeny owned by Ina Plaimxfl was |a be um as a oo\la(eraL
The 1'- Delenuaru has admmed usmg Foo Kok Chang as a
IN fiwuuyfluusmyavmkzn flue )1 Ms:
-rm! smm n-uhnrwm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
h A loan surn has been agreed upon at a sum RM47o,
with Interest 0! RM23.50fl 00 per rnenm,
c. A sale and purchase agreement dated 7" January 2019 had
to be executed and stamped wltn the Form 14A belng kept in
esomw wlln the urmeralanalng that upon lull rapeyrnent, the
Sald sale and pktrcnase agreement dated 7'" January 2m9wtll
be resclrtded.
t1 ln the event the Imrmwar calls to pay 3 rnontns interest, the
lender (1-I uelermant) wlll proceed to transier the Sald
nroperiy to his name.
e The 1" Defendarlfs DEISDVIEI bank amount detalls ln HOB
was provided tn lacllnate payments. and
i, ulscuaarons warn um and enqumes made ea In new lrta
l=lalntl«a nuenena would repay tne pnncrpal loan amount in
whtdl it was indlcaled mat II will be rapatd mm the sale at
ulnar propamas
[23] Qullaaparl lrnrn tne wltatsnpp conversation alme belng lnalcalwe
013! II was a loan lransactlan, I agroa wrtn the Platntllrs submission
and I am also an tne vlew lnal [hare are lndaed SUSDICAOLIS
uraurnstanoss surmurmingtna terms and otmdlnons on»: sale arm
nurcnase agreement which would land to negate znat ll was a
gsnulne sale and nurcnase agreement.
‘ aw Rw(1LlyOUuSmyfi7lnR:A has )1 am
we s.n.l n-vlharwlll be used m yaw me nnnmun sun. dun-mm w. mane ma
[291 rnscry, as oonecuy panned out by me Plamhfl, me purchase price
slipulated m the said sale and pumhass egreemem dated 7m
January 2019 was RM1.350,0o0 no with me aepasu being 10% of
the purchase pnoe LG, RM135.00000 me purpaneu deposit of
RMson,sou.uo allegedly paid lay me P‘ Defendant wnsmutes
ahncsl 40% n1 me purchase pnoe ov me sad pmpeny which m my
vvew Is suspmus and inmcanye that wt was no: a genume 52:19 and
purchase agreement
[30] However, wh|ls| there was eumenoe M the paymen| or
RM3a5.5au no, mere was no evudence of payment of the sum of
RMl15.000.D0 which m my view have not been proven. In tact, al
best, the ewdenoe M17151“ Defendant (nwa) Is lhal wt was paxd In
Foo Kok Chang. DW3 testmed as lullmvs
"JUDGE Yes, Bur can I ask why was this, when we saw
RM300,00£7 was pard cash deposn to me bank
account Why wasn't ms RM115 done mmuariw
Lsc rm bmku noldme mar
lhlk hood III: a sh for RM115 000.
xsr So, you a/so paymg me casn c!RM115,500Ia
Illa P/slnlrfl.
1.3:: To Mr Foo.
IN wwuuyfluusmymmfizn Page :5 M51
-use sum n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. unyn.u.y mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
JUDGE No! RM500. RM115
Kn Do you receive any proof of recerpl or me, of
ms cash amounting to RM1150OD ,
Lsc M
KET By Plainlifl from Mr Fm
KET Can I put u (0 you that you never
pawl rm: RM115.000 m P/amm oi
LSC ‘flux mnuon mm at to Mr
[See pages 145443 of me Nulss ol Evidence dated 1“ August
sw wwuuyfluusmyavmfizn nu in nlil
um sum be used m mm u. unmmuly mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
[5] The 2"-‘ I0 4"‘ Delenderrls dd ndl deny purchasing me said oropehy
for a purchase price at RM1A milllon but plead lhal they are
subsequent bone llde purchasers for valuable cnnslderallan and
that may are slill aolei willing and ready lo pmoeed wilh such sale.
As such. the 2"“ lo 4"‘ Dolendanls oounleldalmi seeking a
deolaralidn rhal lhey are the nghllul registered owner M me sad
[7] Havlng sel out the dalms/oounlardalms, I will now eel out the
chronology and hackgroundlac1s,|he lssues lhal arlse lollowed lay
my analysis and oundusian as lo whether the Plalnlifl has
succeeded in proving her elainrs on a balance o1 prubahllltles and
similarly lo determlne n lhe Deiendanls are suooesslul In lheir
respecliye deurrlerclairns
Background Fnmlchronolggy
[la] The background lscls have been summarized oy lhs Plalrlllflln lhsir
written submission and part: 09‘ ms sama lfi reproduced to set out
ma chronology nllhelacls and the progrossllirn sol ms vlrlous
lmu Emil
7 1.2019 A sale and purchase agreemencenlerod oezweeEiTr?J
Plalllflfl as rugislared owner and [he I" Delendanl for
me purponad sale nl lho said pmpeny lor the sum 0!
‘ SIN nmiuyuuusmyormnm me a rats:
«mo Smnl nnvlhnrwm .. or... M mm r.. oflmnoflly sun. mm. VII .nunc WM!
[31] Anamar susplcmus aspec| oflhe sale and puvchase agreemsnlwas
mal althmlgh clause 15.1 sllpulated max ma 1= Delendanl was In
pay ma Plainllfl‘ me aopamanmonl of uulgmngs. ma evidence
revealed man VI was not oalculaleo no! oald. ln (hls regard, DWI
teslified during cmss-uamlnaoon as foflwls:
"KET Mr Mark, do you agree mm me lhar to
calculate lhe anporriunmenl of the
ma whole oonuayanomg procedure’
LSH Nol necessary A lot afKL lawyer may lion’!
calculale one
KET If n is no: necessary, why did you out me
clause m your SGP7
LSN w docalcularo.
KEY so for lms, you do oaloulala7 S0 [or ems
caaa, whathsr you calculala at you drd not
LSN Did not enlculnra becausa ma -/andnv
dldnl dellvsr vacant possesslon. "
[See page 45 a/ma Nola: nlEvl'd9nce dated 1"AugusI 2023]
IN wwuuyfltlusmyfivmfizn me M M51
-ma am be used m yaw u. mm-y mm: dun-mm wa mulls wnxl
[32] Anolher crifical and impnrlanl Inch! 10 cormdur is that me «-
Defendanl had never me! ur talked to me Ptainmv nor viewed the
said pmpeny priur lo the exeumon al the sac and purchase
agreernenl dated 7'" January 2019 In this respect. the 1-4 Defendant
(DW3) cesufied during cmss-exammation as Valium.
"KET So, Mr Lrm, me you ever met Plnmliflbelon?
Lsc ug,
KET You never met P/allmfl Dela:-97 HEV9 YGII
balked to PIIMIIWDMWE7
1.5:: ND
KEY Nave you met P/airllvff husband Defers?
Lsc MW
KET I Irefelyw to Bundle A, page 25. ex, Mr Urn?
Lsc Yes.
KET Ok so, page 26 is part or your Defence Ok.
So new page 26, paragraph ea, in yaw
Defenv9.Y0uhavs menuonsmat. /rssdrtla
you, -suamrp/am, En Yuong Isiah bebslaps
IN wmxtuyfluusmyfivmkm rule :2 M51
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
kn/I mervghubungi Defendant 1'. ls that
« am not undarslsnd your Malay
lam sorry.
0k. never mind Tms uooumem Is your
pteaurngs for your case In Ihe Court Your
szazemem oloefence. This para an, n says.
that the Ptammrs husband Mr vuong had on
various occasions comaaed you to rawar
menawar, I0 discuss on E kansaamn of
buymg me pwpeny before me sap was
signed. mars whalilsays
So, you mean that Mr Yuony. the Pnammr
husband navel contact you and olfar you for
ma sales and purchase ullnls pmpeny wmclv
lmean, Na 2 cube pmnarm WW7
0k Imlsr you to Me paragraph as which also
m Malay. In paragraph 65, n I: stated that. you
have slated In your Defence mar the Ptamu/I
husband ha: contacted you several times «or
the usnsrer 0/ me money kw ms payment ol
the purchase pncs, for me pmpsvfy.
KET ok, Mr L/m so. you never talked to F/ainlrfinr
Plarntiffhusband, owecf’
Lsc Nam.
KEI ox, Mr Lun ls it we max, rerer to page 26. what
you have stated in your Defence rs mcorrecl,
right’ Is n unm4e7
Lsc vu
KET ok, Irephmse. Mr Foo asked you whether you
are mrsresxed to purchase the pruperfy from
the P/ainm, censor’?
1.5:: Yes.
KET ox
syu wnutuyfluusrv-ry‘fl7mR:A rage uovsz
um sum n-nhnrwm be used m mm u. nflmruflly mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
[See pages 130,731 and 137 0/ the Notes of Evidemre dated 1”
[33] In my vnaw‘ qune apan fmm me lacl nnan nhe 1= Deiendanrs
evndence eonnradieced ms pleaded case, Hind man we (act man no
never men or spoke no nhe Plannm or her nusband nor wsrwed nne
sand property Is another lacmr wmon casts doubts on nne
genunneness of me sane and pumnase agreemenl.
[34] Deslanle me 1“ Detendanrs pleaded defence man me Pnannmrs
husband nod on several aonxsions ountacled me 1-‘ Defendant lo
vfierlhe said pmoenyvorsane, iron. nne nanimony omws, it is clear
man no such one for sane was nnade nur was more vnewing of me
sand nrooeny. As no wny nne said properly was nevev viewed s
beyond me but nn my view, «ms evnoenoe oorrnbumles nne Flarnlrfis
contention that the naroumslanom heading to the execuuan of INS
sane and purchase agreemenn were suspnenous and consequenfly
man was In naon to be used as oonnatevan Ioren nuegan nnoneylending
[35] I also Iunner none men more was a denay 0! more nhan 12 rnonnns
nronn me ongnnan oonnpnenon dane. one may argue men nne delay was
caused oynne need no obvain nne svave oonsenn nn Iespeclnllha said
propeny. Fnsny, me 1-‘ nenendenn and not testify on (ms delay In
omnpnenng me sane and purdlasa agraemsm secondly, gnven man
Lann Loong was m nnnenonel dmeuny an me rnanenal mne, nwound be
Iuasanabiu for me no oononude nnan In dnro need M mnneyn H 45
iuognun for me Pnsinon no agree/lnlow eucn a nengnny oomplsnnon
nn wwnnuyfluusmymmkm hue so 0451
-use s.n.n In-vnhnrwm be used m mm s. unnmnn-y sun. dun-mm wa .neua Wm
pertpa of more than 12 months. [see the case M Patttttr SOIVIIII
teupra) where the Htgh ceun retetree to the case at Porlvllppan
ate attmuatattt Plllay v Pertaeattty are sithattthatatttn Plllai 1.
Attor [2tm1] I MLJU 1421.
[36] I have also zxmstdered the tact that no starrtpm sate and pumhase
agreement was ever pruvided to the Ptatrttitt All the Plainflf
reoervett was a sale antt purchase agreement with the t‘
Detendartts name being redacted wttheut any explanation tor such
[37] Further, whttst DW1 testtfied that he had advanced the state pehsent
tees an ttehart 01 the Ptatntttv. he hvwever did not clarm the same
(mm the Plathtm In date as entttted to wrth no explanatton gtveh tor
such tattute.
[35] In atmtttott, another pecullaflly ts that the 1-‘ Delendanl appears |o
have ncllaken any tegat action agatnsl the Ptattttttr tn respect anhe
rlnndeflvery al vafanl passeaaten. l| ts the Pratntttrs case that tn
acwldance wtth the sate and pttrdtasra agreement, tt was the
P!atnMi‘s obligation to aerrver vacant possession of the sattt pmperly
tn the t- oetenaant ea ptttehaaet wtthth 5 walking days upon rtttt
paythetttovtne ttatance purchase pttee ol the said property by vtntte
0! Clause tt aha section 2 oi the Fmh Schedule at the sate and
purchase agteemettt. Heweter, the Ptathttn lesllfied that she never
passed the keys Io ahyott Iudmg the 1" netenaaht and the 1"
netettaanrs snltctlor. This ts also otmsislsnl with the testimony at
the 1- Detehaanra eattertet when he aattttttea that the Ptatntm did
not deliver vzcanl pnsstasston ht aeattten, lha1"De1IndInldurI'IIg
tn amtuyeuusmyartam trauxatsz
‘Nate In-rthnrwm be ts... m van; was nflgtrrnflly mt. dun-rtnrrt VIZ nF\t.ING Wm!
uusuxannnauon has am admmea lo unllatemfly changmg the
lacks because he conswdered the sand pmparly (0 Debug en mm.
[:9] In any event, m is m be nmed mac DWI aammed Ina! he did not take
any action var any alleged breach onne agreement despue the man
ueuvary M vscanlpossessxon and unflerunssexaminatwon lesflfied
that he merely Ian :1 In the hands of the purchaser DW1 Iesufied as
"JUDGE The vendor refused to give mane passsssm,
rzgm. So your my 55 a /av/ye! is not finished unit‘!
the sap rs comp/stsd, n‘gm7
LSH Yes.
JUDGE So what transpired? Sn (he vendor didrn grve
vacant possessran, your cm: n ma pumhaser, you
are auing for the purchaser, nghl? You mum ac!
/0! (he vendor M/Piaf did you 1107 What happensd
next? Do you know?
LSN lluvelnathe yrcnnser."
[see page 45 olme Notas oIEvn1em:e dated 1“ August 2023}
[401 Imeresungny. me I" oeceoaanrs leslnmony on Ims rssua av vacant
possession during cross-exammluon IS as lollows:
IN wwuuycuusmymmfizn an :1 015)
-um smm be used m yam .. mmny mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
“KET Did your lawyer M Mark ask you [0 comes: P/ammr
Lsc No. This is not my dug: wmnhls Is their dug
xsr Vou mean [ms is your rewyers duly.
Lsc or course But since I cannot get me key, I
srrefglvlaway go to change me look because me
pmpsvfy rs hslang to me "
[See page 15.9 ol Ins Nolss affvrdsncs dazed 1= August 2023]
[41] Having oansmerea aH me manars mgnngmea above, m 5 my mew
that com pamee were not adldsm nor had any xnlanmn to enter into
a sac and purchase agreernenx bu| man we F\amUfl‘s husband and
me 1" Deremam together mm or v\a Ms moxer, Fm Kok Chang
had agreed Ihal me said properly be used as mllaleral car a loan ov
RM470,000.00 wilh an Inleresl 0! RM23,50l7.00 per monlh mm are
understanding Ihal me eem properly would be transterren to me 1"
Devenuanu N are Planmifl aevaunea mree months‘ rmeresu. Smoe me
P\a\nIM‘s husband para mleres| (or seven munms mu defamled
msreaner. me 1"De1endanllhen unused Form mm lransler me
said properly In hlmsafl.
[421 VA my wew, «an. an me oueerveuene arm findings made nerein
ahcve, me we and purchase agreement was ueany e sham ana
was in luflharznca ev e maneylendmg uansaeuen.
IN fiw<1uyOuusmy97mR:A use 3: ms:
-we en.‘ be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
[43] W10! W5 nnmrrg, Ihsra Is no nacessmy (0 cnnsider me Issue of fraud
and misreprusanlafinn as pleaded. As such ma 4-‘ Defendanfs
con|entIon that Mr Mark Liew bemg me 1“ Delendanfs sohcxlnrs
and F00 Kok cneng nal being madea pariylu (ms Sulla non-slaner
In my new, beanng in mind mac me 1* nerenuam was "wowed m
the loan lransacbon, was me -purchaser‘ in me sale and purchase
agreemem and subsequermy the me being nramarm Ia ms name,
n was suficxent lovlhe 1“ Defendant to be made a party in ms Sum.
[44] smaa I have concluded that the sale and Durchase agreemem was
a snam, me P¥aIrIM‘s claim agarrrsn the 1' Darenaam wumd
arurnaruy be auawaa and Ins saxd pmpefly raven to the Plaimm as
Ihe mle nl {he 1“ Dedermam Is deleated pursuant 10 Section
34D(2)(c) M the Harman Land Code 1965. However, as seen
earner me 1* uecenaam has subsequently sold me sad properly to
(he 2”“ lo 4' Delendanls and I WM (1931 with that later VII the
judgmenl However, In the meanume, having onncluded tha| It was
a sham agreement. x wrn deal wrlh me 11 nevanaanra cnuntemlalm
[See me High Court case M Kunn cm. Jon 4. Or: v sss
Comlmcflon sun and[2n1s] uuu 111:].
E1 1- Mgngyrg ; Cgumn I:|5 m
[45] Yhe «-4 De1endanl In thew amanaad srararrram of Deienoe and
0oun(en‘Ja\m is uekmg me remedy M resmuuon by saekrrrg ma
return Mme sum of RM1,35D,00D 00 where RM5|lU,500.00 being
IN wwuuyfluusmymmfizn me N5 5051
‘Nuns saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm he nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm Va .nuNG Wm
ms sum luanod to me P\amm'f and/or haw husband as wen as me
reaempuan sum of RMa5o,cu0 no
[46] \n this mspea, references made |n ma recent Federal coun case
o1 Triple Zosl Truding a. Suppliurs L ors v. Applied Bullness
Tcchnolugin Sdn Ehd mm: 10 cu 137 wheve n was held that
m cases where n .s dear mat [here rs an inegal moneylending
uansacuun. the ‘tender rs no! emmed en the pnruspal sum and ma
mleres1 The reaem case cf Triple zest Tra g a. Suppliers
(supra) considered me Hrgn Courl case of Vww Guang cneng V.
‘rang Lu Hiok L ors [2020] MLRNIJ 1539 [affirmed by me ooun
amppeau m ‘rang no Hlnk A On v. how Gulng Chang (202216
MLRA sow; mm] 5 ML! 5M)where u was enurrcraced that m
deter un/rcsnsed monayrsrraers from conlmumg with their nelanaus
business, It rs rrr ms pubuc mlsrssr ror un/mensed rrrorreyvenaers ro
be rtspm/ed of msrr II/sgsl 'prrrrcrpe/ loan sums’, mteIes1 and
whats‘/sr Illgollan properly or bsnefil eryoysd from (her uruawm
moneylendmg busmess".
[471 More reaerruy, me Fedeml ooun case av mm. Zest naumg a
suppnm A on v. Appllod auslnm Tnchnnlogiu Sdn End
[2023] In cu 137 was oansraerea n the court 0! Appeaw case ol
LII Kuang 50!! V‘ "Ian Srl Dam’ Slrl Dr M Mnhadnvnn
uavunngam a. Anomomwuu [2023] 1 ms we where Ihe
ccun ohippeal he\d max me agraemem bslween names was vord
ab rrrrua and me Med 0! such mega: (mnsacuon rs |ha| me "less Ifas
wneve It Va//5'.
IN wwuuyfluusrwyavmfizn me an m 52
wane sum In-uhnv WW .. used m mm a. nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm wa anurm Wm
§ inflwau?
moaipl L71 ma mu pumhaaa pm alRM1,350,000.DI)
ame said pmpeny
‘ The 1‘ Dmfianla€£
m me sum of RMas.5cu no and RM3IXl,O00.00 vide
cash deposm to Lam Loom]
§tate aonsaag
lrinsler vfthe 55' properly
151l)2D19.C0In7ple7I )'r me puvporled saufisma
15.M.2Lfi9 Extended complenon aafe 1
the said property
2.6.2020 The 1“ Deienaanrs solidmr went on m request a
(rash radempbon stakemsnflmm Hung Leong Islamic
Bank. me Plaintiffs flnancwer bank
Wlzazo ‘The M nere?d§nf pan: ma r
RME50,000 on In Hong Leong Islam‘: Bank
020 The said pmpeny was transferred in the 1-
Defendant and reg\s1e¢e¢ in the 1- Defiendanrs
14.3.2020 The Pramxiff Vodged a police report In respect at the
transfer uflhe saw: pmoeny In me 1* Defendam
14 9.2020 The Plaimm lodged a private caveat on me said
property was puesamauon No. o799a2o2aoo1oss
‘(rveramafler remraa to as me “pm/ale avast‘)
Fenang High Court vine Originating Summons No,
Mzmcwpsazov/2021 (herelnaflev relened m as
12. .
sm Rm\<1uyOuusmy‘a7mR:A rm s .2 :2
nine saw n-nhnrwm a. .4... w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-vrm
[A8] As such‘ l am at me nrm view that the I" Dslendarll ought not tp be
entitled to be repaid the sum of RM5DO.500 on or RM3a5,5on oo
which have been laanea to the Plamltll and/or the husband‘;
company in lespecl ot the 1“ Defendant‘: munlemlairn tor the sum
of RM550tD00.DD perng the redernptiun sum, I will deal with this in
the next tasua peflalnlng tn the 2'” to 4' Defendants
sucond Issu whether an 2"“ to 4'" Defendants are born ntte
gurehum (pr ulnuhln Donsidorntion
[49] Having considered that the said salt: and purchase agreement
dated 7"‘ January 2019 was a sham ID disguise an Illegal
moneylendlng transaction I now move on Io consldu inha 2* to Al"
nalenaants are suhsequenl bnna has purchasers tar valuable
[50] As the title :21 the 1*‘ Detendant is deleated pursuant to section
3MJ(2)(c) ofnto National Lnnd Cod: I965, ttwuula also lollw that
the title lmnslerred to the 2"" to 4" Defendants is also liable to be
set aside unless the 2‘ and 4"‘ Defendants are able to establish that
they are suhsequenl bona hue pumhaseis lor valuable
ponsldemtton pursuant to the proviso under section 340(3) ol the
National Lam: Code was. In this case. there is no dispute that the
2"" to 4"‘ Delendants became the registered propnetms on 18"’
octpber 2022 upon executing the sale and purchase agreement
wtth the I“ Delerldant on 16” August 2022.
IN Rw(tUyOUuSrwy97tnR:A oar « at u
-use Sunni In-vlhnrwlll be used M mm a. uflnlhallly MIN: glam. vta .nuue mat
[511 The 2"’ lo 4' Ddandants wnland that may are suhssquenl bona
fde purchasers lcr vamable consuderanan and lhslefnre snevtema
under the pnzwso in section 340(3) Mme Nntionll Land Coda
[52] On the other hand, the Plainlrfi contends that the 2" m A"‘
Delendanls are not bone fide purcnasers forvaluable umsmeraaan
on ma loHowmg grounds’
a True 2"‘ to 4” Defendants weve aware of the Plammfs
adverse clawm on me sad uroperiy.
b. The 2~ |u 4*" Devenaanxs had acted in a careless manner
and were nagugenv.
c. The 2” to 4" Deienaanus «awed co exetuse their right to
lermmale ma sale and purchase agreement, and
:1. The 1- uaramam has yet in rsoewe the balance 9%
deposll sum and ba\ance purchase price from ma 2"‘ m 4'"
Delendanls‘ financrers.
[53] Again, the counwul nave ca scmlmise lhe chwmslances Ieaamg to
ma awe and purchase agreement m cmmdei whether or no! may
are subsequanl bona nae purcnasars lur vamable consiaarauon arm
in nus regam me ewdenne av me 2"‘ Daleudanl -s cmual
rn wmxtuyfluusmyavmkm we n (2152
Nuns saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm me nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[54] The 2"” Delendanl during crossexaminallan leslmea max lavior lo
slgnirlg the Leller cl Conflrrnalion to Sell a. Purcnasa to Dulchasra
me sald properly, he was bmugm by a pmpeny agerll to viral ms
uld pruperly and me pmpeny was lwrud to be vacanl. Further, me
evldarloe will also reveal Ina! me 2"“ In 4“ Delencancs have mmugrr
lhelr sallmms, mnaucled a mle search at me sara prupervy un 21“
June 2022 and he same had revealed lhal mere wasted a prlvale
caveal lodged bylhe P|aIntlflcn14"' seplember 2020 and me Same
belng ss|asit1e was calm order on 31-‘ January 2022
[551 Huweven the 2” lo 4'" Defendants through (hell wlioiwrs men
urldefluok varl'ous 519135 In ascertaln me status aflhe prlvala mveal
and dld not e=)<ecute me sale and purchase agreemenl lmlll the
removal of me prilmle caveal, The saliclmv men conducted a Court
file search an ongmallng Summons No PA—24NCvC442-D7/Z021
(hereirlalver rerened to as “us 442') and aisoauerea that the salt}
prwale caveat was remuved pursuant to me Court Order dated 31''
January 2022 ln os 442
[56] The 2"“ In 4"‘ Dalendanls than reoelved a lens! dated 8'‘ August
2022 oonfirrnlng Ihauhe priva|e uaveat was rammed and mm there
was nu appeal filed by In: Plaintlfl. The 2" lo 4' Deienflarlls |harl
executed the sale and purulase Igrsemenl Ind proceeded I0
oh|aIn a loan (rum MEB I! was only subsequently dld the Pllmllfl
commence INS clalm EIQIIHS1 [he 1" Delendarll ln Nuvambav 2022
and meraaflal Iha 2"‘ I0 4'” Defendants belrlg Edda as oo-
dalerldams in March 2023 when Iha Plainnfl dlsooverad (hll I710 said
property have been sold by me I" Delendam to the 2" In 4"‘
Delendarlls, On Ines: 75015, the 2"‘ In 4" Delendarlls submil that
IN fimxluyuuusmyavmkm me a nu:
-ma s.n.l n-vlhnrwm be used m van; .. nflglnnllly MIN: dun-mm VIZ nFluNG ma
(hey are subsaquenl bona fide purchasers lor valuable
cpnsldaranon as they nad nallad lrra slgning of ma sale and
purcnasa agreamenl upon dlseeverlrlg me said prwala caveal
andmul only execuled me said sale and purpnase agreement
sdpsaquenlly afler naving enquired and was sallsfied that me sad
privale caveal nas been removed by Cowl ordardalad 31‘ January
2022 with no appeal med and no plner dalm med by Ihe Plainull
[57] Funner, he 2"“ lo 4'" Deiendanls contend man may ware aware lnal
no appeal was filed by me Plainllli against the sald Court Order
rerrravlnglne private caveatdaled 31“JarIuary 2022 and in has been
adrnnled by me Plalrlllfl and me F'lalrlIflF‘s husband during uoss—
exarnlnaupn lnal lne Plainulrs privale caveal nad no legal lnipacl
Since 31' January 2022 pursuanl la lne l-lrgn coun order This
would have rneanl mac lne vl nelendanl was free lo sell me said
pmperly lo lne 2"’ and 4* nelendanls. As such, ills eonlerlded lhal
may are non: ride purpnaaers to: valuable eansideral-on.
[53] on me other nand, It I! ma Plaln|M‘s ppnlennon lnal havlng
knowledge Iha| mere was privaie pavaal previously, ma 2"" In 4*
Delendanls were Indeed aware oi the Plainws adverse alaini on
me said prvpeny
[59] to lhis end, we Plalnmlrelles on lrle case M Lu Sluk Chlng v Edm
Rnlly sun and is on 12021} inzo wnara me rllgrr Conn
med ma Fadaral Court case pl 1 slvam all nmamallngam (an
repruenlullvuledrnlnlnulor lav me name of Nagarnumu n/I
Puluarny, annual v Public Bank BM min] 5 NIL! 111
wrncn held as [allows
lN Rwlluyfluusrwymlnfizn has an pl ax
-uua a.r.l In-vlhnrwlll be used a mm ms nrwlrullly sun. dun-mm wa aFluNG Wml
‘[43] rhererore a purchaser who ta not guilty 0/ any fraud but who
has krlawlldga that his predecessors we or fnltlvst is
(aimed with fraud is not ontitlnd to the lmtarlt of the
promo until! I 140(3) In the crrcurnstartca of that case, I!
was held that there knowledge or the fraud would strmce
to negate goott term."
[60] Further, the Plalnttll eerttahds that the 2'“ to the 4” Datertoants had
also Failed to lake enttrtary precatmon and trtvestlgaliort of a
reasonable pnrttent purchaser when they lallea to seek cahhrrttatiort
ttont the Platntttt or the Ptelnttlrs soltettor as to whether they lnteho
to file a evtl sutt trt respect of the salt: property. [see eases omlolttl
Najih vusol V ulalt onshore sert she a. ore [2ll23) 4 MLRH 22a
and Llptrtatt Slmfoni sen Bhd v Fembangunall Orltld Dean sah
Bhd pots] A Mu 141]
[511 In my oottstuereo vtew, whtlst knowledge at a nreoeoessota tltle er
tttterest tttay disenlllle a purchaser to the benefit o1 a provtso to
sectlon 340(3) ettlte Mettortal Latte cone ms. In my considered
vtew, the 2" to 4'" netertoattta have taken the necessary
ptecauttens prtor to entering that the sale and purchase agreement
As seen eartlar, they halted the purchase upon atswvehng the
prtvate caveat entered by the l=latrtttlt. lt was only upon reeetvlng
eohnttttatton tn wrllmg that the sald prtvata caveat had bsen
tetnovec and that there was no turthar appeal are the 2" to 4'
oelettttartta pvooaed wllh the sate wntlat the aolrcttor lor the 2"’ to
4* oelettuartts testlnee that she are not delve lurther. the teeue re to
tn amtuyeuusmyertaaot I11! 3 0751
we s.t.t ...n.r M“ be used m mm ee alrtr.t-v Mthts dnunvlnrll vta mane Wm!
wnalexlenl snaulu lnvesliganans be made on lne lists Ml IS case‘
lam lmahls lu Dunclude lnal bearlng In nnnu lnal me prlvaee caveat
had been removed a|mos1 9 manlns eanler mm no appeal and wllh
no suil commenced‘ mere was no need |a lnuesllgale lunller and
rarlnot uanslale lo a lack o1 bone ides. ln 13:1, VI my vlew, ll IS lne
Plainllw wno Is al laull In lnal ones ma pnvale caveat was removed
wlthout any appeal by her, sne should have immediately
commenced proceedings againsllIle1" Devenaanl. ll she had done
So‘ one 2"‘ 104"‘ Delendanls would cermlnly nel nave purchased me
send nropeny Unlenunelely, me sull was filed ln Nuvember 2022
aner Ihe sale and purchase befwaenIhe1“DelendarlIarld1he 2"‘
la 4'" Delenuanls was perleclea and me lllle lranslsned and
reglslerea Ifl me names ol me 2'-1 lo 4* Deleuuanls an 18" ocmber
[62] As such, I would conclude that lne 2"“ lo 4"’ nelenaenls have
suwesslully prwen Olal they have laken all ruasonahle
steps/precaullons and are subsequenl Dona me purchaser: lur
valualaleeonsluerauon. Assucn, I will allow me 2"‘Io 4- Defierldanls‘
eeumen-.1eirn lor me aselerauon mat lney are me ngmlul regis|ered
propnelols at me sam pmpany and barlsfiolal awnars.
[53] ‘nus IS sl-ll nel Ihe end ol me rnaller. As hlghlighled eamer in lhls
luagnlenl. allnougn me uansler nee been perfaded anu me me
eunemly raglsleled ln me 2'“ lo 4* Delenuanls, lne lnlllal deposit is
sllll being nelu Dy me 1- nelenaunrs Sollcllol as seeker-olaev and
me 2*’ la 4*" Defendants‘ financial bank have ya! lo release lne
balance loan sum penalng me de|sm\l'nallon al unis Sui|. vlnm my
mncluslun above me: me 2"’ le 4* Dellenaanls are subssquem
IN fiwtlklyflklusrvrymlnksn me u M51
-use s.n.l In-vlhnrwm as used m mm the nflmnellly sun. dun-mm VI] .nune we
bnna nae purchasers lar valuable opnsruerauan, lne sale and
purchase between lne 1- Defendant and me 2" lo 4* Detendanls
(wllh me oonrplenan dale exrenaea) nan nan be completed, The
ques1Iun men ls la wnp ls the purchase prlcelmunles as be paid lo?
on the one hand,1he 12525 alluded to earlier such as Triple Zasl
Tradlng A Supp" rs (supra) will suggest lnal me efiec1 of any
lllegal lransanipn will result M’! ore 'losslles where /1 faIIs"arld Ihala
parly cannot cialm enullemenl (mm an lllegal aci In my Vlew,
applying «me, me 1‘ Delermanl oenalnly annot be erllltlefl to
resmuuon In me amuunl pl me alleged loan sum ol RM500,5Il0 00,
Does (ms however apply up lne redemplmn sum that was pald lo the
bank lmne Bald pmpeny In my mew, lt smula nm and a drsuncuen
eugnl to be made heiween a loan surn para la a barmwer as
opposed |o a vadempllorl sum pald lo a third party bank. In me case
of new ouang clung v. Tang Lee Hiuk rs. our [2020] 1 ms
IB9B(alfrmed by me caun 0! Appeal ln Tang Lee Him: 5 on y.
Veou Guang Chung [mu] 1 ms 1510), I| was slaled mal me
rallanale cl not allcwlng an unlloensed mcneylenderm recover me
money was “In aeler unlicensed rrlaneylenders lrprn corlllnumg wrrn
merr nelariaus business, ll ls In me publlc rnreresr rpr unlicensed
moneylenders to be depm/ed of [hell illegal 'prrncrpal loan sums‘,
lnzeresl and wilalaval ill-gotten propefly or barre/7: sruoysd from
znelr unlawvul molleytemiing busmsss‘. ln my eonsiuerep mew, the
1" Delenuanl wlll oenalnly be deprlvad pl lls rllegal pnrrclpal loan
sum and inleresr and wlll nor be eruoylng the benelll at me sand
pmpeny by me orders made so (at. In my eanaicereu ulew, bnarlng
In mind anal lne sum ol RMa5o.non up was pald to Hang Leong
Islamic bank to radeem me sild progeny, me 1-‘ Delemanlougnue
rn Rw(1LlyOL1uSrvIy‘fl7mR:A Fun 47 er :2
-use s.r.l n-vlhnrwlll be used m van; was mlr.u.y mums dun-mm vu .nuua ma
be aflnwed Io relam that sum as n cannot be eonsraered to bee pan
at a principal Vaan sum ur mlevest
[541 As such, ounsidenng an are above, u would order that upon paymenl
of me lull purchase pnoa olRM1.4 million lo the 1-‘ Delendant,wh1<>‘I
vs to he pad to the 1“ Deflendanfs sollmmr as stakehwder, Ihe 1“
Derenpenr rs enmled to retain RMa5o,ooo on being me redenrpupn
sum paid Iolhe bank prevuusny and that me balance RM55u,
Is to be unrneeracely rransvenea lo we Plnmlm
[as] A: mgnngmea eamer, all panes are In agreement that me 2"’ to 4"-
Deaenuams are subsequent purchasers and woum have good me
In me even! I were In find and mnc1udelhaH.hare are pone nae
purdmasers cm varuame eunsrueraupn. an the [ads 01 we ease.
smpe we purchase pnoe :71 me sad pmpeny was vuuy paid and
proper seams and enquina done and proper mnvsyancmg
uocumenxauons adhered to, I am sausned and nnd lha| me 2'“ to 4*
Defendants are suhsequem bona flde purchasers lov vamable
mnsudaralmn Funner, cpnnwrng me daemon or me coun auppeav
m a recenr case rn anara Angknsa Sdn and e Chunk um Clluln
a. on 12023] Muu 2545, which lads are sunuano me curlent. wl
appears max me 2"" lo 4'" Defendants are subsequent bone flde
purchasers for valuame eonsiuereupn and ough| Io retam men me.
n wwttuyfluusmyfimakzn mun ar 51
we s.n.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm ms pnmnmly mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG wrm
[56] In the upshot, me Courl makes me following conduslons and orders:
i, The Pwamrm has suocessvuny pmven that lb: said sale
and purchase Igraemenl mm Ihe I‘ Delendam was a
sham to cloak an Illegal moneyxenamg tmnsadlan,
u. The 2" to 4'" Ddeodums are hona fide purchasers for
valuable canmemnon and 35 such he 2"‘ w 4”
Dclendams are ennneu to me mu beneficial mlemsl ov
me an prcpeny: and
The sale and purduasa pm M RM1.4 mxllmn Is m be
pm m cm 1* Delendanfs salimlnrs as per (ha sale and
puruhnse ngruemenl balwaen the 1-‘ Dulanduru and ma
2nd to 4'” Defendlnls wneraby ma 1- Delendanl would
be emmaa m mam I mm of RM850,DDO.DU bemg me
redemption sum ha paid and me balance at
RM550,0D0.0D to be paid to the Piamlfli through her
[an In ugm oflhe pawhar (ads of me can. I wm not order any costs
between the Plamlm‘ and the 15‘ Defendanl Haweven I nrder the
‘ sw wmxtuyfluusmyfivmkm am 49 al 5:
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Plainlimo pay the 2-1 |o 4*" Delendanls costs 07 RMSUUU oo subiecl
Io allucalor
name 5*" January 2924
VA A-una Fonnudurli
Guorn-mm High Cuufl
Coun us):
Ms Koay Ee Ten; nogemer with Mr. Koay cmm Hian fmm Messrs Koay
Partnership (Bukil Meflajam) lonhe Plamlrfl.
Mr John Khan Boo Lav mgemer with Ms Nurbandah Bl Ahmad from
Messrs. Ismafl Khoo &AssociaIes(Penang)Iovme1" Defendanl
Mv Teen Ban Choon Waller from Messrs. Winston Ng & Teoh |Pensng)
nu ma 2"’ to 4" Detendams.
sw wm\<1uyOuusmy‘a7mR:A me an :15!
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
“O5 442") In seek, amongsl olners. an Ordsrfovlhé
pnvale caveallu be mai lalnealexlenaecl
‘ 51.1 2u2’2
Data‘ sn Tun Aha Malid km Dale‘ Hall run Harman
who Ihen an 31* January 2u22 ardafed me said
private caves: in be remuved Thee was no appeal
‘againsl such calm Older lo remove me said privale
18.6.2022 The 74-4“ Delendams signed me bouklnglorm and
paid me eamasl depcsll of RM14,000.0D lor me
punenase of H1: sald pmpeny.
21.5.2022 The 2'-1 -4" Delendanls uonauclea a land Search on
the Said prnpeny wlnlelx reveals lne sxlslenoe 01 me
Plalnlnrs private caveat.
15.1.2022 The 1“ and F Defendants execuifa lener of
extension «or slgnlrrg me sale and purdlase
2l.7.2n22 The 2'“ and 4* Defendams execulea and accepted
fol banking laahty [mm Malayan Eankmg Berhad for
a loan l0 Purchase we saw: property.
3.5.2022 The 1' D?lem1anrs sollcllars, Messrs. cnee Sun A
Assealales lnlormsd ma 2"‘ — 4“ Detenaanrs
sollcllms, Messrs. Kham cnaow Pan 3. Asaauale:
that me prwale caveal had lnaeea been remlwsd.
SIN nmluvuuusmyarlanm me a alsz
nine s.n.l I-vlhnrwm a. l... M may he nflfllnnflly ml. dun-mm v.. .nunc vtmxl
c nfumd mo:
Bftars Anqkasa Sdn and v Check Lam Cmlan L 01: [2023[MLJU 2545
Johals BiAbdu/Kad1‘rMarv‘can v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou &Ar1or[1980]
1 MLRA 355
Kuan Chee Jan .4 Ors v SSF Construction Sdn End [2016] MLJU 1173
Lee Kuang Gen 1/ Tan sn Da1o'Ssn Dr M Mshadsva/1 Mahalingam &
Another Aupear [2023] 1 LNS 2410
Les Sook Cl-ung v Eden Rea/ty Sdn Bhd L Dr: [2021] MLJU 1020
uputan smulom Sdn Bhd v Psmbangunsn Drkid Desa Sdn and [2019] 4
ML] 141
Manmood bin Doyub V L} Ghee Leang and another sppesl [2020] 6 MLJ
Mend Na/‘I'D Yusafv Mak oflshore sdn EM 5 Ors (202314 MLRH 228
Pannrv Seivim afl Sfrmaryah & Ana v Tan Chia Foo 5 0m /2021] 7 MLJ
Ponsvrappan s/o Arunasa/am P1//ay v Periasamy s/n Sunamhsranm Pills:
& Ar1or[20fl1]1 ML./U 742
Tan Kmv Knuan v Tan Kee K1ar(M[ Sdn Ehd (199511 CLJ SUPP 147
Tang Les Hlok 2; Or: v. Vsow Gusng cneng 12122216 MLRA 601 (202215
ML] 534
Tnp/e Z55! Tradmg & supptieu & 015 v App/lad Busmsss Tscnnolagm
Sdn Bhd[2023] 10 cu 157
T511/am afl Tnsrsmalmgam {as repmonrams/admmrsuavor fol the estate
cl Nsgarnulhu all Penasam}/, deceased) v Puma Bank BIn1(201B] 5 Mu
new Guang cnsng v Tang Lee Mok a. 015 12u2o]MLRHu 15.19
sw wm\<1uyOuusmy‘a7mR:A mg. 5; .15;
um 5.11.1 be used m van; .. nrighvnflly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Lg muons llfvnd
National Land Code 1955, senior: 340
Evidence A<:f1950, Seclrons 101,102,103
IN Rwttuyfluusmyfimzfizn mm M 51
-um 5.11.1 be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG Wm
as 2022
"me 2"“ — 4"*T3. ndanis signed and returned «he
executed sale and Purchase ugreemam and Dlher
j relavantdocumenis logelhlrwilh ma balanuedennsil
nfRM34,DOD.DD(0lhB1“ Defendant.
Tna aala and‘p‘un:nau agreemanl between the 1-'
Defendanl and the 2"“ — 4» naiandania
1:: 10.2022
The nanaiar and charge of me said properly were
registered IVI ma name at we 2"" » am naiandama
pending me reiaase or me loan fun! the banana
Purchase W109.
The 2'“ — 4“ De1enda7i1s‘ so111:i1ors issued a Ienar
requesiingiheirnnandei bank in release ma balance
cuicnase price
The Piainmi filed ma praaani aun agains1 me 1-‘
3.11 2022
A1 (he rsquesl d1 me 2”‘ — 4'” Deiendanrs flnanciev
bank, the 2"‘ — 4" Defendants‘ solllflmrs Issued 5
lelw In me 1" Defendanfs solicitors to request for
me relevant documenia penamlng |u Ihe withdrawal
oi the private caveat.
‘A1 me requw uv me 2"“ — 4'" Deienaanrs flnandsv
ibank, me 2" — 4" Dziendams‘ soiiciiois issued a
‘bnar to me 1" Deiandanrs sdiiciiois 1o seek
1 am Rm\<1uyOuusmy‘i71a:R:A
“Nana Smn1nuv1hnrwH1I>e .1... w my 1... nrW\nnU|:I am. dnuumnl 1.. .mm Wm!
tinfimattnn an wnettter then? was any pending IegaT
‘ proceeding agamsHl1e1“Deiendan|.
22 1 1 .2022
' 2322023 The? * Devenuams so ots ssued a Vellertzu
The 2-’ — 4'” Deiendsnts sollcilors renewed at lane?
oteonnmtatton hunt the 1- Dafendanfs satienurs than
there IS currently a legal pmeeeamg and/or dawn
against the w- Defendant in respea af the sat:
propeny by the Plstmm.
the 1' De1endant‘ssoIiemors confirming the extension
0! the nomplelton at me sale and purchase
agreement pendmg lha tasomtton of the wash! suit
3 3.2023
73 2023
me Platmwrs solieitots, Messrs. Koey Parlnetship
t\ssu% e leller to me 2“ — 4“ nevenaants‘ solicitors.
Khaw Checw Puh 3. AssocIa|es tequesning tor the
smlus M the sme Iransacunn between the 1‘
Defendant and the 2"“ — 4* netenasms.
The PIainWs
Khaw Cheow Poh ts Assuciales stalmg that the sale
and Durchase agreement was pending I:omp\eI\an
W 1 =t@oEt
In add the 2'” |o 4' oetements as cndeiendanls tn
‘ ttus Sun
ma 1- ueiennanrs sohcitors oannmting lhal Ihey are
agreeable to extend the uomp\enun oi ttte sale and
pumtuse egteemeat untu 30.5.2024
‘ sm fiwttuyfluusmyfimzkzn
mu cl 52
t... w my t... mm-y em. dun-mm VII nF\uNG Wm!
In to be Trl d
[9] A lnal was conduclad we! savaral days mm a total cl ewghl
wuneem. Havmg read me parties‘ wnnan submissions, mare are
Iwo pertinent msuee on he med/ueqaea
a wnamar the sale and purchase agreement belwean ma
Plavnlvfl and ms 1-‘ Deienaaru dated 7"- January mm was a
snam to disguise an mega: muneylendmg lransanwon, and
I: W so, vmelher the 2'-1 In 4* Devendams are suhsequam hana
fide pumhasaus var valuame aensuderaziun
no] These two mam vssues wfll be mnsmaraa hereinaflev Hauever.
beflare \ do sa, I have not lcrgmten that the burden of proof lies on
me Ptamlnfl lo prove her dam: agamsl me Delandanls on a balance
of pmbamlmss as pmwded under Sm:tlom1D1.I02 and 103oHho
Ev/ldanmAct 1950. [See uses auohara ax Abdul Kadlr Marlcln
v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou 5 Anal [mo] 1 MLRA as nu
Tan Kim Khuan v. Tan KI: Kiat mu Sdn an¢[1m11 cu supp
[:1] ma P|a.nmrs con|an|\onsIsubmnasm\s .n essence can be
summanzad as rauums
a. as mere wt: 3 Voan vansacnon w-m mleresl charged, me I"
Dafiendnm failed «a rabm me presumpum mu mars was a
IN fiwuuyfluusmyfivmkm me 5 0451
we sn.‘ as used m mm ms nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa aF\uNG Wm
moneylendirig lrerlsacliori bameen Lam Lnong and «he 1“
b. IhaHhe1"DS'BVldaMi7ld Foo Kok crierig ire owners mum
Premier Consultancy Sdn Bhd who were irivuived in a
riioneyleriaing aransacmn,
c. man (here were urnisuai and suspieious cir::ums1ances in me
purported saia afld purchase uansacnm 0! me said pmperty
(or me loilomrig reasons-
i. me Piainnw did rim receive any monies in respect 0! ma
purcriase price imrri me 1“ Defendant including the
apportionment oi outgoings,
ii. a leller was dated urie same day as me dale of signing
the sale aria punfiiase agleemefllcurlfifwllny mamie mu
pumiase pnae ai RM1 35 rniuron have been «my paid.
. (he purponad deposil paid by ciia 1- Defendant to ma
Plairmir is conirary to me lemts in the sale and purchase
agraainern umaa r" January 2019
iv lhe wmplelion period 01 vi: sale and pulmase
ugreernenx look more than a year,
y the Flainurl am no: receive a stamped oapy onria saia
and puran-as agreemenl dalad 7'- January zone.
‘ SIN wwtiuyfluusrwymmkzn Vase mm 52
Nuns s.ii.i n-vihnrwm as used M mm i.. nflmrinflly siiri. dnnnvinril y.. nFiuNG WM!
| 6,693 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-12A-94-12/2022 | PERAYU Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan RESPONDEN Kiruba Raja A/l S.m. Kanagamany (Mej (R) Dr.) | TATACARA SIVIL: Rayuan dari Mahkamah Rendah ke Mahkamah Tinggi – Perbicaraan melalui keterangan afidavit – Saman Pemula − Tindakan undang-undang untuk menuntut milikan kosong Tanah yang dipajak oleh Responden/Plaintif dengan Tuan Tanah (Kerajaan Negeri Selangor) terhadap Perayu/Defendan – Lima isu untuk dibicarakan iaitu locus standi, initial entry into the land, new residential home built by the Defendant (Appellant), interference by the High Court, dan wrong mode of action – Perayu gagal untuk membukikan keterangan untuk menyangkal kes Responden − Pada peringkat rayuan, Mahkamah Tinggi tidak perlu mengusik dapatan fakta dan pemakaian undang-undang yang betul oleh Tn HMS – A. 89 k. 1 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. | 08/01/2024 | YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: BA-12A-94-12/2022
(No. K/P: 760728-01-5631) − PERAYU
(No. K/P: 540719-08-5031) − RESPONDEN
(Dalam Mahkamah Sesyen Di Shah Alam
Dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan
Guaman Sivil No: BA-B54-23-08/2022
(No. K/P: 540719-08-5031) − Plaintif
(No. K/P: 760728-01-5631) − Defendan)
[Yang diputuskan oleh Tuan Azman bin Ahmad,
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam pada 25-11-
08/01/2024 15:31:04
BA-12A-94-12/2022 Kand. 29
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Kiruba Raja a/l S.M. Kanagamany [Mej (R) Dr.]/Plaintif memfailkan
Saman Pemula di Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam pada 5-8-2022
(Lampiran 1) berkenaan dengan perkara yang berikut terhadap
Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan/Defendan:
• tanah rizab yang dipegang di bawah P.A. 19083, No. Lot 2425
Mukim Batang Kali, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul
Ehsan yang dalam Kawalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor dan diselenggarakan oleh Pengarah Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor yang memajak Plot
ST 1 serta Plot ST 2 dan ST 4 Taman Kekal Pengeluaran
Makanan Sg Tamu kepada Plaintif.
• seksyen 62 dan 63 Kanun Tanah Negara (Akta 56/1965).
• seksyen 7 & 8 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950.
• prosiding terus untuk mendapatkan pemilikan tanah.
• Aturan 7 dan Aturan 89 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
[2] Perintah yang dipohon ialah –
(a) Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain hendaklah masing-masing
keluar dari Tanah tersebut dan menyerahkan milikan kosong
Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan, keluarganya
dan tiap-tiap orang lain kepada Plaintif termasuk memindah
keluar barang Defendan daripada Tanah tersebut dalam
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
tempoh 8 hari dari tarikh penyerahan Perintah ini kepada
(b) Perintah ini adalah dianggap disampaikan kepada Defendan
dan tiap-tiap orang lain yang menduduki Tanah tersebut
dengan meninggalkan satu salinan Perintah di bahagian
ketara Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan.
(c) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
mengisukan writ pemilikan kepada pihak bailif atau pegawai
Mahkamah yang relevan diperintahkan untuk menyebabkan
milikan kosong Tanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif
termasuk dengan menggunakan khidmat polis dan di mana
perlu menggunakan kekerasan dalam melaksanakan writ
pemilikan iaitu termasuk memecah apa-apa kunci pagar, pintu
dan sebagainya bagi tujuan untuk mendapatkan semula
milikan Tanah tersebut untuk Plaintif.
(d) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
serta-merta memohon kepada pihak-pihak yang relevan untuk
memotong dan menghentikan bekalan elektrik dan/atau air
yang disambungkan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang diduduki
oleh Defendan dan orang lain.
(e) kos tindakan ini ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah dan dibayar oleh
Defendan kepada Plaintif.
(f) relief lain dan selanjutnya yang difikirkan sesuai oleh
Mahkamah ini.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[3] Saman Pemula ini disokong oleh afidavit sokongan yang diikrarkan
oleh Plaintif.
Keputusan Tuan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen (“Tn HMS”) yang bijaksana:
[4] Pada 25-11-2022, melalui platform eReview, Tn HMS yang
bijaksana telah membenarkan Saman Pemula ini dan kos dalam kausa.
[5] Terkilan dan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Tn HMS yang
bijaksana, Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan/Defendan merayu ke Mahkamah
Keputusan rayuan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi:
[6] Pada peringkat rayuan di Mahkamah ini, Defendan merayu
terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana.
[7] Pada 27-11-2023, Mahkamah ini memutuskan untuk menolak
rayuan Perayu/Defendan seperti yang berikut:
Berdasarkan penelitian Mahkamah kepada keseluruhan tindakan,
rekod rayuan, dan hujahan bertulis, Mahkamah ini mendapati
keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana dibuat menurut lunas undang-
undang dan tiada kekhilafan fakta.
Mahkamah ini mendapati 5 triable issues yang dibangkitkan oleh
Perayu/Defendan adalah –
i. locus standi,
ii. initial entry into the land,
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
iii. new residential home built by the Defendant (Appellant) with
express authority of the Plaintiff (Respondent),
iv. interference by the High Court, dan
v. wrong mode of action,
telah dibicarakan melalui keterangan afidavit dan dokumen yang
dikemukakan oleh Plaintif berjaya membuktikan tuntutannya.
Mahkamah ini tidak perlu mengganggu dapatan fakta oleh Tn HMS.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah memutuskan untuk menolak
rayuan Perayu/Defendan dengan kos sebanyak RM6,000.00
tertakluk kepada fi alokatur. Keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana
[8] Alasan penghakiman ini mengandungi sebab mengapa Mahkamah
ini pada peringkat rayuan menolak rayuan oleh Perayu/Defendan dan
sekaligus mengekalkan keputusan Tuan HMS yang bijaksana.
Latar belakang fakta
Afidavit sokongan:
[9] Dalam afidavit sokongan, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa beliau ialah
anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia berpangkat Mejar dan telah bersara.
Selepas persaraan, Plaintif menjalankan aktiviti penternakan.
[10] Plaintif memajak sebidang tanah dengan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
melalui Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor di Mukim
Batang Kali iaitu 3 plot yang dikenali sebagai ST 1, ST 2 dan ST 4. Plaintif
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merujuk kepada 3 Perjanjian Pemajakan bertarikh 23-10-2002, 1-10-2008
dan 1-5-2009 (Ekshibit KR-3). Tempoh pemajakan dinyatakan dalam
Perjanjian-Perjanjian tersebut.
[11] Sejak Plaintif memajak Tanah tersebut, Plaintif telah
mengusahakan dan menyelenggara Tanah tersebut untuk penternakan
lembu dan aktiviti penanaman rumput, utiliti, laluan jalan, kandang lembu,
rumah rehat untuk pekerja dan stor ladang.
[12] Pada tahun 2016, Plaintif melantik Defendan sebagai pekerja lading
untuk memandu lori dan menguruskan ternakan serta membantu kerja-
kerja di ladang di Tanah tersebut.
[13] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa rumah rehat tersebut digunakannya
sebagai tempat untuk berehat sama seperti pekerja-pekerja ladang lain.
Namun begitu, Plaintif mendapati Defendan telah menggunakan rumah
rehat tersebut sebagai rumah kediaman dan bermastautin di rumah rehat
tersebut serta stor ladang.
[14] Alasan yang diberikan oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif mengenai
penggunaan rumah rehat tersebut sebagai rumah kediaman ialah kerana
rumah Defendan jauh.
[15] Plaintif telah menyuruh Defendan keluar dari rumah rehat tersebut
namun Defendan enggan. Pada tahun 2017, tanpa kebenaran Plaintif,
Defendan telah berpindah bersama seluruh keluarganya ke rumah rehat
dan stor ladang. Defendan dan keluarganya menghuni dan mendiami
rumah rehat dan stor ladang tersebut berlanjutan sehingga tahun 2020
dan 2021 di mana apabila Covid-19 melanda negara ini, Perintah
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Kawalan Pergerakan dikuatkuasakan dan ini membuatkan Defendan
tidak berpindah dari rumah rehat dan stor ladang tersebut.
[16] Plaintif mendakwa bahawa Defendan telah menjual lembu
ternakan, menyeleweng pendapatan ladang dan kerja di ladang semasa
ketidakhadiran Plaintif ke Tanah tersebut semasa Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan dikuatkuasakan. Antara lain, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa
bilangan lembu ternakan semakin susut, lembu ternakan kekurangan zat
makanan dan sangat kurus, Defendan gagal menguruskan operasi
ladang dan kenderaan ladang serta Defendan menyeleweng pendapatan
yang diperoleh dari ladang tersebut.
[17] Pada bualn Mei 2022, Plaintif mengambil keputusan untuk
memberhentikan Defendan dan meminta Defendan dan keluarga keluar
dari ladang. Plaintif ingin memulakan kerja pemulihan ladang
[18] Pada tahun yang sama juga, Plaintif menerima tawaran untuk
memasuki program pembangunan industri tenusu negara untuk
penternak kecil. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar telah memberikan 10
ekor lembu kepada Plaintif.
[19] Tindakan Defendan yang menghalang Plaintif memasuki Tanah
tersebut menyebabkan Plaintif menempatkan sementara 10 ekor lembu
tersebut di ladang ternakan lain. Tingkah laku Defendan ini
mengakibatkan Plaintif tidak dapat meneruskan usaha dalam
penternakan lembu dan Plaintif mengalami kerugian yang besar.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[20] Oleh itu, Saman Pemula ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Perintah
Mahkamah untuk Defendan mengosongkan dan memberi milikan kosong
Tanah tersebut kepada Plaintif.
Afidavit jawapan Defendan:
[21] Defendan membantah dan memohon agar Saman Pemula ini
dibatalkan dengan kos.
[22] Perkara yang dinyatakan oleh Defendan ialah –
(a) Defendan ialah bekas perajurit di Angkatan Tentera Malayisa
yang telah bersara daripada perkhidmatan;
(b) atas nasihat peguamnya, Defendan menyatakan bahawa
terdapat 3 kriteria yang perlu dipenuhi oleh Plaintif bagi
permohonan di bawah Aturan 89 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
2012 iaitu –
i. locus standi untuk memulakan prosiding ini. Plaintif
tiada locus standi kerana tidak mempunyai pajakjan sah
bagi plot ST 1, ST 2 dan ST 4;
ii. ketiadaan lesen atau persetujuan diberikan kepada
Defendan yang masuk dan menduduki tanpa
izin/persetujuan mana-mana pendulu dalam hakmilik
daripadanya. Plaintif telah memberi izin, mempunyai
pengetahuan dan kerelaan untuk membenarkan
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Defendan menetap di Tanah tersebut. Defendan
bukannya penyewa; dan
iii. Plaintif tidak mengenal pasti setiap orang yang
menghuni Tanah tersebut dan tiada dalam afidavit
Plaintif untuk mengenal pasti orang yang menghuni
Tanah tersebut. Plaintif dalam afidavit sokongannya
mempunyai pengetahuan bahawa Defendan
menduduki Tanah tersebut bersama isteri dan anak-
anak, tetapi Plaintif gagal menamakan mereka dalam
tindakan ini dan gagal menyatakan mengenai langkah-
langkah munasabah untuk memperihalkan mereka;
(c) atas nasihat peguamnya juga, Defendan dapat menyangkal
Saman Pemula Plaintif ini jika Defendan dapat menunjukkan
bahawa (i) kemasukan awal ke atas Tanah tersebut mestilah
sah (“the initial entry upon the land must be lawful”); dan (ii)
kewujudan sebarang kebenaran atau lesen yang nyata atau
tersirat oleh pemilik yang mana pendudukan diteruskan (“the
existence of any express or implied consent of license on the
part of the owner pursuant to which the occupation
jika Defendan dapat menunjukkan 2 kriteria bahawa terdapat isu
yang boleh dibicarakan, maka prosiding terus dapat disangkal.
Dalam kes ini, Defendan percaya bahawa terdapat isu dan fakta
yang memerlukan perbicaraan penuh.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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Dapatan fakta dan analisis undang-undang oleh Tuan HMS yang
Persoalan: Adakah keputusan Tuan HMS khilaf dari segi fakta dan
[23] Pada hahikatnya, tiada alasan penghakiman disediakan oleh Tn
HMS yang bijaksana.
[24] Dalam prosiding di peringkat rayuan, peguam Perayu (Defendan)
memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi bahawa terdapat 11 surat permohonan
untuk mendapatkan alasan penghakiman Mahkamah Sesyen telah
banyak kali dibuat namun masih tiada alasan penghakiman tersebut.
Manakala, peguam Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan bahawa mereka
akan bergantung kepada hujahan dan otoriti yang difailkan sahaja.
Analisis, Dapatan dan Keputusan
[25] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti hujahan bertulis Perayu (Defendan)
dan Responden (Plaintif).
[26] Isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan) ialah –
(a) locus standi Responden (Plaintif);
(b) Perayu (Defendan) bukan setinggan dan Perayu (Defendan)
memasuki Tanah tersebut secara sah; dan
(c) wujud isu untuk dibicarakan.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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Hujahan Perayu (Defendan):
[27] Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa Tanah tersebut adalah
dimiliki oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan diamanahkan kepada Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Perayu (Defendan) menafikan
bahawa Responden (Plaintif) ialah pemajak tanah yang sah pada waktu
Saman Pemula ini difailkan.
[28] Perayu (Defendan) mendapat nasihat peguamnya dan menyatakan
bahawa Responden (Plaintif) gagal membuktikan bahawa Responden
(Plaintif) mempunyai locus standi untuk membawa tindakan Saman
Pemula ini. Perjanjian Pajakan tersebut telah tamat pada bulan April 2022
dan tiada lanjutan pajakan dan dengan itu Responden (Plaintif) tiada
locus standi untuk membawa tindakan Saman Pemula ini.
[29] Bukti yang dikemukakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) sendiri
menunjukkan bahawa bayaran sewa untuk 3 plot Tanah iaitu ST 1, ST 2
dan ST 4 ialah sehingga bulan April 2022. Perayu (Defendan) berjaya
menunjukkan bahawa Responden (Plaintif) itu tiada apa-apa kepentingan
ke atas Tanah tersebut dan Responden (Plaintif) bukan pemajak sah atas
namanya pada Tanah tersebut.
[30] Berkenaan dengan isu Perayu (Defendan) bukan setinggan dan
Perayu (Defendan) memasuki Tanah tersebut secara sah; dan wujud isu
untuk dibicarakan, Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa Plaintif
sendiri yang mencadangkan Perayu (Defendan) bekerja dengannya
sebagai Pengurus Ladang dalam perniagaan Milikan Tunggal bernama
Twin Cow Livestock (001536676-W) yang dimiliki oleh Responden
(Plaintif). Twin Cow Livestock menjalankan perniagaan ladang tenusu.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[31] Responden (Plaintif) telah mengelirukan Mahkamah ini dengan
fakta mengenai perkara yang berikut:
(a) Perayu (Defendan). Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan fakta
bahawa beliau ialah Pengurus Ladang Twin Cow Livestock
dan disebabkan Responden (Plaintif) gagal untu membayar
gaji bulanan Perayu (Defendan) iaitu dari tempoh Disember
2016 hingga Jun 2019, maka Responden (Plaintif) telah
memaklumkan Perayu (Defendan) mengenai cadangan untuk
membuat pampasan dengan menukar gaji yang belum
dibayar ini kepada pelburan dalam Twin Cow Livestock yang
mana Perayu (Defendan) diberikan milikan 20% saham Twin
Cow Livestock dan juga keistimewaan tambahan. Atas dasar
janji dan representasi Responden (Plaintif) itu, Perayu
(Defendan) memasuki suatu perkongsian di mana pada 15-6-
2019, Responden (Plaintif) dan Perayu (Defendan)
menandatangani Perjanjian Perkongsian.
(b) rumah rehat yang ditunjukkan oleh Responden (Plaintif)
dalam Ekshibit KR-4 itu tidak lagi wujud. Ini kerana dengan
pengetahuan dan persetujuan penuh Responden (Plaintif),
Perayu (Defendan) mempunyai hak di bawah Perjanjian
Perkongsian untuk merobohkan rumah rehat itu dan
seterusnya Perayu (Defendan) membina seuah rumah
kediaman iaitu pada sekitar bulan Oktober 2016 bagi tujuan
penginapan dan penggunaan Perayu (Defendan) dan
keluarganya. Resit bagi kos pembelian pembinaan rumah
kediaman diekshibitkan sebagai Ekshibit DN-4.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[32] Seterusnya, Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa atas nasihat
peguamnya, permohonan Responden (Plaintif) menurut peruntukan
seksyen 7 dan 8 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950 tidak mendedahkan
sepenuhnya dan terus terang (“full and frank disclosure”) dan tidak datang
ke Mahkamah dengan tangan yang bersih (“do not come to court with
clean hands”).
[33] Untuk menyokong penegasannya itu, Perayu (Defendan)
menyatakan bahawa terdapat komunikasi antara peguam Responden
(Plaintif) dan peguam Perayu (Defendan) di mana Responden (Plaintif)
telah menuntut tunggakan sewa sebanyak RM33,412.40 yang mana
dinafikan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Berdasarkan itu, Perayu (Defendan)
menyatakan bahawa adalah jelas yang Responden (Plaintif) mengakui
bahawa status kewujudan Perayu (Defendan) di atas Tanah tersebut
adalah sah dan bukan sebagai seorang setinggan.
[34] Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa beliau telah membuat
laporan polis bertarikh 28-4-20022 mengadu mengenai perkara yang
• pihak sebenar yang meminta Perayu (Defendan)
keluar/berpindah dari Tanah tersebut ialah seorang individu
bernama Dr. Manikam dari Syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd yang
telah membeli perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock.
• terdapat 4 orang berbangsa India yang tidak dikenali meminta
Perayu (Defendan) agar meninggalkan rumah kediamannya
di tanah tersebut.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[35] Perayu (Defendan) percaya bahawa tindakan Responden (Plaintif)
menyaman Perayu (Defendan) melalui Saman Pemula di bawah Aturan
89 ini ialah sebagai suatu jalan pintas (yang tidak sah) untuk mengusir
Perayu (Defendan) dari rumah kediamannya di atas Tanah tersebut
supaya penjualan perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock (yang dilakukan secara
tidak sah) serta aset dan tanah yang dipegangnya dapat disempurnakan
oleh Dr. Manikam dan syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd. Tindakan Responden
(Plaintif) ini adalah suatu penyalahgunaan proses Mahkamah.
Sama ada Responden (Plaintif) berjaya menyangkal bukti Perayu
(Defendan) mengenai isu/persoalan yang dibangkitkan?
[36] Responden (Plaintif) menjawab persoalan mengenai perkara yang
dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan) seperti yang berikut:
(a) Responden (Plaintif) ialah pemajak yang sah dari tahun 2002.
Rekod bayaran pajakan dilampirkan sebagai Ekshibit KR-11.
Sebagai pemajak, Responden (Plaintif) memunyai jagaan dan
kawalan ke atas Tanah tersebut. Responden (Plaintif)
mempunyai locus standi untuk membawa tindakan ini
terhadap Perayu (Defendan).
(b) pada 2-3-2022, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri
Selangor telah mengeluarkan surat kepada semua penyewa
Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Hulu Selangor termasuk
Responden (Plaintif) mengenai arahan pajakan. Antara lain,
surat tersebut menetapkan syarat iaitu tempoh pajakan
maksima selama 21 tahun akan diberi; semua kos
permohonan ditanggung oleh penyewa/pemajak dan tidak
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boleh mendirikan bangunan tanpa kebenaran Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Surat Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor dilampirkan sebagai
Ekshibit KR-12.
(c) tiada bukti dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) bahawa
Responden (Plaintif) membenarkan Perayu (Defendan)
tinggal di Tanah Tersebut. Responden (Plaintif) hanya
membenarkan Perayu (Defendan) memasuki Tanah tersebut
untuk menjalankan kerja penternakan dan bukan untuk
menetap di Tanah tersebut.
(d) pendudukan Perayu (Defendan) dan setiap orang dalam
keluarga Perayu (Defendan) adalah tanpa kebenaran
Responden (Plaintif). Tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang
mengunci pintu pagar untuk masuk ke Tanah tersebut telah
menafikan akses Responden (Plaintif) ke Tanah tersebut.
Saman Pemula ini memohon Perintah Mahkamah untuk
Defendan dan semua pihak yang tidak mempunyai hak untuk
menduduki Tanah tersebut supaya keluar dari Tanah tersebut
dan memberikan milikan kosong Tanah tersebut kepada
Responden (Plaintif).
(e) Responden (Plaintif) menafikan yang Perayu (Defendan) ialah
Pengurus (Manager). Perayu (Defendan) sama seperti
pekerja-pekerja lain di ladang tersebut dan rumah rehat
tersebut bukan untuk diduduki sebagai rumah kediaman.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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(f) sebagai pekerja ladang berstatus warganegara Malaysia
berbanding dengan pekerja-pekerja lain di ladang yang
berstatus warganegara India, maka hanya Perayu (Defendan)
sahaja diberikan kerja untuk memandu lori dan menguruskan
penghantaran dan pengambilan barang ternakan.
(g) berkenaan dengan perjanjian perkongsian yang dikatakan
oleh Perayu (Defendan), Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan
bahawa perkongsian itu hanya dalam bentuk draf perjanjian
yang belum dimuktamadkan dan tidak diteruskan.
Pendaftaran Twin Cow Livestock di SSM pada 19-5-2022
ialah Responden (Plaintif) sebagai pemilik tunggal (“sole
proprietorship”) dan nama Perayu (Defendan) tidak
disenaraikan sebagai rakan konsi dalam perniagaan tersebut.
Carian SSM syarikat Twin Cow Livestock dilampirkan sebagai
Ekshibit KR-13.
(h) pajakan Tanah tersebut ialah atas nama Responden (Plaintif)
dan bukan atas nama syarikat perniagaan Twin Cow
(i) pembinaan rumah kediaman di atas Tanah tersebut adalah
tanpa kebenaran atau permit daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Perayu (Defendan) tiada bukti
untuk menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah ini bahawa suatu
rumah kediaman yang sah dibina.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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(j) perbualan antara Responden (Plaintif) dan Perayu
(Defendan) melalui aplikasi WhatsApp tidak boleh dijadikan
sebagai memberikan kebenaran dan memberikan hak kepada
Perayu (Defendan) untuk menduduki dan menetap di Tanah
tersebut sehingga enggan keluar apabila diminta oleh
pemajak iaitu Responden (Plaintif).
(k) permohonan Saman Pemula oleh Responden (Plaintif) ialah
untuk mendapatkan balik milikan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang
dipajak oleh Responden (Plaintif). Tindakan Perayu
(Defendan) yang mengunci pintu ke Tanah tersebut telah
menghalang Responden (Plaintif) dan/atau ejennya untuk
memasuki Tanah tersebut bagi melakukan kerja pemulihan
Tanah tersebut dan membaiki kenderaan. Tindakan Perayu
(Defendan) ialah cuba mengambil Tanah tersebut secara
menyalahi undang-undang.
(l) tawaran daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri
Selangor kepada Responden (Plaintif) untuk menyertai
“Program Pembangunan Industri Tenusu Negara – Skop
Program Transformasi Penternak Kecil” melalui surat
bertarikh 17-2-2022 dan pada 23-2-2022 Responden (Plaintif)
menerima tawaran tersebut. Seterusnya, 10 ekor lembu telah
dihantar kepada Responden (Plaintif). Penempatan 10 ekor
lembu tersebut di ladang ternakan lain secara sementara
adalah akibat daripada tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang
tidak membenarkan Responden (Plaintif) memasuki Tanah
tersebut. Responden (Plaintif) tidak dapat meneruskan usaha
dalam penternakan lembu dan Responden (Plaintif)
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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mengalami kerugian yang besar. Responden (Plaintif)
melampirkan Ekshibit KR-14 yang mengandungi gambar
lembu dan surat tawaran daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor.
(m) keengganan Perayu (Defendan) keluar dari Tanah tersebut
menyebabkan Responden (Plaintif) menuntut sewa daripada
Perayu (Defendan) dan menggesa Perayu (Defendan) keluar
dari Tanah tersebut.
[37] Berdasarkan kepada pernyataan Plaintif, Plaintif menyatakan
bahawa segala kandungan dalam afidavit balasan Defendan adalah isu
yang tidak relevan dengan tuntutan Plaintif. Defendan tiada hak untuk
menduduki tanah tersebut dan isu yang dibangkitkan adalah untuk
mengelirukan Mahkamah.
[38] Dalam kes rayuan ini, Mahkamah ini memutuskan rayuan oleh
Perayu (Defendan) berdasarkan apa yang dipaparkan pada kertas kausa,
afidavit dan hujahan pihak-pihak. Ketiadaan alasan penghakiman
disediakan oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana tidak sama sekali menyebabkan
keputusan rayuan ini tersasar dari landasan keadilan.
Status Tanah tersebut:
[39] Peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menghujahkan bahawa
pihak Responden (Plaintif) secara jelas mengemukakan latar belakang
fakta secara salah dan mengelirukan khususnya mengenai pajakan yang
dinyatakan oleh Responden (Plaintif).
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[40] Peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menegaskan bahawa
tidak wujud pajakan bermula dari tempoh pertama pajakan iaitu pada
tahun 2002 hingga 2007 dan seterusnya 2008 hingga 2013. Rujukan
dibuat ke atas Perjanjian Pajakan bagi Plot ST 2 dan ST 4.
[41] Selain itu, peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan
bahawa status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut adalah ditukar
daripada pemajak (“lessee”) kepada penyewa (“tenant”) dan juga
daripada bayaran pajakan kepada bayaran sewa.
[42] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa penegasan dan hujahan peguam
cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menyerang pihak Responden (Plaintif)
mengenai status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut. Pihak
berkuasa dan pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam isu status
Responden (Plaintif) ialah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Tiada apa-apa tindakan
undang-undang diambil oleh Tuan Tanah terhadap Responden (Plaintif)
sama ada atas kausa kemungkiran bayaran pajakan mahupun
penamatan pajakan.
[43] Mahkamah menerima keterangan afidavit dan hujahan pihak
Responden (Plaintif) yang berjaya membuktikan mengenai isu yang
dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan).
Isu − Status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut:
[44] Keterangan afidavit Responden (Plaintif) gagal disangkal oleh
Perayu (Defendan) iaitu –
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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• Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 has a lease up to 30/09/2023 whereas
Plot ST 1 has a lease up to 30/04/2024 and both the leases
are continuing and rental payments are being paid by the
Respondent/Plaintiff as follows:
(i) For Plot ST 1 the Lease Agreement is at pages 44-57
Records of Appeal dated 01/05/2009 and the lease is for
5 years up to 30/04/2014 under clause 1.1 Lease
Agreement and extended for a further 15 years from
30/04/2014 to 30/04/2024. The relevant Exhibit is KR-3
at page 44 to 57 Record of Appeal, clause 1.1 at page
46 which grant the first 5 year and subsequent 15 years.
(ii) for Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 the Lease Agreement is at
pages 58–71 Record of Appeal and the lease is from
23/10/2002 to 23/10/2007 and subsequently extended
from 01/10/2008 to 30/09/2013 and further extended
from 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2023 this is at page 30 to 43
of the Record of Appeal particularly clause 1.1 at page
32 and further confirmed by an additional agreement
dated 9 January 2023 which states that the lease is
further extended to 30 September 2023. (Plots ST 1, ST
2 & ST 4 are stated as “said land”).
• pursuant to the Lease Agreement the term of the lease for the
said land is from 2002 until 2022 which is up to the date of the
proceeding at the Sessions Court and still currently ongoing
and rental payment for the said lease is shown on pages 119
for Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 and at page 120 for Plot ST 1
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Records of Appeal.
• further, the Department of Veterinary Service [Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar] has send a letter dated 19/01/2023
to the Respondent/Plaintiff, Mejar (B) Dr. Kiruba Raja A/L S.M.
Kanagamany which confirms that the Respondent/Plaintiff is
the lease of the said land.
Dapatan Mahkamah Tinggi:
[45] Keterangan afidavit beserta dengan dokumen sokongan,
Mahkamah ini mendapati tiada apa-apa fakta salah dan tiada fakta yang
mengelirukan dikemukakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) dalam Saman
Pemula ini.
Isu − locus standi:
[46] Isu locus standi bahawa Responden (Plaintif) tidak boleh membawa
Saman Pemula ini kerana bukan berstatus pemajak adalah ditolak.
Berdasarkan perjanjian pajakan dan perjanjian lanjutan pajakan,
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa status Responden (Plaintif) sebagai
pemajak adalah jelas maka isu locus standi gagal dipertahankan oleh
Perayu (Defendan).
[47] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“There is clear and unequivocal evidence to show that the
Respondent is the lessee of the land namely Plot ST 1, ST 2 &
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ST 4 (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) from 2002 until
now as stated above.
The Appellant/Defendant had failed to even adduce a single
shred of evidence to show that he and his family has the right,
consent or licence to remain on the said land from the owners of
the said land.
The Appellant/Defendant’s only argument is that the
Respondent/Plaintiff have no locus standi and have no right to
evict the Appellant/Defendant.
The Appellant/Defendant seems to only pick on the
Respondent/Plaintiff but have on his own failed to adduce any
evidence to show that he has the right, licence, or consent from
the owners of the said land namely the Selangor State
Government or Department of Veterinary Service who maintains
the said land.”.
[48] Walaupun dalam Saman Pemula tidak memplidkan mengenai
status Perayu (Defendan) sabagai penceroboh Tanah tersebut,
Mahkamah ini mendapati keengganan Perayu (Defendan) untuk keluar
dari Tanah tersebut yang bukan miliknya dan terus menghuni, mendiami
dan menduduki Tanah tersebut, maka hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa Perayu (Defendan) ialah seorang
“trespasser on the said land and remains there as a squatter without
consent or licence from the Department of Veterinary Service or Selangor
State Govt who are the owners of the said land” adalah tepat.
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[49] Nas undang-undang dalam kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara
terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“Halimah bt Rahman v. Hassim bin Salahuddin & Ors [2010]
MLJU 2016 case clearly states that a lessee of land can obtain
an order for the recovery of his land which is wrongly occupied
by a trespasser or squatter.
In Sidek Bin Haji Muhamad & 461 Ors v. The Government of
the State of Perak & Ors [1982] 1 MLJ 313 case the Federal
Court held that –
“It is well established that a Court of equity will never assist
squatters to resist an order of possession illegally acquired;
it will never intervene in aid of wrong-doers”.
The Federal Court further propounded using the principle in
Grafton v. Griffin 39 ER 130, ‘The owner is not obliged to go to
court to obtain an order of possession. He is entitled, if he so
wishes to take the remedy into his own hands. ….. He can even
use force, so long as he uses no more force than is reasonably
necessary’ ”.
[50] Perbezaan yang dibuat oleh peguam cara terpelajar Responden
(Plaintif) antara kes ini dengan kes Shaheen Bte Abu Bakar v.
Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor [1998] 4 MLJ 233 adalah betul.
Ini kerana dalam kes Shaheen, “PKNS who filed the O.89 Rules of Court
2012 application against Shaheen, had already sold the land to Puncak
Alam and therefore PKNS did not have the locus to maintain the
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application as they were not the owners at time of filing of the case; the
land occupies by Shaheen and the other settlers was approved by the
Selangor State Government who allowed the settlers to remain there,
build a surau with approval and provided with water supply, roads and a
community hall.”.
Manakala dalam kes rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Perayu
(Defendan) hanya sebagai pekerja kepada Responden (Plaintif) yang
tiada apa-apa hak, kebenaran atau lesen daripada Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor mahupun daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar untuk kekal
di atas Tanah tersebut.
[51] Tanah tersebut adalah milik Kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang
diselenggara oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar. Pemajak Tanah ialah
Responden (Plaintif) di bawah perjanjian-perjanjian dan tiada apa-apa isu
mengenai bayaran pajakan dan status sah Responden (Plaintif) sebagai
Pemajak sah di sisi undang-undang.
[52] Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa jika pun status Responden
(Plaintif) bukan sebagai Pemajah sah di sisi undang-undang, maka pihak
yang boleh membawa tindakan ialah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan/atau
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar.
[53] Keterangan afidavit dan dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa surat daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor (Department of Veterinary Service, Selangor)
bertarikh 19/01/2023 kepada Responden (Plaintif) merujuk Plaintif
sebagai lessee (….tuan selaku pemajak …..) Tanah tersebut.
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[54] Selanjutnya, dalam surat tersebut, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
telah mengarahkan Respondent (Plaintif) untuk merobohkan apa-apa
struktur kekal atau rumah bagi kediaman di atas Tanah tersebut dalam
masa 30 hari.
[55] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada nas undang-undang kes yang
dikemukakan oleh peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) iaitu
Lebbey Sdn Bhd v. Chong Wooi Leong & Anor And Other
Applications [1998] 5 MLJ 368 1 yang memutuskan –
“1. (1) The registered owner of any land is prima facie entitled
to possession of it, and any person claiming a right of occupation
against such registered owner, such as in the case of the
defendants, bears the burden of proving such right on a balance of
probabilities (see p 373E-F).
The state government, let alone any Minister, Exco member or
politician has nothing to do with the proceedings under the Code,
which recognizes only the state authority. The district officer is
unknown to the Code. Therefore, the defendants not only entered
the land without consent but had also remained thereon without the
consent of the state authority. The knowledge or acquiescence of
other state authorities or personalities is wholly irrelevant to the
Code. The application of equitable principles and the doctrine of
estoppel was therefore misconceived (see pp 374E-I and 375C);
Government of the State of Negeri Sembilan & Anor v Yap Chong
Lan & Ors [1984] 2 MLJ 123 followed.
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3. (3) A person seeking remedy in equity must come with clean
hands. It was clear that the defendants had been in breach of the
Code punishable under s 425 thereof. The defendants could not be
said to have come with clean hands. That the state authority had
not acted against the defendants could not mean that the state
authority had given consent. Such argument could not stand in the
face of the clear provision that no title to state land shall be acquired
by possession, unlawful occupation or occupation under any licence
for any period whatsoever. Therefore unless the
Appellant/Defendant can show legally that he occupies the land
under licence, he has no recourse under Shaheen Bt Abu Bakar’s
[55] Mahkamah berpendapat isu lain yang dibangkitkan oleh perayu
(Defendan) iaitu mengenai syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd yang telah membeli
perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock, dan perkara yang berkaitan dengan
perkongsian adalah isu sampingan yang gagal dibuktikan oleh Perayu
(Defendan). Keterangan afidavit yang dinyatakan oleh Responden
(Plaintif) adalah keterangan fakta yang tidak bercanggah dengan
keterangan dokumen yang menyokong, iaitu −
• kedudukan Perayu (Defendan) sebagai pekerja Responden
(Plaintif) selari dengan fakta bahawa dapat memasuki Tanah
tersebut bagi urusan kerja di ladang ternakan.
• kewujudan rumah rehat atau rumah untuk berehat di ladang
tersebut adalah munasabah untuk mana-mana pekerja
menggunakan fasiliti itu.
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• sebagai pekerja kepada Responden (Plaintif), penamatan
pekerjaan oleh majikan iaitu Responden (Plaintif) bukanlah
suatu tindakan yang tidak wajar. Apa yang tidak wajar ialah
keengganan Perayu (Defendan) keluar dari ladang tersebut
apabila tidak lagi berkhidmat dengan Responden (Plaintif).
• penegasan Perayu (Defendan) bahawa beliau ialah salah
seorang pemegang saham dalam Twin Cow Livestock adalah
suatu yang tidak dapat dipertahankan. Ini kerana Responden
(Plaintif) membuktikan bahawa perniagaan Twin Cow
Lifestock ialah perniagaan milik tunggal Responden (Plaintif)
dan ini jelas dalam maklumat carian SSM yang diekshibitkan
oleh Perayu (Defendan) dalam Ekshibit DN-1.
• Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa perjanjian perkongsian tiada
apa-apa kaitan dengan pemilikan Perayu (Defendan) ke atas
Tanah tersebut. Tanah tersebut bukan dimiliki oleh
Responden (Plaintif) maka hak yang terbit berkenaan dengan
Tanah tersebut ialah antara Responden (Plaintif) dengan
pihak Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor.
• Saman Pemula oleh Responden (Plaintif) ini berpunca
daripada tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang enggan keluar
dari Tanah tersebut. Sedangkan, apa yang berlaku ialah
tawaran untuk menyertai Program Pembanginan Industri
Taman Negara, menghendaki Responden (Plaintif)
menggunakan Tanah tersebut bagi merelaisasikan Program
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[56] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dari peringkat mahkamah Sesyen
lagi, Perayu (Defendan) menegaskan mengenai haknya untuk kekal
menghuni dan menduduki Tanah tersebut. Namun begitu, tiada apa-apa
bukti kukuh dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) mengenai haknya.
[57] Dalam kes yang dirujuk oleh Perayu (Defendan) kes Bohari Taib &
Ors v. Pengarah Tanah & Galian Selangor [1991] 1 MLJ 343, prinsip
undang-undang yang hendak diguna pakai oleh Perayu (Defendan)
adalah berbeza daripada kes yang dituntut oleh Responden (Plaintif).
Dalam kes Bohari itu “the settlers have been given approval to remain on
the land by the Selangor State Government as evidence was provided by
documentary exhibits in their Affidavit”, walau bagaimanapun, dalam kes
di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Perayu (Defendan) gagal menunjukkan apa-
apa keterangan dokumentar dalam afidavitnya bahawa Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor mahupun Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar membenarkan
Perayu (Defendan) kekal dan mendiami Tanah tersebut.
Isu – Rumah rehat dan/atau rumah kediaman:
[58] Fakta mengenai Tanah tersebut adalah jelas daripada pernyataan
Responden (Plaintif) yang memajak Tanah tersebut bagi tujuan
[59] Pernyataan Perayu (Defendan) yang menjual rumahnya dan
kemudian membina rumah di atas Tanah tersebut di ladang tersebut,
maka bukti mengenai kebenaran tuan punya tanah iaitu Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor hendaklah dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Penggunaan
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tanah pertanian dan dijadikan tanah untu membina kediaman hendaklah
dibuktikan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Kegagalan untuk membuktikan isu ini
maka hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) bahawa
Perayu (Defendan) ialah seorang “trespasser and has illegally build a
house on the said land without consent of the land owner” adalah tepat.
[60] Kewujudan surat daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Vetinary Negeri
Selangor bertarikh 19-1-2023 kepada Responden (Plaintiff) berkenaan
dengan perjanjian pajakan dan perjanjian tambahan masing-masingnya
bertarikh 11-10-2008, 1-5-2009 dan 9-1-2023, mengenai larangan
membina apa-apa bangunan/rumah kediaman di Tanah tersebut dan
menurut klausa 19 Responden (Plaintiff) diperintahkan untuk merobohkan
rumah kediaman tersebut.
[61] Mahkamah ini mendapati kegagalan Perayu (Defendan) untuk
menghubungi dan/atau mengadu kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
dan/atau Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor untuk
mencabar arahan yang diajukan oleh Responden (Plaintif) untuk
merobohkan rumah kediaman yang dibina Perayu (Defendan) dan
seterusnya untuk mengekalkan rumah kediaman tersebut adalah suatu
kegagalan Perayu (Defendan) yang amat ketara.
[62] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan jawapan/balasan hujahan peguam
cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) yang berjaya membezakan prinsip
undang-undang dalam kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar
Perayu (Defendan) dalam kes Ting Ling Kiew & Anor v. Tang Eng
Ironworks Co.Ltd [1992] 2 MLJ 217.
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[63] Mahkamah ini memetik semula hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“However having read the said case, it can be easily distinguish
on the facts in Ting Ling Kiew’s case vastly differs from our case
before this Honourable Court in that under TING’s case there are
issues relating to fraud or intention to defraud as a central issue
which is not the case here before this Honourable Court.
The Appellant/Defendant only chooses to use the principle of the
Ting Ling Kiew’s case to rely on their submission and does not
state the actual reasons the said case were decided on such a
In reply to para 37 of the Appellant/Defendant the
Respondent/Plaintiff avers that there are no conflicting facts in
the matter and the non-availability of the grounds of judgement
is not a factor for this Appeal to be allowed and neither has it
caused injustice to the Appellant/Defendant as this Honourable
Court is entitled to look into the entire facts of this case before
arriving at a decision.”.
[64] Walaupun ketiadaan alasan penghakiman disediakan oleh Tn HMS
yang bijaksana selepas dipohon oleh pihak Perayu (Defendan) dan pihak-
pihak hanya bergantung kepada keseluruhan kertas kausa, afidavit,
dokumen dan hujahan bertulis masing-masing, pada peringkat rayuan,
fakta yang jelas mengenai status Responden (Plaintif) sebagai pemajak
yang sah di sisi undang-undang adalah kukuh.
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[65] Pada peringkat rayuan di Mahkamah Tinggi ini, Mahkamah ini tidak
boleh mengusik fakta bahawa keberadaan Perayu (Defendan) di Tanah
yang dipajak oleh Responden (Plaintif) daripada Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor adalah suatu yang salah. Permohonan Responden (Plaintif)
untuk “mengusir” Perayu (Defendan) adalah dibuat mengikut lunas
undang-undang dan pematuhan Responden (Plaintif) untuk merobohkan
rumah kediaman di Tanah tersebut adalah juga mengikut lunas undang-
Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa −
“It would be an absurdity to the rule of law if the
Appellant/Defendant who is a trespasser and a squatter on the
Selangor State Government Land is allowed to remain on the
said land without the consent or licence from the Selangor State
Government or the DVS who maintains it as it will set a bad
The Selangor State Government nor the DVS are not party to
this matter as they have leased the said land
Respondent/Plaintiff to carry out his cattle farming business. All
the Respondent/Plaintiff is seeking through this suit is to remove
a trespasser who is a squatter on the said land and therefore this
Honourable Court should not disturb the decision of the sessions
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[66] Hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) bahawa Tn
HMS yang bijaksana adalah “plainly wrong” tanpa mendedahkan apakah
keterangan untuk menunjukkan yang Tn HMS yang bijaksana itu khilaf di
sisi fakta dan undang-undang.
[67] Bagi perkara ini, keputusan kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara
terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) iaitu kes UEM Group Bhd v. Genisys
Intergrated Engineering Pte Ltd [2010] MLJU 2225 dan kes Renal Link
Sdn Bhd v. Dato’ Harman Singh [1997] 2 MLJ 373 adalah tidak
dinafikann di mana “the Appellate Court will not intervene with the
decision of the trail court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong
in arriving in its decision”; the Federal court on UEM’s case have set aside
the Court of Appeal’s decision who interfered with trial court’s decision.
Similarly in Renal Link’s case the Court of Appeal held that it would not
be open to us to intervene and upset the finding of the trial judge.”.
[68] Maka pada peringkat rayuan kes ini di Mahkamah Tinggi maka,
keputusan Mahkamah Sesyen tidak boleh
diusik/diganggu/dicampurtangan kerana tiada apa-apa substantial
evidence dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) untuk menunjukkan
bahawa terdapat “a grave mistake committed by the Sessions Court, the
decision is plainly wrong, or the Sessions Court’s decision is a miscarriage
of justice causing prejudice to the Appellant.”.
Isu – mode yang salah digunakan oleh Plaintif:
[69] Saman Pemula yang dibawa oleh Responden (Plaintif) dari awal
hingga akhir iaitu keputusan oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana adalah
mengikut mode yang betul. Responden (Plaintif).
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memfailkan Saman Pemula di bawah O.89 r.1 Rules of Court 2012
provides –
“Where a person claims possession of land which he alleges is
occupied solely by a person or persons (not being a tenant or
tenants holding over after the termination of the tenancy) who
entered into or remained in occupation without his licence or
consent or that of any predecessor in title of his, the proceedings
may be brought by originating summons in accordance with the
provisions of this Order.”.
[70] Permohonan bagi prosiding di bawah O. 89 ialah suaimanfaat
bagi mendapatkan semula milikan Tanah tersebut atas sebab yang
(i) The Respondent/Plaintiff is the person in possession of the
land by virtue of the lease agreement dated 11.10.2008
and 1.5.2009 and 9.1.2023 from DVS and Selangor State
(ii) The Appellant/Defendant is occupying the said land is not
the tenant or tenant holding over.
(iii) The Appellant/Defendant remained in accepting of the said
land without licence or consent from the Selangor State
Government or DVS or any pervious owner.
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Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan peguam cara
terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) bahawa “the Originating Summons
under O.89 is the correct procedure to be used for the recovery of the
said land from the Appellant/Defendant who is a squatter on the land.”.
[71] Berkenaan dengan pengataan Perayu (Defendan) bahawa
Perayu (Defendan) ialah penyewa kerana Responden (Plaintif) telah
menuntut bayaran sewaan tertunggak sebanyak RM33,412.40,
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dalam kes ini sememangnya tiada
apa-apa perjanjian sewaan dimeterai dan dimasuki antara Plaintif dan
[72] Sebagai balasan kepada pengataan Perayu (Defendan),
Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan bahawa “The demand made by the
Respondent for RM33,412.40 is to claim for damages against the
Appellant/Defendant for illegally occupying the land and denying the
Respondent/Plaintiff right to the land. The Respondant has been
paying rental for the lease to the Department of Vetinary Services and
not being able to utilise the said land. The Respondent had suffered
damages due to the illegal occupation of the said land by the
Appellant/Defendant who had deprived the Respondent/Plaintiff from
carrying out his cattle farm with the assistance of DVS. However the
said claim for damages were not raised under this action as the claim
under O.89 ROC 2012 is purely for summary possession of land and
not for damages.”.
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[73] Penelitian Mahkamah ini kepada keputusan Tn HMS yang
bijaksana adalah jelas bahawa tiada apa-apa ganti rugi diawardkan
kepada Responden (Plaintif) terhadap Perayu (Defendan). Mahkamah
merujuk kepada Perintah Mahkamah Sesyen bertarikh 25-11-2022 iaitu –
(a) Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain hendaklah masing-masing
keluar dari Tanah Plot ST 1 serta Plot ST 2 dan Plot ST 4
Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Sg Tamu di bawah Lot
2425, Mukim Batang Kali, Hulu Selangor, Selangor D.E.
(Tanah tersebut) dan menyerahkan milikan kosong Tanah
tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan, keluarganya dan tiap-
tiap orang lain kepada Plaintif termasuk memindah keluar
barang Defendan daripada Tanah tersebut dalam tempoh
masa tujuh (7) hari dari tarikh penyerahan Perintah ini kepada
(b) Perintah di sini adalah dianggap disampaikan kepada
Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain yang menduduki Tanah
tersebut dengan meninggalkan satu salinan Perintah di
bahagian Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan.
(c) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
mengisukan writ pemilikan kepada pihak bailif atau pegawai
Mahkamah yang relevan diperintahkan untuk menyebabkan
milikan kosong Tanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif
termasuk dengan menggunakan khidmat polis dan di mana
perlu menggunakan kekerasan dalam melaksanakan writ
pemilikan iaitu termasuk memecah apa-apa kunci pagar, pintu
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dan sebagainya bagi tujuan untuk mendapatkan semula
milikan Tanah tersebut untuk Plaintif.
(d) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
serta-merta memohon kepada pihak-pihak yang relevan untuk
memotong dan menghentikan bekalan elektrik dan/atau air
yang disambungkan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang diduduki
oleh Defendan dan orang lain.
(e) kos dalam kausa.
Campur tangan dan gangguan Mahkamah pada peringkat rayuan
[74] Prinsip undang-undang mengenai appellate intervention only
justified that on the available evidence, that the SCj is erred (Kes
Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat & Anor v. Plenitude Holdings Sdn Bhd
[1993] 2 CLJ 146).
[75] Dua ujian yang dikenal pasti perlu dipenuhi bagi tujuan appellate
intervention adalah “plainly wrong test” and “insufficient judicial
appreciation of evidence test” (the case of Lee Ing Chin @ Lee
Teck Seng & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at
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[76] Dalam kes Ong Leong Ciou & Anor v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd &
Ors And Another Appeal [2019] 3 MLRA 322 at 329, Mahkamah
Rayuan memutuskan bahawa –
“[125] We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate
court in relation to the findings of facts made by the court
of first instance. The general principle is that the
conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral
evidence based on the demean our and credibility of the
witness before him or her. Generally, such finding ought not
be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it
is plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an
appellate interference merely because the appellate court
entertains doubt whether such finding is right.”.
[77] Dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng,
Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang, Deceased &
Anor [2020] 10 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa
“... an appellate Court should not interfere with factual
findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the
decision of the trial Judge was plainly wrong or one that no
reasonable Judge could have reached. If it is not, the fact
that the appellate Court may have reached a different
conclusion on the facts, is irrelevant.”.
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[78] Mahkamah ini mendapati penemuan fakta oleh Tuan HMS yang
bijaksana adalah tepat mengenai prosiding di bawah O. 89 ini. Dapatan
fakta dan pemakaian undang-undang oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana
adalah betul dan tidak khilaf kerana −
(a) Responden (Plaintif) mempunyai locus standi sebagai
pemajak untuk memfailkan tindakan ini terhadap Perayu
(Defendan). Perjanjian Pajakan dengan jelas dapat
membuktikan bahawa Responden (Plaintif) telah memasuki
Lease Agreement di antara Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
bersama-sama dengan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
Negeri Selangor (Landlord/Owner) dengan Responden
sebagai Lessee.
(b) Perayu (Defendan) gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa
keterangan bahawa Perayu (Defendan) mempunyai lesen
atau kebenaran untuk menduduki dan mendiami Tanah
tersebut daripada Tuan tanah/Pemilik berdaftar Tanah
tersebut. Kegagalan membuktikan pengataannya dan gagal
menyangkal keterangan dokumentar Responden (Plaintif)
maka Perayu (Defendan) itu ialah a trespasser and a squatter
on the said land.
(c) Tindakan melalui Saman Pemula ini di bawah O. 89 ROC
2012, bagi summary possession untuk Tanah tersebut yang
dimulakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) adalah suatu mode yang
betul berdasarkan fakta kes ini secara keseluruhannya.
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(d) Perayu (Defendan) gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa
keterangan untuk menunjukkan bahawa Mahkamah Sesyen
Shah Alam adalah khilaf dalam keputusannya dan
memutuskan secara tidak adil untuk Mahkamah Tinggi
mengetepikan keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana dan untuk
membolehkan Mahkamah Tinggi pada peingkat rayuan
membenarkan rayuan Perayu (Defendan).
[79] Berdasarkan alasan yang saya nyatakan di atas, penghakiman
saya memutuskan bahawa pada peringkat rayuan, saya telah
menjalankan peranan rayuannya. Apabila dapatan fakta adalah teratur
maka tafsiran dan pemakaian undang-undang statut dan kes oleh Tuan
HMS yang bijaksana adalah tepat. Maka, Mahkamah ini tidak perlu
mengganggu keputusan Tuan HMS yang bijaksana. Keputusan
Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam dikekalkan.
[80] Oleh yang demikian, rayuan Perayu (Defendan) ditolak dengan kos
sebanyak RM6000.00 (tertakluk kepada fi alokatur).
Bertarikh: 8 Januari 2024.
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam NCvC12
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Peguam cara:
Bagi Perayu (Defendan):
Nur Fatin Farzana binti Mohd Redzuan
Tetuan Nazrin Nasir T Anand & Co., Kuala Kubu Bharu
Bagi Responden (Plaintif):
Ravindran A/L Ramanujam
Tetuan Ravi Ram & Vjay Aziana, Kuala Lumpur
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| 57,768 | Tika 2.6.0 |
ND-83D-823-11/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MUHAMMAD SOLEHIN BIN SHAHRULNIZAM | CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Offence of self-administration of dangerous drugs into body under section 15(1)(a) of Dangerous Drugs 1952 - Accused pleaded guilty to the charge - Accused is a young first-time offender - Sentencing - Factors to be considered in passing sentence according to law - Whether the sentence of fine is just and appropriate | 08/01/2024 | Tuan Uthman bin Abd Ghani | |
KES TANGKAP NO.: ND-83D-823-11/2023
(NO. K/P: 040413050193)
[1] The accused in this case was arraigned before this court to answer
for a charge under section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952
which reads as follows:
“Bahawa kamu pada 30/11/2021 jam lebih kurang 6.20 pagi
bertempat di Balai Polis Lukut, Port Dickson, di dalam Daerah Port
Dickson, di dalam Negeri Sembilan telah didapati memberikan
kepada diri kamu sendiri dadah berbahaya iaitu amphetamine dan
methamphetamine oleh itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan
dibawah seksyen 15 (1) (a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 yang boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen 15 (1) dan dibaca bersama dengan
seksyen 38B akta yang sama.
08/01/2024 23:51:33
ND-83D-823-11/2023 Kand. 11
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Jika disabitkan hendaklah didenda tidak lebih daripada lima ribu
ringgit atau hukuman penjara selama tempoh tidak lebih daripada
dua tahun.
Hukuman seksyen 38B ADB 1952: Pengawasan selama dua tahun
atau tiga tahun”
[2] The accused pleaded guilty to the charge. I accepted his plea and
convicted him on the charge. Upon hearing mitigating and aggravating
submissions from the accused and the prosecution respectively, I then
passed a sentence of fine in the amount of RM1,900, in default of which
four months’ imprisonment. I also ordered the accused to be placed under
police supervision for the period of 2 years from the date of the conviction.
[3] The prosecution has now filed an appeal against the said order of
sentence. This is the grounds of my said judgment.
[4] The facts of this case are simply this. On 30 November 2021, the
accused was brought to Lukut Police Station in Port Dickson wherein his
urine sample was taken, and it was found to be positive
methamphetamine upon test. His urine sample was also sent to the
Pathology Department in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital for an
analysis wherein it was later found that his urine sample contained
dangerous drugs of methamphetamine and amphetamine.
[5] On 6 November 2023, he was charged before this court. He pleaded
guilty when the charge was read to him. I was satisfied that he understood
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the nature and consequence of his plea. The prosecution then tendered
the facts of the case and all relevant documents to support such facts to
be marked by the court as exhibits. The accused admitted to the facts of
the case and all of the exhibits. In the circumstances, I accepted his plea
of guilty and convict him on the charge. I then proceeded to hear
submission for the purpose of sentencing.
[6] The accused was unrepresented and was not a man of many words.
He pleaded the court to impose a small amount of fine as a punishment
for his conduct. He also told the court that he has to take care of his ailing
[7] The prosecution on the other hand moved this court for a deterrence
sentence to prevent the accused from repeating the same offence. The
prosecution also submitted that the court ought to take into consideration
the rampancy of this kind of crime.
[8] At this juncture I must highlight what had become apparent in the
face of documents before the court. Firstly, the accused in this case was
a 17-years-old child when the offence was committed and was around 19
when he was charged. Secondly, the accused was a first-time offender in
the absence of any records tendered by the prosecution to show that he
has prior convictions. With these facts in mind, I then proceeded to
determine the appropriate sentence to be imposed.
[9] In deciding the appropriate sentence to be imposed, I am minded by
the starting point that the court has to exercise discretion to pass a
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sentence according to law as provided, inter alia, under section 173(b) of
the Criminal Procedure Code. It is trite that the courts are bound by
statutory ambits and established judicial principles in passing a sentence
according to law (see: PP v. Jafa Daud [1981] 1 LNS 28; Tan Lay Chen
v. Public Prosecutor [2000] 4 CLJ 492, [2001] 1 MLJ 135). I considered
the following judicial principles in deciding the sentence against the
[10] The foremost of established judicial principles that I considered in
respect of the accused is the public interest. Generally, sentences
imposed by courts must have deterrence and preventive effect to the
offender and the public at large. However, the ultimate service to the public
interest is to turn offenders from criminal ways to honest living. The
seminal authority on this point is Public Prosecutor v. Loo Choon Fatt
[1976] 1 LNS 102 quoting an English case as follows:
“One of the main considerations in the assessment of sentence is
of course the question of public interest. On this point I need only
quote a passage from the judgment of Hilbery J in Rex v. Kenneth
John Ball 35 Cr. App. R 164 as follows:
In deciding the appropriate sentence a Court should always
be guided by certain considerations. The first and foremost is
the public interest. The criminal law is publicly enforced, not
only with the object of punishing crime, but also in the hope of
preventing it. A proper sentence, passed in public, serves the
public interest in two ways. It may deter others who might be
tempted to try crime as seeming to offer easy money on the
supposition, that if the offender is caught and brought to
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justice, the punishment will be negligible. Such a sentence
may also deter the particular criminal from committing a crime
again, or induce him to turn from a criminal to an honest life.
The public interest is indeed served, and best served, if the
offender is induced to turn from criminal ways to honest living.
Our law does not, therefore, fix the sentence for a particular
crime, but fixes a maximum sentence and leaves to the Court
to decide what is, within that maximum, the appropriate
sentence for each criminal in the particular circumstances of
each case. Not only in regard to each crime, but in regard to
each criminal, the Court has the right and the duty to decide
whether to be lenient or severe.”
[11] The accused in this case was a child when the offence was
committed and can be categorized as youthful offender when charged
before this court at the age of 19. His age as well as the fact that he was
a first-time offender must be factored into the context of public interest. It
is another established judicial principle that public interest is best served
for young first offenders to turn into honest living if they are kept away
from custodial sentence. The precedent on this point is the decision of the
High Court in Teo Siew Peng & 4 Ors v. Public Prosecutor [1984] 1
LNS 71 where the following was held regarding young first offenders:
“As stated, at the time of the commission of the offence, all the
appellants were young offenders, none of whom was above the age
of 19 years. They are also first offenders. I take note of what was
stated in the judgment in Tukiran bin Taib v Public Prosecutor [1955]
MLJ 24 that "it is very desirable that a young first offender who is
between the ages of 17 and 21 should be kept out of prison, if
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possible." In that case, it is true that instead of imprisonment the
appellant was sentenced to an advanced approved school, but the
emphasis is that in respect of young offenders, imprisonment should
be avoided as far as possible. In this connection, I would also quote
for the purpose of consideration a passage in The English
Sentencing System by Cross (3rd Edition) at page 141 which, after
reference to the English Advisory Council on the Penal System,
quoted from paragraph 10 of "The length of Prison Sentence" as
"Prolonged and repeated imprisonment is destructive of family
relationships and, by encouraging the prisoner's identification
with the attitudes of the prison community, increases his
alienation from normal society. In addition, long-term
institutionalisation is all too likely to destroy a prisoner's
capacity for individual responsibility and to increase the
problems he must face when he returns to society."
In the Principles of Sentencing by Thomas (1st Edition), quoting
from the judgment in the case of R v Smith [1964] Crim LR 70 that
publication at page 19 thereof states:
"In the case of a young offender there can hardly ever be any
conflict between the public interest and that of the offender.
The public have no greater interest than that he should
become a good citizen. The difficult task of the Court is to
determine what treatment gives the best chance of realizing
that object. That realization is the first and by far the most
important consideration."”
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[12] Apart from the above, I have also considered as a mitigating factor
the fact that the accused had pleaded guilty to the charge. Although plea
of guilty would not automatically guarantee a discount in sentencing, it is
only fair that in the absence of any aggravating factors such as bad record
of prior convictions, the accused ought to be credited for his plea which
has saved public time and money that would otherwise be spent for a
prolonged trial in court (see: Public Prosecutor v. Ravindran & Ors
[1992] 1 LNS 47).
[13] In addressing the prosecution’s submission that this court ought to
take into consideration the rampancy of the offence under section 15(1)(a)
of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1950, I would simply echo the same
sentiment in another Magistrates’ Court decision in PP v. Muhammad
Asyraf Ayut [2019] 9 CLJ 565 at para [16] to [19]. There, it was illustrated
that harsh sentences per se do not warrant prevention of narcotic cases
in this country. I must add that at the end, sentences passed by courts
must be tailored into the nuances of facts and circumstances in each case.
[14] Having taken into considerations factors as discussed above, I
came into the decision that the accused can be kept away from prison as
long as a sentence of fine with appropriate amount is passed as opposed
to a sentence of imprisonment per se. In deriving into the appropriate
amount of fine, I have to strike balance between imposing small,
inconsequential amount of fine and a heavy, hefty one. Imposing a small,
inconsequential amount of fine would send a wrong message to the public
that crime entails only a small price. On the other hand, imposing a heavy
and hefty fine would only put further burden to the accused who would
turn into criminal ways to find the amount of money or else being sent
away to prison.
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[15] Therefore, I am of the view that fine in the amount of RM1,900 in
default of which four months’ imprisonment is the appropriate amount of
fine to be imposed. It is neither too small nor too high an amount to be
paid by the accused in this case taking cumulatively into consideration the
mitigating and aggravating factors discussed above. I also had in my mind
the following words of Pedlow J in Lee Yu Fah & 5 Ors. v. Public
Prosecutor [1937] 1 MLJ 179:
“If a general principle can be laid down, I think it should be that a
fine should seldom be so excessive as to ruin completely the people
on whom it is imposed and to make them mere outcasts in the
country and potential criminals through the urge of necessity.”
[16] Having regards to the facts and circumstances of this case together
with all mitigating and aggravating factors present, I am of the considered
view that the just and appropriate sentence to be passed against the
accused is a sentence of fine in the amount of RM1,900, in default of
which four months’ imprisonment.
Dated 8 January 2024
Magistrates’ Court, Port Dickson
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For the prosecution – Puan Nadia Ezzati Binti Mohd Zainal, Deputy Public
For the accused – unrepresented
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| 13,527 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-12A-94-12/2022 | PERAYU Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan RESPONDEN Kiruba Raja A/l S.m. Kanagamany (Mej (R) Dr.) | TATACARA SIVIL: Rayuan dari Mahkamah Rendah ke Mahkamah Tinggi – Perbicaraan melalui keterangan afidavit – Saman Pemula − Tindakan undang-undang untuk menuntut milikan kosong Tanah yang dipajak oleh Responden/Plaintif dengan Tuan Tanah (Kerajaan Negeri Selangor) terhadap Perayu/Defendan – Lima isu untuk dibicarakan iaitu locus standi, initial entry into the land, new residential home built by the Defendant (Appellant), interference by the High Court, dan wrong mode of action – Perayu gagal untuk membukikan keterangan untuk menyangkal kes Responden − Pada peringkat rayuan, Mahkamah Tinggi tidak perlu mengusik dapatan fakta dan pemakaian undang-undang yang betul oleh Tn HMS – A. 89 k. 1 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012. | 08/01/2024 | YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: BA-12A-94-12/2022
(No. K/P: 760728-01-5631) − PERAYU
(No. K/P: 540719-08-5031) − RESPONDEN
(Dalam Mahkamah Sesyen Di Shah Alam
Dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan
Guaman Sivil No: BA-B54-23-08/2022
(No. K/P: 540719-08-5031) − Plaintif
(No. K/P: 760728-01-5631) − Defendan)
[Yang diputuskan oleh Tuan Azman bin Ahmad,
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam pada 25-11-
08/01/2024 15:31:04
BA-12A-94-12/2022 Kand. 29
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[1] Kiruba Raja a/l S.M. Kanagamany [Mej (R) Dr.]/Plaintif memfailkan
Saman Pemula di Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam pada 5-8-2022
(Lampiran 1) berkenaan dengan perkara yang berikut terhadap
Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan/Defendan:
• tanah rizab yang dipegang di bawah P.A. 19083, No. Lot 2425
Mukim Batang Kali, Daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor Darul
Ehsan yang dalam Kawalan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor dan diselenggarakan oleh Pengarah Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor yang memajak Plot
ST 1 serta Plot ST 2 dan ST 4 Taman Kekal Pengeluaran
Makanan Sg Tamu kepada Plaintif.
• seksyen 62 dan 63 Kanun Tanah Negara (Akta 56/1965).
• seksyen 7 & 8 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950.
• prosiding terus untuk mendapatkan pemilikan tanah.
• Aturan 7 dan Aturan 89 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
[2] Perintah yang dipohon ialah –
(a) Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain hendaklah masing-masing
keluar dari Tanah tersebut dan menyerahkan milikan kosong
Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan, keluarganya
dan tiap-tiap orang lain kepada Plaintif termasuk memindah
keluar barang Defendan daripada Tanah tersebut dalam
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tempoh 8 hari dari tarikh penyerahan Perintah ini kepada
(b) Perintah ini adalah dianggap disampaikan kepada Defendan
dan tiap-tiap orang lain yang menduduki Tanah tersebut
dengan meninggalkan satu salinan Perintah di bahagian
ketara Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan.
(c) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
mengisukan writ pemilikan kepada pihak bailif atau pegawai
Mahkamah yang relevan diperintahkan untuk menyebabkan
milikan kosong Tanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif
termasuk dengan menggunakan khidmat polis dan di mana
perlu menggunakan kekerasan dalam melaksanakan writ
pemilikan iaitu termasuk memecah apa-apa kunci pagar, pintu
dan sebagainya bagi tujuan untuk mendapatkan semula
milikan Tanah tersebut untuk Plaintif.
(d) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
serta-merta memohon kepada pihak-pihak yang relevan untuk
memotong dan menghentikan bekalan elektrik dan/atau air
yang disambungkan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang diduduki
oleh Defendan dan orang lain.
(e) kos tindakan ini ditetapkan oleh Mahkamah dan dibayar oleh
Defendan kepada Plaintif.
(f) relief lain dan selanjutnya yang difikirkan sesuai oleh
Mahkamah ini.
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[3] Saman Pemula ini disokong oleh afidavit sokongan yang diikrarkan
oleh Plaintif.
Keputusan Tuan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen (“Tn HMS”) yang bijaksana:
[4] Pada 25-11-2022, melalui platform eReview, Tn HMS yang
bijaksana telah membenarkan Saman Pemula ini dan kos dalam kausa.
[5] Terkilan dan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Tn HMS yang
bijaksana, Daneeswaran a/l Nagappan/Defendan merayu ke Mahkamah
Keputusan rayuan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi:
[6] Pada peringkat rayuan di Mahkamah ini, Defendan merayu
terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana.
[7] Pada 27-11-2023, Mahkamah ini memutuskan untuk menolak
rayuan Perayu/Defendan seperti yang berikut:
Berdasarkan penelitian Mahkamah kepada keseluruhan tindakan,
rekod rayuan, dan hujahan bertulis, Mahkamah ini mendapati
keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana dibuat menurut lunas undang-
undang dan tiada kekhilafan fakta.
Mahkamah ini mendapati 5 triable issues yang dibangkitkan oleh
Perayu/Defendan adalah –
i. locus standi,
ii. initial entry into the land,
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iii. new residential home built by the Defendant (Appellant) with
express authority of the Plaintiff (Respondent),
iv. interference by the High Court, dan
v. wrong mode of action,
telah dibicarakan melalui keterangan afidavit dan dokumen yang
dikemukakan oleh Plaintif berjaya membuktikan tuntutannya.
Mahkamah ini tidak perlu mengganggu dapatan fakta oleh Tn HMS.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah memutuskan untuk menolak
rayuan Perayu/Defendan dengan kos sebanyak RM6,000.00
tertakluk kepada fi alokatur. Keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana
[8] Alasan penghakiman ini mengandungi sebab mengapa Mahkamah
ini pada peringkat rayuan menolak rayuan oleh Perayu/Defendan dan
sekaligus mengekalkan keputusan Tuan HMS yang bijaksana.
Latar belakang fakta
Afidavit sokongan:
[9] Dalam afidavit sokongan, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa beliau ialah
anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia berpangkat Mejar dan telah bersara.
Selepas persaraan, Plaintif menjalankan aktiviti penternakan.
[10] Plaintif memajak sebidang tanah dengan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
melalui Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor di Mukim
Batang Kali iaitu 3 plot yang dikenali sebagai ST 1, ST 2 dan ST 4. Plaintif
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merujuk kepada 3 Perjanjian Pemajakan bertarikh 23-10-2002, 1-10-2008
dan 1-5-2009 (Ekshibit KR-3). Tempoh pemajakan dinyatakan dalam
Perjanjian-Perjanjian tersebut.
[11] Sejak Plaintif memajak Tanah tersebut, Plaintif telah
mengusahakan dan menyelenggara Tanah tersebut untuk penternakan
lembu dan aktiviti penanaman rumput, utiliti, laluan jalan, kandang lembu,
rumah rehat untuk pekerja dan stor ladang.
[12] Pada tahun 2016, Plaintif melantik Defendan sebagai pekerja lading
untuk memandu lori dan menguruskan ternakan serta membantu kerja-
kerja di ladang di Tanah tersebut.
[13] Plaintif memplidkan bahawa rumah rehat tersebut digunakannya
sebagai tempat untuk berehat sama seperti pekerja-pekerja ladang lain.
Namun begitu, Plaintif mendapati Defendan telah menggunakan rumah
rehat tersebut sebagai rumah kediaman dan bermastautin di rumah rehat
tersebut serta stor ladang.
[14] Alasan yang diberikan oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif mengenai
penggunaan rumah rehat tersebut sebagai rumah kediaman ialah kerana
rumah Defendan jauh.
[15] Plaintif telah menyuruh Defendan keluar dari rumah rehat tersebut
namun Defendan enggan. Pada tahun 2017, tanpa kebenaran Plaintif,
Defendan telah berpindah bersama seluruh keluarganya ke rumah rehat
dan stor ladang. Defendan dan keluarganya menghuni dan mendiami
rumah rehat dan stor ladang tersebut berlanjutan sehingga tahun 2020
dan 2021 di mana apabila Covid-19 melanda negara ini, Perintah
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Kawalan Pergerakan dikuatkuasakan dan ini membuatkan Defendan
tidak berpindah dari rumah rehat dan stor ladang tersebut.
[16] Plaintif mendakwa bahawa Defendan telah menjual lembu
ternakan, menyeleweng pendapatan ladang dan kerja di ladang semasa
ketidakhadiran Plaintif ke Tanah tersebut semasa Perintah Kawalan
Pergerakan dikuatkuasakan. Antara lain, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa
bilangan lembu ternakan semakin susut, lembu ternakan kekurangan zat
makanan dan sangat kurus, Defendan gagal menguruskan operasi
ladang dan kenderaan ladang serta Defendan menyeleweng pendapatan
yang diperoleh dari ladang tersebut.
[17] Pada bualn Mei 2022, Plaintif mengambil keputusan untuk
memberhentikan Defendan dan meminta Defendan dan keluarga keluar
dari ladang. Plaintif ingin memulakan kerja pemulihan ladang
[18] Pada tahun yang sama juga, Plaintif menerima tawaran untuk
memasuki program pembangunan industri tenusu negara untuk
penternak kecil. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar telah memberikan 10
ekor lembu kepada Plaintif.
[19] Tindakan Defendan yang menghalang Plaintif memasuki Tanah
tersebut menyebabkan Plaintif menempatkan sementara 10 ekor lembu
tersebut di ladang ternakan lain. Tingkah laku Defendan ini
mengakibatkan Plaintif tidak dapat meneruskan usaha dalam
penternakan lembu dan Plaintif mengalami kerugian yang besar.
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[20] Oleh itu, Saman Pemula ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Perintah
Mahkamah untuk Defendan mengosongkan dan memberi milikan kosong
Tanah tersebut kepada Plaintif.
Afidavit jawapan Defendan:
[21] Defendan membantah dan memohon agar Saman Pemula ini
dibatalkan dengan kos.
[22] Perkara yang dinyatakan oleh Defendan ialah –
(a) Defendan ialah bekas perajurit di Angkatan Tentera Malayisa
yang telah bersara daripada perkhidmatan;
(b) atas nasihat peguamnya, Defendan menyatakan bahawa
terdapat 3 kriteria yang perlu dipenuhi oleh Plaintif bagi
permohonan di bawah Aturan 89 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
2012 iaitu –
i. locus standi untuk memulakan prosiding ini. Plaintif
tiada locus standi kerana tidak mempunyai pajakjan sah
bagi plot ST 1, ST 2 dan ST 4;
ii. ketiadaan lesen atau persetujuan diberikan kepada
Defendan yang masuk dan menduduki tanpa
izin/persetujuan mana-mana pendulu dalam hakmilik
daripadanya. Plaintif telah memberi izin, mempunyai
pengetahuan dan kerelaan untuk membenarkan
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Defendan menetap di Tanah tersebut. Defendan
bukannya penyewa; dan
iii. Plaintif tidak mengenal pasti setiap orang yang
menghuni Tanah tersebut dan tiada dalam afidavit
Plaintif untuk mengenal pasti orang yang menghuni
Tanah tersebut. Plaintif dalam afidavit sokongannya
mempunyai pengetahuan bahawa Defendan
menduduki Tanah tersebut bersama isteri dan anak-
anak, tetapi Plaintif gagal menamakan mereka dalam
tindakan ini dan gagal menyatakan mengenai langkah-
langkah munasabah untuk memperihalkan mereka;
(c) atas nasihat peguamnya juga, Defendan dapat menyangkal
Saman Pemula Plaintif ini jika Defendan dapat menunjukkan
bahawa (i) kemasukan awal ke atas Tanah tersebut mestilah
sah (“the initial entry upon the land must be lawful”); dan (ii)
kewujudan sebarang kebenaran atau lesen yang nyata atau
tersirat oleh pemilik yang mana pendudukan diteruskan (“the
existence of any express or implied consent of license on the
part of the owner pursuant to which the occupation
jika Defendan dapat menunjukkan 2 kriteria bahawa terdapat isu
yang boleh dibicarakan, maka prosiding terus dapat disangkal.
Dalam kes ini, Defendan percaya bahawa terdapat isu dan fakta
yang memerlukan perbicaraan penuh.
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Dapatan fakta dan analisis undang-undang oleh Tuan HMS yang
Persoalan: Adakah keputusan Tuan HMS khilaf dari segi fakta dan
[23] Pada hahikatnya, tiada alasan penghakiman disediakan oleh Tn
HMS yang bijaksana.
[24] Dalam prosiding di peringkat rayuan, peguam Perayu (Defendan)
memberitahu Mahkamah Tinggi bahawa terdapat 11 surat permohonan
untuk mendapatkan alasan penghakiman Mahkamah Sesyen telah
banyak kali dibuat namun masih tiada alasan penghakiman tersebut.
Manakala, peguam Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan bahawa mereka
akan bergantung kepada hujahan dan otoriti yang difailkan sahaja.
Analisis, Dapatan dan Keputusan
[25] Mahkamah ini telah meneliti hujahan bertulis Perayu (Defendan)
dan Responden (Plaintif).
[26] Isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan) ialah –
(a) locus standi Responden (Plaintif);
(b) Perayu (Defendan) bukan setinggan dan Perayu (Defendan)
memasuki Tanah tersebut secara sah; dan
(c) wujud isu untuk dibicarakan.
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Hujahan Perayu (Defendan):
[27] Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa Tanah tersebut adalah
dimiliki oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan diamanahkan kepada Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Perayu (Defendan) menafikan
bahawa Responden (Plaintif) ialah pemajak tanah yang sah pada waktu
Saman Pemula ini difailkan.
[28] Perayu (Defendan) mendapat nasihat peguamnya dan menyatakan
bahawa Responden (Plaintif) gagal membuktikan bahawa Responden
(Plaintif) mempunyai locus standi untuk membawa tindakan Saman
Pemula ini. Perjanjian Pajakan tersebut telah tamat pada bulan April 2022
dan tiada lanjutan pajakan dan dengan itu Responden (Plaintif) tiada
locus standi untuk membawa tindakan Saman Pemula ini.
[29] Bukti yang dikemukakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) sendiri
menunjukkan bahawa bayaran sewa untuk 3 plot Tanah iaitu ST 1, ST 2
dan ST 4 ialah sehingga bulan April 2022. Perayu (Defendan) berjaya
menunjukkan bahawa Responden (Plaintif) itu tiada apa-apa kepentingan
ke atas Tanah tersebut dan Responden (Plaintif) bukan pemajak sah atas
namanya pada Tanah tersebut.
[30] Berkenaan dengan isu Perayu (Defendan) bukan setinggan dan
Perayu (Defendan) memasuki Tanah tersebut secara sah; dan wujud isu
untuk dibicarakan, Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa Plaintif
sendiri yang mencadangkan Perayu (Defendan) bekerja dengannya
sebagai Pengurus Ladang dalam perniagaan Milikan Tunggal bernama
Twin Cow Livestock (001536676-W) yang dimiliki oleh Responden
(Plaintif). Twin Cow Livestock menjalankan perniagaan ladang tenusu.
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[31] Responden (Plaintif) telah mengelirukan Mahkamah ini dengan
fakta mengenai perkara yang berikut:
(a) Perayu (Defendan). Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan fakta
bahawa beliau ialah Pengurus Ladang Twin Cow Livestock
dan disebabkan Responden (Plaintif) gagal untu membayar
gaji bulanan Perayu (Defendan) iaitu dari tempoh Disember
2016 hingga Jun 2019, maka Responden (Plaintif) telah
memaklumkan Perayu (Defendan) mengenai cadangan untuk
membuat pampasan dengan menukar gaji yang belum
dibayar ini kepada pelburan dalam Twin Cow Livestock yang
mana Perayu (Defendan) diberikan milikan 20% saham Twin
Cow Livestock dan juga keistimewaan tambahan. Atas dasar
janji dan representasi Responden (Plaintif) itu, Perayu
(Defendan) memasuki suatu perkongsian di mana pada 15-6-
2019, Responden (Plaintif) dan Perayu (Defendan)
menandatangani Perjanjian Perkongsian.
(b) rumah rehat yang ditunjukkan oleh Responden (Plaintif)
dalam Ekshibit KR-4 itu tidak lagi wujud. Ini kerana dengan
pengetahuan dan persetujuan penuh Responden (Plaintif),
Perayu (Defendan) mempunyai hak di bawah Perjanjian
Perkongsian untuk merobohkan rumah rehat itu dan
seterusnya Perayu (Defendan) membina seuah rumah
kediaman iaitu pada sekitar bulan Oktober 2016 bagi tujuan
penginapan dan penggunaan Perayu (Defendan) dan
keluarganya. Resit bagi kos pembelian pembinaan rumah
kediaman diekshibitkan sebagai Ekshibit DN-4.
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[32] Seterusnya, Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa atas nasihat
peguamnya, permohonan Responden (Plaintif) menurut peruntukan
seksyen 7 dan 8 Akta Relief Spesifik 1950 tidak mendedahkan
sepenuhnya dan terus terang (“full and frank disclosure”) dan tidak datang
ke Mahkamah dengan tangan yang bersih (“do not come to court with
clean hands”).
[33] Untuk menyokong penegasannya itu, Perayu (Defendan)
menyatakan bahawa terdapat komunikasi antara peguam Responden
(Plaintif) dan peguam Perayu (Defendan) di mana Responden (Plaintif)
telah menuntut tunggakan sewa sebanyak RM33,412.40 yang mana
dinafikan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Berdasarkan itu, Perayu (Defendan)
menyatakan bahawa adalah jelas yang Responden (Plaintif) mengakui
bahawa status kewujudan Perayu (Defendan) di atas Tanah tersebut
adalah sah dan bukan sebagai seorang setinggan.
[34] Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan bahawa beliau telah membuat
laporan polis bertarikh 28-4-20022 mengadu mengenai perkara yang
• pihak sebenar yang meminta Perayu (Defendan)
keluar/berpindah dari Tanah tersebut ialah seorang individu
bernama Dr. Manikam dari Syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd yang
telah membeli perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock.
• terdapat 4 orang berbangsa India yang tidak dikenali meminta
Perayu (Defendan) agar meninggalkan rumah kediamannya
di tanah tersebut.
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[35] Perayu (Defendan) percaya bahawa tindakan Responden (Plaintif)
menyaman Perayu (Defendan) melalui Saman Pemula di bawah Aturan
89 ini ialah sebagai suatu jalan pintas (yang tidak sah) untuk mengusir
Perayu (Defendan) dari rumah kediamannya di atas Tanah tersebut
supaya penjualan perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock (yang dilakukan secara
tidak sah) serta aset dan tanah yang dipegangnya dapat disempurnakan
oleh Dr. Manikam dan syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd. Tindakan Responden
(Plaintif) ini adalah suatu penyalahgunaan proses Mahkamah.
Sama ada Responden (Plaintif) berjaya menyangkal bukti Perayu
(Defendan) mengenai isu/persoalan yang dibangkitkan?
[36] Responden (Plaintif) menjawab persoalan mengenai perkara yang
dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan) seperti yang berikut:
(a) Responden (Plaintif) ialah pemajak yang sah dari tahun 2002.
Rekod bayaran pajakan dilampirkan sebagai Ekshibit KR-11.
Sebagai pemajak, Responden (Plaintif) memunyai jagaan dan
kawalan ke atas Tanah tersebut. Responden (Plaintif)
mempunyai locus standi untuk membawa tindakan ini
terhadap Perayu (Defendan).
(b) pada 2-3-2022, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri
Selangor telah mengeluarkan surat kepada semua penyewa
Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Hulu Selangor termasuk
Responden (Plaintif) mengenai arahan pajakan. Antara lain,
surat tersebut menetapkan syarat iaitu tempoh pajakan
maksima selama 21 tahun akan diberi; semua kos
permohonan ditanggung oleh penyewa/pemajak dan tidak
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boleh mendirikan bangunan tanpa kebenaran Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Surat Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor dilampirkan sebagai
Ekshibit KR-12.
(c) tiada bukti dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) bahawa
Responden (Plaintif) membenarkan Perayu (Defendan)
tinggal di Tanah Tersebut. Responden (Plaintif) hanya
membenarkan Perayu (Defendan) memasuki Tanah tersebut
untuk menjalankan kerja penternakan dan bukan untuk
menetap di Tanah tersebut.
(d) pendudukan Perayu (Defendan) dan setiap orang dalam
keluarga Perayu (Defendan) adalah tanpa kebenaran
Responden (Plaintif). Tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang
mengunci pintu pagar untuk masuk ke Tanah tersebut telah
menafikan akses Responden (Plaintif) ke Tanah tersebut.
Saman Pemula ini memohon Perintah Mahkamah untuk
Defendan dan semua pihak yang tidak mempunyai hak untuk
menduduki Tanah tersebut supaya keluar dari Tanah tersebut
dan memberikan milikan kosong Tanah tersebut kepada
Responden (Plaintif).
(e) Responden (Plaintif) menafikan yang Perayu (Defendan) ialah
Pengurus (Manager). Perayu (Defendan) sama seperti
pekerja-pekerja lain di ladang tersebut dan rumah rehat
tersebut bukan untuk diduduki sebagai rumah kediaman.
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(f) sebagai pekerja ladang berstatus warganegara Malaysia
berbanding dengan pekerja-pekerja lain di ladang yang
berstatus warganegara India, maka hanya Perayu (Defendan)
sahaja diberikan kerja untuk memandu lori dan menguruskan
penghantaran dan pengambilan barang ternakan.
(g) berkenaan dengan perjanjian perkongsian yang dikatakan
oleh Perayu (Defendan), Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan
bahawa perkongsian itu hanya dalam bentuk draf perjanjian
yang belum dimuktamadkan dan tidak diteruskan.
Pendaftaran Twin Cow Livestock di SSM pada 19-5-2022
ialah Responden (Plaintif) sebagai pemilik tunggal (“sole
proprietorship”) dan nama Perayu (Defendan) tidak
disenaraikan sebagai rakan konsi dalam perniagaan tersebut.
Carian SSM syarikat Twin Cow Livestock dilampirkan sebagai
Ekshibit KR-13.
(h) pajakan Tanah tersebut ialah atas nama Responden (Plaintif)
dan bukan atas nama syarikat perniagaan Twin Cow
(i) pembinaan rumah kediaman di atas Tanah tersebut adalah
tanpa kebenaran atau permit daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Perayu (Defendan) tiada bukti
untuk menunjukkan kepada Mahkamah ini bahawa suatu
rumah kediaman yang sah dibina.
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(j) perbualan antara Responden (Plaintif) dan Perayu
(Defendan) melalui aplikasi WhatsApp tidak boleh dijadikan
sebagai memberikan kebenaran dan memberikan hak kepada
Perayu (Defendan) untuk menduduki dan menetap di Tanah
tersebut sehingga enggan keluar apabila diminta oleh
pemajak iaitu Responden (Plaintif).
(k) permohonan Saman Pemula oleh Responden (Plaintif) ialah
untuk mendapatkan balik milikan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang
dipajak oleh Responden (Plaintif). Tindakan Perayu
(Defendan) yang mengunci pintu ke Tanah tersebut telah
menghalang Responden (Plaintif) dan/atau ejennya untuk
memasuki Tanah tersebut bagi melakukan kerja pemulihan
Tanah tersebut dan membaiki kenderaan. Tindakan Perayu
(Defendan) ialah cuba mengambil Tanah tersebut secara
menyalahi undang-undang.
(l) tawaran daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri
Selangor kepada Responden (Plaintif) untuk menyertai
“Program Pembangunan Industri Tenusu Negara – Skop
Program Transformasi Penternak Kecil” melalui surat
bertarikh 17-2-2022 dan pada 23-2-2022 Responden (Plaintif)
menerima tawaran tersebut. Seterusnya, 10 ekor lembu telah
dihantar kepada Responden (Plaintif). Penempatan 10 ekor
lembu tersebut di ladang ternakan lain secara sementara
adalah akibat daripada tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang
tidak membenarkan Responden (Plaintif) memasuki Tanah
tersebut. Responden (Plaintif) tidak dapat meneruskan usaha
dalam penternakan lembu dan Responden (Plaintif)
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mengalami kerugian yang besar. Responden (Plaintif)
melampirkan Ekshibit KR-14 yang mengandungi gambar
lembu dan surat tawaran daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor.
(m) keengganan Perayu (Defendan) keluar dari Tanah tersebut
menyebabkan Responden (Plaintif) menuntut sewa daripada
Perayu (Defendan) dan menggesa Perayu (Defendan) keluar
dari Tanah tersebut.
[37] Berdasarkan kepada pernyataan Plaintif, Plaintif menyatakan
bahawa segala kandungan dalam afidavit balasan Defendan adalah isu
yang tidak relevan dengan tuntutan Plaintif. Defendan tiada hak untuk
menduduki tanah tersebut dan isu yang dibangkitkan adalah untuk
mengelirukan Mahkamah.
[38] Dalam kes rayuan ini, Mahkamah ini memutuskan rayuan oleh
Perayu (Defendan) berdasarkan apa yang dipaparkan pada kertas kausa,
afidavit dan hujahan pihak-pihak. Ketiadaan alasan penghakiman
disediakan oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana tidak sama sekali menyebabkan
keputusan rayuan ini tersasar dari landasan keadilan.
Status Tanah tersebut:
[39] Peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menghujahkan bahawa
pihak Responden (Plaintif) secara jelas mengemukakan latar belakang
fakta secara salah dan mengelirukan khususnya mengenai pajakan yang
dinyatakan oleh Responden (Plaintif).
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[40] Peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menegaskan bahawa
tidak wujud pajakan bermula dari tempoh pertama pajakan iaitu pada
tahun 2002 hingga 2007 dan seterusnya 2008 hingga 2013. Rujukan
dibuat ke atas Perjanjian Pajakan bagi Plot ST 2 dan ST 4.
[41] Selain itu, peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan
bahawa status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut adalah ditukar
daripada pemajak (“lessee”) kepada penyewa (“tenant”) dan juga
daripada bayaran pajakan kepada bayaran sewa.
[42] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa penegasan dan hujahan peguam
cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menyerang pihak Responden (Plaintif)
mengenai status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut. Pihak
berkuasa dan pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam isu status
Responden (Plaintif) ialah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor. Tiada apa-apa tindakan
undang-undang diambil oleh Tuan Tanah terhadap Responden (Plaintif)
sama ada atas kausa kemungkiran bayaran pajakan mahupun
penamatan pajakan.
[43] Mahkamah menerima keterangan afidavit dan hujahan pihak
Responden (Plaintif) yang berjaya membuktikan mengenai isu yang
dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan).
Isu − Status Responden (Plaintif) ke atas Tanah tersebut:
[44] Keterangan afidavit Responden (Plaintif) gagal disangkal oleh
Perayu (Defendan) iaitu –
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• Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 has a lease up to 30/09/2023 whereas
Plot ST 1 has a lease up to 30/04/2024 and both the leases
are continuing and rental payments are being paid by the
Respondent/Plaintiff as follows:
(i) For Plot ST 1 the Lease Agreement is at pages 44-57
Records of Appeal dated 01/05/2009 and the lease is for
5 years up to 30/04/2014 under clause 1.1 Lease
Agreement and extended for a further 15 years from
30/04/2014 to 30/04/2024. The relevant Exhibit is KR-3
at page 44 to 57 Record of Appeal, clause 1.1 at page
46 which grant the first 5 year and subsequent 15 years.
(ii) for Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 the Lease Agreement is at
pages 58–71 Record of Appeal and the lease is from
23/10/2002 to 23/10/2007 and subsequently extended
from 01/10/2008 to 30/09/2013 and further extended
from 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2023 this is at page 30 to 43
of the Record of Appeal particularly clause 1.1 at page
32 and further confirmed by an additional agreement
dated 9 January 2023 which states that the lease is
further extended to 30 September 2023. (Plots ST 1, ST
2 & ST 4 are stated as “said land”).
• pursuant to the Lease Agreement the term of the lease for the
said land is from 2002 until 2022 which is up to the date of the
proceeding at the Sessions Court and still currently ongoing
and rental payment for the said lease is shown on pages 119
for Plot ST 2 and Plot ST 4 and at page 120 for Plot ST 1
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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Records of Appeal.
• further, the Department of Veterinary Service [Jabatan
Perkhidmatan Veterinar] has send a letter dated 19/01/2023
to the Respondent/Plaintiff, Mejar (B) Dr. Kiruba Raja A/L S.M.
Kanagamany which confirms that the Respondent/Plaintiff is
the lease of the said land.
Dapatan Mahkamah Tinggi:
[45] Keterangan afidavit beserta dengan dokumen sokongan,
Mahkamah ini mendapati tiada apa-apa fakta salah dan tiada fakta yang
mengelirukan dikemukakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) dalam Saman
Pemula ini.
Isu − locus standi:
[46] Isu locus standi bahawa Responden (Plaintif) tidak boleh membawa
Saman Pemula ini kerana bukan berstatus pemajak adalah ditolak.
Berdasarkan perjanjian pajakan dan perjanjian lanjutan pajakan,
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa status Responden (Plaintif) sebagai
pemajak adalah jelas maka isu locus standi gagal dipertahankan oleh
Perayu (Defendan).
[47] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“There is clear and unequivocal evidence to show that the
Respondent is the lessee of the land namely Plot ST 1, ST 2 &
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ST 4 (hereinafter referred to as the “said land”) from 2002 until
now as stated above.
The Appellant/Defendant had failed to even adduce a single
shred of evidence to show that he and his family has the right,
consent or licence to remain on the said land from the owners of
the said land.
The Appellant/Defendant’s only argument is that the
Respondent/Plaintiff have no locus standi and have no right to
evict the Appellant/Defendant.
The Appellant/Defendant seems to only pick on the
Respondent/Plaintiff but have on his own failed to adduce any
evidence to show that he has the right, licence, or consent from
the owners of the said land namely the Selangor State
Government or Department of Veterinary Service who maintains
the said land.”.
[48] Walaupun dalam Saman Pemula tidak memplidkan mengenai
status Perayu (Defendan) sabagai penceroboh Tanah tersebut,
Mahkamah ini mendapati keengganan Perayu (Defendan) untuk keluar
dari Tanah tersebut yang bukan miliknya dan terus menghuni, mendiami
dan menduduki Tanah tersebut, maka hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa Perayu (Defendan) ialah seorang
“trespasser on the said land and remains there as a squatter without
consent or licence from the Department of Veterinary Service or Selangor
State Govt who are the owners of the said land” adalah tepat.
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[49] Nas undang-undang dalam kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara
terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“Halimah bt Rahman v. Hassim bin Salahuddin & Ors [2010]
MLJU 2016 case clearly states that a lessee of land can obtain
an order for the recovery of his land which is wrongly occupied
by a trespasser or squatter.
In Sidek Bin Haji Muhamad & 461 Ors v. The Government of
the State of Perak & Ors [1982] 1 MLJ 313 case the Federal
Court held that –
“It is well established that a Court of equity will never assist
squatters to resist an order of possession illegally acquired;
it will never intervene in aid of wrong-doers”.
The Federal Court further propounded using the principle in
Grafton v. Griffin 39 ER 130, ‘The owner is not obliged to go to
court to obtain an order of possession. He is entitled, if he so
wishes to take the remedy into his own hands. ….. He can even
use force, so long as he uses no more force than is reasonably
necessary’ ”.
[50] Perbezaan yang dibuat oleh peguam cara terpelajar Responden
(Plaintif) antara kes ini dengan kes Shaheen Bte Abu Bakar v.
Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor [1998] 4 MLJ 233 adalah betul.
Ini kerana dalam kes Shaheen, “PKNS who filed the O.89 Rules of Court
2012 application against Shaheen, had already sold the land to Puncak
Alam and therefore PKNS did not have the locus to maintain the
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application as they were not the owners at time of filing of the case; the
land occupies by Shaheen and the other settlers was approved by the
Selangor State Government who allowed the settlers to remain there,
build a surau with approval and provided with water supply, roads and a
community hall.”.
Manakala dalam kes rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Perayu
(Defendan) hanya sebagai pekerja kepada Responden (Plaintif) yang
tiada apa-apa hak, kebenaran atau lesen daripada Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor mahupun daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar untuk kekal
di atas Tanah tersebut.
[51] Tanah tersebut adalah milik Kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang
diselenggara oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar. Pemajak Tanah ialah
Responden (Plaintif) di bawah perjanjian-perjanjian dan tiada apa-apa isu
mengenai bayaran pajakan dan status sah Responden (Plaintif) sebagai
Pemajak sah di sisi undang-undang.
[52] Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa jika pun status Responden
(Plaintif) bukan sebagai Pemajah sah di sisi undang-undang, maka pihak
yang boleh membawa tindakan ialah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan/atau
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar.
[53] Keterangan afidavit dan dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa surat daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor (Department of Veterinary Service, Selangor)
bertarikh 19/01/2023 kepada Responden (Plaintif) merujuk Plaintif
sebagai lessee (….tuan selaku pemajak …..) Tanah tersebut.
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[54] Selanjutnya, dalam surat tersebut, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
telah mengarahkan Respondent (Plaintif) untuk merobohkan apa-apa
struktur kekal atau rumah bagi kediaman di atas Tanah tersebut dalam
masa 30 hari.
[55] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada nas undang-undang kes yang
dikemukakan oleh peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) iaitu
Lebbey Sdn Bhd v. Chong Wooi Leong & Anor And Other
Applications [1998] 5 MLJ 368 1 yang memutuskan –
“1. (1) The registered owner of any land is prima facie entitled
to possession of it, and any person claiming a right of occupation
against such registered owner, such as in the case of the
defendants, bears the burden of proving such right on a balance of
probabilities (see p 373E-F).
The state government, let alone any Minister, Exco member or
politician has nothing to do with the proceedings under the Code,
which recognizes only the state authority. The district officer is
unknown to the Code. Therefore, the defendants not only entered
the land without consent but had also remained thereon without the
consent of the state authority. The knowledge or acquiescence of
other state authorities or personalities is wholly irrelevant to the
Code. The application of equitable principles and the doctrine of
estoppel was therefore misconceived (see pp 374E-I and 375C);
Government of the State of Negeri Sembilan & Anor v Yap Chong
Lan & Ors [1984] 2 MLJ 123 followed.
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3. (3) A person seeking remedy in equity must come with clean
hands. It was clear that the defendants had been in breach of the
Code punishable under s 425 thereof. The defendants could not be
said to have come with clean hands. That the state authority had
not acted against the defendants could not mean that the state
authority had given consent. Such argument could not stand in the
face of the clear provision that no title to state land shall be acquired
by possession, unlawful occupation or occupation under any licence
for any period whatsoever. Therefore unless the
Appellant/Defendant can show legally that he occupies the land
under licence, he has no recourse under Shaheen Bt Abu Bakar’s
[55] Mahkamah berpendapat isu lain yang dibangkitkan oleh perayu
(Defendan) iaitu mengenai syarikat KM Vet Sdn Bhd yang telah membeli
perniagaan Twin Cow Livestock, dan perkara yang berkaitan dengan
perkongsian adalah isu sampingan yang gagal dibuktikan oleh Perayu
(Defendan). Keterangan afidavit yang dinyatakan oleh Responden
(Plaintif) adalah keterangan fakta yang tidak bercanggah dengan
keterangan dokumen yang menyokong, iaitu −
• kedudukan Perayu (Defendan) sebagai pekerja Responden
(Plaintif) selari dengan fakta bahawa dapat memasuki Tanah
tersebut bagi urusan kerja di ladang ternakan.
• kewujudan rumah rehat atau rumah untuk berehat di ladang
tersebut adalah munasabah untuk mana-mana pekerja
menggunakan fasiliti itu.
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• sebagai pekerja kepada Responden (Plaintif), penamatan
pekerjaan oleh majikan iaitu Responden (Plaintif) bukanlah
suatu tindakan yang tidak wajar. Apa yang tidak wajar ialah
keengganan Perayu (Defendan) keluar dari ladang tersebut
apabila tidak lagi berkhidmat dengan Responden (Plaintif).
• penegasan Perayu (Defendan) bahawa beliau ialah salah
seorang pemegang saham dalam Twin Cow Livestock adalah
suatu yang tidak dapat dipertahankan. Ini kerana Responden
(Plaintif) membuktikan bahawa perniagaan Twin Cow
Lifestock ialah perniagaan milik tunggal Responden (Plaintif)
dan ini jelas dalam maklumat carian SSM yang diekshibitkan
oleh Perayu (Defendan) dalam Ekshibit DN-1.
• Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa perjanjian perkongsian tiada
apa-apa kaitan dengan pemilikan Perayu (Defendan) ke atas
Tanah tersebut. Tanah tersebut bukan dimiliki oleh
Responden (Plaintif) maka hak yang terbit berkenaan dengan
Tanah tersebut ialah antara Responden (Plaintif) dengan
pihak Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Negeri Selangor.
• Saman Pemula oleh Responden (Plaintif) ini berpunca
daripada tindakan Perayu (Defendan) yang enggan keluar
dari Tanah tersebut. Sedangkan, apa yang berlaku ialah
tawaran untuk menyertai Program Pembanginan Industri
Taman Negara, menghendaki Responden (Plaintif)
menggunakan Tanah tersebut bagi merelaisasikan Program
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[56] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dari peringkat mahkamah Sesyen
lagi, Perayu (Defendan) menegaskan mengenai haknya untuk kekal
menghuni dan menduduki Tanah tersebut. Namun begitu, tiada apa-apa
bukti kukuh dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) mengenai haknya.
[57] Dalam kes yang dirujuk oleh Perayu (Defendan) kes Bohari Taib &
Ors v. Pengarah Tanah & Galian Selangor [1991] 1 MLJ 343, prinsip
undang-undang yang hendak diguna pakai oleh Perayu (Defendan)
adalah berbeza daripada kes yang dituntut oleh Responden (Plaintif).
Dalam kes Bohari itu “the settlers have been given approval to remain on
the land by the Selangor State Government as evidence was provided by
documentary exhibits in their Affidavit”, walau bagaimanapun, dalam kes
di hadapan Mahkamah ini, Perayu (Defendan) gagal menunjukkan apa-
apa keterangan dokumentar dalam afidavitnya bahawa Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor mahupun Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar membenarkan
Perayu (Defendan) kekal dan mendiami Tanah tersebut.
Isu – Rumah rehat dan/atau rumah kediaman:
[58] Fakta mengenai Tanah tersebut adalah jelas daripada pernyataan
Responden (Plaintif) yang memajak Tanah tersebut bagi tujuan
[59] Pernyataan Perayu (Defendan) yang menjual rumahnya dan
kemudian membina rumah di atas Tanah tersebut di ladang tersebut,
maka bukti mengenai kebenaran tuan punya tanah iaitu Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor hendaklah dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Penggunaan
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tanah pertanian dan dijadikan tanah untu membina kediaman hendaklah
dibuktikan oleh Perayu (Defendan). Kegagalan untuk membuktikan isu ini
maka hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) bahawa
Perayu (Defendan) ialah seorang “trespasser and has illegally build a
house on the said land without consent of the land owner” adalah tepat.
[60] Kewujudan surat daripada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Vetinary Negeri
Selangor bertarikh 19-1-2023 kepada Responden (Plaintiff) berkenaan
dengan perjanjian pajakan dan perjanjian tambahan masing-masingnya
bertarikh 11-10-2008, 1-5-2009 dan 9-1-2023, mengenai larangan
membina apa-apa bangunan/rumah kediaman di Tanah tersebut dan
menurut klausa 19 Responden (Plaintiff) diperintahkan untuk merobohkan
rumah kediaman tersebut.
[61] Mahkamah ini mendapati kegagalan Perayu (Defendan) untuk
menghubungi dan/atau mengadu kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
dan/atau Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor untuk
mencabar arahan yang diajukan oleh Responden (Plaintif) untuk
merobohkan rumah kediaman yang dibina Perayu (Defendan) dan
seterusnya untuk mengekalkan rumah kediaman tersebut adalah suatu
kegagalan Perayu (Defendan) yang amat ketara.
[62] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan jawapan/balasan hujahan peguam
cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) yang berjaya membezakan prinsip
undang-undang dalam kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara terpelajar
Perayu (Defendan) dalam kes Ting Ling Kiew & Anor v. Tang Eng
Ironworks Co.Ltd [1992] 2 MLJ 217.
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[63] Mahkamah ini memetik semula hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
“However having read the said case, it can be easily distinguish
on the facts in Ting Ling Kiew’s case vastly differs from our case
before this Honourable Court in that under TING’s case there are
issues relating to fraud or intention to defraud as a central issue
which is not the case here before this Honourable Court.
The Appellant/Defendant only chooses to use the principle of the
Ting Ling Kiew’s case to rely on their submission and does not
state the actual reasons the said case were decided on such a
In reply to para 37 of the Appellant/Defendant the
Respondent/Plaintiff avers that there are no conflicting facts in
the matter and the non-availability of the grounds of judgement
is not a factor for this Appeal to be allowed and neither has it
caused injustice to the Appellant/Defendant as this Honourable
Court is entitled to look into the entire facts of this case before
arriving at a decision.”.
[64] Walaupun ketiadaan alasan penghakiman disediakan oleh Tn HMS
yang bijaksana selepas dipohon oleh pihak Perayu (Defendan) dan pihak-
pihak hanya bergantung kepada keseluruhan kertas kausa, afidavit,
dokumen dan hujahan bertulis masing-masing, pada peringkat rayuan,
fakta yang jelas mengenai status Responden (Plaintif) sebagai pemajak
yang sah di sisi undang-undang adalah kukuh.
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[65] Pada peringkat rayuan di Mahkamah Tinggi ini, Mahkamah ini tidak
boleh mengusik fakta bahawa keberadaan Perayu (Defendan) di Tanah
yang dipajak oleh Responden (Plaintif) daripada Kerajaan Negeri
Selangor adalah suatu yang salah. Permohonan Responden (Plaintif)
untuk “mengusir” Perayu (Defendan) adalah dibuat mengikut lunas
undang-undang dan pematuhan Responden (Plaintif) untuk merobohkan
rumah kediaman di Tanah tersebut adalah juga mengikut lunas undang-
Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) bahawa −
“It would be an absurdity to the rule of law if the
Appellant/Defendant who is a trespasser and a squatter on the
Selangor State Government Land is allowed to remain on the
said land without the consent or licence from the Selangor State
Government or the DVS who maintains it as it will set a bad
The Selangor State Government nor the DVS are not party to
this matter as they have leased the said land
Respondent/Plaintiff to carry out his cattle farming business. All
the Respondent/Plaintiff is seeking through this suit is to remove
a trespasser who is a squatter on the said land and therefore this
Honourable Court should not disturb the decision of the sessions
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[66] Hujahan peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) bahawa Tn
HMS yang bijaksana adalah “plainly wrong” tanpa mendedahkan apakah
keterangan untuk menunjukkan yang Tn HMS yang bijaksana itu khilaf di
sisi fakta dan undang-undang.
[67] Bagi perkara ini, keputusan kes yang dipetik oleh peguam cara
terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) iaitu kes UEM Group Bhd v. Genisys
Intergrated Engineering Pte Ltd [2010] MLJU 2225 dan kes Renal Link
Sdn Bhd v. Dato’ Harman Singh [1997] 2 MLJ 373 adalah tidak
dinafikann di mana “the Appellate Court will not intervene with the
decision of the trail court unless the trial court is shown to be plainly wrong
in arriving in its decision”; the Federal court on UEM’s case have set aside
the Court of Appeal’s decision who interfered with trial court’s decision.
Similarly in Renal Link’s case the Court of Appeal held that it would not
be open to us to intervene and upset the finding of the trial judge.”.
[68] Maka pada peringkat rayuan kes ini di Mahkamah Tinggi maka,
keputusan Mahkamah Sesyen tidak boleh
diusik/diganggu/dicampurtangan kerana tiada apa-apa substantial
evidence dikemukakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) untuk menunjukkan
bahawa terdapat “a grave mistake committed by the Sessions Court, the
decision is plainly wrong, or the Sessions Court’s decision is a miscarriage
of justice causing prejudice to the Appellant.”.
Isu – mode yang salah digunakan oleh Plaintif:
[69] Saman Pemula yang dibawa oleh Responden (Plaintif) dari awal
hingga akhir iaitu keputusan oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana adalah
mengikut mode yang betul. Responden (Plaintif).
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memfailkan Saman Pemula di bawah O.89 r.1 Rules of Court 2012
provides –
“Where a person claims possession of land which he alleges is
occupied solely by a person or persons (not being a tenant or
tenants holding over after the termination of the tenancy) who
entered into or remained in occupation without his licence or
consent or that of any predecessor in title of his, the proceedings
may be brought by originating summons in accordance with the
provisions of this Order.”.
[70] Permohonan bagi prosiding di bawah O. 89 ialah suaimanfaat
bagi mendapatkan semula milikan Tanah tersebut atas sebab yang
(i) The Respondent/Plaintiff is the person in possession of the
land by virtue of the lease agreement dated 11.10.2008
and 1.5.2009 and 9.1.2023 from DVS and Selangor State
(ii) The Appellant/Defendant is occupying the said land is not
the tenant or tenant holding over.
(iii) The Appellant/Defendant remained in accepting of the said
land without licence or consent from the Selangor State
Government or DVS or any pervious owner.
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Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan peguam cara
terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) bahawa “the Originating Summons
under O.89 is the correct procedure to be used for the recovery of the
said land from the Appellant/Defendant who is a squatter on the land.”.
[71] Berkenaan dengan pengataan Perayu (Defendan) bahawa
Perayu (Defendan) ialah penyewa kerana Responden (Plaintif) telah
menuntut bayaran sewaan tertunggak sebanyak RM33,412.40,
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dalam kes ini sememangnya tiada
apa-apa perjanjian sewaan dimeterai dan dimasuki antara Plaintif dan
[72] Sebagai balasan kepada pengataan Perayu (Defendan),
Responden (Plaintif) menyatakan bahawa “The demand made by the
Respondent for RM33,412.40 is to claim for damages against the
Appellant/Defendant for illegally occupying the land and denying the
Respondent/Plaintiff right to the land. The Respondant has been
paying rental for the lease to the Department of Vetinary Services and
not being able to utilise the said land. The Respondent had suffered
damages due to the illegal occupation of the said land by the
Appellant/Defendant who had deprived the Respondent/Plaintiff from
carrying out his cattle farm with the assistance of DVS. However the
said claim for damages were not raised under this action as the claim
under O.89 ROC 2012 is purely for summary possession of land and
not for damages.”.
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[73] Penelitian Mahkamah ini kepada keputusan Tn HMS yang
bijaksana adalah jelas bahawa tiada apa-apa ganti rugi diawardkan
kepada Responden (Plaintif) terhadap Perayu (Defendan). Mahkamah
merujuk kepada Perintah Mahkamah Sesyen bertarikh 25-11-2022 iaitu –
(a) Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain hendaklah masing-masing
keluar dari Tanah Plot ST 1 serta Plot ST 2 dan Plot ST 4
Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan Sg Tamu di bawah Lot
2425, Mukim Batang Kali, Hulu Selangor, Selangor D.E.
(Tanah tersebut) dan menyerahkan milikan kosong Tanah
tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan, keluarganya dan tiap-
tiap orang lain kepada Plaintif termasuk memindah keluar
barang Defendan daripada Tanah tersebut dalam tempoh
masa tujuh (7) hari dari tarikh penyerahan Perintah ini kepada
(b) Perintah di sini adalah dianggap disampaikan kepada
Defendan dan tiap-tiap orang lain yang menduduki Tanah
tersebut dengan meninggalkan satu salinan Perintah di
bahagian Tanah tersebut yang diduduki oleh Defendan.
(c) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
mengisukan writ pemilikan kepada pihak bailif atau pegawai
Mahkamah yang relevan diperintahkan untuk menyebabkan
milikan kosong Tanah tersebut diberikan kepada Plaintif
termasuk dengan menggunakan khidmat polis dan di mana
perlu menggunakan kekerasan dalam melaksanakan writ
pemilikan iaitu termasuk memecah apa-apa kunci pagar, pintu
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dan sebagainya bagi tujuan untuk mendapatkan semula
milikan Tanah tersebut untuk Plaintif.
(d) Mahkamah memberikan kebenaran kepada Plaintif untuk
serta-merta memohon kepada pihak-pihak yang relevan untuk
memotong dan menghentikan bekalan elektrik dan/atau air
yang disambungkan ke atas Tanah tersebut yang diduduki
oleh Defendan dan orang lain.
(e) kos dalam kausa.
Campur tangan dan gangguan Mahkamah pada peringkat rayuan
[74] Prinsip undang-undang mengenai appellate intervention only
justified that on the available evidence, that the SCj is erred (Kes
Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat & Anor v. Plenitude Holdings Sdn Bhd
[1993] 2 CLJ 146).
[75] Dua ujian yang dikenal pasti perlu dipenuhi bagi tujuan appellate
intervention adalah “plainly wrong test” and “insufficient judicial
appreciation of evidence test” (the case of Lee Ing Chin @ Lee
Teck Seng & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at
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[76] Dalam kes Ong Leong Ciou & Anor v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd &
Ors And Another Appeal [2019] 3 MLRA 322 at 329, Mahkamah
Rayuan memutuskan bahawa –
“[125] We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate
court in relation to the findings of facts made by the court
of first instance. The general principle is that the
conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral
evidence based on the demean our and credibility of the
witness before him or her. Generally, such finding ought not
be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it
is plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an
appellate interference merely because the appellate court
entertains doubt whether such finding is right.”.
[77] Dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng,
Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang, Deceased &
Anor [2020] 10 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa
“... an appellate Court should not interfere with factual
findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the
decision of the trial Judge was plainly wrong or one that no
reasonable Judge could have reached. If it is not, the fact
that the appellate Court may have reached a different
conclusion on the facts, is irrelevant.”.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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[78] Mahkamah ini mendapati penemuan fakta oleh Tuan HMS yang
bijaksana adalah tepat mengenai prosiding di bawah O. 89 ini. Dapatan
fakta dan pemakaian undang-undang oleh Tn HMS yang bijaksana
adalah betul dan tidak khilaf kerana −
(a) Responden (Plaintif) mempunyai locus standi sebagai
pemajak untuk memfailkan tindakan ini terhadap Perayu
(Defendan). Perjanjian Pajakan dengan jelas dapat
membuktikan bahawa Responden (Plaintif) telah memasuki
Lease Agreement di antara Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
bersama-sama dengan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
Negeri Selangor (Landlord/Owner) dengan Responden
sebagai Lessee.
(b) Perayu (Defendan) gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa
keterangan bahawa Perayu (Defendan) mempunyai lesen
atau kebenaran untuk menduduki dan mendiami Tanah
tersebut daripada Tuan tanah/Pemilik berdaftar Tanah
tersebut. Kegagalan membuktikan pengataannya dan gagal
menyangkal keterangan dokumentar Responden (Plaintif)
maka Perayu (Defendan) itu ialah a trespasser and a squatter
on the said land.
(c) Tindakan melalui Saman Pemula ini di bawah O. 89 ROC
2012, bagi summary possession untuk Tanah tersebut yang
dimulakan oleh Responden (Plaintif) adalah suatu mode yang
betul berdasarkan fakta kes ini secara keseluruhannya.
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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(d) Perayu (Defendan) gagal untuk mengemukakan apa-apa
keterangan untuk menunjukkan bahawa Mahkamah Sesyen
Shah Alam adalah khilaf dalam keputusannya dan
memutuskan secara tidak adil untuk Mahkamah Tinggi
mengetepikan keputusan Tn HMS yang bijaksana dan untuk
membolehkan Mahkamah Tinggi pada peingkat rayuan
membenarkan rayuan Perayu (Defendan).
[79] Berdasarkan alasan yang saya nyatakan di atas, penghakiman
saya memutuskan bahawa pada peringkat rayuan, saya telah
menjalankan peranan rayuannya. Apabila dapatan fakta adalah teratur
maka tafsiran dan pemakaian undang-undang statut dan kes oleh Tuan
HMS yang bijaksana adalah tepat. Maka, Mahkamah ini tidak perlu
mengganggu keputusan Tuan HMS yang bijaksana. Keputusan
Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam dikekalkan.
[80] Oleh yang demikian, rayuan Perayu (Defendan) ditolak dengan kos
sebanyak RM6000.00 (tertakluk kepada fi alokatur).
Bertarikh: 8 Januari 2024.
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam NCvC12
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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Peguam cara:
Bagi Perayu (Defendan):
Nur Fatin Farzana binti Mohd Redzuan
Tetuan Nazrin Nasir T Anand & Co., Kuala Kubu Bharu
Bagi Responden (Plaintif):
Ravindran A/L Ramanujam
Tetuan Ravi Ram & Vjay Aziana, Kuala Lumpur
S/N C2n4iG4y0mU4mVXxu7qg
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| 57,768 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-02(IM)-66-01/2022 | PERAYU TUMPUAN MEGAH DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD RESPONDEN 1. ) ING BANK N.V. 2. ) O.W. BUNKER FAR EAST (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD | Whether a foreign arbitral award with its seat supposedly in UK may be registered as a judgment of the Malaysian High Court under REJA after it has been enforced as a judgement by the UK High Court. Whether the Judgment Debtor is barred from raising the issue of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal as it has not applied to set aside the Arbitral Award nor opposed its enforcement in UK. Whether the passive remedy is available to the JD in the opposing the enforcement application under the Arbitration Act 2005. Whether the High Court should have allowed the directions for trial of the issue of fraud that goes to the jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal by way of a de novo hearing. Whether the issue of a lack of jurisdiction may also be raised in the Setting Aside REJA Application. | 07/01/2024 | YA Dato' Lee Swee SengKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Datuk See Mee ChunYA Tuan Mohamed Zaini Bin Mazlan | |
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RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: W-02(IM)-66-01/2022
(1) ING BANK N. V.
[Dalam Perkara Mengenai Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Di Kuala Lumpur
(Bahagian Kuasa-Kuasa Khas)
Saman Pemula No.: WA-24-4-01/2021
Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen
3, 4 dan 11 Akta Penguatkuasaan
Penghakiman Bersaling 1954
Dalam perkara mengenai Aturan 28,
Aturan 42 kaedah 12, dan Aturan 67
Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012;
07/01/2024 13:05:36
W-02(IM)-66-01/2022 Kand. 85
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Dalam perkara mengenai
Penghakiman Mahkamah Tinggi
Keadilan, Mahkamah Perniagaan &
Harta England & Wales, yang
diperoleh dalam No. Tuntutan CL-
2020-000740 dan bertarikh
(1) Ing Bank N. V.
(2) O.W. Bunker Far East (Singapore) Pte Ltd
… Pemiutang-Pemiutang
Tumpuan Megah Development Sdn Bhd
... Penghutang Penghakiman
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[1] The plaintiffs in the High Court below had applied for registration
of a judgment of a UK High Court under our Reciprocal Enforcement of
Judgment Act 1958 (“REJA”). It is generally understood that in such an
application, the defendant against whom the UK judgment had been
obtained, cannot raise defence on the substantive merits of the plaintiffs’
[2] However, the defendant argued that this particular case is
different as the UK judgment had emanated from an Arbitral Award,
supposedly with its seat in London and that under our Arbitration Act 2005
(“AA 2005”), any recognition and enforcement of the Arbitral Award in
Malaysia may be objected to under s 38 AA 2005 on the grounds allowed
under s 39, often referred to as the passive remedy.
[3] The objection in this case is that there was no arbitration
agreement at all as the alleged arbitration agreement was contained in
two Invoices which the defendant argued before the Arbitral Tribunal to
have been issued by the 2nd plaintiff fraudulently. Moreover, the relevant
arbitration agreement is to be found in a set-off agreement between the
parties wherein the seat of arbitration is not in London under the London
International Maritime Arbitration Association (“LIMAA”) Rules but in
Kuala Lumpur under the KLRCA Arbitration Rules.
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[4] The defendant contended that as the challenge goes towards
the very jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal, that challenge may be raised
even at the Enforcement Court at Kuala Lumpur without an application
being made to set aside the Arbitral Award at the Court where the seat of
the Arbitration is said to be, in London.
[5] The defendant further contended that its failure to oppose the
recognition and enforcement of the Arbitral Award in the UK Court does
not bar them from objecting to the recognition and enforcement of the
Award at Kuala Lumpur. The defendant’s stand is that the plaintiffs cannot
deprive it of the passive remedy available under s 38 AA 2005 even
though the plaintiffs had chosen not to have the Award recognised and
enforced under the AA 2005 but instead under what the plaintiffs
perceived to be a more advantageous mode of enforcement under the
REJA where the Enforcement Court would ordinarily not be allowed to go
behind the foreign judgment in the defendant’s attempt to set aside the
registration of the foreign judgment.
At the High Court
[6] The plaintiffs obtained an ex-parte order on 22.3.2021 for the
foreign judgment to be registered in the High Court of Malaya. The
defendant duly applied to the High Court on 27.4.2021 in Enclosure 17 for
the registration to be set aside under sections 5(1)(a)(i), 5(1)(a)(ii),
5(1)(a)(iii), 5(1)(a)(iv), 5(1)(a)(v) and 5(3)(b) of the REJA (“the Setting
Aside REJA Application”).
[7] The 1st and 2nd plaintiffs are ING Bank N. V. and O.W. Bunker
Far East (Singapore) Pte Ltd respectively and shall be referred to
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collectively as the Judgment Creditors (“JCs”) or sometime as the 1st JC
or the 2nd JC where the context requires and the defendant, Tumpuan
Megah Development Sdn Bhd as the Judgment Debtor (“JD”).
[8] Pending the hearing of the application to set aside the ex-parte
order, the defendant applied in Enclosure 24 on 3.6.2021 under Order 67
rule 9(2) and/or Order 92 rule 4 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“ROC”) for the
following orders:
(a) that the issues between the JCs and the JD be tried in any
manner in which an action may be ordered to be tried under
Order 67 Rule 9(2) of the ROC where oral and documentary
evidence may be adduced as follows:
(i) whether there was a contract between the parties
which incorporates the O.W Bunker Group Terms
and Conditions (OWB Terms) and the arbitration
agreement contained therein;
(ii) whether the 2nd JC was engaging in a money lending
transaction with a third party, Straits Energy Ltd, that
was being disguised as a purchase of marine bunker
fuels by the 2nd JC from Straits Energy Ltd for
delivery to the JD;
(iii) whether there was an actual sale and delivery of
marine gas oil from the 2nd JC to the JD; and
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(iv) whether the English High Court Judgment was
obtained by fraud in the circumstances of this case.
(collectively referred to as “Potential Issues”);
[9] Order 67 rule 9(2) of the ROC provides as follows:
“(2) The Court hearing such application may order any issue between the
judgment creditor and the judgment debtor to be tried in any manner in
which an issue in an action may be ordered to be tried.”
[10] In the affidavit in support of the application, the defendant
alluded to the issue of whether there was a contract that incorporates an
arbitration agreement where the seat of arbitration is in London ought to
be tried with oral and/or documentary evidence by this Court as the said
contract in the two invoices were fraudulently issued. The 1st JC was a
party to the arbitration by virtue of an assignment of the Invoices by the
2nd JC to the 1st JC as part of the security for the financing given by the 1st
JC to the 2nd JC.
[11] It was further alleged that the issue of whether the 2nd JC was
engaged in a money lending transaction with a third party, Straits Energy
Ltd, that was being disguised as a purchase of marine bunker fuels by the
2nd JC from Straits Energy Ltd for delivery to the JD when there was no
actual sale and delivery of marine gas oil from the 2nd JC to the JD ought
to be tried with oral and/or documentary evidence by the High Court
[12] The JD argued that there are high authorities to support its
contention that when the defence of passive remedy is raised with respect
to the absence of a binding arbitration agreement with the result that the
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arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction, the High Court hearing the objection to
the recognition and enforcement of an Arbitral Award must hear the matter
afresh (de novo). It was also highlighted that though under the doctrine
of kompetenze-kompetenze the Arbitral Tribunal may decide on its own
jurisdiction, its decision cannot be final and is always open to challenge
even at the recognition and enforcement of the Arbitral Award stage.
[13] It was further highlighted that the decision of the Arbitral Tribunal
on its own jurisdiction, even if this involves finding of fact, has no legal or
evidential value and that the High Court before which the issue of
jurisdiction is raised, is duty-bound to hear the matter afresh and be
independently satisfied that the arbitrator indeed has jurisdiction to hear
the dispute.
[14] As there is a conflict in the affidavit evidence on the validity and
applicability of the arbitration agreement, it was argued that the special
facts and circumstances of the case require oral and documentary
evidence to be led.
[15] The defendant in its affidavit further sought to persuade the High
Court that expert witness and/or expert evidence on the standard
documents for the purchase and supply of the marine bunker is required
to determine the issues between parties including expert witness and/or
expert evidence on English law.
[16] The core of the challenge thus goes to the very jurisdiction of the
Arbitral Tribunal. If there is no contract at all to begin with then there
cannot be found an arbitration agreement in that which does not exist. It
would be different from a case where there was a contract which was later
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discovered to be illegal and void, in which case, it may be argued that the
arbitration agreement may be severed or separated from the underlying
contract and still survives as in having a life of its own.
[17] On the other hand, the JCs argued that the issue of whether
there is a valid arbitration in the two Invoices and whether these invoices
were issued fraudulently or a sham had been ventilated before the Arbitral
Tribunal and evidence had been adduced by both sides in support of their
respective positions and the arbitrator had decided in the JCs’ favour.
There was no application to set aside the Arbitral Award filed by the
defendant in the English High Court and so the matter had become res.
[18] The JCs also argued that the JD is estopped from resuscitating
the issue of a lack of an arbitration agreement as the JD had not applied
to set aside the Arbitral Award nor challenged the recognition and
enforcement of the Arbitral Award granted by the High Court of Justice,
Business and Property Courts of England & Wales that had exercised
jurisdiction to grant the Order dated 13.11.2020 in favour of the JCs.
[19] The JCs’ argument found favour with the High Court and it
dismissed the JD’s application for directions to be given for oral and
documentary evidence to be adduced based on its failed argument that
there was no arbitration agreement and hence the arbitrator has no
substantive jurisdiction to hear the dispute.
[20] The JD is the appellant before us and the JCs the respondents.
Where appropriate the JCs are sometime referred to as the Award
Creditors and the JD as the Award Debtor.
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In the Court of Appeal
[21] On appeal, learned counsel for the JD reiterated that the sole
question is whether the Setting Aside REJA Application ought to be heard
with oral evidence.
[22] Learned counsel for the appellant JD submitted that the learned
High Court had erred in holding that the JD cannot challenge the validity
of the arbitration proceedings or the UK Award in its Setting Aside REJA
Application as these are irrelevant for the purposes of the registration of
the UK Judgment. The appellant JD “should have taken steps to
challenge it according to the avenues available under the UK Arbitration
Act 1996 within the stipulated time period”. The High Court “as a
registering court is not the forum to deal with these issues” (paragraphs
25 to 28 and 31 to 41 of the Grounds of Judgment).
[23] It was further submitted that the High Court erred in holding that
there was a lack of particulars relating to fraud on or before the UK Court
and/or that the UK Court was deceived into granting the order (paragraphs
22, 29 to 30 and 40 of the Grounds of Judgment).
[24] It is not disputed that the JD had participated in the London
Arbitration subject to a reservation as to the jurisdiction of the London’s
Arbitral Tribunal. After a 3 day oral hearing the Arbitral Tribunal delivered
its Award in favour of the Award Creditors on both jurisdiction and merits.
The Arbitral Award required the Award Debtor to pay the Award Creditors
the sum of USD937,373.24 and costs of Arbitration of GBP105,535.00
together with interest.
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Whether the lack of jurisdiction of an Arbitral Tribunal in an
international arbitration may be raised by a JD in its application to
set aside an ex-parte registration of a foreign judgment under the
REJA when it has not applied to set aside the International Arbitral
Award nor opposed its enforcement as a judgment of the UK Court
in its seat in London
[25] The learned Judge appeared to have proceeded from the
premise that as the JD cannot be allowed to challenge at the High Court
below the validity of the arbitration proceedings or the UK Arbitral Award,
then the main and ultimate relief of setting aside the ex-parte judgment
entered under the REJA cannot succeed in any event and would have to
be dismissed. That being the case, then the application before it, which
though interlocutory in nature as to a matter of procedure only, would have
to be dismissed too as it would be pointless and an exercise in futility.
[26] Convinced of the soundness of its approach, the High Court
observed and concluded as follows:
“34. It is trite that a court order is valid until it is set aside and that a
positive step must be taken to set it aside.
35. The JD did not take any steps to challenge the Arbitral Award
within the stipulated time period despite having had the opportunity
to do so under section 67 of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 nor did the
JD take any steps to oppose the enforcement proceedings
commenced by the JCs in the English High Court despite being well
aware of the same.
36. It is clear that the UK Arbitration Act 1996 provides avenues for the
JD to seek recourse where it is dissatisfied with the Arbitral Award.
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37. Upon perusal of the cause papers filed, I find that the JD's
explanations show that it was well aware of the avenues available to them
under the UK Arbitration Act 1996 to challenge the Arbitral Award but have
instead chosen to ignore the same at their own risk.
41. To me, not only does this go against the very concept of comity and
substantial reciprocity between the nations which is enshrined in the REJA,
but it also goes against the doctrine of res judicata and estoppel.” (emphasis
[27] With the greatest of respect to the High Court, the premise that
it proceeded from is contrary to the approach that our Courts and others
have taken when confronted with the same issue. One must not lose sight
of the fact that with respect to arbitration and in this case the matter of
recognition and enforcement of a foreign Arbitral Award, there is a specific
statute governing it. It is the AA 2005 which specifically provides under s
8 thereof that:
“No court shall intervene in matters governed by this Act, except where so
provided in this Act.”
[28] Matters of “Recognition and enforcement” of Arbitral Awards are
governed by s 38 and “Grounds for refusing recognition or enforcement”
are expressly provided in s 39 of the AA 2005. It would appear that to
proceed under the REJA would fly in the face of the clear language of s 8
AA 2005. For ease of reference, ss 38 and 39 of the AA 2005 are set out
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“38. Recognition and enforcement
(1) On an application in writing to the High Court, an award made in
respect of an arbitration where the seat of arbitration is in Malaysia or an
award from a foreign State shall, subject to this section and section 39 be
recognised as binding and be enforced by entry as a judgment in terms of
the award or by action.
(2) In an application under subsection (1) the applicant shall produce-
(a) the duly authenticated original award or a duly certified
copy of the award; and
(b) the original arbitration agreement or a duly certified copy
of the agreement.
(3) Where the award or arbitration agreement is in a language other
than the national language or the English language, the applicant shall
supply a duly certified translation of the award or agreement in the English
(4) For the purposes of this Act, "foreign State" means a State which
is a party to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Awards adopted by the United Nations Conference on International
Commercial Arbitration in 1958.
39. Grounds for refusing recognition or enforcement
(1) Recognition or enforcement of an award, irrespective of the State
in which it was made, may be refused only at the request of the party
against whom it is invoked-
(a) where that party provides to the High Court proof that-
(i) a party to the arbitration agreement was under any
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(ii) the arbitration agreement is not valid under the
law to which the parties have subjected it, or,
failing any indication thereon, under the laws of the
State where the award was made;
(iii) the party making the application was not given proper
notice of the appointment of an arbitrator or of the
arbitral proceedings or was otherwise unable to
present that party's case;
(iv) the award deals with a dispute not contemplated by
or not falling within the terms of the submission to
(v) subject to subsection (3), the award contains
decisions on matters beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration;
(vi) the composition of the arbitral tribunal or the arbitral
procedure was not in accordance with the agreement
of the parties, unless such agreement was in conflict
with a provision of this Act from which the parties
cannot derogate, or, failing such agreement, was not
in accordance with this Act; or
(vii) the award has not yet become binding on the parties
or has been set aside or suspended by a court of the
country in which, or under the law of which, that award
was made; or
(b) if the High Court finds that-
(i) the subject-matter of the dispute is not capable of
settlement by arbitration under the laws of Malaysia;
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(ii) the award is in conflict with the public policy of
(2) If an application for setting aside or suspension of an award has
been made to the High Court on the grounds referred to in subparagraph
(1)(a)(vii), the High Court may, if it considers it proper, adjourn its decision
and may also, on the application of the party claiming recognition or
enforcement of the award, order the other party to provide appropriate
(3) Where the decision on matters submitted to arbitration can be
separated from those not so submitted, only that part of the award which
contains decisions on matters submitted to arbitration may be recognized
and enforced.”
(emphasis added)
[29] It is a reasonable proposition that registration of a UK Arbitral
Award as a UK Judgment only allows enforcement of the Award as a
judgment within the jurisdiction (i.e., in the UK only). It can thus be argued
that such a registration does not extend to enforcement of an arbitral
award as a judgment overseas. Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd (“Lord
Thomas”) in his expert opinion exhibited by the JD in support of its
application opined as follows:
“43. Section 66 of the 1996 Act must be construed in accordance with
the purpose of the 1996 Act and the overall legislative scheme. The New
York Convention has established a special regime for the enforcement of
international arbitration awards distinct from the regime applicable to the
enforcement of judgments of courts. Effect is given to that regime by
sections 100-104. Section 66(4) makes clear that nothing in section 66 is
to affect the recognition or enforcement of an award under any other
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enactment or rule of law or under the New York Convention. Put in this
context and in the context of the other matters I have set out, it is in my
view clear that in section 66(1) the term "enforce as a judgment"
means enforcement of the judgment within the jurisdiction. It does not
encompass enforcement of an arbitral award as a judgment overseas,
as the regime of the New York Convention is the regime for use for
that purpose; the express provision in section 66(4) reinforces this
construction. An Order made under section 66(1) and any judgment
entered under section 66(2) in the circumstances of this case
therefore cannot be relied on as enforcement for the purposes of the
New York Convention. It is of course possible, that an overseas arbitration
debtor will submit to the jurisdiction of England and Wales to contest an
application under section 66(1) to enforce the judgment. If the arbitration
debtor does so submit and the arbitration debtor fails and the court makes
an Order for enforcement, then the arbitration debtor may be precluded
from contesting enforcement elsewhere on the principles mentioned in
Dallah. But that is the result of a decision after submission to the jurisdiction
for the purposes of contesting enforcement.
45. Thus, in my view it is clear that it is not within the scope of section
66 to use the process in that section to enforce the award in Malaysia. The
provisions of the New York Convention were the provisions to be used for
that purpose. The Order of Cockerill J therefore does not as a matter of
English law determine the issue of the jurisdiction of the LMAA Arbitral
Tribunal for the purposes of enforcement overseas and cannot be relied on
as precluding TMD from asking the High Court of Malaya to determine that
issue for itself.”
(emphasis added)
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[30] It is a given that an Arbitral Tribunal may decide on whether it
has jurisdiction to hear the matter before it under the doctrine of
kompetenz- kompetenz. However, its decision on its own jurisdiction is
never final and it is always open to challenge in the Court of the Seat of
the Arbitration (“the Seat Court”) or in the Court before which the Arbitral
Award is sought to be enforced (“the Enforcement Court”) which would
normally be where the assets of the losing party is found.
[31] The challenge at the Seat Court by an Award Debtor in setting
aside an Arbitral Award is referred to as active remedy as opposed to a
challenge to resist the recognition and enforcement of an Arbitral Award
by an Award Debtor, which is called passive remedy. Both the Convention
on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 1958 (“the
New York Convention”) and the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration (“Model Law”) regimes recognise the availability
of the active and passive remedies.
[32] The fact that our Parliament had allowed the same grounds
under a setting aside of an Award under s 37(1) of the AA 2005 to be
repeated in an application to oppose recognition and enforcement under
s 39(1) would mean that Parliament does not consider the same grounds
to be redundant. For ease of reference, s 37(1) of the AA 2005 is
reproduced below:
“37. Application for setting aside
(1) An award may be set aside by the High Court only if-
(a) the party making the application provides proof that-
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(i) a party to the arbitration agreement was under any
(ii) the arbitration agreement is not valid under the
law to which the parties have subjected it, or,
failing any indication thereon, under the laws of
(iii) the party making the application was not given proper
notice of the appointment of an arbitrator or of the
arbitral proceedings or was otherwise unable to
present that party's case;
(iv) the award deals with a dispute not contemplated by
or not falling within the terms of the submission to
(v) subject to subsection (3), the award contains
decisions on matters beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration; or
(vi) the composition of the arbitral tribunal or the arbitral
procedure was not in accordance with the agreement
of the parties, unless such agreement was in conflict
with a provision of this Act from which the parties
cannot derogate, or, failing such agreement, was not
in accordance with this Act; or
(b) the High Court finds that-
(i) the subject-matter of the dispute is not capable of
settlement by arbitration under the laws of Malaysia;
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(ii) the award is in conflict with the public policy of
(emphasis added)
[33] In Kejuruteraan Bintai Kindenko Sdn Bhd v Serdang Baru
Properties Sdn Bhd and another case [2018] 12 MLJ 706 it was
observed by the High Court at paragraph [23] that in a domestic
arbitration, both an application for setting aside under s 37 and also a
corresponding application under s 38 of the AA 2005 to recognise and
enforce the Award, the Court would generally hear both applications
together as one would be a flip side of the other in that if the Award is set
aside then correspondingly it will not be enforced and conversely if not set
aside it would generally be enforced.
[34] However, in the case of an international arbitration, the setting
aside is at the Court where the seat of arbitration is which may well be
different from the jurisdiction where a party may want to enforce an Award
in its favour. An Award for instance may be against the public policy of
the State where the Award is sought to be enforced though the same
Award is not successfully set aside by the Court where the seat of
arbitration is or even when the Award has been enforced in the Seat
Court. See paragraph [24] of Kejuruteraan Bintai Kindenko (supra).
[35] As both sections 37 and 39 of the AA 2005 are applicable to
international arbitration as well, it would appear that generally there is no
bar to an award debtor who did not apply to set aside an Arbitral Award,
to later oppose an Enforcement Application under s 39 AA 2005 and to
raise the issue of a lack of jurisdiction because of the absence of a valid
arbitration agreement. A challenge to an Arbitral Award may be by way
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of setting aside the Arbitral Award in the Seat Court or to oppose or resist
enforcement in the Enforcement Court. See paragraph [26] of
Kejuruteraan Bintai Kindenko (supra).
[36] Our Supreme Court, as far back as the case of the State
Government of Sarawak v Chin Hwa Engineering Development
Company [1995] 3 MLJ 237, had recognised passive remedy even under
the old Arbitration Act 1952. His Lordship Edgar Joseph Jr FCJ observed
at page 245 as follows:
“We agree, that in certain circumstances, a party may avail himself of a
passive remedy by which is meant he does not take the initiative to attack
an award, but simply waits until his opponent seeks to enforce the award
by action or summary process, when he resists enforcement. Mustill and
Boyd on Commercial Arbitration (2nd Ed) at p 546 have instanced two
situations when the passive remedy would be available; namely: (1) where
the award is so defective in form or substance that it is incapable of
enforcement; (2) where the whole or part of the award is ineffective, on the
ground that the relief granted lies outside the jurisdiction of the arbitrator.”
[37] The Singapore Court of Appeal wrestled with this issue of
“passive remedy” in PT First Media TBK v Astro Nusantara
International BV and Ors [2013] SGCA 57; [2014] 1 SLR 372 and delved
deep into their legislative history of its International Arbitration Act and
recognised its applicability under the Singapore arbitration regime in
resisting an application to enforce an international Arbitral Award. This is
because s 3(1) of their Act provides that the Model Law, with the exception
of Chapter VIII of the Model Law, has the force of law in Singapore. Article
36 of the Model Law on enforcement of an arbitral award is in Chapter
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[38] The Chief Justice of Singapore Sundaresh Menon CJ in writing
for their Court of Appeal in PT First Media TBK v Astro Nusantara
International BV and Ors (supra) concluded as follows:
“84. As we have held, the content of the power to refuse enforcement
under s 19 must be construed in accordance with the purpose of the IAA
which, as we have stated, is to embrace the Model Law. Given that de-
emphasising the seat of arbitration by maintaining the award debtor’s
‘choice of remedies’ and alignment with the grounds under the New York
Convention are the pervading themes under the enforcement regime of the
Model Law, the most efficacious method of giving full effect to the Model
Law philosophy would, in our view, be to recognise that the same grounds
for resisting enforcement under art 36(1) are equally available to a party
resisting enforcement under s 19 of the IAA.”
[39] For us, Article 36 of the UNCITRAL Model Law is reproduced in
our s 39 AA 2005 and as was observed in Kejuruteraan Bintai
Kindenko’s case (supra):
“[33] …The reproduction in section 39 following the same grounds in a
setting aside of an award under section 37 cannot be for decorative
purposes but for the deliberate design of permitting the same grounds not
raised because there was no previous application to set aside under section
37 to be raised in resisting or opposing an application under section 39 of
the AA 2005. The repetition of the same grounds has nothing to do with it
being redundant but everything to do with reiteration as in making those
same grounds available in resisting an enforcement application under
section 39 of the AA 2005.”
[40] Thus, there is no place for the Award Creditors to argue that res
judicata applies in that the JD could have applied to set aside the Arbitral
Award at the seat of the arbitration in London but chose not to and thus is
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barred or estopped from objecting to the enforcement of the Arbitral Award
now in the High Court of Malaya.
[41] Neither is it a valid ground for the Award Creditors to say that
since the Award Debtor did not resist the enforcement of the Arbitral
Award in London, then it is estopped from objecting it now in the
Malaysian High Court. Availability of the passive remedy debunks the
argument of res judicata or issue estoppel having set in.
[42] This was precisely the argument raised by the appellant in
Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious
Affairs of the Government of Pakistan [2011] 1 AC 763, [2012] EWHC
3518 (Comm) where the UK Supreme Court speaking through Lord
Mance had no compunction in dismissing it as follows:
“[22] …Second, Dallah’s case quotes extensively from Fouchard,
Gaillard, Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration (1999) para 658,
pointing out that arbitral tribunals are free to rule on their own jurisdiction,
but ignores the ensuring para 659, which says, pertinently, that:
‘Even today, the competence-competence principle is all too often
interpreted as empowering the arbitrators to be the sole judges of
their jurisdiction. That would be neither logical nor acceptable. In
fact, the real purpose of the rule is in no way to leave the
question of the arbitrators’ jurisdiction in the hands of the
arbitrators alone. Their jurisdiction must instead be reviewed
by the courts if an action is brought to set aside or to enforce
the award.’
[23] In its written case Dallah also argued that the first partial award
gave rise, under English law, to an issue estoppel on the issue of
jurisdiction, having regard to the government’s deliberate decision not to
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institute proceedings in France to challenge the tribunal’s jurisdiction to
make any of its awards. This was abandoned as a separate point by Miss
Heilbron in her oral submission before the Supreme Court, under reference
to the government’s recent application to set aside the tribunal’s awards in
France. But, in my judgment, the argument based on issue estoppel was
always doomed to fail. A person who denies being party to any
relevant arbitration agreement has no obligation to participate in the
arbitration or to take any steps in the country of the seat of what he
maintains to be an invalid arbitration leading to an invalid award
against him. The party initiating the arbitration must try to enforce the
award where it can. Only then and there is it incumbent on the
defendant denying the existence of any valid award to resist
(emphasis added)
[43] Even Part Two of the Explanatory Note by the UNCITRAL
secretariat on the 1985 Model Law on International Commercial
Arbitration as amended in 2006 has this helpful information on its Article
16 on which our s 18 of the AA 2005 is copied from or modelled after:
“4. Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal
(a) Competence to rule on own jurisdiction
25. Article 16 (1) adopts the two important (not yet generally
recognized) principles of “Kompetenz-Kompetenz” and of separability or
autonomy of the arbitration clause.“ Kompetenz-Kompetenz” means that
the arbitral tribunal may independently rule on the question of
whether it has jurisdiction, including any objections with respect to
the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement, without having
to resort to a court. Separability means that an arbitration clause shall be
treated as an agreement independent of the other terms of the contract. As
a consequence, a decision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is null
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and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.
Detailed provisions in paragraph (2) require that any objections relating to
the arbitrators’ jurisdiction be made at the earliest possible time.
26. The competence of the arbitral tribunal to rule on its own
jurisdiction (i.e. on the foundation, content and extent of its mandate
and power) is, of course, subject to court control. Where the arbitral
tribunal rules as a preliminary question that it has jurisdiction, article 16 (3)
allows for immediate court control in order to avoid waste of time and
money. However, three procedural safeguards are added to reduce the risk
and effect of dilatory tactics: short time-period for resort to court (30 days),
court decision not appealable, and discretion of the arbitral tribunal to
continue the proceedings and make an award while the matter is pending
before the court. In those cases where the arbitral tribunal decides to
combine its decision on jurisdiction with an award on the merits,
judicial review on the question of jurisdiction is available in setting
aside proceedings under article 34 or in enforcement proceedings
under article 36.”
(emphasis added)
[44] Section 18(1) and (2) of our AA 2005 reads:
“Competence of arbitral tribunal to rule on its jurisdiction
18. (1) The arbitral tribunal may rule on its own jurisdiction, including
any objections with respect to the existence or validity of the arbitration
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)—
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(a) an arbitration clause which forms part of an agreement
shall be treated as an agreement independent of the
other terms of the agreement; and
(b) a decision by the arbitral tribunal that the agreement is
null and void shall not ipso jure entail the invalidity
of the arbitration clause.”
(emphasis added)
[45] As can be discerned above, a distinction is drawn between the
effect of the existence or otherwise of an arbitration clause as opposed to
one which existence is not in dispute but which agreement, of which the
arbitration clause is a part of, is found to be null and void in which case,
the arbitration clause still survives and is not invalid under the doctrine of
separability. See the English case of DHL Project & Chartering Ltd v
Gemini Ocean Shipping Co Ltd [2023] 3 All ER 580 at [44] – [47] and
the Singapore Court of Appeal COT v COU & Ors [2023] SGCA 31 para
[46] The first instance under s 18(1) AA 2005 with respect to the
existence of the arbitration clause would go to the root of the jurisdiction
of the Arbitral Tribunal such that if there is no arbitration clause because
of a lack of an agreement whether it be a case of importation by reference
or that of the exchange of documents referring to an arbitration clause has
not resulted in a consensus ad idem between the parties or that the
arbitration clause is contained in a document issued fraudulently or that
the document is a sham. The focus is on the formation of the arbitration
clause or agreement.
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[47] That is what the Court is called to hear independently and afresh
irrespective of how the Arbitral Tribunal itself had arrived at the decision
that it has jurisdiction to hear the matter referred to it.
[48] The second instance with respect to the validity of the arbitration
clause has nothing to do with the formation of the agreement containing
the arbitration clause but the performance of it which may result in the
agreement being held by the Arbitral Tribunal to be null and void and thus
affecting the validity of the concluded contract. Precisely because of the
doctrine of separability of the arbitration agreement from the main or
principal or underlying agreement, the arbitration agreement will survive
the underlying agreement that the Arbitral Tribunal may find to be null and
[49] The Court is not concerned with the challenge on finding of facts
en-route to the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision on the underlying agreement
being null and void. That is within the exclusive domain of the Arbitral
[50] The JCs cannot deprive the JD of the latter’s passive remedy by
strategically electing to enforce the Arbitral Award that had been enforced
in the UK High Court as a judgment of the Court by way of registering the
foreign judgment in the High Court of Malaya under the REJA.
[51] We are conscious of the fact that the REJA has referred to
Arbitral Awards in its definition of “judgment” but like all definitions in an
Act of Parliament, it is always qualified by the opening words on the
Interpretation section in this case s 2 as follows:
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“2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —”
See the Federal Court’s decision in Metramac Corp Sdn Bhd v Fawziah
Holdings Sdn Bhd [2006] 4 MLJ 113.
[52] The REJA of 1958 cannot supersede the AA 2005 which came
later and is a more specific legislation governing all matters relating to or
arising out of arbitration. In the event of an apparent conflict or confusion,
a latter legislation would prevail and be the more appropriate legislation
when it is a more specific legislation pertaining to enforcement of an
Arbitral Award compared to the REJA which is of a general application to
all judgments. See the Court of Appeal case of Majlis Perbandaran
Subang Jaya v Visamaya Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015] 5 MLJ 554. The
principle of generalia specialibus non derogant would apply with the result
of a specific statute overriding and prevailing upon a general one.
[53] The scheme of enforcement of a foreign Arbitral Award in our
jurisdiction is by way of a s 38 AA 2005 application consistent with our
treaty commitment under the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL
Model Law where the jurisprudence is different from a registration of a
foreign judgment per se.
[54] In this regard it is pertinent to refer to the observation of the
Federal Court in Masenang Sdn Bhd v Sabanilam Enterprise Sdn Bhd
[2021] 6 MLJ 255 as follows:
“[140] To apply the well-known Latin maxim of generalia specialibus non
derogant, a special law prevails over a general law. In any event,
arbitration is a completely distinct and disparate dispute resolution
process in comparison to the adjudication of civil disputes. The
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concepts and philosophy of these two modes of dispute resolution
are completely different. These two modes are accordingly governed
by distinct and separate legislation. As such, in the present context,
the AA is the relevant legislation, not the CJA. The two ought not to be
conflated. In an arbitration dispute, the cause of action which may be, for
example, breach of contract, is determined finally. The civil courts are
approached not for the purposes of trying the same cause of action, but
purely for the purposes of recognition and to a very narrow extent, the
setting aside of the arbitral award. In that sense, the jurisdiction of the
civil courts as stipulated in the AA is not engaged as it would be in a
normal civil matter. Therefore, this takes the cause of action which
has merged in the arbitration award out of the scope of the CJA and
brings it into the purview of the AA.
[141] In this context it is important to reiterate again that the provisions of
the CJA and the RC are general codes that provide the substantive and
procedural basis for deciding disputes arising from general civil disputes.
These laws do not limit nor affect any special law such as the AA. The AA
is a special law codified to govern arbitration proceedings, both
domestic and international. It gives effect to the principle of party
autonomy by giving the parties the freedom to choose courts under the seat
of arbitration that will have supervisory jurisdiction.”
(emphasis added)
[55] We are conscious of the fact that s 4 of the Courts of Judicature
Act 1964 that provides as follows:
“Provision to prevent conflict of laws
4. In the event of inconsistency or conflict between this Act and any
other written law other than the Constitution in force at the commencement
of this Act, the provisions of this Act shall prevail.”
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[56] However, there is no similar clause in the REJA which is clearly
a statute of general application.
[57] Learned counsel for the JD had referred to the written opinion of
Lord Thomas who opined that it would be illegitimate to enforce an Arbitral
Award obtained in the UK in the form of a UK Judgment and to then
proceed to register it under the REJA as that would be to deliberately
bypass ss 38 and 39 of the AA 2005 and thus taking a foreign Arbitral
Award outside the regime provided under the New York Convention
regime to which Malaysia is a signatory party to the Treaty as well as
outside the UNCITRAL Model Law regime.
[58] In fact, Lord Thomas castigated it as judgment laundering and
opined at paragraphs 50, 51 and 58 of his Expert Report as follows:
“50. In this connection it is useful to refer to the decision of the Court of
Appeal of England and Wales in Strategic Technologies v Procurement
Bureau of the Republic of China Ministry of Defence… (to which I will refer
as Strategic). The claimant in that case had obtained a default judgment in
1999 in the High Court of Singapore against the defendant which was held
to have submitted to the jurisdiction of Singapore; damages were assessed
in 2002. In 2009 the claimant obtained a default judgment on the basis of
the Singapore judgment in the Grand Court of Cayman Islands against the
defendant which was also held to have submitted to that jurisdiction. The
claimant then registered the Cayman Islands judgment in the High Court of
England and Wales under section 9 of the AJA 1920. When the registration
came before the Court of Appeal of England and Wales the issue was
whether a judgment on a judgment could be registered under section 9.
51. The Court of Appeal held that on a literal reading of section 12 of
the AJA 1920 a judgment (the judgment of the Grand Court of the Cayman
Islands) on a judgment (the judgment of the High Court of Singapore) could
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be within the literal wording of the section. However, it was wrong to
construe the section literally. It should be construed in the light of the
purpose and scheme of the legislation. Considering the approach to the AJA
1920 in that way, the Court of Appeal held that a judgment on a judgment
was not a judgment within the Act for two essential reasons:
(1) the principle of reciprocity on which the provisions in the AJA
1920 and the subsequent Foreign Judgment (Reciprocal
Enforcement) Act 1933 should not be unbalanced by
permitting a judgment on a judgment to be recognised. As
Males LJ stated at paragraph 55:
It would mean that a judgment given in a state with which
no such [reciprocal] arrangements existed and which
was not even in the Commonwealth (for example, the
United States) could in effect be registered for
enforcement here by the expedient of an action to
enforce that judgment in an intermediate state to which
the 1920 Act does apply, an expedient sometimes
described somewhat pejoratively as "judgment
58. For these reasons I have set out in the three preceding sections
of this opinion, the answers to the specific questions I have been asked:
I. I do not consider as a matter of English law TMD's refusal to
avail itself of its active remedy in England and Wales would
prevent TMD advancing the contention that this is a "judgment
laundering exercise" similar to that which was attempted in
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[59] We do not need at this stage of the hearing of the appeal on
Enclosure 24 which is essentially praying for an order pursuant to O. 67 r.
9(2) ROC that the matter should proceed to trial, to determine if the
opinion on a question of foreign law, ought to be accepted by our Courts.
We agree that the effect of the UK Judgment arising as it does from a UK
Award is governed by English law. The application of English law in
Malaysian proceedings is a question of fact and as such Lord Thomas’
Opinion would be relevant.
[60] Suffice to say that the opinion presents an arguable case on
behalf of the JD for the High Court to make a finding on it when it is fully
argued at the hearing of Enclosure 17, the Setting Aside REJA Application
as under s 5(1)(a)(i) the registration of the foreign judgment shall be set
aside if the judgment is registered in contravention of the Act.
[61] As the application before us in Enclosure 24 is only for the very
limited relief of a trial being had where oral and written evidence as well
as expert evidence be adduced for the purpose of setting aside the ex-
parte order for registering the foreign judgment that had emanated from
an Arbitral Award and as there is no application by the JD to strike out the
JCs’ Originating Summons, we need say nothing more at this stage.
[62] We are of the further view that assuming the route of registering
a foreign Arbitral Award as a foreign judgment under the REJA in the
Malaysian High Court is allowed, the same objection on jurisdiction may
be raised. As it is, as the JCs here had chosen the REJA route instead of
the UNCITRAL Model Law route under our AA 2005, the JD should not
be disadvantaged or suffer any prejudice in any way as opposed to a s 38
AA 2005 Enforcement Application.
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Whether in applying to set aside an ex-parte order for registration of
a foreign judgment emanating from an International Arbitral Award
under the REJA, the High Court below should hear the objection of
a lack of jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal de novo
[63] It has been well established, at least since Dallah Real Estate
and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious Affairs of the
Government of Pakistan [2011] 1 AC 763 [2012] EWHC 3518 (Comm)
where it was observed as follows:
“[30] The nature of the present exercise is, in my opinion, also unaffected
where an arbitral tribunal has either assumed or, after full deliberation,
concluded that it had jurisdiction. There is in law no distinction between
these situations. The tribunal’s own view of its jurisdiction has no legal
or evidential value, when the issue is whether the tribunal had any
legitimate authority in relation to the government at all. This is so
however full was the evidence before it and however carefully
deliberated was its conclusion. It is also so whatever the composition of
the tribunal—a comment made in view of Dallah’s repeated (but no more
attractive for that) submission that weight should be given to the tribunal’s
‘eminence’, ‘high standing and great experience’…”
(emphasis added)
[64] That approach was followed by the High Court of England in
Central Trading & Exports Ltd v Fioralba Shipping Company the
Kalisti [2015] 1 All ER (Comm) 580 as follows:
“[9] A series of first instance cases has made clear that a s 67
challenge involves a rehearing (and not merely a review) of the issue
of jurisdiction, so that the court must decide that issue for itself. It is
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not confined to a review of the arbitrators’ reasoning, but effectively
starts again. That approach has been confirmed by the Supreme Court
in Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious
Affairs, Government of Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46, [2011] 1 All ER 485,
[2011] 1 AC 763, which also makes clear that the decision and reasoning
of the arbitrators is not entitled to any particular status or weight, although
(depending on its cogency) that reasoning will inform and be of interest to
the court.”
(emphasis added)
[65] Section 67 of the English Arbitration Act 1996 provides as
“Challenging the award: substantive jurisdiction.
(1) A party to arbitral proceedings may (upon notice to the other parties
and to the tribunal) apply to the court —
(a) challenging any award of the arbitral tribunal as to its
substantive jurisdiction; or
(b) for an order declaring an award made by the tribunal on the
merits to be of no effect, in whole or in part, because the
tribunal did not have substantive jurisdiction. A party may lose
the right to object (see section 73) and the right to apply is
subject to the restrictions in section 70(2) and (3).”
[66] Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of
Religious Affairs of the Government of Pakistan [2011] 1 AC 763
[2012] EWHC 3518 (Comm) have been applied by our Courts in Food
Ingredients LLC v Pacific Inter-Link Sdn Bhd and Another
Application [2012] 8 MLJ 585 (HC); Agrovenus LLP v Pacific Inter-
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Link Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2014] 4 CLJ 525 (CA) and SPNB-
LTAT Sdn Bhd v ABI Construction Sdn Bhd [2016]7 CLJ 275 (HC);
Thai-Lao Lignite Co Ltd & Anor v Government of the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic [2017] 9 CLJ 273 and The Government of India
v Vedanta Limited & Anor [2018] MLJU 630.
[67] The JCs’ argument is that even assuming for a moment that the
above may be so for a s 38 application under the AA 2005, the instant
application before the High Court below is one under s 5 of the REJA. We
are fully conscious and cognisant of that. We do not think that the JCs
here can harness any perceived strategic advantage by the REJA route
of registering the foreign judgment here in Malaysia. Where jurisdiction
and fraud issues are raised bona fide before the Court, it cannot be simply
brushed aside on ground that it should have been raised in the foreign
original Court where the judgment had been taken where the JD had not
participated in the Enforcement Application before the foreign Court.
[68] Neither can it be raised that as the Award Debtor had not applied
to set aside the Arbitral Award, then it is barred from objecting to its
enforcement both in UK and in other jurisdictions under either the
provision of s 39 of the AA 2005 in the case of enforcing a foreign Arbitral
Award Malaysia or under the REJA.
[69] Even s 5 of the REJA itself recognises that a jurisdictional
objection may be raised that the original court that registered the Arbitral
Award as a judgment of that court has no jurisdiction to do so in the
circumstances of the case.
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[70] The relevant parts of s 5 of the REJA read as follows:
“5. Cases in which registered judgments must, or may, be set
(1) On an application in that behalf duly made by any party against
whom a registered judgment may be enforced, the registration of the
(a) shall be set aside if the registering court is satisfied-
(i) that the judgment is not a judgment to which this Part
applies or was registered in contravention of this Act;
(ii) that the courts of the country of the original court had
no jurisdiction in the circumstances of the case;
(iii) that the judgment debtor, being the defendant in the
proceedings in the original court, did not
(notwithstanding that process may have been duly
served on him in accordance with the law of the country
of the original court) receive notice of those proceedings
in sufficient time to enable him to defend the
proceedings and did not appear;
(iv) that the judgment was obtained by fraud;
(v) that the enforcement of the judgment would be
contrary to public policy in Malaysia; or
(vi) that the rights under the judgment are not vested in the
person by whom the application for registration was
made; and
(b) may be set aside if the registering court is satisfied that the
matter in dispute in the proceedings in the original court had
previously to the date of the judgment in the original court
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been the subject of a final and conclusive judgment by a court
having jurisdiction in the matter.
(emphasis added)
[71] Learned counsel for the JD submitted that fraud in the issuance
of the 2 Invoices which contained the arbitration agreement were issued
fraudulently and if it were given an opportunity to successfully prove that,
then the arbitration agreement would fall with it as being part of the poison
tree. From the discussion of the relevant cases above, the fact that the
Arbitral Tribunal had heard the JD’s witnesses and evidence and
dismissed it, does not prevent the JD from raising them in what is
essentially an opposition to an Enforcement Application under s 38 of the
AA 2005. When so raised the Court would need to hear the issue de novo
as the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision on its own jurisdiction is never final.
[72] The fraud here is with respect to the formation of the contract
where if it is proved to be a fraud or a sham, then there is no contract to
begin with and in which instance there would be no arbitration agreement
with the result that the Arbitral Tribunal would have no jurisdiction to hear
the matter.
[73] Whether that is true or not, is a matter that the High Court below
must independently arrive at by hearing evidence that may be adduced
by both sides without being influenced at all by the finding of facts of the
Arbitral Tribunal where fraud if proved, would unravel everything including
the arbitration agreement.
[74] This is not the place to go into the merits of the fraudulent
allegations as that is best left to the High Court to decide under the
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directions that the JD had prayed for with respect to the tendering of
documentary evidence, the calling of witnesses and the evidence of the
expert as to what English law is with respect to Enforcement Application
in UK under the UK Arbitration Act 1996.
[75] The Enforcement Court in the UK would have no jurisdiction if
fraud could be proved which would go to the very root of the existence of
the contract. Here the Arbitration Agreement is not separable as it is not
a case of fraud affecting the validity of the contract in its performance or
implementation but fraud affecting the very existence of the contract at the
very inception in its formation.
[76] As highlighted by learned counsel for the JD, it is pertinent that
the lack of jurisdiction of the original court is spoken of in the context of
“the circumstances of the case” which is flexible enough an expression to
address the issue of jurisdiction being raised in the registering Court
where the foreign judgment emanating from an arbitral award is to be
[77] The very presence of this ground for setting aside the foreign
judgment that is sought to be registered in the registering High Court is
indicative enough that such a ground of a lack of jurisdiction of the foreign
original Court may be properly raised where there are bona fide grounds
substantiating it for the registering Court to inquire into and to analyse and
assess whether there was an arbitration agreement to begin with since
the JD had furnished some prima facie evidence to that effect which is to
be tested in the crucible of cross-examination.
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[78] After all the High Court below has a broad power under O. 67 r.
9(3) ROC, should it decide to allow the application to set aside the
registration of the foreign judgment, and may do so for the reason that it
is not just or convenient that the judgment should be enforced in Malaysia
or that there is some other sufficient reason for setting aside the
Whether the issue of fraud in the formation of the contract that contain the
arbitration agreement and thus affecting jurisdiction of the Arbitral
Tribunal, had been set out with sufficient particularity such that a trial of
the issue where witnesses are called would be a proper exercise of
[79] Whether in an O. 67 r. 9 ROC application, the High Court should
order a trial where witnesses may be called on the issue of jurisdiction is
a matter of discretion of the High Court. Like all exercise of discretion, it
must be done by correctly applying the relevant legal principles, taking
relevant factors into consideration and disregarding irrelevant factors such
the discretion may be said to have been exercised fairly and reasonably,
having regard to the overall justice of the case.
[80] As narrated by the JCs themselves in their submissions, the 1st
JC is a company incorporated in the Netherlands and it is in the business
of providing banking services. The 2nd JC is a company incorporated in
Singapore and it was involved in the business of the sale, supply and
trading of bunkers to supply fuel to ships at hubs and ports. It had around
13.11.2014 filed for bankruptcy.
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[81] The 1st JC was appointed on behalf of a syndicate of banks to act
as a security agent under a revolving borrowing base facilities agreement
dated 19.12.2013 (“Facilities Agreement”) between inter alia O.W. Bunker
& Trading A/S (“OWBAS”) and the 1st JC.
[82] As part of the Facilities Agreement, the 1st JC entered into an
omnibus security agreement dated 19.12.2013 (“Security Agreement”)
with OWBAS and a number of OWBAS’s subsidiaries, under which
OWBAS and the relevant OWBAS subsidiaries assigned to the 1st JC all
of their rights, title and interest in any amount owed or to be owed to them
under any Supply Contract (as defined in the Security Agreement)
including the supply contracts entered into between the JD and the 2nd JC
which formed the subject matter of the Arbitral Award.
[83] We are not for a moment suggesting that the moment fraud is
raised, and in this case, in the context of jurisdiction or a lack of it, then
the Court in a de novo hearing must conduct a full trial with witnesses
called just to determine the question of jurisdiction. The Court must
always have regard to the peculiar and particular facts of each case set
out with sufficient particularities.
[84] There would well be cases where even in an independent
rehearing of a jurisdictional issue as in that the arbitral tribunal lacks
jurisdiction, all that the Court needs to do may be to interpret the relevant
documents where for instance, the arbitration agreement is said to have
been imported by reference. These would be cases where the Court
needs only to interpret contractual documents containing a reference to
an arbitration agreement. After all interpretation of contract is a question
of law.
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[85] The more difficult cases where witnesses may need to be called
would be whether there was a concluded agreement to begin with which
agreement contains the arbitration clause and in such cases the conduct
of the parties during the negotiations of the contract and subsequent
conduct in the performance of the so-called concluded contract may be
relevant and may need witnesses to be called.
[86] In Dallah’s case (supra) it was whether there was a concluded
contract involving the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pakistan when it was
not a signatory to the agreement but instead a statutory trust body was
the signatory and where the Ministry has an interest in the proper
implementation of the contract. Witnesses were called to prove that the
Ministry was not a party to the contract and though the foreign Arbitral
Award was made by the Paris ICC Arbitral Tribunal in favour of Dallah,
the English Courts refused to enforce it with the decision to dismiss
enforcement by the UK High Court being affirmed in the Court of Appeal
and then by the apex UK Supreme Court.
[87] Where there are allegations of fraud that go towards the
formation of the contract and there are conflicts of affidavit evidence, then
it behoves the Court to direct that a trial be had with witnesses called and
evidence adduced, including expert evidence if necessary, so as to be
able to separate truth from falsehood and half-truths. It is difficult if not
impossible to resolve what is true by a mere reading of affidavit evidence
in conflict. Lawyers have honed the art of cross-examination to be
deployed to distill the truth from witnesses, to display contradictions and
to destroy credibility of some in the process. It is not every case of conflict
of testimonies that can be resolved with the Solomonic sanction of
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severing “the baby into two”. It is in the crucible of cross-examination that
the dross of deception is burnt and the gold of guarded truth refined.
[88] Learned counsel for the JD had used the analogy of why a
summary judgment application heard via affidavit evidence is not allowed
where the plaintiff is alleging fraud for there would invariably be conflict of
affidavit evidence. While that may be so, the converse is not true in that
the defendant may allege fraud and the Court in hearing the summary
judgment application would examine if there is prima facie evidence of
fraud as alleged by the defendant and whether there is sufficient
particularity as to justify a trial to resolve conflict in affidavit evidence. In
other words, it must be raised bona fide and not for the purpose of
delaying the just and expeditious disposal of the dispute.
[89] It was submitted by learned counsel for the JCs that the Arbitral
Tribunal had sieved through and scrutinised all the evidence of fraud and
found none. The matter was said to be res, and that it would be an abuse
of the Court’s process to have the witnesses testify again, this time before
a High Court Judge. The High Court in its Grounds of Judgment had
categorically stated as follows:
“40. All in all, I find that besides the fact that the JD failed to provide
particulars of the alleged fraud upon the English High Court, the JD appears
to be suggesting that not only oral evidence of factual witnesses (each party
put forward three witnesses who provided witness statements in the
London Arbitration) ought to be presented to this Court, further
documentary evidence and oral evidence from an expert witness and/or
expert evidence is required.
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41. To me, not only does this go against the very concept of comity and
substantial reciprocity between the nations which is enshrined in the REJA,
but it also goes against the doctrine of res judicata and estoppel.”
(emphasis added)
[90] Unfortunately for the JCs, res judicata is not engaged here as
the Arbitral Tribunal, no matter how eminent it may be constituted of,
cannot be the final judge of its own jurisdiction. It may decide but its
decision is not determinative and final and when raised either in the
context of a Setting Aside Application in the Seat Court or in an
Enforcement Application in whichever jurisdictions the Award Debtor may
have assets, the Court would hear the evidence afresh on jurisdiction or
the lack of it. In fact, no deference is paid to the decision of the Arbitral
Tribunal on the finding of fact with respect to jurisdiction; such a finding of
fact has no legal or evidential value. See para [30] Dallah’s case (supra).
[91] We are of the considered opinion that the JD had raised
sufficient particulars of fraud in the formation of the contract in dispute in
paragraphs 41 to 43 and 49 to 51 of the affidavit of the JD in Enclosure
18 at the High Court as follows, wherein paragraphs 41, 42 and 50 are
reproduced herewith:
“41. … there never was a supply of MGO/ bunker by OWBFE to the
Vessels on the alleged dates, there can be no Alleged Contract. With
no Alleged Contract, there can be no incorporation of the OWB Terms
between the parties. With no incorporation of the OWB Terms, there
are no grounds for the Judgment Creditors to argue that the London
Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear the dispute between the parties. By
that reason, the English High Court thus had no jurisdiction to hear
the Judgment Creditors' ex-parte Order to enforce the London
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Arbitration Award.
42. I hereby state that the proper agreement between the parties is the
2014 Agreement. I understand that the purpose of the 2014 Agreement was
for all TMD's transactions with OWBFE for sale and purchase of bunkers
would be negotiated on a case by case basis with detailed terms to be
agreed on similarly and any conflict in terms would be superseded by the
2014 Agreement. This is expressly provided in Clause 11.2, that the 2014
Agreement prevails over any other agreements in conflict.
50. As the London Tribunal had no jurisdiction to hear the dispute
between the parties in the first place, it follows that the English High Court
would have no jurisdiction to hear the Judgment Creditors' ex-parte
application and to make the English High Court Judgment on that basis.”
[92] The issue of fraud, though it does not affect the judgment
obtained pursuant to an Enforcement Application before the UK High
Court as there was no fraud practised on the UK Enforcement Court as
such, does nevertheless arise in an acute sense with respect to the issue
of whether there was a concluded arbitration agreement in the two
impugned Invoices dated 17.10.2014 and 1.11.2014 such that if the
impugned Invoices were fraudulently issued then the arbitration clause in
the impugned Invoices would fall with it being the fruit of the poison tree.
To that extent the allegations of fraud that goes towards jurisdiction is
relevant to be decided at a trial of the issue which is best done where
witnesses are allowed to be called.
[93] Thus, learned counsel for the JD had premised the submission
as fraud on the part of the JCs as stemming from fraudulent transactions
and claims based on the two impugned Invoices containing the arbitration
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agreement as can be seen in Enclosure 29 at the High Court at
paragraphs 16 to 18 as follows:
“The English High Court Judgment is obtained by Fraud
16. I am advised and verily believe that fraud on the part of the
Judgment Creditors stems from their insistence on proceeding with the
London Arbitration and the accompanying enforcement of the London
Arbitration Award well knowing that they did not have the basis to do so.
The London Arbitration Award is premised on Fraudulent Transactions and
Fraudulent Claims by the Judgment Creditors against the Judgment Debtor
17.1 I aver in paragraph 22 … that the Judgment Creditors were unable
to produce any evidence to support the existence of the alleged oral
contracts between the Judgment Debtor and the Judgment Creditors for
the supply of marine bunker fuels to Straits 1 and Dolphin 1. However, in
spite of being aware that they have no evidence of the said oral
agreements, the Judgment Creditors commenced arbitration proceedings
against the Judgment Debtor. This is a clear indication of fraud.
17.2 …Mr Han-Chen Cheah, the trader who allegedly entered into the
oral contract with the Judgment Debtor had confirmed in his statement that
he had no "specific recollection" of the alleged oral contracts. The
Judgment Creditors cannot claim that the London Tribunal is a tribunal of
competent jurisdiction where no evidence of the existence of such an
agreement had been provided by the Judgment Creditors during the
course of the London Arbitration proceedings.
17.4 …that the deliveries of the marine bunker could not have occurred
because the tank capacity of Straits 1 and Dolphin 1 were much smaller
than the alleged amount of marine bunker fuels delivered. Even though it
was impossible for the alleged amount marine bunker fuels to be delivered,
the Judgment Creditors continued to maintain their claim in spite of
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knowledge of its impossibility. This is yet another example of the Judgment
Creditors' fraudulent conduct.
17.5 … that the daily reports for Straits l show that at the material date,
the vessel was in the Kuantan region and not at the port of Pasir Gudang.
This is clear evidence that the ships could not possibly have received the
said marine bunker fuels. However, in spite of the above evidence, the
Judgment Creditors persisted in their claim that marine bunker fuels were
delivered to Straits l even though this clearly contradicted the evidence they
were relying on (i.e. the BRRs). Their continued persistence in maintaining
their claim in spite of the evidence is clearly fraudulent conduct.
17.6 … that the daily reports for Dolphin 1 show that at the material date,
the vessel was in the South China Sea en route to Miri in Sarawak and not
at the port of Kuantan as alleged by the Judgment Creditors. Yet again, this
is clear evidence that the ships could not possibly have received the said
marine bunker fuels… This is yet another example of the Judgment
Creditors' fraudulent conduct.”
[94] At this stage we suspend any determination as to whether the
particularised allegations are true or otherwise as that are to be
determined at the trial on the issue of jurisdiction which is inextricably
linked to whether the impugned Invoices were fraudulent transactions.
Suffice to say that there is sufficient prima facie evidence raised on a bona
fide basis for the JCs to answer which answers have to be tried and tested
in the crucible of cross-examination.
[95] The allegation of fraud assumes greater importance as there is
another earlier written arbitration agreement contained in a Set Off
Agreement dated 7.4.2014 between the JD and the 2nd JC which
contained an “entire agreement” clause. This earlier arbitration agreement
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provided for arbitration in Malaysia under Malaysian law with arbitration
under the then KLRCA Rules. Whether the London Arbitral Tribunal had
wrongly ignored the Malaysian Arbitration Agreement and thus assuming
jurisdiction when there was none is a matter to be heard de novo by the
Malaysian High Court below.
[96] The relevant arbitration clause and related clauses in the Set Off
Agreement reads as follows:
“10. Settlement of dispute
10.1 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement and the Transaction Agreements, including
any question regarding its existence, validity or termination,
shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in
accordance with the Rules of the Kuala Lumpur
Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) which Rules
are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this
10.2 The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
10.3 The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall
be English.
10.4 Any arbitral award shall be enforceable in accordance with
the Rules of the 1958 Convention of the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York
Convention). The award rendered may be entered in any
court or other authority having jurisdiction or application
may be made to said court or other authority for a judicial
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acceptance of the award and an order of enforcement, as
the case may be.”
11. Miscellaneous
11.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding
of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
No amendment, modification or alteration of any term in
this Agreement shall be binding on either Party unless the
same shall be made in writing, and executed by or on
behalf of the Parties hereto.
11.2 This Agreement shall be dominant and shall prevail
over any other agreement(s) in conflict with this
Agreement, including but not limited to the Transaction
Agreements, unless such priority is expressly negated.”
(emphasis added)
[97] As there is the “entire agreement” clause in Clause 11.1 coupled
with the “prevailing clause in the event of conflict” in Clause 11.2, it is
certainly an arguable case on the lack of jurisdiction of the London Arbitral
Tribunal to assume jurisdiction even assuming for a moment that there
was no fraud in the formation of the contracts in the two impugned
[98] All that the JD is asking for at this stage is for the issue of
jurisdiction to be determined at trial where oral evidence may be adduced
through and not determined via conflicting affidavit evidence. We see no
good reason why this should not be allowed in the light of the prima facie
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allegation of fraud in the issuance of the two impugned invoices and the
prevailing arbitration agreement in the event of conflict.
Whether non-recognition of the English High Court’s Judgment
would be in violation of the principle of international comity and
substantial reciprocity as statutorily provided under the REJA
[99] It would not be unfair to say that in deciding to dismiss the
application in Enclosure 24 filed by the JD for a trial to be had on the issue
of jurisdiction, the High Court had laboured under the misconception that
it is not to inquire into the merits of the challenge on jurisdiction when it
observed as follows:
“32. Further, it is my considered opinion that the non-recognition of the
English High Court Judgment would be in violation of the principle of
international comity and substantial reciprocity as statutorily provided under
the REJA. The mechanisms of registration of a foreign judgment are part of
the administration of justice in Malaysia.
33. It is to be noted that the English High Court Judgment is final and
conclusive. It was also not the function of the registering country, which
Malaysia was in this case, to examine the merits of the English High Court
Judgment or even to criticize the English High Court Judgment.”
[100] What has perhaps been overlooked is the fact that Malaysia is a
party to the New York Convention, reputed to be one of the most widely
recognised and ratified Treaties in the world with 169 member States. Our
ss. 38 and 39 AA 2005 are substantially a reproduction of Article V of the
New York Convention.
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[101] The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial
Arbitration 1985 is another international instrument that Malaysia has
adopted and our AA 2005 is clearly modelled after the UNCITRAL Model
Law. The UNCITRAL Model Law does not supplant the New York
Convention but rather it synchronises with and supplements and
strengthens it. Our ss. 38 and 39 of AA 2005 are clearly a reproduction
of Article 35 and 36 respectively of the UNCITRAL Model Law.
[102] There is no good reason why the principle of international comity
and substantial reciprocity should not be invoked with respect to
recognition and enforcement of a foreign Arbitral Award, both under the
New York Convention and under the UNCITRAL Model Law which are
international instruments compared to REJA which is more bilateral rather
than multilateral.
[103] Here the JCs have the upper hand on deciding under which
provisions of the Malaysian statute to proceed under with respect to the
enforcement of a foreign judgment. Whilst we have expressed the view
that the more appropriate statute to do this is under our AA 2005, we do
not think that by electing to proceed under the REJA, the JD should be
deprived of any of its defences that may be available to it had the
enforcement been under ss 38 and 39 of the AA 2005. As we have shown,
even under the permitted defences or objections, the JD is always allowed
to raise the issue of a lack of jurisdiction in the foreign Court enforcing the
Arbitral Award under s 5(1)(a)(ii) of the REJA on the ground that “the
courts of the country of the original court had no jurisdiction in the
circumstances of the case.”
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[104] Learned counsel for the JCs cited the Court of Appeal’s case of
Mann Holdings Pte Ltd & Anor v Ung Yoke Hong [2019] 6 CLJ 475
(CA) (“Mann Holdings”), where it was held that any challenge towards
the merits or propriety of the foreign judgment must necessarily be
undertaken in the original jurisdiction where the judgment was
pronounced, and not the Malaysian courts:
“[55] In the case of judgments from a superior court of another
jurisdiction, the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1958 is a
specific statute enacted to provide the mechanism for how such judgments
from recognised jurisdictions such as the High Court of Singapore may be
enforced in Malaysia. That specific mechanism involves a mandatory
registration process with adequate timelines enacted for setting aside the
registration, before such judgment may be enforced or executed. After such
judgments are registered, it is the registration that is challenged and not
the merits or propriety of the judgment. That exercise must necessarily
be undertaken in the original jurisdiction where the judgment was
(emphasis added)
[105] We have no issue with the sound principle propounded in the
above case. It must be remembered that Mann Holdings (supra) is not
a case involving an arbitral award where the participation of the JD, in the
instant case, in the London Arbitration was with reservation on the Arbitral
Tribunal’s jurisdiction to hear the matter in dispute. In the above case the
judgment debtor had fully participated in the trial which decision in favour
of the judgment creditor had been affirmed by the Singapore Court of
Appeal, not to mention a previous challenge on the jurisdiction of the
Singapore Court to hear the dispute which also had been affirmed by the
Singapore Court of Appeal.
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[106] We were also referred to our Supreme Court case of See Hua
Daily News Bhd v. Tan Thien Chin & Ors [1986] 2 MLJ 107 (SC) (“See
Hua Daily News”) where learned counsel for the JCs summarised the
principles as follows:
(1) Burden is on the party requesting for a trial of the issues
to prove the existence of the triable issue;
(2) The party requesting for a trial must condescend to
particulars of the allegations in their affidavits;
(3) The allegations must not be frivolous or vexatious; and
(4) The allegations must be made bona fide.
[107] We are in full agreement with the propositions above. We also
wish to add that See Hua Daily News (supra) was not a case proceeding
from an arbitral award in Brunei. The fraud raised there was not a fraud
going towards jurisdiction of the original Court in Brunei nor the registering
Court in Malaysia. It was a summary judgment where fraud was raised
by the judgment debtor and it was in that context that the Supreme Court
pointed out that no steps had been taken to set aside the judgment in
Brunei and observed as follows:
“But they have alleged fraud and not mistake. Thus, even on its very face
the alleged fraud is clearly frivolous and vexatious. The nature of the
alleged fraud is such that it cannot have been made bona fide. Since the
burden of providing the existence of the triable issue is on the
appellants, it is the more reason that they must condescend to
particulars of the alleged fraud in their affidavits. In the absence of
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particularization we must, on the authority of Wallingford case agree with
the learned trial judge that the affidavits of Mr. Lin are insufficient to raise
a triable issue on fraud.…
The question is, can they now have a second bite at the cherry and be
allowed to retract their voluntary admissions, and can they now adduce
fresh evidence to show that it was not their own carelessness but it was in
fact the respondents themselves who had ordered the publication? On this
particular issue, in our view the appellants are estopped from denying the
admissions. Further, before fresh evidence can be adduced after judgment,
the appellants must show that such evidence is not only material and
credible, but also that they could not have been obtained with reasonable
diligence for use at the original trial.”
(emphasis added)
[108] The above case has no nexus whatsoever to the issue of
jurisdiction that arises from fraud with respect to the formation of the
contract containing the arbitration agreement. The differences are poles
[109] There is no place for the unfounded fear that the Malaysian High
Court would be sitting in judgment over the final decision of a competent
court of another jurisdiction as here we are dealing with an arbitral
tribunal’s decision on its own jurisdiction and that jurisdiction is now being
challenged in our High Court. We are not dealing with a judgment arising
from a cause of action brought and heard in the High Court in the UK.
[110] Having considered the submissions of the parties, we are more
than satisfied that the High Court had erred in law and applied the wrong
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legal principles when the passive remedy was always open and available
to the JD as the appellant, to raise the lack of jurisdiction arising from no
arbitration agreement in the two impugned Invoices said to have been
issued fraudulently.
[111] The Arbitral Tribunal’s decision on its own jurisdiction is never
final and a Court in hearing what is essentially an enforcement of the
Arbitral Award must inquire into whether there was an arbitration
agreement in the light of the allegations of fraud at the stage of formation
of the contract, which allegations have been raised bona fide and with
sufficient particularities qualifying as prima facie evidence of fraud. See
the tests enunciated in Vijayalakshmi Devi d/o Nadchatiram v Dr
Mahadevan s/o Nadchatiram & Ors [1995] 2 MLJ 709, Tan Kok Cheng
& Sons Realty Co Sdn Bhd v Lim Ah Pat (t/a Juta Bena) [1995] 3 MLJ
273 and Sathiaseelan a/l Nagappan v Ketua Pengarah, Pertubuhan
Keselamatan Sosial [2023] MLJU 671.
[112] We have kept in the forefront of our mind that the JCs’
application was made not under s 38 AA 2005 but under s 5 of the REJA.
Be that as it may, being essentially an enforcement of an Arbitral Award,
we see the test in the circumstances of this case, to be no less different
than one made under the AA 2005. It is a challenge to the Arbitral
Tribunal’s jurisdiction which our High Court must be independently
satisfied. The High Court had failed to take into account relevant factors
and had taken into account irrelevant factors in refusing the Application
for Trial of the issue of jurisdiction. We were thus constrained to allow the
appeal and to set aside the order of the High Court.
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[113] We had therefore allowed the Application for Trial of the issue of
jurisdiction in Enclosure 24 under Order 67 rule 9(2) ROC. We awarded
costs of RM15,000.00 to the appellant subject to allocator.
[114] As the High Court had already inadvertently proceeded to decide
on the merits of the main Originating Summons, we direct that the
Originating Summons be heard before a different Judge.
[115] It goes without saying that the High Court in hearing the
Originating Summons after a trial may affirm its decision to register the
foreign judgment as a judgment of the High Court or alternatively set aside
the ex-parte order for the registration of the foreign judgment for the
reasons set out in O.67 r.9(3) ROC as follows:
“(3) Where the Court hearing an application to set aside the registration
of a judgment registered under the Act is satisfied that the judgment falls
within any of the cases in which a judgment may not be ordered to be
registered under subsection 3(2) of the Act or that it is not just or convenient
that the judgment should be enforced in Malaysia or that there is some other
sufficient reason for setting aside the registration, it may order the
registration of the judgment to be set aside on such terms as it thinks fit.”
Dated: 3 January 2024.
Lee Swee Seng
Court of Appeal
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For the Appellant:
Nahendran Navaratnam
Wong Wye Wah
Brandon Toh
Derrick Chan
Messrs CK Chan Law Practice
For the Respondent:
Sharon Chong Tze Ying
Muhammad Suhaib Bin Mohamed Ibrahim
Messrs Skrine
Date of Decision: 17 November 2023.
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Legislation referred to:
Arbitration Act 2005 [Act 646] (Sections 8, 18, 37, 38 and 39)
Courts of Judicature Act 1964 [Act 91] (Section 4)
English Arbitration Act 1996 Chapter 23 (Section 67)
Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgment Act 1958 [Act 99] (Sections
5(1)(a)(i), 5(1)(a)(ii), 5(1)(a)(iii), 5(1)(a)(iv), 5(1)(a)(v) and 5(3)(b)).
Rules of Court 2012 (Order 67 rule 9(2) and/or Order 92 rule 4)
Cases referred to:
Agrovenus LLP v Pacific Inter-Link Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2014]
4 CLJ 525 (CA)
Central Trading & Exports Ltd v Fioralba Shipping Company the
Kalisti [2015] 1 All ER (Comm) 580
COT v COU & Ors [2023] SGCA 31
Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious
Affairs of the Government of Pakistan [2011] 1 AC 763, [2012] EWHC
3518 (Comm)
DHL Project & Chartering Ltd v Gemini Ocean Shipping Co Ltd [2023]
3 All ER 580
Food Ingredients LLC v Pacific Inter-Link Sdn Bhd and Another
Application [2012] 8 MLJ 585 (HC);
Kejuruteraan Bintai Kindenko Sdn Bhd v Serdang Baru Properties
Sdn Bhd & Ors. [2018] 12 MLJ 706
Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v Visamaya Sdn Bhd & Anor [2015]
5 MLJ 554.
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Mann Holdings Pte Ltd & Anor v Ung Yoke Hong [2019] 6 CLJ 475
Masenang Sdn Bhd v Sabanilam Enterprise Sdn Bhd [2021] 6 MLJ
Metramac Corp Sdn Bhd v Fawziah Holdings Sdn Bhd [2006] 4 MLJ
PT First Media TBK v Astro Nusantara International BV and Ors
[2013] SGCA 57; [2014] 1 SLR 372
Sathiaseelan a/l Nagappan v Ketua Pengarah, Pertubuhan
Keselamatan Sosial [2023] MLJU 671.
See Hua Daily News Bhd v. Tan Thien Chin & Ors [1986] 2 MLJ 107
SPNB-LTAT Sdn Bhd v ABI Construction Sdn Bhd [2016]7 CLJ 275
State Government of Sarawak v Chin Hwa Engineering Development
Company [1995] 3 MLJ 237,
Tan Kok Cheng & Sons Realty Co Sdn Bhd v Lim Ah Pat (t/a Juta
Bena) [1995] 3 MLJ 273
Thai-Lao Lignite Co Ltd & Anor v Government of the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic [2017] 9 CLJ 273
The Government of India v Vedanta Limited & Anor [2018] MLJU 630.
Vijayalakshmi Devi d/o Nadchatiram v Dr Mahadevan s/o
Nadchatiram & Ors [1995] 2 MLJ 709
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International Rules and Conventions referred to:
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards 1958 (“the New York Convention”)
KLRCA Arbitration Rules
London International Maritime Arbitration Association Rules (“LIMAA”)
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (Model Law)
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
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JI-83-395-10/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MUHAMAD ZAIM SYAFIQ BIN MD THANY | Seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan - menggalang penjawat awam melakukan fungsi jawatannya - pembuktian mens rea - dengan sengaja | 07/01/2024 | Puan Nur Azzuin Binti Abdul Moati | |
KES JENAYAH NO. JI-83-395-10/2021
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OKT telah dituduh dengan pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan -
Bahawa kamu pada 07/06/2021, jam lebih kurang 1630hrs, bertempat di
tepi jalan Taman Jaya 2, Pontian, didalam Negeri Johor telah didapati
dengan sengaja menggalang seorang penjawat awam iaitu KPL RF 146586
Khairu Zaman bin Bakar daripada menjalankan kewajipannya sebagai
anggota polis dengan cara menggalang penama daripada menjalankan
fungsi jawatannya iaitu dengan buat rondaan dan pemeriksaan. Oleh itu
kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah
seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan.
Hukuman penjara selama tempoh yang boleh sampai 2 tahun, atau dengan
denda yang boleh sampai RM10,000.00, atau kedua-duanya.
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1. SP1
- RF 146586 Koperal Khairu Zaman bin Bakar
- Pengadu
- Pegawai Operasi
- Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) Simpang Renggam
- RF 157941 Koperal Azlan bin Sungkanah
- Platun Infantri, Platun 6, Kompeni D, Cheras
- G16159 ASP Al Amin bin Mohamed Zawawi
- Ketua Kompeni A
- Batalion A Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) Simpang Renggam
- G21939 Inspektor Mohd Syahir bin Mohamad Nasir
- Pegawai Operasi
- Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah IPD Pontian
- G21589 Inspektor Sugendharan Nair a/l Karunagaran
- Pegawai Penyiasat
- Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah IPD Pontian
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1. Pada 07.06.2021, jam lebih kurang 4.30 petang ketika SP1 dan SP2 sedang
melakukan rondaan OPS Benteng Covid dengan menaiki motorsikal, mereka
ternampak sebuah kereta Perodua Axia berwarna kuning dengan nombor
pendaftaran TBR420 (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai ‘kereta tersebut’) sedang
berhenti di bahu jalan Taman Jaya 2, Pontian, Johor.
2. SP1 dan SP2 kemudiannya berhenti di hadapan kereta tersebut untuk melakukan
pemeriksaan terhadap kereta tersebut. SP1 dan SP2 berjalan menghampiri kereta
tersebut sambil SP1 memperkenalkan diri dan menunjukkan kad kuasa yang
digantung pada leher SP1.
3. Sebaik sahaja SP1 dan SP2 menghampiri kereta tersebut, secara tiba-tiba kereta
tersebut berundur dalam jarak 5-6 meter dan bergerak ke hadapan ke arah SP1.
SP1 melepaskan tembakan ke tayar hadapan sebelah kiri namun tersasar ke tayar
belakang kereta tersebut. Kereta tersebut kemudiannya terbabas ke arah bahu
jalan dan memecut laju.
4. SP1 kemudiannya memaklumkan perkara tersebut kepada Pegawai medan di
Batu Pahat dan membuat laporan polis Pontian 3358/21. OKT kemudiannya telah
hadir sendiri di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Pontian pada keesokannya harinya,
08.06.2021 dan ditahan oleh pihak polis.
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1) Seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan memperuntukkan –
Barang siapa dengan sengaja menggalang mana-mana penjawat awam dalam
menjalankan fungsi jawatannya, hendaklah dihukum dengan pemenjaraan
selama tempoh yang boleh sampai dua tahun, atau dengan denda yang boleh
sampai sepuluh ribu ringgit, atau dengan kedua-duanya.
2) Elemen pertuduhan yang perlu dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan adalah –
a. OKT dengan sengaja menggalang penjawat awam; dan
b. Penjawat awam tersebut sedang menjalankan fungsi jawatannya.
Elemen pertama – OKT dengan sengaja menghalang penjawat awam.
1. Bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan, pihak Pendakwaan
perlu membuktikan kewujudan mens rea pada OKT iaitu halangan tersebut
dilakukan dengan sengaja. Merujuk Ratanlal & Dhirajlal's Law of
Crimes 28th edn, vol 1 di perenggan 15 mukasurat 998 yang menyatakan -
“15. Mens rea - In order to constitute an offence under this section, the
obstruction must be 'wilful'. It is, therefore, not enough to prove obstruction
by the accused to a public servant but it must also be proved that the
intention was encompassed with some sort of hostility towards such public
2. Mahkamah ini juga merujuk kes Teck Yam v. PP [1967] 1 LNS 186 –
“For an offence under section 186 of the Penal Code the prosecution has to
prove the following: (1) that there was obstructing of a public servant, (2) that
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the public servant was at that time discharging this public function, and (3)
that the person obstructing did so voluntarily. It is in my view clear that to
obstruct under section 186 of the Penal Code is to do an act which makes it
more difficult for a public servant to carry out his duties. I take that definition
of "obstruction" from the case of Hinchliffe v. Sheldon. It is therefore quite
clear that the appellant was making it more difficult for the chief assistant
district officer to discharge his public function and that the said officer was at
that time involved in discharging his public functions. The only remaining
element of the alleged offence is whether the obstruction was voluntary that
brings me to section 39 of the Penal Code which defines "voluntarily" as,
A person is said to cause an effect "voluntarily" when he causes it by means
whereby he intended to cause it, or by means which, at the time of employing
those means, he knew or had reason to believe to be likely to cause it.
The definition of the term "voluntarily" bears resemblance to the definition of
"willfully" current in the English law. (See Ratanlal & Dhirajlal's Law of
Crimes, 21st edn. P. 82). In Rice v. Connolly, Lord Parker, CJ said: 'Wilful' in
this context in my judgment means not only 'intention' but also connotes
something which is done without lawful excuse.”
3. Seksyen 39 Kanun Keseksaan mendefinisikan “dengan sengaja” sebagai –
Seseorang adalah dikata menyebabkan suatu kejadian “dengan
sengaja” apabila ia menyebabkan kejadian itu dengan jalan yang ia
telah bermaksud hendak menyebabkannya, atau dengan jalan yang
pada masa menggunakan jalan itu, ia ketahui atau ada sebab
mempercayai mungkin menyebabkan kejadian itu.
4. Di dalam kes ini sememangnya jelas terdapat halangan bagi SP1 dan SP2 semasa
hendak menjalankan pemeriksaan terhadap OKT yang ketika itu berada di dalam
kereta tersebut yang telah melarikan diri sebaik sahaja dihampiri oleh SP1 dan
SP2. Namun persoalan yang perlu dijawab adalah adakah perbuatan OKT pada
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ketika itu adalah bermaksud untuk menggalang penjawat awam dari menjalankan
tugasnya atau OKT ada sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa perbuatannya boleh
menyebabkan suatu halangan terhadap penjawat awam yang menjalankan tugas.
5. Keterangan SP1 dan SP2 mengatakan bahawa semasa kejadian mereka
berpakaian preman dan menunggang motorsikal persendirian semasa
menjalankan rondaan dan tujuan mereka berpakaian preman adalah bagi
mengelakkan orang awam tahu akan kehadiran polis yang sedang menjalankan
rondaan. Saksi-saksi Pendakwaan juga bersetuju bahawa sekiranya SP1 dan SP2
tidak memperkenalkan diri, OKT tidak akan dapat mengetahui bahawa SP1 dan
SP2 adalah anggota polis.
6. Pihak Pendakwaan telah mengemukakan sesalinan rakaman CCTV dari kedai
yang berhampiran dengan tempat kejadian sebagai keterangan di Mahkamah.
Mahkamah ini telah meneliti rakaman CCTV tersebut dan berdasarkan rakaman
tersebut dapat dilihat SP1 dan SP2 menaiki motorsikal dan berhenti di hadapan
kereta tersebut. SP1 dan SP2 kemudiannya terus mendekati kereta tersebut dan
kereta tersebut berundur dan kemudiannya bergerak laju ke sebelah kanan.
Berdasarkan rakaman CCTV tersebut Mahkamah mendapati kereta tersebut
bukan cuba untuk melanggar ke arah SP1 sebaliknya bergerak ke kanan untuk
mengelak motorsikal dan SP1 dan seterusnya melarikan diri.
7. SP1 di dalam keterangannya mengatakan bahawa jarak masa antara SP1 dan
SP2 turun dari motorsikal dan mendekati kereta hanyalah 3 saat sahaja dan kereta
tersebut dalam keadaan cermin kereta tertutup sepenuhnya. Berdasarkan
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rakaman CCTV juga tidak dapat dilihat sama ada SP1 ada menunjukkan kad
kuasa dan juga memperkenalkan diri kepada OKT. Mahkamah ini berpendapat
berdasarkan dari rakaman CCTV dan keterangan SP1 terdapat juga kemungkinan
bahawa OKT tidak mengetahu bahawa yang mendekati kereta tersebut adalah
anggota polis yang sedang menjalankan rondaan berdasarkan kepada pakaian
dan kenderaan yang dinaiki oleh SP1 dan SP2. Tambahan pula pada ketika itu
SP1 hanya berpakaian singlet tanpa lengan. Sekali imbas sesiapa sahaja pasti
tidak akan menyangka SP1 dan SP2 adalah anggota polis yang sedang
menjalankan rondaan.
8. Di dalam situasi di mana pelbagai kemungkinan boleh dipadankan dan pelbagai
kesimpulan boleh dibuat berdasarkan keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
Pendakwaan, undang-undang telah menetapkan bahawa Mahkamah ini perlu
memilih kesimpulan yang memihak kepada OKT. Sekiranya OKT tidak mengetahui
bahawa SP1 dan SP2 adalah anggota polis yang sedang menjalankan rondaan,
perbuatan OKT melarikan diri tidak boleh dikatakan beserta dengan niat untuk
menggalang SP1 dari melakukan fungsi jawatannya.
Elemen 2 - Penjawat awam tersebut sedang menjalankan fungsi jawatannya.
1. Elemen kedua bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 186 Kanun Keseksaan adalah
ketika kejadian penjawat awam tersebut sedang menjalankan fungsi jawatannya
sebagai seorang penjawat awam. Pertuduhan yang dikemukakan terhadap OKT
adalah menggalang Khairu Zaman bin Bakar daripada menjalankan fungsi
jawatannya iaitu membuat rondaan dan pemeriksaan.
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2. Mahkamah ini merujuk kes Sulaiman Takrib v. Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu;
Kerajaan Malaysia (intervener) & Other Cases [2009] 2 CLJ 54 -
“Section 186 makes it an offence for anybody to voluntarily obstruct a public
servant in the discharge of his public functions. What is a "public function"
is not defined. First, it is up to the officer to decide whether, in his view,
what he was doing was a public function or not. In the final analysis, it
is for the court to decide.”
3. Di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, keterangan saksi-saksi Pendakwaan iaitu
SP1, SP2 dan SP3 mengesahkan bahawa ketika kejadian SP1 sedang
menjalankan tugasan rondaan dan pemeriksaan OP Benteng Covid bersama SP2.
Mahkamah ini berpuas hati bahawa ketika kejadian SP1 dan SP2 sedang
menjalankan fungsi jawatannya seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah seksyen 19
dan seksyen 20 Akta Polis 1967.
Seksyen 19. Pegawai polis hendaklah disifatkan sebagai bertugas
Tiap-tiap pegawai polis, pegawai polis tambahan dan konstabel penjaga, bagi
maksud Akta ini, hendaklah disifatkan sebagai sentiasa bertugas apabila
dikehendaki bertindak sebagai demikian dan hendaklah melaksanakan tugas
dan menjalankan kuasa yang diberi kepadanya di bawah mana-mana undang-
undang lain di mana-mana tempat dalam Malaysia di mana dia mungkin
menjalankan tugas.
Seksyen 20. Tugas am pegawai polis
(1) Tiap-tiap pegawai polis hendaklah melaksanakan tugas dan menjalankan
kuasa yang dipertanggungkan atau diberikan oleh undang-undang ke atas
atau kepada seorang pegawai polis, dan hendaklah mematuhi semua arahan
yang sah berkenaan dengan pelaksanaan jawatannya yang mungkin
diterimanya dari semasa ke semasa daripada pegawai atasannya dalam
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1. Mahkamah ini merujuk kes Mahkamah Persekutuan PP v. Mohd. Radzi bin Abu
Bakar [2006] 1 CLJ 457 -
“After the amendments to ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC, the statutory test has
been altered. What is required of a Subordinate Court and the High Court
under the amended sections is to call for the defence when it is satisfied that
a prima facie case has been made out at the close of the prosecution case.
This requires the court to undertake a maximum evaluation of the prosecution
evidence when deciding whether to call on the accused to enter upon his or
her defence. It involves an assessment of the credibility of the witnesses called
by the prosecution and the drawing of inferences admitted by the prosecution
evidence. Thus, if the prosecution evidence admits of two or more inferences,
one of which is in the accused's favour, then it is the duty of the court to draw
the inference that is favourable to the accused. See, Tai Chai Keh v. Public
Prosecutor [1948] 1 LNS 122; [1948-49] MLJ Supp 105; Public Prosecutor v.
Kasmin bin Soeb [1974] 1 LNS 116; [1974] 1 MLJ 230. If the court, upon a
maximum evaluation of the evidence placed before it at the close of the
prosecution case, comes to the conclusion that a prima facie case has not
been made out, it should acquit the accused. If, on the other hand, the court
after conducting a maximum evaluation of the evidence comes to the
conclusion that a prima facie case has been made out, it must call for the
defence. If the accused then elects to remain silent, the court must proceed to
convict him. It is not open to the court to then re-assess the evidence and to
determine whether the prosecution had established its case beyond a
reasonable doubt. The absence of any evidence from the accused that casts
a reasonable doubt on the prosecution's case renders the prima facie case
one that is established beyond a reasonable doubt. Put shortly, what the trial
court is obliged to do under ss. 173(f) and 180 of the CPC is to ask itself the
question: If the accused elects to remain silent, as he is perfectly entitled
to do, am I prepared to convict him on the evidence now before me?
See, Dato' Mokhtar bin Hashim & Anor v. Public Prosecutor [1983] 2 CLJ
10; [1983] CLJ 101 (Rep); [1983] 2 MLJ 232. If the answer to that question
is in the affirmative, then the defence must be called. And if the accused
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remains silent, he must be convicted. If the answer is in the negative,
then the accused must be acquitted.”
2. Di dalam kes ini pihak Pendakwaan bergantung kepada keterangan SP1 dan SP2
serta rakaman CCTV yang dikemukakan. Walaubagaimanapun Mahkamah ini
mendapati rakaman CCTV tersebut tidak menjurus kepada satu kesimpulan sahaja
iaitu OKT telah dengan sengaja atau bermaksud untuk menggalang tugas seorang
penjawat awam.
3. Berdasarkan kepada alasan yang dinyatakan di atas, Mahkamah ini mendapati
pihak Pendakwaan telah gagal untuk membuktikan kes prima facie apabila tidak
dapat membuktikan elemen pertama pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 186 Kanun
Keseksaan. Dengan itu, bersandarkan prinsip undang-undang di dalam kes PP v.
Mohd. Radzi bin Abu Bakar (supra), OKT dilepas dan dibebaskan dari
pertuduhan tanpa dipanggil untuk membela diri.
Bertarikh pada 7 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Pontian, Johor
Pendakwaraya : TPR Nurezzati binti Zaini
Pejabat Pendakwaan Negeri Johor
Peguambela : Puan Nurul Hidayah binti Basiran
Tetuan Hazza Khalid Suraya & Partners
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| 16,512 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-B52NCvC-285-11/2020 | PLAINTIF ZAHID BIN ABD AZIZ DEFENDAN 1. ) NURUL IZZATI BINTI ZAHID 2. ) MOHAMAD KHAIRI BIN ZAHID 3. ) MOHAMAD AZRI BIN ZAHID 4. ) MOHAMAD ZAFRI BIN ZAHID 5. ) RASHIDAH BINTI ABD RAHMAN 6. ) AMANAH SAHAM NASIONAL BERHAD | sama ada tuntutan Plaintif adalah suatu amanah (trust) atau pun pemberian hadiah (hibah)- sama ada Mahkamah ini mempunyai bidang kuasa mendengar kes sekiranya ia adalah tuntutan melibatkan hibah dan bukan amanah - sama ada suatu wang yang dimasukkan dalam akaun ASB anak-anak merupakan amanah atau pun hibah. | 05/01/2024 | Puan Rafiqha Hanim binti Mohd Rosli | |
GUAMAN NO.: BA-B52NCVC-285-11/2020
(No. K/P: 611216-10-6393)
(No. K/P: 900813-14-5586)
(No. K/P: 911002-14-5869)
(No. K/P: 950119-10-5141)
(No. K/P: 020517-10-1399)
1. Kes ini melibatkan tuntutan Plaintif yang merupakan bapa kepada Defendan
Pertama hingga Defendan Keempat (selepas ini dikenali sebagai
Defendan-Defendan) dalam kes ini yang menuntut kesemua wang beliau yang
didakwa telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB)
di bawah nama anak-anak beliau.
2. Berdasarkan pada pemberiaan di atas, pihak Plaintif menyatakan yang
kesemua wang tersebut hanyalah disimpan di bawah nama mereka sebagai
pemegang amanah kepada beliau dan sekiranya beliau masih hidup adalah
dianggap sebagai suatu pelaburan untuk tabungan (investment) beliau dan
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hanya akan menjadi milik kesemua Defendan sekiranya beliau telah
meninggal dunia.
3. Bagi Defendan Kelima iaitu Amanah Saham Malaysia Berhad (ASB) hanyalah
bertindak sebagai Defendan nominal dengan mengendalikan akaun-akaun
ASB tersebut sahaja dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa tanggungan liabilti. Dalam
pada masa yang sama, Defendan Kelima tidak pernah hadir ke Mahkamah ini
walau pun telah ada pemakluman telah diberikan kepada pihak mereka.
4. Berdasarkan pada kesemua keterangan, dokumen serta hujahan pihak-pihak,
Mahkamah ini telah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif dengan kos sebanyak
RM8,000.00 dan bersandarkan pada keputusan ini, kesemua Defendan
kecuali Defendan Kelima tidak berpuas hati dan telah merayu ke Mahkamah
5. Sepanjang perbicaraan ini berjalan, kesemua pihak telah memasukkan dan
mengguna pakai kesemua dokumen seperti di bawah:
(i) Ikatan Pliding Ikatan A;
(ii) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (A) Ikatan B;
(iii) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (A Tambahan) Ikatan B1;
(iv) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B1) Ikatan C;
(v) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B2) Ikatan C1;
(vi) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B3) Ikatan C2;
(vii) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B4) Ikatan C3;
(viii) Ikatan Dokumen bersama (B5) Ikatan C4;
(ix) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B6) Ikatan C5;
(x) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B7) Ikatan C6;
(xi) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (B8) Ikatan C7;
(xii) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (C1) Ikatan D;
(xiii) Ikatan Dokumen Bersama (C2) Ikatan D1;
(xiv) Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan Defendan Ikatan E;
(xv) Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan 2 Defendan Ikatan E1;
(xvi) Ikatan Dokumen Tambahan Plaintif Ikatan F; dan
(xvii) Nota Keterangan (NK).
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6. Saksi-saksi yang telah memberikan keterangan secara viva voce adalah
seperti di bawah:
Saksi Nama Saksi Tandaan
PW1 Zahid Bin Abd Aziz PSP-1
DW1 Rashidah Binti Abd Rahaman PSD-1
DW2 Nurul Izzati Binti Zahid PSD-2
DW3 Muhammad Khairi bin Zahid PSD-3
DW4 Muhammad Azri bin Zahid PSD-4
DW5 Muhammad Zafri bin Zahid PSD-5
7. Kes ini adalah berkenaan pertikaian ke atas akaun-akaun ASB di bawah nama
Defendan-Defendan (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai akaun ASB tersebut).
8. Plaintif telah memasukkan sejumlah RM200,000.00 ke dalam akaun-akaun
ASB Defendan 1, 2 dan 3 (setiap satu akaun) manakala sejumlah
RM50,000.00 dimasukkan ke dalam akaun ASB Defendan 4 dengan alas an
yang kesemua wang ini adalah dijadikan sebagai pelaburan Plaintif selama
Plaintif masih hidup dan sebagai balasan atas amanah ini, kesemua duit
tersebut akan menjadi hak Defendan-Defendan selepas kematian Plaintif.
9. Berdasarkan fakta ini, Plaintif mengatakan bahawa anak-anak beliau hanyalah
bertindak sebagai pemegang amanah bagi pihak Plaintif. Pada semua masa
material, Defendan-Defendan telah mematuhi arahan Plaintif sehinggalah
kesemua Defendan bertindak meninggalkan rumah Plaintif setelah ibu mereka
bercerai dengan Plaintif.
10. Atas perkara ini, Tuntutan utama Plaintif adalah untuk mendapatkan semula
wang yang telah dilabur untuk tabungan (investment) ke dalam
akaun-akaun di atas nama Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 beserta beberapa tuntutan
lain sebagaimana dalam Pernyataan Tuntutan Plaintif.
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11. Plaintif adalah bapa kepada Defendan 1,2,3 dan 4 dan DW1 adalah ibu kepada
kesemua Defendan.
12. Plaintif telah membuka akaun pelaburan Amanah Saham Bumiputra di atas
nama Defendan 1,2,3 dan 4.
13. Kesemua pihak dalam kes ini telah membuat pengakuan dan bersetuju
bahawa Mahkamah ini mempunyai bidang kuasa bagi mendengar dan
melupuskan kes ini sungguhpun kes ini melibatkan isu amanah antara bapa
dan anak-anak yang beragama Islam. Kesemua pihak telah bersetuju yang
mereka tidak akan membuat rayuan bagi isu yang melibatkan bidang kuasa
14. Oleh demikian, berdasarkan persetujuan kesemua pihak di atas, Mahkamah
ini mendapati bahawa terdapat 4 isu yang perlu dibicarakan seperti di bawah:
(i) isu pertama ialah sama ada Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 adalah
pemegang Amanah bagi pihak Plaintif atau pemilik kepada duit
dalam akaun-akaun pelaburan Amanah Saham Bumiputra di
bawah nama Defendan-Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4;
(ii) isu kedua ialah sama ada wang di dalam akaun-akaun tersebut
merupakan wang hadiah atau pemberian oleh Plaintif kepada
anak-anaknya sebagai wang simpanan atau tabungan untuk masa
hadapan mereka;
(iii) isu ketiga ialah sama ada Defendan-Defendan pernah membuat
pengeluaran daripada akaun-akaun Plaintif. semasa buku-buku
akaun pelaburan Amanah Saham Bumiputra asal Defendan 1, 2, 3
dan 4 adalah dalam simpanan Plaintif; dan
(iv) isu keempat sama ada Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 pernah
memaklumkan penukaran kepada akaun-akaun baru oleh pihak
Defendan 5 kepada Plaintif.
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(a) ISU PERTAMA: sama ada Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 adalah pemegang
Amanah bagi pihak Plaintif atau pemilik kepada duit dalam
akaun-akaun pelaburan Amanah Saham Bumiputra di bawah nama
Defendan-Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4:
(b) ISU KEDUA: sama ada wang di dalam akaun-akaun tersebut
merupakan wang hadiah atau pemberian oleh Plaintif kepada
anak-anaknya sebagai wang simpanan atau tabungan untuk masa
hadapan mereka; dan
(c) ISU KETIGA: sama ada Defendan-Defendan pernah membuat
pengeluaran daripada akaun-akaun Plaintif. semasa buku-buku
akaun pelaburan Amanah Saham Bumiputra asal Defendan 1, 2, 3
dan 4 adalah dalam simpanan Plaintif.
15. Berkenaan dengan ketiga-tiga isu di atas, Mahkamah ini berpandangan
bahawa kesemua isu di atas adalah saling berkaitan dan akan membuat suatu
analisa dan dapatan secara bersesama dan bersekali bagi kesemua isu ini.
16. Bagi kesemua isu di atas, Mahkamah ini telah melihat pada kesemua
keterangan serta dokumen yang berkaitan dalam kes ini dan berpandangan
bahawa pemberian wang yang dimasukkan oleh Plaintif ke dalam akaun ASB
tersebut merupakan suatu kontrak amanah dan bukannya hibah atau wang
hadiah sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh Defendan-Defendan dalam tindakan
17. Mahkamah mengambil perhatian berkenaan makluman yang diterima semasa
perbicaraan bahawa kesemua Defendan ini telah keluar dari rumah Plaintif
dan kini tinggal bersama ibu mereka sementelah Plaintif dan ibu mereka
18. Mahkamah ini juga dimaklumkan bahawa ibu mereka telah membuat suatu
permohonan penceraian dan perkongsian harta sepencarian (mutaah)
terhadap Plaintif di Mahkamah Syariah dan permohonan ibu mereka telah pun
dibenarkan. Namun, Mahkamah ini dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Plaintif tidak
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bersetuju dengan keputusan tersebut dan telah membuat rayuan di
Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah.
19. Atas perkara ini, Mahkamah ini membuat peringatan bahawa kes di hadapan
Mahkamah ini bukanlah suatu permohonan berkenaan dengan pemberian
hadiah dalam Islam (hibah) yang sememangnya berada dalam bidang kuasa
Mahkamah Syariah sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan dalam Perkara 74 dan
77, Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
20. Lanjutan dari perkara di atas, Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa tuntutan
Plaintif ini adalah suatu tuntutan berdasarkan suatu amanah (trust) antara
beliau dan kesemua Defendan yang sememangnya berada dalam bidang
kuasa Mahkamah ini berdasarkan pada Perkara 74 dan 77, Jadual
Kesembilan, Senarai Pertama, item 4(e) (i), Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang
turut dinyatakan dalam kes TM FEROZE KHAN & LAIN-LAIN v. MEERA
HUSSAIN TM MOHAMED MYDIN [2006] 3 CLJ seperti yang dijelaskan di
“pemakaian undang-undang Islam bagaimanapun adalah
tertakluk kepada undang-undang sivil yang terpakai kepada
semua tanpa mengira sama ada pihak beragama Islam ataupun
sebaliknya. Kewujudan statut-statut tempatan berkenaan
amanah telah dipengaruhi oleh undang-undang Inggeris yang
dirujuk dan diguna pakai sehingga ke hari ini mengikut
peruntukan seksyen 3 Akta Undang-Undang Sivil 1956.
Pekara ini secara langsung memberi kuasa kepada Mahkamah
Sivil untuk membicarakan sebarang isu berkenaan amanah.
Antara statut tempatan yang memperuntukkan undang-undang
amanah seperti Akta Pemegang Amanah 1949, Akta Syarikat
Amanah 1949, Akta Pemegang Amanah (Pemerbadanan) 1952
dan statut lain.”
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21. Pandangan Mahkamah ini juga dikuatkan dengan suatu penulisan artikel
yang jelas memperincikan perbezaan hibah dan amanah seperti di bawah:
“Hibah ialah suatu akad yang mengandungi pemberian milik
seseorang secara sukarela terhadap hartanya kepada seseorang
yang lain pada masanya hidup tanpa balasan (i’wad)
(Muhammad Rawwas 1985; Al-Sharqawi 1997)…
Manakala amanah pula amanah atau harta amanah secara
ringkasnya bermaksud seorang pemegang amanah yang
memegang hartanah bagi faedah tertentu (Ahmad Hidayat
Buang 2006). Daripada kenyataan ini dapat difahami bahawa
amanah bukanlah sifat peribadi seseorang semata-mata bahkan
ia boleh wujud dalam bentuk kontrak yang mengikat kedua-dua
pihak untuk saling menjaga kepentingan masing-masing
berdasarkan apa yang telah dipersetujui. Kontrak amanah lebih
kepada kontrak bersifat pertolongan pada asalnya di mana
seseorang meminta individu lain mentadbir urusannya tertentu
tanpa balasan. Pegangan harta amanah boleh wujud dalam
pelbagai bentuk sama ada harta alih mahupun harta tak alih,
berupah atau tidak (Noor Liza 2019).”
22. Dalam pada masa yang sama, Mahkamah ini melihat keterangan kesemua
pihak Defendan yang tidak menafikan sama sekali bahawa segala wang yang
dimasukkan dalam akaun mereka adalah wang yang dimasukkan oleh Plaintif
berdasarkan keterangan viva voce seperti yang berikut:
(i) Keterangan Plaintif (PW1)
23. Keterangan PW1 yang memperihalkan kesemua transaksi dalam akaun ASB
adalah duit beliau duit sebagaimana dalam PSP1 dari soalan 37 hingga
soalan 43 seperti di bawah:
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37 S Sila rujuk “DB1/17-21” Boleh Encik Zahid maklumkan Mahkamah
apakah dokumen tersebut ?
J Akaun Semasa Perbankan peribadi saya.
38 S Dalam “DB1/17”, pada tarikh 28.3.2013 terdapat pengeluaran
sebanyak RM250,000.00 dan pada tarikh sama satu kemasukkan
duit sebanyak RM199,990.00 ke dalam akaun Izzati sebagaimana
di “DA1/2” dan kemasukkan RM50,000.00 ke akaun Khairi
di”DA1/5”. Adakah kemasukkan duit ke akaun anak-anak Encik
Zahid adalah dari duit tersebut?
J Ya.
39 S Dalam “DB1/19” pada tarikh 26.6.2013, pengeluaran RM50,000.00
dan pada tarikh yang sama jumlah RM50,000.00 dimasukkan ke
dalam akaun ASB Khairi sebagaimana “DA1/5”, betul ?
J Ya.
40 S Dalam “DB1/21” pada tarikh 5.9.2013, pengeluaran RM105,000.00
dan pada tarikh yang sama jumlah RM104,990.00 dimasukkan ke
dalam akaun ASB Khairi sebagaimana “DA1/5” adalah duit yang
sama, betul ?
J Ya.
41 S Dalam “DB1/38” pada tarikh 9.11.2015, pengeluaran
RM210,000.00 dan pada tarikh yang sama jumlah RM199,990.00
dimasukkan ke dalam akaun ASB Azri sebagaimana “DA1/9”
adalah duit yang sama, betul?
J Ya.
42 S Dalam “DB1/41” pada tarikh 21.1.2016, satu kemasukkan duit
sebanyak RM14,750.00 dan pada tarikh yang sama jumlah
RM14,750.00 dikeluarkan dari akaun ASB Khairi sebagaimana
“DA1/7” adalah duit yang sama, betul?
J Ya.
43 S Duit yang dimasukkan ke akaun Encik Zahid dari akaun Khairi
tersebut sebenarnya duit apa?
J Duit keuntungan ASB.
24. Selain dari itu, Plaintif (PW1) turut memberikan keterangan semasa sesi
pemeriksaan semula di m.s. 15 hingga 16 Nota Keterangan (NK) yang beliau
ada meminta pertolongan anak beliau iaitu Defendan 4 untuk mendapatkan
kembali duit dari akaun-akaun ASB Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 yang mana
keterangan ini sehingga ke akhir perbicaraan tidak pernah disangkal oleh
mana-mana Defendan yang jelas dapat dilihat seperti di bawah:
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PP : Ok…ada tak en Zahid bertanyakan kepada Azri Tentang perkara
berikut perkara tadi
PW1 : Ahh..somewhere September atau November 2018, Mohd Azri ada
berjumpa dengan saya McDonald SS2 saya ada minta pulangkan balik
duit saya dia kata tak boleh saya kata apasal pulak sebab dah buat
buku baru di mana ibu nama ibu dimasukkan dan kalau nak kena
keluarkan duit kena ada signatory persetujuan 2 orang.
PP : Adakah kenyataan itu semua benar En Zahid
PW1 : Ketika itu saya percaya anak saya ketika itu saya percaya anak saya
dan kemudiannya bila saya nak ke mahkamah ini untuk saman mintak
balik wang saya saya dapat tahu benda itu tidak benar.
PP : sila, saya tanya balik soalan tadi En. Zahid..adakah En Zahid pernah
minta supaya anak-anak En pulangkan balik duit en?
PW1 : ini dokumen A aaa…
PP : eerr.takde itu hanya untuk rujukan mahkamah sahaja
PW1 : Mohon maaf..err saya ada mintak balik duit saya melalui anak bongsu
saya Mohd Zafri…ketika itu dia di Sekolah Sultan Alam
Shah ..aa…tolong bagitahu kakak dengan abang ayah nak duit ayah
balik kerana ayah dah tak kerja kena gantung and then bila saya jumpa
dia lagi saya katakan apa cerita duit ayah jawapannya aaa..diaorang
kata nantilah bagi balik pada ayah saya cakap ok diaorang tu siapa?
Aaa…ibu kata dia akan pulangkan baliklah nantilah ok saya bagitahu
Zafri, Zafri duit ASB ayah tu takde kena mengena dengan ibu pun itu
25. Melalui keterangan di atas, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa sebenarnya
kesemua anak Plaintif menyedari bahawa duit tersebut adalah milik duit
Plaintif dan mereka hanya memegang sebagai pemegang amanah dan
mereka akur bahawa sekiranya digunakan perlu dipulangkan semula kepada
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26. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah ini juga melihat pada keterangan Defendan-Defendan
yang menyatakan kesemua perbelanjaan mereka adalah mencukupi bagi
menampung perbelanjaan dan pendidikan mereka memandangkan Plaintif
sebagai seorang bapa telah menyediakan perbelanjaan secukupnya buat
27. Melalui keterangan bersumpah Defendan-Defendan juga, Mahkamah ini telah
melihat bahawa kesemua Defendan telah bersetuju bahawa buku simpanan
yang asal ASB tersebut berada dalam kawalan Plaintif serta kesemua
Defendan tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya mengeluarkan wang tanpa
pengetahuan dan kebenaran bapa mereka. Keterangan bersumpah
Defendan-Defendan boleh dilihat seperti di bawah:
(ii) Keterangan DW2 di m.s. 87 NK:
PP: tiada…Cik Nurul betul atau tidak ya ketika itu Cik Nurul tak boleh
mengeluarkan wang tanpa kebenaran Bapa Cik Nurul..sebab buku kan
berada dengan bapa cik nurul jadi tak boleh keluarkan wang tersebut
tanpa kebenaran bapa atau Plaintif, betul?
DW2: err..betul
28. Defendan-defendan turut mengakui telah membuat pengeluaran dengan
kebenaran Plaintif yang jelas dapat dilihat seperti di bawah:
(iii) Keterangan DW2 di m.s. 86-87 NK:
PP : Tak ingat …adakah Plaintif pernah meminta Cik Nurul untuk
mengeluarkan duit daripada akaun tersebut. Pernahkah Plaintif
meminta Cik Nurul untuk mengeluarkan wang daripada akaun tersebut?
DW2 : Ada
PP : Adakah Cik Nurul telah mengeluarkan wang tersebut sebagaimana
diminta oleh Plaintif
DW2 : Ada
PP : Dalam anggaran berapakah umur Cik Izzati ketika pengeluaran
DW2 : 23 atau 24
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(iv) Keterangan DW3 m.s. 102 dan m.s. 104 NK:
PP: Cuba En Khairy ingat ada tak Plaintif mintak En Khairy untuk keluarkan
duit tersebut?
DW3: Kalau apa yang saya ingat sewaktu ayah saya suruh saya keluarkan
duit tu dan dia suruh masukkan ke dalam akaun adik bongsu saya
sebagai penambahan pelaburan.
PP: Maknanya kamu ingat bahawa ayah kamu pernah suruh kamu
DW3 : Pernah tapi nak kata tarikh bila saya tak ingat..
PP: Adakah En Khairy pernah mengeluarkan wang ketika buku akaun
tersebut akaun ASB tersebut berada di tangan Plaintif? Pernah tak
keluarkan ketika buku tu ada di tangan Plaintif?
DW3 : Kejap saya kalau saya keluarkan seingat saya saya kurang ingat
seingat saya kalau saya keluarkan atas arahan ayah saya supaya duit
itu di masukkan ke akaun adik bongsu saya
PP: Maknanya tak pernah keluarkan sendirilah?
DW3 : Sendiri atau bersama ayah…
PP : Secara sendiri sendiri…
DW3 : kurang ingat…
PP: Adakah En Khairy ketika buku akaun ASB itu berada di tangan bapa En
Khairy, En Khairy ketika itu tidak boleh mengeluarkan wang sebab buku
ada dengan bapa jadi En Khairy tak boleh keluarkan wang kan, buku
takde ?
DW3 : Buku takde betul..
PP : Tak boleh kan
DW3 : Tak boleh
(v) Keterangan DW3 di m.s. 107-108 dan 111 NK:
PP : Setuju atau tidak walaupun bapa kamu tidak pernah menggunakan
perkataan pemegang Amanah tetapi kamu telah mengeluarkan wang
tersebut apabila diminta oleh bapa kamu? Betul tak? Walaupun bapa
kamu tak pernah sebut duit itu kamu sebagai pemegang Amanah?
DW3 : Ok…
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PP : Ok tadi kamu ada kata kamu ada keluarkan duitkan
DW3 : A ya betul
PP : Ok…kamu keluarkan sebab ayah kamu yang suruh kan?
DW3 : Ya sewaktu bersama dengan dia
PP : Tapi kamu keluarkan jugak duit apabila ayah kamu suruh keluarkan?
DW3 : Ok..betul
PP: Ok tapi takpe…semasa dia nak keluar dia bawa kamu bawak keluar duit
tu kan?
DW3 : Ok betul
PP: Ok Betul..lepas tu buku tu dengan kamu kan, masa keluar tu mestilah
kamu bawak buku tu ke bank kan?
DW3 : Ya tuan lepas tu…
PP: Lepas tu kenapa kamu tak serah kepada ibu kamu kamu serah kepada
bapa kamu?
DW3 : Sebab dia ada sebelah saya waktu bank saya bagilah kat dia balik
29. Dalam pada masa yang sama, melalui keterangan secara bersumpah DW3
juga telah bersetuju bahawa kesemua wang dalam akaun ASB tersebut adalah
hak milik bapa mereka yang merupakan tabungan (life time savings) seperti
yang dinyatakan di m.s. 100-101 NK seperti di bawah:
PP: I got no saving for retirement I was robbed of my lifetime savings so I
must find a way to generate income I only have I me and myself so no
choice got to do it alone. betul kan?
DW3 : Betul
PP: So dia ada cakap my lifetime saving
DW3 : Betul
PP: Ok…Puan pada mukasurat 1016…ok…assalamualaikum Khairy ada
(inaudible) jumpa tu..
DW3 : Ya saya
PP: I have to endure all these and then clean up all the mess in my life
bestowed to me by my children before I go away..
DW3 : Ok
PP : Ok…Khairy ada jawab kemudian apa yang your father bapa kamu cakap
what I meant is my lifetime saving ASB betul?
DW3 : Betul
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30. DW4 juga ada membuat keterangan dalam Mahkamah ini dan mengaku
bahawa kesemua wang tersebut adalah simpanan Plaintif untuk tabungan dan
pelaburan yang mana DW4 juga ada membuat pengakuan yang kesemua
Defendan perlu memulangkan semula seperti di m.s. 119 dan m.s. 128 NK:
PP : Tiada..ok…ketika pembukaan akaun ASB tersebut adakah bapa En Azri
ada beritahu apa-apa berkenaan dengan duit tersebut?
DW4 : aa..tiada apa-apa tuan
PP : tiada apa-apa…pernahkah bapa en azri memanggil En Azri ke dalam
bilik beliau untuk memberitahu berkenaan tujuan akaun ASB tersebut di
DW4 : Yang dipesan tentang ASB bila dalam bilik tu saya kurang pasti tuan
PP : Tapi ada?
DW4 : Ada
PP : Pernah tak err..bapa En Azri beritahu En Azri bahawa akaun-akaun ASB
tersebut di buka dengan tujuan sebagai pelaburan?
DW4 : Sebagai pelaburan..ya diterangkan…
PP : Tanpa pengetahuan..Adakah bapa kamu pernah bertanya kepada kamu
untuk pulangkan duit bapa kamu daripada akaun ASB?
DW4 : aa..ada tuan
PP : ada..apa jawapan kamu?
DW4 : Saya akan usaha dengan dia untuk pulangkan duit dia
31. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah melihat pada keterangan PW1 yang secara konsisten
mengatakan bahawa wang tersebut adalah untuk simpanan dan pelaburan
beliau yang dilaburkan dan bukannya sebagai hibah atau hadiah.
32. Mahkamah juga melihat pada keterangan Plaintif yang tidak dicabar yang
mengatakan bahawa wang tersebut dikhaskan untuk tabungan dan pelaburan
Plaintif selama beliau masih hidup dan hanya akan menjadi hak
Defendan-Defendan apabila Plaintif meninggal dunia. Keterangan Plaintif juga
disokong oleh keterangan DW1 hingga DW4 seperti di bawah:
(vi) Keterangan DW1 di m.s. 70 NK:
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PP : Ada sebut wang hadiah tak?
DW1 : Takde pun
PP : Ada sebut pemberian tak?
DW1 : Sekejap ya…untuk perbelanjaan bersekolah dan pengajian mereka
PP : Ya lah tapi takde perkataan wang hadiah dan pemberian dariapada
Plaintif kan? Takde kan
DW1 : Ikut sini tak de lah
(vii) Keterangan DW2 m.s. 82 NK:
PP : Ok adakah ada disebut dalam mana-mana dokumen bahawa tersebut
adalah wang hadiah dan pemberian daripada Plaintif
DW2 : Tiada disebut dalam mana-mana dokumen
(viii) Keterangan DW3 di m.s. 98 NK:
PP : Ok..tujuan wang yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun ASB en khairy, en
Khairy jawab antaranya adalah sebagai wang hadiah dan pemberian
daripada plaintif dan sebagai simpanan dan tabungan untuk masa
hadapan kami, betul?
DW3 : Betul
PP : Ok..adakah..soalan saya, adakah ada disebut dalam mana-mana
dokumen bahawa wang tersebut adalah wang hadiah dan pemberian
daripada plaintif?
DW3 : Tidak ada dokumen cuma..
(ix) Keterangan DW4 di m.s. 119 NK:
PP : Adakah ada disebut dalam mana-mana dokumen bahawa wang
tersebut adalah wang hadiah dan pemberian daripada plaintif?
DW4 : Tiada black and white tuan
33. Maka adalah jelas di sini, bahawa duit simpanan dalam akaun ASB tersebut
bukanlah suatu pemberian hadiah akan tetap sebagai suatu amanah bagi
tabungan dan pelaburan Plaintif sahaja. Tambahan juga, Plaintif telah
memberikan keterangan bahawa kesemua buku simpanan tersebut berada
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dalam kawalan beliau yang boleh dilihat dalam keterangan beliau di m.s.24,
m.s. 32-33 dan m.s. 45-46 NK seperti di bawah:
PD : Maka saya katakan bahawa tidak ada sebarang kawalan ke atas -
akaun-akaun Defendan-Defendan tersebut, setuju atau tak?
PW1 : Itu tak setuju
PD : Baik seterusnya ya..En Zahid mengatakan bahawa memegang
keempat-empat buku-buku ASB Defendan-Defendan, setuju ya..
PW1 : Saya pegang? Yes
PD : Dan memegangnya sejak akaun-akaun tersebut dibuka?
PW1 : Ya
PD : Mengikut soalan no 5 penyata saksi en zahid, buku-buku tersebut ada
dengan Zahid kerana duit-duit itu milik En Zahid itu yang En Zahid
cakap ya
PW1 : No 5 ya
PD : Ya
PW1 : Kenapa buku-buku akaun tersebut berada dengan En Zahid, is that
the one?
PD : Ya
PW1 : Ok so you nak I baca jawapan?
PD : Buku-buku tersebut berada dengan en zahid kerana duit-duit tu milik En
Zahid, setuju ya itu jawapan En Zahid
PW1 : Soalan ya kenapa buku-buku akaun tersebut berada dengan En Zahid
Jawapan dia sebagaimana saya telah jelas kan kepada anak-anak saya
duit yang berada di dalam akaun-akaun tersebut adalah milik saya saya
cuma menumpang nama anak-anak untuk pelaburan saya dan saya tak
nak dan tak benarkan mereka menggunakan duit-duit tersebut
PD : Dan mengikut soalan 6 penyata saksi en Zahid kepada soalan adakah
di laburkan duit duit tersebut untuk kepentingan dan pembelajaran anak-
anak jawapan en Zahid adalah tidak kerana saya telah memberikan duit
belanja kepada mereka dan kad kredit dengan limit 3000 untuk
keperluan mereka, itu jawapan kepada soalan 6,betul ya..
PW1 : Ya
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PD : Sebab dah bagi duit belanjakan?
PW1 : Ya
PW1 : Kenapa buku-buku akaun tersebut berada dengan saya, dengan en
PD : Ya..Jawapannya sebagaimana saya telah jelaskan kepada anak-anak
saya duit yang berada di dalam akaun-akaun tersebut adalah milik saya saya
cuma menumpang nama anak-anak untuk pelaburan saya ya itu jawapan En
Zahid Ya
PW1 : Ya
PD : Jadi saya katakan ini adalah bertentangan dengan keterangan bertulis
en Zahid di dalam mahkamah Tinggi Syariah apabila en Zahid menyatakan
di soalan 13 bahawa En Zahid peruntukkan jumlah RM200 ribu kepada 3
anak dan RM50 ribu kepada bongsu demi kebajikan dan masa depan anak-
anak, setuju tak ini bertentangan?
PW1 : Dia tak sama lah 2018, 2018 mutaah anak sekolah belajar so at that point in time that is what the ASB is for just in case kalau
saya mati but we are talking now dalam mahkamah
PD : Itu En Zahid tidak nyatakan di mana-mana di dalam jawapan Zahid di
sini atau pun di dalam keterangan bertulis En Zahid Di Mahkamah Tinggi
Syariah Ya, jadi saya katakan bahawa apa yang apa keterangan yang En
Zahid berikan berkenaan dengan peruntukan RM200 ribu tersebut bukanlah
untuk menumpang nama anak-anak untuk pelaburan En Zahid dan
merupakan milik En Zahid, En Zahid setuju atau tidak? Do you agree?
PW1 : Do I agree di mahkamah syariah that I must say bende ni
PD : Bahawa..baik saya ulangkan balik lah…
PW1 : I’m lost what you want..i’m lost
PD : bila En Zahid mengatakan soalan no 5 ya, bahawa duit yang berada di
dalam akaun-akaun tersebut adalah milik saya
PW1 : Milik saya betul..
PD : Saya cuma menumpang nama anak-anak untuk pelaburan saya..
PW1 : Betul
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34. Berdasarkan segala keterangan di atas, adalah jelas bahawa hujahan
Defendan-Defendan yang mengatakan bahawa duit dalam akaun ASB
tersebut adalah wang hadiah pemberian Plaintif kepada mereka adalah
TIDAK BENAR memandangkan atas keterangan mereka sendiri adalah jelas
bahawa segala kemasukan wang dalam akaun-akaun ASB Defendan 1 hingga
3 sebanyak RM200,000.00 setiap satu akaun dan dalam akaun ASB Defendan
4 pula dimasukkan sebanyak RM50,000.00 adalah merupakan suatu amanah
kepada bapa mereka sahaja dan tidak berpindah milik kepada mereka. Ini
jelas dapat dilihat bahawa kesemua perbelanjaan serta wang bagi
pembelajaran mereka telah disediakan secukupnya oleh Plaintif. Oleh
demikian, Mahkamah ini berpandangan tiada keperluan untuk Plaintif
menggunakan wang dalam akaun ASB tersebut bagi menampung
perbelanjaan mereka.
35. Pandangan Mahkamah ini adalah berdasarkan kes YONG NYEE FAN &
SONS SDN. BHD. v. KIM GUAN & CO. SDN. BHD. [1979] 1 MLJ 182 yang
memperuntukkan 5 elemen yang perlu ada bagi membentuk amanah secara
sah seperti di bawah:
(i) pihak yang membuat amanah;
(ii) pemegang atau penerima amanah;
(iii) pihak yang mendapat manfaat harta amanah;
(iv) harta amanah; dan
(v) arahan yang dinyatakan dalam amanah.
36. Mahkamah juga bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam Plaintif bahawa
sungguhpun tiada dokumen bertulis yang menyatakan bahawa duit simpanan
dalam akaun ASB tersebut adalah bersifat amanah, namun segala perlakuan
dan tindakan kesemua Defendan adalah terang lagi bersuluh melalui
keterangan mereka sendiri seperti di atas boleh dijumlahkan sebagai
pengakuan mereka sendiri yang wang tersebut adalah amanah yang diberikan
oleh Plaintif.
37. Pandangan Mahkamah ini adalah jelas dinyatakan dalam menggunapakai kes
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2 MLRA 150 yang memperincikan prinsip pemegang amanah seperti di
“Principles Of Express Trust
[36] In the case of Geh Cheng Hooi & Ors v. Equipment Dynamics
Sdn Bhd [1990] 1 MLRA 519 (SC), it was held that trusts are either
express trust or trust arising by operation of law. The learned
judge did not commit an error of law when dealing with the issue
of trust before him. In fact, other than that, the case of Yeong Ah
Chee v. Lee Chong Hai & Anor And Other Appeals [1994] 1 MLRA
226, referred to in the judgment that there are three “essentials”
of an express trust (three certainties), we may add that the three
certainties were also discussed in the Court of Appeal’s decision in
Fawziah Holdings Sdn Bhd v. Metramac Corporation Sdn Bhd &
Another Appeal [2006] 1 MLRA 131. At pp 146-147, the Court of
Appeal said:
“[60] The law governing the certainty of a trust is that laid
down by Lord Langdale MR in the seminal case of Knight
v. Knight [1840] 49 ER 68. There it was held that for a
trust to be certain three requirements must be fulfilled.
First, there must be certainty of intention. Second
there must be certainty of subject matter: both in
terms of the corpus and the beneficial interest. Third,
there must be certainty of the objects of the trust. A
trust is void if there is uncertainty in any of these
three elements.”
[37] In the Court of Appeal case of Qimonda Malaysia Sdn Bhd v.
Sediabena Sdn Bhd & Anor [2011] 1 MLRA 574, it was held
that the court must consider the circumstances concerning
the relationship between the parties. As trust can be implied
even where the agreements themselves do not contain an
express clause as it is clearly manifested in the agreements
and the correspondence concerned that it was the intention
of the parties to create one.
[38] According to Halsbury’s Laws of Malaysia, para
[310.043], the law allows a declaration of trust of any
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property to be made informally and by parole. There is
no necessity for a declaration of trust to be made in
writing, to be valid (Teoh Heng Seng & Ors v. Teoh Kiew
Seng & Anor [1999] 4 MLRH 46). In respect of the certainty
of intention, there had to be clear evidence of an intention to
create a trust and this could be inferred not only from the
alleged settlor’s words and conduct but also of the
surrounding circumstances and the interpretation of any
agreements that might have been entered into (Guy Neale v.
Nine Squares Pty Ltd [2014] SGCA 64). It is not necessary for
a trust to be in writing (Wan Naimah v. Wan Mohamad
Nawawai [1972] 1 MLRA 47). Intention is a matter of
evidence and it can be established by way of inference
(Emas Offshore (M) Sdn Bhd v. Suhaimi Maryani [2012]
MLRHU 1585). A person’s intention for a trust is to be
gathered from the totality of the particular
circumstances of the case, including the words written or
spoken and the conduct of the parties (ESPL (M) Sdn Bhd
v. Radio & General Engineering Sdn Bhd [2004] 2 MLRA
248). Express Trust-Certainty of Subject Matter
[39] Pursuant to Halsbury’s Laws of Malaysia [310.052]: “In order
to create a valid trust, the property to be affected by the trust
must be either expressly designated or so defined that it is
capable of being ascertained otherwise the trust is void for
uncertainty.” Express Trust-Certainty Of Object
[40] The case of Re Chionh Ke Hu Deceased [1964] 1 MLRH 182
provides that the objects or persons to be benefited by a trust
must be expressly designated or so defined that they are
capable of being ascertained.
38. Pandangan Mahkamah ini juga disokong oleh kes ESPL (M) SDN BHD v.
YA. Gopal Sri Ram (HMR) dalam menyampaikan penghakimannya berkata:
[19] In our judgment, Re Kayford Ltd is merely another authority
in a long line that illustrate the proposition that a person’s
intention is to be gathered from the totality of the particular
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circumstances of the case, including the words written or
spoken and the conduct of the parties.
39. Berdasarkan kes ESPL (M) SDN BHD v. RADIO & GENERAL
ENGINEERING SDN BHD seperti di atas, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan
hujahan peguam Plaintif, bahawa pihak Plaintif telah membuktikan atas
imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa perlakuan Defendan-Defendan dalam kes
ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa mereka memahami dengan jelas berkenaan
niat Plaintif yang hanya memasukkan wang beliau ke dalam akaun ASB
mereka sebagai tabungan dan pelaburan beliau dan bukannya sebagai hadiah
atau hibah.
(d) ISU KEEMPAT: sama ada Defendan 1, 2, 3 dan 4 pernah memaklumkan
penukaran kepada akaun-akaun baru oleh pihak Defendan 5 kepada
40. Berkenaan dengan isu di atas, Mahkamah berpandangan bahawa kesemua
Defendan tidak pernah memaklumkan penukaran akaun kepada Plaintif
sebagaimana yang diterangkan seperti di bawah:
(i) Keterangan DW3 di m.s. 111 NK:
PP : Kamu kata kamu tidak ada masalah dengan bapa kamu tapi kenapa
kamu tak beritahu tentang pertukaran akaun ASB kamu
DW3 : Saya yang seingat saya buku tu takde dengan saya saya pergi buat
repot polis dan saya pergi ke kaunter ASB bukak buku baru kebetulan
waktu tu ada macam…
PP : Ok buat repot polis tu kenapa?
DW3 : Sebab nak buat buku baru kena buat repot polis dulu
PP : Kenapa kamu tak mintak izin dengan bapak kamu saja
DW3 : Saya tak perlu sebab itu atas nama saya
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PP : Ialah tapi kamu tahu buku tu ada dengan bapa kamu kan?
DW3 : aa..tahu
PP : kemudian kamu buat repot hilangkan?
DW3 : Ya betul
(ii) Keterangan DW2 di m.s. 88 NK:
PP : Adakah cik nurul ada memberitahu kepada plaintif bahawa buku akaun
ASB cik nurul telah di tukarkan
DW2 : Bagitahu? Tak ada
PP : Tak ada
DW2 : Tak ada
(iii) Keterangan DW3 di m.s. 105-106 NK:
PP : Ok bila pertukaran akaun berlaku ya? Adakah en Khairy sedar berlaku
pertukaran akaun daripada akaun lama kepada akaun baru? Sedar tak?
DW3 : Sedar
PP : Ok bila?
DW3 : Saya tak ingatlah tuan
PP : Tak pasti ya..tak ingat tak ingat
DW3 : Tak ingat tak pasti
PP : Ok ..tapi sedar benda tu berlaku ya
DW3 : Sedar
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PP : Jadi adakah en Khairy memaklumkan kepada bapa en Khairy?
DW3 : Oh tidak
(iv) Keterangan DW4 di m.s. 122-123 NK:
PP : Bila berlaku pertukaran akaun Asb en azri?
DW4 : Pertukaran?
PP : Haa
DW4 : Buku..
PP : Haa..buku
DW4 : 2016 atau 2017 saya
PP : Bagaimana err…boleh berlaku pertukaran tersebut?
DW4 : Bagaimana boleh pertukaran…kerana buku tu tiada dalam jagaan
PP : So, macamana buat tu?
DW4 : kena buat repot polis dan pergi ke ASB untuk buat buku yang baru
PP : bukankah buku tersebut ada dengan bapa en azri?
DW4 : Sebelum kejadian itu ya
PP : Selepas kejadian?
DW4 : Saya tidak pasti tuan
PP : Ok…adakah en azri ada mengeluarkan duit dari akaun ASB tersebut
selepas penukaran?
DW-4 : Ada tuan
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PP : Berapa kali?
DW4 : Kurang pasti tuan
PP : Kurang pasti…adakah enazri meminta keizinan dari bapa En Azri untuk
membawa keluar wang tersebut?
DW4 : tidak tuan
PP : Pertukaran tersebut ada maklum tak kat bapa en azri
DW4 : Tidak tuan
41. Sehubungan itu, berdasarkan keterangan kesemua Defendan seperti di atas,
Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa tindakan Defendan-Defendan menukar
akaun-akaun ASB dengan membuat laporan polis dengan mengatakan
kehilangan buku-buku akaun tersebut adalah TIDAK BENAR dan sebenarnya
mereka mengetahui bahawa kesemua wang tersebut adalah bersifat amanah
sebagaimana yang diplidkan serta dinyatakan oleh Plaintif secara konsisten
dalam Mahkamah ini.
42. Mahkamah berpandangan yang kesemua Defendan sedar bahawa sekiranya
mereka memaklumkan berkenaan penukaran buku simpanan ASB tersebut
akan menyebabkan Plaintif mengetahui bahawa duit yang telah diamanahkan
kepada mereka telah digunakan bukan seperti yang diamanahkan oleh Plaintif.
43. Ini dikuatkan juga dengan keterangan PW1 di m.s. 61 NK yang turut
menerangkan yang Plaintif sendiri tidak dimaklumkan berkenaan dengan
pertukaran buku simpanan ASB tersebut:
PP : Tadi ditanya tentang ok..sori sori silap emmm…ok errmmm…soalan
dia tadi ditanya tentang err..di sebabkan mereka err..mereka telah
pecah amanah soalan pasal pecah amanah tadi en Zahid ingat pasal
pecah Amanah
PW1 : Aa pasal dia pecah amanah lah
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PP : Jadi en Zahid kata setuju mereka pecah Amanah
PW1 : Ya setuju
PP : En Zahid cakap demikian
PW1 : Kerana mereka first I found out mereka tukar ke buku baru buku lain
buku baru tanpa pengetahuan saya itu satu it was done behind my
PP : Ok samada mereka tukar tadi siapa yang buat pertukaran dia orang
PW1 : Dia orang bukan saya saya tak tahu apa
PP : Diaorang yang sendiri buat ke atau bank yang buat pertukaran
PW1 : aa..I believe dia pergi bank la tukar
44. Oleh demikian, berlandaskan pada kesemua keterangan di atas, Mahkamah
ini berpandangan bahawa kesemua Defendan yang merupakan pemegang
amanah bagi wang simpanan ASB tersebut dan melalui keterangan mereka
sendiri telah mengaku bahawa penukaran buku simpanan ASB tersebut
adalah dibuat tanpa memaklumkan kepada Plaintif.
45. Berdasarkan pada semua analisa dan dapatan di atas, Mahkamah ini
membuat keputusan bahawa pihak Plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan kes di
atas imbangan kebarangkalian (balance of probabilities) melalui keterangan
secara viva voce serta melalui keterangan dalam dokumen-dokumen dalam
kes ini bahawa sebenarnya kesemua wang yang dimasukkan dalam akaun
ASB tersebut adalah amanah (trust) yang perlu dijaga oleh kesemua Defendan
sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam dalam kes WAN NAIMAH v. WAN
MOHAMAD NAWAWI [1972] 1 LNS 164 yang dijelaskan seperti di bawah:
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“a trust must may be made quite informally, provided that the words
used are clear and unequivocal.”
46. Sehubungan dengan pandangan di atas, adalah jelas bahawa pihak
Defendan 1 hingga 4 telah memungkiri amanah yang telah secara jelas
memperincikan peranan mereka sebagai pemegang amanah dalam mengurus
tadbir wang dalam akaun ASB tersebut sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam
kes RE SCOTT [1903] 1 CH 1 seperti di bawah:
… the word trusts refer to the duty or aggregate of obligations that
rest upon a person described as trustee. The responsibilities are in
relation to the property held by him or under his control. That
property he will be compelled by a Court in its equitable jurisdiction
to administer in the manner lawfully prescribed by the trust
instrument or in the absence of such instrument in accordance with
equitable principles.”
47. Oleh demikian, berdasarkan pada kesemua analisa dan dapatan di atas,
Mahkamah dengan ini membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif dengan kos sebanyak
Disediakan oleh:
14 DISEMBER 2023
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| 43,553 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-22NCvC-64-04/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) Abd Manan Bin Husin [Pentadbir Harta Pusaka Bagi Haji Mat Zain Bin Haji Salleh, Si Mati] (Selepas Ini Dirujuk Sebagai 'Haji Mat Zain Tersebut' Menurut Perintah Bertarikh 7.5.2021) 2. ) ISMAIL BIN AB SAMAT DEFENDAN 1. ) Zalina Binti Idris (Sebagai Wakil Diri Kepada Siti Zauyah Binti Abdullah, Simati) Pentadbir Harta Pusaka Bagi Abdullah Bin Abdul Majid) 2. ) ROSLIN BINTI MUHAMMAD (Pentadbir Harta Pusaka bagi Abdullah Bin Abdul Majid) 3. ) AZIZAH BINTI ABDULLAH 4. ) HASNAH BINTI ABDULLAH 5. ) Mohd Khusairi Bin Mohd Isa 6. ) MOHD SHAMSURI BIN MOHD ISA 7. ) ROZAINI BINTI ABDULLAH 8. ) ZALINA BINTI IDRIS | Full Trial – claim by the Plaintiffs in Suit 64 as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain for a declaration that the estate of the late Abdullah is holding ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain. Issues• Whether the late Abdullah held ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the letter dated 30th January 1983 by Mohamad Bin Abdullah, the son of the late Abdullah permitting the 1st Plaintiff to build a house on the said land tantamounts to the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain having an interest in the said land;• Whether there is fraud/ misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct committed by the late Abdullah and/or the estate of the late Abdullah against the Plaintiffs as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• If fraud/misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct by the late Abdullah is found, whether the Limitation Act 1953 and/or the principle of laches applied to defeat the claim of the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession of the said land; and• Whether there is unjust enrichment on the part of the late Abdullah.The Court finds that the Plaintiffs have failed to prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a constructive trust in favour of the late Haji Mat Zain nor found any unconscionable conduct.The Court also finds that the estate of the late Abdullah and/or the Defendants have an overriding interest as the registered proprietor of the said land.The Court finds that the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession subject to them compensating the two Plaintiffs in Suit 64 for the present value of the said houses to be assessed by an independent valuer appointed by the Court. The costs of this valuation is to be borne by the estate of the late Abdullah. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
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[Punladb Han: Punk: luql H:)| rm bln
Bin Haj? Sallo ,si um: (aolepil lnl dlruluk
sabagni ‘Hun Mat Zaln msebur menurul
Pcrinlnh bfrurilm U1.05.1D2I)
(No. KIP: 541111-oz-5529 I (Lama: 4711139)
4. sin ZAUVAM amnnanumm
[NO. KIP: :muM1—52a4]
Pomadhlr mm Punk: Blgl Abdulllh am Abdul Majld
mo. Kl samza-nu-5744}
P-nmdmr Mum Punk. Abdullnh am Abdul Mxjld
sw x:nyMvE6qxuwPIcuvtF\A Ms: I M -4
mm Sum M... M“ be used m van; M nugvuuly mm; “Mm. VII mum puns!
mo. KIP.: 5no7u.n7.5Iss]
(No. K1P.: 430330-07-5102]
[N0. KIP.: 610908-07-5255]
[N0. K/F.: 71092142-5:75]
[NO. K/P.: s1Ims-a1-5594]
mo. KIP.: saw 1-01-51 54]
ucvc 21-on/2022
[No. mp: 5oo11¢o1‘s1n]
sw I:nyMvEuqxuwPIcuvIFIA
mm Sum M... M“ be used M mm I. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII muwa VWLII
11.2. ms subsequent purchase by me Ia|e Abauiisn at me nublic
auc1iDn vide a saunnd inaeniure oi sale dated 3" May 1941
was sinister and irauauianny done
11.3. the esvace oi the iaie Abdullah had krmwledge at all material
limes that me Iaie Haii Mai Zain was run a squatter simp/rune:
but the owner of the V. undivided share ollhe sax: iand, and
11 4 that the years oi wuupaiion and paymem oflhe assassmanl is
an acknowledgement by the late Abauniaii that V, undivided
sriareei me said iana is heid on mnstruclivetruslforme iamiiy
Mme lala Haji MalZaIn.
mu Dofomi-ms‘ coimmlmu/submissions
[12] The mnlsnlians/submissions of me esla1e or the late Abduliah are
summarized as ioiiews
12.1. me pmcivf paymem Mme quil rem urassessmenl is not proof
olan equivasie ngm over me said land.
12 2. me oucupaiiun or me said and does not prevent the esiaia ol
the Is|a Abduilah as ma registened pmprieioiimm taking acaon
to ream/er the said |and1
IN wmnsaamwiamm p... :1 nl :4
ma 5.11.1 ...m.m111 be flied m mm 1.. nflmruflly sum. dun-mm Va arium WM!
12 3. ma allegad olal agreement mwean me lala Hall Mal zaln and
the IICE Abdullah is not Iarlable nor admlsslble In law as it ls
based on hearsay, and
12.4 male was an lnordmale delay In lxlmmenclng lhls presern
acllon and ma eslata onne lale Hall Mal zaln have sat on lh -
nghls aasplla having knawledge mal lne name 01 me late Hall
Mal zaln was not leglslam: on me me Deed slnce 1941 llsall.
sumnn ot Prod
[13] ll la lllle law lllal he who aaaena musl prwa me P8I'lil:uIaHa<.1s.As
such‘ lne burden of glow llas on me aslala cl lne lala Hall Mal am as
me Plalnlllls lhmughaut [ha lnal la prove lnau clllm aglmsl ma esbzaie
nllha |a|aAbdu||zh and In be veslad wlm V. undrvlded an-re ollhe sale
land on a nalanaa nl pmbablllllas as enshrined under socllom ma.
1n: and lo: ol on Evldunuu Act flsa. [saa cam of John: al
Abdul Kndlr Mnrlcln v lnvrtnnco Lam Kwck Fun A Anuv[19l|l] l
IALRA anal and Tan Kiln Knunn v. ‘rm Kn Kim (M) sun and mu]
1 cu SUPP 141}.
[141 To ml: and, II 1! also am lnal I quola the use of Lucllununan
clmu Alng-ypln Q LAI|lgnppIn I Anor v. Socurn lvunmlnn
Sdn and mm 3 MLRA 501 were me Federal calm held as fnllows.
-(521 saclnzn 1lJ1(1Jpmvl'l1e.sIII.!t'VVhl)ev9Id9:wes any couma give
judgment as to any legal righl a llanlllry dependent on lno
IN MyMnEaqkuwPIl:LmFlA Page :2 04 u
‘Nab! a.n.l n-vlhnrwm be flied M mm ms anlln.l-y MIN: dun-mm Va .mm mm
SKISISHDU oiiecis wliicii he asserts, niusi prove iiiei those tests
exisi' "Ssclion tot states that Ihe initiei burden afpieiiing a
piinie iecie case in liis favour is ass: on the nieiniitt . "
twaodmlte and AIFWAH Law 0/ Evidence, tstli ed"\ Vol 3 al p
3194) illusiiation in to 5 mt guts It bemrid doubt mat the
"human armor " iests tllmugholn an the p_I.!lntIII. Section
102 mums that "Thu iiumn of E! in a suit of
ggceeding lies on mi gersarl who would fall illto Ividcncc
at an weie given on siiliev si "rlis inillll anus eimvigg
tho case is afwazs an tliia flaimlff " tseikei Law aIEvldence
tstli odn at 1599. lltusti-ation ta to s 102 ggls It beige
doubt ilut - gllinttlfllas the iniiiai units or E!
{M nius e glillmlllius both tllu buntoii ol flies mil as the
initixi onue oigiooi. iii Biiiesrone Pte Ltd v. sninii & Associates
Far Eesi Lii1[2i7o7]4 SLR 855, me singepoie Cotirr omppeai
per vx Reieii ./CA dsln/Sling iiie iuitgnieiii ol the coun,
explained (ha! ei me sieit of iiie pieiniiit s case the burden oi
pmol and me arms
' . atilie sienolilie piainmis case, my igaiaurden almving
riie eximnse oi nix nluvnnr Incl mat Ml gnlnilir must
mile and lhe evldentill burden :1! soma (no! Inlteronlly
inciudlbio evidence 471' iii: nxistanca olsuch I-ctcoineiite.
l/pan eitauciion oiiiiei evidence, the evidential minzten shins io
iiie cteiendent, as me case may lie, in adduca some evidence in
ieouilai. ii no evidence in remillal is adduced. lhs court may
eonciuue iioni (ha evidence oi Ibo dale/idanl IL on me avhnr
nena, svldarmv in rahuttal IS eaitueeit, me ewaentiai Duldcn
IN bhyMDE6QMi4VPlcLivYFiA v... u eiu
-we s.ii.i IHIWDIY MU be HSQG m my me nvwiruflly MW; m.i.i. VII AFVLING WM!
shifls back [0 the p/HVIMV, U, u/limsls/y, Ihs evidenlial burden
comes I0 iasi an ina defendant, Ins l9gs/ burden of pniar or me
reievanl fan would have been discharged by the plainhf The
Iegalbumeri 0! pidai. a paiinaneni and enduring miidan ~ does
naisnin. A parry who nas me legal lumen drpidoiaii any issue
IN/SI discharge it Ihmughoul. sonieiiines, the legal aiiidan is
spoken or, /naccurals/y, as "S‘himng”, Bur wnai is miiy ineanz is
inai anoinei issue nas been engaged, on wnian (he opposiia
party neais me /eqa/burden Diplval '
§51The ml: is mat ‘the onus oimoiafanzgaiticuiar hztlles
on the am who mm It not on him win: denies it- at
inciimnir pmbaliarl qiii decii, non qui neqax, acrvli incibir
piooaiion . The glnlnfllf is bound in ma iiisi Instance ta
show a gma laclecasa and inn vos it imgifm inc
mm will not assist nim. Hum (ho maxim Ever est
condition delendantls. A flalnlm‘ cannot obviously
advantagg Ilimsdf by the weakness of mo doilnu. A
fllnfllrs case must stand or hll um me ovldonct
adducod by him. When. however. (he dslandant, or either
liligarll pan}/, insiaad ol denying wnai is a//eged againm nim,
iaiias an some naw maiiai wiiian, i/inie, is an answai I017, me
miiden orpinoi changes sides, and iia, in ms (um, ls bound lo
sndw a pfima iacid 9559 at ieasi and, ii ne leaves I! iinpaiiaci,
ina mun WI" rlal assist niin. Raiis sxcipendo Ill aclal”
(woodio/is and AIHWA/1, sum, vol 3 ai p aisomgu "
in wiinsaamwiaunm 7:5: in am
warn Sum llnnflhlv nu as used M mm me nvmnnfily mm; dnunmnl VIA .mnc WM!
[151 As such. the burden of meat tea on the estate at the late Hatt Mat Zam
|o wave the extstehee a1 a txxtstructtve trust iar the hate Hatt Mat zeth
and the consequential right |o be vested wtth the ‘/1 uh ed share of
the Sam rand tn the name at the late Hah Mat zattt.
[16] There ate several issues which teeutte judtaal
eohsuetettoh/asterhttnettoh as f0HUws'
t5.1.whether the late Abdullah hetd ‘A undivtded share of the Said
Iahtt an emslruclwe ttustrortha estate ctthe late Hap Mat Lam.
16.2.Whetner the tettet dated 30" Janualy 1933 by Mohamad Bun
Abdullaht the sun 0! the tate Atntuueh psmtitung the I“ Platnfifl
(0 Dutld a house on the sand land lamamaunls In the slate M
the late Haji Mat zath having an thterest tn the sen tend,
16.3 whether there Is ftaudl mtsrepresehtauonx uhoohstatnhabte
conduct oommttted bythe late Abdullah and/av the estate at the
|a|e Atmuttah agalllsl the Platntttts as the estate at the late Hatt
Mat L-tm, llaudlmtsrepresanlalinnl unoohsetanahto wnduct by the hate
Atzeutteh ts found. whethu lh: untttauen Act 125: aharor the
pnnotpla at taches eppttea In aeteat the atetht 0! the estate at‘
the late Hail Mat Zain.
IN t>ltyMnE£t:kuWPIcUvYFtA um ts em
‘Nata s.t.t In-vthnrwm be ts... m mm .. nflmheflly MW: dun-mm VI] nrtuNG Wm!
l65,Whethev ma es1aIe of ma late Abaunan ws enulled Io vacanl
possesswun oflhe saw and and
165Wha(her mere ws unyusc enrichmenl an the part al the Vale
[17] From me abwe, n will be clear lhat me crmcal issue m nus case .5
whether ar nut Ihere was Iraud/musrepresemamon or unconscuoname
mnducl by me Vale Ahdnmah or the same ov me late Abduflah and
whether may mm '/2 undrvxded share 01 me sand land on conslrucuve
trust 70! the 9.51315 0! (he |a|e Hap Mat Zam being [he benefmianes of
me Vale Han Mat Zain The detenrwlalmn nlthns mam asue wwll w my
View rash/e me omav Issues
F‘ :1 mun: Whnhor mu lama Abdull-h hold V. undlvld r m
gm lgnd gn conslmctlve mnua: ma nlah ohm Inn Hg'i Mac Iain
mg M53151 mg“ i; lgudl mlscemnnmlonl unoonscionahlu
conduct committed fix mg gjg Aggllan and the -am: of an n
Abdullah a lmlmo nun oflhn In H ’i Man i
[15] The emu: ov me Late Han Mal h: n Iheirsuhmlssion mnnarms man a
remedial oonstrucirve Izual sxlsls tor the V. undivided share or the saw:
land m their favour The estate Mme Ia|s Han Mal Zam refers to ma
case 0! RH: Bunk Ehd v Trivl M (M) Sdn Bhd a. on and
aw wmpzaamvpucunm Page ns am
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
unoum -punt [2016] 1 ML! 175 where one Faaerat Courl held as
"1271 A D'0PvI‘sfa'y rams-1y may also us awarded where tt Is
apprnvrtale tn Lonrho Ptc u Fayed and omsrs ttvu M19921 1
WLR 1a! p 9, Mttten .t ctled me ruttawtng passage from
Meagnar, Gummow and Lenane, Equt‘
Ramsdlss, (2nd Ed) at p 321, wntcn sstd met when appropriate
the noun wuutd grant a propnetary remedy.
Doclmtss and
When appropnate, tns mun wttt grant a pwpvietary remedy to
restore to ma ptatnmr property of whtch he has been wrongty
deprived, or to pvsvenl lhs derandant imm retatntng e benefit
wnten ne has olzlatnad by hrs awn wrong It /5 nolpossible and
it weutd net be destrabla, to attempt and exhaustive
nlassificaltbn ortne sttuatrans tn whtclv /[wt/I410 so Eauiry mus!
retain what has been called us tnnerent ttaxtutttty and cspactly
to adjust to new situations by reterenee ta me marnepnnge of
equitable turtsdicrton "
[19] In adanten, reltanoe ts placed on me ease at Atlas
cauinutsa Fumltme Ltd at al v Nallonal Trust co Lid [1932] as
DLR(4m) 161 where the Brilish Columbia Courl at Aupeat new as
"A remedtat cormructrve trust ts a trust trnuesed Dy mun order as
a mmody tor a wrong Tne enttttemenr to max remedy may be a
malls: ol euuemntnre law, but me (ms! tteett I: not created by me
acls uttne pames, or even uy me oottgauun In make teetttuttorr, but
IN t>l1yMnE&:kuWPIcLtvYF\A 7:5: :1 mu
-nus s.r.t n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nVW‘nlWY MW: dun-mm VII uF\uNG v-mat
by ma order of the noun As wltn other calm orders, the trust wlll
some mm being wtran Ins arder is plorlotmced, unless, in an
appmpllala case the alder ls made rslroacllvs or /15 comlllg lnla
force ls deferred It may be war m many cases where a rsmedlal
L‘orlsfmc1l've trust ls lmposetl the court will oruar tllax it be lmpossd
wltll ellecl lrom Ills true when the srluatlon arose which gave use
to the uruusl snnchmenl. sea Rswltlk v. Raw/uk. mere must, ol
wurse. be a causal corlnecllorl between the progeny tn qllsslton
and the unjust enrlcttrrrent. See somrtrarl v Solocharl, [1955] 2
5 CR, 38 and Rosellleld u Olson (1985), 1 E.c.L R. (2d) 708 The
rel-rtedlal construcllve lnlsl must be tllstmgulshed lrum the
autzsmntrua mrrsuuctlua trust which the court declares to have
anssrl, as 3 result ollne conduct aims panles, and by the lame ol
mat conduct alone, at me sarllsr tlms wllen the relevant conduct
[2D]Fur1.her, reltanoe ls also placed an me mass at Nlulchlmkl u
Dodds(1iB5) a2 ALR 429 where me Hlgn Court ol Auslralla per
Dean: J emlncla|ed as lollams
"rn kn l fl n ‘ IV
l:orI§!mcllI/8 !vI.l§1does nol involve g derllglg/MS conlllwad fixlfll )(
muggy (cl Wnh v Wirlh (95 cu?) at u 235 The inslililflonal
character ol ms trust nas never completely oollteratea us rsmedlal
ongirls sven m the case otttra mam lradltlonsl forms olaxprsss and
lmplrea trust. ms IS a Iorriorl in the case arconstrucllva trust where,
as has been mentlonau, II-la mmedlhl crlaraaer remains
pmdomlnan! tn that the [rust use/I Elmer rsplsssnts, or mllsds the
auallamllty ol, equitable relief m the pamcular ctrcumslancss.
IN tallyMrlE&:kuwPIcLlvYFlA P11: 1: MM
Nata Smut In-vlhnrwm as used M mm the ntwlmflly MIN: dun-mm VII nFluNG WM!
Indeed, in Mrs country at leasl, the constructive trust has not
outgrown its formative s1ages as an aqunable remedy and should
sn'Il be seen as eonsrmng an n psrsansrnramsdy attaching lo
property which may be moulded and adjusled to gun; slicer lo the
app/rcarion and mlsr-p/ay of equrlable principles rn fne
crvcumslances nllhs pamcu/at case /n psmcular, where wmpsling
common law or equilali/e c/arms are or may be involved, 5
.1ee1e1sr1on olconstructive trust by way ofremeoy can properly be
so framed [hat me consequences urns impasmon are npsrarfvs only
from me dale onuagmsnz nr formal court order or lrum some alner
specified date. The fact that (he consrructrve trust remains
preduminarmy remedial does nut, hawsvsr, mean thfil 1! represents
a medium run (he indulgence ol nmsynmuo notmns oliarrness and
justice As an equneme remedy, 11 Is evsnams an/y when warranted
by established equitable pnnaplss or Dy me /sgmmale processes of
legal reasoning, by analogy, Indmrtson and deduclron, from the
sramng pain! or a prayer understanding ol the oonoeprual
Ioumiaxron or such pnnuptes (cl, generally, Sir Frank Kms
foreword to me 1s: ed 11975) 0! Msaghar, Gummow and
Lenane: Eqmly, Docmne: and Remedies, at pp v~vii or the 2nd ad
(1954), and see also, 99 Re Drp/ock [1943] on 455 at 451-2 ,'Fem'?(
v Pemn[197o; AC ms: 19:, am, 509, 325,- Cowcnev v
EowcnsI[1922] 1 wm 425auJn,-119721 1 All ER
EM at 948;_Iacobs’ Law Ill Trusts /7! AMAVE/la, llh ed {V977‘
Moagrvsr and Gummow), paras 13471-2, 1325-9,-Allen v
Snyder (197712 NSWLR 655 at 539, 7021!, Oakley, on an, pp 1-112,
Pam, on on, pp 4-5). Vrswed as a remedy, the Iunclmn ml the
mrvstrucuvs Irus! .s not to mndsr superfluous, but 10 reflect and
enforce. me pnnclples ol the law 0! aqmty
1n mympzaqkuwfilcuvrrm '13: ., s. ..
‘Nata s.n.1 n-nhnrwm be used M van; .. nflglnnflly mm; mmn 1.. mum pans!
musnis inanrieia is rropimirr me /aw all/71: counzryinnne notion
oi '5 constructive rrusi ofn new model“ which, "by wrnazever name 1:
rs desmbed . is imposed by law whenever iusfice and good
conscience” (in ms sense at 1armass- ur wnar "was raw) 'reqmra it"
(per Lard banning MR, Eves v Eves [1975] 1 Wu?
meat 1341 1342, [1a751:sAriER 765 at 771, 772 and Hussey V
Palmer [1972] 1 wu? 1235 at 1259-90.'[1972I 3 All ER
744 5! 747)."
my on ma Nstolical Incl: ohms prasarn case, in IS cleav that mare were
Mo Indemuras rn respsmafme saw warm The late Haji Malzain and
me Abdullah wave rag\sIArad as nananis in common ai ina said land
was me. man Indanlum dam 15* Ann! I930 under Iha Engnsn Daad
System :1 ma R9g\sIar M Deeds. Penang on 27* May 1930.
[221 anm |enanls in wmmon were regmelld is shimmy inangagors OHM
said land wide a sianuwry mnngtge dated 19“ Apru «van on 27“ May
1930 at me Ragmrar cl Dem, s-ennng.
[231 was a mom: inaeniura dated M May 4941, (ha said land wus
iransvened to me Im Abdulllh only wno had paid $130.00 as the
SUCOBSSM ladder of the said land at a public aucfinn Ce half! lhe
morlgagors had hreachad me said smumry murlgaue The second
Indenlure was regisnereu on 30'" Jun: 1941 under me Deed nyslem at
me Registrar 0! Deeds‘ Penang
rn tal1yMnE&:kuWPIcL1rYF\A raaem-rm
‘Nuns Sum! n-nhnrwm be .1‘... M mm me mn.u.y sun. dun-mm r.. mum pans!
(Nu. m: Awssnm-51021
[No. KIP: smwa-tn-51551
(No. KIP: 11 n921—o2sa1s]
5. ROZAINI sum Aauumxu
[No. KIF: 5109:3411-5594]
[Na mp: mm-o7-52541
memnaax meVa\m ZALINA snm mums [No. K/P. 530617-07-5154}
sen.-agai pemegang Surat Kuasa Waknl yang sah bag! P\aInM-F'\amM)
[No. KlF:5MI222-d7»547T]
2. Isuun. am smn nzrsunmnzrsunm
sw Wmusaqmmcmm me a m «
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
[24] Fmm ma above, it is clear that oniy me name of me late Abauuah has
been registered on me said land being me mghesl bwdder for me same
at ma malena\ nme.
[25] The esuna 0! ma Vale Haj Mat Zaln wnlends max mere exis|s
s4nis(ershIp and mequwable conduct on me pan of me late Ahdmlah.
The estate onne late Ha]: Mal Zain submits mac me lace Che Long
(wwa cl lhe Vale Haji Ma1Zam)had pend me mommy mongage sum in
me late Abdullah who had man aauaa lo pay on ma arvears which lad
to the sad land being aucunnsd and \a¢ar pumnasea by ma Vane
Abdunah solely.
[29] In my view, there ' no emdenoe Io substarmate me above and such
hare avermenls/asserlluns is \n my vsew insulficienl to conclude that
the Vale Abdullah is gumy 0| slmsletship and inwumhle oonducl [See
ma mse al axnary Force Sdn Bhd v Lembaga Pelabuhan
John! [zoos] 1 ms 313] ms conlermcn now that me late Che Long
naa made me payments under me slalulory mongage \s also not
oerlam as me estate of ma Isle Hafl Mal zam has oonsaxanuy taken
me poaiuan man ma Vale Ha]: Mal Zam and me ma One Long were
uneducatad and bara\y had enough mone|ary funds var surv|va\ at that
[27] Funnen vn my Maw, ma eslale auna ¥a|e Haj: Mal zam have a\so failed
to pmve on a balance M probablllues man (her: exlsls any constructive
trust var me estate oflhe ma HaiiMa(L!1n.Nowhere doe: ma ueond
lndamure dated 3"‘ May um mdimls or mlar that mere was ImsI(holh
axpraaaxy oHmp|1ed\y)clealedlcrlhe asoaua at [he late Hap Mal zam
There Is alsa no evidence lo subslanllala ma can|anuonsllac1: lhal Ihe
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A Page 11 M u
Nuns sum n-nhnrwm be used m yaw ma anmmmy mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
late che Lung has made the payment for the V. undwidzd share at the
sald land and the late Abdullah pmnused lo regtsler the said W
undlvlded share VI the name of the late Hail Mal zatn or the late che
[25] ln edditlon, havlrlg aonsrdered the lacts at [his sate, I find that the
estate at the late Ha]! Mat zain have tatled lo pmve on a balance of
probabllmes that there was any unmnscionable conduct and/or any
grounds tor rue to find or impose: temedtal aonstrumlve trust tn tavour
ulthe late Halt Mat utn and the estate altne late Hajl Mat zaln due la
the loflowlrtg laclars
a The estate oltne late Hali Mat zaln have nm addueed any ongenl
evrdenue nut rely neaytly on hearsay le aentend that the late
Ahdullan had nhlalned the sad land tnde the second lndenture
lor the benefit or the late Halt Mat Zam Thls slnularty appltes wtth
respect to the wn|en!lorl v1 unoonsctonaole oonduot on the pan
at the late Abdullah when the sald land was putchased,
b. The estate or the late Halt Mat Zaln admllted tn fllelr lallmony
especlally the 1' Platntttl that the alleged oral agreement
bemaen the |a|eAbdu\|ah and Ihe lale Haji Ma( Zalrl was knclwn
only to nlrn lrorn the statements heard lrorn the late che Long
wmch Is nut adrrllsslhle under me rule agalrlsl hearsay and that
ll muld be [me av Hal The I" Piamlifl I¢5|ifIed dtmng L7uss—
examination as follows:
"FD :T9k sellqu? Jndl In! kalounggn nombol 4 In!
berdtlsarkan kelerangan one Long A uw ad:
IN t>l1yMnE6QkuWPIcL1vYFlA Pig! :2 one
-we s.n.t nnvlhnrwm ue used M yaw ms uflmnaflly mt. dun-mm vta .nuye Wm!
miklumatmiklumal I-lln barkonun Inllgtl
Elfinflan Irsan torsebul.
: Ini adalan dang: cm LL»,-1.
> Oh: Lyg somata-mana7
:Katsrsngsn pasarmpamnggan 4:15!-I spasarapa yang
bevlaku pada tahun 1930 bsrdasarkan apa wnq
drbemahu kepada Encik Marian oran cha Lang7
V lad: kelslangan one Long Ievsebln mungkin boleh
oem/, mungkm bnlsh Irdak betul, selu/u arau vidak7
may sslu/u Im berpsndu kspsda dokumen may kamr
.- 1.-gin." gjurnn Ilsln mm id: dokumln. Jadl
saga ma "5 Eng dlmaklum am. one Long
mungkin betul mugkln mm mm?
va ”
[See page 45 orme Noles or Evidence daled 9* May 2025]
c The leuer [mm Mohamad hm AhduHah datad aw» January 1933
had emy gwen the 1" Plalnlm permission to bmld a house and
could not tantamount |o Ihe esme at the lale Haj: Mal Zam
aaqumng ngms and beneficial mlarasl an me said land.
a The 2"’ Plnmufl aammau during ms Iesllmuny lha| ma estate 09
ma Vala Haj! Mal Zam had volunlanly gn/an/sunendarea ma
paddy «am to ma as(a|e o1lheIaIeAbdu\I:h wnnom nusrng any
ob)ec1>cn lo Ihe same when ma aslale :11 ma lace Abdunah
aw MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
rsqueslsd for lh: same m 2019. The 2"“ P\ainlif1(SP2| lnsnfied
as louaws’
“FF Tak, tak Er/a dla Duat rampssan ifu, EM‘/k Ismail
bag/Tahu rampasan dmuaz w sawan pad: lsnah
Abduliah alaupun sawah pacn Ha/I Mal Zam mp
SP-2 :Dus-due belalv says bust.
YA Rampasan mbual ax sawan pad: mans, kawzlsan
sp-2 .»<awa:an sebe/ah kampnmg Haj} Mal Zam, yang
ssoeran pan! pro/sk aw sebelah Ha//’AbduIIah
PP :so kodua-dun nan-gt-n mu monk. momma:
sp-2 :Mnnh mblla-omul um-nun.
PF mun
FF Yang Abdu/Ian cu you bayav sswaksn?
s;=~2 'Ya
PP Dan mu kswasan bapa menus you lah, mam.
/-mpu jugs?
SP»? . va
PP . Macum mans Iampasan im bsnaku, omen [alukarfl
SP-2 . say: Ink bohh [5/as curna dupe bagiruhu kalza kami
akan ambil bahk Ian (Brush nu sebub hak d-pa
(See page 87oIlI>e Notes ofevidomv dated 9'" May 2023]
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A Pauuolu
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
‘.1111! up knakan sin‘ Znguh dmng unluk
munumur kombalf mlnggmbilalfh kumbali slwuh
(orsobut knuru sawan ttrstbul adalan mill);
mereka. Sen.l[u Ivnutldlk7
-saga seIu[u.
Jawalz kepada Mallkamah dengan ;eIas
1/ad: awak I/dak ads aps-ans benlshan (ah verhadap
psngambtla/than semu/a sawah yang sslangah
bahagran kamu usahakan pads lahun 2019 Isrssbut
Dan kamu ‘mg ulah muumn kamba/I seem
bark Iah kflda Sfri Zagzah.
:Dan sebagaipenyewa sawah, awak/uga ads ulusan
penukaran name mm rsu subsrdr dan ha/a /‘uga Kan?
‘Dan um M. sour: balk dan aman man
mcmbull flllklllll nun: dlll nlml IV/All
aebagnl gngwl kegdn SM Zauxlfl, aalu Al ltlu
.Ya mm balk.
:TIu1n non-mg bnnnh-n7
Tldak mu.
[See page 32 ol the Note: 9/ Ev/dance dated 9" May 21:23]
‘PD ‘Tad! Enclk lsmall ksln Ellclk Ismal/ eenen kamba/l
sscsra 9/ok Kan, secera eman
s/2.2 ‘Va
PD ./ad! Iak timbul Vail dskwaan mersmpas sawah padi
Iersebtll Memarlg ssrah ksmbs/I sacalx elak tan.
SP-2 :Ya '
[see page as alrhe Notes o/swdence dated 9* May 2023)
e The estate cfllhe late Hap Mal zain have tzottt admltted dunng
tne cuurse or the tnal that they do not even have knowledge
about the 5112 of me said land wnen claiming the ‘/1 urldlvlded
snare dune said land, and
r Tne estate at the late ttall Matzaln had sleot on men rlgnts and
did not take any reasonable amen to enforce their alleged
banefiolal lrtleresls/ngms over the V. undivtded snare 01 tne satd
land despite havlng krmwiedge at tne alleged uncurlsciovtable
canduct etme IateAbdullah since 1941 ttsen.
[29] In additlon, tne estate ulttte late Haj: Mat zatn seeksa declarallnn met
me send V. undwtded share at the sad land I5 based on the oral
agvsement wlnareln Ins ‘/e share 07 the two muss: and ‘/4 share 07 the
paddy neld belungs ta the estate 01 flle late Haji Mal z n. ln my vlaw,
the mat agreement rematne a hate assamen wttn no evldenee adduced
In sutzslaniiale sucn a claim. In any event, this oral agreement ts
supztsedad by tne sewnd lrtdenlure, we can be seen from me
testtmany dune 1-‘ Plutntttf dunng cmesexnnunullon as lulluus.
lN t>ltyMnEfl~:kuwPtcuvtFlA y... mi and
-we s.n.t In-vthnrwlll be used M mm ms mnmu-y enn. m.n.n n. mane em
SP1 :
rskpzy n-arm akan mm o/sh peyuamcara Enmk
Jadl saga kalnkan seluu alau Ildak
Indulture Sale [lug kedul Irll Kelli! mamnasr
araugun Inl [any Ilrbaru 1941 Iran dun ll Illengafisl
afl-33 kandugggn gang ada di A1aL!m lndenkuw
Salt mo Mrsobut. Sotlfu mu lidak?
[see page 48 anhe Noxes afEw'der1oe dated 9" May 2023]
SP1 .
s1N MyMnE6qxuwPIcuvrF1A
-ms s..1.1...m..w111.. .15.. m mm 1.. nVVfl\ru“|¥ mm; dun-mm VII mum Wm
nay, lakva ran Slya kstl says cadangkan Enctk
Manan be/sh sslu/u slau lsk selu/u sabab lsd1 Encxk
Msnan kara I-Bk d-lk psngslahuan spa Darfaku 19317
hmgga 1341 msksud dia 11 Iahun ads gap agak/umlah
yang psmang darn dokumsn dengan pales manyalakan
alas kemurlgktran Abduuan bin And Mafia dan juga Ha/'1
Mat zarn rmska hananah tersebul dtlelang semula dan
Abdu//ah Ma/1:1 mum pembe/i kedua berdasarkan
dokumsn di mukasural 25 Kan?
Jad1, saya kala yang !ad1'EI1c:'k Manan secuju ape yang
dlkalskan olsh Che Long .11 dalsm pwapsn 4 ads/an
salu peqaniian lrsan berdasariran dokumen 19317
dnllm 11 n n n n n
m §7 mu
dlsnkog oleh dakumen gang suELsedl menngnasl
dnkuman pm gamma maka geflgnflan llsln gang
dlbuatmulut Ilu adalah lldak zflakal her: n berl-ku
gzmbahan dalam mug 11 rahurl terso.-but setulg
arau lidak soalan sag?
SP1 . Sctuiu.”
[See page A9 allhs Noles ofEvn1sm:e dated 9'" May 2023]
[an] \n mnclusmn, havmg consmarea |ha above, I am 11! the Iha| lha
aslala 1.71 mm mm Hap Mal Zain have lalled lo prove an a hamnce of
DVobabHrhes(haHJ1e IslaAbduIlah nova; V; unawea share of me sad
land on eensxrucwe (rust m ilvourahhe Vale Hap Max Zam or me aslam
of ma lace Hay Mal Zain
sooand Inuo: vnmhur mu I-nu dzlud 19'“ Januag Igu gg
Mohzmad mn Abdullah gs gm sun mum [ah Ahdullgh Emu g Inc:
I“ Flalmlfl to build g ngug E Q; gig lug V!§j§ gnu, um gl gm
I ' ' II immu in mo and land.
[311 The same onhe Iale Hap Ma| Zam a\sn mugs on me leltar wssuad by
Mohamad Em Amman, son ov me me Abeuuan dated 30" Junuary
was and amend than such wetter Is mmcauve mu me estate of me Isle
Hap Mal Zam have a x unmvuaea share OHM! beneficial mlerasl mm
sawd land In mvs respeau, m \s apt lha| (he contents of me send lelter be
rewoduwd belaw
sw MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A P21: 11 m u
-m Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
mu. AlHA¥fl\Aku|i i.
lilivlhilm ..u.
[321 A perusai onna said lener win reveai inai ii only vrinls pennission id
me 1* Pliirmfl |o oonsu'uc1 a noiise/buiiding on iris said iand and
nothing more. in rein, in niy view, me iamnai ins eslala dune iaia Hap
Mat Zain sndidi me 1- Pisinmv have lo nhlain mnsenl [mm ins iainiiy
ol Mohamad EH1 Abdiiiiaii lo nuiid a house very tailing as ii wdiiid
appear that the iaiiiiiy of me iaie H.-iii Mal zaiii annealed iriai «vie iaie
Nafi Mai zain is no: me co-owner of me said land. If me lale Han Mal
zain is indeed me co-owner Wllh ins i/2 undivided share dune said
iarid, one weuid nave moiigm mai such peniiissim was ndi required
and may would have just proceeded to puiid a house on me said iand
[:3] Fuflhafi
piwwneis pi me said land but iriis was not dune.
in bl1yMDE5I:kuOVPlcUvYF\A
we s.n.i In-vihnrvim as used M mm i.. mimiiiy MIME dnunvinnl n. AFVLING Wm!
it indeed an am’!!! a! iris ‘A undivided snaid of me said land‘
0191" Pllinllfl ougrii In have pmcureid a siiriiiur Ianerlmiii Mohllllmld
sin Andiiiieih in cdiirinn than me arsIa|a or me ieie Hlii Maiza are me
[341 In (am, most crii-navy. ma 1" Plainlifl (SP1) conllrmed dunng orUss—
exammallarl that he seems «ha ha is not the mm at me sild land
SP1 leanfled during cross-examination as roiiows:
"PD Encik Marian says karakan Encik Manan perm pevguumpa
Encik Muhamad sebab Encik Manan menyedan bahawa
Ericik Ma/um bukan pemilik hsnanah Iersebul pads ksrrka
SP1 Ya, beiui "
[see new 5:! arm: Nara: o/Ev/dtncv dated 9'" May 2023]
[351 As such, i am ov me View mm me wrmen ieneri amhonzalran by
Mnhamad am Abdullah mereiy gives ms esiaie oi me late nap Mal zm
andlur Ch: I" Piainmr me ngm in mind a house and occupy the Said
land which is consisienzwim Ihe nghis Mme estate oime iaie Amuiiun
as me mgismrea owner: oi me said land, The same at me lala Haji
Mal zam have .1 yes: praved on a haixnce at probahilmas mew ngms
in occupation onne saia ism hul nmhing lurlhav in pmve (ha alamenl
onzanenciai righls over me said land nor ma oxlslonna ova conslmclivo
[36] In determining mis issue, II is tip! that reference is made to me
vmv-sions under me National Lnnd com 1965
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1vYFiA sun. so mu
-m s.n.i n-vihnrwm be used M mm .. mimiiuy MIN: dun-mm VII .mm mm
[11 The mspule herein pertains «.2 ms ownership ofa piece av land m
Penang M wmch the mslary ra\ales back m almost a hundred years
since 1930.
[21 Theve us no mspme mat me said land ws currenfly regIs1ered in ma
nams oi the descendants/admmlsuamrs of me late Abdullah Em
Abdul Majid (heramafler raranaa to as ‘Ab\1u|Iah'). n .5 also not
mspmea that since 1941 me sam land was registered only m the name
0! the late Abdlmah and naw m me names of the
descendants/admmuslraiors aflhe late Abdullah
[31 The descendants/adnu slramrs av the late Hap Ma| Zain hm Saueh
(herennaflar Ielened to as ‘Haj: Mal Zam"| have oommenced Sun PA—
22Ncv¢>a-Mu/2022 (hereinaller revenea In as -sum 64') claunmg
|n|eralIa V. share M me savd land on one basvs that the Lava Abdullah
was a co-uznmwa uuszee «or V. share 0! me said Land .n lavauv of me
ma Hap Mal zam
[A] The descendants/admmlslnlors ollhe Vale And-man nave filed sun PA-
ZZNCVC-121-08/2022 (herelnaflar ravamaa to as “sun 12v) seeking
vacant possession 0! the saw land Imm ma two Delendanls who are
lhe Flalnhls Vn sun 34 above.
{5} By oonsem olme parllas, these two Suns ware mnsulidaled and man:
IN wyMnEaqkuwPIcuvtF\A run and
-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[371 A perusal oflhe lalasl land Search daled 11-“ November zuln would
reflect the name Mme lala Abdullah I: ma sols reglslareu proprietor
nflhe full share ohhe said land Rehrenne is also made lo lhe (RC1 that
the second lrldenlure was leglsleled cln 3G"'JLme1941 under the Deed
syslervl at the Reqislrar ol Deeds, Penarlg.
[321] The lndeleasmllia, of We IS lhe hallmark of the Torrens syslarn oi land
lrlles wrllcn was laler adopted under sectlon :40 of mu nallonal Land
Cod: I965 mrr oerlalll excepllorlsl for the lndefeaslblllly ol regrslered
Wes or lrllelesls ln land and reglslered leases. chavges and
[39] ll IS clearlllal me lnleflm register and the land Search are norrcluswe
evldenoe man We lllle lo me sald land ls leglslered ln me name ol me
eslale ol me lale Abdullah aooardlng In smlon as of nu Nnialul
Lnnd Code was. Tnelelme, me lala Abdullah am me eslale 0! me
lala Azmullah (as sucoassars) as reglslared pmprlelcrs are prlma lacle
anlltled to enpy indaleaslhle lllle/an/nership to me sald land [See the
Faaaral Conn case cl ran Bu v K Manmlamulllu [1911] 2 ull_l 71.
[40] However‘ oansldenng that male ls an allegallan al
lraudlmlsrapvesarllallanl uncurlscxlnable mmlucl, salmon 14o(2)(:)
olllu Nlllollll Land com 1995 ls relevant. The clue or lrlleresl ullhe
lale Abdullah and suhsequenuy tha erslals cl me lale Anaullarl would
be dehaasible m uses 01 lraud nr misreplesenlallurl me burden of
prool us on me eslale ollne Isle Ha]! Mat Zaln lo prove ma elements
or lraun on a balance 01 plnbablllues. [sea ma Federal calm case M
Silmn all A son: 5dn mm It uamai Solis Sin and [20:51 MLJU
The dam cl lhe esma ol Ihe late Han Mal Zaln an naua re-«fives
around me raa Ina! ma second lndenture was om.-nnaa via
naua/mmapraaanzanon The ascace oi ma late Han Mal zain oonlend
a| paragraphs 14 and 15 M lhelr Statement 01 Claim that the late Che
Long was rnsrapresemed by me lale Abdullah sonuecnne m 1941 . e
mac uponlull sememem onne rnangage sum, the name oflhe Iale Han
Mat hm mu be registered is me proprietor ov me sand land and ma
late Amman has also misrepresented that he wiH new ‘/2 undmded
share of he Sam ‘and for the beneffl of the lamwry 0! the late Haj Mal
Zaln but this was not done Mlawmg the death 0! Ihe late Abduflah.
However. I note ma: apan {mm ma [act unau Ihe Issua eilraud was not
subnnnaa upon .n ma wnnan suhmssmns, mere xs no ewdence ca
prove fraud or rmsrepresenvanon vn my men, n Is aaany loo Vale (or
me estate um-e lale Hail Ma|hm wnow assen manna late cha Long
Is no| aware av nor undersmou me oonnencs of me seoand lndenlure
gwen that she Is uneducated. Daspne mesa iacns bemg mfurmed by
the late One Long to me P\amM1s somawna In 1953, nomung nas been
done by me asvana av me Yale Ha]i Mal Zam to assert man ngms nor
wen anempx In register one ‘/2 undmded snare 01 In: sawd land m ma
names nl ma Vale Hap Mal Zam. More mun 40years have passed sinue
the aeam cl me late on: Lung m 193: mu nothing has been done by
me astute M the Vat: Han Mal Zaln m asset‘ man Iruzrasl in ma ‘/1
undivided share at me said land.
[43] As such, I am aflhe mew that the eslale Mme late Haii Mat Zam have
failed to wave on a ha\arIce nf pmbabllvlies that there is n-aud/
rmsrwresemalinn cnmmilled bylhe |ateAbdu|1ah and me estate or me
late Abduuan
nun: Inn Doc EEIX7
[441 The esVa|e at the late Abdullah submits Ina! m any case, we dalm by
me eslme o1|he\aI.e Han Mat Lam ougm Io be msmissea baud on
Inches m this respect. reference Vs made k: In: case of nn song
Vang @ Tan Kong nong 5. Ann! v Tun Mwn Llng @ nu Slaw Lang
5 On [2922] 2 nu cos wnem me Court 0! Appeal held as lnHmMs'
"[941 From me pmnr/n:' own Issltmony 111: clear that P1 and P2
knaw about lha alleged ms: m 4970 and P3 knew Intel. in 1975.
They had been asking for me account: over one year: and we
not receive any response Irom en. dalandanfs They ma nal lake
any nclron ol whether to me an aczmn a ul/an m lodge a caves:
to «cum Ihsv own over [he disputed properties Inslead, m_-1
nun wnltod for thou! nu! - c-mug [9 ggmamg :5
union ng-Inn tin dnfcndanm purportedly on ma mason that
they were reluctant to not as they wsw siblings.
H5] The law on the doctrine of/aches is wen semed Th/5 com in
TI/ng Kean Hm 5. Anal v Yuen Hana Pnarva 1201.913 MLRA 550;
(201912 MLJ 334 had succinctly summarised the docm'ne as
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A huuvtu
Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
(371 For lsches lo be ralsed. men must In dclajg Imounllng
la acquiescence (sea‘ Cheeh Kym Tong & Ana! v ram
Kalli [1999] 1 MLRH 281 1193913 MLJ 252, [1959] 1 Cu
373 Foo l-loldmgs sun El-n1 & Anal v Foo clmon Ymg
(20141 2 MLRH 41 7, Amnluala V Scu//y [1861] /XHLC 360)
nu doclrim al Iachos is based an the maxim that
‘guy ltd: (ht vigilant and not those who slumber on
their rights’ Lam Sslbome succlncrly explained In me
landmark case oILmdsay Petroleum Co HLm1{1374) LR 5
PC 221
am 1n every case 11 an argument agamsk rellsl wlvch
olhsrwlss would be [I451 ls launder! all men: delay, lhal
delay of course not amounrrng lo a bar by any Statute al
Llmllallolvs, the valfdlly 0/ that delence must be mad upon
prlnclples substantially equlraole. Two circumstances
nlwlya Ilnglnt In such CJSCS an mi length of the
new and the nnun 0! me acts done during me
Interval which might afiuct OIIIIOI £11 and cause a
balance of ustlce at Inlustlce In tlklnfl MI on: cnulso
cl mo may so far :5 relates in me remedy.
/35] Edgar Jusepll JIJ m ma case n/A/[red remplelon & Ors v
Low Yul Ha/dlngs sun Blvd & Anar[19E9] 1 MLRH 144,
[19av]2 ML] 202, [1959] 1 cu (Rep) 219 explalned me
docmne u/lam:
Lac»: LI An tgglhhln dereneelmglxlgg lug. ulllmn
-na «my In mncullng a dnlm. A com ol gulg
IN mmusaqmvmnm mg: n m u
‘Nata 5.11.1 IHIWDIY WW be used m van; M m\g\ruHIy MVM5 dun-mm vn .mNe M1
minus 11: Aid to - mic dun-m1 what: the p_IaInwr
hu 3! 1 his :4 ts and no uhsc-d la! a tea!
Ionglh of time. H0 is Mm said to be barrvd 1:: teen...
In 11e1enn1n1ng whslnsr mere has been such a delay as In
ammm! to Iaches the court considers whether there has
been awllrescence on we Plaimrifs pan and any change
olposilinn mar nu occurred on the pan of me aerenaenc
The ducmna o/reones rests on the conszdemion that ms
ml/us! to we a menme remedy where he has by me
conduct done the! which mrght fairly be regarded as
9<7uiva)enr la a warver 011! Dr wireve by ms conduct and
newest ne Has, mougn not waiving the remedy pm me
olherpartyin a position In which 11 would nolbe reasonable
1o place him we remedy were errerwams In be asserted
14 Helsnurys Laws o!Eng/and (am 511) paras 1151,1152
Lacnes has been suooncny uescmaed as inamon with
one‘: eyes open “
[45] As such, bearmg in mind me! more has how such a long de\ay m lime
since me smile of me Iala Han Mal Zam was swam of ma non-
regmvaoon Mnwnershnp ar lhev bene4fl::|a\ nghu. over me </. unannaea
share 0! me sad lend. m my considered view, one pnnaple at Iacnas
would avw |a dates! the dawn of ma eslale oi me Im Haii Mal Zain
Fourth Inn: wrmnu and scan. at me. Ian Abdunah an onmlcd Io
vacant Esssssnan anns sal land
[45] V71 delamunmg whslhav ms ssaaca M ma Vale Abdullah are enlmad In
vacanl pussassidn dc ma said land, ans snauld oonsldav me
regisuauon of ownersmp -n ma names M Ihe lale Abdullah and
subsequenuy ma vesnng m me names at me «me of the Isle
[471 In such cases, me he aslala anne Lacs Abdmlnh have proved fls nus
and an mcsnuon to mgam posssssbn‘ m Is for me same anne Lacs Hay
Mat Zam to prove max may can set am a We or a ngm lo possessmn
mnswslenl wI|h me ownership ov me eslals d1 me hate Abduflah In |hvs
rusnecld reference vs made In ma dasa ovcansy. ldul (M) Sdn Bhd V
Oranq-Dung vg Munglnz n sag ' Ponga' (Puongavnnzm AIL
vad am) a. Ors[1WB] uL.:u 125 where Abdm Mallk lshak J (as HIS
Lardsmp man was) nsxd as fnlluws
" According to me auihomres, once ms yarnmr has mud
rrs rim and an rnmnion to r-gun Qssossfon it was for we
dvhndanls to ma um ms delendnnls can setaul . ml. or
I Ilflht to Esesslan consisfeg with the yllnfiffs
owngfiflig The burden wourd be on me defendants in show that
they had the right rd occupy that plot of /and marked as 'c31' m
we /ayout plan on the be/ance afprobabrmvss andms datendanrs
miselab/y failed (0 do so Pure and smw/e (hrs was a case nf
ejecrmem or what rs popu/arly known as an amen for trespass "
syn MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A rage as at u
-was saw be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
[48] Fmrrl the historical background ot the case. it is clear that there is
consent by the iaredeoesscrto allow the estate olthe late Hat: Mat zain
to reside and occupy the said land Testimony “uni the witnesses of
the male or the late Abdullah also indicated that the right to remain in
ocmlpaltcn ol the said land was glven graturtpusly treated on the good
relationship between the parties’ predecessors. As such‘ the estate or
the late t-laii Mat zain cannot he classified as squatters snnpliciter:
Further, whilst there is evidence that peririissicri was granted to build a
house an pan ot the said land, there Is no evidence that the estate M
the late llaii Mat zain were authorized or glven pemllsslarl to continue
remaining on the said land indefinitely
[49] As such, I am otthe View that it is not reasonable to expect the sad
consent to exist fol an indefinite period/indefinitely once the notice to
ouit dated 21*‘ Oc|uber202| and 25° Ocwber 2021 was given to the
estate ol the late t-taji Mal zairi (and in pa ciilar the 1- and 2"
Plainlrflsli such consent to continue occupying the said land ceased
and the estate olthe late t-tail Mat zain would he required to vacate the
said land within a reasoiiahle time.
[50] Further‘ I am ol the view that the idea at a gratuitous
pernitssionlconsent/authorizatiun hetrlg aple to occupy an alienated
llnd owned by the |ateAbdttI|ah and subsequently the same allihe late
Ahdullah perrnanenity av perpetually, arter being given due rlollce |o
gu repugnant to the concept ol indetcasioility cl utle ola registered
pmpllelol as provided under section 14:: oflhl Illttloml Land coal
was and the concept against adverse possetsslon cl land hy
occupahan. as excllcllly provides in Sacllon :41 ottha Natlerial Laird
code 1995 in this respect, relerenca is niade to the case ol Ahmad
in ahmipsdatuoyaiauirria nae n am
Nuts s.n.i nnvlhnrwlll be used M mm the antii.ii-y MIME dun-vlnhl vta aFlt.lNG wnxl
Shnllly llmnll Baku v NII Salmi 2.-man N] Wln Mona Bid [2014]
5 cm on man was relerrld in a isoem case oi say-nan. s-nndu
Sdn Bhd v Jabaun Fongalrnn nan Sallran Nngnri seminar 5
On min] I MLJ :22 where |he Conn dmppeai held as lanows:
"mo; nis calm al Appeal in Ahmnd Shumy lenull saw v ml
Slims luldan H] Wan Mohd 2aId[2a1l] 5 cL.l an applied
both me concepl ol mde/easlblllty of ville and me carlrept ol
nonapulicaoilily oiadvsrse pdssassion to pieeem me ngnl
ofa Vsglslalsd pmpllslol Ia assan ma ngm over nla land as
1391 we further note lnar me defendant in ne: pleading and
testimony nad claimed that slie had been staying in me
house since it was cansliueied in 1985 and has me
ngnr to remain on me said house and the sald land. In
our view, the idea oh gmulmus liunee. boiI_Ig able
to occugx an alienated Innd awnod by someone
else rmanen or ru-I um bsln
due notice to gulf LI Iegugmnt In the comma of
lndefeaslbillg 0! Elle ofa registered Erafllelor as
grovided undo! s 340 and ma conccgt agginsl
adv/us: ussasslon at land :11 occuullon as
exglclgg sated III 5 341 of the NLC (Emphasis
[51] In respect at me Issue of me payment ol quil rem, in is me wnIen|iun
01 me eslale oi me late Hap Mal Zaln that me same has been paid by
IN bhyMnE£qkuWPIcLlvYF\A tile an m u
Ihem urml 2015 Hn1wevev.m 2016, me qml rsnl was wssued In the name
of Zalnuran Em Manamed who Is a membev ol lhe lute Abdullah family.
[521 The es1aIe of the lane Abdullah on the exner nana mncends a|
paragraph as onnenwnuen eupnnseien maldespule havmg knawledge
that me name m me qml rem was changed so Zamuven an Mohamed
someflme In 2015, no action nas been miualed try the es1aIe oune Late
Hap Maezam to preserve lhewalleged rights No ewaenee nor reasons
were Ionnconnng «or one Vaflura of me estate of the late Hap Mal Zaln
to assert mew ngms. AH nney contend m men submwssion m reply is that
mey have been paying qmurencawme while rpran mese years wnereas
the esule M the late Abdullah and Ihelf predewssovs had never
bothered In make the payments an reeenuy. That, In my view, Is
msummen: to justify me norracixon by me same vflhe me Haji Mat
Zam when me name .n we qui| rem was changed 201610 me name
Mzalnuren Em Mohamed
[531 Further and In any evem, me pm: of peymem at qun rent or
assessment is nu| 97001 07 an equitame right over the san! land and the
pemnued pceupauon does not prevent the ragustered pmpnelorlrom
takingaclnon Ia recover the Said land In (Ins respecl. V1 is apt man I r318!
to me case av cm: sun Llun A Vnng Lulu Lwn. Wang on-e Foonq
dlnllllu Plnghunl-Ponghunl Llln [2013] I LNS 2233 where rt was
held us (wows:
“ The N00’ alpayment ofquil rent by the defendants In Ihis case
did no! PIDVE mat the dalamtanls had fights DI mares! towards the
uni /and which was resided by the Mid p/flmllfl. Even though Mo
defendant was said to have resided for a long lime on one sard land,
IN p«yMnEaqkuw»=IcuvmA has as am
-una s.nn be used m mm ms nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa anum pm
it did not bar ins reglslsred piopiialows ngnl lo lake ncfiorl and the
issue o/lunilarion did nol aiise as slam in s 34 allhs National Land
coda (see paras as L 3339) r
[54] As such, having considered all the alacvei lhe estate :21 the Isle
Abdullah as regislened owners or the said land are in my view entitled
|o vacant possession ofllie said land lmm me eslale of the lace Haji
what New?
[551 Having lound lhnl ineio is no conslrucllve line: in lavoui oline law i-laii
Mai zain and/oi ins aelala or iris lals HRH Mil znn and me: (ha eslaie
nl ins leis Ahdullah II anmled lo vacant possession oi me said land,
inal is nol ine end of me inanei Ffom lne lame oi ine ease, in is
undapuleo inal me me Flalnlifis in sun in havs aasupied pan or ins
said lend, nailing buin lneii nouses and iilling of ins paddy nslds tank
piece. in fan‘ as seen aaiiiei. Monnniao sin Abdullah had previously
given omission is me I“ Piainlillo build nis nouse on oanonne said
land and ma Plsinlilis have indeed been occupying me said land slnos
1953. wriilsl lnera is no evidence that me 2"“ Plai ' was similarly
given permlsslon lo build a house on ma said land I1 is clear inn (ha
seiale ollne laleAl>dullan was awam dime exlslanoe aflha house and
did mining aadm it.
[56] on ma Facts asvaalisried. l find lnal allnouqn lne eslale oi lne laie
Abdullah are indeed me iegislaied piooiielois in me said land‘ lnaia
IN MyMpE6qkuOVPlcUvYFlA ran: an um
um. s.ii.i nnvlhnrwlll be u... m min i... nflmnallly MIMI dnunvllnl VII aFluNG WM!
[51 I wm now set out me background facts, «no issues‘ as wen as the
names‘ reapeeuva mnlenlmnslsulzrmssians m a mew or deciding
wnamar the names have dvscharged thew raspecuve burdens .n
proving «new claims
Back Facts
[1] The oaokgronno vaovs have largely been agreed upon by parlies and
can be summarized as loiloms:
7.: sonnenm Vn man, «no late Han Mal Zam and ma [ale Aooouan
Jomkly umcnasen Iano known as Lot 2529, Genan Muldm Na sen.
MK II‘ Daenh Seberang Fem Ulara, Fulau Pmang (vonnony Lat
123(1). Mum XI, Dnnnm o1 Pmvirme Waflaslay Nonn, Penang)
(neunnanar refermd m an ‘ma saio xanerp for szeooo lrom
s N A A.LAnma5n\am Chellmr sou clAHagupah cnsmar.
7.2.The Isle Naji Mal Zaln and the Iain Abdulllh hack 3 pm! loan Vmm
s NA A.LAmnm:sn. Cnemar on pan finance me purchnsa o1 me
no Vina
7 3 The rats Haji Mal Zaln and me me Abduflah were registered as
tenants Vn oonnnon onne said land vids me ms: Indanlura at Sale
dated 15'' Am 1930 under me Englnn Deed Syslam at the
Reamer of Duds. Penang on 27'” May 193::
«n MyMnE&:kuwPIcuvrF\A age 5 A7414
ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm wa muNG v-mm
was bertarniy license and consent la the Piaintitts to oocupy me said
land andiorte construct thelr houses. There is certainly no ssue or any
adveise possession
[571 In tne case 01 sontul uiitni Sdn and v Atirnaa Amlrudln Bin
Kninntiidin A ois [zoom 4 MLJ soa, trie Plairitias triete coniinenoed
e elairn ior uaeant possession and inesne prom on trie basis triat the
Defendant occupiers were lrespasseis Ttie Delendante oerttericled
ttiat iney were not tiespasseis, but telnet, lawtul ocwpanls as
ltoerisees coupled with equity wnieti long existed due Lo mnllmmus
occupation and possession otttie said land rite l-tigri Ooutl were after
a lull trial wnilst finding that trie Detenderits nave equity, siieti equity
was subiect ID lrte Plaintitts‘ Ovemdlrlg ngnts to legal erivrrerstiip
pursuant Ia national Land code was. The High court tneie ordered
vacant vessessiorr subieot to the Plalnm apinpensating trte
netenuants tar all posts ineuned In trie construction ot the respedive
ttaiises and elteinetively, the value ot the present riouses to be
assessed by an independent valiier to be appotnled by the court.
[5411 Applying lne ahave and reverting to ttie laots ot itiis ease. there is
ceruirtly no issue at adverse possession in inis ease. wtiilstttre estate
aitrtelata Heii Maizaln have an eeuliyie be tsdmnsd wiin, sueriequny
must be subjec| to me Detenoanls (asIa|s at ine late Ahdullelii
ouernding rtgtit to legal ovrneistiip pursuant to trie National Land code
was As siieti, (ha estate oi itie late Abeullari will tneietore have its
vacant possisslon subiect ta tnein bornpensaung iiie Iwo l=iainti«s in
sult 54 lot the present value ot the said riauses to be assessed by an
independent valuei appointee by trie court. The costs at [his valuation
VI to be borne by the 951315 ottne laIBAbduHah. Funnel, trte parties are
in t>l1yMnE£qkuOVPIcL1tYFlA Page ii niu
-vita s.n.i n-vlhnrwm be used ta mm na ntwltrnfily MIN: dun-vlnrtl n. nFluNG wnxl
gtven llberly In apply In true Courl fur the purposes at me assess-nenl
alme value of lne Sald Mn pmpemes occupied by me Plalnlms WI suit
54. [see the Hlgh cuun case nf s-nml ulu sun Bhd (supri)]
[59] I will also further order tnal lne Plelntllls in Sml 64 are to vacate Ihe
sald land wnhin three nmnlns M the male paymenl IS made In the
Plalnltfis allne value assessed olme sald houses bysuch independent
valuer appointed by the Court or any omec date ordered by coun
subsequently In the event there IS an lssue in respect ol the veluamn
Hlgn Caurl Ganrgalmvrl
Pul-u Plrlang.
counult 1:
Mr. Musmapna from Messrs Muslnapha AAssocmes lngetnev wlm Mr
John Khoo from Messrs. Isrnall, Khoo I-Associates lurlm Plaimifls in suit
64 and Defendants VI Suit 121.
Ml Azmr B.Ahmadlo9al.|1er wilh Ms. Nurjannan El Che All from Messrs
Aswan Slmon &Azhar for the Defendants in Suit 64 and Plaintllls In Swl
c M-ma
Ahmad Shazrfly Ismail Ham v M! Salma Zardan H] Wan Mohd Zan1[ZO1A]
5 CL] 817
A!/as Cabinets A Fumrtum Ltd er al v Nalronal Trust Co L:d[199a]5a
DLR (4th) 151
Bayangan Sspadu sun Ehd v Jabatan Pangairan den Sahran Nsged
Sslangut 5 0rs[2l721]1 MLJ 322
Binary Force Sdn Elldv Lembaga Pelabuhan John! (2009) 1 LNS :13
Cahaya Ideal (M) Sdn Bhd v 075719-Orang Vg Menyena/r om‘ Sbg ’Ponga'
(Poongavanam A/L Vadlva/u) A Dr: [1999] ML./U 125
Chia Swee Lran 4 Vang Lam Lwn. Wong Chss Foong dan/slsu Penghum-
Penghum Lain [2015] 1 ms 2233
Jahara Br Abdul Kadir Msncan v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anal [1930]
1 MLRA 335
Lerchumanan Chelllar A/agsppan @ L A/lsgappan 5 Anal v. Secure
Ptanlarmn Sdn Bhd [2017[3 MLRA 501
ML/somnsk: r/Dodds (1955) G2 ALR 129
RHB Bank Bhd V Travslsogm (M) sun BM 5 Or: and anorhel appeal
[2a16I1 MLJ 175
serum! Mum Sdn Bhd V Ahmad Amimdm am Kamsrumn & Ors 1200014
ML] 503
Smnuiyzih 5. Sons sun Bhd voamm‘ Sefia Sdn BM [2915] MLJU 1:292
Tan xang Yong @ Tan Ksng Hang A Anov v Kan Hwa Llng @ rsn Slaw
Lang & Ors (202212 ML] 5175
Tan Kun Klvuan v Tan Ku KralfM)Sn1n Bhd[199fl]1 cu supp 147
Toll Bee I/K Mamthamulhu [1977] 2 MLJ 7
sw MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A me .2 MM
um s.n.1...m.m111.. used m mm 1.. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
glslallans referred In
NanonarL.:m1 Code, sscnons 99, 340, 341
Evin1sncaArt 19511, Sacfians 101, 1112, V03
74.l3oth tenants nh oommorn were regnstened es statutory rnndrtgagers
or the sand larnd vnde a statutory mortgage dated 15'“ April 1930 an
27"‘ May 1930 at the Re rar oi Deeds. Penarlg.
7.5.\nde a second lnderntune oi sale dated 3*’ May 1941, the Sald land
was trahslened to the late Abdullah only as the late Abdullah had
paid stat) 00 as the successful bldder oi the sand land at a yublic
auctnonn as both the rnnortgagena had breached the sand statutory
mortgage. The seoond Irndernture oi sale was registered on 30'“
June t94t under the Deed system an the Rsglsltar oi Deedsi
7.6.The 1* Plalnlrfl in Sull 64 above is currently an adrnninnstrator and
one at the henelnciaries oi the late Hall Mat Zeln who currently
resndes in a house which he has bulll on part oi the sand land. For
the auondanoe of doubt, the Planrntnlis In sunt 64 above wnll be
relened to as the estate oi the late l-tall Mat zaun whereas the
Plaintms in Sun 121 above wnll be retened to as the estate at the
late Ahdullah. The late Hall Ma|Zaln's wits and larnrly have worked
and Illlsd the paddy held on part otnhe said land. The 2'“ Planntnil IS
the son-in4aw olthe late Hall Matzairn and resides in another house
which he has also built on part oi the sand land adtacanl to the I"
Planrnuil's house.
7 7 It ns the ease oi the estate oi the late Hall Mat Zltn that the V"
Planntnll in Sun 64 above was lnlnrlned by the late che Long (the
me at the lane Haji Mat zain) that the late Hajl Mat Zaln had
depended on the late Aodullah to handle all matters oennainnne the
serd land nneludnhg the aeynnerntol mortgage nhatalrnents to the s
IN NtyMpEaqkuOVPlcUvYFlA Page s om
-one Serial In-vlhhrwlll be ts... m vanw he mnmnnny sum. dun-vlhhl VII aFlt.lNG v-mat
chatty where lhe lale Haii Mal zaln would pay his ponmn e1 lha
lnslalmenls InIIle|aleAhduHah1o pay the Chelly.
7.8 Aowrdirlg lo the 1' Plilrllrllin sull 64 above. lhe lake Che Long had
inlorrned hlnr lhal the lane Ahdullah was a regular vrsrmr la the lale
Haji Mal ZaIn‘s house each mnlh to oolled lhe lnstalmenls and
also lo vlsll them Aflerlhe late Haji Mal zain passed away, lhe like
Che Lung would oonllnue lo hand over her late husbands
rnslalrnenls lo the tale Abdullah.
7.9. The basls el lhe dalm of me eslare el me lale Hali Mal zarn was
Ihal the late Ahdullah had Informed the late Che Long ln or about
1941 that me loan had been fully serlled and lhe late Abdullah lald
me lare one Long fllallhe said land was regrslered solely n ma lake
Ahdullah's name because me late Hall Mel Zaln had passed away
and mac Ihe lale Haji Abdullah held ‘/2 share ollhe sald land larlhe
lale Hall Mal zarn's larnlly
no It is lunher oenlended Dy lhe eslale enha lala Han Marzaln lhal
me laleAbdullah alaa undendoll and agreed wlm lhe lele che Lung
and gave all me ovlglnal decdnrenls pen/arnlng I0 lhe purchase ol
are land In lhe lace Che Long before lhe lale che Long wenllor Hall
m 1901 but lhal lhe lale Abdulllh had passed away belona me lare
che Long rellrrned lrern prlgrlrnage
7 ll Nalnrng much seems lb have occurred lmrn 1941 unlll 2019 save
lor lhe 1- Plalnlill seeking pernnssldn frnrrl Meharnad Abdllllarl (lhe
Ian 54 me |a|e Mxtullah) permllllng me I" Plalnlrll lo aulld a house
an lha said land we lener dated 30" January 1953.
IN bllyMDEfll:kuOVPlcUvYFlA me 7 M u
‘Nata Sahel In-vlhnrwlll re used m mm has nflnlhallly sun. dun-vlnhl wa .nana we
7.12 Then on 7"‘ June 2019. the 1“ Defendant lrl Sull 641 as an
Idmlnlslralor at ltre late Atxtullatvs estate went wrtn her daughtev
(the all uetenaant) and her husband, Erlak Nazn and lwn utners (0
see me l=laintl«s and (0 seek vacant possession at ttle Sald land
The Plaintms nae votunlarlly glvsnlsurrernterea tne paddy field to
the Delenesnts wttneut ralslng any nblacllon when the Delemtarns
requested are same. The Detenuents subsequently bum fuur
houses on part of me said larld wrttr tne lull knowledge at the
7.13.Due to ttle above rnerttante, tne 1“ Plalntltr as me attmrnlstrator of
me estate 01 tne lata Han Mat zatn then subsequently entered a
prlvale caveat on part 01 the sald land at me Lam Reglstry on 22'-1
January 2020.
7 t4. on 7“ May 2021, tne 1" Plaintlfi‘ obtained Letters u7Ad
wlrereln me I" Plalnull was appuimsd as admlrllslrawrufihe estate
at the late Haji Mat zam
7 l5.The estate at me late Abdullah vlde lhelr snliertars tnen lssuea
Notreee m ourt In the estate at me late Hall Mat Zaln trn pameular
me two Plalntlfls in surt 54) dated 2t- Onober 2o2t and 25'"
October 2o2t respectlvely The estate of the late Hali Mat Zain!
wllslllors vlde men letters daled 15"‘ Nuvember 2021 and 5'-
December 2a2t lrl response replbed am earlteneeu tnat the late
Abdullah was rloldlng vs undlvlded share 01 the Said land [or tne
estate at tne late Hail Mat zain. tlenee, me two eurrenl Sulls belrlg
lN bllyMnE&:kuWPIcL1vYFlA In: I at u
we Smnl In-vlhnrwlll re tn... a mm r.. ntwlrrnllly sum. dun-vlnnl wa nFluNG v-mxl
nu Flllnmfl‘ Claim
[31 The Phslnufls m sun 54 being me same of me late Hap Mal zem and
as wcumer: M pan al me smd land mler-aha suck me vauawmg when
5.1. e uscxaranan manna regwslrllicn ullha ln|e Abdullah as sols awnur
under the saoend Indenlure u null -nu void and ms esme 01 me
me HI]: Mil zum ere owners of vs undiwdad there came mid wens
pursuant to e cm\s|ruc1wa|rus|.
e 2 rasmutiun order lor the mum of me ‘/9 undwea mm M the sen
8 3 e deuareunn Ihal me Plamnns have me right In remem on me sam
8.4 an Dnier in demolish [I12 fuur houses behanglng in he Deierldams
which were eneaea without me wnsem of me Maflis Bandaraya
Seherann Pam, and
3.5 an Order men one Desemems pay for me general losses and
damages as weH as for economic loss
The DI1'nnd.Inh' g g g gggngm 3 m
[9] The DefendanIs'(es1ala ollhu late Abdullah) aeience and oounlerdaim
is summarixod as follows’
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1vYF\A ms 9 .c u
‘Nata sew n-nhnrwm es used m mm ms unmmuly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
9.1 me Piarrrmfs have varied |n discharge Ins burden of pmvmg ms
existence Ms eonsmrmrve trust In lavuur aflhe iaie Han Matzain,
9.2.Ihe marine oi lashes apphes as me Pisrrrmis have slept on (hair
rrgms rora very iorrg urns, and
9 3 me Delendarrts are armed in vacant possession Mme said land
as may are me regislerai owners onhe said land
[1 0] The irial look pluoe over several days mm me ssnaia of me iaie Haii
Mal Zaln and me exist: :71 me me Abdullah Calling 2 wrinsaaes each
and ma p-rues nave meruner med in vespscliva wrinan
comarm rr m|
[1 1) The oamanuoris/submissions at Ihe esme at me lane Hap Mal zain are
summarized as volume
11 .lhat ma inmal svaiumry mangage rrismrruiiy pmves ma
ownership of me said iarrd in question by the «we predecessor
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1rYFiA P112 mam
’NnI2 s.n.i In-vihnrwm r. used m mm r. nflninnflly mm: dun-mm VII nFiuNG WM!
| 5,675 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
PA-22NCvC-64-04/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) Abd Manan Bin Husin [Pentadbir Harta Pusaka Bagi Haji Mat Zain Bin Haji Salleh, Si Mati] (Selepas Ini Dirujuk Sebagai 'Haji Mat Zain Tersebut' Menurut Perintah Bertarikh 7.5.2021) 2. ) ISMAIL BIN AB SAMAT DEFENDAN 1. ) Zalina Binti Idris (Sebagai Wakil Diri Kepada Siti Zauyah Binti Abdullah, Simati) Pentadbir Harta Pusaka Bagi Abdullah Bin Abdul Majid) 2. ) ROSLIN BINTI MUHAMMAD (Pentadbir Harta Pusaka bagi Abdullah Bin Abdul Majid) 3. ) AZIZAH BINTI ABDULLAH 4. ) HASNAH BINTI ABDULLAH 5. ) Mohd Khusairi Bin Mohd Isa 6. ) MOHD SHAMSURI BIN MOHD ISA 7. ) ROZAINI BINTI ABDULLAH 8. ) ZALINA BINTI IDRIS | Full Trial – claim by the Plaintiffs in Suit 64 as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain for a declaration that the estate of the late Abdullah is holding ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain. Issues• Whether the late Abdullah held ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the letter dated 30th January 1983 by Mohamad Bin Abdullah, the son of the late Abdullah permitting the 1st Plaintiff to build a house on the said land tantamounts to the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain having an interest in the said land;• Whether there is fraud/ misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct committed by the late Abdullah and/or the estate of the late Abdullah against the Plaintiffs as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• If fraud/misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct by the late Abdullah is found, whether the Limitation Act 1953 and/or the principle of laches applied to defeat the claim of the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession of the said land; and• Whether there is unjust enrichment on the part of the late Abdullah.The Court finds that the Plaintiffs have failed to prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a constructive trust in favour of the late Haji Mat Zain nor found any unconscionable conduct.The Court also finds that the estate of the late Abdullah and/or the Defendants have an overriding interest as the registered proprietor of the said land.The Court finds that the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession subject to them compensating the two Plaintiffs in Suit 64 for the present value of the said houses to be assessed by an independent valuer appointed by the Court. The costs of this valuation is to be borne by the estate of the late Abdullah. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
05/01/2024 14:07:20
PA-22NCvC-64-04/2022 Kand. 83
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1>A—22ucvc—sa—n4/2022 «and. E3
C:/01,204; ,4 w :n
GUAMAM SIVIL NO P zzucvoeo NI2|l22
(No. KW: 550222-07-5471 r(um-- 4935755)
[Punladb Han: Punk: luql H:)| rm bln
Bin Haj? Sallo ,si um: (aolepil lnl dlruluk
sabagni ‘Hun Mat Zaln msebur menurul
Pcrinlnh bfrurilm U1.05.1D2I)
(No. KIP: 541111-oz-5529 I (Lama: 4711139)
4. sin ZAUVAM amnnanumm
[NO. KIP: :muM1—52a4]
Pomadhlr mm Punk: Blgl Abdulllh am Abdul Majld
mo. Kl samza-nu-5744}
P-nmdmr Mum Punk. Abdullnh am Abdul Mxjld
sw x:nyMvE6qxuwPIcuvtF\A Ms: I M -4
mm Sum M... M“ be used m van; M nugvuuly mm; “Mm. VII mum puns!
mo. KIP.: 5no7u.n7.5Iss]
(No. K1P.: 430330-07-5102]
[N0. KIP.: 610908-07-5255]
[N0. K/F.: 71092142-5:75]
[NO. K/P.: s1Ims-a1-5594]
mo. KIP.: saw 1-01-51 54]
ucvc 21-on/2022
[No. mp: 5oo11¢o1‘s1n]
sw I:nyMvEuqxuwPIcuvIFIA
mm Sum M... M“ be used M mm I. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII muwa VWLII
11.2. ms subsequent purchase by me Ia|e Abauiisn at me nublic
auc1iDn vide a saunnd inaeniure oi sale dated 3" May 1941
was sinister and irauauianny done
11.3. the esvace oi the iaie Abdullah had krmwledge at all material
limes that me Iaie Haii Mai Zain was run a squatter simp/rune:
but the owner of the V. undivided share ollhe sax: iand, and
11 4 that the years oi wuupaiion and paymem oflhe assassmanl is
an acknowledgement by the late Abauniaii that V, undivided
sriareei me said iana is heid on mnstruclivetruslforme iamiiy
Mme lala Haji MalZaIn.
mu Dofomi-ms‘ coimmlmu/submissions
[12] The mnlsnlians/submissions of me esla1e or the late Abduliah are
summarized as ioiiews
12.1. me pmcivf paymem Mme quil rem urassessmenl is not proof
olan equivasie ngm over me said land.
12 2. me oucupaiiun or me said and does not prevent the esiaia ol
the Is|a Abduilah as ma registened pmprieioiimm taking acaon
to ream/er the said |and1
IN wmnsaamwiamm p... :1 nl :4
ma 5.11.1 ...m.m111 be flied m mm 1.. nflmruflly sum. dun-mm Va arium WM!
12 3. ma allegad olal agreement mwean me lala Hall Mal zaln and
the IICE Abdullah is not Iarlable nor admlsslble In law as it ls
based on hearsay, and
12.4 male was an lnordmale delay In lxlmmenclng lhls presern
acllon and ma eslata onne lale Hall Mal zaln have sat on lh -
nghls aasplla having knawledge mal lne name 01 me late Hall
Mal zaln was not leglslam: on me me Deed slnce 1941 llsall.
sumnn ot Prod
[13] ll la lllle law lllal he who aaaena musl prwa me P8I'lil:uIaHa<.1s.As
such‘ lne burden of glow llas on me aslala cl lne lala Hall Mal am as
me Plalnlllls lhmughaut [ha lnal la prove lnau clllm aglmsl ma esbzaie
nllha |a|aAbdu||zh and In be veslad wlm V. undrvlded an-re ollhe sale
land on a nalanaa nl pmbablllllas as enshrined under socllom ma.
1n: and lo: ol on Evldunuu Act flsa. [saa cam of John: al
Abdul Kndlr Mnrlcln v lnvrtnnco Lam Kwck Fun A Anuv[19l|l] l
IALRA anal and Tan Kiln Knunn v. ‘rm Kn Kim (M) sun and mu]
1 cu SUPP 141}.
[141 To ml: and, II 1! also am lnal I quola the use of Lucllununan
clmu Alng-ypln Q LAI|lgnppIn I Anor v. Socurn lvunmlnn
Sdn and mm 3 MLRA 501 were me Federal calm held as fnllows.
-(521 saclnzn 1lJ1(1Jpmvl'l1e.sIII.!t'VVhl)ev9Id9:wes any couma give
judgment as to any legal righl a llanlllry dependent on lno
IN MyMnEaqkuwPIl:LmFlA Page :2 04 u
‘Nab! a.n.l n-vlhnrwm be flied M mm ms anlln.l-y MIN: dun-mm Va .mm mm
SKISISHDU oiiecis wliicii he asserts, niusi prove iiiei those tests
exisi' "Ssclion tot states that Ihe initiei burden afpieiiing a
piinie iecie case in liis favour is ass: on the nieiniitt . "
twaodmlte and AIFWAH Law 0/ Evidence, tstli ed"\ Vol 3 al p
3194) illusiiation in to 5 mt guts It bemrid doubt mat the
"human armor " iests tllmugholn an the p_I.!lntIII. Section
102 mums that "Thu iiumn of E! in a suit of
ggceeding lies on mi gersarl who would fall illto Ividcncc
at an weie given on siiliev si "rlis inillll anus eimvigg
tho case is afwazs an tliia flaimlff " tseikei Law aIEvldence
tstli odn at 1599. lltusti-ation ta to s 102 ggls It beige
doubt ilut - gllinttlfllas the iniiiai units or E!
{M nius e glillmlllius both tllu buntoii ol flies mil as the
initixi onue oigiooi. iii Biiiesrone Pte Ltd v. sninii & Associates
Far Eesi Lii1[2i7o7]4 SLR 855, me singepoie Cotirr omppeai
per vx Reieii ./CA dsln/Sling iiie iuitgnieiii ol the coun,
explained (ha! ei me sieit of iiie pieiniiit s case the burden oi
pmol and me arms
' . atilie sienolilie piainmis case, my igaiaurden almving
riie eximnse oi nix nluvnnr Incl mat Ml gnlnilir must
mile and lhe evldentill burden :1! soma (no! Inlteronlly
inciudlbio evidence 471' iii: nxistanca olsuch I-ctcoineiite.
l/pan eitauciion oiiiiei evidence, the evidential minzten shins io
iiie cteiendent, as me case may lie, in adduca some evidence in
ieouilai. ii no evidence in remillal is adduced. lhs court may
eonciuue iioni (ha evidence oi Ibo dale/idanl IL on me avhnr
nena, svldarmv in rahuttal IS eaitueeit, me ewaentiai Duldcn
IN bhyMDE6QMi4VPlcLivYFiA v... u eiu
-we s.ii.i IHIWDIY MU be HSQG m my me nvwiruflly MW; m.i.i. VII AFVLING WM!
shifls back [0 the p/HVIMV, U, u/limsls/y, Ihs evidenlial burden
comes I0 iasi an ina defendant, Ins l9gs/ burden of pniar or me
reievanl fan would have been discharged by the plainhf The
Iegalbumeri 0! pidai. a paiinaneni and enduring miidan ~ does
naisnin. A parry who nas me legal lumen drpidoiaii any issue
IN/SI discharge it Ihmughoul. sonieiiines, the legal aiiidan is
spoken or, /naccurals/y, as "S‘himng”, Bur wnai is miiy ineanz is
inai anoinei issue nas been engaged, on wnian (he opposiia
party neais me /eqa/burden Diplval '
§51The ml: is mat ‘the onus oimoiafanzgaiticuiar hztlles
on the am who mm It not on him win: denies it- at
inciimnir pmbaliarl qiii decii, non qui neqax, acrvli incibir
piooaiion . The glnlnfllf is bound in ma iiisi Instance ta
show a gma laclecasa and inn vos it imgifm inc
mm will not assist nim. Hum (ho maxim Ever est
condition delendantls. A flalnlm‘ cannot obviously
advantagg Ilimsdf by the weakness of mo doilnu. A
fllnfllrs case must stand or hll um me ovldonct
adducod by him. When. however. (he dslandant, or either
liligarll pan}/, insiaad ol denying wnai is a//eged againm nim,
iaiias an some naw maiiai wiiian, i/inie, is an answai I017, me
miiden orpinoi changes sides, and iia, in ms (um, ls bound lo
sndw a pfima iacid 9559 at ieasi and, ii ne leaves I! iinpaiiaci,
ina mun WI" rlal assist niin. Raiis sxcipendo Ill aclal”
(woodio/is and AIHWA/1, sum, vol 3 ai p aisomgu "
in wiinsaamwiaunm 7:5: in am
warn Sum llnnflhlv nu as used M mm me nvmnnfily mm; dnunmnl VIA .mnc WM!
[151 As such. the burden of meat tea on the estate at the late Hatt Mat Zam
|o wave the extstehee a1 a txxtstructtve trust iar the hate Hatt Mat zeth
and the consequential right |o be vested wtth the ‘/1 uh ed share of
the Sam rand tn the name at the late Hah Mat zattt.
[16] There ate several issues which teeutte judtaal
eohsuetettoh/asterhttnettoh as f0HUws'
t5.1.whether the late Abdullah hetd ‘A undivtded share of the Said
Iahtt an emslruclwe ttustrortha estate ctthe late Hap Mat Lam.
16.2.Whetner the tettet dated 30" Janualy 1933 by Mohamad Bun
Abdullaht the sun 0! the tate Atntuueh psmtitung the I“ Platnfifl
(0 Dutld a house on the sand land lamamaunls In the slate M
the late Haji Mat zath having an thterest tn the sen tend,
16.3 whether there Is ftaudl mtsrepresehtauonx uhoohstatnhabte
conduct oommttted bythe late Abdullah and/av the estate at the
|a|e Atmuttah agalllsl the Platntttts as the estate at the late Hatt
Mat L-tm, llaudlmtsrepresanlalinnl unoohsetanahto wnduct by the hate
Atzeutteh ts found. whethu lh: untttauen Act 125: aharor the
pnnotpla at taches eppttea In aeteat the atetht 0! the estate at‘
the late Hail Mat Zain.
IN t>ltyMnE£t:kuWPIcUvYFtA um ts em
‘Nata s.t.t In-vthnrwm be ts... m mm .. nflmheflly MW: dun-mm VI] nrtuNG Wm!
l65,Whethev ma es1aIe of ma late Abaunan ws enulled Io vacanl
possesswun oflhe saw and and
165Wha(her mere ws unyusc enrichmenl an the part al the Vale
[17] From me abwe, n will be clear lhat me crmcal issue m nus case .5
whether ar nut Ihere was Iraud/musrepresemamon or unconscuoname
mnducl by me Vale Ahdnmah or the same ov me late Abduflah and
whether may mm '/2 undrvxded share 01 me sand land on conslrucuve
trust 70! the 9.51315 0! (he |a|e Hap Mat Zam being [he benefmianes of
me Vale Han Mat Zain The detenrwlalmn nlthns mam asue wwll w my
View rash/e me omav Issues
F‘ :1 mun: Whnhor mu lama Abdull-h hold V. undlvld r m
gm lgnd gn conslmctlve mnua: ma nlah ohm Inn Hg'i Mac Iain
mg M53151 mg“ i; lgudl mlscemnnmlonl unoonscionahlu
conduct committed fix mg gjg Aggllan and the -am: of an n
Abdullah a lmlmo nun oflhn In H ’i Man i
[15] The emu: ov me Late Han Mal h: n Iheirsuhmlssion mnnarms man a
remedial oonstrucirve Izual sxlsls tor the V. undivided share or the saw:
land m their favour The estate Mme Ia|s Han Mal Zam refers to ma
case 0! RH: Bunk Ehd v Trivl M (M) Sdn Bhd a. on and
aw wmpzaamvpucunm Page ns am
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
unoum -punt [2016] 1 ML! 175 where one Faaerat Courl held as
"1271 A D'0PvI‘sfa'y rams-1y may also us awarded where tt Is
apprnvrtale tn Lonrho Ptc u Fayed and omsrs ttvu M19921 1
WLR 1a! p 9, Mttten .t ctled me ruttawtng passage from
Meagnar, Gummow and Lenane, Equt‘
Ramsdlss, (2nd Ed) at p 321, wntcn sstd met when appropriate
the noun wuutd grant a propnetary remedy.
Doclmtss and
When appropnate, tns mun wttt grant a pwpvietary remedy to
restore to ma ptatnmr property of whtch he has been wrongty
deprived, or to pvsvenl lhs derandant imm retatntng e benefit
wnten ne has olzlatnad by hrs awn wrong It /5 nolpossible and
it weutd net be destrabla, to attempt and exhaustive
nlassificaltbn ortne sttuatrans tn whtclv /[wt/I410 so Eauiry mus!
retain what has been called us tnnerent ttaxtutttty and cspactly
to adjust to new situations by reterenee ta me marnepnnge of
equitable turtsdicrton "
[19] In adanten, reltanoe ts placed on me ease at Atlas
cauinutsa Fumltme Ltd at al v Nallonal Trust co Lid [1932] as
DLR(4m) 161 where the Brilish Columbia Courl at Aupeat new as
"A remedtat cormructrve trust ts a trust trnuesed Dy mun order as
a mmody tor a wrong Tne enttttemenr to max remedy may be a
malls: ol euuemntnre law, but me (ms! tteett I: not created by me
acls uttne pames, or even uy me oottgauun In make teetttuttorr, but
IN t>l1yMnE&:kuWPIcLtvYF\A 7:5: :1 mu
-nus s.r.t n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nVW‘nlWY MW: dun-mm VII uF\uNG v-mat
by ma order of the noun As wltn other calm orders, the trust wlll
some mm being wtran Ins arder is plorlotmced, unless, in an
appmpllala case the alder ls made rslroacllvs or /15 comlllg lnla
force ls deferred It may be war m many cases where a rsmedlal
L‘orlsfmc1l've trust ls lmposetl the court will oruar tllax it be lmpossd
wltll ellecl lrom Ills true when the srluatlon arose which gave use
to the uruusl snnchmenl. sea Rswltlk v. Raw/uk. mere must, ol
wurse. be a causal corlnecllorl between the progeny tn qllsslton
and the unjust enrlcttrrrent. See somrtrarl v Solocharl, [1955] 2
5 CR, 38 and Rosellleld u Olson (1985), 1 E.c.L R. (2d) 708 The
rel-rtedlal construcllve lnlsl must be tllstmgulshed lrum the
autzsmntrua mrrsuuctlua trust which the court declares to have
anssrl, as 3 result ollne conduct aims panles, and by the lame ol
mat conduct alone, at me sarllsr tlms wllen the relevant conduct
[2D]Fur1.her, reltanoe ls also placed an me mass at Nlulchlmkl u
Dodds(1iB5) a2 ALR 429 where me Hlgn Court ol Auslralla per
Dean: J emlncla|ed as lollams
"rn kn l fl n ‘ IV
l:orI§!mcllI/8 !vI.l§1does nol involve g derllglg/MS conlllwad fixlfll )(
muggy (cl Wnh v Wirlh (95 cu?) at u 235 The inslililflonal
character ol ms trust nas never completely oollteratea us rsmedlal
ongirls sven m the case otttra mam lradltlonsl forms olaxprsss and
lmplrea trust. ms IS a Iorriorl in the case arconstrucllva trust where,
as has been mentlonau, II-la mmedlhl crlaraaer remains
pmdomlnan! tn that the [rust use/I Elmer rsplsssnts, or mllsds the
auallamllty ol, equitable relief m the pamcular ctrcumslancss.
IN tallyMrlE&:kuwPIcLlvYFlA P11: 1: MM
Nata Smut In-vlhnrwm as used M mm the ntwlmflly MIN: dun-mm VII nFluNG WM!
Indeed, in Mrs country at leasl, the constructive trust has not
outgrown its formative s1ages as an aqunable remedy and should
sn'Il be seen as eonsrmng an n psrsansrnramsdy attaching lo
property which may be moulded and adjusled to gun; slicer lo the
app/rcarion and mlsr-p/ay of equrlable principles rn fne
crvcumslances nllhs pamcu/at case /n psmcular, where wmpsling
common law or equilali/e c/arms are or may be involved, 5
.1ee1e1sr1on olconstructive trust by way ofremeoy can properly be
so framed [hat me consequences urns impasmon are npsrarfvs only
from me dale onuagmsnz nr formal court order or lrum some alner
specified date. The fact that (he consrructrve trust remains
preduminarmy remedial does nut, hawsvsr, mean thfil 1! represents
a medium run (he indulgence ol nmsynmuo notmns oliarrness and
justice As an equneme remedy, 11 Is evsnams an/y when warranted
by established equitable pnnaplss or Dy me /sgmmale processes of
legal reasoning, by analogy, Indmrtson and deduclron, from the
sramng pain! or a prayer understanding ol the oonoeprual
Ioumiaxron or such pnnuptes (cl, generally, Sir Frank Kms
foreword to me 1s: ed 11975) 0! Msaghar, Gummow and
Lenane: Eqmly, Docmne: and Remedies, at pp v~vii or the 2nd ad
(1954), and see also, 99 Re Drp/ock [1943] on 455 at 451-2 ,'Fem'?(
v Pemn[197o; AC ms: 19:, am, 509, 325,- Cowcnev v
EowcnsI[1922] 1 wm 425auJn,-119721 1 All ER
EM at 948;_Iacobs’ Law Ill Trusts /7! AMAVE/la, llh ed {V977‘
Moagrvsr and Gummow), paras 13471-2, 1325-9,-Allen v
Snyder (197712 NSWLR 655 at 539, 7021!, Oakley, on an, pp 1-112,
Pam, on on, pp 4-5). Vrswed as a remedy, the Iunclmn ml the
mrvstrucuvs Irus! .s not to mndsr superfluous, but 10 reflect and
enforce. me pnnclples ol the law 0! aqmty
1n mympzaqkuwfilcuvrrm '13: ., s. ..
‘Nata s.n.1 n-nhnrwm be used M van; .. nflglnnflly mm; mmn 1.. mum pans!
musnis inanrieia is rropimirr me /aw all/71: counzryinnne notion
oi '5 constructive rrusi ofn new model“ which, "by wrnazever name 1:
rs desmbed . is imposed by law whenever iusfice and good
conscience” (in ms sense at 1armass- ur wnar "was raw) 'reqmra it"
(per Lard banning MR, Eves v Eves [1975] 1 Wu?
meat 1341 1342, [1a751:sAriER 765 at 771, 772 and Hussey V
Palmer [1972] 1 wu? 1235 at 1259-90.'[1972I 3 All ER
744 5! 747)."
my on ma Nstolical Incl: ohms prasarn case, in IS cleav that mare were
Mo Indemuras rn respsmafme saw warm The late Haji Malzain and
me Abdullah wave rag\sIArad as nananis in common ai ina said land
was me. man Indanlum dam 15* Ann! I930 under Iha Engnsn Daad
System :1 ma R9g\sIar M Deeds. Penang on 27* May 1930.
[221 anm |enanls in wmmon were regmelld is shimmy inangagors OHM
said land wide a sianuwry mnngtge dated 19“ Apru «van on 27“ May
1930 at me Ragmrar cl Dem, s-ennng.
[231 was a mom: inaeniura dated M May 4941, (ha said land wus
iransvened to me Im Abdulllh only wno had paid $130.00 as the
SUCOBSSM ladder of the said land at a public aucfinn Ce half! lhe
morlgagors had hreachad me said smumry murlgaue The second
Indenlure was regisnereu on 30'" Jun: 1941 under me Deed nyslem at
me Registrar 0! Deeds‘ Penang
rn tal1yMnE&:kuWPIcL1rYF\A raaem-rm
‘Nuns Sum! n-nhnrwm be .1‘... M mm me mn.u.y sun. dun-mm r.. mum pans!
(Nu. m: Awssnm-51021
[No. KIP: smwa-tn-51551
(No. KIP: 11 n921—o2sa1s]
5. ROZAINI sum Aauumxu
[No. KIF: 5109:3411-5594]
[Na mp: mm-o7-52541
memnaax meVa\m ZALINA snm mums [No. K/P. 530617-07-5154}
sen.-agai pemegang Surat Kuasa Waknl yang sah bag! P\aInM-F'\amM)
[No. KlF:5MI222-d7»547T]
2. Isuun. am smn nzrsunmnzrsunm
sw Wmusaqmmcmm me a m «
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
[24] Fmm ma above, it is clear that oniy me name of me late Abauuah has
been registered on me said land being me mghesl bwdder for me same
at ma malena\ nme.
[25] The esuna 0! ma Vale Haj Mat Zaln wnlends max mere exis|s
s4nis(ershIp and mequwable conduct on me pan of me late Ahdmlah.
The estate onne late Ha]: Mal Zain submits mac me lace Che Long
(wwa cl lhe Vale Haji Ma1Zam)had pend me mommy mongage sum in
me late Abdullah who had man aauaa lo pay on ma arvears which lad
to the sad land being aucunnsd and \a¢ar pumnasea by ma Vane
Abdunah solely.
[29] In my view, there ' no emdenoe Io substarmate me above and such
hare avermenls/asserlluns is \n my vsew insulficienl to conclude that
the Vale Abdullah is gumy 0| slmsletship and inwumhle oonducl [See
ma mse al axnary Force Sdn Bhd v Lembaga Pelabuhan
John! [zoos] 1 ms 313] ms conlermcn now that me late Che Long
naa made me payments under me slalulory mongage \s also not
oerlam as me estate of ma Isle Hafl Mal zam has oonsaxanuy taken
me poaiuan man ma Vale Ha]: Mal Zam and me ma One Long were
uneducatad and bara\y had enough mone|ary funds var surv|va\ at that
[27] Funnen vn my Maw, ma eslale auna ¥a|e Haj: Mal zam have a\so failed
to pmve on a balance M probablllues man (her: exlsls any constructive
trust var me estate oflhe ma HaiiMa(L!1n.Nowhere doe: ma ueond
lndamure dated 3"‘ May um mdimls or mlar that mere was ImsI(holh
axpraaaxy oHmp|1ed\y)clealedlcrlhe asoaua at [he late Hap Mal zam
There Is alsa no evidence lo subslanllala ma can|anuonsllac1: lhal Ihe
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A Page 11 M u
Nuns sum n-nhnrwm be used m yaw ma anmmmy mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
late che Lung has made the payment for the V. undwidzd share at the
sald land and the late Abdullah pmnused lo regtsler the said W
undlvlded share VI the name of the late Hail Mal zatn or the late che
[25] ln edditlon, havlrlg aonsrdered the lacts at [his sate, I find that the
estate at the late Ha]! Mat zain have tatled lo pmve on a balance of
probabllmes that there was any unmnscionable conduct and/or any
grounds tor rue to find or impose: temedtal aonstrumlve trust tn tavour
ulthe late Halt Mat utn and the estate altne late Hajl Mat zaln due la
the loflowlrtg laclars
a The estate oltne late Hali Mat zaln have nm addueed any ongenl
evrdenue nut rely neaytly on hearsay le aentend that the late
Ahdullan had nhlalned the sad land tnde the second lndenture
lor the benefit or the late Halt Mat Zam Thls slnularty appltes wtth
respect to the wn|en!lorl v1 unoonsctonaole oonduot on the pan
at the late Abdullah when the sald land was putchased,
b. The estate or the late Halt Mat Zaln admllted tn fllelr lallmony
especlally the 1' Platntttl that the alleged oral agreement
bemaen the |a|eAbdu\|ah and Ihe lale Haji Ma( Zalrl was knclwn
only to nlrn lrorn the statements heard lrorn the late che Long
wmch Is nut adrrllsslhle under me rule agalrlsl hearsay and that
ll muld be [me av Hal The I" Piamlifl I¢5|ifIed dtmng L7uss—
examination as follows:
"FD :T9k sellqu? Jndl In! kalounggn nombol 4 In!
berdtlsarkan kelerangan one Long A uw ad:
IN t>l1yMnE6QkuWPIcL1vYFlA Pig! :2 one
-we s.n.t nnvlhnrwm ue used M yaw ms uflmnaflly mt. dun-mm vta .nuye Wm!
miklumatmiklumal I-lln barkonun Inllgtl
Elfinflan Irsan torsebul.
: Ini adalan dang: cm LL»,-1.
> Oh: Lyg somata-mana7
:Katsrsngsn pasarmpamnggan 4:15!-I spasarapa yang
bevlaku pada tahun 1930 bsrdasarkan apa wnq
drbemahu kepada Encik Marian oran cha Lang7
V lad: kelslangan one Long Ievsebln mungkin boleh
oem/, mungkm bnlsh Irdak betul, selu/u arau vidak7
may sslu/u Im berpsndu kspsda dokumen may kamr
.- 1.-gin." gjurnn Ilsln mm id: dokumln. Jadl
saga ma "5 Eng dlmaklum am. one Long
mungkin betul mugkln mm mm?
va ”
[See page 45 orme Noles or Evidence daled 9* May 2025]
c The leuer [mm Mohamad hm AhduHah datad aw» January 1933
had emy gwen the 1" Plalnlm permission to bmld a house and
could not tantamount |o Ihe esme at the lale Haj: Mal Zam
aaqumng ngms and beneficial mlarasl an me said land.
a The 2"’ Plnmufl aammau during ms Iesllmuny lha| ma estate 09
ma Vala Haj! Mal Zam had volunlanly gn/an/sunendarea ma
paddy «am to ma as(a|e o1lheIaIeAbdu\I:h wnnom nusrng any
ob)ec1>cn lo Ihe same when ma aslale :11 ma lace Abdunah
aw MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
rsqueslsd for lh: same m 2019. The 2"“ P\ainlif1(SP2| lnsnfied
as louaws’
“FF Tak, tak Er/a dla Duat rampssan ifu, EM‘/k Ismail
bag/Tahu rampasan dmuaz w sawan pad: lsnah
Abduliah alaupun sawah pacn Ha/I Mal Zam mp
SP-2 :Dus-due belalv says bust.
YA Rampasan mbual ax sawan pad: mans, kawzlsan
sp-2 .»<awa:an sebe/ah kampnmg Haj} Mal Zam, yang
ssoeran pan! pro/sk aw sebelah Ha//’AbduIIah
PP :so kodua-dun nan-gt-n mu monk. momma:
sp-2 :Mnnh mblla-omul um-nun.
PF mun
FF Yang Abdu/Ian cu you bayav sswaksn?
s;=~2 'Ya
PP Dan mu kswasan bapa menus you lah, mam.
/-mpu jugs?
SP»? . va
PP . Macum mans Iampasan im bsnaku, omen [alukarfl
SP-2 . say: Ink bohh [5/as curna dupe bagiruhu kalza kami
akan ambil bahk Ian (Brush nu sebub hak d-pa
(See page 87oIlI>e Notes ofevidomv dated 9'" May 2023]
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A Pauuolu
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
‘.1111! up knakan sin‘ Znguh dmng unluk
munumur kombalf mlnggmbilalfh kumbali slwuh
(orsobut knuru sawan ttrstbul adalan mill);
mereka. Sen.l[u Ivnutldlk7
-saga seIu[u.
Jawalz kepada Mallkamah dengan ;eIas
1/ad: awak I/dak ads aps-ans benlshan (ah verhadap
psngambtla/than semu/a sawah yang sslangah
bahagran kamu usahakan pads lahun 2019 Isrssbut
Dan kamu ‘mg ulah muumn kamba/I seem
bark Iah kflda Sfri Zagzah.
:Dan sebagaipenyewa sawah, awak/uga ads ulusan
penukaran name mm rsu subsrdr dan ha/a /‘uga Kan?
‘Dan um M. sour: balk dan aman man
mcmbull flllklllll nun: dlll nlml IV/All
aebagnl gngwl kegdn SM Zauxlfl, aalu Al ltlu
.Ya mm balk.
:TIu1n non-mg bnnnh-n7
Tldak mu.
[See page 32 ol the Note: 9/ Ev/dance dated 9" May 21:23]
‘PD ‘Tad! Enclk lsmall ksln Ellclk Ismal/ eenen kamba/l
sscsra 9/ok Kan, secera eman
s/2.2 ‘Va
PD ./ad! Iak timbul Vail dskwaan mersmpas sawah padi
Iersebtll Memarlg ssrah ksmbs/I sacalx elak tan.
SP-2 :Ya '
[see page as alrhe Notes o/swdence dated 9* May 2023)
e The estate cfllhe late Hap Mal zain have tzottt admltted dunng
tne cuurse or the tnal that they do not even have knowledge
about the 5112 of me said land wnen claiming the ‘/1 urldlvlded
snare dune said land, and
r Tne estate at the late ttall Matzaln had sleot on men rlgnts and
did not take any reasonable amen to enforce their alleged
banefiolal lrtleresls/ngms over the V. undivtded snare 01 tne satd
land despite havlng krmwiedge at tne alleged uncurlsciovtable
canduct etme IateAbdullah since 1941 ttsen.
[29] In additlon, tne estate ulttte late Haj: Mat zatn seeksa declarallnn met
me send V. undwtded share at the sad land I5 based on the oral
agvsement wlnareln Ins ‘/e share 07 the two muss: and ‘/4 share 07 the
paddy neld belungs ta the estate 01 flle late Haji Mal z n. ln my vlaw,
the mat agreement rematne a hate assamen wttn no evldenee adduced
In sutzslaniiale sucn a claim. In any event, this oral agreement ts
supztsedad by tne sewnd lrtdenlure, we can be seen from me
testtmany dune 1-‘ Plutntttf dunng cmesexnnunullon as lulluus.
lN t>ltyMnEfl~:kuwPtcuvtFlA y... mi and
-we s.n.t In-vthnrwlll be used M mm ms mnmu-y enn. m.n.n n. mane em
SP1 :
rskpzy n-arm akan mm o/sh peyuamcara Enmk
Jadl saga kalnkan seluu alau Ildak
Indulture Sale [lug kedul Irll Kelli! mamnasr
araugun Inl [any Ilrbaru 1941 Iran dun ll Illengafisl
afl-33 kandugggn gang ada di A1aL!m lndenkuw
Salt mo Mrsobut. Sotlfu mu lidak?
[see page 48 anhe Noxes afEw'der1oe dated 9" May 2023]
SP1 .
s1N MyMnE6qxuwPIcuvrF1A
-ms s..1.1...m..w111.. .15.. m mm 1.. nVVfl\ru“|¥ mm; dun-mm VII mum Wm
nay, lakva ran Slya kstl says cadangkan Enctk
Manan be/sh sslu/u slau lsk selu/u sabab lsd1 Encxk
Msnan kara I-Bk d-lk psngslahuan spa Darfaku 19317
hmgga 1341 msksud dia 11 Iahun ads gap agak/umlah
yang psmang darn dokumsn dengan pales manyalakan
alas kemurlgktran Abduuan bin And Mafia dan juga Ha/'1
Mat zarn rmska hananah tersebul dtlelang semula dan
Abdu//ah Ma/1:1 mum pembe/i kedua berdasarkan
dokumsn di mukasural 25 Kan?
Jad1, saya kala yang !ad1'EI1c:'k Manan secuju ape yang
dlkalskan olsh Che Long .11 dalsm pwapsn 4 ads/an
salu peqaniian lrsan berdasariran dokumen 19317
dnllm 11 n n n n n
m §7 mu
dlsnkog oleh dakumen gang suELsedl menngnasl
dnkuman pm gamma maka geflgnflan llsln gang
dlbuatmulut Ilu adalah lldak zflakal her: n berl-ku
gzmbahan dalam mug 11 rahurl terso.-but setulg
arau lidak soalan sag?
SP1 . Sctuiu.”
[See page A9 allhs Noles ofEvn1sm:e dated 9'" May 2023]
[an] \n mnclusmn, havmg consmarea |ha above, I am 11! the Iha| lha
aslala 1.71 mm mm Hap Mal Zain have lalled lo prove an a hamnce of
DVobabHrhes(haHJ1e IslaAbduIlah nova; V; unawea share of me sad
land on eensxrucwe (rust m ilvourahhe Vale Hap Max Zam or me aslam
of ma lace Hay Mal Zain
sooand Inuo: vnmhur mu I-nu dzlud 19'“ Januag Igu gg
Mohzmad mn Abdullah gs gm sun mum [ah Ahdullgh Emu g Inc:
I“ Flalmlfl to build g ngug E Q; gig lug V!§j§ gnu, um gl gm
I ' ' II immu in mo and land.
[311 The same onhe Iale Hap Ma| Zam a\sn mugs on me leltar wssuad by
Mohamad Em Amman, son ov me me Abeuuan dated 30" Junuary
was and amend than such wetter Is mmcauve mu me estate of me Isle
Hap Mal Zam have a x unmvuaea share OHM! beneficial mlerasl mm
sawd land In mvs respeau, m \s apt lha| (he contents of me send lelter be
rewoduwd belaw
sw MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A P21: 11 m u
-m Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
mu. AlHA¥fl\Aku|i i.
lilivlhilm ..u.
[321 A perusai onna said lener win reveai inai ii only vrinls pennission id
me 1* Pliirmfl |o oonsu'uc1 a noiise/buiiding on iris said iand and
nothing more. in rein, in niy view, me iamnai ins eslala dune iaia Hap
Mat Zain sndidi me 1- Pisinmv have lo nhlain mnsenl [mm ins iainiiy
ol Mohamad EH1 Abdiiiiaii lo nuiid a house very tailing as ii wdiiid
appear that the iaiiiiiy of me iaie H.-iii Mal zaiii annealed iriai «vie iaie
Nafi Mai zain is no: me co-owner of me said land. If me lale Han Mal
zain is indeed me co-owner Wllh ins i/2 undivided share dune said
iarid, one weuid nave moiigm mai such peniiissim was ndi required
and may would have just proceeded to puiid a house on me said iand
[:3] Fuflhafi
piwwneis pi me said land but iriis was not dune.
in bl1yMDE5I:kuOVPlcUvYF\A
we s.n.i In-vihnrvim as used M mm i.. mimiiiy MIME dnunvinnl n. AFVLING Wm!
it indeed an am’!!! a! iris ‘A undivided snaid of me said land‘
0191" Pllinllfl ougrii In have pmcureid a siiriiiur Ianerlmiii Mohllllmld
sin Andiiiieih in cdiirinn than me arsIa|a or me ieie Hlii Maiza are me
[341 In (am, most crii-navy. ma 1" Plainlifl (SP1) conllrmed dunng orUss—
exammallarl that he seems «ha ha is not the mm at me sild land
SP1 leanfled during cross-examination as roiiows:
"PD Encik Marian says karakan Encik Manan perm pevguumpa
Encik Muhamad sebab Encik Manan menyedan bahawa
Ericik Ma/um bukan pemilik hsnanah Iersebul pads ksrrka
SP1 Ya, beiui "
[see new 5:! arm: Nara: o/Ev/dtncv dated 9'" May 2023]
[351 As such, i am ov me View mm me wrmen ieneri amhonzalran by
Mnhamad am Abdullah mereiy gives ms esiaie oi me late nap Mal zm
andlur Ch: I" Piainmr me ngm in mind a house and occupy the Said
land which is consisienzwim Ihe nghis Mme estate oime iaie Amuiiun
as me mgismrea owner: oi me said land, The same at me lala Haji
Mal zam have .1 yes: praved on a haixnce at probahilmas mew ngms
in occupation onne saia ism hul nmhing lurlhav in pmve (ha alamenl
onzanenciai righls over me said land nor ma oxlslonna ova conslmclivo
[36] In determining mis issue, II is tip! that reference is made to me
vmv-sions under me National Lnnd com 1965
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1vYFiA sun. so mu
-m s.n.i n-vihnrwm be used M mm .. mimiiuy MIN: dun-mm VII .mm mm
[11 The mspule herein pertains «.2 ms ownership ofa piece av land m
Penang M wmch the mslary ra\ales back m almost a hundred years
since 1930.
[21 Theve us no mspme mat me said land ws currenfly regIs1ered in ma
nams oi the descendants/admmlsuamrs of me late Abdullah Em
Abdul Majid (heramafler raranaa to as ‘Ab\1u|Iah'). n .5 also not
mspmea that since 1941 me sam land was registered only m the name
0! the late Abdlmah and naw m me names of the
descendants/admmuslraiors aflhe late Abdullah
[31 The descendants/adnu slramrs av the late Hap Ma| Zain hm Saueh
(herennaflar Ielened to as ‘Haj: Mal Zam"| have oommenced Sun PA—
22Ncv¢>a-Mu/2022 (hereinaller revenea In as -sum 64') claunmg
|n|eralIa V. share M me savd land on one basvs that the Lava Abdullah
was a co-uznmwa uuszee «or V. share 0! me said Land .n lavauv of me
ma Hap Mal zam
[A] The descendants/admmlslnlors ollhe Vale And-man nave filed sun PA-
ZZNCVC-121-08/2022 (herelnaflar ravamaa to as “sun 12v) seeking
vacant possession 0! the saw land Imm ma two Delendanls who are
lhe Flalnhls Vn sun 34 above.
{5} By oonsem olme parllas, these two Suns ware mnsulidaled and man:
IN wyMnEaqkuwPIcuvtF\A run and
-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[371 A perusal oflhe lalasl land Search daled 11-“ November zuln would
reflect the name Mme lala Abdullah I: ma sols reglslareu proprietor
nflhe full share ohhe said land Rehrenne is also made lo lhe (RC1 that
the second lrldenlure was leglsleled cln 3G"'JLme1941 under the Deed
syslervl at the Reqislrar ol Deeds, Penarlg.
[321] The lndeleasmllia, of We IS lhe hallmark of the Torrens syslarn oi land
lrlles wrllcn was laler adopted under sectlon :40 of mu nallonal Land
Cod: I965 mrr oerlalll excepllorlsl for the lndefeaslblllly ol regrslered
Wes or lrllelesls ln land and reglslered leases. chavges and
[39] ll IS clearlllal me lnleflm register and the land Search are norrcluswe
evldenoe man We lllle lo me sald land ls leglslered ln me name ol me
eslale ol me lale Abdullah aooardlng In smlon as of nu Nnialul
Lnnd Code was. Tnelelme, me lala Abdullah am me eslale 0! me
lala Azmullah (as sucoassars) as reglslared pmprlelcrs are prlma lacle
anlltled to enpy indaleaslhle lllle/an/nership to me sald land [See the
Faaaral Conn case cl ran Bu v K Manmlamulllu [1911] 2 ull_l 71.
[40] However‘ oansldenng that male ls an allegallan al
lraudlmlsrapvesarllallanl uncurlscxlnable mmlucl, salmon 14o(2)(:)
olllu Nlllollll Land com 1995 ls relevant. The clue or lrlleresl ullhe
lale Abdullah and suhsequenuy tha erslals cl me lale Anaullarl would
be dehaasible m uses 01 lraud nr misreplesenlallurl me burden of
prool us on me eslale ollne Isle Ha]! Mat Zaln lo prove ma elements
or lraun on a balance 01 plnbablllues. [sea ma Federal calm case M
Silmn all A son: 5dn mm It uamai Solis Sin and [20:51 MLJU
The dam cl lhe esma ol Ihe late Han Mal Zaln an naua re-«fives
around me raa Ina! ma second lndenture was om.-nnaa via
naua/mmapraaanzanon The ascace oi ma late Han Mal zain oonlend
a| paragraphs 14 and 15 M lhelr Statement 01 Claim that the late Che
Long was rnsrapresemed by me lale Abdullah sonuecnne m 1941 . e
mac uponlull sememem onne rnangage sum, the name oflhe Iale Han
Mat hm mu be registered is me proprietor ov me sand land and ma
late Amman has also misrepresented that he wiH new ‘/2 undmded
share of he Sam ‘and for the beneffl of the lamwry 0! the late Haj Mal
Zaln but this was not done Mlawmg the death 0! Ihe late Abduflah.
However. I note ma: apan {mm ma [act unau Ihe Issua eilraud was not
subnnnaa upon .n ma wnnan suhmssmns, mere xs no ewdence ca
prove fraud or rmsrepresenvanon vn my men, n Is aaany loo Vale (or
me estate um-e lale Hail Ma|hm wnow assen manna late cha Long
Is no| aware av nor undersmou me oonnencs of me seoand lndenlure
gwen that she Is uneducated. Daspne mesa iacns bemg mfurmed by
the late One Long to me P\amM1s somawna In 1953, nomung nas been
done by me asvana av me Yale Ha]i Mal Zam to assert man ngms nor
wen anempx In register one ‘/2 undmded snare 01 In: sawd land m ma
names nl ma Vale Hap Mal Zam. More mun 40years have passed sinue
the aeam cl me late on: Lung m 193: mu nothing has been done by
me astute M the Vat: Han Mal Zaln m asset‘ man Iruzrasl in ma ‘/1
undivided share at me said land.
[43] As such, I am aflhe mew that the eslale Mme late Haii Mat Zam have
failed to wave on a ha\arIce nf pmbabllvlies that there is n-aud/
rmsrwresemalinn cnmmilled bylhe |ateAbdu|1ah and me estate or me
late Abduuan
nun: Inn Doc EEIX7
[441 The esVa|e at the late Abdullah submits Ina! m any case, we dalm by
me eslme o1|he\aI.e Han Mat Lam ougm Io be msmissea baud on
Inches m this respect. reference Vs made k: In: case of nn song
Vang @ Tan Kong nong 5. Ann! v Tun Mwn Llng @ nu Slaw Lang
5 On [2922] 2 nu cos wnem me Court 0! Appeal held as lnHmMs'
"[941 From me pmnr/n:' own Issltmony 111: clear that P1 and P2
knaw about lha alleged ms: m 4970 and P3 knew Intel. in 1975.
They had been asking for me account: over one year: and we
not receive any response Irom en. dalandanfs They ma nal lake
any nclron ol whether to me an aczmn a ul/an m lodge a caves:
to «cum Ihsv own over [he disputed properties Inslead, m_-1
nun wnltod for thou! nu! - c-mug [9 ggmamg :5
union ng-Inn tin dnfcndanm purportedly on ma mason that
they were reluctant to not as they wsw siblings.
H5] The law on the doctrine of/aches is wen semed Th/5 com in
TI/ng Kean Hm 5. Anal v Yuen Hana Pnarva 1201.913 MLRA 550;
(201912 MLJ 334 had succinctly summarised the docm'ne as
IN MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A huuvtu
Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
(371 For lsches lo be ralsed. men must In dclajg Imounllng
la acquiescence (sea‘ Cheeh Kym Tong & Ana! v ram
Kalli [1999] 1 MLRH 281 1193913 MLJ 252, [1959] 1 Cu
373 Foo l-loldmgs sun El-n1 & Anal v Foo clmon Ymg
(20141 2 MLRH 41 7, Amnluala V Scu//y [1861] /XHLC 360)
nu doclrim al Iachos is based an the maxim that
‘guy ltd: (ht vigilant and not those who slumber on
their rights’ Lam Sslbome succlncrly explained In me
landmark case oILmdsay Petroleum Co HLm1{1374) LR 5
PC 221
am 1n every case 11 an argument agamsk rellsl wlvch
olhsrwlss would be [I451 ls launder! all men: delay, lhal
delay of course not amounrrng lo a bar by any Statute al
Llmllallolvs, the valfdlly 0/ that delence must be mad upon
prlnclples substantially equlraole. Two circumstances
nlwlya Ilnglnt In such CJSCS an mi length of the
new and the nnun 0! me acts done during me
Interval which might afiuct OIIIIOI £11 and cause a
balance of ustlce at Inlustlce In tlklnfl MI on: cnulso
cl mo may so far :5 relates in me remedy.
/35] Edgar Jusepll JIJ m ma case n/A/[red remplelon & Ors v
Low Yul Ha/dlngs sun Blvd & Anar[19E9] 1 MLRH 144,
[19av]2 ML] 202, [1959] 1 cu (Rep) 219 explalned me
docmne u/lam:
Lac»: LI An tgglhhln dereneelmglxlgg lug. ulllmn
-na «my In mncullng a dnlm. A com ol gulg
IN mmusaqmvmnm mg: n m u
‘Nata 5.11.1 IHIWDIY WW be used m van; M m\g\ruHIy MVM5 dun-mm vn .mNe M1
minus 11: Aid to - mic dun-m1 what: the p_IaInwr
hu 3! 1 his :4 ts and no uhsc-d la! a tea!
Ionglh of time. H0 is Mm said to be barrvd 1:: teen...
In 11e1enn1n1ng whslnsr mere has been such a delay as In
ammm! to Iaches the court considers whether there has
been awllrescence on we Plaimrifs pan and any change
olposilinn mar nu occurred on the pan of me aerenaenc
The ducmna o/reones rests on the conszdemion that ms
ml/us! to we a menme remedy where he has by me
conduct done the! which mrght fairly be regarded as
9<7uiva)enr la a warver 011! Dr wireve by ms conduct and
newest ne Has, mougn not waiving the remedy pm me
olherpartyin a position In which 11 would nolbe reasonable
1o place him we remedy were errerwams In be asserted
14 Helsnurys Laws o!Eng/and (am 511) paras 1151,1152
Lacnes has been suooncny uescmaed as inamon with
one‘: eyes open “
[45] As such, bearmg in mind me! more has how such a long de\ay m lime
since me smile of me Iala Han Mal Zam was swam of ma non-
regmvaoon Mnwnershnp ar lhev bene4fl::|a\ nghu. over me </. unannaea
share 0! me sad lend. m my considered view, one pnnaple at Iacnas
would avw |a dates! the dawn of ma eslale oi me Im Haii Mal Zain
Fourth Inn: wrmnu and scan. at me. Ian Abdunah an onmlcd Io
vacant Esssssnan anns sal land
[45] V71 delamunmg whslhav ms ssaaca M ma Vale Abdullah are enlmad In
vacanl pussassidn dc ma said land, ans snauld oonsldav me
regisuauon of ownersmp -n ma names M Ihe lale Abdullah and
subsequenuy ma vesnng m me names at me «me of the Isle
[471 In such cases, me he aslala anne Lacs Abdmlnh have proved fls nus
and an mcsnuon to mgam posssssbn‘ m Is for me same anne Lacs Hay
Mat Zam to prove max may can set am a We or a ngm lo possessmn
mnswslenl wI|h me ownership ov me eslals d1 me hate Abduflah In |hvs
rusnecld reference vs made In ma dasa ovcansy. ldul (M) Sdn Bhd V
Oranq-Dung vg Munglnz n sag ' Ponga' (Puongavnnzm AIL
vad am) a. Ors[1WB] uL.:u 125 where Abdm Mallk lshak J (as HIS
Lardsmp man was) nsxd as fnlluws
" According to me auihomres, once ms yarnmr has mud
rrs rim and an rnmnion to r-gun Qssossfon it was for we
dvhndanls to ma um ms delendnnls can setaul . ml. or
I Ilflht to Esesslan consisfeg with the yllnfiffs
owngfiflig The burden wourd be on me defendants in show that
they had the right rd occupy that plot of /and marked as 'c31' m
we /ayout plan on the be/ance afprobabrmvss andms datendanrs
miselab/y failed (0 do so Pure and smw/e (hrs was a case nf
ejecrmem or what rs popu/arly known as an amen for trespass "
syn MyMnE6qkuwPIcuvtF\A rage as at u
-was saw be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
[48] Fmrrl the historical background ot the case. it is clear that there is
consent by the iaredeoesscrto allow the estate olthe late Hat: Mat zain
to reside and occupy the said land Testimony “uni the witnesses of
the male or the late Abdullah also indicated that the right to remain in
ocmlpaltcn ol the said land was glven graturtpusly treated on the good
relationship between the parties’ predecessors. As such‘ the estate or
the late t-laii Mat zain cannot he classified as squatters snnpliciter:
Further, whilst there is evidence that peririissicri was granted to build a
house an pan ot the said land, there Is no evidence that the estate M
the late llaii Mat zain were authorized or glven pemllsslarl to continue
remaining on the said land indefinitely
[49] As such, I am otthe View that it is not reasonable to expect the sad
consent to exist fol an indefinite period/indefinitely once the notice to
ouit dated 21*‘ Oc|uber202| and 25° Ocwber 2021 was given to the
estate ol the late t-taji Mal zairi (and in pa ciilar the 1- and 2"
Plainlrflsli such consent to continue occupying the said land ceased
and the estate olthe late t-tail Mat zain would he required to vacate the
said land within a reasoiiahle time.
[50] Further‘ I am ol the view that the idea at a gratuitous
pernitssionlconsent/authorizatiun hetrlg aple to occupy an alienated
llnd owned by the |ateAbdttI|ah and subsequently the same allihe late
Ahdullah perrnanenity av perpetually, arter being given due rlollce |o
gu repugnant to the concept ol indetcasioility cl utle ola registered
pmpllelol as provided under section 14:: oflhl Illttloml Land coal
was and the concept against adverse possetsslon cl land hy
occupahan. as excllcllly provides in Sacllon :41 ottha Natlerial Laird
code 1995 in this respect, relerenca is niade to the case ol Ahmad
in ahmipsdatuoyaiauirria nae n am
Nuts s.n.i nnvlhnrwlll be used M mm the antii.ii-y MIME dun-vlnhl vta aFlt.lNG wnxl
Shnllly llmnll Baku v NII Salmi 2.-man N] Wln Mona Bid [2014]
5 cm on man was relerrld in a isoem case oi say-nan. s-nndu
Sdn Bhd v Jabaun Fongalrnn nan Sallran Nngnri seminar 5
On min] I MLJ :22 where |he Conn dmppeai held as lanows:
"mo; nis calm al Appeal in Ahmnd Shumy lenull saw v ml
Slims luldan H] Wan Mohd 2aId[2a1l] 5 cL.l an applied
both me concepl ol mde/easlblllty of ville and me carlrept ol
nonapulicaoilily oiadvsrse pdssassion to pieeem me ngnl
ofa Vsglslalsd pmpllslol Ia assan ma ngm over nla land as
1391 we further note lnar me defendant in ne: pleading and
testimony nad claimed that slie had been staying in me
house since it was cansliueied in 1985 and has me
ngnr to remain on me said house and the sald land. In
our view, the idea oh gmulmus liunee. boiI_Ig able
to occugx an alienated Innd awnod by someone
else rmanen or ru-I um bsln
due notice to gulf LI Iegugmnt In the comma of
lndefeaslbillg 0! Elle ofa registered Erafllelor as
grovided undo! s 340 and ma conccgt agginsl
adv/us: ussasslon at land :11 occuullon as
exglclgg sated III 5 341 of the NLC (Emphasis
[51] In respect at me Issue of me payment ol quil rem, in is me wnIen|iun
01 me eslale oi me late Hap Mal Zaln that me same has been paid by
IN bhyMnE£qkuWPIcLlvYF\A tile an m u
Ihem urml 2015 Hn1wevev.m 2016, me qml rsnl was wssued In the name
of Zalnuran Em Manamed who Is a membev ol lhe lute Abdullah family.
[521 The es1aIe of the lane Abdullah on the exner nana mncends a|
paragraph as onnenwnuen eupnnseien maldespule havmg knawledge
that me name m me qml rem was changed so Zamuven an Mohamed
someflme In 2015, no action nas been miualed try the es1aIe oune Late
Hap Maezam to preserve lhewalleged rights No ewaenee nor reasons
were Ionnconnng «or one Vaflura of me estate of the late Hap Mal Zaln
to assert mew ngms. AH nney contend m men submwssion m reply is that
mey have been paying qmurencawme while rpran mese years wnereas
the esule M the late Abdullah and Ihelf predewssovs had never
bothered In make the payments an reeenuy. That, In my view, Is
msummen: to justify me norracixon by me same vflhe me Haji Mat
Zam when me name .n we qui| rem was changed 201610 me name
Mzalnuren Em Mohamed
[531 Further and In any evem, me pm: of peymem at qun rent or
assessment is nu| 97001 07 an equitame right over the san! land and the
pemnued pceupauon does not prevent the ragustered pmpnelorlrom
takingaclnon Ia recover the Said land In (Ins respecl. V1 is apt man I r318!
to me case av cm: sun Llun A Vnng Lulu Lwn. Wang on-e Foonq
dlnllllu Plnghunl-Ponghunl Llln [2013] I LNS 2233 where rt was
held us (wows:
“ The N00’ alpayment ofquil rent by the defendants In Ihis case
did no! PIDVE mat the dalamtanls had fights DI mares! towards the
uni /and which was resided by the Mid p/flmllfl. Even though Mo
defendant was said to have resided for a long lime on one sard land,
IN p«yMnEaqkuw»=IcuvmA has as am
-una s.nn be used m mm ms nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa anum pm
it did not bar ins reglslsred piopiialows ngnl lo lake ncfiorl and the
issue o/lunilarion did nol aiise as slam in s 34 allhs National Land
coda (see paras as L 3339) r
[54] As such, having considered all the alacvei lhe estate :21 the Isle
Abdullah as regislened owners or the said land are in my view entitled
|o vacant possession ofllie said land lmm me eslale of the lace Haji
what New?
[551 Having lound lhnl ineio is no conslrucllve line: in lavoui oline law i-laii
Mai zain and/oi ins aelala or iris lals HRH Mil znn and me: (ha eslaie
nl ins leis Ahdullah II anmled lo vacant possession oi me said land,
inal is nol ine end of me inanei Ffom lne lame oi ine ease, in is
undapuleo inal me me Flalnlifis in sun in havs aasupied pan or ins
said lend, nailing buin lneii nouses and iilling of ins paddy nslds tank
piece. in fan‘ as seen aaiiiei. Monnniao sin Abdullah had previously
given omission is me I“ Piainlillo build nis nouse on oanonne said
land and ma Plsinlilis have indeed been occupying me said land slnos
1953. wriilsl lnera is no evidence that me 2"“ Plai ' was similarly
given permlsslon lo build a house on ma said land I1 is clear inn (ha
seiale ollne laleAl>dullan was awam dime exlslanoe aflha house and
did mining aadm it.
[56] on ma Facts asvaalisried. l find lnal allnouqn lne eslale oi lne laie
Abdullah are indeed me iegislaied piooiielois in me said land‘ lnaia
IN MyMpE6qkuOVPlcUvYFlA ran: an um
um. s.ii.i nnvlhnrwlll be u... m min i... nflmnallly MIMI dnunvllnl VII aFluNG WM!
[51 I wm now set out me background facts, «no issues‘ as wen as the
names‘ reapeeuva mnlenlmnslsulzrmssians m a mew or deciding
wnamar the names have dvscharged thew raspecuve burdens .n
proving «new claims
Back Facts
[1] The oaokgronno vaovs have largely been agreed upon by parlies and
can be summarized as loiloms:
7.: sonnenm Vn man, «no late Han Mal Zam and ma [ale Aooouan
Jomkly umcnasen Iano known as Lot 2529, Genan Muldm Na sen.
MK II‘ Daenh Seberang Fem Ulara, Fulau Pmang (vonnony Lat
123(1). Mum XI, Dnnnm o1 Pmvirme Waflaslay Nonn, Penang)
(neunnanar refermd m an ‘ma saio xanerp for szeooo lrom
s N A A.LAnma5n\am Chellmr sou clAHagupah cnsmar.
7.2.The Isle Naji Mal Zaln and the Iain Abdulllh hack 3 pm! loan Vmm
s NA A.LAmnm:sn. Cnemar on pan finance me purchnsa o1 me
no Vina
7 3 The rats Haji Mal Zaln and me me Abduflah were registered as
tenants Vn oonnnon onne said land vids me ms: Indanlura at Sale
dated 15'' Am 1930 under me Englnn Deed Syslam at the
Reamer of Duds. Penang on 27'” May 193::
«n MyMnE&:kuwPIcuvrF\A age 5 A7414
ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm wa muNG v-mm
was bertarniy license and consent la the Piaintitts to oocupy me said
land andiorte construct thelr houses. There is certainly no ssue or any
adveise possession
[571 In tne case 01 sontul uiitni Sdn and v Atirnaa Amlrudln Bin
Kninntiidin A ois [zoom 4 MLJ soa, trie Plairitias triete coniinenoed
e elairn ior uaeant possession and inesne prom on trie basis triat the
Defendant occupiers were lrespasseis Ttie Delendante oerttericled
ttiat iney were not tiespasseis, but telnet, lawtul ocwpanls as
ltoerisees coupled with equity wnieti long existed due Lo mnllmmus
occupation and possession otttie said land rite l-tigri Ooutl were after
a lull trial wnilst finding that trie Detenderits nave equity, siieti equity
was subiect ID lrte Plaintitts‘ Ovemdlrlg ngnts to legal erivrrerstiip
pursuant Ia national Land code was. The High court tneie ordered
vacant vessessiorr subieot to the Plalnm apinpensating trte
netenuants tar all posts ineuned In trie construction ot the respedive
ttaiises and elteinetively, the value ot the present riouses to be
assessed by an independent valiier to be appotnled by the court.
[5411 Applying lne ahave and reverting to ttie laots ot itiis ease. there is
ceruirtly no issue at adverse possession in inis ease. wtiilstttre estate
aitrtelata Heii Maizaln have an eeuliyie be tsdmnsd wiin, sueriequny
must be subjec| to me Detenoanls (asIa|s at ine late Ahdullelii
ouernding rtgtit to legal ovrneistiip pursuant to trie National Land code
was As siieti, (ha estate oi itie late Abeullari will tneietore have its
vacant possisslon subiect ta tnein bornpensaung iiie Iwo l=iainti«s in
sult 54 lot the present value ot the said riauses to be assessed by an
independent valuei appointee by trie court. The costs at [his valuation
VI to be borne by the 951315 ottne laIBAbduHah. Funnel, trte parties are
in t>l1yMnE£qkuOVPIcL1tYFlA Page ii niu
-vita s.n.i n-vlhnrwm be used ta mm na ntwltrnfily MIN: dun-vlnrtl n. nFluNG wnxl
gtven llberly In apply In true Courl fur the purposes at me assess-nenl
alme value of lne Sald Mn pmpemes occupied by me Plalnlms WI suit
54. [see the Hlgh cuun case nf s-nml ulu sun Bhd (supri)]
[59] I will also further order tnal lne Plelntllls in Sml 64 are to vacate Ihe
sald land wnhin three nmnlns M the male paymenl IS made In the
Plalnltfis allne value assessed olme sald houses bysuch independent
valuer appointed by the Court or any omec date ordered by coun
subsequently In the event there IS an lssue in respect ol the veluamn
Hlgn Caurl Ganrgalmvrl
Pul-u Plrlang.
counult 1:
Mr. Musmapna from Messrs Muslnapha AAssocmes lngetnev wlm Mr
John Khoo from Messrs. Isrnall, Khoo I-Associates lurlm Plaimifls in suit
64 and Defendants VI Suit 121.
Ml Azmr B.Ahmadlo9al.|1er wilh Ms. Nurjannan El Che All from Messrs
Aswan Slmon &Azhar for the Defendants in Suit 64 and Plaintllls In Swl
c M-ma
Ahmad Shazrfly Ismail Ham v M! Salma Zardan H] Wan Mohd Zan1[ZO1A]
5 CL] 817
A!/as Cabinets A Fumrtum Ltd er al v Nalronal Trust Co L:d[199a]5a
DLR (4th) 151
Bayangan Sspadu sun Ehd v Jabatan Pangairan den Sahran Nsged
Sslangut 5 0rs[2l721]1 MLJ 322
Binary Force Sdn Elldv Lembaga Pelabuhan John! (2009) 1 LNS :13
Cahaya Ideal (M) Sdn Bhd v 075719-Orang Vg Menyena/r om‘ Sbg ’Ponga'
(Poongavanam A/L Vadlva/u) A Dr: [1999] ML./U 125
Chia Swee Lran 4 Vang Lam Lwn. Wong Chss Foong dan/slsu Penghum-
Penghum Lain [2015] 1 ms 2233
Jahara Br Abdul Kadir Msncan v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anal [1930]
1 MLRA 335
Lerchumanan Chelllar A/agsppan @ L A/lsgappan 5 Anal v. Secure
Ptanlarmn Sdn Bhd [2017[3 MLRA 501
ML/somnsk: r/Dodds (1955) G2 ALR 129
RHB Bank Bhd V Travslsogm (M) sun BM 5 Or: and anorhel appeal
[2a16I1 MLJ 175
serum! Mum Sdn Bhd V Ahmad Amimdm am Kamsrumn & Ors 1200014
ML] 503
Smnuiyzih 5. Sons sun Bhd voamm‘ Sefia Sdn BM [2915] MLJU 1:292
Tan xang Yong @ Tan Ksng Hang A Anov v Kan Hwa Llng @ rsn Slaw
Lang & Ors (202212 ML] 5175
Tan Kun Klvuan v Tan Ku KralfM)Sn1n Bhd[199fl]1 cu supp 147
Toll Bee I/K Mamthamulhu [1977] 2 MLJ 7
sw MyMnE6wkuwPIcuvtF\A me .2 MM
um s.n.1...m.m111.. used m mm 1.. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
glslallans referred In
NanonarL.:m1 Code, sscnons 99, 340, 341
Evin1sncaArt 19511, Sacfians 101, 1112, V03
74.l3oth tenants nh oommorn were regnstened es statutory rnndrtgagers
or the sand larnd vnde a statutory mortgage dated 15'“ April 1930 an
27"‘ May 1930 at the Re rar oi Deeds. Penarlg.
7.5.\nde a second lnderntune oi sale dated 3*’ May 1941, the Sald land
was trahslened to the late Abdullah only as the late Abdullah had
paid stat) 00 as the successful bldder oi the sand land at a yublic
auctnonn as both the rnnortgagena had breached the sand statutory
mortgage. The seoond Irndernture oi sale was registered on 30'“
June t94t under the Deed system an the Rsglsltar oi Deedsi
7.6.The 1* Plalnlrfl in Sull 64 above is currently an adrnninnstrator and
one at the henelnciaries oi the late Hall Mat Zeln who currently
resndes in a house which he has bulll on part oi the sand land. For
the auondanoe of doubt, the Planrntnlis In sunt 64 above wnll be
relened to as the estate oi the late l-tall Mat zaun whereas the
Plaintms in Sun 121 above wnll be retened to as the estate at the
late Ahdullah. The late Hall Ma|Zaln's wits and larnrly have worked
and Illlsd the paddy held on part otnhe said land. The 2'“ Planntnil IS
the son-in4aw olthe late Hall Matzairn and resides in another house
which he has also built on part oi the sand land adtacanl to the I"
Planrnuil's house.
7 7 It ns the ease oi the estate oi the late Hall Mat Zltn that the V"
Planntnll in Sun 64 above was lnlnrlned by the late che Long (the
me at the lane Haji Mat zain) that the late Hajl Mat Zaln had
depended on the late Aodullah to handle all matters oennainnne the
serd land nneludnhg the aeynnerntol mortgage nhatalrnents to the s
IN NtyMpEaqkuOVPlcUvYFlA Page s om
-one Serial In-vlhhrwlll be ts... m vanw he mnmnnny sum. dun-vlhhl VII aFlt.lNG v-mat
chatty where lhe lale Haii Mal zaln would pay his ponmn e1 lha
lnslalmenls InIIle|aleAhduHah1o pay the Chelly.
7.8 Aowrdirlg lo the 1' Plilrllrllin sull 64 above. lhe lake Che Long had
inlorrned hlnr lhal the lane Ahdullah was a regular vrsrmr la the lale
Haji Mal ZaIn‘s house each mnlh to oolled lhe lnstalmenls and
also lo vlsll them Aflerlhe late Haji Mal zain passed away, lhe like
Che Lung would oonllnue lo hand over her late husbands
rnslalrnenls lo the tale Abdullah.
7.9. The basls el lhe dalm of me eslare el me lale Hali Mal zarn was
Ihal the late Ahdullah had Informed the late Che Long ln or about
1941 that me loan had been fully serlled and lhe late Abdullah lald
me lare one Long fllallhe said land was regrslered solely n ma lake
Ahdullah's name because me late Hall Mel Zaln had passed away
and mac Ihe lale Haji Abdullah held ‘/2 share ollhe sald land larlhe
lale Hall Mal zarn's larnlly
no It is lunher oenlended Dy lhe eslale enha lala Han Marzaln lhal
me laleAbdullah alaa undendoll and agreed wlm lhe lele che Lung
and gave all me ovlglnal decdnrenls pen/arnlng I0 lhe purchase ol
are land In lhe lace Che Long before lhe lale che Long wenllor Hall
m 1901 but lhal lhe lale Abdulllh had passed away belona me lare
che Long rellrrned lrern prlgrlrnage
7 ll Nalnrng much seems lb have occurred lmrn 1941 unlll 2019 save
lor lhe 1- Plalnlill seeking pernnssldn frnrrl Meharnad Abdllllarl (lhe
Ian 54 me |a|e Mxtullah) permllllng me I" Plalnlrll lo aulld a house
an lha said land we lener dated 30" January 1953.
IN bllyMDEfll:kuOVPlcUvYFlA me 7 M u
‘Nata Sahel In-vlhnrwlll re used m mm has nflnlhallly sun. dun-vlnhl wa .nana we
7.12 Then on 7"‘ June 2019. the 1“ Defendant lrl Sull 641 as an
Idmlnlslralor at ltre late Atxtullatvs estate went wrtn her daughtev
(the all uetenaant) and her husband, Erlak Nazn and lwn utners (0
see me l=laintl«s and (0 seek vacant possession at ttle Sald land
The Plaintms nae votunlarlly glvsnlsurrernterea tne paddy field to
the Delenesnts wttneut ralslng any nblacllon when the Delemtarns
requested are same. The Detenuents subsequently bum fuur
houses on part of me said larld wrttr tne lull knowledge at the
7.13.Due to ttle above rnerttante, tne 1“ Plalntltr as me attmrnlstrator of
me estate 01 tne lata Han Mat zatn then subsequently entered a
prlvale caveat on part 01 the sald land at me Lam Reglstry on 22'-1
January 2020.
7 t4. on 7“ May 2021, tne 1" Plaintlfi‘ obtained Letters u7Ad
wlrereln me I" Plalnull was appuimsd as admlrllslrawrufihe estate
at the late Haji Mat zam
7 l5.The estate at me late Abdullah vlde lhelr snliertars tnen lssuea
Notreee m ourt In the estate at me late Hall Mat Zaln trn pameular
me two Plalntlfls in surt 54) dated 2t- Onober 2o2t and 25'"
October 2o2t respectlvely The estate of the late Hali Mat Zain!
wllslllors vlde men letters daled 15"‘ Nuvember 2021 and 5'-
December 2a2t lrl response replbed am earlteneeu tnat the late
Abdullah was rloldlng vs undlvlded share 01 the Said land [or tne
estate at tne late Hail Mat zain. tlenee, me two eurrenl Sulls belrlg
lN bllyMnE&:kuWPIcL1vYFlA In: I at u
we Smnl In-vlhnrwlll re tn... a mm r.. ntwlrrnllly sum. dun-vlnnl wa nFluNG v-mxl
nu Flllnmfl‘ Claim
[31 The Phslnufls m sun 54 being me same of me late Hap Mal zem and
as wcumer: M pan al me smd land mler-aha suck me vauawmg when
5.1. e uscxaranan manna regwslrllicn ullha ln|e Abdullah as sols awnur
under the saoend Indenlure u null -nu void and ms esme 01 me
me HI]: Mil zum ere owners of vs undiwdad there came mid wens
pursuant to e cm\s|ruc1wa|rus|.
e 2 rasmutiun order lor the mum of me ‘/9 undwea mm M the sen
8 3 e deuareunn Ihal me Plamnns have me right In remem on me sam
8.4 an Dnier in demolish [I12 fuur houses behanglng in he Deierldams
which were eneaea without me wnsem of me Maflis Bandaraya
Seherann Pam, and
3.5 an Order men one Desemems pay for me general losses and
damages as weH as for economic loss
The DI1'nnd.Inh' g g g gggngm 3 m
[9] The DefendanIs'(es1ala ollhu late Abdullah) aeience and oounlerdaim
is summarixod as follows’
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1vYF\A ms 9 .c u
‘Nata sew n-nhnrwm es used m mm ms unmmuly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
9.1 me Piarrrmfs have varied |n discharge Ins burden of pmvmg ms
existence Ms eonsmrmrve trust In lavuur aflhe iaie Han Matzain,
9.2.Ihe marine oi lashes apphes as me Pisrrrmis have slept on (hair
rrgms rora very iorrg urns, and
9 3 me Delendarrts are armed in vacant possession Mme said land
as may are me regislerai owners onhe said land
[1 0] The irial look pluoe over several days mm me ssnaia of me iaie Haii
Mal Zaln and me exist: :71 me me Abdullah Calling 2 wrinsaaes each
and ma p-rues nave meruner med in vespscliva wrinan
comarm rr m|
[1 1) The oamanuoris/submissions at Ihe esme at me lane Hap Mal zain are
summarized as volume
11 .lhat ma inmal svaiumry mangage rrismrruiiy pmves ma
ownership of me said iarrd in question by the «we predecessor
IN MyMnE&:kuwPIcL1rYFiA P112 mam
’NnI2 s.n.i In-vihnrwm r. used m mm r. nflninnflly mm: dun-mm VII nFiuNG WM!
| 5,675 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-B51C-1-02/2021 | PLAINTIF Zulkarnain Bin Abdul Majid DEFENDAN 1. ) Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia 2. ) Perunding Aidid Sdn Bhd 3. ) Bayan Pelangi Sdn Bhd 4. ) Jabatan Peguam Negara | I) Undang-undang kontrak - Plaintif menuntut bayaran tambahan akibat perobohan dan pembinaan semula bangunan. Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Plaintif gagal mematuhi gred konkrit yang ditetapkan oleh Kontrak menyebabkan bangunan tersebut diarahkan dirobohkan dan dibina semula. Oleh itu tuntutan Plaintif seharusnya gagal.II) Kegagalan Plaintif mematuhi gred konkrit dalam kontrak tersebut adalah suatu kecuaian dan pelanggaran terma kontrak yang telah diakui oleh Plaintif dan Plaintif tidak pernah menafikan mengenai Plaintifif bertanggungan terhadap kos perobohan dan pembinaan semula bangunan tersebut di mana ianya adalah dalam pengetahuan Plaintif. | 05/01/2024 | Tuan Mohd Sabri Bin Ismail | |
05/01/2024 12:14:55
MA-B51C-1-02/2021 Kand. 153
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MA—E51C—1—fl2/2021 Kand. 153
05/01/2224 12:1L-55
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. MA—a5I<;14J2/2021
3. EAVAN PELANGI so» am:
[11 Plalrmi pad: mas: mamas: adalah pamvlvk cunggax psrmagasn yang
hermzge dengan nama lulkanam um Abdul maps can wan dllanlrk men
Deteman Panama sebagax Komranor unluk melaksanakan ken:-Xena
sm wscmxmymiymwsuunumn
m. smm .. .4... w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
nembmaan sebuah bangunan yang dmamakan Knrnpleks Budaya Kral
Me\aka berdasarkan suam konlmk benankh 19.21110
[21 Plairrfii av dulam Femyllzan Tumummyu lalah memmm Iegumlah
RM540359 0|) dflflhflfla Defendan Panama flan Delendnn kaduu Imluk
hens-ken: Isrnhsnan M94 msmmna semula hangunan tzersebut akan (elem
u. ¢a\am Hujihavl wamm wan menunmi RM33859679 sebagal kos
nembu-nan semula
[11 neinnuan Pen/ama Isiah mnlanuk Plumnl unmk memaunkln yamun
pvqek karwkerp memhma sebuah Komplaks amaya xrav Mehki di ms
Lmszaz Mulum BukIlKa|I1, Duamh Mama Tongan, Mulukl dmam xomnak
Na PKKMID2/MLK/ZDGS (seisass ml mam: aebagal -proyek nerseburr.
[I] oerendan Kedua adalah Perundlng Kewrmzsrian Awam um Slruklur
nan nun dllmuk on-n Dehndan Pamma nehagm Konsullan Jumten
(Engineer) bagr pmak rmenaan Panama daVam rlroxek bavsabut
[51 Defsndin Kefiqa adalah sehuah syarikal psmbekai Plamlll Ielan
memasukkan san. penghaktman Ingkar Pemhelaan lemadap Delendan
m wmmmyflcymvsmznnuma
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
PF’ Sekilanya srrukluv Dangurvan my mdinksn adalah under
designed :1: mane beam sectlon dan reinforcement adalah
PF Adakan bangunan rm nla/nut unfuk drdudukfi
PSSD4 Kalau mangiku! am ssgr kemmtslaan mu solemn!
untuk dmur.1uk/
rm] Illahklmlh memjuk pula kepada Pemenkmn Ealas saksi ueiendan
Panama. Yuln nu]: bx-nu Em suboh ulell pegunmcara PI-Inm pads
20.5 2023 yang membarlkun kanarangan nanxm.
PF says many sekafi /am yn says mink ksuada ujian cube pads
awn! Jsdi selqzzas upan kamesn pecamm dvhual Ks alas cm
cor-ems pm. Imn‘ ke-7 den was dun serum. mampevulam
kapulusan danpada makma! mum. Dcfsndnn xma mesh’
mangesman was My concrula menu: selamat urgmm
mungtkutgrsd yang nflalapkmi
sns Ya
PF‘ Svtujll ya Dan upan cube rm jugs re/an dinamur kepada
Delemtan Panama unluk kslu/usan msrelm SeMI.I7
SD5 Die Dukan kelumxan Apaoua kepmusan ujian cube drperufehl
av mama disaksxkarl alert 3 pmakjadt mans ks/au lulu: uuromsnc
m wuelnxnnyocymvsminuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: flnuamnl VI mum pom!
conclala batch m: wen digunakanlah, krra Mus/an Km
menggunakan ma punya sneez dan Iah m narm
[211 men nu jelu menuruukan buhawa Puma: semsmangnya Ielah
mengaku kegagalan uflan konkrn nersebm sena kegogalan Puamm
mernmum gm kmknlyang dmampksn oxen Kommk letsebul D. dalam kes
wnmboa F55 Sun and v Vlflng Fah Enlsrpnse sun and mm MLJU 429,
VA cm Kah smg xelah memutuslxam szpefll benkur
127; The mama heron mus (‘om elem .-«inn In the D¢f:mhn| having
mum m comply mm m: speclfiuucns required by Iht Cnnslmclimu
(‘on\I\c|uIvcnconsmw'\|IgI11c eonuvlc fluormg Ih: p|IInIIfi‘s fadory The
5-ngumznls raised l1_\ the defendant dn nnx pmme any valid dcfcnoc :9 me
pmnmr. fallulc Io ovnlply mu. me spocxfiwlluns rzquntd by m:
Cnnsnucnon comm Hana, me finding om: Conn .5 mu m. defcndml
Iuu mm up mm mp >p.-u:iwms .. n:q|nml by m cumuumnn cmum
m (h: cnnsmlmon arm: commie floor“
Per-gakuan Iiabimi oleh Plaimif aan IM-ndan Kudu: bug! kos
pemhohan a. pombinaan ssmuli bangunln
[221 KVausa I0 1 aasam Komrak hevsebm menyalakan sspem benkul.
M 1 osucmous 0: ms cowrmcran
me cmmaam mu
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
up mmmm. comma, mr and wmmn-srm me won; in amxvalme m we
nupenam me mm m a proper mm: and m acnardalvce wan good
manaqsmsnl puma am: In on besl -anrvrngo arm Govemmeu
4:; ma nlllnmwmn mm: txpodidall umtnaorpvnwvme wmlv want:
ta um um the ma; gummy mm the rwuaemenb m the comm
my mom mo mm and as-zwalge nu anmms is tonfimedm Ems ca»rm.1
by sxvclsmg pwlassoonll magma»! am prams, Isqmm sms, cm and
mum /n poflumlmy rm Wants, the Conmcmrxnll pruwda mu mm.“
uwrdfrvamofl nun:-zm
owgaunya bum manmankun ken:-Kane bag: Prqek Ianebul mangwux
of Ialah gngal. anguan danlavan ingklr unluk melaksanakan
mrma yang umyavakan dalam Kamrak lerubm akvhal kegagalan Plavml
mammm grad konkm yang amecapksn semnggi menyebahlmn bangunan
tenebul mak mama: unluk dduduki dan membanayakan keselamaun
on-n nu Dafundan Panama herpaku mengaauman mm bcgi karjvkeria
perabohln dan pembmaan semma
[241 Deiendan Panama halah mamaklumkan kepada Plainlif me|a\uI sum
Deraman Penamu benunxh 15122011 menqanll unluk mn-n unmk
metubuhkan bangunun xamnut aklbal kagaglbn P\amM mengamukakan
oaaangan pembakan slruktuv per-vadavran bag: Kompwks Budaya Km
m wmnmyocymvsruanuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: dnuamnl VI mum pom!
Melaka selepas Lima! tempoh lawman pada 2112011 yang mana wanyz
‘uga aaalan suslu pelanggaran Krausa 51(d)koImak Izersebul.
[25] Ms\a|m surat Iersehut, Defendan Penama telan mengelnarkan emban-
arahan benkul secara jelas kepada Plamnf‘
1 Kranangan Mnmysa man mmwm bamwa semua ho: yang mm:
bemamn mum. muronoh an mvmbma aemula Dangunan recsenut adalsn m
bawan tanggungan sepanurmy. alslv pm man mm: Karmakml seas
Pemnavny MM Sun and subuwu parlmflmg sml 5 mm: yang ananux
s-nag-»muu plhlk mn us-I malwm 3191/: mm narkniun mnnganllnya
--mm datum penomnm max mm M mmm Mnysu ml m-mm
wpaya pm-sktuan bemubunasacanlsm: dongunpvlv-K P-mmymumusqn am:
dam mennwnuman caaangan navyensam bemunung ms ywnv vwrmar Dan
paual pemncangan Ker/a meroban um membmc serum! Dwgwlln lemebu!
dalam Iempun amnnr mm 114; mu um mm mm! »u
5 mam diegaskan bahawa denaa lmlswalarv sebanyak mmzes selvan
telalv pun burkuatkuasa UM pm mom: om. pmk man bemmla darl v Oqm
2:711 semnma ram nang-man teuvbatumapkuv mongtklnsvuoflusryarrg rem
mtapxan sepem sum mm yang pomah dukemavkan sebelum rm
[25] Selsvusnya‘ Defendan Penama mengesankan bahzwa Deisndan
Penama ;uga \erah mernberikan arahan ksaaaa Devenaan Kedua me4aIuv
swat Defienoan Panama bervankn 15.12.2011 sepem berikul
2 Bemubanp surll nun unamm 1n Narvurvbev 2am, Kralfanwan Malays»:
dengan mr mengoranksn mm pmlk man seb-agar pemndmg sun! can
slruktulylr-9 drlarmk mran berranggunaan sepenulmya Iamadap semul has
sm Mamyoomvsmmm
«mm. smm .. U... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
ommn m-moon u-n mcmbmn mum bangwvln (mm: dr mm 3092/:
human mengenamya mun dz/pm pengerahuan pnhak man manangan
Many“ new man om-rwwnvun um. uklft kl ms urnu No: my
recon; dan Dthak man ma bevlanggunmawab untuk menanggmvg kerugnan
pmlk mrmgnn Mnaysm m seuanpng man
4 Krlnlngnn Mnlaysra ma mgm memsgasoan nahawa pmax man Ineodamh
Dsmmsan secara tems uengan plhax komlaknzl bemubunq penyelesaan km
cum menmnnan nqu.-na mmnan din memblna semula bangunan
mubul Schubunulrv 1u,p4"“r K/lhnwn Mdnysu dvngllmlmumulmun
max man mswtmuhakan nemnnm puma»-un swml/I yam: felon
drsankan. peogesanan penyehaan kenaauena dr Iapak men kaana tapak dan
cadangan penyelesanan berxanan M25 metoboh aan nmmna sanma
nangunnn Ieqsenm dalam telnpdh emp-at Dela: ml nan den rank» sum! m.
121) Selarusnyu, Mahkamah juga menaaoaa bahawa Plamm
semamangnya belah membual pengakuan secava ;e!as kepada Defervdan
Panama yang mana Plamm sendin benanggungan sepenuhnya Izerhadap
kagagalan Plaxrmfmemamhi grea konkrityang lelah dmetapkan o\eh Komrak
tenebul melsmw dokumsndukumen berikm
a) SuratPLa1nlfl kepads Dsfsndsn Panama benankh 19 01.2012
2 Dung.-an [ass bark man, says mym memohon lanllnan mesa
kedua (2) sslams lspan (5) aulan :2: am: xsbab ksgagalsn
rekabsnluk xtrukmrbsngunan komplsks flan Ksgagalan pmduk
konm yang I/dak menepalr grad konknl yang dfhmendah
sm wmnmyflcymvsrumuuma
«mm. Snr1|\nanhnrwH\I>e U... m may n. mmun -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
D) sum|P1airmvkepada Defandan Panama banankn19 01 2012
2 Donqamasa bunk man, says imzin mmzsmuknkan uwmwnkos
ker;a4<aqa msmooh dan membma semula strukrur aansunan
komplsks ssnsrfi blltirzin dr bawnlt im
W Kslarangnn Korja 7:./3745!: Kn: (Rm ‘
n Koskeqa rnembun ‘4o,9sam
1 ‘
\2 Km mlmbml semuh m'uklur;445.5499D
l bsnvunafl Irsknbanluk mm)
Perundmy Am Sdn EM
\ Jhmran’ Kas lifinnmg mm 45649990
Kas slmklur mm 51,175.29
./umrsn Kns d/Inngqung men 11,175.29
Zulkarum BM Abdul Mdifid
Iufian'I?e‘seIwur-Er? Kos Keqa so7To7'519
‘.MsmboII aan Mambma Semma
‘ smmr Bangunan Komprsks
(231 salurqumya, Mahkamah jug: msndapali bahawu Duanaan Ksdua
mm memnemn pangnkuan kepldu neaa-man Pammn memui tutu!
mevak: bsnankh 2912,2011 berhuhung pemlncangan dl anlara Plamm dan
sm mmmyuoymvsuamm
m. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e .4... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
neaeman Kodui was 26 I2 2011 di mam Defendin Kedua Isiah
membenkan pangakuan unmk P\aInM uan bemoan Kedua mengambu
(Inggunmawab seem bersama nugx menanggung kos berkanan kaqa-kena
memboh am membma uemulu bangunan Inrsebul betdaszmtan kanaungan
sum Delendan Kedua Ielsebulsepem benkul
2 Adalah mmlklumkan banaws pmak karm Gan pmak Zulkamam Em
Abdul MHiI'd(kovIIrak?0I) lslsn mengsdakan pemrncangan bemubung
pamara rsrssbur m abs pads 25m: Drssmber 24:21 den pads
dasamyi mhak mm akan rnsngambfl langgung/awab urmlk
menanggung kos hsrkarvsn Ksrya4<e/1.! mernaoh flan membma
semula bangunarv wrsebutbersama pfhak lmnrraktm
[291 Kegagalaa Plalnhf memaluhl gm «om: dalam kcnhk omen-u
Va» mum kemllan um pelanggmn mm komrak yang nn man...
den Plainnl din Plalnm mu peman menaflkan mengenal Plambfif
benanggungan lemadm kos pembohan nan panbmaan ssmula bangunan
huebul dl mm tiny: mum dallm pengelahuan Pram DI dalim Wong
Hon Lsong David V Norazman Bin Adnsn H995] CVMLJ253 d1 rnana
Mahkamuh Rayunn wan memuluslrarl sepem mm
"Afiar nu, Ihc appellant hm mum m {spend to |hc lcucr M17 Deszmber
1991 Irma: had mm bean an :|y!rrn=nl as amgm, 1! .; msonme to
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
expea . pmmpk nnd wgm-om demal Em, .. wc lmvc pointed um, um wav
no response whalsoewr fmm me appellmu"
Tindalan plainlil munmmlkakan umumn kos moroboh a. mnmhlna
wnula bangunin ummp dmndln mum. an-m kndnn plaimil
mun nmugmnul llnhlllll pmmu nu kogngalamvyn mu-mum grad
konkdl adalah berslm mala mu.
rm] Adalah Mas bahawa never-dau Panama cam. mangamukskan
xaumnman bayaran hag: Pram mu-aux kepada Plamm sepem yang
dmyalakandlal M Pemenksaan Bah): Saks! Ddendan Panama‘ Tuln Hap
Sanusl ole» pegulmcara Pllmhlplda 19 5 2023
PF Adakah plainlildibayer unruk knnb-«sun dllnkukan nu ys sslunggs
15 v2 2011 spam/a drarahkan unluk keqa-haria meruwv dart
msmmna semula7
502 Die telah cabayar Inenqvkuv progress sampar mnkn yang mans
banqunan m nsrpma dnmbohksn
PF Tap! soa/an says mam Pmrnm dmsyar unluk Rena-ixeqa
memboh den memnma semu/a
snz Unluk membon dan membma kos nu aua/an -manggung om
P/amnlaan Delendan Kedua tsk 5-Hap says Penmdmg Andra
m wmmmyflcymvsmznnuma
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
PF .1561 scalar: says adakah pm-ran ;m347,a1o a7 yang dlpolalvg
mm fumlah fm yang Ia/ah rfbelan/akan men pramnr unmk
membon dan msmbma semum oangumw
soz. fidak. Im ada/ah kekurangan danpada skop ass! konbak ya
pelarasan unluk xkop ass! konrrak
PF‘ Say: tamskun ks pomnggan A ya polongan unfuk kacacalan
RMWEJ60‘ rooonymasuan jumlun In!
502 Itecacsfan
PF lm bahagun A 3 ow, ba/ah/elnskan nu kscacalan spa
502 Fomngm Ianhkan pllvak ksoga Mg/ kegs memmm kacacan-n
oaram pmjek in: ma Ink terminals me who» mmacz tap] ads
koI]u~kar_ya yang mane ma defects lap! Kenn-aklornuk datangjsdi
ma plnggr! mud puny pmak kahgn unmk ma/aksamakan
kscacaixn Mm parkarn ml rsrpnksa back charge kspadn
[31] Plallllfl Ialan memullkan nmmlan tamadap Debndan Panama
walaupun Plalmif sendm Ietah mempunyal pengemahuan banawa kns
meloboh den memhma semul: bangunin oersehul psrlu dvlanwung oleh
Plamfl undwn dun Defender! Kadnu mulakli sum! Delendan Panama
henankh 15 12.2w.
pa mmaksn Pvamm unluk memmm kos meroboh dan munbma semula
hangunan semula dan Defendan Panama dalam keadaan Maine! lehah
m wmnmyocymvsruanuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e HIGH m M», .. mm., mm: dnuamnl VI mum pom!
mangoiahuu dan mengakui nan Plainrii din Defandan Kedua bag! hos
«mm: mm mm-1 jahax, menyullhxln um menyulahgunulun pmszs
Mamamah. D: aauam kes lndah Desa Sau/ana Caip sm am & 015 v.
James Foovrg Clveflsl «Iuen. Judge. Hm" com Malaya R009] 2 MLJ 11 av
mans pihlk Mahkumnh Rmm lalah munollk ruyuln dengln K05 mu
menynvakm aepam hankul
“[82] Me caugam afabvue 0/ pmclsx of IF»: wurt are vrver C/wed and
mIr«mm1ypmIumu pnrruunl 1.; the Inynad nfulkwnsuznwl nvurlulllt
/run. 1». /actual rmlnvfonmi m euchpamcwlar L-me,
/33; In oaoml Pun & Parmcn (wing 42: afirml v Wu Chang 1... [I was]
mm 3 71 3x4 nu S/ngupurc mm nfflzpml txplmrml «mu xzxqm 0] my
mom oflhe pmm. 9/ the cow! - under my mum» uhwh .3 m pan
nmlzrm wuh uurx Th: Inn has am given a we wtrprttalmrt vy me
mum mx mcludcs mrmdcmlumx arm public palm)’ ard ow mtrrul uf
/mum It rum;/is: Ihav the pmcrx: aflhe mun mm! be Iuudbomfide and
prwprrly ovndnusl ml H Ivhmrd Drv Imfzrlx »,w. .4 mg dxfiwl/mu have
mtublulzdan mm a/vhe praccn qflhe mull‘
m wmwxnyfioymvsuouumu
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrw\HI>e HIQG w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Keuga paaa 15102016 minikala Plamxii man menank balik umunan
remaoap Defendan Keempat
rs] Merujuk kepma term:-lemma kanuak an flllam prwak Imsehux. Idilan
ms hahnwe kaodnn perulehln 1-Procursmsm komrak mxaru «man
n:d|s1{“tI3dn‘;una/method? dimana F\aInI|1 seoega» Kormaktor mama te1an
dvlarmk unluk keqa-keqa pembinaan msnakala wenuan Kedua yang
ounnm obh Dshndan Panama auaxan Km5u\Ian kqurucman yang
bensnggungiawab unmk vekabemuk (“Dos:gn’) dalam pmpx Inrsebul
rn Bangnnun herusbul yang smng dibvna om. Plnlnlfl mar. diarihkan
duvobohkan oveh Dchndan Panama dln peflu fliblnl “mull ah: nullul
Devanuan Kedua uruna bangunan Iernebul nnak selamnl unluk dniuaukl
dan agunmn pm man lsrsabul.
m Benkul rnempakan dokumemdckumen yang man
sapamang Demxcaraan mi kes mi
1' No. Doi(umon—DokInrwn Tandaan
1 1 «km. Pnavna A J
uni, _ _ T
1 2 {man Dukuman Bars-nu (Bunagmn A) 5 1
m w¢\RKmy11GymPsm3nwIa
mm. s.n.1...m.m111... U... m may .. mn.11-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF1uNa M1
hujumllhtuntman kos arahan mu-anon A mmmna wmula bangunln
Dhh pllinlif ldlllh I|flIk Ionlhhn dlll ulah glgll flbukflkln olnh
[33] Mahkarnah mendanan bahima Plamlit gngal menyavakan dengan
jelas dan secara kvnsisten bay Jumlah mnlutan dalam hndalcan ini Jnmhh
(unfutan yang dxkernukakan aleh Piaxrmf mengena: has ken:-keqa aramm
meroboh nan msmbml samma bangunln «mew: sepsm benkut
1 sum Pmnm kapafla Defanaln Panaml S67.575.Ii
pzemnkn :9 0120121644!)
um Flamm Kepada asns Conslmcuon 510,153 63
lconsuuam benankh is 3 201316261) ‘
3 ;sum Pumm xepaaa osns Cnnslrucnun 525,193 6:
‘ consumam benarikh 22 7 2014 (am)
3 sum Puma! kepudn Defendan Fenalru 915,166 as
Vbenamn 20.10.2014 4E-22) ‘
sm Mamyoomvsmmm
m. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e .4... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
:1 }§n§ F’\aIrm‘l Ripm Defsndan Panama|4|1‘45939
%bemankh 51:: 2015 (S-278)
‘4 ‘ Non‘: T|ml|flIlI PCIIHIN kapadl Dafandln 540859 KID
"PemImI hqmnkh cs axons (9239)
5 H-huahan aenuns Plsmlfl benankh 33559679
\ \
[:41 Bemasarkan dd<uman-dekuman yung flinyalakln an aim, Mankamah
mam-an nun-wu Plnmhf an -epanmq mm ylnu mllenul ealnn gagnl
unmk mengamukakan dokumen bagi membuktlkin mnumm Puanmr
(erhadap Delenaan ?enama dalam undakan ml walwpun wnys Isiah
ammra oleh Defiendan Panama melalm sural peguamcara oevenaan
Panama nenamm «snow Di dllam kes Hssraf Idaman sun and v
Msrsmg Connrucnan Sdn and 12421511 IMLJ464 dl mm Muhlumah I-rw
lehh menolak Iuntulan Puamm dun memumsm sepem benknt:
‘my Ihe crmrl aprev mm the nkfimiznv nu ma plum/I17 «Wear; 1.; be
ad/umng rlxfigwex m the dmrn pmceedr In fact, mg caunflmhev to my
um /heplamnfi": chum u wnplynnl mpporml n :1 mm one I:/jurluddmg
"Tn Ahe rvurrsber: m a 51a.-my work done. mm Ihe pmwwm -my a mu
I‘/mm a/‘ova M19». 1.» .. mm .1 ».m1m..,m:mundnM7.,., mm m mmt
mam uumumimg I11: Flamnfl mul pmvc, arrdpmvc urn-II} me detailed
m wmnmyfloymvsruzmuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
man up aflbe clam: In this mam the mmfinq, [he evrdence wmlr ma.
(1.! m nndemme the plamnm clam:
sama ad: phinlif hulnh mnggunapanui kuausau konlrak louahm
[:5] Di dalaru kss ml adalah pelas herbukn bahiwa Plammenn menguamn
mengmll mnan Derendln Psruml mg. pumbohnn am pembmaln
semuia banguuan Iersebul mslalm sum oeaenuan Panama henamm
5.10 mm adalah dvsebabkan oleh kegaganan Plaum sendm nnluk
memmum grad konkm yang amaupkan dam Kontrnk mmsom yam aural
Delendan Panama nenam. cs 12 um yang mkemukakan kepada Flamul
Ila: lwgagalan Plamm sendiri umuk mengsmukakan cadsngan pembalkan
mukmr bangunan pemadbnran bag: Kompleks Budiyz Krav Mauaka selepas
tzmanempoh Ianiuvan masa pads 211 2011
[as] Mahkamah ml meruiuk kepaaa Pemyaizan Saks: Defsrwlan Panama
Tuan Hap Sinus: (PSSD2) yang menyalakan sepsm berikut
S29 Boieh Elvcrk sankan kspada Mahkamah Dag: rlmlurun-tunruan
FlaMr:/Dagrperbe/an/aalv-peme/aryaan /am sepem my as/am muka
sum 1 sanmgga 355 Vkalan Dakumen Pramm Deg: belsma gm
he/M15 am dmv pe(!2.3ga1 rm bolen sncvk sahkan Impede
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Mahkamah adakah Deferrdan Panama hams benanggungan bagi
Kn:-kos teuebuw
J19 saya meneyaskan bahawa Defends Psrlsma lfdak benanqgungzin
same sekala temadap kos4~0$ yang drlurmn oleh P/ainziv m
cakumen make aura! v sel.-mgga 385 Ixaran Tambahan Plslnbf
Sayaiuga pema ya ballawa Plainmjuga mempunym Binqelahuun
mengenamys dare pevkelx an ;uga Ielah drperselu/u: an aaram
Kontmk ninaan Iersebuf sapem an Klausa A3 a dam Krausa 44 0
Kamm msemn
saya mengesankan bahawa K/ausa 43 0 dan Krausa 44 a Isiah
denyan [alas menyalakan sepsm osnm
clause 43 0- may and Extsnsoon a! Time
Upon 1: becammg reasnnably sunarem ma: me prowess al the
Wbrkxs dsmyed, ms COVIWBCIDV snail folwvlh mvsn Wnllen nozme
Iv the offinsr named m Appendor as to the causes oIn1e)ay and
relevant: mrmnarmn wnh suppamng documents enablmy me
sad 077106! to /Ill"! an opmron B: to me cause and calculation DI
one rengm nme/ay mu me opinion om-e saidofiaermsmsd m
the Appendix ms oompletron om. Wants /5 likely to be delayed
mhas been delayed beyond me can mam Compbtron slarsdm
Apuedvx omeyona anyexxenoea Dale for compmmn prsvtousry
fixed under ms Clause am an any a! more 1:! me Iolmwing
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
(a) Force majsurs ns pnmasa nnam/am 51
m Exceplfonallyrlmemenl wsamer,
(9; Suspension a/Work anus: clause 50.
rd; Dtrscfiofl Qiven bylha s o, mnssvuennal upon dfsnum mm
nerghboulmg wmel pmwded the same rs not due to any act
negligence or warm or ms connaaor or snnoanzmcmn
nommamd or olnelwrse;
(2) S 0‘: mstrucuon Issued under clause 5 nmov, PROV/DED
ALWA vs YNAT sncn mstmctmn are no! issue due to any act,
n99/Igenm‘ deluu/I or much a! nus Contract by the
Canlramor at my sub-conmzclal, nommmed orornorwua:
Klause 44.0-Claims lar Loss and Expenses
u 1 if at any Irma owing the regular pmqrisx or me Works at any
parfthsroofhas neen n-arnna/ry sfioclsd by reasonoldelays as slated
W697 CVHUW 43 1 (CH5) (2). (T) and (I7, and (he Contractor has
mcuned mrect loss and/or expense neyund mar reasoname
contynplatsd and /0! which [he Contractor would not be rambursed
bye naymentmade underanyothgylplvvfsron in this Contract. xnen me
canmzo: shall wnn Imny ran) days oune occurrence ofsucn even!
at clmumslanoes oi /Instructions give name in wvmng to me 5 0 of his
mlenlmn to claim /0! such dwecl loss or expand together wllh an
m wuelwkmyflcymvsmanwla
mm. s.nn lunhnrwm .. U... m may he mmun -mm: dnuamnl VI muNa Wm!
estimate om: smourtl ofsuch toss and/ovexpsrtse subject to Clause
44 2 nereot
44 2 As soon as ts pmcttcante out not tater than nmery (wt days ansr
practical eamptsrmn ol ms Works, ma Contractor stutt st/Dm/I Iutt
pamcmal of an claims In! attect loss or expense under clause 44 1
Iogséher mm all sutzporrmg dvcumanlst vouclwrs, exptanattons and
nalcuhsttorts wmcn may be necessary to enable me dtrscl lass or
sxnsrlse to be ascwtatned by me s 0 my amount atsuch dtrscl loss
or expenses ascenatnad by me 5 0 snatt tze added tu me cumract
44 3 time Conlraclorlhtls lo comp/y mm mm 4-: tam: 44.2, ha shall
not be amntsd to such claim and me suwmmom snatt be dtscrtatge
mm .3" Vtabillly tn comectmn wtttt me ctatm
Dish mt, bentasarkan klausa-Hausa int says mangesahkan oanawa
tdausa 44 o udak terpakat kepsaa Ptatnttt memandangkan atattan
merooah flan membtna semuta yang dnxeluavkan dsh Dsfsrtdan
Panama Iwsobul slabs! daripndo kacuntan Plmrml mam atau
pemhoka! konknt pmek P/5/nltlsendlrl
tan semmungan dengan mu. Mahkamah VII herpendapal bahiwa
ksgagalan Ptatnut lersebut adalah sualu Delanggaran Velma Konlmk
tersetm sepemmana yang dinyalakan dalarn Klaus’-1 43 (e) yang tetan
m wu:\RKmyGGymPGm)mtMa
mm. amt .. U... m may t... mm-y -mm: mm. VI mum Wm!
menyebsbkan Plavml man herhalang dan mengguna pakai muse 44
[38] DI sampung nu. Mahkamah mendapafi bahlrwa Pnnanm jug: telan
dmaklumkan sarzara )9 I IIIBIEIIII Iural Defender: Fammn hanankh
15.12 2013 bahawa semua kas yang lembal bemanvan kerga4<er;a meroboh
dan memhma samula nangunan tersebul adalan dvlanggung segenuhnya
oleh Plamlfl sebagaw Kunttaktor den Perunmng Am Sdn Ehd sebagal
perundmg swll dun slmkluv yang uinanuk sens ma: kalewalan yang psriu
fllbnyav alah F‘! M aanlah seblnylk RM442 E5 sehnn lahlh pun
berkualkuasa dan penu dibayarweh Plainm hermula den 1 5 zen
lsu bovhubung pongtmaan donda max (um)
[39] mnlen memadi «am yang man diperfikalkan bahlwa ke\ewaVan
Flamnlmanylapknn hlngunan xemzm mun manyablbkm Dendl Glnnrugr
Tenemu (LAD) dnkenakan Namun Denda Ganumg: Tenemu sebanyak
RMa2,w as tersehul dlkenskan akmm aamaaua kegagman P\aInM
menyupkan ken: pans akhir lzemnoh Varunmn mm yang Isllh dlbenilkan
am 0905 mm sapemmana yang dmynrakan pads Parakuan Kama max
sap banankh arm Ogos 2012 Minkamah marqux kavada Pamyutaan
m Mnmyoomvsnanwa
mm. smm lunhnrwm .. U... m may he nrW\ruU|y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Saks: necenuan Panama Tuan Ha)? Sanusr (pssnzp yang membenkan
keleraugan sepem berikul.
szsv sarsh Enctk lararlgkan kepada Mankamah adakah Plamhf man
dmsnskan Dsnda Ganmug: Tenemu sebsnyak {LAD} RM
52,441 as aktbal danpada amhan membnn clan membma semula
slruklurbangunm msamm
425' Trdak segi amhan merobon dun rnombina semma smmur
blnyunan ulnma yang naak manmkul spewkm sepemmlna dr
dalam konmak, Pvarnnv Isiah mbamn ‘extension 0! mm’ wpsm
yang Isiah drmaklumkan m da/um Pmmn Kellmbaran mm
Larqman Mesa No 01 nenamm mm: Mmzavzmmm sum! 139-
m and J Dakumen Tamoehm Dolandsn Panama, mm or para
2, /an/ulnn mase scram; zva new team dyborikan bag! fu/um
Pslubahan dun Pambmaalv sem-ua Bangunan ssluma 213 hum‘
flan Praumuuga dmenkan mum mm nagv sanamsmn lam
supsm yang mm dmyaulkan m‘ datum Perakuun [menu], :11‘
mane]:/mlah kuammnan adalan sebenyak :59 Ivan
Denda Ganrimgv Temmlu sebsnyak (LAD) RMs2,«1 55
mkenakar amber darlnada kegsgalan Piaiiml menytapkan ksria
pads akhvr tempoh Ianman mesa yang zeran amenarkan am;
0905 21:12 sepemmane yang dlnyalakan pads Palskuan Ksqs
Tank Slap bsdankh am: 0905 2012
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Vumuvau Plainuimmadap Doiumian Kudua.
[401 Msllklmah rnondanafi bahwa nadn NM kanxnak di mars Phairmdan
Denman Kedul ax mans Defendan Kadua rem duanhk aleh Defendln
Penama sebaga: konsultan -mtux pmjek Iersebm men kerana nada ape—
Ina komrik dIbuaId> inliva Plaimrvdan Dwfendan Keane, mikl Plaunmmtak
mm membawa I-ndakan um larhadap Dslondan Kodua
[41] Plamm tidnk merrlplidkan sebmng mmman di bawin undang-undung
Tan c-mmp nevenaan Kedua. Plalnhf an an-m pemenksnan balasnya
menynlakan hahawa Dsiendun Kadua yang man melskukan kenuanan
semasa Deveman Kedua reka bermlk swktur hangunan harssbnl Namun
memandmgkm mm pm: at: kumrax an anura Flaurmf darl Devana n
Kedua Plalnrn naak bolen belglnlung kepada pvlnslp esloppel unhuk
mangalakan bahawa Defendan Kedua pnw kspada konlmk untuk memblna
bangunan Izersebul D: dalam Kes Eausfaad Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd v
Dynalurcv covpovuuon smn BM [2014] 5 cu 533 VA Abdul Mahk max
JCA menyuvakan “pen. benkm
"[611 we Iiw n clcnr A person win» a; not a pan» to . mam: pm. In rim
V,-sur an aronlmcl [see Kepor-g Pmsyecung mm on V Crhvmdr [men 1
l/NSo7,[l°(>8] 1 ML] 1m,r('.n9c7]z1>cc ass, PC, and 5 2w) qr
me kun|rsA:L5 Act wsn, (lvems Chmmc Hankmg Lbvpurlllon Ltd » W00
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Hxng Bmtlms (M) Sdn and [I992] 2 cu Iaso, [M2] 2 ML! Im, HC, nmd
Badtnddsn Muhd Muludm 5: Amy v mu Mnlnrysvan Fmancc and [1993] 2
cu 75; [I993] I ML] 393, PC)
[M] Section zmv of me cmnmu Acx Inso pnvvinlu ma
ounldemllvn fvrapmmw: may Imw: (mm lhcpronusrctwany olhrr
pmy II cmnol be denied mu -he scope arm: soclmn Is wvdcr than
ma Enghm mlc mt mum consuiznllnn In move Iimn um
p1DVl\V\CC(W€ me «pm». «rum Wflberfiumc III Kcpong Pntsprcnng
Llcl .2 On v Schmidt Iwpm ll p m nffln MU Ivpamnm II I! n
cornea pmpnslrmn mm W sly mu in Malaysia. |lI-: Imam nf
pwwlw IS confimd Ia ||\e mle um «My a puny In a uuntnd may sue
on EA
[551 The cm n|"l\ucddl: v Atkinson [Ixsu I B a s M. II 107,
In ER 751 at 753 to 764. mega lhr mm: a|'pnvIIy In Ils pvesrnr
form The M: m um casmay be :4.-rd mum wmm Twaddle wnc
zngagni In Guy’: daughlzr Tn pmwde can win: young couple my
(Imfimnnfige, (‘my and Twedd|e‘sfxl’Iscr by :IImmnn..Im_ agreed
bawezn them ma mu would pay W|IlIlflI 1\-mddle nun II In:
(mu lg-med Ihm Wtllnm Iweddlc couldsnc rm mcsasulns When
In dud Guy um mu um pmd me pmnm: sum mm wIII..m
Imam Kllcll In.» cxucumr, Alkxnmn. for Ibc money
Iss1 Mohlmrd Dzmddm J Llnm me Chltfhlilioc) rigluly 5...: in
Fxma Palmbvulk semm Sdn Bhd v Sumhmjnyu Pclabuhm Pulau
Plnangdc /\IIrvr[|V!3] I cum‘ [Ian] lCLJ(Rzp)514,[l9X8] I
m w¢IRKI1yI1GymPGm:InwIa
mm. Sum .. HIQG In may he mm-I mum: flnuamnl VI nF\|.ING v-max
7130‘ ‘bouumrfuonwmoif ' Tandlan
3 ilkalnn Dokumen Bersama (Eahagmn A) c
Dokuman Bersama (Bahaqwan A)‘ D
ookumén ae-sama (?Iat?afin’B): E
Dukumln Bsvuml (Banyan 3;‘ 7
7 lkllan Ookuman aeussma (Banagan 5;‘ G
Ikuun Dokuman Earsarna 1Bahugran E)
[9] Pad: mas: oerbcanan‘ no-an Ptamauelan memanggil dun (2) many
sakn Filmhf bag: membenkan kenarangan den kahrangan nku Plalmif
blah divekodkan sepem benkm
sm mmmyuoymvsuamm
m. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e .4... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
ML! 259 mp 537 (cu) [1 2n (ML!) mm, “It |.\ um mm H): English
aoarme ofpnvlly ofmnlnd Ipvpllrs m our law ufczxnlncl"
um The duc1nIu:u|'vm1Iy u|‘cnull:u1Is here 1054:!) In Murphy And
Others v Buwzr [ms] 2 mm. 506, :11: mm calcgurically sum
um. mu firangcr to ux uunsldcrahon ran an advantage cf 3
oonlncl, alwmgs. nude forlus bmcfll" Blunlly pm. um, Ihz panic:
|a ma uwmacl um znfmwablt ngllls and ohltgmons under mg
rm A: an eshhlxshcd pnnctulc ofennlnct Im an uvmrmn lnw
doctrine nfpnvuy nfocnlrsm slums cm vlu: nmple pm|h(I(I0n Ilul,
“nu unc Inn um pnmws 113 . mvmncl an be bound by n umnulca
um: .1" lfircwlwlmd Shnnurlg Mun Luruilcd v Ilnbcn Wn|.kn:r
Benn: and Roy V1m:¢mPeIIIpu[|9l0]Z sckzza, llp 229) --
[42] Vsu pnw aemsaap kontrak1uga|e\ah tflbangkilkan m dalarn Kss Tan
Poly Yes v Tun Boon man 5 0merAppsa/:[2D17] 3 cu see YA Imus
Hamn JCA (as he was then) Igluh menyalaklrr
“IIHI 'l"n.e fimdlrnznlnl principle of lnw on m pmm hm becn
\x\n:m|Ily fullawed ma ltpvzlcd by our calms am only a pally to a
canine: cm sue M n ma only me pm.“ In . conlrnu have
enfmwlhlc nun: ma uhltylvnns under «um uaulrul We‘ may
calcgtvrically sum, .. an cxtcvlulm a. blur. prim:I'pV: man no manger
m we cnnslflsrnllnn can an advmuge of: banana. nlrhough mm
for has bcnzfil We mu nu mu mgani mm m lb: cm: nflinusxnd
m wmnmyfloymvsruzmuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
um: Shipyard say. Bhd v |)ynnl'<vme cmmmm. Mn mm [2014]
5 cu 5 120151 I ML! 2x4 whrmn Abdul Ma||.k lshak JCA
handing down mg pmgmn ofmis court said at pp swam ‘cup,
pp 307 nu ma (MLJV
[an Selamulnya av dalam kes Dalo’ Mohamed Shawl Hamued mm: No
saa12s—ow;m) v Dalm Mull: Osman [mu] 1 ms 1437 VA Gunalan
Mumsndy JCA eeaan menyalakan xepem benkut
-{en mm: W: conclude. we must mass mm we luv: Ilnllusl guy“
of mm mm prlnciple on me xppnunm nflhc dncmnc nfpnvng. of
wnlrsck unfler which um um; cslzlshshcd ml: .. mat wily pamrs In
a mum mcuv nghls pm ahlugalwns under 1: Rckmme need muly
be mm: m the case M Roman Narvxl smpyam Sdn arm v
Dynaflmae Cnrpurmion sap and [mu] 5 an in when use Court
pr/«ppm mm dun ma mu ‘As an csubluhed pnncxplc alumna
law, me nommnn law dnclnn: of prhily of mnlnm sand: for ma
slrnpk: yr0ptm|Lon um. "nu um um Ibo pulls up a comma up be
hound by n or mum um 1" (Kirecnwood Slxrppmg Plan Lumen
v mm Walkfl amp» nu! Roy Vmoml Pelllpn [mu] 2 sck
221, u p 229 "
[u] Keskes yang amuk dx mas rnenuruukkan bahawl Phlnllhtdak bolah
mamum tuntulln a. man knnlrlk mmmp Defendln Kodua walauwn
Plamm mun menenml mean?! an keunlungun (‘benefit’) dlllpl - kamrlk
lersebul m ms pea-ermn yang man mereka sempummn
m wmnmyfloymvsruzmuma
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w my p. mm-y mum: flnuamnl VI murwa Wm!
[sq Seterusrvya Plainrinelan gagal unluk membuknkan hanawa Derendan
Kedua mempunyal Ianggungjamab di bawah komlak an amara Plalnhf dan
Deisman Panama
[46] Bemasarkan kepada alasanalasan yang dlnyaukan ax am sens
belvanduknn hwahln yang dkernukakln nlen Deiendarmafundnn‘
Mahklmlh menaapam dun memumskan hahawa alas imbangan
mmangkauan Flamnl Ielah gagfl umuk mammumn ken flan kausa
Imdakan ammo Deflandan-dslendan sepem yang oelah dmyatakan m
dalam kas G)ove Kendall Limited &AnorV Maple Challenge Sdn EM a 0:5
Andofl-:9! omer sums [2013] ML.|lI1452,d\mana M-nkam-n mam mannlak
mnunan Pnamm knraua Plamm max bsqaya membukfikan has Phmlii
mampunyal pembuklmn an am bebsn Iumarangman upnbnla nuku
ketermgan Plamnl mu msokong sepem benkut
"[445] Bascd on um mans mm mm, the (‘min mncluded as follows‘
an The plaintiffs hnvc faxled m pm: mm mm, on :5 mum» of
m, «yum all m: defemlmm m mmy of mm axvcgnuums,
cnnlzmlons and/or accuszhons are In: pmdnms ofsclfvwrung ,mm-ems
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
nddl=du||h|»cnmsv=nc1z<znd crvnmadlcnmls. mm. mmalnnmxulnlznnakd
md uncawoboralvd."
[47] Dengzn yang demlkian‘ Mahkamnh memuluskan bnhuwx tunfulan
pwamm mmuanp Defundan-defsndan dhnlak dengan kos lelap menglkul
aenamm peas 4 H5 JANUARI 2024
Hakim Sesyen
Mahkamah Sesyen 2
Negen Melaka
aagx pmak Plamm
En Sandrasegaran all Kannlappen
Veman way, Bernard & Cheung
80250 Jonur Eahm.
m wmmmyflcymvsmznnuma
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Bag! pmax Deiendan Fenxma
c-k Nov Auah mm» Ch: Hurun nan Cik Marja betsimany:
Temarl Am 5 Assncnalss.
moo Sen Kambangan.
Sehngor Daml Ehsan,
Eagr pmax nevenaan kedna
En Kunasegaran Nadasen
Tehuan Bahanxim, Wan E Kuna
GD-$00 JDIKIY Eahru
5687 words
m wsexmmyficymvsmanuma
mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
No. Kama Saksl Yandaan
V1 smn Yhomn (STA cTmsuInng wssm
‘ Engineers)
4} +7? _
2 yzulkan 3 Ab mm wssI=2
no) Manakile‘ plhak Delendan Panama man mengemukakan arms: (4;
mung nu: Dohndlu Parumn xugi membenkan kenmngan dun
helerangan mu-nxs. Delennln Peruml mahuuexouxan seven: benkul
I VI-damdan BIII Ahmad i PSSD I
2 Sanusl Bin Mom! Vunus PSSD 2
3 Nomlan Em Sslamst l PSSD 3 ‘
T r” ’ I>ssD'4*
[111 DI sampmg nu. pmak nemaan mua mar. msmanggil dua (2) ovang
I|ksIDe1andIu Kedu: bug: memberikm kannng-n den kehrlngan uku-
evanam Kadul man dlrekodkan sepem benkm
m mmmyooymvsuamm
mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
No. ‘Mama Saksl Tandaan
1. Zakana Bln Suboh PSSD 5
Shamsudm Em Abdul Rashni PSSD S
[121 Salalah Muhkamah mendsngiv keterangan saksl-saksi dan
mengambll xnra kzsemua axsmnn yang mean dwkemukakun sen; menelm
huyanan aan kssemu: pmak‘ make an ms wmbangan keharangkahan
Mauk-mah memuxuskan banwa mnfulan plan-m 1e-hadap nefendar-—
flelendan dflnlak dengan kn: [Map menglkul xkaLa
Anhan vurbbohill I pumbinaan ssmula bannunan own deiondan
p-nan-a Idnlih mum kogngal-n plllnlll momnunl gm: konm ymg
am-pkan oleh knnlrlk.
[131 Plalnlil adallh msmplkan knmrakwv yang duannk ulsh Dafandan
Panama bagl pmyax lzersebux :1! mm: Plainlif man berseluju unmk
mamhunlkan Pmjak Iamuum-n msmnumsy-raman lama Denkaulannya
aengan menundalangam Kcnlrak tevseoun sapemmana yang amwwkkan
m wmnmyocymvsrumwuma
mm. smm .. HIGH m vuny .. mm, mm: dnuamnl VI mum pom!
oleh Surat Selupu Tenma mm hagi Konuak Iersebul yang dnandakan
sehagai -94- Termnvlenna yang amyaman ual-m Kunuak museum Idalnh
sehauaimana benkul:
u 2 smwency of Connrncts Documatts
1.; 7». Contra: document: am to be mm as mmuaky snptannnry aim:
anc-(hm rm Conlriaov vs-II mm tworyriung ntetsswy aw me pmpv
encubunume Imzvnsunalvtscompisbonnzcorflmylnlhemumtecvl-rid
malmng at we come: Documsrvs um tugvlller mm.’ the Irv: mtsnt
In-1 murvlrw my urmly not p-mwmv mm m aumuumma Inn
Man .>. ranonably mm mmhum
a 1 mm:-mnon m wmnna
rm Conlrlctov henby Illvnunlx Ind «mum to tho smmmem m-:—
(9: ms Canmaclcansnute .3 wear and and bmdmu oahgarm aim Contractor
and is enlameable m Aceoldanne win its mm andcondmans
w x has mess-vy i»»am~.-a/ Ind zmnna/c-pan-Irry to undonnke m. wens:
Ana m. coma.» acmmeagas Ma Ma Smrsmmem has anrasd mm nus
Contact m raharrn an n: raurzsenllnons and wmlrvlm as alolesard
[M1 Mehlui suramevenuan Penama berwikh 5 10 20:1 yang dilanflakan
sehigal we (selepas mvdlrujuk sebagax 'suraI telsebul“), Deflendan Penama
wan mangenhkan hahaw: Dofandan Panama lalah manalvma makluman
den Pnamm mengenm kewnlsan uuan konkm keen: flan pmak Uruversm
wmmog. Mmaysna gum; yang ananm oleh Flamm‘ sendm memlul sum|
sm mmmyuoymvsuamm
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w my me mmuny mum: flnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Pnamm benarikh 4102011 bwdisalkan puma kskualan konknl adalan
mununz oemanmng gm sapamnya yang anaaapun nlsh Konllak
tarsebul mm 25N/mmz me6alm an lakes! yang mgamm tseiepas mi dlmjuk
sanagai ‘kegagalarv unan konkrix |redua') Defendan Penama Juga
menyxlakan buhawa kepulusan unan knnkrik panama parts was mu yang
mgemdi din rasuk mama yuga man gagar as mama puma keknalan Imnkvil
nulam 14.7N/mrnz nemanaang gm senalumya 2§NIrnm2
1151 Sahubungan nu. Dsfendin Feflxml mun msmaklumkan kepadl
Plalnhl Duhuwa scmkour bangunan Ielsebul yang perm dirobohkan adalah
karmqkl uang, ruuk a-n I-I094 olmcuk minindlngkan kmmun as
samva adalah gagal danpada bekulan grad yang urns (selepas Im uuyuk
xab.agaA‘i1ahIn barIabul“)
nu) Mama: aural herslhul, Defendan Panama yuga man membankan
peluang kepada Pmnm umuk melunlnlquru-ukurpemndnng pravamnaI_ ylng
mana kusnya nenuaman dnanggung o\eh Flamhl, umuk manbevikan
pengasahan kesewamatan bangunan tevsebul kelana Dangunan lersebut
axan dinum blah kamangan Dalsnuan Panama sana palawan flan omng
rImaA yang berumsun dengin Dslandan Panama Dufandun Perlamu juga
Ielah menegaskln banawa keglgahan Pmnlrl aenaga. xumzaxxa: mamamm
m wnelwmnyficymvsmznnuma
‘Nana Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e met! a may a. nrW\n|U|y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa v-ma!
Irahan Delendan Panama sebagai pemwlik bangwlan‘ menyebabkan P annul
adalah benanggungsn xe am segala kas tamhanan
[on Flam telzh gagal unmk mengemukakan cadangan nembavkan
xlrukwv bangunan luvsabul ssbpus unmet nempan raruuxan masu pad:
2 1<.2u1\ an man: Dcfendan Panama balah rnenganhkan Plamnl ma\aluI
suramere-man Penama benankh 15 12 2011unmk memoohkan bangunan
sersabuukmtksnuwsan ksgagnlan Iman konkmbangnman Ievsehuladalah
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beruasaman nasmal plhak pemnmngperundnng yang mlanhk
nu] Di samping nu. nnaakan D66-indan Perhmu mengelulrkan arahan
meroboh dun mernbm: umula bangunan Inrsebur ma . Pw-mm adalan
mm flan new bug! moruiga kmsamanan samu: pmak sapemmana yang
mnyeinkan mam kalerangan MKS: Defsndun Panama, Dr Ir Ramfl Bin
s:5- Balelv Dokuw maklumkslv kspadu Muhkurnalv xebuqai xoorsng
,-murera bemengalaman Dangunan Iersebut yang n-empunyai
kspulusan Esnmals /»—sus Cube Strsngrmsvcs) pads kadsrd:
anlala 7 1N/mm: -2a wmmz dengan ksdelpulara ada/armada
11 1N/mm? adakah ranya wan-at muuauk: acau hams
m Mnmyoomvsmmm
mm. smm .. U... a may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
./15 Pada par-dangan says iiku ouvgunan rsrsebu! mempunym
Esnmare !n—Srte Cube S(rengm(e;cs] pads kadar an amara
HM/mmz »2o 9N/mmz dengan kadar puma adnlah pads
11.m/mm2 Islsh gags! memslum gm konkm yang dttelapkan
olen kunlrak Apab-ta ndak memamm grad kalvlml mm
bangunan (arsenal ada/ah max sslamal drduduk: alas ram:
[19] Seherusnya. semasa Pemenmanaalas Saksi Deaendan Panama, Dr
Ir Ramh Em Nam oleh peguamcara Plamm pada 19 62023 membenkan
irelerangan sspem benkul.
PF Soalan Kaye‘ yang max dlulal type M Iracmre say:
cadangkan mmarvn Iiada vracturs
PSSD4: Du: Insmpunyal rracrum yang mam banyak den sukar
untuk ma nyazakan yang mana oomman da/am sampw tsrxsbut
FF Pads mm sum! 5 [ikalan Dokumen Bslsamu Bahsgvan E
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PSSD4' Yang Am, 25 71 I11 bsrmaksud psmang compressive
fractured yang be-taku Dada samp‘e yang diambrl dam -.>u ads/an
Iraclma yang verydomlnanl aarsm sesualu samplu
PF Dan unxuk «urn-«am yang malt dam/nannlu says tradangkan
memang Vvdalv Deena domrnannrdak berimi serious 1:
PSSD4' Bukan makbempa sermus mm rrvegulaldan agak sukar
unluk my msngukur yang man 531:: rnel-uad1 sebagar mamr
fracture naram sample lerselzuv
m wmmmyflcymvsmznnuma
mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
| 4,563 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
CB-42S-1-02/2022 | PERAYU Sugumaran A/l Govindasamy RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Rayuan jenayah - Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan - Rayuan dibenarkan - Sabitan dan hukuman diketepikan. | 05/01/2024 | YA Tuan Roslan bin Mat Nor | |
Microsoft Word - CB-42S-1-02-2022 Sugumaran Govindasamy v PP - final
(NO. K/P: 900905-14-6535) … PERAYU
[Dalam Perkara Mahkamah Sesyen Di Raub
Dalam Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur
Kes Jenayah No. CC-62RS-01-02/2019
Pendakwa Raya
Sugumaran a/l Govindasamy
(No. K/P: 900905-14-6535)]
05/01/2024 11:12:34
CB-42S-1-02/2022 Kand. 58
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[1] Ini adalah rayuan terhadap keputusan oleh Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen berkaitan dengan sabitan dan hukuman bagi pertuduhan di
bawah seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan. Pada asalnya terdapat tiga
orang Orang Kena Tuduh (OKT) yang dituduh di bawah seksyen 395
Kanun Keseksaan dan salah seorang daripada OKT telahpun
meninggal dunia dan OKT2 telah mengaku salah di akhir kes
pendakwaan. Kini tinggal rayuan oleh OKT3 sahaja iaitu Perayu dalam
kes ini.
[2] Adalah menjadi prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa
hakim yang mendengar rayuan tidak wajar campur tangan dalam
dapatan yang dibuat oleh hakim bicara. Ini adalah disebabkan hakim
yang mendengar perbicaraan tersebut mempunyai peluang untuk
mendengar keterangan saksi-saksi semasa mereka memberikan
keterangan. Ini bermakna hakim bicara berpeluang melihat tingkah laku
saksi-saksi semasa memberikan keterangan. Sebaliknya, Mahkamah
yang mendengar rayuan ini tidak mempunyai keistimewaan
sedemikian. Oleh itu dalam kes ini Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan
ini hanya meneliti kepada nota keterangan, alasan penghakiman dan
eksibit-eksibit yang telah difailkan di dalam Rekod Rayuan sebagai
sandaran kepada keputusan terhadap rayuan ini.
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[3] Mahkamah juga mendapati dalam kes ini terdapat beberapa
dapatan yang dibuat oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen yang berkaitan
dengan kredibiliti saksi-saksi. Adalah menjadi prinsip undang-undang
yang jelas bahawa isu berkenaan dengan kredibiliti saksi-saksi itu
adalah terpulang kepada hakim yang membicarakan kes tersebut.
Mahkamah yang mendengar rayuan tidak sepatutnya campur tangan
terhadap apa-apa dapatan yang berkaitan dengan kredibiliti saksi-saksi.
Ini yang dapat dilihat adalah di perenggan [23] alasan penghakiman
apabila mahkamah bicara berpendapat bahawa kesemua intipati telah
diterima melalui keterangan SP1, SP8 dan SP9. Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen dalam alasan penghakiman juga telah menyatakan menerima
keterangan SP1, SP8 dan juga keterangan saksi-saksi yang lain.
Mahkamah berpendapat adalah tidak wajar untuk Mahkamah campur
tangan dalam isu berkenaan kredibiliti saksi-saksi tersebut.
Hakikat Kesalahan Di Bawah Seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan
[4] Selain daripada itu adalah wajar sekiranya Mahkamah meneliti
kedudukan peruntukan di bawah seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan yang
telah dinyatakan sebagai asas kepada pertuduhan. Bagi memahami
kedudukan peruntukan di bawah seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan
adalah perlu untuk Mahkamah ini meneliti pandangan yang dinyatakan
dalam Speeches and Poems with The Report and Note of India
Penal Code oleh Lord Macaulay Volume II 1867 yang menjadi asas
kepada Kanun Keseksaan di India yang menjadi sebahagian daripada
undang-undang negara ini di halaman 441 seperti berikut:
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“There can be no case of robbery which does not fall within
the definition either of theft or of extortion; but in practice it will
perpetually be matter of doubt whether a particular act of
robbery was a theft or an extortion. A large proportion of
robberies will be half theft, half extortion. A. seizes Z.,
threatens to murder him, unless he delivers all his property,
and begins to pull off Z.’s ornaments. Z. in terror begs that A.
will take all he has, and spare his life, assists in taking off his
ornaments, and delivers them to A. Here, such ornaments as
A. took without Z.’s consent are taken by theft. Those which
Z. delivered up from fear of death are acquired by extortion.
It is by no means improbable that Z.’s right-arm bracelet may
have been obtained by theft, and left-arm bracelet by
extortion; that the rupees in Z.’s girdle may have been
obtained by theft, and those in his turban by extortion.
Probably in nine tenths of the robberies which are committed,
something like this actually takes place, and it is probably that
a few minutes later neither the robber nor the person robbed
would be able to recollect in that proportions theft and
extortion were mixed in the crime; nor is it at all necessary for
the end of justice that this should be ascertained. For though,
in general the consent of a sufferer is a circumstance which
very materially modifies the character of the offence, and
which ought therefore, to be made known to the Courts, yet
the consent which a person gives to the raking of his property
by a ruffian who holds a pistol to his breast is a circumstance
altogether immaterial.”
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[5] Oleh yang demikian, apabila meneliti kesalahan rompakan
(seksyen 390), rompakan berkumpulan (seksyen 391, seksyen 392,
seksyen 395) tidak boleh terlepas pandang untuk meneliti seksyen 378
(tafsiran curi) dan seksyen 383 (pemerasan). Ini adalah disebabkan
seksyen 390 (2) dan (3) Kanun Keseksaan telah memperuntukkan
bahawa di dalam keadaan tertentu curi boleh menjadi rompakan. Begitu
juga pemerasan boleh tergolong kepada rompakan seperti di bawah
seksyen 390 (3) Kanun Keseksaan. Oleh yang demikian adalah satu
langkah yang baik untuk Mahkamah, pihak pendakwaan dan peguam
memastikan keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan semasa
pertuduhan berkenaan kesalahan rompakan tidak terlepas pandang
tafsiran pemerasan dan curi bagi memastikan keadilan yang
sewajarnya dapat dilaksanakan kepada Tertuduh dan mangsa jenayah.
Dalam kata lain kesalahan rompakan atau rompakan berkumpulan tidak
boleh berdiri sendiri tanpa dihubungkaitkan dengan pemerasan atau
[6] Pemakaian seksyen 390 Kanun Keseksaan dalam kesalahan
rompakan dan hubungkaitnya dengan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 3
Akta Senjata Api (Penalti Lebih Berat), 1971 dapat dilihat dalam
keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan di dalam kes Fairoz Azman
Amironzuki v. Pendakwa Raya (2021) 1 LNS 108, (2021) 2 MLJ 771.
[7] Oleh itu dalam meneliti peruntukan seksyen 395 Kanun
Keseksaan, ia haruslah dilihat bersama-sama dengan takrifan seksyen
380 dan 378. Satu keistimewaan dalam naskah Kanun Keseksaan yang
wajar diberikan perhatian ialah terdapatnya takrifan-takrifan untuk
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memahami apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan perkataan-perkataan
yang digunakan dalam Kanun Keseksaan. Ia perlu diberikan perhatian
dalam memahami peruntukan-peruntukan berkenaan dengan
kesalahan-kesalahan di bawah Kanun Keseksaan. Kegagalan berbuat
demikian akan mendorong kepada kefahaman yang keputusan yang
tersasar daripada peruntukan yang dinyatakan di bawah Kanun
[8] Misalnya seksyen 390 (3) Kanun Keseksaan dinyatakan:
“Extortion is "robbery", if the offender, at the time of committing
the extortion, is in the presence of the person put in fear and
commits the extortion by putting that person in fear of instant
death, of instant hurt, or of instant wrongful restraint to that person
or to some other person, and, by so putting in fear, induces the
person so put in fear then and there to deliver up the thing
[9] Peras ugut, pemerasan (extortion) telah ditakrifkan di bawah
seksyen 383 Kanun Keseksaan seperti berikut:
“Whoever intentionally puts any person in fear of any injury to that
person or to any other, and thereby dishonestly induces the
person so put in fear to deliver to any person any property or
valuable security, or anything signed or sealed which may be
converted into a valuable security, commits "extortion".
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[10] Curi (theft) pula ditakrifkan seperti berikut di bawah seksyen 378
Kanun Keseksaan iaitu:
“Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out
of the possession of any person without that person's consent,
moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit
[11] Oleh itu curi boleh menjadi rompakan sekiranya semasa
melakukan curi tersebut terdapat keterangan yang menunjukkan
wujudnya keadaan seperti di bawah seksyen 390 (2) Kanun Keseksaan.
Sementara itu pemerasan akan menjadi rompakan sekiranya terdapat
keadaan di bawah seksyen 390 (3) Kanun Keseksaan. Sekiranya
rompakan itu dilakukan dalam keadaan di bawah seksyen 391 Kanun
Keseksaan ia menjadi rompakan berkumpulan yang boleh dihukum di
bawah seksyen 395 Kanun Keseksaan.
[12] Penelitian kepada seksyen 391 Kanun Keseksaan menunjukkan
perkataan yang digunakan ialah apabila dua orang atau lebih secara
bergabung (conjointly commit) atau cuba melakukan rompakan (attempt
to commit). Ini bermakna seksyen 34 iaitu niat bersama tidak lagi perlu
digunakan bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 391 Kanun Keseksaan.
Ini dinyatakan dalam kes Rex v Yeo Kim Watt & Anor [1946] 12 MLJ
155 dan Wong Kim Wan v PP [1948-1949] MLJ supp 134.
“It follows from this that the guilty act of a gang robber who
commits murder in the case of a gang robbery is imputed to all
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the others who conjointly commit that gang robbery and there is,
therefore, no need in such a case to have recourse to section 34
or to consider the question of common intention.”
[13] Ini bermakna pertuduhan rompakan berkumpulan tidak lagi timbul
isu niat bersama di bawah seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan. Adalah
didapati terdapat juga peruntukan undang-undang yang sama dengan
peruntukan di atas misalnya seksyen 16 Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan
Rasuah Malaysia 2009.
Penelitian Keterangan Dalam Rayuan Ini
[14] Keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan ialah
menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga OKT melalui keterangan SP1
dikatakan telah berada bersama-sama di tempat kejadian. Seterusnya
SP8 pula dalam keterangannya menyatakan bahawa beliau telah
nampak OKT1 dan OKT2 dan seorang yang sedang memandu kereta.
Dapatan yang dibuat oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berdasarkan
kepada keterangan-keterangan tersebut bahawa yang memandu
kenderaan tersebut adalah OKT3 kerana tiada keterangan yang lain
dikemukakan bagi menunjukkan OKT3 berada dalam kenderaan
[15] Keterangan SP1 yang menyatakan bahawa beliau telah nampak
OKT3 memegang rantai emas selepas kejadian tersebut. Namun
demikian seperti yang disahkan oleh Peguam Perayu dan Timbalan
Pendakwa Raya bahawa rantai emas itu tidak langsung dikemukakan
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di Mahkamah sebagai barang kes atau dicamkan oleh SP8. Malahan
keterangan SP1 juga tidak menerangkan secara terperinci rupa bentuk
rantai emas tersebut untuk mahkamah bicara dapat mengesahkan
bahawa rantai emas itu adalah sama dengan rantai emas yang
diperolehi daripada SP8.
[16] Mahkamah ini berpendapat adalah wajar untuk SP1 memberikan
perincian berkenaan dengan rantai emas tersebut. Ia akan dapat
mengesahkan bahawa rantai emas tersebut adalah rantai yang
dirompak daripada SP8. Ini tidak dilakukan dalam kes ini.
[17] Adalah tidak dapat dinafikan seperti yang dihujahkan oleh
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya bahawa ketiadaan rantai emas tersebut
seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen tidak akan
menyebabkan satu kes prima facie tidak dibuktikan. Namun demikian
kewujudkan rantai emas tersebut yang dicamkan secara sah adalah
mustahak untuk memastikan sama ada keterangan SP1 dan SP8
tersebut boleh dijadikan asas oleh Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen untuk
memutuskan bahawa pihak pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan satu
kes prima facie.
[18] Pada masa yang sama kewujudan rantai emas itu sebagai
keterangan membolehkan Mahkamah menggunakan seksyen 114 (a)
Akta Keterangan 1950. Seksyen 114 (a) Akta Keterangan menyatakan
seperti berikut:
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114 Court may presume existance of certain fact
The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks
likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course
of natural events, human conduct, and public and private
business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case.
The court may presume:-
(a) that a man who is in possession of stolen goods soon after the
theft is either the thief or has received the goods knowing them to
be stolen, unless he can account for his possession;
[19] Jika keterangan sedemikian ada di hadapan Mahkamah iaitu
rantai emas tersebut yang dirompak daripada SP8 berada di tangan
OKT3 seperti yang dilihat oleh SP1, maka sudah terang lagi bersuluh
bahawa OKT3 tidak dapat mengelakkan diri daripada dikatakan terlibat
dalam perbuatan rompakan tersebut.
[20] Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes
Amathevelli P Ramasamy v PP [2009] 3 CLJ 109 apabila terdapat
satu keterangan tersebut apabila barang-barang yang telah dirampas
daripada simati berada di tangan OKT. Dalam kes tersebut Mahkamah
berpendapat bahawa tiada penjelasan yang diberikan oleh OKT
bagaimana barang-barang kemas simati boleh berada dengannya.
Oleh itu Mahkamah berpendapat ia adalah keterangan yang boleh
diterima masuk di bawah seksyen 8 Akta Keterangan 1950.
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[21] Prinsip yang dinyatakan dalam kes Amathevelli P Ramasamy v
PP (supra) itu telah diterima pakai oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dan
diulang lagi oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Pathmanabhan
Nalliannen v PP & Other Appeals [2017] 4 CLJ 137 seperti berikut:
“[127] At any rate it is apposite to clarify here that even if
information pursuant to s. 27 of the EA is found inadmissible, that
piece of inadmissible evidence does not automatically affect the
admissibility of the evidence of subsequent conduct under s. 8 of
the EA (Amathevelli P Ramasamy v. PP [2009] 3 CLJ
109; Prakash Chand v. State (infra) ).
[128] That conduct of pointing to the places where the items were
discovered by the second and fourth accused persons, which was
subsequent to an offence, falls squarely within the ambit of "the
conduct of any person an offence against whom is the subject of
any proceeding".”
[22] Oleh itu Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa kewujudan rantai
emas tersebut dalam kes ini adalah mustahak untuk menunjukkan
bahawa OKT3 terlibat dalam kes ini. Ini adalah apa yang telah
dinyatakan dalam kes Amathevelli P Ramasamy v PP (supra) seperti
“[34] In this case the deceased was wearing the gold chain at the
time of her death. This is a material element to connect the
appellant to the murder of the deceased. This is further supported
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by other evidence such as, the acid injury on the appellant's lips
and arm when the deceased also had acid injuries and the
presence of the Yamaha motorcycle at the deceased's shop at
about 7.05 am on the material date. Thus, the evidence is
sufficient to convict the appellant for the murder of the deceased.
The inferences drawn from the evidence of conduct of the
appellant will remain as she has not explained them pursuant to s.
9 of the Evidence Act. As Augustine Paul FCJ said in the judgment
of this court in Parlan bin Dadeh v. Public Prosecutor [2009] 1 CLJ
717 at p. 747:
If the explanation is accepted by the Court then the
inference arising from the conduct is rebutted. If it is not
accepted or if the accused does not explain his conduct
the inference remains unrebutted.”
[23] Namun dalam kes ini keterangan berkenaan dengan perkara
tersebut tidak ada dikemukakan. Mahkamah ini juga meneliti kepada
perenggan [33] kes Amathevelli P Ramasamy v PP (supra) yang
memperihalkan berkenaan nilai keterangan penemuan barang kes
selepas kejadian tersebut ditangan Tertuduh seperti berikut:
“[33] SP10 said in his evidence that he had never seen the gold
chain before. SP7 said that the gold chain that the deceased was
wearing on the fateful morning was missing. He identified P40 and
P44A-F as that of the deceased. Thus the appellant was clearly in
possession of recently stolen goods. Under s. 114(a) of the
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Evidence Act it may be presumed that a man who is in possession
of stolen goods soon after the theft is either the thief or has
received the goods knowing them to be stolen, unless he can
account for his possession. This presumption can also be
indicative of any other more aggravated crime which has been
connected with the theft. As Matthew CJ said in Abdullah bin Saad
v. Public Prosecutor [1955] 1 LNS 3.”
[24] Sekiranya terdapat keterangan bahawa rantai emas yang
didakwa ditemui bersama-sama OKT3 berada di tangan OKT3 maka
anggapan di bawah seksyen 114 (a) Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai. Ini
menyebabkan OKT3 boleh dikaitkan dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan
bersama-sama dengan orang lain dalam kes ini sekiranya OKT3 tidak
dapat memberikan penjelasan berkenaan kewujudan rantai emas
tersebut dalam milikannya.
[25] Dalam kes ini keterangan yang dikemukakan ialah SP1 melihat
bahawa OKT3 memegang rantai emas tersebut dan penilaian
Mahkamah bicara mendapati bahawa SP1 menyatakan OKT3
memberitahu SP1 bahawa rantai emas tersebut adalah milik isteri
OKT3. Mahkamah ini mendapati tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan
bagi menyanggah dakwaan OKT3 tersebut. Namun demikian
Mahkamah juga mengambil kira keterangan saksi-saksi bahawa rantai
emas itu tidak kelihatan bersama-sama dengan OKT3 sebelum
kejadian tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun ia tidak dapat menyokong
keterangan bahawa rantai emas tersebut adalah merupakan rantai
emas yang dirompak daripada SP8. Mahkamah ini berpendapat
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terdapat pemutusan rantaian keterangan berkenaan dengan rantai
emas tersebut adakah ianya rantai emas yang dirompak ataupun rantai
emas yang sememangnya berada dalam milikan OKT 3 sebelum
kejadian tersebut.
[26] Mahkamah ini juga mendapati SP8 semasa membuat laporan
polis tidak memperihalkan berkenaan dengan rantai emas yang telah
dikatakan dirompak daripadanya. Sekiranya maklumat tersebut
dinyatakan dalam laporan polis ia boleh membantu Mahkamah bicara
membuat dapatan bahawa rantai emas yang ditemui di OKT3 itu adalah
sama dengan rantai emas yang diperihalkan dalam laporan polis
tersebut. Namun ia tidak dilakukan sedemikian yang menyebabkan
masih tiada kaitan dapat ditunjukkan di antara rantai emas yang
dikatakan dilihat oleh SP1 berada dengan OKT3 adalah merupakan
rantai emas yang dirompak daripada SP8.
[27] Berkenaan dengan pengecaman OKT3 adalah didapati bahawa
keterangan dalam perbicaraan ini mendapati bahawa CCTV dapat
menggambarkan imej OKT1 dan OKT2 telah dapat ditunjukkan dan
pengecaman juga telah dibuat dalam kawad cam terhadap OKT1 dan
OKT2. Begitu juga keterangan SP8 bahawa beliau boleh mengecam
dua orang lelaki yang masuk ke dalam premis tersebut dan itu telah
menyebabkan ia adalah konsiten dengan keterangan yang terdapat di
dalam CCTV. Namun wajah OKT3 tidak terpapar dalam CCTV yang
dikemukakan. Di samping itu tiada juga keterangan kawad cam yang
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dilakukan dapat mengecam OKT3 sebagai lelaki yang berada dalam
kenderaan pada masa kejadian tersebut.
[28] Apa yang lebih menarik dalam kes ini apabila Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen membuat kesimpulan mana ada orang lain lagi selain daripada
OKT3 yang ada dalam kenderaan tersebut. Asas kepada keputusan
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen tersebut ialah kerana keterangan SP1
sebelum ini yang menyatakan bahawa ada tiga orang yang telah
dibantunya dan duduk di hotel sebelum itu yang menunjukkan bahawa
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen berpuas hati bahawa tiga orang itu, dua
orang sudah dikenal dalam CCTV dan dicamkan oleh SP8 maka OKT3
mestilah orang yang ketiga berada dalam kenderaan tersebut.
[29] Ini ditambah pula dengan alasan yang dikemukakan oleh Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen bahawa nombor kenderaan yang ditulis dalam
laporan polis SP8 itu adalah sama nombor dengan kenderaan yang
disahkan oleh SP8 tersebut. Persoalannya adalah adakah dalam kes
ini identiti Perayu iaitu OKT3 telah dicamkan.
[30] Oleh yang demikian adakah wajar bahawa disebabkan kenderaan
yang digunakan adalah kenderaan yang sama maka Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen betul apabila menyatakan bahawa OKT3 adalah merupakan
pemandu kenderaan tersebut bagi menjadikan jumlah individu yang
terlibat dalam rompakan tersebut adalah tiga orang iaitu OKT1 dan
OKT2 serta seorang lelaki yang dikatakan OKT3 semata-mata
berdasarkan kepada sangkaan SP8 yang menjadi asas kepada
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dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen bahawa lelaki dalam kenderaan
tersebut adalah OKT3.
Tugas Hakim Bicara Semasa Meneliti Keterangan-keterangan
[31] Adalah tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa semasa hakim bicara
mengendalikan perbicaraan penelitian yang teliti kepada keterangan
saksi-saksi perlu dilakukan. Ia juga memerlukan hakim bicara membuat
dapatan-dapatan, penerimaan keterangan saksi-saksi, penolakan
keterangan saksi-saksi, pengecaman saksi dan Tertuduh, pengecaman
eksibit-eksibit. Kesemua tindakan tersebut hendaklah digambarkan
dengan jelas dalam alasan penghakiman. Ia hendaklah dilakukan
sejajar dengan peruntukan undang-undang keterangan dan tatacara
Kanun Prosedur Jenayah. Ini adalah penting bagi membolehkan hakim
yang mendengar rayuan dapat memahami dan menghargai dapatan
yang dibuat oleh hakim bicara yang tidak memerlukan campur tangan
hakim yang mendengar rayuan. Oleh itu seperti yang dinyatakan di
perenggan [2] di atas, sekiranya dapatan-dapatan tersebut jelas
dilakukan mengikut undang-undang maka tidak ada keperluan untuk
dapatan hakim bicara tersebut diganggu oleh hakim yang mendengar
rayuan. Kegagalan untuk membuat dapatan yang sewajarnya mengikut
undang-undang serta digambarkan dengan terang dan jelas dalam
alasan penghakiman boleh membuka ruang dan memberi alasan untuk
hakim yang mendengar rayuan mengganggu dapatan-dapatan
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[32] Oleh itu adalah menjadi amalan yang baik untuk hakim bicara
sentiasa meneliti keterangan-keterangan, membuat dapatan-dapatan
dan menyatakannya dengan jelas dalam alasan penghakiman. Pada
masa yang sama semasa membuat dapatan-dapatan tersebut hakim
bicara dapat membuat dapatan berdasarkan kepada:
(a) keterangan terus daripada saksi-saksi;
(b) anggapan; atau
(c) inferens.
[33] Hakim bicara setelah meneliti keterangan-keterangan daripada
saksi-saksi yang jelas dapat mengecam OKT atau eksibit-eksibit di
dalam Mahkamah melalui keterangan langsung boleh membuat
dapatan berkenaan dengan sesuatu isu yang relevan dalam
perbicaraan tersebut. Misalnya, saksi mata kejadian menyatakan
bahawa dia nampak OKT telah menikam mangsa sehingga
menyebabkan kecederaan di bahagian perut. Saksi tersebut dapat
mengecam OKT di Mahkamah atau sebelum ini melalui kawad cam,
dapat mengecam mangsa dan dapat mengecam senjata yang
digunakan, maka ketika itu hakim bicara boleh membuat dapatan fakta
bahawa OKT telah menggunakan senjata yang dikemukakan sebagai
eksibit mencederakan mangsa. Dalam contoh di atas hakim bicara
boleh membuat dapatan tanpa memerlukan kepada anggapan atau
inferens. Ini adalah disebabkan keterangan tersebut dikemukakan
secara langsung oleh saksi mata kejadian tersebut.
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[34] Namun demikian terdapat keadaan apabila Mahkamah perlu
membuat dapatan fakta dengan menggunakan anggapan-anggapan
yang dinyatakan di bawah Akta Keterangan 1950 atau anggapan-
anggapan yang terdapat dalam undang-undang bertulis yang lain.
Namun demikian hakim bicara perlu memastikan bahawa sebelum
anggapan itu digunakan fakta asas berkenaan sesuatu perlu dibuktikan
di Mahkamah terlebih dahulu. Ini telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah
dalam kes PP v Chia Leong Foo [2000 6] MLJ 705 seperti berikut:
“The applicability of the presumption provisions must be
considered against this background. Their language shows that
they have been enacted to provide evidence of the facts to be
presumed upon proof of the basic facts. It is these basic facts that
raise the presumed facts. Thus they contemplate a situation
where there is no evidence of the facts to be presumed. Where
there is such evidence and the presumption provisions are still
invoked it would mean that what has been proved to exist has, at
the same time, also been presumed to exist. This is illogical as it
would amount to facts which have been proved as also having
been presumed. This would go beyond the explicit words and
object of the presumption provisions as they are designed to meet
a situation when there is no evidence of the facts to be presumed.
As I said earlier presumptions are only a special mode of proving
facts which must otherwise be proved by evidence. It follows that
where there is such other evidence presumptions cease to apply
as such evidence, being not inadmissible, is capable of proving
the very facts to be presumed. Presumptions are therefore
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restricted in their operation to instances where there is evidence
only of the basic facts. The limitation on the use of the presumption
provisions in the face of available evidence can be discerned if the
ramifications of their use in such circumstances are considered. It
must first be observed that reliance on the presumption provisions
where there is available evidence of the facts to be presumed will
be unfavourable to the accused. This is because where the court
relies on a statutory provision relating to a presumption of law like
the presumption provisions it is bound to take the fact as proved
until evidence to the contrary is given, on a balance of
probabilities, to disprove it (see PP v Yuvaraj [1969] 2 MLJ
89; Nagappan a/l Kuppusamy v PP [1988] 2 MLJ 53). This results
in a legal burden being imposed on an accused person though it
is not illegal. Failure to discharge the burden, even where a
reasonable doubt as to guilt exists, will be followed by conviction
(see State v Mello & Anor [1999] 1 LRC 215). However, if the court
had acted on the available evidence in proof of the relevant
ingredients without resorting to presumptions there is only an
evidential burden on an accused person to raise a reasonable
doubt. Thus indiscriminate use of presumptions when there is
evidence of the facts to be presumed will be unfavourable to the
accused as it will place a heavier burden on him which could have
been avoided. Fairness to the accused therefore demands that
the presumption provisions are used only when there is no
evidence of the facts to be presumed. Arbitrary use of the
presumption provisions, without any fixed guidelines, when there
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is direct evidence of the facts to be presumed may also prejudice
the accused in another way.”
[35] Kesan pemakaian anggapan telah dinyatakan oleh Mahkamah
Rayuan dalam kes Lt Kol Yusof bin Abdul Rahman v Kol Anuar bin
Md Amin & Anor [1997] 1 MLJ 562 seperti berikut:
“The key word here is 'presuming', the meaning of which is
provided by s 4 of the Evidence Act 1950. Presuming a fact
means 'regarding the fact as proved unless and until it is
[36] Adalah penting untuk hakim bicara semasa menggunakan
anggapan di bawah undang-undang tidak menjadikan pemakaiannya
sebagai suatu automatik. Ia telah dinyatakan dalam kes PP v Haji
Ismail & Another [1940] 1 MLJ 76 seperti berikut:
“There is no question of the mechanical application of any general
rule of presumption.”
[37] Penelitian kepada duluan-duluan kehakiman dan nas undang-
undang di atas dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa hakim bicara semasa
menggunakan anggapan seharusnya terlebih dahulu berpuas hati
bahawa terdapatnya fakta-fakta asas di hadapan Mahkamah sebelum
menggunakan anggapan tersebut melainkan anggapan tidak bersalah
(presumption of innocence) dan anggapan kewarasan (presumption of
sanity). Pada masa yang sama hakim bicara haruslah meneliti kepada
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seksyen 4 Akta Keterangan 1950 yang telah memberikan asas kepada
penggunaan anggapan. Seksyen 4 Akta Keterangan 1950 menyatakan
seperti berikut:
“4 Presumption
(1) Whenever it is provided by this Act that the court may presume
a fact, it may either regard the fact as proved unless and until it is
disproved, or may call for proof of it.
(2) Whenever it is directed by this Act that the court shall presume
a fact, it shall regard the fact as proved unless and until it is
(3) When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of
another, the court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other
as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose
of disproving it.”
[38] Adalah menjadi undang-undang yang termaklum bahawa
terdapat dua jenis anggapan yang boleh digunakan oleh hakim bicara
iaitu anggapan undang-undang dan anggapan fakta. Dalam konteks
anggapan fakta Mahkamah boleh setelah berpuas hati terdapatnya
fakta-fakta asas menggunakan anggapan fakta iaitu seksyen 86 hingga
seksyen 88, seksyen 90, seksyen 107 hingga 111, seksyen 114 dan
seksyen 114A Akta Keterangan 1950. Sementara bagi anggapan
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undang-undang pula ialah seksyen 41, seksyen 112 dan seksyen 113
Akta Keterangan 1950.
[39] Apa yang penting ialah anggapan fakta tidak seharusnya
digunakan sebagai jalan mudah untuk membuat dapatan kepada
sesuatu fakta sedangkan fakta-fakta asas belum dikemukakan di
Mahkamah. Anggapan juga tidak wajar digunakan sekiranya
pembuktian sesuatu fakta boleh dibuat melalui keterangan-keterangan
langsung di Mahkamah bagi membuktikan sesuatu fakta tersebut.
Misalnya satu fakta terdapat keterangan yang menunjukkan bahawa
terdapat saksi mata yang melihat Tertuduh telah mengambil barang
keluar daripada milikan atau jagaan pengadu dan ditangkap bersama-
sama dengan barang tersebut. Dalam contoh di atas adalah wajar
sekiranya Mahkamah membuat dapatan fakta bahawa barang tersebut
telah dikeluarkan daripada milikan pengadu oleh Tertuduh berdasarkan
keterangan saksi mata tersebut dan tidaklah perlu menggunakan
anggapan di bawah seksyen 114 (a) Akta Keterangan 1950. Ini adalah
disebabkan fakta tersebut dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan keterangan
saksi mata yang tidak memerlukan penggunaan mana-mana anggapan.
Begitu juga seorang yang telah didapati di dalam tangannya dadah
berbahaya dan telah dituduh memiliki dadah tersebut. Dalam contoh di
atas keterangan yang jelas menunjukkan bahawa fakta bahawa dadah
itu berada di dalam milikan Tertuduh telah dapat ditunjukkan melalui
keterangan saksi-saksi mata yang tidak memerlukan penggunaan
anggapan pemilikan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952.
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[40] Oleh itu pemahaman yang jelas berkenaan bila dan bagaimana
anggapan boleh digunakan bagi membuktikan satu fakta adalah penting
bagi mengelakkan daripada hakim bicara membuat dapatan dengan
menggunakan anggapan yang tidak betul. Ini boleh menjejaskan
dapatan dan sabitan yang dilakukan oleh hakim bicara.
[41] Selain daripada itu Mahkamah juga boleh membuat inferens.
Inferens adalah berbeza dengan anggapan. Ini telah disinggung oleh
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes PP v Tan Tatt Eek & Other
Appeals [2005] 2 MLJ 685 seperti berikut:
“Of course, inferences drawn from direct and/or circumstantial
evidence can be made in appropriate cases. But inferences are
quite distinct from statutory presumptions.”
[42] Ia diperincikan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes PP v Lin Yu
Choy [2011] 6 MLJ 61 seperti berikut:
“[17] Inferences are quite distinct from statutory presumptions.
This distinction is recognised in Public Prosecutor v Tan Tatt Eek
& other appeals [2005] 2 MLJ 685 at p 711; [2005] 1 CLJ 713 at p
748 where Steve Shim FCJ (later CJ (Sabah and Sarawak))
discussed the issue of double presumptions under s 37(d) and s
37(da) respectively.
[18] The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, (5th Ed), Vol 1
defines the word 'inference' to mean:
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1. the action or process of inferring; the drawing of a
conclusion from data or premises;
2. a conclusion drawn from data or premises; an implication,
the conclusion that is intended to be drawn.
Seterusnya menyatakan di perenggan [24] dan [25] seperti berikut:
“[24] In our view, a presumption is one provided by law. It
involves a situation where the law provides proof of a fact in issue
when basic evidence is available. When a presumption is invoked,
the burden on the accused is discharged by rebutting it on a
balance of probabilities, whereas an inference of fact is rebutted
by creating a reasonable doubt.
[25] The inference relates to the element of knowledge based on
the conduct of the accused in running away and throwing the
plastic bag. The invoking of the statutory presumption of
possession was derived from custody or control to enable the
deemed possession to be triggered under s 37(d).”
[43] Jika ditinjau maksud inferens dalam konteks hubung kait dengan
Bahasa Melayu seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Kamus Dewan Edisi
Keempat, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) 2021 membawa maksud
kesimpulan yang dibuat berdasarkan kepada fakta (asas) tertentu.
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[44] Adalah jelas dan nyata bahawa sesuatu inferens boleh dibuat
berdasarkan suatu fakta. Ia bukannya boleh dibuat berdasarkan
kepada satu agakan atau telahan yang tidak berdasarkan kepada fakta.
Oleh yang demikian hakim bicara semasa membuat inferens tidak boleh
bersandarkan kepada sesuatu yang bukan fakta. Kesimpulan tersebut
hendaklah sesuatu yang logik atau diterima akal dan munasabah.
[45] Dalam konteks ini Mahkamah perlu merujuk kepada takrifan fakta
di bawah Akta Keterangan 1950, iaitu:
“"fact" means and includes-
(a) any thing, state of things or relation of things capable of being
perceived by the senses;
(b) any mental condition of which any person is conscious;
(a) That there are certain objects arranged in a certain order in a
certain place is a fact.
(b) That a man heard or saw something is a fact.
(c) That a man said certain words is a fact.
(d) That a man holds a certain opinion, has a certain intention,
acts in good faith or fraudulently, or uses a particular word in a
particular sense, or is or was at a specified time conscious of a
particular sensation, is a fact.
(e) That a man has a certain reputation is a fact.”
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Oleh yang demikian hakim bicara semasa menjalankan perbicaraan
hendaklah memastikan bahawa dapatan yang dibuat adalah
berdasarkan kepada keterangan-keterangan yang dikemukakan secara
langsung atau penggunaan anggapan atau inferens yang sewajarnya.
[46] Jika ini dapat dilakukan ia akan menjadikan dapatan dan sabitan
dalam suatu perbicaraan jenayah dilakukan berdasarkan semata-mata
kepada keterangan yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah. Ia bukannya
berdasarkan kepada sudut pandang peribadi hakim bicara atau
perkara-perkara yang tidak dibuktikan melalui keterangan di Mahkamah
atau fakta-fakta yang tidak dibuktikan di Mahkamah. Pematuhan
kepada tatacara pengendalian keterangan saksi-saksi dan eksibit-
eksibit seperti yang diperuntukkan di bawah Akta Keterangan 1950 dan
Kanun Tatacara Jenayah akan menjadikan dapatan hakim bicara sukar
untuk digugat atau diganggu oleh hakim yang mendengar rayuan. Ia
juga dapat dijadikan panduan kepada pendakwaan untuk memastikan
bahawa beban pembuktian yang diperuntukkan oleh undang-undang
dapat dilakukan secara teratur dan bukannya berdasarkan kepada
sangkaan-sangkaan yang tidak disokong oleh keterangan.
[47] Begitu juga dengan pihak pembelaan yang akan mengemukakan
pembelaan atau mengemukakan soalan-soalan kepada saksi
pendakwaan berdasarkan prinsip undang-undang yang terdapat dalam
Akta Keterangan 1950 dan undang-undang bertulis dan tidak
berdasarkan kepada sangkaan atau persepsi semata-mata. Pada
hemat Mahkamah inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan perbicaraan yang
adil berteraskan kepada undang-undang dan bukannya berdasarkan
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kepada sangkaan atau spekulasi yang tidak dapat dibuktikan di
Mahkamah sehingga ia menjadikan perbicaraan tersebut tidak lagi
mencapai maksud mencari keadilan yang sepatutnya menjadi matlamat
utama dalam suatu perbicaraan.
[48] Oleh itu dapatan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen bahawa OKT3 adalah
orang yang berada dalam kenderaan tersebut adalah satu yang tidak
dapat disokong oleh keterangan, anggapan atau inferens yang boleh
dibuat oleh hakim bicara dalam kes ini. Dalam erti kata lain jika
seseorang itu menggunakan kenderaan yang sama ia tidak semestinya
menunjukkan pemandu kenderaan tersebut adalah OKT3. Pada hemat
Mahkamah, hakim bicara yang mendengar kes tersebut tidak boleh
membuat satu kesimpulan yang mudah berkenaan dengan OKT3
adalah merupakan orang yang berada di dalam kenderaan tersebut
pada hari kejadian. Ia adalah satu kekhilafan yang memerlukan campur
tangan Mahkamah ini.
Pembelaan Perayu
[49] Seterusnya Mahkamah meneliti kepada pembelaan yang
dikemukakan oleh pihak Perayu. Dalam alasan penghakiman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah memberikan penilaian kepada keterangan
SP1 dan OKT3 dan menyatakan bahawa keterangan OKT3 tidak boleh
diterima kerana terdapatnya percanggahan dengan keterangan yang
dikemukakan oleh SP1. Ia adalah merupakan budi bicara hakim untuk
menerima atau menolak mana-mana keterangan dalam satu
perbicaraan kerana hakim dapat meneliti keterangan SP1 dan melihat
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keterangan OKT3 itu tidak konsisten dan Mahkamah bicara telah
membuat keputusan tidak menerima keterangan SP1. Di antaranya
adalah berkenaan dengan keterangan OKT3 bahawa dia telah balik
selepas kejadian dengan menggunakan teksi sedangkan SP1
menyatakan bahawa dia telah membawa OKT3 dan kawan-kawannya
balik dari tempat kejadian. Itu tidak menjadi persoalan kerana ia adalah
merupakan budi bicara hakim bicara untuk memutuskan keterangan
yang diterima atau ditolak. Apa yang lebih penting ialah sama ada
diterima atau ditolak adakah keterangan-keterangan tersebut telah
menimbulkan satu keraguan yang munasabah kepada kes pendakwaan
atau sebaliknya.
[50] Pada masa yang sama Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan juga telah
dihujahkan oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya bahawa pembelaan yang
dikemukakan oleh Perayu adalah merupakan penafian semata-mata
dan ia tidak disokong dengan keterangan-keterangan dan ada
sebahagian daripada itu adalah pemikiran semula kerana ia tidak
ditimbulkan pada peringkat kes pendakwaan. Sama ada penafian
semata-mata atau sebaliknya apa yang penting ialah adakah
keterangan-keterangan tersebut telah berjaya menimbulkan satu
keraguan yang munasabah. Dalam erti kata lain Mahkamah perlu
melihat kepada tugas pembelaan untuk menimbulkan satu keraguan
yang munasabah terhadap kes pendakwaan. Hakim yang mendengar
perbicaraan harus melihat keterangan-keterangan sama ada
keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pembelaan adalah satu
keadaan yang telah menimbulkan satu keraguan yang munasabah
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seperti yang diputuskan dalam kes Rosli bin Yusof v PP [2021] 7 CLJ
681 dan Abdullan Atan v PP & Other Appeals [2020] 9 CLJ 151.
[51] Persoalan yang timbul dalam kes ini OKT1 dan OKT2 telah
mengaku salah dan telah dijatuhkan hukuman. Namun dalam kes ini
tiada keterangan yang dikemukakan OKT2 sebagai saksi bagi kes
pembelaan. Peguam Perayu berhujah bahawa Timbalan Pendakwa
Raya sepatutnya memanggil OKT2 untuk memberikan keterangan.
Mahkamah berpendapat hujahan tersebut adalah tersasar daripada
tugas pendakwaan dan pembelaan dalam suatu kes jenayah.
Mahkamah berpendapat dalam kes ini bukanlah menjadi
tanggungjawab pihak pendakwaan mengemukakan OKT2 sebagai
saksi setelah pihak pendakwaan menutup kes pihak pendakwaan.
Sebaliknya sekiranya OKT2 ingin dikemukakan sebagai saksi ia
sewajarnya dikemukakan oleh pihak pembelaan sebagai saksi
[52] Namun begitu Mahkamah juga perlu mengambil perhatian
bahawa bukanlah tugas pihak pembelaan untuk membuktikan
ketidakbersalahan Perayu. Apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh pihak
pembelaan hanyalah menimbulkan keraguan munasabah bagi kes
Dapatan Akhir
[53] Akhirnya Mahkamah memutuskan setelah meneliti nota
keterangan, alasan penghakiman dan juga hujahan-hujahan adalah
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tidak selamat untuk mengesahkan sabitan dan hukuman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen. Oleh itu dapatan sabitan dan hukuman Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen diketepikan, rayuan Perayu dibenarkan dan Perayu
dilepas dan dibebaskan.
Bertarikh: 05hb. Januari 2024
Bagi Pihak Perayu
Swinder Singh a/l Ram Singh
Tetuan Kiranjit Randhawa & Co
Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Bagi Pihak Responden
Lee Wai Yi
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Temerloh, Pahang Darul Makmur
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| 45,360 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-45A-19-07/2020 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] TERTUDUH LEE YU HUAT | The Prosecution confirmed the facts as per the findings of this Court. The Deputy Public Prosecutor submitted that the time spent already in prison ought to serve as a lesson for the Accused.This Court sentences the Accused to ten months imprisonment for each charge. Both ten months imprisonment sentences are to run concurrently. Effective from the date of his arrest. The Accused was hereby free to go. | 05/01/2024 | YA Puan Roz Mawar binti Rozain | |
CRIMINAL CASE NO: WA-45-9-07/2020
(NRIC No: 820208-10-5359) …. ACCUSED
[1] The Accused faces three charges. One charge is for drug trafficking
3,797.2 grams of methamphetamine. The second charge is for drug
possession of 0.78 grams of 3.4-Methylenedioxymenthamphetamine
(MDMA). The other charge is for drug possession of 0.78 grams of
ketamine. The charge for drug trafficking under s39B Dangerous Drugs
Act 1939 (DDA) carries a penalty of death or life imprisonment with
minimum whipping of 12 strokes. The charges for drug possession under
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s12(2) DDA provides the penalty of a fine not more than RM100,000 or
imprisonment for not more than five years or to both.
[2] The drug trafficking offence was said to have been committed on
24.12.2019 at approximately 4.25pm at the side of the road in front of
Shamelin Star Residence Rigel, Lorong 1/19, Taman Shamelin Perkasa,
Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. The drug possession was allegedly committed on
the same date at 5.20pm at F1-18-8 Kondominium Sg Besi 2, Cheras,
Kuala Lumpur.
The Prosecution Case
[3] At 1pm on 24.12.2019 the Complainant (SP4) received information
from the public that there was someone of Chinese ethnicity who was
trafficking drugs using a black Honda Accord with the registration plate
WA 2266 K. With a team of seven other police officers, SP4 monitored the
road in from of Shamelin Star Residence Regal, Lorong 1/91, Taman
Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur at around 4.25pm.
[4] After 15 minutes of recognisance, SP4 sighted a black Honda
Accord with the said registration plate stopped at the side of the road. He
saw a man of Chinese ethnicity which appeared suspicious to him,
stepped out from the driver’s seat.
[5] SP4 and the police team introduced themselves and apprehended
him. A physical body search was conducted. A Honda remote control was
seized from his right hand. The man witnessed SP4 searched the car
where a black plastic bag was retrieved from behind the seat of the back
passenger seat.
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[6] A further examination of the black plastic bag resulted in the
discovery of five green plastic bags with the label ‘Qing Shan’ where in
each of the five green plastic bags contained one clear plastic with
contents suspected methamphetamine. They were seized together with
two keys and two white access cards.
[7] The man is the Accused. He was arrested. SP4 and the police team
then set off to F1-18-8 Kondominium Sg Besi 2, No 1 Jalan Besi Kawi, Off
Lebuhraya Sungai Besi, 57100 Kuala Lumpur, directed by the Accused.
The apartment door was opened using the keys seized from the Accused.
The apartment was empty and a search was conducted witnessed by the
[8] Three black packets written on them ‘James Bond’ with contents
suspected to be MDMA powder was found on a small table in the living
room and one bottle labelled ‘Ribena’ was found with liquid inside it
suspected to be MDMA. Also seized was the Accused’s Malaysian
[9] SP4 explained the reasons for the Accused’s arrest to him and the
seizure forms were duly signed (P18 and P19). The Accused was taken
to the Cheras police station for further action. SP4 had weighed the
contrabands seized. All items were marked by SP4 before he lodged the
first information reports (P20A-B, C). SP4 thereafter surrendered all items
including the car to the investigating officer SP12. They were documents
(P21, P22).
[10] SP12 recorded all items which were kept under his custody. SP12
had conducted finger dusting that did not yield any results. The items were
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photographed. The suspected drugs were sent to be analysed by the
chemist (SP1). Vide the chemist report (P10), SP1 confirmed the drugs to
weigh 3,797.2 grams of methamphetamine which is listed in Schedule 2
DDA. The drugs found at the house in the black packets labelled ‘James
Bond’ were 0.60 grams of MDMA and 0.33 grams of ketamine. The liquid
in the ‘Ribena’ bottle was 0.18 grams of MDMA and 0.45 grams of
[11] The Prosecution called 12 witnesses. The black Honda Accord was
brought to the court compound of the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex on
24.11.2022 and marked as Exhibit P35.
Dangerous drugs
[12] Through SP1 there was no reasonable doubt that the drugs
retrieved were those described in the charges. The chemist report (P44)
prepared under s399 Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) is admissible.
There was also no reasonable doubt raised as to the weight. There was
no break in the chain of evidence. All the drugs were positively identified
by SP4, SP12 and SP1. The Defence did not throw any challenges as to
this element. See Balachandran a/l Selvaratnam v Public Prosecutor
[2005] 1 CLJ 85.
Possession of the dangerous drugs
[13] For the charge of drug trafficking, the Prosecution submitted that the
Accused had direct possession of the drugs in the black Honda Accord.
This is based on the evidence that the Accused had in his right hand the
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remote control of the car. There was no one else in the car and he had
alighted from the driver’s seat.
[14] The location of where the drugs were discovered according to the
Prosecution which was in a special hidden compartment of the car
showed that he knew of the drugs he was in possession of. The
Prosecution further relied on the evidence that he was shocked and taken
aback at the time of apprehension which the Prosecution submitted
showed conduct on his part that displayed his guilt.
[15] As to the drugs found in the apartment, the Prosecution relied on
the evidence that the keys and card access to it was found on the
Accused’s person. It was him that directed the police to the apartment and
no one else was there. The drugs found in the apartment together with his
passport showed that he was in possession of them. The prosecution
cited few cases which were Public Prosecutor v. Limneswaran A/L
Jegathesan [2019] 1 LNS 494, Public Prosecutor v Kenny Chai Sok
Peng [2019] 1 LNS 1568 and PP v Vinod Raj Uthayakumar [2019] 1
LNS 845.
Drug trafficking
[16] The Prosecution implored this Court to invoke the presumption
under s37(da)(xvi) DDA that provided that any person in possession of
more than 50 grams in weight of methamphetamine shall be presumed,
unless contrary is proved, to be trafficking drugs.
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The Defence
[17] In the submissions for the defence, it was stressed that SP12 had
the day after the Accused was arrested applied on 25.12.2019 for remand
that cited one of the reasons as to locate the accomplice and trafficker.
SP12 had also recorded the statement of two member of the public, one
Tan Ken Hong [NRIC No: 960910-33-5247] and Chin Yoon Choy [NRIC
No; 661108-10-6041]. The evidence adduced at trial was that they had
confirmed that they saw one Ng Tze Hao [NRIC No: 911123-08-6199] and
one Chan Wai Kit [NRIC No: 870215-10-5731] had used the black Honda
Accord two days prior to the Accused’s arrest. It was also witnessed that
Ng and Chan had carried a black bag into the car.
[18] The Defence submitted that the Prosecution had failed to show any
exclusive possession of the dangerous drugs by the Accused. The
Defence challenged the presumption of s37(h) DDA as it was contended
that the Prosecution had failed to prove that the compartment at the back
of the Honda Accord was classified as special compartment. The Defence
pointed out that the witnesses the Prosecution called to testify the normal
body for Honda Accord cars (SP9 and SP11) were not experts.
[19] The Alcontara Notice was given to the police at a very early stage
according to the Defence that raised reasonable doubts to the Accused’s
possession but raised suspicions that the drugs in the car were Ng Tze
Hao and Chan Wai Kit’s. The Defendant submitted that the Radhi
Direction applied in this case and that the Prosecution had failed to prove
that there was wilful blindness on the part of the Accused over the drugs
found in the car as well as the apartment.
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[20] The Defence additionally invited this Court to invoke adverse
inference under s114(g) Evidence Act 1950 when the Prosecution had
failed and/or refused to call Tan Ken Hong and Chin Yoon Choy to testify
at trial.
Assessment by this Court
[21] This Court was most concerned about the fact that the investigation
had knowledge of other people’s purported involvement pertaining the car
and the drugs. Evidence shows that it was SP12 who had supplied the
names of Ng Tze Hao and Chan Wai Kit when he answered the question
as to whom did the public (Tan Ken Hong and Chin Yoon Choy) inform
him carried a black plastic bag into the car.
[22] This most certainly created reasonable doubt in this Court’s mind as
to the element of possession of the dangerous drugs by the Accused.
There were no efforts taken by investigation to even locate Tan Ken Hong
and Chin Yoon Choy. With such material information that they have, this
Court is left with no choice but to conclude that the Prosecution was hiding
something not favourable to them. It is most appropriate to invoke adverse
inference against them for the non-calling of Tan Ken Hong and Chin
Yoon Choy with regards to the charge of drug trafficking. See Chin Kek
Shen v Public Prosecutor [2013] 5 MLJ 827; Munusamy
Vengadasalam v PP [1987] 1 MLJ 492; [1987] 1 CLJ 250, Dato’ Seri
Anwar Ibrahim v Public Prosecutor [2004] 1 MLJ 177; [2003] 4 CLJ
[23] Moreover, this Court found that the contention that the location of
the drugs was a special hidden compartment were not proven by the
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Prosecution. This case started with the drugs found in the special hidden
compartment. But towards the end, in the midst of challenged hurled at
the testimonies of SP9 and SP11 on the make of the Honda Accord, the
Prosecution had not addressed or replied on s37(h) DDA.
[24] In this case, the Prosecution had failed to show that the location was
a compartment specially constructed and designed for the purpose of
concealment. No experts were called. This Court found that SP9 did not
have the necessary qualification, experience, or expertise. In fact, SP9
admitted that he did not have proof that he had ever worked with Honda.
SP11 testified he could not confirm that the additional compartment was
a result of modification. Their knowledge on the matter was insufficient for
this Court to hold them as experts in Honda Accord cars.
[25] In concluding this case, it is imperative to address a significant
concern that has emerged from the proceedings – the inadequacy of the
police investigation that preceded this trial. The role of law enforcement in
our justice system is foundational, serving not only to enforce the law but
to ensure that justice is pursued with diligence, integrity, and respect for
the legal rights of all individuals.
[26] Regrettably, in this instance, the investigation conducted was not
just inadequate, but egregiously so, falling far below the standards
expected of competent law enforcement. This substandard investigation
has had severe consequences, not least the unwarranted consumption of
precious judicial time and resources, which could have been allocated to
other cases where the need for justice is urgent and clear. See Rahmani
Ali Mohamad v PP [2014] 6 MLJ 525; Bunya AK Jalong v Public
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Prosecutor [2015] 5 MLJ 72; 1 [2015] 5 CLJ 893, Pang Chee Meng v.
Public Prosecutor [1992] 1 MLJ 137.
[27] More critically, this investigation's deficiencies led to the remanding
of the accused in custody, an action that, given the insufficiency of
evidence, was both unjust and unnecessary. The principle that an
individual is innocent until proven guilty is a cornerstone of our legal
system. In this case, the evidence presented did not meet the threshold
of establishing guilt prima facie, let alone beyond reasonable doubt.
This Court’s decision
[28] There is reasonable doubt raised on the charge of drug trafficking
for the reasons aforementioned. The Prosecution had failed to established
a prima facie case for this charge. The Accused is hereby acquitted and
discharged of the charge under s39B(1) DDA.
[29] However as to the two charges of possession under s12 DDA, this
Court finds that the elements have been fulfilled and a prima facie case is
made out against the Accused. The Accused is ordered to enter his
defence to the said two charges.
[30] This Court explained the decision to the Accused in Bahasa
Malaysia. The Accused confirmed he understood them. His counsel then
explained the three options that are available to him under the CPC.
[31] The second and third charges were read to the Accused in Bahasa
Malaysia. The Accused confirmed he understood the charges, their nature
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and consequences of his plea. To each of the two charges of possession
under s12 DDA, the Accused pleaded guilty.
[32] The Prosecution confirmed the facts as per the findings of this Court.
The Deputy Public Prosecutor submitted that the time spent already in
prison ought to serve as a lesson for the Accused.
[33] This Court sentences the Accused to ten months imprisonment for
each charge. Both ten months imprisonment sentences are to run
concurrently. Effective from the date of his arrest. The Accused was
hereby free to go.
For the Prosecution: DPP Fatin Hanum Abdul Hadi
DPP Nik Mohd Fadli bin Nik Azlan
DPP Mohamad Shahrizzat bin Amadan
Deputy Public Prosecutors
For the Accused: Maanveer Singh Dhillon and Intern Lim Sheng
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T/n Maanveer Singh Dhillon & Co.
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| 15,790 | Tika 2.6.0 |
PA-22NCvC-121-08/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) AZIZAH BINTI ABDULLAH 2. ) HASNAH BINTI ABDULLAH 3. ) MOHD KHUSAIRI BIN MOHD ISA 4. ) MOHD SHAMSURI BIN MOHD ISA 5. ) ROZAINI BINTI ABDULLAH 6. ) SITI ZAUYAH BINTI ABDULLAH DEFENDAN 1. ) ABD MANAN BIN HUSIN 2. ) ISMAIL BIN SAMAT | Full Trial – claim by the Plaintiffs in Suit 64 as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain for a declaration that the estate of the late Abdullah is holding ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain. Issues• Whether the late Abdullah held ½ undivided share of the said land on constructive trust for the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the letter dated 30th January 1983 by Mohamad Bin Abdullah, the son of the late Abdullah permitting the 1st Plaintiff to build a house on the said land tantamounts to the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain having an interest in the said land;• Whether there is fraud/ misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct committed by the late Abdullah and/or the estate of the late Abdullah against the Plaintiffs as the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• If fraud/misrepresentation/ unconscionable conduct by the late Abdullah is found, whether the Limitation Act 1953 and/or the principle of laches applied to defeat the claim of the estate of the late Haji Mat Zain;• Whether the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession of the said land; and• Whether there is unjust enrichment on the part of the late Abdullah.The Court finds that the Plaintiffs have failed to prove on a balance of probabilities the existence of a constructive trust in favour of the late Haji Mat Zain nor found any unconscionable conduct.The Court also finds that the estate of the late Abdullah and/or the Defendants have an overriding interest as the registered proprietor of the said land.The Court finds that the estate of the late Abdullah is entitled to vacant possession subject to them compensating the two Plaintiffs in Suit 64 for the present value of the said houses to be assessed by an independent valuer appointed by the Court. The costs of this valuation is to be borne by the estate of the late Abdullah. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Anand Ponnudurai | |
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pA—22m:vc—121—oa/2u22 «and. 14
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GUAMAM SIVIL NO P zzucvoeo NI2|l22
(No. KW: 550222-07-5471 r(um-- 4935755)
[Punladb Han: Punk: luql H:)| rm bln
Bin Haj? Sallo ,si um: (aolepil lnl dlruluk
sabagni ‘Hun Mat Zaln msebur menurul
Pcrinlnh bfrurilm U1.05.1D2I)
(No. KIP: 541111-oz-5529 I (Lama: 4711139)
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Pomadhlr mm Punk: Blgl Abdulllh am Abdul Majld
mo. Kl samza-nu-5744}
P-nmdmr Mum Punk. Abdullnh am Abdul Mxjld
sw HhDDgEq\anKvwwmIkcD5sD Ms: I M -4
mm Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum pm
mo. KIP.: 5no7u.n7.5Iss]
(No. K1P.: 430330-07-5102]
[N0. KIP.: 610908-07-5255]
[N0. K/F.: 71092142-5:75]
[NO. K/P.: s1Ims-a1-5594]
[NCL KIP.: 560617-07-5154] DEFENDAN-DEFENDAM
GUAMAN SIVIL no new 21-on/2022
[No. mp: 5oo11¢o1‘s1n]
sw HhDDgEq\anKywwmIkcD5sD Pu: 2 am
mm Sum M... M“ be used M mm I. nflmrufllv mm; “Mm. VII muwa VWLII
11.2. ms subsequent purchase by me Ia|e Abauiisn at me nublic
auc1iDn vide a saunnd inaeniure oi sale dated 3" May 1941
was sinister and irauauianny done
11.3. the esvace oi the iaie Abdullah had krmwledge at all material
limes that me Iaie Haii Mai Zain was run a squatter simp/rune:
but the owner of the V. undivided share ollhe sax: iand, and
11 4 that the years oi wuupaiion and paymem oflhe assassmanl is
an acknowledgement by the late Abauniaii that V, undivided
sriareei me said iana is heid on mnstruclivetruslforme iamiiy
Mme lala Haji MalZaIn.
mu Dofomi-ms‘ coimmlmu/submissions
[12] The mnlsnlians/submissions of me esla1e or the late Abduliah are
summarized as ioiiews
12.1. me pmcivf paymem Mme quil rem urassessmenl is not proof
olan equivasie ngm over me said land.
12 2. me oucupaiiun or me said and does not prevent the esiaia ol
the Is|a Abduilah as ma registened pmprieioiimm taking acaon
to ream/er the said |and1
IN H>1DDuE¢=HKyvrwmlkcD5iD p... :1 nl :4
ma 5.11.1 ...m.m111 be flied m mm 1.. nflmruflly sum. dun-mm Va arium WM!
12 3. ma allegad olal agreement mwean me lala Hall Mal zaln and
the IICE Abdullah is not Iarlable nor admlsslble In law as it ls
based on hearsay, and
12.4 male was an lnordmale delay In lxlmmenclng lhls presern
acllon and ma eslata onne lale Hall Mal zaln have sat on lh -
nghls aasplla having knawledge mal lne name 01 me late Hall
Mal zaln was not leglslam: on me me Deed slnce 1941 llsall.
sumnn ot Prod
[13] ll la lllle law lllal he who aaaena musl prwa me P8I'lil:uIaHa<.1s.As
such‘ lne burden of glow llas on me aslala cl lne lala Hall Mal am as
me Plalnlllls lhmughaut [ha lnal la prove lnau clllm aglmsl ma esbzaie
nllha |a|aAbdu||zh and In be veslad wlm V. undrvlded an-re ollhe sale
land on a nalanaa nl pmbablllllas as enshrined under socllom ma.
1n: and lo: ol on Evldunuu Act flsa. [saa cam of John: al
Abdul Kndlr Mnrlcln v lnvrtnnco Lam Kwck Fun A Anuv[19l|l] l
IALRA anal and Tan Kiln Knunn v. ‘rm Kn Kim (M) sun and mu]
1 cu SUPP 141}.
[141 To ml: and, II 1! also am lnal I quola the use of Lucllununan
clmu Alng-ypln Q LAI|lgnppIn I Anor v. Socurn lvunmlnn
Sdn and mm 3 MLRA 501 were me Federal calm held as fnllows.
-(521 saclnzn 1lJ1(1Jpmvl'l1e.sIII.!t'VVhl)ev9Id9:wes any couma give
judgment as to any legal righl a llanlllry dependent on lno
IN HhDDuE¢=HKyvIwmlkcD5iD Page :2 04 u
‘Nab! a.n.l n-vlhnrwm be flied M mm ms anlln.l-y MIN: dun-mm Va .mm mm
sxislencc ollecis which he essens, must prove iiiei (hose laels
exisr "ssciion 101 siaies lnei Ihe iniiiel burden cfpvoving a
puma facis case in his favaur is cast on the nlerniiil . "
(waodmlle and AmlrNl Law 0/ Evidence, min edn. vol 3 al p
3194) Illllsllalloll in to s lav guts It begnd doubt mi in»
"burdtlv armor " iesxs throughout an the p_l.:lnmr. Section
1:72 mums me: "The hurdnn of El in a suit of
ggceeding lies on mi gersarl who would fall ilno evidence
at all weie given on aim: si "The initial anus elmvlng
the case is afwazs on me flaimlff " (saikai Law aIEvldence
lsili edn at 1593. Illustration (u to s 102 ggls It beige
dollbl than u gllintilfllas the initial onus ol El
{sq Time a glillmllllus both tllu buiden ol flies ml! as the
Inltlll onus olgiool. /rl Bniesrone Pie Lid v. smnii & Associates
Far Eesi Lii1[2l7o7]4 SLR 855, me singapoie Court omppeal
pei vx Rajah ./CA dsllvsllrlg ilie ludgmenl ol the coun,
explained inei el me sien of iiie plslntlll : case me burden ol
pmol and me arms alpmurcoinci.le-
' . ailne srsnollhe plainmls case, M! lgalaurden onflvlng
rlie exlmim of nix ieleveni not met me gulnillr mus!
mve Ind lhe evldentlll burden ol soma (not inherently
lncmdlblo evidence at‘ me exlsience olsuch lucnmlnelde.
l/pan adducllon ollhal evidence, me evidential burden shins to
me delendenl, as me case may lie, to adduce some evidence in
ieouiiul. ll no evidence /II ieouiial is adduced. lhs court may
eoncluue iioin (ha evidence ol me 1.19/9/vdanl IL on me alhar
nena, swdancv in rebuttal I5 adduced, me eviaeniial Duldcn
in HhDDgEqIanK‘/wwmlkcnfisn nu. u eiu
-we Sum IHIWDIY Mu be used m mm me uun.iu MW; dnunmnl via nF\uNG we
shifls back [0 the p/HVIMV, U, u/limsls/y, Ihs evidenlial burden
comes I0 iasi an ina defendant, Ins l9gs/ burden of pniar or me
reievanl fan would have been discharged by the plainhf The
Iegalbumeri 0! pidai. a paiinaneni and enduring miidan ~ does
naisnin. A parry who nas me legal lumen drpidoiaii any issue
IN/SI discharge it Ihmughoul. sonieiiines, the legal aiiidan is
spoken or, /naccurals/y, as "S‘himng”, Bur wnai is miiy ineanz is
inai anoinei issue nas been engaged, on wnian (he opposiia
party neais me /eqa/burden Diplval '
§51The ml: is mat ‘the onus oimoiafanzgaiticuiar hztlles
on the am who mm It not on him win: denies it- at
inciimnir pmbaliarl qiii decii, non qui neqax, acrvli incibir
piooaiion . The glnlnfllf is bound in ma iiisi Instance ta
show a gma laclecasa and inn vos it imgifm inc
mm will not assist nim. Hum (ho maxim Ever est
condition delendantls. A flalnlm‘ cannot obviously
advantagg Ilimsdf by the weakness of mo doilnu. A
fllnfllrs case must stand or hll um me ovldonct
adducod by him. When. however. (he dslandant, or either
liligarll pan}/, insiaad ol denying wnai is a//eged againm nim,
iaiias an some naw maiiai wiiian, i/inie, is an answai I017, me
miiden orpinoi changes sides, and iia, in ms (um, ls bound lo
sndw a pfima iacid 9559 at ieasi and, ii ne leaves I! iinpaiiaci,
ina mun WI" rlal assist niin. Raiis sxcipendo Ill aclal”
(woodio/is and AIHWA/1, sum, vol 3 ai p aisomgu "
in HhDDfiEUiflKyvIwmlkcD5iD 7:5: in am
warn Sum llnnflhlv nu as used M mm me nvmnnfily mm; dnunmnl VIA .mnc WM!
[151 As such. the burden of meat tea on the estate at the late Hatt Mat Zam
|o wave the extstehee a1 a txxtstructtve trust iar the hate Hatt Mat zeth
and the consequential right |o be vested wtth the ‘/1 uh ed share of
the Sam rand tn the name at the late Hah Mat zattt.
[16] There ate several issues which teeutte judtaal
eohsuetettoh/asterhttnettoh as f0HUws'
t5.1.whether the late Abdullah hetd ‘A undivtded share of the Said
Iahtt an emslruclwe ttustrortha estate ctthe late Hap Mat Lam.
16.2.Whetner the tettet dated 30" Janualy 1933 by Mohamad Bun
Abdullaht the sun 0! the tate Atntuueh psmtitung the I“ Platnfifl
(0 Dutld a house on the sand land lamamaunls In the slate M
the late Haji Mat zath having an thterest tn the sen tend,
16.3 whether there Is ftaudl mtsrepresehtauonx uhoohstatnhabte
conduct oommttted bythe late Abdullah and/av the estate at the
|a|e Atmuttah agalllsl the Platntttts as the estate at the late Hatt
Mat L-tm, llaudlmtsrepresanlalinnl unoohsetanahto wnduct by the hate
Atzeutteh ts found. whethu lh: untttauen Act 125: aharor the
pnnotpla at taches eppttea In aeteat the atetht 0! the estate at‘
the late Hail Mat Zain.
IN HhDDt]E¢=DKyvIwmlkcD5iD um ts em
‘Nata s.t.t In-vthnrwm be ts... m mm .. nflmheflly MW: dun-mm VI] nrtuNG Wm!
l65,Whethev ma es1aIe of ma late Abaunan ws enulled Io vacanl
possesswun oflhe saw and and
165Wha(her mere ws unyusc enrichmenl an the part al the Vale
[17] From me abwe, n will be clear lhat me crmcal issue m nus case .5
whether ar nut Ihere was Iraud/musrepresemamon or unconscuoname
mnducl by me Vale Ahdnmah or the same ov me late Abduflah and
whether may mm '/2 undrvxded share 01 me sand land on conslrucuve
trust 70! the 9.51315 0! (he |a|e Hap Mat Zam being [he benefmianes of
me Vale Han Mat Zain The detenrwlalmn nlthns mam asue wwll w my
View rash/e me omav Issues
F‘ :1 mun: Whnhor mu lama Abdull-h hold V. undlvld r m
gm lgnd gn conslmctlve mnua: ma nlah ohm Inn Hg'i Mac Iain
mg M53151 mg“ i; lgudl mlscemnnmlonl unoonscionahlu
conduct committed fix mg gjg Aggllan and the -am: of an n
Abdullah a lmlmo nun oflhn In H ’i Man i
[15] The emu: ov me Late Han Mal h: n Iheirsuhmlssion mnnarms man a
remedial oonstrucirve Izual sxlsls tor the V. undivided share or the saw:
land m their favour The estate Mme Ia|s Han Mal Zam refers to ma
case 0! RH: Bunk Ehd v Trivl M (M) Sdn Bhd a. on and
aw » Page ns am
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
unoum -punt [2016] 1 ML! 175 where one Faaerat Courl held as
"1271 A D'0PvI‘sfa'y rams-1y may also us awarded where tt Is
apprnvrtale tn Lonrho Ptc u Fayed and omsrs ttvu M19921 1
WLR 1a! p 9, Mttten .t ctled me ruttawtng passage from
Meagnar, Gummow and Lenane, Equt‘
Ramsdlss, (2nd Ed) at p 321, wntcn sstd met when appropriate
the noun wuutd grant a propnetary remedy.
Doclmtss and
When appropnate, tns mun wttt grant a pwpvietary remedy to
restore to ma ptatnmr property of whtch he has been wrongty
deprived, or to pvsvenl lhs derandant imm retatntng e benefit
wnten ne has olzlatnad by hrs awn wrong It /5 nolpossible and
it weutd net be destrabla, to attempt and exhaustive
nlassificaltbn ortne sttuatrans tn whtclv /[wt/I410 so Eauiry mus!
retain what has been called us tnnerent ttaxtutttty and cspactly
to adjust to new situations by reterenee ta me marnepnnge of
equitable turtsdicrton "
[19] In adanten, reltanoe ts placed on me ease at Atlas
cauinutsa Fumltme Ltd at al v Nallonal Trust co Lid [1932] as
DLR(4m) 161 where the Brilish Columbia Courl at Aupeat new as
"A remedtat cormructrve trust ts a trust trnuesed Dy mun order as
a mmody tor a wrong Tne enttttemenr to max remedy may be a
malls: ol euuemntnre law, but me (ms! tteett I: not created by me
acls uttne pames, or even uy me oottgauun In make teetttuttorr, but
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD 7:5: :1 mu
-nus s.r.t n-nhnrwm be used m mm ms nVW‘nlWY MW: dun-mm VII uF\uNG v-mat
by ma order of the noun As wltn other calm orders, the trust wlll
some mm being wtran Ins arder is plorlotmced, unless, in an
appmpllala case the alder ls made rslroacllvs or /15 comlllg lnla
force ls deferred It may be war m many cases where a rsmedlal
L‘orlsfmc1l've trust ls lmposetl the court will oruar tllax it be lmpossd
wltll ellecl lrom Ills true when the srluatlon arose which gave use
to the uruusl snnchmenl. sea Rswltlk v. Raw/uk. mere must, ol
wurse. be a causal corlnecllorl between the progeny tn qllsslton
and the unjust enrlcttrrrent. See somrtrarl v Solocharl, [1955] 2
5 CR, 38 and Rosellleld u Olson (1985), 1 E.c.L R. (2d) 708 The
rel-rtedlal construcllve lnlsl must be tllstmgulshed lrum the
autzsmntrua mrrsuuctlua trust which the court declares to have
anssrl, as 3 result ollne conduct aims panles, and by the lame ol
mat conduct alone, at me sarllsr tlms wllen the relevant conduct
[2D]Fur1.her, reltanoe ls also placed an me mass at Nlulchlmkl u
Dodds(1iB5) a2 ALR 429 where me Hlgn Court ol Auslralla per
Dean: J emlncla|ed as lollams
"rn kn l fl n ‘ IV
l:orI§!mcllI/8 !vI.l§1does nol involve g derllglg/MS conlllwad fixlfll )(
muggy (cl Wnh v Wirlh (95 cu?) at u 235 The inslililflonal
character ol ms trust nas never completely oollteratea us rsmedlal
ongirls sven m the case otttra mam lradltlonsl forms olaxprsss and
lmplrea trust. ms IS a Iorriorl in the case arconstrucllva trust where,
as has been mentlonau, II-la mmedlhl crlaraaer remains
pmdomlnan! tn that the [rust use/I Elmer rsplsssnts, or mllsds the
auallamllty ol, equitable relief m the pamcular ctrcumslancss.
IN HnDDqE¢=nt<y»rwmIkcD5sn P11: 1: MM
Nata Smut In-vlhnrwm as used M mm the ntwlmflly MIN: dun-mm VII nFluNG WM!
Indeed, in Mrs country at leasl, the constructive trust has not
outgrown its formative s1ages as an aqunable remedy and should
sn'Il be seen as eonsrmng an n psrsansrnramsdy attaching lo
property which may be moulded and adjusled to gun; slicer lo the
app/rcarion and mlsr-p/ay of equrlable principles rn fne
crvcumslances nllhs pamcu/at case /n psmcular, where wmpsling
common law or equilali/e c/arms are or may be involved, 5
.1ee1e1sr1on olconstructive trust by way ofremeoy can properly be
so framed [hat me consequences urns impasmon are npsrarfvs only
from me dale onuagmsnz nr formal court order or lrum some alner
specified date. The fact that (he consrructrve trust remains
preduminarmy remedial does nut, hawsvsr, mean thfil 1! represents
a medium run (he indulgence ol nmsynmuo notmns oliarrness and
justice As an equneme remedy, 11 Is evsnams an/y when warranted
by established equitable pnnaplss or Dy me /sgmmale processes of
legal reasoning, by analogy, Indmrtson and deduclron, from the
sramng pain! or a prayer understanding ol the oonoeprual
Ioumiaxron or such pnnuptes (cl, generally, Sir Frank Kms
foreword to me 1s: ed 11975) 0! Msaghar, Gummow and
Lenane: Eqmly, Docmne: and Remedies, at pp v~vii or the 2nd ad
(1954), and see also, 99 Re Drp/ock [1943] on 455 at 451-2 ,'Fem'?(
v Pemn[197o; AC ms: 19:, am, 509, 325,- Cowcnev v
EowcnsI[1922] 1 wm 425auJn,-119721 1 All ER
EM at 948;_Iacobs’ Law Ill Trusts /7! AMAVE/la, llh ed {V977‘
Moagrvsr and Gummow), paras 13471-2, 1325-9,-Allen v
Snyder (197712 NSWLR 655 at 539, 7021!, Oakley, on an, pp 1-112,
Pam, on on, pp 4-5). Vrswed as a remedy, the Iunclmn ml the
mrvstrucuvs Irus! .s not to mndsr superfluous, but 10 reflect and
enforce. me pnnclples ol the law 0! aqmty
1n HhDDqEu:nKywwmIkcD5iD '13: ., s. ..
“Nata s.n.1 n-nhnrwm be used M van; .. nflglnnflly mm; mmn 1.. mum pans!
musnis inanrieia is rropimirr me /aw all/71: counzryinnne notion
oi '5 constructive rrusi ofn new model“ which, "by wrnazever name 1:
rs desmbed . is imposed by law whenever iusfice and good
conscience” (in ms sense at 1armass- ur wnar "was raw) 'reqmra it"
(per Lard banning MR, Eves v Eves [1975] 1 Wu?
meat 1341 1342, [1a751:sAriER 765 at 771, 772 and Hussey V
Palmer [1972] 1 wu? 1235 at 1259-90.'[1972I 3 All ER
744 5! 747)."
my on ma Nstolical Incl: ohms prasarn case, in IS cleav that mare were
Mo Indemuras rn respsmafme saw warm The late Haji Malzain and
me Abdullah wave rag\sIArad as nananis in common ai ina said land
was me. man Indanlum dam 15* Ann! I930 under Iha Engnsn Daad
System :1 ma R9g\sIar M Deeds. Penang on 27* May 1930.
[221 anm |enanls in wmmon were regmelld is shimmy inangagors OHM
said land wide a sianuwry mnngtge dated 19“ Apru «van on 27“ May
1930 at me Ragmrar cl Dem, s-ennng.
[231 was a mom: inaeniura dated M May 4941, (ha said land wus
iransvened to me Im Abdulllh only wno had paid $130.00 as the
SUCOBSSM ladder of the said land at a public aucfinn Ce half! lhe
morlgagors had hreachad me said smumry murlgaue The second
Indenlure was regisnereu on 30'" Jun: 1941 under me Deed nyslem at
me Registrar 0! Deeds‘ Penang
rn HhDDuE¢=nKyvrwmIkcD5iD raaem-rm
“Nuns Sum! n-nhnrwm be used M van; .. mn.u.y sun. dun-mm r.. mum pans!
(Nu. m: Awssnm-51021
[No. KIP: smwa-tn-51551
(No. KIP: 11 n921—o2sa1s]
5. ROZAINI sum Aauumxu
[No. KIF: 5109:3411-5594]
[Na mp: mm-o7-52541
memnaax meVa\m ZALINA snm mums [No. K/P. 530617-07-5154}
sen.-agai pemegang Surat Kuasa Waknl yang sah bag! P\aInM-F'\amM)
[No. KlF:5MI222-d7»547T]
2. Isuun. am smn nzrsunmnzrsunm
sw HhDDgEqIanKwrwmIkcD5sD me a m «
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used m mm u. mm.“-y mm; mm. VII nF\uNG pm
[24] Fmm ma above, it is clear that oniy me name of me late Abauuah has
been registered on me said land being me mghesl bwdder for me same
at ma malena\ nme.
[25] The esuna 0! ma Vale Haj Mat Zaln wnlends max mere exis|s
s4nis(ershIp and mequwable conduct on me pan of me late Ahdmlah.
The estate onne late Ha]: Mal Zain submits mac me lace Che Long
(wwa cl lhe Vale Haji Ma1Zam)had pend me mommy mongage sum in
me late Abdullah who had man aauaa lo pay on ma arvears which lad
to the sad land being aucunnsd and \a¢ar pumnasea by ma Vane
Abdunah solely.
[29] In my view, there ' no emdenoe Io substarmate me above and such
hare avermenls/asserlluns is \n my vsew insulficienl to conclude that
the Vale Abdullah is gumy 0| slmsletship and inwumhle oonducl [See
ma mse al axnary Force Sdn Bhd v Lembaga Pelabuhan
John! [zoos] 1 ms 313] ms conlermcn now that me late Che Long
naa made me payments under me slalulory mongage \s also not
oerlam as me estate of ma Isle Hafl Mal zam has oonsaxanuy taken
me poaiuan man ma Vale Ha]: Mal Zam and me ma One Long were
uneducatad and bara\y had enough mone|ary funds var surv|va\ at that
[27] Funnen vn my Maw, ma eslale auna ¥a|e Haj: Mal zam have a\so failed
to pmve on a balance M probablllues man (her: exlsls any constructive
trust var me estate oflhe ma HaiiMa(L!1n.Nowhere doe: ma ueond
lndamure dated 3"‘ May um mdimls or mlar that mere was ImsI(holh
axpraaaxy oHmp|1ed\y)clealedlcrlhe asoaua at [he late Hap Mal zam
There Is alsa no evidence lo subslanllala ma can|anuonsllac1: lhal Ihe
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5aD Page 11 M u
Nuns sum n-nhnrwm be used m yaw ma anmmmy mm: dun-mm wa mum pm
late che Lung has made the payment for the V. undwidzd share at the
sald land and the late Abdullah pmnused lo regtsler the said W
undlvlded share VI the name of the late Hail Mal zatn or the late che
[25] ln edditlon, havlrlg aonsrdered the lacts at [his sate, I find that the
estate at the late Ha]! Mat zain have tatled lo pmve on a balance of
probabllmes that there was any unmnscionable conduct and/or any
grounds tor rue to find or impose: temedtal aonstrumlve trust tn tavour
ulthe late Halt Mat utn and the estate altne late Hajl Mat zaln due la
the loflowlrtg laclars
a The estate oltne late Hali Mat zaln have nm addueed any ongenl
evrdenue nut rely neaytly on hearsay le aentend that the late
Ahdullan had nhlalned the sad land tnde the second lndenture
lor the benefit or the late Halt Mat Zam Thls slnularty appltes wtth
respect to the wn|en!lorl v1 unoonsctonaole oonduot on the pan
at the late Abdullah when the sald land was putchased,
b. The estate or the late Halt Mat Zaln admllted tn fllelr lallmony
especlally the 1' Platntttl that the alleged oral agreement
bemaen the |a|eAbdu\|ah and Ihe lale Haji Ma( Zalrl was knclwn
only to nlrn lrorn the statements heard lrorn the late che Long
wmch Is nut adrrllsslhle under me rule agalrlsl hearsay and that
ll muld be [me av Hal The I" Piamlifl I¢5|ifIed dtmng L7uss—
examination as follows:
"FD :T9k sellqu? Jndl In! kalounggn nombol 4 In!
berdtlsarkan kelerangan one Long A uw ad:
IN H>tDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD Pig! :2 one
-we s.n.t nnvlhnrwm ue used M yaw ms uflmnaflly mt. dun-mm vta .nuye Wm!
miklumatmiklumal I-lln barkonun Inllgtl
Elfinflan Irsan torsebul.
: Ini adalan dang: cm LL»,-1.
> Oh: Lyg somata-mana7
:Katsrsngsn pasarmpamnggan 4:15!-I spasarapa yang
bevlaku pada tahun 1930 bsrdasarkan apa wnq
drbemahu kepada Encik Marian oran cha Lang7
V lad: kelslangan one Long Ievsebln mungkin boleh
oem/, mungkm bnlsh Irdak betul, selu/u arau vidak7
may sslu/u Im berpsndu kspsda dokumen may kamr
.- 1.-gin." gjurnn Ilsln mm id: dokumln. Jadl
saga ma "5 Eng dlmaklum am. one Long
mungkin betul mugkln mm mm?
va ”
[See page 45 orme Noles or Evidence daled 9* May 2025]
c The leuer [mm Mohamad hm AhduHah datad aw» January 1933
had emy gwen the 1" Plalnlm permission to bmld a house and
could not tantamount |o Ihe esme at the lale Haj: Mal Zam
aaqumng ngms and beneficial mlarasl an me said land.
a The 2"’ Plnmufl aammau during ms Iesllmuny lha| ma estate 09
ma Vala Haj! Mal Zam had volunlanly gn/an/sunendarea ma
paddy «am to ma as(a|e o1lheIaIeAbdu\I:h wnnom nusrng any
ob)ec1>cn lo Ihe same when ma aslale :11 ma lace Abdunah
aw HhDDuE¢in><ywwmlkcD5iD
-ma Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
rsqueslsd for lh: same m 2019. The 2"“ P\ainlif1(SP2| lnsnfied
as louaws’
“FF Tak, tak Er/a dla Duat rampssan ifu, EM‘/k Ismail
bag/Tahu rampasan dmuaz w sawan pad: lsnah
Abduliah alaupun sawah pacn Ha/I Mal Zam mp
SP-2 :Dus-due belalv says bust.
YA Rampasan mbual ax sawan pad: mans, kawzlsan
sp-2 .»<awa:an sebe/ah kampnmg Haj} Mal Zam, yang
ssoeran pan! pro/sk aw sebelah Ha//’AbduIIah
PP :so kodua-dun nan-gt-n mu monk. momma:
sp-2 :Mnnh mblla-omul um-nun.
PF mun
FF Yang Abdu/Ian cu you bayav sswaksn?
s;=~2 'Ya
PP Dan mu kswasan bapa menus you lah, mam.
/-mpu jugs?
SP»? . va
PP . Macum mans Iampasan im bsnaku, omen [alukarfl
SP-2 . say: Ink bohh [5/as curna dupe bagiruhu kalza kami
akan ambil bahk Ian (Brush nu sebub hak d-pa
(See page 87oIlI>e Notes ofevidomv dated 9'" May 2023]
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD Pauuolu
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
‘.1111! up knakan sin‘ Znguh dmng unluk
munumur kombalf mlnggmbilalfh kumbali slwuh
(orsobut knuru sawan ttrstbul adalan mill);
mereka. Sen.l[u Ivnutldlk7
-saga seIu[u.
Jawalz kepada Mallkamah dengan ;eIas
1/ad: awak I/dak ads aps-ans benlshan (ah verhadap
psngambtla/than semu/a sawah yang sslangah
bahagran kamu usahakan pads lahun 2019 Isrssbut
Dan kamu ‘mg ulah muumn kamba/I seem
bark Iah kflda Sfri Zagzah.
:Dan sebagaipenyewa sawah, awak/uga ads ulusan
penukaran name mm rsu subsrdr dan ha/a /‘uga Kan?
‘Dan um M. sour: balk dan aman man
mcmbull flllklllll nun: dlll nlml IV/All
aebagnl gngwl kegdn SM Zauxlfl, aalu Al ltlu
.Ya mm balk.
:TIu1n non-mg bnnnh-n7
Tldak mu.
[See page 32 ol the Note: 9/ Ev/dance dated 9" May 21223]
IN HhDDgE|zIanK‘/wwmlkcnfisn
-ms Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
‘PD ‘Tad! Enclk lsmall ksln Ellclk Ismal/ eenen kamba/l
sscsra 9/ok Kan, secera eman
s/2.2 ‘Va
PD ./ad! Iak timbul Vail dskwaan mersmpas sawah padi
Iersebtll Memarlg ssrah ksmbs/I sacalx elak tan.
SP-2 :Ya '
[see page as alrhe Notes o/swdence dated 9* May 2023)
e The estate cfllhe late Hap Mal zain have tzottt admltted dunng
tne cuurse or the tnal that they do not even have knowledge
about the 5112 of me said land wnen claiming the ‘/1 urldlvlded
snare dune said land, and
r Tne estate at the late ttall Matzaln had sleot on men rlgnts and
did not take any reasonable amen to enforce their alleged
banefiolal lrtleresls/ngms over the V. undivtded snare 01 tne satd
land despite havlng krmwiedge at tne alleged uncurlsciovtable
canduct etme IateAbdullah since 1941 ttsen.
[29] In additlon, tne estate ulttte late Haj: Mat zatn seeksa declarallnn met
me send V. undwtded share at the sad land I5 based on the oral
agvsement wlnareln Ins ‘/e share 07 the two muss: and ‘/4 share 07 the
paddy neld belungs ta the estate 01 flle late Haji Mal z n. ln my vlaw,
the mat agreement rematne a hate assamen wttn no evldenee adduced
In sutzslaniiale sucn a claim. In any event, this oral agreement ts
supztsedad by tne sewnd lrtdenlure, we can be seen from me
testtmany dune 1-‘ Plutntttf dunng cmesexnnunullon as lulluus.
lN HhDDuE¢=nl<ywwmIkcD5iD y... hi and
-we s.n.t In-vthnrwlll be used M mm ms mnmu-y enn. m.n.n n. mane em
SP1 :
rskpzy n-arm akan mm o/sh peyuamcara Enmk
Jadl saga kalnkan seluu alau Ildak
Indulture Sale [lug kedul Irll Kelli! mamnasr
araugun Inl [any Ilrbaru 1941 Iran dun ll Illengafisl
afl-33 kandugggn gang ada di A1aL!m lndenkuw
Salt mo Mrsobut. Sotlfu mu lidak?
[see page 48 anhe Noxes afEw'der1oe dated 9" May 2023]
SP1 .
s1N H>wDDqE¢an><ywwmIkcD5sD
-ms s..1.1...m..w111.. .15.. m mm 1.. nVVfl\ru“|¥ mm; dun-mm VII mum Wm
nay, lakva ran Slya kstl says cadangkan Enctk
Manan be/sh sslu/u slau lsk selu/u sabab lsd1 Encxk
Msnan kara I-Bk d-lk psngslahuan spa Darfaku 19317
hmgga 1341 msksud dia 11 Iahun ads gap agak/umlah
yang psmang darn dokumsn dengan pales manyalakan
alas kemurlgktran Abduuan bin And Mafia dan juga Ha/'1
Mat zarn rmska hananah tersebul dtlelang semula dan
Abdu//ah Ma/1:1 mum pembe/i kedua berdasarkan
dokumsn di mukasural 25 Kan?
Jad1, saya kala yang !ad1'EI1c:'k Manan secuju ape yang
dlkalskan olsh Che Long .11 dalsm pwapsn 4 ads/an
salu peqaniian lrsan berdasariran dokumen 19317
dnllm 11 n n n n n
m §7 mu
dlsnkog oleh dakumen gang suELsedl menngnasl
dnkuman pm gamma maka geflgnflan llsln gang
dlbuatmulut Ilu adalah lldak zflakal her: n berl-ku
gzmbahan dalam mug 11 rahurl terso.-but setulg
arau lidak soalan sag?
SP1 . Sctuiu.”
[See page A9 allhs Noles ofEvn1sm:e dated 9'" May 2023]
[an] \n mnclusmn, havmg consmarea |ha above, I am 11! the Iha| lha
aslala 1.71 mm mm Hap Mal Zain have lalled lo prove an a hamnce of
DVobabHrhes(haHJ1e IslaAbduIlah nova; V; unawea share of me sad
land on eensxrucwe (rust m ilvourahhe Vale Hap Max Zam or me aslam
of ma lace Hay Mal Zain
sooand Inuo: vnmhur mu I-nu dzlud 19'“ Januag Igu gg
Mohzmad mn Abdullah gs gm sun mum [ah Ahdullgh Emu g Inc:
I“ Flalmlfl to build g ngug E Q; gig lug V!§j§ gnu, um gl gm
I ' ' II immu in mo and land.
[311 The same onhe Iale Hap Ma| Zam a\sn mugs on me leltar wssuad by
Mohamad Em Amman, son ov me me Abeuuan dated 30" Junuary
was and amend than such wetter Is mmcauve mu me estate of me Isle
Hap Mal Zam have a x unmvuaea share OHM! beneficial mlerasl mm
sawd land In mvs respeau, m \s apt lha| (he contents of me send lelter be
rewoduwd belaw
sw H>wDDqE¢an><ywwmIkcD5sn P21: 11 m u
-m Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
mu. AlHA¥fl\Aku|i i.
lilivlhilm ..u.
[321 A perusai onna said lener win reveai inai ii only vrinls pennission id
me 1* Pliirmfl |o oonsu'uc1 a noiise/buiiding on iris said iand and
nothing more. in rein, in niy view, me iamnai ins eslala dune iaia Hap
Mat Zain sndidi me 1- Pisinmv have lo nhlain mnsenl [mm ins iainiiy
ol Mohamad EH1 Abdiiiiaii lo nuiid a house very tailing as ii wdiiid
appear that the iaiiiiiy of me iaie H.-iii Mal zaiii annealed iriai «vie iaie
Nafi Mai zain is no: me co-owner of me said land. If me lale Han Mal
zain is indeed me co-owner Wllh ins i/2 undivided share dune said
iarid, one weuid nave moiigm mai such peniiissim was ndi required
and may would have just proceeded to puiid a house on me said iand
[:3] Fuflhafi
piwwneis pi me said land but iriis was not dune.
in HhDDuE¢=DKywwmlkcD5iD
«me s.n.i In-vihnrvim as used M mm i.. mimiiiy MIME dnunvinnl n. AFVLING Wm!
it indeed an am’!!! a! iris ‘A undivided snaid of me said land‘
0191" Pllinllfl ougrii In have pmcureid a siiriiiur Ianerlmiii Mohllllmld
sin Andiiiieih in cdiirinn than me arsIa|a or me ieie Hlii Maiza are me
[341 In (am, most crii-navy. ma 1" Plainlifl (SP1) conllrmed dunng orUss—
exammallarl that he seems «ha ha is not the mm at me sild land
SP1 leanfled during cross-examination as roiiows:
"PD Encik Marian says karakan Encik Manan perm pevguumpa
Encik Muhamad sebab Encik Manan menyedan bahawa
Ericik Ma/um bukan pemilik hsnanah Iersebul pads ksrrka
SP1 Ya, beiui "
[see new 5:! arm: Nara: o/Ev/dtncv dated 9'" May 2023]
[351 As such, i am ov me View mm me wrmen ieneri amhonzalran by
Mnhamad am Abdullah mereiy gives ms esiaie oi me late nap Mal zm
andlur Ch: I" Piainmr me ngm in mind a house and occupy the Said
land which is consisienzwim Ihe nghis Mme estate oime iaie Amuiiun
as me mgismrea owner: oi me said land, The same at me lala Haji
Mal zam have .1 yes: praved on a haixnce at probahilmas mew ngms
in occupation onne saia ism hul nmhing lurlhav in pmve (ha alamenl
onzanenciai righls over me said land nor ma oxlslonna ova conslmclivo
[36] In determining mis issue, II is tip! that reference is made to me
vmv-sions under me National Lnnd com 1965
IN Hnnfluzaanwywwmlkcnfisn nae so mu
-m s.n.i n-vihnrwm be used M mm .. mimiiuy MIN: dun-mm VII .mm mm
[11 The mspule herein pertains «.2 ms ownership ofa piece av land m
Penang M wmch the mslary ra\ales back m almost a hundred years
since 1930.
[21 Theve us no mspme mat me said land ws currenfly regIs1ered in ma
nams oi the descendants/admmlsuamrs of me late Abdullah Em
Abdul Majid (heramafler raranaa to as ‘Ab\1u|Iah'). n .5 also not
mspmea that since 1941 me sam land was registered only m the name
0! the late Abdlmah and naw m me names of the
descendants/admmuslraiors aflhe late Abdullah
[31 The descendants/adnu slramrs av the late Hap Ma| Zain hm Saueh
(herennaflar Ielened to as ‘Haj: Mal Zam"| have oommenced Sun PA—
22Ncv¢>a-Mu/2022 (hereinaller revenea In as -sum 64') claunmg
|n|eralIa V. share M me savd land on one basvs that the Lava Abdullah
was a co-uznmwa uuszee «or V. share 0! me said Land .n lavauv of me
ma Hap Mal zam
[A] The descendants/admmlslnlors ollhe Vale And-man nave filed sun PA-
ZZNCVC-121-08/2022 (herelnaflar ravamaa to as “sun 12v) seeking
vacant possession 0! the saw land Imm ma two Delendanls who are
lhe Flalnhls Vn sun 34 above.
{5} By oonsem olme parllas, these two Suns ware mnsulidaled and man:
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD run and
-ma s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
[371 A perusal oflhe lalasl land Search daled 11-“ November zuln would
reflect the name Mme lala Abdullah I: ma sols reglslareu proprietor
nflhe full share ohhe said land Rehrenne is also made lo lhe (RC1 that
the second lrldenlure was leglsleled cln 3G"'JLme1941 under the Deed
syslervl at the Reqislrar ol Deeds, Penarlg.
[321] The lndeleasmllia, of We IS lhe hallmark of the Torrens syslarn oi land
lrlles wrllcn was laler adopted under sectlon :40 of mu nallonal Land
Cod: I965 mrr oerlalll excepllorlsl for the lndefeaslblllly ol regrslered
Wes or lrllelesls ln land and reglslered leases. chavges and
[39] ll IS clearlllal me lnleflm register and the land Search are norrcluswe
evldenoe man We lllle lo me sald land ls leglslered ln me name ol me
eslale ol me lale Abdullah aooardlng In smlon as of nu Nnialul
Lnnd Code was. Tnelelme, me lala Abdullah am me eslale 0! me
lala Azmullah (as sucoassars) as reglslared pmprlelcrs are prlma lacle
anlltled to enpy indaleaslhle lllle/an/nership to me sald land [See the
Faaaral Conn case cl ran Bu v K Manmlamulllu [1911] 2 ull_l 71.
[40] However‘ oansldenng that male ls an allegallan al
lraudlmlsrapvesarllallanl uncurlscxlnable mmlucl, salmon 14o(2)(:)
olllu Nlllollll Land com 1995 ls relevant. The clue or lrlleresl ullhe
lale Abdullah and suhsequenuy tha erslals cl me lale Anaullarl would
be dehaasible m uses 01 lraud nr misreplesenlallurl me burden of
prool us on me eslale ollne Isle Ha]! Mat Zaln lo prove ma elements
or lraun on a balance 01 plnbablllues. [sea ma Federal calm case M
N HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD Page in or u
-rlma Smnl In-vlhnrwlll be flied M mm r.. nflnlrullly arm. mm. VI] nFluNG mm
sinne all A son: 5dn and v uarnai Stlia sun and [20:51 MLJU
[411 The dam cl lhe estate 0! me rare Hari Mal Zaln an naud re-4o\ves
around me far: mat are second lndenture was warned via
«rand/rnrsrapreaenrarron The asrare oi ma late Han Mal zain oonlend
a| paragraphs 14 and 15 M lhelr Statement 01 Claim that the late Che
Long was rnrsrapresenred by me lale Abdullah sonrernne In 1941 r e
mar uponlull semernenr dune rnangage sum, me name oflhe rare Han
Mat hm will be registered is me proprietor of me send land and me
rare AhduHah has arsd misrepresented mar he wiH how ‘/2 undmded
share of he Sam ‘and for the beneffl of the lamwry 0! the late Haj Mal
Zaln but this was not done Mlawmg the death 0! Ihe late Abduflah.
[42] However. I note mar apan from me [act unar Ihe rssua emaud was not
submmsd upon In me wnden srrhrnrssrans, mere rs no ewdence we
prove fraud or rnrsrepresenvanon vn my wen, rr Is araany loo Vale (or
me esrave emre lale Hair Ma|hm wnow asserr maune rare Cha Long
Is nol aware 0! nor undersrood me ounrencs of me semnd Indenrure
gwen mar srre Is uneducated. Despne rnese iacrs bemg mfurmed by
are late One Long ro me P\a|nMf5 somarrnra In 1953, nornrng nes been
done by me esrare av me Yale Haji Mar Zam re aesan maxr ngms nor
even anenrpx In register me ‘/2 undmded snare 01 In: sard land m ore
nanrae nl rne Vale Hap Mar Zam. More men 40years have passed sinue
we deem cl me late one Long m me: am nomrng has been done by
me esme M are Vat: Han Mal Zaln rd assen man Iruzrasl in ma ‘/1
undmdad snare at me said land.
rn HnDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sn nruzmu
-nae s.n.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm a. nrwhrnflly mm: dun-mm vra .nuNG Wm
[43] As such, I am aflhe mew that the eslale Mme late Haii Mat Zam have
failed to wave on a ha\arIce nf pmbabllvlies that there is n-aud/
rmsrwresemalinn cnmmilled bylhe |ateAbdu|1ah and me estate or me
late Abduuan
nun: Inn Doc EEIX7
[441 The esVa|e at the late Abdullah submits Ina! m any case, we dalm by
me eslme o1|he\aI.e Han Mat Lam ougm Io be msmissea baud on
Inches m this respect. reference Vs made k: In: case of nn song
Vang @ Tan Kong nong 5. Ann! v Tun Mwn Llng @ nu Slaw Lang
5 On [2922] 2 nu cos wnem me Court 0! Appeal held as lnHmMs'
"[941 From me pmnr/n:' own Issltmony 111: clear that P1 and P2
knaw about lha alleged ms: m 4970 and P3 knew Intel. in 1975.
They had been asking for me account: over one year: and we
not receive any response Irom en. dalandanfs They ma nal lake
any nclron ol whether to me an aczmn a ul/an m lodge a caves:
to «cum Ihsv own over [he disputed properties Inslead, m_-1
nun wnltod for thou! nu! - c-mug [9 ggmamg :5
union ng-Inn tin dnfcndanm purportedly on ma mason that
they were reluctant to not as they wsw siblings.
H5] The law on the doctrine of/aches is wen semed Th/5 com in
TI/ng Kean Hm 5. Anal v Yuen Hana Pnarva 1201.913 MLRA 550;
(201912 MLJ 334 had succinctly summarised the docm'ne as
IN HnDDuE¢=m<ywwmIkcD5sn uuumu
Nuns Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
(371 For lsches lo be ralsed. men must In dclajg Imounllng
la acquiescence (sea‘ Cheeh Kym Tong & Ana! v ram
Kalli [1999] 1 MLRH 281 1193913 MLJ 252, [1959] 1 Cu
373 Foo l-loldmgs sun El-n1 & Anal v Foo clmon Ymg
(20141 2 MLRH 41 7, Amnluala V Scu//y [1861] /XHLC 360)
nu doclrim al Iachos is based an the maxim that
‘guy ltd: (ht vigilant and not those who slumber on
their rights’ Lam Sslbome succlncrly explained In me
landmark case oILmdsay Petroleum Co HLm1{1374) LR 5
PC 221
am 1n every case 11 an argument agamsk rellsl wlvch
olhsrwlss would be [I451 ls launder! all men: delay, lhal
delay of course not amounrrng lo a bar by any Statute al
Llmllallolvs, the valfdlly 0/ that delence must be mad upon
prlnclples substantially equlraole. Two circumstances
nlwlya Ilnglnt In such CJSCS an mi length of the
new and the nnun 0! me acts done during me
Interval which might afiuct OIIIIOI £11 and cause a
balance of ustlce at Inlustlce In tlklnfl MI on: cnulso
cl mo may so far :5 relates in me remedy.
/35] Edgar Jusepll JIJ m ma case n/A/[red remplelon & Ors v
Low Yul Ha/dlngs sun Blvd & Anar[19E9] 1 MLRH 144,
[19av]2 ML] 202, [1959] 1 cu (Rep) 219 explalned me
docmne u/lam:
Lac»: LI An tgglhhln dereneelmglxlgg lug. ulllmn
-na «my In mncullng a dnlm. A com ol gulg
IN HhDDgE|zIan><‘/wwmlkcnfisn mg: n m u
‘Nata 5.11.1 IHIWDIY WW be used m van; M m\g\ruHIy MVM5 dun-mm vn .mNe M1
minus 11: Aid to - mic dun-m1 what: the p_IaInwr
hu 3! 1 his :4 ts and no uhsc-d la! a tea!
Ionglh of time. H0 is Mm said to be barrvd 1:: teen...
In 11e1enn1n1ng whslnsr mere has been such a delay as In
ammm! to Iaches the court considers whether there has
been awllrescence on we Plaimrifs pan and any change
olposilinn mar nu occurred on the pan of me aerenaenc
The ducmna o/reones rests on the conszdemion that ms
ml/us! to we a menme remedy where he has by me
conduct done the! which mrght fairly be regarded as
9<7uiva)enr la a warver 011! Dr wireve by ms conduct and
newest ne Has, mougn not waiving the remedy pm me
olherpartyin a position In which 11 would nolbe reasonable
1o place him we remedy were errerwams In be asserted
14 Helsnurys Laws o!Eng/and (am 511) paras 1151,1152
Lacnes has been suooncny uescmaed as inamon with
one‘: eyes open “
[45] As such, bearmg in mind me! more has how such a long de\ay m lime
since me smile of me Iala Han Mal Zam was swam of ma non-
regmvaoon Mnwnershnp ar lhev bene4fl::|a\ nghu. over me </. unannaea
share 0! me sad lend. m my considered view, one pnnaple at Iacnas
would avw |a dates! the dawn of ma eslale oi me Im Haii Mal Zain
IN HnDDqE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sn 73:: 35 em
-nee 5.11.1 n-nhnrwm be used m mm 1.. nrwhuflly mm: dnunmnl VI] .nuNG wrm
Fourth Inn: wrmnu and scan. at me. Ian Abdunah an onmlcd Io
vacant Esssssnan anns sal land
[45] V71 delamunmg whslhav ms ssaaca M ma Vale Abdullah are enlmad In
vacanl pussassidn dc ma said land, ans snauld oonsldav me
regisuauon of ownersmp -n ma names M Ihe lale Abdullah and
subsequenuy ma vesnng m me names at me «me of the Isle
[471 In such cases, me he aslala anne Lacs Abdmlnh have proved fls nus
and an mcsnuon to mgam posssssbn‘ m Is for me same anne Lacs Hay
Mat Zam to prove max may can set am a We or a ngm lo possessmn
mnswslenl wI|h me ownership ov me eslals d1 me hate Abduflah In |hvs
rusnecld reference vs made In ma dasa ovcansy. ldul (M) Sdn Bhd V
Oranq-Dung vg Munglnz n sag ' Ponga' (Puongavnnzm AIL
vad am) a. Ors[1WB] uL.:u 125 where Abdm Mallk lshak J (as HIS
Lardsmp man was) nsxd as fnlluws
" According to me auihomres, once ms yarnmr has mud
rrs rim and an rnmnion to r-gun Qssossfon it was for we
dvhndanls to ma um ms delendnnls can setaul . ml. or
I Ilflht to Esesslan consisfeg with the yllnfiffs
owngfiflig The burden wourd be on me defendants in show that
they had the right rd occupy that plot of /and marked as 'c31' m
we /ayout plan on the be/ance afprobabrmvss andms datendanrs
miselab/y failed (0 do so Pure and smw/e (hrs was a case nf
ejecrmem or what rs popu/arly known as an amen for trespass "
syn HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD rage as at u
-was saw be used m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
[48] Fmrrl the historical background ot the case. it is clear that there is
consent by the iaredeoesscrto allow the estate olthe late Hat: Mat zain
to reside and occupy the said land Testimony “uni the witnesses of
the male or the late Abdullah also indicated that the right to remain in
ocmlpaltcn ol the said land was glven graturtpusly treated on the good
relationship between the parties’ predecessors. As such‘ the estate or
the late t-laii Mat zain cannot he classified as squatters snnpliciter:
Further, whilst there is evidence that peririissicri was granted to build a
house an pan ot the said land, there Is no evidence that the estate M
the late llaii Mat zain were authorized or glven pemllsslarl to continue
remaining on the said land indefinitely
[49] As such, I am otthe View that it is not reasonable to expect the sad
consent to exist fol an indefinite period/indefinitely once the notice to
ouit dated 21*‘ Oc|uber202| and 25° Ocwber 2021 was given to the
estate ol the late t-taji Mal zairi (and in pa ciilar the 1- and 2"
Plainlrflsli such consent to continue occupying the said land ceased
and the estate olthe late t-tail Mat zain would he required to vacate the
said land within a reasoiiahle time.
[50] Further‘ I am ol the view that the idea at a gratuitous
pernitssionlconsent/authorizatiun hetrlg aple to occupy an alienated
llnd owned by the |ateAbdttI|ah and subsequently the same allihe late
Ahdullah perrnanenity av perpetually, arter being given due rlollce |o
gu repugnant to the concept ol indetcasioility cl utle ola registered
pmpllelol as provided under section 14:: oflhl Illttloml Land coal
was and the concept against adverse possetsslon cl land hy
occupahan. as excllcllly provides in Sacllon :41 ottha Natlerial Laird
code 1995 in this respect, relerenca is niade to the case ol Ahmad
in H>tDDuE¢=DKywwmlkcD5iD nae n am
Nuts s.n.i nnvlhnrwlll be used M mm the antii.ii-y MIME dun-vlnhl vta aFlt.lNG wnxl
Shnllly llmnll Baku v NII Salmi 2.-man N] Wln Mona Bid [2014]
5 cm on man was relerrld in a isoem case oi say-nan. s-nndu
Sdn Bhd v Jabaun Fongalrnn nan Sallran Nngnri seminar 5
On min] I MLJ :22 where |he Conn dmppeai held as lanows:
"mo; nis calm al Appeal in Ahmnd Shumy lenull saw v ml
Slims luldan H] Wan Mohd 2aId[2a1l] 5 cL.l an applied
both me concepl ol mde/easlblllty of ville and me carlrept ol
nonapulicaoilily oiadvsrse pdssassion to pieeem me ngnl
ofa Vsglslalsd pmpllslol Ia assan ma ngm over nla land as
1391 we further note lnar me defendant in ne: pleading and
testimony nad claimed that slie had been staying in me
house since it was cansliueied in 1985 and has me
ngnr to remain on me said house and the sald land. In
our view, the idea oh gmulmus liunee. boiI_Ig able
to occugx an alienated Innd awnod by someone
else rmanen or ru-I um bsln
due notice to gulf LI Iegugmnt In the comma of
lndefeaslbillg 0! Elle ofa registered Erafllelor as
grovided undo! s 340 and ma conccgt agginsl
adv/us: ussasslon at land :11 occuullon as
exglclgg sated III 5 341 of the NLC (Emphasis
[51] In respect at me Issue of me payment ol quil rem, in is me wnIen|iun
01 me eslale oi me late Hap Mal Zaln that me same has been paid by
IN HhDDgEqIaflKyvrwmIkcD5sD tile an m u
‘Nata Sum IHIWDIY WW be used M mm d. aiimi-y MW; dnunmnl vn nF\uNG WM!
Ihem urml 2015 Hn1wevev.m 2016, me qml rsnl was wssued In the name
of Zalnuran Em Manamed who Is a membev ol lhe lute Abdullah family.
[521 The es1aIe of the lane Abdullah on the exner nana mncends a|
paragraph as onnenwnuen eupnnseien maldespule havmg knawledge
that me name m me qml rem was changed so Zamuven an Mohamed
someflme In 2015, no action nas been miualed try the es1aIe oune Late
Hap Maezam to preserve lhewalleged rights No ewaenee nor reasons
were Ionnconnng «or one Vaflura of me estate of the late Hap Mal Zaln
to assert mew ngms. AH nney contend m men submwssion m reply is that
mey have been paying qmurencawme while rpran mese years wnereas
the esule M the late Abdullah and Ihelf predewssovs had never
bothered In make the payments an reeenuy. That, In my view, Is
msummen: to justify me norracixon by me same vflhe me Haji Mat
Zam when me name .n we qui| rem was changed 201610 me name
Mzalnuren Em Mohamed
[531 Further and In any evem, me pm: of peymem at qun rent or
assessment is nu| 97001 07 an equitame right over the san! land and the
pemnued pceupauon does not prevent the ragustered pmpnelorlrom
takingaclnon Ia recover the Said land In (Ins respecl. V1 is apt man I r318!
to me case av cm: sun Llun A Vnng Lulu Lwn. Wang on-e Foonq
dlnllllu Plnghunl-Ponghunl Llln [2013] I LNS 2233 where rt was
held us (wows:
“ The N00’ alpayment ofquil rent by the defendants In Ihis case
did no! PIDVE mat the dalamtanls had fights DI mares! towards the
uni /and which was resided by the Mid p/flmllfl. Even though Mo
defendant was said to have resided for a long lime on one sard land,
IN HhDDqE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD has as am
-una s.nn be used m mm ms nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm wa anum pm
it did not bar ins reglslsred piopiialows ngnl lo lake ncfiorl and the
issue o/lunilarion did nol aiise as slam in s 34 allhs National Land
coda (see paras as L 3339) r
[54] As such, having considered all the alacvei lhe estate :21 the Isle
Abdullah as regislened owners or the said land are in my view entitled
|o vacant possession ofllie said land lmm me eslale of the lace Haji
what New?
[551 Having lound lhnl ineio is no conslrucllve line: in lavoui oline law i-laii
Mai zain and/oi ins aelala or iris lals HRH Mil znn and me: (ha eslaie
nl ins leis Ahdullah II anmled lo vacant possession oi me said land,
inal is nol ine end of me inanei Ffom lne lame oi ine ease, in is
undapuleo inal me me Flalnlifis in sun in havs aasupied pan or ins
said lend, nailing buin lneii nouses and iilling of ins paddy nslds tank
piece. in fan‘ as seen aaiiiei. Monnniao sin Abdullah had previously
given omission is me I“ Piainlillo build nis nouse on oanonne said
land and ma Plsinlilis have indeed been occupying me said land slnos
1953. wriilsl lnera is no evidence that me 2"“ Plai ' was similarly
given permlsslon lo build a house on ma said land I1 is clear inn (ha
seiale ollne laleAl>dullan was awam dime exlslanoe aflha house and
did mining aadm it.
[56] on ma Facts asvaalisried. l find lnal allnouqn lne eslale oi lne laie
Abdullah are indeed me iegislaied piooiielois in me said land‘ lnaia
IN HhDDuE¢=HKYwwmlkcD5iD ran: an om
«ma s.ii.i nnvlhnrwlll be u... m min i... nflmnallly MIMI dnunvllnl VII aFluNG WM!
[51 I wm now set out me background facts, «no issues‘ as wen as the
names‘ reapeeuva mnlenlmnslsulzrmssians m a mew or deciding
wnamar the names have dvscharged thew raspecuve burdens .n
proving «new claims
Back Facts
[1] The oaokgronno vaovs have largely been agreed upon by parlies and
can be summarized as loiloms:
7.: sonnenm Vn man, «no late Han Mal Zam and ma [ale Aooouan
Jomkly umcnasen Iano known as Lot 2529, Genan Muldm Na sen.
MK II‘ Daenh Seberang Fem Ulara, Fulau Pmang (vonnony Lat
123(1). Mum XI, Dnnnm o1 Pmvirme Waflaslay Nonn, Penang)
(neunnanar refermd m an ‘ma saio xanerp for szeooo lrom
s N A A.LAnma5n\am Chellmr sou clAHagupah cnsmar.
7.2.The Isle Naji Mal Zaln and the Iain Abdulllh hack 3 pm! loan Vmm
s NA A.LAmnm:sn. Cnemar on pan finance me purchnsa o1 me
no Vina
7 3 The rats Haji Mal Zaln and me me Abduflah were registered as
tenants Vn oonnnon onne said land vids me ms: Indanlura at Sale
dated 15'' Am 1930 under me Englnn Deed Syslam at the
Reamer of Duds. Penang on 27'” May 193::
yn HnflDqEu=nKywwmIkcD5sn age 5 A7414
«ma sanaw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|:I mm: dun-mm wa muNG v-mm
was bertarniy license and consent la the Piaintitts to oocupy me said
land andiorte construct thelr houses. There is certainly no ssue or any
adveise possession
[571 In tne case 01 sontul uiitni Sdn and v Atirnaa Amlrudln Bin
Kninntiidin A ois [zoom 4 MLJ soa, trie Plairitias triete coniinenoed
e elairn ior uaeant possession and inesne prom on trie basis triat the
Defendant occupiers were lrespasseis Ttie Delendante oerttericled
ttiat iney were not tiespasseis, but telnet, lawtul ocwpanls as
ltoerisees coupled with equity wnieti long existed due Lo mnllmmus
occupation and possession otttie said land rite l-tigri Ooutl were after
a lull trial wnilst finding that trie Detenderits nave equity, siieti equity
was subiect ID lrte Plaintitts‘ Ovemdlrlg ngnts to legal erivrrerstiip
pursuant Ia national Land code was. The High court tneie ordered
vacant vessessiorr subieot to the Plalnm apinpensating trte
netenuants tar all posts ineuned In trie construction ot the respedive
ttaiises and elteinetively, the value ot the present riouses to be
assessed by an independent valiier to be appotnled by the court.
[5411 Applying lne ahave and reverting to ttie laots ot itiis ease. there is
ceruirtly no issue at adverse possession in inis ease. wtiilstttre estate
aitrtelata Heii Maizaln have an eeuliyie be tsdmnsd wiin, sueriequny
must be subjec| to me Detenoanls (asIa|s at ine late Ahdullelii
ouernding rtgtit to legal ovrneistiip pursuant to trie National Land code
was As siieti, (ha estate oi itie late Abeullari will tneietore have its
vacant possisslon subiect ta tnein bornpensaung iiie Iwo l=iainti«s in
sult 54 lot the present value ot the said riauses to be assessed by an
independent valuei appointee by trie court. The costs at [his valuation
VI to be borne by the 951315 ottne laIBAbduHah. Funnel, trte parties are
in HhDDfiE¢=HKyvirwmlkcD5iD Page ii niu
-vita s.n.i n-vlhnrwm be used ta mm na ntwltrnfily MIN: dun-vlnrtl n. nFluNG wnxl
gtven llberly In apply In true Courl fur the purposes at me assess-nenl
alme value of lne Sald Mn pmpemes occupied by me Plalnlms WI suit
54. [see the Hlgh cuun case nf s-nml ulu sun Bhd (supri)]
[59] I will also further order tnal lne Plelntllls in Sml 64 are to vacate Ihe
sald land wnhin three nmnlns M the male paymenl IS made In the
Plalnltfis allne value assessed olme sald houses bysuch independent
valuer appointed by the Court or any omec date ordered by coun
subsequently In the event there IS an lssue in respect ol the veluamn
Hlgn Caurl Ganrgalmvrl
Pul-u Plrlang.
counult 1:
Mr. Musmapna from Messrs Muslnapha AAssocmes lngetnev wlm Mr
John Khoo from Messrs. Isrnall, Khoo I-Associates lurlm Plaimifls in suit
64 and Defendants VI Suit 121.
Ml Azmr B.Ahmadlo9al.|1er wilh Ms. Nurjannan El Che All from Messrs
Aswan Slmon &Azhar for the Defendants in Suit 64 and Plaintllls In Swl
IN Hnl)l3qEuanKywwmIkcD5sl) me 4: at u
‘Nata s.n.l be used m van; .. nflglrullly MIN: dun-mm VI] .rluNG Wml
c M-ma
Ahmad Shazrfly Ismail Ham v M! Salma Zardan H] Wan Mohd Zan1[ZO1A]
5 CL] 817
A!/as Cabinets A Fumrtum Ltd er al v Nalronal Trust Co L:d[199a]5a
DLR (4th) 151
Bayangan Sspadu sun Ehd v Jabatan Pangairan den Sahran Nsged
Sslangut 5 0rs[2l721]1 MLJ 322
Binary Force Sdn Elldv Lembaga Pelabuhan John! (2009) 1 LNS :13
Cahaya Ideal (M) Sdn Bhd v 075719-Orang Vg Menyena/r om‘ Sbg ’Ponga'
(Poongavanam A/L Vadlva/u) A Dr: [1999] ML./U 125
Chia Swee Lran 4 Vang Lam Lwn. Wong Chss Foong dan/slsu Penghum-
Penghum Lain [2015] 1 ms 2233
Jahara Br Abdul Kadir Msncan v Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & Anal [1930]
1 MLRA 335
Lerchumanan Chelllar A/agsppan @ L A/lsgappan 5 Anal v. Secure
Ptanlarmn Sdn Bhd [2017[3 MLRA 501
ML/somnsk: r/Dodds (1955) G2 ALR 129
RHB Bank Bhd V Travslsogm (M) sun BM 5 Or: and anorhel appeal
[2a16I1 MLJ 175
serum! Mum Sdn Bhd V Ahmad Amimdm am Kamsrumn & Ors 1200014
ML] 503
Smnuiyzih 5. Sons sun Bhd voamm‘ Sefia Sdn BM [2915] MLJU 1:292
Tan xang Yong @ Tan Ksng Hang A Anov v Kan Hwa Llng @ rsn Slaw
Lang & Ors (202212 ML] 5175
Tan Kun Klvuan v Tan Ku KralfM)Sn1n Bhd[199fl]1 cu supp 147
Toll Bee I/K Mamthamulhu [1977] 2 MLJ 7
sw H>1DDqE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sn me .2 MM
um s.n.1...m.m111.. used m mm 1.. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG wrm
glslallans referred In
NanonarL.:m1 Code, sscnons 99, 340, 341
Evin1sncaArt 19511, Sacfians 101, 1112, V03
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD meumu
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
74.l3oth tenants nh oommorn were regnstened es statutory rnndrtgagers
or the sand larnd vnde a statutory mortgage dated 15'“ April 1930 an
27"‘ May 1930 at the Re rar oi Deeds. Penarlg.
7.5.\nde a second lnderntune oi sale dated 3*’ May 1941, the Sald land
was trahslened to the late Abdullah only as the late Abdullah had
paid stat) 00 as the successful bldder oi the sand land at a yublic
auctnonn as both the rnnortgagena had breached the sand statutory
mortgage. The seoond Irndernture oi sale was registered on 30'“
June t94t under the Deed system an the Rsglsltar oi Deedsi
7.6.The 1* Plalnlrfl in Sull 64 above is currently an adrnninnstrator and
one at the henelnciaries oi the late Hall Mat Zeln who currently
resndes in a house which he has bulll on part oi the sand land. For
the auondanoe of doubt, the Planrntnlis In sunt 64 above wnll be
relened to as the estate oi the late l-tall Mat zaun whereas the
Plaintms in Sun 121 above wnll be retened to as the estate at the
late Ahdullah. The late Hall Ma|Zaln's wits and larnrly have worked
and Illlsd the paddy held on part otnhe said land. The 2'“ Planntnil IS
the son-in4aw olthe late Hall Matzairn and resides in another house
which he has also built on part oi the sand land adtacanl to the I"
Planrnuil's house.
7 7 It ns the ease oi the estate oi the late Hall Mat Zltn that the V"
Planntnll in Sun 64 above was lnlnrlned by the late che Long (the
me at the lane Haji Mat zain) that the late Hajl Mat Zaln had
depended on the late Aodullah to handle all matters oennainnne the
serd land nneludnhg the aeynnerntol mortgage nhatalrnents to the s
IN HhDDt]E¢=nl<ywwmIkcD5iD Page s om
-one Serial In-vlhhrwlll be ts... m vanw he mnmnnny sum. dun-vlhhl VII aFlt.lNG v-mat
chatty where lhe lale Haii Mal zaln would pay his ponmn e1 lha
lnslalmenls InIIle|aleAhduHah1o pay the Chelly.
7.8 Aowrdirlg lo the 1' Plilrllrllin sull 64 above. lhe lake Che Long had
inlorrned hlnr lhal the lane Ahdullah was a regular vrsrmr la the lale
Haji Mal ZaIn‘s house each mnlh to oolled lhe lnstalmenls and
also lo vlsll them Aflerlhe late Haji Mal zain passed away, lhe like
Che Lung would oonllnue lo hand over her late husbands
rnslalrnenls lo the tale Abdullah.
7.9. The basls el lhe dalm of me eslare el me lale Hali Mal zarn was
Ihal the late Ahdullah had Informed the late Che Long ln or about
1941 that me loan had been fully serlled and lhe late Abdullah lald
me lare one Long fllallhe said land was regrslered solely n ma lake
Ahdullah's name because me late Hall Mel Zaln had passed away
and mac Ihe lale Haji Abdullah held ‘/2 share ollhe sald land larlhe
lale Hall Mal zarn's larnlly
no It is lunher oenlended Dy lhe eslale enha lala Han Marzaln lhal
me laleAbdullah alaa undendoll and agreed wlm lhe lele che Lung
and gave all me ovlglnal decdnrenls pen/arnlng I0 lhe purchase ol
are land In lhe lace Che Long before lhe lale che Long wenllor Hall
m 1901 but lhal lhe lale Abdulllh had passed away belona me lare
che Long rellrrned lrern prlgrlrnage
7 ll Nalnrng much seems lb have occurred lmrn 1941 unlll 2019 save
lor lhe 1- Plalnlill seeking pernnssldn frnrrl Meharnad Abdllllarl (lhe
Ian 54 me |a|e Mxtullah) permllllng me I" Plalnlrll lo aulld a house
an lha said land we lener dated 30" January 1953.
IN H>lDDuE¢=HKyvMmlkcD5iD me 7 M u
‘Nata Sahel In-vlhnrwlll re used m mm has nflnlhallly sun. dun-vlnhl wa .nana we
7.12 Then on 7"‘ June 2019. the 1“ Defendant lrl Sull 641 as an
Idmlnlslralor at ltre late Atxtullatvs estate went wrtn her daughtev
(the all uetenaant) and her husband, Erlak Nazn and lwn utners (0
see me l=laintl«s and (0 seek vacant possession at ttle Sald land
The Plaintms nae votunlarlly glvsnlsurrernterea tne paddy field to
the Delenesnts wttneut ralslng any nblacllon when the Delemtarns
requested are same. The Detenuents subsequently bum fuur
houses on part of me said larld wrttr tne lull knowledge at the
7.13.Due to ttle above rnerttante, tne 1“ Plalntltr as me attmrnlstrator of
me estate 01 tne lata Han Mat zatn then subsequently entered a
prlvale caveat on part 01 the sald land at me Lam Reglstry on 22'-1
January 2020.
7 t4. on 7“ May 2021, tne 1" Plaintlfi‘ obtained Letters u7Ad
wlrereln me I" Plalnull was appuimsd as admlrllslrawrufihe estate
at the late Haji Mat zam
7 l5.The estate at me late Abdullah vlde lhelr snliertars tnen lssuea
Notreee m ourt In the estate at me late Hall Mat Zaln trn pameular
me two Plalntlfls in surt 54) dated 2t- Onober 2o2t and 25'"
October 2o2t respectlvely The estate of the late Hali Mat Zain!
wllslllors vlde men letters daled 15"‘ Nuvember 2021 and 5'-
December 2a2t lrl response replbed am earlteneeu tnat the late
Abdullah was rloldlng vs undlvlded share 01 the Said land [or tne
estate at tne late Hail Mat zain. tlenee, me two eurrenl Sulls belrlg
lN H>lDDl:E¢=nl<ywwmIkt:D5sn In: I at u
we Smnl In-vlhnrwlll re tn... a mm r.. ntwlrrnllly sum. dun-vlnnl wa nFluNG v-mxl
nu Flllnmfl‘ Claim
[31 The Phslnufls m sun 54 being me same of me late Hap Mal zem and
as wcumer: M pan al me smd land mler-aha suck me vauawmg when
5.1. e uscxaranan manna regwslrllicn ullha ln|e Abdullah as sols awnur
under the saoend Indenlure u null -nu void and ms esme 01 me
me HI]: Mil zum ere owners of vs undiwdad there came mid wens
pursuant to e cm\s|ruc1wa|rus|.
e 2 rasmutiun order lor the mum of me ‘/9 undwea mm M the sen
8 3 e deuareunn Ihal me Plamnns have me right In remem on me sam
8.4 an Dnier in demolish [I12 fuur houses behanglng in he Deierldams
which were eneaea without me wnsem of me Maflis Bandaraya
Seherann Pam, and
3.5 an Order men one Desemems pay for me general losses and
damages as weH as for economic loss
The DI1'nnd.Inh' g g g gggngm 3 m
[9] The DefendanIs'(es1ala ollhu late Abdullah) aeience and oounlerdaim
is summarixod as follows’
IN HhDDuE¢=nKywwmIkcD5sD ms 9 .c u
«we sew n-nhnrwm es used m mm ms unmmuly mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
9.1 me Piarrrmfs have varied |n discharge Ins burden of pmvmg ms
existence Ms eonsmrmrve trust In lavuur aflhe iaie Han Matzain,
9.2.Ihe marine oi lashes apphes as me Pisrrrmis have slept on (hair
rrgms rora very iorrg urns, and
9 3 me Delendarrts are armed in vacant possession Mme said land
as may are me regislerai owners onhe said land
[1 0] The irial look pluoe over several days mm me ssnaia of me iaie Haii
Mal Zaln and me exist: :71 me me Abdullah Calling 2 wrinsaaes each
and ma p-rues nave meruner med in vespscliva wrinan
comarm rr m|
[1 1) The oamanuoris/submissions at Ihe esme at me lane Hap Mal zain are
summarized as volume
11 .lhat ma inmal svaiumry mangage rrismrruiiy pmves ma
ownership of me said iarrd in question by the «we predecessor
IN H>iDDqE¢=nKywwmIki:D5su P112 mam
«mu s.n.i In-vihnrwm r. used m mm r. nflninnflly mm: dun-mm VII nFiuNG WM!
| 5,720 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
PA-22NCvC-185-12/2022 | PLAINTIF HST ENGINEERS SDN. BHD. DEFENDAN ZURICH GENERAL INSURANCE MALAYSIA BERHAD | Claim by plaintiff (insured) against defendant (insurer) for wrongful repudiation of insurance claim – Whether material non-disclosure and breach of duty of utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei) committed by plaintiff – Whether claim time barred – Whether loss event is outside coverage of architects & engineers professional indemnity policy. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Quay Chew Soon | |
05/01/2024 16:39:33
PA-22NCvC-185-12/2022 Kand. 55
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u—22ncvc—1e5-12/2022 Kand.
D5/a1/202:: 1:349:33
ln owe r-lwgn cum ul Malaya IVI Penang
ln me slale u1Penang, Malaysia
civll sun No PA—22Ncv<:—ws5—12/2022
HST Engineers Sdn and Plswnlwfl
Zurlch General Insurance Mslsyswa Bhd Delendanl
gngunas or Judgmenl
w. Tne F-lalnlwlrs cw) clalm agalnsl me Delenaanl (“D“) Is lor Indemnlly
under an lnsuranoe pelwcy. D had rapudlaled F"s lnsuranoe clawrn and
terminated me lnsurance pnllcy
2 F seeks cunwpensalwon in lne sum cl RM1 ,o2s,os7 55 as me arnounl
whlch D (as lhe wnsurerl ws requlred Io wndenwnwly and pay In P (as lne
lnsuredl. P lurlner seeks var i declsralwon met me lerrnlnsuon cl lne
lrlsuranoe Dohcy by D ls Irlvalld
3. Aller a Ml lnal, I msrnwssea P’: clswrn Here are lne grounds 01 my
Background fads
4 P la a eonsullsnl engmeer. P was appolnled by slsrseries
Deyeloprnenl sun ana ('l1ovllopIr’j lo pmvlde own and slnlclural
cunsullancy servlces lor a prolect known as ‘Cadangarl sxlnw Perumaharl
[Guarded Oommlmllyj aw alas Lu| ass dan s51, Jalan Nangka‘ Muklm 11,
Seberarlg Perai Tengah, man Flnang' (’proj:l:I“|
5 D IS an lnsurancs eornpeny. P |ook up an Ar::hl|ec1s 3. Engineers
Prolessmnal lnuemnwly Fallcy(“lnsuran:n pulley‘) lrorn D. The Insurance
pclllcy ls an lndemnfly policy whereby D agrees |o lndemnlly F agalnsl lose
lncurred as a vesull ol any clawrn lar clvll hablhiy flrsl made agalnsl P and
nol d to D dunrlg lne periud cf insuvanoe‘ based sulely on P's provlslon
cl pralesswonal servwces
rn adauc-Ezzelflylvltpvlq
“Nana s.n.w ...n.rwwww s. U... s may he mwnww-y mwnln dnuuvlml y. .nuna vtmxl
5. P was msured by n mruugn a Prmasarorrar rnaamnrry Tnsurance
(Arcmtecls Er Engmeers Frofesswnal Vndemmty Policy] |Pohcy N0.
011400055358-DD) (or coverage duralmn from 24 10 2014 until
2310 2015. And Fmlsssmnal Indemmfiy Vnsuranoe (Amhllscts &
Engineers Prulsssmnm Indemnity Policy) (Pohcy Nu 011406053365-0|)
for cuvevage peneu «rem 24.10.2015 unm 231112015 The Insurance
pohcy has a letmaclwe dais of 24 10.2012
The Flam ifs case
7 F‘s case 1:; «ms 1n January 2012, P suhmnlsd a «rat drawing
subrnrsaren la lhe4ocalaulhor1ty1Ma1hs Perbandaran Ssberang Peraij.
Tnrs was a plan ragamrng me de 0! the prqecL
a one year vaxar In January 2013, P submmed a semnd urawrng
subrrnssren In me man aumonly The plan «or the second drawmg
subm1ss1on vonoweu vanous amenurnanra by the consu\larvtarchnec1 of
me projecl1.e.HD Au;h1I2c\ A Assocracaa.
9 In May 2013, me devebpev awarded the prqect Io PC construcnon
sun Ehd as the mam comracrar (‘main cumractov“). Hence‘ F produced
the s1ruc1ura1 design plans daled May 2013 («mm drawing suI7m1ss1an) to
me mam auncracmr.
Th In
10. There was a defect in Ihe prqecl known as ‘defle n ulcar porch
slabs 0! 27 umls' The delec1 has srnee been reamed by me mam
conuaclor The mam ocnlraulnr wmmenoed ma rsctmcauon works on
23.1 2015 and completed mern rn August 2015.
11 What happened was rnrs 1n May 2013‘ me mam contractor arened
|he cunslruclmn cl ms burmrng known as Type 5 mraa smray bungalows
Subsequanfly m March 2014 me man oonlvacmr rapanea In me
developer eonearning ma sx1s|enoe arue11ec1iun Type B car porch From
March 2014 re November 2014. me mam contractor was Instructed to
rnon1rar1ne selllemem and 1a1ara1 movement 0! |he porch suunura, flany.
12 On 15. 2DI5, |he prujecl oblamed the Cemflcale G7 comwetion and
eamphanae ram me oonsu\lzmarchrIer.1.SuDsasquenl\y.oarT\D|a1nI5 were
raaawaa «mm me house buyers The mrnprarnra panarn lo aavscrs 111 me
m a:J.m4.EEze1rg1v1Tpn.g
«war. 5.11.1 nunhnrwm a. u... m mm r... mrmrrry mm: dnuumnl VII mum pmm
dlscloee the rnalenal lacl ol the dellecllcn cl lhe ear porch slabs belore
enlsrlng unto me lnsurance conlracl on 21 10.2014. P has eammllled a
rnalenal non-dlsclnsure As sucn, lhe msurance conlract was lawfully
repudlaled by D due lu me malerral nendlsclesure and hreacn a! ulmoel
good lallh oonrrnmed by P
(D) The deslgn man by the Pl ml" was lssued oulslde ol lne coverage
47 P had submmed mree deslgn plans dated ll) January 2ol2 mral
deslgn plan). Ill) January 2013 (second deslgn plan) and (n) May zlm
(third deslgn plan) respecllvely lo me local aulnonry
4a Aeoordlng lo lne adlueler. all me car porcn rool slabs el me 27 unns
nad experleneed me same dawnward t1eflecllorl.They were ollne opinion
lnal there eduld he a llaw n we design or lne car perch, lnal led la rue
slnrclural daf2v:|
49, The adlusler rnel wllrr P sunseduenlly. P provlded lne adjusler wllh
lnelrnndlngs on me posslalecause onne delleclion olthe car pmll slabs
P had earned our (W0 lesl ealeulallens. Based on me lwo lesl calculalions,
P nad relaled lne meal poeslale cause ol lne lsulure, r 3 me cracks on me
porch slab. leakage ollne porch and ssgglng alme perm lo alewlaelere
ol whlcll, P did not ln lne drawlng, advlsre la precamper me lernporary
lormwovk and supporl
so. The adjusler explalned lnal lne lerrn ‘precarnber means I| requlres
|he conlraclor lo pusn up /lack up one lernporary lonnworx and suppon.
so lhal lne daileelldn ealculaled can be ollssl hy the push up / rack up
value. wrlnoul preeamnenng lne lernperary larmwork and supporl of me
porch slruclure, me lenlporary lurmwork and suppon lmght nave
selllernenl due lo me wel curlcvele welgnl and me un—si|e gvmmd
condlllon These Mo posslpllllies mlgnl cause me pnyslcal denecllpn ol
lhe car porcn slabs
51. The adlualer lnen re-auendsd me sue wrln me lndependsm
punsull r engrneer lle Dw—2l an 23.3 mm Whereln a de|al|ed
inspecll 01 me alleclea car purcn roar slabs was named aul ln
urldenaking lnls lnspecllon, lne slruclural and arcnileclural plans 0! me
enecled bulldlngs were relerred 10‘ «or analysls back-lo-hack wllrr me
pnyslcal evidence secured al sue
1 1
ru adlzm-Ezzelfwlvltv-Q
“Nana a.r.l navlhnrwm u. UIQG a may r... nflmruflly -mm: dnuavlml VI aFluNa Wm!
52. The iniiependeni oonsullani engineer ( e CH Psrurldlrlgl was
appoinied by D laid carry out a delalled Irwesllga ri on me precise cause
al irie delleciion of ine car poron rock slabs From me lamp and iindings
oi lhe independani oonsulianl engineer. na concluded inai.
-al The oonsuiiaiii would mmlder ina delleriion on ma aaniiimr asani / slab
in ineir onion
0) The corlsullanl also rnoiilii gm we-<:amberlrls|mc1>ofl |a wnlradardunng
and aalora ouM1ru<:1lun\u aoimol iris derlecllon wiinin irniii oizsnini
5; rnsralpra. ma laiiuro is due lo iinpropsr assign L11 iris caiiiilaysr beam!
slxh -
53 Based on ins findings cf ina indapandeni oonsuluini engineer, ii
showed that P should have considered the dsllechon on the cantilever
beam I slab in Ihelf design calculations And Ihal P should have given prer
camber inslru ion to the project ocnlraclor durlng and belore construction
10 control the defléflrorl. Em F had killed I0 do Sn. Thesis were said |0 be
irie prirnary causes at me lailurs ar deneoiion ul ins car porcn slaps The
loragoing lailure is aooordingly regarded as improper design oi iris
oaniilaysr peani / slab
54 The insurance policy iakan am by P willi D is lroni 24 in 2014 uniil
23 102015 Arm ma l'e\roac|Ive daia is on 24 io.2oi2. According la ins
adlus|er‘s findings, lrie design prepared uy P was lssued as iar back as
January 2012 and is paiora lrie reiroaoiivs dais ur124.iu 2oi2 Tnerelura.
F isoui otoovsragei as me errorsnd omission oocurrad on lrie lirsi des on
plan daiad January 2012.
55 Based on ins adjusiars nndings. liie error was evldenl in ins January
2oi2 liisi design plan as ii dld not corllaln any pre-camber inslallalion.
The error, as cannrrrisd by ina indapendenl consullanl sngirraars
nnuings, rs iliai F snould nave oonsidarad ine delleciipn on me canlllevel
beam I slap in lneir design calwl ' ns Arid P anould nave glven pre—
camber insiruairons lo canlrol ine dsrlsnion Thus, (here was no failure in
worlnnansnrp pin design since |he lalluve was evldenl In ins nrsi design
plan daied January 2m 2. ins loss is oui or me rsiroaciive dale.
55. F wnlends iliai llle January 2012 deslgn plan was only ins nrsi
submlsslon plan lo the local auiliorily lar ineir reoord And inal iollpwing
ilia lirsl subrnlsslorl plan, more were ainendnienls io ins design plan
laiori a sscorld siiprnission plan daiad January 2013 was suprniiled lo
ins local aulnoniy
srn fldaud-EEZelFylv|Ypnig '2
«nil. Smnl nuvlhnrwlll be mad m mm he nflnlnnllly MVMI dnuuvlnnl n. aFluNG vwul
57 However, accuvdmg |o ine adlusten in all ||'le iliree design plans.
«here was no lnslrufllon on me precairioering inslruc1lon slated on any ol
we design plans, Trierelore, irrspeczive ul ine lac: me: the Mo
suoeeouenl plans daled January 2013 and May 2013 were wiinin ine
relrdaciive dale 04 24 10.2012, lne design error exieled from lne very
beginning. .e ine firsl design plan daled January 2012
59 Hence, lrie error ensred in me first design plan, wnicn is oul of
coverage since ii is belore the relroaolive dale Accordingly, Ihe adiusier
lound lnal llie loss is ouleide lne policy cover I accept Ihe firldlrlgs ol lne
adiuslar, which I consider lo be credrble and suppaned by lne
documenlary evidence.
59 in I've premises. I and inai P's lirsi design plan cclnlalnlng lne
improper design is daied January 2012 Tu wil,be1uve|Ile reiroaciive dale
01 24.10.2012 as set oul in lhe insurance policy Alinougli inere were lwu
suoseduenl plane dared January 2013 and May 2013. riowever, me enor
exlsled in lne lirsl design plan dated January 2012. Namely. no pre-
panioenng I slruclions were given lo lne oroiecl eonlraclorlnen and ii was
no: recrilied in ine oiner suoseouenl design plans
50 Hence. the error e\<lsIed lmm prlor to the VEIVDEEHVE date It Is
lrierelore my conclusion inal P's insurance claim is outslde of «lie
coverage ol lne Insurance policy, as irie design plan was dared oelore «lie
retroactive dale ol the lrlsurarloe policy.
51 Even il ii aannol oe conclusively eslahlished lnal me delleclion cl llie
car percli slaos is a design issue allnbulable to P. I do na| liiinx lhal
rnauers Tnis is because the scope ol me exclusion clause in me
insurance policy includes any claim arising lroni any error or umlssiurl
wnicri "ls s//aged lo nave taken place prior lo the relmacfive dale" Here.
ine claim is indeed in connection wilri an error or omission lnal ‘ls alleged‘
to exls| in me nrsi design plan daled January 2012. well oelore lne
24 10 2012 reiruaciive dale
c The Plalnlilrs anion isl rriebarred
s2. Pursuam lo seclion slllla) ol lrie Limilalion Act 1953. an aclion
rounded on oonlraci or lon snail not be orougnl after six years lrom the
dare mien me cause ataclion accrued F‘: cause of aciion againsl D is
rounded in curltracl i e lorine oreacn unlie insurance oonlraci
IN a.~J.:u4aEEz¢lfi:lvflvvI§ ‘S
«no. Smnl mmhnrwlll re u... w any i... oflnlrullly MVMI dnuuvlml vn aFluNa vlmxl
53. I and that P's cause ofacmon agarrrar D we unra barred as six years
nar. elapsed smce the tune when are uause 01 aarorr accrued‘ wnrar s In
March 2015 That was the date when D was supposed to mdemnify PS
loss under the Insurance pnhcy.
64 F was nutified Mme deflechon ol the car porch slabs in Match 20t5.
However, mere re a mscraparrey In F‘: pleaded case and me testimony or
PW-1 (director 07 P). In QAA 28 0! hrs witness statement, FW4 testified
(hat F was notified cflthe deflecnon Vh November 2015
65 F mad the Instant smt on so 12 2022, seven years aner me cause or
acuan had accrued. Regarmess 0| whelher u is ca\cu\a(ed Irorn March
2015 or November 2015. In any event, 1 gr: on F‘: pleadings, wnere P
stated that the data 0! me was was in March 2015
as Paragraph 1s at me srarernenc or cnazrn reads
‘we or. pure». ms rm marrmrr Incnmd Io» regararrrg aenecrm at car
porch arm or 21 mm: or Type 5 than xtmay bur-gaxawa 4 aar park mans’)
as such me F'\am\\l1 mmugh ru mauvince agem known as Aon Vnsnvance
Emkers (M) Sdn snu naa Med an msumnce crarrn on man cflthe marnnu
win the Dafendlm‘
67 It is sigmhcant Io note mar P memsehtes have pleaded that than
cause cflavlron accrued in March 2015. Paragraph 13 of the Statement cf
Claim reads
we ma Plnlnlilfl car... of nation covnnnncl vmr ma month nl Much
znls saw‘)! me P\mnlM nasmea an miurancn cram mm mm oarenaam '
65. On the xssue ol asoertammg the time when the Iwmllatlon pencd ought
tn start mnmng agabnstan Insured, I rerer to the ronuwrng aulhonlnes wmch
have examined the posmon M the Vaw.
69 In ALW car womsnap sun and v AXA Amn General Insurance Bhd
[2019] 4 MLJ 561 at 575. the Federal corm held:
"1371 n rs we raw that m. mll arrr am for nscerulnmerrl or an amount»!
Ion orerarrrr in . fir: insunncl erarrn Is ma flat: om. me In Ansurmce
law, a ma pointy M an mdemnrlypolrcyr mans, a porrcy mm. amrgaraa the meme!
onry to make good the actual loss surreraa by an. Insured The rnsurevl cannot
remver mam man mo sum msmad under ma pohcy me rnarrraa canrml mcovsr
more man wnarn. tsiablvshas to be me aclua/amounlolhrs You’
an a:Jau4.EEz¢1rg\v|tpn.g “
“Nana a.n.r mmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 a mm .. nrtmnnfllli mm: dnuumrrl VII mum mar
70 in su Hock Guan I/AXA Amn Generallnsurance Maieysia Bnd[2c2u]
MLJU179B,the duesiion was whelherlhe cause nlamiun tor an indeniniiy
insurance commences at ine time at me occurrence of one insured event
or at me iirrie irie insurer repudiated Iiao ’ under the pciicy The Higii
ocun neid.
V241 Nflving car-isidemd ms amiesaid uuirioniies mid aner readnig me arrreie
M/hen does an insureds cause araciian agauiai an insurer sun. A! III: nni. al
me Even! /Loss or Altar ins insum nas oisciainim Liaoinry’ ny s «wens
xuriiar puriiisried in (am) 3 ML./ CKXKI, the W Supmma coun Ellclsvnn in
ccrinecr snipnzr-g Inc and error v Svangcx Arigfarlygs Auursris Foremrlg mie
Swerdisll Club) and ms‘ mi Reno: /2:219] Uxsc 29 and ma supreme com or
New South wares cm oIAWea/ decision ui ls‘/one criurm inmrporared v
A/Iisriz Ausrraria Insurance Ltd /zine) Nswu 27, isnare me same view as in.
/earned ./udiaa! ccrririiiusicner lhal me cause 1:! acuari In an ind-irrnrry
Insunnce poucin uniess me oonhcl oirierwise Dwwfllii riamsanir -mu.-
from ma ms cmia rm miizand not rnini ms duh ompudiarrari o/risen»,
cy ma msmur
7i Acpiyrng iiie almve auiiioriiies, I agree wiiii D iiiai me dare oH|1e
'loss' is irie dale wnen lhe ‘ioss event‘ uccurred Nanieiy wnen me design
pisn was Wenaledi sinoe i\ was a design issue or arguably in ine
anerriaiive. me dare when the detieciion oi zne car porch slabs uccurred
or wrien P was noiined in me deiieciion. In an iriese siiuaiioiis, me dale oi
recudiaiion is irrelevant as me loss did not occur ai ine repudieuon date
12 I am saiisiied met more men SIX years nae iapsed since P's cause oi
aciicn accrued wiieiner iirne slarled In run lrnm wneri me design was
produced or wrien irie deuenion cniie car pcrcii slabs nappened Hence,
we anion is me barred by vinue ofseclion smxai urine L alion Act
d) No ioss suffered by the Piainuii under me insurance ooiicy
73 P's cause 0| anion against D is Iur breach (:7 insurance contract and
wrongiui repudiation The insurance coniraci neie is an indemnfly cciiay
Le. a pohcy wnicn obhgaies ine insurer Io make good the anus! ioss
suffered by the insured As sucn, P niusi esiaoiisri me aciuai amounl of iis
74. The insurance pulicy dennes loss as lulluws
um mans irieiciiewiiia rcrwiiian uie inluved is legaiiy name
SIN a.~J.:u4-Ezzeifyivflvvvq 5
“Nair Smlinunhnrwmbeuledlx:vuflyhenflnirufllyirfiiriindnuunnnxvinnfiuriflWm!
(3) mmpersauon am Ior uernrant - wits puvwam In an award or Iudgment
alairtstthe Insured.
tut seitismems nsgolialad by us and mrwemed in try Ine Insuma.
(5) sellllmems negohfled by me rnsuree Dal eniy wrtn our plior wnuan
Ia) eiarnr expenses.
Ie) Inuurryoesis
aut Ion dun ner Inclufle
In wages, saiery commission, Iees. cnerees am ottrertann In ramunemlmn
er pram In be Ieeara. lost ortoregens hymn Iniuvad. an a nasuirer e I:IaInr.
IIII any oompunsm In an award or selllamam which represents rne cost at
peflorvnanea aim: Irnumd! engrnai eenneeruei eniiearron non—IuImnIenI
er negligem aenennanee at wm:h nes given use Io me claim -
75 P hears me bumen 01 proat F wIII nave Io discharge Ineir burden at
proclan a tzaianee of probabilities, In showing trial a Ioss has erscuned.
Fm instanee, Inat P has paid tor the eeet oi Ine remedial works I trnd lhal
P nas Ieried to discharge their human at pnaot.
75 In GM 20 at tus witness staIement, Pw—I (mreetor M P) adrnmed
tnat Ina main eomractor trad carried out and cumpieted tne Vscflficaltnri on
tne dellsclion onne car porcn slabs. Furlher, PW—1 Iestmea In &]&A 21 at
nis witness etaternenr that tne cost 0! me remedrai walks incurred by the
main mnhacicrwas RM1.o2a.os7 55.
77 AI pavagraph 11 01 the statement at csernr. P sla|ed Inat -me ini/moss
and the Said amourll incurred by the Plamlill will be produced In bundle of
document” In similar vein, paragraph 19 or the Reaiy staIed tnet "me
P/afnlm‘ pleads ma! documentary evidence will be produced as taunaie ol
document /egsldmg the P/aIrIlI'FI"s claim amnulillg Ia RM1, 029,087. 55 . ".
7a. In the Isunaie at Documen|s. P has pmduoed the mam sontraaors
claim addressed to the deveioper arnournrng Io RM1,o2Ia,I1Ia7 55
However, F varied to adduoe any payment document to snaw that P had
paid Ine main mnlractar tor the Ioss Incuned. In other words, n was not
pmven |ha| P has paid the said sum at RMI.c2e,os1.55 Even during Ine
Irrei, F II |n produce sucn evidence In court
79. II Is noiewonny Inat P Itrernseives nave pieaaea tnei an amount at
RMI .o2e.os7 55 ‘is expected‘ to be ciarrnerx against them. Which implies
that no such claim has been made against P as yet. Lsl aiane tnat P has
acmally paid me Said sum.
so Paragraph 20 at the steienreni at cIeInI reads:
IN fldaud-EEZe1fyMYpnIg “
«er... s.n.I nmiharwm be u... m mm .. nrwinnflly en. dnuumnl _ .nuna Wm!
>20 n ls expense that an amaunl a4 RM1,n2s,oa7 55 as ex 25 3 me would
M ualmu aga-rm me Flam!!!‘
81 From the evidence adduced, I am sallsfied that P did not sufler any
loss as mey am not paylorlhe reclifiualmn wurks Thus was admllled by
(hell own wxlnesses.
a2 Dunng crass exammaum PW4 (mreelor ol F')IesMIed lhal P am not
pay fur me cost of me remedial works carried ml! by |he mam eonlraclur
P'W~1 also Iestlfied lha| nu CW1‘ cl ' has been filed against Pin respect
cl me said sum.
aa. Tms was confirrnsd by ww-2 lprojeu dllecwr ollhe main contractor]
whn teslllled that the devempsr had Bald the sub-ecnlvamor for the
remedlal works. And no clvll MM has been mnialed agalnsl P 70! the
amount incurred PW—3 (ChIe1 Operatlons Offioer 01 the developevl also
Donfirrned that lhe sald amount was not clalmed agalnsl or Dad by F.
34. ln |hIs regard. me relevsnl pruvislons ullhe msurama pellcy rsads:
‘lnsunng clause
we agree lo Indemnity me lrrsmeu agaurm You murred as a resulloianly clalm
«or cwll uaurmy ml made agalns| me lnsuved ml nollfled la us aurlng me perlud
cl lnwvanu, based sonelyan are .r....rea's Dmvlslon at me nrofesslnnal semces
alarm Shall mean any nral av wnllan demand reaewea bymu lumen dunng Ihe
penod ohnsurznoe lnchldlng om ml umlea m . u .l praceaum nnmmenmd W
me servloe m a slzlemam ul clalm, wnl. mmvlmm or smular uleedmfir or an
amllrallon oromer auamam. durum: resalmmn pmoeedlnu
wmpensalmn snall mean rmrrelary companulmn ma mulled .s legally
oblbgaled to pay, wflemav by a mgmsm ur Iward‘ or 3 selllemem newualea
WM ow prlovwmlan oonism, om does Hal Include clam. expenses ~
as Under lrre insurance policy, D is nbhged la rnclemmly P agaIns| 'loss‘
lncurred by P less‘ Is defined lo mclude ‘cumpensa|mn' Compensallon‘
m turn us delmea lo mean ‘moneialy carnpensalrorr (he Insured ls legally
abllgaled 19 pay, wrrelhar by a judgment or award. or a sslvlemanl
rregoualea wllh wr prlor wrulsrr consent‘.
56. Here, were is no monelary cumpensaflon whlch P rs legally obhgated
|o pay As there ls no judgmenl or award, ur a selllemem negohated by P
wrm D's pner wrlllen eonserrl.
am a:Jau¢-Ezzelrglvfipng ‘7
«mm. Sum! luvlhnrwm a. U... a may r... mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa wax
57. Furthermore. the Insurance pcllcy defines W055‘ as "ssmemenls
negotiated by me rnsured but only mm our prior wrmen mnssnl". were P
dld no! OM31?! D's consent beficre admilllng clvll llablllfiy and underlaklng
lo pay the cost of the recmlcallon.
as Recall lnal P nas venernanlly denled man lne cause onne deflecllon
at me cal porch slabs was due to lnerr deslgn delault. P nas asserted lnal
lnere are many posslble causes In me prernlaes, F snould have dlspuled
il wrln lne developer or me rnain mnlractm, and not admll lo lrablllty or
undenake to pay lne cost ov me reclmcanen
59. It Is plarn lnal no clann nae been med oy lne develuper orlne mam
conlracler agarnsl F’ Ior ms :05! ol lne renredral works Nor drd P pay far
lne remedlal warks. Furmer, P nas larled lo provrde documentary plucfllo
Show Ihal any loss was sullered by ll
90 I oonolude lnal P dld nm srmer any less as dellned under the
rnsurance policy Even a a :2 clalm were to be made by me rnaln
conlraclar or me developer agalnsl P now. lnere rs lne queslmn Mwhelher
lne Irrnrlallon period has sel In and such a claim would he llrnemarred.
91. In a civil case‘ ene panys eyrdence ls lne ulners as well Tnlrs, a
plalnnlv may rely on lne delendanrs evrdenoe lo prove me case The
eanyersa is (me as well. (See the court el Appeal case o1 ran Kah Khram
y Lrsw Chm crrlran 5 Ant» [2007] 2 MLJ 445 al 450-451)
92 In this regard, Ps awn wlmessas adrnnled lnal P dud nol sufler any
loss. Nor was lnere any payrnenl which nad aeen lnclmad by P lnal
needed lo oe indernnmed by D P nas nol pald lur lne ml of me remedial
works ln shorl, F has lalled lo prove Lhal a loss nas uncurved such lnal
D's oolrgalron lo lnaernnlvy P Is lngerred In llgnl ounls, ac1uaHy lne burden
does nal snm lo 0 la show lnal lnerr repudralron ol P's lnsuranoe clalm
was lusllflefl
9:4 For lhe reasons abclve, I nnd that F has nel preven rls case on a
balance olpmbabllilies llnerelure dlsmissed P's daim l ordered me pay
costs 0! RM5c,ooo to D
Deled 7 December 2023
rn fldaud-EEZ¢lFylvlYpmg “
“Nair Smal mmhnrwlll .. LAIQ4 m mm .. nflnlnallly sun. dnumlnnl y.. .nnna ml
Quay Chew Soon
High Courl or Mamya, Penang
CMI Division NCVC 1
Sunny Khan (Mix!!! Sunny Khno 4 Cal cm the mum
Thnyakugnn Rqendran ma Ha vn Jenn /Maul: omm... Hsshrm 5 Ca] Yer um
sm a:J.:u4-EEz¢1fw\vfiv-Q
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
sw a:J.m4aEEz21rwv|tw-q
mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
car porch eteae. Netnety water portdtng en, Ieaktng or, saggtng at and
Crackmg at the car perch slabs.
13 on to 12 2015, P tttmishett tts ttnutng wtth regent lo the ‘porch L
lrame structurat dfitgn calculalton‘ lo the z;onsu||anI etettttect P‘:
eontentton ts trtts.
ta) me tttsx sel at the aestan Dlart eonststett ot we met -uetntnen W the
wrtsunam attuned tn than only Sulvsequertflylheva were amended derstgn
ptan at menu wonnssten tn January 2013 ana eanatntanen plan tn May
(h) teeamtng the uetteetten al eet nnrch stens em ttntts enype E (Nee statey
ettngetews tt ts not due ta ercettsee by P5 design
(0) aortvarsetyiha sate aeatun by P15 tn mac! and tn aecentanee to the bulldtng
Dondfllofl at at tnatenat ttnta A: wet. the deslgn etan ta tn meet tn the
ntanth et May zatz, Much ts tn the tanee at the leflhspetltve dale at the
tnllllanofi pettey
ta; htnhet. me ‘d2Y|et.1mrt ul cal pomtt slab: at 27 ttntts at Type B Imus sluvey
btmgakrws tan be due |u ntany tasters Among enters. the quattty et the
bulldtllg matwul, nogttgenss nwent managsmam ttttnng cnnslmciiart ants
rtegltgunoe tn sttpennsten Ml e went. at st|e‘ and
te) loltewtng mm. the cenltlever beam / stab hes been torn down and
vedeslgrted wtttt steet etentent In tonn wetmomett oenstete
The msurance claim meet by me Platnmr wtm mg Qggme t
14. Peragteptt 16 at the statement at ctetnt pleaded that tn March 2015.
P tnetmett tese rsgardtnglhe‘de1tet:1tan of set porch stabs at 27 uni|s 0!
Type E ttnee storey bungatwws‘ As such, P made an trtsurance etettn wttrt
15 P’: tnsurenoe c ts tor D to tndemmfy P tn respect at the
recllficatlort east ot the detect arnounttng to RMI,028,087 55 as at
26 3.2016 F ettegee that D has urttaMuHy retectett P's Insurance claim
T In
ts D's ease ts this on zt 122015, F claimed that around March 2015 it
etmetea tess tn retatton lo the delleclton at car porch steas 0! 27 urtlls of
Type 5 three storey hungatows P made an trtsurance ctatnt wtth D
SIN arJt:u4aEEz¢1ft:tvttvvI§ 3
«we. Smut navthnrwmbeuledlx:vulwltaenrwtrtnfllytmtttl dnu1vtlnlvnlF\LINQ vtmxt
17. Aflev 1ne ad]us|er's(1.e.Sedgw1ck Malaysxa Sun and) 1nves|>gaI1ons,
11 was reponed 0131 me deflecivon o1 car porch slabs was firs: drseoverea
1n Maren 2014 And was caused by among mners nrnprpper deswgn e1 me
canmever pearn / 5151: The deflermon of me car pomh slabs, wrucn rrrs1
arose 1n Maren 2014, we knoum 1p P more P mnk up one msurance
pohcy wmn D.
13 D also mssovered 1na11=‘s nrs1 deswgn p1an ounlaimng 1ne Improper
des1gn,w1nch caused me ee1ec1. was prepared and Issued as 1ar back as
January 2012 That is to say, belare me re1reac11ve dale e124 10.2012,
as se1 out m are insuranoe palmy And amp ae1ore1ne insurance poney
was me" up mm D. 1n 1na1, P's Insurance claxm 15 oumde o1 1ne coverage
pencd and coverage e1 1ne msulance poney
19. Therelnre n, pursuant 1.: the |evms and eonunans M the msuranoe
policy. repudIs|ed P's msuranoe dawn and me Insurance pahcy via 11s
neuers da|ed 14.2.2013 and 20.32019
20 D assens 1na1 P's aenon,wmenis1ounded m pon1rac1, s urne parrea.
srnee 6 years nas e1apeea 1mm me dale when me cause e1 acinon
accrued. Nanre1y 171 March 2015, as Needed by P 1nernse1ves a1
paragrapn 18 or me S\a|emenl o1 Clamu.
21 D pleaded we express or wmplwed |erms cf me rnaur-anee pohcy as
(a; 13 um no: pay any chum rnaea agalrm P or 1n anyway mumalsd up P prmv
k: we wmmsnoemunt 1:! ma Ballad :11 Insurance, at ansmg hum ur
altnbnlamu In miller: e1 winch 1: was aware o1, or which a reucnable
pvwn 111 me cnrcumsmnces woum have been aware, pmr 10 me
aarnnreneernem o1 lhe person a! -nsuranes,
my D wnu no1 pay any damn umng nun. er .n mnneeuen wun any oanoun. I11,
evmv av armssmn wrncn has taken puaee mar 10 me ratmacllva me am 15
an 2» m 2n12
Ac) P has a duly to ad"! u|mus|gwd1a1|Mub|mmae!1de1L and
m) P was a may 1a dwsclaxe any nrauer man 5- knuws, ane any rnauer
raaspnaary krmwn In he re1eyan1 11: as daemon m accaphlvg me Ask and
delevmumng rne Insurance lemus 10 Be apphad
Issues var ue1errn1nauon
22 The rssues 1er dexenmnaxion may be surnmariseu as follows
an a,aa4.ssm,mr.....e ‘
«nu. a.n.1...n.ran.. u... a my .. anmnauly mm: dnuumnl vu .r1uNG v-711:1
la) wmner P has cammmzd . mmenax nomsmsme and breached ns duly
at utmost quad Vawh av duly Ia duscmse mailers mm P s awake ac And
Much cause he relevanl no US declswun on wnamu to mam the ask and
to dslarrmne ma Insumnoe (errni.
my wmmsr F‘: Insunmva cum mes «mm nr m mnrvecmn mm any mam.
a-:1. ermrnromlssuzn mm. hu man once nnar m the relmaclwe da|e av
the Insurance Dnimy mar. .; on 2A In 2:212‘
La) Whemsv P‘: claim «or ma mdemmly sum :71 fiM1,u2s,oa7.55 undav Ills
msurarwe may ws bavvad by umnamn, and
my Whflhar P has mwma 2 was mvflarlha msurinee Dnlmy
23. Here are my nnaings
my Fim1ly.Ilmd mm P has aammmed . mmenm mmmnsure and launched
ms duly :11 mmm good mm or duly m dxscmse manzrsmm P15 aware cl
ms ‘s an: In P‘sVaHure In miorm Donne deflledwon ulme car porch s\abs
and me umumslanoes M dalm (Hal may am «mm m. wfvan P buck mu m
mwvinoe may on zma zou
Wnnsldersuuztl . mlllarm ha mmm m D's decwsmn m amenmvg In; Ask
and delerm my me mmme Izmu m be nppuea As such, I am sausfved
mm D .5 eJ.c\uflefl «mm memnny-nu P on lhe miumnce claw on this
fimumi mane‘ I wnmd dismiss P's ac1Ion
(I77 Summary, I am mm P‘: msuranu cum ames vmm an em or emnssian
Much has taken phct pmr In me nxlmncnve um cl me msurance pnhny.
mm an 24 m zmz This .5 because P‘: dawn vlen nnmamma me
mmmnemeugn Vs dated January 2012 It \s below me Mwachve dale se1
om m me msuranw balmy‘ we 24 10.2012. Awummgny. P‘: mwvaws
mam lafli oumda ov me wvsvaus ov me Iniurancs pansy, since the mug"
wan war dated mm lhu Ialmacflve da|e 0! In msuunce Whey
on msiunhernm nllzmnlwe ground. x mnsidenhal D's repudnalnon allhe
Insurance pom ‘a lawful am that D vs rml name m mdemmiy P on me
msur-ance manm
(C) Tmvdry, x mm mm P‘: awon n ma barred Swnce mx yells ha: alarmed
Drum msumavmvn me cam .24 achan scum, whmh W5: W1 March zms
As pfleaded by P Ihemsahtes a| pamgmnh «a el Ihe Suxemenl M Clam
(db F\nal\y‘ I rm (Hal mere Vs no loss snmevud ny F undsrms msunme pew
Since P ham annulled Ina! may never pm my ms was. Awurdmgvy. mm
.5 nuflvIm1VovDlu mdemmfy
SIN a:J.:m-Ezzzlfmvflvnq 5
“Nana S.” ...u..,wm.,.u......:n..»,
24 Here 15 my explananon
a Mgjengl nglH.11sc\usure and mash a! duly
25 In Maren 2o14.1rre main eontraaur had deteclsd 1ne ae11ec11on onne
car porch slabs rn respea or 27 mm: of me Type 3 1nree-s1orey
bungalows on 2.4.2014, P was notmed anne deflsciron of the ear porch
s\ahs aunng ane o1 1ne rennugnuy sue rneeungs
25 Jurukur Mas was appomxea to rnon11or1ne aenecuun of |l1e car pomh
swans 1n (our 111 me umls wn11e1ne rest a1 me unils were to be mammred
by one main mn1rac1or1nernse1yss. Tne nronnonng o1 me deflec11un of me
car porch slabs took place «mm my 2o1411nsep1ernber 2014. muniluved
nmee a week vonwu 1nun1ns
27 The eonsunanxarcn11ec1ins1mc1ea P 1e su1mr11ne1r1orrna1 concmsnon
repon aa1e¢ 1.10.2014. Tnerea11erun 14 10 21114.1: requeslefl lorme 1111
survey reparl «urn 1na main oonnamor on 5 11 2014, P recewsd 1ne1rna1
survey reparl lmm the mam aannracmr and reques1ea for dunner
n1oni1onng1o be done.
25 1n vamng lu mfurm u u11neaa11ec11on 01 me car porch shah: and the
c1rcurns1ances cf dalm which may ansre «nan: 11 when P look up me
msuranae pohcy on 21 10 2014, I find that P has cnmmmed a rna1enaI
nan-mscxesure. And bveached 1s duly 111 u(mns( good «sun or duty 1o
mscloae any rnaner which F Is aware of, and u1a1 1s reasonabw relevxm
1o D's dsmslon 1n acceplmg the risk and delervmmng the Insurance 1ern.s
in be applied Since P was weH aware or me deflaclicn at me mar porcn
slabs be1ore1ne1nsuranae pahcy was 1aken up
29 cwauses 14 and 19 ol the excmsmn clause in we insurance pnhcy
we WWI‘ ml nay any1n.ng1n respect or
14 Pnuvanfl Panmng
any clmm made against or m any way 1nl1malea(o\beImuvad pmr lo the
cnmmeneemem av me penod cl msurancs av dvecfly nr mnenry ansmg
lmm or annbuvama 1o
(ar any1au; or e1m.nm.nm ofwnlnh an lnulud Ia: war. or cl
Much 3 reamnable person 1:: ma curcurnnanoss wou\d have been
srn a:J.m4-EEz¢1rg1v1tpn.g
«me s.n.1...n.rw111... .1... 1. mm 1... m1r.11.y mm: dnuumnl y.. mum M1
aware, Drior In an com
mailers out o4wnIaI a c
elm cmnnpuinmu sunnu .5
lg: .un.aI..I.I..I -
I9 Rflmamw: am
any r.\mm aIIeeIIy oI InaIIecuy allsmg Hum III In uonnecmn Mm any
conduct, an. emu D! oInImnII wnIaI has taken place DI VS .u.n.a In
nan liktll plan prior IL: IN uwoacllvn an.-
an PW-1 Idrrector or P] teslmed that he had knuwiedge of me aenecmn
onne caI pomh s\abs In March 2014, i 2 before Flock up the Insurance
pehcy on 21 10.2014 LIkewIseI PW-3 (Chief Opevaliuns omcer of ma
developer) (esufied that me ¥55u8 ol me dellecllon at lhe car povch swans
was known let P in March 2014
31. 1 rely on me volluwing aII¢numIes In ms /nsurance Bhd v
Ralhmasamyafl Kasinalhan [2015] 2 MLJ 399 at 332, the come! Appeal
made reference to me Federa\ com case 01 Emma Insurance Co Ltd y
Ngau An Kau [1972] 1 ML! 52 and said
[19] /n #19 case arcmna Insurance Co LII: y ~gaII an Kau, me Fedaul Conn
hsfid IIIaI In every case me Issue whsmer mm Im . VIDIFJVSDIOSWI Of rnmflecl
I1IsemIIIs oI mrswplssenlillofl In an unswar In In. proposal loan is B QAISJIVDII
at Van Io as u.I.InIIneu by me am»! and wnm In. palicy coIII.IIIs . basis
zlaun Irwu not In. mun’: funcfian to mwulrl Inkfi the mnlernllly n! the
antvmr 1n: IILIWII to the aIIesIIan III we proposal form wm be dumod
mnttrhl-.1 In. own oil!" mswernadbeen nude I coIII1moII om-policy '
32. In Amencan InIeInIsrIorIa/ Assurance Co Ltd v Nadarajan s/I
sIIbIaInanIaIII [2013] 5 MLJ 195 al 202, me coun ofAppea\ new
'In/ DWSIIEHI ta 5 usw III the /I-Isuramre Im I996 (‘me my Ills msurud IS
oaltpu Io disclose In me vlvnosar lorm an In ram nnII:rI nu knlw DI
oIIgIII to have known runy llld ImnrIIny. ulhuwlsn In. policy Imm muy
be Inyawazea Unoar s 1547 :11 My Art In. insurnd nIIIu Imcum In the
anpounnx mm en. convict al IVIIUIIIIEI Im nnnnd Inkn any mane:
wmen Mu irlsurud um wIIIIII: an nI.y.III ta Illl docislnn onne apnwnnz
on Wfilmlrla lccipl the risk ornuland the rates and terms to be appllul
DI my Inum . rnaannhle persnrv III the c;IcIIInsIaIIm coumn cxpnclud
to mow to M Iereyam.
II; In the Instant 0555, ms Insunu was not ufufmaxkgoad I-nn 1ube«IIIIae
rm; wllvrv Ila InIIwII.I1In. flnpl/Lani Ihal he was Barmng an e:IIIIIaIaII annuar
mculm oIi'M154z0an when III Iecl scoordmg lo FW1. he was onry eaInIng an
EHIVIIEHHDGIIIQ D/E3041] RMSU mm The mg drflsrenm In the sxfrmalsd mcuma
a(aDauARM100 Ixm ya VS a malsNa/ fact as II may have a bearmg on In. IIII.
DCCUDEIVDH or me Inmsa and this In mm In y mm Mu decision of III.
apneuaIII on WIIEIIIIV or not to must mu Inn mu conxlU'4"'”Y In
sm fldaud-EEZ¢1fy\v|Ywng
«mm. Snr1n\mmhnrwH\I>e .I... M mm I... InIII.II.y MVMI mmn vu nF\uNG puns!
ttomtttttte the mos I Primrllms and «mu to bc applied it. at. pottctes
mot: by me atapcttsttt,
at m. Vnsulid WI! bound By the tysttsttst W sam M the was tuvaosst forms
I/1.5! me answlfl atven We mm and (Hal tnt IIISWIII wottta form my basis
or ttt. sotttttot between the msumd mt ttt. IPPGIIIHI ttt Pan ty of the
msuraflfl poyoos, II was otmy mad that m pmtu-s.t totttt. M at.
but: aim: Ansunncn pal‘ tn
33. The CDUI1 ot Appeat m we /nsulance Bhd y Ralhmasamy (supra)
held [at page 334;
-1251 Nfivmg oottsttteteo the stotessta stymamtes tetettoa In by me tmettoattt s
COIlnSE/ we aW9W me pmnostttott av/aw Iatd down llmrsm oottcttmmg a hast:
clause tottttatn wnlrads ottnstttttm
126! tn ms GOMIIHIDII, WI wottta I730 rule! to the ttaott an!!!/ad Ptmntptes or
lrlsullflbu Law rm Ed}. Dubltshedby Lexl:Ne)IlL ttt which the learned attmot Poll
cntt cttst had also Glfilamod aw 237 wvtat ts .9 basis watts»; and how tt opmttts
ttt an tttstttam mtttmst.
A pmpour wna lpP"V: Itn III insur-ttcc policy I! tumor a duty to
dllclau ttt .tt inlllrif nll t-tttottttsttott Gdrlsfdcvld in be tttmttat by a
pflldlflk tottttot ttt addlhon In an m£ul9d'S my In tttsctose maronttt
VHVDVMBIIOH. an tosttm may also sbctl tttatattot tnrottttattott ttottt an Allsuffid
mm ms qttasttotts In .- pwposat «otttt /H s pmpasnl totttt, EH tttstttott I5
r-quytoa to mm sttttttmttts uflsd sttosomottoes stoo slalemenll otouttttott
pifllmtnglamlflsklflbelrllllrad At. insWDdI5lnViNlMyIIlidOfDWiNInl
ms ottttt otttto Jfllelnenff gtyett ttt the proposat tontt mo »o dono ay
tttsarnotstma what 15 potztttany known an IM Burt cltllltfl A ryprcst asst:
must lead! as tottows (Sal L V BIIIIIIV Law IIISIIIHIIDI Co Ltd [1972] 2
Maya’: now at)
t WBIIBIII lhtal ms shame slalemenls /Vlad! tsy me at on my belvall st. ml:
and camnlele and tame mamttspruamt slmllba mt DDS!-I‘ om. oottttttc.»
between me and me oanuaony
ms us: of a basis Clause I! by far the most cammorl way Wzlralmes an
CIIEIII1 ttt an tn!!!/EH69 Dmvtfacf. wnstt an msumd Warvanls ms tttttn or
aostttacy arms slalemvrtlr tmtt W! a prupout tam, I01 tttsum is -ttttwott
In Wold mo cottvm ab Irlllln tt 2». shtlmlrlts .t. tttsocttnto evsn
moi-'9" my hlvo nu am: an m. Vfllllffid my The VVSIIVEV L1 not awett to
snow tttty II4IlSB/ ttttt oemett ma ttttsststatnettt and the /ass whmfl lakos
place Eaue/Iy, vllhsrs s s ttttsststsmsttt M a pmposal rotm sotttottttttg tt bust:
aattss, Ina Insurer ts a/so no! obbgsd to snow that that mtsstatotmtt
mnsltlulsl :3 fun! mltenal Ia ma Ilsk Wltnllad, ttstosty Ihnl me ttttottttsttott
wottta haw W|”ll9V|L‘lUlJ7mdlHI)nSIlr9! ttt ttts dentsvbn mmet to lake on the
Ilsk of ms stttottttt tttotototttm to be mtgaa rot tmnefiak/Hy ms ttstt -
sm a:J.:u4-Ezzetfmvfiw-q
“Nair SM Illnhnrwm be t... M my t... nflmnnflly om. dnuuvunl VII AFVLING vmm
an Plemlsed on lne abo\4e—men(loned aiillioniiee, wriere lrie policy is
governed by a basis clause. Ihs answers lo «lie oiieslions in iris proposal
lorni will be deemed niaierial Glven marine lniiri orllie answers had been
made a oondilion ol iiie pcllw The insure ' eniiiled to avoid me conlrael
if lriere was any inaccuraie inlorrrialiori in lne proposal lorrn |haI was
rnaienal lo the pulley
35 The insuranoe policy liere is governed hya oasis clause wnicri reads:
ins Aopiicaniii am-owisdgeiriai lm psiiiculars and suienienis wmalned in
(Ills Pvupuul and III are abmmnirlylng doourneriis snail oe ire oasis or um
cunhlcl siiould a Pnllcy be issued. and runner, irie Apollcariis aairiowiedoe irial
ilie Proposal and ine aedoinpanying dosiiriienls will oo Irlwlporalsd in ms
35 In irie preserll case, P was nolllled ol lhe delleoiion in Marcn 2014.
i.e even oeloreine insurance policy was taken up wilri D on 21 10.2014.
Tiiis was undoiioledly a noiiliable mailer ll was a eircunislance ilial oughl
to lie disclosed no Dr as me prmeci was ongoing al lrie Ilme when P look
up irie insurance policy.
37. P snould expec1 lhe possioilily dial more could he coniplainls lrom
the house buyers oonoeming lire dellenion at |he car porch slabs since
inere was no lormal conclusion reporl nor linal solullori to me delleclion
pmblem unlil 5.11 2014 Trierelore, lriis was clearly a nolilieble rnanerand
a circurrislance ilial ougrii lo oe disclosed lo D.
35 The proposal lorrri was signed by P on 21.10 2l114.Allhauirne. lnere
was no linal conclusion repon given lo ine developer regarding the
dellectiori ol the car porch slabs As sucn, irie mailer was rlul conclusively
decided ei lne rnalerial lime
39 lvw—4 line oonsiillanl areriiiecl ol ihe proiecl) leslrlied ilial a formal
conclii ri repon was reqiiesied lo oonsliisively decide on me delleclion
manner He iesiilied iriai lriey riad reoiiesied lor a lonnal ooneliision reporl
lo be prepared by P and put lo resi the niamer M lrie deneciion el me car
porcn elaos.
40 The laci lliai lne nnal reporl was no: out oelore F lock up ine
insurance pullcy goes lo snow me: me mailer ol irie delleeiion ol irie car
porch slabs was nor cclncluslvely decided in ins circiinisiancee. P ouglrii
to know iris: ii was niaierial lo nave disclosed ine deneciion ol me car
porcri slaps oelore taking up are insurance policy
srn fldauc-EEZ¢lfylv\Ypirrg
“None s.n.i luvlhnrwlll be ii... a wally i... nflglnlllly MIMI dnuavlml vn nFluNQ pom!
41. under secIIorI 150 ulthe Insurance A4:1I§96,F nss a I1u1y1edIscIuse
|o me Insurer a rrIaI1er Inar ne knows or ought reasonably Io know In be
reIeuanIIo1rIe I1ecIsIon uI Ine Insurer cn whe1IIer Io accep11ne rIsII or nm
and me ra1es and IerrrIs1o be appIIed. Tne saru provIeIcn reads:
“150 Dmy or mckrsula
III were a mnnrea n1InsIIraneeIs enlered Inc». a pmpow slIaI| cIseIese la
Ins lmensed Insurer e nraner Ina»
(er ne knnwvs In be nrreuem In Ine daclsmn er Ine IIceIIseI1 Insure! on
wbeIh5r\I: sseemrne rIskarno1arIdIhemIzsaI\d|envIsIra be appIIsdI
11:) u Ieasenanre person In 1necIIcurrIsIanc.s mum be exvened Io know
Io be nIIevan1
42. AI1nougrI me Insurance M1 1996 was repsaIed by and repIaoeI: wnn
Ine FInarIc1aI sennces Act 2013 on 30.6.2013. semen 150 or me
Insurance Am 1996 renIaIneI1 In Iaree un 31 12.2314 II was Inen
IepIaeeI1 wIIII secucn 129 and scneuure 9 of me I=InancIaI semees Ad
2013, wmcn came InIo operslion on 1 1 2015 Tnus, eecucn 15a of me
Insurance Am 1995 IS me aDD|ICabIe pm on a11ne1Irne Ihe Insurance
con1rae1 was entered Into an 21 10.2014.
43. Regardless. me rsquIrsmenl ol pre-cerIIraeIuaI I1IscIosure in reIatIon
In an Insurance eumram vemams me same, wrremer under me lnsuvarme
Am 1996 or me I=inancIaI Serwoss Am 2013 As secuon 129 and
paragraph 4 M scrIeduIe 9 at me FIrIancIaI servrces Am 2013 essen1iaIIy
repIIca1es r.ec1Ion 150 o1 me Insurance Ad 19915.
44 An IneureroanncI be made liable Ior an unknown rrsk, panIcuIarIy one
ma1 was wIIIIIn IneInsure«.1's kncwIeI1ge 1ha1 comd develop II’I|0 a claim.
Here. P had IaIIer1 In aIecIoee Ihe delleclmn oI1he car purch sIabs TrIa1
was a IrIa1enaI Iac1 wrIIcn erIouId have been made knuwn In D As II IS
relevant to me c1ecIsIon cI D on wrIe1rIer 1e iDoep\ me risk and (he
Ineuranee1errns1u he appli .
45. In IaIIIng 1o dIscIose Ine nIa1erIaIIae1cuncerrIIng1rIe deIIec1Ion 0! one
car pomh sIabs, me Insurance cunnram beiween F and D1: voIdabIe Dis
en1I1IeI1Ic rsscmd Ine Insurance conlvac\ D had I1uIy repuaIaIed based on
IIIeIr IeI1ers o1 repudia1Ion I1e1ed 14 2 2013 and 2c 3 21:15
46 I agree wrm D that me duty .91 |he Insured Io dIscIose rrIaIenaI Iaus
lo 1ne msuver Is aIunr1anIenIaI prIncIpIe o1 Insumrroe law By nrrIII1IrIg |o
sru fldaud-EEZ¢IFyIv|Ypnrg “’
«nu. Snr1nImrrIhnrwIIII>e u... M mm he nrWIrraII|y mm: flnulfllnl wa nFIuNG WMI
| 2,646 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
B-05(M)-51-03/2021 | PERAYU MAT SALLEH BIN NOH RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Criminal Appeal – Section 3 and section 3A of the Firearms (Increased Penalty) Act 1971 [Act 37] (“FIPA”) – Whether the firearm was discharged whilst committing robbery – Section 3 of the FIPA also makes it clear that the offence is said to be committed notwithstanding that no hurt is caused to the victim – Issue on the credibility of the only eye witness – It is trite that the evidence is weighed and not counted pursuant to section 134 of the Evidence Act 1950 – All appeals on conviction are dismissed – Appeals against the sentence are allowed. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
05/01/2024 09:34:21
B-05(M)-51-03/2021 Kand. 37
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a—n5(M)~51»o3/2021 Kand. 37
3:/on/mu ;
sw N)uuGVa‘uknc1vr:Iqzsw
Nat! Sum INNDEY WI“ be M M mm u. DIIEIMIIIY mm; nnnmvgnl VII EFILING VWLII
[In Ihs Maner a! (he Hwgh com o! Makaya at Shah Alam.
1n|he Slate olSe\an9ar Darul Ehsan
Cnmlnal Trial Nu: BA-45D-1-D3/2018 and BA.45D-2—n3/2015
Pubhc Pmsecumr
1. Mohd Asnz/cl! bin Mchd Ibramm
wan Muhammad Azmml mn Wan zmkm:
3, Ahmad Favsal mu Muda (DNAA PADA
4 Ma! SaHeh bin Nah]
sw n)uuGw‘akru<1vc\q1sw
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used M mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; mm. VII mum pm
". Name 'pushsr‘ fidak drketahur.
(c) Dakar waklu magnb, mereka me/ma! mnang /e/ski India
(smo; dalang he srlu. OKT1 ms/ms.‘ Faisal Ierus pergr ks
arah lelaki India Isrsebul den ksmudianya me/ihar Fmsal flan
/8/Bk! /M115 tersebul bargelul. DKT1 mendengar Faisal
menjsm kspsda Islskr India fsrsebul dan ms/wnls dadah dan
wang dar/pads /elaki India rersebux. Lslskl Indra tsrsebul
ssorang "pusheI' dadah OKT1 mm menganalf Vs/akf Ind/a
(.1) Ssmasa Parse! dun /e/ukr Indra rm beige/uf, oxn dalsng
mengmsmpm mslska den srah bslakalvg dim pergr ks ssbe/ah
krri mansks/u oxrz bevada ur sebe/ah Kansn msreka.
Semsss nu, OKT7 Ierdengal bdrm SHIN /srupan dan ms/I715!
OKT2]a1uh .1. Sim oxn Iiada penqstahuan punca lelupan
flan ape yang Ie/ah be!/aku mm Nada perrgeiahuan dan
mak nampak Faisal msmbswa prsml di fsmpal ks/sdlan
oxn trdak nampak sesrapa msmsgang pistol dr lamps.‘
(9) mm msnsfikan memegang pistol m lamps! kajadian dun
tldak psmah [engok alsu memegang pistol [P21/i] Ierssbur
sebelum kefidfan. c»<r1 lidak msmbawa pistol Iersebut ks
(r; oxn mengaku hsnrisk me/akukan sa/mm [slept msnsfikan
msngguneksn pistol tslsebul dan mensflkan ada melepaskan
lsmbakan msnggunaksn pistol Ierssbur.
(g) OKT1 me/vyalakan plslol tsrsebut dtpunyal oleh Faisal.
Se/spas dilangkap polls den ssmasa berada 4/’ dalam Vaksp,
F5755! memberilshu OKT1 bahawa pistol Iarssbut mtlikmya
IN muuevllakrmvmuzsw
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
FSlSa/ tslah msnmggsl dunfa kalans sakll as/an. gem
(n) False! Haggai dl wok c 11! Msntan com dan pairs ls/ah
msnangkap Faisal .1.‘ Sim. Faisal datarlg denytwn polis ks
ruman OKTV dart W/is Ielsh menangkap OKT1
(r) orm trdak pernan Pergr ks Hotel Sun Beans din rmds
pengelzlhuzm srapa yang menyewa d1 blllk hots! lslsebut.
0) Pmak pohs mak memmpas mmr tsrsabul daripsda DKT1.
Pihak pairs man mslampas prlslol tsrssbul danpada lelak:
Indra lelsebuf
OKT2 gave an unswcm slalemenl and his decenoa was as vouaws:
(s) Pads 23.09.2015, oxrzr bersama OKT1 flan oxm barsda m
Rsszoran Subaldsh dl Sunga/ Way uniuk maker! malam
Sslspas makan ma/am, pads jam Vsbih kmang 7.30 malam,
meleka 1e/ah Pelyr ke B/ck E a; Mermsli Court, Sunway
dengan msmsikr‘ kerela P9/odua wva yang drpandu o/sh
OKT3 unluk bslshal dirumah mm.
(a) Ssrnass an dalam ksrsts, OKT1 man msnenma panggusn
msron daripada sanmng kswarmya yang bsmama Faisal
(ferruduh yang Ielah msninggal dunxa) unluk uarang ke tempal
/erak kevela Bluk E m Menlan Cour! unluk be!/umpa dsngsn
Fa/sa/. OKT1 den Farsal ads/ah kawan dan OKT2 jugs
mengsna/I Faisal mels/ul ox n
(c) Apabila masuk ks da/am kawasan Iszak ksrsta Blok 5 dr‘
Mentari court, tanudun kedua nampak Faisal ke/ual den
langge temper /em kers-Ia dun belja/an msnuju ks srah
ssorang )9/akr Indra yang jugs bsrada m slru.
(:1) Sampar di‘ mu, OKT1 dan DK12 keluar dan kerela Psrodua
Viva (arssbut. mzanian oI<72 nampek pergaiuzan di anlala
Faisal dan Ie/ski‘ India mi. was weak ks/Liar dan bsrads di
da/am kersla Pemdua V/VB tslsabul paaa sellsp mass dan
duduk iii bshagien pemsndu karaia Parodua Viva Isrssbuf
(9) OKT2 Isms psrgr menomng meleraiksn paigaiuian (17 anlara
Faisal dan Is/aki‘ India ifu Semasa berbual dennkian, OKT2
Ierdengar sum bunyiseurnparna Iembakan dan rem [arm in
am: (Ishtar. Se/spas jafuh di am: /anlar, oxrz nampsk pana
kanannw Imsna tembaksn OKT2 Isms msrsngkak kc
belskang ssbuah karsls di Iarnpai Isaak kalsla telsebuf dan
pads masa iin nampak satu bends seumpama pistol di alas
Ianiai Laiaki India fersebul mengambil bends (midi; rersebur
dan menyacukan Kenada keflala OKT? dan inimenysbabksn
Iemidun ksdua be/ass lakut.
(I; Pads mass Ilu, om: nsmpsk OKT1 mslariksn an den sini
dangan menaIk/ Ksrsls Pemdua Vh/a dan bslgelak keluardari
kswssan Iaiak kelsls iarsamn OKT2 ridak nampek Faisal
pelgi ks maria seiepas keltldiisn Iersebul.
Ig) om: risda pengeianuan sebab psrgs/man di amsla Faisal
dan Ieim India iersebul Lslaki /ndis nu mansnyakan ramia-In
kadua dslsng dart mama dan msmysk paha kanan (srtuduh
ksdua yang cadaia dan msnyshabkan OKT2 msnjent
In) oI<r2 yang xrdak dupe! nenaian Is/an bsljaya melangkak
sehingga ke Iimgga dan zaaiguiing ks D8/kom dl tlngkal 3
tamper /etak karsta Ierssbuf dan ksmudrsn iannn ks bswah
dan msndalal di afas ssbuah keralzi kancfl.
IN rDuuG¢JIakrs:1YC\aZSw
Nuns Sum! n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\ruU|:I mm: dan-mm VI] mum pm
m OKT2 maslh cubs mersngkak ke srah sam (fang lampu dan
Islakl mm: msbm msmukul Ierfuduh Kedua. fldak lama
ksmudian, pans libs dr kawassn tersebul dam msmbawanys
ke Puss: Perubaran Umversilr Ma/aya -mm lawman.
0') own» new pengelahusn mengsnar‘ kswu/udan prsm: dan
pe/um yang dfgunskan da/sm kss w sabslum, semasa dan
selspss ksjsdisn Ismbskan bsrlaku.
[23] OKTJ gave ms ewdence on cam and his devence version was as
(5) OKTS bsmsra 49 tahun dsn msmpunyal/chm kumng on bus):
kadal m kawassn RBIHSII Panjang, Kc/anfen yang cnsewakan
kepsda psnyewa—penyswa
(:2) Pada 2a/9/2015, on: bevsama dengan oxrz bsnolak am
Ke/aman ke Kuala Lumpur. oxn msncadangkan marska
menyswa kemla unluk ks Kuala Lumpul Kevsla lsrsebur
dissws alas nams oxra kslans any msmpunyar Vesen
(5) Sampal dr'KuaIa Lumpur, padajam Isom kulang 5.30 petang.
OKT2 telah menerims panggr/an le)eIon dal/pads seovsng
kawtmnya be/name Faisal. Faisal ls/ah msmmls axrz darn
OKT3 perg! ks lsmpak Islak kslsta dlslok D Martian cam.
(11) Ssmpsl .1: temps: Ielsk karate m‘ Mervfari cam, OKT3 ms/iha!
OKT1 dan Faisal zeta): berada disifll
(e) om Ie/ah lurun deli kevera V/‘Va Iersebut dsn Faisal puls
msngamhkan OKT3 psrgi ms/arakkan ksrsla Vrva yang
dipsndunya :1: (amps! Ielak ksrela d: silu. OK73 diberifahu
olsh Falsal bamawa ada '.I0b' L/nluk dllakukall tewpl tldak
msmberltahll xenuduh kellgs apskah './almersebuv.
(l7 Alas arahall Qxfll OKT3 lslan melellskkarl ksrstanya pads
/arak Iebifl kurang 50 mats: dari tsrrlpal belieu be!/umpa
dsngan Faisal dan marlunggu dl da/am kereta Vlvs lsrselwr
Semass msrmnggu Ieblll kulallg 30 mini! dl da/am ksnzfa Vlva
Ialssblll, OKT3 Kirdsngsr blmyl lslupan meuam I6}/iif
mslslup oxra berasa takul manderlgar blmyr /eiuparl
tersebut dan menunggu /eblh kurarlg 15 mlnn an S/Iu ssbs/um
merrlandu ksrsla Viva M/un darl barlgurlsn Islak ksrsla flan
Deredar dari silu.
(g) one Ildak msmbawa prsval [F'21A] larssbuf darl ma
psngslalluan siapa yang membawa plslollezseburke arm
(n) oxrrs [uga tlada pengslanusn mengsrlai plsvol yang
digunakarl oleh OKT1 semasa kejadiarl tersebut.
(V) OKT3 Ildak lerlmsl dalam samun bsrkumpularl dengan
bersanlalakan plshl lsrsehul.
[24] The aelence also called arlclhsrwilnsss. Munammad Rldhuan bln
Abdul Razak (‘*Dw4")l Evlderlce by DW4 was as lullo
(al Pads 23/9/2015, lam Ieblh kwang 5.30 Iwlgga 7.30 malam,
504 bsrsda dl Sunway Merltarl relapi Ifdak mgsnumlah yang
bsllau bevads sm bevehal (/spak) Esrsama kawlsnnya
bsmama Hasii den tslah bsrlamu derlgan OKT1 sm
merlgems/l‘ OKT1 se/sk swal lanun 2:215 darn dapal
merlgscam OKT1 dl Mahkamah
(bl OKT1 lelah marlsrima panggflan rsls/‘on dallpada seomng
IN rDuuGV-7lakru:1YCluZSw
-um Smnl be flied M mm .. mm-y MIN: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
kawzmnys bsmsma Faisal. sm ms/ihatmuka DKT1 neumah
den oxn keluar darl rumsh urlluk Izerjumpa Faisal. mm
I/dsk msmbsrilshu SDI msngapa FEVSEII mahu Der/umpa
mm. sm /uga mengenan Faisal dan psmsh bsrjumpa
dsngan Faisal sebelum W
(C) Sslapas lebih kurang so nrngga 40 miml kamudralv, sm
rnelmar OKT1 bank he rumsh den kelfhatan ke/am-kabu! dan
gs/Leah Apsblls drtanya nlsh sm rmmgapa OKT1 :15/am
Keadssn bsgffu, OKT1 manjawab rrsda spa-ape flan rem
mssuk ks as/am bflfknya
(.1; Se/spas rm, scu pun be/rk ks rumahnya. Pavia kessokan
harmya di sebe/ah Iengsharl, sm manerima panggilan
rs/eron darfpeds Hssrl yang msmbsrilahu oxn le/sh
d/Iangkap pobs ksrsna Iarmzal dalam kes samurv.
(9) sm msnyazakan yang semssa sm be/-ads m rumah mm
bamama Hasif, SD41 lidak rvampak OKT1 msmsgang alau
msmbawa EPBJDE senjala dun nampsk OKT1 keluar den"
Iumah be!/‘umpa Farsal da/am kasdsan sehslai sspinggang
(I) We/at/pun sm dsn oxrv bsrkawalv, SDA trdak pemah
dlrmnla oéeh lsrtuduh panama membevrkan kelsrangan
sedemxkian dw mahkamah
Finding ulthn loamod mu! judgl ax ml and of ma dIfInca's cas-
[25] At me conc\us\on of me mm, A was me flndmg 01 me learned Ina!
page mal me defence had lafled to cast a reasonams doubt on the
prosaculmds case consequemly, me Appeusnzs were convicted (or me
offence as per me charges.
IN muuevllakrmvmuzsw
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[25] The learned High court Judge, in coming la his declslufly held as
(a) The OKT’l's datenoe basically was on the allegallon llral
Faisal (lne deceased accused) was me nraslennlnd cl lha
gang-robbery againsl Pwlo. ln llrla regard, ma learned High
Caurl Judge was cl me view lnal Falsal nad before me
lnal and ll was easy lor the Appallanls Io pul all lira blame on
Falsal as he cauld rim appear in wan to give his leslirncny.
Durlng lira irlcidenl, Faisal is nol me one wno have ngnl wllh
I‘-‘W10 aasadas, while delendlng lunrsell, om had adrnluao
that he intended ln cummll gang-robbery agalnsl FW1O and
nad done so lcgallrar wllh OKTZ, OKTS and Faisal (lno
deceased accused) om only denled carrylng lire gun and
havlng shat OKT2.
lb) wlln regard lo lne delence made by OKT2, lna learned High
coun Judge found lnal lnere were many inalellal
discrepancies in oKT2's slalsmenl as edmpared lo lna
slalarnanl led by mm and o><r3. Those inalerial
conliadrcllons have aflecled llle de1ensecfOKT2 and as such
lne ooun lound lnal OKTZ is nm a credible wilnsss. OKT2‘s
defense nas also failed lo rebuune oreaunrpllon ol knalmedge
aboul lne gun used by OKT1 dunng Ihe rncrdaril and on me
balance of probahlllnes lailao lo casl reasonable doub me
pvoseculicn's case.
(c) The delenoe ol OKT3 was lrlal he was 50 melars from where
ins fighl look place and Inns na had no knowledge mal OKT1
IN rDuuG¢Jlakhc1YClaZSw
-use Snllal M“ be used a yaw oa nllnlnallly MIN; dnnnvlnrll via arlum wnxl
carrying ar had in ms pnssessinn or under N5 cus1udy 0!
control of ma firearm Tne Veamed High Conn Judge upon
cunswdermg ma mailer hold the same wew as for on: that
there were many malenm macrapanaea Vn the statement or
mm. Sum malenal oonlrsdlchons have afleded nia
ae1anaa.rhana1ora,ma oaun was anna viewlhat on: \s not
a crsdmla wflness and ms defense failed to new the
presumption of knuwkadgs aboul the gun used by om
during lhe mcidenl, on ma balance of pmaaanmes, om
lauad to cast reasonable doubt m ma pmsecufiorvs case
(a) Based an the arorasam reasons. the Veamed High Couruudgs
convicted ma Appauans (or me ufiences as per charges and
ma Aupeflants were senlenoed |u death by nanging.
This app-an
[27] aevora ua are three appaaxa wllh three dmeren(Pa|1inn av AppeaL
However, grounds mac \5 subm ed before us may be summarised as
(0 me delenee o1|he Appeflams had raised reasonable mm to
me'a case om am not ma or cause death or
Injury to Pwm and was merewan allempllo ND PW10 were
.5 no amaenca 10 claany shmv |ha(OKTl ahouna gun n coma
also be Pww or Faisal lhalshal (hsgun lhalcaused the xmury
I0 OKT2. OKT2 and OKT3 did no! that Know lhal OKT1 was
carrying or had m ms pussessiun or under his custody or
IN muuewlakraztvcwuzsw
"Nuns sum In-nhnv M“ be used m mm a. nflmnnflly mm; flan-mm Va muna Wm
comm! me nneamn; and
(fr) the evidenoealP\N1U ls nm credible. There arsmserepanmss
Vn his statements.
Our an on
[28] II is firs: apposwa that secuon 3 and secfian 3A of FIFA be staxsd as
-3. Family iv! dilcllamlnn a muann In um commiulnn M .
scnmunm winne-
Any person WM ellha Ilma oinis mnmmng ur iltlmplmg m eomnm av
axmwa ms wmmlssmn ova schedmefl nflevme magma. n firearm wnh
Imam m muse damn av hurl In any parsom shah. nommsnammg (MI no
nun u caused Iheqeby, he numshed wnn Ampnlonmam lav a term of not
um man may yams am not exaesdmu my years Md wilh whirapmg mn
um um man mm mm
u. Penllly mmompllcu In us: of dlnch-rpl wnrunn
Wheve, wnn ‘mum be cause deem xx hull to any person, . flmarm Vs
uncnangea by any pawn an we nuns av ms uummmlnu nr altemplmg la
omnnm or abelunq me mnmnumn ula sdwdulud mm, each av ms
aocamnhnes Vn vespeci av Ihe meme pvwanu :1 I115 wens no me
wmmlulun or anammsa umnnnmn er abelmsnl mam who may
reamnably an pcasumad to have Imawvv me: such persan was urvymg
mm In ms pnsseuslnn orumerhu custody ortxmvulmsfivearm shafl,
nmwnns4.anmng um um mm Vs caused by me dwchalys omeov, be
punllhed wnn Imprlsonmem For a |emv cl ml less (Mn «niny yuan but
mu exoaodilvg fully yuan and mm wmpp-nu wnn non ms mm mm
slmkes unless he pmvea mu in nu Vzknn an mawnahls naps in
pvsvenl the flvscharga ~
syn rvuuewlakrucwmuzsw
"Nuns smnw n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. .mmn.u-y mm: mmn wa mum pm
Issln (I): The dorurrcu ofrlru Appellants mu nlsoa ruasanablo doubt
to the prosocur/on’: can
[29] ll was submlued by me counsels :71 all lne Appellanls lnal lnelr
delenoa had raised doubl lo the pwsecutlan's case.
[:0] ln lnls regard, lar ol<Tl, the counsel suhmlIIedlhatOKT1 ls not me
one who snal ms gun. ll could also he PW‘lfl or Faisal llns daoeased
accused) who s|'lo| the gun. Tnus, lnis lulluwsd by me submisslan alarm
and OKT3 lllal lmlll did not “Val know Anal OKT1 was carrying or had In ms
possession or under nlscuslady or control llrefireann The learned ouunsel
had referved to me case ol Pub/lo Pmecular v. Dng Fah clrsng (1996)
1 cu 501 on wnellrer dlscharge ol lne firearm was an acl separate and
dlsllrlal lrern lne rubbery as lollows:
-ma accused a-scnargsd N5 firearm ml al ms vlollm: and i| wns ml
proved mar rm amused dlxcharued a «warm an we llma or commmlng
me lvbbelv.
[31] We have wnsidsred lhe Appellanls' delsnoe and (hell submlsslurl.
Hawever. we are ::ons|l-aim la depart lmrn me nnalng ol lne learned High
Court Judge. We reler lo lhe case at Lu my chin @ Lon rock song A
on v Gall Yook cnln A Anar[2l7D3) 2 ML: 97 w n held as lollows:
“Ganerallyl an zppellals mun wlll nal lnlelverle unless ln. lnsl mun was
smwn la be plainly wrong In arrwlrlg at Its declslon or wrlete there had
been no nr lnsmuml judlclal appmlallan ul me avlderlce. Judlnial
appreolatknn or evldence mearll man . Judge who was rsqulrea lu
aaruunale upon 3 dlsnme musl amve al hls dadsmvl on an lull. man
by nssasslflgl welgnlng snu, for gum: reasons ellher anosvltrlg or
la rDUuGWlakhclYCluZSw
-ans Sallal ...n.r wlll as HSQG M mm s. nllnlrrallly Mlhls m.l.n VI] aFluNG Wflxl
There are «me (3) separate appeals before (ms caun emanating
lvom ma aamsmn 111 the High com dated 17.02 2021 In mnvimmg and
sentencing me Appeuama.
At me High com, me |naJ mvolveu A accused as iollows.
(1) Mohd Asrizal am Mohd Ibrahim (Appellam in Appaa1 No. a
05041414-oz/2021 and hereinafter win he referred m as
(II) Wan Muhammad Azraml bin Wan Zlllklm (Appellant in Appeal
No. E-05|M)A3—D2J2D21 and hereinafter wiH be referred to as
11.1; Ahmad Fmsal am Muda (mscnargea not amaunfing w
acquillal on 05 10.2017 due to ma reason that the accused
had been died)
(M Ma: Saneh hm Nah (appwane m Appeal No, B-D5(M)-5I-
03/2021 and herzinafler will be reranaa In as “om:-1
DKT1 was charged as leflcwsz
"Bahama kamupada 23/9/21215, jam mm kuung 11130»: bensmpal m lenuaal
/slak kemla Blok D, Apanmenr Maman Court J3/an as as, Para/my Jaya m
damn dlsran Para/mg. aa/am Nsgslt Sslanaof Dam Ehmn, man drdaputt
mnleplskan Iumbslqm ssryala in! mass mraman mmpakarv mumuan
dangan ma: hondak msnyubahkan Immannrv zltau kezsderaan ks am Pralap
M Ramasamy No. K/F‘: s31ao:1—aa—5297 Oleh yang dlrmharv kamu Isiah
IN muuG¢J1akrsc1vc\aZSw
-ma 5.11.1 n-nhnrwm be 1;... m mm 1.. WW1-y mm: dun-mm Va aF\uNG Wm
rarewng rna wfvme or any pen A7! are evidence pram belam him H.
mm. when ducktmg wnamar to awapr M m rerem ms enema er a
wnnese. near it agmrm Ie\evin| cm rnua. ne mustuk: rnru awuum
ma presenee erasseme arany rmlwe um. wnnass may hive rn gmng
ma ervldsnce wnara aontampulary documems exlmedr he nrusx teal ma
mu mdenea M a wflnul pgamxlthue. He must also test me avraenee
era nenssmarwuness agninsl rna nmbamlmss mm eaa-. Thu vrvlclph
oeIma\ In anpe\IatemlerVemnoe\slha1e dedsmn antved n||1y n ma! mun
wvlhouljudwcm apprvaahun afmu -vraanes may be set asrae an swam’
[32] In oonsraenng mesa apnea‘: we fulluw «ms uourr earlier declsinn In
the case of Fling: Axman bin Amfmnzukilwn Pundakwa Rnya [2021] 2
MLJ 7714202111 LNS10B\nwh\ch Hrs Lordship Abdm Kanm Abdm Jam
JCA stated max m deuermrnrng whether the firearm was arsmarge-1 whusr
cnmmiuing robbery, me whom rncruent snoum be vreweu as a smgle
[331 wnan we evahlaled me «me and eviaenee m this case, we laund
Lha| me ewdenoe ms corroborated. It is not only me evrdsnoe by PW1u
who is the Vilmm H’! tms case but also evsdenee tram the report 0| SP12
slated Mat (here was 3 presence at the DNA at OKT2 and OKT3 m the
hole! roam (ram wmcn tsw Hams were seized includmg rne buHet whwch re
identxcal tome one tmmd the scene It is dflfrcmt to amva at me decision
he! one happen an 07 a sudden
[341 The uerence also failed to rebut that there rs a discharged offirearm
VII which happened at the tame of the wmmisswon at the robbery. Secliun 3
ol the FVPA alsn makes it dear Ilia! the offence is said to be committed
notwithstanding that nu mm Is caused in the warm. u Is anougn enaunara
Is e discharged olfirearm annennre er mmmlltlng or enampong to commit
N rtvuuevflrakrecrvmuzsw
nse e.n.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm s. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] anum wrm
nv apelling lne ocrnnusslon oi a scheduled olvence enunreraled in lhe
scnodule \o lne Act which in lnis case a robbery It is too bad mal H1 lnie
case, me snol had caused inlury lo OKTZ. The use oi gun H’! a robbery IS a
claar Indication that there IS an intention lo cause death or senous injury In
the Vlcllm and such lndlcalinn 07 intention becomes unclaimed when mere
is a dlsoharged of nreann nalwllhslandlng lnal na nurl is caused in me
Victim. PW“)
1351 Tne counsel ior one also supniilled me: an adverse presunrplldn
under sac|lon1141g|nHhe Evidence Aol should be lnvaked in «ma case an
the reason mal lna prosecution lalled to prove that me gun belongs in any
Appellanls. All |he Appellants suggesleol mat il Faisal line deceased
accused) who might bring me gun 1o me scene In wnlon lney had no
knowledge aboul IL The prcsecullon was said lulled m produoe 112
slalemant D7 Faisal.
[as] In we regard, we raler lo lne case at any Mdoi seng A on v.
FF[1|l15]1 LNS nzl wnlcn Abdul Rahman Sehli, ucn [as no lnen was)
aralad as follows’
‘I59! Flmnur, even wnnaul SD7‘s evidence lne preaaoullon slrasdy nau
sufflusm uvldawa in aslzbllsh a WINE case case aaeinir all in.
apgellnnls 1n... the (allure In cull him as e wlweculion wllrlusa is oi nu
nnmequenne as com um reaulr lira gun in me pmsewlmri use I1 is are
law lnal an adverse rnleenoe canrlm he dram. «or lailureiaoalla wllness
man in» prosaaulion ner dlschanled na buruun As my Purlfl New (‘J
said In Chas xcs-n Long v FP[1996]I sm sin :1 pigs: 523-524
“The eooellenra mnlentlcn lsmalll-1e lallrna ml the nmsecullun re
adduoe evidence oi lnosa ome< eaniolae rneanl rnar rne mun
could preaunia lnal me evidence would have we aialrm lna
proeacurlon, nIali$\>1en were no such use
Such nlgumsnlx are wmmorfly made. Commonly mu‘ such
arguments are Mlham mam The mun mun neume In anw any
such presumvmn umess me wuness nol pvoduaad Vs eusnlml m
we pmsmmuws can Any crvmna\ |ransamK:n may be nhsorved
bya numberemnnmex ms um naculary «mus prosewuun In
pmflues every snngxe one av Imae wnmse. M on prvuecnfiun
need lndu xslo amuse mnesseswnose evtdsnoe can bebelxeved
w as In esxauun me as» bwyom rsaiunnma dnum out at a
number no wumsss, n mymen urfly nu nsuuarytn bung m Me
or awn, as mg as lmse wmesses auuafly poodueed are Ibla to
gwe evmencs mus nmnsaaxon, man: We no masnn way an me yes
would he cam mt my any vrnumphon mama be amm met
me evxaenee at those wimeues ml pmduced mum havu bsen
against me vmsecumn '
[37] \n our present appeals‘ Pww was ab\e In give evidence of me
tmnsacnon as he was the victim and the sole eye-wuness. Pwm able m
mlorm the com! me snuaman at me me o1 ms moment. He can remember
OKT who salt In me car which far imm mm in wmch mus [am Is not mspmea
by OKT. Tms Issue Is also relaled la the next issue on the area: my oi
Issue (fr): Tm avldonco ol PW10 Is not crodlbla
[33] AM the eeunear of we Appeflanls raised lhis wssue on me pomt that
the learned Hwgh Court Judge was in encr in rewmg on me ewaenee ol
Pwm m wmch we are aware ma: PW10 ws me only eye wnness For me
prosecunon The Appeuams contended lhsl mere are alscrepancies m me
evwdence \ed by PWlU‘ |u name a few, FW1D m his testimony during the
exarmnahnn In chief stated that when the gun was pointed at him. OKT2
had asked our me bag to be handed:/er In ms coueague on me Ien and
N muuewnakrsctvcwazsw
we Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm the mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
during the crass-sxammatinn, wwm sand met when he wed in push away
the gun‘ a shot was fired However, 0: eenlramcnon, dnnng me re
exarmnaficn when PW10 was asked by me pmsacumr to explam why he
did nox agree that me shaoung happened by acckienl, PW1D then changed
his evidence by saying that the accused had already tried to sham when
the pistol was pmmed
The waamed oounse! var OKTI drawn this Cnun anenunn k: the ass
ov Rudin Irwan Iakunduu bln II ganl lwn Ponaakws Ray: [2017] 5 MLJ
736 which hem as loHows:
1221 aamasanun ponuhuan luml keyed: naked myuun dan panuhakiman
hahnn mama. kaml harsemgu bnhswa ham btcari wan bevgalmmg
sspammnya kenada kalsrsnuan nsan sm dalnm mznsabflkan peliyu
dengan pelluduhan Hakim lucava vanah msnanmz kenenandan SP1 seas.-s
bu|a(-hula! den Mas nna. mukl Made vahdl lanpa mambuat
pemmbangan Iemadap vahxa hahawa sm searmg sakm yang
aemepenunsan uanpadn maranean ma \elah mheflkan aneh sew
sewdm sann beldauflun kepad: keulunman kaieranqan dawn $125 an
hadnean kann max syak ug. bnhawn sm adahh Ieoranq Saks! yang
rnsmpunm kenanmlan damn. kes lm. Kzhemngin sm svwllimya
dhehu dan dhsmna denaan sacara hsmalnwafl men haxhn bicam dnn
mevangan anus: sedemhaan new mnmwukan ketaranqan yang Isnn
sebzual sakangan. Fads pandangan kann mmngsn sew bukzmah
ketevanwan yang kukuh umuk memhu.a|sab\lankeams nslnyu eneh hakum
meare munladw ialu flzpalan dan Keuumsan yang saxannax umuk
vwm regard to this Issue, we are ofllle View Ihal the learned High
court Judge is the one who had the audwo and wsual advantage In observe
the demeanour of lhe wunesses Hence, he was cleany antmsd to make
findings wiin regard In me credioiiny oi ins wrineeees. As an appeiiaie
ocurly we eneoid be slow to inrenere wnn siren findings unieee in can be
sndwn before us that ine rindrngs were perverse end egarnei eii eyerieoie
evidence. in me present case‘ we see no reason to disium ine iinding oi
ins learned Hign coun Judge.
[41] we are guided by me decision oi Raja Azlari snan FJ (as His
Highness men was) in me case oi Public Prosecutor vaemir Hejmerun
bln HI]: idris (Na 2) [1 im] 1 ML] 15 wnicn siaied inar:
-. in my opinion. ine disclenlinnies inere wiii away: My neeeuse in ma
cimurnnanoe: VI wvncn avsms havflensdr lvevy wilnaii does noi
remnmer rne eerne mine and no doe: noi rumomb-er eoaneieiy eveI'Y
erngie rning iner neoeened rne quesunn is vmelhar exrsienea oi oenein
fliscrevariales is srmereni id deeiruy inarrcredrmiiiy were is no ruie anew
man in. tuslimony -71 s mneu niesi em-er no beliavod in nu eninery or non
ei an A mum is luHy oernoeieni_ lor good and oogeni reasons. in mere:
ene nan enne resnrndrry die wriness and reism ins diner. in ine ensenoe
ev any nunlvadiclion. huwsvav‘ and VII rne absnnw or any rnnereni
rrnpnmnininy, ine zvideno: er enywnneer, wneiner . pence mines: or um.
ma gives evndenca on amnvinlnn. sneuid nonneiry be edeepiee:
[42] As io wneiner the com accept Just a srngie wimess In prove me
eeee of iris prosecuirom It is inie mar me evidence is weigned and not
counted prnedani to eecnon 134 onne Evidence Act 1950. The iaw is eiear
that “Na penrcuier number I)! wrrrreseee snail in any case be nzquimd tar
the praoiorerry veer: In Ravanlal errd Dm‘Ia[Ial’s Law or crimes (27lh Ed)
er pp 1965-1969, it scared Ihal, -ii is new a wen senied prineipie at law Ihnl
oonvichon can he susiarned on me sole |esIimany onne pmsecutnx. ii ii
inspires confidence.”
[431 coining bad< lo nurcaser the learned High ccuruuage line riol only
eensioereo lne evioenoe o1 PW10 mil also olrier corraborallva evieenee.
Therefore. we are nol convinced liisl me learned High courl Judge was
[44] in lne upshot, naving perused lrie aooesl reeoros. iris gmunds or
judgement and the wnllen submissions by parlies and aaseo on lire
eloreseio reasons, we unanimously find lliel lliere is no rrienl in lire
Aooellarils' epoesls on conviction. All appeals on conviction are hereby
[45] wim regard to the appeals agairisl senlenee, il is lrile law mail when
me punisrirneril lo any orierioe is amended in e heavier punisrlmenl, it is
me inlenlion oi lrie Parlisrrieril lo perceive such orlerioe as serious.
Triereiore, in arfwlng In our oee ion ler eppeel egeirisl senlerioe iri mese
appeals, we are gillaeo by lrie decision Abdul Mahk lshak JCA in lrie case
cl Yong /or Mun vPubIiI: Prosecutor 120121 ls MLJ 209 as follows
152] we mil now reier lo me Heriaero in eioer In onoerserrro are lro.
pulvose ano irileriliori olirie an M lrie lriiro Fafllzmefllaly slllino allhe
‘Dewari Riayal‘ mouse :71 Raprueniiflvesj an 27 luiy 1971i lire
rlonollieoie ailoriiey eenerel mi sri aeooi xaoir oln Vuwl me-l uld
al p 3550 in me Nsrisard
wrrol we ere bringing neie ll an 2msril1msn| iai an erihamsd. a
higher, psnally loreornrnilling mbbsry and lirorieooirig and omer
oiierioes as slalea iriere, lolli syoes, I1 may use liresirns, at May
used penukul. paku. er oererio M any elliier wenpnn ii iosl hka
oroirury anrris Eu|wna|we are going In kill s lha use Milreamisr
bomb ma wands‘ when cummlmng climax huzuia was -s an ma
mama»: new
[35] From me aaaax-s m Pumamenl as seen lmm ma H-nurd, an an
wi: hem w| m neoewly, so to sneak. in ma on us: M fivaarmx to
mmm1|'urmu‘l payvofl ho\d—ups‘ mama enharw dealt: ann,a.y
[us] On ma Max, M a 2 gm“ rvuscamaqe cl juslme ml to mrwu the
aaaeuanum aammunng ma uwmm as par ma amended charge m ex?!
[45] Tharebm, we areafthe consmayaa viswmatssncus ouenca should
be pumsnaa wym severe pumsmuem. Huwever, afler takmg me
can eralmn me mmgafion put larwam by me delencs counsms av ma
Appauams, we agree to sax asme ma senlanee Imposed by me High Cam
and sentence ma AppaHan(s war. a primnment for a term 0130 years.
We a\so make an war [or I2 slrokas 0! M1 ng m OKT3 and mm. Na
senlenceoiwhvppmg to on: because he had anamea me aga 0150 years
Cuurl o1 AvPea\ Msmysla
Due M Decision : I7 Augun 2023
Ground: mum : In nacemxm 2n23
Loaul Ronmonmlon
For OKT1
(Appeuam in Appeal No.
For oK1'2
(Appenam wn Appsa\ No.
For mcr:
(Appellant in AppaaY N0
For an Rupnndnnt
sw muuewnakrmvmazsw
sanm Basmr
(together mm Najuhah zmkmi;
[Msssrs. Salxm Easlw, Ruswwza 5 Ca]
Srsekam Piflex
[Messrs. Sreekanl Plllai]
Afifuddm hm Ahmad Hafifi
(together wm: Muhammad Ammm bin
[Msssm Sa\ehuddm seinm A Assoc]
Mohd Falruz bvn Johan
[Anon-ey Gene.-ars Chambers]
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
melakukun mm kawlahln yang boleh ammm dr blwuh ssksyerl :9 AMA:
San/ala Am wanam Lnmn Euurll 1971.-
14] on 2 we: charged as Inflows.
"Bahawa kamu bersnnmuma derwan (1) many yang man mm/nggal mm/a
den Matsa/Ian Mn Nan {Na K/P'71G7290.’l—5H1)psda 22/9/2915. mm mm
kunng 19347 hrs beflarnpal an Iowa! lcluk lmmfi am D, Aammen! Mann-n
com, man P15 819. Psfalmg Jays, ar dc/um durirv Putahng, dalam Negm
Sa/angel Daml Ehnn, mm: melakukan rovmakan bcrkulvloulm oongan
ssomng rakan Kama nama Muhd Aural Dm Mona rmnlm Yong (No K/P
E5C|6UD—l7J—5179)IvIah melfipaskan tembakun un/ara any danger: na: hmdflk
menysb-bklrv kurvlaban atxu lmnadsrasn K2 ntas Pump «/1 Ramasamy No
K/P5310175-06-5297 ytnq mlml Iwmu mompunyal penaemnuan ratmn rmmu
membave aervlala apt asmasa me/akukarv rwnpakan Olen yang amnmn
umu Inlalv rm/akukan mm hesaransn yang owon dmukum aroawan saksyen
:4 ma San/are A». (Forum Lsbm Bars!) 1971."
[51 Wmle OKT3 was charged as fcflcwst
‘Sahara um bwsama—sama Hangar: 4:; mung /ayryang Isran d/tuduh, pads
25/9/2015, [am mun kuung 1930 his beflsmpakdr renwa!/stair mm smk 2,
Apartment Mentsli Com, ./alnn ms an, Pslalmg Jaya a. flnlum nusrah
Pa:-any‘ dalam Nsgen S9/anger Dam! Ehsm, rsmasa Inslekukan mmpaknn
borkt/Nlflularv dmgan swung rakzn kamu norm! Mona mm: urn Mona
Vhmlmn Yong (No K/P'550609—0a6179HsIsh melapnsksn tambakarv aenyau
apt dangan rvlal hendak manyobabhn komattan slaw ksnerletnan ks alas
Fran!!! M Ramasamy Nu xx»: 531003455297 yang nnana kamu mempwlysl
nanwanuan rakarv kamu msmoswa .an,aa-a am‘ samass melakukun
mmpaksrv own yang aannnnan kamu la/an melakukun sunlu mananan mg
Dom: drhukum .12 bawah suluyun 34 Am Senlala Apl (Penam Liam Bern!)
W71 '
am rvuuewlakrncwmuzsw
ma. Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e a... w my a. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm y.. mum v-mm
[6] AI me curlcluslon dune trial, lne learned Hlgh Court Judge lmmd
lrral all the Appellarrls gullry rne charges The appellants ware sentenced
to dream by hanging.
171 Aggrleved wrm lne convlciiun and sanlende, me Appellarrla ndw
appealed la «ms Court. we neard me appeals on me l7 us 2023. Al me
conclusion cf lne sularnrssldrrs, we dlsrnlased lhe Appellants’ appeal nn
CON/lc1l07I um we allowed me appeals on aerrlanoe. we now provlde our
reasons lorlna decision.
‘rho ProIacudon'I can
[5] The presecmlorr-a case was establlshad by me evidence cl ils
wltnssses and accepted by the learned trial judge. Pm m a nutshell,
Apaellanls were crrarged mm an ollance under lhs Flreamls (Increased
Penalty) A51 1971 [A6137] ('FlPl\“)
ln me oammlsslon of an elvance (a gang»rubbery) with me lrrlenllan to
cause deam er lrllury tn one Pralap a/l Ramasamy(‘PW1D”). OKT2 and
OKT3 being me adcdrn ' in me case of dlscnarge of me nrearrn
oomrvlined by DKT1 were cnarged under secllan 3A of me sarne Act.
ArloUleraccused,Ahmat1 Falsal am Muda, hasdled and he was drscnarged
wllJ1oulacqul|lal(“DNAA')by andlner l-lign ccun Judge on us lu.2m7
OKTI was charged undersectlan 3 of l=lFA ufdischarglrlg a firearm
[10] me dwenoe was commllled on may ms at appmxlmalely 7 30
pm al lhe Darkmg Inl cl Elak D, Apanrrrenl Menlari cdun, Jalan PJ5 em,
Pelallng Jays, salangor uaml Ehsan.
am rDUuGVJlakh<1YElq1Sw
-we s.n.l Men M“ be used a mm re anrmun mm; dun-mm vn AFVLING wnxl
mi when PW10 was about he enter his car and pu| his iaptdp in the
back. he saw mree men get out Mme viva ear who then came tewerds
hini. one oi the nien came hum the train (whn was identihed as om by
PW1D)whiie the other Mn men train the back PWIO stiii raeegnire and
remember the faces 01 the Mu men who came from behind and
approached him when nne of ms men was identified as OKT2 while the
other man was the accused who had died.
[12] white OKTI was hoiding the gun arid painted it at PWIfl‘s chest,
there was a stmggie between them which resutted in OKTt firing e shot
using the gun Hawever. it was a had break. The shot hit OKTZ's h and
caused Injury.
[1 3] After the shot. PWIO managed to grab the gun from 0KT1‘s hands
and distanced hinrseiiimrri the a0cused.0KT1 arid another accused (who
had died) managed to escape in the Viva car where there was a driver
wetting (or them in the car PW1D identmed the man who was driving the
viva car during the inudenl as on: Awarding to Pwto, the identmcatiuri
oi OKT3 could be made because the niirrar at the vtua car was eirnoet
completely open during the incident and FW10 uuuid see the face eiot<T3.
[14] OKT2 whe suitered an iriiurytd his thigh as e reauit of being shot by
QKT1 was unable to escape OKT2 did tried to escape (mm the Sfflfle by
jumping down to the ground floor oi the parking buiidlng and hiding in the
area near the parking but ing but PW10 managed in find him.
[15] The investigation oiiioer ('SP6") and his team arrived at the scene
at approxtrriaiaty 11.45 pm and wtiect the iotidrwing items such as a pair :71
samba biack/brown siippers size to, a blue I-shin with a mtmd wllar (size
in rDUuGWtakhc1YCiuZSw
-use s.ii.i Ilnvihli M“ be used M mm Die niinihaiily MVM5 dnunvinnl via nFit.ING Wflxi
XL) and diced swabbing taken irorn the (races at blood drdps round on me
wall at the corridor outside ihe parking iot ai the 2nd Hour‘ on the mi of
the sliver-colored Psmdua Kancil with regIstra|iorI rio: WHP 2986 which
parked at the side of the parking building and on the red sons iaceted near
me ience
[16] Aiter me investigation st the scene, SP5 and his team were
instrucied to oanlinuethe investigation and wanna room no. 207, 2nd iioor,
Sun Beans Hotsi (the haiei room) which is located at Jsian PJS 8/ti,
Deiai-an Mentari, Petaiing Jaye, seiangor (iocaisd appmxiniaieiy ma
mslals irdni the scans) Police investigation showed that me hotei mom
had been rented by the accused heiare the incident. SP6 and his iesni
arrived at the hinei mum at spproxirristeiy 12.40 am on 29 D9 2015. upon
investigation, SP6 and his team iound the ioiiawiiig Items‘
iii a ysllnw Izullel wntien s A E 9x1913 on the quihh mattress;
a brawn trousers oflhe brand "BcriItori“ size aim on a brawn
uarpet «our.
(Hi) s shon-sissvea ooiiared shirt with "Uriivelsili Maiaya" written
on il s(iAd( an the handle of the cupboard 4001'.
(iv) 2 white digaiene minis an me brawn carpet iidei:
(V) 2 Izmwn cigarelle humus an the blown csrpei noon
(Vi) 3 hngerphnts (F1 to F3) an a move Iransparenl piaslic home;
(W) t fingerpnnl impression (F4) on the green catered pissuc
wmtari "niemati" in the room
[17] Ali the items seized was sent in me chemist namely SP12 Based
in rDUuGWiakhctYGiuZSw
Nuns Sum Illvihli wiii be used M mm we niininniily MVM5 m.i.n VI] nFiuNG WM!
on me report MSP12, «here was a presence or me DNA MOKTZ and on:
which snow Ihai ham 0! them were in me iroiei room before me incident
Ingeiher with me deceased accused.
[rs] For me complete rams on me veslngaiion by the police, we
respectfully railed an me grounds at judgment by me learned High coun
Judge who had Dulhned the material (365 0! prosecution case.
Finding ov me Iourrrud trlnl Judgn at the clan of tho prosecution‘:
inai wage are best surnrried up as lollows:
Al the and of me pmseculicn case, the key findings or me iearned
(a) mu regard to OKTI, Ihe ieernea High caun Judge satisfied
manna prosecution had pmvsd aH me elemenis dune oflenca
which are as roiiow -
(ij OKT1 had discharged a iirearm,
(in OKT1 nad discharged a firearm ar me iirne oi his
eomrnming or allsmpllng in Dammit or abetting the
Gammissiun at a ecneduied mverrce, and
(iii) OKTI nad discharged a nreann with intent ID cause
deem or nun to any Person‘ shaii, rrmwnnsiandrng that
no run is caused.
in) The eiemenre were maven by an overwheiming evidence 01
PW“) and PWB (lnsp Nor Harman bin Ab Hamid). The
sin muuewiekrucwciqisw
-we s.n.i In-nhnv win he used m mm a. niinirraiily MIN; dun-mm VII arium pm
learned Hwgh Coun Judge was of ms w (hat om has me
mlanflan co cause death at injury to PWIO based on the
inference N PW10 had not amperaled or resisted or relused
In hand over nzs bebngwngs lo om, ne woma have been
shot by om. om used me gun [PZIA] which ms ewdence
shuwed «no: it \s runcnener The shalwas fired oy cm and
caused wruury to OKT2.
(c) on me charge agamsl one and mm, me Ieerneo won
Court Judge held «nenne proeecuxion had sueeessmuy proved
(heir case m which 2111 me e\emen(s nl ma pwenoe were
sansaea The elements ere:
(1) a nreenn is dvscharged by any person at me |ime oi ms
oornrnimng or allemplmg lo cummxt or abemng me
oornnussion 0! a schsdmed cflencer
on a nreernn is discharged with mtem to causedeath or hurl
lo any person‘
(m) each of me eeemnpuoee Vn respsm at me owenue
presem at me spene or me nomrmssxon ur attempted
commission or abeimelll:
uy) eaon onne awornphpes may reasonably be presumed
to have known that such person was carrying 111 neo in
ms posssssxan or under his custody or wnlrol me
nreernn and
(y) unvess were is prove that me aeoemphoss had Iaken all
reasonable seeps |o prevent the discharge.
(4; Evraenee by Pww showed that an me accused were at the
rn rvuuevllakrmvmuzsw
-one s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m yaw n. nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n wa .nuns wrm
scene and cam ' ed a gang-robbery an FW1D. PW1D also
confirmed that OKT2, OKT3 and Falsal [the masses
accused] fallen lo lake all raasanabla steps to prevem om
lmm firing ma gun.
(e) The laamaa High Cflurl Judge also made a llnalng mal PW1D
VS a credlble wimess and his Iesllmnrly was sampled by me
Hlgh Court afler a maximum asaassmanl at his cred
lmscwonnlness. In «an, ammlng lo the learned High om
Judge, SF1D Is a vlchm 01 [N5 Incidem and has teamed
honestly abou| what happened lo mm durlng ms irlolderll
[20] Therefore, the learned Hlgh Conn Judge louna a prime lama case
had been established by the prosecullon agalnsl all the Appellants and
ordered me Appellants |o erller melr delenoe.
[21] OKT1 gave his evidence on oath. oKT1's defence was as follows‘
(ls) OKT 1 ls/ah rnerls//ms parlggl/an lelsforl daripada kawamlya
bemama Faisal (lammlm yang zelah me/llrlggal dlmla). Ba/lau
msmlnla OKT1 dalang bequmparlya dl Iampsk lalak karate
Blok 5 m Msnlarv com Falsal (vsnuaull yang lalan menlnggal
durlla} llnggal dl‘ Mentan Court :1. Blok c.
(D) Alas pelmfnlsan Falaal, OKT1 valan pergl ks rempal lalak
ksrsra Blok E msslml aan mallhal Faisal Slldflh bevads :1! sin:
bersama OKT2 darl oK13. Falsal membsmbhu ada slam
IN rDUuGWlakhc1YCluZSw
-ma Sum! nnvlhnrwlll be flied M mm .. mm-y mm: dnunvlnnl VI] .mm mm
| 3,609 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-24NCvC-1329-08/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) GREENCHAIN HARVEST SDN BHD 2. ) LIAU THENG HOOI RESPONDEN NCT UNITED DEVELOPMENT SENDIRIAN BERHAD | Land Law - Mixed development project - Abandoned project - Scheme of Arrangement - Subsequent purchasers at public auction - Whether purchasers the legal and beneficial owners - Principle of Beneficial Ownership and Doctrine of Bare Trustee | 05/01/2024 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO.: BA-24NCvC-1329-08/2022
Dalam perkara mengenai satu (1) unit
pejabat kedai 3 tingkat yang dipegang di
bawah GRN340049, Lot No. 126533, Mukim
Dengkil, Daerah Sepang, Negeri Selangor
(dahulu dikenali sebagai HS(D) 51621 PT
65051, Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang,
Negeri Selangor) yang mempunyai alamat
pos di No. 26, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman
Kenanga, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900
Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Dalam perkara mengenai satu (1) unit
pejabat kedai 3 tingkat yang dipegang di
bawah GRN340048, Lot No. 126532, Mukim
Dengkil, Daerah Sepang, Negeri Selangor
(dahulu dikenali sebagai HS(D) 51620 PT
65050, Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang,
Negeri Selangor) yang mempunyai alamat
pos di No. 28, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman
Kenanga, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900
Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
05/01/2024 09:07:09
BA-24NCvC-1329-08/2022 Kand. 32
S/N qcA7gpVt/EmNFsBlIGLZHg
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Dalam perkara mengenai satu (1) unit 3
tingkat Pejabat kedai yang dipegang di
bawah GRN340082, Lot No. 126566, Mukim
Dengkil, Daerah Sepang, Negeri Selangor
(dahulu dikenali sebagai HS(D) 51654 PT
65084, Mukim Dengkil, Daerah Sepang,
Negeri Selangor) yang mempunyai alamat
pos di No. 22, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman
Kenanga, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900
Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Dalam perkara mengenai Seksyen 214, 215
dan/atau 217 dalam Kanun Tanah Negara
Dalam perkara mengenai Specific Relief Act
Dalam perkara mengenai Aturan 7 dan
Aturan 28 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
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(No. Syarikat: 200601022513 / 742267-M)
(No. K/P: 610226-07-5047) … PLAINTIF-PLAINTIF
(NO. SYARIKAT: 200501024080 / 706212-T) … DEFENDAN
[1] This case is about the sad tale of (yet) another failed land
development project. As in all other cases of abandoned housing projects,
the innocent victims here are the purchasers of properties developed and
sold by the developer. The twist here is that the dispute before this Court
is not between the original purchasers of the properties of this land
development project and the original developer. The present case
involves an action commenced by the Plaintiffs, who are subsequent
purchasers of 3 units of shoplots in that project, against the Defendant, a
white knight that had stepped in to revive and complete the project.
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The Main Issues
[2] The issues involved are straightforward. The first is whether the
Plaintiffs are the legal and beneficial owners of the units that form the
subject-matter in this dispute and are thus entitled to the Individual Strata
Titles of these properties.
[3] Arising from this first main issue are these additional subsidiary
issues, namely,
(a) whether the units involved in this case fall under the scope of
a Scheme of Arrangement that had been sanctioned by the
Court; and
(b) whether the units involved in this case are the “unsold and
unredeemed’ units.
[4] The second main issue arises from the Defendant’s counterclaim,
that is, whether the Plaintiffs are liable to pay damages to the Defendant
being the rehabilitation costs of the Plaintiffs’ units.
[5] Following this second main issue is the imperative question of
whether rehabilitation work had indeed been carried out to the three units
that are the subject matter in this dispute.
The Parties, the Subject-Matter and the Background Facts
[6] In order to resolve the above issues, it is vital that the backgrounds
facts and how the present parties become involved be clarified.
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[7] As noted, central in this dispute are 3 three-storey units of shoplots.
For convenience, the units involved are referred to as Unit 26, Unit 28 and
Unit 22. All 3 units were originally held under a master title.
[8] The original developer of these 3 shoplot units is Kumpulan Sepang
Utama Sdn Bhd (“KSU”). Together with Lengkap Legenda Sdn Bhd
(“LLSB”), the proprietor of the project lands, KSU and LLSB had entered
into an agreement to develop the project lands as a mixed development
project. The units involved in this case are part of larger mixed land
development project. Both KSU and LLBS are now in liquidation.
[9] An important fact is that the entire project was divided or undertaken
in numerous or different phases. On this point, it is crucial to note that the
units that form the subject matter in the present case are all in Phase 1 of
the project.
[10] Unit 26 and Unit 28 had initially been purchased by one Chia Tack
Kee (“CTK”) and the original purchaser of Unit 22 was one Chia Onn Kay
(“COK”). The purchase of Units 26 and 28 and of Unite 22 were financed
with a loan obtained from Public Finance Berhad (taken over by Public
Bank Berhad vide a vesting order dated 20 August, 2004) and Public Bank
Berhad respectively.
[11] When CTK and COK defaulted in the repayment of their loans, the
said Units were auctioned. The First Plaintiff, Greenchain Harvest Sdn
Bhd, was the successful bidder for Units 26 and 28 and the Second
Plaintiff, Liau Theng Hooi, was the successful bidder for Unit 22.
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[12] It is noteworthy that the First and Second Plaintiffs had paid the full
purchase price in cash for the units involved to Public Bank Berhad and
three separate Deeds of Assignment had been executed by Public Bank
Berhad in favour of the Plaintiffs to transfer the ownership of these units
to the Plaintiffs absolutely.
[13] As for the Defendant, NCT United Development Sdn Bhd, it is
engaged in the property development business. As noted in paragraph [1]
above, the Defendant is the white knight that had stepped in to revive and
complete the abandoned project.
[14] The genesis of the Defendant’s involvement can be traced to a
Scheme of Arrangement, sanctioned following an Order dated 6 March,
2012 vide Kuala Lumpur High Court No Petition 26NCC-26-02/2012,
whereby the Defendant was entrusted to rehabilitate and/or revive and/or
complete the said project.
[15] A number of additional vital facts that must be borne in mind are
that, first, this Scheme of Arrangement only involved the purchasers of
Phases 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 5B and 5C of the project.
[16] Second, Paragraph 5 of the Sanction Order provides that:
“ … NCT United Development Sdn Bhd berhak kepada unit-unit
yang tidak dijual dan tidak ditebus di dalam Projek tersebut, Tanah-
tanah Projek dan semua hasil dan penerimaan di bawahnya dan
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[17] Following the granting of the Sanction Order is this added pertinent
detail. The Defendant was registered as owner of the Project Lands on 11
September, 2012. This has resulted in the Defendant being the current
registered proprietor, as reflected in the individual titles for the said
[18] Accordingly, the entire affair leading to this present action can be
broken into two distinct periods, namely pre and post the Scheme of
Arrangement. In relation to the former period, the Plaintiffs have already
stepped in the picture. Entry by the Defendant is only after the Sanction
Order was given, that is, during the latter period.
The Claims
[19] The Plaintiffs sought a great number of reliefs. The orders sought
(a) A declaration that the 1st Plaintiff, GREENCHAIN HARVEST SDN
BHD, is the legal and beneficial owner of the Property known as a 3-
storey unit shop-office currently held by the Defendant under the title
of GRN340049, Lot No. 126533, Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang,
State of Selangor (previously held under HS(D) 51621 PT 65051,
Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang, State of Selangor) which has a
postal address at No. 26, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman Kenanga,
Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
(hereinafter known as "Unit 26");
(b) A declaration that the 1st Plaintiff, GREENCHAIN HARVEST SDN
BHD, is the legal and beneficial owner of the Property known as a 3-
storey unit shop-office currently held by the Defendant under the title
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of GRN340048, Lot No. 126532, Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang,
State of Selangor (previously held under HS(D) 51620 PT 65050,
Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang, State of Selangor) which has a
postal address at No. 28, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman Kenanga,
Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
(hereinafter known as "Unit 28");
(c) A declaration that Public Finance Berhad (taken over by Public Bank
Berhad vide a vesting order dated 20.8.2004) is an Absolute
Assignee on Unit 26 and Unit 28 ("The Properties") where the Deeds
of Assignment dated 11.11.2009 and 11.12.2009 which have been
completed between Public Bank Berhad and the 1st Plaintiff is valid
and in force;
(d) A declaration that the 2nd Plaintiff, LIAU THENG HOOI, is the legal
and beneficial owner of the Property known as a 3-storey unit of the
shop-office currently held by the Defendant under the title of
GRN340082, Lot No. 126566, Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang,
State of Selangor (previously held under HS(D) 51654 PT 65084,
Mukim Dengkil, District of Sepang, State of Selangor) which has a
postal address at No. 22, Jalan Kenanga 1/7, Taman Kenanga,
Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, 43900 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
(hereinafter known as "Unit 22");
(e) A declaration that Public Finance Berhad (taken over by Public Bank
Berhad vide a vesting order dated 20.8.2004) is the Assignee of Unit
22 ("The Properties") where the Deed of Assignment dated
10.6.2008 which has been completed between Public Bank Berhad
and the 2nd Plaintiff is valid and in force;
(f) An Order that the Defendant release and assign the Individual Strata
Title of The Properties free from any encumbrance to the Plaintiffs
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and/or to the Plaintiffs’ solicitor and also submit the completed
Memorandum of Transfer of The Properties, which is valid and may
be registered together with the applicable payment to the Plaintiffs
and/or the Plaintiffs’ solicitors within fourteen (14) days commencing
from the date of order;
(g) Alternatively, if the Plaintiffs are unable to take back The Properties
from the Defendant and/or the Memorandum of Transfer of The
Properties cannot be registered, then the Defendant shall pay for all
damages and losses suffered by the Plaintiffs where such damages
and losses shall be assessed by the Court Registrar;
(h) An interlocutory injunction restraining the Defendant from
transferring The Properties referred to in paragraph (a), (b) and (d)
above to any third party until the full decision is decided by this
Honourable Court;
(i) An order that the Defendant shall submit all necessary documents
(including a certificate of completion of construction / certificate of
fitness and permission to transfer from the lawful authority) to
transfer the original property title of The Properties to the Plaintiffs
within 14 days from the date of this order;
(j) An order that the Defendant shall settle and pay all outstanding
outgoings in respect of The Properties as of prior to the completion
of the transaction of the transfer of ownership of The Properties;
(k) General damages and/or exemplary damages and/or severe
damages paid by the Defendant to the Plaintiffs assessed by this
Honourable Court;
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(l) The cost of this Originating Summons is to be borne by the
(m) Plaintiffs are allowed and be given liberty to apply for other incidental
orders to have effect and enforce in order to fairly protect their rights
in action; and
(n) Other and further reliefs as this Honourable Court deems fit and
[20] In support of their claims for the above reliefs, the Plaintiffs relied
primarily on the Principle of Beneficial Ownership/Doctrine of Bare
Trustee. They cited the Federal Court decisions in Tan Ong Ban v Teoh
Kim Heng [2016] 2 AMR 813; [2016] 3 CLJ 193; [2016] 3 MLJ 23; [2016]
2 MLRA 433 and Yeo Ping Tieng & Ors v Elitprop Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 CLJ
776; [2020] 3 MLJ 269; [2019] 6 MLRA 616 which explained the principle
of beneficial ownership and cases such as Noraini Binti Mohamed Hadi v
Pembangunan Tanah Dan Perumahan [2020] AMEJ 0604; [2021] 3 CLJ
518; [2021] 4 MLJ 152; [2020] 4 MLRA 158, Samuel Naik Siang Ting v.
Public Bank Bhd [2018] 3 AMR 259; [2015] 8 CLJ 944; [2015] 6 MLJ 1;
[2015] 5 MLRA 665 and Seck Mun Foo v Datuk Harris Bin Mohd Salleh
[1997] 1 CLJ 321; [1996] MLJU 611; [1996] 3 MLRH 150 in support of
their contention that the Defendant, though the registered proprietor of the
properties concerned, is a mere bare trustee.
[21] It was argued by the Plaintiffs that as the individual titles were not
issued for the Plaintiffs’ units in the said Project until recently, subsequent
purchasers of units such as the Plaintiffs will have to have these rights
and benefits under the original purchasers’ sale and purchase
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agreements with KSU and the Land Proprietor assigned to them. The
Plaintiffs reasoned that it is only by such assignments would “the chain of
title to the contractual rights and benefits pass and the subsequent
purchasers become successors in title or the lawful [sic] assigns of the
original purchasers”.
[22] The Plaintiffs underscored the fact that the units/properties were
sold to the Plaintiffs by way of a public auction on 25 May, 2007 and 24
August, 2007 and these made them bona fide purchasers for valuable
consideration. References were made to cases such as Borneo Housing
Mortgage Finance Bhd v Time Engineering Bhd [1996] 2 AMR 1537;
[1996] 2 CLJ 561; [1996] 2 MLJ 12; [1996] 1 MLRA 154], J Raju v Kwong
Yik Bank Bhd & Anor [1994] 2 AMR 1220; [1994] 2 CLJ 695; [1994] 2 MLJ
408; [1994] 1 MLRA 156 and EON Bank Bhd & Anor v Tay Guan Hui &
Ors [2001] AMEJ 0036; [2001] CLJU 182; [2001] 5 MLJ 374; [2000] 5
MLRH 827.
[23] The Plaintiffs also submitted that the Scheme of Arrangement did
not adversely affect the Plaintiffs’ ownership as the Sanction Order dated
6 March, 2012 excluded the purchasers of properties in Phase 1 and/or
Phase 1A. In other words, Unit 26, Unite 28 and Unit 22 do not fall under
the Scheme of Arrangement.
[24] The Plaintiff also averred to the fact that the Defendant had
previously filed an Originating Summons for summary possession of the
subject land in 2016 but the Defendant had subsequently withdrawn the
2016 OS against the Plaintiffs. As for the suits against the other
purchasers, these purchasers and the Defendant had reached an out-of-
court settlement.
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[25] In response to the above arguments, the Defendant submitted that
it had rightly obtained the rights to the Project Lands following the
Sanction Order. These rights, according to the Defendant, include “to deal
with all the unsold and unredeemed units on the said Land after the
Defendant has paid all the settlement sum” and “access to the Project
Lands to conduct the rehabilitation works pursuant to the Sanction Order”.
[26] In reply to the beneficial ownership and bare trustee principles
raised by the Plaintiffs, the Defendant also cited Borneo Housing
Mortgage Finance Bhd v Time Engineering Bhd. However, the Defendant
went on to rely on the following additional authorities, namely, Karuppiah
Chettiar v Subramaniam [1971] 1 LNS 43; [1971] 2 MLJ 116; [1971] 1
MLRA 663 and Hiew Min Chung v Borneo Housing Mortgage Finance Bhd
& Ors; [2000] 4 AMR 4178; [2000] 8 CLJ 165; [2001] 1 MLJ 21; [2000] 3
MLRH 148 for the proposition that whether purchasers are beneficial
owners depends upon whether a Memorandum of Transfer has been
[27] The Defendant read Tan Ong Ban v Teoh Kim Heng as conferring
a purchaser only a right in personam and not in rem. Hence, the
Defendant adopted the argument that the present action should have
been instituted against the original developer KSU and not the Defendant.
[28] On the reference by the Plaintiffs to the Originating Summons for
summary possession of the subject land by the Defendant in 2016, the
Defendant argued that that 2016 OS is irrelevant to the current
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The Counterclaim
[29] In its counterclaim, the Defendant prayed for the following reliefs:
(a) That the 1st Plaintiff be ordered to pay a sum of RM320,000.00
to the Defendant being the rehabilitation cost for each of the 1st
Plaintiff’s unit in 7 days;
(b) That the 2nd Plaintiff be ordered to pay a sum of RM320,000.00
to the Defendant being the rehabilitation costs for the 2nd
Plaintiff’s unit in 7 days;
(c) Interest at the rate of 5% per annum on each of the decreed
sums above allowed by this Honourable Court from the date of
this counterclaim until full realisation;
(d) In consequence to the respective Plaintiffs paying the full sum
decreed in prayers (a) to (c) above [subject always to prayer
(e)], the Defendant shall affect the following:-
(i) The Defendant shall register the respective Plaintiff’s Lots
in the name of the respective Plaintiffs;
(ii) Upon successful registration in (i) above, the Defendant
shall deliver the original title of those lots to the respective
Plaintiffs or their solicitors.
(e) That the Plaintiffs shall pay the costs for the Defendant to effect
the transfer of the respective lots stated in prayer (d) above
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(including but not limited to the legal fees, stamp duty and real
property gains tax);
(f) Costs of this action; and
(g) Any further and/or other relief deemed fit and proper by this
Honourable Court.
[30] The Defendant’s counterclaim is premised on section 71 of the
Contracts Act 1950. The Defendant argued that section 71 will come to its
aid even if the Plaintiffs’ units have been redeemed. The relevant section
71 reads as follows:
Obligation of person enjoying benefit of non-gratuitous act
71. Where a person lawfully does anything for another person, or
delivers anything to him, not intending to do so gratuitously, and such
other person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is bound to make
compensation to the former in respect of, or to restore, the thing so done
or delivered.
(a) A, a tradesman, leaves goods at B’s house by mistake. B treats the
goods as his own. He is bound to pay A for them.
(b) A saves B’s property from fire. A is not entitled to compensation from
B, if the circumstances show that he intended to act gratuitously.
[31] The Defendant cited cases such as Usima Sdn Bhd v Lee Hor Fong
(trading under the name and style of Pembinaan LH Fong [2017] 6 AMR
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652; [2017] 9 CLJ 646; [2017] 7 MLJ 273; [2017] 5 MLRA 552 and Kraas
Solutions Sdn Bhd v Konsesi Kota Permatamas Sdn Bhd [2018] 3 AMR
790; [2018] 9 CLJ 26; [2018] 6 MLJ 202; [2018] 4 MLRA 70 to support its
contention that section 71 of the Contracts Act 1950 applies in the instant
[32] In reply to this counterclaim, the Plaintiffs submitted that no
rehabilitation works had been carried out by the Defendant to the said
units. The Plaintiffs further claimed that neither had there been any
issuance of CFO and/or CCC and that the Plaintiffs had obtained vacant
possession of the said units even before the Defendant had taken over
the said Project.
The Decision of this Court
[33] After a thorough examination and consideration of the affidavits,
submissions (both written and oral), and the authorities filed by the parties,
this Court is of the considered view that the Sanction Order issued by the
Court (vide Kuala Lumpur High Court No. Petition 26NCC-26- 02/2012)
approving a Scheme of Arrangement which transferred the master title to
the Defendant is crucial in this application.
[34] There is no denying that the Defendant had rightly obtained the
rights to the Project Lands following the Sanction Order.
[35] As noted in paragraph [3] above, two subsidiary questions arise at
this juncture. First, does the Sanction Order that approved the Scheme of
Arrangement include the units/properties purchased by the Plaintiffs?
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[36] The second question is: what is the extent of such rights?
[37] On the first subsidiary question, by the Defendant’s own admission,
the Scheme of Arrangement did not include Phase 1 of the Project – of
which the 3 units in dispute are part of.
[38] This brings us to the second subsidiary question, as raised in
paragraph [3] above. As further noted in paragraph [25] above, these
rights, as admitted by the Defendant, include rights “to deal with all the
unsold and unredeemed Units on the said Land after the Defendant has
paid all the settlement sum” and “access to the Project Lands to conduct
the rehabilitation works pursuant to the Sanction Order”.
[39] Are the 3 units which are the subject matter of the present dispute
“unsold and unredeemed units”? This is the pivotal question. The units
have indeed been sold, not once but twice. Hence, what remains is the
question of whether these are unredeemed units.
[40] After the successful bids by the Plaintiffs for the units at the public
auctions, two separate Deeds of Assignment were executed by Public
Bank Berhad in favour of the First Plaintiff to transfer the ownership of Unit
26 & Unit 28 to it absolutely.
[41] Likewise, a Deed of Assignment was then executed by Public Bank
Berhad in favour of the Second Plaintiff to transfer the ownership of Unit
22 to him absolutely.
[42] These events render all these 3 units as units that have been sold
and redeemed.
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[43] On the assertion by the Defendant that the element of full payment
of the purchase price was only one element of the concept of bare trustee
and that the requirement of Memorandum of Transfer is another
mandatory element for the concept of bare trustee to be invoked (Fung
Sui Jin v Borneo Housing Mortgage Finance Bhd & Ors [2001] 1 AMR
1104; [2001] 5 CLJ 501; [2000] MLJU 532; [2000] 4 MLRH 435), this Court
is in agreement with the submission made by the Plaintiffs that Fung Sui
Jin is distinguishable. Fung Sui Jin concerned a purchase of property
directly from the developer. In the present case the Plaintiffs had
purchased the said properties through public auctions in which the
Plaintiffs were never required to sign a Memorandum of Transfer. The
requirement here is that a Deed of Assignment (by way of transfer) from
the defaulter’s financier, which in this case is Public Finance Berhad, is
executed to absolutely assign all the rights and interests to the Plaintiffs.
This resulted in the Plaintiffs becoming the legal and beneficial owners of
the said properties.
[44] On the submission by the Defendant that read Tan Ong Ban v Teoh
Kim Heng as conferring a purchaser only a right in personam and not in
rem, it must be remembered that that case involved a purchaser who has,
unlike the Plaintiffs in the present case, yet to pay the purchase price of
the property in full. (See also IB Capital Sdn Bhd v Ivory Indah Sdn Bhd &
Anor [2021] AMEJ 1159; [2021] 1 LNS 2348; [2022] 1 MLJ 860; [2021]
MLRAU 148.)
[45] Based on these findings, this Court answers the first of the two main
issues outlined in paragraph [2] above in the affirmative.
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[46] Order in terms is granted as per prayers (1) to (6), (10) and (13) in
Enclosure 1.
[47] As for the counterclaim, the reliefs sought by the Defendant is
outlined in paragraph [29] above. In support of its counterclaim, the
Defendant relied on Exhibit NCT4.
[48] After a careful examination of the relevant Exhibit NCT4, this Court
finds that that Exhibit does not disclose rehabilitation work having been
carried out to the 3 units under consideration in this case.
[49] In view of the above conclusion, the answer to the second main
question as adumbrated in paragraph [4] above is in the negative.
[50] The counterclaim is dismissed.
[51] The Defendant to pay costs of RM10,000 to the First Plaintiff and
RM10,000 to the Second Defendant.
Dated: 5 January, 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
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YL Phan with Nicole Leaw for the Plaintiffs
(Messrs. Leaw & Phan)
Gary Ng with Jordan Teng for the Defendants
(Messrs. Dennis Nik & Wong)
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| 27,632 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DJ-62-41-09/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) MR. YAKAREYA ARWAESUEMAE 2. ) MR. ANUWA HAYIPIYOH | Sama ada Seksyen 12 FIPA adalah tidak sah kerana bertentangan dengan Perkara 121 Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang meletakkan kuasa kehakiman (judicial power) ke atas Mahkamah - Sama ada Seksyen 12 FIPA adalah “ultra vires” Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana menyingkirkan kuasa kehakiman Mahkamah di bawah Perkara 121 Perlembagaan Persekutuan - Sama ada Mahkamah akan hilang kuasa budi bicara mempertimbangkan hal jaminan bagi seseorang yang dituduh bawah kesalahan FIPA bagi seseorang tertuduh yang belum dibuktikan bersalah. | 05/01/2024 | Tuan Badrul Munir bin Mohd Hamdy | |
NO. KES: DJ-62-41-09/2023
[1] OKT-OKT telah dihadapkan ke Mahkamah ini dengan
pertuduhan berikut:
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 01.09.2023 jam lebih
kurang 1.30 pagi, bertempat di LOT 15005 Taman Sri Anggun,
Jalan Rantau Panjang Gual Nering Pasir Mas di dalam Daerah
Pasir Mas, di dalam Negeri Kelantan didapati memiliki sepucuk
Revolver Buatan Smith & Wesson, No Siri: 48758B22, MADE IN
USA .38 S&W SPL, dengan menyalahi undang-undang dan dengan
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DJ-62-41-09/2023 Kand. 28
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itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum
di bawah Seksyen 8 Akta Senjata Api (Penalti Lebih Berat)1971
[Akta 37] dibaca bersama Seksyen 34 KanunKeseksaan.”
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 01.09.2023 jam lebih
kurang 1.30 pagi, bertempat di LOT 15005 Taman Sri Anggun,
Jalan Rantau Panjang Gual Nering Pasir Mas di dalam Daerah
Pasir Mas, di dalam Negeri Kelantan didapati memiliki: i) 5 butir
amunisi .38 casing berwarna emas , dan bullet berwarna emas
bertulisan PMC 38 SPL, ii) 1 butir amunisi .38 casing berwarna
perak, dan bullet berwarna kelabu bertulisan A USA 38 SPL
tanpa lesen, dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu
kesalahan dibawah Seksyen 8 (a) Akta Senjata 1960 [Akta 206]
dan boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 8 Akta yang sama
dibaca bersama Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan.”
[2] Pada 7 November 2023, OKT Pertama telah mengaku salah
terhadap kedua-dua pertuduhan tersebut. Sehubungan itu OKT
Pertama didapati salah dan sabit dengan kedua-dua pertuduhan.
OKT Pertama dijatuhkan dengan hukuman sebagaimana
diperuntukkan di bawah kedua-dua pertuduhan.
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[3] Pada 28 November 2023, peguambela telah membuat
permohonan lisan bagi OKT Kedua dibenarkan jaminan sementara
pelupusan kes. Mahkamah ini telah mendengar hujahan-hujahan
pihak OKT Kedua dan pihak Pendakwaan serta menetapkan
keputusan bagi permohonan ini pada 5 Disember 2023. Pada 5
Disember 2023, Mahkamah ini telah menolak permohonan
tersebut atas alasan-alasan yang diperincikan di perenggan-
perenggan selanjutnya.
[4] Pihak Pendakwaan berhujah bahawa Seksyen 8 Akta
Senjata Api (Penalti Lebih Berat)1971 [selepas ini dirujuk sebagai
Seksyen 8 FIPA] ialah kesalahan yang tidak boleh diberi jaminan
langsung (unbailable). Seksyen 12 FIPA memperuntukkan bahawa
tiada jaminan boleh dibenarkan bagi kesalahan di bawah FIPA.
Atas prinsip “Generalia Specialibus Non Derogant” FIPA ialah
undang-undang spesifik yang mempunyai peruntukan spesifik
yang melarang jaminan bagi kesalahan di bawah FIPA. Oleh itu,
Seksyen 388 (1) KTJ adalah tidak terpakai dalam permohonan di
hadapan Mahkamah ini.
[5] Pihak Pendakwaan telah merujuk kepada kes Suresh
Kumar Velayuthan v. PP [2020] 4 CLJ 270 yang mana Hakim
memutuskan bahawa:
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“(4) Sekiranya hujahan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak-pihak
adalah betul dan s 13 Akta adalah ultra vires perkara 121(1)
Perlembagaan dan oleh itu melanggar Perlembagaan, ini
akan bermaksud bahawa apa-apa permohonan untuk
memberikan ikat jamin akan kembali kepada s 388 Kanun
Tatacara Jenayah (‘KTJ’). Kesan dari ini adalah, akan tidak
menghiraukan prinsip ‘generalia specialibus non derogant’,
yang bermaksud bawah satu Akta am yang dibuat tertakluk
kepada Akta spesifik. Oleh itu, adalah jelas niat Parliamen
bahawa peruntukan ikat jamin dalam s 13 Akta berniat untuk
mengatasi peruntukan am berkaitan ikat jamin dibawah s
388 KTJ. Oleh itu, s 13 Akta adalah terpakai untuk
kesalahan dibawah Akta tersebut dan bukannya peruntukan
KTJ apabila berkaitan dengan ikat jamin. Dalam keadaan ini,
peruntukan s 13 Akta yang secara mutlak tidak membenarkan
ikat jamin untuk individu yang dipertuduhkan dengan
kesalahan di bawah Bab VIA Kanun Keseksaan yang berkaitan
dengan keganasan dan dibawah mana tertuduh dipertuduhkan
adalah sah di sisi undang-undang dan tidak ultra vires perkara
121(1) atau perkara 8 Perlembagaan.”
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[6] Pihak OKT Kedua pula berhujah bahawa Seksyen 12 FIPA
adalah tidak sah kerana bertentangan dengan Perkara 121
Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang meletakkan kuasa kehakiman
(judicial power) ke atas Mahkamah. Seksyen 12 FIPA adalah “ultra
vires” Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana menyingkirkan kuasa
kehakiman Mahkamah di bawah Perkara 121 Perlembagaan
Persekutuan. Mahkamah akan hilang kuasa budi bicara
mempertimbangkan hal jaminan, isu faktor umur, kesihatan dan
jantina bagi seseorang yang dituduh bawah kesalahan FIPA bagi
seseorang tertuduh yang belum dibuktikan bersalah.
[6] Pihak OKT Kedua telah merujuk kepada kes PP v.
Mohamad Bukhari Abdul Aziz [2021] 1 LNS 2294 yang mana
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman dalam mengekalkan perintah jaminan
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen memutuskan bahawa:
“[36] Namun begitu, Mahkamah ini juga mengambil
pendekatan secara harmoni (harmonious construction) seperti
dinyatakan di dalam kes Abdullah Atan v. PP & Others Appeals
(supra) dalam mentafsirkan larangan jaminan di bawah seksyen
12 FIPA berbanding dengan kuasa kehakiman yang sedia ada
(inherent powert) yang terletak ke atas badan kehakiman atau
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mahkamah di bawah Perkara 121 Perlembagaan
Persekutuan dalam mempertimbangkan untuk membenarkan
[7] Dalam kes PP v. Mohamad Bukhari Abdul Aziz (supra)
tersebut, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman telah merujuk kepada kes
Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu
Langat and Another Case [2017] 3 MLJ 561 sebagaimana
“[24] Di dalam kes Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah
Daerah Hulu Langat and another case [2017] 3 MLJ 561, di
mana Mahkamah Persekutuan menjelaskan “kuasa kehakiman”
dan “Perkara 121” seperti berikut:
[71] An astute observation on ‘judicial power’ was made
by Eusoffe Abdoolcader SCJ in the majority judgment of Public
Prosecutor v Dato’ Yap Peng [1987] 2 MLJ 311, where His
Lordship said that: … Judicial power may be broadly defined
as the power to examine questions submitted for determination
with a view to the pronouncement of an authoritative decision
as to the right and liabilities of one or more parties…
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[86] Thus to put it in perspective, the judicial power of the
court resides in the Judiciary and no other as is explicit in
art 121(1) of the Constitution.”
[8] Setelah meneliti hujahan dan rujukan pihak OKT Kedua dan
pihak Pendakwaan, Mahkamah ini tidak dapat bersetuju dengan
hujahan pihak OKT Kedua. Seksyen 12 FIPA adalah seterang
matahari di siang hari dan tanpa sebarang waham pengertian
yang lain memperuntukkan bahawa tiada jaminan boleh
dibenarkan bagi kesalahan di bawah FIPA. Atas prinsip “Generalia
Specialibus Non Derogant”, FIPA ialah undang-undang spesifik
yang mempunyai peruntukan spesifik yang melarang jaminan bagi
kesalahan di bawah FIPA.
[9] Berkenaan kes Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir
Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat & Another Case (Supra), dengan
rendah diri Mahkamah ini berbeza pendapat dengan Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman dalam kes PP v Mohamad Bukhari Abdul Aziz (Supra).
Mahkamah ini berpendapat Pesuruhjya Kehakiman telah terkhilaf
menafsirkan prinsip dalam kes Semenyih Jaya di luar konteks.
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[10] Dalam kes Tanasilan Nakethiran v. PP & Ors [2023] 1 LNS
872, Hakim telah menjelaskan konteks sebenar kes Semenyih
Jaya dengan mengatakan:
"[30] ...Usurpation of powers of judicial power happens only
when there is a discharge of clear judicial power by non-
qualified person/s and not by judges or official officers or non-
judicial personages which will rendered the said exercise to be
ultra vires art 121 of the FC. A clear example of usurpation of
judicial powers is demonstrated and elucidated by Zainun AN
FCJ (as she then was) in Semenyih Jaya (supra). In that case,
section 40D of the Land Acquisition Act 1960 was found to
effectively usurps the power of the court in allowing a person
other that the judge to decide on the reference before it. To
borrow the words of Zainun AN FCJ (as she then was), the
judicial power to award compensation has been whittled away
from the High Court judge to the assessors in breach of art 121 of
the FC because the power to award compensation in land
reference proceedings is a judicial power that should rightly be
exercised by a judge and no other."
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[11] Dengan kata lain, penyingkirkan kuasa kehakiman
Mahkamah yang dimaksudkan dalam kes Semenyih Jaya adalah
merujuk kepada Parlimen yang memperuntukkan undang-undang
yang membenarkan individu selain hakim dalam membuat
keputusan dalam sesuatu prosiding mahkamah. Selanjutnya
dalam kes Datuk Zainal Abidin Alias & Satu Lagi lwn. PP [2023]
2 CLJ 70, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman mengatakan:
"(3) Seksyen 41B ADB adalah berperlembagaan dan tidak
bercanggah dengan per. 121 PP. Ini kerana, walaupun kuasa
untuk memberikan jaminan adalah satu kuasa kehakiman,
namun, tidak diperuntukkan bawah undang- undang bertulis. Ini
bermakna, semasa mahkamah menggunakan kuasa kehakiman
untuk memberi jaminan untuk satu-satu kes, ini diperuntukkan
bawah undang-undang bertulis seperti bawah s. 388 KTJ dan s.
13 Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas)
2012 atau lain-lain undang-undang bertulis yang
memperuntukkan secara jelas kuasa mahkamah untuk memberi
jaminan. Dalam erti kata lain, kuasa kehakiman untuk memberi
jaminan bukan termasuk dalam bidang kuasa sedia ada
mahkamah atau bidang kuasa semakan kehakiman
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mahkamah. Bidang kuasa kehakiman untuk memberi jaminan
adalah sesuatu yang dizahirkan dalam undang-undang bertulis
secara tersurat. Oleh itu, jika undang-undang bertulis tersebut
telah memperuntukkan tiada jaminan boleh diberi oleh
mahkamah, seperti dalam s. 41B ADB, ini tidak boleh ditafsir
sebagai menghakis bidang kuasa kehakiman dan bercanggah
dengan per. 121 PP.
(4) Terdapat perbezaan antara s. 41B ADB dengan s. 388 KTJ.
Seksyen 39B dibaca bersama-sama dengan s. 41B ADB adalah
satu kesalahan tidak boleh jamin (unbailable). Sebaliknya,
kesalahan yang boleh diberi jaminan bawah s. 388 KTJ adalah
kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak boleh dijamin (non-bailable).
Bagi maksud s. 388(1) KTJ, sekiranya terdapat keterangan
bahawa seseorang itu adalah bawah 16 tahun atau seorang
wanita atau seorang yang sakit atau uzur, mahkamah boleh
mempertimbangkan untuk membenarkan jaminan. Namun begitu,
bawah s. 41B ADB tiada peruntukan proviso seperti dalam s.
388(1) KTJ. Ini memberi kefahaman bahawa kesalahan-
kesalahan yang diperincikan bawah s. 41B ADB langsung tidak
boleh diberi jaminan oleh mahkamah."
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[12] Kes di atas menggariskan bahawa walaupun memberi
jaminan ialah kuasa kehakiman tetapi kuasa ini hanya timbul
daripada undang-undang bertulis yang membenarkan atau tidak
membenarkan. Ini juga diputuskan dalam kes Suresh Kumar
Velayuthan v. PP [Supra] yang mengatakan:
(1) The powers of the court derive from the Constitution and not
merely from federal law. Accordingly, there can be no dispute that,
the courts are vested with jurisdiction or judicial power to declare
a provision of legislation passed as unconstitutional. Ganesan’s
case proceeded from the premise that the power to consider the
grant or refusal of bail was an exercise of judicial power. However,
the exercise of judicial power does not begin until and unless the
court was called upon to exercise such power. In s 13 of the
SOSMA, which concerns persons charged with offences relating to
terrorism, the court was simply not called upon to take any action.
This was because the foundation or substratum for the exercise of
that power was not there in the first place. It was axiomatic
therefore, that a substratum of laws must first exist before the
edifice ofjudicial authority may be erected thereupon for
otherwise, the question of removing judicial power does not arise.
Therefore, although the principle to be enunciated from Ganesan’s
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case is that any legislation that seeks to remove from the courts
any judicial power cannot be countenanced as this would be
wholly inimical to the doctrine of the separation of powers, this
could not hold true where there was no substratum or foundation
laid for the exercise of such power. Under all the circumstances,
there was no basis or foundation for the exercise of judicial
discretion in respect of bail in the case of those persons charged
with offences relating to terrorism under s 13 of the SOSMA.”
[13] Akhir sekali sebagai menoktahkan alasan Perintah ini, dalam
kes Samat Yamin v. PP [2023] 6 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan
“[23] As for the fact that this court had on 22 December 2020
granted bail to the applicant Koh Chin Wah in Criminal
Application No:W-07-94-08-2019, even though he was also
charged under s. 26A of the Act, the learned SFC submitted that
without the grounds of decision for allowing the said application,
the reasons for doing so were merely speculative as held by this
court in Malaysian Motor Insurance Pool v. Tirumeniyar Singara
Veloo [2019] 10 CLJ 731. Furthermore, he said applying the
cardinal principle of statutory interpretation based on the maxim
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generalia specialibus non derogant, which this court did in
Abdullah Atan v. PP & Other Appeals [2020] 9 CLJ 151, s.
388(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code does not apply given that
SOSMA has laid down the specific procedures pertaining to
bail. This court in Abdullah Atan 's case (supra) distinguished
the application of Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah
Daerah Hulu Langat & Another Case [2017] 5 CLJ 526, which
should be done in this case as well, said the learned SFC, as there
is no displacement of judicial power here, unlike in
Semenyih Jaya 's case (supra) where the determination of the
amount of compensation for compulsory land acquisition under
s. 400 of the Limited Acquisition Act 1960 rest not which the
judge only but also with the two assessors who sat with him. It
is to be noted that this court had done the same distinguishment
fairly recently in Letitia Bosman v. PP & Other Appeals [2020] 8
CLJ 147. We would pause here to say and without any need for
further elaboration that we are definitely on all fours with the
learned SFC on the points he had rightly and succinctly canvassed
as stated in this paragraph of our judgment."
[13] Dengan kata lain, kes Semenyih Jaya dan Seksyen 388 (1)
KTJ adalah tidak terpakai dalam permohonan di hadapan di
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Mahkamah ini. Oleh yang demikian, permohonan OKT Kedua
untuk jaminan adalah ditolak.
Bertarikh: 1 JANUARI 2024
Pihak Pendakwaan:
TPR Siti Edabayu binti Subhan
(Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Kelantan)
Pihak Tertuduh Kedua:
Mohd Ridzuan Bin Muhamad
(Tetuan Mohd Fadzli & Co.)
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| 17,331 | Tika 2.6.0 |
06(RJ)-1-03/2023(B) | PERAYU 1. ) KETHEESWARAN A/L M KANAGARATNAM 2. ) VIVIENNE KETHEESWARAN RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | [1] In the present case, having examined section 61A by itself and in context earlier, we find that judicial power has in no way been abrogated, curtailed or subjugated to the Legislature by any means whatsoever. The use of the phrase ‘prima facie evidence’ by no means has the conclusive effect as erroneously proposed by the appellants. In all cases, the defence retains the ability to call rebuttal evidence and the Judiciary retains the obligation to evaluate all the evidence at the close of the prosecution’s case sufficient to warrant a conviction before calling for defence. [2] We are inclined to accept the respondent’s submission that when depositions under section 61A are tendered as evidence, even as prima facie evidence of any facts stated in the deposition, the prosecution is not absolved of its obligation to prove a prima facie case including but not limited to adducing further evidence that is available or in certain cases, corroborating the depositions. [3] Insofar as the right to a fair trial is concerned, it is our view that section 61A has fairly triangulated the rights of the accused, the victims and public interest.[4] Reading section 61A in context, we find that there is in the first place, no discrimination against the appellants as regards sections 52 and 61A. The two provisions are entirely different provisions catering for different procedures for different circumstances which have been explained above. In any case, the basis for the application of section 61A over section 52 is clear in that the former applies when a witness can no longer be found by virtue of them having been deported pursuant to the applicable provisions of Act 155.CONSTITUTIONAL REFERENCE: Constitutionality of Section 61A of Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 (“ATIPSOM”) – Section 30 and Section 84 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 - separation of power – whether Section 61A of ATIPSOM is unconstitutional? – prima facie evidence - judicial power – Article 121(1) of the Federal Constitution – Fundamental Liberties – Article 5(1) of the Federal Constitution – Fair Trial – procedural and substantive fairness – cross-examination of the deponents – Article 8(1) of the Federal Constitution – principle of proportionality – Section 52 of ATIPSOM - | 05/01/2024 | YAA Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan MatKorumYAA Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan MatYAA Tan Sri Dato' Mohamad Zabidin bin Mohd DiahYA Datuk Harmindar Singh DhaliwalYA Dato' Abu Bakar Bin JaisYA Datuk Abdul Karim Bin Abdul Jalil | |
05/01/2024 11:10:57
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| 7,762 | Tika 2.6.0 |
B-05(M)-44-02/2021 | PERAYU MOHD ASRIZAL BIN MOHD.IBRAHIM YONG RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Criminal Appeal – Section 3 and section 3A of the Firearms (Increased Penalty) Act 1971 [Act 37] (“FIPA”) – Whether the firearm was discharged whilst committing robbery – Section 3 of the FIPA also makes it clear that the offence is said to be committed notwithstanding that no hurt is caused to the victim – Issue on the credibility of the only eye witness – It is trite that the evidence is weighed and not counted pursuant to section 134 of the Evidence Act 1950 – All appeals on conviction are dismissed – Appeals against the sentence are allowed. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
05/01/2024 09:25:43
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a—n5(M)~u»o2/2021 Kand. 41
3:/on/mu ;
sw PIfiI7VIeK:nuuuIxy5:JI9§
Nat! Sum INNDEY WI“ be M M mm u. DIIEIMIIIY mm; nnnmvgnl VII EFILING VWLII
[In Ihs Maner a! (he Hwgh com o! Makaya at Shah Alam.
1n|he Slate olSe\an9ar Darul Ehsan
Cnmlnal Trial Nu: BA-45D-1-D3/2018 and BA.45D-2—n3/2015
Pubhc Pmsecumr
1. Mohd Asnz/cl! bin Mchd Ibramm
wan Muhammad Azmml mn Wan zmkm:
3, Ahmad Favsal mu Muda (DNAA PADA
4 Ma! SaHeh bin Nah]
sw mfiyvrgxm-uulzysurvs
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used M mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; mm. VII mum pm
". Name 'pushsr‘ fidak drketahur.
Dakar waklu magnb, mereka ms/ma! seorang /e/ski /ndfa
(SP10) dalarlg he Srlu. OKT1 msimsi Faisal isms pergf ks
arah lelaki India Isrsebul den ksmudianya me/ihar Faisal darn
/5/ski /mire tersebul bargelul. mm mervdengar Faisal
menjsm kspsda Islski India rsrsebul dan msmmls dadah dan
wang dar/pads ieiaki India tersebux. Lslskl India fslsebul
ssorang "pushef dadah OKT1 Iidak manganalf ieiaki India
Ssmasis Faisal dsn /e/uki India nu beige/uf, OKT1 dalsng
melvghamp/N mslska den srah bslakalig dim peigi ks ssbe/ah
kiri mansks/u oxrz bevada di' sebe/an Kanan msleka.
Semsss nu, OKT1 Ierdengal bdrm satu isrupan flan msiinai
OKT2]a1uh in situ OKT1 Iiada penqstahuan punca lelupan
flan ape yang Ie/ah be!/aku OKT1 Nada perrgeiahuan dan
iuiak nampak Faisal msmbawa pistol di fsmpal ks/sdlan
OKT1 trdak nampak sesiapa msmsgang pistol in iampai
OKT1 msnsfikan memegang pistol d! lamps! kaiaaian dun
tldak psmah iengok alsu memegang pistol [P21/1] Ierssbul
sebelum kejadfan. OKT1 lidak msmbawa pisioi Iersebut ks
oxn mengaku hsndsk me/akukan samun [slept msnsfikan
msnggurieksn pisioi tslsebul dan mensflksn ads melepaskzvm
Ismbakan msnggunakan pistol Ierssbur.
OKT1 me/vysvakan piszoi tsrsslzut dlplmyal oleh Faisal.
Se/spas dilangkap polls darn semasa belada ai daiam Vaksp,
Faisal membelilshu OKT1 bahawa pistol iarssoui milikinya
Faisal tslah msnmggsl dunfa kalans sakll aa/an. am:
an) Haggai dl wok c 11! Maman com dan pairs ls/ah
msnangkap Farsal .11 situ. Faisal datarlg dengan polis ks
ruman OKTV dart W/is Ielsh menangkap OKT1
(r) orm ndak pernan Pergr ks Hotel Sun Beans dan rmds
pengezanuan srapa yang menyewa d1 blllk hots! lslsebut.
0) Pmak pohs mak memmpas prim! tsrsabul daripsda DKT1.
Pihak pairs man mslampas pistol tsrssbul danpada lelak:
Indra lelsebut
OKT2 gave an unswcm slalemenl and his decenoa was as vouaws:
(a) Pads 23.09.2015, OKT2 bersama OKT1 flan oxm barada m
Rssloran Subaldsh dl Sunga/ Way uniuk maker! malam
Sslspas makan ma/am, pads jam rabin kurang 7.30 malam,
meleka 1e/ah Pelyr ke B/ck 5 di Mermsli Court, Sunway
dengan msmsikr‘ kerela P9/odua wva yang drpandu o/sh
OKT3 unluk bslshal dirumah mm.
(D) Ssrnass dr dalam ksrsts, OKT1 ta/sh msnenma panggdsn
maron daripada sanmng kswarmya yang bsmama Faiaa/
rrenuauh yang Ielah maninggal dunla) unluk uarang ke tempal
/erak kevela Bluk E m Menlan Cour! unluk be!/umpa dsngan
Fa/sa/. OKT1 dan Farsal ads/ah kswan dan OKT2 jugs
mengsna/I Farsal mels/ul ox n
(c) Apabila rnasuk ks da/am kawasan Iazak ksrsta Blok 5 dr‘
Mentari court, tanudun kedua namprsk Faisal ke/ual den
langge rsmpar rem kers-Ia den belja/an msnuju ks srah
ssorang )9/an Indra yang juga beams .11 slru.
Sampar dr mu, OKT1 dan OK12 keluar dan kerela Psrodua
Viva (arssbut. Tmawan OK72 nampek pevgeluznn d: annals
Faisal den »e/am‘ /ndia nu, oxn ndak ks/usr den bsrads dl
dn/am kersla Pemdua V/vs Islsabul pads sellsp mass darn
duduk di bshagmn pemsndu karsls Parodua Viva Islssbuf
oxn Isms psrgr menohmg meleraiksn pelga/utan dr anlara
Farsal dan Is/akr‘ India ifu Semasa berbual dennkran, OKT2
Ierdengar snru bunyiseurnparna Iembakan dan rem /atuh dr
ms (Ishtar. Se/spas jafuh dr am: /anlar, oxrz nampak psha
kanannw lurks/vs tnmbakan OKT2 Isms msrsngkak kc
bslakang ssbuah karsls di Iempaf Isaak kalsla telsebuf dan
pads mass nu nampak sam bends seumpama pistol df nzas
ranrai Lslakf India fersebul mengambil bends (nmou rersebur
dan menyacukan Kenada keflala OKT2 dan irvimenysbabksn
rerzudun ksdua be/ass ram.
Pads mass /Iu, om: nsmpsk OKT1 mslsriksn dm dsn srlu
dengan menark/ Ksrsls Pemdua vm den bslgerak keluardari
kswssan /atak kersls fsrsabut OKT2 ndak nampak Fsrsal
pelgi ks mana serepas keladusn Iersebul.
OK12 rinda pengeznnuan sebab psrgs/man dr anisla Fmssl
dan /e/akr India iersebul Lslakl /ndls nu mansnyakan lsrtuduh
kadua dslsng dart mama dan msmysk paha kanan (srtuduh
ksdua yang cedars dan msnysnabkan OKT2 msnjent
oI<r2 yang ndak dupe! Dena/an Is/an bsljaya melangkak
sehingga ke limgga den berg-mng ks be/kom dl tlngkal 3
Ismpat /max karsta lerssbuf dsn kamudrsn mun ks bswah
dan msndalal dr afas ssbuah kerala kancfl.
m OKT2 maslh cubs mersngkak ke srah sam (fang lampu dan
Islakl mm: msbm msmukul Ierfuduh Kedua. fldak lama
ksmudian, pans libs dr kawassn tersebul dam msmbawanys
ke Puss: Perubaran Umversilr Ma/aya -mm lawman.
0') own» new pengelahusn mengsnar‘ kswu/udan prsm: dan
pe/um yang dfgunskan da/sm kss w sabslum, semasa dan
selspss ksjsdisn Ismbskan bsrlaku.
[23] OKTJ gave ms ewdence on cam and his devence version was as
(5) OKTS bsmsra 49 tahun dsn msmpunyal/chm kumng on bus):
kadal m kawassn RBIHSII Panjang, Kc/anfen yang cnsewakan
kepsda psnyewa—penyswa
(:2) Pada 2a/9/2015, on: bevsama dengan oxrz bsnolak am
Ke/aman ke Kuala Lumpur. oxn msncadangkan marska
menyswa kemla unluk ks Kuala Lumpul Kevsla lsrsebur
dissws alas nams oxra kslans any msmpunyar Vesen
(5) Sampal dr'KuaIa Lumpur, padajam Isom kulang 5.30 petang.
OKT2 telah menerims panggr/an le)eIon dal/pads seovsng
kawtmnya be/name Faisal. Faisal ls/ah msmmls axrz darn
OKT3 perg! ks lsmpak Islak kslsta dlslok D Martian cam.
(11) Ssmpsl .1: temps: Ielsk karate m‘ Mervfari cam, OKT3 ms/iha!
OKT1 dan Faisal zeta): berada disifll
(e) om Ie/ah lurun deli kevera V/‘Va Iersebut dsn Faisal puls
msngamhkan OKT3 psrgi ms/arakkan ksrsla Vrva yang
dipsndunya :1: (amps! Ielak ksrela d: silu. OK73 diberifahu
olsh Falsal bamawa ada '.I0b' L/nluk dllakukall tewpl tldak
msmbarltallll terluduil Kellga apskah './abflersebul.
(I7 Alas arahall onm, om: lslan melellskkarl ksrstanya pads
/alak Iebifl kurang so mats: dari lsmpal belieu be!/umpa
dsngarl Faisal dan marlunggu dl da/am kereta Vlvs lsrselwr
Semass msrmnggu Ieblll kulallg 30 mini! dl da/am ksnzfa Vlva
Ialssblll, OKT3 Kirdsngsr blmyl lslupan meuam I6}/iif
mslslup oxra berasa takul menderlgar blmyl /eluparl
tersebut dan menunggu /eblh kurarlg 15 mlnn en S/Iu sebs/um
merrlandu ksrsla Viva M/un darl barlgurlsn Islak ksrsla flan
Deredar dari silu.
(g) one Ildak msmbawa prsval [F'21A] Iarssbuf darl ma
psngslalluan siapa yang membawa plslollezseburke arm
(n) oxrrs [uga tlada pengslanusn mengsrlai plsvol yang
digunakarl oleh OKT1 semasa kejadiarl tersebut.
(V) OKT3 Ildak lerllmsl dalam samun bsrkumpularl dengan
bersanlalakan plshl lsrsehul.
[24] The aelence also called arlclhsrwilnsss. Munammad Rldhuan bln
Abdul Razak (‘*Dw4")l Evlderlce by DW4 was as lullo
(al Pads 23/9/2015, lam Ieblh kwang 5.30 Iwlgga 7.30 malam,
504 bsrsda .1, Sunway Merltarl relapl Ifdak lngstmmah yang
bsllau bevads sm bevehal (/spak) Esrsama kawlsnnya
bsmama Hasii den tslah bsrlamu derlgan OKT1 sm
merlgems/l‘ OKT1 se/sk swal lanun 2:215 darn dapal
merlgscam OKT1 dl Mahkamah
(bl OKT1 lelah marlsrima panggflan rsls/‘on dallpada seomng
kawzmnys bsmsma Faisal. sm ms/ihatmuka DKT1 neumah
den oxn keluar darl rumsh urlluk Izerjumpa Faisal. mm
I/dsk msmbsrilshu SDI msngapa FEVSEII mahu Der/umpa
mm. sm /uga mengenan Faisal dan psmsh bsrjumpa
dsngan Faisal sebelum W
(C) Sslapas lebih kurang so nrngga 40 miml kamudralv, sm
rnelmar OKT1 bank he rumsh den kelfhatan ke/am-kabu! dan
gs/Leah Apsblls drtanya nlsh sm rmmgapa OKT1 :15/am
Keadssn bsgffu, OKT1 manjawab rrsda spa-ape flan rem
mssuk ks as/am bflfknya
(.1; Se/spas rm, scu pun be/rk ks rumahnya. Pavia kessokan
harmya di sebe/ah Iengsharl, sm manerima panggilan
rs/eron darfpeds Hssrl yang msmbsrilahu oxn le/sh
d/Iangkap pobs ksrsna Iarmzal dalam kes samurv.
(9) sm msnyazakan yang semssa sm be/-ads m rumah mm
bamama Hasif, SD41 lidak rvampak OKT1 msmsgang alau
msmbawa EPBJDE senjala dun nampsk OKT1 keluar den"
Iumah be!/‘umpa Farsal da/am kasdsan sehslai sspinggang
(I) We/at/pun sm dsn oxrv bsrkawalv, SDA trdak pemah
dlrmnla oéeh lsrtuduh panama membevrkan kelsrangan
sedemxkian dw mahkamah
Finding ulthn loamod mu! judgl ax ml and of ma dIfInca's cas-
At me oonc\us\on of the mm, A was me findmg 01 ms learned man
page mal me defence had lafled to cast a reasonams doubt on the
prosacuIAun's case consequently, me Appensnzs were convicted (or me
offence as per me charges.
sw mfiyvrgxrouuuizysuvw
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
The ieamea High court Juage, in coming in his decision‘ new as
(a) The om-s aetenae basically was on the euegeuen iaai
Faisa¥ (lhe deceased accused) was me masienniaa ei me
gang-rubbery agains|FW1D. in una regem, me ieameu High
Caurl Judge was M the view !ha( Faisal had before the
M57 and II was easy hr the AppeHanls Io pm all the blame on
Faieai as he eauia rim appear in wan to give his iesiimeny.
During me incident, Faisal is noi the one who have ngm wan
I‘-‘W10 aesades, while de4endmg runiseié, om had admmad
that he intended In cummil gang-robbery againsl FW1O and
had done so iegeiner wiia OKTZ, OKTS and Faisai (me
aeeeaeea accused) om aniy demad carrying me gun and
having shat OKT2.
in) with regard to me detence made by OKT2, |ha learned High
Court Judge found mai there were many inaienai
discrepancies in oKT2's slalsmenl as compared la me
sieiarneni iea by mm and o><r3. Those material
contradiciians have affecledlI1ede1ensecfOKT2 and as such
me mun (mind that OKTZ is an: E ciedible wiinese. OKT2‘s
defense has also failed lo rebumie areaunipnon of knevneage
aboui me gun used by mm uunng Ihe ineiaeni and on me
balance of probamlmes iaiiea |n casl ieasoneaie duub me
p1osecuIicn's case.
(c) The delenee ov OKT3 was via! he was 50 rneiers from where
iris figni took place and Inns he had no knawieage Iha| OKT1
SW hifiwvrgxrflluuilysflvifi
-we Sum ...n.. M“ be used m mm ea nvVmruH|y MIN; dun-mm via muaa WM!
carrying ar had in Ms pnssessinn or under N5 cus1udY or
control of ma firearm Tne teamed High Cour! Judge upon
cunstdenng ms mailer hold tna same vtew as for on: that
there were many rnatenat dtacrapanotes tn me statement or
mm. Sum malenal oonlrsdlcltons have auaaaa nis
ae1anss.rhara1ora,ma court was anna viewlhat oxn ts not
a craatata wflness and ms defense failed to rebut the
praaunrpnan of knuwtadga aboul tna gun used by om
during tna moment, on tna balance of praaammres, om
latled to cast reasonable doubt tn me prosecutions case
Based an the arorasata reasons. ms taarnau High couruudga
mnvtmed tna Appauans (or me ufiances as per charges and
ma Aupeflants were senlenoed |u uaatn by nanging.
nris app-an
Belore us are three appaats wtm tnrea dmeren(Pa|1inn ul AppeaL
However. grmmds that ts stmm ed before us may be summarised as
the delenoe o1|he Appauancs had rarsaa reasonable doubt In
me amsacunows case OKT1 am not are ar cause death or
Injury to FW1D and was meratyan allempl to ND PW10 There
ts no avtderrcato clearty show|ha(OKT1 ahottna gun It coma
also be FW1D or Faisal matsnat msgun lhalcaussd the tmury
to OKT2. ot<'r2 and on: am not mat Knowlhaiob-(T1 was
carrying or had V1 ms pussessiun or under his custody or
am htfiwvraxrmuuizysuvin
Nuns Sum ...ns.. M“ as used m mm as nflmnnflly MW; dun-mm wa .rtuua wnxt
comm! me firearm: and
(fr) me evidenoealP\N1U ls nm credible. There arsmscnapancass
Vn his statements.
Our an on
[28] II is firs: apposwa that secuon 3 and secfian 3A of FIFA be staxsd as
-3. Family iv! dilcllamlnn a muann In um commiulnn M .
scnmunm winne-
Any person WM ellha Ilma oinis mnmmng ur iltlmplmg m eomnm av
axmwa ms wmmlssmn ova schedmed nflevme magma. n firearm wnh
Imam m muse damn av hurl In any parsom shah. nommsnammg (MI no
nun u caused Iheqeby, he numshed wnn Ampnlonmam lav a term of not
um «nan may yams am not exaesdmu my years Md wilh wnzppmg mn
um um man mm mm
u. Penllly mmompllcu In us: of dlnch-rpl wnrunn
Wheve, wnn ‘mum be cause deem xx hull to any person, . flmarm Vs
uncnangea by any pawn an we nuns av ms uummmlnu nr altemplmg la
oommn or abelunq me mnmnumn ula sdwdulud mm, each av ms
aocamnhnes Vn vespeci av Ihe meme pvwanu :1 I115 wens no me
wmmlulun or anammsa umnnnmn er abelmsnl mam who may
reamnably an pcasumad to have Imawvv me: such persan was urvymg
mm In ms pnsseuslnn orumerhu custody ortxmvulmsfivearm shafl,
nmwnnsaanmng um um mm Vs caused by me dwchalys omeov, be
pxmllhed wnn Imprlsonmem For a |emv cl ml less (Mn «niny yuan but
mu exoaodilvg fully yuan and mm wmpp-nu wnn non ms mm mm
slmkes‘ unless he pmvea mu in nu Vzknn an mawnahls naps in
pvsvenl the flvscharga ~
SIN vnkvvrexan-uuizyswin
"Nuns smnw n-nhnrwm be used m mm n. mn.u-y mm: mmn wa .nuNG pm
Issln (I): The dorurrcu ofrlru Appellants mu nlsoa ruasanablo doubt
to the prosocur/on’: can
[29] ll was submlued by me counsels :71 all lne Appellanls lnal lnelr
delenoa had raised doubl lo the pwsecutlan's case.
[:0] ln lnls regard, lar ol<Tl, the counsel suhmlIIedlhatOKT1 ls not me
one who snal ms gun. ll could also he PW‘lfl or Faisal llns daoeased
accused) who s|'lo| the gun. Tnus, lnis lulluwsd by me submisslan alarm
and OKT3 lllal lmlll did not “Val know Anal OKT1 was carrying or had In ms
possession or under nlscuslady or control llrefireann The learned ouunsel
had referved to me case ol Pub/lo Pmecular v. Dng Fah clrsng (1996)
1 cu 501 on wnellrer dlscharge ol lne firearm was an acl separate and
dlsllrlal lrern lne rubbery as lollows:
-ma accused a-scnargsd N5 firearm ml al ms vlollm: and i| wns ml
proved mar rm amused dlxcharued a «warm an we llma or commmlng
me lvbbelv.
[31] We have wnsidsred lhe Appellanls' delsnoe and (hell submlsslurl.
Hawever. we are ::ons|l-aim la depart lmrn me nnalng ol lne learned High
Court Judge. We reler lo lhe case at Lu my chin @ Lon rock song A
on v Gall Yook cnln A Anar[2l7D3) 2 ML: 97 w n held as lollows:
“Ganerallyl an zppellals mun wlll nal lnlelverle unless ln. lnsl mun was
smwn la be plainly wrong In arrwlrlg at Its declslon or wrlete there had
been no nr lnsmuml judlclal appmlallan ul me avlderlce. Judlnial
appreolatknn or evldence mearll man . Judge who was rsqulrea lu
aaruunale upon 3 dlsnme musl amve al hls dadsmvl on an lull. man
by nssasslflgl welgnlng snu, for gum: reasons ellher anosvltrlg or
slN hlfiuvlsxsouuuizysulw
-ans Sallal ...n.r wlll as HSQG M mm s. nllnlrrallly Mlhls m.l.n VI] aFluNG Wflxl
There are «me (3) separate appeals before (ms caun emanating
lvom ma aamsmn 111 the High com dated 17.02 2021 In mnvimmg and
sentencing me Appeuama.
At me High com, me |naJ mvolveu A accused as iollows.
(1) Mohd Asrizal am Mohd Ibrahim (Appellam in Appaa1 No. a
05041414-oz/2021 and hereinafter win he referred m as
(II) Wan Muhammad Azraml bin Wan Zlllklm (Appellant in Appeal
No. E-05|M)A3—D2J2D21 and hereinafter wiH be referred to as
11.1; Ahmad Fmsal am Muda (mscnargea not amaunfing w
acquillal on 05 10.2017 due to ma reason that the accused
had been died)
(M Ma: Saneh hm Nah (appwane m Appeal No, B-D5(M)-5I-
03/2021 and herzinafler will be reranaa In as “om:-1
DKT1 was charged as leflcwsz
"Bahama kamupada 23/9/21215, jam mm kuung 11130»: bensmpal m lenuaal
/slak kemla Blok D, Apanmenr Maman Court J3/an as as, Para/my Jaya m
damn dlsran Para/mg. aa/am Nsgslt Sslanaof Dam Ehmn, man drdaputt
mnleplskan Iumbslqm ssryala in! mass mraman mmpakarv mumuan
dangan ma: hondak msnyubahkan Immannrv zltau kezsderaan ks am Pralap
M Ramasamy No. K/F‘: s31ao:1—aa—5297 Oleh yang dlrmharv kamu Isiah
IN p1RyvraK:muuIzy5:Jvin
-ma 5.11.1 n-nhnrwm be 1;... m mm 1.. WW1-y mm: dun-mm Va aF\uNG Wm
rarewng rna wfvme or any pen A7! are evidence pram belam him H.
mm. when ducktmg wnamar to awapr M m rerem ms enema er a
wnnese. near it agmrm Ie\evin| cm rnua. ne mustuk: rnru awuum
ma presenee erasseme arany rmlwe um. wnnass may hive rn gmng
ma ervldsnce wnara aontampulary documems exlmedr he nrusx teal ma
mu mdenea M a wflnul pgamxlthue. He must also test me avraenee
era nenssmarwuness agninsl rna nmbamlmss mm eaa-. Thu vrvlclph
oeIma\ In anpe\IatemlerVemnoe\slha1e dedsmn antved n||1y n ma! mun
wvlhouljudwcm apprvaahun afmu -vraanes may be set asrae an swam’
[32] In oonsraenng mesa apnea‘: we fulluw «ms uourr earlier declsinn In
the case of Fling: Axman bin Amfmnzukilwn Pundakwa Rnya [2021] 2
MLJ 7714202111 LNS10B\nwh\ch Hrs Lordship Abdm Kanm Abdm Jam
JCA stated max m deuermrnrng whether the firearm was arsmarge-1 whusr
cnmmiuing robbery, me whom rncruent snoum be vreweu as a smgle
[331 wnan we evahlaled me «me and eviaenee m this case, we laund
Lha| me ewdenoe ms corroborated. It is not only me evrdsnoe by PW1u
who is the Vilmm H’! tms case but also evsdenee tram the report 0| SP12
slated Mat (here was 3 presence at the DNA at OKT2 and OKT3 m the
hole! roam (ram wmcn tsw Hams were seized includmg rne buHet whwch re
identxcal tome one tmmd the scene It is dflfrcmt to amva at me decision
he! one happen an 07 a sudden
[341 The uerence also failed to rebut that there rs a discharged offirearm
VII which happened at the tame of the wmmisswon at the robbery. Secliun 3
ol the FVPA alsn makes it dear Ilia! the offence is said to be committed
notwithstanding that nu mm Is caused in the warm. u Is anougn enaunara
Is e discharged olfirearm annennre er mmmlltlng or enampong to commit
N prfiyvrexsouuulzysuvw
nse e.n.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm s. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] anum wrm
nv apelling lne ocrnnusslon oi a scheduled olvence enunreraled in lhe
scnodule \o lne Act which in lnis case a robbery It is too bad mal H1 lnie
case, me snol had caused inlury lo OKTZ. The use oi gun H’! a robbery IS a
claar Indication that there IS an intention lo cause death or senous injury In
the Vlcllm and such lndlcalinn 07 intention becomes unclaimed when mere
is a dlsoharged of nreann nalwllhslandlng lnal na nurl is caused in me
Victim. PW“)
1351 Tne counsel ior one also supniilled me: an adverse presunrplldn
under sac|lon1141g|nHhe Evidence Aol should be lnvaked in «ma case an
the reason mal lna prosecution lalled to prove that me gun belongs in any
Appellanls. All |he Appellants suggesleol mat il Faisal line deceased
accused) who might bring me gun 1o me scene In wnlon lney had no
knowledge aboul IL The prcsecullon was said lulled m produoe 112
slalemant D7 Faisal.
[as] In we regard, we raler lo lne case at any Mdoi seng A on v.
FF[1|l15]1 LNS nzl wnlcn Abdul Rahman Sehli, ucn [as no lnen was)
aralad as follows’
‘I59! Flmnur, even wnnaul SD7‘s evidence lne preaaoullon slrasdy nau
sufflusm uvldawa in aslzbllsh a WINE case case aaeinir all in.
apgellnnls 1n... the (allure In cull him as e wlweculion wllrlusa is oi nu
nnmequenne as com um reaulr lira gun in me pmsewlmri use I1 is are
law lnal an adverse rnleenoe canrlm he dram. «or lailureiaoalla wllness
man in» prosaaulion ner dlschanled na buruun As my Purlfl New (‘J
said In Chas xcs-n Long v FP[1996]I sm sin :1 pigs: 523-524
“The eooellenra mnlentlcn lsmalll-1e lallrna ml the nmsecullun re
adduoe evidence oi lnosa ome< eaniolae rneanl rnar rne mun
could preaunia lnal me evidence would have we aialrm lna
proeacurlon, nIali$\>1en were no such use
Such nlgumsnlx are wmmorfly made. Commonly mu‘ such
arguments are Mlham mam The mun mun neume In anw any
such presumvmn umess me wuness nol pvoduaad Vs eusnlml m
we pmsmmuws can Any crvmna\ |ransamK:n may be nhsorved
bya numberemnnmex ms um naculary «mus prosewuun In
pmflues every snngxe one av Imae wnmse. M on prvuecnfiun
need lndu xslo amuse mnesseswnose evtdsnoe can bebelxeved
w as In esxauun me as» bwyom rsaiunnma dnum out at a
number no wumsss, n mymen urfly nu nsuuarytn bung m Me
or awn, as mg as lmse wmesses auuafly poodueed are Ibla to
gwe evmencs mus nmnsaaxon, man: We no masnn way an me yes
would he cam mt my any vrnumphon mama be amm met
me evxaenee at those wimeues ml pmduced mum havu bsen
against me vmsecumn '
[37] \n our present appeals‘ Pww was ab\e In give evidence of me
tmnsacnon as he was the victim and the sole eye-wuness. Pwm able m
mlorm the com! me snuaman at me me o1 ms moment. He can remember
OKT who salt In me car which far imm mm in wmch mus [am Is not mspmea
by OKT. Tms Issue Is also relaled la the next issue on the area: my oi
Issue (fr): Tm avldonco ol PW10 Is not crodlbla
[33] AM the eeunear of we Appeflanls raised lhis wssue on me pomt that
the learned Hwgh Court Judge was in encr in rewmg on me ewaenee ol
Pwm m wmch we are aware ma: PW10 ws me only eye wnness For me
prosecunon The Appeuams contended lhsl mere are alscrepancies m me
evwdence \ed by PWlU‘ |u name a few, FW1D m his testimony during the
exarmnahnn In chief stated that when the gun was pointed at him. OKT2
had asked our me bag to be handed:/er In ms coueague on me Ien and
N pufiyvraxrouuulzyswin
we Snr1n\n-nhnrwmlxe used m mm the mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] nfluNG pm
during the crass-sxammatinn, wwm sand met when he lned to push away
the gun‘ a shot was fired However, 0: eenlramcnon, dnnng me re
exammaficn when PW10 was asked by Ihe pmsscumr to explam why he
did nox agree that me shaoung happened by acckienl, PW1D then changed
his evidence by saying that the accused had already tried to sham when
the pistol was painted
[39] The weamed counsel vcruKTI drawn this cnunanenunn |o|he mse
ov Rad?" Irwan Iakunduu bln II ganl lwn Ponaakws Ray: [2017] 5 MLJ
736 which hem as loHows:
1221 aemasanun ponuhuan luml keyed: naked myuun dan panuhakiman
hahnn mama. kaml harsemgu bnhswa ham mar: wan bemalmmg
sspammnya kenada kalsrsnuan nsan am dalnm mznsabflkan peliyu
delvgan pelluduhan Hakim lucava vanah mananmz kelenanuan SP1 seas.-a
bu|a(-hula! din Mas nna. mukl Mada vahdl lanpa mambuat
pemmbangan Iemadap vahxa hahawa sm searing esxn yang
aamepenunssn uanpadn maranean ma \elah mheflkan aneh sew
sewdm sann beldauflun kepeuu: keulunman kaieranqan dawn $125 an
hadapan kann max syak ug. bnhawn sm adahh Ieoranq Saks! yang
rnsmpunm kenanmlan damn. kes lm. Kzhernngin sm svwllimya
dhehu dan dhsmna denaan sacara hsmalnwafl men haxhn bican dnn
mevangan anus: sedemhaan new mnmwukan ketaranqan yang Iann
sehzgal sakangan. Fads pandangsn kann mmngsn sew bukzmah
ketevanwan yang kukuh umuk memauansamuanuaaxas nemyu anah hakum
means munladw ialu flzpalan dan Keuumsan yang selamal umuk
[40] vwm regard to this Issue, we are of the View lha| the learned High
court Judge is the one who had the audwo and wsual advantage In observe
the demeanour of lhe wunesses Hence, he was cleany antmsd to make
n pnyvrexmsuulzysuvw
Nuns a.nn n-nhnrwm be used a mm a. nflmnsflly mm: dun-mm ha snum Wm
findings wiin regard In me credioiiny oi ins wrineeees. As an appeiiaie
ocurly we eneoid be slow to inrenere wnn siren findings unieee in can be
sndwn before us that ine rindrngs were perverse end egarnei eii eyerieoie
evidence. in me present case‘ we see no reason to disium ine iinding oi
ins learned Hign coun Judge.
[41] we are guided by me decision oi Raja Azlari snan FJ (as His
Highness men was) in me case oi Public Prosecutor vaemir Hejmerun
bln HI]: idris (Na 2) [1 im] 1 ML] 15 wnicn siaied inar:
-. in my opinion. ine disclenlinnies inere wiii away: My neeeuse in ma
cimurnnanoe: VI wvncn avsms havflensdr lvevy wilnaii does noi
remnmer rne eerne mine and no doe: noi rumomb-er eoaneieiy eveI'Y
erngie rning iner neoeened rne quesunn is vmelhar exrsienea oi oenein
fliscrevariales is srmereni id deeiruy inarrcredrmiiiy were is no ruie anew
man in. tuslimony -71 s mneu niesi em-er no beliavod in nu eninery or non
ei an A mum is luHy oernoeieni_ lor good and oogeni reasons. in mere:
ene nan enne resnrndrry die wriness and reism ins diner. in ine ensenoe
ev any nunlvadiclion. huwsvav‘ and VII rne absnnw or any rnnereni
rrnpnmnininy, ine zvideno: er enywnneer, wneiner . pence mines: or um.
ma gives evndenca on amnvinlnn. sneuid nonneiry be edeepiee:
[42] As io wneiner the com accept Just a srngie wimess In prove me
eeee of iris prosecuirom It is inie mar me evidence is weigned and not
counted prnedani to eecnon 134 onne Evidence Act 1950. The iaw is eiear
that “Na penrcuier number I)! wrrrreseee snail in any case be nzquimd tar
the praoiorerry veer: In Ravanlal errd Dm‘Ia[Ial’s Law or crimes (27lh Ed)
er pp 1965-1969, it scared Ihal, -ii is new a wen senied prineipie at law Ihnl
oonvichon can he susiarned on me sole |esIimany onne pmsecutnx. ii ii
inspires confidence.”
[431 coining bad< lo nurcaser the learned High ccuruuage line riol only
eensioereo lne evioenoe o1 PW10 mil also olrier corraborallva evieenee.
Therefore. we are nol convinced liisl me learned High courl Judge was
[44] in lne upshot, naving perused lrie aooesl reeoros. iris gmunds or
judgement and the wnllen submissions by parlies and aaseo on lire
eloreseio reasons, we unanimously find lliel lliere is no rrienl in lire
Aooellarils' epoesls on conviction. All appeals on conviction are hereby
[45] wim regard to the appeals agairisl senlenee, il is lrile law mail when
me punisrirneril lo any orierioe is amended in e heavier punisrlmenl, it is
me inlenlion oi lrie Parlisrrieril lo perceive such orlerioe as serious.
Triereiore, in arfwlng In our oee ion ler eppeel egeirisl senlerioe iri mese
appeals, we are gillaeo by lrie decision Abdul Mahk lshak JCA in lrie case
cl Yong /or Mun vPubIiI: Prosecutor 120121 ls MLJ 209 as follows
152] we mil now reier lo me Heriaero in eioer In onoerserrro are lro.
pulvose ano irileriliori olirie an M lrie lriiro Fafllzmefllaly slllino allhe
‘Dewari Riayal‘ mouse :71 Raprueniiflvesj an 27 luiy 1971i lire
rlonollieoie ailoriiey eenerel mi sri aeooi xaoir oln Vuwl me-l uld
al p 3550 in me Nsrisard
wrrol we ere bringing neie ll an 2msril1msn| iai an erihamsd. a
higher, psnally loreornrnilling mbbsry and lirorieooirig and omer
oiierioes as slalea iriere, lolli syoes, I1 may use liresirns, at May
used penukul. paku. er oererio M any elliier wenpnn ii iosl hka
oroirury anrris Eu|wna|we are going In kill s lha use Milreamisr
bomb ma wands‘ when cummlmng climax huzuia was -s an ma
mama»: new
[35] From me aaaax-s m Pumamenl as seen lmm ma H-nurd, an an
wi: hem w| m neoewly, so to sneak. in ma on us: M fivaarmx to
mmm1|'urmu‘l payvofl ho\d—ups‘ mama enharw dealt: ann,a.y
[us] On ma Max, M a 2 gm“ rvuscamaqe cl juslme ml to mrwu the
aaaeuanum aammunng ma uwmm as par ma amended charge m ex?!
[45] Tharebm, we areafthe consmayaa viswmatssncus ouenca should
be pumsnaa wym severe pumsmuem. Huwever, afler takmg me
can eralmn me mmgafion put larwam by me delencs counsms av ma
Appauams, we agree to sax asme ma senlanee Imposed by me High Cam
and sentence ma AppaHan(s war. a primnment for a term 0130 years.
We a\so make an war [or I2 slrokas 0! M1 ng m OKT3 and mm. Na
senlenceoiwhvppmg to on: because he had anamea me aga 0150 years
Cuurl o1 AvPea\ Msmysla
Due M Decision : I7 Augun 2023
Ground: mum : In nacemxm 2m:
Loaul Ronmonmlon
For OKT1
(Appeuam in Appeal No.
For oK1'2
(Appenam wn Appsa\ No.
For mcr:
(Appellant in AppaaY N0
For an Rupnndnnt
sw mfiyvrgxrouuuizysuvw
sanm Basmr
(together mm Najuhah zmkmi;
[Msssrs. Salxm Easlw, Ruswwza 5 Ca]
Srsekam Piflex
[Messrs. Sreekanl Plllai]
Afifuddm hm Ahmad Hafifi
(together wm: Muhammad Ammm bin
[Msssm Sa\ehuddm seinm A Assoc]
Mohd Falruz bvn Johan
[Anon-ey Gene.-ars Chambers]
um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
am MW
melakukun mm kawlahln yang boleh ammm dr blwuh ssksyerl :9 AMA:
San/ala Am wanam Lnmn Euurll 1971.-
OKT 2 wa: charged as Inflows.
"Bahawa kamu bersnnmuma derwan (1) many yang man mm/nggal mm/a
den Matsa/Ian Mn Nan {Na K/P'71G7290.’l—5H1)psda 22/9/2915. mm mm
kunng 19347 hrs beflarnpal an Iowa! lcluk lmmfi am D, Aammen! Mmlsfl
com, man P15 819. Psfalmg Jays, :1! dc/um durirv Putahng, dalam Negm
Sa/angel Daml Ehnn, umasa melakukan ronuaam bcrkulvloulm oongan
ssomng rakan Kama nama Muhd Aural Dm Mona rmnlm Yong (No K/P
E506UD47J—5179)IaIah molspsskarv lembakun un/ara any danger: rife.‘ hmdnk
monysb-bklrv kurvlaban atxu lmnadsmsn K2 mm: mm; n/r Ramnsamy No
K/F: 531003-ad-5297 yang mum] hamu mempunyal pengamnuan ralmn rmmu
membave asnlala ap. ssmasa me/akukarv rwvlliakan men yang amnmn
um Inlalv rm/akukan suatu hesarallan yang owon dmukum aroawan saksyen
:4 ma San/are A». (Forum Lsbm Bars!) 1971."
Wmle OKT3 was charged as renews:
‘Sahara um bwsama—sama Hangar: 4:; mung /ann yang Isran d/tuduh, pads
25/9/2015, [am mun kuung 1930 his beflsmpakdr renwa!/stair mm smk 2,
Apartment Menrsli Com, ./alnn ms an, Pslalmg Jays‘ u. flnlum nusrah
Pa:-any‘ dalam Nsgen S9/anger Dam! Ehsm, rsmasa Irlslekukan mmpaknn
borkt/Nlflularv dmgan swung rakzn kamu noma Mona mm: bin Mona
rmnnn Yong (No K/P'550609—036179}IsIsh melapnsksn tambakarv semen
apt dangan rvlal hendak manyobabhn komahan slaw ksnerletnan ks alas
Fran!!! M Ramasamy Nu xx»: 531003455297 yang nnana kamu mempwlysl
nanwanuan rakarv kamu msmoswa .an,aa-a um‘ samass melakukun
mmpaksrv own yang dcmwan kamu la/an melakukun sunlu mananan mg
Dom: drhukum .12 bawah suluyun 34 Am Senlala Apl (Penam Liam Bern!)
W71 '
“Nana sanaw n-nhnrwm a. a... w my a. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm y.. mum v-mm
[6] AI me curlcluslon dune trial, lne learned Hlgh Court Judge lmmd
lrral all the Appellarrls gullry rne charges The appellants ware sentenced
to dream by hanging.
171 Aggrleved wrm lne convlciiun and sanlende, me Appellarrla ndw
appealed la «ms Court. we neard me appeals on me l7 us 2023. Al me
conclusion cf lne sularnrssldrrs, we dlsrnlased lhe Appellants’ appeal nn
CON/lc1l07I um we allowed me appeals on aerrlanoe. we now provlde our
reasons lorlna decision.
‘rho ProIacudon'I can
[5] The presecmlorr-a case was establlshad by me evidence cl ils
wltnssses and accepted by the learned trial judge. Pm m a nutshell,
Apaellanls were crrarged mm an ollance under lhs Flreamls (Increased
Penalty) A51 1971 [A6137] ('FlPl\“)
ln me oammlsslon of an elvance (a gang»rubbery) with me lrrlenllan to
cause deam er lrllury tn one Pralap a/l Ramasamy(‘PW1D”). OKT2 and
OKT3 being me adcdrn ' in me case of dlscnarge of me nrearrn
oomrvlined by DKT1 were cnarged under secllan 3A of me sarne Act.
ArloUleraccused,Ahmat1 Falsal am Muda, hasdled and he was drscnarged
wllJ1oulacqul|lal(“DNAA')by andlner l-lign ccun Judge on us lu.2m7
OKTI was charged undersectlan 3 of l=lFA ufdischarglrlg a firearm
[10] me dwenoe was commllled on may ms at appmxlmalely 7 30
pm al lhe Darkmg Inl cl Elak D, Apanrrrenl Menlari cdun, Jalan PJ5 em,
Pelallng Jays, salangor uaml Ehsan.
SW hlfiyvlgxsfluuulzysulw
-we s.n.l Men M“ be used a mm re anrmun mm; dun-mm vn AFVLING wnxl
mi when PW10 was about he enter his car and pu| his iaptdp in the
back. he saw mree men get out Mme viva ear who then came tewerds
hini. one oi the nien came hum the train (whn was identihed as om by
PW1D)whiie the other Mn men train the back PWIO stiii raeegnire and
remember the faces 01 the Mu men who came from behind and
approached him when nne of ms men was identified as OKT2 while the
other man was the accused who had died.
[12] white OKTI was hoiding the gun arid painted it at PWIfl‘s chest,
there was a stmggie between them which resutted in OKTt firing e shot
using the gun Hawever. it was a had break. The shot hit OKTZ's h and
caused Injury.
[1 3] After the shot. PWIO managed to grab the gun from 0KT1‘s hands
and distanced hinrseiiimrri the a0cused.0KT1 arid another accused (who
had died) managed to escape in the Viva car where there was a driver
wetting (or them in the car PW1D identmed the man who was driving the
viva car during the inudenl as on: Awarding to Pwto, the identmcatiuri
oi OKT3 could be made because the niirrar at the vtua car was eirnoet
completely open during the incident and FW10 uuuid see the face eiot<T3.
[14] OKT2 whe suitered an iriiurytd his thigh as e reauit of being shot by
QKT1 was unable to escape OKT2 did tried to escape (mm the Sfflfle by
jumping down to the ground floor oi the parking buiidlng and hiding in the
area near the parking but ing but PW10 managed in find him.
[15] The investigation oiiioer ('SP6") and his team arrived at the scene
at approxtrriaiaty 11.45 pm and wtiect the iotidrwing items such as a pair :71
samba biack/brown siippers size to, a blue I-shin with a mtmd wllar (size
sin hiRvVigK:DIuU|Z‘15tJi5fi
-use s.ii.i Ilnvihli M“ be used M mm Die niinihaiily MVM5 dnunvinnl via nFit.ING Wflxi
XL) and diced swabbing taken irorn the (races at blood drdps round on me
well oi the corridor outside ihe parking iot ai the 2nd Hour‘ on the mi of
the sliver-colored Psmdua Kancil with regIstra|iorI rio: WHP 2986 which
parked at the side of the parking building and on the red sons iaceted near
me ience
[16] Aiter me investigation st the scene, SP5 and his team were
instrucied to oanlinuethe investigation and wanna room no. 207, 2nd iioor,
Sun Beans Hotsi (the haiei room) which is located at Jsian PJS 8/ti,
Deiai-an Meritari, Petaiing Jaye, seiangor (iocaisd appmxiniaieiy ma
mslals irdni the scene) Police investigation showed that me hotei mom
had been rented by the accused heiare the incident. SP6 and his iesni
arrived at the hinei mum at spproxirristeiy 12.40 am on 29 D9 2015. upon
investigation, SP6 and his team iound the ioiiawiiig Items‘
iii a ysllnw Izullel wntien s A E 9x1913 on the quihh mattress;
a brawn trousers oflhe brand "BcriItori“ size aim on a brawn
uarpet «our.
(Hi) s shon-sissvea ooiiared shirt with "Umvelsili Maiaya" written
on il s(iAd( an the handle of the cupboard 4001'.
(iv) 2 white digaieine minis an me brawn carpet iidei:
(V) 2 Izmwn cigarelle humus an the blown csrpei noon
(Vi) 3 hngerprints (F1 to F3) an a move Iransparenl piaslic home;
(W) t fingerpnnl impression (F4) on the green catered pissuc
wmtari "niemati" in the room
[17] Ali the items seized was sent in me chemist namely SP12 Based
sin hiRvVigK:DIQU|Z‘15IJY5fi
'NnI2 s.ii.i Illvihli wiii be HSQG M van; me niigiruiily MVM5 mm. VI] nFiuNG WM!
on me report MSP12, «here was a presence or me DNA MOKTZ and on:
which snow Ihai ham 0! them were in me iroiei room before me incident
Ingeiher with me deceased accused.
[rs] For me complete rams on me veslngaiion by the police, we
respectfully railed an me grounds at judgment by me learned High coun
Judge who had Dulhned the material (365 0! prosecution case.
Finding ov me Iourrrud trlnl Judgn at the clan of tho prosecution‘:
inai wage are best surnrried up as lollows:
Al the and of me pmseculicn case, the key findings or me iearned
(a) mu regard to OKTI, Ihe ieernea High caun Judge satisfied
manna prosecution had pmvsd aH me elemenis dune oflenca
which are as roiiow -
(ij OKT1 had discharged a iirearm,
(in OKT1 nad discharged a firearm ar me iirne oi his
eomrnming or allsmpllng in Dammit or abetting the
Gammissiun at a ecneduied mverrce, and
(iii) OKTI nad discharged a nreann with intent ID cause
deem or nun to any Person‘ shaii, rrmwnnsiandrng that
no run is caused.
in) The eiemenre were maven by an overwheiming evidence 01
PW“) and PWB (lnsp Nor Harman bin Ab Hamid). The
siN hifiwviaxm-uulzysuiw
-we s.n.i In-nhnv win he used m mm a. niinirraiily MIN; dun-mm VII arium pm
learned Hwgh Coun Judge was of ms w (hat om has me
mlanflan co cause death at injury to PWIO based on the
inference N PW10 had not amperaled or resisted or relused
In hand over nzs bebngwngs lo om, ne woma have been
shot by om. om used me gun [PZIA] which ms ewdence
shuwed «no: it \s runcnener The shalwas fired oy cm and
caused wruury to OKT2.
(c) on me charge agamsl one and mm, me Ieerneo won
Court Judge held «nenne proeecuxion had sueeessmuy proved
(heir case m which 2111 me e\emen(s nl ma pwenoe were
sansaea The elements ere:
(1) a nreenn is dvscharged by any person at me |ime oi ms
oornrnimng or allemplmg lo cummxt or abemng me
oornnussion 0! a schsdmed cflencer
on a nreernn is discharged with mtem to causedeath or hurl
lo any person‘
(m) each of me eeemnpuoee Vn respsm at me owenue
presem at me spene or me nomrmssxon ur attempted
commission or abeimelll:
uy) eaon onne awornphpes may reasonably be presumed
to have known that such person was carrying 111 neo in
ms posssssxan or under his custody or wnlrol me
nreernn and
(y) unvess were is prove that me aeoemphoss had Iaken all
reasonable seeps |o prevent the discharge.
(4; Evraenee by Pww showed that an me accused were at the
rn prfiyvrexrouuulzysuvw
-one s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m yaw n. nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n wa .nuns wrm
scene and cam ' ed a gang-robbery an FW1D. PW1D also
confirmed that OKT2, OKT3 and Falsal [the masses
accused] fallen lo lake all raasanabla steps to prevem om
lmm firing ma gun.
(e) The laamaa High Cflurl Judge also made a llnalng mal PW1D
VS a credlble wimess and his Iesllmnrly was sampled by me
Hlgh Court afler a maximum asaassmanl at his cred
lmscwonnlness. In «an, ammlng lo the learned High om
Judge, SF1D Is a vlchm 01 [N5 Incidem and has teamed
honestly abou| what happened lo mm durlng ms irlolderll
[20] Therefore, the learned Hlgh Conn Judge louna a prime lama case
had been established by the prosecullon agalnsl all the Appellants and
ordered me Appellants |o erller melr delenoe.
[21] OKT1 gave his evidence on oath. oKT1's defence was as follows‘
(ls) OKT 1 ls/ah rnerls//ms parlggl/an lelsforl daripada kawamlya
bemama Faisal (lammlm yang zelah me/llrlggal dlmla). Ba/lau
msmlnla OKT1 dalang bequmparlya dl Iampsk lalak karate
Blok 5 m Msnlarv com Falsal (vsnuaull yang lalan menlnggal
durlla} llnggal dl‘ Mentan Court :1. Blok c.
(D) Alas pelmfnlsan Falaal, OKT1 valan pergl ks rempal lalak
ksrsra Blok E msslml aan mallhal Faisal Slldflh bevads :1! sin:
bersama OKT2 darl oK13. Falsal membsmbhu ada slam
| 3,665 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
B-05(M)-43-02/2021 | PERAYU WAN MUHAMMAD AZRAMI BIN WAN ZULLKIFLI RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR), Jabatan Peguam Negara] | Criminal Appeal – Section 3 and section 3A of the Firearms (Increased Penalty) Act 1971 [Act 37] (“FIPA”) – Whether the firearm was discharged whilst committing robbery – Section 3 of the FIPA also makes it clear that the offence is said to be committed notwithstanding that no hurt is caused to the victim – Issue on the credibility of the only eye witness – It is trite that the evidence is weighed and not counted pursuant to section 134 of the Evidence Act 1950 – All appeals on conviction are dismissed – Appeals against the sentence are allowed. | 05/01/2024 | YA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
05/01/2024 08:39:49
B-05(M)-43-02/2021 Kand. 38
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a—n5(M)~a3~o2/2021 Kand. as
22 u
3:/on/mu ;
sw IKsnIhMPxxaUIaNUG./IM2w
3, Nat! Sum INNDEY WI“ be M M mm u. DIIEIMIIIY mm; nnnmvgnl VII EFILING VWLII
[In Ihs Maner a! (he Hwgh com o! Makaya at Shah Alam.
1n|he Slate olSe\an9ar Darul Ehsan
Cnmlnal Trial Nu: BA-45D-1-D3/2018 and BA.45D-2—n3/2015
Pubhc Pmsecumr
1. Mohd Asnz/cl! bin Mchd Ibramm
wan Muhammad Azmml mn Wan zmkm:
3, Ahmad Favsal mu Muda (DNAA PADA
4 Ma! SaHeh bin Nah]
sw vKsn1hHPxxau\aNuG./wzw
mm Sum IHIWDIY M“ be used M mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; mm. VII mum pm
". Name 'pushsr‘ fidak drketahur.
Dakar waklu magnb, mereka ms/ma! seorang /e/ski /ndfa
(SP10) dalarlg he Srlu. OKT1 msimsi Faisal isms pergf ks
arah lelaki India Isrsebul den ksmudianya me/ihar Faisal darn
/5/ski /mire tersebul bargelul. mm mervdengar Faisal
menjsm kspsda Islski India rsrsebul dan msmmls dadah dan
wang dar/pads ieiaki India tersebux. Lslskl India fslsebul
ssorang "pushef dadah OKT1 Iidak manganalf ieiaki India
Ssmasis Faisal dsn /e/uki India nu beige/uf, OKT1 dalsng
melvghamp/N mslska den srah bslakalig dim peigi ks ssbe/ah
kiri mansks/u oxrz bevada di' sebe/an Kanan msleka.
Semsss nu, OKT1 Ierdengal bdrm satu isrupan flan msiinai
OKT2]a1uh in situ OKT1 Iiada penqstahuan punca lelupan
flan ape yang Ie/ah be!/aku OKT1 Nada perrgeiahuan dan
iuiak nampak Faisal msmbawa pistol di fsmpal ks/sdlan
OKT1 trdak nampak sesiapa msmsgang pistol in iampai
OKT1 msnsfikan memegang pistol d! lamps! kaiaaian dun
tldak psmah iengok alsu memegang pistol [P21/1] Ierssbul
sebelum kejadfan. OKT1 lidak msmbawa pisioi Iersebut ks
oxn mengaku hsndsk me/akukan samun [slept msnsfikan
msnggurieksn pisioi tslsebul dan mensflksn ads melepaskzvm
Ismbakan msnggunakan pistol Ierssbur.
OKT1 me/vysvakan piszoi tsrsslzut dlplmyal oleh Faisal.
Se/spas dilangkap polls darn semasa belada ai daiam Vaksp,
Faisal membelilshu OKT1 bahawa pistol iarssoui milikinya
sin ¥K5nlhHPxuU\uNUG1lM2v«
-um sum n-nhnrwm be used m mm u. nrW\ruU|Y MIN: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
False! tslah msnmggsl dunra kalans sakll da/am pam
(fr) Fstssl trnggar dl Brok 0 dr Maman com dan pairs ls/ah
msnangkap Farsar .1.‘ Sim. Faisal datarlg dengan Mrs ks
ruman OKT1 dart porrs zerah melrarrgkap OKT1
(r) oxrr zrdak pernarr pergr ks Hotel Sun Beans dan nada
pengemnuan srapa yang menyewa :11 mm hater lslsebut.
0) Prhek porrs fidak memmpas prmr lsrsabul daripsda DKT1.
Pihak polrs tslah mslampas prslal tsrssbul darrpada relara
Indra lelsebuf
OKT2 gave an unswcm slalemenl and his derence was as rorraws:
Pads 227.129.2015, OKT2 bersama OKT1 nan oxm barada m
Rsszoran Subaldsrr dl Sungal way uniuk maker! malsm
Sslspas makan maram, paua jam Vsbih kurang 7.30 nraram,
meleka 1e/ah Pelyr ke B/ck 5 ar Mermsri Court, Su/rway
dengan msmsikr‘ kerela P9/odua Vrva yang drpandu o/sh
OKT3 unluk bsrshsl dirumah 0x71.
([7) Ssrnass dr dalam ksrsts, oxn man msnenma aangguan
maron daripada sanmng kswarmya yang bslnama Faisal
rcenuaun yang Ielah manrnggal dunxa) unluk darang ke tempa!
rerak kerela Bluk E m Menlarr Cour! unluk be!/umpa dsngsn
Farsa/. OKT1 dan Farsar ads/ah kawan dan OKT2 jugs
mengsna/I Farsar mels/ul ox r1
Apabila rnasuk ks da/am kawasarr Iazak ksrsta Blok 5 dr‘
Mentari ca-m, tsrluduh kedus nampak Faisar ke/ual den
rangge rempar rem kerela den berja/arr menu/u ks arah
5907.309 )9/akr Indra yang jugs bsrada .1: sim.
-ma sanar mnnarwrrr be used a mm a. annrn.rrIy mm. flan-mm a. .num wrur
Sampar dr mu, OKT1 dan OK12 keluar dan kerela Psrodua
Viva (arssbut. Tmawan OK72 nampek pevgeluznn d: annals
Faisal den »e/am‘ /ndia nu, oxn ndak ks/usr den bsrads dl
dn/am kersla Pemdua V/vs Islsabul pads sellsp mass darn
duduk di bshagmn pemsndu karsls Parodua Viva Islssbuf
oxn Isms psrgr menohmg meleraiksn pelga/utan dr anlara
Farsal dan Is/akr‘ India ifu Semasa berbual dennkran, OKT2
Ierdengar snru bunyiseurnparna Iembakan dan rem /atuh dr
ms (Ishtar. Se/spas jafuh dr am: /anlar, oxrz nampak psha
kanannw lurks/vs tnmbakan OKT2 Isms msrsngkak kc
bslakang ssbuah karsls di Iempaf Isaak kalsla telsebuf dan
pads mass nu nampak sam bends seumpama pistol df nzas
ranrai Lslakf India fersebul mengambil bends (nmou rersebur
dan menyacukan Kenada keflala OKT2 dan irvimenysbabksn
rerzudun ksdua be/ass ram.
Pads mass /Iu, om: nsmpsk OKT1 mslsriksn dm dsn srlu
dengan menark/ Ksrsls Pemdua vm den bslgerak keluardari
kswssan /atak kersls fsrsabut OKT2 ndak nampak Fsrsal
pelgi ks mana serepas keladusn Iersebul.
OK12 rinda pengeznnuan sebab psrgs/man dr anisla Fmssl
dan /e/akr India iersebul Lslakl /ndls nu mansnyakan lsrtuduh
kadua dslsng dart mama dan msmysk paha kanan (srtuduh
ksdua yang cedars dan msnysnabkan OKT2 msnjent
oI<r2 yang ndak dupe! Dena/an Is/an bsljaya melangkak
sehingga ke limgga den berg-mng ks be/kom dl tlngkal 3
Ismpat /max karsta lerssbuf dsn kamudrsn mun ks bswah
dan msndalal dr afas ssbuah kerala kancfl.
Nuns snnnw n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nnnmun mm: dun-mm VI] mum pm
OKT2 maslh cubs mersngkak ke srah sam (fang lampu dan
lslakl mm: ievssbm msmukul Ierfuduh kedua. fldak lama
ksmudian, pans (tbs dr kawassn tersebul dam membawanys
ke Pusaf Perubaran Umvelsilr Malaya -mm lawman.
oKr:> (rad: pengelahusn mengsnar‘ kswu/udan prsm: dan
pe/um yang dfgunskan da/sm kss w sabslum, semasa dan
selspss ksjsdisn Ismbskan bsrlaku.
OKTJ Qave ms ewdence on cam and his devence version was as
was bemsra 49 tahun dsn msmpunyal/chm kurang on [man
kadal m kawassn RBIHSII Panjang, Kc/anfen yang cnsewakan
kepsda psnyewa—penyswa
Pada 25/9/2015, on: bevsama dengan oxrz bonolak dart
Ke/aman ke Kuala Lumpur. oxn msncadangkan marska
menyswa kemla unluk ks Kuala Lumpul Kevsla lsrsebur
dissws alas nams oxra kslans any msmpunyar Vesen
Sampal ur Kuala Lumpur, pada [am Isom kulang 5.30 petang.
OKT2 telah menerims panggr/an le)eIon dal/pads seovsng
kawtmnya be/name Faisal. Faisal ls/ah msmmls axrz darn
OKT3 perg! ks lsmpak Islak kslsta dl Slok D Martian cam.
Ssmpsl .1: temps: Ielsk karate m‘ Mervfari cam, OKT3 ms/iha!
OKT1 dan Faisal zeta): berada disifll
om Ie/ah lurun deli kevera V/‘Va Iersebut dsn Faisal puls
msngamhkan OKT3 psrgi ms/arakkan ksrsla Vrva yang
dipsndunya :1: (amps! Ielak ksrela d: silu. OK73 diberifahu
sw vKsn1hH>>z>au\uNuGnM2w
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
olsh False! bamawa ada '.I0b' L/nluk dllakukall tewpl tldak
msmberltahll xerluduh kellgs apskah './almersebuv.
Alas arahall OKT1, OKT3 lslan melellskkarl ksrstarlya pads
/alak Iebifl kurang 50 mats: dari lsmpal belieu be!/umpa
dsngarl Faisal dan marlunggu dl da/am kereta Vlvs tsrselwr
Semass msrllmggu Ieblll kulallg 30 mini! dl da/am ksnzfa Vlva
Ialssblll, OKT3 Kirdsngsr blmyl lslupan meuam I6}/iif
mslslup oxra berasa takul manderlgar burly! /siuparl
tersebut dan menurlggu /eblh kurarlg 15 mlnn an S/Iu sebs/um
merrlandu ksrsla Viva M/url dart barlgurlsn Islak ksrsla flan
Deredar dari silu.
one Ildak msmbawa prslal [F'21A] Iarssbur darl mm
psngslalluan siapa yang membawa plslollezseburke arm
was [uga mm perlgstahusn mengsrlai plsml yang
digunakarl oleh OKT1 semssa kejadiarl tersebut.
OKT3 Ildak lenlmsl dalam samun bsrkumpularl dengan
bersanlalakan plshl lsrsehul.
The aalence also called arlclhsr wilnsss. Munammad Rldhuan bln
Abdul Razak (‘*Dw4")l Evlderlce by DW4 was as lullo
Pads 28/9/2015, [am Ieblh kwang 5.30 h/Ilgga 7.30 malam,
504 bsrsda dl Sunway Merltarl relapi Ifdak mgatmmah yang
bsllau bevads sm bevehal (/spak) Esrsama kawannya
bsmama Hasii den tslah bsrlamu derlgan OKT1 sm
merlgems/l‘ OKT1 se/sk swal lanun 2:215 darl dapal
merlgscam OKT1 dl Mahkamah
OKT1 lalah marlsrima panggf/an rsls/‘on darlpada seorang
SW lK5clhHPzlaUluNUG1lM2w
-um Smnl be flied M mm .. mm-y MIN: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
kawzmnys bsmsma Faisal. sm ms/ihatmuka DKT1 neumah
den oxn keluar darl rumsh urlluk Izerjumpa Faisal. mm
I/dsk msmbsrilshu SDI msngapa FEVSEII mahu Der/umpa
mm. sm /uga mengenan Faisal dan psmsh bsrjumpa
dsngan Faisal sebelum W
(C) Sslapas lebih kurang so nrngga 40 miml kamudralv, sm
rnelmar OKT1 bank he rumsh den kelfhatan ke/am-kabu! dan
gs/Leah Apsblls drtanya nlsh sm rmmgapa OKT1 :15/am
Keadssn bsgffu, OKT1 manjawab rrsda spa-ape flan rem
mssuk ks as/am bflfknya
(.1; Se/spas rm, scu pun be/rk ks rumahnya. Pavia kessokan
harmya di sebe/ah Iengsharl, sm manerima panggilan
rs/eron darfpeds Hssrl yang msmbsrilahu oxn le/sh
d/Iangkap pobs ksrsna Iarmzal dalam kes samurv.
(9) sm msnyazakan yang semssa sm be/-ads m rumah mm
bamama Hasif, SD41 lidak rvampak OKT1 msmsgang alau
msmbawa EPBJDE senjala dun nampsk OKT1 keluar den"
Iumah be!/‘umpa Farsal da/am kasdsan sehslai sspinggang
(I) We/at/pun sm dsn oxrv bsrkawalv, SDA trdak pemah
dlrmnla oéeh lsrtuduh panama membevrkan kelsrangan
sedemxkian dw mahkamah
Finding ulthn loamod mu! judgl ax ml and of ma dIfInca's cas-
At me oonc\us\on of the mm, A was me findmg 01 ms learned man
page mal me defence had lafled to cast a reasonams doubt on the
prosacuIAun's case consequently, me Appensnzs were convicted (or me
offence as per me charges.
sw vKsn1hHPxxau\aNuG./xM2w
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
The ieamea High court Juage, in coming in his decision‘ new as
(a) The om-s aetenae basically was on the euegeuen iaai
Faisa¥ (lhe deceased accused) was me masienniaa ei me
gang-rubbery agains|FW1D. in una regem, me ieameu High
Caurl Judge was M the view !ha( Faisal had before the
M57 and II was easy hr the AppeHanls Io pm all the blame on
Faieai as he eauia rim appear in wan to give his iesiimeny.
During me incident, Faisal is noi the one who have ngm wan
I‘-‘W10 aesades, while de4endmg runiseié, om had admmad
that he intended In cummil gang-robbery againsl FW1O and
had done so iegeiner wiia OKTZ, OKTS and Faisai (me
aeeeaeea accused) om aniy demad carrying me gun and
having shat OKT2.
in) with regard to me detence made by OKT2, |ha learned High
Court Judge found mai there were many inaienai
discrepancies in oKT2's slalsmenl as compared la me
sieiarneni iea by mm and o><r3. Those material
contradiciians have affecledlI1ede1ensecfOKT2 and as such
me mun (mind that OKTZ is an: E ciedible wiinese. OKT2‘s
defense has also failed lo rebumie areaunipnon of knevneage
aboui me gun used by mm uunng Ihe ineiaeni and on me
balance of probamlmes iaiiea |n casl ieasoneaie duub me
p1osecuIicn's case.
(c) The delenee ov OKT3 was via! he was 50 rneiers from where
iris figni took place and Inns he had no knawieage Iha| OKT1
SN ¥K5clhHPxkaUVuNUG./lM2w
-we Sum ...n.. M“ be used m mm ea nvVmruH|y MIN; dun-mm via muaa WM!
carrying ar had in Ms pnssessinn or under N5 cus1udY or
control of ma firearm Tne teamed High Cour! Judge upon
cunstdenng ms mailer hold tna same vtew as for on: that
there were many rnatenat dtacrapanotes tn me statement or
mm. Sum malenal oonlrsdlcltons have auaaaa nis
ae1anss.rhara1ora,ma court was anna viewlhat oxn ts not
a craatata wflness and ms defense failed to rebut the
praaunrpnan of knuwtadga aboul tna gun used by om
during tna moment, on tna balance of praaammres, om
latled to cast reasonable doubt tn me prosecutions case
Based an the arorasata reasons. ms taarnau High couruudga
mnvtmed tna Appauans (or me ufiances as per charges and
ma Aupeflants were senlenoed |u uaatn by nanging.
nris app-an
Belore us are three appaats wtm tnrea dmeren(Pa|1inn ul AppeaL
However. grmmds that ts stmm ed before us may be summarised as
the delenoe o1|he Appauancs had rarsaa reasonable doubt In
me amsacunows case OKT1 am not are ar cause death or
Injury to FW1D and was meratyan allempl to ND PW10 There
ts no avtderrcato clearty show|ha(OKT1 ahottna gun It coma
also be FW1D or Faisal matsnat msgun lhalcaussd the tmury
to OKT2. ot<'r2 and on: am not mat Knowlhaiob-(T1 was
carrying or had V1 ms pussessiun or under his custody or
Nuns Sum ...ns.. M“ as used m mm as nflmnnflly MW; dun-mm wa .rtuua wnxt
comm! me firearm: and
(fr) (he evidenoaalP\N1U is nm credible. There arsmserepanmss
Vn his statements.
Our am: on
[28] II is firs: apposwa that secuon 3 and secfian 3A of FIFA be staxsd as
“a. Penalty vac dilcllamlnn a Wnarvn In um commiulnn of .
schtdnlud Minna-
Any person who ellha urns oinis mnmmng ur auunpmng m eonmm av
axmwa ms wmmusmn ova schedmefl nflevme «mama. n firearm wnh
Imam m mun damn av nun In any person‘ snau. rK>lw\Ihslandmg (MI no
mm m caused Iheqeby, he numshed wnh Ampnlonmam lav a term of not
um «nan mm yams bul nm exaeedmu my years Md mm wnzppmg mm
um Ins man mm mm
u. Penllly mmompllcu In us: of dlsch-rpl wnrunn
Wheve, wnn Vmum be cause deem xx mm to any person, . flmarm Vs
dmcharged by any pawn al the hms av ms uummmlnu nr allemplmg la
oommn or abelunq me mnmnumn ula sdwdulud mm, each ov ms
accamnhces Vn vespeci av Ihe meme Blue!“ at his wens no me
wmmlumn or anammsa umnmmn er abelmsnl mam who may
reamnably an pcasumad to have kmmvv max such persan was urvymg
mm In ms pnsseuslnn mumernu custody ortxmvulmsfivearm shafl,
miwrltvslanflmg mat nn mm Vs caused by me dwchavge omeov, be
punllhed wnn lmprlsonmem For a |emv an MC less (Mn «niny my. but
mu exoaodilvg [any yuan and wvm wfuppma wnn nan ms mm mm
slmkes‘ unless he pmvea mu ha nm Vzknn an mawnahls slaps In
pvsvenl the flvscharga ~
N vK5c:pH>>z»au\uNuG1xM2w
Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
Issln (I): The dorurrcu ofrlru Appellants mu nlsoa ruasanablo doubt
to the prosocur/on’: can
[29] ll was submlued by me counsels :71 all lne Appellanls lnal lnelr
delenoa had raised doubl lo the pwsecutlan's case.
[:0] ln lnls regard, lar ol<Tl, the counsel suhmlIIedlhatOKT1 ls not me
one who snal ms gun. ll could also he PW‘lfl or Faisal llns daoeased
accused) who s|'lo| the gun. Tnus, lnis lulluwsd by me submisslan alarm
and OKT3 lllal lmlll did not “Val know Anal OKT1 was carrying or had In ms
possession or under nlscuslady or control llrefireann The learned ouunsel
had referved to me case ol Pub/lo Pmecular v. Dng Fah clrsng (1996)
1 cu 501 on wnellrer dlscharge ol lne firearm was an acl separate and
dlsllrlal lrern lne rubbery as lollows:
-ma accused a-scnargsd N5 firearm ml al ms vlollm: and i| wns ml
proved mar rm amused dlxcharued a «warm an we llma or commmlng
me lvbbelv.
[31] We have wnsidsred lhe Appellanls' delsnoe and (hell submlsslurl.
Hawever. we are ::ons|l-aim la depart lmrn me nnalng ol lne learned High
Court Judge. We reler lo lhe case at Lu my chin @ Lon rock song A
on v Gall Yook cnln A Anar[2l7D3) 2 ML: 97 w n held as lollows:
“Ganerallyl an zppellals mun wlll nal lnlelverle unless ln. lnsl mun was
smwn la be plainly wrong In arrwlrlg at Its declslon or wrlete there had
been no nr lnsmuml judlclal appmlallan ul me avlderlce. Judlnial
appreolatknn or evldence mearll man . Judge who was rsqulrea lu
aaruunale upon 3 dlsnme musl amve al hls dadsmvl on an lull. man
by nssasslflgl welgnlng snu, for gum: reasons ellher anosvltrlg or
slN lKsnlhMl>zl«auluNUG./lM2w
-ans Sallal ...n.r wlll as HSQG M mm s. nllnlrrallly Mlhls m.l.n VI] aFluNG Wflxl
[1] There are mree (3; separate appeals before «ma Caurl emanating
lvom ma aemsma 111 the High com dated 17.02 2021 In aonvimmg and
sentencing me Appeuama.
[2] At me Hugh cam, ma |naJ mvolveu A accused as iollows.
(1) Mohd Asrizal am Mohd Ibrahim (Appellam in Appaa1 No. a
05041414-oz/2021 and hereinafter win he referred m as
Wan Muhammad Azraml bin Wan Zlllklm (Appellant in Appeal
No. E-05|M)A3—D2J2D21 and hereinafter wiH be referred to as
Ahmad Fmsal ma Muda (mscnargaa not amaunfing w
acquillal on 05 10.2017 due to ma reason that the accused
had been died)
Mae Saneh mn Nah (nppeuaae m Appeal No. B-D5(M)-5I-
03/2021 and herzinafler will be reranaa In as “om:-1
[3] DKT1 was charged as leflcwsz
"Bahama kamupada 23/9/21215, jam mam kuung 11130»: bensmpal m lenuaal
/slak kemla Blok D, Apanmenr Maman Court J3/an as as, Para/my Jaya m
damn dasran Para/mg. aa/am Nsgslt selangor Dam Ehmn, man drdaputt
mnleplskan Iumbslqm ssryalu Ipr samasa maraman mmpakarv mumuaa
dangan ma: maax msnyubahkan lmnlannrv zltau kezsderaan ks am Pralap
M Ramasamy No. K/F‘: s31ao:Hza—5297 Oleh yang darmlaarv kamu Istafl
-ma 5.11.1 n-vwhnrwm be used m mm 1.. WW1-y mm: dun-mm wa nF\uNG wrm
rarewng rna wfvme or any pen A7! are evidence pram belam him H.
mm. when ducktmg wnamar to awapr M m rerem ms enema er a
wnnese. near it agmrm Ie\evin| cm rnua. ne mustuk: rnru awuum
ma presenee erasseme arany rmlwe um. wnnass may hive rn gmng
ma ervldsnce wnara aontampulary documems exlmedr he nrusx teal ma
mu mdenea M a wflnul pgamxlthue. He must also test me avraenee
era nenssmarwuness agninsl rna nmbamlmss mm eaa-. Thu vrvlclph
oeIma\ In anpe\IatemlerVemnoe\slha1e dedsmn antved n||1y n ma! mun
wvlhouljudwcm apprvaahun afmu -vraanes may be set asrae an swam’
[32] In oonsraenng mesa apnea‘: we fulluw «ms uourr earlier declsinn In
the case of Fling: Axman bin Amfmnzukilwn Pundakwa Rnya [2021] 2
MLJ 7714202111 LNS10B\nwh\ch Hrs Lordship Abdm Kanm Abdm Jam
JCA stated max m deuermrnrng whether the firearm was arsmarge-1 whusr
cnmmiuing robbery, me whom rncruent snoum be vreweu as a smgle
[331 wnan we evahlaled me «me and eviaenee m this case, we laund
Lha| me ewdenoe ms corroborated. It is not only me evrdsnoe by PW1u
who is the Vilmm H’! tms case but also evsdenee tram the report 0| SP12
slated Mat (here was 3 presence at the DNA at OKT2 and OKT3 m the
hole! roam (ram wmcn tsw Hams were seized includmg rne buHet whwch re
identxcal tome one tmmd the scene It is dflfrcmt to amva at me decision
he! one happen an 07 a sudden
[341 The uerence also failed to rebut that there rs a discharged offirearm
VII which happened at the tame of the wmmisswon at the robbery. Secliun 3
ol the FVPA alsn makes it dear Ilia! the offence is said to be committed
notwithstanding that nu mm Is caused in the warm. u Is anougn enaunara
Is e discharged olfirearm annennre er mmmlltlng or enampong to commit
N vK5crpM>>zuu\uNuG1rM2w
nse e.n.r n-nhnrwm re used m mm s. nflmnnflly mm: dun-mm VI] anum wrm
nv apelling lne ocrnnusslon oi a scheduled olvence enunreraled in lhe
scnodule \o lne Act which in lnis case a robbery It is too bad mal H1 lnie
case, me snol had caused inlury lo OKTZ. The use oi gun H’! a robbery IS a
claar Indication that there IS an intention lo cause death or senous injury In
the Vlcllm and such lndlcalinn 07 intention becomes unclaimed when mere
is a dlsoharged of nreann nalwllhslandlng lnal na nurl is caused in me
Victim. PW“)
1351 Tne counsel ior one also supniilled me: an adverse presunrplldn
under sac|lon1141g|nHhe Evidence Aol should be lnvaked in «ma case an
the reason mal lna prosecution lalled to prove that me gun belongs in any
Appellanls. All |he Appellants suggesleol mat il Faisal line deceased
accused) who might bring me gun 1o me scene In wnlon lney had no
knowledge aboul IL The prcsecullon was said lulled m produoe 112
slalemant D7 Faisal.
[as] In we regard, we raler lo lne case at any Mdoi seng A on v.
FF[1|l15]1 LNS nzl wnlcn Abdul Rahman Sehli, ucn [as no lnen was)
aralad as follows’
‘I59! Flmnur, even wnnaul SD7‘s evidence lne preaaoullon slrasdy nau
sufflusm uvldawa in aslzbllsh a WINE case case aaeinir all in.
apgellnnls 1n... the (allure In cull him as e wlweculion wllrlusa is oi nu
nnmequenne as com um reaulr lira gun in me pmsewlmri use I1 is are
law lnal an adverse rnleenoe canrlm he dram. «or lailureiaoalla wllness
man in» prosaaulion ner dlschanled na buruun As my Purlfl New (‘J
said In Chas xcs-n Long v FP[1996]I sm sin :1 pigs: 523-524
“The eooellenra mnlentlcn lsmalll-1e lallrna ml the nmsecullun re
adduoe evidence oi lnosa ome< eaniolae rneanl rnar rne mun
could preaunia lnal me evidence would have we aialrm lna
proeacunon nial is man ware no such um
N ¥K5c|DHPz>uUVuNUG1lM2v.l
None a.n.l In-vlhnrwm re used m mm 1.. nflmnaflly sun. dun-mm Va aFluNG WM!
Such nvgumsnls are wmmorfly made. cemmbnny mu‘ such
arguments nra mum mam The mm‘ mm nmave In anw any
such presumvmn umess me wuness nol pvoduaed Vs eruermnl In
me pmsecuuu-vs case Any crvmna\ nransacmn may be busewea
bye numberevwnnmex ms um naculary «mus prosewuun In
pmflues every snngxe one 07 Imae wilnessm M on pmecnuun
need lndu wslo amuse mnesseswnose evtdenoe can bebeneved
w as In ssxauun me as» beyom rsaitwnnma daum out at 2
number no wumses, n maymen urfly In nsuusrytn bung m Me
or awn, as mg as lmse wmesses flduafly poodueefl are Ibla to
gwe evmence buns nranseaxon, man: We no masnn way an In: yes
slvuuld he cam mt my any prnumphon would be amm me:
me evxaenee al these witnesses ml pmaubea ww\d havu been
against me vmsecumn '
[37] \n our present appeals‘ Pww was We In give evidence of me
tmnsacubn as he was the victim and the sole eye-wuness. Pwm able m
mlorm the com! me suuaman at me me o1 me mcmenl. He can remember
OKT who salt In me car which far fmm mm in wmch «ms [am Is not disputed
by OKT. Tms Issue Is also rela|et1 la the next issue on me cred: my oi
Issue (N): The evidence ol PW10 Is not cndlbla
[33] AM «he eeunser of we Appeflanls raised lhis wssue on the pomt that
me learned Hwgh Court Judge was in enur in rewlng on me ewaenee ol
Pwm m wmch we are aware ma: PW10 ws me only eye wnness For me
prosecunon The AppeHanls cbmenaea lhsl mere are alscrepancies m me
evwdenoe Wed Dy PWlU‘ |u name a few, FW1D m his testimony during the
exarmnahan In chief stated that when the gun was pointed at him. OKT2
had asked our me bag to be handedltzwer In ms ocHeague on me Ien and
N vK5qpM>>z>au\uNuG1xM2w
Mme em n-nhnrwm be be... m mm ms mm-y mm: dun-mm be nfluNG wrm
during the crass-sxammatinn, wwm sand met when he lned to push away
the gun‘ a shot was fired However, 0: eenlramcnon, dnnng me re
exammaficn when PW10 was asked by Ihe pmsscumr to explam why he
did nox agree that me shaoung happened by acckienl, PW1D then changed
his evidence by saying that the accused had already tried to sham when
the pistol was painted
[39] The weamed counsel vcruKTI drawn this cnunanenunn |o|he mse
ov Rad?" Irwan Iakunduu bln II ganl lwn Ponaakws Ray: [2017] 5 MLJ
736 which hem as loHows:
1221 aemasanun ponuhuan luml keyed: naked myuun dan panuhakiman
hahnn mama. kaml harsemgu bnhswa ham mar: wan bemalmmg
sspammnya kenada kalsrsnuan nsan am dalnm mznsabflkan peliyu
delvgan pelluduhan Hakim lucava vanah mananmz kelenanuan SP1 seas.-a
bu|a(-hula! din Mas nna. mukl Mada vahdl lanpa mambuat
pemmbangan Iemadap vahxa hahawa sm searing esxn yang
aamepenunssn uanpadn maranean ma \elah mheflkan aneh sew
sewdm sann beldauflun kepeuu: keulunman kaieranqan dawn $125 an
hadapan kann max syak ug. bnhawn sm adahh Ieoranq Saks! yang
rnsmpunm kenanmlan damn. kes lm. Kzhernngin sm svwllimya
dhehu dan dhsmna denaan sacara hsmalnwafl men haxhn bican dnn
mevangan anus: sedemhaan new mnmwukan ketaranqan yang Iann
sehzgal sakangan. Fads pandangsn kann mmngsn sew bukzmah
ketevanwan yang kukuh umuk memauansamuanuaaxas nemyu anah hakum
means munladw ialu flzpalan dan Keuumsan yang selamal umuk
[40] vwm regard to this Issue, we are of the View lha| the learned High
court Judge is the one who had the audwo and wsual advantage In observe
the demeanour of lhe wunesses Hence, he was cleany antmsd to make
n vK5cwM>>zhau\uNuG1xM2w
Nuns a.nn n-nhnrwm be used a mm a. nflmnsflly mm: dun-mm ha snum Wm
iindtngs wiin regard to me Crsdlblllly oi ins wnneeaes. As an appeiiaie
court‘ we eneuid be slow to inienere witn sucn findings unieee it can be
sndwn before us tnet tne rindings were perverse and against eii eyeiieoie
evidence. in true present case‘ we see no reason to disium tne iindind oi
the learned Hign coun Judge.
[41] we are guided by the decision oi Raja Azlari snan FJ (as His
Highness then was) in me case at Public Prosecutor Vflnluk Hejmemn
bln HI]: Idris (Na 2) [1377] 1 ML] 15 wrticrt stated that:
-. in my opinion. tne dtscIeDSlII:\es lhsis wiii emeys be hamuse in ma
cncurrmancee VI wvncn events havflfinsdy -very wilnan does not
remnmer ine eerne mind and no does not rumomb-er eooneteiy eveI'Y
stngla ining inei neooened rne quesunn is Mtelhar exisienoa oi oenein
discrepancies is sutncieni In doetruy lhetrcvedlhlhly mate is no ruie onaw
tnai thn testimony or s mneu must em-er no beliavod in nu entnery or non
at on A oourt is luHy oernoeient_ lor good and oogeni reasons. to eooeot
ene nan enne iesnrndny die wriness and meet tne otner. in tno eosonce
et any Dunlvadiclion. huwsvav‘ and in me aueenoe or any innereni
irnpmonoiiny, tne zvideno: dr enywnnees, wnetner . ooiice mines: or um.
ma dives evedenca on emnnenon. sneuid nonnetry be summed.‘
[42] As to wneiner the court accept Just a singie witness to prove me
ceee of me prosecuuan? It is inie that the evidence IS weigned end not
counted puiedent to section 134 ottne Evidence Act 1950. The iaw IS ciear
tnat “Na penrcuier number or wrtneseee snail in any case be required to.
the prooioreny tacit In Ravisnlal end DhiIa[Ial’s Law or Crimes (27lh Ed)
at pp 1965-1969, it stated tnei, ‘it is now a wen senied principie of law tnnt
oonviction can he susieined on me sole |esIimany onne pmsecutnx. it it
inspires confidence.”
N ¥K§c|DHPxbuU\uNUG1lM2w
None e.n.i In-vihnrwm be used a mm ms nflmneflly enn. dun-mm wa eriurtc wnxi
[431 Coming bad< le nurcase‘ me learned High Ccuruudge ma nal only
considered the evidence or PW10 bull also other corraborallvs evidence.
Therefore. we are l1o| corlvlncad lnal ma learned Hlgh cpurl Judge was
[44] ln lne upshot, having psrussd lne appeal reams. ins gmunds pl
judgement and the wnllen suhmissiorls by names and based an me
aloresald reasons, we unanimously find lnal (here ls no merit in ma
Appellanls' appeals on oonvlctlon. All appeals on ppnwcllon are hereby
[45] Wlth regard cp the appeals agalnsl senlenee, il is lnle law man when
me punisnmenl lo any prlenee IS amended lo a heavier punishment‘ it l5
lne lnlenlion el llie Panlanlenl la pereawa such oflenua as serious.
Tperelare, in amvlng In our dec ion for appeal agalnsl senlence in mesa
appeals‘ we are guide: by me ueclslpn Abdul Mallk lshak JCA in lna case
of Yong /or Mun vPubIil: PrnsecuIor[20I11 ls MLJ 209 as follows
152] wa wlll now leiel In me Hal-lsam ln ame< In undalshnd ms lmu
pulppse and Irl\erl|l0rl ollne An N we lnlm palllanlenlaly sllllriu allhe
‘Dewari R.i‘aya\‘ (Haul: pl Repruenlaflves) an 27 July 1971‘ lne
Homumble Allnmey General mi Sn Abdul Kndlr pln Yuwl me-l uld
al p 3850 in me Narlsard
wlul we are pnnplng have ll an 2marldmsrl| im an erihanosd. a
higher, panany lprcmnnnlllng mbbsry and mnapping am pmel
elienees as slaled mam, laui «ypas, If may use luaaims, at my
used penukul. paku. or palanp e« any other wenpnn ll .usl llka
urdlrury annla Emwllalwe ale going In klll s lha use Milreamlsl
N lK5clDHPzlaUluNUG1lH2w
Nuns Smnl In-vlhnrwlll be used a mm ms pflnlrullly Mlhls dnunvlnnl wa nFluNG Wflxl
bomb ma wands‘ when cummlmng climax huzuia was -s an me
mama»: new
[351 From me aaaax-s m Pumamenl as seen lmm ma H-nurd, an an
wi: hem w| m neoewly, so to sneak. in ma on us: M fivaarmx to
mmm1|'urmu‘l payvofl ho\d—ups‘ mama enharw dealt: ann,a.y
[us] On ma mu‘ m a 2 gm” rvusoamage cl juslme ml to mrwu the
aaaeuanum aammunng ma uwmm as par ma amended charge m ex?!
be pumshsd wym severe pumshmenl. Huwever, afler takmg me
can eralmn me mmgafion put larwam by me delencs counsms av ma
Appauams, we agree to sax asme ma senlanee Imposed by me High Cam
and sentence ma AppaHan(s war. a primnment for a term 0130 years.
We a\so make an war [or I2 slrokas 0! M1 ng m OKT3 and mm. Na
senlenceoiwhvppmg to on: because he had anamea me aga 0150 years
Tharebre, we are Mme conswdaved viaw mat senous ouence should
Cuurl o1 AvPea\ Msmysla
Due M Decision : I7 Augun 2023
Ground: mum : In nacemxm 2m:
N vK5cwM>>z»au\uNuG1zM2w
Nuns am n-nhnrwm be used a mm a. nrW\ruU|:I mm: dun-mm Va .mm mm
Loaul Ronmonmlon
For OKT1
(Appeuam in Appeal No.
For oK1'2
(Appenam wn Appsa\ No.
For mcr:
(Appellant in AppaaY N0
For an Ruapnndnnt
sw vKsn1hH>>xxau\aNuG./xM2w
sanm Basmr
(together mm Najuhah zmkmi;
[Messrs. Salxm Easlw, Ruswwza 5 Ca]
Srsekam PiHe\
[Messrs. Sreekanl Plllai]
Afifuddm hm Ahmad Hafifi
(together wm: Muhammad Ammm bin
[Msssm Sa\ehuddm Saidm A Assoc]
Mohd Falruz bvn Johan
[Anon-ey Gene.-ars Chambers]
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
nmaxmn mm kasalahln y-ng boleh ammm dr nmn soksyerl :9 Akin
San/ala Am mnnm Lnmn Euurll 1971.-
OKT 2 wa: charged as Inflows.
"Bahawa kamu berslnmuma derwan (1) many yang tulalv mm/nggal mm
den Matsa/Ian Mn Nan {Na K/P'71G7290.’l—5H1)psda 22/9/2915. mm mm
kunng 19347 hrs beriampal an lompn! lcluk lmmfi am D, Aamrmnt Mann-n
com, man P15 819. Psfalmg Jays, ur da/um durirv Putahng, dulam Negm
Sa/angel Daml Ehnn, mm: malakukarl rovmakan bcrkulvloulm oongan
ssomng rskan Kama mama Muhd Aural om Monti rmnnn Yong (No K/P
E5C|6UD—l7J—5179)IvIah melspsskan Iembakurv nu/5!: am amen nm hmdnk
menysb-bklrv kurvlaban atxu lmnadsrasn K2 ntas Pump «/1 Ramasamy No
K/P5310175-06-5297 ynnq man. Iwmu mompunyal penaemn-an ralmn kamu
membave aervlala apt asmasa me/akukan rwnpakan men yang aunmn
um Inlalv rm/akukan mm hasaranan yang owon dmukum drbawah saksyan
3A Aida San/sra A». (Forum Lsbm Bars!) 1971."
Wmle OKT3 was charged as renews:
‘Sahara um bw:ama—ssma Hangar: 4:; mung /ayryang Isran d/tuduh, pm
25/9/2015, [am noon kuung 1930 his boflsmpakdr renwa!/stair mm smk 2,
Apartment Mentali cam, ./Elan ms an, Pslalmg Jays‘ u. flnlum nusrah
Ptlllml dalam Nsgen S9/anger mm Ehsm, rsmasa Irlslekukan mmpukfln
borkt/Nlflularv dmgan swung rakan kamu nomn Mona mm: bin Mona
rmnnn Yong (No K/P'550609—0a6179HsIsh melapnsksn Icmbakarv semen
apt dangan nlal hendak nmnyobabhn komahan mu ksnedemon KG 515.:
Fran!!! M Ramasamy Nu xx»: 531003455297 yang mm kamu mempwlysl
nanvmnuan rakarv Mama msmoswa ssryafa um‘ samass melakukun
mmpaksrv own yang dcmwan kamu is/an merakukun sunlu mananzn mg
Dom: drhukum .12 bawah sukxyun 34 Am Senlala Apl (Penam Liam Bern!)
W71 '
sm rK5cwH>>zuuh:NuG1xM2w
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my me mm-y mm: m.n.n y.. mum pm
[6] AI me curlcluslon dune trial, lne learned Hlgh Court Judge lmmd
lrral all the Appellarrls gullry rne charges The appellants ware sentenced
to dream by hanging.
171 Aggrleved wrm lne convlciiun and sanlende, me Appellarrla ndw
appealed la «ms Court. we neard me appeals on me l7 us 2023. Al me
conclusion cf lne sularnrssldrrs, we dlsrnlased lhe Appellants’ appeal nn
CON/lc1l07I um we allowed me appeals on aerrlanoe. we now provlde our
reasons lorlna decision.
‘rho ProIacudon'I can
[5] The presecmlorr-a case was establlshad by me evidence cl ils
wltnssses and accepted by the learned trial judge. Pm m a nutshell,
Apaellanls were crrarged mm an ollance under lhs Flreamls (Increased
Penalty) A51 1971 [A6137] ('FlPl\“)
ln me oammlsslon of an elvance (a gang»rubbery) with me lrrlenllan to
cause deam er lrllury tn one Pralap a/l Ramasamy(‘PW1D”). OKT2 and
OKT3 being me adcdrn ' in me case of dlscnarge of me nrearrn
oomrvlined by DKT1 were cnarged under secllan 3A of me sarne Act.
ArloUleraccused,Ahmat1 Falsal am Muda, hasdled and he was drscnarged
wllJ1oulacqul|lal(“DNAA')by andlner l-lign ccun Judge on us lu.2m7
OKTI was charged undersectlan 3 of l=lFA ufdischarglrlg a firearm
[10] me dwenoe was commllled on may ms at appmxlmalely 7 30
pm al lhe Darkmg Inl cl Elak D, Apanrrrenl Menlari cdun, Jalan PJ5 em,
Pelallng Jays, salangor uaml Ehsan.
am lKsclhHPzxaUlaNUG./lM2w
-we s.n.l Men M“ be used a mm re anrmun mm; dun-mm vn AFVLING wnxl
[11] when PW10 was about ta enter his cat and pul his taptdg in the
back. he saw three men get out otthe viva ear who then came Iawsms
him. one at the men came from the tram (whn was identit'ied as DKT1 by
Pwto) white the other twd man train the back PWIO stitt recognize and
remember the faces at the two men who earne trdin hehind and
eppraaehed him where une or the men was tdentiried as OKTZ while the
other man was the accused who had died.
[12] white OKTI was hotdtng the gun and painted it at PWIfl‘s chest,
there was a stmggte hetween them which resutted in OKTl «ring a shot
using the gun Hawever. it was a had break. The shot hit oK'tz's h and
caused injury.
[13] After the shot. PWIO managed to grah the gun from 0KT1‘s hands
and distanced himsetumin the aecused. OKY1 and another accused [who
had died) managed to escape in the Viva car where there was a driver
waiting tor them in the car PW1D identmed the man who was driving the
viva car during the tnutdenl as OKT3 Awarding to Pwtt), the identmcatiun
ot ot<T:s could be made because the mirrar er the viva car was atmoet
completely open during the incident and FW10 mutd see the fame atoms.
[14] OKT2 who surtered an inturytd his thigh as a iesutt of being shot by
QKT1 was unable to escape OKT2 did tried to escape (mm the Sfflfle by
jumping down to the ground floor at the panting euitdtng and hiding in the
area near the parking but ing btttPw10 managed ta find him.
[15] The investigation officer ('SP6") and his team arrived at the scene
at aaprdxtinatety 11.45 pm and wttedt the tottdwing items such as a pair in
samba htack/brown slippers size to, a blue I-shin with a mtmd wllar (size
sin ¥K5clhHPxhaU\uNUG./tM2w
'NnI2 s.ii.i ...n.i M“ be used M mm lite aiini.ii-y MIN; dun-vtnnt VII .ntiha WM!
XL) and diced swabbing taken irorn the (races at blood drdps round on me
well oi the corridor outside ihe parking iot ai the 2nd Hour‘ on the mi of
the sliver-colored Psmdua Kancil with regIstra|iorI rio: WHP 2986 which
parked at the side of the parking building and on the red sons iaceted near
me ience
[16] Aiter me investigation st the scene, SP5 and his team were
instrucied to oanlinuethe investigation and wanna room no. 207, 2nd iioor,
Sun Beans Hotsi (the haiei room) which is located at Jsian PJS 8/ti,
Deiai-an Meritari, Petaiing Jaye, seiangor (iocaisd appmxiniaieiy ma
mslals irdni the scene) Police investigation showed that me hotei mom
had been rented by the accused heiare the incident. SP6 and his iesni
arrived at the hinei mum at spproxirristeiy 12.40 am on 29 D9 2015. upon
investigation, SP6 and his team iound the ioiiawiiig Items‘
iii a ysllnw Izullel wntien s A E 9x1913 on the quihh mattress;
a brawn trousers oflhe brand "BcriItori“ size aim on a brawn
uarpet «our.
(Hi) s shon-sissvea ooiiared shirt with "Umvelsili Maiaya" written
on il s(iAd( an the handle of the cupboard 4001'.
(iv) 2 white digaieine minis an me brawn carpet iidei:
(V) 2 Izmwn cigarelle humus an the blown csrpei noon
(Vi) 3 hngerprints (F1 to F3) an a move Iransparenl piaslic home;
(W) t fingerpnnl impression (F4) on the green catered pissuc
wmtari "niemati" in the room
[17] Ali the items seized was sent in me chemist namely SP12 Based
sin VK5dlhHPzkaU\uNUG./lM2w
'NnI2 s.ii.i Illvihli wiii be HSQG M mm we niiniruiily MVM5 m.i.n VI] nFiuNG WM!
on me report MSP12, «here was a presence or me DNA MOKTZ and on:
which snow Ihai ham 0! them were in me iroiei room before me incident
Ingeiher with me deceased accused.
[rs] For me complete rams on me veslngaiion by the police, we
respectfully railed an me grounds at judgment by me learned High coun
Judge who had Dulhned the material (365 0! prosecution case.
Finding ov me Iourrrud trlnl Judgn at the clan of tho prosecution‘:
inai wage are best surnrried up as lollows:
Al the and of me pmseculicn case, the key findings or me iearned
(a) mu regard to OKTI, Ihe ieernea High caun Judge satisfied
manna prosecution had pmvsd aH me elemenis dune oflenca
which are as roiiow -
(ij OKT1 had discharged a iirearm,
(in OKT1 nad discharged a firearm ar me iirne oi his
eomrnming or allsmpllng in Dammit or abetting the
Gammissiun at a ecneduied mverrce, and
(iii) OKTI nad discharged a nreann with intent ID cause
deem or nun to any Person‘ shaii, rrmwnnsiandrng that
no run is caused.
in) The eiemenre were maven by an overwheiming evidence 01
PW“) and PWB (lnsp Nor Harman bin Ab Hamid). The
sin iKsn1hHi>xxauidNuG./iM2w
-we s.n.i In-nhnv win he used m mm a. niinirraiily MIN; dun-mm VII arium pm
learned Hwgh Coun Judge was of ms w (hat om has me
mlanflan co cause death at injury to PWIO based on the
inference N PW10 had not amperaled or resisted or relused
In hand over nzs bebngwngs lo om, ne woma have been
shot by om. om used me gun [PZIA] which ms ewdence
shuwed «no: it \s runcnener The shalwas fired oy cm and
caused wruury to OKT2.
(c) on me charge agamsl one and mm, me Ieerneo won
Court Judge held «nenne proeecuxion had sueeessmuy proved
(heir case m which 2111 me e\emen(s nl ma pwenoe were
sansaea The elements ere:
(1) a nreenn is dvscharged by any person at me |ime oi ms
oornrnimng or allemplmg lo cummxt or abemng me
oornnussion 0! a schsdmed cflencer
on a nreernn is discharged with mtem to causedeath or hurl
lo any person‘
(m) each of me eeemnpuoee Vn respsm at me owenue
presem at me spene or me nomrmssxon ur attempted
commission or abeimelll:
uy) eaon onne awornphpes may reasonably be presumed
to have known that such person was carrying 111 neo in
ms posssssxan or under his custody or wnlrol me
nreernn and
(y) unvess were is prove that me aeoemphoss had Iaken all
reasonable seeps |o prevent the discharge.
(4; Evraenee by Pww showed that an me accused were at the
srn vKsn1hH>>zuu\uNuG1xM2w
-one s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m yaw n. nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n wa .nuns wrm
scene and cam ' ed a gang-robbery an FW1D. PW1D also
confirmed that OKT2, OKT3 and Falsal une ueceesaa
accused] fallen lo lake all reasanable steps to preverll am
from firing ma gun.
The learned High Caurl Judge also made El flrldlngtha|PW1D
VS a credlble wimess and ms Iesllmnrly was aooepled by me
Hlgh Court afler a maximum asaassmenl at nls cred
lmscwonnlness. In lea, accomlng lo the learned High om
Judge, SF1D Is a vlchm 01 [N5 Incidem and has teamed
mneslly aboul what nappenea lo mm durlng me lnmlenl
[20] Therefore, me learned Hlgh Colm Judge louna a pnma lame case
had been established by the prosecullon agalnsl all the Appellants and
ordered me Appellants |o erller melr delenoe.
OKT1 gave nls evidence on oath. 0KT1's defence was as iul|oms'
OKT 1 ls/ah mans//ms parlggl/an Ielsforl daripada kawamlya
bememe Faisal (lammlm yang xelah me/llrlggal dlmla). Ba/lau
memlnle OKT1 dalang bequmparlya dl Iampsk lelak karate
Blok 5 an Msnlarv com Falsal (lsnuduh yang lelan menlnggal
durlla} llnggal dl‘ Mentan Court :1. Blok c.
Alas pelmfnlsan Felaal, OKT1 velan pergl ks rempal lelak
ksrsra Blok E tsrssbul den mellhal Felsel suden bevads :1! any
bersama OKT2 darl oK13. Falsal membsmbhu ada slam
am lK5nlhHPzh.:UluNUG1lM2w
‘Nah! s.n.l In-vlhnrwlll be used m mm ms nflnlrullly mm: dnunvlnnl wa .mm mm
| 3,665 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-22NCvC-28-08/2019 | PLAINTIF Binary Group Services Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN Karen Yap Chew Ling | " Application for an order for committal - Defendant failed to comply with order of Court for transfer of a Telegram Group to Plaintiff's assigned representative- there was an appeal and stay - Defendant admits that she has no rights or interest in the Telegram Group - attempts made to transfer but failed due to technical reasons - transfer finally made after Defendant's appeal to Court of Appeal dismissed - whether Defendant was in contempt of Court order - Held: the Defendant was not legally in contempt since the transfer was finally carried out - this was a case of delayed compliance and not non-compliance - warning given with punitive costs". | 04/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
02/02/2024 15:19:13
MA-22NCvC-28-08/2019 Kand. 309
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m\—22ucvc—2a—os/2019 Kand. 309
azmz/2224 ]E'lB']3
CIVIL A-2 - 2019
(NRIC : 31011544-6338) DEFENDANT
[1] This a de<:IsIan on an appncaumn In enclosure 132 by me PIaInIIfi
rm an order of oammmal agamst me Davendanx Tms apphcalvon
l$ premised on me Delendanfs YaIIuIa In amde by me Judgment
av «ms Cour! dated 17 3 2021 I‘JuagememI
[2] me Judgement was passed at the and M a mal by Judu:Ia\
Comrmssmner Marameu mmr Mahummed when she sex as me
presiding Judge arms Cam In cwll sml number MA-ZZNCVCVZSV
[J] Tne Fkamllff msmuted an acuon against me Devenaern who was
menrampleyae at me material Urns The Plamufra cause ovacnon
was premrsed on a «on at aeoen. breach o1 confidence,
uonversmn ol eonfldermal mformalmn and Dreanh at naucuary
Gums Al the and cf me Inal‘ me Juurcm comrnmuuner lolmd m
lavar 0! me Plamuw and made cenem orders mchxiung an order
under paragrapn AA farlhe Defsndamm \mp\ement all proper and
necessary slaps and precesyal to transfer uwnerxrup or me
Tewegram Gwup Ia me PI-rnws nominated represennemes
wnhm 7 days fmm me date oflhe Judgrnern The iull Judgment
can be «mm In Binary Gnu» swim Sun. and. v. Klnn Vlp
cmw Ling [2021] 1 LNS 153,- [2021] ML!!! :3:
r~ vanxnoLx3Eua5am5«z7PrA
mm. smm mnmrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
degrecs av blamowerlmness as aesonbea In How/in Trnnsporl
udsmor v. Trnruporrnnd Gomralwnrkurunlon Nlflonnl
Industrial Rolnrlons com [1373] 1 CR 1 revened In in IJM
corpnrarion Bhd. v. Ham Kumpunn Sdn. and. (pan 1)
(xupva) must be considered -
“Whenlhem Ii fallurem compvy mm : oaun amen Ihs Courts are
cagmsanl M the «nu ma: [here are various degvees ml nan-
mmpflanse Ln Howltl Transport Ltd 5 Arm v Transport and
General Won<srs'Umon Nanona/ Induamal Relalrans Courf [1973]
1 CR 1‘ su John Donnldscn explamed ma vlrlaua dagreo: of
aaciance ur mnwmullame av : caun older
“Noncamp/Vince mm a court may can have a wvds range al
quannas (1 may 5! the top and or me aca/a, con:/5! 0/ a Na!
delmrvce ol ma noun‘: aulhnnty Gomg, down we scale, :1 may not
amount to net defiance, but name! to a pasame gnanng of me
comrs order Gomg down the scale sn//luflher‘ n may amount m
a nalr-named or, perhaps, aulourabra anamp: m comply wan ma
court‘: may And. at ma nonam end aims sea/a, mam may have
been a ganmne, wnolawaanaa use ul me out endeavours Io
41.! M nunharwmlxeuledmvanyInear1g\nnHIyM1MI m.m.v...naNa W
comply mm the onisr, wmcn nevertheless has been
unsuccessful In each case mere :s a breach afms courrs order
In each case 10 use me Ischmcalmes of me law there rs a
‘camempl o/ noun‘ But mo qua/try olme non-compflancs vanes
ovsran enormous range The pena/Has which wlllbe wposed by
(ms court Ior contempt wm equally vary over an enormous range
and mu mflscf the ouamy olme non-comphsnca They wr/L m fan!‘
nllscl fanhfillly me courrs view ollhe ssmzusmzss olrhe conduct
olme person lo whom ms order was addressed"
[15] Thu: was exemplified m L-kshmlmnyanan V4 Muimumu
(won; and 2-lnuddln pm Munnmmnd v. Atscn Lu: A Anor
(mm). In Lakshimanan, Kc Vohrah J (as His Lordship men
was) owned mat smoe me conlemncr had oalwereo the Keys to
me nremweaas and pavd me fine, amen Lana, lherewzs no cause lav
an ordar fov communal to be maue Imce (here was no «oval
dwsubemence In Iainuddin bin Muhnmm-Id (supva), the coun
of Appeal held that a wammg was suifimem smce me oeaenaarvt
had aumphad mm the order of the own on the delivery 0! ha or
the assets despne m bemg 40 days me: KC Vomah JCA
m vanxnoulsuasaausnwun
mu. sow nmhnrwm .. u... m may he mom-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
expressed the view that the defendant was not ‘an obdurals
oomemnol who continued ta daiy the order to drsc/use ms
"As my Named brolher has observed the essence was whether
ma sppallanl mu m Incl drsdoaa all ms assets. Ha an, although
he was late m nnng them It »s net as :1 he was an obdurate
cnnfemnor who aorllmued to defy the ardeno amass ms assets.
In regard to sentences for contempt Lard Durvahison MR
ohsslvsdm ugmvaor v ugmreor mag) v FLR 414 5!pp416-417
mar mere am My drllemnt calsgonss avsenzences.
Sentences for conlempt real/y ran /nlo two anrsmnr caleqonu
There is me purely pumllva senlenee wnsm ma camemnor /s
bemg pumshsd Ior meacn A common example, uf course, is s
mmnolssranun we: wnm the respondent does molest me
petmons/andlhak rs an olleneo folwmch nu has re benumshsd
/n fixing me sentence there can well be an element oi astsnsnce
m dale! mm /mm doing :1 zgam and (0 dam other: lrnm dmng it
my rs one calsgory
m vamnauisuasaaysmvnn
mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
There /s a second category wmch /mrgllt descrvbe as - coercrvs
smencs. when! Ms conlsmnar has been omsnaa to do
samammg and :5 refusmg to do :1 orzome, a sanlsncs m mar
use alsu has a pumllvs e/smsnl smcs my has to be pumshsd Ia!
namng /am: lo du so up to the mamanl aims court hearmg mu,
nevertheless, rt also has a coerm/e element "
[15] Guided by both daemons «ms Court womd we we aim: view‘ n
ma disobedience Is not Iclal and compnanee was finally
pennmea, alben site! some de\ay, than me. Cmmwould havelhe
uusaenon In nm Islua : warrant cl oommmal In Ampnson me
cancemnorana wnslead imposes fine anus! wssue a stem wammg
In any case. as also expressed by KC Vnhvah JCA m lnirmddln
am Muhlmmld (supra). m cansmenng what pumshmanl In
Impose‘ the noun has to take me awuum an rewevam
cucummnoes, mcmamg mo nature 0! (ha eonlernpl and
mmganng cvcumslanoes
[17] Comm back to me iacts cl «ms case, :1 us mi: ccurrs mew mac
smoe m Is not mspmed mat the Defendant had no proprmary
mterasl m the Te\egram Group and mus ws evinced by her euons
41.! M nmhnrwmlxeuledmvaflyInenr1g\nnHIyM1MI m.m.v...n_.m W
to enact trarrster ta the Ptarntrrv pnor |a and even aflrer the
Judgement tsee the Detendanta Affidawl rn Repty WI enclosure
191)‘ there was no reason tor her to suspend that etten and seek
repneve under the stay of execulwn orders issued by We Court
and then later by the court o1AppeiI The Detendant could have
omtlted paragraph 4A oflhe Judgement under both apghultans
tor stay at canttnued lo enact the transter desptle the stay, but
that ms not cane
[151 Be that as rt may‘ thrs court cannal taunt the Defendant tor aetrng
wflhm her Iegll nghls In file the appeal egamst the Judgement,
the appttcalmn tor stay and deteroarnptranue wrtn the Judgement,
In pamomar paragraph AA mm the stay anphcatton rs heard and
the substirmve appear tirrauy heard ll ts not hr the Calm In
question the rnent at the stay orders and whether the urrdtsputed
obltgalron under paragraph AA 01 the Judgment could have been
dean dmerencty by the courts when the slay applocanons were
heard Once granted, the Detendant had the ngm ta aruay the
term oi the stay ardent urrnt the euesuntwe -ppm was nnauy
heard and dtsposed
$1..,.u...amy....nhmnysnn.ut..r.r.w..rt.ue W
[19] For ihal reason Anus court cannvl therefore scam «nan me
Defandlnt was, \n the wards ov KC vanmh ac»: m lllnudcfin bin
Iluhlmmndtsupfa), an obduute oumemnor on an aqual hams.
lms cmm c-nnm nnu me Deaenuant la have the highest degme
M Nlmewurlmness as descnbed m Hawin Transport Lld G
[20] on lhalscnrs‘ «ms Coun cannocagree mm munsellorlhe Pnammv
that uunng mane poems ov me belwaen me date or Judgement
unm me mcenm slay‘ then me period me stay at appncauon was
mea at me com afAppea| and men grinled and finaHy between
the date when one Deiendanfs subsxannve appea\ was msnussed
and me (under urvemea, me Delendlnl was In a sure 01
purposetm defiance towards me Judgement Agreeably‘
technically‘ me Defendant was still bound to comply wan me
Judgement within any ol muse nmes‘ and technically mere was
nonwmpnance, but the Defiendantwas emu acnvely pursumg her
inns! and Ihlrafora ha! pnsweness In anlmpanan of In
outcome that may be m nev lavnut Is not unreasonable
m vanxnomsuasaavsmfiun
mm. s.n.\ .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII munc Wm!
[zl] ma facts III the pmsenl must lhevalure pa dlstlnwulshad wan
lnpse In Golden suruupral where me cpnlelnrlor cpnllnueu lo
defy cprnpllanpe at me order even allerexhausnrlp all appeals up
la the Federal spun and sought to Cuflllrlue lllloallng me dlspflle
by filing appllcalluns lo mvlew the Fzderal Coull declsben ln
opnlrasl, whal we nave here nw ls lnalaller Iuslng me appeal at
the calm of Appeal‘ lhe Delermanl prueeeded lo comply wnn
paragraph 4A desplle lna an-qolrlg appeal lo me Faderal Court
on olner aspeas ol lne Judgmerll ll means mal me Delenoanl
had abandoned any appeal igalnsl paragraph 4A and ngmly sal
proceeded to allecnne lranller olma Telegraph Gmup Annlhlr
dlsllrlgulshlng faam IS lnal In Golden star laupra) me oommlllal
appllcamn was llla-1 afler me Federal courl nad dismissed me
defendarl(s':ub1lalVnve appeal and nol Iflerthe appeal wn med
al the Hlgh com
[22] ms cpurl also Igrees mm me Delarldanl lnal ma lacla In polh
IJM corpor-mm (supray and Turn Sri Dnluk Nndnjn Rnmlnl
(aupval are ulsu dlslrngmsnapla In znal In elch o1 lnpsa ems
(here was a dellberlle and acllve preach pl a calm Inyunchon Ina:
barred the respondents lrom commmlng uenaln aaa, namely
rn varlxnoLxIEua5aEv54a7PlA
ma Snrlnl In-vlhnrwlll a. o... w may he pflnlnallly Mlhln dun-mm VII nFluNG pm
oonunuea wssuance at lellers and pubhcalvon av amcles WM:
adrrmedly m not» cues and In Ihe presant use me oommmal
apphcalvans am premised on n nun-compliance of u mun amen
me he! ma: me can befovelms coun Involves a passwe rmn—
compliance pemng an appeal mus! be gwan mwerem
[23] wmlsnne Defendant may have (akan Idvanlaga of me prams
ov Vaw auananle In any vmgam memonous or Mnerwlse‘ this coun
does nm vwew me Defendanfs amen In filing me appea\ and me
slay apphcauon as an attempt to circumvent the Juagemem unhke
m the case at Mllilm luck: 1- co. (M) Sdn. arm. v. Chamqulp
(M) sun. Shd. &Anor[1994)3 ELJ 125; [1994] 3 MLJ 40. where
me defemanls redirected the supply 0! products via 3 «mm parly
so as to cncumvem me vruuncnan mdor or as an abuse of the
prom; nl court as what happsned m Golden sm (supra)
Thevelare, the Detendanrs conduct uannm be descnbed as one
that Is recmcmam deliberately and acuvely camempxuous
lowams me Judgement ummanely, me Teregmm Group was
uansievreu do me Plamm
$1.. s.n.‘,.u....umy....WWmw.m.u.m..nuua W
[241 Nolwllhstandlng all ma above, It as lnn Court‘: duly Io vemlnd ma
Defendant than any cowl aide! must be respected as a
requlremen| al law and any dellherale vebufl or non-wmpllarlue
of such an order will amnunt to B contemptuous 31:1 mil rs
pumshabie wllh lmpvlsonmenl at worst and W101‘! a stem walrllllg
at the very laasl ll not lar the final compliance mm lneluaglnem
fnllwvlng me daclslon of me CDUI1 al Appeal, lnls Calm would
new: no hasllanoa lo lmpoae a slrlcl punlshmem
[25] Whllsl nar conduct was nol legally aamarnpluous, ll-ls calm wlll
say lnal gwen ma Delerldanfs aflmlsslnn lo we Plarnlnrs
Llndlspuled nglus and inleresls In me Telegram Group‘ har
conduct ln suspundlng her allons lo allacl the lrunalar lull
because 0! the slay orders Ind pending appeal was
plolesslonally dlshonorable ‘male was rrpllllng to slap hev lrum
Curlllnulng her ellorls la llinsfer me Telegram Gmup and
engiglng war. the Plalnllll ln lnnl process wrmouz plelualce la her
sulaslanuva appeal, pm lllal was not done That acllon or rnamlon
had pveludioed me Plalnmrs buslness lmsveils ln the Telegram
Group lor mom man a year and waslad nol only mall llme and
seals bul also thls courrs
$1.! a.r.l...n.rnl.,.l.....aml, an
[26] Mamlng the game approlch xaken by the Com oi Appeal In
Zlinudddln bin Mulummld (supvlj, mus Applucauan 1| Khetedmu
dwanussed wnm punmve order to: com on RM2D,00D to be pam In
In: Plalnlwfl and wm. a stem wamlng to ma Defendant
Dated W5 3'“ January 2024
For mg F nmv
Cwk Elaine Yap
Yemxn Elavne Yap Law Omoe
Peguambera dan Paguamcala
C-S»2. 11 Man! NW8
3 Jalan Km I. Mont Klara
50460 Kuala Lumpur
Fgr mg Resgondenc
Enclk Jae! Llm (cm Chew Pen Vmg)
mun Joel 3. Mai
Peguamcara s. Peguamhela
A—27—15. Manara um Bangsar
No 5. Jalan Bangsar mama!
sauna Kuala Lumpuv
m van.m.m.saa.wm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[41 It Is not dnsputed mat ~
(a) me Defendant filed an appeax agamsl me Judgment on
24 3 2021‘
(by me Dafendanl man filed an -ppucamon (or 2 stay nu! ma
Judgement on 25 3 2021 vauowmg man an mlanm say
was granlad pendmg an apphcahon to be med at the Coun
(c) the appncaunn for stay -x the court of Appux wu med on
a 7 2021 and vauowmg that no Caun a1Appea\ grxnlod me
slay av execuuon of me Judgement an 3 3.2021,
(:1) me Dsvanannrs subsxamwe IPDMI was msmmed by me
cum av Apnea! on M 52022 and s mnmon was Ned lar
leave to appeal In me Federal court,
$1.. s.n.‘,.u.....nM,....mmmw.m.u.m..n_.m W
(eh there Is nu stay of are High Cuurl Juegemem since we
dismissal M me substanlrve eppeew,
to me Devendent men finally aflecied transfer nnhe Tebgram
Gmup on 2 7.2022, some 1 year and 4 months afler me
dale at the Judgment and some 2 months afler me
msmrssal elme appeal by me Cwrl ouppeel, and
(up Ihere rs nu ma! Ianure by me Defendant to ocmp4y wrm the
Court‘: Juugemem but e laflure Io compw mm the
Judgment wnhm me me preseneea
For me Plernrrfi
[5] Caunszl «or me Plavrmfl slated mat a Telegram Graup was sex up
by me Devendanz at the request of me Plavmfl arm served as me
Fkamhffs messaqmg plallorm for rt; busmess members The deer
lhanhe Plamllfl has pmpnerery rights In me Teiegrem Group wee
not arspmea by me Defendant In me sure In fact me De4endant
eemmee m endosuves I55 and tea mer me Telegram Group wee
m vanxnoLxIEue5aav5a7PrA
we Snr1n\nnnhnrwH\I>e med m my r... “mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG v-mm
59.4 up on the In3m.IL1IonS Mme CED M the Plalnllfl and that the
Telegram Group was created [or work purposes The Apphcallon
was filed after the Defendant had failed (0 mac! the lllnllel of
the Telegram Gvoup ID the Plamtllfs nammaled representatwe
aner me and al 7 days Item me dale onne Judgement
[6] II was conlended rarme Plamufl, Inter-aha‘ that -
(a) mere was no bona fide ewon by the nmendann to affect me
xrensher onne Tmegram Group pnor to me Judgement,
(b) mere was nu hona (me even to comp\y wvlh me Juagemem
dated 173 2021‘
(ch mere has been no apmagy irom me Delemianno mus Court
(at me Devendenx had not shown any remorse over hev nnn—
cumpllanee and demcnslraled a recalcnrant altitude‘ and
(e) wmlst me P\amhf1Is nm seem; a cus|advI¥ order, this com
must order me Delendanl to pay a «me w-nmeneurace wnn
ner conduct
m van.m.:su.see.wnA
‘Nair s.n.\ .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-nnnl VII mum pm.‘
[7] In support ar narargumems, Caunsel lnrthe Hammvravanau to
ma daemons m Goldtn sm 5 On v. ung Pour mu 5 on
[2011] J cuua/(202112 Mu 259,- Im Corporation and. v.
Hana Kumpulan Sdn. amt. (Pam) mac) 3 Cu 301 Tan sn
Damk Nadni v. Munli subramanlam [2017] 1 LNS 225.1 and
Arab Malaysian Pmna Rully Sdn. Bhd. v. Sn‘ KIllngkah-
Rnkln onglnunng JV sdn. Ehd. 3. Or: [2000] 2 cu 532
[51 Counsel forms naianazm argued max nwas not dlsputzd that me
oavenaann does not have any pmpneury ngms or Interests vn me
Telegram Group and manna Dacanuanz had acted aocmmngly
when sne complied wma the Judgemem arm affected me lrarvsler
an 2 1 2022 Ha Inablhly |a edlscl transfer ov lh: Telegram Gvoup
due |o |echn\czl reasons was sumuenlly exmamed and brougm
to ma anennon of xna Plamnn and/ov their schalars, and an that
reason sna cannot be huked lav any dehys Tnoaa dellys cannax
be regarded 35 cunuarnpmaus uawams ma Judgmem
[9] \n summary II was lunher argued, mteraha, mat.»
(a) mere was no wmfux dwaregard m comnlylng wnn me
Judgment smee me Defendam mo decided In appeax
against me Juagamem and Vollowmg mm mm: Nance av
Appew an apphcauon Is: stay was med‘
(42) both me appea\ and apphcanon for stay was meu
(e) the Defendant‘: amen m not pemrmmq me lranslaroflhe
Telegmm Group pendmg me appeal and my was
(0 me Defendant complied mm me Judgement when she lost
me substanlwe appeal at me Cour! v1Appeal:
(g) this Is not a case where mere has been a mu nan»
cnmpluance but of a late comphance, and
m vanxnouisuasaavsnmn
we smm .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
(h) xakmg mm consldelamn ma sxeps taken by me Devmaant
m the appeal process and that there has been a
mmpluance alberl late. the degree of bbmewortmness Is
rm mgr:
[10] Remence was made In Me decwslonl WI T!!! Sri DIM’ (Dr)
Ronlilsmnll a Or: v. Llm Pang Cnuang @ Semgu um I on
(201213 MLJ 455 /12012} 2 cu m; Medi.lCoIp News PR: Ln
5 Or: v. uearaaanc (Jonor aanm; Sdn and .: 0:: 12-7101 5
ML! 552 / [2010] 4 Am 70,- Lnkthminanylmn y. Marimulha
[199]] 1 MLJ 277 and Inlnuddin bln Huhummud V. Auto Ltd
3: Anor[2M2]1ML./ 1/[2001] 2 AM}? ll
[11] Tu begun wnm. K 1: quite clear to mus cmm mat the nevanaarut
makes no clavm at ownersrup on the Texegrarn Group The
Telegram Gvoup was a commumcallons pl-mmn sarvmg ma
Plammrs uusmess comm-may and n (herelave bewarugeu lo me
Hamufl That being me case, me oevenuam had me duly |o
uamler Ihal mallovm In ms Framnfl a\ (he end of her tenure as an
emptoyee at me Plainmt In true Conn‘: mind. srnoetne Telegram
Group was sat up by me Detenrtam as part at her dnlIes,ll1entlIe
ohtrgatrnn to trarrster the Telegram Group to the Ptarmrtrs
asergrred repreaerrtatrve should be pertunrren trmety‘ wrretrrar or
not a demand rs tormauy rnaoe tn enclnsura197 me Delendant
adrrrnted that srre had enueavarea ta ewect transfer at the
Telegram Group prior ta and rrrrnreeratety atter the Judgment but
tartan due to tecnnrcar reasons
[12] In determining the martts oMh\sApplIcaItorL tnrr. coun sneuut um
concern rrsettwrtrr how the Detendanr conducted hersett wnrr tne
Ptarntm pm! to the Judgment dated 17 3 2021 ‘mat nratter tras
been etean wrtn by mat Judgment wnat rt rs cmoemed with new
re the Defendant's canducl pest ruagerrrant The Ptarntm argues
mat narwrrrrrrtanerng the aarrrptrance wnh paragraph 4A Ind tne
lranslev betng finally pertenrrea on 2 72022‘ for those penods
between the date at Judgement unltl the tnbenm slay, then
between trre penod the stay at appltcallon was men at the cam
of Aapaat and men gvinlad and trnawy eetween |he eater when
the Detena-nu appeal wls dismissed and ttre transfev was
m vanxnotnsuasaavsavfirn
war. smut ...n.rwrrr .. u... m mm .. nnmruuly mm: dnuumrrt VII murtc v-mat
anuauy aomeved, me Devendam was m contempt DI the
Judgemenl and that contempt cannot go unpumshed
II ws me law as deeded m Eric Lnu um Hing v. Emnun ./ny:
Sdn.EIId 5 Or: [2007] 2 Mu 511,- won cnao Kenny v MEI
Holdings and. A Anna» and anomer appeal (199112 MLJ
211; [1993] 3 CL! 210,- and PCP Consvucllan Sdn. and. v.
Lelp Modulation Sdn. BIIL1. (Asian Inlomlliunnl Arblnrllion
cenm, Inmvenor) [21119] 4 MLJ 7&7; [2019] 5 cu 1, that
respect lor and mmpnamze wnh a noun order as expeued of any
party as pan of me requuemems oflhe aammnsxrauon of Vaw and
msnce and thal a oelmeraxe o-sooeamnce olanyavusrwlfl amount
In a eaneampmous act
Nonethekess «ms Cnurl agmea wnn Connie! Var mo Devenaanc
Ihal |hIs casa mus! be evalualed msuna «om those cases where
me ocmemp1wasM\ suomhalthe order Mcourl was wmmuy and
bolally vgnared‘ reducing the orders to no more vmpaflant than me
paper may were nrmled on Tm where me case mvoma lane
oompnanca as apposed to local nan-complmnoe‘ me vanous
| 2,646 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-83-7823-11/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH NOR AINI BINTI ALI | Seksyen 420-penipuan-pembelian bitcoin yang tidak wujud-pemikiran terkemudian(afterthought)-pembelian bertukar kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat- penerimaan keterangan Whatsapp tanpa sijil 90A | 04/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-7823-11/2021)
[1] Pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh (OKT) adalah seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu, Nor Aini Binti Ali (No KP: 670311-05-5096) di antara 11/01/2018
sehingga 12/01/2018 di Jalan Bangsar, dalam Daerah Brickfields, Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur telah menipu Trisno Asyraf bin Zainol Abidin (No.
KP:721108-02-5323) dengan memperdayakannya untuk mempercayai
bahawa kamu akan membelikan dan menyerahkan Bitcoin kepadanya
sebanyak 1 unit dan dengan itu kamu secara curangnya mendorong beliau
untuk menyerahkan RM54,365.00 sebagai bayaran untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin
tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang
boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan kerana telah
melakukan penipuan.
[2] OKT tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon perbicaraan.
Seramai 7 orang saksi telah dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan di peringkat
04/01/2024 16:19:54
WA-83-7823-11/2021 Kand. 58
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[3] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie, maka OKT diminta untuk membela diri.
Setelah OKT memberikan keterangan bersumpah, Mahkamah mendapati
bahawa OKT gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas pertuduhan. Oleh
yang demikian, Mahkamah telah mendapati OKT bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas
kesalahan. Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah
telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan ke atas OKT dengan
kos pendakwaan RM1500.
[4] Pengadu (SP1) telah berkenalan dengan OKT dan telah melabur dengan OKT.
Kemudian, SP1 telah bersetuju membeli 1 unit Bitcoin dengan harga RM54,365.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran melalui pindahan wang sebanyak dua kali pada
11/1/2018 dan 12/1/2018. Adalah dipersetujui bahawa SP1 akan menerima 1 unit
Bitcoin selepas 7 sehingga 14 hari setelah pembayaran dibuat.
[5] SP1 telah menuntut pembelian Bitcoin tersebut daripada OKT namun OKT
menyatakan bahawa Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan. Akhirnya, SP1 telah
membuat laporan polis pada 2/12/2028 kerana SP1 berasa telah ditipu oleh OKT
dan OKT gagal menunjukkan bukti bahawa OKT telah membeli Bitcoin melalui
[6] Menurut seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, pihak pendakwaan perlu
membuktikan satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan. Begitu juga di dalam
seksyen 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Peruntukan tersebut menyatakan
bahawa apabila kes pendakwaan berakhir, mahkamah akan menimbangkan
sama ada pendakwaan telah membuat suatu prima facie kes terhadap tertuduh.
[7] Pengujian kes secara prima facie telah diputuskan di dalam kes yang diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Balachandran v PP [2005] 2 MLJ 302 di mana
mahkamah memutuskan bahawa:
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“The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be:
Is the evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain
silent? If the answer is in the affirmative then a prima facie case has
been made out. This must, as of necessity, require a consideration of
the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution. If
there is any such doubt there can be no prima facie. As the accused can
be convicted on the prima facie evidence it must have reached a
standard which is capable of supporting a conviction beyond reasonable
“A litigating party is said to have a prima facie case when the evidence
in his favour is sufficiently strong for his opponent to be called on to
answer it. A prima facie case, then, is one which is established by
sufficient evidence, and can be overthrown only by rebutting evidence
adduced by the otherside. The result is that the force of the evidence
adduced must be such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the
court to believe in the existence of the facts stated in the charge or to
consider its existence so probable that a prudent man ought to act upon
the supposition that those facts exist or did happen. On the other hand
if a prima facie case has not been made out it means that there is no
material evidence which can be believed in the sense as described
earlier. In order to make a finding either way the court must, at the close
of the case for the prosecution, undertake a positive evaluation of the
credibility and reliability of all the evidence adduced so as to determine
whether the elements of the offence have been established. As the trial
is without a jury it is only with such a positive evaluation can the court
make a determination for the purpose of s. 180(2) and (3)...”
[8] Begitu juga di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v PP (2003) 1 CLJ 734
dinyatakan sebagai;
“A jugde sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to the
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question “ if I decide to call
upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am
S/N Lx/VeVypbEi7GoTwSCqvkA
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I prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contain in the
prosecution case?”If the answer was in the negative, then no prima facie
case had been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
[9] Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan:
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
“Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the person deceived,
whether or not the deception practised was the sole or main inducement, to
deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter, or destroy the whole or
any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or sealed, and which
is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year and not more
than ten years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to fine.”
[10] Elemen pertuduhan seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah:
i. OKT telah menipu.
ii. OKT telah mendorong:
a) yang mana harta itu tidak dimiliki oleh tertuduh; atau
b) membuat, mengubah atau memusnahkan keseluruhan atau mana-
mana bahagian suatu sekuriti yang berharga; atau
c) apa-apa yang ditandatangani atau dimeterai dan boleh diubah menjadi
suatu sekuriti yang berharga.
iii. dia melakukannya dengan tidak jujur.
[11] Seksyen 415 Kanun Keseksaan mendefinsikan penipuan seperti berikut:
415. Whoever by deceiving any person, whether or not such deception was the
sole or main inducement,-
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(a) fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person so deceived to deliver
any property to any person, or to consent that any person shall retain
any property; or
(b) intentionally induces the person so deceived to do or omit to do
anything which he would not do or omit to do if he were not so deceived
and which act or omission causes or is likely to cause damage or harm
to any person in body, mind, reputation, or property,
is said to “cheat”.
[12] Defini tidak jujur juga dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 24 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu
sesiapa yang membuat apa-apa dengan tujuan menyebabkan keuntungan salah
kepada seseorang atau kehilangan salah kepada seseorang lain tidak kira sama
ada perbuatan itu menyebabkan kehilangan salah atau keuntungan salah
Elemen pertama: terdapat penipuan
[13] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa elemen pertama dibuktikan melalui
keterangan SP1. SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT bagi urusan pembelian
Bitcoin. Menurut keterangan SP1, SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT melalui
Wan Norain dan OKT yang telah menghubungi SP1 melalui WhatsApp pada
7/11/2017. Ketika itu, SP1 berminat dengan perdagangan mata wang kripto dan
OKT melakukan personal ‘trading’ dalam ‘cyptocurrency’. SP1 telah berjumpa
dengan OKT pada 23/12/2017 di Starbucks berkenaan dengan pembelian Bitcoin.
SP1 pernah berurusan dengan OKT sebelum ini di mana OKT telah menawarkan
perkhidmatan ‘trading’ dan SP1 telah melabur sebanyak RM30,000 dengan OKT.
[14] SP1 telah membuat keputusan untuk membelian satu unit Bitcoin dengan OKT.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran seperti yang diminta oleh OKT. SP1 dimaklumkan
oleh OKT bahawa SP1 akan menerima Bitcoin dalam masa 7 sehingga 14 hari
namun OKT telah memberikan alasan bahawa akaun platform Kraken milik OKT
ada masalah menyebabkan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin kepada SP1.
S/N Lx/VeVypbEi7GoTwSCqvkA
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[15] Keterangan SP1 adalah disokong oleh ekhibit P4 yang merupakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan OKT. Perbualan tersebut
menunjukkan terdapat persetujuan harga bagi pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Sekian
lama, SP1 tidak mendapat Bitcoin, SP1 telah berhubung dengan khidmat
pelanggan Kraken untuk bertanyakan situasi Bitcoin yang tidak dapat
dipindahkan. Setelah mendapat jawapan daripada pihak Kraken, SP1 mendapati
bahawa asalan diberikan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak
bermungkinan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin dalam tempoh masa yang
panjang. SP1 berasa OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah
membeli Bitcoin dan Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan kerana akaun OKT ada
masalah. Pihak khidmat pelanggan kraken menyatakan bahawa tidak
bermunasabah bahawa akaun kraken tergantung begitu lama sehingga tidak
membolehkan pemindahan Bitcoin.
[16] Oleh itu, OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan Bitcoin telah dibeli dan tidak
dapat dipindahkan.
Elemen kedua: Mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang berjumlah RM54365
[17] Melalui slip transaksi (ekshibit P3A-B) dan juga penyata bank milik OKT (ekshibit
D13 dan P29), terdapat kemasukkan wang berjumlah RM54,365 ke dalam akaun
milik OKT.
[18] OKT telah mendorong SP1 untuk menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi
pembelian Bitcoin. OKT telah menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah daripada
harga pasaran dan menyatakan Bitcoin akan diperolehi dalam masa 7-14 hari
telah mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365.
Elemen ketiga: Tertuduh melakukannya dengan tidak jujur
[19] Pembayaran telah dibuat kepada akaun milik OKT dan OKT telah menerima wang
tersebut namun wang tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
S/N Lx/VeVypbEi7GoTwSCqvkA
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[20] SP1 tidak menerima 1unit Bitcoin dan wang yang dibayar kepada OKT tidak
dikembalikan oleh OKT. OKT telah menyebabkan SP1 kehilangan wang tersebut
dan sehingga kini masih tidak dipulangkan kepada SP1. OKT telah mendapat
keuntungan salah di mana duit tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
[21] SP1 tidak akan menyerahkan RM54,365 kepada OKT sekiranya OKT tidak
menjanjikan untuk membelikan satu unit Bitcoin untuk SP1. Kesimpulannya,
kesemua elemen pertuduhan berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
[22] Pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan pelbagai isu dan menyatakan pihak
pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen pertuduhan kerana pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel di mana OKT telah
menyatakan telah membeli Bitcoin.
[23] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kredibiliti keterangan SP1 adalah boleh
dipercayai di mana keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan disokong.
[24] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 telah bertukar fikiran dan
telah menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin selepas perjumpaan SP1 dengan OKT di
Hotel Royal Chulan. Adalah versi pembelaan bahawa SP1 telah mencadangkan
agar RM54,365 digunakan sebagai pinjaman modal bersyarat untuk
mengembangkan perniagaan syarikat OKT atas tiga syarat dikenakan oleh SP1.
Tiga syarat tersebut adalah abang SP1 dilantik sebagai CEO syarikat, keahlian
SP1 sebagai 001 dan SP1 sebagai penasihat peribadi OKT.
[25] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa SP1 telah memberikan keterangan bahawa
OKT membuat semua keputusannya dengan sendiri kerana OKT yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap syarikatnya. SP1 juga telah menjelaskan bahawa
SP1 tidak memberitahu SP2 adalah abangnya kerana SP1 tidak ingin OKT untuk
bertindak berat sebelah dan ingin OKT untuk bersikap objektif dalam pelantikan
CEO memandangkan SP1 dan OKT adalah kawan ketika itu. SP1 juga telah
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menjelaskan fakta bahawa SP1 dan SP2 adalah adik beradik sudah pastinya
akan diketahui oleh OKT.
[26] SP2 memberikan keterangan bahawa SP2 tidak tahu menahu berkenaan dengan
apa-apa syarat yang diletakkan berkenaan dengan lantikan beliau. SP2 telah
menjelaskan lantikannya atas berdasarkan temu duga yang telah diadakan dan
[27] Berkenaan dengan syarat keahlian 001, SP1 telah menjelaskan bahawa keahlian
sebagai 001 telah diberikan oleh OKT sendiri. SP1 telah melabur sebanyak
RM18600 sebagai ahli dan mempunyai 31 akaun di mana setiap akaun adalah
bernilai RM600. SP1 juga telah memberikan keterangan bahawa tiada sebarang
lantikan rasmi bagi keahlian 001.
[28] Pihak pembelaan juga menimbulkan isu bahawa dokumen telah diserahkan
selepas perbicaraan bermula. Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa pihak
pembelaan telah diberikan masa yang mencukupi untuk meneliti dokumen-
dokumen tersebut kerana telah diberikan penangguhan yang sewajarnya untuk
meneliti dokumen-dokumen tersebut dan ini sama sekali tidak memprejudiskan
[29] Pihak pembelaan telah menyatakan tindakan SP1 untuk menghantar “bill
collector” adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Namun pihak pendakwaan
bergantung keterangan SP3, yang dikatakan pengutip hutang telah menafikan
dakwaan bahawa dia telah dilantik oleh SP1 dan SP3 telah menyatakan beliau
menolong untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan OKT.
[30] Pihak pembelaan turut mempersoalkan penerimaan bukti tangkapan skrin
Whatsapp ekhibit P4 sebagai bukti tanpa diperiksa oleh pihak forensik.
Mahkamah telah menolak bantahan peguam dan menerima bukti tangkapan skrin
di mana perbualan asal dalam telefon bimbit telah dikemukakan.
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[31] Adalah tidak dinafikan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah menerima wang berjumlah
RM54,365 yang dipindahkan oleh SP1. OKT juga mengesahkan perbualan
awalan mengenai pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Namun OKT telah menyatakan tujuan
asal pembelian Bitcoin tersebut telah berubah kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[32] Rumusan pembelaan daripada keterangan OKT adalah OKT telah diberikan
kebenaran untuk menggunakan wang tersebut selepas OKT bersetuju tiga syarat
yang diberikan oleh SP1. Tiga syarat yang dikenakan adalah bahawa SP2 dilantik
sebagai CEO, SP1 sebagai ahli 001 dan penasihat peribadi OKT.
[33] OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT telah mematuhi syarat dengan melantik SP2
sebagai CEO. OKT bertindak memperhentikan SP2 atas alasan bahawa SP2
telah bertindak bertentangan dengan hala tuju syarikat.
[34] OKT juga menyatakan bahawa SP1 sering memberikan pendapatan dan nasihat
serta membantu dalam penyediaan misi dan visi untuk Midas Touch. OKT
menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menjadi ahli 001 dan boleh dilihat melalui laman
[35] OKT telah mengemukakan bukti-bukti seperti penyata kiraan dan penyata bank
bagi menyokong perbelanjaan syarikat yang menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
pembayaran gaji, kos kepada ‘web developer’, bil dan sebagainya.
[36] Pembelaan OKT adalah bahawa OKT tidak menipu SP1 kerana SP1 sendiri yang
membuat keputusan untuk menangguhkan pembelian dan telah menawarkan
pinjaman modal bersyarat kepada OKT. OKT telah menerima tawaran tersebut.
[37] Mahkamah akan menjawab bantahan mengenai penerimaan ekshibit P4.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Pannir Selvam a/l Sinnaiyah & Anor v Tan Chia
Foo & Ors [2021] 7 MLJ 384 di Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
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“(3) The court agreed with the plaintiff’s contention based on the parallels drawn
to the case of Lim Choon Hau v Simpson Wong where the court held that
Whatsapp messages were direct evidence of the receipt of money as a friendly
loan from the plaintiff. The documents produced by a computer still admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it was admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
The court viewed that the WhatsApp messages were relevant and admissible
as they demonstrated the connection to the facts in issue so as to form part of
the same transaction. It triggered the application of s 6 of the Evidence Act (see
paras 57, 61 & 67).”
[38] Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah menjelaskan kebolehterimaan keterangan
whatsapp walaupun tiada sijil 90A seperti di bawah:
[60] I am unable to agree with this submission, in view of the fact that he did
not provide any authorities to support his contention that all WhatsApp
messages amounted to documents produced by a computer, bearing in mind
that the maker of those messages, who was SP2, was cross-examined.
[61] Secondly, even if those messages amounted to documents produced by
a computer, there are authorities such as Mohd Khayry bin Ismail v Public
Prosecutor [2014] 4 MLJ 317; [2014] 1 LNS 412 (CA) and Mohamad Fauzi bin
Che Rus v JR Joint Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 8 MLJ 739; [2016] 6
CLJ 266 to say that documents produced by a computer may still be admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it is admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
[39] Peguam bela hanya membantah keterangan P4 kerana tiada sijil 90A dibekalkan
oleh pihak pendakwaan dan telefon bimbit tidak dihantar untuk pemeriksaan
[40] Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes Gnanasegaran a/l Pararajasingam v
Public Prosecutor [1997] 3 MLJ 1 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan
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menyatakan seperti berikut berkenaan pemakaian Seksyen 90A Akta
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Shaik Daud:
Seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 menjadikan rekod komputer yang dibuat
semasa penggunaan biasa boleh diterima jika yang berikut dibuktikan, iaitu
bahawa: (i) dokumen-dokumen dihasilkan oleh sebuah komputer; dan (ii) rekod
komputer dihasilkan semasa penggunaan biasa. Bukti boleh dikemukakan
sama ada dalam bentuk sijil yang ditandatangani oleh satu-satunya orang yang
bertanggungjawab tentang komputer yang menghasilkan cetakan
sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh s 90A(2), atau oleh seorang pegawai
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Mahadev Shankar:
Zainal tidak dicabar oleh perayu atas kejituan catatan dokumen yang
dikemukakan. Sebaliknya, rayuan adalah berdasarkan fakta bahawa tiada sijil
telah dikemukakan di bawah s 90A(2) yang mana, perayu menghujahkan,
bermakna bahawa pihak pendakwa telah gagal membuktikan kesnya. Hujah ini
adalah berdasarkan falasi, kerana Zainal bertanggungjawab atas semua
pengendalian di bank dan dengan itu adalah bertanggungjawab atas urusan
aktiviti bank yang dijalankan oleh komputer tersebut. Sekiranya dia memilih
untuk menyediakan suatu sijil, dia boleh berbuat demikian dan di bawah s
90A(2), dokumen-dokumen akan diterima sebagai keterangan seperti yang
diperuntukkan oleh s 90A(1). Keterangan viva voce seseorang dalam kandang
saksi lebih penting daripada suatu sijil yang dikeluarkan olehnya (lihat ms
Seksyen 90A(1) merupakan suatu pengemaskinian ‘rukun keterangan paling
baik’ dengan realiti zaman elektronik, dan kini ia tidak lagi perlu untuk
memanggil juruwang atau kerani bank yang memasukkan data dengan syarat
dia berbuat demikian semasa penggunaan biasa komputer (lihat ms 14A—D).
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[41] Pemakaian sijil seksyen 90A juga dibincangkan dalam kes Mohd Khayry bin
Ismail v Public Prosecutor [2014] MLJU 385 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
(i)Tape recording evidence or CCTV recording, etc. at common law will be
admissible based on 'res gestae' principles as truth of its contents although they
may be hearsay or even self serving statement. Section 6 of EA 1950 and also
other sections give statutory recognition to 'res gestae' principle in the widest
form and is not restricted to the common law parameters. The test for relevancy
is set out in the section itself in no uncompromising terms. There appears to be
no comprehensive formula for its admissibility save as to guidelines suggested
and/or imposed by courts all for good reasons. [See Amrrita Lai Hazra v
Emperor 42 Cal 957; Bandahala bin Undik v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 CLJ
708 ]. The said section 6 of EA 1950 reads as follows:
"Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact in issue
as to form part of the same transaction are relevant, whether they
occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places."
(ii)At common law any form of tape recording, video recording, etc.; if relevant
is made admissible if the court is satisfied of its accuracy and that it has not
been tampered with, etc. The jurisprudence relating to its admissibility as well
as sections 3 and 61 of EA 1950 is set out in Janab's Key to Criminal Procedure
and Evidence, 2nd edition and it reads as follows:
"Document before the 1993 Amendment A 851 to the Act was defined in
section 3 of the Act to mean any matter expressed or described upon
any substance by means of letters, figures or marks or by more than one
of those means intended to be used or which may be used for the
purpose of recording that matter. Under the new amendment it includes
any matter embodied in a disc, tape, film, sound track or other device
whatsoever. A wide and extended meaning has been given to the
definition 'document'. Previously documents at least related to things
which could not be easily tampered with. Now documents include items
which could be easily tampered with. It is submitted that the admission
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of such documents which could be easily tampered with must be
admitted with caution."
In R v Maqsud Ali (1965) 2 All ER 465 Marshall J observed:
"… for many years now photographs have been admissible in evidence
on proof that they are relevant to the issues involved in the case and that
the prints are taken from negatives that are untouched. The print as seen
represent situations that have been reproduced by means of mechanical
and chemical devices. Evidence of things seen through telescopes or
binoculars which otherwise could not be picked up by the naked eye
have been admitted, and now there are devices for picking up,
transmitting, and recording conversations. We see no difference in
principle between a tape recording and a photograph. In saying this we
must not be taken as saying that such recordings are admissible
whatever the circumstances, but it does appear to this court wrong to
deny to the law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques
and new devices, provided the accuracy of the recording can be proved
and the voices recorded properly identified; provided also that the
evidence is relevant and otherwise admissible, we are satisfied that a
tape recording is admissible in evidence.
Such documents when produced for the inspection of the court are
referred to as documentary evidence. Thus, documentary evidence may
include not only documents in writing but also maps, plans, graphs,
drawings, photographs, discs, tapes videotapes, films and negatives
(see Cross on Evidence)."
(iii)The amendments in relation to documents to EA 1950 do not in any way
affect the common law position as set out in R v Maqsud Ali. The amendments
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allow further hearsay documents which may be difficult to be made admissible
under the common law because of the hearsay rule and its prejudicial effect, to
be made admissible provided the criteria set out in the amendments are
complied with. The new amendments such as section 90A do not displace
common law rules as to admissibility. That is to say if the party cannot admit a
document in consequence of the common law restriction then he may get the
document admitted under any of the new provisions such as section 90A, etc.
[42] Mahkamah mendapati mendapati peguam bela tidak berhujah bahawa perbualan
Whatsapp adalah tidak revelan dan hanya membantah kerana ketiadaan sijil 90A.
Mahkamah mendapati P4 adalah keterangan yang relevan di mana penawaran
pembelian Bitcoin dan persetujuan serta transaksi dilakukan adalah perbualan
yang terkandung dalam P4. Mahkamah berpuas hati ketulenan perbualan
Whatsapp apabila SP1 masih menyimpan keseluruhan perbualan Whatsapp dan
telefon bimbit yang mengandungi kesemua perbualan tersebut telah
dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah dalam keadaan baik. Malah di peringkat
pembelaan, OKT tidak menafikan kandungan Whatsapp dan bersetuju bahawa
itu adalah perbualan antara OKT dan SP1. Oleh itu, ketiadaan sijil 90A tidak
menjejaskan kebolehterimaan ekshibit P4.
[43] Pihak pembelaan ada menimbulkan isu ketidakaturan prosedur kawad cam.
Daripada keterangan kesemua saksi, adalah fakta bahawa OKT dan SP1
mengenali antara satu sama lain untuk satu tempoh masa yang panjang dan
berurusan dalam perdagangan mata wang kripto dan isu pengecaman OKT
adalah tidak diperlukan dan pengecaman daripada kandang adalah memadai.
[44] Pemindahan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi pembelian Bitcoin adalah fakta
tidak dipertikaikan. Persoalan utama dalam kes ini adalah sama ada terdapat
penipuan dilakukan OKT atau terdapat pinjaman modal bersyarat yang dikatakan
oleh OKT.
[45] SP1 bertegas bahawa tiada perubahan tujuan asal pembelian Bitcoin dan tidak
pernah menawarkan syarat seperti mana yang dicadangkan oleh peguam bela
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manakala OKT menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menukarkan pembelian tersebut
kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[46] OKT telah bersetuju pada tiada keterangan bertulis mengenai pinjaman modal
bersyarat tersebut. Alasan ketiadaan dokumen bertulis adalah OKT telah
menyuruh SP1 menyediakan perjanjian tersebut namun SP1 tidak berbuat
demikian sehingga hari ini.
[47] Memandangkan ketiadaan keterangan bertulis, maka Mahkamah perlu menilai
kredibiliti keterangan lisan saksi-saksi. Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, peguam
bela hanya meletakkan cadangan bahawa SP1 telah menawarkan pinjaman
modal bersyarat. Namun, peguam bela tidak pernah bertanyakan soalan tentang
penyedian dokumen bagi pinjaman modal bersyarat oleh SP1. SP1 hanya
diajukan penyediaan dokumen untuk pelantikan CEO dan misi,visi bagi Midas
Touch yang menjurus kepada penglibatkan SP1 dalam syarikat OKT.
[48] Keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten di mana SP1 menyatakan bahawa tidak
berkemungkinan untuk SP1 untuk menukarkan tujuan asal kepada pinjaman
modal bersyarat apabila SP1 dimaklumkan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah membeli
Bitcoin tersebut.
[49] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 yang bertukar fikiran dan
yang menyuruh menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin dalam masa 3 hari. Pada 1
sehingga 3 Februari 2018, di mana SP1 telah berjumpa OKT di Hotel Royal
Chulan dan mencadangkan duit RM54,365 akan disumbangkan ke dalam
sekiranya 3 syarat dipatuhi dan sekiranya OKT masih belum membeli Bitcoin.
[50] Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan telah mengajukan soalan-
soalan yang kurang relevan yang berkenaan pelaburan RM30,000 secara
terperinci. Namun, aduan SP1 dan pertuduhan adalah berkenaan dengan
pembelian Bitcoin. SP1 bersetuju bahawa SP1 membuat perdagangan dan
pelaburan dengan OKT namun SP1 menyatakan SP1 tertipu dengan pembelian
Bitcoin kerana beliau tidak menerima Bitcoin.
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[51] Mengikut perbualan awalan, SP1 dimaklumkan bahawa pembelian Bitcoin adalah
melalui akaun kraken. SP1 menunggu pemindahan Bitcoin oleh OKT namun tidak
dilakukan atas alasan bahawa terdapat masalah dengan akaun kraken. SP1 telah
berasa tertipu setelah menyoal perkara ini dengan pihak kraken bahawa mustahil
akaun kraken disekat sekian lama walaupun digodam.
[52] Namun, kini versi OKT adalah OKT tidak semestinya perlu membeli Bitcoin
melalui kraken memandangkan terdapat pelbagai cara pembelian Bitcoin dapat
dibuat. Kemudian, OKT menerangkan prosedur pembelian Bitcoin melalui kraken
adalah jauh lebih susah kerana perlu menukarkan kepada mata wang fiat terlebih
dahulu bagi tujuan pembelian kripto. OKT menyatakan akaun OKT adalah pada
peringkat permulaan (starter) maka memerlukan banyak transaksi dilakukan bagi
tujuan pembelian Bitcoin malah perlu menunggu masa yang lama.
[53] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa sekiranya OKT berasa sukar untuk membeli
Bitcoin melalui kraken, mengapakan OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT akan
melakukan transaksi menggunakan kraken. Keterangan OKT adalah tidak
konsisten di mana OKT pada mula mendekati pengadu dengan penggunaan
akaun kraken di mana kini OKT menyatakan bahawa pembelian dengan kraken
adalah sukar. OKT tidak menunjukkan bahawa apa-apa tindakan penukaran mata
wang fiat untuk pembelian Bitcoin. Dalam perbualan Whatsapp P4, OKT mengesa
pengadu membayar dan OKT akan transfer duit ke dalam akaun kraken.
[54] OKT menyatakan OKT cuba meningkatkan tahap akaunnya ke peringat
pertengahan (intermediate) sejak 2017 namun hanya tahun 2023, pihak kraken
telah memberikan verifikasi akaun pertengahan. Apa bukti yang dikemukakan
oleh OKT adalah perbualan dengan kraken bahawa OKT akhirnya mendapat
akaun pertengahan setelah sekian lama dipohon. OKT tidak pernah menunjukkan
bahawa akaun OKT dibuka sejak bila dan sejak bila permohonan pernah dibuat.
OKT hanya mengemukakan perbualan pada tahun 2023 selepas OKT telah
dituduh di Mahkamah dan perbicaraan telah lama berjalan. Oleh itu, nilai
keterangan mengenai pengiktirafan akaun pertengahan pada tahun 2023 adalah
amat rendah dan tidak membantu menyokong keterangan OKT.
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[55] OKT dipersoalkan sekiranya tidak menggunakan kraken, mengapakah OKT
masih gagal membuat pembelian menggunakan aplikasi lain sedangkan OKT
menyatakan bahawa akaun kraken OKT adalah terhad. OKT memberikan alasan
bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM dan harga Bitcoin menaik. Namun, perkara
ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan semasa peringkat pendakwaan. Dakwaan bahawa
Bitcoin naik mendadak menyebabkan OKT tidak membelikan Bitcoin tidak pernah
ditimbulkan kepada saksi pendakwaan. OKT telah mengemukakan Ekshibit
D39A-E bagi menunjukkan harga pasaran Bitcoin. Namun, D39 A,C,D dan E
adalah tidak relevan memandangkan harga pasaran adalah bukan tahun 2018.
[56] Sekiranya merujuk kepada D39B, tidak menunjukkan perubahan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT kerana graf tersebut menunjukkan harga tahun 2018
sehingga 2020. Keterangan OKT sekali lagi tidak disokong oleh ekshibit D39B.
[57] OKT turut menyatakan bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM menyebabkan OKT
tidak membeli Bitcoin. Namun, OKT setuju dengan cadangan bahawa pembelian
mata wang kripto adalah boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila dan tiada waktu
penutupan bagi pembelian mata wang asing. OKT menyatakan SP1 yang
memberikan kelonggaran masa untuk membeli Bitcoin. Perkara ini sekali lagi
tidak pernah ditimbulkan sewaktu peringkat pendakwaan. SP1 tidak pernah
ditanya bahawa beliau yang memberi kelonggaran masa kepada OKT membeli
Bitcoin dan juga harga Bitcoin menaik.
[58] Semasa peringkat pemeriksaan balas, OKT telah menyatakan OKT mempunyai
nota yang mencatat persetujuan pinjaman modal bersyarat. Apabila ditanya
mengapa perkara ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan di peringkat pendakwaan mahupun
pemeriksaan utama di peringkat pembelaa dan OKT menjawab bahawa beliau
tidak ditanya. Semasa pemeriksaan utama, OKT hanya menyatakan tiada
perjanjian kerana SP1 tidak menyediakan. OKT juga tidak memaklumkan nota
tersebut kepada pegawai penyiasat. Nota tersebut tidak dikemukakan di
Mahkamah hanya ditimbulkan semasa pemeriksaan balas.
[59] Berkenaan dengan syarat yang dikatakan dikenakan oleh SP1, Mahkamah
mendapati OKT yang mempunyai kuasa penuh pelantikan SP2 di mana OKT
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telah menolak draf surat yang disediakan oleh SP1 dan menggunakan surat
syarat perlantikan oleh syarikat. Adalah jelas OKT mempunyai kuasa penuh
dalam pengurusan syarikat dan keputusan muktamad adalah pada OKT dan
bukan pada SP1. Ketika itu, syarikat OKT memerlukan modal dan OKT juga
menyatakan OKT tidak dapat pinjaman bank atas sebab tiada rekod pinjaman.
Atas faktor tersebut, OKT menyatakan telah menerima pinjaman modal bersyarat
tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati adalah mustahil sebuah syarikat boleh
memperoleh satu pinjaman bersyarat tanpa syarat pemulangan. OKT
menyediakan perjanjian bagi pelaburan lain seperti pelaburan RM30,000 namun
tidak menyediakan apa-apa dokumen untuk jumlah wang yang lebih besar. OKT
yang menyediakan perjanjian untuk RM30,000 sebelum wujudnya penawaran
Bitcoin kepada SP1. Malah, OKT telah mengemukakan kesemua email untuk
lampirkan pemulangan bagi pelaburan trading tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati
adalah tidak munasabah bahawa tiada satu keterangan bertulis mengenai
pinjaman modal bersyarat seperti yang didakwa oleh OKT. OKT juga gagal
menjelaskan secara terperinci berapa jumlah bayaran balik dan tempoh pulangan
pinjaman tersebut. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah
diragui dan tidak kredibel.
[60] Mahkamah merujuk Public Prosecutor v Subahir bin Salmin [2009] MLJU 670
di mana Mahkamah Tinggi tidak bersetuju dengan dapatan Mahkamah yang
mempercayai versi pembelaan.
“ However, in respect of the First Charge, I do not agree with the acquittal
of the Respondent. I find that the trial Judge had erred in fact and in law.
The main reason why she acquitted the Respondent was because she
believed in the Defence story that there was an agreement by SP7, SD2
and the Respondent to assist SP1 to get 3 months of full salary and his
overtime pay even though SP1 did not work the full months for
September, October and November 2001. Here, I agree with the
Prosecution's submission that the Defence did not raise specifically and
in detail the existence of such an agreement of the Company's
Management in the course of cross-examining the Prosecution's
witness, in particular SP7 i.e. on the question whether it was on the
orders of the Company's Management that SPI's kon card was to be
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filled in that manner so that SP1 could be paid in full even though he was
on medical leave. Learned Counsel for the Respondent submitted that
at page 124 of the Appeal Record, the Defence Counsel had questioned
SP7 regarding such agreement of the Company's Management to help
SP1 but SP7 merely replied "tidak ingat". A perusal of the evidence at
page 124 of the Appeal Record shows that SP7 was cross-examined on
whether he had discussed with the Respondent and SD2 regarding
compensation to be paid. SP7 replied that he could not remember. SP7
was then asked whether the salary for October and November 2001 was
paid in full as compensation since SP1 did not have insurance and
SOCSO. Again SP7 replied that he could not remember. As submitted
by the Appellant, even if SP7 could not remember, the Defence should
have pursued the matter further and asked SP7 specifically and in detail
whether there was an agreement by SP7, SD2 and the Respondent to
pay SP1 the full salaries for October and November 2001 in order to
assist SP1 who had no insurance or SOCSO. Since the Defence failed
to raise this agreement specifically during the cross-examination of the
Prosecution witnesses, it means that what the Defence later raised
during the Defence stage should be rejected on the ground that the
evidence regarding the agreement by the Company's Management is a
mere concoction or fabrication, or an afterthought. The law regarding this
issue is trite.”
[61] Walaupun OKT menimbulkan perjanjian modal bersyarat di peringkat
pendakwaan, namun OKT tidak menyatakan apa syarat lain selain syarat
dikenakan oleh SP1. OKT tidak pernah menyentuh apa-apa perkara tentang
pemulangan pinjaman modal bersyarat dan tempoh pembayaran. Mahkamah
mendapati pinjaman modal bersyarat merupakan satu pemikiran terkemudian
oleh OKT. Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah
menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah membeli Bitcoin tersebut namun
OKT tiada niat untuk membeli Bitcoin bagi SP1. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahawa
alasan-alasan dikemukakan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan konsisten.
Sekiranya OKT mempunyai niat membeli Bitcoin untuk SP1, sepertimana yang
dinyatakan OKT mempunyai pelbagai cara lain dan tidak semestinya membeli
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melalui Kraken namun OKT tidak berbuat demikian. OKT telah mengesa SP1
membuat bayaran segera bagi tujuan pembelian namun OKT kini menyatakan
dalam tempoh 3 hari pertama, OKT tidak membeli kerana sibuk dan harga Bitcoin
naik. Namun dilihat daripada ekshibit D39B, tiada kenaikan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT. OKT menyatakan OKT mengajak SP1 membeli Bitcoin
dengan sendiri dengan menggunakan akaun Luno SP1. Keterangan
bertentangan dengan perbualan Whatsapp, di mana OKT yang beria-ria untuk
menawarkan penjualan Bitcoin kepada OKT (ekshibit P4(2)).
[62] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah tidak kredibel dan konsisten dan
bersifat pemikiran terkemudian (afterthought) berkenaan dengan isu penyediaan
dokumen perjanjian. OKT sering bertanyakan kepada SP1 dalam membantu OKT
mendraf dokumen dan semua dokumen didraf oleh SP1 seperti perlantikan CEO,
visi dan misi Midas Touch. Namun OKT menyatakan SP1 tidak membuat draf
dengan pinjaman modal bersyarat walaupun diminta. Mahkamah kurang
mempercayai keterangan OKT di mana sekiranya jumlah pinjaman dikatakan
adalah tinggi dan ianya melibatkan kepentingan pengadu, adalah mustahil SP1
enggan untuk mendraf satu perjanjian untuk memastikan kepentingannya
terjamin dan juga pulangannya.
[63] OKT telah menyatakan OKT akan memindahkan Bitcoin selepas 7-14 hari
kemasukkan duit. Perkara ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan akaun OKT sebagai
starter dan ianya dalam pengetahuan OKT kerana pembelian melalui akaun
starter memerlukan masa yang amat panjang memandangkan akaun starter
mempunyai hak transaksi. SP1 telah bertanyakan sekiranya harga naik, SP1
masih boleh membeli dengan harga yang dipersetujui. Kini alasan alasan harga
naik, OKT tidak membeli Bitcoin amat bercanggah dengan perbualan Whatsapp
OKT dengan pengadu seperti di P4.
[64] Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah memperdayakan SP1 membayar wang
berjumlah RM54365 untuk pembelian Bitcoin di mana OKT tidak ada niat membeli
atau membeli Bitcoin dan telah menipu pengadu bahawa Bitcoin telah dibeli tetapi
Bitcoin tersebut tidak wujud. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati OKT gagal
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menimbulkan keraguan munasabah dan OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan ke
atas pertuduhan.
[65] Antara faktor mitigasi yang dikemukakan oleh peguam bela adalah seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh berumur 56 tahun;
(b) Merupakan ibu tunggal sejak kematian suami tahun 2008;
(c) Mempunyai 15 cucu dan OKT menanggung 6 cucu yang tinggal bersamanya;
(d) Memberikan kerjasama baik dengan pihak polis;
(e) mempunyai masalah kesihatan hyperthroid sejak 2008 dan masih menerima
rawatan sehingga sekarang; dan
(f) Pesalah pertama
[66] Peguam bela terpelajar memohon agar satu hukuman di bawah peruntukkan
seksyen 294 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah diberikan berdasarkan faktor mitigasi
[67] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan ‘victim impact statement’ oleh SP1. SP1
mengalami kerugian wang yang banyak disebabkan penipuan OKT. Pihak
pendakwaan memohon hukuman penjara dikenakan untuk melindungi
kepentingan awam. Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa transaksi sebegini tidak
dikawal selia dan memberikan ruang kepada penipuan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan terdapat keuntungan salah oleh OKT dan jumlah tersebut adalah
tinggi. Pihak pendakwaan telah merujuk tred hukuman dalam kes Tan Wee Eng
vs PP [2019] MLJU 818 di Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 24 bulan
bagi kerugian RM33,300. Pihak memohon kos pendakwaan kerana terdapat 7
saksi dipanggil dan perbicaraan mengambil tempoh masa yang lama.
[68] Peguam bela memohon pertimbangan bahawa OKT merupakan pesalah pertama
dan peguam bela membantah terhadap kos.
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[69] Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan peguam untuk bon berkelakuan baik
kerana ianya tidak terpakai dalam kes ini. Seksyen 294(6) Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah menyatakan bon tidak boleh diberikan untuk kesalahan serius dan
tafisran ksesalahan serius adalah di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah tergolong kesalahan serius dan tidak
boleh diberikan pertimbangan bon seperti yang dipohon.
[70] Mahkamah perlu menjatuhkan hukuman berdasarkan undang-undang dan prinsip
kehakiman. Mahkamah merujuk kes Public Prosecutor v Jafa bin Daud [1981]
1 MLJ 315 and PP v Tia Ah Leng [2000] 5 MLJ 401.Seksyen 420
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara tidak kurang daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih
10 tahun dan sebatan dan juga boleh dikenakan denda. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak
boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kurang 1 tahun. Mahkamah juga tertakluk
kepada bidang kuasa di bawah seksyen 87(1) Akta Mahkamah Rendah 1948 di
mana Mahkamah Majistret tidak boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara melebihi 5
tahun. Memandang OKT merupakan perempuan, maka sebatan tidak boleh
dikenakan mengikut seksyen 289(c) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[71] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat dalam kes ini
dan tujuan hukuman diberikan. Mahkamah mempertimbangan hukuman penjara
adalah wajar dikenakan dan bukan hukuman alternatif mengambil kira tujuan
hukuman diberikan adalah berbentuk pengajaran kepada OKT dan juga
masyarakat secara umum. Mahkamah mengambil kira faktor mitigasi seperti usia,
kesihatan dan rekod OKT dalam mempertimbangkan tempoh pemenjaraan.
Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara satu tahun dan 6 bulan.
[72] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan usia, tahap kesihatan OKT serta tiada rekod
kesalahan lampau OKT. OKT telah berusia 56 tahun dan mempunyai masalah
kesihatan seperti hyperthyroidism. Namun begitu, tindakan OKT telah
menyebabkan kerugian tinggi kepada pengadu perlu diberikan pertimbangan
sewajarnya. Berdasarkan kes Tan Wee Eng vs PP [2019] MLJU 818, Mahkamah
ini telah memendekkan tempoh hukuman penjara dan menjatuhkan hukuman
penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor dinyatakan di
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[73] Untuk permohonan kos pendakwaan, Mahkamah boleh menetapkan kos
mengikut sekyen 427 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan Mahkamah mengawardkan
RM1500 sebagai kos pendakwaan yang perlu dibayar seminggu dari tarikh jatuh
hukum dan sekiranya gagal bayar, OKT dikenakan penjara 1 bulan. Mahkamah
mengambil kira jumlah hari perbicaraan banyak dan masa yang panjang di mana
kos yang terlibat apabila SP1 dan saksi awam lain telah hadir beberapa kali ke
Mahkamah dan kos terlibat apabila terdapat penangguhan perbicaraan pada 4
dan 25 November 2022 oleh pihak peguam bela dan OKT.
[74] Peguam bela telah memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman penjara.
Alasan dikemukakan adalah tahap kesihatan OKT yang tidak baik dan
memerlukan rawatan. Timbalan pendakwa raya membantah permohonan kerana
OKT tidak mempunyai komplikasi dan masalah kesihatan serius. Laporan
perubatan menyatakan OKT dalam keadaan stabil.
[75] Mahkamah mendapati alasan OKT ada sejarah perubatan hyperthyrodism tidak
memadai untuk satu penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman kerana laporan
menunjukkan bahawa OKT bukan “in Thyroid Storm” dan keadaan OKT adalah
stabil. Hukuman penjara tidak menafikan OKT untuk mendapat perhatian rawatan
susulan. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mohd Khairul Azlan bin Mohd Napi
lwn Pendakwa Raya [2022] 7 MLJ 867 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan
seperti berikut:
“(3) Section 311 of the Criminal Procedure Code had provided that when
an appeal was filed, it did not automatically render the sentence passed
to be stayed. Based on the affidavit filed and the reasons submitted the
court found that the health problems faced by the applicant did not justify
the granting of the application for stay of execution. This was because
the medical officer’s report was only in respect of the illness suffered by
the applicant. The medical officer did not clearly state whether the
applicant required specific and periodic treatment that could not be
provided in prison. The issue of the possibility that the applicant would
be exposed to the Covid-19 virus was not supported by any document
or confirmation that the applicant would be infected with the virus simply
because he was placed in the prison. What was at stake in this case was
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the presumption and likelihood that it would happen to the applicant. This
was not sufficient to show that it was a special circumstance to allow the
execution of the sentence to be stayed”
[76] Berkenaan dengan alasan penjagaan cucu, juga bukan satu keadaan khas yang
memadai dalam memberikan penangguhan pelaksanaan di mana tiada apa-apa
keterangan oleh OKT bahawa OKT merupakan penjaga sah dari segi undang dan
cucu-cucu tidak lagi mempunyai ibu bapa lagi atau penjaga yang sah. OKT
menolong untuk menjaga cucu tidak memadai untuk suatu hukuman
digantungkan. OKT mempunyai ahli keluarga lain seperti anak OKT yang boleh
menjaga anak atau anak buahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah menolak permohonan
peguam bela untuk penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
MahkamahKuala Lumpur
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| 49,161 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-83-7823-11/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH NOR AINI BINTI ALI | Seksyen 420-penipuan-pembelian bitcoin yang tidak wujud-pemikiran terkemudian(afterthought)-pembelian bertukar kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat- penerimaan keterangan Whatsapp tanpa sijil 90A | 04/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-7823-11/2021)
[1] Pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh (OKT) adalah seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu, Nor Aini Binti Ali (No KP: 670311-05-5096) di antara 11/01/2018
sehingga 12/01/2018 di Jalan Bangsar, dalam Daerah Brickfields, Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur telah menipu Trisno Asyraf bin Zainol Abidin (No.
KP:721108-02-5323) dengan memperdayakannya untuk mempercayai
bahawa kamu akan membelikan dan menyerahkan Bitcoin kepadanya
sebanyak 1 unit dan dengan itu kamu secara curangnya mendorong beliau
untuk menyerahkan RM54,365.00 sebagai bayaran untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin
tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang
boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan kerana telah
melakukan penipuan.
[2] OKT tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon perbicaraan.
Seramai 7 orang saksi telah dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan di peringkat
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WA-83-7823-11/2021 Kand. 58
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[3] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie, maka OKT diminta untuk membela diri.
Setelah OKT memberikan keterangan bersumpah, Mahkamah mendapati
bahawa OKT gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas pertuduhan. Oleh
yang demikian, Mahkamah telah mendapati OKT bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas
kesalahan. Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah
telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan ke atas OKT dengan
kos pendakwaan RM1500.
[4] Pengadu (SP1) telah berkenalan dengan OKT dan telah melabur dengan OKT.
Kemudian, SP1 telah bersetuju membeli 1 unit Bitcoin dengan harga RM54,365.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran melalui pindahan wang sebanyak dua kali pada
11/1/2018 dan 12/1/2018. Adalah dipersetujui bahawa SP1 akan menerima 1 unit
Bitcoin selepas 7 sehingga 14 hari setelah pembayaran dibuat.
[5] SP1 telah menuntut pembelian Bitcoin tersebut daripada OKT namun OKT
menyatakan bahawa Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan. Akhirnya, SP1 telah
membuat laporan polis pada 2/12/2028 kerana SP1 berasa telah ditipu oleh OKT
dan OKT gagal menunjukkan bukti bahawa OKT telah membeli Bitcoin melalui
[6] Menurut seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, pihak pendakwaan perlu
membuktikan satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan. Begitu juga di dalam
seksyen 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Peruntukan tersebut menyatakan
bahawa apabila kes pendakwaan berakhir, mahkamah akan menimbangkan
sama ada pendakwaan telah membuat suatu prima facie kes terhadap tertuduh.
[7] Pengujian kes secara prima facie telah diputuskan di dalam kes yang diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Balachandran v PP [2005] 2 MLJ 302 di mana
mahkamah memutuskan bahawa:
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“The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be:
Is the evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain
silent? If the answer is in the affirmative then a prima facie case has
been made out. This must, as of necessity, require a consideration of
the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution. If
there is any such doubt there can be no prima facie. As the accused can
be convicted on the prima facie evidence it must have reached a
standard which is capable of supporting a conviction beyond reasonable
“A litigating party is said to have a prima facie case when the evidence
in his favour is sufficiently strong for his opponent to be called on to
answer it. A prima facie case, then, is one which is established by
sufficient evidence, and can be overthrown only by rebutting evidence
adduced by the otherside. The result is that the force of the evidence
adduced must be such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the
court to believe in the existence of the facts stated in the charge or to
consider its existence so probable that a prudent man ought to act upon
the supposition that those facts exist or did happen. On the other hand
if a prima facie case has not been made out it means that there is no
material evidence which can be believed in the sense as described
earlier. In order to make a finding either way the court must, at the close
of the case for the prosecution, undertake a positive evaluation of the
credibility and reliability of all the evidence adduced so as to determine
whether the elements of the offence have been established. As the trial
is without a jury it is only with such a positive evaluation can the court
make a determination for the purpose of s. 180(2) and (3)...”
[8] Begitu juga di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v PP (2003) 1 CLJ 734
dinyatakan sebagai;
“A jugde sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to the
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question “ if I decide to call
upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am
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I prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contain in the
prosecution case?”If the answer was in the negative, then no prima facie
case had been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
[9] Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan:
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
“Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the person deceived,
whether or not the deception practised was the sole or main inducement, to
deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter, or destroy the whole or
any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or sealed, and which
is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year and not more
than ten years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to fine.”
[10] Elemen pertuduhan seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah:
i. OKT telah menipu.
ii. OKT telah mendorong:
a) yang mana harta itu tidak dimiliki oleh tertuduh; atau
b) membuat, mengubah atau memusnahkan keseluruhan atau mana-
mana bahagian suatu sekuriti yang berharga; atau
c) apa-apa yang ditandatangani atau dimeterai dan boleh diubah menjadi
suatu sekuriti yang berharga.
iii. dia melakukannya dengan tidak jujur.
[11] Seksyen 415 Kanun Keseksaan mendefinsikan penipuan seperti berikut:
415. Whoever by deceiving any person, whether or not such deception was the
sole or main inducement,-
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(a) fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person so deceived to deliver
any property to any person, or to consent that any person shall retain
any property; or
(b) intentionally induces the person so deceived to do or omit to do
anything which he would not do or omit to do if he were not so deceived
and which act or omission causes or is likely to cause damage or harm
to any person in body, mind, reputation, or property,
is said to “cheat”.
[12] Defini tidak jujur juga dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 24 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu
sesiapa yang membuat apa-apa dengan tujuan menyebabkan keuntungan salah
kepada seseorang atau kehilangan salah kepada seseorang lain tidak kira sama
ada perbuatan itu menyebabkan kehilangan salah atau keuntungan salah
Elemen pertama: terdapat penipuan
[13] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa elemen pertama dibuktikan melalui
keterangan SP1. SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT bagi urusan pembelian
Bitcoin. Menurut keterangan SP1, SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT melalui
Wan Norain dan OKT yang telah menghubungi SP1 melalui WhatsApp pada
7/11/2017. Ketika itu, SP1 berminat dengan perdagangan mata wang kripto dan
OKT melakukan personal ‘trading’ dalam ‘cyptocurrency’. SP1 telah berjumpa
dengan OKT pada 23/12/2017 di Starbucks berkenaan dengan pembelian Bitcoin.
SP1 pernah berurusan dengan OKT sebelum ini di mana OKT telah menawarkan
perkhidmatan ‘trading’ dan SP1 telah melabur sebanyak RM30,000 dengan OKT.
[14] SP1 telah membuat keputusan untuk membelian satu unit Bitcoin dengan OKT.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran seperti yang diminta oleh OKT. SP1 dimaklumkan
oleh OKT bahawa SP1 akan menerima Bitcoin dalam masa 7 sehingga 14 hari
namun OKT telah memberikan alasan bahawa akaun platform Kraken milik OKT
ada masalah menyebabkan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin kepada SP1.
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[15] Keterangan SP1 adalah disokong oleh ekhibit P4 yang merupakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan OKT. Perbualan tersebut
menunjukkan terdapat persetujuan harga bagi pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Sekian
lama, SP1 tidak mendapat Bitcoin, SP1 telah berhubung dengan khidmat
pelanggan Kraken untuk bertanyakan situasi Bitcoin yang tidak dapat
dipindahkan. Setelah mendapat jawapan daripada pihak Kraken, SP1 mendapati
bahawa asalan diberikan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak
bermungkinan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin dalam tempoh masa yang
panjang. SP1 berasa OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah
membeli Bitcoin dan Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan kerana akaun OKT ada
masalah. Pihak khidmat pelanggan kraken menyatakan bahawa tidak
bermunasabah bahawa akaun kraken tergantung begitu lama sehingga tidak
membolehkan pemindahan Bitcoin.
[16] Oleh itu, OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan Bitcoin telah dibeli dan tidak
dapat dipindahkan.
Elemen kedua: Mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang berjumlah RM54365
[17] Melalui slip transaksi (ekshibit P3A-B) dan juga penyata bank milik OKT (ekshibit
D13 dan P29), terdapat kemasukkan wang berjumlah RM54,365 ke dalam akaun
milik OKT.
[18] OKT telah mendorong SP1 untuk menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi
pembelian Bitcoin. OKT telah menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah daripada
harga pasaran dan menyatakan Bitcoin akan diperolehi dalam masa 7-14 hari
telah mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365.
Elemen ketiga: Tertuduh melakukannya dengan tidak jujur
[19] Pembayaran telah dibuat kepada akaun milik OKT dan OKT telah menerima wang
tersebut namun wang tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
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[20] SP1 tidak menerima 1unit Bitcoin dan wang yang dibayar kepada OKT tidak
dikembalikan oleh OKT. OKT telah menyebabkan SP1 kehilangan wang tersebut
dan sehingga kini masih tidak dipulangkan kepada SP1. OKT telah mendapat
keuntungan salah di mana duit tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
[21] SP1 tidak akan menyerahkan RM54,365 kepada OKT sekiranya OKT tidak
menjanjikan untuk membelikan satu unit Bitcoin untuk SP1. Kesimpulannya,
kesemua elemen pertuduhan berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
[22] Pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan pelbagai isu dan menyatakan pihak
pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen pertuduhan kerana pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel di mana OKT telah
menyatakan telah membeli Bitcoin.
[23] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kredibiliti keterangan SP1 adalah boleh
dipercayai di mana keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan disokong.
[24] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 telah bertukar fikiran dan
telah menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin selepas perjumpaan SP1 dengan OKT di
Hotel Royal Chulan. Adalah versi pembelaan bahawa SP1 telah mencadangkan
agar RM54,365 digunakan sebagai pinjaman modal bersyarat untuk
mengembangkan perniagaan syarikat OKT atas tiga syarat dikenakan oleh SP1.
Tiga syarat tersebut adalah abang SP1 dilantik sebagai CEO syarikat, keahlian
SP1 sebagai 001 dan SP1 sebagai penasihat peribadi OKT.
[25] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa SP1 telah memberikan keterangan bahawa
OKT membuat semua keputusannya dengan sendiri kerana OKT yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap syarikatnya. SP1 juga telah menjelaskan bahawa
SP1 tidak memberitahu SP2 adalah abangnya kerana SP1 tidak ingin OKT untuk
bertindak berat sebelah dan ingin OKT untuk bersikap objektif dalam pelantikan
CEO memandangkan SP1 dan OKT adalah kawan ketika itu. SP1 juga telah
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menjelaskan fakta bahawa SP1 dan SP2 adalah adik beradik sudah pastinya
akan diketahui oleh OKT.
[26] SP2 memberikan keterangan bahawa SP2 tidak tahu menahu berkenaan dengan
apa-apa syarat yang diletakkan berkenaan dengan lantikan beliau. SP2 telah
menjelaskan lantikannya atas berdasarkan temu duga yang telah diadakan dan
[27] Berkenaan dengan syarat keahlian 001, SP1 telah menjelaskan bahawa keahlian
sebagai 001 telah diberikan oleh OKT sendiri. SP1 telah melabur sebanyak
RM18600 sebagai ahli dan mempunyai 31 akaun di mana setiap akaun adalah
bernilai RM600. SP1 juga telah memberikan keterangan bahawa tiada sebarang
lantikan rasmi bagi keahlian 001.
[28] Pihak pembelaan juga menimbulkan isu bahawa dokumen telah diserahkan
selepas perbicaraan bermula. Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa pihak
pembelaan telah diberikan masa yang mencukupi untuk meneliti dokumen-
dokumen tersebut kerana telah diberikan penangguhan yang sewajarnya untuk
meneliti dokumen-dokumen tersebut dan ini sama sekali tidak memprejudiskan
[29] Pihak pembelaan telah menyatakan tindakan SP1 untuk menghantar “bill
collector” adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Namun pihak pendakwaan
bergantung keterangan SP3, yang dikatakan pengutip hutang telah menafikan
dakwaan bahawa dia telah dilantik oleh SP1 dan SP3 telah menyatakan beliau
menolong untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan OKT.
[30] Pihak pembelaan turut mempersoalkan penerimaan bukti tangkapan skrin
Whatsapp ekhibit P4 sebagai bukti tanpa diperiksa oleh pihak forensik.
Mahkamah telah menolak bantahan peguam dan menerima bukti tangkapan skrin
di mana perbualan asal dalam telefon bimbit telah dikemukakan.
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[31] Adalah tidak dinafikan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah menerima wang berjumlah
RM54,365 yang dipindahkan oleh SP1. OKT juga mengesahkan perbualan
awalan mengenai pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Namun OKT telah menyatakan tujuan
asal pembelian Bitcoin tersebut telah berubah kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[32] Rumusan pembelaan daripada keterangan OKT adalah OKT telah diberikan
kebenaran untuk menggunakan wang tersebut selepas OKT bersetuju tiga syarat
yang diberikan oleh SP1. Tiga syarat yang dikenakan adalah bahawa SP2 dilantik
sebagai CEO, SP1 sebagai ahli 001 dan penasihat peribadi OKT.
[33] OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT telah mematuhi syarat dengan melantik SP2
sebagai CEO. OKT bertindak memperhentikan SP2 atas alasan bahawa SP2
telah bertindak bertentangan dengan hala tuju syarikat.
[34] OKT juga menyatakan bahawa SP1 sering memberikan pendapatan dan nasihat
serta membantu dalam penyediaan misi dan visi untuk Midas Touch. OKT
menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menjadi ahli 001 dan boleh dilihat melalui laman
[35] OKT telah mengemukakan bukti-bukti seperti penyata kiraan dan penyata bank
bagi menyokong perbelanjaan syarikat yang menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
pembayaran gaji, kos kepada ‘web developer’, bil dan sebagainya.
[36] Pembelaan OKT adalah bahawa OKT tidak menipu SP1 kerana SP1 sendiri yang
membuat keputusan untuk menangguhkan pembelian dan telah menawarkan
pinjaman modal bersyarat kepada OKT. OKT telah menerima tawaran tersebut.
[37] Mahkamah akan menjawab bantahan mengenai penerimaan ekshibit P4.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Pannir Selvam a/l Sinnaiyah & Anor v Tan Chia
Foo & Ors [2021] 7 MLJ 384 di Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
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“(3) The court agreed with the plaintiff’s contention based on the parallels drawn
to the case of Lim Choon Hau v Simpson Wong where the court held that
Whatsapp messages were direct evidence of the receipt of money as a friendly
loan from the plaintiff. The documents produced by a computer still admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it was admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
The court viewed that the WhatsApp messages were relevant and admissible
as they demonstrated the connection to the facts in issue so as to form part of
the same transaction. It triggered the application of s 6 of the Evidence Act (see
paras 57, 61 & 67).”
[38] Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah menjelaskan kebolehterimaan keterangan
whatsapp walaupun tiada sijil 90A seperti di bawah:
[60] I am unable to agree with this submission, in view of the fact that he did
not provide any authorities to support his contention that all WhatsApp
messages amounted to documents produced by a computer, bearing in mind
that the maker of those messages, who was SP2, was cross-examined.
[61] Secondly, even if those messages amounted to documents produced by
a computer, there are authorities such as Mohd Khayry bin Ismail v Public
Prosecutor [2014] 4 MLJ 317; [2014] 1 LNS 412 (CA) and Mohamad Fauzi bin
Che Rus v JR Joint Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 8 MLJ 739; [2016] 6
CLJ 266 to say that documents produced by a computer may still be admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it is admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
[39] Peguam bela hanya membantah keterangan P4 kerana tiada sijil 90A dibekalkan
oleh pihak pendakwaan dan telefon bimbit tidak dihantar untuk pemeriksaan
[40] Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes Gnanasegaran a/l Pararajasingam v
Public Prosecutor [1997] 3 MLJ 1 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan
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menyatakan seperti berikut berkenaan pemakaian Seksyen 90A Akta
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Shaik Daud:
Seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 menjadikan rekod komputer yang dibuat
semasa penggunaan biasa boleh diterima jika yang berikut dibuktikan, iaitu
bahawa: (i) dokumen-dokumen dihasilkan oleh sebuah komputer; dan (ii) rekod
komputer dihasilkan semasa penggunaan biasa. Bukti boleh dikemukakan
sama ada dalam bentuk sijil yang ditandatangani oleh satu-satunya orang yang
bertanggungjawab tentang komputer yang menghasilkan cetakan
sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh s 90A(2), atau oleh seorang pegawai
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Mahadev Shankar:
Zainal tidak dicabar oleh perayu atas kejituan catatan dokumen yang
dikemukakan. Sebaliknya, rayuan adalah berdasarkan fakta bahawa tiada sijil
telah dikemukakan di bawah s 90A(2) yang mana, perayu menghujahkan,
bermakna bahawa pihak pendakwa telah gagal membuktikan kesnya. Hujah ini
adalah berdasarkan falasi, kerana Zainal bertanggungjawab atas semua
pengendalian di bank dan dengan itu adalah bertanggungjawab atas urusan
aktiviti bank yang dijalankan oleh komputer tersebut. Sekiranya dia memilih
untuk menyediakan suatu sijil, dia boleh berbuat demikian dan di bawah s
90A(2), dokumen-dokumen akan diterima sebagai keterangan seperti yang
diperuntukkan oleh s 90A(1). Keterangan viva voce seseorang dalam kandang
saksi lebih penting daripada suatu sijil yang dikeluarkan olehnya (lihat ms
Seksyen 90A(1) merupakan suatu pengemaskinian ‘rukun keterangan paling
baik’ dengan realiti zaman elektronik, dan kini ia tidak lagi perlu untuk
memanggil juruwang atau kerani bank yang memasukkan data dengan syarat
dia berbuat demikian semasa penggunaan biasa komputer (lihat ms 14A—D).
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[41] Pemakaian sijil seksyen 90A juga dibincangkan dalam kes Mohd Khayry bin
Ismail v Public Prosecutor [2014] MLJU 385 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
(i)Tape recording evidence or CCTV recording, etc. at common law will be
admissible based on 'res gestae' principles as truth of its contents although they
may be hearsay or even self serving statement. Section 6 of EA 1950 and also
other sections give statutory recognition to 'res gestae' principle in the widest
form and is not restricted to the common law parameters. The test for relevancy
is set out in the section itself in no uncompromising terms. There appears to be
no comprehensive formula for its admissibility save as to guidelines suggested
and/or imposed by courts all for good reasons. [See Amrrita Lai Hazra v
Emperor 42 Cal 957; Bandahala bin Undik v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 CLJ
708 ]. The said section 6 of EA 1950 reads as follows:
"Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact in issue
as to form part of the same transaction are relevant, whether they
occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places."
(ii)At common law any form of tape recording, video recording, etc.; if relevant
is made admissible if the court is satisfied of its accuracy and that it has not
been tampered with, etc. The jurisprudence relating to its admissibility as well
as sections 3 and 61 of EA 1950 is set out in Janab's Key to Criminal Procedure
and Evidence, 2nd edition and it reads as follows:
"Document before the 1993 Amendment A 851 to the Act was defined in
section 3 of the Act to mean any matter expressed or described upon
any substance by means of letters, figures or marks or by more than one
of those means intended to be used or which may be used for the
purpose of recording that matter. Under the new amendment it includes
any matter embodied in a disc, tape, film, sound track or other device
whatsoever. A wide and extended meaning has been given to the
definition 'document'. Previously documents at least related to things
which could not be easily tampered with. Now documents include items
which could be easily tampered with. It is submitted that the admission
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of such documents which could be easily tampered with must be
admitted with caution."
In R v Maqsud Ali (1965) 2 All ER 465 Marshall J observed:
"… for many years now photographs have been admissible in evidence
on proof that they are relevant to the issues involved in the case and that
the prints are taken from negatives that are untouched. The print as seen
represent situations that have been reproduced by means of mechanical
and chemical devices. Evidence of things seen through telescopes or
binoculars which otherwise could not be picked up by the naked eye
have been admitted, and now there are devices for picking up,
transmitting, and recording conversations. We see no difference in
principle between a tape recording and a photograph. In saying this we
must not be taken as saying that such recordings are admissible
whatever the circumstances, but it does appear to this court wrong to
deny to the law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques
and new devices, provided the accuracy of the recording can be proved
and the voices recorded properly identified; provided also that the
evidence is relevant and otherwise admissible, we are satisfied that a
tape recording is admissible in evidence.
Such documents when produced for the inspection of the court are
referred to as documentary evidence. Thus, documentary evidence may
include not only documents in writing but also maps, plans, graphs,
drawings, photographs, discs, tapes videotapes, films and negatives
(see Cross on Evidence)."
(iii)The amendments in relation to documents to EA 1950 do not in any way
affect the common law position as set out in R v Maqsud Ali. The amendments
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allow further hearsay documents which may be difficult to be made admissible
under the common law because of the hearsay rule and its prejudicial effect, to
be made admissible provided the criteria set out in the amendments are
complied with. The new amendments such as section 90A do not displace
common law rules as to admissibility. That is to say if the party cannot admit a
document in consequence of the common law restriction then he may get the
document admitted under any of the new provisions such as section 90A, etc.
[42] Mahkamah mendapati mendapati peguam bela tidak berhujah bahawa perbualan
Whatsapp adalah tidak revelan dan hanya membantah kerana ketiadaan sijil 90A.
Mahkamah mendapati P4 adalah keterangan yang relevan di mana penawaran
pembelian Bitcoin dan persetujuan serta transaksi dilakukan adalah perbualan
yang terkandung dalam P4. Mahkamah berpuas hati ketulenan perbualan
Whatsapp apabila SP1 masih menyimpan keseluruhan perbualan Whatsapp dan
telefon bimbit yang mengandungi kesemua perbualan tersebut telah
dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah dalam keadaan baik. Malah di peringkat
pembelaan, OKT tidak menafikan kandungan Whatsapp dan bersetuju bahawa
itu adalah perbualan antara OKT dan SP1. Oleh itu, ketiadaan sijil 90A tidak
menjejaskan kebolehterimaan ekshibit P4.
[43] Pihak pembelaan ada menimbulkan isu ketidakaturan prosedur kawad cam.
Daripada keterangan kesemua saksi, adalah fakta bahawa OKT dan SP1
mengenali antara satu sama lain untuk satu tempoh masa yang panjang dan
berurusan dalam perdagangan mata wang kripto dan isu pengecaman OKT
adalah tidak diperlukan dan pengecaman daripada kandang adalah memadai.
[44] Pemindahan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi pembelian Bitcoin adalah fakta
tidak dipertikaikan. Persoalan utama dalam kes ini adalah sama ada terdapat
penipuan dilakukan OKT atau terdapat pinjaman modal bersyarat yang dikatakan
oleh OKT.
[45] SP1 bertegas bahawa tiada perubahan tujuan asal pembelian Bitcoin dan tidak
pernah menawarkan syarat seperti mana yang dicadangkan oleh peguam bela
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manakala OKT menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menukarkan pembelian tersebut
kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[46] OKT telah bersetuju pada tiada keterangan bertulis mengenai pinjaman modal
bersyarat tersebut. Alasan ketiadaan dokumen bertulis adalah OKT telah
menyuruh SP1 menyediakan perjanjian tersebut namun SP1 tidak berbuat
demikian sehingga hari ini.
[47] Memandangkan ketiadaan keterangan bertulis, maka Mahkamah perlu menilai
kredibiliti keterangan lisan saksi-saksi. Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, peguam
bela hanya meletakkan cadangan bahawa SP1 telah menawarkan pinjaman
modal bersyarat. Namun, peguam bela tidak pernah bertanyakan soalan tentang
penyedian dokumen bagi pinjaman modal bersyarat oleh SP1. SP1 hanya
diajukan penyediaan dokumen untuk pelantikan CEO dan misi,visi bagi Midas
Touch yang menjurus kepada penglibatkan SP1 dalam syarikat OKT.
[48] Keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten di mana SP1 menyatakan bahawa tidak
berkemungkinan untuk SP1 untuk menukarkan tujuan asal kepada pinjaman
modal bersyarat apabila SP1 dimaklumkan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah membeli
Bitcoin tersebut.
[49] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 yang bertukar fikiran dan
yang menyuruh menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin dalam masa 3 hari. Pada 1
sehingga 3 Februari 2018, di mana SP1 telah berjumpa OKT di Hotel Royal
Chulan dan mencadangkan duit RM54,365 akan disumbangkan ke dalam
sekiranya 3 syarat dipatuhi dan sekiranya OKT masih belum membeli Bitcoin.
[50] Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan telah mengajukan soalan-
soalan yang kurang relevan yang berkenaan pelaburan RM30,000 secara
terperinci. Namun, aduan SP1 dan pertuduhan adalah berkenaan dengan
pembelian Bitcoin. SP1 bersetuju bahawa SP1 membuat perdagangan dan
pelaburan dengan OKT namun SP1 menyatakan SP1 tertipu dengan pembelian
Bitcoin kerana beliau tidak menerima Bitcoin.
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[51] Mengikut perbualan awalan, SP1 dimaklumkan bahawa pembelian Bitcoin adalah
melalui akaun kraken. SP1 menunggu pemindahan Bitcoin oleh OKT namun tidak
dilakukan atas alasan bahawa terdapat masalah dengan akaun kraken. SP1 telah
berasa tertipu setelah menyoal perkara ini dengan pihak kraken bahawa mustahil
akaun kraken disekat sekian lama walaupun digodam.
[52] Namun, kini versi OKT adalah OKT tidak semestinya perlu membeli Bitcoin
melalui kraken memandangkan terdapat pelbagai cara pembelian Bitcoin dapat
dibuat. Kemudian, OKT menerangkan prosedur pembelian Bitcoin melalui kraken
adalah jauh lebih susah kerana perlu menukarkan kepada mata wang fiat terlebih
dahulu bagi tujuan pembelian kripto. OKT menyatakan akaun OKT adalah pada
peringkat permulaan (starter) maka memerlukan banyak transaksi dilakukan bagi
tujuan pembelian Bitcoin malah perlu menunggu masa yang lama.
[53] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa sekiranya OKT berasa sukar untuk membeli
Bitcoin melalui kraken, mengapakan OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT akan
melakukan transaksi menggunakan kraken. Keterangan OKT adalah tidak
konsisten di mana OKT pada mula mendekati pengadu dengan penggunaan
akaun kraken di mana kini OKT menyatakan bahawa pembelian dengan kraken
adalah sukar. OKT tidak menunjukkan bahawa apa-apa tindakan penukaran mata
wang fiat untuk pembelian Bitcoin. Dalam perbualan Whatsapp P4, OKT mengesa
pengadu membayar dan OKT akan transfer duit ke dalam akaun kraken.
[54] OKT menyatakan OKT cuba meningkatkan tahap akaunnya ke peringat
pertengahan (intermediate) sejak 2017 namun hanya tahun 2023, pihak kraken
telah memberikan verifikasi akaun pertengahan. Apa bukti yang dikemukakan
oleh OKT adalah perbualan dengan kraken bahawa OKT akhirnya mendapat
akaun pertengahan setelah sekian lama dipohon. OKT tidak pernah menunjukkan
bahawa akaun OKT dibuka sejak bila dan sejak bila permohonan pernah dibuat.
OKT hanya mengemukakan perbualan pada tahun 2023 selepas OKT telah
dituduh di Mahkamah dan perbicaraan telah lama berjalan. Oleh itu, nilai
keterangan mengenai pengiktirafan akaun pertengahan pada tahun 2023 adalah
amat rendah dan tidak membantu menyokong keterangan OKT.
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[55] OKT dipersoalkan sekiranya tidak menggunakan kraken, mengapakah OKT
masih gagal membuat pembelian menggunakan aplikasi lain sedangkan OKT
menyatakan bahawa akaun kraken OKT adalah terhad. OKT memberikan alasan
bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM dan harga Bitcoin menaik. Namun, perkara
ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan semasa peringkat pendakwaan. Dakwaan bahawa
Bitcoin naik mendadak menyebabkan OKT tidak membelikan Bitcoin tidak pernah
ditimbulkan kepada saksi pendakwaan. OKT telah mengemukakan Ekshibit
D39A-E bagi menunjukkan harga pasaran Bitcoin. Namun, D39 A,C,D dan E
adalah tidak relevan memandangkan harga pasaran adalah bukan tahun 2018.
[56] Sekiranya merujuk kepada D39B, tidak menunjukkan perubahan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT kerana graf tersebut menunjukkan harga tahun 2018
sehingga 2020. Keterangan OKT sekali lagi tidak disokong oleh ekshibit D39B.
[57] OKT turut menyatakan bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM menyebabkan OKT
tidak membeli Bitcoin. Namun, OKT setuju dengan cadangan bahawa pembelian
mata wang kripto adalah boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila dan tiada waktu
penutupan bagi pembelian mata wang asing. OKT menyatakan SP1 yang
memberikan kelonggaran masa untuk membeli Bitcoin. Perkara ini sekali lagi
tidak pernah ditimbulkan sewaktu peringkat pendakwaan. SP1 tidak pernah
ditanya bahawa beliau yang memberi kelonggaran masa kepada OKT membeli
Bitcoin dan juga harga Bitcoin menaik.
[58] Semasa peringkat pemeriksaan balas, OKT telah menyatakan OKT mempunyai
nota yang mencatat persetujuan pinjaman modal bersyarat. Apabila ditanya
mengapa perkara ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan di peringkat pendakwaan mahupun
pemeriksaan utama di peringkat pembelaa dan OKT menjawab bahawa beliau
tidak ditanya. Semasa pemeriksaan utama, OKT hanya menyatakan tiada
perjanjian kerana SP1 tidak menyediakan. OKT juga tidak memaklumkan nota
tersebut kepada pegawai penyiasat. Nota tersebut tidak dikemukakan di
Mahkamah hanya ditimbulkan semasa pemeriksaan balas.
[59] Berkenaan dengan syarat yang dikatakan dikenakan oleh SP1, Mahkamah
mendapati OKT yang mempunyai kuasa penuh pelantikan SP2 di mana OKT
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telah menolak draf surat yang disediakan oleh SP1 dan menggunakan surat
syarat perlantikan oleh syarikat. Adalah jelas OKT mempunyai kuasa penuh
dalam pengurusan syarikat dan keputusan muktamad adalah pada OKT dan
bukan pada SP1. Ketika itu, syarikat OKT memerlukan modal dan OKT juga
menyatakan OKT tidak dapat pinjaman bank atas sebab tiada rekod pinjaman.
Atas faktor tersebut, OKT menyatakan telah menerima pinjaman modal bersyarat
tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati adalah mustahil sebuah syarikat boleh
memperoleh satu pinjaman bersyarat tanpa syarat pemulangan. OKT
menyediakan perjanjian bagi pelaburan lain seperti pelaburan RM30,000 namun
tidak menyediakan apa-apa dokumen untuk jumlah wang yang lebih besar. OKT
yang menyediakan perjanjian untuk RM30,000 sebelum wujudnya penawaran
Bitcoin kepada SP1. Malah, OKT telah mengemukakan kesemua email untuk
lampirkan pemulangan bagi pelaburan trading tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati
adalah tidak munasabah bahawa tiada satu keterangan bertulis mengenai
pinjaman modal bersyarat seperti yang didakwa oleh OKT. OKT juga gagal
menjelaskan secara terperinci berapa jumlah bayaran balik dan tempoh pulangan
pinjaman tersebut. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah
diragui dan tidak kredibel.
[60] Mahkamah merujuk Public Prosecutor v Subahir bin Salmin [2009] MLJU 670
di mana Mahkamah Tinggi tidak bersetuju dengan dapatan Mahkamah yang
mempercayai versi pembelaan.
“ However, in respect of the First Charge, I do not agree with the acquittal
of the Respondent. I find that the trial Judge had erred in fact and in law.
The main reason why she acquitted the Respondent was because she
believed in the Defence story that there was an agreement by SP7, SD2
and the Respondent to assist SP1 to get 3 months of full salary and his
overtime pay even though SP1 did not work the full months for
September, October and November 2001. Here, I agree with the
Prosecution's submission that the Defence did not raise specifically and
in detail the existence of such an agreement of the Company's
Management in the course of cross-examining the Prosecution's
witness, in particular SP7 i.e. on the question whether it was on the
orders of the Company's Management that SPI's kon card was to be
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filled in that manner so that SP1 could be paid in full even though he was
on medical leave. Learned Counsel for the Respondent submitted that
at page 124 of the Appeal Record, the Defence Counsel had questioned
SP7 regarding such agreement of the Company's Management to help
SP1 but SP7 merely replied "tidak ingat". A perusal of the evidence at
page 124 of the Appeal Record shows that SP7 was cross-examined on
whether he had discussed with the Respondent and SD2 regarding
compensation to be paid. SP7 replied that he could not remember. SP7
was then asked whether the salary for October and November 2001 was
paid in full as compensation since SP1 did not have insurance and
SOCSO. Again SP7 replied that he could not remember. As submitted
by the Appellant, even if SP7 could not remember, the Defence should
have pursued the matter further and asked SP7 specifically and in detail
whether there was an agreement by SP7, SD2 and the Respondent to
pay SP1 the full salaries for October and November 2001 in order to
assist SP1 who had no insurance or SOCSO. Since the Defence failed
to raise this agreement specifically during the cross-examination of the
Prosecution witnesses, it means that what the Defence later raised
during the Defence stage should be rejected on the ground that the
evidence regarding the agreement by the Company's Management is a
mere concoction or fabrication, or an afterthought. The law regarding this
issue is trite.”
[61] Walaupun OKT menimbulkan perjanjian modal bersyarat di peringkat
pendakwaan, namun OKT tidak menyatakan apa syarat lain selain syarat
dikenakan oleh SP1. OKT tidak pernah menyentuh apa-apa perkara tentang
pemulangan pinjaman modal bersyarat dan tempoh pembayaran. Mahkamah
mendapati pinjaman modal bersyarat merupakan satu pemikiran terkemudian
oleh OKT. Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah
menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah membeli Bitcoin tersebut namun
OKT tiada niat untuk membeli Bitcoin bagi SP1. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahawa
alasan-alasan dikemukakan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan konsisten.
Sekiranya OKT mempunyai niat membeli Bitcoin untuk SP1, sepertimana yang
dinyatakan OKT mempunyai pelbagai cara lain dan tidak semestinya membeli
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melalui Kraken namun OKT tidak berbuat demikian. OKT telah mengesa SP1
membuat bayaran segera bagi tujuan pembelian namun OKT kini menyatakan
dalam tempoh 3 hari pertama, OKT tidak membeli kerana sibuk dan harga Bitcoin
naik. Namun dilihat daripada ekshibit D39B, tiada kenaikan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT. OKT menyatakan OKT mengajak SP1 membeli Bitcoin
dengan sendiri dengan menggunakan akaun Luno SP1. Keterangan
bertentangan dengan perbualan Whatsapp, di mana OKT yang beria-ria untuk
menawarkan penjualan Bitcoin kepada OKT (ekshibit P4(2)).
[62] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah tidak kredibel dan konsisten dan
bersifat pemikiran terkemudian (afterthought) berkenaan dengan isu penyediaan
dokumen perjanjian. OKT sering bertanyakan kepada SP1 dalam membantu OKT
mendraf dokumen dan semua dokumen didraf oleh SP1 seperti perlantikan CEO,
visi dan misi Midas Touch. Namun OKT menyatakan SP1 tidak membuat draf
dengan pinjaman modal bersyarat walaupun diminta. Mahkamah kurang
mempercayai keterangan OKT di mana sekiranya jumlah pinjaman dikatakan
adalah tinggi dan ianya melibatkan kepentingan pengadu, adalah mustahil SP1
enggan untuk mendraf satu perjanjian untuk memastikan kepentingannya
terjamin dan juga pulangannya.
[63] OKT telah menyatakan OKT akan memindahkan Bitcoin selepas 7-14 hari
kemasukkan duit. Perkara ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan akaun OKT sebagai
starter dan ianya dalam pengetahuan OKT kerana pembelian melalui akaun
starter memerlukan masa yang amat panjang memandangkan akaun starter
mempunyai hak transaksi. SP1 telah bertanyakan sekiranya harga naik, SP1
masih boleh membeli dengan harga yang dipersetujui. Kini alasan alasan harga
naik, OKT tidak membeli Bitcoin amat bercanggah dengan perbualan Whatsapp
OKT dengan pengadu seperti di P4.
[64] Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah memperdayakan SP1 membayar wang
berjumlah RM54365 untuk pembelian Bitcoin di mana OKT tidak ada niat membeli
atau membeli Bitcoin dan telah menipu pengadu bahawa Bitcoin telah dibeli tetapi
Bitcoin tersebut tidak wujud. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati OKT gagal
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menimbulkan keraguan munasabah dan OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan ke
atas pertuduhan.
[65] Antara faktor mitigasi yang dikemukakan oleh peguam bela adalah seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh berumur 56 tahun;
(b) Merupakan ibu tunggal sejak kematian suami tahun 2008;
(c) Mempunyai 15 cucu dan OKT menanggung 6 cucu yang tinggal bersamanya;
(d) Memberikan kerjasama baik dengan pihak polis;
(e) mempunyai masalah kesihatan hyperthroid sejak 2008 dan masih menerima
rawatan sehingga sekarang; dan
(f) Pesalah pertama
[66] Peguam bela terpelajar memohon agar satu hukuman di bawah peruntukkan
seksyen 294 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah diberikan berdasarkan faktor mitigasi
[67] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan ‘victim impact statement’ oleh SP1. SP1
mengalami kerugian wang yang banyak disebabkan penipuan OKT. Pihak
pendakwaan memohon hukuman penjara dikenakan untuk melindungi
kepentingan awam. Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa transaksi sebegini tidak
dikawal selia dan memberikan ruang kepada penipuan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan terdapat keuntungan salah oleh OKT dan jumlah tersebut adalah
tinggi. Pihak pendakwaan telah merujuk tred hukuman dalam kes Tan Wee Eng
vs PP [2019] MLJU 818 di Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 24 bulan
bagi kerugian RM33,300. Pihak memohon kos pendakwaan kerana terdapat 7
saksi dipanggil dan perbicaraan mengambil tempoh masa yang lama.
[68] Peguam bela memohon pertimbangan bahawa OKT merupakan pesalah pertama
dan peguam bela membantah terhadap kos.
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[69] Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan peguam untuk bon berkelakuan baik
kerana ianya tidak terpakai dalam kes ini. Seksyen 294(6) Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah menyatakan bon tidak boleh diberikan untuk kesalahan serius dan
tafisran ksesalahan serius adalah di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah tergolong kesalahan serius dan tidak
boleh diberikan pertimbangan bon seperti yang dipohon.
[70] Mahkamah perlu menjatuhkan hukuman berdasarkan undang-undang dan prinsip
kehakiman. Mahkamah merujuk kes Public Prosecutor v Jafa bin Daud [1981]
1 MLJ 315 and PP v Tia Ah Leng [2000] 5 MLJ 401.Seksyen 420
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara tidak kurang daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih
10 tahun dan sebatan dan juga boleh dikenakan denda. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak
boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kurang 1 tahun. Mahkamah juga tertakluk
kepada bidang kuasa di bawah seksyen 87(1) Akta Mahkamah Rendah 1948 di
mana Mahkamah Majistret tidak boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara melebihi 5
tahun. Memandang OKT merupakan perempuan, maka sebatan tidak boleh
dikenakan mengikut seksyen 289(c) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[71] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat dalam kes ini
dan tujuan hukuman diberikan. Mahkamah mempertimbangan hukuman penjara
adalah wajar dikenakan dan bukan hukuman alternatif mengambil kira tujuan
hukuman diberikan adalah berbentuk pengajaran kepada OKT dan juga
masyarakat secara umum. Mahkamah mengambil kira faktor mitigasi seperti usia,
kesihatan dan rekod OKT dalam mempertimbangkan tempoh pemenjaraan.
Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara satu tahun dan 6 bulan.
[72] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan usia, tahap kesihatan OKT serta tiada rekod
kesalahan lampau OKT. OKT telah berusia 56 tahun dan mempunyai masalah
kesihatan seperti hyperthyroidism. Namun begitu, tindakan OKT telah
menyebabkan kerugian tinggi kepada pengadu perlu diberikan pertimbangan
sewajarnya. Berdasarkan kes Tan Wee Eng vs PP [2019] MLJU 818, Mahkamah
ini telah memendekkan tempoh hukuman penjara dan menjatuhkan hukuman
penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor dinyatakan di
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[73] Untuk permohonan kos pendakwaan, Mahkamah boleh menetapkan kos
mengikut sekyen 427 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan Mahkamah mengawardkan
RM1500 sebagai kos pendakwaan yang perlu dibayar seminggu dari tarikh jatuh
hukum dan sekiranya gagal bayar, OKT dikenakan penjara 1 bulan. Mahkamah
mengambil kira jumlah hari perbicaraan banyak dan masa yang panjang di mana
kos yang terlibat apabila SP1 dan saksi awam lain telah hadir beberapa kali ke
Mahkamah dan kos terlibat apabila terdapat penangguhan perbicaraan pada 4
dan 25 November 2022 oleh pihak peguam bela dan OKT.
[74] Peguam bela telah memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman penjara.
Alasan dikemukakan adalah tahap kesihatan OKT yang tidak baik dan
memerlukan rawatan. Timbalan pendakwa raya membantah permohonan kerana
OKT tidak mempunyai komplikasi dan masalah kesihatan serius. Laporan
perubatan menyatakan OKT dalam keadaan stabil.
[75] Mahkamah mendapati alasan OKT ada sejarah perubatan hyperthyrodism tidak
memadai untuk satu penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman kerana laporan
menunjukkan bahawa OKT bukan “in Thyroid Storm” dan keadaan OKT adalah
stabil. Hukuman penjara tidak menafikan OKT untuk mendapat perhatian rawatan
susulan. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mohd Khairul Azlan bin Mohd Napi
lwn Pendakwa Raya [2022] 7 MLJ 867 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan
seperti berikut:
“(3) Section 311 of the Criminal Procedure Code had provided that when
an appeal was filed, it did not automatically render the sentence passed
to be stayed. Based on the affidavit filed and the reasons submitted the
court found that the health problems faced by the applicant did not justify
the granting of the application for stay of execution. This was because
the medical officer’s report was only in respect of the illness suffered by
the applicant. The medical officer did not clearly state whether the
applicant required specific and periodic treatment that could not be
provided in prison. The issue of the possibility that the applicant would
be exposed to the Covid-19 virus was not supported by any document
or confirmation that the applicant would be infected with the virus simply
because he was placed in the prison. What was at stake in this case was
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the presumption and likelihood that it would happen to the applicant. This
was not sufficient to show that it was a special circumstance to allow the
execution of the sentence to be stayed”
[76] Berkenaan dengan alasan penjagaan cucu, juga bukan satu keadaan khas yang
memadai dalam memberikan penangguhan pelaksanaan di mana tiada apa-apa
keterangan oleh OKT bahawa OKT merupakan penjaga sah dari segi undang dan
cucu-cucu tidak lagi mempunyai ibu bapa lagi atau penjaga yang sah. OKT
menolong untuk menjaga cucu tidak memadai untuk suatu hukuman
digantungkan. OKT mempunyai ahli keluarga lain seperti anak OKT yang boleh
menjaga anak atau anak buahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah menolak permohonan
peguam bela untuk penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
MahkamahKuala Lumpur
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| 49,161 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-565-08/2023 | PLAINTIF CHAN CHEE CHIN @ CHUN CHOO CHIN DEFENDAN 1. ) LEE YOON HUAT 2. ) YOH SHEUE SHYUAN 3. ) CHIN YIK KEIN 4. ) SINTARI SDN BHD | Company – striking out under Order 18 rule 19 of the Rules of Court 2012 – whether the claim is plainly or obviously unsustainable against the 4th Defendant - Whether the suit against the 4th Defendant should be Struck Out – Whether the 4th Defendant presence is necessary to ensure that all matters in dispute may be effectually and completely determined and adjudicated upon - No Cause of Action or any remedy pleaded against the 4th Defendant | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Indera Mohd Arief Emran Bin Arifin | |
GOJ SINTARI SB 018 (grounds striking out 4th Defendant).pdf
04/01/2024 17:00:30
WA-22NCC-565-08/2023 Kand. 43
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WA—22NCC—565—DB/2023 Kand. 43
24,01,201; 1,
WRIT OF summons No.: wA-22m:c.5s5-omnza
(NRIC Na..49D12D—71—5305) . PLAINWFF
(NRIC No.: 78620-05-5273)
(NRIC Na.. 751005-10-5302)
3 CHIN wk KE\N
(NRIC Na..590507»10-6033)
A swum SDN arm
(company No zuaaomozass) .DEFENDANTS
5w zmuNOEcnuDuDY§I:\I:oE7w
mm Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
Grounds ouudg m
lnImdIu:t' n
The AW Defendanl above named have applied |u slnke am the
Plammrs claun under Order 15 rule 19 olthe Rules of com 2012
The argument pul «arm by the 4* De¢end.ann has on the lad that
were was no cause ai men or even any remedies claimed by me
Plaunhll m us c\a|m against me 4*" Defendant
Alter reviewing the Statement 0! cwaxm, Hind that the Al" Delendant
has suooessiully shown to mus Cnurl (ha| the clam agamst it should
be struck out
mm that «ms \s a p\am and obvluus case where the pawerlu strike
out should be exercwsed
Law on smkmg out
smking om a dawn \s a draocman power pmwued «u «ms Cuufl
under Order we nne 19 n snmm unly be exemseu when «ms Cmm
finds me: the clam: is mam and obvmusxy unsustainame mm m
becomes nmpossmle (or the case to succeed. I re(er to me decwsxon
ollhe Supreme Coun In Bandar Eulldur Sdn Blvd .1 ms v United
Mllnyan Ennklnq Corporation Bhd mm] 4 CLJ 7 where
Mohamed Dzawddln FCJ held —
sw zmumozcnuonbtqmcozvw
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
"The prrncrples upon wmch lhe Courl acls rri exercrsing its power
urraar any oi ma ieur lrrnbs am is r. 191 Rules oi the Hlgh
flare well semen ll IS anly In plaln arm ocyraus cases lhal
recourse sncula be had la lhe summary process under lhls rule (per
cley M R in Hubbuck v Wl/klnson [1399] 1 as as, p all, and
llus summary procedure can nrily be adopted when ri can be clearly
seen ihal a clalm or answer IS on me lace of ll “obviously
unsustainable“ iAllonrey- General er Duchy or Lancaster v. L. 8.
rvw Ry. Co [1592] 3 Ch 274, CA) ll cannot be exercised by a
rnrnure examlnellan urine documenls and iacls alme case, In order
lu see wlreiher the party has a cause uf aclrcn er a delence
iwenlock v Malaneymss 1WLR123E,[1965]2 AH ER 371, CA)
The auihovllles mrlher show «ha: rl ihere a poinl oi law
requires serious discussion‘ an objeclron should be |aken on (he
pleamngs and lhe pornl sei down ior argument lmdero 33 r.
giwhrch rs lnpara rnalsrra wrln cure as r. 2 Rules cl lhe Hlgh
E (Hubbuc)< y. wrlkrrrsan) (supra) The ccun must be sallslled
lhal ihere is na reasonable cause cl amlon ar that me claims are
irwclous or vexaliuus urihal me defences lalsed are HUI arguable"
5 There are lwn ways in whlch a claim may be plainly or obviously
urrsusrarnanlc as explained by lha srrrgapora calm oi Appeal in The
Bung: Melltli (201214 sue 545, where v K Rarah JA slated -
‘39 In curvrew, lhrs analylrcal, iacl—law crslrnnran can srrnrlarly be
apphed lo 0 18 r l9i1)(b) arlhe ROC orthe lnherenliurlsdlnlon or
me courllo strike oui Imsusialnable aclions, such a d clion helps
lo more clearly elucidaie whai a own means when l! holds (Hal an
ecllon ls "pIalrl\y or abvlously" unsustainable Applylng ms
IN zmulwzcvuonbtgblcozvw
wane s.rr.r M... will re used m yaw re mrrrmr-r sun; nnmmnrrl vn muha wrul
conceptual pnsm. a “plalnly or Obviously“ unsustainable actton
would be one whtcn is either
(5) Legallyunsustatnable lf‘l|may|:leclearasamaIIeruHawa|
the outset that even it a party were to succeed in brdtrtng all
the «acts that he divers to prove he will nul be entttled to the
remedy that he seeks“, or
to) Factually unsustatnable tilt is “passlble to saywtth conndence
beldre trial ma| the tactual basts tor the claim is lancttul because it
is enttrely without substance, [tcr example‘ ti tt ts] clear heyund
questton that the statement ol tans contradtcted by at the
documents or other rnatertal on whtch tt ts based“.'
7 The above was adopted by the Federal court tn Tel wet Many A
on v Malaysia Allllnas Him 5 other Appeals [2fl1K]9 cu 425
8 ll ts true that tithe pleadings disclose a reasonable cause ol acttun
and tr it could be shown that there are “issues of law that need to be
elaborated and argued tn great detail and for mature consideration“,
then this court should not strike out the sutt.
9. lsnould also constder «there are relevant lactual issues that redutre
deliberation at the «acts through witnesses llthere are such tssues,
thts Courl should not utilize its powers to slrlke out the claim was!
order 18 ntIe19 Rules ol court 2012.
to. At the same time, I am aware olmy duty to constder the clatnt and
the amdavtt evidenee tn tutaltty to determine whether there extsts a
N zntul|1OEcDuDnDY§blI:DE7w
use Slim M... will be used M mm me nllfllnnllw Mtms mam. vn AFVLING wet
reasonable cause 0! acllorl lhal oughl lo be relerrea to at lrlal. For
lhrs purpuse, I reproduce lha umgmahl or Molld Azml sc.l In Bank
lveqm Mahysla v Molld lsmall (19921 1 cu Rep 14, where hrs
Lurdshlp quoted the Judgmenl allhe Prlvy Cuuncll VI Eng Mee Yong
v Lelcnumarran 119791 1 LNS 1a, which is repmduced heveln —
‘Although m the normal way ll ls hm appropnale lor a Judge lo
aI|emp| lo resolve cohlllcls ol evldenoe an amdavlh lhrs does no:
mean lhal he ls bound to anneal uncrlhcally. as ralslng a mspule ol
lacl whlch calls «or lunher lnvesllgallcln, every slalernehr an an
affldavit however equlllucal, Vacklng In preclslon‘ lnDl:nsIs|erl( wrlh
uhalspuled contemporary documenls or other slalemehls by me
same deporlerll, or rnherenlly lrnprobable ln ltse
may be.“
l also note lhal lhe Delehaams also argue lhal lhe alarm ls abuslve
and relles on Order 92 rule 4 ollhe Rules ol Coun For lhls purpose.
l have laken Inlo aocounl the exnlarreuon glven by (he caun cl
Appeal as whal ls lahlarnaunl lo abuslve behavlour In ZalnaIAbldIn
bin mmlu @ s luanlam VKeIa]nn Malaysla [ma] 5 ML! x53.-
“[16]The ealegones er abuse uf prunes: are never closed and MH
cerlalnly prnlrlerale pursuanl lo lhe myriad of clrcumslances
avallable from lhe lactual rhalrlx lourld V7 each parucular case“
l also reler |o lhe declslorl alrhe coun ai Appeal In Hmpah Permal
Sdn Bhd V Siblh Fares! Industries Sdn Blvd [21711] 1 CLI Z35
sw zmlAN0EcDuDnDY§blI:oE7w
-use s.n.r M... wlll be used m mm me uumlh mm; nnmmnnl vn muhe wrul
Gwen lne above, lor lne Delendanls lo suooesslully smke out me
clam they musl snow mal me olalm as pleaded oy lne Plalntllls IS
so obvlausly or plalnly unsuslamable
wnemer lh s
should he Slluck On!
No Cause of Action or any remudy ploadud agaansl (ha 4'" Dehndaut.
l nave perused me slalamenl ol Clalm and nnd lnal lna Plalnllll nas
not pleaded any cause ol acnon agalnsl lne 4"‘ Defendanl
The claim revolves around me shares held by me 1*‘ lo we 3"‘
uelendanls thal allegedly were held on trust on me Plalnlilrs behalf
or belong to me F-lalnnlv, There ls no claim lnal was pameularized
by me Plalrlllff agalrlsl me 4*" Delendanl.
l also nole mal me remedies clalmed by me Plaintlll are solely
agalnst me 1“ to 3”‘ Defendants. No vemedles are slaled in the sald
stalernenl ol Clalm agalnsl me 4'" Delendanl.
Aoourdlng no me Plalnllll, me only reasun why he added Ihe 4'"
Delendam is because ne wanled tn ensure mat, if he ls successful,
me 4*" Defendant wlH cause me shares claimed agalns| me 1“ lo 3'“
Delendanl to be Iranslerved lo mm In olner words. he says mal the
4* Defendanl should be relalrled as a nonnnal Delendanl
Alter curlsldenng the last: and me pleaded case befure me l llnd
lnal lne Dunflnued presence onne 41" uelendan
IS not necessary Desplle 1ne lam lnal me dlspule concerns we
lhls pmceedlng
sn zrnul|1OEclluDnDY§blI:oE7w
-use s.n.1 Ilumhll wlll 1. used m mm 1.. annnnn Mvns nnmmnnl vn mune wrul
shares held by the 1“ to 3"’ Detendant tn the 4“ Deterldanlt the
presence at the 4'" Delendant ts not necessary The tssuee that are
pleaded that need to be dectded by thts court are only ecncerntng
the telattanshtp and the aclluns solely between the Platnttrt and the
other Delendants The pleaded case does not make any allegattons
or tnvolve any acts ol the 4"‘ Defendant.
l note that the Platnttll relers to the dectstan at the Htgh court tn
Syarikar Fain Sdn Bhd y Faiz sdn Bhd (2011) J CLJ J46 but I
do not belteve that the satd case asstst the Plaintitv
The taets cl thts case, as pleaded. shows that its presence ts not
necessary to ensure that all matters in dtspute may be ettectually
and completely determtned and adtudtcated upon The dtspute enly
concerns the Platntth and the other Delendants They do dencern
shares tn the 4*" Delendant bul that does not mean that the 4'"
l:-elendant should be made a pany tn this suil
More so when aauneel tor the 4“ Delendant has glven nts
unflertaklrlg that hts attent wtll ccmply wtth any orders of court tlthts
Cuun was to hnu that the shares tn the 4"’ Delendant should be
ttansterred tc the Plainlifiltum the 1" ta am Delenuants
l have also corlsldeled the Platnttvrs rettance on Ambusa Maya v
IJM Flanmlon Barhnd [2021] 1 LNS 1606 and Wong Klen Ylp v
Eyud splnl MIII sdn End [2022] 5 CLJ 259
The facts and the pleaded case tn Wong Kien vtp y Eyavd spiral Mill
sun aha tsupra) are suastanttally dttlerent to the pleaded case
belcre me In that case. the clatm ccnoetns an appllcahmt under
sth zrnlAl‘}0EcDuDnDY§blI:DE7w
‘Nab! mmhlv wt“ be used M mm me nlWlruH|Y Mvtls nnmmnhl vn AFVLING wrtll
secllon 345 a! me Companies Ac| that dawns «he aways 0! me
company were urmenaken appresswely agamsl a member of me
company. In muse types oi cases, we company has in be made a
party to me sum as lhe rehefs dawned mu have an Impact on me
decisions made prewously m we company and any unlawvul
vesmunon ol dvenors may have m be changed.
Vn «ms case, no such relnels are dawmed. The only mnnechon wwlh
the 4"‘ Delendant VS Ihe dawn hr the shares In the sand company
regwstered under me name onne other nerenaams, lo be tvansferred
to the Flalnlifl. ms does not requive me 4*" Devenuam as that order
may be emorceaoue against me other Delendants and as s|aled by
me 4* Delendanfs ommsew, ms clwenl win commy with an omers or
the Court relating to the Sam shares or any others made to Conn.
To be dear, on the issue or lashes / Iimmanon , I do nol make any
ruhng on «ms as «ms Is a mailer to be deemed belween me Fm-«in
and me amer Debndanls. The omy reason 1 aHow mis smkmg out
appncanan Is due to me (sol |ha( me meamngs do no: smm any
reasaname cause oi acuon or even any remedy agamst me 4“
0 Order: M Ihis Court
25 Forlhe afcresawd reasons, I slnke omlhe Plammvrs claim mm casts
Dated 22nd December 2023
alu‘ lndera Muhd Anef Emran bin Anfln
Hugh com o! Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
N00 5
Sm: Shyr Jinn (ogemer wnn Kelsey Kuek «or Plalnufl
Messrs Van 5. Sum
Advucales & Sullcllms
V H Yet; for 151, 2nd and 4m Delendam
Messrs Shul Tax
Advoca|es 8. soluenors
Chm Yuk Kenn am Delenclanl
| 1,426 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JA-24NCvC-345-04/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) LEE TIN YONG 2. ) CHONG SOK WAH 3. ) LEE MIN HAO RESPONDEN 1. ) kementerian dalam negeri, malaysia 2. ) PENDAFTAR BESAR KELAHIRAN DAN KEMATIAN JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA MALAYSIA | Application for citizenship- proof of place of birth on ‘Jus Soli’- proof of endorsement by Doctor and stamping of clinic - Jus Sanguinis whether proven - the meaning of the word ‘found’ in presumption sec 19B - absence of affidavits by Doctor and/or ‘friend’ but identity of friend said to be unknown - whether satisfy the tests in CCH. | 04/01/2024 | YA Puan Nurulhuda Nur'aini Binti Mohamad Nor | |
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SAMAN PEMULA NO: JA-24NCvC-345-04/2022
Dalam perkara mengenai suatu
permohonan untuk perintah
Dalam perkara mengenai
seksyen 41 Akta Relief Spesifik
Dalam perkara mengenai
Perkara 14(1)(b) Perlembagaan
Jadual Kedua, Bahagian II,
Seksyen 1(a) Perlembagaan
Jadual Kedua, Bahagian III,
Seksyen 19(b) Perlembagaan
Jadual Kedua, Bahagian II,
Seksyen 1(e) Perlembagaan
04/01/2024 12:36:58
JA-24NCvC-345-04/2022 Kand. 47
S/N Di5bb3B7wkuu4yc/DMrDwA
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Dalam Perkara mengenai
Aturan 92 Kaedah 4 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
(NO. K/P: 640807-01-5605)
(NO. K/P: 670628-01-5244)
Sijil Kelahiran Daftar No.: 00017014
(No. Siri: 000838 XA) …PEMOHON-PEMOHON
[1] This is a case by both applicant appellant seeking for this Court’s
power to exercise its discretion to confer citizenship on the 3rd applicant
appellant LMH, such application having been rejected by the Respondent,
earlier. This brings into focus the affidavits filed by both party and the
history that bring about the 3rd applicant into the 1st and 2nd applicants’
care (the 1st and 2nd applicant hereafter referred to as ‘representatives’
and the 3rd applicant as ‘LMH’).
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[2] The representatives are both of Malaysian citizen and are husband
and wife. At the time when an application for the identity card (IC) of LMH
was made when he reached 12 years old and arising from a series of
recalling of the birth certificate of LMH by the Respondent, with changes
were then made concerning important information of the representatives
reflected as ‘parents’ in the said application form and new birth certificate
reissued by the Respondent deleting the representatives identity as
‘parents’ and rejecting the said application for LMH’s IC, moved the
representatives to seek for an intervention to resolve it by an adoption
order dated 10.7.2014, given by the Session Court of Johore Bahru for
LMH to be registered as adopted son of both the representatives being
LMH’s adoptive parents.
The background history adduced by both parties
[3] LMH had a birth certificate (BC) AV37927 registered as being born
on 1.6.2001 with both representatives reflected as ‘father’ and ‘mother’
respectively on it. On him obtaining the age of 12 years old, the 1st
applicant (adoptive father) applied for LMH’s identity card but was rejected
by the 1st Respondent with the birth certificate of LMH confiscated and
invalidated by the 1st Respondent.
[4] The reason for this invalidation (as disclosed by the Respondent’s
affidavit) is that arising from different facial appearance of LMH compared
to the representatives, drove the Respondent to investigate, it was
revealed that the representatives were not the biological parents of LMH.
This moved an application be made by the 2nd applicant (adoptive mother)
for the changes to the crucial information relating to the mother’s name
including IC number, religion and race to be replaced with ‘no information’
(maklumat tiada) and the citizenship status of both biological mother and
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LMH to be ‘non-citizen’ made by the adoptive mother (see: exhibit ‘RJ-5’
of enclosure 5 Respondent’s AIR).
[5] The place of birth however was maintained as per the original BC to
be ‘Poliklinik Suria’ as no amendment was sought by the adoptive mother.
In order for these changes to be made, the first BC had to be handed back
to the Respondent. A new BC AV37927 dated 25.2.2014 serial number
001098XA with all these amendments was then issued (2nd BC) by the
[6] In the meantime, acting on the advice (by the Respondent) for a
formal adoption be made and having done so, armed with the seal
adoption order dated 10.7.2014, an application was made with the
Registration Department to have the adoption registered in the Adoption
Register. This was followed with a new BC (3rd BC) in red paper with
register number 00017014 serial number 000838XA signed by the 2nd
Respondent and registration date as 8.10.2014, issued.
[7] The applicants contend that the issuance of the 2nd BC written on it
‘place of birth’ of LMH to be ‘Poliklinik Suria Johor Bahru’ itself is an
endorsement by the Respondents that LMH was born in the Federation of
Malaysia without any other citizenship of other states and similarly the
biological mother of LMH would also be the citizen of Malaysia and no
[8] On 6.11.2014, the 1st applicant submitted an application in Form B,
to the Registration Department to move them to allow LMH’s registration
for citizenship under Article 15A of the Federal Constitution but was
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rejected by the National Registration and Societies Division, Ministry of
Home Affairs on 25.5.2017 without giving any reasons.
[9] Both the applicants further deposed that they have no information
or knowledge of the biological parents of LMH and the introduction to
LMH’s existence said to have been unwanted, abandoned or exposed,
was made sometime in May 2001 by a friend whose identity, unfortunately
was unknown to the 1st applicant and with no further deposition by the 2nd
applicant. The only information that seems to be in their knowledge is that
LMH was born in ‘Poliklinik Suria’ in the care of Dr. Raghu Sukumaran
and endorsement by the said clinic appeared on the BC application form
AV37927 (see: exhibit ‘RJ-3’ and ‘RJ-4’ of enclosure 5).
[10] The Respondents in their affidavit in reply deposed that with no
information of the LMH’s biological parent mother which could have been
obtained through the unidentified friend of both the applicants, it could
neither be said that the mother would have been a citizen nor was she not
a citizen of any other state. Furthermore, there was no other evidence that
LMH was unwanted, abandoned or exposed as there was no facts to
suggest LMH was found unattended, found at a rubbish dump, public toilet
or place of worship.
[11] The Respondents further averred that the place of birth ‘Poliklinik
Suria’ was maintained in the BC as the exercise carried out by the
Respondent at that point of time was merely to rectified any piece of
information found to be incorrect and as the place of birth as reflected in
the said application form with the stamp of the clinic appearing was never
part of the information that required any amendments be made by the 2nd
applicant, this information was left untouched by the Respondents.
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[12] To the Respondents’ view, even if the place of birth would, as
argued by the applicant, would have satisfied the principle of ‘Jus Soli’,
the applicants have failed to fulfill the ‘Jus Sanguinis’ requirement. The act
of both the applicants in being mum of these crucial facts, taking them to
be a true declaration on their part and only admitting them to be wrong
subsequently, work against them.
[13] The absence of any police report or report to the Registrar under
section 9 of the Births And Deaths Registration Act 1957 (Revised - 1983)
that requires any information concerning the finding of new-born child
found exposed, to be given to Registrar or a report to the Welfare
Department is suspect. These were the reasons, the application for LMH’s
IC and citizenship rejected was rejected by the Respondents.
The law on citizenship in the Federal Constitution
[14] The provisions on citizenship in the Federal Constitution can be
found in Part III, with further and better particulars can be seen in the 1st
and 2nd schedule as referred to in Part III of the Federal Constitution. In
the application before this Court, the applicants relied on Article 14(1)(b)
Federal Constitution ‘Citizenship by operation of law persons born on or
after Malaysia day’, sections 1(b) and 1(e) of 2nd schedule Part II and
section 19B Part III 2nd schedule of the Federal Constitution.
[15] The relevant provisions of the Federal Constitution are extracted as
“Part III
Article 14 (Citizen by operation of law)
14. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Part, the following persons
are citizens by operation of law, that is to say:
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(a) ...
(b) every person born on or after Merdeka Day, and having any
of the qualifications specified in Part II of the Second Schedule...
(Also, in Part III)
Article 31 (Application of Second Schedule)
31. Until Parliament otherwise provides, the supplementary
provisions contained in Part III of the Second Schedule shall have
effect for the purposes of this Part.
[Article 14(1)(b)]
1. Subject to the provisions of Part III of this Constitution, the
following persons born on or after Malaysia Day are citizens by
operation of law, that is to say:
(a) every person born within the Federation of whose
parents one at least is at the time of birth either a citizen or
permanently resident in the Federation; and...
(e) every person born within the Federation who is not born
a citizen of any country otherwise than by virtue of this
2. (1) ...
(2) ...
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (e) of section 1 a person is
to be treated as having at birth any citizenship which he acquires
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within one year afterwards by virtue of any provisions
corresponding to paragraph (c) of that section or otherwise.
[Article 31]
19B. For the purposes of Part I or II of this Schedule any newborn
child found exposed in any place shall be presumed, until the
contrary is shown, to have been born there of a mother
permanently resident there; and if he is treated by virtue of this
section as so born, the date of the finding shall be taken to be the
date of the birth.”
[16] Guided by the principle set in the cases (see: CTEB & Anor v.
Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 6 CLJ
471; [2021] 4 MLJ 236 and CCH & Anor v. Pendaftar Besar Bagi
Kelahiran Dan Kematian, Malaysia [2022] 1 CLJ 1) which held that:
“[49] … fundamental rights and provisions must be construed as
broadly as possible… provisions which limit those rights must
be construed as narrowly as possible…
[50] When construing a word or words in the FC protective of or
guaranteeing a fundamental right, the court should give their
widest possible meaning without changing or warping the
‘base’ meaning. And when construing interrelated provisions,
the Court should read them as a whole having regard to the
purpose and intent of those provisions and harmonise their
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collective meaning rather than put them at odds with
this Court proceeded to hear submissions by both parties on the effect of
the available evidence in relation to these provisions in the Federal
Submissions by parties
[17] It is the submission of the representatives that LMH’s 1st BC
including his Malaysian passport was obtained legitimately without
involving any syndicate, fraud, misrepresentation or corruption. For these
reasons, the forfeiture of LMH’s citizenship is unlawful, unconstitutional,
illegally forfeited and without legal justification.
[18] It was further submitted that the application for the changes as per
exhibit ‘RJ-5’ was made unwillingly but on the instruction by the
Respondent with some of the changes including the ‘citizenship status’ as
contended by the representatives was written by the JPN officer without
obtaining the consent of the representatives. In addition, the
representatives said the Respondent has failed to deny that the applicants
had satisfied the Jus Sanguinis principle hence it must be taken that the
failure to rebut only means an admission on the part of the Respondent
that the Jus Sanguinis principle has been satisfied by the applicants.
[19] With the retaining of the status of the place of birth by the
Respondent and with LMH at all material time was abandoned, found
exposed and/or unwanted by the birth parents by virtue of the fact that
there is no information of LMH’s biological parents up to this date, the
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principles of Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis have been satisfied by the
[20] The Respondent on the other hand argued that the citizenship
status of LMH must be determined not only based on the place of birth
(Jus Soli) but must also qualify the ‘Jus Sanguinis’ requirement. This
following the principle decided by the Court of Appeal in Than Siew Beng
& Anor v Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara & Ors [2017]
8 CLJ 16, [2017] 5 MLJ 662.
[21] It was further argued by the Respondent that the representatives
being adoptive parents are not recognized by law as the biological parents
of LMH as pronounced by the decision of Abang Iskandar COA (as he
then was) in Pendaftar Besar Kelahiran Dan Kematian Malaysia v
Pang Wee See & Anor [2017] 7 CLJ 33; [2017] 3 MLJ 309. The
applicants in their submission in reply submits that this case did not
discuss if adoptive parents can fill up the Application Form for Registration
of birth with their own details. In any event, it was argued by the applicants
that with LMH found exposed, abandoned and/or unwanted by the
biological parents, the Jus Sanguinis principle has been satisfied.
Findings by this Court
[22] The latest decision by the Federal Court in CCH (supra) would
provide the necessary guide to this Court in coming to a determination on
the issues raised. As can be gathered from the affidavits and submissions
specifically submission by the Respondent, there appears to be a
consensus that the place of birth remains to be ‘Poliklinik Suria Johor’ and
hence, to this Court’s view, the principle of Jus Soli would have been
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satisfied even without the application of the presumption under section
[23] This can be seen from the decision in CCH that states as follows:
"[52] Section 1(a) of Part II very clearly adopts the concepts of jus
soli (citizenship based on birthplace) and jus sanguinis
(citizenship based on blood relation). Section 19B in turn
contains two presumptions - one of which relate to jus
[53] The operative words in s. 19B are "any newborn child found
exposed in any place". The purpose of this section, when
read in context, must be to cover newborn children who are
left and discovered in a place without any trace of their
biological parents. We take judicial notice of the harsh
realities of life: this includes newborn children left
abandoned near dumpsites, baby hatches, public or school
toilets, places of worship and so on. A literal meaning of
"exposed" suggests a newborn child who was "discovered"
exposed at any of these locations.
[54] As such, the broadest possible interpretation of the word
"found exposed" is to accord it a meaning to include a child
abandoned at the place of birth by the birth mother whose
identity is unknown. The operative word "exposed" in s. 19B
must therefore encompass the plight of abandoned newborn
children, otherwise the overarching intent of preventing
statelessness would be defeated or rendered illusory”.
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[24] As a matter of repetition but necessary, section 1(a) of Article
14(1)(b) Part II of Schedule II is reproduced once more as follows:
“1. Subject to the provisions of Part III of this Constitution, the
following persons born on or after Malaysia Day are citizens by
operation of law, that is to say:
(a) every person born within the Federation of whose
parents one at least is at the time of birth either a
citizen or permanently resident in the Federation;
[25] Section 1(a) encompasses both these principle of Jus Soli “born
within the Federation” and the Jus Sanguinis “parents one at least at the
time of birth a citizen or permanent resident of the Federation”. With the
requirement of LMH stated to be born in ‘Poliklinik Suria Johor’ and
nothing to the contrary to rebut this, this Court agrees that the Jus Soli
principle is met. The next determination is on the principle of Jus
[26] The applicants (representatives) in their submission suggested that
the word ‘unwanted’ can be read into the meaning of the word ‘exposed’
that would then trigger the presumption under section 19B. This would,
based on this Court’s observation, probably be in tandem with the decision
in CCH that uses the word ‘abandoned’ interchangeably. For easy
reference, section 19B is produced again below:
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19B. For the purposes of Part I or II of this Schedule any newborn
child found exposed in any place shall be presumed, until the
contrary is shown, to have been born there of a mother
permanently resident there; and if he is treated by virtue of this
section as so born, the date of the finding shall be taken to be the
date of the birth. (emphasize mine)
[27] In order for the presumption to be triggered, the basic fact that “the
newborn child found exposed in any place” must first be satisfied. For this
purpose, the Federal Court in CCH ventilated further on the duty task on
the Court’s shoulder in relation to interpretation of the provisions of the
Federal Constitution. One crucial reminder highlighted by the Federal
Court that guides this Court in the analysis, is found at page 17 as follows:
“[45] Before proceeding to examine s. 19B with those principles
in mind, we seek to remind ourselves of other important
concepts on constitutional interpretation.
[46] Citizenship no doubt is governed by Part III of the FC, but it
is also a concept so inextricably linked to the right to life and
personal liberty contained in art. 5(1). As such, any
provisions on it must be construed as widely as possible”.
[28] In coming to this decision in interpreting the Constitution, the
dissenting judgment of the Federal Court in an earlier case of CTEB
(supra) was relied by the panel in CCH as follows:
“… the dissenting judgment of this court in CTEB & Anor v. Ketua
Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 6 CLJ 471;
[2021] 4 MLJ 236 (“CTEB”) where it was stated that Part III which
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contains enabling provisions is meant to aid or assist in the
interpretation of Parts I and II, and not to qualify or conditionalise
the application of Parts 1 and II to Part III. The dissenting judgment
had commented on s. 19B of Part III, as follows:
[161] Both ss. 19A and 19B of Part III are constitutional
presumptions as to births. Section 19A codifies in part the
international principle of flag state jurisdiction and applies
in relation to persons who are born on a vessel such that
their birth there is attributed to the place of registration of
the vessel. Section 19B applies in relation to children who
are found abandoned in any given place such that the
place of abandonment is treated as their place of birth and
where their mother is also permanently resident there.
[162] All the above sections, namely ss. 17, 19, 19A and 19B
exist as supplementary or filler sections – so to speak – to
supplement or to close any gaps or to resolve
technicalities that may arise when the person’s parents’
identity is in issue or even if their own place of birth is in
issue so long as that is a relevant question for the
purposes of Part I or Part II respectively”.
[29] With this forming the framework on the interpretation of the Federal
Constitution, the Federal Court proceeded to analyse the facts and
evidence presented in CCH before coming to a finding as below:
“[53] The operative words in s. 19B are "any newborn child found
exposed in any place". The purpose of this section, when
read in context, must be to cover newborn children who are
left and discovered in a place without any trace of their
biological parents. We take judicial notice of the harsh
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realities of life: this includes newborn children left
abandoned near dumpsites, baby hatches, public or school
toilets, places of worship and so on. A literal meaning of
"exposed" suggests a newborn child who was "discovered"
exposed at any of these locations.
[54] As such, the broadest possible interpretation of the word
"found exposed" is to accord it a meaning to include a child
abandoned at the place of birth by the birth mother whose
identity is unknown. The operative word "exposed" in s. 19B
must therefore encompass the plight of abandoned newborn
children, otherwise the overarching intent of preventing
statelessness would be defeated or rendered illusory.
[55] In the present case, we took pains to emphasise that
throughout the course of this case, it has been an accepted
fact that the child is an abandoned child who was born in
Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Cheras. This fact
was acknowledged in the adoption order and in the third
birth certificate...
[56] …The follow-up words in s. 19B are contained in the phrase
“until the contrary is shown”. Meaning, any person who
claims that the child was not “found exposed” or otherwise
abandoned by the mother as the case may be, bears the
burden of showing the identity of the mother and more
importantly, that the mother is not permanently resident at
the place of the finding”.
[30] The duty is now on this Court to ascertain whether the presumption
is triggered. This Court, relying on the unanimous decision of the Court of
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Appeal in Pang Wee See (supra) that ruled ‘the word "parents" in Article
14(1)(b) read with Section 1(a), Part II, Second Schedule of the Federal
Constitution refers to biological parents’, hence the applicants
(representative) had not fulfilled the crucial biological, or the jus sanguinis,
criterion as envisaged under the said article.
[31] It must be remembered that section 1(a) of Article 14(1)(b) is divided
into 2 limbs being the Jus Soli and the Jus Sanguinis when it provides
“every person born within the Federation” as the 1st limb focusing on Jus
Soli and “of whose parents one at least is at the time of birth either a citizen
or permanently resident in the Federation” being the second limb on Jus
Sanguinis. Thus, applying the meaning of the word ‘parents’ based on
Pang Wee See as above, the applicants have not satisfied the Jus
Sanguinis principle.
[32] Hence, even if there was consensus by the Respondent on the Jus
Soli principle having been met by the applicants, the satisfaction of the 1st
limb does not mean it equally satisfy the 2nd. No facts were put forward
by the applicants to show that the biological parents of LMH are either at
the time of birth, a citizen or a permanent resident of Malaysia.
[33] To begin with, the presumption in section 19B as decided in CCH is
tied to the place of birth. In CCH, the finding was that the child was born
in HUKM and abandoned. Following this, the analysis of the Federal Court
in CCH, even if the parents’ identity is in issue or even if their own place
of birth is in issue, but with the finding that the child was born in HUKM
and abandoned (CCH supra), it thus moved the Federal Court to come to
a finding with the aid of the presumption that the mother, permanently
resident there.
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[34] Acting on the assumption that this Court is wrong on the
determination of Jus Sanguinis by relying on Pang Wee See (supra),
based on the Federal Court decision in CCH, moved this Court to ventilate
and see if the presumption under section 19B is triggered hence, the need
to determine if in fact the child is ‘found exposed’ or abandoned (which is
used interchangeably in CCH) and if the aid of section 19B comes into
[35] The identity of the mother would and could have been obtained by
the applicants by the fact that there was available, an endorsement of the
Doctor in exhibit ‘RJ-3’ who would have probably performed the delivery
at the polyclinic Suria and it could have been sought from the individual
called ‘friend’ by the applicants (representative) in their affidavits yet said
of unknown identity, inevitably posed further dilemma to this Court.
[36] This was added by the absence of a police report or report to the
Registrar as required under section 9 of the Births And Deaths
Registration Act 1957 (Revised - 1983) as follows:
Section 9. Information concerning finding of new-born child
to be given to Registrar within fourteen days.
Where any living new-born child is found exposed, it shall be the
duty of the person finding the child, and of any person in whose
charge the child may be placed, to give to the best of his
knowledge and belief to the Registrar, before the expiration of
fourteen days from the date on which the child was found, such
1 19B. For the purposes of Part I or II of this Schedule any newborn child found exposed in any place shall be
presumed, until the contrary is shown, to have been born there of a mother permanently resident there; and if
he is treated by virtue of this section as so born, the date of the finding shall be taken to be the date of the birth
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information of the particulars required to be registered concerning
the birth of the child as the informant possesses, and in the
presence of the Registrar to sign the register:
Provided that the giving of information and the signing of the
register by any one of the said persons shall act as a discharge of
any duty under this section of any other of them.”
[37] In CCH, there was no reference made to the case of Pang Wee See
(supra) and to section 9 of the Births And Deaths Registration Act 1957,
thus how the effect of its absence would have a bearing on the decision
of the Court is unknown. As the applicants (representatives) failed to carry
out such attempt to ascertain this as opposed to ‘attempted but failed’, this
Court is of the view the presumption under section 19B ought not to apply.
This decision on the application of the presumption would apply across
the board in other cases as well where issue of application of presumption
is concerned.
[38] The argument by the applicants that the word ‘unwanted’ to be
inclusive in the word ‘exposed’, this Court once again finds it necessary
to refer to the extract of the Federal Court judgment in CCH as follows:
“[53] The operative words in s. 19B are "any newborn child found
exposed in any place". The purpose of this section, when
read in context, must be to cover newborn children who are
left and discovered in a place without any trace of their
biological parents. We take judicial notice of the harsh
realities of life: this includes newborn children left
abandoned near dumpsites, baby hatches, public or school
toilets, places of worship and so on. A literal meaning of
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"exposed" suggests a newborn child who was "discovered"
exposed at any of these locations.
[54] As such, the broadest possible interpretation of the word
"found exposed" is to accord it a meaning to include a child
abandoned at the place of birth by the birth mother whose
identity is unknown. The operative word "exposed" in s. 19B
must therefore encompass the plight of abandoned newborn
children, otherwise the overarching intent of preventing
statelessness would be defeated or rendered illusory.”
(emphasis mine)
[39] The word ‘found’ must be accorded the same meaning as decided
by the apex court in other cases and one case in particular that crosses
this Court’s mind is the case of PP v Tan Tatt Eek & Other Appeals
[2005] 2 MLJ 685, where Ahmad Fairuz CJ said as follows:
“[43] As for s 37(da) of the Act, it does not start with 'any person
who is deemed in possession' shall be presumed to be
trafficking, in which case it will be considered a consequence
of s 37(d) of the Act. Instead, the word 'found' is inserted and
so there must be a finding of possession first before the
presumption of trafficking comes about. It is, therefore, my
considered opinion that the decision in Muhammed bin
Hassan is correct”. (emphasis mine)
[40] Augustine Paul FCJ in the same case, discussing the application of
presumptions said at page 737 as follows:
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“[159] A presumption of law (like s 37(d)) is a rule of law (see
Field's Law of Evidence (12th Ed) Vol I p 388). It arises
when the rule of law is applied to facts that require to be
proved and have in fact been proved. It is therefore a
conclusion of law. Thus, a presumption of law must
ordinarily come within the meaning of 'found in possession'
in s 37(da); thereby bringing 'deemed' possession within its
ambit. At this stage it is perhaps necessary to refer to the
part of the judgment in Muhammed bin Hassan where it was
held that there is '…no material difference …' between
'proved to have had in possession' and 'found in
possession'. It was then concluded that both necessitate a
finding or proof of possession beyond reasonable doubt
based on evidence”. (emphasis mine)
[41] Acting on this earlier decision of the Federal Court in Tan Tatt Eek
(supra) that the word ‘found’ must mean affirmative finding based on
evidence, the next exercise is for this Court to analyze if there is such
proof by the applicants (representatives). This Court, having perused the
affidavits of both parties, is of the view that in the absence of the affidavits
by the Doctor or ‘friend’, there is no such proof of ‘abandoned’ or ‘exposed’
or even ‘unwanted’ of the mother by way of affirmative evidence but
merely a conjecture by way of affidavits assertion. This Court, therefore is
of the view that the principle in CCH that ‘the child was found without any
trace of the biological parents’ or ‘unwanted’ has not been satisfied by the
applicants (representatives).
[42] As to the application under Article 15A, this Court repeats its stand
in the earlier decision of this Court in OMY & Ors v. Kementerian Dalam
Negeri & Anor [2024] 1 CLJ 316 as follows:
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“Application under Article 15A is an application made to the
Federal Government as provided specifically by the Federal
Constitution as follows:
Special power to register children
15A. Subject to Article 18, the Federal Government may, in such
special circumstances as it thinks fit, cause any person under the
age of twenty-one years to be registered as a citizen.
That being the case, it is not for this Court to encroach the clear
provision of the Federal Constitution and must leave it to the wise
decision of the relevant authority. This approach is consistent with
the stand taken by Ahmad Kamal Shahid J in Auengchoon &
Anor v Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia & Ors
[2023] 1 LNS 336”.
[43] For all these reasons above, the application in enclosure 1 is
dismissed. Having decided so, this Court in ensuring that the child is
continuously protected, is guided by the fact that an adoption order has
been issued earlier by the Session Court.
High Court of Malaya
Johor Bahru
Dated: 31.12.2023
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For the applicant:
Mr. Alvin Chang Teck Kiam
Tetuan Alvin’s Chang Chamber
02-10 Block F
Komersil Southkey Mozek
Persiaran Southkey Mozek
Persiaran Southkey 1
Kota Southkey
80150 Johor Bahru.
For the Respondents:
Pn. Zahilah Mohammad Yusoff
Senior Federal Counsel
Johore State Legal Advisor’s Office
Aras 2 Bangunan Dato’ Jaafar Muhammad
Kota Iskandar
79100 Nusajaya
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| 35,921 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24C(ARB)-47-08/2021 | PEMOHON RANHILL PROCESS SYSTEMS SDN BHD RESPONDEN THYSSENKRUPP INDUSTRIES (M) SDN BHD | Whether the Award should be set aside pursuant to subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv) and/ or (v) of AA 2005 as the Arbitrator had acted in excess of his jurisdiction by considering issues that were not pleaded or raised by the DefendantWhether the Award should be set aside pursuant to subparagraphs 37(2)(b)(i) and/ or (ii) of the AA 2005 as the Arbitrator had acted in breach of the rules of natural justice during the arbitral proceedings or in connection with the making of the Award when he –(a) considered issues that were not pleaded by the Defendant; and/ or(b) failed to consider the Plaintiff’s main defence in the arbitration proceedings | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman | |
(Company No.: 200601022600 (742354-X)) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 201201029480 (1013967-A)) ... DEFENDANT
[1] This was an application by the Plaintiff to set aside the Final Award
(Save as to Quantum of Costs) dated 30.4.2021 by the learned
Arbitrator, Donation Felix Dorairaj (‘Award’) pursuant to
subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv), 37(1)(a)(v), 37(2)(b)(i) and/ or 37(2)(b)(ii)
of the Arbitration Act 2005 (‘AA 2005’).
04/01/2024 10:45:58
WA-24C(ARB)-47-08/2021 Kand. 33
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[2] The main issue which arose for consideration was whether the
Arbitrator had acted (i) in excess of his jurisdiction by making
inferences and findings on issues that were not pleaded by the
Defendant; and (ii) in breach of the rules of natural justice by not
affording the parties an opportunity to submit on these issues before
making his determination.
[3] After due deliberation of the affidavit evidence and submissions by the
parties, I dismissed the Plaintiff’s application with costs of
RM15,000.00, subject to allocatur.
[4] My full reasons for the decision are set out in the subsequent part of
this judgment.
The Cause Papers
[5] The cause papers in relation to the application are as follows:
(a) the Plaintiff’s Originating Summons (‘O.S.’) dated 26.8.2021
(encl. 1);
(b) the Plaintiff’s Affidavit In Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Chief
Executive Officer, Hishamuddin Bin Hanif on 26.8.2021 (encls. 2
- 4);
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(c) the Plaintiff’s Further Affidavit affirmed by the same deponent on
8.9.2021 (encl. 5);
(d) the Defendant’s Affidavit In Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Director,
Sheetal Sushil Kulkarni on 27.10.2021 (encl. 6);
(e) the Defendant’s AIR (1) affirmed by the same deponent on
22.11.2021 (encl. 7); and
(f) the Plaintiff’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 6.12.2021
(encl. 8).
Background Facts
[6] The Plaintiff, who was the Respondent in the arbitration, has its
registered address at Level 14, Wisma Perkeso, 155 Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
[7] The Defendant, as the Claimant in the arbitration, has its registered
and business address at F-2-11, 2nd Floor, Block F, Pusat Komersil
Jalan Kuching, No. 115 Jalan Kepayang, Off Jalan Kuching, 51200
Kuala Lumpur.
[8] Tanjung Bin Energy Issuer Bhd. Malaysia (‘Tanjung Bin’) is the owner
and manager of the construction of a 1,000-megawatt power station
located at Tanjung Bin, Johor (‘Project’).
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[9] Tanjung Bin appointed Alstom Services Sdn Bhd (‘Alstom’) to provide
services, among others, for the erection and commissioning of a coal
handling plant for the Project.
[10] Alstom then appointed the Defendant to carry out the engineering,
procurement, erection and commissioning of the said coal handling
[11] By a Letter of Intent dated 12.4.2013 (‘LoI’), the Defendant appointed
the Plaintiff to carry out the erection and commissioning, cold trials, hot
trials and PG Test and substantial completion of the coal handling plant
for the Project (‘Works’) at the contract price of RM24,500,000.00
[12] According to the LoI, the work to be undertaken by the Plaintiff were
essentially to arrange –
(a) the required cranes, tools tackles, consumables, lifting
equipment and tractors/ trailers for shifting of material to achieve
the set targets;
(b) sufficient number of manpower; and
(c) the construction power supply and power supply for the
contractor’s office, stores and miscellaneous work.
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[13] On 15.5.2013, the Defendant issued a Work Order to the Plaintiff which
included Annexure I to Annexure XIII as documents that form part of
the agreement.
[14] Annexure XII Key Dates sets out the dates on which the respective
parties are to meet their contractual obligations and the sequence of
work as follows:
Delivery of Material - Defendant
Access to site - Alstom/ Defendant
Erection - Plaintiff
Commissioning - Plaintiff
Performance test - Plaintiff
[15] The materials were to be supplied by the Defendant’s related company
based in India.
[16] After the Plaintiff had mobilised to site, it alleged, among others, that
there was shortage of material received, significant delays to the
erection works resulting from late delivery of the materials by the
Defendant, important modifications needed to the Works and delay in
the drawings.
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[17] The Plaintiff asserted that delays caused to the Project by the
Defendant continued and as at 26.4.2014, the general progress of the
Works was around 16.1% actual against 53.2% as planned.
[18] On 22.4.2014, the parties met to discuss the progress of the Works
[19] The Plaintiff claimed that the failure of the Defendant to supply the
materials to the Plaintiff had a drastic and sizable impact on the manner
in which the Works were carried out. This resulted in a substantial
increase in costs and expenses for the Plaintiff.
[20] After the Meeting, the Plaintiff alleged that the delay continued even
though the Plaintiff had sent e-mails dated 20.5.2014, 22.5.2014 and
29.7.2014 requesting the Defendant to provide the necessary
[21] On 8.9.2014, the Plaintiff requested monthly monetary support of
RM1.1 million because it was placed in financial hardship as the
milestone system invoicing penalised the Plaintiff for delays that it
claimed were caused by the Defendant.
[22] This was followed with the Plaintiff’s request, on 3.10.2014, for a
meeting with the Defendant’s board members in India to address the
issues on the Project, the delays and the financial issues. By
11.10.2014, the general progress was about 54.8% actual against
71.5% as planned.
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[23] In mid-October 2014, the parties commenced discussions whereby the
Plaintiff was prepared to agree and allow the Defendant to appoint a
sub-contractor to carry out the Works on condition that, if there are any
increased costs beyond the original contract amount, such increased
costs will be absorbed by the Defendant.
[24] However, on 15.10.2014, the Plaintiff expressed its disappointment of
the de-scoping of activities which purportedly were not as what was
agreed during the meeting in India.
[25] The Defendant proceeded to appoint new contractors to replace the
Plaintiff. Thereafter, the Defendant alleged that the Plaintiff had
abandoned the works in November 2014 and as a result, it is entitled
to recover all its costs, expenses and losses from the Plaintiff.
[26] In the arbitration, the Defendant claimed the sum of RM8,680,800.29
as the additional amounts paid to contractors to complete the Works
and agreed liquidated damages in the sum of RM2,450,000.00
pursuant to Clause 21.1 of the Commercial Terms and Conditions
(‘Commercial T&C’) and the sum of RM4,900,000.00 pursuant to
Clause 22.1 of the Commercial T&C.
[27] The Plaintiff counterclaimed for, among others, the sum of
RM4,632,155.00 for unpaid progress claims, RM5,900,000.00 for
works carried out, RM2,450,000.00 for return of the value of the
performance guarantee, RM800,000.00 for the retentions sums
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deducted by the Defendant and assessment of damages for losses
incurred as a result of the Defendant’s delays and loss of profit.
[28] The Arbitrator ultimately determined that –
(a) the sum of RM4,065,538.67 is to be paid by the Plaintiff to the
Defendant with interest at the rate of 5% per annum from
5.11.2015 to realisation;
(b) costs of legal representation on a party and party basis and costs
of arbitration including the Arbitrator’s fees to be borne by the
Plaintiff; and
(c) the Plaintiff’s counterclaim is dismissed.
The Grounds of Application
[29] The Plaintiff relied on two main grounds in its quest to set aside the
(a) The Arbitrator acted in excess of his jurisdiction by considering
issues that were not pleaded or raised by the Defendant in the
Points of Claim dated 4.7.2018. The Award should be set aside
pursuant to subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv) and/ or (v) of AA 2005;
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(b) The Arbitrator acted in breach of the rules of natural justice
during the arbitral proceedings and in connection with the making
of the Award when he deprived the Plaintiff the opportunity to
address the issues which were raised by the Arbitrator in the
Award and/ or failed to consider the Plaintiff’s main defence in
the arbitration proceedings. The Award should be set aside
pursuant to subparagraphs 37(2)(b)(i) and/ or (ii) of the AA 2005.
The Legal Principles
[30] The relevant subparagraphs of s 37 AA 2005 for purposes of the
instant application are as quoted below:
“Application for setting aside
37. (1) An award may be set aside by the High Court only
if –
(a) the party making the application provides
proof that –
(iv) the award deals with a dispute not
contemplated by or not falling within
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the terms of the submission to
(v) subject to subsection (3), the award
contains decisions on matters beyond
the scope of the submission to
arbitration; or
(b) the High Court finds that –
(ii) the award is in conflict with the public
policy of Malaysia.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subparagraph
(1)(b)(ii), an award is in conflict with the public
policy of Malaysia where –
(b) a breach of the rules of natural justice
occurred –
(i) during the arbitral proceedings; or
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(ii) in connection with the making of the
(3) Where the decision on matters submitted to
arbitration can be separated from those not so
submitted, only that part of the award which
contains decisions on matters not submitted to
arbitration may be set aside.
[31] An award made by an arbitral tribunal pursuant to an arbitration
agreement shall be final and binding on the parties (see sub-s 36(1)
AA 2005) and cannot be challenged except on the limited grounds as
set out in s 37 AA 2005.
[32] Section 8 AA 2005 limits the intervention by the court in matters
governed by the AA 2005 to strictly such matters as expressly provided
in the Act itself. This is consistent with the minimalistic approach in
intervention in arbitration and arbitration related matters (see Magna
Prima Construction Sdn Bhd v Bina BMK Sdn Bhd and another case
[2015] 11 MLJ 841).”.
[33] In deciding whether the Award deals with a dispute not contemplated
by or not falling within the terms or scope of submissions to arbitration
and whether the Award contains decision on matters beyond the scope
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of the submission to arbitration, I must first determine the dispute that
was referred to the Arbitrator by reference to the pleadings which were
submitted by the parties during arbitration. In PT Prima International
Development v Kempinski Hotels SA and other appeals [2012] 4 SLR
98, the Singapore Court of Appeal held that:
“[32] An arbitration agreement is merely an agreement
between parties to submit their disputes for arbitration. The
disputes submitted for arbitration determine the scope of the
arbitration. It is plain that the scope of an arbitration
agreement in the broad sense is not the same as the scope
of the submission to arbitration. The former must encompass
the latter, but the converse does not necessarily apply, in that
the particular matters submitted for arbitration may not be all
the matters covered by the arbitration agreement. The parties
to an arbitration agreement are not obliged to submit whatever
disputes they may have for arbitration. Those disputes which
they choose to submit for arbitration will demarcate the
jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal in the arbitral proceedings
between them. An arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction to
resolve disputes which have not been referred to it in the
submission to arbitration. Simply put, a party cannot raise a
new dispute in an arbitration without the consent of the other
party. These propositions flow inexorably from the consensual
nature of arbitration.
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[33] The role of pleadings in arbitral proceedings is to
provide a convenient way for the parties to define the
jurisdiction of the arbitrator by setting out the precise nature
and scope of the disputes in respect of which they seek the
arbitrator’s adjudication. …”.
[34] Closer to home, the High Court in Perwira Bintang Holdings Sdn Bhd
v Kerajaan Malaysia [2014] 11 MLJ 561 found that:
“[82] From the facts and circumstances in this arbitration, it
was quite apparent that the final award involved a 'new
difference or such matters which would have been irrelevant
to the issues requiring determination' by the learned arbitrator.
The 'new difference' being the matter of length or quantity of
hard rock which was irrelevant to the issue of entitlement to
the extra-over claims because there was no dispute on this as
seen from the documentation and conduct of the parties,
especially the defendant.
[83] The submissions of the parties, again, of the defendant,
are also insightful and they support the above conclusions.
From the submissions, it is quite obvious that the matter of the
quantum as understood by the learned arbitrator was not of
concern at all to the parties; especially to the defendant …”
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(the decision of the High Court was affirmed by the Court of
Appeal; see Kerajaan Malaysia v Perwira Bintang Holdings Sdn
Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 617).
[35] The burden lies on the Plaintiff to prove, on a balance of probabilities,
that there is a “new difference” which was not relevant to the
determination of the dispute, and it was not an issue in dispute between
the parties. In determining whether there is a “new difference”, the
parties’ pleadings and submissions during the course of the arbitration
are relevant considerations.
[36] Although the Plaintiff did not cite subparagraph 37(1)(b)(ii) AA 2005 in
the O.S., it is well accepted that a party who is applying to set aside an
award pursuant to subparagraphs 37(2)(b)(i) or (ii) of the AA 2005 is in
fact claiming that the award is in conflict with the public policy of
Malaysia. Subparagraphs 37(2)(b)(i) and (ii) of the AA 2005 are not
stand-alone provisions as the words “Without limiting the generality of
subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)” shows. In Jan De Nul (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd &
Anor v. Vincent Tan Chee Yioun & Anor [2019] 1 CLJ 1 the Federal
Court said:
“[55] Section 37(2)(b)(ii) of the AA 2005 provides that an
award made by an arbitral tribunal would be in conflict with the
public policy of Malaysia if a breach of the rules of natural
justice occurred in connection with the making of the award.
The circumstances stated in s. 37(2) are by no means
exhaustive. Other appropriate circumstances may also fall
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under the category of “public policy” in view of the opening
phrase “without limiting the generality of sub- para (1)(b)(ii)”
as appears in s. 37(2) of the AA 2005. However, it must be
appreciated that the concept of public policy generally is itself
a broad concept. But in applying the concept for the purpose
of setting aside an award under s. 37 of the AA 2005, the
concept of public policy ought to be read narrowly and more
restrictively. The court’s intervention should be sparingly
used. The court must be compelled that a strong case has
been made out that the arbitral award conflicts with the public
policy of Malaysia. As clearly stated by the Court of Appeal in
Sigur Ros (with which we agree): “The concept of public policy
must be one taken in the higher sense where some
fundamental principle of law or justice is engaged, some
element of illegality, where enforcement of the award involves
clear injury to public good or the integrity of the court’s process
or powers will be abused.”.”
[37] Section 20 AA 2005 provides that “The parties shall be treated with
equality and each party shall be given a fair and reasonable
opportunity of presenting that party’s case.”.
[38] In the judgment of this Court in SJIC Bina Sdn Bhd v Iskandar Regional
Development Authority and another case [2020] MLJU 2366 (the
decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal on 20.1.2022), the legal
principles that can be distilled from Jan De Nul’s case was summarised
in paragraph 47 as follows:
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“(a) the concept of public policy generally is itself a broad
concept and the term “public policy” is commonly used
to signify some matter which concerns public good and
public interest;
(b) the term “public policy” in subpara 37(1)(b)(ii) AA 2005
covers a scope of public policy elements as used
generally but in subpara 37(2)(b)(ii), the scope is more
specific since it categorises a breach of the rules of
natural justice which occurred in connection with the
making of an award as being in conflict with the public
policy of Malaysia;
(c) in applying the concept of public policy for the purpose
of setting aside an award under s 37 AA 2005, the
concept of public policy ought to be read narrowly, more
restrictively and taken in the higher sense where some
fundamental principle of law or justice is engaged, some
element of illegality, where enforcement of the award
involves clear injury to public good or the integrity of the
court’s process or powers will be abused;
(d) the public policy ground for setting aside an arbitral
award could be invoked where a violation of the most
basic and fundamental notions or principles of morality
and justice is proven. It covers fundamental principles
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of law and justice in both substantive and procedural
(e) instances such as “patent injustice”, “manifestly
unlawful and unconscionable”, “substantial injustice”,
“serious irregularity” and other similar flaws in the
arbitral process and award would fall within the
applicable concept of public policy but these do not
mean injustice which is more than de minimis. What is
required is that the injustice had real effect and had
prejudiced the basic rights of the applicant and where
the upholding of the arbitral award would shock the
conscience, be clearly injurious to the public good or
wholly offensive to the ordinary reasonable and fully
informed member of the public;
(f) the circumstances stated in sub-s 37(2) AA 2005 are not
exhaustive and other appropriate situations may also
fall under the category of “public policy” in view of the
opening phrase “without limiting the generality of sub-
para (1)(b)(ii)” as appears in sub-s 37(2); and
(g) the court’s intervention should be sparingly used. The
court must be compelled that a strong case has been
made out that the arbitral award conflicts with the public
policy of Malaysia before an order can be made to set
aside the award.”.
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[39] In yet another illuminating decision in Master Mulia Sdn Bhd v. Sigur
Ros Sdn Bhd [2020] 6 MLRA 51, the Federal Court held that:
“[53] In the light of the above, we think that the guiding
principles on the exercise of residual discretion when an
application for setting aside an award is grounded on breach
of natural justice may be stated as follows:
First, the court must consider: (a) which rule of natural
justice was breached; (b) how it was breached; and (c)
in what way the breach was connected to the making of
the award;
Second, the court must consider the seriousness of the
breach in the sense of whether the breach was material
to the outcome of the arbitral proceeding;
Third, if the breach is relatively immaterial or was not
likely to have affected the outcome, discretion will be
Fourth, even if the court finds that there is a serious
breach, if the fact of the breach would not have any real
impact on the result and that the arbitral tribunal would
not have reached a different conclusion the court may
refuse to set aside the award;
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Fifth, where the breach is significant and might have
affected the outcome, the award may be set aside;
Sixth, in some instances, the significance of the breach
may be so great that the setting aside of the award is
practically automatic, regardless of the effect on the
outcome of the award;
Seventh, the discretion given the court was intended to
confer a wide discretion dependent on the nature of the
breach and its impact. …
(see too, Soh Beng Tee & Co Pte Ltd v Fairmount Development
Pte Ltd [2007] 3 SLR 86, TMM Division Maritima SA de CV v
Pacific Richfield Marine Pte Ltd [2013] 4 SLR 972, AKN and
another v ALC and others and other appeals [2015] 3 SLR 488
and Intraline Resources Sdn Bhd v. Exxonmobil Exploration And
Production Malaysia Inc [2017] 1 LNS 1022).
[40] In the context of an application grounded on subparagraph 37(1)(b)(ii)
read with subparagraph 37(2)(b)(ii) AA 2005, even though the Court
may find that a breach of the rules on natural justice has been
established or that an arbitral award is in conflict with the public policy
under s 37 AA 2005, it does not necessarily mean that the Award must
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be set aside as a matter of course. The power of the Court to set aside
the Award is discretionary and will not be exercised automatically in
every case where the complaints are established [see paragraph 56 in
Jan De Nul’s case [supra, at p 429 citing Kyburn Investments Ltd v
Beca Corporate Holdings Ltd [2015] 3 NZLR 644 and Sigur Ros Sdn
Bhd v. Master Mulia Sdn Bhd [2018] 8 CLJ 291 (CA)].
[41] In Pancaran Prima Sdn Bhd v Iswarabena Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal
[2020] 6 MLRA 124, the apex court further elucidated that:
“[139] Like any other exercise of discretion, the discretion to
set aside an award for breach of the rules of natural justice
must be exercised judiciously and only when it is just to do so.
The authorities are clear that in considering whether the
discretion should be exercised, the court must undertake an
evaluation of relevant factors such as those identified in
Kyburn, amongst which would be the seriousness, magnitude
or materiality of the breach, its nature and its impact, whether
the breach would have any effect on the outcome of the
arbitration and leaving room for 'casual breach or occasional
error'. Costs of rehearing and delay in raising the complaint
are further relevant factors to be taken into account in the
evaluation process.
[140] Kyburn explained the position in the following terms: “...
a finding of a breach of the rules of natural justice does not
mean that the arbitral award must be set aside, that the power
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of the court to set aside an award is discretionary and will not
be exercised automatically in every case. The discretion
enables the court to evaluate the nature and impact of the
particular breach in deciding whether the award should be set
aside, the policy of encouraging arbitral finality will dissuade
the court from exercising discretion when the breach is
relatively immaterial or was not likely to have affected the
[141] The “very low” threshold for s 37 as decided in Petronas
Penapisan and Sigur Ros must be understood in the context
it was made, ie that compared to s 42, the threshold under s
37 is “very low”. In other words, it is “very low” relative to the
threshold under s 42. It must be remembered that the grounds
enumerated in s 37 are exhaustive and as such the court
cannot set aside an award for reasons other than those that
are listed.
[142] The grounds enumerated in s 37 need to be construed
narrowly as they represent exceptions to the finality of
arbitration awards (s 36). This is to avoid devaluing the
arbitration agreement that arbitral awards are final and
binding and also to preserve the autonomy of the forum
selected by the parties by minimising judicial interference in
arbitral awards: Jan De Nul (supra).
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[143] This narrow and restrictive definition is important in
terms of the public policy ground which this court in Jan De
Nul interpreted as only encompassing violations of the “most
basic notions of morality and justice or such violations that
offend the fundamental principle of law and justice, some
element of illegality, where enforcement of the award involves
clear injury to public good or the integrity of the Court's
process and powers will thereby be abused”. What is required
is that the injustice had real effect and had prejudiced the
basic rights of the applicant. We do not find this to be the case
in the present appeals.”
(see too, paragraph 109 of the judgment where the Court held
that even if the arbitrator was wrong in not giving the parties
the opportunity to submit, the breach must be such gravity and
materiality that the party can be said to have been denied due
[42] In the case which was referred to by the Plaintiff, China Machine New
Energy Corp v Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC and another [2020] 1
SLR 695 at p 728, the Singapore Court of Appeal held that “… in
determining whether a party had been denied his right to a fair hearing
by the tribunal’s conduct of the proceedings, the proper approach a
court should take is to ask itself if what the tribunal did (or decided not
to do) falls within the range of what a reasonable and fair-minded
tribunal in those circumstances might have done. This inquiry will
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necessarily be a fact-sensitive one, and much will depend on the
precise circumstances of each case …”.
[43] Guided by the abovesaid legal principles, I shall now proceed to
examine the Plaintiff’s grounds in support of its application.
1st Ground: Whether the Award should be set aside pursuant to
subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv) and/ or (v) of AA 2005 as the
Arbitrator had acted in excess of his jurisdiction by
considering issues that were not pleaded or raised by the
[44] The Plaintiff submitted three instances where the Arbitrator had
considered issues which are not part of the Defendant’s pleaded case.
Each of the alleged occurrences is discussed below.
(a) The Arbitrator referred to the Points of Claim and suggested that
the Defendant was relying on implied terms as the basis of its
complaint when this was not the Defendant’s pleaded case
[45] The Arbitrator identified two fundamental issues, mainly whether there
was a breach of the contract and if there was, which party was in
default. To the Arbitrator, the issues as suggested by the parties in their
respective submissions are ancillary to the fundamental issues.
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[46] In relation to the issue as to whether there was a breach of the contract,
the Plaintiff averred that the Points of Claim do not specifically refer to
any particular breach by the Plaintiff but rather it is broadly alleged that
there was substantial delay by the Plaintiff. It was further averred that,
in paragraphs 71, 75, 80 and 81 of the Award, the Arbitrator suggested
that, although the Defendant did not plead any implied term, the
Defendant was nonetheless relying on implied terms as the basis of its
complaint. Hence, the Arbitrator had considered issues that were not
pleaded by the Defendant in the Points of Claim and had acted in
excess of his jurisdiction (see paragraphs 68 and 69, AIS).
[47] The Plaintiff asserted that it is wrong for the Arbitrator to assume that
such terms are to be implied into the contract without it being pleaded,
and no matter how common its usage may be in a particular industry,
as there is a process to determine whether a term can be implied into
a contract, and this could potentially be a matter of significant dispute.
In this regard, the Plaintiff relied on the decision of the Federal Court
in See Leong Chye v United Overseas Bank Berhad [2019] 1 MLJ 25
which had elucidated on the types of implied terms in these words:
“[74] The law on implied terms has been succinctly
summarised in the case of Sababumi (Sandakan) Sdn
Bhd v Datuk Yap Pak Leong [1998] 3 MLJ 151 which
was also extensively cited in the Court of Appeal
judgment. The relevant paragraphs in Sababumi’s case
at pp 169 – 170 are reproduced as follows:
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Implied terms are of three types. The first and
most important type is an implied term which the
court infers from evidence that the parties to a
contract must have intended to include it in the
contract though it has not been expressly set out
in the contract. The implied term contended for in
this appeal belongs to this type and much more
about this later.
The second type of implied term is one by
operation of law, and not based on the inference
just explained. By operation of law, I mean that a
large number of specific implied terms have been
held in to arise from previous decided cases on
certain specific facts. Such ratio decidendi in
respect of such decided implied terms are
normally adopted by courts in subsequent cases
on similar facts as a matter of course without the
necessity of any court to decide afresh whether it
ought to draw the inference as explained above.
Thus, such implied terms come from decided
cases exclusively. Thus, in a contract of
employment, there is an implied term that the
employee will serve his employer faithfully, and
not to act against the employer’s interest, and
again there is another implied term that the
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employer will provide a safe system of work. Many
of such decided and specific implied terms have
been incorporated into statutes such as the Sale
of Goods Act 1957 and others; it is not necessary
to discuss it further except to emphasise that such
an implied term of this particular type may
sometimes be excluded by parties by an
agreement to the contrary and more importantly,
it is not dependent on the court having to draw an
inference explained above.
The third kind of an implied term is one that is
implied by custom or usage of any market or trade
which is reasonable, and again it is not dependent
on a court’s inference explained above but by
virtue of such a custom or usage from the market
or trade. Interestingly, s 92(e) of the Evidence Act
1950 seems to be custom-made to prove logistical
support for this particular type of implied term. It
will be remembered that s 92(e) aforesaid is one
of the exceptions to the rule against evidence to
contradict or vary any terms of a written contract.
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[48] Mr. Sanjay Mohan submitted for the Plaintiff that in so far as the third
category of implied terms is concerned, evidence must be led to
establish that usage or custom was such to imply such a term, but this
was not done by the Defendant in the arbitration proceedings.
[49] It was further submitted that the finding by the Arbitrator on the issue
of implied terms has grave consequences as the Arbitrator ultimately
went on to find, in paragraph 109 of the Award, that the Plaintiff was in
delay and therefore in breach of the contract and the damages sought
by the Defendant was then assessed.
[50] I shall begin the analysis with the Points of Claim. I find that the Points
of Claim, when read in its entirety, shows that the Defendant had
pleaded, among others, the Contract between the parties consisting of
the LoI, the Work Order, the scope of works and the Commercial T &
C; the completion dates for the Works; the delay by the Plaintiff; and
the entitlement to recoup costs, expenses and losses and to claim for
liquidated damages.
[51] Whilst it is true that the words “breach of contract” cannot be found in
the Points of Claim, nevertheless the Defendant had pleaded the
essential ingredients for the Arbitrator to identify the cause of action,
which was essentially for breach of contract. A cause of action is the
entire set of facts that gives rise to an enforceable claim (per Esher
M.R. in Read v. Brown (1888) 22 Q.B.D. 128 and applied in Bennett v.
White [1910] 2 K.B. 643 and referred to in Tuan Haji Ishak Ismail v.
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Leong Hup Holdings Berhad & Other Appeals [1996] 1 CLJ 393 at p
[52] At the arbitration, the Plaintiff did not make any submission as to the
absence of the words “breach of contract” in the Defendant’s
pleadings. Instead, in subparagraph 24(b) of the Written Submissions
(Post Hearing), the Plaintiff itself suggested that one of the main issues
to be tried is “Whether the Claimant breached the terms of the contract
between the parties in failing to provide the material and access to site
to enable the Respondent to carry out the erection and commissioning
works and the consequences of such a failure?”. This was recognised
by the Arbitrator in subparagraph 68(b)(ii) of the Award.
[53] Moving on to the Points of Defence & Amended Counterclaim dated
31.8.2018, the Plaintiff’s pleaded position was that the Defendant was
in breach of its express and/ or implied terms of the contract when the
Defendant failed to, among others, provide adequate material to the
Plaintiff, make prompt payments, and properly administer the contract.
This is evident from paragraphs 21, 24 and 37 of the Points of Defence.
In this sense, the Arbitrator correctly observed in paragraph 72 of the
Award that “The Respondent in its Defence and Amended
Counterclaim is more explicit.”.
[54] Pertinently, and as submitted by the Defendant’s counsel, nowhere in
the Points of Defence and Written Submissions did the Plaintiff
contend that the Defendant did not plead breach of contract in the
Points of Claim and as such, none of the Defendant’s witnesses were
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cross-examined on this point. It was only in the instant application that
the Plaintiff attempted to persuade this Court to set aside the Award
on the ground that the Arbitrator had decided on a “new difference”
which was not relevant to the determination of the dispute and was not
an issue in dispute between the parties.
[55] Although in the AIS, the Plaintiff had highlighted paragraphs 71, 75, 80
and 81 of the Award, the decision on whether the Award deals with a
dispute not contemplated by or not falling within the terms of the
submission to arbitration and/ or the Award contains decisions on
matters beyond the scope of the submission to arbitration entails a
reading of the entire section in the Award on the issue of whether there
was a breach of the contract i.e. from paragraphs 71 to 82.
[56] Having read the said paragraphs, suffice for present purposes to re-
produce the following passages from the Award to accentuate the
findings and conclusions of the Arbitrator:
“77. Although the Claimant does not refer specifically to
breach or breaches of contract by the Respondent, it is
fairly obvious that a reading of pleadings and
submission that the Claimant alleges that there was
substantial delay by the Respondent in meeting with the
contractual key dates and as well as recovery plan. This
in essence was the breach.
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80. As there is no express provision in the contract for either
the Respondent to carry out the works regularly and
diligently neither is any express provision for the
Claimant to provide timely access to work fronts and/or
supply of materials, it is however trite law that these
obligations are implied in any engineering or building
81. I thus find that although the Claimant has not
expressly pleaded either a breach of the express
terms of the contract or an implied term from the
pleadings it is fairly clear that the Claimant’s
complaint as can be gathered from its Points of
Claim is that the Respondent was in breach of the
implied terms of the contract in that it failed to carry
out the works regularly and diligently.”
(emphasis added).
[57] In my considered view, the Arbitrator’s finding that the Plaintiff had
breached the implied terms of the Contract in that the Plaintiff failed to
carry out the Works regularly and diligently fell within the terms of
submission to arbitration and the Award cannot be said to contain
matters beyond the scope of the said submission. The Plaintiff has not
provided proof that the Award, when read and understood as a whole
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in depicting how the Arbitrator approached the issues, comes within
either subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv) or (v) of the AA 2005.
(b) The Arbitrator recognised that the Defendant’s pleaded position
was that the Plaintiff had purportedly abandoned the works in
September 2014, but he made a finding that the abandonment
took place in December 2014
[58] In paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Points of Claim, the Defendant pleaded
that, upon commencing the works, the Plaintiff had periodically issued
invoices and in respect of Invoice Nos. 17, 18 and 1A/W, the Defendant
refused to make payment on the ground, among others, that the
Plaintiff stopped partial work sometime in May 2014 and abandoned
the works sometime in September 2014 without assigning any reasons
whatsoever. The Arbitrator acknowledged this pleading in paragraph
111 of the Award.
[59] The Plaintiff’s grouse was with paragraph 112 of the Award where the
Arbitrator went on to find that “There was no evidence adduced by the
Claimant to support this allegation in the pleading. In fact, if at all there
was abandonment it was in December 2014 as evidenced by the e-
mail on 27.12.2014 at RBD/1A/9.”. Again, the Plaintiff argued that, in
doing so, the Arbitrator had considered matters that were not pleaded,
and this impacted on the overall Award.
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[60] However, the Plaintiff has conveniently omitted to mention the
subsequent pleadings by the respective parties on the issue of
[61] Basically, the Plaintiff denied the Defendant’s assertions that the
Plaintiff had abandoned the works and the Defendant was put to strict
proof. Specifically in subparagraph 31(i) of the Points of Defence, it
was pleaded that the Plaintiff did not abandon the site, and in any
event, the Defendant had removed the works from the Plaintiff and
gave these to the Defendant’s sub-contractors. The Plaintiff elaborated
with more facts and repeated its denial that it had abandoned the works
in paragraphs 32 and 41, respectively, in the Points of Defence.
[62] The Defendant then retorted in the Amended Reply that the Plaintiff
had pre-planned the move to abandon the works and had in fact
abandoned the site. This occurred soon after it was intimated that
some of the Plaintiff’s works were to be de-scoped. Specific replies to
paragraph 32 of the Points of Defence were also provided (see
paragraphs 41 and 43 - 47 of the Amended Reply).
[63] In paragraph 68 of the Award, the Arbitrator acknowledged that, in the
submissions of the parties, they had suggested one of the issues for
determination was “whether the Claimant is entitled for the additional
cost incurred by it for carrying out the de-scoped and abandoned works
of the Respondent”.
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[64] In paragraph 135 of the Award, the Arbitrator reiterated that “The
evidence also shows that the Respondent abandoned the work that
was not descoped as the Claimant took over the same on 22.12.2014
as confirmed by its email of even date (RBD/V1A/9) & I so hold.”.
[65] In the light of the pleaded case of the parties and their submissions
before the arbitral tribunal, it was well within the jurisdiction of the
Arbitrator to assess the evidence and make a finding of fact on the
issue as to whether the Plaintiff had abandoned the works, and if so,
when did this abandonment took place. The Arbitrator found that
“Contrary to what is alleged in the Claimant’s pleadings the evidence
suggests there was descoping followed by abandonment of the
remaining works.” and “Although the Claimant has not specifically
pleaded for losses arising from descoping and sought only to rely on
abandonment, the evidence adduced during the evidence taking stage
compels me to deal with the issue of descoping of the Respondent’s
works and its validity thereof.” (see paragraphs 113 and 118 of the
Award). The Arbitrator then proceeded to discuss the issue of
“Descoping of Works” in paragraphs 119 - 145 of the Award in detail.
[66] In the final analysis, I am of the view that there is nothing egregious on
the part of the Arbitrator and the Plaintiff’s unhappiness was essentially
with the Arbitrator’s finding which was not in consonance with the
stance taken by the Plaintiff in the arbitration.
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[67] Akin to 1st Ground (a), I am not persuaded that the Plaintiff has
discharged the burden of proving that the Award should be set aside
pursuant to subparagraphs 37(1)(a)(iv) and/ or (v) of the AA 2005.
(c) The Arbitrator made a finding that there was an agreement
reached between the parties on the issue of descoping when the
Plaintiff’s pleaded position was otherwise and the Defendant did
not raise the issue of any agreement on this matter
[68] Continuing with what was previously stated in paragraph 58 of this
judgment, the Defendant had pleaded that it had issued a letter dated
7.11.2014 to the Plaintiff wherein a detailed and revised scope of works
and responsibilities were issued to the Plaintiff. This was done to allow
the Plaintiff to resume the work diligently and efficiently. However,
despite giving several opportunities to the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff was still
unable to perform the reduced scope of works and this resulted in the
works being removed and other contractors were appointed to handle
the same (see subparagraphs 15(d) and (e) of the Points of Claim).
[69] In the Points of Defence, the Plaintiff pleaded that it had responded to
the Defendant’s letter dated 7.11.2014 and that “… the Claimant’s
decision to appoint the respondent’s subcontractor directly without
having a clear agreement as to the subcontractors scope of work
amounts to interference with the Respondent’s contractual rights and
a breach of the express and/or implied terms of the subcontract …”.
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[70] The Defendant, in the Amended Reply, did not allege that an
agreement was reached between the parties on the issue of descoping
(see paragraphs 49 - 55). Instead, the Defendant stated in paragraph
55, among others, that “… The Respondent was neither agreeing to
de-scoping nor was it allowing the Claimant to go ahead with the
mitigation plan and was causing hindrance to the works at site, thereby
causing harm and nuisance to the end customers, Alstom and
Malakoff, who instructed the Claimant to terminate the services of the
Respondent. But still, the Claimant had nevertheless provided ample
time to the Respondent to recoup, but unfortunately, as admitted by
the Respondent, they chose abandonment as an option to avoid the
losses, thereby putting the Claimant at a huge risks and loss in the
[71] In the Award, the Arbitrator traced the narrative regarding descoping
based on the documents and tested the same against the oral
evidence at the hearing (see paragraphs 119 - 130 of the Award). The
Arbitrator referred to the parties’ submissions as follows:
“131. In its written submission, the Respondent reiterated its
position that the descoping was never agreed by the
Respondent and despite non-agreement the Claimant
proceeded to descope and later took over the
Respondent's works. As such, the Claimant was in
breach of the contract in that it prevented the Claimant
from completing its work and as such it was deprived of
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the profit that it would have derived in carrying out and
completing the works. It is therefore claims 10% of the
contract sum.
132. The Claimant on the other hand in its written submission
was of the view that the Respondent had agreed to the
descoping as the Claimant had already made additional
payments to the Respondent. In addition the Claimant
had given details of descoping. Thus it was an
afterthought by the Respondent to convey that there
was misunderstanding while accepting descoping the
before concluding that –
“133. Having analysed the oral and documentary evidence
and written submission and bearing in mind that the
contract does not provide for descoping. I find that on
the balance of probabilities the Respondent had
consented to the descoping of its works. I make this
finding on the basis of the evidence of RW2 at cross
examination and re-examination which I have cited at
paragraphs 128, 129, 130 and 131.
134. I note RW2's evidence of agreement was subject to a
clear demarcation being drawn up as to the works that
were to be descoped and the works remained to be
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done by the Respondent. The evidence shows that this
was eventually agreed.”.
[72] The Plaintiff’s grievance was that the Defendant’s position in its
submission before the arbitral tribunal was inconsistent with its
pleadings. The Defendant did not plead that there was an agreement
between the parties for the Plaintiff to compensate the Defendant for
the increased costs of completing the works. The Arbitrator
nevertheless made a finding that there was such an agreement and
went on to award damages to the Defendant on this basis.
[73] Upon close scrutiny of the parties’ pleadings, the fact that the
Defendant had issued a letter dated 7.11.2014 on the revised scope of
works or de-scoping of the Plaintiff’s works was raised in the pleadings
(see, among others, subparagraphs 15(d) and (e) in the Points of
Claim; paragraph 34 in the Defence; paragraphs 19, 20, 41, 49 - 51
and 54 in the Amended Reply; and paragraph 5 in the Reply to
Amended Defence To Counterclaim).
[74] Evidence was also adduced on this matter and the Arbitrator had
dutifully considered the same together with the written submissions by
the parties (refer paragraphs 118 - 145 of the Final Award). The
Arbitrator ultimately made a finding of fact, based on the evidence, that
there was an agreement to descope but not that the cost of descoping
is capped at RM24.5 million. In the circumstances, the Plaintiff’s
ground of challenge that the Arbitrator acted in excess of jurisdiction
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and that the Award should be set aside pursuant to subparagraphs
37(1)(a)(iv) and/ or (v) of the AA 2005 is simply unfounded.
[75] Before I proceed to the 2nd ground, and for the sake of completeness,
the Plaintiff also took issue with the findings of the Arbitrator that there
was no agreement between the parties for the costs of descoping not
to exceed RM24.5 million on the ground that there is estoppel on the
part of the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff asserted that the issue of estoppel was
not raised in the Defendant’s pleadings. However, the Arbitrator
reasoned that, between the period when the letter dated 7.11.2014
was issued until 20.11.204, the Plaintiff had received monies and
payments were also made to the Plaintiff’s sub-contractors without any
qualifications by the Plaintiff (see subparagraph 145(ii) of the Award).
[76] In my considered view, even though estoppel was not expressly
mentioned in the Defendant’s pleadings in the arbitration, the
Arbitrator’s findings on estoppel cannot be faulted as it was premised
on the oral and documentary evidence adduced by both parties and as
analysed by the Arbitrator (see paragraphs 119 - 145 of the Award). I
agree with the Defendant’s submission that the Arbitrator had made a
finding of fact that the issue of capping the cost of descoping was
neutralised by the Plaintiff’s conduct as it had continued to receive
monies and did not make any qualifications in respect of the payments
by the Defendant to the Plaintiff’s sub-contractors.
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[77] Based on the evidence as a whole, including by RW2 when cross-
examined, the Arbitrator was inclined to conclude that the Plaintiff was
more interested in leveraging itself by refusing to issue the letter of no
objection and kept asking for more money rather than to finalise the
descoping process expeditiously, and hence the Plaintiff was estopped
from arguing on the issue of the cap on the cost of descoping.
2nd Ground: Whether the Award should be set aside pursuant to
subparagraphs 37(2)(b)(i) and/ or (ii) of the AA 2005 as the
Arbitrator had acted in breach of the rules of natural
justice during the arbitral proceedings or in connection
with the making of the Award when he –
(a) considered issues that were not pleaded by the
Defendant; and/ or
(b) failed to consider the Plaintiff’s main defence in the
arbitration proceedings
[78] With regards to 2nd Ground (a) above, apart from the submissions
which have been canvassed under 1st Ground (a), the Plaintiff
additionally affirmed that the Arbitrator has acted in breach of the rules
of natural justice because, if the Arbitrator intends to draw any
inference on matters not raised by either party, he should have given
the parties an opportunity to address the same (see paragraph 72,
AIS). Had the Arbitrator done that, the Plaintiff would have drawn his
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attention to the decision of the Federal Court in Damansara Realty Sdn
Bhd v Bungsar Hill Holdings Sdn Bhd [2011] 6 MLJ 464 which held that
the facts which result in the inference of an implied term need to be
pleaded whereas in the present case, no such facts were pleaded to
justify the Arbitrator reaching his conclusion at paragraph 80 of the
[79] In view of my findings in relation to 2nd Ground (a) as addressed earlier,
there was nothing for the Arbitrator to refer back to the parties in the
course of making the Award. Hence, the Plaintiff’s contention that the
Arbitrator had acted in breach of the rules of natural justice during the
arbitral proceedings or in connection with the making of the Award is
[80] Proceeding next to 2nd Ground (b) above, Mr. Sanjay Mohan submitted
for the Plaintiff that the Arbitrator had breached the rules of natural
justice in connection with the making of the Award as he failed to
consider the Plaintiff’s defence that descoping was never agreed by
the parties and nor was the monetary value of the descoped works.
[81] The Award was attacked for several reasons, among others, that –
(a) the Arbitrator failed to consider that the Defendant is not entitled
to recover the difference between the contract value and the
costs it actually incurred to complete the balance works and that
the sub-contractors engaged by the Defendant were essentially
the sub-contractors of the Plaintiff, therefore, there should be no
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additional costs incurred or these are not recoverable from the
(b) the Arbitrator failed to appreciate that the Plaintiff should be paid
for the works it had carried out and that the Defendant benefitted
from the works carried out by the Plaintiff without being paid;
(c) the Arbitrator’s reasoning is flawed because the parties had not
agreed for the descoping of the Defendant’s works, the contract
is a fixed sum contract and the damages incurred by the
Defendant for engaging subcontractors are already reflected in
the agreed contract sum; and
(d) the Arbitrator decided the Defendant had failed to prove its claim
and yet, he proceeded to award damages to the Defendant on
the basis that the Plaintiff did not cross examine the Defendant’s
witnesses on the issue of damages. As for the damages
awarded, the learned counsel argued, among others, that this
was not based on the Defendant’s pleaded case, there is no
evidence of the need to carry out any rectification works, the
value of the omitted works has not been assessed and there is
no evidence to support the Defendant’s claim of RM8.68 million
increased costs.
[82] With regards to subparagraph 81(d) above, a perusal of the Points of
Claim and the Award shows that the Plaintiff has mischaracterized the
Arbitrator’s findings.
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[83] Firstly, at paragraph 154 of the Award, the Arbitrator had no hesitation
in finding that the Defendant “… has not fully made out its claim for
damages of RM24,998,525.30. …” (emphasis added) as particularised
in the table in paragraph 17 of the Points of Claim, which runs to almost
three pages long. After giving his reasons for this decision, the
Arbitrator set out the items for which he had rejected in paragraph 155
of the Award, amounting to RM4,615,261.62, before stating that –
“156. Having come to the above conclusion, I have no
hesitation in accepting the other particulars of
contractors and work carried out in the tables at pages
12, 13 and 14 of the Points of Claim as they were not
subject to examination by the Respondent’s counsel &
therefore deemed to have accepted the same. …”
(emphasis added),
and concluding the total additional cost incurred was
RM20,383,563.68. Clearly, the Arbitrator did not decide that the
Defendant had failed to prove its claim in its entirety as was submitted
to this Court.
[84] Secondly, as to the Arbitrator’s decision on the award of damages,
after having read the section of the Award on “Damages” from
paragraphs 146 - 162, the Arbitrator has evidently considered the oral
and documentary evidence in assessing the matter at hand. He is not
bound to “slavishly adopt the position advocated by one party or the
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other” (see Trustees of Rotoaira Forest Trust v Attorney-General
[1999] 2 NZLR 452 at p 463).
[85] In examining the challenge against the Award on the ground of breach
of the rules of natural justice, I was guided by the legal principles as
alluded to in the earlier part of this judgment and I have, as advocated
by the learned counsel for the Defendant, assessed the Plaintiff’s
application based on its own facts and premised upon the pleadings,
all the evidence which was unfolded during the arbitration hearing,
including the re-examination of CW2, and the Award read as a whole.
[86] In the final analysis, all of the Plaintiff’s contentions are substantially
an appeal on the legal merits of the Award, disguised and presented,
as is the norm in applications of this nature, as a challenge based on
an alleged breach of natural justice.
[87] In the upshot, the Plaintiff has not fulfilled the Jan De Nul’s test of there
being a violation of the most basic notions of morality and justice to
justify a setting aside of the Award on the ground that it is in conflict
with the public policy of Malaysia as the rules of natural justice have
been breached.
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[88] Based on all the aforesaid reasons, the Plaintiff’s application was
dismissed with costs of RM15,000.00, as suggested by the Plaintiff’s
counsel and accepted by the Defendant’s counsel, subject to allocatur.
Dated: 8 December 2023
Construction Court 2
High Court
Kuala Lumpur
Counsels/ Solicitors:
For the Plaintiff: Sanjay Mohanasundram (Mak Kit Teng with him)
Messrs. Sanjay Mohan
Advocates & Solicitors
Unit 5.01 Level 5
Jalan Changkat Semantan
50490 Kuala Lumpur
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For the Defendant: Avinash Singh Gill
Messrs. Avinder Gill Chambers
Advocates & Solicitors
F-1-11, First Floor, Block F
Pusat Komersil Jalan Kuching
No. 115, Jalan Kepayang
Off Jalan Kuching
51200 Kuala Lumpur
Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by
learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment:
AKN and another v ALC and others and other appeals [2015] 3 SLR 488
Bennett v. White [1910] 2 K.B. 643
Boustead Trading (1985) Sdn Bhd v Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Bhd
[1995] 3 MLJ 331
CAJ and another v CAI and another appeal [2021] SGCA 102
China Machine New Energy Corp v Jaguar Energy Guatemala LLC and
another [2020] 1 SLR 695; [2020] SGCA 12
Damansara Realty Sdn Bhd v Bungsar Hill Holdings Sdn Bhd [2011] 6 MLJ
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Far East Holdings Bhd & Anor v Majlis Ugama Islam Dan Adat Resam
Melayu Pahang and another appeal [2015] 4 MLJ 766
Front Row Investment Holdings (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Daimler South East
Asia Pte Ltd [2010] SGHC 80
Intraline Resources Sdn Bhd v. Exxonmobil Exploration and Production
Malaysia Inc [2017] 1 LNS 1022; [2017] MLJU 1299
Jan De Nul (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Vincent Tan Chee Yioun & Anor
[2019] 1 CLJ 1
Johawaki Development Sdn Bhd v Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
and another Summon [2020] MLJU 660
Kerajaan Malaysia v. Perwira Bintang Holdings Sdn Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 617
Kyburn Investments Ltd v Beca Corporate Holdings Ltd [2015] 3 NZLR 644
Master Mulia Sdn Bhd v Sigur Rus Sdn Bhd [2020] 6 MLRA 51; [2020] 12
MLJ 198; [2020] 9 CLJ 213
Pancaran Prima Sdn Bhd v. Iswarabena Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2020]
6 MLRA 124; [2020] 9 CLJ 466
Perwira Bintang Holdings Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Malaysia [2014] 11 MLJ 561
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Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd v. Ahmani Sdn Bhd [2016] 3 CLJ 403
PT Prima International Development v Kempinski Hotels SA and other
appeals [2012] 4 SLR 98; [2012] SGCA 35
Read v. Brown (1888) 22 Q.B.D. 128
SDA Architects (sued as a firm) v Metro Millennium Sdn Bhd [2014] 2 MLJ
See Leong Chye v United Overseas Bank Berhad [2019] 1 MLJ 25
Sigur Ros Sdn Bhd v. Master Mulia Sdn Bhd [2018] 8 CLJ 291 (CA)
Soh Beng Tee & Co Pte Ltd v Fairmount Development Pte Ltd [2007] 3 SLR
The Government of India v Cairn Energy India Pty Ltd & Ors [2014] 9 MLJ
TMM Division Maritima SA de CV v Pacific Richfield Marine Pte Ltd [2013] 4
SLR 972
Trustees of Rotoaira Forest Trust v Attorney-General [1999] 2 NZLR 452
Tuan Haji Ishak Ismail v. Leong Hup Holdings Berhad & Other Appeals
[1996] 1 CLJ 393
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V. Veeriah v. General Manager, Keretapi Tanah Melayu [1974] 1 MLJ 201
Arbitration Act 2005, ss 8, 20, 36 & 37
Rules of Court 2012, O. 69
Other source(s) referred to:
Chow Kok Fong, Construction Contracts Dictionary, 2nd Edition, Sweet &
Maxwell, 2014
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| 65,990 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-83-7823-11/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH NOR AINI BINTI ALI | Seksyen 420-penipuan-pembelian bitcoin yang tidak wujud-pemikiran terkemudian(afterthought)-pembelian bertukar kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat- penerimaan keterangan Whatsapp tanpa sijil 90A | 04/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-7823-11/2021)
[1] Pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh (OKT) adalah seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu, Nor Aini Binti Ali (No KP: 670311-05-5096) di antara 11/01/2018
sehingga 12/01/2018 di Jalan Bangsar, dalam Daerah Brickfields, Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur telah menipu Trisno Asyraf bin Zainol Abidin (No.
KP:721108-02-5323) dengan memperdayakannya untuk mempercayai
bahawa kamu akan membelikan dan menyerahkan Bitcoin kepadanya
sebanyak 1 unit dan dengan itu kamu secara curangnya mendorong beliau
untuk menyerahkan RM54,365.00 sebagai bayaran untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin
tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang
boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan kerana telah
melakukan penipuan.
[2] OKT tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon perbicaraan.
Seramai 7 orang saksi telah dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan di peringkat
04/01/2024 16:19:54
WA-83-7823-11/2021 Kand. 58
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[3] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie, maka OKT diminta untuk membela diri.
Setelah OKT memberikan keterangan bersumpah, Mahkamah mendapati
bahawa OKT gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas pertuduhan. Oleh
yang demikian, Mahkamah telah mendapati OKT bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas
kesalahan. Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah
telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan ke atas OKT dengan
kos pendakwaan RM1500.
[4] Pengadu (SP1) telah berkenalan dengan OKT dan telah melabur dengan OKT.
Kemudian, SP1 telah bersetuju membeli 1 unit Bitcoin dengan harga RM54,365.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran melalui pindahan wang sebanyak dua kali pada
11/1/2018 dan 12/1/2018. Adalah dipersetujui bahawa SP1 akan menerima 1 unit
Bitcoin selepas 7 sehingga 14 hari setelah pembayaran dibuat.
[5] SP1 telah menuntut pembelian Bitcoin tersebut daripada OKT namun OKT
menyatakan bahawa Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan. Akhirnya, SP1 telah
membuat laporan polis pada 2/12/2028 kerana SP1 berasa telah ditipu oleh OKT
dan OKT gagal menunjukkan bukti bahawa OKT telah membeli Bitcoin melalui
[6] Menurut seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, pihak pendakwaan perlu
membuktikan satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan. Begitu juga di dalam
seksyen 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Peruntukan tersebut menyatakan
bahawa apabila kes pendakwaan berakhir, mahkamah akan menimbangkan
sama ada pendakwaan telah membuat suatu prima facie kes terhadap tertuduh.
[7] Pengujian kes secara prima facie telah diputuskan di dalam kes yang diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Balachandran v PP [2005] 2 MLJ 302 di mana
mahkamah memutuskan bahawa:
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“The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be:
Is the evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain
silent? If the answer is in the affirmative then a prima facie case has
been made out. This must, as of necessity, require a consideration of
the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution. If
there is any such doubt there can be no prima facie. As the accused can
be convicted on the prima facie evidence it must have reached a
standard which is capable of supporting a conviction beyond reasonable
“A litigating party is said to have a prima facie case when the evidence
in his favour is sufficiently strong for his opponent to be called on to
answer it. A prima facie case, then, is one which is established by
sufficient evidence, and can be overthrown only by rebutting evidence
adduced by the otherside. The result is that the force of the evidence
adduced must be such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the
court to believe in the existence of the facts stated in the charge or to
consider its existence so probable that a prudent man ought to act upon
the supposition that those facts exist or did happen. On the other hand
if a prima facie case has not been made out it means that there is no
material evidence which can be believed in the sense as described
earlier. In order to make a finding either way the court must, at the close
of the case for the prosecution, undertake a positive evaluation of the
credibility and reliability of all the evidence adduced so as to determine
whether the elements of the offence have been established. As the trial
is without a jury it is only with such a positive evaluation can the court
make a determination for the purpose of s. 180(2) and (3)...”
[8] Begitu juga di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v PP (2003) 1 CLJ 734
dinyatakan sebagai;
“A jugde sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to the
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question “ if I decide to call
upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am
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I prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contain in the
prosecution case?”If the answer was in the negative, then no prima facie
case had been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
[9] Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan:
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
“Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the person deceived,
whether or not the deception practised was the sole or main inducement, to
deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter, or destroy the whole or
any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or sealed, and which
is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year and not more
than ten years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to fine.”
[10] Elemen pertuduhan seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah:
i. OKT telah menipu.
ii. OKT telah mendorong:
a) yang mana harta itu tidak dimiliki oleh tertuduh; atau
b) membuat, mengubah atau memusnahkan keseluruhan atau mana-
mana bahagian suatu sekuriti yang berharga; atau
c) apa-apa yang ditandatangani atau dimeterai dan boleh diubah menjadi
suatu sekuriti yang berharga.
iii. dia melakukannya dengan tidak jujur.
[11] Seksyen 415 Kanun Keseksaan mendefinsikan penipuan seperti berikut:
415. Whoever by deceiving any person, whether or not such deception was the
sole or main inducement,-
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(a) fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person so deceived to deliver
any property to any person, or to consent that any person shall retain
any property; or
(b) intentionally induces the person so deceived to do or omit to do
anything which he would not do or omit to do if he were not so deceived
and which act or omission causes or is likely to cause damage or harm
to any person in body, mind, reputation, or property,
is said to “cheat”.
[12] Defini tidak jujur juga dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 24 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu
sesiapa yang membuat apa-apa dengan tujuan menyebabkan keuntungan salah
kepada seseorang atau kehilangan salah kepada seseorang lain tidak kira sama
ada perbuatan itu menyebabkan kehilangan salah atau keuntungan salah
Elemen pertama: terdapat penipuan
[13] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa elemen pertama dibuktikan melalui
keterangan SP1. SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT bagi urusan pembelian
Bitcoin. Menurut keterangan SP1, SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT melalui
Wan Norain dan OKT yang telah menghubungi SP1 melalui WhatsApp pada
7/11/2017. Ketika itu, SP1 berminat dengan perdagangan mata wang kripto dan
OKT melakukan personal ‘trading’ dalam ‘cyptocurrency’. SP1 telah berjumpa
dengan OKT pada 23/12/2017 di Starbucks berkenaan dengan pembelian Bitcoin.
SP1 pernah berurusan dengan OKT sebelum ini di mana OKT telah menawarkan
perkhidmatan ‘trading’ dan SP1 telah melabur sebanyak RM30,000 dengan OKT.
[14] SP1 telah membuat keputusan untuk membelian satu unit Bitcoin dengan OKT.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran seperti yang diminta oleh OKT. SP1 dimaklumkan
oleh OKT bahawa SP1 akan menerima Bitcoin dalam masa 7 sehingga 14 hari
namun OKT telah memberikan alasan bahawa akaun platform Kraken milik OKT
ada masalah menyebabkan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin kepada SP1.
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[15] Keterangan SP1 adalah disokong oleh ekhibit P4 yang merupakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan OKT. Perbualan tersebut
menunjukkan terdapat persetujuan harga bagi pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Sekian
lama, SP1 tidak mendapat Bitcoin, SP1 telah berhubung dengan khidmat
pelanggan Kraken untuk bertanyakan situasi Bitcoin yang tidak dapat
dipindahkan. Setelah mendapat jawapan daripada pihak Kraken, SP1 mendapati
bahawa asalan diberikan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak
bermungkinan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin dalam tempoh masa yang
panjang. SP1 berasa OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah
membeli Bitcoin dan Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan kerana akaun OKT ada
masalah. Pihak khidmat pelanggan kraken menyatakan bahawa tidak
bermunasabah bahawa akaun kraken tergantung begitu lama sehingga tidak
membolehkan pemindahan Bitcoin.
[16] Oleh itu, OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan Bitcoin telah dibeli dan tidak
dapat dipindahkan.
Elemen kedua: Mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang berjumlah RM54365
[17] Melalui slip transaksi (ekshibit P3A-B) dan juga penyata bank milik OKT (ekshibit
D13 dan P29), terdapat kemasukkan wang berjumlah RM54,365 ke dalam akaun
milik OKT.
[18] OKT telah mendorong SP1 untuk menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi
pembelian Bitcoin. OKT telah menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah daripada
harga pasaran dan menyatakan Bitcoin akan diperolehi dalam masa 7-14 hari
telah mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365.
Elemen ketiga: Tertuduh melakukannya dengan tidak jujur
[19] Pembayaran telah dibuat kepada akaun milik OKT dan OKT telah menerima wang
tersebut namun wang tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
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[20] SP1 tidak menerima 1unit Bitcoin dan wang yang dibayar kepada OKT tidak
dikembalikan oleh OKT. OKT telah menyebabkan SP1 kehilangan wang tersebut
dan sehingga kini masih tidak dipulangkan kepada SP1. OKT telah mendapat
keuntungan salah di mana duit tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
[21] SP1 tidak akan menyerahkan RM54,365 kepada OKT sekiranya OKT tidak
menjanjikan untuk membelikan satu unit Bitcoin untuk SP1. Kesimpulannya,
kesemua elemen pertuduhan berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
[22] Pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan pelbagai isu dan menyatakan pihak
pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen pertuduhan kerana pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel di mana OKT telah
menyatakan telah membeli Bitcoin.
[23] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kredibiliti keterangan SP1 adalah boleh
dipercayai di mana keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan disokong.
[24] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 telah bertukar fikiran dan
telah menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin selepas perjumpaan SP1 dengan OKT di
Hotel Royal Chulan. Adalah versi pembelaan bahawa SP1 telah mencadangkan
agar RM54,365 digunakan sebagai pinjaman modal bersyarat untuk
mengembangkan perniagaan syarikat OKT atas tiga syarat dikenakan oleh SP1.
Tiga syarat tersebut adalah abang SP1 dilantik sebagai CEO syarikat, keahlian
SP1 sebagai 001 dan SP1 sebagai penasihat peribadi OKT.
[25] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa SP1 telah memberikan keterangan bahawa
OKT membuat semua keputusannya dengan sendiri kerana OKT yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap syarikatnya. SP1 juga telah menjelaskan bahawa
SP1 tidak memberitahu SP2 adalah abangnya kerana SP1 tidak ingin OKT untuk
bertindak berat sebelah dan ingin OKT untuk bersikap objektif dalam pelantikan
CEO memandangkan SP1 dan OKT adalah kawan ketika itu. SP1 juga telah
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menjelaskan fakta bahawa SP1 dan SP2 adalah adik beradik sudah pastinya
akan diketahui oleh OKT.
[26] SP2 memberikan keterangan bahawa SP2 tidak tahu menahu berkenaan dengan
apa-apa syarat yang diletakkan berkenaan dengan lantikan beliau. SP2 telah
menjelaskan lantikannya atas berdasarkan temu duga yang telah diadakan dan
[27] Berkenaan dengan syarat keahlian 001, SP1 telah menjelaskan bahawa keahlian
sebagai 001 telah diberikan oleh OKT sendiri. SP1 telah melabur sebanyak
RM18600 sebagai ahli dan mempunyai 31 akaun di mana setiap akaun adalah
bernilai RM600. SP1 juga telah memberikan keterangan bahawa tiada sebarang
lantikan rasmi bagi keahlian 001.
[28] Pihak pembelaan juga menimbulkan isu bahawa dokumen telah diserahkan
selepas perbicaraan bermula. Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa pihak
pembelaan telah diberikan masa yang mencukupi untuk meneliti dokumen-
dokumen tersebut kerana telah diberikan penangguhan yang sewajarnya untuk
meneliti dokumen-dokumen tersebut dan ini sama sekali tidak memprejudiskan
[29] Pihak pembelaan telah menyatakan tindakan SP1 untuk menghantar “bill
collector” adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Namun pihak pendakwaan
bergantung keterangan SP3, yang dikatakan pengutip hutang telah menafikan
dakwaan bahawa dia telah dilantik oleh SP1 dan SP3 telah menyatakan beliau
menolong untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan OKT.
[30] Pihak pembelaan turut mempersoalkan penerimaan bukti tangkapan skrin
Whatsapp ekhibit P4 sebagai bukti tanpa diperiksa oleh pihak forensik.
Mahkamah telah menolak bantahan peguam dan menerima bukti tangkapan skrin
di mana perbualan asal dalam telefon bimbit telah dikemukakan.
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[31] Adalah tidak dinafikan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah menerima wang berjumlah
RM54,365 yang dipindahkan oleh SP1. OKT juga mengesahkan perbualan
awalan mengenai pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Namun OKT telah menyatakan tujuan
asal pembelian Bitcoin tersebut telah berubah kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[32] Rumusan pembelaan daripada keterangan OKT adalah OKT telah diberikan
kebenaran untuk menggunakan wang tersebut selepas OKT bersetuju tiga syarat
yang diberikan oleh SP1. Tiga syarat yang dikenakan adalah bahawa SP2 dilantik
sebagai CEO, SP1 sebagai ahli 001 dan penasihat peribadi OKT.
[33] OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT telah mematuhi syarat dengan melantik SP2
sebagai CEO. OKT bertindak memperhentikan SP2 atas alasan bahawa SP2
telah bertindak bertentangan dengan hala tuju syarikat.
[34] OKT juga menyatakan bahawa SP1 sering memberikan pendapatan dan nasihat
serta membantu dalam penyediaan misi dan visi untuk Midas Touch. OKT
menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menjadi ahli 001 dan boleh dilihat melalui laman
[35] OKT telah mengemukakan bukti-bukti seperti penyata kiraan dan penyata bank
bagi menyokong perbelanjaan syarikat yang menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
pembayaran gaji, kos kepada ‘web developer’, bil dan sebagainya.
[36] Pembelaan OKT adalah bahawa OKT tidak menipu SP1 kerana SP1 sendiri yang
membuat keputusan untuk menangguhkan pembelian dan telah menawarkan
pinjaman modal bersyarat kepada OKT. OKT telah menerima tawaran tersebut.
[37] Mahkamah akan menjawab bantahan mengenai penerimaan ekshibit P4.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Pannir Selvam a/l Sinnaiyah & Anor v Tan Chia
Foo & Ors [2021] 7 MLJ 384 di Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
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“(3) The court agreed with the plaintiff’s contention based on the parallels drawn
to the case of Lim Choon Hau v Simpson Wong where the court held that
Whatsapp messages were direct evidence of the receipt of money as a friendly
loan from the plaintiff. The documents produced by a computer still admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it was admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
The court viewed that the WhatsApp messages were relevant and admissible
as they demonstrated the connection to the facts in issue so as to form part of
the same transaction. It triggered the application of s 6 of the Evidence Act (see
paras 57, 61 & 67).”
[38] Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah menjelaskan kebolehterimaan keterangan
whatsapp walaupun tiada sijil 90A seperti di bawah:
[60] I am unable to agree with this submission, in view of the fact that he did
not provide any authorities to support his contention that all WhatsApp
messages amounted to documents produced by a computer, bearing in mind
that the maker of those messages, who was SP2, was cross-examined.
[61] Secondly, even if those messages amounted to documents produced by
a computer, there are authorities such as Mohd Khayry bin Ismail v Public
Prosecutor [2014] 4 MLJ 317; [2014] 1 LNS 412 (CA) and Mohamad Fauzi bin
Che Rus v JR Joint Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 8 MLJ 739; [2016] 6
CLJ 266 to say that documents produced by a computer may still be admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it is admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
[39] Peguam bela hanya membantah keterangan P4 kerana tiada sijil 90A dibekalkan
oleh pihak pendakwaan dan telefon bimbit tidak dihantar untuk pemeriksaan
[40] Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes Gnanasegaran a/l Pararajasingam v
Public Prosecutor [1997] 3 MLJ 1 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan
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menyatakan seperti berikut berkenaan pemakaian Seksyen 90A Akta
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Shaik Daud:
Seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 menjadikan rekod komputer yang dibuat
semasa penggunaan biasa boleh diterima jika yang berikut dibuktikan, iaitu
bahawa: (i) dokumen-dokumen dihasilkan oleh sebuah komputer; dan (ii) rekod
komputer dihasilkan semasa penggunaan biasa. Bukti boleh dikemukakan
sama ada dalam bentuk sijil yang ditandatangani oleh satu-satunya orang yang
bertanggungjawab tentang komputer yang menghasilkan cetakan
sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh s 90A(2), atau oleh seorang pegawai
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Mahadev Shankar:
Zainal tidak dicabar oleh perayu atas kejituan catatan dokumen yang
dikemukakan. Sebaliknya, rayuan adalah berdasarkan fakta bahawa tiada sijil
telah dikemukakan di bawah s 90A(2) yang mana, perayu menghujahkan,
bermakna bahawa pihak pendakwa telah gagal membuktikan kesnya. Hujah ini
adalah berdasarkan falasi, kerana Zainal bertanggungjawab atas semua
pengendalian di bank dan dengan itu adalah bertanggungjawab atas urusan
aktiviti bank yang dijalankan oleh komputer tersebut. Sekiranya dia memilih
untuk menyediakan suatu sijil, dia boleh berbuat demikian dan di bawah s
90A(2), dokumen-dokumen akan diterima sebagai keterangan seperti yang
diperuntukkan oleh s 90A(1). Keterangan viva voce seseorang dalam kandang
saksi lebih penting daripada suatu sijil yang dikeluarkan olehnya (lihat ms
Seksyen 90A(1) merupakan suatu pengemaskinian ‘rukun keterangan paling
baik’ dengan realiti zaman elektronik, dan kini ia tidak lagi perlu untuk
memanggil juruwang atau kerani bank yang memasukkan data dengan syarat
dia berbuat demikian semasa penggunaan biasa komputer (lihat ms 14A—D).
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[41] Pemakaian sijil seksyen 90A juga dibincangkan dalam kes Mohd Khayry bin
Ismail v Public Prosecutor [2014] MLJU 385 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
(i)Tape recording evidence or CCTV recording, etc. at common law will be
admissible based on 'res gestae' principles as truth of its contents although they
may be hearsay or even self serving statement. Section 6 of EA 1950 and also
other sections give statutory recognition to 'res gestae' principle in the widest
form and is not restricted to the common law parameters. The test for relevancy
is set out in the section itself in no uncompromising terms. There appears to be
no comprehensive formula for its admissibility save as to guidelines suggested
and/or imposed by courts all for good reasons. [See Amrrita Lai Hazra v
Emperor 42 Cal 957; Bandahala bin Undik v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 CLJ
708 ]. The said section 6 of EA 1950 reads as follows:
"Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact in issue
as to form part of the same transaction are relevant, whether they
occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places."
(ii)At common law any form of tape recording, video recording, etc.; if relevant
is made admissible if the court is satisfied of its accuracy and that it has not
been tampered with, etc. The jurisprudence relating to its admissibility as well
as sections 3 and 61 of EA 1950 is set out in Janab's Key to Criminal Procedure
and Evidence, 2nd edition and it reads as follows:
"Document before the 1993 Amendment A 851 to the Act was defined in
section 3 of the Act to mean any matter expressed or described upon
any substance by means of letters, figures or marks or by more than one
of those means intended to be used or which may be used for the
purpose of recording that matter. Under the new amendment it includes
any matter embodied in a disc, tape, film, sound track or other device
whatsoever. A wide and extended meaning has been given to the
definition 'document'. Previously documents at least related to things
which could not be easily tampered with. Now documents include items
which could be easily tampered with. It is submitted that the admission
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of such documents which could be easily tampered with must be
admitted with caution."
In R v Maqsud Ali (1965) 2 All ER 465 Marshall J observed:
"… for many years now photographs have been admissible in evidence
on proof that they are relevant to the issues involved in the case and that
the prints are taken from negatives that are untouched. The print as seen
represent situations that have been reproduced by means of mechanical
and chemical devices. Evidence of things seen through telescopes or
binoculars which otherwise could not be picked up by the naked eye
have been admitted, and now there are devices for picking up,
transmitting, and recording conversations. We see no difference in
principle between a tape recording and a photograph. In saying this we
must not be taken as saying that such recordings are admissible
whatever the circumstances, but it does appear to this court wrong to
deny to the law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques
and new devices, provided the accuracy of the recording can be proved
and the voices recorded properly identified; provided also that the
evidence is relevant and otherwise admissible, we are satisfied that a
tape recording is admissible in evidence.
Such documents when produced for the inspection of the court are
referred to as documentary evidence. Thus, documentary evidence may
include not only documents in writing but also maps, plans, graphs,
drawings, photographs, discs, tapes videotapes, films and negatives
(see Cross on Evidence)."
(iii)The amendments in relation to documents to EA 1950 do not in any way
affect the common law position as set out in R v Maqsud Ali. The amendments
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allow further hearsay documents which may be difficult to be made admissible
under the common law because of the hearsay rule and its prejudicial effect, to
be made admissible provided the criteria set out in the amendments are
complied with. The new amendments such as section 90A do not displace
common law rules as to admissibility. That is to say if the party cannot admit a
document in consequence of the common law restriction then he may get the
document admitted under any of the new provisions such as section 90A, etc.
[42] Mahkamah mendapati mendapati peguam bela tidak berhujah bahawa perbualan
Whatsapp adalah tidak revelan dan hanya membantah kerana ketiadaan sijil 90A.
Mahkamah mendapati P4 adalah keterangan yang relevan di mana penawaran
pembelian Bitcoin dan persetujuan serta transaksi dilakukan adalah perbualan
yang terkandung dalam P4. Mahkamah berpuas hati ketulenan perbualan
Whatsapp apabila SP1 masih menyimpan keseluruhan perbualan Whatsapp dan
telefon bimbit yang mengandungi kesemua perbualan tersebut telah
dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah dalam keadaan baik. Malah di peringkat
pembelaan, OKT tidak menafikan kandungan Whatsapp dan bersetuju bahawa
itu adalah perbualan antara OKT dan SP1. Oleh itu, ketiadaan sijil 90A tidak
menjejaskan kebolehterimaan ekshibit P4.
[43] Pihak pembelaan ada menimbulkan isu ketidakaturan prosedur kawad cam.
Daripada keterangan kesemua saksi, adalah fakta bahawa OKT dan SP1
mengenali antara satu sama lain untuk satu tempoh masa yang panjang dan
berurusan dalam perdagangan mata wang kripto dan isu pengecaman OKT
adalah tidak diperlukan dan pengecaman daripada kandang adalah memadai.
[44] Pemindahan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi pembelian Bitcoin adalah fakta
tidak dipertikaikan. Persoalan utama dalam kes ini adalah sama ada terdapat
penipuan dilakukan OKT atau terdapat pinjaman modal bersyarat yang dikatakan
oleh OKT.
[45] SP1 bertegas bahawa tiada perubahan tujuan asal pembelian Bitcoin dan tidak
pernah menawarkan syarat seperti mana yang dicadangkan oleh peguam bela
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manakala OKT menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menukarkan pembelian tersebut
kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[46] OKT telah bersetuju pada tiada keterangan bertulis mengenai pinjaman modal
bersyarat tersebut. Alasan ketiadaan dokumen bertulis adalah OKT telah
menyuruh SP1 menyediakan perjanjian tersebut namun SP1 tidak berbuat
demikian sehingga hari ini.
[47] Memandangkan ketiadaan keterangan bertulis, maka Mahkamah perlu menilai
kredibiliti keterangan lisan saksi-saksi. Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, peguam
bela hanya meletakkan cadangan bahawa SP1 telah menawarkan pinjaman
modal bersyarat. Namun, peguam bela tidak pernah bertanyakan soalan tentang
penyedian dokumen bagi pinjaman modal bersyarat oleh SP1. SP1 hanya
diajukan penyediaan dokumen untuk pelantikan CEO dan misi,visi bagi Midas
Touch yang menjurus kepada penglibatkan SP1 dalam syarikat OKT.
[48] Keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten di mana SP1 menyatakan bahawa tidak
berkemungkinan untuk SP1 untuk menukarkan tujuan asal kepada pinjaman
modal bersyarat apabila SP1 dimaklumkan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah membeli
Bitcoin tersebut.
[49] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 yang bertukar fikiran dan
yang menyuruh menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin dalam masa 3 hari. Pada 1
sehingga 3 Februari 2018, di mana SP1 telah berjumpa OKT di Hotel Royal
Chulan dan mencadangkan duit RM54,365 akan disumbangkan ke dalam
sekiranya 3 syarat dipatuhi dan sekiranya OKT masih belum membeli Bitcoin.
[50] Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan telah mengajukan soalan-
soalan yang kurang relevan yang berkenaan pelaburan RM30,000 secara
terperinci. Namun, aduan SP1 dan pertuduhan adalah berkenaan dengan
pembelian Bitcoin. SP1 bersetuju bahawa SP1 membuat perdagangan dan
pelaburan dengan OKT namun SP1 menyatakan SP1 tertipu dengan pembelian
Bitcoin kerana beliau tidak menerima Bitcoin.
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[51] Mengikut perbualan awalan, SP1 dimaklumkan bahawa pembelian Bitcoin adalah
melalui akaun kraken. SP1 menunggu pemindahan Bitcoin oleh OKT namun tidak
dilakukan atas alasan bahawa terdapat masalah dengan akaun kraken. SP1 telah
berasa tertipu setelah menyoal perkara ini dengan pihak kraken bahawa mustahil
akaun kraken disekat sekian lama walaupun digodam.
[52] Namun, kini versi OKT adalah OKT tidak semestinya perlu membeli Bitcoin
melalui kraken memandangkan terdapat pelbagai cara pembelian Bitcoin dapat
dibuat. Kemudian, OKT menerangkan prosedur pembelian Bitcoin melalui kraken
adalah jauh lebih susah kerana perlu menukarkan kepada mata wang fiat terlebih
dahulu bagi tujuan pembelian kripto. OKT menyatakan akaun OKT adalah pada
peringkat permulaan (starter) maka memerlukan banyak transaksi dilakukan bagi
tujuan pembelian Bitcoin malah perlu menunggu masa yang lama.
[53] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa sekiranya OKT berasa sukar untuk membeli
Bitcoin melalui kraken, mengapakan OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT akan
melakukan transaksi menggunakan kraken. Keterangan OKT adalah tidak
konsisten di mana OKT pada mula mendekati pengadu dengan penggunaan
akaun kraken di mana kini OKT menyatakan bahawa pembelian dengan kraken
adalah sukar. OKT tidak menunjukkan bahawa apa-apa tindakan penukaran mata
wang fiat untuk pembelian Bitcoin. Dalam perbualan Whatsapp P4, OKT mengesa
pengadu membayar dan OKT akan transfer duit ke dalam akaun kraken.
[54] OKT menyatakan OKT cuba meningkatkan tahap akaunnya ke peringat
pertengahan (intermediate) sejak 2017 namun hanya tahun 2023, pihak kraken
telah memberikan verifikasi akaun pertengahan. Apa bukti yang dikemukakan
oleh OKT adalah perbualan dengan kraken bahawa OKT akhirnya mendapat
akaun pertengahan setelah sekian lama dipohon. OKT tidak pernah menunjukkan
bahawa akaun OKT dibuka sejak bila dan sejak bila permohonan pernah dibuat.
OKT hanya mengemukakan perbualan pada tahun 2023 selepas OKT telah
dituduh di Mahkamah dan perbicaraan telah lama berjalan. Oleh itu, nilai
keterangan mengenai pengiktirafan akaun pertengahan pada tahun 2023 adalah
amat rendah dan tidak membantu menyokong keterangan OKT.
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[55] OKT dipersoalkan sekiranya tidak menggunakan kraken, mengapakah OKT
masih gagal membuat pembelian menggunakan aplikasi lain sedangkan OKT
menyatakan bahawa akaun kraken OKT adalah terhad. OKT memberikan alasan
bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM dan harga Bitcoin menaik. Namun, perkara
ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan semasa peringkat pendakwaan. Dakwaan bahawa
Bitcoin naik mendadak menyebabkan OKT tidak membelikan Bitcoin tidak pernah
ditimbulkan kepada saksi pendakwaan. OKT telah mengemukakan Ekshibit
D39A-E bagi menunjukkan harga pasaran Bitcoin. Namun, D39 A,C,D dan E
adalah tidak relevan memandangkan harga pasaran adalah bukan tahun 2018.
[56] Sekiranya merujuk kepada D39B, tidak menunjukkan perubahan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT kerana graf tersebut menunjukkan harga tahun 2018
sehingga 2020. Keterangan OKT sekali lagi tidak disokong oleh ekshibit D39B.
[57] OKT turut menyatakan bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM menyebabkan OKT
tidak membeli Bitcoin. Namun, OKT setuju dengan cadangan bahawa pembelian
mata wang kripto adalah boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila dan tiada waktu
penutupan bagi pembelian mata wang asing. OKT menyatakan SP1 yang
memberikan kelonggaran masa untuk membeli Bitcoin. Perkara ini sekali lagi
tidak pernah ditimbulkan sewaktu peringkat pendakwaan. SP1 tidak pernah
ditanya bahawa beliau yang memberi kelonggaran masa kepada OKT membeli
Bitcoin dan juga harga Bitcoin menaik.
[58] Semasa peringkat pemeriksaan balas, OKT telah menyatakan OKT mempunyai
nota yang mencatat persetujuan pinjaman modal bersyarat. Apabila ditanya
mengapa perkara ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan di peringkat pendakwaan mahupun
pemeriksaan utama di peringkat pembelaa dan OKT menjawab bahawa beliau
tidak ditanya. Semasa pemeriksaan utama, OKT hanya menyatakan tiada
perjanjian kerana SP1 tidak menyediakan. OKT juga tidak memaklumkan nota
tersebut kepada pegawai penyiasat. Nota tersebut tidak dikemukakan di
Mahkamah hanya ditimbulkan semasa pemeriksaan balas.
[59] Berkenaan dengan syarat yang dikatakan dikenakan oleh SP1, Mahkamah
mendapati OKT yang mempunyai kuasa penuh pelantikan SP2 di mana OKT
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telah menolak draf surat yang disediakan oleh SP1 dan menggunakan surat
syarat perlantikan oleh syarikat. Adalah jelas OKT mempunyai kuasa penuh
dalam pengurusan syarikat dan keputusan muktamad adalah pada OKT dan
bukan pada SP1. Ketika itu, syarikat OKT memerlukan modal dan OKT juga
menyatakan OKT tidak dapat pinjaman bank atas sebab tiada rekod pinjaman.
Atas faktor tersebut, OKT menyatakan telah menerima pinjaman modal bersyarat
tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati adalah mustahil sebuah syarikat boleh
memperoleh satu pinjaman bersyarat tanpa syarat pemulangan. OKT
menyediakan perjanjian bagi pelaburan lain seperti pelaburan RM30,000 namun
tidak menyediakan apa-apa dokumen untuk jumlah wang yang lebih besar. OKT
yang menyediakan perjanjian untuk RM30,000 sebelum wujudnya penawaran
Bitcoin kepada SP1. Malah, OKT telah mengemukakan kesemua email untuk
lampirkan pemulangan bagi pelaburan trading tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati
adalah tidak munasabah bahawa tiada satu keterangan bertulis mengenai
pinjaman modal bersyarat seperti yang didakwa oleh OKT. OKT juga gagal
menjelaskan secara terperinci berapa jumlah bayaran balik dan tempoh pulangan
pinjaman tersebut. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah
diragui dan tidak kredibel.
[60] Mahkamah merujuk Public Prosecutor v Subahir bin Salmin [2009] MLJU 670
di mana Mahkamah Tinggi tidak bersetuju dengan dapatan Mahkamah yang
mempercayai versi pembelaan.
“ However, in respect of the First Charge, I do not agree with the acquittal
of the Respondent. I find that the trial Judge had erred in fact and in law.
The main reason why she acquitted the Respondent was because she
believed in the Defence story that there was an agreement by SP7, SD2
and the Respondent to assist SP1 to get 3 months of full salary and his
overtime pay even though SP1 did not work the full months for
September, October and November 2001. Here, I agree with the
Prosecution's submission that the Defence did not raise specifically and
in detail the existence of such an agreement of the Company's
Management in the course of cross-examining the Prosecution's
witness, in particular SP7 i.e. on the question whether it was on the
orders of the Company's Management that SPI's kon card was to be
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filled in that manner so that SP1 could be paid in full even though he was
on medical leave. Learned Counsel for the Respondent submitted that
at page 124 of the Appeal Record, the Defence Counsel had questioned
SP7 regarding such agreement of the Company's Management to help
SP1 but SP7 merely replied "tidak ingat". A perusal of the evidence at
page 124 of the Appeal Record shows that SP7 was cross-examined on
whether he had discussed with the Respondent and SD2 regarding
compensation to be paid. SP7 replied that he could not remember. SP7
was then asked whether the salary for October and November 2001 was
paid in full as compensation since SP1 did not have insurance and
SOCSO. Again SP7 replied that he could not remember. As submitted
by the Appellant, even if SP7 could not remember, the Defence should
have pursued the matter further and asked SP7 specifically and in detail
whether there was an agreement by SP7, SD2 and the Respondent to
pay SP1 the full salaries for October and November 2001 in order to
assist SP1 who had no insurance or SOCSO. Since the Defence failed
to raise this agreement specifically during the cross-examination of the
Prosecution witnesses, it means that what the Defence later raised
during the Defence stage should be rejected on the ground that the
evidence regarding the agreement by the Company's Management is a
mere concoction or fabrication, or an afterthought. The law regarding this
issue is trite.”
[61] Walaupun OKT menimbulkan perjanjian modal bersyarat di peringkat
pendakwaan, namun OKT tidak menyatakan apa syarat lain selain syarat
dikenakan oleh SP1. OKT tidak pernah menyentuh apa-apa perkara tentang
pemulangan pinjaman modal bersyarat dan tempoh pembayaran. Mahkamah
mendapati pinjaman modal bersyarat merupakan satu pemikiran terkemudian
oleh OKT. Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah
menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah membeli Bitcoin tersebut namun
OKT tiada niat untuk membeli Bitcoin bagi SP1. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahawa
alasan-alasan dikemukakan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan konsisten.
Sekiranya OKT mempunyai niat membeli Bitcoin untuk SP1, sepertimana yang
dinyatakan OKT mempunyai pelbagai cara lain dan tidak semestinya membeli
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melalui Kraken namun OKT tidak berbuat demikian. OKT telah mengesa SP1
membuat bayaran segera bagi tujuan pembelian namun OKT kini menyatakan
dalam tempoh 3 hari pertama, OKT tidak membeli kerana sibuk dan harga Bitcoin
naik. Namun dilihat daripada ekshibit D39B, tiada kenaikan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT. OKT menyatakan OKT mengajak SP1 membeli Bitcoin
dengan sendiri dengan menggunakan akaun Luno SP1. Keterangan
bertentangan dengan perbualan Whatsapp, di mana OKT yang beria-ria untuk
menawarkan penjualan Bitcoin kepada OKT (ekshibit P4(2)).
[62] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah tidak kredibel dan konsisten dan
bersifat pemikiran terkemudian (afterthought) berkenaan dengan isu penyediaan
dokumen perjanjian. OKT sering bertanyakan kepada SP1 dalam membantu OKT
mendraf dokumen dan semua dokumen didraf oleh SP1 seperti perlantikan CEO,
visi dan misi Midas Touch. Namun OKT menyatakan SP1 tidak membuat draf
dengan pinjaman modal bersyarat walaupun diminta. Mahkamah kurang
mempercayai keterangan OKT di mana sekiranya jumlah pinjaman dikatakan
adalah tinggi dan ianya melibatkan kepentingan pengadu, adalah mustahil SP1
enggan untuk mendraf satu perjanjian untuk memastikan kepentingannya
terjamin dan juga pulangannya.
[63] OKT telah menyatakan OKT akan memindahkan Bitcoin selepas 7-14 hari
kemasukkan duit. Perkara ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan akaun OKT sebagai
starter dan ianya dalam pengetahuan OKT kerana pembelian melalui akaun
starter memerlukan masa yang amat panjang memandangkan akaun starter
mempunyai hak transaksi. SP1 telah bertanyakan sekiranya harga naik, SP1
masih boleh membeli dengan harga yang dipersetujui. Kini alasan alasan harga
naik, OKT tidak membeli Bitcoin amat bercanggah dengan perbualan Whatsapp
OKT dengan pengadu seperti di P4.
[64] Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah memperdayakan SP1 membayar wang
berjumlah RM54365 untuk pembelian Bitcoin di mana OKT tidak ada niat membeli
atau membeli Bitcoin dan telah menipu pengadu bahawa Bitcoin telah dibeli tetapi
Bitcoin tersebut tidak wujud. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati OKT gagal
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menimbulkan keraguan munasabah dan OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan ke
atas pertuduhan.
[65] Antara faktor mitigasi yang dikemukakan oleh peguam bela adalah seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh berumur 56 tahun;
(b) Merupakan ibu tunggal sejak kematian suami tahun 2008;
(c) Mempunyai 15 cucu dan OKT menanggung 6 cucu yang tinggal bersamanya;
(d) Memberikan kerjasama baik dengan pihak polis;
(e) mempunyai masalah kesihatan hyperthroid sejak 2008 dan masih menerima
rawatan sehingga sekarang; dan
(f) Pesalah pertama
[66] Peguam bela terpelajar memohon agar satu hukuman di bawah peruntukkan
seksyen 294 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah diberikan berdasarkan faktor mitigasi
[67] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan ‘victim impact statement’ oleh SP1. SP1
mengalami kerugian wang yang banyak disebabkan penipuan OKT. Pihak
pendakwaan memohon hukuman penjara dikenakan untuk melindungi
kepentingan awam. Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa transaksi sebegini tidak
dikawal selia dan memberikan ruang kepada penipuan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan terdapat keuntungan salah oleh OKT dan jumlah tersebut adalah
tinggi. Pihak pendakwaan telah merujuk tred hukuman dalam kes Tan Wee Eng
vs PP [2019] MLJU 818 di Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 24 bulan
bagi kerugian RM33,300. Pihak memohon kos pendakwaan kerana terdapat 7
saksi dipanggil dan perbicaraan mengambil tempoh masa yang lama.
[68] Peguam bela memohon pertimbangan bahawa OKT merupakan pesalah pertama
dan peguam bela membantah terhadap kos.
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[69] Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan peguam untuk bon berkelakuan baik
kerana ianya tidak terpakai dalam kes ini. Seksyen 294(6) Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah menyatakan bon tidak boleh diberikan untuk kesalahan serius dan
tafisran ksesalahan serius adalah di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah tergolong kesalahan serius dan tidak
boleh diberikan pertimbangan bon seperti yang dipohon.
[70] Mahkamah perlu menjatuhkan hukuman berdasarkan undang-undang dan prinsip
kehakiman. Mahkamah merujuk kes Public Prosecutor v Jafa bin Daud [1981]
1 MLJ 315 and PP v Tia Ah Leng [2000] 5 MLJ 401.Seksyen 420
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara tidak kurang daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih
10 tahun dan sebatan dan juga boleh dikenakan denda. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak
boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kurang 1 tahun. Mahkamah juga tertakluk
kepada bidang kuasa di bawah seksyen 87(1) Akta Mahkamah Rendah 1948 di
mana Mahkamah Majistret tidak boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara melebihi 5
tahun. Memandang OKT merupakan perempuan, maka sebatan tidak boleh
dikenakan mengikut seksyen 289(c) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[71] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat dalam kes ini
dan tujuan hukuman diberikan. Mahkamah mempertimbangan hukuman penjara
adalah wajar dikenakan dan bukan hukuman alternatif mengambil kira tujuan
hukuman diberikan adalah berbentuk pengajaran kepada OKT dan juga
masyarakat secara umum. Mahkamah mengambil kira faktor mitigasi seperti usia,
kesihatan dan rekod OKT dalam mempertimbangkan tempoh pemenjaraan.
Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara satu tahun dan 6 bulan.
[72] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan usia, tahap kesihatan OKT serta tiada rekod
kesalahan lampau OKT. OKT telah berusia 56 tahun dan mempunyai masalah
kesihatan seperti hyperthyroidism. Namun begitu, tindakan OKT telah
menyebabkan kerugian tinggi kepada pengadu perlu diberikan pertimbangan
sewajarnya. Berdasarkan kes Tan Wee Eng vs PP [2019] MLJU 818, Mahkamah
ini telah memendekkan tempoh hukuman penjara dan menjatuhkan hukuman
penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor dinyatakan di
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[73] Untuk permohonan kos pendakwaan, Mahkamah boleh menetapkan kos
mengikut sekyen 427 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan Mahkamah mengawardkan
RM1500 sebagai kos pendakwaan yang perlu dibayar seminggu dari tarikh jatuh
hukum dan sekiranya gagal bayar, OKT dikenakan penjara 1 bulan. Mahkamah
mengambil kira jumlah hari perbicaraan banyak dan masa yang panjang di mana
kos yang terlibat apabila SP1 dan saksi awam lain telah hadir beberapa kali ke
Mahkamah dan kos terlibat apabila terdapat penangguhan perbicaraan pada 4
dan 25 November 2022 oleh pihak peguam bela dan OKT.
[74] Peguam bela telah memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman penjara.
Alasan dikemukakan adalah tahap kesihatan OKT yang tidak baik dan
memerlukan rawatan. Timbalan pendakwa raya membantah permohonan kerana
OKT tidak mempunyai komplikasi dan masalah kesihatan serius. Laporan
perubatan menyatakan OKT dalam keadaan stabil.
[75] Mahkamah mendapati alasan OKT ada sejarah perubatan hyperthyrodism tidak
memadai untuk satu penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman kerana laporan
menunjukkan bahawa OKT bukan “in Thyroid Storm” dan keadaan OKT adalah
stabil. Hukuman penjara tidak menafikan OKT untuk mendapat perhatian rawatan
susulan. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mohd Khairul Azlan bin Mohd Napi
lwn Pendakwa Raya [2022] 7 MLJ 867 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan
seperti berikut:
“(3) Section 311 of the Criminal Procedure Code had provided that when
an appeal was filed, it did not automatically render the sentence passed
to be stayed. Based on the affidavit filed and the reasons submitted the
court found that the health problems faced by the applicant did not justify
the granting of the application for stay of execution. This was because
the medical officer’s report was only in respect of the illness suffered by
the applicant. The medical officer did not clearly state whether the
applicant required specific and periodic treatment that could not be
provided in prison. The issue of the possibility that the applicant would
be exposed to the Covid-19 virus was not supported by any document
or confirmation that the applicant would be infected with the virus simply
because he was placed in the prison. What was at stake in this case was
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the presumption and likelihood that it would happen to the applicant. This
was not sufficient to show that it was a special circumstance to allow the
execution of the sentence to be stayed”
[76] Berkenaan dengan alasan penjagaan cucu, juga bukan satu keadaan khas yang
memadai dalam memberikan penangguhan pelaksanaan di mana tiada apa-apa
keterangan oleh OKT bahawa OKT merupakan penjaga sah dari segi undang dan
cucu-cucu tidak lagi mempunyai ibu bapa lagi atau penjaga yang sah. OKT
menolong untuk menjaga cucu tidak memadai untuk suatu hukuman
digantungkan. OKT mempunyai ahli keluarga lain seperti anak OKT yang boleh
menjaga anak atau anak buahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah menolak permohonan
peguam bela untuk penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
MahkamahKuala Lumpur
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| 49,161 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-83-7823-11/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH NOR AINI BINTI ALI | Seksyen 420-penipuan-pembelian bitcoin yang tidak wujud-pemikiran terkemudian(afterthought)-pembelian bertukar kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat- penerimaan keterangan Whatsapp tanpa sijil 90A | 04/01/2024 | Puan Wong Chai Sia | |
(DALAM KES JENAYAH NO: WA-83-7823-11/2021)
[1] Pertuduhan terhadap tertuduh (OKT) adalah seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu, Nor Aini Binti Ali (No KP: 670311-05-5096) di antara 11/01/2018
sehingga 12/01/2018 di Jalan Bangsar, dalam Daerah Brickfields, Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur telah menipu Trisno Asyraf bin Zainol Abidin (No.
KP:721108-02-5323) dengan memperdayakannya untuk mempercayai
bahawa kamu akan membelikan dan menyerahkan Bitcoin kepadanya
sebanyak 1 unit dan dengan itu kamu secara curangnya mendorong beliau
untuk menyerahkan RM54,365.00 sebagai bayaran untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin
tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang
boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan kerana telah
melakukan penipuan.
[2] OKT tidak mengaku bersalah terhadap pertuduhan dan mohon perbicaraan.
Seramai 7 orang saksi telah dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan di peringkat
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WA-83-7823-11/2021 Kand. 58
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[3] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan
berjaya membuktikan kes prima facie, maka OKT diminta untuk membela diri.
Setelah OKT memberikan keterangan bersumpah, Mahkamah mendapati
bahawa OKT gagal menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas pertuduhan. Oleh
yang demikian, Mahkamah telah mendapati OKT bersalah dan disabitkan ke atas
kesalahan. Setelah mendengar hujahan mitigasi dan pemberatan, Mahkamah
telah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan ke atas OKT dengan
kos pendakwaan RM1500.
[4] Pengadu (SP1) telah berkenalan dengan OKT dan telah melabur dengan OKT.
Kemudian, SP1 telah bersetuju membeli 1 unit Bitcoin dengan harga RM54,365.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran melalui pindahan wang sebanyak dua kali pada
11/1/2018 dan 12/1/2018. Adalah dipersetujui bahawa SP1 akan menerima 1 unit
Bitcoin selepas 7 sehingga 14 hari setelah pembayaran dibuat.
[5] SP1 telah menuntut pembelian Bitcoin tersebut daripada OKT namun OKT
menyatakan bahawa Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan. Akhirnya, SP1 telah
membuat laporan polis pada 2/12/2028 kerana SP1 berasa telah ditipu oleh OKT
dan OKT gagal menunjukkan bukti bahawa OKT telah membeli Bitcoin melalui
[6] Menurut seksyen 180 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, pihak pendakwaan perlu
membuktikan satu kes prima facie di akhir kes pendakwaan. Begitu juga di dalam
seksyen 173 (h) (i) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Peruntukan tersebut menyatakan
bahawa apabila kes pendakwaan berakhir, mahkamah akan menimbangkan
sama ada pendakwaan telah membuat suatu prima facie kes terhadap tertuduh.
[7] Pengujian kes secara prima facie telah diputuskan di dalam kes yang diputuskan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu Balachandran v PP [2005] 2 MLJ 302 di mana
mahkamah memutuskan bahawa:
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“The test at the close of the case for the prosecution would therefore be:
Is the evidence sufficient to convict the accused if he elects to remain
silent? If the answer is in the affirmative then a prima facie case has
been made out. This must, as of necessity, require a consideration of
the existence of any reasonable doubt in the case for the prosecution. If
there is any such doubt there can be no prima facie. As the accused can
be convicted on the prima facie evidence it must have reached a
standard which is capable of supporting a conviction beyond reasonable
“A litigating party is said to have a prima facie case when the evidence
in his favour is sufficiently strong for his opponent to be called on to
answer it. A prima facie case, then, is one which is established by
sufficient evidence, and can be overthrown only by rebutting evidence
adduced by the otherside. The result is that the force of the evidence
adduced must be such that, if unrebutted, it is sufficient to induce the
court to believe in the existence of the facts stated in the charge or to
consider its existence so probable that a prudent man ought to act upon
the supposition that those facts exist or did happen. On the other hand
if a prima facie case has not been made out it means that there is no
material evidence which can be believed in the sense as described
earlier. In order to make a finding either way the court must, at the close
of the case for the prosecution, undertake a positive evaluation of the
credibility and reliability of all the evidence adduced so as to determine
whether the elements of the offence have been established. As the trial
is without a jury it is only with such a positive evaluation can the court
make a determination for the purpose of s. 180(2) and (3)...”
[8] Begitu juga di dalam kes Looi Kow Chai & Anor v PP (2003) 1 CLJ 734
dinyatakan sebagai;
“A jugde sitting alone must subject the prosecution evidence to the
maximum evaluation and ask himself the question “ if I decide to call
upon the accused to enter his defence and he elects to remain silent, am
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I prepared to convict him on the totality of the evidence contain in the
prosecution case?”If the answer was in the negative, then no prima facie
case had been made out and the accused would be entitled to an
[9] Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan:
Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property
“Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly induces the person deceived,
whether or not the deception practised was the sole or main inducement, to
deliver any property to any person, or to make, alter, or destroy the whole or
any part of a valuable security, or anything which is signed or sealed, and which
is capable of being converted into a valuable security, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year and not more
than ten years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to fine.”
[10] Elemen pertuduhan seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah:
i. OKT telah menipu.
ii. OKT telah mendorong:
a) yang mana harta itu tidak dimiliki oleh tertuduh; atau
b) membuat, mengubah atau memusnahkan keseluruhan atau mana-
mana bahagian suatu sekuriti yang berharga; atau
c) apa-apa yang ditandatangani atau dimeterai dan boleh diubah menjadi
suatu sekuriti yang berharga.
iii. dia melakukannya dengan tidak jujur.
[11] Seksyen 415 Kanun Keseksaan mendefinsikan penipuan seperti berikut:
415. Whoever by deceiving any person, whether or not such deception was the
sole or main inducement,-
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(a) fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person so deceived to deliver
any property to any person, or to consent that any person shall retain
any property; or
(b) intentionally induces the person so deceived to do or omit to do
anything which he would not do or omit to do if he were not so deceived
and which act or omission causes or is likely to cause damage or harm
to any person in body, mind, reputation, or property,
is said to “cheat”.
[12] Defini tidak jujur juga dinyatakan di bawah Seksyen 24 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu
sesiapa yang membuat apa-apa dengan tujuan menyebabkan keuntungan salah
kepada seseorang atau kehilangan salah kepada seseorang lain tidak kira sama
ada perbuatan itu menyebabkan kehilangan salah atau keuntungan salah
Elemen pertama: terdapat penipuan
[13] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa elemen pertama dibuktikan melalui
keterangan SP1. SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT bagi urusan pembelian
Bitcoin. Menurut keterangan SP1, SP1 telah berkenalan dengan OKT melalui
Wan Norain dan OKT yang telah menghubungi SP1 melalui WhatsApp pada
7/11/2017. Ketika itu, SP1 berminat dengan perdagangan mata wang kripto dan
OKT melakukan personal ‘trading’ dalam ‘cyptocurrency’. SP1 telah berjumpa
dengan OKT pada 23/12/2017 di Starbucks berkenaan dengan pembelian Bitcoin.
SP1 pernah berurusan dengan OKT sebelum ini di mana OKT telah menawarkan
perkhidmatan ‘trading’ dan SP1 telah melabur sebanyak RM30,000 dengan OKT.
[14] SP1 telah membuat keputusan untuk membelian satu unit Bitcoin dengan OKT.
SP1 telah membuat bayaran seperti yang diminta oleh OKT. SP1 dimaklumkan
oleh OKT bahawa SP1 akan menerima Bitcoin dalam masa 7 sehingga 14 hari
namun OKT telah memberikan alasan bahawa akaun platform Kraken milik OKT
ada masalah menyebabkan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin kepada SP1.
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[15] Keterangan SP1 adalah disokong oleh ekhibit P4 yang merupakan tangkapan
skrin perbualan Whatsapp antara SP1 dengan OKT. Perbualan tersebut
menunjukkan terdapat persetujuan harga bagi pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Sekian
lama, SP1 tidak mendapat Bitcoin, SP1 telah berhubung dengan khidmat
pelanggan Kraken untuk bertanyakan situasi Bitcoin yang tidak dapat
dipindahkan. Setelah mendapat jawapan daripada pihak Kraken, SP1 mendapati
bahawa asalan diberikan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan tidak
bermungkinan OKT tidak boleh memindahkan Bitcoin dalam tempoh masa yang
panjang. SP1 berasa OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah
membeli Bitcoin dan Bitcoin tidak dapat dipindahkan kerana akaun OKT ada
masalah. Pihak khidmat pelanggan kraken menyatakan bahawa tidak
bermunasabah bahawa akaun kraken tergantung begitu lama sehingga tidak
membolehkan pemindahan Bitcoin.
[16] Oleh itu, OKT telah menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan Bitcoin telah dibeli dan tidak
dapat dipindahkan.
Elemen kedua: Mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang berjumlah RM54365
[17] Melalui slip transaksi (ekshibit P3A-B) dan juga penyata bank milik OKT (ekshibit
D13 dan P29), terdapat kemasukkan wang berjumlah RM54,365 ke dalam akaun
milik OKT.
[18] OKT telah mendorong SP1 untuk menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi
pembelian Bitcoin. OKT telah menawarkan harga yang lebih rendah daripada
harga pasaran dan menyatakan Bitcoin akan diperolehi dalam masa 7-14 hari
telah mendorong SP1 menyerahkan wang sebanyak RM54,365.
Elemen ketiga: Tertuduh melakukannya dengan tidak jujur
[19] Pembayaran telah dibuat kepada akaun milik OKT dan OKT telah menerima wang
tersebut namun wang tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
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[20] SP1 tidak menerima 1unit Bitcoin dan wang yang dibayar kepada OKT tidak
dikembalikan oleh OKT. OKT telah menyebabkan SP1 kehilangan wang tersebut
dan sehingga kini masih tidak dipulangkan kepada SP1. OKT telah mendapat
keuntungan salah di mana duit tersebut tidak digunakan untuk pembelian Bitcoin.
[21] SP1 tidak akan menyerahkan RM54,365 kepada OKT sekiranya OKT tidak
menjanjikan untuk membelikan satu unit Bitcoin untuk SP1. Kesimpulannya,
kesemua elemen pertuduhan berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan.
[22] Pihak pembelaan telah menimbulkan pelbagai isu dan menyatakan pihak
pendakwaan gagal membuktikan elemen pertuduhan kerana pihak pendakwaan
gagal menunjukkan keterangan SP1 adalah kredibel di mana OKT telah
menyatakan telah membeli Bitcoin.
[23] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa kredibiliti keterangan SP1 adalah boleh
dipercayai di mana keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten dan disokong.
[24] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 telah bertukar fikiran dan
telah menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin selepas perjumpaan SP1 dengan OKT di
Hotel Royal Chulan. Adalah versi pembelaan bahawa SP1 telah mencadangkan
agar RM54,365 digunakan sebagai pinjaman modal bersyarat untuk
mengembangkan perniagaan syarikat OKT atas tiga syarat dikenakan oleh SP1.
Tiga syarat tersebut adalah abang SP1 dilantik sebagai CEO syarikat, keahlian
SP1 sebagai 001 dan SP1 sebagai penasihat peribadi OKT.
[25] Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa SP1 telah memberikan keterangan bahawa
OKT membuat semua keputusannya dengan sendiri kerana OKT yang
bertanggungjawab terhadap syarikatnya. SP1 juga telah menjelaskan bahawa
SP1 tidak memberitahu SP2 adalah abangnya kerana SP1 tidak ingin OKT untuk
bertindak berat sebelah dan ingin OKT untuk bersikap objektif dalam pelantikan
CEO memandangkan SP1 dan OKT adalah kawan ketika itu. SP1 juga telah
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menjelaskan fakta bahawa SP1 dan SP2 adalah adik beradik sudah pastinya
akan diketahui oleh OKT.
[26] SP2 memberikan keterangan bahawa SP2 tidak tahu menahu berkenaan dengan
apa-apa syarat yang diletakkan berkenaan dengan lantikan beliau. SP2 telah
menjelaskan lantikannya atas berdasarkan temu duga yang telah diadakan dan
[27] Berkenaan dengan syarat keahlian 001, SP1 telah menjelaskan bahawa keahlian
sebagai 001 telah diberikan oleh OKT sendiri. SP1 telah melabur sebanyak
RM18600 sebagai ahli dan mempunyai 31 akaun di mana setiap akaun adalah
bernilai RM600. SP1 juga telah memberikan keterangan bahawa tiada sebarang
lantikan rasmi bagi keahlian 001.
[28] Pihak pembelaan juga menimbulkan isu bahawa dokumen telah diserahkan
selepas perbicaraan bermula. Pihak pendakwaan menghujahkan bahawa pihak
pembelaan telah diberikan masa yang mencukupi untuk meneliti dokumen-
dokumen tersebut kerana telah diberikan penangguhan yang sewajarnya untuk
meneliti dokumen-dokumen tersebut dan ini sama sekali tidak memprejudiskan
[29] Pihak pembelaan telah menyatakan tindakan SP1 untuk menghantar “bill
collector” adalah salah di sisi undang-undang. Namun pihak pendakwaan
bergantung keterangan SP3, yang dikatakan pengutip hutang telah menafikan
dakwaan bahawa dia telah dilantik oleh SP1 dan SP3 telah menyatakan beliau
menolong untuk mengenal pasti kedudukan OKT.
[30] Pihak pembelaan turut mempersoalkan penerimaan bukti tangkapan skrin
Whatsapp ekhibit P4 sebagai bukti tanpa diperiksa oleh pihak forensik.
Mahkamah telah menolak bantahan peguam dan menerima bukti tangkapan skrin
di mana perbualan asal dalam telefon bimbit telah dikemukakan.
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[31] Adalah tidak dinafikan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah menerima wang berjumlah
RM54,365 yang dipindahkan oleh SP1. OKT juga mengesahkan perbualan
awalan mengenai pembelian 1 unit Bitcoin. Namun OKT telah menyatakan tujuan
asal pembelian Bitcoin tersebut telah berubah kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[32] Rumusan pembelaan daripada keterangan OKT adalah OKT telah diberikan
kebenaran untuk menggunakan wang tersebut selepas OKT bersetuju tiga syarat
yang diberikan oleh SP1. Tiga syarat yang dikenakan adalah bahawa SP2 dilantik
sebagai CEO, SP1 sebagai ahli 001 dan penasihat peribadi OKT.
[33] OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT telah mematuhi syarat dengan melantik SP2
sebagai CEO. OKT bertindak memperhentikan SP2 atas alasan bahawa SP2
telah bertindak bertentangan dengan hala tuju syarikat.
[34] OKT juga menyatakan bahawa SP1 sering memberikan pendapatan dan nasihat
serta membantu dalam penyediaan misi dan visi untuk Midas Touch. OKT
menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menjadi ahli 001 dan boleh dilihat melalui laman
[35] OKT telah mengemukakan bukti-bukti seperti penyata kiraan dan penyata bank
bagi menyokong perbelanjaan syarikat yang menggunakan wang tersebut bagi
pembayaran gaji, kos kepada ‘web developer’, bil dan sebagainya.
[36] Pembelaan OKT adalah bahawa OKT tidak menipu SP1 kerana SP1 sendiri yang
membuat keputusan untuk menangguhkan pembelian dan telah menawarkan
pinjaman modal bersyarat kepada OKT. OKT telah menerima tawaran tersebut.
[37] Mahkamah akan menjawab bantahan mengenai penerimaan ekshibit P4.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada Pannir Selvam a/l Sinnaiyah & Anor v Tan Chia
Foo & Ors [2021] 7 MLJ 384 di Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut:
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“(3) The court agreed with the plaintiff’s contention based on the parallels drawn
to the case of Lim Choon Hau v Simpson Wong where the court held that
Whatsapp messages were direct evidence of the receipt of money as a friendly
loan from the plaintiff. The documents produced by a computer still admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it was admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
The court viewed that the WhatsApp messages were relevant and admissible
as they demonstrated the connection to the facts in issue so as to form part of
the same transaction. It triggered the application of s 6 of the Evidence Act (see
paras 57, 61 & 67).”
[38] Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah menjelaskan kebolehterimaan keterangan
whatsapp walaupun tiada sijil 90A seperti di bawah:
[60] I am unable to agree with this submission, in view of the fact that he did
not provide any authorities to support his contention that all WhatsApp
messages amounted to documents produced by a computer, bearing in mind
that the maker of those messages, who was SP2, was cross-examined.
[61] Secondly, even if those messages amounted to documents produced by
a computer, there are authorities such as Mohd Khayry bin Ismail v Public
Prosecutor [2014] 4 MLJ 317; [2014] 1 LNS 412 (CA) and Mohamad Fauzi bin
Che Rus v JR Joint Resources Holdings Sdn Bhd [2016] 8 MLJ 739; [2016] 6
CLJ 266 to say that documents produced by a computer may still be admissible
in the absence of fulfilment of the requirements under s 90A of the Evidence
Act, if it is admissible under another exception to the rule against hearsay.
[39] Peguam bela hanya membantah keterangan P4 kerana tiada sijil 90A dibekalkan
oleh pihak pendakwaan dan telefon bimbit tidak dihantar untuk pemeriksaan
[40] Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada kes Gnanasegaran a/l Pararajasingam v
Public Prosecutor [1997] 3 MLJ 1 di mana Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan
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menyatakan seperti berikut berkenaan pemakaian Seksyen 90A Akta
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Shaik Daud:
Seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 menjadikan rekod komputer yang dibuat
semasa penggunaan biasa boleh diterima jika yang berikut dibuktikan, iaitu
bahawa: (i) dokumen-dokumen dihasilkan oleh sebuah komputer; dan (ii) rekod
komputer dihasilkan semasa penggunaan biasa. Bukti boleh dikemukakan
sama ada dalam bentuk sijil yang ditandatangani oleh satu-satunya orang yang
bertanggungjawab tentang komputer yang menghasilkan cetakan
sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh s 90A(2), atau oleh seorang pegawai
Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Mahadev Shankar:
Zainal tidak dicabar oleh perayu atas kejituan catatan dokumen yang
dikemukakan. Sebaliknya, rayuan adalah berdasarkan fakta bahawa tiada sijil
telah dikemukakan di bawah s 90A(2) yang mana, perayu menghujahkan,
bermakna bahawa pihak pendakwa telah gagal membuktikan kesnya. Hujah ini
adalah berdasarkan falasi, kerana Zainal bertanggungjawab atas semua
pengendalian di bank dan dengan itu adalah bertanggungjawab atas urusan
aktiviti bank yang dijalankan oleh komputer tersebut. Sekiranya dia memilih
untuk menyediakan suatu sijil, dia boleh berbuat demikian dan di bawah s
90A(2), dokumen-dokumen akan diterima sebagai keterangan seperti yang
diperuntukkan oleh s 90A(1). Keterangan viva voce seseorang dalam kandang
saksi lebih penting daripada suatu sijil yang dikeluarkan olehnya (lihat ms
Seksyen 90A(1) merupakan suatu pengemaskinian ‘rukun keterangan paling
baik’ dengan realiti zaman elektronik, dan kini ia tidak lagi perlu untuk
memanggil juruwang atau kerani bank yang memasukkan data dengan syarat
dia berbuat demikian semasa penggunaan biasa komputer (lihat ms 14A—D).
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[41] Pemakaian sijil seksyen 90A juga dibincangkan dalam kes Mohd Khayry bin
Ismail v Public Prosecutor [2014] MLJU 385 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
(i)Tape recording evidence or CCTV recording, etc. at common law will be
admissible based on 'res gestae' principles as truth of its contents although they
may be hearsay or even self serving statement. Section 6 of EA 1950 and also
other sections give statutory recognition to 'res gestae' principle in the widest
form and is not restricted to the common law parameters. The test for relevancy
is set out in the section itself in no uncompromising terms. There appears to be
no comprehensive formula for its admissibility save as to guidelines suggested
and/or imposed by courts all for good reasons. [See Amrrita Lai Hazra v
Emperor 42 Cal 957; Bandahala bin Undik v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 CLJ
708 ]. The said section 6 of EA 1950 reads as follows:
"Facts which, though not in issue, are so connected with a fact in issue
as to form part of the same transaction are relevant, whether they
occurred at the same time and place or at different times and places."
(ii)At common law any form of tape recording, video recording, etc.; if relevant
is made admissible if the court is satisfied of its accuracy and that it has not
been tampered with, etc. The jurisprudence relating to its admissibility as well
as sections 3 and 61 of EA 1950 is set out in Janab's Key to Criminal Procedure
and Evidence, 2nd edition and it reads as follows:
"Document before the 1993 Amendment A 851 to the Act was defined in
section 3 of the Act to mean any matter expressed or described upon
any substance by means of letters, figures or marks or by more than one
of those means intended to be used or which may be used for the
purpose of recording that matter. Under the new amendment it includes
any matter embodied in a disc, tape, film, sound track or other device
whatsoever. A wide and extended meaning has been given to the
definition 'document'. Previously documents at least related to things
which could not be easily tampered with. Now documents include items
which could be easily tampered with. It is submitted that the admission
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of such documents which could be easily tampered with must be
admitted with caution."
In R v Maqsud Ali (1965) 2 All ER 465 Marshall J observed:
"… for many years now photographs have been admissible in evidence
on proof that they are relevant to the issues involved in the case and that
the prints are taken from negatives that are untouched. The print as seen
represent situations that have been reproduced by means of mechanical
and chemical devices. Evidence of things seen through telescopes or
binoculars which otherwise could not be picked up by the naked eye
have been admitted, and now there are devices for picking up,
transmitting, and recording conversations. We see no difference in
principle between a tape recording and a photograph. In saying this we
must not be taken as saying that such recordings are admissible
whatever the circumstances, but it does appear to this court wrong to
deny to the law of evidence advantages to be gained by new techniques
and new devices, provided the accuracy of the recording can be proved
and the voices recorded properly identified; provided also that the
evidence is relevant and otherwise admissible, we are satisfied that a
tape recording is admissible in evidence.
Such documents when produced for the inspection of the court are
referred to as documentary evidence. Thus, documentary evidence may
include not only documents in writing but also maps, plans, graphs,
drawings, photographs, discs, tapes videotapes, films and negatives
(see Cross on Evidence)."
(iii)The amendments in relation to documents to EA 1950 do not in any way
affect the common law position as set out in R v Maqsud Ali. The amendments
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allow further hearsay documents which may be difficult to be made admissible
under the common law because of the hearsay rule and its prejudicial effect, to
be made admissible provided the criteria set out in the amendments are
complied with. The new amendments such as section 90A do not displace
common law rules as to admissibility. That is to say if the party cannot admit a
document in consequence of the common law restriction then he may get the
document admitted under any of the new provisions such as section 90A, etc.
[42] Mahkamah mendapati mendapati peguam bela tidak berhujah bahawa perbualan
Whatsapp adalah tidak revelan dan hanya membantah kerana ketiadaan sijil 90A.
Mahkamah mendapati P4 adalah keterangan yang relevan di mana penawaran
pembelian Bitcoin dan persetujuan serta transaksi dilakukan adalah perbualan
yang terkandung dalam P4. Mahkamah berpuas hati ketulenan perbualan
Whatsapp apabila SP1 masih menyimpan keseluruhan perbualan Whatsapp dan
telefon bimbit yang mengandungi kesemua perbualan tersebut telah
dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah dalam keadaan baik. Malah di peringkat
pembelaan, OKT tidak menafikan kandungan Whatsapp dan bersetuju bahawa
itu adalah perbualan antara OKT dan SP1. Oleh itu, ketiadaan sijil 90A tidak
menjejaskan kebolehterimaan ekshibit P4.
[43] Pihak pembelaan ada menimbulkan isu ketidakaturan prosedur kawad cam.
Daripada keterangan kesemua saksi, adalah fakta bahawa OKT dan SP1
mengenali antara satu sama lain untuk satu tempoh masa yang panjang dan
berurusan dalam perdagangan mata wang kripto dan isu pengecaman OKT
adalah tidak diperlukan dan pengecaman daripada kandang adalah memadai.
[44] Pemindahan wang sebanyak RM54,365 bagi pembelian Bitcoin adalah fakta
tidak dipertikaikan. Persoalan utama dalam kes ini adalah sama ada terdapat
penipuan dilakukan OKT atau terdapat pinjaman modal bersyarat yang dikatakan
oleh OKT.
[45] SP1 bertegas bahawa tiada perubahan tujuan asal pembelian Bitcoin dan tidak
pernah menawarkan syarat seperti mana yang dicadangkan oleh peguam bela
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manakala OKT menyatakan bahawa SP1 telah menukarkan pembelian tersebut
kepada pinjaman modal bersyarat.
[46] OKT telah bersetuju pada tiada keterangan bertulis mengenai pinjaman modal
bersyarat tersebut. Alasan ketiadaan dokumen bertulis adalah OKT telah
menyuruh SP1 menyediakan perjanjian tersebut namun SP1 tidak berbuat
demikian sehingga hari ini.
[47] Memandangkan ketiadaan keterangan bertulis, maka Mahkamah perlu menilai
kredibiliti keterangan lisan saksi-saksi. Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, peguam
bela hanya meletakkan cadangan bahawa SP1 telah menawarkan pinjaman
modal bersyarat. Namun, peguam bela tidak pernah bertanyakan soalan tentang
penyedian dokumen bagi pinjaman modal bersyarat oleh SP1. SP1 hanya
diajukan penyediaan dokumen untuk pelantikan CEO dan misi,visi bagi Midas
Touch yang menjurus kepada penglibatkan SP1 dalam syarikat OKT.
[48] Keterangan SP1 adalah konsisten di mana SP1 menyatakan bahawa tidak
berkemungkinan untuk SP1 untuk menukarkan tujuan asal kepada pinjaman
modal bersyarat apabila SP1 dimaklumkan oleh OKT bahawa OKT telah membeli
Bitcoin tersebut.
[49] Pihak pembelaan telah mencadangkan bahawa SP1 yang bertukar fikiran dan
yang menyuruh menangguhkan pembelian Bitcoin dalam masa 3 hari. Pada 1
sehingga 3 Februari 2018, di mana SP1 telah berjumpa OKT di Hotel Royal
Chulan dan mencadangkan duit RM54,365 akan disumbangkan ke dalam
sekiranya 3 syarat dipatuhi dan sekiranya OKT masih belum membeli Bitcoin.
[50] Semasa peringkat pendakwaan, pihak pembelaan telah mengajukan soalan-
soalan yang kurang relevan yang berkenaan pelaburan RM30,000 secara
terperinci. Namun, aduan SP1 dan pertuduhan adalah berkenaan dengan
pembelian Bitcoin. SP1 bersetuju bahawa SP1 membuat perdagangan dan
pelaburan dengan OKT namun SP1 menyatakan SP1 tertipu dengan pembelian
Bitcoin kerana beliau tidak menerima Bitcoin.
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[51] Mengikut perbualan awalan, SP1 dimaklumkan bahawa pembelian Bitcoin adalah
melalui akaun kraken. SP1 menunggu pemindahan Bitcoin oleh OKT namun tidak
dilakukan atas alasan bahawa terdapat masalah dengan akaun kraken. SP1 telah
berasa tertipu setelah menyoal perkara ini dengan pihak kraken bahawa mustahil
akaun kraken disekat sekian lama walaupun digodam.
[52] Namun, kini versi OKT adalah OKT tidak semestinya perlu membeli Bitcoin
melalui kraken memandangkan terdapat pelbagai cara pembelian Bitcoin dapat
dibuat. Kemudian, OKT menerangkan prosedur pembelian Bitcoin melalui kraken
adalah jauh lebih susah kerana perlu menukarkan kepada mata wang fiat terlebih
dahulu bagi tujuan pembelian kripto. OKT menyatakan akaun OKT adalah pada
peringkat permulaan (starter) maka memerlukan banyak transaksi dilakukan bagi
tujuan pembelian Bitcoin malah perlu menunggu masa yang lama.
[53] Mahkamah mendapati bahawa sekiranya OKT berasa sukar untuk membeli
Bitcoin melalui kraken, mengapakan OKT menyatakan bahawa OKT akan
melakukan transaksi menggunakan kraken. Keterangan OKT adalah tidak
konsisten di mana OKT pada mula mendekati pengadu dengan penggunaan
akaun kraken di mana kini OKT menyatakan bahawa pembelian dengan kraken
adalah sukar. OKT tidak menunjukkan bahawa apa-apa tindakan penukaran mata
wang fiat untuk pembelian Bitcoin. Dalam perbualan Whatsapp P4, OKT mengesa
pengadu membayar dan OKT akan transfer duit ke dalam akaun kraken.
[54] OKT menyatakan OKT cuba meningkatkan tahap akaunnya ke peringat
pertengahan (intermediate) sejak 2017 namun hanya tahun 2023, pihak kraken
telah memberikan verifikasi akaun pertengahan. Apa bukti yang dikemukakan
oleh OKT adalah perbualan dengan kraken bahawa OKT akhirnya mendapat
akaun pertengahan setelah sekian lama dipohon. OKT tidak pernah menunjukkan
bahawa akaun OKT dibuka sejak bila dan sejak bila permohonan pernah dibuat.
OKT hanya mengemukakan perbualan pada tahun 2023 selepas OKT telah
dituduh di Mahkamah dan perbicaraan telah lama berjalan. Oleh itu, nilai
keterangan mengenai pengiktirafan akaun pertengahan pada tahun 2023 adalah
amat rendah dan tidak membantu menyokong keterangan OKT.
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[55] OKT dipersoalkan sekiranya tidak menggunakan kraken, mengapakah OKT
masih gagal membuat pembelian menggunakan aplikasi lain sedangkan OKT
menyatakan bahawa akaun kraken OKT adalah terhad. OKT memberikan alasan
bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM dan harga Bitcoin menaik. Namun, perkara
ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan semasa peringkat pendakwaan. Dakwaan bahawa
Bitcoin naik mendadak menyebabkan OKT tidak membelikan Bitcoin tidak pernah
ditimbulkan kepada saksi pendakwaan. OKT telah mengemukakan Ekshibit
D39A-E bagi menunjukkan harga pasaran Bitcoin. Namun, D39 A,C,D dan E
adalah tidak relevan memandangkan harga pasaran adalah bukan tahun 2018.
[56] Sekiranya merujuk kepada D39B, tidak menunjukkan perubahan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT kerana graf tersebut menunjukkan harga tahun 2018
sehingga 2020. Keterangan OKT sekali lagi tidak disokong oleh ekshibit D39B.
[57] OKT turut menyatakan bahawa OKT sibuk dengan majlis AIM menyebabkan OKT
tidak membeli Bitcoin. Namun, OKT setuju dengan cadangan bahawa pembelian
mata wang kripto adalah boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila dan tiada waktu
penutupan bagi pembelian mata wang asing. OKT menyatakan SP1 yang
memberikan kelonggaran masa untuk membeli Bitcoin. Perkara ini sekali lagi
tidak pernah ditimbulkan sewaktu peringkat pendakwaan. SP1 tidak pernah
ditanya bahawa beliau yang memberi kelonggaran masa kepada OKT membeli
Bitcoin dan juga harga Bitcoin menaik.
[58] Semasa peringkat pemeriksaan balas, OKT telah menyatakan OKT mempunyai
nota yang mencatat persetujuan pinjaman modal bersyarat. Apabila ditanya
mengapa perkara ini tidak pernah ditimbulkan di peringkat pendakwaan mahupun
pemeriksaan utama di peringkat pembelaa dan OKT menjawab bahawa beliau
tidak ditanya. Semasa pemeriksaan utama, OKT hanya menyatakan tiada
perjanjian kerana SP1 tidak menyediakan. OKT juga tidak memaklumkan nota
tersebut kepada pegawai penyiasat. Nota tersebut tidak dikemukakan di
Mahkamah hanya ditimbulkan semasa pemeriksaan balas.
[59] Berkenaan dengan syarat yang dikatakan dikenakan oleh SP1, Mahkamah
mendapati OKT yang mempunyai kuasa penuh pelantikan SP2 di mana OKT
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telah menolak draf surat yang disediakan oleh SP1 dan menggunakan surat
syarat perlantikan oleh syarikat. Adalah jelas OKT mempunyai kuasa penuh
dalam pengurusan syarikat dan keputusan muktamad adalah pada OKT dan
bukan pada SP1. Ketika itu, syarikat OKT memerlukan modal dan OKT juga
menyatakan OKT tidak dapat pinjaman bank atas sebab tiada rekod pinjaman.
Atas faktor tersebut, OKT menyatakan telah menerima pinjaman modal bersyarat
tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati adalah mustahil sebuah syarikat boleh
memperoleh satu pinjaman bersyarat tanpa syarat pemulangan. OKT
menyediakan perjanjian bagi pelaburan lain seperti pelaburan RM30,000 namun
tidak menyediakan apa-apa dokumen untuk jumlah wang yang lebih besar. OKT
yang menyediakan perjanjian untuk RM30,000 sebelum wujudnya penawaran
Bitcoin kepada SP1. Malah, OKT telah mengemukakan kesemua email untuk
lampirkan pemulangan bagi pelaburan trading tersebut. Mahkamah mendapati
adalah tidak munasabah bahawa tiada satu keterangan bertulis mengenai
pinjaman modal bersyarat seperti yang didakwa oleh OKT. OKT juga gagal
menjelaskan secara terperinci berapa jumlah bayaran balik dan tempoh pulangan
pinjaman tersebut. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah
diragui dan tidak kredibel.
[60] Mahkamah merujuk Public Prosecutor v Subahir bin Salmin [2009] MLJU 670
di mana Mahkamah Tinggi tidak bersetuju dengan dapatan Mahkamah yang
mempercayai versi pembelaan.
“ However, in respect of the First Charge, I do not agree with the acquittal
of the Respondent. I find that the trial Judge had erred in fact and in law.
The main reason why she acquitted the Respondent was because she
believed in the Defence story that there was an agreement by SP7, SD2
and the Respondent to assist SP1 to get 3 months of full salary and his
overtime pay even though SP1 did not work the full months for
September, October and November 2001. Here, I agree with the
Prosecution's submission that the Defence did not raise specifically and
in detail the existence of such an agreement of the Company's
Management in the course of cross-examining the Prosecution's
witness, in particular SP7 i.e. on the question whether it was on the
orders of the Company's Management that SPI's kon card was to be
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filled in that manner so that SP1 could be paid in full even though he was
on medical leave. Learned Counsel for the Respondent submitted that
at page 124 of the Appeal Record, the Defence Counsel had questioned
SP7 regarding such agreement of the Company's Management to help
SP1 but SP7 merely replied "tidak ingat". A perusal of the evidence at
page 124 of the Appeal Record shows that SP7 was cross-examined on
whether he had discussed with the Respondent and SD2 regarding
compensation to be paid. SP7 replied that he could not remember. SP7
was then asked whether the salary for October and November 2001 was
paid in full as compensation since SP1 did not have insurance and
SOCSO. Again SP7 replied that he could not remember. As submitted
by the Appellant, even if SP7 could not remember, the Defence should
have pursued the matter further and asked SP7 specifically and in detail
whether there was an agreement by SP7, SD2 and the Respondent to
pay SP1 the full salaries for October and November 2001 in order to
assist SP1 who had no insurance or SOCSO. Since the Defence failed
to raise this agreement specifically during the cross-examination of the
Prosecution witnesses, it means that what the Defence later raised
during the Defence stage should be rejected on the ground that the
evidence regarding the agreement by the Company's Management is a
mere concoction or fabrication, or an afterthought. The law regarding this
issue is trite.”
[61] Walaupun OKT menimbulkan perjanjian modal bersyarat di peringkat
pendakwaan, namun OKT tidak menyatakan apa syarat lain selain syarat
dikenakan oleh SP1. OKT tidak pernah menyentuh apa-apa perkara tentang
pemulangan pinjaman modal bersyarat dan tempoh pembayaran. Mahkamah
mendapati pinjaman modal bersyarat merupakan satu pemikiran terkemudian
oleh OKT. Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada, Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah
menipu SP1 dengan menyatakan OKT telah membeli Bitcoin tersebut namun
OKT tiada niat untuk membeli Bitcoin bagi SP1. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahawa
alasan-alasan dikemukakan oleh OKT adalah tidak munasabah dan konsisten.
Sekiranya OKT mempunyai niat membeli Bitcoin untuk SP1, sepertimana yang
dinyatakan OKT mempunyai pelbagai cara lain dan tidak semestinya membeli
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melalui Kraken namun OKT tidak berbuat demikian. OKT telah mengesa SP1
membuat bayaran segera bagi tujuan pembelian namun OKT kini menyatakan
dalam tempoh 3 hari pertama, OKT tidak membeli kerana sibuk dan harga Bitcoin
naik. Namun dilihat daripada ekshibit D39B, tiada kenaikan mendadak yang
dikatakan oleh OKT. OKT menyatakan OKT mengajak SP1 membeli Bitcoin
dengan sendiri dengan menggunakan akaun Luno SP1. Keterangan
bertentangan dengan perbualan Whatsapp, di mana OKT yang beria-ria untuk
menawarkan penjualan Bitcoin kepada OKT (ekshibit P4(2)).
[62] Mahkamah mendapati keterangan OKT adalah tidak kredibel dan konsisten dan
bersifat pemikiran terkemudian (afterthought) berkenaan dengan isu penyediaan
dokumen perjanjian. OKT sering bertanyakan kepada SP1 dalam membantu OKT
mendraf dokumen dan semua dokumen didraf oleh SP1 seperti perlantikan CEO,
visi dan misi Midas Touch. Namun OKT menyatakan SP1 tidak membuat draf
dengan pinjaman modal bersyarat walaupun diminta. Mahkamah kurang
mempercayai keterangan OKT di mana sekiranya jumlah pinjaman dikatakan
adalah tinggi dan ianya melibatkan kepentingan pengadu, adalah mustahil SP1
enggan untuk mendraf satu perjanjian untuk memastikan kepentingannya
terjamin dan juga pulangannya.
[63] OKT telah menyatakan OKT akan memindahkan Bitcoin selepas 7-14 hari
kemasukkan duit. Perkara ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan akaun OKT sebagai
starter dan ianya dalam pengetahuan OKT kerana pembelian melalui akaun
starter memerlukan masa yang amat panjang memandangkan akaun starter
mempunyai hak transaksi. SP1 telah bertanyakan sekiranya harga naik, SP1
masih boleh membeli dengan harga yang dipersetujui. Kini alasan alasan harga
naik, OKT tidak membeli Bitcoin amat bercanggah dengan perbualan Whatsapp
OKT dengan pengadu seperti di P4.
[64] Mahkamah mendapati OKT telah memperdayakan SP1 membayar wang
berjumlah RM54365 untuk pembelian Bitcoin di mana OKT tidak ada niat membeli
atau membeli Bitcoin dan telah menipu pengadu bahawa Bitcoin telah dibeli tetapi
Bitcoin tersebut tidak wujud. Oleh itu, Mahkamah mendapati OKT gagal
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menimbulkan keraguan munasabah dan OKT didapati bersalah dan disabitkan ke
atas pertuduhan.
[65] Antara faktor mitigasi yang dikemukakan oleh peguam bela adalah seperti berikut:
(a) Tertuduh berumur 56 tahun;
(b) Merupakan ibu tunggal sejak kematian suami tahun 2008;
(c) Mempunyai 15 cucu dan OKT menanggung 6 cucu yang tinggal bersamanya;
(d) Memberikan kerjasama baik dengan pihak polis;
(e) mempunyai masalah kesihatan hyperthroid sejak 2008 dan masih menerima
rawatan sehingga sekarang; dan
(f) Pesalah pertama
[66] Peguam bela terpelajar memohon agar satu hukuman di bawah peruntukkan
seksyen 294 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah diberikan berdasarkan faktor mitigasi
[67] Pihak pendakwaan telah mengemukakan ‘victim impact statement’ oleh SP1. SP1
mengalami kerugian wang yang banyak disebabkan penipuan OKT. Pihak
pendakwaan memohon hukuman penjara dikenakan untuk melindungi
kepentingan awam. Pihak pendakwaan berhujah bahawa transaksi sebegini tidak
dikawal selia dan memberikan ruang kepada penipuan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan terdapat keuntungan salah oleh OKT dan jumlah tersebut adalah
tinggi. Pihak pendakwaan telah merujuk tred hukuman dalam kes Tan Wee Eng
vs PP [2019] MLJU 818 di Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 24 bulan
bagi kerugian RM33,300. Pihak memohon kos pendakwaan kerana terdapat 7
saksi dipanggil dan perbicaraan mengambil tempoh masa yang lama.
[68] Peguam bela memohon pertimbangan bahawa OKT merupakan pesalah pertama
dan peguam bela membantah terhadap kos.
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[69] Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan peguam untuk bon berkelakuan baik
kerana ianya tidak terpakai dalam kes ini. Seksyen 294(6) Kanun Tatacara
Jenayah menyatakan bon tidak boleh diberikan untuk kesalahan serius dan
tafisran ksesalahan serius adalah di bawah seksyen 52B Kanun Keseksaan.
Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan adalah tergolong kesalahan serius dan tidak
boleh diberikan pertimbangan bon seperti yang dipohon.
[70] Mahkamah perlu menjatuhkan hukuman berdasarkan undang-undang dan prinsip
kehakiman. Mahkamah merujuk kes Public Prosecutor v Jafa bin Daud [1981]
1 MLJ 315 and PP v Tia Ah Leng [2000] 5 MLJ 401.Seksyen 420
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara tidak kurang daripada 1 tahun dan tidak lebih
10 tahun dan sebatan dan juga boleh dikenakan denda. Oleh itu, Mahkamah tidak
boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara kurang 1 tahun. Mahkamah juga tertakluk
kepada bidang kuasa di bawah seksyen 87(1) Akta Mahkamah Rendah 1948 di
mana Mahkamah Majistret tidak boleh menjatuhkan hukuman penjara melebihi 5
tahun. Memandang OKT merupakan perempuan, maka sebatan tidak boleh
dikenakan mengikut seksyen 289(c) Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.
[71] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi dan pemberat dalam kes ini
dan tujuan hukuman diberikan. Mahkamah mempertimbangan hukuman penjara
adalah wajar dikenakan dan bukan hukuman alternatif mengambil kira tujuan
hukuman diberikan adalah berbentuk pengajaran kepada OKT dan juga
masyarakat secara umum. Mahkamah mengambil kira faktor mitigasi seperti usia,
kesihatan dan rekod OKT dalam mempertimbangkan tempoh pemenjaraan.
Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman penjara satu tahun dan 6 bulan.
[72] Mahkamah telah mempertimbangkan usia, tahap kesihatan OKT serta tiada rekod
kesalahan lampau OKT. OKT telah berusia 56 tahun dan mempunyai masalah
kesihatan seperti hyperthyroidism. Namun begitu, tindakan OKT telah
menyebabkan kerugian tinggi kepada pengadu perlu diberikan pertimbangan
sewajarnya. Berdasarkan kes Tan Wee Eng vs PP [2019] MLJU 818, Mahkamah
ini telah memendekkan tempoh hukuman penjara dan menjatuhkan hukuman
penjara 1 tahun dan 6 bulan setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor dinyatakan di
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[73] Untuk permohonan kos pendakwaan, Mahkamah boleh menetapkan kos
mengikut sekyen 427 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah dan Mahkamah mengawardkan
RM1500 sebagai kos pendakwaan yang perlu dibayar seminggu dari tarikh jatuh
hukum dan sekiranya gagal bayar, OKT dikenakan penjara 1 bulan. Mahkamah
mengambil kira jumlah hari perbicaraan banyak dan masa yang panjang di mana
kos yang terlibat apabila SP1 dan saksi awam lain telah hadir beberapa kali ke
Mahkamah dan kos terlibat apabila terdapat penangguhan perbicaraan pada 4
dan 25 November 2022 oleh pihak peguam bela dan OKT.
[74] Peguam bela telah memohon penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman penjara.
Alasan dikemukakan adalah tahap kesihatan OKT yang tidak baik dan
memerlukan rawatan. Timbalan pendakwa raya membantah permohonan kerana
OKT tidak mempunyai komplikasi dan masalah kesihatan serius. Laporan
perubatan menyatakan OKT dalam keadaan stabil.
[75] Mahkamah mendapati alasan OKT ada sejarah perubatan hyperthyrodism tidak
memadai untuk satu penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman kerana laporan
menunjukkan bahawa OKT bukan “in Thyroid Storm” dan keadaan OKT adalah
stabil. Hukuman penjara tidak menafikan OKT untuk mendapat perhatian rawatan
susulan. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Mohd Khairul Azlan bin Mohd Napi
lwn Pendakwa Raya [2022] 7 MLJ 867 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan
seperti berikut:
“(3) Section 311 of the Criminal Procedure Code had provided that when
an appeal was filed, it did not automatically render the sentence passed
to be stayed. Based on the affidavit filed and the reasons submitted the
court found that the health problems faced by the applicant did not justify
the granting of the application for stay of execution. This was because
the medical officer’s report was only in respect of the illness suffered by
the applicant. The medical officer did not clearly state whether the
applicant required specific and periodic treatment that could not be
provided in prison. The issue of the possibility that the applicant would
be exposed to the Covid-19 virus was not supported by any document
or confirmation that the applicant would be infected with the virus simply
because he was placed in the prison. What was at stake in this case was
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the presumption and likelihood that it would happen to the applicant. This
was not sufficient to show that it was a special circumstance to allow the
execution of the sentence to be stayed”
[76] Berkenaan dengan alasan penjagaan cucu, juga bukan satu keadaan khas yang
memadai dalam memberikan penangguhan pelaksanaan di mana tiada apa-apa
keterangan oleh OKT bahawa OKT merupakan penjaga sah dari segi undang dan
cucu-cucu tidak lagi mempunyai ibu bapa lagi atau penjaga yang sah. OKT
menolong untuk menjaga cucu tidak memadai untuk suatu hukuman
digantungkan. OKT mempunyai ahli keluarga lain seperti anak OKT yang boleh
menjaga anak atau anak buahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah menolak permohonan
peguam bela untuk penangguhan pelaksanaan hukuman.
Disediakan oleh:
Wong Chai Sia
MahkamahKuala Lumpur
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| 49,161 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-51-03/2023 | PEMOHON NAZMI BIN MAMAT RESPONDEN 1. ) IKHMAS JAYA SDN BHD 2. ) MAHKAMAH PERUSAHAAN MALAYSIA | Application by the 1st Respondent to set aside the Ex-Parte Order dated 4.4 2023 for leave to commence judicial review - Failure to file the Affidavit Verifying the Facts and Failure to fully and frankly disclose all material facts and append relevant exhibits to the court. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
04/01/2024 11:43:15
WA-25-51-03/2023 Kand. 52
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WA—25—51—03/2023 Kand. 52
an/m;2n2L 11:43-13
mum mnxamm mam MALAVA nu KUALA Luuwun
mum wuuvm wznssxuwm KUALA LUPIPUI. muvsu
pazma >4 umux ssmxm mum u wuss
Da\zm Perxsr: Psrmomnan meh
Pemnhun unluk Penman Cemoran din
Mandamus m Bawah Amran 53, Kaedah—
xua-n Manknmnh 2012
Damn Perkzam Seksyan 2am ma
Pemubungan Pnmsnhaln 1:57
Dalam Parker: Award Mahkamah
Pnluuhnn No 2579 Tihlm 2922
benankh om Dsombev 21:22
Dllam Punurn aw Eswah Alumn 92
Kaedah 4. Kaadah-Kaedah Mahkzmah
1 mamas nusnn sun nssvouosu rznmm
2 MAHKAMAH psnusnmm muwsm nzspouusu KEDuA
me Inn no
sm YmyMDwn|a>.aMnuwaaRxA
:.~.» “Nam smnw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m mm, .. nr1g\n|HIy mm: dnuumnl VI mum pm
(Enclosure I7)
1 The Apphcant, byway dl an ex-pane Ipphcahon mad the Appncanrs
Ndlclfil revlew (JR) Appllcallnn an 2 3 2023 and on 3 4.2023, (ms
Honourable Cour! gmnled lne Apphcant leave (or JR lor the
IDHUMHQ nrdars. -
a bahawa kebenaran dlberi kepada Pemcrlan yang lersebul di
ala: bagl rnamuhorl sualu Permlah Oerlmrarl unluk
dlkemukakan ke Mahkamah yang Mulls mi yang benuluan
unluk mengeneplkan alau membalalkan sebahagian danpada
kepumsan Mahkalnah Pevusahaan Award No. 2579/2022
benarikh 3 12.2022 berkelvaan penglraarl gap kebelakangan
(backwages) den gall ganll pemuhhan.
l: bahawa kehenaran amen kepada Pamnon yang lelsanuldl
alas bagl memohcn sualu Perlnlah Mandamus henujuan
supaya gengnuan gall kehalakangan (backwsges) dan gap
germ pemuhhan dllakukan samula dmadapan seorang
Pengerusl Dam Responden Kedua.
2 The relevanl cause papers, lncludlng Ex—ParIe Order daled
3 4 202:: duly served on me 1“ Respondent an 11 A 2023.
3 On 31 52023, the 15' Respondent Ned a Nollce 07 Apphcallcrl
(Enclosure 14) under Order 32 Rule 5 and/or Order 92 Rule 4 of
me Rules ol Ctlufl 2012 (noc) and/or lnherenl powar of me com
(0 sehaslde the Ex-Parke Older dated 3.4.2023 (0! leave In
commence JR
4. on 12.6.2023. me Appllcanl filed a Nollce emppllcallon (Erlulolulo
I1) under older 3 Rule 5 and/or order IA and/or Order 92 Rule 4
unne ROG andlor lnheren| power cl lne com to seek (he lollowlng
mllsis. —
1. Pemnhon dlbenkan kebenaran dan Ianlulan masa unluk
nnamlallkan Afidavll Sokungan yang dllkrarksn olen Nazml bln
Mamal 1 3 2023 kedalam Elecuume Flhng Syslsm (EF5).
pm 2 one
an nnr/MDwn|anaHnuwaaRxA
.~_» «mm. snn .. met! In my me nnuu-y -mm: glam. VI mung Wm!
2 K05 auadikan kos aalarn kausa, dan
3. Lain-lain remdan/eleu penmen yang aianggep wslar dan Sual
rnantaazolen Mankarnan yang Muliai .
5 In essence, me Apphcanlflled an appllcafionlcran exlenslan alums
1:: seek leave lor 1ne Applrcann-s Amaavl1 to be filed mm the 51:3,
5, Bo1n Enclosures M and 17 are fixed |o be neard1oge1ner.A«er1ne
hearlng, I had allowed 1he 1' Respendenfs appI1ca1iun1c sel-aslde
me Ex—Fan.e Order aaled 342023 lar leave |o commence JR
[Enclosure 14) and dlsmlssed 1ne Applrcarws apphcannn V7
Enclosure 17.
7 Yhis ludgmerll canvarns me lull reasons lor rny Enclosure 17
dEI:l5lO7l.Tl'1e grounds onudgrnenuor Enclosure 14 wrll be prepared
separately vrcnr lms ludgmenx
Bnckgwund ram
3. The narrallon 01 me background veers nerein VS adopled wnn and/or
wllhoul m0dWica\IOH (mm the names‘ written submlsslons.
9 Upon belrlg served vnzn lne relevanl cause papers Includlng me Ex-
Pafle Order daled 3 4.2D23,Iha1" Respondent dlsoavered that the
Apphcanl has never filed any Amda1n1verllying lne Fads rehed an
in mi: JR Appllcallon. whether at [he leave stage or lha subslanlwe
10 The eenlenls 0! me order 53 slalemenl are not supponed nor
affirmed by any Amdavll vemylng lne Facls ruhed an VI (ms
11. The Applrcanx has not and/av nas failed to append or enclose or
e-<nlpl1 any documents and/or exnmns relevant to venfy the content
ol me Order 53 slalemenl
12 The Apphcanl nas valled In fully and irankly drscloee all rnalerlal lacls
to me coon In |he eanlenls lfllhe Order 53 Slalement
me 3 our:
sru Tvnn/MDwn|an0HnuwBaRxA
.~.»«w1.. s.n.1 luvlhnrwm rs. u..a e M», 1... nflglnlllly mull: dnuavlml VI mum ml
The Apphcam has lallea lo disdose all malerlal laels and nas nol
exhlblled me mnerlal uhlblls in we own lhruugh any Nflda
venlylng lne Facts relied un, lrlcludlng hut nel llrnlled In lalllng lo
. me cause papers all me slage at proceedlngs in Ihe
lnduslrlal Cour! under Secllon zalal ol me lndustrlal
Relallons An 1967‘
H. lncludlng me slalemenl ol case, Bunale of Clalmarvfs
Documenls, clelmanrs wllness slexemenl, clannanrs
wrmen Submissrnns, Pmceedlrlgs Notes. and Award
No. 2579/2022.
Fmrn me n g of lnls JR Applicallorl unul lodey, no Alfiaevn
Venfymg the Facts relled on nes been filed bylhe Applucanl In [ms
Appllcahcn Io verlly me Order 53 S|aI:menl
rne Appllcarl| has never served to the 1- mspenaenl any Amdavlt
Verifying (he Facts rehod on |haI has been duly filed In |hls
Honourable Court.
ee lne Applleanl has never filed an Alllaavll venlylng lne Facls
relled on be4are lnis Honourable coun, -nu me com and ma
Respcnuenls have also never been served wlln any Amdavil
venlylng lne Relerrea Fads lnal has been duly filed m Cnurl —
I. il ls lmpcsslble lor the 151 Respondent to file any
Amaevll In Reply In llus JR Appllcauon;
the Courl and Pames cannm examlne and confirm me
aocuracyarld correclness ol me cement ol lhe Order 53
m. me Respanaenls' abllily Io respenu lo we appllcalmn
has been napnmrely prejudiced
However, on 12 6 2023, about lhree monlns laler aner me fillng for
leave, me Aaphcanl seugnl (or an exlenslorl nl urns lo me me
Alfldavll Venfying me Feels.
Dale A ufi lo
srn fins/MDwn|anaHnuwaaRxA
.~,» “Nana Smul luvlhnrwlll be HIGH e my r... nflglnlllly MIN: dnuavlml v. mum vtmxl
ta According to the 1' Respondent. this is clearly an aflenhoughi at
the Applicsm to remedy the iatal inegularities and iundarnenlal flaw
in the Annlicanfs leave application.
I9 According to the Applicant, onor to the hling oi the applicauon
(Enclosure 1) on 2.3.2023 the Applicant had sworn in Amdavil in
support of Enclosure 1 on t 3 2023 (Applicants Afildavlt).
zu However, the Applicants solicitors had awoently med the same
Enotusure 1 documents instead oi the Applicants Amdauil as the
Aiiioavit soltongan under Enclosure 3 The Applicants sol tor
contends that this was at all material times an unintended human
enor (see; enclosure 16)
2t The Applicants solicitors hao then served all the hard copies oi the
Enclosure 1 aopllcation along with the Applicants Affidavil to the
Attorney General s chainoers (use). The AGC upon Demsmg ano
ensuring that all the oocurrients were in order then proceeded to
issue their non-ooieotion letter which is Enclosure 4.
22. The Cowl upon receiving the -1pp|ica|I0ri as WGH Is Enclosure 4 men
proceeded to grant Enclosure to in iavour oi the Apullcanl.
2: The Applicants solicitors had then served the harocooies oi
Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2. the Applicant's Affidawli Enclosure 8 and
Enclosure to to the 1" Respondent by hand on it .4.2o23.
lsee Exhibit NA.3 of Eliclosurv I8).
24 The I“ Respondent had then mud in let Enclosure i4 citing the
human error or the Applicarifs solioitois in riiing the Aoplicants
Aiiidavit as the basis or! their application
25 The Applicants solicitor upon realising this error had med in
Enclosure is explaining the unionunate ordeal in this Ho curable
court as well as attaching the Appllcarifs Aiiioavit as Exh FRAZ
in Enclosure I5.
26 Further, the Applicaru hasalso med Enclosure t7to seek the court's
leave to upload the Applicants Amdauit into the Electronic Filing
system (EFS) of the court
van s or II!
SIN fin:/MDwn|ahOHnuWBERxA
.~.» “Nah: s.n.i luvihnrwm be mad a navy i... nflglnlllly MVMI dnuavinril VI aFluNfl wrixl
The decision at me court
27 In gist, the Applicants grounds tor the application are as toltow .
I it was an henast mistake by the Applimnt solieners;
ii. Tneie is no degree at pretudtoe against tne 1“ Respondent,
iii The Applicant had allegedly served -the emdavit“ to the A60
and the parties
25 The Applicant claimed that there is an honest and genuine ennr that
has been mine by the Applicant‘: solicitors The Appllclrlfs tnleras|
is at stake and dismissing an entire JR entirely on a nunian errorwilt
seveteiy preludloe ttie Applicants ngnt to be tieard in law
29. The Appilcanfs solicitor IS deepiy tegrellul and remnrseful of his
action and stnoereiy apologizes tor nis error as evtdenoed in
Enclosure 15
30 land that the mistake and ‘honest and genuine error‘ as claimed by
the Applicant‘; solicitor is an untenable and insutrieient excuse
because —
an 1 wittiin ma Apptioarit a amdeuit and their autarniesiori, they have
admitted that it was the solicitors tault and dwn doing that they
tailed to tile the Atrtdavit veritying the Facts,
30.2 The delay oi three months or more than 90 days even alter
the parties have entered the lnlenparles stage eiaborales the
seventy ot the Applicant's delay;
at) 3 The irijuslloe is so severe to the court and the 1“ Respondent
that rt this extension is allowed, it would mean that Ihe
Applicant has negligently deprived and/or suppressed the
court and AGO from an Amdaintventying the Facts during the
leave stage. and has misled the court into thinking that an
amdayit was filed when there was none to begin with and
so 4 The leave was granted wltnauttully complying witli mandatory
requirements at order 53 Mme ROC
rueiav 10
SIN Tvnr/MDwn|ahOHnuWBERxA
.._» "Nair s.ii.i nanhnrwlll be u... In vanity i... nnginliily MVMI dnunvlml VI aFit.tNa aiiai
The Federal Com m the case of Chln Hua sawmill cu Sdn Bhd
v. Tuln Vulufl bln ‘nun Monlmod [1971] 1 MLRA 134; ]1974]1
Mu sa hem lhat a schcvlor rrusoake Is not a ground 10 gram specral
leave for exnensroh 0! [me as loHcws —
- ram rs . cum ldmilslnn am the failun In um ch. mm‘:-
was dun In rm sollcllofl mlluku. Nudlus to say, um mm
mlsuku ls rm - gmund for nrlnlmq Ipcclal Inn. Thai must be an
«ar me uhwous reason lha| ]| ]s but pusslbls In draw a dmflmg Vine
balwiirv a rmslaka mum nun supwn nrr xaruu M a d]scrul\:nafY
Bower mud (ha| wmeh whnot A mismku vs a rnislaku whallver may
mm: mm 191 In. As to wheuharor her: Mr Foo . ml akeamuunu |o
hegnrger-ee wt axuvass noopwvan '
(emphasvs added)
In the mslantcase, me Applwcanl mere\y rehed an the lemma] ]| was
allegedly an honas| Imslake when It was a blalam msregard of We
mandalcry nature 0! Order 53 of me ROG procedure which, the
Anphcam as an advocate and suhculor and an nfhcer 09 the Com
has nsghgervfly flouled. Thersficre‘ V Mew |ha| (he Applicant
snhcumrs "honesl m]sfaKe' as an untenatfle and insuffimenl ground
lar an extension of «me
The Applicanx vunher sunmmea that dlsrmssing ah apphcalvon due
[a a Ming error by me Applrcahrs sohcnors mu severe\y pre]ud|ce
me Appllcanl
1] rs lo be nnled men under order 53 oflhe ROG. a Statement and
Aflndavn larms pan rmhe pleading ovarry JR appucaxron aha mus|
therefore be comnlled wilh
The Court cl Appea] in she case a] DKLS $unIhlnn Sdn Bhd v.
Karaiaan Nugori Pulau Huang .1. Almr [2019] 1 MLJ S71: [2019]
3 cu sis: [2019] 2 MLRA 471 hem the mandawry nature oi me
Ordav 53 5(B|Bm6Hl me me Amaavu verrryrng the Faces as ¢onows:-
[ca] Fnrmnr, Imderfi 5: r3(2)lrI annlncauur lorleave lorluaicinl mvilw
mull be run. Ix-vlrll we must bu nrpperua by
mung am the naum ma ducnpliml ea In: apenrcarrr. the nlnel
.arr.m Ind mu ground: In vthleh n I: taught me by -mama
rmityirru are facts Iellnd arr. ma: mdlr Ix mandatory. n nrrvur
cmphlshl! mu nrlnclplltluu pifly ls bound hy his or... plndlng
and mi: ml: in rrummery In nlluu. Vn
Bag: 7 ma
em ]'vh|yMDwhnahaHhuwaaRxA
,.~.» “Nana s.r.r mmhnrwm r. HIGH m vuflj r... nr1g\ruHIy mm]: dnuumnl VI mum vans]
[51] We wen meme manna appellanvs sunmnm: mu emaavlu«m-
Iuppoll mmemll mononm nquinmnnln .. meneme eye 51
r 3(2). sou. email not luv: Iuppnflod the iflvellanrs apuiemsan
lar luasml uvbcw“
(emphssls added)
as cummg back to the (acts In me presenl case, I find lhal lhe Apphcam
has: -
Y. Falled lo dlsclose and plead me parliculars and pmceedlngs
of me lndustrlal Court In lull ln me order 53 Slalemenl:
V1 Fallee Io file an Affidavll Verifying the FacLs Veiled on to
support me Older 53 Slalemenll
Ill Failed lp annex or exhlbrl ell pl me cause papers ol me
lnuuslnal Cowl proceedlngs dunng me ex—pane leave slage.
w. Caused me Court le be deprlved and suppressed lmm me lull
appreaaliurl :71 all the cause papers at me Industrial Ccurl
prooeedlrlgs: and
v selemlvely choose whlch apcumems lo exlubil and K) produce
helare ms
37 Based on the above. I am olme VIEW ma: me Appllcanl snllcllors‘
lallura |u enclose all uelells and aocumens VI lhelr pleeamgs wllmn
the Order 53 slelemenl ls lalal as ls lhus preludiael lllhls leave was
nul set aslde.
as Furmer. lhe Applieanl submlls mal |he “Amaavlr was servedlu me
Aec However, l find that the “Amdavll“ lhal was allegedly sewed
In me AGC was an unslamped, Llnpild and unnlea Alvleavll |ha\ has
no pmt7a|ive value before lms cum
:9. Tnelelure, ll ls my vlew max servmg span unlllea. unpala and
unslamved dcl:umen| lo the AGC Ind me names IS as good as
servmg an empty and blank piece ol paper wlm npmng la slmw ler
Page a nun
em Wnr/MDwn|aaaHnuwaaRxA
.~.» “Nppe Sam! navlhnrwm be mad a vuny .. nflglnlllly mm: dnuavlml VI erlum Wm!
40. Based on the above, this cnun Is al the mew man no wfiuavu" was
wveu lo the AGC and in me pamus a1aH malenal nmes. mus In
breach of mandatory Order 53 Rifle A ofme ROC
41 Premsed on the aforesaid reasons. I dvsrmssed the Applicant‘:
appncauon (Enclosure 17) mm casts of RM son an sumac! no me
aflocalcv lee.
Daled 02+ January 2024
Ahmad Kamal bun Md Shahld
mgr. coun Kuala Lumpur
Pan g M m
sm my/MDwn|a».aHnuwaaRxA
.~.» “Nam smnw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m M, .. mm.m, mm: dnuamnl VI mum pm
For me Applicam
For me 1-‘
Dr Palhma Raj Ramasamy
(Encxk R M Murah wmh him)
Texuan Pamma Ra] Ramasamy 3. Co
Peguambela uan Feguamcara
Private Suits 91.
Lcl L02, Lave! 1, Gle Damansava,
599. Jalan Damansara‘
Taman Tun Dr Ismaix.
sown Kuala Lumpur.
(Ru, Tuisn — PRRCO/JR/0264/NM/D3/2D23)
Encwk Mohammad Haxkal Admn bin Mohd Nalm
(cm Nu! lrdma Syamrah wnxh mm)
Teluan Ahmad Demel Ruben 5 Co
Peguambela dan Peguamcala
45:9»:-1o. c3~2~1 1, ca-2-12
Smaris Dmamas.
Jalan Dmamas 1.
50430 Kuala Lumpur
sm numuummnuwaam
.~,» “Nam smuw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m my .. mm.m, mum: dnuamnl VI mum pm
| 1,363 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-51-03/2023 | PEMOHON NAZMI BIN MAMAT RESPONDEN 1. ) IKHMAS JAYA SDN BHD 2. ) MAHKAMAH PERUSAHAAN MALAYSIA | Application by the 1st Respondent to set aside the Ex-Parte Order dated 4.4 2023 for leave to commence judicial review - Failure to file the Affidavit Verifying the Facts and Failure to fully and frankly disclose all material facts and append relevant exhibits to the court. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
04/01/2024 11:43:15
WA-25-51-03/2023 Kand. 52
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WA—25—51—03/2023 Kand. 52
an/m;2n2L 11:43-13
mum mnxamm mam MALAVA nu KUALA Luuwun
mum wuuvm wznssxuwm KUALA LUPIPUI. muvsu
pazma >4 umux ssmxm mum u wuss
Da\zm Perxsr: Psrmomnan meh
Pemnhun unluk Penman Cemoran din
Mandamus m Bawah Amran 53, Kaedah—
xua-n Manknmnh 2012
Damn Perkzam Seksyan 2am ma
Pemubungan Pnmsnhaln 1:57
Dalam Parker: Award Mahkamah
Pnluuhnn No 2579 Tihlm 2922
benankh om Dsombev 21:22
Dllam Punurn aw Eswah Alumn 92
Kaedah 4. Kaadah-Kaedah Mahkzmah
1 mamas nusnn sun nssvouosu rznmm
2 MAHKAMAH psnusnmm muwsm nzspouusu KEDuA
me Inn no
sm YmyMDwn|a>.aMnuwaaRxA
:.~.» “Nam smnw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m mm, .. nr1g\n|HIy mm: dnuumnl VI mum pm
(Enclosure I7)
1 The Apphcant, byway dl an ex-pane Ipphcahon mad the Appncanrs
Ndlclfil revlew (JR) Appllcallnn an 2 3 2023 and on 3 4.2023, (ms
Honourable Cour! gmnled lne Apphcant leave (or JR lor the
IDHUMHQ nrdars. -
a bahawa kebenaran dlberi kepada Pemcrlan yang lersebul di
ala: bagl rnamuhorl sualu Permlah Oerlmrarl unluk
dlkemukakan ke Mahkamah yang Mulls mi yang benuluan
unluk mengeneplkan alau membalalkan sebahagian danpada
kepumsan Mahkalnah Pevusahaan Award No. 2579/2022
benarikh 3 12.2022 berkelvaan penglraarl gap kebelakangan
(backwages) den gall ganll pemuhhan.
l: bahawa kehenaran amen kepada Pamnon yang lelsanuldl
alas bagl memohcn sualu Perlnlah Mandamus henujuan
supaya gengnuan gall kehalakangan (backwsges) dan gap
germ pemuhhan dllakukan samula dmadapan seorang
Pengerusl Dam Responden Kedua.
2 The relevanl cause papers, lncludlng Ex—ParIe Order daled
3 4 202:: duly served on me 1“ Respondent an 11 A 2023.
3 On 31 52023, the 15' Respondent Ned a Nollce 07 Apphcallcrl
(Enclosure 14) under Order 32 Rule 5 and/or Order 92 Rule 4 of
me Rules ol Ctlufl 2012 (noc) and/or lnherenl powar of me com
(0 sehaslde the Ex-Parke Older dated 3.4.2023 (0! leave In
commence JR
4. on 12.6.2023. me Appllcanl filed a Nollce emppllcallon (Erlulolulo
I1) under older 3 Rule 5 and/or order IA and/or Order 92 Rule 4
unne ROG andlor lnheren| power cl lne com to seek (he lollowlng
mllsis. —
1. Pemnhon dlbenkan kebenaran dan Ianlulan masa unluk
nnamlallkan Afidavll Sokungan yang dllkrarksn olen Nazml bln
Mamal 1 3 2023 kedalam Elecuume Flhng Syslsm (EF5).
pm 2 one
an nnr/MDwn|anaHnuwaaRxA
.~_» «mm. snn .. met! In my me nnuu-y -mm: glam. VI mung Wm!
2 K05 auadikan kos aalarn kausa, dan
3. Lain-lain remdan/eleu penmen yang aianggep wslar dan Sual
rnantaazolen Mankarnan yang Muliai .
5 In essence, me Apphcanlflled an appllcafionlcran exlenslan alums
1:: seek leave lor 1ne Applrcann-s Amaavl1 to be filed mm the 51:3,
5, Bo1n Enclosures M and 17 are fixed |o be neard1oge1ner.A«er1ne
hearlng, I had allowed 1he 1' Respendenfs appI1ca1iun1c sel-aslde
me Ex—Fan.e Order aaled 342023 lar leave |o commence JR
[Enclosure 14) and dlsmlssed 1ne Applrcarws apphcannn V7
Enclosure 17.
7 Yhis ludgmerll canvarns me lull reasons lor rny Enclosure 17
dEI:l5lO7l.Tl'1e grounds onudgrnenuor Enclosure 14 wrll be prepared
separately vrcnr lms ludgmenx
Bnckgwund ram
3. The narrallon 01 me background veers nerein VS adopled wnn and/or
wllhoul m0dWica\IOH (mm the names‘ written submlsslons.
9 Upon belrlg served vnzn lne relevanl cause papers Includlng me Ex-
Pafle Order daled 3 4.2D23,Iha1" Respondent dlsoavered that the
Apphcanl has never filed any Amda1n1verllying lne Fads rehed an
in mi: JR Appllcallon. whether at [he leave stage or lha subslanlwe
10 The eenlenls 0! me order 53 slalemenl are not supponed nor
affirmed by any Amdavll vemylng lne Facls ruhed an VI (ms
11. The Applrcanx has not and/av nas failed to append or enclose or
e-<nlpl1 any documents and/or exnmns relevant to venfy the content
ol me Order 53 slalemenl
12 The Apphcanl nas valled In fully and irankly drscloee all rnalerlal lacls
to me coon In |he eanlenls lfllhe Order 53 Slalement
me 3 our:
sru Tvnn/MDwn|an0HnuwBaRxA
.~.»«w1.. s.n.1 luvlhnrwm rs. u..a e M», 1... nflglnlllly mull: dnuavlml VI mum ml
The Apphcam has lallea lo disdose all malerlal laels and nas nol
exhlblled me mnerlal uhlblls in we own lhruugh any Nflda
venlylng lne Facts relied un, lrlcludlng hut nel llrnlled In lalllng lo
. me cause papers all me slage at proceedlngs in Ihe
lnduslrlal Cour! under Secllon zalal ol me lndustrlal
Relallons An 1967‘
H. lncludlng me slalemenl ol case, Bunale of Clalmarvfs
Documenls, clelmanrs wllness slexemenl, clannanrs
wrmen Submissrnns, Pmceedlrlgs Notes. and Award
No. 2579/2022.
Fmrn me n g of lnls JR Applicallorl unul lodey, no Alfiaevn
Venfymg the Facts relled on nes been filed bylhe Applucanl In [ms
Appllcahcn Io verlly me Order 53 S|aI:menl
rne Appllcarl| has never served to the 1- mspenaenl any Amdavlt
Verifying (he Facts rehod on |haI has been duly filed In |hls
Honourable Court.
ee lne Applleanl has never filed an Alllaavll venlylng lne Facls
relled on be4are lnis Honourable coun, -nu me com and ma
Respcnuenls have also never been served wlln any Amdavil
venlylng lne Relerrea Fads lnal has been duly filed m Cnurl —
I. il ls lmpcsslble lor the 151 Respondent to file any
Amaevll In Reply In llus JR Appllcauon;
the Courl and Pames cannm examlne and confirm me
aocuracyarld correclness ol me cement ol lhe Order 53
m. me Respanaenls' abllily Io respenu lo we appllcalmn
has been napnmrely prejudiced
However, on 12 6 2023, about lhree monlns laler aner me fillng for
leave, me Aaphcanl seugnl (or an exlenslorl nl urns lo me me
Alfldavll Venfying me Feels.
Dale A ufi lo
srn fins/MDwn|anaHnuwaaRxA
.~,» “Nana Smul luvlhnrwlll be HIGH e my r... nflglnlllly MIN: dnuavlml v. mum vtmxl
ta According to the 1' Respondent. this is clearly an aflenhoughi at
the Applicsm to remedy the iatal inegularities and iundarnenlal flaw
in the Annlicanfs leave application.
I9 According to the Applicant, onor to the hling oi the applicauon
(Enclosure 1) on 2.3.2023 the Applicant had sworn in Amdavil in
support of Enclosure 1 on t 3 2023 (Applicants Afildavlt).
zu However, the Applicants solicitors had awoently med the same
Enotusure 1 documents instead oi the Applicants Amdauil as the
Aiiioavit soltongan under Enclosure 3 The Applicants sol tor
contends that this was at all material times an unintended human
enor (see; enclosure 16)
2t The Applicants solicitors hao then served all the hard copies oi the
Enclosure 1 aopllcation along with the Applicants Affidavil to the
Attorney General s chainoers (use). The AGC upon Demsmg ano
ensuring that all the oocurrients were in order then proceeded to
issue their non-ooieotion letter which is Enclosure 4.
22. The Cowl upon receiving the -1pp|ica|I0ri as WGH Is Enclosure 4 men
proceeded to grant Enclosure to in iavour oi the Apullcanl.
2: The Applicants solicitors had then served the harocooies oi
Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2. the Applicant's Affidawli Enclosure 8 and
Enclosure to to the 1" Respondent by hand on it .4.2o23.
lsee Exhibit NA.3 of Eliclosurv I8).
24 The I“ Respondent had then mud in let Enclosure i4 citing the
human error or the Applicarifs solioitois in riiing the Aoplicants
Aiiidavit as the basis or! their application
25 The Applicants solicitor upon realising this error had med in
Enclosure is explaining the unionunate ordeal in this Ho curable
court as well as attaching the Appllcarifs Aiiioavit as Exh FRAZ
in Enclosure I5.
26 Further, the Applicaru hasalso med Enclosure t7to seek the court's
leave to upload the Applicants Amdauit into the Electronic Filing
system (EFS) of the court
van s or II!
SIN fin:/MDwn|ahOHnuWBERxA
.~.» “Nah: s.n.i luvihnrwm be mad a navy i... nflglnlllly MVMI dnuavinril VI aFluNfl wrixl
The decision at me court
27 In gist, the Applicants grounds tor the application are as toltow .
I it was an henast mistake by the Applimnt solieners;
ii. Tneie is no degree at pretudtoe against tne 1“ Respondent,
iii The Applicant had allegedly served -the emdavit“ to the A60
and the parties
25 The Applicant claimed that there is an honest and genuine ennr that
has been mine by the Applicant‘: solicitors The Appllclrlfs tnleras|
is at stake and dismissing an entire JR entirely on a nunian errorwilt
seveteiy preludloe ttie Applicants ngnt to be tieard in law
29. The Appilcanfs solicitor IS deepiy tegrellul and remnrseful of his
action and stnoereiy apologizes tor nis error as evtdenoed in
Enclosure 15
30 land that the mistake and ‘honest and genuine error‘ as claimed by
the Applicant‘; solicitor is an untenable and insutrieient excuse
because —
an 1 wittiin ma Apptioarit a amdeuit and their autarniesiori, they have
admitted that it was the solicitors tault and dwn doing that they
tailed to tile the Atrtdavit veritying the Facts,
30.2 The delay oi three months or more than 90 days even alter
the parties have entered the lnlenparles stage eiaborales the
seventy ot the Applicant's delay;
at) 3 The irijuslloe is so severe to the court and the 1“ Respondent
that rt this extension is allowed, it would mean that Ihe
Applicant has negligently deprived and/or suppressed the
court and AGO from an Amdaintventying the Facts during the
leave stage. and has misled the court into thinking that an
amdayit was filed when there was none to begin with and
so 4 The leave was granted wltnauttully complying witli mandatory
requirements at order 53 Mme ROC
rueiav 10
SIN Tvnr/MDwn|ahOHnuWBERxA
.._» "Nair s.ii.i nanhnrwlll be u... In vanity i... nnginliily MVMI dnunvlml VI aFit.tNa aiiai
The Federal Com m the case of Chln Hua sawmill cu Sdn Bhd
v. Tuln Vulufl bln ‘nun Monlmod [1971] 1 MLRA 134; ]1974]1
Mu sa hem lhat a schcvlor rrusoake Is not a ground 10 gram specral
leave for exnensroh 0! [me as loHcws —
- ram rs . cum ldmilslnn am the failun In um ch. mm‘:-
was dun In rm sollcllofl mlluku. Nudlus to say, um mm
mlsuku ls rm - gmund for nrlnlmq Ipcclal Inn. Thai must be an
«ar me uhwous reason lha| ]| ]s but pusslbls In draw a dmflmg Vine
balwiirv a rmslaka mum nun supwn nrr xaruu M a d]scrul\:nafY
Bower mud (ha| wmeh whnot A mismku vs a rnislaku whallver may
mm: mm 191 In. As to wheuharor her: Mr Foo . ml akeamuunu |o
hegnrger-ee wt axuvass noopwvan '
(emphasvs added)
In the mslantcase, me Applwcanl mere\y rehed an the lemma] ]| was
allegedly an honas| Imslake when It was a blalam msregard of We
mandalcry nature 0! Order 53 of me ROG procedure which, the
Anphcam as an advocate and suhculor and an nfhcer 09 the Com
has nsghgervfly flouled. Thersficre‘ V Mew |ha| (he Applicant
snhcumrs "honesl m]sfaKe' as an untenatfle and insuffimenl ground
lar an extension of «me
The Applicanx vunher sunmmea that dlsrmssing ah apphcalvon due
[a a Ming error by me Applrcahrs sohcnors mu severe\y pre]ud|ce
me Appllcanl
1] rs lo be nnled men under order 53 oflhe ROG. a Statement and
Aflndavn larms pan rmhe pleading ovarry JR appucaxron aha mus|
therefore be comnlled wilh
The Court cl Appea] in she case a] DKLS $unIhlnn Sdn Bhd v.
Karaiaan Nugori Pulau Huang .1. Almr [2019] 1 MLJ S71: [2019]
3 cu sis: [2019] 2 MLRA 471 hem the mandawry nature oi me
Ordav 53 5(B|Bm6Hl me me Amaavu verrryrng the Faces as ¢onows:-
[ca] Fnrmnr, Imderfi 5: r3(2)lrI annlncauur lorleave lorluaicinl mvilw
mull be run. Ix-vlrll we must bu nrpperua by
mung am the naum ma ducnpliml ea In: apenrcarrr. the nlnel
.arr.m Ind mu ground: In vthleh n I: taught me by -mama
rmityirru are facts Iellnd arr. ma: mdlr Ix mandatory. n nrrvur
cmphlshl! mu nrlnclplltluu pifly ls bound hy his or... plndlng
and mi: ml: in rrummery In nlluu. Vn
Bag: 7 ma
em ]'vh|yMDwhnahaHhuwaaRxA
,.~.» “Nana s.r.r mmhnrwm r. HIGH m vuflj r... nr1g\ruHIy mm]: dnuumnl VI mum vans]
[51] We wen meme manna appellanvs sunmnm: mu emaavlu«m-
Iuppoll mmemll mononm nquinmnnln .. meneme eye 51
r 3(2). sou. email not luv: Iuppnflod the iflvellanrs apuiemsan
lar luasml uvbcw“
(emphssls added)
as cummg back to the (acts In me presenl case, I find lhal lhe Apphcam
has: -
Y. Falled lo dlsclose and plead me parliculars and pmceedlngs
of me lndustrlal Court In lull ln me order 53 Slalemenl:
V1 Fallee Io file an Affidavll Verifying the FacLs Veiled on to
support me Older 53 Slalemenll
Ill Failed lp annex or exhlbrl ell pl me cause papers ol me
lnuuslnal Cowl proceedlngs dunng me ex—pane leave slage.
w. Caused me Court le be deprlved and suppressed lmm me lull
appreaaliurl :71 all the cause papers at me Industrial Ccurl
prooeedlrlgs: and
v selemlvely choose whlch apcumems lo exlubil and K) produce
helare ms
37 Based on the above. I am olme VIEW ma: me Appllcanl snllcllors‘
lallura |u enclose all uelells and aocumens VI lhelr pleeamgs wllmn
the Order 53 slelemenl ls lalal as ls lhus preludiael lllhls leave was
nul set aslde.
as Furmer. lhe Applieanl submlls mal |he “Amaavlr was servedlu me
Aec However, l find that the “Amdavll“ lhal was allegedly sewed
In me AGC was an unslamped, Llnpild and unnlea Alvleavll |ha\ has
no pmt7a|ive value before lms cum
:9. Tnelelure, ll ls my vlew max servmg span unlllea. unpala and
unslamved dcl:umen| lo the AGC Ind me names IS as good as
servmg an empty and blank piece ol paper wlm npmng la slmw ler
Page a nun
em Wnr/MDwn|aaaHnuwaaRxA
.~.» “Nppe Sam! navlhnrwm be mad a vuny .. nflglnlllly mm: dnuavlml VI erlum Wm!
40. Based on the above, this cnun Is al the mew man no wfiuavu" was
wveu lo the AGC and in me pamus a1aH malenal nmes. mus In
breach of mandatory Order 53 Rifle A ofme ROC
41 Premsed on the aforesaid reasons. I dvsrmssed the Applicant‘:
appncauon (Enclosure 17) mm casts of RM son an sumac! no me
aflocalcv lee.
Daled 02+ January 2024
Ahmad Kamal bun Md Shahld
mgr. coun Kuala Lumpur
Pan g M m
sm my/MDwn|a».aHnuwaaRxA
.~.» “Nam smnw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m M, .. mm.m, mm: dnuamnl VI mum pm
For me Applicam
For me 1-‘
Dr Palhma Raj Ramasamy
(Encxk R M Murah wmh him)
Texuan Pamma Ra] Ramasamy 3. Co
Peguambela uan Feguamcara
Private Suits 91.
Lcl L02, Lave! 1, Gle Damansava,
599. Jalan Damansara‘
Taman Tun Dr Ismaix.
sown Kuala Lumpur.
(Ru, Tuisn — PRRCO/JR/0264/NM/D3/2D23)
Encwk Mohammad Haxkal Admn bin Mohd Nalm
(cm Nu! lrdma Syamrah wnxh mm)
Teluan Ahmad Demel Ruben 5 Co
Peguambela dan Peguamcala
45:9»:-1o. c3~2~1 1, ca-2-12
Smaris Dmamas.
Jalan Dmamas 1.
50430 Kuala Lumpur
sm numuummnuwaam
.~,» “Nam smuw nmhnrwm .. HIGH m my .. mm.m, mum: dnuamnl VI mum pm
| 1,363 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
B-05(M)-11-01/2022 | PERAYU Soo Ting Yu RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Criminal Law – Dangerous drugs – Trafficking – Appeal against conviction and sentence - Dangerous Drugs found under the bed in a hotel room occupied by the appellant – Whether the appellant had pointed to the bed when asked where the drugs were – Whether this evidence is admissible under the Evidence Act – Whether the High Court Judge had erred in finding that the appellant was guilty of trafficking – Whether, finding of fact was based on evidence adduced in case – Whether the trial judge had misdirected herself when she failed to appreciate the defense case. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P SuppiahKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Dato' Paduka Azman Bin AbdullahYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: B-05(M)-11-01/2022
[NO. K/P: 900815-08-6487]
[In the Matter of the High Court of Malaya at Shah Alam, Selangor
Criminal Trial No: BA-45A-81-08/2019
Public Prosecutor
Soo Ting Yu
(No. K/P: 900815-08-6487]
04/01/2024 09:55:40
B-05(M)-11-01/2022 Kand. 38
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[1] The appellant was convicted and sentenced to death in the High Court
on the following charge:
“Bahawa kamu pada 29.3.2019, jam lebih kurang 7.00 malam,
bertempat di “South City Hotel’ beralamat No. 18 Jalan
Temenggung 13/9 Bandar Mahkota Cheras, di dalam Daerah
Hulu Langat di dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan telah didapati
memperedarkan dadah berbahaya iaitu Ketamine seberat 1687.1
gram dan dengan itu kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan di
bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen 39B(2) Akta yang sama.”
[2] He appealed against his conviction. We heard the appellant’s appeal
on 20 November 2023. After hearing counsel for the appellant, we dismissed
his appeal on conviction but allowed his appeal on sentence by commuting
his death sentence and substituting it with a sentence of imprisonment for 30
years and 12 strokes of the cane. We now give the grounds for our decision.
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The Prosecution’s Case
[3] The evidence led by the prosecution was as follows. On 29 March
2019, acting on information received, a police team headed by PW6 went to
the hotel South City Hotel, Kuala Lumpur around 7.00 pm. After obtaining
the necessary information from the receptionist (PW4) at the counter, they
proceeded to room 307. The appellant opened the room door when the
police knocked on it. He was alone and was the registered hotel guest. The
hotel receptionist’s evidence established that the appellant had checked into
the room approximately about an hour before the police came there and that
the appellant had with him a black travelling bag.
[4] Once in the room, the police searched the appellant but found no
incriminating items on him. Whereupon, according to PW6, he has asked
the appellant where the drugs were, and the latter had pointed towards the
bed. Upon searching the bed, the police found a black plastic concealed
under the bed. Inside it they found drugs kept in six separate plastic
packings. The police also found the appellant’s personal effects like his
identity card, passport and handphone on a table in the room.
[5] PW6 then prepared a seizure list of all the items seized which was
duly signed by the appellant. The search list stated, among others, that the
drugs were found as a result of the appellant pointing to the bed. PW6 later
lodged a police report, exhibit P29, that was consistent with his evidence in
court as to how the drugs were discovered.
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[6] The drugs were subsequently sent for analysis and found to contain
1687.1 grams of ketamine, a dangerous drug under the First Schedule to the
[7] The learned Judicial Commissioner (JC), at the end of the
prosecution's case, on a maximum evaluation found that the prosecution had
successfully proven a prima facie case and called upon the appellant to
make his defence. She accepted PW6’s evidence that the drugs were
recovered as a result of the conduct of the appellant in pointing to the bed
when asked about the drugs. The learned JC held that the appellant’s
conduct showed that he had the requisite knowledge of the existence and
whereabouts of the drugs and was therefore in actual possession of it. She
also held that as the quantity of drugs concealed under the bed was large,
an irresistible inference could be drawn that the appellant was in possession
of the drugs for the purpose of distribution or trafficking.
[8] In her grounds of judgment, on the ingredient of trafficking it was held:
“In this present case, the submission by the prosecution is that the
accused commits an act of either keeping, storing or concealing of the
drugs under the definition of trafficking. This court finds that the totality
of the evidence adduced by the prosecution satisfies all these 3 acts
and called for the accused to enter his defence.”
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[9] In calling for the appellant to enter his defence, the learned JC
intimated to him that the defence was called based on direct possession and
direct trafficking.
[10] The appellant’s defence was simply one of denial and protestation of
innocence. He was at the time working in Taiping for a company that
installed air conditioners. He lived with his parents. According to the
appellant on the date in question, he took a bus to Kuala Lumpur as one
Alex, had promised to find him a job there. He did not know what was the job
Alex intended to offer him. Alex was someone he had met and befriended
on “WeChat”.
[11] On arriving in Kuala Lumpur, he contacted Alex and the latter told
him to first check into a hotel. He asked Alex to suggest a hotel and the
latter mentioned South City Hotel. The appellant stated that he then
checked into South City Hotel around 6.00 pm where he was resting when
there was a sudden knock on his room door.
[12] The appellant accepted that the police found the drugs under the bed,
but denied he had pointed to the bed. He maintained that he was not aware
of the presence of the drugs under the bed and the drugs were discovered
when the police searched the room. His defence was that he had been
framed by Alex or the drugs had been left behind by a hotel guest.
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[13] The appellant called his mother as a witness (DW2). She
corroborated his claim that he had come to Kuala Lumper in respect of a job
offered to him by Alex. Under cross examination she acknowledged that she
had never met Alex and was unsure if indeed he existed. She also accepted
that all that she knew about the appellant’s trip to Kuala Lumpur was based
on what he had told her.
[14] At the end of the defence case, the learned JC preferred the
prosecution’s version of the facts and found that the explanation of the
appellant in his defence did not raise any reasonable doubt as to the truth of
the case for the prosecution. She rejected the appellant's defence that
others had access to the room and that the appellant had been framed up
by Alex or could have been left behind by a hotel guest. The learned JC held
that the evidence supported the prosecution’s case that the appellant had
intended to traffic in the drugs found in his possession in the hotel room.
The Appeal
[15] Counsel for the appellant raised two main grounds of appeal. We wish
to point out that these grounds were mainly concerned with the trial judge’s
findings of fact with regard to the appellant’s defence that he was unaware
of the presence of the drugs found under the bed and that he had been
framed by Alex or the drugs could have been left behind by an earlier hotel
guest. We were of the opinion that the learned JC’s findings, as set out in
the preceding paragraphs were amply supported based on the evidence
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presented to her. The learned JC had the advantage of having seen the PW6
and the appellant give evidence in the witness-box and was thus in the better
position to determine their credibility. Nevertheless, we set out below the
appellant’s contentions and our reasons for rejecting them
[16] The first contention raised was that the learned JC had failed to give
adequate consideration to the evidence which showed that the appellant did
not have exclusive possession of the hotel room and the drugs found therein.
It was submitted that the fact that the appellant had been in the room for only
about an hour before the police raided it on information they had received,
demonstrated that someone had access to the room and had planted the
drugs to frame the appellant.
[17] It was argued that the police ought to have investigated who were the
hotel guests who had occupied room 307 and had access to the room prior
to the appellant checking in. But, this was not done. As a result of their
failure to do so, it was argued, the prosecution had failed to prove that the
appellant had exclusive possession of room 307 and third parties had no
access to it. The conviction was therefore not safe.
[18] It was also submitted that the only evidence to link the appellant with
the drugs was the testimony of PW6 who alleged that the appellant had
showed the police where the drugs was concealed. It was argued that PW6’s
testimony ought to have been rejected as his evidence on this issue was not
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[19] We found that this contention was without merit. The learned JC
found that the appellant had possession of the drugs found in the room.
This was premised largely on the acceptance of PW6’s evidence. The
evidence before the trial judge was that the appellant was alone when he
checked into the hotel. The said room was registered in the name of the
appellant. There was no other person in the room except the appellant when
the police party entered the room. The drugs were discovered as a result of
the appellant showing the police where it was. The contemporaneous
documents, namely the search list (P28) and the police report by PW6 were
consistent with PW6’s testimony that the drugs were discovered as a result
the appellant showing them where it was.
[20] It cannot be gainsaid that no other person could have entered room
307 after the appellant had use of it or have left the black plastic and its
contents in the room. The fact that the appellant knew that the drugs were
under the bed, suggested that he was the one who had concealed it under
the bed. He had knowledge of it and was in possession of it. See Chan
Pean Leon v Public Prosecutor [1956] 1 MLJ 237.
[21] It is trite law that information admissible under s 27 of the Evidence
Act 1952 includes an accused's statement, or his act or conduct such as
pointing out which led distinctly to the discovery of a fact. For such
information to be admissible, there was no duty on the prosecution to prove
voluntariness of the information.
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[22] In this regard, it is instructive to refer to two judgments of the Federal
Court in Siew Yoke Keong v PP [2013] 3 MLJ 630 and Amathevelli a/p P
Ramasamy v Public Prosecutor [2009] 2 MLJ 367.
[23] In the first case, the Federal Court held:
“In addition, it must be added that the evidence of Siew leading PW6 and
the police team to the first house and pointing out the place where the
bunch of eight keys was found, and later pointing out the place where the
key to the safe was found would also be relevant and admissible as
conduct under s 8 of the Evidence Act. In this regard in Prakash Chand v
State AIR 1979 SC 400, the Supreme Court of India said:
For example, the evidence of the circumstances, simpliciter, that an
accused person led a police officer and pointed out the place where
stolen articles or weapons which have been used in the commission
of the offence were found hidden, would be admissible as conduct,
under s8 of the Evidence Act, irrespective of whether any
information contemporaneously with or antecedent to any such
conduct falls within the purview of s 27 of the Evidence Act (vide
Himachal Pradesh Administration v OM Prakas AIR 1972 SC 975).”
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[24] And, in Amathevelli a/p P Ramasamy v Public Prosecutor , it was
held that although the evidence under section 27 of Evidence Act 1950 was
rejected, the conduct of the appellant was relevant under section
8 of Evidence Act 1950 . It was explained:
“The inadmissibility of the information supplied by the appellant does not
affect the admissibility of the evidence of her subsequent conduct under s
8 of the Evidence Act 1950 irrespective of s 27. As Chinnappa Reddy J
said in Prakash Chand v State AIR 1979 SC 400 at p 404:
The evidence of the circumstances, simpliciter, that an accused
person led a police officer and pointer out the place where stolen
articles of weapon which might have been used in the commission
of the offence were found hidden, would be admissible as conduct,
under s 8 of the Evidence Act, irrespective of whether any
statement by the accused contemporaneously will or antecedent to
such conduct falls within the purview of s 27 of the Evidence Act
(vide Himachal Pradash Administration v OM Prakash AIR 1972 SC
[25] The cases illustrate that the conduct of the appellant in pointing
to the bed which led to the discovery of the drugs was relevant and
admissible under sections 27 and 8 of the Evidence Act.
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[26] We shall now deal with the second ground of appeal, which pertains
to the appellant’s complaint that the learned trial judge failed to consider the
defence version of the facts at the close of the case.
[27] The appellant’s defence was a blanket denial of any knowledge of
the drugs. The drugs did not belong to him and could have been left by the
hotel guests who had occupied the room before he entered it or by Alex to
frame him. The appellant acknowledged he did not know the full name or
any anything about Alex.
[28] In the instant case, the learned JC was presented
with two conflicting versions of events. Having had the opportunity to
observe both PW6 and the appellant in the witness box, the learned JC found
the appellant’s evidence ‘unconvincing’ and chose to accept the
prosecution’s narrative instead. In her grounds of judgment, she explained:
“[42] The defence of the accused in short is that the drugs were
planted either by Alex or another occupier who had stayed there. It Is
not disputed the drugs were found in a black plastic bag underneath
the bed. This can only be done If the accused’s occupation of the
room number 307 was determined earlier by Alex and arrangement
made with the hotel via the receptionist on duty that day SP4, to
allocate room number 307 to the accused.
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[43] However, SP4 was never cross-examined to this effect. The
burden on the accused is to raise a reasonable doubt…
[44] The defence’s suggestion and cross-examinations that Alex or
another occupier planted the drugs there, to his Court’s assessment
is found to be unreasonable, improbable and unlikely. As said earlier,
drugs are high value subject matter which no one would leave it
unattended, not unless the informer would be rewarded equivalent to
or more than the price value of the said drugs. In this present case,
there was no such suggestion to rationalize the accused’s defence
put forward.
[47] The discovery of the drugs underneath the bed arose from the
act of the accused pointing to SP6 of the said drugs. This fact on the
discovery has been encapsulated in the police report P 29 and the
search list P 28. The accused in his defence said SP6 had ransacked
the room and his black back. However, nothing was suggested as to
why the accuse signed P 28 through cross examination of SP6 or in
the accused’s own version of the story. The accused can understand
Bahasa Malaysia as he had opted through his counsel to testify in
Bahasa Malaysia, when he gave his defence hence, there is nothing
before this court to come to the finding that he could not understand
what was written in P28.”
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[29] The learned JC was perfectly entitled to choose either the
prosecution’s or defence narration of facts. In this regard, we refer to the
decision of the Court of Appeal in Liam Heng Boon [2012] 1 LNS 1455
wherein it was observed:
“Here was a case where the learned High Court Judge was confronted with
two versions. On version from the prosecution and the other version was
from the appellant. His Lordship preferred the prosecution’s version and he
made a finding that the appellant’s version was not probable having viewed
the Yamaha motorcycle himself and after considering the demonstration by
the appellant of placing those exhibits in the compartment of the Yamaha
motorcycle. Confronted with two divergent versions as to the recovery of
the offending drugs, we recalled to mind the sage words of Thomson CJ in
PP v. Mohamed Ali [1962] 1 LNS 129; [1962] MLJ 257:
When a police witness says something that is note inherently
improbable his evidence must be in the first instance be accepted.
If his evidence is contradicted by other evidence or it shaken by
cross-examination the it becomes the business of the Magistrate to
decide whether or not it should be accepted. In the absence of
contradiction, however, and in the absence of any element of
inherent probability the evidence of any witness, whether a police
witness or not, who gives evidence on affirmation, should normally
be accepted.
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[30] On the evidence, we saw no reason to disagree with the JC’s
assessment of the testimonies of PW6 and the appellant, especially since it
was not demonstrated to us why PW6, a police officer attached to the Royal
Malaysian Police and acting in his official capacity, should have had any
cause to render an account of events completely different from that told by
the appellant, unless his account were true. The defence, which the
appellant had relied on, that Alex could have planted the drugs, did not cast
any doubt on the truth of the evidence that the appellant had exclusive
possession of room 307, and was also in possession of the black plastic and
[31] The fact that the accused knew that the drugs were concealed under
the bed, indicated then only the appellant and not any hotel guest or Alex
could have so concealed those drugs. There is no gainsaying that if any
hotel guest or Alex concealed those drugs without the knowledge of the
appellant, then it could not have been possible for the appellant to have
known that drugs were so concealed. It was clear on the facts that only the
appellant could have concealed those drugs. To conceal those drugs, the
appellant would first have had to have physical custody or control of it.
[32] Additionally, as pointed out by the learned JC, there was
unchallenged evidence (P33) that the street value of one gram of ketamine
was about RM130.00. This means the approximate value of one kg of
ketamine was about RM50,000.00. In the instant appeal, the net weight of
the ketamine found under the bed was close to 2 kg. Given the high value
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of the drugs found under the bed, it was improbable that anyone would have
just left it there. In Napalai Narapattarawong v Public Prosecutor [2019]
MLJU 1077, the Court of Appeal in rejecting a similar defence, observed:
“Another part of appellant’s evidence that attracted our comment was when
she said that the drugs could be left inside the room by the previous guest.
This is just a mere conjecture without truth. The drugs, 322.03 grammes of
Cocaine were highly valuable. It is illogical for those who own the things
would simply left it in the room just like that.”
[33] For these reasons, we find the appellant’s complaint that the learned
JC failed to consider the defence version of the facts at the close of the case
is devoid of merit.
[34] Having considered the evidence on record in totality, we are satisfied
that any reasonable tribunal armed with the facts in this case would have
come to the same conclusion as the learned JC about the weight to be given
to the appellant's evidence, for the reasons given, offence of trafficking had
been clearly made out. No reasonable doubt had not been cast on the prima
facie case. Suffice to say, that we are satisfied, beyond all reasonable doubt,
that conviction was the correct verdict.
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[35] We therefore unanimously dismissed the appeal and affirmed the
[36] On sentence, we commuted the death sentence and substituted it
with 30 years imprisonment and 12 strokes of the cane as there were strong
mitigating factors here which did not warrant the death sentence.
Dated: 4 January 2024
Court of Appeal Malaysia
Counsel/ Solicitors
For the Appellant:
Joseph Tan
[Messrs Tan Chee Keong & Co.]
For the Respondent:
Zaki Asyraf bin Zubir
Deputy Public Prosecutor
(Attorney General’s Chambers)
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| 23,266 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-09-200-05/2022 | PERAYU GENNEVA SDN BHDPIHAK KETIGADato Vengadasalam Letchumi Kandan | Criminal Law – Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 – Application by the Public Prosecutor under section 55 for a forfeiture order in respect as properties seized from the appellant and four others – Sessions Court issuing statutory notice under section 61 – Whether the third parties who responded to the statutory notice are entitled to have their claims adjudicated by the sessions court upon a dismissal of the prosecution’s forfeiture application – Whether the claims of the third parties are separate and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P SuppiahKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W-09-200-05/2022, W-09-201-05/2022,
W-09-202-05/2022, W-09-204-05/2022 & W-09-205-05/2022
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 370808-10-5437]
[In the Matter of High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Trial No: WA-42(Ors)-17-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-24-09/2021, WA-42(Ors)-25-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-27-09/2021 & WA-42(Ors)-29-09/2021
04/01/2024 11:29:03
W-09-200-05/2022 Kand. 66
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[1] The primary issue in these appeals concerns the rights of third
parties to adjudicate their claims under section 61 of the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism, Financing And Proceeds Of Unlawful
Activities Act, 2001 (“the Act”).
Background facts
[2] In 2019, the Public Prosecutor filed an application for a forfeiture
order under section 55 of the Act in respect of properties seized from the
appellant and four others. Thereupon, the sessions court issued the
statutory notice under section 61 of the Act by way of gazette calling upon
third parties who claimed an interest in the said properties to show cause
why the properties shall not be forfeited to the government.
[3] The respondents in these appeals are the third parties who
responded to the notice. Both the appellant and the respondents filed
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affidavits to contest the application.
[4] On 27 August 2021, the sessions court dismissed the forfeiture
application by the Public Prosecutor. The learned sessions judge went on
to hold that in view of the dismissal, section 61 does not empower her to
adjudicate the respondents claims. Dissatisfied, the prosecution and the
respondents lodged their respective appeals to the High Court against the
aforesaid decisions.
[5] On 29 April 2022, the High Court Judge (“the Judge”) having
considered the arguments found that the sessions judge had not decided
on the respondents claims and did not specify in her decisions whether
the said claims were allowed or dismissed.
[6] Consequently, in respect of the respondents appeals the High
a. exercised its revisionary powers under section 31 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964, and section 325 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to remit the respondents’ claims
to the sessions court for adjudication; and
b. dismissed the respondents appeals without prejudice to
their right to re-file an appeal against the sessions court
decision in respect of their claims.
[7] In respect of the prosecution’s appeal, the High Court stayed the
prosecution’s appeal until the respondent’s claims are adjudicated by the
sessions court.
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[8] On 11 May 2022, the appellant lodged the instant appeal against
the High Court decision to remit the respondents’ claims to the sessions
court for adjudication.
[9] It is the appellant’s contention that under section 61, the court is
required to adjudge the claims of third parties only if and when the
prosecution succeeds in its forfeiture application. It says that as the
prosecution’s forfeiture application in the instant case was dismissed by
the sessions judge, it was not incumbent upon the court to deal with the
respondents claims. It argues that the Judge consequently erred in
remitting the respondents claims to the sessions court for adjudication
when the prosecution failed to prove that the subject matter of the
forfeiture application are forfeitable properties.
[10] Conversely, the respondents contend that their claims are separate
and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. They say that
the opening words of s.61 makes it clear that the dismissal of the forfeiture
application does not take away or detract from their rights to have their
claims adjudicated by the sessions court.
Statutory Provisions
[11] Before we consider, the rival submissions before us, it is
convenient to set out the statutory provisions relevant to the appeal. They
are: -
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Section 55
“(1) Subject to section 61, in any prosecution for an offence under
subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence, the court shall make
and an order for the forfeiture of any property which is proved to be-
(a) The subject-matter or evidence relating to the
commission of such offence;
(b) Terrorist property;
(c) The proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) The instrumentalities of an offence,
(aa) the offence is proved against the accused; or
(bb) the offence is not proved against the accused but the
court is satisfied that-
(i) The accused is not the true and lawful owner of such
property; and
(ii) No other person is entitled to the property as a
purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration.
(2) Where the offence is proved against the accused but the
property referred to in subsection (1) has been disposed of, diminished
in value or cannot be traced, the court shall order the accused to pay as
a penalty a sum which is equivalent to, in the opinion of the court, the
value of the property, and any such penalty shall be recoverable as a
civil debt due to the Government of Malaysia and shall not be subject to
any period of limitation prescribed by any written law.
(3) In determining whether the property is-
(a) the subject-matter or evidence relating to the commission
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of an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence;
(b) terrorist property;
(c) the proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) the instrumentalities of an offence,
The court shall apply the standard of proof required in civil proceedings.
Section 61
(1) The provisions in this Part shall apply without prejudice to the
rights of bona fide third parties.
(2) The court making the order of forfeiture under subsection 28L
(1) or section 55 or the judge to whom an application is made under
subsection 28L (2) or 56(1) shall cause to be published a notice in the
Gazette calling upon any third party who claims to have any interest in
the property to attend before the court on the date specified in the notice
to show cause as to why the property shall not be forfeited.
(3) A third party’s lack of good faith may be inferred, by the court or
an enforcement agency, from the objective circumstances of the case.
(4) The court or enforcement agency shall return the property to the
claimant when it is satisfied that -
(a) the claimant has a legitimate legal interest in the
(b) no participation, collusion or involvement with respect to
the offence under subsection 4(1) or Part IVA or a
terrorism financing offence which is the object of the
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proceedings can be imputed to the claimant;
(c) the claimant lacked knowledge and was not intentionally
ignorant of the illegal use of the property, or if he had
knowledge, did not freely consent to its illegal use;
(d) the claimant did not acquire any right in the property
from a person proceeded against under circumstances
that give rise to a reasonable inference that any right
was transferred for the purpose of avoiding the eventual
subsequent forfeiture of the property; and
(e) the claimant did all that could reasonably be expected to
prevent the illegal use of the property.
Whether third parties’ claims can be adjudicated under s.61 before a
forfeiture order is made
[12] This is not the first time that this question has been raised in the
Malaysian courts. It has come under the scrutiny of the court in several
cases. In Thong Kian Oon & Ors v [2012] 8 CLJ 119, Ghazali Cha J
“Based on the evidence adduced by learned DPP, I am of the opinion
that the evidence adduced is insufficient to satisfy me that the
properties are the subject matter of or was used in the commission of
an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act. As such the application for the
forfeiture order against all the respondents are dismissed. As such,
notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section 61 only comes into
play when the court makes the order of forfeiture under s. 56 of the Act.
Therefore, the application for forfeiture is dismissed and all the
properties must be released immediately to the respondents
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[13] In PP v Mohd Bakri Samsu & Anor [2016] 5 CLJ 824,’Noorin
Badaruddin J opined the same view:
“In the upshot, based on the affidavits and exhibits, this court found that
the applicant failed to establish on balance of probabilities that the
properties seized from the respondents were the subject matter of or
was used in the commission of an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act.
As such the application for the forfeiture order was denied.
Consequently, the notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section
61 only comes into play when the court makes the order of forfeiture
under s. 56 of the Act.”
[14] Thereafter, in Azmi bin Osman v Public Prosecutor and
another appeal [2016] 3 MLJ 98, this Court on the same issue explained
as follows;
“We agree with the learned SCJ that the prosecution had proven on the
balance of probability that the properties in question are proceeds of an
unlawful activity which constitutes the subject matter of the offence. As
the SCJ was the court making the order of forfeiture under s 55 at the
end of a prosecution that had resulted in a conviction of the accused, it
was incumbent upon the SCJ to issue the third party notice under s
61 of the AMLATFA before any final order on forfeiture can be made in
respect the said properties. We are in agree with the learned SCJ that
the evidence led in this case would necessitate the giving of the notice
to third parties by way of publication in the gazette who may then stake
their claims by proving themselves to be bona fide owners of the seized
monies, in which case the monies shall be returned to them. But if they
fail to prove that they are entitled to the seized properties, then the
monies shall be ordered to be forfeited to government revenue.... We
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agree with learned deputy that a forfeiture order is subject to giving prior
notice to third parties as is clearly borne out in the wordings to s 55(1) of
the AMLATFA itself. Indeed, in this case, no forfeiture order had been
made by the learned SCJ and there is basis for her to issue the
statutory notice in order to facilitate the process pertaining to the
eventual forfeiture of the seized properties which are the subject-matter
of the offence before her. We therefore see no merit in the complaint of
the accused person in regard to the issue of the notice under s 61 of
the AMLATFA. On account of the above, the appeal by the accused
person against the order on the s 61 notice under AMLATFA is
(emphasis added)
[15] However, in PP v Taiko Fertiliser& Yang Lain [2019] 4 CLJ 480,
this Court expressed a different view on the issue. There, the ('the
prosecution') sought two orders, the first to publish a notice in the Gazette
to call upon any third parties who claimed to have any interest in the
seized moveable properties to appear before the court to show cause; and
the second, the forfeiture of the moveable properties. The High Court only
dealt with the forfeiture application and dismissed it. It did not deal with
the prayer for an order to publish a notice in the Gazette. The prosecution
[16] The prosecution submitted that the trial judge should not have
heard the forfeiture application without first ordering for the notice in
the Gazette to be published as mandated by s. 61(2) of the Act. The
respondents argued that before the mechanism under s. 61(2) of the Act
could be generated, the trial judge must first decide whether the
prosecution's application for a forfeiture order under s. 56(1) of the
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Act bore any merits. In other words, the trial judge must first issue an
order of forfeiture before the procedure under s. 61(2) of the Act could
be exercised. The Court of Appeal rejected the respondent’s submission
and explained:
“Kami bersetuju dengan penghujahan TPR bahawa hanya satu isu
sahaja yang harus kami tentukan dalam rayuan ini iaitu sama ada
hakim bicara dikehendaki di bawah s.61(2) untuk
mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu permohonan untuk disiarkan
satu notis dalam Warta sebelum mempertimbangkan sama ada
harta-harta yang disenaraikan dalam notis usul berkenaan wajar
dilucut hak atau tidak di bawah s. 56, AMLATFPUA 2001.
Harus juga dicatatkan bahawa ungkapan "subject to s. 61 " di
bawah s. 56(1) itu merujuk s. 61 secara keseluruhan dan bukan
sekadar s. 61(2) sahaja. Berdasarkan kes Chandavarkar Sita
Ratna Rao, supra, keseluruhan peruntukan s. 61 khususnya s.
61(2) hendaklah diberikan keutamaan terlebih dahulu. Keabsahan
(validity) takrifan ini diperkukuhkan dengan penggunaan ungkapan
"... the judge to whom an application is made under... s. 56(1) shall
cause to be published a notice in the Gazette..." dalam s. 61(2) itu
sendiri. Dalam hal ini, kami bersetuju dengan hujahan TPR bahawa
dengan penggunaan perkataan "shall" dalam s. 61(2) itu
menjadikannya satu kehendak yang wajib diikuti sebelum sesuatu
perintah pelucuthakkan di bawah s.56 dibuat oleh hakim.”
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[17] Lastly, in the Federal Court case of Tetuan Wan Shahrizal, Hari
& Co v Public Prosecutor [2023] 4 MLJ 1, Mary Lim FCJ observed:
“In considering whether or not to grant the order of forfeiture, the High
Court is mandatorily obliged under s 61(1) to cause to be published a
notice in the Gazette ‘calling upon any third party who claims to have
any interest in the property to attend before the Court on the date
specified in the notice to show cause as to why the property shall not be
forfeited’. This is regardless whether there is prosecution for an offence
under the Act – see ss 55(1) and 56(1).
However, it must not be over looked that the forfeiture proceedings are
principally between the PP and the accused, Amar, as s 61 is only
engaged where there are third parties laying some claim or interest in
the properties seized. If there are none, the proceedings will proceed
only between these two key players. This position must be properly
appreciated because it appears to have been overlooked simply
because the two applications, by PP and by the third parties, were heard
together. Hence, in the proceedings at the High Court, affidavits were
filed by Amar in protest of the forfeiture orders sought by the PP.
I pause here to make this observation. As pointed out a moment ago,
the PP must satisfy the High Court that the property is of any of the
character or nature prescribed in s 56(1)(a) to (d). It is only upon
satisfying the High Court that the property is liable to be forfeited and
thereafter, the High Court deals with the rights or interests of any third
parties. As held in Public Prosecutor v Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Ors, s
56 does not absolve the PP from proving on a balance of probabilities
that the properties seized come under the purview of the Act and were
procured or are the proceeds of an unlawful or illegal activity. The PP
must prove on a balance of probabilities that the properties seized were
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procured in connection with the commission of the predicate offence or
are of the character for which the order for seizure was issued. See
also Public Prosecutor v Billion Nova Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] MLJU
1823; [2016] 2 CLJ 763; [2016] AMEJ 0162.”
(emphasis added)
[18] The foregoing cases exemplify that no order for forfeiture can be
made until the claims of third parties to the seized properties is heard, and
to establish its rights to forfeiture, the prosecution must, first, prove that
the properties it seeks to forfeit are forfeitable properties, namely, that they
are the subject matter or evidence relating to the commission of the
offence under s.4 (1) of the Act.
[19] It is only upon the prosecution establishing that the seized
properties are forfeitable properties, that the court enters a preliminary
forfeiture order. And, it is only upon the making of the preliminary forfeiture
order is the court required to publish the requisite notice in the Gazette
under s.61 (2) of the Act to commence the ancillary proceedings to
determine the rights of the third parties to the forfeited properties. This
stands to reason as it cannot be gainsaid that it would be an absolute
waste of judicial time if the forfeiture application and the claims of the
third parties are heard simultaneously and, at the conclusion of the
proceedings it is found that the properties are not forfeitable properties.
[20] It bears mention that the government does not have a clear title to
the property until the ancillary proceedings under s.61 is concluded. It is
only upon the adjudication of the third parties claims, that the preliminary
forfeiture order can be made final.
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[21] For the reasons given, we are unable to share the judge’s view that
the sessions court ought to have proceeded with the ancillary proceedings
in respect of the respondents claims on dismissing the forfeiture
application. The learned judge erred in holding that the ancillary
proceedings under section 61 is separate and independent from the
forfeiture application. The mechanics of the ancillary proceedings must
follow the procedure laid down in sections 55,56 and 61 of the Act.
[22] We therefore allow the appeal and set aside the order of the High
Court to remit the respondents claims to the sessions court and reinstate
the respondents appeals. We further direct that the High Court first hears
the prosecution’s appeal against the dismissal of its forfeiture application
by the sessions judge. If the said appeal is dismissed and the decision of
the Sessions Court if affirmed, it would follow that the respondents/Third
Party Claimants’ appeals would fail without prejudice to the
respondents/Third Party Claimants’ rights to institute separate civil
proceedings against the appellant in respect of their respective legal rights
to the properties in question. However, if the appeal is allowed, then the
respondents claims would be remitted to the sessions judge for
adjudication in accordance to the provisions of the Act.
Dated: 4 January 2024
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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Counsel/ Solicitors
For the Appellant:
Gooi Soon Seng
Choong Kak Sen & Belinda Low Siet Yan (with him)
[Messrs Gooi & Azura & Associate]
For the Respondent:
Nik Azila Shuhada
Tong Wei Hang & Ong Tze Xian (with her)
(Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co.)
Segeram Mathagan
[Messrs. S. Mathavan & Nur Hafizah]
Navinderan Subramaniam
Komal Vijay Sheth
[Messrs. Preakas & Partners]
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| 27,395 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24C-11-02/2023 | PEMOHON DITROLIC SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN SAMAIDEN SDN. BHD. | - 3 Originating Summonses.- both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are dismissed.- the Enforcement OS is allowed.- a total costs of RM8,000.00 subject to allocatur fee shall be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic accordingly. | 04/01/2024 | YA Puan Sumathi a/p Murugiah | |
GOJ - Samaiden v Ditrolic.pdf
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
04/01/2024 09:05:19
BA-24C-11-02/2023 Kand. 36
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(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(3 Originating Summonses)
[1] On 15.07.2022, Samaiden Sdn. Bhd. (Samaiden) had commenced an
Adjudication Proceeding pursuant to the Construction Industry Payment
and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012) against Ditrolic Sdn. Bhd.
(Ditrolic) to claim for a sum of RM2,539,140.99 as the unpaid sum. The
Adjudicator decided in favour of Samaiden in his Adjudication Decision
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[2] As a result of the AD, the followings were filed by the parties:
(i). OS No. BA-24C-02-01/2023 (Enforcement OS) was filed by
Samaiden against Ditrolic to enforce the AD.
(ii) OS No. BA-24C-11-02/2023 (Setting Aside OS) was filed by
Ditrolic to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012;
(iii) OS No. BA-24C-19-02/2023 (Stay of Execution of the AD OS)
was filed by Ditrolic pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012.
[3] Since there are 3 OSs filed in relation to this AD, the parties agreed
to having all the OSs heard together and for the decision to be delivered
together. Since this is a cross suit between the parties, for ease of
reference the parties will be referred to henceforth with the acronym of
Samaiden and Ditrolic wherever applicable.
contractor to carry out n, Commissioning
and Associated Works In Relation to the Development of A 100MWAC Large Scale
Solar Photovoltaic Plant Over The Land Held Under PN257319, Lot 9089, Mukim
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[5] By a Letter of Award [Ref. No.: DSB/LOA/LSS3/Kerian/WP3/01]
Mechanical and Photocoltaic (PV) Installation) between Ditrolic and
Agreement are collect
Samaiden as its sub-
[6] In this respect, Samaiden was -contractor for two work
packages in the Project, namely Work Package 3 (WP 3) and Work
Package 4 (WP 4). The present case is in relation to WP 3 of the Project.
[7] Both WP 3 and WP 4 are required to be interfaced with each other
and as such both these work packages were awarded to Samaiden so that
the works can be carried out properly, effectively and efficiently planned,
coordinated and executed.
[8] Due to delay and non-completion of works, Ditrolic had exercised its
contractual entitlement for set-offs/deductions for such delay (Liquidated
Damages (LAD)) and for numerous payments made on behalf of Samaiden
by Ditrolic.
[9] Due to non-payment of claims made by Samaiden from Ditrolic,
Samaiden issued a payment claim dated 24.5.2022 to Ditrolic for which,
Ditrolic did not respond.
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[10] Samaiden then issued a Notice of Adjudication dated 15.7.2022 to
Ditrolic and served the Adjudication Claim dated 23.9.2022 to Ditrolic. For
which Ditrolic had responded via its Adjudication Response dated
[11] Upon conclusion of the Adjudication Proceedings, on 19.12.2022, the
Adjudicator delivered his decision in favour of Samaiden and ordered
Ditrolic to pay Samaiden within fourteen (14) days from the date of the AD
as follows:
Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the adjudicated amount of
(ii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest at the rate of 5%
per annum calculated on the outstanding Work done for Certificate No.
7 from 21.4.2022 until 23.9.2022 in the amount of RM53,810.82;
(iii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest for certified paid
amount at the rate of 5% per annum in the amount of RM4,621.95;
(iv) The rate of interest payable is 5%n per annum simple interest from the
date of this award until realisation; and
(v) Ditrolic shall bear 100% of the costs of the adjudication proceeding.
These costs include:
AIAC Registration Fee of RM265.00 (inclusive of 6% SST);
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[12] On 11.10.2023, this court heard all 3 OSs together and dismissed the
Setting Aside OS and the Stay of Execution of the AD OS, whereas the
Enforcement OS was allowed.
[13] Being dissatisfied with the decision, a Notice of Appeal has been filed
by Ditrolic for which this Grounds of Judgement is written.
[14] CIPAA 2012 is a creature of the legislation intended to facilitate
speedy and regular payments in the construction industry. As cash flow is
the utmost important factor in the construction industry, CIPAA provides
interim measures to disputing parties to solve payment issues expeditiously
so as not to jeopardise the continuance of the construction contract entered
into by them. (see Martego Sdn Bhd v. Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] 8 CLJ 433; [2019] 5 AMR 516 FC; Bertam
Development Sdn Bhd v. R&C Cergas Teguh Sdn Bhd [2017] 1 LNS
[15] application to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA
2012 is premised on the following grounds:
i. Adjudicator failed to give Ditrolic an opportunity to submit
on the issue of time set at large (which was only raised in
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adjudication reply stage) before making a determination on
the same;
ii. Adjudicator has committed an error in his own jurisdiction in
deciding that the comprehensive submission on the issue
LAD of RM2,200,000.00 should be
dealt by an arbitrator; and
iii. Adjudicator has failed to consider and/or not deal with
consider/determine the defence of set-off in equity and
counterclaim by Ditrolic.
[16] Ditrolic stay of execution of the AD pursuant to s16
of CIPAA 2012 is premised as follows:
i. An arbitration proceeding has commenced pursuant to
s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012;
ii. that there is a clear and unequivocal error in the AD; and
iii. that there are special circumstances to warrant a stay of
execution i.e Samaiden is financially weak.
[17] application to enforce the AD pursuant to s.28 of CIPAA
2012 is premised as follows;
i. that the Adjudicated Amount is not paid by Ditrolic; and
ii. that the AD is neither set aside nor stayed.
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I. Setting Aside OS
[18] As all the three (3) reasons raised by Ditrolic which makes up the
grounds for which the AD should be set aside centres around the issue of
set off for LAD raised by Ditrolic in its Adjudication Response, I will address
all these issues together.
Whether there is a denial of natural justice? 15(b)
[19] The principle of natural justice that is said to have been denied here
is the right to being heard, audi alteram partem. In Adjudication
Proceedings, the Adjudicator has the duty to accord procedural fairness to
the parties during the course of the proceedings whereby the issues raised
by both parties are to be considered and a decision is to be derived
therefrom. In the case of ACFM Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd.
v. Esstar Vision Sdn Bhd & another appeal [2016] 1 LNS 1522; [2016]
MLJU 1776, the Court of Appeal held:
"[19] When one speaks of natural justice, it is nothing more than what
we call the concept of "procedural fairness" which needs to be
accorded to the parties in a dispute of a hearing. In this appeal
the Appellants complaint on the breach of natural justice is
contained in pages 15-19 of his written submission. We informed
counsel for the Appellant that it appeared that his complaint
about the decision of the adjudicator related substantially to the
manner in which the adjudicator arrived at his decision after
evaluating the evidence provided to him and that would only be
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questioning the findings of fact by the adjudicator Learned
counsel for the Appellant was not able to convince us that our
view was wrong when we also pointed out to him that in his
submission he had contended that the adjudicator had premised
his decision on "his own assessment" (see paragraph 11.4 of
[21] There were no complaints by the Appellant that the adjudicator
had got the disputes on a completely wrong footing. In fact, no
complaint was made at all and the adjudication process was carried
out premised on those issues. If we were to consider the complaints of
the Appellant, we would be looking into the merits of the decision of the
adjudicator. In the context of section 15 of CIPAA 2012, it cannot be
the function of the Court to look into or review the merits of the
case or to decide the facts of the case. The facts are for the
adjudicator to assess and decide on.
The Court's function is simply to look at the manner in which the
adjudicator conducted the hearing and whether he had committed
an error of law during that process. Such error of law relates to
whether he had accorded procedural fairness to the Appellant In
the context of this case, the complaints of the Appellant were
nothing but complaints of factual findings of the adjudicator
(Emphasis added)
decision (as he then was) in the case of MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v.
Wazam Ventures Sdn Bhd and another case [2020] 1 LNS 891; [2020]
MLJU 208. In this case, it was held that it is sufficient to dislodge a
complaint of breach of natural justice if the Learned Adjudicator had given
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just one reason and His Lordship also set out a list of circumstances which
should not justify the setting aside of the AD.
[21] The question that needs to be asked is whether Ditrolic was denied
the right to being heard as alleged? In this case, as seen in the AD, the
Adjudicator had deliberated on all the issues raised by both Ditrolic and
Samaiden at the Adjudication Proceedings at length before coming to his
[22] No where in the Adjudication Proceedings that is seen where Ditrolic
had requested
disallowed or denied Ditrolic the right to do so. Since, this issue was
already known to Ditrolic when it was previously raised in other
Adjudication Proceedings between parties, to the very least, Ditrolic should
have requested to reply or submit on this issue when the same was raised
at this proceeding.
[23] Furthermore, since the issue of LAD was raised by Ditrolic in its
Adjudication Response, it is only natural that Samaiden would respond to
this issue in its reply. It is not a new issue raised by Samaiden as how it
has been made out to look. The Adjudicator would naturally think that the
same i.e. Samaiden had responded to the LAD issue raised by Ditrolic.
reply, it has to be requested by Ditrolic to do so.
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[24] Since the Adjudicator had deliberated the issue of LAD at paragraphs
162 to 178 of the AD, it can very well be seen that the Adjudicator had
given due considerations to the issue of LAD raised by Ditrolic. If the
Adjudicator had not considered this issue of LAD at all then it would be
right for Ditrolic to claim that it was denied the right to be heard or that the
Adjudicator had not exercised procedural fairness in conducting the
Adjudication Proceedings but that not being the case, I do not see how was
Ditrolic denied the right to be heard as claimed.
[25] Be that as it may, it must be realised that from the outset the
Adjudicator had in his findings found that Samaiden was entitled for its
claim of RM2,539,140.99. The issue of LAD was only to ascertain whether
the sum sought by Ditrolic for LAD can be allowed, if so the sum of
RM2,200,000.00 will be deducted from the allowed claim. In this case, it is
the considered view of the Learned Adjudicator that the issue in relation to
LAD is best to be dealt with by an arbitrator and as such, no deductions
were made to the allowed claim. Hence, the allowed sum of
RM2,539,140.99 still remains under the
[26] I find that the Adjudicator had used the powers conferred upon him
pursuant to s. 25 of CIPAA 2012 in deliberating all the issues raised before
him at the Adjudication Proceedings. The Adjudicator had considered each
and every issue raised by both parties at the Adjudication Proceedings and
deliberated on the same before arriving to his decision. Not being satisfied
dings cannot be the basis for the
AD to be set aside under this limb.
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[27] As stated in the case of Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd v Hing
Nyit Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 8 CLJ 728 :
adjudicator may be set aside. Since an application under s.15 is not an
[28] As such, whether the Adjudicator had assessed the issues raised
correctly or not is not up to this court to determine as the decision of the
Adjudicator cannot be reviewed on its merits. Merely being unsatisfied with
[29] In the upshot, having failed to establish s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012
against the Adjudicator, Ditrolic has failed to discharge its burden on a
balance of probabilities to set aside the AD. As such, this application to set
aside the AD is hereby dismissed with costs of RM5,000.00 to be paid to
Samaiden by Ditrolic subject to allocatur fee.
II. Stay of Execution OS
[30] One of the 3 reasons Ditrolic had applied for Stay of Execution of the
AD is because of its allegation that there is a clear and unequivocal error in
the AD. Since this issue has been dealt and dismissed in the setting aside
application, this is no longer a ground which I will consider in this stay
[31] The other reason for this application is pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of
CIPAA 2012 i.e the subject matter of the adjudication decision is pending
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contention that arbitration has been commenced and as such, stay of
execution should be granted.
[32] In this case, ation
proceeding is not able to proceed further than its commencement as
pursuant to Clause 22 of the LOA, the parties are contractually bound to
bring their dispute to the Senior Management Settlement Consultation prior
to it being brought to arbitration. Therefore, if the AD is stayed by a mere
commencement of arbitration, the objective of CIPAA will surely be
[33] The Federal Court case of View Esteem Sdn Bhd v. Bina Puri
Holdings Bhd [2019] 5 CLJ 479 His Lordship Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin
PCA had in delivering the judgement stated the following:
s. 16 of CIPAA would allow some degree of flexibility to the courts to stay
the award where there are clear errors, or to meet the justice of the individual
case. It is accepted that a stay of the award ought not be given readily and
[34] In seeing the need to prevent abuse of s16 CIPAA 2012, I fall back
on what was said by Lee Swee Seng J (as his Lordship then was) in the
case of Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v. Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and Another
Case [2019] 1 LNS 757; [2019] MLJU 1393. His Lordship in his judgment
had succinctly reasoned that in spite of s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012, allowing
a stay merely on the fact that the arbitration had commenced with the
service of a notice to arbitrate would render the entire purpose of the
CIPAA futile and statutory adjudication wholly ineffective to ensure
cashflow in the construction industry. It was further explained in the
following terms:
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erved. If stay should be
granted the moment there is a pending arbitration or litigation, then a losing
party in an Adjudication would be tempted just to commence these
proceedings with the sure and certain expectation that a stay would invariably
be granted by the Court of the Adjudication Decision. That would scuttle and
stultify the application of the CIPAA designed to facilitate cash flow in the
construction industry such that a party that is already out of pocket for the
work done is not put to further
[35] The final reason is that the financial standing of Samaiden is weak
and as such, if Ditrolic is successful at the arbitration, Samaiden will not be
able to pay back the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. In this regard, in the
absence of any cogent evidence to substantiate this ground, I am
convinced by the
Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) report that Samaiden is a
solvent concern.
[36] Therefore, if the decision at arbitration is subsequently made in
favour of Ditrolic, Samaiden will be able to repay Ditrolic the adjudication
amount. As such, this contention
to establish this argument to this court. On the contrary, based on the
CCM report, Samaiden has assets worth much more than what is required
should it have to repay the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. Mere fear does
not warrant for a stay to be granted.
[37] Hence, the Stay of Execution OS is dismissed with no order as to
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III. Enforcement OS
[38] As guided by Her Ladyship Mary Lim Thiam Suan JCA (as she then
was) in the Court of Appeal case of Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri
Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 CLJ 229, the court may exercise its
discretion to grant leave under s. 28(1) and (2) CIPAA to enforce an
adjudication decision if the following three conditions (3 Conditions) are
for leave under s. 28 CIPAA;
(2) the party against whom an adjudication decision is made, has failed to pay
the adjudicated amount on the date specified in the adjudication decision; and
[39] In this case, in the absence of any evidences to say otherwise, all 3
conditions have been satisfied and since the Setting Aside and the Stay of
Execution of the AD have been dismissed, Enforcement OS is
allowed with costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic
subject to allocatur fee.
[40] Premised on the above evidences and reasons:
(i) both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are
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| 20,087 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-24C-2-01/2023 | PEMOHON SAMAIDEN SDN BHD RESPONDEN DITROLIC SDN BHD | - 3 Originating Summonses.- both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are dismissed.- the Enforcement OS is allowed.- a total costs of RM8,000.00 subject to allocatur fee shall be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic accordingly. | 04/01/2024 | YA Puan Sumathi a/p Murugiah | |
GOJ - Samaiden v Ditrolic.pdf
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
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(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(3 Originating Summonses)
[1] On 15.07.2022, Samaiden Sdn. Bhd. (Samaiden) had commenced an
Adjudication Proceeding pursuant to the Construction Industry Payment
and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012) against Ditrolic Sdn. Bhd.
(Ditrolic) to claim for a sum of RM2,539,140.99 as the unpaid sum. The
Adjudicator decided in favour of Samaiden in his Adjudication Decision
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[2] As a result of the AD, the followings were filed by the parties:
(i). OS No. BA-24C-02-01/2023 (Enforcement OS) was filed by
Samaiden against Ditrolic to enforce the AD.
(ii) OS No. BA-24C-11-02/2023 (Setting Aside OS) was filed by
Ditrolic to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012;
(iii) OS No. BA-24C-19-02/2023 (Stay of Execution of the AD OS)
was filed by Ditrolic pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012.
[3] Since there are 3 OSs filed in relation to this AD, the parties agreed
to having all the OSs heard together and for the decision to be delivered
together. Since this is a cross suit between the parties, for ease of
reference the parties will be referred to henceforth with the acronym of
Samaiden and Ditrolic wherever applicable.
contractor to carry out n, Commissioning
and Associated Works In Relation to the Development of A 100MWAC Large Scale
Solar Photovoltaic Plant Over The Land Held Under PN257319, Lot 9089, Mukim
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[5] By a Letter of Award [Ref. No.: DSB/LOA/LSS3/Kerian/WP3/01]
Mechanical and Photocoltaic (PV) Installation) between Ditrolic and
Agreement are collect
Samaiden as its sub-
[6] In this respect, Samaiden was -contractor for two work
packages in the Project, namely Work Package 3 (WP 3) and Work
Package 4 (WP 4). The present case is in relation to WP 3 of the Project.
[7] Both WP 3 and WP 4 are required to be interfaced with each other
and as such both these work packages were awarded to Samaiden so that
the works can be carried out properly, effectively and efficiently planned,
coordinated and executed.
[8] Due to delay and non-completion of works, Ditrolic had exercised its
contractual entitlement for set-offs/deductions for such delay (Liquidated
Damages (LAD)) and for numerous payments made on behalf of Samaiden
by Ditrolic.
[9] Due to non-payment of claims made by Samaiden from Ditrolic,
Samaiden issued a payment claim dated 24.5.2022 to Ditrolic for which,
Ditrolic did not respond.
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[10] Samaiden then issued a Notice of Adjudication dated 15.7.2022 to
Ditrolic and served the Adjudication Claim dated 23.9.2022 to Ditrolic. For
which Ditrolic had responded via its Adjudication Response dated
[11] Upon conclusion of the Adjudication Proceedings, on 19.12.2022, the
Adjudicator delivered his decision in favour of Samaiden and ordered
Ditrolic to pay Samaiden within fourteen (14) days from the date of the AD
as follows:
Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the adjudicated amount of
(ii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest at the rate of 5%
per annum calculated on the outstanding Work done for Certificate No.
7 from 21.4.2022 until 23.9.2022 in the amount of RM53,810.82;
(iii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest for certified paid
amount at the rate of 5% per annum in the amount of RM4,621.95;
(iv) The rate of interest payable is 5%n per annum simple interest from the
date of this award until realisation; and
(v) Ditrolic shall bear 100% of the costs of the adjudication proceeding.
These costs include:
AIAC Registration Fee of RM265.00 (inclusive of 6% SST);
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[12] On 11.10.2023, this court heard all 3 OSs together and dismissed the
Setting Aside OS and the Stay of Execution of the AD OS, whereas the
Enforcement OS was allowed.
[13] Being dissatisfied with the decision, a Notice of Appeal has been filed
by Ditrolic for which this Grounds of Judgement is written.
[14] CIPAA 2012 is a creature of the legislation intended to facilitate
speedy and regular payments in the construction industry. As cash flow is
the utmost important factor in the construction industry, CIPAA provides
interim measures to disputing parties to solve payment issues expeditiously
so as not to jeopardise the continuance of the construction contract entered
into by them. (see Martego Sdn Bhd v. Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] 8 CLJ 433; [2019] 5 AMR 516 FC; Bertam
Development Sdn Bhd v. R&C Cergas Teguh Sdn Bhd [2017] 1 LNS
[15] application to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA
2012 is premised on the following grounds:
i. Adjudicator failed to give Ditrolic an opportunity to submit
on the issue of time set at large (which was only raised in
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adjudication reply stage) before making a determination on
the same;
ii. Adjudicator has committed an error in his own jurisdiction in
deciding that the comprehensive submission on the issue
LAD of RM2,200,000.00 should be
dealt by an arbitrator; and
iii. Adjudicator has failed to consider and/or not deal with
consider/determine the defence of set-off in equity and
counterclaim by Ditrolic.
[16] Ditrolic stay of execution of the AD pursuant to s16
of CIPAA 2012 is premised as follows:
i. An arbitration proceeding has commenced pursuant to
s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012;
ii. that there is a clear and unequivocal error in the AD; and
iii. that there are special circumstances to warrant a stay of
execution i.e Samaiden is financially weak.
[17] application to enforce the AD pursuant to s.28 of CIPAA
2012 is premised as follows;
i. that the Adjudicated Amount is not paid by Ditrolic; and
ii. that the AD is neither set aside nor stayed.
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I. Setting Aside OS
[18] As all the three (3) reasons raised by Ditrolic which makes up the
grounds for which the AD should be set aside centres around the issue of
set off for LAD raised by Ditrolic in its Adjudication Response, I will address
all these issues together.
Whether there is a denial of natural justice? 15(b)
[19] The principle of natural justice that is said to have been denied here
is the right to being heard, audi alteram partem. In Adjudication
Proceedings, the Adjudicator has the duty to accord procedural fairness to
the parties during the course of the proceedings whereby the issues raised
by both parties are to be considered and a decision is to be derived
therefrom. In the case of ACFM Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd.
v. Esstar Vision Sdn Bhd & another appeal [2016] 1 LNS 1522; [2016]
MLJU 1776, the Court of Appeal held:
"[19] When one speaks of natural justice, it is nothing more than what
we call the concept of "procedural fairness" which needs to be
accorded to the parties in a dispute of a hearing. In this appeal
the Appellants complaint on the breach of natural justice is
contained in pages 15-19 of his written submission. We informed
counsel for the Appellant that it appeared that his complaint
about the decision of the adjudicator related substantially to the
manner in which the adjudicator arrived at his decision after
evaluating the evidence provided to him and that would only be
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questioning the findings of fact by the adjudicator Learned
counsel for the Appellant was not able to convince us that our
view was wrong when we also pointed out to him that in his
submission he had contended that the adjudicator had premised
his decision on "his own assessment" (see paragraph 11.4 of
[21] There were no complaints by the Appellant that the adjudicator
had got the disputes on a completely wrong footing. In fact, no
complaint was made at all and the adjudication process was carried
out premised on those issues. If we were to consider the complaints of
the Appellant, we would be looking into the merits of the decision of the
adjudicator. In the context of section 15 of CIPAA 2012, it cannot be
the function of the Court to look into or review the merits of the
case or to decide the facts of the case. The facts are for the
adjudicator to assess and decide on.
The Court's function is simply to look at the manner in which the
adjudicator conducted the hearing and whether he had committed
an error of law during that process. Such error of law relates to
whether he had accorded procedural fairness to the Appellant In
the context of this case, the complaints of the Appellant were
nothing but complaints of factual findings of the adjudicator
(Emphasis added)
decision (as he then was) in the case of MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v.
Wazam Ventures Sdn Bhd and another case [2020] 1 LNS 891; [2020]
MLJU 208. In this case, it was held that it is sufficient to dislodge a
complaint of breach of natural justice if the Learned Adjudicator had given
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just one reason and His Lordship also set out a list of circumstances which
should not justify the setting aside of the AD.
[21] The question that needs to be asked is whether Ditrolic was denied
the right to being heard as alleged? In this case, as seen in the AD, the
Adjudicator had deliberated on all the issues raised by both Ditrolic and
Samaiden at the Adjudication Proceedings at length before coming to his
[22] No where in the Adjudication Proceedings that is seen where Ditrolic
had requested
disallowed or denied Ditrolic the right to do so. Since, this issue was
already known to Ditrolic when it was previously raised in other
Adjudication Proceedings between parties, to the very least, Ditrolic should
have requested to reply or submit on this issue when the same was raised
at this proceeding.
[23] Furthermore, since the issue of LAD was raised by Ditrolic in its
Adjudication Response, it is only natural that Samaiden would respond to
this issue in its reply. It is not a new issue raised by Samaiden as how it
has been made out to look. The Adjudicator would naturally think that the
same i.e. Samaiden had responded to the LAD issue raised by Ditrolic.
reply, it has to be requested by Ditrolic to do so.
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[24] Since the Adjudicator had deliberated the issue of LAD at paragraphs
162 to 178 of the AD, it can very well be seen that the Adjudicator had
given due considerations to the issue of LAD raised by Ditrolic. If the
Adjudicator had not considered this issue of LAD at all then it would be
right for Ditrolic to claim that it was denied the right to be heard or that the
Adjudicator had not exercised procedural fairness in conducting the
Adjudication Proceedings but that not being the case, I do not see how was
Ditrolic denied the right to be heard as claimed.
[25] Be that as it may, it must be realised that from the outset the
Adjudicator had in his findings found that Samaiden was entitled for its
claim of RM2,539,140.99. The issue of LAD was only to ascertain whether
the sum sought by Ditrolic for LAD can be allowed, if so the sum of
RM2,200,000.00 will be deducted from the allowed claim. In this case, it is
the considered view of the Learned Adjudicator that the issue in relation to
LAD is best to be dealt with by an arbitrator and as such, no deductions
were made to the allowed claim. Hence, the allowed sum of
RM2,539,140.99 still remains under the
[26] I find that the Adjudicator had used the powers conferred upon him
pursuant to s. 25 of CIPAA 2012 in deliberating all the issues raised before
him at the Adjudication Proceedings. The Adjudicator had considered each
and every issue raised by both parties at the Adjudication Proceedings and
deliberated on the same before arriving to his decision. Not being satisfied
dings cannot be the basis for the
AD to be set aside under this limb.
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[27] As stated in the case of Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd v Hing
Nyit Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 8 CLJ 728 :
adjudicator may be set aside. Since an application under s.15 is not an
[28] As such, whether the Adjudicator had assessed the issues raised
correctly or not is not up to this court to determine as the decision of the
Adjudicator cannot be reviewed on its merits. Merely being unsatisfied with
[29] In the upshot, having failed to establish s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012
against the Adjudicator, Ditrolic has failed to discharge its burden on a
balance of probabilities to set aside the AD. As such, this application to set
aside the AD is hereby dismissed with costs of RM5,000.00 to be paid to
Samaiden by Ditrolic subject to allocatur fee.
II. Stay of Execution OS
[30] One of the 3 reasons Ditrolic had applied for Stay of Execution of the
AD is because of its allegation that there is a clear and unequivocal error in
the AD. Since this issue has been dealt and dismissed in the setting aside
application, this is no longer a ground which I will consider in this stay
[31] The other reason for this application is pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of
CIPAA 2012 i.e the subject matter of the adjudication decision is pending
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contention that arbitration has been commenced and as such, stay of
execution should be granted.
[32] In this case, ation
proceeding is not able to proceed further than its commencement as
pursuant to Clause 22 of the LOA, the parties are contractually bound to
bring their dispute to the Senior Management Settlement Consultation prior
to it being brought to arbitration. Therefore, if the AD is stayed by a mere
commencement of arbitration, the objective of CIPAA will surely be
[33] The Federal Court case of View Esteem Sdn Bhd v. Bina Puri
Holdings Bhd [2019] 5 CLJ 479 His Lordship Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin
PCA had in delivering the judgement stated the following:
s. 16 of CIPAA would allow some degree of flexibility to the courts to stay
the award where there are clear errors, or to meet the justice of the individual
case. It is accepted that a stay of the award ought not be given readily and
[34] In seeing the need to prevent abuse of s16 CIPAA 2012, I fall back
on what was said by Lee Swee Seng J (as his Lordship then was) in the
case of Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v. Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and Another
Case [2019] 1 LNS 757; [2019] MLJU 1393. His Lordship in his judgment
had succinctly reasoned that in spite of s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012, allowing
a stay merely on the fact that the arbitration had commenced with the
service of a notice to arbitrate would render the entire purpose of the
CIPAA futile and statutory adjudication wholly ineffective to ensure
cashflow in the construction industry. It was further explained in the
following terms:
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erved. If stay should be
granted the moment there is a pending arbitration or litigation, then a losing
party in an Adjudication would be tempted just to commence these
proceedings with the sure and certain expectation that a stay would invariably
be granted by the Court of the Adjudication Decision. That would scuttle and
stultify the application of the CIPAA designed to facilitate cash flow in the
construction industry such that a party that is already out of pocket for the
work done is not put to further
[35] The final reason is that the financial standing of Samaiden is weak
and as such, if Ditrolic is successful at the arbitration, Samaiden will not be
able to pay back the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. In this regard, in the
absence of any cogent evidence to substantiate this ground, I am
convinced by the
Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) report that Samaiden is a
solvent concern.
[36] Therefore, if the decision at arbitration is subsequently made in
favour of Ditrolic, Samaiden will be able to repay Ditrolic the adjudication
amount. As such, this contention
to establish this argument to this court. On the contrary, based on the
CCM report, Samaiden has assets worth much more than what is required
should it have to repay the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. Mere fear does
not warrant for a stay to be granted.
[37] Hence, the Stay of Execution OS is dismissed with no order as to
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III. Enforcement OS
[38] As guided by Her Ladyship Mary Lim Thiam Suan JCA (as she then
was) in the Court of Appeal case of Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri
Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 CLJ 229, the court may exercise its
discretion to grant leave under s. 28(1) and (2) CIPAA to enforce an
adjudication decision if the following three conditions (3 Conditions) are
for leave under s. 28 CIPAA;
(2) the party against whom an adjudication decision is made, has failed to pay
the adjudicated amount on the date specified in the adjudication decision; and
[39] In this case, in the absence of any evidences to say otherwise, all 3
conditions have been satisfied and since the Setting Aside and the Stay of
Execution of the AD have been dismissed, Enforcement OS is
allowed with costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic
subject to allocatur fee.
[40] Premised on the above evidences and reasons:
(i) both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are
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| 20,086 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-B52NCC-53-05/2023 | PLAINTIF SUNMAJU SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) TTMC TRADE SDN BHD 2. ) LIM BEE LIAN 3. ) CHAN CHING LUNG 4. ) FU YANG 5. ) LUMINOR CREDIT SDN BHD | sama ada permohonan Plaintif di bawah Aturan 14 ROC 2012 adalah tepat bagi tuntutan melibatkan Defendan-Defendan yang bertanggungan secara bersama dan berasingan bagi kes ini - sama ada perbicaraan secara viva voce adalah perlu bagi tuntutan yang terang dan jelas selaras dengan Aturan 14 ROC 2012 - sama ada pihak Defendan Kelima boleh menggunakan perjanjian yang ditandatangani dengan pihak Ketiga sebagai pembelaan dalam tuntutan ini - sama ada Plaintif mempunyai privi pada perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Defendan Kelima dan pihak Ketiga dalam perjanjian lain. | 04/01/2024 | Puan Rafiqha Hanim binti Mohd Rosli | |
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EA—B52llCC—53—D5/2023 Kand. 71
an/on/2024 13:39-30
mum NEGERV ssuweon mam zusm. muwsux
sumwwu sum am:
[No smm I997nIn1964s(o34a45-W7]
1 mm: mm: sDN sun
[No syanm zowmumsv uzsuaxml
2 umaseunu
we m>:usnnza—2:,mu>
(No K» 515723205594”
4 ru mus
mu Passwn 547556297)
5 LUMVNDR cnzuw sun sun
[No S‘/Blikal‘ znasomoznaz 4579133.»)!
uumuu 7
< Im mum. mm pmmuhuuan mm mm: bumnkn zm Jun, 2013 unmk
mam Fevlwhukxman Tems as huwih Am... 1: mm 2012 mac 2912) vim
dmasukka/I tamadap pmak Dflendnn-Delendan Iermasuk seem» Kelmus
bsmaman Dads Iunluun—1.urmnan aw bawsh.
m Aumhsh ynnu mumg sehmynk RM§2A,Eoo an,
no had’-In alas F«M52unn on ma kids! ass smahun aarinaua mkn
N mmmmsa.».suwmaaa
peml‘a\lar\Wr1lS:m:n sehlnill cam: vanyfibeavln pm-um
my km, dun
my re\ia1—¢Mref want]-my: avau sualrmyfi Yaw ammman snuaw can
adflolah Mamumah Yang MuHa w
2 Berdasaykan muahin -an: kesemua akshlbn dahm kn ma. Minkamin um
um memlsenaman Darmnhonln mm mum dung-n km uhlnylk
RM5.uDu00 dan plhik wenaan mm: mm mnmuukkzn mm myuan
mam kewzuun M-nknmm ‘.-
3- E
3 x.n.s.x.m.uau.. yang rer1ll7i(ada\ah sapani an bawuh:
up mevn Sokanwau Tanw Tmam Foo yang dnkranun pad] mu Jun,
2:723 (ulapll mi dmyuk<Am.wn Snknngln Pl: mm;
on man Babnan wmean Panama mnsna Kumpan Um 3.. mm
yang dukrumn pas: mo Jula|2lJ231sn(|PiimIdvm‘uk um
'ATIdav\( Jmnm. mvamm Panxmn Defeudln
um mam Janapln Lah Yank Mun ma llukramzn pm
1UhbJu\a\ 2fl231sI|!Pis\md:Nl\41x:abIU 'AM.|v||JIwIpIn
Dflandan mm: aamm Venn Yhiam Foo yum allkmman ma
27m: Jmai 2023 (moms ml amux seam: -mam Bahsan
Plaln19fY9madapAfiflavuI Jawapzn Dafendan Kalwma“): can
M mum saxuan rm Tmnm Fm ynnq amaaman pads
mm ow. zaza {sehpns WU dinuuk gmgax “N\dav\| Balasan
Fhmlfl nmmn Alldmm mam Dslendan Panama uahlnaw
sm nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
my m.mn1 sullu Delivery om bmunkh mm: Dnumbov 2022 yang
emu-mm mm mm mam «mm mm Delamdan Psflami dun mm
mv/MI benankn mo Dlnambex 2022 Isvmasuk sum! Axulmn PM wemnn
mm: mum yaw; mvIIP9'I1v-Iukkan -«yum dlbiwan
"nmmr m aw cu.mmm.m.m no rm m hsreby uwdmulm m
payyau an amount 1.1] mm Malayia Fm Hundred Maw
rm ‘Montana and Ewh: Hurvdrel /msmma my my belrw
pan‘ am. may-2: mm (0: an/vm In M: Mm-mmtl puyabla
by u: 2. mp Shpphtr mm; m. Agrrtmtrvt m m.;u»w».g mm
Bank Name mnann Bnnklrw Eerhnd
Arman: Nam: Surmlfl/uidn Bhd
MYR/|:muwrNurnbr: 5147-yzumuzs
Upon am“:/.nm..
In] nzgoadmm-ma by msupplmm cnmnzlna
xulzuy m azmnimrze mm m Client’: Fur-than
.mmpm:w.u :.~:a,m Ht1ra[Dlu¢I{luV mm
s Indmrvul Diesel) /av‘ mm M Danum m /
Rarye Global :1 at Lumut pm and «my my
Iizrflnent dacurnerm ax manmd umuavy
utmarlmg Vnlmrmalruqulrrmvvz
m nnmm man up mum to me xuuwm mm
Manly (711) mms waridng um um ymr wmtzr:
achvuzwltdvnment and amnbznee ol mu rm» nf
Thlx und:m1k!rl£ mu remain mu um and unlesx m reczvve
the chem‘: mam rzvamflml miznherwlmylzurwvlzun mnsznl
m m rIv«mLmn'
23, S-huhunaanllu, adaraMe\us¥aa\ barwhm bahawa Auu.-mimemmmux
mm mum. whak Delandan Kdlma unluk mambayiv wax Prawn baa}
sm u4mmKcsE61A5rJMRnaG
mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Aumlah RMs24,aoo.nn yang mamplkin bayaran new wilt: kansalm
psmuahn din penyaruhln «moan marmlnynk m...4 yani: Eum5 Vnmamc!
Dam um:-man um Pumnus onm yam my. «max mo mm
Dvfuudln Paruma k-pad: P\n\nmda\Im findakan ml
24. Dalam Dada mm 73% isms‘ Mahknmah Jug] miIm.n| ma. mm."
plguam wax nuenuan mm yang muumknn mm: Akumyl mm
mm. Akupnfl bumyiril dan adahah eenmuu psfla pembaynmn pihak
mg. ylng bum-Iml 'Omgdna mm common and /rwonlmsm mam
Ca um yung mnmbsylr gum Daluman mm lsviebin dahum sahslum
plhak Delendam Kzfimn mm muubmil biyuvin RMs2uou.un «mama
kepada pilak wwmn
25 Mshknmnhndlkbuxlnqu dlngln muun pqusm Datcndin Ka\nmaiopen1
aw alas. ksva/Ia bevdasnman Aknqami umumn, Muhkamah znvnanaangnn
mum mum-n levsebul adalah xualu narjnrman yang many ‘an: mu.
rum and urvvwlvuoe/undm-1ahln9)fiI|9 mennlkm mm Defendnn Kahml
lanpl rabarang Frdral N25 Peflxara w, Mahkamnh hevssimu «man
mu." psguim vnmm hahlwn mm: mm mm: dengan perisnflan
levsszumnn|2nhakP\avnDlhm<nn|lhpr1v\pad: pujamlan dunuanpmak mg:
zs ssmu Human flapatanulafls‘ Mahkzmah rm mundapcll hahawu Dalendsn
Keflma samnmangnyn mu mampunyav p-mman yang Darvnml sen: um.
Vsu Yin: narlu mbimvakan. men demmin. kn: vm idlhh mm kn yang
lsvsnu ram namm yawn amen mmpusmn m mm.» Amnn :4 was 2w
ubagelmana yang fllpmuskan dalam kas Mahkamah Riyunn esrmsvg
may 5 ng an L 1 g m Ham; 5 ans my I cu m ynng
muuflukln -pun: m Damn
‘oar Duclslon
/4:; 1». mm." /nv .......m,,...4,.,.=.., vvprvvnied »mr9_u
umung zglz mm .g...:m/"um
sm nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
w «W. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Wlwv .. an amen ... mm mu .-.1. appllzx .. .......m. »/.I......
A... 5.... urvrd 9.. u d</.n.1.........: Aha! Mm. A... uvrergd ..
.,.,..........w .. ....m.. .n. [r(nmI»]may, 0.. .n.m...m... m.
44:...:..... M. M aqrm m .. ....... mama .. m. Will, .. .. ..
pan/mrpano/....» a 41...... .. 5.... .. .1./em... mdz . drum ..
parflhcrvd/1'-‘<¢Dla) ., 1):: .....m...»r...o «mm .......«A. am»
an 4.. L‘am/ovjwiqw-um agw/an m... dc/rndmx
as/1.. mu .2... mm L. .0 mm... .1... .»..» mm candlliam
mnmgmmzam w.1..wr.dvy mpA.....:u7. :.
44:. mm. 1... u............,.. -..m........ ...g....g...:.-..
..;.;....;mm.3g:.u.....»..»....,g::...u. a
.,mum;¢¢gg..u......4 ....a...w.:..m». ram... 1.
nmsan nu 1m 1 run - 1917 cu m-
nn mum n...u....4. - :...uu..
ultlulnv 3.. ... :1. uh: : 2 cu
Ivillnm Egug my a ,5 am gmu All mo. .4 0.;
1991 1 1.91 gm mag... 1; ..»...»..:.m....
um. ...«1z.;¢.z;»pnm......, .r...w->1./udg..4............4..u......
.. ../....m.....: by mveparw .....m......:.». 4...... by rh: whcv
.. .. .,p.z.... W»... nah m.«..»., dam/vl .. mp... .. equrvnml
.. 1.4.... .. ,...c...... 0. .. ...m......... mm ....:..,.....4
........m.... .s.................................. »,.......... .;.,,.......
9. .. l>men9IlLv :..u:...s....4.-1.. Amlf um. me/«J2: 5.... . M ..
mm M». .....u.... or .2.....L .»..» .....:.....g ».. xmm ....
sm .ummxc.sw.summa
w... 5.... .......wm .. ..... .. my .. .nm...u-y mm: ........ .. .mm Wm!
mm mm mum :4, gm nsscunnx Mum, HM [mm
g Z7 pm;:uz_/3m».¢c...mmp,;.(.u.:.m..:
Sunmrwxudzmmlpmzrdwn n 11 pm¢.4m:.:.m. umvlnble/m
mm and weaunw dLrpo.r/In»! um amen by a phzlnrr .» a
cowwerdavm we dc/'t'ndaru. nlthawa malwhtn lhcvvuna mm
...4.m..u ..:..-... a. m . ,
“Z... .... ». .u...¢ .. 4.. My dug M gm
..».umm.u.4 1.. .n...u.o.u mu
Imus m ».»...u [uumu 5.. gay.‘ Fmurm. M1. :4.
. new 2 Mu M5
2. xsvurusm
msedlakan Meh
27 Eamusrkan pada mm nan dapefan Mahkaman swan! 41 ans‘
Mihkumuh am marldnpifl blhiwn knlamul u.r.» D31-man
Kaflma dahmnndakxn m telah nagnlmemmbuvknn .m....g wsu ynng pm
dmcarukan sshavmmahn yana diuumskan am“. km scum as! um
mcsasmuzv KERAIAAM v u 1 1 1
2a Mahkamatn Tm bevvurmannan bahnm kesemun nénnnfian lnrmasuk mm.
Dflsmdsn Ksflma mm. mm. was warm dam nem. dwlunnskan um.
um-we wman Iermusuk Detendan Kefima mm umm oxen
uImm:n,Lamp1rIn 1 ammn dangan mmamx RM 5,000 on
n aasu
sssvau (my sum ALAM
15 nusmazn mu
sw nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
gag £4 nun gr.
cunmn mcHoLAs Gomez
rrsrum mmma smsn van»: 5 col
:2 : AN :2 M nu
mm mm as
[rEruAN Foo nun swowe 5. ca. (xunm LUMPURD]
pseuun nzranmu xsuun
uunm. masm awn AED »<»w.n>
Irsrum NAIMI mm crw/mews)
N mvmmkcsiwtfinwyfirsarn
c. men amen:
man Plainlif mum sehuah synnkn yam dbemldnnkan dl Mali)/Ila an
hawah Akla synnm 2019 um memvunym menu! panuaanan mamlnrl W
Le! saw, Jalan Subunflr Wamaung am sumaav Ewan, s-«xv-n u1n,Amea
Shah man, Sdanqm Duul Ehnn
Wuk Deb/man Fenami mun umuh mnm yam nluflbcdankan ax
Mumyshz aw nawan ma syankm ms dun munpunyau an 1| manna: dv
No. snag man SIEM. ucamna compnx UNJaJin wgm, saaso, mu.
Lumpuv Wflayah F-nduman din lampu pnvnmgnn .1: D-15411, Sam 2‘
Empire, Jilin wu mm. mm, Pelahm Java. Selanmr Dnul
Plllak uevman Ksdul amen saomrlg mum a.n mmupnkan saw:
glaring Pamjnrlh Panama.
r-mak nevanaan mus swan uoriflfi ungmau dun mamvnknn smnh
uarang Fsrlgnruh .1... Pemegnng Salum wenaan Pammn
Plhzk wsnaan Koempil mun naming Indwmu dun mlmplknn snhh
woven: Fwgamh an Fumnglnq S-Ihlm Dalandlrl Parmmn
Fmak msnuan Kaflma adahh “wan wa-wax ylnu mpsmdlnkzn m
Manayma dl buwah Am syunm em on mampmwI|ilimJ|ba|'1aflard\
Lust 1: Emmqu: rm: 3., Merwa an 1P\|\ar 1;, KL Em c. .No
3 mn mm mm. Lmngun Wxlnyah Parsnkuman Gan msmpunyu\
nlamm mmmgaan an Suile 13 m a. Su1Ie1:.D2,beveHCI‘l'he Gavdemsoulh
Inner‘ Mu Vafley Chy‘ Unukanm sync mm. sum Kua\a Lurnpw, wumn
MI\a\m mm Flnlrwln Jllmnnn hemlhs (sulapas rnx mnjuk ssbagal
Pauarqiin .Jam\nnn (ersebtll) vlhak navenann Karma. xauaa den Klemval
lelah secure beruma an hevaslnuan am. lam bsnalulu mm 5135
sm nummKcsE6¢.5rJ\MRnaG
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. g... w may he nnmnmly mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
hallsan mm Plslnlfl. den ax mas wummaan kavemui Dlandun klcusu
Daflndavu Kenn. pm P\amliVHln m-v\bIka\kln mmylk dial!
Dunn: ma mas: ylnv snmn, am psflmntaan Mum uavaman, umak
Phmtnlnlan mamuman wam kamudlhxn kudrlkupanl pm Dnflndxn
Perlaml din kaumul wink ummm Km; mg. .1." Ksempi (slush
u..em;.. unluk membenknn mum jnmimn mm phnk mam... «mu.
Knhui dun Kaamnnt nkan memhnyav mam vihak PMMM seam lummh
y-M: Inmmang ma pom mbayar men mm Dclendan Fsnamn kepadn
um P\3\m1l,\uk pen: termnarma am syamayam yunv ulny-taxan
ax dnlam Peflarlllnn Jnmman lenebm sewn rm: dmyahkan mm mm
Malaml mam Suv-a1AkuJ:N1benavfnn1Ehb Dklmban 2022 «man; Nnak
Dofsndun Kmima mm: Max P|a\m1Nse\lPu\n\ ovum ublnll m....p
u-mun‘ mm mm." Kulmu (sun mum ‘am m.1..,.. mm m.
mun p. k mmm mm: mambakalknn 1sn,om Lust rmnyak mam Isms
Emu s vmuxmm wise! «man nimsk necmm Penarnl mm Deflenuan
Kzfima nkan membayurDvhakP\a1nn1seJumlah nmsmaou w, s-uagumna
yang dmvmakam dawn sebagal EksIa\nTF—2
su...,.my., mam psmunlnan pm Dalmvdnn Panama :13" bavgammw
kevIn1aPe-ialuian Jamman lersehutdnnlmullnlllemebm. plhak Pvalnlmmah
menlum dun mermhamavseran wanna Uter mm)/ak mm Jan: Euro 5
/ndu:ma!D(a.IsI kauada vomr Dammv wz m atas Irahan pmak D-I-noun
Panama Vina bum amrm aaam fldwmm-oukum-n mhxwah nbigmmim
ylng dlnyaialun dalam Ewan rrr.:-
to “Pmwase omw herurlm mun mummzmz yang mmuam
om. pmak Drflendan Panama mm pmak vmnml;
(ny -omuy omr bsflnnkh mm Dlsemlzev 2022 yum] mkemum
um um Fmnnfknvnda um Dsfmdan Penamn, flan
sm nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
mm mm bulankn mo ummu 2u22 yinw uwmmymn um um
Phmlil x..;.a. pm Dflenann Perurru umuk tum!-h
RM§2J,ann.m2 daugin mam upom m mm»-
m 1 msusaiuym muxm Elli Mun
« w mm smzam mmm on mszm» no
mum wasp mm m
14 mm" mm kcmrik pmjuman nan pambeflan u-ma dun poulnnan Jamlr-an
aa alas, Akuprw munm I-an flluuhtamsdkzn d1IlIm|(Fla\nMfllLu|§m.
Jman Subang, Knmpcmq Sum . Eumh, sum" um, Alma sm. Allm,
sgxmm om Ehsan.
15 A12: panjmhn din pinlodhn m an dun kuemua mum um Axum;
Iersebm, mm Phsmfl man membeknlkan minyak mum menu: mm.
suanu mm Darwm 1:22 beninszvkan nmhan mm Dmenmn mm.
Namm mum. kanamua names" new. man. amen dun/amu ma! unmk
mumhiyhrlumhh RMs24,aou.ou «mam kauadv mnak Fhlrvlil Wa\aupIm
tudapal pmumnan ma\a\u\ sum mnlulawu dIbua| ssvem r-wv nnralakau
dllim mm mm [spam dl Dawn?!
6! iesahnan sum nmlman hsflsvikh zanh Ann: ma dadpada
pnguamcara um PI:Im1Ha\In,Tem:n Ralmrsmnvenan s on
lupin: pm DMInd:n Panama‘
my sesalman sunal mm. berm-my mm Ann: zaza dnnvartn
Pbfiuammra Wank mawwiamu, Yeluan Rannausingn Vsiana Co.
kepflla Dmak um-nan mu. Ksflua flan mmpm: flan
my sasnhnnn s4nI| mnmun n.n...n. mm Mic 2023 a-mun.
Peuumntamnhnk nammm, mm. mpmmswn Vuuh :. Cu
my Imha><DMemianKamII.
sm ruvmmxcsiagxfirlwyknan
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
n. mung; mu ngggufl ugmggugu
15 Aanxam muuuux suam undana-undnna yum; mimpsn law mu wklrnnyl
usualu mnlulan IN auarah Imanu dun mm (mm Ind nowou57 -an-m
mum Flalnm mam Kai um, Mahkamah mm mempusknn mnhmn mu
mum kmarxnoln Iocara ma vow mars: aangan Alumni 1: ROC zmz
berduavkmw Kan n n P 7 ex; vu
mm sun. am an mu ngn; Muhkxmah Parseuuman yana mm
mamumskan sspem m bnwnh
‘For (M puryasexoiarv wppltcamm umleril u Lhzprrhmlnnry
requlmmuv: art:
[I] mgdafmvdantmuathrzvsermeredan anpzamncer
{u} mt :mmm:vvr of Mzlm mun haw bun nrved an the
dzfznduwc and
(mi mg amam m xupporw om. appllmnurl muxt (amply
W» m rmmmamo/;
I/mew, cm wrlstderwlwnx an: swmllmt m plulnryf will
have emzbmned nprlrna [auemu and n. mm enmlrd m
fiutgmrnt The mm. then 101/5 m the 4!/bndantto mm m:
Cnurrwny/udgmyvuhnuldnutbzwven RV-:m:M:m[SMfl.1.(.r.
11. Sewn Km nammn Mnhkam-h pug: ulkudlun Veg! dengun Keoulusan
dalam kss Mug NEGARA mum; V mun Iggg 5; ggnax I.
gu n_ug1cu 5,214 Mnhkamah mom mg man muwmikau mam
aw bswalv
-1/mm an u..L4,.P,umuan, the may rt/aludgz dun mu end u:
soon as a/mm aserkd By on: my, and mm». dupulrdby
thsachzr an mam um". ma mmm dvmzl hr «mu ::
cqulvocnt ur new In prlcklan .2. '4 mparvxlstenr my
sw nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
mm smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
undvxpuud mnlcmpnmvy dacumenu av Dmenmnzmrnu by N1:
samrdaponarvtarls Inhrrtnlly Vmpmbnhlt m mm mm thtludgz
has mm» rqemm axseruon oraeml. the/thy mam; thy
Lsmcasnnt Mable In ouruplvllan. unrmmbpnmpreu coma
m, 1: [mint :1 m nu mum». no march! my ducrvmm Iudrcvalll
mm:-ran a umnmuon rm apmpum mun/mg mzlssuex
nffim ar law, an Cam: muxkgn one my [mg and dc-wrmlne
whether they are Lnabl: 7MSDNna'P7e vxsvmmmes urnssodbl
me xnzttmem‘ mm 2 mmwsw if/Em: ma mar o: shown. rn:
dtfrnmmrupnnd mymw Hlalfhllr :; a mum: um: ~
I! Mankamnh Inn beruandatwiu banawa um. nu ma as-nu fllmcamknn
mamlmlalvgkln mnnnan P1amm lnmldap kuuvml Dnllmlln yang dinuat
mm mmm am be-vuingan mmmsuklnh lamaflnp Ddlandun Kslmu
mm Jmas dun ny-Is sum memenum kesemu: pm synnn yang fl\m]u><
um K95 runoxn ooummv FOR ronsnau nun: v. um um
um. ann. am 4 cu an 2.1 «saw.
19 Mnhknmnh iuaa bervfinflnfluan mm mrmnan seaam Bsvsama flan
bevagingln mm bevsesuuhn aangan kn wm sabawmmam yang man
auausm clan Mahknmah Pariakuluan dnlam Kai Lguaggnx uvuum
n AN muuvma 21 7
E y...,; memplrmmkin mum nylla npcm .1, biwnh
~mmw 1m smmvy. and/
[15] jam: Llablllt;/amt: whcn my 1:! mun-' mm ,..muy
Drumuemduzhe xamerhlrw mmrmntmmrwazmmu
pmmht, and wn-rwugntivr no/mm. my arm person
mama ma amen: 1" me we U/fljnlntpromlu, m.
ablwnnurv u saw: and war: r: 1; extltwuuhed by a
Iudamzntumi rkuu m usutt agnmrznny mommm:
, xuln re. Vallumm Adam/I193! Imflaw Mum
:79. AIR ma Hum Aw
sm nummKcsE6¢.5rJWyRnaG
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
I17! Swen] wire/, an khsucherhanll, mm whrn lwuar mart
PEIXM: makt xenarnbz pvwnurs m nrmthrr. wfmkhtrw m.
mmrnnxuumtnzmby Ifillrlnzlrmaumzvm Hutu mm
man am ubflpannn nr pmmkt, ax mmparrd :2. MM
Ilnbllltr where am Lr oneablwutlnn wpmmu;
/15] Ajolncnndnvrmlummtxtuduiimnzfifimalnmlflmmgr
joint nndjqverul unm, am, when M. or mm pm»:
In 21.: mme1nrvument1omflYP"=mr‘x¢ mac themme thing
and ulm mnmy make upnr-1:4 pmmuvx no 1117 mg mm:
mlrv/I-Iulnr nnnmnu Immmy am: 71:2 121 ontlmnl
onlwaunn and m ax mnnyxtvrml nhlwman: ax {hm
are/om andmeml pmmum xeeln Re vamAAaI
[79] n 1; llkzjolnt Ilablllty In mm m: mpmmlmrx arr not
cumulatively mm m Ma!P¢76r1vvanz¢ by one tilxhmys
all: but 1: 1: /we [mm mm: o/ the mum mm
povrmlngflilm llablllg/: m Bumzwx, /mdrrw, ‘lain:
aomnanxv (‘May an I.‘armazLr vol 1, hneml Prtnuplrs
am an“ (Landau. Thummn mm 201!) PWa:1391-
unsnzp 1391.
pa} In all Ma: fawn“: me mum when has tilamavyed
the Inzbtllb’ may liven «ska umpumunamnare/>vm each
am. mm mm The zvzduzor huwrver uatnbmy mm.
ngalnmny anearall nlthtdebmrxfi
Tn: Pnrtnun In Mnluysvn
[11] In rlux Iummman In any awn: mg zvmmun law .5
lrmpphmnln ax wr nr-I gavtmzd by thtaznlratxx M
1§5fl.Seman u 11:»: Cnrmnns ArL195fl{A¢tx.'h§]("tha
Eontmzt m7 zx nu reltvant prwlsvan relaww Mlmvvi
llabrlvzy mm:
sm mrmxcnzwsumma
mm. smm nmhnrwm .. med m may he nVW‘Hl‘W -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
m wm two av mm! Dtnonx makl mm pvumm, mg
prumuw may, in mmm. afpxprul agramrnr m m
contrary, mnlptlany armor man 9/ :11: mm prumlxars
m p-r1-mu m: we nftlre Ilrumlst. (mnhnxlsadded)
1251 Sudan :4 nrmcmmumx; Mpm mnzrrla mm :3
1.)] me Imam Eanmx: Art, 1972 um. Valllbnnl
mm;:(mpm1,s/ wama ubatrwd mm» Vmvrxmn.
_ mm m. Hahmryan nH mntrmujamrnrvdm/(ml, nrmallnwx
m. pwmlxz: a. ill: on: W mom a; m. mmr
lamzpmmvmrx as h: chuaszs, andcxcludzx M: rwhtn/"any
.2». of mm in mm Wang M» an :47-pmmuar av LD-
ts» aim. I/mun olln-an V. Ezm Bzngnl mm Stzarner Szrwce
umrua ms Imilaw cm x77, Am 199 [M195]
1251 m summlu’ zvuvrfnv-2, Imlzxx a cunnury mtennan vs
ow!-axxd n. the mnwcc alljamc mnrmm emuvzv
Import .2 M1 uanmzy [or m. mm. mm n[th:pmmbur:,
:a, rt]: 42 mm r»am Lbnrmtma. 1572 saw Pollack
AG Mulltr mm Cnnbucr and Spuvlic Rah:/A:u— vol 1.
xsmm. [Imim L:uSNcur,ZW9}.n:I1 xa43—xm ms
/or me whale amount xezflhanld Muhdlun V. ma
Izsz mm
sm ruvmmxcsiagxfirlwyknan
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
pay mm mm M In Me undtrivlrw mhonnleimmmr lmbmty
as oupored ».;,.:.n: and xzvrml luzbululy. rm .2; men-
dlntnnu «run; In mp numb" ufpvvmlxrs mm, and not
me numbzrnfbmmmnx who made a pakjmfiarpmmbe. In
:2. am 0]/alnt uanmgr, them n MIC womb: and two ar
mwvprvmuvrx Em n hnble m Na: mm 11/»: pmmm
2a sanuwnganamganuapaxnnusnua, Mahkamahhevpnndlvvgnnadalin mu
mm. nmmlan mm Piamm mnaaap Kessmua Dsfmflsn mun hernias
den bemIurI| mnmandanokan knwmna um»-usan adnhsh bennnmuman
secara bevsama .12.. bafilmgan mm. pm waunm Ala: pandangan Inn,
Mahkamah vucaya bnhaws mm vmnm bsmak urwuk mambawa
hmmannyu hemadap kesamua Dufundan dnhnm kum1me1n\uH:am\n\
21 Mahkamah mg: bamnvvdarvnan hchawa ;um\a.VI yang awnnn mun Iauvfldak
dlhaylfsunwuhpvun nlhakPlninmIr1ah mlrlyarlhkan mmy1kDIsnHsIsso\n
mwmlkul peslnan dun nmhan mm Defandln Panama Fm; nu udak
dmafikan mar. panarn Dslandan Panama sdmgga Kehmn wlllupun lzvdupet
Nqahandurlpada p(hakDsYmu1an Kehma mm muck: mangnmmmn
pmnman din penjualan uevsabul‘ namun is man bonny: dibukukan
ssbnfiknyl Nah mmx mam.
22 naparan Manmnan mu man ummn me\a\u\ sualu mm.“ Dmorncnankh
1am: Ehumbar 2022 yang mxsmaman olsh pmak Defends" Fennmn hand:
syn fl4YmmKCiE61A5DWVRnEG
Nuns smm n-nhnrwm be used m mm .. nrW\nnH|Y mm: dun-mm VII .nuNG pm
| 1,988 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-12BNCvC-10-09/2022 | PERAYU GOLD MART SDN BHD RESPONDEN SHAKILONE THARMASEELAN | "Section 40, 47 & 56 Contracts Act - Appeal by Defendant/Developer against decision of Sessions Court in finding in favor of Plaintiff/Purchaser that the Defendant had committed a breach of SPA - failure to deliver property within stipulated 48 months - whether time was an essence of the SPA - whether payment of LAD only remedy available to Plaintiff - scheme by third party to buy out all units - whether Defendant's desire to carry out scheme and failure to continue with works and complete project amounted to a repudiatory breach of the SPA - Held: although time was not an essence of the SPA, the Defendant committed a repudiatory breach of the SPA entitling the Plaintiff to terminate the SPA when it intended to carry out the scheme and failed to complete the project - no time line fixed for completion - payment of LAD was not the only remedy available to the Plaintiff - Appeal dismissed". | 04/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
04/01/2024 09:03:37
MA-12BNCvC-10-09/2022 Kand. 36
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m\—12ancvc—1u—u9/2u22 Kand. 35
mum/2224 29-02 3*
CIVIL surr NO: MA-12ENCvC»I0«IW/2022
sour MART sun. am).
(No. SVARIKAT : 2noan1oas9oa(w:In7»1')} APPELANT
(NO. K/F : 921230-04-5315) RESPONDENT
GUAMAN uo.: MA-A52NCvc-eo-11/2021]
(NO. KIP ; 921 2104145175)
[ND.SVAR|KA . 0fiaD1006S03(BD8197-T)] . DEFENDANT
sw InDmXmNqDI1w:NsubmA
mm Sum IHIWDIY WW be HSQG M mm u. nIVfl\ruIV|y mm; dun-mm VII nFIuNG pm
[1] ms a ttectston on an appeal nrougnt by the Defendant agamst
the decvslun at the Sessmns Court an aazuzz mal gave
judgment tn lava! ollhe Ptarntrw at me and at a MI mat (Appear)
[21 The Plarnmfs claim arose out of a dispute pursuant \u at Sale A
Purcnaso Agmement dated 172021 (‘SPA‘) execulafl by me
Plarnttn as me purduaser and me Dedenuant as me
Deve\opevNendor The mspute relates tn the Detenuant 3 Dream
at an obligatron under clause t5 1 or the SPA ta aetwer vacant
ppsumuon at a untt oi apanmerfl :| Hamnur ctty Man
(‘Uml/Frayed) wrmrn 45 months hum the date 01 the SPA
[31 The zotat purchase cansuderatron tor the UNI Is RM372t6D4 BA
Plarnmt pata a total amount 0! RM95.5-$2 75 pursuant tn clause 4
m tnDQ1XmNqm1vn¢vVsubtnA
‘Nair s.n.t ...m.mut .. u... M my r... nrwhrnflly MW: flan-mm VII murtc v-mm
[52] Havmg scrutinised lne amended dolance, we are mclmed la
agree mm the delendents that they nave sulnclentty done so For
(8) para 19 states tnat tne FDA ‘cleerty mdrcales met as
essenca VS Ihe[?011] 5 MLJ 454 at cuundertakmg by
oamansere Really (the plalnltfi) al development an tne
development pmperry during the 15 year term Thus
development ls e mndamental term olma FDA and 7095 In
[IS roots‘.
(bl pm 22 smes mat the ‘development ol tne pro/ecf by
Damsnsarla Realty was (he hilson d'etre' ol the PDA and
because me development was gomg to be complex. I! would
like me. hence the 15 year term‘, and
re) para 23 states met the ‘delendants contend therefore that
Damansara Rea/Iy (Ihd D/nlnrm /S to pmcura that the
dsvalapmanl is not only begun, am also completed Wlfhm
tne said 15 year term‘
IN \EDQ1XmNbzflflw¢VVsukmA
me. am nmhnrwm a. U... a may t... mm-y am. dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
[531 Aceonnng/y, n IS In our eenememe aprmon mar me
defendants have sulfctenlly pleaded that (me of psflnlmance Is
oltlre essence o/me FDA To accede to me planmrrs argument
would mean met me rrmocelvtparry would have to sxpresslyp/ead
that Urns was ol the essence of ms eonneer, er mum the law
does not reqmrs (see Supenntanden! ol Lands and Surveys (my
an) 5 Ann! u Harmf Em Matusm 5 Ors 1199413 ML.l 135) We
Merslore now me: as long as me mnucenf party has sufltcrenl/y
msedmaltar: or ram whmh su/licmnlly Show that Inms was aims
essence that would be suffrcrenl rm me purposes olplsadmgs
We are runner onne wsw that me plamhfl was no! In any way
taken Lvy surpnee ur pm/udrced by [he amtssmlv 0/ me aerenuenze
Io mead the axes! woms “
[131 Havmg read paragraphs 19 and 2a oflhe Statement of Defence.
It \s Iamy dear that the Defendam had stated Ihae Ihal Che
P\a|nlIW's rehefwas omy for LAD m me event 04 dehvery afvacant
possesllon Although dauss V5 3 aflha SPA was not pimculafly
ralarred la, n \s [ms Conn‘: view that paragvaphs 19 and 20 wee
sufficvenl in Indicate (he Defendant‘: pnsmon that dehvery 07
vacnnl passessmn wllhln the sllpulaled ponad was not an
m mnmxmmnnwzvvsemn
‘Nana sew nmhnrwm e. med m my e. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
essence M the SPA Tms coun meredare msagres mm (he
Flalnufl on mus wssue
[19] Mnvng on, A shame be flrsl sraxau max used an me evidence
and dellbemuens of me Learned Ssssxans com Judge and
reference (0 the decision In cm-mophu Wen Jinn v. Bujnya
Timu Squnru Sdn. End. [2011] 1 LNS 754 and Sun
commerce Sdn. End. v. Soon Chin cnye 4 Or: [2022] MLJU
602 «ms Cowl agrees max me Prmect vs a oommevaax
devempmenl canslslmg D! a shopping mall, hotel and
accommodauon nuns and nut a housmg develupmemwnhm me
meamng oune HDA That bemg me posl n names are «as In
contract under «rm terms or the SPA
my n s we Vaw mat a coun wwll vnlerprel terms av conlnacl based on
us glam and unammguous conslmcimn and meaning (see me
Cnun at Appeax decxsmn m Syarikal Blnaan man J-lyn ( A
Firm] v. Kopemi semaguna sungai Gluqor Bem:d(1W9)
AMR so and SPM mmbr-ne swncn sun. and. v. Kmjun
Nlgori Sollnaor mm; 1 MLJ 154) As was flecldad -n
Perbadanan Komqum Megan Selangor v. smngor coumry
-we smm be used m mm s. mm-y mm. dun-mm VII muNG pm
Club sen. and. [2016] I CLJ 211 wnen me language or e
dncumanl .5 Dlaln and unemmguoue and appnee aocur-amyto me
enstmg me men me mlanllm er the pamas to me document
should be gathered from me Vanguage eune document nseu
[21] This hnngs us In me construcinn at clause 22 ov me SPA In thvs
Appeal It would be necessary In reproduce the said dausa
appearing below —
"Time my be en essence er the wnnea m relation in a//
pml/mans ohms Agrsemsnr u emu mm to lamphams added)
any ptlymantdue and payaore by (he Pu/chase/lo me Dsvsmpsl
In aeconsenoe mm me (anus and comimans onms Agmemsn!‘
[221 By companson. dause 371 el me SPA m me case 0! ram
Haldlnvs (sums) relerred lo by lhe Plenum leads as follows —
"T1me sneu be an essence In re/anon to en me pmwsmns of (ms
Agreement em: plrlicultriy mass which aim Iv (smulvasls
added) me paymon: or malalmervl ol me Pumnesa pm or any
pan lharea/and me payment afafl memes due by me Purchaser
In me Developer Ilnl1BIH1IS Agreement‘
m xwmxmwqnnwzvvsemn
we. sen» nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m may he nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl y.. mum Wm!
[23] Reading clause 22 of me SPA In this Appeax, n Is qune dearlo
«me coun man me words “as shall ralsla Io“ Ammedxalsly ¢eI|-mung
the words “In relation to all pmwsmns c-mus Aglssmsnf" sewed
to grve meanmg to “all pmVIsrons' and thereby hmmnw and
confimng me pvovxsmni wnereume as an essence Ipphes‘ which
In only wnn regeme to any payment me «am the Plamxlfl as «me
purcneser lo me Delendanl as me Developer It lnevekzre
excluded all vlher ubhgatmns wnere «me :5 stipulated Hence.
dause 22 cleany msnngmshee R524! man «he wards “and
pemcursny those wmn relate m' m clause 371 ml me SPA m
mu HoIA1Ings(supra)wh|c7I m ms Caurfs mmd merely added
empnasus to me type of ounganan where mne apphes wvlhoul
limmng n The ewecz and consequences cl eecn oi me two
pruvmans ave meretore anmncx and carmc| be considered In be
equal in eanh other
[24] II was decided wn oamanma Rnlry and, (supra) mm mm: may
run neoassanly not be en essence m me absence of sum Isrm m
a oonlvacl and conversely, me my n01 necessanly be an
essence even If provided as such Each camracl must be
cunsxmee on M lam: guided by we conduct and eeanngs of me
me am.‘ .. LAIQ4 m my n. mm-y mm: dnuumnl wa mune v-ms!
pames under the canlraca Be mm as re may. me Federal Cnurt
also expressed me vlew mac whllsl u Is prlma ladle aoueplad that
«me Is an sssenre ln sanslrucvron contracts‘ ll rs reuuneule either
by words sr conduct DI pames
[251 Undoubtedly, ll la llre rrrleresl cl properly buyers rd secure
delwery vncznl pdssessrdn or men pvoperty wnmn me Ilme
shpnlalzd DI scones! Iheleaflev and r1 mus1 be In merr mlnds that
wheve llme ls eupuleled ln s SPA, a must an ssenceoflrle
conlrad srrrde the purchase of me pvoperty ls governed by a
wnmn connect me Durchsser mus! exemrse seulrun lo ensure
mal me edrrlrsd prdvldee var lune ss an essenee wrm regsrde In
denuery dl vacant possegmn ll Is the duzy ollrre purchaser to
know what ne has agreed In when me 5:»: Is signed By egnrng
me SPA the Plarnull ln «ms Appeal ls assumed lo have read and
sdvrsed mmselr dl me elven ar lndlvldunl clauses srngul.-my and
me SPA as n whole blndlng document
[25] Thus, as lsr as clause 2: rs concerned “we Plalrmff ls assumed
to neue read and advlsad mmsell el me peculramy dl lrre dralllng
on men provlslon ll ls clearly legible Iha| clause 22 eflecwely
mu. s.r.r nuvlhnrwm s. u... w my r... nflmrruflly mm. dnuuvlnrrl VII .nuue Wm!
excluded me dale v1 dellmy ul vacanl paaaeasron Is an
essence Slncelhe SPA and ln panlculir clause 22 was prepared
by me Delendam as me developer men It would have been
om/laus In one Plalnlrfl man are Delendam did nm rncand for me
date at oellvary nl vacant pasaessldn to be an essence The
Flamml could have seugnl la ablect to me dranlng al mal clause
In lne ldrln ll was presented or sougmw amend il but nenller was
dune Ha muld have alsa wllhdriwrl lrarn ma pumnnae me lerm
was not salrs1aclory lo hum am ne am not Tnereldre. wnen me
Plalnllfl made me declslan to execule me SPA on 1 7 2021 wlm
all lanna lntacll me Plalnllfl mus! be laken lo have agreed lo
clause 22 Min all lls oansequences.
[271 To argue lnal deaplle new clause 22 Is clznsuuclod il ls lhe
lnlanllan of name! under the contraci |7Ia| lime Inf uellvery U1
vacant pdaseeelon la an essence Is to attemmlo rncdliy av vary a
lermlhal has been expressly prowded Unless alnemrae modlfied
orvarled by agreement M panles or by wndum‘ (HIS Cuurl Izanrlol
Imam my ulnar rneanrng to cl-use 22 As sxprassed by Lord
Hoffman In Anomey General nlflel/12 v. Blllu Tuocom
‘Nair Smnl nuvlhnrwm r. d... M my r... nflmnnllly em. dnnuvlnrll wa nFluNG Wm!
Limlredmos] UKFC 11 and velerred la wlxn approval by Gopal
Sn Ram FCJ ln Borjnyl rlmee squere v. M ConeoptSdn. Ehd.
pom) 1 cu us -
"The noun nes ne power to improve upan lne lnslrurnenl wnlcn ll
ls celled upnrl la conslrue, wnelrrer ll as e conlreu, a slalule or
amcles olessoclarran lr cennal lnfmduce lernrs to make ll taller
or more reesonelzle ll is concerned only lo dlscover what the
lnsrrurnenl rneens Howsven lnel rneenlng Is not neeessanly or
always me: me aumors orpemes (0 me dncunlenl would nave
lnlended It ls me msanlng wnrcn lne lnslrurnenl would convey lo
a lensonahle person Ilavlng ell me background knowledge whlch
would reasonably be avalllsble lo we audlence Io wnom me
insmlmenf IS addressed sss lnueslors carnpensanon Scheme
l.ld v West smrnwrcn surldlng Society [1995] 1 WLR ass, 912-
913 I! As lhls ob/euive rneenrng wnrcn ls eonuennonally called me
rnlennon or me pemes, er the lnrenlren of Psmernenl, or llre
lnlenlrcn of wnerever person nr body was or I: deemed Ia neue
been me aulner ol me lnstlumenl ‘
rn xnumxnwwnnvrzvvsemn
me. am.‘ nmhnrwm .. u... w my me nflmnnfily mm: dnuumnl y.. mum Wm!
[29] Thus‘ on me conetmctron and rmerpretatrcn at clause 22 cf the
SPA‘ tms court agrees mm the Detendant that tune wls not
Intenfled to be an essence wrm regards to the date or nelwery 0!
Vacant possessron In the respect tnrs Cnurl drsagrees wrtn the
rinarng evtne sessrene caun
fiecond rssus whether me gemgg gl LAD rs me only rsmegy
[231 srnee this Court finds tnat tune for dehvely cl vacant passasilon
rs nm the essence 0' the SPA‘ Ihen wnuld the payment 07 LAD
pursuant to dense 15 3 or me SPA be tne only remeey available
lo the Hatntfl’
[ac] Now In crm Chay Loersuprat, rt wislaund that time was run
an enema 0101: Sale and Purchase agreement In confirming
tne decumn at the mat com me srngapore court at Appear
agreed mat ttre wrchaser did run have the ngm to ternunate the
agreement lakmg tnrtc account the fact mat the developer had
liken Vrerh slaps |0 ovmptale lha conslmzmm 07 the lnltlmenl
and thereture LAD was me only renreay evarlame tome
nr rnDmxntNqm1w¢vVset~mA
we s.n.r a. LAIQ4 m my r... anmnauly mm: dnuumnl VII .nune v-mat
purdlisel The Cowl of Anna! opmed that me Durmasar was
prumalum In lermmatmg me SPA smae me developer had
mamexea a new nme lorcnmplemn unne apartment wnanme
Court wvshei nu nrghugm 45 max annough Ihe purchasefs action
was we Io be prumalure me com ol Appeal expressed the mew
manna uevemper us not emmea to assume that they can cotmnue
to delay Ihe project rnuennmexy because mey are pvepavad lo pay
LAD In me avem me daily \s so greaz me! n evmoes me
aevaumng pany‘s rmenunn to no mngev be bound by the auman
men at such Iime the aeraumng party can be smdlo have
common a repudlzlury breach enmhng the purmem In
uermrnate me oonlracl
”IV9] /I rs common gruur-dmat forms purpose o/ms agreement,
I/‘ms rs nol ol ms essence As /at whan a delay In such a case
may result rn me aeraunmg parry bemg rsgalded as nsvmg
mpudmred the contract, we Io//uwmg Wolds ol Dsvlm ./
in Umvslsal Cargo camers Corp v man[1957]2 as 401 426
an! instructive‘-
mu. sum nmhnrwm .. u... m my r... unmmuly mm: dnuumnl vu muue v-max
and Schedule 2 at me SPA and a Develops! lnslalmem Fran
(‘DIP’) The DIP allowad ma Plarmm m paylhe bllanca purchase
pnoe m lnstalmenvs 0! RM 366.10 pal month Inn 180 monma
[41 Sometime rn November mm: the Plamm along w-ur an mm
purchasers 01 um m the Proms! was mlunned by me Deverraam
mat they wrll not be wnnnumg Wm the oomplauan at the Prnreci
and than another party known as Tayruna Capital and Wealth
Express Hora-ngs Pie Ltd (‘Wealth Express‘) wm buy back an
unsold Md WM unns (mm the Delandanl and 3H purchasers
mcmding me Plaumn (‘Souems‘)
[5] The Scheme waa aubrecno Tayruna CapIla\ and Wealth Emma
many. nerng me to acruava ma-/. buy back 0! an unlls m me
Harbor cny pro]ec1 and seI>und\y. me Delendam and us
purchasecs having fulfilled an obhgallons m raranan to the buy
back All muse manara appear m ducuments lopearing hem
pages 27w-279 Mme Record a1Appaal and snnlvrned ay ma aral
en/rdence av ow!
ma sanar mmnarwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mrmrr-y mm: dnuumrrl VII mum v-mar
Where I/me As no! arms essence ofrha comm-In other was,
when daily 1: only A nraecn ar wanamy-new long mustlha delay
last before me aggnsvedpany rs enmledlo mrow up we cor-(raw
The meorerrcm answer is norm doubt The sggrrsvsd party rs
IB/revud Mam ms an/rganons when the delay lzscames so long as
2.: go to the ma! arms mnmact and amounuo a Ispudranon am
[201 As for when a delay may be regarded as rravmg gone to the
mo! arm contract, ms Loldsmp smd man: has been settled by.
long lma alaulharmss ma: ms yamsbck by wmcrv such a delay rs
(0 be measured rs notmar are reasanzme penod olnme /rrsread,
delay In perlarmsncs of contractual obrrganans whrch goes la ms
ruor of me contract may be onarxcramsd as dslay man
frustrates ms contract
(241 Although there are duverenr ways 0! exprsssmg ms us: my
repudiation, may we no! Inconsistent mm one another In The
N.-min‘ Federal Commerce 5 Nawgarlon Co Ltd v Malena Alpha
Inc 54 Ors 1379 A 7§Z 779. Lord Lwberfame aptly observed.
sllsrrafsmng m a numbs: amass Iomvu/allons, that me vurraus
Iormulahons by me aulhormss as to when a bleach amounts to a
rm mumxmwqnnwzvvsumn
mm. smm mmhnrwm .. U... w my r... mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
repudiation iaplcsent /11 other woms app/rcenans ro diflamnt
mnzmczs anna common pnmztpls that to amount Io mpumauon
a breach musl gala me Ioatolme conlracl '
I35] Tne sensible way ol mlerprafmg me agmament .s manna
target rials Inr nanamg over the new apenmsncs rs 25 August
1999 buftlmele rs any delay winch does no! go to me rootolthe
contract the apps//ants must be compensated mm damages at
me vale ar 40 per cen: per annum on we agreed sum in me
bankers guarantee As for ma appeuents‘ cormom me: me
respondents an: no! snmlsd to buy nine /0: Ilmmu/vos In! me
pumoss of delaying me pnuecl, we agrse that me Iesuandzms
are not enmred to assume ma: may can oonnnue to may one
pm/out mdefiruraly mainly because may are prepared la pay
/iqmdarea damages /n Umvarsal Cargo Carriers (195712 09
401, 430, Devrm J Issued a frme/y zenunaer that ‘a party 10 a
cantraci may not purchase Indefinite delay by paying damages’
A nma mu was when me aeray rs sn glen! that me aereumng
parry is guilty o/rspumamry cunducl "
me. am .. U... a my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[311 Guvded by me views expressed epave «nus Court would dnsapree
wnn me Delendam mac cnue Cnny Ln Vs amhonry luv lhe
pmpcsmon than mere ume 45 not an essence enne connect am
there rsa pnmsnon on umer Vale aeuverv of veeem possession‘
[hen the payment 0! LAD wm pe me onrv remedy avanlame mp me
pureneeer In this courts vrew the has and urcurnscenees
surmundmg Iha developers eonavm remam matena\ m
delerrmmng wnemer me developer me me ngm to Insist lhal
payment at LAD would pe the nmy rerneay evauaple up me
purchaser The declsmn rn Chaa Chay Lu mus! (herehre be
construed based on us has For mm reeepnnne some not
Inclined zp accepllhal me pecvsron Van-Coal (supramuat referred
wrm appmvfl me eemsmn In cnua cnay Lee Is lunher eunnpmy
(or (he e-rne proposmon snnnariy me decwsmn In V-n-opal
(supra) nnm be reee based on ws own has
[:52] The has In Vcn coal (suprn) show lhal me pnmiry Issue mere
was on me cuesnen wnemer me supennlendnng pmcer for me
cunltact was carrea m relusmg the requst lav exvens-on ai nrne
and later (enmnalmg me conflict when the wnmictnr was mu m
progress 0! campmmg |he works Lee swee seng J (As ms
re rnumxmwqmmzrvsemn
we. sew mmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m my r... mm-v mm: dnuumrrl VII mum WM
Lovasmp Ihen was) veievred m Cnun Chay Lu (supra) lor me
posmun :7! HM mm where Ihe breach um nu! go to me max :2! me
::ontrac1 me employer «M nut have me nghl lo temunale me
cuntvad on the basis of repudlahon by the comrauur and mac m
such a summon the anly vemedy In the emplom \s to: LAD
[331 As war me deuslon -n Korqialn Mulaysfl v KCSB Konsonium
Sdn. Bird. [2017] MLJII, the cm mare concerned In applncahon
la smke omme F\amt|VFs Slalemenl on (Ham on me basis that me
acllun was lune barred Thus muse pans ov me decxstan wneve
Ihe Laavnecumge msoussaed ma tsaue mums and LAD mum not
ba taken as de1emunanva at me ngms at me party smce me mu
teas ovme claim had yel in be med
[341 It \s Ihis ceurrs mew that me Dwvwsxcn 0! LAD does not set Mme
lor wmpllhon to he at large Where the dmay ‘s so prolangod mac
n evlnces (ha breaching parly s mamy or vefusal to pervorm me
conuad or that the contract WM! be compleaed not upon terms that
was agreed between "I6 parties then flme WI“ nu Inngar be
mdefimlely at me at the benefit al the uelaumng party The
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
defawlmg parly wauld have cammmed a repudwatory breach
enlmnng me mnocem pany to terrrwlale the contract
[35] This bnngs me amcuasuan in semen 5612) at me cmnacxs Act
that prowess where we ws rm shpulaled as an essence ov a
contract then me mnooem Darly Is nut ermlled to cemunate the
conuam butcan un\y have reooulseto compensanon Although
that provlsxan does not permit a cnmrad to be |ermInaled nor
rendered vm a Is omy apphcable where the oanlracl rs
pefiormed um Vale In smmiona where me promlsar has refused
to pervcnn at has msabled mmselllram peflomung me contract :1
usms Couns mew man seam 40 or me Comvac1AclwHIbe
avauable ta Ihe pmnusee Thus where ma contract ws abandoned
by me promnsor and mat abandcnmam us evmced by me
pmmlsors mablllly or unwuumgnessco :nmp\e1e lheconlrad or he
Intends to fulfil me contract only In a manner sunscannally
-ncnnsuslenlwnh ms unluganons and nnl In any olhev way u I: then
avallableto me promlsee under semen AU alme Contracs M1
to (errmnate ma same A5 held by Loni Wright in Ros: Tsmylh
5 co. Lld v. m Bnllay A no [1940] ZAII ER 50-
m mumxmwqnnnzvvsmm
mm. saw .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum pm
“/ do no! 58}/Ina! nis necessary (0 show met me parry alleged to
have Iupudmled should nave an actual Inlsnvon no! to 1mm me
eonznacr He may mlsnd In lac! to mm: :1, but may be detelmmed
to do sa only In a manner subslanha//y rnmnsmtanl wnn hrs
omgaoons and no! In any olher way “
[36] conung back In mus Appeax. even though clause 22 had resulted
nu «me not n: In an essence wnn reqams la dalwery cf vacant
possession, me Plalmmwcuid have mengmtolermmatslhe SPA
mne fads showmsnha Devendanrs breach vn lamng to oommele
the SPA ameumad lo renuanmon through any nu av-nung an
mtermon to no hangs! be bound by me SPA ov me: ne nenanannz
Intends In Mm me SPA only m a manner suusxanmally
vnconsxslanfi wnn men obhgallons undev me SPA In such
suumon, the Daymenl ol [DA mu um be me my remedy
avallabb «a me Flamml
Tmni issue wheme: me Derendanz commuted a breach and that
[31] II his been accepted that me terms 'vefusa\ m perform’ and
“disabled to penorm“ wn semen 40 0! the CorI|rac'sAc1 embames
mm. snn .. LAIQ4 m may he nwnmun mm: dnuumnl wa munc Wm!
the common law concepts of venudlatlon and fundamental breach
(see Contact Lnw In Mmytn by among my Fang and the
dectsmn In Hun Elli Lin L Anal V. Mnllm Jlyl (Mohhn) Sdn.
and (199911 Mu 544)
[as] It Is ah Indlsputable cat: that the Devenaam had lafled to dehver
vacant posseeuen of the umt oh 1 7 2021 am K IS Hal dwwuted
that the Pmeot has not been mmplelea by the Defendant up nu
the time of the lnal Based on the Archllecfs oemflcallun
appeanng at page 173 ml the Record omppeal, the project run
only achieved 70% phystcel progress by 1 7 2019 me lhem hea
not been any lurthsr progress sthee that date mm the pmposed
scheme sunaced m 2020 Based on those lads them was ueany
a breach of the Dofertdinfi obhgaiton lo delwar vacant
Dossesswon wnmh the wpmaten penau
[391 NW based on all those vans can it be said than the breach went
In the real L71 the mnlvam m 1113! [ha Ddendanl had evmoed IIS
mtehuon (a not Mm Ms obhganons under the SPA arlhal K vnu
only be YIMIVBG H'II:0I'Vi\SlBflI MIR lhe Defendant 3 Dbhglflons
undef the SPA and not any other, marshy rapudtalmg the span
‘Nair em.‘ .. LAIQ4 m my n. mm-y mm: dun-mm n. nF\uNG v-ms!
In Ru!-It Mununmy v. Lim ran 5 Sans Sdn. Blvd. [1985] 2
ML! 135 me Suprame Coun explained revudlamm In ma
[allowing mnnner~
"/1 show he observed (ha! /10! every relusal to perform some pan
ol a comma‘ wm amount m 5 Iununcnanon Even a deliberate
breach wt/I nor necessanly em/(Ie me mmmm party In ass:
mmser! as cnscnmgsa, syncs rt may samehme be met such a
much am appmanazary be sanclvonad by damages (see Sursse
Allanbque scam v NV Ronerdamsche Kc/en Centrale [1967] 1
Ac 357, 435) It rs not a mars rslusal aromrsslon olane olthe
confmcrmg p-mes to do something winch ns ought to do mar wvll
/usniy the arms; m repudralmg the contract, bu! (here must be an
absolute refusal m perrann hrs part olme contract (see Freem v
am 1574 LP 9 CF 205, 21:) "Mars rs an aosoms Islusal la
perlbmv, ma omerpany may lmalmmse/Ins ducharged sum of
an express relusal, however, me lest »s to ascansm whether (he
action or scams or me party m dslaull am such as to lead a
Ivssonabls person to con:/ms me: he no Iangar menus to be
bound by :1: pravlsrons Where such an mversnce cannot be
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
dravm the mnocenz parry wr/I be enmlsd to claim damages rar
breach, but not to treat mmse/I as d/schalgsd "
[401 In mus cows consideration. me anlwer is In me snfirmallve The
upping point against me Delendant I! wnen n rm evmoed ns
desire co \mp\emem the smeme, agreed to sell all us unsold and
avanaue ums vl me Fvcjecl lo weann Express and promuled to
an purchasers Includmg the Plalnlm me buy-back of all units by
weann Express That deany showed that me Defendant had no
mlenlmn In contmue wnn rls obhoalions to complete ms sm
Even if the Delendarvfs Inlenllun was to seek a Sollmon Ia
oompmsale ma P\aInW that Intention was pLam\y mconsnslenl
Wm’! Ki obhgallons as Ihe Deve\nperNendcr under the SPA 10
cnnsvun and dehver the completed um: (um: Walntlfl
[41] In mus com‘; view there had been an abandonment of
Daisnaanrs ahngamons under the SPA Undev clause 2 ol the
SPA n is me Defendanl wha sold me Unn to ma Plamnri and by
clluse 15.1 n :5 me Ddendunfs ozmganon to commele and
dshver vacant possassxon av [he um: In one P\amuW, non Tayruna
Capnal nu! Wealth Express By pmmanng the buy-back a! me
‘Nana s.nn a. med w my me nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl wa mum v-max
Plaintiffs uncnmnlalsd unn by wennn Express and not conllnumg
wnh RB ohllgnlnom In campbele (he Project the Ddendunl had
eflecfively abanmnment Its obligations under me SFA That
abandonment Is also evidenced by me can mat since the V351
oemflcate 01 progress of warts dated 1 72019 Imtvl the lnal
cammencad on 5 7 2022 which we a vanes 00 3 years, lheve had
been no completion M nne Frmecl
[421 Tne fads here should (herefure be msmgu-shed mun muse -n
cnu. cmy Lee (supra) and ven- coaueupre; wnere me vendur
had undanakan dear and defmne slaps to eempxeue me
coma Vn mus case the Delendanl had ceased works after
70% curnplemon and euugm lo and Rs obhqallons undef me SPA
xnmugn me Schema Tnereme. wmlst admmedly «me us not a
case wnere no action had been taken enogemer Io oommenoe
and commete me mnuacn as was In Damansara Reeny (supra),
me Defendanfs desue to execute me Scheme and me absence
cl Dmgruss al works was suflluenl awdence that me Dahndanl
had no unnenuon tn Iurmer (mm as obhgmnns under the SPA
m mumxmmnnwzvvsumn
we s.nn nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 m may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mune Wm!
[6] The Scheme was prssentea la all purdlasers mduding the
Plallmfl ma a Iensr dated 3 12 znzu rsmad by sollulars Iwrlg our
Wealth Express (‘Scheme Oflefb and a meehng was held vla
zoom uetween me Defendant and aH purchasers rncmdrng the
Phlnhfl In that meemng ms Devsnaann encmnagafl all purthisefs
la pamclpale m we Scheme so man they Lzln nape to remup at
Ieasi 60% av mnnles may have paid under the SPA n was
axplimed byme neqenaannnhe purchasers agreed ro pamcrpars
rn me Scheme may need not oonunue payments undev men DIP
[71 Feanng xhat he will lose ms wwesxmenr (he mmnm cum to
panrcrp-re In me smeme by choosmg opnon Ons our ofthenvee
options praenlsd He mdlcaled ms Interest and agreement In
pamcrpaxe In me Scheme under opmn One by smalng at me
spans prowaeu m me Scheme oner an 5 12 2:120
[B] unconunacexy for the Pwarnuvf, mere was no progress on me
Scheme unm ma dale Vov deuvery uhtacanl posnesslnn onne unn
armed on 172021 and me srtuamn continued Inereaner
Someume rn Octaber 2021 ms Plarnmv had name :11 a wmdmg up
pehllun Ne WA-ZBNCC-20-05/2021 (much was Water dnsmrssed)
m rwmxmwqnnwzvvmmn
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII .mm v-max
[43] Thanhe Dehnaanr rm: no clear parn Io samplers me SPA in me
even! me prwused Scheme cenea was evvdenl m DW|‘s answer
In cmss exanunemn Nmwrcnsvamrng that am mslsled that me
cansnruaron was sun ongomg The Delendanl ma nm abandon
the Draped. and Ihal me DIP wwll resume and me pvcjecl mu be
eprnplered In me even! me proposed Scheme !aHed, yet no
evraence was oflered to Show any Dmgress o1 works smue
1 1 zms and nu eprnpleuen man was ulfeved to show new and
wnen me pinned wm be eurnpsered wnn a derrnne dare lo!
oomwencn Enecmsxy. the me for cnmmetvan of me Pro;e<:1
was Indalmnely an Varge
[44] It mustbe rrmea lhallrve Plarnmrs agrwnem rp pamapane rn rne
Schuma ans not amount to : bmdlng mnlmci between mm and
Wealth Express and am not rn anyway release rne oevenuan:
«rem Ks obhgatlons under me SPA as snhelmve when zne Plamw
Indicated his agreement‘ me SPA was sun subsrsung pendrnp
aclua\ rrnplemencatrun of the scheme Further‘ the scheme was
cundmonal upon vumumenr av me 2 conemons sun-u earner and
me: made me P\amhH's agrasmenl merexy an rnarceme mleresl
or apploval and nor bmdmg between rne parues weann
‘Nana s.n.r mmhnrwm .. med w my r... nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl wa mum v-max
Expless's sancncrs wetter diled 3122020 was M51 a lenzr
sookmg tna Plawnmfs wares! and Igveement to pimcxpula .n the
Scheme and mum nm In any measure amounl In a contract
raeastng the Detendanttwm ts obligations undertne SPA In any
event there was no further develcpmenl on Ihe Scheme since the
date M512 2020 when the my-ntuw indicated ms agreement lo
pamc-pats III tne Scheme unhl whan the date (or aenvary or
vacant poasessxcn arrived on 1 7 2u21
[asp For tnasa reasons. tms Court does nomnatnannemaantm letter
of levmlninon dated 25 10 2021 wmch was mere\y4 months HRH
the due date In: dehvery of vacant possession on 1 7 2:121 was WI
way premature llwnmd have been pvemamr: nan mecondmuns
precedent and necessary agreemanls lo the Scheme was
executed by all panes and me Scheme was tn the must 0!
camnxetien It wnuld also nave been prematute fllhe Detennent
had BCIUSIIY Ebled 3 Dian Var CGIYIDIMIOH cf the Prwecl (:7 3|‘ vi!
purcttasets Ind fixed a uate tor eenvery cl vacant possession as
was done Vn cnua cnay Lee (supra) and Ven«CoaI (supra)
Nsnher vflhe 2 course of events happened VI tn-s case Elmer
way there was na\ gomg to be delivery untte Uml lo the Flalnml
m tnumxmwqmmzvvsumn
wn. snnnw nmhnrwm .. v... m mm he mm-v mm: dnuumnl v.. muNG Wm!
[46] This coun dues nor agree «nu ma aeorsron m Lssc
Dovnlopmlm sun, and. v. Thomas M. mnmynnr and Anor
(ZZOUIMLI 1 suppansthe Deqenaanrsargunrennnet rnere ned
not been a lavlure ofl consIderatIcn smce me Defendant nad
completed :1 Vans! 70% of me SPA unhka In Damlnnrz RI Iry
(suptajwhere me ourmuctnr nan anogexner varied to commence
wnstrudlon The pom! av dmerenue rs Nus. m Clma cnav Lee
(Iupm), Von-Coal (supn) and Lssc Davolopmanl (supra)
rnere were Icuan reken to complete me properly and {many
denvered me same, bul here me acuon ro complete the properly
ended when me De4enuerr| evmced the rmenuon to carry out me
soheme and scoppea work on me Prawn ro borvuw me words
more Federal Cowl m Dnmnnun ReIl¢y(sup1a),' r is cs/la/my
a Case cl repumatron am also Involves a Iundamenlal breach a!
an exisvmg oblrgabon wmcn gives Ilse tu me inewtable ooncmsmn
me: the promo orbalyam would no! be Ium/lea by won me dus
[471 For me sake M brevny‘ rcwouxo he re\ev:n(fo recerro me declswn
rn Lnw mm Ung .4. Anal Anal v. rurmmm sun‘ Blvd. (ms)
2 cu m wnrcn was amused by Federa\ com In Barfly-I
m rnnmxnmqnrwnzvvsowrn
we smm .. med w my r... mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
mm squm mom Annougn the Fedural Court \n that oaoa
dbd no! agrae with the findmg 07 lhe High Coun on the manar M
resmulmn and asseasmenn oi damages‘ n mo however oplrve that
me decision was an correct cnlhe maI1e( ollemunallon enna
contract by the purchasev Vn (h3( use [here WIS 2 dehy In
dehvenng the pvopeny not only when Illa dale fell due but UNIV the
Inal Thus was no progress or works because of a dlspme
beaween the defendant and NS emphzyer a nun! venture
ccnsonlum The Fadaral com agreed |hal there was a lauure of
total eansmaranon due to a Imal aoanuanmem 5! me pmed
[431 Thus com does not find as argued by Counsel lnrlhe uavonoan:
Ihlt amoe [ha Defendant had eompleled ID stage; 07
ouns1mc1|on,the Plamml having pad 95% M the Purchase Pnee
(whldi (Ills Court does nm find in be the tact) and there was an
CW5! from Weihh EXWEH (D purchase the Uml [ram "19 PIIMIM
Iher: was a dsllmfe value In Ihe Unit and lhsrefnre there was no
fame ovwnaoevauon The case or 1.55:: Develwmcm (supra)
was relied on as SLIDPDHIHQ (PMS argument In lhal case vmal is
Ian xo be done was wit me wnnman ov uulrly and cenmczlmn
of (mass
ma a.nn nmhnrwm .. med w mm o. nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-max
[491 In (ms Caun's mew mere can us no vnlua no me Puarmm when
mete rs no asmry or the unn Urml me Uml I5 dewerad the
marnmr has no porwerloemer and emoy any value m me propeny
In addmnn. me P\arnml can c eruoy me guaranteed moume under
the Tenancy Agreement dated 172011 which wanna have
ccmmwcod s monms auer the -ssoanoe or the Ccrtmcaie ol
Campleuun and compuarroe (‘(300) ms coun does not agree
based on me cemficahon of progress of works dated 1 7 2919
more was 90% oomulocrorr cl we Dhyslcal works done What
value rsmer: In mo Umlwhen mere rs no O€IIVl§.B|BC17lCaIW|fII'flr
pmmomg, gas piping arm no mad selvmg the buI|d\ng7 Even H
mm more purchase Wee was paw, there can be no vamewhen
all those matters are not conslruaad and salivary or vacunt
possesmrr nulanly gwerr on the due dale but with no oomprenon
date a all In srgm That ranure satisfies me test set nut In
Dimansari Rnaity (supra) (hat a reasonanre and cnmmemally
sombre man would look upon the pm]ac| as having lmle or m:
value an aH
rm rnumxmwqnrmzvvsomn
‘None Snr1n\n-nhnrwmbe o... w my r... mrmrr-y mm: dnuumrrl VII mum v-ma!
[so] To add lhls court does not agree that the lat: that wealth
Express hue ulfeved the Plalnllfltn buy back ottne umt en a 50%
cash payment together wlth some other nnanclal taalulee
pursuant to the Scheme sllowsd that there 15 cenamly value If!
the unn la the Plllrlml The Ivldsnoe at nwt, the lane dame
4 11 ZCQD and Q&A on 23 V0 2020 showed that Tltymnn Clpllal
and wealth Expvess hau melt own busmess plane lortne Project
what theae buslness plans am not ln evmanee Thus. whether
those buslness plans are drlven by the value EH11! UN! and IN
cthev unlts tn the Protect are at besl only speculatwe
[51] Funhannoret u raoayment at the purchase prvoe does not
automallully equals lnlo the unlt havlng present value whllsl ll
could be al some lmure value te wealtn Express t1 the untt
becomes part ants buslness plane, the unttoenalnly has no value
ta the Plllnnfl at the nlatenal ltme Even «the l=lamttll reeawes
100% buy heat on me purchase prloe ll sllll does not mean that
the repayment IS pvemlsed on the value at the unn what IS
applrenl to tlna Calm ta that the buy-buck IS merely to
oompenaata the Platntmlol montea pata not a payment based an
m lEDQ1XmNqfll1w¢VVsnt1ltA
‘Nair a.n.l nuvlhnrwm a. u... w my t... nflmnnllly am. dnuuvlnht VII mane mat
some vamaiwan of me Uml In essence mere was no real gem ior
ma Flamufl
[52] To conclude, nus Counfinds than me Defiendanl had commmed a
repudmary branch of me sm enlvmng lh: Plimnflln lermnnme
me same
Founh rssue whether the Plamt/W had wan/ed ms mhrs Io relvnfnatg
[531 The Delandanl argues that me Fkalnlifl had wawaa ms rlgms In
terminate the SPA and Icquvesoed In the anensxnn uH\mB VII! the
Defendam |0 deliver vacanl pnssessxon M (he UNI when he took
4 manms past me due date var dellvety m terminate me SPA
Rehanee was made on me decvsmn m Borinyl nmu Squln
Sdn. Blvd. (supra) and Sim Cnlo Hunt v. wong Tod Ful [Wu]
1 ML! 151
[54] Tu um aeqmescanoe me Delandant muslshowlhalma Flamlm
had agveed whelhev by welds or conduct that he had accepted
me Defendams breach and permitted me Deflandanlnmalo
m mnmxmwqnnnzvvsumm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
complete we sm That penmswn can be evmced mnmgn any
actmn 94 (he P\amlIfl‘ such as anlenng mm fresh dwcussuons on a
new camplenon date or by being many sllenl
[551 Hawng Conscdsred all me ram, (his cum does nm find mat a
mom 4 menu: mu lapse or me one var vacnnl posmesswon
amounted to a waiver av acqmescenee The ma-mmnaa acvea
reasonably In wan my me outcome a! me Scheme up to the Vast
day when vacanl possessvon was In he dehveted and men acted
kc levmlnata ma SPA when «here was nu pressed 5! conduswan
m sight wnemer under me Scheme or the SPA There wu no
conduct an Ihe part at the Plalntflf that was Inconsistent wnth his
Intention to semre due peflormanee M me Scheme or the
Dsfafldznfs nbllgihorls in saliva! vacant possessor: M lhe Unit
by the 45"‘ mcnm
[551 The vaas we must Ihevelore be anaungmsned [ram Eujnya
Timos 5t1lllfl(S\.IDVE) wnere me purchaser oonmnued In engage
m dmcussuons mm the devakzper an me new cnmp\e11un dams
and were were 2 extensions until the Drmecl was finally
completed whilst In Slm Cnlo mm (supva) me purchaser had
m mumxmwqmmzvvsumn
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he nnmnmy mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
allowed work |o be cormnued and went further by ordering exua
work to be done
[57] Tmscoun agrees that gmded by sedlon em Mme Limmon Act
1953 and me deaswans m Alupmp new/upmm Sdn. and. v.
Loony cnu Kong 5. Anor[2Dl75]1; Tln Vnng Long 5. Anar v.
Newacres Sdn. am. 11992] 1 ML! 259 and Yap Lan (P) A. Ors
v. Kong s e Kunn [ms] ML./U m, mere .s no delay
amaummg to e wawer nracqmescencethzl predudes me Plamml
lmm Lakmg achnn to uemunaae me sm
Fifth! wry n I email was ob! mod to No Home to make
rune an essence
[531 The Defendant argues that smee lime was ncl an essence me
pnamnu cannot Act us lermmlle me SPA mmem firs! gwmg me
Defendant veasonable «me lo complete me SPA and to make
time an essence Reference was made to seem 47 of the
Contracts A41 1950 and me demsmns m 6: am d/o Somoo yo
S/nnrllv (mu) 2 ML! 290,- Forum] Dcvolopmonl Corponlion
v. Kmm Cnln B00 .4. Anor[1§DJ] JMLJ 151; Mack Nunllon
‘Nata smm be used m mm ms mm-y MW: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
Foundryfsulnq u . firm) v. Nag: Tembaga s4». and. (19911
1 MLJ as and com» Khoon T90 v. Crimson Development
Sdn. Bind. mm] 3 cu 79 and scrim rims Squan Sdn.
and. v. M-Concoptsdn. Bind. 121711111 ML! 597
[591 m Ganam d/o Somoo (supra) me Federa\ Court held »
“In a contract [arms sa)e a/Iarvdlhe nme fixed by me parties in!
comwerrun orpsflormance ns rm! to be smcuy conwuea unless u
.5 [he mfevman cfme Dames me: me should as arms essence
DIMG COIVIIHCI [S59 Jamshod V Euqoqr MP 1915 PC 53 Slvckney
v Keen/e /19151 AC ass, Warren V Tay Say Gsak s Or: 1195511
ML./ :4 and mum 55(1) olthe Canfrac1Acf 1950) /Ivlenllon may
erther be express m Imp/led and them are mme case: In which
runs ;s aims essence oflhe contract
(a) where ms canrmclaxllrvss/y slates Mat ms sha/lbs aflhs
essance all/19 contract [Slsedman V Dnnk/aI1915] 1 AC
275 and Enck/as V Snal/[V916] ZAC 5991
m where we was not angina!/y allhs essence nfme ccnlract
am has been made so by Me parry gn/mg a name (:7 me
m mnmxmwqnnnzvvsumm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
that was Dvesenled by we purchasers of pmpcmes .n Ihe Prqect
Maine! the Defendant It was then Ihll the Pllvmlff oecxded In
lermmale the SPA and $eek a return ol his monnzs A level 0'
Iermmallon was then wssued by me Plemms eencms on
25 10 2021 The Plalnml and um receive renaymenl :11 his monies
and neuter me: me Delendant commons me sun and dehver
vacant passessuun 01 the unu
[9] Ame end nvme man, the ma! cam Ynund and held mar 1a)|ne
Prqocx was s commercm prqec: me not : housmg
aceammoaanon pmpd govemed by me Housmg Devewpmenl
(comm: 5. Luoensmg) A51 1966 1‘HDA'| and Housmg Developmem
(Central and L\oensIng)ReguIIl\ons1989 (by our mat reason me
Pernod lav aeuvery alvacanl possession oflhe Umlwal 45 mnnms
as pvowaea undav me SPA and M1136 monms as pmmea under
me HDA, (cj men under dense 22 0! the SPA me period for
dewery oi vacanl possession 01 me Uml was an essence of me
conlvact. my mare was . braaw cummmed by me Devenaem
undzr cbause 22 when ll valued m delwer me mm by me me
‘Nana em nmhnrwm s. med m mm s. mm-y em. dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
amer Such noncs can anly be gman after me other puny
has been gumy ol unmasonama delay ana the me
menhnned m ma name must be msansme [slrcknsy v
Keeble (sullffill "
rcr where mm: the nature of me nmneny oms may be consrdeledlo
be of the essence of (I19 contract [Tllley V Thoma: (V567) 3 CH
APP 51]
[so] In Porung Davelapment Corpwafian Isupva) the Cuun held —
"In my opinion, a wnnen name yrvmy ms to wmplelu me
delrvaly rs necessary since mm: by which me cvntlacf was to be
complatad has not been strpulslad, narmsde the essence allha
wrmac! Accordmy to 9 Hslsaurys Law orsng/and mn Ed) hare
4.-35 -
/ncasos wnsm zinve rs not angina//y arms essence o/ma common
0! when? a slrpulehorv making me of the essence has Dean
wail/Dd‘ we may be made at m. assoncs, wham mare as
unreasonable ae/ay, By a Home Imm me parry wharsnotm
m mnmxnmqnnwzvvsumn
mm. smm .. U... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa Wm!
deiaun Iixmg a reasonable time for performance and srazmg mat,
in me even! or notrperfannanoe wunm me nrrm so fixed. he
intends to {marine contract as broken The mus soflxad rrmsme
ruasonable rravrng regard to me state allnmgs at me (me when
(no name Is given, and to all me ctrcumslarrces ollhe case
In Green V Ssvin 3, Fly I stared at p 599-—
One cl (he snfliest cases on ll-us doclnne or engramng runs by
name rs n-yvor V Emwn 2 Beav 1511, zandllvere Loni Langdsle‘
the man Master of me Rolls‘ expressed ms wew m mrs way-
Where me contract and ms cmmmsrances are such max «me 5
not In this court cansrdaradla be olfhs essence ollhe can!ruc!—
m such case, 1/ any unnecessary dslay »s mated by one party
the olhsrnas a ngnt to /rnur a reasonabre nrne wvmm wrucn ms
contract she" be perveczed by the omer ' Sn m Kmg y Vwson s
Bvav 124, the same Mastarollha R0": /3»: aawn me pnnup/9 In
those words ‘Though rims may not in cl me asserwn or a
caruracr, yst men men: Is greaz and Impruperdelay on one me,
(he umer parry has a right to fix a reasonable urns mrmn which
ma curmncr Is to be completed ' Sn agam In Pegg V VI/rsnen 15
Beav 239. Sir John Rom///y and -/ concur also m Ina dsctsrnns.
rm mumxmuqnmrvmm
mm. smm mmhnrwm .. U... w my me mruuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
that where trme rs not ongrne//y at me essence ol lhs cameo; 1:
may m ms case ollmpmpsr delay, me made so by nohcs '
[sq Now, in dehhemmg on this xssue It ws «me Court‘: mew that one
very wmparunt and mmngmshmg pom! musl be nolsd Those
cases m chug chay Lee (supra). Van-Coal (supla), Buajaya
Times squm (supra), Penang Development Corporation
(supra) Hack Nun! Iran Foundry mum and Lssc
Dwulogmlnt (supva) saw adull complenan of me properly
albew me
[621 As (or me decisvon m Elna)! Khoon no (suma) n is dear (rom
lhu has me: me Durchaser had rammed passive [or ts monlhs
aner expiry 01 me eampuemn data mm: any mgenl reasons
given belure «ekmg ecuen to termmale me agreement u must
also be now me: nu man can me Ievmlnahnn was merely
pmlmsed on me tenure olthe detendant to oommele me pmpeny
by me comvlehun cane and no! on any repndlalory breach Vn
acumen, there was ewaence mu me defandum had earned on
win the works
m xnnmxmwqnnnzvvsemm
we. sew n-nhnrwm be LAIQ4 m my e. mm-y em. dun-mm VII mum Wm!
[63] This Caun holds the view based enme veers aflhls case.sec1ran
47 at me Conlrictx Act mar permne campxeuon M the pmrmse
ww.l1|n a reasonable lmle has no apphcalvon here The
Defendant’; repudrmory breach does run obhgala me F\aml|f1 In
make rune an essence of me SPA and gwa rusonnble me lo
me Defendantln aelrvervamm pcssessmn onne unn There was
no purpose to rsqurre me Deieneem lo eommele and dehver me
Unneay. wrrmn 30 says when me Defendant had Ilraady named
to partake m the seneme thereby pulling In em any expeaalmn
thatme Detendamwru deliver vecam possession onne um: At
an marerral mas up (0 me man ol lms case we Defendant me
only Taymna camel, Woakfl Exnress and the Scheme In as srgm
Thus. me Dehndant had depnvsn use" of the ngm no any
Vegmmale expecratron to be given nnllm In complete me Project
em dehvenhe Umlwllhm aoenam nme \nm\sCuurI‘s mew. such
rrgm can un\y anse had me Detendam wnlmued Io carry out an
works under the SPA and presemee re the Plarnrin a dear
camp\e1Icr| Man and dare tor uehvary ol vazanl poesessron
m rnumxmwnnwzvvsumn
‘Nair Snr1n\nuuhnrwH\I>e med w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII nF\uNG WM
[54] Aflev ruvmg consmerea all arguments and [acts (hrs coun finds
nu rnem m the Datanuanvs Appea\ The Appeal us mmvme
uusmssau and me declswn 0V the Susan: com ws hereby
amvmed Costs 0! RMSJJDUOO Is herelzy ovdered agamst me
Dated ms » 3"’ nuanuary 2024
For me Plamnfi
Enclk Choon Jun Hang
mum Ghee Swah La Kee & Partners
Fsgnambela dun Peguamcan
25, Ja\an KLJ14, Tamar: Kata Laksamana Jaya
75250. Melaka
Fur me rust Delandanl
Enclk M Rwshee
Yetuan Munawar .5 Assoaanes
Poguambela din Peguamcara
7-1, Jam 22A/70A, Wlsrna CKL. Des: Sn Hanamas
50450. Ku:Va Lumpuv
m mnmxmwqnnnzvvsumm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
pmvxued, and la) mere was no wawer av aequuasoence by the
Plannlllfthat depnved mm the ngm la lemunate the SPA
[10] The core wssuei o1 mus Appeav are —
(1) wheiher [me Is an essence under clause 2 Mine SPA,
on whether me F\a|nMs remedy \s only lxmned to payment at
lxquniaied ascedalned damages FLAD‘) under clause 15 3
or me SPA
(<2) vmemer me Delendanfs breach at the SPA amounted to a
vepudianun onne mntracl.
my wnemer me Fl mm had cammmau any waiver M nu nghls
at acquesoed |o me extenslon aims, and
(0 when-er the Pkalnllfl was abngated to awe nmme making
«me an essence M me SPA bdnve Issumg ma name of
m mnmxmwqnnnzvvsmnn
mm. s.n.\ .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dun-nun! VII munc pm
[11] To stale hnefiy‘ n us me Law um m neanng an appeal ma
appsnaxe counwm mlrann from mterlarmg mn Ihe dsclsmn of me
lnal mun unless mere mu been an arm In sppmng the law or m
underslandmg or evaluating me lacis (see Ramam v.
Cumanumy G Anor (195411 LNS 237,- Eastern 4 Oriental
Hotel (1951; Sdn. aha. v. Ellulout Boarya Fcrnlndu (Anor
[mu] 2 cu 734 and Slvllirlylm P-rlnumy v. Ptnulmy 5
Anal [1955] 4 cu 545)
First Issu I n
[12] ll 15 me P\amlif1's contention that under dause 22 alme SPA me
IS an essenne and lhavsfma ms Plalnlm -s snmled lo terrmnale
ms SPA wnen me Dasnaann breached the SPA aller vamng |o
dehver me pmpeny to me Pkalnml by 1 72021 or at any dame
thereafler It was srguaa that by onemlon at sacnen 4o 01 me
Canlracts Act 1950 wnen a party In a mmraci wmch m ms case
I: |ha Defendant nas mused or «abuse mmssmnzm pervomung
us oonlvaclual obhgallons men me pvomlsee which m «ms case Is
m mnmxmmnnnzvvsmnn
mm. smm n-nhnrwm s. LAIQ4 m mm s. nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n wa mum pm
the Plamlvff can (amunate the SPA In suppon M ms argument
Course! refened to me decwslon m Hm Holdings Sun. and. v.
15500 Dwelopmem son. EM. 5 Anor[2a11] MLJLI 1441
[131 The Plamm furlher argues max Ihe nemuanra argument mac
lime was not an essanee 07 the SPA was not §pecIlIL::Hy meadad
by me Defendant m M: Svalemenl ml Defence and mm the
name: as pleaded al paragraphs 11 m 14 mm Defendant‘:
StaIemen(alDe1enoe was us that Ihe compneuon of me man
was delayed due to me Coma panama as an event :71 Iowa
maieurs. Remence was made nu ma daemon in Glql
Englnoonng 5. Conflruzllnn Sdn. and v, Ylp cm. sang 1.
Sons Sdn. mm. a Anor[2015] a MLJ 449.
[14] On the mar hand the Delendanl argues that the very ward: used
In secuon 22 M the SPA shows Ihat Mme \s only an essence wllh
regards to payment due lrum ms Plamlm as the buyer to me
Defendant as the Devalnpel and not VI any othev aspect a!‘ the
SPA Learned Cuunse\ sought to dlslmguwsh the words used m
secnnn 22 vflhe spa m this Appem and that war. was found m
clause 37 1 of me SPA nu ma: Holdings (supray Thus relying
m mnmxmmnnnzvvsmnn
mu sum n-nhnrwm be u... w may he nrW\nnU|Y mm: dun-mm vu mum v-vrm
on secllen 94 allne Ewdanoe Am 1955‘ 7| was also argued that
(I'll: coun rnual apply lne plaln language :3! me sonlraa
[151 ll us also the Dalanpanls oantannan max apart from the Plilll
language ol clause 22 av |he SPA me was never lnlendea lo be
an essence wlln respect In vaeam dellvery cl me properly slnce
lna SPA nad a pmylslon ol paynlenl uf LAD lpr late dehvery al
yacanl possosalorl plnsuanne elaues ls 3 Reference was made
lo we ueclslons In sedaya rlme squares sun. and. y. M
Concept Sun. and. [201] l MLJ 597,- Elm: cnay Lea and
athurs y. Primiel Pmpambs Pea LMIIWDI SLR (R; 484; and
Kunjun Malayala v. V-n-Coalkuoumn Sdn. an-1.12014]
1v MLJ 11:
[15] on lnelssue whelnarllma as an essence enne SPA was pleaded
ln the slalarnanl of Defence‘ counsel lcr me Delonuanl argued
lnal allnougn ll was nal specmsally pleaded‘ relaranea was made
In ma mane: generally ln plragraphs 19 and 2a allne slalernenl
cl Delerlee Tnua ll I! not correct In scale that me maner was not
pleaaep at all In any event II was submmed lnal lne Plalnllll was
no: caugm by surpnse by me lssue as evldenoe was lean and
m lnumxnuwqlmnzvvaamln
ma a.n.l Ia-vlharwm a. u... a may he nflnlnallly sun. dun-vlanl VII mum Wm!
pnmes had submmed on lhls xssue belnre the ma: mun
Rafafanoe was made la the daemon In superintendent of
Lands 5 Survtyl I0 Div) 5 Anor v. mmnoln Mlwsln 5 an
[1594] 3 MLJ 1055.
[17] Dealing firs! Wllh the Plaunlllfs avgumenl that urns not bemg an
essenoe ems sum was not pleaded mlhe Slatament M Delence,
this Court reteys to me Fedem cams deliberation on a smlar
pmnl in omenun Ruhy Bhd v. aungsu ~11: Holdings Sdn.
Blvd. 4! AnoI[2011] G MLJ ‘M where V! was he\d -
“[51] Now we are mtndfu/aim.-3 rationale survmmdmg pleeamgs
was we purpose bemnap/eeamgs »s so that me omer me rs not
taken by surpnss and Is gwen ms oppormmry to rem an
asssmnn or an allegalmn at me eamestpnssrb/e moment II‘ also
helps to narrow new the Issues to be med me rssus lhelslure
IS wnemer me amended delence has suifcrsnfly lard down the
defendants eseemon ma: Irma was 0/ me essence m me
perfumvancs oi me FDA
m mnmxmwqnnnzvvsemnn
we. we .. med m my e. mm-y em. dnuumnl VII mum v-mm
| 5,844 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
W-09-204-05/2022 | PERAYU GENNEVA SDN BHD RESPONDEN 1. ) Tan Poh Tiang @ Tan Poh Tin 2. ) Ting Sung Tiing | Criminal Law – Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 – Application by the Public Prosecutor under section 55 for a forfeiture order in respect as properties seized from the appellant and four others – Sessions Court issuing statutory notice under section 61 – Whether the third parties who responded to the statutory notice are entitled to have their claims adjudicated by the sessions court upon a dismissal of the prosecution’s forfeiture application – Whether the claims of the third parties are separate and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P SuppiahKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W-09-200-05/2022, W-09-201-05/2022,
W-09-202-05/2022, W-09-204-05/2022 & W-09-205-05/2022
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 370808-10-5437]
[In the Matter of High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Trial No: WA-42(Ors)-17-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-24-09/2021, WA-42(Ors)-25-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-27-09/2021 & WA-42(Ors)-29-09/2021
04/01/2024 12:22:45
W-09-204-05/2022 Kand. 70
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[1] The primary issue in these appeals concerns the rights of third
parties to adjudicate their claims under section 61 of the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism, Financing And Proceeds Of Unlawful
Activities Act, 2001 (“the Act”).
Background facts
[2] In 2019, the Public Prosecutor filed an application for a forfeiture
order under section 55 of the Act in respect of properties seized from the
appellant and four others. Thereupon, the sessions court issued the
statutory notice under section 61 of the Act by way of gazette calling upon
third parties who claimed an interest in the said properties to show cause
why the properties shall not be forfeited to the government.
[3] The respondents in these appeals are the third parties who
responded to the notice. Both the appellant and the respondents filed
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affidavits to contest the application.
[4] On 27 August 2021, the sessions court dismissed the forfeiture
application by the Public Prosecutor. The learned sessions judge went on
to hold that in view of the dismissal, section 61 does not empower her to
adjudicate the respondents claims. Dissatisfied, the prosecution and the
respondents lodged their respective appeals to the High Court against the
aforesaid decisions.
[5] On 29 April 2022, the High Court Judge (“the Judge”) having
considered the arguments found that the sessions judge had not decided
on the respondents claims and did not specify in her decisions whether
the said claims were allowed or dismissed.
[6] Consequently, in respect of the respondents appeals the High
a. exercised its revisionary powers under section 31 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964, and section 325 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to remit the respondents’ claims
to the sessions court for adjudication; and
b. dismissed the respondents appeals without prejudice to
their right to re-file an appeal against the sessions court
decision in respect of their claims.
[7] In respect of the prosecution’s appeal, the High Court stayed the
prosecution’s appeal until the respondent’s claims are adjudicated by the
sessions court.
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[8] On 11 May 2022, the appellant lodged the instant appeal against
the High Court decision to remit the respondents’ claims to the sessions
court for adjudication.
[9] It is the appellant’s contention that under section 61, the court is
required to adjudge the claims of third parties only if and when the
prosecution succeeds in its forfeiture application. It says that as the
prosecution’s forfeiture application in the instant case was dismissed by
the sessions judge, it was not incumbent upon the court to deal with the
respondents claims. It argues that the Judge consequently erred in
remitting the respondents claims to the sessions court for adjudication
when the prosecution failed to prove that the subject matter of the
forfeiture application are forfeitable properties.
[10] Conversely, the respondents contend that their claims are separate
and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. They say that
the opening words of s.61 makes it clear that the dismissal of the forfeiture
application does not take away or detract from their rights to have their
claims adjudicated by the sessions court.
Statutory Provisions
[11] Before we consider, the rival submissions before us, it is
convenient to set out the statutory provisions relevant to the appeal. They
are: -
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Section 55
“(1) Subject to section 61, in any prosecution for an offence under
subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence, the court shall make
and an order for the forfeiture of any property which is proved to be-
(a) The subject-matter or evidence relating to the
commission of such offence;
(b) Terrorist property;
(c) The proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) The instrumentalities of an offence,
(aa) the offence is proved against the accused; or
(bb) the offence is not proved against the accused but the
court is satisfied that-
(i) The accused is not the true and lawful owner of such
property; and
(ii) No other person is entitled to the property as a
purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration.
(2) Where the offence is proved against the accused but the
property referred to in subsection (1) has been disposed of, diminished
in value or cannot be traced, the court shall order the accused to pay as
a penalty a sum which is equivalent to, in the opinion of the court, the
value of the property, and any such penalty shall be recoverable as a
civil debt due to the Government of Malaysia and shall not be subject to
any period of limitation prescribed by any written law.
(3) In determining whether the property is-
(a) the subject-matter or evidence relating to the commission
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of an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence;
(b) terrorist property;
(c) the proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) the instrumentalities of an offence,
The court shall apply the standard of proof required in civil proceedings.
Section 61
(1) The provisions in this Part shall apply without prejudice to the
rights of bona fide third parties.
(2) The court making the order of forfeiture under subsection 28L
(1) or section 55 or the judge to whom an application is made under
subsection 28L (2) or 56(1) shall cause to be published a notice in the
Gazette calling upon any third party who claims to have any interest in
the property to attend before the court on the date specified in the notice
to show cause as to why the property shall not be forfeited.
(3) A third party’s lack of good faith may be inferred, by the court or
an enforcement agency, from the objective circumstances of the case.
(4) The court or enforcement agency shall return the property to the
claimant when it is satisfied that -
(a) the claimant has a legitimate legal interest in the
(b) no participation, collusion or involvement with respect to
the offence under subsection 4(1) or Part IVA or a
terrorism financing offence which is the object of the
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proceedings can be imputed to the claimant;
(c) the claimant lacked knowledge and was not intentionally
ignorant of the illegal use of the property, or if he had
knowledge, did not freely consent to its illegal use;
(d) the claimant did not acquire any right in the property
from a person proceeded against under circumstances
that give rise to a reasonable inference that any right
was transferred for the purpose of avoiding the eventual
subsequent forfeiture of the property; and
(e) the claimant did all that could reasonably be expected to
prevent the illegal use of the property.
Whether third parties’ claims can be adjudicated under s.61 before a
forfeiture order is made
[12] This is not the first time that this question has been raised in the
Malaysian courts. It has come under the scrutiny of the court in several
cases. In Thong Kian Oon & Ors v [2012] 8 CLJ 119, Ghazali Cha J
“Based on the evidence adduced by learned DPP, I am of the opinion
that the evidence adduced is insufficient to satisfy me that the
properties are the subject matter of or was used in the commission of
an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act. As such the application for the
forfeiture order against all the respondents are dismissed. As such,
notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section 61 only comes into
play when the court makes the order of forfeiture under s. 56 of the Act.
Therefore, the application for forfeiture is dismissed and all the
properties must be released immediately to the respondents
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[13] In PP v Mohd Bakri Samsu & Anor [2016] 5 CLJ 824,’Noorin
Badaruddin J opined the same view:
“In the upshot, based on the affidavits and exhibits, this court found that
the applicant failed to establish on balance of probabilities that the
properties seized from the respondents were the subject matter of or
was used in the commission of an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act.
As such the application for the forfeiture order was denied.
Consequently, the notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section
61 only comes into play when the court makes the order of forfeiture
under s. 56 of the Act.”
[14] Thereafter, in Azmi bin Osman v Public Prosecutor and
another appeal [2016] 3 MLJ 98, this Court on the same issue explained
as follows;
“We agree with the learned SCJ that the prosecution had proven on the
balance of probability that the properties in question are proceeds of an
unlawful activity which constitutes the subject matter of the offence. As
the SCJ was the court making the order of forfeiture under s 55 at the
end of a prosecution that had resulted in a conviction of the accused, it
was incumbent upon the SCJ to issue the third party notice under s
61 of the AMLATFA before any final order on forfeiture can be made in
respect the said properties. We are in agree with the learned SCJ that
the evidence led in this case would necessitate the giving of the notice
to third parties by way of publication in the gazette who may then stake
their claims by proving themselves to be bona fide owners of the seized
monies, in which case the monies shall be returned to them. But if they
fail to prove that they are entitled to the seized properties, then the
monies shall be ordered to be forfeited to government revenue.... We
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agree with learned deputy that a forfeiture order is subject to giving prior
notice to third parties as is clearly borne out in the wordings to s 55(1) of
the AMLATFA itself. Indeed, in this case, no forfeiture order had been
made by the learned SCJ and there is basis for her to issue the
statutory notice in order to facilitate the process pertaining to the
eventual forfeiture of the seized properties which are the subject-matter
of the offence before her. We therefore see no merit in the complaint of
the accused person in regard to the issue of the notice under s 61 of
the AMLATFA. On account of the above, the appeal by the accused
person against the order on the s 61 notice under AMLATFA is
(emphasis added)
[15] However, in PP v Taiko Fertiliser& Yang Lain [2019] 4 CLJ 480,
this Court expressed a different view on the issue. There, the ('the
prosecution') sought two orders, the first to publish a notice in the Gazette
to call upon any third parties who claimed to have any interest in the
seized moveable properties to appear before the court to show cause; and
the second, the forfeiture of the moveable properties. The High Court only
dealt with the forfeiture application and dismissed it. It did not deal with
the prayer for an order to publish a notice in the Gazette. The prosecution
[16] The prosecution submitted that the trial judge should not have
heard the forfeiture application without first ordering for the notice in
the Gazette to be published as mandated by s. 61(2) of the Act. The
respondents argued that before the mechanism under s. 61(2) of the Act
could be generated, the trial judge must first decide whether the
prosecution's application for a forfeiture order under s. 56(1) of the
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Act bore any merits. In other words, the trial judge must first issue an
order of forfeiture before the procedure under s. 61(2) of the Act could
be exercised. The Court of Appeal rejected the respondent’s submission
and explained:
“Kami bersetuju dengan penghujahan TPR bahawa hanya satu isu
sahaja yang harus kami tentukan dalam rayuan ini iaitu sama ada
hakim bicara dikehendaki di bawah s.61(2) untuk
mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu permohonan untuk disiarkan
satu notis dalam Warta sebelum mempertimbangkan sama ada
harta-harta yang disenaraikan dalam notis usul berkenaan wajar
dilucut hak atau tidak di bawah s. 56, AMLATFPUA 2001.
Harus juga dicatatkan bahawa ungkapan "subject to s. 61 " di
bawah s. 56(1) itu merujuk s. 61 secara keseluruhan dan bukan
sekadar s. 61(2) sahaja. Berdasarkan kes Chandavarkar Sita
Ratna Rao, supra, keseluruhan peruntukan s. 61 khususnya s.
61(2) hendaklah diberikan keutamaan terlebih dahulu. Keabsahan
(validity) takrifan ini diperkukuhkan dengan penggunaan ungkapan
"... the judge to whom an application is made under... s. 56(1) shall
cause to be published a notice in the Gazette..." dalam s. 61(2) itu
sendiri. Dalam hal ini, kami bersetuju dengan hujahan TPR bahawa
dengan penggunaan perkataan "shall" dalam s. 61(2) itu
menjadikannya satu kehendak yang wajib diikuti sebelum sesuatu
perintah pelucuthakkan di bawah s.56 dibuat oleh hakim.”
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[17] Lastly, in the Federal Court case of Tetuan Wan Shahrizal, Hari
& Co v Public Prosecutor [2023] 4 MLJ 1, Mary Lim FCJ observed:
“In considering whether or not to grant the order of forfeiture, the High
Court is mandatorily obliged under s 61(1) to cause to be published a
notice in the Gazette ‘calling upon any third party who claims to have
any interest in the property to attend before the Court on the date
specified in the notice to show cause as to why the property shall not be
forfeited’. This is regardless whether there is prosecution for an offence
under the Act – see ss 55(1) and 56(1).
However, it must not be over looked that the forfeiture proceedings are
principally between the PP and the accused, Amar, as s 61 is only
engaged where there are third parties laying some claim or interest in
the properties seized. If there are none, the proceedings will proceed
only between these two key players. This position must be properly
appreciated because it appears to have been overlooked simply
because the two applications, by PP and by the third parties, were heard
together. Hence, in the proceedings at the High Court, affidavits were
filed by Amar in protest of the forfeiture orders sought by the PP.
I pause here to make this observation. As pointed out a moment ago,
the PP must satisfy the High Court that the property is of any of the
character or nature prescribed in s 56(1)(a) to (d). It is only upon
satisfying the High Court that the property is liable to be forfeited and
thereafter, the High Court deals with the rights or interests of any third
parties. As held in Public Prosecutor v Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Ors, s
56 does not absolve the PP from proving on a balance of probabilities
that the properties seized come under the purview of the Act and were
procured or are the proceeds of an unlawful or illegal activity. The PP
must prove on a balance of probabilities that the properties seized were
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procured in connection with the commission of the predicate offence or
are of the character for which the order for seizure was issued. See
also Public Prosecutor v Billion Nova Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] MLJU
1823; [2016] 2 CLJ 763; [2016] AMEJ 0162.”
(emphasis added)
[18] The foregoing cases exemplify that no order for forfeiture can be
made until the claims of third parties to the seized properties is heard, and
to establish its rights to forfeiture, the prosecution must, first, prove that
the properties it seeks to forfeit are forfeitable properties, namely, that they
are the subject matter or evidence relating to the commission of the
offence under s.4 (1) of the Act.
[19] It is only upon the prosecution establishing that the seized
properties are forfeitable properties, that the court enters a preliminary
forfeiture order. And, it is only upon the making of the preliminary forfeiture
order is the court required to publish the requisite notice in the Gazette
under s.61 (2) of the Act to commence the ancillary proceedings to
determine the rights of the third parties to the forfeited properties. This
stands to reason as it cannot be gainsaid that it would be an absolute
waste of judicial time if the forfeiture application and the claims of the
third parties are heard simultaneously and, at the conclusion of the
proceedings it is found that the properties are not forfeitable properties.
[20] It bears mention that the government does not have a clear title to
the property until the ancillary proceedings under s.61 is concluded. It is
only upon the adjudication of the third parties claims, that the preliminary
forfeiture order can be made final.
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[21] For the reasons given, we are unable to share the judge’s view that
the sessions court ought to have proceeded with the ancillary proceedings
in respect of the respondents claims on dismissing the forfeiture
application. The learned judge erred in holding that the ancillary
proceedings under section 61 is separate and independent from the
forfeiture application. The mechanics of the ancillary proceedings must
follow the procedure laid down in sections 55,56 and 61 of the Act.
[22] We therefore allow the appeal and set aside the order of the High
Court to remit the respondents claims to the sessions court and reinstate
the respondents appeals. We further direct that the High Court first hears
the prosecution’s appeal against the dismissal of its forfeiture application
by the sessions judge. If the said appeal is dismissed and the decision of
the Sessions Court if affirmed, it would follow that the respondents/Third
Party Claimants’ appeals would fail without prejudice to the
respondents/Third Party Claimants’ rights to institute separate civil
proceedings against the appellant in respect of their respective legal rights
to the properties in question. However, if the appeal is allowed, then the
respondents claims would be remitted to the sessions judge for
adjudication in accordance to the provisions of the Act.
Dated: 4 January 2024
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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Counsel/ Solicitors
For the Appellant:
Gooi Soon Seng
Choong Kak Sen & Belinda Low Siet Yan (with him)
[Messrs Gooi & Azura & Associate]
For the Respondent:
Nik Azila Shuhada
Tong Wei Hang & Ong Tze Xian (with her)
(Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co.)
Segeram Mathagan
[Messrs. S. Mathavan & Nur Hafizah]
Navinderan Subramaniam
Komal Vijay Sheth
[Messrs. Preakas & Partners]
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| 27,433 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-09-202-05/2022 | PERAYU GENNEVA SDN BHD RESPONDEN CHIN WOON HEE | Criminal Law – Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 – Application by the Public Prosecutor under section 55 for a forfeiture order in respect as properties seized from the appellant and four others – Sessions Court issuing statutory notice under section 61 – Whether the third parties who responded to the statutory notice are entitled to have their claims adjudicated by the sessions court upon a dismissal of the prosecution’s forfeiture application – Whether the claims of the third parties are separate and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P SuppiahKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W-09-200-05/2022, W-09-201-05/2022,
W-09-202-05/2022, W-09-204-05/2022 & W-09-205-05/2022
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 370808-10-5437]
[In the Matter of High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Trial No: WA-42(Ors)-17-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-24-09/2021, WA-42(Ors)-25-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-27-09/2021 & WA-42(Ors)-29-09/2021
04/01/2024 12:19:44
W-09-202-05/2022 Kand. 63
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[1] The primary issue in these appeals concerns the rights of third
parties to adjudicate their claims under section 61 of the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism, Financing And Proceeds Of Unlawful
Activities Act, 2001 (“the Act”).
Background facts
[2] In 2019, the Public Prosecutor filed an application for a forfeiture
order under section 55 of the Act in respect of properties seized from the
appellant and four others. Thereupon, the sessions court issued the
statutory notice under section 61 of the Act by way of gazette calling upon
third parties who claimed an interest in the said properties to show cause
why the properties shall not be forfeited to the government.
[3] The respondents in these appeals are the third parties who
responded to the notice. Both the appellant and the respondents filed
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affidavits to contest the application.
[4] On 27 August 2021, the sessions court dismissed the forfeiture
application by the Public Prosecutor. The learned sessions judge went on
to hold that in view of the dismissal, section 61 does not empower her to
adjudicate the respondents claims. Dissatisfied, the prosecution and the
respondents lodged their respective appeals to the High Court against the
aforesaid decisions.
[5] On 29 April 2022, the High Court Judge (“the Judge”) having
considered the arguments found that the sessions judge had not decided
on the respondents claims and did not specify in her decisions whether
the said claims were allowed or dismissed.
[6] Consequently, in respect of the respondents appeals the High
a. exercised its revisionary powers under section 31 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964, and section 325 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to remit the respondents’ claims
to the sessions court for adjudication; and
b. dismissed the respondents appeals without prejudice to
their right to re-file an appeal against the sessions court
decision in respect of their claims.
[7] In respect of the prosecution’s appeal, the High Court stayed the
prosecution’s appeal until the respondent’s claims are adjudicated by the
sessions court.
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[8] On 11 May 2022, the appellant lodged the instant appeal against
the High Court decision to remit the respondents’ claims to the sessions
court for adjudication.
[9] It is the appellant’s contention that under section 61, the court is
required to adjudge the claims of third parties only if and when the
prosecution succeeds in its forfeiture application. It says that as the
prosecution’s forfeiture application in the instant case was dismissed by
the sessions judge, it was not incumbent upon the court to deal with the
respondents claims. It argues that the Judge consequently erred in
remitting the respondents claims to the sessions court for adjudication
when the prosecution failed to prove that the subject matter of the
forfeiture application are forfeitable properties.
[10] Conversely, the respondents contend that their claims are separate
and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. They say that
the opening words of s.61 makes it clear that the dismissal of the forfeiture
application does not take away or detract from their rights to have their
claims adjudicated by the sessions court.
Statutory Provisions
[11] Before we consider, the rival submissions before us, it is
convenient to set out the statutory provisions relevant to the appeal. They
are: -
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Section 55
“(1) Subject to section 61, in any prosecution for an offence under
subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence, the court shall make
and an order for the forfeiture of any property which is proved to be-
(a) The subject-matter or evidence relating to the
commission of such offence;
(b) Terrorist property;
(c) The proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) The instrumentalities of an offence,
(aa) the offence is proved against the accused; or
(bb) the offence is not proved against the accused but the
court is satisfied that-
(i) The accused is not the true and lawful owner of such
property; and
(ii) No other person is entitled to the property as a
purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration.
(2) Where the offence is proved against the accused but the
property referred to in subsection (1) has been disposed of, diminished
in value or cannot be traced, the court shall order the accused to pay as
a penalty a sum which is equivalent to, in the opinion of the court, the
value of the property, and any such penalty shall be recoverable as a
civil debt due to the Government of Malaysia and shall not be subject to
any period of limitation prescribed by any written law.
(3) In determining whether the property is-
(a) the subject-matter or evidence relating to the commission
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of an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence;
(b) terrorist property;
(c) the proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) the instrumentalities of an offence,
The court shall apply the standard of proof required in civil proceedings.
Section 61
(1) The provisions in this Part shall apply without prejudice to the
rights of bona fide third parties.
(2) The court making the order of forfeiture under subsection 28L
(1) or section 55 or the judge to whom an application is made under
subsection 28L (2) or 56(1) shall cause to be published a notice in the
Gazette calling upon any third party who claims to have any interest in
the property to attend before the court on the date specified in the notice
to show cause as to why the property shall not be forfeited.
(3) A third party’s lack of good faith may be inferred, by the court or
an enforcement agency, from the objective circumstances of the case.
(4) The court or enforcement agency shall return the property to the
claimant when it is satisfied that -
(a) the claimant has a legitimate legal interest in the
(b) no participation, collusion or involvement with respect to
the offence under subsection 4(1) or Part IVA or a
terrorism financing offence which is the object of the
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proceedings can be imputed to the claimant;
(c) the claimant lacked knowledge and was not intentionally
ignorant of the illegal use of the property, or if he had
knowledge, did not freely consent to its illegal use;
(d) the claimant did not acquire any right in the property
from a person proceeded against under circumstances
that give rise to a reasonable inference that any right
was transferred for the purpose of avoiding the eventual
subsequent forfeiture of the property; and
(e) the claimant did all that could reasonably be expected to
prevent the illegal use of the property.
Whether third parties’ claims can be adjudicated under s.61 before a
forfeiture order is made
[12] This is not the first time that this question has been raised in the
Malaysian courts. It has come under the scrutiny of the court in several
cases. In Thong Kian Oon & Ors v [2012] 8 CLJ 119, Ghazali Cha J
“Based on the evidence adduced by learned DPP, I am of the opinion
that the evidence adduced is insufficient to satisfy me that the
properties are the subject matter of or was used in the commission of
an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act. As such the application for the
forfeiture order against all the respondents are dismissed. As such,
notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section 61 only comes into
play when the court makes the order of forfeiture under s. 56 of the Act.
Therefore, the application for forfeiture is dismissed and all the
properties must be released immediately to the respondents
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[13] In PP v Mohd Bakri Samsu & Anor [2016] 5 CLJ 824,’Noorin
Badaruddin J opined the same view:
“In the upshot, based on the affidavits and exhibits, this court found that
the applicant failed to establish on balance of probabilities that the
properties seized from the respondents were the subject matter of or
was used in the commission of an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act.
As such the application for the forfeiture order was denied.
Consequently, the notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section
61 only comes into play when the court makes the order of forfeiture
under s. 56 of the Act.”
[14] Thereafter, in Azmi bin Osman v Public Prosecutor and
another appeal [2016] 3 MLJ 98, this Court on the same issue explained
as follows;
“We agree with the learned SCJ that the prosecution had proven on the
balance of probability that the properties in question are proceeds of an
unlawful activity which constitutes the subject matter of the offence. As
the SCJ was the court making the order of forfeiture under s 55 at the
end of a prosecution that had resulted in a conviction of the accused, it
was incumbent upon the SCJ to issue the third party notice under s
61 of the AMLATFA before any final order on forfeiture can be made in
respect the said properties. We are in agree with the learned SCJ that
the evidence led in this case would necessitate the giving of the notice
to third parties by way of publication in the gazette who may then stake
their claims by proving themselves to be bona fide owners of the seized
monies, in which case the monies shall be returned to them. But if they
fail to prove that they are entitled to the seized properties, then the
monies shall be ordered to be forfeited to government revenue.... We
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agree with learned deputy that a forfeiture order is subject to giving prior
notice to third parties as is clearly borne out in the wordings to s 55(1) of
the AMLATFA itself. Indeed, in this case, no forfeiture order had been
made by the learned SCJ and there is basis for her to issue the
statutory notice in order to facilitate the process pertaining to the
eventual forfeiture of the seized properties which are the subject-matter
of the offence before her. We therefore see no merit in the complaint of
the accused person in regard to the issue of the notice under s 61 of
the AMLATFA. On account of the above, the appeal by the accused
person against the order on the s 61 notice under AMLATFA is
(emphasis added)
[15] However, in PP v Taiko Fertiliser& Yang Lain [2019] 4 CLJ 480,
this Court expressed a different view on the issue. There, the ('the
prosecution') sought two orders, the first to publish a notice in the Gazette
to call upon any third parties who claimed to have any interest in the
seized moveable properties to appear before the court to show cause; and
the second, the forfeiture of the moveable properties. The High Court only
dealt with the forfeiture application and dismissed it. It did not deal with
the prayer for an order to publish a notice in the Gazette. The prosecution
[16] The prosecution submitted that the trial judge should not have
heard the forfeiture application without first ordering for the notice in
the Gazette to be published as mandated by s. 61(2) of the Act. The
respondents argued that before the mechanism under s. 61(2) of the Act
could be generated, the trial judge must first decide whether the
prosecution's application for a forfeiture order under s. 56(1) of the
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Act bore any merits. In other words, the trial judge must first issue an
order of forfeiture before the procedure under s. 61(2) of the Act could
be exercised. The Court of Appeal rejected the respondent’s submission
and explained:
“Kami bersetuju dengan penghujahan TPR bahawa hanya satu isu
sahaja yang harus kami tentukan dalam rayuan ini iaitu sama ada
hakim bicara dikehendaki di bawah s.61(2) untuk
mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu permohonan untuk disiarkan
satu notis dalam Warta sebelum mempertimbangkan sama ada
harta-harta yang disenaraikan dalam notis usul berkenaan wajar
dilucut hak atau tidak di bawah s. 56, AMLATFPUA 2001.
Harus juga dicatatkan bahawa ungkapan "subject to s. 61 " di
bawah s. 56(1) itu merujuk s. 61 secara keseluruhan dan bukan
sekadar s. 61(2) sahaja. Berdasarkan kes Chandavarkar Sita
Ratna Rao, supra, keseluruhan peruntukan s. 61 khususnya s.
61(2) hendaklah diberikan keutamaan terlebih dahulu. Keabsahan
(validity) takrifan ini diperkukuhkan dengan penggunaan ungkapan
"... the judge to whom an application is made under... s. 56(1) shall
cause to be published a notice in the Gazette..." dalam s. 61(2) itu
sendiri. Dalam hal ini, kami bersetuju dengan hujahan TPR bahawa
dengan penggunaan perkataan "shall" dalam s. 61(2) itu
menjadikannya satu kehendak yang wajib diikuti sebelum sesuatu
perintah pelucuthakkan di bawah s.56 dibuat oleh hakim.”
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[17] Lastly, in the Federal Court case of Tetuan Wan Shahrizal, Hari
& Co v Public Prosecutor [2023] 4 MLJ 1, Mary Lim FCJ observed:
“In considering whether or not to grant the order of forfeiture, the High
Court is mandatorily obliged under s 61(1) to cause to be published a
notice in the Gazette ‘calling upon any third party who claims to have
any interest in the property to attend before the Court on the date
specified in the notice to show cause as to why the property shall not be
forfeited’. This is regardless whether there is prosecution for an offence
under the Act – see ss 55(1) and 56(1).
However, it must not be over looked that the forfeiture proceedings are
principally between the PP and the accused, Amar, as s 61 is only
engaged where there are third parties laying some claim or interest in
the properties seized. If there are none, the proceedings will proceed
only between these two key players. This position must be properly
appreciated because it appears to have been overlooked simply
because the two applications, by PP and by the third parties, were heard
together. Hence, in the proceedings at the High Court, affidavits were
filed by Amar in protest of the forfeiture orders sought by the PP.
I pause here to make this observation. As pointed out a moment ago,
the PP must satisfy the High Court that the property is of any of the
character or nature prescribed in s 56(1)(a) to (d). It is only upon
satisfying the High Court that the property is liable to be forfeited and
thereafter, the High Court deals with the rights or interests of any third
parties. As held in Public Prosecutor v Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Ors, s
56 does not absolve the PP from proving on a balance of probabilities
that the properties seized come under the purview of the Act and were
procured or are the proceeds of an unlawful or illegal activity. The PP
must prove on a balance of probabilities that the properties seized were
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procured in connection with the commission of the predicate offence or
are of the character for which the order for seizure was issued. See
also Public Prosecutor v Billion Nova Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] MLJU
1823; [2016] 2 CLJ 763; [2016] AMEJ 0162.”
(emphasis added)
[18] The foregoing cases exemplify that no order for forfeiture can be
made until the claims of third parties to the seized properties is heard, and
to establish its rights to forfeiture, the prosecution must, first, prove that
the properties it seeks to forfeit are forfeitable properties, namely, that they
are the subject matter or evidence relating to the commission of the
offence under s.4 (1) of the Act.
[19] It is only upon the prosecution establishing that the seized
properties are forfeitable properties, that the court enters a preliminary
forfeiture order. And, it is only upon the making of the preliminary forfeiture
order is the court required to publish the requisite notice in the Gazette
under s.61 (2) of the Act to commence the ancillary proceedings to
determine the rights of the third parties to the forfeited properties. This
stands to reason as it cannot be gainsaid that it would be an absolute
waste of judicial time if the forfeiture application and the claims of the
third parties are heard simultaneously and, at the conclusion of the
proceedings it is found that the properties are not forfeitable properties.
[20] It bears mention that the government does not have a clear title to
the property until the ancillary proceedings under s.61 is concluded. It is
only upon the adjudication of the third parties claims, that the preliminary
forfeiture order can be made final.
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[21] For the reasons given, we are unable to share the judge’s view that
the sessions court ought to have proceeded with the ancillary proceedings
in respect of the respondents claims on dismissing the forfeiture
application. The learned judge erred in holding that the ancillary
proceedings under section 61 is separate and independent from the
forfeiture application. The mechanics of the ancillary proceedings must
follow the procedure laid down in sections 55,56 and 61 of the Act.
[22] We therefore allow the appeal and set aside the order of the High
Court to remit the respondents claims to the sessions court and reinstate
the respondents appeals. We further direct that the High Court first hears
the prosecution’s appeal against the dismissal of its forfeiture application
by the sessions judge. If the said appeal is dismissed and the decision of
the Sessions Court if affirmed, it would follow that the respondents/Third
Party Claimants’ appeals would fail without prejudice to the
respondents/Third Party Claimants’ rights to institute separate civil
proceedings against the appellant in respect of their respective legal rights
to the properties in question. However, if the appeal is allowed, then the
respondents claims would be remitted to the sessions judge for
adjudication in accordance to the provisions of the Act.
Dated: 4 January 2024
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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Counsel/ Solicitors
For the Appellant:
Gooi Soon Seng
Choong Kak Sen & Belinda Low Siet Yan (with him)
[Messrs Gooi & Azura & Associate]
For the Respondent:
Nik Azila Shuhada
Tong Wei Hang & Ong Tze Xian (with her)
(Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co.)
Segeram Mathagan
[Messrs. S. Mathavan & Nur Hafizah]
Navinderan Subramaniam
Komal Vijay Sheth
[Messrs. Preakas & Partners]
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| 27,414 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-09-201-05/2022 | PERAYU GENNEVA SDN BHD RESPONDEN YEAP SWAN KIM @ YEAP GAIK IMM | Criminal Law – Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 – Application by the Public Prosecutor under section 55 for a forfeiture order in respect as properties seized from the appellant and four others – Sessions Court issuing statutory notice under section 61 – Whether the third parties who responded to the statutory notice are entitled to have their claims adjudicated by the sessions court upon a dismissal of the prosecution’s forfeiture application – Whether the claims of the third parties are separate and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P SuppiahKorumYA Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin MeeraYA Dato' Ahmad Zaidi Bin IbrahimYA Dato' S.M. Komathy A/P Suppiah | |
CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: W-09-200-05/2022, W-09-201-05/2022,
W-09-202-05/2022, W-09-204-05/2022 & W-09-205-05/2022
[NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 370808-10-5437]
[In the Matter of High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Criminal Trial No: WA-42(Ors)-17-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-24-09/2021, WA-42(Ors)-25-09/2021,
WA-42(Ors)-27-09/2021 & WA-42(Ors)-29-09/2021
04/01/2024 12:13:27
W-09-201-05/2022 Kand. 61
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[1] The primary issue in these appeals concerns the rights of third
parties to adjudicate their claims under section 61 of the Anti-Money
Laundering, Anti-Terrorism, Financing And Proceeds Of Unlawful
Activities Act, 2001 (“the Act”).
Background facts
[2] In 2019, the Public Prosecutor filed an application for a forfeiture
order under section 55 of the Act in respect of properties seized from the
appellant and four others. Thereupon, the sessions court issued the
statutory notice under section 61 of the Act by way of gazette calling upon
third parties who claimed an interest in the said properties to show cause
why the properties shall not be forfeited to the government.
[3] The respondents in these appeals are the third parties who
responded to the notice. Both the appellant and the respondents filed
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affidavits to contest the application.
[4] On 27 August 2021, the sessions court dismissed the forfeiture
application by the Public Prosecutor. The learned sessions judge went on
to hold that in view of the dismissal, section 61 does not empower her to
adjudicate the respondents claims. Dissatisfied, the prosecution and the
respondents lodged their respective appeals to the High Court against the
aforesaid decisions.
[5] On 29 April 2022, the High Court Judge (“the Judge”) having
considered the arguments found that the sessions judge had not decided
on the respondents claims and did not specify in her decisions whether
the said claims were allowed or dismissed.
[6] Consequently, in respect of the respondents appeals the High
a. exercised its revisionary powers under section 31 of the
Courts of Judicature Act 1964, and section 325 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to remit the respondents’ claims
to the sessions court for adjudication; and
b. dismissed the respondents appeals without prejudice to
their right to re-file an appeal against the sessions court
decision in respect of their claims.
[7] In respect of the prosecution’s appeal, the High Court stayed the
prosecution’s appeal until the respondent’s claims are adjudicated by the
sessions court.
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[8] On 11 May 2022, the appellant lodged the instant appeal against
the High Court decision to remit the respondents’ claims to the sessions
court for adjudication.
[9] It is the appellant’s contention that under section 61, the court is
required to adjudge the claims of third parties only if and when the
prosecution succeeds in its forfeiture application. It says that as the
prosecution’s forfeiture application in the instant case was dismissed by
the sessions judge, it was not incumbent upon the court to deal with the
respondents claims. It argues that the Judge consequently erred in
remitting the respondents claims to the sessions court for adjudication
when the prosecution failed to prove that the subject matter of the
forfeiture application are forfeitable properties.
[10] Conversely, the respondents contend that their claims are separate
and independent of the prosecution’s forfeiture application. They say that
the opening words of s.61 makes it clear that the dismissal of the forfeiture
application does not take away or detract from their rights to have their
claims adjudicated by the sessions court.
Statutory Provisions
[11] Before we consider, the rival submissions before us, it is
convenient to set out the statutory provisions relevant to the appeal. They
are: -
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Section 55
“(1) Subject to section 61, in any prosecution for an offence under
subsection 4(1) or a terrorism financing offence, the court shall make
and an order for the forfeiture of any property which is proved to be-
(a) The subject-matter or evidence relating to the
commission of such offence;
(b) Terrorist property;
(c) The proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) The instrumentalities of an offence,
(aa) the offence is proved against the accused; or
(bb) the offence is not proved against the accused but the
court is satisfied that-
(i) The accused is not the true and lawful owner of such
property; and
(ii) No other person is entitled to the property as a
purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration.
(2) Where the offence is proved against the accused but the
property referred to in subsection (1) has been disposed of, diminished
in value or cannot be traced, the court shall order the accused to pay as
a penalty a sum which is equivalent to, in the opinion of the court, the
value of the property, and any such penalty shall be recoverable as a
civil debt due to the Government of Malaysia and shall not be subject to
any period of limitation prescribed by any written law.
(3) In determining whether the property is-
(a) the subject-matter or evidence relating to the commission
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of an offence under subsection 4(1) or a terrorism
financing offence;
(b) terrorist property;
(c) the proceeds of an unlawful activity; or
(d) the instrumentalities of an offence,
The court shall apply the standard of proof required in civil proceedings.
Section 61
(1) The provisions in this Part shall apply without prejudice to the
rights of bona fide third parties.
(2) The court making the order of forfeiture under subsection 28L
(1) or section 55 or the judge to whom an application is made under
subsection 28L (2) or 56(1) shall cause to be published a notice in the
Gazette calling upon any third party who claims to have any interest in
the property to attend before the court on the date specified in the notice
to show cause as to why the property shall not be forfeited.
(3) A third party’s lack of good faith may be inferred, by the court or
an enforcement agency, from the objective circumstances of the case.
(4) The court or enforcement agency shall return the property to the
claimant when it is satisfied that -
(a) the claimant has a legitimate legal interest in the
(b) no participation, collusion or involvement with respect to
the offence under subsection 4(1) or Part IVA or a
terrorism financing offence which is the object of the
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proceedings can be imputed to the claimant;
(c) the claimant lacked knowledge and was not intentionally
ignorant of the illegal use of the property, or if he had
knowledge, did not freely consent to its illegal use;
(d) the claimant did not acquire any right in the property
from a person proceeded against under circumstances
that give rise to a reasonable inference that any right
was transferred for the purpose of avoiding the eventual
subsequent forfeiture of the property; and
(e) the claimant did all that could reasonably be expected to
prevent the illegal use of the property.
Whether third parties’ claims can be adjudicated under s.61 before a
forfeiture order is made
[12] This is not the first time that this question has been raised in the
Malaysian courts. It has come under the scrutiny of the court in several
cases. In Thong Kian Oon & Ors v [2012] 8 CLJ 119, Ghazali Cha J
“Based on the evidence adduced by learned DPP, I am of the opinion
that the evidence adduced is insufficient to satisfy me that the
properties are the subject matter of or was used in the commission of
an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act. As such the application for the
forfeiture order against all the respondents are dismissed. As such,
notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section 61 only comes into
play when the court makes the order of forfeiture under s. 56 of the Act.
Therefore, the application for forfeiture is dismissed and all the
properties must be released immediately to the respondents
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[13] In PP v Mohd Bakri Samsu & Anor [2016] 5 CLJ 824,’Noorin
Badaruddin J opined the same view:
“In the upshot, based on the affidavits and exhibits, this court found that
the applicant failed to establish on balance of probabilities that the
properties seized from the respondents were the subject matter of or
was used in the commission of an offence under sub-s. 4(1) of the Act.
As such the application for the forfeiture order was denied.
Consequently, the notice under s. 61 of the Act is premature. Section
61 only comes into play when the court makes the order of forfeiture
under s. 56 of the Act.”
[14] Thereafter, in Azmi bin Osman v Public Prosecutor and
another appeal [2016] 3 MLJ 98, this Court on the same issue explained
as follows;
“We agree with the learned SCJ that the prosecution had proven on the
balance of probability that the properties in question are proceeds of an
unlawful activity which constitutes the subject matter of the offence. As
the SCJ was the court making the order of forfeiture under s 55 at the
end of a prosecution that had resulted in a conviction of the accused, it
was incumbent upon the SCJ to issue the third party notice under s
61 of the AMLATFA before any final order on forfeiture can be made in
respect the said properties. We are in agree with the learned SCJ that
the evidence led in this case would necessitate the giving of the notice
to third parties by way of publication in the gazette who may then stake
their claims by proving themselves to be bona fide owners of the seized
monies, in which case the monies shall be returned to them. But if they
fail to prove that they are entitled to the seized properties, then the
monies shall be ordered to be forfeited to government revenue.... We
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agree with learned deputy that a forfeiture order is subject to giving prior
notice to third parties as is clearly borne out in the wordings to s 55(1) of
the AMLATFA itself. Indeed, in this case, no forfeiture order had been
made by the learned SCJ and there is basis for her to issue the
statutory notice in order to facilitate the process pertaining to the
eventual forfeiture of the seized properties which are the subject-matter
of the offence before her. We therefore see no merit in the complaint of
the accused person in regard to the issue of the notice under s 61 of
the AMLATFA. On account of the above, the appeal by the accused
person against the order on the s 61 notice under AMLATFA is
(emphasis added)
[15] However, in PP v Taiko Fertiliser& Yang Lain [2019] 4 CLJ 480,
this Court expressed a different view on the issue. There, the ('the
prosecution') sought two orders, the first to publish a notice in the Gazette
to call upon any third parties who claimed to have any interest in the
seized moveable properties to appear before the court to show cause; and
the second, the forfeiture of the moveable properties. The High Court only
dealt with the forfeiture application and dismissed it. It did not deal with
the prayer for an order to publish a notice in the Gazette. The prosecution
[16] The prosecution submitted that the trial judge should not have
heard the forfeiture application without first ordering for the notice in
the Gazette to be published as mandated by s. 61(2) of the Act. The
respondents argued that before the mechanism under s. 61(2) of the Act
could be generated, the trial judge must first decide whether the
prosecution's application for a forfeiture order under s. 56(1) of the
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Act bore any merits. In other words, the trial judge must first issue an
order of forfeiture before the procedure under s. 61(2) of the Act could
be exercised. The Court of Appeal rejected the respondent’s submission
and explained:
“Kami bersetuju dengan penghujahan TPR bahawa hanya satu isu
sahaja yang harus kami tentukan dalam rayuan ini iaitu sama ada
hakim bicara dikehendaki di bawah s.61(2) untuk
mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu permohonan untuk disiarkan
satu notis dalam Warta sebelum mempertimbangkan sama ada
harta-harta yang disenaraikan dalam notis usul berkenaan wajar
dilucut hak atau tidak di bawah s. 56, AMLATFPUA 2001.
Harus juga dicatatkan bahawa ungkapan "subject to s. 61 " di
bawah s. 56(1) itu merujuk s. 61 secara keseluruhan dan bukan
sekadar s. 61(2) sahaja. Berdasarkan kes Chandavarkar Sita
Ratna Rao, supra, keseluruhan peruntukan s. 61 khususnya s.
61(2) hendaklah diberikan keutamaan terlebih dahulu. Keabsahan
(validity) takrifan ini diperkukuhkan dengan penggunaan ungkapan
"... the judge to whom an application is made under... s. 56(1) shall
cause to be published a notice in the Gazette..." dalam s. 61(2) itu
sendiri. Dalam hal ini, kami bersetuju dengan hujahan TPR bahawa
dengan penggunaan perkataan "shall" dalam s. 61(2) itu
menjadikannya satu kehendak yang wajib diikuti sebelum sesuatu
perintah pelucuthakkan di bawah s.56 dibuat oleh hakim.”
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[17] Lastly, in the Federal Court case of Tetuan Wan Shahrizal, Hari
& Co v Public Prosecutor [2023] 4 MLJ 1, Mary Lim FCJ observed:
“In considering whether or not to grant the order of forfeiture, the High
Court is mandatorily obliged under s 61(1) to cause to be published a
notice in the Gazette ‘calling upon any third party who claims to have
any interest in the property to attend before the Court on the date
specified in the notice to show cause as to why the property shall not be
forfeited’. This is regardless whether there is prosecution for an offence
under the Act – see ss 55(1) and 56(1).
However, it must not be over looked that the forfeiture proceedings are
principally between the PP and the accused, Amar, as s 61 is only
engaged where there are third parties laying some claim or interest in
the properties seized. If there are none, the proceedings will proceed
only between these two key players. This position must be properly
appreciated because it appears to have been overlooked simply
because the two applications, by PP and by the third parties, were heard
together. Hence, in the proceedings at the High Court, affidavits were
filed by Amar in protest of the forfeiture orders sought by the PP.
I pause here to make this observation. As pointed out a moment ago,
the PP must satisfy the High Court that the property is of any of the
character or nature prescribed in s 56(1)(a) to (d). It is only upon
satisfying the High Court that the property is liable to be forfeited and
thereafter, the High Court deals with the rights or interests of any third
parties. As held in Public Prosecutor v Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd & Ors, s
56 does not absolve the PP from proving on a balance of probabilities
that the properties seized come under the purview of the Act and were
procured or are the proceeds of an unlawful or illegal activity. The PP
must prove on a balance of probabilities that the properties seized were
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procured in connection with the commission of the predicate offence or
are of the character for which the order for seizure was issued. See
also Public Prosecutor v Billion Nova Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] MLJU
1823; [2016] 2 CLJ 763; [2016] AMEJ 0162.”
(emphasis added)
[18] The foregoing cases exemplify that no order for forfeiture can be
made until the claims of third parties to the seized properties is heard, and
to establish its rights to forfeiture, the prosecution must, first, prove that
the properties it seeks to forfeit are forfeitable properties, namely, that they
are the subject matter or evidence relating to the commission of the
offence under s.4 (1) of the Act.
[19] It is only upon the prosecution establishing that the seized
properties are forfeitable properties, that the court enters a preliminary
forfeiture order. And, it is only upon the making of the preliminary forfeiture
order is the court required to publish the requisite notice in the Gazette
under s.61 (2) of the Act to commence the ancillary proceedings to
determine the rights of the third parties to the forfeited properties. This
stands to reason as it cannot be gainsaid that it would be an absolute
waste of judicial time if the forfeiture application and the claims of the
third parties are heard simultaneously and, at the conclusion of the
proceedings it is found that the properties are not forfeitable properties.
[20] It bears mention that the government does not have a clear title to
the property until the ancillary proceedings under s.61 is concluded. It is
only upon the adjudication of the third parties claims, that the preliminary
forfeiture order can be made final.
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[21] For the reasons given, we are unable to share the judge’s view that
the sessions court ought to have proceeded with the ancillary proceedings
in respect of the respondents claims on dismissing the forfeiture
application. The learned judge erred in holding that the ancillary
proceedings under section 61 is separate and independent from the
forfeiture application. The mechanics of the ancillary proceedings must
follow the procedure laid down in sections 55,56 and 61 of the Act.
[22] We therefore allow the appeal and set aside the order of the High
Court to remit the respondents claims to the sessions court and reinstate
the respondents appeals. We further direct that the High Court first hears
the prosecution’s appeal against the dismissal of its forfeiture application
by the sessions judge. If the said appeal is dismissed and the decision of
the Sessions Court if affirmed, it would follow that the respondents/Third
Party Claimants’ appeals would fail without prejudice to the
respondents/Third Party Claimants’ rights to institute separate civil
proceedings against the appellant in respect of their respective legal rights
to the properties in question. However, if the appeal is allowed, then the
respondents claims would be remitted to the sessions judge for
adjudication in accordance to the provisions of the Act.
Dated: 4 January 2024
Court of Appeal Malaysia
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Counsel/ Solicitors
For the Appellant:
Gooi Soon Seng
Choong Kak Sen & Belinda Low Siet Yan (with him)
[Messrs Gooi & Azura & Associate]
For the Respondent:
Nik Azila Shuhada
Tong Wei Hang & Ong Tze Xian (with her)
(Messrs Shearn Delamore & Co.)
Segeram Mathagan
[Messrs. S. Mathavan & Nur Hafizah]
Navinderan Subramaniam
Komal Vijay Sheth
[Messrs. Preakas & Partners]
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| 27,433 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-23CY-53-10/2019 | PLAINTIF DR ZAKIR ABDUL KARIM NAIK DEFENDAN RAMASAMY A/L PALANISAMY | 1. These actions are grounded on the tort of defamation against the defendant. In Suit 53, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant had maliciously libelled him on 10.04.2016, 01.10.2017, 09.08.2019, while on 20.8.2019, maliciously slandered him in an online interview on India Today. In Suit 70, the plaintiff claimed the defendant had maliciously libelled him on 08.11.2019. The plaintiff alleged the publications are defamatory of him. 2. The defendants deny the allegations and pleaded fair comment, justification and qualified privilege.3. After full trial, I find for the plaintiff and awarded damages and cost. | 04/01/2024 | YA Puan Hayatul Akmal binti Abdul Aziz | |
69 DR ZAKIR ABDUL KARIM NAIK V P RAMASAMY 23CY-53-10-2019 & 23CY-70-12-2019 L.1.pdf
WA-23CY-53-10/2019 & WA-23CY-70-12/2019
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: WA-23CY-53-10/2019
(NO. MYPR: 651018-75-5049) PLAINTIF
DAN 10
(didengar bersama)
GUAMAN SIVIL NO.: WA-23CY-70-12/2019
(NO. MYPR: 651018-75-5049)
DAN 25
(Enclosure 1)
[1] In a nutshell:
1.1 There are two suits involving similar parties with similar issues.
(a) Suit WA-23CY-53-10/2019, (Suit 53), and 35
(b) Suit WA-23CY-70-12/2019, (Suit 70).
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WA-23CY-53-10/2019 & WA-23CY-70-12/2019
(c) Both suits are by Dr Zakir Naik against Ramasamy. Both cases
are grounded on alleged acts of defamation committed by the
latter against the former on four (4) separate libellous and one
(1) slanderous occasion. 40
1.2 Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik (Dr Zakir), the plaintiff, is a permanent
resident of Malaysia.
1.3 The defendant, Ramasamy s/o Palaniasamy (Ramasamy), was the
Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang at the time of the alleged tortuous
offences. 45
[2] In Suit 53, Dr Zakir claimed Ramasamy had maliciously libelled him
on three (3) separate occasions (10.04.2016, 01.10.2017,
09.08.2019), while on 20.8.2019, maliciously slandered him in an
online interview on India Today.
2.1 Dr Zakir contended that the four defamatory publications were 50
unsupported, were published with malice, hatred, envy, and spite,
had disparaged, and ridiculed him to the general public, and as a
result, has caused him losses and damage.
2.2 In Suit 70, Dr Zakir claimed Ramasamy had maliciously libelled him
by publishing defamatory materials on 08.11.2019. Dr Zakir took the 55
legal position that the publications, in their natural and ordinary
meaning, are defamatory of him that had been published and
2.3 Ramasamy, in denying the two foregoing suits, argued:
(a) For Suit 53: 60
(i) The defence of justification and fair comment applies to 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th defamatory publications, and
(ii) In the alternative, claimed qualified privilege as it was raised for
public concern and interest.
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(b) For Suit 70: 65
(i) The defence of justification and fair comment applies to the
defamatory publication, and
(ii) In the alternative, claimed qualified privilege as it was raised for
public concern and interest.
[3] On 02.11.2023:
3.1 After hearing parties with their respective arguments, all things
considered, this Court find Dr Zakir has succeeded in proving his
case on the balance of probabilities; therefore, this Court finds in
favour of Dr Zakir and allowed Suit 53 and Suit 70 against 75
3.2 Ramasamy was ordered to pay cumulatively RM1,520,00.00
(i) RM 1 million in general damages for the five defamatory publications. 80
(ii) RM100,000 compensatory damages for the five defamatory publications.
(iii) RM100,000 aggravated damages for the five defamatory publications.
(iv) RM250,000 exemplary damages for the five defamatory publications.
(v) RM70,000 in global costs payable within thirty (30) days from the Order.
3.3 Aggrieved, Ramasamy filed this appeal against my decision in Suit
53 and Suit 70. Since these two suits were heard together, dealing
with similar facts, I will prepare a single written grounds of judgment
to avoid duplicity. My reasons are as follows:
[4] The witnesses at the trial are: 90
(a) Plaintiff
PW1: Dr Zakir Naik Abdul Karim Naik
(b) Defendant
DW1: P Ramasamy a/l Palanisamy
4.1 Parties agreed in Court (23.08.2022) to only call PW1 and DW1 as
witnesses to offer evidence at the trial of Suit 53 and Suit 70.
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4.2 Parties also agreed that for Suit 53 and Suit 70, all Part C documents
would be taken as Part B documents.
4.3 Ramasamy does not dispute the publication of the five alleged 100
defamatory publications.
[5] In a nutshell, Suit 53 and Suit 70 are grounded on five defamatory
publications by Ramasamy against Dr Zakir over a period of three and 105
half years (10.04.2016 - 08.11.2019). It is claimed that Ramasamy, on
these five separate occasions, maliciously published offending materials
that are defamatory of Dr Zakir, as follows:
5.1 First Defamatory Publication: 110
(a) Ramasamy called Dr Zakir a satan in his Facebook post on
10.04.2016. The full text of that post in a nutshell says:
Let us get "Satan" Zakir Naik out of this country!
The "Satan" Zakir Naik is in the country as a result of the invitation by the
Terengganu state government. 115
He is a Muslim preacher and evangelist who has nothing but hatred and
contempt for non-Muslims.
He has been banned in Canada and the UK for his hate lectures. Even
some sections of Muslims in India have termed him as a liar, man of half-
truth and purveyor of hate. 120
Peace-loving Malaysians, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims,
should lodge nationwide police reports against Zakir Naik and his son.
Hindu/Indian NGOs and individuals should take the lead in making the
police reports.
PSAT will be taking the lead in lodging police reports in Penang tomorrow. 125
Ask Zakir Naik to go back to India so that he could do all his preaching
there." (sic)
(b) Dr Zakir took the position that the statements above, in their
natural and ordinary meaning, are defamatory of him that had 130
been published and republished. It was malicious and spurious
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and had imputed/insinuated to the public at large that Dr Zakir
(1) An evil man.
(2) He is a cause of disharmony among the multiracial citizens of 135
(3) The Terengganu State Government made a huge mistake by inviting
him to lecture in Terengganu.
(4) Dr Zakir is not an honest Muslim preacher in propagating the
teachings of Islam and 140
(5) Dr Zakir had committed an offence or offences in other countries,
including Canada and the United Kingdom.
(c) On receiving a critical public reaction, Ramasamy removed the
alleged defamatory posting, but he allegedly did not directly 145
apologise to Dr Zakir over the issue.
5.2 Second Defamatory Publication:
(a) On 01.10.2017 (approximately 17 months after the first
defamatory publication), Ramasamy published another 150
defamatory publication on Dr Zakir in an article he penned
named In
the said article, Ramasamy allegedly issued the following
defamatory statements. In a nutshell:
(i) 155
(ii) It only makes sense for Malaysia to hand over those suspected of
committing crimes in India to the Indian authorities.
(iii) India wants Dr Zakir for suspected terrorist-related activities and
links with the underworld. 160
(v) Dr Zakir's preaching had something to do with the terrorist attacks in
a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh, some time back. The Indian authorities
also have evidence that Naik was responsible for instigating some
youths in Kera/a to take part in Islamic State-related (IS) activities.
(vi) Naik alleged long-established links with Mumbai's underworld. It 165
surfaced recently that Iqbal Kaskar, the brother of Dawood Ibrahim,
also one of India's most wanted criminals, had links with Naik.
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(vii) Iqbal Kaskar was the chief financial officer responsible for raising
funds from underworld activities to finance Naik's Islamic Research
Foundation (IRF). 170
(viii) But surely, they cannot be silent over a person suspected of bringing
death and destruction onto innocent people by engaging in the worst
forms of preaching, leading to terrorist activities.
(ix) Events are slowly but surely unfolding that even Saudi Arabia is not
willing to provide sanctuary to Naik, given the overwhelming 175
evidence against him for inciting terrorist activities.
(x) It (Malaysia) continues to harbour suspected criminals who come in
the guise of religious scholars and preachers.
(b) Dr Zakir took the position that the statements above, in their 180
natural and ordinary meaning, are defamatory of him that had
been published and republished. It was malicious and spurious
and had imputed/insinuated to the public at large that Dr Zakir
(1) Is the most wanted criminal nationwide. 185
(2) He is evading arrest.
(3) He is involved in illegal activities.
(4) He should be handed over to the Indian Government to stand trial
for crimes committed in India.
(5) The Malaysian Government should not give him sanctuary as it is 190
equivalent to harbouring and/or sheltering a criminal.
(6) He is a leader of an internationally organised criminal group.
(7) He is a double agent, whereby he has an ulterior motive to spread
far-right ideology among peace-loving Malaysians.
(8) He is a mastermind in coordinating criminal activities across the 195
globe and
(9) He is not a trustworthy Muslim preacher and has no interest in
propagating peace and harmony among Malaysians.
5.3 Third Defamatory Publication 200
(a) On 09.08.2019 (approximately 22 months after the 2nd
defamatory publication), in an article he penned, Ramasamy
said that Naik Should Not Question the Loyalty of Hindus in
Malaysia . In a nutshell, the article in a nutshell says:
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(i) Among the non-Muslims in Malaysia, Naik is not objectionable 205
because he is a fugitive running from the law or for his lectures on
Islam, but for his mischievous comparative perspective on religions.
(ii) By using this comparative perspective, Naik has unduly angered the
non-Muslims by disparaging and belittling their faiths. In fact, by
doing this, he has found a way to be accepted by some sections of 210
the right-wing conservative Islamic force.
(iii) By engaging in this comparative approach, which is hardly
comparative in the true sense of the word, he has belittled faiths
other than Islam.
(iv) This is the core of the problem and why Naik should not be allowed 215
to touch on other religions because it will enable other faiths to be
used as a punching bag by him.
(v) He couldn't help himself from mischief that was hurtful to Hindus in
(vi) This mischievous and frivolous comment was uncalled for. 220
(vii) Isn't it treasonous to say that Hindus are a bunch of disloyal elements
in the country? Does he realise that more than 80% of the Hindus
voted for the PH government under the leadership of Mahathir?
(viii) He is not loyal to India. Why run away from the country that has the
second highest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia? 225
(ix) If Naik is true to his religion, he should return to India and face the
government rather than create mischief in Malaysia.
(x) Unfortunately, some Malaysians allow themselves to be manipulated
by Naik for selfish reasons. The result is that Naik and Malaysians of
all faiths will suffer the consequences of his actions. 230
(b) Dr Zakir took the position that the statements above, in their
natural and ordinary meaning, are defamatory of him that had
been published and republished. It was malicious and spurious
and had imputed/insinuated to the public at large that Dr Zakir
is: 235
(1) He is a dishonest person who would abuse the Islamic religion for
his selfish purpose.
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(2) He has unfairly and dishonestly accused Malaysian Hindus of being
disloyal to Malaysia.
(3) He calculatedly attempted to create a gap among multi-ethnic and 240
multi-religious Malaysians to obtain the support of the Malaysian
Muslim community to enjoy immunity and privilege for his continued
stay in Malaysia.
(4) He is dishonestly leveraging and taking advantage of the current
polemic relating to race and religion in the country for his survival 245
and benefit.
(5) He has dubious motives for splitting the Malaysian population and
bringing about disharmony and disunity among them.
(6) He does not deserve to be accorded a permanent residency in
Malaysia. 250
(7) He is being used for specific political purposes and/or by political
parties, and for that purpose, will use them to further his ambitions
and, therefore, is partisan in Malaysian politics and
(8) He is a criminal and has committed several offences under the Penal
Code and the Sedition Act. 255
5.4 Fourth Defamatory Publication
(a) On 20.08.2019 (approximately 11 days after the 3rd defamatory
publication), Ramasamy slandered Dr Zakir in an interview on
India Today. In the said interview Zakir Naik Crackdown 260
Penang Deputy CM Exclusive Interview with India Today on
Zakir Ban , in a nutshell, he was recorded as saying:
(i) Zakir Naik questioned the loyalty of Hindus in Malaysia; he attacked
them, saying that they were more loyal to the BJP or Modi
government. Then, he said that the Chinese in Malaysia should 265
leave Malaysia first before he could leave. And this has angered the
non-Muslim communities in Malaysia.
(ii) He is trying to camouflage what is said in Kelantan, which was
attacking the non-Muslims in Malaysia.
(iii) He has gone overboard in this country, and he has increased the 270
tension between Muslims and non-Muslims in the nation.
(iv) I think Zakir Naik is not contributing to the peace and harmony of
the various communities in Malaysia.
(v) And I have said before, he is a venom, he is a poison to Malaysia.
(vi) His apology should not fool us because he is not a well-meaning 275
man; he is a hatemonger, and he engages in comparative religion
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basically to lambast religions other than Islam. So, we don't want him
in this country because we have so many problems in Malaysia, and
and creating problems. 280
(vii) He cannot use his PR status to come here and do his
hatemongering, especially inciting the Muslims against the non-
Muslims and vice versa.
(viii) And he's just a coward, running from one country to another. We
don't expect a champion of Islam or a champion of any religion to 285
run away to escape the law. If he is indeed a Muslim, he should face
the Indian laws squarely and show Indian Muslims in India that he is
the saviour of the Indian Muslims.
government. 290
(x) I just want to expose him as a fraud: a trickster and a fugitive.
(b) Dr Zakir took the position that the statements above, in their
natural and ordinary meaning, are defamatory of him that had
been published and republished. It was malicious and spurious 295
and had imputed/insinuated to the public at large that Dr Zakir:
(1) Is an unprincipled and/or unethical person who would abuse the
Islamic religion for his personal gain and/or purpose.
(2) Has dishonestly accused the Malaysian Hindus of disloyalty to
Malaysia and the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. 300
(3) Has calculatedly attempted to create a gap among the multi-ethnic
religious Malaysians with the dubious motive of splitting the same
and causing disharmony and disunity among them.
(4) He, purportedly a fraudster, a trickster, and a fugitive, should not be
given permanent resident status in Malaysia. 305
(5) He is a criminal who should stand trial and not act as a coward,
running from one country to another.
(6) He is a convict who has run away from the Indian authorities to seek
refuge in Malaysia and
(7) He is a venom, a poison, a fraudster, a trickster, a fugitive, and a 310
hate monger who is seeking asylum in Malaysia.
5.5 Dr Zakir claims that the four unfounded defamatory publications
were published with malice, hatred, envy, and spite, have
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disparaged and ridiculed him to the general public, and had caused 315
him losses and damage. It had adversely impacted him:
(1) Tarnishing, smearing, and damaging his reputation, standing and/or
credibility in the eyes of the public.
(2) Causing him to suffer grave humiliation, untold ridicule and/or severe
embarrassment in the eyes of the public. 320
(3) Inflicting him with scandal, odium, and utter contempt in the eyes of the
(4) Exposing him to personal harm by inciting public anger, hatred and/or
racial tension against him.
(5) Causing mental anguish, trauma, and distress, and 325
(6) Causing fear for his safety and that of his family.
5.6 Dr Zakir's claims against Ramasamy:
(1) General damage.
(2) Exemplary damages. 330
(3) Aggravated damages
All are to be assessed by the Court.
(4) He seeks a mandatory injunction to compel Ramasamy to remove the
offending defamatory statements and a prohibitory injunction to restrain
Ramasamy from such further tortuous conduct. 335
(5) He also seeks a formal apology to be published in the mainstream media
within seven days of the Order of the Court.
(6) Costs.
5.7 It was alleged in Suit 70 that: 340
Fifth Defamatory Publication
(a) On 08.11.2019 (approximately 2.5 months after the 4th
defamatory publication), Ramasamy made another defamatory
remark against Dr Zakir in an article entitled DAP leader
accuses Zakir camp of faking Tamil Tigers revival . In a 345
nutshell, Ramasamy was quoted as saying:
(i) The recent arrest of 12 individuals over their alleged links to the
Liberation of Tamil Tigers Eelam is the work of controversial
preacher Zakir Naik's supporter, said Penang Deputy Chief Minister
II P. Ramasamy. 350
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(ii) Ramasamy accused the Indian-born preacher's camp and "forces"
of creating fake news about the revival of the LTTE in Malaysia to
divert attention from India's bid to extradite him on charges of money
(iii) Ramasamy told The Malaysian Insight that there are "forces" 355
working in the direction of reviving the LTTE threat to distract from
other issues.
(iv) Some agencies want to assert their authority (concerning these
arrests)." he said.
(v) Zakir's supporters created doctored Facebook postings which 360
implicated the 12 individuals. Including two DAP assemblymen
attempting to revive the LTTE in the country, Ramasamy said.
(vi) Zakir Naik is one factor in this resurrection. After our opposition to
him, his followers started spreading lies that I was LTTE from my
Facebook page." he said, and 365
(vii) Zakir's supporters created Facebook postings that were cleverly
doctored to reveal images of local Indian leaders taking part in the
so-called 'LTTE events'."
(b) Dr Zakir took the position that the statements above, in their 370
natural and ordinary meaning, are defamatory of him that had
been published and republished. It was malicious and spurious
and had imputed/insinuated to the public at large that Dr Zakir:
(1) Has instructed and persuaded the Malaysian authorities through
"back-door dealings" to take severe and stern actions against the 375
supporters of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ("LTTE") in Malaysia
to divert the attention from himself.
(2) Has manipulated and /or lobbied the Malaysian authorities for his
benefit and /or advantages.
(3) Is the architect or mastermind of the arrest of the supporters of LTTE 380
in Malaysia and
(4) It is being used for certain political purposes and/or political parties;
he will use them to further his ambitions and, therefore, is a partisan
in Malaysian politics.
(c) Dr Zakir claims that the offending 5th Defamatory statement
above was actuated by malice, hatred, envy, and spite without
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verifying the truth in those statements in its publication. It
defames Dr Zakir. He claims that the impugned statement had:
(1) Tarnished, smeared, and damaged his reputation, standing and/or 390
credibility in the eyes of the public.
(2) Causing him to suffer grave humiliation, untold ridicule and/or severe
embarrassment in the eyes of the public.
(3) Inflicting him with scandal, odium, and utter contempt in the eyes of
the public. 395
(4) Exposing him to personal harm by inciting public anger, hatred
and/or racial tension against him.
(5) Causing mental anguish, trauma, and distress, and
(6) Causing fear for his safety and that of his family.
(c) Dr Zakir's claims against Ramasamy:
(1) General damages.
(2) Exemplary damages.
(3) Aggravated damages.
All are to be assessed by the Court. 405
(4) He seeks a mandatory injunction to compel Ramasamy to remove the
offending defamatory statements and a prohibitory injunction to restrain
Ramasamy from such further tortuous conduct.
(5) He also seeks a formal apology to be published in the mainstream media
within seven days of the Order of the Court. 410
(5) Costs.
5.8 Ramasamy, in his defence:
(a) For Suit 53:
(i) The defence of justification and fair comment applies to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 415
and 4th defamatory publications, and
(ii) In the alternative, claimed qualified privilege as it was raised for
public concern and interest.
(b) For Suit 70: 420
(i) The defence of justification and fair comment applies to the 5th
defamatory publication and
(ii) In the alternative, claimed qualified privilege as it was raised for
public concern and interest.
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I have duly observed and considered the parties' arguments in canvassing
for their positions in Suit 53 and Suit 70, as follows:
6.1 Dr Zakir cited the requirement of O.78, r.3 RC 2012, on the need to
give particulars in a defamatory action. It would require Dr Zakir to
establish that the five separate impugned publications (1) bear
defamatory imputations in their natural and ordinary meaning, (2)
they refer to Dr Zakir, and (3) they have been published to third 435
parties: Ayob Saud v TS Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ 152; 1
MLJ 315.
6.2 It was said in Chew Peng Cheng v Anthony Teo Tiao Gin [2008]
8 CLJ 418, HC that a defamatory imputation is any imputation which 440
may tend 'to lower the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally', 'to cut him off from society' or 'to
expose him to hatred, contempt or ridicule', is defamatory of him. An
imputation may be defamatory whether or not it is believed by those
to whom it is published. 445
First Defamatory Publication
6.3 Dr Zakir argued that there can be no doubt that the first defamatory
publication in Ramasamy's Facebook posting on 10.04.2016 (refer
paragraph 5.1(a) above) is defamatory. It has been published and 450
republished or caused to be published or republished. After a critical
public criticism, Ramasamy later removed the impugned publication
from his Facebook account.
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Dr Zakir argued:
(a) Penang
(b) .
Ramasamy agreed in his evidence that the word satan is 460
derogatory of Dr Zakir: NOP, vol.4, pg.948, enclosure 72.
(c) Ramasamy's attempts to soften the severity of his statement by
associating it with a metaphorical use of the word satan is
untenable since the first impugned publication is clearly absent
of such a suggestion. This assertion goes against the grain of 465
his overall evidence on the first impugned defamatory
(d) There is no compelling evidence that Dr Zakir had delivered
hate speeches or harboured hatred and contempt against non-
Muslims, as alleged by Ramasamy. 470
(e) There is no compelling evidence that Dr Zakir had ever been
banned in Canada on the grounds of hate lectures, as alleged
by Ramasamy.
(f) The alleged travel ban in the UK had already lapsed in 2013,
several years before the first impugned defamatory publication. 475
Ramasamy admitted in his evidence he had no evidence that
Dr Zakir was banned from entering the UK. Ramasamy even
agreed that the statement that Dr Zakir was prohibited from
entering Canada and the UK was unjustified.
(g) On 12.04.2016, Ramasamy issued a press release expressing 480
his regret to the Malaysian public for the uneasiness caused by
his impugned publication. He merely targeted Dr Zakir and not
the Malaysian public.
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6.4 At the trial: 485
(a) Ramasamy admitted that he published the first impugned
defamatory publication and removed it one or two days later. In
Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd v Eagle One
Investment Sdn Bhd [2018] 1 LNS, CA observed that in
determining whether the article is defamatory, the article must 490
be objectively read using the standard of an ordinary
reasonable man. The truth or otherwise of the contents is
another indicator of whether the article is defamatory. The
introduction and conclusion mentioned in the article are also
indicators of what the writer is trying to convey. Whether the 495
writer had tried verifying the contents will give a glimpse of the
writer's intention in writing the article.
(b) That posting was meant for the public at large: Rekha
Munisamy v Ortus Expert White Sdn Bhd & Anor [2021] 7
CLJ 353, CA: the impugned statements made in the Facebook 500
posting were for public consumption. Lim Guan Eng v Ramzan
Zakaria [2022] 1 LNS 1108, HC affirmed by the Court of Appeal
in 2023
to the public and evidence of such accessibility were the
comments made by the various third parties. 505
(c) The Court of Appeal in Raja Syahrir Abu Bakar & Anor v
Manjeet Singh Dhillon & Other Appeals [2019] 4 CLJ 301,
CA, that those responsible for such re-publication of the
defamatory materials are equally liable in defamation.
(d) There is no issue that the impugned defamatory publication 510
refers to Dr Zakir: Lim Guan Eng v Ruslan Kassim & Another
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Appeal [2021] 4 CLJ 155, FC observed that the impugned
statement had explicitly named the plaintiff.
(e) Publication of the impugned defamatory statements to third
parties is not an issue, as seen from the public reception and 515
responses it had made. It had been communicated to third
parties in a manner that had conveyed defamatory imputations
about Dr Zakir: Box 55 Sociedad Limitada & Ors v Drive M7
Sdn Bhd [2018] 1 LNS 1715, HC citing Gatley On Libel and
Slander (9th Ed) at p 134, that the fundamental principle is that 520
the matter must be communicated to a third party in such a
manner as to be capable of conveying the defamatory
imputations about the plaintiff.
(f) Ramasamy:
(i) In light of the untruthfulness of his impugned statements, 525
he displayed no remorse by contesting whether he had
indeed, as claimed, apologised to Dr Zakir for vilifying him
in that impugned publication.
(ii) I take cognisance of his evasive demeanour, which reflects
on the credibility of his evidence in this proceeding. 530
(iii) He took the position notwithstanding the two articles
regrets calling Dr Zakir Naik Syaitan, and (2) Ramasamy
apologises for calling Dr Zakir Naik satan, that he did not
apologise to Dr Zakir. 535
(iv) stand on the issue of an apology is grounded
in the fact that if an apology can be established, it would
amount to an admission of liability for defamatory
Facebook posting as ruled in Dr Awang Adek Hussin v
The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd & Ors [2012] 10 540
CLJ 340, HC.
(v) The Court of Appeal in Chong Swee Huat & Anor v Lim
Shian Ghee T/A L & G Consultants & Education
Services [2009] 4 CLJ 113, CA observed that the letter of
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apology attempted only to justify rather than express 545
remorse and regret for what had been done. It explains the
granting of aggravated damages.
6.5 Ramasamy pleaded justification, fair comment, and qualified
privilege as his defences to the first impugned defamatory 550
publication. He did not dispute the first defamatory publication but
argued on the Lucas-Box plea of justification over the impugned
publication (Lucas-Box case [1986] 1 WLR). In Tan Sri Dr
Muhammad Shafee Abdullah v Tommy Thomas & Ors [2018] 12
MLJ 98, CA, the Court was asked to consider two different 555
interpretations put to the Court:
(i) First, a defendant is now required to plead the alternative meaning
he ascribes to the writing of which the plaintiff complains if that differs
from the meaning pleaded by the plaintiff.
(ii) Second, the defendant must make clear what version of the facts he 560
asserts to be true.
(iii) A defendant in pleading justification is not obliged to ascribe a
meaning to the words complained of; the defendant is, however,
obliged to claim justification to clarify the meaning he seeks to justify.
(iv) The essence of the decision of Lucas-565
justification must be pleaded to inform the plaintiff and the Court
precisely what meaning the defendant will seek to justify. This is,
however, an altogether different matter from saying that the
defendant is obliged to say, yea or nay, whether that meaning is the
one which the writing bears. 570
(a) In considering this plea, I observed a landmark ruling by the
Federal Court in Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd
(Appellant) v Tony Pua Kiam Wee (Respondent) [2015] 6 MLJ
187, FC on the application of the common law defences in 575
defamation in Malaysia vis-à-
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(i) Reynolds v Times Newspaper [2001] 2 AC 127, HL: it
was held by the House of Lords that there are two
requirements to qualify for the Reynold privilege: 580
(1) The publication concerned a matter of public interest; and
(2) Reasonable and fair steps were taken to gather, verify, and
publish the information.
The House of Lords affirmed that the traditional ambit of 585
qualified privilege should be extended somewhat and that
it was available concerning political information.
The Federal Court opined that the public interest element
in the defence should not be equated with only journalists 590
or media outlets. It should apply to anyone who publishes
or discloses material of public interest in any medium that
meets and satisfies the test of responsible journalism.
Hasnul bin Abdul Hadi v Bulat bin Mohammed & Anor
[1978] 1 MLJ 75 was referred to where the basis of 595
qualified privilege defence is grounded on public policy and
convenience that the law will let a person make defamatory
statements without incurring legal liability.
consider in responsible journalism:
(1) The seriousness of the allegation, the more serious the charge,
the more the public is misinformed, and the individual harmed,
if the public is misinformed and the individual harmed, if the
allegation is not true. 605
(2) The nature of the information and the extent to which the
subject matter is a matter of public concern.
(3) The source of information.
(4) The steps taken to verify the information.
(5) The urgency of the matter. 610
(6) Whether the comment was sought from the appellant.
the story.
(8) The tone of the impugned article, and
(9) The circumstances of the publication, including the timing. 615
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(ii) Lucas-Box v Associated Newspapers Group PLC &
Ors [1986] 1 All ER 177, CA, UK propounded the Lucas-
Box Justification defence for defamation by ascribing and
impugned words or publication: 620
(1) If a plaintiff, in its defamation pleadings, ascribes a natural and
ordinary meaning to the impugned words, the defendant may
then rely on stating in his defence what he alleged was the
natural and ordinary meaning of the words complained of and
(2) A defendant in defamation proceedings who wishes to rely on a 625
plea of justification must make clear in the particulars of
justification the case he is seeking to set up and must
accordingly state clearly and explicitly the meaning he seeks to
To rely on the Lucas-Box Justification, it cannot be merely
argued on submissions, but the Lucas-Box must be
appropriately pleaded in the statement of defence. In
case, even though Tony Pua failed
the Reynolds Privilege defence, The Federal Court found 635
he succeeded in pleading and proving the Lucas-Box
Justification pleaded in his statement of defence. The
Federal Court
that the impugned words could bear the reasonable
meaning ascribed by the respondent. Therefore, the 640
Federal Court agreed with the judgment of the Court of
Appeal that the respondent had succeeded in the defence
of justification. The Court of Appeal held that a defendant
seeking to rely on the defence of justification must make
clear the particulars of the case he is seeking to set up and 645
accordingly state clearly and explicitly the meaning that he
seeks to justify.
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This would be consistent with the rules laid down in Prior
v Wilson (1856) 1 C.B (NS) 95 that where a statement
contains an innuendo, the words must be justified both in 650
terms of the meaning of the innuendo and as later held in
Watkin v Hall (1868) LR 3 QB 396 in terms of their
ordinary and natural meaning.
(1) 655
journalist, provided the requirements of Responsible
Journalism (Lord Nicholls) are met.
(2) In the defence of Reynolds Privilege, the respondent has to
prove that responsible and fair steps were taken to gather,
verify and publish the information. It is insufficient to merely 660
have an honest belief that the statement(s) were true.
(3) Since the Reynolds Privilege defence failed in Syarikat Bekalan
this question on the existence of malice.
(4) 665
the plea of reasonable grounds for suggesting does not amount
to a valid plea for the defence of justification.
(b) To support his defence, Ramasamy cited:
(i) Chok Foo Choo v The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 MLJ
371, CA that the ordinary and natural meaning of an
impugned statement may include any implication or
inference which a reasonable reader, guided not by any 675
special but only general knowledge and not fettered by any
strict legal rules of construction would draw from the words.
(ii) Tun Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul-Rahman Ya'kub v Bre
Sdn Bhd & Ors [1996] 1 MLJ 393, HC observed that the
words complained of must be considered as a whole, 680
bearing in mind, inter-alia, the context in which they were
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(iii) Duncan v Baird (2014) 86 WIR 271, CA Eastern
Caribbean States had remarked that on the use of
metaphors in the law of defamation, the authors of Gatley 685
it has been said the use
the use of metaphors throughout the brief passage
containing the words complained of indeed distinguishes
the words as comment and not statements of fact. 690
(c) In the circumstances:
(i) Ramasamy claimed that the word satan, considered as a
whole, was used metaphorically against Dr Zakir for
allegedly undermining or mocking other faiths. It should not 695
be taken to label Dr Zakir as a devil or a man of evil.
(ii) Ramasamy argued that in pleading justification, what he
intended to mean in the first impugned defamatory
publication was:
(1) Dr Zakir is a Muslim preacher who delivers hate 700
lectures/speeches (in this context, hate speeches are
speeches that tend to denigrate, mock, disparage or encourage
violent reactions to particular groups of people based on race,
religion, sex, or sexual orientation).
(2) Because of his hate lectures/speeches, Dr Zakir has been 705
banned from delivering lectures in Canada and the United
(3) The Plaintiff had committed a grievous wrong.
(4) The Plaintiff ought to be deported from Malaysia because of his
hate lectures/speeches. 710
comparative religions, he does not have academic
qualifications in it. He may not have sufficient expertise
in the field of comparative religion (Islam, Christianity, 715
and Hinduism). It was established at the trial that he
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does not have a formal qualification on the subject, as
. He reads only
what is required.
(iv) Ramasamy: 720
(1) Argued on an incident sometime in September 2012 or in Sri
Nagar in 2003 where Dr Zakir was alleged to have made
controversial statements in India during the Hindu festival of
Vinayaka Chaturthi to honour the birthday of Lord Ganesha.
(2) Dr Zakir was alleged to have supposedly challenged the Hindus 725
to prove that Lord Ganesha was a deity and further
[Lord Ganesha], how will he recognise me if I fall into any 730
(3) He knows that eating prasad is haram.
(4) In making the above statements, Dr Zakir mocks the Hindu
God, Lord Shiva, by questioning how God recognises his
followers if they fall into difficulty: NOP, enclosure 68, pg.189. 735
Shah Alam, where he again supposedly mocked and insulted
Christianity and Hinduism by saying (for ease of reference)
as follows:
am a Hindu. At
(Enclosure 46, Tab 1, Bundle, 1 pg.1589) 745
Christianity. They believe in one God, but they say, Father,
Holy Spirit, and the Son. They talk about one, but they
practically believe in the Trinity. So, Islam is the only religion 750
which speaks and practices Tauhid monotheism. This inspires
the person about the one true God unity. Unlike other religions,
nowhere can you see that you know that Gods are fighting
among themselves; one God is taking the help of another God,
and the Devil can defeat the God. So, all these things, a normal 755
God die? In some religions, God dies also. So, if God dies, who
rules the world? So, when you see all these things, logically
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people normally blindly follow. These blind beliefs are not there
(Enclosure 46, Tab 2, Bundle 1, pg.1590)
there are many things which I don't agree with the
Veda. I'm not going to tell you about that. Why? Because that 770
(Enclosure 46, pg, 1591)
Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the Veda is one thousand three
hundred and ten million years old. But the majority of the
scholar student of Hinduism says the Veda is approximately
four thousand years old. Today, the scholars say we don't know
to whom the Veda was revealed. In which part of the world, it 780
came. There are differences. Quran, everything is authentic.
Yet, the scholars believe even though we don't know what the
exact age of the Veda is, even though we don't know where
and which part of the world it came the first time, even though
we don't know which stage it came to, yet the Hindus as a 785
So, if you get me a scripture which is lower and does not
contradict and does not contradict, it cannot overrule the
Vedas. And if you tell me that there are verses in the Veda 790
talking about, then there is a contradiction. So, you, as a Hindu,
have to try and find where the contradiction is at. No book of
Almighty God, if it is in its true form, can have any
contains obscene things. So, as a student of comparative 800
Even if you give me a million dollars, I cannot read. Even if you
give me a million US dolla805
allow me to read obscene things in front of an audience. You
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understand? But I am not here to degrade the Bible. I am
talking about common things. Same thing as the Hindu
scripture. As far as the Quran is concerned, its language is so 810
sublime. You can read anywhere in the world. You can read to
your wife, you can read to your children, you can read to your
based on that, I have done research on the Hindu scriptures,
on the Jewish scriptures, on the Christian scriptures.
Unfortunately, people of most religions blindly follow what is
mentioned by the church and what is mentioned by the temple.
(Enclosure 46, Tab 4, Bundle 1, pp, 1592-1593)
land of the Indus. 825
Even today, when I go to Saudi Arabia, they call me Hindi,
Hindi. Hindi. So, Hindu is a geographical definition. The word
Indus. So, Hindu is a geographical definition for the people
living in the land of the Indus Valley. By geographical definition, 830
I am a Hindu. By geographical definition, I'm a Hindu and a
Muslim. Indian Muslim, Hindu Muslim. But if you say Hindu
means who believes in worshipping, then I'm not a Hindu. I
point to Swami Vivekananda. Hinduism is a misnomer. The
Vedas. Hinduism is a misnomer. It was a word, a title given by
the Arabs when they came to India, and today, they also got
stuck on it. Even today, when I go to Saudi Arabia, they call me
Hindi, Hindi. Yes, I am a Hindi. And I am proud to be a Hindi.
But I don't believe in doing idol worship. So, coming to 840
it can be Sanata Dharma. I agree with you. Sanata Dharma
believes that God is one and God has no images. Show me
one person who is a pure follower of Sanata Dharma who says
that God has got an image. That means you have not studied 845
(Enclosure 46, Tab 5, Bundle 1, pp, 1594-1595)
(v) Ramasamy argued that the above passages allegedly 850
insulted Hinduism and Christianity. Dr Zakir had repeated
these statements at the trial.
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Ramasamy cited: 855
(1) A news report by the BBC in the UK on 18.06.2010
(nine years before the present suits). Dr Zakir had
been prohibited from entering the UK at the time, on
alleged unacceptable behaviour.
(2) A news report by the Toronto Star on 22.06.2010. Dr 860
Zakir had been disallowed to enter Canada.
(3) A news report in the Livemint ePaper on 19.06.2017:
Dr Zakir Naik, invited to Lebanon, faces calls to ban
his entry.
(4) A news report by the Asia Sentinel on 21.08.2019 865
claimed Dr Zakir is banned in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Singapore, Australia, the UK, Canada, and many
Middle Eastern nations.
6.6 Therefore, Ramasamy claims that his statement on the ban imposed 870
on Dr Zakir is justified.
6.7 Ramasamy also pleaded fair comment on the impugned first
defamatory publication and cited Dato Seri Mohammad Nizar bin
Jamaluddin v Sistem Televisyen Malaysia Bhd & Anor [2014] 4 875
MLJ 242, where it was said that if a defendant can prove that the
defamatory statement is an expression of opinion on a matter of
public interest and not a statement of fact, they can rely on the
defence of fair comment. The courts have said that whenever a
matter is such as to affect people at large so that they may be 880
legitimately interested in, or concerned at, what is going on or what
may happen to them or others, then it is a matter of public interest
on which everyone is entitled to make fair comment he is required
to prove the following requirements:
(i) The defamatory statements are made based on facts. 885
(ii) The defamatory statements are comments and not statements of
facts; and
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(iii) The defamatory statements involve matters of public interest.
Ramasamy claimed to have such moral or social duty to make the
to the Hindu and Christian faith. It is of public interest. The use of
the word satan metaphorically makes it a statement of comments
rather than facts.
6.8 Ramasamy also claimed qualified privilege to insulate him against 895
the first defamatory publication and cited Nurul Izzah binti Anwar
v Tan Sri Khalid bin Abu Bakar & Anor [2018] MLJU 472 that had
observed that the burden lies on the defendant to establish qualified
privilege on which the impugned words were published. It had been
addressed earlier that establishing qualified privilege requires two 900
criteria, i.e., one, there is a legal, moral, or social duty to make the
statement on one side. The other is that there is a corresponding
interest to receive it. However, if it is tainted with malice, this defence
will not be available (see Rajagopal v. Rajan [1971] 1 LNS 117).
For this defence to succeed, the defendant must at least specify the 905
legal, moral, or social duty of the defendant to make such
(a) Ramasamy argued that he had a public or private duty to
publish the impugned defamatory statement as the then Deputy
Chief Minister II of Penang. 910
(b) The public had a corresponding interest in receiving the
impugned publication of hate lectures/speeches by Dr Zakir.
(c) He had no malice in making the impugned first defamatory
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6.9 Considering the parties' respective arguments, and on a balance of
probabilities, I find in favour of Dr Zakir, and it is my judgment that
Ramasamy has failed to establish his proferred defences to the first
defamatory publication:
(a) Justification: 920
(i) The burden is on Ramasamy to establish the truth or
substantially the truth of his impugned statements that are
defamatory of Dr Zakir. Section 8 of the Defamatory Act
1957 is an absolute defence if the requirement is proven:
Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd v Tony Pua 925
Kian Wee [2015] 8 CLJ 477, FC.
(ii) In light of evidence above, I cannot see how
justification can apply in those circumstances, when the
truth or substantially the truth of the statement is proven
unfounded at the trial. 930
(iii) Ramasamy had, during his evidence, even admitted as
much (NOP, vol.4, pg.960, enclosure 72).
(b) Fair Comment:
(i) Section 9 of the Defamation Act 1957 requires that the 935
impugned defamatory statement be a comment, not a
statement of facts. The comment must be based on true
facts and is a matter of public interest.
(ii) To reiterate the foregoing, the truth or substantially the
truth of the impugned statement is proven unfounded at the 940
(iii) Evidently, the impugned statement is not a comment in its
present form. It is an instigation premised on an assumed
statement of facts from unsupported sources.
(iv) On using satan to vilify Dr Zakir, Ramasamy admitted that 945
the word does not constitute a fair comment (NOP, vol.4,
pg.959, enclosure 72).
(v) Dr Zakir cited Dato' Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail &
Anor v Mohd Rafizi Ramli [2022] 5 CLJ 487, FC that
observed it is important as the first task to ascertain 950
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whether the impugned statement is a statement of fact or
is it the respondent's opinion and inferences made from the
facts. The necessity to decide this is fundamental to
determine whether the defence of fair comment is available
to the respondent. This is because "if the imputation is one 955
of fact, the defence must be justification or privilege" (see
Gatley on Libel and Slander, 11th edn., Sweet and
Maxwell, 2008) and therefore, the respondent could not
rely on the
(vi) The presence of malice on the part of Ramasamy would 960
disentitle the defence.
(c) Qualified Privilege:
(i) In Chew Peng Heng v Anthony Teo Tiao Gin [2015] 10
CLJ 197 [2008] 5 MLJ 577; [2008] 8 CLJ 418, HC says 965
(1) The defence of qualified privilege needs two criteria, i.e., one,
there is a legal, moral, or social duty to make the statement on
one side. The other is that there is a corresponding interest to
receive it. However, if it is tainted with malice, this defence will 970
not be available (see Rajagopal v. Rajan [1971] 1 LNS 117).
(2) For this defence to succeed, the defendant must at least
specify the legal, moral, or social duty of the defendant to make
such comments. The defendant has failed to establish this in
the present case satisfactorily. This was not stated either in his 975
defence or in his submissions.
(ii) It requires that the impugned statement was made without
Tengku Awang & Yang Lain (2010) 7 CLJ 856, HC 980
espoused the three elements required, (1) the occasion
must be fit, (2) it has reference to the occasion, and (3) it
must be honest and for the right reason (no malice).
(iii) Evidently, from the foregoing paragraphs, the defence 985
does not apply. The Federal Court in Dato' Dr Low bin
Tick v Datuk Chong Tho Chin & Other Appeals [2017]
8 CLJ 369, FC observed that:
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(1) Malice is a necessary element in an action for libel. The law
prevents the inference of malice in the publication of 990
statements which are false in fact and injurious to the character
of another if such statements are fairly made by a person in the
discharge of some public or private duty, whether legal or moral
or in the conduct of his affairs, in matters where his interest is
concerned. 995
(2) It affords a qualified defence depending on the absence of
actual malice (see Toogood v. Spyring (1834) 1 CM & R 181,
[1834] EngR 363, [1834] 1 Cr M & R 181, [1834] 149 ER
(3) The prima facie defence of qualified privilege is not 1000
available if it is shown that a defendant has been actuated
by actual or express malice or if he has used the occasion
for some indirect or wrong motive.
(4) Since I have determined that Ramasamy was malicious in
targeting and vilifying Dr Zakir, this defence will also be denied. 1005
6.10 Considering the relevant evidence at the trial:
(a) The use of the term satan could never be in an illustrative
manner or metaphorically in the circumstances of the case, and
I find such an argument misconceived and misplaced. It is a 1010
maliciously derogatory terminology against anyone. I agree
with the finding of the Court in Dr Ong Keh Ong v Loh Hon
Mun & Ors [2023] 1 LNS 112, HC that it has the effect of
lowering the plaintiff in the estimation of the general public. It
smacks of malice with the use of the word satan. Fair comment 1015
and qualified privilege must be denied. There are sufficient
plethoras of authorities.
(b) It was not refuted at the trial that Dr Zakir is an autodidact (a
self-taught person) who is already an accomplished and 1020
renowned speaker on comparative religion for many years. I
find no compelling evidence by Ramasamy to refute it save for
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suggestive assertions to discredit Dr Zakir. Conjectures and
speculation have no probative value.
that to be an expert in comparative religion, one must be
formally educated with a paper qualification.
(d) I like to borrow the rationale of Albert Einstein: 1030
is based on
experiences of an empirical, critical nature, but I say that true knowledge
is to be had only through a philosophy of deduction. For it is intuition that
improves the world, not just following a trodden path of thought. Intuition
makes us look at unrelated facts and then think about them until they can 1035
all be brought under one law. To look for related facts means holding onto
what one has instead of searching for new facts. Intuition is the father of
new knowledge, while empiricism is nothing but an accumulation of old
It is an accepted reality in the knowledge world that a person's
enlightenment is not attested by a piece of paper that says he
has successfully completed the desired course. That cannot be
the benchmark to authenticate
Therefore, I find 1045
formal education is a non-starter.
(e) It is my considered judgment, taking the evidence in its totality,
that Dr
unnecessarily dissected into pieces and taken out of their 1050
intended context to skew an adverse view of the man, which is
unjust in the circumstances. I have no reason to disbelieve Dr
ndu Vinayaka Chaturthi festival. His
answers were sliced up, distorted, and isolated to skewed
negativity of the man. From the evidence, I also find no reason 1055
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to disbelieve Dr Zakir's explanation of the UiTM lecture in Shah
Alam in 2012.
(f) There is no compelling evidence by Ramasamy that Dr Zakir
had indeed been banned in Canada. Even the purported ban in
the UK had long passed in 2013 and is out of context and 1060
overstretching for the present argument by Ramasamy.
(g) I have read the full text of his speeches and concluded that Dr
Zakir wanted answers to questions in a discourse that he posed
that never came. His question may be brash, or appear harsh, 1065
but in all fairness, I find it was objectively made in seeking
answers and clarity. It was on occasions of a comparative
intellectual discourse as claimed. Dr Zakir had often said that if
someone qualified and knowledgeable can prove him wrong,
come forward and correct him, as he is willing to be educated. 1070
(h) However, from the evidence at the trial, there was none, but
only distant, defamatory bashing on social media and online
platforms by taking his speeches entirely out of context. In
Mohamed Hafiz Mohamed Nordin v Eric Paulsen (and 1075
another appeal) [2018] 8 AMR558, CA (Civil Appeal No. W-
02(NCVC)(W)-1668-08/2017), the Court of Appeal reverses the
finding of the High Court in holding that the impugned statement
was derogatory, calculated to incite hatred and anger amongst
the multi-religious groups and ethnicities in Malaysia. The 1080
impugned statement not only described the plaintiff as a
fraudster, a liar who incited hatred of the Islamic religion, but
also as a person funded and supported by foreign entities, such
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as the United States of America and the European Union. In
their natural and ordinary meaning, the impugned statement 1085
meant and was understood to mean by reasonable and
ordinary readers of the article that the plaintiff was anti-Islam.
character and reputation. The Court of Appeal granted
damages of RM100,000.00. 1090
(i) There is no evidence that someone (including Ramasamy) had
actually confronted and taken Dr Zakir directly on his questions
for intellectual discourse to prove him wrong or put him in his
place. After all, as claimed by Ramasamy at the trial, Dr Zakir has 1095
difficult a task. Unlike the UK (The Defamation Act 2013 (UK),
the plaintiff must prove harm has been caused), in Malaysia,
defamatory statements made on social media are regarded as
libel, as held by the court in 1100
Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak [2018] 3 CLJ 522, CA.
It is libel actionable per se, so there is no need to prove actual
damage suffered due to the defamatory statement: The Law on
Defamation Relating to Social Media, Wong Sue Ann and
Raymond Mah, 1105
(j) In Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v Wan Muhammad Azri bin
Wan Deris [2014] 9 MLJ 605, HC, the plaintiff filed a defamation
linking him to a sex scandal. In his statement of claim, the plaintiff
alleged that the postings implied he was immoral and unqualified
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to hold public office. The plaintiff claimed that the postings had
damaged his reputation and caused him and his family to suffer.
The High Court 1115
took judicial notice that the Internet is used worldwide. The Court
said the defamatory statements were published online, and
The Court declared
pay the plaintiff RM800,000 in damages and an additional
RM50,000 in costs. The defendant appealed.
(k) On 04.12.2015, the Court of Appeal held, dismissing the appeal,
that the High Court had not erred in its decision that Papa Gomo 1125
and Wan Muhammad Azri were indeed the same person. The
appellant (defendant) was also ordered to pay RM10,000 in
costs to the respondent (plaintiff).
(l) I have no hesitation in finding that Ramasamy's impugned first 1130
defamatory publication is a personal attack on Dr Zakir. The
libellous or slanderous calling of any person a satan is
undoubtedly defamatory as it is derogatory of the target's
character. The hostility in the impugned statement towards Dr
Zakir is evident and very personally targeted. 1135
(m) The impugned statement is an apparent public instigation to
turn the Malaysian public, mainly Hindu/Indian NGOs, against
Zakir with those unfounded allegations (without at all verifying 1140
the source) in the first impugned defamatory publication
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manifest malice that would automatically disqualify the
defences he proferred over his conduct. There was no truth or
substantial truth in the impugned statements of the first
defamatory publication. 1145
(n) Contrary to the position taken by Dr Zakir, I find that Ramasamy
did not offer any formal apology directed personally to Dr Zakir
for that personal attack. I can find no such compelling evidence
at the trial. The term regret carries a different connotation to an 1150
apology. A person can regret (feel sad, repentant, or
disappointed over an action) without even considering
apologising. As I have said, I find no evidence of an express
apology other than the label placed by the publisher of the
articles. That said, however, it goes to the credibility and 1155
character of Ramasamy. It shows no remorse or genuine regret
over the impugned defamatory publication, even though it was
admitted that it was a derogatory publication and proven
unsupported: Chong Swee Huat & Anor v Lim Shian Ghee
(T/A L & G Consultants & Education Services) [2009] 4 CLJ 1160
113, CA.
(o) It is my considered judgment that this untoward provocation
could have resulted in unnecessary public unrest. I find such
conduct highly irresponsible and reprehensible for a person 1165
holding high office in the government (Deputy Chief Minister II
of Penang at the time).
(p) The defamatory elements of the statement are proven, and so
is the publication of that impugned statement. I am inclined to
believe on the balance of probabilities, as claimed by Dr Zakir, 1170
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that the impugned defamatory publication carries adverse
imputations on Dr Zakir as (a) an evil man, (b) he is a cause of
disharmony among the multiracial citizens of Malaysia, (c) the
Terengganu State Government made a huge mistake by
inviting him to lecture in Terengganu, (d) he is not an honest 1175
Muslim preacher in propagating the teachings of Islam, and (e)
he had committed an offence or offences in other countries,
including Canada and the United Kingdom. In Hassan & Anor
v Wan Ishak & Ors [1961] MLJ 45, CA, Thompson CJ
observed that it is sufficient if the plaintiff proves the substance 1180
of it.
failed in light of the adverse evidence on the first impugned
defamatory publication. It cannot exonerate him from liability 1185
over this publication. I am guided by the Federal Court
Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd v Tony Pua Kiam
Wee [2015] 6 MLJ 187, FC and I also find Ramasamy had
failed the responsible journalism test since he admitted at the
trial that he did not take fair steps to gather, verify and publish 1190
the impugned defamatory publication.
(r) On using the Lucas-Box justification in his submissions, I have
e (Suit 53) and hold that
the evidence at the trial does not fit his pleaded defence and is 1195
unproven at the trial on the first defamatory publication. The
suggested meaning ascribed by Ramasamy is not
appropriately pleaded and proven in his defence. I find it an
afterthought. He anchored his pleaded defence on section 8 of
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the Defamation Act 1957 in paragraph 7 for justification and 1200
section 9 for fair comment in paragraph 8 for Suit 53. In
addition, the existence of malice denies Ramasamy the
pleaded defence for the first defamatory publication.
Second Defamatory Publication 1205
[7] On 01.10.2017, approximately 18 months after the first debacle, Dr
Zakir asserted that Ramasamy libelled him in a second defamatory
publication in an article that he penned Is Malaysia harbouring alleged
fugitive Zakir Naik (refer paragraph 5.2(a) above), intending for it to be
widely circulated on the FMT news portal. 1210
Dr Zakir argued that:
(a) The second impugned defamatory publication is a hateful and
unfounded personal attack. The offending article carries
damaging and disparaging connotations and imputations that 1215
cast baseless aspersions on Dr Zakir.
(b) In authoring the offending article, from the evidence at the trial,
Ramasamy sourced the materials from the internet without
verifying the truth of the information he wrote. He could not
provide compelling evidence of his allegations in the offending 1220
7.1 At the trial:
(a) Ramasamy admitted he penned the offending article on the
FMT news portal. Dr Zakir cited Nurul Huda Nazlin Hussin v 1225
Mohd Faisal Shamsuddin [2022] 1 LNS 118, HC that
observed in that case that the defendant, by his admission,
published the impugned words to push the JMB to take action
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on certain matters or to resign from their posts. This is where
the pen is mightier than the sword, where false allegations will 1230
bring the plaintiff into disrepute, and society will shun him to
achieve his purpose. The defendant did not apologise in this
case. Dr Zakir cited Dato' Wan Hashim bin Hj. Wan Daud v.
Mazlan bin Ibrahim & Anor [1997] 5 CLJ 140; [1990] 1 MLJ
176 that observed to determine whether the impugned words 1235
were capable of being, or were, fact, defamatory of the plaintiff:
(1) The test to be considered is whether such words were calculated to
expose him to hatred, ridicule, or contempt in the mind of a
reasonable man or would tend to lower the plaintiff in the estimation
of right-thinking members of society generally and 1240
(2) If the words have such a tendency, they could still be defamatory
even if they did not lower a plaintiff in the estimation of those to whom
they were published.
(b) Ramasamy did not deny that he did not verify the facts with Dr 1245
Zakir, nor does he have any evidence to support his writing
before publishing the offending article (NOP pg.1029 enclosure 72)
(1) Interpol did not issue any Red Notice on Dr Zakir, even though
requested by the Indian government on allegations of terrorism, hate
speech, and money laundering. 1250
(2) Interpol had issued a certificate (01.12.2017) that Dr Zakir is not
subject to an Interpol Red Notice or diffusion and is not known in
(Part B, enclosure 40, pg.1289).
(3) Interpol certificate (05.08.2019) confirms that Dr Zakir is not subject
to an Interpol Red Notice or diffusion (Part B, enclosure 40, pg.1290). 1255
(4) Interpol certificate confirms that Dr Zakir is not subject to an Interpol
Red Notice or diffusion.
(5) cleared Dr Zakir.
(6) That clears Dr Zakir from any unfounded allegations of being an
attacks in
etc (Part B, enclosure 40, pp.1197-1199). 1265
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(7) It was established at the trial that whatever investigation by the
National Investigation Agency of India died down as there was no
plausible evidence on the allegations (SEPW1, enclosure 57, pp.3-
(8) Ramasamy conceded at the trial that the foregoing renders his 1270
allegation in the offending article unsupported. They are all baseless
(NOP, enclosure 72, pp.1013-1014).
(9) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Ramasamy remained defiant and
refused to withdraw the offending article or take corrective measures
for the injury it caused Dr Zakir. It is an apparent reflection of the 1275
intent on the part of Ramasamy in the second impugned defamatory
(10) of connection with the
Dhaka attack and ISIS:
(i) Dr Zakir vehemently denied it. 1280
(ii) It was established at the trial before publishing the offending
article that Ramasamy did not seek any verification from Dr
Zakir (NOP, enclosure 72, pg.1040).
(iii) Dr Zakir clarified the position in his re-examination.
(iv) Concerning the malicious allegation by Ramasamy of Dr 1285
in Dhaka, Ramasamy
conceded that the Bangladeshi government never requested
the extradition of Zakir Naik (NOP, enclosure 72, pp.977-978).
(11) Dr Zakir cited Abd Kudus Ahmad v Datuk M Kayveas & Anor
[2014] 1 LNS1396 that observed in that case that the defendants 1290
were not entitled to report the unproven allegations of corruption
against the plaintiff in such a manner as to show that there was
sufficient evidence against the plaintiff, i.e., in the form of a clear pre-
judgment of the plaintiff's guilt.
(12) The allegation concerning IRF, and money laundering is entirely 1295
(i) Not only did Interpol clear Dr Zakir, but the Indian Appellate
Tribunal had also disallowed the Enforcement Directorate from
seizing (SEPW1: enclosure 57, pp.10-11).
(ii) Mr Justice Manmohan Singh determined that there was no 1300
evidence linking Dr Zakir to money laundering and inciting
youths to engage in violent activities.
(iii) The justice found nothing objectionable
(Part B, enclosure 40, pp.1202-1206).
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(c) The offending article explicitly refers to Dr Zakir and has
garnered widespread publication. There can be no dispute to
(i) There was no professionalism in authoring the offending
article that had defamed Dr Zakir. 1310
(ii) Lim Guan Eng & Anor v New Straits Time Press (M)
Berhad & Anor [2015] 1 LNS 1140 was cited in
addressing the application of the Reynolds privilege for
responsible journalism.
(iii) The Court, in that case, observed that the tone and the 1315
language of the said article were reported in professional
language (such as the title of the article only used the word
"Indian-interest group claims thugs interrupted meeting")
with no sensationalising made to both the personalities
(SP1 and SP2) as what Malaysiakini did. 1320
(iv) Also, in that case, the defendant used the words "claims "
and "believed " in the article, which indicates responsible
(v) Unlike in the instant case, evidently, no professionalism
was applied in authoring the offending article that 1325
personally targeted Dr Zakir. It was maliciously published
to injure Dr Zakir.
(vi) The principles that can be distilled from Lim
case (supra) are:
(1) The offending article could have adverse connotations or 1330
imputations against the plaintiff that leave a direct impression
in the reader's mind.
(2) The offending article tends to lower the plaintiff in the
approximation of right-thinking members of society.
(3) The offending article is thus defamatory of the plaintiff. 1335
(4) The late Gopal Sri Ram in Chok Foo Choo @ Chok Kee Lian
v The China Press Bhd [1999] 1 MLJ 371 observed that do
the words published in their natural and ordinary meaning
attribute to the plaintiff any dishonourable or discreditable
conduct or motives or lack of integrity on his part? If the 1340
question invites an agreeing response, then the words
complained of are defamatory, citing JB Jeyaretnam v Goh
Chok Tong [1985] 1 MLJ 334; Richard Malanjum J in Tun
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& Ors [1996] 1 MLJ. 1345
7.2 Ramasamy pleaded justification, fair comment, and qualified
privilege as his defences to the second defamatory publication. It
was established at the trial that
in the offending article was grounded on unverified online Indian 1350
7.3 Ramasamy did not dispute the publication, but as with the first
defamatory publication, he repeated the Lucas-Box justification for
the second impugned defamatory publication. He argued that the 1355
meaning he reasonably ascribed to the impugned statements in
their natural and ordinary meaning is inconsistent with the
defamatory meanings taken by Dr Zakir. Ramasamy meant:
(2) That the plaintiff was wanted in India for suspected terrorist-related 1360
activities and links to the Indian underworld, including Dawood
(3) The allegations were also that funds from Dawood Ibrahim's
underworld activities were used to finance the IRF.
(4) If that were the case, it would not augur well for diplomatic relations 1365
between India and Malaysia.
(5) Malaysia should extradite Indian fugitives, including the plaintiff, to
India and vice versa.
(6) That the plaintiff appeared to be in Malaysia despite apparent denials
by the then Deputy Home Minister of Malaysia. 1370
(7) It therefore appeared that Malaysia was harbouring the plaintiff.
Malaysia should not harbour the plaintiff.
(8) Malaysia should come clean on the presence or otherwise of the
plaintiff in Malaysia.
(9) 1375
something to do with the terrorist attacks in Dhaka and had instigated
some youths in Kerala to take part in ISIS activities.
(10) While Malaysia had taken a tough stand about ISIS, it harboured the
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7.4 Ramasamy pleaded justification for the second defamatory
(a) The Dhaka attack on 1.7.2016 was widely reported, resulting in
the death of civilians and security forces. Dr Zakir was alleged
to have influenced the attackers. 1385
(b) Dr Zakir admitted in his evidence that he was accused of
allegedly being linked with the Dhaka Attack on the allegation
that his teachings influenced the attackers.
(c) On 07.07.2016, the Hindustan Times reported that the Indian
government was launching a probe on Dr Zakir as a 1390
consequence thereof. Probes on his speeches and request by
an MP for a probe on the funding of his organisation IRF
(Islamic Research Foundation), the banning of IRF.
take action against Dr Zakir. Sometime in November 2016, the 1395
Indian Government banned IRF for five years.
(e) The authorities had lodged an investigation of suspected
money laundering against Dr Zakir and IRF.
(f) On 27.02.2017, the Indian authorities summoned Dr Zakir to
return to India to face the money laundering probe. Finally, an 1400
arrest warrant was issued in India on 13.0
refusal to attend the probe.
(g) 1405
(i) Refusal to appear in the probe resulted in the authority
the India Criminal Procedure Code.
(ii) His Indian Passport was revoked on 18.7.2017.
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(iii) On 12.10.2018, the Indian authority ordered the 1410
attachment of properties belonging to Dr Zakir.
(iv) A charge sheet was filed by the Indian authority against Dr
Zakir on 26.10.2017, and they wanted him to return.
(v) On 14.10.2019, the India Times reported that Dr Zakir and
two hardline preachers of Pakistan were involved in a love 1415
jihad case, where one of the individuals involved was
radicalised and forced into Islam.
(vI) Subsequently, Dr Zakir moved to Malaysia and was
granted permanent resident status in 2016. Therefore,
Ramasamy argued it is an issue whether Malaysia is 1420
harbouring Dr Zakir, who is wanted in India.
7.5 Ramasamy pleaded fair comment on the second defamatory
(a) From the foregoing facts, it is clear that the Malaysian 1425
government has refused to extradite Dr Zakir to India. As the
then Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang, Ramasamy has a
social and moral duty to publish the impugned defamatory
statement as a matter of public interest.
(b) Taken as a whole, the second defamatory statement is an 1430
opinion or comment of Ramasamy grounded on true facts on
the issue and not a statement of fact.
7.6 Ramasamy also pleaded qualified privilege on the second
defamatory publication. 1435
(a) He argued that there can be no doubt that there was a
reciprocal interest between him and the Malaysian public
receiving the impugned statement concerning the Malaysian
government harbouring Dr Zakir, a wanted man in India.
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(b) The impugned statement was made for the welfare of 1440
Malaysian society, and Ramasamy should be protected by
qualified privilege.
7.7 Considering the totality of the evidence and parties' respective
arguments, and on the balance of probabilities, I also find in favour 1445
of Dr Zakir, and it is my judgment that Ramasamy has failed to
establish his proferred defences to the second defamatory
(a) Justification:
(i) The burden is on Ramasamy to establish the truth or 1450
substantially the truth of his impugned statements that are
defamatory of Dr Zakir. Section 8 of the Defamatory Act
1957 is an absolute defence if the requirement is proven.
It is incumbent on Ramasamy to prove the truth or
substantially the truth of his impugned statement in the 1455
offending article: Loh Li Sze v Eugene Chong Haou Inn
& Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1620.
(ii) In light of the evidence in the foregoing paragraph, I cannot
see how justification can apply when the truth or
substantially the truth of the statement is proven 1460
unfounded at the trial when his allegation was successfully
(iii) During his evidence, Ramasamy even admitted that his
offending article is based on unverified sources (NOP,
enclosure 72, pp 975-976, pg.979, enclosure 72). 1465
(b) Fair Comment:
(i) Section 9 of the Defamation Act 1957 requires that the 1470
impugned defamatory statement be a comment, not a
statement of facts. The comment must be based on true
facts and is a matter of public interest.
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(ii) To reiterate the foregoing, the truth or substantially the
truth of the impugned statement is proven unfounded at the 1475
(iii) Evidently, the offending article is not a comment in its
present form. As with the first defamatory publication, it is
also a provocation premised on an assumed statement of
facts from unsupported sources that Dr Zakir had 1480
successfully debunked at the trial.
(iv) Dr Zakir cited Chew Mei Fun v Tony Pua Kiam Wee &
Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1357 that held:
(1) To establish fair comment, it must be proven that the statement
expresses an opinion grounded on truthful facts. 1485
(2) Obviously, the offending article by Ramasamy is not an
expression of an opinion. It is not anchored on the truth or
substantial truth of the matter.
(3) As rightly cited by Dr Zakir, Abd Kudus Ahmad v Datuk M
Kayveas & Anor [2014] 1 LNS1396 had observed that the 1490
defendants were not entitled to report the unproven allegations
in the form of a clear pre-judgment of the plaintiff's guilt.
(v) The presence of malice on the part of Ramasamy in the
circumstances would disentitle the defence.
(l) Qualified Privilege:
(i) Ramasamy claimed he was under a moral and social duty
to communicate the words complained of, and the public
at large had a corresponding interest in receiving the
information. Dr Zakir disagreed and said the public had no 1500
corresponding interest but only the police or the
authorities. Citing Dr Chong Eng Leong v Tan Sri Harris
Mohd Salleh [2017] 10 CLJ 657 that observed:
(1) A defendant's conduct in publishing material giving rise to a
defamatory imputation will not be reasonable unless the 1505
defendant had reasonable grounds for believing that the
imputation was true, took proper steps, so far as they were
reasonably open, to verify the accuracy of the material and did
not believe the imputation to be untrue.
(2) In the present case, Ramasamy admitted at the trial that he 1510
never took any steps to verify the contents of his article that
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vilified Dr Zakir when contemporaneous documents were
available to debunk his defamatory allegations.
(ii) To reiterate Chew Peng Heng v Anthony Teo Tiao Gin
[2015] 10 CLJ 197 [2008] 5 MLJ 577; [2008] 8 CLJ 418, 1515
HC that, the defence of qualified privilege needs two
criteria, i.e., one, there is a legal, moral, or social duty to
make the statement on one side. The other is that there is
a corresponding interest to receive it. However, if it is
tainted with malice, this defence will not be available (see 1520
Rajagopal v. Rajan [1971] 1 LNS 117).
(iii) Evidently, from the foregoing paragraphs, the defence
does not apply. The defence of qualified privilege is not
available if it is shown that a defendant has been actuated
by actual or express malice or if he has used the occasion 1525
for some indirect or wrong motive: Dato' Dr Low bin Tick
v Datuk Chong Tho Chin & Other Appeals [2017] 8 CLJ
369, FC. Since I have determined that Ramasamy was
malicious in targeting and vilifying Dr Zakir, this defence
will also be denied. 1530
7.8 Considering the evidence at the trial:
(a) Dr Zakir, in his evidence (NOP, enclosure 71, pp.704-706), clarified
(i) The first time the Indian authority charged him was for 1535
promoting terrorism. To get the Interpol Red Notice, they
needed to file the charge. Interpol denied it for lack of
evidence in connecting Dr Zakir to terrorism. So, the Indian
authority issued a warrant for this.
(ii) The second time, the Indian authority laid charges for 1540
giving hate speeches and was asked to attend the probe.
Since he was away, he agreed to a video conference, as I
a second warrant.
(iii) For the third time, the Indian authority laid charges for 1545
money laundering to get the Red Notice from Interpol.
Interpol denied it for want of evidence connecting him to
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money laundering. So, the Indian authority issued a third
(iv) The fourth time, the Indian authority proceeded under the 1550
Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) to attach his
properties. A warrant was issued. When the matter came
up before the High Court, Justice Manmohan Singh chided
the Indian authority that he had seen hundreds of Dr
re videos, and they could not produce one 1555
video of his lecture where he promoted terrorism. Justice
Manmohan Sing denied the application.
(v) Dr Zakir asserts that he has never been convicted of these
charges in India or any other country. Never in his life has
he been convicted of a crime. 1560
(vi) He takes these defamatory actions against Ramasamy
because he has maligned him the most.
(b) At the trial, Ramasamy, in his evidence, did not raise any
. He agreed 1565
that Interpol did not accept the Indian authority's version of the
story on Dr Zakir.
(c) Ramasamy also acknowledged at the trial in his evidence that
Interpol had cleared Dr Zakir from charges of terrorism, hate 1570
speech and money laundering in its decision on 26.10.2018,
2.07.2019, and 26.01.2021 (NOP, enclosure 72, pp.1078-1079). In
his evidence, Ramasamy also acknowledged that Interpol
found the charges against Dr Zakir baseless (NOP, enclosure 72,
pp.1013-1014). 1575
(d) Ramasamy also acknowledged that in his evidence at the trial,
Dr Zakir was in Malaysia lawfully and was also a guest of the
Government of Qatar (NOP, enclosure 72, pg.1082). The term
fugitive has no application in this context. 1580
(e) Dr Zakir, in his evidence, argued that contrary to the allegation
of Ramasamy that he was a fugitive, he equates his relocation
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to hijrah to ensure the preservation of his life from an
oppressive authority (NOP encl.87, pp.1158-1160). 1585
(f) Dr Zakir denied any involvement in the Dhaka terrorist attack
that Ramasamy linked him to. It was established at the trial that
Ramasamy never attempted to clarify the story before
publishing it. Ramasamy admitted that notwithstanding the 1590
allegations, the Bangladeshi government never made any
request to extradite Dr Zakir to Bangladesh (NOP, enclosure 72,
(g) This second defamatory publication is also a targeted personal 1595
attack on the personality of Dr Zakir, 18 months after the first
debacle. In light of the evidence at the trial, I agree with Dr Zakir
that the offending article by Ramasamy is defamatory. It carries
adverse connotations.
(h) The degree of hostility shown by Ramasamy towards Dr Zakir
in the offending article has not abated since the first debacle 18
months earlier. The offending article is constructed to rile up the
Malaysian public against Dr Zakir and is grounded on unverified
publishing the offending article, as a responsible author would in
authoring such an adverse piece on another.
(j) In such circumstances, Ramasamy must be held accountable,
and he has failed the responsible journalism test cited in Syarikat
Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd v Tony Pua Kiam Wee [2015]
6 MLJ 187, FC.
(k) It is my considered judgment that the display of lack of
objectivity by Ramasamy manifests malice on his part. It is not
concerned with the truth of the materials in the offending article
but only that it garners widespread notoriety of Dr Zakir
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irrespective of the integrity of the information that the article 1620
(l) The presence of malice would automatically disqualify the
defences he is proffering to the Court over his conduct. There
was no truth or substantial truth in the impugned statements of 1625
the second defamatory publication.
(m) Even after his allegations in the article were successfully
debunked at the trial, he showed no remorse or regret. As with
the first defamatory publication, this reflects upon his 1630
demeanour. I find such conduct highly irresponsible and
reprehensible for a person holding high office in the government
(Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang at the time).
(n) 1635
second impugned defamatory publication. I am unconvinced of
his arguments to exonerate himself.
(o) On the plea of the Lucas-Box justification on the second 1640
defence (Suit 53), I hold that the evidence at the trial does not
fit his pleaded defence. The suggested meaning ascribed by
Ramasamy is not appropriately pleaded in his defence and is
unproven at the trial. I find it an afterthought. He anchored his 1645
pleaded defence on section 8 of the Defamation Act 1957 in
paragraph 16 for justification and section 9 for fair comment in
paragraph 17 for Suit 53. In addition. The existence of malice
denies Ramasamy the pleaded defences.
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[8] The third and fourth defamatory publication arises from a public
lecture Dr Zakir was invited to give in Kelantan on 08.08.2019: 1655
8.1 Third Defamatory Publication
On 11.08.2019, approximately 22 months after the second debacle,
Ramasamy penned another Naik Should Not Question the
Loyalty of Hindus in Malaysia (refer paragraph 5.3(a) above). 1660
Ramasamy admitted during the trial that he did publish the offending
article on the FMT news portal on 11.08.2019.
8.2 Fourth Defamatory Publication
On 20.08.2019, approximately 9 days after the third defamatory 1665
publication, Ramasamy gave an online interview with India Today
(Zakir Naik Crackdown Penang Deputy CM Exclusive Interview with
India Today on Zakir Ban) and slandered Dr Zakir. The interview has
been transcribed, in a nutshell (refer paragraph 5.4(a) above).
8.3 At the trial
(a) There is no issue that both the third and fourth defamatory
publications referred to Dr Zakir since he had been explicitly
named in both publications. Ramasamy did not dispute at the
trial that the impugned publications refer to Dr Zakir. 1675
(b) Dr Zakir argued that the third and fourth defamatory
publications carry adverse imputations against him. He cited
Roslan Ali v The New Straits Times (M) Bhd & Anor [2017]
1 LNS 1356, which observed that statements or words were
defamatory if they tended to lower the plaintiff in the estimation 1680
of right-thinking men or if they would expose him to hatred,
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contempt or ridicule or cause him to be shunned or avoided. It
was argued that Ramasamy:
(1) Had made baseless allegations against Dr Zakir that are factually
incorrect concerning the Hindus and Chinese. 1685
(2) Ramasamy had sensationalised the alleged fugitive status of Dr
Zakir in this country when the same is untrue.
(3) Accused Dr Zakir of having carried out a mischievous comparative
perspective on religion that had created tension between Muslims
and non-Muslims in Malaysia. 1690
(4) Ramasamy had labelled Dr Zakir as poison, venom, fraudster, or
(c) In his evidence, Dr Zakir:
(i) Negated the allegations labelled at him 1695
issue by giving a press release on 13.08.2019 to clear the
smear campaign to vilify him (Part B, enclosure 35, pp.32.34).
(ii) Dr Zakir asserted that he never used the word loyal as
suggested in the defamatory publications; the word used
was support, which bears a different connotation. 1700
(iii) It was badly misquoted and twisted out of context to skew
support for Ramasamy's third and fourth defamatory
(d) In his evidence, Dr Zakir (SEPW1(A), enclosure 52, pp.24-27): 1705
(i) Negated the allegations labelled at him on the Chinese
issue by giving a press release on 8.8.2019 to clear the
smear campaign to vilify him (Part B, enclosure 35, pp.35.37).
(ii) Dr Zakir asserts he is a man of peace out on a mission to 1710
spread peace and truth.
(iii) But a few hate-mongers, many with political agendas, want
to disrupt his mission by misquoting and fabricating
information against him.
(iv) Information received ought to be verified before acting on 1715
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(e) There was never any issue of insulting the Hindus or the
Chinese, as alleged by Ramasamy in the third and fourth
defamatory publications.
(f) These press releases did not elicit any rebuttal from Ramasamy
to challenge the clarification by Dr Zakir (NOP, enclosure 72,
pp.1043 & 1045). It reflects adversely on the purported truth of
unfounded allegations in the third and fourth
defamatory publications. 1725
(g) On
Zakir, it was argued that:
(i) On 21.08.2019, Tun Mahathir Mohamad, the PM at the
time, issued a statement, reported in the Metro that the PM 1730
of India did not make any request for the deportation of Dr
Zakir to India (Part B enclosure 40, pp.1287-1288).
(ii) On 21.08.2019, Datuk Seri Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, MB
of Terengganu, issued a statement captured by Metro that
pressure from some parties, including several cabinet 1735
ministers, to deport Dr Zakir must be accompanied by
concrete arguments to ensure justice is observed (Part B,
enclosure 40, pp.1260-1261).
(iii) On 16.08.2018, Berita Harian reported the Chairman of the
that Dr Zakir should not be presumed a threat to society as
the racial statements are only his personal views (Part B,
enclosure 40, pp.1242-1243)
(iv) On 16.08.2019, the Mufti of Pahang, Datuk Seri Abdul
Rahman Osman, was reported by Metro as saying that he 1745
disagrees with certain parties wanting to deport Dr Zakir as
he did not divide the people but only explained the truth
about Islam (Part B, enclosure 40, pg.1245)
(v) On 15.08.2018, FMT reporters quoted the President of
Pas, Tuan Guru Dato Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, as saying 1750
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credentials to speak on comparative religion (Part B,
enclosure 40, pp.1240-1241).
Ramasamy elected not to refute these arguments but continued 1755
ranting for the deportation of Dr Zakir. In his evidence,
Ramasamy acknowledged that he knew that the PM of India
never requested the deportation of Dr Zakir from Tun Mahathir
before publishing the third and fourth defamatory publications
(NOP, enclosure 72, pp.1022-1023). 1760
(h) Dr Zakir denies any allegation that his speeches created
disharmony and tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims,
as alleged.
(i) It is not an issue that the impugned third and fourth defamatory
publications, such as FMT and India Today. 1765
8.4 Ramasamy pleaded justification, fair comment, and qualified
privilege as his defences to the third and fourth impugned
defamatory publications.
Ramasamy: 1770
(a) dispute the publication of the third and fourth
defamatory publications. Similarly, he argues that the
impugned publications are not defamatory of Dr Zakir. He
argued that what Dr Zakir understood was not what he had
ascribed to the two impugned defamatory publications. The 1775
alleged alternative meanings ascribed by Ramasamy in its
natural and ordinary reading:
(i) Third Defamatory Publication:
(a) That the plaintiff is a fugitive from India who is evading legal
action for charges pertaining to money laundering and terrorist-1780
related attacks.
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(b) That the plaintiff has insulted and belittled religions other than
Islam in Malaysia, on the pretext of engaging in comparative
(c) The plaintiff should not be allowed to speak about religions 1785
other than Islam in Malaysia.
(d) The plaintiff has accused Hindus in Malaysia of being disloyal
to the Prime Minister of Malaysia and instead were loyal to the
Prime Minister of India.
(e) That loyalty to another country could be seen as treasonous. 1790
(f) That by absconding India to avoid the law of the land for
charges brought against him as aforesaid, the plaintiff was
disloyal to the country of his origin.
(g) That some Malaysians were being manipulated by the plaintiff
for his own selfish reasons. 1795
(h) If the plaintiff is true to his religion, he ought to return to India
and stand trial there.
(i) Malaysians of all faiths will suffer the consequences of the
(ii) Fourth Defamatory Publication:
(a) That the plaintiff had questioned the loyalty of the Hindus in
(b) That the plaintiff had accused the Malaysian Hindus of being 1805
more loyal to the Prime Minister of India.
(c) That the plaintiff had said that the Chinese in Malaysia should
leave Malaysia before himself.
Hindus have angered the non-Muslim community and have 1810
increased tension between Muslims and non-Muslims in
(e) The apology was not sincere, was half-hearted, and was
designed to cover up what the plaintiff said in Kota Bharu.
(f) Tun Mahathir also felt the plaintiff had overstayed his welcome 1815
in Malaysia.
(g) the plaintiff is a fugitive from India evading the Indian justice
(h) That if the plaintiff was a true Muslim, he would return to India
to face the Indian justice system. 1820
(i) That the plaintiff incites hate by using comparative religion as a
means to belittle other religions and is a hate monger.
(j) That the plaintiff was a fraudster and a trickster.
(k) That the plaintiff engaged in selective prosecution, in that the
plaintiff did not appear to take action against Malay Muslims 1825
who criticised him but rather lodged police reports against
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8.5 Ramasamy pleaded Lucas-Box justification espoused by the
Federal Court in Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor v Tony Pua Kiam 1830
Wee [2015] 6 MLJ 187, FC, (as addressed in paragraph 6.5 above).
He seeks to prove his own reasonable meaning to the words
complained of by showing reasonable ground for suggesting the
meaning he sought to prove for the third and fourth defamatory
publications: 1835
(a) The third and fourth defamatory publications arose from Dr
where he was alleged to have made offensive remarks against
the Malaysian Chinese and Indians.
(b) Ramasamy alleged that Dr Zakir had labelled the Malaysian 1840
Chinese as guests/old guests (pendatang) in this country and
asked them to go back, sayin
Malaysia. It is a racially derogatory term. Calling the Malays,
Chinese, and Indians pendatang is taboo as it unfairly
questions their Malaysian citizenship and loyalty. 1845
(c) hat
Malaysian Hindus support the Prime Minister of India but not
the Prime Minister of Malaysia and that Malaysian Hindus are
more Indians than Malaysians themselves. This denigrated the
Malaysian Hindus. These statements by Dr Zakir were criticised 1850
by MCA President Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong (Part B enclosure 38,
pg.870-872), Marina Mahathir (Part B, enclosure 38, pp.892-893); Lim
Kit Siang (Part B, enclosure 38, pp.860); National Patriot
Association (Part B, enclosure 38, pp.863-864); Syed Saddiq (Part B,
enclosure 38, pp.879-880); Tun Mahathir Mohamad (Part B, 1855
enclosure 38, pp.852-853).
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8.6 Ramasamy pleaded fair comment on the third and fourth defamatory
(a) The offensive remarks on Indians and Chinese by Dr Zakir in
his lecture in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, are issues of public interest. 1860
As the then Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang, Ramasamy has
a legal, social, or moral duty to make the impugned third and
defamatory publications as a matter of public interest.
(b) The third and fourth defamatory publications constitute fair
comments on the impugned statements based on true facts. 1865
8.7 Ramasamy pleaded qualified privilege on the third and fourth
defamatory publications:
(a) The third and fourth defamatory publications were on the
discharge of 1870
Minister II of Penang.
(b) Ramasamy and the party receiving the impugned publications
have a reciprocal interest in reading it. It was for the welfare of
Malaysian society. There was no malice in the offending
remarks. 1875
8.8 Considering the totality of evidence, the parties' respective
arguments, and on the balance of probabilities, I find in favour of Dr
Zakir, and it is my judgment that Ramasamy has failed to establish
his proferred defences to the third and fourth defamatory 1880
(a) Justification:
(i) Dr Zakir cited Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim v Lim Guan
Eng [2023] 1 LNS 1762, CA, where the Court of Appeal
observed that: 1885
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(1) A successful defence of justification must commensurate and
correspond with the degree of the imputation of the defamatory
statement. The tortfeasor cannot resile from his statement of
guilt to cower behind lesser truth.
(2) In the present case, Ramasamy cannot establish the truth of 1890
his allegations/statements in the third and fourth impugned
defamatory publications.
(3) During Cross-Examination, Ramasamy admitted that he could
not confirm the facts of whether the Plaintiff had been convicted
for any fraudulent activities in any Court in Malaysia, or to 1895
commit fraud against anyone, or whether police reports had
been lodged against the Plaintiff because he tricked someone:
NOP, vol.4, pg.1078-1079, pp.1081-1082, pp.1082-1083,
enclosure 72.
(4) Ramasamy's allegations in the third and fourth defamatory 1900
publications were successfully negated, leaving his allegation
unfounded. He cannot now prove the truth or substantial truth
in his impugned defamatory statements.
(ii) Similar to the first two defamatory publications, in light of 1905
the evidence before me, I cannot see how justification can
apply to the third and fourth defamatory publications when
the truth or substantially the truth of the statement is proven
unfounded at the trial when his allegation was successfully
debunked. 1910
(b) Fair Comment:
(i) To reiterate the foregoing, the truth or substantially the
truth of the impugned statements in the third and fourth
impugned defamatory statements are successfully proven 1915
unfounded at the trial.
(ii) Similar to the first two defamatory publications, the third
and fourth defamatory publications do not express a
comment in their present form. It is also a provocation
premised on an assumed statement of unsupported facts 1920
that Dr Zakir had successfully debunked at the trial.
(iii) Dr Zakir had earlier cited Chew Mei Fun v Tony Pua
Kiam Wee & Anor [2023] 1 LNS 1357 that held:
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(1) To establish fair comment, it must be proven that the
statement expresses an opinion grounded on truthful facts. 1925
(2) Evidently, the offending third and fourth defamatory
publications by Ramasamy do not express opinions.
(3) It is not anchored on the truth or substantial truth of the matter.
(4) Unsupported, the allegations by Ramasamy would be
actuated by malice and personal animosity towards Dr Zakir 1930
(iv) The presence of malice on the part of Ramasamy in the
circumstances would disentitle the defence.
(c) Qualified Privilege:
(i) Ramasamy claimed he was under a moral and social duty 1935
to communicate the words complained of, and the public
at large had a corresponding interest in receiving the
(1) Dr Zakir disagreed and said the public had no corresponding
interest but for the police or the authorities. Citing Dr Chong 1940
Eng Leong v Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh [2017] 10 CLJ 657
that observed a defendant's conduct in publishing material
giving rise to a defamatory imputation will not be reasonable
unless the defendant had reasonable grounds for believing that
the imputation was true, took proper steps, so far as they were 1945
reasonably open, to verify the accuracy of the material and did
not believe the imputation to be untrue.
(2) In the present case, Ramasamy admitted at the trial that he
never took any steps to verify the contents of his article that
vilified Dr Zakir when contemporaneous documents were 1950
available to debunk his defamatory allegations.
(ii) Evidently, from the foregoing paragraphs, the defence
does not apply. The defence of qualified privilege is not
available if it is shown that a defendant has been actuated 1955
by actual or express malice or if he has used the occasion
for some indirect or wrong motive: Dato' Dr Low bin Tick
v Datuk Chong Tho Chin & Other Appeals [2017] 8 CLJ
369, FC. Since I have determined that Ramasamy was
malicious in targeting and vilifying Dr Zakir, this defence 1960
will also be denied.
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8.9 Considering the evidence at the trial:
meaning suggested by Ramasamy is an afterthought in trying to conform 1965
with the legal requirement on justification, fair comment, and qualified
(a) Dr Zakir, in his evidence, clarified the position that he had
always been misquoted and taken out of context in his 1970
speeches that had maligned him unnecessarily. I have
considered his evidence and clarification and find no plausible
reason to disbelieve him. Taken in context, the allegation
levelled against him is not tenable. Dr Zakir clarified that he
never offended the Malaysian Indians and Chinese. I have 1975
examined his clarification in its actual context and find he has
been misquoted and maligned.
(b) Dr Zakir claims he is not a fugitive as Interpol has refused the
him for terrorism, money laundering, and hate speeches for
want of convincing evidence. Even Justice Manmohan Singh of
the Indian High
for the forfeiture of his properties, was denied on lack of
convincing evidence. The learned Judge could not find any 1985
video recording of his alleged hate speeches. Ramasamy
himself admitted in his evidence that Interpol had cleared Dr
Zakir of all allegations, rendering them baseless, and he has no
objection to Justice Manmohan Singh's statement. Ramasamy
. 1990
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(c) Contrary to the allegations that he is on the run, Dr Zakir took
the position that he is on hijrah to Malaysia for the preservation
of his life and safety and the well-being of the ummah. Taking
parallels with the hijrah taken by the Prophet from Makkah to 1995
Madinah, that was also a security concern.
(d) Before publishing these impugned third and fourth defamatory
publications, Ramasamy never sought Dr Zakir to verify and
clarify his side of the story for the requirement of responsible 2000
(e) Dr Zakir gave his version of the Dhaka attack, which I find no
reason to disbelieve. Even Ramasamy admitted in his evidence
that the Bangladeshi authorities have never requested the 2005
extradition of Dr Zakir on the Dhaka attack.
(f) It is evident that the third unfounded defamatory publication is
also a targeted personal attack on Dr Zakir, twenty-two (22)
months after the second debacle. In light of the evidence at the 2010
trial, I agree with Dr Zakir that the offending article by
Ramasamy is defamatory. It carries adverse connotations in
that Dr Zakir (1) is an unprincipled and/ or unethical person who
would abuse the Islamic religion for his personal gain and/or
purpose, (2) has dishonestly accused the Malaysian Hindus of 2015
disloyalty to Malaysia and the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr
Mahathir, (3) he has calculatedly attempted to create a gap
among the multi-ethnic religious Malaysians with the dubious
motive of splitting the same and causing disharmony and
disunity among them, (4) he is, purportedly a fraudster, a 2020
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trickster, and a fugitive, should not be given permanent resident
status in Malaysia, (5) he is a criminal who should stand trial
and not act as a coward, running from one country to another,
(6) he is a convict who has run away from the Indian authorities
to seek refuge in Malaysia, and (7) he is a venom, a poison, a 2025
fraudster, a trickster, a fugitive, and a hate monger who is
seeking asylum in Malaysia.
(g) On the fourth unfounded defamatory publication nine (9) days
after the third debacle. I agree that the offending interview is 2030
indeed slanderous of Dr Zakir. It carries adverse connotations
that (1) he is a dishonest person who would abuse the Islamic
religion for his selfish purpose, (2) he has unfairly and
dishonestly accused Malaysian Hindus of being disloyal to
Malaysia, (3) he calculatedly attempted to create a gap among 2035
multi-ethnic and multi-religious Malaysians to obtain the
support of the Malaysian Muslim community to enjoy immunity
and privilege for his continued stay in Malaysia, (4) he is
dishonestly leveraging and taking advantage of the current
polemic relating to race and religion in the country for his 2040
survival and benefit, (5) he has dubious motives for splitting the
Malaysian population and bringing about disharmony and
disunity among them, (6) he does not deserve to be accorded
a permanent residency in Malaysia, (7) he is being used for
specific political purposes and/or by political parties, and for that 2045
purpose, will use them to further his ambitions and, therefore,
is partisan in Malaysian politics, and (8) he is a criminal and has
committed several offences under the Penal Code and the
Sedition Act.
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(h) The degree of hostility shown by Ramasamy towards Dr Zakir 2050
is evident and has not abated since the first defamatory
publication on his Facebook account on 10.04.2016.
Undoubtedly, from the evidence at the trial, after approximately
three years and four months, it had become very personal.
(i) Similar to the first and second defamatory publications, the third
and fourth defamatory publications are also constructed to
provoke anger and hatred against Dr Zakir using unverified
sources of information in the offending publications. In simply
refusing to seek clarification and verification on the damaging 2060
contents of the two impugned defamatory publications,
(j) Ramasamy admitted at the trial that he did not attempt to get
defamatory publications, irrespective of the veracity or
otherwise of those impugned adverse allegations. It seeks to
vilify Dr Zakir to the Malaysian public. It is my considered view
that this display of lack of objectivity by Ramasamy manifests
malice on his part that is not concerned with the truth of the 2070
materials in the offending publications, but only that it garners
widespread notoriety of Dr Zakir irrespective of the integrity of
the information that the publications contained.
(k) I take cognisance that Ramasamy showed no remorse or regret 2075
for his actions even after all the defamatory allegations in the
third and fourth defamatory publications had been debunked at
the trial. It reflects upon his demeanour.
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(l) The presence of malice would automatically disqualify the
defences Ramasamy is proffering to the Court over his conduct. 2080
There was no truth or substantial truth in the impugned
statements of the third and fourth defamatory publications. He
did not satisfy the responsible journalism test cited by the
Federal Court in Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd v
Tony Pua Kiam Wee [2015] 6 MLJ 187, FC. 2085
(m) On the plea of the Lucas-Box justification, I have examined
evidence at the trial does not fit his pleaded defence on the third
and fourth defamatory publications. The suggested meaning 2090
ascribed by Ramasamy is not appropriately pleaded in his
defence and is unproven at the trial. I find it an afterthought. He
anchored his pleaded defence on section 8 of the Defamation
Act 1957 in paragraphs 26 and 34 for justification and section 9
for fair comment in paragraphs 27 and 35 for Suit 53. In 2095
addition, the existence of malice denies Ramasamy the
pleaded defences. I fi
defamatory publications.
[9] Fifth Defamatory Publication (In Suit 70)
On 08.11.2019, approximately two and half months after the fourth
debacle, Ramasamy targeted and released the fifth defamatory
publication against Dr Zakir (refer paragraph 5.7(a) above) in an article
entitled DAP leader accuses Zakir camp of faking Tamil Tigers revival 2105
on the Malaysian Insight news portal (three years (3) and six months (6)
after the first defamatory publication on 10.04.2016). There is no issue
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that this offending article has been published to the Malaysian public
besides Dr Zakir via the Malaysian Insight online news platform.
9.1 At the trial:
(a) Ramasamy:
(i) Admitted publishing the impugned defamatory article.
(ii) However, he asserts that the impugned fifth publication
only refers to the supporters of Dr Zakir and only 2115
contextually to Dr Zakir.
(iii) As rightly pointed out by Dr Zakir, Ramasamy confirmed
that the impugned statement did refer to him (NOP,
enclosure 72, pg.1060)
(iv) Dr Zakir cited Muhammad Syuhaimi Hj Abdul Jofli & 2120
Anor v Hamirah Izzatie Sabarin [2023] 3 CLJ 599 that
referred to and followed Knupffer v. London Express
[1944] AC 116, 120 [1944] 1 All ER 495, 113 LJKB 251
in saying that:
(1) "The test of whether words that do not specifically name the 2125
[Claimant] refer to him or not is this: Are they such as
reasonably in the circumstances would lead persons
acquainted with the Claimant to believe that he was the
person referred to? David Syme v. Canavan (1918) 25 CLR
234, 238 (Isaacs J). 2130
(2) This is an objective test. If such people would understand the
words, the Claimant doesn't need to prove that there were, in
fact, such people who read the offending words. Hence, an
individual defamed by name in Cornwall has a cause of action
even if he was unknown in that county at the time of 2135
publication: see Gatley on Libel & Slander 12th ed para 7.3;
Multigroup Bulgaria Ltd v. Oxford Analytica Ltd [2001] 1
WLR 74, [2001] EMLR 28, 22.
(b) Taken in its full context, there is no denying that the impugned 2140
fifth defamatory statement does indeed refer to or implicate Dr
Zakir. Ramasamy, during cross-examination, agreed that Dr
(NOP, enclosure 72, pp.1089-1890).
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(c) I agreed with Dr Zakir's assertion; taken in context, the
impugned fifth publication is indeed defamatory of Dr Zakir. He 2145
cited Dato' Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail & Anor v Nurul
Izzah Anwar & Anor [2021] 4 CLJ 327, FC that it was a
question of fact to be determined by the standard of an ordinary
and reasonable-minded reader if the impugned article is
defamatory concerning the impression created in the mind of 2150
such a reader after viewing the entire article (the media power
of suggestion). It was argued by Dr Zakir that the offending
article was ill-intended, carrying adverse connotations on the
LTTE issue against him. It was actuated by malice, hatred,
envy, and spite without verifying the truth in those impugned 2155
statements in the offending publication.
9.2 Ramasamy pleaded justification, fair comment, and qualified
privilege to defend the fifth defamatory publication (Suit 70).
Ramasamy: 2160
(a) Pleaded that the fifth defamatory publication on Tamil tigers
LTTE revival did not refer to Dr Zakir, though it specifically
mentioned his name in it. He cited:
(i) Chong Swee Huat & Anor v Lim Shian Ghee & Anor
[2009] 3 MLJ 665, CA, which observed that the test is 2165
whether reasonable readers generally or a reasonable
reader with particular knowledge would understand the
statement to refer to the plaintiff.
(ii) He also cited Noor Asiah Bte Mahmood & Anor v
Randhir Singh & Ors [2000] 2 MLJ 175, which held that 2170
the offending articles, when read as a whole, would lead
those who were dealing with the plaintiffs to the conclusion
that the articles referred to them and that both the articles
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were defamatory of the plaintiffs and were written with the
intention of identifying them. The test is an objective test. 2175
(iii) Ramasamy also cited
Ismail & Anor v Nurul Izzah bt Anwar & Anor [2021] 2
MLJ, FC that observed that it was instead a case whether
upon a consideration of the entire statement and not just a
minor part, there were matters which were defamatory of 2180
the appellants. The Federal Court preferred to accept the
view in Charleston and another v News Group
Newspapers Ltd and another [1995] 2 All ER 313 that
the publication must be taken to have been viewed as a
whole, especially when considering whether any sting 2185
contained in the headlines, for example, had been
neutralised by the context when viewed as a whole.
(b) Ramasamy argued that in the offending article, he had used the
words camp, supporters, forces, and agencies of Dr Zakir. It 2190
was aimed at the supporters and followers of Dr Zakir.
(d) Ramasamy further argued that sometime in 2018, after he
published the first and second defamatory publication, there
Wong Hai Hung and Kamaruzaman Mohamad) to revive and
bring the LTTE issue against him by spreading fake news, to
deflect attention from Dr Zakir. Due to fake news over the LTTE
issue, twelve individuals were arrested, including politicians
from DAP. In the premise, Ramasamy claimed that he needed 2200
to respond by issuing the fifth defamatory publication targeting
the supporters of Dr Zakir.
(d) The Attorney General discontinued criminal proceedings
against the twelve individuals as there was no prospect of 2205
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conviction on the thirty-four preferred charges (Part B, enclosure
23, pp.478-494). Therefore, it was argued that the fifth offending
article could not be defamatory to Dr Zakir.
9.3 Ramasamy pleaded justification on the fifth defamatory publication. 2210
He raised the Lucas-Box justification as a defence and repeated his
foregoing arguments to justify the natural and ordinary meaning of
the fifth impugned defamatory publication.
9.4 Ramasamy pleaded fair comment on the fifth defamatory 2215
publication. He argued that the impugned statements were based
on true facts; it was a comment and not a statement of facts
involving a public interest matter.
9.5 Ramasamy pleaded qualified privilege on the fifth defamatory 2220
publication, in that he made the offending article in the discharge of
his public or private duty; it was fairly made to parties with
corresponding interest to receive it for the welfare of the society.
9.6 Considering the totality of evidence before me, the parties' 2225
respective arguments, and on the balance of probabilities, I find in
favour of Dr Zakir, and it is my judgment that Ramasamy has failed
to establish his proferred defences to the fifth defamatory
(a) Justification:
(i) Dr Zakir pointed out that in asserting justification,
Ramasamy had mentioned the names of specific
individuals who had supposedly uttered statements
against him being involved in the LTTE terrorist group. It 2235
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was proven that those names were never mentioned in the
offending article.
(ii) In denying the defence of justification, Dr Zakir asserted
no hold or influence over the government, (2) he is not and 2240
has never been a politician, (3) he is an Islamic preacher
beholden to its tenets to promote unity, harmony and
brotherhood, (4) he never directed the named individuals
by Ramasamy to utter those allegations against
Ramasamy, (4) he has no knowledge of the alleged 2245
statement uttered by those individuals, (5) by Ramasamy
suggesting in the offending article that it is unreasonable
to make such allegations against LTTE, they do not harm
anyone, suggest support for LTTE from Ramasamy, (6)
LTTE is included in the terrorist list by KDN, and not at the 2250
insistence of Dr Zakir, (7) it is unbecoming of a Deputy
Chief Minister of Penang to engage in libel against Dr
(iii) There is no compelling evidence of the truth or substantial
truth in the contents of this offending publication produced 2255
at the trial.
(iv) In light of the foregoing, justification cannot apply to the fifth
defamatory publication.
(b) Fair Comment: 2260
(i) To reiterate the foregoing, the truth or substantially the
truth of the impugned statements in the fifth defamatory
publication are successfully proven unfounded at the trial.
(ii) The present offending publication, as with the first four
offending publications, does not express a comment in its 2265
current form.
(iii) It is a provocation premised on an assumed statement of
unsupported facts that Dr Zakir had successfully debunked
at the trial.
(iv) Dr Zakir drew my attention to O.78 r.3(2) RC 2012, which 2270
requires the defendant in an action for defamation to plead
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the expression of opinion as distinct from the statement of
facts that he relies on. In the present case, Ramasamy has
failed to do that, which renders his defence unsustainable:
CLJ; Crowd Care Sdn Bhd & Anor v Ling Lek Foo
n Teik v Tan
Kai Hee [2014] 9 MLJ 363.
(v) I find the fifth defamatory publication to be actuated by
malice as there is no compelling evidence from Ramasamy 2280
matter of fact, Ramasamy himself, in his evidence,
admitted as much (NOP, enclosure 72, pp.1089-1890).
(c) Qualified Privilege: 2285
(i) Ramasamy claimed he was morally and socially obliged to
communicate the words complained of. The public at large
had a corresponding interest in receiving the information.
Still, Dr Zakir, in his evidence, disagreed and said the
public had no corresponding interest but for the police or 2290
the authorities to investigate if there is merit in it. It is
incorrect for Ramasamy to malign him in such a manner
when he had nothing to do with it.
(ii) At the trial, Ramasamy could not verify the statements in
the fifth impugned defamatory publication. Dr Zakir cited 2295
Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim v Lim Guan Eng [2023] 1
LNS 1762, CA; Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh v Datuk Yong
Teck Lee [2018] 1 CLJ, FC on the necessity to verify the
truth and accuracy of the impugned information before
publishing it or will fail the required threshold for qualified 2300
(iii) Ramasamy has no compelling evidence that he had taken
steps to verify and authenticate the integrity of the
information before publishing it in his offending fifth
defamatory publication. 2305
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(iv) It is my finding that in the circumstances, the defence of
qualified privilege is denied, mainly when the offending
publication is actuated by malice to vilify Dr Zakir.
9.7 Considering the evidence at the trial: 2310
(a) From the totality of the evidence at the trial, I am disinclined to
s involvement in
the revival of the LTTE issue. The evidence does not support
NOP, vol.3, 2315
pp.698-700. Though he argued that it was targeted at the
supporters of Dr Zakir, I could not help but notice in the
unfounded defamatory publication was also a personal attack
on Dr Zakir, three and a half years after the first debacle on
(b) In light of the evidence at the trial, the offending article by
Ramasamy is also defamatory. The position taken by 2325
Ramasamy that the offending publication merely refers to Dr
ters only is unsustainable.
(c) The offending article carries adverse connotations as claimed
by Dr Zakir that he (1) was instrumental in persuading the 2330
Malaysian authorities to take action against the supporters of
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ("LTTE") in Malaysia to divert
the attention from himself, (2) he has manipulated and/or
lobbied the Malaysian authorities for his benefit and/or
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advantages, (3) is the architect or mastermind of the arrest of 2335
the supporters of LTTE in Malaysia, and (4) is being used for
specific political purposes and/or political parties; he will use
them to further his ambitions and, therefore, is partisan in
Malaysian politics.
(d) I observed that the degree of hostility shown by Ramasamy
towards Dr Zakir did not abate throughout the three and half
years concerning the five impugned defamatory publications. It
has become highly personal, with evidence pointing to
comparative religious discourses being taken out of context. 2345
(e) Similar to the earlier four defamatory publications, the fifth
defamatory publication was also constructed to provoke anger
and hatred against Dr Zakir using unverified sources of
information in the offending publication. In failing to seek 2350
clarification and verification of the impugned fifth defamatory
publication's damaging contents, it is my judgment that
seeks to vilify Dr Zakir.
(f) Similar to my finding in the four other defamatory publications,
it is my considered view that this display of lack of objectivity by
Ramasamy manifests malice on his part that is not concerned
with the truth of the materials in the offending publications but
only that it garners widespread notoriety of Dr Zakir irrespective 2360
of the integrity of the information in that publication.
(g) Ramasamy proceeded without verifying the facts of the
offending article that carries such adverse connotations on the
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standing and credibility of Dr Zakir. It is actuated by malice. This 2365
presence of malice would automatically disqualify the defences
Ramasamy is proffering to the Court. There was no truth or
substantial truth in the impugned statements of the fifth
offending publication. Ramasamy failed the responsible
journalism test cited by the Federal Court in Syarikat Bekalan 2370
Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Appellant) v Tony Pua Kiam Wee
(Respondent) [2015] 6 MLJ 187, FC.
(h) hardly tangible in light of Dr
, smeared, and damaged
anding and credibility to the public, and he must be
held accountable.
(i) On the plea of the Lucas-Box justification, I have examined 2380
evidence at the trial does not fit his pleaded defence on the fifth
defamatory publication. The suggested meaning ascribed by
Ramasamy is not appropriately pleaded and is unproven at the
trial. I find it an afterthought. He anchored his pleaded defence 2385
on section 8 of the Defamation Act 1957 in paragraph 8 for
justification and section 9 for fair comment in paragraph 9 for
Suit 70. In addition, the existence of malice denies Ramasamy
the pleaded defences.
[10] In canvassing for the quantum of damages, Dr Zakir:
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10.1 Cited Chin Choon @ Chin Tee Fut v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 2 CLJ
569, CA, where the late Gopal Sri Ram JCA referred to and followed 2395
Defamation Law, Procedure & Practice by Price & Duodu (3rd
ed, para 20 -04 at p 208) says that the quantum of damages
awarded in respect of vindication and injury to reputation and
feelings depends on several factors:
(1) The gravity of the allegation. 2400
(2) The size and influence of the circulation.
(3) The effect of the publication.
(4) The extent and nature of the claimant's reputation.
(5) The behaviour of the defendant.
(6) The behaviour of the claimant. 2405
10.2 Dr Zakir also alludes me to Sir Thomas Bingham MR (as he then
was) in John v. MGN Ltd [1997] QB 586, where it was said that the
factors for consideration in the following passage:
In assessing the appropriate damages for injury to reputation, the most 2410
important factor is the gravity of the libel; the more closely it (the defamation)
touches the personal integrity, professional reputation, honour,
courage, loyalty, and the core attributes of his personality, the more serious it
is likely to be. The extent of publication is also very relevant; a libel published
to millions has a greater potential to cause damage than a libel published to a 2415
handful of people. A successful plaintiff may properly look to an award of
damages to vindicate his reputation, but the significance of this is much greater
in a case where the defendant asserts the truth of the libel and refuses any
retraction or apology than in a case where the defendant acknowledges the
falsity of what was published and publicly expresses regret that the libellous 2420
publication took place.
It was argued that:
(a) There is no doubt:
(1) Dr Zakir is a renowned and highly respected speaker on Islam and 2425
comparative religion worldwide who has given several thousands of
public lectures on the subject worldwide and holds numerous awards
and accolades: enclosure 49, paragraph 290, pp.250-251.
(2) He has more than 17.5 million followers on his Facebook account
and has appeared regularly on many international TV Channels in 2430
over 175 countries worldwide.
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(3) He has authored several books on Islam and comparative religion.
(4) The foregoing information was unchallenged at the trial.
(b) The five defamatory publications circulated to the public coming 2435
from a man of position as Deputy Chief Minister of Penang II
had tarnished
public eye.
(c) There can be no doubt that the five defamatory publications 2440
maliciously maligning Dr Zakir have been published and re-
published with wide circulation on the Internet without borders,
bringing his standing into disrepute: Lim Lip Eng v Ong Ka
Chuan [2022] 5 CLJ 847, FC. Dr Zakir pleaded that:
(1) The five defamatory publications are, in the circumstances of the 2445
case, actuated by malice, hatred, envy, and spite sans any
verification of the veracity or integrity of the allegations.
(2) The publication of the five defamatory materials intended to portray
Dr Zakir as a bad person and a threat to Malaysia's national security,
peace, and harmony. 2450
(3) The five defamatory publications are unfounded, utter fabrications,
spurious, entirely fictitious, and/or have been twisted and slanted for
the selfish needs of Ramasamy.
(4) The ramifications created by the five defamatory publications
constitute grave and vicious libel and slander on Dr Zakir 2455
(5) The five defamatory publications by Ramasamy that have been
published and re-published were intended to:
(a) Incite public hatred, ill-will and/or contempt of Dr Zakir.
(b) Garner cheap publicity for Ramasamy and
(c) Humiliate, ridicule, and expose Dr Zakir to physical, mental, 2460
emotional, or psychological harm.
10.3 In support, Dr Zakir cited:
(a) Ling Wah Press (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v Tan Sri Dato Vincent 2465
Tan Chee Yioun [2000] 4 MLJ 77, FC, where the Federal
Court awarded a cumulative award of RM7 million for
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aggravating degree of libel. The Court considered that no
apology, retraction, or withdrawal can ever be guaranteed to
completely undo the harm of the defamatory statements or hurt 2470
the same has caused.
(b) Jessy Lai & Anor v Lim Lip Eng [2023] 1 LNS 705, HC, an
award of RM2 million was justly awarded.
(c) Datuk Harris Mohd Salleh v Datuk Yong Teck Lee [2018] 1
CLJ, FC, RM600,000 was observed by the Federal Court as a 2475
reasonable sum.
(d) Mazlan Aliman & Ors v Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah
Persekutuan [2016] 1 LNS 971, CA, the Court of Appeal
affirmed the HC order awarding RM350,000 as general and
aggravated damages with a cost of RM150,000. 2480
(e) Nurul Izzah binti Anwar v Tan Sri Khalid bin Abu Bakar &
Anor [2018] MLJU, HC awarded the plaintiff RM400,000 from
D1 (Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar) and RM600,000 from D2 (Dato
Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob).
(f) Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim v Lim Guan Eng [2023] 1 LNS 2485
1762, CA, the Court of Appeal awarded RM250,000 in general
damages to the appellant.
(g) Lim Guan Eng v New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd [2017] 9
MLJ 622, HC, was awarded RM300,000 as general and
aggravated damages due to the high standing of Lim Guan 2490
(h) In Chin Choon v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 2 CLJ 569, CA, the
Court of Appeal awarded RM200,000 as a global award of
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10.4 In the circumstances, Dr Zakir prays for the following:
(1) RM2,500,000 general damages (500,000 x 5 defamatory publications).
(2) RM1,000,000 compensatory damages for all five defamatory publications.
(3) RM1,000,000 aggravated damages for all five defamatory publications. 2500
(4) RM1,000,000 exemplary damages for all five defamatory publications.
(5) RM200,000 costs for both Suit 53 and Suit 70.
(6) A mandatory injunction against Ramasamy compelling him to remove the
five defamatory publications from the related websites within seven days
from the pronouncement of the judgment under the jurisdictional powers 2505
of the High Court under Section 53 of the Specific Relief Act 1950 and its
inherent jurisdiction.
(7) A permanent injunction against the Defendant to restrain the Ramasamy
from publishing, distributing and/or uploading any defamatory statement
against Dr Zakir on any medium whatsoever, under the jurisdictional 2510
powers of the High Court under Section 50, 51 (2) and 52 of the Specific
Relief Act1950 and its inherent jurisdiction, and
(8) An unreserved, unequivocal, and unconditional apology to be published
in the following newspapers/news portals/social media within seven days
(i) Berita Harian.
(ii) The Star.
(iii) Sinar Harian.
(iv) Tamil Nesan.
(v) Sin Chew Daily. 2520
(vi) Free Malaysia Today (FMT), and
In the circumstances, Dr Zakir prays for order in terms of his prayers with
cost. 2525
[11] For the quantum of damages, Ramasamy:
11.1 Cited Restoran Nasi Kandar Irfanah Sdn Bhd v The New Straits
Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd & Another Appeal [2021] MLJU
1946, HC that said that the current trend and settled principle that 2530
the award of damages in defamation cases should not be overly
standing and
reputation in society.
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11.2 He cited Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion Sdn Bhd v Hotel Continental
Sdn Bhd (Hong Hing Thai Enterprise Sdn Bhd, third party) 2535
[2011] 4 MLJ 354 that observed aggravated damages are awarded
as a form of higher compensation to show the disapproval of the
acts of a defendant which were carried out in such a manner that
the plaintiff has suffered more than would normally be expected in
such a case. (Tort Law by Catherine Elliot and Frances Quinn (7th 2540
Ed) 2009). Such damage is to compensate the plaintiff an extra sum
for the injury to his feelings and pride or dignity.
11.3 He cited M Wealth Corridor Sdn Bhd (formerly known as
Fantastic Megaway Sdn Bhd) v Chan Tse Yuen & Co (sued as a
firm) [2018] MLJU 360, which observed that exemplary damages 2545
are not compensatory but rather are punitive in nature. The purpose
of such an award is to punish the wrongdoer for conduct that has
been variously described, among other things, as outrageous,
oppressive, appalling, high-handed, or in cynical disregard for the
rights of the plaintiff. In Lee Ewe Poh v Dr Lim Teik Man & Anor 2550
[2011] 1 MLJ 835, it was observed that exemplary damages serve
the purpose of offering a serious punishment to the defendant to
deter others from behaving in the same way, in referring to and
following Lord Devlin in Rookes v Barnard and others [1964] AC
1129, that the fundamental basis of exemplary damage must first be 2555
satisfied by the plaintiff i.e., the plaintiff has to prove the culpability
of the first defendant's conduct which must be so outrageous as to
deserve punishment or deterrence.
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11.4 Ramasamy, therefore, argued that he did not deliberately, in bad
faith, publish the five defamatory publications. Therefore, 2560
aggravated and exemplary damages should not be awarded.
In the circumstances, Ramasamy prays that Suit 53 and Suit 70 be
dismissed with cost.
THE LAW 2565
[12] The burden of Proof:
It is trite in law that all cases are decided on the legal burden of proof
being discharged. The burden of proof in establishing its case is on the
plaintiff. It is not the defendant's duty to disprove it. The evidentiary
burden is trite that those who allege a fact are duty-bound to prove it 2570
(see s.101, 102, and 103 of the Evidence Act 1950). In Selvaduray v
Chinniah [1939] 1 MLJ 253, 254 (CA) held:
"The burden of proof under section 102 of the Evidence Enactment is upon the
person who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side and
accordingly, the plaintiff must establish his case. If he fails to do so, it will not 2575
avail him to turn around and say that the defendant has not established his. The
defendant can say it is wholly immaterial whether I prove my case or not. You
have not proved yours".
In Johara Bi bt. Abdul Kadir Marican v. Lawrence Lam Kwok Fou & 2580
Anor [1981] 1 MLJ 139, (FC) held:
"It was all a matter of proof and that until and unless the plaintiff has discharged
the onus on her to prove her case on a balance of probabilities, the burden did
not shift to the defendant, and no matter if the defendant's case was completely
unbelievable, the claim against him must in these circumstances be dismissed. 2585
With respect, we agree with this judicial approach."
[13] A defamatory statement:
13.1 Is a statement which tends to lower a person in the estimation of
right-thinking members of society generally or cause him to be 2590
shunned or avoided or to expose him to hatred, contempt, or
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ridicule (see Ummi Hafilda Bte Ali v Ketua Setiausaha Parti
Islam (PAS) [2006] 4 MLJ 761 at p.770 per Gill FCJ citing Sim v
Stretch [1936] 2 All ER 1237).
13.2 The Federal Court in Raub Australia Gold Mining Sdn Bhd v
Hue Shieh Lee [2019] 3 CLJ 721, FC observed that it is a
question of law in construing the impugned statement as being
defamatory or otherwise. It requires an objective test to determine
whether (1) the imputation in the statement would lower the 2600
plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking members of society
generally (reasonable men), (2) the imputation would tend to
cause others to shun or avoid the plaintiff, and (3) would the words
tend to expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule: Gately
on Libel and Slander, 12th edition, p.7. 2605
13.3 Or to convey an imputation on him disparaging or injurious to him
in his office, profession, calling, trade, or business [see section 5-
Defamation Act 1957 (Act 286) -
determine whether, under the circumstances in which the words 2610
were published, reasonable men to whom the publication was
made would likely understand it in a defamatory or libellous sense:
Allied Physics Sdn Bhd v Ketua Audit Negara (Malaysia) &
Anor and Other Appeals [2016] 7 CLJ 347, CA.
eye of the public depends largely on the facts and circumstances
in each case.
13.5 Mere hurt feelings are insufficient for the award of damages under 2620
defamation. The
good name and reputation. The law on defamation in Malaysia is
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primarily anchored on the English common law principles except
as far as it had been modified by the Act, which is in pari materia
with the English Defamation Act 1952 (see Soh Chun Seng v 2625
CTOS-EMR Sdn Bhd [2004] 5 CLJ 46).
13.6 Defamation is committed when the defendant publishes words or
matters containing untrue imputations against the plaintiff's
reputation to a third person.
13.7 Liability for defamation is divided into two categories: libel and 2630
slander. If the publication is made in a permanent form, broadcast,
or part of a theatrical performance, it is libel. It is slander if it is in
some transient state or is conveyed by spoken words or gestures.
[14] The civil law of defamation is primarily based on case law. 2635
Although the Act does not define defamatory matters, it has given some
well-known common law principles statutory force. Libel or published
defamation, for example, a newspaper article, television broadcast,
pictures, and words, can be defamatory (see Civil Trial Guidebook by
Marsden Law Book). In Kian Lup Construction v Hongkong Bank 2640
Malaysia Berhad [2002] 7 CLJ 32 Ramly Ali J (at that time) said:
statement must bear defamatory imputatio
(See also Ayob Saud v. TS Sambanthamurthi [1989] 1 CLJ 152) 2645
In Tan Sri Dato Vincent Tan Chee Yioun v Haji Hasan Bin Hamzah &
Ors [1995] 1 MLJ 39, HC, it was held:
(a) It is a question of law for the court to decide whether the natural
and ordinary meaning of the words used could convey a 2650
defamatory meaning of and concerning the plaintiff.
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(b) Libel does not depend on the intention of the defamer. It was
irrelevant to consider the meaning the writer and publisher
intended to convey on defamation.
(c) The question is to be determined by an objective test. 2655
[15] Therefore, based on the above authorities, the plaintiff has to prove
the following:
(a) the statement was defamatory.
(b) it referred to him and 2660
(c) it was published, communicated to a third party
Once proven, the burden then shifted to the defendants to prove any of
the defences:
(a) justification or, in other words, the truth of the utterance.
(b) fair comment on a matter of public interest or 2665
(c) that it was made on a privileged occasion.
[16] Justification:
16.1 Section 8 of the Defamation Act 1957:
libel or slander in respect of words containing two or more 2670
distinct charges against the plaintiff, a defence of justification shall not fail by
reason only that the truth of every charge is not proved if the words not proved
to be true do not materially i
16.2 In an action for libel or slander:
(a) In respect of words containing two or more distinct charges
against the plaintiff, a defence of justification shall not fail by
reason only the truth of every charge is not proved if the words
reputation having regard to the truth of the remaining charges.
(b) All that is needed to be established is that the impugned
defamatory statements are true or substantially true (see Dato
Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin v Sistem Televisyen 2685
Malaysia Bhd & Anor [2014] 4 MLJ 242).
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(c) Justification affords a complete defence against defamation.
[17] Fair Comment: 2690
17.1 Section 9 of the Defamation Act 1957:
allegations of fact and partly of expression of opinion, a defence of fair comment
shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every allegation of fact is not proved
if the expression of opinion is fair comment having regard to such of the facts 2695
Ramli [2022] 3 MLJ 75, HC reiterates the applicable elements: 2700
(a) The words complained of are comments.
(b) The comments are on a matter of public interest or where it will
affect the public so that they may be legitimately interested in it.
(c) The comments are based on true facts and
(d) The comments are ones that a fair-minded person can honestly 2705
make based on the facts.
17.3 In fair comment, if the primary facts are true, in the absence of malice
and falsehood, fair comment should succeed: Mohd Rafizi bin
Ramli v Dato Sri Dr Mohamad Salleh bin Ismail & Anor [2019] 6 2710
MLJ 587, CA.
[18] Qualified Privilege:
18.1 Qualified privilege is a defence:
(a) Where the impugned statements were published pursuant 2715
to a discharge of legal, social, or moral duty with no ill will
or malicious intent.
(b) The recipient of the statements had a corresponding interest in
receiving them.
(c) The impugned statements constitute fair comments and are 2720
covered under qualified privilege.
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Lord Atkinson in Watt v Longsden [1930] 1 KB 130:
the person who makes a communication has an interest or a duty, legal, social,
or moral, to make it to the person to whom it is made, and the person to whom it
is so made has a corresponding interest or duty to receive it. This reciprocity is
18.2 To discover whether such a duty exists, the following question
serves as a good test: the great mass of right-minded men
in the position of the defendant have considered it their duty under
In Hasnul bin
Abdul Hadi v Bulat bin Mohamed & Anor [1978] 1 MLJ 75, HC 2735
said that statements made on a subject matter in which both the
defendant and the persons to whom the statements are made have
had a legitimate common interest come under one of the classes of
statements published on the occasion of qualified privilege.
[19] I have examined all-cause papers, the evidence at the trial, and the
parties' submissions in canvassing for their position in Suit 53 and Suit 70.
Considering the totality of the evidence and my observations and
considerations concerning the parties' respective arguments in 2745
paragraphs [6] 6.1-6.10, [7] 7.1-7.8, [8] 8.1-8.9, and [9] 9.1-9.7 above, and
in addition to, it is my considered determination:
Tan Sri Dato Vincent Tan Chee Yioun v Haji
Hasan Bin Hamzah & Ors (1995] 1 MLJ 3 observed it is for the 2750
Court to determine the question of law whether the
allegations of defamation were capable of conveying a defamatory
meaning within the context that it was published and understood
within that context: Sivananthan v Abdullah Bin Dato Abdul
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Rahman [1984] 1 MLJ 62, HC. In Field v Davis [1955] CLY 1543, 2755
cited in th Edition (Oxford
University Press, 2019, p.639), the Court held that when the
defendant called a married woman a tramp, it was not defamatory,
because it was uttered by the defendant in a fit of temper and were
understood by those around as being mere vulgar abuse. 2760
19.2 The Court of Appeal in Abu Hassan Hasbullah v Zukeri Ibrahim
[2018] 3 CLJ 726, CA reiterated the basic principles that (1) is the
impugned statement defamatory in nature, (2) does the impugned
statement refer to the plaintiff, and (3) has the statement been 2765
published to third parties. It must be in the affirmative on all three. In
construing the offending paragraph, it is necessary to consider the
actual words used within the context in which it was issued, whether
it was libellous premised on the foregoing factual matrix of this case.
19.3 Appraising the background and complete facts of the present case,
on the balance of probabilities, has succeeded in
establishing his claim on defamation in the five impugned
publications by Ramasamy.
[20] I am guided by the Court of Appeal in Keluarga Communication v
Normala Samsudin [2006] 2 CLJ 46, CA that the test to be applied when
considering whether a plaintiff's statement is defamatory is well settled in
that it is an objective one that must be given a meaning a reasonable man
would understand. In considering whether the words complained 2780
contained any defamatory imputation, it is necessary to consider the
whole article, citing Gatley on Libel & Slander, 10th edition:
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the fact that the context and circumstances of the publication must be taken
into account that the plaintiff cannot pick and choose parts of the publication 2785
which, standing alone, would be defamatory. This or that sentence may be
considered defamatory, but there may be other passages which take away
Synergy Promenade Sdn Bhd v Datuk Seri Hj. Razali Hj 2790
Ibrahim [2021] 8 CLJ 891, CA. In C. Sivananthan v Abdullah
1984] 2 CLJ (Rep) 467 quoting Lord
Herschell LC in Australian Newspaper v Bennet [1894] AC
The words have to be considered in the context in which they were spoken: 2795
not infrequently use words, and are understood to use words, not in
their natural sense, or as conveying the imputation which, in ordinary
circumstances, and apart from their surroundings, they would convey, but
extravagantly, and in a manner which would be understood by those who
hear or read them as not conveying the grave imputation suggested by a 2800
20.1 In my considered determination, in the context that it was issued,
the five offending publications carry libellous and slanderous
connotations on Dr Zakir. From the evidence at the trial, the 2805
impugned five defamatory publications undoubtedly refer to Dr
Zakir, published on social media and online news platforms, a news
medium with no borders.
20.2 Dr Zakir has, therefore, satisfied three essential elements of the tort 2810
of defamation: (1) the five impugned publications are defamatory in
nature, (2) the five impugned defamatory publications refer to Dr
Zakir, and (3) the five impugned defamatory publication has been
published to third parties.
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20.3 Ramasamy evidently could not prove the truth or appropriately 2815
justify the five defamatory publications that had libelled and
slandered Dr Zakir. I find no convincing evidence to establish the
truth or substantially the truth of the five impugned defamatory
publications for justification, fair comments, and qualified privilege
to apply. His proferred defences are without merits and 2820
unsustainable. I take the evidence by Ramasamy in his defence with
an abundance of caution. I am unpersuaded by his arguments.
Ramasamy's evidence is primarily untenable to negate Suit 53 and
Suit 70 against him.
20.4 The animosity and malice in the unrelenting personal attacks of Dr
Zakir in those five impugned defamatory publications by Ramasamy
occurred from 10.04.2016 to 08.11.2019 (approximately three and
half years). Undoubtedly, from the language and the context in
which it was used, it got very personal. Those five impugned 2830
defamatory publications were personal attacks angled to disparage,
ridicule and lower Dr Zakir in the eyes of the general public.
After appraising the evidence, all the relevant cause papers, and the 2835
written submissions by the respective parties, on the balance of
probabilities, I find that Dr Zakir had discharged his burden in establishing
his claims in Suit 53 and Suit 70.
21.1 2840
defamatory publications. Accordingly, I entered final judgment for Dr
Zakir on Suit 53 and Suit 70 based on a greater weight of evidence.
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21.2 After hearing arguments by parties on the quantum of damages and
taking into consideration what was said by the Court of Appeal in 2845
Chin Choon @ Chin Tee Fut v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 2 CLJ 569,
CA, referring to and following the principles in Defamation Law,
Procedure & Practice by Price & Duodu (3rd ed, para 20 -04 at p
208) by weighing, in a nutshell:
(a) The gravity of the allegation: 2850
The five impugned defamatory publications were very severe, casting
such severe unfounded aspersions on Dr Zakir with ill intent to harm the
reputation, credibility, honour, and credibility of Dr Zakir.
(b) The size and influence of the circulation: 2855
Undoubtedly, Dr Zakir has a massive following worldwide. The Federal
Court in Ling Wah Press (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v Tan Sri Dato Vincent
Tan Chee Yioun [2000) 4 MLJ 77, FC held that substantial awards were
justified based on aggravating libel. It was libel and slander on the online
platform with no borders, accessible to anyone with access to the internet. 2860
(c) The effect of the publication:
The cumulative effect of the five unfounded defamatory publications for
over three and a half years gravely maligned Dr Zakir to all his audiences,
foreign and domestic. It exposes him unnecessarily to odium, contempt, 2865
and disrepute to the public.
(d) The extent and nature of the claimant's reputation:
No definitive and compelling evidence establishes Dr Zakir as a criminal
and liar, a trickster, a fugitive, a fraud, a money launderer, and a terrorist. 2870
These unfounded allegations from suggestive and speculative evidence
conjured from Ramasamy gravely impacted Dr Zakir's worldwide
reputation as a religious preacher and a man of faith.
(e) The behaviour of the defendant: 2875
The five defamatory publications' language, contents, and form
undoubtedly show malicious intent to gravely harm Dr Zakir
over his position in comparative religious approaches. There is no doubt
from the evidence that Ramasamy personally targeted and maligned Dr
Zakir for three and a half years with no relent. As I had observed, even 2880
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statements was debunked, there was no compelling evidence showing his
regret or remorse over maligning Dr Zakir during that period.
(f) The behaviour of the claimant: 2885
Dr Zakir displayed exceptional patience and tolerance in facing the severe
and aggravated personal attack from Ramasamy until he finally decided
to arrest the onslaught and seek civil redress in Suit 53 and Suit 70 over
the personal targeting of him by Ramasamy. Dr Zakir showed restraint
and did not retort to malign Ramasamy in return. He did not seek to 2890
inflame the situation and go on a confrontation in the media for three and
a half years.
It is ordered that Ramasamy is liable to pay Dr Zakir cumulative
award of damages amounting to RM1,450,000.00, which is fair and 2895
reasonable, comprising:
(a) General damages of RM200,000.00 for each defamatory
publication. (200,000.00 x 5: RM 1 million).
In awarding general damages, I have duly considered the
materials in the foregoing guide by the Court of Appeal in Chin 2900
Choon @ Chin Tee Fut v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 2 CLJ 569,
CA. John Dixon J in Wilson v Bauer Media Pty Ltd [2017] VSC
521 in a case concerning an Australian celebrity Rebel Wilson
observed in assessing damages:
The purpose of an award of damages are to provide consolation for hurt 2905
feelings, compensation for damage to reputation, and vindication of the
imprecise and. Accordingly, damages are at large in the sense that they
cannot be arrived at through calculation or the application of a formula.
The sum awarded 2910
The level of damages ought to reflect the high value which the law places
upon reputation and, in particular, upon the reputation of those whose work
and life depends upon their honesty, integrity and judgment.
The gravity of the libel and the social standing of the parties are relevant in
assessing the quantum of damages necessary to vindicate the plaintiff. The 2915
award must be sufficient to convince a bystander of the baselessness of
the charge. At common law, it was legitimate to take into account not only
what the plaintiff should receive but also what the defendant ought to pay.
The extent of the publication and the seriousness of the defamatory sting
are pertinent considerations. In determining the damage done to the 2920
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take into account the grapevine
effect arising from the publication of the defamatory material.
It is well accepted that injury to feelings may constitute a significant part of
the harm sustained by a plaintiff, and for which a plaintiff is to be
compensated by damages. Injured feeling includes the hurt, anxiety, loss 2925
of self-esteem, sense if indignity and the sense of outrage felt by the
Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Yaakub v Abang Mohammad
Bin Abang Anding [1979] 2 MLJ 185, HC, Seah J observed 2930
, the heavier the damages
(Youssoupoff v Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Ltd [1934]
50 TLR 581). The reasons for higher award are that these
persons are more vulnerable to defamation as far as they are
more well-known, often held public positions of considerable 2935
responsibility and trust, encounter more people and have a wider
circle of friends. In Ling Wah Press (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors v Tan
Sri Dato Vincent Tan Chee Yioun [2000] 4 MLJ 77, FC, the
Federal Court awarded a cumulative award of RM7 million for
aggravating degree of libel. The Court considered that no 2940
apology, retraction, or withdrawal can ever guarantee to
completely undo the harm of the defamatory statements or hurt
the same has caused.
(b) Compensatory damages of RM20,000.00 for each defamatory 2945
publication. (RM20,000.00 x 5: RM 100,000.00).
Apart from general damages, aggravated, and exemplary
damages, Dr Zakir asks for compensatory damages of RM1mil
for all five defamatory publications that I could not find any
refuting arguments from Ramasamy in his submissions 2950
contesting the prayer apart from asking for nominal damages to
be awarded. In the circumstances, I allowed RM100,000 out of
RM1mil being asked for.
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(c) Aggravated damages of RM20,000.00 for each defamatory
publication. (RM20,000.00 x 5: RM 100,000.00). 2955
In awarding aggravated damages (for the harm suffered by Dr
Zakir beyond economic harm or general damages, such as
anxiety, mental anguish, distress, pain and suffering for three
and a half years and more), I am guided the Court of Appeal in
Chin Choon v Chua Jui Meng [2005] 3 MLJ 494, CA, that 2960
observed the Court will consider
his motive when the tort was committed.
An award of aggravated damages is justified by any kind of high-
handed, oppressive, insulting, or contumelious behaviour by the
defendant that increases the mental pain and suffering of the 2965
plaintiff (McCarey v Associated Newspaper Ltd [1965] 2 QB
56). The later conduct of Ramasamy in relation to the
libel/slander could increase the grief, annoyance, or distress of
Dr Zakir, and this would be sufficient basis for the award of
aggravated damages (David Syme v Mather [1977] VR 524). 2970
It may be awarded in addition to general damages (Sistem
Televisyen Malaysia Berhad & 4 Ors v Nurullah binti Zawawi
& Anor [2015] 6 AMR 372, CA).
Lord Hailsham in Cassel & Co v Broome [1972] AC 1027 said
that the natural indignation of the Court at the injury inflicted can 2975
be the ground for awarding aggravated damages.
(d) Exemplary damages of RM50,000.00 for each defamatory
publication. (RM50,000.00 x 5: RM 250,000.00)
In awarding exemplary damages, I am guided by the following: 2980
T Trade winds Properties Sdn
Bhd v Zulhkiple Bin Abu Bakar & Ors [2019] 1 MLJ 421, CA
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that had referred to and followed the
Sambaga Valli a/p KR Ponnusamy v Datuk Bandar Kuala
Lumpur & Ors and another appeal [2018] 1 MLJ 784 that had 2985
-the two terms now
regarded as interchangeable-are additional damages awarded with
reference to the conduct of the defendant, to signify disapproval,
condemnation or denunciation , and to 2990
punish the defendant. Exemplary damages may be awarded where
the defendant has acted with vindictiveness or malice., or where
he has acted with a contumelious disregard for the right of the
plaintiff. The primary purpose of an award of exemplary damages
may be deterrent, or punitive and retributory, and the award may also 2995
have important function in vindicating the rights of the plaintiff (see
Rookes v Barnard [1964] 1 All ER 347 Broome v Cassel &
Company [1971] 2 QB 345
The Court of Appeal in Sambaga Valli said: 3000
and are
not recoverable as a matter of right. The amount of the exemplary
considering the character of the , the nature and
injury and the means of the defendant. The 3005
quantum of exemplary damages to be awarded must be appropriate to the
The categories of cases propounded in Rookes v Barnard
[1964] 1 All ER 347 are: 3010
(1) Where the plaintiff has been a victim of oppressive, arbitrary, or
unconstitutional acts of servants of the governments (the present
case, involving the tortuous act of the then Deputy Chief Minister II of
(2) 3015
calculated by him to bring in profit which exceeds the amount of
compensation that he might have to pay the plaintiff (any form of
advantage (not necessarily monetary) gained by the defendant in
defamation cases suffices Chin Choon v Chua Jui Meng, per Gopal
Sri Ram JCA); or 3020
(3) Where a statute allows for the award of exemplary damages.
In deciding the quantum of the exemplary damage, I have
considered the three factors:
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(1) The plaintiff cannot recover such damages unless he himself is 3025
the victim;
(2) Since exemplary damages can be used for and against liberty
and is a form of punishment without the safeguard of criminal law,
it must be used with restraint, and in this regard the size of the
award of exemplary damages should be moderate but at the 3030
same time reflecting the gravity of the wrongdoing, sufficient to
punish the wrongdoer (Cheng Hang Guan & Ors v Perumahan
Farlim (Penang) Sdn Bhd & Ors [1994] 1 AMR 201); and
(3) The financial means of the parties, though irrelevant to
compensatory damages, are relevant in assessing an award of 3035
exemplary damages. The conduct of the parties, including an
honest apology (if any) to show genuine remorse by the
defendant is also a relevant consideration (Praed v Graham
(1889) 24 QBD 53).
In the present case, Ramasamy at the time occupied the position 3040
as the Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang. A very high-ranking
government official that command influence. From the totality of
the evidence, while in that role, he vilified Dr Zakir in the
offending materials.
There was no apology (even though reported, he denies it), no 3045
remorse, and retractions or offer of retraction of the impugned
defamatory materials (debunked) that I find were intentional and
malicious in targeting and vilifying Dr Zakir over three and half
years. It has undoubtedly injured Dr Zakir unnecessarily.
It is trite law that in deciding quantum of damages, the Court will 3050
consider amongst others the absence of or refusal of retraction
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or apology (Chin Choon @ Chin Tee Fut v Chua Jui Meng
[2005] 2 CLJ 569, CA).
21.3 Injunctive prayers as prayed are allowed. 3055
It is trite law that, injunctive relief can be granted in appropriate
cases to restrain the publication (or further publication) of
defamatory materials. It is my judgment that from the repetitive
nature of Ramasamy continuously targeting and publishing
offending/defamatory materials on Dr Zakir, for over three and half 3060
years unchecked, injunctive reliefs as prayed is necessary to arrest
it from recurring in the future.
21.4 Publishing an unreserved, unequivocal, and unconditional apology
as prayed is allowed. 3065
In Lord McAlpine of West Green v Bercow [2013] EWHC 1342
(QB) apart from paying damages, the defendant was ordered to
apologise in open court.
It is trite in law, that an apology is not a defence. In Datuk Harris
bin Mohamed Salleh v Abdul Jalil bin Ahmad & Anor [1984] 1 3070
MLJ 97, it was ruled that an apology offered too late would be of no
Mitigation of damages
Section 10(1) of the Defamation Act 1957 provides that a defendant may, 3075
provided he gives notice of his intention to do so at the time of delivering his
defence, give evidence in mitigation of damages that he had made or offered
an apology or
at the earliest opportunity afterwards if he did not have such an opportunity
before. 3080
Under section 10(2) of the same Act, in an action for libel contained in any
newspaper, any defendant who has paid money into court may state in
mitigation of damages that such libel was inserted in such newspaper without
actual malice and without gross negligence and that, either before the
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commencement of the action or at the earliest opportunity afterwards, he 3085
inserted or offered to insert in such newspaper a full apology for the said libel.
Seah J in Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Yaakub v Abang
Mohammad Bin Abang Anding [1979] 2 MLJ 185, HC also
observed that an apology both by letter and in open court (accepted 3090
by the plaintiff) is not a complete defence to an action for
defamation. Moreover, no apology, retraction or withdrawal can ever
be guaranteed completely to undo the harm that it has done, or the
hurt caused, although it is a principal factor to consider in assessing
damages. 3095
21.5 Global costs of RM70,000.00 was also ordered against Ramasamy,
payable within thirty (30) days from today.
Dated 04.01.2024.
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Datuk Haji Akberdin bin Abdul Kader, Datuk Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, Dr
Haji Mohd Rafie bin Mohd Shafie, Mohd Reza bin Mohd Rafie, Ummi
Kartini bt Abd Latiff, Meor Hafiz bin Salehan, Ardy Suffian bin Datuk Haji
Akberdin, PIC Ainul Farihah binti Azizi & Amal Syahmina binti Che Mohd
Ruzima 3125
Messrs. Akberdin & Co and
Messrs. Chambers of Rafie Mohd Shafie & Associates
Counsels for the plaintiff
Razlan Hadri, Ranjit Singh, Ragunath Kesavan, Dat Mureli Navaratnam,
Navpreet Singh & Felix Lim
Messrs. Mureli Navaratnam
Counsels for the plaintiff
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| 174,393 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-45A-56-08/2020 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH Li Zhanlin | pertuduhan seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - dadah jenis methemphetamine - berat 1508.9 gram - dadah disorok pada perut dengan wrapping dan bandage - di tahan di kawasan pemeriksaan mesin Xray VSEC KLIA 2 - seksyen 37(d) dan seksyen 2 Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - isu berbangkit - ketiadaan cap jari - kelakuan OKT (docile conduct) - kes pembelaan - telah diperdayakan oleh seseorang untuk membawa - alasan serbuk perasa - innocent carrier - kegagalan OKT membuat pertanyaan dan membutakan mata - wilfull blindness - pembelaan terfikir kemudian - afterthought - hukuman - bersesuaian dengan Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati 2023 - hukuman penjara seumur hidup dan 15 sebatan - kepentingan awam | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Norsharidah Binti Awang | |
04/01/2024 14:33:10
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berbahaya ssbarat «sea :2 gram Malhamphatamine O\eh
Yanfi usmmsn kamu ba\ah mswakukan saw kasavanan as
bawah ssksyen a9Bw(au Akla Dsdah Berbahaya 1952 dan
bolsh dwhukum an bawah seksyen 395(2) Akla yang sama.'
12} Fihak pendakwaan Ie\ah memanggfl seramal man (5) Draw
saks4 sepem beriku|.
v sm - Mohd Sazman bin Abdnmah
1F-eyuaaa Sm! Baranu K55}
SP2 7 my Szmvana Kumarafl Jayarum
(Ami Kvmvaj
m. spa - D/Koperax Syarm Azam um Muhammad
xv 5P4 — S/Vnspekkx Fadzwl um Sudln
(Pagawai Tangkapanj
v SP5 » mspekmrwamla Alvwz him: Shahnr
(Pahwal rorensm
VI svs - Kanslaba\ Muhd Zmkhslrl b\n Mokhtar
(Psgnwm Femeliksa)
vli sw -D/Kuperawulhllmlbm Tamar:
v . sPs - Insoeklorwanim Nwaim hinfi Sulaiman
[:1 Pads 3 1 2:720, iam Va kurzng 11 29 pagw, KL7ns1abe1Muhd
Zmkhairi hm Mokmar tsm |elah menahan on as kawasan
pemanksaan kesslimavan vsec Main X-Ray No.7 saxmrs,
KUA 2, Sepang. Sehngar Dam! Ehsin karana psmenxsaan
Iemadap on mendapau leluapal uemalan ax bahaglan
nadapan perm on kamudwan |e¥ah msemnkan kepada SI
ram bin Sudm qsm un|u akan vznjun.
[4] spa xemuawanwar. mamhema on ks Peiahan Narkmik KUA
2 dalam Daarah seam. aavam Nageri Salangar Dam!
Ehsan 5PAIe|ah mmjalankan pamanksana (amadap om
dzn mendapall Ievdapal anam (5) bungkusan plashk Iuvsmar
IN sxvmmxvumuwoxxmu
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[331 Rwukan kepada kes Rm M x zmun Slhalull v. Public
Pmslculnv mu] 3 MLJ no‘ kepumsan Mallkamah
Rayuan sepeni bsnkut
‘The manner In which llvs drugs were canoe:/ed on Me
sppenanx polnlcd /Irasrsrlbly to hrs knowledge :7! them
Ths wrms powder Inside me packet: wax v:sr'b(9. As
such, the trial/‘udgs am not an m appcymg 3 .’i7(cII afths
mm m plosume me appeuam knew that me packet:
eomrnact ma drugs. The appellant ram to rebut ms 3
37(4) pmsumplron '
[341 Fakta kas di da\am kes Reza Mmek Zadeh lxuwaj an mama
on man dilahan 4. Lapangan Terbang KLIA uleh plhak
Kasmm on maspan m-mum enam 15; nzkaldadah yang
msomkkan di da\am mm lapwsan pakalan daflamnya. nnaakan
Favayu mambawa dadzh Xersebul dl dalam dua wapwsam
paKa\an dalam, csnewak pada dmnya darn Syna ks Msliysta
cukup membenluk Dengadaran :11 bawah semen 2 Akla
Dsdah Eemahaya 1952
[35] Bay memuuxuxan slsman pengedaran, Mahkamah
menggunapmx cams‘ penqedafan dw bawah seksyen 2 Akin
Dadah Eerbahaya 1952 yang menyalakan sepeni bankul
IN sxvmmxvumuwoxxmu
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
'1rafickvng“ Incmdas ma daingofany ofme (ovluwing acts, me!
vs (a say. rnanutacmring, nnpuning, expomng,
keeping, cMweaHr\g, buy1nu,ssllInq,q\ving‘ rauannng, staring‘
aam1n»snnnng,nanspor\:ng, carrying, nnaxng, dafivanng‘
procuring, supplymg m dis(nbu|\rrg any dangerous dmg
omsvwlse «nan under me aumuntyol Ihh an or me
regmanons mane unaar me Am
Kecsrangan msnuvuukkan bahawa didah tersabul man
umrnpan dungan secara menyomk meraluu bslulsn
“wrsppvng' dan ‘bandage“ dv bahagwan hadzpan perm on
la Ielah dlsamk nleh uKr umuk amnwa ka sesuam mamas:
nagn Iujuan pellgedamn, rnemnnaangkan Jumlah dadah
berrbahaya adalah da\am kuanmi yang byk an rnnna beral
usrsmnya adikah saberst 1509 9 gram Mamamphstamme
Fmak Dembelaan Ie\ah memnangknnan persaman sama ada
narruaun mempunyax pengutahuan memandangkan nasn my
jam den DNA Sana keberangan mangxkm keadaan sapeni
kelakuan man reeks: nenudun udak pula mununjukkan
Hsswl pengessnan cap Jan yang Ielah at ke anas anam
pam dadah yang lelah mumps! gagal mangesan apa-aoa
nap tin. Mahxamah berpendaDa| Dahawa wa lidak «aux
Ierhadap hes vsoaakwaan memandanikan dsdandadah
Iarsebut harada m dalam kawalan, pugaan ann mwkan
Ienuduh sawabdu ma muangkap, m mama daaawadan
cflaomk peas bahaman hadsoan perm lanuduh manggunzkan
wrapmna" dan ‘bandage’.
[40] D: da\am kas PP V. Mlnsor Md finhld 5. Annr [1911] 1 cu
23: dvpuluskan kelarangan cap jari Iidak swgnifikan
memandangkun Idsnml lenudun fldak meragukan
[411 mnuknn kapada kes Mulanl v. M: pm} 1 L113 um,
cusmem skinner, Hakim Mahkamah Psvsskuluan
130} mm regard In ms absence o/me Appellants‘ anger
pnm on the Inodnunaring items, we find (ha! not mm
walgm can be am-cnm to such avvdsncs stmev because
In crvmmallsw. a pouch may sfillbs m possession ofa
mmme mmg wunom aclually [mug in pnysrcm wnlscr
with /a What n» Iequiled rs that he rs so srtuatsd with
mum to 1: ms: he has map-memo deal wrm u as nwnel
zo ms mmsron ofsllolher persons man, as we lnlmd
sanm, Is the case we ‘
yn sxvmmxvumuwoxxmu
Nuns Sum ...n.. WW be used m mm n. mnn.u-y mm; mmn wa mum pm
Menganzi kmakuan nenuuun yang (idak menuaen ape-ape
reaksl apahila meein pangwmbas No,7 meepen hunyw dan
Vampu menyafla an hallagvan bawah nenwun. Va max
semesnnye memaen maksud hahzws tenuduh fldak
Mamluk xepeaa kas Ten Hunk Leona v. PP now] I ML!
141 my memuluskan.
151 1: is our vrsw that In order In draw a reveweors
Inference (mm me eppeuenrs contemporaneous
conduct, ms action or fnscman must be sxammud In me
hghl onus snuemzn :1 me mezenemme ms alas wneee
me appellant was eennomed by FW5 was the ewe:
geze oren mcommg men: In me KLIA Thrs was me enry
exn pom! when pessengere drssmbarkmg the plans can
enter the KL/A terminal. 2: re common know/edge me: me
was weeugmenctresmerea wrlh nemly anyrunm forlhs
appellant to make e successful sscspe even iflve had
me. From have me epps/rem was man taken by PW5
and his men la FW5’x once rn me KL/A. me
eppmxtmere wemng drexenee was we-soo memes
Here egam rns sppeuanrs chances are qu/ck getaway
ware mmimel smcs no was eseaned and wee within me
ruslncied vicrnrry or me KL/A zmverng. And, If we
snps//am were In enemp: to wow away or disassuclale
mmssrr with me backpack aunng Mrs entire emezren
oewmact n would evrdently be nclrceebls. OI course,
since me mg: were so curmmg/y canoes/ed‘ (hers
em 1. ex:
ecu/a no no necessny m take mn dlasllc antrons wnrcn
may attract /nslant susplmn So agairvsf mm
cncumsmncss, me apnemanrs dam conduct
lhmuyhoul the psllod dssmbsd new not have /rvlavmd
an absence orknowveugs of me said drugs For ms
reason mm rs no misdrrectian by the courts bamw’
aegmu juga di dalam kes nu uy Hwn y. PF mm MLJU
1613, d\ mana Mankaman Rayuan Ielah mengenepman
nujanin perayu (OKT)baI1awa kefiadaanlindakan ‘overf oleh
Perayu menunyukkan perayu ma pengalalwuan
Mahkzmah belpuas nan bahawa pmnk pendakwaan nenaya
menmuxukan salu kas pnma lacie (arhadap lanudun
sepemmunn pemuaunan Pvhak pamakwaan lam:
mangamuknkan kexarangan yang mencukupi hagi menepali
satiap a\eman—elaman| penuduhan.
Flhak penaakwaan benaya memhuklxkan bahawa tenuduh
mempunyal ><awa<an, mean can milvkan serla pengetahuzn
lemadap dadah yang dwampu yang disomkkan pada
bahaglan hadapan perm terluduh
Mahkamah manggunapakal anggapan dw bawah seksyen
may Akfa Dudah Berhehaya 1952 menurqukkan nannwa
OKT mempunyal pengelahuan dadah leIsabu| Sana milikan
mbaca bevsama seksyen 2 Am yang same un|uk dafinisx
pengadaran apabHa amt. benzanaya yang aiwoxkan dw
bahagxan hadapan pem|t2mAduh dengaruumlah yang banyak
udak mungkm unmk kegunaan lenuduh sanum Va ada\ah
untuk Derlieflsran Men (edufluh kepida Dihak mga
Mahkamah memanugfl terluduh unluk membela um
ssvammanz Dermduhan.
Adalah meruadx muas Hakim Blcara unluk
mampemmhangskan aamua kalarangan wng dlkemukakan
olsh nmak Dendakwaan dan memhuat kevmusan sama ada
Dsndakwaan wan barley: membukukan Kesnya mmamnauv
kemguan yang munasabah seven: muna pemnlukan ax
bawah saksyen 182A(1) Kanun Yalacam Janayah
Rumkan xepaaa Kes lnlkofly bln ma v.PR [2IJ1ll6Cl..I M,
d\ mans am vusuv hm H; wam, Ham Muhkimih Rawan
ta\ah memlnuskalv
mm; aw: pamrcaman, lugas lvskim bicara aaaran
unruk mane//tr mamas mmngan yang Is/sh
dlksmukakalv ctr‘ midapsrvnye din memuluskan same
ads pmuk uendakwean ts/ah membukwkan s-uslu Ire:
1921111) Ksnun
Tatacara Jsnayah/9/as msmperunfukkarl perms!
lsrssbuf on dsham menaadskarv Dsrunlukan zmeuum
Pan/men deflgan [alas nsenyarakan nalvawa "all ma
svldancs adduced oeiom lI'. Psnsksnan mmsran
dfbenkan kepada pevkataalv -n//' wng msmberv maksud
ma/ampaui ksvaguan Snksysn
kesslurulvsn clan kasamus kekmxngarl, same ads dart
plhak psmoelaen suaupun pamkmsn. Apaaapa
kelmggalan mu ksgagalun nakvm Diem berbuar
dermkiun adalah merupekan sualu salalv ulah darn rm
Iwowafarkan Mahkamah Rayuan unluk carruzur Iangan.
Kegagaran hakrm blczva mengamw Kim dalv msmbual
ahnsrast mans-mans karerangsn nsmbelsan man
mampze/umskan perayu Hak same rate din unluk
melvdapstkan 75'" m'ul';1enzyu le/an fllnabuf’
on Islam memmh unmk membari kemangan Samara
bsvsumpsh nan: mans-mana saknl dlpanqgH dw parinqkal
kes pembelaan.
Dr parmkan has Devmtulsan on lelah memberi kalarangan
sepem benkut.
52.1 on mamberilahu bahawa Mr Wang kenalannyu‘
msmbelikan fiket unluk ks Ma¥aysiz Isbih kumng due ke
ma kalw yang mana sauexa oarbalamsan ks Malaysxa
aaalan awamun: olsh Mr. Warlfi
522 muan dalang ks Malaysia ax mana Mr. wang
memhawa on melanmng, ja\zn«ialan dan mam-
makan umuk paukenaxkan pamiagaan kepada oxr
om uuanakap ma 43 Januari mo m mana on ta\ah
beruda ma ke annual kaH ssbalum Iarikh dhangkap
52.: Mr Wang ma bersama on semasa dacang kali ksuga
dan Iinqga\ barsama di Mme: Nanysng.
52.4 Pad: 21 Januari 2020, OKT|elaI1 parqw ks KLIA aan [emu
dllahan aw sans bsrsima lnberapa paket (Mikel an
badan on Mr Wang yung menglkal pakel-paksl
tersebul as hadan on.
52 5 Menuvul on, dis ads bsnanyakan apa harang yang
dHk2I( oleh Mr. Wang flu mans Mr. Wang berkata nu
adalah semuk perasa OKT(vduk menyangka Nu dadah
dan vsmaya apa yang Mr. Wang kalakan on ma
pengetahusn menganaw barang danish den Hdak lahu
begs-mnna mpa bsntuk riadah. Juga on hdak msap
dzdah dan mknk muan om warah umuk hsmlaga
dengan Mr. Wang dan unluk mengambll hamnys on
Udak benanya banyak. Psmiagaan tersebul sdalah
pemlaaaan nunaa emu: (mm)
52 s Salalusnya on memben kaxmngsn Mr wang
barsarnanya danpada Halal Nanyang kc KLYA. Sampai
dl KUA, Mr Wang lslah msnyumh OKT ‘check in"
danum dan kemudian dis akan datang ssmasa mulalm
mesln psngvnbalan umuk 'chsr:kin'1OKTIsIah mhahan
men anggaca nous
527 Jnka mhha| kepada kelerangan om. pemmaannya
adalah penafian bahawa dia mempunym pengecanuan
menganal berang kes dadah yang dirampas aannya
IN sxvmmxvumuwoxxmu
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
on member! kuerangan bahawa ia merupakan ssrbuk
per-Lisa yang (ahh ankac om: erang yang bamama Mr
Wang m hadapan pelutrvwi untuk dlhamar kauada
[531 on «wax pemah ms nu
penama Mr wang an perlngkm kes pendakwaan Juqa Mada
keharangan dadah lwrsebul dfleklakkin man Mr Wang
sehIngga\ah on mamheri kalarangan dr pakel masux kas
Va masa membangkllkan
[541 Kelensngim kes menunwkxan bahama on |e\ah melalui
«nesan pengimbas sebelum anxnan men sva ow masin
mam nn bukanlah muvupakan kalw penama an dalang
ke Mslaysxa Menurm on W mempakan ken kehga an
da|ang ks Mmaysxa.
[551 Pmek pembevann Ildak menafikan xarlu da:1ah—dadahIersebu|
duecnm an badan lenuduh adahlh dalam mwlikan mmmun, di
mana dadah disamkknn dw nadnpan perm OKT.
[551 Namun mm psmbalaan Isrluduh adalnh semasa pam-
pekel mu mm Dada badannya dan ss|slah benanys kapsda
Mr Wang apaxan sahenamya barang yang d-bawnnw, Mr
Wang (eflan meyekunkannya bahawa ba|ang—baranu yang
dlbamanya adalah semuk paras: unmk
masakan. Dakam emkata yang nun «smmun ma
na dalam
yn sxvmmxvumuwoxxmu
-nan smm be used m mm n. mn.ny mm: mmn wa nnum pm
pengeaanuan hahawa bamng-harang yann dlbawanya adalah
Jlka dxhhal pada perlakuan Ienuuun wan mampamarkan
penakuan bersskali dangan anggapen bahawa on uaaa
memnwa Dining dadah
Di7Iu;alIkan nlah pmak pembelain hahawa kepada samang
yang mak Isrdadah apakah rupa semuk perasa‘ hdak akan
Ishu bahawa im an da\amnya ada\alI dadah
Tenuduh Iarlall mambangkmn Isnlang secrang panama Mr.
Wang yang nenanusaunnlamab mangwkal barang Kes ke
bahzgwan perulnya din manyalakan bahawa Ia melupakan
ssrhuk perasa umuk amannar Kepada peranggan
Nimun begun Ienuaun Iavan gaga\ mambangmkan nama Ml.
Wang seam!-awalnya ui peringkal kes pendakwaan
sakvunya berur Mr Wang mi wuiud. Mama Mr. Wang mnya
nun m perinakat kes pembslusn
Tertuduh memberi pamhelaan baham bnrang ks: yang a«kaI
meh Mr Wang at1a\ah mampakan serbuk perass
seem Vnmkrlya. we on mangelahui bahawa barang
|eIsebuI adalah serbuk perssu uaaa keperman baginya untuk
manyurakkan barang «menu: dx pm: dengan mengenakan
bsrisw samuk knslzu uzxamn P44, PNA ningga P449, mam
dipercayaw dadan yang msmukkan fll nanagwan hadapan pan
spa (elsh merampu keaemua Davang kas yang dsyaki dadah
tarsahul dan ceran menyetahkan kepada Pegawm Panyiasal,
Vnsveklm Nnnami mnm Sulalman (spa) unluk Hndakln Ianm
spa uemumannya lelah msndapalkan rakamsn cow an
iempat ksjadwan (Ewan P6E(1) den 955(2)) dw mana Iahh
mammjukkan rakaman kellka on dllahan olah SP6
sewuanya balang kss yang msyaki unaan ns4ah amamar ka
Jabalan Kmui Mavaysla unluk dianahsa dan nasu anahsa oVeh
Ann Kvma, Dr. Szravnna Kumar all Jayaram (SP2) «amaaag
dadsh yang dirampas (PM, Pm mngga P49, Mn) dzn
menuesihkan ia adalah dadah bemanaya seheral 1505.9
gram Mamampnecamwna sspam yang annkritkan ax hawah
seksyen 2 Akla Dsaan Bnmahaya 1952 dan marupakarv
dadah hsrbahaya dw da\em Jadual Panama Akta Dadah
Eemahzya 1952.
Adalah menjadl ass: kepada undang-undang janaynh yang
mana plhak penaakwnun periulah msmbuknkan bahawa
hardasarkan ke|erangan yang mperalem uanpaaa sakaiaakav
yang memberi kelarangan ilu dan berdasarkan kepada
exaxnuuksuan yang mkamukakan sebagal bukn an dalsm
planix ‘\vraW1ng' um peminya ssna dibanuii dangan
‘bandage’ la balah aisimnan an uaism mg flan uada
kepsmlan imluk on menynmknya
Fade naiiaapai Mahkamah. flndakan om sengajn
memnuimn main lzrhadap (ukla Vang ialas di hadaparmya
man aaiam am kam yang ism -wiwun blindness’
Mamiux kepada kas Mahkamzh nayuaii Roslm bln Slbn Q
om-r v. FR {zone} AMR 112 ieiah msnyamakan kegagalan
on umuk membufll perisnyann sebsaal ‘wwufl i:iinaiiess“.
Mahkamah memumsu/an
‘kvmyina these Drincinlss in ms lads (.7! law insiani case.
we are mm M cur eonvisiiaii U181, from ms sviasncs as
presented, there can be only an: inrerenoe:
ma aspsuam kiiaw wtlzt hs was carrying in me Mo
piasiic ms wars iuisii mugs Tris zppeflanl could nol
have missed me glaring mm M the drugs siiiaa ms
p4asiic used |o wrap mam were Ilansparam. and im were
me cwacamsvhags. Yha appeuani musi have ssen wnai
he was sanyiiig and ms would be simian: lo salisfy me
mans rea eiamsni a1 me appaliant on pnssesslm The
(actual memx In unis case is quiis uniiks mass in PP V
Tan ran Eek tsumui where the means bag was mange
Ill amour am In rain Mohamud v.PP1suprajma piasiis
hag ssniaimng me drugs ms nai only mack bu| me
dings wsia also wrappsd wim brown Inpes in moss
suuanons. we agnaa man mars us a Hkslihood that ma
accused may not know me camancs Vn ma bag na was
carrying because we strung amour of the bag or the
wrapper may onnmel the wdelmly pr ma dmq. For mxs
reason. as natharsd npm ma cases man, (he accusad
snouvu oe ICDONSG the bensfl ufme doubt Ihal he has
no knmmedgs Mwnat he was canylng. Eu| m nur case.
ma appauam muld not nava snux ms aws to mac was
o1Mous.The cements mum be seen «gnu Ihmugh been
me plastic bags and ma plastic wrappers. may were so
nnnsparann mat any reaspnama person carrying [hem
mus| have known what was insvds'
on oavah dhangkap samasa membawa dadah aavam kuanlm‘
yang ugak banylk aanqan menyomkkan pada bahsgwan
palm. Berdasarkan ]um\sn yang (smba| ianu saberal 1505 9
gram mmnampnaumune, ndalah se\ama\ unluk mampuax
infsrens banawa dadah (arsabm benuwan untuk p. ak kauga
lnl bukan msrupakan szm Darmhkan paswf
on bo\eh nampik kirvflungan dadah Islsabnn an dmam
plasnk lulsmar. Vulu dllulup aengan 'wrapping' serve an:
bandage Kaadaan dadah lersebm naaklan sapam selbuk
Fevbualan csrang Iauangan wng dflakukan aloh OKT,
lerulama penyembunyian am dadah pada paaan aukuas
danger! membawanya kemar danpada Malzysxa menyokonp
p... :2 u a.
munasabah kawujudan m[uan ;enuyah yang auamng n\eh
[ea] Di dalam kss Wjcnnl Onprom v. PP mus] 5 ML] us. dl
mana dadah man maapaci pada pake| kvi JEKBKOKT. Haswl
pemeriksaan smamsllya tavhadap OKT wan memapau dua
lag: paksl dadah mama padz baju on dengun tape.
[as] Mahkamah dakam kes lavssbul lalah memumskan
10) Bemubung mew Isa pemlllkan, pemlllk (lortuduhj
nendak/an mm mmang permllkanlvya, hsndsklah
msngsranm Mat Duhan yang armum dam Ivsrrdaklah
msmpurvyai kuasa untuk msmbualvgnya. De/am
memutuskan lujuan tslruduh mempumr dsdah dalam
mmxannya. mahksmah hsndskialv msngambil
pendekalan yang dllevims ska! Ia murupskan sum
parsoelan Iakla mm mamnum mums bsrdasarkan
ksadazlv sake:/rling
m Fakts yang sama /uga melumbu/ken /nrmns kukuh
banswa porayu mar tsnlanq peml//Kannyan
mengstahul mt dadah yang mmrma dan mempunynr
kuass membaangnys.'
1701 Di dalam Kas kila, on sebenamya mangmahm bahawa
barang kes iersebut ada\ah dadah nan bukannya ssrbuk
perasa mas sebab on un|uk menyorok dadah (menu! di
perm semnya In men perasa. om sebenumye
mampunyal pannehahuanlzemang dadah lerwbul, yang mans
Va Jelas dzpa| amnm dalam plastlk mmnar Cara man
Iersaabut dwsoruk danqan mengaunakan Wmpplng‘ flan
‘bandage’ manuniukkan bahzwa on ads pengelahuan
tenlang man lelsebul
Mangikm kehuangan on, dis msnyalakan bahawa dia flan
Mr Wang ta\aI1 pargx ke lempa| kemuan darn on para!
dahulu unluk msnuanar masuk. Namun bsgm pemam
Iersebul lldak pamah dmsdanqkan o\eh om di parmgkal kes
pandakwaan. Kegagmn om barbuil aemmau
memmhulkan parsnalan lemang Kehenarsn xemangan on.
Fambe\aan on my IIznya\ah mempakan vekaan semina-
mala dun salu petkara 'a1|srImugM'.
Fembalzan on bahawa din mampakan 'mnocenl carrier‘
aaavan (idak lervekax memandangkan om gagm untuk
mengambil Vangkah-larvgkah penanyaan tarhadap kehenaran
ape: yang Mr Wang (clan nyaemn bahawa halang Iersebul
||u ssbagaw perasa saklrnnya Mr Wang ml memang wwud
yang mafia pads pendapal Mahkamah mi hanyaxah
msmpakan rskaan on samzb-mala
Sepem mam: mpunuskan dv dalam kes Fendzkwl mm v.
Norllnn Punuma SIrI[201E| MLJU 1124, Hans Sham PEA
(later (2.1 1
7451.. Should he: /an to emhnrk upon ms cwlss of
action, man he will be guilty L7! www D/mdnsss’
>...u u! an
[16] .. In other welds, llhe dalrbsralsly ‘shuts n/s syus'
ta Ins obvious, bscause he ‘does!!! want to krvL71M'hs Is
Isksn to know.
[:7] In the prassnlcasi, basadanme swde/1:6, rllsour
vrew ms! the Respondent /s not an irmocsm cums! but
a rtalflckov As we have alluded to asrlrev, in essence the
defence ov flvnocsnf canre: nmeu by me Rsspundervl
has no mam because lhs Respondent naa every
oopomlmly to check rm herssll what sns was carry/na
In our judgment any nmonanra person smnlany
circumslanned wml/d have asked what wws rn moss
mm. The Rssoomiam hsny rs not 5 nap/ass vrcnm
caugm rn ms web of msvnsble cwcumslances beyond
Iver conlml Ws find no my allmth In nmnuyx
[131 Mamiuk kepada kes PP v. Mom Radxi hinAhu a. «(zoom
1 cu 451, kepumsan Mankamah Perssknfluan |2lah
manqganskan Iangkah-Vangkah yang penu dlambfl dw dakam
mampemmbangkan kelerangan-keberangan yang
dlkemukakan an cmam sesuam kes sepem mama bankul.
‘{1} me close al the plbsecxniank Cass, subject MD
evidence 29.1 by the pmssculmn in ns many to a
maximum Eva/Mellon Camfufly scrum/sa the Lvadfbllrry
DI each of Ms pvussculmnb witnesses Take into
account a(/ reasonable irvfslermes (Ha! may be drawn
we :5 mo
imm malawdanos Iflha awdencs admits ulmommcls
mfersncss, than draw me Inference man Is mos!
lavourame to lhi accused,
(u) ask yaulss/Hire quesvon.
In now cafl upon my ancussd to make ms defence
and he elscls m rsmam mm am r pmparid to
come: mm on ma evidence now below me? mhe
answer In that aumlmn ls -vs:-, than a puma
lack: cuss has neen made out and [he dskmcs
should be r:al)9x1 mne answer It We‘ men, -
(m) puma fsela me has mt been made our and the
accused should be acqmfls .
(Iv) am the defsncs rs called, the accused alscts lo
rumsm want, then convrcl.
(M afler dufsncs is cane-1, ms accused slocls ta gm
evidence, than go mmugh me Maps sat out In Mat v.
Public Praucmorlflsaj 1 ms 92,- may MLJ 25:1.‘
[741 Mahkzmah berpuns nan bahawa KeIarangan—k2(emnaan
yang dukemukakan oxen on av penngkal psmhelaan Iidak
dapat mammhulkan ksmguan yang munsubah Iemadap kes
pmak nendakwazn.
la (idak dapal msmaunxan angqapan amawan saksyen may
Akla Dadah Eerballaya 1952 ax am
kebanangksllan mengenai pengslahuan
Du sampmg ilu page dangan Jumlah dadah bemahaya sebaral
1505 9 glam Mamamphmamma yang igak banyak membeli
warens bahswa dadah (arsahul adalah unluk Dingedaran
sepem mans defimm xii bawah seksysn 2 ma Dadah
Eemahaya 1952 apma aaaan dismman di bahaglan perm
on. Pihak Pendakwaan wan beviaya lvlsmbukukan kes
melampaui karuuuan yang munasabih.
om dldapan bersalah uan disabilkan sepam mama
penuduhan dv bewih ssksyen 3fiB|l)(a) Am Daflsh
Berbahaya 1952.
Mahkamah Is\ah membsn pevum kepada tanuduh unluk
mangsmukakan rayuan ssbelum mlnlaluhkan hukuman.
Begnu Juqa psluang dibenkan kepads pmak Pendakwa Raw
unmk bemmsh «smang hukuman
D. antara perkara-perkara yang dihmahkan men lenuuuh
zdalzh bahawa OKT berumur 42 vahun dan berasa1 dnnpada
Hobs‘, China.
s-.,.z1 nun
on sudah bsrumah langga dan mampunyai dua mang anak
Velakv masmg-masmg bsmmurlxma was Lahun din dua belas
Salam aanpana nu on «man hervemaran lmggw dan lelah
hamenli sekulah selak bammur empal belu lahun Eurasa\
nan kaluarga yang mkrn dan masm memounyal {bu yang
man Iua
Manulul on. dla le\uh dunrdsyakan men saovang yang
blmama Mr Wang. IN merupekan kesalahan panama darn
memohnn Mahkamah unluk perrimbangkan nukuman.
Manama plhak Fendikwa Raya memahrm agar hukuman
man narnauap on bemasarkan slasun-alaaan henkm.
53.1 OKT adalsh wargansgara asmg:
as 2 on bukan panama nu dansng xe Malaysia dan sudah
|enIu mahlr tsmang undang-unding ax negara Inn dan
53.3 Tindakan OKT ada\ah mara \erang—Ismngan benwuan
unluk mengoaamaaan
Mahkamah telah mengambll klra huiihan huiahan keduz—dua
alhaklsnuduh den pendakwsraya
Kesalahan yang dflakukan olahlenuduh Bdalah sahgalsenus
u psngedamn aaaan lnmahzya Memampholamme
saaarau 15m; 9 gvam‘
Tmdskin on berbual demikwan menunlukkan om sanggup
mencabav kndaulilan undangmndang Hagan vnl sauna
Dengan Iavdapemya pmdazn undang-undanq barksnaan
kewahan dl bawah seksyen asa Akla Daaah Bamahaya
1952, pihhan mbcnkan kenada Mahkamah umuk memben
hukuman sawa4n nukuman ganhmg sampaw man
Hukumsn bsra\ hams dibsnkan memanaangkan mmxan
aaaan yang diedaman adalah hanyak
saaani mana yang dlpuluskun ur aalam K95 Oleofun V. pp
mu] nu ans, Wee Chang Jm. cmeuuaga mammuskan
' when a person is foumim [)5 m paasawan arctmgs
such as this. no! rn smart qusnmms wnrcn may be
because he is an addrcr but obviously rn such quanmlss
as to show posmvely and canv/ncmgly and new mar
ne Is angagau in Imllwkmg m (H/5 drug and unless
deterrent ssntsncss are imposed Md 5 fins can mzvsr
he a «(mm sentence in a case like mm, W: «on or
lrufn: wr/I continue In be csmed an in em: pan or me
-.a. 2» I14 30
[90] aersesuman denqan Ana Pamans-man Hukuman Man 2023‘
Mahkamah mu maniamhkan hukuman penjara saumur maup
berkuulkuasa danpafla Isnkh auangxap s Januari 2020 dan
dxkanakan dangan lima belas (15) sebavan (amadap tan-mm
[91] Bsrana-banana ks; mssrahkan kapada pimk pendakwaan
Imhlk dflupuskan sewer: ssiesefl rayuan
(uonsnm AK amn AWANG)
Hakim Mahka ah T\nqgNsniyaI1 m
Shah Alum
man Lnknun bln Kn|rn
[Feuabm Panama! Undang-Undang Nsgen Ssiangur]
Encik hmrl bln mmmm
rrenuan Zamn 5 Teen]
sesualu pemkzaraan mu. sualu ks: pnma Iacxe perm
dnhuklwkan wujud mrhadap uanuaun an akhlr kes pendakwlan.
Rulukin cflbual (emadep kes PP v Ilnhd mm Ahu Blkur
[zone] 1 cu 457 yang mamutuskan sepanl bankut.
1:) me close 0/ ms pmssuuuonu: L-ass, subject! the
ewdsnce led by me pmsecmian m as Ialallly m a
max/mum evsrunuon Carwlu//y swmtnlse ma cmdtlulrry
al each or me prosecution‘: Mmessss Taks mm
account all reasanalzlu inierences that may be drawn
finmlhalavrdenca Ifthsavtdsnceadmllso/Mia ormam
wmncas, lhsn draw (ha mlemnce ma: rs mos!
Favourable to ma accused;
on ask yomsor me quesrbn // I now call upon me
accused Ia maks Ins delsncs and he alums m rsmsm
s/)ent am Ipmmawo convict him on the avnisrlce now
before me’? /lths answer to ma: queslron rs 'Vss', rm
9 prfma facts case has been made out and the defence
shauldba called. me answerlx wwmen, a pnma Isms
case has nu! bean mud: nut and ms accused should be
(m) alter the defence is ca/M1‘ me accused arms to
ramam sr/em, than coawcz.
(Iv) ans, dslsncs rs called, the accused Plea: to give
svldsncs, than go mmugn me 5169: so.‘ mu m M»! v
Pm: Prosecutor mm] 1 ms 52 '
[co] Maksud ‘puma lame‘ lsluh dlhuraikan dalam kes
Buluclundrin v. PP mus] z MLJ am as mam (elah
mpmuskan sepeni benkul
‘maximum svs/uerron ofthe prosecution's case evidence
and rf unmmmed u would warrant the accused:
[11] Maksud prime lama main man dipuluskan men Mahkamah
Rayuan dv da\am kes Loo| Kow cm: L Annr. v. PP [zonal 2
ML! sapem berikut
7: lhsrsfom fallow: Mal um m on/y one exercrsa lhsfa
/ms siflmg alone under 5 ma :1! the CPC has In
undertake st lhe close oft»: pmsocuvon case He must
subject ma pmsecuzron svrdsncs m maxrmum
svaluallarv and In ask himself me question. if! dscuie to
ca// upon the nccussd Ia sntsvms defence and he 5/9515
:9 Imam sr/enl, am / pmpslad In mm: mm on me
lots/rfy :2! me svtdence contained in ms pmucunon
cam/me answens m we nsgnlivs man nu pnma [acre
case has been made nu! and me accused would be
emmeu to an acquittal.‘
[121 Berpandukan kepada Has lnl. seueni mana pump yang
dvlakankan dw atas canap beban pembuklian nlsh pmak
pandakwsin hendaklah dlpemmbangkan dengan
menggunakln pnnsw ‘m
' um eva\u5mon'.
[13] Dawn pemmuhan av bawah sexsyen aaamm Akta Dadah
Earbahaya 1952. bebin pembukluan masvak Dada pihak
pendakwazn unluk mamnuxukan sismanebmen sepem
.. Bahawa daflah yang dwampas adalah dadah berhahaya
sapem yang herseneral di hawah Jadual Panama Akla
Dadah Earbahaya 1952 din beralnya adalah sspefll
yang dlnyfilakzn di dalam pemlduhalx
Eahawa wnuuun msmpunyai kawalnn, jagsan darn
milikan terhadap dadah yang mrampas;
nu. Bahawa lelluduh mempunyil pengalahuan Iemadnp
dadah yang dilampas, dan
iv Bahawa Isrluduh menqeaar dadah Iersehul sapem
mana dafinlsw psnoadaran di bawah seksyen 2 Ana
Dada): Earbahaya155Z.
mu all!)
[14] Ami Kma (SP2) menyatakan bahawa behsu |eIah
msrualankan anahsa |emaflsp enam (5; pals! plasflk man
masmg-masmg bananda N3 nlnwa NB dan mempunyal
pelekal nombor makma\ yang sama bag! kosemua plasnk
[151 or dalam plashk N3 mnggi N8 1Eks\b\t PM hlngga P49) yang
mengsnmmgi bahan krklzfl Aemlh aan lslah dmomogankan
ssmasa anshsis dzn (alah msngusahkin hahawa dadah
karsabul idalah dadah barhahaya saberal muss gram
Mamamphelamlne sepem yang dvsenaralkan dmam Jzdual
Fsrlama Ana Dadah Berhehaya 12:52.
[16] ‘fink nmwx sebarang isu bahawa dadah-dadah yang
dvampas danpafla lanuduh msrupakan didah berbahaya
qsila mm Lapmn Krrma Eksm Pm
my Marujuk kapaaa kes chm Pun L-an v. PP (1955; 1 ML!
237 dipuluskan sspeni bankuc:
mars rs a physrca/element and a mental alamem wnrcn
must both be W955"! beiona possession rs made out
The accused must not on/y he so snuatad (ha! he can
deal mm me thing as me belonged to mm.’
IN sxvmmxvumuvvuxxmu
-ma Sum ...m.. M“ be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm Va muNG pm
Adzflah pnmip undang-Imdanq yang manmp banawa unmk
msmbukukan plmlllkan. plhak pandahwaan perluluh
membuklikan hshawa on msmpunyal jagaan, kawalan dan
mmkan sun: pengsfahuan cemadap man yang ma-"pas
Pnda 5 Janunn 2020‘ )am Vebih kurang 11 29 pan: Kcnslabla
Mohd zmlmam hm Makmar Ielah menahan on m kawasan
pamenksaan \/sec Mesm x-Ray No.7 Seklur 5 KLIA 2
Sepang kerana msmhual psmsnksunn lemidap om Eslxau
dapsll Ierdapal baniodan di hahaglan hadapan badan OKT.
mu menyerahkan kepaaa SM Fadzfl Mn Sudin (spa) umuk
Iindakan susulan
spa ma». mamhawa on ks Penna! Nurkoflk KUA 2 dan
«swan msrualankin pameriksaan. Tardapami bahaglan baaan
on dan apabfla dlbuka ads sam Masfik ‘wrapping sma
"bandage" wm dapaz amrm ma|s\u\ eksubll P5 (NL71) wamu
gambarvmznunjukkan semasa on dwnhan.
Semusrlya rwuksn gambar man (2 dan 3; menuruukkan
nempec bemolan aan saiu Mastvk ‘w:avDing' darn ‘bandage’
pada bzhagwan peml on
Se\aDas umuka ~mappmg' lsrsebu|, spa mengemaman
anam (5) bunukusan plasuk mrsina: bsrisw serbuk mean
mpercayal man Vang dvsomkkan di bahagwan haflapan pemt
on d\’ mm dsdah lerssbul berida dw bawah kawalan flan
jagaan on
[23] Adavah Javas bahawa cars dadarv tsrsebul dvscmk av bzhagian
naamn perm ovcv balah member! vrvfevan bshawi on
nenuvuan vmluk vrvenyembunyi kahadlamn dadah-dadsrv
Iersabu|danpada pvnak berkuasa Juga dangan om (avssbu|
on msmpunyav kuasa unmk mangandavvkarv dadah yang
[24] Pihsk pendakwaan marvggunapakav perunlukan anaaapan av
bawah ssksyan am; we Daaavv Eevbahaya 1952 yang
rvvavvyalakavv hahawa saslapa yang dilumpaidadah barbahayu
adalah avanggap mempurvyav pengeuanuan lanlarvg aaaah
v25v savaurv manakah unsuv pengelahuan manganai si1a| dadah
barbahaya yang psdu dvbukivkan memindangkan aaaan
avvxae av bahawa warm on darv (Idnk boven avvvnav dsngan
mava kasar karana ada ‘wrapping’ dan dlbavut asnaan
[25] Pvhak pervdakwasn nnrus merrvbuktlkan on vrvempunyal
kawalan, mllikarv dsn vaguan vemaaap dadah-dadah Ielsabul
melavui kstaravvgalv langsurvu sebelum menvmhulkan
angganan av hawah ssksyen ma) Am Daflah Bevhahaya
vssz urvtuk mambuklvkan psrvgstalvuarv.
IN sxvmuvxvumuvwuxxuvu
-um s.vv.v ...m.. wvvv be used m mm u. nvvnvvuvvly mm; dun-vvnvvl VI] nrvuvvc wvuv
Vnlerens mervoenm pangalahuan Deal on terhadap
kshadnan aaaarmaaan buleh d\bua\ menwkm (am:-Vakla
safiap kas
Msfuluk kepaaa kemerarmen pengaau (spa) bahaw-a mmapat
herllolan an bahaawan badan om dan aoamla a-ma aaa salu
plashk “wrappmg' Sana dua “handa9e' my dapal umr-an
melahu s«smP5a(1)izuu samasa on divahan
Rumkan kavaaa Qambar keflua dim «was, :11 man: Iardapat
barualan dan Sam pmslik Wrapping" pada perul om
Salapas dibuka 'wrappAvvg“ lersebul‘ 5:4 msogaluarkan
enam ¢e) bnmgkusan dadah Lukas‘! Iempat maduan dan
Langkapan adawl ma ganmar 9 can 10.
Manurul sm, samasa on dilangkap ma nampak kegugupan
taui tidak melankan dm.
naaan bamahaya Malhsmnnalamlne benslak m da\am clam
lmsinar Va men a 'hat dengan mau kasar. on cuba
menge\ak danpada pihak dengan cam membalul dengan dua
‘bandagd dam ksmudiannya msnggunakan Wrapping“ unwk
amt Dada bahagian hadspan perulnya
flnaakan OKT seasmman member! mrerens bahawa OKT
memnunwn pengeoanuan tenlang fladah (ersebm an mane ra
berada dida1amjagaan,kawa1an dan mlllkan on.
| 3,897 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-24C-19-02/2023 | PEMOHON DITROLIC SDN. BHD. RESPONDEN SAMAIDEN SDN. BHD. | - 3 Originating Summonses.- both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are dismissed.- the Enforcement OS is allowed.- a total costs of RM8,000.00 subject to allocatur fee shall be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic accordingly. | 04/01/2024 | YA Puan Sumathi a/p Murugiah | |
GOJ - Samaiden v Ditrolic.pdf
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
04/01/2024 09:19:04
BA-24C-19-02/2023 Kand. 37
S/N OIcze0PbN0T48aaUJNjiQ
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(Company No.199101018352 (228663-H))
(Company No. 201301016493 (1046326-H))
(3 Originating Summonses)
[1] On 15.07.2022, Samaiden Sdn. Bhd. (Samaiden) had commenced an
Adjudication Proceeding pursuant to the Construction Industry Payment
and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012) against Ditrolic Sdn. Bhd.
(Ditrolic) to claim for a sum of RM2,539,140.99 as the unpaid sum. The
Adjudicator decided in favour of Samaiden in his Adjudication Decision
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[2] As a result of the AD, the followings were filed by the parties:
(i). OS No. BA-24C-02-01/2023 (Enforcement OS) was filed by
Samaiden against Ditrolic to enforce the AD.
(ii) OS No. BA-24C-11-02/2023 (Setting Aside OS) was filed by
Ditrolic to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012;
(iii) OS No. BA-24C-19-02/2023 (Stay of Execution of the AD OS)
was filed by Ditrolic pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012.
[3] Since there are 3 OSs filed in relation to this AD, the parties agreed
to having all the OSs heard together and for the decision to be delivered
together. Since this is a cross suit between the parties, for ease of
reference the parties will be referred to henceforth with the acronym of
Samaiden and Ditrolic wherever applicable.
contractor to carry out n, Commissioning
and Associated Works In Relation to the Development of A 100MWAC Large Scale
Solar Photovoltaic Plant Over The Land Held Under PN257319, Lot 9089, Mukim
S/N OIcze0PbN0T48aaUJNjiQ
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[5] By a Letter of Award [Ref. No.: DSB/LOA/LSS3/Kerian/WP3/01]
Mechanical and Photocoltaic (PV) Installation) between Ditrolic and
Agreement are collect
Samaiden as its sub-
[6] In this respect, Samaiden was -contractor for two work
packages in the Project, namely Work Package 3 (WP 3) and Work
Package 4 (WP 4). The present case is in relation to WP 3 of the Project.
[7] Both WP 3 and WP 4 are required to be interfaced with each other
and as such both these work packages were awarded to Samaiden so that
the works can be carried out properly, effectively and efficiently planned,
coordinated and executed.
[8] Due to delay and non-completion of works, Ditrolic had exercised its
contractual entitlement for set-offs/deductions for such delay (Liquidated
Damages (LAD)) and for numerous payments made on behalf of Samaiden
by Ditrolic.
[9] Due to non-payment of claims made by Samaiden from Ditrolic,
Samaiden issued a payment claim dated 24.5.2022 to Ditrolic for which,
Ditrolic did not respond.
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[10] Samaiden then issued a Notice of Adjudication dated 15.7.2022 to
Ditrolic and served the Adjudication Claim dated 23.9.2022 to Ditrolic. For
which Ditrolic had responded via its Adjudication Response dated
[11] Upon conclusion of the Adjudication Proceedings, on 19.12.2022, the
Adjudicator delivered his decision in favour of Samaiden and ordered
Ditrolic to pay Samaiden within fourteen (14) days from the date of the AD
as follows:
Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the adjudicated amount of
(ii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest at the rate of 5%
per annum calculated on the outstanding Work done for Certificate No.
7 from 21.4.2022 until 23.9.2022 in the amount of RM53,810.82;
(iii) Ditrolic shall pay Samaiden the late payment interest for certified paid
amount at the rate of 5% per annum in the amount of RM4,621.95;
(iv) The rate of interest payable is 5%n per annum simple interest from the
date of this award until realisation; and
(v) Ditrolic shall bear 100% of the costs of the adjudication proceeding.
These costs include:
AIAC Registration Fee of RM265.00 (inclusive of 6% SST);
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[12] On 11.10.2023, this court heard all 3 OSs together and dismissed the
Setting Aside OS and the Stay of Execution of the AD OS, whereas the
Enforcement OS was allowed.
[13] Being dissatisfied with the decision, a Notice of Appeal has been filed
by Ditrolic for which this Grounds of Judgement is written.
[14] CIPAA 2012 is a creature of the legislation intended to facilitate
speedy and regular payments in the construction industry. As cash flow is
the utmost important factor in the construction industry, CIPAA provides
interim measures to disputing parties to solve payment issues expeditiously
so as not to jeopardise the continuance of the construction contract entered
into by them. (see Martego Sdn Bhd v. Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd
and another appeal [2019] 8 CLJ 433; [2019] 5 AMR 516 FC; Bertam
Development Sdn Bhd v. R&C Cergas Teguh Sdn Bhd [2017] 1 LNS
[15] application to set aside the AD pursuant to s.15(b) of CIPAA
2012 is premised on the following grounds:
i. Adjudicator failed to give Ditrolic an opportunity to submit
on the issue of time set at large (which was only raised in
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adjudication reply stage) before making a determination on
the same;
ii. Adjudicator has committed an error in his own jurisdiction in
deciding that the comprehensive submission on the issue
LAD of RM2,200,000.00 should be
dealt by an arbitrator; and
iii. Adjudicator has failed to consider and/or not deal with
consider/determine the defence of set-off in equity and
counterclaim by Ditrolic.
[16] Ditrolic stay of execution of the AD pursuant to s16
of CIPAA 2012 is premised as follows:
i. An arbitration proceeding has commenced pursuant to
s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012;
ii. that there is a clear and unequivocal error in the AD; and
iii. that there are special circumstances to warrant a stay of
execution i.e Samaiden is financially weak.
[17] application to enforce the AD pursuant to s.28 of CIPAA
2012 is premised as follows;
i. that the Adjudicated Amount is not paid by Ditrolic; and
ii. that the AD is neither set aside nor stayed.
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I. Setting Aside OS
[18] As all the three (3) reasons raised by Ditrolic which makes up the
grounds for which the AD should be set aside centres around the issue of
set off for LAD raised by Ditrolic in its Adjudication Response, I will address
all these issues together.
Whether there is a denial of natural justice? 15(b)
[19] The principle of natural justice that is said to have been denied here
is the right to being heard, audi alteram partem. In Adjudication
Proceedings, the Adjudicator has the duty to accord procedural fairness to
the parties during the course of the proceedings whereby the issues raised
by both parties are to be considered and a decision is to be derived
therefrom. In the case of ACFM Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd.
v. Esstar Vision Sdn Bhd & another appeal [2016] 1 LNS 1522; [2016]
MLJU 1776, the Court of Appeal held:
"[19] When one speaks of natural justice, it is nothing more than what
we call the concept of "procedural fairness" which needs to be
accorded to the parties in a dispute of a hearing. In this appeal
the Appellants complaint on the breach of natural justice is
contained in pages 15-19 of his written submission. We informed
counsel for the Appellant that it appeared that his complaint
about the decision of the adjudicator related substantially to the
manner in which the adjudicator arrived at his decision after
evaluating the evidence provided to him and that would only be
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questioning the findings of fact by the adjudicator Learned
counsel for the Appellant was not able to convince us that our
view was wrong when we also pointed out to him that in his
submission he had contended that the adjudicator had premised
his decision on "his own assessment" (see paragraph 11.4 of
[21] There were no complaints by the Appellant that the adjudicator
had got the disputes on a completely wrong footing. In fact, no
complaint was made at all and the adjudication process was carried
out premised on those issues. If we were to consider the complaints of
the Appellant, we would be looking into the merits of the decision of the
adjudicator. In the context of section 15 of CIPAA 2012, it cannot be
the function of the Court to look into or review the merits of the
case or to decide the facts of the case. The facts are for the
adjudicator to assess and decide on.
The Court's function is simply to look at the manner in which the
adjudicator conducted the hearing and whether he had committed
an error of law during that process. Such error of law relates to
whether he had accorded procedural fairness to the Appellant In
the context of this case, the complaints of the Appellant were
nothing but complaints of factual findings of the adjudicator
(Emphasis added)
decision (as he then was) in the case of MRCB Builders Sdn Bhd v.
Wazam Ventures Sdn Bhd and another case [2020] 1 LNS 891; [2020]
MLJU 208. In this case, it was held that it is sufficient to dislodge a
complaint of breach of natural justice if the Learned Adjudicator had given
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just one reason and His Lordship also set out a list of circumstances which
should not justify the setting aside of the AD.
[21] The question that needs to be asked is whether Ditrolic was denied
the right to being heard as alleged? In this case, as seen in the AD, the
Adjudicator had deliberated on all the issues raised by both Ditrolic and
Samaiden at the Adjudication Proceedings at length before coming to his
[22] No where in the Adjudication Proceedings that is seen where Ditrolic
had requested
disallowed or denied Ditrolic the right to do so. Since, this issue was
already known to Ditrolic when it was previously raised in other
Adjudication Proceedings between parties, to the very least, Ditrolic should
have requested to reply or submit on this issue when the same was raised
at this proceeding.
[23] Furthermore, since the issue of LAD was raised by Ditrolic in its
Adjudication Response, it is only natural that Samaiden would respond to
this issue in its reply. It is not a new issue raised by Samaiden as how it
has been made out to look. The Adjudicator would naturally think that the
same i.e. Samaiden had responded to the LAD issue raised by Ditrolic.
reply, it has to be requested by Ditrolic to do so.
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[24] Since the Adjudicator had deliberated the issue of LAD at paragraphs
162 to 178 of the AD, it can very well be seen that the Adjudicator had
given due considerations to the issue of LAD raised by Ditrolic. If the
Adjudicator had not considered this issue of LAD at all then it would be
right for Ditrolic to claim that it was denied the right to be heard or that the
Adjudicator had not exercised procedural fairness in conducting the
Adjudication Proceedings but that not being the case, I do not see how was
Ditrolic denied the right to be heard as claimed.
[25] Be that as it may, it must be realised that from the outset the
Adjudicator had in his findings found that Samaiden was entitled for its
claim of RM2,539,140.99. The issue of LAD was only to ascertain whether
the sum sought by Ditrolic for LAD can be allowed, if so the sum of
RM2,200,000.00 will be deducted from the allowed claim. In this case, it is
the considered view of the Learned Adjudicator that the issue in relation to
LAD is best to be dealt with by an arbitrator and as such, no deductions
were made to the allowed claim. Hence, the allowed sum of
RM2,539,140.99 still remains under the
[26] I find that the Adjudicator had used the powers conferred upon him
pursuant to s. 25 of CIPAA 2012 in deliberating all the issues raised before
him at the Adjudication Proceedings. The Adjudicator had considered each
and every issue raised by both parties at the Adjudication Proceedings and
deliberated on the same before arriving to his decision. Not being satisfied
dings cannot be the basis for the
AD to be set aside under this limb.
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[27] As stated in the case of Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd v Hing
Nyit Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 8 CLJ 728 :
adjudicator may be set aside. Since an application under s.15 is not an
[28] As such, whether the Adjudicator had assessed the issues raised
correctly or not is not up to this court to determine as the decision of the
Adjudicator cannot be reviewed on its merits. Merely being unsatisfied with
[29] In the upshot, having failed to establish s.15(b) of CIPAA 2012
against the Adjudicator, Ditrolic has failed to discharge its burden on a
balance of probabilities to set aside the AD. As such, this application to set
aside the AD is hereby dismissed with costs of RM5,000.00 to be paid to
Samaiden by Ditrolic subject to allocatur fee.
II. Stay of Execution OS
[30] One of the 3 reasons Ditrolic had applied for Stay of Execution of the
AD is because of its allegation that there is a clear and unequivocal error in
the AD. Since this issue has been dealt and dismissed in the setting aside
application, this is no longer a ground which I will consider in this stay
[31] The other reason for this application is pursuant to s.16(1)(b) of
CIPAA 2012 i.e the subject matter of the adjudication decision is pending
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contention that arbitration has been commenced and as such, stay of
execution should be granted.
[32] In this case, ation
proceeding is not able to proceed further than its commencement as
pursuant to Clause 22 of the LOA, the parties are contractually bound to
bring their dispute to the Senior Management Settlement Consultation prior
to it being brought to arbitration. Therefore, if the AD is stayed by a mere
commencement of arbitration, the objective of CIPAA will surely be
[33] The Federal Court case of View Esteem Sdn Bhd v. Bina Puri
Holdings Bhd [2019] 5 CLJ 479 His Lordship Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin
PCA had in delivering the judgement stated the following:
s. 16 of CIPAA would allow some degree of flexibility to the courts to stay
the award where there are clear errors, or to meet the justice of the individual
case. It is accepted that a stay of the award ought not be given readily and
[34] In seeing the need to prevent abuse of s16 CIPAA 2012, I fall back
on what was said by Lee Swee Seng J (as his Lordship then was) in the
case of Pasukhas Sdn Bhd v. Empire Multiple Sdn Bhd and Another
Case [2019] 1 LNS 757; [2019] MLJU 1393. His Lordship in his judgment
had succinctly reasoned that in spite of s.16(1)(b) of CIPAA 2012, allowing
a stay merely on the fact that the arbitration had commenced with the
service of a notice to arbitrate would render the entire purpose of the
CIPAA futile and statutory adjudication wholly ineffective to ensure
cashflow in the construction industry. It was further explained in the
following terms:
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erved. If stay should be
granted the moment there is a pending arbitration or litigation, then a losing
party in an Adjudication would be tempted just to commence these
proceedings with the sure and certain expectation that a stay would invariably
be granted by the Court of the Adjudication Decision. That would scuttle and
stultify the application of the CIPAA designed to facilitate cash flow in the
construction industry such that a party that is already out of pocket for the
work done is not put to further
[35] The final reason is that the financial standing of Samaiden is weak
and as such, if Ditrolic is successful at the arbitration, Samaiden will not be
able to pay back the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. In this regard, in the
absence of any cogent evidence to substantiate this ground, I am
convinced by the
Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) report that Samaiden is a
solvent concern.
[36] Therefore, if the decision at arbitration is subsequently made in
favour of Ditrolic, Samaiden will be able to repay Ditrolic the adjudication
amount. As such, this contention
to establish this argument to this court. On the contrary, based on the
CCM report, Samaiden has assets worth much more than what is required
should it have to repay the adjudication amount to Ditrolic. Mere fear does
not warrant for a stay to be granted.
[37] Hence, the Stay of Execution OS is dismissed with no order as to
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III. Enforcement OS
[38] As guided by Her Ladyship Mary Lim Thiam Suan JCA (as she then
was) in the Court of Appeal case of Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri
Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 CLJ 229, the court may exercise its
discretion to grant leave under s. 28(1) and (2) CIPAA to enforce an
adjudication decision if the following three conditions (3 Conditions) are
for leave under s. 28 CIPAA;
(2) the party against whom an adjudication decision is made, has failed to pay
the adjudicated amount on the date specified in the adjudication decision; and
[39] In this case, in the absence of any evidences to say otherwise, all 3
conditions have been satisfied and since the Setting Aside and the Stay of
Execution of the AD have been dismissed, Enforcement OS is
allowed with costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to Samaiden by Ditrolic
subject to allocatur fee.
[40] Premised on the above evidences and reasons:
(i) both the Setting Aside OS and Stay of Execution OS are
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| 20,071 | Tika 2.6.0 |
AC-A53KJ-125-10/2020 | PLAINTIF RAVI A/L LATCHUMANAH DEFENDAN 1. ) Gunalan A/l Gopal 2. ) Yesu Steven A/l GunalanPIHAK KETIGAAM GENERAL INSURANCE BERHAD | kemalangan jalan raya - liabiliti dan kuantum - Defendan memplidkan fraud - Defendan -defendan telah gagal memanggil saksi -Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menafikan penglibatan motokar No. PGY4006 dalam kemalangan ini. Defendan Ketiga memplidkan bahawa Plaintif dan/atau ejennya dan/atau wakilnya telah bersepakat dan bersekongkol untuk melakukan frod bagi melakukan tuntutan palsu kemalangan jalanraya - Tuntutan Plaintif dibenarkan dengan kos mengikut skala dan Tuntutan Balas Defendan Ketiga ditolak. Liabiliti diputuskan 100% di pihak Defendan-Defendan dan Plaintif tidak menyumbang cuai dalam kemalangan ini. | 04/01/2024 | Puan Rajeswari A/P Kannakiah | |
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GUAMAN NO.: AC-A53KJ-125-10/2020
3. AM GENERAL INSURANCE BERHAD (dahulunya dikenali sebagai Kurnia
Insurance (M) Berhad)
[1] Ini adalah rayuan pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua serta pihak Defendan
Ketiga terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Mahkamah ini yang telah
membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif ((liability dan kuantum) selepas satu
perbicaraan penuh.
[2] Tuntutan Plaintif adalah bagi gantirugi am, gantirugi khas, faedah dan kos
terhadap Defendan - Defendan akibat dari satu kemalangan jalan raya yang
berlaku pada 17.10.2016 jam lebih kurang pukul 6.30 pagi di Jalan Persekutuan
Ipoh - Kuala Lumpur di antara motorsikal nombor pendaftaran AGR 2563 yang
ditunggang oleh Plaintif dan sebuah motokar nombor pendaftaran PGY 4006
yang dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama dan dimiliki oleh Defendan Kedua.
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[3] Defendan Ketiga adalah penanggung insurans kepada motorkar PGY 4006
yang dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama pada masa material dan telah
dibenarkan untuk mencelah di dalam guaman ini dan dinamakan sebagai
Defendan Ketiga atas alasan terdapat unsur frod dalam kes ini iaitu bahawa
motosikal yang ditunggang oleh Plaintif tidak terlibat dalam kemalangan
dengan motokar Defendan dan bahawa Plaintif sebenarnya telah jatuh dari
motosikalnya dengan sendiri.
[4] Pada 17.10.2016, jam lebih kurang pukul jam lebih kurang 6.30 pagi, Plaintif
sedang menunggang motorsikal nombor pendaftaran AGR 2563 dari Bidor
menghala ke Tapah. Apabila Plaintif sedang melalui di KM57 Jalan Ipoh –
Kuala Lumpur, iaitu di selekoh tokong, secara tiba-tiba motokar PGY4006 yang
dipandu oleh Defendan Pertama sebagai agen atau kakitangan atau orang
yang memandu dengan kebenaran Defendan Kedua telah melanggar
motorsikal Plaintif dari arah belakang lalu mengakibatkan berlakunya satu
kemalangan di mana Plaintif telah terjatuh ke dalam longkang dan mengalami
kecederaan. Plaintif telah dibantu oleh pemandu motokar tersebut yang
kemudiannya menghantar Plaintif ke hospital.
[5] Di dalam Pernyataan Pembelaan mereka, Defendan Pertama dan Defendan
Kedua menafikan penglibatan motokar No. PGY4006 dalam kemalangan ini.
Secara alternatif, Defendan Pertama dan Kedua memplidkan, sekiranya
dibuktikan bahawa Plaintiff terlibat dalam kemalangan dengan motokar
PGY4006, maka kemalangan tersebut disebabkan semata-mata atau
disumbangkan oleh kecuaian Plaintif sendiri.
[6] Walau bagaimanapun Defendan Pertama dan Kedua gagal hadir ke
Mahkamah untuk memberikan keterangan bersumpah bagi menyokong versi
mereka seperti yang diplidkan sebaliknya selepas pihak Plaintif menutup kes
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mereka, Peguam Defendan Pertama dan Kedua juga telah menutup kes
mereka tanpa memanggil sebarang saksi.
[7] Defendan Ketiga ialah penanggung insurans bagi motorkar No. PGY4006.
Defendan Ketiga telah mengeluarkan satu polisi insurans No. JVD 2556851
kepada Defendan Pertama untuk motorkar tersebut. Defendan Ketiga
menegaskan bahawa tiada kemalangan wujud di antara motorsikal AGR 2563
dan motorkar No. PGY4006 pada 17.10.2016 seperti yang didakwa oleh
[8] Defendan Ketiga selanjutnya menyatakan bahawa perlanggaran yang
kononnya berlaku pada 17.10.2016 yang melibatkan Plaintif dengan Defendan
Kedua tidak pernah berlaku dan sengaja diadakan untuk membolehkan pihak
Plaintif membuat tuntutan terhadap pihak Defendan Ketiga.
[9] Defendan Ketiga selanjutnya menyatakan bahawa Plaintif dan/atau ejennya
dan/atau wakilnya telah bersepakat dan bersekongkol untuk melakukan frod
bagi melakukan tuntutan palsu kemalangan jalanraya dan telah memplidkan
butiran frod seperti berikut:
Butiran-Butiran "Frod" dan "Conspiracy''
i. Bahawa Defendan Pertama iaitu pemilik kenderaan No. PGY 4006 tidak
pernah membuat sebarang laporan polis mahupun memaklumkan
kepada Defendan Ketiga berkenaan kemalangan ini;
ii. Bahawa Defendan Kedua telah bersengkongkol untuk membantu
membuat tuntutan palsu terhadap Defendan Ketiga dengan melibatkan
motorkar No. PGY 4006 dalam kemalangan yang telah berlaku terhadap
motorsikal No. AGR 2563 dengan tujuan membantu Plaintif.
iii. Bahawa Plaintif dan Defendan Kedua telah bersekongkol ("conspire")
untuk membuat satu percubaan untuk membuat tuntutan palsu ke atas
Defendan Ketiga padahal Plaintif telah pun hilang kawalan dan terjatuh
dengan sendirinya.
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iv. Bahawa Defendan Kedua telah membuat laporan polis No. 002414/17
selepas 9 bulan daripada tarikh konon-kononnya kemalangan berlaku
bertarikh 17/10/2016 walaupun tidak mengalami apa-apa kecederaan.
v. Bahawa Laporan Perubatan Hospital Tapah bertarikh 26/8/2020 telah
menyatakan "Alleged motorbike skidded today', Bahawa Laporan
Perubatan bertarikh 11/11/2016 daripada Hospital Raja Permaisuri
Bainun telah menyatakan di bahagian history bahawa "Alleged
motorbike skidded'
vi. Bahawa surat bertarikh 1/11/2016 daripada Hospital Raja Permaisuri
Bainun telah menyatakan bahawa "37 years old Indian gentleman with
no know medical illness, recently involved in a road traffic accident;
skidded due to slippery road
vii. Bahawa Plaintif sememangnya telah pun terlibat dengan kemalangan
yang berpunca daripada diri sendiri dan tidak tidak pemah melibatkan
motorkar No. PGY 4006.
[10] Defendan Ketiga juga telah melalui tuntutan balasnya memohon relif-relif
seperti berikut:
a. Bahawa kenderaan motorkar No. PGY 4006 dan motorsikal No. AGR
2563 tidak pernah terlibat dengan kemalangan pada tarikh 17-10-2016
di antara satu sama lain.
b. Babawa tuntutan sivil yang dibawa melalui tindakan Saman No. AA-
A53KJ-319- 09/2018 yang difailkan di Mahkamah Sesyen Sivil Ipoh
adalah satu tuntutan palsu yang berdasarkan kemalangan yang
dikatakan konon-kononnya berlaku.
c. Satu deklarasi bahawa polisi No. JVD2556851 tidak boleh
dikuatkuasakan sejajar dengan seksyen 96(3) Akta PengangkutanJalan
1987 bagi kemalangan yang dikatakan konon-kononnya berlaku
diantara motorkar No. PGY 4006 dan motorsikal No. AGR 2563 pada
17-10-2016 yang kononnya berlaku di KM 57 Jalan Ipoh - Kuala Lumpur.
d. Bahawa tiada apa-apa jumlah yang kena dibayar oleh Defendan Ketiga
sebagai scorang penanggung insurans jika sebelum tarikh liabiliti
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ditanggung, penanggung insurans telah mengambil penetapan daripada
mahkamah bahawa polisi insurans itu tidak boleh dikuatkuasakan
memandangkan tiada kemalangan melibatkan motorkar No. PGY 4006;
e. Bahawa Defendan Ketiga tidak perlu bertanggungan terhadap tuntutan
palsu/frod yang dituntut oleh Plaintif;
f. Bahawa Plaintif perlu membayar gantirugi am dan gantirugi teladan
sejumlah RM 200,000-00 kepada Defendan Ketiga bagi tuntutan
palsu/frod; dan
g. Kos (atas kadar peguamcara-klien).
[11] Sebagaimana Defendan Pertama dan Kedua, Defendan Ketiga juga telah
gagal memanggil sebarang saksi untuk memberikan keterangan bersumpah
bagi menyokong versi mereka serta tuntutan balas seperti yang diplidkan.
Defendan Ketiga menyatakan tiada keperluan untuk Defendan Ketiga
memanggil saksi kerana Defendan Ketiga adalah penanggung Insurans bagi
motorkar No. PGY 4006 dan Defendan Ketiga telah mengeluarkan satu polisi
insurans No. JVD 2556851 kepada Defendan Pertama untuk motorkar No.
[12] Saksi-saksi yang telah beri keterangan di dalam kes ini adalah seperti berikut:
Saksi Plaintif
SP1 Dr. Mohan a/I Brabaharan dari Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
SP2 Dr. Khairul Isman bin Mohd All dari Hospital Tapah
SP3 Dr. Ramnan Jeyasingam dari Columbia Asia Extended Care Hospital
SP4 Inspektor Hafizi bin Said, Pegawai Penyiasat Trafik
SP5 Mogan a/I Latchumanah, abang Plaintif
SP6 Mariamah a/p Simon Sundram, ibu Plaintif
SP7 Ravi A/L Latchumanah (Plaintif)
SP8 P Kumaraguru A/L Periasamy (pakcik Plaintif)
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Manakala pihak Defendan-Defendan pula tidak memanggil saksi untuk memberi
[13] Plaintif telah menghujahkan bahawa Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua
harus dipertanggungjawabkan 100% terhadap kemalangan ini.
[14] Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif telah
gagal membuktikan penglibatan motorkar no. PGY 4006 (‘kenderaan Defendan
Pertama dan Kedua’) dengan motorsikal no. AGR 2563 dalam kemalangan
tersebut. Justeru itu, pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua berhujah bahawa
tuntutan Plaintif terhadap pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua haruslah ditolak
dengan kos.
[15] Defendan Ketiga pula menghujahkan bahawa versi Plaintif berkenaaan
kemalangan ini bahawa ia dilanggar dari arah belakang tidak disokong melalui
contemporaneous document dan juga bukti senyap.
[16] Defendan Ketiga juga menghujahkan bahawa Defendan Ketiga telah berjaya
membuktikan bahawa di atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa:
(i) Tiada perlanggaran antara motorsikal No. AGR 2563 dan motorkar
No. PGY 4006.
(ii) Tindakan Defendan Pertama membuat laporan polis mengaitkan
beliau terlibat sama di dalam kemalangan adalah satu tindakan
bersengkongkol (conspire) membuat tuntutan palsu ke atas Defendan
(iii) Kesemua laporan perubatan yang dikeluarkan adalah konsisten
menunjukkan Plaintif adalah terbabas sendiri. Jika Plaintif terbabas
sendiri, Plaintif telah memalsukan kemalangannya.
(iv) Plaintif telah jatuh sendiri dan kemalangan dan kecederaan beliau
alami tidak melibatkan motorkar No.PGY 4006. Oleh itu, Defendan
Ketiga perlu mengambil langkah drastik dengan memohon satu
deklarasi untuk melindungi dana awam yang dipegang secara
amanah yang hanya boleh ditunaikan j ika ada kes yang tulen.
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[17] Setelah mendengar dan menilai keterangan kesemua saksi, dan setelah
meneliti ekshibit-ekshibit yang dikemukakan dan setelah menimbang
penghujahan kesemua pihak, Mahkamah memutuskan pihak Plaintif telah
berjaya membuktikan tuntutannya di atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Oleh itu,
tuntutan Plaintif dibenarkan dengan kos mengikut skala dan Tuntutan Balas
Defendan Ketiga ditolak. Liabiliti diputuskan 100% di pihak Defendan-
Defendan dan Plaintif tidak menyumbang cuai dalam kemalangan ini.
[18] Adalah menjadi prinsip undang- undang yang mantap (‘trite law”) bahawa
beban pembuktian di dalam kes sivil adalah terletak di bahu Plaintif untuk
membuktikan tuntutannya atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Di dalam kes
kemalangan beban pembuktian sentiasa terletak di bahu pihak Plaintif untuk
membuktikan kecuaian pihak Defendan dan bukanlah menjadi tugas Defendan
untuk membuktikan beliau tidak cuai. Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada seksyen
101 hingga 103 Akta Keterangan 1950.
[19] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes NEO CHAN ENG v KOH YONG HOE [1960]
1 MLJ 291 , di mana Neal OCJ telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
“The onus of proving negligence on the part of the defendant was on the
plaintiff, and the plaintiff failed to discharge the onus either by her own evidence
or by cross-examination of the defendant or by admissions made by the
defendant. I am therefore forced with regret to dismiss her claim”
PERIASAMY & ANOR [ 2006] 5 MLJ 251 at 257, VT Singham J telah
memutuskan bahawa:
“It is important to be reminded that there is no duty on the part of the first
defendant in the instant appeal to prove that he is not negligent for the
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accident until the plaintiffs have established negligence against the first
defendant which the plaintiffs have failed”
[21] Beban pembuktian adalah terletak di bahu Plaintif dan tidak pernah berpindah
kepada Defendan. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Plaintif untuk membuktikan
kesnya. Oleh itu, dalam dalam memutuskan isu liabiliti, Mahkamah perlu
menentukan terlebih dahulu sama ada Defendan telah cuai dalam kemalangan
ini dan hanya setelah kecuaian dibuktikan terhadap Defendan baharulah
Mahkamah perlu memutuskan sama ada Plaintif telah menyumbang cuai.
[22] Dalam pada itu, beban pembuktian Defendan Ketiga untuk membuktikan fraud
juga adalah di atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Standard pembuktian di dalam
suatu kes sivil di mana terdapat dakwaan 'fraud' adalah atas dasar imbangan
kebarangkalian. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes SINNAIYAH & SONS SDN.
BHD. vs DAMAI SETIA SDN. BHD. [2015] 7 CLJ 584, Mahkamah
Persekutuan memutuskan seperti berikut:-
(4) The correct principle to apply is as explained in In re B (Children) where it
was stipulated that at law, there are only two standard of proof, namely beyond
reasonable doubt for criminal cases and on the balance of probabilities for civil
cases. As such, even if fraud is the subject in a civil claim, the standard
of proof is on the balance of probabilities. There is no third standard.
Therefore, it is up to the presiding judge, after hearing and considering the
evidence adduced as being done in any other civil claim, to find whether the
standard of proof has been attained. The criminal aspect of the allegation of
fraud and the standard of proof required is irrelevant in the deliberation. (paras
49 & 50)
[23] Fakta bahawa tiada saksi Defendan - Defendan hadir memberi keterangan
berkenaan versinya tidak bermakna bahawa Mahkamah seharusnya
memberikan keputusan memihak kepada Plaintif. Pihak Plaintif masih terikat
dengan beban pembuktian kesnya di atas imbangan kebarangkalian.
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[24] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Wong Thin Yit v. Mohamad Ali [ 1971] 2
MLJ 175, memutuskan bahawa:
"In a negligence action, the onus of proof rest wholly on the Plaintiff,
whether or not the Defendant gives evidence. The Plaintiff cannot
succeed without proof of the Defendant’s negligence”
[25] Di dalam keadaan di mana Defendan tidak hadir memberikan keterangan,
Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes KUNASEGARAN MANCKAM V. BAULA
SINGH KIPA SINGH & ANOR. & ANOTHER CASE [ 1982] CLJ ( rep) 506 di
mana Yang Arif Hakim Abdul Razak menyatakan :
" The fact that the Defendants had not been called to rebut the Plaintiff’s
case did not mean judgment must be entered in favour of the Plaintiff.
The question of tilting the balance of probabilities in the Plaintiff’s favour
would only arise where the Plaintiff has proved his case.”
[26] Merujuk kepada kes-kes tersebut di atas, walaupun Defendan tidak hadir untuk
menyangkal kes Plaintif , ini tidak bermaksud satu penghakiman harus
dimasukkan memihak kepada Plaintif. Plaintif masih memikul beban untuk
membuktikan kesnya di atas imbangan kebarangkalian walaupun tiada saksi
Defendan hadir memberi keterangan.
[27] Pihak Plaintif berhujah bahawa peguamcara Defendan Ketiga tidak pernah
memfailkan "Penyata Pembelaan" dan/atau menyerahkan sesalinan kepada
peguam Plaintif. Oleh yang demikian, pihak Plaintif berhujah bahawa tiada
pembelaan yang boleh dibangkitkan oleh mereka. Justeru itu, mereka juga
tidak boleh berhujah berkenaan tuntutan Plaintif dengan merujuk kepada
"Penyata Pembelaan" yang tidak ada.
[28] Berhubung isu permulaan ini, Mahkamah mendapati terdapat resit pembayaran
bertarikh 14.4.2023 yang terkandung dalam fail Mahkamah bagi pemfailan
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dokumen tersebut. Mahkamah juga mendapati dokumen bertajuk ‘Penyata
Pembelaan, Tolakan dan Tuntutan Balas Defendan Ketiga Terhadap Plaintif’
terkandung di dalam fail Mahkamah yang mana telahpun ditandakan sebagai
Lampiran 15A oleh kerani Mahkamah. Justeru, adalah dapatan Mahkamah ini
bahawa pihak Defendan Ketiga telahpun memfailkan Pembelaan, Tolakan dan
Tuntutan Balas Pihak Defendan Ketiga pada 14.4.2023.
[29] Berhubung isu sama ada Penyata Pembelaan, Tolakan dan Tuntutan Balas
Defendan Ketiga Terhadap Plaintif’bertarikh 14.4.2023 telah diserahkan
kepada Peguamcara Plaintif, Pihak Defendan Ketiga telahpun melalui hujahan
bertulis mereka mengemukakan e-mel 12 April, 2021 12:26 PM kepada
Peguamcara Plaintif yang melampirkan sesalinan Pembelaan Defendan
Ketiga. Tiada sebarang cabaran dibuat oleh Plaintif berhubung e-mel ini.
Justeru, Mahkamah berpendapat Defendan Ketiga telah pun menyerahkan
kepada Plaintif ‘Penyata Pembelaan, Tolakan dan Tuntutan Balas Defendan
Ketiga. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah ini berpandangan pihak Defendan
Ketiga adalah berhak untuk bergantung kepada Pembelaan Tolakan dan
Tuntutan Balas mereka dalam perbicaraan tindakan ini.
[30] Dalam memutuskan liabilti dalam kes ini, Mahkamah perlu menilai keterangan
kesemua saksi dan juga keterangan dokumentari berhubung isu-isu berikut
yang dibangkitkan oleh Pihak Defendan-Defendan.
A. Defendan 1 dan 2
(a) Plaintif telah gagal membuktikan penglibatan motorkar no. PGY 4006
(‘kenderaan Defendan Pertama dan Kedua’) dengan motorsikal no.
AGR 2563 dalam kemalangan tersebut.
(b) Keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat kes kemalangan ini (I.O.) mengenai
unsur- unsur syak-wasangka tentang penglibatan motorsikal no. AGR
2563 dan motorkar no. PGY 4006 dalam kemalangan sepertimana yang
didakwa oleh Plaintif.
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(c) Plaintif telah menunggang motorsikal dalam keadaan mabuk dan khayal
sehingga terbabas sendiri dan langsung tidak dilanggar oleh motorkar
Defendan Pertama dan Kedua.
(d) Laporan Hospital Tapah menyatakan “sepanjang berada di Emergency
Department, pesakit berada dalam keadaan mabuk. Pesakit tidak
menjawab soalan yang ditanyakan oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan
Penolong Perubatan. Pesakit sukar hendak dikawal memandangkan
dalam keadaan mabuk.
(e) Terdapat percanggahan antara keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat kes
kemalangan ini (I.O.) dengan keterangan Plaintif –
(i) Di dalam statement Plaintif kepada Pegawai Penyiasat , Plaintif
menyatakan beliau kenal dengan pemandu motorcar namun
semasa memberi keterangan di Mahkamah , Plaintif menyatakan
beliau pernah melihat pemandu motorkar tersebut tetapi beliau
bukan kawannya.
(ii) Di dalam keterangannya, Plaintiff menyatakan beliau mendapat
tahu motokar PGY 4006 selepas pemandu motorkar membuat
report sedangkan laporan Polis Plaintif dibuat pada 23.11.2016
manakala laporan Polis Defendan Pertama dibuat pada
12.7.2017 iaitu hampir 9 bulan selepas tarikh kemalangan.
Kemudian apabila disoal balas lagi, Plaintif menyatakan beliau
mendapat tahu mengenai nombor motorkar Defendan daripada
pakcik beliau.
(f) Terdapat percanggahan keterangan Plaintif dan SP8 (pakcik Plaintif)
berhubung pembaikan motorsikal Plaintif. Menurut Plaintif, pakcik
Plaintif yang menguruskan pembaikan motorsikal Plaintif. Namun pakcik
Plaintif memberi keterangan bahawa beliau tiada tengok apa kerosakan
motorsikal Plaintif.
(g) Terdapat percanggahan keterangan Plaintif dan SP8 (pakcik Plaintif).
Plaintif telah menyatakan bahawa Defendan Pertama ada datang ke
rumah beliau dan telah menawarkan duit sebanyak RM 200.00 untuk
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penyelesaian kes kemalangan ini. Akan tetapi, En. Kumaraguru a/l
Periasamy (SP-8) telah menyatakan bahawa Defendan Pertama
memberi duit sebanyak RM 200.00 kepada SP-8 di Hospital Tapah.
(h) Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak boleh digunapakai atas
alasan kegagalan Defendan Pertama dipanggil untuk memberi
keterangan. beban pembuktian sentiasa terletak pada Plaintif untuk
membuktikan kes Plaintif
B. Defendan Ketiga
(i) Tiada keterangan bukti senyap (“ silent evidence”) di rajah kasar dan
gambar polis memihak kes Plaintif.
(j) Keterangan SP4 (IO) tidak dapat membantu kes Plaintif. SP4 mengaku
beliau tidak boleh mengesahkan sama ada terdapat perlanggaran di
antara Plaintif dengan Defendan Pertama atau perlanggaran di antara
m/ sikal No. AGR 2563 dan m/ kar No. PGY 4006
(k) Contemporaneous Document bercanggah dengan kes Plaintif tidak
memihak Pihak Plaintif
(l) Laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Plaintif setelah 1 bulan 8 hari adalah satu
“after thought”.
(m) Defendan Pertama lambat membuat Laporan Polis dalam tempoh yang
wajar. Oleh yang demikian laporan polis tersebut tidak seharusnya
diterima. Lagipun Defendan Pertama tidak hadir memberi keterangan di
(n) Kemalangan tersebut yang kononnya berlaku pada 17.10.2016 yang
kononnya melibatkan Plaintif dan Defendan Kedua, pada hemat
Defendan Ketiga tidak pernah berlaku. Defendan Pertama pada
asalnya mungkin telah bersengkongkol (conspire) di dalam membantu
Plaintif membuat tuntutan palsu terhadap Defendan Ketiga
(o) Berdasarkan ruangan history di laporan perubatan, Plaintif sebenarnya
telah jatuh sendiri dan terbabas akibat jalan licin sehingga menyebabkan
kecederaan disebabkan berkemungkinan menunggang di bawah
pengaruh alcohol berdasarkan :
(i) Laporan Perubatan Hospital Tapah bertraikh 26.8.2020 telah
menyatakan “Alleged motorbike skidded today”
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(ii) Laporan Perubatan bertarikh 11.11.2016 dari Hospital Raja
Pemaisuri bainun telah menyatakan di bahagian history bahawa
“alleged motorbike skidded”
(iii) Surat bertarikh 1.11.2016 daripada Hospital Raja Pemaisuri Bainun
telah menyatakan bahawa 37 years Indian gentlemen with no
known medical illness, recently involved in a road accident:
skidded due to slippery road surface on 17.10.2016
Keterangan SP- 4 (Pegawai Penyiasat)
[31] Keterangan SP4 boleh dirumuskan seperti berikut:-
a) 2 buah kenderaan terlibat dalam kemalangan pada 17.10.2016 iaitu
motorsikal AGR 2563 dan motorkar PGY 4006. Kedua-dua pihak yang
terlibat dalam kemalangan telah membuat laporan Polis.
b) Penunggang motorsikal tidak membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis. Pada
23.11.2016 waris kepada penunggang motorsikal datang ke Balai Polis
memaklumkan saudaranya teribat dalam kemalangan dan berada di
rumah. Bertindak atas maklumat tersebut SP4 telah ke rumah mangsa
dan laporan polis POL 55 dibuat di rumah mangsa pada 23.11.2016.
c) Pada 23.11.2016 apabila SP4 pergi ke rumah penunggang motorsikal
dan mengambil statement POL55, SP4 mendapati penunggang
motorsikal dalam keadaan terbaring di atas katil. Namun penunggang
motorsikal telah memberikan kerjasama dan telah memaklumkan
nombor motorkar Defendan kepada SP4 dan telah menuliskan sendiri
nombor motokar Defendan.
d) Pemandu motorkar tidak datang dengan sukarela untuk membuat
laporan polis tetapi beliau hanya hadir setelah surat kedua bertarikh
16.5.2017 daripada pihak Polis diterima oleh beliau. Laporan polis
pemandu motorkar dibuat pada 12.7.2017 iaitu lebih kurang 9 bulan
selepas kemalangan.
e) Tiada saksi bebas yang menyaksikan kemalangan ini
f) SP4 telah pergi ke tempat kemalangan bersama jurugambar pada
23.11.2016 (pada tarikh laporan polis penunggang motorsikal dibuat)
dan telah melakar rajah kasar dan kunci. Gambar kenderaan yang
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terlibat dalam kemalangan ada diambil dan telah ditandakan sebagai
Ekshibit P9A-C
g) Percakapan beramaran Plaintif telah diambil pada 20.6.2017 manakala
percakapan beramaran bagi pemandu motorkar diambil pada
h) Saman telah dikeluarkan terhadap pemandu motorkar kerana lewat
membuat laporan polis di bawah seksyen 52(2) APJ 1987
i) Menurut siasatan SP4, pemandu motorkar lewat membuat laporan polis
kerana telah membayar RM500 kepada penunggang motorsikal
tersebut dan penunggang motorsikal tersebut telah bersetuju untuk tidak
membuat laporan polis.
j) SP4 tidak dapat memastikan sama ada kenderaan – kenderaan tersebut
terlibat dalam kemalangan ini.
k) Status keputusan kes refer pada insurans sebab pihak polis tak boleh
tentukan kesalahan mana-mana pihak
l) SP4 menyatakan bahawa pada 20.6.2017 semasa rakaman percakapan
penunggang motorsikal diambil, penunggang motorsikal ada
memberitahu SP4 bahawa tujuan beliau membuat laporan polis sebab
beliau tidak berpuashati dengan tawaran RM200.00 yang dibuat oleh
pemandu motorkar sebagai penyelesaian.
m) SP4 ada bertanyakan kepada penunggang motorsikal “adakah kamu
tahu nombor pendaftaran kenderaan tersebut. jawapan dia pemandu itu
ada beritahu saya, pemandu tersebut ada datang ke rumah untuk
memberikan wang saguhati sebanyak RM200 tetapi saya tidak mahu
dan saya mahu laporan polis dibuat”.
n) SP4 mengesahkan Pemandu motorkar ada membuat pengakuan
bahawa beliau pernah pergi ke rumah penunggang motorsikal.
o) SP4 bersetuju bahawa penglibatan motorkar PGY4006 ini adalah
disebabkan ada pengakuan daripada pemandu motorkar.
Keterangan Plaintif (SP7)
[32] Kemalangan berlaku ketika Plaintif sedang menunggang motorsikalnya
dengan kelajuan 40 km/j di Jalan Bidor ke Tapah hendak pergi kerja. Ketika itu
hujan renyai-renyai dan Plaintif sedang menunggang di tepi kiri jalan apabila
beliau dilanggar oleh motorkar Defendan daripada belakang. Terdapat satu
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tokong Cina di tepi sebelah kiri tempat kemalangan tersebut berlaku dan
tempat itu diterangi oleh lampu dari tokong berkenaan. Plaintif jatuh ke dalam
longkang dan dibantu oleh pemandu motorkar tersebut ke hospital.
[33] Plaintif juga memberitahu bahawa dia nampak motokar yang melanggar dia
semasa dia jatuh, dan pemandu motokar tersebut telah memberitahu bahawa
dia yang melanggar Plaintif dan tiada kenderaan lain pada ketika itu.
[34] Pegawai Penyiasat datang ke rumah Plaintif untuk mengambil laporan.
Laporan polis Plaintif ditandakan Ekshibit P13.
[35] Plaintif tidak mengenali pemandu motorkar sebelum kemalangan.
[36] Kerosakan motorsikal di bahagian hadapan dan belakang.
[37] Plaintif ada mengambil minuman keras pada malam sebelum kemalangan dan
tidak mengambil alkohol pada pagi kemalangan tersebut. Plaintif tidak
bersetuju bahawa beliau di bawah pengaruh alkohol ketika kemalangan
[38] Plaintif masih boleh mengawal motorsikalnya walaupun dalam keadaan
[39] Plaintif juga telah menafikan cadangan kedua-dua peguamcara Defendan
bahawa kemalangan ini berlaku kerana Plaintif telah terbabas dengan sendiri
akibat jalan yang licin, menafikan bahawa dia telah berkomplot dengan
Defendan Pertama untuk membuat satu lapuran polis yang tidak benar dengan
tujuan untuk membuat satu tuntutan palsu daripada Defendan Ketiga.
Keterangan SP8 P Kumaraguru A/L Periasamy (Pakcik kepada Plaintif)
[40] SP8 telah menerima panggilan daripada unit kecemasan Hospital Tapah jam
lebih kurang 7.50 ke 8.00 pagi, menyatakan Plaintif telah terlibat dalam
kemalangan dan boleh ‘discharge’ dan dibawa pulang ke rumah. SP8 telah
pergi ke Hospital Tapah dan ada berjumpa dengan pemandu motorcar seorang
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lelaki india (Defendan Pertama) dan pemandu motorkar itu ada memberikan
wang RM200 sebagai penyelesaian untuk diberikan kepada Plaintif. SP8 tidak
mengenali pemandu motorcar. Kemudian, SP8 telah membawa Plaintif balik ke
rumah dengan bantuan seorang rakannya menaiki kereta.
Keterangan SP2 Dr. Khairul Isman Bin Mohd Ali Pegawai Perubatan di Hospital
[41] SP2 telah menyediakan laporan perubatan di ekshibit P2 di mana di bawah
sejarah dinyataka “37 years old/Indian/male difficult to get history. Under
alcohol influences. Alleged motorbike skidded today”.
[42] SP2 menyatakan maklumat di bahagian sejarah itu bukan diperoleh daripada
pesakit dan susah untuk mendapatkan history sebab pesakit under alcohol
influence. Selanjutnya SP2 menyatakan tidak tahu siapa yang memberi
maklumat berkenaan butiran di bahagian sejarah pesakit.
[43] SP2 tidak mengambil ujian darah / air kencing untuk tentukan tahap alcohol.
Sekiranya ujian darah / air kencing dibuat, tahap alcohol boleh dapat
Keterangan Plaintif (SP1) Dr. Mohan a/l Brabaharan Pegawai Perubatan
ortopedik Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainon
[44] SP1 telah menyediakan laporan Perubatan hospital Ipoh (Ekshibit P1) di mana
di ruangan Sejarah/History dinyatakan “Alleged motorbike skidded. The
motorbike handle hit against his chest wall. Post trauma, he complained
pain over chest wall and bilateral lower limb weakness”.
[45] SP1 menyatakan ruangan Sejarah/History di ekshibit P1 telah diambil daripada
kad kecemasan pesakit di mana pesakit itu datang ke kecemasan Hospital Ipoh
dengan surat rujuk daripada Hospital Tapah, maka maklumat daripada surat
rujuk tersebut diambil untuk menulis laporan perubatan hospital Ipoh (Ekshibit
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[46] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Karumalay Vaniyan & Anor v Ananthan
Rethinam [2005] 2 CLJ 429, di mana Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan seperti
"A judge who is required to adjudicate upon a dispute must arrive at his
decision on an issue of fact by assessing, weighing and, for good
reasons, either accepting or rejecting the whole or any part of the
evidence placed before him. He must, when deciding whether to accept
or to reject the evidence of a witness, test it against relevant criteria.
Thus, he must take into account the presence or absence of any motive
that a witness may have in giving his evidence. If there are contemporary
documents, then he must test the oral evidence of a witness against
these. He must also test the evidence of a particular witness against
the probabilities of the case. A trier of fact who makes findings based
purely upon the demeanour of a witness without undertaking a critical
analysis of that witness' evidence runs the risk of having his findings
corrected on appeal. It does not matter whether the issue for decision is
one that arises in a civil or criminal case: the approach of judicial
appreciation of evidence is the same. There are a number of important
and leading cases in which the point has been considered.”
[47] Merujuk kepada kes di atas, prinsip undang-undang adalah suatu keputusan
yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah perbicaraan tanpa “judicial appreciation of the
evidence” boleh diketepikan atas rayuan. Oleh itu, Mahkamah perlu membuat
penilaian keterangan kesemua saksi dan keterangan dokumentari sebelum
membuat keputusan.
[48] Setelah mendengar dan menilai kesemua keterangan di dalam kes ini, dan
setelah menguji keterangan yang sedia ada terhadap kesemua kebarangkalian
yang wujud, Mahkamah ini mendapati pihak plaintif telah berjaya membuktikan
kesnya atas imbangan kebarangkalian atas alasan berikut:
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Keterangan SP4 (IO kes) yang tidak dapat memastikan sama ada kemalangan
ini benar- benar berlaku
[49] SP4 dalam keterangannya menyatakan beliau tidak pasti sama ada kenderaan-
kenderaan tersebut terlibat atau tidak dalam kemalangan ini oleh kerana
laporan polis lewat dibuat iaitu sebulan selepas kemalangan, maka pada hari
kejadian siasatan penuh tidak dapat dijalankan.
[50] Mahkamah dalam memutuskan kecuaian dalam kemalangan ini, haruslah
menimbangkan keseluruhan keterangan yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah dan
tidak harus bergantung kepada sebarang pendapat yang diberikan oleh
pegawai penyiasat. Ianya bukanlah tugas pegawai penyiasat untuk memberi
pandangan dan/atau keputusan samada kenderaan-kenderaan dalam kes ini
tidak terlibat dalam kemalangan ini atau tidak, dan/atau untuk memberi
keputusan berkenaan siapa yang cuai.
[51] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak Plaintif bahawa fakta samada
terdapat satu kemalangan atau tidak dan siapakah yang cuai dalam
kemalangan ini adalah bergantung kepada keterangan-keterangan dan bukti
yang dikemukakan di Mahkamah dan ianya adalah merupakan budi bicara
Mahkamah ini untuk memutuskannya dan keputusan tersebut tidak harus
dibuat berdasarkan kepada pendapat pegawai penyiasat.
[52] Dalam hal ini Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes LIM JEH HAUR v NICHOLAS
THOMAS PHILIP (2019) 1 LNS 1351 di mana Wong Kian Kheong J telah
menyatakan seperti berikut:
E. Should court attach any weight to IO's opinion?
22. The Defendant has relied on the opinion evidence of the 2 IO's that the
Defendant was not at fault regarding the Incident because the 1st Plaintiff had
came out from the left side of the Defendant and had crossed onto the
Defendant's right of way.
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23. Firstly, a police officer investigating a road accident may give evidence
regarding the result of his or her investigation, such as (which are not
exhaustive) -
(1) the nature and extent of the damage to the vehicles in question;
(2) the results of an examination of the scene of accident, e.g.-
(a) whether there were skid marks on the road;
(b) whether the traffic lights and/or street lights were functioning at the material
time; and
(c) whether there were traffic signs at the scene of the accident; and
(3) a sketch plan of the place of the accident.
24. The court should not attach any weight to the evidence of an IO that a
particular party has been negligent or not (or words to that effect)
(1) whether a party is liable for negligence or otherwise is to be decided
by the court;
(2) an IO has no personal knowledge regarding the accident. The IO's
knowledge of the accident is derived solely from the results of the IO's
investigation. In other words, the IO's evidence regarding who is negligent
or not, constitutes hearsay evidence. I rely on the following judgment of Ong
Hock Thye Ag CJ (Malaya) (sitting as a High Court Judge) in Public Prosecutor
v. Siew Sung [1965] 1 LNS 140; [1966] 1 MLJ 145, at 145, as follows -
"The inspector's evidence that his enquiries led him to believe that the accused
was owner of the machine, was rightly struck out as hearsay, upon objection
raised by defence counsel."
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(emphasis added); and
(3) an IO's evidence regarding who is negligent or otherwise, is purely his
or her opinion. The court cannot accept opinion evidence unless there is a
relevant issue before the court which is beyond the court's competence wherein
the court may accept an expert opinion under s. 45(1) EA…”
25. As explained in the above paragraph 24, no weight should be attached to
the opinion evidence of the 2 IO's that the Defendant was not at fault regarding
the Incident.”
[53] Berdasarkan kes tersebut di atas, Mahkamah ini berpendapat keterangan SP4
bahawa beliau tidak pasti sama ada kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut terlibat
atau tidak dalam kemalangan ini bukanlah satu pendapat Pegawai Penyiasat.
Keterangan SP4 bukanlah keterangan pendapat berkenaan siapakah yang
cuai dalam kemalangan ini. Keterangan SP4 hanya mengesahkan bahawa
beliau tidak dapat memastikan sama ada:-
(i) Kenderaan – kenderaan terlibat atau
(ii) Kenderaan – kenderaan tidak terlibat
dalam kemalangan ini.
[54] Ianya akan menjadi pendapat Pegawai Penyiasat sekiranya SP4 secara positif
mengesahkan kenderaan-kenderaan ini tidak terlibat dalam kemalangan ini
atau sekiranya SP4 mengesahkan kenderaan-kenderaan ini terlibat dalam
kemalangan ini.
[55] Memandangkan SP4 tidak pasti sama ada kenderaan – kenderaan terlibat
dalam kemalangan ini ataupun tidak, ini tidak bermakna Mahkamah
seharusnya menolak terus tuntutan Plaintif hanya kerana SP4 tidak dapat
memastikan sama ada kemalangan ini berlaku atau tidak. Mahkamah
hendaklah memberi pertimbangan kepada keseluruhan keterangan-
keterangan secara totality dalam membuat keputusan berhubung isu liabiliti.
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Laporan perubatan Plaintif menyatakan bahawa motorsikal Plaintif terbabas
(alleged motorbike skidded).
[56] Berdasarkan ruangan history di laporan perubatan Plaintif, pihak Defendan –
Defendan menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif sebenarnya telah jatuh sendiri dan
terbabas akibat jalan licin sehingga menyebabkan kecederaan disebabkan
berkemungkinan menunggang di bawah pengaruh alcohol. Hujahan Defendan-
defendan ini adalah berdasarkan kepada:
(i) Laporan Perubatan Hospital Tapah bertraikh 26.8.2020 telah
menyatakan “Alleged motorbike skidded today”
(ii) Laporan Perubatan bertarikh 11.11.2016 dari Hospital Raja Pemaisuri
bainun telah menyatakan di bahagian history bahawa “alleged
motorbike skidded”
(iii) Surat bertarikh 1.11.2016 daripada Hospital Raja Pemaisuri Bainun telah
menyatakan bahawa “37 years Indian gentlemen with no known
medical illness, recently involved in a road accident: skidded due
to slippery road surface on 17.10.2016”
[57] Plaintif dalam kes ini telah mendapat rawatan sebanyak 2 kali di Hospital Tapah
pada hari yang sama kemalangan pada 17.10.2016. Berdasarkan keterangan
yang diberi oleh doktor yang merawat Plaintif di Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital
Tapah, Dr. Khairul Ismail bin Mohd Ali (Saksi SP-2), Plaintif dalam kes ini telah
dibawa ke Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Tapah pada 17/10/2016 jam pukul
7.09 pagi, iaitu 39 minit selepas kemalangan yang dikatakan berlaku pada
17/10/2016 jam lebih kurang 6.30 pagi. Pihak Defendan menghujahkan
bahawa apabila Plaintif mendapatkan rawatan kali pertama di Hospital Tapah,
beliau adalah di bawah pengaruh alkohol dan dikatakan bahawa beliau
mengalami kecederaan akibat motorsikal tergelincir (‘motorbike skidded’),
tanpa penglibatan kenderaan lain.
[58] Pada hari yang sama, iaitu pada 17/10/2016 jam 8.38 malam, Plantif dalam kes
ini dihantar ke Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Tapah kali kedua oleh ambulans
dan barulah pada masa itu, pihak hospital Tapah mendapat maklumat “alleged
motor vehicle accident with motorcar” dan perkara ini dinyatakan dalam
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laporan Perubatan Hospital Tapah bertarikh 21.10.2020 (Ekshibit P3). Ekshibit
P4 iaitu kad rawatan pesakit menyatakan ‘Post MVA this morning’
[59] Dalam kes in, Mahkamah mendapati bagi rawatan kali pertama, sejarah tidak
diambil daripada Plaintif dan tiada juga catatan siapa yang memberikan sejarah
tersebut kepada doktor. Jadi berdasarkan catatan di bahagian sejarah tersebut,
Mahkamah tidak boleh membuat keputusan secara konklusif bahawa
kemalangan ini adalah akibat motorbike skidded.
[60] Bagi menyokong dapatan Mahkamah ini, keterangan SP2 (Peguam Perubatan
daripada Hospital Tapah) dirujuk :
Q : Rujuk WSSP2. soalan 5. saya rujuk kepada laporan . mukasurat 18 . di
bawah sejarah 37 years old Indian male difficult to get history sebab alcohol,
alleged motorbike skidded, itulah sejarah yang diperoleh
A : Waktu mula-mula datang history tak dapat
Q : Dr. yang tulis alleged motorbike skidded, Dr. tulis berdasarkan
A : Ya maklumat itu bukan daripada pesakit
Q : Susah nak dapat history sebab under alcohol influence?
A : Ya
Q : Di bawah sejarah alleged mb skidded today. rujuk Ekshibit P3 mukasurat
21 tadi Dr. katakan ada orang maklum dia skidded, tentang motorkar , masa
orang maklum siapa yang maklum pada kamu ?
A : Saya tak pasti bahagian kecemasan
Q : Dr. memang tak tahu
A : Ya
Q : Siapa yang in charge di bahagian kecemasan ?
A : Saya tak pasti dia ambil ke tidak, verbal sahaja
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Q : Betul atau tidak Dr. memang tiada pengetahuan ?
A : Betul
[61] Tambahan pula merujuk kepada lapuran perubatan Plaintif (Ekshibit P2) di
mukasurat 18 Ikatan B perkara-perkara berikut telah dicatit dalam lapuran
tersebut :
"Sejarah (History)
37 years old / Indian / male, difficult to get history
under alcohol influences”
"Perkembangan keadaan pesakit sepanjang berada di bawah penjagaan
doctor termasuk rawatan susulan"
Sepanjang berada di Emergency Department, pesakit berada keadaan mabuk;
Pesakit tidak menjawab soalan yang ditanya oleh pegawai perubatan dan
penolong pegawai perubatan;
Pesakit sukar hendak dikawal memandangkan dalam keadaan mabuk;
Pesakit juga tidak mengikut arahan pegawai perubatan dan pegawai perubatan
tidak dapat mengenal pasti sakit beliau.”
[62] Sementara itu, ketika disoal balas Dr. Mohan A/L Brabaharan (SP1)
memberitahu bahawa alleged motorcycle skidded" adalah berdasarkan kepada
kad kecemasan pesakit dari Hospital Tapah. Keterangan SP1 seperti berikut
Q : Rujuk mukasurat 12 di bawah bahagian sejarah , daripada mana
maklumat berkenaan sejarah ini diperoleh
A : Diperoleh daripada kad kecemasan pesakit tersebut
Q : Bila ditanya oleh rakan bijaksana saya tentang maklumat di bawah
sejarah tentang alleged motorbike skidded Doktor mengatakan dari kad
kecemasan pesakit. Boleh terangkan apa itu kad kecemasan pesakit?
A : Kes ini dirujuk dari Hospital tapah, sekarang pesakit itu datang ke
kecemasan dengan surat rujuk daripada Hospital Tapah , kami
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menggunakan maklumat daripada surat tersebut untuk tulis laporan
Q : Ertinya pesakit ini adalah kes referral daripada Tapah Hospital ke Ipoh
A : Betul
[63] Berdasarkan keterangan SP2 dan SP1 seperti di atas Mahkamah tidak dapat
memutuskan bahawa kemalangan ini adalah akibat motorbike skidded kerana
tiada keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah untuk membuktikan bagaimana dan
daripada siapakah sejarah tersebut diperoleh sedangkan Plaintif ketika itu
dalam keadaan sukar hendak dikawal dan tidak menjawab soalan doktor malah
tiada dokumentasi siapakah yang memberikan sejarah pesakit kepada doktor.
[64] Maka kenyataan “Alleged motorbike skidded” dalam laporan perubatan itu
tidak boleh dikatakan tidak menyokong atau bercanggah dengan versi Plaintif
tentang bagaimana kemalangan ini berlaku. Justeru, Mahkamah tidak dapat
memutuskan bahawa berdasarkan ini sahaja bahawa terdapat fraud di pihak
Plaintif dan Defendan Pertama dalam kes ini di atas imbangan kebarangkalian.
Keterangan Sokongan terhadap Versi Plaintif
[65] Dalam kes ini Versi Plaintif adalah ketika Plaintif sedang menunggang
motorsikalnya di Jalan Bidor ke Tapah hendak pergi kerja, motorkar Defendan
No. PGY 4006 telah melanggarnya daripada belakang. Plaintif nampak
motokar yang melanggarnya semasa dia jatuh ke dalam longkang dan
pemandu motorkar tersebut yang membawa Plaintif ke hospital.
[66] Keterangan Plaintif ini disokong oleh keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat (SP4) di
mana SP4 telah menyatakan bahawa Kedua-dua pihak yang terlibat dalam
kemalangan telah membuat laporan Polis. Pada 23.11.2016 apabila SP4 pergi
ke rumah Plaintif dan mengambil statement POL55, Plaintif telah
memaklumkan nombor motorkar Defendan kepada SP4 dan telah menuliskan
sendiri nombor motokar Defendan.
[67] Fakta bahawa kemalangan melibatkan kedua-dua kenderaan terlibat dalam
kes ini disokong dengan keterangan SP4 yang menyatakan menurut
siasatannya, pemandu motorkar lewat membuat laporan polis kerana telah
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membayar RM500 kepada Plaintif tersebut dan Plaintif telah bersetuju untuk
tidak membuat laporan polis. Keterangan ini juga konsisten dengan keterangan
SP4 bahawa pada 20.6.2017 semasa rakaman percakapan Plaintif diambil,
Plaintif ada memberitahu SP4 bahawa tujuan beliau membuat laporan polis
sebab beliau tidak berpuashati dengan tawaran RM200.00 yang dibuat oleh
pemandu motorkar sebagai penyelesaian.
[68] Selanjutnya SP4 menyatakan Plaintif ada memberitahunya bahawa pemandu
motorkar ada memberitahu Plaintif nombor pendaftaran motorkarnya kepada
Plaintif dan pemandu motorkar itu ada datang ke rumah Plaintif untuk
menawarkan wang saguhati sebagai penyelesaian. SP4 juga mengesahkan
Pemandu motorkar ada mengaku beliau pernah pergi ke rumah penunggang
motorsikal. Ini jelas menunjukkan keterlibatan kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut
dalam kemalangan ini. Tambahan pula terdapat keterangan sokongan
daripada SP8 di mana SP8 telah menyatakan bahawa beliau ada berjumpa
dengan pemandu motorkar di hospital, dan pemandu ingin membuat
penyelesaian dengan menawarkan wang RM200.00.
[69] Berdasarkan kesemua keterangan ini, Mahkamah ini membuat dapatan fakta
bahawa kemalangan ini telah berlaku melibatkan kenderaan-kenderaan di
dalam kes ini dan kecuaian adalah di pihak pemandu motorkar yang telah
melanggar Plaintif dari arah belakang seperti mana versi Plaintif dan tiada versi
Defendan di Mahkamah melainkan versi yang diplidkan dalam pembelaannya
yang tidak disokong dengan keterangan bersumpah di Mahkamah.
[70] Defendan Pertama seharusnya memandu dalam keadaan berhati-hati semasa
memandu di belakang motorsikal Plaintif dan haruslah bersedia untuk
menguruskan apa-apa kecemasan ketika memandu dari arah belakang.
Tindakan Defendan Pertama melanggar Plaintif dari arah belakang jelas
membuktikan kecuaian pihak Defendan Pertama dalam kemalangan ini.
[71] Perlu diberi penekanan di sini bahawa Mahkamah tidak mengambil kira
pengakuan yang dibuat oleh pemandu motorkar kepada Pegawai Penyiasat
berhubung kecuaiannya melanggar Plaintif daripada belakang semasa
rakaman percakapan beliau direkodkan oleh SP4. Begitu juga dengan laporan
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Polis Defendan Pertama, Mahkamah tidak membuat rujukan kepada laporan
Polis tersebut memandangkan ianya tidak dikemukakan sebagai keterangan
dan tidak ditandakan sebagai ekshibit di dalam kes ini.
[72] Memandangkan Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa pihak Plaintif telah
membuktikan kecuaian di pihak Defendan, maka beban berpindah kepada
pihak Defendan untuk membuktikan sebaliknya dengan mengemukakan
rebuttal evidence, namun dalam kes ini pihak Defendan – Defendan gagal
memanggil sebarang saksi untuk melepaskan beban bukti mereka.
[73] Memandangkan tiada sebarang keterangan lain yang dikemukakan oleh pihak
Defendan bahawa ada berlaku kemalangan lain di kawasan tersebut pada
tarikh dan masa tersebut yang melibatkan kenderaan lain selain motorsikal
Plaintif dan motorkar Defendan, maka dalam keadaan ini atas imbangan
kebarangkalian Mahkamah memutuskan bahawa suatu kemalangan telah
berlaku melibatkan motorsikal Plaintif dan motorkar Defendan di lokasi kejadian
pada tarikh dan waktu seperti yang diplidkan oleh pihak Plaintif.
Plaintif telah menunggang motorsikal dalam keadaan mabuk dan khayal
sehingga terbabas sendiri dan langsung tidak dilanggar oleh motorkar
Defendan Pertama dan Kedua.
[74] Hujahan pihak Defendan bahawa Plaintif telah menunggang motorsikal dalam
keadaan mabuk dan khayal sehingga terbabas sendiri adalah pada pandangan
Mahkamah suatu perkara yang spekulatif tanpa disokong oleh apa-apa
[75] Mahkamah berpandangan sedemikian kerana dalam kes ini walaupun terdapat
keterangan oleh doktor dari Hospital Tapah bahawa Plaintif berada dalam
keadaan mabuk, akan tetapi, fakta ini dengan sendirinya tidak bermakna
bahawa Plaintif telah hilang kawalan semasa menunggang motorsikalnya.
Berdasarkan keterangan yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah, Mahkamah
telahpun membuat dapatan fakta bahawa kemalangan ini adalah satu
perlanggaran daripada belakang oleh motorkar Defendan.
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[76] Tiada sebarang bukti secara perubatan (''medical evidence'') untuk
menunjukkan bahawa tahap alcohol dan/atau kandungan alcohol dalam darah
Plaintif telah menyebabkan dia tidak dapat menunggang motosikal dan/atau
bahawa itu adalah punca kepada berlakunya kemalangan ini. Beban adalah
pada pihak Defendan untuk membuktikan bahawa Plaintif berada dalam
keadaan mabuk sehingga menjadikan beliau gagal mengawal motosikal beliau
ketika kemalangan ini berlaku. Mahkamah memutuskan pihak Defendan telah
gagal untuk membuktikan fakta ini.
[77] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes SAIFUDEEN APANDI (SUING BY APANDI
NUING [2011] 5 LNS 2 di mana Mahkamah telah menyatakan seperti berikut:-
"[14] It is the second plaintiff (''PW15'') on admission that he had
consumed alcohol before he rode his motorcycle and involved in the said
accident. However, the decided cases submitted by the learned counsel
for the plaintiffs showed that blood alcohol level itself can never be
conclusive to determine the degree of intoxication of the person
whereby different people react differently to the same blood alcohol.
[15] Justice Datuk Linton Albert in Kuching High Court Civil Appeal No.
12- 46-2009-1, Johnny Teh San Yew v. Dayang Mastura bt Abang
Bolhassan held at pp 2 to 3: It is a basic truth which requires no authority
or scientific support that the consumption of alcohol does not
necessarily incapacitate a person to the extent that he is unable to
ride his motorcycle sensibly.
[16] In PP v. Ramasamy a/I Sebastian [1991] 1 MLJ 75 it was held at p
81: In any event, from the evidence of the experts, the blood alcohol
level itself can never be conclusive to determine the degree of
intoxication of the accused. Different people react differently to the
same blood alcohol level. It makes a great difference whether the person
is or is not an experienced drinker.
[17] PW4, PW6 and PW7 testified that the alcohol content of the second
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plaintiff as shown in exh P3 (ie, 137mg/100ml of blood) was not high was
not based on any study or any analysis of the effect of alcohol on the
second plaintiff. In fact, in the instant case there was no evidence
whatsoever being adduced to show:
(i) that the alcohol consumed by the second plaintiff had no effect of his
riding skills; and/or
(ii) that the alcohol consumed by the second plaintiff had not impaired
his riding skills prior to the accident."
ANTHONY (2013) 1 LNS 188 Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan seperti
"Peguamcara Defendan telah membangkitkan isu kemabukan Plaintif
Pertama. Walau bagaimanapun tiada keterangan di hadapan mahkamah
yang menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif tidak layak menunggang motosikal
pada masa material. (rujuk kes Halijah v. Velaitham [1966] 1 MU 192, Foo
Siang Him v. AG [1986] 2 MU 267)."
[79] Mahkamah merujuk kepada keterangan SP2 Pegawai Perubatan dari
Hospital Tapah seperti berikut:
Q : Dalam kes ini bila pesakit telah dibawa masa itu Dr. berkhidmat di
bahagian di Hospital Tapah , masa mula - mula masuk Dr. dah tahu dia
difficult , sebab under alcohol kenapa tak ambil ujian darah untuk tentukan
tahap alcohol?
A : Tak dapat ambil ujian darah untuk tentukan
Q : Sudah ada pemerhatian Dr. dah tahu under alcohol, tahap tidak
dipastikan sebab ujian darah atau kencing tidak diambil
A : Betul
Q : Kalau ujian darah / kencing diambil Dr. boleh maklum Mahkamah
tahap alcohol?
A : Betul
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[80] Berdasarkan kepada keterangan di atas, Mahkamah mendapati tahap alcohol
Plaintif tidak dapat dipastikan kerana tiada ujian darah atau air kencing diambil.
Ini bermakna tiada keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah yang membuktikan
bahawa kemalangan ini berlaku disebabkan Plaintif menunggang dalam
keadaan mabuk alcohol sehingga Plaintif telah menyebabkan kemalangan ini.
[81] Lagipun Plaintif sendiri dalam keterangannya menyatakan beliau dapat
mengawal kenderaannya dan tidak bersetuju bahawa kemalangan ini berlaku
disebabkan beliau mabuk. Dalam keadaan ini, Mahkamah tidak dapat
membuat dapatan fakta bahawa Plaintif yang telah cuai sendiri dalam
kemalangan ini. Justeru bagi menjawab isu ini, Mahkamah memutuskan tiada
keterangan di hadapan mahkamah yang menunjukkan bahawa Plaintif
tidak layak menunggang motosikal pada masa material.
Kelewatan Defendan Pertama membuat laporan Polis.
[82] Peguamcara Defendan Ketiga juga telah menghujahkan bahawa Defendan
Pertama telah lewat membuat lapuran polis dan tiada alasan yang dinyatakan
dalam lapuran polis tersebut mengapa lapuran tersebut lewat dibuat.
[83] Dalam kes ini, pembuat lapuran polis tersebut, iaitu Defendan Pertama, tidak
dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan dan lapuran polis tersebut juga tidak
ditandakan sebagai exhibit. Lagipun Pegawai Penyiasat telah pun memberi
keterangan bahawa Defendan Pertama telah hadir ke Balai Polis untuk
membuat laporan secara tidak sukarela dan beliau hanya hadir setelah surat
kedua dihantar oleh pihak Polis dan saman telah dikeluarkan terhadap
Defendan Pertama kerana lewat membuat laporan polis di bawah seksyen
52(2) APJ 1987. Menurut siasatan SP4, pemandu motorkar lewat membuat
laporan polis kerana telah membayar RM500 kepada penunggang motorsikal
tersebut dan penunggang motorsikal tersebut telah bersetuju untuk tidak
membuat laporan polis.
[84] Mahkamah menolak hujahan pihak Defendan bahawa tiada alasan yang
dinyatakan dalam lapuran polis tersebut mengapa laporan tersebut lewat
dibuat. Mahkamah tidak boleh membuat sebarang rujukan kepada laporan
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polis Defendan Pertama kerana ianya tidak diterimamasuk sebagai keterangan
dalam perbicaraan kes ini dan tidak ditandakan sebagai ekshibit. Mahkamah
merujuk kepada prinsip dalam kes Siti Athirah Mohd Sapuan V. Razanatul
Ain Hassan & Anor [2015] 6 CLJ 295 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
A court is only bound to consider evidence that has been properly
tendered as evidence in the court. In the present case, the first
defendant did not attend court to testify and her police report was
never tendered as evidence before the Session Court. Therefore,
both the SCJ and HCJ should have ignored the first defendant's
police report completely when deliberating on the findings of
liability. The HCJ erred in law in assuming that just because the first
defendant's police report formed part of the plaintiff's documents, the
police report was admissible evidence in court, and which evidence the
SCJ could consider in arriving at her judgment.
[85] Namun Mahkamah mendapati keterangan yang diberikan oleh Pegawai
Penyiasat adalah memadai untuk menjelaskan sebab kelewatan Defendan
Pertama membuat laporan polis. Lagipun, pihak Defendan langsung tidak
mencabar dan/atau mengemukakan soalan kepada Plaintif semasa
pemeriksaan balas mengenai samada terdapat perbincangan di antara Plaintif
dan Defendan 1 dan wang saguhati untuk menyelesaikan kemalangan ini yang
menyebabkan kelewatan membuat laporan polis di pihak Defendan pemandu
mkar. Kegagalan untuk mencabar keterangan ini adalah merupakan satu
penerimaan keterangan ‘acceptance’ oleh pihak Defendan.
[86] Dalam hal ini, Mahkamah bergantung kepada prinsip yang diputuskan oleh
Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Wong Swee Chin vs P.P. 1981 1 MLJ
212, di mana Mahkamah telah menyatakan kesan ketiadaan pencabaran
keterangan saksi ( “the effect of non-challenging the case of a witness’):-
"Mr. Jagjit Singh also raised as one of his main grounds of appeal that
the trial judge erred in law when he held that the failure of the defence
to cross-examine the two prosecution witnesses on the ammunition
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actually found in the trouser pockets of the appellant at the time of his
arrest (the subject-matter of the third charge) constituted a clear
admission of the charge of possession by the appellant. We consider
that statement of the law as a misdirection. A correct statement of the
law is that failure of the defence to cross-examine the prosecution
witnesses on the matter merely goes to the credibility of their testimony,
to wit, the fact that they found the ammunition in the appellant's trouser
pockets remains unshaken. On this point we need only say there is a
general rule that failure to cross-examine a witness on a crucial part
of the case will amount to an acceptance of the witness's
[87] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Aik Meng (M) Sdn Bhd vs Chang Ching
Chuan 1995 2 MLJ 794, di mana Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan seperti
"The content of the second rule may be stated thus. It is essential that
a party's case be expressly put to his opponent's is not only a rule
of professional practice in the conduct of a case, but is essential to
fair play and fair dealing with witnesses. In the same case, Lord
Halsbury had this to say (at p. 76): My Lords, with regard to the manner
in which the evidence was given in this case, I cannot too heartily
express my concurrence with the Lord Chancellor as to the mode in
which a trial should be conducted. To my mind nothing would be more
absolutely unjust than not to cross-examine witnesses upon
evidence which they have given, so as to give them notice, and to
give them an opportunity of explanation, and an opportunity very
often to defend their own character, and, not having given them
such an opportunity, to ask the jury afterwards to disbelieve what
they have said, although not one question has been directed either
to their credit or to the accuracy of the facts they have deposed to."
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Laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Plaintif setelah 1 bulan 8 hari adalah satu ” after
[88] Mahkamah menolak hujahan pihak Defendan bahawa Laporan polis yang
dibuat oleh Plaintif setelah 1 bulan 8 hari adalah satu “after thought”.
Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan keterangan yang ada di hadapan
Mahkamah, Plaintif telah memberikan penjelasan yang mencukupi mengapa
beliau hanya membuat laporan polis pada 23.11.2016. Plaintif menyatakan
beliau mendapat rawatan (rujukan dibuat kepada soalan dan jawapan No. 29
dalam Penyata Saksi Plaintif). Tambahan pula keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat
(SP4) menyatakan bahawa SP4 yang pergi ke rumah Plaintif untuk mengambil
laporan polis POL55 dalam keadaan Plaintif terbaring di atas katil ketika itu
tetapi beliau boleh memberikan maklumat.
Q : Adakah penunggang motorsikal datang ke Balai Polis untuk buat
laporan polis
A : Tidak
Q : Bagaimana laporan itu dibuat
A : Pada 23.11.2016 waris kepada penunggang motorsikal datang ke Balai
Polis memaklumkan saudaranya teribat dalam kemalangan dan berada
di rumah. bertindak pada maklumat tersebut saya ke rumah mangsa
dan membuat laporan polis POL 55 di rumah mangsa.
Q : 23.11.2016 bila Inspektor pergi ke rumah penunggang motorsikal
motorsikal dan ambil statement POL55, ada sesiapa menolong dia buat
laporan polis atau ravi sendiri buat dan maklum pada Inspektor
A : Dia sendiri maklum pada saya, dia pun ada tulis sendiri no kenderaan.
saya tulis tapi untuk kenderaan, saya suruh dia tulis sendiri
Q : Semasa ravi beri semua maklumat ini stabil keadaan dia
A : Terbaring atas katil tapi dia boleh beri
[89] Tambahan pula, laporan Perubatan Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun bertarikh
1.11.2016 (Ekshibit P14) sendiri menyatakan Plaintif mengalami “T5/T6
vertebral fracture dislocation with paraplegia (lower limb paralysis)”.
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Dalam keadaan ini, Mahkamah mempercayai sebab kelewatan di pihak Plaintif
untuk membuat laporan polis.
[90] Kesemua keterangan ini menunjukkan bahawa laporan polis bukanlah suatu
afterthought kerana terdapat penjelasan yang munasabah mengenai
kelewatan Plaintif membuat laporan polisnya.
Percanggahan keterangan
[91] Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menghujahkan terdapat
percanggahan antara keterangan Pegawai Penyiasat kes kemalangan ini (I.O.)
dengan keterangan Plaintif –
(i) Di dalam statement Plaintif kepada Pegawai Penyiasat, Plaintif
menyatakan beliau kenal dengan pemandu motorkar namun
semasa memberi keterangan di Mahkamah , Plaintif menyatakan
beliau pernah melihat pemandu motorkar tersebut tetapi beliau
bukan kawannya.
(ii) Di dalam keterangannya, Plaintiff menyatakan beliau mendapat
tahu motokar PGY 4006 selepas pemandu motorkar membuat
report sedangkan laporan Polis Plaintif dibuat pada 23.11.2016
manakala laporan Polis Defendan Pertama dibuat pada
12.7.2017 iaitu hampir 9 bulan selepas tarikh kemalangan.
Kemudian apabila disoal balas lagi, Plaintif menyatakan beliau
mendapat tahu mengenai nombor motorkar Defendan daripada
pakcik beliau.
[92] Mahkamah perlu memutuskan sama ada terdapat percanggahan yang material
dalam keterangan Plaintif yang memusnahkan kredibiliti Plaintif.
[93] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes De Silva v. PP [1964] 1 LNS, di mana Gill J
telah menyatakan seperti yang berikut:
"Discrepancies and contradictions there will always be in any case.
In considering them what the Court has to decide is whether they
are of such a nature as to discredit the witness entirely and render
the whole of his evidence worthless and untrustworthy."
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[94] Seterusnya di dalam kes Pie Bin Chin v. PP [1985] 1 MLJ 234, Wan Yahya J
menyatakan seperti berikut:
"Discrepancies are no doubt present in this case, as they do ostensibly
appear in most cases in evidence of witnesses for the prosecution as
well as the defence. The transcripts of most evidence, when
thoroughly tooth-combed by any able lawyer, never failed to yield
some form of inconsistencies, discrepancies or contradictions but
these do not necessarily render the witness's entire evidence
incredible. It is only when a witness's evidence on material and
obvious matters in the case is so irreconcilable, ambivalent or
negational that his whole evidence is to be disregarded.
Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly certain events, which did
not seem to be important to the witness, do not necessarily shake
his credibility or render otherparts of his story unworthy of belief.
Various persons are endowed with varying powers of cognition,
attentiveness and perception so that it is not uncommon for two
witnesses to a common event describe it in slightly differing versions."
[95] Dalam kes ini Plaintif telah menyatakan nombor pendaftaran motorkar
Defendan dalam laporan polis Plaintif yang dibuat pada 23.11.2016. Namun
semasa memberi keterangan Plaintif menyatakan beliau mendapat tahu
motokar Defendan nombor PGY 4006 selepas pemandu motorkar membuat
report pada 12.7.2017. Sememangnya terdapat percanggahan di sini. Namun
persoalannya adalah adakah percanggahan tersebut adalah material sehingga
menjejaskan kredibiliti Plaintif. Setelah diuji keterangan Plaintif ini dengan
keterangan lain Mahkamah mendapati tiada percanggahan yang material di
dalam keterangan Plaintif dalam kes ini. Pegawai Penyiasat juga dalam
keterangannya telah menyatakan pada 23.11.2016 apabila beliau pergi ke
rumah Plaintif dan ambil statement POL55, Plaintif sendiri maklumkan kepada
Pegawai Penyiasat dan menuliskan sendiri nombor kenderaan Defendan.
[96] Pada pandangan Mahkamah, apa yang jelas, pada masa laporan polis Plaintif
dibuat, Plaintif telah pun menyatakan nombor motorkar Defendan.
Percanggahan ini tidak material pada pandangan Mahkamah sehingga
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keseluruhan keterangan Plaintif perlu ditolak. Mahkamah dalam memutuskan
sedemikian telah mempertimbangkan jarak masa yang lama antara
kemalangan 17.10.2016 dan tarikh Plaintif memberi keterangan di mahkamah
pada 20.12.2022 (6 tahun). Forgetfulness and failure to recall exactly
certain events, which did not seem to be important to the witness, do not
necessarily shake his credibility or render otherparts of his story
unworthy of belief (Pie Bin Chin v. PP [1985] 1 MLJ 234 dirujuk).
[97] Begitu juga dengan percanggahan mengenai Plaintif mengenali Defendan
Pertama. Menurut Pegawai Penyiasat Plaintif kenal Defendan Pertama yang
ada datang ke rumah Plaintif. Tiada soalan lain ditujukan kepada Pegawai
Penyiasat semasa pemeriksaan balas bagaimana Plaintif mengenali Defendan
Pertama. Kemungkinan bahawa Plaintif kenal Defendan Pertama apabila
Defendan Pertama datang ke rumahnya untuk menawarkan wang saguhati
seperti mana yang diakui sendiri oleh Defendan Pertama kepada Pegawai
Penyiasat tidak dapat diketepikan. Lagipun Plaintif telah pun dalam
keterangannya menyatakan beliau kenal Defendan Pertama bermaksud
pernah lihat tetapi bukan kawannya. Selain itu, tiada juga keterangan rebuttal
daripada Defendan yang menunjukkan Plaintif sememangnya adalah kenalan
atau kenalan rapat Defendan Pertama. Pada hemat Mahkamah tiada apa-apa
percanggahan yang material dalam keterangan Plaintif dan SP4 untuk
Mahkamah ini menolak terus segala keterangan Plaintif.
[98] Defendan berhujah bahawa terdapat percanggahan keterangan Plaintif dan
SP8 (pakcik Plaintif) berhubung pembaikan motorsikal Plaintif. Menurut Plaintif,
pakcik Plaintif yang menguruskan pembaikan motorsikal Plaintif. Namun pakcik
Plaintif memberi keterangan bahawa beliau tiada tengok apa kerosakan
motorsikal Plaintif. Mahkamah juga mendapati percanggahan ini bukanlah satu
percanggahan yang material sehinggakan keterangan Plaintif dan pakciknya
(SP8) ditolak in toto berkenaan kerosakan motorsikal.
[99] Menurut rekod Mahkamah tiada satu pun soalan ditanya oleh pihak Defendan
kepada Pegawai Penyiasat yang menyiasat kes ini mengenai apakah
kerosakan kepada motorsikal hasil daripada siasatan pihak Polis. Pihak
Defendan hanya merujuk gambar kenderaan (yang telah ditandakan sebagai
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Ekshibit D11A-G) yang berada dalam simpanan mereka, kepada Pegawai
Penyiasat yang mana gambar ini telah di ‘crop’. Gambar-gambar tersebut
menurut Pegawai Penyiasat telah rosak dan tiada di dalam IP (Investigation
Paper) Pegawai Penyiasat dan tiada juga di dalam system berkemungkinan
pertukaran ke IPR kes baru, dan terdapat surat daripada ketua bahagian
siasatan (ekshibit P10) yang mengatakan gambar telah rosak.
[100] Pegawai Penyiasat dalam pemeriksaan balas, menyatakan Gambar C dan D
gambar crop, nampak macam ada kesan calar manakala gambar D11A&B
(gambar motorsikal) - berdasarkan gambar nombor plet motorsikal masih ada
dan tiada kerosakan. Itu sahaja keterangan yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah
berkenaan kerosakan motorsikal. Melalui penelitian Mahkamah, gambar
motorsikal D11A&B adalah gambar ‘crop’ yang tidak menunjukkan keseluruhan
bahagian motorsikal. Pegawai Penyiasat juga tidak tahu mengapa gambar
tersebut gambar crop dan inilah kali pertama Pegawai Penyiasat melihat
gambar crop dan gambar crop ini bukan amalan biasa pihak Polis. Manakala
gambar C & D adalah juga gambar crop yang tidak jelas menurut Pegawai
Penyiasat dan Mahkamah juga tidak dapat memastikan apakah gambar C & D
kerana gambar tersebut bukan gambar berwarna dan tidak jelas apakah
sebenarnya gambar tersebut. Pegawai Penyiasat juga tidak pasti apakah
tujuan gambar C&D diambil. Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah tidak
memberikan sebarang ‘weight’ kepada gambar – gambar ini.
[101] Pihak Defendan hanya menyoal balas SP4 mengenai kerosakan pada nombor
plet motorsikal. Mahkamah mendapati pihak Defendan telah gagal mencabar
SP4 mengenai kerosakan di bahagian belakang motorsikal seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam laporan polis Plaintif selain kerosakan pada nombor plet
motorsikal Plaintif. Sama ada terdapat sebarang kerosakan lain di bahagian
belakang motorsikal Plaintif seperti kerosakan kepada tayar dan rim belakang
atau ekzoz, pemijak kaki belakang dan sebagainya tidak dicabar semasa
pemeriksaan balas terhadap SP4 walaupun laporan Polis Plaintif menyatakan
kerosakan di bahagian belakang motorsikal.
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Percanggahan keterangan Plaintif dan SP8 (pakcik Plaintif) mengenai tawaran
wang RM200.00 oleh Defendan Pertama
[102] Pihak Defendan menghujahkan terdapat percanggahan keterangan Plaintif dan
SP8 (pakcik Plaintif) mengenai tawaran wang RM200.00 oleh Defendan
Pertama. Plaintif telah menyatakan bahawa Defendan Pertama ada datang ke
rumah beliau dan telah menawarkan duit sebanyak RM 200.00 untuk
penyelesaian kes kemalangan ini. Akan tetapi, En. Kumaraguru a/l Periasamy
(SP-8) telah menyatakan bahawa Defendan Pertama memberi duit sebanyak
RM 200.00 kepada SP-8 di Hospital Tapah. Pihak Defendan menghujahkan
Keterangan yang berbeza ini haruslah ditolak sama sekali kerana fakta ini amat
ketara menunjukkan motorkar Defendan Pertama dan Kedua (motorkar no.
PGY 4006) tidak terlibat dalam kemalangan ini dengan motorsikal Plaintif
(motorsikal no. AGR 2563). Justeru itu, pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua
berhujah bahawa tuntutan Plaintif terhadap pihak Defendan Pertama dan
Kedua haruslah ditolak dengan kos.
[103] Mahkamah mendapati pihak Defendan – Defendan langsung tiada menyoal
balas Plaintif mengenai penerimaan wang RM200.00 ini. Semasa soal balas
SP8, Peguam Defendan telah meletakkan kepada SP8 bahawa berkenaan
wang RM200.00 hanya Plaintif boleh sahkan bahawa dia terima wang tersebut
daripada SP8 dan SP8 bersetuju. Keterangan SP8 seperti berikut dirujuk:-
Q : Berkenaan wang 200 ringgit hanya ravi boleh sahkan bahawa dia
terima wang tersebut daripada kamu setuju / tidak?
A : Setuju
Q : Kalau diterima wang RM200 tersebut beliau akan menyatakan sama
ada di dalam Mahkamah atau laporan polis dia ada terima duit itu
daripada kamu , bukan daripada pemandu, setuju atau tidak
A : (saksi mengangguk)
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[104] Namun, pihak Defendan telah gagal menyoal balas Plaintiff bila dan
bagaimana beliau memperoleh wang RM200 tersebut. Tambahan lagi, dalam
keterangannya di Mahkamah, Plaintif tiada sekalipun menyatakan mengenai
wang saguhati RM200.00 ini. Mengenai wang saguhati ini, hanya SP4 Pegawai
Penyiasat yang memberi keterangan. Seterusnya, peguam Defendan Ketiga
juga tidak pernah mencabar dan/atau mengemukakan soalan kepada Plaintif
mengenai bayaran RM200.00 dan butirannya i.e cara bagaimana, di mana dan
bila bayaran tersebut dibuat. Adalah tidak adil untuk Mahkamah menolak
keterangan Plaintiff secara sekaligus atas alasan ini kerana Plaintif tidak
diberikan peluang untuk memberikan penjelasan berhubung perkara ini
semasa pemeriksaan balas (Aik Meng (M) Sdn Bhd vs Chang Ching Chuan
1995 2 MLJ 794 dirujuk). Justeru Mahkamah memutuskan tiada sebarang
percanggahan keterangan antara SP8 dan Plaintif.
[105] Jikapun terdapat percanggahan antara keterangan saksi-saksi Plaintif, ianya
tidak memusnahkan credibility mereka. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes PP V.
DATUK HAJI HARUN BIN HAJI IDRIS [1977] 1 LNS 24; [1977] MLJ 15 di
mana Hakim Raja Azlan Shah menyatakan:
“In this case different witnesses have testified to different parts of what had
happened or what had been said and also there are, in the evidence of the
witnesses for the prosecution, some discrepancies, as would be expected of
witnesses giving their recollections of a series of events that took place in
1971- 1973. In my opinion discrepancies there will always be, because
in the circumstances in which the events happened, every witness
does not remember the same thing and he does not remember
accurately every single thing that happened. It may be open to criticism,
or it might be better if they took down a notebook and wrote down every
single thing that happened and every single thing that was said. But
they did not know that they are going to be witnesses at this trial. I shall be
almost inclined to think that if there are no discrepancies, it might be
suggested that they have concocted their accounts of what had
happened or what had been said because their versions are too
consistent. The question is whether the existence of certain
discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There is no rule
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of law that the testimony of a witness must either be believed in its
entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and cogent
reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and to reject
the other. It is, therefore, necessary to scrutinize each evidence very
carefully as this involves the question of weight to be given to certain
evidence in particular circumstances.”
AND ANOTHER APPEAL [2015] 2 MLJ 293, Arifin Zakaria Chief Justice (pada
ketika itu), dalam menyampaikan keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah
membincangkan mengenai adakah PW1 di dalam kes itu adalah saksi yang
[49] So, was PW1 credible? First the law. In Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v
Public Prosecutor [2002] 3 MLJ 193; [2002] 3 CLJ 457, Haidar Mohd Noor
FCJ (as he then was), quoted the decision of the trial judge in that case with
approval and reiterated the test for either accepting or rejecting the evidence
of a witness, as follows:
The Privy Council has stated that the real tests for either accepting or
rejecting the evidence of a witness are how consistent the story is with
itself, how it stands the test of cross-examination, and how far it fits in
with the rest of the evidence and the circumstances of the case (see
Bhojraj v Sitaram AIR 1936 PC 60). It must, however, be observed
that being unshaken in cross-examination is not per se an all-
sufficient acid test of credibility. The inherent probability of a fact in
issue must be the prime consideration (see Muniandy & Ors v Public
Prosecutor [1966] 1 MLJ 257). It has been held that if a witness
demonstrably tells lies, his evidence must be looked upon with
suspicion and treated with caution, but to say that it should be entirely
rejected would be to go too far (see Khoon Chye Hin v Public
Prosecutor [1961] 1 MLJ 105b). It has also been held that
discrepancies and contradictions there will always be in a case. In
considering them, what the court has to decide is whether they are of
such a nature as to discredit the witness entirely and render the whole
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of his evidence worthless and untrustworthy (see De Silva v Public
Prosecutor [1964] 1 MLJ 81). The Indian Supreme Court has pointed
out that one hardly comes across a witness whose evidence does not
contain a grain of untruth or at any rate exaggerations, embroideries
or embellishments (see Ugar v State of Bihar AIR 1965 SC 277). It is
useful to refer to Public Prosecutor v Datuk Haji Harun bin Haji Idris
(No 2) [1977] 1 MLJ 15 where Raja Azlan Shah FJ (as His Highness
then was) said at p 19:
… In my opinion, the discrepancies there will always be, because in
the circumstances in which the events happened, every witness does
not remember the same thing and he does not remember accurately
every single thing that happened. The question is whether existence
of certain discrepancies is sufficient to destroy their credibility. There
is no rule of law that the testimony of a witness must either be believed
in its entirety or not at all. A court is fully competent, for good and
cogent reasons, to accept one part of the testimony of a witness and
to reject the other.
In the absence of any contradiction, however, and in the absence of any
element of inherent improbability, the evidence of any witness, whether a
police witness or not, who gives evidence on affirmation, should normally be
accepted (see Public Prosecutor v Mohamed Ali [1962] 1 MLJ 257) …”
[107] Berdasarkan penilaian keterangan saksi-saksi Plaintif secara keseluruhan,
Mahkamah mendapati percanggahan jikapun ada, tidak material dan tidak
menjejaskan atau memusnahkan kredibiliti Plaintif dalam kes ini dan tidak
menjejaskan pembuktian kes Plaintif.
[108] Dalam kes ini pihak Defendan telah gagal untuk memanggil saksi. Walaupun
dalam kes ini versi Plaintif tidak disangkal melalui keterangan Defendan dan
‘presumed to be true on the basis that the Defendan elected not to adduce
evidence’, ini tidak bermakna secara automatic Plaintif telah berjaya
membuktikan bahawa terdapat kecuaian di pihak Defendan dalam kes ini.
Mahkamah masih perlu menilai keterangan/versi Plaintif dengan keterangan-
keterangan lain untuk menentukan sama ada Plaintif telah berjaya
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membuktikan atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa kecuaian Defendan telah
menyebabkan kemalangan ini.
[109] Walaupun pihak Defendan gagal memanggil saksi, Mahkamah telah menilai
keterangan saksi-saksi Plaintif dan mendapati pihak Plaintif telah
mengemukakan keterangan yang mencukupi untuk membuktikan kecuaian
pihak Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Ketiga di dalam kemalangan ini di atas
imbangan kebarangkalian yang mana perlanggaran ini adalah satu kes ‘langgar
belakang’ dan tiada cuai sumbangan di pihak Plaintif. Berdasarkan kesemua
alasan di atas, Mahkamah mendapati kemalangan ini adalah akibat kecuaian
Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua bertanggungan secara vikarius.
Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes ORTUS EXPERT WHITE SDN BHD v. NOR
YANNI ADOM & ANOR [2021] 1 LNS 2350 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
The Court of Appeal accepted the position of the law that once a
defendant elects not to call for evidence, apart from being bound by such
election, all the evidence led by the plaintiff must be assumed to be
true (Syarikat Kemajuan Timbermine Sdn Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri
Kelantan [2015] MLJU 70; [2015] 2 AMR 142). However, the fact that
the defendant led no evidence or call any witness does not absolve
the plaintiff from discharging its burden to prove its claim in law.
The evidence adduced by the plaintiff must be sufficient to prove
the claim (Mohamed Junus v Rahman Shah Alang Ibrahim & Anor
[2008] 3 MLJ 81; [2008] 2 CLJ 369).
[110] Justeru Mahkamah mendapati Defendan-Defendan bertanggungan 100% di
dalam kemalangan ini dan Plaintif tidak menyumbang cuai.
[111] Berdasarkan penilaian keterangan semua saksi Plaintif dan Defendan dalam
kes ini, Mahkamah mendapati di atas imbangan kebarangkalian bahawa
Defendan Ketiga telah gagal membuktikan terdapat unsur penipuan/frod di
dalam kes ini berdasarkan alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas. Dalam kes
ini juga, tiada sebarang laporan pihak penyelaras dikemukakan di Mahkamah
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yang mulia ini yang mana berkemungkinan boleh membantu Mahkamah untuk
mencapai satu dapatan berhubung isu liability berhubung isu frod khususnya.
[112] Malah untuk membuktikan kes berkenaan frod, Defendan Ketiga tiada
mengemukakan sebarang saksi lain atau dokumen lain yang dapat mencabar
keterangan Plaintif mengenai kemalangan ini. Justeru Mahkamah mendapati
Keterangan saksi-saksi Plaintif serta keterangan Dokumentari yang
dikemukakan dalam perbicaraan kes ini menyokong versi Plaintif mengenai
kemalangan ini dan tiada unsur-unsur frod yang berjaya dibuktikan oleh pihak
Defendan Ketiga berhubung perkara ini.
[113] Mahkamah memutuskan kemalangan ini adalah akibat kecuaian Defendan
Pertama dan Defendan Kedua bertanggungan secara vikarius. Justeru
Mahkamah mendapati Defendan-Defendan bertanggungan 100% di dalam
kemalangan ini dan Plaintif tidak menyumbang cuai dan Mahkamah menolak
tuntutan balas Defendan Ketiga.
[114] Kuantum yang diawadkan adalah tertakhluk kepada dokumen-dokumen yang
telah ditandakan sebagai ekshibit dan juga hujahan pihak-pihak.
Gantirugi Am
[115] Jumlah yang dihujahkan oleh pihak-pihak serta berpandu kepada Compendium
of Personal Injury Awards Revised setakat 16 Oktober 2018 (selepas ini dirujuk
sebagai Compendium) serta kes-kes yang diputuskan, Mahkamah ini
berpendapat kuantum yang diberikan dalam kes ini adalah berpatutan dan
mengikut trend semasa.
[116] Mahkamah juga mengambil kira prinsip yang dinyatakan dalam kes Ku Jia
Shiuen (an infant suing through her mother and next friend, Tay Pei Hoon)
& Anor v Government of Malaysia & Ors [2013] 4 MLJ 108 di mana
Mahkamah telah menyatakan seperti berikut:
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“It is settled law that damages in tort are not meant to be punitive; neither
a reward. Damages are meant to be a form of compensation that will
give the injured party reparation for the wrongful act so far as money can
compensate. It is not meant to enrich the injured party. Therefore, the
compensation must by fair, reasonable and adequate but not excessive
(Yang Salbiah & Anor v Jamil bin Harun [1981] 1 MLJ 292) The aim is to
put the injured party back as it were, as far as possible to his original
position prior to the tortuous act which caused the damage (Shanmugam
a/l Gopal v Zinal Abidin bin Nazim & Anor [2003] 3 MLJ 76; Ong Ah Long
v Dr S Underwood [1983] 2 MLJ 324 (FC)).
Kecederaan tidak berpunca daripada kemalangan yang sama
[117] Pihak Defendan telah membangkitkan isu bahawa kecederaan yang dialami
oleh Plaintif tidak berpunca daripada kemalangan yang sama pada 17.10.2016.
[118] Berdasarkan keterangan yang diberi oleh doktor yang merawat Plaintif di
Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Tapah, Dr. Khairul Ismail bin Mohd Ali (Saksi
SP2), Plaintif dalam kes ini telah dibawa ke Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital
Tapah pada 17/10/2016 jam pukul 7.09 pagi, iaitu 39 minit selepas
kemalangan yang dikatakan berlaku pada 17/10/2016 jam lebih kurang
6.30 pagi. Pihak Defendan menhujahkan kesemua pemeriksaan fizikal dan X-
ray di atas Plaintif tersebut adalah dijalankan pada hari kemalangan yang
sama, iaitu pada 17/10/2016 dan sejurus selepas kemalangan tersebut. Oleh
yang demikian, setelah Plaintif dalam kes ini diperiksa dan dirawat oleh doktor
di Hospital Tapah pada 17/10/2016 dan sejurus selepas kemalangan, beliau
didiagnosis mengalami kecederaan “soft tissue injury” sahaja dan Plaintif
juga telah discaj pada hari yang sama.
[119] Pada hari yang sama, iaitu pada 17/10/2016 jam 8.38 malam, Plantif dalam kes
ini dihantar ke Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Tapah kali kedua oleh ambulans.
Merujuk kepada keterangan saksi SP-2, doktor yang merawat Plaintif kali
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kedua di Hospital Tapah adalah Dr. Muaz bin Shahriman dan beliau telah
membuat pemeriksaan X-ray di bahagian “thoracolumbar sacral”, dan
mendapati Plaintif mengalami kecederaan “T5 burst fracture”.
[120] Pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa kegagalan Plaintif
memanggil saksi penting tersebut (Dr. Muaz bin Shariman) memberi
keterangan di Mahkamah untuk membuktikan kes Plaintif ini membolehkan
anggapan bertentangan (‘adverse inference’) di bawah Seksyen 114(g) Akta
Keterangan 1950. Ini kerana pada pemeriksaan awal (rawatan kali pertama)
kecederaan Plaintif yang didokumenkan adalah soft tissue injury sahaja tetapi
pada rawatan kali kedua didapati kecederaan lain iaitu T5 burst fracture.
[121] Mengenai aplikasi ‘adverse inference’ dalam kes ini, Mahkamah merujuk
kepada kes RAMES ARUMUGAM v Pegawai Penyiasat & ANOTHER
APPEAL (2023) 1 LNS 870 di mana Mahkamah telah menyatakan seperti
berikut :
[44] First and foremost, s. 114(g) of the Evidence Act 1950 reads:
"Section 114. Court may presume existence of certain fact.
The court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely
to have happened, regard being had to the common course of natural
events, human conduct, and public and private business, in their
relation to the facts of the particular case.
The court may presume:
... (g) that evidence which could be and is not produced would if
produced be unfavourable to the person who withholds it."
[45] Concerning the application of s. 114(g) of the EA 1950, we are primarily
guided by the decision of the Supreme Court in Munusamy
Vengadasalam v. PP [1987] 1 CLJ 250; [1987] CLJ (Rep) 221; [1987]
1 MLJ 492, where His Lordship Mohd Azmi SO (as he then was) in
delivering the judgment of the court held:
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"It is essential to appreciate the scope of s. 114(g) lest it be
carried too far outside its limit. Adverse inference under that
illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or
suppression of evidence and not merely on account of
failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn from withholding
not just any document, but material document by a party in his
possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but
an important and material witness to the case."
[46] His Lordship Hasan Lah FCJ (as he then was) in delivering the
judgment of the Federal Court in Amri Ibrahim v. PP [2017] 1 CLJ 617
held as follows:
"[56] The issue of the non-calling of Phee Chin Guan was argued
before the Court of Appeal by the defence. The Court of Appeal held
inter alia that Phee Chin Guan was not an essential or material witness
to the prosecution in order to establish a prima facie case at the close
of it is case or to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt at the end of
the defence case and the non-calling of Phee Chin Guan did not leave
a gap in the prosecution's case. It was also held that on the facts of
the case, the learned trial judge did not err in not invoking s. 114(g) of
the Evidence Act 1950 against the prosecution.
"[57] The power of the court to draw an adverse inference under s.
114(g) Evidence Act 1950 is discretionary. It depends on the
circumstance of the case and particularly in cases where the material
witnesses are not produced (see Lau Song Seng v. PP [1998] 1 SLR
663]. The scope of s. 114(g) has been explained by the Supreme Court
In Munusamy Vengadasalam v. PP [1987] 1 CLJ 250; [1987] CLJ (Rep)
221 at p. 223; [1987] 1 MLJ 492 at p. 494:
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... It is essential to appreciate the scope of section 114(g) lest it be
carried too far outside Its limit. Adverse inference under that
illustration can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression
of evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence.
It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but material
document by a party In his possession, or for non-production of not
just any witness but an important and material witness to the case."
[122] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes CHUA KHENG VIK v WONG ZHEN YAIK
(2022) 1 LNS 30 dimana Mahkamah telah membuat keputusan bahawa :
"[39] D submits that P did not provide any justification for not calling the Initial
IO and therefore an adverse inference under section 114(g) of the
Evidence Act 1950 ought to be drawn against P. I disagree. P has
explained that the Initial IO had retired and for that reason, SPl was
subpoenaed to give evidence. Moreover, section 114(g) of the Evidence
Act 1950 should only be invoked when there is withholding or suppression
of material evidence, which is not the case here.
[40] In Munusamy Vengadasalam v. Public Prosecutor [1987] CLJ (Rep) 221
at 223, the Federal Court said:
"It is essential to appreciate the scope of s. 114(g) lest it be carried too
far outside its limit. Adver:se infer:,ence under that illustration can only
be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of evidence and not
merely on account of failure to obtain evidence. It may be drawn
from withholding not just any document, but material document by a
party in his possession, or for non-production of not just any witness but
an important and material witness to the case."
[41] In the instant suit, SPl had given evidence based on the investigation
papers prepared by the Initial IO. There is no withholding or
suppression of evidence.”
[123] Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah , SP2 Dr. Khairul Isman yang mula-mula
merawat Plaintif menyatakan beliau mendapat tahu bahawa Dr. Muaz Bin
Syariman Teruna ada juga merawat Plaintif pada kali kedua Plaintif dibawa ke
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kecemasan Hospital Tapah pada jam 8.38 malam pada 17.10.2016. SP2 dalam
keterangannya menyatakan Dr. Muaz tidak lagi bertugas di Hospital Tapah,
telah berpindah PKD dan tak pasti sama ada PDK Ulu Selangor atau Ulu
[124] Mahkamah berpendapat Dr. Muaz Bin Syariman bukanlah saksi yang penting
/ material yang mana jika beliau dipanggil keterangannya akan memudaratkan
kes Plaintif. Dr. Muaz tidak lagi bertugas di Hospital Tapah dan telah berpindah
ke PKD lain. Tambahan pula, SP2 dalam keterangannya menyatakan beliau
telah menyediakan laporan Perubatan Klarifikasi di Ekshibit P3 (bertarikh
21.10.2020) berdasarkan kepada maklumat daripada Dr. Muaz Bin Syariman.
Maka, Mahkamah berpandangan tiada isu bahawa saksi ini i.e. Dr. Muaz Bin
Syariman tidak dipanggil dengan sengaja dan atau dihalang dari datang ke
mahkamah dengan sengaja ("withholding or suppression of evidence).
[125] Dalam kes ini SP2 telah memberi penjelasan mengapa laporan Perubatan
beliau Ekshibit P2 (bertarikh 26.8.1010) menyatakan “X-ray No obvious
fracture seen”. Merujuk kepada Penyata Saksi SP2 di soalan No.6, SP2
menyatakan x-ray yang dibuat pada mulanya tidak nampak patah disebabkan
posisi badan pesakit tidak betul ketika ambil x-ray. Ketika kali kedua, pada
waktu petang, dia sedar dan x-ray telah diambil kali kedua dan didapati ada
kepatahan dan dia dihantar ke Hospital Ipoh. Mahkamah menerima keterangan
SP2 dalam ketiadaan keterangan Perubatan lain yang menyangkal keterangan
SP2. Selain itu, semasa Pemeriksaan Balas juga, SP2 juga ada menyatakan
X-ray boleh nampak kepatahan, kadang-kadang ada nampak, kadang-kadang
tak nampak kepatahan, lebih tepat jika buat MRI atau CT Scan. Justeru,
Mahkamah mendapati tiada apa-apa keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah yang
menunjukkan bahawa terdapat withholding or suppression of evidence.
Oleh yang demikian, Mahkamah memutuskan anggapan bertentangan
(‘adverse inference’) di bawah Seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak
terpakai di dalam kes ini. Lagipun pihak Defendan tidak dihalang untuk
memanggil Dr. Muaz Bin Syariman untuk diperiksa mengenai T5 burst fracture
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PEMUTUSAN RANTAIAN PENYEBAB (‘Break of Chain of Causation’)
[126] Pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif hanya
mendapatkan rawatan bagi kecederaan tambahan lebih kurang 13 jam 30 minit
selepas rawatan kali pertama. (Rawatan kali pertama: 7.09 pagi; Rawatan kali
kedua: 8.38 malam) Tempoh masa 13 jam lebih tersebut bukanlah tempoh
masa yang singkat. Selanjutnya, pihak Defendan menghujahkan tiada
sebarang keterangan dan bukti yang kukuh telah dikemukakan bahawa
kecederaan lain (selain daripada kecederaan “soft tissue injury”) adalah
sememangnya turut diakibatkan oleh kemalangan yang dikatakan berlaku pada
17/10/2016 jam lebih kurang 6.30 pagi. Justeru dihujahkan oleh Defendan-
Defendan bahawa wujud pemutusan rantaian penyebab (‘break of chain of
causation’) kepada kecederaan tambahan yang dialami Plaintif.
[127] Mahkamah mendapati berdasarkan keterangan Dr. Khairul Isman (SP2),
Plaintif dimasukkan ke kecemasan Hospital Tapah pada jam 7.09 pagi pada
17.10.2016 dan discharge pada hari yang sama Pukul 12.00 tengahari lebih.
Kemudian Plaintif dihantar ke Jabatan Kecemasan Hospital Tapah kali kedua
oleh ambulans pada jam 8.38 malam sebagaimana yang direkodkan dalam
Ekshibit P4. SP2 bersetuju terdapat ruang masa 8 jam antara kemasukkan
Hospital kali pertama dan kemasukkan kali kedua. Justeru, persoalan di sini
adalah sama ada dalam ruang masa 8 jam ini, adakah terdapat break of
chain of causation dan adakah kecederaan-kecederaan lain selain soft tissue
injury adalah diakibatkan oleh kemalangan yang sama.
[128] SP2 dalam keterangannya tidak bersetuju bahawa dalam jarak masa 8 jam
apa-apa boleh berlaku kepada pesakit kerana apabila pesakit i.e Plaintiff
discharge pun dia tak boleh jalan 100%. SP2 menyatakan kalau Plaintif jatuh
dari pokok yang tinggi ada kemungkinan boleh patah, kalau jatuh daripada katil
tak patah. SP2 menyatakan untuk kecederaan T5, kebiasaannya kesan atau
simptomnya boleh nampak dalam masa 24 jam seperti tidak boleh mengawal
buang air besar dan kecil, lower limb tak boleh bergerak, dan loss of sensory.
Dalam kes ini symptom pada Plaintif timbul dalam masa 24 jam.
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[129] Keterangan Plaintif di Mahkamah adalah dia dibawa ke Hospital Tapah dari
tempat kemalangan sejurus selepas kemalangan ini berlaku. Setelah berada di
Hospital Tapah, dia telah dihantar pulang pada hari yang sama dan menurut
Plaintif dia telah dibawa ke rumah kakaknya. Setelah sampai di rumah
kakaknya, Plaintif mengambil ubat sakit dan tidur. Apabila dia bangun dari tidur,
Plaintif mendapati bahawa dia tidak dapat berdiri. Kemudian, dia telah dibawa
semula ke Hospital Tapah dengan ambulan untuk mendapatkan rawatan.
[130] Peguamcara Defendan – Defendan tidak mencabar Plaintif bahawa
kecederaan "T5 burst fracture" bukanlah akibat dari kemalangan ini. Pada
pandangan Mahkamah, berdasarkan kesemua keterangan ini dan penjelasan
yang diberikan oleh SP2 Dr.Khairul Isman bin Mohd Ali yang mana adalah
munasabah dan diterima oleh Mahkamah ini dalam keadaan ketiadaan rebuttal
evidence, adalah mencukupi untuk menyokong versi Plaintif untuk Mahkamah
ini membuat dapatan fakta bahawa Plaintif mengalami kecederaan "T5 burst
fracture" akibat daripada kemalangan ini dan bukan kemalangan yang lain.
Justeru Mahkamah memutuskan dalam jarak masa 8 jam, Plaintif tiada terlibat
dengan apa-apa kemalangan yang lain, oleh itu tiada berlakunya ‘break of
chain of causation’.
[131] Menurut laporan perubatan Plaintif, Plaintif telah mengalami kecederaan
seperti berikut:
(a) Multiple rib fracture (6 ribs)
(b) Bilateral lung contusion and hemathorax
(c) Fracture sternum with retrosternal hematoma and pericardial effusione
(d) Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (lung infections)
(e) T5-T6 vertebral fracture dislocation with paraplegia (lower limbs
(f) Soft tissue injury
(g) Scars
[132] Mahkamah memutuskan seperti berikut bagi kuantum gantirugi am atas dasar
100% liabiliti:
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(a) Multiple rib fracture (6 ribs)
[133] Dalam surat rujukan daripada Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun bertarikh
11/11/2016 (Ikatan B m/s 17), ia telah menyatakan bahawa Plaintif telah
mengalami kepatahan enam (06) tulang rusuk i.e. multiple ribs fracture
(RIGHT 3,4 POSTERIOR ribs, left 2,3,4,5 posterior ribs).
[134] Pihak Plaintif telah merujuk kepada Revised Compendium dan berhujah
bahawa amaun sebanyak RM 30,000.00 diberikan kepada kecederaan Multiple
rib fractures (6 ribs) with bilateral lung contusion. Manakala pihak Defendan
Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menghujahkan awad sebanyak RM20,000.00
[RM4,000.00 per rib x 5 ribs] bagi kepatagan 5 tulang rusuk memandangkan
Dalam laporan pakar Dr. Siva dinyatakan pemeriksaan X-ray yang dibuat pada
09/05/2019, menunjukkan hanya lima (05) tulang rusuk mempunyai kesan
bercantum. Oleh yang demikian, pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua berhujah
bahawa hanya awad bagi kepatahan lima (05) tulang rusuk diberikan.
[135] Compendium menyatakan awad bagi kecederaan ini Per rib – RM 4,000.00
hingga RM 5,000.00.
[136] Mahkamah membenarkan awad sebanyak RM30,000.00 [ RM5,000.00 x 6
ribs) bagi kecederaan ini yang mana pada pandangan Mahkamah adalah
munasabah mengambil kira inflasi dan nilai matawang sekarang. Mahkamah
membenarkan awad bagi 6 kepatahan tulang rusuk (ribs) memandangkan
ianya ada direkodkan dalam laporan Perubatan awal dari Hospital Raja
Permaisuri Bainun bertarikh 11/11/2016. Manakala laporan Pakar Defendan
bertarikh 22.5.2019 hanya menyatakan 5 kepatahan telah sembuh i.e.healed
fracture of posterior aspect of of right 3rd & 4th ribs and left 4th – 6th ribs dan tiada
mengemukakan x-ray untuk Mahkamah ini pertimbangkan kepatahan
sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam laporan pakar Defendan itu.
(b) Bilateral lung contusion and hemathorax
[137] Bagi kecederaan bilateral lung contusion and hemathorax (rujuk Ekshibit P2)
pihak Plaintif telah menghujahkan awad global bersekali dengan multiple rib
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fracture. walau bagaimanapun pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua telah
menghujahkan awad yang berasingan sebanyak RM10,000.00 bagi
kecederaan ini. Mahkamah menerima pakai prinsip yang diputuskan oleh
JAMIL B HARUN [1981] 1 MLJ 292 bahawa ‘A global award has the distinct
advantage of covering a multitude of sins. It does not show where or how
the judge had erred on the side of over generosity or on the side of
parsimony’, Mahkamah memutuskan adalah wajar awad berasingan diberikan
mengambilkira prinsip dan tujuan gantirugi adalah untuk meletakkan pihak
yang mengalami kerugian kepada keadaan yang sama sepertimana beliau
berada jika kesalahan tort tersebut tidak terjadi atau pun berlaku. Ianya
bukannya bertujuan untuk memperkayakan pihak yang mengalami kerugian.
[138] Mahkamah memutuskan awad sebanyak RM15,000.00 adalah berpatutan dan
munasabah bagi kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif di sini. Mahkamah
berpendapat awad RM15,000.00 adalah wajar kerana Plaintif dalam kes ini
mengalami bilateral lung contusion (kiri dan kanan) dan ditambah lagi dengan
[139] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes In Teoh Weng You & Anor v Tan Hee Joo
[2017] 9 MLJ 721 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah mengesahkan keputusan
Mahkamah Sesyen yang membenarkan awad RM15,000.00 bagi bilateral
lung contusion and haemothorax. Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes
tersebut juga telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
[47] The learned sessions court judge made separate awards for
fracture of three ribs and bilateral lung contusion and haemothorax. The
defendants submitted that a global award of RM14,000 should be made
instead of a separate award for each injury citing the case of Chong Sao
Kuan v Danian Yeng bin Shaifullah [2014] 2 PIR 93. With respect, I am
unable to agree with this. Upon review of the evidence, I am of the view
that the injuries sustained are related to different parts of the body
and affect different functions. There was no challenge advanced by
the defendants to show that these injuries are connected and
should be assessed together as a global award. As such, I am of
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the view that the learned sessions court judge was right in
exercising her discretion to make the separate awards.
[140] Selain itu, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes-kes berikut sebagai panduan dalam
memberikan awad bagi kecederaan ini:
(a) Mohd Noorusallam bin Md Saad v Jamaluddin bin Desa [2016] 1 PIR
[42], RM 15,000.00 diawadkan bagi bilateral lung contusion with right
(b) Nur Syafiq bin Shaharudin v Sheikh Mohd Farouk bin Abdul Khalid
[2022] 1 PIR [32] di mana Mahkamah telah memberikan awad
RM14,000.00 bagi bilateral pneumothorax with right haemothorax and
left lung contusion.
(c ) Mohd Farhan Azizan b Adnan v Teo Bee Leng [2020] 2 PIR [9],
Bilateral lung contusion – awad sebanyak RM12,000.00
Fracture sternum with retrosternal hematoma and pericardial effusion
[141] Revised Compendium of Personal Injury Awards 2018 menyatakan awad bagi
kecederaan pada Sternum antara RM 9,500.00 (low) – RM 12,000.00 (high).
[142] Pihak Plaintiff menghujahkan awad sebanyak RM12,000.00 adalah
munasabah bagi kecederaan ini. Manakala pihak Defendan Pertama dan
Kedua menghujahkan bahawa kedua-dua kondisi “retrosternal hematoma” dan
“pericardial effusion” diakibatkan daripada kepatahan tulang sternum dan
kedua-dua kondisi tersebut telah sembuh sepenuhnya. Oleh yang demikian,
pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua dengan rendah diri berhujah bahawa
awad sebanyak RM 10,000.00 adalah adil dan munasabah bagi kecederaan
[143] Laporan Perubatan Hospital Ipoh (Ekshibit P1) menyatakan Plaintif
mengalami kecederaan “Fracture of sternum with displacement fractured
fragment posteriorly complicated with retrosternal hematoma and pericardinal
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[144] Memandangkan dalam kes ini Plaintif bukan sahaja telah mengalami
kepatahan sternum tetapi juga terdapat komplikasi retrosternal hematoma
(clotted pool of blood behind the sternum ) dan juga pericardinal effusion iaitu
‘accumulation of too much fluid in the pericardium, a sac surrounding the heart’,
maka Mahkamah berpendapat awad RM12,000.00 adalah wajar dan
munasabah bagi kecederaan ini.
[145] Awad RM12,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini adalah tidak keterlaluan dan masih
berada dalam lingkungan awad seperti mana dalam Revised Compendium of
Personal Injury Awards 2018. Selain itu, Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes
Ahmad Sairan bin Yusak & 8 Ors v Khoo Hun Cheong & Anor [2014] 1 PIR
[69] yang telah membenarkan awad sebanyak RM12,000.00 bagi Fracture
body of the sternum sahaja.
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (lung infections)
[146] Bagi Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, pihak Plaintif berhujah bahawa satu jumlah
yang munasabah sebanyak RM10,000 dibenarkan. Manakala pihak Defendan
Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menghujahkan awad sebanyak RM4,000.00
adalah adil dan munasabah bagi kecederaan ini dengan merujuk kepada kes
Semawi Bin Mos (The Administrative Of The Estate Of Mohd Nasir Bin
Semawi (Deceased)) V. Zulhamzah Bin Jobit & Anor [2016] 1 PIR [47].
[147] Mahkamah telah membenarkan awad sebanyak RM10,000.00 sebagaimana
hujahan pihak Plaintif yang pada pandangan Mahkamah adalah munasabah
dengan merujuk kepada kes Safarizuan bin Mustafa v Leizaini binti Abd
Gani [2018] 2 PIR [52] yang telah membenarkan awad RM8,000.00 bagi
Hospital acquired pneumonia
[148] Mahkamah juga telah memberi pertimbangan kepada kenaikan kadar inflasi
dalam membuat keputusan ini. Mahkamah mendapati kes Semawi Bin Mos
(The Administrative Of The Estate Of Mohd Nasir Bin Semawi (Deceased))
V. Zulhamzah Bin Jobit & Anor (supra) yang dirujuk oleh Peguam Defendan
tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan panduan dalam memberikan awad dalam kes di
hadapan Mahkamah pada masa ini. Ini adalah kerana Kes Semawi (supra)
telah merujuk kepada kes Sendy a/l Kanaiyah v Lim Teck Seng & Anor
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Sendy a/l Kanaiyah v Lim Teck Seng & Anor [2008] 1 PIR [57] yang
membenarkan awad RM4000.00 bagi pneumonia. Mahkamah mendapati Kes
Sendy a/l Kanaiyah (supra) adalah kes yang diputuskan pada tahun 2008 iaitu
kira-kira 15 tahun yang lalu dan Mahkamah wajar mengambil kira factor inflasi,
kejatuhan nila ringgit dan kenaikan kos sara hidup dalam memutuskan awad
yang bersesuaian dalam kes ini. Rujukan dibuat kepada kes Fitri Noor Bin
Samdin v Siti Nooradawiyah binti Othman & Anor [2016] 2 PIR [49] di mana
Mahkamah dalam kes tersebut memutuskan seperti berikut:
“Pendapat mahkamah berkenaan isu inflasi dan kenaikan kos ini adalah
selaras dengan prinsip undang-undang yang dinyatakan dalam kes Raji
Transport Sdn Bhd & Anor v Idayu Zulkafli [2004] AMEJ 0087; [2004] 5
CLJ 479, HC di mana YA Low Hop Bing, hakim telah menyatakan
bahawa: The considerations of inflation and enhanced cost of living
over a period of more than two decades since the decision in Lau
Ee Ee v Tan King Kwong [1986] 1 MLJ 308 should be given proper
weight in the assessment of quantum of damages in personal injury
litigation. Indeed, it is instructive to note that our courts have also
moved ahead with the times in these areas. Chan Shick Chin, a very
senior member of the Bar, in his concise and well-researched book on
Personal Injury, Law, Practice and Precedents (Malaysia: Malayan Law
Journal 2001), p 47 wrote: "The fall in the value of money must be
taken into account in the use of comparables so that an award
which is eventually given would be reflective of the current value
of money: Abdul Ghani Hamid v Abdul Nasir Abdul Jabbar & Anor
[1995] 4 CLJ 317.The judgment of Abdul Malik Ishak J in Abdul Ghani,
supra, is in line with the trend in Singapore where Choor Singh J in
delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal also considered changes
in the value of money, the decrease in the purchasing power of
dollar there or the increase in the cost of living over the years, as
relevant factors in the assessment of damages. A similar approach
was adopted by Yusoff J in Wong Tin Vui v Patrick Midok & Anor [1975]
2 MLJ 260."
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T5-T6 vertebral fracture dislocation with paraplegia (lower limbs paralysis)
[149] Pihak Plaintif menghujahkan awad RM400,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini. Pihak
Defendan menghujahkan awad sebanyak RM220,000.00 merupakan satu
awad yang munasabah untuk kecederaan ini memandangkan tulang belakang
telah menyambung (‘united’).
[150] Revised Compendium of Personal Injury Awards 2018 menyatakan awad bagi
Fracture of the vertebra causing paraplegia – RM 220,000.00 to RM
[151] Akibat kemalangan ini Plaintif telah mengalami kelumpuhan secara kekal dan
memerlukan penjagaan oleh orang lain secara sepenuh masa. Kelumpuhan
secara kekal ini menyebabkan Plaintif tidak dapat lagi berjalan dan menjalani
kehidupan normal seperti orang lain. Laporan Perubatan daripada Hospital
Columbia Asia (Exhibit P5) menyatakan :
• Spinal Cord Injury secondary to vertebral fractures – complete T4
paraplegia (ASIA impairment scale A)
• Total sensory loss from T5 dermatomes and below bilaterally
• neurological improvement is highly unlikely
• unable to pass urine normally and requires CISC for drainage of urine
• frequent episodes of urinary incontinence
• risk of developing urinary tract infections and vesico-ureteric reflux is
• patient has developed kidnesy stones
• patient’s Barthel index score is 30/100
• remains dependent on others
• he is likely to remain dependent on caregivers for most activities of daily
• additionally he will remain dependent on caregivers for all household
• Male patients with spinal cord injuries usually develop sexual
• patient continues to suffer from decubitus ulcers (bes sores)
• risk of developing deep vein thrombosis of the lower veins
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• depression
• neuropathic pain
• Osteoporosis and risk for pathological fractures
[152] Mahkamah setelah menimbangkan kecederaan, keilatan/ketidakupayaan yang
dialami oleh Plaintif serta umur Plaintif 37 tahun semasa kemalangan, serta
awad-awad yang telah diberikan oleh Mahkamah bagi kecederaan seumpama
ini dan setelah membandingkan dengan kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif
dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat awad sebanyak RM300,000.00 adalah
munasabah dan adil dengan mengambil kira ‘injuries, treatment, disabilities
and complication’ dan juga kejatuhan nilai matawang.
[153] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes – kes berikut:
(a) Syarizan Sudirmin & Ors v Abdul Rahman Bukit & Anor [2010] 3
CLJ 877 di mana Mahkamah Tinggi telah membenarkan awad
sebanyak RM300,000 bagi kecederaan Fracture dislocation of the fifth
and sixth thoracic vertebrae (Note: The plaintiff is paraplegic suffering
from complete motor, sensory and neurological deficits of the lower limb,
incontinence of urine and faeces and sexual dysfunction. The plaintiff
also suffered fracture of the left and right femur, lung contusion and
abrassions. The plaintiff had undergone a series of surgeries, developed
pressure sores and developed kyphus deformity over the thoracic spine
which causes chronic pain.)
(b) Nur Syafiq bin Shaharudin v Sheikh Mohd Farouk bin Abdul Khalid
[2022] 1 PIR [32] - Fracture dislocation T4-T5 with total spinal cord
transaction neurology, paraplegia and erectile dysfunction – Awad
(c) Syamsul Azli bin Nazari v Saiful bin Sapuan [2018] 2 PIR [19] - Awad
RM300,000.00 bagi kecederaan Vertebral body fracture with paralysis.
(d) Fitri Noor bin Samdin v Siti Nooradawiyah binti Othman & Anor
[2016] 2 PIR [49] Mahkamah Sesyen telah membenarkan awad
RM350,000.00 bagi kecederaan - Burst fracture of the T6 vertebra with
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paraplegia, fracture of the T1-T2 and T4-T8 vertebral spinous process,
erectile dysfunction, muscle wasting in the lower limbs and osteoporosis
(Note: The plaintiff as a result suffers from total neurological deficit distal
to T6 vertebra, sensory impairment from T7 to T10 dermatomes
bilaterally, sensory loss from T11 dermatomes and below bilaterally,
reduced muscle power in the lower limb (0/5), bladder and bowel
incontinence, multiple infected bedsores, impotency and inability to
engage in sexual intercourse and to reproduce and is wheelchair bound
for life)
[154] Berdasarkan kes-kes di atas, Mahkamah ini memutuskan awad RM300,000.00
di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah adalah munasabah bagi kecederaan yang
dialami oleh Plaintif dalam kes ini.
[155] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Pelita Rasa Sdn Bhd & 4 Ors v Theeban
Vengadesh a/l Govintarau [2015] 2 PIR [3] di mana YA Hakim Lim Chong
Fong telah membenarkan awad sebanyak RM250,000.00 bagi kecederaan
traumatic spinal cord injury resulting in permanent paralysis of the lower
limbs. HMT yang bijaksana telah menyatakan seperti berikut dalam alasan
[4] The plaintiff suffered traumatic spinal cord injury resulting in
permanent paralysis of the lower limbs. As such, the sum of
RM250,000.00 as sought by the plaintiff for this injury based on the case
of Mohamad Khairudin bin Zakaria v Pengarah Hospital Kuala Lumpur
& 2 Ors Mohamad Khairudin bin Zakaria v Pengarah Hospital Kuala
Lumpur & 2 Ors [2013] 2 PIR 14 is fair and reasonable.
[38] As for the head of claim of general damages for vertebrae fracture,
there was a burst fracture at the plaintiff’s L1 vertebrae with neurological
deficit. In lay terms, he suffered traumatic spinal cord injury and that
resulted in permanent paralysis of his lower limbs. The plaintiff
principally relied on the case of Mohamad Khairudin bin Zakaria v
Pengarah Hospital Kuala Lumpur & 2 Ors [2013] 2 PIR [14] where
RM250,000.00 was awarded on similar injury that resulted in paralysis.
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In that case, the court arrived at that amount after reviewing the awards
in the earlier like cases of Pua Lai Ong v Kassim bin Yunus & Anor[1993]
2 AMR 3208 of RM180,000.00 and Zulfari bin Ab Ghani & Anor v Shahril
bin Idris[2002] 3 CLJ 187 of RM198,000.00. The court felt that
RM250,000.00 was a reasonable sum in 2013.
[156] Berdasarkan kes Pelita Rasa Sdn Bhd & 4 Ors v Theeban Vengadesh a/l
Govintarau (supra), Mahkamah ini memutuskan awad RM300,000.00 di dalam
kes di hadapan Mahkamah adalah munasabah mengambil kira RM250,000.00
adalah munasabah pada tahun 2013 manakala pada tahun 2023
RM300,000.00 adalah munasabah dan Plaintiff dalam kes ini mengalami T5/T6
fracture dislocation manakala dalam kes Pelita Rasa Sdn. Bhd. & 4 Ors v
Theeban Vengadesh a/l Govintarau (supra), Plaintif mengalami L1 fracture
sahaja. Tambahan pula, Plaintif dalam kes ini tiada peluang recovery akibat
paraplegia yang merupakan keilatan kekal (permanent) di mana Ekshibit P5
jelas menyatakan ‘neurological improvement is highly unlikely’.
[157] Lagipun, Mahkamah berpendapat Compendium of Personal Injury Awards
hanyalah merupakan satu garis panduan dan Mahkamah ini tidak terikat secara
ketat dengan amaun yang dinyatakan di situ. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes
Abdul Waffiy bin Wahubbi & Anor v A K Nazaruddin bin Ahmad [2017]
MLJU 761 dirujuk di mana Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan seperti berikut:
“I would also venture to say that it is the duty of counsel on both sides to guide
the court to make an award which falls within the range as provided in the
Compendium. Of course, even then there has to be medical evidence to
support an award which leans towards either the higher or lower end of the
range. Having said that, I do accept that the Compendium is not a statutory
code but only a guideline which does not fetter the court’s discretion and
that the court is, subject to exceptional factual circumstances, at liberty
to depart from the Compendium. But, it would take compelling and
extenuating facts (medical evidence) to persuade a court to depart from
the Compendium. Otherwise, the Compendium will be rendered useless
in so far achieving consistency in awards for damages for personal
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[158] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Law Kok Leong & Anor v Nor Hapiza binti
Abu Hassan (wife to the deceased, Abdul Manap bin Hamid) [2017] 1 PIR
[3] di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan bahawa:
“The amount awarded by the SCJ for damages was not entirely excessive.
The awards were given by referring to and being guided by recent cases”
The defendants had proposed the sum of RM220,000.00 in the Sessions Court,
and are maintaining the same figure in this appeal. It was submitted that the
award of RM300,000.00 by the Sessions Court was excessive, particularly as
the maximum award set out in the Revised Compendium of Personal Injury
Awards is RM220,000.00.
I am disinclined to disturb the award, as the learned SCJ had referred to
the awards given in recent cases and was guided by them. He also
correctly pointed out that the Compendium is merely a guideline, and that
he was not bound to adhere to the amount set out in it.
Soft tissue injury
[159] Laporan Perubatan Hospital Tapah (Ekshibit P2) merekodkan kecederaan soft
tissue injury.
[160] Bagi kecederaan Soft tissue injury pihak Defendan menghujahkan jumlah
sebanyak RM 1,500.00 manakala pihak Plaintif tiada sebarang hujahan atas
item ini.
[161] Revised Compendium of Personal Injury Awards 2018 memperuntukkan awad
RM3,000.00 (low) dan RM5,000.00 (high). Oleh yang demikian Mahkamah
membenarkan awad RM4,000.00 yang pada pendapat Mahkamah adalah
- Incision scar 18cm on the posterior aspect of the thoracic spine
- Sacral sore 3cm x 2cm
- Scar 17cm x 2cm on the sacral region
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- Scar 8cm on the posterior aspect of the left leg
- Scar 3cm x 4cm on the lateral aspect of the left lower leg
- Scar 3cm x 2cm on the lateral aspect of the right ankle
[162] pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua dengan rendah diri berhujah bahawa
awad sebanyak RM 8,000.00 adalah adil dan munasabah bagi kecederaan ini,
manakala pihak Plaintif tiada hujahan atas item ini.
[163] Mahkamah memutuskan awad sebanyak RM15,000.00 adalah wajar dan
munasabah dalam kes ini mengambil kira bilangan dan ukuran scars dan parut
tersebut adalah kekal. Mahkamah berpandukan kepada kes-kes berikut dalam
memberikan awad:-
(a) Sanjiswaran a/l Thamppiraja v Abdul Ghafar bin Abdul Ghani &
Anor [2016] 2 - Mahkamah membenarkan awad sebanyak
RM15,000.00 bagi Scars (2 cm laceration scar over the right ulna wrist,
5 cm laceration scar over the right wrist, 17 cm x 1 cm laceration scar
over the right upper forearm, 19 cm x 2 cm keloid scar over the dorsum
aspect of the right forearm, two 0.5 cm hyperpigmented ulcers over the
right wrist and two 2 cm hypertrophic scars over the right arm).
Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ukuran dan bilangan scars adalah
lebih kurang sama dengan kes Sanjiswaran (supra). Oleh itu Mahkamah
berpendapat awad sebanyak RM15,000.00 adalah munasabah.
(b) Nadarajah a/l Seenivasam v Premnat a/l Ponchanu & Anor [2016] 2
PIR [23] – awad RM15,000.00 dibenarkan bagi scars (7.5 cm x 0.5 cm
hypertrophic scar over the left wrist, 2 cm scar over the right chest, 4 cm
scar over the left chest, 12 cm scar over the left forearm and 18 cm scar
over the back thoracic lumber spine), abrasions and lacerations.
Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ukuran scars adalah lebih kurang
sama dan bilangan scars adalah lebih banyak berbanding kes
Nadarajah. Mengambil kira nilai matawang masa kini dan peningkatan
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kos sara hidup, Mahkamah berpendapat awad RM15,000.00 bagi scars
adalah munasabah dan tidak keterlaluan dalam kes ini.
(c) Dalam kes Muhammad Khairul Nachzemie bin Abdullah v Norpaiza
bin Abdullah & Anor [2015] 1 PIR [57] di mana Mahkamah telah
membenarkan awad sebanyak RM15,000 bagi Scars: 5 cm x 2 cm and
6 cm x 2 cm raised pigmented scars over the left forearm, 1 cm x 1 cm
and 3 cm x 1 cm raised pigmented scars over the left wrist and 25 cm x
2 cm raised pigmented scar over the right thigh).
(d) Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Chandragupta a/l Meialagan v. Tan
Lay Yin [2008] 1 PIR [41] RM15,000.00 telah diawadkan bagi scars
(0.75 cm x 0.5 cm scar over the anteromedial aspect of the upper part of
the left leg, 1 cm x 0.75 cm scar over the anteromedial aspect of the
upper part of the left leg and 17.5 cm x 0.5 cm operative scar over the
posterolateral aspect of the left hip region)
[164] Sebagai rumusan, dalam memberikan awad bagi kecederaan-kecederaan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam kes ini, Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada
pemerhatian/oberservation yang dibuat oleh Yang Arif Choo Kah Sing JC
dalam kes Kovalan a/l Rajoo v Hanif bin Muhamad Pauzi [2016] 2 PIR [36],
seperti berikut:
“The mere fact that one judge′s award is different from another judge′s
award does not form as a basis for an appellate court to disturb the
award of damages by the lower court. The award of damages in every
case stands by itself – it depends on the age, sex and degree of injury
and the chances and degree of recovery as well. Occasionally, it also
depends on the available options for medical treatments.
A compendium is merely a compilation of information on court
awards of damages. The information in the compendium may
indicate the trend of the award of damages for similar injuries.
Having said that, an award of damages outside the range found in
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the compendium is not necessarily a reason for the appellate court
to disturb the award of damages. The appellate court will only
disturb the trial judge′s award of damages if and only if the trial
judge′s award of damages is so very wrong or seriously wrong that
no reasonable judge would have awarded the amount for the same
set of facts.
An award of damages leaning to one end of the scale found in a
compendium does not tantamount to an award that is very wrong
or seriously wrong; it is merely the exercise of the trial judge′s
discretion. This does not form a basis for an appellate court to interfere
with the discretion of the trial judge. The compendium′s scale should not
be used as a basis for an appeal against the exercise of the judge′s
discretion in deciding the award for damages.”
[165] Mahkamah setelah menimbangkan mengambil kira ‘injuries, treatment,
disabilities and complication yang dialami oleh Plaintif serta umur Plaintif 37
tahun semasa kemalangan, serta awad-awad yang telah diberikan oleh
Mahkamah bagi kecederaan dan setelah membandingkan dengan kecederaan
yang dialami oleh Plaintif dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat awad-awad
yang diberikan bagi kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif adalah munasabah
dan adil serta tidaklah berlebihan malah berdasarkan kepada trend semasa
dan patut dikekalkan dan tidak wajar dikurangkan atas alasan terdapat
pertindihan/overlapping memandangkan kecederaan tersebut pada tulang –
tulang yang berlainan i.e. rib, sternum serta bilateral lung contusion dan
komplikasi yang timbul selepas kecederaan tersebut hemathorax, pericardinal
effuisione, pneumonia. Lagipun bagi semua kecederaan tersebut , awad-awad
yang diberikan tidaklah terlalu tinggi untuk mewajarkan penolakan 10% bagi
pertindihan (overlapping) kerana Mahkamah telah mengambil kira pertindihan
semasa memberikan awad bagi kecederaan-kecederaan tersebut.
Kehilangan Pendapatan
[166] Dalam kes ini pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa ia
adalah jelas bahawa tuntutan tersebut adalah di bawah kategori gantirugi khas
dimana ia adalah suatu prinsip undang-undang yang mantap bahawa gantirugi
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khas (‘special damages’) hendaklah diplidkan secara spesifik dan dibuktikan
dengan ketat.
[167] Telah diputuskan bahawa ‘loss of future earnings and loss of earning
capacity’ jatuh di bawah gantirugi am dan bukan gantirugi khas. Kes Ngooi
Ku Siong & Anor v Aidi Abdullah [1984] 1 CLJ (Rep) 294 dirujuk di mana
Mahkamah telah memutuskan:
Future loss of earnings or loss of prospective earnings are awarded for real
assessable loss i.e., loss that is capable of assessment at the date of the trial.
It must be proved by evidence and not by mere speculation. There must be
evidence of a real and substantial loss which must not be remote and
speculative: In the absence of such evidence to prove loss of future earnings,
if the court is satisfied that the plaintiff has suffered a loss of earnings capacity,
he will be awarded a sum as part of the general damages for his disability
suffered as a result of the injuries sustained, instead of compensation for loss
of future earnings
[168] Oleh yang demikian walaupun, ‘loss of future earnings and loss of earning
capacity’ tidak diplidkan secara spesifik di dalam pliding, mahkamah boleh
membenarkan ‘loss of future earnings and loss of earning capacity’ di bawah
gantirugi am. Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah, Plaintif telah memplidkan
“Kehilangan pendapatan masa hadapan” di dalam Pernyataan tuntutannya.
Oleh itu, Mahkamah menolak hujahan Defendan bahawa kehilangan
pendapatan adalah gantirugi khas (‘special damages’) yang perlu diplidkan
secara spesifik dan dibuktikan dengan ketat.
[169] Beban pembuktian adalah terletak pada Plaintif untuk membuktikan pekerjaan
dan pendapatan untuk membolehkan Plaintif berjaya dalam tuntutannya bagi
kehilangan pendapatan. Dalam kes ini Majikan plaintif tidak hadir untuk
memberi keterangan mengenai pekerjaan dan pendapatan Plaintif.
[170] Plaintif telah memberi keterangan bahawa beliau sedang dalam perjalanan
untuk pergi kerja semasa kemalangan ini berlaku. Plaintif juga telah memberi
keterangan bahawa beliau bekerja sebagai seorang kelindan lori dengan
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seorang yang bernama Manju dan bahawa beliau telah dibayar wang sebanyak
RM45.00 sehari untuk kerja yang dilakukan. Plaintif juga telah memberi tahu
bahawa dia tidak mempunyai apa-apa dokumen untuk mengesahkan dan/atau
menyokong keterangannya. Walau bagaimanapun terdapat keterangan
daripada Plaintif bahawa Plaintif menerima bantuan daripada SOCSO untuk
pampers, urine bag, katil dan kerusi roda. Plaintif juga telah dimasukkan ke
SOCSO rehab centre Melaka. Laporan Pakar Dr. Ramnan (Ekshibit P5) juga
ada menyatakan “Ravi was admitted to SOCSO Rehabilitation Centre, Melaka
on 30.4.2018 for spinal rehabilitation. He was discharged after about 5 months”.
[171] Fakta bahawa Plaintif merupakan seorang pencarum dengan SOCSO dan
bukti bahawa dia sedang menerima bantuan dari SOCSO adalah fakta jelas
bahawa Plaintif sememangnya mempunyai pekerjaan dan menerima gaji ketika
kemalangan ini berlaku. Hanya pencarum kepada skim PERKESO sahaja yang
layak mendapat faedah di bawah Akta tersebut untuk "employment injury"
(kecederaan pekerjaan - "an injury that was sustained whilst working and it
includes traveling to work and returning from work''). Bagi membolehkan
seseorang itu menikmati faedah skim PERKESO, seseorang tersebut mestilah
sedang bekerja, mesti menjadi seorang pencarum kepada SOCSO, dan mesti
mengalami kecederaan pekerjaan (''employment injury'').
[172] Selain itu, Defendan Pertama dan Kedua telah berhujah agar Mahkamah perlu
mengambil maklum akan fakta bahawa Plaintif sedang menerima bantuan dari
SOCSO untuk kos pembelian pampers dan sebagainya, oleh itu tuntutan
Plaintif untuk item-item ini harus ditolak. Berdasarkan hujahan ini, pihak
Defendan tidak pada sebarang masa mencabar bahawa Plaintif sememangnya
menerima bantuan daripada pihak SOCSO.
[173] Di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, Mahkamah memutuskan pihak Plaintif
berjaya membuktikan bahawa Plaintif ‘was gainfully employed’ pada masa
kemalangan. Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan Plaintif bagi
kehilangan pendapatan walaupun tiada bukti dokumentari dikemukakan oleh
Plaintif seperti slip gaji, caruman kwsp dan sebagainya bagi menyokong
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[174] Dalam memutuskan sedemikian Mahkamah berpandukan kepada kes
[1991] 2 CLJ Rep 327 di mana Mahkamah telah menyatakan seperti berikut
"[4] (a) In relation to the claim for loss of monthly income no
documentary evidence was produced either in the form of income tax
returns or employers' records as the relevant company had ceased
(b) In the absence of any documentary evidence, judicial notice
could be taken of the average earnings of marble grinding contract
workers to be in the region of about RM700".
[175] Mahkamah juga merujuk kes Renhome Bricks Factory Sdn Bhd & Anor v.
Watah Umpin [2009] 9 CLJ 494 di mana YA Hamid Sultan Abu Backer PK
[pada ketika itu] menzahirkan pandangannya seperti berikut:
"(3) The appellants' contention that there was no evidence to support the
respondent's claim for loss of earnings was misconceived. Proof of earnings
in accident claims does not necessarily require formal documents. If the
appellants wanted a lesser sum to be awarded, they had to adduce the relevant
evidence for the court to assess a reasonable amount. Mere challenge or
putting the respondent to strict proof was of no value. (paras 8, 9 & 10)"
[176] Dalam kes Sheela Christina Nair v Regency Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd &
2 Ors [2016] 2 PIR [26] YA Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali JC (ketika itu)
menyatakan seperti berikut:
[39] It is not the law that a claim for loss of earnings will never succeed in
the absence of supporting documents to show the earnings. Although this
point is not submitted by the parties, it should be noted that there are a number
of case law authorities where such claims were nevertheless allowed. In
Fatimah Derakmak v Wan Jusoh Wan Kolok [1994] 4 CLJ 537 the High
Court accepted the evidence of the plaintiff, a fruit seller that her monthly
income was RM600.00 in the absence of any document. In Lim Ah Chi v
Tan Ah Mui & Anor[1969] 1 MLJ 216 the Federal Court took judicial notice
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of the income of a "pow" seller. In Saripah Mahmud v Govindaraju
Venkatachalam[2011] 1 LNS 828 the High Court took judicial notice that
the income of a small scale fish and vegetable seller to be RM1,000.00
monthly without documentary support. Again, in Balakrishnan Kunjamboo
Nair v Savastine Anthony Francis[1991] 1 CLJ 503 the High Court took
judicial notice on the average earnings of marble grinding contract workers
to be in the region of about RM700.00 per month. In the case of Chan Peng
Fook v Kan Pak Lee[1974] 2 MLJ 197 the earnings of an average carpenter
was assessed to be RM150.00 per month in the absence of any document
and even when the employer of the plaintiff was not called to give
evidence as witness.
[177] Dengan merujuk kepada kes-kes tersebut di atas, Mahkamah dalam kes ini
memutuskan pendapatan Plaintif sebanyak RM1,000.00 sebulan pada masa
material adalah munasabah dan jumlah ini adalah tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak
terlalu rendah mengambil kira pekerjaan Simati sebagai kelindan motorlori.
[178] Mahkamah ini mengikuti pendekatan yang diputuskan dalam nas-nas duluan
yang membenarkan jumlah yang kurang dalam keadaan kekurangan
bukti/keterangan berkenaan jumlah spesifik gaji yang diterima oleh Simati.
Mahkamah mengambil gaji minima RM1,000.00 (ketika itu) iaitu berdasarkan
Perintah Gaji Minimum 2016 yang dikuatkuasa pada 01/07/2016sebagai kayu
ukur dalam menentukan pendapatan Simati ketika kemalangan sebagai amaun
yang munasabah.
[179] Dalam kes Ganison Krishnasamy V. Kong Sii Cheng & Anor [2014] 7 CLJ
88 Mahkamah Tinggi telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
Learned counsel for the plaintiff has conceded that the plaintiff is still able
to find some sort of simple job at a pay of RM800 per month which is the
minimum wage requirement of the Labour Department. In the face of
the evidence of PW11 that the plaintiff, if he were healthy and normal, could
earn RM4,000 a month in the private sector after retirement, the loss in
earning capacity is RM3,200 (RM4,000 - RM800).
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[180] Plaintif berusia 37 tahun ketika kemalangan ini berlaku. Maka, "multiplier"
adalah 9 tahun (55 - 37 ÷ 2 = 9). Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan awad bagi
kehilangan pendapatan bagi Plaintif sebanyak RM1,000.00 x 12 x 9 =
[181] Mahkamah ini juga tidak ketinggalan untuk mengambil maklum mengenai
prinsip-prinsip yang perlu diambil kira semasa memberikan pampasan.
Mahkamah merujuk kes Mahkamah Persekutuan, Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (a
child suing through her father and next friend, Mohd Helmi Abd Aziz) v
Kerajaan Malaysia & 2 Ors [2016] 1 PIR 16 Yang Amat Arif, Hakim
Mahkamah Persekutuan Abdul Hamid Embong FCJ menyatakan:-
“It is trite that damages served as compensation, not a reward, less still a
punishment. In assessing damages, the courts should not be motivated by
sumpathy and award fair compensation based on cogent evidence. The court
could not descend into a domain of speculation. The evaluation of evidence
which form the basis of any risk of future damage, must still be undertaken. The
trial judge could only evaluate such evidence based on the recognized balance
of probability standard, but with a lower degree of certainty as to the occurrence
of such loss or damage in the future. Such a lower degree to be attached is
best termed by the word “possibility”, “chance”, “risk”, “danger” or “likelihood”,
but regardless of the words used and their semantics, they must also essentially
be a substantial one and not speculative.”
Tiada tolakan 1/3 living expenses
[182] Mahkamah membenarkan awad bagi kehilangan pendapatan tanpa membuat
tolakan bagi living expenses. Berkenaan dengan living expenses, tiada
sebarang keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah yang mana menunjukkan ‘living
expenses’ dibuktikan atau diakui sebagaimana menurut seksyen 28A(2)(c)(iii)
Civil Law Act 1956.
[183] Dalam kes Marappan & Anor V Siti Rahmah Bte Ibrahim [1990] 1 MLJ 99,
Supreme Court telah memutuskan bahawa:
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“The final ground of appeal was that the learned judge had
misdirected himself when he failed to take into account or deduct
the living expenses of the respondent as required under the
above-quoted s 28A(2)(c)(iii) of the Act.
On this ground we also agreed with the learned judge that the
court should not make any deduction for living expenses
under that subsection of s 28A of the Act as there was no
proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living
expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was
[184] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Sumarni v Yow Bing Kwong & Anor [2008]
1 MLJ 608, di mana Mahkamah Rayuan telah memutuskan bahawa:
“I have perused the Federal Court judgment of Marappan & Anor
v Siti Rahmah bte Ibrahim and found no such principle set. All that
was said in the last paragraph of the judgment of that case is 'that
the court should not make any deduction for living expenses
under that subsection of s 28 A of the Act as there was no
proof or admission in this case as to what the actual living
expenses of the plaintiff were at the time when she was
injured'. There, the Federal Court was dealing with the contention
of the defendant that deduction should be made according to the
plaintiffs living expenses. But it was ruled that since there was
no proof or admission of actual living expenses of the plaintiff
at the time when she was injured, the trial Judge was correct
in concluding that no deduction as claimed by the defendant
should be made for living expenses under s 28A(2)(c)(iii) of
the Act.”
[185] Berpandukan kepada kes Marappan & Anor V Siti Rahmah Bte Ibrahim
[1990] 1 MLJ 99 dan kes Sumarni v Yow Bing Kwong & Anor [2008] 1 MLJ
608 di atas, Mahkamah tidak membuat sebarang penolakan bagi ‘living
expenses’ kerana berdasarkan keterangan yang ada di hadapan Mahkamah,
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tiada bukti atau pengakuan (proof or admission) mengenai living expenses
Plaintif semasa kemalangan.
Gantirugi Khas
[186] Gantirugi khas atas dasar liabiliti 100% dibenarkan seperti berikut:
Kos penjagaan (pre-trial) daripada tarikh kemalangan 17.10.2016 hingga tarikh
keputusan pada 28.6.2023 = 80 bulan
[187] Plaintif dalam keterangannya telah menyatakan bahawa beliau memerlukan
bantuan dari emak dan abangnya untuk menjalani aktiviti kehldupan harian
(''activities of daily living''). Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak boleh
berjalan lagi, lumpuh daripada bahagian dada ke bawah, tidak boleh ke tandas
tanpa bantuan orang lain untuk buang air besar dan buang air kecil,
memerlukan bantuan daripada ibu dan abangnya untuk mandikan beliau,
menyediakan makanan, perlu membeli dan memakaikan bag air kencing dan
colostomy bag dan untuk dapatkan rawatan dan sebagainya. Keterangan
Plaintif ini disokong dengan keterangan abang dan ibu Plaintif.
[188] SP3 Dr. Ramnan Jeyasingham daripada Columbia Asia Extended care
Hospital telah memeriksa Plaintif 2 tahun selepas kemalangan tersebut dan
telah mengemukakan laporan Perubatannya (Ekshibit P5). Dr. Ramnan dalam
keterangannya menyatakan bahawa Plaintif “continued to be dependent on
others for some activities of daily living as described at pages 29 – 30 of exhibit
P5.” Dr. Ramnan berpendapat “such dependent will be permanent”.
• Meals are prepared and served by the patient’s mother
• he is able to eat on his own, independently
• The patient is given daily bed baths by the patient’s mother
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• He is transferred onto a commode chair and showered on alternate days,
during showers he is able to manage upper half of body on his own
• he is dependent on his mother for lower half of body and back areas
• for lower hals of body and diaper change, he is dependent on his mother
• The patient passes motion via colostomy
• he is dependent on his mother for colostomy care
• colostomy bag and base is being changed on a daily basis
• The patient has urninary retention, due to neurogenic bladder
• He is dependent on his mother for disposal of collected urine
Toilet use
• The patient is unable to use the toilet for urination or defecation
• The patient requires significant help from 2 caregivers (brother and
mother) for transfer for bed to wheelchair/commode chair and vice versa
• The patient is unable to stand and walk
• he is able to use wheelchair independently, on level surfaces
[189] Pihak Plaintif berhujah bahawa Plaintif harus diberi pampasan dengan satu
award untuk penjagaan yang telah diberi oleh emak dan abang Plaintif,
walaupun penjagaan telah diberi tanpa apa-apa bayaran.
[190] Kos untuk Nursing care telah diplidkan di dalam Pernyataan Tuntutan Plaintif
di perenggan 6 di bawah tajuk butir-butir gantirugi khas seperti berikut :
(i) kos nursing care (butir-butir akan dikemukakan)
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[191] Pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa tiada bukti yang
dikemukakan bahawa Plaintif telah menerima "perkhidmatan penjagaan
kejururawatan". Pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa
tuntutan Plaintif hanya memplidkan kos nursing care dalam pliding mereka dan
tidak memplidkan kos penjagaan pra-bicara (‘Pre-trial cost of care’) yang mana
adalah di bawah kategori gantirugi khas di mana ia adalah suatu prinsip
undang-undang yang mantap bahawa gantirugi khas (‘special damages’)
hendaklah diplidkan secara spesifik dan dibuktikan dengan ketat.
[192] Oleh yang demikian, pihak Defendan Pertama dan Kedua pohon agar
tuntutan kos penjagaan pra-bicara tidak harus diawadkan memandangkan
kegagalan Plaintif memplidkan tuntutan tersebut dalam Pernyataan
Tuntutan serta tiada sebarang keterangan atau bukti dikemukakan
bagi menyokong tuntutan tersebut. Secara alternative, pihak Defendan
Pertama dan Kedua berhujah bahawa satu awad sebanyak RM 600.00 sebulan
adalah amat munasabah dibayar kepada ahli keluarga Plaintif sebagai kos
penjagaan Plaintif di rumahnya.
[193] Pihak Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa "nursing care" tidak bermaksud
penjagaan oleh seorang jururawat yang bertauliah tetapi penjagaan
sedernikian juga boleh diberikan oleh ahli keluarga dan/alau orang lain. Plaintif
berhujah bahawa satu jumlah yang munasabah sebagai pampasan kepada
penjagaan yang telah diberi oleh emak dan abang Plaintif ialah sebanyak
RM1,500.00 sebulan kerana berdasarkan kepada keterangan yang diberikan
adalah sukar untuk memberi bantuan kepada Plaintif yang berbadan besar
serta perlu tukar pampers dan banyak lagi tugasan yang perlu dilakukan.
[194] Berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi Plaintif dan juga keterangan perubatan
Mahkamah mendapati Plaintif sememangnya memerlukan penjagaan kerana
beliau ‘dependent on others for some of the acivities of daily living” akibat
[195] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes TAN CHEONG POH & ANOR v TEOW AH
KEOW (1996} 3 CLJ 665 di mana Mahkamah telah membuat keputusan
seperti berikut :
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"[6] On nursing care, the courts have always compensated plaintiffs
for the true value of the services that they need even though the
services are provided by a parent or relative.
The award for care and nursing should not be less even if the plaintiff is
looked after at home, and compensation can be given in money for
services rendered by parents.
In the instant case, the evidence on the respondent's condition, as
supported by objective medical opinion, suggested that she would not
be adequately compensated unless a reasonable sum to engage a
fulltime domestic maid was provided."
[196] Dalam kes Lau Ping Siong & Anor v Nador Ak Tawi [2012] MLJU 1486,
walaupun nursing care tidak diplidkan, namun Mahkamah Tinggi masih
membenarkan awad yang munasabah bagi nursing care memandangkan “the
very nature of the injury suffered by a plaintiff makes the necessity of care
and nursing an irresistible inference, then it must follow as justifiable the
corresponding claim for the cost thereof.” Mahkamah Tinggi telah
memutuskan seperti berikut:
[26] The Appellants complain that the claim for costs of nursing was not
pleaded. The Respondent's counsel points out the Appellants' failure to
object to the testimony of the relevant witness (PW2) during the trial. The
Respondent maintains the Appellants were not taken by surprise by
PW2's testimony. The Respondent's counsel says the Appellants "has
(sic) waived their rights to object to the award of nursing
care...(and)...ought to be maintained."
[27] In addition to the non-pleading point, the Appellants' counsel also
contends the relevant testimony of the Plaintiffs witness (PVV2) "was not
corroborated with requisite documentary proof." In this connection,
counsel says, "...the Appellants need not object to testimony of
witnesses so long as the claims therein, if not previously pleaded, are
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not awarded. As such, the Appellant has in no way, waived its right to
object to the award."
[30] In the said passage quoted from Ngooi Ku Siong & Anor v Aidi
Abdullah (supra) the Federal Court appears to be enunciating the
general principle, that special damages have to be specifically pleaded.
In contradistinction, Marappan & Anor v Siti Rahmah Bt Ibrahim (supra)
seems specific in its reference to the justifiability issue. This seems to
have prompted the Respondent's counsel to submit, "...the Plaintiff's
claim for cost of nursing care is justified by reason of the injury
suffered by him." In other words, if the very nature of the injury
suffered by a plaintiff makes the necessity of care and nursing an
irresistible inference, then it must follow as justifiable the
corresponding claim for the cost thereof.
[31] In the instant case, the Respondent's non-compliance with the
necessity to specifically plead his claim for cost of care and
nursing did not appear to have prompted the Appellants /
Defendants to raise the relevant objection. In fact, the Defendants /
Appellants proceeded to cross-examine the relevant witness (PW2)
on her testimony of her having taken care of her father (the Plaintiff)
presumably while he was bed ridden. In the circumstances, on balance
of probability, it would appear justified to conclude that the Defendants /
Appellants have waived their rights to object to the award of care and
nursing. Anyway, based on the testimony of PW2, the claim for the
cost thereof also appears to have been justified. In the
circumstances of this case, the amount awarded for cost of
care and nursing is therefore to be maintained.
[197] Mahkamah seharusnya membuat keputusan berdasarkan keterangan yang
ada di hadapan Mahkamah dan keputusan itu seharusnya berlandaskan
prinsip-prinsip keadilan dan bukannya semata-mata menitik beratkan
‘technical irregularities’. Mahkamah berpendapat tidak wajar menolak awad
untuk kos penjagaan memandangkan terdapat keterangan bahawa Plaintif
memerlukan penjagaan oleh ‘by a parent or relative’ atau ‘domestic helper’
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akibat kecederaan yang dialaminya. Lagipun, pihak Defendan ‘is not taken by
surprise’ memandangkan mereka telah memeriksa balas saksi-saksi Plaintif
atas isu nursing care ini dan tiada sebarang bantahan dibangkitkan atas hal
perkara ini semasa perbicaraan kes.
[198] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes LIM ENG KAY v. JAAFAR MOHAMED
SAID [1982] CLJ Rep 190 di mana Mahkamah menyatakan seperti berikut:
Counsel for the appellant attacked this assessment as being erroneous
in law, because the special damages were already agreed to as at
RM2,300 at the beginning of the trial and also because the pre-trial loss
of earnings so assessed was "not pleaded, particularised and
proved," He submitted that no such assessment could be made
without an amendment of the respondent's statement of claim. The
point taken by the Counsel is purely a technical point on pleading...
From these two paragraphs of the statement of claim it is obvious that
the respondent's solicitors treated the claim for loss of earnings as falling
into two categories - (a) pre-trial loss, which they described it as 'loss of
earnings" and (b) future loss of earnings, which they referred to as "
prospective loss of earnings." But instead of pleading the pre-trial
loss of earnings or "loss of earnings" as they described it as an
item under special damages, they erroneously pleaded it as an item
under general damages. This is purely a technical mistake, which
in our view did not in any way affect the substance or prejudice the
appellant - see O. 2 (Effect of Non-Compliance) of the Rules of the High
Court 1980. We cannot see how the respondent should be deprived
of his right by a purely technical error on the part of his solicitors,
who were not up-to-date with this aspect of legal technicalities. In
any case prayer (e) in para. (7), "Any other relief which this
Honourable Court deem fit to grant" must not be treated as a mere
ornament to pleadings devoid of any meaning. We think that this
prayer and the prayer for "loss of earning" in para. 5(a) should
entitle the Court to make such an assessment.
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[199] Jikapun Mahkamah menerima hujahan pihak Defendan bahawa kedua-dua
cost of care and nursing care adalah berbeza, namun kesilapan ini pada
pandangan Mahkamah adalah kesilapan teknikal di pihak peguamcara Plaintif
yang mana tidak akan menjejaskan asas tuntutan Plaintif atau memprejudiskan
pihak Defendan oleh kerana “the very nature of the injury suffered by a plaintiff
makes the necessity of care” [Lau Ping Siong & Anor v Nador Ak Tawi [2012]
MLJU 1486]
[200] Mahkamah ini juga membuat rujukan kepada kes MARAPPAN & ANOR v. SITI
RAHMAH BTE IBRAHIM [1990] 1 MLJ 99, di mana Yang Arif Gunn Chit Tuan
SCJ telah memutuskan seperti berikut: -
“As for the cost of care, the learned judge found that as PW3 did not
actually engage anyone to look after the plaintiff, her estimate of the cost
of caring at $800 pm was most speculative. He also considered that
there was no necessity to consider the cost of sending the plaintiff to a
nursing home as all along she had been looked after by PW3. The
learned judge, however, referred to Taylor v Bristol Omnibus Co [1975]
2 All ER 1107 in which the English Court of Appeal has held that the
item for care and nursing was justifiable and should not be any less if the
plaintiff was looked after at home instead of in an institution, as it is now
settled that compensation can be given in money for services rendered
by parents. As the local cases cited to him had given awards ranging
from $150 to $350 pm for this item and in the light of inflation the
learned judge considered that an award of $350 pm to be fair and
adequate for the cost of caring for the plaintiff at home. Before us,
counsel submitted that $250 pm should be sufficient but we agreed with
the learned judged that in the circumstances of this case the award
for this item should be $350pm as the plaintiff was paralysed and
needed care and nursing all the time.”
[201] Berpandukan kepada kes-kes di atas, Mahkamah ini membenarkan tuntutan
Plaintif untuk kos penjagaan pre-trial oleh keluarga Plaintif untuk tempoh 80
bulan i.e. daripada tarikh kemalangan 17.10.2016 hingga tarikh keputusan
pada 28.6.2023. Mahkamah berpandangan awad sebanyak RM1,000.00
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sebulan adalah munasabah mengambil kira keadaan ekonomi semasa dan
kesulitan yang dialami oleh ahli keluarga dalam menjaga Plaintif yang
paraplegia di mana penjagaan sangat diperlukan oleh Plaintif, terutamanya
apabila perlu melakukan repositioning setiap 2 jam, memindahkan Plaintif
daripada katil ke atas kerusi roda dan seterusnya membawanya ke tandas,
menukarkan bag coclostomy dan sebagainya, dengan berat badan Plaintif
yang berlebihan, ditambah lagi dengan merawat luka bed sore yang
dialaminya. Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan RM80,000.00 (RM1,000.00 x 80
bulan) yang pada fikiran Mahkamah adalah suatu awad yang munasabah.
Pada pandangan Mahkamah awad RM1,000.00 sebulan adalah wajar bagi
kes-kes yang melibatkan paralysis khususnya.
Kos penjagaan di rumah (masa hadapan - dibenarkan tanpa faedah)
[202] Plaintif menghujahkan agar Plalntlf dijaga di sebuah "nursing home" dari tarikh
keputusan sehinggan jangka hayat Plaintif yang dianggarkan manakala Pihak
Defendan pula menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif sebenarnya tidak ada keperluan
untuk mendapatkan penjagaan di nursing home dan/atau perkhidmatan
penjagaan khas oleh jururawat di nursing care / home nursing care tidak
sepatutnya dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah. Seterusnya, pihak Defendan Pertama
dan Kedua berhujah bahawa Plaintif boleh dijaga oleh seorang pembantu yang
biasa berdasarkan keadaan terkini Plaintif. Pihak Defendan Pertama dan
Kedua berhujah bahawa hanya kos penjagaan oleh ahli keluarga sahaja
yang wajar dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah memandangkan walaupun Plaintif
sudah dijaga di rumah selama enam (6) tahun lebih oleh ahli keluarganya,
keadaan beliau adalah tidak merosot.
[203] Dalam kes ini abang Plaintif telah memberi keterangan bahawa dia tidak
mempunyai masa lapang untuk diri dia sendiri, tidak boleh keluar secara
sesuka hati, menghadapi masalah untuk mandikan Plaintif yang berbadan
besar, malah tiada tempat yang sesuai untuk mandikan Plaintif. Emak Plaintif
juga telah memberi keterangan bahawa dia perlu sediakan makanan untuk
Plaintif, beri ubat, sapu ubat untuk Iuka, bersihkan colostomy beg, tukar beg air
kencing setiap 4 jam dan bantu Plaintif sekiranya dia hendak baring. Emak
Plaintif sudah menjangkau usia 69 tahun, merupakan seorang yang
mempunyai penyakit kencing manis, asthma dan darah tinggi. Malah dia juga
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telah memberitahu bahawa dia tidak berupaya untuk mengangkat Plaintif yang
berbadan besar. Pihak Plaintif berhujah bahawa jika sekiranya Plaintif
ditempatkan di satu "nursing home" semestinya Plaintif akan menerima
penjagaan yang sempurna dan teratur.
[204] Mahkamah telah menilai keterangan saksi – saksi Plaintif dalam kes ini
mengenai home care dan institutionalized care dan keterangan mereka
dirumuskan seperti berikut:
Keterangan Dr. Ramnan
(i) home care is better on phsycological perspective, institutional care may
become inevitable in the future, this is the hypotetichal part.
(ii) In this case the patient himself who is conscious and his current
caregivers, they should decide what type of care do they wish for, there
is home care or institutionalized care.
(iii) any form of help in his part time will be useful and maybe cheaper
(iv) In my opinion opinion, for this patient, part time maid not sufficient, it
should be full time, maid can manage everything at home, to buy food,
pay bill, he would need help from family members to continue living.
Keterangan ibu Plaintif
(i) Dalam keadaan sekarang saya tidak tahu berapa lama saya boleh
menjaga Ravi
(ii) Saya memerlukan seorang pembantu untuk menjaga beliau di rumah
dan saya tidak sanggup untuk hantar ravi ke rumah home rumah
(iii) Dalam ketiadaan saya, abang ravi boleh ambil alih
Keterangan Plaintif
Dalam Penyataan Saksi Plaintif (Ekshibit WS-SP7), Plaintif telah menyatakan
S : Bolehkah kamu terus dijaga di rumah?
J : Kalau ada orang. Kalau tak ada orang perlu cari tempat lain.
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[205] Berdasarkan ibu Plaintif, beliau memerlukan seorang pembantu untuk menjaga
Plaintif di rumah disebabkan beliau tidak sanggup hantar Plaintif ke rumah
penjagaan. Doktor pakar Plaintif juga memberi keterangan bahawa Plaintif
boleh dijaga oleh seorang pembantu rumah. Plaintif juga menyatakan bahawa
beliau boleh dijaga di rumah jika ada orang yang boleh menjaganya di rumah.
Pada masa kini, Plaintif sedang dijaga oleh emak dan abang dia sejak
berlakunya kemalangan ini tanpa sebarang pembayaran. Berdasarkan kepada
keterangan yang telah diberikan oleh abang dan emak Plaintif, Plaintif harus
tunggu untuk abang dia balik dari kerja untuk membolehkan dia mandi.
[206] Mahkamah juga telah mempertimbangkan fakta bahawa ibu Plaintif sudah tua
dan keadaan kesihatan beliau tidak mengizinkan dan adalah mustahil untuk
menjaga Plaintif selama jangka hayat Plaintif. Berdasarkan kesemua
keterangan dalam kes ini, Mahkamah berpendapat adalah wajar satu awad
diberikan bagi penjagaan oleh seorang domestic helper. Mahkamah
berpendapat penjagaan oleh ahli keluarga untuk masa hadapan sehingga
jangka hayat Plaintif adalah tidak praktikal memandangkan ibu Plaintif sudah
lanjut usia dan abang Plaintif pula terpaksa bekerja untuk menyara diri.
Selanjutnya Mahkamah mendapati tiada keperluan untuk mendapatkan
perkhidmatan penjagaan khas oleh jururawat di rumah mahupun
institutionalized care. Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan awad bagi kos
penjagaan masa hadapan bagi seorang pembantu rumah (domestic helper).
[207] Defendan Pertama dan Defendan Kedua menghujahkan bahawa satu awad
sebanyak RM 600.00 sebulan adalah amat munasabah dibayar kepada ahli
keluarga Plaintif sebagai kos penjagaan Plaintif di rumah. Oleh itu, pihak
Defendan menghujahkan jumlah sebanyak RM 600.00 sebulan x 12 bulan x
16.87 tahun = RM 121,464.00 [Tanpa faedah]. Secara alternatif, sekiranya
Mahkamah ingin mengawadkan kos penjagaan di rumah dengan seorang
pembantu rumah, pihak Defendan merujuk kepada laporan pakar Dr. Ramnan
yang menyatakan bahawa kos untuk mendapatkan khidmat seorang pembantu
rumah adalah RM 1,704.00 sebulan. Justeru pihak Defendan secara alternative
menghujahkan kiraan kos untuk mendapatkan khidmat seorang pembantu
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rumah sebagai tuntutan kos penjagaa masa hadapan di rumah adalah RM
1,704.00 sebulan x 12 bulan x 16.87 tahun = RM 344,957.76 [Tanpa faedah]
[208] Plaintif pula menghujahkan kos rawatan di sebuah nursing home adalah
dijangka sebanyak RM1,680.60 sebulan x 289 bulan = RM485,693.40. Secara
alternatif, Plaintif menghujahkan kos penjagaan jika dijaga di rumah oleh
"domestic helper' adalah dijangka sebanyak RM2,303.80 sebulan x 289 bulan
= RM665,798.20.
[209] Dalam kes ini Dr. Ramnan dalam laporannya menyatakan In summary,:
“Based on the patient's current condition, the following expenses are
antlcipated if he is continued to be cared for within the environment of his home:
1. …The cost of engaging a domestic helper Is expected to be RM 1.704.00
per month.
2. Light weight wheelchair costing approximately RM 1,800.00 with a lifespan
of about 4 years (RM 37.50 per month),
3. Wheelchair seat cushion (eg, ROHO Mosaic) costing RM 590.00 with a life
expectancy of 1 year (RM 49.20 per month),
4, Commode chair costing RM 530.00 with a life expectancy of about 2 years
(approximately RM 22.00 per month).
5. Electric Hospital bed costing RM 5,500.00 with a life expectancy of about 8
years (approximately RM 57.30 per month).
6. Hospital grade mattress costing RM 480.00 with a life expectancy of about
8 years (approximately RM 5.00 per month).
7. Reasonably good quality pressure relieving mattress to prevent bed sores,
costing RM980.00 with a fife span of about 5 years (RM 16.30 per month).
8. Diapers costing approximately RM 150.00 per month.
9. Incontinence sheets costing approximately RM 22.50 per month.
10. Ancillaries for Clean Intermittent Self Catheterizatlon (CISC) costing
approximately RM40.00 per month.
11. Colostomy sets costing approximately RM 200.00 per month.
Hence, if Ravi A/L Latchumanah is cared for at home in his current
physical state, the cost of care is expected to be approximately
RM2,303.80 per month.”
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[210] Berdasarkan laporan Dr. Ramnan Kos penjagaan bagi Plaintif di rumah adalah
dalam anggaran RM2,303.80 sebulan. Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan
awad sebanyak RM2,303.80 sebulan. Mahkamah berpandapat awad ini adalah
wajar kerana Mahkamah tiada memberikan awad berasingan untuk kos
pampers, incontinence sheet, colostomy bag, ancillaries for clean intermittent
self catheterization (CISC), wheelchair, hospital bed, mattress dan sebagainya.
yang mana kos-kos bagi peralatan ini telah diambil kira dalam awad kos
penjagaan di rumah.
[211] Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan kos penjagaan Plaintif di rumah masa
hadapan oleh "domestic helper' sebanyak RM2,303.80 sebulan x 289 bulan =
RM665,798.20 (tanpa faedah)
[212] Menurut laporan pakar Dr. Ramnan menyatakan :
“Based on the 2016 Spinal Cord Injury Data Sheet (Natronal SCI statistical
Centre, Birmingham, Alabama, USA), a person who sustains Spinal Cord Injury
(Paraplegia) at the age of 20 years and has already survived for more than 1
year post-lnjury, is expected to live for a further 28.1 years.
[213] Berdasarkan kepada lapuran yang telah disediakan oleh Dr.Ramnan
Jeyasingam, Plaintif dijangka akan hidup untuk selama 28.1 tahun lagi Plaintif
berumur 40 tahun ketika laporan ini disediakan oleh Dr. Ramnan pada tahun
2019 dan semasa perbicaraan Plaintif berusia 44 tahun, maka setelah menolak
4 tahun, maka Mahkamah mendapati Plaintf dijanga akan hidup selama
24.1.tahun (289 bulan) lagi. Mahkamah tidak membuat sebarang tolakan
untuk kontigensi sepertimana hujahan pihak Defendan. Justeru Mahkamah
membenarkan awad seperti berikut untuk kos penjagaan masa hadapan tanpa
faedah :
RM2,303.80 x 289 bulan = RM665,798.20
[214] Pihak Defendan telah merujuk kepada kes ROHGETANA A/P MAYATHEVAN
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& ORS AND OTHER APPEALS [2017] 4 MLJ 102, di mana Mahkamah telah
menerima keterangan pakar berkenaan dengan jangka hayat hidup plaintif
dalam kes itu dengan berdasarkan “Strauss Table”. Mahkamah Rayuan telah
menolak 30% “life contingency” selepas rujukan dibuat berdasarkan “Strauss
[215] Mahkamah tidak dapat bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak Defendan berkenaan
pemakaian Strauss Data/Table mengenai pengiraan multiplier dalam kes ini
atas alasan seperti berikut:
(i) Pakar Plaintif tidak disoal balas mengenai penolakan untuk contingency
(ii) Straus Data/Table tidak pada bila-bila masa dirujuk semasa prosiding
perbicaraan kes ini
(iii) Pakar Plaintif juga tidak merujuk kepada Straus Data/Table ini semasa
memberikan pendapat berkenaan life expectancy di dalam laporan pakarnya.
(iv) Fakta mengenai Straus Data/Table hanya dibangkitkan oleh pihak Defendan di
peringkat hujahan bertulis Defendan. Oleh itu, sekiranya Mahkamah
menerimapakai Straus Data/Table pada peringkat ini, akan menyebabkan
ketidakadilan kepada pihak Plaintif kerana Plaintif tiada diberikan peluang
untuk memeriksa balas atas kesesuaian pemakaian dan pengiraan life
expectancy Plaintif Kedua dalam kes ini berdasarkan Straus Data/Table.
(v) Jika diteliti, dalam kes Rohgetana a/p Mayathevan (seorang bayi yang
mendakwa melalui bapa dan sahabat wakilnya, Mayathevan a/l Mayandi)
v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and another appeal (supra), Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan seperti berikut:
“Although some other reference work was recommended by the witness
for the Plaintiff, all the aforesaid expert witnesses were nevertheless
agreed that the Strauss Data/Table that was available was an
acceptable premise for the court to draw some assistance to work
out the anticipated life expectancy of the Plaintiff; this was because
there were no comparable Malaysian studies or statistics available on
the subject. The learned Judge placed reliance on the Strauss
Data/Table since the English court in James Robshaw v United
Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust [2015] Med. LR 229, involving a
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similarly circumstanced cerebral palsy child, had also referred and
analysed the findings set out in that Strauss Data/Table where the
authors of the same had noted:
“Survival prognosis for persons with CP should take into account age
and severity of disability”.
Adalah jelas daripada kes tersebut di atas bahawa kesemua pakar telah
bersetuju dengan Strauss Data/Table dan boleh diterima oleh Mahkamah
untuk membuat pengiraan jangka hayat / life expectancy Plaintif. Berbeza
dengan kes di hadapan Mahkamah, pakar Plaintif tiada langsung merujuk
kepada Strauss Data/Table di dalam laporan pakarnya dan tiada juga
keterangan lisan sedemikian oleh pakar Plaintif di Mahkamah. Dalam keadaan
ini, Mahkamah berpendapat adalah tidak sesuai dan tidak selamat untuk
merujuk kepada Strauss Data/Table dalam membuat pengiraan ‘life
expectancy Plaintif.
(vi) Lagipun, Strauss Data Table kebiasaannya akan dirujuk dalam kes-kes yang
melibatkan CP (cerebral palsy). Bahkan kes Rohgetana a/p Mayathevan
(seorang bayi yang mendakwa melalui bapa dan sahabat wakilnya,
Mayathevan a/l Mayandi) v Dr Navin Kumar & Ors and another appeal
(supra) yang menggunapakai Strauss Data Table ini juga merupakan kes
kanak-kanak yang mengalami CP. Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah, Plaintif
tidak mengalami CP bahkan beliau juga bukanlah quadriplegic. Maka, sejauh
mana pemakaian Strauss Data Table ke atas Plaintif dalam kes ini yang
bukan seorang pesakit CP, semestinya bergantung kepada keterangan
perubatan yang dikemukakan dalam perbicaraan kes ini. Oleh kerana tiada
keterangan perubatan yang sedemikian berkenaan pemakaian Strauss Data
Table dalam kes ini, maka Mahkamah menolak hujahan Defendan atas isu ini.
(vii) Pihak Defendan juga tidak mengemukakan sebarang otoriti lain untuk
menyokong hujahan mereka bahawa Strauss Data Table ini adalah terpakai
juga kepada kes-kes yang bukan melibatkan pesakit CP seperti dalam kes di
hadapan Mahkamah ini.
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[216] Dalam kes Bujang Bin Mat & Anor V Lai Tzen Hai & Anor [2004] 6 MLJ 376,
Mahkamah telah merujuk kepada 5 pendekatan yang digunakan dalam
menentukan multiplicand bagi nursing care seperti berikut:
“Mr Frank Tang of counsel for the defendants has very helpfully in his
submissions set out a survey of Malaysian cases on awards made in respect
of cost of nursing care which show that our courts have adopted at least five
different approaches in determining the multiplier in assessment of cost of
nursing care in cases where a person is prognosed to require nursing care for
the rest of his life. The five approaches are:
(i) applying a direct multiplier of 16 years, following Marappan & Anor v Siti
Rahmah bte Ibrahim [1990] 1 MLJ 99 (refd). Other cases which have
applied this approach are Asainar bin Sainudin & Anor v Mohamad
Salam bin Sidik [2002] 5 MLJ 104; Mohd Yusof bin Abdul Ghani v Tee
Song Kee & Anor [1995] MLJU 344 (refd); Muhammad Milshaddiq bin
Juri v Rahmat bin Jamil [1993] MLJU 418 (refd);Swee Boon King v
Thong Tin Sing & Anor [1994] MD 1224 (refd) and Chandran v
Mohammad Razali bin Jaafar [1992] MD 911;
(ii) applying a direct multiplier not limited to 16 years. Some cases that have
adopted this approach are Zamri Md Som & Anor v Nurul Fitriyaton
Idawiyah Nahrawi [2002] 1 CLJ 309 (refd); Wong Li Fan William (an
infant) v Haidawati bte Bolhen & Anor [1994] 2 MLJ 497 (refd);
(iii) by taking the life expectancy minus age at the time of accident and using
a direct multiplier. The cases that have adopted this approach are Tan
Ah Kan v The Government of Malaysia [1997] 2 AMR 1382;Ng Chun Loi
v Hadzir & Ors [1993] 1 CLJ 323 (refd);
(iv) by taking the life expectancy minus age at time of the accident less one-
third for contingencies and using direct multiplier. The cases that have
adopted this approach are Chandra Sekaran a/l Krishnan Nair & Anor v
Ayub bin Mohamed & Anor [1994] MLJU 82; Zainab bte Ahmad lwn
Keretapi Tanah Melayu Bhd [2000] 5 MLJ 620 (refd); Nazori bin Teh &
Anor v Teh Lye Seng & Anor [1996] 1 AMR 706 (refd);
(v) by taking life expectancy minus age at the time of accident and using
annuity tables with no deduction for contingencies. Cases that have
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adopted this approach are Yu Mea Lian & Anor v Government of
Terengganu & Ors [1997] MLJU 252 (refd); Inderjeet Singh v Mazlan bin
Jasman [1995] 2 MLJ 646 (refd).
[217] Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah, tiada tolakan dibuat terhadap multiplicand
28.1 tahun. Ini adalah kerana :
(a) Tiada keterangan di hadapan Mahkamah yang mengasaskan suatu
tolakan wajar dibuat
(b) Keterangan Dr. Ramnan bahawa “I need to make some correction, refer
page 41 Ikatan Betul from diagram can see someone age 40 years old
at the time of injury , they will survive 28.1 years. This patient is only 37
years 8 months at the time of the alleged accident. So has life
expectancy will be slightly more than 28.1 years.”
(c) Tiada keterangan perubatan di hadapan Mahkamah bahawa
kecederaan yang dialami oleh Plaintif akan mengurangkan atau
memberi kesan kepada jangka hayat Plaintif 28.1 tahun
(d) Kos penjagaan termasuk penggajian pembantu rumah akan meningkat
dalam tahun-tahun yang mendatang dan kejatuhan nilai matawang serta
kadar inflasi yang sentiasa meningkat
(e) Mahkamah mempunyai budi bicara untuk memilih mana-mana
pendekatan seperti mana yang dinyatakan dalam kes Bujang Bin Mat
& Anor (supra) dan dalam kes ini Mahkamah memilih pendekatan
using annuity tables with no deduction for contingencies.
[218] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes PANTAI MEDICAL CENTRE SON BHD
mana Mahkamah Rayuan telah menyatakan bahawa :-
[35] We considered too that damages are assessed on a once and for all
basis. As stated in Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz & Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia
& Ors [2015] 1 CU 825, 850: ... The award of future damages or cost of future
care in Malaysia is done on once-and for-all assessment basis, unlike in
England where damages may be assessed periodically, following judgment on
liability. Thus in Malaysia the victim cannot return to Court in the future to claim
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more damages because his or her injuries have worsened, or if unexpectedly
the victim has more needs and the original award had proved inadequate.
[36] To now make a one-third deduction would be a further deduction
when the contingencies in arriving at the life expectancy by reference to
Graf had already been factored. We find the HC was plainly wrong to have
made the 15% deduction.
[219] Dalam kes SOTON BILI & ANOR v. KHAJIJAH LED & ORS [2008] 9 CLJ 303
Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan bahawa:
“In respect of the cost of prosthesis of RM108,730, it was alleged that the
sessions court judge had erred in not reducing the amount of RM108,730 by
1/4 deduction for contingencies, vicissitudes of life and/or taking into account
the accelerated payment. Whether or not a 1/4 deduction should be given is a
matter of discretion on the part of the judge and the circumstance of each
individual case. The sessions court judge's decision in not making the
deduction could not be faulted as she had exercised her discretion
judiciously. Hence, the appeal in respect of the costs of prosthesis was
[220] Berpandukan kepada keputusan dalam kes-kes di atas, Mahkamah bersetuju
dengan hujahan pihak Plaintif bahawa kos penjagaan masa hadapan harus
dikira berdasarkan multiplier 28.1 tahun dan hujah peguam Defendan Pertama
dan Kedua berkenaan penolakan bagi contingency ditolak oleh Mahkamah ini.
Kos pampers, incontinence sheet, colostomy bag, ancillaries for clean
intermittent self catheterization (CISC)
[221] Mahkamah menolak awad bagi item ini kerana telah diambil kira dalam awad
kos penjagaan di rumah masa hadapan (tanpa faedah)
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Kos Perubatan
[222] Abang Plaintif telah memberi keterangan bahawa dia membelanjakan wang
sebanyak RM250.00 sebulan untuk membeli beberapa item yang tidak diberi
oleh hospital dan tidak ditanggung oleh SOCSO. Pihak Plaintif menghujahkan
walaupun tiada dokumen untuk menyokong tuntutan ini, pihak Plaintif
menghujahkan jumlah sebanyak RM250.00 adalah satu jumlah yang amat
munasabah dan mohon sebanyak RM250/sebulan x 367 bulan = RM91,750.00
[223] Mahkamah mendapati pihak Plaintif telah gagal untuk membuktikan bahawa
amaun sebanyak RM 250.00 sebulan telah dibelanjakan sebagai kos
perubatan Plaintif. Tiada keterangan sokongan dokumentari dikemukakan
seperti bil, resit atau surat daripada pihak hospital sebagai bukti kukuh bagi
perbelanjaan kos Perubatan. Justeru Mahkamah menolak tuntutan Plaintif bagi
item ini.
Kerosakan pakaian
[224] Plaintif telah memplidkan RM250.00 bagi kerosakan pakaian. Manakala
Defendan menghujahkan Plaintif gagal membuktikan tuntutan ini dan harus
[225] Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes JACKSON ONG WEI HANG (m) & ANOR v
CHEW ZHIA HAN & ANOR [2015] 1 PIR [6], di mana Mahkamah telah
membenarkan sejumlah amaun untuk kerosakan pakaian dan barangan
peribadi di mana Mahkamah perlu mengambil kaedah “judicial notice” dan
membenarkan awad ini memandangkan Plaintif terlibat dalam kemalangan dan
semestinya kemusnahan pakaian terlibat juga.
[226] Justeru Mahkamah membenarkan RM250.00 sebagai awad yang munasabah
bagi kerosakan pakaian kerana sudah tentu akibat kemalangan ini Plaintif
sebagai penunggang motorsikal mengalami kerosakan pakaian apabila
motorsikalnya dilanggar dari belakang dan beliau jatuh masuk ke dalam
longkang dan mengalami kecederaan.
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Pembayaran jumlah penghakiman ke dalam Amanah Raya Berhad
[227] Peguamcara Defendan Pertama dan Kedua telah berhujah agar jumlah award
yang akan diberikan dimasukkan ke dalam Akaun Amanah Raya Berhad untuk
membolehkan jumlah penghakiman ditadbir dengan baik, dan bahawa Amanah
Raya Berhad adalah pihak yang paling sesuai untuk menguruskan jumlah
award yang akan diberikan.
[228] Dalam kes ini, Plaintif membawa tindakan ini atas kapasiti personal beliau di
mana beliau masih waras dalam keadaan paraplegia dan kecederaan yang
dialami oleh Plaintif sebenarnya bukanlah sangat serius sehingga boleh
dikategorikan sebagai orang yang tidak berkeupayaan (person under disability)
yang dirujuk sebagai ‘mentally disturbed person’ di bawah Mental Health Act
2001 hingga memerlukan orang lain meneruskan tindakan sebagai sahabat
wakil seperti yang diperuntukkan di dalam Aturan 76 Kaedah 1 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012. Justeru, Mahkamah tiada sebab untuk memasukkan jumlah
penghakiman ke dalam Amanah Raya Berhad kerana Plaintif boleh
menguruskan perbelanjaannya.
[229] Mahkamah ini telah mempertimbangkan hujahan kedua-dua pihak dan
memutuskan permohonan peguam Defendan agar wang penghakiman dibayar
kepada Amana Raya” adalah ditolak. Ini kerana Mahkamah ini mendapati
Mahkamah ini tidak mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk memberikan perintah yang
sedemikian. Bidang kuasa untuk memberikan perintah sedemikian terletak
pada Mahkamah Tinggi dan bukannya Mahkamah Sesyen. Sekiranya perintah
pembayaran wang penghakiman kepada Amanah Raya Berhad diberikan oleh
Mahkamah ini, bermakna Mahkamah ini akan melangkaui bidang kuasanya
dari segi undang-undang. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Jegathees
Nagulan & Ors v Suresh Balakrishnan & Anor [2016] 6 CLJ 253 di mana
Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan seperti berikut:
[45] Therefore, it is very clear that the Sessions Court has
overstepped its jurisdiction in allowing the money to be deposited
in the name of the plaintiff to be administered by the Amanah Raya
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Berhad. For courts to deal with such matters, it must have jurisdiction to
do so. The courts have no general inherent jurisdiction to grant the order
it did beyond jurisdiction given by particular statute.
[46] Section 11 of the Act has only given the High Court the power
and as such the Sessions Court lacks such power or jurisdiction
therefore its order must be set aside.
[48] It is noted that O. 76 r. 1 of the Rules of Court 2012 defines "Person
under disability" as a person who is a minor or a patient. It is not disputed
that the second plaintiff is a minor suing the defendants by his litigation
representative ie, his mother, the third plaintiff in this case. On the face
of r. 12, the Sessions Court has the discretion to give the directions as
to the manner the money to be applied or dealt with by the court.
[49] However, O. 12 r. 2 qualifies that the directions given under this rule
may provide that the money shall, as to the whole or any part thereof, be
paid into court and invested or otherwise dealt with. It is not disputed the
money can be paid into court. In this instant case the direction of the
Sessions Court Judge is for the money to be deposited in the name
of the second plaintiff to be administered by the Amanah Raya
Berhad. If the direction falls under the second limb 'or otherwise dealt
with' then, in my considered opinion, for Sessions Court to deal with such
matters, ie, directing Amanah Raya Berhad to administer the money, it
must have jurisdiction to do so. By such direction, the Sessions Court
in my opinion, has indirectly appointing Amanah Raya Berhad as
trustee, executor, administrator of the second plaintiff's money to
which only the High Court Judge has the power to make such
appointment under s. 11 of the Public Trust Corporation Act 1995.
[50] Therefore, the Sessions Judge has no general inherent
jurisdiction to grant the order it did beyond jurisdiction given by a
particular statute.
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[51] I am mindful that the lower courts have been making such
order but the fact that such orders are being made do not convert
an illegal judicial order into a legal judicial order.
[52] The order of the Sessions Judge given on 2 April 2015 and the
amended order dated 6 October 2015 is set aside with costs of RM3,000.
[230] Tambahan pula tiada saksi yang hadir daripada Amanah Raya Berhad untuk
memberi keterangan bahawa mereka bersetuju dan sanggup untuk menerima
pembayaran tersebut dan melaksanakan obligasi di bawahnya. Justeru,
Mahkamah ini berpendapat tidak wajar untuk perintah pembayaran wang
penghakiman ke dalam Amanah Raya Berhad dibeirkan. Mahkamah juga
merujuk kepada kes Jegathees Nagulan & Ors (supra) yang memutuskan :-
"[37] The defendants clearly failed to furnish any evidence that
Amanah Raya Berhad has consented to take on the task as suggested
in prayer 3 of encl. 76A, therefore, I am of the considered view that the
learned Session Court Judge had absolutely no right in law to
direct the monies to be paid to Amanah Raya Berhad. It cannot make
an order against or for a party not a party to the suit unless that party
has consented to be bound by the direction of the court. In view of this
it is my considered opinion that the learned Session Judge's
decision in granting the order in prayer 3 of encl. 76A is unlawful,
and must be set aside on the law."
[231] Berdasakarkan alasan-alasan di atas Mahkamah menolak permohonan pihak
Defendan untuk wang penghakiman sebahagian dan/atau apa-apa peratusan
daripada jumlah penghakiman dibayar kepada Amana Raya atau mana-mana
akaun amanah.
Kos Dokumen
[232] Kos dokumen dibenarkan dan diletakkan di bawah kos tindakan
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[233] Item-item lain yang diplidkan dalam Pernyataan Tuntutan adalah ditolak kerana
tidak dibuktikan.
[234] Faedah dibenarkan seperti berikut:
5% setahun ke atas gantirugi am dari tarikh penyampaian saman sehingga ke
tarikh penghakiman.
2.5% setahun ke atas gantirugi khas dari tarikh kemalangan sehingga ke tarikh
5% setahun ke atas keseluruhan jumlah penghakiman dari tarikh penghakiman
sehingga pembayaran penuh.
[235] Kos dibenarkan sebagaimana skala kos di dalam Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
Tarikh: 21 Disember 2023
Bagi pihak Plaintif : Encik S.Ganesh
Tetuan Abdul Rahim & Co
Peguambela & Peguamcara
Kuala Lumpur
Bagi Pihak Defendan : Encik Selvanayagam Kailasam bersama
Amelia Yee Zi Xin
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Pertama & Kedua Tetuan Tetuan Kenneth William & Assoc.,
Peguambela & Peguamcara
Ipoh, Perak
Bagi pihak Defendan Ketiga: Encik Mohd Apandi Bin Mohd Yatim
Gan, Ho & Razlan Hadri Company
Peguambela & Peguamcara
Kuala Lumpur
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| 190,846 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-565-08/2023 | PLAINTIF CHAN CHEE CHIN @ CHUN CHOO CHIN DEFENDAN 1. ) LEE YOON HUAT 2. ) YOH SHEUE SHYUAN 3. ) CHIN YIK KEIN 4. ) SINTARI SDN BHD | Company – striking out under Order 18 rule 19 of the Rules of Court 2012 – whether the claim is plainly or obviously unsustainable against the 4th Defendant - Whether the suit against the 4th Defendant should be Struck Out – Whether the 4th Defendant presence is necessary to ensure that all matters in dispute may be effectually and completely determined and adjudicated upon - No Cause of Action or any remedy pleaded against the 4th Defendant | 04/01/2024 | YA Dato' Indera Mohd Arief Emran Bin Arifin | |
GOJ SINTARI SB 018 (grounds striking out 4th Defendant).pdf
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WA-22NCC-565-08/2023 Kand. 43
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WA—22NCC—565—DB/2023 Kand. 43
24,01,201; 1,
WRIT OF summons No.: wA-22m:c.5s5-omnza
(NRIC Na..49D12D—71—5305) . PLAINWFF
(NRIC No.: 78620-05-5273)
(NRIC Na.. 751005-10-5302)
3 CHIN wk KE\N
(NRIC Na..590507»10-6033)
A swum SDN arm
(company No zuaaomozass) .DEFENDANTS
5w zmuNOEcnuDuDY§I:\I:oE7w
mm Sum M... M“ be used m mm u. nvVWuH|Y mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
Grounds ouudg m
lnImdIu:t' n
The AW Defendanl above named have applied |u slnke am the
Plammrs claun under Order 15 rule 19 olthe Rules of com 2012
The argument pul «arm by the 4* De¢end.ann has on the lad that
were was no cause ai men or even any remedies claimed by me
Plaunhll m us c\a|m against me 4*" Defendant
Alter reviewing the Statement 0! cwaxm, Hind that the Al" Delendant
has suooessiully shown to mus Cnurl (ha| the clam agamst it should
be struck out
mm that «ms \s a p\am and obvluus case where the pawerlu strike
out should be exercwsed
Law on smkmg out
smking om a dawn \s a draocman power pmwued «u «ms Cuufl
under Order we nne 19 n snmm unly be exemseu when «ms Cmm
finds me: the clam: is mam and obvmusxy unsustainame mm m
becomes nmpossmle (or the case to succeed. I re(er to me decwsxon
ollhe Supreme Coun In Bandar Eulldur Sdn Blvd .1 ms v United
Mllnyan Ennklnq Corporation Bhd mm] 4 CLJ 7 where
Mohamed Dzawddln FCJ held —
sw zmumozcnuonbtqmcozvw
-ms Sum M... M“ be used m wow u. nvwvufilv mm; “Mm. VII mum Wm
"The prrncrples upon wmch lhe Courl acls rri exercrsing its power
urraar any oi ma ieur lrrnbs am is r. 191 Rules oi the Hlgh
flare well semen ll IS anly In plaln arm ocyraus cases lhal
recourse sncula be had la lhe summary process under lhls rule (per
cley M R in Hubbuck v Wl/klnson [1399] 1 as as, p all, and
llus summary procedure can nrily be adopted when ri can be clearly
seen ihal a clalm or answer IS on me lace of ll “obviously
unsustainable“ iAllonrey- General er Duchy or Lancaster v. L. 8.
rvw Ry. Co [1592] 3 Ch 274, CA) ll cannot be exercised by a
rnrnure examlnellan urine documenls and iacls alme case, In order
lu see wlreiher the party has a cause uf aclrcn er a delence
iwenlock v Malaneymss 1WLR123E,[1965]2 AH ER 371, CA)
The auihovllles mrlher show «ha: rl ihere a poinl oi law
requires serious discussion‘ an objeclron should be |aken on (he
pleamngs and lhe pornl sei down ior argument lmdero 33 r.
giwhrch rs lnpara rnalsrra wrln cure as r. 2 Rules cl lhe Hlgh
E (Hubbuc)< y. wrlkrrrsan) (supra) The ccun must be sallslled
lhal ihere is na reasonable cause cl amlon ar that me claims are
irwclous or vexaliuus urihal me defences lalsed are HUI arguable"
5 There are lwn ways in whlch a claim may be plainly or obviously
urrsusrarnanlc as explained by lha srrrgapora calm oi Appeal in The
Bung: Melltli (201214 sue 545, where v K Rarah JA slated -
‘39 In curvrew, lhrs analylrcal, iacl—law crslrnnran can srrnrlarly be
apphed lo 0 18 r l9i1)(b) arlhe ROC orthe lnherenliurlsdlnlon or
me courllo strike oui Imsusialnable aclions, such a d clion helps
lo more clearly elucidaie whai a own means when l! holds (Hal an
ecllon ls "pIalrl\y or abvlously" unsustainable Applylng ms
IN zmulwzcvuonbtgblcozvw
wane s.rr.r M... will re used m yaw re mrrrmr-r sun; nnmmnrrl vn muha wrul
conceptual pnsm. a “plalnly or Obviously“ unsustainable actton
would be one whtcn is either
(5) Legallyunsustatnable lf‘l|may|:leclearasamaIIeruHawa|
the outset that even it a party were to succeed in brdtrtng all
the «acts that he divers to prove he will nul be entttled to the
remedy that he seeks“, or
to) Factually unsustatnable tilt is “passlble to saywtth conndence
beldre trial ma| the tactual basts tor the claim is lancttul because it
is enttrely without substance, [tcr example‘ ti tt ts] clear heyund
questton that the statement ol tans contradtcted by at the
documents or other rnatertal on whtch tt ts based“.'
7 The above was adopted by the Federal court tn Tel wet Many A
on v Malaysia Allllnas Him 5 other Appeals [2fl1K]9 cu 425
8 ll ts true that tithe pleadings disclose a reasonable cause ol acttun
and tr it could be shown that there are “issues of law that need to be
elaborated and argued tn great detail and for mature consideration“,
then this court should not strike out the sutt.
9. lsnould also constder «there are relevant lactual issues that redutre
deliberation at the «acts through witnesses llthere are such tssues,
thts Courl should not utilize its powers to slrlke out the claim was!
order 18 ntIe19 Rules ol court 2012.
to. At the same time, I am aware olmy duty to constder the clatnt and
the amdavtt evidenee tn tutaltty to determine whether there extsts a
N zntul|1OEcDuDnDY§blI:DE7w
use Slim M... will be used M mm me nllfllnnllw Mtms mam. vn AFVLING wet
reasonable cause 0! acllorl lhal oughl lo be relerrea to at lrlal. For
lhrs purpuse, I reproduce lha umgmahl or Molld Azml sc.l In Bank
lveqm Mahysla v Molld lsmall (19921 1 cu Rep 14, where hrs
Lurdshlp quoted the Judgmenl allhe Prlvy Cuuncll VI Eng Mee Yong
v Lelcnumarran 119791 1 LNS 1a, which is repmduced heveln —
‘Although m the normal way ll ls hm appropnale lor a Judge lo
aI|emp| lo resolve cohlllcls ol evldenoe an amdavlh lhrs does no:
mean lhal he ls bound to anneal uncrlhcally. as ralslng a mspule ol
lacl whlch calls «or lunher lnvesllgallcln, every slalernehr an an
affldavit however equlllucal, Vacklng In preclslon‘ lnDl:nsIs|erl( wrlh
uhalspuled contemporary documenls or other slalemehls by me
same deporlerll, or rnherenlly lrnprobable ln ltse
may be.“
l also note lhal lhe Delehaams also argue lhal lhe alarm ls abuslve
and relles on Order 92 rule 4 ollhe Rules ol Coun For lhls purpose.
l have laken Inlo aocounl the exnlarreuon glven by (he caun cl
Appeal as whal ls lahlarnaunl lo abuslve behavlour In ZalnaIAbldIn
bin mmlu @ s luanlam VKeIa]nn Malaysla [ma] 5 ML! x53.-
“[16]The ealegones er abuse uf prunes: are never closed and MH
cerlalnly prnlrlerale pursuanl lo lhe myriad of clrcumslances
avallable from lhe lactual rhalrlx lourld V7 each parucular case“
l also reler |o lhe declslorl alrhe coun ai Appeal In Hmpah Permal
Sdn Bhd V Siblh Fares! Industries Sdn Blvd [21711] 1 CLI Z35
sw zmlAN0EcDuDnDY§blI:oE7w
-use s.n.r M... wlll be used m mm me uumlh mm; nnmmnnl vn muhe wrul
Gwen lne above, lor lne Delendanls lo suooesslully smke out me
clam they musl snow mal me olalm as pleaded oy lne Plalntllls IS
so obvlausly or plalnly unsuslamable
wnemer lh s
should he Slluck On!
No Cause of Action or any remudy ploadud agaansl (ha 4'" Dehndaut.
l nave perused me slalamenl ol Clalm and nnd lnal lna Plalnllll nas
not pleaded any cause ol acnon agalnsl lne 4"‘ Defendanl
The claim revolves around me shares held by me 1*‘ lo we 3"‘
uelendanls thal allegedly were held on trust on me Plalnlilrs behalf
or belong to me F-lalnnlv, There ls no claim lnal was pameularized
by me Plalrlllff agalrlsl me 4*" Delendanl.
l also nole mal me remedies clalmed by me Plaintlll are solely
agalnst me 1“ to 3”‘ Defendants. No vemedles are slaled in the sald
stalernenl ol Clalm agalnsl me 4'" Delendanl.
Aoourdlng no me Plalnllll, me only reasun why he added Ihe 4'"
Delendam is because ne wanled tn ensure mat, if he ls successful,
me 4*" Defendant wlH cause me shares claimed agalns| me 1“ lo 3'“
Delendanl to be Iranslerved lo mm In olner words. he says mal the
4* Defendanl should be relalrled as a nonnnal Delendanl
Alter curlsldenng the last: and me pleaded case befure me l llnd
lnal lne Dunflnued presence onne 41" uelendan
IS not necessary Desplle 1ne lam lnal me dlspule concerns we
lhls pmceedlng
sn zrnul|1OEclluDnDY§blI:oE7w
-use s.n.1 Ilumhll wlll 1. used m mm 1.. annnnn Mvns nnmmnnl vn mune wrul
shares held by the 1“ to 3"’ Detendant tn the 4“ Deterldanlt the
presence at the 4'" Delendant ts not necessary The tssuee that are
pleaded that need to be dectded by thts court are only ecncerntng
the telattanshtp and the aclluns solely between the Platnttrt and the
other Delendants The pleaded case does not make any allegattons
or tnvolve any acts ol the 4"‘ Defendant.
l note that the Platnttll relers to the dectstan at the Htgh court tn
Syarikar Fain Sdn Bhd y Faiz sdn Bhd (2011) J CLJ J46 but I
do not belteve that the satd case asstst the Plaintitv
The taets cl thts case, as pleaded. shows that its presence ts not
necessary to ensure that all matters in dtspute may be ettectually
and completely determtned and adtudtcated upon The dtspute enly
concerns the Platntth and the other Delendants They do dencern
shares tn the 4*" Delendant bul that does not mean that the 4'"
l:-elendant should be made a pany tn this suil
More so when aauneel tor the 4“ Delendant has glven nts
unflertaklrlg that hts attent wtll ccmply wtth any orders of court tlthts
Cuun was to hnu that the shares tn the 4"’ Delendant should be
ttansterred tc the Plainlifiltum the 1" ta am Delenuants
l have also corlsldeled the Platnttvrs rettance on Ambusa Maya v
IJM Flanmlon Barhnd [2021] 1 LNS 1606 and Wong Klen Ylp v
Eyud splnl MIII sdn End [2022] 5 CLJ 259
The facts and the pleaded case tn Wong Kien vtp y Eyavd spiral Mill
sun aha tsupra) are suastanttally dttlerent to the pleaded case
belcre me In that case. the clatm ccnoetns an appllcahmt under
sth zrnlAl‘}0EcDuDnDY§blI:DE7w
‘Nab! mmhlv wt“ be used M mm me nlWlruH|Y Mvtls nnmmnhl vn AFVLING wrtll
secllon 345 a! me Companies Ac| that dawns «he aways 0! me
company were urmenaken appresswely agamsl a member of me
company. In muse types oi cases, we company has in be made a
party to me sum as lhe rehefs dawned mu have an Impact on me
decisions made prewously m we company and any unlawvul
vesmunon ol dvenors may have m be changed.
Vn «ms case, no such relnels are dawmed. The only mnnechon wwlh
the 4"‘ Delendant VS Ihe dawn hr the shares In the sand company
regwstered under me name onne other nerenaams, lo be tvansferred
to the Flalnlifl. ms does not requive me 4*" Devenuam as that order
may be emorceaoue against me other Delendants and as s|aled by
me 4* Delendanfs ommsew, ms clwenl win commy with an omers or
the Court relating to the Sam shares or any others made to Conn.
To be dear, on the issue or lashes / Iimmanon , I do nol make any
ruhng on «ms as «ms Is a mailer to be deemed belween me Fm-«in
and me amer Debndanls. The omy reason 1 aHow mis smkmg out
appncanan Is due to me (sol |ha( me meamngs do no: smm any
reasaname cause oi acuon or even any remedy agamst me 4“
0 Order: M Ihis Court
25 Forlhe afcresawd reasons, I slnke omlhe Plammvrs claim mm casts
Dated 22nd December 2023
alu‘ lndera Muhd Anef Emran bin Anfln
Hugh com o! Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
N00 5
Sm: Shyr Jinn (ogemer wnn Kelsey Kuek «or Plalnufl
Messrs Van 5. Sum
Advucales & Sullcllms
V H Yet; for 151, 2nd and 4m Delendam
Messrs Shul Tax
Advoca|es 8. soluenors
Chm Yuk Kenn am Delenclanl
| 1,426 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCC-479-10/2020 | PLAINTIF MANGKUBUMI SDN BHD DEFENDAN Kosi Enginering Sdn Bhd | Contract: Construction subcontractor claims - Interest charges for advance payments by contractor to subcontractor - Claim for bank charges - Unlicensed money lending - Whether subcontractor should bear excess amounts under contractor’s insurance policy - Cost allocation and reimbursement - Limitations in insurance coverage - Interpretation of indemnity clauses imposed on subcontractor in letter of Award - Scope of clause – Contractual obligations Companies: Corporate personality - Execution of documents - Whether undertaking executed by company or individual directors personally - Separate legal personality - Authority of directors Civil procedure: Requirements for set-off - Whether set-off defence satisfied - Whether set-off extinguishes claims | 04/01/2024 | YA Tuan Atan Mustaffa Yussof Ahmad | |
SUIT NO. WA-22NCC-479-10/2020
[Company No: 200101010800
[COMPANY NO: 199001011520
(In the original action)
[COMPANY NO: 199001011520
[Company No: 200101010800
(In the counterclaim)
[1] In this trial, the court is tasked with resolving a dispute
between a main contractor and a subcontractor, centered
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WA-22NCC-479-10/2020 Kand. 123
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around a construction project. The core of the dispute
involves the interpretation and enforcement of a contract, as
well as the financial dealings connected to a banking facility
provided for the project's financing. Critical to the court's
examination is the subcontractor's failure to meet its
financial obligations under this facility, leading to
consequential legal actions against both the subcontractor
and the main contractor. The court will look at issues such
as assignment of proceeds, payments made and received,
and the contractual implications of various agreements and
undertakings. Central to this case are claims relating to
outstanding payments for completed work, repair
obligations, and legal costs incurred.
Background facts
[2] Pursuant to a Letter of Award dated 28.4.2016 (“Letter of
Award”), the Defendant in the Counterclaim, Mangkubumi
Sdn Bhd (“Mangkubumi”), awarded a works contract
known as the “Sub Package: Relocation of Telekom
Malaysia Berhad Cable” to the Plaintiff in the Counterclaim,
Kosi Engineering Sdn Bhd (“Kosi”) in relation to a project
called “Projek: Kerja-Kerja Menaiktaraf Jalan Persekutuan 5
(FR5) dari Tanjong Karang ke Sabak Bernam, Selangor”
(“the Project”). Mangkubumi appointed Kosi as a sub-
contractor for the Project.
[3] On 28.9.2016, AmBank (M) Berhad (“AmBank”) granted
Kosi a Domestic Recourse Factoring Facility and Trust
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Receipt Facility up to RM9,500,000 (“the Facility”) to
finance Kosi's work related to the sub-contract from
Mangkubumi. Also pursuant to a Notice of Assignment of
Proceeds, all outstanding debts owed by Kosi to AmBank
were assigned absolutely to AmBank and AmBank is
entitled to receive all sums owing under the Facility directly
from Mangkubumi as Kosi's assignor.
[4] Kosi failed to make payments to Ambank on the Facility and
AmBank filed an action against Kosi under Suit no. WA-
B52NCC-909-19/2019 (“Suit 909”) in the Kuala Lumpur
Sessions Court.
[5] On 19.2.2020 AmBank demanded a sum of
RM4,560,183.26 from Mangkubumi on the basis that Kosi
failed to repay amounts owing under the Facility, and
pursuant to the Notice of Assignment of Proceeds,
Mangkubumi was liable to pay AmBank all outstanding
sums owed by Kosi under the Facility as Kosi's assignor.
[6] There were subsequent meetings and discussions between
Mangkubumi and Kosi regarding Mangkubumi’s debt to
Ambank. Kosi provided a letter dated 27.2.2020 (“Akujanji”)
by which Mangkubumi contends that Kosi provided an
undertaking to be fully responsible for payments to
AmBank, including indemnifying Mangkubumi.
Notwithstanding, Ambank filed Suit No. WA-22NCC-187-
05/2020 (“Suit 187”) against Mangkubumi on 18.5.2020 for
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Kosi's outstanding Facility payments, claiming a sum of
[7] On 17.6.2020 Ambank obtained a judgment against Kosi for
the sum of RM594,121.15 as at 30.11.2019 in Suit 909.
[8] On 1.10.2020, Mangkubumi filed its action in these
proceedings against Kosi seeking indemnity and
reimbursement against liability and litigation costs it faced
from AmBank's action in Suit 187 to recover outstanding
debts relating to the Facility obtained by Kosi. On 9.11.2020
Kosi filed its Defence and Counterclaim. In the
Counterclaim, Kosi claimed outstanding payments of
RM159,535.90 for Certified Progress Claims, over RM1.4
million for Uncertified Progress Claims and Retention Sums
owed, direct payment to AmBank to settle judgment debt,
5% interest, costs and other reliefs.
[9] On 16.3.2021, Mangkubumi served documents to Kosi
showing payment of RM1,163,211.93 that Mangkubumi
made to AmBank on behalf of Kosi, as well as a Final
Certificate of Contract stating the updated contract value
and amounts paid.
[10] On 11.5.2021 Ambank obtained a judgment against
Mangkubumi for the sum of RM4,560,183.26 as at
31.10.2019 in Suit 187.
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[11] On 23.12.2021, Mangkubumi discontinued its claim against
Kosi but Kosi’s Counterclaim against Mangkubumi was
maintained. Kosi then amended its Counterclaim and on
8.4.2022 the Defence and Amended Counterclaim was
filed. Based on the Amended Counterclaim, Kosi claims
from Mangkubumi a total payment amount of
RM328,695.95 comprising RM137,213.16 still owing after
deductions for payments to Kosi's suppliers, and
RM191,482.34 still owing for repair works after accounting
for advance payments.
Kosi’s claim in the Counterclaim
[12] Kosi's claim against Mangkubumi in the Counterclaim is for
a total payment amount of RM328,695.95.
[13] Specifically, Kosi claims Mangkubumi owes it:
a) RM137,213.16: This is from an adjusted outstanding
balance of RM665,426.02 that Kosi contends
Mangkubumi still owes, less payments of
RM528,212.41 that Kosi agrees should be deducted
for amounts paid directly to Kosi's suppliers.
b) RM191,482.34: This is for repair works Kosi states it
performed at Mangkubumi's request, with a total
billed value of RM521,482.34. After deducting
RM330,000 in acknowledged advance payments
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from Mangkubumi for this work, Kosi claims the
remaining RM191,482.34 balance.
Kosi’s case
[14] Kosi's case is that after properly accounting for all payments
and contractual adjustments between Kosi and
Mangkubumi, Mangkubumi still owes Kosi RM328,695.95.
a) After adjusting the contract amount and accounting
for payments made, there is RM665,426.02 still
owed by Mangkubumi.
b) The direct payments of RM528,212.41 made by
Mangkubumi to Kosi's suppliers should be deducted
from the outstanding balance. This leaves
RM137,213.16 still owed by Mangkubumi.
c) Regarding the repair works, Kosi performed work at
Mangkubumi's request valued at RM521,482.34.
After accounting for RM330,000 in advance
payments from Mangkubumi for this work, Kosi
claims the balance of RM191,482.34 is still owed.
d) Combining the RM137,213.16 and the
RM191,482.34, Kosi argues Mangkubumi owes a
total outstanding payment balance of RM328,695.95.
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[15] Kosi also disputes Mangkubumi's position that Kosi should
bear sole responsibility and financial liability for the third-
party damage that necessitated these repairs.
[16] On Mangkubumi's defence of set-off, Kosi contends that it
should not be responsible for indemnifying Mangkubumi for
the legal costs incurred in Suit 187, as these costs are not
covered under the indemnification provision of Clause 17 of
the Letter of Award. Kosi argues that Suit 187 pertained to a
failure to make payments to AmBank, a matter unrelated to
the sub-package works specified in the Letter of Award, and
thus falls outside the scope of Kosi's indemnification
obligations. As for the Akujanji, the obligation to indemnify
Mangkubumi fell on the directors personally, not Kosi.
Mangkubumi's case
[17] Mangkubumi does not accept that it owes Kosi any part of
the RM328,695.95 claimed in the Counterclaim after
properly accounting for payments already made by
Mangkubumi. Specifically:
a) The claimed outstanding balance of RM665,426.02
failed to account for all advance payments and
payments to suppliers that should be deducted.
b) Regarding the repair works claim of RM521,482.34,
Mangkubumi's position is that a significant portion of
this was paid or should be paid through insurance
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payments rather than payments from Mangkubumi
c) Portions of the repair works were necessitated by
damage caused by third parties not related to
Mangkubumi. As such, Mangkubumi disputes liability
to pay for repairing damage caused by others.
[18] Mangkubumi also relies on the defence of set-off,
contending that under the Letter of Award and the Akujanji
dated 27.2.2020, it can offset the legal cost of
RM510,730.00 incurred in Suit 187 against Kosi’s
counterclaim, effectively nullifying Kosi’s claim.
[19] Kosi called two witnesses whose witness statements are
marked “WS-PW1” and “WS-PW2” as follows:
a) PW1 is Song Kok Chien, the business manager for
Kosi. His evidence is regarding the payment
amounts Kosi claims are still owed by Mangkubumi
for contract and repair works. His Witness Statement
is marked as “WS-PW1.”
b) PW2 is Roseli Bin Hussein, the Managing Director
for Kosi. His evidence is regarding his limited
knowledge of the case facts and details, indicating
Song Kok Chien knows more as the business
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manager. His Witness Statement is marked as “WS-
[20] Mangkubumi called only one witness, Mohamed Najib bin
Mohamed Daud (DW1), a Company Director for
Mangkubumi. His evidence is regarding the payment
amounts that Mangkubumi claims Kosi still owes for
contract and repair works. His Witness Statement is marked
as “WS-DW1.”
[21] After considering the facts of the case and the defences
relied on by Mangkubumi, the court frames the following
issues for deliberation which this court considers pivotal to
the resolution of this case:
a) Whether Mangkubumi is entitled to deduct the
payments made to Kosi's suppliers from the total
claim amount owed to Kosi, and whether the interest
charge of 8.85% per annum imposed by
Mangkubumi on these payments is justified and
legally enforceable.
b) Whether Mangkubumi is liable to pay Kosi for the
repairworks performed at Mangkubumi's request,
and if so, what is the correct amount to be paid,
taking into account the issues of insurance claims,
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advance payments, and the quality and impact of the
repairworks on the project.
c) Whether Mangkubumi is entitled to set off its claim
for legal costs incurred in Suit 187 against Kosi’s
counterclaim for outstanding payment for
repairworks, based on the indemnification provisions
in the Letter of Award and the Akujanji dated
[22] In the ensuing part of this judgment, this court will structure
its deliberations around the issues above.
Analysis and findings of the court
Amount paid by Mangkubumi to Kosi’s suppliers
[23] Kosi’s position is that the total balance outstanding from
Mangkubumi to Kosi in this action is calculated by deducting
the amount paid by Mangkubumi to Kosi’s suppliers as
advance payments from the total claim of RM12,531,957.55
from Mangkubumi, less partial payment received from
Mangkubumi of RM10,703,319.60 and payment to Ambank
by Mangkubumi on behalf of Kosi of RM1,163.211.93 and
further adding the amount owing by Mangkubumi to Kosi for
repairworks. Kosi contends that for the purpose of this
calculation the amount paid by Mangkubumi to Kosi’s
suppliers as advance payments is RM528,212.41. In this
regard, Kosi contends and submits as follows:
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a) Mangkubumi has made payments of RM137,012.41,
RM140,000.00, and RM251,200.00 to Kosi’s
suppliers totalling RM528,212.41.
b) Kosi does not have to indemnify Mangkubumi for
these sums as these payments are not loans but
rather advance payments to suppliers of Kosi, as the
subcontractor of Mangkubumi for the Project works
under the Letter of Award and these sums are
deducted by Mangkubumi as the main contractor
from the certificate of payment.
c) Mangkubumi had the obligation to pay Kosi’s
supplier as Mangkubumi's intention was always for
these sums to be advance payments or direct
payments, as indicated in the letters dated 6.9.2019
and 13.9.2019 addressed to Kosi. Mangkubumi is
aware that these payments were meant to be
advance payments or direct payments to Kosi’s
d) Mangkubumi’s witness DW1 admitted during cross-
examination that it did not suffer any losses from
these payments as it received the benefits of the
materials supplied.
[24] Mangkubumi’s position is different from Kosi’s in the sense
that it claims that the actual total advance payment to Kosi’s
supplier made by Mangkubumi for Kosi is actually
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RM858,212.41 and not RM528,212.41 with interest charge
of 8.85% per annum on the requested amounts amounting
to RM100,570.43 and deducting a total amount of
RM374,836.96 paid by Mangkubumi to Kosi. Mangkubumi
argues that it is Kosi that owes Mangkubumi a sum of
RM583,945.88 as of 2.8.2021. In this regard, Mangkubumi
contends and submits as follows:
a) The actual total advance payment made by
Mangkubumi for Kosi is actually RM858,212.41, with
RM374,836.96 already deducted, leaving a balance
of RM483,375.45, and with interest at 8.85% per
annum, Kosi owes Mangkubumi RM583,945.88 as of
b) Out of the sum of RM858,212.41, the sums of
RM180,000.00 (shown in Payment Voucher dated
23.1.2019 as “Advance Payment - TG Karang
Project”) and RM150,000.00 (shown in Payment
Voucher dated 15.4.2019 as “Advance Payment for
Tg Karang”) were released as advance payment for
c) Kosi requested additional advance payments of
RM140,000.00 and RM521,200.00 to be paid directly
to a supplier, GV Bumisinar Sdn Bhd, and agreed to
be charged interest on those amounts as well.
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[25] On the issue of interest charged by Mangkubumi to Kosi,
which is disputed by Kosi, Mangkubumi argues the
a) Kosi agreed and accepted the interest charge of
8.85% per annum on the requested amounts, as
evidenced by the letters exchanged between
Mangkubumi and Kosi, and the advance payment is
to be repaid with the agreed interest rate, resulting in
a total accumulated interest of RM100,570.43 as of
b) Mangkubumi countered Kosi’s contention that
Mangkubumi never provided documentation from
Ambank to support the 8.85% interest charge by
arguing that Kosi had never requested such
documentation. Furthermore, Kosi did not respond to
Mangkubumi’s letter from 6.8.2018, which clearly
stated Mangkubumi’s intention to impose an interest
rate of 8.85% per annum on advance payment
requests. Kosi later requested additional advance
payment and agreed to be charged interest, as
specified under Clause 25 (h) of the Letter of Award,
which holds Kosi responsible for any interest
charged by Ambank when providing financial
c) Mangkubumi lacks a licence to charge interest for
advance payment, but it asserts that this issue was
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only raised for the first time during trial and was not
pleaded by Kosi, which goes against the
fundamental principle of civil litigation. This was
objected to by Mangkubumi during this trial.
d) Advance payment should not be considered as
money lending, as it involves releasing
Mangkubumi’s own future funds ahead of schedule
to expedite the project. Mangkubumi is not engaged
in the business of moneylending and is not required
to obtain a licence. Kosi, having agreed to the
interest charge and being duly informed, is therefore
obliged to repay the advance payments with interest.
[26] I will first address the issue of whether Mangkubumi is
entitled to the amount of RM100,570.43 charged by
Mangkubumi towards Kosi based on the rate of 8.85%
interest. The court is of the view that Mangkubumi is not
entitled to the said interest charges.
[27] The amounts of RM137,012.41, RM140,000.00, and
RM251,200.00 were payments made by Mangkubumi to
Kosi’s supplier for the works done under the Project. It is
customary for the main contractor to make such payments,
and the sub-contractor typically reimburses the main
contractor through deductions from the certificate of
payment. Mangkubumi’s purpose for charging 8.85%
interest on Kosi’s advance payment was to ensure timely
completion of the project and avoid delays, as expressed in
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Mangkubumi’s letter dated 6.8.2018. Mangkubumi stated in
the letter:
“Dengan segala hormatnya kami merujuk kepada
perkara di atas.
2. Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa
pihak pengurusan telah menilai serta memutuskan
untuk mengenakan kadar faedah sebanyak 8.85%
setahun berkuatkuasa serta-merta kepada pihak
subkontraktor yang ingin memohon Bayaran
Pendahuluan. Kadar faedah yang dikenakan ini
adalah bersesuaian dengan caj yang dikenakan
kepada kami diatas kemudahan pinjaman yang
disediakan oleh pihak bank.
3. Oleh yang demikian, pihak tuan dikehendaki
mempertingkatkan kelancaran kemajuan kerja
fizikal di tapak bagi mengurangkan tempoh masa
pinjaman serta memastikan projek dapat disiapkan
dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan.
Kerjasama dan perhatian dari pihak tuan mengenai
perkara di atas amatlah dihargai dan diucapkan
ribuan terima kasih.”
[28] Mangkubumi, through the evidence of DWI, admitted to not
suffering any losses and Kosi did not cause any delays in
the project. His evidence during cross-examination was:
“LKH: Selain daripada itu, anda juga-
Plaintif juga memberi bayaran kepada pihak Ketiga
iaitu RM137,000.00, RM140,00.00 dan
RM251,000.00 setuju?
DW1: Setuju.
LKH: Apabila anda membuat bayaran ini
bagi pihak ketiga ini, setuju dengan cadangan
saya, pihak Plaintif menerima manfaat iaitu
mendapat bahan-bahan yang dibekalkan, setuju?
DW1: Setuju.
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LKH: Oleh itu, saya cadangkan apabila
bayaran ini dibuat, Plaintif tidak mengalami
kerugian kerana menerima manfaat, setuju?
DW1: Plaintif?
LKH: Menerima manfaat daripada
pembayaran kepada pihak ketiga ini. Oleh itu,
Plaintif tidak mengalami kerugian, setuju?
DW1: Setuju.”
[29] Therefore, Mangkubumi has no legal right to charge the
8.85% interest on these amounts. Therefore, any
accumulation of interest on these payments is unjustified.
[30] Kosi was only agreeable to the 8.85% interest rate only if
Mangkubumi provides substantive documented proof that it
corresponds to the interest charged by Ambank and that the
advance payment is intended for Kosi’s suppliers to carry
out the works under the project. Evidence is required to
support the rate of 8.85% interest as the agreement
between Mangkubumi and Kosi is based on the
understanding that Mangkubumi supports the procurement
of materials necessary for the project. Mangkubumi has
failed to provide documentary evidence to support its claim
that the rate of 8.85% interest is based on what was
charged by Ambank. Thus, the burden of proof on
Mangkubumi according to Section 101 of the Evidence Act
1950 is not discharged. In contrast, Kosi has presented
documentary evidence to substantiate its claim, fulfilling the
requirements of the Evidence Act. Mangkubumi’s failure to
provide evidence renders the source of the accumulated
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amount of RM100,570.43 as interest charges to be
[31] Kosi’s offer of an 8.85% interest rate was intended to be a
bilateral contract, not a unilateral one, and Kosi’s silence
does not constitute acceptance. Kosi’s silence in response
to Mangkubumi’s letter dated 6.8.2018 and the obligation
under clause 25(h) of the Letter of Award does not
constitute acceptance of the 8.85% interest rate.
[32] Silence does not amount to acceptance. In Seloga Sdn Bhd
v UEM Gynisys Sdn Bhd [2007] 7 MLJ 385 (Court of
Appeal) it was stated:
“[62] Even if the respondent had not responded to
the appellant’s letters dated 17 November 1999
and 11 December 2000, silence on their part would
not constitute acceptance. In relation to this, we
would refer to Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed)
Vol 9 at p 123 which reads:
250. Mode of acceptance: (2) by
Where the offeree is silent following the
offer of a bilateral contract, a distinction
must be drawn between the act of
acceptance and communication of
acceptance. It is not always necessary
that acceptance be communicated
before it becomes effective, but there
must be an act of acceptance.
The general rule is that if the only facts
are that there has been an offer
followed by silence on the part of the
offeree, there is no acceptance of that
offer, though there might be liability to
pay a reasonable sum for any benefit
received. Thus, the offeror cannot bind
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the offeree against the latter’s will by
expressly stipulating that, if the offeree
does nothing, he will be bound to a
contract, or to a variation of an existing
[33] The case of Agromate (M) Sdn Bhd v Felcra Niaga Sdn Bhd
[2022] 1 LNS 1655 (Court of Appeal) demonstrates that it is
only when there is a pre-existing business relationship and
long-standing course of dealing between parties that silence
or failure to object to contractual terms will amount to
acceptance of terms offered. Here, the parties had been
doing business together for years under invoices and
delivery orders containing late payment interest term. The
defendant never objected and continued accepting delivery
of goods pursuant to those terms. This conduct was held to
indicate assent and acceptance of the interest term.
[34] Mangkubumi and Kosi did not have the type of relationship
where there were invoices with interest charges indicated
not objected to over a long period as present in Agromate.
Further, Kosi has expressly accepted the interest rate for
certain amounts (the sums of RM140,000.00 and
RM251,200.00.13) but has not accepted it for other
amounts (RM180,000.00, RM137,012.41 and
RM150,000.00). Kosi’s silence on those specific amounts
cannot be interpreted as acceptance or agreement to the
8.85% interest rate.
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[35] Clause 25(h) of the Letter of Award states that the sub-
contractor (Kosi) is responsible for bearing and paying the
interest charge if it is related to financial assistance from a
bank. Clause 25(h) of the Letter of Award reads:
“(h) The Sub-Contractor shall aware if there any
lawyer / legal fees and financial assistance from the
bank and there is interest charged, it shall be borne
and paid in full by the Sub-Contractor.”
[36] As Mangkubumi is not a bank, as admitted by DW1,
Mangkubumi’s witness during cross-examination,
Mangkubumi cannot impose the responsibility of interest
payment on Kosi based on Clause 25(h) Letter of Award.
[37] It is noted that Mangkubumi denies being a lender or
financial institution but relies on Clause 25(h) Letter of
Award which obliges Kosi to pay the 8.85% interest for
financial assistance from a bank to place the burden of
paying the 8.85% interest onto Kosi. Mangkubumi is thus
approbating and reprobating which is not allowed as held in
Cheah Theam Kheng v City Centre Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation)
and Other Appeals [2012] 1 MLJ 761. Mangkubumi’s
charging of interest is in violation of Section 5(1)
Moneylenders Act 1951, as it does not have the right to
engage in money lending without a licence. Section 5(1)
Moneylenders Act 1951 provides:
“5(1) No person shall conduct business as a
moneylender unless he is licensed under this Act.”
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[38] Mangkubumi argues that its lack of a licence to charge
interest for advance payment was not pleaded by Kosi.
However, the court views this argument as only a tactical
move by Mangkubumi. Mangkubumi is aware that it does
not have a licence to charge interest since it is not a
financial institution or bank. The ability of Mangkubumi to
charge interest is integral to the issue of whether the
remaining balance that still needs to be paid by the
Mangkubumi to Kosi is RM137,213.16. The court therefore
rejects Mangkubumi’s submissions on the unpleaded issue
of Mangkubumi’s lack of licence to charge interest for
advance payment.
[39] In relation to the amounts of RM180,000.00 and
RM150,000.00, which Mangkubumi claims to be part of the
RM858,212.41 it contends to be the total advance
payments to Kosi’s suppliers, the court finds that these were
payments made by Mangkubumi for “Insurance Advance
Payment” related to repairworks that were not part of the
Project which Kosi completed as per Mangkubumi’s
request. During DW1’s cross-examination, his evidence was
equivocal as after initially agreeing the payments were part
of interim payments under the contract, he then conceded
upon further questioning that the vouchers described the
payments as “Advanced Payment”, confirming
Mangkubumi’s contention that these amounts were meant
for insurance advance payments, not project interim
payments. The relevant part of DW1’s cross-examination
from the Notes of Proceedings is as follows:
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“LKH: Kini saya merujuk anda kepada
muka surat 105, bundle B1. Ok. Daripada penyata
ini yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak Defendan, terdapat
2 bayaran dibuat RM150,000.00 dan
RM180,000.00, setuju?
DW1: Setuju.
LKH: Jumlah ini, adakah termasuk dalam
jumlah yang dinyatakan oleh pihak anda tadi, iaitu
interim bayaran di bawah kontrak- dibawah LA
DW1: Ya, setuju. Maksud bayaran
kepada pre-financing.
LKH: Merujuk kepada muka 98 di
bahagian B perenggan B, kurungan A kurungan,
satu bayaran interim ini. RM10,703,319.60. Ini
jumlah yang telah dibayar oleh pihak Plaintif
kepada Defendan. Betul?
DW1: Ya.
LKH: Jumlah ini boleh meliputi jumlah
yang tadi dirujuk iaitu RM150,000.00 dan
RM180,000.00 ini, betul? Faham soalan saya?
DW1: Tak Faham.
LKH: Ok, saya merujuk anda tadi di m/s
105 untuk jumlah RM180,000.00 dan
RM150,000.00. Ok, nampak 2 jumlah itu?
RM150,000.00 RM180,000.00, betul?
DW1: Betul.
LKH: RM150,000.00 dan RM180,000.00
ini, jumlah ini adalah termasuk dalam jumlah
interim bayaran di 98. Betul?
DW1: Betul. Ya, betul.
LKH: Betul. Dan jumlah detail untuk
bayaran RM180,000.00 ini dapat dilihat di m/s 55 -
56, betul?
DW1: Betul.
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LKH: Dan detail untuk bayaran
RM150,000.00 di m/s 65 - 66?
DW1: Betul.
LKH: Betul. Kalau kita rujuk kepada m/s
55, wujud perkataan Advanced Payment. Ya, jika
dibandingkan dengan seperti yang anda nyatakan
tadi di m/s 105. Ok. Nampak tak di situ insurans
payment 15 - Untuk RM180,000.00 itu, bayaran
dibuat pada 23 Januari 2019.
DW1: Betul.
LKH: Dan bayaran untuk RM180,000.00
ini dibuat pada 15 April 2019. Betul?
DW1: Betul.
LKH: Ini bererti pada masa bayaran ini
dibayar, Kalau anda tengok voucher di m/s 55,
adalah lebih awal daripada tarikh insurans
membuat bayaran. Betul?
DW1: Awal daripada?
LKH: Tarikh insurans membuat bayaran,
DW1: Betul.
LKH: So, itu adalah ertinya Advanced
Payment, betul?
DW1: Betul.”
[40] As shown in the foregoing section on Kosi’s claims for
repairworks, after deducting these amounts from the total
requested payment of RM521,482.34, Mangkubumi still
owes Kosi RM191,482.34. Mangkubumi has no legal right
to charge the 8.85% interest on these amounts, and any
accumulation of interest on the sums RM180,000.00 and
RM150,000.00 is unjustified.
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[41] Considering all the above, the court finds that there is only
an amount outstanding from Mangkubumi to Kosi of
RM528,212.41 (“the Advance Payment Amount”) in
relation to the amount paid by Mangkubumi to Kosi’s
suppliers as advance payments. This leaves a balance of
RM137,213.16 after the Advance Payment Amount is
deducted from the balance total claim amount of
Outstanding payment for repairworks
[42] Kosi adduced a summary dated 3.5.2021 in table form (“the
Repairworks Table”) showing repairworks it performed on
Mangkubumi’s request. This is produced below:
[43] Mangkubumi’s position is that out of the five repairworks
contained in Kosi’s Repairworks Table, only Items 1, 2, and
4 Repairworks are in dispute as Mangkubumi’s witness
acknowledged that Items 3 and 5 Repairworks would be
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charged back to the subcontractor. Mangkubumi contends
that the total amount that should be paid to Kosi for these
repairworks is RM265,224.98, but Mangkubumi received
payments from the insurance company for Items 1 and 2
Repairworks, which were not paid to Kosi. Instead, these
payments were used to offset the outstanding advance
payments owed by Mangkubumi to Kosi. Therefore, the
remaining unpaid amount for the repairworks is
RM49,924.00 (RM5,540 for Item 3 Repairworks and
RM44,384 for Item 5 Repairworks).
[44] Mangkubumi maintains that it does not owe any outstanding
amount to Kosi for Item 1 Repairworks and contends and
submits as follows:
a) Mangkubumi has already paid Kosi for Item 1
Repairworks. Kosi alleges that it is owed
RM150,000.00 for Item 1 Repairworks, but
Mangkubumi explains that this amount was actually
an advance payment to Kosi’s suppliers which had
already been paid, as evidenced by Mangkubumi’s
letter to Kosi dated 15.4.2019 and Mangkubumi’s
Payment Voucher dated 15.4.2019.
b) The payment for Item 1 Repairworks was made
through the evaluation and payment by the insurer,
MSIG, as agreed upon in discussions with Kosi.
Mangkubumi received payment for Item 1
Repairworks from MSIG for a sum of RM111,829.58
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as evidenced by the Maphilindo International Sdn
Bhd letter dated 15.6.2020.
c) Despite Kosi’s denial, Kosi had been informed, knew,
and agreed that payment for Item 1 Repairworks
would be made by the insurer, supported by
evidence such as submissions for Item 1
Repairworks dated 1.11.2018 carbon copied to the
Maphilindo International Sdn Bhd and Kosi’s
participation in the repairworks. There is no evidence
to support of Kosi’s disagreement to this payment
[45] Mangkubumi maintains that it does not owe any outstanding
amount to Kosi for Item 2 and contends and submits as
a) The payment of RM180,000.00 alleged by Kosi for
Item 2 Repairworks was actually an advance
payment and not specifically for Item 2 Repairworks,
supported by evidence such as Mangkubumi’s letter
to Kosi dated 15.4.2019 and payment voucher
23.1.2019 and acceptance by Kosi’s personnel.
b) Item 2 Repairworks was paid through the insurer,
with evidence of Kosi’s submission for Item 2
Repairworks dated 28.12.2018 which was carbon
copied to Maphilindo International Sdn Bhd and
payment into Kosi’s account.
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[46] Mangkubumi refused to pay for Item 4 Repairworks as the
repair work for Item 4 Repairworks conducted by Kosi not
only failed to solve the problem but also caused delays in
the project. Mangkubumi contends and submits as follows:
a) Damage to Telekom Malaysia's cable was not
repaired and Kosi failed to comply with instructions.
b) Kosi’s incident report, although disputed as to its
authorship, acknowledges the concrete blockage and
deviation of the cable routing. This proves that Kosi’s
work was not safe and did not meet Mangkubumi’s
c) Mangkubumi is entitled to compensation under
Section 74 of the Contracts Act 1950 for the non-
performance and delays caused by Kosi. In this
case, Mangkubumi seeks compensation by not
paying for Item 4, as Kosi failed to rectify the cable
[47] Kosi’s position is that Mangkubumi owes it RM191,482.34
for the repairworks performed at Mangkubumi's request.
The repairworks were not part of the original contract but
were requested by Mangkubumi as variation orders. Kosi
completed the works and submitted bills totaling
RM521,482.34. This consists of Kosi’s claims for Item 1
Repairworks amounting to RM202,150.34, Item 2
Repairworks amounting to RM213,404.00, Item 3
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Repairworks amounting to RM5,540.00, Item 4 Repairworks
amounting to RM56,004.00, and Item 5 Repairworks
amounting to RM44,384.00, all of which were requested
and completed by Kosi at Mangkubumi's request.
[48] Mangkubumi has made partial payments of RM330,000.00
as an advance payment. After deducting the advance
payment, the remaining amount owed by Mangkubumi is
[49] Kosi relies on the precedent set in Era Kemuncak Jaya (M)
Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Switchgear Sdn Bhd [2021] MLJU 1855,
for the proposition that when repairworks are requested by
Mangkubumi and completed by Kosi, Mangkubumi is
obligated to reimburse Kosi for the cost of those works.
[50] Mangkubumi has admitted to repairworks for Item 3
Repairworks i.e. RM5,540.00 and Item 5 Repairworks i.e.
RM44,384.00. Thus, the following are Kosi’s submissions
relating to Item 1 Repairworks, Item 2 Repairwoks and Item
4 Repairwoks:
a) Kosi submitted the insurance claim for Item 1
Repairworks, which was handled by Mangkubumi's
insurance company. The insurance claim amount
was adjusted to RM186,829.58, but Mangkubumi
only received RM111,829.58 after deducting the
excess amount of RM75,000. Mangkubumi should
pay the full repairworks claim amount of
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RM202,150.34 or at least the adjusted value of
RM186,829.58, as Kosi is not responsible for the
excess amount under the insurance policy. Kosi, not
being a party to the insurance claim, cannot be held
liable for the excess amount.
b) Kosi submitted an insurance claim for Item 2
Repairworks, which was to be paid by Mangkubumi's
insurer. The insurance claim amount was adjusted to
RM153,471.40, but Mangkubumi only received
RM103,471.40 after deducting the less excess
amount of RM50,000. Mangkubumi should pay the
full repairworks claim amount of RM213,404.00 or at
least the adjusted value of RM153,471.40, as
Mangkubumi, being the insured party, is responsible
for the less excess amount under the insurance
policy. Mangkubumi cannot impose the less excess
amount on Kosi, as it is the insured's responsibility to
pay for it.
c) Mangkubumi admitted that the cables damaged in
Item 4 Repairworks were not caused by Kosi, but by
a third party, YCH Sdn. Bhd. Mangkubumi requested
Kosi to repair the cables. Since the damage was
caused by YCH and not by Kosi, Kosi is not liable to
indemnify Mangkubumi under Clause 17 of the Letter
of Award. Mangkubumi admitted to Clause 17, which
states that the subcontractor (Kosi) shall only
indemnify the contractor (Mangkubumi) for breaches
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caused by the subcontractor. As the damage was not
caused by the subcontractor, Kosi argues that it is
not obligated to indemnify Mangkubumi. Therefore,
Mangkubumi should honour the claim of
RM56,004.00 in full for Item 4 Repairworks.
[51] The court rejects Mangkubumi’s contentions that the
amounts of RM150,000.00 and RM180,000.00 were not
meant as an advance payment for the Item 1 Repairworks
and Item 2 Repairworks respectively.
[52] From an examination of the Repairworks Table, it is clear
that the amounts of RM150,000.00 and RM180,000.00 were
not intended to be deducted from Item 1 Repairworks and
Item 2 Repairworks individually, but rather the total amount
of RM330,000.00 (RM150,000.00 + RM180,000.00) should
be deducted from the overall sum of RM521,482.34, which
includes the costs of all 5 repairworks in totality.
[53] Mangkubumi’s payment vouchers dated 15.4.2019 and
23.1.2019 show that both the RM150,000.00 and
RM180,000.00 were labeled as “ADVANCE PAYMENT -
TG KARANG PROJECT.” This indicates that the payments
were intended as insurance advance payments for all five
repairworks in Tanjong Karang.
[54] During the re-examination, PW1 confirmed that the payment
vouchers specified “ADVANCE PAYMENT” and that there
was no mention of repairworks. The documents therefore
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clearly indicate the nature of the payments and that
Mangkubumi’s arguments cannot be sustained.
[55] With regards the payment for Item 1 Repairworks and Item
2 Repairworks, the court finds that Kosi's arguments are
more compelling. Although there was payment for Item 1
Repairworks and Item 2 Repairworks that was made
through the insurer which Kosi agreed to, there is no
justification for deducting the excess amounts of
RM75,000.00 and RM50,000.00 respectively from the
claimed amounts. The inclusion of the excess clause in an
insurance policy is a risk allocation measure typically aimed
at limiting the insurer's liability, which is agreed to by the
insured party contractually. However, it should not unfairly
shift the burden onto Kosi, who reasonably expected to be
reimbursed for the full amount of the works performed. Kosi
should not bear the consequences of an insurance
arrangement, which it is not a party to, that does not
adequately cover its expenses. From an equitable
standpoint, it is fair and just that Kosi receives the full
amount for the works performed. Kosi fulfilled its obligations
under the contract and should not be penalised for
limitations or deficiencies in Mangkubumi’s insurance
coverage. However, given that an adjustment by the insurer
is made for the repairworks bills, this should be taken into
account as it could reasonably be expected by Kosi that it
will be subjected to the adjustment when it agreed to be
paid by the insurer. Therefore, Kosi should be paid the
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adjusted value of RM186,829.58 for Item 1 Repairworks
and RM153,471.40 for Item 2 Repairworks.
[56] I now turn to Item 4 Repairworks. The court does not accept
Kosi’s argument that based on Clause 17 of the Letter of
Award, Kosi is not responsible for damages caused by a
third party during the Item 4 Repairworks, Mangkubumi
should pay the full amount claimed for Item 4 Repairworks,
which is RM56,004.00. Kosi’s reference to Clause 17 of the
Letter of Award is irrelevant, as the real issue for Item 4
Repairworks is not who damaged the cable but rather
whether Kosi performed the repair work to Mangkubumi’s
satisfaction, a matter not addressed in Kosi’s submission.
[57] The evidence before the court establishes that Kosi failed to
conduct the repairworks properly and in accordance with
Mangkubumi’s instructions. Damage to Telekom Malaysia's
Fibre Optic Cable was reported at multiple locations,
attributed to Kosi’s cable routing, as stated in Mangkubumi’s
letter dated 18.6.2020. In the letter addressed to Kosi,
Mangkubumi stated:
“Perkara di atas adalah dirujuk serta laporan
kerosakan yang diterima daripada pihak Telekom
Malaysia (TM) melalui aplikasi whatsapp group
'Utiliti Tg Karang Sabak':-
1) 02hb Jun 2020 - Laporan Kerosakan Kabel
TM Berhampiran Kawasan Pembinaan Jejantas
Sungai Besar Berhadapan Klinik Kesihatan Sungai
Besar (LHS)
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2) 05hb Jun 2020 - Laporan Kerosakan Kabel
TM Berhampiran Persimpangan Simpang 3 Loji
3) 09hb Jun 2020 Laporan Kerosakan Kabel TM
Berhampiran Persimpangan Kampung Sungai
Limau (LHS)
2. Adalah dengan ini, pihak tuan perlu
membuktikan bahawa laluan kabel yang dijalankan
sebelum ini berada dalam keadaan yang selamat
(bermaksud terhindar daripada gangguan kawasan
pembinaar, yang sedang dijalankan seperti kerja-
kerja piling, pengorekan, dan tidak berdekatan
dengan laluan paip air dan lain-lain.
3. Pihak kami tidak teragak-agak akan
mengenakan 'backcharged' kepada pihak tuan
sekiranya laluan kabel yang dijalankan oleh pihak
tuan tidak mengikut laluan yang sebenar (seperti
lukisan pembinaan dan pengesahan kerja oleh
pihak Mangkubumi dan Perunding ZAQ atau pihak
JKR sebelum ini.
4. Maklumbalas segera terhadap perkara ini
amatlah kami hargai terutamanya tanggungan
sepenuhnya terhadap kos pembaikan sementara
oleh pihak Telekom (jika ada) dan kos pembaikan
sepenuhnya untuk kos pembaikan kekal
(permanent cable).”
[58] Despite Mangkubumi’s request for proof of safe routing,
Kosi neglected to respond, demonstrating its failure in
addressing the issue. Mangkubumi explicitly stated its right
to “backcharge” Kosi if the cable routing failed to meet the
required standards. Moreover, Mangkubumi informed Kosi
in its letter dated 29.7.2020 to Kosi that piling works had to
be halted due to damage to Telekom Malaysia's cable on
2.6.2020 causing delay in the piling works which resulted in
a setback to the completion of the entire project.
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[59] Based on an incident report in Kosi’s letter to Mangkubumi
dated 4.8.2020, it is evident from the report that Kosi’s cable
routing was not safe as requested or instructed by
Mangkubumi. The report confirms that the cable routing had
deviated to the main road due to concrete blockage, rather
than following the intended route.
[60] The court recogniwes Mangkubumi's right to withhold
payment to Kosi for Item 4 Repairworks, justifying it under
Section 74 of the Contracts Act 1950. Section 74 provides
that when a contract is breached, the party harmed by the
breach can seek compensation from the party responsible
for the breach. This compensation includes any loss or
damage that naturally resulted from the breach or was
anticipated by both parties at the time of contract formation.
However, it excludes any loss or damage that is indirect or
not a foreseeable result of the breach. Therefore,
Mangkubumi is entitled to compensation for the losses
incurred due to Kosi's non-performance, which led to delays
in the project.
[61] In conclusion, the total amount chargeable by Kosi to
Mangkubumi for Items 1, 2, 3 and 5 Repairworks is
RM390,224.98. This is broken down as follows:
a) Item 1 Repairworks: RM186,829.58;
b) Item 2 Repairworks: RM153,471.40;
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c) Item 3 Repairworks: RM5,540.00; and
d) Item 5 Repairworks: RM44,384.00.
[62] After deducting the advance payment of RM330,000.00
from the total amount of RM390,224.98, the remaining
balance that Mangkubumi is liable to Kosi for the
Repairworks is RM60,224.98.
Mangkubumi’s defence of set-off
[63] Mangkubumi’s position is that Kosi is entitled to be
indemnified and recover its legal cost of RM510,730.00
incurred in Suit 187 pursuant to the Letter of Award and the
Akujanji dated 27.2.2020. This is the basis of Mangkubumi’s
defence of set-off, claiming that when this legal cost of
RM510,730.00 is deducted from Kosi’s counterclaim
amount, Kosi’s claim is extinguished.
[64] In respect of the Letter of Award, Mangkubumi contends
and submits as follows:
a) Mangkubumi is entitled to be indemnified by Kosi for
the payment of RM1,163,211.93 made to Ambank as
part of an amicable settlement in Suit 187 between
Ambank and Mangkubumi.
b) The Facility provided by Ambank was intended to
finance approved progress claims, issue letters of
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credit, and provide general working capital related to
the Letter of Award.
c) Kosi and Ambank reached a settlement during the
appeal proceeding, resulting in Mangkubumi making
the payment to Ambank, fully discharging both
parties' liabilities towards Ambank.
d) While Kosi agrees to deduct the payment from its
total claim, it disputes the obligation to indemnify
Mangkubumi for the legal costs incurred in defending
the legal action initiated by Ambank.
e) The indemnity charges demanded for the payment
made to Ambank and the legal costs incurred are
justified by the provisions of the Letter of Award and
f) Under Clause 17 of the Letter of Award, Kosi is
required to indemnify Mangkubumi for all liability,
charges, and expenses incurred as a result of any
breach, undertakings, obligations, or omissions by
Kosi in carrying out the Works.
g) Additionally, Clause 21 of the Letter of Award grants
Mangkubumi the right to set-off any expenses
suffered or incurred against any monies due to Kosi.
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h) Mangkubumi emphasises that Kosi obtained the
Facility from Ambank to support its financial needs
for the Works, further supporting its argument for
[65] In respect of the Akujanji, Mangkubumi contends and
submits as follows:
a) The Akujanji was issued during negotiations or
discussions between the parties to prevent Ambank
from taking legal action. Kosi, through its directors
and shareholders, confirmed its responsibility for all
payments related to the Facility and agreed to
indemnify Kosi against any claims, costs, and
expenses arising from it. The Facility, as outlined in
Ambank’s Letter to Kosi dated 28.9.2016 (“the Letter
of Offer”), was intended to assist Kosi financially in
carrying out the Works, including general working
capital related to the Letter of Award. If the Facility
was not related to the Works, Ambank would not
have granted it.
b) The Letter of Offer is covered under the Letter of
Award and Kosi is liable for Kosi's legal costs. Kosi
has paid all the legal costs incurred to the respective
solicitors, as evidenced in the documents. There is
no requirement under the Letter of Award or Akujanji
for Kosi to consult or discuss legal fees with Kosi.
The appointment of a solicitor is discretionary and
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that each party is free to appoint its preferred legal
c) The Akujanji was issued by Kosi, not by its directors
and shareholders in its personal capacity. The
wording, context, and sentences of the Akujanji
clearly indicate that it is from Kosi and not from the
individual directors/shareholders. The Akujanji was
executed by the signatories as shareholders and
directors of Kosi, and it pertains to the Facility
involving Kosi, Mangkubumi, and Ambank.
d) Despite the absence of a round rubber stamp on the
Akujanji, it was officially issued by Kosi. Another
rubber stamp of Kosi, containing its full name,
registration number, address, and telephone number,
is present on the Akujanji, similar to other official
documents such as the Letter of Award.
e) Even if the Akujanji was considered to be from the
directors/shareholders in its personal capacity, it
would not negate Kosi's primary liability, and the
directors/shareholders could not be named as
defendants personally.
[66] To understand Mangkubumi’s position regarding the
Akujanji, the full text of the document is produced below:
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“Kami, Roseli bin Hussein no. kad pengenalan
571026-04-5063, Zarinah Binti Dolah no. kad
pengenalan 661206-10-5106 dan Mohammad Hairi
Bin Rahim no. kad pengenalan 840118-14-5291
sebagai pengarah-pengarah dan pemegang saham
203090-K) dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa
kemudahan kewangan “Domestic Recourse
Factoring Facility” berjumlah RM 8,500,000.00
yang diluluskan oleh AmBank (M) Berhad hanya
melibatkan pihak KOSI Engineering Sdn Bhd (No.
Syarikat: 203090-K) dengan Ambank (M) Berhad
sahaja. Kami juga (KOSI Engineering Sdn Bhd (No.
Syarikat: 203090-K)) mengesahkan bahawa
Mangkubumi Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 546556-H)
tiada kaitan langsung berhubung perkara di atas
dan Mangkubumi Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 546556-
H) tidak bertanggungjawab untuk membuat
pembayaran apa-apa jumlah tertunggak kepada
AmBank (M) Berhad.
Kami juga (KOSI Engineering Sdn Bhd (No.
Syarikat: 203090-K)) akan bertanggungjawab
sepenuhnya terhadap pembayaran kepada
AmBank (M) Berhad serta akan mematuhi terma-
terma perjanjian di antara pihak KOSI Engineering
Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 203090-K) dengan Ambank
(M) Berhad tersebut. Sekiranya kami ingkar di
dalam pembayaran kemudahan pembiayaan di
atas kepada AmBank (M) Berhad, kami
mengesahkan dan berakujanji bahawa KOSI
Engineering Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 203090-K)
akan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap
jumlah tertunggak tersebut.
Selanjutnya, kami mengesahkan dan berakujanji
akan menggantirugi Mangkubumi Sdn Bhd (No.
Syarikat: 546556-H) terhadap apa-apa tuntutan,
kos, perbelanjaan dan tindakan yang akan di ambil
atau telah di ambil oleh AmBank (M) Berhad
berhubung dengan kemudahan kewangan
“Domestic Recourse Factoring Facility” yang
disebutkan di atas. Kami juga akan menanggung
segala kerugian dari segala tuntutan kos dan
perbelanjaan yang ditimpa atau ditanggung atau
membebankan Mangkubumi Sdn Bhd (No.
Syarikat: 546556-H) hasil dari kegagalan KOSI
Engineering Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 203090-K)
menyelesaikan kemudahan kewangan “Domestic
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Recourse Factoring Facility” kepada AmBank (M)
[67] The relevant signing portion of the Akujanji is produced
[68] Kosi’s position is that it should not be held responsible for
indemnifying Mangkubumi in relation to the legal costs
incurred in Suit 187 as the indemnification provision of
Clause 17 does not apply to Suit 187. In this regard, Kosi
contends and submits as follows:
a) Suit 187 involved a failure to make payments to
AmBank and was not connected to Mangkubumi's
contractual obligations under the Letter of Award.
During cross-examination, Mangkubumi's witness
confirmed that Suit 187 was unrelated to
Mangkubumi's failure to perform the sub-package
works mentioned in the Letter of Award.
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b) According to Clause 17 of the Letter of Award, the
Sub-Contractor (Kosi) is required to indemnify the
Contractor (Mangkubumi) for any breaches caused
by the Sub-Contractor or its representatives in
carrying out the Works. However, as Suit 187 falls
outside the scope of the Project works specified in
the Letter of Award, Kosi is not obligated to
indemnify Mangkubumi for Suit 187.
[69] Clause 17 is produced below for reference:
“(a) The Sub-Contractor shall save harmless and
indemnify the Contractor from and against all
claims, proceedings, liabilities, damages, costs,
losses, charges and expenses of any nature
whatsoever suffered or incurred by the Contractor
arising out of or in connection with any breach
caused by the Sub-Contractor or any of its agents,
servants or other authorised person of the Sub-
Contractor's undertakings and obligations herein
and in respect of any act or omission by the Sub-
Contractor in carrying out the Works.”
[70] The court finds that Mangkubumi is entitled to be
indemnified for legal fees amounting to RM503,020.00 and
RM7,710.00 (a total of RM510,730.00) paid by Mangkubumi
to its lawyers in the defence of Suit 187, including
proceedings up to the Court of Appeal. This is established
through the bills from Messrs Azlan Shah Sukdev & Co and
Messrs Mahadi Redzuan & Co adduced as evidence, along
with payment proof that corroborates with the figures
testified to by Mohamed Najib in his witness statement
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detailing the legal costs incurred in Suit 187 across both law
firms that acted for Mangkubumi.
[71] Mangkubumi’s evidence in this regard as provided by DW1
(Mohamad Najib Mohamed Daud, Mangkubumi’s director)
was that Kosi obtained financing via the Facility from
AmBank but failed to repay it, resulting in legal action
against Kosi and Mangkubumi. Mangkubumi did not
acknowledge AmBank's claim and insists that Kosi bears
full responsibility for the loan. A series of meetings
occurred, leading to Kosi executing the Akujanji to cover
AmBank's claim and all associated costs. Mangkubumi paid
the legal fees and under the terms of the Akujanji, Kosi is
obligated to reimburse Mangkubumi for these expenses.
[72] Mangkubumi's reliance on Clause 17 of the Letter of Award
to assert its right to claim and hold Kosi responsible for
indemnification and the payment of expenses and costs
incurred as a result of AmBank's claim is problematic
because there is insufficient evidence to establish a direct
link between Kosi's alleged negligence or failure to perform
its Project obligations and Suit 187. There is no evidence
that clearly demonstrates that Suit 187 is a consequence of
Kosi's actions or omissions related to the Project.
Furthermore, during cross-examination, it was
acknowledged by DW1 that Suit 187 does not involve any
failure by Mangkubumi to carry out the sub-package works
specified in the Letter of Award.
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[73] However, there is no such problem in relation to the reliance
of Mangkubumi on the Akujanji to claim indemnity for the
legal fees for Suit 187. The last paragraph of the Akujanji
clearly states that Kosi confirms and pledges to indemnify
Mangkubumi against any claims, costs, expenses, and
actions that AmBank may take or has taken in relation to
the mentioned 'Domestic Recourse Factoring Facility'. In
other words, Kosi agreed to cover all losses resulting from
its failure to fulfill the obligations of the Ambank Facility and
protect Mangkubumi from any financial consequences
arising from it. It is not disputed that the Akujanji was
executed in relation to Suit 187.
[74] The only issue raised by Kosi in respect of the Akujanji was
that the Akujanji was entered into by the individuals Roseli
Bin Hussein, Zarinah Binti Dolah, and Mohammad Hairi Bin
Rahim in their personal capacity, not on behalf of Kosi. I
cannot find this to be true. From a careful examination of
the Akujanji, it is clear that the Akujanji was given by Kosi,
and not the individuals who signed it. The only potential
argument in favour of Kosi is that the Akujanji begins with
the words “Kami, Roseli bin Hussein no. kad pengenalan
571026-04-5063, Zarinah Binti Dolah no. kad pengenalan
661206-10-5106 dan Mohammad Hairi Bin Rahim no. kad
pengenalan 840118-14-5291 sebagai pengarah-pengarah
dan pemegang saham KOSI ENGINEERING SDN BHD
(No. Syarikat: 203090-K)” which Kosi argues to mean that it
is an indemnity given by the individuals stated. However,
from the overall reading of the Akujanji it is clear that the
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words mean that Roseli bin Hussein, Zarinah Binti Dolah,
and Mohammad Hairi Bin Rahim as directors and/or
shareholders of Kosi are making the statements that follow.
There was no indemnity given by the individuals in the
[75] The rest of the text in the Akujanji which follows from “Kami
juga (KOSI Engineering Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 203090-K))
akan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya …” indicates that the
indemnity is given by Kosi and not the individuals. Critically,
for the purpose of the indemnity for the legal fees, it is the
last paragraph that firmly establishes Kosi’s obligation to
reimburse Mangkubumi for the legal fees.
[76] The Akujanji document was issued by Kosi, despite the lack
of Kosi’s round rubber stamp. This is supported by the
presence of Kosi's other rubber stamp on the Akujanji,
which includes crucial details such as the company's full
name, registration number, address, and telephone number.
The presence of this rubber stamp on the Akujanji aligns
with the practice of using rubber stamps on official
documents, as seen in other authoritative documents like
the Letter of Award.
[77] Given the above, the court finds that Mangkubumi is
successful in proving its defence of set-off against Kosi’s
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[78] The court found above that Kosi’s counterclaim against
Mangkubumi was successful for a sum of RM197,438.14.
This is set-off by the legal fees incurred by Mangkubumi by
way of indemnity. Deducting the Plaintiff's legal cost of
RM510,730.00 from Kosi’s successful claim amount of
RM197,438.14 will extinguish the whole of Kosi’s claim
against Mangkubumi. There is no outstanding amount for
Mangkubumi to pay to Kosi.
[79] I pause here to note that the set-off as claimed by
Mangkubumi satisfies the requirements of set-off as
decided in Permodalan Plantations Sdn. Bhd v Rachuta
Sdn Bhd [1985] 1 CLJ 62 where Salleh Abas LP observed:
“The characteristics of set-off as contained in O. 18
r. 17 are that (1) it is a cross-claim for a sum of
money, ascertained or otherwise; (2) it is relied as a
defence to meet the whole or part of plaintiff's
claim, and (3) that it is immaterial whether it is
added or not as a counterclaim as long as it is
included in the defence.”
[80] This defence was specifically raised by Mangkubumi in
paragraph 7A (g) of the Amended Defence to Counterclaim,
indicating its intention to offset any amounts owed to it
against Kosi’s claim.
“(g) sekiranya ditolak jumlah tuntutan balas
Defendan tersebut, maka ia akan meninggalkan
jumlah -RM182.034.05. Demikain itu, Plaintif tiada
liabiliti dan Defendan langsung tidak berhak kepada
apa jua bayarandaripada Plaintif.”
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[81] The defence of set-off has proven successful, as the
Mangkubumi’s claim surpasses Kosi’s, resulting in a net
amount owed by Kosi to Mangkubumi. Mangkubumi is
therefore not liable for any part of Kosi’s claim in this action.
[82] In the premise, based on the findings of the court above, the
claim of the Plaintiff in the Counterclaim is dismissed as the
Defendant in the Counterclaim is successful in its defence
of set-off which extinguishes the whole of the counterclaim.
[83] The court orders that costs of RM15,000 is to be paid by
Kosi to Mangkubumi.
4 January 2024
Kuala Lumpur High Court
(Commercial Division)
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For the Plaintiff in
Lim Kien Huat with Felicia Paula Mojikon
(Messrs Lee & Lim)
For the Defendant
in the
Syafiq Amani
(Messrs. Mahadi Redzuan & Co)
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| 64,537 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCvC-3653-08/2023 | PEMOHON LOW KIM HONG RESPONDEN TETUAN CHIENG & LUM ASSOCIATESPIHAK KETIGA1. ) LOW SU KIAN 2. ) Low Seow Kian | The backstory of this case is rather delicate as it involves a family dispute over some shares transferred from a father to his son, challenged by his other children. In general, the basis of Enclosure 1, is pertaining to the transfer of 648,450 unit of shares (Shares) owned by the Plaintiff in Sritama Sdn. Bhd. (Company) to his son, Low Shee Kian (1st Son). The Defendant issued a letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company Secretary to cancel the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son. The Company Secretary replied through a letter dated 18.7.2023 where the Company Secretary requested a copy of the appointment letter of the Defendant's firm as the Plaintiff's solicitor. The Defendant through a letter dated 18.7.2023 to the Company Secretary, informed them that the Plaintiff’s daughter was authorised by the Plaintiff to appoint the Defendant. The two letters issued by the Defendant dated 17.7.2023 and 18.7.2023 (Letters) were disputed by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff filed this suit to declare that he has not appointed the Defendant to represent him, of which the Defendant adamantly stated otherwise. In this context, for lack of authority or no authority to act, it warrants the act of solicitors as a nullity (see Syawal Enterprise Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dayadiri Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 MLRH 244; [1990] 3 MLJ 239; [1990] 3 CLJ 165, William Jacks & Co (M) Sdn Bhd v. Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor [1991] 1 MLRA 264; [1991] 2 MLJ 555; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 492 and Ranhill Holdings Bhd v. Mohd Fakrunizam Ibrahim, [2021] MLJU 2205; [2021] MLRHU 1715). | 03/01/2024 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO: WA-24NCVC-3653-08/2023
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Tetuan
Chieng & Lum Associates dan
surat bertarikh 17.07.2023 dan
18.7.2023 kepada Tetuan T & L
Consultants Sdn. Bhd.,
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Seksyen
41, 50, 51, 52 dan 53 Akta Relif
Spesifik 1950;
Dalam Perkara mengenai Aturan
29 Kaedah 1 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
Dalam Perkara mengenai Aturan 5
Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Aturan
15 Kaedah 16 dan Aturan 92
Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
03/01/2024 12:31:11
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(NO. K/P : 420807-10-5139)
(Disaman sebagai sebuah firma)
[1] The orders sought by the Plaintiff in this Originating Summons
(Enclosure 1) are primarily for:
(a) a declaration that Messrs Chieng & Lum Associates
(Defendant) are not solicitors for the Plaintiff and not entitled
to represent the Plaintiff in any matters or proceedings;
(b) that the Defendant withdraw their letters dated 17.07.2023 and
18.07.2023 issued to Messrs T&L Consultants Sdn. Bhd.; and
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(c) an interim injunction first and thereafter a permanent injunction
to be issued to the effect that the Defendant refrains from
holding out that they are the Plaintiff’s solicitors in any matters
or proceedings.
[2] The grounds in support as stated in Enclosure 1 are as reproduced-
“1. Plaintif merupakan bapa kepada Low Shee Kian (L1), Low Su Kian (L2)
iaitu anak-anak lelaki Plaintif dan Low Seow Kian (L3) iaitu anak
Perempuan Plaintif.
2. Plaintif adalah pengarah dan pemegang saham sebanyak 648,450 unit
(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “saham tersebut”) dalam syarikat Sritama
Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 197701004436 [35491-P]) (selepas ini dirujuk
sebagai “syarikat tersebut”). Pengarah-pengarah lain adalah anak-anak
Plaintif iaitu L1 dan L2. Pemegang-pemegang saham lain adalah L1
sebanyak 123,250 saham dan L2 sebanyak 64,800 saham.
3. Pada 11.07.2023, Plaintif telah mengarahkan Tetuan T&L Consultants
Sdn Bhd (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “T&L”) iaitu setiausaha syarikat
kepada syarikat tersebut supaya menyediakan dokumen-dokumen yang
diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pemindahan milik saham tersebut
kepada L1 (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “pemindahan tersebut”).
4. Namun, pada 17.07.2023 T&L telah menerima surat daripada Defendan
yang kononnya bertindak bagi Plaintif untuk, antara lain, membatalkan
pemindahan tersebut dan memintakan dokumen-dokumen tersebut
dikembalikan kepada Defendan.
5. Apabila ditanya oleh T&L melalui surat T&L bertarikh 18.07.2023 kepada
Defendan, Defendan melalui suratnya bertarikh 18.07.2023
memaklumkan bahawa Defendan adalah dilantik oleh anak perempuan
Plaintif, iaitu L3 selepas diberi kuasa oleh Plaintif.
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6. Plaintif selepas itu telah melantik Tetuan Raja Eleena Siew Ang &
Associates (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “Tetuan RESA”) dan
mengarahkan Tetuan RESA supaya menulis kepada Defendan untuk
mempertikaikan pelantikan mereka sebagai peguamcara Plaintif dan
mengarahkan Defendan untuk menarik balik surat mereka bertarikh
17.07.2023 kepada T&L dan juga memohon maaf kepada Plaintif
terhadap perbuatan mereka.
7. Selepas itu, Plaintif telah pada 25.07.2023 melantik Tetuan Goik,
Ramesh & Loo (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “Tetuan GRL”) sebagai
peguamcara baru Plaintif untuk menggantikan Tetuan RESA. Plaintif
telah mengarahkan Tetuan GRL untuk menulis kepada T&L untuk
memaklumkan kepada mereka supaya melaksanakan pindah milik
8. Akibat dari insiden-insiden di atas terutamanya surat Defendan bertarikh
17.07.2023 (ekshibit LKH-4) dan 18.07.2023 (ekshibit LKH-5) kepada
T&L dimana Defendan masih bertegas bahawa mereka adalah masih
peguamcara Plaintif dan mempunyai kuasa untuk bertindak bagi pihak
Plaintif, T&L telah pada 27.07.2023 memfailkan satu Saman Pemula
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur No.: WA-24NCC-405-07/2023
(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “tindakan tersebut”) untuk arahan daripada
9. Tindakan Defendan di atas adalah amat angkuh dan tidak
mempedulikan hak Plaintif. Perbuatan Defendan amat tidak professional
dan keterlaluan. Walaupun peguamcara Plaintif telah dalam surat
mereka bertarikh 03.08.2023 di atas telah menawarkan kepada
Defendan untuk Defendan sendiri datang ke pejabat Tetuan GRL untuk
melihat surat Pelantikan Peguamcara yang telah ditandatangani oleh
Plaintif, Defendan enggan berbuat demikian dan masih mahu
peguamcara Plaintif memberikan kepada mereka sesalinan surat
Pelantikan Peguamcara tersebut. Sudah tentu Tetuan GRL tidak akan
memberikan satu salinan surat Pelantikan Peguamcara tersebut kerana
ianya adalah satu surat “private & confidential” di antara Plaintif dan
peguamcara Plaintif.
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10. Plaintif berhak untuk memfailkan tindakan ini demi untuk menjaga
kepentingan dan hak Plaintif. T&L boleh memfailkan tindakan mereka di
atas ke Mahkamah untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka dan tindakan
tersebut tidak kena mengena dengan tindakan ini dan tidak boleh
memudaratkan hak Plaintif untuk memfailkan tindakan ini. Tindakan ini
juga tidak berniat untuk menjejaskan prosiding tersebut.
11. Tindakan salah Defendan dengan mewakili Plaintif tanpa apa-apa
perlantikan yang sah, benar dan/atau betul daripada Plaintif dan
tindakan Defendan dengan bertindak tanpa arahan Plaintif telah
menjejaskan dan memprejudiskan teruk terhadap hak-hak Plaintif;
12. Kemudaratan Plaintif tidak boleh dipampas dengan kos kerana
Defendan telah menjejaskan hak Plaintif dimana sebarang kerugian
yang akan dialami oleh Plaintif tidak dapat didapat dikompensasikan
dengan wang;
13. Plaintif mempunyai kes yang baik (“good case”) terhadap Defendan;
14. Imbangan keadilan dan kesenangan (“balance of justice and
convenience”) memihak (“favour”) kepada injunksi ini diberikan.”.
[3] The backstory of this case is rather delicate as it involves a family
dispute over some shares transferred from a father to his son, challenged
by his other children. In general, the basis of Enclosure 1, is pertaining to
the transfer of 648,450 unit of shares (Shares) owned by the Plaintiff in
Sritama Sdn. Bhd. (Company) to his son, Low Shee Kian (1st Son).
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[4] On 11.07.2023, the Plaintiff went to the Company Secretary namely
T&L Consultants Sdn. Bhd. (Company Secretary), together with the 1st
Son where the Plaintiff executed the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son.
[5] It was contended by the Defendant that the Plaintiff then informed
his daughter, Low Seow Kian, that he did not wish to proceed with the
transfer of Shares and gave his daughter the authority to find a solicitor
to stop the said transfer of Shares and maintain the status quo.
[6] The Defendant then issued a letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company
Secretary to cancel the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son. The Company
Secretary replied through a letter dated 18.7.2023 where the Company
Secretary requested a copy of the appointment letter of the Defendant's
firm as the Plaintiff's solicitor.
[7] The Defendant through a letter dated 18.7.2023 to the Company
Secretary, informed them that the Plaintiff’s daughter was authorised by
the Plaintiff to appoint the Defendant. The two letters issued by the
Defendant dated 17.7.2023 and 18.7.2023 (Letters) were disputed by the
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[8] Subsequently, Messrs. Raja Eleena Siew Ang & Associates (RESA)
issued a letter dated 21.07.2023 to the Defendant informing that they
represented the Plaintiff and demanded the Defendant to withdraw its
letter dated 17.07.2023 to the Company Secretary.
[9] Thereafter, Messrs Goik Ramesh & Loo (GRL) replaced RESA and
issued the Defendant a letter dated 25.7.2023 informing that GRL has
replaced RESA as the Plaintiff's solicitor and demanded that the
Defendant withdraw the letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company Secretary.
Both letters dated 21.07.2023 and 25.7.2023 clearly indicated to the
Defendant, that they are the solicitors representing the Plaintiff at all times.
[10] The letter of appointment of Messrs GRL in Enclosure 2 at Exhibit
“LKH-8” is reproduced-
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[11] The issue at hand is simply-
Whether the Plaintiff has appointed the Defendant to represent him or
otherwise? If the answer is in the negative, therefore, the Defendant must
retract its’ letters dated 17.07.2023 and 18.07.2023 to T&L Consultants
Sdn Bhd, the Company Secretary, as the Defendant has no authority to
do so.
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[12] The Plaintiff filed this suit to declare that he has not appointed the
Defendant to represent him, of which the Defendant adamantly stated
[13] In Malaysia, the right to representation is enshrined in Article 5 of
our Federal Constitution particularly for an accused person (see Article
5(3) of the Federal Constitution and also in the Criminal Procedure Code
at section 255). Eventhough the law is silent for civil litigant, it is
indisputable that access to judicial process is also granted in civil matters
as a matter of human rights for the right to choose or appoint a solicitor is
one’s choice.
[14] The crux of the Plaintiff's case is that, in fact, the Defendant had not
been appointed to represent the Plaintiff thus has no authority to act for
the Plaintiff.
[15] In terms of proving one’s case, when a person is bound to prove the
existence of any fact, the burden of proof lies on that person. This Court
finds that since the Defendant contended that it was appointed by the
Plaintiff, therefore, the burden is on the Defendant to prove that it was duly
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appointed by the Plaintiff and was instructed by the Plaintiff to issue the
Letters (see sections 101 and 102 of the Evidence Act 1950).
[16] In Ranbaxy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Ei Du Pont Nemours And
Company [2012] 4 MLJ 34; [2012] 9 CLJ 79; [2012] 4 MLRA 370 (CA),
on the application of sections 101 and 102 of the Evidence Act 1950, it
was held that-
“[68] The present case is a civil case, where the court decides based on
the evidence adduced during trial on the balance of probabilities. Under
s 101 of the Evidence Act 1950 the person who asserts the existence of
any fact must prove the fact exists. s 102 of the same act stipulates that
the burden of proof in a suit or proceeding lies on that person who would
fail if no evidence at all were given on either side. What the respondent
needs to do (as the defendant to the present claim) is to enter
appearance within time and to be represented by counsel to handle the
proceeding on its behalf; to file the necessary statement of defence and
counterclaim as well as other follow-up documents to get the matter
ready for trial...".
[17] The Defendant contended that it was appointed and instructed by
the Plaintiff’s daughter. In this regard, the burden is on the Defendant to
prove and produce the authorization letter signed by the Plaintiff
appointing the daughter as such, if any, but none.
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[18] The Defendant had also provided two (2) statutory declarations from
the Plaintiff’s daughters; namely Low Seow Kian and Low Tong Chan
stating that the Plaintiff has mandated, authorised and entrusted Low
Seow Kian to stop the transfer of the Shares in the Company to the 1st
Son and that thereafter, Low Seow Kian had appointed the Defendant to
stop the transfer of the Shares and to return all share documents to the
Defendant for safe keeping.
[19] However, this Court finds that nowhere from the evidence, could be
found that the Plaintiff had confirmed this authorisation allegedly given to
his daughter.
[20] In this context, for lack of authority or no authority to act, it warrants
the act of solicitors as a nullity (see Syawal Enterprise Sdn Bhd & Anor
v. Dayadiri Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 MLRH 244; [1990] 3 MLJ 239; [1990] 3
CLJ 165, William Jacks & Co (M) Sdn Bhd v. Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd
& Anor [1991] 1 MLRA 264; [1991] 2 MLJ 555; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 492
and Ranhill Holdings Bhd v. Mohd Fakrunizam Ibrahim, [2021] MLJU
2205; [2021] MLRHU 1715).
[21] Further, in Ranhill Holdings Bhd (supra), it was held-
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“[33] I should first state that the defendant's reliance on the decisions
in Syawal Enterprise (supra) and William Jacks & Co (supra) merely
confirms that the lack of mandate of the lawyers may result in a nullity
of the proceedings that may be set aside and that a challenge for that
purpose may be raised at any stage of the proceedings. But these
cases also made it clear that the allegation that the action has been
brought or defended by solicitors who were not so authorised must,
like any other allegation, be proved by sufficient evidence.”.
[22] The Defendant had also contended that the Plaintiff has a very weak
mental capacity and was manipulated by the 1st Son and that the Plaintiff
is illiterate. However, there was no evidence produced by the Defendant
in support of this contention.
[23] Based on the facts, the form for the transfer of Shares was signed
at the Company Secretary’s office. The Company Secretary had also
dutifully, repeatedly interviewed the Plaintiff to ensure that the Plaintiff had
the necessary and required mental capacity to transfer the Shares to the
1st Son before agreeing to be the witness to the Plaintiff’s signature.
[24] In any event, this Court finds that only the Directors via a company
resolution, can refuse such registration of a transfer of shares and not the
Company Secretary (See section 106 (2) of the Companies Act 2016).
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[25] Therefore, based on the facts of the case from the affidavits filed by
both parties, this Court finds that the Plaintiff has never appointed the
Defendant to represent him. Rightfully, the appointment of solicitors is the
choice of the Plaintiff.
[26] As such, the Defendant has no authority to instruct the Company
Secretary to stop the transfer of Shares from the Plaintiff to the 1st Son.
[27] Thus, Enclosure 1 is allowed for the following Orders-
(a) That Messrs Chieng & Lum Associates are not solicitors for the
Plaintiff and are not entitled to represent the Plaintiff in any
matters or proceedings unless appointed by the Plaintiff in
(b) That the Defendant to withdraw the letters dated 17.07.2023
and 18.07.2023 issued by the Defendant to Messrs T&L
Consultants Sdn. Bhd.;
(c) A permanent injunction to the effect that the Defendant is
refrained from holding out that they are the Plaintiff’s solicitors
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in any matters or proceedings unless appointed by the Plaintiff
in writing; and
(d) Cost.
Judicial Commissioner of the High Court
NCVC1 Kuala Lumpur Court.
Date: 2 January 2024
Tetuan Goik, Ramesh & Loo
Suite N-3-1, 2nd Floor
Block N, Plaza Damas
60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
S/N F09X0a4JAkm/Dmb6nCSN/Q
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Tetuan Law Chambers of Dahlia Lee & Co.
C-06=09. Plaza Mont Kiara,
No. 2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
S/N F09X0a4JAkm/Dmb6nCSN/Q
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| 17,729 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-63-02/2023 | PLAINTIF RHB BANK BERHAD DEFENDAN 1. ) MILLENNIUM SKILL TRAINING ACADEMY SDN BHD 2. ) SIVAMURTHY A/L MUNIANDY 3. ) SHANGKARI A/P SIVAMURTHY 4. ) MOHAMAD FARID BIN ISMAIL | BANKING: Deed of Assignment - Whether absolute assignment or charge - Rights of assignee – Auction - Locus standi of assignee - Whether assignment of property interests amounts to an absolute transfer of rights - Whether legal action premature - Ongoing negotiations | 03/01/2024 | YA Tuan Atan Mustaffa Yussof Ahmad | |
SUIT NO.: WA-22NCC-63-02/2023
[196501000373 (6171-M)]
200801040111 (841460-A)
[IC No.: 541224-07-5565]
[IC No.: 881023-43-5510]
[IC No.: 731104-14-5159]
[1] COVID-19 upended markets and crushed businesses,
leaving countless loan agreements in shambles. So the
borrower fell into arrears, and long negotiations with the
bank proved fruitless, prompting the present debt recovery
action. The borrower and guarantors now cry foul, alleging
settlement talks were still ongoing when the legal claim
unexpectedly surfaced.
[2] Yet beyond assertions of prematurity, the defendants
dispute the very nature of the loan security - an assignment
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WA-22NCC-63-02/2023 Kand. 42
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of property interests - which the bank contends allows it to
liquidate the security. The pivotal issue thus emerges: does
this assignment amount to an absolute transfer of rights
empowering the plaintiff to unilaterally sell the assets? Or is
it a mere charge granting limited rights subject to court
sanction? The loan may have soured, but legal rights and
remedies turn on whether assignment was total or partial.
For between absolute transfer and restrictive charge lies a
gulf of consequence should negotiations break down. On
which side the agreement truly lies will determine if this
action jumps the gun.
Background facts
[3] The First Defendant, Millennium Skill Training Academy
Sdn Bhd, obtained three term loans (Term Loan 1, Term
Loan 2 and Term Loan 3) from the Plaintiff, RHB Bank
Berhad, between August 2016 to September 2016,
amounting to RM3,680,000. The loans were secured by
personal guarantees from the Second to Fourth
Defendants. The loans were documented by the Facilities
Agreement dated 15.11.2016 and the Facility Agreement
dated 17.3.2017 (“the Facility Agreements”). The personal
guarantees were documented by a Personal Guarantee
dated 15.11.2016 (“the Personal Guarantee”) executed by
the Second Defendant, Third Defendant and Fourth
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[4] The First Defendant also executed 3 Deeds of Assignment
dated 15.11.2016 and 17.3.2017 (“Deeds of Assignment”)
in favour of the Plaintiff, assigning the First Defendant's
rights, title, interest and benefits in 3 properties, Lot 19, 20
and 21 held under title GM 3547, Lot 1475, in Mukim
Serendah, District of Hulu Selangor, to the Plaintiff as
security for the repayment of the three term loans granted.
[5] The term loans had monthly installment amounts due from
the First Defendant to the Plaintiff. The First Defendant paid
the monthly installments from 2016 until 21.8.2019, but was
allegedly in default of RM46,773.03 as of 21.8.2019.
[6] When movement restrictions were imposed in Malaysia due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the First Defendant's business
suffered severely, making it harder for them to continue
paying the monthly installments. The First Defendant is a
company that has been providing vocational trainings to
underprivileged students since 2009, including through the
Malaysian Skills Malaysia programme. The First Defendant
was also appointed in June 2021 as a training provider
under a government programme.
[7] Despite the COVID-19 impact, the First Defendant
endeavoured to make monthly installment payments,
although at lower amounts that were at times agreed to by
the Plaintiff. This included monthly amounts of RM3,000
that the First Defendant had continued to pay. However, the
First Defendant was eventually unable to electronically
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deposit these RM3,000 monthly sums into the loan
[8] On 14.2.2023, the Plaintiff filed the present legal action
claiming RM3,895,975.12 plus interest of 9.95%.
Concurrently, the Plaintiff attempted to auction off the 3
properties belonging to the First Defendant that were
pledged as security for the loans, through auctions on
7.4.2023 and 31.5.2023.
The Plaintiff’s claim
[9] In this action the Plaintiff is claiming:
a) RM1,403,826.01 due under Term Loan 1 as of
b) RM1,412,609.24 due under Term Loan 2 as of
c) RM1,079,539.87 due under Term Loan 3 as of
7.2.2023; and
d) Interest on Term Loans 1, 2 and 3 at the rate of
3.50% per annum above the Plaintiff's Base Lending
Rate (which was 6.45% per annum as of 7.2.2023)
on daily rests from 8.2.2023 until full settlement.
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[10] The total amount claimed is RM3,895,975.12 plus interest
at 9.95% per annum.
The Plaintiff’s application
[11] The Plaintiff's application in Enclosure 13 is under Order 14
rule 1 of the Rules of Court 2012 (“ROC 2012”) for summary
judgment against the Defendants.
[12] The Plaintiff seeks summary judgment for:
a) RM1,403,826.01 under Term Loan 1;
b) RM1,412,609.24 under Term Loan 2;
c) RM1,079,539.87 under Term Loan 3; and
d) Interest on daily rests from 8.2.2023 until full
settlement and costs.
Law on Summary Judgment (Order 14)
[13] It is trite that once an application under Order 14 of the
ROC 2012 is shown to have been correctly and properly
filed, the burden shifts and thus rests on the defendant who
desires to resist the application to raise a defence which
shows a “bona fide triable issue”, in the sense of an issue
which justifies and warrants the matter to be considered at
the trial proper.
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[14] Order 14 rule 3 of the ROC 2012 provides that unless the
defendant satisfies the court with respect to the claim, or the
part of a claim, to which the application relates that:-
(a) there is an issue or question in dispute which ought
to be tried
(b) there ought for some other reason to be a trial of that
claim or part,
the court may give such judgment for the plaintiff against
the defendant on that claim or part as may be just having
regard to the nature of the remedy or relief claimed.
[15] It is useful to refer once again to the often quoted decision
of the former Supreme Court in National Company For
Foreign Trade v Kayu Raya Sdn Bhd [1984] 2 MLJ 300
which ruled as follows:
“We think it appropriate to remind ourselves once
again that in every application under Order 14 the
first considerations are (1) whether the case comes
within the Order and (b) whether the plaintiff has
satisfied the preliminary requirements for
proceeding under Order 14. For the purposes of an
application under Order 14 the preliminary
requirements are:
(i) the defendant must have entered an
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(ii) the statement of claim must have been served
on the defendant; and
(iii) the affidavit in support of the application must
comply with the requirements of Rule 2 of the Order
... If the plaintiff fails to satisfy either of these
considerations, the summons may be dismissed. If
however, these considerations are satisfied, the
plaintiff will have established a prima facie case
and he becomes entitled to judgment. The burden
then shifts to the defendant to satisfy the Court why
judgment should not be given against him.”
[16] The Plaintiff has satisfied these preliminary requirements,
and this is not disputed by the Defendants. Thus, the
burden is now firmly on the Defendants to show that there is
a triable issue that does not justify summary judgment to be
entered against them. If the Defendants can demonstrate
even one triable issue, this court will not grant summary
judgment. But it has to be a genuinely triable issue as would
require a trial in order to determine it (see Voo Min En & Ors
v Leong Chung Fatt [1982] 2 MLJ 241).
Issues to be tried
[17] There are a number of triable issues put forward by the
Defendant in this matter listed as follows:
a) The Deeds of Assignment only assign the properties
by way of charge and not absolute assignment, so
the Plaintiff cannot sell the properties, as this would
amount to unjust enrichment if the Plaintiff is allowed
to execute judgment for full sum;
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b) The Certificate of Indebtedness provides inadequate
information for the Defendants to challenge it or
show any errors;
c) The interest rate sought of 9.95% exceeds the 5%
rate in Practice Direction No. 1 of 2012 and is
therefore exorbitant; and
d) The Plaintiff's action is premature as the First
Defendant had written proposals to pay the monthly
instalments which were not responded to by the
Plaintiff before filing this action.
Analysis and findings of the court
Unjust Enrichment
[18] The Defendants argue that the Plaintiff does not have the
right to auction off the First Defendant's properties under
the Deeds of Assignment, as these assignments are by way
of charge and not absolute assignments according to
section 4(3) of the Civil Law Act 1956. They reference the
case of Yap Chee Keong Holdings Sdn Bhd v Cosmopolitan
Avenue Sdn Bhd [2022] 3 CLJ 764 (High Court) to support
their stance. Furthermore, the Defendants contend that
even if the Plaintiff attempted to auction the properties
before obtaining judgment, the proceeds from such sales
should offset any sums due to the Plaintiff, and therefore,
the Plaintiff is not entitled to judgment on the sum claimed
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prior to the sales. They assert that allowing the Plaintiff to
obtain judgment before the sales would lead to unjust
enrichment, especially since the First Defendant was not
properly informed of the auction proceedings, potentially
allowing the Plaintiff to execute judgment even after the
properties have been sold, which they consider an abuse of
the court process.
[19] I do not agree with the Defendants’ contentions.
[20] The Yap Chee Keong case is not applicable here. This case
concerns whether loan agreements cum assignments
amounted to absolute assignments that removed the
plaintiff's locus standi to file a suit against the property
developer. In the instant case, the Plaintiff is a bank
pursuing its rights to enforce its security interests by way of
auction pursuant to the Deeds of Assignment which
expressly provides for its right to auction of the property as
provided in Section 3.01 of the Deed of Assignment dated
15.11.2016. Section 3.01 reads:
“Section 3.01 ASSIGNMENT
In consideration of the Bank having at the request
of the Assignor granted or made available or
agreed to grant or make available or to continue to
grant and make available the Facilities and for
better securing the payment or repayment of the
Indebtedness, the Assignor as beneficial owner
hereby assigns absolutely to the Bank all the
Assignor's rights, title and interest whatsoever in
and to the Assigned Property and under the Sale
Agreement together with the Assignor's right of
enforcement thereof PROVIDED ALWAYS that
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notwithstanding this Assignment, the Assignor shall
and hereby undertakes to continue to observe and
be bound by all whatsoever conditions, covenants
and stipulations therein on the part of the Assignor
expressed and contained in the Sale Agreement
and the Bank shall have no obligation or liability
under the Sale Agreement by reason of or arising
out of this Assignment, nor shall the Bank be
required or obligated in any manner to observe or
perform any of the conditions or obligations of the
Assignor under or pursuant to the Sale Agreement
or to present or file any claim, or to take any other
action to enforce the terms of the Sale Agreement.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is the intention of the
parties hereto that the assignment created pursuant
to this Section 3.01 shall be an absolute and
unconditional assignment and not an
assignment by way of charge. In the event any of
the provisions of this Assignment is inconsistent
with such express intention of the parties as
aforesaid, such inconsistent provisions shall be
rejected as repugnant and the intention of the
parties as expressed above shall prevail.”
(emphasis added)
[21] Therefore, the issue in Yap Chee Keong of whether
assignments were by way of charge or absolute
assignments, affecting the plaintiff's locus standi, does not
[22] Further, the Defendants’ interpretation that the Deed of
Assignment dated 15.11.2016 should be considered as “by
way of charge only,” thus barring the Plaintiff from selling
the property while also claiming the full outstanding amount
is not supported by the text of the Deed of Assignment,
specifically Section 3.01, which explicitly mentions that the
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assignment is “an absolute and unconditional assignment
and not an assignment by way of charge.”
[23] The Plaintiff's action cannot be considered unjust
enrichment, as it is executed within the legal bounds of the
Deeds of Assignment together with the Facility Agreements.
The Defendants are in default under the Term Loans, and
they have not contested this fact. As a result, the Plaintiff is
well within its rights to enforce its security interests under
Section 7.01 of the Deed of Assignment as well as under
Section 12.23 of the Facility Agreements. Section 12.23
The rights remedies powers and privileges provided
herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any
rights remedies powers and privileges provided by
law. Upon default or breach by the Borrower of any
term, covenant, stipulation and/or undertaking
herein provided and on the part of the Borrower to
be observed and performed, the Bank shall
thereafter have the right to exercise all or any of the
remedies available whether by the Letters of Offer,
this Agreement or Security Documents or by statute
or otherwise and shall be entitled to exercise such
remedies concurrently, including pursuing all
remedies of sale or possession and civil suit to
recover all moneys due and owing to the Bank.”
[24] The case of Pancaran Nilam (M) Sdn Bhd v Malayan
Banking Berhad [2000] 4 CLJ 793 (Court of Appeal) further
solidifies the Plaintiff's position, affirming that an absolute
assignment allows the assignee to take any action with the
property once notice of default has been given to the
assignor. This case concerns the rights of an assignee bank
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to sell properties that were assigned to it under loan
agreements cum assignments, where the borrowers
defaulted. The Court of Appeal held that an absolute
assignment ranks higher than a charge, and the property is
transferred absolutely to the assignee bank if the borrower
defaults. As such, the assignee bank can do anything with
the property once notice of default is given to the borrower.
[25] This aligns seamlessly with the Plaintiff's claims,
substantiating its entitlement to proceed with the auctioning
of the properties and to claim the outstanding amounts.
[26] The Plaintiff has thus met the legal prerequisites to enforce
its rights under the Deed of Assignment and the Facility
Agreements. The contention of the Defendants that this
constitutes unjust enrichment is unfounded and legally
unsustainable. The Plaintiff is thus entitled to both auction
the First Defendant's properties and to claim the full
outstanding amount owed.
Certificate of Indebtedness
[27] The next issue revolves around the Plaintiff's Certificate of
Indebtedness and its status as conclusive evidence of the
Defendants' indebtedness. The Defendants, in their
challenge, argue that they are left in the dark regarding the
figures in the certificate, claiming it unconscionable to rely
solely on the Plaintiff-prepared agreements and urging that
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the Plaintiff should be subject to the same burden of proof
as dictated by the Evidence Act 1950.
[28] The contractual provisions in question have clearly outlined
the legal parameters under which the Certificate of
Indebtedness is to be considered. Specifically, Section
12.12 of the Facility Agreements and Clause 20 of the
Personal Guarantee expressly confer upon a certificate or a
statement of account, duly certified by an authorised officer,
the status of binding and conclusive evidence of the
[29] Section 12.12 of the Facility Agreements reads:
“It is hereby agreed that any admission or
acknowledgment in writing by the Borrower, or any
Security Party, or by any person authorised on their
behalves or a judgment (by default or otherwise
obtained against any of them) or a certificate or a
statement of account in writing showing the
Indebtedness of the Borrower, or any Security
Party, which is duly certified by an authorised
officer of the Bank shall be binding and conclusive
evidence against the Borrower for whatever
purpose including as being conclusive evidence of
the Indebtedness in a court of law.”
[30] Clause 20 of the Personal Guarantee reads:
“A certificate signed by your officer as to the
monies for the time being due or owing to you from
the Customer as aforesaid or as to the liabilities of
the Customer or any account settled or stated by or
between you and the Customer or admitted by the
Customer or on its behalf shall be accepted by
me/us as conclusive evidence that the amount
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appearing thereon is due or owing to you from the
[31] These stipulations are not uncommon in commercial
contracts and have the laudable aim of providing a
straightforward method for resolving issues related to proof
of debt, thereby avoiding protracted litigation.
[32] It is pertinent to refer to the authority of Citibank NA v Ooi
Boon Leong & Ors [1980] 1 LNS 168 (Federal Court) and
Cempaka Finance Bhd v Ho Lai Yin (Berniaga Atas Nama
K.H. Trading) Kor Toong Khoon [2006] 3 CLJ 544 (Federal
Court) both of which have laid down that a certificate of
indebtedness serves as conclusive evidence of the debt
due and shifts the burden of disproving the same onto the
defendant. The principle applied is the inherent acceptance
that the parties, through their contractual freedom, have
agreed to a specific mechanism for establishing
indebtedness. The court should not lightly set aside such
provisions, especially when they have the effect of
streamlining the proof and are not inherently unjust or
[33] The Defendants' claim of a lack of detail in the certificate
does not, on its face, amount to a “manifest error” as
required to overcome the conclusive nature of the
document. The term “manifest error” carries with it a burden
of proving an evident, clear, and obvious mistake, which is
conspicuously absent in the Defendants' argument. It is not
the absence of detail that renders a certificate erroneous
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but the presence of a glaring inaccuracy, which the
Defendants have failed to demonstrate.
[34] Moreover, the Defendants' reliance on the principle that “no
man is above the law,” as elucidated in Re M (A.P.) [1993] 3
CLJ 567 (House of Lords) appears misconceived. The
Plaintiff is not claiming to be above the law but is invoking a
legal provision that both parties had previously agreed
upon. Contractual provisions setting out mechanisms for
proof do not violate the rule of law but rather foster its
application by defining legal relations and the evidentiary
standards applicable thereto.
[35] In light of the foregoing, this court concludes that the
Certificate of Indebtedness dated 7.2.2023, duly executed
and presented by the Plaintiff, serves as conclusive
evidence of the Defendants' indebtedness in the sums
stated therein. The Defendants have failed to demonstrate
any manifest error or to provide any substantive evidence
that could lead to a contrary finding.
[36] Another issue raised by the Defendants concerns the
Plaintiff's entitlement to charge an interest rate of 3.50% per
annum over and above the Base Lending Rate (BLR) of
6.45% per annum from 8.2.2023, until the complete
settlement of the debt. The Defendants contest this claim on
two principal grounds: firstly, that it contravenes Practice
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Direction No. 1 of 2012 which allegedly caps the judgment
interest at 5%; and secondly, that it violates Section
11(1)(a) of the Civil Law Act 1956 (Act 67).
[37] Practice Direction No. 1 of 2012 issued by the Chief Justice
“Bagi menjalankan kuasa-kuasa yang diberikan
kepada saya di bawah Aturan 30, kaedah 6(2);
Aturan 42, kaedah 12; Aturan 44, kaedah 18(1)(b)
& (2); dan Aturan 44, kaedah 19, Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012, saya dengan ini mengarahkan
kadar bunga di bawah peruntukan-peruntukan di
atas ditentukan pada kadar 5 % setahun.
2. Arahan Amalan ini berkuatkuasa mulai 1
Ogos 2012.”
[38] Section 11(1)(a) of the Civil Law Act 1956 reads:
“11 Power of Courts to award interest on debts
and damages
(1) In any proceedings tried in any Court for the
recovery of any debt or damages, the Court may, if
it thinks fit, order that there shall be included in the
sum for which judgment is given interest at such
rate as it thinks fit on the whole or any part of the
debt or damages for the whole or any part of the
period between the date when the cause of action
arose and the date of the judgment:
Provided that nothing in this section -
(a) shall authorise the giving of interest upon
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[39] Upon thorough examination of the presented facts, legal
documentation, and the cited case law, this court finds in
favour of the Plaintiff for several compelling reasons. To
begin with, the contentions advanced by the Defendants
concerning the applicability of Practice Direction No. 1 of
2012 are misplaced. It is abundantly clear that the said
Practice Direction does not govern the present case. The
contractual agreement between the parties, particularly
Clause 6 of the Letter of Offer dated 29.8.2016, explicitly
states the terms under which interest can be levied upon
default. Clause 6 reads:
“In addition and without prejudice to the rights and
remedies of the Bank, if you shall default in the
payment of any sums on their respective due dates
you shall pay interest on such overdue sums at the
rate of 3.5% per annum above the Bank's Base
Lending Rate or such other rate or rates as the
Bank may, at its sole absolute discretion, at any
time and from time to time, impose without notice to
you, and such rate or rates of interest (''the Default
Rate”) shall be payable by you, as well after as
before judgment or demand, from the due date up
to the date of actual repayment.”
[40] The Plaintiff, therefore, reserves the right to enforce the
contractually agreed-upon rate of 3.5% per annum over the
[41] Turning to the argument that the Plaintiff's claim
contravenes Section 11(1)(a) of the Civil Law Act 1956 (Act
67), this contention is equally unmeritorious. The provision
does not extend to the instant case, especially when the
parties have expressly negotiated and agreed upon the
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terms relating to the default interest rate. The contract,
therefore, stands as a separate and self-contained legal
instrument, obviating any statutory constraints that might
otherwise apply in the absence of such an agreement.
[42] In support of this position, this court finds the judgment in
RHB Bank Berhad v Plastech Precision Coating Sdn Bhd &
Anor [2023] 1 LNS 73 to be highly instructive. This case
concerns a bank's claim against company directors who
guaranteed a loan facility taken by their company, where
the company defaulted on repayment. The High Court found
that the defendants were bound by the express terms in the
facility agreement relating to interest rates, including the
higher default interest rates. It held that the bank had strictly
adhered to the terms and conditions stated in the facility
documentation with regard to the prevailing interest rate and
the default interest rate. The defendants failed to show any
omission by the bank in adhering to those terms. Quay
Chew Soon J stated:
“[40] A condition of the usage of the Banking
Facilities is that the borrower has to settle the
outstanding bills upon maturity of the Bankers
Acceptance / Promissory Notes Financing. Owing
to FIRST DEFENDANT's failure to pay the
outstanding bills for the Bankers Acceptance and
the Promissory Notes Financing upon maturity, an
event of default had occurred which triggered P's
rights under clause 11 of the Letter of Offer.
Wherein the interest is automatically imposed at
3.5% per annum above the Bank's Base Lending
[41] The Defendants are fully aware of this term
stated in the Letter of Offer. P has strictly adhered
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to the terms and conditions stated in the Letter of
Offer with regard to the prevailing interest rate and
the default interest rate. The Defendants had failed
to show any omission by P in adhering to the terms
and conditions of the Letter of Offer.
[42] The terms of the Banking Facilities
documentation are clear and the Defendants are
bound by it. The court ought to uphold the same. In
this regard, the observation of the Federal Court in
CIMB Bank Bhd v Maybank Trustees Bhd & Other
Appeals [2014] 3 CLJ 1 at 44 is instructive:
[101] ... We are of the view that the
Court of Appeal had erred in allowing
pre-judgment interest, which the High
Court had correctly refused, on the
premise that the parties had agreed
that no interest will be payable. It is our
view that in deciding the question of
interest, the court must consider the
express agreement of the bondholders
in the trust deed. In this case, the trust
deed as specified under cl. 39 clearly
provides that no interest shall be
payable. The trust deed is a contract
and “the court has a duty to defend,
protect and uphold the sanctity of the
contract entered between the parties”.”
[43] There, the High Court unequivocally held that the agreed-
upon terms concerning default interest rates are binding
and enforceable, provided that they are clearly stated in the
facility documentation and no omission or violation occurs
from the creditor's side in adhering to those terms. In the
matter at hand, the Defendants have similarly failed to
demonstrate any such omission or breach by the Plaintiff.
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[44] In conclusion, this court finds that the Plaintiff is fully entitled
to claim the interest rate of 3.5% per annum over and above
the BLR of 6.45% per annum, in accordance with the clear
and unambiguous terms of the contract. The Defendants'
contentions relating to Practice Direction No. 1 of 2012 and
Section 11(1)(a) of the Civil Law Act 1956 (Act 67) are
found to be inapplicable in the current circumstances and
are thus dismissed. The Plaintiff's claim for judgment
interest stands vindicated.
Premature action
[45] The Defendants submit that the Plaintiff's action is
premature, pointing out that the First Defendant had
repeatedly proposed a monthly instalment payment plan,
which the plaintiff did not respond to. They maintain that this
situation mirrors the Court of Appeal decision in Malayan
Banking Bhd v Sparrows & Arrows Sdn Bhd [2013] 3 CLJ
481 where the action was deemed premature as
negotiations were still in progress. The Defendants contend
that the Plaintiff's failure to engage with these proposals has
unfairly cornered the first defendant into accepting terms
favorable only to the Plaintiff. They argue that pursuing a
summary judgment under these circumstances undermines
public policy encouraging out-of-court dispute resolution.
Lastly, they emphasise that the ongoing negotiations and
lack of response to the first defendant's letters, despite
being marked “without prejudice”, indicate that legal action
is inappropriate at this stage.
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[46] I find that the Defendants' argument that the action is
premature lacks merit and is distinguishable from the facts
at hand, particularly when considered in the context of the
cited cases of Malayan Banking Bhd v Sparrows & Arrows
Sdn Bhd [supra] and RHB Bank Berhad v Boston Metro Sdn
Bhd & Ors [2022] 1 LNS 2529 (High Court) which
distinguished the Sparrows & Arrows case. These two
cases concern the issue of whether a bank's legal action to
recover debts is premature when settlement negotiations
are still ongoing between the parties.
[47] In the Malayan Banking Bhd v Sparrows & Arrows Sdn Bhd
case, the Court of Appeal found the bank's action was
premature. This was because the bank had not yet
responded to the plaintiff's settlement proposal before filing
the legal action. Hence, there was a pending settlement
agreement at that time. However, in the RHB Bank Bhd v
Boston Metro Sdn Bhd case, the High Court distinguished
Sparrows & Arrows. It held there was no pending settlement
agreement in RHB Bank's case. The bank had rejected the
defendant's proposals. Its subsequent requests for
documents did not amount to accepting a settlement offer.
Hence, the bank was not prohibited from commencing legal
action despite ongoing talks.
[48] Here, any communications between the parties did not
culminate in a binding settlement agreement, as evidenced
by the Plaintiff's written communications dated 10.2.2023
and 7.3.2023, which unambiguously conveyed that the
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Plaintiff could not entertain the payment proposal made by
the First Defendant.
[49] In the 10.2.2023 letter, the Plaintiff rejected the First
Defendant’s repayment proposal as the amount was too
low, requested an upward revised proposal for
consideration, failing which the Plaintiff would continue legal
action to recover the entire debt.
[50] In the 7.3.2023 letter, the Plaintiff again rejected the First
Defendant’s revised repayment proposal as the amount
remained too low, stated that it had been accommodative in
the past and legal action would continue unless a mutually
acceptable repayment programme is reached.
[51] The contention that the Plaintiff's action is unconscionable
because negotiations were ongoing is equally without
foundation. Negotiations, per se, do not preclude a party
from seeking legal redress, especially where, as here, there
has been no acceptance of any of the offers or proposals
made by the Defendants. The Plaintiff, by law, retains the
right to initiate legal proceedings for the recovery of
outstanding sums, particularly when there is no evidence to
suggest that the Plaintiff ever indicated it would refrain from
doing so. The Defendants' reference to “public policy
objective” of encouraging out-of-court settlements is not
sufficient to fetter this right, particularly when the
Defendants themselves failed to substantiate their financial
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viability in making the repayments, despite being granted
reasonable time to do so.
[52] Moreover, the Plaintiff's silence in response to the First
Defendant's proposals cannot be deemed as leading the
Defendants into an unascertainable position. The Plaintiff is
under no legal obligation to accept the terms proposed by
the First Defendant or to engage in an endless cycle of
negotiations, particularly when the Defendants have not
demonstrated a capacity to fulfill their obligations.
[53] Considering the totality of the facts and circumstances of
the case as disclosed in the affidavit evidence, it was quite
clear to me that the Plaintiff had clearly met the preliminary
requirements in an Order 14 application in accordance with
the principles established by National Company For Foreign
Trade v Kayu Raya Sdn Bhd [supra] and further, applying
the leading Supreme Court case of Bank Negara Malaysia v
Mohd Ismail Ali Johor & Ors [1992] 1 CLJ 627.
[54] Accordingly, I held that the contentions of the Defendants
do not amount to triable issues or constitute any reasonable
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[55] Enclosure 13 is allowed with costs of RM3,000 for the
3 January 2024
Kuala Lumpur High Court
(Commercial Division)
For the Plaintiff: Muhamad Mizan bin Omar
(Messrs Kington Tan Dzul)
For the Defendant: Dalveena Korotana
(Messrs. Arnold Andrew & Co)
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| 36,226 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCC-1032-11/2022 | PEMOHON LIM TITT HUAT RESPONDEN 1. ) TAN SAY KENG 2. ) WHAI CHENG AUTO PARTS SDN BHD | COMPANY LAW: Derivative action – Leave – Plaintiff seeking leave to defend company in action filed against it – Whether the plaintiff is acting in good faith – Whether history of litigation and plaintiff’s conviction negate good faith – Whether in best interest of company for application for leave to be granted - Companies Act 2016, s. 347, s. 348 | 03/01/2024 | YA Puan Adlin Binti Abdul Majid | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO. WA-24NCC-1032-11/2022
Dalam perkara Whai Cheng
Auto Parts Sdn. Bhd. [No.
Syarikat: 198701004173
Dalam perkara tindakan
guaman (guaman no. BA-
22NCC-83-06/2022) yang
dimulakan oleh Roda Berlian
(M) Sdn. Bhd. terhadap Whai
Cheng Auto Parts Sdn. Bhd. di
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam
Dalam perkara Seksyen 345,
347, 348 dan 350 Akta Syarikat
Dalam perkara Aturan 5, Aturan
7 Kaedah 2, Aturan 28, Aturan
03/01/2024 10:39:18
WA-24NCC-1032-11/2022 Kand. 48
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88 Kaedah 2 dan Aturan 92
Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
[No. K/P: 611115-07-5161]
(atas kapasiti sebagai Pemegang Saham
bagi Whai Cheng Auto Parts Sdn. Bhd.) ... PLAINTIF
[No. K/P: 710505-10-5315]
[No. Syarikat: 198701004173 (162843-H)]
A. Introduction
[1] The plaintiff filed an originating summons, seeking leave of court
to defend a suit filed by Roda Berlian (M) Sdn Bhd (“Roda Berlian”) against
the 2nd defendant, at Shah Alam High Court Suit No. BA-22NCC-83-
06/2022 (“Suit 83”).
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[2] I allowed the originating summons, and provided brief grounds for
my decisions. The full grounds of my decision are as set out below.
B. Background Facts
The parties
[3] Roda Berlian and the 2nd defendant were set up by two families,
the “Lim Family” and the “Tan Family”.
[4] The Lim Family holds 40% of the shareholding in Roda Berlian,
while the Tan Family holds 60% of the shareholding. The original directors
of Roda Berlian are the plaintiff, the 1st defendant and Lim Wooi Boo.
[5] The Lim Family and the Tan Family hold 50% shareholding each
in the 2nd defendant. The plaintiff and the 1st defendant are the directors of
the 2nd defendant.
Hostilities between the parties
[6] By July 2014, The Lim Family and the Tan Family were hostile
towards each other. Several discussions took place, with proposals on the
sale of shares. However, no resolution was reached.
[7] In 2020, Roda Berlian and the Tan Family instituted Kuala Lumpur
High Court Suit No. WA-22NCC-393-08/2020 (“Suit 393”) against the 2nd
defendant and the Lim Family. The suit is a claim for breach of fiduciary
duties, fraud, conspiracy to defraud and injure, breach of trust, negligence
and breach of contract.
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[8] By April 2021, representatives of the Lim Family in Road Berlian
were terminated from the board of Road Berlian.
Suit 83
[9] Suit 83 was filed thereafter. It involves a claim for the amount of
RM1,131,711.15 alleged to be due and owing by the 2nd defendant to
Roda Berlian, for loans and advances provided by Roda Berlian to the 2nd
[10] As the directors of the 2nd defendant are the plaintiff (from the Lim
Family) and the 1st defendant (from the Tan Family), this has led to an
impasse at the board, with directors of the 2nd defendant not being able to
reach a consensus to defend Suit 83.
[11] The plaintiff thus filed this action to seek leave for the plaintiff to
defend Suit 83 on behalf of the 2nd defendant.
C. Assessment and Findings
Derivative proceedings
[12] The originating summons is filed under sections 347 and 348 of
the Companies Act 2016 (“CA”). Section 347 grants the right to a
complainant to initiate, intervene in or defend proceedings on behalf of a
company, with leave of court. Section 348 sets out the process to obtain
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[13] The relevant provisions are as follows:
“347 Derivative proceedings
(1) A complainant may, with the leave of the Court
initiate, intervene in or defend a proceeding on behalf of the
company ...
(2) Proceedings brought under this section shall be brought
in the company's name.
(3) The right of any person to bring, intervene in, defend or
discontinue any proceedings on behalf of a company at common
law is abrogated.
348 Leave of Court
(1) An application for leave of the Court under section 347
shall be made to the Court without the need for an appearance to
be entered.
(2) The complainant shall give thirty days' notice in
writing to the directors of his intention to apply for the leave
of Court under section 347.
(3) Where leave has been granted for an application under
section 347, the complainant shall initiate proceedings in Court
within thirty days from the grant of leave.
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(4) In deciding whether or not the leave shall be granted,
the Court shall take into account whether –
(a) the complainant is acting in good faith; and
(b) it appears prima facie to be in the best
interest of the company that the application
for leave be granted.
(5) Any proceedings brought, intervened in or defended
under this section shall not be discontinued, compromised or
settled except with the leave of the Court.”
(emphasis added)
[14] For leave to be granted, the requirements in sections 347 and 348
of the CA must be met.
[15] First, the applicant must be a “complainant” who has the right to
initiate, intervene in or defend proceedings on behalf of a company
pursuant to section 347(1) of the CA.
[16] Next, the complainant must give 30 days’ notice in writing to the
directors of the company, of his intention to apply for leave. This is set out
in section 348(2) of the CA.
[17] Finally, section 348(4) of the CA provides that in deciding whether
or not leave should be granted, the court must be satisfied that:
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a. The complainant is acting in good faith; and
b. It appears prima facie in the best interest of the company
that the application for leave is granted.
Is the plaintiff a “complainant” under section 347(1) of the CA?
[18] The definition of “complainant” in section 345 of the CA includes a
member and director of a company.
[19] It is undisputed that the plaintiff is a member and a director of the
2nd defendant, and is thus a “complainant” as defined under section 345 of
the CA. The plaintiff therefore has the locus standi to file this action.
Has the plaintiff given the requisite notice to directors of the 2nd
[20] Under section 348(2) of the CA, the complainant is required to give
30 days’ notice in writing to directors of the 2nd defendant, of his intention
to apply for leave pursuant to section 347(1).
[21] It is not in dispute that this requirement has been complied with.
The plaintiff served a notice dated 7 September 2022 on the 1st defendant,
who is the only other director of the 2nd defendant, to inform the 1st
defendant of the plaintiff’s intention to obtain leave to defend the 2nd
defendant in Suit 83.
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Is the plaintiff acting in good faith?
[22] Section 348(4)(a) of the CA provides that in deciding whether or
not leave should be granted, the court must be satisfied that the
complainant is acting in good faith.
[23] The test to determine whether an applicant is acting in good faith
is set out in Swansson v RA Pratt Properties Pty Ltd & Anor [2002]
NSWSC 583. Swansson (supra) was referred to in Celcom (Malaysia)
Bhd v Mohd Shuaib Ishak [2011] 3 MLJ 636, where the Court of Appeal
held that the onus of proof to show good faith is on the applicant, on a
balance of probabilities.
[24] The Court of Appeal went on to state that this requirement will
depend on the factual circumstance before the court. The following
passage of the judgment of Palmer J in Swansson (supra) was cited:
“Nevertheless, in my opinion, there are at least two interrelated
factors to which the courts will always have regard in determining
whether the good faith requirement of s 237(2)(b) is satisfied. The
first is whether the applicant honestly believes that a good
cause of action exists and has a reasonable prospect of
success. Clearly, whether the applicant honestly holds this belief
would not simply be a matter of bald assertion: the applicant
may be disbelieved if no reasonable person in the circumstances
could hold that belief. The second factor is whether the
applicant is seeking to bring the derivative suit for such a
collateral purpose as would amount to an abuse of process.”
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(emphasis added)
[25] Based on the above, two elements must be met to satisfy the
requirement of good faith:
a. The first is that the applicant must honestly believe that a
good cause of action exists, and has a reasonable
prospect of success. This belief cannot be based on a
bald assertion.
b. The second is that the applicant cannot be seeking to
bring the derivative action for a collateral purpose, as
would amount to an abuse of process.
[26] In this case, I am satisfied that the requirement of good faith has
been met.
[27] The application for leave is made to defend the 2nd defendant in
Suit 83. Suit 83 is a claim for RM1,131,711.15 alleged to be due and owing
by the 2nd defendant to Roda Berlian, for loans and advances said to have
been provided by Roda Berlian to the 2nd defendant. The 1st defendant’s
case is that the amount outstanding is set out in the audited accounts of
the 2nd defendant, and as such, the 2nd defendant does not have a defence
to the claim.
[28] A closer look at the accounts however shows that the claim is not
as simple as made out by the 1st defendant. The amount allegedly due has
not been conclusively proven in existing documents. The amounts referred
to by the 1st defendant are reflected in the accounts of Roda Berlian as
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amounts due by “other debtors” and “other payables” due. There are no
further particulars of the amounts due, and the amounts are not reflected
as owing by the 2nd defendant.
[29] In Ng Hoy Keong v Chua Choon Yang & Ors [2010] 9 MLJ 145,
leave was granted to the plaintiff to defend a suit on behalf of the 3rd
defendant. The court held the plaintiff had shown sufficient evidence that
he was acting in good faith. There were many disputed facts disclosed in
affidavits filed by the plaintiff and the defendants, and as such, the court
found that the issues could only be determined at full trial.
[30] Similarly in this case, the documents before the court show that
the claim against the 2nd defendant is inconclusive and in dispute. As such,
I am of the considered view that the plaintiff would have the honest belief
that there is a reasonable prospect of success in the 2nd defendant’s
defence against the claim. In this regard, the first element of good faith
has been met by the plaintiff.
[31] In relation to the second element to meet the requirement of good
faith, namely that the applicant cannot be seeking to bring the derivative
action for a collateral purpose, the 1st defendant has mounted two
[32] The first is related to the filing of Suit 393 by Roda Berlian and the
Tan Family against the 2nd defendant and the Lim Family. Suit 393 was
filed prior to the filing of Suit 83. Part of Roda Berlian’s claim against the
plaintiff was allowed by the court.
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[33] The second is the plaintiff’s prior convictions at the Magistrate’s
Court for fraud and dishonestly using forged documents. The 1st defendant
further claimed the plaintiff has been disqualified from being a director.
[34] The 1st defendant argued that the history of hostility and litigation
between the parties, coupled with the plaintiff’s questionable character,
are indications of the absence of good faith on the part of the plaintiff in
this action.
[35] On this issue, I am guided by Tai May Chean v United Eastern
Resources Sdn Bhd & Anor [2022] 4 MLJ 779, where the Court of
Appeal held as follows:
“[71] With respect we do not think that just because there is
a history of pending litigation between the plaintiff daughter
and the defendant mother, there must then be some oblique
or collateral purpose that the plaintiff is here pursuing.
[72] Hostility between the parties does not equate to a
lack of good faith and neither does it raise any presumption
of a collateral purpose on the part of the applicant unless it is a
case where the venomous vendetta of the parties has led to vile
vilification, clouding all reasonable and rational decision and
producing a perverted pursuit for personal gains (see the case
of Pang Yong Hock and Another v PKS Contracts Services
Pte Ltd [2004] SGCA 18 at paras 20 and 22).
[73] Whilst we share the concern of the learned JC in that the
court ‘cannot but be alive to the possibility that the plaintiff’s (TMC)
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conducts by the plaintiff cannot in themselves equate to a lack of good
faith by the plaintiff, or lead to a conclusion that the proposed defence of
sought to be obtained for the 2nd defendant in its defence of Suit 83 must
be considered objectively and dispassionately, and balanced with any
the 2nd defendant in Suit 83 is to protect and safeguard the interest of the
2nd defendant. This is clear from the prayers in the originating summons,
which relate directly to this purpose. The plaintiff sought leave to defend
the 2nd defendant in Suit 83, to file all necessary applications and to control
the proceedings. The prayers do not reflect any collateral benefit on behalf
of the plaintiff, that would arise from the 2nd defendant defending itself in
Suit 83. On the other hand, failure by the plaintiff to take action to defend
present action is part of her strategy in furthering her own personal
interests in the legal proceedings against the parties therein rather
than the interest of the first defendant (UER)’, the court must
nevertheless assess her subjective satisfaction of having
acted in ‘good faith’ and ‘in the best interest of the company’
by evaluating dispassionately the benefits that she seeks to
obtain for the company through the proposed litigation.”
(emphasis added)
[36] Thus, hostility between the plaintiff and the 1st defendant, and past
the 2nd defendant in Suit 83 is being brought for a collateral purpose.
[37] Following Tai May Chean (supra), an evaluation of the benefits
benefit that the plaintiff may have intended to obtain for himself.
[38] I find the primary purpose of the plaintiff seeking leave to defend
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Suit 83 on behalf of the 2nd defendant would tantamount to a breach of the
plaintiff’s duties as a director of the 2nd defendant.
[39] From the considerations and findings above, I find the plaintiff has
shown that the 2nd defendant’s defence of Suit 83 is not intended to be
brought for a collateral purpose, so as to amount to an abuse of the
process of the court.
Is it in the best interest of the 2nd defendant that the application for
leave is granted?
[40] The next requirement that the court must be satisfied with is that
it is prima facie in the best interest of the 2nd defendant for this application
for leave to be granted.
[41] In Celcom (Malaysia) Bhd (supra), the Court of Appeal cited with
approval the test of the best interest of a company, as expounded in the
following passage in Pang Yong Hock and Another v PKS Contracts
Services Pte Ltd [2004] 3 SLR 1:
“[21] Having established that an applicant is acting in good faith
and that a claim appears genuine, the court must nevertheless
weigh all the circumstances and decide whether the claim
ought to be pursued. Whether the company stands "to gain
substantially in money or in money's worth" (per Choo JC in Agus
Irawan) relates more to the issue of whether it is in the
interests of the company to pursue the claim rather than
whether the claim is meritorious or not. A $100 claim may be
meritorious but it may not be expedient to commence an action for
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it. The company may have genuine commercial considerations for
not wanting to pursue certain claims. Perhaps it does not want to
damage a good, long-term, profitable relationship. It could also be
that it does not wish to generate bad publicity for itself because of
some important negotiations which are underway.”
(emphasis added)
[42] The Court of Appeal went on to hold that the application for leave
in that case was intended to unwind a corporate exercise undertaken by
the parties, which would be a laborious, costly and complicated process.
It would also have a disastrous effect on the appellant's credibility and
market reputation. As such, it was held that leave should not have been
granted by the High Court.
[43] In the present case, weighing all circumstances, I find it to be in
the best interest of the 2nd defendant that the application for leave is
granted. The fact that a claim is filed against the 2nd defendant gives rise
to a genuine concern. I had earlier held that the claim against the 2nd
defendant is inconclusive and disputed. It is therefore in the best interest
of the 2nd defendant to be allowed to defend itself.
[44] The court also recognises that the right to defend itself in
proceedings filed against it, is a basic right of the 2nd defendant. This is
notwithstanding the 1st defendant’s contention that the claim is
straightforward and there is evidence to prove the amount owing. The 2nd
defendant must still be allowed to defend itself.
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[45] It should also be highlighted that the 1st defendant is a director of
both Roda Berlian and the 2nd defendant. Yet, the 1st defendant has
chosen to object to the 2nd defendant defending itself in Suit 83. The 1st
defendant’s actions are in wilful dereliction of his duties as a director of the
2nd defendant, and are against the best interest of the 2nd defendant.
[46] Taking these considerations into account, I am satisfied that it is
prima facie in the best interest of the 2nd defendant for this application for
leave to be granted.
D. Decision
[47] Having found that the plaintiff is acting in good faith in seeking
leave to defend the 2nd defendant in Suit 83, and that it would be prima
facie in the best interest of the 2nd defendant for leave to be granted, I
allowed the originating summons, with costs.
Dated 22 December 2023
- sgd -
High Court of Malaya
Commercial Division (NCC6)
Kuala Lumpur
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Plaintiff : Isaac Hong Chun Hao of Messrs. Chim & Co
1st defendant : YH Yeo of Messrs. Shui Tai
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| 20,960 | Tika 2.6.0 |
DA-21NCvC-1-01/2019 | PLAINTIF SHALIHAH BINTI MAHAMAD DEFENDAN 1. ) WAN ROSEZYDA BINTI WAN ZAIN 2. ) TETUAN HASIF AZHAM RIZAL & CO 3. ) Pentadbir Tanah, Pejabat Tanah Dan Jajahan Kota Bharu 4. ) Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan 5. ) JABATAN KETUA PENGARAH TANAH DAN GALIAN PERSEKUTUAN 6. ) Penilai Daerah Kota Bharu Jabatan Penilaian Dan Perkhidmatan Harta 7. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | TUNTUTAN SIVIL: Deklarasi bahawa Perjanjian Jual Beli adalah tidak sah dan terbatal ab initio - sama ada PJB untuk membeli Hartanah Tersebut batal secara void ab initio apabila Hartanah Tersebut terlibat dengan pengambilan oleh kerajaan seluas 5147 kaki persegi dari keluasan keseluruhan 5522 kaki persegi - sama ada ujudnya elemen penipuan dan/atau salah nyataan oleh Defendan 1 sebagai pemilik berdaftar dalam urusan pembelian Hartanah Tersebut - sama ada Defendan 2 telah gagal menjalankan kewajipan berhati-hati dan skil professionalnya sebagai pengamal undang-undang dalam memberi nasihat guaman kepada anak guamnya dalam menyediakan PJB dan menguruskan pinjaman Plaintif dengan LPPSA - sama ada Defendan 3 telah gagal dalam menjalankan kewajipan statutorinya sebagai Pentadbir Tanah dalam memastikan status sebenar Hartanah Tersebut dan mematuhi prosedur piawaan yang ditetapkan dalam pengeluaran geran ganti dan mendaftarkan gadaian serta pindah milik Hartanah Tersebut kepada Plaintif apabila terdapatnya hal pengambilan tanah dalam Hartanah Tersebut - sama ada Defendan 4 selaku majikan/prinsipal kepada Defendan 3 adalah bertanggungan secara vikarius terhadap Plaintif - sama ada Defendan 6 telah gagal untuk menyedari dan meneliti dengan berhati-hati bahawa Hartanah Tersebut terlibat dengan pengambilan dan seterusnya telah gagal membuat penilaian yang sebenar bagi Hartanah Tersebut yang menyebabkan pinjaman diluluskan - sama Defendan 7 selaku majikan/prinsipal kepada Defendan 6 adalah bertanggungan secara vikarius terhadap Plaintif - sama ada Plaintif berhak mendapatkan semua bayaran harga jual beli RM195,000 dan bayaran-bayaran yang telah dibuat oleh Plaintif berserta gantirugi-gantirugi am dan teladan kesan dari kegagalan transaksi pembelian Hartanah Tersebut akibat kecuaian Defendan-Defendan. | 03/01/2024 | YA Dato' Roslan Bin Abu Bakar | |
Microsoft Word - DA-21NCVC-1-01-2019
[1] Plaintif menuntut dari Defendan-Defendan antara lainnya suatu
deklarasi bahawa Perjanjian Jual Beli (selepas ini dipanggil
“PJB”) bertarikh 17.11.2015 antara Plaintif dengan Defendan 1
bagi satu hartanah yang dikenali sebagai Lot 1038, GM 1009,
Mukim Tanjung Chat, Jajahan Kota Bharu, Kelantan (selepas ini
dipanggil “Hartanah Tersebut”) adalah tidak sah dan terbatal ab
[2] Plaintif adalah seorang warga negara Malaysia beralamat di PT
595, Jalan Tanjung 11, Taman Tanjung Chat, 15300 Kota Bharu,
Kelantan dan merupakan pembeli Hartanah Tersebut
[3] Defendan 1 adalah warga negara Malaysia beralamat di nombor
4958F, Jalan Pengkalan Chepa, 15400 Kota Bharu, Kelantan dan
merupakan pemilik berdaftar Hartanah Tersebut sebelum
menjualkannya kepada Plaintif.
[4] Defendan 2 adalah sebuah firma guaman yang berdaftar dengan
Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan beralamat di Lot 718, Jalan Sri
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Cemerlang 14/27 off Jalan Pengkalan Chepa, 15300 Kota Bharu,
[5] Defendan 3 adalah sebuah badan di bawah kuasa Kerajaan Negeri
Kelantan yang antara lainnya mentadbir hartanah di Jajahan Kota
Bharu dan beralamat di Jalan Hospital, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
[6] Defendan 4 pula adalah majikan Defendan 3 yang bertanggungan
terhadap apa-apa tindakan, peninggalan atau kegagalan Defendan
3 dan beralamat penyampaiannya di Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan
Negeri Kelantan, Tingkat 1, Blok 6, Kompleks Kota Darulnaim,
15503 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
[7] Defendan 5 adalah sebuah badan di bawah kuasa Kerajaan
Malaysia yang beralamat di Bandar Baru Tunjung, Lebuhraya Kota
Bharu – Pasir Mas, 15100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
[8] Defendan 6 juga adalah sebuah badan di bawah kuasa Kerajaan
Malaysia dan beralamat di Aras 4, Wisma Persekutuan, Jalan
Bayam, 15592 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
[9] Defendan 7 adalah majikan Defendan 5 dan Defendan 6 yang
bertanggungan ke atas apa-apa tindakan, peninggalan atau
kegagalan Defendan 5 dan Defendan 6 dan alamat
penyampaiannya di Jabatan Peguam Negara, Bahagian Guaman,
No. 45, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4, 62100 Putrajaya.
[10] Plaintif dan Defendan 1 telah memasuki PJB di mana Defendan 1
bersetuju menjual Hartanah Tersebut dengan harga RM195,000
dan Plaintif setuju untuk membelinya. Plaintif kemudiannya telah
melantik Defendan 2 sebagai peguamcaranya dan juga sebagai
[11] Setelah Hartanah Tersebut berpindah milik kepada Plaintif dan
pinjaman pembiayaan diluluskan oleh Lembaga Pembiayaan
Perumahan Sektor Awam (selepas ini dipanggil “LPPSA”)
sebanyak RM155,000, Plaintif menyatakan dia mendapati keluasan
fizikal Hartanah Tersebut adalah tidak sama dengan keluasan yang
telah dipersetujuinya semasa memasuki PJB.
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Kes terhadap Defendan 5
[12] Defendan 5 bersama dengan Defendan 6 dan Defendan 7 telah
memfailkan permohonan di bawah Aturan 18, Kaedah 19(1)(a), (b)
dan (d), Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 (selepas ini dipanggil
“KKM 2012”) untuk membatalkan writ saman dan mengenepikan
pernyataan tuntutan terpinda Plaintif seperti di Lampiran 48.
Permohonan Defendan 5 telah dibenarkan manakala permohonan
Defendan 6 dan Defendan 7 ditolak. Tiada rayuan dibuat oleh
Plaintif atau lain-lain pihak terhadap keputusan berkenaan.
[13] Isu-isu yang perlu diputuskan oleh mahkamah dalam perbicaraan
ini (Lampiran 62) adalah:
(i) sama ada PJB untuk membeli Hartanah Tersebut batal secara
void ab initio apabila Hartanah Tersebut terlibat dengan
pengambilan oleh kerajaan seluas 5147 kaki persegi dari
keluasan keseluruhan 5522 kaki persegi.
(ii) sama ada ujudnya elemen penipuan dan/atau salah nyataan
oleh Defendan 1 sebagai pemilik berdaftar dalam urusan
pembelian Hartanah Tersebut.
(iii) sama ada Defendan 2 telah gagal menjalankan kewajipan
berhati-hati dan skil professionalnya sebagai pengamal
undang-undang dalam memberi nasihat guaman kepada
anak guamnya dalam menyediakan PJB dan menguruskan
pinjaman Plaintif dengan LPPSA.
(iv) sama ada Defendan 3 telah gagal dalam menjalankan
kewajipan statutorinya sebagai Pentadbir Tanah dalam
memastikan status sebenar Hartanah Tersebut dan mematuhi
prosedur piawaan yang ditetapkan dalam pengeluaran geran
ganti dan mendaftarkan gadaian serta pindah milik Hartanah
Tersebut kepada Plaintif apabila terdapatnya hal pengambilan
tanah dalam Hartanah Tersebut.
(v) sama ada Defendan 4 selaku majikan/prinsipal kepada
Defendan 3 adalah bertanggungan secara vikarius terhadap
(vi) sama ada Defendan 6 telah gagal untuk menyedari dan
meneliti dengan berhati-hati bahawa Hartanah Tersebut
terlibat dengan pengambilan dan seterusnya telah gagal
membuat penilaian yang sebenar bagi Hartanah Tersebut
yang menyebabkan pinjaman diluluskan.
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(vii) sama Defendan 7 selaku majikan/prinsipal kepada Defendan
6 adalah bertanggungan secara vikarius terhadap Plaintif.
(viii) sama ada Plaintif berhak mendapatkan semua bayaran harga
jual beli RM195,000 dan bayaran-bayaran yang telah dibuat
oleh Plaintif berserta gantirugi-gantirugi am dan teladan kesan
dari kegagalan transaksi pembelian Hartanah Tersebut akibat
kecuaian Defendan-Defendan.
Isu tambahan dari Defendan 1
(ix) adakah PJB tersebut sah, batal atau boleh batal.
(x) adakah perjanjian kontrak yang lengkap dan telah
disempurnakan (telah dimuktamadkan) di mana balasan telah
berpindah kepada pihak ketiga (secara benefisil) boleh
(xi) adakah harga jual beli sebanyak RM195,000 dalam PJB
berkenaan merupakan suatu balasan yang sah untuk
penjualan Hartanah Tersebut.
(xii) dalam keadaan PJB berkenaan sah dan berkuatkuasa,
adakah Plaintif mengalami kerugian dan transaksi jual beli
melalui PJB kontrak tersebut.
Jika jawapannya “Ya”, perlu diputuskan selanjutnya iaitu:
a) berapakah jumlah kerugian Plaintif.
b) siapakah yang melakukan kecuaian dan perlu
bertanggungjawab dalam kerugian Plaintif tersebut.
Tambahan isu oleh Defendan 2
(xiii) sama ada Defendan 2 dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab
untuk mempertikaikan rekod hakmilik yang dikeluarkan oleh
Defendan 3 ketika mana menyediakan PJB.
Penelitian dan penemuan mahkamah
Kes Plaintif
[14] Plaintif adalah pembeli Hartanah Tersebut dan Defendan 1 adalah
pemilik berdaftarnya. Pada sekitar bulan Julai 2005, ayah Plaintif
(SP2) telah dimaklumkan oleh seorang broker tanah (SD1) bahawa
terdapat sebidang tanah berdekatan rumah SP2 untuk dijual. SD1
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kemudiannya memperkenalkan SP2 kepada suami Defendan 1
[15] Setelah rundingan diadakan, Plaintif dan SP2 telah dibawa oleh
SD2 untuk melihat Hartanah Tersebut. SD2 membuat representasi
bahawa keluasannya adalah 513 meter persegi dan menunjukkan
had sempadannya dengan tangan. Plaintif dan SP1 juga
ditunjukkan pelan ukur Hartnah Tersebut dan keluasannya adalah
513 meter persegi atau 5522 kaki persegi. SD2 memberitahu
mereka bahawa geran Hartanah Tersebut telah hilang dan jika
mereka bersetuju untuk membelinya, Defendan 1 (SD3) akan
memohon geran ganti.
[16] Defendan 1 menetapkan harga Hartanah Tersebut sebanyak
RM195,000 dan dipersetujui Plaintif. Plaintif kemudiannya melantik
firma Defendan 2 sebagai peguamnya bagi menguruskan PJB.
[17] Pada 15.6.2015, Defendan 1 telah membuat cabutan dari Pejabat
Tanah dan Jajahan Kota Bharu (Defendan 3) berkaitan Hartanah
Tersebut bertujuan memohon geran baharu. Geran ganti (eksibit
D27) telah diperolehi pada 17.11.2015 dan Defendan 1
menyerahkannya kepada Defendan 2. Defendan 2 selanjutnya
menyediakan PJB bertarikh 17.11.2015 (eksibit D22) dan
ditandatangani oleh Plaintif dan Defendan 1. Defendan 2 juga telah
menguruskan permohonan pinjaman Plaintif dengan LPPSA.
[18] Pinjaman Plaintif diluluskan sebanyak RM155,000 berdasarkan
nilaian bertarikh 10.1.2016 yang dibuat oleh Defendan 6 (melalui
pegawainya iaitu SD6). Baki harga belian sebanyak RM40,000 telah
dibayar oleh Plaintif secara tunai. Pada 5.10.2016 Hartanah
Tersebut didaftarkan atas nama Plaintif dan satu gadaian kepada
LPPSA telah dimasukkan oleh Defendan 3. Selepas itu LPPSA
telah membuat potongan bulanan gaji Plaintif bagi membayar balik
pinjaman tersebut.
[19] Pada sekitar bulan November 2016 semasa pembersihan Hartanah
Tersebut, Plaintif tidak menjumpai batu penanda sempadan
Hartanah Tersebut. Plaintif kemudiannya membuat carian terhadap
lot Hartanah Tersebut dari Defendan 3 dan mendapati keluasan
tanah yang dicatatkan adalah 513 meter persegi serta juga rekod
pengambilan seluas 5157 kaki persegi. Rekod ini menyebabkan
Plaintif terkejut dan keliru kerana Defendan 1 tidak pernah
memaklumkan berhubung dengan pengambilan ini dan PJB yang
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disediakan Defendan 2 menyatakan keluasan Hartanah Tersebut
sebagai 513 meter persegi (muka surat 9 PJB, Bahagian 4, Jadual
[20] Plaintif telah merujuk berhubung dengan perkara ini kepada
Defendan 3, Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Negeri Kelantan (selepas
ini dipanggil “JUPEM”) dan Defendan 5. Defendan 3 memberi
maklum balas bahawa status tanah berkenaan adalah seperti
salinan hakmilik yang dikepilkan i.e. keluasan 513 meter persegi
dan semakan akan dibuat berhubung dengan pengambilan.
Defendan 5 juga memberi maklum balas bahawa seluas 5147 kaki
persegi Hartanah Tersebut telah dibuat pengambilan dan Borang K
telah dikeluarkan pada 3.12.1978. Geran baharu akan dikeluarkan
setelah JUPEM membuat pengukuran. Manakala JUPEM
memberikan maklum balas bahawa lot Hartanah Tersebut tidak lagi
ujud dalam rekod mereka dan tiada lagi baki tanah.
[21] Plaintif berasa tertipu dengan keluasan sebenar Hartanah Tersebut
dan membuat laporan polis pada 31.7.2018. Permohonan kepada
LPPSA untuk menghentikan potongan bulanan gaji bagi
pembayaran pinjaman juga telah ditolak. Akibat dari salahnyata frod
dan kecuaian berlapis-lapis (multiple levels of negligence), Plaintif
telah mengalami kesusahan, kerugian dan masalah kesihatan yang
[22] Plaintif menghujahkan kausa tindakan (cause of action) terhadap
Defendan-Defendan adalah seperti berikut:
(i) Defendan 1 atas salahnyataan frod (fraudulent
(ii) Defendan 2 atas kecuaian dalam menjalankan
tanggungjawab berhati-hati dan tanggungjawab fidusiari
(breach of duty of care and fudiciary duty).
(iii) Defendan 3 atas kecuaian dalam menjalankan
tanggungjawab statutori (breach of statutory duty).
(iv) Defendan 4 atas liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian Defendan
3 (vicarious liability to the 3rd Defendant).
(v) Defendan 6 atas kecuaian dalam menjalankan
tanggungjawab berhati-hati dan menggunakan skil (breach of
duty of care and reasonable skill).
(vi) Defendan 7 atas liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian Defendan
6 (vicarious liability to the 6th Defendant).
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[23] Butir-butir kerugian yang dialami Plaintif (seperti dalam pernyataan
tuntutan terpinda) adalah:
(i) bayaran balik pembiayaan kepada LPPSA sebanyak
RM163,495 (pinjaman sebanyak RM155,000 dan insuran
takaful RM8,495).
(ii) bayaran bulanan RM791.54 selama 360 bulan (30 tahun)
bermula Ogos 2016 hingga Julai 2046 berjumlah
RM391,585.07 (setakat Disember 2018, Plaintif telah
membuat bayaran secara potongan gaji sebanyak
(iii) bayaran tunai RM40,000 kepada Defendan 1.
(iv) bayaran kos peguam (Defendan 2) RM5,500.
(v) lain-lain kerugian dan kesusahan yang akan dikemukakan
dalam perbicaraan.
Kes Defendan 1
[24] Defendan 1 menghujahkan dia tidak pernah membuat sebarang
penipuan atau salahnyata fakta kepada Plaintif berhubung dengan
pengambilan balik yang dibuat oleh kerajaan pada tahun 1978.
Defendan 1 tidak pernah membuat tawaran atau mengiklankan
untuk menjual Hartanah Tersebut kepada Plaintif atau orang lain.
[25] Ini adalah kerana Plaintif dan ayahnya (SP2) telah mempunyai
pengetahuan berhubung dengan pengambilan balik Hartanah
Tersebut sejak dari perjumpaan pertama di pejabat Defendan 2
pada 18.6.2015. Plaintif sendiri telah mempunyai pengetahuan
berhubung dengan pengambilan balik Hartanah Tersebut ketika
menandatangani PJB pada 17.11.2015, semasa merujuk kepada
geran hakmilik dalam permohonan pinjaman kepada LPPSA dan
ketika hadir di Pejabat Tanah bagi menandatangani Borang Pindah
Milik (Borang 14A). Malah Peguamcara Plaintif (SD4 dari firma
Defendan 2) mengakui mengetahui berhubung dengan fakta
bahawa terdapatnya pengambilan balik tersebut.
[26] Selain dari itu disebabkan Plaintif telah meneliti geran hakmilik serta
dokumen-dokumen berkaitan dan menandatangani PJB, maka
Plaintif adalah terikat dengan doktrin non-est factum dan perlu
bertanggungjawab kepada PJB yang ditandatanganinya. PJB
berkenaan telah lengkap, sempurna dan mengikat kedua-dua pihak
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kerana hakmilik telah berpindah kepada Plaintif dan bayaran penuh
pun telah dibuat. Kegagalan Plaintif mengambil tindakan
munasabah bagi menyemak status Hartanah Tersebut dihujahkan
menyebabkan tuntutan Plaintif gagal di bawah maxim caveat
[27] Meneliti kepada kes Defendan 1 ini, saya berpendapat Plaintif dan
SP2 adalah layman dan bukannya mahir dalam bidang jual beli
hartanah. Sebab itulah mereka melantik Defendan 2 sebagai
peguam mereka. Cabutan geran hakmilik Hartanah Tersebut yang
ditunjukkan serta digunakan dalam perbincangan, dalam PJB,
semasa menandatangani Borang 14A dan semasa
menandatangani dokumen-dokumen pembiayaan (eksibit D25B
dan eksibit D25C), dengan jelas mencatitkan di bahagian hadapan
bahawa keluasan Hartanah Tersebut adalah 513 meter persegi.
Manakala di muka surat dua di bahagian “rekod urusan” terdapat
catitan pendaftaran pengambilan sebahagian tanah seluas lebih
kurang 5147 kaki persegi bertarikh 3.12.1978.
[28] Saya berpendapat sebagai layman, Plaintif atau SP2 atau sesiapa
sahaja, jika tidak dimaklumi berhubung dengan pengambilan
tersebut, tidak akan mengetahui bahawa baki tanah bukan lagi
seluas 513 meter persegi. Ini adalah kerana pengambilan tersebut
adalah pada tahun 1978 dan minat Plaintif untuk membeli Hartanah
Tersebut dan memasuki PJB adalah pada tahun 2015 iaitu suatu
tempoh 37 tahun. Mereka-mereka yang dikategorikan sebagai
layman ini akan beranggapan cacatan 513 meter persegi adalah
baki tanah selepas pengambilan atau keluasan terkini. Itulah
pengetahuan yang ada pada Plaintif dan SP2 berhubung dengan
keluasan Hartanah Tersebut.
[29] Saya percaya Plaintif yang sedang mencari tanah untuk membina
rumahnya sendiri tidak akan membeli Hartanah Tersebut dan tidak
akan membayar dengan harga RM195,000 (tunai dan pembiayaan)
jika dia mengetahui bahawa keluasannya hanyalah 375 kaki
[30] Plaintif telah bertindak secara munasabah sebelum membeli
Hartanah Tersebut dengan melantik seorang profesional dari
Defendan 2 bagi menguruskan dokumentasi pembelian,
pembiayaan, gadaian dan sebagainya. Sehubungan itu saya
berpendapat maxim caveat emptor adalah tidak terpakai terhadap
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[31] Defendan 1 mendapat hakmilik Hartanah Tersebut dari bapanya
pada 11.5.1999. Saya percaya sebelum pindah milik itu dibuat
(sebagai suatu kelaziman), Defendan 1 telah dimaklumkan oleh
ayahnya berhubung butir-butir penuh Hartanah Tersebut iaitu
pengambilan oleh kerajaan pada tahun 1978, keluasan yang
diambil, pampasan yang dibayar dan baki tanah yang masih tinggal.
Ini bermaksud Defendan 1 mempunyai pengetahuan bahawa
keluasan Hartanah Tersebut bukan lagi 513 meter persegi selepas
pengambilan dibuat.
[32] Dengan tindakan menggunakan broker (SD1) dan suaminya (SD2)
yang membawa Plaintif serta SP2 ke Hartanah Tersebut dan
menunjukkan sempadannya, jelas membuktikan bahawa
terdapatnya fraudulent misrepresentation berhubung dengan
keluasan Hartanah Tersebut. Ini ditambah lagi semasa Defendan 1
bertemu Plaintif pada masa menandatangani PJB dan
menandatangani Borang 14A, dimana Defendan 1 tidak
memaklumkan keluasan sebenar Hartanah Tersebut. Dengan
pemfailan writ saman ini terhadapnya pun dan setelah mengetahui
keluasan Hartanah Tersebut bukannya 513 meter persegi,
Defendan 1 masih enggan bertindak positif untuk membetulkan
keadaan atau memulangkan wang jualan kepada Plaintif.
[33] Seksyen 17, Akta Kontrak 1950 memperuntukan fraud sebagai:
Section 17. "Fraud"
"Fraud" includes any of the following acts committed by a
party to a contract, or with his connivance, or by his agent,
with intent to deceive another party thereto or his agent, or to
induce him to enter into the contract:
(a) the suggestion, as to a fact, of that which is not true by
one who does not believe it to be true;
(b) the active concealment of a fact by one having
knowledge or belief of the fact;
(c) a promise made without any intention of performing it;
(d) any other act fitted to deceive; and
(e) any such act or omission as the law specially declares
to be fraudulent.
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[34] Juga prinsip dalam kes Kheng Chwee Lian v Wong Tak Thong
[1983] 1 MLRA 66 FC:
“[10] In the case of Pertab Chunder Ghose v. Mohendra
Purkait [1888-89] 16 IA 233, Sir Richard Couch in
giving the judgment of the Privy Council said at p 237:
Where one party induces the other to contract
on the faith of representations made to him,
anyone of which is untrue, the whole contract is,
in a Court of Equity, considered as having been
obtained fraudulently.”
[35] Jelas disini bahawa tindakan Defendan 1 adalah merupakan suatu
salahnyataan frod (elemen-elemen seperti dalam kes Artistic
Biofuels Sdn Bhd v Port Kelang Authority & Ors [2022] 1 MLRH
468) iaitu:
(i) membuat salahnyataan kepada Plaintif bahawa keluasan
Hartanah Tersebut adalah 513 meter persegi/5522 kaki
(ii) membuat salahnyataan fakta tersebut dengan niat supaya
Plaintif bertindak berdasarkannya.
(iii) membuat salahnyataan fakta tersebut dengan pengetahuan
bahawa ianya tidak benar kerana mengetahui adanya
pengambilan balik pada tahun 1978 dan meninggalkan baki
375 kaki persegi.
(iv) Plaintif telah percaya dan bergantung kepada salahnyataan
fakta tersebut dalam menandatangani PJB.
(v) akibatnya Plaintif mengalami kerugian dari segi monetari,
penat lelah, tekanan mental dan kesihatan.
[36] Atas alasan tersebutlah saya berpendapat Plaintif tidak terikat
kepada PJB berkenaan kerana ujudnya salahnyataan frod. Ini
selaras dengan keputusan kes Polygram Records Sdn Bhd v
Hillary Ang & 4 Ors (Collectively Known as The Search) & Anor
[1994] 3 MLJ 127:
“A party who signs a written contract is bound by the terms of
the contract, except in the limited cases where fraud, undue
influence or misrepresentation may be established.”
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[37] Sehubungan itu saya mendapati Defendan 1 telah melakukan
salahnyataan frod terhadap Plaintif dan menyebabkan Plaintif
mengalami kerugian.
Kes Defendan 2
[38] Defendan 2 menghujahkan bahawa pliding Plaintif adalah terhadap
salahnyataan frod yang dilakukan oleh Defendan 1 sedangkan
Defendan 2 tidak terlibat dengan kausa tindakan tersebut.
Defendan 2 menghujahkan Plaintif adalah terikat kepada plidingnya
dan dengan demikian tiada kausa tindakan terhadap Defendan 2.
[39] Saya meneliti kepada pliding yang difailkan oleh Plaintif dan
mendapati kausa tindakan terhadap Defendan 2 iaitu cuai/gagal
dalam memberikan nasihat guaman yang munasabah apabila gagal
dalam kewajipan berhati-hati (kecuaian prosesional) terhadap
Plaintif telah diplidkan dengan jelas di perenggan 27 pernyataan
tuntutan terpinda.
[40] Selanjutnya Defendan 2 menghujahkan dia telah dapat
membuktikan bahawa telah melakukan all possible standard
attempt and practice dalam memastikan semua maklumat adalah
tepat dalam menyediakan PJB dan seterusnya memperolehi
pinjaman dari LPPSA. Setiap dokumen yang dikemukakan dan
diperolehinya iaitu dokumen pinjaman, pelan tanah, cabutan
hakmilik dan geran hakmilik ganti (eksibit D27) jelas menunjukkan
catitan keluasan Hartanah Tersebut sebagai 513 meter persegi dan
bukannya 375 kaki persegi. Selain dari itu Plaintif melantik
Defendan 2 hanyalah bertujuan untuk memproses pinjaman dengan
LPPSA sahaja dan bukannya diperingkat awalan semasa rundingan
[41] Keterangan Defendan 2 juga menyatakan dia berpendapat
disebabkan pengambilan balik oleh kerajaan dibuat pada tahun
1978 dan transaksi jual beli Hartanah Tersebut bermula pada tahun
2015 iaitu suatu tempoh 37 tahun dan tempoh yang lama, maka
catitan keluasan pada cabutan hakmilik dan geran hakmilik ganti
semestinya telah dikemaskinikan. Oleh yang demikian dihujahkan
Defendan 2 telah menjalankan segala tindakan profesionalnya
dengan kewajipan yang berhati-hati. Plaintif sendiri gagal
mengemukakan seorang pakar atau profesional lain bagi
menunjukkan sebaliknya.
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[42] Berhubung dengan pembelaan Defendan 2 ini, saya berpendapat
tanggungjawabnya untuk bertindak secara profesional dan
kewajipan berhati-hati dalam mewakili Plaintif bermula sebaik
sahaja lantikan dibuat dan meliputi pelbagai aspek. Kedudukan ini
telah diputuskan dalam kes Mulpha Kluang Maritime Carriers
Sdn Bhd v Philip Koh Tong Ngee & Ors [2015] 8 CLJ 555:
“(ii) the court finds that it is the duty of a solicitor, in
particular, a conveyancing solicitor to ensure that all
the documents pertaining to the transaction of land
must be properly prepared, to carry out a thorough
inquiry and to ensure that all the details which is stated
in the transaction document is correct.
Therefore, as a solicitor, the defendants owed the
plaintiff a duty of care to exercise professional skill,
care and diligence demanded by law in advising all
legal aspect with regard to the transactions in handling
the S&P of the two lots.”
[43] Adalah menjadi amalan asas conveyancing bagi peguam, di mana
SD4 (peguam Defendan 2 yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam
bidang ini selama lebih kurang 20 tahun bahawa dalam transaksi
sebegini, peguam berkenaan perlu membuat carian atau inkuiri
yang lengkap berhubung dengan Hartanah Tersebut terutamanya
berhubung dengan pengambilan balik pada tahun 1978.
[44] Saya berpendapat dengan pengalaman SD4 selama lebih kurang
20 tahun (seperti keterangannya sendiri), beliau perlu menyelidiki
efek catatan pengambilan berkenaan iaitu sama ada keluasan
sebenar dan terkini telah dibuat dalam geran atau cabutan hakmilik
Hartanah Tersebut. Saya berpendapat SD4 perlu menggunakan
pengalamannya dalam conveyancing untuk mendapatkan
pengesahan tepat dan terkini berhubung dengan baki keluasan
Hartanah Tersebut selepas pengambilan. Pengesahan tepat dan
terkini bermaksud adakah tindakan oleh pihak-pihak berkaitan telah
dibuat bagi mencatatkan keluasan sebenar. Soalan munasabah
yang sepatutnya secara otomatik timbul kepada seorang
professional dalam bidang ini adalah, adakah keluasan Hartanah
Tersebut yang tercatat pada geran hakmilik itu telah mengambilkira
keluasan pengambilan yang dibuat oleh kerajaan pada tahun 1978.
[45] Keterangan menunjukkan SD4 sedar ujudnya pengambilan pada
tahun 1978 dan mengambil tindakan dengan menyemak maklumat
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tanah, meneliti geran hakmilik ganti, rekod cabutan hakmilik dan
pelan lakar. Dari penelitian itu, SD4 memutuskan rekod-rekod
terkini berhubung dengan keluasan terkini Hartanah Tersebut
adalah betul serta tidak mengesyaki apa-apa kerana pengambilan
telah lama dibuat iaitu 37 tahun yang lalu iaitu pada tahun 1978.
[46] Saya berpendapat SD4 telah gagal melaksanakan kewajipan
berhati-hatinya dan kewajipan profesional berhubung dengan
pengesahan keluasan yang tepat bagi Hartanah Tersebut. Ini
selaras dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Tetuan
Theselim Mohd Sahal & Co & Ors v Tan Boon Huat & Anor
[2017] 4 MLRA 702:
“[30] Thus, whether the first defendant, and in particular the
second defendant, who was the solicitor handling the
transaction, were negligent may be determined by a
consideration of the following questions:
i. whether the standard of care practiced by the
second defendant was the same standard of
reasonably competent solicitors in
conveyancing practice; and
ii. whether the second defendant had acted with
diligence in exercising the reasonable care and
skill expected to assist the completion of the
[47] Selanjutnya saya juga tidak dapat menerima pembelaan Defendan
2 bahawa Plaintif sebagai seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi
(penjawat awam yang mempunyai ijazah), sepatutnya dapat
membaca atau meneliti geran hakmilik/cabutan dengan tepat iaitu
sama ada terdapatnya pengambilan pada Hartanah Tersebut dan
bertanyakan pada Defendan 1. Saya berpendapat walau pun
Plaintif seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi tetapi dalam bidang
conveyancing beliau adalah seorang layman. Atas sebab itulah
Plaintif melantik firma Defendan 2 untuk urusan transaksi jual beli
dan pinjaman Hartanah Tersebut. Sehubungan itu kewajipan
berhati-hati Defendan 2 kepada anakguam mereka (Plaintif) masih
berterusan walau apa pun status pendidikannya.
[48] Akhir sekali saya menyentuh tentang pembelaan Defendan 2
bahawa perlakuan Plaintif menunjukan dia seorang yang tidak jujur
apabila mendakwa PJB yang disediakan SD4 hanya mengepilkan
muka surat 1 salinan geran ganti atau tidak dikepilkan langsung
geran berkenaan dan berlaku perbezaan keterangan dalam
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mahkamah. Saya berpendapat ini bukanlah isu material kerana
pada pengetahuan Plaintif seperti yang dimaklumkan oleh
Defendan 1, SD1 dan SD2, keluasan Hartanah Tersebut adalah 513
meter persegi dan itulah yang membuatnya memasuki PJB.
[49] Berdasarkan kepada penemuan-penemuan tersebut saya
mendapati Defendan 2 telah bertindak dengan cuai dalam
menjalankan tanggungjawab berhati-hati dan tanggungjawab
fidusiari (breach of duty of care and fudiciary duty) dan selanjutnya
menyebabkan kerugian kepada Plaintif.
Kes Defendan 3 dan Defendan 4
[50] Defendan 3 dan Defendan 4 dalam keterangan mereka melalui
saksi SD5 (Penolong Ketua Jajahan, Pejabat Tanah & Jajahan Kota
Bharu) menyatakan mereka telah menjalankan kewajipan statutori
sebagai Pentadbir Tanah tanpa gagal dan menjalankan tugas yang
sempurna dalam memastikan status Hartanah Tersebut. Mereka
juga telah mematuhi prosedur piawaian yang ditetapkan dalam
pengeluaran geran ganti Hartanah Tersebut, memindah milik
kepada Plaintif dan mendaftarkan gadaian.
[51] Bagi menyokong keterangan tersebut, Defendan 3 menghujahkan
tindakan telah dibuat untuk mencatitkan status sebenar Hartanah
Tersebut pada geran hakmilik iaitu membuat catatan (endorsan)
rekod pengambilan dengan “Perserahan No. 457/1978 Jil. 151 Fol.
78, Pengambilan Sebahagian Tanah – Borang K”. Endorsan yang
sama juga dibuat dalam geran ganti yang dipohon oleh Defendan
[52] Selanjutnya Defendan 3 menyatakan pelan asal Hartanah Tersebut
terpaksa dikekalkan dan dilampirkan dengan geran ganti dengan
catitan keluasan asal sebelum pengambilan sebagai 513 meter
persegi. Defendan 3 memberi alasan bahawa masih belum
menerima dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan iaitu Pelan Akui (PA)
dan B1-TIFF yang mencatitkan keluasan sebenar Hartanah
Tersebut selepas pengambilan dari JUPEM.
[53] Saya tidak dapat menerima alasan yang diberikan oleh Defendan 3
ini iaitu belum mendapat dokumen-dokumen berkenaan dari
JUPEM. Perlu diingat pengambilan balik dibuat pada tahun 1978
dan endorsan dalam geran hakmilik didaftarkan pada 3.12.1978.
Namun sehingga tarikh permohonan Defendan 1 untuk
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mendapatkan geran ganti Hartanah Tersebut pada 16.6.2015 dan
dikeluarkan oleh Defendan 3 pada 28.9.2015, iaitu suatu tempoh
selama 37 tahun, keluasan yang tertera dalam rekod Defendan 3
dan dalam geran hakmilik masih lagi 513 meter persegi sedangkan
seluas 5147 kaki persegi telah dibuat pengambilan dari keluasan
asal 5522 kaki persegi.
[54] Defendan 3 sebagai sebuah jabatan kerajaan negeri yang
mentadbir dan menguruskan urusan hartanah dalam Jajahan Kota
Bharu, Kelantan sepatutnya dengan kewajipan statutori,
memastikan rekod ke atas Hartanah Tersebut adalah tepat bagi
memastikan keluasan terkini. Defendan 3 merupakan sebuah
jabatan yang banyak berurusan dengan orang ramai dan orang
ramai ini akan bergantung seratus peratus kepada rekod Defendan
3 dalam urusan hartanah dalam Jajahan Kota Bharu.
[55] Saya mendapati telah berlaku keingkaran tugas statutori kerana
elemen-elemennya telah dibuktikan seperti yang dibentangkan oleh
Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Pendaftar Hakmilik, Pejabat Tanah
dan Galian Negeri Selangor v Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad
[2016] MLJU 15:
“[27] The elements to satisfy the tort of breach of duty are as
a) The injury suffered by the plaintiff is within the
ambit of the statute,
b) The statutory duty imposes a liability to civil
c) The statutory duty is not fulfilled, and
d) The breach of the statutory duty has caused his
[56] Tiada keterangan dikemukakan kepada mahkamah untuk
menunjukkan usaha berterusan oleh Defendan 3 bagi mendapatkan
dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dari JUPEM bagi
mengemaskinikan status Hartanah Tersebut walau pun mempunyai
pengetahuan penuh bahawa telah terdapat pengambilan.
Sehubungan itu saya berpendapat Defendan 3 telah gagal
melaksanakan kewajipan statutorinya dan gagal mematuhi piawaan
dalam mengeluarkan geran ganti yang tepat dan terkini. Ini selaras
dengan keputusan kes Uptown Properties Sdn Bhd v Pentadbir
Tanah Wilayah Persekutuan & Ors [2012] 3 CLJ 271:
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“[2] Penyelenggaraan pejabat tanah yang efisyen dan
butiran yang berterusan tepat adalah kewajipan yang
perlu dilaksanakan oleh defendan pertama kepada
setiap orang awam yang membuat dan bergantung
pada carian yang dibuat di pejabat tanah yang
diselenggarakan oleh defendan pertama.
Kebergantungan am ini bermaksud bahawa defendan
pertama mempunyai kewajipan berjaga-jaga kepada
defendan-defendan bagi memastikan bahawa apabila
carian-carian tersebut dibuat di pejabat tanah, mereka
bertindak atas maklumat tepat dan yang
diselenggarakan sewajarnya dan berdasarkan buku
hakmilik yang tepat.”
[57] Berdasarkan kepada status Defendan 4 sebagai majikan/prinsipal
kepada Defendan 3, maka Defendan 4 bertanggungan kepada
liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian Defendan 3 (vicarious liability to
the 3rd Defendant) di bawah Seksyen 5 dan Seksyen 6, Akta
Prosiding Kerajaan 1956. Perlanggaran kewajipan statutori oleh
Defendan 3 telah menyebabkan transaksi jual beli Hartanah
Tersebut tidak mempunyai maklumat yang tepat dan terkini walau
pun mereka bukan sepihak kepada PJB. Keadaan ini telah
menyebabkan Plaintif mengalami kerugian yang membolehkan dia
menuntut gantirugi terhadap Defendan 3 serta Defendan 4.
Kes Defendan 6 dan Defendan 7
[58] Defendan 6 dan Defendan 7 memberikan keterangan melalui SD6
(Penolong Pegawai Penilaian). SD6 menyatakan dia telah
menggunakan standard of care yang diperlukan sebagai seorang
Penolong Pegawai Penilaian dalam membuat penilaian Hartanah
Tersebut sebanyak RM155,000 dengan keluasan 513 meter
persegi melalui laporan penilaian bertarikh 10.1.2016 (eksibit P11).
Keterangan SD6 menyatakan dia bergantung penuh kepada
dokumen permohonan pembiayaan Hartanah Tersebut kepada
LPPSA yang disediakan Defendan 2. SD6 juga mengakui tiada
keperluan untuk merujuk kepada geran hakmilik kerana dokumen
dari Defendan 2 sudah lengkap. Dia juga menyatakan lawatan
tapak telah dibuat ke atas Hartanah Tersebut.
[59] Saya berpendapat adalah menjadi kewajipan berhati-hati (duty of
care) kepada SD6 untuk meneliti pada geran hakmilik Hartanah
Tersebut dan merujuk kepada endorsan pengambilan tahun 1978.
Dengan itu adalah juga menjadi kewajipannya untuk membuat
inkuiri berhubung dengan keluasan sebenar masakini. SD6 tidak
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boleh bergantung dengan dokumen Defendan 2 sahaja. Tambahan
pula SD6 ada pergi melawat tapak. Saya berpendapat hanya
setelah beliau berpuas hati kepada isu itu, baharulah dia boleh
membuat penilaian yang tepat.
[60] Namun SD6 telah cuai dan melanggar kewajipan berhati-hati
tersebut. Penilaian kali kedua ke atas Hartanah Tersebut yang
dibuat oleh SD6 pada 5.10.2018 (selepas berlakunya pertikaian
antara pihak-pihak) telah mendapati keluasannya hanyalah 375
kaki persegi dan dinilaikan RM12,000. Kecuaian ini telah
menyebabkan LPPSA meluluskan pinjaman kepada Plaintif
sebanyak RM155,000 (untuk keluasan 513 meter persegi) dan
mendaftarkan gadaian Hartanah Tersebut. Seterusnya gaji Plaintif
dipotong secara bulanan selama 360 bulan bagi pembayaran balik
[61] Defendan 6 adalah sebuah jabatan kerajaan Persekutuan yang
mentadbir dan menguruskan urusan penilaian hartanah dalam
Jajahan Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Ia mempunyai kewajipan berhati-hati
dalam memastikan penilaian ke atas Hartanah Tersebut adalah
tepat selaras dengan harga pasaran dengan berdasarkan keluasan
terkini. Defendan 6 merupakan sebuah jabatan yang banyak
berurusan dengan orang ramai dan orang ramai ini akan
bergantung seratus peratus kepada rekod Defendan 6 dalam
urusan penilaian hartanah dalam Jajahan Kota Bharu.
[62] Ini selaras dengan keputusan kes Genworth Financial Mortgage
Insurance Pty Ltd v Hodder Rook & Associates Pty Ltd [2010]
NSWSC 1043:
“It now seems clear that a valuer may in certain circumstances
owe a duty of care to the recipient of a valuation containing
negligent misstatements causing economic loss, even in the
absence of a contractual relationship between the valuer and
the recipient of the valuation. A duty of care is recognised to
exist where the valuer actually knows or ought to have known
that the person in question would rely upon the valuation so
prepared. In respect of the objective limb of that formulation,
it is noted that subjective knowledge of the particular recipient
or purpose to which the valuation would be put is not relevant.
In addition, there is the further requirement that a finding of a
duty of care be reasonable in all the circumstances.
Accordingly, the subjective knowledge, actual or potential, of
the valuer is a relevant consideration in determining
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[63] Berdasarkan kepada status Defendan 7 sebagai majikan/prinsipal
kepada Defendan 6, maka Defendan 7 bertanggungan kepada
liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian Defendan 6 (vicarious liability to
the 6th Defendant) seperti yang diperuntukan di bawah Seksyen 5
dan Seksyen 6, Akta Prosiding Kerajaan 1956. Perlanggaran
kewajipan statutori oleh Defendan 6 telah menyebabkan transaksi
pembiayaan pinjaman Hartanah Tersebut tidak mempunyai
maklumat yang tepat dan terkini walau pun mereka bukan sepihak
kepada PJB. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan Plaintif mengalami
kerugian yang membolehkan dia menuntut gantirugi terhadap
Defendan 6 berserta Defendan 7.
Keputusan liabilti
[64] Berdasarkan kepada penemuan-penemuan tersebut dan atas
imbangan kebarangkalian, saya memutuskan:
(i) Defendan 1 telah melakukan suatu salahnyataan frod
(fraudulent misrepresentation) terhadap Plaintif.
(ii) Defendan 2 telah cuai dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab
berhati-hati dan tanggungjawab fidusiari (breach of duty of
care and fudiciary duty) terhadap Plaintif.
(iii) Defendan 3 cuai dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab statutori
(breach of statutory duty).
(iv) Defendan 4 mempunyai liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian
Defendan 3 (vicarious liability to the 3rd Defendant).
(v) Defendan 6 cuai dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab berhati-
hati dan menggunakan skil (breach of duty of care and
reasonable skill).
(vi) Defendan 7 mempunyai liabiliti vikarius terhadap kecuaian
Defendan 6 (vicarious liability to the 6th Defendant).
(i) suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa PJB bertarikh 17.11.2015 antara
Plaintif dengan Defendan 1 bagi Hartanah Tersebut adalah tidak
sah dan terbatal ab initio
[65] Keterangan dan penemuan seperti yang saya ulaskan dalam kes
Defendan 1 telah menunjukkan Defendan 1 tahu bahawa
pengambilan pada tahun 1978 telah menyebabkan baki tanah
bukan lagi seluas 513 meter persegi. Namun Defendan 1, SD1 dan
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SD2 telah berjaya membuat Plaintif yang sememangnya mencari
tanah untuk membina rumah dengan suatu salahnyataan frod
bahawa keluasan Hartanah Tersebut adalah 513 meter persegi
bersetuju membelinya dengan harga RM195,000 dan memasuki
PJB. Selanjutnya Hartanah Tersebut dipindah milik kepada Plaintif
dan permohonan Plaintif untuk pinjaman diluluskan oleh LPPSA.
[66] Jelas keterangan menunjukkan Plaintif memasuki PJB dengan
persetujuan atau keizinan bahawa keluasan Hartanah Tersebut
adalah 513 meter persegi. Dengan itu apabila keluasan sebenar
(375 kaki persegi) timbul dan diketahui, maka butir-butir dan terma-
terma dalam PJB berkenaan terutamanya keluasan sebenar adalah
tidak tepat dan bercanggah dan tidak mungkin PJB akan dimasuki
oleh Plaintif dari awal lagi. Oleh yang demikian PJB berkenaan
adalah tidak sah dan terbatal ab initio.
(ii) suatu perintah mengkehendaki Defendan 1 memulangkan semula
bayaran RM195,000 bagi harga jual beli kepada Plaintif bagi
menyelesaikan baki pinjaman LPPSA.
[67] Memandangkan PJB tidak sah dan terbatal ab initio, maka
Defendan 1 dengan itu adalah bertanggungan untuk memulangkan
semula wang jualan Hartanah Tersebut sebanyak RM195,000
kepada Plaintif. Ini adalah tuntutan gantirugi khas dan dibuktikan
melalui resit pembayaran RM40,000 (Ikatan Dokumen “A”,
Bahagian A, muka surat 1 dan 10) dan dokumen pembiayaan
LPPSA sebanyak RM155,000 (Ikatan Dokumen “A”, Bahagian A,
muka surat 7-9).
(iii) suatu perintah mengkehendaki Defendan-Defendan membayar
gantirugi khas sebanyak RM8,495 dan jumlah potongan gaji Plaintif
RM18,996.96 setakat 31.12.2018 dan potongan seterusnya.
[68] Defendan 1 juga bertanggungan bersama-sama Defendan-
Defendan lain untuk membayar gantirugi khas untuk insurans
takaful sebanyak RM8,495 (Ikatan Dokumen “A”, Bahagian A, muka
surat 7-9) dan bayaran ansuran yang telah dibuat oleh Plaintif
setakat 31.12.2018 sebanyak RM18,996.96 (penyata potongan di
eksibit P15, P16 dan P17). Ini adalah kerana kesemua Defendan-
Defendan (seperti penemuan saya) adalah bertanggungan kepada
bayaran-bayaran ini yang berlainan dari wang tunai dan pinjaman
untuk harga jualan.
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[69] Saya berpendapat tidak berlakunya pertindihan tuntutan kerana
sejumlah RM195,000 (tunai RM40,000 dan pinjaman RM155,000)
adalah wang yang sebenarnya dibayar oleh Plaintif secara tunai
dan pinjaman untuk harga Hartanah Tersebut seperti yang
dipersetujui dalam PJB. Manakala bayaran insurans timbul
berdasarkan kepada jumlah pinjaman yang diluluskan dan menjadi
tambahan kepada jumlah pinjaman. Bayaran ansuran pula adalah
termasuk faedah selama 360 bulan yang perlu dibuat melalui
potongan gaji Plaintif dan juga menjadi tambahan kepada pinjaman.
(iv) Defendan 2 memulangkan kos guaman RM5,500 kepada Plaintif
[70] Penemuan saya juga mendapati Defendan 2 telah cuai dalam
menjalankan tanggungjawab berhati-hati dan tanggungjawab
fidusiari (breach of duty of care and fudiciary duty) terhadap Plaintif.
Kecuaian inilah yang menyebabkan PJB disediakan oleh Defendan
2 setelah dilantik oleh Plaintif sebagai peguamnya. Berdasarkan
kepada penemuan saya bahawa PJB tidak sah dan terbatal ab
initio, maka Defendan 2 adalah bertanggungan untuk memulangkan
yuran guaman sebanyak RM5,500 yang dibayar oleh Plaintif (resit
bayaran dalam Ikatan Dokumen “A”, Bahagian A, muka surat 11).
[71] Saya berpendapat tidak timbul isu dalam tuntutan ini bahawa
Defendan 2 mengenakan fi guaman kurang dari yang telah
ditetapkan oleh Majlis Peguam kerana ianya tidak melibatkan
(v) suatu perintah pembatalan pindah milik atas nama Plaintif bagi
Hartanah Tersebut oleh Defendan 3
[72] Berdasarkan kepada penemuan bahawa PJB tidak sah dan terbatal
ab initio, pendaftaran pindah milik dari Defendan 1 kepada Plaintif
dibuat berdasarkan kepada PJB ini dan Plaintif mendapat
penghakiman pemulangan harga belian, maka pendaftaran pindah
milik atas nama Plaintif 1 dibatalkan setelah Plaintif menyelesaikan
pinjaman kepada LPPSA dan membuat penebusan gadaian.
(vi) suatu perintah mengkehendaki Defendan-Defendan membayar
gantirugi am
[73] Saya berpendapat Plaintif berhak mendapat gantirugi dari
Defendan-Defendan seperti perpatah maxim “ubi jus ibi remedium”
(where there is a wrong, there is a remedy). Prinsip asas kepada
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pemberian gantirugi ini adalah untuk memampaskan Plaintif
terhadap kerosakan, kerugian dan kecederaan yang dialaminya
akibat perbuatan Defendan-Defendan. Prinsip-prinsip ini telah
dinyatakan dalam kes-kes:
Sambaga Valli KR Ponnusamy v Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur
& Ors & Anor Appeal [2018] 3 MLRA 488 CA:
“[14] It is trite that a person injured by another's wrong is
entitled to general damages for non-pecuniary such as
his pain and suffering, hardship, discomfort, mental
distress and loss of amenities of life. There is no
standard rule to measure the damage in such cases.
The courts usually determine the amount based on a
fair and reasonable standards, free from sentimental or
fanciful standards, and based upon evidence adduced.
The court should also consider the age, health and
condition of the injured party pre-injury as compared
with his condition after the injury. The court also
consider the need for medical, psychological or
physical symptoms, and the impact on the plaintiff's
conduct and lifestyle before apportioning the amount of
[74] Tindakan Defendan-Defendan berdasarkan kepada keterangan-
keterangan yang telah dikemukakan, saya mendapati Plaintif telah
mengalami kerugian dalam bentuk monetari dan mengalami kesan
kepada emosi serta kesihatan. Saya mengambil judicial notice
bahawa mana-mana insan pun akan mengalami kesan emosi ini
berdasarkan kepada fakta kes ini iaitu terbeli hartanah yang tidak
sesuai dibuat rumah kediaman, wang tunai telah dibayar, pinjaman
telah dikeluarkan, potongan gaji telah dibuat dan sebagainya. Tiada
keperluan untuk memanggil seorang pakar kesihatan untuk
menunjukkan keadaan emosi, tekanan dan kesakitan Plaintif ini.
[75] Selain dari itu Plaintif juga terpaksa mengeluarkan kos, melibatkan
masa dan tenaga untuk berurusan ke jabatan-jabatan kerajaan
berkenaan untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu yang timbul.
[76] Dalam menentukan jumlah gantirugi am ini, saya menggunakan
kes-kes berikut sebagai panduan:
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Sambaga Valli KR Ponnusamy v Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur
& Ors & Anor Appeal [supra]:
“All the courts should do are to award sums which are
reasonable, moderate and conventional.”
[77] Selain dari itu saya juga merujuk award-award yang diberikan
dalam beberapa kes lain sebagai panduan:
Eu Sim Chuan @ Eu Sam Yan & Anor v Kris Angsana Sdn Bhd
[2006] MLRH 201:
Ling Peek Hoe & Anor v Ding Siew Ching & Ors [2022] 4 MLRH
[78] Gantirugi am ini adalah berdasarkan kepada perlakuan dan
keupayaan Defendan-Defendan serta jumlah tuntutan Plaintif.
Dengan itu saya memerintahkan Defendan-Defendan membayar
gantirugi am kepada Plaintif seperti berikut:
(i) Defendan 1
(ii) Defendan 2
(iii) Defendan 3 dan Defendan 4
(iv) Defendan 6 dan Defendan 7
(v) suatu perintah mengkehendaki Defendan-Defendan membayar
gantirugi teladan
[79] Suatu jumlah gantirugi perlu diberikan kepada Plaintif sebagai suatu
bentuk “hukuman dan peringatan” kepada Defendan-Defendan
terutama yang memberikan perkhidmatan kepada orang awam
supaya lebih berhati-hati dimasa hadapan. Saya merujuk kepada
kes-kes sebagai panduan:
Sambaga Valli KR Ponnusamy v Datuk bandar Kuala Lumpur &
Ors & Anor Appeal [supra]
“[33] The exemplary damages or punitive damages - the two
terms now regarded as interchangeable - are
additional damages awarded with reference to the
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conduct of the defendant, to signify disapproval,
condemnation or denunciation of the defendant's
tortious act, and to punish the defendant. Exemplary
damages may be awarded where the defendant has
acted with vindictiveness or malice, or where he has
acted with a "contumelious disregard" for the right to
the plaintiff. The primary purpose of an award of
exemplary damages may be deterrent, or punitive and
retributory, and the award may also have an important
function in vindicating the rights of the plaintiff.
[36] The remaining issue to be determined is the amount of
damages. In Rookes v. Barnard (supra), Lord Devlin
set out three basic principles of the assessment of
quantum in exemplary damages cases. His Lordship
held that in order to recover damages, the plaintiff must
have been the victim of the punishable behaviour
involved. This stipulation was necessary since "the
anomaly inherent in exemplary damages would
become an absurdity if a plaintiff totally unaffected by
some oppressive conduct which the jury wish to punish
obtained a windfall in consequence". Secondly, Lord
Devlin specified that exemplary damages should be
assessed with restraint and, thirdly, that the means of
the parties should be taken into consideration. In
addition to these rules, Lord Devlin also stipulated that
exemplary damages should be awarded "if but only if"
the sum of compensatory (including aggravated)
damages to be awarded had an insufficient punitive or
deterrent effect.
[37] The principle of moderation was again stressed in John
v. MGN Ltd [1997] QB 586, where the court stated that
the quantum of an exemplary damages award should
be the minimum "necessary to meet the public
purpose" of the damages.”
Roshairee bin Abdul Wahab v Mejar Mustafa bin Omar & Ors
[1996] 3 MLJ 337:
“An award for exemplary damages was aimed at punishing
the defendants, and displaying the court's indignant attitude
towards the acts committed. However, such damages must
be restricted to oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional action
by the servants of the government or where the defendant's
conduct had been calculated to make a profit. As these
assaults were outside these two categories, exemplary
damages would not be awarded (see p 348B-E); Rookes v
Barnard & Ors [1964] AC 1129 followed.”
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Bumiputra-Commerce Bank Bhd v Top-A Plastic Sdn Bhd
[2008] 5 MLJ 34:
“The Court of Appeal in the above case had pointed out two
main principles in awarding exemplary damages:
i. There must be intent;
ii. The action of the Defendants was oppressive, arbitrary
or unconstitutional and whether the Defendants gained
any benefit from his action against the Plaintiff.”
[80] Tindakan atau perlakuan Defendan-Defendan seperti yang
diulaskan sebelum ini adalah bersifat menindas, melampaui batas
dan tidak berperlembagaan. Plaintif menjadi mangsa yang tertindas
dalam transaksi jual beli Hartanah Tersebut. Tindakan dan
perlakuan Defendan-Defendan juga adalah melampau serta tidak
berperlembagaan seperti gagal berhati-hati dalam tugas, gagal
menggunakan kepakaran, gagal bertindak dalam suatu masa yang
munasabah, tidak menyesal, tidak mengakui kebenaran dan tidak
membantu. Sehubungan itu saya berpendapat Plaintif berhak
mendapat gantirugi teladan.
[81] Dalam menentukan jumlah gantirugi teladan bagi setiap Defendan,
saya berpandukan kepada keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam
kes Sambaga Valli KR Ponnusamy v Datuk bandar Kuala
Lumpur & Ors & Anor Appeal [supra]:
“In addition to these rules, Lord Devlin also stipulated that
exemplary damages should be awarded “if but only if” the sum
of compensatory (including aggravated) damages to be
awarded had an insufficient punitive or deterrent effect.
[37] The principal of moderation was again stressed in John
v MGN Ltd [1997] QB 586, where the court stated that
the quantum of an exemplary damages award should
be the minimum “necessary to meet the public
purpose” of the damages.”
[82] Selain dari itu saya juga merujuk award-award yang diberikan
dalam beberapa kes lain sebagai panduan:
Ling Peek Hoe & Anor v Ding Siew Ching & Ors [2022] 4 MLRH
S/N sI9MXj8VQUON6BrsrV02Cw
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Taz Logistics Sdn Bhd v Taz Metals Sdn Bhd & Ors [2020] 5
CLJ 426:
Kris Angsana Sdn Bhd v Eu Sim Chuan & Anor [2007] 4 CLJ
[83] Berdasarkan kepada panduan-panduan ini, saya memberikan
award gantirugi teladan sebanyak RM500,000. Pembahagian
antara Defendan-Defendan adalah seperti berikut;
(i) Defendan 1 – 20%
(ii) Defendan 2 – 20%
(iii) Defendan 3 dan Defendan 4 – 50%
(iv) Defendan 6 dan 7 – 10%
(vi) kos tindakan ini
[84] Berdasarkan kepada jumlah saksi, jumlah Defendan-Defendan dan
jumlah hari perbicaraan, saya memberikan kos kepada Plaintif
sebanyak RM30,000 (dikongsi oleh Defendan 1, 2, 3 & 4 dan 6 & 7)
dan tertakluk pada 4% alokatur.
(v) Faedah
[85] 2.5% setahun dari tarikh pemfailan writ saman hingga tarikh
keputusan untuk gantirugi am, gantirugi khas dan gantirugi teladan.
[86] 5% setahun dari tarikh penghakiman hingga tarikh bayaran penuh
untuk gantirugi am, gantirugi khas dan gantirugi teladan.
(vi) Lain-lain perintah
[87] Bagi relif di perenggan 38 (b) (pemulangan RM195,000) dan
perenggan 38 (c) pernyataan tuntutan terpinda (bayaran insurans
RM8,495 dan potongan gaji RM18,996.96), dibayar kepada
peguamcara Plaintif dahulu bagi menyelesaikan pinjaman serta
gadaian Hartanah Tersebut dengan LPPSA. Baki akan dipulangkan
kepada Plaintif setelah tindakan-tindakan tersebut dibuat.
S/N sI9MXj8VQUON6BrsrV02Cw
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Bertarikh: 30 November 2023.
Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu.
Bagi pihak Plaintif: En. Ahmad Najib bin Deris,
Tetuan Wan Haron Sukri & Nordin,
PT 1180-1183, Tingkat 2,
Jalan Kebun Sultan,
15350 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Bagi pihak Defendan 1: En. Wan Mohd Zuhdi bin Wan Abdullah,
Tetuan Rithauddeen & Aziz,
Tingkat 6, Bangunan PKINK,
Jalan Tengku Maharani,
15000 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Bagi pihak Defendan 2: En. Norazham bin Yahaya,
Tetuan Hasif Azham Rizal & Co,
Lot 718, Jalan Sri Cemerlang 14/27,
Off Jalan Pengkalan Chepa,
15300 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Bagi pihak Defendan 3-4: Tuan Adam bin Mohamed @ Mamat,
Penolong Penasihat Undang-Undang
Negeri Kelantan,
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Negeri Kelantan,
Tingkat Bawah, Blok 5, Kota Darulnaim,
15050 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
S/N sI9MXj8VQUON6BrsrV02Cw
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Bagi pihak Defendan 5-7: Tuan Ahmad Armi Najamuddin bin Azmi,
Pengarah Guaman,
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Negeri Kelantan,
Tingkat Bawah, Blok 5, Kota Darulnaim,
15050 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
S/N sI9MXj8VQUON6BrsrV02Cw
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| 55,148 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-45-19-06/2019 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] TERTUDUH Vijaya Letchumy A/p Sannasi | penculikan-identiti tertuduh sama ada dibuktikan-duit tebusan sama ada dicamkan-seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan sama ada dipenuhi- pembelaan tertuduh jika konsisten- kegagalan menyediakan suspek dan OKT lain jika fatal. | 03/01/2024 | YA Puan Nurulhuda Nur'aini Binti Mohamad Nor | |
NO. K/P: 750726-14-6045
NO. K/P: 820907-14-6221
NO. K/P 571123-10-5443
NO. K/P 820326-04-5254 …TERTUDUH
Latar belakang.
[1] Kesemua OKT1 hingga OKT3 di atas (mereka adalah OKT1, OKT2
dan OKT5 dalam pertuduhan asal BA-45C-4-09/2018) telah dituduh
bersama dengan 5 OKT lain (mereka adalah OKT3, OKT4, OKT6 dan
OKT7 dalam pertuduhan asal BA-45C-4-09/2018 dan OKT8 dalam BA-
45C-5-09/2018) dengan niat bersama untuk menculik seorang bernama
Pratap a/l Pandien (SP12) di bawah seksyen 3 Akta Culik 1961, manakala
OKT4 di atas Vijaya Letchumi pula telah dituduh di BA-45-19-06/2019
03/01/2024 11:10:42
BA-45-19-06/2019 Kand. 31
S/N QzctiZIesU2rU8vH0igDA
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dengan pertuduhan seksyen 5 Akta yang sama kerana telah ada dalam
milikan wang tunai iaitu hasil tebusan yang terlibat di dalam kes
penculikan ini.
[2] 5 tertuduh yang lain itu (OKT3, OKT4, OKT6, OKT7 dan OKT8
dalam pertuduhan asal masing-masing) kemudian telah ditawarkan
pertuduhan pilihan di bawah seksyen 365 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun yang sama. Kelima-lima OKT ini telah
mengaku salah di atas pertuduhan pilihan ini dan dijatuhkan hukuman 5
tahun penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap.
[3] Bagi tertuduh-tertuduh lain, kes diteruskan untuk bicara atas
pertuduhan asal dan mereka kini dirujuk sebagai OKT1, OKT2, OKT 3
bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 3 dan OKT4 di bawah seksyen 5 Akta
[4] Pertuduhan yang diteruskan dengan perbicaraan ke atas OKT1
hingga OKT3 adalah seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 12 Disember 2017, jam lebih
kurang 9.10 malam, di Jalan 1B/8, Bandar Baru Sungai Buloh,
dalam daerah Petaling, dalam negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan, dalam
mencapai niat bersama kamu, telah melarikan secara salah
seorang lelaki bernama Pratap a/l Pandien (No. K/P:830819-14-
6239) bagi maksud mendapatkan wang tebusan. Oleh yang
demikian kamu telah melakukan kesalahan dan boleh dihukum di
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
bawah Seskyen 3(1) Akta Culik 1961 yang dibaca bersama seksyen
34 Kanun Keseksaan”.
[5] Pertuduhan bagi OKT4 pula adalah seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu pada 23 Januari 2018 jam lebih kurang 1.30 pagi
bertempat di rumah No. 27 Jalan Ambar 2, Batu 34, Taman Ambar,
Dengkil di dalam daerah Sepang Negeri Selangor telah didapati
menerima dan ada dalam milikan kamu wang tebusan sebanyak
RM27,900.00 hasil jenayah culik bersabit Sg. Buloh 12038/17 dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen 5 Akta Penculikan 1961 (Akta 365)”.
Kes pendakwaan.
[6] Kejadian bermula pada 12.12.2017 lebih kurang 8.30 malam ketika
SP1 keluar menaiki motorsikalnya untuk merokok tidak jauh dari bengkel,
apabila dia telah mendengar bunyi jeritan dalam Tamil dan nampak
sekumpulan 3 individu yang bertopeng sedang memaksa seorang lelaki
berbangsa Tamil (kemudian mangsa dicamkan sebagai Pratap SP12)
masuk ke kereta MyVi 6365 yang enjinnya sedang hidup kerana SP1
nampak lampu belakang kereta dalam keadaan menyala.
[7] Pada ketika itu, terdapat 2 kereta yang dilihat SP1 iaitu MyVi kuning
tersebut dan Pajero putih 1207 yang berada di belakang bengkel di
kawasan perumahan berkenaan. Menurut SP1, tempat kejadian dan
tempat dia memberhentikan motorsikalnya dalam jarak 30-40 meter. Dia
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kenal mangsa kerana tinggal dalam satu kawasan perumahan sama dan
terdapat pencahayaan berhampiran tempat kejadian membolehkan dia
melihat kejadian.
[8] Oleh kerana takut, SP1 berpatah balik ke bengkel dan beritahu
sahabatnya Jeevan Raj SP2 apa yang telah diperhatikan oleh SP1. SP2
kenal mangsa kerana mereka dari tempat tinggal yang sama iaitu Bandar
Baru Sg Buloh dan ada ketika lepak bersama. SP2 menaiki motorsikalnya
menuju ke tempat kejadian dan hanya menemui kereta Mitsubushi pajero
milik Pratap manakala kereta MyVi tidak kelihatan. SP2 kemudiannya
telah menelefon Saravanan Airoli SP3 memaklumkan kejadian kerana
Pratap dan Saravanan bersaudara dan SP2 minta SP3 menelefon
mangsa Pratap.
[9] Dalam cubaan SP3 mengesan Pratap melalui telefon oleh SP3
tetapi gagal, SP3 telah menelefon bapa Pratap iaitu Panndien a/l
Govindasamy menceritakan apa yang berlaku dan meminta Panddien
cuba menghubungi Pratap tetapi juga gagal. SP3 ketika tiba di lokasi
kejadian telah melihat kereta Pajero putih WTW 1207 milik Pratap. Ia
disusuli dengan usaha mengesan kereta MyVi kuning dengan nombor
yang dikatakan di sekitar Sg Buloh oleh SP2 dan SP3 juga gagal. SP3
kemudian meneruskan usaha mengesan Pratap di sekitar Selayang
hingga ke Rawang, berseorangan selama sejam tetapi tidak menemui
kereta MyVi tersebut.
[10] SP4 pula ialah isteri kepada mangsa Pratap dan telah mengecam
kereta Mitsubushi Pajero putih nombor 1207 milik Pratap. Kali akhir
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melihat Pratap ialah ketika dia balik pada 12.12.2017 pada jam lebih
kurang 5.30 petang sebelum dia (Pratap) balik semula ke tempat kerja
untuk meneruskan tugasnya. Menurut SP4, kebiasaannya Pratap akan
balik pada jam 10.00pm tetapi pada hari tersebut dia masih belum pulang
pada jam 12.00am.
[11] SP4 cuba menghubunginya tetapi gagal. Ini mengakibatkan SP4
menelefon bapa mertuanya dan telah diberitahu oleh bapa mertuanya
Panndien Govindasamy (SP10), bahawa suaminya Pratap telah diculik.
SP4 hanya bertemu dengan suaminya 21 hari kemudian pada 3.1.2018
di rumah bapa mertuanya Bukit Rahman Putra dalam keadaan tidak
terurus dan kurus.
[12] En. Panndien SP10 pada jam lebih kurang 8.45 malam 12.12.2017
berada bersama anaknya Pratap di Pejabat mereka. SP10 dan anaknya
Pratap (SP12) kemudian telah balik ke rumah masing-masing. Semasa
SP10 sedang mengadap makan malamnya jam lebih kurang 9 .00 malam,
telah menerima satu panggilan telefon dari orang yang tidak dikenalinya
menyatakan SP12 berada dalam tangan mereka. SP10 tidak percaya dan
terus meletakkan telefon.
[13] SP10 kemudian menerima panggilan daripada anak saudaranya
bernama Saravanan SP3 menceritakan cubaan SP3 memanggil Pratap
melalui telefon setelah dimaklumkan oleh SP1 melihat Pratap ditarik
masuk ke dalam kereta MyVi kuning tetapi tidak berjaya dihubungi SP3.
SP10 kemudian cuba menghubungi anaknya beberapa kali tapi masih
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gagal sehinggalah SP10 menerima panggilan dari suspek penculik yang
meminta wang tebusan RM10 juta jika gagal, anak SP10 akan dibunuh.
[14] SP10 telah membuat laporan polis pada 13.12.2018 jam 3.45 pagi.
Walau bagaimanapun, SP10 juga telah menceritakan kejadian ini kepada
Supt. Somu SP13 yang telah memberi arahan kepada anggotanya Insp.
Praba SP17 untuk mengetuai unit tindakan. Pada ketika ini, SP10
sebelum membuat laporan polis, telahpun lebih awal diarahkan oleh Insp.
Praba (SP17) untuk berada di lokasi bilik Hotel Damansara untuk
memantau panggilan berikutnya. SP10 menerima panggilan seterusnya
jam 12.40 mengulangi permintaan wang tebusan RM10juta. SP10 telah
menawarkan RM50,000.00 tetapi pemanggil enggan menerima jumlah ini
dan mematikan panggilan. SP10 dapat mengecam suara pemanggil yang
berbeza daripada panggilan awal.
[15] Panggilan seterusnya pada jam 4.00pagi meminta jumlah yang
lebih tinggi RM20 juta tetapi SP10 hanya bersetuju menawarkan RM50
ribu. Beberapa panggilan telah berlangsung di antara suspek dan SP10
di mana akhirnya pada 23.12.2017 SP10 telah bersetuju pada jumlah
RM300,000.00. SP10 telah menyediakan wang sejumlah ini melalui wang
bayaran gaji pekerja RM100,000 yang telah sedia ada dikeluarkan pada
4.12.2017 dan wang RM200,000 yang dikeluarkan kemudian pada
28.12.2017 melalui Hong Leong Bank. Insp Praba telah mengambil
gambar wang yang terlibat yang diikat dalam 60 ikatan mengandungi
RM5000.00 setiap satu ikatan dikemukakan sebagai ID151.
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[16] Beberapa siri panggilan kemudian berlaku untuk tujuan membuat
serahan wang tebusan ini bermula dengan R&R Port Dickson ke tol Ayer
Keroh. Apabila tiada arahan diterima ketika SP10 di tol Ayer Keroh, SP10
telah balik. Keesokannya SP10 diarahkan oleh penculik untuk ke tol Bukit
Raja kemudian ke tol Ipoh dan ketika ini SP10 mendapati dia diekori dari
jauh oleh beberapa buah kereta. Di tol Ipoh juga tiada panggilan
seterusnya yang datang mengakibatkan SP10 balik semula ke rumahnya.
[17] Di rumah SP10, Insp Praba telah bertemu dengan SP10 dan
memaklumkan penemuan Insp Praba bahawa kereta Pajero milik Pratap
telah ditemui dibakar. SP10 turut menerima panggilan daripada penculik
menyatakan kejadian kereta Pajero yang telah dibakar oleh mereka dan
ingatan mereka kepada SP10 untuk tidak melibatkan pihak polis jika tidak
anak SP10 akan dibunuh.
[18] SP10 menerima panggilan berikutnya untuk ke Batu Caves
bersama wang tebusan tersebut tetapi apabila tiba di lokasi, tiada arahan
lanjut diberi yang mengakibatkan SP10 balik semula ke rumah. Pada
1.1.2018 jam lebih kurang 2.30 pagi SP10 menerima panggilan akhir dari
penculik yang mengarahkan SP10 untuk ke Batu Caves semula dan
diarahkan menuju ke satu jambatan sebelum Petronas dan akhirnya
diarahkan menjatuhkan bag berisi duit tersebut dari jambatan tersebut.
[19] Pada 3.1.2018, SP10 menerima panggilan telefon dari penculik
menyatakan Pratap (SP12) berada di hentian Bemban. SP10 kemudian
turut menerima panggilan dari anaknya yang menggunakan handphone
salah seorang peniaga di R&R tersebut untuk membuat panggilan,
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menyatakan dia berada di Bemban. SP10 terus menuju ke hentian
Bemban dan bertemu dengan Pratap di situ lalu dibawa ke hospital untuk
pemeriksaan, atas arahan IO.
[20] SP12 menyatakan pada 12.12.2017 lebih kurang jam 8.45pm ketika
hendak balik ke rumahnya, SP12 yang berada dalam kereta Pajeronya
sedang menelefon salah seorang pelanggannya dalam kereta yang
dihentikan di belakang deretan kedai, apabila cermin tingkap belah
pemandu yang dalam kedaan bertutup, diketuk 2 kali oleh seorang lelaki
India yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai ‘polis’ sambil menunjukkan kad
pengenalan diri, kad ini tidak jelas dilihat oleh SP12.
[21] SP12 telah menurunkan cerminnya dan lelaki tersebut kemudian
telah memasukkan tangannya melalui tingkap dan membuka pintu kereta
tersebut. SP12 keluar dan lelaki tersebut terus memegang dan menekan
tengkuk SP12 ke bawah. Tangan SP12 kemudiannya digarikan ke
belakang oleh lelaki ini. Lelaki ini dilihat SP12 berkulit cerah dan agak
tinggi. Ketika itu juga datang 3 lagi lelaki bertopeng dari arah belakang
lalu menolak SP12 ke bawah. Lelaki yang menggarikan tangan SP12
dicamkan oleh SP12 sebagai OKT8 (OKT8 telah mengaku salah atas
pertuduhan pilihan seksyen 365 KK).
[22] Kemudian 3 lelaki-lelaki ini telah menarik SP12 masuk ke kereta My
Vi kuning dan ketika ini SP12 dapat melihat mereka merupakan bangsa
India. Di dalam kereta, telefon bimbit SP12 telah diambil dan panggilan
telefon dibuat kepada SP10 iaitu bapa Pratap memberitahu anaknya iaitu
SP12 telah diculik dan meminta wang tebusan dibayar. Mereka kemudian
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memakaikan sarung muka ke atas SP12 dan meletakkan selotape pada
[23] Setelah lebih kurang 35 minit, SP12 dapat mendengar gate dibuka
dan dia dikeluarkan daripada kereta dan didudukkan dalam sebuah
rumah dengan kipas terpasang. SP12 tahu dia tidak bersendirian kerana
boleh mendengar seseorang bernafas di sebelahnya. Setelah beberapa
jam, SP12 dibangunkan dan masuk ke dalam kereta dan bergerak ke
sebuah rumah lain kerana perjalanan yang diambil lama dan dia (SP12)
telah dibawa naik tangga ke atas ke sebuah bilik.
[24] Meskipun sepanjang masa SP12 berada dalam keadaan mata
bertutup dan tangan bergari, tetapi SP12 pasti terdapat 2 orang
mengawalnya kerana SP12 telah bertanya kenapa dia diculik dan kedua-
dua suspek ini telah menyatakan mereka ingin dapatkan wang tebusan
RM500,000 atau RM1,000,000.00.
[25] SP12 kemudian telah dibawa ke satu tempat lain kerana SP12
terpaksa tunduk untuk memasuki rumah ini. SP12 dibawa masuk ke
sebuah bilik yang mempunyai katil dan disuruh baring. Selang masa,
SP12 kemudian dibawa ke satu rumah lain kerana dia dapat mendengar
bunyi ‘shutters’ ditarik untuk buka dan kemudian, ditutup. SP12 turut
mendengar bunyi tong gas disusun. Ini didengar berulang kali. SP12 turut
mendengar bunyi skru dibuka dengan ‘screw gun’ untuk menanggalkan
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[26] Di premis ini, SP12 dalam keadaan dipakai topeng dan mata berlilit
serta bergari, juga telah ditendang di belakang oleh seseorang dan bila
ditanya kenapa, dia menyatakan ‘bapa kamu masih belum bayar lagi”. Dia
juga mengugut menyatakan ‘kalau bapa kamu tidak bayar, tahulah kamu”.
SP12 juga tahu kedatangan 2 lelaki berikut yang kemudiannya mereka
telah menelefon SP10 (Panndien) dan menyuruh SP12 bercakap dengan
bapanya. SP12 semasa bercakap dengan bapanya menyatakan dia
dalam ketakutan.
[27] SP12 menyatakan dia juga dipukul dengan apa yang dirasakan
sebagai kayu, dari pemerhatiannya mendengar bunyi objek ini diketuk di
lantai dan apabila ia diletak di bahu SP12 dengan diugut jika mahu dipukul
dengan objek ini. SP12 diberi makan sekali sehari dan ada masanya
ketika mereka beramai-ramai barulah SP12 diberi makan tengahari.
[28] SP12 hanya diberitahu akan dilepaskan apabila dia diminta bersiap,
mandi tetapi dibatalkan untuk dia dilepaskan kerana dikatakan ada hal
dilakukan ayahnya Panndien. Keesokannya kali kedua mereka beritahu
SP12 akan dilepaskan, SP12 diberi pakaian untuk bersiap meskipun
dalam keadaan tangan bergari dan mata bertutup. Di dalam kereta
tersebut, SP12 telah dibaringkan dan SP12 dapat merasa dia ditutup
dengan jaket. Di dalam perjalanan tersebut, SP12 mendengar perbualan
telefon suspek dengan ayahnya kerana terdengar nama ayahnya disebut
dan diberitahu tempat anaknya akan dilepaskan akan dinyatakan nanti.
[29] Setelah menjalani perjalanan melalui tol untuk beberapa ketika
termasuk berhenti untuk mengisi minyak yang mana kesemuanya
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diperhatikan SP12 melalui pendengaran bunyi menggunakan Touch&Go,
bunyi tank minyak dibuka kerana SP12 masih dalam keadaan bertopeng,
akhirnya kereta berhenti di satu tempat. Ketika masih dalam kereta, SP12
telah diberi amaran untuk tunduk dan jangan melihat kerana suspek
bersenjatakan pisau dan akan menikam SP12 jika berlaku cubaan.
Topeng dan gari SP12 dibuka tetapi mata dililit selotape sebelum SP12
dikeluarkan dari kereta oleh 2 lelaki dan didudukkan di satu tempat.
[30] Setelah SP12 didudukkan, SP12 telah membuka selotape pada
matanya tetapi mendapati kereta tersebut telah meninggalkan lokasi.
SP12 dapati dia berada di lokasi highway di bawah jambatan dan apabila
menyedari terdapat pencahayaan yang terang dari seberang jalan, telah
bertindak melintas laluan highway tersebut ke arah cahaya lampu
tersebut dan meminta bantuan penjual di situ dengan meminjam telefon
untuk menghubungi ayahnya SP10.
[31] SP10 tiba kemudian dan SP10 membawa SP12 ke hospital atas
arahan IO. Hasil pemeriksaan oleh pegawai perubatan SP15 menemui
kesan lecet pada muka dan belakang telinga serta cedera ringan sahaja
yang dikatakan melalui ‘history taking’ akibat dibalut muka dengan
selotape dan dipakaikan topeng. SP15 juga mendapati kesan kecederaan
yang juga bukan akibat semulajadi dan boleh diakibatkan bersentuh
dengan sesuatu seperti jatuh, terhentak, dipukul.
Penemuan wang tebusan: pengecaman wang yang disediakan oleh
SP10 dan wang yang dirampas dari saksi atau suspek jika wang
yang sama dan pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950
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[32] Wang tebusan berjumlah RM300,000.00 yang telah disediakan oleh
SP10 telah diambil gambar oleh SP17 sebelum serahan dibuat di
jambatan dan set gambar ini ditandakan sebagai ID151. Gambar diambil
menggunakan handphone SP17 dan dimajukan kepada IO SP27 melalui
applikasi WhatsApp. Atas dapatan Mahkamah, gambar ini hanya
ditandakan sebagai ID151 melainkan ada keterangan lain yang timbul
atas alasan tiada apa-apa soalan diajukan kepada SP17 berhubung
pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 bersabit imej ini
dikemukakan dalam bentuk CD dan dihasilkan sebagai gambar ID151.
[33] Meskipun begitu, terdapat wang tebusan yang dirampas daripada
OKT9 dan Sarasbathy SP25, sebagaimana senarai bongkar P200
beserta senarai nombor siri yang dilampirkan (untuk jumlah 706 keping
RM50.00=$35,300.00) dan P202 (untuk 196 keping RM50.00=$9800.00)
jumlah keseluruhan $45,100.00, 558 keping sebagaimana senarai
bongkar P198 (jumlah RM27,900.00). Sejumlah wang 340 keping
RM50.00 (berjumlah $17,000.00) dalam bag sandang ‘Levi’ turut
dikemukakan melalui IO SP27 dan ditandakan sebagai P163A(1-340)
yang dirampas dari rumah Surendran OKT2 oleh SP21.
[34] Keterangan SP25 Sarasbathy menunjukkan pada awal Januari
2018, OKT9 bersama Vasantha telah datang ke rumah SP25
menyerahkan sejumlah wang nota RM50.00 berjumlah RM60,000.00
yang berada dalam ikatan getah dalam sebuah beg. SP25 telah
menyimpan wang yang berada dalam beg tersebut dalam bean bagnya.
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[35] Sejumlah RM50,000.00 kemudian diserah kepada Balan SP24 atas
saranan Sarasbathy dan Vijaya untuk duit digunakan sebagai pinjaman
Ah Long. Baki RM10,000.00 masih disimpan oleh SP25. Baki duit
RM10,000.00 ini dan RM50,000.00 kemudian dirampas masing-masing
dari rumah SP25 dan rumah Balan SP24.
[36] SP19 Murukiah juga telah diserahkan 3 bungkusan plastic hitam
berisi wang oleh Muniandy (OKT5) untuk disimpan sehinggalah
diberitahu. Bungkusan ini telah disimpan oleh SP19 dalam reban ayam
kosong. Atas arahan Muniandy kemudiannya, 2 bungkusan ini telah
diserah kepada seorang wanita India di satu pertemuan R&R manakala
satu bungkusan lagi yang tinggal telah diminta oleh Muniandy untuk
ditanam sehingga arahan lanjut diberi.
[37] Di dalam proses untuk menyerahkan satu bungkusan ini kepada
Muniandy setelah diminta diserahkan di Tesco Senawang, SP19
mendapati plastic hitam koyak dan melihat kepingan RM50.00 di
dalamnya. SP19 menggantikan bungkusan dengan bungkusan beras
jenama ‘Rambutan’ sebelum ditanam semula kerana setelah menunggu
hampir 2 jam, Muniandy tidak muncul di Tesco pada tarikh tersebut.
[38] Daripada keterangan SP21 dan SP27, wang rampasan daripada
saksi ataupun OKT diringkaskan seperti berikut:
a) P197 daripada Lalitha (SP23) berjumlah RM28,600.00
b) P198 daripada OKT4 (SD3) berjumlah RM27,900.00
c) P200 daripada Balan (SP24) berjumlah RM35,000.00
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d) P202 daripada Sarasbathy (SP25) berjumlah RM 9800.00
e) P166 daripada Surendran OKT2 (dalam beg ‘Levi’ berjumlah
[39] SP27 telah memberi keterangan membuat pengecaman
sebahagian no siri wang rampasan ini dengan membandingkan no siri
lampiran pada senarai bongkar dan dibandingkan dengan ID151.
Mahkamah telah membenarkan ini dilakukan oleh SP27 sebagai pegawai
penyiasat kes kerana kedua-dua keterangan SP17 Insp. Praba dan IO
SP27 menyatakan arahan diberi dan diterima untuk merakam gambar
wang tebusan yang disediakan oleh SP10 dan SP17 telah serahkan
rakaman gambar ini kepada SP27. SP17 juga menyatakan handphone
yang digunakannya untuk tujuan ini digunakan dalam keadaan berfungsi
dengan baik. Malahan ini disokong oleh keterangan SP10 sendiri gambar
wang diambil oleh SP17 menggunakan handphone SP17 pada lebih
kurang 28.12.2017.
[40] Meskipun dari segi pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan
1950, ia masih belum dipatuhi sepenuhnya kerana tiada dinyatakan
handphone ini digunakan dalam keadaan biasa dalam menjalankan
tugasnya dan tiada keterangan dari SP17 bagaimana imej gambar
berubah menjadi printout dalam bentuk ID151, namun SP17 dalam
keterangannya jelas menyatakan dia telah menyusun kepingan wang
RM50.00 ini sebelum gambar diambil dan telah mengecam gambar wang
kertas ini dari segi susunan yang telah dibuatnya.
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[41] SP27 juga mengesahkan telah memberi arahan kepada SP17 untuk
mengambil gambar dan telah menerima gambar wang tebusan yang
disediakan untuk serahan dari SP17 melalui WhatsApp dan CD namun
tanpa perakuan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan. Atas bantahan pihak
pembelaan untuk ID151 diterima sebagai P151, Mahkamah telah
mengarahkan pihak-pihak untuk berhujah lanjut berhubung isu ini. Di
akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah telah menerima ID151 sebagai P151.
[42] Alasan Mahkamah dalam menerima ID151 sebagai P151 ialah:
a) SP17 dan SP27 konsisten berhubung terdapat penyediaan wang
tebusan oleh SP10 yang turut diakui oleh SP10;
b) kedua-dua SP17 dan SP27 konsisten terdapat arahan untuk gambar
diambil menyedari kes ini melibatkan satu kes penculikan dengan wang
c) SP17 telah menyatakan handphonenya dalam keadaan baik apabila
gambar ID151 diambil;
d) SP10 sendiri mengesahkan dia menyerahkan wang tebusan tersebut
kepada SP17 untuk diambil gambar dan gambar telah diambil oleh SP17;
e) wang rampasan dengan lampiran nombor siri beserta senarai bongkar
yang dicatit oleh SP27 di P198 (meskipun sebahagian) adalah konsisten
dengan nombor siri wang yang disediakan sebelum serahan oleh SP10
seperti berikut:
LY 4248085 JL1826708
GE 1940306 JJ1188399
HV 1964730 GQ9515385
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f) jika kewujudan wang RM50.00 ini dengan nombor siri yang selari adalah
diada-adakan oleh pihak polis, ini bermakna mereka berpakat
mewujudkan ID151 serta senarai bongkar dan lampiran lain P200, P201
yang pada pendapat Mahkamah bukan menjadi pembelaan kesemua
OKT dalam mencabar ID151.
[43] Ini ditambah dengan keterangan SP1 bersabit awal kejadian SP1
melihat SP12 ditarik masuk ke dalam kereta MyVi pada 12.12.2017. SP27
yang menunjukkan gambar ID1151 tertera tarikh diambil sebagai
26.12.2017 pada jam 8.40pm selari dengan catatan pada sampul CD
P210 tercatit 13.12.2017 dan 26.12.2017. Ini selari dengan keterangan
SP10 yang menyatakan wang RM100,000.00 untuk gaji pekerja telah
dikeluarkan pada 4.12.2017 manakala RM200,000.00 dikeluarkan dari
Hong Leong Bank lebih kurang pada 28.12.2017 dan gambar turut diambil
pada lebih kurang 28 haribulan.
[44] Pada dapatan Mahkamah, tarikh 28.12.2017 adalah tarikh
berdasarkan ingatan SP10 kerana dia telah menggunakan perkataan
‘lebih kurang’ untuk menggambarkan situasi ini. Namun, Mahkamah
harus sentiasa beringat bahawa sesuatu perbicaraan bukanlah
bersandarkan dengan sendirinya kepada kuatnya ingatan seseorang
saksi kepada sesuatu fakta ‘it is not a trial by memory’. Akta Keterangan
1950 itu sendiri membenarkan apa-apa keterangan kontemporari
‘contemporaneous’ digunakan untuk menunjukkan apa-apa keterangan
saksi sebagai benar, kredibel dan konsisten (‘true, credible and
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[45] Dalam kes ini, SP10 mempunyai resit pengeluaran RM200,000.00
tersebut dan bersedia untuk mengemukakan resit pengeluaran tersebut.
Meskipun terdapat ketinggalan di pihak pendakwaan untuk
mengemukakannya, namun dari segi CD P210 tersebut menunjukkan
keterangan bila gambar-gambar tersebut diambil. Bersandarkan kepada
keseluruhan keterangan ini, Mahkamah berpuashati bahawa ID151
adalah satu dokumen yang kontemporari, kandungannya benar dan
konsisten dengan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan
dokumentar yang lain.
[46] Berhubung dengan pematuhan kepada seksyen 90A pula,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan Abdul Rahman
Mohd v PP [2021] 1 LNS 804, di mana Mahkamah Rayuan bergantung
kepada dicta oleh Augustine Paul J dalam kes PP v. Ramli Shafie [2002]
8 CLJ 846 yang berhadapan dengan isu sama ada gambar boleh
dikemukakan tanpa memanggil saksi jurugambar. Augustine Paul J
menerima masuk gambar tanpa perlu memanggil jurugambar atau
mengemukakan filem negative kerana gambar ini telah dicamkan oleh
saksi lain dan tanpa gambar-gambar ini dicabar kesahihannya.
[47] Memetik penghakiman Augustine Paul J di dalam kes tersebut yang
menyatakan kebolehterimaan gambar tanpa keperluan memanggil
jurugambar kerana wujud saksi untuk mengesahkan apa yang
dikemukakan melalui gambar ini adalah satu pernyataan fakta yang benar
menjadi sandaran mahkamah ini seperti berikut:
“In further elaboration, I refer to a passage from Evidence: Proof and Practice
by Graham Roberts at p 545:
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A question that arises where photographs are to be tendered is whether it is
necessary to call the photographer. Generally speaking, there is no need to call
the photographer provided that a witness is available who can testify that what
is shown on the photograph is a fair and accurate representation of the scene
at the relevant time. Calling the photographer will generally only be necessary
when no such witness is available or in special cases when technical details of
the photographer's art are likely to be in question. In other words, what is
required, in the usual case, of a witness through whom a photograph is to be
tendered is first-hand knowledge of what is shown in the photograph rather than
first-hand knowledge of the taking of the photograph (see JW McElhaney, Trial
Notebook (2nd Ed, Litigation Section of the American Bar Association, 1987)
pp 202-203)”.
[48] Di dalam kes Abdul Rahman (supra), apa yang dapat dirumuskan
oleh Mahkamah ini ialah Mahkamah Rayuan dengan lebih lanjut
menyatakan kesahihan sesuatu gambar adalah isu utama yang perlu
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah meskipun pematuhan kepada seksyen 90A
Akta Keterangan tidak dipatuhi sepenuhnya. Sebagai contoh, gambar
kejadian bunuh semestinya akan diterima masuk sebagai sahih dan benar
kerana tidak akan ada pihak-pihak yang akan mewujudkan senario
seumpamanya yang menjadikan isu kesahihan gambar tersebut (no
parties would recreate or re-enact the scene to suggest challenge to the
authenticity of the photographs).
[49] Mahkamah ini bersetuju bahawa isu pokok yang perlu diputuskan
meskipun dengan kewujudan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan ialah jika
gambar-gambar ID151 ini memberi cerita yang benar dan bukan diada-
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adakan. Untuk ini juga, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak
pendakwaan yang merujuk kepada kes PP v Lin Lian Chen [1990] 2CLJ
1020 dan memutuskan ID151 boleh dikemukakan melalui IO SP27
apabila Mohtar Abdullah J menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Mohd. Noor bin Jantan must be viewed in the light of the observation stated by
Suffian LP himself:
... in our judgment it is immaterial whether or not the statement is a public document
- for the principle is that a witness who has any document which is within his
possession or power which is required by the defence and which is material to the
defence, is bound to produce it; and this rule applies whether or not the document is
public or private - save that in the case of a document within the possession or power
of Government, Crown privilege may in certain circumstances be claimed. It is not
suggested that the cautioned statement here is protected by Crown privilege.
In the present case, the investigating officer had the cautioned statement " within his
possession or power” ...
Following Suffian LP's observation, for the purpose of the present case, the
principle can be restated as follows:
the principle is that any witness (including an investigating officer) who has
any document (including a cautioned statement of an accused person) which is
within his possession or power which is required by the defence and which is
material to the defence, is bound to produce it...” (emphasis mine)
[50] Dengan mengambil kira cabaran oleh pihak pembelaan berhubung
wang ini melalui soalan semasa pemeriksaan balas saksi-saksi
pendakwaan iaitu ia sebagai satu perangkap yang diaturkan oleh Insp
Praba SP17 dan SP12 mangsa Pratap sendiri (yang dinafikan oleh kedua-
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duanya), wang ini adalah wang yang diberikan polis sebagai perangkap
(yang turut dinafikan), wang yang ditemui dalam bakul di bilik Lalitha SP23
ini yang diletakkan oleh anak lelaki atau anak perempuan SP23 (dinafikan
saksi), maka adalah jelas pembelaan sebenarnya tidak mencabar
kewujudan sejumlah wang dalam bentuk nota RM50.00 ini. Berdasarkan
keseluruhan prinsip dalam kes yang dirujuk di atas, Mahkamah ini
memutuskan semasa pembelaan dipanggil, untuk ID151 diterima masuk
sebagai P151.
Pembuktian kes di bawah seksyen 3 dan seksyen 5 Akta Culik
[51] Bagi pertuduhan ke atas OKT1-3, iaitu melarikan secara salah
‘abduction’, maksud ‘abduction’ di bawah Akta Culik ialah sebagaimana
takrifan di dalam Kanun Keseksaan apabila seksyen 2 Akta
“wrongful restraint”, “wrongful confinement” and “abduction” shall have the
meanings assigned to them in sections 339, 340 and 362 respectively of
the Penal Code [Act 574].
[52] Seksyen 3 Akta yang sama memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
Section 3. Abduction, wrongful restraint or wrongful confinement for
(1) Whoever, with intent to hold any person for ransom, abducts or
wrongfully confines or wrongfully restrains such person shall be guilty of
an offence and shall be punished on conviction with imprisonment for a
term of not less than thirty years but not exceeding forty years and with
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Section 362. Abduction.
Whoever by force compels or by any deceitful means induces any person
to go from any place, is said to abduct that person.
[53] Seksyen 5 pertuduhan OKT4 pula memperuntukkan:
Section 5. Knowingly receiving ransom.
(1) Whoever receives, has possession of or disposes of any money or
property or any proceeds thereof, which has at any time been delivered
as ransom in connection with any offence punishable under section 6,
knowing that such money or other property has at any time been delivered
as such ransom, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be punished on
conviction with imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and shall
also be liable to whipping.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), a person found to be in possession
of any money or property or any proceeds thereof which has at any time
been delivered as ransom shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed
to have knowledge that such money or other property was delivered as
such ransom.
Seksyen 2 Akta pula mentakrifkan:
“ransom” means any money, price or consideration paid or demanded for
the release of a person abducted or wrongfully confined or wrongfully
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[54] Mahkamah melalui penilaian maksima ke atas kredibiliti keterangan
oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan khususnya SP12 dan berpuas hati bahawa
SP12 adalah seorang saksi yang kredibel. Keterangan SP1 dan SP12
menunjukkan berlakunya kejadian SP12 dilarikan secara salah. Versi
SP12 pada dapatan Mahkamah adalah saksi yang kredibel kerana
mengambil kira keterangan SP12 mengenai pengamatannya yang
meskipun dalam keadaan mata bertutup, peka pada bunyi-bunyi seperti
shutters ditarik dan ditutup, bunyi tong gas digerakkan yang konsisten
dengan penemuan tempat SP12 dikurung sepertimana di gambar P137.
[55] Keterangan SP10, SP12 dan SP17 selanjutnya juga membuktikan
berlakunya kejadian menahan SP12 secara salah untuk mendapatkan
wang tebusan apabila komunikasi telefon dibuat di antara suspek dengan
SP10 yang turut didengari oleh SP17. Keterangan SP10 adalah material
kerana SP10 adalah saksi yang merundingkan untuk jumlah tebusan
dikurangkan dari jumlah asal yang diperas oleh suspek.
[56] Keterangan SP12 juga memainkan peranan penting kerana telah
dapat mengecam OKT8 Pooganeswaran seorang polis bantuan yang
pada awalnya telah mendekati SP12 dan memperkenalkan diri sebagai
polis yang telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan alternative seksyen 365
KK. Hasil soal siasat atas OKT8 inilah yang membawa kepada lain-lain
suspek yang membawa kepada penemuan wang tebusan yang ditemui
dalam keadaan tersorok. Penemuan gari dan ski mask juga menyokong
versi kejadian oleh SP12.
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[57] Identiti OKT-OKT pula ditentukan melalui pengecaman melalui
penemuan DNA mangsa beserta DNA OKT1 (Jevan), OKT4 (Pirankash),
OKT8 (Poonganeswaran) dan suspek Rovin Jothy. Fakta penemuan DNA
OKT-OKT lain adalah relevan kerana menunjukkan berlakunya
penculikan dengan melarikan secara salah SP12. Di samping itu,
perbuatan OKT1 (Jevan) dan isterinya OKT4 (Vijaya), OKT2 (Surendran)
dan OKT5 (Muniandy) membawa polis kepada penemuan sebahagian
wang tebusan dalam keadaan jumlah yang besar dan tersorok dengan
nombor siri selari dengan nombor siri wang dalam P151 (lihat bermula
para 32 penghakiman ini) membuktikan kesemua memainkan peranan
melarikan dan menahan dengan salah, mangsa SP12 kerana mempunyai
pengetahuan mengenai wang tebusan ini yang ditemui dalam keadaan
[58] Untuk tujuan ini, anggapan seksyen 5(2) juga terpakai terhadap
OKT4 (lihat para 78 penghakiman dan kes Krishna Rao yang disahkan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di [2009] 2CLJ 603, Pulukuri Kotayya v.
King Emperor [1947] 74 IA 65 dan Amathevelli a/p P Ramasamy v
Public Prosecutor [2009] 2 MLJ 367 berhubung kenyataan yang boleh
diterima masuk oleh Mahkamah ini berhubung seksyen 27 Akta
Keterangan dan seksyen 8 Akta yang sama sebagaimana diputuskan
dalam ‘ruling’ Mahkamah semasa prosiding bicara berlangsung).
[59] Meskipun jumlah wang yang dipadankan dengan nombor siri bukan
berjumlah RM300,000.00 namun sebahagian besarnya telah diteliti dan
dibuat perbandingan oleh SP27 dan disahkan semasa SP27 memberi
keterangan. Tindakan OKT-OKT dalam kes ini memecahkan jumlah wang
tebusan dengan membuat ‘layering’ melibatkan pengagihan kepada isteri
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atau ahli keluarga serta sahabat melibatkan motif bertujuan untuk
mengelakkan wang rampasan ini daripada mudah dikesan. Oleh itu,
Mahkamah ini berpuashati bahawa satu kes di bawah seksyen 3 dan
seksyen 5 dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan memanggil OKT-OKT
untuk membela diri (lihat: Ting Khai Sin & Ors v Public Prosecutor
[2015] 2 MLJ 417).
Kes pembelaan
[60] Kesemua tertuduh membuat permohonan untuk OKT-OKT yang
mengaku salah serta Rovin Jothy dikemukakan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan akan mengemukakan kenyataan 112 mereka kepada pihak
pembelaan memandangkan OKT-OKT ini serta Rovin Jothy pada tarikh
ditawarkan kepada pembelaan, tidak dibawa ke Mahkamah (lihat tentang
keperluan mengemukakan saksi-saksi ini semasa ditawarkan: Ti Chuee
Hiang v PP 1995 2MLJ 433 (SC), PP v Asnawi Yusuf [2012] 3CLJ 41
[61] Apa yang dapat disimpulkan oleh Mahkamah ini ialah OKT-OKT
awal yang lain ini telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan pilihan seksyen
365KK dan fakta kes yang dikemukakan menunjukkan mangsa yang
terlibat ialah Pratap SP12. Oleh itu, versi SP12 bahawa dia dilarikan dan
dikurung adalah kredibel. Malahan soal balas atas OKT2 juga bersetuju
bahawa terdapat wang yang dirampas dari bilik sembahyang rumahnya,
OKT4 (Pirakhas) melalui fakta yang dikemukakan juga menyatakan
terdapat permintaan untuk wang tebusan dibuat dan fakta kes OKT8
(Pooganeswaran) menunjukkan wang habuan RM33,000.00 yang
dirampas daripadanya yang disahkan sebagai wang tebusan melalui
nombor siri oleh SP27.
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[62] Semasa kes pembelaan, OKT5 Muniandy (dalam pertuduhan asal
atau OKT3 dalam pertuduhan terkini) telah meninggal dunia sebelum
sempat memberi keterangan. Atas permintaan Peguambela dan TPR
untuk perintah pelepasan tidak terjumlah kepada pembebasan
direkodkan, Mahkamah memerintahkan OKT3 dilepas tanpa dibebaskan
[63] OKT4 (dirujuk sebagai SD3) pula menyatakan menerima sejumlah
wang RM100,000.00 sebagaimana pertuduhan daripada ‘Jack’ atau
Rovin Jothy untuk tujuan membayar duit peguam bagi Jevan dan
Sundramurti. Namun, OKT4 menyatakan tidak mengenali ‘Jack’. Pada
masa yang sama, sejumlah RM30,000.00 diserah pada Lalita (SP23)
kerana rumah Lalita terletak dalam perjalanan ke Pejabat peguam Dato’
[64] Dari baki RM70,000.00, sejumlah RM15,000.00 pula, menurut SD3
(OKT4) telah dibayar pada Dato’ Baljit, sejumlah RM5,000.00 dengan
pecahan RM1,000.00 OKT4 (SD3) telah simpan dalam kereta manakala
RM4,000.00 lagi dibelanjakan. Baki RM50,000.00 diagihkan pada ahli
keluarganya termasuk makciknya Vasantha dan ini termasuk
RM10,000.00 yang diserahkan oleh Vasantha kepada Sarasbathy
[65] Apabila disoal balas oleh TPR, SD3 menyatakan tidak membayar
seluruh wang yang diserahkan oleh Jack kepada Dato’ Baljit kerana
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arahan Dato’ Baljit ialah untuk membuat bayaran secara ansuran
berdasarkan permintaan yang akan dibuat oleh Dato’ Baljit. Tiada
bantahan oleh mana-mana pihak berhubung kenyataan SD3 ini. Walau
bagaimanapun, di akhir kes pembelaan, Mahkamah terpaksa menolak
keterangan SD3 ini kerana ‘hearsay’ atau dengar cakap kerana Dato’
Baljit tidak dipanggil (see: PP v Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim (No.3) (1999)
2MLJ 1)
[66] Keterangan SD3 dibandingkan dengan soalbalas peguam OKT
terhadap SP25 tidak membawa kepada cabaran bahawa jumlah
RM10,000.00 telah diserahkan kepada SP25 oleh SD3. Sebagai
tambahan, Mahkamah berpendapat adalah sesuatu yang tidak
munasabah untuk ‘Jack’ atau Rovin Jothy menyerah sejumlah besar
wang RM100,000.00 kepada SD3 atas alasan untuk mendapatkan
perkhidmatan peguam bagi Jevan (OKT1) dan Sundramurti (adik Rovin)
meskipun OKT1 ialah suami SD3 sedangkan SD3 sendiri menyatakan
tidak mengenali Jack ‘Rovin Jothy’ dan Jack sendiri adalah salah seorang
tangkapan dalam kes ini.
[67] Malahan, SD1 OKT1 sendiri turut menyatakan tidak mengenali
Rovin Jothy maka adalah sesuatu di luar norma untuk Rovin Jothy
memberi jumlah besar ini untuk membantu orang yang tiada hubungan
dengannya. SD3 juga bersetuju Rovin Jothy tidak perlu menyerahkan
sejumlah wang kepada SD3 kerana Rovin Jothy sendiri boleh melantik
peguam untuk adiknya Sundramurti.
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[68] Keterangan SD3 juga menyatakan telah memberikan baki
RM50,000.00 kepada Vasantha dan Vasantha telah berikan
RM10,000.00 kepada Sarasbathy SP25. Keterangan SP25 ini tidak
dicabar dalam solabalas pembelaan dari segi perbuatan SD3 yang
apabila ditanya oleh SP25 duit apa, SD3 hanya diam tersenyum dan
keadaan SD3 di dalam van polis pada hari rampasan di rumah SP25 yang
bergari dan menangis sambil memohon maaf kepada SP25. Oleh itu,
penafian SD3 semasa kes pembelaan apabila disoalbalas oleh TPR yang
mencadangkan SD3 tahu ia wang hasil penculikan SP12 tidak disokong
oleh apa-apa keterangan.
[69] Keterangan OKT1 SD1 pula menyatakan dia sering keluar dengan
Muniandy untuk minum dan kereta dipandu oleh Muniandy. Namun tiada
apa-apa keterangan yang ditawarkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana
rambut dengan kesan DNA mangsa boleh ditemui dalam kereta Wira milik
Muniandy meskipun terdapat cadangan kepada SP27 IO bahawa rambut
OKT1 telah diletakkan dalam kereta tersebut (it was planted), yang tidak
dipersetujui oleh SP27.
[70] Di dalam PSD1 (kenyataan saksi OKT1) menyatakan darah dan
rambutnya telah diambil oleh pihak polis tanpa dimaklumkan apa
tujuannya. Perlu diingat bahawa OKT1 menyatakan sering menaiki kereta
ini. Atas jawapan OKT1 yang bertentangan dengan cadangan bahawa
rambutnya (dan bukan rambut mangsa SP12) diletakkan dalam kereta
Wira ini oleh pihak polis, Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa OKT1
mengubah cerita pada saat akhir ketika kes pembelaan menjadikan
pembelaannya tidak konsisten dengan versinya sendiri.
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[71] Oleh itu, dengan dapatan Mahkamah berhubung isu ini sebagai
pemikiran terkemudian, maka Mahkamah menerima versi pendakwaan
berhubung penemuan rambut milik SP12 mangsa dan OKT1 di tempat
duduk belakang sebagai munasabah. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat
rumusan terdapat bukti menunjukkan mangsa SP12 berada bersama
OKT1 dalam kereta Wira milik Muniandy.
[72] SD1 iaitu OKT1 juga menyatakan telah meminta adik Rovin Jothy
(Sundramurti) untuk membantunya mendapatkan khidmat peguam dan
SD1 menyatakan SD3 telah memberitahunya Jack iaitu Rovin Jothy telah
memberikan wang RM100,000.00 untuk lantik peguam. SD3
mengulanginya dalam pembelaan SD3 namun semasa soalbalas, SD3
menyatakan tidak tahu wang ini untuk tujuan lantik peguam.
[73] Meskipun pembelaan SD3 menyatakan Sundramurti telah
menelefonnya dan beritahu abangnya Jack akan beri RM100,000.00
kepada OKT3 untuk dibayar kepada peguam untuk Jevan (OKT1) dan
Sundramurti, yang mana berdasarkan senarai bongkar D218,
menunjukkan 3 resit bayaran kepada Shukor, Baljit & Partners masing-
masing bertarikh 8.1.18, 12.1.18 dan 15.1.18 untuk jumlah RM5,000.00,
RM7,000.00 dan RM3,000.00, namun tiada mana-mana wakil dari firma
ini yang dipanggil untuk mengesahkan arahan bayaran berkala ini (lihat
para 65 penghakiman ini).
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[74] Pembelaan SD3 ini tidak pernah dicadangkan kepada SP23 kerana
SD3 menyatakan kerana dia (SD3) takut menyimpan jumlah yang besar
dan oleh kerana rumah SP23 berada dalam laluan ke Pejabat peguam
menyebabkan SD3 meminta SP23 menyimpannya. Namun, versi SP23
ialah SD3 hanya datang ke rumahnya pada 14.1.18 untuk mandi dan tiada
keterangan kedatangan SD3 pada tarikh-tarikh lain sebagaimana yang
tercatit di resit 8.1.18, 12.1.18 dan 15.1.18.
[75] SP23 percaya wang tersebut ialah wang SD3 kerana nampak SD3
menunjukkan ke arah almari tersebut kepada polis SP27. Atas alasan ini,
Mahkamah memutuskan versi SD3 bahawa SP23 tahu mengenai wang
tersebut kerana telah diserahkan kepada SP23 dan dia tahu untuk tujuan
bayaran peguam tidak dibuktikan dan tidak berjaya menimbulkan apa-apa
keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Sebaliknya, ia
menunjukkan pengetahuan di pihak OKT4.
[76] Pembelaan OKT2 pula ialah meskipun mengenali Jevan iaitu OKT1,
namun menafikan terlibat dengan penculikan ini. Walau bagaimanapun,
OKT2 semasa soal balas bersetuju terdapat rampasan sejumlah wang
dari bilik sembahyang rumahnya. Namun, telah menafikan dia yang
meletakkan sejumlah wang dalam bag pouch dan plastik oren tersorok
dalam bilik sembahyang tersebut. Namun, pembelaan OKT2 ini tidak pula
mencadangkan bagaimana wang ini boleh ditemui berada dalam keadaan
tersorok dalam rumahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat dapatan
bahawa wang ini telah disorokkan oleh OKT2 sendiri.
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[77] Kedua-dua OKT1 dan OKT2 memberi keterangan bahawa mereka
telah dipukul dengan teruk oleh pihak polis untuk membuat pengakuan.
OKT1 menyatakan telah mengadu kepada Majistret semasa tahanan
reman berlangsung melibatkan reman OKT1, OKT2 dan Sundramurti.
OKT2 pula menyatakan dia juga telah dipukul tetapi tidak berani mengadu
kepada Majistret kerana bimbang akan membawa kepada kes kematian
semasa dalam tahanan.
[78] Mahkamah berpendapat alasan OKT2 ini tidak munasabah kerana
jika tahanan reman dibuat serentak ke atas OKT1, OKT2 dan Sundramurti
maka OKT2 sepatutnya menggunakan peluang yang sama bersama
OKT1 untuk memajukan aduannya dipukul kepada Majistret tetapi ini
tidak berlaku. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa alasan
OKT2 dia juga telah dipukul untuk membuat pengakuan tidak
menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah lebih-lebih lagi
semasa IO SP27 memberi keterangan berhubung pandu arah, isu
mengenai ‘inducement, not on his own volition’ hanya timbul selepas
beberapa siri soalan dibangkitkan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan
Mahkamah bertujuan untuk mengetahui asas atau sebab bantahan yang
dibangkitkan oleh pembelaan.
[79] Atas bantahan OKT1 pula yang dia dipukul, tiada laporan polis yang
dikatakan dibuat pada tahun 2018 yang dikemukakan atas alasan tercicir
di penjara manakala surat yang dikatakan disediakan oleh peguam D216
untuk tujuan mendapatkan salinan pula hanya bertarikh 27.3.2023
selepas pembelaan OKT dipanggil. Keterangan OKT1 dengan merujuk
kepada gambar P135(5&6) bahawa dia mengalami kecederaan lebam
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pada muka, di mata, pipi dan punggung terkoyak ‘ligament tear’ dan
kecederaan tangan hanya boleh diterima masuk setakat ia dapat dilihat
pada P135 manakala kecederaan ‘ligament tear’ pada punggung bukan
suatu yang jelas nyata tanpa laporan perubatan.
[80] Oleh itu, dengan mengetepikan kecederaan ‘ligament tear’ pada
punggung kerana tidak disokong oleh apa-apa keterangan, kecederaan
pada OKT1 menurut kes PP v Krishna Rao Gurumurthi & Ors
[2000]1CLJ 446 di mana Kang Hwee Gee J membuat dapatan hanyalah
satu kecederaan yang tidak serius berbangkit daripada keperluan polis
yang bertindak dalam menjalankan tugas mendapatkan maklumat
sebagaimana yang diputuskan seperti berikut:
“Far from being of trifling weight, the two sets of information provided by the
respective accused in the instant case were of enormous value to the
prosecution whose case may stand or fall by them. Their probative value
certainly outweighs their prejudicial effect. There is in my judgement therefore
no valid ground to reject them on the basis that they may not have been given
voluntarily by the respective accused.
In any case, I could not find any evidence of any form of oppression beyond
that which was reasonably expected and required by the police to obtain
information to find the killers of the four persons…"
[81] Mahkamah bersetuju kecederaan yang ada pada OKT1 hanyalah
satu kecederaan yang tidak mudarat dibandingkan dengan keperluan
untuk polis bertindak mendapatkan maklumat dalam menjalankan
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siasatannya. Oleh itu, apa-apa keterangan yang datang daripada OKT1
berbangkit daripada tindakan polis hingga mengakibatkan kecederaan ini
adalah satu tindakan perlu untuk memastikan penjenayah dapat
dikenalpasti dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan meskipun pihak polis telah
ada suspek lain Rovin Jothy dan Sundramurti yang dapat membantu
siasatan dari segi pengemukaan maklumat.
Peranan Rovin Jothy
[82] Mahkamah ini meskipun bersetuju dengan cadangan pihak
pembelaan bahawa Rovin Jothy adalah saksi yang material, namun tanpa
keterangan Rovin Jothy di Mahkamah tidak menjadikan terdapat
kelompangan dalam kes pendakwaan kerana elemen di bawah seksyen
3 dan 5 telah dibuktikan dengan wang tebusan ini telah ditemui melalui
pandu arah oleh saksi atau OKT sendiri.
[83] Keseluruhan keterangan yang ada dan analisa Mahkamah ini,
membawa kepada pendapat Mahkamah bahawa kegagalan pihak
pendakwaan mengemukakan Rovin Jothy (berada dalam tahanan
menurut SP27) dan Sundramurti (tidak dapat dikesan melalui usaha yang
dibuat secara carian iklan) untuk disoal-balas oleh pembelaan ataupun
dipanggil sebagai saksi pembelaan tidak mengakibatkan ruang dan
peluang pihak pembelaan untuk menimbulkan keraguan yang
munasabah terjejas kerana pihak pendakwaan telahpun membuat
tawaran untuk mengemukakan kenyataan 112 saksi (lihat: Siti Aisyah v
PP [2019] 4MLJ 46). Pihak pembelaan tidak ada membuat permohonan
lanjut untuk kenyataan ini. Oleh itu, pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh
dipersalahkan atas kegagalan mengemukakan mereka.
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[84] Kegagalan mengemukakan OKT-OKT lain yang telah mengaku
salah di atas pertuduhan alternative seksyen 365KK juga tidak
membangkitkan anggapan seksyen 114(g) kerana apa jua peranan
mereka telahpun dinyatakan dalam fakta kes yang dikemukakan hasil
daripada pengakuan salah mereka. Dengan ketiadaan anggapan
seksyen 114(g) terpakai, maka tugas pendakwaan untuk menyediakan
dan memanggil mereka sebagai saksi kepada pembelaan, selesai.
[85] Soal balas pembelaan ke atas kesemua nama-nama suspek dan
OKT-OKT seksyen 365KK jikapun wujud keperluan, hanyalah untuk
menyokong pembelaan OKT1-OKT4. Pada tahap ini, setelah analisa
keterangan OKT1-OKT4 itu sendiri dibuat, keterangan pembelaan
mereka adalah tidak konsisten dengan ketidak bersalahan mereka. Oleh
itu, jikapun berlaku kegagalan menyediakan suspek-suspek dan OKT-
OKT seksyen 365KK oleh pihak pendakwaan, ia tidak membawa apa-apa
kesan ke atas kebersalahan OKT1-OKT4 kerana keterangan utama yang
gagal menimbulkan keraguan munsabah yang membawa Mahkamah ini
memutuskan ketiadaan keterangan sokongan dari suspek-suspek dan
OKT-OKT seksyen 365KK tidak memprejudiskan mereka. Memetik
Augustine Paul J yang memutuskan “It must be noted that the question of
corroboration does not arise unless the evidence of the witness requiring
corroboration is itself credible” (lihat: Aziz Muhamad Din v PP
[1997]1CLJ Supp 523).
[86] Atas alasan ini, Mahkamah memutuskan pihak pembelaan telah
gagal menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah berhubung keterangan
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kes pendakwaan dan mensabitkan kesemua tertuduh. Setelah
mendengar hujahan memberatkan dan mitigasi, Mahkamah menjatuhkan
hukuman 30 tahun penjara dari tarikh tangkap dan 3 sebatan rotan bagi
OKT1 dan 2. Bagi OKT4, dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 5 tahun dari tarikh
keputusan (kerana OKT4 berada dalam jaminan).
Refreshing memory
[87] Sebagai tambahan selain daripada analisa keterangan dalam kes
ini, Mahkamah mengambil kesempatan untuk membincangkan mengenai
keperluan saksi memberi keterangan dengan mengambil ikrar bercakap
benar tanpa perlu merasa bebanan untuk mengingati secara terperinci
setiap fakta kerana bimbang dituduh tidak bercakap benar atau
menyembunyikan fakta. Tidak dinafikan, atas lambakan kes yang
berdaftar di Mahkamah menunggu untuk dibicarakan, telah timbul
keperluan untuk saksi mengingatkan semula fakta apabila dipanggil
sebagai saksi. Undang-undang telah mengiktiraf keperluan mengingat
semula ini apabila memperuntukkan seksyen 159 Akta Keterangan 1950
seperti berikut:
Section 159. Refreshing memory.
(1) A witness may while under examination refresh his memory by referring to any
writing made by himself at the time of the transaction concerning which he is
questioned, or so soon afterwards that the court considers it likely that the transaction
was at that time fresh in his memory.
(2) The witness may also refer to any such writing made by any other person and read
by the witness within the time aforesaid, if, when he read it, he knew it to be correct.
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(3) Whenever the witness may refresh his memory by reference to any document, he
may, with the permission of the court, refer to a copy of that document:
Provided the court is satisfied that there is sufficient reason for the non-production of
the original.
(4) An expert may refresh his memory by reference to professional treatises.
[88] Di dalam kes ini, telah timbul keperluan untuk saksi pendakwaan
merujuk kepada dokumen rajah kasar apabila memberi keterangan.
Rajah kasar ini tidak dikemukakan kepada pihak pembelaan di bawah
seksyen 51A KTJ dan TPR, atas bantahan pihak pembelaan jelas
menyatakan tidak bercadang untuk mengemukakannya. Oleh itu, saksi
telah membuat permohonan untuk merujuk kepada rajah kasar tersebut
dengan tujuan ‘refreshing memory’.
[89] Di pihak Mahkamah pula dengan berdasarkan keterangan saksi
yang telah diberi sehinggalah permohonan ‘refreshing memory’ dibuat,
berpendapat dokumen lebih sesuai dikemukakan kerana jika tidak
dikemukakan, Mahkamah akan berada dalam keadaan teragak-agak apa
yang cuba digambarkan oleh saksi. Walau bagaimanapun,
memandangkan pihak pendakwaan tidak bercadang untuk
mengemukakannya sebaliknya membuat rujukan kepada permohonan
saksi untuk ‘refresh his memory’, maka keperluan seksyen 159 Akta
perlulah dipatuhi.
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[90] ‘Refreshing memory’ bukan setakat membaca seksyen 159 secara
kasar dan ‘literal’ iaitu dokumen dirujuk kepada saksi dan saksi melihat
dokumen dan terus menyampaikan apa yang dihasratkan oleh saksi
setelah melihat dokumen ini. Seksyen 159 itu sendiri memberi syarat
untuk pembuktian dokumen ini sama ada dibuat oleh saksi ini sendiri atau
tidak, bila dibuat dan yang lebih utama pihak pembelaan juga berhak
untuk melihat dokumen yang dicadangkan untuk dirujuk oleh saksi (lihat
seksyen 159, 160 dan 161 Akta). Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini,
apa yang berlaku ialah bacaan secara kasar seksyen 159 itu sendiri
bahawa ia disediakan oleh saksi namun tiada perincian bila ia dibuat
sama ada kontemporari atau tidak.
[91] Atas alasan ini, Mahkamah tidak membenarkan rujukan kepada
dokumen tersebut kerana tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh
seksyen 159 itu sendiri. Selain daripada itu, Mahkamah ini berpendapat
pihak pendakwaan tidak disekat daripada merujuk dan mengemukakan
rajah kasar ini meskipun tidak diserahkan kepada pihak pembelaan
kerana seksyen 51A KTJ bukan satu peruntukan bersabit
kebolehterimaan dokumen sebagai eksibit ‘admissibilibity of documents
as exhibits’ (lihat: PP v. Mohd Fazil Awaludin [2009] 2 CLJ 862. Ini
adalah antara pemerhatian yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah ini dan
dikemukakan untuk panduan.
Bertarikh 28 Disember 2023
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Bagi pihak pendakwaan;
TPR Ho Kwong Chin, TPR Haikal Ismail & TPR Shahrul Ekhsan Hasim
Pejabat Pendakwaan
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
40512 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Bagi pihak tertuduh 1 & 4:
Dennis Mahen. R & Associates
05-06 5th Floor
TKS Business Centre
Wisma Tan Kim San
No. 518A, 3rd Mile Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah
51200 Kuala Lumpur.
Pagi pihak tertuduh 2:
Tetuan Gabriel Susayan and Partners
No. 61, 2nd Floor Bangunan Ban Guan Hin
Jalan Dato’ Hamzah,
41000 Klang
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
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| 59,189 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-12BNCC-11-08/2022 | PERAYU GAN KAH LOON RESPONDEN TAN WEI LEONG | Moneylenders – Friendly Loan – Lender and borrower total strangers – Meaning of friendly loan – Determination of true intentions of the lender and borrower.Appeal – Evaluation of evidence and testimonies of witnesses – Principles on appellate intervention – Plainly wrong, or where there had been no or insufficient judicial appreciation of the evidence. | 03/01/2024 | YA Dr Choong Yeow Choy | |
(NO. K/P: 740607-14-5809 / A2855867) … PERAYU
(NO. K/P: 761212-13-5617 / K0502260) … RESPONDEN
[1] This case concerns a matter where the Appellant/Plaintiff is alleged
to have given a “friendly loan” to the Respondent/Defendant, a person the
Appellant/Plaintiff had never met nor spoken to before. This led the
learned Sessions Court Judge into remarking that such a friendly loan
transaction caused her to “berasa hairan” as to why the Appellant/Plaintiff
would agree to such a transaction.
[2] The claim by the Appellant/Plaintiff against the
Respondent/Defendant was for the return of RM380,000.00, being the
balance of an alleged loan sum pursuant to an interest-free friendly loan
03/01/2024 12:10:34
BA-12BNCC-11-08/2022 Kand. 25
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of RM500,000.00. This claim was dismissed by the Sessions Court on 3
August, 2022, after a full trial. The Sessions Court also awarded costs of
RM10,000.00 to the Respondent/Defendant.
[3] The Appellant/Plaintiff has appealed against the decision of the
Sessions Court to this Court.
The Prevailing Issues
[4] The overriding issue in this appeal is whether the learned Sessions
Court Judge had erred in law in evaluating the available evidence and
testimonies of the witnesses before the Court.
[5] Equally imperative is the issue of whether there existed a friendly
loan transaction between the Appellant/Plaintiff and the
Respondent/Defendant, as alleged by the former.
The Parties’ Contentions
[6] According to the Appellant/Plaintiff, the repayment terms of the
supposed friendly loan are straightforward in that:
(i) the Respondent/Defendant was to repay this friendly loan by
way of thirteen (13) monthly instalments of RM40,000.00 per
month; and
(ii) the repayment instalments were to commence in March 2016
and ending March 2017 with the last instalment payment in the
sum of RM20,000.00.
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[7] The Appellant/Plaintiff acknowledged that the
Respondent/Defendant did repay the Appellant/Plaintiff the first 3 monthly
instalments of RM40,000.00 each totalling RM120,000.00. Thereafter, the
Respondent/Defendant then “failed, refused and neglected to repay the
remaining eleven (11) monthly instalment amounting to RM380,000.00”.
[8] The Appellant/Plaintiff’s grounds of appeal against the decision of
the learned Sessions Court Judge are as follows:
(a) that the learned Sessions Court Judge failed to appreciate that
there is undisputed evidence that the Respondent/Defendant
has received RM500,000.00 and had repaid from his own
account RM120,000.00 to the Appellant/Plaintiff;
(b) that the learned Sessions Court Judge failed to appreciate that
the Respondent/Defendant is obliged to return the monies that
he has retained in the absence of evidence that it is a gift or that
it need not be repaid;
(c) that the learned Sessions Court Judge attached undue weight
and/or consideration to the absence of a written loan agreement
and failed to appreciate that a legally enforceable agreement
need not necessarily be in writing;
(d) that the learned Sessions Court Judge’s finding that the
Appellant/Plaintiff’s cheques were issued to one Chong Bih
Sing (“Bih Sing”) was contrary to both the
Respondent/Defendant’s admission that he has received
RM500,000.00 in his account and the documentary evidence
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admitted in the trial that took the form of cheques drawn in
favour of the Respondent/Defendant;
(e) that the learned Sessions Court Judge erred in accepting that
the transactions made were between the Appellant/Plaintiff and
Bih Sing as opposed to the Respondent/Defendant when such
proposition was never put to the Appellant/Plaintiff at trial;
(f) that the learned Sessions Court Judge attached undue weight
to and/or was unduly concerned with the Appellant/Plaintiff not
calling Bih Sing as his witness even though Bih Sing did testify
at trial;
(g) that the learned Sessions Court Judge erred in finding and
giving undue weight that there was no basis for a friendly loan
on account of the lack of relationship between the
Appellant/Plaintiff and the Respondent/Defendant when such
propositions were never put to the Appellant/Plaintiff at trial.
[9] On the Respondent/Defendant’s admission of his failure to respond
to the Appellant/Plaintiff’s letter of demand, the latter relied on David
Wong Hon Leong v Noorazman Adnan [1996] 1 AMR 7; [1995] 4 CLJ 155;
[1995] 3 MLJ 283; [1995] 1 MLRA 708 for the proposition that if there were
no such friendly loan agreement, the latter ought to have responded to the
letter of demand by denying the existence of such an agreement.
[10] More importantly, the Appellant/Plaintiff drew this Court’s attention
to a decision of the Court of Appeal in Tan Aik Teck v Tang Soon Chye
[2007] 5 AMR 416; [2007] 5 CLJ 441; [2007] 6 MLJ 97; [2007] 2 MLRA 58
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(“Tan Aik Teck”), the facts of which, the Appellant/Plaintiff submitted, are
on all fours with the ones in our present case.
[11] The Appellant/Plaintiff highlighted that in Tan Aik Teck
(i) there was also an absence formal loan agreement between
(ii) the plaintiff had also issued 2 cheques to the defendant;
(iii) the defendant admitted that the 2 cheques were credited into
his account;
(iv) the plaintiff issued a letter of demand for the return of the loan
through his solicitors;
(v) the defendant claimed that he did not have any reason
whatsoever to borrow money nor was he in need of any
financial assistance at the material time;
(vi) the defendant contended that he hardly knew the plaintiff and
as such the plaintiff could not be his friend and granted him the
alleged friendly loan; and
(vii) both the plaintiff and the defendant have a common friend and
the defendant’s request for the loan was made through this
common friend.
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[12] The Court of Appeal in Tan Aik Teck held that the plaintiff had
proven his claim on a balance of probabilities. On the plaintiff’s burden of
proving the loan, the Court of Appeal opined as follows:
[7] Since the defendant had admitted that he had received the two
cheques and had credited them into his account, I am of the view that the
plaintiff had discharged his burden that the money was a loan unless
proven otherwise by the defendant. As such, the burden is on the
defendant that the money given to him by the plaintiff was not a friendly
[11] In my view, it does not matter whether the defendant was a
millionaire and the plaintiff was a pauper, the undisputed facts remain that
the plaintiff did issue two cheques amounting to the amount claimed to
be the loan and the defendant admitted receiving those cheques and
banked them into his account. As I have stated earlier, it is for the
defendant to explain to the court what was the money for if it was not a
friendly loan.
[13] On the defendant’s submission in Tan Aik Teck’s case that the
parties hardly knew each other and thus the plaintiff could not have
granted the defendant a friendly loan, the clarification by the Court of
Appeal on the meaning of the term “friendly loan” is most instructive. The
Court of Appeal explained as follows:
[12] It is clear to me that the defendant, in particular his counsel, was
under the misconception what is meant by a friendly loan. A friendly loan
is opposed to the normal borrowing from a moneylender or financial
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institution. A friendly loan is a loan between two persons based on trust.
There may be an agreement such as an I.O.U. or security pledged to
repayment but most important there will be no interest imposed. … I am
of the view that the defendant was under the misconception that in order
to qualify for a friendly loan, the amount advanced by the plaintiff to the
defendant must be amongst friends.
[14] Finally, the Appellant/Plaintiff underscored to this Court in this
appeal regarding the test for intervention by an Appellate Court of a
decision of a lower court, which the Appellant/Plaintiff argued, and this
Court agrees, is settled law. This Court was referred to cases such as Lee
Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors v Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 AMR
357; [2003] 2 CLJ 19; [2003] 2 MLJ 9; [2003] 1 MLRA 95 and Gan Yook
Chin (P) v Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng [2004] 6 AMR 781; [2004] 4
CLJ 309; [2005] 2 MLJ 1; [2004] 2 MLRA 1.
[15] Based on the settled principle that an appellate court will not
intervene unless it was shown that the trial court was plainly wrong, or
where there had been no or insufficient judicial appreciation of the
evidence, the Appellant/Plaintiff submitted that the learned Sessions
Court Judge was “plainly wrong” in her findings and committed errors of
law and misappreciation of facts.
[16] On the other hand, the Respondent/Defendant averred, inter alia,
• the Appellant/Plaintiff and the Respondent/Defendant are total
strangers to one another;
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• there is no documentary proof of the purportedly friendly loan;
• the cheque for the sum of RM500,000.00 was issued in favour of
the Respondent/Defendant at the behest of Bih Sing, a personal
friend of the Appellant/Plaintiff, without any reference to the
Respondent/Defendant and/or verification;
• the Appellant/Plaintiff has confirmed that he has had a personal
relationship with Bih Sing for many years prior to this transaction
and together they have been involved in the money lending
• the Respondent/Defendant is from Sabah but instead of handing
over the cheque to the Respondent/Defendant, the
Appellant/Plaintiff directly banked the payment into the
Respondent/Defendant’s account in Maybank, which branch was
in Medan Tunku, Kuala Lumpur, controlled by Bih Sing; and
• both the Appellant/Plaintiff and Bih Sing have confirmed that the
Maybank account was completely controlled by Bih Sing and this
had not been challenged and/or disputed by the
[17] Crucially, the Respondent/Defendant maintained that the monies
were meant for a pyramid scheme, in a company known as GM Friday
Services Sdn Bhd and handled by Bih Sing. Most importantly, the
Respondent/Defendant submitted that it was a transaction between the
Appellant /Plaintiff and Bih Sing.
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Decision of this Court
[18] This Court has examined the cause papers and grounds raised by
the parties and is guided by the principles of law relating to appellate
[19] Based on the authority of the Court of Appeal decision in Tan Aik
Teck, the fact that a lender and a borrower may not be friends does not
negate the fact that a friendly loan may still have been given by the former
to the latter. As explained by the Court of Appeal, a friendly loan is one
that can be distinguished from those of normal borrowings from a licensed
moneylender or a financial institution. The distinguishing feature is that no
interest is imposed. However, the Court of Appeal in Tan Aik Teck did also
say that a friendly loan is a loan between two persons “based on trust”
and “there may be an agreement such as an I.O.U. or security pledged to
[20] The “mystery” surrounding the circumstances as to why a person of
the knowledge and standing such as the Appellant/Plaintiff would trust the
Respondent/Defendant and make payments via two cheques amounting
to a total of RM500,000.00 into the latter’s account will be unraveled when
one considers the role played by a gentleman whose name has been
repeatedly mentioned by the parties, that is, Bih Sing. Despite having
been alleged by the parties as having played a significant role in this entire
transaction, Bih Sing had remained quiet – at least until he testified on
behalf of the Respondent/Defendant.
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[21] To be fair to Bih Sing, he had remained silent because he was
neither added as a defendant nor as a third party by the Appellant/Plaintiff
and the Respondent/Defendant respectively.
[22] The involvement of Bih Sing in this entire episode of events leading
to the filing of the present Suit in the Session Court by the
Appellant/Plaintiff against the Respondent/Defendant, and the further
appeal to this Court, is crucial in assisting us to determine the true
intentions of the parties and nature of this transaction. As acknowledged
by the Appellant/Respondent, Bih Sing is the Appellant/Plaintiff’s
childhood friend and the Respondent/Defendant’s business partner.
[23] The findings by the learned Sessions Court Judge that the main
protagonists are actually the Appellant/Plaintiff and Bih Sing are valid.
[24] The arguments by the Appellant/Plaintiff that the facts in Tan Aik
Teck are similar to those in our present case and yet the Court of Appeal
had ruled that the there was a valid friendly agreement warrants
[25] It is indeed true that the facts in these two cases are comparable.
However, one crucial distinctive feature that separates Tan Aik Teck from
our present case, once again, can be traced to the involvement of a third-
party common friend. Unlike in Tan Aik Teck, the history of past dealings
between the Appellant/Plaintiff and this third-party common friend,
namely, Bih Sing, is vital to the outcome reached in this case.
[26] This Court is satisfied that the learned Sessions Court Judge has
considered all the evidence, the testimonies of the witnesses, the grounds
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advanced by the parties and had correctly reached her decision on a
balance of probabilities.
[27] This Court is not satisfied that the learned Sessions Court Judge
had been “plainly wrong” in her findings or had committed errors of law
and misappreciation of facts.
[28] The decision of the learned Sessions Court Judge is hereby
[29] This appeal is dismissed with costs.
[30] The Appellant/Plaintiff to pay costs of RM30,000 to the
Respondent/Defendant, subject to allocator.
Dated: 3 January, 2024
Judicial Commissioner
High Court of Malaya
Shah Alam
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Sia Siew Mun with Kevin Wong and Tristan Ng for the Appellant
(Messrs. Kevin Wong & Partners)
Vincent Lawrence with Thrichelvam Rasiah for the Respondent
(Messrs. Lawrence Hisham & Co.)
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| 16,467 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-407-09/2021 | PLAINTIF SPK-SENTOSA CORPORATION BERHAD (DALAM PENGGULUNGAN) DEFENDAN 1. ) SEP CAPITAL (M) SDN BHD 2. ) PEMBINAAN SPK SDN BHD 3. ) TRW BOULEVARD SQUARE SDN BHD | Civil procedure: Judgment - Consent judgment - Pronouncement of rights - Non-executory consent judgment - Rights under arbitration award declared without requiring execution of deed of assignment - Whether the declaratory consent judgment can be enforced - Whether consequential orders amounts to unilateral variation of terms - Mutual consent for variation - Freedom of contract - Whether the non-assignment clause requiring consent of counterparty invalidates assignment - Power of court to grant consequential orders facilitating enforcement of declaratory consent judgment - Costs personally against liquidator Abuse of process – Misconduct - Reasonable professional judgment | 03/01/2024 | YA Tuan Atan Mustaffa Yussof Ahmad | |
SUIT NO.: WA-22NCC-407-09/2021
(COMP. NO.: 196401000051 /5347-X)
(COMP. NO.: 201301011290/
(COMP. NO.: 198401010361/
(COMP. NO.: 198401010361/
[1] When parties enter into a consent judgment declaring rights
and entitlements, there is an expectation that it would be
complied with, in letter and spirit. Yet, the First and Second
Defendants here resist putting ink to paper to uphold a
pronouncement that grants the Plaintiff rights over an
arbitration award involving a third party.
03/01/2024 16:23:40
WA-22NCC-407-09/2021 Kand. 36
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[2] In examining whether to compel the First and Second
Defendants' execution of an assignment, the pivotal issue
lies in the tension between consent judgments as
declaratory compromises versus executable orders. This
turns on the nature of declaratory relief, the principles
underlying consent judgments, the defences raised
regarding unilateral variations, and ultimately, whether
executing an additional document is necessitated to give
effect to this declaratory bargain.
Background facts
[3] On 12.5.2017, the Plaintiff, SPK-Sentosa Corporation
Berhad and the First Defendant, SEP Capital (M) Sdn Bhd
entered into a Share Sale Agreement for the Plaintiff to sell
54,300,000 shares in the Second Defendant, Pembinaan
SPK Sdn Bhd and 3,500,000 shares in Semarak Korporat
Sdn Bhd to the First Defendant for RM6 million and RM3.5
million respectively. The Share Sale Agreement contained
certain conditions precedent and stipulated the payment
schedule for the purchase price. Clause 6A of the Share
Sale Agreement stated that the Plaintiff shall indemnify the
Second Defendant for any costs or claims arising from an
ongoing arbitration proceeding between the Second
Defendant and the Third Defendant, TRW Boulevard
Square Sdn Bhd, and that any proceeds from the arbitration
shall accrue to the Plaintiff.
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[4] At the time, there was an arbitration proceeding between
the Second Defendant and Third Defendant concerning a
construction contract dispute where the Second Defendant
was seeking over RM2.7 million from the Third Defendant.
On 16.7.2019, the arbitration tribunal issued a final award
requiring the Third Defendant to pay over RM17 million to
the Second Defendant (“Arbitration Award”).
[5] There was a shortfall of RM1 million for the purchase
consideration of the Second Defendant's shares under the
Share Sale Agreement which the First Defendant failed to
pay. On 30.7.2021, the Plaintiff filed a suit registered under
WA-22NCC-339-07/2021 (“Suit 339”) against the First
Defendant to recover this RM1 million. On 22.10.2021, the
parties recorded a consent judgment in Suit 339 for the First
Defendant to pay RM700,000 as full settlement (“Consent
[6] Separately, on 10.9.2021, the Plaintiff filed this suit in these
proceedings against the First, Second and Third
Defendants primarily seeking a declaration that the Plaintiff
is entitled to the Arbitration Award proceeds and an order
requiring assignment of rights under the Arbitration Award.
During case management on 21.10.2021, the Plaintiff
withdrew this suit against the Third Defendant.
[7] On 22.10.2021, the Plaintiff, the First Defendant and the
Second Defendant recorded a consent judgment (“the
Consent Judgment”) in this suit declaring that the Plaintiff
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has rights over the RM16.9 million Arbitration Award sum,
with interest and costs.
[8] Around 18 months later, the Plaintiff sent a draft deed of
assignment dated 18.4.2023 seeking to assign rights over
the Arbitration Award proceeds per the Consent Judgment.
The First Defendant and Second Defendant refused to
execute this draft deed of assignment, communicated by a
letter dated 26.4.2023.
[9] On 17.01.2022 the Plaintiff issued a statutory notice of
demand under Section 466 of the Companies Act 2016 to
the Third Defendant. On 24.3.2022, the Plaintiff had filed a
winding up petition registered as Petition No. WA-28NCC-
237-03/2022 (“the Petition”) against the Third Defendant to
wind up the Third Defendant and demanded payment of
over RM20 million. The Petition was dismissed by the High
Court on 27.03.2023 on the basis that the Consent
Judgment is merely a declaration that declares the Plaintiff's
rights over the Arbitration Award sums which does not
contain any enforceable order and is not an assignment in
[10] On 2.6.2023, the Plaintiff filed an application in Enclosure10
for consequential orders in this suit seeking an order
requiring the First and Second Defendants to execute the
deed of assignment within 7 days. The First and Second
Defendants opposed the application.
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The Plaintiff’s application
[11] In Enclosure 10, the Plaintiff filed an application for
consequential orders to give full effect to the Consent
Judgment, due to the following (as stated in Enclosure 10):
a) The First and Second Defendants' refusal to comply
with and give effect to the declaratory Consent
Judgment stating that the Plaintiff is entitled to all
proceeds of the Arbitration Award.
b) The winding up court's refusal in the Petition to give
full effect to the declaratory Consent Judgment.
[12] The Plaintiff seeks the following consequential orders:
a) The First and Second Defendants shall execute a
deed of assignment transferring all rights under the
Arbitration Award to the Plaintiff within seven days.
b) Alternatively, if the First and Second Defendants fail
to sign the deed of assignment, the court to direct its
officer to execute the deed of assignment on behalf
of the First and Second Defendants in favour of the
[13] The grounds are that the First and Second Defendants have
refused to comply with the declaratory Consent Judgment
by refusing to sign the deed of assignment. The winding up
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court also held that the Consent Judgment is merely a
declaration and not an assignment capable of enforcement.
Hence consequential orders are necessary to give effect to
the Consent Judgment.
The Consent Judgment
[14] The terms of the Consent Judgment in their entirety are laid
out below:
“1. Satu deklarasi bahawa Plaintif mempunyai
hak ke atas kesemua jumlah yang telah diawadkan
di bawah Awad Timbangtara bertarikh 16.07.2019
di antara Defendan Kedua dan Defendan Ketiga
sebanyak RM16,925,094.16 dengan faedah pada
kadar 8% setahun ke atas RM16,925,094.16
sehingga penyelesaian penuh Awad Timbangtara
tersebut dan kos prosiding Timbangtara tersebut
sebanyak RM350, 000.00; dan
2. Tiada perintah terhadap kos.”
[15] Essentially in the Consent Judgment, the Plaintiff, and the
First and Second Defendants have agreed that the Plaintiff
has rights over the entire sums of RM16.9 million plus
interest and costs awarded to the Second Defendant under
the arbitration between the Second Defendant and Third
Defendant. It is a declaratory consent judgment recorded in
the Plaintiff's favour regarding its entitlement to the
Arbitration Award sums.
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The Plaintiff’s submissions
[16] In summary the Plaintiff submits:
a) The filing of the consequential order application
seeking execution of the deed of assignment is
necessary and well within the court's inherent
jurisdiction to give effect to the Consent Judgment. It
does not violate the principle of functus officio.
b) A clear injustice would occur if the First and Second
Defendants are allowed to go against the Consent
Judgment by now claiming entitlement over the
arbitration proceeds, after having earlier agreed that
the Plaintiff has rights to the proceeds. This would
offend fairness and allow the First and Second
Defendants to benefit from their own breach.
c) The court should not assist the First and Second
Defendants' silence and inaction in allowing the
Plaintiff to obtain the arbitration proceeds per the
clear Consent Judgment. Their silence renders the
Consent Judgment futile.
d) No absolute prejudice is caused to the First and
Second Defendants by the consequential order.
e) The deed of assignment is essential to give effect to
the Consent Judgment, failing which it is merely a
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futile paper judgment. This necessitates the
consequential order.
f) The First and Second Defendants agreed to give the
arbitration proceeds to the Plaintiff under the
Consent Judgment and Share Sale Agreement
Clause 6A. Their present refusal to sign the deed of
assignment and reliance on the Third Defendant's
non-assignment clause are afterthoughts made in
bad faith, showing their disregard for the Consent
The First Defendant and Second Defendant’s submissions
[17] In summary the First and Second Defendants submit:
a) The Consent Judgment is a contract between parties
with only a declaratory order and no positive
executory obligations on the First and Second
Defendants. As such, they have no obligation to
execute any deed of assignment under the Consent
b) The court has no jurisdiction to grant the order
sought in Enclosure 10 as it is an attempt to
unilaterally alter/amend the Consent Judgment
without the Third Defendant’s consent.
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c) The consequential orders sought are illegal, futile
and have no legal effect as the non-assignment
clause in the Second Defendant's contract requires
the Third Defendant's consent for any assignment.
d) Any power of attorney created under the deed of
assignment would be invalid for non-compliance with
the Powers of Attorney Act 1949.
e) The real dispute is between the Plaintiff and Third
Defendant. The Plaintiff should have continued its
action against the Third Defendant instead of
withdrawing it earlier.
f) Enclosure 10 severely prejudices the First and
Second Defendants by varying the Consent
Judgment and imposing additional onerous
obligations without their agreement.
g) The Plaintiff had earlier abandoned its demand for
the First and Second Defendants to execute an
assignment. It is now estopped from reasserting this
h) Overall, the First and Second Defendants have not
breached any order. Rather, the Plaintiff's liquidator
failed to properly advise on the Consent Judgment's
limited effect. Costs should be ordered personally
against the liquidator.
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Analysis and findings of the court
Non-executory declaratory orders
[18] In this matter, the court finds that the essence of the
Consent Judgment, agreed upon by the parties, is
declaratory rather than executory. This distinction is pivotal.
A declaratory judgment, as elucidated in Lai Kee Peng
(Messrs Lai Kee Peng & Assoc) v Tay Hup Liang [2016] 4
CLJ 1 is a formal statement by the court pronouncing upon
the legal state of affairs or relationships, without containing
any order enforceable against the defendant. This case
concerns a dispute over a stakeholder's release of a
retention sum to one party despite a pending appeal against
the court order relied on. The appellant solicitor was a
stakeholder holding RM500,000 deposited by the purchaser
under a sale and purchase agreement for the respondent
vendor's benefit. The purchaser obtained a court order in
default requiring forfeiture of the retention sum. While the
respondent's appeal against that order was pending, the
appellant released the sum to the purchaser. The order was
later set aside. In explaining that a declaratory judgment
only pronounces on legal relationships without any
enforceable order, the Federal Court held that the High
Court order obtained by the purchaser and relied on by the
appellant was merely declaratory in nature. As the appellant
solicitor was not a party to the court case, that declaration
could not be enforced against her. She should not have
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released the retention sum pending the Respondent's
appeal. The Federal Court held:
“[30] A declaratory judgment is a formal statement
by a court pronouncing upon the existence or non-
existence of a legal state of affairs. It pronounces
upon a legal relationship but does not contain
any order which can be enforced against the
defendant. This is different from an executory
judgment where the courts determine the rights
of the parties and then order the defendant to
act in a certain way, for example by an order to
pay damages. If it is disregarded, it can be
enforced by official action, usually be levying
execution against the defendant's property or
imprisoning him for contempt of court: Lord Woolf
and Jeremy Woolf, The Declaratory Judgement,
(4th Ed) Sweet & Maxwell.”
(emphasis added)
[19] This nature of judgment, as expounded in Takako Sakao v
Ng Pek Yuen & Anor (No 3) [2010] 2 MLJ 141, signifies that
it merely declares rights without directing specific
performance, hence lacking the enforceability characteristic
of an executory judgment. This case concerns an
application to stay the execution of a declaratory judgment
pending review. The Federal Court had previously declared
the appellant to be the beneficiary of a constructive trust
over certain property registered under the second
respondent's name. The second respondent then sold the
property and pocketed the sale proceeds. The Federal
Court made a follow-up judgment directing specific relief
against the second respondent. when dismissing the
second respondent's stay application, the court observed
that the principal declaratory judgment only declared the
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existence of the constructive trust without making any
enforceable order. Unlike an executory judgment, a
declaration pronounces rights without directing specific
performance from the defendant. It cannot be executed or
enforced by committal/imprisonment for contempt or other
processes. This case illustrates that a declaratory judgment
lacks enforceability precisely because it does not direct the
defendant to do or refrain from doing anything specific. It
merely declares legal relationships, unlike an executable
court order against the defendant. The Federal Court held:
“[6] There is an added point in so far as staying the
effect of the principal judgment is concerned. All
that judgment does, inter alia, is to hold that the
appellant is a beneficiary under a constructive
trust of which the second respondent is a
trustee. In short it declares the existence of a
constructive trust. It makes no positive order,
The weakness of the remedy of declaration lies in
the want of its enforceability. A declaration cannot
be enforced by execution. In Prakash Chand v.
Grewal [1975] Cri LJ 679, the court held as follows:
A declaratory decree cannot be executed as it only
declares the rights of the decree-holder qua the
judgement-debtor and does not, in terms, direct
the judgement-debtor to do or to refrain from
doing any particular act or things. Since there is
no command issued to the judgement-debtor to
obey, the civil process cannot be issued for the
compliance of that mandate or command.
In other words, there can be no committal or other
execution process issued to enforce a declaration.
Since a declaration cannot be enforced, no
question of staying it may arise.’’
(emphasis added)
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[20] In reviewing the Consent Judgment, it is apparent that it
only contains a single declaratory order, without imposing
any positive obligations or executable orders on the first and
second defendants. Specifically, there is no stipulation for
the execution of a deed of assignment or for the assignment
of the Arbitration Award proceeds by the First and Second
Defendants. The application of the principle 'Nemo dat quod
non habet' is relevant here, as the First and Second
Defendants no longer possess any rights over the
arbitration proceeds to assign to the Plaintiff.
[21] Furthermore, the court notes that during the negotiation
process leading to the Consent Judgment, there was no
contemplation or agreement regarding the execution of a
deed of assignment by the first and second defendants. The
Plaintiff's acquiescence to the Consent Judgment, premised
on paragraph 25(a) of the Statement of Claim without any
order as to costs, reinforces this understanding. It was
“25. Wherefore, the Plaintiff claims against the
Defendants the following: -
a) a declaration that Plaintiff is entitled to all the
sums awarded under the Final Award dated
16.7.2019 between the Second Defendant and the
Third Defendant;”
[22] The absence of any express obligation in the Consent
Judgment regarding the execution of a deed of assignment
by the First and Second Defendants is indicative of the
parties' intentions at the time of agreement.
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[23] The court finds that the Plaintiff, having agreed to the terms
of the Consent Judgment, cannot now assert an obligation
on the part of the First and Second Defendants to sign a
deed of assignment. Such a claim contradicts the agreed
terms and is barred by the doctrine of estoppel. The
subsequent allegation by the Plaintiff, arising significantly
later post-judgment, that the First and Second Defendants
are obligated to execute a ‘proposed finalised draft Deed of
Assignment’, is an attempt to unilaterally amend the terms
of the Consent Judgment. This approach is inconsistent
with the principles established in Mega Palm Sdn Bhd &
Anor v Hun Tee Siang (Menyaman Atas Kapasitinya
Sebagai Pemegang Jawatan Di Persatuan Penduduk
Country Heights Damansara, Kuala Lumpur) & Ors [2022] 4
CLJ 248, where it was emphasised that a consent judgment
is akin to a contract and cannot be varied without mutual
consent. The Court of Appeal held:
“[31] Thus, a consent order is akin to a contract
with the superadded judicial command as
emphasised in Tan Geok Lan v. La Kuan [2003] 3
CLJ 244. Once a consent judgment had been
perfected, the parties are bound by it and the court
is duty-bound to enforce the agreed terms of the
same. The court is also not at liberty to vary any of
the agreed terms unless with the mutual consent of
the parties...”
[24] To support the proposition that the court is empowered to
grant consequential orders to consent judgments, the
Plaintiff referred to the following cases: Stone World Sdn
Bhd v Engareh (M) Sdn Bhd [2020] 12 MLJ 237; Lim Ban
Kay @ Lim Chiam Boon v Kilang Kelapa Sawit Morib Sdn
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Bhd & Ors [2022] MLJU 2572; Ho Kam Wah @ Ho Kim
Wah v Began Land Sdn Bhd [2018] MLJU 291; Common
Ground TTDI Sdn Bhd v Ken TTDI Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU
962; Chew Hon Keong v Betterproducts Industries Sdn Bhd
& Ors [2013] 7 MLJ 196; and Perniagaan Habeeba Majeed
& Ors v Fazilah Bt Majhardeen & Anor [2020] MLJU 2335
(paragraph 14 of Enclosure 27)
[25] However, these case all concerned executory consequential
[26] Stone World Sdn Bhd v Engareh (M) Sdn Bhd concerns the
defendant’s attempt to impeach a consequential order
granted in an earlier concluded suit over which all appeal
avenues were exhausted. The Federal Court held that the
High Court retained jurisdiction under the 'liberty to apply'
exception to grant the consequential order, which
substituted the remedy but did not vary the substantive
finding of liability made earlier. While upholding the court's
power to grant consequential orders, this case is
distinguishable from the Plaintiff's situation as it dealt with
enforcing the executory remedy due to blatant non-
[27] Lim Ban Kay @ Lim Chiam Boon v Kilang Kelapa Sawit
Morib Sdn Bhd & Ors concerns an application by the
executor of a deceased plaintiff's estate to substitute the
plaintiff and enforce the Court of Appeal's earlier order for
specific performance of agreements. The High Court
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allowed the substitution to give effect to the Court of
Appeal's order. While supporting courts' powers to grant
consequential orders, this case dealt with enforcing an
executory order for specific performance and is hence
distinguishable from the Plaintiff's situation.
[28] Ho Kam Wah @ Ho Kim Wah v Began Land Sdn Bhd
concerns the plaintiff's application to stay execution of a
consent order and consequential order directing specific
performance, pending appeals. The High Court dismissed
the stay application on grounds of res judicata and issue
estoppel as a similar application was earlier dismissed.
While affirming courts' powers to grant consequential
orders, this case dealt with enforcing an executory order
and is distinguishable from the Plaintiff's situation.
[29] Common Ground TTDI Sdn Bhd v Ken TTDI Sdn Bhd
concerns the defendant landlord's application for
consequential orders requiring the plaintiff tenant to vacate
the premises and pay double rental after its tenancy
expired. The High Court held the defendant was justified in
seeking such consequential orders to compel the plaintiff's
compliance, since it had refused to vacate despite the
dismissal of its claim for a renewed tenancy. While affirming
the court's power to grant consequential relief, this case
dealt with enforcing the executory remedy against a non-
compliant plaintiff.
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[30] Chew Hon Keong v Betterproducts Industries Sdn Bhd &
Ors concerns the petitioner's application for appointment of
an independent accountant to value shares per a consent
order, which was resisted by the respondents who applied
instead to rescind the consent order terms and wind up the
company. The High Court allowed the petitioner's
application to unlock the deadlock and give effect to the
consent order, holding the court retains power to facilitate
implementation of consent judgments under the 'liberty to
apply' rule. While supporting courts' consequential powers,
this case dealt with enforcing executory obligations rather
than just declaratory relief.
[31] Perniagaan Habeeba Majeed & Ors v Fazilah Bt
Majhardeen & Anor concerns the plaintiffs seeking
consequential orders to enforce a consent judgment
requiring the defendants to transfer a foreign worker to the
plaintiffs' company. The High Court allowed the application
to give effect to the consent judgment, holding it has
inherent powers to compel performance of consent
judgment terms. While supporting courts' consequential
powers, this case dealt with enforcing executory obligations
rather than just declaratory relief.
[32] The court also observes that the Plaintiff only asserted that
the First and Second Defendants must execute a 'proposed
finalised draft Deed of Assignment' after one and a half
years after the Consent Judgment was recorded on
22.10.2021. The proposed deed of assignment was only
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sent to the First and Second Defendants around 18.4.2023.
This was around 1.5 years after the Consent Judgment was
[33] In the interim period between recording the Consent
Judgment and demanding the deed of assignment, the
Plaintiff had filed the Petition against the Third Defendant
relying on the Consent Judgment. The Petition filed by the
Plaintiff indicates that the real dispute herein is between the
Plaintiff and the Third Defendant. The Plaintiff used the
Consent Judgment to support its position as a debtor
entitled to proceeds under the Arbitration Award in order to
wind up the Third Defendant. However, the Petition was
dismissed. It was only following the dismissal of the Petition
that the Plaintiff then asserted that the First and Second
Defendants must execute a deed of assignment to assign
rights under the Arbitration Award.
[34] Therefore, this sequence of events demonstrates that the
real purpose of entering into the Consent Judgment was in
relation to the Plaintiff's dispute with the Third Defendant
regarding the Arbitration Award sums. It did not envisage
requiring the First and Second Defendants' involvement
through any deed of assignment or stipulation to that effect.
The demand for execution of the deed of assignment
appears as an afterthought following the failure of the
Petition against the Third Defendant.
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[35] In conclusion, the court rules that the Consent Judgment,
being declaratory in nature, does not impose any
enforceable obligations on the first and second defendants
to execute a deed of assignment. The Plaintiff's application,
which seeks to enforce such obligations, is dismissed on
this ground. The court must respect and uphold the terms of
the Consent Judgment as mutually agreed upon by the
parties, and any attempt to alter or impose new obligations
unilaterally is not within the jurisdiction of this Court.
Unilateral variation
[36] The Plaintiff submits that the deed of assignment is crucial
to formalise the assignment of rights under the Consent
Judgment, enabling the enforcement of the Arbitration
Award. The Plaintiff contends that the deed of assignment's
role is to summarise events and formalise the assignment of
rights, ensuring clarity in future enforcement. The Plaintiff
argues that without the deed of assignment, the Consent
Judgment becomes ineffective, rendering the Arbitration
Award unenforceable.
[37] Further, the Plaintiff submits that despite the clear
stipulations in the Consent Judgment, the First and Second
Defendants refused to sign the deed of assignment, an act
the Plaintiff views as contradictory and disrespectful
towards the judgment. The Plaintiff contends that this
refusal creates a gap in addressing the proceeds from the
Arbitration, thereby prejudicing the Plaintiff's rights. The
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Plaintiff argues that this refusal indicates bad faith on the
part of the First and Second Defendants, constituting an
abuse of court process. Hence, the Plaintiff maintains that it
is necessary and just for the First and Second Defendants
to sign and stamp the proposed deed of assignment to give
full effect to the Consent Judgment.
[38] The First and Second Defendants submit that Enclosure 10
represents an unauthorised alteration of the Consent
Judgment, effectively imposing new, onerous obligations on
them without their consent. It is maintained by the First and
Second Defendants that the Consent Judgment, as a
conclusive document regarding the rights of the parties
concerning the proceeds from the arbitral award, does not
necessitate an additional document like the proposed deed
of assignment. The First and Second Defendants contend
that this deed of assignment, which they are being
compelled to sign, contains clauses that unilaterally impose
additional responsibilities, such as transferring the
Arbitration Award to the Plaintiff's name and assisting in the
recovery of arbitration sums.
[39] Furthermore, the First and Second Defendants argue that
Enclosure 10 unilaterally varies the Consent Judgment by
introducing obligations not originally agreed upon. They
assert that the terms of the proposed deed of assignment
were drafted solely by the Plaintiff, without consultation, and
include clauses that significantly increase their liabilities.
The First and Second Defendants contend that this
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approach undermines their rights to freedom of contract and
alters the original agreement, which did not envisage such
obligations. Therefore, they maintain that Enclosure 10, if
permitted, would unjustly impose additional burdens on
them that are not supported by the original terms of the
Consent Judgment.
[40] Upon careful examination of the arguments and
documentary evidence, this Court finds the submissions of
the First and Second Defendants to be more compelling for
several reasons.
[41] The Consent Judgment, as recorded on 22.10.2021,
constitutes a legally binding agreement reflecting the mutual
consent and understanding of the parties at that time. Any
subsequent alterations or additions to this judgment,
including those proposed in the deed of assignment,
represent a unilateral attempt by the Plaintiff to vary the
terms of this agreement. Such variations, particularly in the
absence of mutual consent, undermine the fundamental
principle of contract law that binds parties to their original
terms of agreement.
[42] The proposed deed of assignment contains clauses that
impose new and onerous obligations on the First and
Second Defendants. For instance, Clause 2(b) of the Deed
states that “the Second Defendant is now liable to procure
the Award to be transferred to the name of the Plaintiff,” and
Clause 2(c) requires the Second Defendant “to facilitate and
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assist in the documentation for the Plaintiff to recover the
sums of the Arbitration Proceedings.” These clauses
introduce responsibilities that extend well beyond the scope
of the original Consent Judgment, thereby unilaterally
altering the nature of the First and Second Defendants'
[43] Moreover, Clause 4 of the proposed deed of assignment,
creating a power of attorney in favour of the Plaintiff, further
extends these new obligations, allowing the Plaintiff to use
the Second Defendant’s name to recover proceeds from the
Arbitration Award. These provisions are not merely
formalisations of the assignment of rights as envisaged in
the Consent Judgment but constitute new, onerous
obligations imposed unilaterally by the Plaintiff.
[44] The original Consent Judgment and the Share Sale
Agreement do not stipulate or imply the necessity of a
subsequent deed of assignment. The introduction of this
document, therefore, represents a significant deviation from
the agreed terms. The Plaintiff's assertion that the deed of
assignment is merely a formalisation of the assignment of
rights does not find support in the original documents.
Rather, it appears to be an attempt to introduce new terms
and conditions which were neither contemplated nor agreed
[45] The court notes the principle established in the case of
Mega Palm Sdn Bhd & Anor v Hun Tee Siang (Menyaman
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Atas Kapasitinya Sebagai Pemegang Jawatan Di Persatuan
Penduduk Country Heights Damansara, Kuala Lumpur) &
Ors [2022] 4 CLJ 248 (Court of Appeal), which underscores
that a consent judgment cannot be varied without mutual
consent of the parties. This case concerns the plaintiffs
filing a fresh action to enforce and seek additional reliefs
under a consent judgment recorded in an earlier suit, which
the defendants contended ought to have been pursued in
the original suit itself.
[46] The Court of Appeal dismissed the defendants' contention,
holding that while most consent judgment terms mirrored
the original prayers, there were some terms that went
beyond the scope of the initial suit. Hence, a fresh action
was required to enforce those additional consent judgment
terms under the principle in In Re Hearn [1913] 108 LT 452.
Nonetheless, the court underscored that a consent
judgment cannot be unilaterally varied without mutual
consent. The court, Per S Nantha Balan JCA, stated:
“In so far as any variation of a consent order is
concerned, it is also trite that the only possible way
in which a consent order could be altered/varied
would be by the consent of all the parties. See: the
Federal Court’s decision in Ganapathy Chettiar v.
Lum Kum Chum & Ors; Meenachi v. Lum Kum
Chum [1981] 1 LNS 59; [1981] 2 MLJ 145 (FC) (at
p. 146).”
[47] This statement arose in the context of the court examining
the broader principles governing consent judgments. The
court was considering the defendants' argument that the
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plaintiffs' fresh action to enforce the consent judgment
effectively varied its terms without mutual agreement. While
the court ultimately allowed the fresh action, it reiterated the
established position that any actual variation of consent
judgment terms requires consent of all parties.
[48] Coming back to the instant case, the unilateral attempt by
the Plaintiff to impose these new terms through the deed of
assignment, without the Third Defendant’s consent, is a
clear deviation from this principle. It undermines the sanctity
of the original agreement and the contractual freedom of the
[49] In light of these considerations, the court concludes that the
Plaintiff's application to compel the First and Second
Defendants to sign the deed of assignment represents an
impermissible unilateral variation of the Consent Judgment.
This variation, without the First and Second Defendants’
consent, contravenes the foundational legal principles
governing consent judgments and contractual agreements.
[50] Therefore, the court finds no merit in the Plaintiff's
application. The application is dismissed, upholding the First
and Second Defendants' right to adhere to the terms as
originally agreed upon in the Consent Judgment. The
sanctity of the original agreement, as embodied in the
Consent Judgment, shall remain inviolate and respected.
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[51] The court lacks jurisdiction to vary the Consent Judgment
without the First and Second Defendants' consent. The
Consent Judgment did not require an additional document
for the assignment of rights. The “proposed Finalised Deed
of Assignment” adds obligations not in the original Consent
Judgment, such as asssigning the award proceeds to the
Plaintiff and aiding in documentation, which cannot be
imposed on the First and Second Defendants without their
Prohibition against assignment
[52] The First and Second Defendants submit that the Arbitration
Award dated 16.07.2019, favouring the Second Defendant,
cannot be assigned without the consent of the Third
Defendant, as stipulated in Clause 1.7 of the Conditions of
Contract between the Second and Third Defendants. It is
maintained by the First and Second Defendants that the
Learned High Court Judge held that the non-assignment
clause in the agreement requires the consent of the other
party before any debt assignment. The First and Second
Defendants contend that any assignment of the arbitral
award's proceeds is invalid without the Third Defendant's
consent, which the Plaintiff has not obtained. Furthermore,
the First and Second Defendants argue that the Plaintiff has
abandoned their right to demand that the First and Second
Defendants sign any deed of assignment. This contention is
based on the Plaintiff's agreement to record the Consent
Judgment solely on paragraph 25(a) of the Statement of
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Claim with no order as to costs, and their failure to consult
the First and Second Defendants regarding the preparation
of the deed of assignment.
[53] It is maintained by the Plaintiff that the First and Second
Defendants have conceded the validity of the Consent
Judgment, as evidenced by their solicitors' letter dated
26.04.2023, which acknowledges the Plaintiff's entitlement
to the entire proceeds of the arbitration. The Plaintiff
contends that based on this admission, the First and
Second Defendants are now estopped from asserting a
contradictory position and are bound to comply with Clause
6A of the Share Sale Agreement which states:
“The Vendor shall indemnify PSPK the cost,
expenses and any claims arising from the
arbitration between PSPK and TRW (more
specifically set out in the Third Schedule) and any
proceeds arising from this arbitration shall accrue to
the Vendor”
[54] Further, the Plaintiff argues that the First and Second
Defendants, having acted in accordance with the terms of
the Share Sale Agreement and benefited from it, are now
obligated to ensure that the proceeds of the Arbitration
Awards are given to the Plaintiff. This obligation, as per the
Plaintiff, is clearly outlined in Clause 6A of the Share Sale
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[55] After a detailed examination of the submissions and
evidence provided by both parties, the court finds in favour
of the First and Second Defendants.
[56] The central issue revolves around the enforceability of the
deed of assignment in the context of the Consent
Judgment. The First and Second Defendants' primary
contention is grounded in the non-assignment clause
present in the Conditions of Contract between the Second
Defendant and the Third Defendant. Specifically, Clause 1.7
of the Conditions of Contract stipulates that neither party
shall assign any part of the Contract or any benefit or
interest therein without the prior agreement of the other
Party. It reads:
“1.7 Assignment
Neither Party shall assign the whole or any part of
the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under
the Contract. However, either Party:
(a) may assign the whole or any part with the
prior agreement of the other Party, at the sole
discretion of such other Party, and
(b) may, as security in favour of a bank or
financial institution, assign its right to any moneys
due or to become due, under the Contract.”
[57] This clause is critical in determining the validity of any
purported assignment arising from the Consent Judgment.
The Learned High Court in deliberating the Petition, applied
the precedent set in Merita Merchant Bank Singapore Ltd v
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka [2014] 9 CLJ 1064, reinforcing
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the significance of the non-assignment clause. The winding-
up court’s ruling that the consent of the other party is a
prerequisite for any valid assignment underlines the
necessity of the Third Defendant's consent in this matter.
[58] The Merita Merchant Bank case concerned an appeal
against the judgment of the Court of Appeal, which allowed
the second defendant's appeal against the decision of the
High Court with costs. The plaintiff, Merita Merchant Bank
Singapore Ltd, sued the second defendant, Dewan Bahasa
Dan Pustaka, as an assignee of certain debts due and
payable by the second defendant to the first defendant,
Benatulin Timur Sdn Bhd, who had supplied printing papers
to the second defendant. The main question was whether
the consent of the debtor is a legal requirement for the
assignment to be valid in law under Section 4(3) of the Civil
Law Act 1956. The court held that the non-assignment
clauses in the contracts were valid and binding on both
parties, and the consent of the debtor was a prerequisite for
a valid assignment. The court also found that the
assignment was ineffective as it was made without the
debtor's consent, and the plaintiff's claim as an assignee
was dismissed. The Federal Court, per Raus Sharif PCA
(as he then was) stated:
“[41] We have subjected these documents to
scrutiny. With respect we are unable to agree with
Merita's contentions. Since it is our finding that
the element of consent is an important
prerequisite, the fact that there existed an
assignment between Merita and Benatulin did
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not strengthen Merita's case as the contract
stipulated that consent by the debtor (DBP) was
a prerequisite before a valid assignment could
be made. Nowhere did Merita highlight to us that
this has been adhered to. At the risk of repeating
ourselves, we reiterate here that it is an implied
term of the contract that there could be no
assignment by Benatulin of its rights under the
1997 contract unless the prior written consent
of DBP was obtained. An attempted assignment
of contractual rights in breach of a contractual
prohibition was ineffective to vest the
contractual rights in Merita.
[42] Further, it is significant to note that the
purported assignment P2 which formed the basis of
Merita's claim was dated and stamped on 22 April
1998 although notice of such an assignment was
given to DBP as early as 23 August 1996. On this
issue the Court of Appeal found that since the
assignment at P2 was dated and stamped at a
much later date supported the conclusion that the
purported assignment in P2 was not served on
[43] In our judgment, the point of critical importance
was not whether notice of assignment was given to
DBP but whether Benatulin had obtained DBP's
consent before executing the assignment with
Merita. As we have alluded to earlier since
Benatulin had failed to secure DBP's consent,
hence DBP was, therefore, not bound to honour
Merita's request and had rightfully refused to
recognise the instruction by Benatulin to make
payment to Merita. The purported assignment
which lacked the consent of DBP for the purchases
made under the said letters were unenforceable
against DBP. It follows that the purported
assignment by Benatulin to Merita without the
consent of DBP constituted a breach of cl. 23 of
the 1997 contract. Merita's claim as an assignee
must, therefore, fail. Further, this court cannot
allow Merita's claim against DBP as the payment
due under the purchases made pursuant to the said
letters had already been paid by DBP to Benatulin
and CFP.
(emphasis added)
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[59] The evidence presented by the First and Second
Defendants, particularly the absence of any averment or
documentation in the Plaintiff's submissions indicating that
the consent of the Third Defendant was obtained, critically
undermines the Plaintiff's position. The lack of such consent
renders any assignment stemming from the Consent
Judgment not only ineffectual but also potentially illegal.
This aligns with the findings of the Learned High Court
Judge in the winding up proceedings in respect of the
Petition, where it was explicitly stated that the purported
assignment via the Consent Judgment was invalid due to
the lack of consent from the Third Defendant. This Petition
involves the petitioner, SPK-Sentosa Corporation Berhad
(In Liquidation), the Plaintiff in this instant case, seeking to
wind up the respondent, TRW Boulevard Square Sdn Bhd,
the Third Defendant in this instant case for failing to pay
debts under a statutory demand pursuant to Section
465(1)(e) and 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016. The
Petition was opposed by Ambank Islamic Berhad, a creditor
of the respondent, and supported by two other creditors.
The main issues were whether there was a valid
assignment of rights over the Arbitration Award granted in
favour of Pembinaan SPK Sdn Bhd (the petitioner’s
subsidiary) against the respondent, to the petitioner via a
consent judgment, and whether the petitioner was
consequently a creditor of the respondent for purposes of
presenting the Petition. The High Court analysed the
Consent Judgment and held that it merely declared the
petitioner's rights over the Arbitration Award and did not
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legally assign those rights. Hence, there was no valid
assignment to the petitioner. The court also relied on
Clause 1.7, the non-assignment clause requiring the
respondent's consent for any assignment, which was not
obtained. Therefore, the petitioner had no basis to claim as
a creditor and present the Petition. The petition was
accordingly dismissed. My learned brother, Nadzarin Wok
Nordin J stated in his judgment:
“76. I am thus bound to follow the ratio in Merita
Merchant Bank Singapore Ltd (supra) and am not
bound to follow the decision in the Australian case
of Brali v Hyundai Corporation (1988) 84 ALLR176
(NSWSC) or, with respect, the earlier decision on
equitable assignments as per the Supreme Court in
Public Finance Bhd v Scotch Leasing Sdn Bhd
[1996] 2 MLJ 369 cited by learned counsel for the
Supporting Creditors, to which this Court holds that
in the case before me, the said non assignment
clause at clause 1.7 of the Agreement between the
Respondent and PSPK had made the consent of
the other party a pre condition before the debt
could be assigned and thus the purported
assignment vis a vis the Consent Judgment was
not valid as no consent was obtained as the
Respondent had not consented to the same.”
[60] Moreover, the court notes the inconsistency in the Plaintiff's
approach. Initially, the Plaintiff agreed to the Consent
Judgment without any requirement for the execution of a
deed of assignment. The subsequent introduction of this
requirement, approximately one and a half years later,
without prior consultation with the First and Second
Defendants and unilaterally prepared by the Plaintiff,
suggests a shift in the Plaintiff's stance. This shift, as
argued by the First and Second Defendants, is indicative of
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an approach of approbation and reprobation, as elucidated
in Express Newspapers plc v News (UK) Ltd and others
[1990] 3 All ER 376. The Plaintiff cannot be permitted to
adopt two inconsistent positions – initially accepting the
Consent Judgment without the requirement of a deed of
assignment and later imposing such a requirement.
[61] Consequently, the court rejects the Plaintiff's application for
a consequential order to compel the First and Second
Defendants to sign the deed of assignment. The First and
Second Defendants are not legally bound to sign the deed
of assignment, and the Plaintiff cannot enforce this
requirement under the current circumstances. The Consent
Judgment, as recorded, does not extend to or include an
obligation on the First and Second Defendants to sign a
deed of assignment, particularly in the absence of the
requisite consents.
[62] The First and Second Defendants have proposed that any
costs incurred in this process ought to be borne by the
Plaintiff’s Liquidator personally. This position is grounded in
the assertion that the Plaintiff, being a wound-up company,
cannot effectively bear the costs, and therefore, any award
against the Plaintiff would be ineffectual. The First and
Second Defendants draw upon the case of Markcon Sdn.
Bhd. (In Liquidation) v Resilient Construction Sdn. Bhd. And
Labtec Sdn. Bhd. & Anor. (Opposing Creditors) [1994] 1
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CLJ 271 where it was held that costs could be awarded
personally against a liquidator in instances of misconduct or
unnecessary proceedings.
[63] The First and Second Defendants argue that the
Liquidator’s actions, particularly in relation to the filing of
Enclosure 10, amount to an abuse of process and an
attempt to unilaterally alter or vary the terms of the Consent
Judgment. They contend that this act was unnecessary and
vexatious, and that it imposed undue burdens on them, thus
justifying a personal cost order against the Liquidator.
[64] However, having thoroughly examined the evidence and
arguments presented by both parties, the court finds that
the Plaintiff’s application for consequential orders, while
ultimately unsuccessful, does not warrant the imposition of
costs on the Liquidator personally. The Liquidator’s decision
to bring this action appears to have been motivated by a
genuine belief that it was in the best interests of the
company, particularly in seeking to enforce the terms of the
Consent Judgment. There is a lack of substantial evidence
to suggest misconduct or a frivolous approach in the
Liquidator’s pursuit of this matter.
[65] While the First and Second Defendants’ concerns regarding
the potential alteration of the Consent Judgment are noted,
the court does not find these concerns sufficient to
categorise the Liquidator’s actions as constituting an abuse
of process. The Liquidator’s conduct seems to have been
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within the realm of his professional judgment and duties,
especially in light of the complexities surrounding the
enforcement of the Consent Judgment and the deed of
[66] Nevertheless, in accordance with the principles of fairness
and equity, and considering the outcome of the case, the
court orders that the costs incurred in this matter shall be
borne by the Plaintiff. This decision is made in the context of
the unsuccessful application for consequential orders by the
Plaintiff, and the absence of sufficient grounds to impose
these costs personally on the Liquidator. The court thereby
adjudges that the First and Second Defendants' proposal
for personal liability of the Liquidator for costs is not upheld,
but the Plaintiff is to bear the costs of the proceedings.
[67] In the premise, the Plaintiff’s application in Enclosure 10 is
dismissed with costs of RM4,000 to be paid by the Plaintiff
to the First and Second Defendants.
3 January 2024
Kuala Lumpur High Court
(Commercial Division)
S/N SixWeIdQIUuGiu/Wuayd7Q
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For the Plaintiff: Syereen Tang
(Messrs Kesavan)
For the First and
Nicholas Poon
(Messrs. Kit & Associates)
S/N SixWeIdQIUuGiu/Wuayd7Q
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| 54,432 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-83-2783-11/2023 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH BALAMURUGAN A/L NADARASA | UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Kanun Keseksaan - Seksyen 323 - Kesalahan dengan sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan - Tertuduh memukul bahagian muka mangsa/pengadu dan menyebabkan lebam di pipi dan bahagian mata mangsa/pengadu - Tertuduh mengaku salah atas pertuduhan dan dijatuhkan hukuman satu bulan penjara dari tarikh tangkap - Sama ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan adil, wajar dan berpatutanPROSEDUR JENAYAH: Hukuman - Mitigasi - Tertuduh dituduh atas kesalahan dengan sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan - Tertuduh memukul bahagian muka mangsa/pengadu dan menyebabkan lebam di pipi dan bahagian mata mangsa/pengadu - Tertuduh mengaku salah dan dijatuhkan hukuman satu bulan penjara dari tarikh tangkap - Faktor-faktor yang diambil kira dalam menjatuhkan hukuman - Sama ada hukuman berbentuk bon kelakuan baik atau denda dapat memberi pengajaran berkesan kepada tertuduh dan masyarakat - Sama ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan adil, wajar dan berpatutan - Kanun Keseksaan, s. 323 | 03/01/2024 | Puan Farah binti Rosnan | |
(NO. K/P: 820130-14-6379)
[1] Ini merupakan alasan penghakiman bagi rayuan yang telah
difailkan oleh pihak Tertuduh terhadap sabitan dan hukuman
yang dijatuhkan terhadap Tertuduh setelah Tertuduh mengaku
[2] Hukuman yang dirayu oleh Tertuduh adalah hukuman
terhadap kesalahan dibawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan
iaitu 1 bulan penjara dari tarikh tangkap.
03/01/2024 15:30:44
BA-83-2783-11/2023 Kand. 7
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[3] Tertuduh menghadapi Pertuduhan seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu pada 22.11.2023 jam lebih kurang 2.00
petang, di tepi jalan SB Jaya Jalan Kusta Sg Buloh, 47000
Sg Buloh Selangor, dalam Daerah Petaling, di dalam
Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan, telah didapati dengan
sengaja mendatangkan kecederaan terhadap penama:
Ramesh Kumar Karrupiah Ahmad, No Passport: M3872688
dengan memukul kepada penama tersebut. Oleh yang
demikian itu, kamu telah melakukan satu kesalahan yang
boleh dihukum dibawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan.
Jika sabit kesalahan, penjara selama tempoh yang boleh
sampai 1 tahun atau dengan denda yang boleh sampai
RM2000/- atau dengan kedua-duanya.
[4] Pertuduhan telah dibacakan, diterangkan dan dijelaskan
kepada Tertuduh di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Tertuduh telah
menyatakan bahawa Tertuduh faham dengan pertuduhan
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tersebut dan seterusnya mengaku salah di atas pertuduhan yang
dikemukakan. Setelah Tertuduh mengaku salah, penalti
seterusnya diterangkan kepada Tertuduh. Tertuduh telah
menyatakan bahawa Tertuduh faham sifat dan akibat pengakuan
salah yang dibuat olehnya dan masih mengaku salah di atas
pertuduhan yang dikemukakan.
[5] Fakta Kes telah dibacakan dan diterangkan kepada
Tertuduh di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Tertuduh faham dan
mengakui benar fakta kes tersebut. Fakta kes ditandakan sebagai
[6] Pihak pendakwaan seterusnya mengemukakan dokumen-
dokumen dan telah mohon daripada mahkamah untuk dokumen-
dokumen tersebut ditandakan sebagai eksibit. Terdapat 8
tandaaan eksibit ditandakan iaitu:
1. Fakta Kes P1
2. Laporan Polis Pengadu
(No. Repot: SG. BULOH/007972/23)
3. Laporan Polis Tangkapan
(No. Repot: SG. BULOH/007983/23)
4. 4 Keping Gambar Pengadu (A-D) P4
5. Surat Permintaan Untuk Peperiksaan Doktor P5
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Bagi Kes Orang Yang Terlibat Dalam Kes
[7] Setelah pihak Pendakwaan menandakan kesemua eksibit
pihak Pendakwaan seterusnya memohon daripada mahkamah
untuk eksibit P4 dan eksibit P5 dirujuk kepada Tertuduh bagi
tujuan pengecaman. Tertuduh seterusnya mengecam dan
mengakui eksibit P4 dan eksibit P5 tersebut.
[8] Setelah Mahkamah berpuashati dan Mahkamah menerima
pengakuan salah yang dibuat oleh Tertuduh, Tertuduh
kemudiannya didapati bersalah dan disabitkan dengan
pertuduhan dibawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan boleh
dihukum dibawah seksyen yang sama.
C) Fakta Kes
[9] Pihak Pendakwaan telah mengemukakan Fakta kes. Fakta
Kes tersebut telah ditandakan sebagai eksibit P1. Fakta kes ini
juga telah diakui oleh Tertuduh.
[10] Bagi tujuan kemudahan rujukan, Fakta Kes yang
ditandakan sebagai eksibit P1 adalah seperti berikut:
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1. Pada 22/11/2023 jam lebih kurang 2.00 petang semasa
pengadu berada di tepi jalan SB Jaya Jalan Kusta Sg
Buloh telah didatangi 1 lelaki India yang dikenali
Balamurugan menaiki sebuah kenderaan Toyota Hilux
nombor pendaftaran tidak pasti. OKT telah turun dari
kenderaan dan terus bertindak memukul pengadu sebelum
beredar dari tempat kejadian.
2. Punca kejadian adalah OKT telah menuduh pengadu
menjadi punca berlakunya kebakaran di sebuah kedai di
SB Jaya dan pengadu mengatakan tidak terlibat dalam kes
tersebut dan tidak mengaku melakukannya menyebabkan
OKT tidak berpuas hati dan bertindak memukul pengadu di
bahagian muka.
3. Butiran tertuduh adalah:-
Nama: Balamurugan A/L Nadarasa
No. K/P: 820130-14-6379
Umur: 41 Tahun
Alamat: No. 50, Jalan BRP 7/1C, Bukit Rahman Putra,
47000 Sg. Buloh, Selangor
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D) Rayuan Tertuduh
[11] Semasa rayuan atau mitigasi ditanyakan kepada Tertuduh,
Peguam Tertuduh menyatakan bahawa Tertuduh berumur 41,
sudah berkahwin, mempunyai 2 orang anak dan merupakan
penanggung tunggal keluarga, mempunyai pendapatan bulanan
sebanyak RM1,500 sahaja. Peguam Tertuduh memaklum
bahawa Tertuduh memohon satu hukuman berbentuk denda
sahaja. Peguam Tertuduh memaklumkan juga bawa kesalahan
ini bukanlah kesalahan yang serius merujuk kepada Seksyen 52A
Kanun Tatacara Jenayah. Kesalahan Tertuduh ini juga
merupakan kesalahan kali pertama dan Tertuduh telah berada
dalam tahanan reman selama 2 hari.
[12] Tertuduh mengakhiri rayuan atau mitigasi dengan
memohon daripada mahkamah untuk menjatuhkan suatu
hukuman yang seringan-ringannya kepada Tetuduh yang
berbentuk denda sahaja.
E) Hujahan Pihak Pendakwaan
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[13] Pihak Pendakwaan berhujah berkenaan bahawa pengadu
di dalam kes ini merupakan seorang warga emas yang sudah
berumur 56 tahun, Tertuduh telah memukul pengadu di bahagian
muka tanpa sebarang alasan yang munasabah. Oleh itu, pihak
Pendakwaan memohon suatu hukuman setimpal dikenakan
kepada Tertuduh. Pihak Pendakwaan juga memohon suatu
hukuman yang boleh dijadikan pengajaran kepada Tertuduh agar
Tertuduh tidak mengulangi kesalahan ini dan mengambil kira
kepentingan awam dan kekerapan kes.
[14] Pihak Pendakwaan telah mengakhiri hujahan Faktor
Pemberatan dengan berhujah bahawa suatu hukuman setimpal
perlu diberikan memandangkan kes memukul di telah semakin
kerap berlaku.
F) Keputusan Mahkamah Terhadap Hukuman
[15] Prinsip Undang-Undang berhubung hukuman telah jelas
dan mantap (trite). Setiap kes mempunyai fakta kes yang
berbeza di antara satu sama lain namun Prinsip Hukuman yang
perlu dipertimbangkan di dalam setiap kes adalah sama bagi
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setiap kes dan keadaan ini telah diperjelaskan dengan sangat
terperinci didalam kes Public Prosecutor v Loo Choon Fatt
[1976] 2 MLJ 256:
In respect of sentencing there can be only general guidelines.
No two cases can have exactly the same facts to the
minutest detail. Facts do differ from case to case and
ultimately each case has to be decided on its own merits.
In practice sentences do differ not only from case to case but
also from court to court. All things being equal these
variations are inevitable if only because of the human element
involved. But, of course, there must be limits to permissible
The principles to be applied in imposing sentence
however are the same in every case.
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[16] Prinsip Hukuman yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh
Mahkamah selain daripada faktor-faktor lain adalah faktor
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kepentingan awam. Adalah penting untuk mahkamah mengambil
maklum bahawa faktor kepentingan awam ini haruslah
diimbangkan dengan faktor kepentingan Tertuduh. Prinsip ini
telah sekali lagi diperjelaskan didalam kes Public Prosecutor v
Loo Choon Fatt [1976] 2 MLJ 256:
One of the main considerations in the assessment of
sentence is of course the question of public interest. On
this point I need only quote a passage from the judgment of
Hilbery J. in Rex v Kenneth John Ball 35 CrAppR 164 as
"In deciding the appropriate sentence, a court should
always be guided by certain considerations. The first and
foremost is the public interest. The criminal law is publicly
enforced, not only with the object of punishing crime, but
also in the hope of preventing it. A proper sentence,
passed in public, serves the public interest in two
ways. It may deter others who might be tempted to
try crime as seeming to offer easy money on the
supposition, that if the offender is caught and
brought to justice, the punishment will be negligible.
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Such a sentence may also deter the particular
criminal from committing a crime again, or induce
him to turn from a criminal to an honest life. The
public interest is indeed served, and best served, if
the offender is induced to turn from criminal ways to
honest living. Our law does not, therefore, fix the
sentence for a particular crime, but fixes a maximum
sentence and leaves it to the court to decide what is,
within that maximum, the appropriate sentence for each
criminal in the particular circumstances of each case. Not
only in regard to each crime, but in regard to each
criminal, the court has the right and the duty to decide
whether to be lenient or severe."
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[17] Mahkamah juga mengambil maklum berkenaan kuasa
menjatuhkan hukuman di mana kuasa ini terletak pada budibicara
mahkamah. Walau bagaimanapun, budibicara ini perlu
dilaksanakan selaras dengan prinsip undang-undang berhubung
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hukuman dan prinsip ini dijelaskan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan
didalam kes Ganesan Nachiappan & Ors v. PP [2000] 3 CLJ
The power of sentencing given to a trial court is a
discretionary one and in order for us, as the appellate court,
to disturb the sentence imposed, we must be convinced that
the trial judge had erred in applying the correct principles
of sentencing or had embarked on some unauthorised or
extraneous exercise of discretion (see PP v. Loo Choon
Fatt [1976] 1 LNS 102[1976] 2 MLJ 256 and Bhandulananda
Jayatilake v. PP [1981] 1 LNS 139;[1982] 1 MLJ 83).
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[18] Setelah Mahkamah mempertimbangkan prinsip undang-
undang seperti tertera di atas, mahkamah seterusnya
mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor mitigasi yang dikemukakan oleh
Tertuduh dalam membuat keputusan berhubung hukuman
terhadap Tertuduh.
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[19] Faktor-Faktor mitigasi yang telah dipertimbangkan oleh
Mahkamah adalah seperti berikut:
i. Pengakuan Salah Tertuduh
[20] Mahkamah telah mengambil maklum bahawa Tertuduh
telah mengaku salah dan ini telah menjimatkan masa dan kos
semua pihak. Oleh itu, Pengakuan Salah Tertuduh ini harus
diberi satu diskaun yang sewajarnya.
[21] Dalam mempertimbangkan faktor mitigasi ini, mahkamah
merujuk kepada kes Public Prosecutor v Ravindran & Ors
[1993] 1 MLJ 45 yang menyatakan seperti berikut:
(3) It is an accepted rule of practice that an accused should
be given credit or discount for pleading guilty. This is
because public time and money will be spared if an
accused admits his guilt. The credit or discount to be
given to an accused person is not on the maximum
sentence imposed by law but rather on a sentence which
would have been imposed on the accused if he had
claimed trial and been found guilty.
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[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[22] Berbalik semula kepada kes Tertuduh, di dalam kes ini,
Tertuduh telah mengaku salah dan ini sememangnya telah
menjimatkan masa dan kos semua pihak.
[23] Oleh itu, Mahkmah telah mengambil faktor Pengakuan
Salah Tertuduh sebagai salah satu faktor mitigasi yang perlu
dipertimbangkan dalam memutuskan hukuman yang wajar
dijatuhkan terhadap Tertuduh. Mahkamah juga telah mengambil
maklum berhubung suatu diskaun yang wajar diberi oleh
Mahkamah dalam mempertimbangkan hukuman terhadap
Tertuduh setelah Tertuduh mengaku salah.
ii. Kesal Dan Insaf Terhadap Perbuatan
[24] Mahkamah juga telah mengambil maklum bahawa
pengakuan salah Tertuduh bukan sahaja dapat menjimatkan
masa dan kos pihak-pihak tetapi dapat menunjukkan keinsafan
dan kekesalan Tertuduh terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan.
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[25] Faktor kekesalan dan keinsafan Tertuduh merupakan salah
satu faktor mitigasi yang penting yang telah diambil kira oleh
mahkamah dalam memutuskan hukuman yang wajar dikenakan
terhadap Tertuduh.
iii. Faktor Kepentingan Awam
[26] Mahkamah mengambil maklum bahawa pengadu di dalam
kes ini adalah seorang yang lelaki tua yang sudah berumur 56
tahun. Kes pukul sering dan kerap berlaku yang telah
menyebabkan kesejahteraan dan ketenteraman awam terganggu
bukan sahaja terhadap pengadu sendiri, tetapi terhadap orang
awam yang berada di tempat kejadian.
[27] Oleh itu, mahkamah berpendapat bahawa, suatu hukuman
berbentuk pencegahan (‘deterrent’) perlu diberikan oleh
mahkamah bagi menjaga kepentingan awam. Namun, mahkamah
juga perlu mengimbangkan faktor kepentingan awam tersebut
dengan faktor kepentingan Tertuduh sebelum menjatuhkan
hukuman tersebut.
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[28] Mahkamah juga berpendapat bahawa suatu hukuman yang
tegas dan jelas perlu diberikan agar suatu pencegahan jenayah
dengan sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan dapat dicegah.
[29] Berkenaan isu ini, Mahkamah telah menggunapakai budi
bicaranya sebagaimana diperjelaskan di dalam kes R v. Ball
[1951] 35 Cr App R 164 seperti berikut:
"….our law does not therefore fix the sentence for a particular
offence but it fixes a maximum sentence and leaves it to the
court to decide what is, within that maximum, the appropriate
sentence for each criminal in the particular, the court has the
right and duty to decide whether to be lenient or
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[30] Mahkamah juga merujuk kepada kes Sinnathurai
Subramaniam v. PP [2011] 5 CLJ 56 at para. 35:
“The sentences imposed by the sentencing judges have a
signaling effect. If the judge imposes a light custodial
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sentence, he is sending a message to the whole world at
large, so to speak, that the offence is not that serious.
And if the judge imposes a binding over under the Criminal
Procedure Code, he is saying that the accused should not be
charged in the first place at all. So, it can be deduced that
when a judge imposes a sentence he is making a statement
whether the offence is serious or trivial. It is in these
contexts that sentencing judges must be very cautious
and must weigh in a balance the gravity of the offence
with the proposed sentence. The sentence imposed must
always reflect public interest after taking into account the
mitigation advanced by the accused.”
[31] Mahkamah telah meneliti Fakta Kes (eksibit P1), 4 keping
gambar kecederaan pengadu (eksibit P4 (A-D)) dan Surat
Permintaan Untuk Peperiksaan Doktor Bagi Orang Yang Terlibat
Dalam Kes Polis (eksibit P5) yang diakui oleh Tertuduh.
[32] Tertuduh yang berumur 41 tahun sememangnya
mengetahui perkara yang benar dan salah. Tiada sebarang bukti
dikemukakan bahawa dia tiada pengetahuan berkenaan apa
yang Tertuduh telah lakukan adalah ‘illegal’ dan tiada sebarang
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bukti juga yang menunjukkan sebarang keadaan yang
bersesuaian untuk meringankan hukuman terhadap Tertuduh.
Perbuatan Tertuduh memukul muka pengadu tanpa alasan yang
munasabah telah menyebabkan soft tissue injury (STI) atau
bruises (lebam) terhadap muka pengadu di bahagian pipi dan
mata pengadu sebelah kiri adalah merupakan tindakan yang
salah di sisi undang-undang dan suatu hukuman tegas dan jelas
perlu diberikan ke atas Tertuduh. Suatu hukuman yang berbentuk
‘lenient’ adalah tidak sesuai untuk menjaga kepentingan awam.
iv. Latar Belakang Tertuduh
[33] Di dalam rayuan Tertuduh, Tertuduh menyatakan bahawa
Tertuduh berumur 41 tahun dan mempunyai 2 orang anak
dengan mempunyai gaji bulanan sebanyak RM1,500 sebulan
[34] Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa umur 41 tahun
merupakan suatu umur yang seharusnya dapat membezakan
antara suatu perkara baik dan buruk. Tambahan lagi, Tertuduh
telahpun bekerja dan merupakan penanggung tunggal keluarga
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yang telah dikurniakan 2 orang cahaya mata. Latar belakang ini
menunjukkan bahawa Tertuduh seharusnya boleh membezakan
kesan dan akibat daripada perbuatannya.
[35] Tindakan Tertuduh yang menyebabkan kecederaan
terhadap seseorang dengan sengaja dan tanpa alasan yang
munasabah adalah amat tidak menghormati undang-undang
Malaysia dan sistem pentadbiran keadilan Malaysia. Oleh itu,
suatu hukuman yang tegas dan jelas perlu diberikan kepada
Tertuduh agar suatu pengajaran dapat diberikan kepada
v. Tiada Rekod Kesalahan Jenayah Lampau
[36] Pihak Pembelaan telah memaklumkan kepada mahkamah
bahawa ini merupakan Kesalahan Pertama Tertuduh.
[37] Berkenaan dengan isu ini, Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes
Public Prosecutor v. Jafa Bin Daud [1981] 1 LNS 28 dimana
Hakim Mohamed Azmi (pada ketika itu) telah memutuskan seperti
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A "sentence according to law" means that the sentence must
not only be within the ambit of the punishable section, but it
must also be assessed and passed in accordance with
established judicial principles. In assessing sentence, one
of the main factors to be considered is whether the
convicted person is a first offender. It is for this purpose
that before passing sentence, a Magistrate is required to call
for evidence or information regarding the background,
antecedent and character of the accused. Where the
convicted person has previous records and admits them as
correct, the court must consider whether the offence or
offences committed previously were of similar nature as the
one with which he is presently charged. The court must then
consider the sentences imposed in the previous convictions
for similar offences to determine whether they have had any
deterrent effect on him. Where he is found to be a
persistent offender for a similar type of offences, then it
is in the interest of justice that a deterrent sentence
should be passed and, in such a case, unless there are
exceptional circumstances, the quantity, nature or value
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of the subject-matter of the offence with which he is
currently charged can very rarely constitute a mitigating
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[38] Berbalik semula kepada kes Tertuduh, berdasarkan kes di
atas, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab Mahkamah untuk
mempertimbangkan hukuman yang lebih berat terhadap Tertuduh
jika Tertuduh mempunyai Rekod Kesalahan Jenayah lampau.
Walau bagaimanapun, di dalam kes ini Tertuduh tidak
mempunyai Rekod Kesalahan Jenayah Lampau dan fakta ini juga
telah disahkan oleh Pihak Pendakwaan.
[39] Oleh itu, faktor mitigasi ini telah dipertimbangkan oleh
mahkamah dalam memutuskan hukuman yang wajar dikenakan
terhadap Tertuduh.
vi. Hukuman Setimpal dan berbentuk Pengajaran
[40] Pihak Pendakwaan memohon daripada Mahkamah agar
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suatu hukuman setimpal dikenakan kepada Tertuduh. Pihak
Pendakwaan juga memohon suatu hukuman yang boleh dijadikan
pengajaran kepada Tertuduh agar Tertuduh tidak mengulangi
kesalahan ini.
[41] Maksud hukuman setimpal telah di jelaskan secara
terperinci didalam kes R v. lpeelee [2012] 1 SCR 433:
"….proportionality …is not just a sanction. First, the principles
ensures that a sentence reflects the gravity of the offence,…it
promotes justice for the victims and ensures public
confidence in the system of justice. Secondly, the
principles of proportionality ensures that a sentence
does not exceed what is appropriates, given the moral
blameworthiness of the offender…."
[Penekanan telah diberikan]
[42] Berdasarkan kes di atas, dapat dijelaskan bahawa
hukuman yang hendak dikenakan terhadap Tertuduh mestilah
setimpal dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan, ‘seriousness’
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kesalahan dan tahap penglibatan Tertuduh itu sendiri.
[43] Berbalik semula kepada kes Tertuduh, Tertuduh telah
dituduh dibawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Kesaksaan di mana
hukuman penjara ditetapkan yang boleh sampai 1 tahun atau
denda yang boleh sampai RM2,000/- atau kedua-duanya sekali.
[44] Oleh itu, mahkamah berpendapat bahawa hukuman 1 bulan
penjara dari tarikh tangkap adalah hukuman yang setimpal, wajar
dan sesuai dikenakan ke atas Tertuduh.
[45] Tindakan tertuduh ini telah menyebabkan kecederaan di
bahagian muka kepada pengadu yang mana telah mendatangkan
trauma kepada pengadu dan juga mengganggu ketenteraman
pengadu dan ahli keluarganya.
[46] Mahkamah juga berpendapat bahawa hukuman 1 bulan
penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap ini bukanlah terlampau
rendah atau terlampau tinggi (‘too excessively low or too
excessively high’). Malah, mahkamah berpendapat bahawa
hukuman 1 bulan penjara ini merupakan hukuman yang dapat
menjamin keadilan kepada pengadu dan memberi keyakinan
kepada sistem pentadbiran keadilan Malaysia.
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[47] Mahkamah seterusnya meneliti semula semua eksibit yang
telah dikemukakan, rayuan Tertuduh dan pihak pendakwaan,
maka Mahkamah mendapati hukuman penjara 1 bulan dari tarikh
tangkap dapat menjadi pengajaran kepada Tertuduh agar tidak
mengulangi perbuatannya.
vii. Faktor-faktor Lain Yang Dipertimbangkan Mahkamah
[48] Mahkamah ini juga mengambil kira fakta bahawa pengadu
yang merupakan mangsa di dalam kes ini adalah seorang lelaki
warga tua yang sudah mencecah umur 56 tahun manakala
tertuduh adalah seorang lelaki dewasa yang mempunyai
kekuatan lebih daripada pengadu. Akibat daripada kejadian ini
pengadu telah mengalami kecederaan iaitu soft tissue injury (STI)
atau bruises (lebam) di bahagian muka pengadu iaitu pipi dan
mata pengadu sebelah kiri.
[49] Di dalam mitigasinya, peguam Tertuduh memaklumkan
terdapat salah faham yang berlaku di antara Tertuduh dan
pengadu. Namun tiada provokasi yang nyata daripada pengadu
yang mewajarkan tindakan tertuduh ke atasnya.
[50] Meskipun tertuduh mempunyai pelbagai tekanan dan
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masalah dalam hidupnya, namun itu tidak memberi alasan untuk
dia melampiaskan kemarahannya kepada orang yang tidak
[51] Setiap manusia diuji dengan pelbagai tekanan dan
masalah, namun sekiranya ia diterima sebagai alasan yang
munasabah untuk mencederakan orang lain, maka manusia akan
sewenang-wenangnya menyalahgunakan alasan tersebut untuk
melanggar undang-undang.
[52] Setelah mengambil kira faktor-faktor yang dinyatakan di
atas, dan mempertimbangkannya di antara satu sama lain,
mahkamah ini berpendapat hukuman penjara satu (1) bulan yang
dikira dari tarikh tangkap tertuduh adalah berpatutan dengan
jenayah yang dilakukan, sebagai suatu hukuman yang wajar dan
bersesuaian setelah faktor kepentingan awam dan faktor
kepentingan Tertuduh diimbangi.
[53] Mahkamah ini berpendapat hukuman berbentuk bon
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kelakuan baik atau denda sahaja tidak akan dapat memberi
pengajaran yang berkesan kepada tertuduh dan juga kepada
masyarakat agar tidak melakukan jenayah seumpamanya.
Bertarikh 3 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Majistret Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Bagi Pihak Pendakwaan – Puan Saidah Fasihah Binti Che
Yussoff, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya
Bagi Pihak Tertuduh – Chambers Of Noor Fara
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| 26,707 | Tika 2.6.0 |
B-05(M)-77-02/2022 | PERAYU LIN SIEK HONG RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | Rayuan Jenayah - Rayuan terhadap sabitan dan hukuman Mahkamah Tinggi untuk kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menyebabkan kematian - Mahkamah Tinggi memerintahkan hukuman gantung sampai mati - Mahkamah Rayuan memerintahkan: (1) Rayuan Perayu terhadap sabitan ditolak; (2) Mengenal hukuman, Mahkamah Rayuan menggunakan kuasa budibicara di bawah Akta Permansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 (Akta 846) dengan mengenepikan hukuman mati dan menggantikannya dengan hukuman penjara selama 35 tahun dari tarikh tangkap. Hukuman sebatan dikecualikan kerana perayu telah berumur 54 tahun - Mahkamah Rayuan mendapati: (1) Perayu telah menikam simati di bahagian jantung. Kecederaan ini sahaja sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa perayu memang mempunyai niat untuk menyebabkan kematian kepada simati; (2) Tidak timbul isu pendakwaan gagal memanggil saksi yang material dan inferen bertentangan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta Keterangan 1950 tidak terpakai terhadap pendakwaan; (3) Perayu yang memulakan pergaduhan; (4) Tiada provokasi atau pergaduhan secara tiba-tiba; (5) Isu ubat penenang adalah tidak bermerit kerana tidak disokong oleh keterangan perubatan. Tiada pegawai perubatan dipanggil untuk mengesahkan keadaan mental perayu akan terganggu jika beliau tidak mengambil ubat penenang tersebut. | 03/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Datuk See Mee ChunYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.B-05(M)-77-02/2022
[Dalam Perkara Mahkamah Tinggi Klang, Selangor
Perbicaraan Jenayah No.BA-45B-28-06-2019
Pendakwa Raya
Lin Siek Hong]
03/01/2024 10:33:33
B-05(M)-77-02/2022 Kand. 43
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[1] Pada 17.2.2022, perayu, Lin Siek Hong telah disabitkan dan
dikenakan hukuman gantung sampai mati oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Klang,
Selangor kerana menyebabkan kematian kepada Yap Choon Mooi, suatu
kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan.
[2] Ini adalah rayuan perayu terhadap sabitan dan hukuman.
[3] Pertuduhan terhadap perayu adalah seperti berikut:
Bahawa kamu pada 11.12.2018 jam lebih kurang 6.45 pagi bertempat di
Lorong Tengah, Kampung Sungai Terentang, Rawang di dalam Daerah
Gombak di dalam Negeri Selangor dengan sengaja telah membunuh Yap
Choon Mooi, No.KP 770525-08-6174. Oleh yang demikian kamu telah
melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh dihukum di bawah seksyen 302
Kanun Keseksaan.
Kes Pendakwaan
[4] Pada 11.12.2018 jam lebih kurang 6.30 pagi, Chong Yoke Wa
(SP11) bersama isterinya Yap Choon Mooi (simati) telah pergi ke pasar
di Pekan Rawang dengan menaiki motosikal untuk membeli barang.
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[5] Sampai di pasar, SP11 telah ke kedai menjual surat khabar. Simati
pula pergi ke kedai lain untuk membeli kopi.
[6] Tiba-tiba seorang perempuan cina datang memberitahu kepada
SP11 bahawa simati telah ditikam. SP11 segera pergi mendapatkan
simati. Setibanya SP11 di tempat kejadian, beliau melihat perayu menarik
rambut simati dan menikam perut simati dengan pisau 5 hingga 6 kali.
Apabila SP11 meluru ke arah perayu, perayu telah melepaskan simati dan
kemudian perayu telah menikam SP11 dengan pisau di bahagian
[7] Selepas itu, perayu melarikan diri. SP11 kemudiannya pergi ke
klinik berhampiran untuk mendapatkan rawatan bagi dirinya dan simati.
Doktor di klinik berkenaan enggan memberikan rawatan. SP11
kemudiannya meminta bantuan rakannya, SP10 untuk membawa beliau
dan simati ke hospital. Wong Pok San (SP10) membawa SP11 dan simati
ke Hospital Selayang.
[8] Di Hospital Selayang, SP11 dan simati di bawa ke Unit Kecemasan.
Dr. Pak Jun Wee (SP1) yang merawat simati memaklumkan bahawa
simati telah meninggal dunia.
[9] Dr. Connie Gan Pei Wen (SP15) yang merawat SP11 mendapati
terdapat luka tikaman 3 x 1 cm di bahagian kiri bawah dada dan luka di
bahagian siku 4 x 3 cm. Luka adalah dalam dan berdarah.
[10] Fong Kar Heng (SP9) yang berniaga chee cheong fun berhampiran
tempat kejadian nampak satu lelaki cina sedang memukul seorang
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wanita. SP9 mengecam lelaki itu adalah perayu. SP9 meninggalkan
tempat itu apabila pelanggannya memberitahu perayu memegang pisau.
[11] Perayu melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian dan menyerah diri di
Balai Polis Rawang. Perayu telah berjumpa dengan Sarjan Shamie bin
Yusop (SP4). SP4 nampak kesan darah pada baju perayu.
[12] SP4 menangkap perayu dan merampas baju dan seluar yang
dipakainya. Seterusnya, SP4 membuat laporan polis dan borang
[13] Baju dan seluar perayu telah dianalisa oleh ahli kimia, Yong
Khursihah binti Kamarul Baharin (SP13). Hasil analisa, SP13
mengesahkan terdapat kesan darah simati pada baju perayu.
[14] Seterusnya, perayu telah membawa Inspektor Zulhashim (SP5) ke
tempat kejadian di pasar dan menunjukkan kepada SP5 sebilah pisau
[P32H (1)] yang dibalut dengan surat khabar cina [P32H (2)] yang
disorokkan disitu.
[14] Dr. Ahmad Hafizam Hasmi (SP14) yang menjalankan bedah siasat
ke atas simati mengesahkan punca kematian adalah akibat luka-luka
tikaman pada jantung. Dengan merujuk kepada luka-luka tikaman yang
dikenakan ke atas simati, SP14 menyatakan “Berdasarkan kecederaan,
orang yang sebabkan kecederaan memang untuk menyebabkan
mangsa mati.”
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[15] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman memutuskan
bahawa pendakwaan telah berjaya membuktikan suatu kes prima facie
dan memanggil perayu membela diri.
Kes Pembelaan
[16] Perayu memberi keterangan bersumpah. Versi perayu ialah pada
11.12.2018, jam lebih kurang 6.30 pagi, beliau telah pergi ke gerai makan
berhampiran tempat kejadian dengan motosikal.
[17] Ketika sedang makan, perayu melihat simati lalu di hadapan kedai
kopi tempat beliau makan dan mulut simati telah mengutuknya. Perayu
terus menghampiri simati dan bertanya mengapa mengambil RM1000
dari ibunya.
[18] Simati kemudian berkata dengan suara yang kuat “apa awak buat
sini penagih dadah”. Pada masa itu, ramai orang telah melihat ke arah
[19] Perayu merasa marah dan telah mengambil sebilah pisau dari gerai
chee cheong fun milik SP9. Perayu memberitahu simati supaya berhenti
dari terus memarahinya. Pada waktu itu, tangan perayu masih
memegang pisau. Menurut perayu, simati telah menangkap tangannya
yang sedang memegang pisau dan berlaku tarik menarik antara
kedua-dua mereka.
[20] Semasa tarik menarik itu, simati telah berkata kepada perayu
bahawa beliau seorang penagih dadah dan tidak akan berani menikam
beliau. Satu tangan simati telah memegang tangan perayu dan satu lagi
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tangan menolak dada perayu. Perayu sangat marah dan tidak boleh fikir
[21] Perayu tidak menafikan beliau telah menikam simati dan
mencederakan suami simati (SP11). Beliau menafikan beliau ada niat
untuk membunuh. Sebaliknya, beliau mendakwa telah menikam simati
secara tidak sengaja akibat beliau terlalu marah dengan kata-kata
[22] Sebelum kejadian tikaman, perayu mendakwa beliau telah
mengambil ubat PSY iaitu ubat penenang yang dibekalkan oleh hospital
dan klinik di Rawang.
[23] Di akhir kes pembelaan, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman mendapati
pembelaan gagal membuktikan bahawa perbuatan beliau menikam simati
terjumlah kepada perbuatan mempertahankan diri, provokasi atau dalam
keadaan tidak sedar perbuatan beliau adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
Sebaliknya, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman memutuskan pendakwaan telah
berjaya membuktikan tanpa keraguan munasabah bahawa perayu telah
melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan.
Alasan-Alasan Rayuan
[24] Perayu menyenaraikan tiga alasan kenapa sabitan terhadapnya
dikatakan tidak selamat iaitu:
(i) Inferen bertentangan di bawah seksyen 114(g) Akta
Keterangan 1950 terpakai terhadap pendakwaan kerana
gagal memanggil satu perempuan cina yang
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memaklumkan kepada SP11 bahawa perayu telah
menikam simati.
(ii) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman gagal menimbangkan pembelaan
perayu mengenai provokasi oleh simati terhadap perayu yang
mengakibatkan pergaduhan secara tiba-tiba dan perayu
hilang kawalan diri.
(iii) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman gagal mengambilkira ubat yang
diambil oleh perayu untuk menenangkan mentalnya.
Isu Inferen Bertentangan
[25] Dalam kes Munusamy v PP [1987] 1 M L J 492, Mahkamah Agong
It is essential to appreciate the scope of s114 (g) lest it be carried
too far outside its limit. Adverse inference under that illustration
can only be drawn if there is withholding or suppression of
evidence and not merely on account of failure to obtain evidence.
It may be drawn from withholding not just any document, but
material document by a party in his possession, or for non-
production of not just any witness but an important and material
witness to the case.”
[26] Peguam perayu menghujahkan perempuan cina yang memberitahu
SP11 isterinya ditikam harus dipanggil oleh pendakwaan sebagai saksi
untuk memberi keterangan kenapa pergaduhan boleh berlaku di
antara perayu dan simati hingga menyebabkan simati ditikam. Akibat
kegagalan pendakwaan memanggil perempuan cina itu, peguam
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perayu menghujahkan inferen bertentangan di bawah seksyen 114 (g)
Akta Keterangan 1950 terpakai terhadap pendakwaan.
[27] Semasa disoal balas, SP11 menjelaskan beliau tidak kenal siapa
perempuan cina yang memberitahu beliau isterinya ditikam:
S: Ada seorang wanita cina beritahu kamu tentang kejadian, ada
beritahu nama wanita cina ini pada pegawai penyiasat?
J: Tidak, saya tak tahu nama dia.
S: Wanita cina ini jumpa kamu, dia kenal kamu dan isteri kamu?
J: Saya tak kenal wanita itu, saya tak ingat.
[28] Jawapan SP11 itu menunjukkan perempuan cina itu adalah orang
asing kepada SP11. Oleh itu, pendakwaan tidak boleh dikatakan
menyembunyikan maklumat mengenai perempuan cina itu kerana
memang tidak ada maklumat.
[29] Perempuan cina itu juga bukanlah saksi yang material kerana SP11
sendiri adalah saksi mata yang melihat perayu memegang simati dengan
menarik rambut simati dan menikam perut simati. Atas fakta kes ini, kami
mendapati tidak timbul isu pendakwaan gagal memanggil saksi yang
material dan inferen bertentangan di bawah seksyen 114 (g) Akta
Keterangan 1950 tidak terpakai terhadap pendakwaan.
Isu Provokasi
[30] Fakta menunjukkan sebelum kejadian ini, perayu dan simati tinggal
berjiran selama 7 - 8 tahun. Sepanjang tempoh masa tersebut, simati
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memang tidak sukakan perayu kerana perayu adalah seorang penagih
dadah. Simati dikatakan selalu mengutuk perayu.
[31] Pembelaan perayu ialah pada hari kejadian, berlaku “grave and
sudden provocation” oleh simati. Simati dikatakan telah memaki dan
menghina perayu sebagai penagih dadah. Caci maki simati dikatakan
menyebabkan perayu naik angin, tidak boleh mengawal diri, mengambil
pisau dari gerai chee cheong fun dan meluru ke arah simati.
[32] Setelah membaca nota keterangan di dalam Rekod Rayuan, kami
mendapati perayu yang memulakan pergaduhan. Dalam keterangannya,
perayu bersetuju apabila beliau nampak simati, beliau (perayu) yang
meluru ke arah simati. Beliau juga setuju simati tidak menghampiri
perayu. Ini bermakna, perayu yang sengaja mencari gaduh dengan
[33] Kami juga mendapati dari fakta kes, tiada provokasi atau
pergaduhan secara tiba-tiba. Keterangan SP9 ialah beliau nampak
perayu menyerang simati. SP9 kenal simati kerana simati adalah
pelanggannya. Menurut SP9, beliau tidak dengar perkataan provokasi
keluar dari mulut simati atau sama ada simati memarahi perayu. Beliau
hanya mendengar simati menjerit kepada perayu. Keterangan SP9 ketika
disoal balas adalah seperti berikut:
S: Dalam masa 5 minit mereka bergaduh kamu tak berapa dengar
sebab sedang gunting “chee cheong fun”?
J: Ya
S: Dalam masa itu, kamu ada dengar perempuan cina iaitu simati
memaki OKT?
J: Tiada
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S: Ada kamu nampak atau dengar simati marah OKT?
J: Tiada, dia cuma jerit.
S: Setuju kamu tak dengar sebab kamu sedang bekerja?
J: Betul
S: Simati ada maki, marah OKT tapi kamu tak dengar sebab sedang
buat kerja?
J: Saya dengar mereka jerit sahaja.
[34] Pembelaan “grave and sudden provocation” telah dibincangkan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Che Omar bin Mohd Akhir v PP
[2007] 4 ML J 309. Untuk berjaya dalam pembelaan grave and sudden
provocation, fakta-fakta berikut mesti dibuktikan:
(i) The offender must have done the act whilst deprived of
the power of self control;
(ii) He must have been so deprived by reason of the
(iii) The provocation must have been grave and sudden;
(iv) The provocation must not have been sought by the
(iv) It must not have been voluntarily provoked by the offender
as an excuse for doing the act; and
(vi) The provocation must not have been by anything done:
(a) either in obedience to the law; or
(b) by a public servant in the lawful exercise of his
powers as such; or
(c) in the lawful exercise of the right of private
[35] Dalam kes di hadapan kami ini, kami mendapati pembelaan gagal
membuktikan fakta-fakta seperti mana yang dinyatakan dalam kes Che
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Omar bin Mohd Akhir v PP untuk melayakkan beliau bergantung kepada
pembelaan grave and sudden provocation. Pergaduhan dan tikaman ini
boleh dielakkan jika perayu tidak menghampiri simati.
[36] Oleh itu, pembelaan provokasi adalah tidak bermerit dan ditolak.
Isu Ubat Penenang
[37] Peguam perayu menghujahkan bahawa Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
gagal mempertimbangkan pembelaan perayu bahawa beliau
mengambil ubat PSY (Arthin dan Cyberjack) selama 5 - 6 tahun.
Jika beliau tidak makan ubat tersebut, beliau akan dengar suara
menyuruh beliau mengacau orang dan menyentuh orang perempuan.
[38] Pembelaan ini ada dipertimbangkan oleh Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
di para [74] alasan penghakiman. Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman membuat
keputusan yang betul apabila menolak pembelaan ini kerana tidak
disokong oleh keterangan perubatan. Tiada pegawai perubatan dipanggil
untuk mengesahkan keadaan mental perayu akan terganggu jika beliau
tidak mengambil ubat PSY tersebut.
[39] Maka, isu ubat penenang adalah tidak bermerit dan ditolak.
Keputusan Kami
[40] Ini adalah satu kes di mana perayu telah dibuktikan dengan sengaja
telah membunuh simati. Perayu telah menikam simati di bahagian
jantung. Kecederaan ini sahaja sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa
perayu memang mempunyai niat untuk menyebabkan kematian kepada
S/N uBd9g01IiEyJ3NrNKw7lw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
simati. Oleh itu, sabitan adalah selamat. Maka, rayuan perayu terhadap
sabitan ditolak.
[41] Mengenai hukuman, kami menggunakan kuasa budibicara di
bawah Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 (Akta 846)
dengan mengenepikan hukuman mati dan menggantikannya dengan
hukuman penjara selama 35 tahun dari tarikh tangkap. Hukuman sebatan
dikecualikan kerana perayu telah berumur 54 tahun.
Bertarikh: 3 Januari 2024
- SGD -
Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail
Mahkamah Rayuan
Bagi Perayu : En Lee Teong Hooi;
Tetuan Lee Tan & Associates.
Bagi Responden : TPR Parvin Hameedah & TPR Sarulatha;
Jabatan Peguam Negara.
S/N uBd9g01IiEyJ3NrNKw7lw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
| 16,210 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-156-04/2021 | PLAINTIF Central Sugar Refinery Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN Holsten Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd | Sale of goods – sugar local supply contract – credit limit and credit term – written approval of credit limit by Chief Financial Officer – whether any oral agreement of Head of Sales Department to increase credit limit by more than 3 times – analysis and assessment of evidence – whether allegation of oral agreement consistent with contemporaneous documents – whether allegation of oral agreement consistent with conduct of parties – parallel stipulation of credit limit and credit term – effect – continued supply of sugar for short time after credit limit exceeded – whether evidence of oral agreement to increase credit limit – export contract – payment before delivery – whether waiver of payment term – whether any obligation to deliver when there is no payment made. | 03/01/2024 | YA Tuan Tee Geok Hock | |
CIVIL SUIT NO.: BA-22NCvC-156-04/2021
(After Full Trial)
1. This is trial of the Defendant/Holsten’s counterclaims after this Court
previously granted summary judgment on 4.1.2022 to the Plaintiff
for the unpaid value of sugar sold in the amount of RM1,255,125.00.
The execution of the entire judgment sum was stayed pending the
trial of the Defendant’s counterclaims. There is no appeal against
the summary judgment dated 4.1.2022. [see the Summary
Judgement dated 4.1.2022 in Enclosure 37]
2. When granting the summary judgment with stay, this Court pursuant
to O.34 of ROC 2012 also directed that the counterclaims be tried
on the following main issues:
(a) Sama ada Encik Henry Ong Ewe Teow telah bersetuju untuk
meningkat had kredit bagi Defendan ke jumlah RM2,500,000
dan jika ya, sama ada persetujuan beliau mengikat Plaintif di
sisi undang-undang;
(b) Sama ada Plaintif telah bersetuju untuk meningkat had kredit
bagi Defendan ke jumlah RM2,500,000 secara yang mengikat
Plaintif di sisi undang-undang; dan
(c) Jika jawapan-jawapan kepada soalan-solan (a) dan (b) adalah
ya, sama ada Defendan telah mengalami kerugian-kerugian
akibat keengganan Plaintif untuk membekalkan kuantiti baki
gula, dan jika ya, berapa jumlah kerugian-kerugian itu.
3. After a full trial of the Defendant’s counterclaim, this Court on 23
October 2023 answered both questions (a) and (b) in the negative,
and thereupon dismissed the Defendant’s counterclaims with costs,
and ordered that the Plaintiff is entitled to proceed with execution of
the Plaintiff’s summary judgment.
Defendant’s case and the Plaintiff’s defences in the counterclaim
4. In the Counterclaim, the Defendant/Holsten alleged that due to the
Plaintiff/CSR’s purported failure to supply sugar ordered by Holsten,
Holsten suffered losses because it was unable to sell the sugar to
its customers. In this regard, Holsten alleged that it suffered:
(a) loss of profit of RM1,280,000.00 for being unable to sell sugar
to Chop Hong Lee; and
(b) loss of profit of USD60,000.00 for being unable to export sugar
to its Indonesian customer PT Masindo Batam Indonesia.
In mounting the Counterclaim, Holsten alleged, inter alia, that
(i) that CSR had allegedly increased the credit limit provided to
Holsten from RM700,000.00 to RM2,500,000.00 in respect of
local sugar;
(ii) that the real reason CSR suspended the supply of sugar to
Holsten was because of sugar shortage issues faced by CSR;
(iii) CSR was in breach of obligation to deliver the export sugar to
5. In response, CSR has submitted that Holsten’s Counterclaim is not
bona fide, frivolous and wholly without merits based on the following
(a) The credit limit agreed between Holsten and CSR was always
RM700,000.00, and not RM2,500,000.00 as alleged by
(b) CSR is entitled to cease supplying sugar to Holsten due to
Holsten’s exceedance of credit limit;
(c) Based on documentary evidence and past practices, shortage
of sugar was never a reason for CSR to stop supplying sugar
to Holsten;
(d) Holsten failed to call a key witness, Henry Ong, who was
expected to have material evidence to give on a number of
issues to testify on its behalf;
(e) The Counterclaim was just an afterthought by Holsten to
evade its own contractual liabilities to pay CSR for the sugar
sold and delivered by CSR to Holsten.
(f) Any alleged losses and damages suffered by Holsten from its
commercial arrangements with its customers was entirely
caused by Holsten’s own conduct.
Background facts
6. CSR is a leading sugar products manufacturer in Malaysia that
operates sugar refineries, and manufactures and supplies a wide
range of sugar products. [paragraph 2 of the Statement of
Agreed facts in Enclosure 45, marked as “SAF”]
7. Holsten carries on the business of general import, export,
merchanting and trading of goods including sugar products, hire-
purchase dealings, bunkering services, transit services,
transportation and commission agents. [SAF, paragraph 4]
8. CSR and Holsten had been doing business in sale and purchase of
sugar with each other for many years.
9. In their business transactions, there were types and grades of
sugars manufactured and supplied by CSR to Holsten for local
supply contracts as well as for export contracts. As part of their
reciprocal business relationship, there were also other types and
grades of sugars supplied by Holsten to CSR.
10. On an overall basis, CSR supplied sugars to Holsten under the
export contract on basis of cash before delivery and under the local
supply contracts on basis of certain pre-agreed credit limit and credit
11. On the other hand, for the types and grades of sugar supplied or to
be supplied by Holsten to CSR, their contractual arrangement was
that CSR paid advance deposit money with Holsten, then obtained
the sugar from Holsten who thereupon deducted the value of
supplied sugar from the CSR’s advance credit.
12. The subject contracts of supply in dispute in this action are:
(a) Contract for Sale of Refined Sugar: LO/125-18U1 (for
Malaysian market) (“the said Local Contract”) [AB4/320 –
323] for CSR’s supply of sugar to Holsten for local market and
(b) export supply contract No. EXP/OT/34-19 (“the said Export
Contract”) [AB1/79 – 81] for CSR’s supply of sugar to Holsten
for export market.
Issues to be Decided
13. From the pleadings, evidence and submissions of the parties, the
main issues to be decided are summarised as follows:
Supply of Sugar under the said Local Contract:
1st main issue: whether the Plaintiff/CSR’s Director of Sales Henry
Ong has agreed to increase the Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to
RM2,500,000.00 in respect of sugar for Malaysian market and if so,
whether his agreement is binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR in the eyes
of the law.
2nd main issue: whether the Plaintiff/CSR has agreed to increase
the Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to RM2,500,000 in a way that is
binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR under the laws.
3rd main issue: if the answers to the 1st and 2nd main issues are in
the affirmative, whether the Defendant/Holsten has suffered losses
as a result of the Plaintiff/CSR’s refusal to supply the balance
quantity of sugar, and if so, what is the amount of the damages.
Under this 3rd main issue, there are also sub-issues including:
(3a) whether independently of the question whether the credit limit
has been exceeded, the Plaintiff/CSR was entitled to stop
delivery of the balance sugar to the Defendant/Holsten; and
(3b) whether there is a real difference between stoppage of
delivery and suspension or closing of trade account in the
circumstances of the present case.
Supply of sugar under the said Export Contract:
4th main issue: whether in the circumstances the Plaintiff/CSR was
under an obligation to supply the export sugar to the
Defendant/Holsten, and if so, was the Plaintiff/CSR in breach of
such obligation in the circumstances of the present case.
5th main issue: if the answers to the 4th main issue is in the
affirmative, has the Defendant/Holsten proved that it has suffered
losses and damages due to the Plaintiff/CSR’s refusal to supply
the export sugar, and if so, the amount of such losses and
14. Before the commencement of the full trial, it was also the agreed
procedure that:
(1) At the full trial, upon the witness' affirmation and confirmation
of the contents of his/her Witness Statement as his/her
evidence, the Witness Statement and its contents are deemed
to be read and there is no necessity for the witness to read the
contents of the Witness Statement into the CRT system. This
procedure is without prejudice to the rule against hearsay, i.e.
the principle of evidence which requires witnesses to testify as
to facts and matters within their personal knowledge and not
on hearsay evidence. Liberty is given to the counsel to ask
supplementary or additional question in examination-in-chief
to clarify or explain or highlight salient parts of the Witness
Statement before the cross-examination begins.
(2) In order to save time and costs at the full trial, the Part A and
Part B documents referred to in the witnesses' statements and
evidence are marked as per the marking of Agreed Bundles
of Documents as “AA” and “AB” numbers respectively
followed by the page numbers and there is no necessity to
mark the relevant pages of the Part A and Part B documents
with separate exhibit numbers again. However, this procedure
shall be without prejudice to the rule against hearsay. Part C
document, when either upgraded into Part B document or its
original have been tendered by the maker and verified as
authentic, shall be marked with a separate exhibit number.
1st main issue: whether the Plaintiff/CSR’s Director of Sales
Henry Ong has agreed to increase the Defendant/Holsten’s
credit limit to RM2,500,000.00 in respect of sugar for Malaysian
market and if so, whether his agreement is binding upon the
Plaintiff/CSR in the eyes of the law.
2nd main issue: whether the Plaintiff/CSR has agreed to
increase the Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to RM2,500,000 in
a way that is binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR under the laws
15. In paragraph 4 of the Defendant’s Amended Defence and
Counterclaim, the Defendant/Holsten pleaded that:
(i) the credit limit given by the Plaintiff to the Defendant was
fixed at RM2,500,000.00;
(ii) Account No. 2BJ1245 was a running account and subject to
the said credit limit; and
(iii) if the invoice was not paid within the stipulated time, the
Plaintiff had the right to impose interest at 1.5% per month
on all overdue invoices.
16. In paragraph 5 of the Plaintiff’s Reply to Defence and Defence to
Counterclaim, it was pleaded that save for paragraph 4(iii),
paragraphs 4(i) and 4(ii) of the Defence was denied. The Plaintiff
further pleaded that pursuant to the Plaintiff’s email dated 15.7.2020
and the Defendant’s email dated 17.7.2020, it was agreed between
both parties that, among other account facilities, the credit limit in
relation to the supply of local sugar would be capped at RM700,000,
and that the Defendant’s allegation was an afterthought.
17. In paragraph 4(i) of the Defendant’s Reply to Defence to
Counterclaim, the Defendant for the first time alleged that the
Defendant via letter dated 22.2.2019 to the Plaintiff and
subsequently handed personally to Henry Ong Ewe Teow on
11.8.2020 made a written application for increase of credit limit to
RM2,500,000.00. Plaintiff, among others, verbally agreed to the said
request through Henry Ong who informed the Defendant’s Director
Tey Poh Choon and through the Plaintiff’s subsequent steps in
selling sugar to the Defendant in excess of the alleged credit limit of
18. At the outset, it was explained by Encik Azahar the CFO of CSR,
that CSR provides credit in relation to the supply and delivery of
sugar to all its customers. This would include both credit term and
credit limit. However, there are no fixed credit terms and credit limits
that CSR would impose on all its customers. The credit limit provided
to each customer depends on a few factors including (a) the identity
of the customer, (b) the payment history of the customer, (c) the
credit worthiness of the customer and (d) the decision of the
management based on the limit of authority framework which was
decided by the Board of Directors of CSR. [see WS-PW1 Q&A 6 in
Enclosure 87]. This evidence remained unrebutted.
19. This Court accepts this evidence of Encik Azahar because it is
business logic and common sense and is unrebutted at the trial.
20. On 15.7.2020, Azahar sent an email to TKL and TPC of Holsten
stating that CSR would grant Holsten: (1) 30 days’ credit term; and
(2) RM700,000.00 credit limit: AB1/151 [Enclosure 48]. TKL replied
to Azahar’s email on 17.7.2020, saying that Holsten accepted both
the 30 days’ credit term and the RM700,000.00 credit limit:
AB1/152. This is also testified by PW1 Mohamad Azahar in Q&A 7
of WS-PW1. The Defendant/Holsten did not dispute the fact that
such e-mails were in fact exchanged between the parties.
21. The parties’ mutual agreement in writing on the credit limit of
RM700,000 and credit term of 30 days was the product of
discussions and negotiations which included the settlement of an
earlier court suit filed by CSR against Holsten for unpaid invoices
totalling about RM1 million. There was a history of payment defaults
by the Defendant/Holsten including dishonouring of cheques before
July 2020, as shown in the summary of chronological sequence of
events listed below and to which the witnesses have also testified:
06.01.2020: the 1st Settlement Agreement contained in CSR
Finance Director Mohd Azahar’s letter re “Outstanding
RM1,325,368.94 as at 6 January 2020” (AB1/162 – 163 in
Enclosure 48) with the following contents countersigned, agreed
and accepted by Holsten:
“1. We refer to the above matter.
2. Pursuant to the Contractor for the Sale of Refined Sugar :
LO/125-18U1 dated 22 March 2018 (“Contract No. LO/125-
18U”), you have agreed to purchase and we have agreed to
supply refined sugar (“Products”) to you with a payment term
of thirty (30) days from the date of our invoice.
3. As you are aware, as at the date of this letter, the total
outstanding sum due and owing to us on accounts of the
Products sold and delivered to you pursuant to the Contract
No. LO/125-18U is RM1,325,368.94 (“Debt”) excluding the
late payment interest accruing on the same.
4. However, on a strictly without prejudice basis and with an
intention to amicably resolve this matter, you shall effect
payment of the Debt to us in instalments and by way of post-
dated cheque to us pursuant to the following payment method,
as a full and final settlement of the matter:-
a. Maybank Cheque No.: 314418, dated 28.02.2020 for the
sum of RM325,368.94;
b. Maybank Cheque No.: 314421, dated 28.03.2020 for the
sum of RM500,000.00;
c. Maybank Cheque No.: 314424, dated 28.04.2020 for the
sum of RM500,000.00;
(paragraphs 4(a) – (c) shall collectively be referred to as
“Post-Dated Cheques”)
d. We shall be entitled to bank in and or encash the Post-
Dated Cheques on the respective date without further
notice to you; and
e. The Post-Dated Cheques must be handed over to us at our
office before the parties shall fulfil its obligations pursuant
to the Contract No. HST/CSR/5205019.
5. In the event of your default, failure and / or neglect to comply
with the payment as prescribed at paragraph 4 above and / or
any Post-Dated Cheques payments being dishonoured for the
Debt, the entire Debt shall become immediately due and
owing to us and we shall not hesitate to commence legal
proceedings against you for the same including any late
payment interest and consequential damages.
6. For the avoidance of doubt, any extensions and / or waives
granted by us on your payment obligations as stipulated in
paragraph 4 above shall not be deemed to be a waiver of our
rights as set out in paragraphs 5 above.
7. If you are agreeable to our proposals as set out herein, kindly
acknowledge receipt by signing on this letter indicating your
acceptance of the same.
8. In the meantime, all our rights are hereby reserved. Thank
10.4.2020: CSR solicitor Law Partnership’s letter of demand
against Holsten for dishonoured cheque of RM500,000, the
second instalment under the 1st Settlement Agreement dated
06.01.2020: AB1/164 – 165. [Enclosure 48]
11.6.2020: CSR filed Shah Alam High Court Suit No. BA-
22NCvC-169-06/2020 against Holsten for the balance amount
of RM1,000,000.00: AB1/166 – 191.
03.07.2020: CSR Henry Ong’s email to Holsten’s Ken, copied
to Mohd Azahar and other person, with the following contents:
“Thank you for joining us for our meeting this afternoon.
Below are recap of our alignment for our immediate actions:
Supply of Sugar to CSR
1. Balance of Quantity from signed contract : 4,350Mt
(Delivered 650Mt)
2. Holsten is to revert with schedule of delivery to CSR by
14/7 to fulfil above contractual quantity, in which CSR is
to make the balance of 80% payment for each delivery
within 7 working days.
Supply of Sugar to Holsten
1. Holsten is to revert with payment schedule for current
total outstanding of RM1mil to CSR by 14/7.
2. Upon Item 1 been fully paid, below 2 contracts with then
be reactivated by CSR.
3. Contract : EXP/OT/34 will be extended for 2 months for
Holsten to utilise the full 300Mt for Export, based on term
of payment before delivery basis.
4. Contract: LO/125018U1 will also be extended for 3
months for Holsten to utilise the Balance of Quantity of
653Mt based on current credit days and limit.
Let’s act swiftly to resolve the above for us to move forward”:
see AB3/265 [Enclosure 52].
Also found in AB6/9 (Plaintiff’s Additional Documents) in
Enclosure 76.
14.7.2020: Holsten’s Harry Tey’s email to CSR’s Henry Ong
(also c.c. to a number of other persons including CSR’s Mohd
Azahar) (see AB6/8 in Enclosure 76) whereby Holsten replied
to CSR’s email of 3.7.2020 and stated that:
“A) Supply of Sugar to CSR
1. We are currently waiting for our suppliers’ reply on their
sugar price and delivery schedule. We shall provide you with
a delivery schedule for the balance 4,350 my by 21.07.2020”.
B) Supply of Sugar to Holsten
1. The revised statement of account is attached with this e-
mail for your attention. We shall arrange a one-off
payment of RM804,214.00, being the outstanding amount
due to CSR within 1 week from the date of both parties’
acceptance and confirmation of the correctness of the
said revised statement of account.
2. We require a confirmation from CSR on Holsten’s
current credit term and credit limit with CSR”.
15.7.2020, 8.23 a.m. (AB6/7 in Enclosure 76): e-mail from
Mohd Azahar bin Mohd Salleh, CSR’s Finance Director, to
Harry/Ken of Holsten (copied to other persons including
CSR’s Henry Ong) with the following content:
“On the revised statement of account in relation to Supply
Sugar to Holsten, please fin below our reply in BLUE:
1. Outstanding Amount (as at 07.07.2020) =
RM1,000,000.00 ; [CSR Reply : Yes we agreed on this
2. Amount Refundable on claims RM (31,786.00); [CSR
Reply : We will revert to you on this amount. However,
for the interest of time, you may hold this amount until we
resolve any related issues/disputes on this claims]
3. Amount Payable to Holsten RM (164,000.00); [CSR
Reply : yes, we agreed that this amounts which is related
to the Supply Sugar to CSR is to be deducted from item
1. However, please take note that the balance of deposit
for Supply Sugar to CSR will increase by the same
amount. Hence, the revised balance shall be
RM1,783,500.00. Attached is the revised statement of
account in relation to the Sugar Supply from Holsten to
4. Balance Outstanding Amount RM804,214.00 [CSR Reply
: Yes, we agreed Holsten to arrange this payment
provided the above comments/remarks/notes in items 2
and 3 are accepted.
15.7.2020, 22:20 time.: e-mail from Mohd Azahar bin Mohd
Salleh, CSR’s Finance Director, to Harry/Ken of Holsten with
the following content:
“In addition to my email below and in relation to the Supply of
Sugar to Holsten, we would like to confirm on a without
prejudice basis that CSR will grant Holsten with the
1. 30 days’ credit term; and,
2. RM700,000 credit limit.
The above is granted on the basis that, and subject to:
(I) the balance outstanding amount due from Holsten to
CSR, being a sum of RM804,214.00, is paid in full within 1
week from 14/7/2020; and
(II) the acceptance by Holsten of the terms and conditions
stated in my earlier email (see below),
Failing which the credit term and/or the credit limit may be
revoked. Notwithstanding that, CSR reserves the right to
amend such credit term and/or credit limit, or impose further
conditions as may become necessary from time to time.”
(AB1/151 in Enclosure 48)
The said email is also found in AB6/6 [Enclosure 76].
17.7.2020: email from Holsten’s Harry Tey Kak Lok (DW2) to
CSR’s Mohd Azahar, Henry Ong and circulated to several
other persons:
“We refer to your email dated 15.07.2020 and below are our
replies on a without prejudice basis:-
Supply of Sugar to Holsten
1. We accept the account facilities provided by CSR, 30
day’s credit term and RM700,000.00 credit limit under the
Credit term and/or credit limit or imposition of further
conditions may be imposed or varied by CSR subject to prior
discussion and negotiation with Holsten.
2. We hereby confirm the Balance outstanding amount
Kindly instruct your solicitors to withdraw the suit against
Holsten without costs in the event you are agreeable to our
(AB1/152 in Enclosure 48). Also in AB6/5 [Enclosure 76].
20.7.2020: CSR Mohd Azahar’s email to Holsten’s Harry Tey
[AB6/4 - 5] with the following contents:
We refer to your email dated 17 July 2020 and our emails
dated 15 July 2020 and 17 July 2020 below. On a without
prejudice basis, we write to confirm that both CSR and
Holsten have achieved a settlement and in gist, the settlement
terms are as follows:-
a. The total outstanding sum to be paid by Holsten is
RM804,214,00 and the said sum shall be paid by 21 July
2020 in cash. Upon receipt of the same, we will instruct our
solicitors to withdraw the legal proceedings BA-22NCvC-
169-06/2020 at the next case management on 28 July
b. In respect of the outstanding sum of RM31,786.00, CSR
will conduct internal investigation on the same but this is
should not be seen as waiver of our rights to demand for
the same in the event upon our internal investigation, it
reveals that Holten is in fact responsible to pay such an
amount to CSR.
c. In respect of the sum RM164,000, CSR is agreeable for this
to be transferred to the Agreement for Supply of Sugar to
CSR whereby the balance deposit shall now be
RM1,783,500. We have been advised by our solicitors that
a separate letter will be issued in relation to this
arrangement for the Agreement for Supply of Sugar to
We understand that our solicitors will also be issuing a letter
to your solicitors setting out the settlement terms as agreed
between us. We look forward to receiving the payment in
paragraph a. form you no later that tomorrow (21 July 2020).”
[AB6/4 in Enclosure 76]
20.7.2020: Plaintiff’s solicitor Law Partnership’s letter to the
Defendant’s solicitor whereby the Plaintiff proposed to settle
CSR’s claims for unpaid invoices at RM1,000,000: AB1/82 –
83 [Enclosure 48]. The contents of the solicitor’s letter dated
20.7.2020 are as follows:
1. We refer to the above matter wherein we act for the
Plaintiff, Central Sugars Refinery Sdn Bhd (our Client”).
2. We have been instructed that your client and our Client
had been engaged in without prejudice negotiations with the
intention to achieve an amicable resolution with respect to the
above captioned mater (“Settlement”).
3. Our Client further instructs us that the terms for the
Settlement as agreed upon between your client and our Client
are as follows. With respect to the outstanding sum of
RM1,000,000 (“Total Outstanding Sum”), it shall be paid by
your client to our Client in the following manner:-
a. RM804,214.00 : Your client shall pay in cash, to our
Client, a total sum of RM804,214.00, on or by 21 July
b. RM31,786.00: Our Client instructs us that in view that
your client has raised queries in relation to the goods sold
and delivered to your client for the said amount, on a
goodwill basis, our Client is agreeable to withhold
demand for the same pending our Client’s Internal
Investigation. However, this is without prejudice to our
Client’s rights to demand payment for the said amount for
goods sold and delivered to your client in the event our
Client’s internal investigation reveals that your client’s
queries in relation to the same were baseless and without
c. RM164,000 : As you aware, your client and our Client had
entered into the Contract No. HST/CSR/5205019 dated
15-10-2019 and the Addendum dated 6-1-2020
(“Agreement”) whereby your client had agreed to supply
sugar to our Client pursuant to the terms and conditions
of the same. We further refer to our Letters dated 09-04-
2020 and 02-06-2020.
i. Among others and notwithstanding that our Client, in due
compliance with its obligation under the Agreement, had
made a total sum of RM1,435,000 and RM615,000 to
your client as the total upfront payment (collectively
referred to as “Total Upfront Payment”) for the total sugar
to be supplied by your client to our Client, there was and
still is an outstanding of 4,350 MT of sugar to be supplied
to our Client by your client as a the date hereof;
ii. In fact, on or around January 2020, in view that the
remaining of the sugar to be supplied by your client to our
Client pursuant to the Agreement was not forthcoming,
our Client exercised its right to offset the payment of your
invoice dated 23-01-2020 which was for 100MT of sugar
delivered on 23-01-2020 from the Total Upfront Payment
to mitigate any further losses, whereby the remaining
Total Upfront Payment was RM1,619,500;
iii. Notwithstanding the same, our client is now agreeable to
your client’s proposal for the RM164,000 in paragraph
3(c) to be “transferred” to the accounts for the Agreement,
whereby the Total Upfront Payment that is currently
deposited with your client by our Client for the sugar to be
supplied to our Client is now increased from RM1,619,500
to RM1,783,500. For the avoidance of doubt, we enclose
in Schedule 1 our Client’s Revised Statement of Balance
of Deposit (excluding penalty / late interest charges) for
your attention.
d. Upon the compliance of paragraph 3a, our Client shall
proceed to withdraw the above captioned suit against
your client at the next case management on 28 July 2020
with liberty to file afresh and without order as to cost.
e. For the avoidance of doubt, this Settlement shall not
prejudice or affect our Client’s right in respect of the
outstanding sum as set out in paragraphs 3b and 3c, as
you would appreciate that these two matters are still
pending resolution between your client and our Client.
4. Please indicate your client’s acknowledgment and
confirmation of the abovementioned Settlement terms within
one (1) day from the date of this letter, failing which, this
Settlement shall automatically lapse upon the expiry of the
said prescribed timeline.
5. All our Client’s rights are hereby reserved.”
21.7.2020, 7.12 a.m. (AB6/3 – 4 in Enclosure 76): Holsten’s
Harry Tey sent email to Mohd Azahar (copied to other persons
including Henry Ong) with the following contents:
“We refer to your email dated 20 July 2020. Below are our
replies on a without prejudice basis:-
i) The total outstanding sum of RM804,214.00 will be paid
to CSR by 21 July 2020 and the terms and conditions in
the 2 paragraphs relating to RM804,214.00 and
RM31,786.00 of your said e-mail are agreed.
ii) Supply of sugar to CSR will start from mid August 2020.
iii) On the revised Summary Account for Holsten, kindly
inform that the balance deposit amount is
RM1,783,500.00 and there is no penalty or late interest
charges on this particular account.
We would like to thank you for taking your precious time to
settle this matter.”
This Holsten Harry Tey’s email dated 20.7.2020 also
appeared in Whatsapp conversation between CSR’s Henry
Ong and Holsten’s The KL: AB1/2 [Enclosure 48].
21.7.2020, 15:46 [AB6/2 – 3 in Enclosure 76] : CSR Mohd
Azahar’s email to Holsten’s Harry Tey with the following
We have been advised by our solicitors that we should
separate the issues arising from the 2 separate Agreements:
1. Contract No. LO/125-18U1 (“Agreement for Supply of
Sugar by CSR”)
2. Contract No. HST/CSR/5205019 (“Agreement for
Supply of Sugar by Holsten”)
In this regard and with respect to our settlement negotiation
for the Agreement for Supply of Sugar by CSR, we wish to
reiterate that we will only be agreeable to withdraw the
proceedings against Holsten provided that:-
a. Holsten pays to CSR RM804,214.00, in cash, by today;
b. RM31,786.00, CSR will conduct internal investigation on
the same but this is should not be seen as waiver of our rights
to demand for the same in the event upon our internal
investigation, it reveals that Holsten is in fact responsible to
pay such an amount to CSR;
c. RM164,000, CSR is agreeable for this to be transferred
to the Agreement for Supply of Sugar to CSR whereby the
balance deposit shall now be RM1,783,500.00.
The above (a) – (c) are the final offer from us
In respect of the Agreement for Supply of Sugar by
Holsten, our solicitors have advised that we should have a
separate arrangement for this given that this relates to sugar
to supplied by Holsten.
For the penalty charges mentioned in your email below, we
wish to clarify that these penalty charges were issued to
Holsten based on the agreed terms and conditions of the
Addendum dated 6.1.2020 due to the late delivery of sugar by
Holsten to CSR, which had caused CSR to suffer losses.
Therefore, at this point of time, CSR will not be waiving the
penalty charges and we also wish to point out that this should
not form part of the Settlement for the Agreement for Supply
of Sugar by CSR above.
Furthermore, we will need to further discuss and determine
the actual delivery date for the remaining 4,350 MT of sugar
which CSR believes is only fair and reasonable, given that
there are currently a total of RM1,783,500 deposited in
Holsten’s account which is meant for the sugar to be supplied.
We hope the above is clear.”
22.7.2020, 2:07p.m. : Holsten’s Harry Tey sent email to
CSR’s Mohd Azahar (copied to other persons including Henry
Ong) with the following contents:
“We attach herewith the settlement bank in slip amounting to
RM804,214.00 which was banked in yesterday for your kind
Kindly return to us the 2 PD cheques below which we have
issued to your company since the said outstanding sum of
RM804,214.00 has been cleared, details of which are as
1) …03/2020 – RM500,000.00 (MBB 314421); and
2) 28/4/2020 – RM500,000.00 (MBB 314424)
Kindly instruct your solicitors to withdraw the suit against
Holsten on 28.7.2020 without costs in view of the said
[AB6/1 – 2 in Enclosure 76]
22.7.2020, 3.52 p.m. [AB6/1 – 2 in Enclosure 76]: CSR’s
Mohd Azahar’s email to Holsten’s Harry Tey (copied to other
including Henry Ong) with the following contents:
“Thank you for the payment. We appreciate it.
We will return the cheques as requested soonest possible and
we will instruct our solicitors to withdraw the suit as per our
solicitor’s letter in para 3d (attached) to your solicitors dated
20 July 2020.”: AB6/1.
22. The abovementioned contemporaneous documentary evidence
shows that:
(1) Holsten had recent history of payment defaults in year 2020
for very substantial amounts of overdue payments in excess
of RM1,000,000 in respect of sugar supplied by CSR to
(2) The was previously a first settlement in January 2020 whereby
Holsten issued 3 post-dated cheques to pay CSR for the total
outstanding amount of about RM1,300,000, but the first post-
dated cheque of Holsten was dishonoured, leading to the filing
of the previous court suit by CSR and negotiations for second
settlement in respect of the court suit;
(3) It took many written discussions and exchanges of emails
involving many persons of both parties to discuss, negotiate
and finalise their terms of settlement in respect of the two
payment defaults in mid-2020;
(4) Both parties bargained and negotiated hard and extensively
on the terms of settlement. Holsten, in spite of its clear
breaches of payment obligations, bargained and negotiated
hard for the terms of second settlement;
(5) Throughout the negotiations and discussions, it has been the
consistent practice among CSR’s representatives that only
Mohd Azahar, the Chief Financial Officer / Head of Finance in
CSR, negotiated and fixed the credit limit and credit term and
that none of the other representatives of CSR talked about the
figures or fix the credit limit or credit term;
(6) Both parties were careful and tedious in negotiating in writing
the credit limit and credit term;
(7) The parties’ negotiations were done in writing, transparently
and copied to various representatives of the respective
(8) The credit limit mutually agreed upon in writing by end July
2020, after a series of transparent negotiations in writing, was
RM700,000 and the credit term was 30 days; and
(9) In respect of sugar to be supplied by Holsten to CSR under a
separate contract, CSR had made upfront advance payment
of about RM1,500,000 to Holsten and such upfront advance
payment was still kept by Holsten at the material times.
23. At the trial in February 2023, the Defendant/Holsten’s version of
evidence is that on 13 August 2020 the Defendant’s Tey Kak Lok
alone, pursuant to the Defendant’s Director Tey Poh Choon’s
arrangement, met with CSR’s Head of Sales Dept Henry Ong alone
at a restaurant at Taipan 2 Damansara where Tey KL handed a copy
of the Defendant’s letter dated 22.02.2019 (AB1/1 on request to
increase credit limit to RM2,500,000.00 and credit term to 45 days)
to Henry Ong, discussed with him and thereupon Henry Ong
verbally agreed to increase the credit limit and credit term as per the
24. The Defendant placed its reliance on the WhatsApp message in
AB1/2 [Enclosure 48], which was supplemented at the trial on
21.02.2023 by loose exhibit “D2” with additional words “ “Issue
settled” by Henry Ong and “Okay tq Yana just gave me DO number”
by Tey KL.
25. Both AB1/2 and Exhibit “D2” show there were 2 audio messages in
the conversations, but none of these audio conversations was
produced by the Defendant in court.
26. AB1/2 also differs from Exhibit “D2” in that there is a 13 August 2020
message with an attachment immediately below 11.20 am audio
message of 11 August 2020 but in Exhibit “D2” the message with
attachment was immediately after the additional words “Issue
settled” by Henry Ong and “Okay tq Yana just gave me DO number”
by Tey KL.
27. On the other hand, the Plaintiff/CSR’s version is that the credit limit
remained at RM700,000 as agreed and confirmed in writing in the
e-mails of July 2020.
28. In the totality of the circumstances, this Court found that the
Defendant/Holsten’s version is highly improbable and was therefore
rejected by this Court. The reasons for this finding are:
(1) By reason of the manner and features of the parties’ recent
negotiations and agreement as summarised in paragraphs
22(1) to 22(9) above, it is highly improbable that CSR would
have authorised any of its managers to drastically increase the
credit limit to RM2,500,000 for Holsten within about 3 weeks
after having negotiated and agreed in writing on terms of
settlement including the credit limit of RM700,000 and credit
term of 30 days;
(2) By reason of the manner and features of the parties’ recent
negotiations and agreement as summarised in paragraphs
22(1) to 22(9) above, it is highly unlikely that the parties would
have opted for a surreptitious one-to-one meeting outside the
office to negotiate and discuss on important issue relating to
credit limit and credit term like this;
(3) By reason of the manner and features of the parties’ recent
negotiations and agreement as summarised in paragraphs
22(1) to 22(9) above, it is highly unlikely that any Head of
Department of CSR would have the audacity of attending a
surreptitious one-to-one meeting outside the office to
purporting commit the company to such drastic increase in
credit limit;
(4) By reason of the manner and features of the parties’ recent
negotiations and agreement as summarised in paragraphs
22(1) to 22(9) above, it is reasonably known to Holsten that
Mohd Azahar, the Chief Financial Officer of CSR, was the
proper and authorised officer to commit on behalf of CSR any
increase in credit limit;
(5) The contents of both AB1/2 and Exhibit “D2” are incomplete
as the audio messages were not produced or transcribed;
(6) There are differences between the contents of AB1/2 and
Exhibit “D2” and the Defendant’s witnesses have not
satisfactorily explained the differences;
(7) On the face of Exhibit “D2”, the words “Issue settled” by Henry
Ong and “Okay tq Yana just gave me DO number” by Tey KL
immediately following that would suggest the two persons
were talking about a particular batch of sugar for delivery,
which culminated in Henry Ong saying “Issue settled” and Tey
KL’s immediate thanks and confirmation that he received the
DO number (Delivery Order) from CSR’s Yana; and
(8) That the words “Issued settled” referred to resumption of
supply of sugar in mid-August 2020 is also corroborated by
Holsten Harry Tey’s own e-mail dated 21.7.2020 [AB6/3 - 4]
during the email negotiation for settlement which specifically
stated Holsten’s reciprocal commitment that Holsten’s supply
of sugar to CSR under a separate contract would resume in
mid-August 2020. A snapshot of the relevant part of Holsten’s
said e-mail is also found in the WhatsApp message relied
upon by Holsten here: see AB1/2 top. In both DW2 Tey KL’s
evidence and DW3 Tey Poh Choon’s evidence, they
confirmed that CSR’s physical supply of local sugar to Holsten
resumed on 14.8.2020, i.e. 3 days after the 11.8.2020 meeting
and the day immediately after Henry Ong’s WhatsApp dated
13.8.2020 “Issue settled” and DW2 Tey KL’s reply “Okay tq
Yana just gave me DO number “. It can reasonably be
concluded from the surrounding circumstances including the
settlement negotiations that Holsten was expecting a
reciprocal resumption of CSR’s supply of sugar to Holsten to
be carried out at about the same time in mid-August 2020.In
the circumstances, it is more probable that Henry Ong’s words
“Issue settled” and DW2 Tey KL’s reply “Okay tq Yana just
gave me DO number“ referred to resumption of CSR’s supply
of local sugar to Holsten following the settlement of the
previously outstanding payment.
29. Apart from being inherently improbable and being contradictory to
the contemporaneous documentary evidence, the
Defendant/Holsten’s oral evidence on the alleged increase in credit
limit also suffers from inconsistencies between the oral evidence.
The inconsistencies include:
(1) In Q&A 7 of DW3 Tey Poh Choon’s Witness Statement
[Enclosure 66], he alleged that Henry Ong told him the credit
limit was increased to RM2,500,000;
(2) In his oral evidence under cross-examination, DW3 Tey Poh
Choon gave contradictory versions of (a) whether he had
meeting or telephone conversation with Henty Ong on the
matter; (b) in what form or manner the discussion with Henry
Ong allegedly occurred: see NOE Tab C pp. 67 – 70;
(3) In Q&A 6 of DW2 Tey KL’s Witness Statement, he said as
follows in answer to a question: regarding DW2’s meeting
with Henry Ong at the Oasis, Ara Damansara:
“6. Q: What happened during the meeting between you and
Mr. Henry Ong Ewe Teow on 11.8.2020?
A: I passed the letter dated 22.2.2019 to Mr. Henry Ong Ewe
Teow and he informed me that he had settled the
RM2,500,000.00 issue with Mr. Tey Poh Choon.”
(4) In DW2 Tey KL’s oral evidence, he said under cross-
examination that he was instructed by his father DW3 Tey PC,
the Managing Director of Holsten, to meet up with Henry Ong
and passed him a letter; he arranged to meet with Henry Ong;
at the meeting, he “talked about the letter that Mr Tey Poh
Choon instructed [him] to pass over to [Henry Ong]. The
[Henry Ong say, “No problem, the issue will be settled. After
that [they] shake hand snd [Tey KL] left. That’s what happened
during that day”. [NOE Tab B p. 38 – 39]. DW2 Tey KL’s
written evidence alleged that when he met Henry Ong that
day, Henry Ong told him “the issue had been settled with Mr
Tey Poh Choon”, but in DW2’s oral evidence under cross-
examination, he said Henry Ong on that day told him that “the
issue will be settled”.
(5) In the course of cross-examination, DW3 Tey PC was evasive
several times in answering the questions.
(6) After DW3 Tey PC’s evasiveness in answering cross-
examination questions, counsel put a simple question to him,
i.e. “Mr Tey, my question is simple. I am suggesting there was
no such conversation with Henry to increase the credit limit to
RM2.5 million. Is it a yes or no. That’s it?” To this question,
DW3 Tey PC answered, “Yes, but my transaction was not
blocked” [NOE Tab C p. 75; 22.02.2023]. After the lunch
break, when the same question was repeated, DW3 Tey PC
answered, “No.”
(7) In an earlier part of cross-examination, DW3 Tey PC said he
had a meeting with Henry Ong on 10.8.2020 regarding the
alleged increase in credit limit. When DW3 Tey PC later said
it was a telephone conversation, the Plaintiff’s counsel then
pressed DW3 Tey PC for confirmation whether it was a
meeting or a telephone conversation with Henry Ong on the
matter, to which DW3 Tey PC said it was a telephone
conversation [see NOE Tab C pp 67 line 29 – p. 69 line 23;
evidence on 22.2.2023].
(8) After Defendant/Holsten changed solicitor and counsel on
23.2.2023 and the trial continued on 29.5.2023, DW2 in re-
examination said that he went to meet with Henry Ong
regarding the credit limit, or in DW3 Tey PC’s own words,
“Kami, Defendan telah menerima emel yang menyata bahawa
credit limit Defendan adalah RM700,000.00. Selepas itu, saya
pergi jumpa dengan En Henry….”.. Henry minta saya hantar
surat muka surat 1 ini sekali lagi kepada beliau dan beliau
akan berbincang dengan Plaintif. Selepas dua hari, Henry
memberitahu kami bahawa ok dan pada hari ketiga, kami
mula menempah barang” [NOE Tab D p.21lines 25 – 30; p. 22
line 10; p. 23 line 17]. DW3 Tey PC also said in his re-
examination evidence on 29.5.2023 that “Selepas dua hari
kami menghantar surat kepada Henry, Henry menelefon kami
dan memberitahu semua telah diselesaikan. Pada hari ketiga,
kami mula menempah barang. Kami terus menempah barang
daripada Plaintif”. [NOE p. 24 lines 10 – 12]. This version that
the date when Henry Ong told him of the alleged agreement
to increase credit limit was 2 days after the handing of a copy
of 2019 letter to Henry Ong (i.e. at the meeting Oasis Ara
Damansara meeting between DW2 Tey KL and Henry Ong) is
contradictory to DW2 Tey KL’s version that Henry Ong said at
the Oasis Ara Damansara meeting that the issues had been
settled with DW3 Tey PC.
The credit limit and credit term are two very important commercial
terms relating to the parties’ transactions under the Local
Contract. It is highly unlikely that for such very important
commercial terms, Holsten’s witnesses could have forgotten or
mixed up on the date and form of any oral agreement to increase
the credit limit by more than three times its pre-existing limit
mutually agreed in writing, if there was such oral agreement as
The contradictions between the different versions of the
Defendant/Holsten’s witnesses at different occasions of the trial
renders the Defendant/Holsten’s version highly improbable.
30. Moreover, the Defendant’s version of story of what transpired on 13
August 2020 seems to suggest that CSR’s Henry Ong has agreed
to the Defendant’s request as per the Defendant’s letter dated
22.02.2019 (AB1/1) which included a credit term of 45 days.
However, this alleged credit term of 45 days is contradictory to the
Defendant’s own documents subsequent to 13 August 2020. Such
documents of the Defendant subsequent to 13 August 2020 which
show the contradiction with alleged credit term of 45 days include
those summarised in the following paragraphs.
31. In all the Defendant’s Purchase Orders for local sugar subsequent
to 13 August 2020, the Defendant stated the credit term as 30 days
(which is the same as what Mohd Azahar agreed in July 2020 on
behalf of CSR) and not 45 days (which the Defendant alleged as
part of its letter dated 22.02.2019 2019 purportedly agreed to by
Henry Ong: see the Defendant’s Purchase Orders in AB1/89 - 105.
32. In our present case there was no letter, email or WhatsApp record
whatsoever in year 2020 or early 2021 to state or allege that Henry
Ong had purportedly agreed to increase the credit limit from
RM700,000 to RM2,500,000.
33. By reason of the manner and features of the parties’ recent
negotiations and agreement as summarised in paragraphs 22(1) to
22(9) above, it is high improbable that Holsten would have neglected
to make such a written confirmation if there was such agreement by
Henry Ong as alleged. Being a defaulting party who had the courage
and audacity to negotiate hard and extensively for terms of the
second settlement, Holsten would most probably have the courage
and conviction to promptly confirm in writing in August 2020 or
shortly thereafter Henry Ong’s alleged agreement on increase of
credit limit if there was such agreement by Henry Ong as alleged by
34. Further or alternatively, when CSR stopped delivery of balance
quantity of sugar under the said Local Contract in November 2020,
Holsten would most probably have written to CSR and Henry Ong
in November 2020 or December 2020 to confront them regarding
Henry Ong’s alleged agreement on increase of credit limit if there
was such agreement by Henry Ong as alleged by Holsten.
35. At the full trial, none of the Defendant’s witnesses has explained or
attempted to explain what major and favourable circumstances had
allegedly happened to the Defendant’s creditworthiness (if any) or
its credit standing subsequent to July 2020 which could possibly
warrant or justify an honest and diligent officer of CSR to consider
or agree to a drastic increase of Holsten’s credit limit from
RM700,000 to RM2,500,000 – a tremendous increase of more than
threefold – within a very short period of about 3 weeks after the July
2020 agreement in the emails.
36. Further or alternatively, even if Henry Ong purportedly agreed to the
Defendant’s request in the Defendant’s letter dated 22.02.2019 as
alleged by the Defendant, such purported agreement is not binding
upon the Plaintiff/CSR.
37. The reasons for this conclusion of non-binding are as follows:
(1) This Court accepts the Plaintiff’s evidence that the person duly
authorised by CSR to fix or vary the credit limit and credit term
at all material times in 2020 has been CSR’s Head of Finance
Department, Mohd Azahar and that Henry Ong as Head of
Sales Department had no authority to vary or increase the
credit limit or vary the credit term;
(2) The contemporaneous documents including those
summarised in paragraphs 19 to 22 above show that the
Defendant/Holsten knew or ought to have known that CSR’s
Chief Financial Officer, Mohd Azahar was the person
authorised by CSR to impose, vary or increase the credit limit
and credit term;
(3) The contemporaneous documents including those
summarised in paragraphs 19 to 22 above show that the
Defendant/Holsten knew or ought to have known that Henry
Ong had no authority to increase or vary the credit limit or
credit term;
(4) The Defendant has not pleaded a case or particulars of
ostensible authority of Henry Ong in respect of increase of
credit limit and credit term;
(5) Even if the Defendant pleaded a defence or particulars of
ostensible authority of Henry Ong in respect of increase of
credit limit and credit term, the Defendant still cannot succeed
on such defence because contemporaneous documents
including those summarised in paragraphs 19 to 229() above
show that there was at the material times no basis for the
Defendant to reasonably believe that Henry Ong had such
(6) Moreover, in the business sense of check-and-balance
between various departments, a sales personnel of a
company does not ordinarily have the authority to give credit
limit and credit term to the customers of the company; and
(7) In light of the surrounding circumstances summarised above
[including those in paragraphs 22(1) to 22(9)] and in view of
the surreptitious circumstances of the one-to-one meeting at
a restaurant outside CSR’s office, even if a sales manager of
CSR were to purportedly agree with Holsten to drastically
increase the credit limit as alleged by Holsten, he/she would
be acting deceitfully and/or in collusion with Holsten such that
his/her purported agreement would not be legally binding
upon CSR.
38. In conclusion on the 1st and 2nd main issues, this Court finds and
holds as follows:
Findings on 1st main issue:
This Court finds that the Plaintiff/CSR’s Director of Sales Henry
Ong has not agreed to increase the Defendant/Holsten’s credit
limit to RM2,500,000.00 in respect of sugar for Malaysian
Even if Henry Ong had purported to do so, his purported
agreement is not binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR in the eyes of
the law.
Finding on 2nd main issue:
This Court finds that the Plaintiff/CSR has not agreed to
increase the Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to RM2,500,000 in
a way that is binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR under the laws.
Sub-issue: change in the identity reference numbers in respect
of Holsten in CSR’s records and system
39. In this regard, this Court finds that there is no valid basis for Holsten
to try to make an issue of the change in the identity reference
numbers in respect of Holsten in CSR’s records and system. This
Court accepts Mohd Azahar’s evidence that under the old system of
CSR, Holsten was described as “Account No. 2BJ1245” and in early
2020, CSR upgraded its financial accounting software system and
all customers were described with new numbers in the new
software, with Holsten described as “100803”.
40. It is the finding of this Court that whether a document used the
description of “2BJ1245” or “100803”, it referred to Holsten and that
neither CSR nor Holsten was under any mistake or
misunderstanding as to the true identity of Holsten as “2BJ1245” or
41. The customer identity reference of “100803” was used in many of
the Delivery Orders, Invoices, Statements of Account and other
documents issued by CSR to Holsten, and Holsten acted on such
documents to take deliveries and make payments in respect of
some invoices. See, for example, the Customer ID and Customer
Name stated in Enclosure 52 bundle AB3/271 - 275 (DO and
Picking Lists dated 10.9.2020), AB3/276 - 279 (DO and Picking Lists
dated 29.9.2020), AB3/280 - 283 (DO and Picking Lists dated
15.9.2020), AB1/133 – 150, AB4/324 - 359. See also the cross-
examination of DW1 Tey CS on this point on 20.2.2023 [NOP Tab
A p. 36 lines 10 – 35; p. 37 lines 1 – 4.
42. Holsten did not at any time object to or question CSR regarding
CSR’s use of Account No. or ID No. 100803 to refer to Holsten in
the Delivery Orders, Invoices, and other documents in connection
with the transactions with Holsten: see the cross-examination of
DW1 Tey CS on this point on 20.2.2023; NOP Tab A p. 48 lines 17
– 21.
43. It is also important to note that the CSR’s bank account number to
which Holsten made payments always remained the same. Even if
Holsten made payments by referring to its old Account No. 2BJ1245,
the payments would be captured by CSR’s accounting software and
mapped to Holsten’s account. In DW1 Tey CS’s evidence, he
admitted that Account No. 245 and 803 (i.e. 100803) were just
accounts to identify Holsten as a customer: NOP Tab A p. 76 lines
24 – 37; p. 77 lines 1, 28 – 36; p. 78 lines 16 - 23.
44. In the circumstances, this Court finds that there was no premature
closure of Holsten’s account in respect of the local supply contract
as alleged by Holsten or at all.
45. Whatever change of Customer ID Number or Account Number in
CSR’s internal software system when CSR changed its accounting
software is purely CSR’s internal process and does not affect the
terms of the commercial relationship between CSR and Holsten or
any other customer in any manner.
Sub-issue: Continued delivery of local sugar after the credit
limit had exceeded RM700,000
46. Holsten’s argument that the continued delivery of local sugar after
the credit limit had exceeded RM700,000 showed the credit limit
was increased to RM2,500,000 and/or led Holsten to act on basis
that the credit limit had been increased is also an invalid and
incorrect argument which is rejected by this Court.
47. The reasons for rejecting such argument of Holsten are as follows:
(1) On 31.03.2021, Statement of Account was issued by CSR to
Holsten showing that as at 06.11.2020 the total outstanding
amount was RM769,007.50 and as at 30.11.2020 the total
outstanding reached RM1,256,175.00: AB1/160 [Enclosure
48]. This shows that according to CSR’s Finance Dept and
Accounts Dept the credit limit of RM700,000 was breached
shortly before 06.11.2020 when the total outstanding amount
which became due and payable exceeded RM700,000. By
this Statement of Account, CSR was using the overdue
payments as criterion for computing whether or not the credit
limit had been breached.
(2) The problem, as shown in the summary table in paragraph 5
of the Defence on batches and quantities of sugar taken and
the instalment payment made, was that:
(a) in the months of August and September 2020, Holsten
took deliveries of many batches of local sugar but paid
very few instalments totalling amount of about
RM360,000, much less than the total value of sugar
taken (about RM1,000,000);
(b) in the months of October 2020 Holsten collected delivery
of 10 batches of sugar in big quantities and values
totalling about RM700,000 but only paid 5 instalments
totalling RM500,000;
(c) when the October 2020 deliveries also became due and
payable in November 2020, Holsten continued to collect
many batches of sugar in sizable quantities totalling
about RM650,000 but only paid 4 instalments totalling
This caused the total outstanding unpaid amount to balloon
quickly to more than RM1,100,000 in November 2020, thereby
causing a major alarm to CSR’s management. This problem of
quick ballooning of the total outstanding amount in excess of the
credit limit of RM700,000 was the result of Holsten’s
disproportionate acts within a rather short period of time when
Holsten increased its collections of sugar substantially but
decreased its instalment payments substantially. Being the
author of such problem, Holsten cannot benefit form the situation
it created out of its breaches of payment obligations.
(3) CSR had more than 200 customers and a major alarm
concerning this one customer Holsten was only brought to the
attention of the senior management of CSR in November
2020. Then, acting promptly, CSR stopped delivery of further
quantity of sugar pursuant to clause 10 of the said Local
Contract. In the circumstances, CSR should not be blamed for
not acting earlier than it did.
(4) This Court accepts the evidence of CSR’s witnesses that the
continued deliveries of some batches of sugar to Holsten in
the months of October and November 2020 after the total
outstanding amount had breached RM700,000 was due to
oversight or carelessness of the relevant staff in CSR’s
organisation in handling the accounts of more than 200
customers at the material times, and such oversight or
carelessness did not constitute an agreement by CSR to
increase the credit limit. In the circumstances, this Court does
not find any estoppel has arisen against CSR in suspending
the deliveries until Holsten remedies its payment defaults.
(5) It is also the finding of this Court that in the circumstances
Holsten knew about the breach of the credit limit in October
and November 2020 and took advantage of the oversight or
carelessness of CSR’s staff by continuing to order substantial
quantities of sugar but without matching its purchases with the
instalment payments. This conduct on the part of Holsten was
a repetition of its past breaches of credit limit which led to the
first settlement negotiations and the second settlement
Sub-issue: Whether shortage of sugar was the reason which
led CSR to stop supplying sugar to Holsten
48. In this Counterclaim, Holsten pleaded that CSR had wrongfully,
without reason and in breach of the agreement, prevented Holsten
from collecting sugar pursuant to Purchase Order No. PO-000227
dated 19.11.2020 (“PO 227”) issued by Holsten to CSR.
49. During trial, Holsten sought to establish that the reason behind the
suspension of sugar supply is due to shortage of sugar on the part
of CSR. In support of such contention, Holsten sought to introduce
evidence to the effect that Holsten frequently faced issues of CSR’s
stock shortage while collecting sugar from CSR.
50. As established during trial, despite having high demands and
therefore longer queue time for the collection sugar, CSR always
strived to fulfil and had in fact fulfilled every purchase order prior to
PO 227. The Defendant’s witness DW1 Tey CS confirmed to the
same effect: see NOP Tab A p. 90 lines 7 – 24; NOP Tab C p. 86
lines 10 – 15.
51. PW2 Victor Ng, ex-manager of the Plaintiff/CSR who at the trial was
the Transformation Director of Yeo Hiap Seng Group of Companies,
testified that the dates stated “OWN COLLECTION” on the purchase
orders were the dates on which Holsten intended to collect the sugar
from CSR’s warehouse; these dates were never fixed as the actual
delivery dates as they would always be subject to, amongst others,
the availability of sugar; and representatives from CSR and Holsten
would engage in discussions after the purchase orders were issued
and Holsten would be notified when the sugar would be available for
Holsten’s collection: Q&A 6 of WS-PW2.
52. In his oral evidence PW2 Victor Ng also testified that the same
arrangement is also applicable for all other customers of CSR at all
material times. CSR at the material times had more than 200
customers, and the manufacturing capacity of the sugar refinery is
fixed. At times when the various customers sent in purchase orders
with intended collection/delivery dates which exceeded the available
stock of sugar and beyond the refinery’s manufacturing capacity,
CSR would discuss with the various customers to re-schedule parts
of the sugar collection/delivery dates. Such re-scheduling were for
short duration of time – sometimes several hours and sometimes a
handful of days. Despite the need to re-schedule occasionally, CSR
supplied and delivered sugar pursuant to purchase orders issued by
Holsten and in accordance with the contracts. In Q&A 7, PW2 Victor
Ng gave examples of documentary evidence to illustrate this point.
53. This Court finds PW2 Victor Ng to be a credible witness and that his
testimony, which is also consistent with the documentary evidence,
is accepted by this Court.
54. It was also established during trial that despite the slight delays and
the need for re-scheduling of collections and deliveries at various
occasions as stated above, Holsten did not stop ordering sugar from
CSR and chose to continue to purchase sugar from CSR: see NOP
Tab A p. 90 lines 26 – 31.
55. From the foregoing, it is clear that shortage of sugar had never been
a reason for CSR to refuse or stop Holsten from collecting sugar from
its warehouse. At most, CSR would only request Holsten to
reschedule the collection time. On occasion there is an insufficient
stock of sugar, a situation not exclusive to Holsten, the sugar is
typically delivered within a few days. See the evidence of PW2 Victor
Ng’s evidence; WS-PW2 Q&A 7.
56. This Court accepts the evidence of the Plaintiff’s witness PW2 Victor
Ng that the slight delays and the re-scheduling of dates and times for
collection of sugar deliveries also happened to all other customers of
CSR and is a common feature in the sugar refinery business. [see
oral evidence of PW2 Victor Ng on 16.6.2023].
57. This Court finds that in connection with Holsten, the reason of CSR’s
suspension or stoppage of delivery of sugar to Holsten was because
the credit limit of RM700,000 had been exceeded, and that such
suspension or stoppage of delivery of sugar to Holsten was no due
to shortage of sugar. The reasons for this finding include:
(a) this Court accepts PW2 Victor Ng’s evidence including WS-
PW2 Q&A 12;
(b) the documentary evidence shows that as at November 2020
the outstanding sum due and payable by Holsten for the sugar
sold and delivered by CSR was RM1,255,125.00;
(c) despite being notified of the outstanding amount in excess of
RM700,000 the Defendant/Holsten did not pay up and also did
not put in writing any allegation or argument about any
increase in the credit limit;
(d) there was also no contemporaneous document to suggest that
at the material times in November 2020 and December 2020,
there was any major shortage of sugar at CSR’s refinery or
warehouse; and
(e) there was no documentary evidence to suggest that CSR’s
refinery had a major breakdown which could trigger any major
permanent shortage of sugar.
58. Holsten’s argument on shortage of sugar supply as the reason for
CSR’s stoppage of delivery is baseless and unsustainable.
59. This Court accepts the evidence of CSR’s witnesses (including PW2
Victor Ng on 16.6.2023 in NOE Tab H p. 103 lines 2 - 11) that with
more than 200 customers who might at times put in many Purchase
Orders which would well exceed the production capacity of CSR’s
sugar refineries, there have always been the need to discuss the
schedules and re-scheduling of deliveries of sugars with various
customers in the past (including Holsten).
60. This Court accepts PW2 Victor Ng’s evidence that the situation of
demand exceeding supply frequently occurred in the past years and
it has been part and parcel of sugar business of this nature. When
such situation occurred, CSR and customers (including Holsten)
discussed and resolved the schedules of deliveries and the sugars
were supplied according to the mutually adjusted schedules. Slight
re-scheduling of batches of sugar for collection or delivery has often
happened to the various customers of CSR, and it has never been
any real issue or problem between CSR and its various customers.
[see PW2’s evidence on 31.5.2023, Q&A 7 of WS-PW2-].
61. There is no valid or sufficient for Holsten to try to make an issue out
of minor or trivial incidents which occur in the normal course of
business operations in the sugar trade. Temporary shortages in the
past have never resulted in CSR’s stoppage of delivery or
suspension of trade account with any of their customers.
62. In the circumstances, this Court finds that CSR’s stoppage of delivery
of balance local sugar to Holsten was because of Holsten’s defaults
in payment of very substantial amount and not because of any
temporary shortage of sugar.
63. In any event, this Court holds that even if a product manufacturer
were to face a major breakdown in its own factory which triggers a
long-term shortage of supply of its products to its customers, there is
nothing objectionable under the laws if the manufacturer, in
pursuance of the terms of its supply contracts with various customers,
issue notices of suspension of supply to those customers whose
payments are overdue and remaining unpaid. The manufacturer’s
contractual obligation to supply each such customer would then
resume only upon the defaulting customer’s remedying of the
payment default.
64. In our present case, it is clearly established that Holsten did not
remedy its payment defaults, and also did not attempt to remedy the
defaults to any extent, despite having been notified of the stoppage
or suspension of supply arising from the payment defaults. As such,
the Plaintiff/CSR was entitled to continue to stop supply and, after
after the prolonged payment defaults by the Defendant/Holsten, to
take the Defendant/Holsten’s repudiation as having put an end to the
supply contract.
3rd main issue: if the answers to the 1st and 2nd main issues are
in the affirmative, whether the Defendant/Holsten has suffered
losses as a result of the Plaintiff/CSR’s refusal to supply the
balance quantity of sugar, and if so, what is the amount of the
65. As this Court has answered the 1st and 2nd main issues in the
negative, it is not strictly necessary to answer the 3rd main issue on
alleged losses and quantum thereof.
66. For completeness, this Court will proceed in the alternative to make
findings on the damages and quantum of damages.
67. In the said Local Contract, the agreed price of CSR’s supply of local
sugar to Holsten was RM2,100 per metric tonne: AB4/320
[Enclosure 49]. It is in evidence that the parties’ practice in respect
of local sugar was that Holsten would send its transporters to CSR’s
factory to collect the sugar and transport the same to Holsten’s place
of business or to its customers.
68. Holsten has produced invoices it issued to its customer Chop Hong
Lee which show that the agreed price with Chop Hong Lee for local
sugar in October and was RM2,240 per metric tonne: see AB3/196
– 252 [Enclosure 52]. In light of these invoice records, this Court
finds that Holsten re-sold the sugar to Chop Hong Lee at a price of
69. Although there is a gross margin of RM2,240 – RM2,100 = RM140
per metric tonne, Holsten has to incur the transportation costs of
collecting sugar from CSR’s factory and transporting the same to its
customer’s factory. Holsten’s witnesses have not given evidence on
these costs of transportation.
70. The profit per metric tonne which Holsten would make from the re-
sale of local sugar to Chop Hong Lee was RM140 – t where t is the
transportation cost per metric tonne.
71. In Henry Ong’s email dated 3.7.2020 during the settlement
negotiation, it was stated that the balance quantity of local sugar
under the said Local Contract as 635 metric tonnes as at July 2020:
see AB3/265 [Enclosure 52]. There is no contemporaneous
document which disputes or contradicts Henry Ong’s statement of
fact that the balance quantity of local sugar under the said Local
Contract was 635 metric tonnes as at July 2020. At the trial, none of
the Defendant’s witnesses has challenged or questioned the
correctness of such a statement. In the circumstances, this Court
finds on a balance of probabilities that the balance quantity of local
sugar under the said Local Contract was 635 metric tonnes as at
July 2020.
72. If the gross margin of RM140 per metric were to be used to compute
Holsten’s loss of profit from the balance quantity of 635 metric
tonnes of local sugar, Holsten’s loss of profit would be RM150 per
metric tonne x 635 metric tonnes = RM88,900.00.
73. If one were to take into account the transportation costs which
Holsten has to incur in collection sugar from CSR’s factory and in
sending the same to Chop Hong Lee’s factory, the loss of profit
would be less than RM88,900.00 in respect of the balance 645
metric tonnes of sugar under the said Local Contract.
74. In the circumstances, this Court finds that the total amount of loss
which the Defendant suffered as a result of non-supply of balance
645 metric tonnes of sugar was not more than RM88,900.00.
75. Holsten has not produced specific evidence of any other head of
loss or damages in respect of the non-supply of the balance quantity
of local sugar. In the circumstances, Holsten has not proved any
other head of loss or damages on a balance of probabilities.
Sub-issues (3a) whether independently of the question whether
the credit limit has been exceeded, the Plaintiff/CSR was
entitled to stop delivery of the balance sugar to the
Defendant/Holsten; and (3b) whether there is a real difference
between stoppage of delivery and suspension or closing of
trade account in the circumstances of the present case
76. Section 32 of the Sale of Goods Act 1957 provides that “32. Unless
otherwise agreed, delivery of the goods and payment of the price
are concurrent conditions, that is to say, the seller shall be ready
and willing to give possession of the goods to the buyer in exchange
for the price, and the buyer shall be ready and willing to pay the price
in exchange for possession of the goods”.
77. In the absence of any sale without any credit term (giving a period
of time for payment), the buyer has to pay the full amount for the
goods upon taking delivery of goods. When a credit term (period
of time for payment) is agreed between the seller and the buyer,
then the buyer has to pay within the period of time stated in the
agreed credit term.
78. In the absence of credit limit, there is no limit to the amount of goods
a buyer can order from the seller. When a credit limit (i.e. limit of the
amount which can be ordered) is agreed between the seller and the
buyer, then the buyer cannot purchase on credit more than the limit
stated in the agreed credit limit. This credit limit is the businessmen’s
common practice of controlling and limiting the credit risk exposures
vis-à-vis various customers, and the amount of credit limit for each
customers depends on the seller’s assessment of the particular
customer’s creditworthiness.
79. Clause 7 of the said Local Contract provides, among others, that
“PAYMENT: 30 days from invoice date”. Clause 10 of the said Local
Contract provides, among others, that “Failure to adhere to the
payment terms, Seller has the right to stop delivery” [see AB4/320
& 321 in Enclosure 49].
80. Under clauses 7 and 10 of the said Local Contract, in the event of
any failure by Holsten to adhere to the payment term of 30 days from
the invoice date, CSR has the contractual right to stop delivery of
sugar to Holsten. The contractual right under clause 10 to stop
delivery in the event of any failure by Holsten to adhere to the
payment term is independently of question whether or not the credit
limit has been exceeded.
81. Even in CSR’s written approval of the credit limit of RM700,000 and
credit term of 30 days which was agreed in writing by Holsten in July
2020, the credit system has two limbs which operate in parallel co-
existence, namely the credit limit (in terms of amount) and the credit
term (in terms of time period).
82. Where credit limit and credit term are imposed side-by-side, the
credit limit (in terms of amount) cannot be interpreted to the extent
of erasing or obliterating the credit term (time period for payment).
83. A buyer under the combination of credit limit and credit term
mechanism cannot refuse to pay the invoices on the excuse that the
total amount owing is less than the credit limit amount and thereby
try to postpone the payment obligation indefinitely although the
invoices have exceeded the credit term in terms of time period. This
is what PW2 Victor Ng testified on 31.5.2023 [NOE Tab G-- p. 101
line 4 – p. 102 line 2. This Court accepts this evidence of PW2 Victor
84. Interpreted properly in the context, the combination of credit limit
and credit term mechanism requires the buyer (a) not to exceed the
credit limit by having total unpaid invoices at any point of time in
excess of the credit limit; and (b) not to default in paying any invoice
within the time period stated in the credit term (i.e. overdue and
85. In the context of our present case, it is undisputed fact that as at
CSR’s stoppage or sugar supply in November 2020 a number of
CSR’s invoices issued to Holsten in respect of the local sugar had
been overdue and in excess of 30 days (and even in excess of 45
days) from the dates of the respective invoices.
86. In the circumstances, independently of the question whether the
credit limit has been exceeded, the Plaintiff/CSR was entitled to stop
delivery of the balance sugar to the Defendant/Holsten as from
November 2020 onwards on the ground of Holsten’s failure to
adhere to payment term. It then became the obligation of the
Defendant/Holsten to quickly remedy the payment breach before
the Plaintiff/CSR could have any obligation to resume the delivery
of balance sugar to the Defendant/Holsten.
87. As Holsten still continued to default in payment up to the date of the
trial, CSR was, and still is, entitled to continue its stoppage of
delivery of balance sugar to Holsten under the said Local Contract.
88. Bearing in mind that the contractual credit term is 30 days, the
default in payment from October 2020 until the date of trial (mid-
2023) is a continuous default for a very prolonged period in the
context of the said Local Contract.
89. In the circumstances, the Defendant/Holsten’s prolonged and
continued breach of payment obligation is repudiatory breach and/or
breach of a fundamental term, thereby entitling the Plaintiff/CSR to
terminate the supply contract and thereafter permanently ceased
the supply of sugar under the said contract.
90. There is no real difference between stoppage of delivery and
suspension or closing of the trade account in the circumstances of
our present case because:
(1) As Holsten continues its default in payment of the overdue
invoices in respect of the local sugar, Holsten is not entitled to
receive any further delivery of balance sugar from CSR
whether it is stoppage of delivery or suspension / closure of
trade account; and
(2) As Holsten has continued to default in payment of overdue
invoices for a very prolonged period, CSR is entitled to close
the trade account with Holsten in respect of the said Local
91. This Court rejects Holsten’s argument that CSR was in any way
bound to deliver the sugar in respect of which Delivery Orders were
92. Firstly, there is no such contractual term to that effect.
93. Secondly, clause 10 of the said Local Contract talks about failure to
adhere to payment terms, and such clear and specific clause cannot
be superseded by extraneous event such as issuance of Delivery
94. Thirdly, there is no evidence of trade usage or custom to justify
implying such term to negate or vary clause 10 of the said Local
95. Fourthly, there is no evidence of any promise by CSR that clause
10 contractual right is waived or varied by issuance of Delivery
4th main issue: whether in the circumstances the Plaintiff/CSR
was under an obligation to supply the export sugar to the
Defendant/Holsten, and if so, was the Plaintiff/CSR in breach of
such obligation in the circumstances of the present case
96. A copy of the Contract for Sale of Refined Sugar Exp/OT/34-19
dated 9.5.2019 (“the said Export Contract”) can be found in AB1/79
– 81 [Enclosure 48].
97. Clause 7 of the said Export Contract [AB1/79] clearly and
specifically provides as follows:
“PAYMENT: Full payment before delivery.
Payment by TT into our account at RHB Bank, Kuala
Account No. 61412900000407 in favour of Central
Sugars Refinery Sdn Bhd Swift Code: RHBBBMYKL ”
98. In the Amended Amended Defence and Counterclaim (Enclosure
40), the Defendant/Holsten’s pleaded case on the said Export
Contract is only in 3 paragraphs of the counterclaim, namely:
(1) the last sentence of paragraph 6 which alleged that the
Plaintiff/CSR also stopped the said Export Contract dated
9.5.2029 which was signed with the Defendant for 300MT of
export sugar;
(2) paragraph 7 which alleged that as a result of the Plaintiff’s
stoppage of sale of sugar to the Defendant, the Plaintiff
committed breaches of the contracts and the Defendant has
incurred losses and damages; and
(3) paragraph 14 which alleged that as a result of the aforesaid
breach of contract by the Plaintiff, the Defendant could not sell
the export sugar to its customers and thereby suffered loss of
profit of USD60,000.
99. In the Plaintiff/CSR’s Amended Reply to Defence and Defence to
Counterclaim (Enclosure 42, Bundle of Pleadings), CSR denied
Holsten’s allegations of breach and pleaded that:
(i) at all material times, Holsten did not issue any Purchase Order
or shipment notice to CSR: paragraph 7(b);
(ii) whatever loss or damage (if any, which is denied) was caused
by Holsten’s own act or conduct: paragraph 8; and
(iii) Holsten was not entitled to any of the reliefs prayed for:
paragraph 17.
100. The main commercial terms of the said Export Contract are
contained in clauses 1 to 8 at AB1/79 which include (i) clause 7
“PAYMENT: Full payment before delivery. Bank by TT into our
account at RHB”, with the account number and Swift Code stated;
(ii) the buyer to send timely shipment instruction together with
documentary requirements and Pre-Shipment Notice at least 20
days in advance: clause 8.
101. From the express terms of the said Export Contract, it is clear that
before any delivery of sugar for export is made, full payment for the
export sugar ordered must be paid first (clause 7) and the buyer
must send timely shipment instruction together with documentary
requirements and Pre-Shipment Notice at least 20 days in advance
(clause 8).
102. In our present case, there was no payment whatsoever which had
been made by the Defendant/Holsten to the Plaintiff/CSR in respect
of any export sugar under the said Export Contract. There was also
no Pre-Shipment Notice or documentary shipment instruction given
by the Defendant/Holsten to the Plaintiff/CSR in respect of any
export sugar under the said Export Contract.
103. This Court rejects Holsten’s contention that CSR’s representative
had allegedly told Holsten’s representative to withhold the issuance
of Purchase Orders for the export sugar due to shortage of sugar
104. The reasons for this finding of fact include:
(a) this is a material allegation on the counterclaim for export
sugar but it was not pleaded in the counterclaim;
(b) there is no e-mail or WhatsApp or documented
communication to substantiate this allegation;
(c) there were a number of comparatively minor issues such as
lorry waiting to collect sugar, re-scheduling of sugar delivery
or collection by several days and similar operational issues
which Holsten saw fit to record in writing including WhatsApp
messages; as such, it is highly improbable that a major issue
such as instruction (if any) to withhold issuance of Purchase
Orders for export sugar would have been overlooked or
inadvertently omitted by Holsten in its e-mail and WhatsApp
communications with CSR’s representatives.
105. Holsten’s contention that CSR must issue the Invoice for export
sugar first before Holsten had an obligation to pay for the export
sugar is also rejected by this Court.
106. Firstly, there is nothing in the terms of the Export Contract to
stipulate to that effect.
107. Secondly, clause 7 of the Export Contract is very clear and specific
on the payment term, i.e. full payment before delivery.
108. Thirdly, Holsten knew of the agreed price and it was up to Holsten
at what point of time and for what quantity of export sugar it wanted
to pay for and obtain delivery. The bank account number and details
of CSR for receiving payment for export sugar is expressly
stipulated in the Export Contract. If Holsten really had the money
and wanted the export sugar, it could have easily paid the agreed
price for the quantity it wanted at a certain point of time, notify CSR
of the payment and demand for delivery of the export sugar. Without
the full payment for export sugar as expressly stipulated in clause
7, CSR had no obligation to deliver the export sugar to Holsten.
109. Fourthly, after making the full payment for the purchased batch of
export sugar, Holsten as the buyer also had to send timely shipment
instruction together with documentary requirements with pre-
shipment notice of at least 20 days: clause 8.
110. Fifthly, in the past transactions under the contract, the actual
practice between the parties was that Holsten paid the full payment
of the relevant batch of sugar first before the tax Invoice was issued
at least several days thereafter: see Tax Invoices at AB5/6 – 32
[Enclosure 58] as compared with bank statements at AB5/33 - 65
on the corresponding items and amounts.
111. In our present case, it is undisputed fact that until the date of trial,
Holsten did not pay the agreed price for the export sugar under the
Export Contract. The Defendant/Holsten also did not issue any
Purchase Order or Pre-Shipment Notice.
112. In the premises, the Plaintiff/CSR was under no obligation
whatsoever to supply the export sugar to the Defendant/Holsten at
all material times.
113. This Court finds that CSR was not in breach of any obligation to
deliver the export sugar to Holsten in the circumstances of the
present case.
114. This Court rejects the Defendant’s argument that CSSR’s officer’s
application and procurement of AP permit at Holsten’s request
constituted a promise to deliver the export sugar. The reasons for
rejecting such argument are as follows:
(1) As testified by the Plaintiff’s witnesses [PW2 Victor Ng and
PW3 Shamsul Shah], AP permit is only a permit issued by the
relevant authority which approves the intended export of sugar
at some future time during the permit validity period;
(2) It has been the practice in the export business that AP permits
are obtained first before the supply contracts are
implemented, and that the implementation of the supply
contract depends on the terms of the contracts themselves;
(3) It was also the past practice between the Plaintiff and the
Defendant that the Ap permit would be applied for and
processed well in advance of the Defendant’s schedule of
taking delivery, and that the Defendant had to make full
payment to the Plaintiff first before the export sugar was
delivered to the Defendant;
(4) The express term of the said Export Contract clearly stipulated
that there must be full payment before delivery; and
(5) The express terms of the said Export Contract cannot be
varied or superseded by the application for or issuance of the
AP permit, an export approval which was required by law.
5th main issue: if the answers to the 4th main issue is in the
affirmative, has the Defendant/Holsten proved that it has
suffered losses and damages due to the Plaintiff/CSR’s refusal
to supply the export sugar, and if so, the amount of such losses
and damages
115. As regards the quantum of the Defendant/Holsten’s counterclaim in
respect of export sugar, Holsten has not produced the complete
contract terms which it had with PT Masindo, the foreign company
which is said to have contracted with Holsten on the export sugar.
There is also no disclosure as to whether PT Masindo or Holsten
would bear the shipping charges, insurance costs etc in sending the
sugar to Indonesia.
116. Although the Defendant’s documents in AB3/266 shows that the
Defendant would make a gross profit from the sale of export sugar
to PT Masindo, the Defendant has not taken into consideration the
costs and expenses it has to incur in implementing the sale and
export of sugar to PT Masindo. The contract between Holsten and
PT Masindo has not been produced in court to prove the quantum
of alleged loss.
117. In the circumstances, Holsten has not specifically proved its
counterclaim for special damages in respect of the export sugar.
Miscellaneous issues and/or arguments arising
Whether adverse inference should be drawn for not calling Henry Ong to
118. In the submissions, the Plaintiff/CSR argued that Holsten’s failure to
call Henry Ong as a witness, after having listed Henry Ong as a
witness for Holsten, should result in an adverse inference to be
drawn against Holsten under section 114(g) of the Evidence Act
1950. The Defendant/Holsten disagreed with the Plaintiff’s said
argument, and counter-argued that if adverse inference is to be
drawn, it should be drawn against the Plaintiff/CSR.
119. The undisputed evidence shows that Henry Ong had left the
Plaintiff/CSR’s employment before the date of the trial. Both parties
here listed Henry Ong as a witness but eventually, neither party
called Henry Ong to testify in Court.
120. There is no evidence that either party has done any act to withhold
or prevent the other party from calling Henry Ong as a witness. As
such, there is no evidence of intentional withholding of material
evidence insofar as omission to call Henry Ong as a witness is
121. In the circumstances, this Court finds that no adverse inference
under s. 114(g) should be drawn against either party here.
122. Further or alternatively, this Court finds that the evidence and factual
findings without Henry Ong’s presence at the trial are abundantly
clear to the effect that there was no oral agreement to increase
Holsten’s credit limit which could legally bind CSR in the
circumstances of the present case.
Defendant/Holsten’s manner of contesting the application for summary
123. It seems that the Defendant, by putting up a very grossly
exaggerated counterclaim amount of RM1,280,000.00 in its
Amended Defence and Counterclaim [see paragraphs 13 and 15(i)
thereof], has managed to get a stay of execution of the entire
amount, instead of merely part, of summary judgment sum of
RM1,255,125.00 at the hearing of the application for summary
124. In paragraph 13 of its Amended Defence and Counterclaim, the
Defendant/Holsten tabulated the alleged quantities of local sugar to
be supplied under the said Local Contract as 800 metric tonnes per
month from December 2020 to July 2021 (i.e. a total alleged quantity
of 6,400 metric tonnes). From the indisputable contemporaneous
evidence adduced at the trial, this Court has found that there was
only a balance quantity of 635 metric tonnes of sugar to be supplied
under the Local Contract [see paragraph 70 above].
125. By its pleadings and its affidavit, the Defendant/Holsten has misled
this Court into thinking at the time of granting the summary judgment
that there was a total quantity of 800 metric tonnes x 8 months =
6,400 metric tonnes of balance sugar which was to be supplied
under the Local Contract, and this resulted in this Court granting the
unconditional stay of the entire summary judgment amount pending
the trial of the counterclaim. If the Defendant/Holsten were to be
truthful in the presentation of pleadings and the affidavit evidence at
the summary judgment stage, this Court would not have granted a
stay of execution of the entirety of the summary judgment sum, and
the maximum amount of stay of execution in such event which this
Court would have granted would be RM88,900.00 in respect of local
sugar and USD60,000 in respect of the export sugar.
126. Having conducted the full trial on the counterclaim, having heard the
evidence of witnesses including documentary evidence, and having
examined the evidence adduced at the trial, this Court finds that the
Defendant/Holsten has put up a counterclaim amount which lacks
Defendant’s counsel’s manner and extent of asking questions
127. In the course of re-examination of DW3 Tey PC, the Defendant’s
counsel has put forward quite a number of re-examination questions
which were (i) not covered by the cross-examination questions and
answers; (ii) not covered by pleadings; and/or (iii) new matters. This
led to a number of objections by the Plaintiff’s counsel and exchange
of arguments and explanation on such re-examination question.
128. Similar situations also occurred when the Defendant’s counsel
asked questions not covered by pleadings and/or which are
irrelevant or should not be re-opened (e.g. the underlying basis of
the parties arriving at a previous settlement sum for past
transactions) or which are repetitious questions.
129. The abovementioned situations resulted in unnecessary protraction
of the full trial which could have been significantly shorter.
Summing-up and Conclusion
130. In summing-up, this Court found and held as follows:
Liability issues in respect of the said Local Contract:
(1) This Court finds that the Plaintiff/CSR’s Director of Sales
Henry Ong has not agreed to increase the
Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to RM2,500,000.00 in respect
of sugar for Malaysian market.
(2) Even if Henry Ong had purported to do so, his purported
agreement is not binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR in the eyes of
the law.
(3) This Court finds that the Plaintiff/CSR has not agreed to
increase the Defendant/Holsten’s credit limit to RM2,500,000
in a way that is binding upon the Plaintiff/CSR under the laws.
(4) Further or alternatively, independently of the question whether
the credit limit has been exceeded, the Plaintiff/CSR was
entitled to stop delivery of the balance sugar to the
Defendant/Holsten in the circumstances of the present case
as the Defendant/Holsten had failed to adhere to the payment
term of 30 days.
(5) There is no real difference between stoppage of delivery and
suspension or closing of trade account in the circumstances
of the present case.
Quantum issue in respect of the said Local Contract:
(6) If the gross margin of RM140 per metric were to be used to
compute Holsten’s loss of profit from the balance quantity of
635 metric tonnes of local sugar, Holsten’s loss of profit would
be RM150 per metric tonne x 635 metric tonnes =
(7) If one were to take into account the transportation costs which
Holsten has to incur in collection sugar from CSR’s factory and
in sending the same to Chop Hong Lee’s factory, the loss of
profit would be less than RM88,900.00 in respect of the
balance 645 metric tonnes of sugar under the said Local
(8) Holsten has not produced specific evidence of any other head
of loss or damages. In the circumstances, Holsten has not
proved any other head of loss or damages on a balance of
Issues under the said Export Contract:
(9) In the circumstances the Plaintiff/CSR was under no obligation
to supply the export sugar to the Defendant/Holsten as the
Defendant/Holsten had not made the full payment for the
export sugar.
(10) The Plaintiff/CSR was not in breach of any supply obligation
in the circumstances of the present case.
(11) In the circumstances, Holsten has not specifically proved its
counterclaim for special damages in respect of the export
131. In conclusion, this Court dismisses the Defendant/Holsten’s
counterclaims with costs.
132. After hearing the further submissions of the parties’ respective
counsel on quantum of cots, costs of the counterclaim action are
assessed at RM80,000, subject to allocator, and shall be payable
by the Defendant/Holsten to the Plaintiff/CSR.
Dated this : 3rd January 2024
(NCVC 10)
To the parties’ solicitors:
1. For the Plaintiff : Suaran Singh & Chow Xing Hui
Messrs Law Partnership
(Kuala Lumpur)
2. For the Defendant : Sivashankar
Messrs R Kengadharan & Co.
(Petaling Jaya)
| 97,748 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24NCvC-3653-08/2023 | PEMOHON LOW KIM HONG RESPONDEN TETUAN CHIENG & LUM ASSOCIATESPIHAK KETIGA1. ) LOW SU KIAN 2. ) Low Seow Kian | The backstory of this case is rather delicate as it involves a family dispute over some shares transferred from a father to his son, challenged by his other children. In general, the basis of Enclosure 1, is pertaining to the transfer of 648,450 unit of shares (Shares) owned by the Plaintiff in Sritama Sdn. Bhd. (Company) to his son, Low Shee Kian (1st Son). The Defendant issued a letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company Secretary to cancel the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son. The Company Secretary replied through a letter dated 18.7.2023 where the Company Secretary requested a copy of the appointment letter of the Defendant's firm as the Plaintiff's solicitor. The Defendant through a letter dated 18.7.2023 to the Company Secretary, informed them that the Plaintiff’s daughter was authorised by the Plaintiff to appoint the Defendant. The two letters issued by the Defendant dated 17.7.2023 and 18.7.2023 (Letters) were disputed by the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff filed this suit to declare that he has not appointed the Defendant to represent him, of which the Defendant adamantly stated otherwise. In this context, for lack of authority or no authority to act, it warrants the act of solicitors as a nullity (see Syawal Enterprise Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Dayadiri Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 MLRH 244; [1990] 3 MLJ 239; [1990] 3 CLJ 165, William Jacks & Co (M) Sdn Bhd v. Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor [1991] 1 MLRA 264; [1991] 2 MLJ 555; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 492 and Ranhill Holdings Bhd v. Mohd Fakrunizam Ibrahim, [2021] MLJU 2205; [2021] MLRHU 1715). | 03/01/2024 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
SAMAN PEMULA NO: WA-24NCVC-3653-08/2023
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Tetuan
Chieng & Lum Associates dan
surat bertarikh 17.07.2023 dan
18.7.2023 kepada Tetuan T & L
Consultants Sdn. Bhd.,
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Seksyen
41, 50, 51, 52 dan 53 Akta Relif
Spesifik 1950;
Dalam Perkara mengenai Aturan
29 Kaedah 1 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
Dalam Perkara mengenai Aturan 5
Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012;
Dalam Perkara Mengenai Aturan
15 Kaedah 16 dan Aturan 92
Kaedah 4 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
03/01/2024 12:31:11
WA-24NCvC-3653-08/2023 Kand. 68
S/N F09X0a4JAkm/Dmb6nCSN/Q
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(NO. K/P : 420807-10-5139)
(Disaman sebagai sebuah firma)
[1] The orders sought by the Plaintiff in this Originating Summons
(Enclosure 1) are primarily for:
(a) a declaration that Messrs Chieng & Lum Associates
(Defendant) are not solicitors for the Plaintiff and not entitled
to represent the Plaintiff in any matters or proceedings;
(b) that the Defendant withdraw their letters dated 17.07.2023 and
18.07.2023 issued to Messrs T&L Consultants Sdn. Bhd.; and
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
(c) an interim injunction first and thereafter a permanent injunction
to be issued to the effect that the Defendant refrains from
holding out that they are the Plaintiff’s solicitors in any matters
or proceedings.
[2] The grounds in support as stated in Enclosure 1 are as reproduced-
“1. Plaintif merupakan bapa kepada Low Shee Kian (L1), Low Su Kian (L2)
iaitu anak-anak lelaki Plaintif dan Low Seow Kian (L3) iaitu anak
Perempuan Plaintif.
2. Plaintif adalah pengarah dan pemegang saham sebanyak 648,450 unit
(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “saham tersebut”) dalam syarikat Sritama
Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat: 197701004436 [35491-P]) (selepas ini dirujuk
sebagai “syarikat tersebut”). Pengarah-pengarah lain adalah anak-anak
Plaintif iaitu L1 dan L2. Pemegang-pemegang saham lain adalah L1
sebanyak 123,250 saham dan L2 sebanyak 64,800 saham.
3. Pada 11.07.2023, Plaintif telah mengarahkan Tetuan T&L Consultants
Sdn Bhd (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “T&L”) iaitu setiausaha syarikat
kepada syarikat tersebut supaya menyediakan dokumen-dokumen yang
diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pemindahan milik saham tersebut
kepada L1 (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “pemindahan tersebut”).
4. Namun, pada 17.07.2023 T&L telah menerima surat daripada Defendan
yang kononnya bertindak bagi Plaintif untuk, antara lain, membatalkan
pemindahan tersebut dan memintakan dokumen-dokumen tersebut
dikembalikan kepada Defendan.
5. Apabila ditanya oleh T&L melalui surat T&L bertarikh 18.07.2023 kepada
Defendan, Defendan melalui suratnya bertarikh 18.07.2023
memaklumkan bahawa Defendan adalah dilantik oleh anak perempuan
Plaintif, iaitu L3 selepas diberi kuasa oleh Plaintif.
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6. Plaintif selepas itu telah melantik Tetuan Raja Eleena Siew Ang &
Associates (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “Tetuan RESA”) dan
mengarahkan Tetuan RESA supaya menulis kepada Defendan untuk
mempertikaikan pelantikan mereka sebagai peguamcara Plaintif dan
mengarahkan Defendan untuk menarik balik surat mereka bertarikh
17.07.2023 kepada T&L dan juga memohon maaf kepada Plaintif
terhadap perbuatan mereka.
7. Selepas itu, Plaintif telah pada 25.07.2023 melantik Tetuan Goik,
Ramesh & Loo (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “Tetuan GRL”) sebagai
peguamcara baru Plaintif untuk menggantikan Tetuan RESA. Plaintif
telah mengarahkan Tetuan GRL untuk menulis kepada T&L untuk
memaklumkan kepada mereka supaya melaksanakan pindah milik
8. Akibat dari insiden-insiden di atas terutamanya surat Defendan bertarikh
17.07.2023 (ekshibit LKH-4) dan 18.07.2023 (ekshibit LKH-5) kepada
T&L dimana Defendan masih bertegas bahawa mereka adalah masih
peguamcara Plaintif dan mempunyai kuasa untuk bertindak bagi pihak
Plaintif, T&L telah pada 27.07.2023 memfailkan satu Saman Pemula
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur No.: WA-24NCC-405-07/2023
(selepas ini dirujuk sebagai “tindakan tersebut”) untuk arahan daripada
9. Tindakan Defendan di atas adalah amat angkuh dan tidak
mempedulikan hak Plaintif. Perbuatan Defendan amat tidak professional
dan keterlaluan. Walaupun peguamcara Plaintif telah dalam surat
mereka bertarikh 03.08.2023 di atas telah menawarkan kepada
Defendan untuk Defendan sendiri datang ke pejabat Tetuan GRL untuk
melihat surat Pelantikan Peguamcara yang telah ditandatangani oleh
Plaintif, Defendan enggan berbuat demikian dan masih mahu
peguamcara Plaintif memberikan kepada mereka sesalinan surat
Pelantikan Peguamcara tersebut. Sudah tentu Tetuan GRL tidak akan
memberikan satu salinan surat Pelantikan Peguamcara tersebut kerana
ianya adalah satu surat “private & confidential” di antara Plaintif dan
peguamcara Plaintif.
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10. Plaintif berhak untuk memfailkan tindakan ini demi untuk menjaga
kepentingan dan hak Plaintif. T&L boleh memfailkan tindakan mereka di
atas ke Mahkamah untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka dan tindakan
tersebut tidak kena mengena dengan tindakan ini dan tidak boleh
memudaratkan hak Plaintif untuk memfailkan tindakan ini. Tindakan ini
juga tidak berniat untuk menjejaskan prosiding tersebut.
11. Tindakan salah Defendan dengan mewakili Plaintif tanpa apa-apa
perlantikan yang sah, benar dan/atau betul daripada Plaintif dan
tindakan Defendan dengan bertindak tanpa arahan Plaintif telah
menjejaskan dan memprejudiskan teruk terhadap hak-hak Plaintif;
12. Kemudaratan Plaintif tidak boleh dipampas dengan kos kerana
Defendan telah menjejaskan hak Plaintif dimana sebarang kerugian
yang akan dialami oleh Plaintif tidak dapat didapat dikompensasikan
dengan wang;
13. Plaintif mempunyai kes yang baik (“good case”) terhadap Defendan;
14. Imbangan keadilan dan kesenangan (“balance of justice and
convenience”) memihak (“favour”) kepada injunksi ini diberikan.”.
[3] The backstory of this case is rather delicate as it involves a family
dispute over some shares transferred from a father to his son, challenged
by his other children. In general, the basis of Enclosure 1, is pertaining to
the transfer of 648,450 unit of shares (Shares) owned by the Plaintiff in
Sritama Sdn. Bhd. (Company) to his son, Low Shee Kian (1st Son).
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[4] On 11.07.2023, the Plaintiff went to the Company Secretary namely
T&L Consultants Sdn. Bhd. (Company Secretary), together with the 1st
Son where the Plaintiff executed the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son.
[5] It was contended by the Defendant that the Plaintiff then informed
his daughter, Low Seow Kian, that he did not wish to proceed with the
transfer of Shares and gave his daughter the authority to find a solicitor
to stop the said transfer of Shares and maintain the status quo.
[6] The Defendant then issued a letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company
Secretary to cancel the transfer of Shares to the 1st Son. The Company
Secretary replied through a letter dated 18.7.2023 where the Company
Secretary requested a copy of the appointment letter of the Defendant's
firm as the Plaintiff's solicitor.
[7] The Defendant through a letter dated 18.7.2023 to the Company
Secretary, informed them that the Plaintiff’s daughter was authorised by
the Plaintiff to appoint the Defendant. The two letters issued by the
Defendant dated 17.7.2023 and 18.7.2023 (Letters) were disputed by the
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[8] Subsequently, Messrs. Raja Eleena Siew Ang & Associates (RESA)
issued a letter dated 21.07.2023 to the Defendant informing that they
represented the Plaintiff and demanded the Defendant to withdraw its
letter dated 17.07.2023 to the Company Secretary.
[9] Thereafter, Messrs Goik Ramesh & Loo (GRL) replaced RESA and
issued the Defendant a letter dated 25.7.2023 informing that GRL has
replaced RESA as the Plaintiff's solicitor and demanded that the
Defendant withdraw the letter dated 17.7.2023 to the Company Secretary.
Both letters dated 21.07.2023 and 25.7.2023 clearly indicated to the
Defendant, that they are the solicitors representing the Plaintiff at all times.
[10] The letter of appointment of Messrs GRL in Enclosure 2 at Exhibit
“LKH-8” is reproduced-
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[11] The issue at hand is simply-
Whether the Plaintiff has appointed the Defendant to represent him or
otherwise? If the answer is in the negative, therefore, the Defendant must
retract its’ letters dated 17.07.2023 and 18.07.2023 to T&L Consultants
Sdn Bhd, the Company Secretary, as the Defendant has no authority to
do so.
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[12] The Plaintiff filed this suit to declare that he has not appointed the
Defendant to represent him, of which the Defendant adamantly stated
[13] In Malaysia, the right to representation is enshrined in Article 5 of
our Federal Constitution particularly for an accused person (see Article
5(3) of the Federal Constitution and also in the Criminal Procedure Code
at section 255). Eventhough the law is silent for civil litigant, it is
indisputable that access to judicial process is also granted in civil matters
as a matter of human rights for the right to choose or appoint a solicitor is
one’s choice.
[14] The crux of the Plaintiff's case is that, in fact, the Defendant had not
been appointed to represent the Plaintiff thus has no authority to act for
the Plaintiff.
[15] In terms of proving one’s case, when a person is bound to prove the
existence of any fact, the burden of proof lies on that person. This Court
finds that since the Defendant contended that it was appointed by the
Plaintiff, therefore, the burden is on the Defendant to prove that it was duly
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appointed by the Plaintiff and was instructed by the Plaintiff to issue the
Letters (see sections 101 and 102 of the Evidence Act 1950).
[16] In Ranbaxy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Ei Du Pont Nemours And
Company [2012] 4 MLJ 34; [2012] 9 CLJ 79; [2012] 4 MLRA 370 (CA),
on the application of sections 101 and 102 of the Evidence Act 1950, it
was held that-
“[68] The present case is a civil case, where the court decides based on
the evidence adduced during trial on the balance of probabilities. Under
s 101 of the Evidence Act 1950 the person who asserts the existence of
any fact must prove the fact exists. s 102 of the same act stipulates that
the burden of proof in a suit or proceeding lies on that person who would
fail if no evidence at all were given on either side. What the respondent
needs to do (as the defendant to the present claim) is to enter
appearance within time and to be represented by counsel to handle the
proceeding on its behalf; to file the necessary statement of defence and
counterclaim as well as other follow-up documents to get the matter
ready for trial...".
[17] The Defendant contended that it was appointed and instructed by
the Plaintiff’s daughter. In this regard, the burden is on the Defendant to
prove and produce the authorization letter signed by the Plaintiff
appointing the daughter as such, if any, but none.
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[18] The Defendant had also provided two (2) statutory declarations from
the Plaintiff’s daughters; namely Low Seow Kian and Low Tong Chan
stating that the Plaintiff has mandated, authorised and entrusted Low
Seow Kian to stop the transfer of the Shares in the Company to the 1st
Son and that thereafter, Low Seow Kian had appointed the Defendant to
stop the transfer of the Shares and to return all share documents to the
Defendant for safe keeping.
[19] However, this Court finds that nowhere from the evidence, could be
found that the Plaintiff had confirmed this authorisation allegedly given to
his daughter.
[20] In this context, for lack of authority or no authority to act, it warrants
the act of solicitors as a nullity (see Syawal Enterprise Sdn Bhd & Anor
v. Dayadiri Sdn Bhd [1990] 2 MLRH 244; [1990] 3 MLJ 239; [1990] 3
CLJ 165, William Jacks & Co (M) Sdn Bhd v. Chemquip (M) Sdn Bhd
& Anor [1991] 1 MLRA 264; [1991] 2 MLJ 555; [1991] 1 CLJ (Rep) 492
and Ranhill Holdings Bhd v. Mohd Fakrunizam Ibrahim, [2021] MLJU
2205; [2021] MLRHU 1715).
[21] Further, in Ranhill Holdings Bhd (supra), it was held-
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“[33] I should first state that the defendant's reliance on the decisions
in Syawal Enterprise (supra) and William Jacks & Co (supra) merely
confirms that the lack of mandate of the lawyers may result in a nullity
of the proceedings that may be set aside and that a challenge for that
purpose may be raised at any stage of the proceedings. But these
cases also made it clear that the allegation that the action has been
brought or defended by solicitors who were not so authorised must,
like any other allegation, be proved by sufficient evidence.”.
[22] The Defendant had also contended that the Plaintiff has a very weak
mental capacity and was manipulated by the 1st Son and that the Plaintiff
is illiterate. However, there was no evidence produced by the Defendant
in support of this contention.
[23] Based on the facts, the form for the transfer of Shares was signed
at the Company Secretary’s office. The Company Secretary had also
dutifully, repeatedly interviewed the Plaintiff to ensure that the Plaintiff had
the necessary and required mental capacity to transfer the Shares to the
1st Son before agreeing to be the witness to the Plaintiff’s signature.
[24] In any event, this Court finds that only the Directors via a company
resolution, can refuse such registration of a transfer of shares and not the
Company Secretary (See section 106 (2) of the Companies Act 2016).
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[25] Therefore, based on the facts of the case from the affidavits filed by
both parties, this Court finds that the Plaintiff has never appointed the
Defendant to represent him. Rightfully, the appointment of solicitors is the
choice of the Plaintiff.
[26] As such, the Defendant has no authority to instruct the Company
Secretary to stop the transfer of Shares from the Plaintiff to the 1st Son.
[27] Thus, Enclosure 1 is allowed for the following Orders-
(a) That Messrs Chieng & Lum Associates are not solicitors for the
Plaintiff and are not entitled to represent the Plaintiff in any
matters or proceedings unless appointed by the Plaintiff in
(b) That the Defendant to withdraw the letters dated 17.07.2023
and 18.07.2023 issued by the Defendant to Messrs T&L
Consultants Sdn. Bhd.;
(c) A permanent injunction to the effect that the Defendant is
refrained from holding out that they are the Plaintiff’s solicitors
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**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
in any matters or proceedings unless appointed by the Plaintiff
in writing; and
(d) Cost.
Judicial Commissioner of the High Court
NCVC1 Kuala Lumpur Court.
Date: 2 January 2024
Tetuan Goik, Ramesh & Loo
Suite N-3-1, 2nd Floor
Block N, Plaza Damas
60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
S/N F09X0a4JAkm/Dmb6nCSN/Q
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Tetuan Law Chambers of Dahlia Lee & Co.
C-06=09. Plaza Mont Kiara,
No. 2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
S/N F09X0a4JAkm/Dmb6nCSN/Q
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| 17,729 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-45C-4-09/2018 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH 1. ) JEVAN A/L S RAMAMURTHY 2. ) SURENDRAN A/L SIVASAMY 3. ) Mohan A/l Selorajoo (Pg) 4. ) Pirakhas A/l Subramaniam (Pg) 5. ) Muniandy A/l Achaiyah Kanniah (Dnaa) 6. ) Uthaya Kumar A/l Ponnusamy (Pg) 7. ) Barique (Pg) | penculikan-identiti tertuduh sama ada dibuktikan-duit tebusan sama ada dicamkan-seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan sama ada dipenuhi- pembelaan tertuduh jika konsisten- kegagalan menyediakan suspek dan OKT lain jika fatal | 03/01/2024 | YA Puan Nurulhuda Nur'aini Binti Mohamad Nor | |
NO. K/P: 750726-14-6045
NO. K/P: 820907-14-6221
NO. K/P 571123-10-5443
NO. K/P 820326-04-5254 …TERTUDUH
Latar belakang.
[1] Kesemua OKT1 hingga OKT3 di atas (mereka adalah OKT1, OKT2
dan OKT5 dalam pertuduhan asal BA-45C-4-09/2018) telah dituduh
bersama dengan 5 OKT lain (mereka adalah OKT3, OKT4, OKT6 dan
OKT7 dalam pertuduhan asal BA-45C-4-09/2018 dan OKT8 dalam BA-
45C-5-09/2018) dengan niat bersama untuk menculik seorang bernama
Pratap a/l Pandien (SP12) di bawah seksyen 3 Akta Culik 1961, manakala
OKT4 di atas Vijaya Letchumi pula telah dituduh di BA-45-19-06/2019
03/01/2024 11:08:31
BA-45C-4-09/2018 Kand. 732
S/N ei4kPgS4wUiylBVr4tngOA
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dengan pertuduhan seksyen 5 Akta yang sama kerana telah ada dalam
milikan wang tunai iaitu hasil tebusan yang terlibat di dalam kes
penculikan ini.
[2] 5 tertuduh yang lain itu (OKT3, OKT4, OKT6, OKT7 dan OKT8
dalam pertuduhan asal masing-masing) kemudian telah ditawarkan
pertuduhan pilihan di bawah seksyen 365 Kanun Keseksaan dibaca
bersama seksyen 34 Kanun yang sama. Kelima-lima OKT ini telah
mengaku salah di atas pertuduhan pilihan ini dan dijatuhkan hukuman 5
tahun penjara bermula dari tarikh tangkap.
[3] Bagi tertuduh-tertuduh lain, kes diteruskan untuk bicara atas
pertuduhan asal dan mereka kini dirujuk sebagai OKT1, OKT2, OKT 3
bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 3 dan OKT4 di bawah seksyen 5 Akta
[4] Pertuduhan yang diteruskan dengan perbicaraan ke atas OKT1
hingga OKT3 adalah seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu bersama-sama pada 12 Disember 2017, jam lebih
kurang 9.10 malam, di Jalan 1B/8, Bandar Baru Sungai Buloh,
dalam daerah Petaling, dalam negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan, dalam
mencapai niat bersama kamu, telah melarikan secara salah
seorang lelaki bernama Pratap a/l Pandien (No. K/P:830819-14-
6239) bagi maksud mendapatkan wang tebusan. Oleh yang
demikian kamu telah melakukan kesalahan dan boleh dihukum di
S/N ei4kPgS4wUiylBVr4tngOA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
bawah Seskyen 3(1) Akta Culik 1961 yang dibaca bersama seksyen
34 Kanun Keseksaan”.
[5] Pertuduhan bagi OKT4 pula adalah seperti berikut:
“Bahawa kamu pada 23 Januari 2018 jam lebih kurang 1.30 pagi
bertempat di rumah No. 27 Jalan Ambar 2, Batu 34, Taman Ambar,
Dengkil di dalam daerah Sepang Negeri Selangor telah didapati
menerima dan ada dalam milikan kamu wang tebusan sebanyak
RM27,900.00 hasil jenayah culik bersabit Sg. Buloh 12038/17 dan
dengan itu kamu telah melakukan suatu kesalahan yang boleh
dihukum di bawah seksyen 5 Akta Penculikan 1961 (Akta 365)”.
Kes pendakwaan.
[6] Kejadian bermula pada 12.12.2017 lebih kurang 8.30 malam ketika
SP1 keluar menaiki motorsikalnya untuk merokok tidak jauh dari bengkel,
apabila dia telah mendengar bunyi jeritan dalam Tamil dan nampak
sekumpulan 3 individu yang bertopeng sedang memaksa seorang lelaki
berbangsa Tamil (kemudian mangsa dicamkan sebagai Pratap SP12)
masuk ke kereta MyVi 6365 yang enjinnya sedang hidup kerana SP1
nampak lampu belakang kereta dalam keadaan menyala.
[7] Pada ketika itu, terdapat 2 kereta yang dilihat SP1 iaitu MyVi kuning
tersebut dan Pajero putih 1207 yang berada di belakang bengkel di
kawasan perumahan berkenaan. Menurut SP1, tempat kejadian dan
tempat dia memberhentikan motorsikalnya dalam jarak 30-40 meter. Dia
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kenal mangsa kerana tinggal dalam satu kawasan perumahan sama dan
terdapat pencahayaan berhampiran tempat kejadian membolehkan dia
melihat kejadian.
[8] Oleh kerana takut, SP1 berpatah balik ke bengkel dan beritahu
sahabatnya Jeevan Raj SP2 apa yang telah diperhatikan oleh SP1. SP2
kenal mangsa kerana mereka dari tempat tinggal yang sama iaitu Bandar
Baru Sg Buloh dan ada ketika lepak bersama. SP2 menaiki motorsikalnya
menuju ke tempat kejadian dan hanya menemui kereta Mitsubushi pajero
milik Pratap manakala kereta MyVi tidak kelihatan. SP2 kemudiannya
telah menelefon Saravanan Airoli SP3 memaklumkan kejadian kerana
Pratap dan Saravanan bersaudara dan SP2 minta SP3 menelefon
mangsa Pratap.
[9] Dalam cubaan SP3 mengesan Pratap melalui telefon oleh SP3
tetapi gagal, SP3 telah menelefon bapa Pratap iaitu Panndien a/l
Govindasamy menceritakan apa yang berlaku dan meminta Panddien
cuba menghubungi Pratap tetapi juga gagal. SP3 ketika tiba di lokasi
kejadian telah melihat kereta Pajero putih WTW 1207 milik Pratap. Ia
disusuli dengan usaha mengesan kereta MyVi kuning dengan nombor
yang dikatakan di sekitar Sg Buloh oleh SP2 dan SP3 juga gagal. SP3
kemudian meneruskan usaha mengesan Pratap di sekitar Selayang
hingga ke Rawang, berseorangan selama sejam tetapi tidak menemui
kereta MyVi tersebut.
[10] SP4 pula ialah isteri kepada mangsa Pratap dan telah mengecam
kereta Mitsubushi Pajero putih nombor 1207 milik Pratap. Kali akhir
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melihat Pratap ialah ketika dia balik pada 12.12.2017 pada jam lebih
kurang 5.30 petang sebelum dia (Pratap) balik semula ke tempat kerja
untuk meneruskan tugasnya. Menurut SP4, kebiasaannya Pratap akan
balik pada jam 10.00pm tetapi pada hari tersebut dia masih belum pulang
pada jam 12.00am.
[11] SP4 cuba menghubunginya tetapi gagal. Ini mengakibatkan SP4
menelefon bapa mertuanya dan telah diberitahu oleh bapa mertuanya
Panndien Govindasamy (SP10), bahawa suaminya Pratap telah diculik.
SP4 hanya bertemu dengan suaminya 21 hari kemudian pada 3.1.2018
di rumah bapa mertuanya Bukit Rahman Putra dalam keadaan tidak
terurus dan kurus.
[12] En. Panndien SP10 pada jam lebih kurang 8.45 malam 12.12.2017
berada bersama anaknya Pratap di Pejabat mereka. SP10 dan anaknya
Pratap (SP12) kemudian telah balik ke rumah masing-masing. Semasa
SP10 sedang mengadap makan malamnya jam lebih kurang 9 .00 malam,
telah menerima satu panggilan telefon dari orang yang tidak dikenalinya
menyatakan SP12 berada dalam tangan mereka. SP10 tidak percaya dan
terus meletakkan telefon.
[13] SP10 kemudian menerima panggilan daripada anak saudaranya
bernama Saravanan SP3 menceritakan cubaan SP3 memanggil Pratap
melalui telefon setelah dimaklumkan oleh SP1 melihat Pratap ditarik
masuk ke dalam kereta MyVi kuning tetapi tidak berjaya dihubungi SP3.
SP10 kemudian cuba menghubungi anaknya beberapa kali tapi masih
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gagal sehinggalah SP10 menerima panggilan dari suspek penculik yang
meminta wang tebusan RM10 juta jika gagal, anak SP10 akan dibunuh.
[14] SP10 telah membuat laporan polis pada 13.12.2018 jam 3.45 pagi.
Walau bagaimanapun, SP10 juga telah menceritakan kejadian ini kepada
Supt. Somu SP13 yang telah memberi arahan kepada anggotanya Insp.
Praba SP17 untuk mengetuai unit tindakan. Pada ketika ini, SP10
sebelum membuat laporan polis, telahpun lebih awal diarahkan oleh Insp.
Praba (SP17) untuk berada di lokasi bilik Hotel Damansara untuk
memantau panggilan berikutnya. SP10 menerima panggilan seterusnya
jam 12.40 mengulangi permintaan wang tebusan RM10juta. SP10 telah
menawarkan RM50,000.00 tetapi pemanggil enggan menerima jumlah ini
dan mematikan panggilan. SP10 dapat mengecam suara pemanggil yang
berbeza daripada panggilan awal.
[15] Panggilan seterusnya pada jam 4.00pagi meminta jumlah yang
lebih tinggi RM20 juta tetapi SP10 hanya bersetuju menawarkan RM50
ribu. Beberapa panggilan telah berlangsung di antara suspek dan SP10
di mana akhirnya pada 23.12.2017 SP10 telah bersetuju pada jumlah
RM300,000.00. SP10 telah menyediakan wang sejumlah ini melalui wang
bayaran gaji pekerja RM100,000 yang telah sedia ada dikeluarkan pada
4.12.2017 dan wang RM200,000 yang dikeluarkan kemudian pada
28.12.2017 melalui Hong Leong Bank. Insp Praba telah mengambil
gambar wang yang terlibat yang diikat dalam 60 ikatan mengandungi
RM5000.00 setiap satu ikatan dikemukakan sebagai ID151.
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[16] Beberapa siri panggilan kemudian berlaku untuk tujuan membuat
serahan wang tebusan ini bermula dengan R&R Port Dickson ke tol Ayer
Keroh. Apabila tiada arahan diterima ketika SP10 di tol Ayer Keroh, SP10
telah balik. Keesokannya SP10 diarahkan oleh penculik untuk ke tol Bukit
Raja kemudian ke tol Ipoh dan ketika ini SP10 mendapati dia diekori dari
jauh oleh beberapa buah kereta. Di tol Ipoh juga tiada panggilan
seterusnya yang datang mengakibatkan SP10 balik semula ke rumahnya.
[17] Di rumah SP10, Insp Praba telah bertemu dengan SP10 dan
memaklumkan penemuan Insp Praba bahawa kereta Pajero milik Pratap
telah ditemui dibakar. SP10 turut menerima panggilan daripada penculik
menyatakan kejadian kereta Pajero yang telah dibakar oleh mereka dan
ingatan mereka kepada SP10 untuk tidak melibatkan pihak polis jika tidak
anak SP10 akan dibunuh.
[18] SP10 menerima panggilan berikutnya untuk ke Batu Caves
bersama wang tebusan tersebut tetapi apabila tiba di lokasi, tiada arahan
lanjut diberi yang mengakibatkan SP10 balik semula ke rumah. Pada
1.1.2018 jam lebih kurang 2.30 pagi SP10 menerima panggilan akhir dari
penculik yang mengarahkan SP10 untuk ke Batu Caves semula dan
diarahkan menuju ke satu jambatan sebelum Petronas dan akhirnya
diarahkan menjatuhkan bag berisi duit tersebut dari jambatan tersebut.
[19] Pada 3.1.2018, SP10 menerima panggilan telefon dari penculik
menyatakan Pratap (SP12) berada di hentian Bemban. SP10 kemudian
turut menerima panggilan dari anaknya yang menggunakan handphone
salah seorang peniaga di R&R tersebut untuk membuat panggilan,
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menyatakan dia berada di Bemban. SP10 terus menuju ke hentian
Bemban dan bertemu dengan Pratap di situ lalu dibawa ke hospital untuk
pemeriksaan, atas arahan IO.
[20] SP12 menyatakan pada 12.12.2017 lebih kurang jam 8.45pm ketika
hendak balik ke rumahnya, SP12 yang berada dalam kereta Pajeronya
sedang menelefon salah seorang pelanggannya dalam kereta yang
dihentikan di belakang deretan kedai, apabila cermin tingkap belah
pemandu yang dalam kedaan bertutup, diketuk 2 kali oleh seorang lelaki
India yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai ‘polis’ sambil menunjukkan kad
pengenalan diri, kad ini tidak jelas dilihat oleh SP12.
[21] SP12 telah menurunkan cerminnya dan lelaki tersebut kemudian
telah memasukkan tangannya melalui tingkap dan membuka pintu kereta
tersebut. SP12 keluar dan lelaki tersebut terus memegang dan menekan
tengkuk SP12 ke bawah. Tangan SP12 kemudiannya digarikan ke
belakang oleh lelaki ini. Lelaki ini dilihat SP12 berkulit cerah dan agak
tinggi. Ketika itu juga datang 3 lagi lelaki bertopeng dari arah belakang
lalu menolak SP12 ke bawah. Lelaki yang menggarikan tangan SP12
dicamkan oleh SP12 sebagai OKT8 (OKT8 telah mengaku salah atas
pertuduhan pilihan seksyen 365 KK).
[22] Kemudian 3 lelaki-lelaki ini telah menarik SP12 masuk ke kereta My
Vi kuning dan ketika ini SP12 dapat melihat mereka merupakan bangsa
India. Di dalam kereta, telefon bimbit SP12 telah diambil dan panggilan
telefon dibuat kepada SP10 iaitu bapa Pratap memberitahu anaknya iaitu
SP12 telah diculik dan meminta wang tebusan dibayar. Mereka kemudian
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memakaikan sarung muka ke atas SP12 dan meletakkan selotape pada
[23] Setelah lebih kurang 35 minit, SP12 dapat mendengar gate dibuka
dan dia dikeluarkan daripada kereta dan didudukkan dalam sebuah
rumah dengan kipas terpasang. SP12 tahu dia tidak bersendirian kerana
boleh mendengar seseorang bernafas di sebelahnya. Setelah beberapa
jam, SP12 dibangunkan dan masuk ke dalam kereta dan bergerak ke
sebuah rumah lain kerana perjalanan yang diambil lama dan dia (SP12)
telah dibawa naik tangga ke atas ke sebuah bilik.
[24] Meskipun sepanjang masa SP12 berada dalam keadaan mata
bertutup dan tangan bergari, tetapi SP12 pasti terdapat 2 orang
mengawalnya kerana SP12 telah bertanya kenapa dia diculik dan kedua-
dua suspek ini telah menyatakan mereka ingin dapatkan wang tebusan
RM500,000 atau RM1,000,000.00.
[25] SP12 kemudian telah dibawa ke satu tempat lain kerana SP12
terpaksa tunduk untuk memasuki rumah ini. SP12 dibawa masuk ke
sebuah bilik yang mempunyai katil dan disuruh baring. Selang masa,
SP12 kemudian dibawa ke satu rumah lain kerana dia dapat mendengar
bunyi ‘shutters’ ditarik untuk buka dan kemudian, ditutup. SP12 turut
mendengar bunyi tong gas disusun. Ini didengar berulang kali. SP12 turut
mendengar bunyi skru dibuka dengan ‘screw gun’ untuk menanggalkan
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[26] Di premis ini, SP12 dalam keadaan dipakai topeng dan mata berlilit
serta bergari, juga telah ditendang di belakang oleh seseorang dan bila
ditanya kenapa, dia menyatakan ‘bapa kamu masih belum bayar lagi”. Dia
juga mengugut menyatakan ‘kalau bapa kamu tidak bayar, tahulah kamu”.
SP12 juga tahu kedatangan 2 lelaki berikut yang kemudiannya mereka
telah menelefon SP10 (Panndien) dan menyuruh SP12 bercakap dengan
bapanya. SP12 semasa bercakap dengan bapanya menyatakan dia
dalam ketakutan.
[27] SP12 menyatakan dia juga dipukul dengan apa yang dirasakan
sebagai kayu, dari pemerhatiannya mendengar bunyi objek ini diketuk di
lantai dan apabila ia diletak di bahu SP12 dengan diugut jika mahu dipukul
dengan objek ini. SP12 diberi makan sekali sehari dan ada masanya
ketika mereka beramai-ramai barulah SP12 diberi makan tengahari.
[28] SP12 hanya diberitahu akan dilepaskan apabila dia diminta bersiap,
mandi tetapi dibatalkan untuk dia dilepaskan kerana dikatakan ada hal
dilakukan ayahnya Panndien. Keesokannya kali kedua mereka beritahu
SP12 akan dilepaskan, SP12 diberi pakaian untuk bersiap meskipun
dalam keadaan tangan bergari dan mata bertutup. Di dalam kereta
tersebut, SP12 telah dibaringkan dan SP12 dapat merasa dia ditutup
dengan jaket. Di dalam perjalanan tersebut, SP12 mendengar perbualan
telefon suspek dengan ayahnya kerana terdengar nama ayahnya disebut
dan diberitahu tempat anaknya akan dilepaskan akan dinyatakan nanti.
[29] Setelah menjalani perjalanan melalui tol untuk beberapa ketika
termasuk berhenti untuk mengisi minyak yang mana kesemuanya
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diperhatikan SP12 melalui pendengaran bunyi menggunakan Touch&Go,
bunyi tank minyak dibuka kerana SP12 masih dalam keadaan bertopeng,
akhirnya kereta berhenti di satu tempat. Ketika masih dalam kereta, SP12
telah diberi amaran untuk tunduk dan jangan melihat kerana suspek
bersenjatakan pisau dan akan menikam SP12 jika berlaku cubaan.
Topeng dan gari SP12 dibuka tetapi mata dililit selotape sebelum SP12
dikeluarkan dari kereta oleh 2 lelaki dan didudukkan di satu tempat.
[30] Setelah SP12 didudukkan, SP12 telah membuka selotape pada
matanya tetapi mendapati kereta tersebut telah meninggalkan lokasi.
SP12 dapati dia berada di lokasi highway di bawah jambatan dan apabila
menyedari terdapat pencahayaan yang terang dari seberang jalan, telah
bertindak melintas laluan highway tersebut ke arah cahaya lampu
tersebut dan meminta bantuan penjual di situ dengan meminjam telefon
untuk menghubungi ayahnya SP10.
[31] SP10 tiba kemudian dan SP10 membawa SP12 ke hospital atas
arahan IO. Hasil pemeriksaan oleh pegawai perubatan SP15 menemui
kesan lecet pada muka dan belakang telinga serta cedera ringan sahaja
yang dikatakan melalui ‘history taking’ akibat dibalut muka dengan
selotape dan dipakaikan topeng. SP15 juga mendapati kesan kecederaan
yang juga bukan akibat semulajadi dan boleh diakibatkan bersentuh
dengan sesuatu seperti jatuh, terhentak, dipukul.
Penemuan wang tebusan: pengecaman wang yang disediakan oleh
SP10 dan wang yang dirampas dari saksi atau suspek jika wang
yang sama dan pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950
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[32] Wang tebusan berjumlah RM300,000.00 yang telah disediakan oleh
SP10 telah diambil gambar oleh SP17 sebelum serahan dibuat di
jambatan dan set gambar ini ditandakan sebagai ID151. Gambar diambil
menggunakan handphone SP17 dan dimajukan kepada IO SP27 melalui
applikasi WhatsApp. Atas dapatan Mahkamah, gambar ini hanya
ditandakan sebagai ID151 melainkan ada keterangan lain yang timbul
atas alasan tiada apa-apa soalan diajukan kepada SP17 berhubung
pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan 1950 bersabit imej ini
dikemukakan dalam bentuk CD dan dihasilkan sebagai gambar ID151.
[33] Meskipun begitu, terdapat wang tebusan yang dirampas daripada
OKT9 dan Sarasbathy SP25, sebagaimana senarai bongkar P200
beserta senarai nombor siri yang dilampirkan (untuk jumlah 706 keping
RM50.00=$35,300.00) dan P202 (untuk 196 keping RM50.00=$9800.00)
jumlah keseluruhan $45,100.00, 558 keping sebagaimana senarai
bongkar P198 (jumlah RM27,900.00). Sejumlah wang 340 keping
RM50.00 (berjumlah $17,000.00) dalam bag sandang ‘Levi’ turut
dikemukakan melalui IO SP27 dan ditandakan sebagai P163A(1-340)
yang dirampas dari rumah Surendran OKT2 oleh SP21.
[34] Keterangan SP25 Sarasbathy menunjukkan pada awal Januari
2018, OKT9 bersama Vasantha telah datang ke rumah SP25
menyerahkan sejumlah wang nota RM50.00 berjumlah RM60,000.00
yang berada dalam ikatan getah dalam sebuah beg. SP25 telah
menyimpan wang yang berada dalam beg tersebut dalam bean bagnya.
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[35] Sejumlah RM50,000.00 kemudian diserah kepada Balan SP24 atas
saranan Sarasbathy dan Vijaya untuk duit digunakan sebagai pinjaman
Ah Long. Baki RM10,000.00 masih disimpan oleh SP25. Baki duit
RM10,000.00 ini dan RM50,000.00 kemudian dirampas masing-masing
dari rumah SP25 dan rumah Balan SP24.
[36] SP19 Murukiah juga telah diserahkan 3 bungkusan plastic hitam
berisi wang oleh Muniandy (OKT5) untuk disimpan sehinggalah
diberitahu. Bungkusan ini telah disimpan oleh SP19 dalam reban ayam
kosong. Atas arahan Muniandy kemudiannya, 2 bungkusan ini telah
diserah kepada seorang wanita India di satu pertemuan R&R manakala
satu bungkusan lagi yang tinggal telah diminta oleh Muniandy untuk
ditanam sehingga arahan lanjut diberi.
[37] Di dalam proses untuk menyerahkan satu bungkusan ini kepada
Muniandy setelah diminta diserahkan di Tesco Senawang, SP19
mendapati plastic hitam koyak dan melihat kepingan RM50.00 di
dalamnya. SP19 menggantikan bungkusan dengan bungkusan beras
jenama ‘Rambutan’ sebelum ditanam semula kerana setelah menunggu
hampir 2 jam, Muniandy tidak muncul di Tesco pada tarikh tersebut.
[38] Daripada keterangan SP21 dan SP27, wang rampasan daripada
saksi ataupun OKT diringkaskan seperti berikut:
a) P197 daripada Lalitha (SP23) berjumlah RM28,600.00
b) P198 daripada OKT4 (SD3) berjumlah RM27,900.00
c) P200 daripada Balan (SP24) berjumlah RM35,000.00
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d) P202 daripada Sarasbathy (SP25) berjumlah RM 9800.00
e) P166 daripada Surendran OKT2 (dalam beg ‘Levi’ berjumlah
[39] SP27 telah memberi keterangan membuat pengecaman
sebahagian no siri wang rampasan ini dengan membandingkan no siri
lampiran pada senarai bongkar dan dibandingkan dengan ID151.
Mahkamah telah membenarkan ini dilakukan oleh SP27 sebagai pegawai
penyiasat kes kerana kedua-dua keterangan SP17 Insp. Praba dan IO
SP27 menyatakan arahan diberi dan diterima untuk merakam gambar
wang tebusan yang disediakan oleh SP10 dan SP17 telah serahkan
rakaman gambar ini kepada SP27. SP17 juga menyatakan handphone
yang digunakannya untuk tujuan ini digunakan dalam keadaan berfungsi
dengan baik. Malahan ini disokong oleh keterangan SP10 sendiri gambar
wang diambil oleh SP17 menggunakan handphone SP17 pada lebih
kurang 28.12.2017.
[40] Meskipun dari segi pematuhan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan
1950, ia masih belum dipatuhi sepenuhnya kerana tiada dinyatakan
handphone ini digunakan dalam keadaan biasa dalam menjalankan
tugasnya dan tiada keterangan dari SP17 bagaimana imej gambar
berubah menjadi printout dalam bentuk ID151, namun SP17 dalam
keterangannya jelas menyatakan dia telah menyusun kepingan wang
RM50.00 ini sebelum gambar diambil dan telah mengecam gambar wang
kertas ini dari segi susunan yang telah dibuatnya.
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[41] SP27 juga mengesahkan telah memberi arahan kepada SP17 untuk
mengambil gambar dan telah menerima gambar wang tebusan yang
disediakan untuk serahan dari SP17 melalui WhatsApp dan CD namun
tanpa perakuan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan. Atas bantahan pihak
pembelaan untuk ID151 diterima sebagai P151, Mahkamah telah
mengarahkan pihak-pihak untuk berhujah lanjut berhubung isu ini. Di
akhir kes pendakwaan, Mahkamah telah menerima ID151 sebagai P151.
[42] Alasan Mahkamah dalam menerima ID151 sebagai P151 ialah:
a) SP17 dan SP27 konsisten berhubung terdapat penyediaan wang
tebusan oleh SP10 yang turut diakui oleh SP10;
b) kedua-dua SP17 dan SP27 konsisten terdapat arahan untuk gambar
diambil menyedari kes ini melibatkan satu kes penculikan dengan wang
c) SP17 telah menyatakan handphonenya dalam keadaan baik apabila
gambar ID151 diambil;
d) SP10 sendiri mengesahkan dia menyerahkan wang tebusan tersebut
kepada SP17 untuk diambil gambar dan gambar telah diambil oleh SP17;
e) wang rampasan dengan lampiran nombor siri beserta senarai bongkar
yang dicatit oleh SP27 di P198 (meskipun sebahagian) adalah konsisten
dengan nombor siri wang yang disediakan sebelum serahan oleh SP10
seperti berikut:
LY 4248085 JL1826708
GE 1940306 JJ1188399
HV 1964730 GQ9515385
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f) jika kewujudan wang RM50.00 ini dengan nombor siri yang selari adalah
diada-adakan oleh pihak polis, ini bermakna mereka berpakat
mewujudkan ID151 serta senarai bongkar dan lampiran lain P200, P201
yang pada pendapat Mahkamah bukan menjadi pembelaan kesemua
OKT dalam mencabar ID151.
[43] Ini ditambah dengan keterangan SP1 bersabit awal kejadian SP1
melihat SP12 ditarik masuk ke dalam kereta MyVi pada 12.12.2017. SP27
yang menunjukkan gambar ID1151 tertera tarikh diambil sebagai
26.12.2017 pada jam 8.40pm selari dengan catatan pada sampul CD
P210 tercatit 13.12.2017 dan 26.12.2017. Ini selari dengan keterangan
SP10 yang menyatakan wang RM100,000.00 untuk gaji pekerja telah
dikeluarkan pada 4.12.2017 manakala RM200,000.00 dikeluarkan dari
Hong Leong Bank lebih kurang pada 28.12.2017 dan gambar turut diambil
pada lebih kurang 28 haribulan.
[44] Pada dapatan Mahkamah, tarikh 28.12.2017 adalah tarikh
berdasarkan ingatan SP10 kerana dia telah menggunakan perkataan
‘lebih kurang’ untuk menggambarkan situasi ini. Namun, Mahkamah
harus sentiasa beringat bahawa sesuatu perbicaraan bukanlah
bersandarkan dengan sendirinya kepada kuatnya ingatan seseorang
saksi kepada sesuatu fakta ‘it is not a trial by memory’. Akta Keterangan
1950 itu sendiri membenarkan apa-apa keterangan kontemporari
‘contemporaneous’ digunakan untuk menunjukkan apa-apa keterangan
saksi sebagai benar, kredibel dan konsisten (‘true, credible and
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[45] Dalam kes ini, SP10 mempunyai resit pengeluaran RM200,000.00
tersebut dan bersedia untuk mengemukakan resit pengeluaran tersebut.
Meskipun terdapat ketinggalan di pihak pendakwaan untuk
mengemukakannya, namun dari segi CD P210 tersebut menunjukkan
keterangan bila gambar-gambar tersebut diambil. Bersandarkan kepada
keseluruhan keterangan ini, Mahkamah berpuashati bahawa ID151
adalah satu dokumen yang kontemporari, kandungannya benar dan
konsisten dengan keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan dan keterangan
dokumentar yang lain.
[46] Berhubung dengan pematuhan kepada seksyen 90A pula,
Mahkamah ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Rayuan Abdul Rahman
Mohd v PP [2021] 1 LNS 804, di mana Mahkamah Rayuan bergantung
kepada dicta oleh Augustine Paul J dalam kes PP v. Ramli Shafie [2002]
8 CLJ 846 yang berhadapan dengan isu sama ada gambar boleh
dikemukakan tanpa memanggil saksi jurugambar. Augustine Paul J
menerima masuk gambar tanpa perlu memanggil jurugambar atau
mengemukakan filem negative kerana gambar ini telah dicamkan oleh
saksi lain dan tanpa gambar-gambar ini dicabar kesahihannya.
[47] Memetik penghakiman Augustine Paul J di dalam kes tersebut yang
menyatakan kebolehterimaan gambar tanpa keperluan memanggil
jurugambar kerana wujud saksi untuk mengesahkan apa yang
dikemukakan melalui gambar ini adalah satu pernyataan fakta yang benar
menjadi sandaran mahkamah ini seperti berikut:
“In further elaboration, I refer to a passage from Evidence: Proof and Practice
by Graham Roberts at p 545:
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A question that arises where photographs are to be tendered is whether it is
necessary to call the photographer. Generally speaking, there is no need to call
the photographer provided that a witness is available who can testify that what
is shown on the photograph is a fair and accurate representation of the scene
at the relevant time. Calling the photographer will generally only be necessary
when no such witness is available or in special cases when technical details of
the photographer's art are likely to be in question. In other words, what is
required, in the usual case, of a witness through whom a photograph is to be
tendered is first-hand knowledge of what is shown in the photograph rather than
first-hand knowledge of the taking of the photograph (see JW McElhaney, Trial
Notebook (2nd Ed, Litigation Section of the American Bar Association, 1987)
pp 202-203)”.
[48] Di dalam kes Abdul Rahman (supra), apa yang dapat dirumuskan
oleh Mahkamah ini ialah Mahkamah Rayuan dengan lebih lanjut
menyatakan kesahihan sesuatu gambar adalah isu utama yang perlu
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah meskipun pematuhan kepada seksyen 90A
Akta Keterangan tidak dipatuhi sepenuhnya. Sebagai contoh, gambar
kejadian bunuh semestinya akan diterima masuk sebagai sahih dan benar
kerana tidak akan ada pihak-pihak yang akan mewujudkan senario
seumpamanya yang menjadikan isu kesahihan gambar tersebut (no
parties would recreate or re-enact the scene to suggest challenge to the
authenticity of the photographs).
[49] Mahkamah ini bersetuju bahawa isu pokok yang perlu diputuskan
meskipun dengan kewujudan seksyen 90A Akta Keterangan ialah jika
gambar-gambar ID151 ini memberi cerita yang benar dan bukan diada-
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adakan. Untuk ini juga, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan pihak
pendakwaan yang merujuk kepada kes PP v Lin Lian Chen [1990] 2CLJ
1020 dan memutuskan ID151 boleh dikemukakan melalui IO SP27
apabila Mohtar Abdullah J menyatakan seperti berikut:
“Mohd. Noor bin Jantan must be viewed in the light of the observation stated by
Suffian LP himself:
... in our judgment it is immaterial whether or not the statement is a public document
- for the principle is that a witness who has any document which is within his
possession or power which is required by the defence and which is material to the
defence, is bound to produce it; and this rule applies whether or not the document is
public or private - save that in the case of a document within the possession or power
of Government, Crown privilege may in certain circumstances be claimed. It is not
suggested that the cautioned statement here is protected by Crown privilege.
In the present case, the investigating officer had the cautioned statement " within his
possession or power” ...
Following Suffian LP's observation, for the purpose of the present case, the
principle can be restated as follows:
the principle is that any witness (including an investigating officer) who has
any document (including a cautioned statement of an accused person) which is
within his possession or power which is required by the defence and which is
material to the defence, is bound to produce it...” (emphasis mine)
[50] Dengan mengambil kira cabaran oleh pihak pembelaan berhubung
wang ini melalui soalan semasa pemeriksaan balas saksi-saksi
pendakwaan iaitu ia sebagai satu perangkap yang diaturkan oleh Insp
Praba SP17 dan SP12 mangsa Pratap sendiri (yang dinafikan oleh kedua-
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duanya), wang ini adalah wang yang diberikan polis sebagai perangkap
(yang turut dinafikan), wang yang ditemui dalam bakul di bilik Lalitha SP23
ini yang diletakkan oleh anak lelaki atau anak perempuan SP23 (dinafikan
saksi), maka adalah jelas pembelaan sebenarnya tidak mencabar
kewujudan sejumlah wang dalam bentuk nota RM50.00 ini. Berdasarkan
keseluruhan prinsip dalam kes yang dirujuk di atas, Mahkamah ini
memutuskan semasa pembelaan dipanggil, untuk ID151 diterima masuk
sebagai P151.
Pembuktian kes di bawah seksyen 3 dan seksyen 5 Akta Culik
[51] Bagi pertuduhan ke atas OKT1-3, iaitu melarikan secara salah
‘abduction’, maksud ‘abduction’ di bawah Akta Culik ialah sebagaimana
takrifan di dalam Kanun Keseksaan apabila seksyen 2 Akta
“wrongful restraint”, “wrongful confinement” and “abduction” shall have the
meanings assigned to them in sections 339, 340 and 362 respectively of
the Penal Code [Act 574].
[52] Seksyen 3 Akta yang sama memperuntukkan seperti berikut:
Section 3. Abduction, wrongful restraint or wrongful confinement for
(1) Whoever, with intent to hold any person for ransom, abducts or
wrongfully confines or wrongfully restrains such person shall be guilty of
an offence and shall be punished on conviction with imprisonment for a
term of not less than thirty years but not exceeding forty years and with
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Section 362. Abduction.
Whoever by force compels or by any deceitful means induces any person
to go from any place, is said to abduct that person.
[53] Seksyen 5 pertuduhan OKT4 pula memperuntukkan:
Section 5. Knowingly receiving ransom.
(1) Whoever receives, has possession of or disposes of any money or
property or any proceeds thereof, which has at any time been delivered
as ransom in connection with any offence punishable under section 6,
knowing that such money or other property has at any time been delivered
as such ransom, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be punished on
conviction with imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and shall
also be liable to whipping.
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), a person found to be in possession
of any money or property or any proceeds thereof which has at any time
been delivered as ransom shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed
to have knowledge that such money or other property was delivered as
such ransom.
Seksyen 2 Akta pula mentakrifkan:
“ransom” means any money, price or consideration paid or demanded for
the release of a person abducted or wrongfully confined or wrongfully
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[54] Mahkamah melalui penilaian maksima ke atas kredibiliti keterangan
oleh saksi-saksi pendakwaan khususnya SP12 dan berpuas hati bahawa
SP12 adalah seorang saksi yang kredibel. Keterangan SP1 dan SP12
menunjukkan berlakunya kejadian SP12 dilarikan secara salah. Versi
SP12 pada dapatan Mahkamah adalah saksi yang kredibel kerana
mengambil kira keterangan SP12 mengenai pengamatannya yang
meskipun dalam keadaan mata bertutup, peka pada bunyi-bunyi seperti
shutters ditarik dan ditutup, bunyi tong gas digerakkan yang konsisten
dengan penemuan tempat SP12 dikurung sepertimana di gambar P137.
[55] Keterangan SP10, SP12 dan SP17 selanjutnya juga membuktikan
berlakunya kejadian menahan SP12 secara salah untuk mendapatkan
wang tebusan apabila komunikasi telefon dibuat di antara suspek dengan
SP10 yang turut didengari oleh SP17. Keterangan SP10 adalah material
kerana SP10 adalah saksi yang merundingkan untuk jumlah tebusan
dikurangkan dari jumlah asal yang diperas oleh suspek.
[56] Keterangan SP12 juga memainkan peranan penting kerana telah
dapat mengecam OKT8 Pooganeswaran seorang polis bantuan yang
pada awalnya telah mendekati SP12 dan memperkenalkan diri sebagai
polis yang telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan alternative seksyen 365
KK. Hasil soal siasat atas OKT8 inilah yang membawa kepada lain-lain
suspek yang membawa kepada penemuan wang tebusan yang ditemui
dalam keadaan tersorok. Penemuan gari dan ski mask juga menyokong
versi kejadian oleh SP12.
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[57] Identiti OKT-OKT pula ditentukan melalui pengecaman melalui
penemuan DNA mangsa beserta DNA OKT1 (Jevan), OKT4 (Pirankash),
OKT8 (Poonganeswaran) dan suspek Rovin Jothy. Fakta penemuan DNA
OKT-OKT lain adalah relevan kerana menunjukkan berlakunya
penculikan dengan melarikan secara salah SP12. Di samping itu,
perbuatan OKT1 (Jevan) dan isterinya OKT4 (Vijaya), OKT2 (Surendran)
dan OKT5 (Muniandy) membawa polis kepada penemuan sebahagian
wang tebusan dalam keadaan jumlah yang besar dan tersorok dengan
nombor siri selari dengan nombor siri wang dalam P151 (lihat bermula
para 32 penghakiman ini) membuktikan kesemua memainkan peranan
melarikan dan menahan dengan salah, mangsa SP12 kerana mempunyai
pengetahuan mengenai wang tebusan ini yang ditemui dalam keadaan
[58] Untuk tujuan ini, anggapan seksyen 5(2) juga terpakai terhadap
OKT4 (lihat para 78 penghakiman dan kes Krishna Rao yang disahkan
oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan di [2009] 2CLJ 603, Pulukuri Kotayya v.
King Emperor [1947] 74 IA 65 dan Amathevelli a/p P Ramasamy v
Public Prosecutor [2009] 2 MLJ 367 berhubung kenyataan yang boleh
diterima masuk oleh Mahkamah ini berhubung seksyen 27 Akta
Keterangan dan seksyen 8 Akta yang sama sebagaimana diputuskan
dalam ‘ruling’ Mahkamah semasa prosiding bicara berlangsung).
[59] Meskipun jumlah wang yang dipadankan dengan nombor siri bukan
berjumlah RM300,000.00 namun sebahagian besarnya telah diteliti dan
dibuat perbandingan oleh SP27 dan disahkan semasa SP27 memberi
keterangan. Tindakan OKT-OKT dalam kes ini memecahkan jumlah wang
tebusan dengan membuat ‘layering’ melibatkan pengagihan kepada isteri
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atau ahli keluarga serta sahabat melibatkan motif bertujuan untuk
mengelakkan wang rampasan ini daripada mudah dikesan. Oleh itu,
Mahkamah ini berpuashati bahawa satu kes di bawah seksyen 3 dan
seksyen 5 dibuktikan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan memanggil OKT-OKT
untuk membela diri (lihat: Ting Khai Sin & Ors v Public Prosecutor
[2015] 2 MLJ 417).
Kes pembelaan
[60] Kesemua tertuduh membuat permohonan untuk OKT-OKT yang
mengaku salah serta Rovin Jothy dikemukakan. Pihak pendakwaan
menyatakan akan mengemukakan kenyataan 112 mereka kepada pihak
pembelaan memandangkan OKT-OKT ini serta Rovin Jothy pada tarikh
ditawarkan kepada pembelaan, tidak dibawa ke Mahkamah (lihat tentang
keperluan mengemukakan saksi-saksi ini semasa ditawarkan: Ti Chuee
Hiang v PP 1995 2MLJ 433 (SC), PP v Asnawi Yusuf [2012] 3CLJ 41
[61] Apa yang dapat disimpulkan oleh Mahkamah ini ialah OKT-OKT
awal yang lain ini telah mengaku salah atas pertuduhan pilihan seksyen
365KK dan fakta kes yang dikemukakan menunjukkan mangsa yang
terlibat ialah Pratap SP12. Oleh itu, versi SP12 bahawa dia dilarikan dan
dikurung adalah kredibel. Malahan soal balas atas OKT2 juga bersetuju
bahawa terdapat wang yang dirampas dari bilik sembahyang rumahnya,
OKT4 (Pirakhas) melalui fakta yang dikemukakan juga menyatakan
terdapat permintaan untuk wang tebusan dibuat dan fakta kes OKT8
(Pooganeswaran) menunjukkan wang habuan RM33,000.00 yang
dirampas daripadanya yang disahkan sebagai wang tebusan melalui
nombor siri oleh SP27.
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[62] Semasa kes pembelaan, OKT5 Muniandy (dalam pertuduhan asal
atau OKT3 dalam pertuduhan terkini) telah meninggal dunia sebelum
sempat memberi keterangan. Atas permintaan Peguambela dan TPR
untuk perintah pelepasan tidak terjumlah kepada pembebasan
direkodkan, Mahkamah memerintahkan OKT3 dilepas tanpa dibebaskan
[63] OKT4 (dirujuk sebagai SD3) pula menyatakan menerima sejumlah
wang RM100,000.00 sebagaimana pertuduhan daripada ‘Jack’ atau
Rovin Jothy untuk tujuan membayar duit peguam bagi Jevan dan
Sundramurti. Namun, OKT4 menyatakan tidak mengenali ‘Jack’. Pada
masa yang sama, sejumlah RM30,000.00 diserah pada Lalita (SP23)
kerana rumah Lalita terletak dalam perjalanan ke Pejabat peguam Dato’
[64] Dari baki RM70,000.00, sejumlah RM15,000.00 pula, menurut SD3
(OKT4) telah dibayar pada Dato’ Baljit, sejumlah RM5,000.00 dengan
pecahan RM1,000.00 OKT4 (SD3) telah simpan dalam kereta manakala
RM4,000.00 lagi dibelanjakan. Baki RM50,000.00 diagihkan pada ahli
keluarganya termasuk makciknya Vasantha dan ini termasuk
RM10,000.00 yang diserahkan oleh Vasantha kepada Sarasbathy
[65] Apabila disoal balas oleh TPR, SD3 menyatakan tidak membayar
seluruh wang yang diserahkan oleh Jack kepada Dato’ Baljit kerana
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arahan Dato’ Baljit ialah untuk membuat bayaran secara ansuran
berdasarkan permintaan yang akan dibuat oleh Dato’ Baljit. Tiada
bantahan oleh mana-mana pihak berhubung kenyataan SD3 ini. Walau
bagaimanapun, di akhir kes pembelaan, Mahkamah terpaksa menolak
keterangan SD3 ini kerana ‘hearsay’ atau dengar cakap kerana Dato’
Baljit tidak dipanggil (see: PP v Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim (No.3) (1999)
2MLJ 1)
[66] Keterangan SD3 dibandingkan dengan soalbalas peguam OKT
terhadap SP25 tidak membawa kepada cabaran bahawa jumlah
RM10,000.00 telah diserahkan kepada SP25 oleh SD3. Sebagai
tambahan, Mahkamah berpendapat adalah sesuatu yang tidak
munasabah untuk ‘Jack’ atau Rovin Jothy menyerah sejumlah besar
wang RM100,000.00 kepada SD3 atas alasan untuk mendapatkan
perkhidmatan peguam bagi Jevan (OKT1) dan Sundramurti (adik Rovin)
meskipun OKT1 ialah suami SD3 sedangkan SD3 sendiri menyatakan
tidak mengenali Jack ‘Rovin Jothy’ dan Jack sendiri adalah salah seorang
tangkapan dalam kes ini.
[67] Malahan, SD1 OKT1 sendiri turut menyatakan tidak mengenali
Rovin Jothy maka adalah sesuatu di luar norma untuk Rovin Jothy
memberi jumlah besar ini untuk membantu orang yang tiada hubungan
dengannya. SD3 juga bersetuju Rovin Jothy tidak perlu menyerahkan
sejumlah wang kepada SD3 kerana Rovin Jothy sendiri boleh melantik
peguam untuk adiknya Sundramurti.
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[68] Keterangan SD3 juga menyatakan telah memberikan baki
RM50,000.00 kepada Vasantha dan Vasantha telah berikan
RM10,000.00 kepada Sarasbathy SP25. Keterangan SP25 ini tidak
dicabar dalam solabalas pembelaan dari segi perbuatan SD3 yang
apabila ditanya oleh SP25 duit apa, SD3 hanya diam tersenyum dan
keadaan SD3 di dalam van polis pada hari rampasan di rumah SP25 yang
bergari dan menangis sambil memohon maaf kepada SP25. Oleh itu,
penafian SD3 semasa kes pembelaan apabila disoalbalas oleh TPR yang
mencadangkan SD3 tahu ia wang hasil penculikan SP12 tidak disokong
oleh apa-apa keterangan.
[69] Keterangan OKT1 SD1 pula menyatakan dia sering keluar dengan
Muniandy untuk minum dan kereta dipandu oleh Muniandy. Namun tiada
apa-apa keterangan yang ditawarkan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana
rambut dengan kesan DNA mangsa boleh ditemui dalam kereta Wira milik
Muniandy meskipun terdapat cadangan kepada SP27 IO bahawa rambut
OKT1 telah diletakkan dalam kereta tersebut (it was planted), yang tidak
dipersetujui oleh SP27.
[70] Di dalam PSD1 (kenyataan saksi OKT1) menyatakan darah dan
rambutnya telah diambil oleh pihak polis tanpa dimaklumkan apa
tujuannya. Perlu diingat bahawa OKT1 menyatakan sering menaiki kereta
ini. Atas jawapan OKT1 yang bertentangan dengan cadangan bahawa
rambutnya (dan bukan rambut mangsa SP12) diletakkan dalam kereta
Wira ini oleh pihak polis, Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa OKT1
mengubah cerita pada saat akhir ketika kes pembelaan menjadikan
pembelaannya tidak konsisten dengan versinya sendiri.
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[71] Oleh itu, dengan dapatan Mahkamah berhubung isu ini sebagai
pemikiran terkemudian, maka Mahkamah menerima versi pendakwaan
berhubung penemuan rambut milik SP12 mangsa dan OKT1 di tempat
duduk belakang sebagai munasabah. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat
rumusan terdapat bukti menunjukkan mangsa SP12 berada bersama
OKT1 dalam kereta Wira milik Muniandy.
[72] SD1 iaitu OKT1 juga menyatakan telah meminta adik Rovin Jothy
(Sundramurti) untuk membantunya mendapatkan khidmat peguam dan
SD1 menyatakan SD3 telah memberitahunya Jack iaitu Rovin Jothy telah
memberikan wang RM100,000.00 untuk lantik peguam. SD3
mengulanginya dalam pembelaan SD3 namun semasa soalbalas, SD3
menyatakan tidak tahu wang ini untuk tujuan lantik peguam.
[73] Meskipun pembelaan SD3 menyatakan Sundramurti telah
menelefonnya dan beritahu abangnya Jack akan beri RM100,000.00
kepada OKT3 untuk dibayar kepada peguam untuk Jevan (OKT1) dan
Sundramurti, yang mana berdasarkan senarai bongkar D218,
menunjukkan 3 resit bayaran kepada Shukor, Baljit & Partners masing-
masing bertarikh 8.1.18, 12.1.18 dan 15.1.18 untuk jumlah RM5,000.00,
RM7,000.00 dan RM3,000.00, namun tiada mana-mana wakil dari firma
ini yang dipanggil untuk mengesahkan arahan bayaran berkala ini (lihat
para 65 penghakiman ini).
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[74] Pembelaan SD3 ini tidak pernah dicadangkan kepada SP23 kerana
SD3 menyatakan kerana dia (SD3) takut menyimpan jumlah yang besar
dan oleh kerana rumah SP23 berada dalam laluan ke Pejabat peguam
menyebabkan SD3 meminta SP23 menyimpannya. Namun, versi SP23
ialah SD3 hanya datang ke rumahnya pada 14.1.18 untuk mandi dan tiada
keterangan kedatangan SD3 pada tarikh-tarikh lain sebagaimana yang
tercatit di resit 8.1.18, 12.1.18 dan 15.1.18.
[75] SP23 percaya wang tersebut ialah wang SD3 kerana nampak SD3
menunjukkan ke arah almari tersebut kepada polis SP27. Atas alasan ini,
Mahkamah memutuskan versi SD3 bahawa SP23 tahu mengenai wang
tersebut kerana telah diserahkan kepada SP23 dan dia tahu untuk tujuan
bayaran peguam tidak dibuktikan dan tidak berjaya menimbulkan apa-apa
keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan. Sebaliknya, ia
menunjukkan pengetahuan di pihak OKT4.
[76] Pembelaan OKT2 pula ialah meskipun mengenali Jevan iaitu OKT1,
namun menafikan terlibat dengan penculikan ini. Walau bagaimanapun,
OKT2 semasa soal balas bersetuju terdapat rampasan sejumlah wang
dari bilik sembahyang rumahnya. Namun, telah menafikan dia yang
meletakkan sejumlah wang dalam bag pouch dan plastik oren tersorok
dalam bilik sembahyang tersebut. Namun, pembelaan OKT2 ini tidak pula
mencadangkan bagaimana wang ini boleh ditemui berada dalam keadaan
tersorok dalam rumahnya. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat dapatan
bahawa wang ini telah disorokkan oleh OKT2 sendiri.
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[77] Kedua-dua OKT1 dan OKT2 memberi keterangan bahawa mereka
telah dipukul dengan teruk oleh pihak polis untuk membuat pengakuan.
OKT1 menyatakan telah mengadu kepada Majistret semasa tahanan
reman berlangsung melibatkan reman OKT1, OKT2 dan Sundramurti.
OKT2 pula menyatakan dia juga telah dipukul tetapi tidak berani mengadu
kepada Majistret kerana bimbang akan membawa kepada kes kematian
semasa dalam tahanan.
[78] Mahkamah berpendapat alasan OKT2 ini tidak munasabah kerana
jika tahanan reman dibuat serentak ke atas OKT1, OKT2 dan Sundramurti
maka OKT2 sepatutnya menggunakan peluang yang sama bersama
OKT1 untuk memajukan aduannya dipukul kepada Majistret tetapi ini
tidak berlaku. Oleh itu, Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa alasan
OKT2 dia juga telah dipukul untuk membuat pengakuan tidak
menimbulkan apa-apa keraguan yang munasabah lebih-lebih lagi
semasa IO SP27 memberi keterangan berhubung pandu arah, isu
mengenai ‘inducement, not on his own volition’ hanya timbul selepas
beberapa siri soalan dibangkitkan oleh pihak pendakwaan dan
Mahkamah bertujuan untuk mengetahui asas atau sebab bantahan yang
dibangkitkan oleh pembelaan.
[79] Atas bantahan OKT1 pula yang dia dipukul, tiada laporan polis yang
dikatakan dibuat pada tahun 2018 yang dikemukakan atas alasan tercicir
di penjara manakala surat yang dikatakan disediakan oleh peguam D216
untuk tujuan mendapatkan salinan pula hanya bertarikh 27.3.2023
selepas pembelaan OKT dipanggil. Keterangan OKT1 dengan merujuk
kepada gambar P135(5&6) bahawa dia mengalami kecederaan lebam
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pada muka, di mata, pipi dan punggung terkoyak ‘ligament tear’ dan
kecederaan tangan hanya boleh diterima masuk setakat ia dapat dilihat
pada P135 manakala kecederaan ‘ligament tear’ pada punggung bukan
suatu yang jelas nyata tanpa laporan perubatan.
[80] Oleh itu, dengan mengetepikan kecederaan ‘ligament tear’ pada
punggung kerana tidak disokong oleh apa-apa keterangan, kecederaan
pada OKT1 menurut kes PP v Krishna Rao Gurumurthi & Ors
[2000]1CLJ 446 di mana Kang Hwee Gee J membuat dapatan hanyalah
satu kecederaan yang tidak serius berbangkit daripada keperluan polis
yang bertindak dalam menjalankan tugas mendapatkan maklumat
sebagaimana yang diputuskan seperti berikut:
“Far from being of trifling weight, the two sets of information provided by the
respective accused in the instant case were of enormous value to the
prosecution whose case may stand or fall by them. Their probative value
certainly outweighs their prejudicial effect. There is in my judgement therefore
no valid ground to reject them on the basis that they may not have been given
voluntarily by the respective accused.
In any case, I could not find any evidence of any form of oppression beyond
that which was reasonably expected and required by the police to obtain
information to find the killers of the four persons…"
[81] Mahkamah bersetuju kecederaan yang ada pada OKT1 hanyalah
satu kecederaan yang tidak mudarat dibandingkan dengan keperluan
untuk polis bertindak mendapatkan maklumat dalam menjalankan
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siasatannya. Oleh itu, apa-apa keterangan yang datang daripada OKT1
berbangkit daripada tindakan polis hingga mengakibatkan kecederaan ini
adalah satu tindakan perlu untuk memastikan penjenayah dapat
dikenalpasti dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan meskipun pihak polis telah
ada suspek lain Rovin Jothy dan Sundramurti yang dapat membantu
siasatan dari segi pengemukaan maklumat.
Peranan Rovin Jothy
[82] Mahkamah ini meskipun bersetuju dengan cadangan pihak
pembelaan bahawa Rovin Jothy adalah saksi yang material, namun tanpa
keterangan Rovin Jothy di Mahkamah tidak menjadikan terdapat
kelompangan dalam kes pendakwaan kerana elemen di bawah seksyen
3 dan 5 telah dibuktikan dengan wang tebusan ini telah ditemui melalui
pandu arah oleh saksi atau OKT sendiri.
[83] Keseluruhan keterangan yang ada dan analisa Mahkamah ini,
membawa kepada pendapat Mahkamah bahawa kegagalan pihak
pendakwaan mengemukakan Rovin Jothy (berada dalam tahanan
menurut SP27) dan Sundramurti (tidak dapat dikesan melalui usaha yang
dibuat secara carian iklan) untuk disoal-balas oleh pembelaan ataupun
dipanggil sebagai saksi pembelaan tidak mengakibatkan ruang dan
peluang pihak pembelaan untuk menimbulkan keraguan yang
munasabah terjejas kerana pihak pendakwaan telahpun membuat
tawaran untuk mengemukakan kenyataan 112 saksi (lihat: Siti Aisyah v
PP [2019] 4MLJ 46). Pihak pembelaan tidak ada membuat permohonan
lanjut untuk kenyataan ini. Oleh itu, pihak pendakwaan tidak boleh
dipersalahkan atas kegagalan mengemukakan mereka.
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[84] Kegagalan mengemukakan OKT-OKT lain yang telah mengaku
salah di atas pertuduhan alternative seksyen 365KK juga tidak
membangkitkan anggapan seksyen 114(g) kerana apa jua peranan
mereka telahpun dinyatakan dalam fakta kes yang dikemukakan hasil
daripada pengakuan salah mereka. Dengan ketiadaan anggapan
seksyen 114(g) terpakai, maka tugas pendakwaan untuk menyediakan
dan memanggil mereka sebagai saksi kepada pembelaan, selesai.
[85] Soal balas pembelaan ke atas kesemua nama-nama suspek dan
OKT-OKT seksyen 365KK jikapun wujud keperluan, hanyalah untuk
menyokong pembelaan OKT1-OKT4. Pada tahap ini, setelah analisa
keterangan OKT1-OKT4 itu sendiri dibuat, keterangan pembelaan
mereka adalah tidak konsisten dengan ketidak bersalahan mereka. Oleh
itu, jikapun berlaku kegagalan menyediakan suspek-suspek dan OKT-
OKT seksyen 365KK oleh pihak pendakwaan, ia tidak membawa apa-apa
kesan ke atas kebersalahan OKT1-OKT4 kerana keterangan utama yang
gagal menimbulkan keraguan munsabah yang membawa Mahkamah ini
memutuskan ketiadaan keterangan sokongan dari suspek-suspek dan
OKT-OKT seksyen 365KK tidak memprejudiskan mereka. Memetik
Augustine Paul J yang memutuskan “It must be noted that the question of
corroboration does not arise unless the evidence of the witness requiring
corroboration is itself credible” (lihat: Aziz Muhamad Din v PP
[1997]1CLJ Supp 523).
[86] Atas alasan ini, Mahkamah memutuskan pihak pembelaan telah
gagal menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah berhubung keterangan
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kes pendakwaan dan mensabitkan kesemua tertuduh. Setelah
mendengar hujahan memberatkan dan mitigasi, Mahkamah menjatuhkan
hukuman 30 tahun penjara dari tarikh tangkap dan 3 sebatan rotan bagi
OKT1 dan 2. Bagi OKT4, dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 5 tahun dari tarikh
keputusan (kerana OKT4 berada dalam jaminan).
Refreshing memory
[87] Sebagai tambahan selain daripada analisa keterangan dalam kes
ini, Mahkamah mengambil kesempatan untuk membincangkan mengenai
keperluan saksi memberi keterangan dengan mengambil ikrar bercakap
benar tanpa perlu merasa bebanan untuk mengingati secara terperinci
setiap fakta kerana bimbang dituduh tidak bercakap benar atau
menyembunyikan fakta. Tidak dinafikan, atas lambakan kes yang
berdaftar di Mahkamah menunggu untuk dibicarakan, telah timbul
keperluan untuk saksi mengingatkan semula fakta apabila dipanggil
sebagai saksi. Undang-undang telah mengiktiraf keperluan mengingat
semula ini apabila memperuntukkan seksyen 159 Akta Keterangan 1950
seperti berikut:
Section 159. Refreshing memory.
(1) A witness may while under examination refresh his memory by referring to any
writing made by himself at the time of the transaction concerning which he is
questioned, or so soon afterwards that the court considers it likely that the transaction
was at that time fresh in his memory.
(2) The witness may also refer to any such writing made by any other person and read
by the witness within the time aforesaid, if, when he read it, he knew it to be correct.
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(3) Whenever the witness may refresh his memory by reference to any document, he
may, with the permission of the court, refer to a copy of that document:
Provided the court is satisfied that there is sufficient reason for the non-production of
the original.
(4) An expert may refresh his memory by reference to professional treatises.
[88] Di dalam kes ini, telah timbul keperluan untuk saksi pendakwaan
merujuk kepada dokumen rajah kasar apabila memberi keterangan.
Rajah kasar ini tidak dikemukakan kepada pihak pembelaan di bawah
seksyen 51A KTJ dan TPR, atas bantahan pihak pembelaan jelas
menyatakan tidak bercadang untuk mengemukakannya. Oleh itu, saksi
telah membuat permohonan untuk merujuk kepada rajah kasar tersebut
dengan tujuan ‘refreshing memory’.
[89] Di pihak Mahkamah pula dengan berdasarkan keterangan saksi
yang telah diberi sehinggalah permohonan ‘refreshing memory’ dibuat,
berpendapat dokumen lebih sesuai dikemukakan kerana jika tidak
dikemukakan, Mahkamah akan berada dalam keadaan teragak-agak apa
yang cuba digambarkan oleh saksi. Walau bagaimanapun,
memandangkan pihak pendakwaan tidak bercadang untuk
mengemukakannya sebaliknya membuat rujukan kepada permohonan
saksi untuk ‘refresh his memory’, maka keperluan seksyen 159 Akta
perlulah dipatuhi.
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[90] ‘Refreshing memory’ bukan setakat membaca seksyen 159 secara
kasar dan ‘literal’ iaitu dokumen dirujuk kepada saksi dan saksi melihat
dokumen dan terus menyampaikan apa yang dihasratkan oleh saksi
setelah melihat dokumen ini. Seksyen 159 itu sendiri memberi syarat
untuk pembuktian dokumen ini sama ada dibuat oleh saksi ini sendiri atau
tidak, bila dibuat dan yang lebih utama pihak pembelaan juga berhak
untuk melihat dokumen yang dicadangkan untuk dirujuk oleh saksi (lihat
seksyen 159, 160 dan 161 Akta). Dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini,
apa yang berlaku ialah bacaan secara kasar seksyen 159 itu sendiri
bahawa ia disediakan oleh saksi namun tiada perincian bila ia dibuat
sama ada kontemporari atau tidak.
[91] Atas alasan ini, Mahkamah tidak membenarkan rujukan kepada
dokumen tersebut kerana tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh
seksyen 159 itu sendiri. Selain daripada itu, Mahkamah ini berpendapat
pihak pendakwaan tidak disekat daripada merujuk dan mengemukakan
rajah kasar ini meskipun tidak diserahkan kepada pihak pembelaan
kerana seksyen 51A KTJ bukan satu peruntukan bersabit
kebolehterimaan dokumen sebagai eksibit ‘admissibilibity of documents
as exhibits’ (lihat: PP v. Mohd Fazil Awaludin [2009] 2 CLJ 862. Ini
adalah antara pemerhatian yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah ini dan
dikemukakan untuk panduan.
Bertarikh 28 Disember 2023
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Bagi pihak pendakwaan;
TPR Ho Kwong Chin, TPR Haikal Ismail & TPR Shahrul Ekhsan Hasim
Pejabat Pendakwaan
Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
40512 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Bagi pihak tertuduh 1 & 4:
Dennis Mahen. R & Associates
05-06 5th Floor
TKS Business Centre
Wisma Tan Kim San
No. 518A, 3rd Mile Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah
51200 Kuala Lumpur.
Pagi pihak tertuduh 2:
Tetuan Gabriel Susayan and Partners
No. 61, 2nd Floor Bangunan Ban Guan Hin
Jalan Dato’ Hamzah,
41000 Klang
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
S/N ei4kPgS4wUiylBVr4tngOA
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| 59,227 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-12ANCvC-38-08/2023 | PERAYU Chu Boon Tiong RESPONDEN Tetuan Bahari & Bahari (Menuntut sebagai sebuah firma) | TATACARA SIVIL: Rayuan dari Mahkamah Rendah ke Mahkamah Tinggi – Penghakiman terus di bawah A. 14 k. 1 Kaedah-Kaeedah Mahkamah 2012 − Isu baki yuran guaman yang tertunggak bukanlah seperti perkhidmatan perubatan di mana seseorang pesakit hanya boleh selesai berurusan dengan doktor apabila memperoleh “ubat” selepas “bercakap”/konsultansi dengan doktor. Profesyen peguam adalah lebih daripada itu di mana “ubat” hanya boleh diperoleh daripada Mahkamah. Sebagai “perantara” antara Mahkamah dan anakguam, peguam ialah orang penting yang menyediakan segala dokumen untuk penelitian Mahkamah. | 03/01/2024 | YA Puan Rozi Binti Bainon | |
RAYUAN SIVIL NO.: BA-12ANCvC-38-08/2023
(No. K/P: 710527-04-5149) − PERAYU
(Menuntut sebagai sebuah firma) − RESPONDEN
(Dalam Mahkamah Sesyen Di Petaling Jaya
Dalam Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Guaman Sivil No: BB-A52NCVC-17-01/2023
(Menuntut sebagai sebuah firma) − Plaintif
(No. K/P: 710527-04-5149) − Defendan)
[Yang diputuskan oleh Sazlina binti Syafie, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen,
Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya pada 20-7-2023]
03/01/2024 15:36:19
BA-12ANCvC-38-08/2023 Kand. 16
S/N JZ2o8D8nuE2cXt0GHgBVA
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[1] En. Chu Boon Tiong ialah Defendan dalam kes di Mahkamah
Sesyen Petaling Jaya di mana beliau telah dituntut oleh Tetuan Bahari &
Bahari, sebuah firma guaman (Plaintif).
[2] Tuntutan Tetuan Bahari & Bahari terhadap En. Chu Boon Tiong
ialah untuk baki bayaran guaman berjumlah RM244,180.00.
[3] Plaintif telah memfailkan permohonan interlokutori untuk
memperoleh penghakiman terus terhadap Defendan dan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen telah membenarkan permohonan Plaintif.
[4] Defendan tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah
Sesyen memfailkan rayuannya ke Mahkamah Tinggi ini.
[5] Pada 15-11-2023, saya memutuskan untuk menolak rayuan oleh
Perayu (Defendan) dan keputusan Puan Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen yang
bijaksana (Pn HMS) dikekalkan. Kos rayuan sebanyak RM5,000.00
tertakluk kepada fi alokatur dibayar oleh Perayu (Defendan) kepada
Responden (Plaintif).
Fakta Kes
[6] Pada atau lebih kurang bulan Ogos 2018, Defendan dan 7 yang lain
telah disaman di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur di bawah Saman WA-
22NCC-355-08/2018 mengenai melibatkan tuntutan jumlah pelaburan
sebanyak RM43,136,069.00 yang di antara lainnya telah dibayar kepada
Defendan. Plaintif-plaintif tersebut telah memohon, antara lainnya, suatu
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injunksi, deklarasi, akaun keuntungan atas kemungkiran tugas fidusiari,
perintah pembekuan akaun CDS, perintah halangan dari penjualan,
penyembunyian, penyerah hak milik, pelupusan saham atau dana yang
berkaitan, saham, aset atau kepentingan lain, pemberian penyata
kewangan yang lengkap, pendedahan oleh broker saham berkaitan
dengan pegangan saham Defendan yang berkenaan semuanya
sepertimana dalam Saman tersebut dan juga permohonan interlokutori.
[7] Defendan telah meminta khidmat guaman T/N Bahari & Bahari
(Plaintif) untuk mewakilinya dan adiknya Chu Boon Siong dalam Saman
tersebut dan telah bersetuju membuat bayaran khidmat guaman Plaintif.
[8] Defendan telah membuat sebahagian bayaran invois-invois
tersebut dan Defendan terus meminta khidmat nasihat guaman dari
Plaintif untuk kes-kes lain Defendan.
[9] Defendan telah berkali-kali berjanji untuk membayar Invois tersebut
termasuk dan tidak terhad kepada janji untuk membuat bayaran, tetapi
gagal, abai dan/atau cuai menunaikan janji tersebut.
[10] Oleh itu, Plaintif menuntut terhadap Defendan seperti yang berikut:
(a) Jumlah Baki Bayaran sebanyak RM 244,180.00;
(b) Faedah pada kadar 5% setahun terhadap jumlah sebanyak
RM244,180.00 tersebut dari tarikh akhir matang Invois-invois
tersebut pada 7-2-2019 sehingga tarikh penghakiman;
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(c) Faedah pada kadar 5% setahun terhadap jumlah sebanyak
RM244,180.00 dari tarikh penghakiman sehingga tarikh
penyelesaian penuh;
(d) Kos.
Penghakiman terus:
[11] Pada 28-4-2023, Plaintif memfailkan permohonan untuk
memperoleh penghakiman terus di bawah Aturan 14 kaedah 1 Kaedah-
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
[12] Alasan-alasan permohonan antara lain seperti berikut:
(a) Jumlah keseluruhan yang dituntut masih perlu dijelaskan dan
terhutang daripada Defendan kepada Plaintif;
(b) Defendan tidak mempunyai pembelaan yang bona fide malah
fikir semula serta diestop melalui tindakan-tindakannya
(c) Defendan tidak mempunyai pembelaan; dan
(d) Tidak ada apa-apa isu yang perlu dibicarakan dalam tindakan
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Afidavit Jawapan Defendan:
[13] Dalam afidavit jawapan untuk menentang permohonan
penghakiman terus, Defendan menyatakan perkara yang berikut:
(a) anggaran bayaran berkenaan dengan kuantum yang perlu
dibayar sebagai yuran guaman yang dibincangkan oleh
Defendan dengan Plaintif masih belum dipersetujui.
(b) waran lantikan Plaintif tidak membutirkan jumlah yuran
guaman yang Defendan perlu bayar untuk khidmat guaman
(c) Plaintif gagal membawa nilai anggaran tersebut kepada
perhatian Mahkamah.
(d) yuran guaman adalah berlebihan dan tidak munasabah
kerana bukan semua dakwaan dalam Guaman MTKL tersebut
terhadap Defendan.
(e) Plaintif sering mengeluarkan invois bagi yuran guamannya
terutamanya pada tarikh yang berkaitan dengan Guaman
MTKL hingga menyebabkan Defendan risau dengan Guaman
MTKL akan terjejas.
(f) atas dasar niat baik, Defendan membayar suatu jumlah
sementara perbincangan dan perundingan berkaitan dengan
yuran guaman dimuktamadkan.
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(g) yuran guaman dikeluarkan oleh Plaintif secara unilateral.
(h) Defendan ada membangkitkan perasaan tidak puas hati
terhadap nasihat dan/atau kelakuan Plaintif dalam Guaman
MTKL dan juga Guaman Mahkamah Sesyen Shah Alam. Oleh
itu, pihak-pihak belum mencapai kata sepakat berkenaan
dengan jumlah bayaran yuran guaman yang perlu dibayar.
[14] Berdasarkan perkara yang dinyatakan, Defendan menyatakan
bahawa terdapat isu untuk dibicarakan sebelum liabiliti disabitkan
terhadap Defendan iaitu –
(a) adakah memang benar bahawa jumlah yuran guaman yang
dituntut dalam tindakan ini adalah jumlah yang dipersetujui
oleh Defendan?
(b) adakah terdapatnya perbincangan dan/atau pengaturan di
antara pihak-pihak berkenaan dengan jumlah yang dituntut
(yang mana disangkalkan) dan adakah jumlah tersebut telah
(c) apakah pengaturan sebenar di antara pihak-pihak terhadap
yuran guaman pihak Plaintif?
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Sama ada terdapat kekhilafan dalam keputusan Pn HMS yang
[15] Alasan penghakiman Pn HMS yang bijaksana memperkatakan
mengenai dapatan fakta dan undang-undang mengenai keputusan
membenarkan penghakiman terus.
[16] Pn HMS yang bijaksana memutuskan bahawa dalam tuntutan yang
difailkan oleh Plaintif terhadap Defendan di sini, ia adalah satu kes yang
jelas dan terang dan tidak ada isu untuk dibicarakan atau keperluan
memanggil saksi memberi keterangan. Mahkamah telah teliti kesemua
kertas kausa, eksibit, hujahan serta otoriti kedua-dua pihak dan
Mahkamah berpuashati bahawa kes ini adalah sesuai untuk direkodkan
satu Penghakiman Terus.
[17] Mahkamah Sesyen telah menganalisa fakta dan mendapati bahawa
• serahan writ saman telah sempurna diserahkan kepada
Defendan dan pembelaan bagi tuntutan Plaintif di sini telah
• afidavit sokongan yang difailkan oleh Plaintif juga telah
mengeksibitkan semua dokumen dan keterangan yang
menyokong tuntutan mereka tersebut.
• Plaintif telah dengan jelas menyatakan dalam afidavit mereka
yang menyokong permohonan penghakiman terus ini bahawa
Defendan telah gagal mengemukakan isu yang layak untuk
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dibicarakan dan Plaintif percaya Defendan tidak mempunyai
pembelaan bermerit.
• seterusnya, setelah beban beralih kepada pihak Defendan,
Defendan telah gagal menunjukkan satu isu yang layak untuk
• Mahkamah mendapati bahawa pembelaan yang difailkan oleh
Defendan tidak membawa apa-apa merit atau isu yang perlu
• isu yang dibangkitkan dalam affidavit Defendan telah dijawab
oleh Plaintif dan disertakan dengan eksibit yang menyokong
tuntutan Plaintif.
• Mahkamah mendapati bahawa Defendan tidak pernah
mempertikaikan invois-invois yang dikemukakan walaupun
selepas setahun. Invois-invois tersebut juga telah dikira
matang dan Defendan sendiri ada membuat bayaran.
• fakta Defendan mendakwa beliau membuat bayaran adalah
atas dasar niat baik (good will) dan masih dalam proses
memuktamadkan jumlah yuran sepatutnya tidak dapat
diterima. Ini kerana, atas dasar khidmat professional dan dari
latar belakang yang ditunjukkan, Defendan bukanlah pertama
kali menerima khidmat guaman secara professional terutama
dengan Plaintif di sini.
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[18] Pn HMS yang bijaksana telah merujuk peruntukan Akta dan nas
undang-undang kes mengenai penghakiman terus dan khidmat
profesional yang diberikan oleh Plaintif kepada Defendan iaitu –
• Aturan 14 kaedah 1 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012.
• kes Bank Negara Malaysia v. Mohd Ismail Ali Johor & Ors
[1992] 2 CLJ Rep 186.
• kes Cempaka Finance Bhd v. Ho Lai Ying & Anor Federal
Court, Putrajaya [2006] 3 CLJ 544.
• seksyen 124 Akta Profesion Undang-Undang 1976 (Akta
• kes Kris Heavy Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v.
Lewis & Co [2017] 1 LNS 964, di mana YA Mohd Nazlan
Mohd Ghazali memutuskan –
“[46] Thus, the Plaintiff submitted that the sum
reflected in the estimated bill did not immediately
crystallize and become a debt due to the Defendant
merely upon the expiry of the one year period after the
delivery. And further, the Courts have an inherent
jurisdiction to grant an order to compel the Defendant to
prepare a detailed bill of costs even if more than one
year had lapsed since the delivery of the bill to the
Plaintiff. This was also the position taken in Mindvalley
Labs Sdn Bhd v. Messrs Rao & Kamal (a legal firm in
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partnership) [2016] 1 LNS 1303; [2017] 1 AMR 159.
[47] There is in my view no argument that the debt
stated in the bills would not necessarily or automatically
crystallize upon the expiry of the one-year period stated
in Section 128(2) of the LPA. The more pertinent issue
in the instant case however is that the part-payments
and the absence of dispute (prior to the disposal of the
Appeal) evidenced the absence of a bona fide dispute
as the debt. Equally of significance is the fact that the
Plaintiff had not taken any steps to have the bills taxed,
either before or after the expiry of the one-year period.
Thus Tan Tek Sin does not fully advance the case of the
[50] Even more recently in Tetuan Kang & Kang v.
Kirana Studio Sdn Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 431 the High Court
found as follows:
“[33] … An invoice delivered by a solicitor to his
client becomes a bona fide bill by virtue of the
rebuttable presumption encapsulated in s. 124(2)
of the LPA. The presumption is triggered in the
absence of any objection or challenge to the
solicitors’ bill. The bill is valid for purposes of s.
124. The client has one year from the date of
delivery of the bill to tax the bill if he disputes the
amount claimed. If the client does not avail himself
of this procedure, his remedy under the LPA to
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challenge the bill is extinguished by s. 128(2) of
the LPA. This provision provides that the power to
order an assessment shall not be exercisable on
an application made by the client after the
expiration of twelve months from the delivery of
the bill. No taxation outside this period is
[34] Turning to the facts in this instant case. The
defendant did not seek taxation of the invoice at
any point in time and the period mentioned in s.
128(2) of the LPA has expired. By operation of the
statutory prohibition in s. 128(2), the amount
claimed in the invoice has become final and
payable. It cannot be disputed or challenged.”.
[19] Selanjutnya, Pn HMS yang bijaksana menyatakan –
“Dalam masa yang sama, invois tersebut telah diserahkan lebih
daripada satu tahun dan tindakan guaman di MTKL juga telah
selesai. Defendan mendakwa sehingga kini, kos yuran guaman
masih belum dimuktamadkan antara kedua-dua pihak. Jika
demikian, bagaimana yuran guaman ini boleh dikatakan
muktamad atau bilakah tempoh sepatutnya ia dikatakan
Apa yang nyata adalah bahawa dari tindak tanduk (conduct)
kedua-dua pihak, jumlah invois dan kuantum yuran guaman
telah dimuktamadkan tetapi apa yang masih dibincangkan
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adalah cara bayaran, bilakah bayaran dan tempoh masa yang
masih diperlukan untuk Defendan membayar jumlah yang
dinyatakan dalam invois.
Peruntukan tentang seksyen seksyen 124 dan seksyen 128 Akta
Profesion Undang-Undang 1976 (Akta 166) dan bil antara
peguam cara dan anakguam ini juga telah dijelaskan dalam kes
Kris Heavy Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd (supra).
Dari segi undang-undang, tuntutan Plaintif telah mencapai
tempoh matang dan walaupun lebih setahun, Defendan gagal
mengambil apa-apa tindakan Mahkamah melalui petisyen bagi
mentaksirkan bil guaman yang dikenakan jika merasakan jumlah
yang dikenakan adalah tidak munasabah, tidak berpatutan atau
berlebihan (excessive).
Apakah yang dimaksudkan jumlah tersebut belum
dimuktamadkan? Dan jika benar, bagaimanakah Defendan
menjangkakan jumlah ini akan dimuktamadkan? Ini bukanlah
satu isu untuk dibicarakan sebagaimana cadangan Defendan
untuk memanggil saksi-saksi memberi keterangan di Mahkamah
berhubung apa perkara yang dibincangkan atau apa maksud
perbualan Whatssap/email dan sebagainya yang mana
berkemungkinan ia adalah dibuat tanpa prejudis antara pihak-
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Adalah tidak wajar pada peringkat ini untuk Defendan mendakwa
beliau tertekan kerana tuntutan dibuat disaat-saat genting,
Defendan tidak berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan Plaintif dan
sebagainya sedangkan masih ada perhubungan secara
professional antara Plaintif dan Defendan atas permintaan
Plaintif untuk masih menggunakan khidmat Plaintif selepas
tamat tindakan di MTKL tersebut.
[20] Pn HMS telah memetik keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes
Pendaftar Hakmilik Pejabat Tanah Dan Galian Selangor & Anor v.
Lau Yong Ying, 2020] 5 CLJ 164, di mana Y.A Kamardin Hashim JCA;
Kamaludin Md Said JCA; Lee Swee Seng JCA memutuskan –
“(5) As for payment for legal fees, this court affirmed the award
given by the trial judge because the amount of RM1,172,791.26
had been agreed between the respondent and her lawyer to do
the legal work for her. The lawyers’ invoices clearly showed that
the invoices were addressed to her which meant she had to pay
or had paid the amount stated in the invoices. (para 33).
(viii) Payment for legal fees - RM1,172,791.26. We affirmed the
award by the learned judge because the amount had been
agreed between the respondent and her lawyer to do the legal
work for her. The lawyers’ invoices at pp. 206 to 214 clearly show
that the invoices were addressed to her which means she has to
pay or had paid the amount stated in the invoices (exhs. P6, P7,
P8, P9). We did not agree with the appellants' suggestion that
the overall fees were only RM321,142.
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Based on the invoices at pp. 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 and
209 of the rekod rayuan bahagian C. As alluded to earlier, the
amount stated in the invoices at those pages must be awarded
as cost incurred by the respondent. The amount RM321,142.18
suggested by the appellants fell short of the amount RM925,000
which was agreed as legal fees and getting up amount for the
lawyer in Shah Alam High Court Civil Suit No. 21 NCVC-25- 06-
2015, Shah Alam High Court Originating Summons No: 24-916-
07-2012 and Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No: B-02 (A)-900-06-
2015. The agreement is at pp. 210-214 of the rekod rayuan
bahagian C (exh. P10).”.
[21] Berkenaan dengan pernyataan Defendan dalam affidavit dan
hujahan mereka bahawa terdapat isu untuk dibicarakan antaranya,
adakah jumlah yang dituntut dipersetujui oleh Defendan, adakah
terdapatnya perbincangan atau pengaturan antara pihak-pihak
berkenaan jumlah yang dituntut dan adakah jumlah tersebut telah matang
dan apakah aturan sebenar antara pihak-pihak terhadap yuran guaman
Plaintif dan saksi perlu dipanggil memberi keterangan, Pn HMS yang
bijaksana memutuskan –
“[23] Mahkamah ini tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan yang
dinyatakan. Mahkamah membuat dapatan bahawa berdasarkan
kes Pendaftar Hakmilik Pejabat Tanah Dan Galian Selangor
di atas, apabila satu invois dikeluarkan dan dipersetujui/tidak
dipertikaikan, ia adalah satu dokumen sah untuk menuntut
bayaran sebagaimana dinyatakan. Tiada keperluan untuk saksi
hadir memberi keterangan atau merit untuk dibicarakan.
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[24] Pendekatan yang dirujuk Defendan terpakai hanya bila bil
kos/yuran guaman dipertikaikan dan kes difailkan melalui
Taksiran Kos/Bill Kos. Mahkamah ingin mengulas isu bil yang
dipertikaikan (walaupun dalam kes ini ia bukanlah isu untuk
ditentukan) kerana melalui kes Seri Cemerlang Mills
Management Sdn Bhd Lwn. Dato' Zainal Haji Ismail & 10
Yang Lain [2009] 1 LNS 1426 hal-hal ini telah diterangkan
dengan teliti oleh YAH Dato’ V. T Singham seperti berikut:
“Dalam prosiding penaksiran bil kos tidak ada peruntukan,
sama ada dalam A. 59, ataupun di bawah k. 13 untuk
sepina dikeluarkan kepada seseorang di atas permohonan
pihak yang memohon untuk menaksirkan kos di antara
peguamcara dan anakguam. Tugas Pendaftar dalam
prosiding penaksiran bil kos adalah untuk menentukan
atau taksirkan apakah amaun kos yang patut dan
munasabah bagi perayu dan berpandukan kepada garis
panduan yang ditetapkan di Appendix 1 Part x A. 59.
Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa perayu tidak boleh
cuba menukar prosiding Bil Kos di kamar Pendaftar
kepada satu perbicaraan penuh. Seterusnya, Pendaftar
tidak semestinya terima keterangan lisan melainkan
pendaftar sendiri berpendapat perlu keterangan untuk
sebarang penjelasan. Pendaftar sahaja boleh
memutuskan sama ada perlu untuk memeriksa mana-
mana pihak sekiranya keterangan adalah relevan di mana
Mahkamah ini berpendapat bahawa keterangan daripada
En. Hanafi Bin Kasbi seperti dicatit di Writ Sepina tersebut
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adalah tidak relevan untuk taksiran bil kos.
Sekiranya satu pihak tidak berpuas hati dengan taksiran bil
kos oleh Pendaftar dan sekiranya Pendaftar tidak
membenarkan mana-mana item dalam Bil Kos atau tidak
membenarkan amaun yang dipohon atau membenarkan
amaun yang terlampau tinggi atau rendah pihak yang tidak
berpuas hati berhak untuk mengkaji semula oleh
Pendaftar. Seterusnya, sekiranya keputusan Pendaftar
dalam prosiding mengkaji semula masih tidak memuaskan
hati mana-mana pihak, pihak itu mempunyai peluang dan
terdapat peruntukan untuk pihak yang tidak berpuas hati
memohon untuk kajian semula oleh Hakim Dalam Kamar.
(rujuk A. 59 k. 34 dan k. 36 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah
Tinggi 1980) dan bukan cuba menukar prosiding taksiran
bil kos kepada perbicaraan penuh.”.
[25] Apa yang Mahkamah ini ingin simpulkan adalah bahawa,
dalam tuntutan yang difailkan oleh Plaintif terhadap Defendan di
sini, ia adalah satu kes yang jelas dan terang dan tidak ada isu
untuk dibicarakan atau keperluan memanggil saksi memberi
keterangan. Defendan perlu membezakan tuntutan di sini
dengan apa yang dinyatakan dalam keadaan kos guaman/yuran
guaman dipertikaikan (sebagaimana diputuskan dalam kes Seri
Cemerlang Mills Management Sdn Bhd di atas).”.
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Analisa dan Dapatan Mahkamah Tinggi
[22] Mahkamah telah meneliti rayuan ini dan hujahan bertulis pihak-
[23] Untuk mengekalkan atau mengakaskan keputusan Pn HMS yang
bijaksana bagi penghakiman terus, Mahkamah ini perlu memastikan
sama ada Pn HMS telah melakukan kekhilafan ketara dalam memahami
fakta di hadapannya dan sama ada suatu analisa analitikal telah dicapai
oleh Pn HMS yang bijaksana itu.
[24] Isu tuntutan Plaintif iaitu suatu firma guaman yang telah
memberikan khidmat profesional kepada anakguamnya iaitu Defendan
bagi kes di MTKL ialah untuk baki yuran guaman yang berjumlah
sebanyak RM244,180.00.
[25] Menurut peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) dalam hujahan
rayuannya di hadapan saya, menyatakan –
“The Appellant humbly submits that a summary judgment, in this
case, may inadvertently deny the Appellant the opportunity to
fully present their case. The complexities and nuances of the
issues raised necessitate a more comprehensive judicial
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[26] Seterusnya, menurut peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan)
terdapat perkara yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi
dalam mendengar semula kes ini di peringkat rayuan iaitu –
22. Re-evaluation of Bona Fide Defense:
This Honourable Court is respectfully urged to reconsider the
bona fide defense presented by the Appellant in accordance with
Section 29 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, which mandates
that all civil appeals from a subordinate court be by way of
rehearing. The detailed counter-arguments and discrepancies
highlighted in the foregoing submissions highlights the existence
of genuine issues that warrant a full trial.
23. Existence of Triable Issues:
The Appellant has consistently emphasized the presence of
triable issues, particularly concerning the agreement on the
‘estimated fees’. The ambiguity surrounding the Warrant to Act,
the unilateral determination of the Invoices, the lack of explicit
acceptance in the e-mails, and the vague references in the
WhatsApp conversations all point towards unresolved matters
that require judicial scrutiny. The Appellant submits that the
totality of the facts herein has left many questions unanswered.
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24. Precedents Highlighting the Need for Trial:
This Honourable Court is urged to take into account the
precedent set in Southeast Asia Insurance Bhd v. Kerajaan
Malaysia, which clearly establishes the necessity of a full trial
when even a singular triable issue is present. The Appellant's
submissions have demonstrated multiple such issues, making
the case for a full trial even more compelling.
25. Evaluation of Evidence and Affidavits:
The Respondent’s reliance on various documents and
communications as evidence of the Appellant’s agreement to the
legal fees requires a more thorough examination. The
Honourable Court is requested to critically assess the evidence,
especially in light of the conflicting interpretations presented by
both parties.
26. Potential Implications:
The Honourable Court is also urged to consider the broader
implications of granting a summary judgment in cases where
genuine disputes exist. Such a precedent may inadvertently
discourage parties from raising legitimate concerns and
defenses, fearing summary judgments without a full hearing.”.
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[27] Secara jelasnya, Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa pertimbangan
yang dinyatakan oleh Perayu (Defendan) ialah untuk “membetulkan
kekhilafan” Pn HMS yang bijaksana.
[28] Berdasarkan penelitian Mahkamah ini, saya mendapati Responden
(Plaintif) bukan sahaja berunding, berbincang dan bercakap lisan semata-
mata dengan anakguamnya iaitu Perayu (Defendan) berkenaan dengan
yuran guaman yang dikenakan kepada Perayu (Defendan). Terdapat
invois yang telah dikeluarkan dan dihantar kepada Perayu (Defendan).
Invois yang dihantar tidak dibantah mahupun dipertikaikan oleh Perayu
[29] Tindakan undang-undang diambil berpunca daripada Perayu
(Defendan) sendiri. Peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif)
menyatakan bahawa –
“The Appellant has failed, neglected and/or omitted to make
payment as per the invoices, instead, sought several extensions
of time for the payment.”.
[30] Penegasan Perayu (Defendan) bahawa kes ini bukan “a plain and
obvious case” untuk melayakkan Responden (Plaintif) memperoleh
penghakiman terus. Isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Perayu (Defendan) perlu
diputuskan melalui perbicaraan.
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[31] Peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan) menghujahkan bahawa
keputusan Pn HMS yang bijaksana dikatakan khilaf apabila Pn HMS
secara khilaf memakai peruntukan untdang-undang kepada fakta yang
bercanggah. Pn HMS itu dikatakan gagal mempertimbangkan bahawa
Defendan mempunyai pembelaan yang bona fide.
[32] Sungguhpun, Perayu (Defendan) telah secara teliti menyenaraikan
percanggahan yang terkandung dalam tuntutan Responden (Plaintif) di
mana dalam pliding sendiri, Responden (Plaintif) mengakui bahawa
persetujuan kepada anggaran fi berdasarkan dokumen. Perayu
(Defendan) telah memeriksa secara kritikal kekaburan kepada
persetujuan mengenai hal perkara yuran guaman, iaitu −
• the Warrant to Act failed to present a clear, quantifiable
sum, particularly the alleged “estimated sum”.
• the Invoices seemed to be unilaterally determined by the
Respondent without clear justification or evidence of the
Appellant’s agreement.
• the emails merely showcased the repetitive sending of
these Invoices without any explicit acceptance from the
• the referenced WhatsApp conversations did not directly
address the Invoices or the payable amount, making it
unjust to assume that terms like “wang” and “cash”
pertained to the said Invoices or an agreed payment.
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• a representative of the Respondent, had admitted that
there were several meetings that took place between him
and the Appellant.
• with no supporting evidence, the Respondent narrated a
different story to say that the Appellant had agreed to the
• it is the Appellant’s case that the Appellant had in fact
raised his disagreement to the fees and payable and that
the parties have agreed for the final sum payable to be
• the representative of the Respondent, Mohd Rizal Bahari
Bin Mohd Noor, had accepted the purported payment of
legal fees of RM10,000.00 in his personal account. The
Appellant submits that the sum of RM10,000.00 was an
interim payment, pending the agreement between the
parties regarding the finalized sum to be paid to the
• the substratum of the Respondent’s claim is that the
Appellant had agreed to the Invoices; however, it must be
noted that the Respondent has not successfully
demonstrated through affidavit evidence an indisputable
agreement on the part of the Appellant.
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• the Respondent’s failure to establish an unequivocal
agreement raises doubts regarding the validity of their
• there exists a glaring conflict of facts between the parties
at present.
• keputusan terkini Mahkamah Tinggi dalam kes yang
dirujuk oleh peguam cara terpelajar Perayu (Defendan),
Kenneth Choong Yew Phing v. Lion Tin Sdn Bhd (2021)
1 LNS 2575, di mana Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan –
“[26] As a beginning it is noted that the parties have given
contrasting and highly disputed versions of how the claim
[27] The Plaintiff and the Defendant are relying on their
own documents to prove that the governing contract binds
the other. This would certainly be seen as a triable issue
as it has to be determined which of the conflicting
documents govern the relationship between the parties.
[28] Yet there is acknowledgement and acceptance of the
PO Appendixes with the Plaintiff’s signature and it is noted
that its business registration stamp was affixed to it. In
contrast to that it cannot be ignored that the contract relied
on by the Plaintiff does not have any acknowledgement or
signature from the Defendant accepting its terms. This to
me constitutes as a triable issue. The conflicting facts and
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contrasting evidence adduced can only be resolved at a
[33] Penghakiman terus yang dibenarkan oleh Pn HMS yang bijaksana
adalah berdasarkan keterangan afidavit yang disokong dengan dokumen
yang diekshibitkan oleh Responden (Plaintif). Mahkamah Sesyen telah
ditunjukkan dengan prima facie evidence whereby no necessity arises to
evaluate the reasonableness of the amount. Petikan keputusan dalam
kes Tetuan Kang & Kang v. Kirana Studio Sdn Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 431
para 36 & 37 sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) iaitu –
Any issue and/or dispute shall only be made by way of petition
within a year after the delivery of the invoices. The Defendant
failed to do so.
[34] Dokumen yang dikemukakan oleh Responden (Plaintif)
sebagaimana di Ekshibit MRB-2 - Warrant to Act menunjukkan bahawa
Perayu (Defendan) menyatakan “I, undertake to pay all cost, expenses
and legal charges incurred thereof”; Ekshibit MRB-3 Invoices bertarikh 8-
11-2018 dan 7-2-2019; Ekshibit MRB-5 Emails bertarikh 8-11-2018 dan
8-2-2019 yang melampirkan invois; Ekshibit MRB-6 Excuses diberikan
oleh Perayu (Defendan) yang memohon lanjutan masa untuk membuat
bayaran due to purportedly waiting his money from Taiwan, adalah
memadai untuk Pn HMS yang bijaksana mencapai dapatan fakta hanya
dengan melihat afidavit dan dokumen yang dirujuk. Tiada keperluan untuk
memanggil saksi khususnya En Chu Boon Tiong dan peguam dari Tetuan
Bahari & Bahari.
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[35] Peguam cara terpelajar Responden (Plaintif) memetik keputusan
dalam kes Sagujuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd v Trane Malaysia Sales &
Services Sdn Bhd [2014] 5 MLJ 535 di mana Mahkamah memutuskan –
“Under an O 14 application, the duty of a judge does not end as
soon as a fact is asserted by one party and denied or disputed
by the other in an affidavit; where such assertion, denial or
dispute is equivocal or lacking in precision or is inconsistent with
undisputed contemporary documents or other statements by the
same deponent, or is inherently improbable in itself, then the
judge has a duty to reject such assertion or denial, thereby
rendering the same issue not triable.”.
[36] Isu baki yuran guaman yang tertunggak bukanlah seperti
perkhidmatan perubatan di mana seseorang pesakit hanya boleh selesai
berurusan dengan doktor apabila memperoleh “ubat” selepas
“bercakap”/konsultansi dengan doktor. Profesyen peguam adalah lebih
daripada itu di mana “ubat” hanya boleh diperoleh daripada Mahkamah.
Sebagai “perantara” antara Mahkamah dan anakguam, peguam ialah
orang penting yang menyediakan segala dokumen untuk penelitian
[37] Saya bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) yang menghujahkan bahawa “The Appellant is
estopped from disputing the legal fees whereby his conducts accepted
the same –
Ekshibit MRB-4: On 1-2-2019, the Appellant pays RM30,000.00 and on
4-3-2019 the Appellant pays another RM30,000.00.
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Ekshibit MRB-5 Respondent’s email dated 8-2-2019 indicates the invoice
was issued after a discussion with the Appellant. Respondent’s email
dated 13-3-2019 shows the Appellant will be paying the invoices by way
of cash.
Ekshibit MRB-6 Whatsapp conversations showing the Appellant was
seeking for extensions of time to pay.
Ekshibit MRB-7 & MRB-8 Letter of demand dated 26.4.2021 followed by
payment of RM10,000.00 by the Appellant on 10.5.2021.”.
[38] Dokumen yang diekshibitkan inilah yang diteliti oleh Pn HMS yang
bijaksana dan beliau mencapai dapatan fakta bahawa tiada
percanggahan yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif dalam menuntut baki
yuran guamannya itu.
[39] Hal perkara mengenai ketidakpuasan hati Perayu (Defendan) ke
atas perkhidmatan guaman yang diberikan oleh Responden (Plaintif)
kepadanya, Mahkamah ini memetik hujahan peguam cara terpelajar
Responden (Plaintif) seperti yang berikut:
Whether the Respondent entitled to the legal fees when the
Appellant is dissatisfied with the services?
33. The purported dissatisfaction is contradicting Appellant’s
own expression when he texted the Respondent after parties
managed to enter into Consent Judgment during the trial. The
Appellant texted “clap, clap, clap, handshake, cheers”, “u are top
lawyer” and “very-very puas hati” on/or about 14.2.2019.
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In rebutting the above, the Appellant said the expressions were
made as the Respondent managed to file all cause papers. What
cause papers he was talking about? The matter was in trial and
the update was given regarding the Consent Judgment.
35. On the other hand, the Appellant attempted to use Shah
Alam Session Court Suit No. BA-A52NCvC-296- 06/2018 (“Suit
296”) to show his dissatisfaction.
36. Though the Respondent has provided its explanation in the
Affidavit in Reply, we must say that Suit 296 has nothing to do
with the invoices and it revolves different entities altogether. The
Appellant has even admitted to this. Perenggan 19 Afidavit
Jawapan Defendan (Kand. 9)
The Appellant also attempted to show that the invoices are
excessive as the most of the applications in Suit 355 were
premised on the other Defendants. We invite the Court to refer
to the invoices, no charge was made for any application except
for the Appellant only.”.
Prinsip Campur tangan dan Gangguan Mahkamah pada peringkat
[40] Nas undang-undang kes Jade Homes Sdn Bhd v Sivananthan a/l
Krishnan [2021] 5 MLJ 349 di mana adalah undang-undang nyata
bahawa keputusan mahkamah perbicaraan hanya boleh diubah
(overturned) oleh mahkamah rayuan (appellate court) sekiranya
keputusan mahkamah perbicaraan adalah “nyata salah” (plainly wrong).
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Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam memutuskan bahawa −
“It is trite law that an appellate court should not interfere with the
factual findings of a trial judge, save and except where the
decision of the trial judge was ‘plainly wrong’ where in arriving at
the decision it could not reasonably be explained or justified and
was one which no reasonable judge could have reached. If the
decision did not fall within any of the aforesaid category, it is
irrelevant, even if the appellate court thinks that, with whatever
degree of certainty, it considered that it would have reached a
different conclusion from the trial judge…”.
Dan juga keputusan dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v Wendy Tan Lee
Peng (administratrix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang, deceased) &
Ors [2020] 12 MLJ 67, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa
ujian “nyata salah” bukanlah bertujuan untuk digunakan oleh mahkamah
rayuan sebagai cara untuk mengganti keputusannya sendiri terhadap
dapatan fakta mahkamah perbicaraan –
“[76] What is pertinent is that, the ‘plainly wrong’ test is not
intended to be used by an appellate court as a mean to substitute
its own decision for that of the trial court on the facts.”.
[41] Ciri utama bagi sesuatu “appellate intervention” adalah jelas dan
mantap dalam semua peringkat rayuan. Tugas Mahkamah yang
mendengar rayuan ialah untuk memastikan sama ada Mahkamah yang
membicarakan itu mencapai keputusannya berdasarkan keputusan atau
dapatan secara betul mengenai keterangan dan berasaskan kepada
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[42] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Gan Yook Chin (P) & Anor v.
Lee Ing Chin @ Lee Teck Seng & Ors [2005] 2 MLJ 1 memutuskan –
“[14] In our view, the Court of Appeal in citing these cases had
clearly borne in mind the central feature of appellate intervention,
ie to determine whether or not the trial court had arrived at its
decision or finding correctly on the basis of the relevant law
and/or the established evidence. In so doing, the Court of Appeal
was perfectly entitled to examine the process of evaluation of the
evidence by the trial court. Clearly, the phrase ‘insufficient judicial
appreciation of evidence’ merely related to such process. This is
reflected in the Court of Appeal’s restatement that a judge who
was required to adjudicate upon a dispute must arrive at his
decision on an issue of fact by assessing, weighing and, for good
reasons, either accepting or rejecting the whole or any part of the
evidence placed before him. The Court of Appeal further
reiterated the principle central to appellate intervention, ie that a
decision arrived at by a trial court without judicial appreciation of
the evidence might be set aside on appeal. This is consistent
with the established plainly wrong test.”.
[43] Begitu juga dalam kes Kerajaan Malaysia v. Global Upline Sdn
Bhd and Another Appeal [2017] 1 MLJ 170 di mana Mahkamah Rayuan
memutuskan bahawa “an appellate court will not intervene unless the trial
court is shown to be plainly wrong in arriving at its conclusion and where
there has been insufficient judicial appreciation of the evidence”.
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[44] Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy
Tan Lee Peng (administratrix for the estate of Tan Ewe Kwang,
deceased) & Ors [2020] 10 CLJ 1 memutuskan “the principle on which
an appellate court could interfere with findings of fact by the trial court is
‘the plainly wrong test’ principle”.
[45] Prinsip undang-undang mengenai appellate intervention only
justified that on the available evidence, that the SCj is erred (Kes
Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat & Anor v. Plenitude Holdings Sdn Bhd
[1993] 2 CLJ 146).
[46] Dua ujian yang dikenal pasti perlu dipenuhi bagi tujuan appellate
intervention adalah “plainly wrong test” and “insufficient judicial
appreciation of evidence test” (the case of Lee Ing Chin @ Lee
Teck Seng & Ors v. Gan Yook Chin & Anor [2003] 2 MLJ 97 at
[47] Dalam kes Ong Leong Ciou & Anor v. Keller (M) Sdn Bhd &
Ors And Another Appeal [2019] 3 MLRA 322 at 329, Mahkamah
Rayuan memutuskan bahawa –
“[125] We are mindful of the limited role of the appellate
court in relation to the findings of facts made by the court
of first instance. The general principle is that the
conclusion of a trial judge is a finding of fact on the oral
evidence based on the demeanour and credibility of the
witness before him or her. Generally, such finding ought not
be disturbed unless the appellate court is convinced that it
is plainly wrong. It would not be sufficient to warrant an
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appellate interference merely because the appellate court
entertains doubt whether such finding is right.”.
[48] Dalam kes Ng Hoo Kui & Anor v. Wendy Tan Lee Peng,
Administrator of the Estates of Tan Ewe Kwang, Deceased &
Anor [2020] 10 CLJ 1, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan bahawa
“... an appellate Court should not interfere with factual
findings of a trial judge unless it was satisfied that the
decision of the trial Judge was plainly wrong or one that no
reasonable Judge could have reached. If it is not, the fact
that the appellate Court may have reached a different
conclusion on the facts, is irrelevant.”.
[49] Mahkamah Tinggi ini pada peringkat rayuan tidak boleh mengubah
dapatan Pn HMS yang bijaksana yang mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah
mengemukakan keterangan dokumentari yang konkrit yang boleh
membuktikan tuntutannya bahawa Plaintif telah memberikan
perkhidmatan professional sebagaiman “pesanan” Defendan.
[50] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa dapatan fakta yang betul oleh Pn
HMS yang bijaksana tidak memerlukan Mahkamah Tinggi mengusik
dapatan fakta tersebut. Plaintif (Responden) berjaya membuktikan
tuntutannya terhadap Defendan (Perayu).
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[51] Berdasarkan alasan yang saya nyatakan di atas, penghakiman
saya memutuskan bahawa rayuan Perayu (Defendan) adalah ditolak dan
keputusan Pn HMS yang bijaksana adalah dikekalkan.
[52] Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa factual findings of the learned
SCj was correct.
[53] Pada peringkat rayuan di hadapan Mahkamah ini, saya telah
menjalankan appellate role. Oleh itu, Mahkamah ini tidak perlu mengusik
dapatan fakta yang dicapai dan pemakaian peruntukan undang-undang
yang betul oleh Pn HMS yang bijaksana.
Bertarikh: 3 Januari 2024.
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam NCvC12
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Peguam cara:
Bagi Pihak Perayu (Defendan):
Daniel Tan Shen Yang
Tetuan Chai & Company, Kuala Lumpur.
Bagi Pihak Responden (Plaintif):
Muhammad Danish bin Abdullah Manoharan
Tetuan Manoharan Chambers, Kuala Lumpur
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| 44,972 | Tika 2.6.0 |
W-02(A)-1875-10/2021 | PERAYU REVENTHAREN A/L SUPPIAH RESPONDEN MAJLIS PEGUAM MALAYSIA | Professional discipline – Application for Reinstatement and Restoration to Roll of Advocates and Solicitors (“Roll”) - Petitioner breached fundamental foundation of relationship between lawyer and client- Whether being struck off from Roll for certain length of time sole criteria in considering restoration to Roll – Whether the petitioner has met the requirements of change of character, penitence and restitution-Whether it is fair and reasonable to reinstate and restore the petitioner to Roll- Whether requirements of s. 107 of Legal Profession Act 1976 fulfilled. | 03/01/2024 | YA Dato' Lim Chong FongKorumYA Dato' Lee Swee SengYA Dato' Hashim Bin HamzahYA Dato' Lim Chong Fong | |
Microsoft Word - FINAL (REVENTHAREN)
CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-02(A)-1875-10/2021
(NRIC NO.: 551210715831)
In the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur
Originating Summons No.: WA-17D-36-11/2019
Reventharen a/l Suppiah …Petitioner
(NRIC No.: 551210715831)
Bar Council Malaysia …Respondent
03/01/2024 14:49:49
W-02(A)-1875-10/2021 Kand. 45
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[1] This is an appeal on reinstatement of an advocate and solicitor who
had been struck off from the Roll of Advocates and Solicitors (“Roll”).
[2] The Appellant is the advocate and solicitor concerned.
[3] The Respondent is the Bar Council Malaysia constituted under the
Legal Profession Act 1976 (“LPA”).
[4] We heard the appeal on 18th September 2023 and thereafter
unanimously ordered the Appellant be reinstated back to the Roll. The
High Court order is set aside with no order as to costs.
[5] We now provide below the grounds of our decision.
[6] The Appellant was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the High
Court of Malaya on 9th February 1995 and practised as a sole proprietor
under the firm name Messrs. Reventharen & Associates since 23rd
February 1995.
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[7] By a sale and purchase agreement dated 10th July 2012
(“Agreement”), a V. Santhadevi a/p S. Velusamy (“Complainant”) who
is the Appellant’s client purchased a property from a Syed Abdullah bin
Syed Noh (“Vendor”).
[8] On 8th October 2013, the Complainant lodged a complaint against
the Appellant to the Disciplinary Board constituted under the LPA (“DB”)
for his failure to transfer the balance sum of RM247,500.00 due under the
Agreement to the Vendor’s solicitors (“Complaint”).
[9] Consequently, the DB on 24th December 2013 forwarded a copy of
the Complaint to the Appellant and requested for an explanation in
accordance with s. 100(1)(b) LPA. The aforesaid DB’s letter is reproduced
[This space is intentionally left blank]
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[10] There was no explanation given by the appellant to DB on the
complaint lodged against him. As a result, the DB proceeded to consider
the complaint lodged against the Appellant during the meeting on 25th
April 2014 and prima facie found that there was merit in the Complaint.
The DB further proposed to hear the Complaint on 22nd August 2014
without the need for further investigation by a Disciplinary Committee. As
such, a letter dated 9th February 2014 was issued to the Appellant and the
aforesaid letter is reproduced below:
[This space is intentionally left blank]
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[11] The Appellant on 19th August 2014 wrote to the DB admitting to his
wrongdoing and informing that he had already paid the sum of
RM247,500.00 to the Vendor’s solicitor and completed the transfer of the
Property to the Complainant. The Appellant’s letter is reproduced below:
[This space is intentionally left blank]
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[12] As the result, the DB summarily determined and informed the
Appellant on 28th August 2014 of their decision to strike the Appellant off
the Roll with effect from 12th September 2014.
[13] On 15th August 2017, the Appellant informed the Respondent and
DB that he intends to apply to be reinstated as an advocate and solicitor
and enquired whether that was any claim made against him from the bar
Council compensation fund.
[14] Since there was no claim made under the Bar Council compensation
fund against him, the Appellant on 28th November 2017 applied to the High
Court to restore and reinstate his name to the Roll (“First Reinstatement
[15] However, the High Court on 12th April 2018 dismissed the First
Reinstatement Application.
[16] The Appellant on 7th May 2018 appealed to the Court of Appeal
against the aforesaid decision of the High Court but he subsequently
withdrew the appeal.
[17] On 11th November 2019, the Appellant again applied to the High
Court to restore and reinstate his name to the Roll (“Second
Reinstatement Application”).
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[18] The Appellant principally contended as follows as summarised by
the learned High Court judge:
(i) he has all the while admitted to his misconduct and did not
appeal against the DB's decision;
(ii) he took all the necessary measures to ensure the
complainant's matter was settled and no loss was suffered by
the complainant;
(iii) after being unemployed and unable to secure any gainful
employment due to his age and having to rely on savings and
support from his family members, from August 2016 to July
2017, he assisted his friend in establishing and running a
college named Kolej IEWM and was appointed as the Chief
Operating Officer which was a temporary position where he
left the college after it became fully operational;
(iv) he had obtained and provided testimonials and certificates of
good conduct from senior members of the Bar and public
persons known to him to confirm his past misconduct, regret
and their support of his reinstatement to the Roll;
(v) he is truly penitent and regretful of his misconduct;
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(vi) he should be allowed to see out of his remaining years of his
life as a person who had acknowledged his wrong doing and
punished for it and be given a second chance for the
remainder of his life.
[19] However, the Respondent counter-contended that the Appellant’s
application is not fair and reasonable pursuant to s. 107(1) LPA following
Teoh Hooi Leng v. Bar Council [1991] 2 MLJ 190 (SC) wherein Hashim
Yeop Sani (CJ (Malaya)) held as follows:
“The word "fair" must necessarily mean that the decision must be fair firstly to
the members of the public with whom the applicant will be renewing
professional relations once readmitted because the law seeks to protect not
only the profession but also the public from errant lawyers.
The word "fair" also requires that the decision must be fair to the Court itself
because when readmitted the appellant will be an officer of the Court.
Last but not least the decision must be fair to the appellant…
The duty of the Court in a case like this is to exercise its discretion having regard
to the materials available before it and the particular facts of the case. The
question should be seen as an exercise of discretion according to particular
facts of the case. It should never be regarded as a principle laid down as a rule
of law that an advocate and solicitor who has been struck off the Roll for
dishonesty can never be reinstated.
Section 107 of the Act requires that the decision should also be a reasonable
decision. A reasonable decision is a decision which is based on reasonable
grounds. A reasonable decision must first of all be supported by cogent
evidence and not one based on conjecture or speculation.”
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[20] The learned High Court judge, after due consideration, dismissed
the Second Reinstatement Application and stated, inter alia, as follows in
the grounds of decision reported in [2022] 9 CLJ 538 (“Decision’’):
“[15] In the instant matter, in expressing that he is ashamed for the misconduct
that he has committed and that he has repented, the petitioner in his supporting
affidavit avers that "despite minor issues of misconduct I have always been
proper and tried hard to maintain and adhere to the high standard of integrity
and trustworthiness expected of a lawyer." This court finds that at the very core
of the matter, ie, the petitioner's breach of his client's trust where trust is the
principle of which the legal profession is founded upon, such averment does
not reflect remorse on the part of the petitioner. By making such averment, it is
of the considered view that the petitioner is attempting to justify and trivialise a
serious misconduct. The undertaking given by the petitioner to the court cannot
be equated with the act of penitence or repentance when compared with such
averment. It cannot be gainsaid that the petitioner is clearly remorseful and his
undertaking that he will not repeat the same mistake and will do his utmost best
to preserve the integrity of the legal profession is therefore doubted.
[16] The respondent has divulged and this court takes cognisance of the fact
that apart from the striking off, there are six complaints lodged against the
petitioner involving gross disregard of client's interest, unbefitting conduct and
monetary dishonesty. These complaints are either kept in abeyance,
reprimand, fine or withdrawn. According to the report by the respondent's
Secretary, in the event of the petitioner's restoration to the Roll, one of the
complaints (Complaint Reference DB14 9542) will re-activate. It is of the
considered view that the pending disciplinary complaint against the petitioner is
relevant. There is therefore a pre-existing and/or fresh complaint after the
striking off that has been held in abeyance against the petitioner. The
complaints demonstrate the unbefitting conduct of the petitioner as an advocate
and solicitor. It remains a question and grave concern whether the petitioner
would not repeat the misconduct.
[17] Although it is true that the petitioner's disbarment period has been more
than five years, there is nothing in law to state that the length of time that has
lapsed is the sole criteria in considering restoration to the Roll…
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[18] In the instant matter, the petitioner had breached the fundamental
foundation of relationship between a lawyer and his client which is founded
upon trust. Relating to the complaint herein, it took the petitioner four months
and eight days and some 17 months later from the date the balance purchase
price was first paid into the petitioner's clients' account before he made
restitution to the complainant. Clearly, the restitution was an afterthought. The
petitioner's misconduct was grave and having to scrutinise strictly such
misconduct, this court cannot consider to restore the petitioner to the Roll solely
on the amount of years that had lapsed or only on the weight of testimonials
provided. The focus has to be on whether the petitioner has demonstrated
remorse, repentance and rehabilitation.
[24] In finding that the petitioner has failed to show that he is remorseful,
penitent and rehabilitated, the life expectancy of the petitioner is irrelevant
where administration of justice, public interest and the interest of the legal
profession are concerned. It must be borne in mind that reinstatement is an
exception rather than a rule. The petitioner has been disbarred for more than
eight years now. Due to the gravity of the offence committed by the petitioner
and his stand that what he had committed was 'minor issue of misconduct', it
follows that he is not fully rehabilitated and will continue to pose a threat to
society and will cast a pall of doubt over the integrity and reputation of the legal
profession (see Kalpanath Singh s/o Ram Raj Singh v. Law Society of
Singapore [2009] 4 SLR 1018). The fact that the petitioner is 66 years old is not
a paramount consideration but his worthiness and reliability for the future are
supreme more so in the profession where the attribute of trustworthiness must
be upheld in all circumstances.
[25] In regard to the right to livelihood/restraint of trade, it must be emphasised
of the well-entrenched principle that the ability to practice as an advocate and
solicitor is not a right but a privilege afforded by the legislation specifically the
[27] Premised on the above, this court is of the view that the petitioner has failed
to satisfy that he is a fit and proper person to be restored to the Roll. The
misconduct of this nature is too prevalent and a strong message should be sent
out to discourage potential offenders…”
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[21] The Appellant is dissatisfied with the Decision and had on 22nd
September 2021 appealed to the Court of Appeal.
[22] Before us, the Appellant focussed on four points wherein the learned
High Court judge erred in fact and law in coming to the decision to dismiss
the Second Reinstatement Application, viz:
(i) failure to appreciate that the Appellant did not in his supporting
affidavit aver that his misconduct was a minor issue;
(ii) failure to consider the Appellant’s penitence and rehabilitation
throughout six years after his name was struck off from the
(iii) failure to appreciate that the previous disciplinary complaints
made against the Appellant should have no bearing or little
weight in the reinstatement proceedings; and
(iv) failure to appreciate that the certificates of good character and
testimonials produced by the Appellant showed the
Appellant’s penitence after his name was struck out.
[23] In opposition, the Respondent counter-contended that the learned
High Court judge rightly dismissed the Second Reinstatement Application
in accordance with s. 107 LPA and trite case law.
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[24] The primary statutory provision is s. 107(1) LPA which reads:
107. High Court may restore an advocate and solicitor
(1) The High Court may, if it thinks fair and reasonable, at any time order the
Registrar to restore to the Roll the name of an advocate and solicitor which has
been removed from, or struck off, the Roll.
[25] In Chan Chow Wang v. Malaysian Bar [1986] 2 MLJ 159, Harun
J (later SCJ) held as follows in interpreting s. 107(1) LPA:
“In re-admitting applicants to the Bar, the Court has a duty to litigants and to the
legal profession to ensure that such persons are of the highest integrity and
honour. The Court must also be satisfied, in the public interest, that the
Applicant is not likely to repeat these offences if he is re-admitted. The onus is
therefore on the Applicant to show that:
(a) there has been such a change in his character as to make him a fit
and proper person to resume practice at the Bar;
(b) he is truly penitent; and
(c) he has made restitution.”
[26] Since this reinstatement application involves the exercise of
discretion as provided in s. 107(1) LPA, our duty here as an appellate
court has been well explained by Gopal Sri Ram JCA (later FCJ) in Paya
Terubong Estates Sdn Bhd v. Pusaka Warisan Sdn Bhd [1998] 2 CLJ
909 (CA) as follows:
“Although the decision whether a caveat ought to remain on the register is a
matter within the discretion of the judge, it is like all other discretionary matters
one that is required to be exercised judicially. One can, of course, quite well
appreciate an appellate court's reluctance to disturb the primary exercise of
discretion. This is because a court of appeal in a matter such as the present
does not possess an original discretion, its initial function being one of review
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only. However, where, as in the present instance, it is amply demonstrated that
the judge in whom the primary discretion is vested has failed to take into
account relevant considerations it is the duty of this court to say so and to
intervene and set matters right by an exercise of its own discretion.”
[27] We started off reminding ourselves that every reinstatement case
is unique and must be decided based on its particular and peculiar facts
without preconception.
[28] Thus, in respect of the first point raised by the Appellant, we find on
review that the learned High Court judge has in paragraph (15) of the
grounds of Decision seriously erred in mistakenly finding that the
Appellant stated in his affidavit in support of the Second Reinstatement
Application that “his wrongdoings are minor issues of misconduct”; hence
did not reflect remorse on the part of the Appellant. This phrase was in
fact stated only in the Appellant’s earlier letter dated 19th August 2014
addressed to the DB. In the Appellant’s affidavit in support, he actually
stated as follows:
“12. Saya sedar bahawa apa yang saya telah lakukan adalah salah. Saya
sesungguhnya menyesal dan meminta maaf keatas semua kesalahan saya.
Saya menyesal kesukaran yang saya menyebabkan kepada pengadu sejauh
mana beliau telah hilang kepercayaan kepada saya sambil melaporkan perkara
ini kepada Majlis Peguam dan Majlis Peguam mengambil tindakan terhadap
saya. Saya menyesal kesilapan saya yang telah menyebabkan banyak
kebimbangan dan kesusahan kepada pengadu. Ini adalah salah laku saya
sendiri dan tanggung jawab saya.”
[29] Next as to the Appellant’s second point on his penitence and
rehabilitation since he was struck off from the Roll, we see in paragraphs
(17) and (18) of the grounds of Decision that the learned High Court judge
has downplayed the consideration of length of period of disbarment by
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merely stating that the length of time of 5 years is not the sole criteria. We
however noted that the Appellant has now been disbarred for some 8
years and we objectively find that this length of time of disbarment is
adequate in light of the misconduct committed considering that the
Appellant wholly paid the sum of RM247,500.00 to the Vendor’s solicitor
and completed the transfer of the Property to the Complainant fairly soon
after the complaint was lodged. That notwithstanding, the Appellant has
also unreservedly tendered his penitence in his affidavit in support of the
Second Reinstatement Application.
[30] We are mindful of the Respondent’s contention that there is
insufficient lapse of time between the dismissal of the Appellant’s First
Reinstatement Application and the Second Reinstatement Application
relying on the Singapore cases of Re Ram Kishan [1992] 1 SLR (R) 260
and Re Nirmal Singh s/o Fauja Singh [2001] 2 SLR (R) 494 but its our
view that the LPA did not prescribe a mandatory requisite lapse of time as
well as the facts of the Singapore cases are dissimilar. The provision in s.
94(2)(b) LPA relied by the Respondent is inapplicable to a reinstatement
application after the advocate and solicitor has been struck off the roll
pursuant to s. 94(2)(a) LPA.
[31] Moreover, we find there were no criminal charges preferred against
the Appellant; hence there was neither conviction nor sentence meted on
the Appellant. This is unlike in the other cases where the disbarred
advocate and solicitor also served jail sentence where that person
absconded with client’s money and later caught and charged for criminal
breach of trust as seen in the Singapore case Chiong Chin May Selena
v. Attorney General and another [2021] SGHC 167 relied by the
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[32] We also took into consideration that the Appellant is presently
unemployed. He is 68 years old and may not have many more years left
to practice. This has seemingly not been appreciated by the learned High
Court judge in paragraph (24) of the grounds of Decision.
[33] Moving on to the Appellant’s third point, we find that the learned
High Court judge had in paragraphs (16) And (24) of the grounds of
Decision given unduly excessive weight on the previous complaints made
against the Appellant which have been suspended and kept in abeyance
because of the Appellant having already been struck off from the Roll. We
appreciated the learned High Court Judge was concerned that the
Appellant would repeat his misconduct. Before us, the Appellant has
unequivocally given his undertaking to this Court that should he be
restored and reinstated to the Rolls, he undertakes not to be a signatory
of any client’s account of the legal firm in which he will be practising. It is,
in other words, plain to us that the Appellant cannot be a sole-proprietor
but must work as a legal associate/assistant or otherwise as a partner
without authority or power to sign any client’s account or office account of
a legal firm. In the premises, we find the learned High Court judge’s
concern as well as the Respondent’s public duty to maintain zero
tolerance towards any risk of client’s money being wrongly used or
unaccounted have been adequately addressed and safeguarded through
his undertaking given to this Court. We heeded the Respondent’s caution
that there must be no risk of repetition of the misconduct by the Appellant
when he resumes law practice following Re Chin Swee Onn [1964] 30
MLJ 124.
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[34] We are also of the view that disciplinary charges based on
complaints should not be preferred in instalments one after the other,
especially to defer and then prefer another charge on a prior complaint
after the reinstatement of the advocate and solicitor back to the Roll. We
are aware of the Respondent’s contention that the Appellant suppressed
in his Second Reinstatement Application the fact that the Complainant
also made a complaint that she was “locked up” in the Appellant’s office
in her pursuit to resolve the non-payment of the RM247,500.00 to the
Vendor’s solicitors but we are of the view that this is interconnected with
the principal complaint that resulted in him being struck off from the Roll.
Thus, we find that the absence of disclosure of this fact is not fatal contrary
to that in the Singapore case of Kalpanath Singh s/o Ram Raj Singh v.
Law Society of Singapore [2009] 4 SLR 1018 relied by the Respondent.
[35] Finally, with regard to the Appellant’s fourth point that the certificates
of good character and testimonials tendered demonstrated his penitence,
we find that the testimonials from the senior members of the Malaysian
Bar are sufficient in the circumstances of the case where they have stated
that they are convinced as to his penitence and commitment to uphold
and maintain the high standards of the Malaysian Bar. We noted that there
is no mandatory format for the certificate of good character/testimonial
prescribed in the LPA or rules made thereunder for purposes of
reinstatement; thus, the Appellant cannot be faulted in adducing them as
so presented to the Court. We are also mindful of the findings of this Court
in Majlis Peguam Malaysia v. Ahmad Rushdi Omar [2017] 9 CLJ 413
but we find the case facts and circumstances there that disclosed
numerous serious misconducts are starkly different and distinguishable.
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[36] For the foregoing reasons, we are of the considered view that this is
a fit and proper case for appellate intervention to restore and reinstate of
the Appellant back to the Roll. Put simply, we are satisfied that the
Appellant has met the requirements of change of character, penitence and
restitution set out in Chan Chow Wang (supra) and accordingly it is fair
and reasonable to reinstate him in the circumstances of this case subject
always to his undertaking and conditional upon him not to be a signatory
of any client’s or office account of the legal firm in which he is practicing.
[37] The appeal is therefore allowed as so ordered.
Dated this 4th December, 2023
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Counsels for Appellant 1. Ranjit Singh
2. Prisilla Chong
Solicitors for Appellant MESSRS. RANJIT SINGH & YEOH
Advocates & Solicitors,
D3-U5-12, Solaris Dutamas,
No.1 Jalan Dutamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Counsels for Respondent 1. Farez Jinnah
2. Nadhirah Rahman
Solicitors for Respondent MESSRS. FAREZ JINNAH
Advocates & Solicitors,
A-11-05, Plaza Taragon
Kelana, No. 3, Jalan SS 6/6,
47301 Kelana Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Section 107(1) Legal Profession Act 1976
Teoh Hooi Leng v. Bar Council [1991] 2 MLJ 190;
Chan Chow Wang v. Malaysian Bar [1986] 2 MLJ 159;
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Paya Terubong Estates Sdn Bhd v. Pusaka Warisan Sdn Bhd [1998] 2
CLJ 909;
Re Ram Kishan [1992] 1 SLR (R) 260;
Re Nirmal Singh s/o Fauja Singh [2001] 2 SLR (R) 494;
Chiong Chin May Selena v. Attorney General and another [2021] SGHC
Kalpanath Singh s/o Ram Raj Singh v. Law Society of Singapore [2009] 4
SLR 1018; and
Majlis Peguam Malaysia v. Ahmad Rushdi Omar [2017] 9 CLJ 413.
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| 28,518 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-25-65-09/2022 | PEMOHON HARREE VEESHNU VARMA RESPONDEN 1. ) MIMMI SURIATI BINTI KHALID (BAHAGIAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA DAN PERTUBUHAN) 2. ) KETUA PENGARAH, JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA MALAYSIA 3. ) KETUA SETIAUSAHA, KEMENTERIAN DALAM NEGERI MALAYSIA 4. ) kementerian dalam negeri, malaysia | An application by the applicant seeking leave from this court to commence judicial review proceedings against the respondents pursuant to Order 53 Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 2012. The applicant seeks, amongst others, an order for certiorari to quash the decision of the Bahagian Pendaftaran Negara dan Pertubuhan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri - Federal Constitution | 03/01/2024 | YA Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman | |
Dalam perkara mengenai suatu
permohonan untuk kebenaran/perintah
certiorari berkenaan keseluruhan
Keputusan Kementerian Dalam Negeri
Malaysia bertarikh 27.04.2018;
Dalam perkara mengenai Akta Mahkamah
Kehakiman 1964;
Dalam perkara Perkara 14 dan 15A
Perlembagaan Persekutuan;
Dalam perkara Aturan 53 Kaedah-Kaedah
Mahkamah 2012
(No. Passport: AV24686) …PEMOHON
03/01/2024 15:18:15
BA-25-65-09/2022 Kand. 19
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[1] This is an application by the applicant, Harree Veeshnu Varma,
seeking leave from this court to commence judicial review
proceedings against the respondents pursuant to Order 53 Rule 3
of the Rules of Court 2012. The applicant seeks, amongst others,
an order for certiorari to quash the decision of the Bahagian
Pendaftaran Negara dan Pertubuhan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri
dated 27.4.2018.
[2] The Honourable Attorney General objected to this application
seeking leave to commence judicial review.
Factual Background
[3] The facts of this application are as follows. The applicant was born
out of wedlock on 27.1.2001 to a Malaysian father and a Filipino
mother. On 14.2.2002, the applicant’s parents were married in the
Philippines and registered their marriage at the Embassy of
Malaysia in Manila on 18.3.2002. There was a DNA paternity test
conducted on 25.12.2021 which confirmed the biological father of
the applicant as Mr. Neelauthaman a/l Ratnam, a Malaysian.
[4] The applicant through his father, had on three (3) occasions applied
for a Malaysian citizenship. The first application was dated
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30.1.2013 was rejected vide a letter dated 24.4.2014. The second
application was on 22.7.2014 was rejected by the Federal
Government via a letter dated 27.4.2018. The third application was
made on10.12.2019 and is still pending the decision.
Objection by The Attorney General
[5] This application for leave was objected to by the Honourable
Attorney General. Senior Federal Counsel on behalf of the
Honourable Attorney General submitted that the application for
leave should be dismissed on the grounds that the intended judicial
review is bound to fail as:
(i) the impugned decision is non-reviewable and not appealable
to court;
(ii) it is settled law that an illegitimate child is not entitled to
Malaysian citizenship; and
(iii) there is a pending third attempt of Article 15A of the Federal
Constitution application where the Federal Government has
yet to make any decision.
Legal Principles at Leave Stage
[6] To consider this application for leave to commence judicial review
proceedings against the respondents, this court alluded to case law
for the principles governing a leave application for judicial review. In
WRP Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2012] 4 CLJ
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478 the Federal Court at page 488 held that the test for leave to
commence judicial review are as follows:
“[12] …Without the need to go into depth of the abundant
authorities, suffice if we state that leave may be granted
if the leave application is not thought of as frivolous,
and if leave is granted, an arguable case in favour of
granting the relief sought at the substantive hearing
may be the resultant outcome. A rider must be attached
to the application though ie unless the matter for judicial
review is amenable to judicial review absolutely no
success may be envisaged.”
[Emphasis added]
[7] In Bandar Utama Development Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Lembaga
Lebuhraya & Anor [1998] 1 MLJ 224 His Lordship Visu Sinnadurai
J at page 225 held as follows:
“... The court, in exercising its discretion that an application for
leave be granted must be convinced by the applicants that prima
facie the application is genuine and that there is some substance
in the grounds supporting the application. The test’s threshold is
very low; a prima facie case of reasonable suspicion, an arguable
case must be shown, not a prima facie case. Additionally, an
application must fail if it is frivolous, vexatious,
misconceived, made by busybodies with misguided or trivial
complaints of administrative errors, groundless, where there
are more appropriate alternative remedies, and where the
application for judicial remedies is inappropriate.”
[Emphasis added]
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[8] In this application for judicial review, the applicant seeks to quash
the Federal Government’s rejection of the applicant’s second
application for citizenship under Article 15A of the Federal
Constitution which was communicated to the applicant vide letter
dated 27.4.2018.
[9] Apart from that quashing order, the applicant also seeks a
declaration that he is a Malaysian citizen by operation of law under
Section 1(a) Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal
[10] Learned Senior Federal Counsel for the Honourable Attorney
General objected to this application seeking leave to commence
judicial review. Tuan Liew Horng Bin submitted that the impugned
decision is non-reviewable and not appealable to court as Section 2
of Part III of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution
provides that a decision of the Federal Government under Part III of
the Federal Constitution shall not be subject to appeal or review in
any court.
[11] Tuan Liew Horng Bin further argued that the impugned decision
made under Article 15A of the Federal Constitution falls under Part
III of the Federal Constitution. [See: Yu Sheng Meng & Anor v. Ketua
Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara & Ors [2015] MLJU 637]
[12] Reference was made to the case of Madhuvita Janjara Augustin v.
Augustin a/l Lourdsamy & Ors [2018] 1 MLJ 307 which had upheld
the validity of Section 2 of Part III of the Second Schedule of the
Federal Constitution and came to the conclusion that a decision of
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the Federal Government under Article 15A of the Federal
Constitution is not open to appeal or review in any court.
[13] Senior Federal Counsel also stated that it is settled law that an
illegitimate child is not entitled to Malaysian citizenship by operation
of law under Section 1(a) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the
Federal Constitution read together with Section 17 of Part III of the
Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution. [See: CTEB & Anor
v. Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia & Ors [2021] 4
MLJ 236]
[14] Moreover, it was submitted by Tuan Liew Horng Bin that there is still
a pending third application of the Article 15A of the Federal
Constitution application where the Federal Government has yet to
make any decision. It is trite law that a court of law would be slow to
interfere when a constitutional remedy has not been exhausted by
the Plaintiff. [See: Pendaftar Besar Kelahiran dan Kematian
Malaysia v. Pang Wee See & Anor [2017] 3 MLJ 308 (CA)]
[15] The applicant argued that to obtain leave the applicant is required
to show that his application is not frivolous or vexatious. The
applicant stated that at the leave stage, the court does not need to
delve into the merits of the case.
[16] The applicant further submitted that sections 3 and 4 of the
Legitimacy Act 1961 gives the applicant the merits to challenge the
decision of the respondents. To support this contention, the
applicant cited the case of Lew Yee Hong @ Liew Yee Hong & Anor
v. Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri & Ors [2020] 8 MLJ
62 and the case of Madhuvita Janiara Auqustin (suing through next
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friend Margaret Louisa Tan) v. Auqustin a/l Lourdsamy & Ors [2018]
1 MLJ 307.
[17] Pertaining to the objection raised by learned Senior Federal
Counsel that there is still a pending third application of the Article
15A of the Federal Constitution where the Federal Government has
yet to make any decision, this court had on 12.9.2022 allowed the
applicant’s application for extension of time to file an application
seeking leave for judicial review. This extension of time granted by
this court is in relation to the decision of the respondents dated
27.4.2018. Hence, this application for leave is against the decision
of the respondent dated 27.4.2018.
[18] In the case of Mkini Dotcom Sdn Bhd & Ors v Chief Judge of Malaya
& Ors [2016] 8 MLJ 357, Asmabi J (as Her Ladyship then was)
stated the following:
“It is settled law, the function of the court in exercising its power
to grant leave for judicial review is to sieve through the application
before it by examining the facts and the law and decide if the case
is one which is frivolous and or one which merits further argument
on the substantive motion. In exercising this function the court is
guided by the principles laid down by the Court of Appeal in
England in R v Secretary of State for Home Department, ex p
Rushkanda Begum [1990] COD 107; [1990] Crown Office Digest
109, Dip as follows:
(a) if it is clear to the judge that there is a point for further
investigation on a full inter parte basis with all evidence as
is reasonably necessary on the facts and all such
arguments on the law then leave ought to be granted;
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(b) if the judge hearing the leave application is satisfied that
there is no arguable case the judge should dismiss the
application for leave to move for leave for judicial review;
(c) if the judge is not really sure whether there is or is not an
arguable case, the judge may invite the putative
respondent to attend and submit as to whether or not leave
ought to be granted; and
(d) in exercising the powers in an inter parte leave application
the test applicable by the court must be the same approach
as that as the test adopted in deciding whether to grant
leave to appeal against the arbitrator s award. The court
has to consider the facts and law before it and ask itself
whether the court is satisfied that there is a case fit for
further consideration or otherwise.”
[19] What this entails is this court is required at the leave stage to make
a perusal of the material to determine that the application is not
frivolous or vexatious. At this stage, a court is not expected to look
into the merits of the case.
[20] This application seeking leave before this court relates to the
citizenship application of the applicant. At present the applicant is
stateless even though the applicant had lived in Malaysia all his life.
[21] The threshold for a leave application in a judicial review is low.
Respectfully, this court is of the view that this court ought to hear
this matter out at the substantive stage of the judicial review
proceedings and not dismiss the case summarily.
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[22] For the aforesaid reasons, this court is satisfied that this application
for leave to commence judicial review is not frivolous or vexatious.
This application seeking leave to commence judicial review
proceedings is hereby granted.
Date: 13 December 2023
High Court of Malaya,
Shah Alam
S/N Hy04gaQm3EiOF7uwZ5cZUQ
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For The Applicant: Hisyam bin Yusof
Tetuan W.A Wan Adnan & Associates
Advocates & Solicitors
No. 16-3 Jalan Tasik Raja Lumu L U4/L
Taman Subang Delima,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
[email protected]
+6 03 7831 0147
For the Respondent: SFC Liew Horng Bin
Jabatan Peguam Negara,
Bahagian Guaman,
Aras 6, No. 4, Persiaran Perdana,
62100 Putrajaya
+6 03 8872 2000
S/N Hy04gaQm3EiOF7uwZ5cZUQ
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| 13,563 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCC-551-11/2020 | PLAINTIF ONG KOH HOU @ WON KOK FONG DEFENDAN CHONG THIAM THAI | CONTRACT: Settlement agreement - Evidential burden when there is acknowledgement of debt - Binding nature of signed contract - Avoidance of later evidentiary burdens - Burden shifting to admitting party to disprove - Repayment terms - Payment timing - Interpretation of terms - Consideration of the entire context rather than reading terms in isolation - Conditions precedent – Restitution - Ceasing repayments as intention to end agreementCIVIL PROCEDURE: Consequential orders - Courts' inherent powers - Prevent injustice - Give full effect to substantive orders - Restore parties to original position | 03/01/2024 | YA Tuan Atan Mustaffa Yussof Ahmad | |
SUIT NO: WA-22NCC-551 -11/2020
(NRIC No: 490308-05-5169)
(NRIC No: 740310-14-5058)
[1] The Plaintiff lent RM2.8 million to the Defendant whom he
has never met before, allegedly introduced through her
friend as a person facing financial difficulties. When the debt
could not be repaid, a settlement was signed where she
acknowledged owing the full amount and proposed
instalments tied to certain conditions. Later when sued for
repayment, the Defendant argued the agreement lacked
specifics on exact timing, to escape obligations not yet due.
Yet timing matters less than defined prerequisites
contingent on her actions which she failed to fulfill. Now the
Defendant must confront the consequences of plain
admission, which bind parties to the intention evident when
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WA-22NCC-551-11/2020 Kand. 96
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inking signatures and securing debts, regardless of
subjective comprehension. As this case illustrates, a signed
obligation anchored in admission rather than nuance carries
the day when debts come due.
Background facts
[2] On 24.1.2017, the Plaintiff, Ong Koh Hou, and the
Defendant, Chong Thiam Thai, entered into a Settlement
Agreement (“the Settlement Agreement”) in respect of the
settlement of a RM2.8 million loan given by the Plaintiff to
the Defendant. This was documented by way of a proposal
letter issued by the Defendant to the Plaintiff which was
signed in agreement by the Plaintiff. The agreement was on
the basis, as asserted by the Plaintiff, that:
a) The Plaintiff lent the Defendant a sum of RM2.8
million (“Loan”) from January to April 2016, with
RM1.818 million in cash and RM982,000 via UOB
cheque no. 056208 for RM982,000;
b) On 26.4.2016, the Plaintiff disbursed the final tranche
of the Loan of RM982,000 to the Defendant; and
c) In May 2016, the Defendant was unable to repay the
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[3] The key terms stated in the Settlement Agreement to be in
relation to the RM2.8 million due from the Defendant to the
Plaintiff include:
a) RM1,000,000 was to be settled by way of set-off with
the amount payable by the Plaintiff to one Tan Sri
Guok Nguong Peng (“Tan Sri Guok”) for the
purchase of shares in Platinum Wholesales City Sdn
Bhd (“Platinum Wholesales City”);
b) RM1,700,000 was to be settled by the Defendant by
transferring all 10 shares she held in 333 Resources
Sdn Bhd (“333 Resources”) to the Plaintiff which
represented 100% of the issued shares;
c) The Defendant acknowledged that RM100,000 was
due and owing to the Plaintiff [stated in clause (i) of
the Settlement Agreement];
d) In respect of the land held by 333 Resources that
was charged to Public Bank Bhd (“PBB”) for a loan
of approximately RM600,000, the Defendant
undertook to pay all instalments for this loan duly and
punctually; and
e) The transfer of 30,250 shares representing 1%
interest in Platinum Wholesales City from the Plaintiff
to the Defendant was subject to two conditions
precedent: (a) the RM100,000 would be repaid to the
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Plaintiff free of interest, and (b) the outstanding
amount to PBB would be fully settled.
[4] Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the Defendant
transferred her 333 Resources shares to the Plaintiff and
executed a Deed of Assignment on 11.3.2017 to assign a
RM734,410 debt owed by 333 Resources to the Defendant
to the Plaintiff. The Defendant also serviced the PBB loan
instalments from January 2017 to March 2020.
[5] On 1.11.2019, the Plaintiff demanded RM100,000 owing
under the Settlement Agreement clause (i) from the
Defendant. On 21.11.2019, the Defendant disputed this
demand. On 8.9.2020, the Defendant stated she would
cease servicing the PBB loan instalments.
[6] The Plaintiff commenced the present action on 10.11.2020
against the Defendant to claim for the Loan pursuant to the
Settlement Agreement.
The Plaintiff’s claims
[7] In this action, the Plaintiff seeks the following:
a) RM2.8 million being the loan he gave to the
Defendant from January to April 2016;
b) Interest of 8% per annum on the RM2.8 million from
25.4.2016 until the date of full settlement;
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c) An order that the Defendant returns to the Plaintiff
30,250 shares in Platinum Wholesales City or the
market value of those shares;
d) Costs of the action;
e) Further reliefs that the court deems fit and proper.
[8] The Plaintiff in his Written Submissions and pursuant to
prayer (e) and the inherent powers of the court under Order
92 rule 4 Rules of Court 2012, in order to materialise and
complete the objective of the prayer in paragraph (c) prays
for the following Consequential Orders:
a) The Plaintiff shall revoke the Deed of Assignment
dated 11.3.2017 after the Defendant has repaid
and/or returned to the Plaintiff the sum of RM2.8
million together with all of the interest accrued
according to the prayer in paragraph 14(b) of the
Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim dated 10.11.2020; and
b) Parties are at liberty to apply.
The Defendant’s Counterclaim
[9] The Defendant, via a counterclaim in her Defence and
Counterclaim contends:
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a) That the Plaintiff has breached the key terms of the
Settlement Agreement despite the Defendant
complying with the same. Hence, the Settlement
Agreement has been terminated due to the Plaintiff's
b) As the Plaintiff has breached and terminated the
Settlement Agreement, the Defendant contends that
the agreement should be rescinded. The parties
should be restored to their original positions before
the Settlement Agreement as follows:
i) The Plaintiff to return the 333 Resources Sdn
Bhd shares and transfer back the RM734,410
debt to the Defendant; and
ii) The Defendant to refund RM982,000 she
received from the Plaintiff.
c) The Defendant also claims she has suffered losses
as she was entitled to receive 30,250 shares in
Platinum Wholesales City under the Settlement
Agreement. This benefit has been denied due to the
Plaintiff's breach.
[10] The Defendant therefore in her Counterclaim prays for:
a) A declaration that the Settlement Agreement has
been breached by the Plaintiff;
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b) An order that the Plaintiff transfers all shares in 333
Resources to the Defendant within 7 days;
c) An order that the Plaintiff assigns back the
RM734,410 debt owed by 333 Resources to the
Defendant within 7 days.
d) After 7 days from judgment, the Deputy/Senior
Assistant Registrar is authorised to sign share
transfer forms and other documents on behalf of the
Plaintiff to effect the share transfer and debt
e) The Defendant shall pay RM982,000 to the Plaintiff
after the Plaintiff has transferred the 333 Resources
shares and assigned the RM734,410 debt back to
the Defendant.
f) General, exemplary and aggravated damages to be
assessed by the Senior Assistant Registrar and paid
by Plaintiff within 7 days; and
g) Costs of the action.
The Plaintiff’s case
[11] In summary, the Plaintiff's case is that:
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a) He lent RM2.8 million (the Loan) to the Defendant
from January to April 2016, with the Defendant
admitting to this debt in a Settlement Agreement
signed on 24.1.2017.
b) The Defendant has breached the Settlement
Agreement by:
i) Failing to pay the Plaintiff RM100,000 owing
under Clause 3(i);
ii) Ceasing repayment instalments for a
RM600,000 loan charged against 333
Resources' property after transferring 333
Resources to the Plaintiff under the
Settlement Agreement; and
iii) Not settling RM1 million owed to Tan Sri Guok
for purchase of the Plaintiff's Platinum
Wholesales City shares.
c) Due to these breaches by the Defendant, the Plaintiff
asserts that the Settlement Agreement has been
terminated. Thus, according to legal principles of
restitution, the Defendant is now liable to fully repay
the Loan amount of RM2.8 million to the Plaintiff.
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The Defendant’s case
[12] In summary, the Defendant's case is that:
a) The Plaintiff has failed to prove that he lent the full
RM2.8 million to the Defendant, as he admitted to
only disbursing RM1.818 million in cash to a third
party and not the Defendant.
b) The Defendant has complied with the Settlement
Agreement terms by:
i) Facilitating the set-off of RM1 million owed
by the Plaintiff to Tan Sri Guok;
ii) Transferring her 333 Resources shares to
the Plaintiff and assigning a RM734,410
debt to the Plaintiff; and
iii) Servicing the PBB loan instalments from
January 2017 to March 2020.
c) It is the Plaintiff who breached the Settlement
Agreement by demanding:
i) Premature repayment of the RM100,000
under Clause 3(i) before the due date; and
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ii) Full repayment of the alleged RM2.8 million
Loan, despite the Defendant discharging her
obligations under the Settlement Agreement.
d) Therefore, the Plaintiff's claims should fail and the
Settlement Agreement be rescinded, with the parties
restored to status quo ante. This includes the Plaintiff
returning the 333 Resources shares and assigning
back the RM734,410 debt upon the Defendant
refunding the RM982,000 she received.
[13] In essence, the Defendant denies liability to repay the full
RM2.8 million Loan and instead asserts that it is the Plaintiff
who has breached and should now rescind the Settlement
[14] Only one witness gave evidence for the Plaintiff, which was
the Plaintiff, Ong Koh Hou @ Won Kok Fong, himself (PWI).
His evidence was on the background and events regarding
a loan of RM2.8 million he gave to the Defendant and the
subsequent Settlement Agreement and breaches of it by the
Defendant. He states that the Defendant is DW2’s long-term
mistress. His witness statement is marked as “WS-PW1.”
[15] The Defendant called two witnesses:
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a) DW1 is Chong Thiam Thai, the Defendant. Her
evidence was on the denial of receiving the total
amount of RM2.8 million claimed by the Plaintiff and
detailing her limited involvement and understanding
of the financial and legal arrangements made with
the Plaintiff, as influenced by a third party, Wong
Tong Chun, who is also known as Jackson Wong
(DW2). She does not personally know the Plaintiff
and only became aware of the Plaintiff's existence
through Jackson Wong. She did not explain her
exact nature of her relationship with Jackson Wong
but she conducted various actions, such as signing
documents, based on Jackson Wong's requests or
instructions. Her witness statement is marked as
b) DW2 is Wong Tong Chun, also known as Jackson
Wong who is a businessman in the field of wholesale
clothing. His evidence was on the Settlement
Agreement signed by the Defendant, whether she
received the RM2.8 million loan from Plaintiff, and
the surrounding circumstances regarding the loan
transaction between the Plaintiff and Defendant. He
has known the Plaintiff since year 2000 through their
common friend and states that the Defendant is his
friend. His witness statement is marked as “WS-
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[16] After considering the facts of the case, the court frames the
following issues for deliberation which this court considers
pivotal to the resolution of this case:
a) Whether the Plaintiff has successfully discharged his
burden of proof to establish that the full loan sum of
RM2.8 million was given to the Defendant, when the
Defendant contends that evidence only shows
RM982,000 was received while the balance was
given to a third party.
b) Whether the RM100,000 payment under Clause 3(i)
of the Settlement Agreement is due to the Plaintiff
upon signing of the agreement or only after all terms
are fulfilled as contended by the Defendant.
c) Whether the assignment of RM1 million from the sale
proceeds of the Plaintiff's shares to Hoe Aun Nee, as
shown in the Assignment Letter and related
documents, satisfies the Defendant's obligation
under Clause 1 of the Settlement Agreement to pay
RM1 million to Tan Sri Guok.
d) Whether the issue of illegal moneylending in relation
to the Plaintiff's giving of the Loan to the Defendant
has been properly raised by the Defendant as an
issue to be tried before the court.
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e) Whether the Defendant is entitled to the counterclaim
reliefs sought, including the return of 333 Resources
shares and assigned debt by the Plaintiff, given the
Defendant's argument that she has complied with the
Settlement Agreement while the Plaintiff has
breached it.
[17] In the ensuing part of this judgment, this court will structure
its deliberations around the issues above.
Analysis and findings of the court
Full Loan sum disbursed to the Defendant
[18] The Defendant submits that the Plaintiff has failed to
present any evidence substantiating the alleged loan of
RM2.8 million, other than RM982,000.00. The Defendant
contends that the Plaintiff's claim for repayment of the Loan
sum of RM2.8 million is only based on the Settlement
Agreement and not supported by any documentary
evidence. The evidence only shows that only a sum of
RM982,000.00 was received by the Defendant. The Plaintiff
also admitted that the balance sum of RM1.818 million was
given to Jackson Wong (DW2) and not the Defendant.
[19] It is maintained by the Defendant that the burden of proof,
as per Section 101 of the Evidence Act 1950, squarely lies
on the Plaintiff to establish his case. The Defendant
contends that the Plaintiff's reliance on mere allegations,
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without concrete evidence, is insufficient to meet this
burden. Furthermore, it is argued by the Defendant that
even the Plaintiff could not provide specific details or
documentation to prove the transfer of the claimed loan
amount and has given evasive answers when asked about
[20] Finally, the Defendant argues that the Plaintiff's claim is
inherently unbelievable and unsupported by documentary
evidence, and thus, the Defendant is not obliged to provide
any contrary evidence unless the Plaintiff satisfactorily
discharges his burden of proof.
[21] The Plaintiff submits that the loan of RM2.8 million has been
duly acknowledged and admitted by the Defendant, as
evidenced by the signed Settlement Agreement and the
Defendant's admission during cross-examination. It is
maintained by the Plaintiff that this agreement is legally
binding, regardless of the Defendant's understanding of its
terms, supported by legal precedents that affirm the binding
nature of signed contracts. The Plaintiff contends that the
Settlement Agreement, along with partial disbursement
evidence, sufficiently proves the loan's existence and the
Defendant's receipt of the same. Additionally, the Plaintiff
argues that his testimony, despite any perceived
evasiveness, is credible and supported by authoritative
legal positions, asserting that forgetfulness does not
undermine credibility. Lastly, the Plaintiff emphasises that
all relevant documentary evidence supporting his claim has
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been presented, contrasting the Defendant's failure to
provide any substantive evidence to disprove the loan's
[22] I do not accept the Defendant’s contentions and find that
the Plaintiff has successfully discharged his burden of proof
against the Defendant to show that the Loan sum was given
to the Defendant. The Settlement Agreement documented
in a letter dated 24.1.2017 from the Defendant to the
Plaintiff, signed by both parties proves that the Loan sum
was disbursed by the Plaintiff to the Defendant. In the
second paragraph of the Settlement Agreement, the
Defendant clearly states:
“In relation to the sum of RM 2,800,000.00
due from myself to you, I hereby propose to
settle as follows:..”
[23] During cross-examination, the Defendant has admitted to
this fact:
“ALFRED: So, but you do confirm that
this Settlement Agreement has been signed
by you and Mr. Ong Koh Hou?
CHONG: Yes.”
[24] The Settlement Agreement which was signed by the Plaintiff
and the Defendant is binding on the parties who signed it.
Although the subject heading of the letter dated 24.1.2017
is “Settlement Proposal”, this letter was issued by the
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Defendant and signed in acceptance of the terms by the
[25] The disbursement of part of the Loan by the Plaintiff to the
Defendant in the sum of RM982,000.00 is proven via the
UOB Bank Cheque dated 26.4.2016 issued by the Plaintiff
to the Defendant. Although there is no other evidence that
the rest of the RM1.818 million was disbursed by the
Plaintiff to the Defendant, the Defendant admitted
unequivocally in the Settlement Agreement to the whole
Loan being owed by her to the Plaintiff. From a reading of
the Settlement Agreement, it is clear that the Defendant
acknowledges her debt of RM2.8 million. The content of the
Settlement Agreement is reproduced below:
“Re: Settlement Proposal I refer to the above
In relation to the sum of RM 2,800,000.00 due from
myself to you, I hereby propose to settle as follows:
1) RM 1,000,000.00 shall be settled by way of
set-off with the sum of RM 1,000,000.00 payable by
you to Tan Sri Guok Nguong Peng in respect of the
purchase price for the shares in Platinum
Wholesales City Sdn. Bhd.
2) RM 1,700,000.00 by way of transfer to you of
10 shares in 333 Resources Sdn. Bhd. ['the
company') being 100% of the issued and paid up
shares of the company.
3) I further acknowledge and undertake as
i. The sum of RM 100,000.00 is due and owing
from myself to you.
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ii. The land held under PN1592 Lot 35936
Mukim Kuala Lumpur, Daerah Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan registered in the Company's
name is charged to Public Bank Berhad with
current outstanding sum of approximately RM
600,000.00 ('the Loan').
iii. I shall pay all instalments duly and punctually
to Public Bank Berhad in respect of the Loan.
iv. The transfer to myself of the 1% Interest over
your shares (30,250 shares) in Platinum
Wholesales City Sdn. Bhd. shall be subject to the
condition precedent that the abovementioned RM
100,000.00 shall be repaid to you free of interest
and the outstanding amount due to Public Bank
Berhad shall be fully settled.
Your understanding and assistance is very much
[26] A plain reading of the letter shows it is a settlement
proposal from the Defendant to the Plaintiff addressing her
total debt of RM2.8 million. The proposal outlines a set-off
arrangement for RM1,000,000.00 against a debt owed to
Tan Sri Guok and proposes transferring company shares in
Platinum Wholesales City to settle the remaining
RM1,700,000.00. Additionally, it acknowledges a payment
of RM100,000.00 by the Defendant to be paid and includes
commitments related to a land charge and share transfer
conditions. The proposal became a binding agreement
when the Plaintiff indicated his acceptance to the terms by
signing under the words “I agree and confirm the above
terms and conditions.”
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[27] Even if there is a dispute with regards whether the Plaintiff
has satisfied his obligations under the Settlement
Agreement, the Defendant plainly states in the Settlement
Agreement that the sum of RM2.8 million is due from her to
the Plaintiff. Given the admission, it is not necessary for the
Plaintiff to produce other evidence of the disbursement of
the other parts of the Loan other than the sum of
RM982,000.00, particularly the disbursement of the Loan in
cash in multiple tranches from January to April 2016
amounting to RM1.818 million, as contended by the Plaintiff.
[28] In coming to this conclusion, I referred to the case of
Polygram Records Sdn Bhd v The Search & Anor [1994] 3
MLJ 127. This case concerns a recording contract entered
into between the plaintiff, a recording company, and the
defendants, a music group. The defendants later signed
with another company, allegedly breaching their contract,
leading the plaintiff to sue the group for breach of contract.
The defendants argued that they were not bound by the
terms of the first 1984 contract that they had signed with the
plaintiff as they did not "agree to the terms" of the first
contract and hence were not bound by it. The court
summarily dismissed this argument, stating that a signed
written contract is binding, except in limited cases like fraud,
undue influence etc. which the defendants had not
established. The court held:
“There is no principle of law which states that
where a party does not fully understand certain
terms of a contract, the contract may be vitiated.
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The general principle of law, of course, is that a
party who signs a written contract is bound by the
terms of the contract, except in the limited cases
where fraud, undue influence, or misrepresentation
may be established. This rule is so strict that even if
a party to a contract has not read the contents of a
contract, he is held to be bound by its terms. In the
leading case of L'Estrange v F Graucob [1934] 2
KB 394, Scrutton LJ pronounced (at p 403):
When a document containing
contractual terms is signed, then, in the
absence of fraud, or, I will add,
misrepresentation, the party signing it
is bound, and it is wholly immaterial
whether he has read the document or
[29] However, the claim was dismissed as the court found that
neither the first 1984 contract nor the second 1985 contract
were still in effect when the defendants began recording
with another music company, as the first contract had been
substituted and the second had expired by effluxion of time.
[30] I am also guided by Rainbow Bay Sdn Bhd v MLGH
(Sabah) Sdn Bhd & Anor [2021] 10 MLJ 846. This case
concerns a joint venture agreement between a developer
(the plaintiff) and a Sabah state government linked
company (the first defendant) to carry out a mixed
development project in Kota Kinabalu. The court held that
the first defendant had breached the joint venture
agreement by failing to procure the land title for the project
within reasonable time and that the second defendant, the
Sabah State Government, had unlawfully interfered
resulting in the first defendant's breach. The plaintiff
succeeded in its claim for damages against the defendants
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for breach of contract and inducing breach of contract. In
starting the court’s analysis, Mairin Idang J stated:
“[10] The general rule is this: “You are bound by
the terms of the agreement you signed, regardless
of whether you have read or understood it or
otherwise" (see Polygram Records Sdn Bhd v The
Search & Anor [1994] 3 MLJ 127 and s. 10(1) of the
Contracts Act 1950).”
[31] It is clear from the authorities above that a signed
agreement is binding on the parties, and that the court will
give effect to the plain language of the agreement. Parties
cannot claim they did not understand or consent to certain
terms to avoid legal obligations under a duly signed
[32] The Settlement Agreement between the Plaintiff and the
Defendant clearly sets out the acknowledgement and
admission by the Defendant of the Loan. The Defendant
has not provided any evidence to establish fraud, undue
influence or misrepresentation in relation to the Settlement
[33] From the evidence, the Defendant has not provided any
evidence to disprove the existence of the Loan other than
mere protests. The court does not accept the Defendant's
argument that she has no duty to disprove the disbursement
of the Plaintiff's case when she has clearly admitted to debt.
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[34] I am also satisfied that the Plaintiff was not an evasive
witness during cross-examination. The Plaintiff, being in his
70s, has answered all of the questions of the Defendant’s
Counsel to the best of his ability and knowledge. The
Plaintiff’s contention is that he gave the Defendant a loan
that was partially disbursed in cash in several instalments
from January to April 2016. As the trial took place in
November 2022, it has been approximately 6.5 years since
the disbursements took place. Given the Plaintiff's age of 70
years old, I accept that it is reasonable for him not to be
able to remember every detail of the cash disbursements
made 6.5 years ago.
[35] The observations in Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim v Public
Prosecutor and Another Appeal [2004] 3 MLJ 405 and Pie
Bin Chin v Public Prosecutor [1985] 1 MLJ 234 support the
proposition that every witness giving evidence in court is
entitled to credence and must be believed unless there are
good and cogent reasons not to believe him.
[36] In the Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim case, the Federal Court
“215 Furthermore it is trite that every witness is
entitled to credence and must be believed and his
testimony accepted unless there are good and
cogent reasons not to believe him. In Public
Prosecutor v Mohamed Ali [1962] MLJ 257, (at p
258) Thomson CJ said this:
When a police witness says something
that is not inherently improbable his
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evidence must in the first instance be
216 And in Balasingham v Public Prosecutor
[1959] MLJ 193 (at p 194) Ismail Khan J (as he
then was) stated:
After all there is no legal presumption
that an interested witness should not
be believed. He is entitled to credence
until cogent reasons for disbelief can
be advanced in the light of evidence to
the contrary and the surrounding
217 So what happens when there are
discrepancies or contradictions in a witness'
testimony? Would that make him less than credible
and lead to an outright rejection of his entire
testimony? In Chean Siong Guat v Public
Prosecutor [1969] 2 MLJ 63 (at pp 63 and 64)
Abdul Hamid J (as he then was) had this to say:
Discrepancies may, in my view, be
found in any case for the simple reason
that no two persons can describe the
same thing in exactly the same way.
Sometimes what may appear to be
discrepancies are in reality different
ways of describing the same thing, or it
may happen that the witnesses who
are describing the same thing might
have seen it in different ways and at
different times and that is how
discrepancies are likely to arise. These
discrepancies may either be minor or
serious discrepancies.
Absolute truth is I think beyond human
perception and conflicting versions of
an incident, even by honest and
disinterested witnesses, is a common
experience. In weighing the testimony
of witnesses, human fallibility in
observation, retention and recollection
are often recognized by the court.
Being a question of fact, what a
magistrate need do is to consider the
discrepancies and say whether they
are minor or serious discrepancies. If,
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after conthem. On the other hand, if a
magistrate finds that the discrepancies
do not detract from the value of the
testimony of the witness or witnesses,
it would then be proper for him to
regard the discrepancies as trivial and
ignore them. On the other hand, if a
magistrate finds that the discrepancies
relate to a material point which would
seriously affect the value of the
testimony of the witness or witnesses,
then it would be his duty to weigh the
evidence carefully in arriving at the
218 And in Pie bin Chin v Public Prosecutor [1985]
1 MLJ 234 (at pp 235 and 236), Wan Yahya J (as
he then was) said:
Discrepancies are no doubt present in
this case, as they do ostensibly appear
in most cases in evidence of witnesses
for the prosecution as well as the
defence. The transcripts of most
evidence, when thoroughly tooth-
combed by any able lawyer, never
failed to yield some form of
inconsistencies, discrepancies or
contradictions but these do not
necessarily render the witness's entire
evidence incredible. It is only when a
witness's evidence on material and
obvious matters in the case is so
irreconcilable, ambivalent or negational
that his whole evidence is to be
Forgetfulness and failure to recall
exactly certain events, which did not
seem to be important to the witness, do
not necessarily shake his credibility or
render other parts of his story unworthy
of belief. Various persons are endowed
with varying powers of cognition,
attentiveness and perception, so that it
is not uncommon for two witnesses to a
common event to describe it in slightly
differing versions.”
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[37] In this case, the Defendant has not provided any good and
cogent reasons to doubt the credibility of the Plaintiff's
[38] The Plaintiff has also produced the critical and relevant
documents in the Plaintiff’s possession to support the
Plaintiff’s case in this suit, which is in contrast to the case of
Bekalan Sains P & C Sdn Bhd v Bank Bumiputra Malaysia
Sdn Bhd [2010] 1 MLJ 329 cited by the Defendant where
the witness had failed to produce documentary evidence in
support of his case that he claimed to be in his possession.
[39] I also accept that the purpose of a document such as the
Settlement Agreement is to put on record in the form of an
acknowledgment by the Defendant of certain facts to avoid
the necessity of proving this later through documentary
evidence. In this case, once the Defendant’s debt of
RM2,800,00.00 to the Plaintiff is recorded in the Settlement
Agreement, the Plaintiff is not required to give the exact
details of the disbursement of the Loan sum in cash in
multiple tranches from January to April 2016 amounting to
RM1.818 million.
[40] The issue of the Defendant never having received the
RM1.818 million as part of the Loan has never been raised
before by the Defendant. This is clear from the letters dated
21.11.2019 and 8.9.2020 from Messrs Hisham Chong & Co,
the Defendant’s solicitors when responding to the Plaintiff’s
letter of demand dated 1.11.2019. Learned counsel for the
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Defendant argued that this was not raised before because it
was not an issue. However, the fact that this issue was only
raised at the trial smacks of an afterthought. The Defendant
had never disputed her debt of RM2.8 million and raising
this now goes against the position that the Loan is due and
owing from the Defendant to the Plaintiff as agreed in the
Settlement Agreement.
[41] As for the evidence by the Plaintiff in cross examination that
the sum of RM1.818 million was given to Jackson Wong
and not the Defendant, nothing turns on this. It is not the
Defendant’s case that the sum of RM1.818 million was
received by Jackson Wong and enjoyed by him instead of
the Defendant. In fact, Jackson Wong did not give evidence
that the money was paid to him and for what purpose the
sum of RM1.818 million was given to him. Given Jackson’s
Wong proximity with the Defendant and his dealings with
the Plaintiff on behalf of the Defendant, it would be equally
conceivable that Jackson Wong received the RM1.818
million on behalf of the Defendant. The Settlement
Agreement cuts through all the uncertainties about why
Jackson received the sum of RM1.818 million from the
Plaintiff as there is an express admission of the Defendant’s
debt to the Plaintiff to the sum of RM2,800,00.00. Therefore,
the court does not make any finding that because Jackson
Wong received the money, no loan to the sum of RM1.818
million was given to the Defendant.
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Whether non-payment of RM100,000.00 is a breach
[42] The Plaintiff claims that the Defendant is required to pay
RM100,000.00 to the Plaintiff based on the terms of the
Settlement Agreement, particularly Clause 3(i). However,
the Defendant argues that the Settlement Agreement only
states that the RM100,000.00 is due and owing from the
Defendant to the Plaintiff, but does not specify when the
payment should be made. The Defendant submits that the
ambiguous language in the Settlement Agreement should
be interpreted in favour of the Defendant.
[43] Additionally, the Defendant has never denied owing the
RM100,000.00, but instead argues that the payment is not
due until all the terms of the Settlement Agreement are
fulfilled. The Defendant argues that the Plaintiff has
wrongfully demanded payment of the RM100,000.00 before
the due date and that the Plaintiff has breached the
Settlement Agreement by demanding payment of the
alleged Loan.
[44] The Plaintiff takes the position that the RM100,000.00 is
due to the Plaintiff from the Defendant upon the signing of
the Settlement Agreement. After this was not received from
the Defendant, the Plaintiff issued a letter of demand
through his solicitor, Messrs Alfred Lai & Partners on
1.11.2019 for the payment of the RM100,000.00. The
position taken by the Defendant that the payment is not due
until all the terms of the Settlement Agreement is stated in
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Messrs Hisham Chong’s letter dated 21.11.2019. This
refers to Clause 3(iv) of the Settlement Agreement which
requires the Plaintiff to transfer 30,250 shares in Platinum
Wholesales City to the Defendant.
[45] However, reading Clauses 3(i) to (iv) together as a whole
and not in isolation of each other, the Plaintiff’s obligation in
Clause 3(iv) would only be activated upon the Defendant
satisfying the Conditions Precedent in Clauses 3(i) to (iii).
Clause 3(iv) reads:
“The transfer to myself of the 1% interest over your
shares (30,250 shares) in Platinum Wholesales
City Sdn Bhd shall be subject to the condition
precedent that the abovementioned RM100,000.00
shall be repaid to you free of interest and the
outstanding amount due to Public Bank shall be
fully settled.”
[46] Clause 3(iv) of the Settlement Agreement states that the
Defendant must fulfill two conditions precedent before the
Plaintiff is required to transfer 30,250 of his shares in
Platinum Wholesale City to the Defendant. The first
condition precedent is for the Defendant to repay the
RM100,000.00 that is owed to the Plaintiff, and the second
is for the Defendant to settle the PBB loan. However, the
Defendant has not fulfilled either of these conditions
precedent, and has admitted to the same during cross-
examination. As a result, the Defendant is not entitled to
enjoy any benefits related to the shares of Platinum
Wholesales City. The Defendant's refusal to pay the
RM100,000.00 in accordance with Clause 3(i) of the
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Settlement Agreement is therefore significant because it is
one of the conditions precedent that must be satisfied
before the Defendant can receive any shares of Platinum
Wholesales City.
[47] As the Defendant’s reason for not paying the RM100,000.00
cannot be upheld, the Plaintiff’s position that the
RM100,000.00 is due to the Plaintiff from the Defendant
upon the signing of the Settlement Agreement is correct.
There is no ambiguity in Clause 3(iv) and it is clear that the
Defendant has an obligation to pay the RM100,000.00 to
the Plaintiff upon the signing of the Settlement Agreement.
By taking the erroneous position that the payment is not due
until all the terms of the Settlement Agreement are fulfilled,
the Defendant evinces an intention not to pay the
RM100,000.00 to the Plaintiff which is a breach of the
Settlement Agreement, entitling the Plaintiff to recover the
Payments to Hoe Aun Nee
[48] The Defendant contends that she has not breached the
Settlement Agreement by failing to pay Tan Sri Guok
RM1,000,000.00 in accordance with Clause 1 of the
Settlement Agreement. There was a sum of
RM1,000,000.00 assigned by Tan Sri Guok to Hoe Aun Nee
which is used to set-off part of the purchase price of shares
in Platinum Wholesale City payable to Tan Sri Guok and the
Plaintiff reached an agreement through a letter from Tan Sri
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Guok dated 30.11.2016, in which Tan Sri Guok surrendered
an amount of RM1,000,000.00 as part of the purchase price
of shares in Platinum Wholesale City to Hoe Aun Nee, and
Hoe Aun Nee made a set-off of the amount of
RM1,000,000.00. In other words, Hoe Aun Nee had paid the
sum on the Defendant’s behalf. However, the Plaintiff
denies that the transaction was related to this suit and the
Plaintiff only began to dispute the set-off after this suit was
filed. To support her contention that the Plaintiff's denial is
unfounded, the Defendant has produced documents,
including an Assignment Letter dated 30.11.2016, which
indicate that the sum of RM1,000,000 was assigned to Hoe
Aun Nee and set off against the Plaintiff's purchase price for
shares in Platinum Wholesales City.
[49] The Defendant also contends that although the sum of
RM1,000,000 has been set off, the Plaintiff commenced a
legal action against one Hoe Aun Nee in a separate suit in
the Sessions Court (“the Hoe Aun Nee Suit”) in respect of
a loan of RM1,771,200.00 given by the Plaintiff to Hoe Aun
Nee, a portion of which is related to the present case. The
Defendant contends that the amounts totalling
RM1,771,200.00 which the Plaintiff pleaded as loaned to
Hoe Aun Nee matches the amount that the Defendant had
pleaded in her Defence in this current suit to be the amount
that Hoe Aun Nee received from the Plaintiff. The
Defendant contends that she has not received any of this
amount as the loan from the Plaintiff. The Defendant
submits that the Plaintiff's double-claiming of the same
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amount from both the Defendant and Hoe Aun Nee shows
his intention to unjustly enrich himself and therefore the
Plaintiff's claim should be dismissed. The Defendant cites
the case of Yam Kong Seng & Anor v Yee Weng Kai [2014]
6 CLJ 285 to support her argument that the Plaintiff's
admission in the Hoe Aun Nee Suit should be considered a
judicial admission and cannot be denied.
[50] Documents, including the Assignment Letter, the UOB
cheque and the letter from Tan Sri Guok confirming receipt
of payment, were produced by the Defendant to support her
contention that the transaction was between Tan Sri Guok,
Hoe Aun Nee and the Plaintiff had a connection to her.
[51] The contents of the Assignment Letter dated 30.12.206,
issued by Tan Sri Guok to the Plaintiff are produced below:
“Dear Sir,
RE: Absolute Assignment of the sum of
RM1,000,000.00 out of the sale proceeds payable
to myself in connection with my sale of 3,025,000
shares in Platinum Wholesale City Sdn Bhd to you.
I refer to the above matter.
I hereby confirm that I have assigned absolutely the
sum of RM1,000,000.00 out of the abovementioned
sales proceeds to HOE AUN NEE (NRIC NO.
Payment by your good self to the abovementioned
assignee is valid and good discharge in respect of
the sum of RM1,000,000.00 payable to me being
part of the abovementioned sale proceeds.”
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[52] The cheque dated 29.12.2016 is produced below:
[53] The letter from Tan Sri Guok dated 30.12.2016 confirming
receipt of payment states:
Reference is made to the Share Sale Agreement
between us dated 10 of November 2016.
I hereby confirm that I have received from you
Ringgit Malaysia Two million Nine Hundred Seven
Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Two (RM
2,907,692.00) only being part payment for the
purchase of 3,025,000 ordinary share in Platinum
Wholesales City Sdn Bhd.”
[54] The court rejects the Defendant’s contentions and finds the
documents produced clearly show that the transaction was
between Tan Sri Guok, Hoe Aun Nee and the Plaintiff and
had nothing to do with the Defendant. The documents
produced, including the Assignment Letter, the UOB cheque
and the letter from Tan Sri Guok confirming receipt of
payment, do not indicate that Hoe Aun Nee used the
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assigned sum of RM1,000,000.00 in any manner related to
the Defendant.
[55] Moreover, the fact that Clause 1 of the Settlement
Agreement persisted in the Settlement Agreement despite
the Assigned Sum being already available for set-off
indicates that the Assigned Sum and the Settlement
Agreement are unrelated. In fact, the Assignment Letter
dated 30.11.2016 was issued before the Settlement
Agreement dated 24.1.2017. During cross-examination, the
Defendant admitted that she had not paid the sum to Tan
Sri Guok, as required by Clause 1 of the Settlement
[56] Based on the above, I find that the Assigned Sum is an
independent and distinct issue from the Settlement
Agreement, and the Defendant has failed to pay the sum of
RM1,000,000.00 to Tan Sri Guok, as required by Clause 1
of the Settlement Agreement.
[57] As for the Defendant’s contention that there is a judicial
admission by the Plaintiff that the loan in the sum of
RM1,771,000.00 claimed by the Plaintiff in the Hoe Aun
Nee Suit represents part of the Loan in this suit, I accept
that the Hoe Aun Nee Suit has no relationship whatsoever
to this suit. The Defendant has been clear in her cross
examination in stating that the transactions which took place
among Tan Sri Guok, Hoe Aun Nee and the Plaintiff has
nothing to do with the Defendant:
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“ALFRED: Would you agree with me that the
transactions took place between Mr. Ong, Ms Hoe
Aun Nee and Tan Sri Guok Nguong Peng has
nothing to do with you?
CHONG: Yes I agree.”
[58] Further, the filing of the Hoe Aun Nee Suit was not a matter
which was raised at the trial. The Hoe Aun Nee Suit was
filed on 21.10.2022 while the trial proceeded on 21 and 22
November 2022. Learned Counsel for the Defendant
explained in oral submissions that the filing of the Hoe Aun
Nee Suit was not discovered until after the trial in this suit
concluded, therefore it did not come up in evidence.
However, as this issue was never put to the Plaintiff, it will
be unsafe for the court to give any weight to the Hoe Aun
Nee Suit as the Plaintiff did not have the opportunity to
explain the Hoe Aun Nee Suit at trial and there is no
evidence on the matters pleaded in the Hoe Aun Nee Suit
for the court to make any firm finding of fact. All that is
before the court is the pleading by the Plaintiff in the Hoe
Aun Nee Suit (para 7) that the Plaintiff gave Hoe Aun Nee a
friendly loan of RM1,771,200.00 and that in the Defendant’s
Defence and Counterclaim in this suit at para 7(a) it is
pleaded that Hoe Aun Nee received from the Plaintiff the
same sum of RM1,771,200.00. This does not equate to no
loan being given by the Plaintiff to the Defendant and there
is no evidence that this is so.
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Illegal moneylending
[59] Whether the giving of the Loan by the Plaintiff to the
Defendant is illegal moneylending is not an issue for the
court to consider. This was not raised by the Defendant’s
witnesses and in the pleadings. This was not even
submitted by the Defendant in the main Written
Submissions. The Plaintiff only submitted on this issue in
anticipation of the issue of illegal moneylending being raised
by the Defendant.
[60] The fact that the Defendant in paragraph (b)(iv) of her
solicitors’ letter dated 25.11.2020 requesting further and
better particulars specifically asked whether the Plaintiff was
a licensed lender does not amount to the issue being raised
by the Defendant in the pleadings. In any event, there is no
right, liability or disability asserted or denied by the
Defendant for the allegation of illegal moneylending. The
court cannot make any determination on whether the giving
of the Loan by the Plaintiff to the Defendant is illegal
moneylending when the issue has not been put forward
clearly by the Defendant.
Defendant’s Counterclaim reliefs
[61] The Defendant, in her Counterclaim, prays inter alia for a
declaration that the Settlement Agreement was breached by
the Plaintiff, the transfer of all shares in 333 Resources to
the Defendant free from any encumbrances, the resignation
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of all directors of 333 Resources, the return of the sum of
RM734,410.00 owed by 333 Resources. to the Plaintiff, and
the payment of RM982,000.00 by the Defendant to the
Plaintiff. Additionally, the Defendant claims for general
damages, including exemplary and aggravated damages, to
be assessed by the court.
[62] The Defendant argues that she is entitled to the
Counterclaim reliefs as she has complied with the terms of
the Settlement Agreement. She has settled the amount of
RM1,000,000.00 owed by the Plaintiff to Tan Sri Guok,
transferred ownership of the shares in 333 Resources to the
Plaintiff, and paid the bank instalments for the property
since January 2017 until March 2020. Instead, the Plaintiff
breached the Settlement Agreement by demanding
payment of the alleged Loan in this suit.
[63] The Defendant relies on the case of Tuan Mat Tuan Ismail v
Tan Ah Hin & Ors [2019] 9 CLJ 104 to argue that, due to the
Plaintiff's breach, the Settlement Agreement is nullified, and
the parties must be restored to their original position.
Therefore, the Defendant prays that the Plaintiff returns the
shares in 333 Resources and delivers the transfer
documents and the sum of RM734,410.00 to the Defendant,
who will pay the Plaintiff RM982,000.00 that the Defendant
received from the Plaintiff. The Defendant also points out
that the Plaintiff in paragraph 14(c) of his Statement of
Claim prays for an order that the Plaintiff is required to
return and/or cause the return of all shares in 333
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Resources after the Defendant has paid and/or returned to
the Plaintiff the sum of RM2.8 million together with all
accrued interest.
[64] I find that the Defendant's counterclaims are without merit.
The Settlement Agreement has been terminated on the
ground that the Defendant has committed three breaches of
the Settlement Agreement i.e. the Defendant’s refusal to
pay the RM100,000.00 due and owing by the Defendant to
the Plaintiff according to clause 3(i) of the Settlement
Agreement, the cessation of instalment payments for the
PBB loan as evinced in Messrs Hisham Cong & Co.’s letter
dated 8.9.2020 and the Defendant’s failure to pay the sum
of RM1,000,000.00 to Tan Sri Guok in accordance with
Clause 1 of the Settlement Agreement. The Defendant's
actions show a clear intention to bring the Settlement
Agreement to an end.
[65] I also find that the Plaintiff’s prayer in paragraph 14(c) of the
Statement of Claim has no bearing on the Defendant’s
Counterclaim. The prayer for the Plaintiff to return shares in
333 Resources after the Defendant has paid the sum of
RM2.8 million ensures complete justice is achieved in this
suit. The prayer in paragraph 14(c) together with the
Consequential Orders prayed for by the Defendant in
paragraph 63(i) and (ii) of Enclosure 63 are all prayers that
will restore the Plaintiff and the Defendant back to their
respective original positions before the Settlement
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Consequential orders
[66] The Plaintiff prays for Consequential Orders in paragraph
63 of the Plaintiff’s Written Submissions arguing these are
needed to give full effect to the Plaintiff's prayers, ensure
that complete justice is served in this suit, and restore the
Plaintiff and Defendant to their original positions prior to the
Settlement Agreement. Pursuant to paragraph 14(e) and
the court’s inherent powers under Order 92 rule 4 Rules of
Court 2012, the Plaintiff additionally prays that after the
Defendant repays the outstanding Loan sum of RM2.8
million and interest under paragraph 14(b), the Plaintiff be
permitted to revoke the Deed of Assignment dated
11.3.2017 executed between parties under the Settlement
[67] This Assignment facilitated the transfer of all shares in 333
Resources to the Plaintiff under the Settlement Agreement.
Now that the court has found the Settlement Agreement to
be terminated due to the Defendant's breaches and the
Defendant liable to repay the outstanding debt, permitting
the Plaintiff to revoke this Assignment would unwind the
effect of the transfer of shares to the Plaintiff and restore the
parties to the status quo before the Settlement Agreement.
[68] Pursuant to Order 92 rule 4, the court has wide powers to
make any order necessary to prevent injustice, abuse of
process, or to give full effect to the court's judgment.
Revoking this Assignment would achieve such objectives.
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[69] The Consequential Order of “Parties are at liberty to apply”
also reserves parties' right to return to court for any other
reliefs or issues that arise to give complete effect to the
court's judgment. This is commonly ordered by courts to
enable implementation of the substantive orders granted.
[70] Therefore, in line with Order 92 rule 4 Rules of Court 2012,
to give full effect to the court's decision making the
Defendant liable to repay RM2.8 million, the court makes
the Consequential Orders sought by the Plaintiff alongside
the main prayers allowed. Granting such consequential
reliefs is within the court's wide powers and discretion.
[71] The Plaintiff has satisfactorily discharged his burden of
proof regarding the disbursement of the full Loan by the
Defendant. The court finds that the Defendant has
committed breaches of the Settlement Agreement by failing
to pay the RM100,000 under Clause 3(i), ceasing instalment
payments for the PBB loan, and not settling the RM1 million
owed to Tan Sri Guok. Her conduct shows an intention to
no longer be bound by the Settlement Agreement, leading
to the Plaintiff justifiably terminating it and claiming
repayment of the acknowledged RM2.8 million debt.
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[72] The Plaintiff has therefore proven his claim on a balance of
probabilities. The Plaintiff’s claim is allowed and the
Defendant’s Counterclaim is dismissed.
[73] The court orders as follows:
a) The Defendant shall repay and/or returned to the
Plaintiff the sum of RM2.8 million;
b) Interest at the rate of 5% per annum is imposed on
the sum of RM2.8 million from the date of Judgment
until the date of full settlement;
c) An order that the Plaintiff is required to return and/or
cause the return of all shares in 333 Resources after
the Defendant has repaid and/or returned to the
Plaintiff the sum of RM2.8 million along with all
accrued interest according to paragraph (b) above;
d) The Plaintiff shall revoke the Deed of Assignment
dated 11.3.2017 after the Defendant has repaid
and/or returned to the Plaintiff the sum of RM2.8
million together with all of the interest accrued
according to the prayer in paragraph (b) above;
e) Parties have the liberty to apply;
f) The Defendant's Counterclaim is dismissed; and
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g) Costs of this action of RM25,000.00 shall to be paid
by the Defendant to the Plaintiff subject to the
29 December 2023
Kuala Lumpur High Court
(Commercial Division)
For the Plaintiff: Lai Choong Wui with Kelly Yap Jia
(Messrs Alfred Lai & Partners)
For the Defendant: Lee Hong Yap with Alan Tan Fu Seng
(Messrs. Joseph Ting & Co)
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| 57,748 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-A72NCvC-4759-11/2022 | PLAINTIF BANGSAR HILL MANAGEMENT SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) LIM KOK SENG 2. ) TAN CHOW HEE | tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan- tunggakan caj penyelenggaraan- perjanjian MMA telah tamat- tempoh 10 tahun dari dari serahan milikan kosong- perjanjian diperbaharui dan dilanjutkan melalui perbuatan- diputuskan perjanjian telah tamat dan tidak mengikat pihak-pihak. | 03/01/2024 | Tuan Muhammad Najib Bin Ismail | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. WA-A72NCvC-4759-11/2022
[1] Di dalam tindakan ini, Plaintif ialah sebuah Syarikat yang diperbadankan di
bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 yang mempunyai alamat berdaftar di B-11-05 & B-
11-3A, Corporate Suites, Gateway Kiaramas, No. 1, Jalan Desa Kiara, Mont
Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur.
[2] Defendan-Defendan pula adalah pemilik berdaftar bagi unit kediaman di alamat
Lot No. 11, Bangsar Hill, 26 Jalan Medang Serai, Bukit Bandaraya, Bangsar,
59100 Kuala Lumpur dan juga merupakan pemilik saham bagi Plaintif di atas.
[3] Plaintif adalah bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan dan membekalkan
perkhidmatan pengurusan dan penyelenggaraan (management and
maintenance) kawasan kediaman yang dikenali sebagai “Bangsar Hill” dimana
Defendan-Defendan merupakan salah seorang pemilik kediaman di kawasan
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[4] Untuk rekod, Defendan-Defendan merupakan pemilik berdaftar yang ketiga
bagi premis kediaman Lot 11 tersebut yang dibeli oleh mereka pada tahun 2011
daripada pemilik berdaftar kedua iaitu Dato’ Teo dan Datin Chai. Pemilik
berdaftar yang pertama pula bernama Mr. Tee dan Ms Yang. Kawasan kediaman
“Bangsar Hill” ini mula dimajukan dan dibangunkan oleh pemaju iaitu Bandar Raya
Developments Berhad (BRDB) pada sekitar tahun 2000.
[5] Di dalam tindakan ini, Plaintif mendakwa Defendan-Defendan (selepas ini akan
dikenali sebagai Defendan Sahaja) telah gagal untuk membayar caj
penyelenggaraan (maintenance charges) bagi tempoh mulai 15 Jun 2020
sehingga 1 Oktober 2022. Plaintif juga menyatakan Defendan, pada tahun
2019, ada membuat tiga kali bayaran caj penyelenggaran iaitu pada tarikh 11
Jun 2019, 10 Julai 2019 dan 28 November 2019.
[6] Defendan pula menyatakan tiada kontrak sah yang mengikat pihak Defendan
dan Plaintif bagi tempoh masa yang dikatakan tertunggak tersebut. Ini kerana
perjanjian “Management & Maintenance Agreement (MMA) yang ditandatangani
oleh Plaintif dan Pemilik Berdaftar Pertama Lot 11 tersebut yang bertarikh 29 April
2005 yang memberikan hak kepada Plaintif untuk mengenakan caj bayaran
penyelenggaraan kepada pemilik berdaftar di kawasan kediaman “Bangsar
Hill” tersebut telah tamat tempoh keesahannya.
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[7] Klausa 2.1 (a) MMA tersebut menyatakan tempoh masa keesahan perjanjian
MMA tersebut adalah untuk tempoh 10 tahun dari tarikh serahan milikan
kosong pembangunan (development vacant possession date) tersebut. Klausa
2.1 tersebut menyatakan:
2.1 This Agreement between the Management Company and the
Purchaser shall commence on the property VP Date and shall
continue until:
a. the expiry of ten (10) years from the
Development VP Date; OR
b. the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
clause 2.2 below;
whichever happens earlier.”
[8] Walaubagaimana pun, Plaintif menyatakan bahawa kontrak perjanjian masih
wujud dan mengikat pihak-pihak kerana perjanjian tersebut telah
dihidupkan/dilanjutkan (reinstated/extended) melalui tindakan pihak-pihak
yang boleh dilihat melalui invois Plaintfi yang tidak dinafikan oleh Defendan,
bayaran sebanyak 3 kali bayaran caj penyelenggaraan yang dibuat oleh
Defendan pada tahun 2019 dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya serta juga melalui
tindakan Defendan yang masih menggunakan perkhidmatan yang diberikan
oleh pihak Plaintif.
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[9] Bagi menyokong versi Plaintif, seorang saksi iaitu Puan Ng Hui Mei iaitu
Operations Manager, Chartwell Asset Management Sdn Bhd telah dipanggil
oleh pihak Plaintif dalam tindakan ini. Manakala pihak Defendan pula telah
memanggil seorang saksi iaitu Defendan Pertama sendiri bagi menyokong
versi Defendan.
[10] Di dalam Tindakan ini, terdapat tiga (3) isu-isu utama yang perlu
diperhalusi dan diputuskan oleh Mahkamah ini bersandarkan kepada prinsip
bebanan undang-undang di atas imbangan kebarangkalian iaitu:
a) adakah wujud kontrak yang mengikat pihak Plaintif dan Defendan di
dalam tindakan ini;
b) sekiranya ada, adakah terdapat perlanggaran kepada terma kontrak
oleh Defendan terhadap Plaintif dan juga oleh Plaintif terhadap
Defendan (tuntutan balas);
c) apakah gantirugi yang bersesuaian.
[11] Seksyen 101 Akta Keterangan 1950 memperuntukan:
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i) 101 Burden of proof
(1) Whoever desires any court to give judgment as to any legal
right or liability, dependent on the existence of facts which he
asserts, must prove that those facts exist.
(2) When a person is bound to prove the existence of any fact, it
is said that the burden of proof lies on that person.
[12] Seksyen 102 Akta Keterangan 1950 pula menyatakan:
“102 On whom burden of proof lies
The burden of proof in a suit or proceeding lies on that person
who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side.
[13] Mahkamah merujuk kepada otoriti di dalam kes Mahkamah Persekutuan
PILLAI [1997] 2 CLJ 153” yang menyatakan:
“Under s. 101, it is provided that whoever desires any court to give
judgment as to any legal right or liability, dependent on the existence of
facts which he asserts, must prove that those facts exist. Under s. 102
the burden of proof lies on that person who would fail if no evidence at
all were given on either side.”
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[14] Di dalam kes “RODA BERLIAN (M) SDN BHD & ORS v. LIM TITT
HUAT & ORS [2023] 1 LNS 264”, Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan:
“[28] The Plaintiffs bear the legal and evidential burden to prove on a
balance of probabilities of establishing a case against the Defendants
throughout the trial before the onus shift to the Defendants to establish
their Defence.”
[15] Setelah meneliti keterangan saksi, keterangan dokumentari serta
hujahan bertulis yang telah difailkan oleh kedua-dua pihak, ringkasan dapatan-
dapatan dan penemuan dibawah telah dibuat oleh Mahkamah ini.
[16] Secara ringkas, terdapat 4 perjanjian utama yang perlu dirujuk dan
dijadikan asas sandaran di dalam memperhalusi isu di atas iaitu:
i. Road Management and Maintenance Agreement
(“RMMA”) bertarikh 19 November 2001 di antara pihak
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dan pemaju
perumahan “Bangsar Hill” iaitu Bandar Raya
Developments Berhad (BRDB);
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ii. “Novation Agreement (NA)” di antara DBKL, BRDB dan
Plaintif bertarikh 8 Januari 2002;
iii. Perjanjian “Management and Maintenance Agreement
(MMA)” bertarikh 29 April 2005 di antara Plaintif dan
pemilik berdaftar Lot 11 yang pertama; dan
iv. Perjanjian “Assignment and Novation Agreement (ANA)”
di antara Plaintif, Defendan dan pihak Ketiga (iaitu pembeli
kedua) bertarikh 16 Julai 2012.
[17] Perjanjian MMA tersebut menyatakan antara lain bahawa Plaintif berhak
mengenakan dan mengutip Caj Penyelenggaraan (termasuk kawalan
keselamatan dan kebersihan kawasan) ke atas pemilik rumah di dalam
kawasan perumahan tersebut.
[18] Tempoh perjanjian MMA tersebut pula adalah untuk satu tempoh 10
tahun dari Tarikh milikan kosong diserahkan kepada pembeli pertama. Namun,
tempoh perjanjian dan terma-terma MMA tersebut boleh diperbaharui atau
dilanjutkan tertakluk kepada persetujuan bersama semua pemilik dan juga
pihak Plaintif.
[19] Setelah meneliti keterangan pihak-pihak, didapati tiada keterangan yang
diberikan oleh pihak-pihak bilakah Tarikh milikan kosong tersebut telah
diserahkan kepada pembeli pertama.
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[20] Namun, Pihak Defendan mendakwa bahawa tempoh 10 tahun
keesahan perjanjian MMA tersebut telah tamat. Dakwaan ini juga tidak
disangkal oleh Plaintif, namun Plaintif mendakwa walaupun wujudnya
kemungkinan tempoh keesahan telah tamat, namun kontrak dan terma MMA
tersebut telah diperbaharui atau dipersetujui untuk dilanjutkan melalui
perbuatan (conduct) Defendan yang tidak pernah membantah atau menolak
invois uang diserahkan, terdapat bayaran dibuat oleh Defendan pada tahun
2019 dan terdapat permintaan dan perbuatan Defendan yang menggunakan
khidmat pekerja Plaintif bagi nmembantu pembersihan kawasan hadapan
rumah Defendan.
Sub-Isu Pertama: Adakah perbuatan Defendan yang tidak pernah
membantah invois yang diserahkan kepadanya oleh Plaintif adalah
merupakan persetujuan tersirat bahawa Defendan adalah terikat
secara kontrak dan terhutang dengan Plaintif;
[21] Secara asasnya, Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan prinsip yang
diutarakan oleh Plaintif berkaitan kedudukan invois sekiranya tidak dibantah
oleh Defendan, maka akan menjadi satu factor pemberat untuk menunjukkan
bahawa wujudnya kausa tuntutan dan keberhutangan yang sah oleh Defendan.
Plaintif juga telah merujuk Mahkamah ini kepada beberapa otoriti undang-
undang bagi menyokong kedudukan Plaintif bahawa perbuatan Defendan yang
tidak pernah membantah invois yang diserahkan kepadanya oleh Plaintif
adalah merupakan persetujuan tersirat bahawa Defendan adalah terikat secara
kontrak dan terhutang dengan Plaintif;
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[22] Namun demikian, perbezaan utama yang memisahkan dan
menjarakkan prinsip-prinsip berkaitan kedudukan invois sepertimana di
gariskan di dalam kes-kes tersebut jika dibandingkan dengan kes di hadapan
Mahkamah ini ialah tiada pertikaian berkaitan kewujudan dan keabsahan
kontrak di antara pihak-pihak di dalam kes-kes yang dirujuk oleh Plaintif
tersebut. Invois-invois tersebut dikeluarkan bersandarkan kepada kontrak yang
sah dan tidak dipertikaikan oleh pihak-pihak.
[23] Di dalam kes dihadapan Mahkamah ini, asas utama pertikaian pihak-
pihak ialah berkaitan kewujudan kontrak di antara pihak-pihak dimana pihak
Defendan mendakwa bahawa tempoh 10 tahun keesahan (validity) perjanjian
MMA tersebut telah tamat. Plaintif pula mendakwa walaupun wujudnya
kemungkinan tempoh keesahan telah tamat, namun kontrak dan terma MMA
tersebut telah diperbaharui atau dipersetujui untuk dilanjutkan melalui
perbuatan (conduct) Defendan.
[24] Justeru, pada hemat Mahkamah, perbuatan Defendan yang tidak
membantah atau menafikan invois yang diserahkan kepadanya oleh Plaintif
bukanlah suatu yang boleh disandarkan sebagai sandaran utama kepada
tuntutan Plaintif memandangkan asas utama iaitu perjanjian MMA yang
membolehkan invois tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Plaintif dipertikaikan oleh
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[25] Plaintif haruslah membuktikan terlebih dahulu bahawa wujudnya kontrak
yang sah dan mengikat di antara pihak-pihak bagi menbolehkan invois-invois
yang dikeluarkan dan diserahkan kepada Defendan tersebut boleh dijadikan
sandaran utama bagi menunjukkan wujudnya keberhutangan dan tunggakan
oleh Defendan.
Sub-Isu Kedua: Adakah perbuatan Defendan pada sekitar tahun
2019 yang membuat bayaran sebanyak RM 38,596.33 sebagai
bayaran caj penyelenggaraan yang tertunggak merupakan
persetujuan tersirat bahawa Defendan telah memperakui
perlanjutan kontrak dengan menyelesaikan tunggakan;
[26] Plaintif mendakwa Tindakan Defendan yang membuat bayaran
tunggakan sebanyak RM 38,596.33 bagi caj penyelenggaraan yang tertunggak
merupakan persetujuan tersirat bahawa Defendan telah memperakui
perlanjutan kontrak dengan menyelesaikan tunggakan.
[27] Defendan pula menyatakan bahawa bayaran tersebut bukanlah satu
pengakuan Defendan terhadap keberhutangan, tetapi merupakan sebahagian
bayaran secara sukarela dan suci hati (rujuk perenggan 7 Pernyataan
Pembelaan) oleh pihak Defendan kepada Plaintif tanpa mengakui atau
bersetuju dengan kewajipan mana-mana kontrak.
S/N f1GOsTal5U6rLqkd54exlQ
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[28] Pada hemat Mahkamah, bayaran yang dilakukan oleh Defendan
tersebut adalah merupakan bayaran caj penyelenggaraan yang telah dibayar
oleh Defendan secara terma “good faith” kepada Plaintif setelah diminta untuk
membuat bayaran oleh Plaintif.
[29] Defendan semasa disoal balas oleh Plaintif menyatakan:
Q- I put it to you that this was a Freudian slip. You know what is a
Freudian slip? It was a slip on your part, you gave away the fact that
the management has the right to collect its fees, isn’t it?
A- Well, I never denied that the Bangsar Hill has the right to collect
fees because it is stated in MMA.
Q- And you have also accepted that the MMA has been extended,
isn’t it?
A- No, I never said that it has been extended. I cannot find any proof
that was given to me that it has been extended.
Q- If it wasn’t, why did you tell them that they cannot collect
management fees on other issues? Why did you not say the MMA is
not extended?
A- Yes, because they were sending me invoices to ask me to pay.
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[30] Pada hemat Mahkamah, Plaintif sendiri juga gagal untuk meyakinkan
Mahkamah bahawa Defendan sememangnya sedar dan mengakui bahawa
MMA tersebut telah dilanjutkan dan oleh kerana itu, Defendan membuat
bayaran tersebut kepada Plaintif.
[31] Mahkamah ini juga berkecendurungan untuk membuat dapatan bahawa
ada kebarangkalian yang tinggi bahawa Plaintif juga tidak sedar dan “aware”
bahawa perjanjian MMA tersebut sebenarnya telah tamat tempoh dan perlu
diperbaharui oleh pihak-pihak.
Sub-Isu Ketiga: Adakah perbuatan Defendan yang masih
mendapatkan khidmat pekerja Plaintif termasuk untuk kegunaan
sendiri di dalam laman rumah Defendan merupakan perbuatan
tersirat pengakuan wujudnya kontrak dan seksyen 71 Akta Kontrak
1950 terpakai di dalam situasi ini
[32] Secara ringkas, perlu ditekankan sekali lagi bahawa terdapat 2
perjanjian berbeza yang terpakai di dalam Tindakan ini, iiatu:
i) RMMA dan NA diantara DBKL, BRDB dan Plaintif.
-perjanjian-perjanjian ini antara lain telah memberikan hak
ekslusif dan tanggung jawab kepada Plaintif untuk
menyelenggara kawasan “Reserve Road” yang dikenali
sebagai Linear Park di dalam kawasan perumahan Bangsar
Hill tersebut.
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ii) MMA dan ANA di antara Plaintif dan Pemilik/Defendan
-perjanjian ini membolehkan Plaintif mengenakan caj
penyelenggaraan ke atas setiap pemilik termasuk Defendan
bagi menampung kos penyelenggaraan Bangsar Hill
[33] Justeru, dalam apa jua keadaan termasuklah sekiranya Defendan atau
mana-mana pemilik lain gagal untuk membuat bayaran caj penyelenggaraan
kepada Plaintif, tanggungjawab Plaintif untuk menyelenggara reserve road dan
kawasan sekitar di dalam perumahan Bangsar Hill tersebut masih tetap perlu
dijalankan dan diselenggara oleh Plaintif.
[34] Pekerja-pekerja Chartwell iaitu agensi pelaksana kerja-kerja
penyelenggaraan bagi pihak Plaintif masih bekerja seperti biasa dibawah
seliaan Plaintif dan tidak tertakluk kepada MMA di antara Plaintif dan pemilik-
pemilik lain termasuk Defendan. Bayaran bagi kerja-kerja kontrak pembersihan
dan penyelenggraan oleh Chartwell masih dibuat dengan baik oleh Plaintif.
Justeru, seksyen 71 Akta Kontrak 1950 di dalam situasi ini adalah tidak relevan.
[35] Pada hemat Mahkamah juga, Tindakan Defendan yang menggunakan
khidmat pekerja Chartwell bagi membantu membersihkan kawasan hadapan
porch rumahnya yang dipenuhi dengan daun-daun dari pokok-pokok yang
terdapat di kawasan Linear Park adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dianggap
sebagai pengakuan tersirat wujudnya kontrak di antara Plaintif dan Defendan.
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[36] Ini adalah kerana pekerja-pekerja Chartwell tersebut tidak mempunyai
kuasa atau diwakilkan oleh Plaintif untuk memasuki atau memperbaharui
kontrak bersama Defendan. Pada hemat Mahkamah, permintaan Defendan
dan Tindakan bantuan oleh pekerja Chartwell tersebut tidak terjumlah kepada
pembaharuan kontrak, bahkan lebih kepada pertolongan atas pertimbangan
pihak Chartwell yang diberikan kepada Defendan.
[37] Pihak Chartwell tahu dan sedar bahawa mereka tiada keperluan untuk
membersihkan halaman rumah Defendan,,namun masih melakukannya
setelah diminta bantuan oleh Defendan. Perkara ini pada hemat Mahkamah
dilakukan tanpa memikirkan obligasi dan niat untuk memperbahrui kontrak,
tetapi lebih kepada bantuan diberikan kepada Defendan.
Sub-Isu Keempat: Adakah perbuatan (conduct) Defendan secara
peribadi di sepertimana dinyatakan di atas boleh menjadi asas
kepada pembaharuan dan perlanjutan kontrak MMA
[38] Persoalan yang paling penting untuk diteliti oleh Mahkamah ialah
adakah perbuatan (conduct) Defendan secara peribadi di dalam Tindakan ini
boleh menjadi asas kepada pembaharuan dan perlanjutan kontrak MMA dan
juga boleh dikatakan menjadi asas persetujuan untuk mewakili pemilik-pemilik
lain untuk melanjutkan kontrak MMA ini.
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[39] Pra-syarat utama yang ditetapkan di dalam MMA tersebut berkaitan
klausa pembaharuan atau perlanjutan tempoh kontrak serta terma-termanya
iaitu perkara tersebut adalah tertakluk kepada persetujuan bersama semua
pemilik dan juga pihak Plaintif di dalam perjanjian tersebut.
[40] Klausa 2.3 menyatakan bahawa:
“Subject always to the DBKL Road Agreement (as novated in
favour of the Management Company pursuant to the DBKL
Novation Agreement) continuing to subsist, this Agreement may,
upon the expiry of the period stipulated under Clause 2.1(a)
above, be renewed or extended for such period or periods of
time and subject to such terms and conditions as the
Management Company and the purchasers of all the
Bungalow Lots of the Development may mutually agree
[41] Di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, secara ringkas dapatan dibuat
oleh Mahkamah ini bahawa tiada sebarang keterangan secara oral ataupun
dokumen yang menunjukkan bahawa terdapat persetujuan ataupun
perbincangan (sama ada secara kontrak bertulis, resolusi mesyuarat bersama
Plaintif dan semua penduduk atau apa jua dokumen sokongan lain) untuk
melanjutkan tempoh keesahan perjanjian MMA tersebut yang dipersetujui oleh
semua penduduk dan juga pihak Plaintif.
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[42] Plaintif hanya mengemukakan satu minit mesyuarat Syarikat Plaintif
(Minutes of the General Meeting of the Company) bertarikh 2 November 2017
bagi menyokong keterangan Plaintif. Rujukan kepada minit mesyuarat tersebut
mendapati tiada sebarang perbincangan atau persetujuan berkaitan cadangan
melanjutkan atau memperbaharui tempoh keesahan MMA tersebut.
Perbincangan mesyuarat tersebut hanya antara lain bersetuju untuk
menaikkan kadar caj penyelenggaraan yang telah dipersetujui oleh ahli
mesyuarat tersebut tanpa melibatkan perbincangan berkaitan perlanjutan atau
pembaharuan tempoh keesahan MMA tersebut.
[43] Walaupun dinyatakan bahawa korum mesyuarat adalah mencukupi,
namun klausa 2.3 di atas jelas menyatakan sekiranya tempoh keesahan MMA
hendak dilanjutkan, ianya memerlukan persetujuan bersama semua pemilik lot
kediaman dan juga pihak Plaintif.
[44] Justeru, pada hemat Mahkamah, perbuatan (conduct) Defendan secara
peribadi sepertimana dinyatakan di atas tidak boleh menjadi asas kepada
pembaharuan dan perlanjutan kontrak MMA memandangkan pembaharuan
atau perlanjutan kontrak MMA tersebut mestilah mendapat persetujuan semua
pemilik dan bukannya perbuatan Defendan seorang sahaja.
[45] Mahkamah ini juga berpandangan di dalam situasi ini, kontrak secara
perbuatan (conduct) Defendan adalah tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan sandaran
berkaitan pembaharuan atau perlanjutan kontrak MMA tersebut.
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[46] Sesuatu kontrak yang mengikat perlu diketahui syarat-syarat nyata dan
penting kepada sesuatu kontrak tersebut. Sekiranya benar perbuatan
Defendan telah mewujudkan kontrak pembaharuan, isu-isu lain yang timbul
pula, inter alia, ialah:
i) apakah tempoh baharu perjanjian MMA tersebut;
ii) apakah terma-terma lain yang dipersetujui oleh pihak-pihak;
iii) addakah pemilik lain juga dianggap bersetuju dan terikat
dengan pembaharuan kontrak MMA tersebut.
[47] Justeru, tanpa penjelasan dan keterangan lanjut berkaitan perkara di
atas, adalah sesuatu yang sukar dipertahankan bagi menyatakan bahawa
kontrak perjanjian MMA tersebut telah dilanjutkan atau diperbaharui oleh pihak-
pihak di dalam tindakan ini.
Sub-Isu Kelima: Tiada keterangan yang menunjukkan bilakah
Tarikh MMA ini mula berkuat kuasa dan tempoh akhir MMA tersebut
[48] Pihak Plaintif juga gagal menyatakan secara jelas bilakah tarikh milikan
kosong telah diserahkan kepada pemilik pertama. Ini kerana, perjanjian MMA
menyatakan tempoh MMA hanya untuk tempoh 10 tahun dari tarikh serahan
milikan kosong kepada pemilik pertama. Ketiadaan maklumat atau keterangan
berkaitan tarikh serahan milikan kosong oleh pihak pemaju kepada pemilik
pertama adalah sangat memprejudiskan Defendan di dalam tindakan ini.
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[49] Ini kerana sebarang persetujuan pembaharuan atau perlanjutan
mestilah bermula selepas tamatnya tempoh 10 tahun keesahan MMA tersebut.
Ketiadaan keterangan berkaitan tarikh mula MMA tersebut pastinya
menyukarkan Mahkamah untuk membuat dapatan bilakah tarikh masa
pembaharuan atau perlanjutan kontrak tersebut bermula, khususnya untuk
menilai dan membuat dapatan sama ada perbuatan (conduct) Defendan
tersebut berlaku di dalam tempoh masa keesahan kontrak MMA atau selepas
kontrak tersebut telah tamat tempoh (lapsed).
[50] Ini kerana sekiranya MMA tersebut bermula dari tarikh MMA
ditandatangani iaitu pada 29 April 2005, maka tempoh akhir keesahan
perjanjian MMA ini akan berakhir pada 28 April 2015. Tiada sebarang
keterangan menunjukkan terdapat sebarang perbincangan atau persetujuan
oleh semua pemilik kediaman di Bangsar Hill tersebut untuk memperbaharui
atau melanjutkan tempoh MMA pada tahun 2015 tersebut.
[51] Pada hemat Mahkamah, maklumat berkaitan tarikh serahan milikan
kosong ini sepatutnya ada di dalam pengetahuan dan rekod simpanan pihak
Plaintif. Kegagalan Plaintif untuk memanggil saksi daripada pihak Plaintif
(bukannya saksi daripada Chartwell sahaja) dan juga kegagalan
mengemukakan keterangan berkaitan tarikh serahan milikan kosong bagi
menentusahkan tarikh permulaan MMA ini adalah satu “adverse inference” di
bawah seksyen 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terhadap Plaintif di dalam
Tindakan ini.
S/N f1GOsTal5U6rLqkd54exlQ
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[52] Ini kerana keterangan SP1 sendiri mengesahkan bahawa beliau tiada
pengetahuan secara langsung berkaitan terma-terma MMA tersebut. SP1
semasa disoal balas menyatakan:
Q- I now refer you to the MMA maintenance management agreement
and assignment notice which has been marked in regards to Question
5, 6 and 7 marked as P1 and P2. Again, can you confirm that you have
no personal knowledge of this agreement? You're neither a signatory?
A- No.
Q- Is the original copy kept with Chartwell?
A- The MMA?
A- No.
Q- No. And until this case has come up you did not know of its existence.
Am I right?
A- Of the MMA or Lot 11 or the MMA in general? MMA in general I am
more or less aware of it. I heard my ex-colleague my predecessor talked
about it and mentioned that there's a maintenance road and
maintenance agreement. Yes.
Q- You’ve heard they have told you so.
A- Yes, he have informed me.
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Q- But until the case has come up to Court you’ve never heard of its
A- I've not seen its existence. I'm not privy to that document.
[53] SP1 juga hanyalah merupakan pekerja di dalam Chartwell yang
merupakan agen dan pelaksana kontrak berasingan di antara Plaintif dan
Chartwell. Pada hemat Mahkamah, ketiadaan keterangan daripada pihak
majikan yang juga merupakan pihak di dalam perjanjian MMA (iaitu Plaintif)
telah menyebabkan kelompangan serius dan ketiadaan keterangan dapat
diberikan berkaitan tarikh milikan kosong dan perkara-perkara berbangkit lain
berkaitan MMA ini.
Sub-Isu Keenam: Adakah perjanjian RMMA dan NA tersebut
bertentangan dengan undang-undang (illegal)
[54] Pihak Defendan di dalam Tindakan ini menghujahkan bahawa perjanjian
RMMA dan NA di antara DBKL, BDRB dan Plaintif adalah perjanjian yang tidak
sah dan terbatal kerana bertentangan dengan undang-undang (illegal).
[55] Mahkamah ini bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam Plaintif bahawa
Mahkamah ini tiada bidang kuasa untuk membuat pengisytiharan berkaitan
keabsahan sesuatu kontrak dan kelayakan undang-undang sesuatu pihak
untuk memasuki mana-mana perjanjian. Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa
Mahkamah Majistret tidak diperuntukkan langsung dengan satu bidang kuasa
untuk membuat satu perintah deklarasi atau perisytiharan.
S/N f1GOsTal5U6rLqkd54exlQ
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[56] Hal ini berbeza dengan bidang kuasa yang secara spesifik
diperuntukkan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi dan juga Mahkamah Sesyen. Di
INTERAKTIF SDN BHD [2022] 6 CLJ 706”, Mahkamah telah menyatakan:
“[19] The Magistrate's Court has no jurisdiction to grant declaratory relief.
Its jurisdiction is merely to decide all actions and suits where the amount
in dispute or value of the subject matter does not exceed RM100,000. It
is only a Sessions Judge who is empowered to grant declaratory relief.
This is clear from s. 65 read with s. 90 of the Subordinate Courts Act
1948. A High court decision arriving at this same proposition is Wong
Loy Fatt & Anor v. Lim Tok Yew [2015] 5 CLJ 602”.
[57] Tambahan pula, pihak yang dipertikaikan tersebut iaitu pihak DBKL
bukanlah pihak yang dijadikan sebagai pihak di dalam tindakan ini dan tidak
mempunyai peluang untuk memberikan pembelaan ataupun untuk membawa
tindakan ini untuk didengar di hadapan korum Mahkamah yang bersesuaian.
[58] Berdasarkan kepada dapatan-dapatan di atas ini, Mahkamah ini
membuat kesimpulan bahawa perjanjian MMA bertarikh 29 April 2005 tersebut
telah luput keesahannya dan tiada kontrak baharu atau lanjutan yang mengikat
di antara pihak Plaintif serta Defendan di dalam Tindakan ini.
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[59] Berdasarkan kepada dapatan di atas berkaitan isu pertama yang mana
Mahkamah ini telah memutuskan bahawa perjanjian MMA bertarikh 29 April
2005 tersebut telah luput keesahannya dan tiada kontrak baharu atau lanjutan
yang mengikat di antara pihak, maka Mahkamah ini berpandangan bahawa
tiada keperluan untuk Mahkamah ini meneliti dan menjawab dua (2) isu berbaki
iaitu berkaitan perlanggaran kepada terma kontrak oleh Defendan terhadap
Plaintif dan juga oleh Plaintif terhadap Defendan (tuntutan balas) serta
berkaitan gantirugi yang sesuai kepada pihak-pihak.
[60] Mahkamah ini setelah meneliti keseluruhan pliding, keterangan saksi-
saksi dan dokumen sokongan yang dikemukakan di hadapan mahkamah
termasuk hujahan-hujahan bertulis oleh kedua-dua peguamcara yang
bijaksana, maka Mahkamah ini di atas bebanan imbangan kebarangkalian,
memutuskan bahawa:
i) Plaintif telah gagal untuk membuktikan tuntutan Plaintif
terhadap Defendan. Oleh yang demikian, tuntutan Plaintif
ditolak dengan tiada perintah terhadap kos.
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ii) Defendan juga telah gagal untuk membuktikan tuntutan
balas Defendan terhadap Plaintif. Oleh yang demikian,
tuntutan balas Defendan juga ditolak dengan tiada perintah
terhadap kos.
[61] Mahkamah juga merekodkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada
peguam-peguam terpelajar dan bijaksana atas kerjasama baik yang diberikan,
serta usaha dan ilmu pengetahuan yang dikongsi bersama sepanjang
perbicaraan berlangsung dan di dalam hujahan bertulis yang telah difailkan.
Bertarikh 3 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Majistret Sivil (9)
Kuala Lumpur
Peguam Plaintif : Harjinder Singh Sandhu dan Izzah Shakirah Mohd Sukor
[Tetuan Akberdin & Co.]
Peguam Defendan : Goh Boon Yee dan Nur Farah Ain Binti Faizul
[Tetuan B K Goh & Goh]
S/N f1GOsTal5U6rLqkd54exlQ
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| 31,476 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-22NCvC-486-09/2022 | PLAINTIF 1. ) NADARAJAH LINGAM A/L SINNADURAI 2. ) THANASELAN A/L NADARAJAH LINGAM 3. ) KISHOKUMAR A/L NADARAJAH LINGAM 4. ) LOGESHWARAN A/L NADARAJAH LINGAM 5. ) LANESWARAN A/L NADARAJAH LINGAM DEFENDAN 1. ) DATO SRI DR. SURESH RAJ LACHMANAN 2. ) DR. SARASPATHEY NACHIMUTHU 3. ) DR ASSUNTA DAVADASS 4. ) DR. KUPPUSAMY IYAWOO 5. ) DR. RAIHANAH ABDUL KHALID 6. ) WONG PIK LIN 7. ) ASSUNTA HOSPITAL (M) SDN BHD | This is an application by the Plaintiffs to amend their Statement of Claim (Enclosure 20) pursuant to Order 20 Rule 5 and Order 92 Rule 4 of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC). The first application to amend the Statement of Claim (SOC) was filed on 28.11.2022 (Enclosure 5) which Order was granted on 12.01.2023. It is an established principle that the courts have a wide discretion whether to allow an amendment or not (See Ismail bin Ibrahim v Sum Poh Development Sdn Bhd & Anor [1988] 3 MLJ 348). Accordingly, Order 20 Rule 5 of ROC stipulates for the amendment of writ or pleadings with leave of the Court. It provides a discretion for the Court to allow leave to amend pleadings which must be exercised judicially (see Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. v. Yamaha (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Ors [1982] 1 MLRA 417; [1983] 1 MLJ 213). Such amendments should not cause injustice to the other party. | 03/01/2024 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
CIVIL SUIT NO. : WA-22NCVC-486-09/2022
03/01/2024 08:36:47
WA-22NCvC-486-09/2022 Kand. 84
S/N e8VdOC0zXkCMuDVBqc5ckw
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] This is an application by the Plaintiffs to amend their Statement of
Claim (Enclosure 20) pursuant to Order 20 Rule 5 and Order 92 Rule 4
of the Rules of Court 2012 (ROC). The first application to amend the
Statement of Claim (SOC) was filed on 28.11.2022 (Enclosure 5) which
Order was granted on 12.01.2023.
[2] The Plaintiffs commenced this action against the Defendants for tort
of negligence arising from the demise of Madam Shanti A/P Ponnudurai
(Deceased) on 28.8.2016. The Deceased was under the treatment and
care of the Defendants from 12.8.2016 to 28.8.2016.
[3] The Deceased was the wife of the 1st Plaintiff and mother of the 2nd
to the 5th Plaintiffs. The basis of Enclosure 20 is for amendment of the
SOC on dependency claim under section 7 of Civil Law Act 1956 (CLA)
and administrator of the Deceased’s estates under section 8 of CLA.
S/N e8VdOC0zXkCMuDVBqc5ckw
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[4] The Plaintiffs had initially filed the Writ of Summons (Enclosure 1)
and SOC (Enclosure 2) on 27.8.2022 where the Plaintiffs instituted this
action against the Defendants in their personal capacity allegedly suffering
from psychiatric injuries due to the demise of the Deceased and not as
dependents under section 7 or on behalf of the estate under section 8 of
[5] Subsequently, on 28.11.2022, the Plaintiffs filed an application to
amend the Statement of Claim (Enclosure 5), which was granted by this
Court on 12.01.2023 (Enclosure 11), wherein the Plaintiffs included
additional facts to the claim which were also in their personal capacity
[6] Thereafter, on 9.3.2023, the Plaintiffs have again filed an
application to amend the SOC which is Enclosure 20 by attaching the
Proposed Amended Statement of Claim. The proposed amendments
may be summarized as follows-
a) The addition of the 1st Plaintiff in his capacity as
the administrator of the estate of the Deceased;
b) The addition of a cause of action on behalf of the
estate of the Deceased; and
c) The insertion of new reliefs on behalf of the
estate of the Deceased.
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(Proposed Amendments)
[7] The chronology of the case can be summarized in the following
Subject Date
Deceased’s date of demise 28.8.2016
Grant of Letters of Administration 11.5.2017
Writ of Summons and original Statement of
Claim filed
Application to Amend the Statement of Claim
(The First Amendment) (Encl. 5) filed
Order for Enclosure 5 (Encl. 11) 12.01.2023
Application to Amend the Statement of Claim
(The Second Amendment) (Encl. 20) filed
[8] An application for amendment of a writ or pleadings is not a matter
of a right of a party but is left to the judicial discretion of the Court
depending on the circumstances of each case (See Raphael Pura v.
Insas Bhd & Anor [2003] 1 MLJ 513).
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[9] It is an established principle that the courts have a wide discretion
whether to allow an amendment or not (See Ismail bin Ibrahim v Sum
Poh Development Sdn Bhd & Anor [1988] 3 MLJ 348).
[10] Litigants should not come to Court and thereafter amend their
pleadings as many times at their mercy. For the purpose of good
governance, the Courts need to dispose cases justly, expeditiously and
economically. As such, it is important for the Plaintiffs to provide a
sufficient explanation as to why they have to amend the SOC for the
second time after the period of approximately four (4) months.
[11] Accordingly, Order 20 Rule 5 of ROC stipulates for the amendment
of writ or pleadings with leave of the Court. It provides a discretion for the
Court to allow leave to amend pleadings which must be exercised judicially
(see Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. v. Yamaha (M) Sdn. Bhd. & Ors [1982] 1
MLRA 417; [1983] 1 MLJ 213). Such amendments should not cause
injustice to the other party. The three (3) basic questions to ask are-
(a) whether the application was bona fide;
(b) whether the prejudice caused to the other party
could be compensated by costs; and
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(c) whether the amendments would not in effect turn
the suit from one character into another and
inconsistent character.
[12] In Government of Malaysia v. Mohamed Amin Hassan [1984] 1
MLRA 793 (FC) it was held-
“(1) What the respondent was trying to do was to add himself as
a plaintiff and pursuing a claim peculiar to himself. That claim was
distinct from the claim he instituted as administrator of the
deceased's estate. This was not a case of altering a party suing
in his representative capacity into his personal capacity. It was a
case of adding a new party to the original suit. This was not
permissible under any provision of the O 15 r 1 of the SCR,
particularly when the period of limitation affecting the proposed
plaintiff had expired. The court had no power to resuscitate an
action which must fail in limine upon a plea of limitation. The court
should not try to extend O 15 r 1 of the SCR beyond their natural
and proper limit in order to supply omissions or defects nor strain
them to the justice of an individual case.”.
[13] Based on the case of Government of Malaysia v. Mohamed
Amin Hassan (supra), this Court finds that Enclosure 20 seeks to add a
new party from a dependency claim under Section 7 CLA into an estate
claim under Section 8 CLA which is an entirely new cause of action which
would turn this suit from one character (a claim made in personal
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capacity) into a suit of another (an Estate Claim) and is an inconsistent
[14] It is also pertinent to note that the 1st Plaintiff had been granted
the letters of administration on behalf of the Deceased’s estate on
11.5.2017, more than 5 years prior to the commencement of the Plaintiffs’
original action against the Defendants. The 1st Plaintiff’s reason for the
delay is that he had “overlooked” the letters of administration and had
only recently received the same from the “solicitors who handled the
application for the letters of administration”. It is thus, inconceivable that
the 1st Plaintiff elected not to retrieve the letters of administration for
almost 5 years.
[15] Relatively, there was no valid justification from the Plaintiffs to
explain the delay despite the fact that the Letter of Administration of the
Estates was granted over 5 years ago. It was also not explained as to
why it was not even filed during the first amendment of the SOC. Further,
Enclosure 20 was only filed after the limitation period has set in, of which
the Plaintiff has failed to provide any reasonable explanation for the
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[16] Accordingly, as the Deceased passed away on 28.8.2016, it is clear
that the dependency claim is time barred as it must be brought within 3
years from the date of death as provided under section 7 of CLA. Section
7(5) CLA provides-
“(5) Not more than one action shall be brought for and in
respect of the same subject matter of complaint, and every
such action shall be brought within three years after the
death of the person deceased.”.
[17] In this regard, the Supreme Court in Credit Corporation (M) Bhd
v Fong Tak Sin [1991] 1 MLJ 409 held-
“An application to add or substitute a new party to an action after the
expiry of the limitation period should not be allowed and this is based
on good and sound principles. The limitation law is promulgated for
the primary object of discouraging plaintiffs from sleeping on their
actions and more importantly to have definite end to litigation. The
rationale of the limitation law should be appreciated and enforced by
[18] It is trite law that, outside of the legal ambit provided by Order 20
Rule 5 ROC, amendments to pleadings which seek to add a new party to
proceedings after the expiry of the limitation period are not allowed (see
Government of Malaysia v Mohamed Amin Bin Hassan (supra).
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[19] As such, the Plaintiffs cannot bring a claim on behalf of the
Deceased’s estate by way of the proposed amendments pursuant to
Order 20 Rule 5 ROC after the expiry of the limitation period.
[20] In addition, the Plaintiff’s claim for exemplary damages, loss of
expectation of life and loss of earnings are prohibited by law. Section
8(2) of CLA provides that-
“(2) Where a cause of action survives as aforesaid for the
benefit of the estate of a deceased person, the damages
recoverable for the benefit of the estate of that person-
(a) shall not include any exemplary damages, any
damages for bereavement made under subsection 7(3A),
any damages for loss of expectation of life and any
damages for loss of earnings in respect of any period
after that person’s death “
(Emphasis Added)
[21] It is clear from the statutory provision in section 8(2) CLA, that
exemplary damages are not recoverable in an estate claim (See Hock
Hua Bank Bhd v. Leong Yew Chin [1986] 1 MLRA 225) and in Koperal
Zainal Mohd Ali & Ors v. Selvi Narayan & Anor [2021] 3 MLRA 424,
the Federal Court had expressly held that Section 8(2) CLA 1956 acts as
a complete bar to a claim for exemplary damages by a deceased’s estate.
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[22] Further, in the case of Datuk Seri Khalid Abu Bakar & Ors v. N
Indra P Nallathamby (the administrator of the estate and dependent
of Kugan a/l Ananthan, deceased) & Another Appeal [2014] 6 MLRA
489; [2015] 1 MLJ 353 it was held-
“[28] The rationale behind the existence of ss 7 and 8 of the Civil
Law Act is clearly set out by Salleh Abbas FJ (as he then was)
in Sambu Pernas Construction & Anor v. Pitchakkaran Krishnan
[1982] 1 MLRA 143; [1982] 1 MLJ 269; [1982] CLJ (Rep) 299 as
"At common law the death of a person gives rise to
two principles. The first is that the death of any person
is not a civil wrong. Therefore no action can be
founded on it although death may result in pecuniary
losses or damages to the deceased's spouse and
children. Lord Ellenborough CJ in Baker v. Bolton
[1808] 1 Camp 493 ruled that "in a civil court the death
of a human being could not be complained of as an
injury." The second principle was that when a person
died any cause of action which was vested either in
his favour or against him at the time of death was
buried with him. In other words the cause of action did
not survive the death: "actio personalis moritur cum
persona". The first principle which regarded death as
not giving rise to any cause of action was rectified by
s 1 of the Fatal Accidents Acts 1846 to 1959,
popularly known as Lord Campbell's Act whilst the
second principle which dealt with the non-survival of
the cause of action was rectified by the Law Reform
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(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934. The provisions
of these two UK statutes are now incorporated in ss 7
and 8 of our Civil Law Act 1956. Had it not been for
ss 7 and 8 of the Civil Law Act it is clear that the
plaintiff could not have the right to bring the suit, and
having acted under these sections and in particular s
7, his case must stand and fall on the basis of these
[29] Sections 7 and 8 of the Civil Law Act thus give rise to two
respective causes of action. Section 7 relates to what is known
as "the dependency claim" where the statutorily recognised
dependants of the deceased can launch a claim for the loss of
pecuniary benefits which would have been provided by the
deceased for the support of his dependants had he not died.
Section 8 relates to what is known as "the estate claim" where
all causes of action, save and except what are prohibited
therein, vested in the deceased prior to his death shall be
survived by his personal representatives of the estate.
Whatever is claimed will be for the benefit of the estate.”.
[23] It was also observed that an award for mental pain and suffering for
the dependants are not allowed under section 7 CLA. In Ketua Polis
Negara & Ors v Nurasmira Maulat bt Jaafar & Ors (minors bringing
the action through their legal mother and next friend Abra bt Sahul
Hamid) and other appeals [2018] 3 MLJ 184 (FC) it was held-
“[96] As s 7 of the CLA is a provision enabling the specified
dependants of a deceased person who came by his death due to
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the wrongful act, neglect or default of another to claim for
damages in their own right to compensate them for loss of
support due to such death, a claim for the pain and suffering of
the specified dependants (or even of the deceased person
himself) is certainly beyond the purview of the section.
[100] The proviso to subsection 7(3) of the CLA does not allow
damages to be awarded to a parent for being deprived of the
services of a child or to a husband for having been deprived of
the services or society of his wife.
[101] For loss other than pecuniary loss, the only damages that
s 7 of the CLA allows to be claimed are damages for
bereavement. However, such damages can only be awarded to
the spouse of a deceased person or, if he was a minor and never
married, his parents. The sum that can be awarded as damages
for bereavement is RM10,000.00, subject to the power of the
Yang di-Pertuan Agong to vary such sum.”.
[24] Enclosure 20 should not be a ‘tactical manoeuvre’ (see Hong
Leong Finance Bhd v. Low Thiam Hoe & Another Appeal [2016] 3
MLRA 81; [2016] 1 MLJ 301; [2015] 8 CLJ 1). This Court finds that
Enclosure 20 is not made bona fide and is a tactical manoeuvre to defeat
the period of limitation and the Plaintiffs are attempting to insert a new
party into the proceedings outside of the limitation period.
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[25] For the foregoing reasons, Enclosure 20 is dismissed with costs
subject to allocatur’s fee.
Judicial Commissioner of the High Court
Kuala Lumpur.
Date: 31 December 2023
For the Plaintiffs
Messrs Goban & Co.
L12-12, Menara Sentral Vista
150 Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad
50470 Kuala Lumpur.
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For the 1st, 3rd and 4th Defendants
Messrs Shean Delamore & Co.
Tingkat 7, Wisma Hamzah-kwong Hing
No. 1, Lorong Ampang
50100 Kuala Lumpur.
For the 2nd Defendant
Messrs Jayadeep Hari & Jamil
Suite 2.03, 2nd Floor, Block A
No. 45, Jalan Medan Setia Satu
Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara
50490 Kuala Lumpur
For the 5th Defendant
Messrs. Asbir Hira Singh & Co.
Unit 25-15, Block A
Menara UOA Bangsar
No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Kuala Lumpur.
For the 6th and 7th Defendants
Messrs. Azim Tunku Farik & Wong
Unit 5.03 Tingkat 5
Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia
No. 2, Lebuh Pasar
50050 Kuala Lumpur.
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| 17,449 | Tika 2.6.0 |
MA-24NCvC-60-03/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) DEVARAJ A/L D LECHIMINAN 2. ) RENNUDEVI A/P JOSEPH RAJATHURAI RESPONDEN PENDAFTAR BESAR KELAHIRAN DAN KEMATIAN JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA MALAYSIA | Constitutional Law: citizenship – by operation of law – child adopted by citizens of Malaysia – Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(a) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – whether ‘parents’ only biological or include persons who adopted the child – Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(e) and subsection 2(3) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – ‘not born a citizen of any country’ – section 19B Part II, Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – whether child found exposed.Held: Petitioner failed to meet the burden of proof required under the law - parents only refer to biological parents - principle of jus sangunis not satisfied - child not found exposed - petition dismissed | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
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m\—2mcvc—su—o3/2022 Kand. 47
32,01/2:24 41-4.’! 2:
In lhu Mum: oi Rink: 7, 73 Ind 76
Rules of Court 2oI1
In one Mam: al Section 25 :2! me
courts of Judicature AcI19s4 and
spacific RaliulAct1950
In Ina Mutter of suction 9 dun 25A
ol Ine Auopuon Act 1952 and
Article Hand Second Schedub oi
tha Fadorll constinnion
1. DDL
(Applying In thelr awn capacity and n lliignllon
ropmoniazivn of a minor child, Ruvesa aip Dovarai)
[11 ms is me ground: of daemon o1 (hm com m vespecl M an
apphcmlon filed by me 1-" ma 2"“ P\ammls mmg on men behaw
and as lmgatlon representanvu 0! a mum emu named RAPD
(name mdzcteo lo mamcam ananyrnilyj (‘cmIa') for . pnn::Ipa\
order under paragraph 1 0! Enclosure 37 mm me cm 09
declared a onixen af Malaysia pursuanm: me upemnon omude
mum rend mgmev wmu sermon 1:) 12) under Pan n and
semon 195 under Part m av me Fedem consmuuon CFC‘) ov
anemanwexy, pursuant to me wevauon olAme1e «mm; read
lugmhet mm section (I7 (9) ans 2(3) under Far! I: av ma Second
scneame at me FC (ApplIca|1Dn‘) Vn addmon to that pnnc|pa\
ovum, lhe Plamnms further seek raumm onnsuuentnal orders as
set mm m paragraphs 2, 3,4 and 5 lhavam
Bzckgmund mu
[2] The Child was horn on 14 3 2019 ta a woman known as DMPK
nhe Bmlogical Mother‘) at Hospnal Sultanah Nora wsmau, Ealu
m ,»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[131 In approaching «ms >ssue, Ihis Caun memo the decwslon ov
me Cuurl av Appeal -n P-«mm am: Kalull/rln dun
Mnlnysil v. Pang Wee Sn 5 AnoI[1017] 7
cu :3. That decrsxon Is Impcrtarvl because -1 dealt man we
same Dnnclpul Issues bwwhl up by Counsel (of me
Plaumms Tc sum u bnefly me coun MAppaaI mm: that
(at the law an cnizensrup Is confamsd. both Dlvcedurally
Ind subslannvely m he so Illa", me cansmullonallly or
me FC Is wnstdeved lmm me perspectwe or the
Consmunon and :2 Is not to be mcerprec/ed by refevenoe
to other statutes, even :1 may were passed by
(bl thewuvd ‘parent’ only means bvokzgxcal parenl and does
nu! extend to include adaptive parent, and .1 Ihe parem
vi to mcmu Adaplwa patent, the FC womd have
expressly pmvmea so,
(e) il .5 a flawed argument to say Ihatlhe pmvxsxons 0! me
Adopuan An 1952 Drevlded me missing link In
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
nnerpnaxing ms word ‘parenf in semen ma), Pan II‘
Secund Schedule‘
(a) the scheme of me Dmvlslons under me Adovnon /an
1952 does mt extend me the realm mm: F0 lfl maflsn
a! cmxenshlvn
(e) that m detemwung me cmzensnip of a person bum me
pnnmplan 01/us sun Irlfl /u: sangwm: mus! has moved‘
m .n resvlct to ma pnnoinla afjus sanguws, m runs upnn
me appucanx to prom: that aim: lime av mun, vane or ms
parancs was euner a Malaysian citizen or a permanem
mswdenl m Mawayaua
[M]; The ilPF‘>Camnn mbmn pnncmles onus solrsnd /us ssngufms
at me llma av mm :n he detemwlalwon ol cmzansnnp as
amboruled by ms mas».-p Abang Vskandar JCA (as he then
wasnn pm, Swn s. (supvajwas Mermdtu mm awnwaw
by me Fedevefl Coun m OBET(supra)
m mmw.umv«umM
mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[15] Mom xmpunanny, the menu cm In CBET(supra) dud not
approve (he Cmm of Appeafs bread WOVDVMBIIDH In
Mnd!luvlll1supra)onme meamng cV’pzrenl‘ Io mu-me non-
bwulogvcal parents such as adomwe parems and that decxsnon
must be taken to have been avervmed (sse Pegulm mg».
umym I Anor v. Go Fu Song a om-4202212 cu m
/[2022] MLIU 1m;
[15] On lhat basws, this court |s bound by slam decvsrs to lnHaw
the declsxons m P-ng Swat 5-. (supra) and CBET(suprI)
anmnevevme cannot be pevsuadedw agree mmme F\a|nufl:
that a beneficern reamng cf semen Na) Pan ll Second
Schedme tugsmev wim me pmvlsmns cl me Adophon An
1952, In pcmcular union 25A, is permissible hcwevar
dssvaue wl may D: m (be cw; Inlevesl
[111 Cummg bauk to me has In ms Apphclhon and apwymg
Ping Swu Soc (supra), me mg in be delavrmnad ..
wnemer me Plzurmus have sausned both pans cl sectmn 1
cl Fan II‘ Second Schedule, man Is, (hit me chm .
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
(I) was burn In Malaysia, and
(H) mam leasl one elma Child‘: paranls one la at me time
ol um enner 2 cmxen at pennananlly raeldem In
Malaysla The (um lequlremenl IS satisfied by me ha
manna cnlln was horn ln aalu Pans!‘ Juhom The
second vaquuemenl bears to be Woven
[13] New 35 declded by me Fadaral calm ln CTEE lsupm) Iha
lunaamanlal rule In lnlerprellng ma FC at any wnllan law n
to give media we IIIIBMIDH M me flamers The oouncannal
insert or lnlsrpret new words mlo me FC The cowl may only
call Yn ald of lunar mam. a1 oorlalmcnm where the
pmvlsmns are lnlpraaae, pmtean evacamva ur can
reasonably hear more than me meanlng
[ls] secllen 1(3) of Pan II Second Schedule makes velerenae
only la me llrna atom and n01 at me llma ma appllcaxlon la
made Thu! vaqulvumenl ls clear and unamblguous Thus, ln
dacernunlnglna smus allhe cnllds peranl, ll is lne aldlaglcal
Momera amus mat must be delermlned and rum zne adapuve
m vMxAlwauvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
ma a.n.l nuvlhnrwm a. LAIQ4 a mm he nflmnnflly am. glam. y.. .nune v-mxl
navems, elm Malaysian cmzens, svnce there vs no adom-we
parent at me time 01 mm Ta suggesl mat am. we cf the
Child‘: bnlh‘ the Flamnfls ware already his paranu wmfld be
dealiv nmpossmle and cunlradlclory to ma plain meaning of
Ihe phIase“a1ma me of man“.
(2:11 It Is claar «am ma evidence (hi! [hi Biological Momers
cmxensmp and pisspon wue Idenlmed In the Flrsl ac The
fact that the cmzensrup ann passport mmxser were stated In
that dncurnem must mean that the pnsspm was mmun me
Bwolagml Mather‘: possssmn or Known to me Plamhlls
smoe the First as was wssued anerme Plamlmslook slepslo
sdopllhs cmxa Thers can be no umerexplanalmn where Ihal
Inlovmalion came lvarn On ma: nonsldamuon, mvs Cowl finds
on me bahmeafproblbihuesmalshewaim111:1 - cmzen of
Sn Lanka and no! u Malaysian
[211 nus Court does not find me Plamllffs Aaamonaw Amaavn In
Endnluru an mm; the Flalrmffs smug mm was nu xnquury
made to me sn Lankan embassy an Inn cmunsmp status av
the Biological Malhu based on me passpen number
m mmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[22] There I! also no evldarloe mal me alologlcal Mamerwas a
pemlanenl rendenl cl M-laysla Allnaugn EH9 was ln
Malaysla ax me unle of glvlng mm to me cmla them IS no
evldsrloe mm she had entered Malaysla legally or mal he!
presence ln Malaysla was as apemlarlenllesldenl Theve
was rla lnquiry made wnn ma Malayslan lmmlgranon
nepannlanl on me alalogleal Melners enlry mm Malaysla or
her s1alus
[23] Based on one above I find that lne Plalmlfls have iilled la
alaonarga the burden cl pmvlng Ihal lne lalologlcal Mother
was anther a cnlzen ol Malaysln or a pemlarlenl reslderll Far
all the reasons dlscusud above, lnla calm finds na men: In
grarnlrlg lne order all Cltlzenshlp under me Flm Ground
second Ground
[24] The plamtlffs‘ contend firally lnal. given me feel than me New
BC was Issued Ihls com snould -ccenl lnal lrle cnllds
parents are Malayslins and lhal lha cmla his not eaqulrea
ma elllzerlshlp ml any alhev eaunlry ll was zvgued mat yactlan
m vMxAIi7uuWvlVqlM7huHuA
‘Nair s.n.l mmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 M mm .. nflglnnllly mm: glam. VII arlum puns!
He) X5 concerned men only wheve tne cnna was bow and
VvfieIhe( the chud ts stateless
[251 s-nee mus Court is bound by the aecismna -n Ping swu su
(supva) mat tne pmvmons onne Adoptton Ad 1952 hive no
matenamy an the delermtnalmn at cluzenshlp under the so,
the status ottne Wawnuffs as me adapuve parents cannot be
taken mm account as of rtgh1 The Maunms sun cany the
burden wfpmvmg tnat the Child was not born a cmzen at my
cute: country
[251 on finding that the BIoIog>ca\ Meme! Isa Sn Lankan. It cannot
be sam mat the cm was not born a omxen of any atner
country As held by the Com 0! Appeal VI nun Siew Hang
5 Anal V4 Kntun Pongnnlt Jntmnn Fcndnflnrln Noun: 5
0512-117) 5 MLJ 552 /1291713 cu 1», wt Iell upon me
appncant to pmve ms Imaags under me pnneple or us
sangwns In tnnoase, both me lvphcanrs mntagmx plranls
were unknmm and no evidence was offered to prove the
lineage at the bwokzglcal parents Smne the uneage cwld not
be pmven me appucant Vafled In sahsfy semen I(e) at Fan
m vMxAIi7uuwvLVqlM7huHuA
‘Nair smnw n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 m my n. nnnmun mm: dun-mm VII .nune pm
in, Second Scheduie despite spending his me wiimn me
Federahun -
[:5] A pram reading alplragmpli 1 my ‘ms nofbom . cmun ofmy
courmy min: to IM rsllllonsmp nlmc 2""lupdl-ant la rue bmlogiu!
m min: plums .: Ml mm of in: mm rm aw lvullbh
dvcurmnrlry «mam. m. aw app-mi. mun nemficntu (Emu T88-
51 carlnmod nu mlomulmv pofllmwla 10 me woo-c-in-nuts nu ma
mkv-nlpnmcullrs mu llldollid mm 'Mnklumnt mm Dqpamhtw
{:4} sim ma mnnty mm mm lawful ma nmrogmaip-mi; uu
unknown, niumpassion tn duomunclhl maps on». 2-: uvallml
mu wuwd on-era mu 2» -ppaiimi in be canlomsd Einlbnshlp by
Illlfidgllsfin sangmms
{:71 mus M awvmw, ma 2"" aupsnamnu I-utllufilladlht Nlumsmovit
to be - cmzvrv nyou-mm mm wflhln the mummy ovpmvman 11.;
air»: /I of in. semi: si.-mm al in Fndsruv cumiimmn (Risk!
to cm. Knot rm V Pnmulrar Bent Kahli/rm an xmmn Malaysia
pmnuu m;
[:01 We mrmal amen! me oanlermm or me spool/ant: mar ma
Iesrdsdm lma Flaenlion III": we, as mi as me nnsence alpemcular:
m-mam Ippdlanls mm mrmmte All nauecmrmsimagecanoe
sm nMxAI97uuuwLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. s.n.i ...m.mui .. HIGH In vuny .. nflmnluly mm: dnuamnl VI mum puns!
cmslruod as smficvont wool ma! ma 7" avpenam was not bum a
when 0! any nuuntvy As was mm oaniev. mm .s mqum .a
ewdunw am-e 2w -waeuunrs lvnenge, mm. owdemz .a mm:
[21] The dauuon m man Sltw Bony (supra) was veferred to m
Ihe reoem Htgh Coun decision m rmn mm sum v. K-ma
Pnnualah Jabatan Pemtanann Megan Malayxlx A 0::
mm] 1 LNS us 1 {mm} ML./U 99:, where like -n ma
pmaanc aaaa ma wdennly M lhelamer Is unknown and the
mologucal momer gave mm to the appncam m Malaysia
The >ssuo ma Mose them was vmelhev she was a cmzen 0!
Malaysia The mgr. Cuurl laund Ihat there was cnnfusmn aa
to me actual omzansmp sums of ma btobgxcal mutt-an
whelher mavacx max aha had a red menmy card maanz max
she was a permanenl resndem or welhershe was a crush av
Singapore On mac bags, me mgr. Caun new that me
bwologwcw mother was stateless and granted ma anphoatmn
for umzenshnp
[23] In contrast. thelacts nu ma prasam case show no cunmsmn
as to ma uype ov uacumem waned in \n FIrsIBC The
m vMxAIwauwvLvq4M7nuHuA
ma saw n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII murm v-vrm
Bmlng-cal Mmhev wls‘ at me me arms cmId's mm, s Sn
Llnkan cmzsn It must also be said than mere Is no evidence
that me Plammls made any mqulry on ma hackgraund and
cmzensmp of the blokugwcal father when they were In Ihe
pwcess cl reaching an agreemunl mm the Bmkngwcal Mulhar
on me adnpman II is quxte meonoswsnle ms: nu Inquvry was
made on that mailer to asoenam me ngm of the mother to
umlalevully sunanderlhe cm «or adnclion Thus‘ W5 Cuun
finds that mere was msulficxenl eflcn. pemans even a warm
neg\ec1, by me Plalrmlfs In asoenam mac fact Therefare, «ms
Cmm finds mac ms vans m Fnnh Nnni Sukar (supra)
distinguishable smce lhelalher us unknown‘ the cmm must
be taken to laHow the Bvmoglcal Mumers Unzenshlp The
burden \s on me Pwsmxins to snow why she \s not anlmed lo
sn unm cmxansrw‘ wtuch may «am In no
[231 In Azimih Ha-man V4 Katya Penqlrlh mm»
Pundcklun Mag"! 5 Anor 120231 J cu /mm] 2 ML!
227 the Caun M Appeal new (ha! 7
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm.‘
Pahm in me state of Johare some a months later on or mm
24 H 2019, ham PVIWMS were mlormed M the Biological
Mmners aesne In gwe up we cnuu my auopuon An agraemam
was struck on the same day between menu when me amlogncax
Mather agreed tn surreodet all he! parental and guardianship
nghts to ball! PIIVNINS who would Idofl the Chfld as their own
Both Plaxnllifs are husband -nu wwe am ave Mmayslan cmlens
[3] Slncelhe bwrlh uithe cnua was not nagmavea mm me mm
a late regusuauon ev me man was done by me Flamurls an
24112019 and a mu cemfimte dated 21 7 2021: was Issued by
Jnbatan Pendaflaran Negara In that camiicale‘ me Biolagwcal
Mother was wdemmed as a Sn Lankan cauzen bearing paaspon
Ne Nszzuss M the «me of gwmg bmn sne was 37 years 01d
The tmloslcallatheroflhe child is nalknwn The oemficale was
marked as ‘Bukan Warganegava mm sc‘;
[4] Bclh Fmnllffs men filed comm appnn-amna m amp: xne cnna
and me relevant orders were gramau by me Maaaka Susswans
Cowl an 25 10 zozc Follawmg max alder. a new mm oerlmcale
was wssued dated 12 4 2021 wneram ma 1“ Pmnmv ws reguerea
m mmw.umvammm
me am e. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-vrm
1247] vim: ovmd rm wpnrsmago can 00 aseunimld as in mm case‘
Ihmmvappelklntsnabonsfiw llhwrnma dram can beaelermmed by
Mvrwca vu m. manmy av nu parents my lwwsgu Ind ma
cnvzanlmp law: gavsmmg nolplvarvlt nltvunalvty wound be mwam Ia
ddtsvuuna wflvlhtlov mm» sppllllnl mm: m nqmmm mu m
‘wls no! Dam . Milan av My mum/y vn mu: ovsnt, 1». Ipvslllnl
Many: ham m Mnlaysvan smv would b1 5 porsovv ham . cmun of
andmorootmtvy, :9 Cambodvl, by wluo 5/me pmvcwle nun: mam»:
Hvvreu. mu wmm ml :2 slatafieu at the Inn av hov mm“
[30] Movvng an, cinlhe Child besad Io have hear: found exposed
wnhm me me: ing 01 section IQB av Fan II sacdnd
Schedule7 Sewer! 193 presumes that when a chm Is vound
exposed‘ the maths vs presumed to be a parrnanent uesndent
and the Vmdmg man lha cvuld was axpmed shlu be the due
0! um:
[31] Revfuranol was made to me Fedem Court demvon vn con a
Anor v. Ponduluvr am: Blgl Kmnvnn Dan Kumlan.
Mnlnyaia [2022] 1 cu 1 /(21:21) uuu 2.121 where ma
meamng av me lam: ‘uxposetf under semen ms was
m nwmnv.umv«umM
mm. Snv1|\nmhnrwHH>e HIGH m mm .. mn.u.y mm: dnuumvvl VI mum pom!
[as] rm mam mm: m s 155 an ‘my new Dam amid
Immd axpmam mypluf Tm purposuofllvvx sscmil, when new
contuxv musmm numnmmmanuarsnwnamunmammveua
m . plus mmu: my Inn mm» woaogm/punms yampmu.
mud) V1/alaknvdmll mas aims um» Iulnbn aflflo mm mduaoa
m hum cluldlemell Inlrldnnvdnnrdumpsnaa‘ baby A-lchm: public
olsmool Iouols place: M worsma and so an A mm: molnmq nl
-.nm..a‘ suggasu .9 new bum cm/d «me an dtscavarod‘sxpn.1od at
any oi mess Icualmns
[sq A: sum, nu. Dmndsaf posstme mlerplelzmwv of me word found
expasud‘ rs Ia mean! 4 . meamng m mdude a cum: -be-named at me
pncemmnnymenmmmmwmssmnwvsunmm The
opemnve word ’exposeL1'm 5195 mustllverelnle moompasx mephglvl
or abanoomd now mm amam, omelwtse the mmmng man! of
plivumng smmesavvess wumd be amama or raudarud tummy
[32] In hght at max defimmn‘ can the Child be sad to have been
ablndonud or axnosed7 The Respondent: contend Ihal me
has at abandonment were not proven lay me Ptamtms
{:33} The (acts here shvw that afler me cm was born, the crmd
vemamed mm the Biological Mather up unm me P\ammls met
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrw\HI>e HIGH m M, .. mn.u.y mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
her same 3 months afler she had funded me Child m them
Thus‘ unhke m ccu (supra). me mama remained war. the
cm unm she was gwen up Mr adoption Vn ms cows vvew,
muse lads do not show any abandonment amounmng en
Velvmg me cnue axposed wllhaul any mm ov me bxolowcal
[34] Smoe ems Court does nm find that me cnua was iaund
exposed, bvlh presurnpuons Imdev semen 1915 Pan II‘
Second Schedule, that s —
(3; me emu Is born to a mother who is pennanemry
ressdem at me place where lhe fmdmg was made
(them: sangmms preaumpnan) am
(on me date ov me imam Is taken as the dale 01 me mm
cannot be mgaerau m vaveur er ma mamurvs it \s a
prlnnlpie ol haw max «or a presumplmn to apply‘ the lacl
or eonaman (nggenng me presumpuen must first be
proved As was swear: by Thomson 0.) m My Kim mm
v. PF[1!61)1 ms 71,-[1961] 1 MLJ ms velerred to
m vMxAIwuuwvLvqIM7nuHuA
‘Nair am n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
mm aDprova\ m Dam’ sn' Mohd Nuiib :0 Mad Rank
v.PF(2a22)1 cu m /(202211 ML] 131 »
n u wmy llenluntlfy In oburw mm mm. .
anstulun/Dvuunvptvan wm u mm mu apom. m Nlcu or mum
and so levels: the anus a( wool an any pm (/10 bar: pctennn!
eustenm omen apvesumpban cannot ahmellnsoenxe mm pmotnl
any fact we exmenns av wmm rs a wndvlmlv pr-mam 0/
ma pr-«umnuon lnxmq Ta sly atnurwuv would a. m «y m mu mm a/
Mime mm mom:
[:5] On me Isiua man mus cam show: adopt In imarvrammn 01
me law mm mm be In my mteresl ov me cum, mus com
cannat msagree that me numgrammg of cmzensmp to the
Child will pose chauenges to me Plamuws as parents‘ me
cmla as an mdmdual and mm me wamum and the cm: In
a vamny unn However n would be neaessary to quote what
was said by Rehana vusui PCA in aenvanna the Federal
Conn‘: declsian m CTEB (sum) ~
1221 Lumnd Cnansol lur ma Appaflanls Dr Cyms Du mlpnssld
wan us an bur m mmd Mo mm plmclphs m eonslrumv the mem:
nnnsmmnunnl pmvmons am 1.: am: an .m«m:.:.m onamung me
m nwmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
avnrfmq am He submmsd that m ma prwes: ul wvlarnlebng
colvsmmorw pmvtsowls to ma cmm, tshwfidbe done In ways so as
m unable avamvlg ngm be grven mm m neny ov denuae Msm,r:1Iwg
In support me Supmme Com or mam m Paslfiraduzle lnstmlts ul
MednmIEducamn and Rueamn V KL Namsmllv-irvI!597] AIR aw
12:) ms mumpnmoom Mnramnvo/vuslhe weifnm of: mud, any
nmy mam 0! m. /my mm mu be vefievanl He then mm mm
Vwbsrlome m Mumatu olflame Allan: ./ F1:herIV980lAC .’l1Fwm¢Vv
smphascsed on raw may and mmaepamuun afa mad /mm me
R5) ms pom! In a. norm rs nus n man an whom mu/ermenl an»
rvms Dffinzwns-mp wu mud: to the dvddlen mmry to em» no rsmny
back up No cwmlry m M: wandwvll wurvfzvltzlnsmu llurvyana mm:
Hltahng mu ma-ma mm: nmflumviy mum my be . mmaar-non
am not Mu lunar! or cumin -mop:-a Thus, wm: AIM mm mam mar
one was nnlylu alhw mum to my.» Ealmuaa Irllmsyrsam flyous
[25] Nobody can drsawss ma! Iarmiy should not as lsparulsd
Nowem me Issue berm us :5 wlluthornvmdmglnmnfyseparubmn
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. HIGH m M, .. mm., mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
necessan/yammod me cum: m mt: can to I -.-mnn¢'II'I W°D"l15°"
allaw /smnham added) run not mm mt M mm: In a man
pursuant loAntd-3 15 7n. rlmrssfiarahon pnnape may be rs/etran! Val
Me authonnes ta mnmsun me exemse ms dusuefron pursuant to
Amc)e15 ma: rs wmrs me rwllrrsmam ofmcmwnwwwruts M
Hmca. nnnommma r:.l.IcofmuchMll7 raamanea tnepnv-=-area:
law an ramny seam-anon m In. nunlnxt ullhrs -pp-at
[$1 on tns same tone. this cum cams met me mtesmei ai
grammg stttzansntp In tns cnna so as to pmtect tne weware
ol the Child Is uunamonal upon the sausvaamn at me mtena
for cmzenantp In accordance with the Iiw cmzensnip ts not
granted merely to serve the Child's wallave The cnnu 5 now
blesed wnhtne presenee oflha Ftrst and Second Ptatmw as
parents who wtu nurture and tatae tne cnua wttn lava and em
and ma Coun ts cerlaln tnat may wtu do tnen utmost bes| tn
lhe meanttme to pfomde me cnua wttn me best envtnanment
until an awllulmn ts made under Amcte 15 of the recent
am I1MxAID7uumvlVo4M7huHuA
«mm. a.n.t nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 m my t... nrmnnflly mm: dnuumnl wa artum vmm
Conclusion and decision
[37] Eased upnn an the above. the Court finds mat the cnleni for
cmzensmp by awauan M waw undarlhe FC have no! tween
met The Awllcallon :5 hereby msrmssea wllh no order as m
Dalsd thus 2"“ M January 2024
Pamas Al The Hearing
For the P1; .11 11;
Enclk Framed Nambxar
Advocates 8 Salwcdcrs
Tainan Fvancm Perewra & Shirl
s-me an, Wnsma TCT
56-1, 3" Mb
Man lpch
51200 Kufla Lumvuv
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
src Puan Zavnm bvnll Tuglvan
Federal Cuunse\
Pqabm Penlsmal Undang-Unuang New: Melaki
Aras 1, Blok Laksamana
Sen Negen, Ayer Keroh
Hang Tuah Jay:
75450 Malaka
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
as ma father and me 2"“ Plamm as me mother However‘ me
New so was marked :5 ‘fiukanwalganegari ( New ac‘) Thus‘
the reason hr the Appllcamun
m this judgment. yetevences to “Amcles
and “Second Schedule“aremthata1me FC
The law on ciuzensmp
II has been deeded m a smug of cases and renamed m me
Com at Apvem dwsuon m Pemmm 5-ur Kallnlrnn an
Kemalian, Mal-ysia v. Pang woo Sn 3. Anor[2l711] 7 cu
13 /(201713 MLJ J08 and me recent Federal cuundeosmns
m crss 5 Anur v. Km. Pcnglrih Pundlluran mg n,
Mnlnysla A Dr: (202114 MLJ 23: /12021) a cL./ 411 and
CCH 5 /mar v. Pwndalhr sosar Blgi K-Ianinn Dan
Kumuliln, Malawi; 1 20221 1 cu 1 /I202!) MLJU 2.111 that
the law on cmzenshlp ave excluswely prov-sea In me Fc In
delwanng me uamsmn of me Court m ccn (supra). Her
Ladysmp me cmer Justice Yengku Mavmun set cm a
remmder on ma such pmwsmns are m be mlzvpreled —
[ta] Cmzsrwup no mum mm :2, Put in am. so but M:
nbo . mm: sa mnlnclh/y :..u...m me mm :0 Ms mdplluanal
may cw-nun-d m m 511; A: sum my pmmm on mm; A:
mmnm .: Mary .4 pawl»:
[47] Navmv ma mar. m an eonwlcfefi mmafm of mu Iwowm
wlnww by Abdoolcwsrl (I: H: mm m; m Madeira umvemy
Bedvsfl v Gcvammsm plMalay::a[19M[2 ML] :55, Hip sar-
rmm Pub/»'cFm.-ur:umrvDaInhHsmnbmH.;vh1n:& OI: mm
2 MLJ us mu Ma Conxmutlcn rs no! la be mnstmad m Any
,..m». a mm sens: {James V commmm oi
Msmba nsasmc am but ms doe: noumn ma: a war! As
anmanm mecnarpevvenumunguamlme camnm... m me
mlemm olany »sg.rman.mumna« meaty, Never: mowma.
for ma pumou ul mpplymq nnu.umn.r nrnl mmw suppand
mars Iimphans posted)
[421 me want my my: Dad la do battle wrm mew Mu
L‘onfl»'c1In37pImL1ple.r On live (via mud, n rs and mm m ./udacmry
mm: pmpon Io usurp we ml: olthe Legislature On In: me:
hand n IS sax! Illa! me Juaxuary mun be flmacnw ta Pmtsct
mmamemaz rvmls. No mm» me Irglmvant we are Lvn.I1anW
Iammflvd nl mm Inn Indie! mm Dy mm sadeslskmglhear
sm nMxAI97uuvwLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
rupschve pm-mans m consmulmnnlcnses Whore do wa draw me
me bslweuv mess two lxlrumu’
[491 w. behave mat the ans-war 4» ma quuimn ho: hum
anscussod m mvwmerubh mnnun! of rams: mm me man recwvl
osmgcrss ms mnw mm: 1: m. unaavsllvdlflv mu lmipllmsvurvs muxtbu wnslruod ls broadly u
poxarbh um Dmmmlu mm.-n Hm mass mu mm M
uoflllruadu n-mmy anponobto rmnw mat-ml wscuaom mm
play a loser par! when umshulng wmmnnu Prowsmns One
cnnmal afluni m be pedanbv: or clmg neelesny In mnulamd
[501 Men constrmny a ward or mm: m the FL‘ pmmm Mar
war-nt-ems) - nmauwwvlal nah: me court snommve lbw wrdu!
msmn mtlmrrw wrmaut mummy ur vanwv m. n...‘ munnmg
And when uonmwng Antsmlabd Pmvrmnl‘ Ive uoufi mould ma
than M a whale navmg ngard m ma burnout and mnm onlmu
pvuwsms -nu mrmomso mu wlknrrva mummy rullm mm M
mm at mm mm another
[71 On me subject of rules of mzemramion allhe pnwissans u«
me FC, me Federal Cnun In Data‘ Sari Ir. pa Mohammad
Nlnr Jamaluddln v. Dam’ Sui Dr bmbry Abdul mm,
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Allomcy sum-I (lntuwnn) (20121 2 cu m;[2o1a1 2
ML] 255 halt-
One umcr mwun-nr gm. m mmmmn .1 .5 mt, “me
Canslmmon mm! o. conndomd n 5 man, And m I: xa vm man
.5 /.1 .5 possmle‘ m an M: mvmn; u rs an amnnansa cnnan m
mnahluimnal oonstrudmn ms! no one Dmvtsmn aims Conmlulmv r: m
be sepalalzd /mm a)! me omen‘ and Lvrvsrdersd alone, ma ma: an my
pmwwns mm-g upon . p.m.m..m,.n m m be mm: mm m
Md to be so mam-ma u to slrscrulle the gum p-mu or am
mstmmcnl An clamcnlaly M): almrusmmum .5‘ ms! flpombb enact
mm be gt»/an m evalypan amt every ward or: Corlslrmuorv and ma!
unless Mere rt Jam: clear mason m me wnrmy. no pomun of me
Ilmdamenlul law sham be trusted as supemunus (See Danahada
Urus San End v Koknmny $411 5I~1(Eu Council Mal-ysrl me-mu-1
(20011 2 MLJ 2511
Dellberauons and decision ol min cum
[3] u .5 me Flalnlilfs case that me cm \s a mule" o1 Ma\ays4a
by operation 0! law an 2 anemauve grounds -
ti) FIrs(\y1‘F\rslGvound‘), pursuamlothe pmvlslcns ofthe
Adoption Act 1952 me crma havmg bewme 3 cm ai
sm nwmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Malsyuan cmzens, acquives cmzensmp under secuon
1(3), Pan n Mme F0: or
an Ssoonmy (Samnd around), me am nannq been
abandoned by me Euologmul Molnar mud not nawng
acqu-red cnuensnip <31 any country wmnn 12 months
from the dale ol umn. acquues uuzenshlp pursuam Io
semen 1(e) and semen 2(3) af Fan n Second
Schedule read laaethev mm sermon 195 el Part In.
Second Schedule
[91 It was contended by counsen for me Flawrmffslhanhe cm
cum to be accorded clllzensmp purmnc lo Amcve um Kb)
read wan yachon 1(a)o1 Pan n on the mm man we ward
‘parent’ m paragraph (a) therem augm m be mnslmsd
broadly to mdude aduplws parens Ifwasfunher argued that
me pravvsnans ov me Adoption AC1 1952 am Is, section em
Ind 25A wmcn conferlufl legal nghu on adoptwe puenli‘ are
conclusive pm: at me menmy M the cmm. psvenl ‘for all
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
purposes‘ M ws me Planrmrrs comerman that me phrase ‘for
all purposes’ means and muuaes me purposas av Icqumng
omxensrvp ume: semen 1(3) of Pan II
no] To advance the Plammrs cause, Counsel rvferved to me
aecusmn at ma Cowl av Appeal m Madnuvln Jan/In
Augusun v. Augustin Loouninmy a Dr: pm) 1 ML!
3:71 / [ms] 4 cu 15¢ where «he word ‘parent’ was
mlerpmted nmaary Io includo Idamlve gums and not
vesmaed to mologscau palenls
[111 M was mans: arvuad mat ems com srmuxd adopt a
beneficem umerpmuuon at m maanlng cl ‘parenf, sua-
max parem can also mean Vawfw parents sum as adovllve
parents and not ]us1 biological pavems s-nee a leg:\
adomlon awards the adocllva Dlrems menu: at parems,
ma law, m pamcular secuon 1(3) should no: amcnmmaxe
between blolngxcal and aaamwe parems A beneficent
mterprecanon, n‘ adopted by Ihls coun, womd pvevent me
cmld fmm bema rundored flawless and «no family um!
would be aflmled ca grow peIceluHy unburdened by all the
m ,»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
sacral and legal sngma and crrauerrgee that me cmlu would
mherwxsaa race grawrng up as a stamens perwrr Redererroe
was mane \o me declsmns rrr Minister or Home Affairs v.
canine Macdonald HsIm[19s0]Ac 319, Eastern Heamr
Board v, An Ford Uchhla {mu} 1 IR M7 and Indira
Gandhi 147 Mumo v. Pcrramrh Jabaun Annma Isllm
PorIk[201l]1 MLJ 545,
rrr response, courrser for me Reeporxsems argues that In
any aerermrnarrun nl clhzansmp undev me FC‘ hm
prrnerples or [us son and /us sangwms of me brclngncal
parent and not me adoptive parent mus: be pvaven by me
applrcanl Reference was made to the Court at Appea\
eecrsrone In Llm Jen Hsiln L Anor v. Km. Plngnrih
uoaurr Pendaklvan Neann A Dr: 12017) 5 cu M2 and
mm slew Bony 4'. Anal v. Kama Ponyaralr Jabawl
Pendaltaran Megm 1. Ors [2017] 5 MLI 862. It was
avgued man lhe Plarrmfis In one Appllcalrun raneu to
discharge the human 01 prevmg jus salrgumis srnce me
Broragrcal Momerwas 3 sn Lankan
| 3,669 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24-73-12/2022 | PEMOHON Sunrise Home Goods (M) Sdn Bhd RESPONDEN 1. ) KETUA PENGARAH JABATAN KASTAM DIRAJA MALAYSIA 2. ) Tribunal Rayuan Kastam | Originating Summons -Countervailing and Anti- Dumping Duties Act 1993- Appeal against the decision of the Customs Appeal Tribunal dated 7.11.2022 which dismissed the Appellant's appeal against the decision of the DG of Customs in the form of a bill of demand dated 4.5.2021 in relation of the Anti-Dumping duties allegedly underpaid by the Appellant. | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
02/01/2024 11:32:45
WA-24-73-12/2022 Kand. 34
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WA—24—73—12/2022 Kand. 34
D2/D1/2n2L 11:32-as
mum IAHKAMAH mace: nun nu xmu LUIAFUR
mum wluvm vsnsaxuwm xuun LUIIPUR, muwsu
(ammnm KLIASA-KUASA mus)
smgu gamuu no wA.2ua.1zgu
Dnlam pemzra saw pevmuhnnan a. bawnh
Sukiyan mw ma KasIam1967
Damn psrlura mangenav sum MI Iumuun
bcnankiv A 5 2021 yang dwkehmlkan m
hawah Seksysn I7(I)Ak\a Kasla/n1967.
Dalam parkirz malvuanan dulhanu
Vambakan m bawah Seksyen 25 Akla nun
Tnmbcl aanu flan Anll-Lamhnkln mu an
Seksyen Mm ma Kas|am1967
Dalam perkam m-nun
MDF TRK 7OU«i21/H202
Tnbunm Rayuan Kanam pads 7
Daham penm. Ahnan 55A Kasaah 1.
Kaedah-Kasdah Mahkamah 2012
Slum . Hume Good: (Ml sun arm Fumyu
P... 1 cl 2;
‘ sm Gunvawmnssanwrranhaa
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
1 Knlu lzengmn Kuhn
2. Trlbunll my-t-n Knnm Rnvundun—Run0noIn
1 The Appellant IS appealing agalnsl me tieclslon 111 me 2"“
Respondenl (me cuslpms Appeal Tnbunal) (Tllbunal) ln respect bl
Appeal No. MOF TRK 700-6/1/8 (2021) daled 1112u22 whlch
dlsmlssed the Avnellenls appeal against the declslorl ol me 1“
Respondenl (Customs) ln me lenn cl a mu or demand dated
4.5 2o2l In ralmlan lb me enudumplng dunes allegedly ttnderpeld
by the Appetlenl
2 The Appellanl filed en Orlglnallng Summons (os) dazed 2.12 2u22
(Enclmurc 1) pnmanly seeklng the iotlbwlng rellefs —
2 1 That mus appeal be allowed, whereas lne Declslon ol me 2"“
Respondent (Tribunal) regardlng Appeal Np. MOF TRK mo.
an/s (2021) dated 761.2022 (Tribunal Dlclslnrl) be set
2.2 ‘rnaune decismn plme 1“ Respondenllcustonls) In Ihe form
at a lull at demand deled 45.2021 In relalmn lb lne arm-
dumplng dunes allegedly underpaid by me Appellant be set
2 :1 That all payments made by lhe Appellenl for the Sflld bl“ of
demand daled A 52021 be lully relunded by1ne customs lb
lne Appellant;
2 4 Costs. and
2 5 Any other and lunner rellettnat «ms Honourable co-tn deems
fit and proper.
3. After me heanng. I allowed the Appellarlfb 0S|Er1c|ost.tre 1) Here
are me grounds for my declslon.
V... 1 D! u
1 SIN GunVawktmEGIlNDTYInh:M
“Nair s.n.l .. tn... m my 1... bflnlnnflly mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .mte Wm!
customs cannot sinona ino Expmss suspension /Emnption giiion
by Legislation through istms
25. The coiin is of iris view that customs is tmnno tiy all wnthen laws
I( cannol arbitrarily rewrite trie iaw by its Letters and disallnw iris
Appellant frvm the SVIU-dumping dmies exemp‘ ri Mam wriicri it has
been exempted by the MOF in the exam e M ii: staiiiioiy
27. The ciisioins allempt to remove aiiimiinioing oiitis from customs
oiiiiss suspension / exempllori entiiiea by LW and LMW is in cisai
bveach of Parliamenrs inteni as sei DUI in the express iangiiage 0!
Section 2(1) oi iris ciisionis Act
25 It must be noted Dual Parhamenl does not iegisia|s Yfl Vim Every
woiu appearing in an Act niiisi bear some meaning.
29 Via Federal Coufl In Klishllldill A/|. Achuun Nzil A Ors V.
uinniysin AIL SarIIykano[1996] 2 mum m; [1997] 1 cu 6:45;
[IDI7] I AMR 997:[I997]1 ML] 95 held that
“Tim! eiinuion oi s Collfl mien Imllsllu ng In An cl 9. sinsin is In
lrmmnl nio Illllfll in mdur In . Iflll i-gimim Inl n onin rily by
msisnes to In: wards sopssnng in in Ifllnllal e eunsni. riinis ll -.
mi, wold Ipp unity in .n Ac! mull b If uni. ml ning. ForPIIl|ImInl
um um luglslatl iii vain ny tn. us. Mm: ningius won: an onissss.
Aiiigicisi iiiieipreieiis insisiais iioioiniiieaio aisisggiu inoiosiissg in nxvalme
ur siigsigiaiy isgisiniioii or [0 iisai "IBM as siiosiiiiioiis oi iiisigiiiviunr
(eniprissis added)
so. in Kllul Pongaisti Hasil Dalam Megan v. F gas (Malaysia) Sdn
Bhd [1013] MLRHU I78; [2014] I ML! 701: [2014] 3 CL! 943:
[2n14]1 AMR176,Zale7Ia ninti viisou (as she then was) neid iriai:
ii ii wiiri nu. Inspect I cannnlngnze wiiti initiiiis DI IUDVWSSVOFV The wings
‘ExIs1Ing tiiisiiiess‘ rsiiiio tisioi. I71! words -in respect oi manlflflcllmflg
Of nmceasmg at a piixxiici mllil he mix zogsuioi as s wnolu. so trisi
ma axpmswn 'BXi5WVfl oiisiiioss in mom oi iiiisniiisstiin-is oi
expressnn or s oioaiici is iris mare probable eiipissson miicn ls
<€|r\5i)lBH| Mm 016 i lfllmll 0! (he Laqislalum in oiinciiiig DEVI am oi
saieoiiie 7A Reierio Melacap noveiooniein v Kema Peogsvah Hisil
niiism Negan iiiigicisi Rzview Aooiiuiian Na n2—25—aaMoo9) n
Parlialmnl had intmi-.1 ninmnnsni allowlmw to M iosiiimo
me 11 si 11
sm Gunvawkisossmwwwou
“None s.ii.i nuvihnrwm be ii... m min i... nflmnnflly MIMI dnuuvilnl n. AFVLING Wm!
only In "produnlon Inn“, III-II Panlamnnl would nnm sunly
spammed nnna enaany In Schudnle u n agm wllh an. meoneanc
[hat by n.nea ne ma comillnnn ef"pmdu:1ion am" In ma munlnnz
M “minuhclunnq me appolllnt nae eneanny stud ulm mes.
lllngully Ind wimoul nnnrneenennan e wen wu mm mm Innnllovn an
FM mint. rm aeeennam cannm nu enema lo usum lhe nene af
me n by cnlnlrng nu mm eeonnnnon nl ~nn.nune-manna" me
emnnne in own new.
(emphasis added)
an Fnmrner, In Palm on RI net. and Duvulopvnonl scam M Iysla
A Arno! v. Pro in vequaablu one Sdn and [anal] 2 CLJ 255;
[2004] 1 MLRA 131; [2004] 4 AMR 202; [2005] 3 MLJ 97, me
Feaeran com held —
[as] re my nuagnnenn s nu nes na nnneeen upon me wennesnaennsnee
gmdahnas aeennee by wuns nenn nnne Immamunll whun nnnanuennng a
(axnng snanune Sednorn nu and nnase gennennnes ursxm nannonnousny
my my onenane nn enmeny flnmrenn spheres when aranng a noun .n ma
exemnse en Ils mlervrannvu numdnclnon rm eenm aeemen. na nu
aeeenea by: court when lnlevpnling a Ilxlng mmne ns mansen mu
m nna afivlcl on me Pnvy caenenn dehvamd by Lord uoneyan nn Mungnrn
y nnnana Revenue Cummns5noneV[1§71]AC 139
Fnlsln ma words are to be givnn munr ordinary nneannne. Yhey in
nod no es glvln mm. em. mnnlng xlmply hluuu Iiulroblln I5
ne lrunnhu nagmnnane ux avoidanu duviolt As Tnmnsv J sad nln hns
neneenn unssernnnrngy nuegnnenn nn Marx y. nnnano Revenue Ccmmnssnmver
{mun NZLR nsz an ms mman prevents as non nppnnmblu no me
nnnemvenannen nf revenue slanulzs
semnanys en. mean» look nnareny alrmat is tinny 3 .171": vs
III: mum no: any lnundmtni. 1-nme Is an -e-my abuul a nu. men
‘ no pmmnennen salon ux Nennnna n: In bi me .ne es.
to be nnnpnae. one an only look 1 an um Ianeum -Md (Per
Rawnmn n nu ceee Brandy synamane y Ravlnua Commnxsnonnrs
nnsznn 1 K5 nu an M approved by Vnsmum Snmons no nn canaenen
Eagle on Ca ue y R-glnm [1545] 2 Aln an 49% nnsoam: nne
Thlrdnyn me ahjacl om. eonmnensen of: sulnm blinfi u. axcaruin
nu. wnnn an». naensnanune, nn mly bu pulumufl man nannnu lnjusnce
nov absurdity wu nmene In mu-non a llllral lnlnmnulion
would prnducr such a nesunn, Ind me naneuaee aennnns of an
memannen which would Junk! It. In lush In Inl-mrullllon
may be adopmd
e... :1 an 21
em Gunvawknanssanwrrunnaa
“Nana sanan 1.-nnarwnnn e. LAIQ4 m my n... nflmnaflly mnnnn dnuuvnnnl y.. mune v-man
FuuRYv'Y tn: htilorvof In Inanmunl and Kit uasnns which lad in
tts mtna haunt! my bu Mud as In nu Ion: wnnrunton.
Iamnhasts added)
32. Furtnerr t| V5 cteer trorn the Henserd tnet Partiament mtended to
suspend I attempt customs «tunes on an goods Impcnsd min LW
and LMW so as to serve as an tnoentive to: the grewtn or export—
onented indttslnes
33 lam 09 the VI8Wl'Faf|Iamefl|7'IRd\l1|€rIdSd m exclude anltdumplrtg
duttos (mm We exemplten, tl woutd have amended the defintlton 0!
‘cttslnms duif under Secltan 2(1) Dflhe CLISCOMSAIII to raflect such
mention given mat Sectton 2(1) of the Customs ADI was tn fact
amended tn the year 2003 by Customs (Amendment) Act 200510
tndude sateguard dunes
34 Basad on the above‘ I find that the Tnbunal had made an error tn
holdmg that sectton 211) at tne customs Am ts tnetevant W
aseenatntng rt the staintesssteet plales are suspended I exempt
tram anlt-dumping dimes gtven met -
(at Secttan 2(1) ot tne customs Act ctearty defines ‘custom duty“
to Include 'an|I-damptng du|y trnposed by or under the Anh-
Dumptng Duties Act“: and
to) customs‘ purported oondmen tn tts Leltars IS tnoortstslenl with
Pamemenrs tntsntmn ta eslablish an LMW tectttty to
tnoenltvlse and enoourage exporl—orterI|ed tnflusmes.
35 Theremre‘ it IS eteertnat I the Minister s pt-amgaltve to dectde tne
scope ot the customs dunes exernptton gwen to LW and LMW
ltcensess under the Customs Dunes Exemphon Order, and not met
:45. Evtdentty, the Customs Dultes Exemptton Order ts enacted hy me
Mtntster in true exsrctse of tts power oontened by Famament under
sectton 14(1) cl me Cuswms Act and the customs Duties
Exemntton order dnty domes min enact an 31 mm
:57, me Federal Conn HI Posmvo viston Labuan Ltd v. Km-
Pnnglrlh Hull Dllam Hogan [2011] 2 MLRA 995;[zt1I7] 2 ML!
‘ sru Gunvswktsnssmwwwou
«mu. s.n.t mmhnrwm .. med u may r... nflmruflly -mm: m.n.n Vfl mutta vtmxt
421 held that admimslrahve policy camml ovemde Vegisbhon when
It said as follows -
[122] As has been held nyxne F|davi\Cour1mme:aseaVPa\m on Rzselrch
end Develapmam Board Malaysm «new; n \s e wen samed pnnepue
men a nrovmon .n a smule mnmnng nuwev on a member at me
Execuuve m enan subswmary \eg\s\am:n par1.Icular1yans\haY\mpu:es e
nnanem lavy at ch-rgas upon any sqclmn av me DIAMIC mum be
construed slncfly menu cm 1.9:: lmpmhnbnly of .1 sulmdiary
n gmeuen mm mm Inn! n! In pannl Au, munch en
uuunmnem dnmnndn that an Idmlmstriflvl nolicy mly um
above I wwdmy lenlslalm «rm mememeal -dmmnem
lh-ubn mull m nhwunrdud {Knrapan Mahysla V Wong Pox New
5. Anar uses] 2 MLRA 433 new} 1 MLJ m. [1991] 2 cm was man
n mm 850) Pm Swen cn.n Fun at p 437 m the mm me me
uuzsmn |a sme .
“Any subslcf ry In an ‘on I: m flhcl a n-ensm of vovmr
mm. Pnnlamunl to some olher Iulllnrily. o.g. Iron: um
Admmluvallon why. me me -ulllonly at Mlllyslu
vested In an ce nut. down to any local eumomy In em
In pwucnh mummy, dignity nu Iandlna MP|mnmonl
Ind an me same :1 e, on mln u. m n safeguard lnr
such luhulflury lvuiuallovu and mm .In em e1 such
(emphasvs added)
as Based on me above. u \s eneeny (he M-mslar who Is empowered
underthe Cuslnms Act to demdecne uypeuvcuscdmsdunes quarmed
{or exemphon and (‘here ws no ewdence met me Mamsxer has
de\ega(ed such puwer in custom: under me De\egaI.1on of Powers
Act 1956
39. The rnndnan eneany commuted an em at law 47: holdmg me: me
cuswms coma, by way uf me Cusmms Circular. unpose . Iega\
uondmon that ovemdes me scennory exempndn gwen Io LW and
LMW hoensses «mm anu-dumpmg dunes.
Customs Circular and Lmu lo rum are male Inumal Gulannnu
A0 I! Is 0: be noled me Customs Curcmar merely states mat because
me man duly exempuen given In eampemes wnn LMW slams ws
based on a cus1om Dunes Omen which was -n effect (hem me
me u of 21
‘ em GLmVawkunEGANDTYInh:M
“Nana s.n.‘ nmhnrwm e. d... m my me nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa v-ms!
dunes Imposed under me Antr—Dumpmg Dunes Act are‘ lhereforee
not exempted The BOD was Issued to lhe Appeuaru on 27 1 2021
based on me Cushms Clrcular.
cleany, me Customs crrcular mere\y oanlams Cusmrns‘ own
|arpre!a|Ian or me relevant pmvrsrons. u does not purport to
Impose a “regar cnrmiuun“ on all LMW carnparues: the worn syaral
or condmon appears nowhere m «ms letter
The Tribunal erred rn law by huldmg than the Cus|oms Crrcula a
valid Vegal wrvdmon Imposed by Customs on me Appellarrl which
rasmcts them (ram emoymg an|\-durnpmg suspensran /exempnan
Funher‘ Ifind that the Lelterr whrch the Customs relied on IO rmpase
We DUFDGHBG oarrdmurr 15 not Issued pursuant In any express
provision 0! me Customs Ac!
rne Customs runner contends man nus purponea oondrlmrl had
been cornrnumca|ed (a me Appellan|U1mughlr1e Leller to FMM
rm more mew that me Lane: to FMM Is mere |nlema\ gmdance to
me Cusmrns and Ir1I.ema\ ruling has no rarce or law
In Mum Purposa Holdings aemad v. Kelu: Pengarar: Hasil
D: m N: on [zoos] 1 MLRA An; [zoos] zuu 49:; [zone] 1 CL!
1121 the Court 0fAnpea| held as lollvws —
[<31 Adopflna the anvmam Ihal commervis mu. 1 In Mupnruon men In
reqwemenl av men we pro»/1547 speaks refvrs «u a reumremeru
rrnposed by raw so :1 .5 mcumbsrrlorr revenue Ia pmnnn 2. wrmen raw
whrcrw rvquues an agreemem such as me one m we n-mun rnnarice «a
rave me approval cl Government or an auvmrrly uroormullee appemuee
by Ina Gavarrwntrrl caenur rm mvurmu lvlvvldy and wremy nnnosdod
ma mere rs no such hw mere was 1 sun man by munitl
lunuvcnnu mm nc Gul llml Iwll-am m . at am. In my
lumld hro1herAnfir-Zz|un:.lGA p 'nm em mpor.-.,m nc
Gnldtllnu m not In. see. He Kuk Chsong Sfln am 5. Anar V um
Kay mug A. Gus mm; 1 MLRA 1 19191 2 MLJ 224. wrwuv Wan
Hamzah J gm --rm guidelines wan ruued nut puvsuanuu any
pmrgmn by liw rm Iruny oplnlan. my new nu com ollnw. ~.
(emphasis audea)
run is M u
srN sunvewreessmmmeu
«mm. smnr nmhnrwm be H... e may r... mm-r -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum wrur
45. Further‘ on the same Issue, I have deemed In Yuniootun Dn g
sdn Bhd v. Kama Pengaran Hasil Dnlam Negut [1922] MLRHU
zoos, [20:21 I LNS 24:3; [2022] MLJU 2541, as touows. -
m} In In: tnsunt case. r tma lhz| ahnaugh me Accnmpany mom and
Rnmlnflur to Form c tor YA: mu Ind nu mm-d uxpayun to
flln tn lax rnlums tussd on audited mo-mu. il wu mmty a
MI! pncllcn or -no whlcll ma nnl bun mm mnndlmry by
the mt mm m.IumK hm .
[As] Funhannore n mull tn nmunuu uuldlllnu ind Inlnmal
on ma mu-ryacts as a guideline and is not loqilly hmdlnn.
(See Kznu Pcnwvlll Hun Dalam Negnn V. Sucv:-is Ellctmmcl a.
Yvunllomnrs Mlnuhclunr son and um] MSTC Joan . .1 mm.
Pumosn Holdinfix Blmld V mm Ponuarzh Hasil Dnlnm mom most 1
mum M1, zzmzs] 2 mu us, [me] 1 cu «mm
(emphasis added!
47 Gwen |ha| the Letters are mere in|ema\ gmdeltnes and have rm
force or tow, t am at the vtew that the Customs may not rely on me
Customs‘ Letters to Impase me purpurled condmcn on We
The Lattm cannot In-pan Lnual Condlllonx on the Apptlllnl
43 tt Is to be noted mat the Bob was Issued by the Cuuoms on the
basis that the Agpeuant had commuted an ottence under secnon
\33(1)(a) at me Cuslnms Act.
49 Thus Court vtew that Customs cannot by way or a Customs cm:-not
/ a Letter to FMM create a legal oandtttan, the bleach at whtch
allracls a cnmtnal ssnchan under Secltnn 133(1){a) Mme Customs
Act Any findtng |c lhe contrary would creale a dangerous
tmpltcattan that the Customs are empowered [0 play me to‘: of a
legvslaturs and create Cnrldlhonlq that woutd resml in pens! sanctton,
so. tn Transocoan Drllllnq (supra) I have dectded mat me Inland
Revenue Board cannot crea|e a cnmlnal ullance undar section
112(1) M the lTA1or nan! ng or a tax return through the use of
Acwmpanytng Notes and Renundenn lhe tax relum —
up 15 at 1.
sm Gt.mvawkunEsItND'rrant::M
“Nair s.n.t nmhnrwm o. o... m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII .mm om
m] n ‘smom a Dena! saluln shomd be s1nc1Iywns|mod m favnuvalms
subject Themlam. smce sechun 112(3) dune rm bemg prevmsed upon
me eommissmn Ma uvImAn:\ ollunca un¢wrsec1ionH2{1)allhe|TA And
Much moses penames. u shnuld be many mupmea.
pa] Hrmever. 5| pnmgmph: w a 4014 aims cese sxeued In: Sour new
we: oemgrepn 2(B)U1lhe Awompanymg Notes (Nola lnngan) and me
‘fiammdsr wenngeuen) m me Fmm :2, men rermnds xexpaye: to
compute (axes eesed an mu-a aeeoum, hat mused 2 I293!
[341 m imnllcln n of IN: Iullng ls um um Rnspondarll Donn! by It!
mun Icl e um. Mal: lrlngln and “PIIlnnAun", cream 1 cvlmlnll
alfenci undav Iacliovl 1l2(I]o1 an IVA.
[351 u an M me mew that me scw evrod m hmdmg that me enacuuenl er
seclmn mu. at me me wes mended emym sme dsafly‘ me we—
emuna mu vaunvanlem be we lax relums eased on eedued lGCmm|
(emphasws added)
51. Funhen I noted that nenher me Cuslnms Circular nov me Lener to
FMM were addressed ursenl lolhe AppeHanI In ten. me Tneuners
findm ' inocnslslenl wum aral evidence given by Customs own
wwness, who teslified belore me Tnbunal that she is not sure
meme: me purported wndmon had ever been commumcaled (0
me Aapeuam
u — Adakah puun sehqu mew. ublmm emu yang mhuax men pmak nuan
pada Iahun 2n2a ke em Periyu. rural Kz5|am henankh a 11 2ms den
9 :2 we WI Indak pamah dmanlarsemm uem kepad: pmak puaym
A — Tuiak pasu
(See: Encl. 1, page 2, 298 @ 2, 324: AIS of Mcv, Exh. Mcv-2:;
Nous ul Pro-cudlngs It ‘Tribunal daud 19.5.12}
nu Purnomd common In nm In my License:
52 season 65(2) of me Customs Ac| for LW Licence pmvvdez.‘
(2; Any such Momma sneu be Val mm plnod end Inmecl In such nomltlnvu
u on Dlncbuv Gomnl In nah nu may Ipuclfyln Inn mmm.
(empnams addadj
me 11 at u
em eunvewkeesemmmeu
“Nana Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e me. e may e. nrW\n|U|y em. dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
Seollorl e5At2t Cusloms Act lor LMW Licence provldes
(2; Any susn lluancu snsll be (or such plvlod and mules: lo such comiluann
as me Dimunv Gunny-1| In each us. mly spuclfyln ms llcence.
(emphasls added)
Based an Inn above SECHOVIL \ am 09 We vlew Ina! me Customs ls
raqulved |o specny the condrlluns appllcabla W the Incense issued |u
meAppeIlanlam1 not In a separate document whemerlhe Customs
Clrcular or Leller to FMM
Inna suppentar my vlew by relemng tome case olscruntum laalu
(supra) whet! tne Conn pl Appeal consldered Sectlon 555(2) at me
Cuslnms Acl wnlcn 15 pan malerla Io Sacllon 55(2) and 65A(2) In
present appeal
The Calm ol Appeal held that lhe pnmse “speclry In lna llcanee“
means “to menllorl expllcltly. dennltely and cerlalrlly V1 tne llcenoe“
wnen lhe llcence ls lssued when ll neld as lollows —
127; Ey reamng sueclfy W tne lloerlce‘ based an us natural meavllfla ll would
rmlurllly mean "In mcnllon Ixpilully. esllnluuy sna enmlnly In ms
liaanu". ln am: wms, nu Emldlllofll can In imvnstd 1!!-rlhu ‘cuncl
had been lssmd I: (III: 9015 sgslnst um pmlclplu M stanlng ll upllcmy.
dflinilnly Ind clflzlnly.
(351 ms prmclplns snaa ln mu Ibava aulnorllnes snowad lnsl ml... .
n e mssly pmlnss mt condlllons snall be spscmsa . m
Ibcnnoi, n m nu ms: nu conanlons nlnul Bo gllnbvd vmnn um llcsm
was use-lea. No comiilmns can no uramd llllvlhal».
(emphasis addsdl
Applylng saruntum mlu (supra) to me present appeal lam pl me
view (hat the aurvonad oorldfllon ougnt to he “merlllnrled expllcllly,
deflrlltely and cenalnly tn the lloenoe and not tnmugn the customs
l find that the present appeal is even worse than semnlum Maju
(supra) as the pwporled cnndlllun was not sent to me Appellant bu|
was adurassad and clrculated lo a long llsl olcustems Depanments
Wlthlrl customs ln lacl, the Appellant only became aware or the
Cusloms Clrcularlctv the nrsl tlme when I! renewed customs nelme
v... u M u
‘ sm Gunvawklsnssmwwwpu
“Nair Smnl nuvlhnrwm s. med w my me snnnnln mm: dnuuvlml Vfl menu ml
ol assessment dated 27.12021 wntoh attached the customs
59. Therefore. based on the above, I new that it was wrong tor the
Trlbtmat to halo that the purported condllmn In these Letters had
been valldty lmposed on the Appellant‘ when the Appellant was
never tntorrneo of such nurporled conuttion at the tune that the
nces were Issued and coutd not Dcsstbly have any pnor
knowledge at tt.
so The Customs on the other hand relreo on generlc statements tn the
Explanatory Note at the Appellant‘: LMW and LW Lteent-es and
Larnpiran c, whteh ls tound on Customs‘ webstte, to contend that
the Letters, whtch oontatn the purported eonatttons, are rssueo
pursuant to secltons 65(2) and t3sAt2) and have been incorporated
rnw the Ltcenees
61 Hawevevt t find |ha( Lampllan C can only be (cum on Customs’
webslte, It is not lssued or gtvsn to the Appeltant Nuthlng lrl the
Lamplran C or the Exptarlatory Note of the LMW Illknce states that
LMW Llcensaas dn not entoy amt-dumpmg oultes suspenslan I
tsee Appellant's Affidavlt tn support. exlrl I“MCV-11")
52 Based on the pnnctptes that taxing legislation: must be canstmed
slrlctty and against the Revenue tn the com :11 Avbeat case at
Exxon Cltnmlul (M) Sdn Elm V. Kama Plngarlh Hull Dlllrn
Nogori [2005] Z MLRA 335; [2fl|'l5] I CL] 810‘ only condltlorts that
are spectfied tn the Lteertces shall be applicabte and the Appettartt
shall not he sutztect to any other eanutltons that are not spectfiea tn
the Llcences and be treated as eommlttlng a cnrnlnet offence for not
oomptylng wI|h Hie purported condlllarts.
53 Gwen that Customs cannot be attawed to create tegat condtttorts
that wttl result In cnrnrnat sanctlans and corlslderlrlg that the
purpnned legal eonatlton ts not carttalned ‘H'I' the Ltcenses. lt ts clear
that Customs‘ disalluwarto: 01 the ADDe||an|'s entitlement to
suspenslorl I exlempllorl pl antl-ounrprng dunes ts unreasonable,
arbtlrary and uttra vtres.
n... 1! av u
‘ SIN GunvawktmEsutl:l'l'rant2:M
«mu. s.n.t mmhnrwttt be u... a may r... nrtmruttly mtmn dnuuvtnrtt vn .rtutte mat
34 Premised on me ainresam reasons, I am oi me view chat the
Tribunal‘: aecision I5 tainted wnn errur oi iaw, Irra|ionaH|y and/or
unraasonableness Iha| warrant me Inlervenlmi Mme coun
as. The iegisiauve mm at Parliament to suspend I exempt ami-
dumpmg dunes lcr LW and LMW Licensees is deafly expressed in
me legislafiuris and ma Hansard
as. The cumms. as an executive arm of me Government, and ms
Tribunal. as a quasi-judiusi body, have a duty to uphold and give
9119:: to me imsnuon ui Pamamsni. Any devialion iiom this duty
undermines |he integrity of me legislaliva pmcass
67, As such. I allowed me Appauanrs os qenciosuie I) WI|h costs 0!
RM1,000 no wiihaui me anocacar lee
Dated: 01 January2024
Ahmad Kama: mu Md. Shahid
High Oaurl Kuala Lumpur
Inc In M n
‘ sm Gu..vswkmEsmu'rrann:M
«mm. s.n.i .. U... a may i... nflniruflly -mm: mm. VI mum Wm!
Background Facts
4 The background teats gathered him the cause papers. Athttavtt In
support and submisslnns or the parttes are largely undlsplfled and
can be suntrnanzeo as totluws -
4 1 The Appellants pnnctpal lzuslness ts In manutacture kltcherl
SII1KS(PfDd|lO‘1)SO\B|y'0feXpOFl tnalnly tn the Urllled states
To rnanutacture the Pvoducts, the Appellant uses‘ amangs|
others, tntported stalnless-steel plates tront Jlangmen XHHL
statnlass steel Marlulaclunrlg Co. Lta (Jhngman XNHL), a
company luca|sd tn euangoong, Chlna These statnless-
steels plates were Imported under the tantt code or
hammnlsed system (HS) was or 7219 33 D00
A 2 The Appellant has a licensed (te bonded) warehouse tLw)
under sectton as or the Cuslams Act and a ltoensea tte.
oondeat ruanutacturing warehouse tuaw) under sectton 55A
ot the Cltsmms Act.
4 3 As an LMW ttcehsee, the Appellant ts suloma|it:a|ly alsu a
ltoehsea warehouse tLwt unaer Secltan G511) customs Ac|
tLw Ltoenseet Yhe Appellant ts enlllled to susperlslon I
exempliarl cuswms dulles tor the trnpnrted raw matenals
upon deposl g the ntatenals tnto tls llcensed (ie bonded)
4.4 Under the dertnitton at the wolds ’|lt:en$ed warehouse‘.
“duuable goods‘ and ‘utsmrrls duly" under Sechon ztt t of me
customs Act. this suspenston I exetnptton trom customs
dultes enpyed by the Aypellam expressly tncluaes
suspertsron / uempllun from arllldumpln outtes.
Accordingly. the Appellant all: not pay any Intldurvtplng dullas
on the lmpofled stalrtless-slael plalest
4 5 Under an tnternal urcular I letter dated 3 11.2016 (custom:
circular), the customs lmposed a legal condttron on all LMW
Lleensees (lnptudtng the Appellarttt that an LMW Lloertatea
does not entoy suspenston I exemption for anliedumplrlg
v... s at u
‘ srn Gunvswktsossmwwwhu
“Nair s.n.t nuvlhnrwm s. med In may t... mtn.t-y mt. m.t.n. Vfl nrlutta vtmxl
For Ihe Appeuam
For the Respondents
‘ sm smvmmsmmmnu
Dalo Nllm Nadkaml
(cm Ivy Lmg Yveng Pmg
and En. Jay Fong Jia Sheng with mm!
Teluan Lee Hxshammuddm men & Gleumu
Peguambexa dan Feguamcara
Law 6. Menara1 Dmamas‘
Solans Dulamas‘
No 1, Ja\an Dulamas 1,
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Puan Nor Jamuan Smmadsh mm. Tone!
Serum Federal Counsel
Jabalan Kastam nwma Malaysia,
Bahagwan Perundangan.
A135 4 Sdalarl.
No. 3, Persxaran Ferdana,
Kommem Kemenlenan Kewangan‘
Pvesml 2.
52595 Pmrauaya
me 11 M21
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
4.5 The purported eanttltlon had been communicated to me
Appellant tnmugn tne Customs‘ letter lo tne Federation oi
Malayslen Manutactuters [FMM) dated 9.1.2016 (Laltov to
4 7 ll lsa tact not alspulea lnat -
(a) The customs circular does not purport lo lmpose any
oorldlllorls on LMW Licensees, bu| rather sets out
Cuslnms‘ lnterpielation or |he lawl
(B) Trle Customs Circular was not wntten to me Appellam.
put in olher customs Deparlmemsi and lorwarded to tne
Presldent or FMM bytne Lellerln FMM issued some two
yeeis helore the issuance pl tne LMW license in me
Appellant, and
(5) The LMW llcsnoe Issued to me Appellant nallnsr
aorllatns lnls rmrarly sinlllar ponaltlpn, rlardces lt reler
to the customs Clrcularl Letter to FMM
as on 2.12 2020 and 5 I ZOZL the state customs at Penis
conducted an audll on the Appellant and leund out that me
Appellant nee underpaid anti-dumnlng outlet. at me tale at
23.95% tor the lmpprtatlon of tile slainless~sI=el plates tram
chine lor 2018 until December 2020 under the Anti—l)umplng
Dulles Act and St‘-fledule pl customs (AnIi—Dumplrlg Dulles)
Order zulal
4.9 On 4 5202!, a BIII 0' Demand (BOD) was issued [0 the
Appellant clalrnlng trle antldumplng duties imwnltng to RML
173,015 53:
4 10 The Appellam (hen filed in appeal to Ma Trlbunal number
MOF TRK70U6/1lB(2D2l|. on 7 it 2022, the appeal has
been dlsmlssed by the Trlbunall
A11 Aqgrleved by tne tteclslon attne Trlburtal. the Apvellarllfilad
true 05 to challenge tne same.
5, The grounds In suppart at this appllcatlen are as lelltms
(a) Tne Tnbunal cnmmllled ermrs at law by’
Page 4 ol 2:
“Nair Snnll luvlhnrwlll be UIQG In mm l... nnfllrullly ml. dnuavlnnt VI nFluNfl ml
ttt Falling to apply the court of Appears declslcn tn
semntutn Meju Sdn Bhd v. Fengarah Kashm Negeri
Punk tznznt Muuu 195; [znzot 5 MLJ AM wntch
held that the phrase speclfy tn the licence‘ means ‘to
rrtentton exollcltlyt definitely and certainly In the ltoenee‘.
Cortdtttans must he urtamblguuusly pamculartxed and
ldermfied tn the llcertce when the lteenee is granted or
lssued tn the Appellant and no oondtttdns can pe
lmposed attet that.
tn) Maintetntng Cttsmms‘ ptll d1 demand dated 4. 2021
whtch was nteued based en a purported condlttan
n-nposed en the Appellant vta Customs mternal letter
dated 3 tt 2016 and Customs‘ letter to FMM dated
w.t2.2ntd that lteensed mendtaaunng warehouses do
npt enjoy exemptten tor anhduntptng dulles. and
(mt Fatltng to lmerprel secttdn 2(1), septton d5 and seeuen
65A or the Customs Act 1957 (custonts Act) eeneetly
and wrongly deemed that the Appettant must pay the
anllvdumplng dunes at the Appellant dtd nt:| optatn an
exemptten tor antrduntprng dultes rntposed under the
ceuntervatltng and Anll—Dumping nuttes Act 1993 (Antl-
nuntnlng nuttn Act)
to) The Trtbunal tatled In glve any ccnsideratton or to grve
sutnctent due eanstderattpn that
(l) As a Itoertsed warehouse and a lteensed ntendtaetunng
warehouse under Secltons 65 and 55A 0! the Customs
ACL lhe Appellant ls unwed (D eniuy suspension 0! all
customs dunes tmposed The defmlllorl D7 customs
dunes Includes arm-dumplng dunes lmpnsed under the
AnIl»DumDlng Duties Act.
ttt) customs ts not empowered under the customs Act or
the Antr-Dtmtptng Dulles Act to restnct I ltmtt the
defihrttan or custams duttes:
trim The purported eondtttdn lmpcsed by customs has never
been speclfied tn the relevant licenees lsslled to the
Appttcant under Sechon as and sectton 55A ol the
Customs Act In true regard, the purpdned condthon
up 5 an:
‘ srn Gunvswktsdssmwwwhu
“Nair amt ntmhnrwlll be tn... e may t... nflnlrullly mm. dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna vtmxl
does not iuIi‘ii the iegai requirumenl ‘In mention exphcfllyi
definilely and eerrainiy in the iioence‘.
(iv) The son was Issued soieiy based on the custom s awn
inierpreiaiion anoipr iniernai poiicy sta|ed in me Leners
Tne Leflers have no roree oi law and camradicl wiin Ihe
express provisions in me cuscorns Act and me A
Dumping Duiies Act: and
(V) The purponed condnion slated in me Leliers has never
been seni by cusronis is the Appeliani
1:) me Tribunal railed \o decide iiiei me Appeiiani rras a
iegiiirnaie expenaiion iriai rne coun o1 Appea\‘s decision in
sorunrurri Malu (supra) and ine omer express plvvlsmns
would be adhered io and applied oy cusiorns
nip RIspondInll' submission
5 In gis(,U1B Respondenis submfl as ioiiows -
6 1 Ami-dumping duties are nn| suspended /exenrpied under me
cuiiionrs Ad The prevailing iaw reiaiing to anrrdurnping
dunes is me AMi—DumpIng Dulis Act. wriien does not provide
for me suspension I exernpiion oi aniidurnping ouries ior LW
and LMW in inis regard Sedian as and secrion GSA or lhe
Customs Aei are irreieirari .
52 There is no order under me An|i~Dum Duties Aci lhal
suspendslexempls ine animurnping du1ieslnrLWarid LMW.
Any ierrniriarion, exemption, or suspension oi anii-durnping
dunes imposed lies wnri ihe Miriisier oi iriiemaiionai Trade
and Industry (Him) and Minister o1 Finenoe (MOF):
6.3 Relying on Salmon 30(5) of the An|i~DumpIng Duties AM, he
definition ei “customs dutyflmder Section 2(1)oHhe Customs
Act snouid oe read resinciiveiy, only ior the purposes oi
suiriorisirig cusronis Io wlleci anti-dumping dunes:
6.4 According ro paragraph 7 or me condition aneeiied ro me
Lioenoes, wnicn siaies mar me Appeueni is norexernpied rrerrr
r... e n! 2:
‘ sru Gunvswkirossmwwmou
“Nair s.n.i luvihnrwm rs. UIQG e may i... oflninnflly mi. dnuaviml VI nFiuNfl pmui
"Its obirgaliaris under other W//Han law related ID 115 busines-SW
|he Appsiiam is siioiea lo the Animiiiiipiiig uiiiies Act and
noi exempted iroiii iria anu-oiiniping duties on me imponed
siainiesssieei aims, and
6.5 It is a siandard practise oeiween cusioms and FMM inai irie
Lener |o FMM is sufficieni rionoe, and ii is me issponsioiiiiy of
FMM in ciieuiaie me said letter to ils members.
The decision ouiie ceun
Appaiiaiii oiiieys llflplnlinrl I nxlmplion main Dlyllllrll of smi-
duiripirig diii s
This court is of me View that me Tnnunai had aired in iioiding uiai
as sin LMW Licensee‘ irie Appeusni does no| eiiioy siispeiisioni
exemptian «oi am!-dumping diiiies.
5 An LMW Lioensee (who also possesses an LW hcenoe) enioys
misionis dimes suspension iexeniniion ioi gnods deposited into ils
bonded warehouse under Customs Act, and under Seclicn 3A(1|oV
iris AMi—DLlmpIn§ Duties Aei wiiicn dearly provides inai ine
Cusloms Act and Anii-Duniuing Dunes Act snaii be corisirued as
9 The Hansard oi Dewan Rakyal 3*’ Pain nieiirs soeond session on
512,197: cleariy reiieeis me Paiiiairiems intention io iaciiiiaie an
LMW iioensee |o cany out manMaC||Arlng aoiiviiies on iniponed
goods (raw iriscenan iriai are rioi subject in custom dimes in ins
10. Tne Ihen Finance Mlnlillr had siaied as (allows -
iii oiiisuii. seeioii as M iiie Cuilnml Au siiesoy pmvndsi V0? waienoiisiiio
ieeiiim All goods imported inio such iioemso warehouses aie l\0l siinieci ia
Ousmms diiiies unlil may aie released iioin mm me pnspossi nuw IE no snow
Vllifllflltluflllg lclivfllai io be union on will To mi. exuiii. cnmml
iaciiiiies In be made available in siicii ware uses NIH bemmpaflblew moss
ooisinseie iii 3 I159 In . zone The pispme eiisionis iaeiiiiy wiii ml Duly
pm-iie a viinnei incentive to (M giomi in axpon nr1enIa|ed indiisinss. ii mu
Also eviomrlgl (M dispeisai oi inddsiiies Iwuy iioiii IM iiiaioi iiman areas
Pu: y oln
SIN GLniYswkuiiGAl1DTYmh:M
“Nair s.ii.i navihnrwm be UIQG In may i... nflflinlflly mi. dnuaviml VI AFVUNQ Wm!
lhersiry om-gm empmymenl appcrlumhas to our peophl m one some: «ms
am ms luvs! men:
Therelore, .1 Is clear me Pamamenrs «mention m creatmg LMW
hcences Is no anoourage and moenluvvse export-onenlsd Industries
u musl be noted lhatau LMW Licensees now automalically possss
a LW licence as smled VII Sechon 55A(1A) 01 the Customs AC1 The
Appsllam In Ihe prasenl anpaal possessed both LMW Lsoence and
LW Lmsncs «or years 2019 and 2020.
Sacuon 17A lnterplelauon Acts «M» and 1967 (cnnsohdalad and
Remsed 1939) orowdes that regard musl be gwen to the pumose
unoonyung the An:
mum to be had in ms puvpou oucu
17A m ms mlerp/~e|amn ova ommm 471 an Act a oonstruchun mm would
promote Ilse Duvpuse or anpecl unaenyma me Am twhelhev mm purpose av
amen ‘s ewes-xy mm m me am or run) my he prelerved In a mnllmchan
Iha| mum nut promote max nurpmae or uhpscl
Tnerelore, u Is my resoecmn mew that me mlerpretaoun 01 me
rmevanl nmwsmns under me Customs Am musl oonvonu Mm
Fariismznfs Wermon (0 mcenhvvse and encourage axpnn acuvmes
Hsvmg read the oevmmon oi LW under Sac1mn(2}(1)n1|I1e Customs
Act logelher with ma meanmg oi ‘durame goods‘, it \s dear Iha| |he
Appeflant as a Lw Lwoensee us aHnrwed to warehouse duuable goods
wuhcul paying |he cuslams duty msn
Semen 211) a! me Customs Act defines LW as louows »
huensad waumule‘ mennl a winhaum av nmlv pm. no.....n luv ms
vmrehousmg uldmmble gooas umersemn es
’Dulvab\e goods is furlher defined under Section 2 of me cusmms
Act as.
‘dulwama qooas means all good: suhncl to ma paymen|olcus1oms my 3115
an men suchdmy ha: not ye| been pam
“Cuslums duly“ us defined under senior: 2(1) of me Customs A421 to
Include ‘Inli-dumping duly wnposed by or under the Ann-Dumpmg
Dunes Act .
sm Gunvswksoossmwwmhu
«mm. Snr1I\nauhnrw\HI>e U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
“cunoms duly" means any moon my. xpon my runzx sumharqe or cess
Whosed by m Imdev| Ad any Duunlowalllnn duty 91 mil-dumping duty
lmpmnd by or undur 0.. Counkwllllm ma Ami-Dunn nu nuuu AM
am [An any, any eavegum duly Impused by at under the Saieguands Act
2005 |Ac|657]and mch.-Ans .ny ruynny uuysmu n 0.0 Min cxpcn du|y umnr
any wnllun law ov a mnlram. lease or agreemunt In men ms Federal
Government or me Guvvammsm or any sm. u n my a. In wmm such
Gavemmem has oonsenlsd
(cmphasus added)
19 Further, Regulalwn so onne repealed Customs Regulamons 1977
wmch Is apphcable VD! me year 2019 and Regwalmn (NW) 07 the
Customs Regulahons 2019 which is appneame can the year 2020
prowde my a cusmms was had been pa . me Taxpayer .5 no
Vonger allowed in more "as slamless-SIB!‘ plates V! VI! LW
20. Regurannns 310:) and so onhe Customs Regmauons 2015 read as
Mlows. -
Dunn nfllmnuu undcrlectlon as M an Am
31 Any nelson wna has been granted lwoense Io apevale .5 warehnuse under
unson ea o: In: Asl-
(37 Shaun eruurs nm In goods deposwed are rermveo hum me
wiremuw wwtmn the penod speafied .n me name.
an snau no| slam any ma; Much cullomi duty rm been me, ur
-nu rswrve new mlo me wanenause any duluma wads wnacn
mu wav>uu|\y been ramovod. vmemnr laraxoun m omnrvnn.
ynmm obmmmg mu appvo‘a\ m wmmg «mm me proper omner M
Regmaliun .'S1(b) 0! Customs Regulations 2019, wilh effecl from
I 1 2020 (appncanle ror year 2020)
The hcensee mu mi-
(a) slate on me lmerwsd premises goods upon Much me duly has
mu ham, or
my Receive luck mm me Imensed prervuses any auuame gnuds
men haw pmwovsly been mmnvnd. mum lo! upon or
Wllhoul flrsl nmamma me nennixnen m wmmg uHhe pmperulfloer
an s at 1:
sm Gunvswkm£sMu'rranh3A
«mm. smuw nmhnrwm be 0.... 0 my me nflmnuflly mum: flnuamnl y. mum Wm!
Regutattpn so or customs Regulahons 1977 tappltcapte tor 2019)
I find that the customs dutrea suspenston IS mnststent wt|h and
reflected tn the vollowrng —
(i) The cuetpnrs webslleon Ltcensed warehouse states lhatthe
payment at duly (dult) and taxes lcukat) tor dutiable goods
warenousep In LW VS deterreo untu me goods are reteased tor
home consumption or re-exparled. and
(See Enetmur. I3 page up
(it) The Mm's wetzstte on LMW wmon atates that raw materiats
ano components warehouse tn the LW, used dtreclly tn me
manutactunng ul appmved goods are exempt tram ‘cuslams
(Set Enclosuu 1: pp e an
Ftmher. as an LMW Ltoensee, the Appeuant arse eruoys customs
dultzs exemplton under para 2(1) and Item 85 of the Schedute lo
the customs Dulves lExempImns) Order 2017
Reedtng paragraph 2(1)andt|em asto the schedule or the Customs
Duttes Exemntton Order‘ tt is ctear that LW and LMW Ltcensees are
exempted from the payment or customs duty.
Basso on (haforeguing, lhe tegtstattons, rnotuotng tne customs An,
Ann-Dumpmg Dultes Act custom Dunes Exemp n order,
custom Regutauons 1977, am Customs Regutaupns 2019, cteany
pmvtde mat the Ltoenees are enlflled to suspension I exernotton
trom oustprns dunes. wrucn extend to anti-pumptng putts.
Tnerevore, rt I3 evvdenl that the Appellant as an LMW Ltoensae
entoys suspenston from customs dunes under the customs Acl and
exempttpn «mm customs duttee unoer the customs Dunes
Exemntinn order
r... m at 11
‘ am Gunvswkteossmwwmpu
«mu. s.n.t Iuvthnrwm .. mad a may t... unmu-y mm: dnunvtml VI murta mat
| 2,748 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22M-886-12/2022 | PLAINTIF SA Puncak Management Sdn. Bhd. DEFENDAN 1. ) Nakiwa M&S Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Iylia Najlaa Fathi Binti Dato' Nabil 3. ) Idzham Haiqal Bin Dato' Nabil | Civil procedure – Summary judgment – Default in repayment of Islamic Pre-Factoring facility granted by a factoring company – Whether plaintiff was entitled to terminate and recall facility – Whether plaintiff failed to plead particulars - Whether there was admission of amount due entitling final judgment to a reduced claim – Whether Islamic Pre-Factoring Agreement covers purchase orders issued before agreement was executed - Whether the failure to issue certificate of indebtedness renders the case triable - Doubt as to bona fides of defence – Conditional leave to defend - Whether defendant ought to be given conditional leave to defend – Rules of Court 2012, Order 14 rr 1, 3, 4 - Evidence Act 1950, s17(1) - Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, s2 & 3 | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Yusrin Faidz bin Yusoff | |
02/01/2024 13:58:14
WA-22M-886-12/2022 Kand. 68
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HA—22)(—E85—12/2022 Kand. as
n2/ouzou 13:52-14
SUIT No. WA-22M-IE6-1212012
In the mine! 0! an Islamic Pre-
Flctolinv Aqmmom daled
In me manor of an Islamic
Flclarlnq Agnimnnl flllld
In ma mam: ad 1 Guaranm
In III: mane! of one: 7 and
Order 23 of the Rules of coun
SA Punuk Maniglmnnl Sdn Bhd
(company No. : Zu01I11n15BsI (618238-H)) PLAINTIFF
IN Emzmrrzwmnnzzwman
-um Sum! n-vwhnrwm be flied M mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
I NAKIWA M55 sou. sun.
[Company No. 200501045910 (653973-A)!
[NRIC No. 331203-ss-$550]
INRIC No. : 94051:-m-5531] DEFENDANTS
GROUNDS or gyfimfim
m In em: me me Plavrmll had applied (ov a summary pmgmenx m and
20 to be entered agams| the Defendants Vanna sum owmg under an Vsramxc
PreFaclorIng Agreement pursuant to 014 allhe Rules oi Court 2012 me
[2] Mler conswdenng the arguments presemed by man pames, 1 had on
25 10 2023 dlsmnued the Plzmmrs appncanon Inseeaa I granted me
Devenaams Veaveln delend on me eundmon manna sum ol RM1 421.955 10
be pam mm Court within 30 days 1 also snpulaled max N the candmon ws met,
lhe case mu proceed to man, and me costs zssacualed wmn encl 20 will be
treated as costs m me cause Conversew‘ 4 me Delenflanls tau xo runm me
m Emzxxrrzwmknzzwman
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Iumtt v Bank Slmganan Nulonnl 2021} MLJU 2552 South E:slAs1:
Insurance Eerhld V K: In Malagig (19951 1 cm 1045. and N no
Comgnx for Fggign mg, 1 Km. Rap Sdn and [1954] 2 MLJ 300 ta
argue that In any event, 1| Vs well seltled that \f a delendam succeeds In
ratsmg even a smgle tname Issue, ll wm nut be a fit case and praper case to
under summary judgrnent It VS veltememly avguad by me Detenuante mat
the 0 14 junsdtcfion VS any to be exerctsed VI very dam cases wherem me
Inlenlmn was nut la shut out Delenuams 1mm thetr day m court
[1 51 Vn response. mmntm reamea caunul argues that tneaeuy by mum
VI making paymemdoes not atvect me ngm ol me Flamml In tnswst on Ms
ubhganan In pay upnn expvrallon cf the t:redt1|erms for each rewivabie On
the Vssue at repayment at Rmmnoa no on at as 2022, Ills contenaea mat
the same was Bald by D1 mmuut any duress Dr undue mnuenee wheretn V!
uIlrmale\y reduces the outstanamg amoum (mm RM1.71o,a9a as to
RMI 140,595 219 In essence the Ptamtwt posit: tnettnere rm been a breach
tmaer me agreement between names emtlhng [hem Ia temunate me said
tact es
m ztemnzwmwzmu
mm. am.‘ .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII .mm Wm!
my on Illa wssue of aorreclnoss onne amcum claimed the Plamml argues
that D1 had mu knowledge Mlhe sum due, and ma: at all mansriamrnes [nave
Is nu complaint or cammanls made on me slalement o1 acwunls wssued (0
[21] Summary judgmeni pvocaaure am m provide a wdgmenl m we ImlIa\
phase Ma case llwould be granled when n \s deemed appropnaxe, wnn me
mum Ilm In save time an axpense: Imked wan : fuH1na\ The zulhumy :1!
me coun m gram summary mdgrrtenl ws specmeu m o 14 y 1 and 3 Mme
[211 o 14 r 1 at me Rures read as loI|aws-
m wnm In in when to wmch an. ml: Iwlru . xuhlmnl ul unnn has
been served on a delendant and man delennam nas enlevsd an appealanoe
m In: lchun (M pmnun may on mu wanna mu ammnu nu nu attuned
to a damn mcluded .n ma wn| Dr In a pamular pan evsusn a dam nr has
no dnlunx to hack 3 sum er pan excnnl In m In: amount ul my dimngu
d:vmed..Ipp1yIn\hu own lor|udwnenlag:mslmal selendanl
uy Sumac! lo Dlviwiph 13) um. Me lpphn m wary ncmn hugun by M1!
mnev man on: much mdudas _
my : clam by me ulamml fur um uanasn mahuwi pwsecuhon
mu Imp! nnmlru uduanun a: breach of prumne cl mamlqe oi
sm Em11><rrEwsDRHz2RR4:A
«mu. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may he mn.uu -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
mm : cram by me pmmm um an .n lulgahnn mm
1:) nm ovuer mu na| app\y m in l:1mn In wmu: o m apphas
[23] Whereas 0.14 r! or me Runes read as Valium: -
m Umesi on me new; M an inphmimn «mm ml: 1 ewlhev the cm
cum me Applznlmn M the aulonaanl -am: he cm with mom
tn me exam av me pan or 3 am. in Much me app\Ica|\on remes um mere
.. in wisue or quexnon m awn. Much wanna be med on manner: ought
om some ulnev reason u. be ; mm M on: dalm ov rain me can may awe
sucruuagmem Var me .u.-mu against ma| ueierudamon Ihal am at purl
u may be um having ream! m 0.. mm nllhc nmady »« remcuum
42) rag cowl miy Cy onilr am Iubpxl to wow cunflmans Winy as may
mus: svaym: exaculmn manymgnmu given mm a delendxnlunder
mu NW9 um!!! sum the mm M my cwnmum made a: nausea by me
dMendan| m we admn
[24] The law guvevmng summary wdgment ws «me and had been succlncfly
shied by Humm Vuop Sum SCJ us he then will m In .1... lnlugngg
:4 sun mm v Am Mum Sdn anu[19s112 MLJ I83 ax p 133
-m The urldnrlylng pmnawprvy m me Order 1: nmvmnn u m p-mm a
omnlnl clsmy enmled to me mm, lmm mm darayd nu wdynanlwum
mere ‘a na limy amuabie menu |o me am The umwman am:-nu only
he lnnllad «a cam where mm .5 no mmmm. mm mu (ha p\Imm1 u
enlmzd In In: mdulmm 0142114 5 nrxmlendsd m mu nuuhn .m.m.m
we wnsdnwun mum only beexucuscd m very clearcalel“
[25] In Eank Negari mg gysll v Ilnhd Imu (199211 ML] 400. me Courl
new mat when in amman. «max at mspuxe Is equwocik ar lacking
pvecxswon or \s mconmem wnh unmspmea aonlempurary dncumams or
other statements bylhe same aeponenv. or us mheuenuy mlpmbable m usew.
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
men such asserlmn at denial wm he veleaed, mmny renaenng me Issue
not lnable In other words. leave to devena wm not be gramed based upon
"mere assemons" by defandant: msnead, me count wm look an the whme
snuauon umcauy to exnmme whether the deianoe Is or-mun:
us] In me Privy cauncu case 0! Eng Moo Yang 5 95 v gm]; mum
[1979] 2 MLJ 212‘ a! 217‘ Lord Dlplack explimed I| is mus
Wmuugh m me rmmm my n u not auplopnile my a judge to illemm xa
ruolva wnmui «emu»: an iMdlvI| ms due: no! mean max he ‘s
bound |o acaenl mummy u mswg a dlspme 54 Ian wm calls var
mm invnllnlhon wary rlalsmunl an In mmn hmmvll Iquwocul.
Vackmg m prauslon moumsum MIII umlspnned conlzmpurarydocumems
at mm nmemmlx By III nma dspanv x. 04 mhcmnliy mmum. m mun
ma be In makmg ma. omev on me appmznm :5 he my mum ‘us!’ me
may ; vubad Mm: Gnu:/elm: men n. muunuIu1nud\aaI\y V1 V510:
mm in an-mm. m the nu: msunee whelhev xllllm-ms unmanned m
llfldlvns ma: we um upon as rmsmg . mum av awdsnua upon :
mennl lanl um .umu.n: puma lane pmmny In nnvvl mm
Invesnganm .5 (0 mew Hum“
[21] Vn the event max me Cowl Imus Ihal Iheve are Issues In be med. n has
me auvmnty |o granl weave in defend as wnferred by 0 14 v 4(3p av me
Rules wmm anpul-«es as vouuws -
Lelvelunn new :4 1 o)
(3) m cam may give a deiendanl anamst whom mm in apphcahun 5
made lent in mm Ira xenon mm rnpncl nu ma dawn or ma pin :71 .
dmm m vmlch the apphcannn Mates ermer unmndmunafly or on such
new n In gmng ucumy or um av mode at mm at omemme an n mm
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[25] In [his use. the Defendants ms. concerns about me Flammh
dacmnn to uueary appvcach TUDM lav payment concerning the vecewables
to be assxgned by 01 la TUDM They argue that TUDM Is net privy to the
comraclual relaliansmp between Ihe Flaimifl and 91 under the (names
Concemlng me mes anhe pames mvulved, n \s wonhwmle Ia naive mm the
lundamenlal oonoep| oflhe factormg arrangement Faclnnng, a prawoe wrlh
anclenl racks, days back co Babylnman limes Tu; gyg gf uammunbx
campnsed m Mesopolamu during 17551750 ac -aamm specmc um
practices veraled to merchants‘ agems who pnwmea assurances for nae
credits markmg me eamesl documented mscance of laclonny Balms me
zom oenlury‘ a ‘iactaf served 21 a business aganl mm mpanumun-as we»
as slnnng and seumg consigned goods, pmwmng cnems wnn an aocoum M
::oHec(ed funds‘ ensuring customers‘ emu. am oocasmany ulfenng cash
advances Io cnarus prim lo me Iflual sale :1! goods Facxars pllyed - crucial
and acme role‘ ewecnafly m luvelgn lrada‘ and gamed 5IgmN:anoe dulmg
me era of wlamar expbrilxan and development Vn modern muss, me
unaanymq principle ov vacmnng umam oemerea amund the financial
vuncnon at pmwamg funds In sellers engagsd in transactions wnn
credllwcrlny orgamzanons The neoessny oi pnysucauy pcssesmng me mm
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
goods Is no lnngev marldaled. lnsleea. legal mecnenlsms and converlllorls
lacllllile me lransler ol awllershlp lnruugh lnlemallonal lraae lnslmmems ll
VI however ohservld lnel me aclvva mle L11 a «mm ln me ccllecxlon pl
reeelvaples (rum me eulgnee endured me last pl me
(291 Durlrlg me recesslcn or me early 19305‘ a global phenomenan was
noled where man and mealumcale enlerprlsu. aclwely engaged ll’!
dehvenng goods and serwces la larger pmpprallons, laced ponsmevanle
challenges anslng from delayed 0!. al nlnes camplele non-remvery ol
piymems awed by men cuslcmers ms nnuanon had a pmlnuna lmp:c|.
lesultlrlg In a cons|vlr.1lan pl men cepael llow thereby llmlllng me lends
aocessiule lo: men day-In-day cperalmns and Impeding Ihelr pulemlal lor
grcwln and suelelnalnlny To enhance me nemplly ol sucn blmnenes me
iarmallxallan olme concept ulladurlng |L:oI< place mlougll me UNIDROIT
Cunvenfion on lnlnrnalianal Faemrlng. winch was adopted ln onawa an
25 051933 (“the Converlllan') Anlcle 1 at me Convermnn pmvlded a
definihnrl luv a ‘fadorlng wnlrucl‘ 35 lauows
'Amcle I
2 For me pulposu no one Cmwerllwn -raaenng epnnaer mun! a
eenlraa wnuudad belwnn uni p-ny an. -upplml Ind anolhnr pany lme
laenm 9‘"Sul!I| lp men
4.; lbs nuppueu may E! van asslan lo me fuck)! llualvlblsa nnnng Hum
mnlrlcls cl sale afgoods -nape between me maybe! mm M! cunmvlu:
em Emzlxrrzwsunuzzfiman
«me s.n.l nuvlhnrwm be H... e may he MEVHIUIY -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna vtmxl
mummy alnav man Inns: nu ma aaxa cl quad) mugm pmnanly in: than
aamnax fanmy ov nnunhold use
my ma mm m w pancnu :1 naasx Iwn nHheleHw4mg4unI1mn:
—flnan::e «cm. auppw mdudmn Vein: and amanc. pay-mu
—m.mmen:nce co accaums Uadgennuj Iehalmg Ia me recerumu.
—cn!Incuon of not um.
vpmlaclvun agamamavauu In naymem by demms
m nwoe cl ma alsvgnmenl M In: run:-wlmls sun bogwen «a «blur: “
[an] \n our cannuxn even Ihough Mmaysla xi us! a member M ma
Vnlevnananal Inamma larthe unmcancn cl Pnvale Law qunumom ana nas
nnlgwen effeclto mesawd ccnvenncn me (arm "\s\amic Fauonng Eusiness"
Is defined In nation: 2 A 3 um. In 9 F uggg ; 5-mylgg Ag 20:: as
“(he nusmua or scqumng debts m other financm ab/rgatrons due to any
person ansmg Imm any transact/on wmcn rs m acccmanca wvfh snanan‘
[M] spacmc xc ma use ma pamac have entered Inlo an Vslimuc Pre-
Faclnnng Agreement wrucn became ma basxs M ma enwc clann of
RMIJAQBSB 59 Unlike nurmal faclanng wmcn vs “invoice-based" Pra-
Fictonng represents a muncnal |nnnI:nun am a ammcx vacmy where a
Factonng company pm»/ides advance finsncmg lo a contractor or vendun
vaamaung me nnancmg cuunme puma prmecis Auac known as ‘purchase
cmar «nancmg: N pravldls financxal rename «or ccnnaaxan |o pruduce anc
delwcrgacas or samcea to (new customers
an aaamzwmaazzmaa
«ma. am.‘ nmhnrwm be met! a may he nflmnaflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
[:21 Fmm me cuntrad documems, mere are mm pzmes mvnwed They
are —
the Intended asswgnnr ‘ e . the pnnclpal borvvwev mu;
(he mlendad asslgnee ‘ e , Inc (now (PlamIM)‘
the approved deblnv i e 1 me purchaser or me goods or same;
rrunm and
me gummms [D2 5. D3)
[:31 In essenoe, mere were three ounlracwal Iemionshlns that were
Qomracl bemoan m and T QM, Here DI agnes |n sell none
pmpneaary avcrafi spare pans to mom on whom mvoices ave
reused YUDM wouva svgn or be served names of assignment at
am: oonfmmng «run they would maka payments to me Flamufl
Pnor to me Issuance oilnvmoes by DI. me Vslamlc Pzeraaonng
Agreemem aflows mamas up to ma sum of RM2‘Z7E,SI7 as |:)
be duhuvsed |o D1 saw: an me emaonoe. disbursements wera
made oy me Plalnml In :71 upon mom wssumg ow wan men
pumnase orders Tm; womd ensue D1 to source and pay vov
me goods ordered by TUDM
m Emzxxrrzwsumzzfiruan
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrwH\I>e p... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
n7 Canlract belween m and Fmnufl Here me Wamufl waum
men-use up to sum 0! RM2.27B‘SV7.B9 pnur lo D1's mvmce lo
TUDM wnn an agreed pmfil raxe at 5% per mom and me
pnymenx charges at 1 5% per momh The man penoa var me
Vshrmc Fre-Fauonng Agreement was var so days‘ whevein me
recourse period wanna be an uaye upon expvry of the cream
pence n has been Igleed um lhe payment |uw:lds me pre-
Ianonng “shall be done by way 0/ ansemng me vutsta/vdmg
balance against paymenrs from the Factoring !nvarr:e{s) /
commcr‘ wnemn .1 D1 «ans In vaennr and zsslgn the mvcu:a(s)
upon me exp-ry oi G0-day cvedul pemzd on has to pay rm me
balance advanced sum undev me Islamic Prermonng
Agreement no lalanhan 30 days upon expiry ovme Eflday cvedrt
aenae, and
c) n tween Pllwnlrfl and me u Vin n D
Contract av pemonal guayancee by D2 & D3 xo me P\amM In!
pre-payments made In D1
m Emyxrrzwsunuzzfiman
«mm. s.nn .. U... m my n. nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
[:4] In ngm ol rne given aennmcn an a .:are4u| examrnanan at me Is\am|c
Pre-Facmnng Agreemenr rn qnssuon. rt rs evmenr Dial a comprehensive
lmanual structure has been mencunausxy ellabllshed lhmugh mu|ual
egreemem nemeen the Plamllfland m we srnrcrurea lramewnrk preersexy
omhnes essenI\a\ components and rmncacre
nerem In me prehzttctnng
agreement. mcludmg the advmee nmn, any applicable pmfil elemem or
chavges. me auranon Mme are-faclonng arrangemenr, and me mechanisms
gavemmg me cnHecuan and vemmance oi lands rnrougnour me process 0!
ple»far.1ormg as well as iactonng proper Hence I nelreve man rne Flainnfls
slim: to socuva eennnnanon on me issue nl paymlnt «om mom‘ whether
undertaken more 01 avrer me comrneneernenc at regax proceedings
cmsmute an essermal aspen 0! ms responsrmlnres as auurned In one ls\amic
Ple-Factoring Agveemunl, wnren rs in be cunsvdeved m ccruunctlan wrrn me
Ismrmc Factoring Agreement. TN: preaciwe sranee aligns wrnr me agreea-
upen terms and reflects me P\amlifl's oamrmtment in mmurng us
resporrsrhrlmes wrxnrn me eecaursned nnancrax structure
[35] Upon revrewrng me amdavn evmenoe, rs Is my new that me Plalnml
ha: successfully derllorlsfriled the axvslenoe Ma breach Based on the Venev
dated 02 as zuza (exh M94 01 encl 35)‘ D1 hat taxes In raise an Arwmca
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzmuan
“Nana s.n.r nmhnrwm .. med e may r... nrwhuflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa war
wndmcn, me Plauntm has me nghl In enlev nnar Judgment‘ mm scan. or
Rmsmo on to the Plalnlfll
[3] ma Defendants Ned men nohee M appeal on 0111 2023 Upvn
cunsldenng ma Deaenaanty lnrmal applrcanon rn encs 52, I nave granted a
stay oflhelmpcsed commons and anymnnar pmcee Ings unm me drspasal
cl their appeal
[4] To aaarasa rra rmnramare casn needs, the Flrsl Delendanl ("D1 yr
hmdmg a 3—year contract valued at RM2‘949‘5€‘/15 m supmy nL:n—
pmpnarary awcrafl spars pans ro me Royar Maraysian An Fovce (ITUDMHX
has aplea lo! Yaclunng Cansequenuy or has agrees (0 32!! ns accnunla
racarvaaxa ro ma Plamnff at a drscwnvred rate‘ elucmalmg me nature cl ma
flnancm Iacrmy mvolved
[5] Eased on a Lenar av oner lar manna PreFaclunng Facrmy defied
13 a7 2021 (“Lamar oi Offer 1'; ind a Tawarruq Pre—Fac|onng Agreement
dated 13 07 2021 (“Iaramrc Pm-Famonng Agreement‘) as wan as a Lens:
m ELa1MrrEwmRMz2RR4:A
“Nana saw .. a... w my r... mrmu-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
agamsl an puvchase omen issued by mom tron. Decamber 2a2o NI June
2021 wherem tne “scruff payment meonantent under me tstam-c Pve-
Faclonng Agreement could ncl be Implemented nu nu Iherefcrelavled to
nbnou» tne repayment terms upon expiry M the 60-day cvedt penoo As to
tne excuses gnen Ie oetay and/cl nonpayment by TUDM aue to ’Arahan
Perbendaharaan so tnvssr, me obntraet IS clear m that we advance: sum
has k: be repaid baeeo an the credn tevms dsspws non-payment by mom.
and eesbne D1 5 came to rane and taaov tne Invmoas upon eontptymg wtlh
tne butenaee under:
[:5] In any event tne ‘Arman Petbendzharaan 5s (APSBV Is, tb me, a non-
issue as TUDM wnmd only pay based upon presentment at an mvmce As
D1 tenet: to generate Irwolces tor the an purchase orders‘ K becomes
pvaoedurzlly tmpesstbla torruom lo rennt any mrect paymenlla me PIIVIHW
The absence bt documentary evidence ham D1‘demonstratinglhexrvehance
on tnts AP5a tssue, mgnngnte a crucial gap In their argument and
unuerscores the need In! dear avidenu to subusnlme tnen posmen
[371 Based an the event or de-faun descnbeo VI tne agreement. I find that
me Fmrvtm‘ VS enwed to tenmnete me Facnmes by Vssumg a tuner 01
m ztemnzwmnnzznam
we saw be H... a may t... nrW\ruH|y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mutta v-mat
aevmmmon men 15 as 2022 qexn SA-J av and 21) and merezner Ne ms
suit agamst me Devennams «or me overdue sum The relevant name 0!
(ermmauon was Issued to m m compu-nee or Clause 1 (Nance) nllhe Lener
money 1‘ and Claus: 19 M m l5I:rmc Pre—Fa:(onng Agmemerfl Lellers al
demand to D2 5 D3 mm dated 20.5 2022 (exh SA-6 at encl 21) were
conecny wssued based on me terms ollhe Guarantee da1edI3.D7 2021 (exh
sn-5 alancl 21)
[:3] On me Issue ov me ifleged lack av panmmars, me Deienaams‘ have
rsnea on me case or Mlliyin Banking v we Sun Tang (supm) m supnon
at man wmenuon that me deb! must be specmcaw punlculanasd Havmg
exammed one case however, I am a! me consmereu mew that nus case can
he dislmgulshed as -n me case relied on there was a umerence between me
amcum claimed :1 mended m the Stalement of cum and me AW-dlwl m
suppan Furlhev, m the sad case meve was a dispute m regard Io me
vanaliun at mleresl rate as weH me plammfs acnva Muss! to wpmy me
pamculars olme zmuum due despne me aecenaanrs requesls In our case
u \s clear hum me smemem olaccoum produced by bum pames (P\:mm¢ m
exh SM!) olencl 9 and Detenaams In em IHDV1 MenclA7)|I1alIhe waves:
m Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
uutslanalng ammml stood at RMt.74o.s9a as lt ls the same amount as
statea tn the Plarmnrs alaadlnga and nails: ulappllcallon
[35] As to the alleged rneanalstency In tne amount clalmed. I am at tne vlsw
tnattne Plaintm has lully explalrled tnat tne same ts based on me tnnelrne
and subsequent admlsslnn of tne Delendants lnnially an at 20 us M2 the
ourstanurng amaunt stood at RMZ035 050 32 Due to payment: made. n
became Rm 770,593 as subsequent payment of Rmzluooo on by D1
reduced the aucstanulng sum to RM1 741189889 by 15 092022 on the
nsue M tna allagea exaggelzled amnun| wnlalrled V! we Plnirlmfs letter In
mom. rt prlmarlly oompnses purchase ovders tnat nave yet m be convened
lntn lnvcloes It Is also clear tnat based on the lauonng anarlyamarll. tne
nnanaea amount ls stgnmcantly lower tnan lne actual contract amount
[40] Be that as rt may. tne slrerlglh altne Plalntnrs case for 0 IA nangs on
me rssue oltna cemneata el rndealeaness wmetr. ll produce would Imounl
ta conclusrve evluence at me averaue sum. Regretlully, tne l=lamrill larlea ta
pmvlde sum eertmcate. Almaugh based on clause 5.3 of tne lslamlc Pre-
Faclnnng Agreemenl a statement 01 aecaunt can be argue: to be lmpltealy
concllmve pml nlamotml aue by at, me Guararllee agreement llgned by
m Emzlxrrzwmnnzzfikun
«war. a.n.l nmlhnrwm .. u... w my r... aflnlnallly mm. dnuuvlnnt Vfl arlum war
D2 5. D: requlres Ihe proaucnpn 01 In actual penmcace M lndebledness The
relevant clause 24 pl me Guaranlee smes as «allows.
1: A eemficale by my cl yum cufficavi at ca me men-es ana llabdhuu:
rur me llme beuvg nu: cl rnmnra It; you by the Chem stun he nlndlng and
umduslve on and mlrul us w my am or ur av perinnal r-pmanramr
[411 Allnaugrr not addressed py the learned counsels, anulhar aspecl
requmng viva race axlmlnalrnn pertains (0 our Issue cl whelher lna 40
puvchase pnlers menllaned ln me Plarnlrfrs leller In TUDM were wrlnrn me
smpa allne lslarnrc Pre-Faclonng Agreement rms cnnsldemlon ames uua
la ma lapl lnal lnera purcnna mders ware lulled belween December 2020
anu June zozl, predatlng me execullon cl lne Vslalmc Pr&Factonng
Agreement on 1307 2021 The quesucn anses does lne pre-laclenng
zgvaamenl apply rulrosperarraryv 7hz| could poasrnly ha (ha case as D1‘:
comracl ralerence wlln TUDM was aalaa '2o1e'. on me ulnar hand, ll Is
also ppssmle manna reason my TUDM relusesla pay Isduelo me famnal
mesa lransaclvuns were numle me scope or me lamonng agreements‘
wherein paymanl could anry be made In me suppllar l e D1 Nonetheless, I
behave marl resolullon ailhezre rssues ls cpnlrngenl Ilpun oral avldence la he
presanlsd dunng full lnal
sm Emzlxrrzwsunuzzfiman
“Nair s.r.r mmhnrwm .. med m my r... nflnlnnflly mm. dnulfllnl Vfl .nuNa war
my Exarnrrung me evraenoa oulhned In me amaavns and ma praaemea
arguments rt appears Ihal grannrrg summary gudgmem may not be
appropriate m (hrs rnsxanae nespne cm; I mamlim same reservamns
regammg the delensa‘ espemully cancenvng ma crearbmcy ol the allegallan
nns skepuclsm arIses!rem(he1actlhatD1 had me e-man dated 11 no 2022
texh sA—9 ofencl 9)‘ convrrrnea manrrerrversron annecoxal outstanding sum
plus prom and crranm um an RM1.421‘9B8 10, wharem m made an nller
|u some men veraron Mme pnncrpxe sum at RM773‘720 no by 3 msIaHmenls
perm aemrng the pmfil and omer charges Could rl he pnssrme Ihal TUDM
hzd aheidy ssmed payrnem wrm m In! me 40 puvchase orders am on rn
mm, surrapmrausxy used Ihese same purchase orders to wsmy financing
irurn me Plarnmv There vs a\su me rssua onhe aannaarpn In Paragraph 9 5
and 911 cf man Amdavil In Reply dated 30112022 (end 11) Much was
nlad m oppose he marrrmra Onglrulmg Summans In nnase paragraphs, ma
nevennanva efiecwely admmed |I1a\ me sum ol RM77Z-1.092 as Is due and
payama lame wamm Contrary to me Delendants‘ submrssron, n rs my wew
that ma cam of um Nyuk sang @ Fudy Llm I. On v Azlm Nnlr vac
Gum Hock (supra) and on Clluo & Sam Chan 5 Sons Sdn. Bhd. VWovIg
Nyuk 1Iin(suprs)can be msmrrgmsnea ms Is because me lacks In me
present can vwmve a corwersmn of me Orvgmatmg Summons prucauure
r~ Emzxxrrzwsukuzzrtman
«mm. Snr1|\nmhnrwHH>e U... w my r... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl aF\uNa war
Inm : wIII Whelem I2 nas been omered mat anIaavIIs Ned be aeemea as
meadmg wrule Insufflmenl to peIsIIaae «ms Cnurl to enter nnax pmgmem on
a can at me claim exh SA-9 III encl 2 and me relevant pumqrapm In end
11 are nevennexass pmbalwe In deciding an me Issue ol Ine uevennenu‘
lam! accemanoe av uauI\IIy ana men eenmauun ol me sum due
{as} conIIaereIIon Is aha gmn Ia DI‘: Condufl In men Ianure |a Issu-
Invoices based on me 40 purcnase emers Issued ny TUDM Accordmg to
me pwvlsrons wIInIn me Fslarmc Fre-Factoring Agreement me paymem
(award: me sum advanced unuer me Pre-Ficiuvlng wumd be sewn upon
me payment by mom based an me Issuance at Invmce As no Inuame was
Issued faclored and assigned one cannot ewed TUDM Ia make dvreci
paymem to me I=IaInII« As sucn D1‘; suspmus man In wIInrIaIuIng me
Issuance evInvoIceuaI me said 40 purchaae orderscannm be deemed Dona
me and are cast In an unlavorame ngm
1441 In my penpecwe, me mentioned snaumseanses aflev sImIcIenI
NSNVCJUOIV coy me In set mndmons upon we grant cf weave to I1e¢ena As
deemed III me case 0! Jncabs v 3935; my [[1 co [1901] as LT 62
balove aonamanal leave |a deland can In granm me coun mus! be
sm ausIxnzwmnumIu:aI
“Nun: s.n.I nmhnrwm be UIQG u may I... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum MI
sausfled that mere we no res! substarmal duesnon in be mad or men xhsve Is
no mspule as to (acts or law whwch Iawses a reawnabve doubl Ihal the
plawnffls ave enwed to wdgmenl In me case M arm-n and
Commonwullh neldnngn and v Oundrol HoldlnnIlnc[1EBE] as 542,
[1559] 3 All ER 492. [me] 3 WLR 723 :1 was hem max wnere me deaenee
can be described as lackmg H1 Dona We and perhaps shadowy wt nas been
me pucnoe at eevns in we eendmonex weave m delend The Federa\CL:uI1
.n me case clone cmn n-my Lee 300 Neck [1970] 1 MLJ 112 telerved
In the Englrsh case at Figlgmnk Lw v Stein [1951] 3 AM in sea‘ wherein n
wax hem Ihatwhen (hire n eduneunng suspmious m (ha flofunflanfl mode
at presermng his use ar wnere me court e wen wnn a reel deem about me
defendant‘: gdod «men even though n cannm be send var cenam thanhere Vs
ndc a «new: vssue n \s ennued (a make in order that the defendant do pay
me amount claimed or any lesser sum Into mun dr lumxsh seeumy var that
emdum as a sandman lar weave m delend
[45] I behave men cne evenum mu men wows msny mus on me vssue M
quantum namely la: the Plammflo produce the cerlmcale of mdebledness
secondly, names would need to explain whether me Isxanue Pre—Fzc1unng
Agreement ‘S to Dave! the we 40 purchne amen wmch pvedzles the
m aemnzwmnnzzmen
we s.nn mmhnrwm .. med m my me nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n Vfl .neve we
Fzmlmes Aa per me case (:1 cam Para Mining co. v. Fnsmeago aow
R 830 412152; wrrere me prammv suea lnr caHs and rehed on me evruenee of
a clerk mac he had posted me Iener er aflotmenl. and me derenee was nan’
recerm er me lanai, luv: waa grven m aevena an paymenl ol ammml
claunsd mm Court. to ename delendaru in crass-examine as In posurrg cl
[u] Aeeerurrugry, me Derenaams are gwen leave to aerend on cundmon
that mey aeposrc me sum 0! RM1421 95510 ma Conn wllhm a sway
crruerrame following me arder In the even! me Darermznus var: Io make me
deposrl me Flamml wanna be enmlefl In rural gudgmenl rnr me mu sum
erarmea wrm me agreed prom charges eampensauon charges (T:‘w\dh)‘
and Audgmern rnneresn The sand sum represents ma versmn of me
aulslandlng amcunl, piymenl ul which was olfered by way av rnsxaumema
Gwen me Derenaam acknuwledgrusm and willingness to sema Ihe
mermened amount‘ we condition appears reasonable undev me
r~ Emzxxrrzwsurwzzfiruan
«ma sarm ...m.rwur be H... w my r... mmruuly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
[47] Aflerconsmennglhe Ficlsand curcumsxanoes presented m we amavix
evndenoa, the Plamuffa apphcalnon rm summary wdgmem m and 20 V5
dlsmwssed Vn na sxeaa me Defendants are accorded canmuanal weave |o
defend. wnllngent upun me payment av RMM21 ‘ass to be pm! we Courl
wllmn 30 says If we Dundmnn Is salufiad, me use wm pmcaad m «nan ana
the costs assocvaled mm end 20 wxll be Krea|ed as cuss m me cause
Carwer3e\y «me Deienaama ran lofum one condition, we F\a|n|rflwuu|d be
ax hbeny (0 enter Ma! mdgmenl of me pleaded mm mge|I1=vwI|h prom anu
mmpensahon churges and mdgmenl unnarean Is weH as ws|s nl
RM5.oao no payame by me Devenaams to me wanna:
(vusnm mnz am vusom
Judlcm Commissioner
Hugh Coun o1Ma¥aya
Kuala Lumpur
name 29» Deoemher2023
m Emzxxrrzwsunuzzfinuan
«mm. Snr1|\nunhnrw\HI>e met! a may n. nrwhuflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
For the Flaumfl Dmesh Nandrayng
Messrs Nandrajuq.
Aavacaces 3. samnms,
3-as Tower 3‘ UOA Busmess Park‘
No 1 Jalan Pangalumara m/51A
semen U1. 40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Fm me Delenuams Mnhd Hafiz Em Gnavam
[Mend Fm Fahmy Em Abdw Rink wrlh mm)
Messrs Fa1ru\ Fahmy 5. co ‘
1—o+o:s, Subang suna. Jslan Blmang‘
us/:3. Seksyen us, 40150 sn-n Nam,
Sehngar Dam! Ensan
Bank Nu .-ra Malayan: V Muhd lsmixl A On 1199211 MLJ mo
2 Cempaka Finance BM v Ho Ln. Ymg (tmdmg as KH Traamgy 3 Anor
[2005] 3 cu 544
3 HSEC Bank Malaysia Berhad v LH Tvmber Pmuucus Sdn Ehd as Ors
(200513 cu zoa
o Mahamad Faun Che Rus v JR Jami Resources Hcldmgs sun am
[2016] 5 cu 256
5 Pehnlar Agresxf (M) sun Ehd v Prqek Lebuhraya Usanasama
Bemad Lemhaga Lebuhriyi Malaysia (Fmak Kelngz) [2014] 1 LN5
5 Perwnra Afin Bank Bevhad v onson Sun and a Olhers [2003] MLJU
m Emzxxrrzwsunnzzmuan
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
or oner lav Iswamrc Flctonng dated 13 a7 2021 (‘Laney al OM21 2“y and an
Islamic Facronng Agreement dated ram 2021 ('\sl:rmc Faclonng
Agveemenflr the Walnm granrea D1 wrm Islarmz: Pre-Factonng and
Facwnng !acIIvly mm me purchase pm 01 RM2,27a,5w as and
RM2 :59 733 73 respemvely. and me sale pnoe nl RM2r540,65B 95 and
RM5ro14r434 17 respectwew (’FacvhIies'j The sea Fauhnes are based on
me Tawarvuq pvinuple sxructurlu m a norwevolvmg form under me Shlnah
prrncrpre cl Munsbahah
[51 Purluanl to a Guaranree and Inaemmry Agraement dated 13 07 2021
(‘Guaran|ee') me Secanu Delendanl (‘D2’) and mm Dzfenflam (-D3“)
have rmmry and severauy agreed to guarantee all oursvanarng paymenrs er
me Facmnes
[7] A demand was wssuefl on 20 (15 2022 lexll SAG 0lenc\21). seekmg (0
recover a \‘o|aV sum of RM2 035050 32 compnsmg RM1 317.319 51 under
the |s\amIc PM-Fanonng Agreemsnl and RMII7,730 B1 unaer the Ismmc
Factoring Agreemem The amount unaer me Iskanuc Facronng Agreemem
was rarer semed, leavmg me Fre—FacIoring laulilvss skill uursrenamg As at
30 as 2022 me everdue sum was Induced to RML77ors9a 59 A Vurlhav
m Emzxxrrzwsunuzzfiman
“Nana smm ...m.mur .. U... w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
Malayan Bankmg and v Veo Sun Yor1g[1999]B ML.) 317
L1m Nyuk Sang @ may L1m 5 Or: 11 man Naslr van Guan Hock
(202012 MLJU 1104
cu once a Sena Chan 3. sans sun sna vwong Nyuk Ts|n[2D1G]
9 MLJ 17s
concmca Engmaanng Product arm 14 Greengvoup Eng San ans
[zmn MLJU 1915
Noam! Hilda ac Isman y Eank Smlpinan Naslonal 120211 Muu
scum Eas|As1:lr1suranca Eerhad y Kerzjzan Ma1ays-a [was] 1 cm
National Company lor Foreign Trade 14 Kayu Raya sun arm [1950]
2 MLJ zoo
Ma1ayan lnsurince (M) sun and v A51: Mace: Sdn anu[19e712 MLJ
Bank Negara Ma1ays1a y Muhd Iarnau [1992]1 MLJ 400
Eng Mee Yong a. 01:. y Le|churr1anan[1979]2 ML! 212
Jacobs y Eanms nssnuery Co [1901] as LT 52
Brmsh and Commonweaflh Hnldmgs prov Quadrsx Hoidlngs me
[1929] ca 542
Cho Chin Huatv Lee am Huck [1970] 1 MLJ 112
Flemrank Lld ys1e1n [1961] 3 All ER 683
cana Pan: Muung Ca V Fas1r1edge3OW R am (1352)
m Em11><rrEwsDRHz2RR4:A
«ma a.n.1 nuv1hnrw\H a. 1.... a my 1... nrW\ruH|Y -mm: dnuumnl y. ar1uNa M1
Order 14 r1 A :13, a as uhhe Rmes nvcoun 2012
sflmonne E~4u1enr:eAcI 1950
52 a. sa Mme Islamxc Fxnancwm Semces An 2013
An 1, \JNlDRO1TCunvenuun on Imemauunal Facmung Olvawa —
23 05 1988
1 The Code av Hammuvabl (Translated by L w King, 1910)
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
sum oV RM3D.000 so was new by D1 en 0! as 2022 wnerem me am was
lmlhev reduced to RMI,74D,55B as Despne afiempls and meeungs amen
al an armcable resohmon erme Issue‘ u did nol come In lrumon
[31 As in was m ccnlmuous breach M ‘Ls amgauons, me Facumes were
lerrmnaled waea Name 0! Demand daled15 us 2022 (“Terrmnallon Notice")
lexh sue nl anal 2:7 As ex 15 as 2022. me sum nl RML740 ass as wai
oulslandlng and payable by me Defendants as me sole av pnnmpal ashlar.
which was In be semen wnmn 7 days rmm me Termlnanon Nance The said
sum cnmprises al RMLDQZDOS 55 being prInr:\pi\ due. and mean 395 34
nemg numenamg pvufil vale
[9] Due in me Delendanls‘ demure xe seme me epeemea amount‘ me
F\a|n|m mmanea lega\ mm by (mug an Ongmamng Summnns at me Kua\a
Lumpuv Hugh Court under Sun No WA—24M-I3-10/2022 an 02 m2u22
Fnllawmg 2 com Drdav issued on 02112022 (encl 12), me ongmamng
Summon: wan convened mo . wnx cansequenuy, all ammo: filed m
cunnsanon Mm u were deswgnaled as meadlngs, and ham pames were
granted me liberty In Incorporate aaanianer preaumgs as needed
m Emzmwzwsunuzzfiruan
we sew .. U... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[I0] By way cl Ihls zppllcallnrl ln erlcl zu, me Plalnlm sougm lmm |he
Defendants as follows.
a) the prlnclpal sum al RMl 140.392 as as at 15 as 2022,
:2) pram charges an a me 0! 5% per month an the amaunl a!
RMLDEZDUB 55 item 1509 2022 unlll lull reallzallon cl
ludgmanl sum
:7 lale payment chalges at a me an 5-/. par monlh on me xmounl
of Rmaszloos 55 mm l5o92u22 unlll lull reallzallwl cl
iudgmerlk sum
a) costs. and
e) lnlalesl at 5% per annum an me cosl awarded
[11] Funher In ma abuvel me lullwing Y5 prayed nu ma allarnallve
la) rue luagmenl lor part at me Plalnlms clllm In me amount of
RM713,o92 33. wllh lnleresl at me rate 0! 5% per annum on me
ludgmerll sum fmm the dale ov lndgmenl umll mu reallzallnn
la) The cuss at |he appllcaxlan ma lncmnul ms|s are In be borne
by Ihe Defendants.
m Emzlxrrzwsulwzzfiruan
«mm. ml .. U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
(c) Interest at me rate 0! 5-2.. per annum on the ordered costs (tom
the dale 0' Judgment Im|I| the lull and (lnal sememem cf the
judgment‘ and
(:1) Th: Plamhlfs renuxmng clam aga\rIs| Ihe Delendanls are in be
delevmmed by way of a fun Ina!
[m Plawrmffs Veamed cnunsex, Dmesh Nandramg draws upun 4ega\
pvecedanls m Bunk Ngln M Iulg v Mohd lxrmll A on [1992] 1 MLJ
400, Comgak: Flnlnce Eng 14 Ho LII Vlng trading as KH Tramng &
Anor [was] 3 cu 544 and nsac Bank M I ‘ mad v. LH Timber
Pgjggg syn and 5. on [nos] 5 cm 249 n \s manually conlended mat
the F\amlIll has esiahhshed a pmna lame use var the sum ol
RM1‘74D‘B98 B9 wheveln me buraen mereaare shms In me Defendants In
samy the com why nmgmenu should not have been gwen Igamsl them
[13] To vurmer strengthen men suhmlsswonsn me Plavrmflargues lha(D1 mu
nol dispute |heIr Iiabmy under me Facmcres and had vlde e-mam dated
11 10 2022 (exh sA-9 olend 9;. mlormed the Plaunmllhal Ms version av
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
mm. smnw .. med w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
me total omsnanmng sum plus prom me man at RM1 mass 10 In (he
same e-ma: D1 made an olfer to sellle that version av me prmcvple sum av
awn 120 on by 3 installments belore selfllng the pum ind olhev charges
AI |hal pom! m lwme‘ based on an email. ms Pmnun awsagreed mm me war
as me lmal uu|s\andmg sum stood ax RM1,74o 398 as
m] In the Inemalive |he Plamlnfl arguss that ms netsnasms have m
paragraphs 9 5 and 9 H at (new Amdavll m Reply dated so 11 2022 (encl
My admitted to me sum at RM773 092 as wherem me same Is sapame M
being Idjudged :1 due and omng, am hence final wdgment be enlevad up
In me and sum Rehanoe is placed upon -1711 M me Evldence An! 1950,
Man In Fauxi cm Ru: v JR Joint R Holdin 5 Sdn Bud
[2016] 6 Cu 256‘ and Pelamzr Agggiljfl 51,; am y Era gk Lnbuhrlp
[2014] I ms 19
[15] caunssw luv the Delendanls, Mohd Ham Em Ghalam‘ contends man
me amount assensa by me F\aIn\m Vacks comp\e|e subsxarmanon and us
unuerlain It \s assened that the Plammv fafled lo quanmy the pnnupal due
and mud to exp¥aIn now me element al pmfil 015% per mamh as weH as
m Emzmrrzwinnnzzfiman
mm. smsw .. LAIQ4 w mm s. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
penarry sum M 1 5% per mpnrrr rs denved at The case at Ferwln Aflln
Bank aemad v Qrison Sdn and 5. Omar: [zuua] MLJU 576 rs cried to
vmerem Anaur Milrk lshak 4 refuted to me ]udgmsn| ol Augrrsrrrre Paul J In
lhecase oVMnI.Iy|n aarrkrrrg Bhdv Yoo sun 1orrg[r9s91e ML! :77 which
new mar me pemrrcare er Indebtedness produced does not cure the detecr
wnhm me meadmgs yrs-a-yrs me regurremerrr «pr me Prarnrm In fully
cnndescend on ma pamcullrl or amoum due espacrarry an me suraracr pr
rmeresr charged and repaymanrs made
my Aagrrrprrauy, ma Derenaam comand mar ma vrarrmrv prerrrarrrrary
ended me iicrlmes wrren. m reaury rr was TUDM mar caused uerays In the
payment process It rs a\so suhmllted mar an ayerrr crasemea as 'Aranan
Pevhendaharaan as (AP5E)“ ma occurreg M May 2:122 wheram mom had
In ohlam speerar permrssran «mm are Accountant General emraraysra no pay
(or charges Incurred In me prevrpus year (2021) Hence the delay rs sara ro
be beyenn D1 5 cpnrrpr In support M rms claim me Defendams presented
ma Pumrnvs Veater daled oz as 202: ram IHDJ ol errcr 35), wherein me
F\a|nIM snrrgm cranrrcarrprr lrom TUDM regardmg me payment srarus rprme
pursranmng 40 am or 55 purchase orders mar have yer lo be convened rmo
rrwprcas They argues max rm arrraunr 0| Rmarsssass so chimed by ma
m Emzrxrrzwmnnzzfiman
“Nana s.n.r .. med m my r... mmnauly mm: dnuumrrl y. arrurm v-mar
Flalnlllllrom TUDM VI exh lHD»I ls exoesswe, and lnal ln any evam II shows
Ihallhe lacllmsa have not been termlrIa|ed as ll was lssued anerlne sullwas
fllzd ‘me Delenaanls also ralse omeclinns In ma Plammvs declslon cu
dll:c|ly approacn TUDM lo pursue payment lor lns lecslvables «om D1
They argue that TUDM IS not pnvy la me connacrual lelallonshlp belween
lh: Plalnllvl and D1 under me established laclllnes
[11] on me Issue at me anernallve sum ol RM771092 33‘ me Defendants‘
counsel anjussmatme same was nol pleaded and naslcally an allennnugnl
Thu calm of Llm Nyuk Sung Q Fvudy Llm A on um-n I4: r we Gu-n
Hock [mm] 2 MLJU 1104 an on Chm 5 sons Chan 5 sons Sdn. Bhd.
v flggg Nyuk Tiln [mm] 9 ML.) 176 were Vellad upnrl wnereln me
nelenaanls argue mac m a summary ludgmenl appllcallon ma Plalnlm ll
Danna by me SIa|emenl cl Clalm ana came! by affldavns ralse mallels nol
[II] The Derenaanzs learned nourlsel mind me case .71 Control:
Enginlenng Product Bhd v Grsengmug Eng Sdn EM [2017] MLJU 1913
and argues lhal lne Plalnlm lallad lo set uul : pnma racla case var 0 14
runner, me ualenaanlx learned calmsel clled (M cues of Noorul HAM: an
m Emzlxrrzwmnnzzfiman
“Nair s.n.l nunhnrwm .. u... M may he nflnlnallly mm: dnuuvlnnl VII mum Wm!
| 4,181 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-21NCvC-92-10/2020 | PLAINTIF SME ORDNANCE SDN BHD DEFENDAN 1. ) KEMENTERIAN PERTAHANAN MALAYSIA 2. ) KERAJAAN MALAYSIA | Isu yang berbangkit di dalam tindakan ini adalah berkaitan dengan perolehan peluru berpandu yang dikenali sebagai ‘Misil Bakhtar Shikan Model 8C’ (misil) bagi maksud memperkasakan kelengkapan persenjataan Tentera Darat Malaysia iaitu salah satu cabang di bawah Angkatan Tentera Malaysia yang berada di bawah kawal selia kementerian defendan pertama. Melalui tindakan ini, plaintif kini membangkitkan isu kegagalan di pihak defendan-defendan untuk membayar mereka baki jumlah penjualan misil tersebut yang dikatakan telah sempurna dibekalkan kepada defendan-defendan. Defendan-defendan pula mendakwa bahawa terdapat kelewatan di dalam pembekalan misil tersebut oleh plaintif yang menyebabkan mereka berhak untuk mengenakan jumlah gantirugi yang telah ditentukan secara kontrak atau ‘Liquidated Ascertained Damages’ (‘gantirugi’) terhadap plaintif. Mengenai isu ini, mahkamah mendapati bahawa masa adalah tidak sesekali menjadi bebas di dalam kontrak ini. Defendan-defendan telah menyatakan dengan jelas berhubung tarikh akhir bagi penghantaran misil yang telah terdahulu sebelum itu dilanjutkan sehingga 30.3.2019 di samping berpegang kepada hak mereka untuk mengenakan gantirugi akibat kelewatan.Mahkamah seterusnya mendapati bahawa gantirugi yang dikenakan iaitu sejumlah RM10,312,812.00 adalah melebihi 24.5% daripada jumlah nilai kontrak keseluruhan iaitu hampir satu perempat daripada jumlah RM41,922,000.00 yang mana ini adalah ternyata merupakan satu jumlah yang keterlaluan apatah lagi ditambah pula dengan fakta bahawa tidak wujud sama-sekali sebarang kerugian kewangan di pihak defendan-defendan. Atas dasar itu, mahkamah telah memerintahkan sepertimana berikut:(a) Satu perisytiharan bahawa pengenaan gantirugi yang berjumlah RM10,312,812.00 oleh defendan-defendan terhadap plaintif adalah salah, tidak patut dan/atau melanggar nas undang-undang; (b) Satu perintah untuk defendan-defendan membayar, secara bersama dan berasingan jumlah RM10,312,812.00 kepada plaintif; dan(c) Faedah ke atas jumlah penghakiman sebanyak 5% setahun bermula dari tarikh penghakiman sehingga penyelesaian sepenuhnya. | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin Shah bin Raja Mohzan | |
02/01/2024 14:52:58
WA-21NCvC-92-10/2020 Kand. 47
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WA—21NCVbCa93nl0/2020 Kand. 47
n2/m/2024 1
GUAMAII SIVIL No: WA-21N(.\tC»B1~1aI2g2g
(No.SyarikaI: 504541)
[1] Isu yang nemangkm an da\am unaaxan ml adalah herkanan dengan
pemenan pelum berpandu yang dnkenah sebagaw Ms» Bakhlav
Smkan Model ac‘ Lmnsnl) bag: maksud memperkasakan
kelengkapan persenjalaan Tamera Dara! Malaysxa mm sa\ah sam
cahang an hawan Angkalan Tamera Mmaysxa yang berada dl
bawah kawal seha kementenan deasndan perlama
syn x:DuxNskNrEwp=suBmFu)
um smm be used m van; .. mmny mm: dun-mm VI] .nuNG pm
p... um
[21 Damn hll peralehan mu, p\imliV Ie\ah bcrparinin smaku Igen
Iunggll Kapada Globe! xnuuurias a necanoe Solutions (GIDS) vallu
yabuah syankalyang dllmhlu man Ksrapan Pamcan
[31 Sabelum penglmenan plamm, lelnh wuyud hubungin sacara
Vangsung 4: mm ems flan defender: kedua ax man: permehan
mm! puda Kama I|u auakukan secara (em: a. anlara kedua-dua
pnhak Iersebm Waliubagamlanapun. bermula paaa znu, ems
udnk lagl bamrusan dengan delendan kedu: kevan: Ielnh molanllk
pnamm smku Igen lunggal meraku di Malaysi-
[4] Meialm unaakan
pmax defendan-delendan unmx membayav merelu um ynmlan
pemuamn mlsll xersanm yang dwk an «em: eempuma
amaxaxxan kapada uavanaan-amnaan Defendan-defandan pula
mendakw: hahuwa waapan kelewman :1. dmam pembekalan man
Iersebul nloh pramm yang menyebabkan meraka berhak unluk
, p\amM km: mamnangmkan Isu xegagalan :1.
mengenakan wmlah glnulugn yang terah dnzntukan secara
konlrik alau ‘Lwquvdlied Asoenained Damages‘ (‘g:n(\rugI')
temudan pVamM
[5] Bertmk Ialak uanpaui perkara nu‘ plumlfl hum memohun
penunlman-penunlulan. yang an anlava Iamnyay sepem benkut
ternidap defandurmelendan —
(at Sam perliytmaran Bahama pengenaan girmrugl yang
beryumlah RM10312‘812D0 c\eh uelanuan-aefandan
m nuuxNskNrEW|=emsnFp0
«mm. am.‘ .. U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl aF\uNa Wm!
me u orav
levsebul uan mamuluskan bahawl cengen-an ganumg. sebanyak
RM10,3I2,8I2-00 (ersebm Idalah dvkelmkan Planrmi lalah sekall
lag: mamhunt berblgav rayuan bag: pengecuuhan Iersebu! namun
dafandan panama masm menalak rayuan-rayunn plllnllltersebut
Inn-llu umuk dlblclnkln
[29] Bag: maksuu permcar-an hndlkan m benkul adulah merupakan
sswnu umuk mbucmkan yang felah dlperselujul oleh pIhaK-pIhak-
(ap Same Ida pengnam-ran mm! dllamutkan ke «am.
penghanlarin kenmn (30 3 2019)’
(I2) sama aau mm masnh ug. merupakin mnpln kmuaw
my Sama ada mesa untuk pengnamavan misll adalah bebas
(urns rs at large)?
m) Sama ada ueienuan-cmenaan mempunyaw Iugas—Iugas
fiduswan dx bawah konu'ak7
(e) Sama ads wendan kadu: bemak mengenakan ganwugrl
m sama ad: aeaennan kedua bercanggungjawab bagi (unnnan
[so] Mahkamah mendapan bahawa Iswsu Ievsebut men
dlrangkumkan kepada hanya due (2) wsu mama Iallu
m huuxNskNrEW|=emBnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
p... u an :7
(a) same aaa miss umuk penghantaran rmsll aflalah nebav
my Sama ada dafendan kedu: bemak mengenlkan gannmgw
Sam: mu muse unmx pengnanraran rmsrl adalsh bsbas7
[:1] Menurul hujahan plznnm aaaxan merupakan undangdmdang yang
manlap bahawa nxwanya sesuatu kunlrak ilu mbenarkan unluk
dlllksanakan ma\ampau\ Iankh pelaksanaan yang aw. maka
mass adallh menjadl bebas sebagen permulain kepada Isu um
p\amM lelah memwk kepada kepulusan Mahkamah Fersekuluan
an dalam Ken suns Hok Sd/1 Elhd v. Sah Foh Shsng [2013] 2 MLRA
ass yang xelah memperunlukkan sepemmana benkm melalul
penghaknman Jeflrey Tan HMP m rnz. 545 mu sekuanya plhak
yang mink hersalah nuax msmhatllkan konlrak levapw sebaliknya
membenarkan pmak yang mungbdr unluk mewaxsanakan konlrak on
may lempoh rnasa anal yang telah mpersemnn sebemm nu‘ make
masa bukan wagx rnanpm umpalu kanlrak can aleh nu mas: (elah
mevuadl benas maka pmak yang mungkvr dlbenarkan unluk
mallksanakan langgungjawab konlraknya ax dalam lempah masa
yang munasabah
[14]The long and shun M n as held and observed n. Hock Hual
/Inn Foundry. n man were 3 party nu! -n delaull does not rescind
a contract undev s 56(1) M me Cnmracls A01 1950 run alluws me
pany -n deliull m eompme me work beyand me oompnenon dale‘
than lime .5 no ‘anger al me essence of me oomvact. and man
when lame Is ix Verge. me promlsov must perfnfm me pmnnse
m nuuxNskNrEWp=emsnFp0
«mm. s.nn .. U... n may he nflmnnflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
n... 13 HY §1
wnnln a reasonable me an pmylaea unosl s 47 ollno Act, and ll
lnsl. .s unlensonnslo oolay lno may no. ln delaun mly olue a
mnloe rlxlna : reasonable lllne lur oenomlsnoe aller lna
expuancn ol wnlcn lne parry nol ln oolsull would ml lne ccmricl
as all in end (revhrased ivvm Law or Cormam ln Malaysla oy A
Mnhaimln Ayus al p 20. Agaln ll was no. nelo. only me: lllne by
me coun al Appeal lnal 2 nmice llxlng a reasonable time lol
pelvonnanoe ls .eounea before breach ula oralnlse ln ‘M1lCh me
lo: penonnsnce ls nm speclneo mull: clyslalllse lnaeeal we
were no. sllawn any aulnonly max ruleo ms. such nouoe ls
essenllal oelole meson could occur Ralher, In me oonnaly, Ihere
ls e oeclslon ol mls coun namely Damansara Really am y
Elmgsal Hlll Haldlrlgs son Blvd 5 Ana! [2011] l MLRA lss. um I l
s MLJ Aaol ln-l could ncl nu. only pelrll lnal breach occurs anal
me expluuon ulveaaonable llnle lo. pel1armnrloe'
(:2) Flalnll lug: luml meruluk kepsoa Seklysn 56 Ana Kunlrak 195::
dan lugs kes Hock Hus! nor. Foundry y Nags Tsmbaga Sun and
[1998] 2 MLRA ass on mans NH cnen HMR lolarl menyalakan
seperllmarla berlkul a. me 360 penghaklman behau
'I2l1 slnce lne oetennsn: ulu nnl Vlscllld me mrllyacr under s
5E11)Mlerl|he plalnllmalleo to colnplele on 31 lenusly I981 bu.
lnsleaa had allvwed me colnplellon date In pass ano had even
allawed me plalnml Io lelneoy nls aslaull lay cerlnllllng nnn lo
cormnue ll. work on the pralem unlll n was wholly oonlpleloal time
was no longer lo be regarded as olme essence on me oonlracl
Ann wnen lune ls no longel at llle essence at me oonum s 55(1)
sm ouuxNskNrEW|=emBmFp0
“Nana s.n.l nuvlhnrwm .. UIQG n may l... .n.ln.ll.y ml. dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
(which u only zppucame be can: wnm the plmel m the
centric! have mlanflad Ihimme vi essanhil) M Iangev apnhes
[2z1wn.n mm us no Vongev ol ma essence mm: wnlrnn am no
um: fur peflamunu Vs specwfned‘ ma ptomme must be paflamlad
mmn a rmonnma um: Sechan 41 man.»
47 Where, hwy ma contract. a premium :5 m pennnn ms
promise mlhom zppllcahm by me pnmusee, and no lame
fur perfmmanca .a spec-fled. me engagement man be
peflovmsd wnmn a reasanahle am
123] M to what Is a reaaoname mm: «n have the IxmIrac1
peflanned n, m each panrcmav case, 2 quesmn at Vac! am
vmare one pany has been guilty 5! unnecessary delay ma mhev
may give mm . nouns mung a reasoruble um: at me exnwalmn cl
much he wull vest me wnuacx as an an and rm remedy an IIW
(:7! one party «a call of! mo comracl umnamauy M mu wly n he
finds me other guiny ol unnecessary delay has survmd
umcamsd m the yresenl any bscauiu equw womd not «ml the
navy wha had been many av Impmpriely (see Jamshed
Knoauam ham V Bunuri Dh\m]Ibha\ [1915] 32 rm 155‘ 157;’
[33] Bag: menyokong human plamm, merska Ielah bevgantung
kapada Iakva-ram benkut
(3) Man :33! yang uueupkan unluk pekaksanaun
pengnamaran mlsll adillh pad: an 11 2016
(I2) Wflaubagalmlnlpun lerdapll sekuvang-kuringnya uua
pananmnn man yang Ielah dlbenkan c!eh amnaan
sm nuuxNskNrEMa~sasmfi0
«mm. sanuw .. U... a may he anmnamy -mm: dnuamnl VI arwum Wm!
me 15 .1. av
panama a. mans yang penamanya tempuh pelaksanaan
man dlplndu kn 31012017 ma\a\u| Knnlrik Tambahan
Panama den susman nu mpunua lag: ke (ankh so 04 2013
main. Konlrak Tzmhahan Kedua
lc) waxaupun wujufl Isu mengenaw perlaruulan mesa bag! kah
kelngz. namun pVaInII1 mendakw: bahawa menann
mesyuarat yang Ie\ah dradakan pada 2 a zuta, p|hak—pIhak
fehih mkalakan bersemu umuk membenkan Iaruulan masa
benknmya semngga 3032019 Vnl Iefah dwsckong melamx
surat-sunk defendan perlama yang rnasmg-mas-ng
benankh 1a72o1a. 3102015 dan 124 2019 meskmun
llada kontrak Iambahan yang lasmi
(:1) Eegnu juga fakla menumukkan banawa paaa rnasa
sebemm kontrak mama dxmasukw pad: 862015‘ DIBIHIW
Isiah memaklumkan kepada defender: melaluu suralnya
yang berlankh 1352015 bahawa «nan akan hanya boleh
dmamar kepada Tentera Dara! Ma\ays\a pada bulan
November 2017 sepemmana sum GIDS benankh
2842015 IN terbukll bahawi apabula Kanllak mama
Iersebm dlmasuku plhak-pinak masm mengekalkan tankh
penghanlaran pads anozms mesklpun mamtfl lelah
memaklumkan bahawa musxl aka?! hanya dapak dlhaflliv
pads November 2017 Menurul plamlfl lagl, perkara ml (elah
dlsahkan uleh nww semasa seal-ba\as dw mana dnkatakan
bahawa apamra pmaboplnak memasuun kantrak utama
(ersebul. mereka sehenamya lama bahawa (ankh
m x:uuxNskNrEWp=anBmVyu
mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
val: 16u~a1
penyarahan misn ssmemangnyl aka" mpmua samuulnya
dan VH1 adalah «am-mm dengan kswujudan Kormzk
Tambahln Pamma nan Kanlrak Tambahan Kedui
[34] Maka, berdasarkan segala lakva yang lelah dmyalakan dw afasa
pwamm hemwan hahawa Ianya telah menjadxkan masa unluk
pekaksanaan konllak meruadv bebas dan um sememangnya
mkeflahul sendm uleh defendan-deiendan Da\am keadaan nu.
adalah dmujahkan se\an]u(nya hanawa mawnm‘ bemak untuk
melaksanakan unggungawah Knntraknya asaflcan wanya dllakukan
dalam tampon masa yang munasabah sepemmana pemnlukan
sexsyen 47 Akla Kuntrak 1550
[351 Mahkamah sehnmnya man menelm kes Damansarza Realty Bhd
v Bungser Hr” Horamgs Sdn BM 5 Anor [2011] 9 cu 251 yang
dwsandarkan oleh p\a|nh1d\ mana Rwhird Maluwm HB (Sibah E.
Sarlwlk) (Yang Am: Am pada keuka nu) semis: menvyampilkan
penghaknman Mahkamah Fevsekuluan (elah berpandangan sepem
bewkutdw ms 275
“ml Accordingly. II Is uur considered mew man em :1 me was
at Verge. mere was am a duly an ma pblmwfl In commence work
wumn a reasonable ume By iamng In take me necessary steps to
mmmanee development Vov lmneen and a haw years. me plammr
has mdeed brched me PDA mu: yusufled me muanoe of me
Iennlnalmn nelwe ‘
m huuxNskNrEW|=suBnFp0
«ma saw mmhnrwm a. U... w my a. nrW\n|H|:I mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
van :7 cl :1
[351 Juslelu mn plamm lelah berpandungan bahawa mamzndangkan
xampon 55:! umuk mereki melzksanakan konlvak adllih salami
22 man aanpada Oankh kontrak mama, maka lampoh mesa yang
munislbah unmk p\aInM berbum aemman aaalan se\ama 22
man lagv danpadl 30 4 2013 mm semngga Fehruan zozz Tankh
3042015 uumm aaalan marupakan iankh yang dlbenarkan an
nawan Kontrak Tlmbahan Kedua Maka‘ dakwa p1a1nn¢ Iagn
memandingkan mereka Ielahpun rmlaksanakan obhgasu
kamraknyz pida 1752019, adalah yeuaa banawa 1anya telah
mlaksanakan an dalam (empch mesa yung munasabah
[37] Berdasarkan yang aeaemman p\aIn|I1 berhujah bahawl man
man rneruadv babes dan aavenaan kaduu max wag: berhak unluk
mengsnaxan gm(vug1 sepemmzrm yang calan mareka Ilkukan
man karanl nu plamm berpundangan bahawa segali nnaakan
defendln kedun adalah temyava xmaalanan an «oak sah .11 mm
[as] Bemubung Isu um, se|elah mankaman menemx 1ana4akca yang
mkemukakan semasa perbucaraan sena nuyananmyahan yang
dlbuat cleh pmak»pxhak mahkamah mendapan uanawa kcnnak
ulama (elah pads asalnya menetapkan tankh penghanlsvan mis»
adalah pada alau sebelum 30112016 sepemmana yang telah
sedna dmyalakan di klausa 9 Faaa «anap 1m mahkamah
mendapall bahawa klausa 9 ada\ah temyala perlu dlbaca
bersama-same dsngan Hausa 35 yang telah seem nyaca flan
m nuuxNskNrEW|=mnBmFp0
“Nana Snr1|\nuv1hnrw\HI>e U... w my 1... annn.11-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mane M1
Pan um 37
mang memperunlukkan bahawa mm Idalah marupakan Inlipah
kenlrak Samanlira nu‘ Hausa :9 pm: mampamnmkkan bahawa
ssbarang plndian kepada kunuak udak akan maruadx
berkuslkuan malalnkan seknunya wa dlparselujm oleh kedua-dua
man plhak dan dlbual sacara benuns den annecem mewm mu
parjarulan xambanan
[391 Perkara W adalah lerbuklv apawa wujudnya Kanuak Tamhahan
Panama dan Kcmrak Tambahan Ksdua yang memhenkan masa
Iamhahan sepemmana yang teiah dmyatakan til alas Kedua-dua
Kcnlvak Tambanan Penama aan Konwak Tambahan Kedua Im
rnasm mengekalkan lama yang khusus bemubung dengan Isu
masa an mana Ia admah masm merupakan «nvp-am kanlvak Inn 16135
rnenuruukkan banawa pada hak:k.amya,1erma yang u|ama ml mak
peman<an umuk mgugurkan sama sekah men pxhak-plhak
[40] Mahkamah lumt mendapah bahawa siksw plamhf waitu PW1 man
bersemu semasa dvsoal baxas bahaw: apabila kanlrak annenena:
dengan pmak kera;aan mu defendan ksdua ax dalam kes unn
maka plhaibplhak adiflah Karma! aengan terrna-term: panannan
tersebul Fermi! yang aama mm dlpemelujm oleh plimhl yang
msllbatkan term »tevma yang sama an dilam Kenlrak Tambahan
Panama dan Knnlrak Tambahan Kedul
[M] Se\anjulnya memanaangkan p\aInII1 Udak berupaya unmk
mewaksanakan pengnantaran mlsll pida 3042013 yang
merupakan lempoh mesa lawman dv bawan Kontrak Tanmanan
m huuxNskNrEWp=snBmFp0
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. U... w my me nrW\n|U|:I mm: dnuumnl y. mum v-ma!
Van u .r :1
Kedua din susulan danpad: mssyuarul-mysyuaril yang an-aaxan
an anlara pmak-pmak pida 2 32013 dan 21 122015 bagx
msmbmcangkan Isuw '
unluk membenkan plalrml «ankn yang akhxr mg. penghunliran
maka aolenann-wenaan man bersaluju
mm: lersebul yang man. xanya Ie\ah dflanwlkan semngga
so 3 2019 Wa\iubIAga\manapun‘ adaluh pmu mtekankan hahawa
defendln-deflendln man was berpendlnin oanawe n ndalah
map tenakluk kepada nak dmnaan kedua unmk mengenakan
gznllrugw Mahkamlh menaapan bahaw: my ml rnmpakny: ndak
sesakuh pemih dlabaxkan men delandandefendan munarnanya
aerenaan kedua Susulan nu, ganurugl man kamuduannya
aikanmn oven aetenuzn kedua berrumi aanpaaa 3au42o<a
Parker: nu admah dlperkukuhkan Iagl apibvll .
ya turut
dnpersemgm clan FW1 semasa pemenksaan balasnyi
[421 Maka nu, nkapun semasa pIhak—pII1aK memasukl konlrak mama
pmak-pmak nampaknya sedar bahawa mesa akan mpunda
sepenimana yang ouba dmujahkan oleh p\aInM, mahkamah m.
menaapan bahawa a max sesekalx berswa: menghaxang defendan
kedua danpada mengenskan ganurugn lm adatah kevana pmak
p\am\If maslh lagi cenm dengan Kesemua konlrak yang dlmasuki
m antara pihak-pmak lelsebut Ievmasuklah yang lerakhirnya
melalui Knnlrak Tambahan Kedua yang ‘alas mempemmukkan
mesa penghamaran hanya duarnmkan setakal 304 2018 Begnu
juga. perkam-perkma yang benaku selepas nu an mana wujudnya
pevsemuan penamman masa ulen aevenuan kedua Ielah
menangkxs Nqahan mamtxl mengena: peckara W
m nuuxNskNrEW|=ansnFp0
«mm. am.‘ .. U... w my me nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
u... my 31
[431 Eerduarkan nu‘ mika masa nunum max sesekah meruadn babas
m dil-m konhak ml Dafendan-defendan man manyalakan
dangan ‘alas bemubung lankh aknu bagv penghanhran misil yang
man (erdanulu sebemm ||u dflanwtkan sahmggi so 3 2019 dx
sampmg berpegang kukuh kapud: hak mevekl umuk mangenakzn
garmrugx yang um dibenkan nm kepada plalnui
samn ads as/endsn fimdua bamnk mungenakan gantm/gr’
[44] Memandangkan masa pewaxsanaan adalah mink menjadw bebas an
aalam knnuak mu maka susulan danpada nu dan secara
umumnya, sesualu pm-x yang hers.-nan aklbat kelzwalan adalah
perm mkenuxan ganmug. Dalam keadaan In: walnm lalah yuga
menghujihkln, secara sum nerganu, bahaw: berdasarkan
seksyen 5612) ms Konlrak 1950, yang mans Ia memperunlukkan
suam Keadlan an mana plhak-plhak bemsunu bahlwa mass
adalah bukan mempakan -nupau pewaxsanaan Kuntrak, make an
dmam Keadaan ml pmak yang udak barman hanya boleh
mengenakan pampasan alas sebarang kenuangan yang dnalami
olehnya sahafi nklbal dlnpads kelewalan fevsebul
[45] Dmam menyokang .54; ml, plalrml berpegang kukuh kepada
seksyen 5612) Am Konlrak 195:) lelsebul Eagl maksud
kemudahan ruyukan Keselumhan seksyen 56 Ana Kontrak 1950
adalah km: mxemukaxan yang secara knususnya
mempevunlnkkan sepen: benkul.
m nuuxNskNrEWp=~sasnFP
«mm. snnnw .. U... n may he mmu-y -mm: dnuamnl VI nF\uNa Wm!
v... a ..r av
tavhadzp plamm ada\ah salnn, max pulul dln/Itlu
malanggul nus unuang-unaang,
my sum penmlh unmk deiendamdefendan membayar. secara
bersuma dam berasmgan, jumlah RM10,312‘E12 no kepada
(c) Ganllmgl am, gannrugw teladan dan/ahu uarmmgx Ieruk yang
akan dnakslrkan oleh mahkamih: den
(:1) Faednh ks alas ;um\a7I penghakwman sebanyak 5% selahun
bsrmuva darn «am. pengenaan ganlllugl sehlnqga ke larikh
panghlkuman flan dxsusull we?! jumlah laedah yang same
din IIIIKH penghaknman sehmggi penyelasslan sapenuhnya
um balaknng panlkalan dlamara plhak-pllllk
[6] Lamman danpada sa|u mesyuarat mndlngan kontrak an amara
p\aInlIV dan defendan-uedendan pads anusznm m kementenan
delendan panama satu Surat $etu]u Tenma benankh 1712 2:114
levah dnkeluarkan oxen delendan perlama yang mana dedendan»
uevenaan Ielah belseluju menenma lawaran p\amnf bag! nun.-m
’Me-mbekal Dan Menghanlar Mrs]! Bakmar Smkan Untuk
Kegunaan Tamera Darat Malaysia“ (‘Surat Serum Tammi")
[7] sum Semu Tenma xemebux, yang Iuml manggap meruadx
sebihagxan dmpadl Karma-Ievma konlvak mangandungx symm-
m r:uuxNskNrEW;=susnVyu
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
5s Eflicl av tenure to perform at ma mna, In mn(mcI in man
mne rs essential
(1) When a pany ha a eonlracl pronnaas m do a oenam Ihlrvg at or
bnfmn a -pacmea nme, or cerum mlnqi ax av oerone speemeo
tunes and vans in do any such mung an or Delete [he seemed
lune, me oonuaci, or so much a: n as has no! been peflormedy
becomes valuable I! me when at me promnee me vruemion at
me pames was lhal hme mum be onne essence oflhe mnlracl
Eflecl orlmrure when nms rs rmressenhal
(2; II n war nul me m|enImn at me pamel Ina! xnne enema be of
me essence of me oonvacn. me comm um um become
vmdable by me vamne to oo me (lung at or belnre me specmeu
time, on me orennaeo In annuea to ccmpennlmn hum me
prormsor «or any ma occaiiuned In him by me vanme
Elise! or nccepramts nl pevfonvvance .3! me nine! man me:
agreed UPDII
13; v, m use of a contract vuidzme an account o4 me promlsors
ramna to peflovm nu pvamlse an we nme Igveed me pmnme
accepts penonnance at me premise at any name omer man man
agreed. me pmrmsee cannot clam: compensahon for any lass
uncanoned oy me nan~p:rInmuno9 of me pmnnaa at the urn:
amen. was: at me me of me accimznoe. ne gwes name to
me pmlmsur 0| ma xntennon to :10 so
[46] Maka, dangan beriandarkan kepada seksyen 56(2) Akua Konuak
1950 pllmhf serammnya berhwah oahawa apabua anelm fakta»
fakta yang menyelubungx lindakln IN. adalah was Iemyala
bahawa sememangnya mans sabarang kemglan yang berlaku dw
pinak dmendan-de¢endan
sm ouuxNskNrEMa~msnfi0
«mm. sanuw nmhnrwm .. met! a mm o. nrW\n|H|Y -mm: dnuamnl VI ar\uNa Wm‘
van 2: of 37
[47] Earhubung dengan xsu W, deiendun-defendan pula lehh
menghujahkin nanawa kes plamm aebagannana yang dlphdkan
adalah nanawa plamm nanya menunlul unluk pengecuahan
ganlvmgu. maka wan memka menunlul pemullngan ganlvugl
yepemmnya Plamlfl dxkaukan bukannya mamplldkan blhawa
Mnlan ganumgl yang dnkenaken adalah ketevlaluany udak
munaslbah aan «max beraaaa Jusleru. plalrmi adalah sehnmsnya
lenkil dengan phdlng mereka sendln mkapun dlkalakan bihawa
delendanrdefenuan gagax membamah semasa pvzmdlng
pemenksaun seal bales lamadap saksv plamlvly namun lakra map
menunjukkin bahawa kedudukan kes yang km: cuba amawa
sacara sum berganu oxen glam Idalah jauh lersasar danpada kes
mama plilmfllersabut rm adahah kerana kes plalnlllsebagalmana
yang mpnaxan aaaxan baruwa devendznnefendan Imak bzmak
unmk mengenlkan garmrugu kevana masa lldak lag: memadl
nrmpall kepsda komrak
[45] Delendan-de4endan se\an;u|nya turul berhujah bahawa defendan
kedua adahah bemak unmk mengenakan gamlvugl terssbul
memandangkan plamm calan gaga\ umuk menyerankan nnsn
lersebut sepenlmana yang Islah diperaequym meh pmak—pmak
melaxm Konlrak Tambahan Kenna Julmah kuamum yang
dwkenskan aleh deaenuan kedua juga dlhujahkan celan gagal
dlsanggah men plamnf secara benuhs ssbagaimana yang
dlpelsetmul oleh PW1 Huyan delendan-delendan nag, segala
lommla yang mkenaxan nagx mengura ganllrugx adalah Jelas
m nuuxNsxNrEW;=ansnFp0
«mm. a.nn nmhnrwm .. U... a may he nrwhuflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa v-ma!
menurul pelumukan knnlvak khususny: sapcmmana an klausa
15 1 3 Knnllak Ulami
[49] Kedudukan defiendan-defendan Juga adalah dskatskan kuxuh
kerana Ielah dnambah puwa dengan Kevwujudan persetujuan oleh
PW1 bahawa defendan-de¢endan (Idak pemah mengecuallkan
gannmgx seklranya mlsll levsebut dlhamar selepas so 4 201a Iauu
tankh akmr yang dnelapkin me\alm Kantmk Tambahan Kedua
Malahan, p\aInM (e\ah dlmaklumkan me\aIui perhxncangarv
perbmcangan yang dwadakan pads 252013 dan 21122018
bahawa garmrugw akan (etap dukenakan bermula danpada Iankh
so news
{so} Eerhubung dangan mu ml‘ rnahkamah mannapam bahzwa
delendan-flafendan lelah beqaya memhukukan bahzw:
penamlnya. (e\ah wuum ksmungkuran knnlrnk m plhzk p\amN flan
kaauanya, konmx yang berkenaan adulah Iarnyala
mempenmlukkan «emu yang membankan hak kepada wenaan
kedua unluk mengenikan ginlwgl Jlka w bennya amuxukan,
mlka secara prmslpnya defendan Kedui aaaxan uharuanya
hemak umuk mengenakan ganwugu, mak kurahh sama nda
keruglan sebanlr man mbukum ataupun «um
[51] Walaubagawmanapun‘ parkara ml lldaklah bermaksud bahawa
penganafisaan bemubung Isu ml hanya temena dw swm sanqa mu
adalah xerana mawmvf masm bmeh unmk menwuukkan bihawa
m nuuxNskNrEW|=ansnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Dan gt :1 $1
ganumgn yang (Blah dltelapkan oleh delendan kedua adalan
kalavrlaman din lldlk munanbah
[52] Rumusan bemubung dengan perkara dx acas adalah jelas
diperunlukkan menaxm seksyen 75 Ana Knntrak 1950 yang
memperunlukkan sebagalmana benkul
75 Ccmpervsallan «or breach oi mntram where penalty
Whan : oomrict has been braken w a mm vs nlmed m we
contract as me ammm| «a be paid .n case at such breach nr Nlhe
cnnlvsm oonlams any alhev supmanan by way of penany, me
pany complaining M the breach a mum, vmalhar Ur nm acmax
damage or lass us waved to have been caused thereby. to
recent: «nun ma pany who nas hmken me conltact reasonable
campensmlcn not mesa-ng ma Imnurn in namad M as me
case may be‘ me penany snpuxaneu far
[53] Memyuk Kepada seksyen 75 Ana Korvlrak 1950 a yewas
menumukkan baharwa sekwanya sesualu knrmak nu mempunyal
klausa berhubung dengan Isu ganumgl acau pampasan maka
plhak yang ndak bersa\ah ada\ah dlbenarkan unluk memhuat
«umuean garmmgl tetapw yurnwannya mesulah munasabah aena
max me\eb1hI gumlah yang Ielah dnetapkan dw dalam Kontrak Jlka
mnnuk kepada nuyanan Dlalnlil bernubung dengan Isu W. rneveka
berpendman bahawa adalah merupakan undang-unding manlap
m mana garmrugx yang dlkenakan mesillah lenakluk kepada auam
jumlah yang munasabah Maka hujahan yang mbuac oven mamw
selamulnya adalah bahawa memandangkan sacuaauunya saksl d1
m nuuxNskNrEW;=mnsnFp0
«mm. saw nmhnrwm .. U... w my me mn.u-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-ma!
Bag: 2; W31
pmak aevenaangamnaan man berseluju sena menyacakan
bahawz wmlzh ganumgi yang dukanakan oleh keraylan aualan
kalerizluan, maka suflah [emu wanya idalah mevupakan sum
wmlah yang hdak munasabah yang mxanakan aleh aevenaan
[54] Eerhubung vsu W. secanan mshkamah menelm huyahan pmak—
pmax, manxarnan menaapam bahawa walaupun devendan penarna
Isiah mengenakan gan|Irug< seymnlan RM10y312yB1200 yang
mana perkara : odak sesekall duagm c\eh mahkamah nanawa
Ianya adalah berpandukan kepada konlrak yang dlmasukx nleh
pmakpmaky namun mahkamah max boleh merunup mala
Ierhadan salu Iakva yang permng dx mana ow: semjm telah
dengan yakvmw mengakul banawa aaawan sememangnya max
wwud sebarang xarug4an Kewangan dw pmak uerendanasetendan
wzflaupun wujudnya kegagaxan dw puhak plamur umuk
mengemukakan rmsn tersehut a. dalam Iempch masa yang
mpersemyuu Bemuhung dengan perkara : , Kala nwu wagx, ans
yang wujmi adalah hanya kerugian yang mehbalkan nsu
perancangan uperasx (emeva nu sana;a' Namun, mankaman Udak
mempunyax apa-apa dokumen yang berkanlan dengan perkara W
unluk aumyux bagl menumukkan nagannana operasl lentera telan
memadl tergemiala Maka. daVam wsu mu mahkamah beusemyu
dengan hujahan p\aInM bahawa detsndarmelanaan Ie\ah gagax
melepaskan beban penmukuannya bag! menunyukxan kewuyuuan
keruglan lersebut
m x:uuxNskNrEWp=euBmFp0
«mm. saw .. LAIQ4 w may he mxnmny mm: mmn VII mum Wm!
Dale 2: 5737
[551 selanwmya, plamm blrhman Inhawa gumlnh ganurugu yang
dxkenakan sebanyak RMH1312 :12 no adzlah kemvlnluan man;
\a udalah sabanyik Isbm kurang 24°/. dnnpada .-man mlai karmak
[55] Eagl miksud Iru mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Tekun Nasmnal
v. P)s/muds Dnve (M) Sdn Bhd & Another Appeal [2121] 10 cm
205 m mana Hasnah Mnnammea Hasmm HMF keuka behau
menyamparkan penghakvnan Mahkamah Fersekuluan dw ms 231.
235 5 235 telah dengan nyaca flan je\asnya berpendman bahawa
[54] Vvhen mev ' - clause on damages me mun mus| mmaxe
me rusonameness n! ma amuse m quesuan Whax Vs
“reasan:h|e" mm naturally he oaeea on me avavvable emence
Arum Am J m Wume smmeu mu Ltd v Jackson [1536] 1 ms
z1a‘mse}2 MLJ 155 nhservefl
The dlsnnmmn between lrqmaaled uamages ana penalty
has ceased In be cl great lags} -mponance because me
nesun m e-mar me Is man the noun mu51 aenermme
ueasmame campensafinn
[55] sucnon 75 CA prov-as:
when a cnnlracl has been amen, w . sum u numsd m me
wnnacx u we amount «a be yam m an :1! such hreanh,
av .4 me wnlrad canlamt any om: supulanon by way av
venillv‘ me any oomulalning ov me bvaach .s enmlod.
whelhev ur nu| aclual damage or loss Is proved to have
been cause thereby to Iecewe (mm the party who has
m huuxNskNrEW|=emBnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
me n .1. 31
bmknn ln. oonlmcl raawrlihla oumvanszllurl nnl
exceeding the -nwum Io rlamud or, n (he can mly he!
lne nenany u-nulalea our
[561 The Federal Cmlfl In sell; Kumar (supra) sgls out me
gmdlllg prmclplc Ill wnurulng me lppllcalion cl 1 75 CA The
mun mus! evlluzla the aims: agallm lne avallahle evldenca lo
iscoruln whether one Imoum calculalnn band on me chute Ii
prupomunila la me luglllmala lmaresl M lne lnnwenl party In the
penonnam 04‘ me Drlmary ubllqallun Wm: amount sllplllzlea ln
the clause ls exlzrbnarll, men the clause mus1 be regarded as an
unreasonable “penalty clause” and merefole vuid
[ea] sum lna Hugh com. Plennud: ma nm mm any
evlderlce lnal sum sllpulilud In cl H2 r. In lccurile
reoresununon cl ln Inn of prom so zi la allow me mun la
dellrmlne wnelner ar nol lnelr pmfit pwjectmn IS nlgnly
speculahve cl grossly excesslva lo avold unlusl ennchmenl on
me [acts am evldennel Plenlnlae falled In Wave Ihe sum nlalrnea
based on me lmnula An award V0 uarnages must be
pmpomonale In lne loss suflered Flenllude la-lea m ptove I|s
losses H1 alder In recelve lne mnemallne a ll 2 and musl also
neoesszmy lall to wave W5 losses ln lls clalm Iur general
[70] ll me sum sllpulalea ln ma agreement I! extravagant and
unaansclonalale ln ammml in wmnallscn mm me lass wmlch
mlu wnnewanly be prwea |o nave lnlluweu lrom me omen
lnen I| must b: regarded as a penalty (See Clydebank
Erlglneerlng Company v Vlqulerdo y Castaneda (Dan June
RamosJ[15U5lAC al A qenulne Dreanlmale ol damages an In:
other hand wnula be anllclpalefl damages ulnlllalea rellecuve of
srn nl:luxNskNrEWl=~s<lslnFP
“Nair s.n.l luvlhnrwm .. UIQG n may r... nflmnnflly -mm: mm. VI .nuna Wm!
me 2: N 31
the me man a rainy In an agvaemenl may sum: as a
cunsequanca at me emacn Dlmlges mum ma excessive or
dwipronomonala am not a genume pveeshmale M ‘as: and may
be new by me count to be a penny and‘ memdore. unemxceanle
Lord Dlmock m scanumamn namng ranxev Co AB v Fleca
Pelmlera Ecuanmiana (The 'Scap(rIde') [1933] 2 AC 594 at p
We classic form cl many dime Is one which nmvldn
mat upon breach av a pnmary abhgahon under me cenoram
a secondary oengamon shall am on me pan eune pany m
breach «a pay to me mher parly 2 sum of money which
does not represent a genume we-esnmale 01 any less ||ke\y
to be susxamea ny mm as me vesull of me meaen ev
pnmary oohgauon bulls substantially m excess of max sum
Yhe classic lnrm av renew agamsl such a penalty dense has
been In reluse (0 gwe emu I» u, bu| to awzvd me mmmm.
law measure ov damages in! me breach al primary
anhgzunn mean
[711 we agree mm ma Conn 01 Appeal that cl 11 2 appears In be
a penauy uauae under s 75 ca M \s semen Vaw (ha! :1 a sum ws
name m a eamraa us exnrhllanl and umezsoname var n In be
we m case ov mam n mus! be neacea as a penauy and
mereme me under 3 75 CA
1571 Berhubung wsu Im mahkamah semuulnya mandapah bahawa
pkapun konlrak mama lelih mensyaratkan banawa defendan
kedua berhak unmk mengenakan gumlah ganllrugl yang paannya
tum! lelah dlvevsemul Nah p\aInM kelxka memasu
omrak mama
em huuxNskNrEW|=emBnFp0
«me am nmhnrwm a. U... a may e. mm-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa Wm!
vue as M37
larsebul, namun wnyl bubcanlah setualu yang Imleh enenma
secara huh!-bmat olsh mlnkamah Vnl ndalah kerunl sepammlni
yang lelah dlzamrkan a. dalam kes Takun Nusiunal v Plsmtude
Dnvs (M) sun arm A Another Appeal [2021] 10 cu zus lepem
yang man mmyuk an ans‘ maka dawn keadaan yang sedermklan,
Mausa bevhubung dangln -an ganmugn tamebul adalah mahngnya
max aapaz dlkualkunakan Elgx rnaksud um, mankaman man
mampemmbangkan :11 mana jumlah kontrak yang lerllbal agauan
sebmyik RM41.a22,aoo no manakala yumhh ganmugn yang
dukenlkln pula adalah sebanyak RM1u.312,a1z no Beldasarkan
mi‘ mank-man manuapan bahuwa nunlan ganumgl yang
dukenakan idulah rnalemm 24 5% danpudn gumlah mlzl kunlvak
kesammnan -anu nampn salu perampat danpada 1-man
RMA«922,oao 00 ying man: vm adalah tamyal: merupakln sam
]um\ah yang kaxen-vu-n apallh Iagx dnambah gma dengln «ma
nanawn naak wunm s:ma»sekaI> seburang kerugnun kewangan an
pmak delendan-defandnn sepemmana yang mam aanmn man
[53] Eerdasavkan mu lrlly naak Kelenaman Ma muhkamah
herpanflingan bahlwl plhak yang sebe1u!-bommya yang
mengaxam. ksrugxan adzlah seharusnya piamm xenna bukan
sanqa defendan penam: telah mempamlem ADD bulw Mwsxl
Bakmar Smkan uarsem unluk kagunaan Temevz Dara: Malaysia‘
mauanan dadendandeiendun meneuma keunlungan pula apabwa
mengenikan aennnxan nmmysvzaczoa ssbagax g-nurug.
sedlngkan naaa saebavang keruglan rangaung danpadl seg.
m nuuxNskNrEMa~sasmfi0
«mm. Snr1I\nauhnrwH\I>e U... a may he nrW\n|U|y -mm: dnuamnl VI mum v-ma!
v... 1:: gr :1
kewlngln yang maranu o\eh delendan-aelendan Mala‘ nxapun
defandan kaduz dlavahkan umuk mangemhahkan ;um\ah wang
RMIO,312,812flO cusauux, Ianya same man max memgrkan
aevanu-n-amnuan keranu delendan keflua hanya membayar
]um\ah penuh haw: mm lersehul yang marnaamya manpun
mpmlem men ddendan-de4endan sepenuhnya danplda plamul
Im aaalan }e|as meruaul kaslmpmin kenap: mahkamah
berpanflangan nanawa pm-Ian ganumg. yang dnkenakan lersehut
adalah kenenaluan dan udak munasabah
[591 Mengenax wsu yang mbangknkan oleh defendan-deéendan dw mans
perkara mengenaw ]um\ah gamlrugn yang keteflaluan den max
munasabah yang c-ma mhangkmxan a\eh p\aInM adalah mak
aypuukan, mahkamah mendapah bahawi jikapun wanya udak
dlplldkan secar-a cerpenncu, namun perkara W adalah masm temp
Ierangkum m bawah Aswsu ganlimgw yang le\ah dlpohon
pengecuahannya o\eh p\amlIV sens Imdakan pengenaannya yang
mkatakan mak munasahah darn ndak ssh dw sis: undang—undang
Haklkalnyan xesexurunan lakta yang relevan den ma(ena\ telahpun
mp:-axan dengan jelas can Vengkap dx dalam pemyalaan tunmlan
oxen p\amM
[60] B391 menylmpmkan perkzva w sanannnnya, muhkamah (elah
mengamnu panduan uanp-as mu Mas/ays Tradmg Sdn and V
Ksduh Cement sun Eng [2004] 1 MLRA 732 44 man: Gapal sn
Rum (kamumannya HMF) man memuluskan sedemlklin on man-
penghaklmln Mahkamlh Rayuln (1! ms nu
m nuuxNskNrEW|=ansnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... w my me nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
wax: u 91 37
syaril sepenl bsrikul yang, G1 mam mnnya, memperunmkkan
hahaw: -
(a) Nflaw komrak yang mperseau;-n adalah sebanyak
RM41‘922.0D0 no
(la) Jumlan keserumnan mrsll idalah sebanyak 405 bum pada
narga RM1U4.505 on sebmir
1c) Ternpon komrak adaiah selama Ilga 13) «shun
m Sehmgga penanpan konlmk yang formal uuaksanakan, Ma:
knnlrak berserla Sum semu Tenma Iersehnt akan menjadl
kontrak yang san unluk menglkal manna den defendan-
(e) Plalrml perlu mendeposnkan swam ban perlaksanaan dalam
henluk ;.am.nan bank sehanyak RMZGSGAOO co ylng
merupakan 5% daripada nnal penghanlavan panama dalam
lempuh 14 nan aanpaaa Hnkh Surat setup: Tennua Iersehul
m Plaunw perm manlndllanganl sum Akuan Pammda
my Tankn penghantaran nusn telsebul meswan dflakukan pada
alau sebekml 31 10 2016 (“Iankh pengnannaran panama’)
[5] Surat setup: Tenma (ersebul lelah makm lenma uleh plamm pads
15 12 2014
m x:uuxNskNrEW;=suBmFp0
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
v... u .r 31
Mr mar Iubmm lner we nughl not re pelmll lne nialnml le
sueeeee on lne kmllng of uloppcl beciun n was nor pleaded Vt
ls We llm lne nlernnlrs pleaee: use anes nel axuvsssly relee
erlloppel Hnwevver all me mlevanl laols on wlncn In eflapnel
may anse were pleeaerl That rs smcrenl An express plea IS not
neeessery aeusreea Tridlng (1955; sun arm v Alab . Malayslan
Memnanl Bank Ehd. Lever Ems Lm v sell [1931] 1 KB 557‘ pet
Smman L.) el up 532 - 533 ll was lnerelore open lo lne leamee
judge to find la me plalnw on me basis of eseeppel He did ml
we must
[61] sagnu lug: Mahkamah Pelsekuman dl dalarn kes supennlendenl
oILem1s And surveys 4th Dlvlslorl a. Anar v HamIrMall/slll & Ols
[1994] l MLRA 300 melalur pengnakirnan Pen swee Chm HMA al
me am lelan menyalakan barlawa
[121 A legs: mull er eeneluslen 01 law an has proved belove a
com I! generally nul pleaaee am only malensl facts which would
lead |o such a result or eonunsron wnen lr eornes |c e aelenaenr
eg ll re not ler mm m say lner he rs nnl lrenle eg lor a sum clalmefl
ne mnsl also plead when avellame, eg lnal me goods were never
aelwerea, or lnel ne nes been mlslaken lnr enemer huyev wiln a
slmllav name are 10 say merely mar ne rs rm llenle lor me sum
clalmafl rs a legal resulr wmen sneula mrl, smaly speaklng nave
been pleeaea am only slaled ln me players lo me dsianeer ln me
Voml mar elerm be urernlssee, mauuh ll Is e nermelly ameprhhle
ene nennless harbmger or some rnelerlar Ila: lo lellw ny way ol
SIN huuxNskNrEW|=emBnFp0
“Nana e.n.l nuvlhnrwm re med e may r... nflmnellly -mm: dnuuvlml vn .nenn vmul
r... 32 av 31
[621 Mahkamlh wgz cum: msngimbnlklra smuasx :11 man pkapun
mxsxmn bzhawa perkara leraebul masm perm dwphdkan, namun
kagagalan unluk mamphdkan Isu pengenaan ganllmgl yang
keiarlamin den max munasabah nu aaaxan temyall nu-x maruadv
eslopel G1 puhak plamm unluk membangkllknrmya Keuka
perbucaraan Vru ada\ah keranl Inrdaurkan kepada kes
superrmermen: or Lands And Surveys, 4m omsran 5 Anar v
Hamlr Marusln L ors 11994} 1 MLRA am an mana man mputuskan
baharwn eekrrenya sesualu perkara yang amangmx-n eernasa
pembenan keletangan gags‘ dtbantah oleh prnak lawan maka
kelenngan nu akan masih dllanma olah mahkamah mas scbab
kegagman unluk dxbanxah plda me. an ksm yang amal
penhng mu Pen Swee cnm HMA man memmuskan sepemrnana
benkut flu ms 302 a 30: pangrukmun beluau
[<4] The underlying wewxnawn ranonale var veqwing such
material facts Io be weaned rs, av cmnse to prevenl Ihe uppuslng
my item bemg laken by surprise oy evmenbe wmch depans
(mm weaned malenm vans, mt sucn evidence it aHaw2d, mu
pIe1udnce and embarrass or mislead the nppusmg pany
[151 If: parry rs man by suvpnse‘ us must amecl Ihen and there
an me pain! or nrne when sum evidence emerges, M such
evidence to be dxsregardeu by me Own and me Cmm mu men
uphnfld sud! lxmely ubpecllun Yhe coun wm gensrauy however
grant an adguummenl w requested‘ on smlame |elms as an oasis
etc {at me meadmg m be amended by me pany seeking m
auauee such evmence one mus! bear m mmd me need lar an
ru nuuxNskNrEWp=snsmFp0
«mu. smm nmhnrwm .. med u may r... mum-y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum WM
run as .r :1
urdeviy adversary synem M . Caurl mu. not a man: runnnue
rrr 2 market was
us} A pany II nol ram by surpnse when me errmmsranoes
ar1u:\Iymdu:a(z an eg when xuch Mdenoe us me very emaenee
swgm re be renea on by mm [mm me mum or wnan nu van: lo
angel: In such ewe-nee min and more 15 It": Cuurl nnw sucks
to emprmrze
[us] we next deal wnrr me veer Inn men evnienoe was ner
omecxnd ro hmeoully is bemg Inadrmsslhle an accuunl of us
being It ymrree wrm pleading
[19] Generally In em: uses omy mm names rzrr vahdale any
mode or sdduung emerree by mnsenl, express ar lmerredr even
when such meae rs wegmnr, «or any Irregulinly rr deemed re he
warns by such cmreenr mrrrrear runes er emflenc: can be In a
hmllad axlanlr even arspmea wllh by a Court wvlhoul wch
consenr mo, plus» an seenerrr y Chanarad Marunme Bank
[rays] crr D Asa, simnafly wrm technical Mn o1 pruondura
Therefnve when such Ivndenoe reprerenrs a depzrlure rrum
pleadmg, II should be objecled k: as when arre where rr Is
adduced‘ and rr will be we me man re anly obreasu Io mar rm.
as In me rrrral sunmrssron at me dose ml evrnerree as rn me
Inslam anneal In these erreumsrarrees me pany vacmg such
evidence ar varranee mm meadlng. by vamrrg la nqect cannot be
said m be taken by surprise, preruarcea. mrsnea nr embarvassed
omerwrse. me omer me at me com wumd be. In me evenl on
such omezmon raised ar the stage M final submusmn bemg
arzeplefl by are com, um me peny euaucrng such evidence
muy me me 51:21 risk a! being aeruea leave ro amand ms
welding m queslmn ar mar stage
sm nuuxNskNrEW|=~sasnFP
“Nana sew nmhnrwm .. U... m may r... nflmruflly mm: dnuamnl VI mum p-ms!
W 34.1437
[20] Such evmcnu whan gwen wuhem any omecnon ny me
uppoung pany wm Vunher have me nllecl ol curing ma absence
av such plan m me rnlevanl pbadvnn, m nthev mm, me man at
overwmmg um. dalecl m wch pleading As was mm: by
Fu.1eva\Coumn Ana Kwn Km: 4. Anur v Lau Pxlng Ngong mm}
1 MLRA 452‘ [1934] 2 Mu 277. uses] cu (Rep) 24. re an p
Evwdence gwen u the max can lherelme m ipplapnile
wcumsunces uvemnme devecks m me pleadmgs wheve
Ihe net law“ 57 web ewaence Vs |a prevent me other me
from bemg um by Iurpnse
[211 There ws however, at was: one Important exnepnon m such
curing of delect at meaamg by ewdence flepamng lrum such
meaning wumoul ubgechnn men and mere to such Mdenoe
[531 D1 dalam kes a. hadapan mahkamah ml‘ adalah lemyala bahawa
Isu mengenaw pengenaan qarmrugx yang Kevteflaman dan Ildak
munasabah mu man gagal uvbamah men pmak devendan-nevenuan
semasa pemenksaan mama saksl p\am|I1 sens saksl mereka
sendln Iawtu nww kanka mseal balas oleh pmak plamm Dalam
keadaan nu ssbarang banwahan yang hanys mnangxmxan semasa
ax penngkal hujahan selepas perhlcaraan ada\ah Iemyata
tedampau lewat unluk dnbangkwkan Mahkamah max
berpandangan bahawa aeaenaarmevendan mengam Ierperamat
mengenav isu um Justem keterangan (ersehul amen mtenma Men
m hDL1xNskNrEW|=si1BnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
p... :5 n! 11
[541 Bardasivkan segala anahsa darn dapalan rnankamnn sepcmmana
yang telah dlnyaukan lerduhulu Im. mankaman rnenuapan
bahawz klnusi mengenal ganllrugl larsebut Idaloh hdak bnleh
unxuk dtkullkuasskin
[65] Mahkamah mm: mendapan bahawa berdasarkan kepada segala
perkara yang telah dwungkaxkan an aces, maka seksyen 47 Akta
Konlrak 1950 an seksyen 55(1) Akla Komrak 1950 admin lldak
levpakax an dakam pemkaxan um sepemmana yang Cuba dlhujahkan
men p\amt\l Defendan kedua udak pemah me\epas|can haknys
unluk menggugwkan pengenaan ganllrugl sepemmana yang
mpenmnnkkan an da\am konlvak Seksyen 47 Akls Kanuax 1950
memperlmlnkkan sepem benkul
47 Tune larperfunnarwe ofprumrse wnere no apprncanon Is to
by mania and no me rs spam/rad
Where by mu conuau. a prnmlsur Is In peflovm ms ummvse
wnnoun awllcanan by Ina promises. and no om: Iar peflonnance
Is apecmean me engagement mull he pemmned Mmm a
reasonable Mme
Exwanztiorn V Tnn uueslmn ‘what ws 3 reuoruhh m \s m eacn
pammlzrcase. a quesuan ollad
[66] Bag» maksud kebngkapsn mahkaman turut mendapac bahawa
ndak lImI:u\ Isu Konarmya defendamielendan rnempunyai
(anggungawab fiduslan bagn memasukan planmw dapat
menyempumakan lugas pembekzflan mlsvl |ersebu( Sebarang
hubungan yang wuwd an ancara plhalopwhak adalan semaIa—maLa
m huuxNskNrEWp=snBmFp0
«mm. s.nn nmhnrwm n. med w my n. DNWVVIWY mm: m.n.n Vfl mum vmm
7:1: mm
rnelnbalkan hubungan kontvlklufl. Ana ying pm. pm: pandangin
mahkamah adalah p\aInM senmn ying lelah \ewz| membekawkan
musll Aslsebux berdasarkan permanmun meraka sendln
[67] Begnu Jugs semen mahkamah menexm fakla»1akla dl da\am kes
ml lermamanya bemubung dengan wsu kelewatan dv pmak plamm
mahkamah mendapall hshawa udak ada sebarang asas unluk
mempemmbangkan lunlutan pVaIrI|l1 bag: ganllvugl am‘ garmmgl
(emuan alau garIL17|g\ Ieruk sepemmana yang dfllmlul tersebut
[55] Jusleru an den bersesuanan dengan nasu penemuan an alas‘
mahkamah dengan In: membenarkan hanyi penunMan-
panunlulan ax persnggawperenggan as up, an flan (V) Pemyalnn
Tunlutan sepammana benkul -
(5) Sim pensyllhavan bahawa pengenaan garvtlrugl yang
bequmlih nmoaumoo oleh deiendan-deiendan
(erhauip Malmlf adalah sahh lrdak palm dan/Iliu
makanugar nas undangmndilnfi‘
(D) Sfllu pennfah unmk defendan-delendan membayar‘ secara
barsama dan berzsmgan ‘umlah RMIO‘312‘a12D0 kepada
m huuxNskNrEW|=emBnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Feguam F\amuf .
Peguam Delendan .
» Defendan
run 37 m :7
(c) Faeduh ks ates jumlah pmghakwman seblnylk 5% aetahun
bermula uan cankn penghakuman sehnngga penyelesanan
Mengenax wsu kos, mahkamah max membenkan apa—apa permlah
mengenax kas kerana aevenaavmerendan pad: dasimya adalah
saapztutnya berhak umuk menuenakan yam-rug-, cumanya, mmlah
yang mxenakan adalah hdak munasahah D1 dsllm mass yang
sama. mahkamah (Idak boleh menntup mat: lerhadap fakla
bahawa WI-|||Jd kelewatan HI puhak pfimhf Jusleru flu llada kus
yang mkenakan temadap defendarvdelendarv
2_4—. .5! 2
Pesurumaya Kehaklman
Mamman Tmggx Kuula Lumpur
bertankh vs" Oklobar 2023
Tainan Vuslanz:\ Azlx & zam
Mom: Munzeer hm Zamul Abldln bersama
Syed Ahmed Khablr bun Abnm Rahman
Jabltan Peguam Nagara‘ Mahayana
Fenuam Kanan Persekuluan Tuan Nwk
Mohd Nam hm Nxr Kar bevsama Peguam
Kanan Persekuluan Puan Rahalza mmi
m nuuxNskNrEW|=snsnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
»...s.,. :1
[91 Maralm satu sural Pmdaan Perlama Kepada sum Setup; Yenma
xemebul yzng benankh 1702 zms, unkh pengrunlaran mvsn
lelah duundmg semma Gan anuxar kaplda 30112015 (‘|ankh
penghlmarln keduI'i
[10] Pads 06 062015 kontrak No KP/PERO1C/RT15fl/MIOE-O4
|'Kentrak Ulama”) telah dmandacangan: a\eh plamm Gan defendan
[111 D1 antari kandungln parmng Karma-Carma Kcmuk Ulzma Ievsehu!
adalah seP€I1Ibenku( -
ta) mausa s memperunlukkan bahawi tanpa mengambxl kva
tankh knntmk ml drlandalangam. konlrak uni hendabdah
berkualkuasa selama Ivy: (3) Iahun bermula danpad: lankh
Surat semu Tenma pida1B12 2014 sehingga 17 12 21117
Aua—apa perlirwlan (empoh kualkuasa konlrak Im hanya
bo\eh dlbual dangan perseluwan helsama p1hak—pIIIak
secava berluhs se\aras dengan klausa 40 Tanpa
mengambfl knra lempoh kurflrak ml‘ konfmk Im akan KENS
berkuatkuasa sehmgga semua hak din obligasl konlrak
dlpenum melamkan yvka kanlrak inl dwamalkam
my Klausa 11 memperunmxkan, an aneavs 1am, bihawa
nefendan kedua hendaklah membual bayaran mangm
m\a1 penghanlavan mm: ia1tu bayaran pendahuluan
sebarlyak RM1o,ooo,oocua (“bayaran perlama’) dan
m x:uuxNskNrEW|=suBnFp0
«mm. s.n.1...m.m111... .1... w my 1... WW1-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum M1
bayeran penghanlarun mm 2016 sammbah
RMa1.922,am on (‘bayaran axm ) aan newsman amuac
dalim Iempoh empll was my hln um tankh dokumen-
dokuman sepen-mam yung mpamnnumn an da\am Hausa
nmanuc mkemukakan oleh p\a\mW‘
(c) Klausa 12 memperunlukkan bahawa sebelum
penghamaran mrsnl telsebut‘ defender» kadua bemak
mewaxsanakan wan dan pemenksaan awal tprafielwery
mspecmn alau “PDl”) lerhadap man lersehut
(d) Klausa 35 mempemnlukkan bahawa masa hendakkah
meruadv mnpau kontmx
[12] Apa yang benaku berlkulrvya Idillh Guns man memaklumkan
bahzwa musk: liflak dlpil mengeluav din mambakawkan musu
lersebul manaukm xanxn Denghanlaran kedui kevan: dlkalakan
cerdapm keperluan mandesak an plhak ketenlaraan Pakusxan untuk
mempsmehx mun (emebut
[131 Oleh kerana Ku. pmanpmak man kemudlannya bersemu unluk
mslnnjulksn lankh penghanmran mvsu dan susulan nu Kcmrak
Tambanan Panama Kepada No Kunlrak.
KP/PERO1C/RTI50/I4/OE-04 telah dllandatanganx pads
25.04 2017 (“Kontrak Tamhahan PerIarna“] yang mana an anlara
lerma yang mpmaa adalah bahawa cankn penghanlarsn Ielah
muhah kepada 31 «:7 2017 (‘lankh peagnamaran keuga")
m x:uuxNskNrEW|=suBnFp0
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Due 7 0737
[14] max (emerm dw snu, Konlrik Tarnbanan Kaaua kepada Knnhzk
No KP/Penowcnznsomroz-04 berllnkh 12 12 21717 (“Kunlvak
Tumbahan KafluI“) man pm: selamulnya ananuaxangam man
pmak-plhak yang man: dw unliru Karma yang mpmda -cman
aanawa lankh penghinhran man dmbah Kepana auoazma
(“tankh penghinlaran kaenwal”!
[15] Pada seknav bman Mac 2015‘ suns te\ah memben nous banawa
kesemua 400 mm misu akan sedla umuk penghanlaran se\ewa(-
levvalnya pads 154 zma, namun ems Ie\ah menunlul unluk
bayaran pan harga waxan map.-.\ saber-un sebarang pemerlksaan
dan pengupan ke atas mxsll tersebut dapal auaxukan
[15] Plawnllflsmmanliran nu mambualperrnohunun kupad: dalsndan
panama pada zauume unluk dafendan penamn membuat
bayaran secara lerus kepedi suns pagx squmlah
RM2‘/‘1E&,BB7 no unluk memlmlnhk-n nnan «anaapuc dnbawa
masuk ks dalzm negava. sememara asbihigxan Ilgw bakmya
sewmlah RM4,733,033 00 dnbaylr kepada plamllf sawapas selasai
penpnannaran mu Ieraehul xapau. pmak Tenlera Dam Maliysna.
[17] Namun. aavanaan panama leluh menmak permuhunan plalnm
pad: 15 05 2016 seman suatu mesyuaval yang Iurul dlhadm clan
wakn pmnm am dasar bnhawa hayaran kepada GIDS secara
sadarmknan aaaxan benanlangan dengin paramnn kewangln
Defendan»deVend:n hevpendman buhawa sepsmmana term: aaal
m nuuxNskNrEW|=anBnFp0
«ma am.‘ nmhnrwm a. p... w my a. nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-NM
ma - av Iv
kamrak‘ buyaran akan hanyz amuax selalah m-an larsebut
dlserahkan sen: unanma oleh Tamera Dam Malayma
[151 F\amM le\ah pada 28 052013 membual perrnohonan Kepada
dedendamdefendan bag! kaedah pembaysran allernam dulakukan
lermaswdah mencadangkan agar Komrak |eIsebu| msarannak
alau dmovaslkan kepada ems supaya kesannya akan
menunjukkan nanawa plhak yang berkcmrak adalsh a. amara
GIDS flan delendan kedua In: adalah dlkatakan hag!
memudahkan proses pembayavan secara Vangsung danpada
defendan kedua kepada suns dl mana >3 hukan lag! mellbalkan
p\am|Iff Na-nun, sekah lag! permmtaan p\aInl\l lelah mm! jugs
dltolak o\eh delendan-delendan
[19] Da\am paaa nu, pla-nu! lelah melauasl had mas: Iankh
penghantimn kaempal -anu pads 30 D4 2:213
[20] secemsnya memandangkan wuyudnya vsu-Isu (ersebut yang
masm «erganmng, maka p\aInli1 lekah melamulkan Iempoh
kesahan mu pelaksanaan semngga ke waoszme D. da\am
mesa yang same‘ p\aIrml akan bemsaha mendapmkan binluan
kewangin danpafla sumber—sumber yang law In: ‘alas
menuruukkan an sml bahaw: plaimw menga\am| Kekangan
kewangan an plhak meveks
m x:uuxNskNrEWp=snBmVyu
«ma am.‘ nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nrW\nnU|:I mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
[21] Pad: 2711 201:, plamm «emu mengemukakin rancangin unluk
pemenkiaan mam penghamavan 1‘Pre-Dehmery Vnspectlonj ax
Karuchn Paknsnn Kabenlvln dwkatakan man drbenkan Kepada
plalrml pad: 25 01 2019 unluk mewaxm delandan mu: a. damn
menwankan prom pemenksaan sebelum pengnannamn
[22] susulan mu. pemenksaan sebelum penghancaran yang benempat
m Pakistan den 23 ex 2019 sehlngga n2 u2.2o1e mkaxaxan lelah
berjaya aualankan dan Vaporan kepulusan pemenksaan sebemm
penghanlaran man auumskan uleh amenaan panama pads
18 02 2019
[23] Am dasar nu, penghanlavan rmsu lersabul [elm dvancang unluk
mbuat pad: 0903 2019. namun begnu padi us as my GIDS
Ie\ah menwahmw kasulnan ax dulem penghanllran mm! Iersebut
dan Ielah mamnhon penghlmarin amuan pad: 24 o: 2019
[24] Akhlmya‘ sebuah kapal bernama MV Pamnera J yang
mengangkul mlsll (ersebul lelah nenepas danpada pelabuhan
Kavacm. Pakvstan pads 01042019 dan telah one dv Pewabur-an
Klang pads 04 as 2019 MM telsebut 1e\ah kemumannya amanm
unluk msumpan an Depoh Peluru Pusal ul salu lakes: ax
Semenanjung Ma\aysIa
m hDL1xNskNrEW|=si1BnFp0
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[251 Hasnlnyn, um Ia\ah membawa kapadi pengemaran sun
Femanksaan dun Pansnmaan Akmv yang dvbenkln man deiendan
panama pada 17 05 2019.
[251 Benkulan mu, plamm |e\ah mangamukaxan dakumen bag: Muan
pembayaran bayaran akmr pada 2a 052019 bag: sewm\ah
RM31322 can 00 Penn ]uga mambll klra bahawa p\amlN te\ah
sebelum nu menenma Jumxan bayavan pendihuluan sebsnyak
RM1o,ooo can 00
[271 Namun aemman. penyelesalan haul bayavan am: lelah hanya
dlbuat nada ca 97 2019 an man: pida mas! yang sama juga
pxmlah ganhrugw sebanyak R»/I1o,3<2,a<2 on yang a-km nan tanxh
penghanlaran keempax Innu 3004201: lalah dlkenakln oreh
delendan kedua lerhidap wamm an anaa sebab kmewalan yang
berlaku an dalam penghanlaran mm! caraamn dan yurmah glnhrugx
Inn Man dltolak darlpada JIJIIIVSVI bayaran axmr yang dnenma oxen
p\aInIiV Jusleru‘ praunm hanya menenma sewmlah
RM21.60§,I8B oa snap sebagau bayaran akmrlersebut
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| 4,823 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-28PW-402-08/2022 | PEMOHON LAMAN REALITI SDN BHD RESPONDEN RIMAU INDAH SDN BHD | Application for leave to commence a civil action against the Respondent under section 226(3) of the Companies Act 1965. Whether the Applicant has satisfied the test laid down in Mesuntung Property Sdn Bhd v Kimlin Housing Development Sdn Bhd.Whether the Applicant has established a prima facie case against the Respondent. | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz | |
02/01/2024 16:12:00
WA-28PW-402-08/2022 Kand. 26
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[1] The Applicant filed Enclosure 1 for leave to commence a suit/civil
action against the Respondent under the provisions of section 226(3)
of the Companies Act 1965.
[2] The Respondent was wound up under the provisions of the
Companies Act 1965 (“CA 1965”). Thus, the applicable provision is
section 226(3), which states:
“When a winding up order has been made or a provisional liquidator has
been appointed, no action or proceeding shall be proceeded with or
commenced against the company except:
(a) By leave of the court; and
(b) In accordance with such forms as the Court imposes.
A similar provision is found in section 471(1) of the CA 2016.
[3] Bukit Rimau Development Sdn Bhd (“BRDSB”) was the original
registered proprietor of the undivided land held under the Master Title
Geran 36409 Lot 3783 situated at Mukim and District of Klang,
Selangor (“the Master Title”). The Master Title was subsequently
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subdivided into four (4) individual separate titles, which includes HS
(D) 89073, No PT 99589 (“the said Land”).
[4] By a Sales and Purchase Agreement dated 17.09.1999 (“the
Respondent’s SPA”) entered into between the Respondent and
BRDSB, the Respondent (formerly known as Seraya Selera Sdn Bhd)
purchased the Master Title for the purposes of developing low to
medium costs apartments known as Pangsapuri Rimau Indah (“the
said Project”).
[5] The said Land measuring 18,021 square metres/4.45 acres is the
subject matter of the Applicant’s intended suit.
[6] A winding-up petition, No. D10-28-196-2009, was filed against the
Respondent on 25.03.2009. The Respondent was wound-up on
23.07.2009 (“the First Winding-Up Order”) and private liquidators were
appointed (“previous Liquidators”).
[7] However, the court allowed a stay of the winding-up order and
consequently, the previous Liquidators were relieved of their
appointment on or around July 2014.
[8] On 26.02.2015, another winding-up petition vide Kuala Lumpur High
Court (Winding-Up) No. 28NCC-136-02/2015 was filed against the
[9] The Respondent was ordered to be wound-up by the Kuala Lumpur
High Court on 09.04.2015 (“the Second Winding-Up Order”) and Mr.
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Andrew Heng and Dato Heng Ji Keng were appointed as the joint
liquidators of the Respondent (“the New Liquidators”).
[10] The New Liquidators, upon taking over the management of the
Respondent, discovered that the said Land had been fraudulently
transferred to a company known as Jiwa Rakyat Sdn Bhd (“Jiwa
[11] The fraudulent transfer was carried out in the following manner:
(a) Loh Kok Cheng and Te Chong @ Tee Kang Teng (“the
Fraudsters”) had entered into a fictitious Sales and Purchase
Agreement on 18.10.2004 without authorisation from the
directors of the Respondent, for the sale of the whole Master
Title with Chin Nyuk Pin (“Chin”) and Chow Cho Tai (“Madam
Chow”) for a consideration of RM5,000,000.00.
(b) Thereafter, on 11.05.2005, Chin and Madam Chow purportedly
entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement in respect of the
said Land with Jiwa Rakyat (“the purported Jiwa Rakyat SPA”)
for a consideration of RM3,500,000.00.
(c) To facilitate the transfer of the said Land, Chin and Madam
Chow had purportedly executed a fictitious declaration of trust
of the said Land in favour of Jiwa Rakyat on 24.06.2009.
(d) On 24.11.2009, about four (4) months after the First Winding-Up
Order, Chin and Madam Chow purportedly executed a
memorandum of transfer of the said Land in favour of Jiwa
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Rakyat. Thereafter, the said Land was registered in the name
of Jiwa Rakyat.
[12] Upon discovering the fraudulent transfer, the new Liquidators together
with the Petitioners of the Winding-Up, initiated 22NCVC-709-12/2015
(“Suit 709”) on 29.12.2015 to recover the said Land.
[13] Suit 709 was initiated against the following parties:
a. First Defendant – Jiwa Rakyat;
b. Second Defendant – Bukit Rimau;
c. Madam Chow; and
d. Chin.
[14] On or around the year 2016, Madam Chow had affirmed a statutory
declaration and obtained a judgment vide WA-24NCC-80-03/2016
(“OS 80”), inter alia, for a declaration, that:
a. Madam Chow never at any material time hold a position as the
director of the Respondent; and
b. Madam Chow did not at any material time execute the SPA and
the declaration of trust in favour of Jiwa Rakyat.
[15] Following the judgment in Suit 80, the Respondent had on 14.11.2017,
obtained a judgment from the Kuala Lumpur High Court in Suit 709 for
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a declaration, among others, that the ownership and registration of the
said Land to Jiwa Rakyat is void ab initio, invalid and should be set
[16] Pursuant to the decision in Suit 709, the Respondent had on
23.01.2018 obtained an order to transfer and register the said Land in
the name of the Respondent.
[17] Pursuant to both the judgment dated 14.11.2017 and order dated
23.01.2018 (“the Judgment and Order”), the Respondent was
registered as the proprietor of the said Land on 20.03.2018. Until
today, the Judgment and Order have not been appealed against nor
set aside by any party, thus it remains valid and binding.
[18] On 13.06.2011, the Applicant entered into two (2) Sales and Purchase
Agreements with Jiwa Rakyat for certain portions of the said Land,
a. The First portion measuring 1.1 acres for the consideration sum
of RM3,354,120.00 and defined as Parcel C [Refer to page 4 of
Applicant’s affidavit in support].
b. The Second portion measuring 1.1 acres for the consideration
sum of RM3,354,120.00 and defined as parcel B [ Refer to page
5 of Applicant’s affidavit in support].
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[19] It is pertinent to note that:
a. The said Land measures 4.45 acres in its entirety;
b. The Applicant purported SPA’s claim is only limited to 2.2 acres;
c. In brief, the Applicant is claiming on the undivided share of the
said Land.
[20] The Applicant had on 13.01.2020 (nine years after the applicant’s
SPA) initiated a suit vide suit number 22NCVC-30-10/2020 (“Suit 30”)
and sought, inter alia, for an order for the said Land to be registered
under the Applicant’s name as well as damages against the
Respondent and others. However, Suit 30 was struck out by the High
Court due to the Applicant’s non-compliance with case management
directions. The Applicant had also lodged Private Caveats on the said
[21] The Respondent filed a suit vide number WA-24NCC-1657-09/2021
(“OS 1657”) to remove the Private Caveats lodged by the Applicant.
[22] On 16.08.2022, the Court in OS 1657 ordered the Applicant’s Private
Caveats to be removed. The Learned High Court Judge in removing
the Applicant’s Private Caveats held, inter-alia, that:
a. Pursuant to Orders in Suit 709 dated 14.11.2017 and
23.11.2018, the said Land was to be transferred to the
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b. there is no appeal or application to set aside such Orders by any
c. The record of the registry shows that the Respondent is the
current registered proprietor of the said Land; and
d. The Applicant has no caveatable interest in the said Land.
[23] The Applicant now seeks leave of this Court to file an action as per
the draft Statement of Claim (“Draft SOC”), for, inter alia, the following
a. A declaration that the decision of the High Court in Suit 709 is
invalid/void and/or is in breach of natural justice;
b. A declaration that the Applicant is the bona fide purchaser of the
Purported Parcels and should be registered as the registered
proprietor pursuant to section 340 of the National Land Code;
c. Other consequential orders.
[24] In brief, the Applicant is seeking to be registered as the legal owner of
the undivided share in the said Land or alternatively, damages in lieu
of the same.
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[25] It must be noted that to date the said Land has not been subdivided
nor partitioned.
[26] It is trite law that in order to obtain leave, the Applicant must show that:
(a) the Applicant’s claim cannot be dealt with by the Winding-Up
Court; and
(b) The Applicant has a prima facie claim against the Respondent.
[27] In Boardroom Advisory Sdn Bhd v Byard Spiral Mill Sdn Bhd
(2019) 1 LNS 1447, the High Court when applying the above test in
the case before it held:
“…the cases establish that two criteria need to be fulfilled by an
applicant before the court exercises its discretion to grant or not
to grant leave. The first is that the applicant’s claim cannot be
dealt with by the Winding-Up Court and the second is that the
applicant has a prima facie case against the company (see
Mosbert Berhad (In Liquidation) v Stella D’Cruz (1985) 1 LNS
47, and Mesuntung Property Sdn Bhd v Kimlin Housing
Development Sdn Bhd (2014) 1 CLJ 202).”
[28] While it is self evident that the remedies sought by the Applicant
cannot be adequately dealt with by the Winding-Up Court, the pivotal
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issue is whether the Applicant has shown that it has a prima facie case
against the Respondent.
[29] Having read the Affidavits and submission by the parties, this Court
finds that the Applicant has failed to establish that it has a prima facie
case against the Respondent for the following reasons:
(a) The Judgment and Order have not been set aside and/or
appealed against;
(b) It is pertinent to note that in Suit 30, the Applicant did not seek
to set aside the Judgment and Order. In fact, the Applicant in
Suit 30 had at the material time agreed that Jiwa Rakyat was a
fraudster. In the Applicant’s affidavit in support, in Suit 30, the
Applicant avers that:
(c) Memandangkan perkara di atas, Defendan Pertama tidak pernah
menjadi pemilik sah tanah tersebut dan oleh itu Defendan Pertama tidak
layak dana tidak berhak di sisis undang-undang dan/atau fakta untuk
menjual tanah tersebut kepada Plaintiff. Hakmilik tanah yang telah
didaftarkan atas nama Defendan Pertama bukanlah hakmilik yang bersih
dan tidak boleh disangkal seperti yang diputuskan oleh Yang Arif hakim
Mahkmah Tinggi yang bijaksana.
(Defendan Pertama above refers to Jiwa Rakyat)
(c) This Court is in agreement with the Respondent’s submission at
paragraph 73, where it submits:
“(73) It is only now the applicant is seeking for the first time to set
aside the Judgment and Order in the intended suit. Clearly, these
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are not based on facts which were found only recently. This is
clearly and afterthought by the Applicant.”
(d) The Applicant is bound by the Judgment and Order in Suit 709,
(see: Hartecon JV Sdn Bhd & Anor v Hartela Contractors
Ltd [1996] 2 MLJ 57 (ca) [page 75 of TAB-6], the Court held:
“We cannot over-emphasise the proposition that once a judge
makes a ruling, substantive or procedural, final or interlocutory, it
must be adhered to and may not be reopened willy-nilly.”
(See: Gulf Business Construction (M) Sdn Bhd v Israq
Holding Sdn Bhd [2010] 5 MLJ 34 (ca) [page 83 of TAB-7]).
(e) Furthermore, it is trite law that once the issues in a suit have
been determined in finality, the same issues are barred by the
doctrine of res judicata and/or issue estoppel in subsequent
proceedings. (See: Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd v
Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd [1995] 3 MLJ 189 (SC) [page 99 of TAB-
[30] The Applicant submits that it was not a party to suit 709. Thus, it is
not bound by the court judgment and order. I find this submission to
be misconceived because it is settled law so long as the Judgment
and Order arise from the same facts, the doctrine of res judicata and
issue estoppel can be invoked. See: Dato’ Sivananthan A/L
Shanmugam Artisan Fokus Sdn Bhd [2016] 3 MLJ 122 (CA)
where the Cou r t o f Appea l he ld ;
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“[25] In the present appeal, since the present action would
undoubtedly involve going over precisely the same facts as in
the previous HTF suit, and accepting the broader approach and
the wider sense of res judicata as the preferred and correct legal
position, the fact that the parties to this suit are different from
the HTF suit does not disentitle the appellant to invoke the
doctrine of issue estoppel to bar the respondent from relitigating
a specific issue that had been decided in the prior separate
action. The doctrine also applies to a non-party. It is therefore
not necessary for parties to be the same in both actions. What
the doctrine seeks to prevent is an abuse of the process of the
court by attempting to make a double claim as well as allowing
the plaintiff to relitigate its cause for the same relief and based on
the same subject matter for which judgment had successfully
been obtained in the HTF suit and to produce the same set of
facts, the same witnesses and the same documents (see Seruan
Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd v Badan Perhubungan UMNO Pahang
Darul Makmur).”
[31] I also accept the Respondent’s submission at para 79 and 81 in which
it contends as follows:
“(79) Further, the Applicant was aware of the Respondent’s
interest on the said Land back in the year of 2012, whereby the
Applicant’s solicitors for the Applicant’s Purported SPAs had duly
informed the solicitors of Jiwa Rakyat that the Respondent is
challenging the interest of the said Land.
(81) Suit 709 was only determined in 2018. The Applicant could
have and should have intervened in Suit 709 to protect their
purported interest.”
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[32] In the Draft SOC, the Applicant sought a declaration that it is entitled
to be registered as proprietor of the said Land because it was a bona
fide purchaser.
[33] The Applicant cannot rely on section 340 (3) of NLC and claim
to be the bona fide purchaser. This is wholly misconceived in
both in law and fact. The Applicant does not come under the
category of bona fide purchasers pursuant to s ection 340 of
the NLC. In other words, indefeasibility is a protection for the
registered proprietor of a land. Only a registered proprietor
would be conferred with the protection of indefeasibility under
the NLC.
[34] Therefore, for the above reasons I find that the Applicant has failed to
satisfy this Court that it has a prima facie case against the
Respondent, and I dismiss this application with costs of RM7,000.00.
Dated 2nd January 2024
Ahmad Murad Bin Abdul Aziz
High Court of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
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Cases Referred to:
➢ Boardroom Advisory Sdn Bhd v Byard Spiral Mill Sdn Bhd (2019) 1
LNS 1447
➢ Mosbert Berhad (In Liquidation) v Stella D’Cruz (1985) 1 LNS 47
➢ Mesuntung Property Sdn Bhd v Kimlin Housing Development Sdn Bhd
(2014) 1 CLJ 202).
➢ Hartecon JV Sdn Bhd & Anor v Hartela Contractors Ltd [1996] 2 MLJ
57 (ca) [page 75 of TAB-6].
➢ Gulf Business Construction (M) Sdn Bhd v Israq Holding Sdn Bhd
[2010] 5 MLJ 34 (CA) [page 83 of TAB-7]
➢ Asia Commercial Finance (M) Bhd v Kawal Teliti Sdn Bhd [1995] 3
MLJ 189 (SC) [page 99 of TAB-9]
➢ Dato’ Sivananthan A/L Shanmugam Artisan Fokus Sdn Bhd
[2016] 3 MLJ 122 (CA) [page 181 of TAB- 13]:
Legislation Referred to:
➢ Section 226(3) of the Companies Act 1965
➢ Section 471(1) of the Companies Act 1965
➢ Section 340 of the National Land Code
Decision Date : 21.02.2023
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| 18,492 | Tika 2.6.0 |
MA-24NCvC-60-03/2022 | PEMOHON 1. ) DEVARAJ A/L D LECHIMINAN 2. ) RENNUDEVI A/P JOSEPH RAJATHURAI RESPONDEN PENDAFTAR BESAR KELAHIRAN DAN KEMATIAN JABATAN PENDAFTARAN NEGARA MALAYSIA | Constitutional Law: citizenship – by operation of law – child adopted by citizens of Malaysia – Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(a) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – whether ‘parents’ only biological or include persons who adopted the child – Article 14(1)(b) read with section 1(e) and subsection 2(3) of Part II of the Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – ‘not born a citizen of any country’ – section 19B Part II, Second Schedule of the Federal Constitution – whether child found exposed.Held: Petitioner failed to meet the burden of proof required under the law - parents only refer to biological parents - principle of jus sangunis not satisfied - child not found exposed - petition dismissed | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
02/01/2024 14:40:23
MA-24NCvC-60-03/2022 Kand. 47
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m\—2mcvc—su—o3/2022 Kand. 47
32,01/2:24 41-4.’! 2:
In lhu Mum: oi Rink: 7, 73 Ind 76
Rules of Court 2oI1
In one Mam: al Section 25 :2! me
courts of Judicature AcI19s4 and
spacific RaliulAct1950
In Ina Mutter of suction 9 dun 25A
ol Ine Auopuon Act 1952 and
Article Hand Second Schedub oi
tha Fadorll constinnion
1. DDL
(Applying In thelr awn capacity and n lliignllon
ropmoniazivn of a minor child, Ruvesa aip Dovarai)
[11 ms is me ground: of daemon o1 (hm com m vespecl M an
apphcmlon filed by me 1-" ma 2"“ P\ammls mmg on men behaw
and as lmgatlon representanvu 0! a mum emu named RAPD
(name mdzcteo lo mamcam ananyrnilyj (‘cmIa') for . pnn::Ipa\
order under paragraph 1 0! Enclosure 37 mm me cm 09
declared a onixen af Malaysia pursuanm: me upemnon omude
mum rend mgmev wmu sermon 1:) 12) under Pan n and
semon 195 under Part m av me Fedem consmuuon CFC‘) ov
anemanwexy, pursuant to me wevauon olAme1e «mm; read
lugmhet mm section (I7 (9) ans 2(3) under Far! I: av ma Second
scneame at me FC (ApplIca|1Dn‘) Vn addmon to that pnnc|pa\
ovum, lhe Plamnms further seek raumm onnsuuentnal orders as
set mm m paragraphs 2, 3,4 and 5 lhavam
Bzckgmund mu
[2] The Child was horn on 14 3 2019 ta a woman known as DMPK
nhe Bmlogical Mother‘) at Hospnal Sultanah Nora wsmau, Ealu
m ,»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[131 In approaching «ms >ssue, Ihis Caun memo the decwslon ov
me Cuurl av Appeal -n P-«mm am: Kalull/rln dun
Mnlnysil v. Pang Wee Sn 5 AnoI[1017] 7
cu :3. That decrsxon Is Impcrtarvl because -1 dealt man we
same Dnnclpul Issues bwwhl up by Counsel (of me
Plaumms Tc sum u bnefly me coun MAppaaI mm: that
(at the law an cnizensrup Is confamsd. both Dlvcedurally
Ind subslannvely m he so Illa", me cansmullonallly or
me FC Is wnstdeved lmm me perspectwe or the
Consmunon and :2 Is not to be mcerprec/ed by refevenoe
to other statutes, even :1 may were passed by
(bl thewuvd ‘parent’ only means bvokzgxcal parenl and does
nu! extend to include adaptive parent, and .1 Ihe parem
vi to mcmu Adaplwa patent, the FC womd have
expressly pmvmea so,
(e) il .5 a flawed argument to say Ihatlhe pmvxsxons 0! me
Adopuan An 1952 Drevlded me missing link In
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
nnerpnaxing ms word ‘parenf in semen ma), Pan II‘
Secund Schedule‘
(a) the scheme of me Dmvlslons under me Adovnon /an
1952 does mt extend me the realm mm: F0 lfl maflsn
a! cmxenshlvn
(e) that m detemwung me cmzensnip of a person bum me
pnnmplan 01/us sun Irlfl /u: sangwm: mus! has moved‘
m .n resvlct to ma pnnoinla afjus sanguws, m runs upnn
me appucanx to prom: that aim: lime av mun, vane or ms
parancs was euner a Malaysian citizen or a permanem
mswdenl m Mawayaua
[M]; The ilPF‘>Camnn mbmn pnncmles onus solrsnd /us ssngufms
at me llma av mm :n he detemwlalwon ol cmzansnnp as
amboruled by ms mas».-p Abang Vskandar JCA (as he then
wasnn pm, Swn s. (supvajwas Mermdtu mm awnwaw
by me Fedevefl Coun m OBET(supra)
m mmw.umv«umM
mm. s.nn nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[15] Mom xmpunanny, the menu cm In CBET(supra) dud not
approve (he Cmm of Appeafs bread WOVDVMBIIDH In
Mnd!luvlll1supra)onme meamng cV’pzrenl‘ Io mu-me non-
bwulogvcal parents such as adomwe parems and that decxsnon
must be taken to have been avervmed (sse Pegulm mg».
umym I Anor v. Go Fu Song a om-4202212 cu m
/[2022] MLIU 1m;
[15] On lhat basws, this court |s bound by slam decvsrs to lnHaw
the declsxons m P-ng Swat 5-. (supra) and CBET(suprI)
anmnevevme cannot be pevsuadedw agree mmme F\a|nufl:
that a beneficern reamng cf semen Na) Pan ll Second
Schedme tugsmev wim me pmvlsmns cl me Adophon An
1952, In pcmcular union 25A, is permissible hcwevar
dssvaue wl may D: m (be cw; Inlevesl
[111 Cummg bauk to me has In ms Apphclhon and apwymg
Ping Swu Soc (supra), me mg in be delavrmnad ..
wnemer me Plzurmus have sausned both pans cl sectmn 1
cl Fan II‘ Second Schedule, man Is, (hit me chm .
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
(I) was burn In Malaysia, and
(H) mam leasl one elma Child‘: paranls one la at me time
ol um enner 2 cmxen at pennananlly raeldem In
Malaysla The (um lequlremenl IS satisfied by me ha
manna cnlln was horn ln aalu Pans!‘ Juhom The
second vaquuemenl bears to be Woven
[13] New 35 declded by me Fadaral calm ln CTEE lsupm) Iha
lunaamanlal rule In lnlerprellng ma FC at any wnllan law n
to give media we IIIIBMIDH M me flamers The oouncannal
insert or lnlsrpret new words mlo me FC The cowl may only
call Yn ald of lunar mam. a1 oorlalmcnm where the
pmvlsmns are lnlpraaae, pmtean evacamva ur can
reasonably hear more than me meanlng
[ls] secllen 1(3) of Pan II Second Schedule makes velerenae
only la me llrna atom and n01 at me llma ma appllcaxlon la
made Thu! vaqulvumenl ls clear and unamblguous Thus, ln
dacernunlnglna smus allhe cnllds peranl, ll is lne aldlaglcal
Momera amus mat must be delermlned and rum zne adapuve
m vMxAlwauvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
ma a.n.l nuvlhnrwm a. LAIQ4 a mm he nflmnnflly am. glam. y.. .nune v-mxl
navems, elm Malaysian cmzens, svnce there vs no adom-we
parent at me time 01 mm Ta suggesl mat am. we cf the
Child‘: bnlh‘ the Flamnfls ware already his paranu wmfld be
dealiv nmpossmle and cunlradlclory to ma plain meaning of
Ihe phIase“a1ma me of man“.
(2:11 It Is claar «am ma evidence (hi! [hi Biological Momers
cmxensmp and pisspon wue Idenlmed In the Flrsl ac The
fact that the cmzensrup ann passport mmxser were stated In
that dncurnem must mean that the pnsspm was mmun me
Bwolagml Mather‘: possssmn or Known to me Plamhlls
smoe the First as was wssued anerme Plamlmslook slepslo
sdopllhs cmxa Thers can be no umerexplanalmn where Ihal
Inlovmalion came lvarn On ma: nonsldamuon, mvs Cowl finds
on me bahmeafproblbihuesmalshewaim111:1 - cmzen of
Sn Lanka and no! u Malaysian
[211 nus Court does not find me Plamllffs Aaamonaw Amaavn In
Endnluru an mm; the Flalrmffs smug mm was nu xnquury
made to me sn Lankan embassy an Inn cmunsmp status av
the Biological Malhu based on me passpen number
m mmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[22] There I! also no evldarloe mal me alologlcal Mamerwas a
pemlanenl rendenl cl M-laysla Allnaugn EH9 was ln
Malaysla ax me unle of glvlng mm to me cmla them IS no
evldsrloe mm she had entered Malaysla legally or mal he!
presence ln Malaysla was as apemlarlenllesldenl Theve
was rla lnquiry made wnn ma Malayslan lmmlgranon
nepannlanl on me alalogleal Melners enlry mm Malaysla or
her s1alus
[23] Based on one above I find that lne Plalmlfls have iilled la
alaonarga the burden cl pmvlng Ihal lne lalologlcal Mother
was anther a cnlzen ol Malaysln or a pemlarlenl reslderll Far
all the reasons dlscusud above, lnla calm finds na men: In
grarnlrlg lne order all Cltlzenshlp under me Flm Ground
second Ground
[24] The plamtlffs‘ contend firally lnal. given me feel than me New
BC was Issued Ihls com snould -ccenl lnal lrle cnllds
parents are Malayslins and lhal lha cmla his not eaqulrea
ma elllzerlshlp ml any alhev eaunlry ll was zvgued mat yactlan
m vMxAIi7uuWvlVqlM7huHuA
‘Nair s.n.l mmhnrwm a. LAIQ4 M mm .. nflglnnllly mm: glam. VII arlum puns!
He) X5 concerned men only wheve tne cnna was bow and
VvfieIhe( the chud ts stateless
[251 s-nee mus Court is bound by the aecismna -n Ping swu su
(supva) mat tne pmvmons onne Adoptton Ad 1952 hive no
matenamy an the delermtnalmn at cluzenshlp under the so,
the status ottne Wawnuffs as me adapuve parents cannot be
taken mm account as of rtgh1 The Maunms sun cany the
burden wfpmvmg tnat the Child was not born a cmzen at my
cute: country
[251 on finding that the BIoIog>ca\ Meme! Isa Sn Lankan. It cannot
be sam mat the cm was not born a omxen of any atner
country As held by the Com 0! Appeal VI nun Siew Hang
5 Anal V4 Kntun Pongnnlt Jntmnn Fcndnflnrln Noun: 5
0512-117) 5 MLJ 552 /1291713 cu 1», wt Iell upon me
appncant to pmve ms Imaags under me pnneple or us
sangwns In tnnoase, both me lvphcanrs mntagmx plranls
were unknmm and no evidence was offered to prove the
lineage at the bwokzglcal parents Smne the uneage cwld not
be pmven me appucant Vafled In sahsfy semen I(e) at Fan
m vMxAIi7uuwvLVqlM7huHuA
‘Nair smnw n-nhnrwm n. LAIQ4 m my n. nnnmun mm: dun-mm VII .nune pm
in, Second Scheduie despite spending his me wiimn me
Federahun -
[:5] A pram reading alplragmpli 1 my ‘ms nofbom . cmun ofmy
courmy min: to IM rsllllonsmp nlmc 2""lupdl-ant la rue bmlogiu!
m min: plums .: Ml mm of in: mm rm aw lvullbh
dvcurmnrlry «mam. m. aw app-mi. mun nemficntu (Emu T88-
51 carlnmod nu mlomulmv pofllmwla 10 me woo-c-in-nuts nu ma
mkv-nlpnmcullrs mu llldollid mm 'Mnklumnt mm Dqpamhtw
{:4} sim ma mnnty mm mm lawful ma nmrogmaip-mi; uu
unknown, niumpassion tn duomunclhl maps on». 2-: uvallml
mu wuwd on-era mu 2» -ppaiimi in be canlomsd Einlbnshlp by
Illlfidgllsfin sangmms
{:71 mus M awvmw, ma 2"" aupsnamnu I-utllufilladlht Nlumsmovit
to be - cmzvrv nyou-mm mm wflhln the mummy ovpmvman 11.;
air»: /I of in. semi: si.-mm al in Fndsruv cumiimmn (Risk!
to cm. Knot rm V Pnmulrar Bent Kahli/rm an xmmn Malaysia
pmnuu m;
[:01 We mrmal amen! me oanlermm or me spool/ant: mar ma
Iesrdsdm lma Flaenlion III": we, as mi as me nnsence alpemcular:
m-mam Ippdlanls mm mrmmte All nauecmrmsimagecanoe
sm nMxAI97uuuwLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. s.n.i ...m.mui .. HIGH In vuny .. nflmnluly mm: dnuamnl VI mum puns!
cmslruod as smficvont wool ma! ma 7" avpenam was not bum a
when 0! any nuuntvy As was mm oaniev. mm .s mqum .a
ewdunw am-e 2w -waeuunrs lvnenge, mm. owdemz .a mm:
[21] The dauuon m man Sltw Bony (supra) was veferred to m
Ihe reoem Htgh Coun decision m rmn mm sum v. K-ma
Pnnualah Jabatan Pemtanann Megan Malayxlx A 0::
mm] 1 LNS us 1 {mm} ML./U 99:, where like -n ma
pmaanc aaaa ma wdennly M lhelamer Is unknown and the
mologucal momer gave mm to the appncam m Malaysia
The >ssuo ma Mose them was vmelhev she was a cmzen 0!
Malaysia The mgr. Cuurl laund Ihat there was cnnfusmn aa
to me actual omzansmp sums of ma btobgxcal mutt-an
whelher mavacx max aha had a red menmy card maanz max
she was a permanenl resndem or welhershe was a crush av
Singapore On mac bags, me mgr. Caun new that me
bwologwcw mother was stateless and granted ma anphoatmn
for umzenshnp
[23] In contrast. thelacts nu ma prasam case show no cunmsmn
as to ma uype ov uacumem waned in \n FIrsIBC The
m vMxAIwauwvLvq4M7nuHuA
ma saw n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII murm v-vrm
Bmlng-cal Mmhev wls‘ at me me arms cmId's mm, s Sn
Llnkan cmzsn It must also be said than mere Is no evidence
that me Plammls made any mqulry on ma hackgraund and
cmzensmp of the blokugwcal father when they were In Ihe
pwcess cl reaching an agreemunl mm the Bmkngwcal Mulhar
on me adnpman II is quxte meonoswsnle ms: nu Inquvry was
made on that mailer to asoenam me ngm of the mother to
umlalevully sunanderlhe cm «or adnclion Thus‘ W5 Cuun
finds that mere was msulficxenl eflcn. pemans even a warm
neg\ec1, by me Plalrmlfs In asoenam mac fact Therefare, «ms
Cmm finds mac ms vans m Fnnh Nnni Sukar (supra)
distinguishable smce lhelalher us unknown‘ the cmm must
be taken to laHow the Bvmoglcal Mumers Unzenshlp The
burden \s on me Pwsmxins to snow why she \s not anlmed lo
sn unm cmxansrw‘ wtuch may «am In no
[231 In Azimih Ha-man V4 Katya Penqlrlh mm»
Pundcklun Mag"! 5 Anor 120231 J cu /mm] 2 ML!
227 the Caun M Appeal new (ha! 7
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm.‘
Pahm in me state of Johare some a months later on or mm
24 H 2019, ham PVIWMS were mlormed M the Biological
Mmners aesne In gwe up we cnuu my auopuon An agraemam
was struck on the same day between menu when me amlogncax
Mather agreed tn surreodet all he! parental and guardianship
nghts to ball! PIIVNINS who would Idofl the Chfld as their own
Both Plaxnllifs are husband -nu wwe am ave Mmayslan cmlens
[3] Slncelhe bwrlh uithe cnua was not nagmavea mm me mm
a late regusuauon ev me man was done by me Flamurls an
24112019 and a mu cemfimte dated 21 7 2021: was Issued by
Jnbatan Pendaflaran Negara In that camiicale‘ me Biolagwcal
Mother was wdemmed as a Sn Lankan cauzen bearing paaspon
Ne Nszzuss M the «me of gwmg bmn sne was 37 years 01d
The tmloslcallatheroflhe child is nalknwn The oemficale was
marked as ‘Bukan Warganegava mm sc‘;
[4] Bclh Fmnllffs men filed comm appnn-amna m amp: xne cnna
and me relevant orders were gramau by me Maaaka Susswans
Cowl an 25 10 zozc Follawmg max alder. a new mm oerlmcale
was wssued dated 12 4 2021 wneram ma 1“ Pmnmv ws reguerea
m mmw.umvammm
me am e. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-vrm
1247] vim: ovmd rm wpnrsmago can 00 aseunimld as in mm case‘
Ihmmvappelklntsnabonsfiw llhwrnma dram can beaelermmed by
Mvrwca vu m. manmy av nu parents my lwwsgu Ind ma
cnvzanlmp law: gavsmmg nolplvarvlt nltvunalvty wound be mwam Ia
ddtsvuuna wflvlhtlov mm» sppllllnl mm: m nqmmm mu m
‘wls no! Dam . Milan av My mum/y vn mu: ovsnt, 1». Ipvslllnl
Many: ham m Mnlaysvan smv would b1 5 porsovv ham . cmun of
andmorootmtvy, :9 Cambodvl, by wluo 5/me pmvcwle nun: mam»:
Hvvreu. mu wmm ml :2 slatafieu at the Inn av hov mm“
[30] Movvng an, cinlhe Child besad Io have hear: found exposed
wnhm me me: ing 01 section IQB av Fan II sacdnd
Schedule7 Sewer! 193 presumes that when a chm Is vound
exposed‘ the maths vs presumed to be a parrnanent uesndent
and the Vmdmg man lha cvuld was axpmed shlu be the due
0! um:
[31] Revfuranol was made to me Fedem Court demvon vn con a
Anor v. Ponduluvr am: Blgl Kmnvnn Dan Kumlan.
Mnlnyaia [2022] 1 cu 1 /(21:21) uuu 2.121 where ma
meamng av me lam: ‘uxposetf under semen ms was
m nwmnv.umv«umM
mm. Snv1|\nmhnrwHH>e HIGH m mm .. mn.u.y mm: dnuumvvl VI mum pom!
[as] rm mam mm: m s 155 an ‘my new Dam amid
Immd axpmam mypluf Tm purposuofllvvx sscmil, when new
contuxv musmm numnmmmanuarsnwnamunmammveua
m . plus mmu: my Inn mm» woaogm/punms yampmu.
mud) V1/alaknvdmll mas aims um» Iulnbn aflflo mm mduaoa
m hum cluldlemell Inlrldnnvdnnrdumpsnaa‘ baby A-lchm: public
olsmool Iouols place: M worsma and so an A mm: molnmq nl
-.nm..a‘ suggasu .9 new bum cm/d «me an dtscavarod‘sxpn.1od at
any oi mess Icualmns
[sq A: sum, nu. Dmndsaf posstme mlerplelzmwv of me word found
expasud‘ rs Ia mean! 4 . meamng m mdude a cum: -be-named at me
pncemmnnymenmmmmwmssmnwvsunmm The
opemnve word ’exposeL1'm 5195 mustllverelnle moompasx mephglvl
or abanoomd now mm amam, omelwtse the mmmng man! of
plivumng smmesavvess wumd be amama or raudarud tummy
[32] In hght at max defimmn‘ can the Child be sad to have been
ablndonud or axnosed7 The Respondent: contend Ihal me
has at abandonment were not proven lay me Ptamtms
{:33} The (acts here shvw that afler me cm was born, the crmd
vemamed mm the Biological Mather up unm me P\ammls met
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrw\HI>e HIGH m M, .. mn.u.y mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
her same 3 months afler she had funded me Child m them
Thus‘ unhke m ccu (supra). me mama remained war. the
cm unm she was gwen up Mr adoption Vn ms cows vvew,
muse lads do not show any abandonment amounmng en
Velvmg me cnue axposed wllhaul any mm ov me bxolowcal
[34] Smoe ems Court does nm find that me cnua was iaund
exposed, bvlh presurnpuons Imdev semen 1915 Pan II‘
Second Schedule, that s —
(3; me emu Is born to a mother who is pennanemry
ressdem at me place where lhe fmdmg was made
(them: sangmms preaumpnan) am
(on me date ov me imam Is taken as the dale 01 me mm
cannot be mgaerau m vaveur er ma mamurvs it \s a
prlnnlpie ol haw max «or a presumplmn to apply‘ the lacl
or eonaman (nggenng me presumpuen must first be
proved As was swear: by Thomson 0.) m My Kim mm
v. PF[1!61)1 ms 71,-[1961] 1 MLJ ms velerred to
m vMxAIwuuwvLvqIM7nuHuA
‘Nair am n-nhnrwm a. LAIQ4 w my a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum v-mm
mm aDprova\ m Dam’ sn' Mohd Nuiib :0 Mad Rank
v.PF(2a22)1 cu m /(202211 ML] 131 »
n u wmy llenluntlfy In oburw mm mm. .
anstulun/Dvuunvptvan wm u mm mu apom. m Nlcu or mum
and so levels: the anus a( wool an any pm (/10 bar: pctennn!
eustenm omen apvesumpban cannot ahmellnsoenxe mm pmotnl
any fact we exmenns av wmm rs a wndvlmlv pr-mam 0/
ma pr-«umnuon lnxmq Ta sly atnurwuv would a. m «y m mu mm a/
Mime mm mom:
[:5] On me Isiua man mus cam show: adopt In imarvrammn 01
me law mm mm be In my mteresl ov me cum, mus com
cannat msagree that me numgrammg of cmzensmp to the
Child will pose chauenges to me Plamuws as parents‘ me
cmla as an mdmdual and mm me wamum and the cm: In
a vamny unn However n would be neaessary to quote what
was said by Rehana vusui PCA in aenvanna the Federal
Conn‘: declsian m CTEB (sum) ~
1221 Lumnd Cnansol lur ma Appaflanls Dr Cyms Du mlpnssld
wan us an bur m mmd Mo mm plmclphs m eonslrumv the mem:
nnnsmmnunnl pmvmons am 1.: am: an .m«m:.:.m onamung me
m nwmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
avnrfmq am He submmsd that m ma prwes: ul wvlarnlebng
colvsmmorw pmvtsowls to ma cmm, tshwfidbe done In ways so as
m unable avamvlg ngm be grven mm m neny ov denuae Msm,r:1Iwg
In support me Supmme Com or mam m Paslfiraduzle lnstmlts ul
MednmIEducamn and Rueamn V KL Namsmllv-irvI!597] AIR aw
12:) ms mumpnmoom Mnramnvo/vuslhe weifnm of: mud, any
nmy mam 0! m. /my mm mu be vefievanl He then mm mm
Vwbsrlome m Mumatu olflame Allan: ./ F1:herIV980lAC .’l1Fwm¢Vv
smphascsed on raw may and mmaepamuun afa mad /mm me
R5) ms pom! In a. norm rs nus n man an whom mu/ermenl an»
rvms Dffinzwns-mp wu mud: to the dvddlen mmry to em» no rsmny
back up No cwmlry m M: wandwvll wurvfzvltzlnsmu llurvyana mm:
Hltahng mu ma-ma mm: nmflumviy mum my be . mmaar-non
am not Mu lunar! or cumin -mop:-a Thus, wm: AIM mm mam mar
one was nnlylu alhw mum to my.» Ealmuaa Irllmsyrsam flyous
[25] Nobody can drsawss ma! Iarmiy should not as lsparulsd
Nowem me Issue berm us :5 wlluthornvmdmglnmnfyseparubmn
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. HIGH m M, .. mm., mm: dnumml VI mum pom!
necessan/yammod me cum: m mt: can to I -.-mnn¢'II'I W°D"l15°"
allaw /smnham added) run not mm mt M mm: In a man
pursuant loAntd-3 15 7n. rlmrssfiarahon pnnape may be rs/etran! Val
Me authonnes ta mnmsun me exemse ms dusuefron pursuant to
Amc)e15 ma: rs wmrs me rwllrrsmam ofmcmwnwwwruts M
Hmca. nnnommma r:.l.IcofmuchMll7 raamanea tnepnv-=-area:
law an ramny seam-anon m In. nunlnxt ullhrs -pp-at
[$1 on tns same tone. this cum cams met me mtesmei ai
grammg stttzansntp In tns cnna so as to pmtect tne weware
ol the Child Is uunamonal upon the sausvaamn at me mtena
for cmzenantp In accordance with the Iiw cmzensnip ts not
granted merely to serve the Child's wallave The cnnu 5 now
blesed wnhtne presenee oflha Ftrst and Second Ptatmw as
parents who wtu nurture and tatae tne cnua wttn lava and em
and ma Coun ts cerlaln tnat may wtu do tnen utmost bes| tn
lhe meanttme to pfomde me cnua wttn me best envtnanment
until an awllulmn ts made under Amcte 15 of the recent
am I1MxAID7uumvlVo4M7huHuA
«mm. a.n.t nmhnrwm s. LAIQ4 m my t... nrmnnflly mm: dnuumnl wa artum vmm
Conclusion and decision
[37] Eased upnn an the above. the Court finds mat the cnleni for
cmzensmp by awauan M waw undarlhe FC have no! tween
met The Awllcallon :5 hereby msrmssea wllh no order as m
Dalsd thus 2"“ M January 2024
Pamas Al The Hearing
For the P1; .11 11;
Enclk Framed Nambxar
Advocates 8 Salwcdcrs
Tainan Fvancm Perewra & Shirl
s-me an, Wnsma TCT
56-1, 3" Mb
Man lpch
51200 Kufla Lumvuv
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
src Puan Zavnm bvnll Tuglvan
Federal Cuunse\
Pqabm Penlsmal Undang-Unuang New: Melaki
Aras 1, Blok Laksamana
Sen Negen, Ayer Keroh
Hang Tuah Jay:
75450 Malaka
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
as ma father and me 2"“ Plamm as me mother However‘ me
New so was marked :5 ‘fiukanwalganegari ( New ac‘) Thus‘
the reason hr the Appllcamun
m this judgment. yetevences to “Amcles
and “Second Schedule“aremthata1me FC
The law on ciuzensmp
II has been deeded m a smug of cases and renamed m me
Com at Apvem dwsuon m Pemmm 5-ur Kallnlrnn an
Kemalian, Mal-ysia v. Pang woo Sn 3. Anor[2l711] 7 cu
13 /(201713 MLJ J08 and me recent Federal cuundeosmns
m crss 5 Anur v. Km. Pcnglrih Pundlluran mg n,
Mnlnysla A Dr: (202114 MLJ 23: /12021) a cL./ 411 and
CCH 5 /mar v. Pwndalhr sosar Blgi K-Ianinn Dan
Kumuliln, Malawi; 1 20221 1 cu 1 /I202!) MLJU 2.111 that
the law on cmzenshlp ave excluswely prov-sea In me Fc In
delwanng me uamsmn of me Court m ccn (supra). Her
Ladysmp me cmer Justice Yengku Mavmun set cm a
remmder on ma such pmwsmns are m be mlzvpreled —
[ta] Cmzsrwup no mum mm :2, Put in am. so but M:
nbo . mm: sa mnlnclh/y :..u...m me mm :0 Ms mdplluanal
may cw-nun-d m m 511; A: sum my pmmm on mm; A:
mmnm .: Mary .4 pawl»:
[47] Navmv ma mar. m an eonwlcfefi mmafm of mu Iwowm
wlnww by Abdoolcwsrl (I: H: mm m; m Madeira umvemy
Bedvsfl v Gcvammsm plMalay::a[19M[2 ML] :55, Hip sar-
rmm Pub/»'cFm.-ur:umrvDaInhHsmnbmH.;vh1n:& OI: mm
2 MLJ us mu Ma Conxmutlcn rs no! la be mnstmad m Any
,..m». a mm sens: {James V commmm oi
Msmba nsasmc am but ms doe: noumn ma: a war! As
anmanm mecnarpevvenumunguamlme camnm... m me
mlemm olany »sg.rman.mumna« meaty, Never: mowma.
for ma pumou ul mpplymq nnu.umn.r nrnl mmw suppand
mars Iimphans posted)
[421 me want my my: Dad la do battle wrm mew Mu
L‘onfl»'c1In37pImL1ple.r On live (via mud, n rs and mm m ./udacmry
mm: pmpon Io usurp we ml: olthe Legislature On In: me:
hand n IS sax! Illa! me Juaxuary mun be flmacnw ta Pmtsct
mmamemaz rvmls. No mm» me Irglmvant we are Lvn.I1anW
Iammflvd nl mm Inn Indie! mm Dy mm sadeslskmglhear
sm nMxAI97uuvwLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
rupschve pm-mans m consmulmnnlcnses Whore do wa draw me
me bslweuv mess two lxlrumu’
[491 w. behave mat the ans-war 4» ma quuimn ho: hum
anscussod m mvwmerubh mnnun! of rams: mm me man recwvl
osmgcrss ms mnw mm: 1: m. unaavsllvdlflv mu lmipllmsvurvs muxtbu wnslruod ls broadly u
poxarbh um Dmmmlu mm.-n Hm mass mu mm M
uoflllruadu n-mmy anponobto rmnw mat-ml wscuaom mm
play a loser par! when umshulng wmmnnu Prowsmns One
cnnmal afluni m be pedanbv: or clmg neelesny In mnulamd
[501 Men constrmny a ward or mm: m the FL‘ pmmm Mar
war-nt-ems) - nmauwwvlal nah: me court snommve lbw wrdu!
msmn mtlmrrw wrmaut mummy ur vanwv m. n...‘ munnmg
And when uonmwng Antsmlabd Pmvrmnl‘ Ive uoufi mould ma
than M a whale navmg ngard m ma burnout and mnm onlmu
pvuwsms -nu mrmomso mu wlknrrva mummy rullm mm M
mm at mm mm another
[71 On me subject of rules of mzemramion allhe pnwissans u«
me FC, me Federal Cnun In Data‘ Sari Ir. pa Mohammad
Nlnr Jamaluddln v. Dam’ Sui Dr bmbry Abdul mm,
sm nMxAI97uuvvvLvo4M7nuHuA
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Allomcy sum-I (lntuwnn) (20121 2 cu m;[2o1a1 2
ML] 255 halt-
One umcr mwun-nr gm. m mmmmn .1 .5 mt, “me
Canslmmon mm! o. conndomd n 5 man, And m I: xa vm man
.5 /.1 .5 possmle‘ m an M: mvmn; u rs an amnnansa cnnan m
mnahluimnal oonstrudmn ms! no one Dmvtsmn aims Conmlulmv r: m
be sepalalzd /mm a)! me omen‘ and Lvrvsrdersd alone, ma ma: an my
pmwwns mm-g upon . p.m.m..m,.n m m be mm: mm m
Md to be so mam-ma u to slrscrulle the gum p-mu or am
mstmmcnl An clamcnlaly M): almrusmmum .5‘ ms! flpombb enact
mm be gt»/an m evalypan amt every ward or: Corlslrmuorv and ma!
unless Mere rt Jam: clear mason m me wnrmy. no pomun of me
Ilmdamenlul law sham be trusted as supemunus (See Danahada
Urus San End v Koknmny $411 5I~1(Eu Council Mal-ysrl me-mu-1
(20011 2 MLJ 2511
Dellberauons and decision ol min cum
[3] u .5 me Flalnlilfs case that me cm \s a mule" o1 Ma\ays4a
by operation 0! law an 2 anemauve grounds -
ti) FIrs(\y1‘F\rslGvound‘), pursuamlothe pmvlslcns ofthe
Adoption Act 1952 me crma havmg bewme 3 cm ai
sm nwmw.umv«umM
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Malsyuan cmzens, acquives cmzensmp under secuon
1(3), Pan n Mme F0: or
an Ssoonmy (Samnd around), me am nannq been
abandoned by me Euologmul Molnar mud not nawng
acqu-red cnuensnip <31 any country wmnn 12 months
from the dale ol umn. acquues uuzenshlp pursuam Io
semen 1(e) and semen 2(3) af Fan n Second
Schedule read laaethev mm sermon 195 el Part In.
Second Schedule
[91 It was contended by counsen for me Flawrmffslhanhe cm
cum to be accorded clllzensmp purmnc lo Amcve um Kb)
read wan yachon 1(a)o1 Pan n on the mm man we ward
‘parent’ m paragraph (a) therem augm m be mnslmsd
broadly to mdude aduplws parens Ifwasfunher argued that
me pravvsnans ov me Adoption AC1 1952 am Is, section em
Ind 25A wmcn conferlufl legal nghu on adoptwe puenli‘ are
conclusive pm: at me menmy M the cmm. psvenl ‘for all
m mmw.umvqmm»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
purposes‘ M ws me Planrmrrs comerman that me phrase ‘for
all purposes’ means and muuaes me purposas av Icqumng
omxensrvp ume: semen 1(3) of Pan II
no] To advance the Plammrs cause, Counsel rvferved to me
aecusmn at ma Cowl av Appeal m Madnuvln Jan/In
Augusun v. Augustin Loouninmy a Dr: pm) 1 ML!
3:71 / [ms] 4 cu 15¢ where «he word ‘parent’ was
mlerpmted nmaary Io includo Idamlve gums and not
vesmaed to mologscau palenls
[111 M was mans: arvuad mat ems com srmuxd adopt a
beneficem umerpmuuon at m maanlng cl ‘parenf, sua-
max parem can also mean Vawfw parents sum as adovllve
parents and not ]us1 biological pavems s-nee a leg:\
adomlon awards the adocllva Dlrems menu: at parems,
ma law, m pamcular secuon 1(3) should no: amcnmmaxe
between blolngxcal and aaamwe parems A beneficent
mterprecanon, n‘ adopted by Ihls coun, womd pvevent me
cmld fmm bema rundored flawless and «no family um!
would be aflmled ca grow peIceluHy unburdened by all the
m ,»m
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
sacral and legal sngma and crrauerrgee that me cmlu would
mherwxsaa race grawrng up as a stamens perwrr Redererroe
was mane \o me declsmns rrr Minister or Home Affairs v.
canine Macdonald HsIm[19s0]Ac 319, Eastern Heamr
Board v, An Ford Uchhla {mu} 1 IR M7 and Indira
Gandhi 147 Mumo v. Pcrramrh Jabaun Annma Isllm
PorIk[201l]1 MLJ 545,
rrr response, courrser for me Reeporxsems argues that In
any aerermrnarrun nl clhzansmp undev me FC‘ hm
prrnerples or [us son and /us sangwms of me brclngncal
parent and not me adoptive parent mus: be pvaven by me
applrcanl Reference was made to the Court at Appea\
eecrsrone In Llm Jen Hsiln L Anor v. Km. Plngnrih
uoaurr Pendaklvan Neann A Dr: 12017) 5 cu M2 and
mm slew Bony 4'. Anal v. Kama Ponyaralr Jabawl
Pendaltaran Megm 1. Ors [2017] 5 MLI 862. It was
avgued man lhe Plarrmfis In one Appllcalrun raneu to
discharge the human 01 prevmg jus salrgumis srnce me
Broragrcal Momerwas 3 sn Lankan
| 3,669 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-24NCvC-292-10/2022 | PEMOHON MUHANIZA BINTI MD HANIF RESPONDEN Orang-orang yang menduduki bangunan dan struktur lain yang didirikan atas sebahagian tanah yang dipegang di bawah hakmilik GMM 1442, Lot No. 2487, Mukim Serkam, Daerah Jasin, Negeri Melaka. | "Kaedah 89 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 - permohonan untuk perintah milikan kosong - prinsip terpakai - terdapat isu penghunian tanah dengan izin pemilik berdaftar - terdapat sejarah izin penghunian tanah oleh 2 pemilik berdaftar sebelum tanah dibeli oleh Pemohon - Permohonan di bawah Kaedah 89 KKM tidak sesuai - terdapat isu untuk di bicarakan - Permohonan ditolak" | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
02/01/2024 10:45:37
MA-24NCvC-292-10/2022 Kand. 36
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m\—2mcvc—292—1n/2u22 Kand. 36
32,01/2224 ,2-45 aw
Dnlam norm. manuenli
haruruh-hananah yam]
flpcgnng ax lnwah em
4444:, Lo! No 2437‘ Muklm
Serltam, Daerall Jilin, Negeri
Dalam park : Aluran as
Kudah-Kaedah Mahklmah
Dramrcrang yang mondudu ' blnaunan dill slruklur
Dun Ilruktur Ialn yang as knn alas seballagiln tanah
Vang an pognng um». hakmllllx cum m2.
Lo! Mo 24:11, Mukim Serlum. Dzerall Jnin, Negeri Melalta,
sw xumwéwzehcncvyzwvn
mm Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
[I] In: adalah kepulusnn Mahkaman temadzp sam permohnnan aleh
Plamuff mataxm Lampxran 1 untuk mandapalkan penmah mlllkan
kosong harlanah mkenun sebagal GMM 1442, Lo: No 2457, Muklm
Serkam‘ Duran Juan, Nsgen Melaka m bawah Ammn as Kaedzh
Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 VKKM‘)
[2] Alasan permohonan P\aIrmfIen<andung damn Limpnran 2 Secara
nngkasnya Plalnufadalah pemllwk bemafiarTanah (ersebul Tanah
nu telah amen pada 2013 darn Abd Gham am Ramll Kztevangan
dokumenlar rnengsnai pembeluan den kemudlannyi pendlflaran
naxmmx auflah sepenl an mam mum MH-1‘ MH-2 aan MH»3
Plamm mengatakan belnau le\ah mmaklumkan oxen pemmk asal
hahawa Tanah nu amauku tanpa kebenaran dan dncembohl aleh
|>e¢enaan—De«am:sn Lapovln Fahs Ielah dlbuat dan kemudlan
nndakan mangnmngkan Tanan nu dlamhvl
[3] Masmg-masmg Dedendan Ferlama serungga Keempal telah
memiankan Amdavll Jawapan mempenlkau tmdakzn Pkamllf
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Di da\am kss Lee sang L-i A On v. Tetuan Tokoyaki Fmperty
sdn. BM. [1001] J CLJ 365, Mahkamah Rayuan le\ah
memumskan -
“The learned judge lblmd M8! on the Al77dASflJAll9d /8615‘ [ha
p/alnrfirs Ms rsgtslersd owner OYMS sard/and and the dofondlnls
am not have any proof um they had bun gil/an lhe permission
w lfclncc by the phintilf or an previous uwnor ollhe /and as
the Slate) pnunu ma p/amrm occupation aims sum ;7fDP9"y and
that :1 was propel and lppmprilte for mu mgn Cnun to make
In» am: under 0. an 0! mo RHCm evm we dellndants us
than WIN no ilrfaus issues We srlhraly agrva Will! the VIEW OI
me Hugh Cowl "
(penekamsn <1/tambah)
[151 Walaupun pnnswp undang-undang mengalakan pembayaran cum
Ianah Gan namapamya bekalan elektnk um dengan sanmrmya
memhukllkan hak penduflukan alau rmllkan umac Canny: ldenl (M)
Sdn Bhd v. Onnq«DI.Ing Vang Mungenlll Dlri Sn-bayai 'Pvnyl‘
A On [ma] 1 cu 257)‘ namun Iamapax cam sqarih
penduduksn lanah mu oxen keluarga Delendzn-Deisndan unluk
IN x:AmwswEGncnGvyEwm
-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
(empnh yang sangn lama yang ndak wen amsxepuxan nleh
Mahkamah ml Mahkamah udak berpuas nan bahawn mengukut
kepulusan an dalam Fullrise Resources Sdn Bhd v. Mg Ah Tang
5 Ann! [2004] 5 CLJ; Salim lumall 5 Dr: V. Lohbvy Sdn. End.
(Ma. 2; mm 1 cu wz; mum: nin mu 5 Dr: v. Pungarnn
nmah sauan Sdangor[1.W1) 1 MLJ 343,- nan Lee Loy .5 or: v.
ran Kan: Sam] 5 Anal [2010] 3 MLJ 2441 Defendan-Defendan
holeh dlanagip sebagan pencmuboh haw maksud satu
pennononan an hawah Kaeaah 59
[16] Di dalam kes Tekad Urus sun. and. v. Fenduduk Dcsa Puwin
(200411 MLJ J05 Mahkamah Rayuan Ie\aI1 memuluskan »
' so me prupriery at ms app//calran underO 59 aim we was
sgam ms subject maflsrul an appeal 17! me Federal Com m (I19
case of snaneen bts Abu Baksr v Perbadanan Kama/uan Megan
Selangor[1998] 4 MLJ 233 There me court held that me summary
procsdum under 0 as at the RHC rs gavemed by me same
pnncrp/as as moss undsro 14 uf me RHC The deisndant need
an/y show me: there was . (nab/9 Issue al/aw lo rssrsl the ;7lLwmI's
IN xa4mwswEGncnGvyEwm
mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
31 Rsvsmng lo the facts antte present apyeal we rtotatnntmete
an tttttbte tssttes on me absence b/ettnst ltcencs or consent as
ettegea by ttte respat-cent. tn olll vtew, me nttegeu continued
conswvr or the aupelllntis ptsaecessors-t'n—u'nIe is one 0! line
setiuus Issues to bu vied. The prnsence of me abpenants
Isprsssrllutlvvs at me nteaztng presided by the Mtntstet bmerence
(ses DPS; cannot be avsfloakad
32 From the judgment In sanans case tr ts obvtous to us ms! 5
mm neanng an apbttcaban Llndfir 0 as cbnstaets only emastttt
swdenca The persnns agatnst wnbnt the prucsedmgs IS /tted need
only snow they have an arguable case tnat tney nccupted the land
tmasr /tcenoe tn Uur bpttttart the prtnctbtes/stt1 dawn tn aottans
case apply to ttte presemcsse From the allrdawt evidence‘ we find
mat tnts ts not 5 case In be dealt wrfh summanly tlrldal o as There
are mab/s tssues whtcn snattm be aeretmmed at me me "
(penekanan atcatttbsn)
[171 Sepem atsettutn awal taut, xatattputt Kepermngan men men swt Koh
ke abas lanah McL boleh atpentkat keabsahannya. namun sepem
yang dlpuluskan juga dalam kes Tlkld um, pendudukan tttt boten
‘Nair s.n.t mmhnrwm be tn... M my t... brW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl wa mum vmm
tecap memam sah herdasarkan salu Izm mu kerelian slau
acqmascsnce oleh Kusu Em Musa‘ dnkuu om: Rimln nan
kemudlannyn oseh Am Gham
~33 We would observe Mal mu i! In: Iaspandunfs inifial ontry
an an zub/ocl and was unlawful .. Illcgld by the .pp.uam.s.
ncquluccnco mm such enIryI.lw1uI{sss Se/rm‘: case)
34 me respondents had been In occuualion 0/ ma sumac: /and
smce 1983 This Ian! was well wtlhm Ihs knowledge a! me Federal
Land conummnner and live State Go»/smmgnr wlmse aepamnenzs
and agencres had pmwdsd pubbc amenmes to men. wnn the
svailabillry nl such ewdence, an Issue arises as 1.: whether the
conduct of me government agencns courd be mlsrpratsd as
aonssnt olma Stars Aumamy We now that my; rs a Inable Issue"
(penekanan dwlambah)
[1 E] Mahkamah Rayuan an dalam kes Lu Wu cnoong A Anor v. rerv
ching van 5 Anor[2018] 1 LNS 19I7Ie|ah memuluskan -
m xa4mwswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
"[121 ms pnncrp/as at play in IaspacIofOI!1er 59 or the Rules 0/
coun 2012 are Inls. /n ma dsclsmn olaonan mn ram .; Dr: V
Pengaran Tsnah Gallan SeIangoI[1991) 1 cu Rey 48 [1991] 1
ML./ 342, Mnhamed Azmr .50.] In dellvermg the mdgmonl ol ms
Federal caun, accepled ms suzrmrssrorrs ol counsel [or me
appeIlam!ha!On1sr 8915 me reproduction at me Englrsn 0 113‘
um may me pmcodura rs .
summary srmpla and speed] is /1 IS mlanded to operale
wrlhout a plenary Mal rnvnlvmg the ans! examination 11/ witnesses
and mm the mlrumum afde/By, expense and techmca/Ky Where
none or me wrongrul omrprers can rsasonab/y bardsnnfiodms
pmcsedmgs lake an the charxcler or an acuon ur lam, smce me
acuon would re/are IO MG recovery o/the IES wvmou! mere being any
ollvaruarry but the p/amfflf On the other hand, M9 the dalaull and
summary procedures under 0 13 and o 14, (his Order would
normal/y apply only m vrrrua//y uncanlsstad cases arm clear cases
Wham (hers rs no ISIIG OI queslron IO lry, is where mars rs no
uatonnblo mum as m tho claim or me pIalIm'II to ncover
possession om. Iandorns to wmnvlul nccupntian onmlund
wirnou: Ilcanco or cousin! and without ury right, rm. or
Interest merelo “
ru xa4mxwswEGncuGvyEwm
mu. sum nmhnrwm .. u... m my r... paw-y mm: dnuumnl vu mum Wm!
[13] Tnrs pnnclple has been lollowscl In .9 long line of cases
rncluarng Molld Raw: hm Veacoo v Federal Land Dave/apmenl
Aullromy [1991] 1 MLJ 123, and S!/Ill‘! hm lsrnell 5 Lam-Lam V
Lsbbsy Sdn Blvd (N0 2) [1997] 1 CL! 102, /199712 MLJ A
/14] in Bonerrscase, me Federal counlaurmme lssus nfwhemw
mere was lloenoe or consenl to me appsllanrs occupation or me
land lor falmlllg purposes was rrselr a maple rssue, lrenoe the
summary procedure und9rO as was nal suitable, Tris Federal
Ccull added Ina!
'ln our aprrmn lor me purpose olme summery procedure a
mlrncuon should be made berween Jqalmrl slnlnlicll-I wno
nnve no ngnu wnlslsoevan and occupiers with licence or collsenl,
and as well as tenants and licensees holdrng over /I may
be impossible In emnllsn the existence ol lny (liable Issue in
me use al new squmers, bul me poaifian al Icnllvrs and
lleelme. nnrdlng over. or pmone occupying w/0| implied or
expressed connmol me owmr may be dlfluunt.‘
(penekanan mtambeh)
rn xa4vAxwswEGvcnGvyEwm
me. an.‘ lunhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w my r... mmnnuly em. dun-mm VII eF\uNG vtmxi
[I9] D1 atas penlmbangin semua pevkara fadl. Mahkamah memuluskln
bahawa kesemua Derenaanoeoenaan benaya membangkn tau
unluk mmcarakan dan dengan yang aemman, men! perlnahonan
Plaunmudak sesuai unluk mpumskan secars (ems an bawah /uuran
as KKM 2012 Permuhonan In: mmax dengan kn: seblnynk
uéub nunzn am ABDUL nmln
Tank - 2 Januan 2024
am Flhak Plgmlfl
Teluan Azam ldxharn Azman .1. Farmers
paguamnewa a Peguamcala
No 251, Jalan Sehawangsa 5, Tlman Senawangsa
54200, Kuala Lumpur
aggx Hhak Ddlenggn
Tainan Muhd Lamp A Assaaates
Faguambela 5 Peguamcara
N0 3 5 3-1. Jalan EU 5‘ Taman Bachlng mama
15350 Melaka
sm xa4mxwswEGncnGvyEwm
m. smm .. .4... w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
secam asasnya De1em1an—De1endan mangalakan canan Ierkan
yang pad: asalnyu dnkenall sebugal EMR L01 529, Mukum Sarkam,
Dserah Jasm ( Tanah Asal‘) (elem dlpemlem Kepentlngan cleh Man
an Koh dalam (ahun I94D—an Sebuah rumah «em mamkan oleh
Mah sw. Kan dan ma bersama kaluirgsnya telah unggal m rumah
nu Sebuah rumah wag. kemumannya dlbma dw alas lanan yang sama
oleh daluk kapaaa suamu Deiendan Kedua
[:1 Ole?! kevana Tanah Asa! nu benara! Malay Customary Land 1‘MCL'L
maka (anah nu dipegang dx ails nama semang Me\ayu bemama
Kusu Bm Muss sebsgsx panama wam aau nammee kepada Mah
Sww Koh Sam gaaaan wan dlbuat anlam Mah sw. Koh dan Kusu
Em Mun yang mammak knpnda Man SM Koh bagl meruuga
kepenungannya Kusu Em Muse kemumannya mendapalkan
seorang bemama Ramll Bun H] Fahl |‘Ram||') unluk rnenggarmnya
Tanah nu kamudlarmya (man dlserahkan kepaai Pqabat Tanah
aleh wstm Mik SM K07! unluk muan pembmlan rumln wbadnl Cnna
Harm kemumannya memmdah mmk |anah yang [man dwpecah
hahagwan Ianu L01 2457 (‘Lot 24:17‘; yang mm dxpemkaxkan nu
kepada anaknyu‘ Abd Ghlnl Bm Rzmll (‘Abd Gharu‘) Mengvkut
Detandzn, llrldakarl Pllmfll d‘ bswah Nuvan 99 KKM Z012 adalah
m xa4vAswswEGvcnGvyEwm
ma Snr1n\nuuhnrwH\I>e LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
udak Iepal flan mask bersesuman keranaxemapat wsudsulalda
yang msnumukkan mereki bukan panceraboh (e|apI talah
menauaum Tinah nu am. am kenasama yang nenaku anma
keluavga mereka dangan pemmk asal
[5] Vsu yang barbangkn r1z\am Ilndakan Ini dawn samzda lmdakan
unluk mendapaxxan pannllh mmkan kosung an biwah Kiedah as
KKM max-n mum bevdasurkin ram bahuwa Defendan Ielah
mendudukw Hananah nu flengin kepercayazn mareka menaudukv
lanah alas satu kapentmgan avian sekurang-kuvangnyu bevdasarkan
um pemhk berdaflav yang asax aeyak lanun 194Gan
[5] senemm menyeruuh mengenax mam Dermchanan Inn Mnhkamih
nl hams lerlebm uanum menyenluh pfmslp undangdmdang yang
Ie\ah Iermaktub sepenl mputuskan an aalam kes Echari Taih 4 Or:
.1. Pongarnh Tmh & Gallan SIIIngcr[1991] 1 cu 547,- Chlu
Wing w. 5 on v. Onq amg Clleng [1994] 1 cu :1: dan
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
smlmn Ahu Bah! v. Pubadauun Kemqiuan Noqui so/nnpor
[1999] 1 cu 74 mengen salu permohonan dn bawah Kaeaah as
KKM Fnrlslp yang mpmusxan dapal dvumuskln —
(at um permuhonin penqosongan lanah Irdak sexual umuk
keadian dl man: Dsfandln mandudukx Ilnah Ilu berlkmirl
satu sewzan alau pendudukan yang sah bawah undang—
(b) pavmahanan an hawah kaedah 89 adalah sepem pevmahonan
an bawnh Kaedah 14 KKM dw mana beban Dalandan nanya
unmk memmbulkan nsu yang perlu dlmcarakan, flan
(c) dalam mencabav salu permolmnan dx bawah Kaedah B9,
Delendan hanya peflu menumukkan ,
u) pendudukan awa\ Ianah nu adalah menglkul undang—
undang din
(up Ierdlpat mn atau laser: yang nyata acau cersivat din
pmak pemlllk kapad: Delendan Ap-bu: Delendan
beuuya membanglulkan mm mm nu maka
permohonan p\amM harus dmflak
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[7] Denim mamlst permnhonan ml‘ Mahkamsh mengamhul ma vana-
fakla benkul »
(a) lemapal selarah penghuman Tansh Asa! yang mkenan oleh
Mah sw. Koh pada1940-an flan selemsnya aleh kemayganya,
{b) hubungan Man swu Koh dengsn Kusu Bun Muss dan
kemudlarmya dengan Ramll‘
(c) kenyalaan De¢enaan Keuga yang mengenah Ramll can
anaknya Abd Gharu secara penned»,
(:1) max ads xeterangan dan Ramh yang menenma mmkan Ianah
dan Kusu Em Musa mencabar semua kenyacaan De«endan—
Defiendan; dsn
(2) penyerahan Tanah Asa! uleh Eng Swse Neo men kepada
menmang Mah Sww Kan unxuxmuan pemhlnaan mmah made!
Cma pad: lahun 1973 an xemumannya lanah nu dnpeuhkan
kepada 2 bndang lanah wawtu L01 2200 an mans mmah madam
IN xa4mwswEGncnGvyEwm
mm smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
nu mum: flan Lot 2457 yang didanarxan acas name Ramn Bun
H. Fam
{5} Plalmfl menqhujahkany knlaupun Mah Swv Ken lalah mempemlehx
kepenllngan aw alas Tanan Mal nu, kepenhngun Ilu udak
berkuatkuasa uncuk mengxkat manamana pmak kevana status
man mu sebagal salu MCI. menghalang Mah Swi Koh dan mermllk
nak nmada ucara berdnflar alau benefislal ke um. |anah mu
Dengan yang aemman apa yua Iransaksx dengan Kusu am Muss
flan kemudlannya Ramfi adalah juga «max ssh Make. sebagaw
pemlhk bevdaltav, kamn mempunyaw hzk yang 537! mm. pemlhk
unluk beruvusan dengan tanah nu Dengan yang demlkxan,
Mahkamah Am hams mengukmav hak Plalrml sebagal pelmhk
bardaflar yang mar. membeh Lat 2457 secaru sun dan AM Gham
flan mempunyan hak “mdeleas4bIe'
[9] Planrmv lelah merwuk kepada nemrvtukan Seksyen 340 Kanun
Tanan Negara den kepntusan m dahm Ton 5-0 V. K
MarI4thomul!m(1D77]1 MLM 110 an In 11 Tlawsluw & Or: v.
Fund-II-r Gorln-Gcnm hnah Nugurlsal-ngnrnnzj 1 MLJ Ja
uebagal menyekong hujahan mu
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[10] Ava yang .eIas pada Muhkamah -m‘ kavaupun lerdapil wsu samnda
Mal! SW! Koh teiah mempenflerll flak yang sah ke alas (anm asal
yang mxategonkan sebagal tanah MCL me\alm pegangan oleh
Kusu am Musa_ namun Mah Swi Kan dan kemavgunya Ialah
sakurang»kuIIngnya mendudukl (anah mu dengan kmzman dun
Kusu Bm Muse Mahkamah Inga memapm Izm nu le\ah
belsambung se\epas lanah nu mdaflu alas nama Ramlw Seklvanya
Rimll lelah msnganggap semua De1em1an~De1endan sabag:
penoeromh, suaan pasn behau lelah mengamnn nndakan unluk
mengusxr meraka lehnh awa\ lag-, leap! wax adaundakan sebegnu
auamhn. Bahkan behzu mak mengamnu up:-apa hndakan semngpn
Dehau memnndah rmlwk tanah LM 2487 IIU kepada anaknya Abd
Gham pada 14 10 1931 Ann Gham mgandak mengamhu apa-apa
nndakan menguslr Defendemnelendun Bankan. Abd Ghanl
merqual Ianah nu Kepada Flamm dzngan pengetahuan ada
penghunl dan mmah an ataslanah im kepada Plamm Kellhalannys
Ramh Ielah mengual |anih flu kepuda Plamhl din memblarkan
Plalnm yang bemadapan dengan semua De1endzn~Delendan
[11] Mahkamah jugs mendapan vakta mengenaw penyerahan Tanah Asa!
bagmuuan mmah Ibadal semasa pemmkan uleh Ramn flan
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
kemumannya AM Gham mengundanq pennnyaan yang panting
din ha! Im hdak ada pwnpannyl damn pmadlng dw hadapnn
Mahkamsh Fenanyaan mu adalah‘ jvka Man sw: Koh dan
kemudlannya Eng Swee Neo mak mempunyal kepentlngan dx scas
tanah nu‘ nagznnana penysrahan flu boleh dmuax men Ng Swee
Nan den kenapa Ramll max menghalang den mamhamah
penyerahan lanah nu pada mmanya den seiepas Tanah Asal nu
dipecah kepada 2 bahaylin dan Lot 2437 dldaflsr ms naunanya,
mengapa bellau alau AM cnam nu-x langsung bemndak unmk
mengusw DaVendan»Defendan7
[I21 Apa yang Aelaz. pad: Mahkamah Im Idahh‘ Ielah ada mu darn Ramln
untuk samua Defendan-Delendan Isms menghunl Tlnah Asal dan
kemudlannya LOIZ487 bersekall dengan rumah rumah yang te\ah
dlbma sehingga behau manundahnya kepada Abd. Gham dan izln
nu benerusan sehmggl Abd Sham metuualnyn kepada P\amlIfl
Maka‘ pengefahuan Ramh serla Abd Sham flan pevanan masmg-
musing lerkact ranan Asal dan Let my mu adalah situ perxara
yang hams dlkemukakan an sam pamvcauan
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he nflmnnflly mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[131 Walaupun Mahkamah akuv dengan pflnsxp undangmndang sepam
yang celah dlblncang m da\am kes wu Kang Whye A Anor v. Ln
Woon rung [1977] 1 MLRHU :u yang menyalakan pemnluk
namana: hananah berhak unluk mennmalkan szsuatu grsmmous
lacansee kepada penghum dengan memben nuns nan selelah nabs
dlbenkau pmak yang menauaum hananah nu enggan Iralunv can
harlanah mu dan pada kenka nu pmak nu mevuafll panceroboh
namun lakta dw dslam Kes : bukan salu Keadaaan m mana
Defsndan-Dafendan adalah penghum ax-s dasnr gnalmralls
ncensee den Ptannm
{:41 Walaupun secara pnma lads Pm-nnr berhak membawi Imdakan W
bemasavkan hak mlllkan beniamar dan pemakalan Sakayen 354
Kanun Tanah Negara (lmat kepuwsan Mankaman Rayuan
da\am Ahmnd Snnilly Ismail Bukli v. Nlk salma zaidan Hi, Wan
Mona zzldnnuj 5 cu am namun sepsm dmyahkan awn! I-ax
bag: luwan pmsldmg an bawan Aiuran as Detemen-aeienaan
hanya perm menuruukkan lemapalnya lakta yang mpenu unluk
mmcauakan Pads pendapat Mahkamah. terdapal sekuvang-
kurlngnya pemmhangnn menganan mu pendudukan Tanah Asa!
nan Lol24B7 yang dapal dmhal flan cmuakan Ramh Gan Ana Sham
m xa4mswswEGncnGvyEwm
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 2,245 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
MA-42JSKH-5-10/2022 | PERAYU ABU BAKAR BIN JAMAL RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya | " Seksyen 376, 377B dan 377CA Kanun Keseksaan & Seksyen 14A Akta Kesalahan-kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-kanak 2017 - Rayuan terhadap Hukuman - Samada hukuman penjara 46 tahun dan 240 tahun sebatan melampau - pertimbangan faktor umur Perayu 56 tahun semasa hukuman dijatuhkan dan peluang tertuduh menikmati kebebasan - jumlah sebatan tertakluk kepada had di bawah seksyen 288 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah - pemakaian pendekatan dalam kes Tuan Mat Tuan Lonik v. PP dan Muhamad Mizan Sahari v PP - Rayuan dibenarkan - hukuman penjara dikurangkan kepada 37 tahun dan sebatan di kurangkan kepada 24 sebatan". | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
02/01/2024 10:25:41
MA-42JSKH-5-10/2022 Kand. 35
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uA—¢2JsKH—5—1u/2022 Kand. 35
mm/2224 ,2-AS an
[balam Mahkamall Szsyen di Ayn Keroh. Puluu Malaka
Petbicaraan J-my-n No: MA-GZJSK-6141912022]
Pandakwa Ray:
Abu Bakar bln Jamal
sw mmuuzemuuawu
mm Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
[1] Tenuduh (‘Param telah dlsabxlkan oleh Mahkamah Sosyen rmswm
Aye! Keroh, Mslaka dengln 21 kosalahan ax buwm Sekayen 373(2)
Kanun Kgseksaan mm. 5 kesamwan m hawah Seksyen 317cA KK
nan 1 kesalahan m bawah Seksyen 3775 xx an 1 kesahhan dl
hawah Seksyen 14»: dmaca Seksyen 16 Am Keialanan-kesalahan
sexual Temadlp KanakrKanak 2017 sumcan mu henkut penyakuan
sa\ah Pelayu xemaa-p semua penuduhan
[2] Rayuan ml aaaxah lerhadap hukuman pemara 46 «um dan 240
sebatln yang telah duzluhkan men Hakim MS Ruyuan .m herklsar
mas 3 Isu mama Aallu ~
1:) samada Hakim MS man gagal rnemalum perunlukin seksyan
can Kznun Pvnudur Jenayih (KFJ) damn mannnpaaw
kapntusan mengena: hukuman.
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:w7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
[13] Rumusan yang Mahkamah ml aapat Dual aan kepumsan-keputusan
nu adman -
(a) kesalahan seksual (erhadav kanak-kanzx apanah lag: uleh
pemangsa yang rnempunyax hubungln kekalnargaan nendaklah
m anggap sangal senus oleh Mahkamah.
(:1) dalam memaluhkan hukuman Manxaman hams memmjukkan
pendman \egas flan bencl {abharrenn lemaflap kesalzhan
sebegnu sebagal hukuman berswax meneegan,
(:2) mmlah hukuman pemeruaraan ke am kesamtan yang Danyak
din bemlang handakllh rnunu uh an mamunglunkan
penxah bevpemang dlbebaskan semasa hayalnya. am
(:1) mvaupun Seksyen zea KPJ menalapkan bahawa hukuman
Iebil lldik hmeh melebml 24 sebatzn Iinyl Ibdak menghalang
Mahkamah menjiluhklll hukuman makllnu wmaupun dalim
keadaan umuv pesalah melsbuhx had umul 50 hhun dl hzwah
Seksyen289 (C) KPJ sebagal uyarm pendlflln lsgas Mahkimun
nemadap kes-wanan nu
m yw1xn7nuUEs7axuu:mI7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
pa] Menganm pemlaxan lelhadap hukuman pnruara‘ mam mamlm
hukurnan yang dI]:|uhkan oleh Hakim Ms, Mxhkamih berpenflapal
Mak ad: kaknnaran m dnlim pendekalan yang (elah mamnn an aanam
meruatuhkan hukuman Hukuman dljaluhkan menunn tahun
kesalanan mengambll kva pengulangan kesarahan yang sama pada
tahun lahun berlkm sememlk kesamhan panama pad: umm 2015
sernngga nanun 2a22 bagl kssahhan an blwah Seksyen :75 4:) an
mm kesamhan an bawah smyen :77cA paaa |ahun 2021 Han 2022
[15] Mengenal samad: (empoh pemara 45 lsmm adahh mehmpau apabnla
daambfl kn umuv Peruyu 56 lahun semai: rmkunun duzluhkan
Mahkamah .n. mengambll panduln can kapulusan Mahkamah
nayuan m dalam kes Abd Rahlm And Ranaman dan nun Mu
Secarz perhandlngan kes Abd Ramm meluhaxkan 22 penuuunan m
hawah Seksysn 3775 KK manaka kes ruan Mal mellbatkan 5
pemduhan m bawah ssksyen 3755 KK Hukuman penjara an dahm
kas Abd Ramm aaalan so tahun manakala dl dalam Kari Tum Mn
ad: n 75 (Ihun Dw mam ks: Abd namm pesaxan mak mempunym
nubungan kekeluargaan dengnn mangsa manaka\a an da\am kes
m yw1xn7nLmEs7axuu:w7A
mm. saw .. .7... w my 7... mm-y mm: dun-mm wa mum v-vrm
Tllln Ml! mangi: Idflah anak lirl nssalih DI dawn Ken And Rlhlm
umur pesahh lidak amangxmn Iebagau mu yang dlpemmbingkan
din Mahkamm Rayuan IAVZH mangelihkin hukumun ED |IhIm‘
manakah fl\da\am kes Tull! Ml! umur pesalah (e\ah Eflalllbll bun d1
mans Ienun pendengaran rayuan pesallh berumur 45 lanun
[151 an alas tau umur‘ kapuluian m datam AM Rlhim handaklan an
bezakun dun ks: ‘man an dan kes Yuan Mal hurus Ienm maven
kepzdz Iayuan dw hadapan Mahkamah um keuna Mahkamah Rayuan
an dahm nun rm man mamban penimhingan Ke alas
kemunasabahan lsmpoh pemara :1. man: levluuuh akan mancapal
new 123 (amm sekuanya tenuduh rnerualanl hukuman peruala bag:
mupun yang penuh sen: peluang nenudun unluk memkmnll
kebebasan .
7241 An appellate cowl wm not he L7ver1y ready to mum wan any
sentence rmpassd by me ma! coun un/ass there are verygood reasons
rv do so For Bumosss ol Mrs case‘ suffce rf we memy peruse the
sentences meted uawn, subsequenrlyla be zmlmsd by me Hrgh Court,
from me new 0/ mew or /ogre 1: .5 srallstrca//y accemea ma: the
average Ms spun at a Ma/aysmn man A: 712 year: wlw/slrllatula
m yw1xn7nuUEs7axuu:mI7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Ma/sysran woman 75 yam In Irma (Ive average life span wm /ncrsase
That being 50. win: me apps//ant now 43 years am, an average ne has
22 years afgood his Mi TD Impose a sentence that will lake him unlfl
we age or 123 years old, and Krmwmg Iu/Iy wel/ rnarne nevev wm serve
me lull Isrm, not Only Is Insane DUI strains ms /nls/lrgsnoe DI the cam!
Any magma: sentence may amacl unnecessary scnmny and nsgam
nnmmanrs from Ms pub//c on how we awkwardly can-incl ourselves
/251 mm the Santana: 0! me am and second charges to run
mnseculrvely, lhus Factual/y reducing [Its length L7! hms of
mcarceralron lo 30 years, and WM ueaucnons mmwn m for good
behawar, by me nme ne I5 rs/eased he mu be about 70 years 0/ age
:e the avsragellfe alaMa!ays:an man Even IMS nvss lo smell freedom
.9! that age We ltkelmood OI him Desemng and causing trauma to
anyone rs 5/»m Our ardels not only nas taken guano interest we
accuunl but also made M9 sentsncs ssnsxbls and law "
[:71 Marlquk pm: kepada kes Munamad Minn sun»: .1. dalam kes nu
Mahkamih Tlnggl man mangmngm Inmpoh pemeruaraan I050
xarmn mass 42 canun alas 105 parluduhan mengumbnl kw: umur
petullh 34 uhun Mu bursm semnyn pelaizh a. damn kes nu
meru:\am pamamarnn unluk lempuh yang penuh umumyl akm
mencapm 75 lahun apnblla umenaakan. sesuan dengan fingkaan
m yw1xn7nuuEa7axuu:u\nA
mm. snm .. LAIQ4 w may he m1mn.HIy mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
hayal seorang le\ak1 pada pandangan Mahkamah Rayuan an dalam
kes Tuan Mar.
[I8] Make, adalan wuar unmk Mahkamah ml mengammlpenneman sauna
vapem kes ‘run In umuk mempemmbang hkla hahawa umur
Perayu Ikln menjnngkau 102 tahun pk: bahlu mam m lempnh
pemerualaan yang pemm
[I9] Seksyen 455 Am: Femava zoom dan Jadual Emu: Ana ynng sama
mampenmlukknn pasalah m bawah Seksyen 37¢, :17: dan anc KK
max belkelayakan un|uk dz paml Maka Perayu Ildak Iayak nnluk para!
bagx kesalahln kesalahan m bahwah seksyen 375 nan 3715
Manakala‘ pengremilan hukumln an bzwah Seksyen 44 Akta Feruar:
moo dun Pemuran 43 Ferllurzn Pevalwan Paws zoom adalnh
henakluk kepadl kuasa Kormslonev Jendem nan perlakuan hak
pesalm Sekallpun Pevayu layik rnenenma 1/3 renman hukuman. In:
beram hukuman penjavanya adalzh urlluk (empoh 31 unun din paaa
hanks um Pmyu belumur a7 Iahun Bemmrxan keadnn Parzyu
uemua namr m haflapln Manklmah um Mahkamah memangkakln
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:mnA
mm. smm n-nhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
menjangkakan Ferayu mungkln akan mengaxann kedallan fiznkal pads
umur nu seknanya behau hldup selama (empoh nu
[2u1 Dalam menflax isu mn Mlhkamah jug: mennuk kepadi lempoh
nukunmn penmn aeumuv mdup mg. jennyah wan Meraml
pemntukan Akva 345 mengznat Pemns-man Hukuman Man
Mandaton 2023‘ Nlahkamah telah -14 benkan budimcara unluk
merualuhkan nukwnan permrulvaan «man so umngga 40 nannn nu:
hukurnan man um fllmuhkan unluk kesmahan yang dahmunya
mswamkan hukuman mall dr nawan Ana Kanun Keseksaan. Am
Senlila Am dan Akla Cullk. Manakaxa dw bawah Akia Dadah
Eerbihtya 2952. (empnh pemenjariln seumur mung mun 30lahun
lm berm: hukumzn penjara yang me\ebIrH 40 lahun am merupakan
salu Iernpoh yang melemm hukuman nenpra maksnma yang
dlpemnlukkan bawah undang-Imdang yang boleh amukum mall
walaupun tiny: saw jumlah akumulaul am hukumln-hukumin yang
heqzlan secaya nemrulan
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:mI7A
wn. snnnw nmhnrwm .. n... m mm n. nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n wa mum v-max
[21] Maka berblllk kepada Raynan rm, seqelan memambnl knra mm usla
an Keudnn flzlklvkaslhltan Pavayu sekarlng dun tampon
pemeruaraan as eanun, Mahkamah xmpenaapan «amen nu mm.
leflam salu tampon yang mdampau Mahkamah menygunapakal
pemmbangan an dalam kes rum Mam mane lenuduh hams dlheli
pemang unmk rnemkmau kebebasan paaa mu mdupnya din mawa
pad: umur yang Ilrwl nngal mu kemungkvan mrluduh mangadl
anuman xepaoa masyarakat
[221 D. a|as pemmhangan vakuomakcov (ad: Mahkamah ml mangervenvkan
hukuman penyivl mam. 45 limm ymg dqlluhknn uleh Ham MS
din dlglnu dengan hukuman peruarz kepada 37 Iahun Mengambn
knra pemzng pengrenman hukuman, Peuyu nerpemang memalankan
Iempeh pemeruaraan selarna hanya 25 tamm nan hellau berpemang
merasa kebehasan paaa mm" 81 |ahun Mahkamah berpenflapal
pad: umur nu rlsnko bahawa Pariyu haleh mengancam Inik-Inakrvy:
yang um» dewlsa din wga masyaraxan secara amnya aaal-n
m yw1xn7nuUEs7axuu:mI7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[23] Temper: peniara 31 lahun m knra sepem benkulx
H) K83 MA-EZJSK-51-09/2022 Im|uk 1 penuduhan dl hawah
Seksyen 375(3) xx bag! kesalahan m tahun zms mnuxum
dengan co (amm peruava
(ta) Kes MA-62JSK—S2—09/2022 unxux 2 venuauhan ax hawah
Saksyen 3754:) KK mg‘ kasmanan an |ahun zma masmg
maslng a. hukum dengan no lahun peeuava,
(5) Kedua dua hukuman Imluk (shun 2015 dan 2015 beqalan
(6) K35 MA—62JSK-G3-D9/2u2Z aan MA-GZJSK-54»D9QD22 untuk 5
perluduhan an bamh Seksyen 37613) KK nagx kesmahan an
(ahun 2011 maslng mismg dihukum dengan :2 lahun pemara,
(:7 Kes MA—62JSK—65-09/2022 din MAJSZJSK-66-0912022 umuk 5
oenuaur-an an bawah Sekxyen 37613) KK hug! kenhhan an
(ahun 2:115 masmg masmg dmukum flengan 12 Iahun peruar-.
m yw1xn7nLmEs7axuu:w7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
U) xes MA52J5K—67-09/2022 untuk 1 penuum-an dx bawah
semen 375 KK mg: kenlahan m nhun 2019 dmukum 1:
lahun pevuara,
(g) Kesemua hukuman untuk lahun 2011, 2015 dan 2019 berman
seremak telapr uenumcan selepas hukuman 2015 5 2016,
0») K25 MA62J5K—68-0912022 unluk 2 pertuauhan an bamh
Seksyen :75 KK bag: kesalahan dnahun 2021 dmukum mamm
(uh Kes MA-62JSK—69-090022. MA-GZJSK-70-05/2022‘ MA-
52JSK»71-09/Z022 din MA-susx-12-o9I2u22 umuk H
penuduhin m hamh Seksyen 375(3)‘ 3713. men mg.
kesalahan an (Ihun 2022 masmg masmg dmuknm dangan 14
vahun pemara,
u; Kes MA—62J5K-71—09/2022 unvuk 1 penuduhan an bawah
Seksyen um a-hm bernama smyen 15 Akla Kesalihan»
kesalzhan seksuax Temadap Kanak Kanak 2m7 hag: kesalahzn
an (arm: 2022 amukum dengan o lahun psmnva‘ an
m yw1xn7nLmEs7axum:u\I7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
(k) Kesemua hukuman unluk (ahun 2u2I din 2022 beualan
mar-max mam henumlin nlepu hukuman Iahun 20172013
den 2019
[741 E39: hukuman sebalan pun: Mahkamah menyermm x-neom dahum
hukumun mm kasalahnn :1. Dawn Fenuflulun Kenna umuk
keszlahan Seksyen 3775 an bawah kes MA62 JSK—71—09fZD2Z‘
mmana Mahkamah mandivall kssmahan dw bawlh perunlukan nu
ma! lerunam amxam pengeoualuan Seksyen 2:9 (:2) KW m man:
hukuman seha| Imleh dlkenakan alas pesalah umuk kesa\ahan an
hawuh seksyan 376, am: 37‘/CA alau me walaunun umumya
menemm so mum man keranl Perayu bemmur ss lahun semasa
hukurnan m jaluhkan maka hukuman sebat udak boleh dlkenakan
unluk kssalahan nu Dengan Mu hukumln 2 sebalan an bawah
penudunan seksyen 3773 mkaupman
[75] Mengen ' umlah basal lelslsa sabunylk 238 sabalin‘ semen ass
45) KPJ 1-Ins mempevuncumn bahawa ‘um-n makwm Ieballn n k
omen meramm 24 sebalan 4. am: mam dewasa Dw alas pemmhangan
m yw1xn7nLmEs7axum:u\I7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
(bl samada mllulman yang dlkenakan aflallh melampau dan man
xeumpal dengan umur Pauyu pm kellka hukuman adulah 56
lahun, dan
(C) Ierdapal ISIA kesmatan Pelayu yang memmgasl mllulman yang
balah ul lanmkan
[3] Mahkarnah Persekuluan «ll dalam kes om’ son Anwnl bin lmnlm
V4 Punllc Pm-cum mm] : ML} 15: dangan ‘alas din tepahyn
memuluskan bahzwa Mahkamah Rayuan lmmnya hams berwlspada
aalam mengubah sesualu mmlman kecuall al lnana Mahkamah yang
menoengar vayuan berpuas ml bahawa hukuman yang lalan
dljamhkan oleh Mankamlh Rendah adalah lenampm rlngan flan
mlampnu bent Ihu tldzk sah alau Muhkamah talah nlah dalam
memakal pnnslp penllalan aan peuganggarln hukumzn -
“V! ls 0/ ms llpmosl lmparlance lo stress here that the appellale
wart wlll not normally alter me sentence lm/ess ll ls sallsnea that me
senlence passed by was lower court IS mamlsslly lnaaeqllale or
m yw1xn7lLlDEs7ax\Iu:ll\I7A
‘Nair Sum! .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII .mm mm
nu hukuman sabal yzng dljaluhkan ol-h Hakim MS mkelapwkan din
mgmn sebl Ib:nKul-
(a) unmx semua penuaumn nagu xasmmn pads unun ms 5.
2016 dmukurn 5 sebalan
Lb) Untuk slmua Dirruduhan bayl kesalahan pad: urmn 2017
amukum 7 xan sabatun,
(5) Sehalan unluk lahun 2015‘ 2015 a. 2:117 dualan aetemak,
ta) Unluk semua pemmuhan uagx kesmanan pads lamm 2018
dmukum a my sabaun‘
(e) unmx aemua penuu-man bag: xeuuman paaa mun 2015
dmukum 3 kah sehalarh
(0 umuk semua penumman bag: kesalahan nada tahun 2021
amuxums kall sebalan
19) Seblun umuk Inmm mm‘ 2019 aanzozt duman menuk, am
m yw1xn7nLmEs7axum:u\I7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
(M Unluk semua penuduhan bag: kesmahan pada 2022 d\ hukum 9
kah sebatan
[26] Wahupun umur nan kadar Kesmztan Periyu m hujung pemeluaraan
mungkm Ivdak mu membmehkan hukumln ubilin dualnnkun
bemasarxan Seksysn 290 KPJ «erpam Mahkamah mengamml
pendekalan sepem dw dalam kes ‘nun Mnt bahawa Mankamah
mempunyai lugs: uumk menuruukkan kepada masyarikzl bnhawa
kei nun sapsnl yzng dlhkukan olen Pefayu max bnleh dlplndlng
nngan am: kepumngan awlm
[27] Samuel xeump-nan Mzhkzmah memhenavkan Iayuan Ferayu
Izrmadap hukuman Hukuman penjiri den mm yang duanmkzn man
Ham Ms mxenepukan dnn dlganlnkan sepem dlpennclkan flu alas
uéni: iubzl am As|5uL puma
TarI<h— 2 Jenna" 2024
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:w7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Teluan Fanaawau 5 Assomales
3571‘ KM1U Fengkalan Mmyak
Ayer Mmek‘ 75460 Melaka
fimnalan Pandakwa Rays
Pejibal Parusmal unaangunaang Negen Mehk:
Wlsmi Persekmuan Um! Pendakwaan was 2
man Business Guy, Bandar Mm: Melaka
75450 Ayerxeroh. Mmaka
exceswve or lllsgal orolherwlxe nol a pmpel sanlencs navlng naganl
la all ma racrs dlsclosed annal me calm has dean, erred m applying
coneczpnnclples m II-vs assessment olsenrence, soe PP 1/ L00 cnoon
Fart (197512 MLJ 255
In snandulnnanaa ./aystllake v PP meal 1 ML] 53 line appellant
plesdld gul/ly to gmng /'nI:a maanca on a murder lnnl, an alvanca
llnaers 194 ollna Penal Code wlncn named a maxlmlnn sanlence of
20 years and a fine ms rnnlnlage Imposed a senlellcv ollan years‘
nnpnsonmenl Hrs appeal agalns! ma senltnca was dlsmlssed ny me
Fedalxl com Rule Aunn Shah LP (as ms Royal Nlghnuss men was)
slalaalalp B41 -
/5 (he senlencs harsh and mamas:/y excsssn/5" We would
panapnrasa n m llus way As ml: is an appeal agamsl‘ ma exercise by
me /eamedludge ora dlsmalmn vealed m mm, 15 me sontenos so far
uulslda me non-nal dlscrellonary limits as to enable lhls court lo say
lnal us lmposnlon must have lnvorveu an arm: of law oi some
flescrlpllorfl l have had nccaslon ro say elsawnera, lnal me my
mncepl olluolclaldlscletlon VWOA/GS a ngnl lo moose berweell more
man one possible course ol actlon upon whlcn mam ls mom la:
reasonable people (0 hold mrlanng Izplnlnns as In wnlcn ls lone
pnslenaa null is game lnevnalue Human nalura being whaflllsl
IN yw1xn7nLluEa7ax\lu:u\l7A
ma. s.nn nmhnrwm .. U... w my me annmu-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNG Wm!
drflsrenl nmgss applying me same pnncms it um um hme :n ma
same country 1:: srrm/ar lens may samefrmes reach wrmn:
cane/::s:u::s (see Jamrsson v Jamreson [11952] AC 5251) rr rs an ma:
reason that some very conscrsnlmus wages have mougn: 1 man duly
to vrsn pamcular mines wvlh exemplary sentences whflsl others,
equally consc:enr:'o::s, have mougm :2 men duly ru wew ms xame
crmlss wnn /amency There/we sentences do vary m apparent/ysrmrial
mcumsrances wrlh ms nam: almmd L7I!IIenarlrcu!ar;m1ga :1 :s Iortllat
mason almthallms commas sardllagsm andagam rrwrl/norrrormafly
mlerfere mm sentence: and thepossrmlrry are:/en lhs probabrmy, ma:
anolhar mun would have imposed a drflsmn! sentence rs nu! sumcrsnt
per :9 m warvanl ms mun‘: Inteflsmnca
we are :n Iun agraemanl wrth the statement orpnnaple en::::c:aved
above "
[A] D: dalam kes Pub/lc Proucunnr v Lao cnoon F-«[1575] 2 ML! 255
Ham: Hasmm Yenp san: (pads kellka mu: lelah memuluskan yepem
benku| -
‘The pnncn:/as to be app/red m nnposmg sentence howevar 2:: me
same u: every case The Hvgh Cour! slmngm sxermss alrls Iswstormry
powers nu: ma! nomlally after the ssmsncu unless :1 :s saluflld that me
sentence av ma mwer saw! :5 arthar man:/es:/y msdequals ar grossly
nxcsasn/a or Wegal :2: olherwnsq not :: proper servlence nawng nagnm
m ,n.:xnnuuzsm::u:::n::
mm. s.:.: nmhnrwm .. .:... :4 my :... ::::n.::: mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
m a/rzne facts disclosed on me rscordartn a//me facts much the court
aughl lo (ake;un1rcral name 01, mar rs to say, thzrrhelowercm/I1 claafly
has erred In applying the correct pnnmple: m me assessmenl of the
sentence It rs a nnnly esmmsnsu pmcnce [hat (I12 court mu Iwl after
a senlnncs merely because n zmgm have passed a dlllarenl sentence
aIKa a alan M9ma1umP n k n n 1 Ks n
Mara Jsnagn
[51 Peguambeh Ferayu menghlqahkan Hakvm MS lehh samhavah
apannu menenma xeaerang-n laporan barluhs \fi:l|m lmpan
Statement‘ (‘vs’) a. bawah Seksyen 183A KPJ lanpa lsrlelslh dahulu
manavima pennohonin am mangla -Itau kaluarw minus: unmk
memben muangan secaru nun Pm pendapat Perayu kelerangun
hpuvan vxs nanya men a: lenma nka mangsa atau keluarga mangsa
wax naun umuk member! keievangan onen karma mungsa min
kalunrga nungsa um memahm unluk memhen Keberangan an max
ada sebah an kemukakan kenap: nungsa atau kemarga mangsa ndak
aapn mu, mus VIS mum aksmn P10 din we udak upiminya an
benma oleh Hakim MS
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axum:n\I7A
mm. smm nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[6] Seksyen 183A KPJ oersebut memperun1ukkan.-
-(11 same me coun passes slntence acoovdlng In law under mum
I83, «nu coun sn-II. upon me mqunsl om» vnmm nuns uflence
or me v|cl|m‘s lamuy‘ call upon me mum or a member 0! me
vIctIm‘s family |o make a nanamem on me Impact or xne uflenoo
on ma wctlm or his vannly.
(2) Where me victim at a membev ov me vImm‘s vamily is an any
lesion unable ca attend the pracaedmgs zflerbemgcalled by me
coun unuu sunucnun(1>.ma Cowl m-y an as auscnmon amnn
. wnnen slaramenl ov me mum at 1 membev of me vmlml
m Pad: nandanaan Mahkamihn Dembicaan Sekiyan wsaa m nu
menuruukkan pembenan Kelnrlngln VIS ldlllh sllu mnnvnx am nun
yang umenxan men undangundang kepaua mangsa uan bnkan salu
kev-‘Ewan atau praayam sebelum sesusalu nukuman boleh di
muhknn mun: em ma lam many: VIS nu man menghalang
Mlhkamlh umuk merunluhkan hukuman
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:mnA
mu. smm nmhnrwm .. u... w may he nnnmuu mm: dnuumnl VII munc Wm!
[B] sevem yang umuxuskan dalam ken PP v. snnnmr Azuwnn Adlnln
mm) 2 cu uu mu) a mu m. nnuan vxs mnyaxan nmuk
memnanm Illahkamah memanann kesan dan aklbat kesalahan
Ienuduh ke alas hlflup rnangsa mu kamarganya Maka‘ VIS akin
membanlu Mahkamnh mencapm ealu perspekm yang am: Gan
saksama mengenm keszflahan. pengalarnan mangsa alau
kemarganya aan hukuman yang bakal duaiuhkan sellmpal dengan
kesflahln din keszn ke am mangsa alau keluavganya
[91 walaupun kedua-dun mangsa dalam xas Im alau keluarganya max
mennnm unluk memben kelsmngnn mm nun dan ndzk ada mm
menyehul mengapa laporan helluhs dw ulamakan Gan kelerangan
usan Mankaman barpendapnt max susah unluk memahamu sebahr
Iebabnyz Pencabman mus lubuh mangsa kanawkanak oleh ayah
mnmng adalzh salu xeanaan ynng sangu hesav unluk manun-na
mangsa dan kemarga max susah Imwk membayangkan cabaran
seurang anak ymg mawl mm memben gambaran secara lvsan
dndalam Mahkamzh mengen up: yang befiau lahh Valw Kesllihan
yang auaxukan oleh Periyu aua\ah benflang-uling xan dun wanya jugs
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:w7A
mm. snnnw n-nhnrwm n. med w my n. nnnmun mm: m.n.n wa mum v-max
mehbatkan am yang dvmasukkan ke vonqqa mnun mangsa Dalam
kaadnn nu. Mamnun -nu nanny: kahadvzn dm mangsz umuk
mamban kahlangzn nsan am sangax nmnoeuanxan mlngsa ntau
keluavganyl din sag: mental am emon
[I0] D! a|as pemrnbangan nu. Mahkamah im manaapam nu-k nu: Dmjums
malubalknn kc am Perayu :13: man VIS nu dikamukakzn nacava
bermlus dan bukan secara nszn Mahkamah max menaupam huk
Pemyu unluk al jaluhkan hukuman mengnkul unaangunaang telall
dvpvejudts dan ndak ada rnana mana banagnan Alasan Fenghakmun
yang menunmkkan Hakim MS lelah dw pengamm Imp: kuwuarzn
munannan men VIS nu damn memaluhkan hukuman
M narF mm
m) Pihak Pevayu mengmuankan Perayu menghlfllp sakll kencmg mama
yang knhkal‘ aaun unggv pnlung um penyukn mm Mengerm rsu
kamhzlnn‘ Mnhkumah menquk kepada kepulusan urdalam kes FF v.
Olumnl cnong You MM [2019] 1 ms 1792/12919} MLJLI mu m
m yw1xn7nuuEs7axuu:mnA
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl wa mum Wm!
mana Isu laklnr kesmalan dalam mmgail nukmnan cem-
secav: paruang labar Pad: DSl1dIDIIMahkZfY\iVIH’I\‘ laklnr panenlu
aaalan samaoa .en.s penyakll yang dlalaml oxen Perayu adahn
penyakm yang riwilannya lrdak dapal dx seduzkzn oleh pmak Pemava
amawan Axes Pemarz 1995 dan Perilman Penwi 1995 mupmaa
uhun znnop Mahkamah um marvdapm ma kelelangan yang
menuruukkan kemudanan kesnhalan an Penjara «max dapal merawal
Perayu a|au lerdapat halangan kspada Perayu unluk mengakses
rawaun Iewinrnyl melilul mslam Penjan Ans dasar nu Mahklmnh
naak mendapau zda mam a|as Isu Im
Men ens! same 7 m H kuman Pen ara Dan SsbaIAdsIah Im
Atau Melamgau
[12] Dalam rmnllal xsu Inl Manxaman telan menelm kepumsun Mahkarnzh
Rayuln an (mam kes Tum Mn nun Lanik v‘ PPIZOWJ I cu nu
1200914 MLJM dun Abd Rlnlm Abd Rnnlmnn v. PF[201B] 5 cu
515/11121111 MLJ 25 sen: kepuxusan Mankamnh Tmggl an damn xes
Munnmnd Minn Sallafl Mn PP[1027] 1 ms us:/[1022] MLJLI 590.
m yw1xn7nLmEs1axum:w7A
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
| 3,028 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-25-164-03/2022 | PEMOHON Elvine Anak Aseng RESPONDEN 1. ) Majlis Angkatan Tentera 2. ) Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, Panglima Tentera Darat 3. ) Brigedier Jeneral Khairul Anuar bin Abd Aziz, Panglima Briged Keenam Infantri Malaysia 4. ) Leftenan Kolonel Mohd Haizar bin Arshad, Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Keempat Rejimen Renjer Diraja 5. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Judicial Review - Certiorari to review the decision and/or recommendation dated 31.1.2022 by Majlis Angkatan Tentera to maintain the termination of the Applicant's service. | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
02/01/2024 11:47:41
WA-25-164-03/2022 Kand. 45
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w.\—25—1s4—o3/2022 Kand. 45
uz/m,2n2L 11 :L7-:1)
mun: uamuum muss: MALAVA m KUALA LUHPUR
mum muvm rsnsexwum KHALA LUMPUR
tammnm KuAs»KuAsA mus)
vs onomw |lNl'|lK s KAN xzmuumu WA—25-1Sl—DJ/2022
mm perkarz mengm. kagutuuvv
ulannkzm Mums Anqkstin Tamera
Damn psmaia mengenal Amkel 511;
Penemmg. nFuseIulu:rI‘
Dahm nemars mengerul Arms! «:1 m
Panenoagun Penukulum
Dalam perkara salu Pzvmohonzn unmk
. u kebanarnn a. Izlwlh Marin 53‘
Kman 312» Kaedzah-Kaedah Mahkamah
mum yeneva szh: Permahonin umuk
sam Cevumnnm bawah Alursn 53 Kaedm
212) K:-dah~Kaedah Mahkamih zmz
Dalam Demnva um Fammhnnan unluk
Ganu Rug! a. haven Aluran 53‘ mam
5¢mcaeaam<.aeaan Mahiramah zmz:
u... 1 ar 11
sm pzmxuxuyfimnnwxwvv
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
nmm psnula mangenax Seksyen 25 Am
Kahaiuman 1964 din perknrn munglnaw
Peremgsn 1, Jam: kapada ma
Da\am peruva manganll seksyen 5110
am Snksyen av Akll Angkilln Tsnml
« wuus ANGKAYAN mnrsmx
2 JENERAL TAN SR: one saw zmnos: aw MOHD um
wweuma vzrrraru own
wmeumn amen: KEENAM INFANTRY muxvsm
azmzn mun
sm pzmumymmpmvn
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... w may he mmuny mum: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
ndak rneieporkan“ I find inai ine cnarges imposed nave noi
speemcaiiy stale: me Appircanis invdivenieni wiin me 3
rnoiordycies that are so esseniiai to me criarge wriion is me main
suoiecx M me oiienee. I am of me view lhal since mere were no
moimcycies and/or pnoiograpns produced beiore ine commanding
omoer and mere was no evidenoe by any wiineiis regarding ine
panrcuiars dune motorcycles in question, the proseouiion‘s case rs
doomed to tail.
Slcond Elomnnt in me Sucond charge.
27 Having perused me evidence produced neiore the COWL I (ind met
me 4'" Rsspandenl tailed io prove mat ine Applicant nas coniniined
a oonducl that is preiudiuai in the good order and servioe discipline
(keiakuan yang rnernudaraikan keadaan balk dan iavaienib
23. -Kenius Dewan Edlsl Keempal, 2007' deiine “ke\akuari' as ‘raoiac
yang oiasa diiakuken, perangai, parirdaian“ irind inai inere was no
evidence before irie 4'" Respondeni In prove iiiai the Appiioancs
conduct was preiudiaei co ins good order and service disoipiine.
Third cmrge. Kelakuari yang memudaralkan keadaan bank dan iaiaienm
nerkhidmalani yang bsrlantangan dengan Saksyen av Akla Angkuvan
Teniera 1972 iiiilu ia, di Pos Ealu 34, op Benleng zen Ulara sekioraraye
KTJ s agd sin 2/2021, Kuaia Nemrig. Kedah pada 22 52D2I yarn Iebin
kurang ieao. ieian memherikan peririlah yang (idak sah kepada anggaia
oawarian iaim rneniuai Iiga bush mnlaslkal rarnpasan kepada orang
amrn yang msmpakan sua|u kelskuan yang memudaralkan kaadaan
balk den Iaralerlib perxnidrnaoarr
29 True eienienia oi ine chmge to be proven by me Respondenis are
as ioiiows —
a wrieiner me Appicant riad given a vvrongrui order io his
subordinate to sen inree oonfiscaied molarcydes to the
Civilian‘ and
vane 11 .i 1!
[Same ads Pemnhon te\ah mambenkan perintah yang
udak sah kepada anggma bawahen rarnu men]ua\ luga buah
molorslkm rimpasan kepada orerrg ewern), dan
b. Whether we oanoucx rs prejumoe olgcod ovderand service
(Same ada keseflahan flu merupakan sua|u ke\akuan yang
memudaralkan keadaan balk den Vatalertib pevkmdmalan)
Frru Elnmonl of mu mm charge.
30. eased an my finding In paragraph 26 above men me 4‘" Respurrdem
Iarled to prove the mree 13) motorcycles In quesnrarr. V rronoeo that
me clvlhan (orang awamj who was mennonsd In me charge was not
eaued to cesciry more lhe 4'” Respondent as euraerrce man me
motorcycle had been so\d lo mm
:1 runner, 1 mm man nu reeerpr was proauoeo In prove Lha| mere was
a sale and purchase crarrsacnorr as stated in the charge “meruual
uga nuarr rnauarsrkax kepada orarrg swam
second Elurmm nl Ihe Third Charge.
32 Tms Issue has been mscussed m paragraphs 27 and 28 above
33 Based on the above. lhis Own vs 09 the oonswdered oplmon that a
proper procedure mus| be adhered to In such a proceeding m order
hr (ivmese [0 be uphe\d and no such suhslarlhal uuushae Is
occurred upon the accused
:4 I find suppon for my view by reaerrmg In me case 0! Mejar Fudxll
Arshud v. Mlllis Anukalnn ‘rurmn, Malaysia 5. Mo! [2010] 3
MLRH 10; [21111] 4 CLJ 930 where Merramau Zawawr SaHeh. J (as
be men was) rrem as1uI\ows:-
my Mahxaruan telah memelaskzm banawa dalzm snuasr (enema
Stmnkln Kuhnklmln ummap knpuluun yang mcllhlllun hnl-MI
kemmmr. mm. ceruuuk lxtpldl Slmakan Kehaklmin,
r... .2 on 1.
mlsalnvyl, “where the Iclions by anm comes mu m vmauve of
lmlr own ugullllunl oi hlyond an Ir man In within an much
am. Cami." Mihkzmah juga menglkwal nanawa Dada xaznnnya ‘ms
am: Own :19 not me Aganuss wmm mm delumma ma precue
bilanov to be swck -n (N: admrlmenl belwun mm 0! man‘ and me
aemam aidwscxphne and duly at imlafl lorces mmwbers“ Dmam mesa
ynng am. manuman menyllnkzn huh-wa 4 nm mtlnkunukln
budlhlcaranyl, punnuan ke muun dalam A-hal knlunluruin
n-naamn nn-nga-nnunun. unun lktnr ylnu M. In an
munaunu pmsoduv yang betul din an
(emphasws audadt
35 Prenusad on the aiuresaxd reasons, nms com Vs ol the mew max me
decxsxon of Respnndenls IS (armed wwlh me error at waw and/ar
mauonamy and/Dr unreasanabrenss |hal wanams me mlervenlmn
ohms Conn
36. smae my declsxan ws based on me above wssues/gmunds‘ rwm not
addrass we remavnmg wssuej/grounds raised by me Applvcanl
37. As such, the Appncanrs applvcahan for a wdl al review (Endosure
7) VS auwwed with coals of RM5.000 DD wllhnul the allocalor lee.
Dated 01 Januaryzau
Ahmad Kamal bun Md sham
Hxgh cmm Kuala Lumpuv
u... 1: ul 1:
am pzmxuKuy13MnAHPxMavv
«ma s.nn nmhnrwm a. U... w my n. nrW\ruH|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nrwum v-max
For me Apyhcam Encxk Zamurin hm Mnhd Dom
|Enc4k Fauzu Noor u Anas and Enux Yusman um
Che Amen wilh mm)
Temsn Fadzfl Near a. Assocxates
Peguambeia 5 Peguamcara
No 25. Ja\an Sen Puma SIE‘
Bandar San Puha.
43000 Kzyang‘
Selangar Dam Ehsan
For the Respondents‘ Puan Nur lrrnawane blDaut1
Senmr Federal Counsel
Jabalan Peguam Negam‘
Bahagwan Guaman.
No 45, Persuarsn Ferdanfi‘
Fvesim 4‘
52:00 Pulrajaya
v... .4 .v .4
1. The Applicant filed an apphcamn lav yudmal renew (snclosuna 7)
under Order 53 av the Rules or coun 2012 (ROC)
2 The Avnllcanl was gramed tesve to apply for pudwcxal review agamsx
me Respondents to seek the ¢o\kw./mg reners -
21 Eahawa Pemohon amen kebenaran di bawah Nuran 53
Kaedah 3 (2; Kaedah—Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 unluk
mamuhnn saw Semakan Kehakwman (emadap kapmusan
Responden Perlama ianu Maflxs Angkatan Tenlera yang
menclak permohonan ulangkap nenanxn 22112022 yang
bersangkulan dengan kepulusan bersalah dan hukuman
“Drlurunkan ke pangkalRen]sr|PrebeU'yang|e!ah mkenakan
ks a|as Pemahun pada 26.6.2021 sena dibemenukan
danpada verkhldrnalan ATM berkual kuasa pada 17 3 2021:
2.2 Banawa Pemuhun when kebenaran umuk memohon salu
Pannllh cemaran un|uk mamhamlkan Kepuxusan
Respanden Panama lersebuh
23 aanawa Femnhon dnben Kebenaran un|uk memonan salu
Deldarasi bahawa Kepulusan Responden Panama lersehut
adalah sa\ah u undangmndang, ba|a| uan max san;
24 Bahawa Pemahon when kebenalan unluk memahon salu
Perinlah bag: Responden-Respondan membayar semula gap
dan Imbuhan-unbuhan yang sewsgamya ananma o\eh
Pemohon nannma dan (ankh Pemohon diberharmkan
danpada perkmumacan iavlu pada 11.5.2021 sehlnggs ke
Lankh lama! perkmumalan behau pada 2|.|2.2024.
2.5. aanawa Pemonan amen kebenaran unluk memohon salu
Pennlah bagu Rasponaenaesponden memhayar kepada
Pemohon apa-an: vaadah, pencen pevkhidmalan dan
gamaran perkhxdrratan yang Pemohon sehamsnya Vayak
pervlehv sena suar manlaal aihefikan kepada Femahnn
up : av u
semngga ke larlkrr carnal perkrnarnalan Pemohorl lanpa
kehllarlgan kskanarlan pangkal dan kelslimevlraan,
2.6. Kas‘ flan
2 7 Rahhellflaln darl selenlulnya yang Mahkamah yang Mulla ml
anggap palul dlpennlahkan
3 ln essence, lna Applleanl filed me lualalal Ievlew ler . cenlprarl
Order lo reylew me declslorl and/or remmmendallon dated
31 01.2022 bylhe Mallis Angkalan Terllsra(IlA1')11"Respunden()
The Appllpenl eppllas (11 ms Honourable Court to quash lne sald
declslnn made by me 1" Respondent lo rnalnceln lne lenrnnallen of
lne Appllpanrs service and mat mere were no lrregulanly analpr
lmpmprlely In me procedures 0! me 4-“ Respondent as me
Oommanding omeer dumlg |he lnyeslrgallon of charges and
summary hearlng (‘Perblcaraan Terus‘) that was held agalnst lhe
Appllcanl. wnlen me Appllcaru alleged had caused sllpslanllal
VIN ' wmenppllcanl
4 ms lud al rel/my apphcallun Ne. WA-25»164—U3l2D22 (JR 134) IS
fixed lo be heard logetherwlkh ludrcral revlaw appllcallofl Na wA«
25-163-D3/2022 (JR 153) and ludlolal revlew appllcallorl No: WA-
25-I65-U3/2022 [JR 155)
5 Afler the rlearlng, I allowed me Appllcanrs appllcaflun in JR 164
lngelner wlln JR 163 and JR les.
5 Dissatisfied mm the dficlslorlsl the Respondents ln JR 1&3, JR 164,
and JR 165 filed an appeal. rms luagmerll mnlalns me lull reasons
lpr rny JR1S4 aeclslon The grounds or ludgrnenl lerJR ls: arm JR
165 wlll be prepared sepa.-alely lvom lrlls judgment.
Erie! Facts
7. The anal racls galhered from me cause papers are largely
urIdlspu|ed and can be summarlzed as lallows:-
1.1. The Appllcanl ls a lonner Omar Rank (LLP) member cl me
Army ln me Royal Ranger Reglmenl corps wlln me rank oi
Shff sargeanl who commenced service an 22.12 2003 and
r... . 9! u
was to be cnmple|ed on 21.6.2024 laelore being dlscharged
(mm sen/lee, ms Appllcanl held a poslllon as me ‘Penolorlg
Kelua Plarun Rapal“
72. on 25 5.2021, me Anpllcanl was charged wllll lluee (03)
allenees and was subsequently deal| wlln dlrecfly by me 4"‘
Respondent. He was later lound guilty on all cnarges and
serl|erlced |o -reaucllon lo we rank cl Ranger (Ren]ev|“. He
was further dlmhalgad lrorn servlce by me 2*“ Respondent
(Chlelaf me Army) wllrl ellecl lram 17 B 2021
The Law
3 Judlclal Review Is generally concerned wlln lhe aeclslan making
process where me lmpugned declsion ls flawed on me ground al
procedural lmproprlely
9. However, the law has now developed la allow a declslorl lo be
challenged on graunds ol lllegallly and lrrsllonallly, wrucn then
perrnils me calms lo scrulinlzelhe aeclslan nel anlylor lhe process.
but also for subslanoe
10 II ls sellled law met me Hlglr Court wlll nnl lnlerlere wllrl a dBCISl0I’l
or me Rsponaenls unless II can be eslanllslleu lllalllle declslon ls
lnlaned wllh arms or law
ll The mearllrlg el ermr uf law has also been explained by the Caufl
0! Appeal m we case cl Syarlknt Kand-run Molayu KI nun
Ehd v. rranspon warms Union [1995] 1 MLRA 1:3; [1 W5] 2
cu ua; 1195512 AMR 130141995] 2 ML! 317 In me lollawlng
at In lllher lea ‘bk rluv dvslnble In llllmpt n mun-«ye dellnhlon <2!
mm unounu In In mar M law‘ «or ma c-|agmIs.I cl SUCH an crrol are ml
dosed. Eul ll may In said mm In enor el llw woula hr alselessa ll cm
llnn-nllkuv am nlmnlllho wrung qlusllon or Mku lma ucwunl
lmnl consldcralinns or omns In uko um -mun: r-lmnl
eensmmlona (wnal may be ounverllzrlllylsmlad an Anlsm c ervarlor ll »-
mlsconnlvuu mu lmnn of my r-lmnl Ilatuln. or min-pal Hr
rnimales a mincipln mm guveral law ~
(errlphasls added)
v... s n! u
12 Similarly, m we case amrspacu Man-gnmom Scrvices Sdn and
v. Cal (5) Harbans singn Chlngar Sliigh [znoo] I MLRA :54;
man] 4 cu 11, me Courl M Appeil held out an erroneous
-rvrevenoe cl iaas ls also an eriur of law winch would warram an
niderolcemoiari »
“On me mhsrhand. we sum alcwvse. main ls enively mmpeiem far we
Nlgh Cami ln cerimarl pmuedmgs m dlsngve: wnli ms indurirlal Cami on me
mndusms m imuewes drawn by me latter «mm me pruved or admiiied
evvdsnoe on me gmund mu no wasoriahle mhuml sirmlafly clwurvisiamaud
would have unwed at such a conclusion or drawn such In rmnisnce An
Irmiuuiis Iiifeunu mm. piovld nr aammea «am is an Inc! at law: not
.n Imar 01 um.
[emphasis added)
13 Based an the fciegomg passages, ii ls my viewlhal to succeed m
an applicaiion lurjudlclill review, lhe Apphcani mus! shw met me
Respondenls had. among uihers' -
a. Asked nsell iha wmng QLASUDVIS2
h Consldered inelevanl mailers,
C Furled Ia Danslder relevani mailers‘
d Failed io apply lhe proper prlnoiple|s)o1law,and/or
e Reached a aemsvon ihat was so perverse man no reasonable
mbunal under similar oircumsianoes would have reached ll.
rm Appiieanrs ground: an inn judicial nvlvw
14 In grsl, Illa Applicants applicailon harem is based on the lollowing
grounds .
I4 1 That the mvesiigaiion cl charges by the 4"‘ Respondent ls
prncsdurllly flawed, biased and has iesullad in a lailure Ol
(1) Fallurs In Conduct a Pmpar invesiuganon of Charges
u... : nl u
sm pZxemxLiKL/yEMflAHPxNdVI
“Nana sew nuvihnrwlll e. U... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumni Vfl mum v-ms!
142 That his Abstract oi Evidenoe‘ was detective and not in
accordance wI\h this rule.
(1) The ‘Aiasir-act at Evidence‘ was conducted without tne
Applicants knowtarsge
12; The 4'" Respondenl is me person who issued me will
sranmng Order and is me same person who
investigated tna charges and aunductaa the summary
mai against the Appltmnl
(3) The churges lramed against ins Applicanl were
delectwe. undearartd unoanain as may let! to spemfy
the aeiaris ol the aiieged aflencas
Tm doclslnn of are Caun
That the investigation M nhargus by tho 4" Rupond-ni is
procedunlly flawed, blnsad and ms resulted in a failure of injustice.
Failure to conduct a Prapsr Invssiiuaiinn of chsrgos.
15 ms Issue nas been
In paragraphs 15 in 31
ussed at tengm in me irragmsnt of JR 163
‘max ins ‘Abstract 01 Evidence‘ was def-cllvo and not in accordance
with em rulu.
ma ‘Abstract oi Evldunce' was conducud wiinaut ms
Applicant‘: Itnuwlodnu.
16 This Issue nas been discussed ai iengtn M1718 judgrnantpun 163
In paragraphs 32 to 36.
v... r at ll
‘Nana s.r.r Inmhnrwm r. i... w my r... nflninnflly mm: dnuuvtnni VII mum v-mat
The 4"‘ Rzspovldonl lune person who issuud em unll Standing Order
and II. um same person who lnvnllgaled me lzhurgu and conauchd
(III summary Irlnl lg ' II "II Anpllcunl.
17. ms Issue nas been discussed at length WV me judgmenIo(JR 163
m paragmphs 43 lo 45.
Thu chamns turned against mo Aapncanl were defective, unclnar
and ununaln us may Iallad lo specify mu dolllls oi me alleged
la The Appllcanl was chavgad mm mu (:3) cnargx as follows:
a; First change. max memaluhl perlrllah lelap. yang benenlangan
derlgan Seksyerl 51 Ana Angkalan renlera 1972 lam: V5. .1. Pas
sam 34, semasa malaksanakan Operasl Berlleng Zen Ulars
Kawasan Tanggurlgyawab s Brlged dan Operas? Fagar ll sun
2/2021 G1 anlara 26 42021 mngga 22.5 2021, man melanggar
Perlnlih Upeusi Esrllang zan uuara Kewasan Tarlggunglawab
Sm 2/2021 benankh an 3 2021 al pererlggan 3 -: 122), laml suam
perlnlah yang dlkelahulnya alau dilangka dengnn munassbah
ulkelanuinya, dengan lldak msnyerahkan llgi bush moloslkal
rampasan kepada ulhak PDRM dengan kadar segera adalah
salu kssalahan
19. The elements ol the charge lo be prm/en by the Respondents are
as lollo
a. Whether lne Appllcanl al Pas aalu 34,t1unng Benleng Operallcn
ol Zon Ulara Kawasan Tarlggurlglawab 5 Enged between 26
April In 22 May 2021, had vlolaled Penman Operasl Banleng zen
Ulara Kawasan Tanggunqliwab 5 Enged (op KOTA
30.3.2021 Dalagraph 3 c (22; when ne lanea m hand over Lhree
conrlscalea mclarcyclas as soon as passlble la the PDRM
(Sama ada Pemohon m Pas Sam 34, semisa melaksanakan
Opemsi Bemeng Zon Ulara Kawasan Tanggunmamb 5 angaa
212021 berlarikh 30.3 2021 paragraph 3:: 1221 dengan (Idak
menyerahkan Hga buah motorslkal kepada plhak PDRM dengan
kadar segaraj, dan
1). Whether we Orders known to him orwmch he nugm reawnamy
be expecued to know
[Same ada penntah cersebm aaalan sualu pewflah yang
dikelahumya alau duangka dengan munasabah dwketahumya).
Flrll Elomunl of tho rim Chargl
20. me 4'" Respondent has ram lu produce any evmenoa before him
|o pmvs met me smnamg Orders is 1:. (ha charge as m Exhibrl MH-
4 1:1 me ’Afidavi1Jawapan 11) Responden(' dated 22.7 2022 Is me
and scanmng omen
21 On «ms Issue, I have mscussed an length m mewdgmenc o1JR 153
In paragraphs 53 In as
Second Element mm First Chargn.
22 The 3"’ Respondem had faned Io prove mm me Slandmg Order is
an order man 01: Applicant already knew or reasanamy expeclad 1:;
23. ms Issue nas been dnscussed m the Judgment 0! JR 153 .n
paragraphs 7211: 13
Second charge. Kelakuan yang memudamtkan keadaan hank den
1avazemn perkhmmalan, yang nenamangan dengan Seksyen s7 Ak|a
Angkalan Tenure 1912 1ai|u 13, P05 Batu 34, samasa memksanakan Op
Eenleng Zon mam Seklov Bravo KTJ 6 59¢ siri 2120211 Kuara Nerang,
Kedah <11 anlara 2542021 hingga 22.5.2021, lelah lidak mewaponcan
v...m .4
keosda puhak a|asan berkenaan nga huah malcsxkal rampssan yang
mempakan sualu kelakuan yang memudaralkan keadaan den lalalemb
24 The elements at the charge |u be preven by the Respondems are
as roHows.-
5) Whelher the A,pp|\can| at P05 Ban: 34, durmg Op
Berneng Zen Ulara Seldol Bravo KTJ 6 Bgd Sm 212021.
Kual: Nerarvg Kedah balween 23.4 2:121 la 22 5 2021.
laded Ia repun to (he Ngher aulhonly regarding three
wnfiscalsd motorcycles, and
(Sam ada Pemohon dx Pos :4‘ semasa mewaksanakan
op semsng zen Uizra Sekwr Bravn KTJ 5 Bgfl sm
2/2021, K-ma Nevang, Kedah d. anlara 26.4 2021
hmgg: 22 5 2021 lelah max melaporkan kepada pmak
alasan berkenaan (vga buah molosxkal rampasan): den
b) wnamer we conduct Is Dvegudlca of good wear and
servme msciphne
(Sama ada kesalahan flu merupakan sualu keiakuan
yang memudaratkan keadaan hawk darl |aIa|emb
First Elnmom Mme Second charge.
25. 1 and mm me charge is me vague and no ewdence was ever
\ende1ed eunar mmugh wunesses or aocuments to esvabhsh “who
ya me sunenor that should be vapurlad la" The pamcurars of me
offence only smed ‘came to vepon Ia supenors" but am not
speuflcafly svaue who he was Therefore. 1 am of me view met me
onus us on the pmsecmion to prove who the "supanow us and wha|
me [arm of me dlreclwe ws, lamng which wiH affed me prcseeuuon
26 The 4'" Respondent has a\so ened in Vaw and (sun when failed in
prove and expkun me 3 mcmvcycles mat are recerrea to as ‘Ielah
run 1:: 1:! u
| 1,876 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22M-886-12/2022 | PLAINTIF SA Puncak Management Sdn. Bhd. DEFENDAN 1. ) Nakiwa M&S Sdn. Bhd. 2. ) Iylia Najlaa Fathi Binti Dato' Nabil 3. ) Idzham Haiqal Bin Dato' Nabil | Civil procedure – Summary judgment – Default in repayment of Islamic Pre-Factoring facility granted by a factoring company – Whether plaintiff was entitled to terminate and recall facility – Whether plaintiff failed to plead particulars - Whether there was admission of amount due entitling final judgment to a reduced claim – Whether Islamic Pre-Factoring Agreement covers purchase orders issued before agreement was executed - Whether the failure to issue certificate of indebtedness renders the case triable - Doubt as to bona fides of defence – Conditional leave to defend - Whether defendant ought to be given conditional leave to defend – Rules of Court 2012, Order 14 rr 1, 3, 4 - Evidence Act 1950, s17(1) - Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, s2 & 3 | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Yusrin Faidz bin Yusoff | |
02/01/2024 13:58:14
WA-22M-886-12/2022 Kand. 68
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HA—22)(—E85—12/2022 Kand. as
n2/ouzou 13:52-14
SUIT No. WA-22M-IE6-1212012
In the mine! 0! an Islamic Pre-
Flctolinv Aqmmom daled
In me manor of an Islamic
Flclarlnq Agnimnnl flllld
In ma mam: ad 1 Guaranm
In III: mane! of one: 7 and
Order 23 of the Rules of coun
SA Punuk Maniglmnnl Sdn Bhd
(company No. : Zu01I11n15BsI (618238-H)) PLAINTIFF
IN Emzmrrzwmnnzzwman
-um Sum! n-vwhnrwm be flied M mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
I NAKIWA M55 sou. sun.
[Company No. 200501045910 (653973-A)!
[NRIC No. 331203-ss-$550]
INRIC No. : 94051:-m-5531] DEFENDANTS
GROUNDS or gyfimfim
m In em: me me Plavrmll had applied (ov a summary pmgmenx m and
20 to be entered agams| the Defendants Vanna sum owmg under an Vsramxc
PreFaclorIng Agreement pursuant to 014 allhe Rules oi Court 2012 me
[2] Mler conswdenng the arguments presemed by man pames, 1 had on
25 10 2023 dlsmnued the Plzmmrs appncanon Inseeaa I granted me
Devenaams Veaveln delend on me eundmon manna sum ol RM1 421.955 10
be pam mm Court within 30 days 1 also snpulaled max N the candmon ws met,
lhe case mu proceed to man, and me costs zssacualed wmn encl 20 will be
treated as costs m me cause Conversew‘ 4 me Delenflanls tau xo runm me
m Emzxxrrzwmknzzwman
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
Iumtt v Bank Slmganan Nulonnl 2021} MLJU 2552 South E:slAs1:
Insurance Eerhld V K: In Malagig (19951 1 cm 1045. and N no
Comgnx for Fggign mg, 1 Km. Rap Sdn and [1954] 2 MLJ 300 ta
argue that In any event, 1| Vs well seltled that \f a delendam succeeds In
ratsmg even a smgle tname Issue, ll wm nut be a fit case and praper case to
under summary judgrnent It VS veltememly avguad by me Detenuante mat
the 0 14 junsdtcfion VS any to be exerctsed VI very dam cases wherem me
Inlenlmn was nut la shut out Delenuams 1mm thetr day m court
[1 51 Vn response. mmntm reamea caunul argues that tneaeuy by mum
VI making paymemdoes not atvect me ngm ol me Flamml In tnswst on Ms
ubhganan In pay upnn expvrallon cf the t:redt1|erms for each rewivabie On
the Vssue at repayment at Rmmnoa no on at as 2022, Ills contenaea mat
the same was Bald by D1 mmuut any duress Dr undue mnuenee wheretn V!
uIlrmale\y reduces the outstanamg amoum (mm RM1.71o,a9a as to
RMI 140,595 219 In essence the Ptamtwt posit: tnettnere rm been a breach
tmaer me agreement between names emtlhng [hem Ia temunate me said
tact es
m ztemnzwmwzmu
mm. am.‘ .. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII .mm Wm!
my on Illa wssue of aorreclnoss onne amcum claimed the Plamml argues
that D1 had mu knowledge Mlhe sum due, and ma: at all mansriamrnes [nave
Is nu complaint or cammanls made on me slalement o1 acwunls wssued (0
[21] Summary judgmeni pvocaaure am m provide a wdgmenl m we ImlIa\
phase Ma case llwould be granled when n \s deemed appropnaxe, wnn me
mum Ilm In save time an axpense: Imked wan : fuH1na\ The zulhumy :1!
me coun m gram summary mdgrrtenl ws specmeu m o 14 y 1 and 3 Mme
[211 o 14 r 1 at me Rures read as loI|aws-
m wnm In in when to wmch an. ml: Iwlru . xuhlmnl ul unnn has
been served on a delendant and man delennam nas enlevsd an appealanoe
m In: lchun (M pmnun may on mu wanna mu ammnu nu nu attuned
to a damn mcluded .n ma wn| Dr In a pamular pan evsusn a dam nr has
no dnlunx to hack 3 sum er pan excnnl In m In: amount ul my dimngu
d:vmed..Ipp1yIn\hu own lor|udwnenlag:mslmal selendanl
uy Sumac! lo Dlviwiph 13) um. Me lpphn m wary ncmn hugun by M1!
mnev man on: much mdudas _
my : clam by me ulamml fur um uanasn mahuwi pwsecuhon
mu Imp! nnmlru uduanun a: breach of prumne cl mamlqe oi
sm Em11><rrEwsDRHz2RR4:A
«mu. Snr1I\nanhnrwH\I>e med u may he mn.uu -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
mm : cram by me pmmm um an .n lulgahnn mm
1:) nm ovuer mu na| app\y m in l:1mn In wmu: o m apphas
[23] Whereas 0.14 r! or me Runes read as Valium: -
m Umesi on me new; M an inphmimn «mm ml: 1 ewlhev the cm
cum me Applznlmn M the aulonaanl -am: he cm with mom
tn me exam av me pan or 3 am. in Much me app\Ica|\on remes um mere
.. in wisue or quexnon m awn. Much wanna be med on manner: ought
om some ulnev reason u. be ; mm M on: dalm ov rain me can may awe
sucruuagmem Var me .u.-mu against ma| ueierudamon Ihal am at purl
u may be um having ream! m 0.. mm nllhc nmady »« remcuum
42) rag cowl miy Cy onilr am Iubpxl to wow cunflmans Winy as may
mus: svaym: exaculmn manymgnmu given mm a delendxnlunder
mu NW9 um!!! sum the mm M my cwnmum made a: nausea by me
dMendan| m we admn
[24] The law guvevmng summary wdgment ws «me and had been succlncfly
shied by Humm Vuop Sum SCJ us he then will m In .1... lnlugngg
:4 sun mm v Am Mum Sdn anu[19s112 MLJ I83 ax p 133
-m The urldnrlylng pmnawprvy m me Order 1: nmvmnn u m p-mm a
omnlnl clsmy enmled to me mm, lmm mm darayd nu wdynanlwum
mere ‘a na limy amuabie menu |o me am The umwman am:-nu only
he lnnllad «a cam where mm .5 no mmmm. mm mu (ha p\Imm1 u
enlmzd In In: mdulmm 0142114 5 nrxmlendsd m mu nuuhn .m.m.m
we wnsdnwun mum only beexucuscd m very clearcalel“
[25] In Eank Negari mg gysll v Ilnhd Imu (199211 ML] 400. me Courl
new mat when in amman. «max at mspuxe Is equwocik ar lacking
pvecxswon or \s mconmem wnh unmspmea aonlempurary dncumams or
other statements bylhe same aeponenv. or us mheuenuy mlpmbable m usew.
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
men such asserlmn at denial wm he veleaed, mmny renaenng me Issue
not lnable In other words. leave to devena wm not be gramed based upon
"mere assemons" by defandant: msnead, me count wm look an the whme
snuauon umcauy to exnmme whether the deianoe Is or-mun:
us] In me Privy cauncu case 0! Eng Moo Yang 5 95 v gm]; mum
[1979] 2 MLJ 212‘ a! 217‘ Lord Dlplack explimed I| is mus
Wmuugh m me rmmm my n u not auplopnile my a judge to illemm xa
ruolva wnmui «emu»: an iMdlvI| ms due: no! mean max he ‘s
bound |o acaenl mummy u mswg a dlspme 54 Ian wm calls var
mm invnllnlhon wary rlalsmunl an In mmn hmmvll Iquwocul.
Vackmg m prauslon moumsum MIII umlspnned conlzmpurarydocumems
at mm nmemmlx By III nma dspanv x. 04 mhcmnliy mmum. m mun
ma be In makmg ma. omev on me appmznm :5 he my mum ‘us!’ me
may ; vubad Mm: Gnu:/elm: men n. muunuIu1nud\aaI\y V1 V510:
mm in an-mm. m the nu: msunee whelhev xllllm-ms unmanned m
llfldlvns ma: we um upon as rmsmg . mum av awdsnua upon :
mennl lanl um .umu.n: puma lane pmmny In nnvvl mm
Invesnganm .5 (0 mew Hum“
[21] Vn the event max me Cowl Imus Ihal Iheve are Issues In be med. n has
me auvmnty |o granl weave in defend as wnferred by 0 14 v 4(3p av me
Rules wmm anpul-«es as vouuws -
Lelvelunn new :4 1 o)
(3) m cam may give a deiendanl anamst whom mm in apphcahun 5
made lent in mm Ira xenon mm rnpncl nu ma dawn or ma pin :71 .
dmm m vmlch the apphcannn Mates ermer unmndmunafly or on such
new n In gmng ucumy or um av mode at mm at omemme an n mm
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
[25] In [his use. the Defendants ms. concerns about me Flammh
dacmnn to uueary appvcach TUDM lav payment concerning the vecewables
to be assxgned by 01 la TUDM They argue that TUDM Is net privy to the
comraclual relaliansmp between Ihe Flaimifl and 91 under the (names
Concemlng me mes anhe pames mvulved, n \s wonhwmle Ia naive mm the
lundamenlal oonoep| oflhe factormg arrangement Faclnnng, a prawoe wrlh
anclenl racks, days back co Babylnman limes Tu; gyg gf uammunbx
campnsed m Mesopolamu during 17551750 ac -aamm specmc um
practices veraled to merchants‘ agems who pnwmea assurances for nae
credits markmg me eamesl documented mscance of laclonny Balms me
zom oenlury‘ a ‘iactaf served 21 a business aganl mm mpanumun-as we»
as slnnng and seumg consigned goods, pmwmng cnems wnn an aocoum M
::oHec(ed funds‘ ensuring customers‘ emu. am oocasmany ulfenng cash
advances Io cnarus prim lo me Iflual sale :1! goods Facxars pllyed - crucial
and acme role‘ ewecnafly m luvelgn lrada‘ and gamed 5IgmN:anoe dulmg
me era of wlamar expbrilxan and development Vn modern muss, me
unaanymq principle ov vacmnng umam oemerea amund the financial
vuncnon at pmwamg funds In sellers engagsd in transactions wnn
credllwcrlny orgamzanons The neoessny oi pnysucauy pcssesmng me mm
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
goods Is no lnngev marldaled. lnsleea. legal mecnenlsms and converlllorls
lacllllile me lransler ol awllershlp lnruugh lnlemallonal lraae lnslmmems ll
VI however ohservld lnel me aclvva mle L11 a «mm ln me ccllecxlon pl
reeelvaples (rum me eulgnee endured me last pl me
(291 Durlrlg me recesslcn or me early 19305‘ a global phenomenan was
noled where man and mealumcale enlerprlsu. aclwely engaged ll’!
dehvenng goods and serwces la larger pmpprallons, laced ponsmevanle
challenges anslng from delayed 0!. al nlnes camplele non-remvery ol
piymems awed by men cuslcmers ms nnuanon had a pmlnuna lmp:c|.
lesultlrlg In a cons|vlr.1lan pl men cepael llow thereby llmlllng me lends
aocessiule lo: men day-In-day cperalmns and Impeding Ihelr pulemlal lor
grcwln and suelelnalnlny To enhance me nemplly ol sucn blmnenes me
iarmallxallan olme concept ulladurlng |L:oI< place mlougll me UNIDROIT
Cunvenfion on lnlnrnalianal Faemrlng. winch was adopted ln onawa an
25 051933 (“the Converlllan') Anlcle 1 at me Convermnn pmvlded a
definihnrl luv a ‘fadorlng wnlrucl‘ 35 lauows
'Amcle I
2 For me pulposu no one Cmwerllwn -raaenng epnnaer mun! a
eenlraa wnuudad belwnn uni p-ny an. -upplml Ind anolhnr pany lme
laenm 9‘"Sul!I| lp men
4.; lbs nuppueu may E! van asslan lo me fuck)! llualvlblsa nnnng Hum
mnlrlcls cl sale afgoods -nape between me maybe! mm M! cunmvlu:
em Emzlxrrzwsunuzzfiman
«me s.n.l nuvlhnrwm be H... e may he MEVHIUIY -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl .nuna vtmxl
mummy alnav man Inns: nu ma aaxa cl quad) mugm pmnanly in: than
aamnax fanmy ov nnunhold use
my ma mm m w pancnu :1 naasx Iwn nHheleHw4mg4unI1mn:
—flnan::e «cm. auppw mdudmn Vein: and amanc. pay-mu
—m.mmen:nce co accaums Uadgennuj Iehalmg Ia me recerumu.
—cn!Incuon of not um.
vpmlaclvun agamamavauu In naymem by demms
m nwoe cl ma alsvgnmenl M In: run:-wlmls sun bogwen «a «blur: “
[an] \n our cannuxn even Ihough Mmaysla xi us! a member M ma
Vnlevnananal Inamma larthe unmcancn cl Pnvale Law qunumom ana nas
nnlgwen effeclto mesawd ccnvenncn me (arm "\s\amic Fauonng Eusiness"
Is defined In nation: 2 A 3 um. In 9 F uggg ; 5-mylgg Ag 20:: as
“(he nusmua or scqumng debts m other financm ab/rgatrons due to any
person ansmg Imm any transact/on wmcn rs m acccmanca wvfh snanan‘
[M] spacmc xc ma use ma pamac have entered Inlo an Vslimuc Pre-
Faclnnng Agreement wrucn became ma basxs M ma enwc clann of
RMIJAQBSB 59 Unlike nurmal faclanng wmcn vs “invoice-based" Pra-
Fictonng represents a muncnal |nnnI:nun am a ammcx vacmy where a
Factonng company pm»/ides advance finsncmg lo a contractor or vendun
vaamaung me nnancmg cuunme puma prmecis Auac known as ‘purchase
cmar «nancmg: N pravldls financxal rename «or ccnnaaxan |o pruduce anc
delwcrgacas or samcea to (new customers
an aaamzwmaazzmaa
«ma. am.‘ nmhnrwm be met! a may he nflmnaflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
[:21 Fmm me cuntrad documems, mere are mm pzmes mvnwed They
are —
the Intended asswgnnr ‘ e . the pnnclpal borvvwev mu;
(he mlendad asslgnee ‘ e , Inc (now (PlamIM)‘
the approved deblnv i e 1 me purchaser or me goods or same;
rrunm and
me gummms [D2 5. D3)
[:31 In essenoe, mere were three ounlracwal Iemionshlns that were
Qomracl bemoan m and T QM, Here DI agnes |n sell none
pmpneaary avcrafi spare pans to mom on whom mvoices ave
reused YUDM wouva svgn or be served names of assignment at
am: oonfmmng «run they would maka payments to me Flamufl
Pnor to me Issuance oilnvmoes by DI. me Vslamlc Pzeraaonng
Agreemem aflows mamas up to ma sum of RM2‘Z7E,SI7 as |:)
be duhuvsed |o D1 saw: an me emaonoe. disbursements wera
made oy me Plalnml In :71 upon mom wssumg ow wan men
pumnase orders Tm; womd ensue D1 to source and pay vov
me goods ordered by TUDM
m Emzxxrrzwsumzzfiruan
«mm. Snr1|\nuuhnrwH\I>e p... w my me mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
n7 Canlract belween m and Fmnufl Here me Wamufl waum
men-use up to sum 0! RM2.27B‘SV7.B9 pnur lo D1's mvmce lo
TUDM wnn an agreed pmfil raxe at 5% per mom and me
pnymenx charges at 1 5% per momh The man penoa var me
Vshrmc Fre-Fauonng Agreement was var so days‘ whevein me
recourse period wanna be an uaye upon expvry of the cream
pence n has been Igleed um lhe payment |uw:lds me pre-
Ianonng “shall be done by way 0/ ansemng me vutsta/vdmg
balance against paymenrs from the Factoring !nvarr:e{s) /
commcr‘ wnemn .1 D1 «ans In vaennr and zsslgn the mvcu:a(s)
upon me exp-ry oi G0-day cvedul pemzd on has to pay rm me
balance advanced sum undev me Islamic Prermonng
Agreement no lalanhan 30 days upon expiry ovme Eflday cvedrt
aenae, and
c) n tween Pllwnlrfl and me u Vin n D
Contract av pemonal guayancee by D2 & D3 xo me P\amM In!
pre-payments made In D1
m Emyxrrzwsunuzzfiman
«mm. s.nn .. U... m my n. nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
[:4] In ngm ol rne given aennmcn an a .:are4u| examrnanan at me Is\am|c
Pre-Facmnng Agreemenr rn qnssuon. rt rs evmenr Dial a comprehensive
lmanual structure has been mencunausxy ellabllshed lhmugh mu|ual
egreemem nemeen the Plamllfland m we srnrcrurea lramewnrk preersexy
omhnes essenI\a\ components and rmncacre
nerem In me prehzttctnng
agreement. mcludmg the advmee nmn, any applicable pmfil elemem or
chavges. me auranon Mme are-faclonng arrangemenr, and me mechanisms
gavemmg me cnHecuan and vemmance oi lands rnrougnour me process 0!
ple»far.1ormg as well as iactonng proper Hence I nelreve man rne Flainnfls
slim: to socuva eennnnanon on me issue nl paymlnt «om mom‘ whether
undertaken more 01 avrer me comrneneernenc at regax proceedings
cmsmute an essermal aspen 0! ms responsrmlnres as auurned In one ls\amic
Ple-Factoring Agveemunl, wnren rs in be cunsvdeved m ccruunctlan wrrn me
Ismrmc Factoring Agreement. TN: preaciwe sranee aligns wrnr me agreea-
upen terms and reflects me P\amlifl's oamrmtment in mmurng us
resporrsrhrlmes wrxnrn me eecaursned nnancrax structure
[35] Upon revrewrng me amdavn evmenoe, rs Is my new that me Plalnml
ha: successfully derllorlsfriled the axvslenoe Ma breach Based on the Venev
dated 02 as zuza (exh M94 01 encl 35)‘ D1 hat taxes In raise an Arwmca
sm Emzxxrrzwsunnzzmuan
“Nana s.n.r nmhnrwm .. med e may r... nrwhuflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa war
wndmcn, me Plauntm has me nghl In enlev nnar Judgment‘ mm scan. or
Rmsmo on to the Plalnlfll
[3] ma Defendants Ned men nohee M appeal on 0111 2023 Upvn
cunsldenng ma Deaenaanty lnrmal applrcanon rn encs 52, I nave granted a
stay oflhelmpcsed commons and anymnnar pmcee Ings unm me drspasal
cl their appeal
[4] To aaarasa rra rmnramare casn needs, the Flrsl Delendanl ("D1 yr
hmdmg a 3—year contract valued at RM2‘949‘5€‘/15 m supmy nL:n—
pmpnarary awcrafl spars pans ro me Royar Maraysian An Fovce (ITUDMHX
has aplea lo! Yaclunng Cansequenuy or has agrees (0 32!! ns accnunla
racarvaaxa ro ma Plamnff at a drscwnvred rate‘ elucmalmg me nature cl ma
flnancm Iacrmy mvolved
[5] Eased on a Lenar av oner lar manna PreFaclunng Facrmy defied
13 a7 2021 (“Lamar oi Offer 1'; ind a Tawarruq Pre—Fac|onng Agreement
dated 13 07 2021 (“Iaramrc Pm-Famonng Agreement‘) as wan as a Lens:
m ELa1MrrEwmRMz2RR4:A
“Nana saw .. a... w my r... mrmu-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
agamsl an puvchase omen issued by mom tron. Decamber 2a2o NI June
2021 wherem tne “scruff payment meonantent under me tstam-c Pve-
Faclonng Agreement could ncl be Implemented nu nu Iherefcrelavled to
nbnou» tne repayment terms upon expiry M the 60-day cvedt penoo As to
tne excuses gnen Ie oetay and/cl nonpayment by TUDM aue to ’Arahan
Perbendaharaan so tnvssr, me obntraet IS clear m that we advance: sum
has k: be repaid baeeo an the credn tevms dsspws non-payment by mom.
and eesbne D1 5 came to rane and taaov tne Invmoas upon eontptymg wtlh
tne butenaee under:
[:5] In any event tne ‘Arman Petbendzharaan 5s (APSBV Is, tb me, a non-
issue as TUDM wnmd only pay based upon presentment at an mvmce As
D1 tenet: to generate Irwolces tor the an purchase orders‘ K becomes
pvaoedurzlly tmpesstbla torruom lo rennt any mrect paymenlla me PIIVIHW
The absence bt documentary evidence ham D1‘demonstratinglhexrvehance
on tnts AP5a tssue, mgnngnte a crucial gap In their argument and
unuerscores the need In! dear avidenu to subusnlme tnen posmen
[371 Based an the event or de-faun descnbeo VI tne agreement. I find that
me Fmrvtm‘ VS enwed to tenmnete me Facnmes by Vssumg a tuner 01
m ztemnzwmnnzznam
we saw be H... a may t... nrW\ruH|y -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mutta v-mat
aevmmmon men 15 as 2022 qexn SA-J av and 21) and merezner Ne ms
suit agamst me Devennams «or me overdue sum The relevant name 0!
(ermmauon was Issued to m m compu-nee or Clause 1 (Nance) nllhe Lener
money 1‘ and Claus: 19 M m l5I:rmc Pre—Fa:(onng Agmemerfl Lellers al
demand to D2 5 D3 mm dated 20.5 2022 (exh SA-6 at encl 21) were
conecny wssued based on me terms ollhe Guarantee da1edI3.D7 2021 (exh
sn-5 alancl 21)
[:3] On me Issue ov me ifleged lack av panmmars, me Deienaams‘ have
rsnea on me case or Mlliyin Banking v we Sun Tang (supm) m supnon
at man wmenuon that me deb! must be specmcaw punlculanasd Havmg
exammed one case however, I am a! me consmereu mew that nus case can
he dislmgulshed as -n me case relied on there was a umerence between me
amcum claimed :1 mended m the Stalement of cum and me AW-dlwl m
suppan Furlhev, m the sad case meve was a dispute m regard Io me
vanaliun at mleresl rate as weH me plammfs acnva Muss! to wpmy me
pamculars olme zmuum due despne me aecenaanrs requesls In our case
u \s clear hum me smemem olaccoum produced by bum pames (P\:mm¢ m
exh SM!) olencl 9 and Detenaams In em IHDV1 MenclA7)|I1alIhe waves:
m Emzxxrrzwsunnzzfinuan
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
uutslanalng ammml stood at RMt.74o.s9a as lt ls the same amount as
statea tn the Plarmnrs alaadlnga and nails: ulappllcallon
[35] As to the alleged rneanalstency In tne amount clalmed. I am at tne vlsw
tnattne Plaintm has lully explalrled tnat tne same ts based on me tnnelrne
and subsequent admlsslnn of tne Delendants lnnially an at 20 us M2 the
ourstanurng amaunt stood at RMZ035 050 32 Due to payment: made. n
became Rm 770,593 as subsequent payment of Rmzluooo on by D1
reduced the aucstanulng sum to RM1 741189889 by 15 092022 on the
nsue M tna allagea exaggelzled amnun| wnlalrled V! we Plnirlmfs letter In
mom. rt prlmarlly oompnses purchase ovders tnat nave yet m be convened
lntn lnvcloes It Is also clear tnat based on the lauonng anarlyamarll. tne
nnanaea amount ls stgnmcantly lower tnan lne actual contract amount
[40] Be that as rt may. tne slrerlglh altne Plalntnrs case for 0 IA nangs on
me rssue oltna cemneata el rndealeaness wmetr. ll produce would Imounl
ta conclusrve evluence at me averaue sum. Regretlully, tne l=lamrill larlea ta
pmvlde sum eertmcate. Almaugh based on clause 5.3 of tne lslamlc Pre-
Faclnnng Agreemenl a statement 01 aecaunt can be argue: to be lmpltealy
concllmve pml nlamotml aue by at, me Guararllee agreement llgned by
m Emzlxrrzwmnnzzfikun
«war. a.n.l nmlhnrwm .. u... w my r... aflnlnallly mm. dnuuvlnnt Vfl arlum war
D2 5. D: requlres Ihe proaucnpn 01 In actual penmcace M lndebledness The
relevant clause 24 pl me Guaranlee smes as «allows.
1: A eemficale by my cl yum cufficavi at ca me men-es ana llabdhuu:
rur me llme beuvg nu: cl rnmnra It; you by the Chem stun he nlndlng and
umduslve on and mlrul us w my am or ur av perinnal r-pmanramr
[411 Allnaugrr not addressed py the learned counsels, anulhar aspecl
requmng viva race axlmlnalrnn pertains (0 our Issue cl whelher lna 40
puvchase pnlers menllaned ln me Plarnlrfrs leller In TUDM were wrlnrn me
smpa allne lslarnrc Pre-Faclonng Agreement rms cnnsldemlon ames uua
la ma lapl lnal lnera purcnna mders ware lulled belween December 2020
anu June zozl, predatlng me execullon cl lne Vslalmc Pr&Factonng
Agreement on 1307 2021 The quesucn anses does lne pre-laclenng
zgvaamenl apply rulrosperarraryv 7hz| could poasrnly ha (ha case as D1‘:
comracl ralerence wlln TUDM was aalaa '2o1e'. on me ulnar hand, ll Is
also ppssmle manna reason my TUDM relusesla pay Isduelo me famnal
mesa lransaclvuns were numle me scope or me lamonng agreements‘
wherein paymanl could anry be made In me suppllar l e D1 Nonetheless, I
behave marl resolullon ailhezre rssues ls cpnlrngenl Ilpun oral avldence la he
presanlsd dunng full lnal
sm Emzlxrrzwsunuzzfiman
“Nair s.r.r mmhnrwm .. med m my r... nflnlnnflly mm. dnulfllnl Vfl .nuNa war
my Exarnrrung me evraenoa oulhned In me amaavns and ma praaemea
arguments rt appears Ihal grannrrg summary gudgmem may not be
appropriate m (hrs rnsxanae nespne cm; I mamlim same reservamns
regammg the delensa‘ espemully cancenvng ma crearbmcy ol the allegallan
nns skepuclsm arIses!rem(he1actlhatD1 had me e-man dated 11 no 2022
texh sA—9 ofencl 9)‘ convrrrnea manrrerrversron annecoxal outstanding sum
plus prom and crranm um an RM1.421‘9B8 10, wharem m made an nller
|u some men veraron Mme pnncrpxe sum at RM773‘720 no by 3 msIaHmenls
perm aemrng the pmfil and omer charges Could rl he pnssrme Ihal TUDM
hzd aheidy ssmed payrnem wrm m In! me 40 puvchase orders am on rn
mm, surrapmrausxy used Ihese same purchase orders to wsmy financing
irurn me Plarnmv There vs a\su me rssua onhe aannaarpn In Paragraph 9 5
and 911 cf man Amdavil In Reply dated 30112022 (end 11) Much was
nlad m oppose he marrrmra Onglrulmg Summans In nnase paragraphs, ma
nevennanva efiecwely admmed |I1a\ me sum ol RM77Z-1.092 as Is due and
payama lame wamm Contrary to me Delendants‘ submrssron, n rs my wew
that ma cam of um Nyuk sang @ Fudy Llm I. On v Azlm Nnlr vac
Gum Hock (supra) and on Clluo & Sam Chan 5 Sons Sdn. Bhd. VWovIg
Nyuk 1Iin(suprs)can be msmrrgmsnea ms Is because me lacks In me
present can vwmve a corwersmn of me Orvgmatmg Summons prucauure
r~ Emzxxrrzwsukuzzrtman
«mm. Snr1|\nmhnrwHH>e U... w my r... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl aF\uNa war
Inm : wIII Whelem I2 nas been omered mat anIaavIIs Ned be aeemea as
meadmg wrule Insufflmenl to peIsIIaae «ms Cnurl to enter nnax pmgmem on
a can at me claim exh SA-9 III encl 2 and me relevant pumqrapm In end
11 are nevennexass pmbalwe In deciding an me Issue ol Ine uevennenu‘
lam! accemanoe av uauI\IIy ana men eenmauun ol me sum due
{as} conIIaereIIon Is aha gmn Ia DI‘: Condufl In men Ianure |a Issu-
Invoices based on me 40 purcnase emers Issued ny TUDM Accordmg to
me pwvlsrons wIInIn me Fslarmc Fre-Factoring Agreement me paymem
(award: me sum advanced unuer me Pre-Ficiuvlng wumd be sewn upon
me payment by mom based an me Issuance at Invmce As no Inuame was
Issued faclored and assigned one cannot ewed TUDM Ia make dvreci
paymem to me I=IaInII« As sucn D1‘; suspmus man In wIInrIaIuIng me
Issuance evInvoIceuaI me said 40 purchaae orderscannm be deemed Dona
me and are cast In an unlavorame ngm
1441 In my penpecwe, me mentioned snaumseanses aflev sImIcIenI
NSNVCJUOIV coy me In set mndmons upon we grant cf weave to I1e¢ena As
deemed III me case 0! Jncabs v 3935; my [[1 co [1901] as LT 62
balove aonamanal leave |a deland can In granm me coun mus! be
sm ausIxnzwmnumIu:aI
“Nun: s.n.I nmhnrwm be UIQG u may I... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum MI
sausfled that mere we no res! substarmal duesnon in be mad or men xhsve Is
no mspule as to (acts or law whwch Iawses a reawnabve doubl Ihal the
plawnffls ave enwed to wdgmenl In me case M arm-n and
Commonwullh neldnngn and v Oundrol HoldlnnIlnc[1EBE] as 542,
[1559] 3 All ER 492. [me] 3 WLR 723 :1 was hem max wnere me deaenee
can be described as lackmg H1 Dona We and perhaps shadowy wt nas been
me pucnoe at eevns in we eendmonex weave m delend The Federa\CL:uI1
.n me case clone cmn n-my Lee 300 Neck [1970] 1 MLJ 112 telerved
In the Englrsh case at Figlgmnk Lw v Stein [1951] 3 AM in sea‘ wherein n
wax hem Ihatwhen (hire n eduneunng suspmious m (ha flofunflanfl mode
at presermng his use ar wnere me court e wen wnn a reel deem about me
defendant‘: gdod «men even though n cannm be send var cenam thanhere Vs
ndc a «new: vssue n \s ennued (a make in order that the defendant do pay
me amount claimed or any lesser sum Into mun dr lumxsh seeumy var that
emdum as a sandman lar weave m delend
[45] I behave men cne evenum mu men wows msny mus on me vssue M
quantum namely la: the Plammflo produce the cerlmcale of mdebledness
secondly, names would need to explain whether me Isxanue Pre—Fzc1unng
Agreement ‘S to Dave! the we 40 purchne amen wmch pvedzles the
m aemnzwmnnzzmen
we s.nn mmhnrwm .. med m my me nflmnnflly mm: m.n.n Vfl .neve we
Fzmlmes Aa per me case (:1 cam Para Mining co. v. Fnsmeago aow
R 830 412152; wrrere me prammv suea lnr caHs and rehed on me evruenee of
a clerk mac he had posted me Iener er aflotmenl. and me derenee was nan’
recerm er me lanai, luv: waa grven m aevena an paymenl ol ammml
claunsd mm Court. to ename delendaru in crass-examine as In posurrg cl
[u] Aeeerurrugry, me Derenaams are gwen leave to aerend on cundmon
that mey aeposrc me sum 0! RM1421 95510 ma Conn wllhm a sway
crruerrame following me arder In the even! me Darermznus var: Io make me
deposrl me Flamml wanna be enmlefl In rural gudgmenl rnr me mu sum
erarmea wrm me agreed prom charges eampensauon charges (T:‘w\dh)‘
and Audgmern rnneresn The sand sum represents ma versmn of me
aulslandlng amcunl, piymenl ul which was olfered by way av rnsxaumema
Gwen me Derenaam acknuwledgrusm and willingness to sema Ihe
mermened amount‘ we condition appears reasonable undev me
r~ Emzxxrrzwsurwzzfiruan
«ma sarm ...m.rwur be H... w my r... mmruuly mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
[47] Aflerconsmennglhe Ficlsand curcumsxanoes presented m we amavix
evndenoa, the Plamuffa apphcalnon rm summary wdgmem m and 20 V5
dlsmwssed Vn na sxeaa me Defendants are accorded canmuanal weave |o
defend. wnllngent upun me payment av RMM21 ‘ass to be pm! we Courl
wllmn 30 says If we Dundmnn Is salufiad, me use wm pmcaad m «nan ana
the costs assocvaled mm end 20 wxll be Krea|ed as cuss m me cause
Carwer3e\y «me Deienaama ran lofum one condition, we F\a|n|rflwuu|d be
ax hbeny (0 enter Ma! mdgmenl of me pleaded mm mge|I1=vwI|h prom anu
mmpensahon churges and mdgmenl unnarean Is weH as ws|s nl
RM5.oao no payame by me Devenaams to me wanna:
(vusnm mnz am vusom
Judlcm Commissioner
Hugh Coun o1Ma¥aya
Kuala Lumpur
name 29» Deoemher2023
m Emzxxrrzwsunuzzfinuan
«mm. Snr1|\nunhnrw\HI>e met! a may n. nrwhuflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl nF\uNa v-max
For the Flaumfl Dmesh Nandrayng
Messrs Nandrajuq.
Aavacaces 3. samnms,
3-as Tower 3‘ UOA Busmess Park‘
No 1 Jalan Pangalumara m/51A
semen U1. 40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Fm me Delenuams Mnhd Hafiz Em Gnavam
[Mend Fm Fahmy Em Abdw Rink wrlh mm)
Messrs Fa1ru\ Fahmy 5. co ‘
1—o+o:s, Subang suna. Jslan Blmang‘
us/:3. Seksyen us, 40150 sn-n Nam,
Sehngar Dam! Ensan
Bank Nu .-ra Malayan: V Muhd lsmixl A On 1199211 MLJ mo
2 Cempaka Finance BM v Ho Ln. Ymg (tmdmg as KH Traamgy 3 Anor
[2005] 3 cu 544
3 HSEC Bank Malaysia Berhad v LH Tvmber Pmuucus Sdn Ehd as Ors
(200513 cu zoa
o Mahamad Faun Che Rus v JR Jami Resources Hcldmgs sun am
[2016] 5 cu 256
5 Pehnlar Agresxf (M) sun Ehd v Prqek Lebuhraya Usanasama
Bemad Lemhaga Lebuhriyi Malaysia (Fmak Kelngz) [2014] 1 LN5
5 Perwnra Afin Bank Bevhad v onson Sun and a Olhers [2003] MLJU
m Emzxxrrzwsunnzzmuan
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
or oner lav Iswamrc Flctonng dated 13 a7 2021 (‘Laney al OM21 2“y and an
Islamic Facronng Agreement dated ram 2021 ('\sl:rmc Faclonng
Agveemenflr the Walnm granrea D1 wrm Islarmz: Pre-Factonng and
Facwnng !acIIvly mm me purchase pm 01 RM2,27a,5w as and
RM2 :59 733 73 respemvely. and me sale pnoe nl RM2r540,65B 95 and
RM5ro14r434 17 respectwew (’FacvhIies'j The sea Fauhnes are based on
me Tawarvuq pvinuple sxructurlu m a norwevolvmg form under me Shlnah
prrncrpre cl Munsbahah
[51 Purluanl to a Guaranree and Inaemmry Agraement dated 13 07 2021
(‘Guaran|ee') me Secanu Delendanl (‘D2’) and mm Dzfenflam (-D3“)
have rmmry and severauy agreed to guarantee all oursvanarng paymenrs er
me Facmnes
[7] A demand was wssuefl on 20 (15 2022 lexll SAG 0lenc\21). seekmg (0
recover a \‘o|aV sum of RM2 035050 32 compnsmg RM1 317.319 51 under
the |s\amIc PM-Fanonng Agreemsnl and RMII7,730 B1 unaer the Ismmc
Factoring Agreemem The amount unaer me Iskanuc Facronng Agreemem
was rarer semed, leavmg me Fre—FacIoring laulilvss skill uursrenamg As at
30 as 2022 me everdue sum was Induced to RML77ors9a 59 A Vurlhav
m Emzxxrrzwsunuzzfiman
“Nana smm ...m.mur .. U... w my r... mm-y mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum v-max
Malayan Bankmg and v Veo Sun Yor1g[1999]B ML.) 317
L1m Nyuk Sang @ may L1m 5 Or: 11 man Naslr van Guan Hock
(202012 MLJU 1104
cu once a Sena Chan 3. sans sun sna vwong Nyuk Ts|n[2D1G]
9 MLJ 17s
concmca Engmaanng Product arm 14 Greengvoup Eng San ans
[zmn MLJU 1915
Noam! Hilda ac Isman y Eank Smlpinan Naslonal 120211 Muu
scum Eas|As1:lr1suranca Eerhad y Kerzjzan Ma1ays-a [was] 1 cm
National Company lor Foreign Trade 14 Kayu Raya sun arm [1950]
2 MLJ zoo
Ma1ayan lnsurince (M) sun and v A51: Mace: Sdn anu[19e712 MLJ
Bank Negara Ma1ays1a y Muhd Iarnau [1992]1 MLJ 400
Eng Mee Yong a. 01:. y Le|churr1anan[1979]2 ML! 212
Jacobs y Eanms nssnuery Co [1901] as LT 52
Brmsh and Commonweaflh Hnldmgs prov Quadrsx Hoidlngs me
[1929] ca 542
Cho Chin Huatv Lee am Huck [1970] 1 MLJ 112
Flemrank Lld ys1e1n [1961] 3 All ER 683
cana Pan: Muung Ca V Fas1r1edge3OW R am (1352)
m Em11><rrEwsDRHz2RR4:A
«ma a.n.1 nuv1hnrw\H a. 1.... a my 1... nrW\ruH|Y -mm: dnuumnl y. ar1uNa M1
Order 14 r1 A :13, a as uhhe Rmes nvcoun 2012
sflmonne E~4u1enr:eAcI 1950
52 a. sa Mme Islamxc Fxnancwm Semces An 2013
An 1, \JNlDRO1TCunvenuun on Imemauunal Facmung Olvawa —
23 05 1988
1 The Code av Hammuvabl (Translated by L w King, 1910)
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
sum oV RM3D.000 so was new by D1 en 0! as 2022 wnerem me am was
lmlhev reduced to RMI,74D,55B as Despne afiempls and meeungs amen
al an armcable resohmon erme Issue‘ u did nol come In lrumon
[31 As in was m ccnlmuous breach M ‘Ls amgauons, me Facumes were
lerrmnaled waea Name 0! Demand daled15 us 2022 (“Terrmnallon Notice")
lexh sue nl anal 2:7 As ex 15 as 2022. me sum nl RML740 ass as wai
oulslandlng and payable by me Defendants as me sole av pnnmpal ashlar.
which was In be semen wnmn 7 days rmm me Termlnanon Nance The said
sum cnmprises al RMLDQZDOS 55 being prInr:\pi\ due. and mean 395 34
nemg numenamg pvufil vale
[9] Due in me Delendanls‘ demure xe seme me epeemea amount‘ me
F\a|n|m mmanea lega\ mm by (mug an Ongmamng Summnns at me Kua\a
Lumpuv Hugh Court under Sun No WA—24M-I3-10/2022 an 02 m2u22
Fnllawmg 2 com Drdav issued on 02112022 (encl 12), me ongmamng
Summon: wan convened mo . wnx cansequenuy, all ammo: filed m
cunnsanon Mm u were deswgnaled as meadlngs, and ham pames were
granted me liberty In Incorporate aaanianer preaumgs as needed
m Emzmwzwsunuzzfiruan
we sew .. U... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
[I0] By way cl Ihls zppllcallnrl ln erlcl zu, me Plalnlm sougm lmm |he
Defendants as follows.
a) the prlnclpal sum al RMl 140.392 as as at 15 as 2022,
:2) pram charges an a me 0! 5% per month an the amaunl a!
RMLDEZDUB 55 item 1509 2022 unlll lull reallzallon cl
ludgmanl sum
:7 lale payment chalges at a me an 5-/. par monlh on me xmounl
of Rmaszloos 55 mm l5o92u22 unlll lull reallzallwl cl
iudgmerlk sum
a) costs. and
e) lnlalesl at 5% per annum an me cosl awarded
[11] Funher In ma abuvel me lullwing Y5 prayed nu ma allarnallve
la) rue luagmenl lor part at me Plalnlms clllm In me amount of
RM713,o92 33. wllh lnleresl at me rate 0! 5% per annum on me
ludgmerll sum fmm the dale ov lndgmenl umll mu reallzallnn
la) The cuss at |he appllcaxlan ma lncmnul ms|s are In be borne
by Ihe Defendants.
m Emzlxrrzwsulwzzfiruan
«mm. ml .. U... m may he mm-y -mm: dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNa Wm!
(c) Interest at me rate 0! 5-2.. per annum on the ordered costs (tom
the dale 0' Judgment Im|I| the lull and (lnal sememem cf the
judgment‘ and
(:1) Th: Plamhlfs renuxmng clam aga\rIs| Ihe Delendanls are in be
delevmmed by way of a fun Ina!
[m Plawrmffs Veamed cnunsex, Dmesh Nandramg draws upun 4ega\
pvecedanls m Bunk Ngln M Iulg v Mohd lxrmll A on [1992] 1 MLJ
400, Comgak: Flnlnce Eng 14 Ho LII Vlng trading as KH Tramng &
Anor [was] 3 cu 544 and nsac Bank M I ‘ mad v. LH Timber
Pgjggg syn and 5. on [nos] 5 cm 249 n \s manually conlended mat
the F\amlIll has esiahhshed a pmna lame use var the sum ol
RM1‘74D‘B98 B9 wheveln me buraen mereaare shms In me Defendants In
samy the com why nmgmenu should not have been gwen Igamsl them
[13] To vurmer strengthen men suhmlsswonsn me Plavrmflargues lha(D1 mu
nol dispute |heIr Iiabmy under me Facmcres and had vlde e-mam dated
11 10 2022 (exh sA-9 olend 9;. mlormed the Plaunmllhal Ms version av
m Emzmrrzwmknzzfiman
mm. smnw .. med w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
me total omsnanmng sum plus prom me man at RM1 mass 10 In (he
same e-ma: D1 made an olfer to sellle that version av me prmcvple sum av
awn 120 on by 3 installments belore selfllng the pum ind olhev charges
AI |hal pom! m lwme‘ based on an email. ms Pmnun awsagreed mm me war
as me lmal uu|s\andmg sum stood ax RM1,74o 398 as
m] In the Inemalive |he Plamlnfl arguss that ms netsnasms have m
paragraphs 9 5 and 9 H at (new Amdavll m Reply dated so 11 2022 (encl
My admitted to me sum at RM773 092 as wherem me same Is sapame M
being Idjudged :1 due and omng, am hence final wdgment be enlevad up
In me and sum Rehanoe is placed upon -1711 M me Evldence An! 1950,
Man In Fauxi cm Ru: v JR Joint R Holdin 5 Sdn Bud
[2016] 6 Cu 256‘ and Pelamzr Agggiljfl 51,; am y Era gk Lnbuhrlp
[2014] I ms 19
[15] caunssw luv the Delendanls, Mohd Ham Em Ghalam‘ contends man
me amount assensa by me F\aIn\m Vacks comp\e|e subsxarmanon and us
unuerlain It \s assened that the Plammv fafled lo quanmy the pnnupal due
and mud to exp¥aIn now me element al pmfil 015% per mamh as weH as
m Emzmrrzwinnnzzfiman
mm. smsw .. LAIQ4 w mm s. mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
penarry sum M 1 5% per mpnrrr rs denved at The case at Ferwln Aflln
Bank aemad v Qrison Sdn and 5. Omar: [zuua] MLJU 576 rs cried to
vmerem Anaur Milrk lshak 4 refuted to me ]udgmsn| ol Augrrsrrrre Paul J In
lhecase oVMnI.Iy|n aarrkrrrg Bhdv Yoo sun 1orrg[r9s91e ML! :77 which
new mar me pemrrcare er Indebtedness produced does not cure the detecr
wnhm me meadmgs yrs-a-yrs me regurremerrr «pr me Prarnrm In fully
cnndescend on ma pamcullrl or amoum due espacrarry an me suraracr pr
rmeresr charged and repaymanrs made
my Aagrrrprrauy, ma Derenaam comand mar ma vrarrmrv prerrrarrrrary
ended me iicrlmes wrren. m reaury rr was TUDM mar caused uerays In the
payment process It rs a\so suhmllted mar an ayerrr crasemea as 'Aranan
Pevhendaharaan as (AP5E)“ ma occurreg M May 2:122 wheram mom had
In ohlam speerar permrssran «mm are Accountant General emraraysra no pay
(or charges Incurred In me prevrpus year (2021) Hence the delay rs sara ro
be beyenn D1 5 cpnrrpr In support M rms claim me Defendams presented
ma Pumrnvs Veater daled oz as 202: ram IHDJ ol errcr 35), wherein me
F\a|nIM snrrgm cranrrcarrprr lrom TUDM regardmg me payment srarus rprme
pursranmng 40 am or 55 purchase orders mar have yer lo be convened rmo
rrwprcas They argues max rm arrraunr 0| Rmarsssass so chimed by ma
m Emzrxrrzwmnnzzfiman
“Nana s.n.r .. med m my r... mmnauly mm: dnuumrrl y. arrurm v-mar
Flalnlllllrom TUDM VI exh lHD»I ls exoesswe, and lnal ln any evam II shows
Ihallhe lacllmsa have not been termlrIa|ed as ll was lssued anerlne sullwas
fllzd ‘me Delenaanls also ralse omeclinns In ma Plammvs declslon cu
dll:c|ly approacn TUDM lo pursue payment lor lns lecslvables «om D1
They argue that TUDM IS not pnvy la me connacrual lelallonshlp belween
lh: Plalnllvl and D1 under me established laclllnes
[11] on me Issue at me anernallve sum ol RM771092 33‘ me Defendants‘
counsel anjussmatme same was nol pleaded and naslcally an allennnugnl
Thu calm of Llm Nyuk Sung Q Fvudy Llm A on um-n I4: r we Gu-n
Hock [mm] 2 MLJU 1104 an on Chm 5 sons Chan 5 sons Sdn. Bhd.
v flggg Nyuk Tiln [mm] 9 ML.) 176 were Vellad upnrl wnereln me
nelenaanls argue mac m a summary ludgmenl appllcallon ma Plalnlm ll
Danna by me SIa|emenl cl Clalm ana came! by affldavns ralse mallels nol
[II] The Derenaanzs learned nourlsel mind me case .71 Control:
Enginlenng Product Bhd v Grsengmug Eng Sdn EM [2017] MLJU 1913
and argues lhal lne Plalnlm lallad lo set uul : pnma racla case var 0 14
runner, me ualenaanlx learned calmsel clled (M cues of Noorul HAM: an
m Emzlxrrzwmnnzzfiman
“Nair s.n.l nunhnrwm .. u... M may he nflnlnallly mm: dnuuvlnnl VII mum Wm!
| 4,181 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-22NCvC-249-05/2022 | PLAINTIF Bukit Baru Villas Sdn Bhd DEFENDAN Public Bank Berhad | The Plaintiff’s case against the Defendant is for special damages amounting to RM5,170,000.00, general damages, interest and cost for the negligence, failure and/or refusal of the Defendant as a bank in carrying out its duty for its customer, the Plaintiff.The matter in dispute is regarding 13 cheques of the Plaintiff’s (Disputed Cheques) that were cleared by the Defendant between March 2015 and January 2016 which the Plaintiff contended were forged signatures of PW1 and PW2 by Jeffrey who was one of the Authorised Signatories from Group A. PW1 and PW2 had denied signing any of those Disputed Cheques. There is an underlying contractual relationship between a bank and its customer. The bank owes its customer a duty to take reasonable care and skill in acting in accordance with the customer's mandate (see Abdul Rahim Abdul Hamid & Others v. Perdana Merchant Bankers Bhd & Ors [2006] 1 MLRA 629; [2006] 5 MLJ 1; [2006] 3 CLJ 1, Development & Commercial Bank Bhd v. Liew Weng Hang & Ors [2007] 2 MLRA 291; [2001] MLJU 681; [2007] 6 CLJ 260, Moonev & Ors v. Peat Marwick, Mitchell & Co & Anor [1966] 1 MLRH 23; [1967] 1 MLJ 87, Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd and Others [1985] 2 All ER 947, Redmand v. Allied Irish Bank Plc [1987] FLR 307 Bank of Montreal v. Dominion Gresham Guarantee and Casualty Co Ltd [1930] AC 659). | 02/01/2024 | YA Dr Suzana binti Muhamad Said | |
GUAMAN SIVIL NO: WA-22NCVC-249-05/2022
(No. Syarikat: 800308-D) … PLAINTIF
(No. Syarikat: 6463-H) … DEFENDAN
[1] The Plaintiff’s case against the Defendant is for special damages
amounting to RM5,170,000.00, general damages, interest and cost for the
02/01/2024 13:19:25
WA-22NCvC-249-05/2022 Kand. 59
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
negligence, failure and/or refusal of the Defendant as a bank in carrying out
its duty for its customer, the Plaintiff.
[2] The case went for full trial and the following witnesses were called-
Plaintiffs’ Witnesses
(i) PW1 - Muck Ho Wan, Director of the Plaintiff
(ii) PW2 - Wee Soon Teck, Director of the Plaintiff
(iii) PW3 - Iskandar bin Azaman, expert and document examiner
from Jabatan Kimia Malaysia
Defendants’ Witnesses
(i) DW1 - Kharzul Rafi bin Md Yazid, Customer Service
Ambassador, Seri Gombak Branch of the Defendant
(previously an executive at the Defendant’s PJ Old Town
(ii) DW2 - Roslee bin Abd Karim, Assistant Manager of the
Current Account Department, Jalan Kelang Lama Branch of
the Defendant (previously a Senior Executive at the
Defendant’s PJ Old Town Branch)
(iii) DW3 - Ku Kim Soon, Manager of Central Monitoring
Department, Banking Operations Division, Head Office of
the Defendant (previously Banking Services Manager at
Defendant’s PJ Old Town Branch)
(iv) DW4 - Lim Sok Mui, Banking Services Manager of
Defendant’s PJ Old Town Branch
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[3] The Plaintiff opened a current account bearing account number
3144285022 (Account) with the Defendant’s PJ Old Town Branch on
29.1.2008 and the authorised signatories to operate the Account were-
(i) Loh Kim Fee;
(ii) Lau Jenn Wee (Lau); and
(iii) Yeoh Teen Eam (Jeffrey).
[4] Accordingly, as mandated by the Plaintiff’s Directors’ Circular
Resolution dated 11.1.2008, the authority to operate the Account
(including the issuance of cheques) by the Plaintiff was on the condition
that it contained any 2 signatures of the aforesaid authorised signatories
(Authorised Signatories).
[5] Further, on 2.11.2009, the Plaintiff updated the list of Authorised
Signatories of the Account to include PW1 and PW2 while Loh Kim Fee
was removed.
[6] The specimen signatures of PW1 and PW2 were accordingly
furnished to the Defendant through a Supplementary Account Opening
Form dated 2.11.2009. It was mandated pursuant to the Plaintiff’s
Director’s Circular Resolution dated 2.11.2009, of the change in the
Authorised Signatories that any one signature from Group A (Lau and
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
Jeffrey) and any one signature from Group B (PW1 and PW2) would be
required to operate the Account including for the issuance of cheques
(2009 Mandate).
[7] The matter in dispute is regarding 13 cheques of the Plaintiff’s
(Disputed Cheques) that were cleared by the Defendant between March
2015 and January 2016 which the Plaintiff contended were forged
signatures of PW1 and PW2 by Jeffrey who was one of the Authorised
Signatories from Group A. PW1 and PW2 had denied signing any of
those Disputed Cheques.
[8] The Disputed Cheques with forged signature of PW1 are-
6.3.2015 / 6.3.2015 494176 570,000.00
6.3.2015 / 9.3.2015 494170 730,000.00
11.3.2015 / 11.3.2015 494183 300,000.00
18.3.2015 / 18.3.2015 494167 450,000.00
27.4.2015 / 29.4.2015 494173 40,000.00
31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494195 300,000.00
31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494199 190,000.00
15.1.2016 / 15.1.2016 221004 610,000.00
TOTAL 3,190,000.00
(Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1)
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[9] The Disputed Cheques with forged signature of PW2 are-
6.5.2016 / 6.5.2016 221020 150,000.00
6.5.2016 / 6.5.2016 221021 1,000,000.00
6.5.2016 / 6.5.2016 221024 300,000.00
6.5.2016 / 6.5.2016 285700 370,000.00
11.5.2016 / 11.5.2016 221026 160,000.00
TOTAL 1,980,000.00
(Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW2)
[10] Among the Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1
and PW2 are cash cheques No. 494199 amounting to RM190,000.00 and
No. 221024 amounting to RM300,000 (Cash Cheques).
[11] Thus, the Plaintiff claims for RM5,170,000.00 being the sums of the
Disputed Cheques that were alleged to be paid out by the Defendant
without mandate.
[12] The Plaintiff contended that the signatures on the Disputed
Cheques which were all allegedly signed by PW1 and PW2 were forged.
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
As such the Defendant as a bank, has no mandate to honour the
Disputed Cheques and debit the Plaintiff's current account. The Plaintiff
submitted that the Defendant was negligence and breach of its fiduciary
duty when the Defendant paid out the Disputed Cheques which signature
was forged by Jeffrey.
[13] The Plaintiff also contended that the Defendant had acted in breach
of the 2009 Mandate as the Disputed Cheques were paid out without
proper inspection on the signatures, thus, the Defendant has failed to take
sufficient measures to verify the Disputed Cheques’ transactions.
[14] The Plaintiff further contended that it had deposited around
RM2,000,000.00 in the Account as payment of redemption sum to MBSB
Bank (Redemption sum) for 2 pieces of land (Land) owned by the
Plaintiff and in September 2016, PW1 discovered that:
(a) Jeffrey had forged documents of the Plaintiff to sell
the Land without the Plaintiff’s knowledge, approval
and/or authority;
(b) Jeffrey had forged the signature of the Authorised
Signatories from Group B of the Account on the
Disputed Cheques;
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(c) The redemption sum had also been embezzled by
Jeffrey through a few cheques where:
(i) Jeffrey forged the signatures of the
Authorised Signatories from Group B of the
Account; and
(ii) the Disputed Cheques were cleared by the
(iii) Part of the proceeds of the sale of the Lands were
paid to MBSB Bank to redeem the loan and the
balance of the proceeds were deposited into the
Account and were later withdrawn by Jeffrey by way of
multiple cheques with forged signatures of the
Authorised Signatories from Group B of the Account;
(iv) The proceeds cleared by the Defendant were
embezzled by Jeffrey personally and/or his
representatives and/or his other companies.
[15] It was the Plaintiff’s contention that the Disputed Cheques with
Forged Signatures of PW1 and the Disputed Cheques with Forged
Signature of PW2 (which include the Cash Cheques), were cleared and
the withdrawals were allowed by the Defendant which acted in breach of
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its fiduciary duties, negligently and/or without exercising proper care and
diligence towards the Plaintiff as a customer of the Defendant.
[16] In this regard, PW1 had also lodged a police report on behalf of the
Plaintiff against Jeffrey on the 19.9.2016.
[17] The Defendant contented as its defence-
a) Estoppel and the statutory protection afforded under
Section 24 Bills of Exchange Act 1949 (BEA);
b) The statutory protection afforded under Section 73A
of BEA;
c) The Plaintiff’s own negligence had attributed to their
alleged losses and the Plaintiff was in breach of its
contractual duties owed to the Bank; and
d) The Plaintiff’s claim in respect of the fo l lowing
e igh t (8 ) cheques (Eight Cheques) is barred by
Section 6 of the Limitation Act 1953-
1. 6.3.2015 / 6.3.2015 494176 570,000.00
2. 6.3.2015 / 9.3.2015 494170 730,000.00
3. 11.3.2015 / 11.3.2015 494183 300,000.00
4. 18.3.2015 / 18.3.2015 494167 450,000.00
5. 27.4.2015 / 29.4.2015 494173 40,000.00
6. 31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494195 300,000.00
7. 31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494199 190,000.00
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[18] The Defendant also contended that the Disputed Cheques were not
forged and it had paid out on the Disputed Cheques after having made
verification with Jeffrey who was one of the Plaintiff’s Authorised
Signatories. As such, section 24 of BEA raised an estoppel against the
Plaintiff as a customer from relying on the alleged forgery. Additionally the
bank also relies on section 73A of BEA which provides a statutory defence
for a bank where a customer negligently contributed to the forgery.
[19] The Defendant also contended that it carried out the transactions in
good faith and the examination conducted by the Defendant in carrying
out those transactions were following the required procedures in the
ordinary course of a bank's business.
[20] Further, the Defendant contended that the Plaintiff did not abide by
the terms governing current accounts enforced from time to time and
therefore was in breach of the same, including the failure to inform the
Defendant of irregularities in its statement of accounts.
8. 15.1.2016 / 15.1.2016 221004 610,000.00
TOTAL 3,190,000.00
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[21] Generally, the main issues are-
(a) Whether the signatures of PW1 and PW2 on the Disputed Cheques
were forged?
(b) If the Disputed Cheques were forged, does the second limb of section
24 of BEA operative, such that the Plaintiff is precluded from setting
up the forgery or want of authority?
(c) If the Disputed Cheques were forged, does section 73A of BEA operate
to afford a defence to the Defendant that the Plaintiff, knowingly or
negligently contributed to the forgery or the unauthorised signature
such that it operates and is deemed to be the signature of the person
it purports to be in favour of the Defendant who in good faith pays the
Disputed Cheques?
(d) Whether the Plaintiff’s claim in respect of the Eight Cheques is barred
by limitation pursuant to the Limitation Act 1953?
Relationship between Bank and Customer
[22] There is an underlying contractual relationship between a bank and
its customer. The bank owes its customer a duty to take reasonable care
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and skill in acting in accordance with the customer's mandate (see Abdul
Rahim Abdul Hamid & Others v. Perdana Merchant Bankers Bhd &
Ors [2006] 1 MLRA 629; [2006] 5 MLJ 1; [2006] 3 CLJ 1, Development
& Commercial Bank Bhd v. Liew Weng Hang & Ors [2007] 2 MLRA
291; [2001] MLJU 681; [2007] 6 CLJ 260, Moonev & Ors v. Peat
Marwick, Mitchell & Co & Anor [1966] 1 MLRH 23; [1967] 1 MLJ 87,
Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd and Others
[1985] 2 All ER 947, Redmand v. Allied Irish Bank Plc [1987] FLR 307
Bank of Montreal v. Dominion Gresham Guarantee and Casualty Co
Ltd [1930] AC 659).
[23] The Federal Court in the case of Abdul Rahim Abdul Hamid &
Ors v. Perdana Merchant Bankers Bhd & Ors [2006] 5 MLJ 1 adopted
the principle laid down in Barclays Bank PLC v. Quincecare Ltd [1992]
4 All ER 363 where the Court recognised the duty of a bank to observe
reasonable skill and care in executing a customer’s instructions-
“[28] To our minds, if a bank executes an order knowing it to be
dishonestly given, or shuts its eyes to an obvious fact of dishonestly, or
acted recklessly in failing to disclose material facts, the bank will plainly
be liable. In our judgment, it is an implied term of the contract between
the bank and the customer that the bank will observe reasonable skill
and care in and about executing customer’s orders (see Barclays Bank
plc v Quincecare Ltd [1992] 4 All ER 363).”.
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[24] The relationship between the Plaintiff and the Defendant is of a
banker and customer relationship (see: Aseambankers Malaysia Bhd
& Ors v Shencourt Sdn Bhd & Anor [2014] 4 MLJ 619). In Kian
Lup Constructions v Hongkong Bank Malaysia Bhd [2002] 7 MLJ
283, the Court held -
“In the present case, the defendant is a banker and the
plaintiff is a customer. The plaintiff maintained a current account
no 365-125731-001 with the defendant's Raub Branch. By
operating a current account with a banker, the customer is
depositing his money with the banker and the banker is liable to
pay the money deposited when demanded or instructed by the
customer by way of issuing a cheque. The characteristics of the
banker and customer relationship were first highlighted by the
House of Lords in Foley v Hill (1848) 2 HL Cas 28. It was decided
by their Lordships that the relationship between a banker and his
customer was essentially one of a debtor and creditor and not one
of trusteeship. This decision was affirmed on the ground that there
was no fiduciary relationship between a banker and his customer
to warrant a suit in equity.”
[25] In Public Bank v Exporaya Sdn Bhd [2013] 1 MLJ 507, the Court
of Appeal set out the relationship between a bank and its customer and
reaffirmed the fiduciary duties owed by the bank to its customers to
exercise reasonable care and skill in drawing and payment of customer’s
“[22] It is well-settled that primarily the relationship between a bank and
its customer (account holder) is that of debtor and creditor, but quad the
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drawing and payment of the customer’s cheques as against the money
of the customer’s in the banker’s hand the relationship is that of principal
and agent; and as an agent the bank owed fiduciary duties to the
customer and prima facie was also bound to exercise reasonable care
and skill in carrying out the transactions of its principal. The above
proposition was accepted and adopted by the Queen Bench Division
(Commercial Court) of England in the case of Barclays Bank plc v.
Quincecare Ltd [1992] 4 All ER 363; and the House of Lords in
Westminster Bank Ltd v Hilton (1926) 43 TLR 124).”.
[26] In this regard, the Court of Appeal in Exporaya (supra) further
elaborated the objective standard of care of the bank as one of a
reasonable prudent banker, as follows:
“[32] The correct test, in our opinion, must be whether a reasonably
prudent banker, faced with the same circumstances, would regard the
course of action taken on the facts justifiable. In each fact situation,
common sense must prevail. In every case, we must determine the
bank’s obligations against the background of day to day commercial
activity …”.
[27] Further, the Federal Court in Abdul Rahim (supra) held that the
bank will plainly be liable if it executes an order, when there are grounds
for believing that there was a misuse of authority for the purpose of
committing fraud.
“[32] … A bank is not obliged to question any transaction which
is in accordance with the customer’s mandate, unless there are
grounds for believing that there was a misuse of authority for the
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purpose of committing a fraud. See Lipkin Gorman (a firm) v
Karpnale Ltd & Anor [1992] 4 All ER 409 …”.
(a)Whether the signatures of PW1 and PW2 on the Disputed Cheques
were forged?
[28] This is a question of fact to be determined by the Court based on
the evidence adduced. The burden is on the Plaintiff to prove that the
signatures on all the Disputed Cheques were forged or unauthorised. The
standard is that of a balance of probabilities (See Astana International
Sdn Bhd & Ors v RHB Bank Bhd & Ors [2012] 3 MLJ 758, United Asian
Bank Bhd v Tai Soon Heng Construction Sdn. Bhd [1993] 1 MLJ 182).
[29] The Plaintiff had called PW1 and PW2 who testified that they did not
sign the Disputed Cheques. An expert witness was also called from
Jabatan Kimia Malaysia (PW3) to testify.
Expert Evidence
[30] Section 45 of the Evidence Act 1950 provides for opinions of
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(1) When the court has to form an opinion upon a point of foreign law or
of science or art, or as to identity or genuineness of handwriting or finger
impressions, the opinions upon that point of persons specially skilled in
that foreign law, science or art, or in questions as to identity or
genuineness of handwriting or finger impressions, are relevant facts.
(2) Such persons are called experts.
[31] PW3 testified pertaining to the Forged Signatures of PW1 and PW2
on the Disputed Cheques. On the method of examination, PW3 said that-
“we use visual examination to compare the handwriting characteristics in
the disputed signatures compared to the handwriting characteristics in
the specimen signatures of Muck Ho Wan and Wee Soon Teck where’s
characteristics such as a line quality, terminal stroke, the fluency as well
as formation of the strokes were look at to compare.”.
[32] Further, the report of PW3 (Exhibit P1), stated the following
(i) The Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of
PW1 “were probably not written by the writer of the
specimens (“Muck Ho Wan”)”
(ii) The signatures of PW2 in the Disputed Cheques with
Forged Signatures of PW2 ‘were not written by the
writer of the specimens (“Wee Soon Teck”)”
[33] PW3 testified that the signatures on the Disputed Cheques were not
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signed by PW2.
[34] PW3 further explained that the remark ‘probably not written’ for the
signatures of PW1 on the Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of
PW1, is still a conclusive opinion that the signatures of PW1 in the Disputed
Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1 were not written by PW1 and he
further testified that “which means I do not believe Muck Ho Wan wrote
these disputed signatures.”.
[35] The Court of Appeal in Public Bank Bhd v Tetuan Kumar Jaspal
Quah & Aishah (suing as a firm) [2016] MLJU 1719; [2016] 3 CLJ 548
held that the trial Court in deciding whether a signature of an account
holder is forged, ought to decide based on the totality of the evidence.
[36] All the Disputed Cheques were purportedly signed by PW1 and
PW2 and both testified that they did not sign the Disputed Cheques and
that their signatures had been forged.
[37] As such, based on the testimony of PW1, PW2 and also PW3 as the
handwriting expert, the Plaintiff had on balance of probabilities,
succeeded in proving that the signatures on the Disputed Cheques were
indeed forged.
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[38] Since it has been proved that the Disputed Cheques were forged,
the Defendant is thus liable to compensate the Plaintiff for the loss unless
there is a clear representation by the Plaintiff that the Disputed Cheques
were effective and good for payment. Further, when the Plaintiff is able to
establish that the Defendant paid out the Disputed Cheques without
mandate, the liability of the Defendant is absolute unless it falls under
section 24 and section 73A of BEA.
(b) If the Disputed Cheques were forged, is the second limb of section 24
of BEA operative, such that the Plaintiff is precluded from setting up the
forgery or want of authority?
[39] In Malaysia Plastics Sdn Bhd Malaysia Plastics Sdn Bhd v.
United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd & Another Suit [2012] 9 MLJ
336; [2012] 2 MLRH 659, it was held that the burden of proving estoppel
lies with the bank-
“[63] Who bears the onus of establishing that such an estoppel is
operative in this case? It is the bank that bears the onus of
establishing such an estoppel precluding the customer from
making claim for the monies paid out under the disputed cheques.
This is because it is the bank that contends that the customer has
acted in a manner that warrants an inference that the customer
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represented to the bank that the cheques were good for payment
and were to be honoured.”.
Defendant’s Cheque Verification Process
[40] DW2 in his evidence, testified that the staffs of the Defendant had
undergone training for cheque verification process. In conducting such
verification, the Defendant will verify the signatures in the cheques
received, via a naked eye inspection, and compare with the specimen
scanned into the Defendant’s database. In this regard, DW1 and DW2
both confirmed that the specimen available in the Defendant’s database
is taken from the client’s opening account form.
[41] According to DW2, the standard and requirement for such
inspection is that the signature must tally and the same or similar with the
specimen. After the inspection, if the cheque value is RM5,000.00 and
above, the Defendant will normally be required to contact any one of the
Authorised Signatories or any person authorised by the Plaintiff at the
telephone number provided to the Defendant to obtain his/her
confirmation on the issuance of the cheque.
[42] Thereafter, the joint authorizing officer, in this case, DW3, would
perform all the necessary checks again to ensure the verifications were
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in order. If the verifications were in order, DW3 would similarly authorise
the payment on the cheque(s). Further, upon conducting the necessary
checks, if there are sufficient funds in the Said Account to cover the
payment of the cheque(s); and if the cheque(s) are issued in accordance
with the mandate of the Plaintiff, the Defendant will proceed to process
and honour the payment of such cheques
Admissions of DW1 and DW2
[43] DW1 and DW2 both had verified and authorised the Disputed
Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1 and the Disputed Cheques with
Forged Signature of PW2 and admitted that the signatures appeared in
the Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1 and Disputed
Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW2 look different from the
specimen signatures. However, DW2 still verified the Disputed Cheques
with Forged Signatures of PW1 and Disputed Cheques with Forged
Signatures of PW2 and passed it over to DW3 who testified that he had
verified the Disputed Cheques, as joint authorising officer, and his
verification came after the initial round of verification conducted by DW1
and/or DW2.
[44] In all reasonable situation, the Defendant should have been
alarmed and exercised prudent measures to check the Disputed
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Cheques as the amount involved were huge but this the Defendant had
failed to do so. All the Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW1
and Disputed Cheques with Forged Signatures of PW2 are huge cheques
exceeding RM5,000.00. Further, Cash Cheques were presented by
Jeffrey to be made payable to Jeffrey himself. This being so, the
Defendant should have acted as a reasonable prudent banker by
exercising its option to call and verify with other Authorised Signatories of
those in Group B, either PW1 or PW2 as the Cash Cheques of
RM490,000.00 were payable to Jeffrey himself. However, verification
was only conducted with Jeffrey despite the fact that the Disputed
Cheques were payable to Jeffrey.
[45] Further, there was also a letter (ID2) informing the Defendant about
the change of correspondence address of the Plaintiff which was passed
by Jeffrey to DW2. DW2 had testified that ID2 was passed by Jeffrey to
DW2 in the Defendant’s PJ Branch which DW2 duly accepted. PW1 had
denied signing ID2. The Plaintiff was unaware about this and as such
unaware of the Disputed Cheques transactions as all correspondences
were sent to another address as per ID2.
Defendant’s Breach of Duty – Payment not mandated.
[46] The law on cheques with unauthorised or forged signature is
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governed under section 24 of BEA and it is trite that the entire signature
is wholly inoperative and thus, the Defendant does not have any mandate
to make payment of the Cheques.
[47] Section 24 primarily renders a forged or unauthorised signature on
a bill as wholly inoperative and gives no right to the Defendant to enforce
payment on the bill as the Defendant had no mandate to pay on the
Cheques. The law does not accord protection if the party against whom it
is sought to retain or enforce payment of the bill is precluded from setting
up the forgery or want of authority.
[48] In ML Breadworks Sdn Bhd v Malayan Banking Bhd [2013] 1
CLJ, it was held-
“[38] The general position in law regarding to forgery of cheques
has been comprehensively set out by learned counsel for plaintiff,
Mr. Gregory Ling and I adopt his submissions here. He relies on an
excerpt from a well-recognised author on banking law namely Poh
Chu Chai, Banking Law (2nd edn) at p. 721:
When a bank makes payment on a customer’s cheque, it does
so on the customer’s mandate. The mandate is signified by the
customer’s signature on the cheque. When a customer’s
signature on a cheque is forged, the instrument is inoperative
and a bank has no authority to make payment based on the
forged signature. A customer has a prima facie claim against
a bank if the bank makes payment on a forged instrument.
[39] Following from this therefore it is incumbent upon a bank to
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compensate or reimburse its customer if it makes payment on a
forged instrument.
[46] It is clear therefore that prima facie upon proof of a cheque
having been forged, the liability of the bank arises without question
as an absolute liability, unless the customer relatively narrow
duties of failing to exercise due care in the drawing of a cheque or
failing to alert the bank of known forgery were to be proved, in
which event the bank might avoid liability.”.
[49] It was evident that Jeffrey was the one who presented the Disputed
Cheques for payment and the Defendants had also confirmed that
verification of the Disputed Cheques was made with Jeffrey. However, as
the amount involved is huge and considering that the Disputed Cheques
especially the Cash Cheques were for Jeffrey’s gain, it should have
alerted the Defendant and raised a reasonable suspicion of the
representation made by Jeffrey, which the Defendant had failed to do so.
[50] This duty is even more prevalent when Jeffrey went to the
Defendant’s PJ branch to withdraw huge sum of money amount to
RM490,000.00 from the Cash Cheques payable to Jeffrey himself. Any
reasonable prudent banker in the Defendant’s situation will not just make
oral confirmation with Jeffrey himself when Jeffrey was the one who
tendered the Cash Cheques.
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[51] Therefore, the defence of estoppel by the Defendant cannot stand,
thus, the Defendant is liable for paying out the Disputed Cheques.
(c) If the Disputed Cheques were forged, does section 73A of BEA
operate to afford a defence to the Defendant that the Plaintiff, knowingly
or negligently contributed to the forgery or the unauthorised signature
such that it operates and is deemed to be the signature of the person it
purports to be in favour of the Defendant who in good faith pays the
Disputed Cheques?
[52] The onus to prove whether the Plaintiff had knowingly or negligently
contributed towards a forged signature lies with the Defendant (Malaysia
Plastics Sdn Bhd (supra)),
[53] Section 73A of BEA provides-
“Notwithstanding section 24, where a signature on a cheque
is forged or placed thereon without the authority of the person
whose signature it purports to be, and that person whose
signature it purports to be knowingly or negligently contributes
to the forgery or the making of the unauthorized signature, the
signature shall operate and shall be deemed to be the
signature of the person it purports to be in favour of any
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person who in good faith pays the cheque or takes the cheque
for value.”
[54] Accordingly, any such 'verification' made by Jeffrey could not
amount to a valid or effective confirmation as there was non-compliance
of the 2009 Mandate that any one signature from Group A (Lau and
Jeffrey) and any one signature from Group B (PW1 and PW2) would be
required to operate the Account including for the issuance of cheques,
which in this case the signatures on the Disputed Cheques were forged
by Jeffrey.
[55] The Defendant has a responsibility as a bank towards its customer
and as such owes a duty to the Plaintiff as provided under all other
provisions of BEA. This was as deliberated in the case of Shorubber (M)
Sdn Bhd v. CIMB Bank Berhad [2015] MLJU 2073; [2015] MLRHU 788,
where the Court held-
“[49] It is also pertinent to bear in mind that the introduction of s
73A into the BEA was not intended to absolve a bank of its
primary responsibilities and obligations to its customer that was
provided for in the other provisions of the BEA. This was evident
from the debate and ministerial statement in Parliament on this
amendment, a relevant extract of which is set out below:
"Sememangnya diakui akta ibu menekankan
kepentingan pengguna. Walau bagaimanapun,
pindaan yang telah dicadangkan tidaklah bermaksud
untuk mengalihkan risiko pemalsuan tandatangan ke
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atas pengguna. Bank tetap mempunyai kewajipan
dan tanggungjawab yang sepenuhnya untuk
memastikan ketulenan tandatangan tuan punya
akaun. Dalam hal sesuatu pemalsuan, tandatangan
tuan punya akaun adalah menjadi tanggungjawab
bank untuk menunjukkan bahawa tuan punya akaun
yang secara sengaja atau telah cuai hingga
menyebabkan tandatangannya dipalsukan. Dengan
perkataan beban pembuktian masih terletak kepada
pihak bank.
Pihak bank hendaklah mengukuhkan sistem dan
prosedur keselamatan dalam penerimaan dan
penunaian cek. Pihak pelanggan pula, hendaklah
mengambil peranan yang agak berhati-hati agar tidak
cuai atau secara sengaja membiarkan tandatangan
[56] The question is, whether in tandem with section 24 and by virtue of
section 73A, did the Plaintiff contributed negligently or facilitated the act
of forgery as contended by the Defendant? Section 73A allows any person
who pays the cheque to seek the protection under the said section. Did
the Defendant comply with all the established banking procedures,
examined the signatures on the Disputed Cheques against the specimen
signatures in its system and generally taken all precautionary measures?
[57] Based on the facts of the case, PW1 and PW2 had no knowledge of
the forged signatures. In fact, Jeffrey was the one who had issued ID2
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informing the Defendant about the change of correspondence address of
the Plaintiff which PW1 had also denied signing resulting that all
correspondence are directed to an address unknown to the Plaintiff.
[58] Applying section 73A of BEA to the instant case, it would seem clear
that the Defendant needs to prove that the Plaintiff had knowingly or
negligently contributed to the forgery in the sense of making it easier for
the forgery to be committed and that the Defendant had acted in good faith
when it paid the cheques.
[59] Based on the facts, this Court finds that the Plaintiff does not
knowingly or negligently contributed to the forgery. There was no evidence
to hold that the Plaintiff or PW1 and PW2 had personally knowingly or
negligently contributed to the forgeries.
[60] As such, this Court finds that the Defendant failed to establish the
element of knowledge or negligence on the part of the Plaintiff.
[61] The next question is whether the Defendant has acted in good faith?
[62] ‘Good faith’ as provided under section 73A is defined in section 95
of BEA, as follows-
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“A thing is deemed to be done in good faith, within the meaning of
this Act, where it is in fact done honestly whether it is done
negligently or not.”
[63] If the forgery or the incorporation of the unauthorised signature of
the mandatory signatories was caused by the negligence of the
Authorized Signatories, then, the Defendant is protected provided the
payment of the Disputed Cheques were paid "in good faith". In this case,
it was one of the Authorised Signatories who forged the Disputed
[64] In Shorubber (M) Sdn Bhd (supra), the Court deliberated on the
word ‘honestly’ and held that-
“[61] 'Honestly' was, in my holding, therefore no longer
limited to absence of direct impropriety, fraud or complicit
conduct but in some situations like here, in the particular
context of a banker-customer relationship, acting in reckless
or complete disregard of the rights or interest of an account
holder or customer to whom a duty was owed by the bank,
could fall within the wider meaning of acts not carried out
'bona fides' or honestly.”.
[65] In this context, based on the facts, the Defendant had failed to verify
the Disputed Cheques despite the large amount of money involved as well
as that payment were made out to Jeffrey. The Defendant should have
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been alarmed and acted in a prudent manner, but failed to act in good
faith and thus was negligence as defined under section 95 of BEA.
[66] Thus, the Defendant has breached its duty of care in carrying out
the customer's mandate. In such circumstances, the Defendant is
negligent in paying out the Cheques.
[67] In this regard, the Defendant had failed to satisfy the requirement
that the Defendant had to, in any event, to act in good faith in making
payment on the Disputed Cheques. Accordingly the Defendant was not
entitled to the statutory defence available under section 73A BEA.
(d) Whether the Plaintiff’s claim in respect of the Eight Cheques is
barred by limitation pursuant to the Limitation Act 1953?
[68] Out of the 13 Disputed Cheques, the following Eight Cheques were
paid out more than 6 years-
1. 6.3.2015 / 6.3.2015 494176 570,000.00
2. 6.3.2015 / 9.3.2015 494170 730,000.00
3. 11.3.2015 / 11.3.2015 494183 300,000.00
4. 18.3.2015 / 18.3.2015 494167 450,000.00
5. 27.4.2015 / 29.4.2015 494173 40,000.00
6. 31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494195 300,000.00
7. 31.12.2015 / 31.12.2015 494199 190,000.00
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
8. 15.1.2016 / 15.1.2016 221004 610,000.00
TOTAL 3,190,000.00
[69] Thus, this Court finds that limitation sets in for the Eight Cheques
under section 6(1) of the Limitation Act 1953. The Plaintiff cannot rely on
section 29 of the Limitation Act as section 29 of the Limitation Act 1953 is
only applicable when there existed the issue of fraud by the Defendant
which was not, in this case. Instead, fraud was not pleaded at all against
the Defendant.
[70] The Plaintiff’s claim is allowed for RM 1,980,000.00 only, interest
and cost accordingly.
Judicial Commisioner
Civil High Court NCVC 1
Kuala Lumpur.
Dated: 29 December 2023
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
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For the Plaintiff
Advocates and Solicitors
No. 9, Jalan 22/38
46300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
For the Defendant
Advocates and Solicitors
20th Floor, AmBank Group Building
55 Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
S/N k1Lb840Qz0ayngLOT/CsqA
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| 39,471 | Tika 2.6.0 |
MA-37G-6-05/2022 | PLAINTIF KOPERASI CO-OPBANK PERTAMA MALAYSIA BERHAD DEFENDAN KOPERASI PEKERJA-PEKERJA MELAYU MELAKA BERHAD | "Kaedah 49 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 - Rayuan terhadap keputusan Penolong Kanan Pendaftar yang telah memberi perintah garnisi muktamad - isu: samada aset digarnis adalah aset Koperasi - Perayu menghujahkan aset berbentuk wang dalam simpanan bank adalah milik ahli-ahli Koperasi dan bukan aset Koperasi - Tidak ada keterangan menunjukkan aset di garnis adalah jumlah yang di asingkan dari aset koperasi - Perayu gagal mengemukakan Penyata Akauan atau Lapuran Audit atau Akauntan yang dapat menunjukkan pengasingan aset - Rayuan ditolak" | 02/01/2024 | YA Tuan Mohd Radzi Bin Abdul Hamid | |
02/01/2024 10:33:56
MA-37G-6-05/2022 Kand. 41
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m\—37G—s—u5/2u22 Kand. 41
32,01/2224 ,2-42 55
No. PERLAKSANAAN: MA-376-6-05/2022
4. cmls Isuum: BANK BERHAD
sw vw5m.MMruEq7a5r:c\Pu;ov
mm Sum IHIWDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII nF\uNG pm
[1] Im IN ada¥ah keoulusan mengenal vayuln Pangnmang Panghakxmln
sehagzl peayu (‘Fer|yu‘) lemadap kapulusan Penulong Kanln
Penaanar 1‘FKP‘| berlankh 512 2022 yang (elah menmak
permohonan Perayu an dalam Lamplran 3 unluk mengecuahkan
sejumllh wang RM497,e2o 77 darn mganusn nleh plhak Pemvutang
Panghlbomnn mesponden‘)
[2] Mengwkut Parayu‘ wa ada\ah salu badan koverasl yang dnuhuhkan .1.
bawah Akla Koperasl 1993 Selakax Ogcs 2022, Perayu mampunyaw
227 anggcza bervaflar yang msrnbuax biyaran yuran mu caruman
secava pemolongen gap mela\uI snstam am: lahan lerus Angxamn
Kuperasx Kebangsann Mam/513 mm (ANGKASA)
[31 Perayu menegaskan melalux amdavu an Lzmplran 7 din 1D banawa
wang yang dlpohon umuk mkecualukan dan (mdakan garnlsl adalah
wang caruman ahlw dan bukan asel Pemyu Jwka pennlah germs:
m vw5o.ra.MMruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
mm. s.n.\ .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm 7.. mum pm
bahawu caruman mareka bensiko am rmang memu. tindukan
garnlsx um dun sekvnnya benav, Bahama mereka palm memiallkan
satu mntman an bavah Axuran 49 Kaedah 6(1)sebagaI plhak keuga
yang mungkln mempunyax hzk ke alas Aumhh nu Kaedah nu
memperunmkkan -
(1; u m gnmrshu pmceedmqs u u Drought (9 mo nolrce CA! the Cowl um
some omer person mm Illa judgment neblm .5 nrcfauns to u ervmted to
me as»: sought in be .u..«.=a orllas are/ems to have . nllarge or her!
upon n, Me com: may amer mat patson 1» mm baron: Me com and
glam m. ,..:.... at m. um wvm pulmulms mm
(2; Alierhunvvg any person we attend: Dllarl ms Cowl m sommm mm
an me: under parsglapn (1; me Court may summanly denmnme ms
qmmm 5: mm namm an alumni: 0! make such mm mm! as :1
mm mm mcluamg m mdur ma: any quuirarv or us... rvlmsuly re:
dstalmmmg me vamuy Mme am. of such umerperson 3: rs menhwlurl
m pniagmph m on mod m such manner as u mzrmarled m rule 5
[15] Man, sebagav kesumpman, Mihkamah mampan Perayu «emu
gigal unluk mtmbuknkan nanawa mug ynnq dxpemkaxkan adalah
bukan wang mmknya yang wa udak berkuasa unluk herurusan
dengarmya atau wang yang dlpegang sebagax amanah bagl pmak
shll-ahhnya (hhal Malaysian lnlom-lvonul Trldlrly carpomion
Sin. and. v. Rn» Elnk Somnd pm] 2 cu 717.-[201l]ML./U
m vw5m.MMruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[17] Dengan yang dermkuan Rayuan H11 dnmak dengan kas RM1,5D0 ac
Fennuh garms» muktamad sepem dnpenmahkan olen PKP
MOND Iikbzn a Aianun. HAMID
Bemrikh — 2 Januan 2024
unmk Pengh g gagggn an
Encxk Amnr Nfendn hm Mohd Kham
Taluan Muhd Mahfar :5 Cu
Psguam Bela a. Paguam Car:
No um ma Ja\an PNDD1
Pwsat Mega Durlan Daun
75400 Mama
Unmk Perm gng Pgngngkuman
on Munivah bum Am Rahman
Tami" Gal’! Rafidah Tnn
Peguam sews s Peguam Cara
La! 7 27‘ Tmgkat 7‘ Wwsma Genus!
Jian Amneng
soasu Kuala Lumpuv
sw vw5o.m4MruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
muidamad ks alas gumlah Mu sepem dlpuluskan oxen FKP
dwkekalkan‘ mnka xi akan mungaklbalkan karugwan den kelndakadnlan
kepaaa arm ahh Ferayu
[41 Bag menyokong permananannya, Pevayu «am: melamplrkan mam
ahli‘ penyaia bank dun bukn pemolnngan gin arm can panyana
akaun Pemyu yang dukatakan sebahagxannya mengandungx Jumllh
yang aupemkaxkan
[51 Parayu menyatakan wan; caruman am: man dinmgkan dan wung
BIBI knperasn dl Maybank No 5U4D2|2BI94E dan dulahurkan d1
aalam akaun svmpanan xetap an N Ram: Bank (elsvbn ‘HBA-1')
Maka, wang yang Ingln dlgarnls an akaun Al Ram adallh sebenarnya
rmhk pencamm am bukan asel Perlyu
[s| Pmak Perayu menghujahkan pengecuanan wang yang dvpedlkaxkan
adallh perm b-gu mengelzk um xeuaakaauan kc nus pcncavurn»
pancarum yang man membual sumbangan aan gap mereka
Rujukan lelah amuax kepada Kasdah 92 Murin 4 »<asdan—Kaeuan
m vw5m.MMFuEq7a5uc\Fu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Mahiwnah 2012 flan keputusin dx da\am kes Hong Kong and
Shlngllll aanking corponuon Gah su LII!
(Macon-munlcauon Authority of slngapon, GamI.Inn;[19l£] 2
MLJ an ax mans (elah mpmuskan —
my A9 rule am pmvldas my me umur Io show cause mu:-1 at less! scvdrv
day: name my mm appomlsd memny «or m. iurmer consideration al {M
mum. be served not only on ma gamrshee mu mm on m. jugmem mm
unless the cm almrwvn mrucls H mm In um um mass; 2 ML] as at
Bfludgmenl mm am mm Defers the Cam! In ml: ms oo;ec1ron m Ihe
gvmsflss omenus: being made alzsome m ms case me Gmsnu omw Ta
Snow cm. wns not served on the/augment deblvr
In any case me Cowl can hear Me judgmervl Humor: apamnm under :1:
mlvsrsntpowers mm mm any omal as may be necessary to prsvevvt rrvusnoa or
Ioprvvsnl an abuse afllva plazas: ulme cum (Order 92 Ru): 47
[7| Selerusnya dmwahkau bahawa Perzyu uuax perlu unmk
membuknxan nnsam pemlndahan wang dan akaun semasa
Perayu flan Maybank kepada bank A! Ram: Katina likta mengenaw
senaraw ahl cammin dan pemouungan gin la\ah pun dvbuktlkan
melahu eKs4b4I “HBA-I‘ wash cukup menyokong (akla bahawa
Perayu adalah sebuah kaperasc yang memaxankan aknvm slmpanin
o\eh Ingvala selam puruaman me\a\uI cara‘ amara Vamnyi‘
mengumpu! syer yulan dan ueposn
sm vw5m.MMruEq7a5uc\Fu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
[a| Dmmankan aaalerusnya bahawa ekslhll ‘NBA-1“ .eIas menunjukkan
wmhh wang syev darn yurin ahh-ahh nenumlan RMA97,65O 77‘
rnakl jumlah nu bukan merupakan asst Pevayu mum admah wsng
yang an sumhang oleh ann—ann
[9| Pxhak Resmnen berpendman bahlwa Responder! telah
membuknkan pada penngkal pennohnnln lmdaknn garnm bahawa
semua akaun dan wang adalan an alas nama Perayu dan demlkzan
adalah muik Femyu aan adalah menjadv beban pembuknan Perayu
pm: penngkal ml selalah Penman Tunpuk Saba!) dlkeluivknn
untuk membukhkan nanawa wang yang mpemkawkan bukan mmk
Perayu Rujukan an huat Kepada has Bank Kwiasanu Rakyar (M) v.
Kapuul scroaguna Iman Malaysia: Md. (20211 7 cu an m
man: aupumsxan —
-m) Hawlvar am nghl 0? ms mdqmsnl mam, m gnmfsn moms: n ma
juvgrrlem mom am accounts vs not unfettered and m cowl mly rtluu m
nurrlu .5 dtundan 2.. nuko ... mm mum. nnry pr 1 yamlnnee nr .
;..4g,.....: mm 1. -are no mm mm m. mm mm .. lccrumg .1». to ma
[ndgrmnx damn! it also W1 01 ncomlng 4». to snmnn ./n Mme IS .
shlumw pluvrsanlv Much expvassly prumbrts attachment av mnmn deal :9 as
guvlnshcnt am am has been equuwbly nssagrwd to 2: mm party and la gunk
me, .am.,;. wuufid a. urvrmr In the garmsnss my other cmm winch may
muss ummu WI/tuned nmoflgthecromluu alun msoivunfmmnsny ‘
(p-“man anznmam
m vw5o.mIMruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
no] Adalah Mai menglkul kes Tuco srom (M) Sdn. Blvd. v. An-min
Kumnl yr Krishnan (20171 5 cu :15,-mm] a nu 251
Mahkamah mempunyal bum mcara dan ndak perm memuluskan an
alas unbangan kebavangkaliin sesuam kes gamxsh Iugu.
Mahkamah adalah unluk membual salu kepulusan yang am: -
Wu: .5 ugmficarvl 070 Am Ms! :1 gwcs a my nflscrelmn :0 me man to
oetenmne summamy at by way al heating ltracmng less svvnvficance In
(In Evidence Ad 195175!/LMIV!5l9ID¢O(1H7E wag: me marl rs rlqmnd 10 make
u my... WWICH u mm is my man .. in say. 0 as r mm no] Impose me
wmsm or gamtsnee In anabluh m. case an the mm. a/moaoms o
49, 1grvesmecaufl1Ired:.IcI!bonIvdscodsL'IemzPte( o
Ia drscrelmnary puwuraI!nemun'
[11] Selelah mennm kelerangan yang an kemukakan ubh plhak Perayu dw
an-m Lampaan 7 dan I0 Mankamah mendapah lerdapal kegagman
a» pmax Pemyu unluk mengemukakan kelerangan yang Iebm
Ierperina uan hrfokus dawn membukukan pengasmgan ‘umlah
cnruman sepem yang mdakwa max ma dlkemukakan Lapcmn
Audn alau Lapman Penyata Kewangan Perayu yang rnenunjukkan
wmlah akaun an bzwah nimanya mahupun m bank min: dan
pengkalaganan akaun nu Pads pend:palMahkamah‘ sam Lapomn
m vw5m.MMFuEq7a5uc\Fu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
man man Penyata Laporan Kewnngan Perayu sudah pasll akan
mp-n menumukkan kepada Mahkimah ml pangasmgin wang
czruman dan asfl Kapnrasw
[12] Mahkamah ndak mendapati selam dan penylta akaun Al Raihl yang
mkaukan penyava aklun mmpanan telap‘ Ieldapal
penyaca kmngan Lam yang memmjukkan pememlan wang
caruman ahh-ahlv dan akaun Maybank Pevayu dan pengkrudnan ks
akaun Al Rajhl yang memhawa Kepldl wmlah yang dlpemkalkan
Paoa peodapat Mahkamah adalah ndak sukar. pxa benar wsng
dlpenikavkan adlkah wang ahh. unluk Perayu mengammu Imdakzn
rnembukllkan dengan .e|.u semua Iransaksl kewingan dengan a.
sakong sum pengesahan akauntin akin Jumaudwl Ulhal seksyen 102
5 10: Ana Ketevangan 1950 mengenax beban pembukuun ka alas
(SKI: eleh pthak yang Irlgln Mahkamlh mempercaya: lakla Ilu seas
Kes memauonal fimos & on v. Lgong Ha Yuen[1980] 2 Mu
Ed) DI damn kes Bank Kefinama Rakyat v. Kapurnl Sublguna
Inlln Mlllysll 5hI1I1D21] 7 CLJ EM‘ Mahkamah meneupkan -
[131 Howsvsr, me right a( the ptdgmanl crsmtar m gamrsn mamas m Ills
/udgmsnt demufx bank accounts 5 Hal unlstlersd and Ine mm may refuse to
sxsravse rm dtscvetrorv to man an order absolute anlylfn garmslvss an
m vw5o.ra.MMruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
jndqrwntdubtor rs Ibh 2» plan that M: am duo arlcaumg due in the
judgment debtor is also duo m accmmg due to someone else, mm »s a
statutory Dmwsvon wh/an anptuufy pruhrbrk amcnmenl 9/ Lvvlam dam 1.» m
ganvrmad lho am Ms mu nssogned m . mm parry Md (0 gm:
on1sv amme wuum be mm In an. gumlmee and amev creators may may
Ems: unduo prslersmzu among the cmdvmr: ulmtnxomm nomazrvy"
(penekanan nnamnany
(13) Yerkml pemmbangan mu, Munkamah juga memuuk kepada
kapmum an da\am kes mm Nlnq Runwwuoa Sdn. Ehd. Ilwun
xapmsl Peselti pea-nu Rancnngnn Felcra Pulau Eslantik, Slk
Bnrhld, Elnk Islam Malaysia Bhd(G:mi5i)[2I71l] 1 LMS 1473, d\
man: Mahkamah mendapau pmak penghmang penghiklman gaull
membuklnkan ballawa wang yang dx aenma darn Kerajaan Malaysia
melalui Suvuhamaya Kaperas: Mmaysla adalah sebenamya hakl
pmaman unluk mewaksanakan sam konlrak kebersvhan bangunan
flan kawlsan sekoluh dan uengan aamman wing yang dwparllkar
boleh m gamua aleh plhak penghulsng pengnamman -
ma: Mahkamah my berpendsaat wang ,;...,.m... RM5oa am: no tetaflpmv
mdeoosrtkan me dalam nkmm JD pada 1.9 72014 Fania mm Penntah Gums!
Isnebul mks/uarkan plda 22 52015 mm nnmcw 9 [Man kamudrannya wung
yang mgamrs rauu RMJ57 mu Muhkamslv MI nslpendnpnr m 9.17.:
mlngcmukakan xeharang peuynts ptubulamaan yang tslan awnaxan bag:
Kenn-lmvja pamoursmsn sekulzh m om.» Balmg summmmwn Vbulan
sm vw5m.MMFuEq7a5uc\FL1zav
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
mama Mahknmah mr monuuk ./ADA/AL xsnsa, mm /KRAR mm.
Pvmlmlan mam Nana ada menyazaxanw
'/n; menmhlumlrnn pad: Pambiaya Isxw mus makmmal senagaomnns ysvg
airehendalu men Pambusya belkenurl nangan ksgunaan Kemudshan reuebul
om mm.-aw 1... yang manynnlnh parmugnln Knpcrlsl dun opomw am
kodudukan Kawnnoun Kapuu-I flan mulnma msmbvrrkln mm. Psmhraya
penyara lcrrtany semua wang yang lemutang mun Kantian Dalim mm
sobsgmmma ammonamu um Fbmbaya clan mam x. somnsr
[21] u.»m..n I'm ammm: danpada Waad mu m 215: JD sahamsnya
nampvl menaemukaksn penyara lrewangin bugamlarva wily mnda!
RM5I)I7.470I7 no yang xwsmlem darla-ada sxu dtgrmakan dnlam lempofi 9 man.
Mankamsh ml :.m.:.4u durvyln Ivllflhan peguam ./C yang mags,” mm ds/am
Iampon mug ammmn Ira datum Jkum m pm 1» 7 am aomnggn
PI;-mm Gnmm rsmbm pafln 22 5 2015 sujumtall mam kumng we we no
auguna pallet men JD unluk man moan! mm." ./D /arlgwng lrdak
nzngemuknkan penyata kswangan bagamlans pemelsryasn dcksmankm bagr
keg/aierya pembersman seknlah lwsnbul JD ma gagal merugsmakskan
suturing dokumm my menu-mas" wnng ;wsaa,ao-7 on mwuyuan
/221 Mahknmnh rm mun msrluuk swat sm keuada F-mmng Augean, sm
Negsn Kedah mum Sokborlankn 25 72014 dmerenggm 3 ads menyataknrv
-3 ma mam dmlmli nntuk manysmukakin Laaoran Penggunaan Wang nag.
pmaman Am -
12:1 Sekuunyu bumrvnny yang mgama bukznrvyi mm JD smmy. mg
modal Rusaa nan oo JD sehannvvyn nlengcmulrlkan mum mu kslsrarvgavv
btgmmnna wavy RM5mz we on mgurvzkan datum tampon 9 hulan smtum
wing RMl57,lB7 u dlgumu clan JC
sm vw5m.MMruEq7a5nc\Fu;av
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
nu Mahhamm rm buptmtlpot nklunyn nu... vrlny Rnu.s7,a7u
mimpakln mm Mk! mm pinjirrl-n dwi Sm, m noun munvumuknhn
ponym lkaun hm flan hnun mu nhinggl um wing digamls.
Kegagaran JD mnuk mm": mm.» nmmnfukknn wing yang
nflynmu ohm JC muupmn mg JD xandm dun hunnnyz mg mm:
muaqoman ubagarnurll y-ng mm. om. ./D.‘
(penekanzn dnambil)
[14] Rujukan 1uga mbuat knpada kepulusan an dalam Pemas Trading
Sdn. Ehd. v. ssnali Consmtctlan works Sdn Bird 4 Anar[1991] 2
‘Gamshee pruoeedlngs ire anachmem prmxadmgs aha‘ lnaugh rwl m msvecx
olchnnels. |:u|aVdsm1 In. order my nuhhn -2 show unit that w.-
omalmd, mom and. :1 pm. was name on home puma Incl: Ivhhnoo.
By mm, In pmneeamg: av Imchmml M chlllem m . mam al who M: In
artduoe evndenm flrsl me gimxshoa .. hke a aamrn/enema: In me mmns
anached ma this .s Ham :5 remiomefl by me nature an name .71 me under msl.
cm \s_ the order In! to mm cause ‘rm bmdin 1: xhlfbd to a
gummm In mowing gm. :. pmvl mu m nllayu. that n. ".4 no
n-my at n. time uftm amino .1 tin man to lhow cm The mm nr IV1:
ummmenu ufhawvg to begun um ws dependent on mum parlyww\¢1aIHl no
evsdanoe mu waeglven by mmavswde Please see 5 m2 cl Ewdence Au “
[penekanan dwamhah)
[15] D\ sampmg nu. Mahkamah in: Iuga mendapatx mdak ada kelerangan
yang menumukkan Perayu telah memsbdumkan semua ahhnya
sw vw5o.m4MruEq7a5uc\Pu;av
«-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
| 1,617 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-42R(A)-1-01/2023 | PERAYU Pendakwa Raya RESPONDEN MOHD FAIZZAN BIN SANI | Rayuan terhadap pelepasan dan pembebasan– 25 (1) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah 2009 – elemen-elemen untuk dibuktikan – kegagalan memenuhi kehendak-kehendak di bawah s. 61 – 65 Akta Keterangan 1950 - isu-isu yang sama telah dibangkitkan di akhir kes pendakwaan - hakim bicara telah menimbang semula dapatan-dapatan (“revisit earlier findings”) - kegagalan pegawai penyiasat dalam menjalankan siasatan yang baik terjumlah kepada ketidakadilan kepada responden - mahkamah di peringkat rayuan tidak akan campurtangan untuk mengubah keputusan hakim bicara berhubung dapatan-dapatan fakta yang berpandukan undang-undang yang relevan | 02/01/2024 | YA Dr Wendy Ooi Su Ghee | |
02/01/2024 14:30:54
BA-42R(A)-1-01/2023 Kand. 36
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BA—l2R(A) —1—u1/2u23 Kand. 35
32/01/IOAL ,ma 54
MOHD FAIZZAN am sun rzzspouosu
(N0. K/P:u11214a.sa11)
m Ini adalah rayuan aanpaaa Tvnbalan Pandakwaruyi lelhadzp
kepumsan ham mcara pada as.m.2u2a yang te\aI1 melapas dan
membebaskan Respunden dw akhw kas psmba\aan bagi Iiga A3)
parluduhan an bawah 525 Akla Suruhaniaya Ramh Malaysia zoos
(SPRM 2009).
[2] Penuduhan-uenuduhan lsmadav raspundan adalah barbunyw
sspam mana ber1ku| -
Fefluduhan Pmdaan Ferlamz
“Bamswa ksmu mm mm Nnvember 2919‘ mm; 1, sanasran Kawalan
don Kasalamalirv. PI/IIDII Vmlwaserv, Laulngan Taming Anlnmbnngsu
mu. LurvIuur1KL!A 2;, dalsm Danish seam, mam Never! Sarsrvyon
sw zmawlyuuu-Jnasmuavw
-ms Sum IHIVVDIY WW be used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
yang bnrlugnsxsbignv max." Pulmlang Panglrlfllrrugvvavn Gm1KP2B
av Pulabal Opway lmmm KL/A 2, Man mbedksn wing -man
Dudumhh RM wow secnns turw mm Mulvnmnlnd Fans srmn am an
Ram ma KP. c1m51—12—527B}. P-meamu rmlwm Gm KPV9 yaw
e-«mm svblgltolsng 2-Wm Mal mslwllun w
ssbamnv Imdekan mevwvkm Alum /nuvman 1950/:1 my man: Aamu
«um mnlnnggflplfllnluknn srk-17'" Zrnz Aha Pinzqgnhln
Rama): ma (M15 :94; umuk merwvmahksn mugvm am
mmnnauna/-w-can pomanm s-klor mm mu Ir-mu we-I
me/spam-n kualshan Pnnyovnk-n mad. sum-rv-ya Pencevlhen
Raxuan waym dun dwuun W, kamu tllnlv muflrlgvlv paunmm
ssksyfll 25 111 AM: smm-aim P-moan-n mm zaov dun bulelv
ammm mama slksynn 2.54214». ynng um!’
Fenuduhan Plndaan Kedua
mm mm pad: may mum zaza, :1/Alas 2, 5-nmn Knwa/In
van »<-mm.-r-n, P-;-on Inmm, Laulmgan Taming Anmublnvsa
Km. Lun-our 1KL!A 2;. mm aamn seam. 4.1.». New-:1 sum-gar.
yang mm: Wbegar mom” Fulalong Pwglrihlnuvvvsen em: Kim
41 mam: Dverau Vrmmsn KUA 2, ma aroma» w-rw mom
bequmm rm zaaoa mm. mm noun Mummmad Afa Mlunnm am
Azzorm'(Na KP 9oa7m$o.15295}. Pumbamu muwuu. Gmn1KP!9.VaII7
mrmm subagm ourrg mum Dag! meleunkan g am
suhnmfla Ifndskan mangtm ma /mtavmn 195%: yaw mans mm
Ivlen mm-you Domnluhn uksyull 21:: Am swam-rveya Pvmvvlhan
mm 2009 (Am. .594; mm mmmvaum. mrawu am.
ksbmanwwlgjlwsbnn pm-mm soktur mm um klmll we-I
rnelunavknn lunalavran punyoqnkan Kflnbds smunsnlsyu Psnceganan
Rasuah Malaysra van dangan rm, mm mm mu-new puummn
sahsyzn 25 (1; Alma Surunaniaya Psncognhan Reagan mm mm. bale):
dtimkum 4, Dawn?! may-n 2542) Aka my lama”
sm zmmlyuuu nammavw
_ mm. smm IIIVVDIVWW be LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
samemangnya berlaku parlamuan dv amam sva dan
vesponden pada waklu tersebm
Respondan lmak hahmmenahu mangenax kewuludan
pemumn “set1mw'kaun|er an KLVA 2 sepam yang dinwlakan
dleh sw, SP6 dan SP8 aeh\ngga\an reapandan mxanan umuk
swasatan ollh sumnarqaya Psnaeganan Rasuan Malaysia
(SPRM) pads 15,1 1.2n2n dl mana rusponden xalan dlhenlahu
nemauannya men samang pegawax SPRM
SP7, svs nan spa max dapal mammnmkan benaknnya
pemuacan malapaskan warga asmg yang nnggaw Vehm maaa
an kaunhzr paflepasan KLIA 2 kerana mereka max dapal
msnyatzkan Lanxn, mass dan bulvan warga aaing yang
mlepaskan Ierssbm
Dlpalan nakim biura pm. akhlr k-aalumnan kn
[12] Pada aklw kaasmmnan xea. nalnm blcera tehah mslapas flan
membebaskan responaan bagi keligakelxga psrluduhan pmdaan
|arsebul berdasarkan alasan-masan bsrikm (si\a Imal mukisural 45 ma
1 Rlkod Rayuanj
kata-angan spa, SP7 dan sws (slab dmabar
SP6‘ sw den swa mempunyaw kapenlingan saxalah
respnnaen membeti kaneuangan belaamwa den
hakim blcara aapenaapax dengan nunanan yang dlkamukakzn
Men pequambela ax penngkat pambalaan
aw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m van; .. mnnn mm: dun-mm VIZ nF\uNG puns!
my new pun darmkian, Mada panjulasan lamul yang dmw|akan da\am
flasan verlghaldman linking bagslmlna kutarangan swc‘ sw den sva
|e|ah mcanar kabolshpemawannya. alau bagawmanakah spa, SP7 den
spa mampnnyal kapurmngan sauna»: rasponden member! keleranunn
my Teuman dsngan kspulusan hakim mom, pmak perayu telah
memvamun Nah: Rayuan pads 06.01 2023.
[15] Dalam Pefisysn Rayuan, pmak perayu Isiah msruyu lamadap
ps\aDasan flan pambebasan responden beydasarkan a\asan—a\asen
nerckun, Iallu mum hicara lelah lerkhilsf din segl ma dan mang-
undang spatula —
fa) mamuluskarv max Dsndskwssn mar membuldrkan kas
me/zmnam keraquan yang murrasanah lsmsdep Responder: flan
melsbasksn dsn msmbebeskan Raaponasn‘
/:7; memumaksn banawa dokuman-dnkumen yang dunndaksn
sebagal mm mm, IDDB, mom, «mm, mm: dun clan/DD16
la/sh mmnum kih-ndik-koharvdak qr Diwsh s. s1 » as Ala:
Knhrawin 1950 (AK mm:
(cl Irdak msmaemnmaman katsrarrgan Rusponasrv yang bsrsslum
Rasoondsn mm memnakarv Dsnyafls new mm. a pm
bulan November 2019‘
rd) hdak msmpsmmbslwlun Astumvgan flasuonflen balvawa sr-6,
spz dan spa ads/ah msrupakarv Wnawar umgmm m unwell
Dflsuksn D:
(cl mm rrwmosmmbarvykan katsranaan banawa Ruspannen
rnamuurlyav Ivubungarv Dafk dsngsn sr-5, sr-7 dun SP5,-
N zmulyuuu nammavw
um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
um msmp-mmnangm mslsrangsn spa behave rams mun
morupsksn nnnraf psgawal hsksdn am mman (WFN) unmk
pusuhzn A big! man: 9 5191120217/om 2300 hrs — ma hrs
w.ama/ beniassrlmn ms, SP8 omugu an/am puukan n,-
rmk rmmpenlmbangkan kamangan spa nanswu bsltuu mm
aria msmbual pamonksain Illlkal pm m112o2a bag!
msmmxan mmnsam SP5 ks pcj-oar,
mm rnurnpammbangkan keleranqun spa Dshuwa mam: Man :1!
mm spa rupa mm mumh pm bag! memkodksn kamzmran
dulsm um Tum Amndsuoo.
mm momuurfimbangkan kagagalan Responder! ssbs/um
psrrrmli-vv psltiaruirl max manyslsnkan pemsytasn
pen-Ibe/Ian yang mmysls/(an mam am pemhelasn Rsgmnasn;
Ifdak msrvummmbongkan ma banaws mmon D15 man mm:
mxemuman senate pomenksnan semula s;-5 den spa m
um msmpurtmlbarlgkan kagagahsn Rasoomien msnysrankarv
Iwyada max pendnkwaan ms (fan room ssbaqm ssbahsgvarv
darrpada kslwsngarv plmbelaan Ruponaen aebe/um pemlulasn
lrdak msngambd kin baimwa pcmbs/sen Rsspunaen aria/an
rakaan semsnmsra.
miak msngembll Aura nmwa psmhslaan nesoamn many:
Derevfatpnnafisn aamua-mam:
lrdakmengnmbnflurab-nnwa mmngan Respondun mran mm
Konslstsn darn rnirsgukon
sw zmulyuuu nammam
«ms smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
us] Elamun |erdapa( banyzk aVasan-a\asan dauam Pafisym Rayuzn
naraenum namun pmak Dem/u nanya menyemun namang man (4) nu
uhmu m dmam psnghlqahannya lawn —
In Same Eda dokumen-dokumen yang tfllandakan aebaum iailu
‘ IDD2, Inna, mow, VDD12‘ roma aan flan \DD|6 «evan
mamenum kehendakvkehendak di human 5 51 —a5 AK195D
(u) Kegagalim hakim Mcam mampemmbangkan kalsrangan
responder: aana kelarangan4<eIsrannan sps dzn spa apabfla
mareka mpanggn semula di kss psmbelaan.
nu) Ksgagalan reaponuan manyarlakan perm/a|aan pambalaan,
D15 darn IDD15 sebemm parmuxaan pemcaaan.
(M sama aaa kenarangan mspcmasn adeflah (idak konsman darn
[171 Iswsu tersebm at alas Ie\ah dlhulahkan oxen pemyu damn: Hullhan
‘ Fenayu benarIkh1fl11.2D23 bersama Vkalan mam: Pemyu
I1 :1 Sebwknya‘ bemasarkun Hulahan Respanaen bernarixh 19 09 ms
bevsama Vkalan omen Respwnden, k raspunden Iekih msnghujahksn
dapztan namm bvcarz adaxan 1ana| den mamuhan agavrayuan lak dan
kavmusa/I mkakankan
mum-u Mnhklmlh
[131 masan Penghakiman haklm maaya sena kapulusan ham
Dada akmrkaaalumhan kas. kesemuanya adalah bsrdasarkan penemuan
iakta o\eh hakim bncara bsmandukan unuanwnuang yang Ma»/an aan
mahkaman um eman campunangan flan manganagu aaparan larsabui
meuamxan meveka 18735 sz\ah.
aw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-ma saw n-nhnrwm be used a mm a. mm-y mm: dun-mm VI] .mm mm
[201 Pnnsip am Vrf jelas dlnyalakan dzlam banyak nas undangmndang
dan anlara lain ada\aI1 sabagaimana yanfi tflbuluskan uleh Mankaman
Psrsakuluan dalam Amrl bln Ibnmm a. Anor v Puhlln Pmsncumr Ind
nnothor maul [20171 1 ML.l1—
7511 VHS we law Malina mm mm: mauuage as m ms asdim/fly on
mm must be men proper wmgm am: oonsoauravon An
ippvfista cowl snoulrl be slow m ulsmm/ng sum ammq at fast
alvfwd at by m. mauuaga, who ma the advantage orassmg and
many me wtmess‘ umm male was aubsrnnlral and mmaauzng
reasons rm msayrwslngf
ku pmama: Kuhlndik-klhnndak -1| bawuh :. n1 — 55 AK 1950
[M1 Pmak pemyu Celah mangmqankan bahawa ham biczra man
|an<mIa¢ apabila mammuskan bahawa dakumendokumen yang
ndakan sehagai wailu IDD2. |DD8. Iumu, IDD12, IDD|3 dan nan
lDD1fl man memeuum kshendak-kehandak an bnwah 5 ac — 65 AK 1950
m] Namun, m da\am pengllujahannya. pmak perayu nar-ya menyemuh
(anlang VDDZ‘ mm, mm: den dan \DD16('Impa|dokumsnlarsebut“)
dan msmohnn agar ampal dokumen Iersebul mat sebagai um Olen
yang dervuklan, rayuan an naaapan mahkamah Am akan dipuluskan
berkawan empat dokuman Isrsebul.
[231 unmk kemudshan pamanamnn. bunnnunrempacuukumemarsamn
admah sepem henkul V
m um: mempakun Kanyalaun Madwa pabalan lmiqresan
Malayaua berurikh us as 2n2a, Pas Lawatan sum ms)
Tumm Tempoh Sepanjang FKP yang dikamukakan man
pemaaxaan semasa pemaflksasn balsa SP1.
aw zmulyuuu-Jnasmuavw
'Nn|2 Sum ...m.. M“ be used a van; me m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Barman \DDZ1nHmda kelerangan yang dlbeflkan alert 5»:
tenlang pakah yang mangsmarkan uaknman |arsebu| alau
Dun Va an bawan mmkan den kawenan swam.
mos adalah Mama Dalaman aanagsan Kavmlan Psjabal
Vmlgresan KLVAZ, Sspang Sslangm burtarikh o9ne,2o2u
yang auanaanangan: clan TPPK vusrazw Din Wan vusw
Namun, TPPK Yusrazfl hm wan vusgr sabagai permbuat
dokuman terwebul max dwanfllll blarpun man auamaman
sebagm saks1 oleh plhak pandakwnan man man
aukamukakan oleh psmbslaan semasa pemeliksaan ba¥ai
mm: adalah mun: Tngas Hanan Jabalan Vrrflgresen KLIA
Tahun mo yang dikamukakan man panmaxaan samasa
vemenksaan was swa
Narnnn, man zda apaapa kelarangan yang dlkemukakan
lentanq napaxan yang Man msnyatflakan, menge\uan<in
dan men9BwallDD13,
name pula auaran aenam pegswax (WFHJ 09-
10.112020/2300 - U700 nu (Team A) yang dlkamukakan
auen Iespondsn ssmasa marnhen ke|srz-mgan bsvsumpah.
Dokumen Iersebm mamvurlyai nanaanangan Mohd Khaimfldm
bln Muxllmun Dawn! cop nama dnn lawalan bsllsu Namuvv
nude ape-—epa perkannan 'saVinzn diakui' yang mnyawakan
an zmulyuuuunasmnavw
Nuns s.nn n-nhnrwm be used m yaw n. annmun mm: dun-mm wa munc pm
m1 Dz\am paua nu, mahkamuh mi berssluw aengan nmak pemyu
bahawa flokumen-dakumen my dllandakan sabagai\DD2,VDD8,¥DD13
flan name (“smpal mums" Iersebuf) gagal mamsnuhi Kahsm1ak-
ksherndak di bawall s 5145 AK1950.0\eM|n.emDamckumen nemmn
fidak boleh dnsflma masuk oxen mahkamah blcari aaoagau kacerangan
[:51 Eerlandaskan kes Public Pmlucular V cm H-1: Nurun Hqli
Inn. [1911] 1 ML] tan yang dmlluk oxen perlyu. mamlndsngkan
dckumen-dakuman oembm masm Idalah mo den nuxaru-N D. make
spa-spa kelaranaan yang dlbenkan yang berkaman aangannya juga (idak
ikan auenma masuk sebagal ketarangan ulsh mahkamah, ianu,
sabagawmana yang diputuskan oleh AbdocIcadarHMR di mukasursl 153 -
‘A: than (we mums haw notboen prwectana pmpefly ndmvllad
as sum msymusl rn mu ummlll an.-«ysa bu discount-dsnd I am
scmnirngry dlsnguvrsfsmmzes to them andalso all 0:91 raszrmony
as war: nuanced m mlulran murals -
(mnsksnan drlamban}
:25] Dalam paaa Nu, habdm Mcara man Kalkhllal apamna mendnpad
amps! dokumen (arsobm lemh Iflsahkan kemlenan nleh pembua| dan
arang yang mempunyai mifikan he alasnya dan kshendak-kshandak av
bawah 52k. 51 hinuqa as AK195D IHVBII mpenum. Ham hlcara mm:
Ialkhilaf anabila menanma smval dakumen bersebm sebigal kelemngan
In. Kenya: pmymnan pcrllyitlan ptmholllll, ms dun mum
nbllum p.-mun-n norm:-mu.
[:11 Memmn 5.52 Akla Surunhaya Psncagahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009
(Akta SPRM zoos), saaaavang lsrluduh hendabdah. subemm pumulaan
pemicavaan, msrvysrahkan Kepada plhak pendikwaan pmnyaman
sw zmawlyuuu-Jnasmuavw
-um Sum ...m.. mu be used m mm a. nvwhufllli mm; flan-mm VI] muNG pm
pemnexaan sena sahnan manamana dokuman yang akan mkamuxakan
sebagav mahaman daflpsda keterunaan Dam pamoelaan
my Namun, harlandaskan PF 11. ran sax Mnhd In Abdul Snmad
[2021] 1 LNS «st Lian DnIo' sn Mohd NI]|b am Abdul R-uk v. PP
[mm 5 cu 9:, mm: Klnun Taiacara Jana)/an uan 5.62 Akla
sww 2009 nanya mempakan perunlukan-pemnlukan herunsur
prvsedur sahma (Nah nu, kegaga\an mamalum s.51A KY.) atau 5.52 Akta
spam zone hdak akan memvunyal an:-apa kssan /aklbal temadap Vsu
nsnsmnaan maauk k-naranaan
[29] Data!!! Dada nu‘ penghwahen perayu menqenax mu im adalan fidak
Isu mu. K-gagalan mam biclru mnmyertimlungkzn klurlngln
Respundnn um I: urangan-knhrlngan spa din spa dalam kos
In. kocmpn: Sumn ad: kal mum. mponuon naaum lldnk
kovulu-n dun mu-agukm
[av] Keduadua isu kadua dan kaampal akan d ncangkan sscava
barsama msmandangkan Va adalah barkanan keleranqan-Kataranian
van: dlkemukakan semasa Res Dembeman
[311 Amara alnsn-diasan nagx pelevélsan darl pernbebasan responuan
an akhlr Ksselunman kes analah dlsehabkan haklm hmara sependapal
uangan nuklhan yang diksmukakan man paguarnhsla av panngkal
sw zmulyuuu-Jnasmuavw
-ma Sum IHIVVDIY Mu be used m mm ua nvwhuflly mm; flan-mm VII mum pm
[121 Pambacaan hugahan paguambexa an penngkal pambexaan
msnuvwkkan Va ada\ah bemsxun Vsu-Wsu yang |e|ah dibanakhkin alsh
plhak pamhe\aan an akhir kes pendakwaan wailu ¢anIang-
m Emmsn pemberlan suapan kapaaa respanden udak dapat
an Kegagavan perayu mnnangnll Zul Ams sehagai saksl
(my Kegagavan pereyu mambukflkan munay nu melalul skaun
bank spa, SP7 uan akaun isieri spa
(xv) Kllumpangnn dmam navalfl Kan paruyu
[as] \su—isu im man pun mpemmnangkan nlah hakim mean: pans akmv
kes pendakwaan yang vnana haktm blcara mendspan perayu wan
bsrjayi memuuman kas prima lamb Ierhadip responder: Narnun, :1:
am pemlaaraan, hakim mcara pula beusapenuapac dengan
pengnuyanan pembelaan di akhlr Kes pemnemn sedangkan isu-isu yang
sama ls\ah dibangmxan an ikmr kes pendakwaan
[:5] Dengnn berbua| damnkian. Hakim aura lalah manimbang semula
dapalan-dapalan mym: came! findings‘) beliau “miss an am has
pendakwaan yang mans hnklm bicara man mendapan plhuk pelayu
seflaku pendakwaan lemh berjaya nmnnuknxan kes prime Iacis Iamadap
raspmden, olsh nu parnmaan (aw: dlpanggfl Nenum, uada akmr
ksselunmnn kas, haklm Bic:/a lalah menukalkan uapavan I:eHau hnsrvuvv
undn kelararvgzn-keterangan bum yang dibangkltkan olsh respondsn
yang mush menhnbulkan keraguan yang munasabah ks atas kas
syn zmulyuuu-masmuavw
y ‘Nata snnnx IIIVVDIVWW be used M van; .. nflmruuly mm: dun-mm VIZ mum pm
[351 Bsrkenaan wsu mammbang ssmma dapalandapatan (‘revisit same!
/Tm.1/H93") wm, miukan sda\ah «um: kapadi sunny. Valle v Fubllc
Pmucumr [2022] I ML! m d\ manzl Mahkarnah Pemkuxuan lelah
Ivan] mm on pvawslon mandutos rs ra IN cum Ia bu um-a won me
aunts -macs, the case agnlnstme mum has um pmvad bayumi
masanubl: mum mu 1:! muru 1». doing to rm mm mun an
m.-mm not in nvisil in urlior Iiniirlnu .2 m. cm. 91 m.
Pmllcuflw m. um... ullltli rw an nccuud to am! on N:
«lance. The aumaaw an mm is Duh Akim L On v mm
Fmncumr mu; 1 Mu 4:; pan] 2 cu m mu Rrchvd
Ma/arwm c1 (Sabsh ma Sarawak} (War :1; as/mma maludamsnml
rm mm m1 sum as
1351 W: 71040 IM! wlv-n uutsmy mu daftmv ms iumad mllmc
sufnvfsxnxflymvtsnad hv: uadfsr Imdfnpx upon men n. called 9.:
rm dcfance such laymen rs qwtv aunt!-ary lo M: pflnclph ol
mmnmum avaluaban av the 9|/Marlee addnnd .4 m. dun gr m.
Woucuflorv 5 cm mauum his/udgnunr Ma law-ad muuagc
made it mm Max Iva my nouducnrl . maximum mmuan arm.
evvclamx-I adduced by M 9'0:-cutron Deter: cam for me
rm) Tm: doe: rm! mean Ilowavur mm m. Ma/juaga carmm mfg! m lam
arm-sy esnblrmvfl m cm was arm pmsecullan an rum: pwvoca
amnsvymn htnuu/I wnumw mg musm mtplnnnimn has succnddd
m rubulllny any or 1». smurorv Druunw/mu on my batance ar
Dmbamlmus Mm any mm Pmsunuzirwvs Wnhexl nr bu succeeded
/n cailw a Masonic/s mu In his mm! at 4.: (rum 9! ma pwmmn
use Iwlvzre rm .mr:I| pvzsunualmn .pym; wmt m mm :15 I: la
charm: mrmm: nnamvs on than am
(prrwhasrs mud)
sw zmulyuuu nammavw
«-um smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG pm
Egg g hgn Pmduan Kama
'BiIvuwIk5muDm1n 1a ummmzaza, mhns 2, aenamn Kawalan den
Kesefiamalan‘ PO1abaIM|r'9Ivnn‘ up-ng-n moans Amvnbeflgsn mm
Lwvww mu: 2;, mm Dunn S-pnnm :1-hm N-van Saw-nan yang
mum mam fimbslan Fenolow Pangnmv Vmgmsevv Gnu xm at
P:/abut op»-u Vmlgvuon xuA 2, mm. wnrrg xuauurv mum»
am 50090 seen"! me. me): Mnhd Rlnuodm am Abdultah We xp.
75u4Ja»aa—5271y,Pmuonmu1mIgnmn GreflKP1HynngD:nlndaksabags:
Dung zmgm bflwlmuleflushsn mammq4m~=n
mngam Akin //mgruul mswoa, mg mlna klmu man mnlunqqur
Danmmkan ulaylsn 215: Mm sumnaniaya mmam /em.» zaov
mm :94; umuk menwuumn m-ya: din h-u-mnww-wnw-b-n
pumnm slktnr nwam gm. kamu new melapnrkan koaa/man
yinyogoksn Maid: Sumhaluaya Pemvqahuv Rlsvulv Maluym dun
dcrrgan nu mu. man mamrrailr Dunmmkarl szkxyen :5 m Akin
Sumhlnllyl P-mgmn Rowan zoao din own dmukum m Dlwnh
Juksy-n 25 (2; Akin ylng um-
Kn Fundnkwnn
[:1 Secara lingkasnya marangan Dandakwaan manunjukkln berikul.
Sarzmaw mmnan 19) orang saw tewan dhaanggn se'oagA\mann
dvnyaukan an barwah Lni bsvsnma permn msveka—
sw Mohamed Amt: hm Arum Kznm nmmm P-rvgannh Kawnlan
Jibshn Inugmen Mamysla
s»>2 Noamamxan bum Mohd Aziman Pennlnng Pengnasa
sm ‘ Nu-wam Nadzinh b|Yusnp mp Penalonu Penguasa
spa Mohd Amwavn hln Normn Penulonq Penguasa
sm zmulyuuu nammam
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VII mum pans!
my Jerasnya, apahfla hakwrn mcaru mendapin belvau bsvsapsndapal
dsngan hujahan plmbelaan d1 aklw has pembehaan‘ haldm |>1r,ava(e\ah
msnukardapa|an~dapalan beflau an akmr kas psndakwann yang sebemm
km man menmama kapad: psmbslaan ' nggu Beflanflaskan nuns
Aklm (sum), ham blcara lelah tarkhllsfapabula berbuat aannkian
Fambdnn «aux suhlmmyt dlpanqqll
[an Eiarpun begun, dariuida anahsa dan penllalnn novamca
Katersngan manganai kasamruhan ks: pendakwaan, edmah uapacan
mankuman ini bahawa parnbelaan max seharusnya dipanggll uleh
mahkamuh brcani ekoran k5gaua\an plhak pavsyu unluk msrnbukfikan
kas puma fume temadap vssponden (11 am kas pendnkwaan.
[331 Arman pnnsm am undangmndang barmwa blban pambuklian kss
auaxan dw mas banu pendakwaan sapameng permcarain dan hukannya
iarluduh unluk memhukllkan kafidakbersalahannya nu Bsrpsgang
kenada pnnsip undang-undzmg tersabul, pada penngksf kes
pendakwaan. pmak uevayu perm membukhkan saw kas pnma lame
|emadap uesponuen alas xssawanan-kesnlahan yang waakwa llu.
[:91 olan yang aemman, namm Mcara Ielah «enmilarapawa mendapih
pihak pendakwian 1e\ah barjaya memnuxmn ken pnma Isms Ierhadap
lsrludlm samgswmans yang cflperunlukkan a. bawan 5173(1)“) Kamm
Tatacarz Janayah
[An] Masan-alssan bagi dapawan (ursebu! olah mahkamah mi adalah
sspem benkm
[41] Pmak nanayu Ialah havgannmg sspenunnya kapada kelerangan
sakshsaksl nmu SP6, SP7, flan spa umuk membukhkan kesalahalv
kesalahan respanaen dx bawah 5.25 ma swam may
syn zmulyuuu-./nasmuavw
-um Sum ...m.. WW be used m mm u. nvwhufllli mm; dun-mm VI] muNG pm
[411 Kslarzngan spa. sw, dan svs idslah masmg-masrng barkawan
dengan penuduhan plndaan panama, parmduhan pindaan kadua din
penuduhan pmdaan kaliga.
my Adalah fidak dmaflkan behawa ke|erungan—kshymngan spa, SP7,
nan SP5 anew: lldak disukung ('r:onnboraIsd'| shah ke|arangan-
kelerangan min Dalam am‘ kata Vain‘ kesalunman kea pemyu sdalsh
bargamung sensnuhnya kebwa nennakuawenuakuan swa, sw‘ dun
SP8 (anaa aDa~aD: bum Vain‘ samada secara lerus mu: m keadaan. lm
naps: amns: dalam pemenksaan was spa as mukasuval 151 Rskcd
Rayuan Jmd 21A).
5 Damn: wsa, semiu mm an mm. vlultln rm bamnomva
flwlgan panmmsn suaam om on somuanyv buvnsnnzn
mama" mpad-apmma mu Mann »m...aamn...umu.n,
Mmmma FM: Shah 3... Ab and am mga Muhammad Aflq
Muas1smEInAneml,yaa!au mm
4. Va.
(punsklmn an-mam
Plnylasllzn ymg mm: mcnyclurun dun mmk-p or-n sps
[441 Menurul sw. befiau mmakukan akuvm 'semng' kaumsr an bawah
seliaan hga mug p-egawal imlgrssen lanu Fl Zul Anls. PIT Rmuan dan
PIK Danny Supfl Namun, s97 lelah flllangkaa olsh responuen sscara
“red mmuw semasa melakukan “.sstf1rIf‘ di kaunler Ea\a\ Palevasan
KUA2 yang mana mm. mamhawa keuada mndlngan danqan respenaan
bagl Iujuan menutup kes tsmsbul
[45] SP7 mangakui bahawa kadudukan baliau dangan kauntsr-kaunler
uevseraelanan adaiah lidzk jzuh ma\ah Dnlsh alpanaena dan dlnampak.
Juga, pm masa ilu (svdspst xekulang-kumngnw um man enam
sw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
pegswal lawn yang hekarja an kuumer-kaunlar pelenasan yang
hsrsebelahnn sw pida muse ilu.
[451 B!arD\m spa se\aku pogawal penyiasal herssluju Masatzin-sxasalan
lersebul udalah Dermnu dan hams d\]a\ankan, namun, SP9 max membuat
apmpa slasman ke alas penyena 1 pegawal-psuawsv Vam yang burwgaa
hsrsama SP7 semasa mnarngan nu beflaku alaupun mkamin
psrcakapan mamka diambwl spe jugs (ldak membuai apaapa siasatxn
Ienlanq an manukah respanaan kzarlugas pada mass nu
[47] naaa slasalan ‘uga dua\ o\en swa berkanan jaduallugas SP7
can rssponden pada bulan 11/2019 avsupun rakaman pelcakapan
marnnu aanpaaa Degamaw yang camban uanaan penyadlaan jadual
Iugasan pegawax umgnasan an KLWAZ
us] save iuga lalah gaga¥ mamhuat spa-ape sxasscan ke axas bulnrzn
warganegam Chma «menu: yang dlkmakan dilapaskan oleh SP7
[49] Dalam amkata Vain, spa max menmankan ape-apa sizsalan Vain
berkeulan kssavanan respnrvflan m bawzh parluduhan plndsan panama
Mam: spa hdak memwnyal pengetahuan banawa mndmgan amara SP7
dan rusvandsn te\ah berlaku an kaunberdl Ara: 3 SP9 Ilanya mengambll
Jalan mudah dengan hargamung sspammnya xepeaa pengakuan SP7.
[so] Barkzilan dsngan kelaranaan sws W15‘ wzng suapan sebenyak
RM5fl0~OD man mkacaxan dlbenlan kepadi responden pada 10.11 2029
@ 11 an lI\s\am dv Hzfldlng Lounge, Aras 1. aanagxan Kawaxan Dan
Keselnmalan, Jabalan Imlgrasen Malysia, KLIA 2
[51] Pada masa nu, dx dalam Holding Lounge larssbul, Iardapa| seramal
Mull man; pagawaipegawm imwgreseln Valn, anma lam, aaalan P! Hafiz
dim PIK Fa\za| Wang suapan larsehlfl ada\ah berkanan setting kauntev
syn zmawlyuuu-Jnasmuavw
-ma Sum ...n.. M“ be used m mm ua nvwhufllli mm; flan-mm wa muNG pm
keluzr unluk malapaskan sauumh mang w-arganegara Inaonesxa yang
wan «ma! Iamn mail
[m Namun, spa max membual spa-apa slasacan ks ems peqawa\-
psgawefl vmlnrasen lam yaw waaa aw Haldmg Lounge tersebul semnsa
keiafllln vemberran warm suapan Iersebul auuranmmmn semuun many
wauganegara asmg Inaanaana yang dwkatakan ta\ah lmggal Vabih masa
levsehm Juga ddak dlambfl o\ah SP9.
[55] SP9 juga Mak rnenjaxannan apaipa s1asa|an Iawn berkailan
keuzrangan spa yang marupakan aasarl basrs kesa\ahan mspondan '
bawah penuaunan Dindaan xeaua sepennnana nenaan kelerannin sw
nan sPa, SP9 Juua menaanuml man rnunan aangan nanya oergannung
sepenuhnya kepada pengukuan sps umpa mambual apa—apa swasalan
Vanjut yang bokah mangnaaukan banyak xamngan Vam unluk
[54] Ekwmn dan penywasatan yang xidak menyalumh dan lengkap men
5129. kemangan-menngan spa. SP7 dan svs gagal menyamknn
«anxn. mass aan wmn warameaararwafsanegara asmg yang mkaxakan
nanan dilspaskan ulah msraka berikulan perbualan ‘satiny’ lsrsahul
Raknman ccrv
[551 sP1Juga bstseluju aengan pen-nexaun bahawa nmamgan levsebul
lelah beflaku dmam npuxan rakaman ccrv. Namun, naaa rakaman ccrv
dlkemukakan bag? manyokong kaharangan manganaw rundmgzn kussbul
uloh 5:7.
:55] Malah SP1 te\ah menuakul bahawa hshzu udak dapal Vngal aga-
apa bulwan Iamang warganegam asmg bsrkenaan. Mamun, SP7
bavselum dsngan psmbelaan nanawa mam pemimauan ccw yang
an zmulyuuu-./nammavw
Nuns s.nn ...n.. M“ be used m yaw na nflmnnflly mm; dun-mm wa munc pm
mamas di silu bnlsh marakam warganagara cmna yang dlkatakan te\ah
paskan ulsh bsliau. Akan lefipl. naaa ralcamsn cow dx kaunler
pelepasan SP7 Ievssbut dlkemukakan.
[511 Exarvun msnunn SP7, nembenan warm suavan szhanyak mana-
an banaku d\ Are: 1. namun‘ SP9 uaax membua| apa-spa Vavman ke
Cempal kelatflan Ierssbut alau pun rnsngavnbn apa~apa mkaman ccrv an
(55) Juga, naaa rikamin cow dx Haldmg Lounge mkernnukan yang
mana manuml SP8 sduhh Cempal pembefian Wang suapan kapada
[591 Begnu Inga aengan keuadsan rakaman cow dikemukakan an
llmpal yang vnann rnenumc SP6‘ wang suapan Is\ah mbsnkan kauada
M1 Mme?! lmak dlnafiksn cow
mamamkan per:-man yang pannng di aavam kas Wm mamandangkan
manunn 5%‘ SP7 dan SP6, pelzpssan wamanegara-warganegara
aging, rundmgan sens psmbenan suapen kesenmnnya heflaku di dzlam
psiabal bangunun KUA2 yang di hawah Vipulan ccw. Sehdak-«daknya,
rikaman ccrv akan msnunjukkan inlevaksi responds" dsngan sway
svv arau spa suhagaimana yang dmyalakan an-an sva, sw darn swa
hahawa rakamannakaman
my Malangnya, nnaa rakaman ccrv Vangsung yang mkamukakan man
pmsk pemyu sepanjang pemlcaraan yang mana |alah mambawa ksoaaa
kebmpangan matana I ssdus dalam nanam ks: parayu/pundakvman
[52] Kepammgan rakaman ccw eflah dnaxankan dz\am kes Fubllc
Frouculnr v Ahnud lahld Namldi mm 9 cu 113 yang uinnuk
dalam penghujahan pmak rasvonaen
syn zmulyuuu-./nasmuavw
-nna s.nn In-nhnv M“ be used m van; me nnn.ny mums m.n.n wa mum puns!
uomy mil
[cal seluruun-ya, fukfl-b\mI pemoayamn wanu ausvan ks dalsm mun-
akaun bunk spa, SF7 dean akmm Maybank 1slen spa mga udak
dikemukakan bagi mambuklikan Wang suapan kepada raspnnden ada\ah
danpada wangwang yang mmasukkan ks da\am akaun-akaun mum.
Malah, SP9 Ildak Vangaunfl membuat spa-avi nenyemakan ke am
akaumakalm bank spa, SP7 am nknun Maybank Islen sue hag:
mamnukukzn “money Ira!/"lelsebul
I64] s-memangnya -money wear ada\ah saw prom smsalsn yang
pemmg dakam kes vasuah alau pengguballan wang haram kerana wa
dapal manunjukkan psrgarakan warm dalam atau my bank bag?
maflgslihuv bagmmana um um dwpsrolew dan dnupuskan
[as] Da\am Dada ilu, penyizsztan yang hdak msnyammh dan Vsngkap
uloh svw Ielah menafikan mspondan salu Derblclraan yang advl.
Sebaaalmsna yang mpuxuskan aatam Ghlum Gnuruzldoluhlvblnnl
Nauln 11 Public Pmucmnr mm] 5 IIILJ m. Iugas sesemang
pauawaw penyiaxal hukan sahaia Imluk mangukuhkan kss pandakwaan
- As an mmuwmg man, pm hi: m animus msaanwawy lo
-mmm ax/saw. mm»; /serum ofms cs... mm. not
MP/ftlmuvsmiflwsvamanbmnlsolhclnpfllum mauryonm
-Mmm-ma mm 7! not meroiy to new up u pmascunan can mm
ma Mdanco as may-flehlulhe zountomcadl corn/vrnun Dunn bang
out me marunvambhsd mm (M mm. cnaudnsvy .1. Dr: V sum :1
My (1974) 9 supmm Cow! cm: 774). m appauam unno! be
Iimslronoumd borvuflrumouhllsoc pm cmmm vFubllc Pmaacmor
mm; 1 ML] 137/ '
N mmuuu nasrmmw
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
(as) Salaruumya, tugas nan paramm pandakwaan (alah dIh\m:angkan
men Mahkamah Fersakumun dmam Rusll bin vum v Public
Fronculor [2021] 4 MLJ An m mana paranggan-pereman 29 dan so
penghaklman Mum Zawawi Salleh HMP menyalakan sepam benkut V
‘[213] w. beam mm m dllcusslon on m. prupenuh ufllrepmsecutw
rn-pmmmum a m‘ma‘ms( ml accuwsu a 3Dsc!a/ puma pm or
mu acemvd um: my menu whn have mm»: m new/nq u
onnvrchon at .511 mm, pmcvcutors an uhun nllad “rnininII of
lunln" -nu tnnlnvh 1. topreaent me whom eon no mo cum
Indy 1:: mmmn finding on! whom we mun Itu. Bu :9
me» xaaeralroh m UVmllI£l(1rIflV!,PVlIP'9!9DAlfW! are mndornvorll
we}!-dsfined mm mmmg m duty oldlsdmun 1551 mm 51A
am. We), {:9 -any m nll .n L‘:-dlbll -mi ruin-nl wlmnui,
muou) my to conduct In: an Fairly an R v am: /mm] 2
KB am, R V SugaImsn[1D85]25 Cr Ayn R 109, Muhammad M
Kndar my mums! V Pub/in Proucu1r.v[2I)11] 2 sm 1205;
mu) m wamd mm to amvhausa mm, .: aw Mmea. pmsmnors :1!
etpetlvd la pl-uunl m.» an I-my, Implnlllly and
pm!-nlunllly mm mm no court In arming at mo mm. ay
pmmrng an m. ml:-/Int!-5!: to m ma. Ofllzcr elm:
Cwn"(Sa:R V sum. mm) 23 CrApp Ram“
(panskanan dlrambihl
Kegugalan momanggil Pl 241! Ann
[57] Koaagalan plhak perayu memanuwl Pl zm Anis ssoagax salur
psnflakwaan baseru ksciadaan kmsmngan beflau man mewuyudkun
kewmpangun malena / aenus dalum naram kes pervdakwaan
Ke|erangzrH<a\erangan sws, SP7 aan SP3 ksssmuanya manysbul
tentang P1 Zul Anis dun pernnan yang mmainkan zflahnyz dalam seflap
psriuduhan mndaan Ierhadap vaspondsn
N mmuuu nasrmmw
um Sum ...m.. WW be .15.. m van; M m\g\ruHIy mm; dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
[sa] Menuru| sps‘ P1 Zul Ams lelah mangarar-loan behau member!
wzumo kepada responden belkanlan “ssm’IIq"kauntarks\uav hagi (ma
(3) wsrasneoara Indonesia Namun‘ sws am ad: maklumat bulirin
mlnginaw age: (at warganegara lndanesla nlarpun bellau lalah menlnme
nmsoo darlpada Pl zm Anis. Malah, 5:9 lugs tidak psmah baqumpa
F! Zul Anis untuk msrakam palcakapan beliau.
[an] Menuml sw puVa,aklIv1(l‘seP(lnd kauncerr udaluh m bawah sellaan
w Zul Ams dan dua orang pegawaw ilmgrsssn wam.
nu] spa pula memben kecsrungan bahawa PI Zul Am: Ielah membuat
pambayaran wang ssbanyak RM5‘flD0rDO ks dalam akaun Maybank \s1eIi
spa smavaa salu anau due shifl pemuaoan ssmng kaunlertersebm
[111 Semsmangnya pihak perayu mermpunyal mdangkuasa unuuk
memanggfl saksx-saksi pendakwaan. Namun, jelas dan keterangzn spa‘
sm dan spa, M zux Anus merunaksn asorang sakm pandakwaan yang
panung bag: Muan pembukhan kes (emadap rasponaen bag: kasalahin
dw bawah xemga-mga pmudunan pmdzan harsabm
rm Sebagalmana yang mpmuskan oleh Mahkamah Mung dalam n
cm... Hlang v PP [1:95] 2 ML! «:9 .
- wanna ssmnaz, II n In our vrswcleprlaw ms! mm mm pmsacutuan
nus - rorvwhlt ducubon Is (U m» cnmca orwmsm lo be cam 51 me
ma/1399, 9 7 Am Muhammad 9! Dabbah V M; of Pa(sstms!194l1AC
us II pp 157499, M4412 An 5» 12w -1 pp 143—1u;, (ht mod um
rmman uuonprnmuxam nmcmlrm m m pmmmm of: can rs max
:1 Ilsa hls . duty :9 call .1: .1 lira nocnnlry wnnlnn nu uuhllth
nmormmu me accused neyan-1.rnemn.m mm and :1, In the
cxucln 4:! M‘ dllcnflon. :4 II": in mm: my: obllgattun - mm.-n II
mnmv loss mm . murovy -my » M1 mum mm as manna
(Denekanan mmmm)
N mmuuu nasrmmw
um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
my aemasaman huraian-huralan di am, adalah dapatan mahkamsh ml
bahawa buk(|—Dukfl Ienlang jadual ken , rakamamakaman cow‘
ke(erangnn—ke|emngan dan rakaman parcakapan venawal-DSQawa\ lam.
lsrmasuk TPPK Vusrazfl, PK zm An1s,P!T Rmuan, PM Danny sunu, Pl
Hafiz dan PVK Faizax, butivan akaun nanx sPu, SF? nan akaun Maybnnk
wslari spa, bukli money hall. human wauganegam-warganagara axing
yang tflkatakan dHepiskan, kesmuanya hams dlkamukakan ohah pmak
perayu mam membukllkan kers prfnla fads |erhadap mspunden bag!
Kesulahan—ks5a\ahan yang didakwa
ru] sabanknya, bnban aembuknan ml (elah dipmdahkzn kn avas hahu
raaponaan yang mana psngamukaan ampal dokumen usrsam |DD10.
mom sen: D15 warm gamhar-gsmhar ax lapangan KUA2 amum kes
pamnavaan adalah nauaamaan dnngan usnha plhak respnndan un|uk
membukukan kafldakbelsalahannw
[vs Memandzngkan pembelaan fldak sehalusnyn dlpanggll man hakim
’ ra, make panghujahan pmak perayu Ismang
(i) au kadu: - kegngalan halum bmam mampanimbangkan
keterangan lespcndan sana ke|avangan~ke1arangan SP5 flan
spa npablla men-ska uipanggir samuva m xas nembelaan sans
u.) an ksempal » kalarangan reuponuen idulah naak konslslan
dan msragukan
adiflah akademvk semata-male
am zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-ma saw be used m van; .. mn.u.y mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
[73] Berdasarkan nuralsnmuralan dun davaiandavaflan d! alas‘ Vayllin
Ferayu adamh dengavv ml dmahak dan kepulusan namm blcara dlkekalkan‘
Esnarikh pada A D ambsr2D23
Fesummaya ehaklman
ah Nam (Janayah 5)
Mahkamah Tmggw
Psndakwaan . Pn Vma Juheza EM Maaras
T\mkza\an Pandakwa Raya
Sumhamaya Fanoegahan Rasuah Ma\ays\a
Peguambels Teluan lshrakh Saad 5 Ca
‘ 5:3‘ Jalsn Bm 6110A
Eandir Hum Mahkoh
moo Kqang
sw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
SP5 Mend Kmuaaan um Musuman renew man.» man
Jabman mam Ms\ay$/In
swa Muhammad Afia Muaazam am Psqawm Vmwgvesen KF1H
Azumi V KLIA 2
ss-7 Muhammad Fans snan Em AhRas\d Peuawaw llmumsan KPH!
_ ‘ _ Km 2
are Mom mzauumn BM Abdufllh Pagawax Imvgrulsn KF19
Km 2
SP9 Jlgalhis AIL Nngafingum Fegnvwai rem»:
Fenolarlg Penguin
Namun baa! membukukan oermdunan—pem.gunan panua-man
pmaaan pemma‘ kadua dan keflga lerhadap .aapum1an, psrayu Ie\ah
balgamung sepenuhnya Kepada keterangun-kelarangan SP7‘ SP3 dan
SP8 masm-muszng
[51 Bag alluduhan pmdaan panama, ksterangan swv adalah secava
nngkaanya sepem herikm
sapanjang hsrlugas av KLIA 2, SP7 oemah |eflIba| aennan
aknrvm “seIl1ng“ kaunler Mink nu:-mo Ianun 2019 xshsngaa
sekarsnu Aknvm 'sem‘ng“ ksunler mi melvbalkan pengalumn
pergevakan kelual dan masuk walga a
u ma\aIui kaumar
yang mana fiada ssbavanq flndakan mamw mennikm Akla
lmwgresen 195:/53 wmauvun
muapan xesawanan aan
xegagalan mamenum syarat yam dnslavkan dw bawah Akin
aw zmulyuuu nasmumw
«-ma am n-nhnrwm be used m mm a. nrW\nnH|:I mm: dun-mm VII .num Wm!
SP7 (alah msmhamu pagawaw-pagawai lam iai|u PI Zn! Ams,
PIT Riduan dan PIK Danny Supll yang mempunynl kenalan
dengan ejervejsn pekeqa asmg bag: memudahkan pram as
kaunlerlmlgresen Kehiasaannya, SP7 akan mandapa| mesa;
mangenm maklumat warga asmu ma\alui wha!saDP dari PI Zul
Anis, P17 Rmuan dan PM Danny supn unluk akhvm -smug"
Selspas sshap urusan 'sal(mg" kaumer, ksmasaannyu
aalapaa nan: wzklu xeua, SP7 akan me\aDo7kan xepaua Pl
zuv Ams‘ PIT Riduan darn wk nanny Supll unluk mendapa|
nayaran dari Fl Zn! Ams, PIT Rwduan dan FIK Danny SupH
menglkul wmlah wavga asing yang heliau moses. Barman
dangan bawran yang dilarima. sw akan mandspal RM50U-
an mngga Rmssam bagw urusan 'samnr kaunler ksluardan
RM20r1-DD ningga RMZSD-00 bag! umsnn 'xe2lmg" kaunlav
masuk bagx sellap passpml yang behau uvuskan.
Bayamn yang 597 Asnma ads\ah iecara mum flan ads juga
melaluw pmdahsn wang ks akaun Maybznk No.
155220532552 mmk 5:7
Pada seldlar nuvan November 2019‘ semasa SP7 bekelia an
N35 2‘ ksumer new pebpusan KLIA 2, SP7 nelan membual
umsan “sefllnf kaunler keluar umuk searang warua asing
cmna yang menduduki Malaysia mawanim tampon mass
(averslayedj Raspondan Ia\a?I mendlpal lahu bahavwi
Iemang umsan ‘selling’ kaunlzar oersenu: ssmasa ballau
mem|1ua|mndaan ks senap kaunter.
syn zmulyuuuunasmuavw
-ma am.‘ be used m van; .. mn.u.y mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Msnuml sm, :1 man membedtahu mspcnasn hanawa
beflau am membaw seam: suapan supaya lldak mangamnu
Imdakan ks mas amnya dan [nus melindungi urusan ‘salami
kauntar Msnurm sw‘ rs-Sounder: ta\ah uersamu dengzn
tawaran su=7 flan mm melspmxan psmsra in? kenada Kama
Kumvtflan D wallu TPPK vusrazw umux menaamml lmdakan
ke alas sw.
owan nu, sempa-E hebis waku kena, sm lalah berjumpa
respunden ax Alas 1, pqahaz Eahaglan Kawalan am
Kasshimalan KUA 2 dan msmben Wang Inna: benumlah
Rmno-no keyada behau Amaun RMJDD-DO dwlanluksn uleh
sw flan Danna warm mu aasxan naau asnpaaa umaan
uaamg kaumar kemar nan Malayan: flan hukann‘/I wann
SP7 sendm
[6] Heat penuauhan Mnasan kedua pula, ketennaan SP6 Idalan
sacara nngkasnm sepsm benku|
sepemmana SP7. SP6 Mia lambs! dakam aklwm -5911/n9’
kaunler namun spa hanya memnamu pegawal F> Zul Ams
sahala an mans svs akan msndapal buhran warga asmg
ma\a|ui caman karlas daripada P1 Zul Anus.
Paua saknarbulan Janusn zuzn, samasa spa dw (amputlehal
pegawaw Irmgresen (lacks!) dl Arms 2, pejabat Eahagwan
Kawalan dan Kesstamatan KLIA2, F-'\ZulAnis1eIah Derjumpa
dsngan SFE dan membsflkan wang nmal RM1.5uu-no kerana
mambanlu membual umsan ‘setting’ ksunler keluar nan: ma
(3) many Warga aslng Indonesia yang mendudukl Malaysia
meleh smpnh masa (ovevslayedj.
sw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-um smm be used m mm .. mmuny mm: dun-mm VI] muNG pm
PI Zul Anus Jugs memmla SP3 mambankan suapan sebanynk
RM2OD—flD kapada responder: aupen (Idsk mengambil
undakzn ks alas am SP6 can Juga mehndungl umsan ‘surfing’
kaunier Karena mpormen marvdnpm Cxhu bahawa SP6 Csish
membum umsan “selling” kaunter larssbm PI Zul AM: uauk
mambeliushu svs bagaimana responder! m:nd:pa| lahu
urusan Ielsebul
Dalam pm nu. pafla sekitav bman Januan zm, semasa
spa berada di Holding Area, m N35 2, psjabal Eihagxan
Kawalan dan Kussiamatan KLLA 2, sws lelah memberikan
wang lunaw sebanyak RM2UD—GD kepada respanuen sebaqai
suapan supaya «aux mengambu «ndakan ks alas SP6 den
iuga meunaungu urusan “sstlinj kauntsr Manumt spa,
vesponuen Ishah msnarima suapan cersanm, (Idak msngambn
ssbamng Ixndakan ka alas swe am jugs: Iwdak mawapoman
narkara my ksoada Kama Kumpuxan n IEVIU TPFK Yunazn‘
unmk msngimbu (mdakan ks alas baliau Amaun suapan
RMZOU-U0 dxlanlukan Meh spa dan punca wang Im adalah
his“ ampaua urusan “ssI1rnq’ kaumer hag: (Iga (3) umng
walga aslnq muoneaxa ulnar nan Malaysia dan bukannya
wang swa senam.
17] Bag‘ pemmunan pmdaan ksliga Ma, katerinaan spa adalah
secara nngkasnya sapam berikul.
Snpemmsna spa dan SP7‘ sue turut eenizm dslam aklwm
“setflng"kaunler namun svs hanya membamu pegawal PI zm
Anls sahaJa dan TPPK vusrazu. spa akan msndapm mesa;
me\a\ui whatsapp nan F! Zul Ams yang juga merupakan
sw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
mm: Kepuda wax vuaraz-1 unluk ammo “setting” kaunler
seweuaa seflap umaan 'seIt!rw' kaumer, keblasaannyfl
aebpas hams wakw kaua. swa axan merapoman kepada P!
zm Anna :11 mam Wang nasu umsan ‘setting’ kaunlar am
dmenkan eleh P! zm Am: xepaaa spa secara lunai alau
mmasukkun ke aavam akaun Maybank No. 1so1m7s24e
mlllk man swa
Menumt spa‘ naaa 1011 202a semasa spa bevada m
Hohimu Area Ara: 2‘ Bahaman Kawalan uan Kaaemmalan.
Jabalan lrrflglesen Malayswa, KLIA 2‘ spa Ie\ah member: saw
suapzn bariumlah Rmsnmno tuna: kepada responder! supaya
lidak mangambH lindakan ka atas dvinya dzn juga mshndung
uman “soItmg’ kaumar. Im adalsh dlssbabkan responaen
talah mengelahuv spa oambandeman ulusan‘ anmg' kauncer
kaluar hagi sapuluh mo) mang wargz asmg Indonesia yang
mandudukw Malaysia me\e nammn mesa (overstsysd) wailu
salu kesmanan fli bswah Axes muigrasen 1959/63.
Menumt spa‘ responder: Ia\aI1 manamua suapan mrsebm,
uaak manqamniv aanarang unaakan ks stat behau nan mga
naak mehlnolkan pemara ml xepaaa Kama Kumvuven D Iauu
TPFK Yusrazll unluk msvvgambfl lmdakan ks alas swa.
Amaun suapan Rmsoam Ielsebul di|enmkan Meh spa dan
punca wang mi ada\aII hasil daripada umsan -sauw kaunler
haul sepumh MD) urang wurga sslng lndmaswa kemar dan
Ms\aYMa aan bukannya wane spa mam
aw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-ma saw n-nhnrwm be used m mm In: nrW\ruH|:I mm: dun-mm a. mum Wm
Daplun hlklm blur: man mu: kn plndlkwlln
[3] D1 peflngkntakmrpandakwann. haklm bicara «man mendapan uihak
psrayu oeqaya membukllkan sam kss pnma (awe ielhadap mponuen
aenugamna yang mpscunmkkan m bawan 5173100) Kanun Taulcarz
m Jusmru nu, nakxm bicara mam memanggil pambalain urwuk
membala din
K nomhnlnn
my Dalam kss pembaluan, nsspundan man memilill umuk membafi
katzerungan belsumnah ax sampmg memunugu semuvz dua (2) arang
saw pendzkwaan Vallu SP5 Mona Khalmddm hm Musllman (Panolcng
Pangarah Kanan J1M.KL|A)dan swa
[11] Sacam ringkasnya, responder! menafikan psmah herlumpa can
mbenknn suapan secara umai men SP7, sva dan spa an Bahagwan
Kawalan dan Kesehmatan‘ mans: lrmglessn, KUA 2 pads hula-blla
mm pada mun zme dan 2u2c Sebegaw panmexaan, respnndsn oalan
menyatakan sepam be|1kuI-
(u Fsiabst lmiglusn KUA 2 adalah lamps! lenwka dan ummpx
o\eh sislsm kamefa ccw 24 Jam an mana semesflnya
pemuacan Mu dapsl dlrakam flka um: berlaku Dalum pads
mu. rssonnden lslah mengsmukakan gambar-gambar yang
dilands sabagaw D14 m. (2) dan (A) yang msnunjukkan
kewujudan kamera ocrv di kawasan Oarxahm.
Kehldaen Iankh speslfik dalam penuduhuwpenuouhan
pindaan panama dan ksdua man manyababkan responder:
sw zmulyuuu-masmuavw
-um smm be used m van; .. mmmy mm: dun-mm VIZ mum puns!
Mdak bauan manyamak samma Jadual mgasan rsspanden
paaa bu\an-bman tarsebut bag: mennfikan dakwaan SP7 din
Bsgi pemmunan omaaan kstiga yang msnuruukkan dikwaan
suspsn berlaku pads 10.11.2020, rasponaen lllah
mengemukakan Jaws! Twas Hanan JIM KLVA Tanun 2020
(Eksmbfl D13) yang Mas menuruukkan pads 1a 11.21720,
kedua-dua sPa dan ruspondan hercun Make kscsmngan SP3
yang mendakwa ma dan raspanuan bekens aan penmenan
suapan baflaku oads nankn |en.abu| ada\aI1 hdak benarsama
Dakwaan SP7 yang responder: halah menangkapnya secam
‘caught rad hsndmf flan ssnepns nu SP7 malakukan
Wndlngan‘ dengan responder: unluk 'menulup' kss Mu
dmeflkan sama sekah: memandangkan kefiadaan saksuaaksx
lam‘ rnasalnnnya, pegawax Vmmresen yang berada kaunIar—
kaunlav nelepasan yang bersebehahan flengsn SP7, pagiwai
penyelna yang dflempatkan ba(u\—b21uIdIDe\akang SP7 max
fllpanggll ke mahkamah unmk mambukhkan ksbenarun
dakwaan swv mu
Dukwaun swa hahawa vembsrian wan); mnai kspada
responder: dilakukan daram amk Holding Lounge secara
di haw-ah meja dmafiksn same sekalw;
memandangkan tags (3) law psgawaw lmlgresen yang berida
dv bunk yang sama vawtu Pl Hafiz, PIK Faizal den seomng Van!
yang spa udak mgan ndak dmanggil un|uk mangesahkan
an zmmyuuu-masmuavw
-nan saw be used m mm .. anmmuuy mm: flan-mm wa muNG pm
| 3,892 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
J-05(SH)-253-06/2022 | PERAYU LOO YONG HENG RESPONDEN Pendakwa Raya [Pendakwa Raya] | Rayuan Jenayah - Perayu telah didakwa dengan enam (6) kesalahan di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (ADB) iaitu satu pertuduhan mengedar dadah di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) dan lima perduduhan memiliki dadah di bawah seksyen 12(2) Akta yang sama - Rayuan terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang mensabitkan perayu bersalah atas kesemua enam pertuduhan dan menjatuhkan hukuman gantung dileher hingga mati bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya dan penjara 2 tahun mulai dari tarikh sabitan bagi setiap satu pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2) dan hukuman penjara berjalan serentak - Keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan 1: Sabıtan ke atas perayu bagi kesemua enam pertuduhan adalah selamat. Oleh itu, tayuan perayu terhadap sabitan bagi kesemua enam pertuduhan ditolak. Sabıtan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi dikekalkan. 2. Mengenai rayuan terhadap hukuman, bagi kesalahan di bawah seksyen 39B ADB, Panel Mahkamah Rayuan menggunakan kuasa budibicara di bawah Akta Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 (Akta 846) dengan mengenepikan hukuman gantung sampai mati dan menggantikannya dengan hukuman 30 tahun penjara dari tarikh tangkap (13.2.2018) dan 12 sebatan rotan. 3. Rayuan terhadap hukuman bagi lima kesalahan memiliki dadah di bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB ditolak. Hukuman 2 tahun penjara bagi setiap pertuduhan yang dijatuhkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dikekalkan. Hukuman penjara berjalan serentak dari tarikh tangkap. | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailKorumYA Dato' Hadhariah Bt Syed IsmailYA Tuan Mohamed Zaini Bin MazlanYA Dato' Azmi Bin Ariffin | |
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.J-05(M)-257-06/2022
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.J-05(SH)-253-06/2022
RAYUAN JENAYAH NO.J-05(SH)-254-06/2022
02/01/2024 09:00:43
J-05(SH)-253-06/2022 Kand. 46
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[Dalam Perkara Perbicaraan Jenayah
No:JB-45A-10-09/2018, No:JB-45-14-09/208, No:JB-45-13-09/2018
Di dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Muar, Johor
Pendakwa Raya
Loo Yong Heng]
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[1] Perayu, Loo Yong Heng telah di dakwa dengan enam (6) kesalahan
di bawah Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 (ADB) iaitu satu pertuduhan
mengedar dadah di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) dan lima pertuduhan
memiliki dadah di bawah seksyen 12(2). Enam pertuduhan ini di bawa
dalam tiga kes yang berlainan. Ketiga-tiga kes dibicarakan bersama di
dalam satu perbicaraan.
[2] Rayuan No.257
Melibatkan 2 pertuduhan iaitu satu pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B
(1)(a) ADB dan satu pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB.
[3] Rayuan No.253
Melibatkan 3 pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB.
[4] Rayuan No.254
Melibatkan 1 pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB.
[5] Di peringkat pendakwaan, kes didengar oleh Pesuruhjaya
Kehakiman (PK) Awang Armadajaya (Hakim bicara pertama). Hakim
bicara pertama memutuskan pendakwaan berjaya membuktikan suatu
kes prima facie bagi kesemua enam pertuduhan dan perayu dipanggil
membela diri. Hakim bicara pertama kemudiannya telah bersara. Kes
pembelaan didengar oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Abu Bakar Katar
(Hakim bicara kedua).
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
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[6] Di akhir kes pembelaan, hakim bicara kedua telah mensabitkan
perayu bersalah atas kesemua enam pertuduhan dan menjatuhkan
hukuman berikut:
i) Gantung dileher hingga mati bagi kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 39B(1)(a) ADB.
ii) Penjara 2 tahun mulai dari tarikh sabitan bagi setiap satu
pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2). Hukuman penjara
berjalan serentak.
[7] Ini adalah rayuan perayu terhadap keseluruhan keputusan
Mahkamah Tinggi.
Berat Dan Jenis Dadah Dalam Enam Pertuduhan
[8] Bagi pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 39B(1)(a) ADB, dadah yang
terlibat ialah 183.14gram methamphetamine.
[9] Bagi 5 pertuduhan di bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB, berat dan jenis
dadah mengikut susunan pertuduhan adalah seperti berikut:
(i) 0.07gram heroin dan monoacetylmorphines.
(ii) 22.21gram ketamine.
(iii) 3.91gram ketamine
(iv) 0.79gram methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA]
(v) 0.04gram nimetazepam.
[10] Kesemua dadah yang dipertuduhkan adalah dadah berbahaya yang
disenaraikan di dalam Jadual Pertama ADB 1952.
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
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Kes Pendakwaan
[11] Fakta kes pendakwaan yang direkodkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi
adalah seperti berikut. Bertindak atas maklumat, sepasukan polis yang
diketuai oleh Inspektor Sharul Rizal bin Abd Kadir (SP9) telah membuat
pemerhatian ke atas sebuah rumah yang bernombor 144, Jalan Bukit
Kontang, Daerah Tangkak, Johor (rumah tersebut).
[12] Semasa sampai di rumah tersebut, SP9 mendapati pintu pagar luar
hadapan rumah tertutup. SP9 memanggil penghuni yang berada di
hadapan rumah untuk membuka pintu pagar. Tetapi penghuni tersebut
enggan dan masuk ke dalam rumah. Penghuni yang berada di hadapan
rumah dicamkan sebagai perayu.
[13] Oleh kerana perayu enggan untuk memberi kerjasama, anggota
polis terpaksa memanjat pintu pagar. Perayu berjaya ditahan di bahagian
ruang tamu rumah tersebut.
[14] Turut ditahan ialah bapa perayu bernama Lu Choon Hee @ Loo
Soon Hee (SP5) yang berada di bahagian dapur. SP9 dan anggotanya
telah menjalankan pemeriksaan badan ke atas perayu dan SP5, tetapi
tidak mempunyai apa-apa barang yang menyalahi undang-undang di
tubuh badan mereka.
[15] SP9 kemudiannya telah menanya perayu di manakah bilik tidurnya.
Perayu telah membawa SP9 ke bilik yang terletak di sebelah kiri rumah.
Pintu bilik dalam keadaan bertutup, tetapi tidak berkunci. SP9 telah
mengarahkan perayu untuk membuka pintu bilik.
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
**Note : Serial number will be used to verify the originality of this document via eFILING portal
[16] Selepas masuk ke dalam bilik itu, SP9 dan anggotanya telah
membuat pemeriksaan di hadapan perayu. Hasil pemeriksaan, SP9
menjumpai bahan-bahan yang disyaki dadah berbahaya di atas rak TV
yang terdapat dalam bilik tersebut. Rak TV tidak berpintu dan tidak
berlaci. Dadah-dadah tidak tersembunyi dan terletak di kawasan terbuka.
Bahan yang yang disyaki dadah berbahaya yang dijumpai ialah:
(i) 1 bungkusan teh mengandungi dadah jenis syabu;
(ii) 1 peket plastik lutsinar mengandungi dadah jenis syabu;
(iii) 1 bekas kotak tin berisi dadah jenis syabu, pil Eramin 5, serbuk
Ecstacy dan Heroin (yang dibungkus dalam plastik-plastik);
(iv) 1 peket plastik mengandungi dadah jenis serbuk Ecstacy.
[17] Bahan-bahan yang disyaki sebagai dadah berbahaya tersebut telah
dirampas oleh polis dan diserahkan kepada ahli kimia (SP6) untuk
[18] Hasil analisis beliau, SP6 mengesahkan bahan-bahan yang disyaki
dadah itu adalah dadah berbahaya mengikut jenis dan berat seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam kesemua enam pertuduhan.
[19] Selain daripada dadah, barangan lain yang dijumpai di dalam bilik
berkenaan ialah 1unit sealer, 1unit penimbang digital, 1unit gunting, 1
bungkusan plastik lutsinar mengandungi peket-peket plastik kosong dan
wang tunai RM10,000.00 di dalam beg tangan wanita.
[20] Pemeriksaan di bahagian dapur pula menemui 2 pucuk pistol
beserta dengan peluru (tidak berkaitan dengan kes dadah).
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
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[21] Kes pendakwaan didengar oleh Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman (PK)
Awang Armadajaya (hakim bicara pertama). Di akhir kes pendakwaan,
hakim bicara pertama memutuskan suatu kes prima facie telah berjaya
dibuktikan dan memanggil perayu membela diri bagi kesemua enam
Kes Pembelaan
[22] Saksi-saksi yang memberi keterangan dalam kes pembelaan ialah
perayu dan ibunya (SD2). Perayu memberi versi berikut. Sebelum beliau
ditangkap, pada jam 7.00 pagi kawannya bernama Ah Pui telah datang
ke rumah tersebut dan mereka berbual di dalam bilik perayu. Perayu tidak
pasti sama ada Ah Pui pernah menggunakan tuala, seluar dan botol
minuman yang dijumpai di dalam bilik perayu. Selepas Ah Pui beredar,
perayu berada di bahagian luar rumah untuk menyapu daun pokok di atas
[23] Selain daripada Ah Pui, perayu mengatakan kawan-kawan beliau
yang lain yang pernah masuk ke dalam biliknya ialah San San dan Ah
[24] Pada jam lebih kurang 10.00 pagi, pasukan polis sampai di rumah
tersebut. Anggota polis berpakaian preman dan berada di luar pagar.
Polis meminta perayu membuka pintu pagar. Perayu kemudiannya
masuk ke dalam rumah kononnya untuk mengambil remote control untuk
membuka autogate. Semasa perayu berjalan di ruang tamu, polis telah
menangkap perayu.
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
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[25] Polis kemudiannya membawa perayu ke ruang dapur. Di bahagian
dapur, polis menangkap bapa perayu bernama Loo Soon Hee (SP5).
Polis kemudiannya membawa SP5 ke ruang tamu dan perayu dibawa
masuk ke dalam bilik pertama (bilik perayu di mana dadah dijumpai).
[26] Semasa berada di dalam bilik pertama, polis telah nampak skrin
monitor CCTV dan mencabut semua pendawaian CPU CCTV. Menurut
perayu, CCTV dipasang di ruang tamu dan sesiapa yang masuk ke bilik
perayu akan kelihatan. Perayu mempertikaikan kegagalan pihak
pendakwaan mengemukakan recorder CCTV. Perayu telah membuat
laporan polis D75 dan D76 berkaitan kehilangan recorder CCTV.
Perayu menafikan polis ada menunjukkan barang kes dadah yang
dijumpai dalam bilik berkenaan.
[27] Perayu mendakwa sealer (P20) yang dijumpai di dalam biliknya
adalah kepunyaan bapanya yang digunakan untuk perniagaan.
Manakala alat timbang digital (P24) yang dijumpai di dalam bilik yang
sama adalah kepunyaan ibunya untuk menimbang tepung membuat kek.
Manakala duit RM10,000.00 adalah wang simpanan untuk membuat
ubahsuai rumah. Perayu mendakwa kononnya jumlah wang yang
sebenarnya ialah RM30,000.00. Tetapi, beliau tidak membuat laporan
polis mengenai kehilangan RM20,000.00 itu. Tanpa ada laporan polis,
inferen yang munasabah ialah jumlah wang yang dijumpai ialah
RM10,000.00 sahaja.
[28] Emak perayu bernama Tan Ah Moi (SD2) pula telah memberi
keterangan berikut. Pada hari kejadian, beliau berada di rumah anak
ketiganya yang bernama Loo Yong Chai, di Sabah. Sebelum Tahun Baru
Cina beliau dan anaknya pulang ke Semenanjung. Semasa berada di
S/N pbpG03iSQ0OjytIqXtKX7A
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Kuala Lumpur, beliau dimaklumkan bahawa perayu dan suaminya (SP5)
telah ditangkap oleh polis.
[29] SD2 memberi keterangan bahawa recorder CCTV yang berada di
dalam bilik perayu berfungsi dengan baik. Tetapi, recoder tersebut telah
tiada. Saksi ini juga mengatakan bahawa alat timbang yang dijumpai di
dalam bilik perayu adalah miliknya untuk menimbang tepung.
Alasan-Alasan Rayuan
[30] Peguam perayu menghujahkan sabitan terhadap perayu adalah
tidak selamat atas alasan-alasan berikut:
(i) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah terkhilaf dari segi undang-
undang dan fakta apabila gagal membuat dapatan afirmatif
sama ada perayu mempunyai milikan sebenar (actual
possession) atau milikan secara anggapan (presumed
possession) sebelum menggunapakai anggapan di bawah
seksyen 37(da) ADB.
(ii) Perayu tidak mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan eksklusif ke
atas bilik di mana dadah dijumpai.
(iii) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah terkhilaf apabila
mengambilkira dan menerima keterangan mengenai
“kelakuan perayu”.
(iv) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah terkhilaf apabila membenarkan
pendakwaan menggunapakai seksyen 154 Akta Keterangan
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1950 untuk menyoalbalas SP5 sedangkan tiada
percanggahan material dalam keterangan.
(v) Pembelaan perayu tidak dipertimbangkan.
Isu Possession
[31] Di akhir kes pendakwaan, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman (PK) Awang
Armadajaya telah menyatakan:
“…after making maximum evaluation, I found that the
prosecution succeeded in proving a prima facie case on all
charges against the accused. I call the accused to enterhis
defence on all the charges. For ease of preparinghis defence, I
am stating that I have in the course of making this decision, invok
the presumption under s 37(da) DDA 1952.”
[32] Seksyen 37(da) memperuntukkan:
(da) any person who is found in possession of-
(xvi) 50grammes or more in weight of Methamphetamine;
otherwise than in accordance with the authority of this Act or any
written law, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be
trafficking in the said drug.
[33] Peguam perayu menghujahkan, sebelum PK boleh
menggunapakai s.37(da), PK perlu terlebih dahulu membuat dapatan
afirmatif mengenai possession iaitu sama ada perayu mempunyai
pemilikan sebenar atau anggapan pemilikan. Dalam kes ini, PK tidak
membuat dapatan afirmatif mengenai possession. Ketinggalan ini
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terjumlah kepada satu kesilapan yang memerlukan campur tangan dari
mahkamah ini.
[34] Untuk menyokong hujahannya, peguam perayu merujukkan kami
kepada keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Jorge Crespo
Gomez v PP [2020] 5 ML RA 492 yang menyatakan:
“If one is to read paras 24-28 and 53-54 of the grounds of
judgment of the learned JC, as we had reproduced in the
preceding paragraph of this judgment, the learned JC made
findings as follows: (i) Mens rea possession by direct evidence
and presumption under s37 (da) of the DDA; or alternatively (ii)
Presumption under s 37 (d) of the DDA for possession and
knowledge and definition of “trafficking” under s.2. The aforesaid
disclosed that His Lordship did not make an election as to
which presumption he had relied on. He had adverted to both
presumptions under ss37(d) and 37(da) of the DDA and also s2
without making a finding as to whether the appellant was found
to be in actual possession or was presumed to be trafficking
under s37(da) of the DDA or whether the appellant was
presumed to be in possession of the drugs under s37(d) of the
DDA and was found to be trafficking under s2 of the Act. In
Seyedalireza Seyedhedayatollah Ehteshamiardestani v PP
[2014] 5 MLRA 705; [2014] 6 ML J 408; [2014] 4 CL J 406 a
decision by the Court of Appeal which was affirmed by this court
held that if the learned judge had resorted to the presumption in
calling the defence, the law requires that the learned JC applied
the test of balance of probabilities in considering whether the
appellant had rebutted the presumption. It is imperative that the
learned JC made his election as to which presumption he was
relying on, namely whether it was actual possession based on
the evidence before him or presumed possession under s 37(d)
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of the DDA and whether it was actual trafficking based on the
evidence or presumed trafficking under s 37(da) of the DDA, as
such finding had an impact on the burden placed on the defence.
Hence, by invoking all the alternative presumptions available, it
would have an effect that the appellant would have to rebut all
the presumptions (alternative ones included) that had been
invoked against him. That would be a heavy burden on the
appellant as the standard of proof to rebut a presumption is on
the balance of probabilities. If the court had acted on the
available evidence in proof of the relevant ingredients without
resorting to presumptions there is only an evidential burden on
an accused person to raise a reasonable doubt. All these could
have been avoided if only the learned judge made a definite
finding on which presumption precisely that the appellant has to
rebut. In this regard, the court also refer to the iew by Augustine
Paul J in PP v Chia Leong Foo [2000] 1 MLRH 764; [2000] ML
J 705; [2000] 4 CL J 649….”
[35] Peguam perayu bergantung kepada kes Sureeya Wutthisat & Satu
lagi lwn Pendakwa Raya [2012] 5 MLRA 483 di mana Ahmad Maarop
HMR (YA pada ketika itu) memutuskan:
“Selepas menghuraikan “fakta kes”, di bawah tajuk “Perbicaraan
kes”, YA hakim bicara menyatakan bahawa mahkamah
memutuskan satu kes prima facie telah berjaya dibuktikan
terhadap Sureeya dan Asan dan mereka telah dipanggil untuk
membela diri. Sehingga peringkat ini, YA hakim bicara tidak
menjelaskan bagaimana beliau mencapai keputusan
tersebut.Beliau juga tidak memberikan alasan-alasan kenapa
beliau memutuskan bahawa kes prima facie telah terbukti.
Sehubungan ini, di ms 29 Rekod Rayuan, YA hakim bicara
menyatakan bahawa Sureeya dan Asan telah gagal
mematahkan anggapan statutory di bawah s 37(da) ADB.
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Ertinya, di akhir kes pendakwaan beliau semestinya telah
berpuas hati bahawa mens rea possession telah terbukti
terhadap Sureeya dan Asan. Malangnya tidak ada apa-apa
dalam alasan penghakiman untuk menunjukkan bahawa beliau
telah membuat dapatan afirmatif tentang possession. Ini adalah
satu lagi kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh YA hakim bicara…”
[36] Dalam kes Soorya Kumar Narayanan v PP [2009] 2 MLRA 420,
Ahmad Maarop JCA menyatakan:
“We come to a more serious misdirection. This occurred when
the learned judge found that the defence had failed to rebut the
presumption of trafficking under s 37 (da)(vi) of the Act. On the
basis of the law as stated in Muhammed b Hassan v PP (supra),
this finding presupposes that the learned judge was satisfied that
the said presumption had arisen in the first place. The question
is when was he so satisfied? We have said earlier that before
the presumption under s.37 (da) of the Act can arise, there must
be an affirmative finding of possession. As we have
demonstrated, the learned judge did not make any affirmative
finding of possession at the close of the prosecution’s case. So,
his finding regarding the defence’s failure to rebut the
presumption under s37 (da) of the Act is really bewildering…”
[37] Kami tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam perayu. Fakta kes
Sureeya Wutthisat dan Soorya Kumar yang dirujuk peguam perayu
adalah berbeza dari kes di hadapan kami. Dalam kedua-dua kes tersebut
hakim bicara telah tersilap kerana tidak menggunapakai anggapan
pengedaran di bawah seksyen 37(da) di akhir kes pendakwaan, tetapi
secara tiba-tiba, di akhir kes pembelaan mengatakan anggapan seksyen
37(da) gagal dipatahkan. Sedangkan, dalam kes di hadapan kami, hakim
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bicara pertama telah memberi indikasi di akhir kes pendakwaan bahawa
beliau menggunakan anggapan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 37(da).
Ini bermakna, hakim bicara berpuas hati bahawa perayu mempunyai
possessi sebenar (actual possession atau mens rea possession) dan dia
dianggap mengedar dadah kerana berat methamphetamine yang
dijumpai ialah 183.14gram, melebihi berat statutori 50gram. Dengan
indikasi tersebut, perayu memikul beban untuk mematahkan anggapan
pengedaran atas tahap imbangan kebarangkalian. Manakala bagi
pertuduhan pemilikan, perayu memikul beban membuktikan tanpa
keraguan munasabah bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut bukan milikan
[38] Dalam kes PP v Abdul Manaf Muhamad Hassan [2006] 2 C LJ 129,
Arifin Zakaria FCJ (YA pada ketika itu) menyatakan:
“It ought to be stated that the decision in Muhammad Hassan
only prohibits the use of double presumptions under ss 37(d) and
37 (da). It is, therefore, open to the prosecution to rely on either
of the presumptions. In other words, the prosecution may
positively prove ossession without relying on the presumption
under section 37(d) of the Act and go on to rely on the
presumption of trafficking under s.37 (da) of the Act to support a
charge under section 39B of the Act. See Tunde Apatira & Ors
v Public Prosecutor (supra); Msimanga Lesaly v Public
Prosecutor [2005]1 CL J 398 (a decision of the Court of Appeal
confirmed by this court in Federal Court Criminal Appeal No.05-
27-2004 (K). Conversely, the prosecution may rely on the
presumption under s.37(d) to prove possession and seek to
prove by affirmative evidence (independent of the presumption
under s.37 (da) that the accused was in fact trafficking in the
dangerous drug.”
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[39] Berbalik kepada kes di hadapan kami. Dalam kes ini, dadah-dadah
dijumpai di dalam bilik yang dihuni oleh perayu seorang sahaja. Dadah
dijumpai di atas rak TV yang tidak berpintu dan tidak berlaci. Dadah
terletak di kawasan terbuka, tidak tersembunyi dan berada di hadapan
mata perayu. Adalah mustahil untuk perayu mengatakan beliau tidak tahu
ada dadah di dalam biliknya sendiri. Adalah mustahil untuk orang asing
boleh letak dadah, gunting, sealer, alat penimbang dan peket-peket plasik
kosong di dalam bilik perayu tanpa pengetahuannya. Adalah juga
mustahil polis tidak menunjukkan kepadanya dadah yang dirampas
kerana pemeriksaan di dalam bilik dibuat dengan kehadiran perayu dan
di hadapan perayu. Kesemua fakta-fakta ini menyokong dapatan hakim
bicara pertama bahawa perayu mempunyai mens rea possession.
[40] Pembelaan perayu bahawa dadah-dadah tersebut diletakkan di
dalam bilik beliau oleh orang lain tanpa pengetahuan beliau tidak boleh
dipercayai. Ini adalah kerana di dalam bilik tersebut juga turut dijumpai
alat menghisap dadah, gunting, sealer, peket-peket plastik kosong, alat
penimbang digital dan wang tunai berjumlah RM10,000.00.
[41] Perayu mengatakan sealer adalah kepunyaan bapanya (SP5) yang
digunakan dalam perniagaannya. Manakala, alat penimbang digital pula
adalah kepunyaan ibunya (SD2) yang digunakan untuk menimbang
tepong untuk membuat kek. Persoalannya, kenapa alat-alat ini mesti
berada di dalam bilik perayu. Melihat kepada kuantiti dadah yang
dijumpai dan keadaan fakta kes, inferen yang munasabah boleh
dibuat iaitu sealer dan alat timbang ini digunakan untuk aktiviti
pengedaran dadah.
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[42] Dalam keadaan dadah-dadah, sealer dan alat penimbang dijumpai
dalam bilik perayu, yang dihuni oleh perayu seorang sahaja dan dadah-
dadah juga tidak tersembunyi, hakim bicara pertama membuat keputusan
yang betul bila memutuskan perayu mempunyai possessi sebenar.
Perayu mempunyai jagaan, kawalan dan pengetahuan mengenai dadah-
dadah tersebut. Oleh itu, kami mendapati tidak ada apa-apa kekhilafan
dilakukan oleh hakim bicara pertama bila beliau menggunapakai
anggapan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 37(da). Oleh itu, kami
mendapati isu possession yang dibangkitkan peguam perayu tidak ada
merit dan ditolak.
Isu Tiada Kawalan Dan Jagaan Eksklusif Bilik
[43] Dalam keterangannya, perayu mengatakan bilik beliau bebas
dimasuki oleh ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawannya yang bernama Ah Pui,
San San dan Ah Seng. Tetapi perayu tidak tahu nama penuh kawan-
kawannya; tidak tahu alamat tempat tinggal mereka dan tidak tahu
nombor telefon mereka. Perayu bersetuju beliau tidak memberikan
nombor telefon dan butiran kawan-kawannya kepada pegawai penyiasat,
kononnya kerana beliau tidak ditanya. Keterangan perayu ini adalah tidak
munasabah. Jika betul kawan-kawan beliau yang meletakkan dadah-
dadah itu di dalam biliknya, perayu boleh memberikan butiran lengkap
mengenai kawannya kepada polis supaya siasatan boleh dibuat. Tidak
perlulah tunggu polis tanya kerana polis tidak tahu. Dalam keadaan
perayu tidak ada apa-apa maklumat mengenai kawan-kawannya dan
polis juga tidak diberitahu mengenainya, hakim bicara kedua telah
membuat keputusan yang betul bila memutuskan Ah Pui, San San dan
Ah Seng ini tidak wujud. Perayu hanya sekadar menamakan mereka
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sahaja. Notis Alcontara tidak sempurna dan polis tidak boleh
dipersalahkan jika tidak buat siasatan.
[44] Mengenai isu tiada kawalan eksklusif ke atas bilik ini, hakim bicara
kedua juga membuat keputusan yang betul bila memutuskan, walaupun
bilik boleh diakses oleh orang lain, ini tidak bermakna perayu hilang
kawalan ke atas bilik. Lebih-lebih lagi dalam kes ini, dalam bilik perayu
ada wang tunai RM10,000.00. Adalah tidak munasabah perayu tidak
ada kawalan dan jagaan ke atas biliknya; sila lihat kes Hemankumar
Subramaniam v PP [2020] 3 CL J 844.
[45] Maka, isu tiada kawalan eksklusif ke atas bilik ini juga adalah tidak
bermerit dan ditolak.
Isu kelakuan perayu
[46] Dalam kes ini, kelakuan perayu yang dipertikaikan ialah perayu
enggan membuka auto gate bila diminta oleh pegawai serbuan, SP9.
Sebaliknya, perayu telah lari masuk ke dalam rumah. Akibatnya, pasukan
serbuan terpaksa memanjat auto gate. Perayu menafikan beliau
melarikan diri. Perayu mengatakan beliau masuk ke dalam rumah untuk
mengambil remote control untuk membuka gate. Kami mendapati sukar
untuk menerima penjelasan perayu. Adalah lebih munasabah untuk
perayu menjawab permintaan SP9 dengan mengatakan beliau akan
ambil remote control dan bukannya bertindak terus masuk ke dalam
rumah. Di antara versi SP9 dan keterangan perayu, kami mendapati versi
SP9 adalah lebih munasabah iaitu perayu enggan beri kerjasama.
Kelakuan perayu ini adalah relevan di bawah seksyen 8 Akta Keterangan
1950 untuk menunjukkan perayu ada pengetahuan mengenai dadah di
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dalam biliknya. Oleh itu, hakim bicara kedua tidak terkhilaf apabila
mengambilkira kelakuan perayu. Maka, isu mengenai kelakuan perayu
ini juga mesti gagal dan ditolak.
Isu Pemakaian Seksyen 154 Akta Keterangan 1950 Terhadap SP5
[47] SP5 adalah bapa perayu. Keterangan SP5 di mahkamah yang
memihak kepada pendakwaan adalah:
(i) SP5 mengesahkan bilik di mana kesemua dadah dijumpai
adalah bilik perayu.
(ii) SP5 mengesahkan bilik perayu didiami oleh perayu sahaja.
(iii) SP5 mengesahkan bahawa perayu akan memarahi orang
yang masuk ke dalam biliknya. Tiada orang mahu masuk bilik
(iv) SP5 setuju barang kes yang dirampas berupa gambar-
gambar perayu diambil daripada bilik perayu.
(v) Beliau tidak ingat bila kali terakhir kawan-kawan perayu
datang ke bilik perayu.
(vi) Beliau tidak pernah melihat sealer.
[48] Tiba-tiba semasa pemeriksaan balas, SP5 mengatakan pada pagi
sebelum perayu ditangkap polis, ada kawan perayu datang berbual
dengan perayu di dalam bilik perayu; sealer itu digunakan oleh SP5 untuk
membungkus fish ball; perayu tidak halang ahli keluarga masuk ke bilik
beliau dan pintu bilik perayu jarang dikunci.
[49] Hakim bicara pertama bersetuju dengan TPR bahawa ada
percanggahan material antara keterangan SP5 semasa pemeriksaan
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utama dan keterangan semasa pemeriksaan balas. Dengan itu, hakim
bicara membenarkan permohonan TPR untuk memeriksa balas SP5 di
bawah seksyen 154 Akta Keterangan 1950.
[50] Seksyen 154 Akta Keterangan memperuntukkan:
“The Court may, in its discretion, permit the person who calls a
witness to put any questionsto him which might be put in cross-
examination by the adverse party.”
[51] Bila disoalbalas oleh TPR, SP5 mengaku cerita ada orang datang
ke bilik perayu pada pagi hari kejadian berlaku setelah SP5 bertemu
dengan peguambela perayu di luar bilik bicara. Oleh itu, tidak hairanlah
bila SP5 mengubah keterangan dan menyokong kes pembelaan.
[52] Di hadapan kami, peguam perayu menghujahkan hakim bicara
pertama telah terkhilaf apabila membenarkan TPR menggunapakai
seksyen 154 Akta Keterangan apabila tidak ada percanggahan material
dalam keterangan SP5. Kami tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan peguam
perayu. Adalah jelas kepada kami bahawa SP5 adalah saksi belot
(hostile witness).
[53] Walaupun SP5 adalah saksi belot, ini tidak bermakna semua
keterangan SP5 harus ditolak. TPR berhujah bahawa keterangan SP5
yang disokong oleh keterangan saksi-saksi pendakwaan masih boleh
diterima. TPR bergantung kepada kes PP v Ramli bin Shafie [2002] 6
MLJ 153, di mana Mahkamah Tinggi menyatakan:
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“It must be observed that even in the case of a witness who has
been declared hostile, as much of his evidence which is
corroborated by other evidence can be accepted.”
[54] Di dalam kes Desa Samudra Sdn Bhd v Bandar Teknik Sdn Bhd &
Ors [2012] 1 ML J 729, Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan:
“In the law governing documentary evidence, as in oral evidence,
three matters come to mind- relevancy, admissibility, and weight.
They must be considered in that order. Only evidence which is
relevant ought to be admissible. Irrelevant evidence should be
rendered as inadmissible and the matter ends there. Now,
relevant evidence which is rendered admissible is still subject to
the element of weight. The court can either attach due weight to
the evidence, or some weight, little weight, or no weight at all.”
[55] Dalam kes ini, kami mendapati keterangan SP5 semasa
pemeriksaan utama bahawa beliau tidak ingat bila kali terakhir kawan
perayu masuk ke bilik perayu; perayu akan memarahi sesiapa yang
masuk ke biliknya; bahawa bilik perayu kadang-kadang dikunci dan
kadang-kadang tidak dikunci serta SP5 tidak pernah melihat sealer
adalah keterangan-keterangan yang relevan untuk menunjukkan
bahawa bilik perayu dan barang-barang yang berada di dalam bilik
perayu adalah di bawah kawalan, jagaan dan pengetahuan perayu
sendiri sahaja. Oleh itu, keterangan-keterangan SP5 semasa
pemeriksaan utama (yang belum diubah) diterima masuk sebagai
keterangan pendakwaan dan diberikan pemberatan yang sewajarnya.
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Isu Pembelaan Perayu Gagal Dipertimbangkan
[56] Setelah membaca nota prosiding di dalam Rekod Rayuan, kami
mendapati pembelaan perayu boleh diringkaskan seperti berikut:
(i) Beliau tidak ada pengetahuan mengenai kewujudan dadah-
dadah yang menjadi intipati kesemua pertuduhan di dalam
bilik beliau.
(ii) Bahawa dadah-dadah itu diletakkan di dalam bilik beliau oleh
individu lain tanpa pengetahuan beliau.
(iii) Bilik beliau boleh diakses oleh sesiapa sahaja. Fakta ini
disokong oleh keterangan bapa perayu, SP5.
(iv) Kawan-kawan perayu, kononnya bernama Ah Pui, San San
dan Ah Seng ada masuk ke dalam bilik beliau. Tetapi polis
tidak mendapatkan nombor telefon Ah Pui, San San dan Ah
(v) Polis juga tidak menunjukkan dadah-dadah yang dijumpai
kepada beliau.
[57] Peguam perayu menghujahkan bahawa hakim bicara kedua telah
gagal mempertimbangkan bahawa pembelaan perayu telah berjaya
menimbulkan keraguan yang munasabah kepada kes pendakwaan.
[58] Kami mendapati hujahan peguam perayu adalah tidak benar.
Pembelaan perayu adalah penafian semata-mata iaitu menafikan
keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh pendakwaan.
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[59] Bagi pertuduhan pemilikan dadah, Kami mendapati hakim bicara
kedua telah pun mempertimbangkan pembelaan perayu apabila beliau
memutuskan di para [33] penghakiman seperti berikut:
“Saya berpendapat pembelaan sebegini terjumlah kepada
penafian kosong. Pembelaan sebegini tidak boleh diterima oleh
mahkamah dan ia tidak menimbulkan sebarang keraguan
munasabah berkaitan pemilikan dadah oleh tertuduh
membabitkan semua pertuduhan. Saya merujuk kes Mr Losali v
PP [2011] 4 ML J 694 yang memutuskan:
“[54] The learned trial judge rightly held that the defence
of the appellant was a bare denial. It is trite law that the
defence of bare denial is no defence. What this amounts
to is this. That the appellant did not offer any
explanation to the two charges and merely denied the
evidence advanced by the prosecution. That was indeed
a perilous course to undertake.”
[60] Mengenai pertuduhan pengedaran dadah methamphetamine
seberat 183.14gram, di akhir kes pendakwaan, hakim bicara pertama
telah menggunapakai anggapan pengedaran di bawah seksyen 37(da)
(xvi) ADB. Beban bukti beraleh kepada perayu untuk mematahkan
anggapan pengedaran atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Perayu harus
memberikan penjelasan bahawa dadah tersebut adalah untuk kegunaan
beliau sendiri atau untuk sebarang tujuan lain selain daripada
pengedaran. Dalam kes ini, perayu gagal memberikan apa-apa
penjelasan. Oleh itu, satu-satunya inferen yang munasabah yang boleh
dibuat ialah dadah itu adalah untuk tujuan pengedaran; sila lihat Ogbugo
Chioma Martha v PP [2019] 1 LNS 491. Maka, kami mendapati hakim
bicara kedua telah membuat keputusan yang betul apabila memutuskan:
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(i) bahawa perayu memiliki dadah untuk tujuan pengedaran kerana
perayu gagal memberikan penjelasan apakah tujuan dadah tersebut; dan
(ii) perayu gagal mematahkan anggapan pengedaran di bawah seksyen
37(da) (xvi) ADB.
Keputusan Kami
[61] Bersandarkan alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas, kami sebulat
suara mendapati sabitan ke atas perayu bagi kesemua enam pertuduhan
adalah selamat. Oleh itu, rayuan perayu terhadap sabitan bagi kesemua
enam pertuduhan ditolak. Sabitan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi dikekalkan.
[62] Mengenai rayuan terhadap hukuman. Bagi kesalahan di bawah
seksyen 39B ADB, kami menggunakan kuasa budibicara di bawah Akta
Pemansuhan Hukuman Mati Mandatori 2023 (Akta 846) dengan
mengenepikan hukuman gantung sampai mati dan menggantikannya
dengan hukuman 30 tahun penjara dari tarikh tangkap (13.2.2018) dan
12 sebatan rotan.
[63] Rayuan terhadap hukuman bagi lima kesalahan memiliki dadah di
bawah seksyen 12(2) ADB ditolak. Hukuman 2 tahun penjara bagi setiap
pertuduhan yang dijatuhkan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dikekalkan.
Hukuman penjara berjalan serentak dari tarikh tangkap.
Bertarikh: 29 Disember 2023.
- SGD -
Hadhariah binti Syed Ismail
Mahkamah Rayuan Malaysia
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Bagi Perayu : Encik C.S Lim & Cik SY Sia;
Tetuan Lim Wong & Partners
Bagi Responden : TPR Aznee Salmie binti Ahmad;
Jabatan Peguam Negara.
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| 36,689 | Tika 2.6.0 |
J-02(NCvC)(W)-1948-10/2019 | PERAYU TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD RESPONDEN BIG MAN MANAGEMENT SDN BHD | Damages for electricity disconnection - Defamation - Trespass - Infringement of Right - Claim for loss of revenue - Exemplary damages be allowed for a claim which is based on contract | 02/01/2024 | YA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyKorumYA Datuk Abdul Karim Bin Abdul JalilYA Datuk S. Nantha Balan A/L E.S. MoorthyYA Tuan Mohamed Zaini Bin Mazlan | |
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RAYUAN SIVIL NO: J-02(NCVC)(W)-1948-10/2019
[Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Di Johor Bahru
Dalam Negeri Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Guaman Sivil No.JA-22NCVC-138-07/2016
Big Man Management Sdn. Bhd.
(No. Syarikat: 864287-P) … Plaintif
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
(No. Syarikat: 200866-W) …Defendan]
02/01/2024 07:59:59
J-02(NCvC)(W)-1948-10/2019 Kand. 97
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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3
The Mayaria Principle .......................................................................................... 7
Background Facts .................................................................................................. 8
The High Court’s Decision ................................................................................. 11
Meter Tampering – Preliminary Objection ......................................................... 11
Illegal Disconnection of Electricity .................................................................... 13
Damages for Wrongful Disconnection ............................................................... 15
Exemplary Damages ........................................................................................... 16
Defamation .......................................................................................................... 17
Breach of Statutory Duty .................................................................................... 19
Tort of interfering with the Consumer’s business .............................................. 22
Trespass ............................................................................................................... 23
Order dated 30 September 2019 ......................................................................... 24
The Trial .............................................................................................................. 26
The Witnesses ..................................................................................................... 26
Our Decision ....................................................................................................... 31
Was there Meter Tampering? .............................................................................. 31
The Preliminary Objection .................................................................................. 32
The Mayaria issue – Repeated Meter Tampering .............................................. 47
Damages .............................................................................................................. 50
Can exemplary damages be allowed for a claim which is based on breach of
contract? .............................................................................................................. 55
Breach of Statutory Duty - Whether the Defendant had infringed the Consumer’s
rights as a registered electricity user by divulging the Consumer’s account details
to a third party without the Consumer’s consent ................................................ 64
Defamation – Did DW19 utter the Impugned Words? ....................................... 66
The Outcome ....................................................................................................... 68
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[1] This is an appeal by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (“TNB”) against the
decision of the learned Judge of the High Court at Johor Bahru (“the
learned Judge”) (after a full trial) delivered on 30 September 2019. By
the said decision, the learned Judge allowed all but one of the reliefs
sought by Big Man Management Sdn Bhd, the Plaintiff in Johor Bahru
High Court Suit No. JA-22NCvC-138-07/2016, against TNB. The
judgment of the High Court which has given rise to the present appeal is
reported as Big Man Management Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional
Berhad [2020] 11 MLJ 472, [2020] 8 CLJ 27 (HC). The suit was
originally filed on 29 February 2016 in the Kuala Lumpur High Court
and registered as Suit No. WA-22NCVC-116-02/2016 (“Suit 116”). By
an Order dated 28 June 2016, Suit 116 was transferred to the Johore
Bharu High Court and re-registered there as Suit No. JA-22NCvC-138-
07/2016 (“Suit 138”).
[2] In this judgment we shall refer to the Appellant as “TNB” and the
Respondent as “the Consumer”. The Consumer had two contracts with
TNB for the supply of electricity to the premises at Lot 140216 (MSB1)
and Lot 140216-1(MSB2), Jalan Berjaya 8/1, Perindustrian Taman
Berjaya, 81200 Skudai, Johor (collectively, “the Premises”).
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[3] For purposes of the supply of electricity to the Premises, the Consumer
is registered as TNB’s consumer under two separate TNB accounts i.e.
account numbers 0340 0082532201 (“Meter A”) and 0340 0082532408
(“Meter B”). Unless otherwise stated to the contrary, the said Meter A
and Meter B shall be referred to collectively, as “the TNB meters”.
[4] A company which was closely connected to the Consumer, known as Ice
Man Sdn Bhd (“Ice Man”) operated an ice-making factory at the
Premises. Ice Man was the previous consumer for the supply of
electricity to the Premises. The Consumer and Ice Man had a
Management Contract dated 1 October 2013 pursuant to which the
Consumer handled all matters relating to the supply of electricity to the
Premises. The Consumer only provided management services and were
not involved in the operations of the ice-making factory. Significantly,
the Consumer did not operate the ice-making factory. Rather, it was Ice
Man which operated the ice-making factory.
[5] The issue which lies at the heart of the case is the alleged tampering of
the TNB meters which were situated in the (locked) meter room and
located within the compound of the Premises. It was alleged that only
TNB had access to the meter room. The issue of no access to the meter
room was a major part of the Consumer’s stand where they contended
(per the pleadings and oral testimony of their key witnesses) that they
had no access to the meter room and as such, disavowed any knowledge
of, or responsibility for any alleged tampering of the TNB Meters. On
the other hand, as far as TNB are concerned, upon inspection of the meter
room on various dates, they discovered that the TNB meters had been
tampered with.
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[6] As such, TNB claimed that they were entitled to invoke their powers
under s.38(1) of the Electricity Supply Act 1990 (“the Act”) and
disconnect the supply of electricity to the Premises. Section 38(1) of the
Act provides as follows:
(1) Where any person employed by a licensee finds upon any premises
evidence which in his opinion proves that an offence has been
committed under subsection 37(1), (3) or (14), the licensee or any
person duly authorized by the licensee may, upon giving not less than
twenty-four hours' notice, in such form as may be prescribed, cause the
supply of electricity to be disconnected from the said premises.
[7] The disconnection under s.38(1) of the Act is predicated on an offence
having been committed per s.37 (1), (3) or (14) of the Act. Here only
Sections 37 (1) and (3) of the Act are relevant (if at all), and they read as
(1) Any person who tampers with or adjusts any installation or part
thereof or manufactures or imports or sells any equipment so as to cause
or to be likely to cause danger to human life or limb or injury to any
equipment or other property shall be guilty of an offence and for each
such offence shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years or to both.
(3) Any person who in any manner dishonestly-
(a) abstracts electricity;
(b) consumes electricity;
(c) uses electricity;
(d) alters the index of any meter or other instrument used on or in
connection with any installation of any supply authority or any licensed
installation for recording the output or consumption of electricity; or
(e) prevents any such meter or instrument from duly recording the
output or consumption of electricity,
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shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both.
[8] For completeness, we should mention that s. 38 of the Act was amended
via PU(B) 501/2015. The amendment took effect on 1 January 2016.
However, the amendment is inconsequential as the impugned events here
took place before the amendment came into force.
[9] Turning to the issue of meter tampering, the Consumer’s unyielding
stand is that the disconnections were wrongful. The Consumer initially
filed 2 separate legal actions (see paragraph [21]) and eventually filed
Suit 138 based on the following causes of action:
• wrongful disconnection of electricity supply to the Premises on 2
July 2014 and 8 April 2015.
• unlawful interference with the Consumer’s business.
• breach of statutory duty by TNB.
• defamation.
• trespass.
[10] In this regard, it is perhaps useful to reproduce part of the evidence of
Mr. Goh Tack Lik (PW8), the Chief Executive Officer of the Consumer
and a Director of Ice Man, who was asked (per his evidence in chief),
“why did Big man initiate the current suit against TNB?” and his answer
was, “Big Man suffered great losses after TNB unlawfully disconnected
the electricity supply to the premise Secondly, TNB has breached its duty
by revealing the private data of its consumer to a third party. Thirdly,
TNB has been making false and untrue statements to defame Big Man.
Fourthly, TNB has trespassed into the factory. Lastly, TNB had also
interfered with the business.”
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[11] The dispute may be crystallized as follows - whether it had been proven
that there was meter tampering in respect of the TNB meters on the
several occasions when TNB’s technical officers had carried out
inspections of the TNB meters, and whether TNB’s action in rectifying
the tampered meters on each of these occasion when tampering was
discovered, and later disconnecting the supply of electricity on 2 July
2014 and 8 April 2015 on account of meter tampering (after the TNB
meters had been rectified), was lawful in all the circumstances.
[12] In this regard, the pertinent legal question is whether the disconnection
which was carried out based on a previously discovered tampered meter
(and which was then rectified by TNB) was unlawful by reason of the
application of the principle which was established per the Court of
Appeal’s decision in Tenaga Nasional Bhd v Mayaria Sdn Bhd & Anor
[2019] 2 MLJ 801 (CA) (“Mayaria”) and upheld by the Federal Court in
Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-28-03/2017(W), and subsequently
endorsed/approved and reiterated by the Federal Court in Tenaga
Nasional Bhd v Chew Thai Kay & Anor [2022] 2 MLJ 25 (FC) (“Chew
Thai Kay”).
The Mayaria Principle
[13] What is the Mayaria principle? It is this. Once TNB discovers meter
tampering and the impugned (tampered) meter is then rectified and
/or replaced, then the offence under s. 37 of the Act is deemed as no
longer subsisting (no longer extant) and ceases to exist at the time
when the notice of disconnection is issued by TNB to their customer and
in those circumstances, TNB cannot invoke s. 38(1) of the Act to
disconnect the supply of electricity to the consumer’s premises. Hence,
the disconnection would be unlawful.
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[14] In the present case it was argued on behalf of TNB that there are
exceptions to the Mayaria principle and that the present case falls within
the so-called exceptions. The question is – what if any, are the exceptions
to the Mayaria principle? According to TNB, the Mayaria principle does
not apply to a case of repeated meter tampering and/or where TNB has
already carried out the disconnection. It was contended that the cases
which have hitherto come up for consideration by the Courts, namely the
case of Modernia Plastic Industries (M) Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional
Berhad [2015] 3 CLJ 825 (HC), Xin Guan Premier Sdn Bhd v Tenaga
Nasional Berhad [2016] 1 AMR 603,[2016] 10 MLJ 788, [2016] 1 CLJ
318 (HC), Mayaria (supra) and Chew Thai Kay (supra) are all instances
of a one-off act of meter tampering and where the disconnection has yet
to take place. On that analysis, it was argued for TNB that the Mayaria
principle only applied to a one-off occurrence or discovery of meter
tampering, and/or when the supply of electricity has yet to be
disconnected and where the consumer is seeking to restrain the
disconnection which has yet to take place. These issues are dealt with
elsewhere in the judgment. We turn now to the salient background facts.
Background Facts
[15] The events which gave rise to the filing of Suit 138 may be stated as
follows. TNB initially carried out inspections on the TNB meters on 4
December 2013 and 6 May 2014. On 23 June 2014 and 25 June 2014,
TNB issued 2 notices of disconnection of electricity supply in Form A
schedule as a result of the inspection on 6 May 2014.
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[16] The said disconnection of supply notices stated that the supply of the
electricity would be disconnected on 24 June 2014 and 26 June 2014
respectively. However, the disconnection of the electricity supply did not
occur on those specified dates. Subsequently, on 1 July 2014, TNB
issued disconnection notices dated 1 July 2014 for MSB1 and MSB2 and
disconnected the electricity supply to the Premises (“1st
Disconnection”). TNB only resumed the electricity supply for both
MSB1 and MSB2 on 1 October 2014.
[17] On 27 July 2014, the Consumer received 4 letters of demand (“LODs”)
dated 27 July 2014 from TNB claiming for the loss of revenue based on
the allegations that the TNB meters had been tampered with and/or
[18] The details of the LODs are as follows:
For Meter A
• Loss of revenue amounting to RM 6,698.17 from 1 December 2013
until 4 December 2013 due to alleged tampering found against
MSB1 during inspection 4 December 2013;
• TNB claimed for the loss of revenue amounting to RM 365,137.79
pursuant to s.38(3), (4) and (5) of the Act for the period from 4
December 2013 until 10 May 2014.
For Meter B
• Loss of revenue amounting to RM 1,603.84 from 1 December 2013
until 4 December 2013 due to alleged tampering found against
MSB2 during inspection on 4 December 2013;
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• TNB claimed for the loss of revenue amounting to RM 425,091.18
pursuant to s.38(3), (4) and (5) of the Act for the period from 4
December 2013 until 6 May 2014.
[19] TNB subsequently carried out inspections on 15 October 2014 (MSB1)
and 7 January 2015 (MSB2). On 7 April 2015, the Consumer received
notices to disconnect electricity supply to the Premises. On 8 April 2015,
TNB disconnected the electricity supply to the Premises (“2nd
Disconnection”). TNB only resumed the electricity supply for both
MSB1 and MSB2 on 14 May 2015.
[20] The 1st Disconnection and the 2nd Disconnection were carried out by
TNB following its findings of meter tampering at the Premises for both
the Consumer’s TNB Accounts on 6 May 2014, and 7 January 2015
[21] The Consumer attempted to challenge the disconnection notices dated 1
July 2014 via Originating Summons No. 23NCVC-340-06/2014. In this
regard, the Consumer sought to restrain TNB from carrying out the
disconnection or alternatively, sought an order that TNB reconnects the
electricity supply to the Premises. The High Court refused the
Consumer’s application. The Consumer had also filed an action to
recover its purported losses as a result of the 1st Disconnection i.e. via
Civil Suit No. 22NCVC-113-07/2014 (“Suit 113”).
[22] At the same time, other events took place and, in this regard, sometime
in April 2015, Ice Man executed a Memorandum of Understanding
(“MOU”) with a third party, namely, Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd in
respect of the proposed sale of Ice Man.
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[23] Following the execution of this MOU, Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd
engaged in negotiations with TNB to resolve all issues in respect of the
electricity supply to the Premises under both the Consumer’s TNB
Accounts. TNB participated in these negotiations as Sunshine Merchants
Sdn Bhd had purportedly shown TNB its intention to take over Ice Man.
Then a Surat Akujanji dated 21 May 2015 between TNB and Sunshine
Merchants Sdn Bhd was executed as a result of these negotiations. As a
result of the Surat Akujanji:-
(a) the Consumer purportedly withdrew Suit 113; and
(b) all loss of revenue due to the meter tampering discovered at
the Premises for both the Consumer’s TNB Accounts were to
be settled by Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd.
[24] Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd did not fulfill its obligations to TNB under
the Surat Akujanji. TNB had thereafter obtained judgment in default of
the amounts due and owing by Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd under the
said Surat Akujanji.
The High Court’s Decision
Meter Tampering – Preliminary Objection
[25] The learned Judge’s approach to the issue of whether there was any
tampering of the TNB meters at any time in the period between the year
2013 and 2015, may be summarized as follows. The learned Judge noted
firstly that the Act gave TNB the right and power to disconnect electricity
supply upon making a finding that the meters had been tampered with.
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[26] The learned Judge noted that it was TNB’s case that upon inspections on
4 December 2013, 6 May 2014, 15 October 2014 and 7 January 2015,
the TNB witnesses (DW1 to DW14) had discovered that the TNB meters
had been tampered with. TNB submitted that it is not their duty to prove
who had tampered with the TNB meters. TNB further submitted that
there is no provision under s. 38(1) of the Act that TNB must first prove
that it was the Consumer who had tampered with the TNB meters. On
the question of meter tampering, what happened during the trial is that
the Consumer’s counsel raised a preliminary objection against TNB for
raising evidence on the alleged tampering on the ground that TNB did
not put forth to the Consumer’s relevant witnesses, the photographs and
documentary evidence purportedly showing the alleged tampering, or
what the TNB witnesses saw during the inspection, and cross-examine
the Consumer’s witnesses on the same. It was submitted on behalf of the
Consumer that none of the crucial and specific facts of TNB’s case on
the alleged tampering were put to the Consumer’s witnesses during
cross-examination. Essentially, it was argued for the Consumer that TNB
had breached the Rule in Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67 (HL).
[27] The learned Judge reserved his decision at the end of the trial and
eventually accepted the preliminary objection and went on to make a
finding that TNB had adduced and led evidence on the alleged tampering
for the first time when conducting its case for the defence, and that
nothing was specifically put forward i.e., the material facts of its case on
the alleged tampering, during the cross-examination of the Consumer’s
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[28] The learned Judge held that the relevant witnesses of the Consumer had,
in their witness statements, stated that they did not have access to the
TNB meters and also denied claims or knowledge of the alleged
Illegal Disconnection of Electricity
[29] The learned Judge concluded that there was no challenge to these
testimonies and that it was totally unfair for TNB to raise evidence on
the same without giving the opportunity to the Consumer's witnesses
to challenge, explain or contradict the same. As far as the learned
Judge was concerned, the veracity of TNB’s evidence on the alleged
tampering was not tested and there was nothing on the record against
which the proposed evidence by TNB could be weighed and evaluated
by the court. Therefore, the failure of TNB to put forth those facts
and cross-examine the Consumer's witnesses amounted to an
abandonment by TNB of this part of the defence.
[30] The next issue lies at the heart of the appeal, i.e., whether the
disconnection of electricity supply was illegal? The learned Judge’s
approach was as follows. First, the learned Judge noted that it was not
disputed by both parties that the disconnection of supply was done at the
Premises, in respect of MSB1 and MSB2 respectively on 2 July 2014 and
8 April 2015. This fact was testified by DW20. TNB submitted that the
disconnections of electricity supply for the Consumer’s premises were
legal and in accordance with s. 38 (1) of the Act.
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[31] TNB submitted that in the case of repeated meter tampering, TNB does
not lose the right to disconnect the electricity supply even if the
tampering has been rectified and is no longer extant. TNB has the
statutory right to do so upon discovery of tampering on the meter
installation pursuant to s. 38 of the Act. The Consumer on the other hand
submitted that the alleged tampering had been rectified and was no
longer extant and as such the 1st Disconnection (2 July 2014 -1 October
2014) and the 2nd Disconnection (8 April 2015 -14 May 2015) were
unnecessary, deliberately calculated to be punitive and used as a means
to obtain payment from the Consumer.
[32] It was also the submission of the Consumer that TNB cannot invoke s.
38(1) of the Act if the alleged tampering was halted and no longer extant
and to recover the loss of revenue (per the Mayaria principle). The
learned Judge agreed with the Consumer’s proposition and concluded
that the disconnection of electricity supply at the Consumer’s premises
on 2 July 2014 and 8 April 2015 were illegal, and that TNB had breached
the electricity supply contract twice. Thus, the Consumer was entitled to
claim damages for the wrongful disconnections.
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Damages for Wrongful Disconnection
[33] As for damages for the wrongful disconnection, the Consumer claimed
special damages comprising of the cost of renting diesel generators, the
purchase of diesel fuel and compensation which had to be paid to Ice
Man. The learned Judge held that special damages (as claimed) had been
proven and allowed the Consumers claim for special damages in the sum
of RM 2,907,931.40 (1st Disconnection) and RM652,012.20 (2nd
Disconnection). The learned Judge also ordered exemplary damages at
25% of the sum of special damages awarded for the wrongful
disconnection of electricity to the Premises.
[34] In respect of the special damages claim, the learned Judge opined
(paragraphs [91] – [93] of the Grounds of Judgment) that due to the
disconnection of the electricity supply, the Consumer had (i) to rent and
later buy a generator to ensure the unhindered operation of the ice-
making business; and (ii) to purchase diesel in powering the generator,
the costs of which was twice the price of electricity supply by TNB.
Thus, the learned Judge made a finding that special damages totaling
RM2,907,931.40 and RM652,012.20 were incurred due to the 1st and 2nd
Disconnections, respectively. According to the learned Judge, the
damages were the direct result of the non-supply of electricity and one
“which the parties knew, when they made the contract, to be likely to
result from the breach of it”. As the damages came within the second
limb of s. 74 of the Contracts Act 1950, the Consumer was entitled to
recover from TNB the compensation for the same. (paragraphs [91]-[93]
of the Grounds of Judgment).
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Exemplary Damages
[35] The learned Judge concluded that TNB had conducted itself in ways
which called for exemplary damages as follows: (i) intentionally
punishing the Consumer through the disconnection of electricity supply
- the lifeblood of the business; (ii) intentionally prolonging the first
disconnection for a maximum of three months without any acceptable
basis even though, by their own admission, the maximum period was not
applied to first-time disconnections; (iii) refusing to meet the Consumer's
representative for possible reconciliation and showing insolence; (iv)
mounting a baseless claim of tampering, particularly with respect to the
period of the first disconnection as the purported basis for the second
disconnection and yet took no legal proceedings to pursue the claims;
and (v) effecting the second disconnection with impunity and without
any regard for the pending case against the first disconnection and
without waiting for judicial pronouncement on the rights of the
Consumer under the Act. The learned Judge held that the purpose of
awarding the exemplary damages was to punish TNB and to deter TNB
from misbehaving in the future. The Consumer was accordingly awarded
exemplary damages amounting to 25% of the special and general
damages awarded. (see paragraphs [98], [99] & [108] of the Grounds of
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[36] The next issue is whether TNB’s representative, En. Mohd Fauzi bin
Husin (DW19) had made a defamatory statement against the Consumer.
In this regard, the learned Judge made a finding that on 8 May 2015, the
impugned representation was made by DW19, to Pn. Noor Azah Azizan
(PW5) through a phone call. The impugned representation was
subsequently reduced to writing and sent by PW5 to Sunshine Merchants
Sdn Bhd via a letter dated 8 May 2015. The learned Judge held that TNB
had per paragraphs [39] and [45] of its Defence admitted making the
impugned representation through the phone call and was therefore not
[37] The issue before the High Court was whether the Consumer had
established the cause of action for defamation. In the present case, the
learned Judge held that DW19 had made statements which were
defamatory in nature and/or with malicious intent to PW5, to the effect
that the Consumer had tampered and/or modified the meters. Based on
the seriousness of the defamation, the Consumer’s reputation and
standing and based on the effect of the statement to their dignity, the
Consumer was awarded RM25,000.00 as general damages, and
RM25,000.00 as aggravated damages.
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[38] On the issue of defamation, the learned Judge held that DW19 had made
statements to PW5 which were defamatory in nature and/or were
malicious. In their natural and ordinary meaning, the words meant and
were understood to mean that the Consumer had (i) tampered and/or
altered the meter; (ii) stolen the electricity supply for the premises; (iii)
done something illegal; (iv) had been charged and TNB had taken court
action against the Consumer; (v) the Consumer had repeatedly
committed the same wrongdoings; and (vi) had acted unreasonably as a
consumer. The impugned representation was then reduced to writing and
sent to Sunshine Merchants Sdn. Bhd. via a letter. The representation was
defamatory as it tended to lower the Consumer in the estimation of any
reasonable man. The Consumer had further proven that the words
complained of had been published to a third party by TNB. (paragraphs
[115], [122], [123] & [134] of the Grounds of Judgment)
[39] The slanderous remarks were actionable per se at the Consumer's
instance and there was no necessity for the Consumer to prove actual
damage. Based on the extent of the publication of the defamatory
statement, the seriousness of the defamation, the Consumer's reputation
and standing and the effect of the statement to their dignity, an award of
RM25,000.00 each for general and RM25,000.00 for aggravated
damages would be fair and reasonable. (paragraphs [145] & [147] of the
Grounds of Judgment)
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Breach of Statutory Duty
[40] The next issue was whether TNB had breached the provisions of the Act
and infringed the Consumer’s right (breach of statutory duty) as a
registered electricity user by divulging the Consumer’s account details
to a 3rd party (Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd) without the Consumer’s
consent. The claim in this regard may be gleaned from the following
paragraphs of the Amended Statement of Claim, namely:
104. Selanjutnya Plaintif memplidkan bahawa Defendan telah
menjejaskan hak Plaintif sebagai pengguna bekalan elektrik
dengan mendedahkan butir-butir akaun Plaintif kepada pihak
ketiga serta memasuki perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga tanpa
pengetahuan dan kebenaran Plaintif.
105. Oleh itu Defendan telah melanggar kewajipan berkanun "breach
of statutory duty" dengan bertindak di luar bidang kuasa yang
diberikan di bawah Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 dan Peraturan-
Peraturan Bekalan Pemegang Lesen 1990.
[41] The following extracts from the High Court’s Grounds of Judgment are
relevant to the purported cause of action of breach of statutory duty.
Breach of statutory duty – disclosure of the consumer’s information to
Third Parties
Breach Of Statutory Duty
[31] The defendant had acted beyond its jurisdiction, without
permission and/or consent from the Consumer as a registered user
(i) The defendant revealed the Consumer's account details to a
third party by conducting a discussion with Puan Noor Azah
Azizan ('Azah') on 8 May 2015 which involved the following
(a) the settlement of the disputed sum by the Consumer;
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(b) the settlement of the electricity bills in arrears for the
Consumer's premises;
(c) the withdrawal of the Consumer's court case against
the defendant;
(d) the preparation of a company resolution by Ice Man
to facilitate a change of Ice Man's management to
Sunshine Merchants;
(e) the preparation of a letter of undertaking by Ice Man
to sell stocks to the nominee of Sunshine Merchants;
(f) the backdating of documents in para. (d) and (e) to the
date of the memorandum of undertaking.
(ii) On 20 May 2015, the defendant had signed the instalment
payment letters with Sunshine Merchants which stated:
(a) the Consumer agrees to settle the disputed sum and
the current bills in arrears in instalments; and
(b) that the defendant has the right to disconnect
electricity supply without serving a notice of
(iii) On 21 May 2015, the defendant had signed the Sunshine
Merchants letter of undertaking which was prepared by the
defendant with the following terms:
(a) that Sunshine Merchants agreed that the Consumer
had tampered and/or modified the meters and had to
settle the disputed sum to the defendant;
(b) that Sunshine Merchants will settle the disputed sum
to the defendant in instalments; and
(c) that Sunshine Merchants will ensure that the
Consumer's court case against the defendant will be
[32] The Consumer only became aware of the instalment payment
letters and the letter of undertaking after the Consumer had met
with the defendant's officer at the defendant's branch office due
to receiving two copies of notices dated 22 June 2015 which
claimed that two cheques for a total of RM50,000 could not be
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[42] On the issue of breach of statutory duty, the learned Judge made a finding
that based on the evidence of PW5, in the midst of the 2nd Disconnection,
Sunshine Merchants Sdn. Bhd. entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding dated 10 April 2015 with Ice Man with the intention to
take over Ice Man. According to PW5 and DW18, various phone calls
were held between Sunshine Merchants Sdn. Bhd. and TNB without the
knowledge of the Consumer i.e. the electricity account holder.
[43] As a result of the discussion, a Surat Akujanji was signed between TNB
and Sunshine Merchants Sdn. Bhd., who purportedly acted on the
Consumer’s behalf. According to the Surat Akujanji, the Consumer
purportedly admitted to liability and quantum vis-à-vis meter tampering.
The Consumer also purportedly agreed to withdraw Suit 113 filed against
TNB for the wrongful disconnection in 2014.
[44] The learned Judge was of the view TNB was liable for infringing the
Consumer’s right as a registered electricity user by divulging the
Consumer’s account’s detail to Sunshine Merchants Sdn. Bhd. without
the Consumer’s consent. Thus, the learned Judge awarded the sum of
RM 20,000.00 for general damages against TNB.
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Tort of interfering with the Consumer’s business
[45] The other issue is whether by their actions TNB had committed the tort
of unlawfully interfering with the Consumer’s business. In this regard
the learned Judge found that based on the evidence produced, the
Consumer had failed to prove that TNB had unlawfully interfered with
the Consumer’s business as required under the law. Thus, upon perusing
the evidence presented, the High Court found that the Consumer had
failed to fulfil the requirements set out in Megnaway Enterprise Sdn
Bhd v. Soon Lian Hock (Sole Proprietor of The Firm Performance
Audio & Car Accessories Enterprise [2009] 3 MLJ 525 (HC) where
Justice Low Hop Bing (later JCA) set out the elements necessary to
establish a cause of action for the tort of unlawful interference with trade.
At p.537- 538 of the judgment in Megnaway, Justice Low Hop Bing said,
[48] The elements which constitute the tort of unlawful interference
with trade or business are:
(1) Interference with the plaintiff's trade or business;
(2) Unlawful means;
(3) Intention to injure the plaintiff; and
(4) The plaintiff is injured thereby.
(See Bullen & Leake & Jacob's Precedents of Pleadings
[1990] p 464).
[49] Although unlawful interference with trade is a developing tort
and of uncertain ambit, its existence is beyond doubt and
certain of its features are clearly defined. In H & R Johnson
(Malaysia) Bhd v H & R Johnson Tiles Limited & Anor [1995]
2 CLJ 581 at p 593, Zakaria Yatim (later FCJ), citing
authorities, said:
…If one person deliberately interferes with the trade or
business of another, and does so by unlawful means, that is, by
an act which he is not at liberty to commit, then he is acting
unlawfully, even though he does not procure or induce any
actual breach of contract: Torquay Hotel Co Ltd v Cousins &
Ors [1969] 2 Ch 106, 139 per Lord Denning MR.
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[46] The Consumer did not appeal against the dismissal of the claim for
unlawful interference with the Consumer’s business. Before us it was
argued for the Consumer that this Court could still entertain the claim for
unlawful interference with the Consumer’s business pursuant to s. 69 of
the Courts of Judicature Act 1964. We do not think so. In our view, if the
Consumer was aggrieved by the dismissal of the claim for unlawful
interference with the Consumer’s business, then they ought to have
lodged an appeal. Section 69 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 cannot
be called in aid to entitle the Consumer to circumvent their failure to
lodge an appeal (or cross-appeal) against the dismissal of that part of
their claim relating to unlawful interference with the Consumer’s
business. See: Douglas Ding Jangan & Ors v Kerajaan Negeri
Sarawak & Ors [2021] 4 MLJ 946 (FC) where the Federal Court stated
that s. 69 Courts of Judicature Act 1964 “cannot be interpreted to mean
that the appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal extends to the
setting aside of the decision of the High Court that is not the subject of
an appeal by the appellant.”. As such, we have no hesitation in rejecting
the Consumer’s plea for the claim for unlawful interference with the
Consumer’s business to be allowed.
[47] The learned Judge also allowed a sum of RM50,000.00 as general
damages for trespass in respect of an incident which occurred at the
Premises on 19 August 2015 at 2.57 a.m. In so far as the claim for the
trespass is concerned, it is not in dispute that in light of the Federal
Court’s decision in Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. Evergrowth Aquaculture
Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals [2021] 9 CLJ 179 (FC), the Consumer’s
claim for damages for trespass is no longer sustainable or tenable.
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[48] Thus, Counsel for the Consumer magnanimously conceded that the
award of RM50,000.00 as damages for trespass ought to be set-aside. As
such, we allow this part of TNB’s appeal and set aside the award of
RM50,000.00 as damages for trespass.
Order dated 30 September 2019
[49] The reliefs allowed by the High Court are set out in the sealed Order
dated 30 September 2019 and they read as follows:
(a) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan untuk gantirugi khas
sebanyak RM2,907,931-40 untuk kos-kos tanggung kerugian
akibat pemotongan bekalan elektrik kali pertama di premis
Plaintif dibenarkan,
(b) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan untuk gantirugi khas
sebanyak RM652,012-20 untuk kos-kos tanggung kerugian akibat
pemotongan bekalan elektrik kali kedua di premis Plaintif
(c) Tuntutan gantirugi am oleh Plaintif terhadap Defendan dalam
mengganggu perniagaan Plaintif secara salah di sisi undang-
undang dan menyebabkan Plaintif mengalami kesukaran dan
kerugian ditolak,
(d) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi gantirugi am sebanyak
RM20,000-00 kerana menjejaskan hak Plaintif sebagai pengguna
bekalan elektrik yang berdaftar dengan mendedahkan butir-butir
akaun Plaintif kepada pihak ketiga tanpa kebenaran Plaintif
(e) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi gantirugi am sebanyak
RM25,000-00 dan gantirugi teruk sebanyak RM25,000-00 kerana
mencemarkan dan memfitnahkan Plaintif dengan membuat
kenyataan fitnah kepada pihak ketiga dibenarkan;
(f) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi gantirugi am sebanyak
RM50,000-00 akibat pencerobohan oleh Defendan dalam
kawasan premis Plaintif pada 19/8/2015 dibenarkan;
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(g) Suatu perintah injunksi untuk menghalang Defendan dan/atau
pegawai-pegawai Defendan dari memasuki ke premis Plaintif
dan/atau mengulangi perbuatan Defendan dan/atau memotong
bekalan elektrik dan/atau memotong bekalan elektrik dan/atau
mengganggu perniagaan Plaintif dalam apa jua cara ditolak:
(h) Suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa Defendan mengeluarkan
jumlah RM1,116,638-31 dari akaun meter-meter Plaintif iaitu
03400082532201 dan 03400082532408 ditolak.
(i) Suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa Plaintif tidak pernah masuk ke
bilik pepasangan meter elektrik dan mengusik dan/atau
mengubahsuai meter-meter tersebut di premis Plaintif
(j) Suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa Plaintif tidak pernah berhutang
apa-apa jumlah tuntutan terhadap Defendan berhubung hasil
pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan oleh Defendan di premis Plaintif pada
4/12/2013, 6/5/2014, 10/5/2014, 15/10/2014 dan 7/1/2015
(k) Suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa Defendan mengeluarkan
jumlah RM151,016-15 dan RM167,469-77 daripada akaun
meter-meter tersebut ditolak;
(l) Suatu perintah deklarasi bahawa Surat Tuntutan TNB bertarikh
1/2/2016 tersebut adalah tidak sah dan terbatal dibenarkan;
(m) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi gantirugi teladan
sebanyak 25% atas gantirugi khas dibenarkan di perenggan (a)
dan perenggan (b) dan gantirugi am yang dibenarkan di
perenggan (d) iaitu masing-masing sebanyak RM726,982-85,
RM163,003-05 dan RM5,000-00 dibenarkan;
(n) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi faedah pre-judgment
3% setahun ke atas gantirugi khas RM2,907,931-40 yang
bermula dari tarikh akhir pemotongan bekalan elektrik kali
pertama pada 01/10/2014 sehingga tarikh penghakiman
berjumlah RM436,189-70 dan faedah pre-judgment 3% setahun
ke atas gantirugi khas RM652,012-20 bermula dari tarikh akhir
pemotongan bekalan elektrik kedua pada 14/05/2015 sehingga
tarikh penghakiman berjumlah RM85,744-09 dibenarkan;
(o) Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan bagi faedah post-judgment
sebanyak 5% setahun atas jumlah RM4,574,929-50 dari tarikh
penghakiman sehingga penyelesaian sepenuhnya dibenarkan;
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(p) Kos sebanyak RM40,000-00 tertakluk kepada fi alokatur dibayar
oleh Defendan kepada Plaintif.
The Trial
[50] Parties identified the following issues to be determined at the trial:-
(2) Sama ada berlakunya usikan pada pepasangan meter-meter
elektrik di premis Plaintif pada bila-bila masa di antara tahun
2013 dan 2015?
(3) Sama ada Peruntukan Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990 memerlukan
Penyata Bertulis diserahkan kepada Plaintif?
(4) Sama ada kedua-dua pemotongan bekalan elektrik di Premis
Plaintif adalah sah?
(5) Sama ada pekerja Defendan, En. Mohd Fauzi telah
mengeluarkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang merupakan suatu
fitnah dan/atau libel terhadap Plaintif?
(6) Sama ada pegawai / pekerja Defendan telah mencerobohi
‘trespass’ premis Plaintif dengan memasuki ke premis Plaintif
pada 19 Ogos 2015, jam 2.57 pagi?
(7) Samada keseluruhan perbuatan Defendan merupakan suatu
usikan dan gangguan secara tort terhadap Defendan dan
perniagaan Defendan (tort of interference)?
The Witnesses
[51] The Consumer called 9 witnesses to testify. They were:-
PW 1 Azlin Binti Mohd Kasran
PW 2 Lim Yong Chiang
PW 3 Wong Thim Hock
PW 4 Leow Kah Pow
PW 5 Noor Azah Azizan Bt Mohammed Ali Azizan
PW 6 Mohd Zuki bin Ismail
PW 7 Ser Boon Hwa
PW 8 Goh Tack Lik
PW 9 Ibrahim Haikal Bin Razak
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[52] PW 1 (Azlin Binti Mohd Kasran) - an employee of Ice Man who
acknowledged and signed TNB’s meter inspection documents dated 4
December 2013.
[53] PW2 – the director of Kuang Yi Machinery & Trading Sdn Bhd who
purportedly “… menyewa dan menjual mesin-mesin janakuasa kepada
Ice Man dan/atau Big Man.” He testified that he did not issue any
receipts for payments that were purportedly made. (See: Q/A No. 17 of
PW2’s witness statement). He said, “Tidak. Sebab Kuang Yi Machinery
akan merujuk kepada penyata akaun untuk mengenal pasti samada
bayaran telah di selesai.”
[54] PW3 the Consumer’s Director. It is critical to note that SP-3’s evidence
was that:
“PD: Mr. Wong tu tak pejabat Bigman dimana?
SP3: Mr. Wong tidak tahu kerana selama ini Mr. Wong selalu
berada di Singapore.
PD: Mr. Wong tau tak peranan Mr Wong sebagai Director
SP3: Mr. Wong tidak pasti, untuk, setahu Mr. Wong adalah
untuk menguruskan kerja sahaja. Yang lain Mr. Wong
tidak pasti.
PD: Uruskan kerja apa?
SP3: Mr. Wong tidak kerjakan apa-apa kerana kerja-kerja
diuruskan oleh Alex.
PD: Alex pengarah Bigman ataupun tidak?
SP3: Alex adalah CEO Bigman. Semua kerja diuruskan Alex.”
(emphasis ours)
[55] PW4 – an employee of Ice Man who acknowledged and signed TNB’s
meter inspection documents dated 6 May 2014.
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[56] PW5 – a former lawyer of Sunshine Merchants Sdn Bhd. She, inter alia,
gave evidence that she attended to discussions between Sunshine
Merchants Sdn Bhd and TNB in the negotiations between them to settle
all issues in respect of both the Consumer’s TNB Accounts.
[57] PW6 – an external security guard who was on duty at the Premises
during TNB’s inspection on 18 August 2015. It is pertinent to note that
PW6 gave evidence that the ice factory at the Premises was operating “…
selama 24 jam sehari”.
[58] PW7 – the Consumer’s “pengurus” and the “pengurus am” of Ice Man
Sdn Bhd. He however gave evidence that he is salaried by Ice Man.
[59] PW8 – the Consumer’s CEO as well as a director and shareholder of Ice
[60] PW9 – a lawyer who advised PW8 on the business of the Consumer and
Ice Man.
[61] TNB called 20 witnesses to give evidence.
DW 1 Mohd Hafizul Bin Sauti
DW 2 Mohd Reduan Bin Dapor
DW 3 Sharul Bin Bahar
DW 4 Nik Mohd Azri Affandi Bin Nik Mahmood
DW 5 Mohamad Syukri Bin Abdul Aziz
DW 6 Wali Mohammad Gulam Sariff Bin Md Yusoff
DW 7 Muhammad Ikhwan Bin Khairel Salleh
DW 8 Muhammad Yusoff Bin Hasnan
DW 9 Mohd Zulhelmi Bin Mohd Yusoff
DW 10 Hasbullah Bin Sabran
DW 11 Hizri Hilmi Bin Abdul Shukor
DW 12 Mohd Firdaus Bin Abdul Wadi
DW 13 Mohd Rahimi Bin Hashim
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DW 14 Wan Zulhilmi Bin Wan Mokhtar
DW 15 Zahari Bin Md Zuki
DW 16 Nazirah Binti Abdul Nasir
DW 17 Mohamed Nasser Bin Ariffin
DW 18 Mohd Azfar Bin Azhari
DW 19 Mohd Fauzi Bin Husin
DW 20 Arizal Bin Ashari
[62] DW1, DW2 and DW3 – were part of the TNB inspection team that
carried out the inspection of the meter for Account A at the Premises on
4 December 2013. TNB’s inspection team discovered that its meter had
been tampered.
[63] DW4, DW5 and DW14 – were part of the TNB inspection team that
carried out the inspection of the meter for Account B at the Premises on
4 December 2013. TNB’s inspection team discovered that its meter had
been tampered.
[64] DW6, DW7 and DW8 – were part of the TNB inspection team that
carried out the inspection of the meter for both the Consumer’s TNB
Accounts at the Premises on 6 May 2014. TNB’s inspection team
discovered that both its meters had been tampered.
[65] DW1, DW9 and DW12 – were part of the TNB inspection team that
carried out the inspection of the meter for Account A at the Premises on
15 October 2014. TNB’s inspection team discovered that its meter had
been tampered.
[66] DW10, DW11 and DW14 – were part of the TNB inspection team that
carried out the inspection of the meter for Account B at the Premises on
7 January 2015. TNB’s inspection team discovered that its meter had
been tampered.
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[67] DW13 and DW17 – were the TNB employees who served TNB’s notices
of disconnection dated 23 June 2014, 1 July 2014 and 7 April 2015 to the
Consumer for both the Consumer’s TNB Accounts. In this regard, it is
critical to note that the disconnection notices issued are in respect of
TNB’s findings of meter tampering i.e. they were issued in accordance
to Borang A of the Schedule to LSR 1990 (pursuant to Reg. 6A(1) LSR
[68] DW15 – the police inspector who accompanied TNB’s inspection team
during the inspection of TNB’s meters for both the Respondent’s TNB
Accounts at the Premises on 19 August 2015. DW15 had adduced the
warrants (dated 17 August 2015) obtained for purposes of his entry
during the said inspection.
[69] DW16 – the TNB employee who had issued the debit letter dated 20 July
2014 and the cancellation of the said debit letter vide letter dated 10
September 2014.
[70] DW18 – TNB engineer who lodged the police report dated 5 July 2014.
[71] DW 19 (Mohd Fauzi Bin Husin) - the TNB employee who is alleged to
have slandered the Consumer. DW19 gave uncontroverted evidence that
he did not utter the words alleged by PW5 in her letter of 8 May 2015.
[72] DW 20 (Arizal Bin Ashari) - TNB Engineer who instructed the TNB
inspection teams to carry out the inspections on TNB’s meter for both
the Consumer’s TNB Accounts at the Premises. DW20 was also the
Engineer who ordered the disconnection of the electricity supply to the
Premises on 2 July 2014 and 14 May 2015.
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Our Decision
Was there Meter Tampering?
[73] We shall start with the meter tampering issue. The question is, was there
meter tampering? Indeed, this was the first issue to be tried. It is
important to bear in mind that the question was/is not whether the
Consumer was responsible for meter tampering. The distinction is
[74] Indeed, we would go so far as to say that the identity of the person(s)
responsible for meter tampering is irrelevant as TNB does not have to
prove that it was the Consumer who tampered with the meters. The fact
that the meters were tampered is enough. See: Court of Appeal’s decision
in Thomas Thomas @ Mohan A/L K Thomas v. Tenaga Nasional
Bhd [2017] 4 CLJ 340; [2018] 5 MLJ 831 (CA) where it was stated
unequivocally that:
“[11] TNB's right to commence civil proceedings against its registered
consumers for losses due to the commission of offences under s.
37(1), (3) and (14) of the ESA is covered by s. 38(3)-(5) of the
ESA. For purposes of a claim under s. 38(3)-(5), we take the view
that it is not necessary for TNB to prove the identity of the
person who damaged or tampered with the meter.”
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[75] It is axiomatic that the burden of proof is on TNB to prove that they had
discovered that meter tampering had taken place on the occasions when
inspections were carried out by the TNB inspection team. In Tenaga
Nasional Bhd v. Ichi-Ban Plastic (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals
[2018] 3 CLJ 557; [2018] MLJ 14 (FC), the Federal Court explained
that the question as to whether there was meter tampering is to be based
on a “subjective finding” by the TNB inspection team. At paragraph [27],
the Federal Court explained as follows;
[27] Another reason for the conflicting views of judicial opinion was
the misreading of s. 38 itself. Sections 38(1) and s. 38(3) of the Act are
interrelated. It is clear from s. 38(1) and s. 38(3) that the person who
decides whether an offence has been committed under s. 37(1), (3)
or (14) of the Act is the "person employed by a licensee". The
licensee is TNB. The finding whether an offence has been
committed or not is based purely on the subjective finding of the
employee: (See WRP Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd v. Tenaga Nasional Bhd).
If the person employed by the licensee decides that an offence under s.
37(1), (3) or (14) has, in his opinion been committed, he may then
require the consumer to pay for the loss of revenue. For example, if
there is in his opinion, evidence of meter tempering he may then require
the consumer to pay for the loss of revenue. At that point of time, the
matter had not been brought to the court.
The Preliminary Objection
[76] In the present case, it is clear that at the end of the trial, the learned Judge
upheld the preliminary objection raised by learned Counsel for the
Consumer when TNB’s witness was testifying on the meter tampering
issue and concluded in his Grounds of Judgment that TNB had, violated
the Rule in Browne v Dunn as the Consumer’s key witnesses were
(allegedly) not confronted with the meter tampering issue and
documentary evidence (inspection reports/photographs etc.) when they
were on the witness stand and thereby abandoned that part of their
defence vis-a-vis meter tampering.
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[77] The preliminary objection was raised whilst evidence was being adduced
during the defence stage of the trial. The relevant part of the transcript of
the notes of proceedings reads as follows:
PP: For good order, I just want to raise it. Third and final issues,
probably a bit more serious. This is a point now as far as my
client's case and evidence, particularly Goh Tack Lik and
James, that they have not done any tampering or
whatsoever. This whole claim by TNB are all interference etc
etc. Now, first witness that came to say substantively about
tampering is DW3 who do this nice diagram for us.
YA: But subject to be cross kan?
PP: Yes. My issue is this it occurred to me on the day itself because
we don't know the continue with cross for the day I reserved it
on the next day, I informed my colleagues by since he wasn't
called back that day, so i take it up this occasion. Issue is this,
he had given a specific evidence to say this is the means of
tampering, mode of tampering. He is also given photos and
YA: Yang cucuk tu? Tali tangsi tu kan?
PP: And apparently that tali came through and tarik jatuh semua
la. Now, this is very specific evidence about the type of
tampering that allegedly occurred. The issue is this, the
rule in Browne v Dunn says that if there is to be something
that you want to put to this suit, that there was see that
happened was done by the Plaintiff, you must put it to the
Plaintiff witness, specifically to say we have found A B C D.
They can say yes no or they can explain. They can even explain
why this is improbable because of whatever circumstances that
they may be aware of. In this case, one of things were
specifically put, at least generally la
YA: By you?
PP: No, by defence counsel. During cross examination of the
Plaintiff, relevant witnesses. This case will only be James
and Alex. Nothing was put. So in my view, this cannot be
brought up now. This is abandonment of their so called
defense or particulars of the defense that they relied upon,
Yang Arif if I can refer is in generally speaking the
priniciple is stated in Sivalingan, Court of Appeal
YA: Tu bukan kes accident ke?
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PP: Sivalingam, yes it was in detention camp. it was accident and
so called raised of detention. But the principle is at page 400,
last past Yang Arif. As cited at (e), further and more
importantly it was never put to Plaintiff cross examination that
such request had come from him. The trial judge taken this
failure into account and came to disbursed the evidence. Now
then they refer to principle in Aik Ming, I think Yang Arif also
recalled. It had cited a few other points. I have Aik Ming here
as well. But portion yang saya rujuk tu only this point, thats
why I said alot of points yang dah decided
YA: Ok so?
PP: But the portion I merujuk itu is only to this point. That's why I
said a lot of other points, company law as well. Yang Arif, we
refer to Aik Ming at page 794, at para (1) that i have
highlighted. Again, they have been about the essential the
parties and the opponent of the material witnesses when they
are under cross examination. But failure in this respect, it will
be treated of the abandonment of the pleaded case and the
parties of the absent of valid reason refrained from doing so,
then it may be barred from raising it in argument. Further
down, referring to the, because the principle comes from
Browne v Dunn, Yang Arif will be aware, this is what the Lord
Chancellor had to say. Now my Lord cannot held saying that
it is need to do absolutely essential to proper conduct course,
where it is intended to suggest that the witnesss is not speaking
the truth on the particular point to direct his attention to the
fact by some put in cross showing that that is implication is
intended to be made, and not to take this evidence and pass it
by at the matter unchallenged and then when it is impossible
for him to explain, as perhaps it might be unable to. If it put to
him, the circumstances which is suggested indicate that the
story it tells or not, will argue that a witness is unworthy. I
wont go on with that but further down, Lord Halsbury had to
say my Lord the vidence in this case i cannot express my
concurrence with Lord Channcelloer as the trial should be
conducted. To my mind it would be more absolutely unjust and
not cross examine witnesses upon evidence which then given.
So as to give them notice and to give them popotuniryt of
explanation, and the opportunity is to defend their own
character and not having given them such opportunity to ask
the jury of the worst is to believe what they have said. Then it
goes on they also refer my Lord, Court of Appeal here refers
to further down where Browne v Dunn has been applied in the
Indian course.
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Where Justice Mukharji where his stated lawyers clear of the
subject and wherever the your opponent had declined to avail
himself the opportunity or to put essential in cross, it must
follow that he believe the testimony given to be disputed as
YA: I think tak payah la. I think case ni pun Hip Tong, it is about
affidavit evidence.
PP: That case is a little bit different.
YA: Yang ni more on trial, witnesses go by trial. Tapi sama je
prinsip dia. Let say you swore something, you tak jawab tu
amount to admission.
PP: Yes. Indeed. So here what happened was we stated we here
we did not do anything. All that was suggested to the
Plaintiff witness was oh you did tamper. When what should
have been, because we don't what are they case going to be.
They should be specific reference to say now look at this
photo, this is how you tampered.
YA: Macam ni la En Mithran, saya taknak buang masa, kita pun
dah panggil saksi dah banyak. You leave it on submission but
all your objection, i akan record. I think we call next witness.
I take not of what you said. Because it is their case, I cannot
tell councel you do this you do that. That is amount i am taking
side. So, you all lawyers, you do your job you know what you
are doing, and you submit about me and I don't know whether
En Amierul or Puan Izatunlina, they have also some other
authority to say otherwise, I just listen both side and I made
my decision.
PP: I am obliged my Lord for recording that. Why I had to raised
this was because I had involved in many cases where if this is
not raised
YA: Amount to?
PP: Defense is actually being stopped. And barred from raising this
YA: Takpe this one.
PP: Okay I take your Lordship point. I just wanted to record. Thank
you my Lord.
PD: We leave it for submission.
[Emphasis & underlining added]
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[78] At his juncture, it is perhaps relevant to refer to the Federal Court’s
decision in Tenaga Nasional Berhad v Evergrowth Aquaculture Sdn
Bhd and Other Appeals [2021] 9 CLJ 179, [2021] 7 AMR 857, [2021]
5 MLJ 937 (FC), which touched on the Court’s duty to make inferences
and logical conclusions on the basis of the evidence that is presented. In
this regard, paragraphs [70] and [74] are relevant;
[70] In our view, the question of irrebuttable or rebuttable
presumptions does not arise insofar as sub-s. 38(1) of the ESA
1990 is concerned. This is simply an inference that can be
logically drawn from established fact. There is a rational
relationship between the discovery of metal clamp and the
inference to make that the customer caused the diversion to
prevent full registration, reading and/or recording of electricity
consumption by the meter. The fixing of a metal clamp at the test
terminal block of TNB's meter leads to one logical conclusion that
the meter had been tampered with. The law of evidence
recognises an abundance of inculpatory evidence and/or
circumstances that leads to a single logical conclusion. It simply
meant that the court is required to make logical inference and to
attribute meaning to the evidence.
[74] We reiterate that a factual inference must be based upon relevant
evidence, not conjecture and must be such that a rational mind
can reasonably draw from it the conclusion that the fact exists. In
this regard, it is open to the defence to challenge the inference's
reasonableness. The respondent is at liberty to adduce direct or
circumstantial evidence during the trial that would break the
obvious connection between consumption of the electricity and
the inference that the meter had been tampered with and caused
the diversion and the inference could be reasonably and logically
drawn. It is incumbent upon the court to resolve conflicts in the
testimony, to weigh the evidence from all angles and perspective
and determine whether the inferences are reasonable based upon
the combined effect and cumulative force of all the evidence
adduced before the court.
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[79] Essentially, the learned Judge concluded that meter tampering was only
brought up during the defence stage. But, our reading of the evidence
suggests otherwise. In this regard, we start by referring to the evidence
of Ser Boon Hwa (PW7). PW7 was the Manager of the Consumer. He
was also the General Manager of Ice Man since 2011. Undoubtedly, as
the Manager of the Consumer, and General Manager of Ice Man, PW7
would be ideally placed to testify on the allegation of meter tampering.
[80] On the issue of meter tampering PW7 said (per his Witness Statement)
that the meter room was locked and that only TNB had access to the
meter room. He disavowed any knowledge about meter tampering and
said, “kami hanya melakukan perniagaan ais sahaja dan tidak
mempunyai kepakaran mengubahsuai atau mengusik pemasangan
meter”. Basically PW7’s evidence in chief on meter tampering was to
establish that the Consumer had nothing to do with any meter tampering.
During cross examination PW7 was asked, “Tahu kenapa bekalan
elektrik diBig Man dipotong pada 2 Julai2014?”, and he answered,
“Sebab pihak TNB mangatakan pihak kami ada kecurian electricity.”
TNB’s counsel then said, “Mengusik pepasangan meter ke?”, and his
response was “Dalam Bahasa Cina maksudnya kecurian”, and the
learned Judge interjected to say, “Mengusik pepasangan meter”.
[81] We also refer to the evidence of Goh Tack Lik (PW8), the Chief
Executive Officer of the Consumer who was asked (per his
Supplementary Witness Statement) in obvious reference to the meter
tampering allegation, “what is your stand on the allegation made by
TNB” and he said, “We did not tamper with the meters”. The following
parts of PW8’s cross-examination are relevant to the issue at hand;
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PD: So can I say when the first inspection carried out by TNB, the
registered consumer for that premises is Big Man?
SP8: Yes
PD: Were you at the factory when they carried out the inspection?
SP8: No
PD: That time you already been appointed as CEO for Big Man?
SP8: Yes
PD: What about the other three inspection in 2014 and 2015?
SP8: No
PD: Do you know about the inspection?
SP8: I aware after couple of days.
PD: Informed by who?
SP8: James
PD: What did James tell you?
SP8: He told me that there is an inspection
PD: And the outcome, did he inform you?
SP8: No
PD: Did you ask James?
SP8: I did not ask him.
PD: So as a CEO of Big Man, did you go to TNB right after the
inspection? Lets take the first date, 4th December 2013. Did
you go to TNB after that?
SP8: I have been there but I cannot recall much
PD: Did James or Azlin showed you any form that they received
from TNB?
SP8: No.
PD: For all the inspection? From 2013 to 2015? You did not see
the form?
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SP8: I did not see. Because number one I don't know what the form
about. I seldom there.
PD: My question is did you see the form?
SP8: No
PD: And James and Azlin did not pass you any form?
SP8: No
PD: Did you know that the tampering was discovered at meter
installation in Big Man premises?
SP8: I don't know
[Emphasis added]
[82] In re-examination of PW8 he was asked several questions on meter
PP: Then you were asked did you inform Dato Eshwar that the
supply was disconnected because they found that the meter
was tampered with. Do you inform Dato Eshwar about that.
Your answer was I think James informed him. Do you know
what James actually inform him or not. Do you know or do not
know? What is that you know that James informed him?
SP8: James informed him that because Dato told James that the
supplied cut off because of the tampering. So Dato told
James, and James let me know.
PP: Now, you also had answered the question that James was
dealing with Dato Eshwar on TNB matter and I was dealing
with him only on Ice Man. Can you explain a bit further what
do you mean?
SP8: Ice Man because, dealing with him was because of the sales of
ice Man. PP Shares la?
SP8: Yes
PP: That is what you were dealing with?
SP8: Yes
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PP: Now, you were also asked did you asked there was a payment
made to TNB about RM280,000. You were asked did you
asked why it is fixed at RM280,000. Your answer was he
showed James the figures I think everything he showed James.
I think according to James, everything was there, all these
figures was from TNB. Have you ever seen these figures
SP8: Not at all
PP: You were asked what are these figures for Is it for
tampering, monthly billing or etc. You answered it is for
tampering Now how did you know that this is for the
SP8: Told by Eshwar
PP: That's the only way you know is it?
SP8: Yes
PP: Then you were asked it was suggested to you that because
of this figure, the supply was disconnected. Because of
tampering. You said supplied was disconnected because of
tampering but these figures are plucked from the air. Can you
explain what do you mean by that?
SP8: Yes. We have never see the figures at all. Never received any
claim from TNB at all. So I said it was plucked from the air
PP: It was suggested to you that you know the reconnection of the
supply was done because of the agreement signed by Dato
Eshwar with TNB. You said you didn't know. But what did
you know at the time?
SP8: I know the payment we made, tomorrow the supply
immediately comes
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[83] The preliminary objection that was raised by learned Counsel for the
Consumer was based on the rule in Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67, 71
per Lord Herschell LC (p.71) which states that “it will not do to impeach
the credibility of a witness upon a matter on which he has not had any
opportunity of giving an explanation by reason of there having been no
suggestion whatever in the course of the case that his story is not
[84] We think that it is necessary to state that the so-called rule is not cast in
stone and it is a rule which allowed for a measure of flexibility depending
on the particular circumstances. In this regard, it is relevant for us to refer
to the decision of the Court of Appeal of Singapore in Liza bte Ismail v
Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 SLR 454, where Yong Pung How CJ, at
[67], [68] and [72] made the following observation;
“[67] The rule in Browne v Dunn is not inflexible. This was noted in
that case itself by Lord Morris in particular (at p 79), who emphasised
the need for caution against ‘laying down any hard-and-fast rule as
regards cross-examining a witness as a necessary preliminary to
impeaching his credit’. Similar sentiments were expressed by Gleeson
CJ in R v Birks (1990) 19 NSWLR 677, a decision of the New South
Wales Court of Criminal Appeal.
Having set out the observations of the House of Lords
in Browne v Dunn Gleeson CJ observed (at p 688):
It is plain that their Lordships, whilst recognising and
affirming a rule of practice in the terms in which they
expressed themselves, also recognised the need for
flexibility in its application. That need arises from the very
nature of the subject matter which it concerns. The central
purpose of the rule is to secure fairness in the conduct of
adversary proceedings. That consideration provides the
best guide, both to the practical requirements of the rule
in a given case, and to the consequences which may
properly flow from its non-observance, including the
remedies that are available to deal with a problem so
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[68] It is settled law then that the rule in Browne v Dunn is a flexible
rule of practice, intended to ensure procedural fairness in litigation.
The mere failure to cross-examine does not necessarily mean that
adverse inferences must be drawn against the ‘defaulting’ party as
there may be other explanations for this
failure: R v Birks ; R v Manunta (1989) 54 SASR 17.
[72] Although the general proposition is that testimony not subjected
to contradiction in cross-examination may be treated as unchallenged
and thus accepted by the opposing party, the court is still entitled to
reject such testimony: Paric v John Holland Constructions Pty
Ltd [1984] 2 NSWLR 505 per Samuels JA at p 507; see also Hunt J’s
observations at p 18 in Allied Pastoral Holdings. A careful evaluation
of the totality of the evidence must still be undertaken to determine
the cogency and weight of such testimony.
In other words, it need not always follow that the whole of the
appellant’s testimony would have to be accepted by the court, nor that
the conviction in respect of DAC 9796/96 would ineluctably be
considered flawed.”
[emphasis and underlining added]
[85] We have also taken the liberty of referring to the English Court of
Appeal’s decision in Markem Corporation & Anor v Zipher Ltd
[2005] EWCA Civ 267, [2005] RPC 31 (CA) where the case of Browne
v Dunn was forensically analysed and commented upon as follows;
57. Prior to the hearing before us we drew the attention of the parties
to the decisions of the House of Lords in Browne v Dunn (1894)
6 R 67 and the Australian case of Allied Pastoral Holdings v
Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1983) 44 ALR 607. One
member of the court was aware that Australian practitioners were
very alive to the rule in Browne v Dunn (so also, he has
ascertained, are Canadian practitioners). The case reference and
the Pastoral Holdings decision were supplied to him through the
helpfulness of Justice Heerey of the Australian Federal Court.
58. Browne v Dunne is only reported in a very obscure set of reports.
Probably for that reason it is not as well-known to practitioners
here as it should be although it is cited in Halsbury for the
following proposition:
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"Where the court is to be asked to disbelieve a witness, the
witness should be cross-examined; and failure to cross-
examine a witness on some material part of his evidence or at
all, may be treated as an acceptance of the truth of that part
or the whole of his evidence."
59. Because the decision is so difficult to lay hands on we take the
opportunity here of citing all the material passages. We do so via
the decision of Hunt J in Allied Pastoral because his judgment
also contains his own valuable comments. He said (p.623):
"It has in my experience always been a rule of professional
practice that, unless notice has already clearly been given of the
cross-examiner's intention to rely upon such matter, it is
necessary to put to an opponent's witness in cross-examination
the nature of the case upon which it is proposed to rely in
contradiction of his evidence, particularly where that case relies
upon inferences to be drawn from other evidence in the
proceedings. Such a rule of practice is necessary both to give the
witness the opportunity to deal with that other evidence, or the
inferences to be drawn from it, and to allow the other party the
opportunity to call evidence either to corroborate that explanation
or to contradict the inference sought to be drawn. That rule of
practice follows from what I have always believed to be rules
of conduct which are essential to fair play at the trial and
which are generally regarded as being established by the
decision of the House of Lords in Browne v Dunn (1894) 6 R
67. No doubt because that decision is to be found only in an
obscure series of law reports (called simply "The Reports" and
published briefly between 1893 and 1895), reliance upon the rules
said to be enshrined in that decision seems often to be attended
more with ignorance than with understanding.
The appeal was from a defamation action brought against a
solicitor and based upon a document which the defendant had
drawn whereby he was to be retained by a number of local
residents to have the plaintiff bound over to keep the peace
because of a serious annoyance which it was alleged he had
caused to those residents. Six of the nine signatories to the
document gave evidence on behalf of the defendant that they had
genuinely retained him as their solicitor and that the document
was really intended to be what it appeared on its face to be. No
suggestion was made to any of these witnesses in cross-
examination that this was not the case and, so far as the conduct
of the defendant's case was concerned, the genuineness of the
document appeared to have been accepted.
However, the defence of qualified privilege relied upon by the
defendant depended in part upon whether the retainer was in truth
genuine or whether it was a sham, drawn up without any honest
or legitimate object but rather for the purpose of annoyance and
injury to the plaintiff. This issue was left to the jury.
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The plaintiff submitted to the jury that the retainer was not
genuine and was successful in obtaining a verdict in his favour.
In support of that submission, the plaintiff asked the jury to
disbelieve the evidence of the six signatories who had said that
the retainer was a genuine one. Lord Herschell LC said (at 70-
71): "Now my Lords, I cannot help saying that it seems to me to
be absolutely essential to the proper conduct of a case, where
it is intended to suggest that a witness is not speaking the truth
on a particular point, to direct his attention to the fact by
some questions put in cross-examination showing that that
imputation is intended to be made, and not to take his
evidence and pass it by as a matter altogether unchallenged,
and then, when it is impossible for him to explain, as perhaps
he might have been able to do if such questions had been put
to him, the circumstances which it is suggested indicate that
the story he tells ought not to be believed, to argue that he is
a witness unworthy of credit.
My Lords, I have always understood that if you intended to
impeach a witness you are bound, whilst he is in the box, to
give him an opportunity of making any explanation which is
open to him; and, as it seems to me, that is not only a rule of
professional practice in the conduct of a case, but is essential
to fair play and fair dealing with witnesses." His Lordship
conceded that there was no obligation to raise such a matter
in cross-examination in circumstances where it is "perfectly
clear that (the witness) has had full notice beforehand that
there is an intention to impeach the credibility of the story
which he is telling".
His speech continued (at 72): "All I am saying is that it will not
do to impeach the credibility of a witness upon a matter on which
he has not had any opportunity of giving an explanation by
reason of there having been no suggestion whatever in the
course of the case that his story is not accepted."
Lord Halsbury said (at 76-77): "My Lords, with regard to the
manner in which the evidence was given in this case, I cannot too
heartily express my concurrence with the Lord Chancellor as to
the mode in which a trial should be conducted. To my mind
nothing would be more absolutely unjust than not to cross-
examine witnesses upon evidence which they have given, so as to
give them notice, and to give them an opportunity of explanation,
and an opportunity very often to defend their own character, and,
not having given them such an opportunity, to ask the jury
afterwards to disbelieve what they have said, although not one
question has been directed either to their credit or to the accuracy
of the facts they have deposed to."
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Lord Morris (at 77-79) said that he entirely concurred with the
two speeches which preceded his, although he wished (at 79) to
guard himself with respect to laying down any hard-and-fast
rules as regards cross-examining a witness as a necessary
preliminary to impeaching his credit. The fourth member of the
House of Lords, Lord Bowen, is reported (at 79-80) to have said
that, on the evidence of the six signatories, it was impossible to
deny that there had been a real and genuine employment of the
defendant. But his Lordship made no statement of general
principle. These statements by the House of Lords led to the
formulation of a number of so-called "rules". They have been
stated in various ways in the cases and by text-book writers, and
it is fair to say that there is some room for debate as to their correct
formulation. For example, in Cross on Evidence (2nd Australian
ed, 1979) the authors state (at para 10.50): "Any matter upon
which it is proposed to contradict the evidence in chief given
by the witness must normally be put to him so that he may
have an opportunity of explaining the contradiction, and
failure to do this may be held to imply acceptance of the
evidence in chief."
In Phipson (12th ed, 1976) the authors state the rule somewhat
more discursively (at para 1593): "As a rule a party should put
to each of his opponent's witnesses in turn so much of his own
case as concerns that particular witness, or in which he had a
share … If he asks no questions he will in England, though not
perhaps in Ireland, generally be taken to accept the witness's
account and he will not be allowed to attack it in his closing
speech, nor will he be allowed in that speech to put forward
explanations where he has failed to cross-examine relevant
witnesses on the point …
Where it is intended to suggest that the witness is not speaking
the truth upon a particular point his attention must first be
directed to the fact by cross-examination, so that he may have
an opportunity of explanation; and this probably applies to
all cases in which it is proposed to impeach the witness's
credit… Failure to cross-examine, however, will not always
amount to an acceptance of the witness's testimony, e.g. if the
witness has had notice to the contrary beforehand, or the
story is itself of an incredible or romancing character."
60. Hunt J concluded (p.634):
"I remain of the opinion that, unless notice has already clearly
been given of the cross-examiner's intention to rely upon such
matters, it is necessary to put to an opponent's witness in cross-
examination the nature of the case upon which it is proposed to
rely in contradiction of his evidence, particularly where that case
relies upon inferences to be drawn from other evidence in the
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61. We think all that applies here. It is not necessary to explore the
limits of the rule in Browne v Dunn for this case falls squarely
within it. Indeed the position is stronger here, for the Judge was
not even asked to disbelieve the witnesses. Mr Watson was right
not to support the Judge's findings – the only puzzle is why he did
not take that position earlier.
[Emphasis and underlining added]
[86] In conclusion on meter tampering, it is our view that the preliminary
objection was misguided and ought not to have been raised. Indeed, there
was no attempt by TNB to discredit the Consumer’s witness on the issue
of meter tampering. And from a plain reading of the Notes of Evidence,
it is clear that the Consumer had fair notice of the fact that TNB had made
discovery of meter tampering and all relevant documentary evidence in
relation to the issue (placed in Part B no less) were given to the Consumer
ahead of the trial. More importantly, there was no attempt and no ruling
by the Court, to discredit or debunk the contemporaneous TNB
documents (and police reports etc.) in relation to meter tampering.
[87] It was therefore incumbent upon the learned Judge to have examined all
the evidence that was adduced and to determine whether there was
tampering. Had he done so, it would have been plain beyond
peradventure that there was no dispute that there was meter tampering,
except that the perpetrator was unknown. Indeed, TNB never claimed
that the Consumer was responsible for meter tampering. And,
significantly the Consumer also did not tender any evidence to debunk
TNB’s subjective finding of meter tampering.
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[88] At the end of the day, it was plain and obvious that there was copious
documentary proof (where most of the relevant documents on meter
tampering were in Part B) and supported by oral testimony of TNB’s
technical inspection team that they found that the TNB meter had been
tampered. Our reading of the evidence suggests quite unequivocally that
TNB’s evidence on meter tampering is unimpeachable as it was
contemporaneous, credible, cogent and convincing.
[89] As a result, the learned Judge ought to have found that the evidence on
meter tampering was not discredited or impugned in any way. The
preliminary objection was premised on the basis that TNB was blaming
the Consumer for the meter tampering which was not really the case that
was presented at the trial. In the circumstances, the learned Judge was
plainly wrong in his decision to uphold the preliminary objection and to
hold that TNB had abandoned the issue of meter tampering.
The Mayaria issue – Repeated Meter Tampering
[90] Next, we deal with the Mayaria issue with specific reference to repeated
meter tampering. Before we deal with Mayaria, it is necessary to
highlight the rectification work which was carried out after discovery of
meter tampering. The following table explains the rectification which
had been carried out.
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No. Date of
Rectification taken based on TNB’s contemporaneous documents
1. 04.12.2013
(MSB 1)
Pepasangan disil semula.
2. 04.12.2013
(MSB 2)
Pepasangan disil semula.
3. 06.05.2014
(MSB 1)
Tukar armoured cable.
Tukar CT ketiga-tiga fasa kerana CT telah terbakar.
Note: Inspection was conducted on 06.05.2014 but rectification was carried
out on 10.05.2014.
Note: This inspection was the basis of TNB’s First Disconnection from
02.07.2014 until 01.10.2014.
4. 06.05.2014
(MSB 2)
Tukar armoured cable.
Note: Inspection was conducted on 06.05.2014 but rectification was carried
out on 10.05.2014.
Note: This inspection was the basis of TNB’s First Disconnection from
02.07.2014 until 01.10.2014.
5. 15.10.2014
(MSB 1)
Tukar meter main.
Pendawaian diperbetulkan dan pepasangan disil semula.
Note: This inspection was the basis of TNB’s Second Disconnection from
08.04.2015 until 14.05.2015.
6. 07.01.2015
(MSB 2)
Tukar meter baru pada meter utama & meter semak.
Pepasangan disil semula.
Note: This inspection was the basis of TNB’s Second Disconnection from
08.04.2015 until 14.05.2015.
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[91] TNB contends that they did not fall foul of the Mayaria principle as they
fall within the “exceptions”. As far as we are concerned, there are no
exceptions to the Mayaria principle. The answer to the issue of repeated
meter tampering is in fact to be found in paragraph [37] of the Federal
Court’s judgment, in Chew Thai Kay where the Federal Court reiterated
the principle that the amendment to s. 38(1) of the Act had not altered
the position of the law as decided by the Federal Court in Mayaria when
it affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeal in that case. The Federal
Court held that the position of the law now, as then, was that once the
impugned meter had been rectified and/or replaced with a new
meter and TNB no longer suffered loss, TNB could not lawfully
invoke the amended s 38(1) to disconnect electricity to the
consumer’s premises. The Federal Court went on to state that it was
clear and plain from a reading of s 38(1) that only on a finding of
evidence of meter tampering was TNB empowered to disconnect supply.
If there was no evidence of meter tampering, no offence was committed
and there was no lawful power to disconnect.
[92] According to the Federal Court, Parliament intended for the
subsequent action (disconnection) to be taken presently, urgently,
and expeditiously (ie, immediately upon discovery of tampering) and
not in the future (ie, long after discovery of any tampering, much less
after the tampered meter had been rectified and/or replaced). Only
evidence of meter tampering justified disconnection. Once the
impugned meter had been rectified there was no longer any issue of
meter tampering and thus the offence under s 37(1) no longer
existed. There had to be a continuing offence to invoke the power of
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[93] Thus, it is clear from the judgment of the Federal Court in Chew Thai
Kay at [37] that “where there was a further discovery of meter
tampering after the previous tampering had been rectified, TNB
could immediately exercise the power of disconnection under s 38(1)
provided that it took no step to all over again rectify the subsequent
tampering”. This passage from the apex court is decisive on the issue of
repeated meter tampering. In the upshot, it is not a question of exception
to Mayaria. Rather, Mayaria still applies and each time the tampering is
repeated, it becomes necessary for TNB to comply with s.38(1) of the
Act and to then issue the requisite Notice of Disconnection. If TNB
rectifies the tampered meter, then it falls into the ambit of the Mayaria
principle and cannot thereafter invoke the statutory power of
disconnection under s. 38(1) of the Act. As such, the disconnections were
wrongful and TNB was liable for damages. The Consumer claimed
special damages which had to be strictly proven.
[94] We turn now to damages. It is appropriate at the outset to set out the trite
principles in relation to proof of damage. Here, it is important to note that
the main focus of the present discussion is the hefty amount claimed as
special damages, which must be specifically pleaded and strictly
proven. In Cheng Hang Guan & Ors v. Perumahan Farlim
(Penang) Sdn Bhd & Ors [1994] 1 CLJ 19; [1993] 3 MLJ 352 (SC),
Edgar Joseph Jr SCJ said at pp. 57 and 58 (CLJ); p. 416 (MLJ):
Now, those being my findings of fact on the issue of liability, and they
are findings in favour of the plaintiffs in respect of both trespass and
nuisance, I must now address the question of the quantum of damages.
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The general rule as to the measure of damages, a rule equally applicable
to tort as to contract, was defined by Lord Blackburn in Livingstone v.
Rawyards Coal Co 82, at p 39 in these terms:
'that sum of money which will put the party who has been injured, or
who has suffered, in the same position as he would have been if he had
not sustained the wrong for which he is now getting his compensation
or reparation'.
In Munnelly v. Calco 83, Henchy J said, at p 399:
... the particular measure of damages allowed should be objectively
chosen by the court as being that of the particular case, to put the
plaintiff fairly and reasonably in the position in which he was before
the damage occurred, so far as pecuniary awards can do so.
Before I proceed to assess the quantum of damages, I would remind
myself of certain other well-established principles which I should keep
in the forefront of my mind in considering this part of the case.
First, when a plaintiff claims damages from a defendant, he has to show
that the loss in respect of which he claims damages was caused by the
defendant's wrong and also that the damages are not too remote to be
Secondly, I would refer to what Lord Goddard said in Bonham-Carter
v. Hyde Park Hotel Ltd 84, at p 178:
Plaintiffs must understand that if they bring actions for damages it is for
them to prove their damage; it is not enough to write down the
particulars, and, so to speak, throw them at the head of the court, saying:
'This is what I have lost; I ask you to give me these damages.' They
have to prove it.
Thirdly, on the quality of evidence expected of a plaintiff, it is necessary
to remember what Devlin J (as he then was) said in Biggin & Co v.
Permanite 85, at p 438, namely, that where precise evidence is
obtainable, the court naturally expects to have it; where it is not, the
court must do the best it can. Nevertheless, it remains true to say that
that generally, difficulty of proof does not dispense with the necessity
for proof. (See Aerial Advertising Co v. Batchelors Peas
(Manchester) 86 at p 796 per Atkinson J)
The case of Ashcroft v. Curtin 87 illustrates this point, for there the
plaintiff, claiming for diminution of profits of his one-man business,
failed in his claim despite the evidence pointing to a decrease in the
company's profitability due to the injury, the records relied on being too
rudimentary and the accounts too unreliable to quantify the loss.
(emphasis added)
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[95] Before us, it was argued for TNB that the claim for special damages
should fail on the following grounds. In summary, TNB’s complaint on
special damages was as follows:-
Exhibits P8 to P18, and P20 to P22 are simply payment vouchers
and invoices in respect of the Consumer’s purported purchases of
diesel for its generators. There is however no evidence that the
Consumer had in fact made the payments stated therein as no receipts
in respect of the purported payments were adduced.
The Respondent’s purported dealers for the purchase of diesel
also did not give evidence at trial.
The High Court had also failed to give due consideration to the fact
that the diesel purportedly purchased by the Consumer (per the
adduced payment vouchers and invoices) were not only for the use
of the generators but also for the use of the Consumer’s lorries.
More importantly, the High Court failed to give due consideration to
the fact that some of these documents are Ice Man Sdn Bhd
documents and not the Consumer’s documents.
Exhibits P1 to P3, and P2 are simply payment vouchers and
invoices in respect of the Consumer’s rental and purchase of the
generators from PW2. There is however no evidence that the
Consumer had in fact made the payments stated therein as no receipts
and Consumer’s account statements in respect of the purported
payments were adduced. This was admitted by PW2.
Again, the High Court also failed to give due consideration to the
fact that Exhibits P1, P2 and P3 also consists of Ice Man Sdn Bhd
[96] The following cases illustrate the point as to the quality of evidence
necessary to justify a claim for special damages. In particular the cases
emphasize that there must be evidence of a credible paper trail to show
that payment was made. Indeed, invoice/vouchers per se without
receipts, will not suffice. The first case is the Court of Appeal’s decision
in Tan Ah Kow & Anor v Tan Chaui En [2017] 6 MLJ 297, [2018] 2
CLJ 610 (CA) where the following principles were enunciated;
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[24] The learned JC erred by not considering the fact that the bank
statements exhibited by the respondent are actually not the bank
statements of the respondent personally, but of the respondent’s
business enterprise, namely Lee Hin Motor Auto Parts Enterprise
(RR Bhg C Jld 4/4 pp 357, 359-360, 370, 373 and 376-377).
Therefore, the bank statements do not reflect the respondent’s
personal bank transactions. Nowhere in the bank statements is it
stated that the cheque payments by Lee Hin Motor Auto Parts
Enterprise are paid to the first appellant for the respondent’s
purchase of the 13 pieces of land.
[25] The respondent exhibited some invoices to prove his payments to
the first appellant (‘exhs P2(a)-P31’) for the purchase of the 13
pieces of land. The respondent contended that he had also paid
the first appellant for the said purchase by way of contra with the
sale of motorcycles by the respondent to the first appellant.
However, the learned JC failed to consider that the invoices by
themselves do not prove payment of the purchase price to the
first appellant. In commercial transactions, invoices are billing
documents, but they are not receipts and thus cannot be used
as proof of payment.
[26] The respondent did not produce any other contemporaneous
documents to support his claim based on the invoices. There is no
proof of any purchase order given by the first appellant to the
respondent. The first appellant denied having received any
motorcycles by way of contra from the respondent. The learned
JC further failed to take note of the fact that there were no delivery
orders produced by the respondent to show that the first appellant
had taken delivery of the motorcycles from the respondent. Thus,
it is clear that the respondent was unable to prove his payment
to the first appellant by contra with the motorcycles as he had
pleaded in the seven items stated as ‘invois’ in the above table in
para 8 of the SOC.
[27] There is therefore no proof at all by the respondent that from 27
February 2003-10 March 2004 he had paid RM200,000, and from
24 March 2005-5 July 2005 he had paid RM50,000 in the form of
cheques, and RM170,000 in the form of contra with motorcycles
supplied to the first appellant for the purchase price of the 13
pieces of land.
[28] We agree with the submission of learned counsel for the
appellants that the unilateral documents of the respondent
purporting to show payments are of no probative value to prove
actual payment by him of the purchase price.
[Emphasis and underlining added]
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[97] In Sunlite Textile Sdn Bhd v Motilal Realty Sdn Bhd (PART 2)
[2007] 5 MLJ 640 (HC), Abdul Malik Ishak J. rendered a
comprehensive analysis on the law relation to proof of damages. At
paragraph [26] he said;
[26] The plaintiff's affidavit in support in encl 2 asserted at para 11 to
the following effect: that 'the contractor's invoice and receipt for the
sum of RM394,000 which are annexed hereto and marked as exh 'RKB-
3'.' The Malay language version of the same paragraph of the same
affidavit was worded in this way:
Sekarang dilampirkan dan ditunjukkan kepada saya adalah invois-
invois dan resit-resit untuk jumlah RM394,000 yang ditandakan
sebagai eksibit 'RKB-3'.
A perusal of exh 'RKB-3'of encl 2 would indicate that only the invoices
were exhibited. No receipts were exhibited at all. In fact, there was
no evidence that the plaintiff had made any payment. It can
therefore be concluded that the plaintiff's averments that payments
were made based on the receipts were both misleading and
[98] Having examined the documents carefully and comprehensively, we are
constrained to agree with the submissions that were made on behalf of
TNB in that there is no evidence whatsoever of the purported damages
that the Consumer had incurred from paying Ice Man per exhibit P19. In
this regard, there is no evidence of the losses suffered by Ice Man which
the Consumer was liable to compensate. And as rightly submitted on
behalf of TNB, there is in fact no evidence that the Consumer had
ever used generators (and diesel) for purposes of the ice production
business at the Premises. As mentioned at the outset, the Consumer
only provided management services and were not running an ice-factory.
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[99] In this regard, there is also no evidence whatsoever of the Consumer’s
business sales during the period of electricity disconnection to justify the
purported rental and/or purchase of the generators.
[100] No doubt, there appear to be various receipts issued by Ice Man for the
compensation payments that were made by the Consumer. It is therefore
tempting to conclude that the Consumer had proven at least the payment
of RM1,536,225.00 to Ice Man. But the problem here is that PW8 was
cross-examined extensively on this and he could not show proof of actual
payment. All he could say was that he made the payment in Singapore
through a “money-changer” and it was through the money changer that
payment was made to Ice Man. It is important to keep in mind that Ice
Man and the Consumer are closely connected. The answers given by
PW8 just did not stand up to curial scrutiny and was questionable in our
view. In the overall analysis it is quite clear that the Consumer was not
able to show any evidence of actual payment to Ice man, or to Kuang Yi
Machinery Trading (rental/purchase of generators) or to Lim Soon Kit
(purchase of diesel), or to Teo Choo Peow (purchase of diesel). In the
overall analysis, we find it quite remarkable that the Consumer could not
even show any credible evidence of actual payments by them to Ice Man,
or to the so-called suppliers of diesel and generator.
Can exemplary damages be allowed for a claim which is based on breach of
[101] It was argued for TNB that exemplary damages ought not to have been
granted as the Consumer did not plead specific facts to justify a claim for
exemplary damages.
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[102] Reference was made to the Court of Appeal’s decision in Kuan Pek
Seng @ Alan Kuan v Robert Doran & Ors [2013] 2 MLJ 174 (CA).
In the present case, we agree that exemplary damages ought not to have
been granted but for a different reason. It is necessary to state here that
the following aspect of exemplary damages was not raised by either side
but being an issue of law, we consider it necessary and imperative that it
be dealt with here. In our view, the claim for exemplary damages was
[103] The issue as to whether exemplary damages can be allowed for a claim
which is based on a breach of contract was comprehensively discussed
in the recent decision of the Court of Appeal in National Feedlot
Corporation Sdn Bhd & 4 Ors v Public Bank Berhad [2023] 7 AMR
213, [2023] 10 CLJ 430 (CA) (“National Feedlot”). The following
extracts from that judgment (reproduced below) explain why exemplary
damages are not allowed in breach of contract claims.
[119] And as for whether aggravated and exemplary damages are
claimable in a breach of contract case, it is relevant to refer to the
judgment of Lee Swee Seng Judicial Commissioner (as he then was -
now JCA) in Ang Beng Choo v. RHB Insurance Berhad [2013] 1 LNS
382 where the learned judge said:
Whether aggravated and exemplary damages are claimable for breach
of contract
The basis for assessment of damages in a breach of contract is to put
the plaintiff, the non-defaulting party, in the position as if the contract
has not been wrongfully terminated. It is compensatory in nature. As
such aggravated damages is generally not awarded for a breach of
contract simpliciter. In this respect the House of Lords decision
in Farley v. Skinner [2002] 2 A.C. 732 summarised succinctly the
general principle in a breach of contract against an award for anxiety,
distress, disappointment and loss of credibility, reputation and the like
as follows in the speech of Lord Hitton at page 757-758:
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47. It is clearly established as a general rule that where there has been a
breach of contract damages cannot be awarded for the vexation or
anxiety or aggravation or similar states of mind resulting from the
breach. The principle was stated by Bingham LJ in Watts v.
Morrow [1991] 1 WLR 1421, 1445:
A contract-breaker is not in general liable for any distress, frustration,
anxiety, displeasure, vexation, tension or aggravation which his breach
of contract may cause to the innocent party. This rule is not, I think,
founded on the assumption that such reactions are not foreseeable,
which they surely are or may be, but on considerations of policy.
This general principle has recently been approved by this House
in Johnson v. Gore Wood & Co [2002] 2 AC 1. The principle has
particular application to commercial cases and in Johnson v. Gore
Wood & Co Lord Cooke of Thorndon observed, at p 49, that: "Contract-
breaking is treated as an incident of commercial life which players in
the game are expected to meet with mental fortitude."
But the principle is not applicable in every case and in Watts v.
Morrow [1991] 1 WLR 1421 Bingham LJ went on to state that there
was an exceptional category of cases which he described as follows:
Where the very object of a contract is to provide pleasure, relaxation,
peace of mind or freedom from molestation, damages will be awarded
if the fruit of the contract is not provided or if the contrary result is
procured instead. If the law did not cater for this exceptional category
of case it would be defective. A contract to survey the condition of a
house for a prospective purchaser does not, however, fall within this
exceptional category.
Bingham LJ then stated:
In cases not falling within this exceptional category, damages are in my
view recoverable for physical inconvenience and discomfort caused by
the breach and mental suffering directly related to that inconvenience
and discomfort. (emphasis added)
The exceptions do not apply in this case for a breach of an Agency
Generally no exemplary damages shall be awarded in a contractual
claim, and the weight of authorities is against granting such an award.
The learned author of Guest on Contract (28th ed) is categorical on this
("vindictive" or "exemplary" damages have no place in the law of
contract"; pg. 592), while Mcgregor on Damages (18th ed) has this to
tell us at page 428:
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For contract, on the other hand, the position is less certain. Historically,
the law has always set its face against awarding exemplary damages for
breach of contract; outrageous conduct is the domain of tort rather than
Even when the Supreme Court of Canada in Royal Bank of Canada v.
W. Got & Associates Electric Ltd Et al 178 D.L.R. (4th) 385, approved
and awarded exemplary damages in a breach of contract claim it
cautiously observed as follows at page 394-395 that such an award
would be most exceptional and extraordinary:
The trial judge and the Court of Appeal awarded exemplary damages
for the egregious conduct of the bank and we would not disturb this
finding. Punitive damages are available for breach of contract,
although, as Mclntyre J. held in Vorvis v. Insurance Corp. of British
Columbia, [1989] 1 SCR 1085..., the circumstances that would justify
punitive damages for breach of contract in the absence of actions also
constituting a tort are rare...
We emphasize... that an award for exemplary damages in commercial
disputes will remain an extraordinary remedy.
The celebrated author Visu Sinnadurai in the Law of Contract (3rd ed)
was of the same view too at page 731, para 13.38, Vol 1):
It is only in extremely rare cases that the courts grant exemplary
damages. This type of damages if granted, is usually to punish the
Defendant. Under English law, the only category of contracts in which
such damages had been granted were in actions for breach of promise
of marriage. But since the abolition of such actions in 1970 by the Law
Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970, it would appear that
exemplary damages will no longer be granted by the English courts for
any action for breach of contract. Since the decision of the House of
Lords in Rookes v. Barnard, even the award of such damages in tort is
now restricted.
Even in a breach of contract of employment generally no aggravated
and exemplary damages are awarded. In Penang Port Commission v.
Kanawangi s/o Seperumaniam [2002] 8 CLJ 503; [1996] 3 MLJ 427 at
pages 434-435, His Lordship Mahadev Shankar JCA observed:
There are other very disturbing features about this litigation. Addis v.
Gramophone Co Ltd [1909] AC 488 is well-entrenched in the common
law, and damages cannot be awarded for the manner of the dismissal
of his injured feelings or for the loss he may sustain from the fact that
the dismissal of itself makes it more difficult for him to obtain fresh
employment. We are at a total loss to understand on what basis the
deputy registrar thought fit to award a huge round sum of RM2m under
this head.
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The respondent refused to turn up for work on 1 March 1985 claiming
that he had been constructively dismissed. It is far from clear whether
the deputy registrar considered the respondent's duty to mitigate his
damage. Furthermore, the respondent claimed that he was entitled to be
confirmed as traffic supervisor because he thought he was qualified for
the post. The undeniable fact is that he was never appointed to that post
by the appointing authority.
The basis on which the deputy registrar proceeded to calculate the
alleged 'arrears' of emoluments due to the respondent from 1 March
1985 (as also the award of RM2m) would have been an unsolved
mystery, at least until the deputy registrar's notes of evidence and
grounds of judgment became available. Damages are not awarded
simply because the plaintiff has thrown them at the head of the court.
The loss must be shown to have actually occurred and also be
recoverable in law before the award can be made.
See also the helpful article "Exemplary Damages for Tort and Breach
of Contract in Selected Common Law Jurisdictions" by Abdul Majid
bin Nabi Baksh [2007] 3 MLJ xcvii.
(emphasis added)
[120] In PH Hydraulics & Engineering Pte Ltd v. Airtrust (Hong Kong)
Ltd And Another Appeal [2017] SGCA 26; [2017] 2 SLR 129, the
Singapore Court of Appeal (per Justice Andrew Phang) unequivocally
enunciated that punitive damages are not claimable in breach of
contract claims. The learned judge gave a number of reasons why
punitive damages are not claimable in a breach of contract situation.
They may be stated as follows:
(f) In so far as the issue relating to the possible award of punitive
damages in a purely contractual context was concerned (and
considering, first, the arguments against the award of such damages),
allowing the courts to punish a party who had breached a contract sat
uneasily with the concept of a contract as an obligation arising from a
voluntary and binding agreement. The courts ought to have but a
minimal role in regulating the contracting parties' conduct without
regard to their agreement. It would be anomalous or even inappropriate
for the court to regulate the contracting parties' conduct by imposing an
award of punitive damages on the party in breach by way of what is in
effect an external standard. The standard was an external one because,
with the award of such damages, the court went further to signify its
own outrage at the contract-breaker's conduct, and to communicate its
own view of what proper commercial behaviour should be. Such an
external standard might be said to be antithetical to the very nature and
function of the law of contract in general and its remedial structure in
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In contrast, the law of tort afforded far more latitude to the courts in
regulating conduct between the parties; it imposed standards of
normative behaviour between complete strangers: at [68], [71], [72] and
(g) The argument based on a "remedial gap" - that it was necessary to
have a residual discretion to award punitive damages in contract law
because existing remedies were inadequate to punish and deter
outrageous behaviour - was neutral at best. If the concepts of
punishment and deterrence were inapposite in the context of the
common law of contract, there would be no gap in the first place. Such
a gap could, in any event, be filled by alternative remedial options, such
as "Wrotham Park damages", an account of profits for breach of
contract, or damages for mental distress. These arguably had punitive
or deterrent effects even though they remained primarily compensatory
in purpose in that they protected a plaintiff's interest in contractual
performance: at [78] to [84].
(h) Another argument against recognising punitive damages for breach
of contract was the absence of clear criteria by which to determine when
punitive damages should be awarded, and the consequent uncertainty
this would lead to. The concept of an "outrageous" breach was
particularly elusive in the commercial context where self-serving
behaviour was an accepted facet of contracting norms. It would be very
difficult to identify specific (as well as workable) criteria for
ascertaining when a contracting party's conduct had crossed the line
from self or vested interest into the realm of the "outrageous": at [85],
[86] and [89].
(i) The weight of case law authority was also against the recognition of
punitive damages for breach of contract though this was not necessarily
conclusive of the issue: at [101].
(j) Policy considerations also militated against the award of punitive
damages in a purely contractual context. Awarding punitive damages in
a purely contractual context might adversely affect the manner in which
litigation would be conducted inasmuch as it might add to its length,
complexity and costs and confer upon plaintiffs an undue advantage in
forcing large (or larger) settlements. Further, punitive damages were
most commonly awarded in circumstances where there was a
heightened risk of recurrent reprehensible conduct, especially where the
parties were of unequal bargaining power, such as in insurance,
employment and consumer transactions. Such risk would be more
appropriately managed by regulation rather than by judicial remedies
such as an award of punitive damages: at [102], [104] and [106].
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(k) Turning to the arguments in favour of an award of punitive damages
in a purely contractual context, first, the argument from uniformity -
that it would be inconsistent to recognise punitive damages in tort but
exclude punitive damages from contract claims - was unpersuasive
because the law of tort was qualitatively different from the law of
contract: at [110] and [111].
(l) The Canadian case of Whiten v Pilot Insurance Company (2002) 209
DLR (4th) 257 ("Whiten"), the key authority relied on by the judge, was
not persuasive authority for the availability of punitive damages for
breach of contract. Whiten held that punitive damages could be awarded
where the conduct complained of constituted the breach of an
independently actionable wrong - the breach of a contractual duty of
good faith. But there was no reason in principle why a single breach of
contract ought not also to justify an award of punitive damages; if it was
the egregious nature of the conduct of the party in breach that was being
punished, it ought not to matter whether that conduct was the result of
a single breach or more than a single breach: at [112], [114], and [115].
(m) As the amicus curiae had also pointed out, Whiten has been subject
to no small measure of criticism (significantly, from a number of
eminent academic experts in the field of Canadian contract law, one of
whom was of the view that Whiten may not be a true authority for the
award of punitive damages in a purely contractual context as there were
features of the case not common to ordinary commercial contracts, such
as quasi - regulatory interests, and as it was also a case involving
tortious defamatory conduct): at [117] and [118].
(n) The principles in Whiten were also not persuasive because the court
assumed that there was no difference in principle between awarding
punitive damages in tort and in a purely contractual context; the broader
issue of principle - why punishment was a legitimate remedial response
to a breach of contract - was not really dealt with. The principle of
proportionality, which attempted to impose a rational limit on punitive
damages awards, did not furnish sufficient guidance and had led in turn
to uncertainty: at [121] to [123], and [126].
(o) Further, it was not clear whether Whiten recognised the availability
of punitive damages for all contract breaches or only certain types of
contracts where was a material power imbalance, or more generally
contracts where there was a duty of good faith: at [127] and [128].
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(p) The existence of a duty of good faith would not, on its own, justify
an award of punitive damages in the event of its breach, although it
might help overcome one of the objections in principle to punitive
damages for breach of contract: the undesirability of a court imposing
on the parties its own normative standard of contractual performance.
However, it did not necessarily follow that punitive damages ought to
be awarded; the existence of an express or implied duty of good faith
was a neutral factor: at [134].
(q) The arguments against the award of punitive damages far
outweighed the arguments in favour of such an award. There ought to
be a general rule that punitive damages could not be awarded for breach
of contract: at [135].
(r) Given that PH had at most been grossly negligent, this was not a
situation which merited an award of punitive damages. Even if fraud
had been established, this was hardly an exceptional case warranting a
departure from the general rule: at [138] and [139].
(s) Cl 25 excluded consequential and indirect losses suffered by the
contracting parties as well as third parties arising out of the (defective)
performance of the SPA in question, but not consequential or indirect
losses arising from a refusal to perform the contract or to be bound by
it. Airtrust's claims for loss of profit and the loss of opportunity for
earning further profits were consequential and indirect losses and
therefore excluded by Cl 25: at [151], [153], [155] and [156].
(t) Airtrust sought indemnity costs in respect of the entire trial. The
specific instances of unreasonable conduct it had alleged, even if made
out, only affected a few of the issues in dispute and a few witnesses.
There was no reason to disturb the judge's decision not to order an
award of indemnity costs against PH: at [158].
[Observation: Given that the instances in which a breach of contract can
occur were manifold, the court would not rule out entirely the
possibility that a case might one day come before the court, involving a
particularly outrageous type of breach, which necessitated a departure
from the general rule that punitive damages would not be awarded for
breach of contract. That said, any argument for the award of such
damages would need to surmount the many reasons of principle and
policy set out in the judgment against doing so. It would therefore take
a truly exceptional case to persuade the court that punitive damages
should be awarded for breach of contract. Indeed, the court was not sure
that it would award such damages even if it were faced with the facts of
a case as extreme as Whiten. There were a number of other possible
alternative remedies (including the award of damages for mental
distress for breach of contract) that could also be invoked by the court
to do practical justice while respecting the compensatory function of
damages for breach of contract: at [136].]
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[104] Thus, it is clear that it is not permissible for exemplary damages to be
granted for a breach of contract claim of this type. Quite apart from the
lack of jurisprudential basis for awarding exemplary damages for a
breach of contract claim, we also note that the learned Judge had awarded
exemplary damages based on 25% of the special damages. This is quite
unprecedented. Special damages are out of pocket expenses or claims
which are quantifiable and which have to be specifically pleaded and
strictly proven. Special damages are not assessed. They need to be
proven in the usual way before the Judge. The claimant must produce the
best evidence to support the claim for special damages. Traditionally,
exemplary damages are awarded in addition to the general damages.
[105] As stated earlier, we are satisfied that the Consumer had not proven their
special damages claim. Even if we were to accept the suggestion that the
Consumer had proven the amount claimed as special damages, we do not
agree that exemplary damages can be granted as a percentage of special
damages. There is no jurisprudential support for exemplary damages to
be granted as a percentage of special damages. In any event, we are of
the view that as a matter of law, exemplary damages are not claimable in
a breach of contract claim. (See the views of this Court in the National
Feedlot case – supra).
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Breach of Statutory Duty - Whether the Defendant had infringed the
Consumer’s rights as a registered electricity user by divulging the
Consumer’s account details to a third party without the Consumer’s consent
[106] On the issue of breach of statutory duty, (per paragraphs [104] and [105]
of the Amended Statement of Claim), it is clear that those paragraphs do
not specify which sections of the Act have been breached. In Dr Abdul
Hamid Abdul Rashid & Anor v Jurusan Malaysia Consultants (Sued
As A Firm) & Ors. [1997] 3 MLJ 546 (HC) p.566-567, the High Court
(per Justice James Foong – later FCJ) said,
Unlike the general principles of pleading where laws need not be
pleaded, in an action based on a breach of statutory duty, it is
absolutely necessary and essential for the plaintiffs to disclose the
specific legislation affected; for it is the basis for the plaintiffs'
claim. In fact, this is the approach recommended in the Atkin Court
Forms, where all the precedents covering this aspect of the claim fully
disclose the relevant provision of the statute or by-laws alleged to be
[107] Thus, the Consumer’s claim for alleged breach of statutory duties
(wrongful disclosure of the Consumer’s information to third parties
without their consent) was a complete non-starter and ought to have been
dismissed. But, it seems that the claim has since morphed into a claim
for damages for breach of confidential information, which was not at all
pleaded. In China Road & Bridge Corporation &Anor v. DCX
Technologies Sdn Bhd [2014] 7 CLJ 644; [2014] 5 MLJ 1(CA), the
Court of Appeal dealt with the importance of pleadings in a breach of
confidence claim and stated as follow;
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[32] To trigger cl. 7 of the 'memorandum' it is essential to disclose by
way of pleadings what 'information' which was disclosed was breached.
We have perused the pleadings several times but we were not able to
identify the precise 'information' which was said to be breached. The
word 'information' has a specific meaning and jurisprudence. All
statements or correspondence made by the plaintiff will not qualify as
'information'. Neither will a part of the proposal per se will qualify as
information. In addition, 'information' per se will not be entitled to
'confidential' status in relation to the memorandum. The statement of
claim should define with some precision the information or
communication which is alleged to be confidential. (See Diamond
Stylus Co Ltd v. Bauden Precision Diamonds Ltd [1972] FSR 177).
The usual form of relief in an action for breach of confidential
information includes a declaration as to the confidentiality.
(See Industrial Furnaces v. Reaves [1970] RPC 605). In essence, the
trial court must first identify the 'information' which has the
characteristic of confidentiality and then proceed to consider whether
the exception stated in cl. 7 will apply and then proceed to consider
whether there was a breach. We have perused the judgment of the
learned trial judge several times but we were not able to identify the
finding on the 'information', whether it had the characteristic of
confidentiality and whether it was breached. Failure to do so will
necessarily compromise the integrity of the decision making process
and the judgment will stand as perverse. All subsequent findings
resulting from the failure will have no value to the decision making
process itself. In Ocular Sciences Ltd v. Aspect Vision Care Ltd [1997]
RPC 289 the court had this to say:
Breach of confidence
(1) It was essential in a breach of confidence action that the plaintiff
should give full and proper particulars of all the confidential
information on which he intended to rely for two reasons: first, the
plaintiff usually sought an injunction and, unless the confidential
information was properly identified, an injunction would be of
uncertain scope and might be difficult to enforce; secondly, the
defendant must know what case he had to meet as he might wish to
show that certain of the items relied on were matters of public
knowledge. The absence of proper particulars could compromise a
defendant's ability to defend himself if the plaintiff could rely on
matters of which no proper warning was given. If the plaintiff failed to
give proper particulars it was open to the court to infer that the purpose
of the litigation was harassment rather than protection of the plaintiff's
rights and the action could be struck out as an abuse of process.
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[108] Hence, on the pleadings point alone, the claim for wrongful disclosure
of the Consumer’s information to Third Parties (breach of statutory duty)
or even breach of confidence, ought to have been dismissed.
Defamation – Did DW19 utter the Impugned Words?
[109] Next, we deal with the claim for defamation. Of course, the learned Judge
was right that based on paragraphs [39] and [45] of the Defence, there
was an admission that the impugned words were uttered by DW19. But
the oral testimony was otherwise. Here, it is relevant to refer to PW5’s
evidence and DW19’s evidence in response. In this regard, it is clear that
the learned Judge completely ignored the evidence of DW19 that he
never said the impugned words as conveyed by PW5. And, more
pertinently, DW19’s evidence was unchallenged during cross-
examination. PW5 admitted that the impugned statement in her letter of
8 May 2015, was her own words and not those uttered by DW19. Under
cross-examination PW5 explained exactly what was said by DW19.
“PD: … Dinyatakan di dalam pliding ini, En Fauzi ada buat
representasi kepada Puan Azah. Kita baca line yang ke 4 lah. Dari
atas. Merupakan satu kesalahan yang berat kerana mereka telah
melakukan kesalahan yang berat kerana mereka telah berkali-kali
mengubahsuai meter meter TNB. Soalan saya, apa yang En.
Fauzi, adakaha ini yang En. Fauzi cakan pada Puan Azah atau ini
dalam bentuk document? Boleh ceritakan tidak?
SP5: Bukan dokumen. Masa mesyuarat kami telah dimaklumkan oleh
En. Fauzi bahawa kilang ais tersebut di cakap ada kes dan ada dua
meter dan kami dimaklumkan bahawa memang kedua-dua meter
tersebut ada meter tampering yang berlaku. Banyak kali dia
cakap. So dia cakap memang ada kes berkenaan dengan meter
tampering. Sebab tu dia cakap problem untuk anakguam kami lah
untuk membeli sebab meter tampering telah berlaku banyak kali.
Sebab itu tunggakan yang ada pada akaun tinggi, the amount itu
adalah tinggi. Itu yang diamklumkan.” (Emphasis ours)
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[110] We are thus constrained to hold that despite paragraphs [39] and [45] of
TNB’s defence, it is of critical importance that the person to whom the
impugned words (PW5) were alleged to have been said had clearly
testified that the words she used were her words and not that of DW19.
In light of PW5's evidence, the claim for slander cannot stand as it has
not been proven that the impugned words per paragraph [56] of the
Amended Statement of Claim were uttered by DW19. The claim for
defamation ought to have been dismissed. In any event, even if
defamation has been proven, it is necessary to keep in mind that the
impugned words, if they were indeed uttered, were only said to one
person. The extent of publication was de minimis at best and the
Consumer would have been entitled to a meagre amount of damages not
exceeding RM1,000.00. Further, there was no plea for aggravated
damages. Thus, we do not see how the learned Judge could have granted
aggravated damages when there was no claim for this head of damages.
[111] The case that is relevant on limited publication and its effect on damages
is the Singapore Court of Appeal’s decision in A Balakrishnan & Ors
v Nirumalan K Pillay & Ors. [1999] 3 SLR 22 (SGCA) which reads
as follows;
[48] There was also a point of distinction which, with respect, we think
that the learned judge did not take into account. In the three cases
referred to as guiding precedents, the publication of the defamatory
matter was in the press. The extent of publication was much greater than
that of the present case. The circulation of The Hammer is limited by
the fact that it is not sold on the newsstands. Out of the 20,000 copies
which were printed, only 8,000 copies were sold in various parts of
Singapore and only Tamil readers would have read it. Also, not all the
Tamil readers of the article in August 1995 would at that time still be
familiar with the persons who held responsibilities in the 1995 Tamil
Language Week.
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The actual extent of publication of the article was very limited and
very much less than that of the three cases referred to by the
learned judge. Admittedly, the gravity of defamation cannot always
be ascertained by reference to the extent of the publication; nor can
it be varied or adjusted by some direct proportion to the number of
persons to whom the defamatory material is published.
Nonetheless, the extent of publication remains an important factor
which should be considered in the assessment of damages: see Tang
Liang Hong v Lee Kuan Yew & Anor [1998] 1 SLR 97 158.
The Outcome
[112] To sum up, we agree with TNB that the preliminary objection ought to
have been dismissed. Further, the learned Judge ought to have examined
all the evidence. And if that had been done, the learned Judge would have
come to the inescapable conclusion that there was meter tampering on
the dates when inspections were carried out by TNB’s technical team.
However, we find TNB’s stand on the Mayaria issue, untenable. Thus,
since the tampered meters were rectified, they could not lawfully
disconnect the supply of electricity under s.38(1) of the Act. Thus, they
are liable to pay damages for wrongful disconnection of electricity to the
[113] However, the Consumer failed to prove their claim for special damages.
The claim for trespass is no longer legally sustainable or tenable. There
was no appeal by the Consumer arising out of the dismissal of their claim
for the tort interference with their business. The claim for defamation is
unmaintainable in light of PW5’s testimony, and DW19’s evidence that
he did not utter the impugned words. Lastly, the claim for breach of
statutory duty is untenable as the relevant statutory provisions alleged to
have been breached and which purportedly gave rise to a private cause
of action, was not specifically pleaded.
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[114] As for breach of confidence, the Consumer did not even plead the
elements necessary for a claim for breach of confidence. TNB has failed
on the Mayaria issue, but has succeeded on all other issues both on
liability and quantum. The final outcome is that TNB’s appeal succeeds
and is hereby allowed. The High Court’s Order/Judgment dated 30
September 2019 is hereby set aside. We allow costs of RM80,000.00
(subject to allocator) as costs here and below, to be paid by the Consumer
(Respondent) to TNB (Appellant).
Court of Appeal,
Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Date: 21 December 2023
Legal Representation
For the Appellant:
Steven Thiru
Hadi Mukhlis Bin Khairulmaini
Izatunlina Binti Jamaludin
Messrs. Steven Thiru & Sudhar Partnership
Unit A1-12-01, Arcoris Mont Kiara,
Jalan Kiara, 50480 Mont Kiara,
Kuala Lumpur.
(Ref: HMK/ST/TNB/BMMSB/01 [21-729])
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For the Respondent:
Datuk Dr Gurdial Singh Njiar
P. Mitran
Abraham Au Tian Hui,
Lim Yew Yi
Kerk Boon Leng
Messrs. Kerk & Partners
5-5, Oval Damansara,
60000 Kuala Lumpur.
(Ref: BIG-1950016)
Section 37, 38 Electricity Supply Act 1990
Browne v Dunn (1893) 6 R 67 (HL).
Big Man Management Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional Berhad [2020] 11 MLJ
472, [2020] 8 CLJ 27 (HC)
Tenaga Nasional Bhd v Mayaria Sdn Bhd & Anor [2019] 2 MLJ 801,
[2022] 2 CLJ 333 (CA)
Tenaga Nasional Bhd v Chew Thai Kay & Anor [2022] 2 MLJ 25 (FC)
Megnaway Enterprise Sdn Bhd v. Soon Lian Hock (Sole Proprietor of The
Firm Performance Audio & Car Accessories Enterprise [2009] 3 MLJ 525
Douglas Ding Jangan & Ors v Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak & Ors [2021] 4
MLJ 946 (FC)
Tenaga Nasional Berhad v Evergrowth Aquaculture Sdn Bhd and Other
Appeals [2021] 9 CLJ 179, [2021] 7 AMR 857, [2021] 5 MLJ 937 (FC)
Thomas Thomas @ Mohan A/L K Thomas v. Tenaga Nasional Bhd [2017]
4 CLJ 340; [2018] 5 MLJ 831 (CA)
Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. Ichi-Ban Plastic (M) Sdn Bhd & Other Appeals
[2018] 3 CLJ 557; [2018] MLJ 14 (FC)
Liza bte Ismail v Public Prosecutor [1997] 2 SLR 454 SGCA
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Markem Corporation & Anor v Zipher Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ 267, [2005]
RPC 31 (CA)
Cheng Hang Guan & Ors v. Perumahan Farlim (Penang) Sdn Bhd & Ors
[1994] 1 CLJ 19; [1993] 3 MLJ 352 (SC)
National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd & 4 Ors v Public Bank Berhad
[2023] 7 AMR 213, [2023] 10 CLJ 430 (CA)
Sunlite Textile Sdn Bhd v Motilal Realty Sdn Bhd (PART 2) [2007] 5 MLJ
640 (HC)
Tan Ah Kow & Anor v Tan Chaui En [2017] 6 MLJ 297, [2018] 2 CLJ 610
Dr Abdul Hamid Abdul Rashid & Anor v Jurusan Malaysia Consultants
(Sued As A Firm) & Ors. [1997] 3 MLJ 546 (HC)
A Balakrishnan & Ors v Nirumalan K Pillay & Ors. [1999] 3 SLR 22
China Road & Bridge Corporation &Anor v. DCX Technologies Sdn Bhd
[2014] 7 CLJ 644; [2014] 5 MLJ 1(CA)
Modernia Plastic Industries (M) Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional Berhad [2015]
3 CLJ 825 (HC)
Xin Guan Premier Sdn Bhd v Tenaga Nasional Berhad [2016] 1 AMR
603,[2016] 10 MLJ 788, [2016] 1 CLJ 318 (HC)
Kuan Pek Seng @ Alan Kuan v Robert Doran & Ors [2013] 2 MLJ 174
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| 142,368 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-24C-123-08/2023 | PEMOHON MERIDIAN CONTRACTS SDN BHD RESPONDEN BAUER (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD | There are merits in Bauer’s claims in the ongoing arbitral proceedings - Whether Meridian is unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum if the arbitration proceedings concludes in Bauer’s favor | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman | |
(Company No.: 530788-P) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 121194-X) ... DEFENDANT
(Company No.: 121194-X) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 530788-P) ... DEFENDANT
02/01/2024 12:13:31
WA-24C-123-08/2023 Kand. 35
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[1] Unlike the majority of suits pursuant to the Construction Industry
Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) which are
heard together in this Court, these suits concern the applications by –
(a) Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd (‘Meridian’) pursuant to s 28 CIPAA
in Originating Summons No. WA-24C-123-08/2023 (‘O.S. No.
123’) to enforce the third Adjudication Decision dated 17.7.2023
(‘3rd AD’) by the third learned Adjudicator, Mr. Winston Ng Peng
Cheang (‘3rd Adjudicator’) (‘Enforcement Application’); and
(b) Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (‘Bauer’) pursuant to s 16 CIPAA in
O.S. No. WA-24C-134-08/2023 (‘O.S. No. 134’) to stay the 3rd AD
pending the final determination by way of arbitration (‘Stay
without any application being made under s 15 CIPAA to set aside the
3rd AD.
[2] On 15.11.2023, after giving due consideration of the affidavit evidence
and the oral and written submissions of the parties, I had allowed the
Enforcement Application and dismissed the Stay Application.
[3] These are my full grounds of judgment for the decision.
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The Cause Papers
[4] The cause papers in both suits are as follows:
The Enforcement Application:
(a) Meridian’s O.S. dated 3.8.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Meridian’s Affidavit In Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Senior
Contract Manager, Ong Eng Theng on 3.8.2023 (encl. 2);
(c) Bauer’s Affidavit In Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Managing
Director Commercial, Julian Benedict Lord on 24.8.2023 (encls.
5 and 6); and
(d) Meridian’s Notice of Intention to Use Affidavit in O.S. No. 134
dated 15.9.2023 (encl. 7).
The Stay Application:
(a) Bauer’s O.S. dated 25.8.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Bauer’s AIS affirmed by the same deponent on 24.8.2023 (encls.
2 and 3);
(c) Meridian’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 14.9.2023
(encl. 4); and
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(d) Bauer’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 27.9.2023 (encl.
Brief Salient Facts
[5] The background facts to these suits can be found in my grounds of
judgment –
(a) dated 4.5.2020 in Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405;
[2020] MLRHU 1138 where I had dismissed Bauer’s applications
to set aside the Adjudication Decision by the learned Adjudicator,
Mr. Rodney Colin Gomez (‘1st Adjudicator’) dated 31.10.2019
(‘1st AD’) pursuant to s 15 CIPAA and to stay the 1st AD pending
the disposal of the arbitration proceedings between the parties
pursuant to s 16 CIPAA, and had allowed Meridian’s application
to enforce the 1st AD pursuant to s 28 CIPAA (Bauer’s appeal
against my decision was dismissed by the Court of Appeal on
3.1.2022 and Bauer’s motion for leave to appeal was dismissed
by the Federal Court on 27.4.2022); and
(b) dated 17.2.2023 in Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 1047; [2023] 1 LNS 917 where
I had allowed Meridian’s application for the Adjudication Decision
by the learned Adjudicator, Ir. Shanmugaraj s/o Chelliah
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Thamotherampillai (‘2nd Adjudicator’) dated 15.11.2021 (‘2nd
AD’) to be set aside under s 15(d) CIPAA as the 2nd Adjudicator
had acted in excess of his jurisdiction by deciding on the set-off
claim (Bauer’s appeal against my decision was dismissed by the
Court of Appeal on 23.10.2023).
[6] For the present suits, it is sufficient to recap that –
(a) Meridian commenced the first adjudication proceedings (‘1st
Adjudication’) against Bauer by way of the Notice of
Adjudication dated 17.6.2019 for the sum of RM7,494,014.17
which was due and payable for works done since 2017 pursuant
to the CIPAA. At that time, the 2nd moiety of retention sum for
RM1,088,420.35 was not contractually due to be released by
Bauer to Meridian and was therefore not included in the 1st
Adjudication. On 31.10.2019, the 1st Adjudicator delivered the 1st
AD in favour of Meridian in the sum of RM5,311,360.51 together
with interest and costs, after allowing Bauer’s set-off claims of
RM142,238.60 out of the total set-off claims of RM 5,188,402.91.
Bauer has since complied with the 1st AD;
(b) On 13.12.2019, Bauer issued the notice to arbitrate to Meridian
to refer the dispute between the parties to arbitration; and
(c) Meridian submitted its Payment Claim to Bauer on 29.12.2020
claiming for the 2nd moiety of retention sum for RM1,088,420.35.
The Notice of Adjudication dated 1.4.2021 was subsequently
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served on Bauer (‘2nd Adjudication’). On 15.11.2021, the 2nd AD
was delivered whereby Bauer’s set-off for the damages/
liquidated ascertained damages (‘LAD’) in the sum of
RM3,913,000.00 out of RM 5,188,402.91 was allowed and
Meridian’s claim for the 2nd moiety of retention sum was
dismissed following the said set-off.
[7] As the 2nd AD was set aside by this Court and the decision was affirmed
by the Court of Appeal, Meridian then commenced another
adjudication proceedings against Bauer to recover the same 2nd moiety
of retention sum for RM1,088,420.35 (‘3rd Adjudication’).
[8] Meridian served the Payment Claim dated 7.3.2023 on Bauer. Bauer
did not serve any Payment Response on Meridian.
[9] On 12.5.2023, Meridian served its Adjudication Claim whilst Bauer
served its Adjudication Response on 26.5.2023. Meridian served its
Adjudication Reply on 2.6.2023.
[10] Meanwhile, on 22.5.2023, Bauer filed an application seeking for a stay
of execution of the Order of this Court made on 17.2.2023 to set aside
the 2nd AD and for a stay of the 3rd Adjudication pending the disposal
of Bauer’s appeal against the said Order. Bauer’s application was
dismissed on 7.7.2023.
[11] On 17.7.2023, the 3rd Adjudicator had determined in para 143 of the
3rd AD that:
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a. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35 on or before
b. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
total costs of the adjudication proceeding
amounting to RM59,507.18 on or before 31-7-
c. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant interest
on the Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35 at the
rate of 5% per annum calculated on a daily basis
commencing from 21-6-2020 until the date of this
Adjudication Decision on or before 31-7-2023.
d. If the Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35,
accrued interest pursuant to sub-paragraph (c)
above and the total costs of the adjudication
proceeding amounting to RM59,507.18 are not
paid in full by the Respondent to the Claimant by
31-7-2023, the Respondent shall pay interest on
all outstanding amounts at the rate of 5% per
annum calculated on a daily basis commencing
from 1-8-2023 until full and final settlement.
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e. All payments that are required to be made by the
Respondent to the Claimant shall be made by way
of a Banker's Cheque or Cashier's Order issued
by a local financial institution.”.
[12] Section 28 CIPAA provides as follows:
“Enforcement of adjudication decision as judgment
28. (1) A party may enforce an adjudication decision by
applying to the High Court for an order to enforce the
adjudication decision as if it is a judgment or order of the High
(2) The High Court may make an order in respect of the
adjudication decision either wholly or partly and may make an
order in respect of interest on the adjudicated amount
(3) The order made under subsection (2) may be
executed in accordance with the rules on execution of the
orders or judgment of the High Court.”.
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[13] Mr. CK Oon submitted for Meridian that it had complied with all
statutory requirements for an application pursuant to s 28 CIPAA to
enforce the 3rd AD and this was not disputed by Bauer.
[14] Bauer affirmed that the Enforcement Application should be dismissed
as the 3rd AD should be stayed in the circumstances as averred in the
AIS. In short, Bauer’s main defence in resisting the Enforcement
Application was that, if the Stay Application is allowed, then the
Enforcement Application ought to be dismissed.
[15] The effect of an adjudication decision is clearly provided in s 13 CIPAA
which reads:
“13. The adjudication decision is binding unless –
(a) it is set aside by the High Court on any of the
grounds referred to in section 15;
(b) the subject matter of the decision is settled by a
written agreement between the parties; or
(c) the dispute is finally decided by arbitration or the
[16] As mentioned at the outset, Bauer did not file an application pursuant
to s 15 CIPAA to set aside the 3rd AD. In addition, the subject matter of
the 3rd AD has not been settled by a written agreement between Bauer
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and Meridian and the dispute has also not been finally decided by
arbitration or the court.
[17] Section 28 CIPAA confers a discretion on the High Court which must
be exercised judiciously, having regard to the underlying facts and the
applicable principles under the CIPAA. This discretionary power does
not extend to requiring the applicant to show that there are no grounds
for setting aside the adjudication decision under s 15 CIPAA. All that
the applicant needs to do is to satisfy the court that –
(a) there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the
applicant’s favor;
(b) there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date
specified in the adjudication decision; and
(c) there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in
that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed;
there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the
parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment
claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law
[see Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
(CA) at paragraphs 24 - 26, pp 370 and 371].
[18] Based on the foregoing, I would agree with Meridian’s contention that
the 3rd AD should be enforced as of right.
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[19] As Bauer has taken a position which is dependent on the outcome of
the Stay Application, I now turn to consider the Stay Application.
[20] Section 16 CIPAA reads as follows:
“Stay of adjudication decision
16. (1) A party may apply to the High Court for a stay of an
adjudication decision in the following circumstances:
(a) an application to set aside the adjudication
decision under section 15 has been made; or
(b) the subject matter of the adjudication decision is
pending final determination by arbitration or the
(2) The High Court may grant a stay of the adjudication
decision or order the adjudicated amount or part of it to be
deposited with the Director of the KLRCA or make any other
order as it thinks fit.”.
[21] Bauer has indisputably fulfilled the requirements for a stay under
paragraph 16(1)(b) CIPAA as the subject matter of the 3rd AD is
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pending final determination by arbitration (see the decisions of this
Court in Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction
& Engineering Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022]
1 AMR 249 at paragraph 69, pp 286 - 287 (affirmed by the Court of
Appeal on 8.8.2022) and Samsung C&T Corporation UEM
Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd
[2023] MLJU 2555 at paragraph 8, which are to be contrasted with
Classic Series Sdn Bhd v Ng Lung Yang (Trading under the name and
style of ‘NLY Coating’) [2023] MLJU 2324 at paragraphs 35 and 36).
[22] In his submission for Bauer, Mr. Sanjay Mohan has fittingly submitted
that the court may stay an adjudication decision where there are clear
errors, or to meet the justice of the individual case and that the correct
approach under s 16 of the CIPAA would be to evaluate each case on
its merits where the financial capacity of the unpaid party to repay the
adjudicated sum could be a factor but not the only factor (see View
Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22).
[23] The learned counsel further submitted that the justice of the present
case demands that the 3rd AD be stayed (see too, paragraph 26 in the
[24] In Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU
2734, I said:
“[64] Among the cases which have discussed how the tests
of clear and unequivocal errors and justice of the case
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are to be applied in the exercise of the discretion of the
court whether to grant a stay or otherwise are EA
Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And Heavy
Engineering Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1851, Maju Holdings
Sdn Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194
and; [2021] 1 LNS 367, Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v.
DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852, Sun
Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd
[2021] 1 LNS 629 and CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101
Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305.
[65] In CRCC Malaysia (supra), this Court said:
“[56] …
[57] As for the phrase “to meet the justice of the
individual case”, this Court in Genbina Sdn
Bhd v. Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2020] 2 MLRH 101 at p 111
said that the determination as to what is
right and fair must necessarily be dependent
on the factual matrix and circumstances
arising in each case whilst in EA Technique
(M) Sdn Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy
Engineering Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594 at
p 603, Lim Chong Fong J expressed the
following view:
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“[27] Furthermore in the View Esteem case,
it is also stated that the financial status is not
the sole factor in determining the grant of
the stay. The stay may be allowed to meet
the justice of the individual case aside from
clear error. They seem to be disjunctive as
explained in the Leap Modulation case.
Justice of the case is of course even more
subjectively objective. It involves the
exercise of discretion. However in light of
the caveat of caution mentioned in the View
Esteem case, I am also only minded to grant
the stay if my conscience is pricked in the
special circumstances of the case. Beyond
that, it is incapable of definition or
[28] The bottom line is that considerations of
both clear error as well as justice of the
individual case to justify the stay of an
adjudication decision have to be stringently
applied as this would otherwise defeat the
statutory intent of the CIPAA to ensure cash
flow in the construction industry; see
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn
Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 801.”
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(see too, RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and
Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247).
[25] The grounds upon which Bauer claimed that the justice of the instant
case warrants a stay of the 3rd AD are examined below.
1st Ground: There are merits in Bauer’s claims in the ongoing arbitral
[26] In paragraphs 21 to 23 of the AIS, Bauer stated the respective
contentions of the parties in the arbitration proceedings, namely –
(a) Bauer’s claims against Meridian which include the sum of
RM4,506,451.18 as loss and expense suffered by Bauer due to
Meridian’s delay; RM681,951.73 as back charges;
RM1,485,698.02 as loss and expense during the defects liability
period; and RM432,767.67 being the sum which was overpaid to
Meridian; and
(b) Meridian’s counterclaim against Bauer for the sum of
RM9,275,068.18 being the balance value of works done
including the 2nd moiety of retention sum; and the entitlement to
an extension of time (‘EoT’) until 25.11.2017 or alternatively, that
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time for completion of the sub-contract works had been set at
to emphasise that the arbitral tribunal will make a final determination
on the issues relating to, among others, the value of works carried out
by Meridian; whether Meridian is entitled to an EoT; whether Bauer is
entitled to its loss and expense claim; whether Meridian failed to
provide certain provisions as required under the sub-contract; whether
Bauer is entitled to its back charges; and whether Meridian is entitled
to the 2nd moiety of retention sum (the pleadings in the arbitration was
shown in exhibit “A-11”).
[27] Bauer further stated in paragraph 24 of the AIS that the arbitration
proceedings have reached a mature stage wherein Bauer has closed
its case on 21.7.2023 and the arbitration proceedings are fixed for
continued hearing in the months of August 2023 and February and
March 2024.
[28] Bauer asserted that all disputes which were raised in the adjudication
proceedings will be finally determined by the arbitral tribunal, including
Meridian’s entitlement to the release of the 2nd moiety of the retention
sum, and that based on Bauer’s position in respect of the total value of
work carried out by Meridian and Bauer’s claims for loss and expenses
and back charges, there is no sum due and payable to Meridian
[29] As the Court of Appeal had dismissed Bauer’s appeal on 23.10.2023,
when the Stay Application was heard on 9.11.2023, Bauer’s averment
in the alternative in paragraph 29 of the AIS would apply, namely that
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the Enforcement Application will naturally be allowed and once the 3rd
AD is enforced, Bauer will be left with no recourse or remedy to set
aside the 3rd AD.
[30] Bauer firmly believes that it has merits in its claim for loss and expense
in the arbitration, at least in the sum of RM3,913,000.00 because this
Court had set aside the 2nd AD on the ground of excess of jurisdiction
rather than on the merits. Hence, it cannot be said that the factual and
evidentiary findings made by the 2nd Adjudicator in finding that there
was delay by Meridian and in allowing Bauer’s loss and expense, are
not reasoned or unsound. The claimed amount will extinguish
Meridian’s claim for the 2nd moiety of retention sum.
[31] I have considered Bauer’s 1st Ground to support the Stay Application
and I was not persuaded that it is in the interest of justice for the Court
to grant a stay of the 3rd AD. Sub-s 37(1) CIPAA provides that a dispute
in respect of payment under a construction contract may be referred
concurrently to adjudication, arbitration or the court. The fact that there
is an ongoing arbitration is not, per se, a ground for granting a stay
application under s 16 CIPAA (see Meridian Contracts (supra) at
subparagraph 65(c)].
[32] Moreover, based on Bauer’s Statement of Claim, its claim against
Meridian is for the total sum of RM7,106,866.60 as opposed to
Meridian’s total counterclaim of RM9,275,068.18 against Bauer as
shown in the Amended Statement of Defence and Statement of
Counterclaim (see the AIS, encl. 3).
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[33] Contrary to Bauer’s assertion that the arbitration proceedings have
reached a mature stage, the precise timeline for the final determination
of the disputes between the parties remained uncertain. Whilst the
hearing before the arbitrator has been set until March 2024 and
assuming that the hearing will be completed in that month, the
arbitrator has yet to give directions on the dates for written
submissions, and possibly clarification hearings to be held. The exact
date when the final award will be published is also unknown.
[34] To allow a stay of the 3rd AD in the circumstances of this case would
be to defeat the primary objective of the CIPAA to alleviate cash flow
issues by providing an effective and economical mechanism [see
Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2020] 6 MLJ 224 (FC) at paragraphs 46 - 55, pp 242 - 246 and Inai
Kiara (supra, at paragraph 28, p 371)].
[35] For the avoidance of doubt, I did not give any consideration to Bauer’s
submission that the 3rd AD contained clear error as this ground was not
raised in Bauer’s affidavit evidence. Moreover, Bauer has chosen not
to file an application to set aside the 3rd AD under s 15 of the CIPAA.
2nd Ground: Whether Meridian is unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum
if the arbitration proceedings concludes in Bauer’s favor
[36] In paragraphs 31 to 33 of the AIS, Bauer affirmed that there is a risk
that Meridian will not be able to repay the adjudicated amount in the
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3rd AD should Meridian be required to do so after the disposal of the
arbitration proceedings. Bauer relied on –
(a) the Summary Of Financial Information in the Companies
Commission of Malaysia (‘CCM’) search conducted on Meridian
on 15.8.2023 which shows for the financial year end 31.12.2022,
Meridian suffered a loss after tax in the sum of RM915,089.00;
had a net dividend of negative RM915,800.00; had two open
charges that remain unsatisfied; and had four charges in the total
sum of RM3,200,000.00 that remain unsatisfied; and
(b) the CTOS Report on Meridian which shows –
(i) there is a significant decrease in Meridian’s retained
earnings as follows:
• Financial year end 31.12.2018: RM4,416,179.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2021: RM2,300,061.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2022: RM469,127.00
(ii) Meridian has no revenue for the financial year end
31.12.2021 and 31.12.2022; and
(iii) there is a significant decrease in Meridian’s profit after tax:
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• Financial year end 31.12.2018 in the sum of
• Financial year end 31.12.2021 in the negative sum
of RM6,319.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2022 in the negative sum
of RM915,800.00
(see exhibit “A-12”, encl. 3).
[37] Bauer’s counsel vehemently submitted that Meridian’s public financial
information reveals that Meridian is in significant financial distress. For
two consecutive years, Meridian had zero revenue and this signified
severe strain in cash flow and a lack of ability to generate any revenue.
This was worsened by the fact that Meridian’s suffered two straight
years of negative growth and negative profit. As at 31.12.2022,
Meridian suffered loss of profit (after tax) of RM915,089.00.
[38] Further, based on Meridian’s balance sheet for the financial year end
31.12.2022, Meridian’s current net worth was only in the sum of
RM2,879,172.00 and its net asset was after Bauer had complied with
the 1st AD and paid the Adjudicated Sum with interests and costs of
RM6,265,214.52. Meridian’s total assets include the non-current
assets in the sum of RM1,804,884.00, which are not easily liquidated
into cash.
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[39] In addition, the unsatisfied charges are an indicator of high debt level
and poor financial health. This exposes Meridian to the risks of losing
its assets if the secured creditors decide to enforce the charges. With
regards to the alleged cause of Meridian’s precarious state of finance,
namely the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact remains that Meridian is
currently in a precarious state of finance and might not be able to repay
the Adjudicated Sum.
[40] After having scrutinised the CCM search and CTOS Report and the
parties’ averments and submissions, it is my considered view that
Meridian’s financial health is not at such a perilous level that it would
not be able to repay the adjudicated amount, if called to do so. This is
because –
(a) the adjudicated amount including costs, and excluding accruing
interests, is only RM1,147,927.53;
(b) as at financial year end 31.12.2022 –
(i) Meridian’s current assets is RM2,330,408.00 and non-
current assets is RM1,804,884.00 which gives a total of
RM4,135,292.00. The total assets and the current assets
exceed the adjudicated amount; and
(ii) Meridian’s total liabilities is RM1,256,120.00 and its losses
after tax is RM915,089.00. Even with these figures, and
considering the total assets and the net worth of
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RM2,879,172.00, Meridian would still be able to repay the
adjudicated amount, if required to do so in future;
(c) the six unsatisfied charges involve two open charges and four
charges which were created between 5.11.2004 and 18.7.2007
for the total amount of RM3,200,000.00. As submitted by
Meridian, unsatisfied charges are not markers for its financial
health and could be seen as reflecting the banks’ confidence in
Meridian as a going concern; and
(d) in PNL Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v Loh Teck Wah & Ors [2022] 6
MLJ 304, the Court of Appeal said:
“[88] The case of Datuk Mohd Sari bin Datuk Hj Nuar v
Idris Hydraulic (M) Sdn Bhd [1997] 5 MLJ 377 was also
cited where it was held that in determining the issue of
inability to pay debt, the High Court considered the
assets and liabilities of the company. Kamalanathan
Ratnam JC (as he then was) held as follows:
Section 218(2)(c) is very clear. To ascertain if a
company is unable to pay its debt the court shall
take into account the contingent and prospective
liabilities of the company. In order to ascertain its
liabilities, it is proper that its assets are also
ascertained because only upon ensuring that
there is insufficient assets to meet the debts can
there be ascertained liabilities. Therefore, the
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current assets must be taken stock of to see if
after considering the total liabilities both
contingent and prospective there is a surplus
deficit. (Emphasis added.)
[89] We have no quarrel nor quibble with what is
unquestionably the settled test with respect to whether
a company is ‘unable to pay its debts’.”.
Applying the settled test as above quoted to the present case,
with current assets of RM2,330,408.00 and total liabilities of
RM1,256,120.00, Meridian is still capable of repaying the
Adjudicated Sum, if required to do so.
[41] As to the issue of whether a conditional stay should be granted in favor
of Bauer, it was argued that a stay under s 16 CIPAA, even if
conditional upon Bauer depositing the Adjudicated Sum into a
stakeholder account, would best protect the competing interests of
parties as –
(a) Meridian’s rights will be protected by the fact that the adjudicated
sum in the stakeholder account will be released to Meridian if the
arbitration proceedings conclude in Meridian’s favour;
(b) Bauer’s rights will be protected as a stay will alleviate its anxiety
that it cannot recover the adjudicated sum if the arbitration
proceedings conclude in Bauer’s favour; and
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(c) both parties can focus on the arbitral proceedings without fear of
further execution or winding-up proceedings arising from the 3rd
[42] Although I have, in cases such as Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn
Bhd v Petrovietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and
other cases [2021] MLJU 2633 and Samsung C&T Corporation UEM
Construction JV Sdn Bhd (supra) allowed a conditional stay, I was not
convinced that this would be an appropriate order to make in the instant
case in order to strike a balance between securing the recoverability of
the Adjudicated Sum and preserving the essence of an adjudication
proceeding under the CIPAA.
[43] The Adjudicated Sum has been owing to Meridian since year 2020 and
Meridian has not been able to recover the out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in the 3rd Adjudication whereby it had paid both its and Bauer’s
portions of the security deposit as Bauer had defaulted in making this
[44] In view of the foregoing reasons, the Enforcement Application in O.S.
No. 123 was allowed and the Stay Application in O.S. No. 134 was
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[45] Mr. Sanjay Mohan was agreeable to the costs as proposed by Mr. CK
Oon and I concurred. Hence, costs of RM5,000.00 were ordered for
the Enforcement Application and RM10,000.00 for the Stay
Application, both subject to allocatur.
Dated: 22 December 2023
Construction Court 2
High Court
Kuala Lumpur
Counsels/ Solicitors:
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 123 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 134:
Oon Chee Kheng (Goh Jing Han with him)
Messrs. C K Oon & Co.
Advocates & Solicitors
L3A-3A, Wisma BU8
No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama
Bandar Utama Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya
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For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 134 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 123:
Sanjay Mohan (Wong Li-Wei and Tan Jia Shen with him)
Messrs. Sanjay Mohan
Advocates & Solicitors
Unit 5.01 Level 5
WORK @ Clearwater
Jalan Changkat Semantan
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by
learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment:
Ananda Kumar a/l Krishnan v Ng Chin Tai (t/a Lean Seh Fishery) & Anor
(Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdb Bhd, intervener) [2016] MLJU 924
Classic Series Sdn Bhd v Ng Lung Yang (Trading under the name and style
of ‘NLY Coating’) [2023] MLJU 2324
Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020]
6 MLJ 224
Mecomb Malaysia Sdn Bhd v VST M&E Sdn Bhd [2018] 8 CLJ 380
Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 1047;
[2023] 1 LNS 917
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Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another
summon [2020] MLJU 1405; [2020] MLRHU 1138
Niko Bioenergy Sdn Bhd v RH Balingian Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd [2018] MLJU
PNL Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v Loh Teck Wah & Ors [2022] 6 MLJ 304
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022] 1 AMR 249
RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and
other cases [2023] MLJU 247
Renew Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v ADM Ventures (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor and
another appeal [2022] 6 MLJ 58
Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818
Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Petrovietnam Engineering
Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and other cases [2021] MLJU 2633
View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22
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Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734
Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 13, 16, 28 &
Rules of Court 2012, O. 7, O. 28, O. 69A r. 4 & O. 92 r. 4
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| 35,474 | Tika 2.6.0 |
WA-25-163-03/2022 | PEMOHON Mohd Ridzuan bin Mohammad RESPONDEN 1. ) Majlis Angkatan Tentera 2. ) Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, Panglima Tentera Darat 3. ) Brigedier Jeneral Khairul Anuar bin Abd Aziz, Panglima Briged Keenam Infantri Malaysia 4. ) Leftenan Kolonel Mohd Haizar bin Arshad, Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Keempat Rejimen Renjer Diraja 5. ) Kerajaan Malaysia | Judicial Review - Certiorari to review the decision and/or recommendation dated 30.1.2022 by Majlis Angkatan Tentera to maintain the termination of the Applicant's service. | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Ahmad Kamal Bin Md. Shahid | |
02/01/2024 11:41:43
WA-25-163-03/2022 Kand. 61
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w.\—25—1s3—o3/2022 Kand. 51
uz/m,2n2L 11:L1-:13
DALAM umxgunn mus: MALAVA nu «mu Luuvurx
mum vnuvm pznssxurum xmu LUMPUR
(nuusuu KuAsA.xuAsA mu)
P monomm 5: AN KEIIAKIM wA.2s1s:.asr2a2
u. m pemara mengenm kepulusan
ulanqlcau Mm Avvralan Tenteru
Aemadap MOHD mnzum am
MOHAMI/!AD4Nn KIF E70218-n3»51A5p
Damn psrkara mengenal Amkal sm
man. u. Peuekululn
Da\am Derkara mengenax Nuke! mm
Paflsmbiuaan Pumukmuxn
mum Derksra satu Fermohonsn unluk
uh kebennmn m Damn Alumn sa.
Kzedah am Kaedah—Kasdah Mahkamah
mum pemara saw Pevmohonan unluk
salu cemaunm bawah Alman 5:, ma.»
2m Kuda7>Kaedah Mahknmnh zmz
Dalam nemm um Pelmumnnn unluk
Garm mm a. bawah Amman 53. Kaadah
sm Kaedahrkaedah Mamcarnah 2m2
». mu
sm Ptqmsnmuumsmnaumvw
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
Da\am perkzna mangensx Seksyan 25 ma
Kuhakvrvan 1954 um. parkava mengenm
Fursngqan 1‘ J-fins! kapad: Akla
Mahkamah Kehzkhuan «as»
Dmam peflxiva mangmm sukysn sun
din Saksyen s7 Akla Angkavan Tamera
1 uuuus mcxnm rzurzsu
2. JENERAL nu Sm Into’ SERI znmosz am
noun zauu rmaum TENTERA nun
AID am amouuu mean xssum mnumu
5 xanuum MALAYSIA ...x:sroun:»
flap x m :4
sm Pnmdnmuumsmnuusmw
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
n paper concludes that were is a case agamst that
31 Based on the abcve, I am olthe mew man the 4'" Respondem has
erred m law as he ianea lo aampry wum me pmvwswons under Sechon
95 oVAct 77. I find that ma mvesugamon ola charge has never been
conducted and [here 15 a procedura\ new Ina! had oocasmnea a
mxscamage av jusuce to me Appncam
mat the ‘Abslran ad Evldoncr was uevecxive and not in accordance
with ma ml-.
u) The 'AbIlrncI av Evidencf was conauma wllhom Ihe
Appluunrs Imawlodfioa
32 Based on my findmg above, that were vms no unveauganon of a
marge was conducted. :1 has pvejudwced and occasioned a
rmscamage of wanes when he was nn|m1urrv\ad(ha|in‘ADslrar:l o!
Evwdence‘ would be taken agalnsl him.
33 Therefore, x am 01 me view mac ma appolnlmenl or Mapv Yud
Azuma bm Jaalar(3011I25| bylhe 4'4“ Responuem as me amcenu
lake an ‘Abslmcl of Emaence‘ wnnom the Appncan: bemg Informed
us cleany egamsl me Vzw
34, Furlher‘ I find that :1 has vaulted m me Appucam lcsmg ma nghl
undar rule JJ(2)(bJ ov the Puumsa and subsaquenfly unable la
exemse n’ rigm to have a summary of ewaence taken The rule
“Pmvwdefl nu: summary av amence must belakzn w-
an we maximum pumshment rm the eflenee mm wmvh ms accused w
nhavgen ws dam. av
my mu accnsld. :1 any lime man on clulul lgllnst mm as
r-quiruninwrilinullukasnm myofn dnnubcukt or
my the oommallmnw olfioen M me opmlen Ilval ma wmavesh av ‘M1195
vequwe mm : summary ac mama; be Iaken
(emphasis added)
Pusan mu
m Pkg-csnmuumswunoumvw
«mm. smm .. U... w my me mmmuny am. dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
The above Rute 33i2)(b) dearly gives the Appitcant the rtghl to
choose to have a summary oi evidence taken and without his right
being used, the Ap ‘ nt has not hed the appammtly id cioes.
examine the prosecution witnesses when the 4" Respondent
applied tute as which does not require the Appticanrs ptesence
when the evidence is taken and there was no oath been
administered to ail the witnesses
iheieieie. it it my view that the Applicant has been oreiudiced by
the 4*“ Respmtdervfs actions ioriaiting to inioim the Appiicanl of his
tights and this error had occasioned iniiistioe to the Applicant when
he was not given the opportunity \n choose a summary Evidence
taken against itiin.
Failure to give a copy oi the ‘Abetnct oi Evidoncf and Mo
cautioned statement being admtnistiend during the handing
ovlr enhe ‘Ahnrlcl oi Evldoncl
Even fllhe appointment oi Meier Vud Aziime I1 Jnaiai 1301 t 125) ie
vaiid in law. I view that the 4”’ Respondent iaiied to advice Meier
vud Azuma tot a copy oi ‘Abstract oi Evidence‘ to be handed over
|o the Applicant in eomoiienoe with Rule 35(2) of the F'U(A|i6J to
give him cautioned statement when he handed over a copy at the
Abslracl oi Evidence‘ to the Appiicani
Ruie 36(2) oi the PUiA)1a3 states as ioiiows »
‘Whnn nn nbclrntl oi Ivlflunu It: hurt inede in
amaidence wnn paragraph (ti a cceyoittsmtt he handed
bo (III ccmed Ind be lhlll then be uullnned in the
ioilowiitg tam —
i hit is a copy of the sonnet cl lvlfllrtce in your me. you are not
abiiged to say anything Wilh tegaid to it unieee you wish to do w‘ but
you mania and it end, when yeti have iead it, it you wish to say
anything wml you say win be taken down in wining nnd may be gtvnn
in evidence‘
(emphasis added)
IN Pxunsntttunmztoiitius-ttw
«wit. s.ii.i nuvthhrwiii be it... M my in. nflninniily MIMI m.i.n y. hriutifl mi
39. The above mles cleany expIaIned |hal a ‘cautmned statement’
should be given Ia the Applmanl wtucn nas not been done Furthen
I named mm In: amour takmg Ina ‘Azmracx of Evidence’ Ianed Io
campIy wIlh me pnmsmns of ma Iaw under me Third scnedme of
Rum 35(2) or me FU1A)163thaIa oertiflcate needs In be anached
lo ma 'Abs|racI at Evmenoe‘ alter I| has been handed Ie the
accused. The Tmrd Schedule svates that:
.94 (III! I I-anwnan.-Iun-I av smear Irwmrvw It} an
day «:4 19 nmnd In In. mu-a
(number/link/namelu |uI umev dasutvhun at The accused} 3 (opy M In-
zbslunt Mlvifllncl lilillllfl In hlm dated as Day E, «v
ma duly undonnd hlm In ncmrdllwv mm mu nuns of Pmcadures um
arm that {on me dly av w as aumea be nuke ma man the
sl.alemen| wmm IS mama: and atudusd to Tm: oenmcate) the am not
make a .m.m.nII mu acaaea submuloa mlunanu M Ivtfluncs my
me deteme men are marked (respeuwem and altaavad In nus
(empnass addedh
AD In View ov me suave me Apphcant has been nlwudxcsd when no
copy at me ‘Abstract of Ewdence‘ was handed over In mm Tne Am
Raspnnderlt aIso has an obhgatmn lo auwse MeJar we Azuma [0
hand over the statement onhe mnasses Ia me AnpIIcanI which me
4"‘ Respondent «awed to do so
41 Tneratora. I mew that Isms Io hand over (ha slalement oven the
wunesses In the Applicant would cause Ingustlce to the Apyhcant
and I behave lha| they are not Ina! any wunesses mu an Important
and material witnesses II produced he unfavourabte to the
pmsecunon Iaesponaenrsy use
42 Based on the reasons stated above, |hIs noun Is at the vIew that the
failure ov me 4'" Respandent to appoint a competent otfioer and Io
advlse the ntfioer |0 Inflow prune! rules and procedures has caused
detects and gaps In the Invashgalion (:7 the charges made In
accordance mm rule as of ms PU(AI 183 ms has resulted In the
Apphcanl being prejudiced and has caused subslarmal Injustice In
his nghls due ID the failure on the pan 0' |hB 4'” Respondent.
has I3 ma
m Pu:-:sDInun*1<3I0m:Iusnvvw
«mm. Sum! nmhnrwm .. I... e may he nrtmruflly -mm: dnuumnl Vfl nFIuNa mm
rtie 4'- Respondent lstne person ttiat issund tlie unit standing order
No. 51 and Perlntaili oporael aeniing zen utarn KTJ e Brlqud slrl
burlnflkh t1.3.2ll21 di peionggiin 3c (19) and istne same person wtio
Invutlgnhd ttie charges against trio Applicant.
4: it is to be noted tnat standing Order No 57 and Penntan operasi
aenleng zen ulare Km 5 Bnged sin Z/202i lselrtor OF KOTA
BRAVO/CHARLIE/DELTA DAN PAGAR ii) herlarikh 17 3 2021 at
paragrapn 3 c its) ere orders tnat have been inside and signed by
tne mt Respcrldenl The esiienee at trie onarge is related to tne
Iiwilraverilrig ofa standing order‘ in wnioli rt was issued by tne 4'”
Respondent untertiinalely, tne 4'" Respondem was also directly
involved in tne lnVeslIga|inrl oi a enarge against tne Applieani
44 in tnis particular case, tne 4"‘ Respondent nas decided tliat me
Applicant be reterred to a nigtier eiitliontyto be dealt wiln soniiriarily
by tlie Appropriate superior Aulhnnly tam Respondent) The
queslion is wtielner tne decision made by tlie 4*" Respondent is lust
and ieir sinoe tie nirnselt was tne makev oi me standing order No.
57 and at tne same time was tne person wno investigated tne
45 Tnis court 45 ot tne view mat tne 4'-7 Respondent is a rriatenal
witness as lie is the iriexer oi tliat partieiilardociirrients. l-te snould
nave been present to give evidence as a witness and not a person
who investigated tne charge espe ly it is in relation to the content
bl tne orders tnat ne prddooed Tnis Dunn believes tnere has been
preiudioial to tne Applicant and poeurred e subslanhal iniustiee to
him and lt would be biased as tne person issuing tlieae standing
orders, is also itie person investigating the oliarge.
46 Based on the Manual oi Armed Forpes Law 1972 tnat is ull ized and
iiidieially known by tne Arrned Fonda as a guide on tne
understanding and oonduei in be laken idr tne provisions under N2!
77 has stated trial in me event the pornirianding omoer of tne
accused was involved in tne investigation prior to a cnarge and
ottenee being eelablistied. ltien tne said commanding plrieei atiall
not be a itidge in me seidcase. Tlitis. in siieti a soenanotne accused
snail be made to be attacned to anptner unit and under enotiier
oornrriariding pincer ot tne said o i inno would lnen cake tne
responsibility to llwesllgala tne onarge
»s.. H at IA
IN PK42icSDniUfiGlDR0uslmw
“Nair s.n.i mmhnrwlll be ii... a may i... bflnlnallly siiri. dnuuvinnt v.. .nuve Wml
47, The 4'" Respondent snbuld have apnhsd to transfer or attach the
Apprrbent to another will for the management ol the erscrprinery
case egamt mm se Iha\ ms charge/charges can be tnvasugmed by
an rnaeperment Commanding otrreer, In tnrs event me process 01
rusbce can be ecnrevee wrtnout me rntervenbon 01 any parltes
as Tnrs Courl rs oflhe vrew met the Applicanl has been prejudteed and
mere has been a substenttve vuusltce by the acnons at the 4*-
Responaant nrrrrseu as he who Issued lhe starrerng oreer No 57.
was also rnvestrgeted the charges egernst the Applicant and
subsequently deemed that the Apptrcent shomd be reterred to a
mgrrer eutrrbrrty ter summary met
me ulurg lumen - elnn mu Appnunt wm dollcllvu. uneleer
and unuruin as they 1 d to spccify the d s of are zneged
49. The Applreertt was charged wttn (W0 (2) changes as lbHows:~
P‘ Charul. Ttdak memamht Permtah Tetap yang bertemanqan
dengan seksyen 51 Akta Angkalan Tenlera, 1972, ’Iavlu Ia‘ di kem
Sahara‘ Op Eameng Senor Eravo, Padang Tarap, Keflah d1 anvara
13 Apfll hmgga 24 Me! 2021‘ men ermanggar Perlnlih Opsrast
Eenleng zbn Ulzra KTJ 5 Bnged Siri 2/2021 (senor or: KOTA
BRAVO/CHARLIE/DELTA DAN PAGAR 11) beflankh 17.3.2021 Gt
verenggan 3 4: us), tatlu sualu perintah yang dtkelahulnya Elan
dqangka dengan munssabah dlkevahuvnya. dengan tttlak
menyerahkarl enam buah mmoslkal rampasan kapada pihak PDRM
dengan kadar segeta eeatarr meruadt salu kesatahan‘
50 The erements :11 me charges |o be proven by the Respondent: are
as loI|ows:-
a whether me Applreent al sebara Camp‘ at senterrg Op Eravn
Sector‘ Padang Terapr Kedah between 13A2D21 untrl
24.5.2021‘ had fafled to rrrrrnearetely surrender 6 seized
momrcydes te PDRM.
(Sama ada dl kem serrere, op Benleng Sekwr Brave, Padang
Temp. Kadah at antere 13 Apnl rungga 24 Met 2021, pemohon
mass: 1.
IN Pkg-:sDmu-rzstonaumrw
«we. smut ...n.rwrr r. b... m my r... bflmnnflly mm: m.r.n Vfl mum WM
lelan lloak menyerankan enani buah malaslkal rainpasan
kepada Dlhak PDRM dengan kadar segera)
b whether me Applicant has eonlraveneo aenleng ops order
Ncnh zone KTJ 5 Bnged Sm 2/zazl (senior OP KOTA
BRAVO/CHARUE/DELTA DAN FAGAR :1) daled 17 3 2021 at
pavagraph 3 e (19); ano
(same eoe Pemenon lelan rnelangger Pennlen cpereai Benlerlg
zen Ulaia Km 6 Brigeo sin 2/2021 (Seklor OP KOTA
dl peranggan 3 ::119), man
a wneiner ine order was known in mm or mlghl reasonanly be
expecieo lo know by him
lsarna aaa pennlah lersebul adalah sualu oennlan yang
dlkelahulnya a|au duangkan dengln munasabah dlketahul
rim Elernoni omia Firsl chemo.
51 l find met me 3'“ and 4"‘ Resoondenls have ened WI law and laci
wnen «alien to prove and exp am one 6 motorcycles that are releneo
no as “lulled lo be hlnded over in PDRM" The charges inrpoeeo
have not specifically slaieo me Applicant‘: lnvolvsmenl wiln Iris 5
52, There was no dlrec| involvemenl oi me Applicant and no chain oi
evioenoe lnai linked me Applicanl Wl|h lne mmamycles as charged.
Further, I nno lnai lne vehicles in queslion were no: brought belore
me 4'“ Resporlderll lor ioenlrncalion and as evidence of lhe aflenoe
second Element 0! Ihe Firs! charge.
53. me 3" and 4' Respanoenls lailed ta produce any evidence balms
mum to prove inel lne Standing Orders in me enarge as in Exh
rn Pxunsnmuwslonoumvw
“Nair s.n.1...n.rvn... UIQG M my r... nrwlrullly mm: m.1.n Vfl .nuvo mi
MH-4 onrra “Afidavit Jawapan (1) Respcnden" dated 29.6.2022 rs
rne vahd srandrng orders.
Yhe 4* Respondent rn his “Afidavll Jawapan (3) Responden” daned
14.7 2022 paragrapn 7 Sam that it Is a vand order as there rs a
deregacron ol power gwan by me crnev 07 Army re aH ma
Commanding omeers mcmding mm m make and mi |he
sranding order as slaled m Exnmn MH-6 -Andavn Jawapan (5)
Responden»Raspundan'da(ad 13 1 2e23,
However, dunng me rnvesugauan cl charges by me 4*" Respondent
and summary proceeding oerora ma av Rospondanl. I rrnd born
Respondents Vailed to produce and no ewdenoe hefnve men. scared
mar mere was such delegauon at power. A! lha| malena! unre when
are Apphcanl was need by me aw Rsrpondsrn, a| nu «me such Iellsr
was produced as an evrdenue Further. mere was no wnness called
In give a s|av.emen( rega g the leller
on the olherhami, me 3"‘ Respondent m Pavagraph 6 oihls “Afidavll
Jawapan (7) Raspondenmsponden" dated 191 2023 argued lhat
mare Is no requrrsrnann undcr rne raw ragavdmg me de\egsI\on cl
power by me cnreiomnny to make and pubhsh me Slandmg oresr
need «o be produoed m ore neanng
rarn at me vrew that 511109 the ‘vrowamon o1 srand-ng Order Is one at
me Imponanl elements m the charge and semen 51(3)01Ac( 77
eleany shared than mere shall he a deregauon oi power. mererore, ll
rs rnsurnhem on me 3” Respondent to prove that such ‘permtah
camp‘ is a valid perimah sacnon 5113) MAC! 77 prcnndes (1131
r3) me nirvdlnu erd-rs or mmlne orders deseneed vn ermaearon :2) may
he —
(a7 made or and
my puhllshld in wear manner As nny nu dolnnninlu ny, ms
Svvlcn ohm «or Inch Slrvlcl or my nlllcu nulhorbld try
(emphasis added)
On uns rssue, I nave decndsd in Suhairi Ahu Kuslm v. Majlis
Angk-un Tonuu umyn. a. Anor 1202:] 5 MLRH :49; [2023]
AMEJ 0945; [2023] muu man: [2023] I LNS 912 as 1onows:-
rue n M u
rn Pxrz-csnrnumzsmnounvvw
“Nana s.n.r nuvwhnrwm .. med w my r... nrW\n|U|:I mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum war
[471 “The sw prosecumn Minus, Kant Noor Farah emu Mend Saad w my
em-nu duflng the Summary 7...: ma made a statement Ina! Ihe
Svsndmg Omar had been my uubnme on the team‘: men men m.
sand as mum .
Vsm man flibevl kuu unuuk m-nanflalangnni Puimzh Bahaullu
mum. mu m u m: zoza an wza yum mu-en rn-ngqnll
Ilnnqan kgsalahan m-mun didah am mun, Yum. P-rinlzll
‘Imp nu al um. :11 plan: myuun puukln. Adam: memam
langgungjawab sehan peqawm am anggma mink memhaca sens
memamm Penman (menu!
[as] Based m pamgmphs as and 47 abuve. n .5 uearlhal KIpXNoor man
mun Mnhfl Sud only mnnflonld Pcvlnuh v-up um an m u an
Pam K nralaan". the nu nun who we h me aumomy w
publllh mu Sllndlnu om» mm pan Knnymzn‘? She never see
that Penman Telap mi msmrkin m papal: kenyzwan sebngnvmin:
marahkan dan/alau umenlukan oleh Kenna pemmmexerr or any umer
Wu |o lhaleflun
[491 am. mm. wurl were to map: um Ll Km mm mm. Nussm ms me
semce cw em each Semce or any amcer aumonzed Dy her, In such
mam. wu lflduufl buluvv lho Summlvy mu and/arlwlon nus
mm to um. mat on Slandlnu om. wll Iulaliurwd In such :
m.Innu(1n am: can an m. hum‘: -mm aura) as demrrnimd by
Lt Kol Allllu hlml Nu
{sm The fiasporvdems suhrvm mu Ihe Anpllnlnl w fllavnd m cm"
Ixammlfl the pemcuum. wilnnss mum.“ um um um pm any
qunilon or men mum nu em Ilnlnmnnt
|51] Hwaver, Ihls mm: mm. vluwlhalme veq m-nzotumu-51
av m 71 - quuuen of Iiw. "union. on burdln Is an Ant
Rulxwndulls co esueusn a pri . fame against the An m by
. dunlng .u my nluvlnldach In mum. lngndllnll Mme chum
umu semen 51 01 MI 11 luv: bun ulibllslud against me
Appllclnl m m. Summlry nu: bclare nu Aypllclnl an bu Ionnd
qnllly by me 2- R-lpondlnl”
(emphasis added)
59 Based on Ihe above. u Is Impoffinl lorlhe am and 4” Respondents
Io ensure max mere was such demgauon ml pawer gwen by me
some Chiefto the Commandmg omoer empower them to make
and pubhsh me sam Standing Order before mm dunng me
mvesugahun of charges were summenzy aeanng mm me case can
he proceeded mm and m is me 3” Reeponaem respunsibilfly of bum
me u m u
sm W42-csnmumzsmnoumvw
«we. smm e. LAIQ4 m may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum v-ms!
Respondents tn ensure this document to be tendered as an
so. Theretere, I am ot the vtaw that ll was an aflenhottght ot the
Respondent: when tl was onty attached by the 4' Respondent afler
II was argued and -rose by the Appttcent tn Paragraph 15(a) of
Enctosure 3
61 Added to that, t nouoed that there were he person who gavo a
statement regardng the Startdmg orders and no eenmcete was
produced purpo ng to be stgned by the A“ Respondent euthonsed
any person to glue evtdenee regardtng the content at the sunorng
62. Seclmn tstte) 54 Act 77 states as tottows.-
“tsttat A aetItftca|e purpcrltttg In he srghed by . persons
comrrtaltdtw etneer ur Iny emur etrtnens-d by mm in ntva the
eertrheate, Ind nature the cements at pretany part at slartdtng orders
ererher mulme man: are eonnnutnp nnhnu maul «or-
(.1) any Vomtatttan or unit or body at hoops
(b) any mmnwvfl rrroher eree. slatrnn. gamwrt orpraoe
rer snyshtp at rater esreerrshrnerrt, or
to! anytmrrtoratruafl
smtt W prpmdrnp epetnsr the aim vlnnrt M menu M the matters
stated tn Ihe cemfntatr
63 Having perused the evtdenoe produwd Debra the Court. I find that
there was no Such oemficale produced durtng the rnvesttgatton ot
the charges by the 4'" Respondent empowers any person to gtve
evtdenoe before htrn wrth regards to the satd Slandtng orders.
Third Et-mum omtn First charge
64. Thus court finds that the 3'“ and 4"‘ Respondents have vetted te
pmve that these standtng Orders are orders that the Apptrcant
etreedy knew or rensonepty expected to know. There was no
evidence that the Appltcartl knew about the orders as there was no
but I! M n
rn Pxu-ssnmuntstontztumvw
“Nair smut luvthhrwm e. t... e may r... mn.r-r enn. dnuavtml vn .nune p-mxt
evtdenee produced beiore the 3"’ Respondent drtne 4'” Respondent
that he has read rt and in these standing Orders ts wttnin nts
ss rttts court ts or the vtsw that there shall be evtdenee tzetore both
Respondents to prove that the Apphcant knows adorn the standtng
orders orreasonably sttdutd know such standtng orders Hawever,
there was no evidence to corroborate the statement made by Ihe1"
Respnndem (paragraph 5.6 Afidavtl Jawaoan (I) Responden-
Responden dated 29.5.2022) tn wntat stated that Penyetta Rtstk
aatahon Ket RRD had dettvered Pertmah Operas: 2 and Penntah
No 57 to all me operafinnal post wtttt the ourme lo be displayed
at the notree board
55 Furlhert t ttnd that rt ts not arudant that an oper ' at order wttt oa
plaoed on the nollce board because tn theanned toroes, ooerattonal
erder ts a classtrred as “SECRET documenl and ontytnose who are
aulhortsed have access to the documents. It wodtd be awkward rt
the documents could be dtsptayed en the nottce board. Tneretore, I
am ottne vtew that the 32 and 4“ Respondents cdutd not make any
assumphon by saying that the Aopttaant snadtd know tne standtng
order wt|houl any evtdenee brought betore hunt.
2- charge. max rnernatunt Pennlah Tetap yang oenentangan dengan
Seksyerl 5| Akta Angkelen Tenlers I972. “tatluy A3 at Kent Sahara, OD
aenteng Sektor Bravo‘ Padangterap, Kedatt pada t7 Met 2u2t, tant leblh
kuvang 1915 tetan melanggar Pertnlah recap No. 57 Keselamatan
Operas! Markis Takltkal Batatinn Kaempal Reumen Renter Dtrija
oenarikh 3 Aont 2021, tatm suatu pertntart yang dtketahutnya atau
dttangxa dengan munasabah dtkeiahutnya. dengan msmbenarkan orang
swam memasuki Kam Sahara adalah msnyadt salu kesalahani
67. The elements to be proven by trte Respondents are as loHows:—
a whether the Appttcant at Kem sanara. op aenteng Seklor
Bravo, Padang Terap, Kedah on 1752021, at 1915M, trad
attowed the ctvtttan to enter sanara namp.
(Sams ada dt Kern Saharat Op senteng sektor Erato Padang
Terap, Kedah pada I7 5.2o2t, jatn teotn Kurang tats Femahon
tetatt rnentoenarkan orang swam ntentaautn Kant snarat
o... 10 al In
rn Pxu-=SDmLlM1G\0R0unww
“Nair mmhnrwm be t... a may t... mt. dnuumnl Vfl artuttfl v-mat
1 The Applmanl filed an application for ]udIc1a\ renew (Enclosun 7)
undev Order 5: MIN: Runes of coun 2012 (R00).
2. Tne Appncanc was granted weave to apply (or ]ut1|cia\ review against
the Respanflems to seek the following ranava —
2, sanawa Femahon diben kebenaran d1 bawah Amrin 53
Kaedah 3(2) Kaedan-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 un|uk
memahon saw Semakan Kehaklman temaflap kepulusan
Responden Panama lam: Mams Angkatan Tenlera yang
msnolak permuhcnan ulangkaji bemrikh 25.1.2022 yang
barsangkulan dangan kapmusan berssllh den hukuman
‘Amavan Keras" yang Ielah mxenaxan ke avas Pemuhun pnaa
1752021 sena man mberhenlikxn aanpaaa perkhldmatan
dan seterusnya dlbatalkan lauhah berkual kuasa pada
22 Eahawa Pemohan diben kebeniran unluk memchun sllu
Pennuh Oemoran unluk membatalkan Kspuxusan
R:-suonden Panama lersebut
23, Banawa Pemanon amen kebenavan unluk memohon sam
Deklarasw banawa Kepunusan Responden Perlama Iersebul
admah salah unaang-unaang. bans! flan ndak ssh,
2.4. Eahawa Pemohun diben kebenaran unluk memohon satu
Fennlah hagw Respondsn-Responden membayir sennula gqi
dan xmbuharwmbuhan yang smvapamya dnennna oleh
Femohon bennula nan 1ankn Femnhan mbernemikan
danpadi perklwimalan Aaflu pads 1011 2021 semngga ke
tankh «amen perkrndmaxan Pemahon pada 17.2.2039.
25. Eahawa Famohun amen kehanaran unluk memonon aam
Penmah bani Raspondeniespondsn membayav kepada
Pemohnn apa-apa caeaan. pencen perkmdmalan den
gamsran perkrudmalsn yang Pemonan aenamanya 1ayak
pamxem sons suai manlaat dvbankan kepada Pemohcn
m Pnznsnmumzmonaumvw
«mm. Snr1|\nmhnrw\HI>e 0.... 1. my 1... nrW\ruU|Y mm: dnuumnl y. muNa M1
b. whether the act of me Apolicani conlravene Pennlah ‘relap No
57 Keselamlln Opevasl Markas Takzikal ealalion Keeinpal
Reiirnen Renier Dlraja daled 3 4.2021: and
lsarne ada Pamchon lelan melanggar Pennlan Telap No 57
Keselamatarl operasi Marks: Tukllkal Bauillon Keempal
Rejimen Rerijer Enraia benankh 8 4.2021), den
i: wnelner lne order was known lo nini or rnlghl reasonably oe
exoecled lo know by iiini
(same side pennlan lemebut adeian slAa|u pennran yang
dlkelahuinya alau duangka dengan munasabah dikelaliuinya i
Fivsl Elomnnl of in. Second cnergo.
on lain oi me view inai me 3"’ and 4'" Respondenls were erred in iacl
and law when larled lo esiablisn any evidence slallng who me
civilians rnenliened in me onarge nave been allowed by ine
Anpllcant lo enler the sanara camp
69. I nnd th-3| me mle in me slariding order No 57. Keselarnauin
uoerasi, ‘FENCEGAHANN ine olfence regarding ‘memhenarkari
drang awam mernasukl Kem Sahara" IS under me sub-looic ol
paragrepn 3 a “Ancaman Ks eiae Irldlvldu“
m I agree willi lne Appllcarlfs suhmiss n lnal lriis oionioilion only
exls|s wnen lnere is a inreai lo an ivldual Tne queslion is
wnelrier lnere rs a lrireai lo any individual lha| allows soon
prdhioilion lo lake eNec|7 I find lnal mere was no evidence oeiore
me 3'" and 4'" Respondents io prove lnai lnere was such a inreai
Sncand Elnrmnl ul «no second Cllllgl.
71 Tnie issue has baeri dieeuesed in lnie iudgrneni in paragraphs 53 no
as aoove
»...u an
rn Plqzicsnrnuemslonoumiw
«wn. a.n.i nuvihnrwlll n. in... a may in. niriniirr MVMI dnuuvlml Vfl nFluNfl mi
Third Elnmum 95 the second Chargl
72 The 3" and 4*" Respondents had tailed to prove that thte standtng
order is an order that the Appttcartt atteady knew or rsasenaety
expected to knew. There ts no evtdence that the Apphcam knew
about this order because no evtdertce was produced before the 3"
Respondent that he had read it and the Slandmg order ts wtthtn hts
73. There shau be evtdence belore the 3“ Respondent to prove that me
Aopttcant knows about the standtrtg Ovdar or reasonattty sndutd
know such a stattdtng order. The 3'“ Respondent ooutd not make
arty assttrnptton by sawtg that the Appltcanl should know the
startdtng Order wtthdut any prod: before ttttn
74. Based on the above, thts Cnurl ts ot the considered optnton that a
proper procedure must be adhered In tn such a preceadtrtg tn order
tar tatrrtess to he upheld and no such sutastanttal tntusttce ts
occurred upon the accused
75 I find suppan tn my mew by teterrtttq to the case at Molar Fadxll
Annad V. Mallis Angkalan ventent, uataysta 3. Ann! [mo] 3
MLRH 1|'l: [21111] 4 CLJ 330 where Mohamad Zlwiwt SBHBII. J [is
he then was) netd as icHows'-
[44] utanttartnn mart tnetnetnkan bahiw: dllam stntast rarterttt.
Sunlkxn K-ha In hmadip keatmtsan rang mellhalllan h:|—hi|
truenmtun . h mt ktttk Iupldn SIIIII .n KIIIIKIIIIIII.
tntsatnya, “whim IM nctiam by anttea lumu lII.II m VIOIIIIVI at
tmtr own rugtttattens er bvyonfl Imlr peuers ate mtttttn the reach
em. Court“ Mahkatttatt tug. trtenetkttrat eartawe aade teztrnrty. ‘ma
ant ceun ate not one a artdes wtttch mus1 delelmlne the grease
eetartee td be struck tn tn dttnttnant bclwnen ‘ngh|0I man‘ and the
demand etdtsetptttte nrtd duty ul armed tetces rttetnoere natatn rttasa
yang Sama Mahkarttan rttertyataurt blhnwa d-tent tn. kutnkan
btmlhlcaranyu. pcmhull k-putuurt dauttt hal-HIII kmrmrun
rt-ttdakutt tn-ngatttetndra sennta laklm ynnc vehvm den
nllmlluhl eveudttr y-MI bflnl dun Id
(smphasts added)
u... u am
am PK42-cSDmUflG\DR0unww
“Nair s.r.t mmhnrwm be mad M my t... nflmhnflly MVMI dnuumrtl Vfl nF\uNG vtmxt
76. Prenused on me atoresam reasons, mus Oourl is of ma mew that me
deasmn or Respcndenvs Is (amted wan me ermr of law and/or
Irvalionalfly and/or unreasunatfleness that wlrvams the mcarvarmon
Mlhrs Oourl.
77 Since my de an 15 based on |he abova xssues/gmunds‘ Iwill not
address the vemaimng wssues/gmunds raised by the Anplncanl
79 As such‘ we Appncanrs applieauon In: a judlclal review (Encrasure
7) Is allowed wmu cos|s ov RM5.000.00 wdnn-A lhe allccalof lee.
Dated: 0? January 2024
Ahmad Kama} hm Md Shahrd
High court Kuals Lumpur
nn 1; .m
m Pxunsnmunvmonoumvw
«mm. Snr1I\nmhnrwH\I>e U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuamnl VI mum Wm!
For the Appncam: Encxk Zamunn bun Mam Dam
(Enctk Fadzwl Noor a Anas and Encik Vusman bun
Che Aman mm mm)
Te(uen Fem Moor A Associates
Peguambela a Peguamcala
No 25, Jalan Sen Pulra 3/E‘
Eandav Sen Pmra.
43000 Kauang‘
Selangor Dam Ehsan
Far (he Respondents’ Puan NIH lrmarwatxe NDEIAC1
Semor Federal Counsel
Jabalan Peguam Negara‘
Bahagwan Gunman‘
Na 45. Persnavan Perdana,
Frasml 4‘
62100 Pulrajaya.
Duo 1. will
m PK;z-csnmummwobiausmw
«mm. smm .. U... m may he mmuny -mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
semngga ke lankh carnan perknrdrnanan Pernonon lanpa
kehflangan kekanunan pangkal dan kmslrmewaan.
2.6 Banawa Pemahon fllberi Kebenamn unluk rnerndndn saxu
Penman agar Femnan menenma penganugerahan semula
xaunan yang lalah naunkan dan dlbenaman menggunakan
gelaran pangkaIMei -
2.7. Kos; dan
2 3 Rennem lam darn selarumnya yang Mahkamah yang Mulia mi
Aangguu palm dwpennlahkan.
3 m essence, the Appncaru filed mis judicial Iewew var a Cemomri
Order In mvlew xne deasion and/at rooommendahon dated
31 01.2022 by me Mania Angkatan Tenlera (mm (1“Responden(j
and lo quasn the sand decisrpn made by me MAT to mamxarn the
mrnmanon of me Applmanfs same and man mere ware no
wegularny and/or impropriety In the nraosdurls of the as’
Respondent as me Appmpnale Supenar Aunnoruy dunng me
summary heanng (‘Perbltalaan Terus‘) and me 4*" Respondent‘ as
me Commanding Offioer durmg the invasligatmn at charges mat
was new agamsl me Applicant, whmh the Appncam alleged
supsxamial Jrqusime In rum.
4. This judxclal review appncandn No‘ WA«2§—163v03/2022 (JR163) is
mad |u he heard xogsnner mm .u ' al mnew appncanm Na‘ WA-
25-154-os/2o22 (JR 154) and ,u ma: Ievxew appucaudn Np: WA-
25.1a5—o3/2c22) (JR ms).
5 After the heanng‘ 4 auawed me ApphcanIs' appncanon -n JR 163
mgemer wun JR 154 and JR 165.
s Dissatisfied mm (he deal ans, the Respondancs 17‘ JR 1&3, JR 16A
and JR 165 med an appeal. ms judgment enntalns me run reasons
tar my JR 133 decisxon, The grounds -mudgnrann lav JR Isa and JR
I65 wrll be planned separamy from Ims wdgrnenx
m Pxgzuusnrnumzmonausmw
«mm. s.nn nunhnrwm .. d... a may he RVWWMUIY -mm: dnuumnl Vfl muNa WM
Brie: Facts
7 The brlel lacls gathered mm the cause papers are largely
unarsnulea and can be summanzed as follows -
7 1 The Anpllcanl IS a former Army Offioer ll'| me Royal Ranger
Reglmerll Carps wilh We rank 01 Majar who commenced
servloe on 6 52005. laelore being dlschalged (mm servlce,
lne Applicant held a posl n as the Head ol Company A and
was responsible ler aravo Sector MK Yak Kern Sahara
7 2 on 17.6.2021. lne Appllcanl was charged with lnree (03;
ollerroes and was subsequenlly dealt wlln dlrectly by me 3"’
Rasparldenl He was |i|Br found guilly on (W0 (02) charges
and sentenced lo a severe Reprlmarld (Amaran Karasl He
was lunherdlschalged lrorn sennee under Rule 42(2)[g)am1
41(2) of the Rules of Avmed Forces (Terms of Service) 201 3
with efiectfmm 10.11 2021
Thu Law
5 Judlolal Review IS generally concerned wlln the declsion making
process wnere me lmpugned declslorl ls llewsa on me gvound ol
uvocedural lmpraprlaly.
9. Hawever, the law nas new developed to allow a aeuslcn In {as
challengad on grmmds nl lllsgillly and lrrzllanallly. wnlen men
pennlls me Courts to scrullnlze me decislon not only lorlne process,
bul also lor suuslanoe.
10. ll ls settled law than me Hlgh Cuurl will not lnlerlere Mm a aeclslon
olthe Respondents unless ll can be establlshed mal me aeclslon ls
irlladad wllh errors or law
11 The meanlng olenuv of law has also been explalrled by me Cnurl
nl Appeal ln me case cl Syulkat Kenduraan Muluyn Kelanlan
Elld V. Trlmpon Wovklr: Union [1935] 1 MLRA 26!; [1995] 2
CLJ 14a; [ms] 2 um um; [1995] 2 MLJ :17 VI lne lnllowlng
we s all!
IN Pxlmsnmummlonaumrw
«wn. Smnl nuvlhnrwlll be LAIQ4 m may he nflnlnnllly Mlhln dnuuvlnnl wa mulls ml
n feasible nor duivlbll Io altumpl. In nxruunllwo dlllnlllan or
maumx c. . rwr am new, my me camqnnes at such in urmv . not
doses. am II mly n ald man an em no I». would ho manna um-
uucmavwnlku nu hlmnll mu wrong qunllnn 91 «me lmn Icconnl
lrnlwam can union: nv omits In ukn Inn: lccmml mmm
can-aumuons (what may be mnvemermy |ermed an Amummc errm) L)! w M
mimn-uuu um mm. 91 my rllnunl -unm. or mluppllcl nr
mlsslnml pvlnup 0100: general In.”
lemvhasls added]
12 Smulariy‘ m lhe
v. Cal (5) Hurblnl slngn c ngar ugh [zonal 1 MLRA 664;
[zonal I CLJ 17. Ihe com cl Appeal Held than an ermneous
mverence av (acts V5 am an error al law wmcn womd warram an
order of cemman —
~on the mm mm. wl Iccep(,5loaursn,Ihav1xns enuruly mmpelanl for In
Hwgh Com m ceniman prucsedlngs m disagree wmh Ihe lnflusmal Count on he
mnduslans ov mrmms drawn by me mm lvom Inn pmvad or summed
mmoe on me ground max no mnsvnahh tribune! wmlafly czrcumslanced
would have amved at such a wnc\us\an or drawn such an mfevence An
ummoul inilunun mm prvwd or Idmlnnd men n Irmr M llw; nm
In urmr nflan."
(emphasus added)
13 Band on the foregoing passages, VI IS my vvsw |ha| to succeed m
an appncaunn fol ;udic\a\ review, the Applicant musl Shaw that the
Respondents had, among others.
a Asked nselfthe wrong queslians.
I) considered Welevam mauers,
2 Failed m ocnsmer relevant maners:
:4 Failed to awry the proper pm.a'pAe1s) of law: andlor
e Reached - daemon man was so perverse mat no reasonable
mbunal under Ilarcircumslanoes womd have reached it.
sm Ptqmsnmuumsmnaumvw
«mm. smm .. U... m my me mmuny mm: dnuumnl Vfl mum Wm!
The Applicant‘; qi-minds Idrtha iud
14 tn gist, the Applicant‘: application herein is based on the following
14 1 That the investigatiptt at charges by the 4“ Respondent is
ptocedurally vlawed, biased and has resulted in a tailure cl
(aj Failure to conduct a Proper Investigation at energies.
14 2 That the ‘Abstract :21 Evidence’ was defective and not in
accordance wllh the rule.
(a) ‘me Abstract at Evidence‘ was conducted witndut tne
Applicants knowledge.
(I2) Failure tn give a copy oflhe ‘Abstract or Evidence‘ and
No cautioned statement been administered during tne
nandina over of the ‘Abslracl of Evidence‘
14.3. ‘ms 4'" Respondent is the person that issued tne unit
standing order No. 57 and Perintan operas. Eertlang zcn
utara KTJ 6 Bnged Siri 2/2021 tseldnr op KDTA
17 :1 2021 di perenggan 3c (19) and is the same person who
investigated the charges against lne Applicant.
14.4 The 3“ Respondent nad erred in suhmllllrlg cnly a copy at
the cnarge Repofl instead cl the charge sheet
14 5 The charges trained against trie Applluanl were detective,
unclear and uncertain as they tailed la specify the details ol
tne alleged ottences
me 7 cl ll
ru PKpI=SDmLlfiGl0R0Ltnww
“Nair s.r.i nurlhnrwm .. UIQG M my i... nflnlnnllly mi. m.i.n. Vfl nFluNfl mi
Hts dcclslon omre court
‘nut the vastignion of chamos by tho 4"‘ Rlrspondunt Ii
procouur-Ity flawod. bland and has multso In a vanure at lusllu.
(a) Failure to conduct at Proper Investigation ol Charges.
15. Havvng perused the relevant cause papers, I find mat the 4"-
Respondenl nas (arise to Gummy wrtn tne mandalury pfovvslon ot
Sechon 95 of the Armed Forces Ac! 1972 (M)! 77) when he faflad
to bnng the Apphcanl before mm to be inveslxgated [or the charges
agatnsl mm as provided under Rule 33(1) 07 the RMES 01 Procedure
or me Armed Forces 1MvIrIary Cmm) ms (PU(A)1S3).
15 sectron 95 arm 77 reads as (allows.-
trmsrrg-norr at enaroes bycxxnminfllnu Olllcus
“Beflnre an auaganorr agamsl a person subpecl |o servtue raw undlrlms
An Utaremaller relerved tu as ‘the accused rrat It: has cnmmtfled an
muss a::ms| my Dmvmnn M Ihxs Part VI hmrtlr vmceoded wrtn ma
aflegahort srrsu be reported m are term 0! a change. In true accused s
cammnndma omoar, and Inn mmrnlndmg mliur shun Vrwnshgnla ma
marge In me nrescnbed manner
17 ’\n the prescnbed manrtet’ rs provroea urvdev rule 33(1) at the
3: (1) Subject to paragranhs tar and an Mum a ourrrrnarrairra uficnr
wwsstlgates a charge It: strau nrst read out ano, n nacsssaryr Pxmatn
ms charul (0 ma lacuna Ind 1It:IHhan-
(a) hunting avosrre. Mmselhn aecmaanoa wtln mm :4. or
(0) cause Ine evwdalwe In be reduced In wnurrrr In accordance wI|h
parsurlrm 121 and raaa and cutmdu rt
15. Based on tne above, the rule rnanoateo the 4“ Respondent we read
out the charge and explarn trra charge to \he Aopncant. I find ms 4'"
Respcndenl fafled Io rnionn me Appttcanl :71 me rnettrnd or
mvestrgauon (ha! he wHI he mnducling.
r~ Pxu-asnrnumzswonousmw
“None sarm mmhnrwm .. U... a may r... oflmruflly mm: dnuumnl Vfl .mra war
Based prr the evmanca presented before the cum, I find lhal the
invesugalton at the charges has nsvet been conducted wmcrt
raqmras the Applicant to appear more the A“ Rasponaartt.
ma Appttcant was only bmughl betara ma 4' Responnartt on
25.5.2021 but t find true 4“ Raspanaant WI paragraph 7 of ma
‘Afldavll Jawapan (5; Responden-Responden dated 13.1.2023
ctatmea mat N was tor the purpose at both the tnvesligallon at an
attanca and the Invesfigaflon at a crurge
On mis issue, I agree wrtn |he Appltranfs oontentton lha| what
Iransptmd on ma ma|enal dale was that ma Appttunt was brought
betora ma 4“ Respondent mm the purpose to detatn the Appncartt
under close arrest tor lurther investigation by trta “Cawangan
stasatan Jenayah" 5: sIa|sd rn Paragruph 3(c]. Fan (at, Charge
Report dated 25.5.zo2t Exhtbrl ‘MRM»3' Enclosure 3 wmch states
3 Psmapat
ta) Sldlluduh dtlahin/dlmtuk untuk Itlsalnn Vlnml
Funhar, tn Par: 3.b.(2j '5\]t| Pembemahuan Dttalekkan DI Dalam
Tangkapan RaptlLonggar D. Bawah Kaedah ts PU(A) 153- Exhtbtt
MRM—4 pt Enclosure 3 dated t4.3.2n22 states
12; tmtuk msvtdapzlkan huktt-buktt tambahzn berkntlnn matanart den
Dflmlfluhan ruastn unlam stasatan cs: kernna mluk mandapalkan kelerangan
Varttm bemenazn kus“
Paragraph 4 ullhe sate ‘mm’ atsp stated by me 4* Respondent that:
4. ‘memznggtt dart memaklumkzn kepma anqwla yang nrrangtap sepgrlt
dlkmandakt filth pumntukan Kama» V! xxn um mm mm
PU(A7163 '
It is (0 be noted under |ha Armed Forces legal system. that the
mvasugatton of an oflence and an mvesttgaltcn ova charge are two
dlflemnl types at Invesligallon.
A persnn who is alleged to have suspected or have cummtlled an
oflenoe, an arrest may be made against mm under Sections 93 and
94 at Am 77
r~ Pxunsnmuummonoumrw
«mm. amt luvthnrwm .. U... a may r... mm-y mm: mm. VI mum v-mat
25 The procedure or arrest has been described under Rule 13 of me
PU(A)163 wmcn appears to be when a person rs waned under arose
27 Rme rem) oi the FU1A)153 slates that —
(27 rnrorrn (hp arraslrm person vmelmr na rs unde( chase or oven arresm
my rnronn me ensued nelson Mme reason oorwncrr he rs uneer arreu.
(c) nnnumamy defivev me lrvlflad psrwn In a plume er cuslady, and
4-1) anum In In person lnlo whnl cuncdy an. Ir-wllod mum in
cnmmllted ar an Iimn or anus! or within Ivanty-lnur hours lhonnfur
. copy or a mam Ieporl pwvldnd um I! no such chum: upon II
nmenm, rm plnon irru wmu nuswfiy on nrr-mu pmnn II
unnrnnrea will nporllhe tlmumxlxnuis Io me eonrnrannxng Mfiuv
with will. of cnnllrluud mm flan nul lppolr lo bu Juullllnd. on:
can release Mun urulhd vlvsm without prviudlce Do ms reamsr
(empnasrs added)
29 In me m|(an| case, a charge repon under rule «am; an me PU(A)163
has been issued and me Avpficam has been bmugm before the
cornrnenarrrg omeer. However, I find that the pnrpese (or me
Applvcam berng nraugrrr oerore me 4'" Responaem rs la de|errmne
wrremerme Aaplrearn will oonllnuela be aecarned under dose anus!
as sIa|sd under rule 13 of me PU1A)163 wrncrr 45 me reason lor
being lunherdariamed undarzflase arresr or released «mm me said
29. The 4"‘ Respondent Chase Xhal the Applxcarw be Iurlher flelamed
under close arrest wnn the purpose of furlher rrweanganan by me
‘Cawangan Siasatan Jenayah' as VI appears that the Invesmg
cannot be completed wwmm 24 hours. Therefore, a ‘$1 I
Pemheniahuan“ was Issued by lhe 4" Respondent according ro MB
13 of me PU(AjI$3
so As to ma mveshgaunn 0! a charge, rr aner me rnvss|Ig|I\on Man
offence Is commuted, me nexr srep rs «or me cawangan srasaoan
Jenayan Io repm in me Commanding omcer me result of me
rnvesngamorr and me Oommandmg omcer as pmvldud under
Sec1mn 95 av Act 77 under me we :71 “Summary D1spL)sa\ oi
Charges’ snau he brought the accused belors rnrn lor further
rnvesugara by way of mveslrgahm oi a charge N the finding :4 me
r~ Pxunsnmuummonoumrw
«we. snrm mmhnrwm n. med m my r... mn.u-y mm: mmn Vfl mum war
| 3,132 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
WA-24C-134-08/2023 | PEMOHON BAUER (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD RESPONDEN MERIDIAN CONTRACTS SDN BHD | There are merits in Bauer’s claims in the ongoing arbitral proceedings - Whether Meridian is unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum if the arbitration proceedings concludes in Bauer’s favor | 02/01/2024 | YA Dato' Hajah Aliza binti Sulaiman | |
(Company No.: 530788-P) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 121194-X) ... DEFENDANT
(Company No.: 121194-X) ... PLAINTIFF
(Company No.: 530788-P) ... DEFENDANT
02/01/2024 12:14:56
WA-24C-134-08/2023 Kand. 23
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[1] Unlike the majority of suits pursuant to the Construction Industry
Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 [Act 746] (‘CIPAA’) which are
heard together in this Court, these suits concern the applications by –
(a) Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd (‘Meridian’) pursuant to s 28 CIPAA
in Originating Summons No. WA-24C-123-08/2023 (‘O.S. No.
123’) to enforce the third Adjudication Decision dated 17.7.2023
(‘3rd AD’) by the third learned Adjudicator, Mr. Winston Ng Peng
Cheang (‘3rd Adjudicator’) (‘Enforcement Application’); and
(b) Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (‘Bauer’) pursuant to s 16 CIPAA in
O.S. No. WA-24C-134-08/2023 (‘O.S. No. 134’) to stay the 3rd AD
pending the final determination by way of arbitration (‘Stay
without any application being made under s 15 CIPAA to set aside the
3rd AD.
[2] On 15.11.2023, after giving due consideration of the affidavit evidence
and the oral and written submissions of the parties, I had allowed the
Enforcement Application and dismissed the Stay Application.
[3] These are my full grounds of judgment for the decision.
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The Cause Papers
[4] The cause papers in both suits are as follows:
The Enforcement Application:
(a) Meridian’s O.S. dated 3.8.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Meridian’s Affidavit In Support (‘AIS’) affirmed by its Senior
Contract Manager, Ong Eng Theng on 3.8.2023 (encl. 2);
(c) Bauer’s Affidavit In Reply (‘AIR’) affirmed by its Managing
Director Commercial, Julian Benedict Lord on 24.8.2023 (encls.
5 and 6); and
(d) Meridian’s Notice of Intention to Use Affidavit in O.S. No. 134
dated 15.9.2023 (encl. 7).
The Stay Application:
(a) Bauer’s O.S. dated 25.8.2023 (encl. 1);
(b) Bauer’s AIS affirmed by the same deponent on 24.8.2023 (encls.
2 and 3);
(c) Meridian’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 14.9.2023
(encl. 4); and
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(d) Bauer’s AIR affirmed by the same deponent on 27.9.2023 (encl.
Brief Salient Facts
[5] The background facts to these suits can be found in my grounds of
judgment –
(a) dated 4.5.2020 in Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another summon [2020] MLJU 1405;
[2020] MLRHU 1138 where I had dismissed Bauer’s applications
to set aside the Adjudication Decision by the learned Adjudicator,
Mr. Rodney Colin Gomez (‘1st Adjudicator’) dated 31.10.2019
(‘1st AD’) pursuant to s 15 CIPAA and to stay the 1st AD pending
the disposal of the arbitration proceedings between the parties
pursuant to s 16 CIPAA, and had allowed Meridian’s application
to enforce the 1st AD pursuant to s 28 CIPAA (Bauer’s appeal
against my decision was dismissed by the Court of Appeal on
3.1.2022 and Bauer’s motion for leave to appeal was dismissed
by the Federal Court on 27.4.2022); and
(b) dated 17.2.2023 in Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 1047; [2023] 1 LNS 917 where
I had allowed Meridian’s application for the Adjudication Decision
by the learned Adjudicator, Ir. Shanmugaraj s/o Chelliah
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Thamotherampillai (‘2nd Adjudicator’) dated 15.11.2021 (‘2nd
AD’) to be set aside under s 15(d) CIPAA as the 2nd Adjudicator
had acted in excess of his jurisdiction by deciding on the set-off
claim (Bauer’s appeal against my decision was dismissed by the
Court of Appeal on 23.10.2023).
[6] For the present suits, it is sufficient to recap that –
(a) Meridian commenced the first adjudication proceedings (‘1st
Adjudication’) against Bauer by way of the Notice of
Adjudication dated 17.6.2019 for the sum of RM7,494,014.17
which was due and payable for works done since 2017 pursuant
to the CIPAA. At that time, the 2nd moiety of retention sum for
RM1,088,420.35 was not contractually due to be released by
Bauer to Meridian and was therefore not included in the 1st
Adjudication. On 31.10.2019, the 1st Adjudicator delivered the 1st
AD in favour of Meridian in the sum of RM5,311,360.51 together
with interest and costs, after allowing Bauer’s set-off claims of
RM142,238.60 out of the total set-off claims of RM 5,188,402.91.
Bauer has since complied with the 1st AD;
(b) On 13.12.2019, Bauer issued the notice to arbitrate to Meridian
to refer the dispute between the parties to arbitration; and
(c) Meridian submitted its Payment Claim to Bauer on 29.12.2020
claiming for the 2nd moiety of retention sum for RM1,088,420.35.
The Notice of Adjudication dated 1.4.2021 was subsequently
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served on Bauer (‘2nd Adjudication’). On 15.11.2021, the 2nd AD
was delivered whereby Bauer’s set-off for the damages/
liquidated ascertained damages (‘LAD’) in the sum of
RM3,913,000.00 out of RM 5,188,402.91 was allowed and
Meridian’s claim for the 2nd moiety of retention sum was
dismissed following the said set-off.
[7] As the 2nd AD was set aside by this Court and the decision was affirmed
by the Court of Appeal, Meridian then commenced another
adjudication proceedings against Bauer to recover the same 2nd moiety
of retention sum for RM1,088,420.35 (‘3rd Adjudication’).
[8] Meridian served the Payment Claim dated 7.3.2023 on Bauer. Bauer
did not serve any Payment Response on Meridian.
[9] On 12.5.2023, Meridian served its Adjudication Claim whilst Bauer
served its Adjudication Response on 26.5.2023. Meridian served its
Adjudication Reply on 2.6.2023.
[10] Meanwhile, on 22.5.2023, Bauer filed an application seeking for a stay
of execution of the Order of this Court made on 17.2.2023 to set aside
the 2nd AD and for a stay of the 3rd Adjudication pending the disposal
of Bauer’s appeal against the said Order. Bauer’s application was
dismissed on 7.7.2023.
[11] On 17.7.2023, the 3rd Adjudicator had determined in para 143 of the
3rd AD that:
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a. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35 on or before
b. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant the
total costs of the adjudication proceeding
amounting to RM59,507.18 on or before 31-7-
c. The Respondent shall pay to the Claimant interest
on the Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35 at the
rate of 5% per annum calculated on a daily basis
commencing from 21-6-2020 until the date of this
Adjudication Decision on or before 31-7-2023.
d. If the Adjudicated Sum of RM1,088,420.35,
accrued interest pursuant to sub-paragraph (c)
above and the total costs of the adjudication
proceeding amounting to RM59,507.18 are not
paid in full by the Respondent to the Claimant by
31-7-2023, the Respondent shall pay interest on
all outstanding amounts at the rate of 5% per
annum calculated on a daily basis commencing
from 1-8-2023 until full and final settlement.
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e. All payments that are required to be made by the
Respondent to the Claimant shall be made by way
of a Banker's Cheque or Cashier's Order issued
by a local financial institution.”.
[12] Section 28 CIPAA provides as follows:
“Enforcement of adjudication decision as judgment
28. (1) A party may enforce an adjudication decision by
applying to the High Court for an order to enforce the
adjudication decision as if it is a judgment or order of the High
(2) The High Court may make an order in respect of the
adjudication decision either wholly or partly and may make an
order in respect of interest on the adjudicated amount
(3) The order made under subsection (2) may be
executed in accordance with the rules on execution of the
orders or judgment of the High Court.”.
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[13] Mr. CK Oon submitted for Meridian that it had complied with all
statutory requirements for an application pursuant to s 28 CIPAA to
enforce the 3rd AD and this was not disputed by Bauer.
[14] Bauer affirmed that the Enforcement Application should be dismissed
as the 3rd AD should be stayed in the circumstances as averred in the
AIS. In short, Bauer’s main defence in resisting the Enforcement
Application was that, if the Stay Application is allowed, then the
Enforcement Application ought to be dismissed.
[15] The effect of an adjudication decision is clearly provided in s 13 CIPAA
which reads:
“13. The adjudication decision is binding unless –
(a) it is set aside by the High Court on any of the
grounds referred to in section 15;
(b) the subject matter of the decision is settled by a
written agreement between the parties; or
(c) the dispute is finally decided by arbitration or the
[16] As mentioned at the outset, Bauer did not file an application pursuant
to s 15 CIPAA to set aside the 3rd AD. In addition, the subject matter of
the 3rd AD has not been settled by a written agreement between Bauer
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and Meridian and the dispute has also not been finally decided by
arbitration or the court.
[17] Section 28 CIPAA confers a discretion on the High Court which must
be exercised judiciously, having regard to the underlying facts and the
applicable principles under the CIPAA. This discretionary power does
not extend to requiring the applicant to show that there are no grounds
for setting aside the adjudication decision under s 15 CIPAA. All that
the applicant needs to do is to satisfy the court that –
(a) there is an adjudication decision that has been rendered in the
applicant’s favor;
(b) there has been non-payment of the adjudicated sum by the date
specified in the adjudication decision; and
(c) there is no prohibition to the grant of the order that is sought in
that the adjudication decision has not been set aside or stayed;
there is no written settlement of the subject matter between the
parties, or there is no final decision rendered on the payment
claim, whether made in arbitration or by a court of law
[see Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v. Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
(CA) at paragraphs 24 - 26, pp 370 and 371].
[18] Based on the foregoing, I would agree with Meridian’s contention that
the 3rd AD should be enforced as of right.
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[19] As Bauer has taken a position which is dependent on the outcome of
the Stay Application, I now turn to consider the Stay Application.
[20] Section 16 CIPAA reads as follows:
“Stay of adjudication decision
16. (1) A party may apply to the High Court for a stay of an
adjudication decision in the following circumstances:
(a) an application to set aside the adjudication
decision under section 15 has been made; or
(b) the subject matter of the adjudication decision is
pending final determination by arbitration or the
(2) The High Court may grant a stay of the adjudication
decision or order the adjudicated amount or part of it to be
deposited with the Director of the KLRCA or make any other
order as it thinks fit.”.
[21] Bauer has indisputably fulfilled the requirements for a stay under
paragraph 16(1)(b) CIPAA as the subject matter of the 3rd AD is
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pending final determination by arbitration (see the decisions of this
Court in Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction
& Engineering Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022]
1 AMR 249 at paragraph 69, pp 286 - 287 (affirmed by the Court of
Appeal on 8.8.2022) and Samsung C&T Corporation UEM
Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd
[2023] MLJU 2555 at paragraph 8, which are to be contrasted with
Classic Series Sdn Bhd v Ng Lung Yang (Trading under the name and
style of ‘NLY Coating’) [2023] MLJU 2324 at paragraphs 35 and 36).
[22] In his submission for Bauer, Mr. Sanjay Mohan has fittingly submitted
that the court may stay an adjudication decision where there are clear
errors, or to meet the justice of the individual case and that the correct
approach under s 16 of the CIPAA would be to evaluate each case on
its merits where the financial capacity of the unpaid party to repay the
adjudicated sum could be a factor but not the only factor (see View
Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22).
[23] The learned counsel further submitted that the justice of the present
case demands that the 3rd AD be stayed (see too, paragraph 26 in the
[24] In Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU
2734, I said:
“[64] Among the cases which have discussed how the tests
of clear and unequivocal errors and justice of the case
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are to be applied in the exercise of the discretion of the
court whether to grant a stay or otherwise are EA
Technique (M) Sdn Bhd v. Malaysia Marine And Heavy
Engineering Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1851, Maju Holdings
Sdn Bhd v. Spring Energy Sdn Bhd [2020] 1 LNS 1194
and; [2021] 1 LNS 367, Pinnacle Supreme Sdn Bhd v.
DSG Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 LNS 852, Sun
Plaza Development Sdn Bhd v. Hejingkang Sdn Bhd
[2021] 1 LNS 629 and CRCC Malaysia Bhd v M101
Entity Sdn Bhd and other cases [2021] MLJU 1305.
[65] In CRCC Malaysia (supra), this Court said:
“[56] …
[57] As for the phrase “to meet the justice of the
individual case”, this Court in Genbina Sdn
Bhd v. Bina Puri Construction Sdn Bhd and
another appeal [2020] 2 MLRH 101 at p 111
said that the determination as to what is
right and fair must necessarily be dependent
on the factual matrix and circumstances
arising in each case whilst in EA Technique
(M) Sdn Bhd v Malaysia Marine and Heavy
Engineering Sdn Bhd [2021] 1 AMR 594 at
p 603, Lim Chong Fong J expressed the
following view:
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“[27] Furthermore in the View Esteem case,
it is also stated that the financial status is not
the sole factor in determining the grant of
the stay. The stay may be allowed to meet
the justice of the individual case aside from
clear error. They seem to be disjunctive as
explained in the Leap Modulation case.
Justice of the case is of course even more
subjectively objective. It involves the
exercise of discretion. However in light of
the caveat of caution mentioned in the View
Esteem case, I am also only minded to grant
the stay if my conscience is pricked in the
special circumstances of the case. Beyond
that, it is incapable of definition or
[28] The bottom line is that considerations of
both clear error as well as justice of the
individual case to justify the stay of an
adjudication decision have to be stringently
applied as this would otherwise defeat the
statutory intent of the CIPAA to ensure cash
flow in the construction industry; see
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn
Bhd [2015] 1 CLJ 801.”
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(see too, RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and
Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and other cases [2023] MLJU 247).
[25] The grounds upon which Bauer claimed that the justice of the instant
case warrants a stay of the 3rd AD are examined below.
1st Ground: There are merits in Bauer’s claims in the ongoing arbitral
[26] In paragraphs 21 to 23 of the AIS, Bauer stated the respective
contentions of the parties in the arbitration proceedings, namely –
(a) Bauer’s claims against Meridian which include the sum of
RM4,506,451.18 as loss and expense suffered by Bauer due to
Meridian’s delay; RM681,951.73 as back charges;
RM1,485,698.02 as loss and expense during the defects liability
period; and RM432,767.67 being the sum which was overpaid to
Meridian; and
(b) Meridian’s counterclaim against Bauer for the sum of
RM9,275,068.18 being the balance value of works done
including the 2nd moiety of retention sum; and the entitlement to
an extension of time (‘EoT’) until 25.11.2017 or alternatively, that
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time for completion of the sub-contract works had been set at
to emphasise that the arbitral tribunal will make a final determination
on the issues relating to, among others, the value of works carried out
by Meridian; whether Meridian is entitled to an EoT; whether Bauer is
entitled to its loss and expense claim; whether Meridian failed to
provide certain provisions as required under the sub-contract; whether
Bauer is entitled to its back charges; and whether Meridian is entitled
to the 2nd moiety of retention sum (the pleadings in the arbitration was
shown in exhibit “A-11”).
[27] Bauer further stated in paragraph 24 of the AIS that the arbitration
proceedings have reached a mature stage wherein Bauer has closed
its case on 21.7.2023 and the arbitration proceedings are fixed for
continued hearing in the months of August 2023 and February and
March 2024.
[28] Bauer asserted that all disputes which were raised in the adjudication
proceedings will be finally determined by the arbitral tribunal, including
Meridian’s entitlement to the release of the 2nd moiety of the retention
sum, and that based on Bauer’s position in respect of the total value of
work carried out by Meridian and Bauer’s claims for loss and expenses
and back charges, there is no sum due and payable to Meridian
[29] As the Court of Appeal had dismissed Bauer’s appeal on 23.10.2023,
when the Stay Application was heard on 9.11.2023, Bauer’s averment
in the alternative in paragraph 29 of the AIS would apply, namely that
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the Enforcement Application will naturally be allowed and once the 3rd
AD is enforced, Bauer will be left with no recourse or remedy to set
aside the 3rd AD.
[30] Bauer firmly believes that it has merits in its claim for loss and expense
in the arbitration, at least in the sum of RM3,913,000.00 because this
Court had set aside the 2nd AD on the ground of excess of jurisdiction
rather than on the merits. Hence, it cannot be said that the factual and
evidentiary findings made by the 2nd Adjudicator in finding that there
was delay by Meridian and in allowing Bauer’s loss and expense, are
not reasoned or unsound. The claimed amount will extinguish
Meridian’s claim for the 2nd moiety of retention sum.
[31] I have considered Bauer’s 1st Ground to support the Stay Application
and I was not persuaded that it is in the interest of justice for the Court
to grant a stay of the 3rd AD. Sub-s 37(1) CIPAA provides that a dispute
in respect of payment under a construction contract may be referred
concurrently to adjudication, arbitration or the court. The fact that there
is an ongoing arbitration is not, per se, a ground for granting a stay
application under s 16 CIPAA (see Meridian Contracts (supra) at
subparagraph 65(c)].
[32] Moreover, based on Bauer’s Statement of Claim, its claim against
Meridian is for the total sum of RM7,106,866.60 as opposed to
Meridian’s total counterclaim of RM9,275,068.18 against Bauer as
shown in the Amended Statement of Defence and Statement of
Counterclaim (see the AIS, encl. 3).
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[33] Contrary to Bauer’s assertion that the arbitration proceedings have
reached a mature stage, the precise timeline for the final determination
of the disputes between the parties remained uncertain. Whilst the
hearing before the arbitrator has been set until March 2024 and
assuming that the hearing will be completed in that month, the
arbitrator has yet to give directions on the dates for written
submissions, and possibly clarification hearings to be held. The exact
date when the final award will be published is also unknown.
[34] To allow a stay of the 3rd AD in the circumstances of this case would
be to defeat the primary objective of the CIPAA to alleviate cash flow
issues by providing an effective and economical mechanism [see
Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd and another appeal
[2020] 6 MLJ 224 (FC) at paragraphs 46 - 55, pp 242 - 246 and Inai
Kiara (supra, at paragraph 28, p 371)].
[35] For the avoidance of doubt, I did not give any consideration to Bauer’s
submission that the 3rd AD contained clear error as this ground was not
raised in Bauer’s affidavit evidence. Moreover, Bauer has chosen not
to file an application to set aside the 3rd AD under s 15 of the CIPAA.
2nd Ground: Whether Meridian is unable to repay the Adjudicated Sum
if the arbitration proceedings concludes in Bauer’s favor
[36] In paragraphs 31 to 33 of the AIS, Bauer affirmed that there is a risk
that Meridian will not be able to repay the adjudicated amount in the
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3rd AD should Meridian be required to do so after the disposal of the
arbitration proceedings. Bauer relied on –
(a) the Summary Of Financial Information in the Companies
Commission of Malaysia (‘CCM’) search conducted on Meridian
on 15.8.2023 which shows for the financial year end 31.12.2022,
Meridian suffered a loss after tax in the sum of RM915,089.00;
had a net dividend of negative RM915,800.00; had two open
charges that remain unsatisfied; and had four charges in the total
sum of RM3,200,000.00 that remain unsatisfied; and
(b) the CTOS Report on Meridian which shows –
(i) there is a significant decrease in Meridian’s retained
earnings as follows:
• Financial year end 31.12.2018: RM4,416,179.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2021: RM2,300,061.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2022: RM469,127.00
(ii) Meridian has no revenue for the financial year end
31.12.2021 and 31.12.2022; and
(iii) there is a significant decrease in Meridian’s profit after tax:
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• Financial year end 31.12.2018 in the sum of
• Financial year end 31.12.2021 in the negative sum
of RM6,319.00
• Financial year end 31.12.2022 in the negative sum
of RM915,800.00
(see exhibit “A-12”, encl. 3).
[37] Bauer’s counsel vehemently submitted that Meridian’s public financial
information reveals that Meridian is in significant financial distress. For
two consecutive years, Meridian had zero revenue and this signified
severe strain in cash flow and a lack of ability to generate any revenue.
This was worsened by the fact that Meridian’s suffered two straight
years of negative growth and negative profit. As at 31.12.2022,
Meridian suffered loss of profit (after tax) of RM915,089.00.
[38] Further, based on Meridian’s balance sheet for the financial year end
31.12.2022, Meridian’s current net worth was only in the sum of
RM2,879,172.00 and its net asset was after Bauer had complied with
the 1st AD and paid the Adjudicated Sum with interests and costs of
RM6,265,214.52. Meridian’s total assets include the non-current
assets in the sum of RM1,804,884.00, which are not easily liquidated
into cash.
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[39] In addition, the unsatisfied charges are an indicator of high debt level
and poor financial health. This exposes Meridian to the risks of losing
its assets if the secured creditors decide to enforce the charges. With
regards to the alleged cause of Meridian’s precarious state of finance,
namely the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact remains that Meridian is
currently in a precarious state of finance and might not be able to repay
the Adjudicated Sum.
[40] After having scrutinised the CCM search and CTOS Report and the
parties’ averments and submissions, it is my considered view that
Meridian’s financial health is not at such a perilous level that it would
not be able to repay the adjudicated amount, if called to do so. This is
because –
(a) the adjudicated amount including costs, and excluding accruing
interests, is only RM1,147,927.53;
(b) as at financial year end 31.12.2022 –
(i) Meridian’s current assets is RM2,330,408.00 and non-
current assets is RM1,804,884.00 which gives a total of
RM4,135,292.00. The total assets and the current assets
exceed the adjudicated amount; and
(ii) Meridian’s total liabilities is RM1,256,120.00 and its losses
after tax is RM915,089.00. Even with these figures, and
considering the total assets and the net worth of
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RM2,879,172.00, Meridian would still be able to repay the
adjudicated amount, if required to do so in future;
(c) the six unsatisfied charges involve two open charges and four
charges which were created between 5.11.2004 and 18.7.2007
for the total amount of RM3,200,000.00. As submitted by
Meridian, unsatisfied charges are not markers for its financial
health and could be seen as reflecting the banks’ confidence in
Meridian as a going concern; and
(d) in PNL Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v Loh Teck Wah & Ors [2022] 6
MLJ 304, the Court of Appeal said:
“[88] The case of Datuk Mohd Sari bin Datuk Hj Nuar v
Idris Hydraulic (M) Sdn Bhd [1997] 5 MLJ 377 was also
cited where it was held that in determining the issue of
inability to pay debt, the High Court considered the
assets and liabilities of the company. Kamalanathan
Ratnam JC (as he then was) held as follows:
Section 218(2)(c) is very clear. To ascertain if a
company is unable to pay its debt the court shall
take into account the contingent and prospective
liabilities of the company. In order to ascertain its
liabilities, it is proper that its assets are also
ascertained because only upon ensuring that
there is insufficient assets to meet the debts can
there be ascertained liabilities. Therefore, the
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current assets must be taken stock of to see if
after considering the total liabilities both
contingent and prospective there is a surplus
deficit. (Emphasis added.)
[89] We have no quarrel nor quibble with what is
unquestionably the settled test with respect to whether
a company is ‘unable to pay its debts’.”.
Applying the settled test as above quoted to the present case,
with current assets of RM2,330,408.00 and total liabilities of
RM1,256,120.00, Meridian is still capable of repaying the
Adjudicated Sum, if required to do so.
[41] As to the issue of whether a conditional stay should be granted in favor
of Bauer, it was argued that a stay under s 16 CIPAA, even if
conditional upon Bauer depositing the Adjudicated Sum into a
stakeholder account, would best protect the competing interests of
parties as –
(a) Meridian’s rights will be protected by the fact that the adjudicated
sum in the stakeholder account will be released to Meridian if the
arbitration proceedings conclude in Meridian’s favour;
(b) Bauer’s rights will be protected as a stay will alleviate its anxiety
that it cannot recover the adjudicated sum if the arbitration
proceedings conclude in Bauer’s favour; and
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(c) both parties can focus on the arbitral proceedings without fear of
further execution or winding-up proceedings arising from the 3rd
[42] Although I have, in cases such as Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn
Bhd v Petrovietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and
other cases [2021] MLJU 2633 and Samsung C&T Corporation UEM
Construction JV Sdn Bhd (supra) allowed a conditional stay, I was not
convinced that this would be an appropriate order to make in the instant
case in order to strike a balance between securing the recoverability of
the Adjudicated Sum and preserving the essence of an adjudication
proceeding under the CIPAA.
[43] The Adjudicated Sum has been owing to Meridian since year 2020 and
Meridian has not been able to recover the out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in the 3rd Adjudication whereby it had paid both its and Bauer’s
portions of the security deposit as Bauer had defaulted in making this
[44] In view of the foregoing reasons, the Enforcement Application in O.S.
No. 123 was allowed and the Stay Application in O.S. No. 134 was
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[45] Mr. Sanjay Mohan was agreeable to the costs as proposed by Mr. CK
Oon and I concurred. Hence, costs of RM5,000.00 were ordered for
the Enforcement Application and RM10,000.00 for the Stay
Application, both subject to allocatur.
Dated: 22 December 2023
Construction Court 2
High Court
Kuala Lumpur
Counsels/ Solicitors:
For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 123 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 134:
Oon Chee Kheng (Goh Jing Han with him)
Messrs. C K Oon & Co.
Advocates & Solicitors
L3A-3A, Wisma BU8
No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama
Bandar Utama Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya
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For the Plaintiff in O.S. No. 134 and the Defendant in O.S. No. 123:
Sanjay Mohan (Wong Li-Wei and Tan Jia Shen with him)
Messrs. Sanjay Mohan
Advocates & Solicitors
Unit 5.01 Level 5
WORK @ Clearwater
Jalan Changkat Semantan
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Cases, legislation and other sources referred to in the submissions by
learned counsels and in the Grounds of Judgment:
Ananda Kumar a/l Krishnan v Ng Chin Tai (t/a Lean Seh Fishery) & Anor
(Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdb Bhd, intervener) [2016] MLJU 924
Classic Series Sdn Bhd v Ng Lung Yang (Trading under the name and style
of ‘NLY Coating’) [2023] MLJU 2324
Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd v Puteri Nusantara Sdn Bhd [2019] 2 MLJ 362
Martego Sdn Bhd v Arkitek Meor & Chew Sdn Bhd and another appeal [2020]
6 MLJ 224
Mecomb Malaysia Sdn Bhd v VST M&E Sdn Bhd [2018] 8 CLJ 380
Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 1047;
[2023] 1 LNS 917
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Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd v Bauer (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and another
summon [2020] MLJU 1405; [2020] MLRHU 1138
Niko Bioenergy Sdn Bhd v RH Balingian Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd [2018] MLJU
PNL Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v Loh Teck Wah & Ors [2022] 6 MLJ 304
Puncak Niaga Construction Sdn Bhd v Mersing Construction & Engineering
Sdn Bhd (and 2 Other Originating Summonses) [2022] 1 AMR 249
RA Suria Sdn Bhd v Cedy Third Contracting and Trading (M) Sdn Bhd and
other cases [2023] MLJU 247
Renew Capital Sdn Bhd & Ors v ADM Ventures (M) Sdn Bhd & Anor and
another appeal [2022] 6 MLJ 58
Samsung C&T Corporation UEM Construction JV Sdn Bhd v Eversendai
Constructions (M) Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2555
Subang Skypark Sdn Bhd v Arcradius Sdn Bhd [2015] 11 MLJ 818
Tecnicas Reunidas Malaysia Sdn Bhd v Petrovietnam Engineering
Consultancy JSC (PVE) & Anor and other cases [2021] MLJU 2633
View Esteem Sdn Bhd v Bina Puri Holdings Bhd [2018] 2 MLJ 22
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Zeta Letrik Sdn Bhd v JAKS Sdn Bhd and other cases [2022] MLJU 2734
Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012, ss 13, 16, 28 &
Rules of Court 2012, O. 7, O. 28, O. 69A r. 4 & O. 92 r. 4
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| 35,418 | Tika 2.6.0 |
RA-82-8-12/2021 | PENDAKWA RAYA Pendakwa Raya TERTUDUH MOHD WAFIUDDIN BIN MAZELAN | Faedah kesangsian (benefit of the doubt) yang berbangkit lokasi sebenar tempat kejadian ini wajar diberikan kepada Tertuduh. | 02/01/2024 | Puan Ana Rozana binti Mohd Nor | |
02/01/2024 16:24:55
RA-82-8-12/2021 Kand. 86
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m\—a2—a—12/2021 Kand. as
22/on/mu 15:2»:-53
mun NEGERI mans
uonn wmunnm am mzzuu
ALASAN psueunxumu
Tenuduh».x.m.n mum keulunan ummn. luyln an Kunun
K: nu ma am. dnhukum .1. um-n llluyun :2: .4." um.
um am Kanun Knuknun Pemodulun am." cemndnv Teflufluh
mun nevem yilvg bsnkul
-am». lumn pus: 1111:/znzl lam mm. knrann 10.15 Dani. bunnmpat
an .:...m rumnh M. u, an... 1 . s, an Arnu, nmu Arlu. rum. allnm
am». An 4. ml-m now. on.-:s.. an...» m.. ml-n .....y. .u...
kuoodnraan x. m. lhu Iumu mm sm mum. mm: Abdullnh, No. Knd
Pfllfiulalan: s1n4o2—11—5zs4 denaan menflllunlkan «mm. lens di mu.-
mu digunnlun uhagll nniah bnluh rnonyulubkarl Imnatian flan dnnnan
Ilu Iumn man melxkukan ....n. kualulun ynng hullh an hukum an bawlh
. um :24 Klmm Knolu m am am... hunmn nklynn nu mu...
2. nun azuuuws KES
2 1 mm pnudakwlsn dulum m ml Iulnh mamunggfl serlmanempul hula:
n rsrl
mung um pnndlhw
N »u=ym=u.;m mm
mm Sum In-nhnv WW he used m mm u. nvwhuflly mm; dun-mm VII mum pm
ra; Sm Fanmah mmmbdulhh «spa
an Normal F15’ I mm Mazulan xspzy.
/1:) Kansmbe\ Mahamad Sylhmn Mn Snnawn ¢sp3),
M mspuruamuzm hm Ahmad (SP4).
1-) sum. Mam F-wwuv An-:1: am Azaml (spin
4/; Ma Axum am we AIMSPSL
(qr Anil: s¢ um-u (spa
nu mm" um: bmuvmuam (span,
{:1 Rmmayann mm zmn aspen
Lu Mom Basn mu Az\l(SPIfl).
rx; ASP Bantam ms xspm
III Mumuu zmmn mu Ro¢lI[SP12L
rm; Kovhlal Muhd Swan hm mm tspm an
m msoemurmmmaa Kham Em vans: (span
22 Bevdauvkln mm:-nan nxmaxu Defldahwaan 4. rudapan
Muhkamnh lnku km iehn menunpukk-n kzlavungln bshlwu pa. n/:2/2w
nmnu spa wanna Damn! flu dnlam nmnh munyn spa mm. berdunqlv bunyt
{using nu ma! mmah, ss-9 Ielah umuxnumm oteh sunmmyl mg kelunr Ieflehlh
amm mum levdapat om-g mmqvnuk flan msnlkzm munya‘ apabfla spa
keluzv hebau melmal senmng pelenuuan sedang tzmnrmg nus plan ur
bevdekman ubuan s-npanu nan kemudnnrlyz lelah menqhuhunm
mm PoHsA:Iu
23 pm pm Iehm kumng 1027 pngw, semasa spa uedang bedugas
or W Gemvan Ipn Nan‘ beuau Iehh menenma sumu panggflnn flnnpada
omnfl imm yam mempflvkenalkan am mam. “Fun Vanlr memaklumkan
buhlwl leldlvll mung mm mllyu Iain mmum dun mamllm nunyn
malImIITl1I 2 up»: Arnu mm Ram Elluln
2 4 Selzlnh spa mmnma Llponn Izlxecul spa mu munaklumkin
mm angauva Mpvym barium: mun nlenghnlnkzmmpnlkzydun am spa
kamndunnyl mun menahubunm Imbulnnn dun umnmlnyl mcmhun Iavann
pohi ubauaxmana Aviu Report 1307/24 qpuy
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv 9
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
5 mm xzssumumw EOLEN sun RuMusAN asnmsmuu
susnm wsmaona
¢ sscam uzsmuum xzs wx oxslusn am sun m mwm
szxsvzn :2: won xsszxwu xmouw asmxu nu
mm-m um um um uuauamuu msmsu saaruna
ANAK mu on vzux usuuuu uauuu ww uxau
sswkus SELEPAS nmma nus aswuxu mum numu
vznssaur muss vzunusuxuum mu nvsuum mm
vznmux mu nunmu cum cams mm m srru muss;
raw nwmmn KE um xzczmsm uoswm vumxu
FAuz\Ar< uNmK numxm suwnm mum
s wswsxma uvnnuw ssasnmz um umasa ram
Msumxm mm m wsowwm mum» om vzmvw sow
JELASKAN xsououxm M10495»
4 sERmsAR><m msu smsmw umau vER.JA‘nm mu
vskmuuus nl vane»: nun s»<uA ssrsnusrm an
vzuw uzuanmrunu amen um xzmun xsuu nauv
mm muuru OLEK AWAI m szxzuums mwww
rsnszaur um wwesn ram unmux xzmu rum
nosmm uNvuK -asnmmmu mwmw uwur
4 is Selam dannaua xemngan srm yang menyataknn bellau Ielah
nnrlkam pelcakapiu sm uan swz rmgenm Kqadlan a. damn vumah umwn
an mung: um SP5 mevlklm gnmbll hndlpnn Mm lnmp||
mud n (Psmc) .1.» finmhnv dv amm mmm ..m-mu APBA»D! mu .u.
mmnuan Vain yam: mkemumau unluk memexasxan navalfl VIII; beflaku pafln
mu mama: as calm nmlah nmull Nu. M.Jihn up ; RPA Arau.P¢r1vI.
4 2a svn y-M mewlukzn Pagnw-I Tum: Fumrmk .1 m u.».....g...ny.
M. mu mammhmlan sualu keungs n menpenm mm .1. mlnn kegidun
mm spa dawn Ioeterzngannva memaklurnkan hahawa SP14 Ielah
memaklumkan kaniaanya Imvlvat benakunw hkzmzn hetlaku d\ Mar nmun
Na. 44, am. up s, an Ann, Fur . sear: knususnyu berlaku m Kxwlun
daham gamnnr may kelevangan SP11 mum sepem ynm mm
s sawumux swam c vs smmc MERUJUK xsmu Am
J amw c uznumwa mam xmuum v wznzwum
szazum sun sum» aammm sum ommmman cm
msvznan mm rswn vsassaur uszumw wsmnr
ssmxu xmnmu mm vznszauv
sw HU=ykVVuflusH1Pn:lxlW “
«ms smm be used m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum pm
A 21 srm man men‘/ilakzn yank amarn Iumah Na 44, Jalan ma 5 RPA
Amu. Fem: denaln kwaun yang dnmqukkan dalam gamblr P5(C) adalih
dua vuluh metal
4 22 Mala», semis: drwal ale?! mink Dembelnn meflfienm Devwumnulan
amp-w obh sun. svn tzelah memhenkan .1... ms. kederanqun mznnenau
permllan um: ad: peugumvuhn nmper ana mum. m uanam rumah Na :4.
Jalan ma... 5. an Ann, Penn an... L-.1-k
4 23 Semis: am... am Ylmblhn Pnndakwamya yang Drpela|IrSP11 man
menynlakan mam behau
pausnnxs-Au soazusm mum szumn sznnuau
4 D1 man xsmmu A ADA psmxsa. nu xsxsuuus mm
mun nuum vsnsssur um m:w< Mzmumw APA«APA
smm sum nu mum: sum». Yanssam
s Amman up MASUK mum kumm
; 24 rm ..1. nenplaun dlnpida sP1v manganaw petvanggahan mi din
semasa ducal halas oleh nlhzk Demhelnan ,..g.. helm. menyanakan nahnva
1...... «ms. mzsuk ks dalam rumah din nznya henna .1. luav mman flan
kmmdmnnyn a-hm ptrmnkxnn summn nan... m...y.m... buhlwu mm
mu... umpm a. Inmpn x.,....... mm mm: a...m...u..n ul-H swu om...
ma... ..en.:... .1. mm mrmh an m. 20:49: ylnq am... .1. mum mmlh
nan sPu sendln yang memm. spa mehkuun wuss (empm hepdmn .1. I...
Nmah (snebnl
425 Mnhknmnn .1.m..m ltmlnya-buy: nrsrugerw dr mm iabanlmyi
:.....u.... ylng r-I-h mlnynhlnkln koaudu n .m saw dsngln manguunulun
saenhh ken: m. ber1|ku.sekwsnyn n......:.... mm... Izenav-buuv um... dvdalrn
mmah Bersmlan yam: berbanaknu-1a\ah mengapl sm manbemahu kepadz
sm kefldtan Im:ebu| beflaku dl Iuav mmah mm. In atzs jahn til sebagaamana
yang mmrqukkan datum number 951:), .1... memben xmmn sunny:
sm ».u.ym.n..m mm '2
«w... 5.... nmhnrwm .. ..... .. my .. ..nmn.u-y mm: ........ VII .n..m Wm!
vengumpuhn samvel mum Men ssm m Iuav mmah Muk m dalam mman uhn
vamnya lvefldwn heuabul bonanbsnar Lumaku m hxwuan P5112», msngipa
sP14 mengamnkan 5P5 unmk melnknm aamhar-gwnhu am“ numh
uhaialmana mmm FE1A~DD
us sm flan SP2 bask mermetimn mm seoem keumau manuknla
K:'mranuanSPH din srm mzsmymaswng bermnngan mengenzl mama» yang
I 27 Tulah muqam pump umiznmlndzvrn mluan, iawalu sabrun maman
bewamm keoldl um yang kukuh dun bcrdullkan bukti yang man
mkemukakan .1. mmmaman gapem yangmpunukan men. Mxhkamnh Penekuluan
ualam Ker Sm Sonn Suln -/. Fnnss 1 Lu: 155-[ms v ML} 11:
'Navamu\I-LI ma man-Mmnnu .4 ulna pm: In . aummaw .-... alumni n.
Max:-1 no bvvdve my "|aruena\ on: m n. prvsacwon mam V-vespaarveoi
mum-v Ims com m alhuwnsa convnad m ns on mm} d ma gwl av
mmuzruu Man aumud, rudnauun n...n.n...a N! m. wmuuz manned
and nwmmu mu m. . ..m.1.¢-
4 2s Selanmlllva bemuhung dengan sums» Pegawav Penymul mengenaw
nemvammana median benaku. mahkamahdalam Kulmlelah memlukkn vans:
mun dmulusknn men Mahknmah my...“ Luau nnnmniutuammm 1/. pa
mm 1 cu an a. mm Mnnkamah Rayuan Iedah memmuskan sepem yang
" Thu awnlhnl cannm n- punauum [or lack nl In§1mlV|V- Mulluuncn or
nudvuunn an m purl m In Imoullplwr dlpmlnfl Mm oi um um.
no-mum! bovmfl of mm (on mmumm
Vcu Run 26§.[19§2l1 MLI137) Du mxnmv n um PM: me mvilunnu
rm maugmm an mmy xlnnes unnlvled and mnlevul gap: ex-A1 Enter! an
Inn: umulmn, .n Imevevlne m we -up-Invrx Vxvuur mum lmereinve In hive
Men mm by m. umld mun cm M19: .1 m. and .1 ma prwlacuuvn
and ma mnmmv1 -m
mm, V mm Emu: mg «C M, [Iwsn Mu may -‘
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv *5
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
4 29 Mahkamah hsvplndlpat Bahama rzmn kualvnlvln (bunch of m.
mam; yang ueroangxu dalam kes nendnkwaan neumaa. Iavmal Kemdwan ml
wammnenuan mm Tenuduh darn pemhehasarflemnduh danpadz penuduhan
m akhv ups noun-mun mun sawahl ya:-9 mm mm ummm.
4 so Dilam ks: ml juga, mamqman lalah mnalm kutuvanaan mu kaadun
{czvounutsnasl Mame; yang rzlnh amanuxmn aleh mm pe«dI<wnan
dengnn mengemukahan Ielernngm-kelzrargnn yang mxm
(a; spa unlam keleangannyn menynmkln bah-we semua keudun
Daren sednng menamsao mkak m mar mmah behau flan man
mchhal Tamdm wading auuukm mar SP1m|uarIumah tusabul.
spa mum sm mm ke am remmm. am mmwm ken:
ylllg anpeglng clah Yeruaduh Tenuduh mm. meuyemhknn keus
ma mu-3-nnrm mm swan unpn meman Kemudrm spa
Perm Ire arah smu dun Temrfluh dun memmla Tamduh unmk
muuk ka dihm smuah mlvlah husong spa menglkul hanya
melmal Temmnm duduk m alas spa dalam mm» mm lelas
memandllvgklu muaanww-nu nu adalsh mm as» mmung,
(D) um um. kltldun lam: SP2 ndnru bevarm ax a. m mmlh
my. sPv um lemengar bunyw mm av ‘um um», sw man
dImak\umkr\ ubh iuzmmya yang kuluar ¢.n.:.m dahulu haham
ladapal mama mengnmuk u... menlkam mm. anamla sm
ketuav. cm. melmal seomng perempuan sedang (emarmg am
mm m nemuwu mm mp:-s flan Ymuduh ..¢.ng
um...‘ um. unluk muuk um mm mm Iunuh kolung.
sw knmudwanflfl mun mlwhwurvnl Bum Pulii Am: sw
nullsliku main danpadl mu\m:\SF1 .1. dahm kax ml yedaflfl
becbanng .1. Mas mr, lapnmn yang dmeukan mm. 5P3 adalah
apa yang numaklumkan men suaml beuau sahapa flan suanu sw
mm m IN udak mun pea: mum; man dlplllflawl unmk
.....,,.m... .4». mg mlmu oleh rm-u human: n u.,.a....
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv “
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
(cy smo ......y...n..... huhlwa .1... n... 11......" helm: 1......
beam .1. .1........ ......z.. .1... Dad: .a... wear. mu... m :5 pam.
sun will kekaouhan .1. ......a.-.: .u...... belau .1...
s... M... ...e....... ..1..1...;, s.=.n........ ....... .1... ....=...........1...
.....1.. .....1.... ..... ......1..1... ..... ...... ..e..... ....u v......1..n
...1.n.. .1...1... .1. an .:.....y. .... sm .1... ............... 1......
1...... SP“! .1... ............. memuwk r......1..n supaya ....=......e..m
lam r.....1.... membeukan .1... nu ma... SP1n sebemm sum
.1... ...z..—.n.. .......u.ux wvaya .a masuk ke ..a.a... piaar wbuah
.......... ......, ........ ... v.....1.... ................. .......g ..... Irepndn
swan... sm mm. .............. .1...» .......1.. .......g
.1. ..... ...... ...m........... ......... .......1....
rm sr-1aa.1a..r. arugula rorndaoegah ....ay.r., behau |e\2h mendzpal
.............. ......g..... ...,..1.... ........... .1... mu... ...... p...1. ..
......... .....1.... mcelum SP4. sm. .1... sm ...1. 5......
......1y-....... .1. ....»........ .n.r.... ......u. a. ....1pan s.=..a....
mu... 1...... pew! xe am. sv. 4... mar. dmaklumkan uh?! sw
.1........ sp. ml-h .1...:..... .14.... ....s. 5...... yang band: .........
......a.. spa ma melryalakan semasa helm. menghampm
r..1...1.... ........ ......1. 4...... ....1.... ........ .........1.... sm
mbn ...............m.. ....p.. Iupnyn ...1... ............. ....~.¢..
wk... win .1... ............ .1... 1......1.... ..u.. ..........1.n.: an...
........r. (evsehul .1... masuk K3 .1...... mmah 1......“
;.; SP4 ynng .......z..... ...r...1... v......1.... ,..g. ......1
.........g.....,,. many ..... .1....... v......1.... ..1. .........1.....
pm... .1... ...... .......a.n umnl u....1. .1. mmnh mmg ...m1..._
m Pmak pemizkwazn wga Man mengemukakan boetevangan
mangsnav p............. .p.......... cm ...... ...........z... .1..... ......x
57. .1...... .... .... .1... .a......1.. K. (van: ...... .1... lying 1......
.1... sp. .1... .......a.. K! am) .1... K7 (ma) ...... bah: . .1...
s... ........v........ pm... '5
«w... 1.... .......w... .1. ....1 .1 mm .. ..1........ an... ........ .. .......c pm...
wheiaw kam Delokal y-nu uuaxm nlen Temmuh
m Mensienax ketaranyan mm mum ma dwkemukakan alert mnak
pendakw rvuhkzmsn mandlplh um ads um yang lstah
malmnt mu m Tsfludun laluh Imnyehlbkan kaoedevnn dunaln
nwnugunahn wemmm upw. 5P1 awn mmuh Na 44, Ja\an ma 5, an
4 :2 s ,.m.ny. m-Imm 5PlIem:vmad\aIu1IIan um: Iuarmmnh
SP1‘ Indak aria sakn y-nu melrhal Tenuflnm (ahh menybfilhkan kamdarnn
tevwbm Yam] dlalakan beflaku dalam vumah (flak Ada manafluanu sabssl [Ilia
YUM! nvenflhkan nlehhal SP1 beflan ialumi Selvpis keladnn hkaman din
mm. m alas mr saangmmann yang Isiah my-wk-n mew sm mm
4 as Mikhmlm yang dlbsnkan duh svs menganavmviivaloviflil rnewamuk
flan memkam Ibunymuga Mnyi dlpemleh danpada Auxnu mu... yang kehur d.|n
Iumsh Jebdum befliu uan mm. spa um Ildak pad: nmma man mpangun
xe mnnknmnh
4 34 naumxa my vemakwnan hanya mehhal SP1 sudah xemnng Ma:
Jihn an Tanuduh Man bevada dn atas badan sm saetan aensan Keleraniin
sru mm... Yemmuh my. msndekan sm ch mar mmnh nannbm amp
4 :5 «mung.» alah sm yum menyatakan bnhan bshnu mun
dvmakhlnkan aleh SP1 bnhnwn helnu Cedah dmkam men Inak bednau ynng mm.
aawam rumah‘ lmak msahkan oxen 5»: Mann Dun sn=2 kelaangan menu: udak
mumxmn wtapa sewn dallpada kanymaan Inrsebul ad: «um: um sm
keond: sm pad: hm k-:1: Inn
4:: sm am 5:13 mg. rnevlymxkan mama Duh: bummink igvuull
semis: henna mmam mmahkasang dennan vneagnmuk flan mha menendang
mmu. map: spa‘ 5:: dan svm mervyatzkan Tenudun man membenkan
sm HUaykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv ‘S
«W. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
k-nuama up-nu: dlmmu unmk msnyerihkan ksrs am Tenuduh mm: dalam
kzadaan mu melsnan
A 37 Menpanm vemmunn man an-h mm 5»: pm Pu. m7 an m.
krtsvanuinrkenevnwan um um memwmm hahlwn Tenudmlnh uni law:
rvlsrwlbabkan buuosdevaan kenada sww dennan mevlmlunakzn kens\P121flalam
um mu‘ Tevluduh (eh?! a-Imam bsrzda an arm badan SP1u|eh spa. spa din sum
Gan pemuaLan Tenuduh 1... bmeh menyehlbkln kehnmrun anvah sm pm bqu
man xam pom: yam: «ppm. nhehnya
4 as Menunrm kuberawan um mam my lawn diknmukaknn am. pm
Pindiwnin‘ mamman man mernmk kgs ppm. Kang cg $121124 1
us 2111 yang menyiukin bamawu xeklranyl mhak pendakwaan belglnluvng
kwada kecemngan wkm kendann, velah menpm pnnsxp undmg-undnng ynng
mlnhp bchawa um yaw betul nah» um" hams mm; nan bahuw:
x.«.y...g... muan ... n...1.xm. x...4umn.m., .3 tehuulnyu
nmm... mm mm kommpullrluhlju mm kabunuhhan on 1...... kunguln
ma munaszbah mm kes Sunny Aug V as [1955 1 ms 171 uses! 2
MLJ‘ Dggg‘ Mm gm Hggu V 55711953 cu Reg 101 [was] 2 MLJ
2:2, Amemevsflva/DPRsma:smy V PP[2au9] 2 ML! 197, Kym: V PP (1914:
ms g 11975] I MLJ Ma, gum Km ;m V PP [157 1 LN; din
km IIIwI 2 ML! 273)
4 29 Hakim dahm has W pugs Ielah menquk kg: chug Kln sly V. pp
(151711 ms yang man memumskan sepem yang mm
we arms on pmse-rwun Mme (he ewdemze ., .11. nmumslancel nalwu .5 .
Very mvy one amlme ewdence mustpmru mm» 4.: ma Izznclusmn .1
mnguil arm» Ircusoa mm: in mm n. um. I: 1. nu-unulcm‘
un Semuulnya dawn kes Kanm - 1. V. nmuc
ms 1 ss. Fmyu «am has W «exam mecayu ke mas sahnan alas kesnlnhm
mombunnn max .4. uh: man yang melmfl bagawmana snmzn mserang, kes
ymk pnmllkwlln bun-nlzung Iqpuwhnyl um. lmu-Igun um ma. 1
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv '7
mm. 5.11.1 Illflhlfwm .. .1... M my 1... nrW\nnU|Y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
um“ um Had: we, Nalum Mahkrnah Fanekuluan. dalam penahakmianrvfi
izlah menyalakan seoen. yang mxm
‘m . cut whim m pnasosvman mm on« avrdlmx mm
zvrdemv man be mwvunslunl mm my Dinar Hvlumasas (run um um mu pm
olme secs/sod -
441 Salelnh mnhkumh rmnllm mgmmun nlhlk-pvhak, mnhkamih
memapish kelaannan mm keadaan max memum: tepid: mu kasnmpulm mm
kgbersavahan Tennduh Iznpa Vevaguan yang munasahnh‘ mahkamah Kali:
menem wkarwa-um my benkul
(.1 mm Ad: kmunngnn mm mm kaindmn lab:
r.m.auh mm mmyebnbkun kuwdouin mad: sw.
r ylnn mkmaun
[bl Nak ad: ma-an-nan yang rrlenelimlkan Vneflaenal kqaman
a. damn mmah Na 44, mm up 5, an Ann, Penn
nemamuna Pfifluduharh
tn; lvdikada ketzanngin danvifiz sw wanu mugs: aawam ks: man
spz yflng dlkatakm saw um mengenm kegndmn seoenar ymg
baflaku dahm mluah mam
M mu ad: kmllinwn marvgenll swaua Lag. yum; bend: dalam
mmnh mew sewn sv1,sn>2a.n Temoduh‘
4-; mx nu. later-nnim mm: m. Yanuduh mm. onnq yllla Ialnh
nunyevwmn keaedavan um: sw,
4a lvdak ads kawawan Lama Ida ms Iensbul man dlgunakzn
unluk manyabubk-n kaudavun n-m-nap an dun
(gl hdak id: kehelsnuan Mann bag! In: ms «smmn lshh
agunaxan alen Tenmuh mm menyehahkan xeaasevun
sm H\JiykVVuflusH1Pn3;-mi ‘“
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
442 mnuenm kaoadavian yang fllahmv o-an sm aanam kn ml pmak
penflikwlln mun mengemukzkm kemecangan 5:» am sun
4 4: saw nuruplkan psgawm palvbalin yang Man mombuat pemallklun
mm mm» 55-: Gun msmblvlkln riwlun -wt! klpadlnyl, mshlul
p.m.m-... ylnu a...\.m.. am. 5:27, uhuu mllmauhkun n-nu: sw
nungaliml lukankamln bululz 1 am 2 an a. umgm. mung man nmm.
um Veham .1. schema am mu run kann march pm schema km din kanan
4 u sP1|\-an dlhm k.enlrIngInnn(aI|l1 membenlahu mnhklmlh hahnwl
senlala seoem P12 bcleh memnunnkln keceaeuan yam same sennuamua
yang dIa\:mI olah sm Wabu hagamanlpun, 571 Ma: benmuw dlrvgan
mdnngnn pegulm nuns-mam ahlxn mm yang memmyu hupma ynng «am
an nmuns sepem wmm flan vlsau mm M: ma. manyebibkan
mas. mm
us Dalam «as .m sn mga ma memhum pemenkuan awn! uemaanp sun
nan membenkan muatzn zwal kepfida am, hmau meflmszhkan sm
mengulzmu wk: .1. hlnlgmn mnmg um. um m..u...ux... bend: um ynng
bemkurln v u an x n 5 an spa mg: mnnynnkan n um um xamemn um.
flsehlbkla um: Iuluklvl bend: mam dun P12 mu huleh menyeu-mun lull:
seoem nu
ma Hlsxl pemenknnn jug: menpenhun mdnpn kenn mean a. Iehav
sw am kaun m. mar. mpumm am-as Pnrhullnn manceknkdln memaama
mg». kun pm me:
«7 wzlauwn sw nan spa man membenkan kmnranuin rnwflenar
men. .n y--mnumum sm anlumku VII,lI1iD\lfllFKldIkHhIIH§ll\Yl"§
mkemuxmn betkanun mp: Whku y-nu manvmumn lraoedevnn Imubm
4 an 5:1 am SP5 man menylmkzn kepnd: mu mzm mum mam
mm H: hahaman belaknng um» sebelah km spa, Indakafla mmngan yam
mm mm nun mm. - keeederun m. mm mm Dun
sm H\JiykVVuflusH1Pn3xtW ‘“
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
449 SP1dw $P2|\¢akmembenkan apnpa kslevangan rvtevmevlaikuadun
my bedaku dw mam lumah rempat kepdnan yang mm rnenpednskln pasaalan
mv manakah saksrsalm pendakwaan yang lam mm melmat Tennduh bevada
.1. .u. mm sm, dun dawn kududukln Tenuduh sapem m. max mungkm
nnmuh man mnnyebnnkun kaudavun a. blnlgwln bnllkung bldun ubu-h
km sm
4 so r-mu vendakwnn ‘ugn mu mengemukakzn kmemngan henrennn
dmgan ksan msmh a. wane: Dsnldl dun haganmarm spa wen mendnpm
4 51 sva ad: mengambflsefiarah pesaknsebaqmmana yangzexan dlmtalkan
dalam Lapel!!! Farmalzn P15‘ dalam selaran velakrl mu man msmwdkzn
bnhnwa “rm patient .g . an yams am Ma/my lady wvlh undnnymg ayslvpodamm,
Ivodannllvve-1 ..m« by mm mum o/anmsa was .:.n.>.a usmvlslu’ mac:
(leak umy-Iakan ism: Id: “kncwn person“ I11 ntermuk keeadn mmam. um-m
has wu
452 can my «em-man. mahkamall um mummnun um. -mum
kudu: um. um: m pm mum, wlhm u... lmllpnl y.... dlulzulknn u. m
pcnudulun. nmaun mg.» . ng . mm. in m.
mun-. mun ulna! Imtuk amuuuu... allh nlrulx Dnndnlmun.
4:, ...... .4. plan mum, .,.n.. .1... ......,.. ,.... .::..:....a.... mu...
..m.a..».... rmuuun .........m...... mu... ma. ,.... mu .n...n.u...
....m.-u ubmn...,
4 5: Pmzk penaakvman man mengemukakan xemangan yang benkm umuk
ntembukhkzn alemall venudumn my my: dahm kgs ml
4.; Kzlzrnngnn spa ynnglehh melmmhnuduh nednng dudukm mm
sm :1! mm mmlll Iarsebul dun mum swm mllum Iva . n
Tenuduh nan memm «am ‘llnfi -wanna clan Tecwmm
sm »u=mv.n.;m mm 1"
mm. smm ...m.Mm .. LAIQ4 m mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII murm pm.‘
2 5 ram mnkh kzudun pm 1045 paw juga‘ um»: sou din pawkan
sedanu membual mndaan m kamasan Amu. salnh searam inggmz ymg
helslnu sm mm Psrrungku Saqan mam 157371 Munaman Snamm Zzmnhm
lsmml Izlan mg.mpau...m pangg\IInInIa4u1I uunpldl urlng mm mallpmun
hnhlwn um-pa: mm. kqnaun ovum mlnglmuk m knwnsnn an mu
25 5P4 dam anggma (elah pevgw Iv: Iempat lueisdun an Ivuhhal vamzl
om amm mm .1. Inmpal xqamm helau mm a.u...,..m.. mg." searing
mum mg mum helah mamamnk flan mundur mnndlr a. hadanan selman
27 spn Isiah nwmpemenzkan a. sebagaw pans kepada lelakn Melzyu
Iersehm dengpn mermmukkzn kw kuau palm snemvwyl Vulakw Mshyu mean
man menyer-n an an sm Lem: memmm mam... um Ieuk: Meluyu
berubm um. um w.n..a¢m hm Mm.» ynnimn memvnkm Tamaun a. m
2 :4 sm kemumannya man memhaw: am reamm. ke sum.“ Susnun
Jsnuylh wn Ann unluk (Ind-kun mum
29 Melnlm pemenksun yang dualznkzn uhh sm dan sws yang
mempakan pegawal peruhalan Hasmlm Tuankn Fnuzuh‘ mu. yang «em
m...,.:.m.. pnmmkuan mu flan mambenkan mwalan mm ksduawa SP7
dun spa m-ngnlhlun mm mnngu rsm mervglhml um (Iunun
henna 1 mm 2 ml 4. mm 1': ulikzng mu. ubvhh km hbim m ubeuh
Bias um dun kesan mevlh old: sebclah km an kanln Vuher
21:2 Tnmlduhkamuflmmyll -n dnuaun ¢ mm mahkukan
mun.» an buwlh «man :24 Klnun Kueklun dvb-u mum.
semen 325:. Kanun mmaan
3. xznunuxun unnmrsuunms
31 Seluyun um Kcmm mum um.» “V.l‘} man
u (unu nuhkumlh .1. mm ken mm plndlkwl-n
mambimmukkln wk...
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv 3
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
Temmuh mm menyamhktn mg mg drpeqlnqnyn mm.
smonnpa malawzn‘
rm Kelevangnn men 5943 yang menynmkzn hahmn mm. Lem ohh sw mum. sm mun amknm men nnlkbeluu
v-nu mm dllam mm»
to; Ken: Iersebm Ielah dnemkkan am. swa m alas sehuah mnnnm
Wkuk ubemm sm memhual mnnmg nemaaap kens mrsabul
mm m mam ken m. den mambungkul ken: mew: unluk
maernnknn up:-1: :44. an
(41) spa Ada mevekmlhn sq...» peulul yang menyatzkan hnhlwl
sm mermakwz umxam dengan meqggunakan kens
4 54 mm baummlnapun‘ kallnngan mu svs dun sm max auaman
oleh sun tan sv2 m nuhkamnh iplhwla u=a_.u...ny. ervpgin mambevlkzn
keherafluan atau meroesahkan manarmana dokumerv
455 Sehlvmmn
penudunan sehmh law pmak pendnkwann mm mangmmkakan kemnpm
xmanan av: my berlaku dahm man No 44, Jalan ma 5. mm mu‘ Poms
sebngmmnna penuduhsn dam saml mu kzlu unzy mu mgunmn Mbagaw
setuata yang men menyehackan kemauan pm mm flan mesa hegafllan
m dullm vmuh mum man I-1-k
dlpllln mlhklm-h dlhm aiemnn kadui hlgi
4 56 can my uamxuan, mlhkama munllnuslun bahawi "mm:
mg. um. um: .4. pm urilduwnkw din mmpllylng din-hulk-n dalln
pumdumn I-mm-m man mmum... "mm. mm. ,.... mm dlgmuknn
uh: mum. noun nnnyubuhkan Immaflln um. mm unmk mhunukan
olan nihnh p-m.u»......
sm »u=ym.n.m mm 2‘
“Nair 5.4.4 n-nhnrwm .. HIGH .4 mm .. mm-y mm: dun-mm VII mum W
51 Bemasanan pe...u..a;. kaemngan seam mammum u=.m.a.p
ksuamua saxmaxn pauaaxwun, Mahiamm bevuandavak bahawa pm
mnmbulmkln uelwlv mlw vemuumun a. mm saluyan :2: mm. Knekuln
dwbaca benama "men azsa Karlun xmuaan vane mm ptlak pendakwaan
(ehh man umuk mcmbulmkan aleman ksdxa an mg. haw pa-waumn
u-9-I unluk menwumum kahunuun yansl Iwkun unluk
52 Earuauman axasama-.n m ms, mahkamah IN mama»... whak
Dlndlkwnn um um: unluk mnw-mm... sullu m pm. Isa: mm-o
rarvuduh ab! Delludman yam: mmmm Iemadavnyi din daupldn
kemedangln yang dnkemukikzn adahh mu lslamal mum mslII:lIpg\'\ Tulluduh
memhela am alas penmun... Izvsebul flan mahkamah m. max husema unluk
mensabmrzn Yamuuuh pka vembelaln dlpanggn darn Taluduh memmn mm
bemmm am
53 Om! yam demwkwan‘ Termfluh aerial’: uh anew: flan mnemm
dlnnadi pamumun m bawuh seksyw :2: Kanun Kuelsun muse: banana
seksyen am Kanun Kseksaan ransom Ianpa peflu mpanggu unmk
membeh am
a.n...n. 2 1...“... 2:224
An: R u
M. van
Mahkamah M mm Kznaav
349» mhak pendakwaan Puan Nunn mm mm Ab. Rama
am pm T-«um». mm mm bin Nam!-n
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
1:: ma cm. ofplunuwnorr) Muhhanuh nevmnllah mevvunusun um: ea. mluk
pevmakwun my. heavy: unluk nvengemukalcan iualu kas prim: fine temenep
Temmuh mas pemnduhin hemsdnpnya mu Itdak Iabahml meme-m amine
kapumlan nmuk memamu Yemaduh membelndm uaspemnduhxn Iemadnpnya
-uu me\lDIIkIn an membooukln Tenuduh lanpl rmmlnflgfl Yenudun unluk
rmmbwh am
:4 2 mum.» Psrxekmuarl man has Puhhc Prouctnorv Mondknal
gm figguzgmz v cg 457 mun menwanxkan Panduan wapada Mahkzmah
bekanaan mgas mankamah a. akmv ka pasdahwnn .4» men. Gap!‘ Sn nun JCA
(u n. men wn) mun mlnyaukan seoam Mug beak-n
-a For me aufllnuu M In: cam: b=\aw. wn umnnniu .. 7nHova lm ms-
Ihal ihuuld be um by - Inil man 1 me dale ov me Wu:E<:mun'x clue
on In: don M an pvouemarru em, wbjoa mt mm. M By «-
arnncuncn m momnmym 3 minimum EVIIIIIIWI cu-my Iuuwnru
thn mdmhty av sad: eme wasecunou : Mmesses me mm mm.“
.u mumubk rrflmunas we: may be mwn mm ma ewaenee wme
nvmonau mm M Iwo a man mmnau, V-an amw me mlomueo Inn
mul imnurubla lo we Iwmd
(up uk ynunaw m. qx—|mn m m cal! upon me wowed m mm M
defence Ind :u.m.m.m..n mm am Vpvopavdle ::uw\r.1 mm an
m. mm. new Mien mi’ w an nnwm lo um um I-en 1| wee:
mu a pm: rm =59 ha: been «me out Ind m. dflanu: mama bu
uflw Wme arrswa n We‘ mew apnma lame use ms nu! bea\ m-It
au|:naxM aoousad mm be iequmed‘
my me mm. m cahd‘ IM nnculd em. In mm um mm
my Illav dnlsmx .. am In: iccuud was 1: gm wduwm Dun .e
Inmuah ». - 1:: m on m Mu V Pubic PmuwrorI1vE.'!I!LNS :2
new Mu 25:
em Huiykwunuslfl menu ‘
«mm. smm be LAIQ4 m may he mm-y em. dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
: 3 Pzvkmull pnml lam‘: max an-mmun m own KTJ
Wa\au hagalmnnapun, Mnhkamah Pecsekmuan dnlnm ken Bnlncanlndnn V. pp
must 1 cu H mm 1 AM}! :2 mm: 2 ML: J01 man mengrmman
beokcmnn um puma mg . ylng mnkm
In mlItIMdeuohhvcuuVuvlhnnroucuI~oI\ww|d0¢valo«bu mm
ndence swam la cmmn he accused w M em. m mam Mam? Wlhe
aniwen nnmeamnnlmemevu - Vlmavwemse hasbeeu mlfle out ms
mm. an ac naeosvly‘ mam - cmmoerwon 04 me exxsle-me .4 my
VI-mnlbh mu m In cal: m (M pmhcmcn w um. my man mum
mum an n. no Wm: 7:1): can
a a ummn aw..." dalam kc: Lnol x... and mu. p.....m..
Amugaua man 2 Mu ss; (ms) 2 um 11 my. manlhuraman
m....... uuln umuk rnenanmknn um: .4. pm. V109 um. um...“ ...u
m .....m M. ».m.r
“In nu! ruipeoaml new we oenen mu m be ippfied m u:«:mu\nmg mam
. puma lam: can hu Iron mad: am under ; am (hi wand
-paw lo . mu war 5 173 :2! m. cvcy u ml -. omummeu m mt Mlwmern
of ><m.~. Veap Sam F1 (:5 us men -my -n om Mawzr hm Hash m a. Nlm
mm [1ie3l2MLJ232m
p 2712 ‘Tu Iumnunu, u wnulfl mmun apudav mm luvlng mgam m n.
pnsnnwnn mam. mama u hr. . pnml has nun n rum ban
nlahlmhed mm Notdm mm and Am Abdulhh we xm»v\d aocmed now
me Mum mma mm umnu memnunnu mm wamnlmexrmnvwmen m
um waves :1 may em |o mm am now mm. n me may as pevvemy
mm m use wen mown may m bum ma undot m. Em-vumy
x-uuunm-1 ma in-tum u an way u. onnvnbd vim: mm. mum
m vnd mm semn 34 mm. P-n2! cagy»mm.rum.qu.nmn um um
negmv we lie mrvflxem m m: mm: M hive |ul1 mum bean: V»: M
mmw m lhe -mevndm . mg: am. enemy. um my». mum.»
laannd 9-mm In mm. um .1 m. clan M an Wouumnn nu Fnmmr m
was nwunn m m Vnquslanvn Imam-an M Pamamenl as axpmud m we
Iznguzgn empmynd byntomvwmal mmnome be: dualenvcmlrya judge
umvfim-nan mcuudqhr.1Iln:un:m mum uluwemam Pzvum V
sm H\JiykVVuflusH1Pn:h-mi 5
«mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
I<9M 1 M1177 Inmmvwmu mm: m..m.mymmg m M: Ilnuulle m :2. rglxnfiyfnrmulllsd 5 vggm
vnnumx - mu. mww mg was In M. . mmmum eyuumu um mm mm
[M ma...» .-a. us mm: m -. mllu . maximum wilullmn m mam
vnmhwv Io comma av ml at In: mm: mm pm-unm tx-
u manor: Mews man than rs envy um vxuuu mm . mg. mm we
may 5 mom IN cpc has to und-«aka am. due mm p-u-mum. and
He man man we vvuuewon Wanna Ia mlxdmum .y.x..m m In ..x
yummy. unlmm w v dyad: «a nu man In: men»: mm NI wm. no
h: an: m mmlm mung .m n pvwnmn m wvmd mm on we may of we
evnemz cmnxlmsd m me umlemlmn me: u II: anawev s \n me neqmm lat
no hum: an an: nu men mbdu ul um me manned nculv ha -nmbd u m
nwuulu ~
:5 Sarsyen 324 Kamm Keieksaan man mampemrmlkkan xepnm
'Vnl|mmlW musing mm aydarrsmwu wzsums nrmeans
224 VI/Mnwv, -nxnlm m.c.-«pm-u:..uun>y Mdrnn :34 yumnnvymm
mm by menu .2 My mmmvmn my s-molmu mam at among, :1 my
mllumemvmcfl, usedaanwsaoovvnlolloncv um-otymcmsaoam, army
m...m.a wupavv u spamea wmrm m
@ my mum aim or my mm lubwanco
or ny rmans :4 my P114512" ar any wrroave smalanoe cl by mean: cl any
expiomve mwam any means olany wflswme mm n y: aslsmmmt m the
human bow to mama. to mm. one mm mm mo mend. any Mun: M
my mm mm Wmarnd mm rmwvswvnarl fur: lurm mm. may enlcnd m
‘Ion my; Mwrlh my :1 win wmwma 9: mm My two a!:umD44rushmev1Ia'
an Sn1.|muInyn llklyln am Knnun K.-eumn cam mlmperumukiun
mkumin yang mm
"Pums/lment Var caaxm mm m spasm. Vomersnwsey up
412 M/haw-I mm mm (1: ms spam: av iwmur wan", - mm m
mmunmnlod mm oralhvrmmb-r HIM: flmilr and commux an Menus
sm H\Jiyk7VunusH1Pn:h-IVE ‘
«mm. smm nmmwm .. U... w my me mmuny -mm: dnuamnl y. mum Wm!
wmmsarvrnwl Var . mm mm may autumn in: mm! aims mamnmm lam! far
mm he wuuldnavebeen/Aabve on mrmrrron for ma! Mleoceundenne mevan:
mm ruawltndzrntng any Lmwmmm plov-otd for ma: ofltvlcv -
3 7 Bag: mengsnukakzn suam kes puma lame Ramadan Tennduh flalam
kn an bzwah saskyen :24 Kanun Kssakuan yaw dlbau bersama
senyen :23. Knnun Keseknln, pmak peudlkvaan nandaklilu nmluluukkzn
bnnnw rmpllhmlpnln kenmnn ymg mum mu. aum.m mm
(a) pad: mm, wakm din lemankyang msehmkm flalim penuamun
mangsa adalah bu mam Tenuduh
10} nnuaun am-an pew-pl am-auungm. mm llu m-nyll‘
ya; mun-m menugunakan seouah kem yang ma mgunmn sebagaw
aalulh halal: menyeoanm mmun
41 Bedaulkan Mu ynvg mkemukmn men pmax peudakwun, In
H: nanapan Mahkamah aaahn sevem yang mm
4.; um. udl pm mum wlhm dun Irmpll ylng duebulkun fllhm
pumuumn mawu mam. mu heard: muuuh,
rm sama ads ma Iankh, wakm flan mm yang msehmkan dman
nenuuunan, Tenuduh danaan sum: mandatanqkan cedar: K:
.m m-ngu, .1...
(cl hm; -1- wad. Ixnkh mm can my-1 v-nu dmcbmaln dallm
pedmduhnn remmn mewlgqunikzll aabwllh kzvix yiw mu
mgunaian sehagav secuain [mien menyenamn kematnan
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv ’
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
IaJ Sam: ans Dada hnkh. vnklu flan c-mun ma umxsuum. aan-m
pnnufluhln mnngxx mhlah ihu mm Yofluduh
4 2 Baa: will naruma max paman paaa mnaaua mas: dwvemkawkan bahzwa
rvungu uhu sm dlhm kn w «man mu kapadl Tevluduh
43 sm dzlam huvemwannw memakmmkan naruwa behau man ke
nuhknmah mm memx bank kes lemadapz avuk man yang bemaml Mohd
Wafindmn hm Mazelan
u Kalanmuan sum luv Man dwwmwny Nah kelavarvsln swz yum
memuldumkun mm be u M. hem ml unluk mannnk mu K51 ylng
mam armri om: yang mmpaun manqla dlnnan ahanu behau yang M1:
membakan Temoduh dalam kes VII!
45 suamu-ya mu svu yang Jug: mampam Faglwm wanymun
|uql mlngls-Ink-n x...a.... yung
mum kn om mnmblnkln u.r.....g... mu.
beriaku memmm Ihu denunn mu kindung
A6 ouh yang dermknan mihklmlh im mmummn mum inllplli
nmam mm mu mum. man an annual y-no flluhulun mun
Difluduhln m-nun mm. Ihu mm Y-mam: ul-n n-My: Imluk
dlhukikan um plluk pondllliuln.
as; sun. am pm mum, mm .1... Inmpn ynng nfisebunun mm
pemuunan, Yemmuh dengan ungap rnendavangkan udeu k: ab:
4 7 Bzmubunw denwan mmpilv xeaua, dalam my vm loeladxan mauamna
dalam pemsduhin man muxan bevhku pad: mmma jam mm. Ituvinn
1a.1s mu, benempnldlxlnmnlmmnhflmu, ;.m.n1.s. RFAAuu. Perils.
4a sm mm Pegrw . Fanymul ma-a mm».-nu new main an
a-mu bah: ole?! mun p-moan-an man marwilikan bahawa haul uaiatzn
sw HU=yk7VuflusH1Pn:lxlW 5
«ma smm be used .a mm ma mm-y mm: dun-mm VII muNG v-vrm
beivau «=1-am. semmmm dmam Denuduhan mkmkan Iemh mm flalam
Iumah Na 44, man up 5‘ an mu. azwo Am, Pems. Mahkanuh memauk
mevangan spa mm. membeukan kelzmngan dnlam pememaan mm
men Bmak pernbelaan sepem yang mm.
s saoxmas sun RUJUK vazzusem a mum ws5TuAN su
muux MUKA suan xsnm sun um Awux KEPADA I-mus
xsswn xaunuw D<xArAxAu ssmxu m Auluur no 44
mm rm 5 an Amu um mm mm EERI xemwcm
Ksmnml aamxu D1 mm; Rumm
J ssmu
4 9 Dalam kas wu nka anew katminuan salunaksl pendakwaan bemwh
dlnpadi sw ImggnM104lemklmSFI4,l\dlxndnkst2mngan dlxemukakm nigh
max swam... memanm nu yam: mm mm. son an. Iamm
w/12/2921 mu rem mm: «o 15 mm «mm mmnh bu-llnul No. 44 an n
rm 5. EPA Am. Ann. Poms
4 cu mum xemangan sru helsau menyalakan dauvaua nasu susatzn
umu, Tsnuduh mm M: am am an m up mm-gm. m. dlpll damn
mm: mm mun... n=.m.m. Ray: «mm
mp-xx. m...n.;... Duh-u xlm
mg benkm
s sEYE:usMvA nu vanznscsm Ia psnmum snxsl. xmu
ummw Msn smsmm mam wwcsn mm urnxm
man Amwm BERDASARKAN smsama Kmu, men Kmu
NVAYAKAN aaeamm xmu amen mm wmvm mu»
J aenuasuwu msu smsanu sum Mmssa mLw=An
vmu nmxm om on ozuam mznecaumuu szmun
«sans an m rzusnxum ATAU mm xzrsmaaaw um;
mazawm men wwssa seumm KEPADA an sum,
EERSANGKM Asw nzpom uumozl Pu»: Im smm
411 wmu any mununu/I SP1dnn svz dllnm kn: mum-n mambenkan
kgmvilwan m manmun wahnvun keduardnanyl (elm um kg mlhmmah flan
nxenaavsm Iumpah dahm kandaw um umuk mamnen kalarinpin mefluami
u,.a.a.. yang mpemnduhkzn xemnanv Tenuduh
sm HUiykVVuflusH1Pn:lxnv 3
mm. smm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm: dnuumnl VII mum Wm!
412 sm um um ks mlhkmuh an dalim lunar-Inganlvyl msflyflikln
seam yang human
5 Pu»: unu mum cums xz wwmm mm mm
4 vwum saw. mum: mm um ADALAN uurux msumx amx
Kss mm saw. MOHD wAnuumN am mzsum an nmx
Bznmsmv UNYUK MEMBERI APA»APA xsrssumm mum
xzs M
4 I3 sm mm»... mam! mm.u.m enggnn memhanknn .u. p. 4.. am... am... pemenlunn uumn mu... mu dmquk mg."
.9. .9. autumn boounzn kaudun mam: lam: :1 ml n.u.. mu... mun
Inn merwlulun mu." mu... aw... u. mahkamnn umnh unluk menmk
bilrk kn
414 sP14 dalam kes W M. berseluyu dengan mdnngan nmak pembeman
bahlwl sn mu.» mu mats mm dllam mmah umau kanadun a...
nIl|hI|ka1-mun yum} .1.m.x... ..n.x.. .1... mm manmuknl mm... a... ylng
berrnku dun .w.x mu. .m
us Sebagamunn 5P1 spz ,..g. enggln membenknn u.»..m.n
mingevm Mjldmn, .. .n mn. duanl mengeruv MM: .1. SP2 mm.
mumvul mm.» bernmu sm, mm M. mm meruiwlls son A benabul
us SP2 mu mmjuk mengevul lzponn polh ynng um... nleh helm
bemanaan keladun mm. Alan men 3511/2| nose) Iandungnn d-lam men Jug:
um dnslhknn nun SP2 mum-Inun 5P1
411 Wmaunlm sum menyavaxan haul slasalan behau ltefiman dllvalakan
wan. m dlhm rumah mum nus: ad: mnaman lam yang uapil mamnaiul
u.,.m.n ylng mm aw cum runuh
4 In sum wlanjutnya Jervis: man one» Tlmbahn Pendakwa Ray. yang
Ievnemar menpemau mmusan snasnlnn helm mu menyalakan sepem yang
sm H\Jiyk7VanusH1Pn:h-IV! ‘°
«W. s.n.\ nmhnrwm .. LAIQ4 w may he mm-y mm. dnuumnl VII .mm Wm!
| 2,854 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
JA-A53KJ-365-05/2021 | PLAINTIF KIRUBAKARAN A/L MUNIANDY DEFENDAN 1. ) NADRAJAN A/L CHEN CHIAH 2. ) SUGUMARAN A/L KRISHNAN | Kemalangan jalan raya - tiada saksi mata di pihak plaintif - laporan polis defendan bercanggah - sama ada plaintif berjaya membuktikan kesnya terhadap defendan | 02/01/2024 | Puan Lailawati Binti Ali | |
JA-A53KJ-365-05/2021 Kirubakaran a/l Muniandy v Nadrajan a/l Chen Niah & 2 Lagi
JA-A53KJ-365-05/2021 Kirubakaran a/l Muniandy v Nadrajan a/l Chen
Niah & 2 Lagi
GUAMAN SIVIL NO. JA – A53KJ – 365 – 05 /2021
(Company No. 44191-P) … DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
1. Ini merupakan tuntutan plaintif terhadap defendan pertama (D1)
dan kedua (D2) yang timbul daripada satu kemalangan jalan raya
yang berlaku pada 9.7.2016. Di akhir kes perbicaraan Mahkamah
telah menolak tuntutan plaintif terhadap D1 dan D2 dengan kos.
Mahkamah juga membuat taksiran gantirugi provisional bagi
gantirugi am dan khas yang berkenaan. Plaintif tidak berpuashati
terhadap keseluruhan keputusan Mahkamah dan telah merayu ke
Mahkamah Tinggi.
2. Defendan ketiga (D3) pula merupakan penanggung insuran
motorsikal yang ditunggang D1 dan dimiliki oleh D2 di dalam kes ini.
D3 memfailkan tuntutan balas terhadap plaintif yang mana juga
ditolak oleh Mahkamah dengan kos. D3 tidak memfailkan rayuan
terhadap keputusan Mahkamah tersebut.
02/01/2024 15:46:12
JA-A53KJ-365-05/2021 Kand. 99
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3. Mahkamah kini mengemukakan alasan-alasannya seperti berikut.
4. Kemalangan jalan raya yang melibatkan plaintif dan defendan-
defendan yang menjadi kausa tindakan di dalam kes ini diplidkan di
dalam Penyata Tuntutan Plaintif seperti berikut:
“Pada 09 Julai 2016 lebih kurang 5.30 pagi plaintif secara sah di sisi
undang-undang sedang menunggang motorsikal berdaftar no. PKA
2836 dan apabila sampai di KM 8 Jalan Johor Bharu Air Hitam
semasa plaintif bergerak terus dan secara tiba-tiba motorsikal
berdaftar no JPQ 3957 yang dipandu dengan cuainya oleh defendan
pertama telah melanggar motorsikal yang ditunggang oleh plaintif
lalu menyebabkan plaintif terjatuh.”
5. Saksi-saksi yang dipanggil oleh plaintif untuk membuktikan kesnya
i. Dr Nabilah binti Halim dari Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor
Bharu (HSAJB) – SP1
ii. Sarjan Azim bin Ab Samad (pegawai penyiasat warisan) – SP2
iii. Dr Norbaizura Ismail dari HSAJB – SP3
iv. Nagendran Rajamanickam (sepupu plaintif) – SP4
v. Sarojini a/p Subramaniam (ibu plaintif) – SP5
vi. Devi a/p Subramaniam (Ibu saudara plaintif) – SP6
vii. Kirubakaran a/l Munaindy – SP7
viii. Muniandy a/l Iyaroo (bapa plaintif) – SP8
ix. Shin Chin Ai (CPO) – SP9
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6. D1 dan D2 tidak memanggil mana-mana saksi. Manakala D3 pula
merupakan penangungan insuran motorsikal JPQ 3957 yang
ditunggang oleh D1 dan dimiliki oleh D2. D3 telah dijadikan defendan
ketiga di dalam tindakan ini melalui satu Notis Permohonan untuk
Mencelah yang dibenarkan oleh Mahkamah pada 2.12.2021. D3 juga
tidak memanggil mana-mana saksi di dalam kes ini.
Versi Plaintif
7. SP1 merupakan doctor yang menyediakan laporan perubatan awal
dari Klinik Pakar Neurosurgeri HSAJB bertarikh 18.8.2018 dan
ditandakan sebagai eksibit P1.
8. Di dalam P1 tersebut dicatitkan: ‘Brief description of accident: MB
rider, unsure mechanism and was found by roadside by passerby.’
9. Maklumat ini diterima daripada paramedik yang membawa plaintif
ke HSAJB pada hari kejadian.
10. Saksi seterusnya ialah pegawai penyiasat warisan iaitu SP2.
Keterangan SP2 adalah berdasarkan kertas siasatan sahaja kerana
pegawai penyiasat asal Sarjan Yusoff bin Adon telah bersara.
Menurut kertas siasatan, laporan-laporan polis yang diterima
berkaitan kes ini ialah:
i. Laporan polis Trafik Johor Bharu (S) 015926/16 (eksibit P7)
oleh SP4 bertarikh 27.7.2016 (FIR) iaitu 18 hari selepas Tarikh
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ii. Laporan pembetulan trafik Johor Bharu (S) 015933/16 (eksibit
P8) oleh SP4 bertarikh 27.7.2016;
iii. Laporan polis trafik Johor Bharu (S) 23657/16 oleh SP5
bertarikh 30.10.2016 (eksibit P5);
iv. Laporan pembetulan Trafik Johor Bharu (S) 23658/16 oleh
SP5 bertarikh 30.10.2016 (eksibit P9);
v. Laporan Trafik Johor Bharu (S) 023307/2016 oleh Nadrajan
a/l Chen Niah bertarikh 26.10.2016 (eksibit IDD4);
vi. Laporan pembetulan Trafik Johor Bharu (S) 026517/16 oleh
Nadrajan a/l Chen Niah bertarikh 5.12.2016 (eksibit IDD6).
11. Menurut SP2, pegawai penyiasat asal menyediakan rajah kasar iaitu
eksibit P10. Pemeriksaan ke atas kedua-dua motorsikal yang
kononnya didakwa terlibat tidak dilakukan kerana tidak dibawa ke
12. Selain laporan-laporan polis yang diterima, SP2 menyatakan tiada
keterangan senyap di dalam kes ini untuk membuktikan kemalangan
berlaku di dalam tindakan ini.
13. SP2 setuju memandangkan FIR di dalam kes ini (eksibit P7)
menyatakan kemalangan disebabkan plaintif terbabas sendiri maka
tiada siasatan akan dilakukan.
14. Keterangan D1 ada dirakam pada 26.10.2016 iaitu pada hari D1
membuat laporan polis IDD4. Tiada rakaman percakapan dibuat
selepas D1 membuat laporan polis keduanya iaitu IDD6. Menurut SP2
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juga versi kemalangan yang dikemukakan oleh D1 berdasarkan
laporan-laporan polisnya adalah bercanggah antara satu sama lain.
15. Mengenai kelewatan D1 membuat laporan polis, SP2 memberitahu
alasan yang diberikan oleh D1 ialah D1 telah memberikan nombor
telefonnya kepada bapa plaintif (SP8).
16. Keputusan siasatan ialah Refer to Magistrate (RTM) pada 28.7.2018
kerana kes dianggap tidak selesai tanpa plaintif membuat laporan
17. Keterangan SP4 iaitu sepupu kepada plaintif ialah beliau menerima
panggilan telefon daripada ibu plaintif (SP5) pada 9.7.2016 pada jam
lebih kurang 8.00 pagi memaklumkan plaintif mengalami
kemalangan di KM 8 Jalan Johor Bharu Air Hitam. SP4 pergi ke tempat
yang dimaklumkan dan mendapati plaintif dan motorsikalnya tiada
di sana. SP4 terus ke HSAJB dan mendapati plaintif sedang menerima
rawatan di ICU di HSAJB. SP4 terus memaklumkan SP5 mengenai
keadaan plaintif dan SP5 dan SP6 datang dari Kedah ke Johor Bharu
keesokan harinya melihat keadaan plaintif sendiri.
18. SP4 membuat laporan polis 18 hari selepas itu selepas diminta oleh
doctor di HSAJB kerana plaintif mengalami kecederaan serius. SP4
membuat laporan polisnya iaitu P7 pada 27.7.2016. SP4 tidak tahu
bagaimana kemalangan boleh menimpa plaintif dan di dalam P7
menyatakan plaintif terbabas sendiri berdasarkan apa yang
dimaklumkan oleh SP5.
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19. Keterangan SP5 pula ialah beliau menerima panggilan telefon
daripada seorang lelaki India yang tidak dikenali pada 9.7.2016 yang
memaklumkan tentang kemalangan yang menimpa plaintif. SP5
menelefon SP4 dan meminta SP4 mengesahkannya.
20. Setelah mendapat pengesahan daripada SP4, SP5 dan SP6 terus
datang ke Johor Bharu dari Sg Petani, Kedah dan melihat plaintif di
HSAJB keesokan harinya. Hari kedua mereka di HSJAB, mereka telah
didatangi oleh seorang lelaki yang bernama ‘Rajan’ yang
memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai kawan plaintif. Rajan ini telah
memberikan nombor telefonnya kepada SP6 dan memberitahu akan
membantu mereka dari segi kewangan sekiranya perlu. Rajan juga
ada mengambil nombor telefon SP6 pada masa pertemuan di HSAJB
21. Dalam bulan Oktober 2016, semasa plaintif sudah dibawa pulang ke
Sg Petani, Kedah, SP5 dan SP6 menerima panggilan telefon daripada
Rajan dan bertanya khabar keadaan plaintif. Semasa panggilan ini,
Rajan mengaku telah melanggar plaintif pada hari kejadian tersebut.
SP5 dan SP6 sangat marah dan meminta Rajan membuat laporan
polis. Sekiranya Rajan gagal, SP6 akan memberikan nombor telefon
Rajan kepada polis. Rajan berjanji akan membuat laporan polis
mengenai kemalangan tersebut.
22. SP5 menyatakan selepas perbualan dengan Rajan tersebut beliau
membuat laporan polisnya P5 pada 30.10.2016 di Kuala Muda Kedah.
Penjelasan SP5 mengenai kelewatan membuat laporan polis ini ialah
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kerana ingin tunggu plaintif sembuh untuk mengetahui bagaimana
kemalangan boleh berlaku. Namun begitu semasa di soalbalas
jawapan SP5 pula ialah laporan polis dibuat kerana ingin membawa
plaintif balik ke rumah di Sg Petani.
23. SP5 bersetuju bahawa di dalam laporan polisnya P5 tidak dinyatakan
penglibatan D1 di dalam kemalangan tersebut sunggupun mengakui
P5 dibuat selepas perbualan telefon dengan Rajan tersebut.
24. Keterangan SP6 adalah lebih kurang sama dengan keterangan SP5
mengenai pertemuan mereka dengan Rajan di HSAJB dan perbualan
telefon dengan Rajan dalam bulan Oktober 2016. SP6 sendiri tidak
membuat laporan polis selepas mengetahui penglibatan Rajan di
dalam kemalangan tersebut. SP6 juga tidak tahu bahawa isterinya
SP5 ada membuat laporan polis iaitu P5 di dalam kes ini.
25. SP7 juga memberi keterangan dan secara ringkasnya beliau
menyatakan selepas kemalangan beliau tidak ingat apa yang berlaku.
SP7 tidak tahu bagaimana kemalangan berlaku. SP7 menyatakan
dilanggar oleh motorsikal selepas ibunya memberitahu sedemikian.
SP7 tidak tahu tujuan beliau memberi keterangan semasa
26. Hujahan plaintif ialah berdasarkan keterangan SP5 dan SP6 dan
merujuk kepada IDD4 dan IDD6 yang dibuat oleh D1, kemalangan ini
diakibatkan kecuaian D1 yang melanggar motorsikal plaintif pada
masa kejadian. Keterangan-keterangan yang ada adalah mencukupi
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untuk membuktikan kes di atas imbangan kebarangkalian dan
defendan pula tidak mengemukakan versi kemalangan mereka
kerana D1 tidak hadir memberi keterangan. Oleh yang demikian, kes
plaintif gagal disangkal oleh defendan.
Versi D1 dan D2
27. D1 tidak hadir memberi keterangan pada Tarikh yang telah
ditetapkan. Mahkamah tidak membenarkan penangguhan dan D1
dan D2 menutup kes tanpa memanggil saksi.
28. Di dalam Penyata Pembelaan, D1 dan D2 menafikan penglibatan
motorsikal JQP 3957 di dalam kemalangan tersebut. Turut diplidkan
motorsikal JQP 3957 langsung tiada kaitan dalam kemalangan
tersebut dan tuntutan ini mempunyai elemen mempunyai elemen
frod di mana plaintif bertujuan membuat tuntutan palsu di bawah
polisi insuran D1 dan D2.
29. Seperti yang dinyatakan di atas D1 ada membuat 2 laporan polis iaitu
IDD4 dan IDD5.
30. Laporan polis IDD4 yang bertarikh 26.6.2016 menyatakan:
“Pada 09/07/2016 jam lebih kurang 0530 hrs semasa saya sedang
menunggang m/sikal no. JPQ 3957 dari Skudai hendak pergi ke
tempat kerja di Singapore. Apabila sampai di KM 8 Jalan Johor Bharu
– Air Hitam semasa saya sedang jalan terus selekoh sebelah kiri tiba-
tiba sebuah m/sikal no. PKA2836 yang dating dari arah belakang
sebelah kanan telah melanggar motorsikal saya. Saya tidak cedera.
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Kerosakan m/sikal saya di bahagian cover set, lampu dan lain-lain
kerosakan belum pasti.”
31. Laporan pembetulan D1 iaitu IDD6 yang bertarikh 5.12.2016 pula
“Pada 5/12/2016 jam lebih kurang 1844 hrs saya datang ke Pejabat
Pertanyaa Trafik Johor Bharu Selatan untuk membuat pembetulan
report bersabit JBTR: 15926/16. Semasa kemalangan saya telah
melanggar sebuah motorsikal no. PKA 2836 yang telah memotong
m/sikal saya dari arah belakang tepi sebelah kanan bukan beliau
yang melanggar saya dari arah belakang sebelah kanan. Sekian
laporan saya."
32. Adalah hujahan defendan-defendan bahawa setakat keterangan yang
ada plaintif telah gagal membuktikan kesnya terhadap defendan-
defendan. Laporan-laporan polis D1 tidak boleh diterima masuk
sebagai eksibit kerana D1 tidak hadir memberi keterangan.
33. Akta Keterangan 1950 menggariskan bahawa plaintif menanggung
beban pembuktian kesnya terhadap defendan. Seksyen-seksyen 101
“Burden of proof
101.(1) Whoever desires any court to give judgment as to any legal right or
liability, dependent on the existence of facts which he asserts, must prove
that those facts exist.
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(2) When a person is bound to prove the existence of any fact, it is said that
the burden of proof lies on that person.”
34. Di dalam pembuktian tindakan kecuaian, beban pembuktian kes
ditanggung oleh plaintif sepenuhnya. Prinsip undang-undang matan
ini dinyatakan dengan jelas di dalam locus classicus Wong Thin Yit v.
Mohamed Ali [1971] 2 MLJ 175 di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan
“In a negligence action the onus of proof rests wholly on the plaintiff, whether
or not the defendant gives evidence. The plaintiff cannot succeed without
proof of the defendant’s negligence. Evidence is the foundation of proof, with
which it must not be confounded. Proof is that which leads to a conclusion as
to the truth or falsity of alleged facts which are the subject of inquiry.
Evidence, if accepted and believed, may result in proof, but it is not
necessarily proof of itself.”; see 15 Halsbury (3rd Edn.) p. 260.”
35. Di dalam kes ini, tiada seorang pun saksi yang memberi keterangan
benar-benar mengetahui bagaimana kemalangan yang menimpa
plainitf boleh berlaku.
36. FIR di dalam kes ini dibuat 18 hari selepas kejadian dan seperti
keterangan SP2 tiada siasatan dibuat pada masa itu kerana FIR iaitu
P7 menyatakan plaintif terbabas sendiri.
37. Siasatan hanya dibuat pada bulan Oktober 2016 iaitu selepas D1
membuat laporan polisnya IDD4 pada 26.10.2016. Pada masa ini,
sudah lebih 3 bulan kemalangan terjadi dan tiada apa-apa keterangan
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senyap dari segi kesan kemalangan, kerosakan kenderaan mahupun
gambar-gambar polis boleh dijadikan bukti bagi membantu siasatan.
38. Plaintif hanya bersandarkan kesnya kepada keterangan SP5 dan SP6
sepertimana yang dihuraikan di atas dan laporan-laporan polis D1
untuk membuktikan kemalangan ini berlaku disebabkan kecuaian
39. Mahkamah berpendapat keterangan yang dikemukakan oleh plaintif
adalah tidak mencukupi untuk membuktikan kemalangan ini berlaku
akibat penglibatan D1 apatah lagi kecuaian D1. SP5 dan SP6 tiada
pengetahuan langsung (direct knowledge) mengenai kemalangan ini
dan hanya bergantung kepada pengakuan yang dibuat oleh individu
yang mengenalkan dirinya sebagai ‘Rajan’.
40. Malahan laporan polis SP5 sendiri yang kononnya dibuat selepas
panggilan telefon daripada ‘Rajan’ juga tidak menyatakan
penglibatan Rajan di dalam kemalangan tersebut. Adalah sesuatu
yang munasabah bagi SP5 untuk memasukkan pengakuan Rajan di
dalam laporan polisnya sekiranya itu perkara yang sebenarnya
berlaku. Kegagalan SP5 memasukkan maklumat penting tersebut
membuatkan keterangan SP5 ini adalah disyaki dan diragui.
41. Tambah lagi, SP5 juga memberikan keterangan yang bercanggah
mengenai kelewatan membuat laporan polis. Di dalam pemeriksaan
awal beliau memberitahu lewat membuat laporan polis kerana
menunggu plaintif sembuh sedangkan semasa di soal balas SP5
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memberitahu laporan polis hanya dibuat apabila mahu membawa
balik plaintif pulang ke Sg Petani sedangkan semasa P5 dibuat,
plaintif sudah berada di Sg Petani lebih kurang sebulan sebelumnya.
42. Laporan polis P5 juga bercanggah dengan keterangan SP5 di
Mahkamah dan keterangan SP4. Di dalam P5 dinyatakan SP5
menerima panggilan telefon daripada anak saudaranya yang
memaklumkan plaintif terlibat dalam kemalangan pada 9.7.2016.
Sedangkan di dalam keterangan utama SP5 dan keterangan SP4
sendiri, SP5 yang menelefon SP4 dan memberitahu SP4 tentang
kemalangan yang berlaku terhadap plaintif. Di dalam keterangan SP5
di Mahkamah mengatakan beliau menerima panggilan dari seorang
lelaki India yang tidak dikenali dan bukannya dari anak saudaranya.
43. Mahkamah berpendapat percanggahan-percanggahan di atas adalah
material dan menjejaskan keterangan dan kredibiliti SP5. Mahkamah
tidak dapat bergantung kepada keterangan SP5 untuk menentukan
dapatan liability di dalam kes ini.
44. Mahkamah juga mendapati keterangan SP6 tidak dapat menolong
kes plaintif. SP6 sendiri tidak membuat laporan polis selepas
pengakuan Rajan sebaliknya menyuruh Rajan untuk berbuat
demikian. Lebih musykil lagi SP6 sendiri tidak tahu bahawa isterinya
SP5 ada membuat laporan polis P5 selepas perbualan mereka dengan
Rajan tersebut. Dan kedua-dua mereka tidak tahu bahawa D1 telah
membuat laporan polis IDD4 pada 26.10.2016 iaitu 4 hari sebelum
laporan polis SP5. Ini bermakna D1 telah membuat laporan polis
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sebelum SP5 dan SP6 menerima panggilan telefon daripada Rajan
45. SP6 tidak menyimpan apa-apa butiran mengenai Rajan. Nombor
telefon Rajan juga tiada kerana telefon bimbit SP6 sudah hilang.
46. Mahkamah berpendapat tiada apa-apa butiran lanjut dikemukakan
oleh plaintif untuk mengesahkan bahawa Rajan yang ditemui di
Hospital dan yang menelefon SP5 dan SP6 adalah oleh yang sama
yang dinamakan sebagai D1 di dalam kes ini. Hujahan plaintif bahawa
Rajan tersebut merujuk kepada Nadrajan adalah satu kesimpulan
ringkas tanpa apa-apa bukti sokongan. Hakikatnya SP5 dan SP6 tidak
pernah lagi berjumpa dengan Rajan selepas pertemuan di Hospital
tersebut untuk mengesahkan bahawa Rajan tersebut merujuk
kepada orang yang sama.
47. Plaintif juga berhujah IDD4 dan IDD6 boleh diterima masuk oleh
Mahkamah dan digunakan untuk menyokong kes plaintif. Laporan-
laporan polis tersebut mengandungi pengakuan D1 tentang
penglibatannya di dalam kemalangan tersebut.
48. Plaintif telah menggariskan 6 alasan untuk IDD4 dan IDD6 diterima
masuk sebagai eksibit iaitu:
i. Kedua-duanya merupakan ‘public document’ dibawah seksyen
74 Akta Keterangan 1950;
ii. Kedua-duanya menyokong rakaman percakapan D1 yang
dirakam oleh pegawai penyiasat;
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iii. Kedua-dua laporan tersebut dan rakaman percakapan D1
mengandungi pengakuan tentang penglibatan D1 di dalam
iv. Penyata Saksi D1 yang difailkan di Mahkamah menyokong
kedua-dua laporan polis D1 dan rakaman percakapannya;
v. Kedua-dua laporan tersebut boleh diterima masuk dibawah
seksyen 32 dan 73A Akta Keterangan 1950; dan
vi. Tiada apa-apa dokumen yang bertentangan dengan pengakuan
yang terkandung di dalam IDD4 dan IDD6 tersebut.
49. Mahkamah menolak hujahan plaintif dan memutuskan laporan-
laporan polis D1 kekal sebagai “ID” atas beberapa alasan.
Pertamanya, D1 telah gagal hadir tanpa sebab untuk datang memberi
keterangan. Pada Tarikh perbicaraan 10.5.2023 peguambela
defendan memaklumkan Mahkamah bahawa D1 tidak dapat dikesan
sedangkan sebelum ini D1 memberikan kerjasama di mana Penyata
Saksi beliau ada difailkan di Mahkamah. Situasi di mana D1 tidak
hadir Mahkamah untuk memberi keterangan adalah tidak sama
dengan pengecualian yang dibenarkan di bawah seksyen 32 dan
seksyen 73A Akta Keterangan 1950.
50. Keduanya, kedua-dua laporan kandungan laporan ini bercanggah di
antara satu sama lain. Jika diteliti IDD4 D1 mendakwa plaintif yang
melanggar motorsikal D1 dari bahagian sebelah kanan belakang
tetapi di dalam IDD6 D1 mendakwa beliau yang melanggar plaintif
yang ketika itu memotong motorsikalnya dari belakang sebelah
kanan. Perlu diambil perhatian juga bahawa IDD6 dibuat lebih
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kurang sebulan setengah selepas IDD4. Mengambil kira
percanggahan yang material di dalam kandungan kedua-dua laporan
polis tersebut dan jarak masa yang lama untuk D1 membuat laporan
polis IDD4 dan IDD6, Mahkamah berpendapat adalah tidak selamat
untuk menerima masuk kedua-dua laporan polis tersebut sebagai
eksibit tanpa kehadiran D1 memberikan keterangan mengenainya.
51. Ketiga, Mahkamah tidak bersetuju dengan hujahan plaintif bahawa
laporan-laporan polis D1 ini disokong oleh rakaman percakapan D1
semasa disiasat oleh pegawai penyiasat. Keterangan saksi kepada
pihak polis semasa siasatan boleh diterima masuk di dalam kes sivil
bagi tujuan untuk mencabar kredibiliti saksi tersebut sahaja dan
bukannya diterima sebagai keterangan substantive untuk
membuktikan sesuatu kes. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Bong Nyi
Moi v Narayanasamy & Anor [1973] 1 MLJ 250 @ 253 di mana
Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan:
“Apart from what was found at the scene of the accident by the police as
indicated in the sketch plan, the appellant's case rested entirely on the
evidence of Yong. Yong's evidence in court was discredited by what he had told
the police some 5 hours after the accident. It is true that his statement to the
police was not substantive evidence at the trial of the action, but there can be
no doubt that it nullified the effect of his evidence in court as to how the
accident took place.”
52. Di dalam kes di hadapan Mahkamah ini, D1 tidak hadir memberi
keterangan. Oleh yang demikian apa jua keterangan D1 yang
diberikan kepada pegawai penyiasat dan dikemukakan melalui
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pegawai penyiasat hanyalah sekadar keterangan dengar cakap dan
tidak dapat dibuktikan kesahihannya. Jikapun D1 hadir di
Mahkamah, keterangan mengenai rakaman percakapan D1 hanya
boleh digunakan untuk mencabar kredibiliti D1 dan bukannya
dijadikan bukti substantive perkara yang dirujuk di dalam
percakapan tersebut.
53. Keempat, mengenai penyata saksi D1 yang difailkan oleh pihak
defendan, Mahkamah berpendapat penyata saksi tersebut tidak
boleh dijadikan sandaran oleh plaintif untuk menerima masuk IDD4
dan IDD6. Penyata saksi secara lazimnya difailkan lebih awal
daripada Tarikh perbicaraan untuk memudahkan pihak-pihak
terlibat dan Mahkamah meneliti penyata saksi tersebut. Namun
begitu sekiranya saksi tidak hadir ini tidak bermakna penyata saksi
tersebut diterima masuk secara automatik sebagai keterangan. Saksi
masih perlu hadir di Mahkamah dan memberi keterangan sebelum
penyata saksi dijadikan sebahagian daripada keterangan di dalam
54. Di dalam kes ini plaintif tidak boleh bergantung kepada dokumen
yang bukan keterangan (i.e. penyata saksi) sebagai alasan untuk
menerima masuk dokumen-dokumen yang juga belum ditandakan
sebagai eksibit dan diterima masuk sebagai keterangan.
55. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Siti Athirah Bt Mohd Sapuan V
Razanatul Ain Bt Hassan & Anor [2015] 4 MLJ 359 yang memutuskan
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“The learned sessions court judge arrived at this finding based on the first
defendant's police report, a document that was never tendered as evidence in
court. We hardly need to stress here that a court is only bound to consider
evidence that has been properly tendered before it and admitted as evidence.
Anything else should be completely disregarded by the court. In the present
case, the fact remains that since the first defendant did not attend court to
testify, her police report was never tendered as evidence before the sessions
court. As such, both the learned sessions court and High Court judges should
have ignored the first defendant's police report completely when deliberating
on the finding of liability.”
56. Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, Mahkamah mengekalkan IDD4
dan IDD6 sebagai dokumen ÍD’sahaja dan tidak merujuk dan atau
menggunapakai kedua-dua semasa membuat keputusan terhadap
liability di dalam kes ini seperti mana yang diputuskan di dalam kes
Siti Athirah Bt Mohd Sapuan V Razanatul Ain Bt Hassan & Anor, supra.
57. Sekiranya Mahkamah ini terkhilaf di dalam keputusannya menolak
untuk menerima masuk IDD4 dan IDD6 sebagai keterangan dan
kedua-dua IDD4 dan IDD6 sepatutnya diputuskan diterima masuk
sebagai eksibit Mahkamah berpendapat kedua-dua laporan polis
tersebut tidak mempunyai nilai probative untuk membuktikan kes
plaintif atas alasan percanggahan yang material di dalam
kandungannya dan kelewatan melampau oleh D1 membuat kedua-
dua laporan polis tersebut.
58. Mahkamah merujuk kepada kes Karthiyayani & Anor V Lee Leong Sin
& Anor [1975] 1 MLJ mengenai nilai dan keberatan yang boleh
disandarkan kepada laporan polis yang dibuat lewat oleh pihak yang
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berkepentingan di dalam sesuatu kes. Mahkamah Persekutuan
“The main test as to whether there has been a delay in making the report is
whether it was made as early as can reasonably be expected in the circumstances
of the case and before there is opportunity for tutoring or concoction. This, in my
opinion, is also a circumstance tending to affect a witness's impartiality, hence
his veracity which must be taken into account in arriving at a decision.”
59. D1 membuat IDD4 lebih kurang 3 bulan selepas kemalangan berlaku
dan alasan yang diberikan olehnya menurut SP2 ialah kerana D1
telah memberikan nombor telefonnya kepada SP6 semasa berjumpa
di hospital. Alasan yang diberikan (sekiranya benar) adalah tidak
masuk akal dan tidak munasabah. Peruntukan undang-undang
adalah jelas di bawah seksyen 52(2) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan
bahawa kegagalan membuat laporan polis dalam tempoh masa 24
jam merupakan satu kesalahan di sisi undang-undang.
60. Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, atas imbangan kebarangkalian,
Mahkamah memutuskan plaintif telah gagal membuktikan bahawa
kemalangan yang berlaku pada 9.7.2016 tersebut melibatkan
motorsikal yang ditunggang oleh D1. Oleh yang demikian, tuntutan
plaintif terhadap D1 dan D2 ditolak dengan kos.
61. Mahkamah juga tidak menggunapakai anggapan bertentangan di
bawah s 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 atas kegagalan D1 memberi
keterangan atas alasan plaintif gagal untuk membuktikan kesnya
terhadap defendan-defendan (rujuk Che Pah Itam v. Chang Bek Lee
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[1998] 4 CLJ 517). Anggapan bertentangan tersebut hanya terpakai
sekiranya plaintif telah Berjaya membuktikan kesnya terhadap
62. Mahkamah ingin merujuk kepada Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (A Child
Suing Through His Father And Next Friend; Mohd Helmi Abdul Aziz) v.
Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2016] 2 CLJ 885 di mana Abdul Hamid
Embong HMP menyatakan menggariskan prinsip asas gantirugi
seperti berikut:
“It is trite that damages serve as compensation, not a reward, less
still a punishment (see Ong Ah Long v. Dr S Underwood [1983] 2
CLJ 198; 1983] CLJ (Rep) 300; [1983] 2 MLJ 324).
In assessing damages, the court should not be motivated by
sympathy and award fair compensation based on cogent
evidence. The court should not descend into a domain of
speculation. The evaluation of those evidence, which form the
basis of any risk of future damage, must therefore still be
undertaken. And the trial judge can only evaluate such
evidence based on the recognised balance of probabilities
63. Mahkamah kini meneruskan dengan taksiran gantirugi am dan khas
(provisional) untuk kes ini.
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64. Bagi tujuan taksiran gantirugi am, laporan-laporan perubatan yang
difailkan ialah:
a. Laporan perubatan dari Klinik Pakar Surgeri HSAJB bertarikh
b. Laporan perubatan dari Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim (HSAH)
bertarikh 27.7.2017;
c. Laporan perubatan dari HSAH bertarikh 20.8.2019;
d. Laporan perubatan dari Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB)
bertarikh 19.8.2018;
e. Laporan perubatan dari HSB bertarikh 10.9.2019;
f. Laporan klarifikasi dari HSB bertarikh 13.10.2019;
g. Laporan Imaging Oder dari HSAJB bertarikh 9.7.2016;
h. Laporan klarifikasi dari Jabatan Neurosurgeri HSAJB bertarikh
i. Laporan klarifikasi dari Jabatan Neurodsurgeri dari HSAH
bertarikh 16.8.2021;
j. Laporan klarifikasi dari Jabatan Oral Maxillofacial Surgery HSAJB
bertarikh 9.9.2021;
k. Laporan pakar neuro plaintif dari Gleneagles Hospital Penang
bertarikh 14.10.2020;
l. Laporan pakar neuro defendan dari Island Hospital Pulau Pinang
bertarikh 20.1.2022;
m. Laporan pakar ortopedik defendan dari Gleneagles Hospital
Penang bertarikh 14.3.2022.
65. Kesemua laporan-laporan pakar di atas dipersetujui tertakluk
kepada hujahan.
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66. Gantirugi am kecederaan yang dialami plaintif adalah seperti berikut.
i. Polytrauma with severe head injury with left Acute subdural
haemorrhage & multiple facial fracture
67. Laporan perubatan awal plaintif dari HSAJB melaporkan kecederaan
plaintif seperti berikut:
- Loss of consciousness with E1VTM3 pupil 2/2 reactive;
- CT brain done 6 hours post trauma shows left subdural
haemorrhage 1.3 cm with midline shift to the right by 0.7 cm with
bitemporal contusions and efface basal cistern on CT scanning;
- He underwent decompressive craniectomy, clot evacuation,
fasciaduraplasty, right frontal Spiegelberg catherer insertion for
intracranial pressure monitoring on 09/07/2016;
- Repeated CT brain on 11th of July shows hypodense area with
hyperdensities at left temporoparietal region with post operation
- Repeated CT brain on 13th July shows left middle cerebral artery
(MCA) territory infract;
- On 14/08/2016, his condition improved, GCS E4VTM3 on ryles tube
feeding and trachy mask under room air before transferred to
Hospital Sungai Petani.”
68. Plaintif meneruskan rawatan di HSAH Kedah di mana plaintif
didiagnos mengalami ‘severe head injury with left acute subdural
haematoma and bilateral temporal contusion (done left decompressive
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69. Plaintif menjalani pembedahan left cranioplasty buat kali kedua pada
31.3.2019 dan kali terakhir diperiksa di HSB Kedah pada 16.5.2019
mendapati plaintif tiada apa-apa aduan aktif dan luka cranioplasy
telah sembuh dengan baik.
70. Pakar neurosurgeon plaintif memeriksa plaintif pada 5.10.2020
manakala pakar neurosurgeon defendan pula memeriksanya pada
71. Adalah satu prinsip undang-undang matan bahawa laporan
perubatan terkini diberikan keutamaan kerana menunjukkan
keadaan plaintif yang terkini (rujuk Wang Yong Cheng & Anor v
Thiagarajan a/l Arumugam [2019] MLJU 1278).
72. Berdasarkan laporan pakar neuro yang terkini, plaintif dilaporkan
mengalami keilatan antaranya seperti berikut:
• Impairement in orientation, calculation, memory reading,
writing, intersected pentagon, copying, clock face drawing and
Malay proverb interpretation;
• He is able to communicate;
• He was disoriented to date, day, month, year, place and person;
• Mild right facial weakness due to left motor tract injury;
• Right upper limb anf bilateral lower limb impairment due to left
motor tract injury;
• Severe contracture over bilateral hip, left knee and left ankle;
• He was unable to stand and walk
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• He requires assistance to perform his daily activities and cannot
live independently;
• He is able to perfom feeding by himself;
• He needs assistance for dressing, toileting and grooming;
• He was able to put in sitting position on bed recently
• No history of seizure at home.
73. Selain kecederaan pada bahagian otak, plaintif juga mengalami
kepatahan pada beberapa tulang muka dan kepala. Kepatahan
tersebut meliputi:
• Right parietal bone extending to right temporal;
• Right temporal bone fracture extending to right middle ear
cavity. Fluid within right middle ear cavity;
• Right incudo-malleolar dislocation. Fractures extend to 2nd and
3rd parts of right facial nerve canal, fluid within right mastoid
• Fracture line in right temporal bone extends to the right
temporomandibular joint. Minimal right TMJ subluxation with
air locules within the joint space;
• Multiple fractures lateral wall of sphenoid sinus, fluid within
sphenoid and ethmoid sinus, fluids within nasal cavity.
74. Memandangkan kecederaan pada bahagian otak dan tulang muka
dan kepala adalah berada pada bahagian badan yang sama
Mahkamah memutuskan memberikan satu awad global untuk
kecederaan dan keilatan-keilatan yang dialami oleh plaintif. Ini
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adalah selari dengan pendekatan yang diputuskan di dalam kes Tan
Cheong Poh & Anor v Teoh Ah Keow [1996] 3 CLJ 665.
75. Berdasarkan laporan-laporan perubatan yang dikemukakan, plaintif
mengalami kecederaan yang serius akibat kemalangan tersebut
sehingga menyebabkannya lumpuh dan tidak boleh bergerak. Bukan
sekadar plaintif mewarisi kecacatan fizikal sehingga memerlukan
bantuan penjagaan harian, plaintif juga mengalami keilatan
cognitive, memori dan intelektual yang kekal. Keilatan-keilatan ini
menyebabkan plaintif sudah tidak dapat menjalani kehidupan
seperti lelaki normal yang lain. Lebih malang plaintif baru berusia 20
tahun semasa kemalangan ini berlaku.
76. Berdasarkan nas undang-undang yang dirujuk kedua-dua pihak dan
Compendium 2018, Mahkamah memutuskan awad RM360,000.00
bagi kecederaan-kecederaan ini adalah munasabah dan berpatutan.
ii. Multiple lung contusions
77. Kecederaan ini dilaporkan di dalam laporan perubatan awal dari
HSAJB. Mahkamah membenarkan RM10,000.00 berdasarkan
Compendium 2018 dan nas undang-undang yang dirujuk pihak-
iii. Posterior column left acetabulum fracture with inter-articular
fragment (with heterotrophic calcification & fusion of the right hip
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78. Plaintif telah menjalani hip replacement surgery pada February 2021
and juga left knee contracture release surgery pada Mac 2020. Turut
dilaporkan bahawa ‘The left acetabular fracture has now healed after
knee replacement, however this surgery has become complicated with
heterotropic calcification and the entire hip movement obliterated.”
79. Akibat komplikasi tersebut, plaintif mengalami:
i. Diffuse osteopenia;
ii. There is anklylosis of the right hip joint;
iii. Severe stiffness of both hips. The right hip is completely
iv. Difficulty in standing up as a result of the stiff hips. He may be
able to be propped up in bed.
• He will require attendant to look after his daily needs;
• Unable to walk, unable to be employed in future.
(rujuk laporan pakar ortopedik defendan)
80. Berdasarkan kecederaan acetabulum Compendium 2018
mencadangkan awad RM24,000.00 – RM35,000.00. Mahkamah
membenarkan awad RM30,000.00 merujuk kepada kes Nor Shuhaida
binti Mohd Ali v Ahmad bin Yeop Ahmad [2018] 1 PIR [8].
iv. Scars
81. Parut-parut yang dialami oleh plaintif ialah:
i. 19 cm healed surgical scars over left hip;
ii. 17 cm healed surgical scar over the left anterior part of knee;
iii. Left frontoparietotemporal surgical scar;
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iv. Tracheostomy scar in front of the neck
v. Scar over the anterior abdominal wall (site of PEG tube)
82. Mahkamah membenarkan RM8,000.00 bagi parut-parut di atas.
v. Open fracture of left index finger distal phalanx
83. Kepatahan ini telah bercantum tetapi ada sedikit kecacatan dengan
‘widening at the base of the third metacarpal bone’.
84. Berdasarkan Compendium 2018 Mahkamah membenarkan
RM5,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini.
vi. Degloving injury over dorsum left foot
85. Kecederaan ini dilaporkan di dalam laporan perubatan Jabatan
Surgeri HSAH Kedah. Mahkamah membenarkan RM15,000.00
berdasarkan kes Assokumar a/l Venugopal @ Ramus v Lai Bak Seng &
Anor [2020] 2 POR [25] yang dirujuk plaintif.
vii. Stable fracture of L5 lamina & spinous process
86. Kepatahan ini dilaporkan di dalam laporan perubatan awal HSAJB
dan melibatkan kepatahan pada tulang vertebrae yang sama lamina
and spinous process adalah sebahagian daripada lumbar process.
Merujuk kepada Compendium 2018 dan nas undang-undang Papathi
v Ahmad Alkif Hafizi bin Abd Wahab [2018] 2 POR 30 Mahkamah
membenarkan RM15,000.00 bagi kecederaan ini.
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87. Adalah satu undang-undang matan bahawa gantirugi khas yang
merupakan gantirugi yang boleh dikira hendaklah diplid secara
khusus dan juga dikemukakan bukti kerugiannya.
88. Di dalam kes Sam Wun Hoong v Kader Ibramshah [1981] 1 MLJ 295
Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan –
In an action for personal injuries, there are two classes for damages which
have to be considered — special damage which has to be specially pleaded and
general damage which need not be specially pleaded. In both classes of
damages, the burden of proof based on the balance of probabilities in the
evidence, lies on the plaintiff. Special damage consists of out-of-pocket
expenses, such as hospital bills and actual loss of earning during period of total
incapacity, and is generally capable of substantially exact calculation.
89. Tuntutan gantirugi khas yang dituntut oleh plaintif adalah seperti
Kos Perjalanan
90. Kos perjalan yang dituntut oleh plaintif ialah kos perjalanan ahli
keluarga melawatnya di hospital semasa menerima rawatan. Plaintif
menerima rawatan di hospital di Johor Bharu, Alor Setar dan Sungai
Petani Kedah.
91. Walaupun tuntutan ini tidak disertakan dengan resit atau bukti
dokumentar yang lain, namun Mahkamah membenarkannya
berdasarkan jumlah yang munasabah.
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92. Di dalam kes awad yang dibenarkan berdasarkan keterangan adalah
seperti berikut:
• Kos perjalanan keluarga melawat plaintif di HSAJB
RM70 x 39 hari = RM2,730.00
• Kos perjalanan keluarga melawat plaintif di Hospital Sultan Abdul
Halim RM30 x 32 hari = RM960.00
• Kos perjalanan keluarga melawat plaintif ke Hospital Sultanah
Bahiyah RM50 x 4 hari = RM200.00
Kos rawatan di HSAJB
93. Kos ini dipersetujui pihak-pihak sebanyak RM500.00.
Kos pembelian alatan perubatan pelbagai
94. Kos ini dipersetujui pihak-pihak sebanyak RM 6794.20.
Kerosakan pakaian / barangan peribadi
95. Tuntutan ini ditolak kerana tidak dibuktikan.
Kos Penjagaan Pre-trial
96. Plaintif menuntut kos penjagaan sebanyak RM700/sebulan
berdasarkan keterangan SP5 dan SP6.
97. Menurut SP6 yang merupakan ibu saudara plaintif dan adik kepada
SP5, memandangkan SP5 perlu bekerja maka beliau menjaga plaintif
(SP7) semasa SP5 tiada di rumah. SP6 akan pergi ke rumah plaintif
pada jam 7.00 pagi untuk membersihkan plaintif, menukar pampers,
mengelapkan badan dan memberi sarapan. Kemudian SP6 akan
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memberikan makan tengahari. SP6 berada di rumah plaintif sehingga
jam 6 – 7 petang. Selepas itu SP5 akan balik bekerja.
98. SP5 memberitahu beliau bekerja kilang dengan gaji
RM1600/sebulan. Suaminya iaitu SP8 tidak bekerja kerana sakit
buah pinggang yang kronik. Dengan duit gaji tersebut SP5 membayar
sewa rumah (RM288), bil utility (RM150), ansuran motor (RM250),
duit dapur (RM300). SP5 juga perlu membayar kos ambulan
sekiranya plaintif mempunyai temujanji di Hospital berjumlah RM
500 ke Alor Setar dan RM200 ke Sg Petani.
99. SP5 tidak menyimpan apa-apa rekod bayaran upah kepada kakaknya
kerana semua diberikan secara tunai. SP5 juga tidak setuju kakaknya
SP6 menolongnya dengan percuma tanpa bayaran.
100. SP5 merupakan ‘sole bread winner’dengan gaji RM1600/ sebulan
dan dengan duit gaji tersebut beliau perlu membayar pelbagai
perbelanjaan keluarga. Sungghpun SP5 memberitahu beliau
mendapat RM500/sebulan dari badan kebajikan untuk membeli
barangan keperluan plaintif, Mahkamah berpendapat, keadaan
kewangan SP5 tidak mengizinkan beliau untuk membayar bulanan
secara konsisten RM700.00 kepada SP6 sebagai upah menjaga
101. SP6 merupakan kakak SP5 dan bukannya orang asing. Sudah tentu
SP6 tahu tentang kesukaran hidup SP5 dan upah yang diterima SP6
sudah pasti berkadaran dan sesuai dengan taraf hidup SP5 seisi
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keluarga dan hubungan kekeluargaan semasa mereka. Oleh yang
keterangan SP5 dan SP6, Mahkamah berpendapat upah sebanyak
RM400/sebulan adalah lebih munabasah.
102. Mahkamah membenarkan kos penjagaan plaintif (pre-trial) selama
85 bulan iaitu bagi tempoh 19.9.2016 sehingga 30.3.2019 dan dari
Tarikh 3.4.2019 sehingga Tarikh keputusan. Jumlah yang dibenarkan
ialah RM400 x 85 bulan = RM134,000.00.
Kos Penjagaan Post Trial
103. Berdasarkan laporan pakar kedua-dua belah pihak, plaintif
memerlukan penjagaan bagi aktiviti seharian akibat keilatan-
keilatan yang dialaminya. Penjagaan yang diperlukan ialah pada
masa akan datang mengikut jangkaan hayat plaintif.
104. Mahkamah bersetuju dengan dapatan di dalam laporan-laporan
pakar kedua-dua pihak dan berpendapat plaintif memerlukan
seseorang untuk menjaganya dalam kehidupan seharian.
105. SP6 memberitahu pada masa akan datang adalah lebih memudahkan
sekiranya terdapat orang lain selain SP6 menjaga plaintif kerana SP6
ada sakit pada bahagian kaki akibat kemalangan 10 tahun yang lepas
(yang mana tiada bukti dikemukakan). SP6 juga memberitahu
penjaga lain meminta bayaran RM1,000.00 bagi menjaga plaintif.
106. SP5 memberitahu niatnya untuk mengambil pembantu pada masa
akan datang bagi membantu menjaga plaintif pada masa akan datang.
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107. Mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan kos penjagaan masa hadapan
dengan multiplicand RM1,000/sebulan. Jumlah RM1,000.00 ini
berdasarkan keterangan SP6 sendiri yang memberitahu penjaga lain
meminta upah RM1,000.00 bagi menjaga plainitf.
108. Berkenaan dengan multiplier, laporan pakar neuro plaintif
menjangkakan plaintif akan hidup lebih kurang 40 tahun lagi
(semasa Tarikh pemeriksaan). Pada ketika itu plaintif berusia lebih
kurang 22 tahun (selepas dibundarkan). Plaintif dijangkakan hidup
sehingga berusia 62 tahun ataupun 744 bulan.
109. Semasa keputusan plaintif berusia lebih kurang 24 tahun 10 bulan
iaitu 298 bulan.
110. Pengiraan multiplier ialah:
(744 – 298) x 2/3 = 297 bulan.
111. Tolakan 1/3 dibuat mengambilkira factor contingencies, vicissitudes
of life dan bayaran kehadapan (accelerated payment) yang diterima
oleh plaintif (rujuk Wong Kuan Kay v Rohaizad Othman & Anor; Majlis
Perbandaran Johor Bharu Tengah (Third Party) & Another Appeal
[2014] MLRA 483).
112. Kos penjagaan masa hadapan yang dibenarkan ialah RM1,000 x 297
bulan = RM297,000.00.
Kos membeli katil dan tilam khas
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113. Mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan ini berdasarkan resit yang
Kos membeli motorised wheelchair / electric Apex Lift / Electric Hi-Lo bed /
PU Foam Mattress with PVC Covers / Ripple Mattress with Pump
114. Plaintif telah mendapatkan sebutharga bagi barang-barang tersebut
daripada SP9. Keterangan SP9 ialah sebut harga disediakan
berdasarkan laporan pakar neuro Plaintif. SP9 tidak pernah
memeriksa plaintif sendiri ataupun melawat plaintif di rumahnya
sebelum mengeluarkan sebut harga tersebut.
115. Semasa disoal balas, SP9 bersetuju sebut harga dikemukakan
berdasarkan pendapat am beliau dan pengalaman beliau
mengendalikan kes-kes seperti plaintif di Kawasan Kuala Lumpur
dan Shah Alam.
116. SP9 mengakui selalunya peralatan yang diperlukan oleh pesakit oleh
plaintif adalah berdasarkan laporan rehabilitasi (yang tidak
dikemukakan di dalam kes ini). SP9 juga bersetuju peralatan tersebut
boleh diperolehi melalui Jabatan Kebajikan selepas disahkan oleh
jabatan rehabilitasi hospital Kerajaan.
117. SP9 turut memberitahu beliau tidak tahu keadaan terkini plaintif dan
tidak pernah mencuba sebarang barangan yang dicadangkan di
dalam sebut harga tersebut terhadap plaintif bagi memastikan sama
ada plaintif sesuai dan berupaya menggunakannya.
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118. Selain tiada laporan rehabilitasi dikemukakan untuk mengesahkan
plaintif perl atau tidak peralatan tersebut, SP9 sendiri tidak pernah
berjumpa dengan plaintif dan membuat ujian sama ada plaintif
berupaya menggunakan peralatan-peralatan yang dicadangkan.
Selain itu, plaintif masih lagi di dalam rawatan susulan di Hospital
dan sudah pasti sekiranya plaintif memerlukan apa-apa peralatan
khas untuk tujuan pemulihannya, pihak hospital lebih
mengetahuinya. Berdasarkan keterangan-keterangan di atas,
Mahkamah berpendapat tiada alasan kukuh bagi membenarkan
tuntutan peralatan-peralatan khas ini. Tuntutan ini ditolak.
Kos pampers – post trial
119. Berdasarkan keterangan SP5 beliau membelanjakan lebih kurang
RM150/sebulan bagi lampin pakai buang plaintif. Mahkamah
membenarkan tuntutan ini bagi masa hadapan menggunakan
multiplier kos penjagaan masa hadapan iaitu RM150 x 297 bulan =
Loss of Amenities
120. Tuntutan ini juga ditolak kerana loss of amenities telah dikira semasa
membuat awad gantirugi am kecederaan (rujuk Jackson a/l
Rechikadas v Lau Ah Piau (2019) AMEJ 1559).
121. Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, tuntutan plaintif terhadap D1 dan
D2 ditolak dengan kos.
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Bertarikh pada 2 Januari 2024
Mahkamah Sesyen Sivil 3
Johor Bharu JOHOR
Bagi pihak Plaintif: Bagi pihak D1 & D2:
M Humavathi Subashini Ganesan
Noor Hidayah Ismail Moona T/n Othman Hashim & Co
T/n S Raman & Co
Bagi pihak D3:
Koh Jun Wen
T/n Gan, Ho & Razlan Hadri
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| 54,334 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-22NCvC-15-01/2021 | PLAINTIF MUHAMMAD AMIN BIN ANUAR (BERAMAL SEBAGAI PEGUAMBELA & PEGUAMCARA DI FIRMA GUAMAN TETUAN AMIN CHAMBERS) DEFENDAN 1. ) BADAN PENGURUSAN BERSAMA PANGSAPURI ANGGUN 2. ) KAMARUL ARIFFIN BIN KAMARUZAMAN 3. ) AZLAN SHAH BIN MUSA | PROFESION UNDANG-UNDANG – Peguam cara – Etika – Kewajipan berjaga-jaga dan kemahiran peguam cara – Kewajian peguam cara melindungi kepentingan anakguam, keadilan dan maruah profesion – Pertikaian berhubung fi guaman – Peguam cara memfailkan notis pemberhentian tanpa kebebasan memfailkan semula tanpa persetujuan dan arahan anakguam – Sama ada peguam cara melanggar kewajipan sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan oleh Kaedah-Kaedah Profesion Undang-Undang (Amalan Dan Etiket) 1978 – Sama ada anakguam berhak menuntut ganti rugi kerugian yang dialami akibat tindakan peguam cara - Kaedah-Kaedah Profesion Undang-Undang (Amalan Dan Etiket) 1978 kk 16, 31 & 35TORT — Fitnah — Libel — Slander — Plaintif menuntut ganti rugi terhadap defendan-defendan atas emel-emel berunsur fitnah — Sama ada emel-emel yang dikeluarkan defendan-defendan mengandungi unsur fitnah – Sama ada mencela, memalukan dan menjatuhkan martabat plaintif sebagai peguam bela dan peguam cara — Sama ada mengakibatkan kerugian – Sama ada elemen-elemen fitnah dibuktikanTORT – Kepalsuan memudaratkan – Konspirasi untuk mencederakan – Frod – Respresentasi palsu – Pertikaian pembayaran fi guaman – Sama ada emel-emel yang dikeluarkan defendan-defendan merupakan kepalsuan memudaratkan, konspirasi untuk mencederakan, frod, respresentasi palsu – Sama ada mengakibatkan kerugian – Sama ada elemen-elemen kepalsuan memudaratkan, konspirasi untuk mencederakan, frod dan respresentasi palsu dibuktikanKETERANGAN – Beban pembuktian – Beban pembuktian adalah ke atas Plaintif untuk membuktikan tuntutan dan kenyataan Plaintif – Plaintif mempunyai beban untuk memanggil saksi untuk membuktikan kenyataan Plaintif – Saksi tidak dipanggil defendan-defandan tidak boleh dijadikan alasan kegagalan Plaintif membuktikan kenyataannya – Akta Keterangan 1950 s 101 | 02/01/2024 | YA Puan Jamhirah binti Ali | |
(NO. K/P: 890630-10-5761)
(NO. K/P: 680323-01-5007)
(NO. K/P:850111-01-5477) …DEFENDAN-DEFENDAN
05/01/2024 09:59:47
BA-22NCvC-15-01/2021 Kand. 80
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1. Tindakan ini berbangkit akibat daripada hubungan yang tegang dan
keruh antara peguam dengan anakguamnya.
2. Tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan-Defendan adalah untuk fi
guaman yang tidak dibayar oleh Defendan-Defendan. Plaintif juga
menuntut gantirugi untuk libel dan/atau slander dan/atau kepalsuan
memudaratkan oleh Defendan-Defendan terhadap Plaintif.
3. Manakala Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan adalah untuk
gantirugi akibat daripada tindakan Plaintif memfailkan Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi
tuntutan Defendan-Defendan terhadap Jasakon Niaga Sdn. Bhd.
(Kes Jasakon Niaga) tanpa kebenaran dan pengetahuan Defendan-
4. Plaintif merupakan peguam cara yang dilantik oleh Defendan-
Defendan bagi mewakili Defendan Pertama dalam kes Mahkamah
Majistret Bandar Baru Bangi, Guaman Sivil BI-A72NCVC-342-
09/2019 antara Badan Pengurusan Bersama Pangsapuri Anggun
dengan Jasakon Niaga Sdn. Bhd., menggantikan peguam cara
terdahulu iaitu Tetuan Jing Wani & Co dan Tetuan Ling & Theng
5. Defendan Pertama adalah sebuah badan yang ditubuhkan pada 23
Ogos 2014 di bawah Akta Bangunan dan Harta Bersama
(Penyenggaraan dan Pengurusan) 2007 (Akta 663).
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6. Pada masa material, Defendan Kedua merupakan pengerusi
kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama. Manakala Defendan
Ketiga adalah pengurus bangunan Defendan Pertama.
7. Terdapat 16 isu untuk dibicarakan seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam
Isu-isu Untuk Dibicarakan. Walau bagaimanapun atas persetujuan
pihak-pihak, selepas perbicaraan, isu-isu tersebut telah
diringkaskan kepada empat (4) isu utama kerana kebanyakan isu-
isu tersebut adalah berkaitan. Isu-isu utama untuk diputuskan
adalah seperti berikut:
a. sama ada Plaintif berhak untuk menuntut fi guaman bagi Kes
Jasakon Niaga dan Kes 6 Pemunya Petak daripada
Defendan-Defendan (gabungan isu pertama dan isu ke-2).
b. sama ada emel-emel yang dikeluarkan oleh Defendan-
Defendan kepada Plaintif adalah fitnah dan memudaratkan
Plaintif dan menyebabkan Plaintif mempunyai tuntutan
terhadap Defendan-Defendan (gabungan isu ke-3 hingga isu
c. sama ada Defendan-Defendan bertanggungjawab atas
kepalsuan memudarat (injurious falsehood), konspirasi
mencederakan (conspiracy to injure), frod dan representasi
palsu terhadap Plaintif (gabungan isu ke-8 hingga ke-13).
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d. sama ada Plaintif bertanggungjawab menanggung kerugian
yang dialami oleh Defendan Pertama seperti yang dinyatakan
di dalam Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan, atas Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi
Kes Jasakon Niaga (gabungan isu ke-14 hingga ke-16).
8. Pihak-pihak telah memanggil seorang saksi bagi setiap pihak.
Saksi-saksi adalah seperti berikut:
a. Muhammad Amin Bin Anuar – SP1 (Plaintif sendiri)
b. Kamarul Ariffin Bin Kamaruzaman – SD1 (Defendan Kedua)
9. Pertikaian utama antara Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan adalah
berhubung fi guaman bagi tindakan-tindakan di Mahkamah.
10. Defendan-Defendan telah melantik Plaintif sebagai peguam cara
untuk mengambil alih dan mengendalikan Kes Jasakon Niaga
kerana Plaintif adalah peguam cara yang mengendalikan Kes
Jasakon Niaga ketika Plaintif berkhidmat di Tetuan Jing Wani & Co
dan kemudian di Tetuan Ling & Theng Book. Tambahan, Plaintif
mempunyai akses langsung terhadap fail kes dan pengetahuan
khusus tentang perjalanan kes termasuk dan tidak terhad kepada
pembayaran-pembayaran berkaitan pengendalian Kes Jasakon
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11. Menurut Defendan-Defendan, Plaintif dan Defendan Pertama telah
bersetuju bahawa fi guaman Plaintif untuk mengendalikan Kes
Jasakon Niaga sehingga keputusan perbicaraan kes di Mahkamah
Majistret Bandar Baru Bangi, yang keseluruhannya tidak melebihi
RM10,000.00, termasuk bayaran-bayaran yang dibuat sebelumnya
kepada peguam cara terdahulu iaitu Tetuan Jing Wani & Co dan
Tetuan Ling & Theng Book, bagi pengendalian kes tersebut.
12. Seterusnya, Defendan Pertama telah menerima invois pertama fi
guaman Plaintif bertarikh 01.10.2020 sebanyak RM4,848.00.
Plaintif kemudian, telah menghantar invois kedua bertarikh
19.11.2020 bagi jumlah RM5,953.00. Defendan Pertama tidak
membuat pembayaran bagi invois-invois tersebut kerana menurut
semakan pembayaran fi guaman bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga,
Defendan Pertama telah mendapati sebanyak RM5,185.84 fi
guaman telah dibuat kepada peguam cara terdahulu, Tetuan Jing
Wani & Co & Tetuan Ling & Theng Book. Oleh itu, dengan
pembayaran invois yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif, ianya akan
menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan fi guaman Kes Jasakon Niaga
melebihi fi guaman yang dipersetujui iaitu RM10,000.00.
13. Sehubungan dengan itu, Defendan Pertama telah mengeluarkan
emel-emel bertarikh 03.12.2020 dan 07.12.2020 kepada Plaintif
meminta supaya penjelasan diberikan berkenaan dengan invois
yang dimajukan oleh Plaintif.
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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14. Plaintif yang tidak berpuashati dengan Defendan Pertama telah
memfailkan satu Notis Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan
Memfailkan Semula untuk Kes Jasakon Niaga di Mahkamah
Majistret Bandar Baru Bangi tanpa arahan dan persetujuan
Defendan Pertama. Tindakan Plaintif ini telah menyebabkan
kerugian di pihak Defendan Pertama kerana tuntutan Defendan
Pertama terhadap Jasakon Niaga terhenti begitu sahaja dan
Defendan Pertama tidak boleh meneruskan tuntutan terhadap
Jasakon Niaga secara kekal.
15. Oleh yang demikian, Defendan Pertama melalui peguam cara
Defendan-Defendan telah mengeluarkan Notis Tuntutan bertarikh
06.01.2021 menuntut Plaintif membayar jumlah wang sebanyak
RM99,985.84 kepada Defendan Pertama, yang merupakan
tuntutan Defendan Pertama terhadap Jasakon Niaga. Plaintif telah
enggan untuk membayar tuntutan Defendan Pertama sebaliknya
memfailkan tindakan ini di Mahkamah ini.
16. Selain daripada Kes Jasakon Niaga, Plaintif juga telah dilantik oleh
Defendan Pertama untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap 6 pemunya
petak yang merupakan penduduk Pangsapuri Anggun (Kes 6
Pemunya Petak). Tuntutan Defendan Pertama adalah untuk
kegagalan pembayaran caj-caj penyelenggaraan, caruman
kumpulan wang diperjelas (sinking fund), insurans kebakaran dan
17. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan untuk Kes 6 Pemunya Petak,
Defendan Pertama hanya mengarahkan Plaintif untuk
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mengeluarkan surat tuntutan dan pemfailan writ saman sahaja dan
Plaintif hendaklah menunggu arahan selanjutnya daripada
Defendan Pertama sebelum melakukan apa-apa tindakan lanjut.
18. Sebaliknya Plaintif, tanpa mendapat arahan daripada Defendan
Pertama telah bertindak memfailkan penghakiman ingkar kehadiran
terhadap 4 pemunya petak dan melakukan penyampaian ganti
kepada 2 lagi pemunya petak.
19. Defendan Pertama telah membayar sejumlah RM6,648.00 fi
guaman kepada Plaintif bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak dan enggan
membayar untuk kerja-kerja yang dilakukan oleh Plaintif di luar
arahan Defendan Pertama.
20. Rentetan daripada emel-emel dan surat menyurat di antara kedua
belah pihak, Plaintif telah membuat dakwaan bahawa Defendan-
Defendan telah melakukan slander dan/atau libel terhadapnya dan
membuat tuntutan terhadap Defendan-Defendan untuk jumlah
kerugian sebanyak RM6,000,000.00. Selain itu, Plaintif juga telah
mengeluarkan invois-invois baru bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga dan Kes
6 Pemunya Petak dan menuntut Defendan-Defendan membayar
kesemua invois-invois tersebut.
21. Setelah meneliti kesemua keterangan yang telah dikemukakan oleh
Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan pada perbicaraan, dan setelah
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membaca hujahan-hujahan bertulis dan setelah mendengar
hujahan lisan dari kedua-dua pihak, Mahkamah mendapati Plaintif
telah gagal untuk membuktikan tuntutan Plaintif atas imbangan
kebarangkalian. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah mendapati Defendan-
Defendan telah membuktikan Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan
atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Alasan-alasan saya adalah seperti
yang dinyatakan di bawah.
A. Sama ada Plaintif berhak untuk menuntut fi guaman bagi Kes
Jasakon Niaga dan Kes 6 Pemunya Petak dan sama ada
Defendan-Defendan ada mengarahkan Plaintif untuk
menyemak semula dan/atau mengubah fi guaman yang lebih
tinggi untuk Kes Jasakon Niaga.
22. Plaintif menyatakan bahawa setelah mengambil alih fail Kes
Jasakon Niaga daripada firma-firma guaman terdahulu, Tetuan Ling
& Theng Book dan Tetuan Jing Wani & Co., Plaintif telah
mengendalikan Kes Jasakon Niaga hingga ke peringkat
23. Manakala bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak, Plaintif mengatakan
Defendan-Defendan mengakui pembayaran pertama iaitu fi
guaman buka fail namun gagal dan/atau enggan untuk membayar
bayaran lanjutan setelah Plaintif merekodkan empat penghakiman
ingkar kehadiran dan mendapat arahan mahkamah untuk
penyampaian ganti bagi dua kes pemunya petak tersebut.
24. Plaintif menghujahkan terdapat kontrak di antara Plaintif dan
Defendan-Defendan selaku peguam dan anakguam, yang mana
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sebagai balasan, Plaintif menjalankan kerja-kerja sebagai peguam.
Oleh sebab Defendan-Defendan telah memberi arahan kepada
Plaintif yang bertindak selaku peguam mereka, maka Defendan-
Defendan bertanggungjawab membayar fi guaman serta bil-bil
guaman seperti legal fees, disbursement dan reimbursement.
25. Plaintif menegaskan, dalam tindakan ini, Defendan-Defendan telah
menghalang Plaintif daripada terus bertindak sebagai peguam
apabila mereka enggan memberi kerjasama dan arahan kepada
Plaintif. Di samping itu Defendan-Defendan juga telah menghalang
Plaintif daripada terus menghubungi Defendan-Defendan terutama
Defendan Kedua. Defendan-Defendan juga enggan membuat
pembayaran yang dijanjikan.
26. Plaintif menghujahkan sekiranya Defendan-Defendan tidak
bersetuju dengan jumlah invois yang diberikan oleh Plaintif,
Defendan-Defendan seharusnya meminta penjelasan atau
berbincang dengan Plaintif. Walau bagaimanapun, Defendan-
Defendan tidak meminta apa-apa penjelasan atau berbincang
dengan Plaintif, tetapi telah bertindak menerbitkan kenyataan-
kenyataan fitnah terhadap Plaintif bersifat mala fide.
27. Defendan-Defendan menegaskan fi guaman yang dipersetujui oleh
pihak-pihak bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga adalah sebanyak
RM10,000.00 sahaja dengan menolak apa-apa bayaran yang telah
dibayar kepada peguam cara terdahulu. Defendan-Defendan telah
membayar peguam cara terdahulu sebanyak RM5,185.84.
Defendan-Defendan telah merujuk kepada bukti-bukti dokumen
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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yang menunjukkan Plaintif mengetahui dan telah bersetuju dengan
pengaturan tersebut.
28. Defendan-Defendan juga menegaskan bahawa Defendan Pertama
tidak membayar jumlah RM5,930.00 yang dinyatakan dalam invois
Plaintif bertarikh 19.11.2020 kerana Kes Jasakon Niaga masih
belum tamat. Jumlah RM10,000.00 yang dipersetujui itu adalah bagi
keseluruhan fi guaman dari awal pemfailan tindakan, perbicaraan
sehingga penghakiman direkodkan. Tambahan pula, Defendan
Pertama telah membangkitkan beberapa isu untuk Plaintif
memberikan penjelasan melalui emel pada 07.12.2020, seperti
a) Tuntutan Plaintif tidak disertakan bukti kerja yang telah dibuat
dan belum dibuat;
b) Defendan Pertama masih belum menerima resit untuk jumlah
fi guaman yang dibayar kepada Tetuan Jing Wani & Co; dan
c) Mengikut invois Plaintif, Plaintif menggunakan akaun bank
peribadi Plaintif. Oleh itu, Defendan Pertama merasa janggal
dan meminta penjelasan Plaintif.
29. Defendan-Defendan menegaskan penjelasan yang diminta oleh
Defendan Pertama adalah munasabah. Selaku peguam cara
Defendan Pertama, Plaintif seharusnya memberikan penjelasan
yang baik supaya fi guaman yang dituntut dapat dijelaskan dengan
segera. Selanjutnya emel Defendan-Defendan bertarikh 15.12.2020
adalah jelas menyatakan Defendan Pertama tidak pernah
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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menyatakan bahawa Defendan Pertama tidak akan membuat
pembayaran. Namun apa yang diminta adalah penjelasan,
dokumen dan resit kerana ianya adalah SOP Defendan Pertama
sebelum sesuatu bayaran itu dibuat. Namun, Plaintif di dalam
jawapannya masih gagal memberikan bukti kerja yang telah dibuat
kepada Defendan Pertama.
30. Walau bagaimanapun, Plaintif melalui emel-emel pada 03.12.2020
jam 9.31 pagi dan pada jam 6.41 petang, hari yang sama, telah
menyatakan Plaintif akan menarik diri sebagai peguam cara
Defendan Pertama jika Defendan Pertama gagal membayar fi
guaman Plaintif pada atau sebelum 07.12.2020.
31. Namun, pada 14.12.2020 Plaintif tanpa arahan dan pengetahuan
Defendan Pertama telah memfailkan Notis Pemberhentian Tanpa
Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga. Perkara
ini amat memprejudiskan hak Defendan Pertama untuk
mendapatkan gantirugi dalam tindakan Defendan Pertama
terhadap Jasakon Niaga.
32. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa tempoh masa antara
invois dikeluarkan pada 19.11.2020 dengan tarikh pemfailan Notis
Pemberhentian pada 14.12.2020 tidaklah lama dan pada masa
material kerja Plaintif masih belum sempurna.
33. Selanjutnya, Plaintif telah mengeluarkan satu lagi invois baru
kepada Defendan Pertama bertarikh 07.01.2021 untuk Kes Jasakon
Niaga bagi jumlah RM35,656.00, selepas Notis Pemberhentian
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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tersebut di failkan. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan jumlah yang
dinyatakan dalam invois tersebut langsung tiada asas.
34. Mahkamah mendapati terdapat bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa
terdapat persetujuan berhubung fi guaman bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga
sebanyak RM10,000.00 antara Plaintif dan Defendan dengan
menolak bayaran yang telah dilakukan kepada peguam cara
terdahulu. Plaintif telah bersetuju dan mempunyai pengetahuan
berhubung pengaturan tersebut. Surat dan invois Plaintif bertarikh
19.11.2020 jelas menyatakan butiran terperinci fi guaman dan
jumlah keseluruhan bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga setakat keputusan
Mahkamah Majistrate (selepas perbicaraan) adalah RM10,000.00
sahaja. Plaintif juga mengesahkan Defendan Pertama ada
membuat bayaran kepada peguam cara terdahulu dan baki fi
guaman yang perlu dijelaskan oleh Defendan-Defendan ialah
RM5,953.00 untuk Kes Jasakon Niaga. Malah, melalui invois
bertarikh 01.10.2020 Plaintif hanya menuntut RM4,848.00 sahaja
bagi mengendalikan kes tersebut sehingga keputusan kes, setelah
mengambil alih kes dari peguam cara terdahulu. Oleh itu melalui
kedua-dua invois ini, jelas fi yang dipersetujui pada kesuluruhannya
adalah hanya RM10,000.00 sahaja.
35. Ketika pemeriksaan balas oleh peguam Defendan-Defendan yang
bijaksana, Plaintif telah mengakui bahawa Plaintif telah memfailkan
Notis Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi
Kes Jasakon Niaga di Mahkamah Majistret tanpa persetujuan dan
arahan Defendan-Defendan. Perkara ini telah memprejudiskan
Defendan Pertama di mana Defendan Pertama tidak dapat
meneruskan apa-apa tuntutan terhadap Jasakon Niaga. Mahkamah
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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mendapati “Plaintiff went on the frolic of his own”, apabila
mengambil tindakan yang keterlaluan itu. Plaintif seharusnya hanya
memfailkan notis untuk menarik diri dari bertindak sebagai peguam
Defendan Pertama apabila timbul pertikaian berhubung fi guaman.
Namun tindakan yang diambil oleh Plaintif adalah satu tindakan
keterlaluan yang amat memprejudiskan Defendan Pertama yang
menafikan hak litigasi Defendan Pertama di Mahkamah terhadap
Jasakon Niaga. Plaintif tidak berhak untuk berbuat demikian,
walaupun Defendan Pertama tidak membayar fi guamannya.
36. Apa yang lebih memeranjatkan adalah sikap tidak peduli yang
ditunjukkan oleh Plaintif ketika menjawab soalan peguam cara yang
bijaksana bagi pihak Defendan-Defendan ketika pemeriksaan
balas. Plaintif dengan mudah menyatakan bahawa Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula yang telah
difailkan olehnya dalam Kes Jasakon Niaga tidak memprejudiskan
Defendan Pertama kerana Notis Pemberhentian tersebut boleh
dicabar dan diketepikan oleh mana-mana peguam lain. Jelas sikap
dan tindakan Plaintif adalah dengan niat untuk menghukum
Defendan Pertama kerana tidak membayar fi guamannya kerana
Plaintif maklum dan arif akan akibat pemfailan Notis Pemberhentian
Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula adalah serius dan
Defendan-Defendan tidak boleh meneruskan tuntutan mereka
terhadap Jasakon Niaga.
37. Mahkamah mendapati sikap dan tindakan Plaintif adalah tidak
beretika dan melanggar etika peguam. Plaintif sebagai seorang
peguam apabila menerima tanggungjawab untuk mengendalikan
kes bagi Defendan Pertama, maka akan wujud hubungan peguam
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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dan anakguamnya yang akan menimbulkan kewajipan berjaga-jaga
dan kemahiran kepeguaman dalam menjalankan apa-apa tugas
yang Plaintif telah mengaku janji untuk melaksanakannya. Tugas
dan kewajipan ini temasuk tugas untuk tidak ’mencederakan’
anakguamnya dengan kegagalan untuk menjalankan
tanggungjawab yang telah diterima olehnya, yang anakguamnya
telah bergantung kepadanya untuk melaksanakannya. Saya
merujuk kes Subramaniam Manickam v Supramaniam Kasia
Pilai [2016] MLRHU 673
“[51] Di bawah undang-undang, pada umumnya hubungan
peguam dan kliennya akan menimbulkan kewajipan
berjaga-jaga dan kemahiran peguam dalam menjalankan
apa-apa tugas yang beliau telah mengaku janji untuk
melaksanakannya. Ini adalah kewajipan berjaga-jaga yang
dinyatakan di dalam kes Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v. Hett,
Stubbs & Kemp (a firm) [1978] 3 All ER 571, menyatakan:
The solicitor were however liable to the plaintiff’s in tort
because under the general law the relationship of solicitor
and client give rise to a duty of a solicitor to exercise that
care and skill on which he knew that his client would rely,
and to a duty not to injure his client by failing to do what
he had undertaken to do and which, at the solicitor’s
invitation, the client had relied on him to do. Furthermore,
there was no rule of law which cofined a solicitor’s duty to
his client under his retainer to a contractual duty alone; nor
was there any rule of law which precluded a claim in tort
for breach of a duty to use reasonable care and skill if there
was a parallel contractual duty of care.
[52] Di dalam kes Dato’ Seri Au Ba Chi & Anor v. Malayan
United Finance Bhd & Anor [1989] 1 MLRH 319; [1989] 3
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MLJ 434; [1989] 1 CLJ (Rep) 460 di mana mahkamah telah
Under the general law, the relationship of solicitor and
client give rise to a duty as a solicitor to exercise that care
and skill on which he knew his client would rely, and to a
duty not to injure his client by failing to do that which that
he has undertaken to do and which at the solicitor’s
invitation, the client had relied on him to do.”
[penekanan ditambah]
38. Oleh itu Mahkamah bersetuju Plaintif tidak layak untuk
mendapatkan baki fi guaman yang belum dijelaskan oleh Defendan-
Defendan bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga kerana tindakan tersebut telah
diberhentikan oleh Plaintif sebelum perbicaraan kes tersebut
selesai. Berhubung invois bertarikh 07.01.2021 untuk Kes Jasakon
Niaga bagi jumlah RM35,656.00, yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif
selepas Notis Pemberhentian tersebut difailkan, Mahkamah
mendapati tiada asas bagi tuntutan ini kerana Plaintif tidak
mengemukakan apa-apa bukti untuk menunjukkan mengapa dan
bagaimana Plaintif layak untuk jumlah tersebut sebagai fi guaman.
Tambahan, fi tersebut bukan fi yang dipersetujui antara pihak-pihak.
39. Selanjutnya bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak, Defendan-Defendan
menegaskan bahawa Plaintif telah dilantik untuk mengambil
tindakan ke atas 6 penghuni Pangsapuri Anggun yang telah gagal
membayar “maintenance fees”. Menurut Defendan Pertama,
arahannya adalah untuk mengeluarkan notis tuntutan dan
memfailkan writ saman, dan apa-apa tindakan selanjutnya mestilah
berdasarkan arahan Defendan-Defendan kepada Plaintif setelah
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dinasihati dari segi undang-undang. Defendan-Defendan juga
menyatakan fi guaman yang telah dipersetujui dengan Plaintif bagi
Kes 6 Pemunya Petak adalah RM1,000.00 sahaja bagi setiap
pemunya petak. Perkara ini telah dijelaskan semula oleh Defendan-
Pertama melalui emel bertarikh 05.12.2020 kepada Plaintif. Petikan
emel tersebut di bawah sub-topik Justifikasi Penolakan Tuntutan,
Defendan Pertama adalah seperti berikut: -
“1. Dalam perkara Writ Saman terhadap 6 pemilik yang
dipersetujui melalui kiriman email bertarikh 25hb Ogos
dari pejabat Pangsapuri Anggun kepada Amin
Chambers. Arahan yang diberi adalah meneruskan
tuntutan writ summon dengan kos dipersetujui
RM1,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA) bagi setiap satu
fail kes tidak termasuk kos penyediaan dan
pemfailan Writ Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan bagi
6 kes sahaja.
2. Pada 25hb September pihak Tuan telah menghantar
satu kiriman (email) dan menyatakan ambil maklum
arahan yang telah dibuat dan akan meneruskan proses
dengan writ saman seperti diarahkan beserta inbois
bertarikh 25hb September 2020 (tiada no. rujukan)
dengan jumlah keseluruhan tuntutan RM6,648.00, dan
ada dinyatakan di dalam email tersebut pihak tuan akan
memaklumkan dan mengemaskini setiap
perkembangan kes kepada kami status dan tindakan
seterusnya yang akan dilaksanakan, dan pada 13hb
Oktober 2020 pihak kami telah membuat pembayaran
penuh (RM6,648.00) kepada pihak Amin Chambers
dengan bayaran dibuat ke atas akaun peribadi Tuan…”
[penekanan ditambah]
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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40. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan Plaintif telah mengambil tindakan
untuk memfailkan penghakiman ingkar kehadiran dan permohonan
penyampaian ganti tanpa arahan Defendan Pertama. Selanjutnya,
Defendan Pertama juga dalam emel yang sama telah mengarahkan
Plaintif untuk menghentikan kesemua tindakan undang-undang
terhadap Kes 6 Pemunya Petak dengan serta merta, kerana
Defendan Pertama mendapati Plaintif tidak rasional dalam
41. Defendan Pertama telah membayar fi guaman RM6,648.00 ke
akaun peribadi Plaintif pada 15.10.2020. Fakta ini tidak
dipertikaikan. Namun, Plaintif menegaskan RM6,648.00 hanyalah
bagi penyediaan dan pemfailan writ saman dan pernyataan tuntutan
sahaja dan tidak termasuk fi guaman bagi pemfailan permohonan
penyampaian ganti dan penghakiman ingkar kehadiran.
42. Plaintif mendakwa Plaintif telah mendapat arahan daripada
Defendan Ketiga untuk memfailkan penghakiman ingkar kehadiran
dan pemfailan permohonan penyampaian ganti dalam Kes 6
Pemunya Petak. Melalui dua (2) invois bertarikh 03.12.2020
masing-masing, Plaintif telah menuntut fi guaman tambahan
sebanyak RM6,088.00 bagi empat (4) kes yang dimasukkan
penghakiman ingkar kehadiran dan RM6,960.00 bagi dua (2) kes
yang dimasukkan penyampaian ganti, yang jumlah keseluruhannya
adalah RM13,048.00. Selanjutnya pada 07.01.2021 Plaintif telah
menuntut RM34,088.00 bagi empat (4) penghakiman ingkar
kehadiran dan RM11,740.00 bagi dua (2) penyampaian ganti
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43. Mahkamah mendapati tiada bukti untuk menyokong kenyataan
Plaintif bahawa Plaintif telah mendapat arahan daripada Defendan
Ketiga untuk memasukkan penghakiman ingkar kehadiran serta
pemfailan permohonan penyampaian ganti bagi Kes 6 Pemunya
Petak. Tuntutan dalam kes ini telah difailkan oleh Plaintif.
Komunikasi antara Plaintif dan Defendan Ketiga melalui “call log”
yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif tidak membuktikan bahawa
Defendan Ketiga telah memberi arahan tersebut.
44. Defendan Ketiga juga tidak dipanggil sebagai saksi oleh Plaintif
untuk memberikan keterangan berhubung perkara ini. Plaintif
menyatakan Plaintif pada asalnya bercadang untuk memanggil
Defendan Ketiga, namun apabila Defendan-Defendan
menyenaraikan nama Defendan Ketiga dalam senarai saksi, Plaintif
telah meminda senarai saksi Plaintif. Namun Defendan-Defendan
tidak memanggil Defendan Ketiga. Mahkamah berpendapat
walaupun Defendan-Defendan tidak mengemukakan Defendan
Ketiga sebagai saksi, tiada apa-apa yang menghalang Plaintif
daripada mengeluarkan sepina terhadap Defendan Ketiga.
45. Mahkamah mendapati tiada apa-apa bukti bahawa tuntutan yang
dituntut oleh Plaintif melalui invois-invois bertarikh 03.12.2020 dan
07.01.2021, masing-masing, adalah jumlah fi guaman yang
dipersetujui antara Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan atas arahan
yang diberikan oleh Defendan Pertama dan/atau Defendan Ketiga
atas arahan Defendan Pertama.
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46. Merujuk kepada seksyen 101 Akta Keterangan 1950, adalah
undang-undang mantap bahawa beban pembuktian adalah ke atas
Plaintif. Maka beban untuk membuktikan tuntutan Plaintif dan
kenyataan Plaintif bahawa Plaintif telah menerima arahan daripada
Defendan Ketiga terletak di atas Plaintif. Plaintif juga mempunyai
beban untuk memanggil Defendan Ketiga sebagai saksi untuk
membuktikan kenyataan Plaintif tersebut. Alasan bahawa
Defendan-Defandan tidak memanggil Defendan Ketiga bukanlah
alasan kukuh bagi kegagalan Plaintif membuktikan kenyataannya.
Oleh kerana kenyataan tersebut dibuat oleh Plaintif, beban bukti
kekal terletak atas Plaintif untuk membuktikannya.
47. Berdasarkan dokumen dan keterangan SD1, Mahkamah mendapati
bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak, fi guaman yang dipersetujui antara
Plaintif dan Defendan adalah sebanyak RM1,000.00 bagi setiap
seorang pemunya petak, yang jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak
RM6,648.00 telah pun dibayar oleh Defendan Pertama.
48. Mahkamah juga mendapati tiada bukti untuk menyokong kenyataan
Plaintif bahawa terdapat pengaturan dan persetujuan antara Plaintif
dan Defendan-Defendan untuk Plaintif menyemak dan mengubah
amaun fi guaman yang telah dipersetujui bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga
mahu pun Kes 6 Pemunya Petak.
49. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah bersetuju dengan hujahan Defendan-
Defendan bahawa kontrak yang wujud adalah antara Plaintif dan
Defendan Pertama. Tanggungjawab untuk membayar Plaintif
adalah tanggungjawab Defendan Pertama. Apa-apa arahan
berkenaan kes juga hendaklah diberikan oleh Defendan Pertama.
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Maka, Plaintif mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memberikan
dokumen sokongan atau penjelasan kepada Defendan Pertama
apabila diminta oleh Defendan Pertama. Dalam kes ini jelas Plaintif
tidak mengendahkan permintaan berulang kali Defendan Pertama
untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan dokumen sokongan berhubung
tuntutan fi guaman yang dibuat oleh Plaintif bagi membolehkan
Defendan Pertama membuat bayaran.
B Sama ada emel-emel yang dikeluarkan oleh Defendan-
Defendan pada 03.12.2020, 05.12.2020, 07.12.2020 dan
15.12.2020 merupakan libel dan/atau slander kepada Plaintif
dan memudaratkan Plaintif
50. Plaintif menyatakan keseluruhan kandungan emel-emel bertarikh
03.12.2020, 05.12.2020, 07.12.2020 dan 15.12.2020 yang dihantar
oleh Defendan-Defendan mengandungi pelbagai fitnah berniat
jahat, yang bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan reputasi Plaintif di mata
orang awam.
51. Plaintif mendakwa kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuat oleh
Defendan-Defendan dalam emel-emel tersebut telah mencela,
memalukan, menjatuhkan martabat Plaintif sebagai peguam bela
dan peguam cara di mata ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama
serta semua penduduk Pangsapuri Anggun.
52. Defendan-Defendan menegaskan emel-emel yang dihantar oleh
Defendan Kedua tidak mempunyai unsur ugutan atau fitnah. Emel-
emel tersebut adalah maklum balas muktamad dan penjelasan
berkenaan pendirian Defendan-Defendan berkenaan isu tuntutan fi
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guaman yang dibangkitkan oleh Plaintif. Pendirian Defendan-
Defendan adalah konsisten bahawa Plaintif telah bertindak tanpa
mendapat arahan dan kebenaran Defendan Pertama. Emel-emel
tersebut juga jelas meminta Plaintif mengemukakan dokumen-
dokumen, resit dan invois yang berkaitan untuk Defendan-
Defendan memproses pembayaran kerana ianya adalah prosedur
pembayaran (SOP) Defendan Pertama. Walaupun permintaan telah
dibuat berulang kali, namun tidak diendahkan oleh Plaintif.
53. Pertikaian berhubung bayaran fi guaman menjadi tegang antara
pihak-pihak dan tiada jalan penyelesaian dicapai, oleh itu melalui
emel bertarikh 03.12.2020, Defendan-Defendan telah
memaklumkan Plaintif bahawa mereka akan merujuk pertikaian
tersebut kepada Majlis Peguam. Plaintif melalui emel jawapannya
kepada Defendan-Defendan telah menyatakan Plaintif tiada
bantahan untuk merujuk pertikaian tersebut kepada Majlis Peguam.
54. Setelah meneliti emel-emel yang menjadi pertikaian dengan teliti,
Mahkamah mendapati bahawa intipati dan konteks emel-emel
Defendan-Defendan adalah berhubung permintaan dokumen-
dokumen dan penjelasan daripada Plaintif serta maklum balas dan
penjelasan berkenaan pendirian Defendan-Defendan berkenaan
isu tuntutan fi guaman yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif. Tiada unsur
fitnah dalam kandungan emel-emel tersebut.
55. Dalam menentukan sama ada sesuatu kenyataan itu adalah
merupakan fitnah, Mahkamah hendaklah meneliti emel-emel
tersebut dalam konteks ‘maksud semula jadi dan biasa’ (in their
natural and ordinary meaning) dan sama ada ‘orang yang
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munasabah’ berkemungkinan memahami kenyataan itu sebagai
suatu fitnah (a reasonable man would be likely to understand the
statement in a defamatory way).
56. Dalam kes ini, Mahkamah mendapati Plaintif telah gagal
membuktikan bahawa emel-emel fitnah yang dikatakan telah
mencederakan reputasinya dan/atau telah mendedahkannya
kepada cemuhan, penghinaan atau menjatuhkan martabatnya
sebagai seorang peguam. Ini kerana, Mahkamah ini mendapati
tiada seorang pun saksi atau apa-apa bukti yang dikemukakan bagi
menyokong dakwaan Plaintif.
57. Selanjutnya, Mahkamah mendapati perkataan dalam emel-emel
Defendan-Defendan jika diambil dalam konteks yang dikatakan,
tidak mungkin mengaitkan sebarang kenyataan fitnah.
58. Berdasarkan ujian ‘orang yang munasabah’ (the reasonable man
test) dan standard pendapat orang yang berfikiran betul secara
umum (standard of opinion of right-thinking person in general),
Mahkamah ini mendapati bahawa perkataan yang digunakan dalam
emel-emel Defendan-Defendan dalam maksud semula jadi dan
biasa seperti yang difahami oleh ‘orang yang munasabah’, yang
tidak terlalu curiga, atau gemar untuk skandal, tidak akan
menyimpulkan maksud kandungan emel-emel itu sebagai fitnah.
59. Merujuk kes Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd v Hue Shieh
Lee [2019] 2 MLRA 345, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah
menjelaskan berkenaan fitnah. Mahkamah menyatakan:
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“[29] Defamation is committed when the defendant
publishes to a third person words or matters containing
untrue imputation against the reputation of the plaintiff.
Liability for defamation is divided into two categories, that
of libel and slander. If the publication is made in a
permanent form or is broadcasted or is part of a theatrical
performance, it is libel. If it is in some transient form or is
conveyed by spoken words or gestures, it is slander (see:
Gatley on Libel and Slander, 9th edn at p 6).
[30] In Ayob Saud v. TS Sambanthamurthi [1988] 1 MLRH
653, His Lordship Mohamed Dzaiddin J (as he then was)
has clearly laid down the necessary procedure in
establishing claim for libel (with which we agree), when he
said at p 155:
"In our law on libel, which is governed by the
Defamation Act 1957 (Revised - 1983), the burden of
proof lies on the plaintiff to show (1) the words are
defamatory; (2) the words refer to the plaintiff; and
(3) the words were published. …”
[31] In other words, the plaintiff must prove three elements
of the tort of defamation, which are:
(i) the plaintiff must show that the statement bears
defamatory imputations;
(ii) the statement must refer to or reflect upon the
plaintiff’s reputation; and
(iii) the statement must have been published to a
third person by the defendant.”
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[32] What is “defamatory imputation”?
There is no precise test to be applied to determine whether
or not any given words are defamatory. His Lordship
Mohamed Azmi J (as he then was) in the case of Syed
Husin Ali v Sharikat Penchetakan Utusan Melayu Berhad &
Anor [1973] 1 MLRH 153, [1973] 2 MLJ 56, quoting Gatley
on Libel and Slander, 6th edn p 4, stated the following:
"There is no wholly satisfactory definition of a defamatory
imputation. Any imputation which may tend "to lower the
plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking members of
society generally”, ‘to cut him off from society’ or ‘to
expose him to hatred, contempt or ridicule’, is defamatory
of him. An imputation may be defamatory whether or not it
is believed by those to whom it is published."
It was further quoted that:
"A defamatory imputation is one to a man’s discredit, or
which tends to lower him in the estimation of others, or to
expose him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to injure his
reputation in his office, trade or profession, or to injure his
financial credit. The standard of opinion is that of right
thinking persons generally. To be defamatory an
imputation need have no actual effect on a person’s
reputation; the law looks only to its tendency."
[penekanan ditambah]
60. Plaintif hendaklah membuktikan bahawa terdapatnya kenyataan
berunsur fitnah yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Defendan-Defendan
dalam emel-emel tersebut. Kenyataan-kenyataan tersebut mesti
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merujuk kepada Plaintif dan terdapat penerbitan kepada pihak
ketiga. Menurut dakwaan Plaintif, emel-emel bertarikh 05.12.2020,
07.12.2020 dan 15.12.2020 merupakan suatu kenyataan fitnah
yang merujuk kepada Plaintif untuk menjatuhkan reputasi Plaintif
dan telah diterbitkan kepada pihak ketiga melalui salinan “cc”
kepada pihak ketiga.
61. Mahkamah mendapati Plaintif gagal untuk membuktikan ketiga-tiga
elemen yang diperlukan untuk membuktikan bahawa emel-emel
tersebut mengandungi kenyataan berunsur fitnah. Ketika
Pemeriksaan balas, Plaintif menyatakan keseluruhan kandungan
emel-emel tersebut adalah kenyataan fitnah. Plaintif tidak
menunjukkan atau menyatakan apakah kenyataan fitnah di dalam
emel-emel tersebut.
62. Pada penelitian Mahkamah kenyataan-kenyataan dalam emel-emel
tersebut tidak berunsur fitnah dan ianya tidak merujuk untuk
merendahkan reputasi, mencela, memalukan atau menjatuhkan
martabat Plaintif sebagai peguam bela dan peguam cara di mata
ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama dan semua penduduk
Pangsapuri Anggun.
63. Mahkamah mendapati kandungan emel-emel adalah jelas
berkenaan permintaan dokumen-dokumen, resit dan invois serta
penjelasan berhubung fi guaman oleh Defendan-Defendan kerana
pertikaian yang berpunca dari fi guaman yang tidak dipersetujui
antara Plaintif dan Defendan-Defendan. Tambahan lagi, Defendan-
Defendan meminta penjelasan kerana Plaintif menggunakan akaun
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peribadinya untuk pembayaran. Mahkamah mendapati apa yang
diminta oleh Defendan-Defendan adalah wajar sebagai anakguam.
Plaintif seharusnya memberikan penjelasan berkenaan fi guaman
yang dikenakan serta penjelasan mengapa Plaintif menggunakan
akaun peribadinya dan bukan akaun firma guamannya.
64. Mahkamah juga mendapati emel-emel tersebut tiada kenyataan
yang membawa maksud Plaintif telah menyeleweng atau menipu
Defendan Pertama. Apa yang Defendan-Defendan berulang kali
meminta adalah penjelasan mengenai fi guaman yang dikenakan
dan segala resit dan dokumen berkaitan untuk membuat bayaran
setakat kerja yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Plaintif. Sebaliknya
Plaintif telah mengugut Defendan Pertama untuk memfailkan Notis
Penarikan Diri bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga, tetapi kemudiannya, Plaintif
telah memfailkan Notis Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan
Memfailkan Semula. Oleh itu, Defendan-Defendan telah meminta
penjelasan bagi tindakan keterlaluan Plaintif tersebut. Mahkamah
mendapati tindakan Plaintif sendiri adalah amat keterlaluan yang
melanggar etika peguam dan Defendan-Defendan sebagai pihak
yang terkilan mempunyai hak untuk meminta penjelasan bagi
tindakan tersebut.
65. Mahkamah juga berpendapat sekadar menggunakan perkataan
huruf besar dan ‘bold’ tidak membawa maksud kenyataan itu
berbaur fitnah. Huruf besar dan ‘bold’ boleh memberikan erti kata
bahawa penulis memberikan penekanan kepada apa yang
dinyatakan. SD1 juga telah menerangkan tujuannya menggunakan
huruf besar dan ‘bold’ dalam emel-emel yang dihantar olehnya
adalah untuk menarik perhatian Plaintif kepada perkara penting.
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Mahkamah menerima penjelasan ini kerana ianya adalah
munasabah. Kenyataan Plaintif bahawa penggunaan huruf besar
dan ‘bold’ adalah untuk menuduh, memfitnah Plaintif sehingga
Plaintif menjadi trauma dan ‘embarassed’ tidak dibuktikan melalui
apa-apa keterangan atau dokumen sokongan.
66. Walaupun Mahkamah mendapati kenyataan dalam emel-emel yang
tersebut bukan satu kenyataan fitnah, namun Mahkamah telah
mempertimbangkan sama ada elemen ketiga iaitu penerbitan
(publication) wujud.
67. Mahkamah mendapati Plaintif telah gagal untuk membuktikan
kenyataan yang dikatakan fitnah tersebut telah diterbitkan kepada
pihak ketiga.
68. Merujuk kes Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn. Bhd. v Hue Shieh
Lee (supra),
“[36] The final element that the plaintiff must prove is that
the words of which he complains have been published to
any third party by the defendant. As stated by Lord Esher
MR in the case of Hebditch v. Macilwaine [1894] 2 QB 54 (at
p 58):
"The material part of the cause of action in libel is not the
writing, but the publication of the libel."
[37] "Publication" means making the defamatory statement
known to some other person other than of whom it is
written or spoken. The statement must be published to a
third party (see: S Pakianathan v. Jenni Ibrahim & Another
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Case [1988] 1 MLRA 110). The uttering of a libel to the party
libelled is no publication for the purpose of a civil action
(see: Wennhak v. Morgan [1888] 20 QBD 634). The
fundamental principle is that the statement must be
communicated to a third party in such manner as to be
capable of conveying the defamatory imputation about the
plaintiff (see: Gatley on Libel and Slander, 9th edn at p 134).
[38] The test involved in determining whether or not the
words complained of are defamatory is a two-stage
process. Firstly, it must be considered what meaning the
words would convey to an ordinary person; and secondly,
it must be considered whether under the circumstances in
which the words were published, a reasonable man would
be likely to understand that in a defamatory way (see:
Wong Yoke Kong & Ors v. Azmi M Anshar & Ors [2003] 2
MLRH 439).”
[penekanan ditambah]
69. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan bahawa kenyataan atau emel-
emel tersebut tidak pernah diterbitkan kepada mana-mana pihak
ketiga dan bahawa ahli jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama bukanlah
pihak ketiga. Plaintif sendiri gagal mengemukakan sebarang bukti
yang menunjukkan bahawa emel-emel tersebut telah diterbitkan
kepada penduduk di Pangsapuri Anggun melalui “Whatsapp- group”
atau mengemukakan mana-mana saksi untuk membuktikan
dakwaan Plaintif tersebut.
70. Mahkamah bersetuju bahawa membuat salinan (cc) kepada ahli
jawatan kuasa Defendan Pertama bukanlah penerbitan,
penyebaran atau penyiaran kepada pihak ketiga kerana ahli
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jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama adalah sebahagian daripada
Defendan Pertama itu sendiri yang dibentuk melalui mesyuarat
agung tahunan. Tambahan, tiada apa-apa bukti yang dikemukakan
oleh Plaintif bahawa kenyataan yang dikatakan fitnah dalam emel-
emel tersebut telah dihantar melalui “Whatsapp group” penduduk
Pangsapuri Anggun. Pendek kata, tiada apa-apa bukti langsung
bahawa Defendan-Defendan telah menghantar emel-emel tersebut
kepada pihak ketiga selain ahli jawatankuasa Defendan Pertama.
C Sama ada Defendan-Defendan bertanggungjawab atas
kepalsuan memudaratkan, konspirasi mencederakan, frod dan
representasi palsu kepada Plaintif
71. Plaintif mendakwa Defendan-Defendan telah secara salah
berkonspirasi untuk mencederakan Plaintif dengan menerbitkan,
menyiarkan, menyebabkan untuk disiarkan libel dan/atau slander
terhadap Plaintif.
72. Pertamanya, Mahkamah telah mendapati kenyataan dalam emel-
emel Defendan-Defendan tidak berunsur fitnah dan jika pun ianya
adalah kenyataan berunsur fitnah (Mahkamah dapati tiada fitnah),
tiada penerbitan kepada pihak ketiga.
73. Selanjutnya, Plaintif langsung tidak kemukakan apa-apa bukti untuk
menunjukkan Defendan-Defendan telah melakukan perbuatan-
perbuatan kepalsuan memudaratkan, konspirasi mencederakan,
frod dan representasi palsu kepada Plaintif. Plaintif juga gagal untuk
mengemukakan apa-apa bukti bahawa akibat daripada emel-emel
Defendan-Defendan tersebut, Plaintif telah mengalami kecederaan,
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kehilangan pendapatan, tercalar social standing Plaintif atau imej
firma guaman Plaintif telah tercedera.
74. Merujuk kes Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd v. Hue Shieh
Lee, Mahkamah Persekutuan menerangkan kepalsuan
memudaratkan seperti berikut:
"The Law on Malicious Falsehood
[39] In order to establish a claim under malicious falsehood,
it is trite law that the plaintiff bears the burden of proving
the following elements:
(i) that the defendant published about the plaintiff words
which are false;
(ii) that the words were published maliciously; and
(iii) that special damage followed as the direct and natural
result of the publication.
[40] "Malice" has been judicially interpreted by the courts
as being reckless, unreasonable, prejudice or unfair belief
in the truth of the statement. "Malice" may be established
by showing that the defendant did not believe in the truth
of what he uttered (see: Harrocks v. Lowe [1974] 1 All ER
662 and Watt v. Longsdon [1930] 1 KB 130 at p 154, [1929]
All ER 284 at p 294).
[41] As defined in the Osborn's Concise Dictionary (7th
edn), the word "malice" means:
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Ill-will or evil motive: personal spite or ill-will sometimes
called actual malice, express malice or malice in fact. In law
an act is malicious if done intentionally without just cause
or excuse. So long as a person believes in the truth of what
he says and is not reckless, malice cannot be inferred from
the fact that his belief is unreasonable, prejudiced or unfair
(Horrocks v. Lowe [1972] 1 WLR 1625).
[42] In law, an act is malicious if done intentionally without
just cause or excuse. So long as a person believes in the
truth of what he says and is not reckless, "malice" cannot
be inferred from the fact that his belief is unreasonable,
prejudiced or unfair (see: Anne Lim Keng See v. The New
Straits Times Press (M) Bhd & Anor And Other Appeals
[2008] 2 MLRA 325, Horrocks v. Lowe (supra).”
75. Mahkamah bersetuju kenyataan dalam emel-emel tersebut
bukanlah kenyataan yang memburukkan Plaintif tetapi Defendan-
Defendan hanyalah menyatakan pendirian Defendan Pertama dan
memohon penjelasan daripada Plaintif berkenaan tindakan Plaintif
serta meminta dokumen-dokumen berkaitan untuk Defendan
Pertama membuat pembayaran. Mahkamah mendapati ini adalah
hak Defendan-Defendan selaku litigan dalam sesuatu tindakan
untuk mendapatkan penjelasan berhubung apa-apa bayaran fi
guaman yang telah dikenakan oleh peguamnya. Defendan-
Defendan mempunyai hak untuk mempertikaikan fi guaman yang
dikenakan dan jika tidak berpuas hati, boleh mengambil tindakan
yang wajar menurut undang-undang yang terpakai.
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76. Merujuk kes Yeohata Machineries Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Coil
Master Sdn Bhd & Ors [2016] 6 MLRA 326, Mahkamah Rayuan
“[25] We now turn to the issue of conspiracy to injure. In
order to sustain an action in conspiracy, the plaintiffs must
plead and prove four essential ingredients. They are: (i) a
combination or agreement between two or more
individuals, (ii) an intent to injure, (iii) pursuant to which
combination or agreement and with that intention certain
acts were carried out, and (iv) resulting in loss and damage
to the plaintiffs. The learned trial judge found that the
evidence produced by the plaintiffs was not sufficient to
establish the tort of conspiracy to injure. The 1st defendant
company was not operational while the 3rd defendant was
a Director of the 1st plaintiff. The defendants did not take
any confidential information from the plaintiffs. There was
no agreement to prevent the defendants from
incorporating a new company. We have considered the
evidence in totality and find that there is nothing to justify
us in disturbing the findings of fact of the learned trial
[penekanan ditambah]
77. Plaintif gagal membuktikan elemen-elemen untuk menunjukkan
terdapat konspirasi antara Defendan-Defendan untuk
mencederakan Plaintif melalui emel-emel tersebut atau mana-mana
tindakan Defendan-Defendan, sedangkan emel-emel tersebut jelas
hanyalah memohon penjelasan dan dokumen yang relevan untuk
Defendan Pertama melakukan pembayaran.
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78. Plaintif juga mendakwa Defendan-Defendan telah melakukan frod
dan representasi palsu terhadap Plaintif. Sepertimana yang telah
diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Sinnaiyah &
Sons Sdn. Bhd. v Damai Setia Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 5 MLJ 1, beban
pembuktian bagi kes yang melibatkan frod dan pemalsuan adalah
atas imbangan kebarangkalian. Beban bukti terletak atas pihak
yang mendakwa terdapatnya frod.
79. Plaintif mendakwa Plaintif telah didorong untuk mempercayai
bahawa Defendan Pertama akan membuat pembayaran fi guaman
bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga, namun tiada langsung bayaran yang
dibuat oleh Defendan Pertama walaupun Plaintif telah
mengendalikan perbicaraan pada 06.10.2020 dan 07.10.2020,
serta menyediakan dan memfailkan dokumen-dokumen
perbicaraan. Menurut Plaintif, Defendan Ketiga telah menjanjikan
untuk membuat pembayaran paling awal pada 29.10.2020 atau
30.10.2020 atau selewat-lewatnya 07.11.2020, namun Defendan
Ketiga enggan hadir memberi keterangan semasa perbicaraan.
Plaintif juga mendakwa pada masa yang sama, Defendan Kedua
dan Defendan Ketiga telah mengarahkan Plaintif untuk menaikkan
amaun dan menghantar semula invois bertarikh 19.11.2020 untuk
jumlah yang lebih tinggi iaitu RM5,953.00. Walaupun Defendan
Ketiga menjanjikan pembayaran namun tiada apa-apa bayaran
yang dibuat. Plaintif telah mengalami kerugian atas ketiadaan
pembayaran sedangkan kerja-kerja telah dijalankan oleh Plaintif.
Plaintif menyatakan Plaintif telah memfailkan Notis Pemberhentian
Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga
kerana tiada arahan lanjut daripada Defendan-Defendan. Pada
masa yang sama Defendan Kedua tidak dapat dihubungi kerana
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Plaintif telah dihalang (blocked) daripada menghubungi Defendan
Kedua melalui telefon. Bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak, Plaintif
menyatakan Defendan-Defendan maklum RM6,648.00 hanyalah fi
untuk membuka fail dan tidak termasuk untuk tindakan lain seperti
penghakiman ingkar kehadiran dan penyampaian ganti. Oleh itu
Plaintif menegaskan Defendan-Defendan terutama Defendan
Pertama telah melakukan frod terhadap Plaintif kerana enggan
membayar fi guaman yang dijanjikan.
80. Mahkamah mendapati apa yang didakwa oleh Plaintif sebagai frod
bukanlah satu tindakan melakukan frod oleh Defendan-Defendan.
Apa yang jelas melalui emel-emel yang dihantar pada masa
material, terdapat ketegangan antara Plaintif dan Defendan-
Defendan akibat daripada pertikaian pembayaran fi guaman.
Mahkamah mendapati tiada unsur frod dalam kes ini. Apa yang
berlaku adalah Defendan Pertama tidak berpuas hati dengan
jumlah fi guaman yang dikenakan dan telah meminta dokumen
sokongan untuk kerja-kerja yang telah diselesaikan. Defendan
Pertama juga telah meminta penjelasan berhubung fi guaman yang
dikemukakan oleh Plaintif. Pertikaian berlanjutan apabila Plaintif
tidak mengemukakan dokumen dan penjelasan. Akibatnya
hubungan antara Defendan-Defendan dan Plaintif menjadi amat
tegang sehingga komunikasi antara mereka tidak dapat diteruskan.
Namun, dalam emel-emel yang dihantar oleh Defendan-Defendan
telah menyatakan mereka akan membuat pembayaran apabila
Plaintif memberikan dokumen-dokumen relevan untuk
membuktikan kerja-kerja yang telah dilaksanakan. Tambahan pula,
Defendan-Defendan juga ada membuat bayaran kepada peguam
cara terdahulu dan juga kepada Plaintif bagi Kes 6 Pemunya Petak.
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81. Mahkamah berpendapat penangguhan bayaran oleh Defendan-
Defendan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan bukan satu tindakan frod.
Apa yang diminta Defendan-Defendan adalah hak mereka sebagai
litigan. Frod dalam semua kes, merujuk kepada tindakan yang
dilakukan dengan sengaja oleh mana-mana pihak, dengan
seseorang cuba untuk menghalang hak yang sepatutnya dimiliki
oleh pihak lain, melalui cara yang tidak sah atau tidak adil. Dalam
kes ini, Plaintif gagal untuk membuktikan Defendan-Defendan telah
menipu Plaintif dengan tidak membayar tuntutan fi guaman yang
dikemukakan oleh Plaintif. Apa yang jelas daripada emel-emel yang
dihantar oleh Defendan-Defendan, Defendan Pertama berulang kali
telah meminta dokumen dan penjelasan dengan menyatakan
dokumen-dokumen itu perlu bagi Defendan Pertama membuat
bayaran, namun tidak diberikan oleh Plaintif. Kelakuan Defendan-
Defendan dalam keadaan ini tidak boleh dikatakan adalah satu
tindakan frod terhadap Plaintif.
82. Mahkamah merujuk keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes
Letchumanan Chettiar Alagappan @ L Allagappan (as executor
to SL Alameloo Achi alias Sona Lena Alamelo Acho, deceased)
& Anor v Secure Plantation Sdn. Bhd. [2017] 4 MLJ 697.
Mahkamah Persekutuan menyatakan seperti berikut berhubung
definisi frod:
“[18] What amounts to ‘fraud’? ‘It is not easy to give a
definition of what constitutes fraud in the extensive
signification in which the term is understood by Civil
Courts of Justice. The courts have always avoided
hampering themselves by defining or laying down as a
general proposition what shall constitute fraud. Fraud is
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infinite in variety (Reddaway & Co and Another v Banham
& Co and Another [1896] AC 199 at p 221). The fertility of
man’s invention in devising new schemes of fraud is so
great, that the courts have always declined to define it, or
to define undue influence, which is one of the many
varieties, reserving to themselves the liberty to deal with it
under whatever form it may present itself (Allcard v Skinner
(1887) 36 Ch D 145 at p 183). Fraud, in the contemplation of
a Civil Court of Justice, may be said to include properly all
acts, omissions, and concealments which involve a breach
of a legal or equitable duty, trust or confidence, justly
reposed, and are injurious to another, or by which an
undue or unconscientious advantage is taken of another
(Story, Eq Jur 187). All surprise, trick, cunning,
dissembling and other unfair way that is used to cheat any
one is considered fraud (Finch 439). Fraud in all cases
implies a wilful act on the part of any one, whereby another
is sought to be deprived, by illegal or inequitable means, of
what he is entitled to (Green v Nixon (1857) 23 Beav 530 at
p 535)’ (Kerr on Fraud and Mistake (7th Ed) at p 1). ‘The
concept of fraud is notoriously difficult to define’ (Cavell
USA Inc and another v Seaton Insurance Company and
another [2009] EWCA Civ 1363 per Longmore LJ, Mummery
and Toulson LJJ in agreement). We would not hazard to
define ‘fraud’. We would just say that ‘fraud’ is a generic
term which also covers all manner of cheat, deceit and
dishonesty. Given its wide meaning, ‘an action in fraud will
usually include a number of distinct causes of action …’
and ‘claims to trace assets in equity or, perhaps, at
common law’ (Bullen & Leake & Jacobs Precedents of
Pleadings (18th Ed Vol 2) at 57-01).”
[penekanan ditambah]
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83. Seterusnya berkenaan tuntutan Plaintif terhadap Defendan-
Defendan untuk memulangkan kad perniagaan milik Plaintif yang
dikatakan telah ditinggalkan atas permohonan Defendan-Defendan.
Akibat daripada ini, Plaintif mendakwa telah mengalami kerosakan
dan kerugian akibat daripada tindakan itu. Mahkamah setuju
dengan hujahan Defendan-Defendan bahawa tiada apa-apa bukti
yang dikemukakan oleh Plaintif berhubung dakwaan ini.
D Sama ada Defendan-Defendan boleh menuntut gantirugi bagi
Kes Jasakon Niaga dalam Tuntutan Balas Defendan
84. Plaintif menghujahkan bahawa Plaintif berhak memfailkan Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula itu kerana
Plaintif telah memberikan Notis-Notis termasuk Notis bertulis
kepada Defendan-Defendan sebelum pemfailan dan Defendan
Kedua telah bertindak menghalang (block) Plaintif melalui
telefonnya. Tindakan Defendan Kedua telah mengakibatkan Plaintif
tidak boleh mendapatkan sebarang arahan mahupun perbincangan
dengan pihak Defendan-Defendan. Plaintif telah dimaklumkan oleh
Defendan Ketiga bahawa hanya Defendan Kedua berhak membuat
keputusan bagi pihak Defendan Pertama. Perkara ini juga disahkan
oleh kakitangan Defendan Pertama, iaitu Nur Syafika Asyikin Binti
85. Plaintif menyatakan Plaintif terpaksa menghantar Notis-Notis untuk
pembayaran, pada setiap masa material, melalui emel kerana
Defendan Kedua telah menghalang Plaintif daripada menghubungi
Defendan Kedua melalui telefon.
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86. Plaintif menegaskan tindakan Plaintif memfailkan Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula adalah
wajar dan patut. Menurut Plaintif tugas dan tanggungjawab peguam
terhadap Mahkamah adalah paling utama. Oleh kerana Defendan-
Defendan telah menghalang Plaintif selaku peguam Defendan
Pertama daripada mendapatkan sebarang arahan dan komunikasi
untuk tindakan lanjut Kes Jasakon Niaga dan untuk apa jua arahan
bagi kes terhadap 6 Pemunya Petak, Plaintif menjadi malu untuk
hadir ke Mahkamah tanpa sebarang arahan dan mandat daripada
anakguam. Akibatnya, Plaintif tidak dapat mengendalikan kes di
Mahkamah. Plaintif merujuk Kaedah 6 Kaedah-Kaedah Profesion
Undang-Undang (Amalan dan Etiket) 1978, dan kes Cheah Cheng
Hoc v Public Prosecutor [1986] 1 MLJ 299 dan Re Zainur Zakaria
[1999] 2 MLJ 577 untuk menyokong hujahannya.
87. Defendan-Defendan menegaskan Defendan Pertama telah
mengalami kerugian yang amat besar akibat daripada tindakan
Plaintif selaku peguam Defendan Pertama, yang telah bertindak
tanpa arahan Defendan Pertama, apabila memfailkan Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula untuk Kes
Jasakon Niaga. Tuntutan Defendan Pertama terhadap Jasakon
Niaga melibatkan wang penduduk Pangsapuri Anggun yang
berjumlah RM94,800.00. Tindakan Plaintif ini telah mengabaikan
hak anakguam Plaintif iaitu Defendan Pertama dan telah bertindak
dengan mala fide sedangkan Plaintif mempunyai pilihan untuk
menarik diri sebagai peguam cara Defendan Pertama.
88. Defendan-Defendan menyatakan Plaintif sebagai peguam bela dan
peguam cara, adalah tertakluk kepada etika peguam. Defendan-
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Defendan merujuk Kaedah-Kaedah 6, 31 dan 35 Kaedah-Kaedah
Profesion Undang-Undang (Amalan dan Etiket) 1978 berkenaan
tanggungjawab seorang peguam cara kepada anakguam secara
16. Advocate and solicitor to uphold interest of client,
justice and dignity of profession
An advocate and solicitor shall while acting with all due
courtesy to the tribunal before which he is appearing,
fearlessly uphold the interest of his client, the interest of
justice and dignity of the profession without regard to any
unpleasant consequences either to himself or to any other
31. Advocate and solicitor to uphold dignity of
Every advocate and solicitor shall at all times uphold the
dignity and high standing of his profession.
35. Advocate and solicitor not to abuse confidence
reposed in him by client.
(a) An advocate and solicitor shall refrain from any
action whereby for his personal benefit or gain he
abuses or takes advantage of the confidence
reposed in him by the client.
(b) An advocate and solicitor shall preserve his client’s
confidence and this duty outlasts his employment.
[penekanan ditambah]
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89. Mahkamah berpendapat tindakan Plaintif memfailkan Notis
Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan Memfailkan Semula bagi Kes
Jasakon Niaga adalah satu tindakan yang keterlaluan dan tanpa
asas yang telah memprejudiskan hak Defendan-Defendan dalam
tuntutannya terhadap Jasakon Niaga. Tindakan Plaintif telah
menyebabkan Defendan-Defendan tidak boleh memfailkan tuntutan
yang sama terhadap Jasakon Niaga secara kekal. Ini bermaksud
Defendan-Defendan telah kehilangan hak secara kekal. Defendan-
Defendan adalah satu badan yang menjaga kepentingan hak
penduduk-penduduk Pangsapuri Anggun, dalam erti kata lain
Plaintif telah menidakkan hak penduduk-penduduk Pangsapuri
Anggun dengan tindakan keterlaluannya.
90. Plaintif selaku seorang peguam, pasti mempunyai pengetahuan
bahawa Plaintif seharusnya menarik diri dari terus bertindak
sebagai peguam bela dan peguam cara Defendan-Defendan
apabila pertikaian antara mereka menjadi tegang dan sehingga ke
tahap tidak boleh berkomunikasi. Tindakan yang diambil oleh
Plaintif adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan melanggar etika
peguam di bawah Kaedah-Kaedah Profesion Undang-Undang
(Amalan dan Etiket) 1978. Plaintif telah gagal untuk melindungi
kepentingan anakguam, keadilan dan maruah profesion apabila
mengambil tindakan yang tidak munasabah dan keterlaluan
sehingga memprejudiskan Defendan-Defendan. Plaintif
mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk berjaga-jaga dalam mengambil
apa-apa tindakan bagi pihak anakguamnya dan jika Plaintif gagal
untuk menjalankan tanggunjawab tersebut, Plaintif akan
bertanggunganjawab bagi apa-apa kerugian yang timbul akibat
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91. Dalam kes Neogh Soo Oh & Ors v. G. Rethinasamy [1983] 1
MLRH 175; [1984] 1 MLJ 126; [1983] CLJ Rep 663, Gunn Chit
Tuan J memutuskan seperti yang berikut:
"A client may bring an action against his solicitor in contract, based
on the retainer of the solicitor by the client, or in tort, or in both. A
solicitor's duty is to use reasonable care and skill in giving such
advice and taking such action as the facts of a particular case
demand. The standard of care is that of the reasonably competent
solicitor and duty is directly related to the confines of the retainer.
A solicitor should consult with his client on all questions of doubt
and keep him reasonably informed."
92. Merujuk kes Subramaniam Manickam v Supramaniam Kasia
Pilai (supra), Mahkamah menyatakan:
“[59] Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Messrs Yong &
Co v. Wee Hood Teck Development Corp Ltd [1984] 1 MLRA
165; [1984] 2 MLJ 39; [1984] 1 CLJ (Rep) 251 telah
menyatakan seperti berikut mengenai dengan hubungan
seorang peguam dengan kliennya:
“The liability of a solicitor may be viewed in two
aspects. At common law, the retainer imposes upon
him an obligation to be skilful and careful and for
failure to fulfil this obligation he may be made liable
in contract for negligence whether he is acting for
reward or gratuitously. On the other hand, like any
other individual, a solicitor is liable for his wrongful
acts and if the circumstances justify the change, he
may be made liable to his client on tort (see
Halsbury's Law of England, (3rd Ed.) Vol. 36 p. 96,
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para 131). He owes a duty not to injure his client by
failing to do that which he had undertaken to do
which his client has relied on him to do (Midland
Bank Trust Co. Ltd. )”
[penekanan ditambah]
93. Melalui otoriti-otoriti yang dinyatakan, jelas tanggungjawab seorang
peguam cara adalah untuk bertindak untuk melindungi
anakguamnya demi keadilan dan “in best interest of his client”.
Namun dalam kes ini Plaintif telah bertindak sebaliknya,
mencederakan hak kepentingan Defendan-Defendan sehingga
mengakibatkan Defendan Pertama mengalami kerugian atas
tuntutan yang sepatutnya diterima oleh Defendan-Defendan.
94. Keterangan Plaintif menunjukkan Plaintif sebenarnya mengetahui
kesandan akibat sekiranya Notis Pemberhentian Tanpa Kebebasan
Memfailkan Semula difailkan olehnya terhadap kes Defendan
Pertama. Merujuk kepada komunikasi Whatsapp antara Plaintif
dengan Defendan Kedua pada 14.12.2020, Plaintif telah
memberitahu Defendan Kedua seperti berikut:
“Assalamualaikum, tuan haji, since you all x berminat nk
bayar our fees, we will withdraw your matter against
jasakon WITHOUT LIBERTY to file fresh. Maksudnya
sampai bila2 jmb pangsapuri anggun x boleh saman
jasakon lgi di mana mana mahkamah…”
[penekanan ditambah]
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95. Jelas Plaintif tahu tindakannya akan merugikan dan
memprejudiskan Defendan-Defendan. Kenyataan Plaintif jelas
menunjukkan Plaintif telah dengan sengaja menyebabkan kerugian
terhadap Defendan-Defendan kerana tidak puas hati apabila
Defendan-Defendan tidak membuat bayaran seperti yang diminta
oleh Plaintif. Tindakan Plaintif itu dalam apa keadaan sekali pun
adalah satu tindakan yang tidak munasabah dan tanpa asas.
Seorang peguam yang beretika dan seorang yang munasabah
dalam tindakannya tidak akan mengambil satu tindakan yang begitu
drastik dan memprejudiskan anakguamnya. Plaintif mempunyai
pilihan untuk menarik diri dan mengambil tindakan undang-undang
terhadap Defendan-Defendan jika Defendan-Defendan masih gagal
untuk membayar fi guamannya. Mahkamah berpendapat tindakan
Plaintif adalah suatu ‘blatant act’ dan salahlaku yang serius.
96. Mahkamah merujuk kes Messrs Albert Ding, Lee & Partners v
Cho Chooi Mei [2020] 1 MLRH 391. Mahkamah menjelaskan
berkenaan dengan kesalahan tatatertib peguam cara dalam Legal
Profession Act 1976 Section 94 seperti berikut:
“Section 94(3)(n) and (o) of Act 166 clearly includes
"misconduct" of an advocate and solicitor as gross
disregard of his client's interests and being guilty of any
conduct which is unbefitting of an advocate and solicitor
or which brings or is calculated to bring the legal
profession into disrepute.
... Hence, it is in my opinion, morally wrong for her to refuse
to discharge herself and her act of continuing to appear in
court again after receiving the letter was clearly an act
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without regards of her client's interest and her conduct is a
conduct which is unbefitting of an advocate and solicitor,
contrary to the said s 94(3)(n) and (o) of Act 166.
[82] Since reference is made to s 94 of LPA, it is imperative
to scrutinise the provision. The section reads:
Section 94 - Power of Disciplinary Board to strike off the
Roll, suspend for misconduct, etc
(3) For the purposes of this Part, "misconduct" means
conduct or omission to act in Malaysia or elsewhere by an
advocate and solicitor in a professional capacity or
otherwise which amounts to grave impropriety and
(m) the charging, in the absence of a written agreement, in
respect of professional services rendered to a client, of
fees or costs which are grossly excessive in all the
(n) gross disregard of his client's interests;
(o) being guilty of any conduct which is unbefitting of an
advocate and solicitor or which brings or is calculated to
bring the legal profession into disrepute.”
[penekanan di tambah]
97. Mahkamah bersetuju bahawa Defendan-Defendan adalah layak
untuk mendapat gantirugi atas kerugian dan prejudis yang dialami
oleh Defendan-Defendan bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga yang telah
diberhentikan tanpa kebebasan untuk memfailkan semula
sedangkan kes tersebut sedang dalam proses perbicaraan.
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Defendan-Defendan telah merujuk kes Kuala Terengganu
Specialist Hospital Sdn. Bhd. & Anor v Ahmad Thaqif Amzar
Ahmad Huzairi & Other Appeals [2023] 1 MLRA 601 untuk
menyokong tuntutan Defendan-Defendan bagi kerugian yang
dialami akibat tindakan Plaintif. Mahkamah Rayuan memutuskan:
[48] We must stress that it is well settled that SD claims
must be specifically pleaded and strictly proved. As
correctly noted by the LJ, it is trite law that special
damages must be pleaded and particularized and must be
proved by either oral or documentary evidence (see Jub'li
Mohamed Taib Taral & Ors v. Sunway Lagoon Sdn Bhd
[2001] 2 MLRH 224; [2001] 6 MLJ 669; [2001] 4 CLJ 599;
ABDA Airfreight Sdn Bhd v. Sistem Penerbangan Malaysia
Bhd [2001] 3 MLRH 434; [2001] 3 MLJ 641; [2001] 8 CLJ 1;
[2001] 3 AMR 3441 and Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz &
Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors [2015] 1 MLRH 234; [2015]
1 CLJ 825.
[54] In our deliberation on all the relevant heads of the
damages which are the subject of this appeal, we adopt
with approval the judgment of the Court of Appeal in
Tetuan Bahari Choy & Nongchik v. Harta Megajaya Sdn
Bhd [2020] 2 MLRA 92; [2019] 6 MLJ 491; [2019] 7 CLJ 332
"[15] As to damages, it is settled law that in order for
a claimant to succeed in its claim the claimant must
show that the loss and damages is due to the breach
of contract or negligence by the defendant. Once
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that is established the claimant has the additional
burden of proving the damages.
[penekanan ditambah]
98. Tuntutan Defendan Pertama dalam Kes Jasakon Niaga adalah
RM94,800.00 di Mahkamah Majistret. Maka Defendan-Defendan
telah menuntut jumlah tersebut di dalam Tuntutan Balas Defendan-
Defendan. Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan terhadap Plaintif
adalah sebanyak RM99,985.84.
99. Walau bagaimanapun, jumlah Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan
menurut keterangan SD1 di Mahkamah adalah sebanyak
RM98,846.34 iaitu tuntutan Defendan Pertama terhadap Jasakon
Niaga berjumlah RM94,800.00 dan RM4,046.34 yang merupakan fi
guaman yang telah dibayar oleh Defendan-Defendan kepada
Plaintif bagi Kes Jasakon Niaga. Adalah prinsip undang-undang
mantap bahawa Mahkamah ini mempunyai kuasa untuk
mengawardkan satu jumlah tuntutan yang berbeza dari apa yang
diplidkan berdasarkan keterangan di Mahkamah. Mahkamah boleh
membenarkan satu jumlah yang telah dibuktikan. Maka itu menurut
bukti yang telah dikemukakan oleh Defendan-Defendan, Tuntutan
Balas Defendan-Defendan dibenarkan bagi jumlah RM98,846.34
(lihat: BS Eramaju Engineering Sdn. Bhd. v OPS Suria (EM) Sdn.
Bhd. & Anor and another appeal [2018] 5 MLJ 647).
100. Berhubung keterangan SD1 ketika perbicaraan, Plaintif
menyatakan keterangan SD1 adalah tidak konsisten dan
bercanggah. Mahkamah mendapati walaupun terdapat beberapa
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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percanggahan dalam keterangan SD1, namun percanggahan itu
bukanlah percanggahan material sehingga mencacatkan
keseluruhan keterangannya. Kewujudan keterangan bercanggah
tidak bermaksud SD1 berbohong. Kenyataan SD1 adalah
berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen yang tidak disangkal oleh Plaintif.
Mahkamah merujuk kes CAS v. MPPL & Anor [2022] MLRHU 1141
yang menyatakan:
“[41] In assessing the credibility of a witness’ testimony,
Courts recognise that there will always be discrepancies
and contradictions in a witness' testimony, particularly
where they have to recall an event that took place a few
years prior to the trial. Such discrepancies do not
automatically make the witness an unreliable witness and
the whole of his/her evidence unacceptable. Charles Ho J
(as he then was) in Mohamed Alias v. PP [1981] 1 MLRH 574;
[1983] 2 MLJ 172 said that where there are discrepancies in
a witnesses' testimony, it is for the Court "having observed
the demeanour of the witness and after careful
consideration of such discrepancies to accept part of the
witness's evidence if it considers them to be true".
[penekanan ditambah]
101. Maka atas alasan-alasan yang dinyatakan di atas, Mahkamah
mendapati bahawa Plaintif telah gagal untuk membuktikan
tuntutannya atas imbangan kebarangkalian, manakala Defendan-
Defendan telah membuktikan Tuntutan Balasnya atas imbangan
kebarangkalian. Oleh itu, Mahkamah telah memerintahkan
Tuntutan Plaintif ditolak dan Tuntutan Balas Defendan-Defendan
dibenarkan bagi amaun RM98,846.34. Plaintif hendaklah
membayar kos sebanyak RM50,000 kepada Defendan-Defendan.
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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Bertarikh: 29 Disember 2023
Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya
di Shah Alam
Kepada peguam pihak-pihak:
Pihak Plaintif : Muhammad Amin Bin Anuar &
Norsafiqka Norman
(Tetuan Amin Chambers)
Pihak Defendan-Defendan : Ku Amirul Faiz Ku Seman &
Nurul Atikah Che Anawa
(Tetuan Kama & Wan)
S/N NjlSMzs99kSKiw/WCMeYiw
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| 76,693 | Tika 2.6.0 |
KB-12B-8-07/2023 | PERAYU 1. ) MOHD AZMAN BIN AZIZAN 2. ) AZNA ULUNG ENTERPRISE RESPONDEN TAN SOH CHIN | Appeal against decision of SCJ after full trial. Claim for the return of monies paid as investment for setting up 2 driving schools. The SCJ adopted the right approach in determining the issue in the Plaintiff’s claim. This Court is satisfied there was proper judicial evaluation and appreciation of the evidence presented by both parties and based on that she drew the correct conclusion. | 02/01/2024 | YA Puan Narkunavathy Sundareson | |
02/01/2024 10:26:47
KB-12B-8-07/2023 Kand. 12
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ma-12a—a—07/2023 Kand. 12
52/31/2024 1a:2s:A‘
RAVUAN SIVIL NO. Ka»12aum2n23
(No K/P175052!-B26193)
(Na Pendaflaun Fernlagnan: PGMMAIA-P)
(No KlP:1A0fi25-fl2-577$W) RESFONDEN
1. Fa! curwemenee. pames wm be referred |o as they wave m we
Sessxcns Com
2 This 15 me De(endanI5‘ apnea! agamsl the learned Sessions
Court Judge's deuslan dated 25 szozs my a mu mal The
Delendanl avneaxeu agamsl ms demsmn vude name 01 appez\
da|ed s 1 ma
IN a-nkusvumnamnmmnn
W. sum ...m.., M“ .. wed » mm m. nngmuly MW; mm. VI muus NM!
3 Nler careful cnrisidera|IL7n of the records at appeal and the
wriiien and era! submissions L79 huh! DENIES‘ this Calm
dismissed the De4endanis‘ appear Following are ma reasons
hr the decision
Proceedings in ma Session: Court.
4 The Piaiiitiifs ciaim against the Defendant is for the mum of
RM 49'/‘EDD D0 and RM 234,460.00 paid in the Fiist and 2"“
Defendants respectively as investment far sen-ng up diiving
schools in Macnaiig Eubok, Feiiaiiq and another in Kerieh,
Nomina maieriaiised and ma Piamuii went on to demand ma
reium 01 me monies and lodge a police report against me
s in thew aiaiemem at defence‘ the Deienaania denied the
viainms claim and contended no monies were advanced by
the Piammi
1 Altemalrvely, me oeienaanis piaadaa that the Plainiifl and the
First ueienaam had agreed to set up Akademi Msmandu
cemenang Kerteh Sdn Ehd and Akademi Memandu MB iaya
sun Bhd wherein may wauia be directors and shareholders
m -11nAsVumnEmNiDm:BA
Wane sum lhlhhfl win a. um a may m. mam.“-y Wm nnumani VI ariuws wvm
3 Any mnnies unveiled by me P\a|nI\H had gone mwams Ihs
cnnsmnmon at these dnvxng schoms and me Devendams
mamlaln |haI me Puamw was nu! ermflad to ask «or me re|um
at mass mamas.
me lrial
9 The Flammrs evidence can be summanzea as follows sne
agreed In xnvesl money wun me Hrs: De4enaanx ann (owavds
that end. she ewthev pa casn m Iranslermd mamas unhne to
ma FvsIDe1sndan( some at memes had been paid om mm
snner nev husband's bank acceum or her business accounls
The Plaunw nad tatzuvated me amounts pan! to me Delendants
m me smernant ofdavm and had prawued me sanespandmg
ewdence my eacn payment
to Allhough she was appmmeu director and sharehmder m
Akzdemx Memandu cemenang Kelereh Sdn am and Akaflenu
Memandu ME Jaye Sdn anus lhe Plalmifl ma nulhmg nmrelhan
pay out manies and sign documents She wen almost an mahers
nauaung lo genmg me venture 5! me gvound «a me First
11, The rusx Deéendam .n niscesnnmnydsnusa receipt av paynnencs
made by way av cheques
m -nmsvumnamnmmnia
were sum an... M“ s. um In new m. nan.“-y Wm aam... VI muus wvm
12 HI: posltlon was me: me Plalnlm was a partner In the
lransaarons relaling in me selllrlg up uilrle dr irlg schools and
lrrerelere undenoek lhe rlsk that me lrweslmenls wlll no| pay
13 He helped secure me we ler llre drlvlng school In Kereleh and
had apuolnled carllradms to help clear me land Walks came
to a elerrdellll when llre applleallorr for lreenee In run |he drlvmg
serroal was rejected Although lrley had secured Che requislle
llcence |a operate me drlvlng sumo Machallg Eubuk, me
Plalnlrfl was no lunger mlereeled In Ihs proleel
14 On 2552023, me Ieamed SCJ allowed me Plalnhffs clalm
egalnsl the De4erldarlls and ordered —
ll) me Fllsl Delendarrl lo ply RM 497.auo.uo and
my me 2'“ Delerrdanl lo pay RM 234,450 00; and
(ill lnlereel and casle.
m nllmevumnamnmrunn
we sew lhlhhfl err e. um In may he ..rern.r-r MW: nnuuvlenl VI HVLING DWI!
Frocndirlgs in me High cmm
Delendanm submission:
«5 The Delendanlssubmmed |haMhe veamea SCJ erred when she
snowed me F'\ainIWs dalm They namplamed that the leamed
$0.15 finding that mere exwsled a cnnlracl heaween me pames
was aomrary In me P\amM's pleaded case.
16 The Defendants also cunlendsd max ma lsamsd sex was
wrong because the Plammrs own zeswnany shows lha| RM
monoaa had been pan tuwavds Investment m Yayasan
Terengganu. The Plamm also «sued to prove man cheques
|u(aHIng RM 313.000 an were pad in me Fivs| Delendanl
17. The Detendams argued max any memes aavaneed by me
Plammwere Investments and earned Ihs risk ol no returns. The
monies mm been punowards me senmg up our-e two dvlvmg
schcms mclnding Ieasmg me Kereleh me The projed am not
malsnahse necause the avnhcallon was Ivoenee was velacled.
The wammr nersew gave up on me Machang Buhuk pmjem
13 The Plamlifl on me nlher hand submmed that me Defendants‘
lesflmnny was a bare demal or me Plamms claim and mac me
Issue regaramg me payment was an anennougm
m ..nmevumnaam.»...m
Wale sum runny wm e. um I» may he mtgmuly Wm “M... VI erwuws wvm
19. The P\ain|ifl argued Mal Ihe warned SCJ was DGUEC1 to hold
that the reblmnship belween the games was conlvamual
vmeleln in return luv the financwal Investment‘ the Defendants
were respnnslble 60! an mallet: relating In the semng up «he
dnvmg schools The evwdencs showed lhai the Delendanls did
not live up In mew and M [he bnvgam
Alulysis and firmng:
The appeal
20 u Is |n|e man [ms court, as an appeflate mun‘ oughl not In
m|ervene with the ma! courvs concmsuon on primary lasts
unless n \s sausnen me man judge was p\ain\y wmng Based on
nus ‘plamly wrung |es\’. an appe\!z|e courl Is enlmed lo exanune
me process 0! evalualwon oc evmsnoa by me Ina! own and may
set asme any flecusxon of me lnal courl mm no or msumcuenl
]udicIa\ appveuauun of me ewdsnoe (see Gan Yook Chm (P)
&AnarvLee In Chm LeeT en 5015 2005 2 MLJ1
It 9 2mm 4 on ma 20m 5 AMR 751, UEM Gvoug arm V
Gems s m rated En inears Pxe Ltd a An r zmo MLJU
2225 at p_ara 26 . Ng Hm: Km 5. Anor v Wendy Tan Lee Pang
admims|ralnx Inrlhe euana u(Tin Ewe Kwang deoeased 1.
ms 202m 12 MLJ 57 gl fij‘ Mme 0.1.; Gas Engmeenng sun
Bhd v. ]'_ay ay Kwee 5. Sons Sdn End 2015 2 MLJ 425 at
m -musvumnamnmmnia
W. sum rumhnv Mu be us« w vetny m. nugmuly mm anuumnl 2. nrwuus W.‘
21 This Conn must examme me man coun's process av evaluation
o1 avidenoe and apphcanon av raw m amvmg ax me deasmn
Unless the declsmn Is one wmm Vs um reasnnzbly explzmed av
jushflad or one wmcn no reasanabla judge could have reached.
appellate mlemenlmn Is unwarranted
rm SC.l’s grounds aliudgment
22 A pemsaw acme learned SCJ's grounds auuagmem shows ma!
she was oagnlsanl D! “we Plawnliffs pleaded case and the
Delendanw defense
23 The Vezrned sm found mac me Pwamun had m «act wasted a
sum xotalung RM 732,260 00 with the Devennamstorme semng
up anne lwn drivmg schnms She new that —
‘Dapal mums: bahawa walau dzlam apa—apa benhlk Iransaksw
yang (elah dualinkan sauna ad: plndihin alas «sum ueposn
mum, secara Iunai a\aupun melalm cek, ne¢endan—ne1enaan
hdak dapal mempemkaxakan bahawa kessmua wang
pelaburin uersebm telah di|evima oleh Defendan-Defendan
Du permgkal ml, Mzhkamah hen-pendapa| pelsoalan herkenaan
mmaan, kuasa menammangam cek dun asbagimya max
relevan Wag! Seklranya Deienaamoecenuan an perlngkat .
mempenoalkan sedemxklan‘ Ianya lemyala aaam sualu
'a«enhoughr memzndangkan Defendan—Delendan |e\ahpIm
menenma wang pelaburan «menu: '
m -musvumnamnmmnia
Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um In new m. mwgmuly mm 3..."... VI muus wvm
24 She was scspllcal oflhe varlaus lssue raised bylhe Delendarlls
durlrlg the mal and lmmd —
“Fenahan kosong Delenuanoelenuan membawa keaan
bahawa DefEndarl—Defendan mempunyal perlgslanuan penlm
tenlang xeselurururr lurllulln warlg pelaburan Iersebul |e|a
masih gagal darlla|au enggan menlelaskannya '
25. The learned S0.’ was sallsfied that the parlles had an
aglezmem whereby me Plalnllllwmm lrwesl oapnal arm ln mm,
lhe Delermams would do all ma! was necessarily la sel up ma
dn annuals
2s The learned SCJ held |haI me Delenuanla lallea In pmwde
dncumenlallen to account lar ma morlles lnal the Flalrllifl had
lrlvesled VI me ventures and suppnfl men r:nn|en|iL7rl mac may
had done all me was requlred olmem.
27. She drew an adverse lnferenoe agamsl «he Delenuams var men
lallura to lead evidence or call wilrresses Io subs1arltla|e their
corllemlarl lhal they had iumlled |helr end onhe halgaln The
learned SC.) acueplsd mal me Plammrs svlaanoe wrrrcrl she
lo-ma remained unchallenged |he nelenaams
m -1mAsVumnEmNlDm:IA
Wale s.rr.r ...m M“ be us« In vetny r... .mar..rr., mm mm... m mulls ml
25 ms Cuun was mlndlul mat |he aecrsrun :2! me learned sc.I
rnvowesvunarngs mac: and max mete should he no mxerterenne
by me appeHaIe Cami umess n can be Shawn ma! the finding rs
perverse and oomrary lo we evidence lhalwas led dunng max
29 This Cami «mas that me SCJ adopted me vigm approach in
delermvmng me rssue m me Pnarrmlrs c\aIm From ner grounds
mi ;udgmen|, «ms cam rs sacrsfied (here was proper ]udIcIa\
evumluon and appmuamon :71 the evruense preyencea by both
pa s and based on |ha\ she drew lhe oonecl conduslon
so She had me added benem a! seeing and evalnalmg both me
Plamhfi and me First Defendant when my gave evidence
before her
31 Thus Court rs unpersuaded met me Detanaanw camplimls
have any mems
32 FM me reasons set om, (his cum fllsrmsses me De4endants'
apnea‘ and amrms me decwsion cf the Veamed su dated
25 e 2023 Costs 01 RMSUOU rs. awarded to me P\a|n|\Wsub]eC1
to aUoca(uv
r~ -musvumnamnmmnia
Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be um w may m. mtgwruuly mm 3..."... VI HVLING wvm
Daced 21 December 2023
Navkunavalhy unda son
Jumaal Cumrrussianer
H4gh Caun of Malaya at Sungaw Petam
For the Am:-Ilnm 1 5 2
Azhar hm Ahmad
Messrs Aswar, smmn s. Azhzr
Mn SA, Lnmng Eellam R132‘ Timan Elenam Ra wazon Kepa\a
Salas, Pulzu Pmang
For me Reapondenl
Vrmalan 3/! s Vlsvallngam
Messrs A G Raseh 2; Paul
Blok B-3-9, Pusal Femlagaan Sunway‘ Ja\an Todak 4. 13700
Seberzng Jaya‘ Pulau Pinang
m -nmsvumnamnmmnia
Wale sum lhlhhfl wm be uud In mm m. mtgmuly MW; anumgnl VI muus wvm
| 1,361 | Tika 2.6.0 & Pytesseract-0.3.10 |
BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023 | PLAINTIF Suthan a/l Panchadcharam DEFENDAN Isha Educare Sdn Bhd | Whether there are triable issues or not to warrant an order for full trial instead of summary judgment under order 14 ROC 2012 - if summary judgment is allowed by this Court whether the application of discovery of document made by the Defendant under order 24 rules 3, 7 and 8 ROC 2012 is considered nugatory or not. | 02/01/2024 | Puan Rafiqha Hanim binti Mohd Rosli | |
GUAMAN NO: BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023
(NO.K/P: 741211-14-5065)
1. There are 2 appeals in relation to this Court’s decision in allowing the Plaintiff’s
Summary Judgment application under Order 14 of the Rules of Courts 2012
(ROC 2012) with cost of RM5,000.00 vide the Notice of Application dated
13.9.2023 (Enclosure 11) and dismissing the Defendant’s application for
discovery of documents under Order 24 Rules 3, 7 and 8 ROC 2012 dated
31.10.2023 (Enclosure 23).
2. In relation to these appeals, this Court will give its analysis and findings
simultaneously based on all evidence and exhibits tendered before this Court.
02/01/2024 17:05:08
BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023 Kand. 52
S/N nD7ohA6Cgkmaw03qfyuJ2g
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3. The cause of action by the Plaintiff against the Defendant is for the aforesaid
debt owing to him as a previous director which was showed in the letter of audit
confirmation of the debt owing from the Defendant’s auditor dated 20.4.2021
proves the said debt.
4. This is further supported by the reports and financial statements dated
31.12.2020 and 31.12.2021 prepared by the Defendant itself.
5. A letter of demand dated 7.7.2020 issued by the Plaintiff’s Solicitors, Messrs.
Ngeow & Tan on the Defendant was never contested or replied by the
6. The Plaintiff contended that this is a clear case for summary judgment against
the Defendant based on clear and express admission of the debt of
RM838,672.54 by the Defendant of which the Plaintiff is claiming that the
Defendant did not have a bona fide and is inconsistent with the
contemporaneous documents and is inherently improbable in law in view of the
documents showing the admission of debt by the Defendant.
7. This dispute between the Plaintiff and the Defendant is essentially for recovery
of a debt owed by the Defendant company to its previous director namely the
Plaintiff in the sum of RM838,672.54.
S/N nD7ohA6Cgkmaw03qfyuJ2g
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8. The conclusive proof of the debt is shown in the Defendant’s own and following
(i) a confirmation of balance letter dated 20.4.2021 from the
Defendant’s auditors to the Plaintiff;
(ii) the report and financial statement dated 31.12.2020 of the
(iii) the report and financial statement dated 31.12.2021 of the
Defendant; and
(iv) other relevant documents which are referred in this case.
9. At all material times, the Defendant did not raise any objection or dispute the
said debt as reflected in the letter of audit confirmation dated 20.4.2021 and the
reports and financial statements dated 31.12.2020 and 31.12.2021 and the
letter of demand dated 7.7.2020.
10. As a matter of fact, the Defendant pleaded the following averment with regards
to the sum of RM838,672.54.
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11. This Court had allowed the Plaintiff’s application vide summary judgment
application under Order 14 ROC 2012 and thereafter disallowed the
Defendant’s application to seek for discovery of documents based on the
following analysis and findings as stated below:
(i) The Letter of Audit Confirmation
12. This Court had seen vide exhibit SP-2, p. 21 and paragraph 9 of the Affidavit in
Reply by the Plaintiff which disclosed that the Defendant’s own auditors,
Messrs. Koo Wee Long & Co had certified that the said debt is owing to the
Plaintiff from the Defendant.
13. In furtherance to this, there was also one letter prepared and signed by the said
audit firm which was addressed to the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff had confirmed
the said debt of RM838,672.54 as at 31.12.2019 as stated below:
’’amount due to you’’ and ’’We are writing as auditors of the above
company. In the course of our regular examination of the accounts of
the above company, we find that the balance of your account was as
14. On top of that this Court also takes into consideration vide the Defendant’s
Statement of Defence particularly at paragraph 6 which referred to the Share
Sale Agreement dated 5.2.2018 (’’SSA 1’’) and 18.3.2019 (’’SSA 2’’) of which
the Plaintiff was not a party.
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15. With this in the Court’s mind, this Court is of the view that the Plaintiff was not
privy to the said agreements. In relation to SSA 1, Kuhan had denied signing
the said agreement, the signature is not his and had never met the witness
purportedly witnessed his signature in SSA 1 and had lodged a police report
pertaining to the same (see paragraph 24, p. 98 Affidavit in Reply by the
16. Further, the SSA 1 is not valid since Kuhan’s 30% shares in the Defendant’s
company had been sold and transferred to a director by the name of Murugamah
a/p Rama Krishnan in pursuant to a Share Sale Agreement dated 22.9.2020
(’’SSA 22.9.2020’’) (see paragraph 21.2 and exhibit SP-6, pp. 104-123 Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff).
17. This agreement was guaranteed by another director by the name of
Thinesvaran a/l Ponayah in pursuant to a Guarantee Agreement dated
22.9.2020, who was also a deponent of the Defendant’s in this application (see
paragraph 21.2 and exhibit SP-6, pp. 124-127 Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff).
18. In addition to this finding, even assuming that SSA 1 is a valid document this
Court views that SSA 1 has been superseded under s.15.6.2 of the SSA
22.9.2020 which states:
‘’15.6.2 All previous agreements, representations, warranties,
explanations and commitments, expressed or implied, affecting this
subject matter are superseded by this document and have no effect’’.
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19. This Court also takes into consideration of the facts that Murugamah had agreed
to the aforesaid clause by signing the SSA 22.9.2020 and therefore he is now
estopped from denying it now.
20. Further, this Court also views that in paragraph 21.2 namely SSA 22.9.2020
referred to in Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff envisaged that the SSA dated
22.9.2020 superseded the other agreement dated 5.2.2018. This averment was
not denied by the Defendant and therefore is deemed admitted as clearly
SDN BHD [1985] 1 MLRA 309.
21. The Defendant did not deny the execution of the SSA 22.9.2020 as stated in the
Affidavit in Reply by the Defendant, neither did the Defendant or Murugamah
(director of the Defendant) lodged any police report disputing the execution of
the SSA 22.9.2020, if she was claiming that she did execute the same.
22. As such, this Court is agreement with the Plaintiff’s submission that this is not a
triable issue, as alleged by the Defendant in para 16.4 of Affidavit in Reply by
the Defendant. Hence, this Court views that the validity of the SSA 22.9.2020 is
further established by referring to paras 4.1 to 4.5 of Affidavit in Reply by the
Plaintiff as exhibited in SP-1, pp. 22-41.
(ii) The Financial Statements
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23. With regards to the reports and Financial Statements dated 31.12.2020 and
31.12.2021 prepared by the Defendant as submitted to the Suruhanjaya
Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), this Court views that these financial statements have
been pleaded at paragraph 5 Statement of Claim and paragraph 10 Affidavit in
Support of Enclosure 11.
24. These financial statements approved and filed at SSM by the Defendant shows
that these are unqualified auditor’s report (see exhibit SP-3, p. 23 and p. 49
Affidavit in Support which can be seen at p. 45 and p.71 Affidavit in Reply by
the Plaintiff).
25. In these exhibits evidently showed that the said endorsement had been signed
by Thinesvaran a/l Ponayah being the director of the Defendant (Thinesvaran).
The most recent financial statement that was filed by the Defendant at SSM
being an unqualified auditor’s report is dated 31.12.2022 and filed on 15.8.2023
and executed by Thinesvaran in his capacity as the current director of the
Defendant (paragraph 14.3, pp. 71-96 as stated in the Affidavit in Reply by the
26. Furthermore, in relation to the said financial statements, Thinesvaran had
affirmed one statutory declaration in pursuant to s.251(1)(b) of the Companies
Act 2016 that the said financial statements are ’’… to the best of my knowledge
and believe correct…’’ as per exhibit SP-3, p.29 Affidavit in Support by the
Plaintiff (for 2020) and exhibit SP-3, p. 55 (for 2021) Affidavit in Support by the
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Plaintiff and exhibit SP-3, p.51 (for 2019) and exhibit SP-3, p. 77 Affidavit in
Reply by the Plaintiff.
27. In the said financial statements the Defendant had also confirmed which can be
seen in exhibit SP-3, p. 27 and p.53 of the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff as
stated below:
At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any
i) that would require any other amount to be written
off as bad debts or provided for as doubtful
28. The same statements also appeared in the 2019 and 2022 financial statements
(as per exhibit SP-3, p. 49 and p.75 of the Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff),
which was duly approved by the Defendant.
29. Nonetheless, should the debt sum not a bona fide claim, as alleged in paragraph
12, Affidavit in Reply by the Defendant, they had certainly contradicted
themselves as this Court takes into consideration on the evidentiary documents
showed in the contemporaneous documents namely financial statements for the
year 2019 to 2022 were indeed duly approved by the Defendant.
30. In addition to the abovementioned view, this Court also takes into consideration,
the financial statements for the years, 2020, 2021 and 2022 shows that an
amount of RM838,672.54 is still owed by the Defendant to the previous director
as stated below:
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(i) for the year 2020 as exhibited in SP-3, p. 45 and p. 47 (note 6 and
note 13) in the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff;
(ii) for the year of 2021, exhibit SP-3, p. 71 and p. 73 (note 6 and note
13) in the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff; and
(iii) for the year of 2022, exhibit SP-3, p. 93 and p.95 (note 6 and note
13) in the Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff.
31. In addition to this finding, this Court also takes cognizance, as at 15.8.2023,
based on the filing by the Defendant at SSM on the financial statements for the
year 2022, it is evidently clear that the amount of RM838,672.54 is still
recognized as owing to the previous director namely the Plaintiff.
32. The Defendant had also admitted in paragraph 7 of the Statement of Defence
that RM838,673.00 (nearest sum to RM838,672.54) was the amount owed to a
previous director.
33. Surely, this Court cannot deny this fact and should take this statement as a
judicial admission by the Defendant in its pleading.
34. On top of this admission, this sum is also shown in the auditor’s confirmation of
balance dated 20.4.2021 and also in the financial statements of 2020, 2021 and
most recently 2022 of the Defendant.
35. Thereafter, the Defendant had also filed the latest financial statement dated
31.12.2023 of the Defendant at SSM again confirming that RM838,673.00 is
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owing to a previous director/Plaintiff (p.93, note 6 of Affidavit in Reply by the
Plaintiff) in which the director of the Defendant namely Thinesvaran again had
confirmed by way of a statutory of declaration affirmed on 31.5.2023 that the
contents financial statement is true (see p.77 of Affidavit in Reply by the
36. Based on this admission of facts in a defence, this Court is guided by the High
GLASS MANUFACTURES CO. SDN. BHD. [2003] 3 MLRH 127 where Abdul
Malik Ishak J held at page 131 as stated below:
’’…the effect of the defendant admitting the facts as pleaded in the
statement of claim is this: that there is no issue between the parties on
that part of the case and there is no necessity to proceed to trial. And no
evidence is admissible in regard to those admitted facts (Pioneer Plastic
Containers Ltd. v. Commissioner of Customs and Excise [1967] Ch.
It is my judgment that the defendant has specifically pleaded that they
do not deny paras. 4(b) and 5(A)(b) of the statement of claim in that the
sum of RM151,361.98 is owing to the plaintiff. It is a clear admission on
the part of the defendant. A plain and unequivocal language cannot be
considered as a statement of non-admission or a statement of non-
denial. Bluntly put, the defendant has by way of their pleadings - their
statement of defence, admitted to the plaintiff's claim of RM151,361.98.
In Esso Malaysia Bhd v. Hills Agency (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [1993] 5
MLRH 142 ; [1994] 1 MLJ 740, in construing the effect of an admission
to the affidavit evidence, Idris Yusoff J had this to say at p. 752 of the
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What is more damaging in this case is that the defendants go to the
extent of admitting paras 3 and 4 of the plaintiffs' affidavit - thereby
obviating the necessity for the plaintiffs to provide further proof to
substantiate their averment.
Admissions are the strongest evidence possible and even a wrong
construction of a document will be assumed to be correct in view of the
A fortiori an admission by way of pleadings are formal admissions and
cannot be easily explained away (Ruby Investment (Pte) Ltd v.
Candipark Pte Ltd [1989] 4 MLRH 469 ; [1989] 3 MLJ 396).
37. Further, on the judicial admission in a defence, this Court is guided by the
Federal Court in YAM KONG SENG & ANOR v. YEE WENG KAI [2014] 4
MLRA 316 held as below:
’’ [16] The above averment was in response to para 12 of the
statement of claim wherein the appellants averred that the
company and the respondent had confirmed in writing of the
amount owing and payable to them. It is trite law that a judicial
admission made in a pleading stands on a higher footing than
evidentiary admission (Sarkar’s Law of Evidence) with the
respondent’s admission therein be made the foundation of the
rights of the parties (Satish Mohan Bilal v. State of UP [1986] AIR
All 126). Any failure on the part of the respondent to rebut the
admission to avoid the legal consequences of his admission would
entitle the appellants to enter judgment against him.
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[17] Having perused the defence in particular para 8, we find that
there is clear judicial admission of the debt owed. The question that
must follow would be whether the respondent was avoiding
responsibility to pay up. In Jacob and Goldrein’s Pleadings:
Principles and Practice [1990] pp 133-134 in dealing with
confession and avoidance, the following is stated:
Confession and Avoidance Meaning The term ‘confession and
avoidance’ is the description of a plea in the defence which, while
expressly or impliedly admitting or confessing or assuming the
truth of the material facts alleged in the statement of claim, seeks
at the same time to avoid or destroy the legal consequences of those
facts. The plea is invoked by alleging fresh or additional facts to
establish some legal justification or excuse, or some other ground
for avoiding or escaping legal liability. The defendant, as it were,
confesses the truth of what is alleged against him but proceed
immediately to ‘avoid’ the effect of such allegations.
[18] Having scrutinised the defence we find that the respondent
has failed to avoid legal liability. With there being judicial
admission by the respondent sufficient to hold him liable to the
amount claimed the answer to the first question of law in this
appeal must be answered in the positive.
38. In relation to a certificate of indebtedness (in which for this present case is the
confirmation of balance of the auditor), this Court is guided by the Federal
Court’s decision in CEMPAKA FINANCE BHD. v. HO LAI YING & ANOR
[2005] 2 MLRA 736 which states:
’’ The above dictum establishes firmly the conclusive nature and
extent of a certificate of indebtedness. A certificate of indebtedness
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operates in the field of adjectival law. It excuses the plaintiff from
adducing proof of debt. Such a certificate shifts the burden onto the
defendant to disprove the amount claimed.’’
(iv) Letter of Demand dated 7.72020 sent by the Plaintiff which was not
replied by the Defendant
39. This Court takes cognizance on the evidence, that the Plaintiff’s Solicitors had
served a letter of demand dated 7.7.2020 to the Defendant as shown in
paragraph 13, exhibit SP-4, pp.76-77 Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff.
40. In relation to the above facts, the Defendant had duly admitted that they had
received the said letter of demand which can be seen in paragraph 11 of their
Statement of Defence and paragraph 12 of the Affidavit in Reply by the
41. Based on these evidences, it is clearly showed that the Defendant did not object
or deny to the contents of the said letter including the demand sum of
RM838,673.00 till to date.
42. This is clearly an admission of the sum owing to the Plaintiff since the said letter
states that the demand is being made by their client Mr.Suthan a/l
Panchadcharam who is the Plaintiff in this suit.
43. With this in mind, the failure to reply the letter of demand sent by the Plaintiff to
the Defendant can be taken as an admission by the Defendant based on the
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Court of Appeal in JOHN AMBROSE v. PETER ANTHONY & ANOR [2017] 1
SSLR 625 that states as follows:
’’[33] The first defendant in his evidence admitted having knowledge of
the plaintiff ’s solicitors' letter dated 29 November 2013 yet the first
defendant did not at any time respond to or protest the plaintiff ’s
assertions of the oral agreements. In Ling Hock Ling v. Tai Lian Land
Development Co [2006] 2 MLRA 149, this Court through Gopal Sri
Ram JCA (as he then was) said at p 149:
“Now, here we have a case where the defendant upon receiving copies
of the plaintiff ’s letters to FELDA did not make any protest about his
description as a subcontractor. If it was not the truth he would have said
so. But he kept quiet. In these circumstances it does not lie in his mouth
to say that he was not the plaintiff ’s contractor. ...”
44. Similarly, this Court is also guided by the Court of Appeal’s decision in DAVID
[9] During argument, we registered our surprise at the learned Judge’s
reluctance to enter judgment for this sum of RM100,000. After all,
the appellant had failed to respond to the letter of 17 December. If
there had never been an agreement as alleged, it is reasonable to
expect a prompt and vigorous denial. But, as we have pointed out,
there was no response whatsoever from the appellant.
[10] In this context, we recall to mind the following passage in the
judgment of Edgar Joseph Jr J in Tan Cheng Hock v. Chan Thean
Soo [1985] 2 MLRH 562; [1987] 2 MLJ 479:
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In Wiedemann v. Walpole [1891] 2 QB 534, 537 an action
for breach of promise of marriage, it was held, that the mere
fact that the defendant did not answer letters written to him
by the plaintiff in which she stated that he had promised to
marry her, was no evidence corroborating the plaintiff’s
testimony in support of such promise. Lord Esher MR, in his
judgment, remarked:
Here, we have only to see whether the mere fact of not
answering the letters, with nothing else for us to
consider is any evidence in corroboration of the
’Earlier, in his judgment, he said,’ Now there are cases – business and
mercantile cases in which the Courts have taken notice that, in the
ordinary course of business, if one man of business states in a letter to
another that he has agreed to do certain things, the person who receives
that letter must answer it if he means to dispute the fact that he did so
(v) No indemnity by a third party
45. The Defendant had pleaded a case of in indemnity by third parties to the
Defendant purportedly for being jointly liable for the debt being owed to the
Plaintiff. The Defendant, in other words, is saying in their defence that the third
parties are responsible for the said debt and the purported third parties must
indemnify the Defendant on the same as stated in paragraphs 3, 4.1 to 4.4,
4.4.1(no. 1), 4.4.1(no.2), 4.5, 4.6, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 in their Statement of Defence.
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46. However, this Court views that this defence is not meritable as the third parties
do not have any privity of contract with the Plaintiff which can be seen in
paragraphs 5 and 9.1 Jawapan kepada Pembelaan.
47. As duly mentioned above, this Court views that the debt is owed by the
Defendant to the Plaintiff based on the confirmation of balance by the
Defendant’s auditor, financial statements for the years of 2020, 2021 and 2022,
letter of demand and a recent confirmation provided by the directors of the
Defendant in a letter dated 24.4.2023 addressed to the Plaintiff which can be
seen in paragraph 6.3 and exhibit SP-2, p. 43 Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff.
48. On the issue of indemnity by a third party raised by a Defendant, this Court sees
that there is no foundation on this statement as there is no denial made by the
Defendant that the said third party had no linkage nor privity in the debt owed
by the Defendant to the Plaintiff.
49. This Court’s view is based on the Federal Court’s decision in UNITED
[1999] 1 MLRA 98 which states as below:
’’[9] It should also be noted that any statement by a defendant that he
is entitled to be indemnified by a third party is no answer to the
plaintiff’s claim in an O 14 application, unless the third party has
discharged the plaintiff’s claim (Thorne v. Steel [1878] WN 215 CA).
See The Supreme Court Practice 1997 Vol 1 para 14/3 - 4/2 p 156.’’
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50. Based on all evidence and case laws as above, this Court agrees with the
Plaintiff’s submission that there are no triable issues raised by the Defendant
which could warrant a full trial vide viva voce evidence to be given by witnesses.
This is clearly a plain and obvious case where summary judgment ought to be
51. This Court is guided by the decision of the Federal Court in NATIONAL
190 where the Court succinctly held:
We think it appropriate to remind ourselves once again that in every application
under O 14 the first considerations are :
(a) whether the case comes within the Order; and
(b) whether the plaintiff has satisfied the preliminary requirements for
proceeding under O 14. For the purposes of an application under O 14
the preliminary requirements are:
(i) the defendant must have entered an appearance;
(ii) the statement of claim must have been served on the
defendant; and
(iii) the affidavit in support of the application must comply with
the requirements of r 2 of the O 14.
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[9] If the plaintiff fails to satisfy either of these considerations, the summons
may be dismissed. If however, these considerations are satisfied, the plaintiff
will have established a prima facie case and he comes entitled to judgment.
The burden then shifts to the defendant to satisfy the Court why judgment
should not be given against him [see O 14 r 3 and 4(1)].
52. Further, this Court is also guided by the Supreme Court’s decision of BANK
190 where the Court held:
[13] Under an O 14 application, the duty of a Judge does not end as soon as
a fact is asserted by one party, and denied or disputed by the other on
affidavit. Where such assertion, denial or dispute is equivocal, or lacking
in precision or is inconsistent with undisputed contemporary documents or
other statements by the same deponent or is inherently improbable in itself,
then the Judge has a duty to reject such assertion or denial, thereby
rendering the issue as not triable. In our opinion, unless this principle is
adhered to, a Judge is in no position to exercise his discretion judicially
under an O 14 application. Thus, apart from identifying the issues of fact or
law, the Court must go one step further and determine whether they are
triable. This principle is sometimes expressed by the statement that a
complete defence need not be shown. The defence set up need only show that
there is a triable issue.
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53. Based on the abovementioned analysis and findings, this Court allowed the
summary judgment application with the cost of RM5,000.00 to be entered
against the Defendant as the Defendant have failed to show neither any bona
fide meritable defence nor triable issue in relation to the Plaintiff’s claim of
RM838,672.54 as there are numerous clear admissions of debt based on
documentary evidence presented in this case.
54. In lieu of the above decision, the Defendant’s application vide Enclosure 23 for
the discovery of document is now nugatory. Based on this reason, Enclosure 23
is dismissed with no order as to cost.
Prepared by:
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| 29,129 | Tika 2.6.0 |
BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023 | PLAINTIF Suthan a/l Panchadcharam DEFENDAN Isha Educare Sdn Bhd | Whether there are triable issues or not to warrant an order for full trial instead of summary judgment under order 14 ROC 2012 - if summary judgment is allowed by this Court whether the application of discovery of document made by the Defendant under order 24 rules 3, 7 and 8 ROC 2012 is considered nugatory or not. | 02/01/2024 | Puan Rafiqha Hanim binti Mohd Rosli | |
GUAMAN NO: BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023
(NO.K/P: 741211-14-5065)
1. There are 2 appeals in relation to this Court’s decision in allowing the Plaintiff’s
Summary Judgment application under Order 14 of the Rules of Courts 2012
(ROC 2012) with cost of RM5,000.00 vide the Notice of Application dated
13.9.2023 (Enclosure 11) and dismissing the Defendant’s application for
discovery of documents under Order 24 Rules 3, 7 and 8 ROC 2012 dated
31.10.2023 (Enclosure 23).
2. In relation to these appeals, this Court will give its analysis and findings
simultaneously based on all evidence and exhibits tendered before this Court.
02/01/2024 17:05:08
BA-B52NCC-99-07/2023 Kand. 52
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3. The cause of action by the Plaintiff against the Defendant is for the aforesaid
debt owing to him as a previous director which was showed in the letter of audit
confirmation of the debt owing from the Defendant’s auditor dated 20.4.2021
proves the said debt.
4. This is further supported by the reports and financial statements dated
31.12.2020 and 31.12.2021 prepared by the Defendant itself.
5. A letter of demand dated 7.7.2020 issued by the Plaintiff’s Solicitors, Messrs.
Ngeow & Tan on the Defendant was never contested or replied by the
6. The Plaintiff contended that this is a clear case for summary judgment against
the Defendant based on clear and express admission of the debt of
RM838,672.54 by the Defendant of which the Plaintiff is claiming that the
Defendant did not have a bona fide and is inconsistent with the
contemporaneous documents and is inherently improbable in law in view of the
documents showing the admission of debt by the Defendant.
7. This dispute between the Plaintiff and the Defendant is essentially for recovery
of a debt owed by the Defendant company to its previous director namely the
Plaintiff in the sum of RM838,672.54.
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8. The conclusive proof of the debt is shown in the Defendant’s own and following
(i) a confirmation of balance letter dated 20.4.2021 from the
Defendant’s auditors to the Plaintiff;
(ii) the report and financial statement dated 31.12.2020 of the
(iii) the report and financial statement dated 31.12.2021 of the
Defendant; and
(iv) other relevant documents which are referred in this case.
9. At all material times, the Defendant did not raise any objection or dispute the
said debt as reflected in the letter of audit confirmation dated 20.4.2021 and the
reports and financial statements dated 31.12.2020 and 31.12.2021 and the
letter of demand dated 7.7.2020.
10. As a matter of fact, the Defendant pleaded the following averment with regards
to the sum of RM838,672.54.
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11. This Court had allowed the Plaintiff’s application vide summary judgment
application under Order 14 ROC 2012 and thereafter disallowed the
Defendant’s application to seek for discovery of documents based on the
following analysis and findings as stated below:
(i) The Letter of Audit Confirmation
12. This Court had seen vide exhibit SP-2, p. 21 and paragraph 9 of the Affidavit in
Reply by the Plaintiff which disclosed that the Defendant’s own auditors,
Messrs. Koo Wee Long & Co had certified that the said debt is owing to the
Plaintiff from the Defendant.
13. In furtherance to this, there was also one letter prepared and signed by the said
audit firm which was addressed to the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff had confirmed
the said debt of RM838,672.54 as at 31.12.2019 as stated below:
’’amount due to you’’ and ’’We are writing as auditors of the above
company. In the course of our regular examination of the accounts of
the above company, we find that the balance of your account was as
14. On top of that this Court also takes into consideration vide the Defendant’s
Statement of Defence particularly at paragraph 6 which referred to the Share
Sale Agreement dated 5.2.2018 (’’SSA 1’’) and 18.3.2019 (’’SSA 2’’) of which
the Plaintiff was not a party.
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15. With this in the Court’s mind, this Court is of the view that the Plaintiff was not
privy to the said agreements. In relation to SSA 1, Kuhan had denied signing
the said agreement, the signature is not his and had never met the witness
purportedly witnessed his signature in SSA 1 and had lodged a police report
pertaining to the same (see paragraph 24, p. 98 Affidavit in Reply by the
16. Further, the SSA 1 is not valid since Kuhan’s 30% shares in the Defendant’s
company had been sold and transferred to a director by the name of Murugamah
a/p Rama Krishnan in pursuant to a Share Sale Agreement dated 22.9.2020
(’’SSA 22.9.2020’’) (see paragraph 21.2 and exhibit SP-6, pp. 104-123 Affidavit
in reply by the Plaintiff).
17. This agreement was guaranteed by another director by the name of
Thinesvaran a/l Ponayah in pursuant to a Guarantee Agreement dated
22.9.2020, who was also a deponent of the Defendant’s in this application (see
paragraph 21.2 and exhibit SP-6, pp. 124-127 Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff).
18. In addition to this finding, even assuming that SSA 1 is a valid document this
Court views that SSA 1 has been superseded under s.15.6.2 of the SSA
22.9.2020 which states:
‘’15.6.2 All previous agreements, representations, warranties,
explanations and commitments, expressed or implied, affecting this
subject matter are superseded by this document and have no effect’’.
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19. This Court also takes into consideration of the facts that Murugamah had agreed
to the aforesaid clause by signing the SSA 22.9.2020 and therefore he is now
estopped from denying it now.
20. Further, this Court also views that in paragraph 21.2 namely SSA 22.9.2020
referred to in Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff envisaged that the SSA dated
22.9.2020 superseded the other agreement dated 5.2.2018. This averment was
not denied by the Defendant and therefore is deemed admitted as clearly
SDN BHD [1985] 1 MLRA 309.
21. The Defendant did not deny the execution of the SSA 22.9.2020 as stated in the
Affidavit in Reply by the Defendant, neither did the Defendant or Murugamah
(director of the Defendant) lodged any police report disputing the execution of
the SSA 22.9.2020, if she was claiming that she did execute the same.
22. As such, this Court is agreement with the Plaintiff’s submission that this is not a
triable issue, as alleged by the Defendant in para 16.4 of Affidavit in Reply by
the Defendant. Hence, this Court views that the validity of the SSA 22.9.2020 is
further established by referring to paras 4.1 to 4.5 of Affidavit in Reply by the
Plaintiff as exhibited in SP-1, pp. 22-41.
(ii) The Financial Statements
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23. With regards to the reports and Financial Statements dated 31.12.2020 and
31.12.2021 prepared by the Defendant as submitted to the Suruhanjaya
Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), this Court views that these financial statements have
been pleaded at paragraph 5 Statement of Claim and paragraph 10 Affidavit in
Support of Enclosure 11.
24. These financial statements approved and filed at SSM by the Defendant shows
that these are unqualified auditor’s report (see exhibit SP-3, p. 23 and p. 49
Affidavit in Support which can be seen at p. 45 and p.71 Affidavit in Reply by
the Plaintiff).
25. In these exhibits evidently showed that the said endorsement had been signed
by Thinesvaran a/l Ponayah being the director of the Defendant (Thinesvaran).
The most recent financial statement that was filed by the Defendant at SSM
being an unqualified auditor’s report is dated 31.12.2022 and filed on 15.8.2023
and executed by Thinesvaran in his capacity as the current director of the
Defendant (paragraph 14.3, pp. 71-96 as stated in the Affidavit in Reply by the
26. Furthermore, in relation to the said financial statements, Thinesvaran had
affirmed one statutory declaration in pursuant to s.251(1)(b) of the Companies
Act 2016 that the said financial statements are ’’… to the best of my knowledge
and believe correct…’’ as per exhibit SP-3, p.29 Affidavit in Support by the
Plaintiff (for 2020) and exhibit SP-3, p. 55 (for 2021) Affidavit in Support by the
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Plaintiff and exhibit SP-3, p.51 (for 2019) and exhibit SP-3, p. 77 Affidavit in
Reply by the Plaintiff.
27. In the said financial statements the Defendant had also confirmed which can be
seen in exhibit SP-3, p. 27 and p.53 of the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff as
stated below:
At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any
i) that would require any other amount to be written
off as bad debts or provided for as doubtful
28. The same statements also appeared in the 2019 and 2022 financial statements
(as per exhibit SP-3, p. 49 and p.75 of the Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff),
which was duly approved by the Defendant.
29. Nonetheless, should the debt sum not a bona fide claim, as alleged in paragraph
12, Affidavit in Reply by the Defendant, they had certainly contradicted
themselves as this Court takes into consideration on the evidentiary documents
showed in the contemporaneous documents namely financial statements for the
year 2019 to 2022 were indeed duly approved by the Defendant.
30. In addition to the abovementioned view, this Court also takes into consideration,
the financial statements for the years, 2020, 2021 and 2022 shows that an
amount of RM838,672.54 is still owed by the Defendant to the previous director
as stated below:
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(i) for the year 2020 as exhibited in SP-3, p. 45 and p. 47 (note 6 and
note 13) in the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff;
(ii) for the year of 2021, exhibit SP-3, p. 71 and p. 73 (note 6 and note
13) in the Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff; and
(iii) for the year of 2022, exhibit SP-3, p. 93 and p.95 (note 6 and note
13) in the Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff.
31. In addition to this finding, this Court also takes cognizance, as at 15.8.2023,
based on the filing by the Defendant at SSM on the financial statements for the
year 2022, it is evidently clear that the amount of RM838,672.54 is still
recognized as owing to the previous director namely the Plaintiff.
32. The Defendant had also admitted in paragraph 7 of the Statement of Defence
that RM838,673.00 (nearest sum to RM838,672.54) was the amount owed to a
previous director.
33. Surely, this Court cannot deny this fact and should take this statement as a
judicial admission by the Defendant in its pleading.
34. On top of this admission, this sum is also shown in the auditor’s confirmation of
balance dated 20.4.2021 and also in the financial statements of 2020, 2021 and
most recently 2022 of the Defendant.
35. Thereafter, the Defendant had also filed the latest financial statement dated
31.12.2023 of the Defendant at SSM again confirming that RM838,673.00 is
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owing to a previous director/Plaintiff (p.93, note 6 of Affidavit in Reply by the
Plaintiff) in which the director of the Defendant namely Thinesvaran again had
confirmed by way of a statutory of declaration affirmed on 31.5.2023 that the
contents financial statement is true (see p.77 of Affidavit in Reply by the
36. Based on this admission of facts in a defence, this Court is guided by the High
GLASS MANUFACTURES CO. SDN. BHD. [2003] 3 MLRH 127 where Abdul
Malik Ishak J held at page 131 as stated below:
’’…the effect of the defendant admitting the facts as pleaded in the
statement of claim is this: that there is no issue between the parties on
that part of the case and there is no necessity to proceed to trial. And no
evidence is admissible in regard to those admitted facts (Pioneer Plastic
Containers Ltd. v. Commissioner of Customs and Excise [1967] Ch.
It is my judgment that the defendant has specifically pleaded that they
do not deny paras. 4(b) and 5(A)(b) of the statement of claim in that the
sum of RM151,361.98 is owing to the plaintiff. It is a clear admission on
the part of the defendant. A plain and unequivocal language cannot be
considered as a statement of non-admission or a statement of non-
denial. Bluntly put, the defendant has by way of their pleadings - their
statement of defence, admitted to the plaintiff's claim of RM151,361.98.
In Esso Malaysia Bhd v. Hills Agency (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors [1993] 5
MLRH 142 ; [1994] 1 MLJ 740, in construing the effect of an admission
to the affidavit evidence, Idris Yusoff J had this to say at p. 752 of the
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What is more damaging in this case is that the defendants go to the
extent of admitting paras 3 and 4 of the plaintiffs' affidavit - thereby
obviating the necessity for the plaintiffs to provide further proof to
substantiate their averment.
Admissions are the strongest evidence possible and even a wrong
construction of a document will be assumed to be correct in view of the
A fortiori an admission by way of pleadings are formal admissions and
cannot be easily explained away (Ruby Investment (Pte) Ltd v.
Candipark Pte Ltd [1989] 4 MLRH 469 ; [1989] 3 MLJ 396).
37. Further, on the judicial admission in a defence, this Court is guided by the
Federal Court in YAM KONG SENG & ANOR v. YEE WENG KAI [2014] 4
MLRA 316 held as below:
’’ [16] The above averment was in response to para 12 of the
statement of claim wherein the appellants averred that the
company and the respondent had confirmed in writing of the
amount owing and payable to them. It is trite law that a judicial
admission made in a pleading stands on a higher footing than
evidentiary admission (Sarkar’s Law of Evidence) with the
respondent’s admission therein be made the foundation of the
rights of the parties (Satish Mohan Bilal v. State of UP [1986] AIR
All 126). Any failure on the part of the respondent to rebut the
admission to avoid the legal consequences of his admission would
entitle the appellants to enter judgment against him.
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[17] Having perused the defence in particular para 8, we find that
there is clear judicial admission of the debt owed. The question that
must follow would be whether the respondent was avoiding
responsibility to pay up. In Jacob and Goldrein’s Pleadings:
Principles and Practice [1990] pp 133-134 in dealing with
confession and avoidance, the following is stated:
Confession and Avoidance Meaning The term ‘confession and
avoidance’ is the description of a plea in the defence which, while
expressly or impliedly admitting or confessing or assuming the
truth of the material facts alleged in the statement of claim, seeks
at the same time to avoid or destroy the legal consequences of those
facts. The plea is invoked by alleging fresh or additional facts to
establish some legal justification or excuse, or some other ground
for avoiding or escaping legal liability. The defendant, as it were,
confesses the truth of what is alleged against him but proceed
immediately to ‘avoid’ the effect of such allegations.
[18] Having scrutinised the defence we find that the respondent
has failed to avoid legal liability. With there being judicial
admission by the respondent sufficient to hold him liable to the
amount claimed the answer to the first question of law in this
appeal must be answered in the positive.
38. In relation to a certificate of indebtedness (in which for this present case is the
confirmation of balance of the auditor), this Court is guided by the Federal
Court’s decision in CEMPAKA FINANCE BHD. v. HO LAI YING & ANOR
[2005] 2 MLRA 736 which states:
’’ The above dictum establishes firmly the conclusive nature and
extent of a certificate of indebtedness. A certificate of indebtedness
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operates in the field of adjectival law. It excuses the plaintiff from
adducing proof of debt. Such a certificate shifts the burden onto the
defendant to disprove the amount claimed.’’
(iv) Letter of Demand dated 7.72020 sent by the Plaintiff which was not
replied by the Defendant
39. This Court takes cognizance on the evidence, that the Plaintiff’s Solicitors had
served a letter of demand dated 7.7.2020 to the Defendant as shown in
paragraph 13, exhibit SP-4, pp.76-77 Affidavit in Support by the Plaintiff.
40. In relation to the above facts, the Defendant had duly admitted that they had
received the said letter of demand which can be seen in paragraph 11 of their
Statement of Defence and paragraph 12 of the Affidavit in Reply by the
41. Based on these evidences, it is clearly showed that the Defendant did not object
or deny to the contents of the said letter including the demand sum of
RM838,673.00 till to date.
42. This is clearly an admission of the sum owing to the Plaintiff since the said letter
states that the demand is being made by their client Mr.Suthan a/l
Panchadcharam who is the Plaintiff in this suit.
43. With this in mind, the failure to reply the letter of demand sent by the Plaintiff to
the Defendant can be taken as an admission by the Defendant based on the
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Court of Appeal in JOHN AMBROSE v. PETER ANTHONY & ANOR [2017] 1
SSLR 625 that states as follows:
’’[33] The first defendant in his evidence admitted having knowledge of
the plaintiff ’s solicitors' letter dated 29 November 2013 yet the first
defendant did not at any time respond to or protest the plaintiff ’s
assertions of the oral agreements. In Ling Hock Ling v. Tai Lian Land
Development Co [2006] 2 MLRA 149, this Court through Gopal Sri
Ram JCA (as he then was) said at p 149:
“Now, here we have a case where the defendant upon receiving copies
of the plaintiff ’s letters to FELDA did not make any protest about his
description as a subcontractor. If it was not the truth he would have said
so. But he kept quiet. In these circumstances it does not lie in his mouth
to say that he was not the plaintiff ’s contractor. ...”
44. Similarly, this Court is also guided by the Court of Appeal’s decision in DAVID
[9] During argument, we registered our surprise at the learned Judge’s
reluctance to enter judgment for this sum of RM100,000. After all,
the appellant had failed to respond to the letter of 17 December. If
there had never been an agreement as alleged, it is reasonable to
expect a prompt and vigorous denial. But, as we have pointed out,
there was no response whatsoever from the appellant.
[10] In this context, we recall to mind the following passage in the
judgment of Edgar Joseph Jr J in Tan Cheng Hock v. Chan Thean
Soo [1985] 2 MLRH 562; [1987] 2 MLJ 479:
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In Wiedemann v. Walpole [1891] 2 QB 534, 537 an action
for breach of promise of marriage, it was held, that the mere
fact that the defendant did not answer letters written to him
by the plaintiff in which she stated that he had promised to
marry her, was no evidence corroborating the plaintiff’s
testimony in support of such promise. Lord Esher MR, in his
judgment, remarked:
Here, we have only to see whether the mere fact of not
answering the letters, with nothing else for us to
consider is any evidence in corroboration of the
’Earlier, in his judgment, he said,’ Now there are cases – business and
mercantile cases in which the Courts have taken notice that, in the
ordinary course of business, if one man of business states in a letter to
another that he has agreed to do certain things, the person who receives
that letter must answer it if he means to dispute the fact that he did so
(v) No indemnity by a third party
45. The Defendant had pleaded a case of in indemnity by third parties to the
Defendant purportedly for being jointly liable for the debt being owed to the
Plaintiff. The Defendant, in other words, is saying in their defence that the third
parties are responsible for the said debt and the purported third parties must
indemnify the Defendant on the same as stated in paragraphs 3, 4.1 to 4.4,
4.4.1(no. 1), 4.4.1(no.2), 4.5, 4.6, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12 in their Statement of Defence.
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46. However, this Court views that this defence is not meritable as the third parties
do not have any privity of contract with the Plaintiff which can be seen in
paragraphs 5 and 9.1 Jawapan kepada Pembelaan.
47. As duly mentioned above, this Court views that the debt is owed by the
Defendant to the Plaintiff based on the confirmation of balance by the
Defendant’s auditor, financial statements for the years of 2020, 2021 and 2022,
letter of demand and a recent confirmation provided by the directors of the
Defendant in a letter dated 24.4.2023 addressed to the Plaintiff which can be
seen in paragraph 6.3 and exhibit SP-2, p. 43 Affidavit in Reply by the Plaintiff.
48. On the issue of indemnity by a third party raised by a Defendant, this Court sees
that there is no foundation on this statement as there is no denial made by the
Defendant that the said third party had no linkage nor privity in the debt owed
by the Defendant to the Plaintiff.
49. This Court’s view is based on the Federal Court’s decision in UNITED
[1999] 1 MLRA 98 which states as below:
’’[9] It should also be noted that any statement by a defendant that he
is entitled to be indemnified by a third party is no answer to the
plaintiff’s claim in an O 14 application, unless the third party has
discharged the plaintiff’s claim (Thorne v. Steel [1878] WN 215 CA).
See The Supreme Court Practice 1997 Vol 1 para 14/3 - 4/2 p 156.’’
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50. Based on all evidence and case laws as above, this Court agrees with the
Plaintiff’s submission that there are no triable issues raised by the Defendant
which could warrant a full trial vide viva voce evidence to be given by witnesses.
This is clearly a plain and obvious case where summary judgment ought to be
51. This Court is guided by the decision of the Federal Court in NATIONAL
190 where the Court succinctly held:
We think it appropriate to remind ourselves once again that in every application
under O 14 the first considerations are :
(a) whether the case comes within the Order; and
(b) whether the plaintiff has satisfied the preliminary requirements for
proceeding under O 14. For the purposes of an application under O 14
the preliminary requirements are:
(i) the defendant must have entered an appearance;
(ii) the statement of claim must have been served on the
defendant; and
(iii) the affidavit in support of the application must comply with
the requirements of r 2 of the O 14.
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[9] If the plaintiff fails to satisfy either of these considerations, the summons
may be dismissed. If however, these considerations are satisfied, the plaintiff
will have established a prima facie case and he comes entitled to judgment.
The burden then shifts to the defendant to satisfy the Court why judgment
should not be given against him [see O 14 r 3 and 4(1)].
52. Further, this Court is also guided by the Supreme Court’s decision of BANK
190 where the Court held:
[13] Under an O 14 application, the duty of a Judge does not end as soon as
a fact is asserted by one party, and denied or disputed by the other on
affidavit. Where such assertion, denial or dispute is equivocal, or lacking
in precision or is inconsistent with undisputed contemporary documents or
other statements by the same deponent or is inherently improbable in itself,
then the Judge has a duty to reject such assertion or denial, thereby
rendering the issue as not triable. In our opinion, unless this principle is
adhered to, a Judge is in no position to exercise his discretion judicially
under an O 14 application. Thus, apart from identifying the issues of fact or
law, the Court must go one step further and determine whether they are
triable. This principle is sometimes expressed by the statement that a
complete defence need not be shown. The defence set up need only show that
there is a triable issue.
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53. Based on the abovementioned analysis and findings, this Court allowed the
summary judgment application with the cost of RM5,000.00 to be entered
against the Defendant as the Defendant have failed to show neither any bona
fide meritable defence nor triable issue in relation to the Plaintiff’s claim of
RM838,672.54 as there are numerous clear admissions of debt based on
documentary evidence presented in this case.
54. In lieu of the above decision, the Defendant’s application vide Enclosure 23 for
the discovery of document is now nugatory. Based on this reason, Enclosure 23
is dismissed with no order as to cost.
Prepared by:
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