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just a question
What I thought when I first read this was that B was a guy. Who else thought that plz leave in the reviews And thanks so much for the people of Fanfiction for adding this. In love this book series and I'll start doing actual fanfics on this now.
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| just a question by multifics123 | Zom-B |
It may be sad but it can be better
The yellow sun glistening on my face
And the beautiful clouds above me
Still it hurts me
Burning my skin and bones
Is it pain I do not know I know that it hurts
Hurts more than mom leaving us
Hurts more than grandmas beatings
But does it hurt that much to compare this feeling to the guilt
Does it I may never know it does not hurt more than being hungry
It does not hurt more than drinking the diseases that killed my mom
My problems aren't that big think about this it is pain
It's the good pain
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| pain by Isaiah Thomas | Zenda |
Zombie Mayhem
Zombie Mayhem
In 2050, the military was testing out a new experiment on a monkey when the experiment suddenly went wrong. Then monkey escaped and spread viruses that he contained. It turned out that the viruses had started to turn people into zombies. Now here's where my story starts. I was sitting at home watching a movie when my neighbour came knocking on my door, asking if he could come visit. So I said alright and we watched movies and ate take-out. Later on he fell asleep on my couch, so I decided to leave him there and went to my bedroon colapsing against the pellows, falling asleep.
When I woke up in the morning he was standing at the end of my bed with blood dripping down his chin and staining his clothes. I went running out my bedroom door and he chased me though my house and I grabbed a chair to beat him down with it. Then I opened up the front door to run out the house but there were zombies that were trying to get in. So I closed the door and then ran to the back door where my car was parked. Looking out, I saw that there were no zombies so I ran back in the house and grabbed my car keys. Then I ran out the back door and started my car.
The zombies heard my car start and they came running to the back. I put my car in reverse and sped down the alley. Then my car made a loud beeping sound. I didn't know what it meant so I started to slow down. Then I realised that I was really low on fuel. So I found the nearest gas station and filled up with fuel. Some zombies came running up and I hopped in my car as fast as I could I drove away. I saw a big tank rolling down the street and pulled to the side of the rood and they must have realised I was human because they stopped too. The top of the tank opened and the soldier inside said "Follow us where there are no zombies."
So I followed them and they lead me to a big mountain that we drove up on. When we got to the top there was a big metal wall that opened when the soldier yelled some kind of command. When we were driving past the wall I realised that the wall was 2 metres thick. There were lots of people that weren't infected by the virus. They gave me a small house that had all the things we needed. Like a stove and other necessisary needs.
It was late at night when we heard a big siren go off. Then there was a loud explosion and a couple soldiers came knocking on my door and said that the explosion meant that they wiped out all the zombies. The loud siren went off again, this time the siren meant that the big metal gate was opening. All that we saw was a whole bunch of dust and there was no grass or any thing on the ground. so every one who didn't have a car got to leave first, then the people that did have cars went and started them up and left behind the people that were walking to go to their houses. When I got to where my house was standing, there was nothing left but the floor. my whole house was wiped right out. Same with everyone else's. We all started all over again. We all helped each other out in food wise and all the other thing's like clothing. The military also helped out with finding materials like wood to build houses again.
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| Zombie Mayhem by kelbey342 | Zoombie Blondes |
Zero Wing 2: AYBASBTU Game Script
:: Natols II standing on space ::
AD 2102
AD 2112
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| Zero Wing 2: AYBASBTU Game Script by Rodrigo Shin | Zero Wing |
Not prosaic
Disclaimer, I do not claim to own Zero Wing, and I'm not making any money off this.
An "All your base" fic.
Author's note: I thought the juxaposition of flowery text and disjointed narration would be amusing. So, here goes.
The star swept sheet of black, pieced with bright pinpoints of light, distant nuclear furnaces roaring silent into the emptiness around them.
"2101, war was beginning"
Set against this backdrop of the galaxy's majesty, a russet vessel soars, soundless, luminous, proud, a massive edifice proclaiming the triumph of humans reaching beyond the bounds of Earth. Then suddenly, one final attack strikes it from the sky. The starship crumbles, spilling fire into the empty reaches.
We are presented with a scene of the still active innards of the ship. In these dark reaches, strung with cables like great arteries of the ship, is the crew. Valiant, noble, and now frantic in their desperate bid to save their ship, men scramble to salvage whispers of functionality from their stricken vessel.
Amidst the confusion the captain sits momentarily alone, finding a brief eddy of calm, surrounded by chaos and anguish. He is facing the deciding test of his life, his ship struck down like an unfavoured plaything of a fickle god. And he is stunned into disbelief at his defeat.
"What happen?"
His answer is swift, coming from a subordinate, a brave man, not lesser in his sense of duty towards the crew and ship, despite his lesser station. It is the cry of a twin soul, filled with like anguish to the captain's distraught question.
"Someone set up us the bomb."
The chaos gains pause, silence before a lightning strike. Each of the crew hears, and knows it can mean only one thing. Death is breathing down each of their necks.
"Main screen turn-on."
A dark figure leaps into the air, dominating the screen with evil presence. The face of that figure is smooth, handsome, and deadly. A face that is only half human. A face which the captain knows well.
His heart freezes in fear even as his mind sings rage. This face means inevitability, and a deep sense of frustration and sorrow grip the Captain to his core. The resultant mix of emotion makes his stomach roil. He puts all of his fervor into but a few words, a cry filled with emotions running from the deep waters of the Captain's soul.
"It's you!!"
This elicits no more than a smirk. The Captain's life is but a toy to this avenging demon.
"How are you gentlemen?" CATS purrs in a calm cultured voice, arrogant in his victory. His eyes are cold, glittering with malevolent delight at the Captain's desperation. One can almost see how he looks down upon all he surveys, like a malicious child pulling wings off flies.
"You are on the way to destruction."
"You have no chance to survive, make your time."
Evil laughter rings through the ship, mocking its very existence.
The Captain's soul goes cold. His ship and crew will be destroyed, and he himself will die. The belief crystalises in him like ice, freezing him in place. But the faint voice of his courage whispers 'there is more to do yet'. Snarling in defiance, his sudden burst of strength fueling his next words. He is still Captain of this ship, and he will not take defeat meekly!
"Take off every zig." His warriors are the best this side of Sun shadow and they will not go down without pouring napalm into the belly of the enemies' forces.
"For great justice."
A final exclamation of defiance. A final declaration, imploring mercy upon his soul for the life that brought him to here.
With that all is over. The Captain watches the sleek star fighters fall away from the main ship, knowing that he is not long for this world. Sighing and closing his eyes, he relaxes his fierce will, offering his soul up into death. When it comes, it is swift. A final explosion that tears the ship apart in an instant, and the Captain's story falls silent, like the endless black space that embraces his mortal remains.
That embraces the mortal remains of his crew.
And now we focus upon a single ship. It's pilot is shaking with adrenaline and fear. But stronger than fear, stronger than steel, stronger than any force lying in the way, this fighter's courage blazes across the heavens. Power surges through your control pad, placing the life of this one remaining fighter into your hands. And his thoughts blaze stark and clear in your mind, as though you are the god hearing his prayer.
I will not be defeated.
This has just begun.
---- Very dramatised isn't it? But it really makes me want to play Zero Wing.
And that is how you should feel when you're starting a game of Zero Wing. That is the feeling that game programmers try to give you with their games. They are telling a story through a specialised media. It's not just about pixels and parameters and trying to beat the system. It's also about playing a character, being the hero, bringing yourself into the action and playing till the end to see the story and defeat that bad guy you really don't like.
Computer games to me are as legitimate a form of artistic expression as drawing or writing is. Indeed, I have seen some beautiful pieces of art and writing in the games I've played. Games are no more for kids than books are. They're for anyone who has the kind of imagination suited to them. Unfortunately they're not taken very seriously most of the time.
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| Not prosaic by Fault | Zero Wing |
Make your time
How are you gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us.
What you say?
For great justice.
Somebody set up us the bomb,
Move out zig.
Main screen turn on.
You are on the path to destruction.
You have no chance to survive.
Make your time.
Make your time.
Make your time.
End file.
| Make your time by The Iron Chef | Zero Wing |
A/N-Just a quick one-shot
Disclaimer: I don't own Zoom and I am not making a profit off of this.
I couldn't believe it, after thirty long years of being trapped in that vortex. Having to claw my way out, I was now reinstated into the Zenith program. I was extremely happy, especially because of how readily everyone accepted me into the group. I was also very happy to finally see my brother, Jackie. He had definitely changed, but then again thirty years does that. After Jackie and I walked over to the others we flew back to base, where I took a shower then went to my room to sleep. And wow, was that shower heavenly. It was bliss against my stiff muscles. So now I was just lying awake in my bed thinking of everything that had happened today. I honestly couldn't see how Jackie, or anyone else for that matter, could accept me so quickly. I mean, I was a murderer, I had killed the other Zenith members, tried to kill Jackie, and nearly killed that little girl; what was her name, oh ya, Cindy.
I wanted to keep thinking about all that had happened but I was exhausted. Clawing your way back to Earth from a vortex did that to you. I was quickly asleep; unfortunately that sleep was anything but peaceful.
_"It's perfectly safe, now sit down!" Grant nearly shouted, frustrated that I wasn't very willing to do what he wanted._
_I wasn't so sure if it was a good idea to be bombarded with radiation. But everyone else had done it so it seemed it was my turn . I walked forward slowly and sat down in the chair while Grant and Larraby started flipping switches to turn it on. Soon it was on and ready to bombard me with radiation._
_"Hold still, this might hurt." Grant warned me._
_"Wait, wha-" I never got to finish what I was saying for at that moment Grant let the machine hit me with its radiation, and I was soon screaming in pain._
_It felt like thousands of white-hot knifes were being stabbed into my skin. Next thing I knew everything was going black, and I was soon unconscious._
_The radiation was changing my morals, I could feel it. Something had gone wrong with the radiation, I was sure it wasn't suppose to do this. I wasn't sure what was right or wrong anymore, everything seemed to be blurring together. So I went to the one person I knew I could count on, Jackie._
_"Jack, I need to talk to you." I informed Jackie deciding not to use my nickname for him._
_"Not now Connor, I'm busy, don't you see." Jackie said angrily and letting out a sigh._
_"But, Jack, this is important." I tried to get my brother to listen._
_"If it doesn't have to do with are crazy supervillian enemies, then I. DON'T. CARE." Jackie said, putting emphasis on the last three words._
_I couldn't help the sadness that was bubbling up in me, my own brother wasn't even willing to listen to what I had to say. So with my head bowed slightly I left him alone. He never saw the tear run down my face._
_My own brother. My own brother had sent me to this nothingness. This vortex. HE hadn't helped me when he had the chance. Yes I killed the rest of the team but I had no control, this stupid radiation did. I would never want to hurt my brother. But he obviously didn't have the same feelings, instead of helping me he sent to this vortex where I was trapped. No one was here, I was completely alone. My brother had betrayed me, and he would pay. I soon as I got out of this vortex I would make sure he payed for this. I then began to claw my way out of this vortex._
_I was back. I was back. And my brother was here to. I couldn't believe, after thirty years of wishing him dead I would finally get my revenge. The pathetic thing was he had no powers and only children to try and fight me. Now this would be easy._
These images played over and over in my mind till I was ejected from them, screaming. Next thing I new I was getting pulled against my brother's chest.
"Shh. It's alright Connor. You're safe now, everything will be alright." Jackie whispered soothingly to me.
"J-Jackie." I whimper brokingly.
"Ya Connor, it's me, it's okay." he whispers to me.
After a couple minutes I managed to calm down for the most part and Jackie pulled away till we were arms length apart.
"Nightmares?" Jackie asks me. All I can do is nod back as a response, not trusting my voice.
"What were they about?" Jackie asks me, like he doesn't know.
I have to suppress my snort, he knows what they were about and was just trying to get me to talk, well he wins I guess. "They were about everything that happened the past thirty years." I whisper so low Jackie has to strain to hear me.
"Ah, Connor, you're safe now, none of that stuff matters anymore." Jackie comforts me.
"Really?" I ask, unsure whether or not to believe him.
"Ya, this is a new family and I know you wouldn't have done all those things if it wasn't for the Gamma 13." Jackie explains to me.
I still wish none of that stuff had happened." I say looking down at the ground.
Gamma 13 had ruined my life. I had killed the other team members and had nearly killed my little brother. Then got sent to some vortex, alone, for thirty years. Gamma 3 had ruined everything. I didn't even know who my brother was anymore.
Jackie sighs "I know, and maybe it never would have if I had listened to you, you tried to tell me what was going on and I didn't listen, for that I'm sorry." He apologizes.
I look up smirking a little "You know you aren't very good at being sentimental." I tease him.
"Oh shut up." he says, but he is smiling, and so am I. "You should probably go back to bed, long day tomorrow."
I nod and watch as my brother takes his leave, who knows maybe things will get better. I fall back asleep and have no more nightmares for the rest of the night
End file.
| Nightmares by HuntressBiancadiAngelo | Zoom |
1. Chapter 1
The name that haunted Grant since Concussion going insane ten years ago. Squirt, the younger sister of the two brothers. No one knew what happened to her, her body wasn't found, but she didn't show her face after Concussion attacked her. She was six, and never left her brother's side. The thing that worried Grant the most was the fact that she had been pumped up with Gamma Rays. Now that he was coming back, they wondered about her. What was going on in her life?
* * *
A red headed girl rushed down the stairs at her house. She nearly crashed into her brother who was two years older than her. Jack Shepard had taken care of her since their parent's death when she was an infant. She only knew him as a parent. She had been raised by the Zenith team, but she hadn't seen anyone from there for ten years now. Jack smiled, "Whoa there Lyl, you wouldn't want to knock over your big brother on your first day of Sophomore year, now would you?" She smiled and hugged him, "No, but I would give him a bear hug." They hugged and Jack went to his garage downtown. She knew he'd eat there, and so she ate breakfast and went to school.
She walked home from school with one of her friends who was very funny. Then Lyl noticed the time, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it, I gotta get home. It's almost time to start dinner! Bye Kate!" She ran at a normal pace, knowing that she could run MUCH faster. Over the years she had fine tuned her skills, so she was powerful. She raced into her house, and noticed the silence. Usually by now Jack was home watching a movie or something. Lyl ran out and rushed to her brother's garage. She could tell something was wrong. She rushed into the open garage, and noticed that her brother's warm breakfast was sitting on the counter. She closed up the garage and ran home at full speed. She knew who was behind it, and hid in her house.
2. Chapter 2
A/N: It's not because I'm lazy, but I just don't want the team to know her when this happens.
* * *
**Reunion of Shock**
-Lyl opened her eyes. Her sixth sense told her that she was needed soon. She stood up and grabbed her skateboard. Taking a running start, she hopped on and shot off as fast as she could. She felt the wind blowing through her hair for the first time in ten years. With her advanced sight, she saw the battleground ahead. She came to a stop next to Larabie* just as he was saying, "Ready, aim..." She snatched his arm and spoke calmly, "If you say that word, you will never be seen by the naked eye again. Especially since my brothers are down there. Are we clear Larabie?" She realized that she had broken the sound barrier. She close her hand and crushed his arm squishing blood out by accident. Grant stuttered, "It can't be, you're alive after all this time?" She glared at him, "You're lucky that Jack doesn't want any of you dead, or what happened to idiot's arm over here would be your head." She shot down next to her brother, "I was worried when you weren't home when it was dinner time. Never do that to me again Jack, are we clear?" He nodded, and Lyl leaned over to talk to Cindy, "So you must be the one with super strength, I bet you surprised my brother!"
**Months Later...**
-The Zenith team now comprised of Bullet (Lyl), Zoom, Concussion, Houdini (Dillan), Wonder Girl (Summer), Princess (Cindy), Gigantor (the name Lyl gave Tucker). The others had accepted Lyl with no problems, and she was very funny to be around. She left some years later, and went to England. She said it was because of Grant, and after all these years, the Gamma Rays were wearing off, and she would be the weakest instead of the strongest. She was never seen again.**
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| Squirt by YinYangProphecy | Zoom |
Three Long Lonely Days
Summer sighed as she pulled up infront of her high school. It her junior year and her parents had asked her to go back for her last 2 years of school. This had sort of broke up the team for the time being. They were planning to resume working at Area 52 at the end of the 2 years.
As Summer parked she spotted Mary Jenkins, captain of the cheer squad, surrounded by her friends. They were all dressed in their cheerleading uniforms. Summer got out of her car and could hear them going on about some cute new boy. She rolled her eyes, boys were all they thought about. Not that she was really able to speak. She often had her mind on a long haired boy lately, as well.
Summer and Dylan had been dating since the dance back at Area 52. It was hard to leave each other, but they were going to keep in touch and hold their relationship during the team's break.
Summer slammed her locker and was arriving in homeroom before long. She took her old seat, back corner, and stared out the window ignoring the quickly filling class.
"Thought I heard someone say you were back, freak!" Mary laughed as she walked by Summer's desk and took the seat infront of her.
Mary turned around to look at Summer so she could continue antagonising her.
"So, the freak academy kicked you out as well?"
"Shut up"
"Awe, someone touchy about where your parents shipped you off to?"
"I said shut up!" Summer whispered deadly.
Mary glared, rolled her eyes, then turned around to find the teacher just arriving.
Summer dropped her lunch tray onto the empty table and sat down, trying to swallow the disgusting food. She looked up as a group of girls rushed to the cafeteria door.
_Poor guy,_ Summer thought. Girls seemed to be following this mysterious guy, whom Summer had still yet to see.
"Where'd he go?" a high pitch voice wailed.
The sound of a chair scrapping the floor caught Summer's attention. She turned her head to find the chair next to her moving on it's own. Her brows furrowed in confusion, and she continued staring at the moving chair.
Suddenly a silouhette appear and quickly details were appearing as well.
"Dylan?" Summer exclaimed, the statement coming out as more of a question.
"The one and only"
Summer hugged him tightly as he laughed.
"But, what are you doing here?"
"Just transferred here. Thought it would be pretty hard staying away from you, so why bother," Dylan answered her.
"Im so happy your here!"
Dylan smiled down at her and kissed her lips.
"Mm, I've missed you," Summer murmered as she pulled away.
"It's been 3 days," Dylan laughed, though he secretly felt the same way.
"3 very long, lonely days,"Summer sighed dramatically. "There not going to be so lonely any more though..."
**That was incredibly random, and so out of my normal fandom subjects, but I just got home from babysitting my little cousin, and we watched ZOOM. I just sorta have a new love for Summer/Dylan. **
**Please, please, please review!!!**
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| Three Long Lonely Days by BadassPinkSunglasses | Zoom |
All That Remains
**Title**: All That Remains
**Disclaimer**: Not my characters. Just for fun.
**Warnings**: spoilers for movie; AU
**Rating**: PG13
**Wordcount**: 200
**Point** **of** **view**: second
* * *
Jack never was the brains of the team. The heart, perhaps, but not the brains.
He's gotten old, weak. Bitter and weary. You're as strong as you've ever been and you've had thirty years to think about what you'd do when you met him again.
It swirls in you, the power. Jack tries to reach his brother, but that boy died long ago. The power sings in you and your mouth tastes metallic, and Jack keeps talking to Connor.
You smirk with Connor's lips and speak back.
You long to tell him there is no Connor, that you are all that is left. But Jack wouldn't believe you. He was never smart enough to recognize the truth. He will fight for a man that no longer lives until he himself is burned out.
Jack was never the brains of the team, and he still isn't. You unleash Connor's power with a smile; Jack and the children and the woman he brought with him will all die, now.
And you will be all that is left.
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| All That Remains by wild wolf free17 | Zoom |
**Title: My Mask**
**Rating: T**
**Summary: Connor and this thoughts about how he will never fit in with the rest of the group. *One-shot***
**Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Zoom!**
**AN: This is my first ever Zoom story and I hope that it comes out alright. Basically it is a short one-shot about Connor. I always liked Connors character and it left me wondering how he really felt when he got back. Nobody could ever be that happy after everything he went through. This is my try and writing Connor. I hope I do him justice.**
Have you ever put on a front for those around you? Have you ever had to pretend to be something you're not? I've had to do that every single day since my return from the dimensional time rift I had been trapped in for some thirty years. I have to act like I am the same teenaged boy of my past. To act as though I hadn't murdered my team. To pretend I wasn't feeling completely lost. Sometimes I am not even sure who I am anymore.
Zoom seems to think that things can go back to the way they are. He has his brother back and to him that is which has come to matter the most. While he missed the old team, he had his new family and an unusually perky new girlfriend. For him things were falling in to place. I only wish it could be that easy for me. To fit in and be accepted by this new team was something I desired more than anything else.
It is not as if anyone is ever outright cruel to me. The opposite in fact is how they treat me. They have all treated me with the upmost kindness even if I do not deserve it. They see me as Zooms brother Connor. The boy who had a bad experience, but is trying to learn from it. I am known as the quite one. The one who reads a lot and is always training long after everyone else has gone to bed. Nobody seems to see for who I really am. To be far it is not like I want them to know the real me. The last time I got close to people they ended up dead.
I had murdered my team without a second thought. You can blame the Gamma radiation and yet I know deep down that I was still in control. I could've stopped if I had wanted to do so. The only problem is I had not wanted to stop and think about my actions. I liked the freedom the Gamma radiation seemed to give me. The power which had coursed through my veins sent a thrill down my spine. I'd believed myself to be unstoppable at the time.
After thirty years I had come to see the truth. The power I felt was all in my mind. I had been on a power trip nothing more and nothing less. It had cost me everything and left me wondering where should I go from here? As I entered the cafeteria I had a fleeting thought that maybe I would've been better off had I never come back. Because to be brutally honest, wearing a most grew awfully tiresome.
**AN: I plan to write more Zoom stories in the future. This was just me testing the waters.**
**Please R&R like always!**
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| Masks by Stephycats7785 | Zoom |
Connor Knew
**Disclaimer: Don't own Zoom.**
Dylan West/Connor Shepard Slash
Written for my Slash Jealousy Prompt Table. Prompt of the day # 5. Locked Out.
* * *
It'd started out as curiosity for the brother of the man who'd become like a father to the team.
Even after the effects of the Gamma-13 had been reversed, even after he had joined as a part of the New Zenith Team, Connor had kept to himself. He'd been polite and helpful, but he didn't open up, didn't try to really make friends with anyone, shadows in his eyes and guilt and insecurity in himself--in his control of himself--visible to any who took a deeper look.
Dylan had been drawn to that.
Connor was everything Jack said he'd never been.
He was silent when he used to be outspoken, he was introverted where Jack said he'd been the friendliest of the team, and he was always second-guessing himself and his decisions.
He also woke up at night screaming, panting, sweat dripping down his body and making the material stick to his body like a second skin.
Dylan knew, because he was usually there in the room (so to speak) when it happened.
He didn't exactly know _when_ he'd started toeing the line between innocent curiosity and borderline stalker behavior, but he knew the transition had been gradual.
At first he'd just hung around in the background, watching Connor since the older male just kept everyone locked out of his world, and then Dylan had started using his Mind-Sight ability, the one that Jack stated made him captain material. It was interesting, because while Summer was the first thing he'd really seen using this ability, _Connor_ was the one his mind wandered to when he spaced out. At first it wasn't even a subconscious act. Dylan would just space out and his mind-sight would instinctively find Connor, showing Dylan an insider's view into the boy's life, and snippets of Connor that he never showed anyone else.
Like when he'd genuinely smiled for the first time since his return and reintegration into the team.
Oddly enough, it'd been while Connor was single-handedly washing the UFO. It was a large job for just one person, and anyone would have helped if he'd asked, and they _had_, Dylan had asked _twice_, but Connor had politely declined all of their offers, preferring to do this as he did everything else.
Dylan had watched with his Mind-Sight as Connor put his whole being into that job, concentrating, going over the whole UFO over and over again with a determination that the younger male had never really witnessed before.
God knew _Dylan_ never put that much effort into anything.
And then, when Connor had finished the job, he'd stepped back, admired his work, and _smiled_.
And the sight had blown Dylan away.
After that, Dylan had started using his Mind-Sight consciously in an effort to get even more glimpses of the Connor no one else was allowed to see, and in a way it made him feel a little less shut off than the others.
He didn't quite understand why that mattered so much to him, actually.
"Good _job_ guys!" Jack opened the door to the training room, Marsha smiling and encouraging by his side, as the young heroes emerged, once more victorious from the virtual reality fight simulator.
"You keep getting better and better all the time!" Marsha clapped her hands.
"Good job with knowing where the villains were going to be before they were there." Jack's hand came down on Dylan's shoulder. "Your Mind-Sight's getting stronger than _Marksman's _was, right, Con?"
Connor flinched, as he did every time the old Zenith Team was mentioned. "Yeah."
Dylan was sorely tempted to step on Jack's big fat toe.
He didn't _want_ Connor to associate him with the agonizing guilt he felt for his part in the brutal death of his old team.
"And Summer, Connor." Maria brought their attention. "What you did out there? That was _magnificent_! Summer's using her powers to help influence the direction and strength of Connor's concussive blasts? You two _must_ practice doing that again!"
Summer beamed. "Sure."
Connor just nodded, gaze on the floor.
Dylan noticed Jack giving him a worried look before giving Marsha a warning one.
He had to feel thankful for that.
Even though things with Summer and Dylan hadn't worked out, and they'd parted as friends, Jack was still trying to watch Dylan's back and tune down Marsha's obvious desire to line Summer up with Connor.
It wasn't that Dylan was jealous of Connor, or that Dylan was still in love with his pretty ex, but somehow the thought of Connor with Summer just didn't sit well with him.
"We should take some time out each day to practice together." Summer turned to Connor.
He nodded. "Anything for the team."
Her smile, like Marsha's, fell a little at the lack of enthusiasm in those four words.
Connor turned to Dylan, surprising him by actually looking him in his eyes. "Thanks, for the save out there. I wasn't paying attention."
For a moment Dylan couldn't only stare blankly at Connor, eyes wide.
Connor had spoken to him...Connor had taken the _initiative_ and _said_ something to _him_ without Dylan having to hound him with a millions questions or something!
Then he realized he must look like an idiot, just _staring_ at Connor. So he cleared his throat and grinned at the older boy. "Uh, no problem bro. That's what we're there for, to look after each other. You would have had my back too."
Connor nodded before walking away.
Dylan watched him go.
He didn't notice Summer looking between him and Connor speculatively before her eyes widened, and then a grin appeared on her face.
* * *
_Connor sat on the roof of area 52, wearing a rather comical hardhat with the light in the front turned on, shining on the pages of the book in front of him. It was a large, hardcover book with more pages than should be allowed in a book. He only read at night, up on the roof, with the moon and that silly hardhat as his light. He'd bring a blanket, a pillow, and a drink, and he'd stay up there for hours reading. Interestingly enough, Connor read Anne Rice. And right now he was re-reading Interview With A Vampire. He apparently liked that book a lot. Dylan had seen him rereading it often enough, and it piqued his curiosity just for the fact that it could maintain Connor's interest so fixedly._
_ Connor chuckled, putting the book down on his chest and looking up at the sky. "Now, I'm getting into the coffin, and you will get in on top of me if you know what's good for you."_
In his room, Dylan blinked.
That...uh...that sounded kinda...suggestive.
What kinda book _was_ Interview With A Vampire?
_Putting the book away and taking off the hardhat, turning off the light, Connor bent one arm behind his head like a pillow, the other rested on his hard, taunt stomach as he looked up thoughtfully at the stars._
_ Sometimes Connor would do this._
_ He'd lay down and watch the stars._
And Dylan watched _Connor_.
_But tonight, tonight it was different._
_ Tonight Connor licked his lips as the hand on his stomach slowly moved downwards until he was cupping himself over his sweatpants._
Dylan's breath caught in his throat, the Mind-Sight wavering with his shock.
He--he'd never seen...
Connor was a guy.
It was obvious that he would _do_ this sort of thing, hell, Dylan did it _all_ the time.
But Dylan had been watching him so much, so often, he'd begun to wonder if Connor abstained.
Obviously, though, as he focused his Mind-Sight harder, watching Connor...obviously...
Dylan gulped.
_Hand now under the waistband of his pants, Connor bit down on his lip as he moved his fingers over himself, eyes closed, hips moving to the motion. He waited, seemed to hesitate, and then pulled himself free, hot and hard and weeping in his own calloused hand._
"Oh god." Dylan groaned before even realizing he was groping himself over his own pants to the sight.
_Connor twitched, his whole body tense, his face agonized and yet concentrated, his teeth digging so deep into his bottom lip that Dylan was sure he would soon draw blood_.
Dylan's breathing was heavy and fast as he touched himself to the image of Connor on the Connor.
It wasn't until, long after he'd cum with a cry of _Oh my GOD_ as he watched Connor climaxing, that Dylan realized that he'd just crossed a _very_ important line.
But no matter that knowledge, he didn't feel as bad as he knew he should...he was too busy trying to remember what it was that Connor had whispered when he'd cum.
It'd been too soft and choked for Dylan to understand.
And it bothered him for reasons as conflicted and confusing as his reactions to Connor.
After that, Dylan kept discovering Connor in similar...situations...
And while Dylan knew it was wrong...he never looked away.
* * *
Dylan had apparently become the biggest klutz in the fight simulator.
And Connor always paid the price.
Because Dylan kept on, somehow, falling on top of him...or tripping and somehow Connor would fall on top of _him._
A couple of times he could have _sworn_ that Summer was using her powers on him to make sure that happened, but it made no sense.
Why would Summer want him and Connor to keep falling onto each other...and in the most embarrassing of positions?
He was so distracted he was doing a terrible job, making everyone have to pick up the pace to keep up with the simulator.
It was a good thing the new kid, a guy his age named Toby, was picking up the slack. Toby could teleport, a skill Dylan thought was awesome, and the boy was very friendly, very nice.
Dylan liked him.
Until he used his Mind-Sight and saw Toby in Connor's room.
Dylan had frozen in his room when he realized that for the first time, Connor had let someone into _his_.
Something burned dark and hot in Dylan's stomach.
Connor had never, _ever_ invited anyone, not even _Dylan_ into his room, always keeping them locked out; but he invited _Toby_?
Why _Toby?_
He wasn't even all that great!
And what sort of power was teleportation _anyway_?
Obviously only a _coward_ would need that power!
"----_not like it was in your days you know. It's accepted now. I mean, in some states they even have legal ga----."_
_Connor paused, frowning in concentration, before turning to Toby. "Stop."_
_ "What?" Toby frowned. "Look, I know in your days people were prudish about this, but we aren't anymore and __**I**__ accept you, and I know Summer does too. We've talked about it, and---."_
_ "No." Connor shook his head. "I mean __**stop**__."_
_ Toby frowned and then his eyes widened. "Oh. __**Oh**__. Okay. I get it." He grinned brightly. "This is so kinky."_
_ "Shut up." Connor growled, going the to window._
_ "Seriously dude. This takes naughtiness to a whole new level. I'm so impressed you can't even imagine."_
_ Connor turned and glared at Toby. "I only told you when you confronted me so that you'd shut up when I needed you to."_
Dylan frowned.
Connor was _confessing_ things to Toby?
The dude had only been here two weeks!
How _long_ had Dylan been trying to worm his way into Connor's trust, and _this 'dude'_ had just come and there were confessors galore?
_"I can't wait till I tell Summer!" Toby was chuckling. "She's going to __**love**__ this."_
_ "You're not going to tell Summer." Connor glared at the shorter male. _
_ "Don't be __**shy**__ hermano." Toby declared. "Summer won't be weird about this. Hell, she confesses that she's __**dreamt**__ of this."_
_ Connor's eyes widened. "She...dreamt...?"_
_ "From what she sounded __**steamy**__." Toby waggled his eyebrows suggestively._
_ Connor blushed and looked away, running a hand over his hair._
Dylan frowned darker.
Was Connor in love with _Summer_?
But---but he always acted like he really didn't notice her!
Or was he acting that way because he liked her?
_"She wants you to make your move." Toby confessed. "She says when you do, it won't be rejected. And, dude, knowing what you know, __**you know**__ you won't get rejected."_
_ Connor seemed to think this over as he sat down. "I---I don't know if it's wise that I---I've done so many terrible things in the past...unforgivable things."_
_ "In the past. Plus, you were being controlled by the Gamma-13. Stop using it as an excuse to keep hiding here away from life and __**that person**_."
_Connor opened his mouth and then closed it, running a hand over his face. "Jackie wants Dylan and Summer to get back together."_
_ "Screw 'Jackie'." Toby shrugged. "Aint his decision."_
_ "I'm technically an old guy in a young guys body. It could be...wrong." Connor argued._
_ "You aren't an old guy in a young guy's body." Toby snorted. "You were in an 'ageless time-warp' or some crap like that...which meant you didn't age, at __**all. **__You're no pedophile."_
_ Connor looked up, pensively._
Dylan couldn't stand it anymore, cutting off the connection.
Toby was convincing Connor to confess to Summer.
Dylan had _known_ that kid was nothing but bad news from the moment he'd arrived!
If he was in a pissy mood for the rest of the day, Dylan never noticed.
* * *
Cindy and Tucker played Ludo with Toby and Summer.
Jack was out on a date with Marsha.
Dr. Grant was...doing whatever it was that Dr. Grant did when he wasn't around them.
Dylan...Dylan was in Connor's room.
Ever since catching Toby in there a couple of days before the Mind-Sight hadn't been enough, that locked-out feeling had returned, setting Dylan nearly _crazy_. He'd stopped using his Mind-Sight despite his insatiable desire to watch Connor...and it was torture not to do so.
So he'd used his primary power, and had slipped into the room before Connor, getting a good look at the place, touching things for the first time, able to _smell_ Connor in every material.
It was a head-rush.
His pants tightened.
It was then he finally admitted that he might be a _little_ touched in the head.
And maybe even a little bit creepy.
The door opened and closed, and Connor went to his bed, throwing himself onto it with a groan.
Dylan stilled, forgetting for a second that he was invisible and Connor couldn't see him.
"Stupid idiot." Connor snarled, seeming completely frustrated. "Never been this long without...." He closed his eyes tightly. "What happened? Did the idiot finally discover the meaning of _privacy_?"
Dylan wasn't exactly sure what Connor was talking about, but he sounded very annoyed.
He took a step towards the bed and accidentally stepped on a magazine on the ground.
Connor stiffened at the sound and sat up, eyes opening and training in Dylan's direction immediately.
Dylan closed his eyes tightly, firmly telling himself to stay invisible no matter _what_.
There was silence.
Then a groan.
Dylan's eyes opened at the sound, and _he_ was the one biting his lip to keep from uttering a sound when he saw Connor lying back on the bed, hand in his pants.
His own hand went to the prominent bulge in his pants.
Dylan gulped, stepping off of the magazine slowly.
It made a little noise, but he doubted Connor heard.
The younger boy went to the bed and slowly went to his knees, holding himself, touching himself as he was able to watch Connor so much closer, able to _smell_ the musky scent of his skin, the salt of the sweat, hear his moans...
It was...
Dylan closed his eyes and bit down hard on his bottom lip, drawing blood as he came.
He might have made a strangled sound, but it was drowned out by Connor's louder cry of release.
When Connor went to sleep later on, Dylan escaped the room, never even realizing he'd bled a little on the carpet next to Connor's bed...or that Connor wasn't sleeping.
* * *
They were studying battle strategies.
Cindy was playing with dollies, actually, but the others were paying attention to Jack and Connor as they tried to explain to them how the enemy worked.
Dylan kept sending Connor hungry looks.
Ever since that day...Dylan had stopped using Mind-Sight...and he'd learnt that Connor had, for some reason, stopped locking his door at night, which made it easier for the shameless teenager to sneak in and...well...
Dylan bit down on his abused bottom lip, just thinking about last night, when he'd gotten brave enough to _touch_ Connor's hair after the older boy had fallen asleep.
"What if they have someone like Dylan who has Mind-Sight?" Tucker wanted to know.
"Oh, that's no problem." Jack grinned.
Connor suddenly went tense.
"Connor here?" Jack threw a proud arm over his brother's shoulders. "He can sense when someone's using Mind-Sight."
Dylan froze, horror causing his eyes to go wide.
"_Cool_." Tucker announced, impressed, _totally_ not getting the undercurrent of tension now in the room.
Summer and Toby exchanged looks.
Cindy continued to play with her dollies.
"Is that true?" Dylan finally found his voice.
Connor took in a deep breath before looking at Dylan and nodding. "Yeah."
In a quick, liquid movement Dylan was on his feet and grabbed Connor's arm, tearing him from Jack's grasp and storming out of the room. He didn't know where he was taking them, didn't think, didn't...Connor _knew_.
Every single time...Connor _knew!_ certain things made so much _sense_!
He felt like such an _idiot_!
It was only when he realized that they were outside Connor's room that Dylan snapped, throwing Connor up against the wall. "You _bastard_."
"Considering that _you_ were the one constantly invading _my_ privacy, I find that statement _ridiculous_." Connor snapped back before taking in a deep breath and obviously trying to calm down. "Look. You're embarrassed. You were curious about something and got caught up. I---I didn't read anything into it."
Dylan blinked, trying to get what Connor was saying. "You think I'm scared that you found out and that I don't want you thinking I like _guys_?"
"Isn't that what this is all about?" Connor was on the defensive, eyes narrowed.
"No! Because I don't like _guys_." Dylan trapped Connor against the wall, palms on the wall on either side of the other boy's head. "I like _you_. You _bastard_!"
Connor paused, blinking, looking unconvinced. "You don't like me."
"What the--? The _hell_ I don't like you!" Dylan didn't care _who_ might overhear. "I've been practically _stalking_ you for months!"
"Exactly! Months! And you never did anything but _look_!" Connor snapped. "No matter what I did you just _looked_!"
Dylan went still, eyes wide, the shocked expression on his face melting into a small, lecherous smile. "You were waiting for me to _do_ something other than look?"
Connor's eyes widened, color entering his cheeks.
" did it on _purpose_." Dylan realized. "At first nothing and then almost _every time_ I looked you were _seducing_ me."
"So what if I was?" Connor growled, obviously embarrassed. "Now _leave_."
Dylan didn't.
He was grinning like a madman, a smug madman.
He surged forwards and captured the struggling boy's lips, kissing him like he'd been dying to do for so long now. He was rough, because although they really hadn't ever had a decent conversation, he'd watched Connor, watched Connor do _everything_, and he knew how the older boy liked it. A little rough, a hint of violence---maybe some lingering taint of the Gamma-13 was to blame for that---and firmness, but a hint of teasing as well.
He cupped Connor through his pants.
He was hard and whimpered in the kiss.
Dylan smirked and pulled away, not removing his hand, looking challengingly into those beautiful, lust-filled eyes. "What do you have to say about _that_, Oh Ye Mighty Concussion?" Connor stood silent for a moment, before an evil and utterly sexy smile lit his face. "I'm going to my room now and I'm getting into bed, and you will get in on top of me if you know what's good for you."
Grinning idiotically, getting the reference, Dylan let Connor drag him into the room. Then, before continuing to the bed, Dylan stopped at the door and turned the key, locking out the rest of the world.
* * *
End file.
| Connor Knew by shadowglove | Zoom |
Summer's Upsetting Day
**A/N: Okay so I was watching ZOOM this morning (6-12-12) and I felt like writing a cute Dylan/Summer fluff romance one shot. I will still update my other stories but this is spur of the moment, possible writers block breaker. Anyway here you go, it takes place at the end with the cheerleading practice and what happens after they get called again. And since the other cheerleaders names were never mentioned I'm making up the names.**
Summer Jones also known as Wonder just finished up with the Zenith program at Area 52 and got herself a
boyfriend Dylan West also known as Houdini. "Hey Freak" the cheer captain Lavinia Abbot. "What do you want
Lavinia" Summer said getting her uniform on. "What happened at the freak house" Lavinia sneered. "Oh let's
see. I learned I'm telekinetic and have empathic senses. Also I got a boyfriend." Summer counted off. "Yeah
right"she snorted. The practice started and they built a pyramid. Summer was on the bottom holding up the
other girls easily with help from her powers. All of a sudden a rose with a note started floating towards them.
All the others looked in shock, except for Summer, as with a sudden rippling a guy appeared. He had long
shoulder length dark hair. Dylan gave the rose to Summer who ,keeping the others up with her power, pulled
him in and kissed him. _How did a freak like her get a cute guy like him _Lavinia thought as their beepers went off.
With a suddeness the pyramid fell as the two ran off.
* * *
It was that weekend when Summer and Dylan had a little date out at the park. It was going all well until a
certain person showed up. "Dylan why'd you choose to date a freak like her when you could have me" Lavinia
said flipping her hair seductively. "Summer's not a freak" Dylan said defensively. "Yeah she is. She can control
things and move them. Tell me that's not freaky." Lavinia said snottily. "It's not. I can turn invisible. I know an
older guy about 55 who can run faster then any human, his older brother who is now younger due to a freak
accident can shoot sonic booms, a twelve year-old can enlarge any part of his body, and a six year old who
has super strength , plus a woman who has the power of super breath that can knock down grown men.
We're not freaks we're super heroes." Dylan said proudly. "What ever" Lavinia sneered storming off. "FREAKS"
she shouted before she left. "Dylan Lavinia's right. Why do you want a freak like me instead of a pretty normal
girl like her" Summer said. "Because you are pretty and normal is so over rated." Dylan replied pulling her into
him. "Thanks" She said leaning up to kiss him.
**A/N: There is my story. Hope you like it. Please review.**
End file.
| Summer's Upsetting Day by SwifteForeverAndAlways | Zoom |
The halls were pitch black, the only source of light from the soft light of his small flashlight. He wandered through the never ending grey corridors, chasing the sleep that evaded him. Connor let out a sigh, there was no hope. He had to face it, his past wouldn't let him sleep, and never would.
He continued until he reached the electric panel that opened up into a secret corridor he and Jackie had discovered a week after their arrival at Area 52. He pushed through and wandered over to a wall, sliding his light over the familiar names of his team mates.
"Please Connor!"
"Stop this!"
Their bodies lying in a pile of broken limbs before him, his eyes neon red and his lips lifted into a sick smile. Jackie started running in a circle around him, then closed it off. He fell through dimension after dimension until he landed in a barren land. No life, nothing. He screamed in anger, then sent shockwave after shockwave in front of him. A crack formed in the air, and a grin formed on his lips. He could break through and take revenge. He could kill Jackie.
"No!" Connor screamed, collapsing to the ground.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he sobbed, tears running like a waterfall down his face.
He pulled his knees up to his chest and started rocking back and forth on the floor, sobs and cries filling the quiet room.
He automatically quieted and crawled under some large metal columns that hid him from anyone's view.
"Connor?" Jackie's voice softly entered Connor's ears.
"Go away," Connor said shakily.
"No, I won't leave you alone when you need me most," Jackie argued.
"Just leave me alone!" Connor screamed, hot tears sliding down his face.
"No!" Jackie said stubbornly.
"Please," Connor sobbed.
All of a sudden a pair of legs came into Connor's view, and kneeled down until Jack could see Connor clearly.
"Come here," Jack smiled sadly, holding his arms out.
Connor shook his head wildly.
"C'mon Connor, you need to stop beating yourself up for it. You're not to blame for all that, General Laraby and Dr Grant are the ones who gave you the Gamma 13, so if it is anyones fault it's theirs, but it's also mine. I should have listened to you when you tried to tell me," Jack frowned.
"But I killed them!" Connor screamed.
Jack reached into the small little cave of metal and wrapped his arms around Connor's smaller frame, tuggin him out of his small hole.
Connor struggled against his brothers arms, pushing and kicking out, but making sure to never hurt Jackie. Eventually, he gave up and lay limp and Jack dragged him out of the small hole and onto his lap. He cradled Connor in his arms, running his hand through his hair and whispering comforting words into his ear.
Connor whimpered and pressed his face into Jackie's neck, tears pouring down his cheeks as his body shook in Jackie's arms.
"You'll be okay Connor, I promise," Jack whispered.
"I'm sorry," Connor moaned, sobs tearing out of his throat.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, it wasn't your fault," Jackie said firmly.
Connor just kept crying, curled up in his brothers arms.
Ten minutes later, his sobs subsided and his body no longer shook.
"Are you okay now?" Jack pulled Connor's face from his neck and held his face in his hands, looking him in the eyes.
"No," Connor mumbled, looking down.
"You will be though, you're my brother and I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you feel better," Jackie murmured.
Connor gave his younger brother a watery smile.
"Don't worry Connor, you'll be okay again."
Connor snuggled his face into his brothers neck, a smile for the first time since he was reunited with Jackie and met the new Zenith Team.
He would be okay, someday.
End file.
| Someday by MoonJay2012 | Zoom |
"I'm not going to private school" said Chris Jr. to his mother.
"Yes you are Chris" said his mother Linda, sharply.
"I'm not gonna drop everything and go to a _private_ school" he said.
"You know what," said Linda "I'm done with this. Talk to your father about it."
Chris went to his father. "Dad, I'm not going to private school."
"Yeah you are" said Chris, his father.
"You can't even afford it! You've been laid off for like, a year. And mom doesn't even work. Were _poor. _Worse than poor! We have no money whatsoever!" said Chris.
His dad was silent. He looked like an angry gorilla that was ready to kill.
"Go to your room, now!" screamed his dad. Chris walked slowly, dragging his feet to his room.
Chris jumped onto his bed. He laid his head onto his soft, blue pillow. He was ready to cry. Tears formed and slowly began to drip onto his pillow, one by one. He couldn't drop everything and leave his friends. He couldn't handle the fact that his parents were ready to split up. he couldn't even think about going to some private school where he wouldn't know anyone and actually have to work. Nothing was going right. Nothing could fix what was going on.
Chris went to school the next day. He was talking with his friends and they were all really pissed that Chris was leaving them. They tried to comfort him, but even his closest friends couldn't help him. "You'll be fine. We'll still keep in touch!" was all he heard that day. Keep in touch? he thought. Just like how I was gonna "keep in touch" with my kindergarten friends I left before going to first grade, right? Chris ran home, did his homework and went to his parents. The only people that could change the whole situation and make everything alright.
"I'm begging you! Please don't make me go!" pleaded Chris.
"No!" said his parents repeatedly. "You're going, and that's final" said Linda.
"Fine. I'm done with all of this. I don't wanna hear you or see you two ever again!" cried Chris. He, again, ran to his room. He thought, and thought, and drew a blank. There was nothing that was going to save him. Chris's father interrupted his thoughts. "It's time to pray Chris." Something clicked in Chris's head.
Chris has been neglecting something for so long. He's been pushing it away from him. He wanted to live "normally". He didn't want to be burdened by anything. Chris was neglecting his religion. He couldn't even remember the last time he prayed. He decided to turn to his religion.
All of a sudden, everything he had forgotten about had come back to him. He forgot that his religion was the key to fixing everything. When you're having a bad day, turn to your faith. When you want things to get better again, have hope. He forgot all of it; however, at that moment, it all came back to him. So, Chris prayed.
Chris felt a sense of calmness he hadn't felt it so long. Tears fell from Chris's plum cheek to the floor, like baby rain drops falling from the dark night's sky. He cried from the amazing feeling he felt within himself. He cried because he knew God was there for him, and was watching him that very moment. From that point on, everything was just different.
Months and months after praying, everything was just as Chris wanted it to be. He still ended up going to private school, but he didn't mind because that made him even closer to his faith. His parents were getting along again. Chris even stayed in touch with his old friends. Everything was finally calm. Everything was finally perfect.
Chris was doing his homework in his room with a new friend. His father walked in. "Boys, don't forget to pray."
Chris replied with a slight smile, "Never again dad, never."
End file.
| Pray by randomarab | Zoom |
tea time
_**tea time**_
set post-Unlimited. Andy practically tries many practices on his journey. and i know zkc calls many countries differently but let's pretend it doesn't in this story ok? ok.
* * *
"So, you see, I didn't mean to come back." Andy finishes, dipping his calves into the pool. The children occasionally throw water at him, which he skilfully dodges.
Hyoubu hums in understanding. He is crouching next to Andy, hugging his feet and not daring to put them into the water like the younger man is doing. "I wasn't quite listening. Repeat."
"Again?" Andy moans, raising an eyebrow at the Major. "That was my second time retelling! Are you distracted or what?"
"Distracted, huh? Let's go with that." Hyoubu sends meaningful looks at his direction, smirking in his alluring fashion.
Andy flushes, looks away, and settles to stare at his magnificently-cut toenails in fascination. "I was in China when I remembered it was your birthday, okay? But I had no idea how to go about finding you, what's with the camouflage and all."
"I'm disappointed you didn't try harder, Hinomiya." Hyoubu clicks his tongue and waves a finger, all the while managing to keep an attractive smile plastered on his face.
Andy makes noises behind his throat before he coughs and continues, decidedly ignoring Hyoubu's comments. "So I decided to just move on, you know? And I was about to board a ship to Taiwan when you guys suddenly materialized the Catastrophe. That was okay. But when _you_ materialized in front of me, old man, I was partly traumatized."
"Ah, the essence of surprise." Hyoubu nods in agreement.
"So, it's not that I came back on my own. It's because you guys kidnapped me." Andy chides, shuddering as he remembers being dragged by the collar up to the sky and dropped into the pool. Part of the reason why he hasn't stopped trembling is because his clothes are still wet and Hyoubu refuses to let him go for some reasons.
"Hinomiya-kun," Hyoubu slurs, "am I right to think that you don't actually care about my birthday?"
Andy turns to the older man in the slowest motion and feels his neck ache, but it doesn't hurt him as much as Hyoubu's glare, veiled with a manipulative smirk. "Of course it's not like that." He manages, rubbing the back of his head.
"Where is the proof?" Hyoubu asks, with a sweet, sweet, thorny smile.
Andy reaches out for his backpack and rummages through the inside. Hyoubu thinks he hears the sound of plastic and glass breaking. After a long, tense moment, Andy splashes some water off his feet as he pulls out a doll made of ceramic.
"I practiced making matryoshka dolls in Russia." Andy explains, placing the doll on the floor between them. Hyoubu takes off the top to reveal another doll inside, whose top, when removed, reveals another doll. "And I learnt some flower-decorating in Japan." A pot of flowers, most of which Hyoubu can name. "I was a freeloader in the house of a lantern-maker in China, so obviously I tried to make my own." A bloody red lantern with drawings of unicorns. As skilled as he is at dodging water, Andy manages to deflect the eyes Hyoubu is giving him. "I practiced pottery too. I thought I should try my hands on their local dances as well."
"Is there anything useful that you've been trying to do while going around the world?" Hyoubu asks in an accusing tone, fondling the flowers on his lap.
"Of course! I mastered the Russian military style, karate, judo, muay thai, and kung-fu!" Andy splutters indignantly. He bolts up and poses as though to prove it. In his attempt to settle in a position, he knocks over Patty, who is carrying a tray of cups of chamomile tea. Of course, the cups tumble down and break as they touch the slippery floor. Patty huffs and slams the tray at Andy's head before stomping away.
Hyoubu laughs, clutching at his own stomach.
"I hate you guys. Why do I still try?" Andy groans, lying down with the lower half of his body in the pool and the upper half suspended on the edge. His hands are nursing his head, and his hair has become dishevelled as he has been tossing it around to find the bump.
"Because you are an idiot, that's why." Hyoubu laughs, leans down, pauses in his laughter, and kisses Andy on the lips. The younger man hacks when Hyoubu pulls apart, and regrets it immediately as Hyoubu shoves a tongue in the gap between his teeth. Andy struggles for a brief moment, but his legs become numb and he gives up using his arms. Closing his eyes, Andy wrestles against Hyoubu's tongue in his mouth. He gasps for breath but Hyoubu keeps stock still. The very moment their mouths move apart from each other, Andy slumps onto the floor, panting heavily.
(During this very scene, Magi has taken the initiative to cover Yuugiri's eyes, who has been sitting on the side as they wait for the two to finish talking. The Major insists in monopolizing Hinomiya, however, so they have waited for a good hour. Patty, on the other hand, snatches millions pictures of the happening and everyone automatically pretends not to notice her animalistic eyes.)
"There, now." Hyoubu says, standing up and brushing his lips with his tongue. "Isn't that the perfect birthday present?"
Andy is too tired to give a snarky reply. He can, however, smile at Hyoubu and clutch his hand. He may be kidnapped by this group of dysfunctional family for all he knows, but at least he is _home_.
End file.
| tea time by connolise | Zettai Karen Children |
Mad World
This is a (rather late) christmas present for my best friend, and probably one of the hardest fics I've ever written. There are a lot of difficult mindsets to get into, and doing this was draining in more ways than one.
And to you, mein liebe. I love you, please never ask me to write something like this again. XD I get too emotionally invested in this.
And I will state before you get onto this, I am not, and will never be, a school shooter. I just wrote one for my best friend.
This is all from Andre's point of view.
* * *
It's a normal day, or at least it _was_. Walking into school with guns tends to make things not so normal anymore. Cal is at his side, devilish smile on his face, there's an intoxication to the air that throbs like their hearts. Everything is ready, it has to be. There's no more time left to prepare.
It's warm outside, even for May, and the air is very quiet, very still. Unprepared for what's coming next. No one has a clue. That's how it should be.
They're walking in, and his heart is thudding as Cal pushes open the door, he lifts the Glock to shoot anyone who may be right there. It seems like an eternity, that time that Cal is opening it. Air-conditioned air rushes onto their faces, drawing goose bumps to the fore.
There is no one there, but he can hear voices from the main hallways, laughing, chattering, cheerful voices. Another normal day for them, except it isn't.
It is time, time for their Zero Day.
Cal shuts the door behind them quietly, no sense in drawing attention to them before they're ready to start, and he says "Where do we start?"
He stares back at him, and there's a moment of four years of bullying in this school alone, all the memories of hurt and anger and loathing welling up like a fountain of blood, and he can hear himself say from a distance "We start at the hall, and then to the library, and we move on as they die, and we don't let anyone go alive."
Cal nods, blond hair sticking to his face, and lifts the rifle to look down the sight. All of the gentle smiles have been wiped away, and he is nothing but anger and hatred. He can understand that, he feels it too. A tide of revenge that swells up inside until there is nothing but a blood lust, red vision and all.
In front of them, they can see a pack of girls in miniskirts and pink lip gloss, gossiping about such meaningless things, and putting down everyone not in their tiny, tiny standards. Time to put an end to that.
The first shot cracks through the air like a bull whip, and one of the girls slams into the locker with bright red blooming on her damn white blouse. It's almost unreal, like at any moment, he'll turn around and it's someone besides them doing this, someone besides them finally standing up and getting justice for all of the pain and loneliness they faced.
But as it was proved so fucking thoroughly, only they can save themselves.
The entire hall goes silent, conversations shot cleanly dead, invisible blood all over the floor, and Cal cocks his rifle again, and it's his turn now.
He lifts the Glock, and it kicks back in his hand as a second bullet flies out to hit the girl next to the first one, cutting into her cheek until her pretty little fake face is ruined forever.
Then the screams begin.
"Go, go!" Cal yells at him as he takes off, rifle dropped to hang on the shoulder strap as he pulls out the first of his smaller guns from his belt, firing them in unison at the fleeing teens. The first two victims are pulled along by their friends, leaving drops of ruby behind them in growing splotches.
He fires the Glock again, two, three, four more times, and each time the screams grow louder. One of the boys ahead stumbles, and his glasses fall to the floor to be smashed in the stampede, metal twisted and ruined like self esteem, and at last pulverized.
How fitting.
The smarter pack of fools runs past the library, but far more run _in_, seemingly not aware of the lack of safety there. Books, books everywhere, and not a single place to hide from them. Plenty of shelter to take aim from. Other fools try to run out, only to be turned back by them, screeching like a pack of wild banshees.
The Glock kicks in his hands again as he fires the last bullet of the magazine, and then he shoves it in his belt, snatching up the rifle as they enter the room, and Cal quickly drops to his knees as the one fool yelling at someone seems to notice the commotion, and then Cal shoots a flower of red in his side, knocking him to his knees as he drops whatever he was holding and staggers to his feet, running. As Cal aims at the other runners, he shoots with his rifle as well, but only one girl collapses as she runs, and then she pulls herself up with strength born of terror, he knows that strength very well, and he wants to curse his damn gun for not shooting perfectly.
Everyone vanishes around the corner, one girl in a flurry of dark skirts that hamper her from running even though she was the first to start. How stupid of her, but then, she didn't _expect_ to be running for her life.
Who ever does?
Cal pulls back his gun and stands as they all leave, popping out the empty bullet casings, and he starts to follow some of the stragglers before pulling back. While screams still echo, it grows silent again.
Except for a crackling sound, in front of them. There's a phone on the floor, a woman's tinny voice echoing out. "Hello? Hello?" It lies there, an innocent black slice of phone, and her voice echoes in the quiet room.
It's a stupid idea, most likely, but he picks it up. There's drying sweat on the case, whoever was holding it must have been _scared_. Cal is at the desk, looking for anyone hiding underneath, and he can hear the faint rattle of him reloading his gun, the spent magazine clattering on the floor. "Hello?" he asks the woman on the phone in return.
There's a tiny pause, as she does...something, and then- "Can you tell me where you are?" Like a police officer would ask.
Oh, _someone _stupid was trying to call for help. How dumb of them.
There's a pit of anger in his stomach, the anger that has always been building up, no outlets allowed until now. He wants to yell at the woman "Where were you when I was being pushed around and made to know that I'm worthless?! Where were you all the times that I needed help?!", but that would make things too obvious.
He can't hold back the rage though, and his voice comes out in sarcastic vitriol, mocking whoever had been stupid enough to try and get help. In this world, you only trust the strong, only trust the faithful. Anyone else is less than garbage. Even him. So he mocks her for thinking she can do anything at all. "Hello?"
Cal walks back over, his boots echoing on the floor as he looks around for more victims, more fools to shoot. He holds by his ear, and he hears her drawing a breath to reply again, before he yells in "Oh! Oh! Oh! They're shooting in the school!"
Cal gives him an odd look, but that's alright. This is _fun_! He can practically hear her wincing on the other end as some of the rage boils over into pure screaming "Help me, there's fucking shooters, call the _fucking cops_!"
Cal motions him on towards the computer desks- good hiding places if you don't know to look there already, funny how the idiots are trying to hide from them in their old hiding places, and he shoves the phone in his belt next to another gun as he runs after Cal.
She babbles at him as they walk on, but he's no longer listening. No time for fools. It seems like they've been doing this for an eternity, but he knows it can't have been more than a minute since they first began. Time slows down _so much _when you're on the hunt, and it's so much easier to do everything. Numb to emotions, numb to any pleas, the hunter is never stopped by pity.
He has more to do, before this is done.
The computer desk seem empty, chairs scattered everywhere from people fleeing. He turns to Cal with a smile on his face, amusement bubbling up as some of the rage backs off enough to give him the clarity to hunt properly. "Did you _see _her fall?" he asks as they walk into the u-bend. There doesn't seem to be anyone under the center table, but he pulls down a chair just in case, and there's no reaction. He continues with mocking the girl, "Ah, ah! I've fallen, oh no!" he laughs, his falsetto falling apart as Cal grins in amusement as well.
There's no one under the desks, they really aren't good hiding places, and they move on towards the rows of shelves, books collapsing on each other and at least two of them perforated by stray bullets.
Cal looks at him with solemn eyes "Do you think they're dead?" Why such solemness when they're finally carrying out what they had planned for so long? It didn't make sense.
"Really doesn't matter now, they're _gonna_ die," he says, feeling pragmatic about the whole thing. If the police were anything other than fools, then maybe the other wounded wouldn't, but he didn't place any faith in that.
The study tables past the history section have blood spatters leading to it, and he can tell that it was the phone holder because of the direction he'd gone. "He'll probably bleed to death," he adds as they wander past the shelves.
Cal smiles again, more like himself. "We're such mean people." he says, like it mattered, but they knew it didn't.
Father had explained it best, long ago when he still had hope. _"Many people who hate, Andre, hate because they've been taught to hate by what happens to them."_ And he had been right, more right than he knew.
He still hoped, just a little bit, that his parents knew it wasn't their fault that he was doing this. Maybe it was stupid, but he wanted them to know that they alone weren't at fault.
He has laughter in his voice, but he didn't know why. "Yeah," he agrees with Cal as they turn the corner, following the blood of the wounded. He looks down to see the previous fool, owner of the phone in his belt, slumping on the table. "Hey, it's our little buddy." he says to Cal, before walking over "How you doin' little buddy?" he asked the boy, not really expecting an answer from the way his eyes were glazing over, but he felt powerful again just doing that.
Cal walks straight past him, looking anxious for some reason. "Come on, let's go." he says, already uninterested in their quarry, or maybe just uncomfortable with the fact that he is dying right in front of them.
But he recognizes him, not by name, but by previous action. _This _idiot had kicked him around before, in the locker rooms. Even though he was a year younger, he'd picked up up on the habits of his seniors very quickly, and who to kick around to earn respect. "No, hold up, hold up." he tells Cal, not leaving any room in his voice for arguments. Here was a proper score to settle.
He leans down next to the dying boy, pulling the phone from his belt, stupid woman squawking on the other end still, trying to get his attention. Cal sighs, and there's frustration on his face. "Andre..." he says, tired of something.
He ignores him, and leans down next to the glassy-eyed kid, "you've got a phone call here," he tells him, holding it up to his ear the better for him to talk. No motion.
Cal makes a vaguely exasperated noise, "Andre," he says, interrupting, "let's go." He looks tense, and jittery, like he's holding onto his anger to keep doing this.
"Hold on," he says, pressing the phone more securely against the victim's ear. "Any last words?" There's the crackle of someone talking, he can hear the woman say "...there's two shooters...", but nothing more distinct. So many wasted words.
"Andre!" Cal barks, free hand frozen in an expression of anger, of being fed up with waiting. His smile has vanished again, and he looks like he's ready to take on the world with nothing but an empty gun if it comes to that.
Playing with the dying guy wasn't fun anyway. "Fine, fine," he grumbles, and tucks the phone back into his belt. He can hear it crackle out "Andre?" as they leave the body, but he ignores it. The hunt is on again.
The next room is the one most used in study hall, more tables and two couches. This one has the sounds of sobbing and despair in it, stupid girls hidden under the tables in a hope they would be left alive. That would work better if they were being _quiet_.
Cal walks in first, and he has the rifle pointed at the floor, already armed and cocked. His grin is back, but no longer shy and sweet. Instead, it is the grin of a villain on the Saturday morning cartoons, vicious and drunk on power. If he wasn't standing at his side, he'd be afraid of who his friend can be.
Not that he is, of course. "_Hey everybody!_" Cal shrieks, voice lashing through the room like a whip cord, and two of the girls under the table whimper in terror. They look like trapped bunnies, and he and Cal are the wolf pack hunting out dinner.
And it is ready to be caught.
He walks over to the nearest table, and peers under at the girls cowering there, two of them shaking so badly that they're practically causing an earthquake, and pulls aside the chair to wave at them. "Hi." he says, and he's not sure whether to feel ridiculous or proud, that their reaction to such a light phrase is to start sobbing and begging.
Or maybe that's just the effect when you point a gun at someone, they turn into whiny, snivelly _messes_. "That's funny." he tells Cal as he walks over to see what's happening, and he gets more of that terrifying grin as Cal stands in the open gap, and he walks over to pull down another chair, and points his gun at the girl in the stupid dress.
She shrieks at him in terror, eyes wide as pools of blood, and he yells over her, "Wanna fuck with this?! Huh?!" he barks at her as he puts the gun to his shoulder, and it kicks back as he fires. The bullet cuts straight across the girl's shoulder so that she collapses, and everyone under the table screams in deafening soprano.
Did they trap the whole choir in here, or what?
There's a clatter behind them, and as he stands up, he sees one boy running, probably from behind one of the couches. Cal is far more prepared than he is though, and he shoots three times, no hesitation at all. He follows Cal around the table in time to see the boy collapse before pulling himself back up to run towards the front, and he can hear the damn girls still screaming.
Fucking banshees.
"Shut _up_!" he yells back at them as they walk towards the front, after the runner. In front of him, Cal is reloading as quickly as possible, bullet casing clattering all over the floor.
They seem to take his advice, and the horrible shrieks are toned down to heartbroken tears. So strange, how it's easier to be angry when people aren't listening to you...
There's movement behind the front desk of the library, and Cal doesn't even have to aim, it seems, the gun goes up and his face is stone cold as he fires. A moment's pause, and he swings up his own gun to fire as well, six times before the one lucky bastard who had far too many guts throws himself over the desk and runs away, only mentally scarred instead of physically.
Five seconds of only sobbing, and then Cal says, "come on," quietly, and they walk back to their room of rabbits.
They're walking back in, and one of the boys under the tables is taking his chance to flee to a different hidey hole, probably one not in the library. Cal yells something after him, and then he and Cal fire in sync, but fear gives the boy just enough speed to run past, and he's free for now. The screaming begins again, echoing in his ears like tearing metal, yet ends with the bullets, whether from the girls screaming their throats out entirely, or just hoping to survive another few seconds.
He walks towards the hallway as Cal circles around the table, sobs echoing from underneath, and he can see the girls lurking under the table, shredded messes of who they were, at least mentally.
He stops by the table with the girls and pulls out one of their chair shields, not that it was doing anything other than being an annoyance, and flops down like he would have in the computer chair back home, arms over his stomach. Now he can see them better, the cowards.
Their shrieks rise up in unison- apparently they weren't done with the god forsaking screaming, and he can hear at least one of them sob "Go away!" like a plea to the monsters under the bed. Not that it was going to _do_ much.
Stupid wretches, their despair was so funny. Now he could understand why the bullies were so persistent, it was _fun_ to make people break and shatter like glass on concrete.
His voice won't go up as high as theirs, thank god, or else his eardrums would explode, but it's fun to mock them. "Oh my God, oh my God!" he whines back at them, mimicking what they all have to be thinking. Cal paces behind, his boots powerful on the table as he shakes more fear into them.
Time to see if they can find some rational here. "Say my name," he says as Cal laughs behind him, "I'm right here." Not that this seems to console them, the tears and shrieks pick up again.
One of them screams, probably the same girl who did the first time, "Go _away_!"
Well how nice of her to say what she meant, but didn't she know that monsters didn't go away when commanded? That was for fairy tales and bedtime stories. "Oh, go away?" he asks her, trying to put as much irony into the words as he can. Their infernal whining continues to grow, and he parrots it back at them, until it's too funny to hold back the laughter.
Since when did they ever understand the nature of power when it wasn't their's from the get-go? He stands back up to circle the tables again as the same girl begs for them to leave her alone, not even showing a shred of thought for another any more, how selfish, and Cal jumps from the table to the chair like a panther prowling the night, and then onto the other table. The screams pick up as Cal stalks across the table, turning into startlingly clear repeats of "_No!_" as his feet echo over them.
Cal stops at the end of the table, and gestures faintly with his gun. "Look at that blood," he says, calm as if they were talking about a dissected frog in science class. "Jesus" he adds, just for some more emphasis, and he has to agree, because that pool is a little alarming, how far it's spreading.
All the girls scream again, probably at the idea that they're going to join the body soon. Cal gives them a withering look, he can see by the look in his eyes that he's as annoyed as he himself about the noise, and he jumps onto the nearest chair to get a better look at them. As he leaps onto the other table again, he says to them with scorn dripping like blood "Is the gun pointed at you?"
One of the girls yells "No," for the umpteenth time, but it sounds like less of an answer and more of just complete and utter mental failure.
He walks over to inspect one of the couches for blood spatter as Cal walks over to the girl who's making the most consistent noise, earning yet more screaming, and then sobs to another of her pack "What's he doing?"
He can see the fury in the tautness of his back as Cal snaps at them, voice cold "Shut up." he commands, power in his voice.
The stupid girls scream louder than ever, apparently subscribing to the school of thought that _not_ listening to the gunman would ensure a longer, happier life. He checks the ammo of his rifle, and finds it more lacking than he'd prefer, considering that any sympathy on the part of the trapped girls had long since been murdered by their infernal noise, and he can hear Cal say "What?" to one of them, though whether in actual interest, or just because it's fun, he can't tell.
He has to swing the pack of ammo off of his back as Cal repeats himself, and the screams die to sobbing and whimpering at the possibility of being left alive for a few minutes longer, and he's sliding more bullets into his rifle when Cal suddenly yells at the top of his lungs, "Are you dead yet?!"
At least this time when they scream, it has a meaning that might be meaningful, rather than just annoying.
Cal says over their sobs, projecting just enough to be heard, "No, you're still alive, aren't you?", and he's reminded of some of their discussions over the things that they hated, long before this plan was truly hatched, and Cal saying "People lingering when they're in pain and want to die."
Those girls were in that same state, they just hadn't realized it yet.
There's a loud thump as Cal jumps to the floor, heavy boots cutting through the sobs like another gunshot, and he turns to look and see what happens next. Cal then kneels in front of the table with the girls, in between the chairs they'd pulled out, and instead of quieting like they'd prefer, the girls shriek at the top of their lungs in a tired repetition of this game that they'd been stuck in for what could only have been a minute or two, but felt like hours.
Cal yells back at them, voice raw with anger and frustration, and he screams "Shut up!" When he stands back up, he kicks over the chair in impotent rage, and he understands the anger, all bottled up until it explodes. "_Shut up_!" and his voice practically cracks on the notes, far too strained to hold fast.
Like everything.
He finishes reloading his guns and returns to pacing by the couches, waiting for someone to make a move. Almost on cue, one of the boys under Cal's stalking table crawls out, cowering like a wounded gazelle. He's nothing like he usually looks, not proud anymore, not haughty anymore.
"Cal, Cal.." he whimpers and whispers, an almost pleasant change from all the screaming. He almost can't hear him, he's so quiet, and Cal looks at him with eyes so intense, they burn.
The boy continues "Don't shoot, don't shoot..." in a trembling voice, shaking like a leaf, "Man...everyone's" then his voice breaks and falls apart like glass. "They're dead..."
It's hard to tell if it's a wounded bird gambit, or serious, all of his breaking, and from the pitiless look on Cal's face, he doesn't buy it. "What?" he barks out, voice demanding and diamonds.
Desperately, the boy continues. "Everyone's dead...There's no one left, man.." he chokes out in that same whisper, shaking harder.
He walks back and forth as the boy cries, letting Cal have control and power, the things that everyone seems to take for granted until they don't have them. "But you're still alive." Cal points out, indicating with his gun and proving that he could change that in just a second's notice.
The boy keeps sobbing, and he realizes that it's really no better than the girl's screaming, which at least was entirely genuine. Victim- "Stop..."
Cal is standing over the boy on the tables now, taller than everything, and he replies back incredulously "Stop?"
Perhaps the boy isn't too dumb, he starts backpedaling hurriedly "It wasn't-" But it's too late, he's already ruined things for him. Maybe they would have let him live if he'd just been a little more repentant.
Cal glares down at him, no longer even pretending to be sympathetic. "You want me to stop?" he repeats, "You want me to stop, right now."
Then again, the boy does seem to be too dumb, or just finally aware of the fact that he has no more second chances. "Y-yes..." he answers, voicing what all of the others in the room want.
The girls start whimpering and crying on cue, maybe trying to add to the effect, but more likely just too broken to not. Cal clearly has no patience for them anymore, and he yells "Shut _up_!" to them again in a way that sounds like a frazzled mother trying to control her sugar hyped up toddler, before getting an idea.
He walks over closer to watch what Cal decides to do next, and the sobs seem to stop for a second, before picking up again. Cal gestures at the loudest girl in the group, and says "Look at her- right there" and it's not pointed at him, but at the boy under the table.
The boy hiccups and begs like a dog, and says "Shit...don't do it, man...", but it's not the thing to say, and he can see it as clear as day that Cal has nothing left to handle the sounds.
They pick up for a second before Cal swings the rifle up into his hands with a shriek of "Shut up!" and this time it's punctuated by gunfire at the screamers.
The boy tries to run, and he swings up his gun to shoot him down, he falls just out of the girls's sights and adds his own smears of blood to the floor as he staggers and then collapses in death. Cal's gunfire ends in the screaming finally ending with the girls falling in bloody messes, no more soprano echoes.
Cal jumps off of the table, and he looks at him with suddenly very tired eyes. "Oh, god..." he says, in a tired voice that could be a whimper of his own if he didn't know Cal so well.
Again, he's reminded of a time when they were talking, without cameras. _"Andre..." _he had said, meeting his eyes with a look that was as dead as death _"Can we really do this?"_
Somewhere within, was there some hesitation to continue? He didn't know, nothing was making sense any more. It didn't seem quite like the reign of justice that he had thought it would be.
His dad had been wiser than he knew then, long ago when he said that many people who cause bad things are too broken to know better, and many of them, when they understand again, regret so much it could kill them.
Was that really going to be the end?
Cal sets aside his rifle, and he says to his questioning look "Out of bullets." Made sense, so he didn't question it. Cal reaches into his belt and pulls out his .45, still fully loaded and unused as of yet.
There's a prickle of something on the back of his neck, and he turns and looks behind the couch, more seriously than before. What he sees- _who _he sees- is more of a surprise than he thought. "Cal!" he calls to his friend, looking hard at who's back there so that they won't try to run just yet.
Cal looks up, and he clearly doesn't know what's spooked him. "What?"
He only needs to keep looking down, for Cal to get the message. "It's Greg."
Greg. Gregory. Greg the bastard, Greg the asshole, Greg the bully who had been the ringleader of their ostracizing and isolation from all but each other. Now cowering behind a couch and whimpering like a baby.
Greg presses his back up against the wall and starts to stand up, whether to run, or try to intimidate them or what, he doesn't know, it doesn't matter. Cal stands next to him, and now they're going to be the bullies, see how he'd like a taste of his own medicine.
His voice comes out deceptively playful, calm even. "Greg, man," he says, looking at him with as much absolute hatred as he can muster, "sit down, man, sit down. Pal, just relax." he adds as Greg slowly slinks back to the floor like a kicked dog.
He sounds like one too, only not anywhere near as endearing or forgivable. "Just don't hurt, don't hurt me, sir." he stammers, the last sound coming out almost like he's trying to suck up to a teacher, except far more scared.
It's so unexpected, that little addition. _Sir _is probably the exact opposite of everything else he'd ever called him, and the sensation of surprise wells up in laughter "_Sir._" he repeats, drawing out the word as long as he can. "I like that!"
Cal's laughing too, a little of the stress draining from his face and shoulders. "He called you sir." he adds, and it feels like a good word when he says it that way.
"Don't kill me..." Greg whimpers, and he doesn't seem to get the irony of it. The kids he beat up most have come back as monsters to kill him dead.
He walks off as Cal chuckles more, "I can't kill you, you're too pathetic." he says, and he might have believed him if it wasn't for the way that Cal caresses the trigger. "You're gonna live today, man, you're gonna live." he assures him right before swinging the gun up and letting loose.
It kicks off eight times, backing into Cal's hand over and over again as it empties the whole clip into Greg's chest. He shakes and spasms and falls over dead, his chest a red pulp. Cal turns the gun over enough to look at it, and says in mild frustration "This gun sucks."
He shrugs as he looks around. "Looks fine to me, it did the job." he says absentmindedly as he wanders past the pole and catches sight of another victim hiding behind the other couch. "Hey!" he calls to Cal as he walks into better range.
The boy scrambles up and yells "No! No!", and presses himself against the window, trying to escape through the glass.
Cal looks up at him as he fiddles with the gun, dropping the empty magazine on the ground as he slides a fresh one in. "Hey!" he repeats, gesturing slightly "Hey look! It's another guy behind the couch!" he explains as Cal seems to not get what's going on, still messing with the gun.
He gets a quick, playful smile, and Cal says "That's strange," as he looks away, apparently finding something else wrong with his pistol.
After all of the screaming from earlier, it's odd when the boy makes no more sounds, just pushes himself against the glass and...whats? He laughs as he walks to stand in front of him. "What?" he asks him, genuinely curious. "Nothing?" No answer. Now it's no fun. "Not even an 'oh please, help me!'?" he asks, but cuts off any answer by shooting him four times until his blood drips down the glass. It's cold, but necessary. At least this boy won't be waiting any more.
He and Cal look up just as they see the last boy under the first tables start to scramble out, then inexplicably double back to grab his backpack before sprinting for freedom. He swings his gun up and yells out "Hey! Stop!", but he's not fast enough to get any aim.
Whoever the kid was leaves a lasting shot of "_Fuck you_!" complete with bold, italics and underlines just for emphasis as he eats dust and makes like a rabbit and rabbits.
Cal looks back at him, and the surreality of him actually grabbing his bag in what could have cost him his life dawns on him at what must be the same time it dawns on Cal, because he repeats "Fuck you" in a much lower voice, and it sets them both off.
"He came back for his backpack!" He exclaims through the laughter, picking the rifle back up. Cal has a grin on his face that says that he enjoyed that little tidbit just as much. "He was the only one who came back for his fucking bag." he adds, bringing on a wave of more laughter.
Cal's still snickering as he leans down to look under the table at the pile of corpses, looking for movement, and he says "We should make sure that no one else is running."
A sensible idea, they might laugh themselves to death otherwise.
They leave the study section, and pick their way back through the halls of books. The first one they killed is now lying on the floor, hand on his belly and looking...well, dead. He turns back to look at Cal. "Oh look, he fell." he laughs, and he gets another smile out of his friend before looking back at the corpse. "How you doing, buddy?" he asks, not expecting an answer.
He picks his way past the body, finding the idea of actually stepping on it not something he's willing to do, and Cal seems to agree, because he pushes the chair in so he has more room before walking past. They leave it behind on their way to the front.
It's utterly silent but for them, and the front hall seems wrongly empty. Cal's still joking about something, but he's not really able to connect. It seemed...very, very wrong to have this hall so empty when even when there was no one in the library, there was always a faint sense of warmth from the memories of kids enjoying books and quiet, with the pleasant hum of study computers in the background.
Cal walks around the other way that he does, and at first seems to be serious about it, but then abruptly jumps into a comedic cowboy stands with his gun pointed at the desk, but nothing stirs. He walks around a little further to check, and then confirms what he already knew. "There is absolutely nobody left in here."
With nothing left to do, they walk back into the study room, where the emptiness is swelling up. The glory of the hunt is dying away, the adrenaline pumping in his heart is ceasing. Reality sets back in with cold talons, and he's not sure he wants it to.
They both set their weapons down on the table, so many guns, and he stares at the floor. "Anybody else alive in here?" he asks, and he's not sure if he's asking Cal or whoever might still be left.
Cal bursts the tiny bubble of hope that there might be someone other than a pile of corpses with "Just us."
But he seems to feel the same weight and dawning emptiness, if his voice is any indication.
He starts to walk away, past the scattered chairs and limp fingers, and Cal wanders over to the couch, at first starting to sit, but then leaning over and staring intently at something, like he just saw a roach on the floor or something. In the distance, he can hear sirens wailing, the city's finest on their way to a massacre.
A cold sensation ripples through his veins, and he looks down at the silver pistol in his hands. Something makes him put it to his chin, and he pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He pulls again, and again, and again, and again, and still nothing. The damn thing's _also_ empty. He looks at it in disdain, and then back at Cal, who hasn't moved from where he's looking at the floor.
He walks back over, not sure what to find, and then he sees what Cal is looking so strongly at. The pool of blood spreads almost all the way to the tables, and Cal is looking at his reflection in it. He wonders what Cal sees, if he can see. If he sees a victim...or a monster.
Cal looks at him listlessly, then back. "I can see my his blood.." he says in a voice caught in a different space, toned out and dreamlike. Whatever had possessed him when they were killing together has fled.
Maybe he can get it back.
He looks out the window, and he can see flashing red and blue, storming over rapidly, hundreds of flashing lights like butterflies of death, attached to what must be every single fucking cop in the whole damn city. "Look out there," he says, trying to draw Cal's attention away from self-reflection. "_That_ is a lot of fucking cops." he adds, since Cal isn't looking up."
The sirens grow as he stands there and watches, and he hefts the empty gun in his hand. He knows he still has some ammo left in his belt. Cal _finally_ gets up from the floor and stands next to him, looking out as well. "Come on, let's go get a couple," he invites Cal, already reaching for the gun that he knows still has bullets in it.
And then Cal says the one word that would have stopped this whole thing in it's tracks before it ever got this far. "No." His face is impassive, emotionless.
"What do you mean, no?" he asks, and laughs softly to try and cover the nervousness that's suddenly eating up his chest. This wasn't something he could have predicted, or controlled. "Come on, let's go."
Cal shoots that down too though, and says with a strong sense of finality "I'm done." He turns to look at him as he steps back, and his eyes are incredibly sad, broken too.
"Wha-?" he begins, and the sound cuts itself off. "How are you done?" It doesn't make sense, or at least, it doesn't make sense in the way he wants it to make sense.
Cal looks back at him with those sad eyes, and it seems like he's seen more than just his reflection in that pool of blood. "Andre," he says, with compassion inherent in his voice, "you're done."
The words ring far, far more truly than he wants, and he tries to protest both against Cal's strength and his own feelings of loss. "I'm not- I'm not.." he starts, and stumbles, and takes a breath. "I'm not done." He says, and wishes that he felt as certain inside as he did on the outside, not that he sounds certain on the outside even.
It doesn't seem to make Cal angry though, and he has a faint smile. "Andre, it's alright.." he trails off, and looks outside. "Look." he says, with more strength than before. "Would you rather get shot by cops or by yourself?"
It's a question he hadn't even considered before, the idea that it might be a choice between ending his own life under his own power, or being killed by a police man who still has to do his duty even if he might actually agree with them. He hadn't thought so much of what would happen to _him_ after the shooting, just what the rest of the world would do.
And he can't fight back against Cal, who had. "Guess you're right..." he says, and the words sink and brand into his bones bitterly, an ache of a whole different source than what he'd known before.
Cal gives him a look, and says "You guess or you know?" Which is another thing that he hadn't thought of before, the strength of Cal's conviction, and sense of his own power, and the meaning behind those two words.
"I know." he says bitterly, and they walk over to look at the sea of cops pouring out of the cars to set up a perimeter to start working their way to get into the school. "You're right."
Cal looks at him, and says grouchily "I'm out of bullets.." as if he had the answer to Cal's problem there. He picks up his rifle and starts picking at it, looking for a last bullet.
"Here," he says, and when Cal looks up, he tosses the last magazine he has at him. "Just take one, I'm empty otherwise."
Cal smiles at him faintly, and loads the gun with that one bullet, and then tosses the magazine back.
He picks the bullet he needs out himself, and stares at it for a minute as Cal walks around the room, and he follows, like a lost child in the woods, at the slim slice of steel that can end a life in a second, or an hour, if left unattended for long enough. When he slides it into his pistol, it fits in with a solid click that echoes in the empty room like the faint rasps of the phone in his belt and the sirens outside. Nothing else left to leave a mark on the earth.
Cal at last finds a place that seems fitting for their end, and he walks over to stand next to him. In an awkward rhythm, they start to kneel to the floor, metaphorical ropes clutched in their hands. For some reason, he wonders if his mother has found out yet. He'd prefer if she hadn't, if she didn't get the news until he was truly gone, so she didn't have to suffer waiting for an answer on why he did what he did. Better for her to get an answer that would give her a little comfort of her own.
He looks over at Cal, who's kneeling on the floor, face pale as a ghost's. So many ghosts in the room, waiting to get them...can he do this? They'll get him the instant he pulls the trigger, he won't last the time it takes to die, and it scares him to think that.
He looks at the gun in his hands, and puts it to his chin, thinking that maybe it'll be certain enough that he won't linger long enough for their victims to get them back again. Cal is the only certainty by his side.
Cal starts to count down for them, voice quiet enough that only he can hear. "Alright.." he says softly, "One, two..."
Then the panic gets him. "Wait," he tells Cal, pushing on his arm just enough that he wobbles and lowers his own gun so that they won't die yet.
They're both breathing raggedly, like they've been running a marathon, and Cal asks "What?" when he manages to find enough air to speak at all.
The fear comes tumbling out of him, and he clenches his fist against the gun as much as he can without pulling the trigger. "I can't do it." he admits rawly, the words taking everything it has left for him to do it. No more fight, nothing left but fear and sorrow.
He wants to live. "I-I just can't do it. I just can't. I can't." he finishes, looking at the ground, and trying to avoid Cal's eyes and the disappointment that he's sure is there.
But he can't avoid his eyes forever, and when he looks up, there's nothing but compassion and understanding in Cal's eyes, and Cal pats his arm gently, reassuringly. "Andre.. It'll be okay." he says, and the way he says it makes him feel like maybe it would.
Maybe it would be okay.
"Okay." he says hesitantly, and he looks at Cal. "Give me a yes."
And without any delay or hesitation, Cal says "Yes."
No more delays, nothing left. He sinks into his own mind for the last seconds, no more awareness of the rest of the world.
Just him.
Just him and Cal.
Numb...numb...numb from the inside out. Clear as a bell and still wanting, still needing to control the demons, roar of the gun still echoing in his skull. Breath as loud as screams in a silent room. It was silent.
There is sound out _there_. With the police- damn them- and the screams- damn them- of the other fools running. But the only sound here was breath. His and Cal's. In and out and in and out like the sound of madness, in and out, in and out.
The gun hilt- warm in his hands. Bullet in the magazine, bullet in the gun. Suicide is painless, but only as painless as the weapon, and a gun _hurt_.
Numbness, circulating like blood on the floor. "Should we- on three, or go?" He can hear himself asking- a pointless argument. Delaying the moment, delaying everything. He can't even hear what Cal's saying, but it makes sense somewhere. Somewhere anyway.
"So on three?"
He nods- jerky movement, instinctive, can't stop it. The muzzle of the gun is still hot, still singing the incantations of death. Bang, bang, bang.
So many things to think, so little time. Apologies to make that would never be made. The phone squawks from his belt- foolish person, not ending things already. Lying like a lyre, trying to offer a chance that doesn't exist.
He knows better, somewhere.
Muzzle warm against his chin, counting down with Cal.
The best friend he ever had.
His family would be angry, would be ashamed. Let them, not their fault. Not theirs at all. Just his. The tapes would prove it, absolve them of everything. Feeling sorry a little, for what he's doing, it's like drinking solid ice, it burns and is impossible. The thoughts come too fast.
Muzzle of the gun under his chin, trigger hot with anticipation. No hesitation, no more stalling. Never be caught, never be killed by another. His terms, his means. Blood all over the floor.
Crack of the gun- white hot and then bl-
End file.
| Mad World by Phoenix To Flame | Zero Day |
I'm crying alone in my room
Screaming about how bad is my doom.
I can't take this
I've held on enough.
I've had enough
Of all this sob stuff
With all the blood that stains my blouse,
I feel like my room is a haunted hause.
Filled with screams, poems, blood and
Ghosts. The Ghosts of our past.
I've got to find a way to end this fast.
I need a knife. I need a huge sleeping pills dose
To end with all the hurt caused by the ghosts.
I love you. I need you. You're my life.
That's why I am standing here, screaming with a knife.
With a knife down my wrist.
My screams mix in
With the screams of alternative music turned on very loud.
In a way you can't tell them apart.
This is it: you broke my heart.
(I miss you)
And as tears mix in with my blood.
I bleed a lot more. Now I can't stop the flood.
But it just feels so good.
Eases the pain in such way,
I can't explain.
AAAAAH! I can't take this screams.
These ghosts, they can read my mind.
They know I am not the kind
Of person they like.
AAAAAH! These screams on my mind.
These ghosts, they're gonna kill me.
But I am the one who's created them.
Then, I am...
Am I?
I am the one who's killing myself.
Slowly, absentmindedly.
AAAAAH! These scars are way too deep.
AAAAAH! These wounds are way deeper.
AAAAAH! This is the pain missing you caused me.
AAAAAH! This is the pain the ghosts caused me.
AAAAAH! This is the pain. This is everything the screams caused me.
AAAAAH! I'm gonna die!
This screams, are taking over my mind.
So please, GIVE - ME - THAT - KNIFE !
End file.
| Screams by Biih Papaleo | Zombie Prom |
Title : Vintage Characters : You & Zelo (Choi Junhong)
Type : One .
You just made it a you wanted before going home was to see even checked his schedule to see what time he would be were on your way to the TS felt like someone was talking you and you were continue walking and two girls were walking behind first girl had black hair and was wearing an looked like she was a senior in High other one had black hair and she was dressed wore white jeans following with was also holding a camera.
Zelo was standing in front of the was looking at smiled at him as he opened the window and bringht smile was being on his face.
'Jagiya,you're to see a minute.I'm coming.' - he was happily yelling.
He was excited to see 's why he was running downstais and he almost felt down were glaring at brown-haired one came closer to you and the other one was already behind have absolutely no idea what was going on.
'So,you are dating Zelo?How sweet!' - the brown-haired told you and as she was looking at your clothes.
' are you asking?' - you replied.
'You know that the whole fandom knows about you,right?We all know you and it would be a shame if something happends to won't be with him for a both are not meant to be together,honey. - she said.
Seconds later you felt a pain in your was a knife which the other girls stuck in your were went the accident,they left you laying on the saw you and he was in didn't know what to do and then he saw that you were bleeding.
'What the?Oh my 's going on? - he said in shock.
The first thing he did after seeing you in that condition was to call the came as soon as came to the hospital as of them were so worried especially was even crying.
'Zelo-ya,don't 'll be could be so much worse,right?' - Yongguk said as he sat next to him.
'All she wanted was to visit more.I guess this has to do something with the don't know what people space always chase after hadn't done anything to deserve something like this.I hope she wakes up.I don't want to see her like this.I love her with all my heart,hyung.I really do' - he said as he was sobbing.
The doctor walked out the door you were staying went straight to Zelo.
'Zelo-shi,she needs have hurt her so she'll be can stay here if you want as long as it doesn't affect your schedule'
'I think I will spend the rest of the night here.I want to be with her.' - Zelo started talking.
'What the hell are you going?we have practice tonight,a fan meeting tomorrow and can't just leave us.' - Daehyun cut him off.
'Hyung,I she is my girlfriend and she needs 's only for tonight and I promise that I will not miss tomorrow's ,let me stay here.' - Zelo said after Daehyun's speech.
' take 'll miss you.' - Dae slowly replied.
BAP left the hospital while the maknae Zelo was standing in front of the surgery was patiently waiting for the surgery to one hour waiting,the surgeron came out and told him that the surgery was successfull.
'You can now go to see must be awake within 10 's okay wait her to wake up' - He told Zelo.
Junhong walked in and he saw you laying on that got on his knees and and touched your ,he started talking.
'Jagiya,it's me Junhong.I missed you so much.I promise that this won't happen ever again.I'll always protect you and make sure that you're okay.I'm sorry for not being there when his happend.I have concert tonight and I will miss I want right now is to be here for you.
You suddenly heard him and you started opening your voice was so silent.
'I love you!'- you said.
'You woke tell me what exactly happend.'
'There were two girls stalking you were on your way to go outside,one of them told me that I won't be your girlfriend for a long time and that we weren't meant to be that,the other one stuck a knife in my I went unconscious.'- you replied.
'Do you know who they were,baby?'
'I have no idea,to be honest.'
Zelo got off his kneess and laid on the bed which was next to both held each others was looking at you untill you got so tired and fell did Zelo.
End file.
| Vintage by jonnglo | Zombie Prom |
Fuck You
Not really.
End file.
| Fuck You by SexyNarwhal | Zombie Prom |
Monday 6th, May 2013."Run! He's right behind you!" Screamed Kevin. I'm running as fast
as I can! Ooof. Jacob trips. Jacob turns in agony. There stands a silhouette in the door frame.
Crouching, Gashing the walls with razor sharp nails
KEVIN, SUPPER! Screamed Audrey. Coming
Me and Jacob ran up stairs. Yum smells good what is it? Asked Jacob.
Pasta , what dose it look like? Quipped Audrey. I have no idea, noting I have ever seen before.
Muttered Jacob. I laugh at his joke. After supper me and Jacob went for a walk to the store.
Hey Jacob ?Kevin said curiously. What day is it today? April 28th, why? I don't know was just wondering. Ah! Holy crap what was that! Screamed Jacob. i don't know lets go look! Me and Jacob sprint to the ragged house that we heard the scream from. Lets split, you go in the house and search , I'll look out back. Said Kevin. I walked out back and realized the horrid stench. Gross, I found her! Jacob came running down from the house. gross dude we need to get her to the hospital. good thinking , I'll
Grab her legs and you grab her arms. Rushed Kevin.
Suddenly I realized the woman breathing. Jacob she's breathing , lets put her down.
Mrs are you ok, what happened? Said Jacob
. Her heart, Jacob feel her heart! Jacob pulls his arm in to feel her heart beat. Then the woman lashes out and snaps at Jacob. Holy
Crap! Jacob flies back towards the shed door. The woman got up and drags her self towards Jacob and me. kevin, what the hell's wrong with her? Said Jacob . I don't know grab that shovel! Jacob reaches over to garb the spade ,and the woman lances at him . Jacob jumps to the left to avoid her. We run to the house and hood by the sink. Kevin,
Lets block the door said Jacob. we grab the table and pushed it towards the door what the hell's wrong with her man, I cant function here. Said Jacob. I have no idea but we need to do something about it, ok. Demanded Kevin. Ok so this is what we are going to do. Go into the drawers and see if you can find any knifes or anything sharp, ok. Said . Jacob ran to the drawers as I held the door shut as the crazy woman rams at it with her head. I found some .yelled Jacob. He ran over to me with the knifes and we crouched at the door with nervousness in our blood. On three we open the door and stab her in the back , ok. One, two, three, go! We opened the door and Jacob jumped out , he tripped over me and the woman flung her self at Jacob.
BASH, the silhouette crashed down from a smack to the head. Jacob lays in terror as the hero appears from the door. Gosh you couldn't of can at a worse time John, I had him right there in my sights I almost blow your head off! Stated Kevin. Shut up smart ass, I just
Saved his live, give me some credit. Shouted John in a blood trenched shirt. Thank the lord of your birth John ! I almost shit myself. Said Jacob. Ok so lets get back to the safe house, it's almost dark and I'm running low on ammo. Kevin , Jacob ,and Ernie started back to the safe
House. Ernie, what's wrong. Kevin worried. John choughs. Standing in his tracks , trying not to cry. "my wife, my beautiful Wife". Sculled John. Hey, you don't know that, she's a strong woman, and I'm sure she can handle a lot more the a couple of un dead. Kevin said. How can I bare such a burden, not knowing whether or not she's even alive! I cant go on. John dragged his dirty tired body down the mud covered road.
Aching, struggling to pondering of the outcome to soon come. I can't take it any more! Screamed John. He falls on his knees, desperate for
All the havoc to end. Suddenly, a spark. Not a normal spark. But a noise, a noise that was un familiar to the ear. Almost like a blaze of fire.
Not hot but, more chilling, cold. "Run, get up!" Kevin screamed in Johns ear. Then it came to him . Walking down a wet muddy road in the middle of nowhere, in the dark. What were we thinking. A hoard of un dead zombies chasing us, frenzied , lustful for blood. We run as fast as we can trying to get away from the hoard as we see a van going by the opposite side of the road. watch out. said the unknown woman from the
The woman flung onto Jacob as he laid there in fear. A silence moment of bracing the blow. When we opened our eyes, we saw that the woman was gouged into Jacobs knife, laying on top of him. The woman's face was impaled with the razor sharp edge of the knife. Bleeding all over him. God, this woman smells like a barn, Help her off of me. Asked Jacob. Ya I will, but next time watch were your going, you almost got us killed. Yelled Kevin. As we got up to look around, we sat down to catch our breath. Kevin? Jacob asked. We need to discuss this right now! Jacob demanded we sit down to talk. What do think was wrong with that woman, I was sure she was dead? I don't know but whatever killed her must still be around. I think this is like a apocalypse or something.
As we walk out the front door, more screams are heard from the distance. Are you scared, Kevin? Jacob asked. Lets get back home to see
John and Key are ok. As we run down the street towards the house we see that there is a strange man waddling on our front lawn. We sneak past him by the bushes that lead to the house. Jacob, we need to get down stairs , and get some supplies. We are leaving to a more safe place. Whispered Kevin. Ya, I don't think I like it here anymore. We open the door to slip down stairs. Its dark and gloomy. The room so plain and quiet. As we here a noise after a while we realize the calendar on the wall, it says may 6th. I can never trust Jacob with telling the date.
As we continue towards my bedroom we see a figure, we cant quite picture it out. John is that you? Jacob asks cautiously. Suddenly we hear a voice like a cat stuck in a running motor. Run! He's right behind you ! I screamed I smash the casing above the mantle of the fire place and grab
The gun from within. Then Mark, Johns grandson's toy train was laying on the ground below Jacob. He trips, and at that instance his life flashed before his eyes . Kevin is a couple meters behind him cocking the gun to fire. The silhouette stands in the door frame as he gashes the walls with razor sharp nails
Then another figure appeared from the door frame and smashed a bat over its head .hey guys, we are going to head to my uncles place down in Leamington. John I almost killed you! Yelled Kevin. so what .your impossible, so lets just go to this "uncles" place. As they left the home they packed up as much stuff as Possible. Heading to the small town of Leamington they stopped at a abandon restaurant to grab a bi to eat. Man am I hungry, I haven't eaten all day. Said John. I wish Audrey was here and not infected, she was such a good maid. Guys look over here, it looks like a young girl, but I'm not sure its quite dark. Said Kevin slowly approaching the shadowed figure. Guys, she's crying. Are you ok little girl? Jacob asked kindly as if he was a soft type, buy yet has he ever shown any kind of sympathy. As we got closer we realized The girl was crouched in the corner and had no features to her body. Just plain skin, almost like rubber. My god look at her skin! Jacob whispered in fear. I don't like the looks of this I'm getting out of here. As John ran away. No stop. John trips and stumbled down to the ground. As John hit the ground he made a loud noise by hitting a metal car piece. Silence broke, not a word was said. Just dead silence. They stared at the plain girl in the corner, motionless, soundless , and appeared dead. Ring ,ring ,ring ,ring. Johns cell phone rang. Then the girl stud up very slowly. She stared in our eyes. The looked lost, bloodshot, and her pupils were pitch white. We all jumped up and startled her. She then pulled her arms up and started to bawl her eyes out and sprinted at us. We ran as fast as we could. Pushing and pushing, out of the corner of my eyes I saw a small tank of propane on the corner of the road, beside a truck. I then yelled. "on three jump into the ditch"
The looked puzzled, but also look like they were going to follow through with it. I counted to three. One two three. We jumped flailing our arms in fear. I grab my gun I got from the mantle at the house.
I aim and shot the gun at the barrel in mid air. Hit! I go flying into the ditch as the young girl flies a couple of meters to the left from the explosion. We get out of the ditch to investigate the burnt girl." dam can she ever run, luck fully I'm as fast as a horse. Jacob boasted. Nice to no, but we need to continue to get to Leamington. They continue down the wet muddy road , wet, tired , and hoping to not get anymore encounters with those crazy people. When they arrive at Johns uncles house, we see that it wasn't the nicest house on the block, no like there was any other houses near by. It was old, blue, and had a musty smell to it. isn't a very neat guy. "come in, come in please do, I'm heating up a warm cup of tea, would u like some?" Johns uncle offered. No thank you. But we need to ask you some question. Kevin asked seriously. "oh, by all means do ask, do ask! But first my name is Cid, meteorologist, and what be yours. Cid said proudly. My name is Kevin, this is Jacob, and this is John as you already know. Now what was that you wanted to ask me?
What is going on with all this, zombie stuff? Cid looks away through the window, almost frightened by the word. "look at all the rain, can you see it?" Cid said changing the topic. don't try to change to the subject .Kevin quickly said. Well, I do know one thing but first, come with me. Cid walked quickly paranoid of something unknown to me. I follow the timid man to a small wooden door. He opens the door and looks behind him to see if there is anybody following him. "quick ,quick, down the stairs". He pushes us down in a hurry. "ok, so now that we are here
What do you know. I intimidate him to spit it up. Ok , ok , ok. There is a rock, a particular rock, its called the everstone. He whispered. The everstone, what the heck is that? Jacob shouted. "shut up!" what is this everstone you are talking about? I asked him kindly but he still looked very paranoid. "it's a stone, a magical stone that cures any deises that exist.
And In particular Zombium. Cid shut up and walked upstairs. But wait, were can we find it? He ignored us and started to search for something. Rambling and muttering ,walking all over, wrecking his home. here! Cid yelled. He pulls out a giant dusty book. He struggles to bring it to the table. He throws it down and a ring of dust flies from over it. Here it is. The book of truth and lies.e opens the book and points to a picture of a small round stone. "the everstone"
End file.
| EVERSTONE by kevincoulter | Zombie Survival Guide |
Fool's Hope
298 days spent running. Nearly a year. 298 days of being terrified and fighting. Now it looked like those days were about to come to an end. Their hopes were finally coming true. The days of fear were over, about to be replaced by peace and life.
Kalli and Sam had found the legendary Sanctuary. The symbol of the survivors and a place to be safe from the monsters that prowled the wasteland seeking flesh. Months of searching and hoping were over. They could be safe now.
The Sanctuary had appeared to the siblings as they'd crested a steep, grass-swept hill. It was built right at the hill's peak, and the giant concrete wall rose into the heavens, barely topped the trees inside. They could see tiny guards patrolling the perimeter with guns at the ready. The sounds of life echoed from within; children shrieking and laughing, animals calling, and people bustling to and fro as they worked.
Kalli and Sam turned and grinned at each other, months of stress melting off their faces beneath the dirt. "We made it," Kalli sighed almost breathlessly. Sam laughed and swept her up into his arms.
A low moan sounded behind them. The siblings froze and slowly turned around, bodies trembling against the other's. "Run," Sam muttered in her ear.
The zombie tripped over a fallen log and sprawled out on the road. Kalli and Sam hurried towards the Sanctuary, glancing nervously around at the tall grass that could hide any number of things. "Hey!" Sam yelled, waving frantically at the sentries on the wall.
One of them froze and turned towards the shout, raising one hand to shield his eyes from the glaring sun. Kalli jumped up in the air and whooped; they were safe! The sentry, having determined that they were living, waved back at them and signaled down at someone below to open the gate. The heavy concrete and wood door shuddered and began to jerk up. Grinding noises filled the air, masking the sound of the single zombie behind them.
Soon Kalli and Sam were inside and wrapped in warm, greeting arms. Kalli could feel all the stress and fear running off her as the gates rattled closed and the sharp report of a gun silenced the zombie on the road. Tears sprung to her eyes, and her legs almost turned to jelly. Someone pressed a slightly warm roll into her hand, and another brushed a strand of hair away from her face. A few feet away, a man was clapping Sam on the shoulder as Kalli's brother wolfed down his own bread.
The sea of people led them into the large brick building in the center of the Sanctuary. The door open and soft yellow light spilled out along with the delicious smell of cooking food. A pack of children raced by and disappeared inside, laughing. A tall man in a cowboy hat stepped forward, extending his hand to the newcomers. Sam gripped it briefly, and then Kalli held it too. The man's hand was warm and dry, and rough from work.
"Welcome," he said, grinning welcomingly at them. "This is the Sanctuary. We're glad to have you here."
"It's so wonderful here," Kalli gushed. "There are so many people."
"Over 300," the man replied, laughing slightly. Kalli gasped happily and gave her brother a hug. He tousled her hair. "My name is Ron," the man continued. "Can I get you some dinner? You must be starved."
"Yes, please," Sam said. "I'm Sam, and this is my sister, Kalli."
"It's a pleasure to have you with us." Ron turned around and led them through the clean hallways. The siblings marveled at everything. The people, the order, the safety, the hope shining in everyone's eyes. It was enough to make even the most pessimistic of people believe that a new future was possible.
The cafeteria was warm and stuffed with the smell of tomato soup. Groups of people crowded the numerous round tables. Stacks of bowls were piled by their elbows, and some people still held soft rolls in their hands.
Kalli and Sam went through the buffet line. They filled the white plastic bowls to the brim and stacked a plate with warm bread. There was even milk, something Kalli hadn't seen since before. When they sat down, people flocked to sit with them and peppered them with questions.
"How long were you out there?"
"How did you find us?"
"Did you see anyone else out in the wastelands?"
There was barely time to eat and answer the questions at the same time. Ron, the cowboy hat man, shooed the residents away. Kalli's face was starting to hurt from all the smiling.
They were finally safe.
They were finally home.
There was finally hope.
* * *
The months passed. Kalli and Sam fell into a pattern at the Sanctuary and helped work to make it safer and more productive. They made friends, Kalli found a boyfriend, and Sam had a best friend again. They hadn't seen a single zombie weeks. Things were looking up.
The shout came as spring began to come to the land again. The boy's voice was frantic, and it cracked halfway through the warning. Immediately, everyone sprang into action, grabbing weapons and racing up onto the wall.
It was more than just a sighting.
It was a mob.
The giant mass of roiling gray flesh took everyone by surprise and sent them reeling back. Knees went weak. Eyes popped. Kalli couldn't believe what she was seeing. It just wasn't possible. But it was right there in front of her. A never ending sea of the dead.
"Keep calm, everyone," Ron ordered, appearing on the wall. "We can keep them back."
Suddenly, there was a grungy old man standing behind Kalli, a battered rifle clutched in one hand. "No, we can't," he said in a husky voice. "Look at them. There's no way."
Kalli glared sharply at the man. "Don't say that. There's always hope."
He laughed and spat over the wall. "Everyone's always saying that, but no one ever means it. Hope is for children. Life is too harsh for it to survive. It's time to face reality, sweetie; hope is for fools. Wake up and smell the dead. There's no way we're getting out of this."
Kalli stalked away, refusing to listen to the worming words the man was saying. But they lodged in her head and stuck there. What if he was right? But he couldn't be. They would win. They had to.
The sharp cracks of the rifles started up, and soon the air was filled with the acrid smell of gunpowder. The zombies fell by the dozens, but two more filled the place of each that died. In no time they were pressed up against the wall.
Inside the compound a man stumbled out of his room, nursing a hangover and a bottle of liquor. The clamor didn't register with him and he walked out of the building without even thinking. He needed a breath of fresh air outside these stifling walls. There was a small back door set behind the supply building. The drunk man headed towards it in a weaving, uncertain line.
It took him ten seconds to find the doorknob. Yawning, he pulled it open. A zombie tore his throat out.
It took thirty-two minutes for the greatest human civilization in the dead world to fall. Every last man, woman, child, and animal was devoured, turned, or shot by friendly fire. And so died the final hope. The grungy old man was right; hope is for fools.
End file.
| Fool's Hope by ThunderClouds7 | Zombie Survival Guide |
New York is Dead
**Yay, another random one-shot! Have fun!**
The man woke up slowly. He didn't remember where he was, who he was, WHAT he was. He only remembered that there were Zombies everywhere. Living dead, the crazies, whatever you wanted to call them, they were there. He knew he was slightly safe. And he knew that he wouldn't be for long. He had only planked over the windows, and only stockpiled enough ammo for a week, and even less food. And he lived in New York. That memory wasn't expected. The buildings, the sky-rises... the millions upon millions of people... Who were now all zombies. He ran upstairs, through his small house on the outskirts of the city. And wasn't surprised to see more than 10 million zombies pressing themselves against the walls of his house. He would have laughed if it hadn't been so terrifying. They had enough strength to tear him apart in an instant, and yet they couldn't open the door and get in. In a different situation, it would have been hilarious... Maybe he could wait them out? And yet, he knew that there was likely never going to be any help coming. If a huge city like New York was taken, then certainly the smaller ones, such as Washington, were almost certainly gone. The very fact that New York wasn't now a nuclear crater testified to that. Maybe his native country of Canada too. So what was the point? What was the point of simply waiting to starve, or for the sheer weight of them to collapse the walls, kill him under rubble or under their teeth, to die horribly. And with that, he took down the boards, and threw himself to the horde. In a few seconds, the feeding frenzy died down, and they began to move away. There were more humans to devour.
**That was... slightly darker than I usually write, but ok. **
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| New York is Dead by Snowskeeper | Zombie Survival Guide |
1. Chapter 1
Zombie types
The early signs of this type are:
-Rapid muscle development
-Hunched spine
-Uncontrollable drooling
Smell: 1/10
Hearing: 2/10
Eye Sight: 7/10
Strength: 10/10
Speed: (Has to warm up first, once they start running it's hard to stop them.) 9/10
Endurance: 5/10
The early signs of this type are:
-Lip splits
-Rotting nose
-Enlarge eyes
-Elongated fingers and nails
-Body becomes thinner/taller
-Hair falls out
Smell: 10/10
Hearing: 6/10
Eye Sight: 8/10
Strength: 6/10
Endurance: 9/10
The early signs of this type:
-Lips appear chapped
-Cracks appear on side of lips, until the entire moth is enlarged
-Eyes dial and then become dark
-Teeth become sharp
-Two slits appear on the side of the neck
-Body become limber and well balanced
Smell: 9/10
Hearing: 9/10
Eye Sight: 10/10
Strength: 8/10
Endurance: 10/10
2. Chapter 2
One can never explain gifts, not even a scientific man of my standing. I find it odd but I am left in amazement to stand around and watch what is happening before me. At first I thought is was that our genetic pool was changing, I was right on that but not entirely. Around the world I saw a sudden shift in the IQ average of most human beings, it started in the schools but I thought it was simply another crack down made by teachers. Now I'm looking at more genius kids then I can handle, some of them may as well be smarter then me.
Parents are always bring in their kids, asking if my team and I have time to test them, see if they're special. I don't have kids but I always thought you were suppose to love your children no matter what their IQ level.
I have studied many people who's brain power rises by the day and even after a year we are all still baffled by it. What is changing us?
I have not solved that but I have stumbled on some other interesting findings. Though many now share the "Gift" of understanding, I have found that some are not as lucky. I am now not only looking at the average IQ but also the mental state of many. Where there are rises in IQ I also find a rise in violence. Now I'm left with two things to study. You are ether one hell of a genius or a rabid beast.
Though there are still "normal" people in this, now troubled, world. I find them less interesting then what is going on. I think the world just wants to punish us.
Over the year I have found some very disturbing "rabids" around the city. This is no longer about the "gifted" this is also about the "rabid" ones. The "rabid" ones now become mutated; I still don't know what cause this sudden change. You could be waving hello to a friend of yours one day and the next you see him or her being dragged away to the local and now over flowing insane asylum. The mutations are small for now, someone develops a hunched back, enlarger and dilating eyes, those are the more extreme cases. Small changes are chapped and bleeding lips and above all these "rabids" smart but their not using their skills to solve world hunger, their using it to hunt. Yes, for those of you who wanted the living dead to walk the earth you now have some thing far worse.
The world is slowly descending to hell. The psycho wards are slowly failing apart the prisons are over flowling, we don't have the man power to hold the madness back any more, it's only a matter of time now.
I think the "gifted" will be the first to go, their smart for humans but not animal smart like the "rabids". They'll hunt you down and rip you apart with no regard to any thing.
The only thing I can be greatful for is that people know what's happening. At least some may have a chance when the walls do break.
My team and I have been lucky enough to have the chance to study some of the Rabids, gift from the Military. They couldn't get a hold of Bulldozer though, but I'm just surprised they even managed to catch a Stalker and one very ill tempered Hound. As for lower Rabids there's no need for us to study them, Military says we need to focus on the dangerous ones. Fools, all the Rabids are deadly in their own way.
3. Chapter 3
My team and I have been working hard on trying to figure out two things.
One- Trying to find some sort of cure for this whole mess.
Two-Restraining the Hound.
I must say that I hate that bloody thing. I know I'm a scientist and there for I'm suppose to want to study the unknown but I would rather not in this case. I walked by the reinforced glass today on my way to the Stalker's holding area and all I heard was this deafening bang. Course being the brave man I am my first reaction was to throw the clipboard I was carrying at the noise. That Hound wants to kill me so badly that it bent the steel bars, that cut it off from the glass, when it leapt at me.
Hounds are ill tempered and will take any chance they get to be able to fest on human flesh. But besides that little mishap, I'm, oddly enough, really taken with the Stalker. I get a lot of information from her on the behavior of her type of Rabid. Unlike the Hound, she doesn't throw her self at the bars every time we walk by, she just watches. I find her behavior amusing, she can clearly tell all four members of my team, including my self apart from one another.
-She knows I'm the Team's head so she never looks me in the eye, which is a submissive thing among Stalkers as we have found out.
-There's Alex who's in charge of sitting there for hours on end, bless his soul, to record her every movement. I think she enjoys his company more then mine because Alex has told me how she'll come right up to the bars to examine him.
-Christina has the same job as Alex, except she has to record the Hound's movements. She actually gave the Stalker a name, "MJ". I can't blame her, she spends all day with the Hound so it's no wonder she likes the Stalker enough to name it. Plus, "MJ" seems fond of her.
-The two remaining teammates of mine, Ivan and Glen, are focusing their efforts on the 'cure' but they do take a break to feed the two Rabids. We feed them cows or any other animal we can get our hands on. "MJ" Knows their job is to feed her so, I wouldn't be too surprised if through her eyes she sees them as the 'hunters' of the pack. She makes these odd chirping sounds when every they walk by.
In short we're all very taken with her.
I find the military very annoying. I know they're there to 'protect' us but the least they could do is not question our manner of doing our jobs, I never ask them why they waste ammo just to shoot at cans at twelve in the morning.
Recently the commanding officer of the small army unit that is in charge of guarding our four-story lab plus the lovely twenty-foot wall that goes all the way around the building, has been asking why we're bothering to study the Rabids. He thinks that all we have to do is drain them of their blood and throw in some chemicals and 'vala' there's your cure. I've tried to explain the scientific manner behind our study but he wouldn't listen to me, only when I said I would call up the higher ups did he stop in his complaints.
After that little mishap was dealt with I when back to over seeing my team but I'll write about that in the morning.
Alex told me that "MJ" has been acting a bit odd, normally she shows a lot of interest in us but lately all she's been doing is staring at the wall. She still chirps when Ivan and Glen go into feed her but then she goes back to the wall. On a side note to that, we've gotten to the point where we can walk on the barred side of her cage to feed her. I think if we keep up the 'relationship' we might even be able to go inside the cage with her.
The fact that we have proven so far with "MJ" is that you can form a bond with a Stalker. As for the reason to that, I can only think of it as she thinks of us as her new 'pack', further study will be needed on this topic.
Cristina and Alex have come up with a theory as to why "MJ" keeps staring at the wall. I'll have to go into detail for anyone to really understand if they happen to read my journal. All the captured Rabids are housed on the third level of our lab; they live in sixteen feet by twenty-four feet rooms. With about two feet of cement and steel separating each room from the next one over.
"MJ" is in the room right next to the hound and the wall that she's been staring at, the Hound is on the other side. So, Cristina and Alex think that Stalkers and Hounds might be natural enemies in the wild. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at my fellow teammates but they might have a point. No one is able to study Rabids in the wild and by wild I mean the cities and the towns that have been over run with them.
Yes, I've been so busy here in the lab that I have failed to look out and see what the world is coming to over the walls. It's not pretty. It's the Rabids world now, we have towns that are guarded by small army units and even a few small cities but the rest belongs to the Rabids. I guess this is why the commander has been on edge lately, I can't blame him anymore, we really need a cure.
I haven't written in my journal for a while because of the unfortunate loss we have suffered. Cristina and Alex were right about "MJ" and the Hound, I just wish I had listened better and taken action on it.
It happened early in the morning, turns out that Hound wasn't as stupid as we had thought it out to be. Over that past few months it had been slamming it's self against the wall, we thought nothing of it, we were certain it was just being temperamental. All that slamming against the wall caused it to weaken and "MJ" knew this. That was why she had been staring at the wall for so long, she was waiting for it to break and at six in the morning it did.
Glen had gotten up around five to feed "MJ" and just as he opened up the first door to her room the Hound smashed through the wall. The noise woke those who were still sleeping up, which was Alex and Cristina. I was in my own office, which is on the first floor but the noise was so loud that I even heard it. Ivan was the first on the scene but the rest of us weren't far behind.
During the clash the sheer force of the Hound being pushed back by "MJ" broke the steel bars and smashed Glen. There was nothing we could do for the poor soul and there was no way to get to him. If we opened the door we risked the Hound escaping as well as "MJ".
The fight between those two creatures was terrifying, I had no idea there could be so much strength hidden in "MJ" 's tiny frame or that a Hound could be strong enough to smash through steal and cement. We stood there helplessly for some time unsure on what the right move would be, I realize now that we must have been in shock. With one of our long time friends smashed under ten pounds of steel and no longer looking human, I think we had a right to be.
What I consider sad is also the fact that we weren't the only ones to hear the noise; the commander sent a few soliders to see what all the racket was about. The first thing they did was hit the button on the door that gases the room, Ivan came to his senses before any of us but it was too late. Not only did we witness the death of one friend we had to watch another as well.
We buried Glen in the small gave yard outside the lab; I can say that he was indeed a great scientist and a kind man. I will miss him greatly but not as much as Ivan will. I think that he believes that Glen was still alive when the soldiers gassed the room.
But what can I say about "MJ"? Even though she was something that is considered a monster I can't help but think about how human she was.
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| Guild Book to Rabids by RifRaf-REX | Zombie Survival Guide |
Zodiac Reunion
**This is my first real go at a fanfiction. I don't know if anyone's going to read it. It's about the new _Zodiac Girls _books. I'm going to have a reunion for the first four girls, Gemma, Danu, Tori and Leonora. So enjoy Zodiac Girls reunion, as the girls look back on their month as Zodiac Girl.**
**Disclaimer: I do not own Zodiac Girls...sigh.**
I walked along the path. It was holidays at Avebury and I had been invited to a Zodiac Girls reunion. I was the Gemini this year, and I was having a hard time at my new school, so it was great to find myself in that magical month. Now I was fourteen and I had a group of friends, including Ruth and Tasha. Sara, Mercedes and Lois were still annoying, but that didn't really bother me now. I can remember the makeover I had, and my humiliation at Pentangles when I found I was Lady of The Beasts. Now I know that meant that I loved animals. I also remember the finale of the month, when I took the role of Sara's understudy and played my dream role.
I got outside the gates of the meeting place just as three other girls did.
"Hi." I said. "My name's Gemma. What are your names?"
The blonde girl with designer clothes said "Hey. I'm Leonora."
The girl with golden shoulder-length hair said "Hiya. I'm Danu."
And the pretty brunette girl said "Hi, my name is Tori."
As I walked through Osbury, I remembered my time as Zodiac Girl. I thought that it was crazy, at first. I first met Uri, and then...I just started meeting everyone. By the end of the month, my new life with Aunt Esme was sorted. Completely. The most outstanding memory is the time I first saw PJ's team's complete makeover of the flat. That was so amazing.
As I was thinking, I got right up to the gates at the same time as three girls did. One of them had chestnut-coloured hair and rose-tinted glasses. She looked stunning. The next girl was blonde and curvy with designer gear. The third of the girls had darker hair pulled back in a ponytail and dark eyes.
The girl with the glasses was Gemma. The blonde was Leonora, and the brunette was Tori.
I cannot believe that there I am going to a Zodiac Girls 2008 reunion! I haven't met the other Zodiac Girls before and I am just really looking forward to meeting some new friends-and the planets again. Maybe I'll get to meet ones I haven't met before. I told my friends about this and they were all excited for me.
I remember the first time I met Nessa. I thought she was amazing at first, until she got onto the whole planets thing, then I thought she was just crazy.
As I thought, I walked. At the same time as three girls, I got to the gates.
"Hi, I'm Gemma." said one girl with rose-tinted glasses. "What are your names?"
A curvy blonde girl said "Hey, I'm Leonora."
Another blonde with shorter hair introduced herself as Danu.
"Hi, my name is Tori." I said.
I can't believe I'm actually nervous. I've been looking forward to meeting other Zodiac Girls-and now I'm actually anxious? Oh wait-someone's calling me.
"Hey, it's Lynn."
One of my boot camp friends. "Oh hi, I was just thinking about you."
"Hey, good luck on the Zodiac Reunion thing."
"Thanks. How are you going?"
"Oh, OK. Same old, same old."
"Same over here, apart from the Reunion. I'm in Osbury right now, actually."
"Hey, cool! Oh, I better go now. See ya, Leo."
As I was saying, my month at boot camp really turned my life around. I don't think I'll ever actually get over Poppy, but I don't think about that night now. I think about all the good times with my little sister.
I got up to the gates at the same time as three girls did. One wore rose-tinted glasses, one had short blonde hair, and the last one was dark-haired.
The one with the rose tinted glasses said "Hi. I'm Gemma. What are your names."
Each of us introduced ourselves. The brunette was Tori and the blonde was Danu.
"What are your star signs?" I asked. "I"m Leo."
" I'm like, called Gemma Gemini." said Gemma.
"Sagitarrius." put in Danu.
"Tori Taurus." Tori grinned.
**So that's my first chapter. In the next chapter, the other girls turn up. I will create those myself, but I will use the names of most of the girls, except for Scorpio, when I will use my already created girl, Misty. So read and review!**
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| Zodiac Reunion by SideshowJazz1 | Zombie Survival Guide |
Zombie Entries
**A/N: Okay, so here's my story _Zombie Entries_...again. As is pretty obvious it was taken down for the summary not being 'G rated'. So, I've fixed the summary. Enjoy, for the second time.**
**Summary: The end comes for some, but not for others. Too bad to the ones that die, good luck to the one's that last longer,**** right?**
****Zombie Entries
Early April, I Think
How long's it been since we started hiding out here? I don't know. I don't think any of us know for sure. We guess it's been about a month, give or take. Then again, a minute seems like an hour, so I wouldn't trust myself with that question. I wouldn't even dare to ask what day it is. I think Jack'd breakdown if I asked him. If I was going to guess I'd say it's Saturday. It's probably Wednesday. Who knows? This morning Sophia and Jack went out just as the sun was rising to see if they could find any more water. They were lucky things time; they came back carrying a big container each full of water and as soon as they got inside and we pulled the ladder back Jack broke out in a fit of laughter. He was saying this about how it was amazing that they found the water, and that we're some lucky bastards. I think he's starting to lose it.
We are lucky bastards.
A Day Later, If I'm Correct
I can't believe it! One of the rotting bastards actually tried to climb up to us. I don't even know how it got in, I just thank god Aaron's a good shot. I hope no more get in the same way as that last one. Jack thinks someone let it in, as in, they actually LET IT IN on purpose. I don't know how much longer we can trust Jack...even while I'm writing this he's sitting back in the corner, looking out the damn window muttering to himself. He's even got a gun sitting across his knees. We're all worried, me, Sophia, Aaron, Emily, and Greg. We don't know what we're going to do about him. I think we'll all be sleeping with an eye open from now on.
God Knows. Two Weeks Later, Maybe
Jack's finally gone. He went out yesterday when he thought he heard something down the side alley next to this building and he hasn't come back. We don't think he will, and we don't want him to. He was getting out of hand, he wouldn't stop muttering to himself, he even tried to attack Emily the other day. He started screaming about how it was all her fault and shit. We actually had to pull him off her and now she has a big gash on her right arm; we don't know whether it'll heal or not. Let's just hope that it doesn't get infected, since we don't have that many medical supplies anyway.
Hang on, I can hear something outside. I need to go check this out...
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! It's been a fucking HOUR since I went to see what was going on and saw that there was a group of the flesh eating bastards on the ground floor! How the FUCK did they get in here? Shit! We were fighting them off for a while, and trying to save as much damn ammo as possible, but no, they just wouldn't quit. And they tried to climb up again! Since when can the bastards CLIMB? Who cares, anyway? They're gone for now...shit...we're running low on most of our crap...
Who Gives a Shit When?
Emily's sick. We're running low on medical supplies. Jack came back bitten and half dead and we had to kill him. How much worse can it get? A lot worse. We don't know what to do with Emily, should we kill her? We don't want to, but if we don't she'll die anyway, right? Probably. We're gonna decide in the morning, see if she makes it through the night. None of us think she will, thank god. She's running a fever so high you could cook a fucking steak on her face, she's sweating like there's no tomorrow (there probably won't be), and she just won't stop shaking. Everything was going pretty good, at least, as good as anything can go in this messed up world. But no, Jack's got to go crazy and Emily's going to die by the morning.
We never thought we'd live this long, but that doesn't mean we want to die...
Emily died last week, just like how we thought she would. She didn't even make it passed midnight, from what we could tell. When we were sure there was no zombies around we ran her outside and dumped her around the block, we couldn't keep her with or near us. The smell'd bring out the zombies. I don't think our supplies'll last more than another week, so we're moving out. We're gonna grab what we can, load it into the bags and strap 'em onto the push bikes and go. We found a map of the state a couple days ago, so we're going to use that to try and find a new town, but we're all pretty jumpy...who knows if we'll survive? We sure as hell don't. Hopefully we'll find some more supplies and shit on our way. If not...I don't want to think about it...
Four Days Later?
We're fucked. We are so damn FUCKED! We'd been going non-stop for three days, and we finally found a decent place to batten down the hatches. We find a good building, one of us goes upstairs, clears the place out, and then the rest of us knock out the stairs and then we climb up the rope to the next floor. We couldn't do much more, so we collected what we could that wasn't already gone from the house and bunkered down for the rest of the day. But what happens? Some dickheads start running through the streets guns blazing and bats swinging! You'd think they WANTED to get eaten.
Aaron said to me, "Those dickheads are gonna DIE out there, and then their bodies'll bring the zombies. How the hell are we gonna get around with the walking rotters right outside?"
Turns out, Aaron was right, some "walking rotters" noticed them and went after them. Too bad the idiot's had wasted their ammo. They were torn to pieces just a bit down the street, and even now, a day later, there're still zombies walking around. While Aaron was picking the bastards off, Sophia and Greg went out to find some supplies. We weren't expecting anything, and we didn't get much. They came back carrying some cans and a couple bottles of water. We haven't got much left, and I can tell that we're all thinking who we're gonna have to get rid of.
Fucked If I Know
That's it, we're done. Sophia and Greg are gone. They left this morning, just before the sun started to go up. They said that they were going to try and find another place, and that it was just too hard for four people to stay together with so little supplies. Greg didn't say much, but it's not like it matters now. They're gone, and Aaron and me are left.
I can't be damned saying anything else.
The End, That's When
It's over. It's finally over. Aaron and me are out of ammo, we're almost out of water and we're out of food. I wonder if Sophia and Greg are okay? Good for them if they are, tough shit to me and Aaron though. We're leaving too, we're gonna get out of here and just go as far as we can. Who cares if we die? We're going to anyway, why not at least DO something instead of sitting around and starving? Aaron's packing what little we've got right now, and I'm about to grab the crowbars from the other room. They're all we've got left to fight the zombies. Whatever. This'll be the last entry in here, so if someone ever finds this piece of shit, I hope it does you better than it did me. Good luck.
It's October
My name's Jessica, and I found this diary last month. The group I'm in was trying to get through some town, and we saw a bunch of backpacks and two push bikes. There were no bodies...weird, right? There were drag marks though, so it looked like something was dragged off...I don't want to think about that. Anyway, I just got a chance to read through this, and I just have to say, you poor bastards. We've all gone through a lot in the past year, haven't we? It's just that some of us have lived this long...some of us haven't. I guess I'm going to continue to write in here, at least until there are no more pages to fill up. Might as well keep that poor guy's legacy going, eh?
I should stop writing, the group's got work to do! But what's that annoying noise? It's coming from outside the door sounds like something is scratching...
**A/N: Thanks for reading, folks; feel free to drop a review!**
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| Zombie Entries by WeepingCadaver | Zombie Survival Guide |
The Vita Nova Incident
I climbed up a large rock with a hunting rifle slung across my back. It was early in the morning and I was searching for an elk. I was a hunter and the elk often roamed on my ranch. I looked through my binoculars, but all I saw were vultures picking at a rotting elk corps. This was the third one this week. I couldn't figure out what was happening to my elk. A little bummed out, I headed back home, trying to figure out what was going on.
I lived in a single story log cabin my grandpa and I had built together. It was a sturdy cabin and I kept it in good repair. My grandpa passed away a couple of years ago and I now live in the cabin alone, well, almost. I was greeted at the door by the frantic barking and shuffling of Rika, my four year old tan and black German Shepherd. Immediately after I opened the door Rika jumped on me and started to lick my arms.
"I know you wanna go huntin', but you're just no good at it," I said as I rubbed her ears.
Rika cocked her head and whimpered. "How 'bout some breakfast?" She immediately perked back up and wagged her tail.
Hunts didn't always go as planned so I kept a large stock of food just in case.
"Scrambled eggs and bacon, doesn't that sound good?" I always made extra for Rika.
After enjoying a filling breakfast, I decided to just take it easy for the rest of the day. I hung my gun back on the wall next to some awards and pictures. One of them was my high school diploma, James Cross was the name on it, but everybody called me Jimmy. Next to it was a picture of my grandpa and I building the cabin.
Later that night, I woke up to the sound of Rika barking and snarling at the front door. I cursed under my breath as I walked to see what was going on. The dull wood floor quietly groaned under my feet as I walked down the hallway. Rika rarely barked at night and it was too late in the year for bears. Whatever it was it was scaring her. I grabbed the soft leather handle of a metal baseball bat I used to scare the occasional crack head off. As I opened the door a cool breeze of night air came through, but there was something else with it. Rika backed away with her tail between her legs. When I looked at Rika something grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground. The hard wood of the porch knocked the wind out of me. I kicked at the shape pulling at me until I heard a crack. When I got back up I saw what had grabbed me. The man's jaw was wide open, apparently broken by my kick. The mans legs were missing and his entrails were dragging behind him. The foul stench of death wafted from him. The light from the house illuminated the man's decomposing face. It was my neighbor Larry, who went missing a week ago. Larry kept crawling toward me when I remembered my baseball bat. I swung the bat as hard as I could. The man's head exploded, sending gore across the porch. I dropped the bat and ran inside, locking the door behind me. I rushed Rika into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, crumpling in terror at what I had just seen. There was no way I could sleep tonight.
The early morning sun lit up my bedroom, reveling some blood that had splattered on my shirt. I took a couple deep breaths and gathered the strength to stand up. I was to sick to eat so I went into the living room and turned the TV on. Every channel was an emergency broadcast and I mean every channel. Curious, I loaded Rika up in my pickup truck and grabbed one of my guns to see if anything happened in town.
I lived near the town of Leggett in California. It was a small town, but it was my home. It was a short drive into town and to my surprise it was deserted. There was usually at least one person at the store, but today there was nobody. A further drive into town reveled mostly the same except this time there were cars completely abandoned and left in the road, still running. My initial reaction was one of confusion, but after I saw that there was blood in the cars and on the road it quickly turned to fear. My mind suddenly thought of what had happened to Larry. Was this an isolated incident or was this happening every where? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Rika's barking and the frantic shouting of a man being chased by three figures in the Caltrans yard next to the school. I quickly drew the pistol I had brought with me as the man started to run toward me.
"Move! Move!" I yelled.
The man tripped on a rock and tumbled to the ground. The three figures that were chasing him jumped on top of him and violently tore him to pieces. I fired at one of the figures which turned out to be somebody I knew from town. My bullets impacted the figure in the torso and it recoiled backwards only to jump back on the man and continue to bite off chunks of flesh. I jumped back into my pickup truck and started to pet Rika to calm my nerves. One of the creatures slammed its self into the side of my truck to try and get to me. His eyes were cloudy white with a horrible expression of anger on his face. I sped away with my heart racing. I was so distracted I didn't even see the creature in the road. I kept my foot on the gas and didn't look back to see what had become of that, monster.
It didn't take long for me rush home and get Rika in the house. I knew I couldn't stay here, it was too dangerous. I gathered up all of my guns: two pistols, one revolver, one shotgun, my grandpa's hinting rifle and all of the respective ammo. I boxed up as much canned food and water as I could. I loaded Rika up with a tactical dog vest to lighten my ammo load. Years of survival training kicked in like clockwork as I gathered some bug-out bags I kept tucked away. The truck was loaded up as full as I could get it. The stench of Larry's corps filled the house, it was almost unbearable. I turned to take one final look at my house before I left, the once beautiful porch was now covered in blood. I started to think of places to go. If this was happening everywhere, I couldn't go north to Eureka or south to Ukiah. I would have to go east. It wasn't the best plan, but it was all I could do. To get there I would have to take the freeway south through Laytonville and then get on highway 162, after that I don't know where I'll go, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Driving back through Leggett was haunting. The creature that I had hit was gone and so was the man that had tripped. I couldn't get out of town fast enough. Once I got onto the freeway the carnage only got worse. There were cars on their sides, completely flipped over and even a bus that hit head on with a big rig, it was full of people. I looked over at Rika and pet her.
"It's ok, we'll be safe soon." Rika just groaned as she exhaled.
I reached into the glove box and grabbed a bag of dog biscuits and she immediately perked back up, she loved her treats. Now that Rika was happy I was able to pay attention to the road and the car I almost hit.
It was a twenty minute drive to get to Laytonville and I was afraid of what I might see along the way. The cold and cloudy November sky didn't help the mood one bit. The once busy freeway was now hauntingly empty, aside from the occasional abandoned car or truck. I checked the radio to find out what was happening, but all I got was static and emergency broadcasts. After about fifteen minutes into the drive I spotted a cop car in the road. I told Rika to stay as I got out to investigate the car to see what I could find. I drew my gun and slowly approached the car, its door wide open. There was blood in the back seat, but there was nobody there. Further inspection reveled that that the guns and ammo were gone, but the police scanner was still there, better than nothing. I was startled by the sounds of gunshots further down the road. I sat in my truck for a minute and went back over my map. I started to think that my plan wasn't the best. Highway 162 would take us through Covelo and that place was dangerous before all of this. The only thing I could do would be to double back and find the Hermitage property along the old 271. The Hermitage had been abandoned for years and with any luck some of the houses could still be there.
I was about to start the engine when something hit the back of my truck. Rika started to growl and it did it again. A little curious, but mostly scared I decided to grab my shotgun and investigate. I slowly inched toward the source of the sound, my boots barely making a sound on the cold pavement. I peered under the truck and there was somebody standing behind the truck. I slowly moved to the other side of a car next to my truck. The creature was standing behind my truck pounding at the tail gate. I tapped the top of the car to get its attention. When it looked at me its white expressionless face turned to anger like the one from Leggett as it stumbled and ran toward me. I fired a shell of buckshot directly into its chest, tearing it open, but it barely phased the creature. I started to panic when I fired the second shot with the same results. My third shot impacted the head which stopped it instantly.
"Head-shots," I whispered under my breath.
I looked over at my truck and saw Rika looking at me through the window and I managed to force a smile even though I was terrified at this point. I was so paranoid I nearly had a heart attack when thunder boomed overhead and it started raining. Rika licked the water off my arms when I got back in my truck. My hands were trembling so bad that I could barely put it in gear, let alone keep it straight on the road. Within minutes it was a total down pour. Further down the freeway I saw a pair of headlights weaving erratically through the road. Behind it was another car, but this one had people hanging out of the windows firing guns at it. I pulled off the road to avoid the mess. I guess in these times there was no law and people just did what they wanted to do.
It didn't take long to get on the old 271 and by that time the rain had stopped. I haven't been to the Hermitage in years and wondered if I could even still get to it. Rika was so tired that she just couldn't stay awake. Her sleep didn't last long, however. While driving past Cummings, several explosions rocked the truck and a piece of shrapnel even cracked the driver side window. Fire and smoke shot up from some of the buildings. I didn't stick around long enough to find out what had happened. I slammed my foot on the gas just in time to avoid another, bigger, explosion.
Highway 271 hasn't changed much since the last time I drove on it. A few small rocks had slid off the mountain onto the road along with a couple branches from the wind. It was all normal, a nice change from what I had seen so far.
Well, here it was, the Hermitage. The road wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, considering it had been abandoned for so many years. The road was mostly grown over with poison oak and buck brush, which again, was normal. Something wasn't right though. There was fresh tire marks on the dirt.
"Something's not right here," I looked at Rika.
She just stared at me. Once I got to the bottom of the driveway it was apparent that I wasn't the only one here. The vehicle that made the tire tracks was parked in the middle of the main flat, it was a military Humvee. A little relieved, but still cautious I stepped out of my truck and walked toward it. I heard a terrible gurgling moan from behind, but before I could turn, an immensely powerful boom came from one of the houses followed by a gory splat. My first reaction was to drop to the ground while two marines in their BDUs came running from the other side of the Humvee, guns drawn and yelling at me.
"I just want to know what the hell's going on here," I pleaded.
"Let 'em go," a tall man wearing BDU pants and a dirty white t-shirt holding an M82A1 sniper rifle over his shoulder walks out of the main house.
"Yes Lieutenant Malone," one of the soldiers said to the tall man.
"Jimmy, is that you?" Malone asked. "Get over here you S.O.B.!"
John Malone and I go way back to the third grade. We were best friends all through out school, right up until he enlisted as a sniper and left for Afghanistan, then we lost touch. I turned and looked at the bloody mess left by the massive .50 caliber bullet.
"You've gotta be careful, they'll follow you for miles," Malone's voice went from joyous to depressed as he looked at the pile.
"What are they?" I asked.
"We're not too sure ourselves, but there's a scientist here who knows what caused it."
I let Rika out of the truck and she greeted the soldiers with her usual barking and sniffing. They were pleased to finally see something that didn't want to kill them.
"Meet me around back," Malone said, "and bring that old hunting rifle."
I grabbed the old rifle from the truck, the walnut wood stock was old, but in good shape. It was chambered for .30-06, obsolete by military standards, but still perfect for hunting.
"God, I remember this old thing," Malone was looking the rifle over, inspecting every detail.
Our families used to go on hunting trips together and this was the rifle my grandpa would use. Malone took aim at a metal plate across the river and fired a single shot, bulls-eye.
"It's a beautiful thing," Malone muttered.
A marine opened the door to one of the houses. "Lieutenant, she's ready to see you," he said.
"Good, looks like we'll get our answers after all," Malone said to me.
We gathered in the makeshift laboratory and were greeted by the scientist. She was fairly short, about 5'2", and her brown hair was tied up in a tight bun. Her white lab coat had some blood on the bottom.
"James, this is Miss Ashley Bradson. She's the one who's been trying to figure out what's happening," Malone said.
"Dr. Bradson, thank you lieutenant," she said with a hint of condescension in her voice. "Without better lab equipment I can't make any better connections between this infection and the source."
"Which is?" Malone interrupted.
"If you would let me continue, the source of this pandemic is a black-market 'miracle' drug called Vita Nova. As for how, I have no idea," Dr. Bradson continued.
"Is that it?" Malone was disappointed.
"Not everything can be solved overnight you know," Dr. Bradson said.
Obviously annoyed by Malone, Dr. Bradson went back to work. Malone and I walked back into the front yard, unsure of what to do.
"What's up with her?" I asked.
Before Malone could answer, we heard the faint rumbling of a helicopter and the roar of jets in the distance. Malone looked through a pair of binoculars and saw two black A-10s and one black Apache gunship.
"Those aren't ours," Malone muttered.
The A-10 'Warthogs', as they were known, circled back and fired bursts from their massive 30mm main cannons. One soldier was vaporized by the high explosive bullets and another was blown in half.
"Definitely not ours!" Malone shouted. "Everybody evacuate now! Let's move people!"
I rushed to find Rika and Malone went to retrieve Dr. Bradson. The black Apache swooped down upon us and launched a fiery burst of rockets that erupted in a hellish explosion. One of the houses was leveled. I found Rika and put her in the truck, but Malone was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, out of the smoke, Malone walks out carrying Dr. Bradson. She must have been knocked unconscious in the blast.
"Hurry, to the coast!" Malone shouted.
He loaded Dr. Bradson, who was slowly coming to, into the Humvee and along with the last two soldiers, sped up the driveway. I was close behind.
As we raced toward the freeway, the Apache spotted us, but the Warthogs were nowhere to be seen. One of the soldiers emerged from the Humvee and shouldered an AT-4 launcher. He took careful aim at the Apache, as he only had one shot. The helicopter fired a burst from the 30mm chain gun, but luckily missed because of our erratic driving. The soldier fired the rocket. The explosive warhead flew toward the helicopter, it struck the main rotor, sending it into an uncontrollable spin ahead of us.
We stopped at the smoldering wreckage of the black Apache. Malone and I got out to investigate, but were quickly disappointed.
"There's no markings!" Malone exclaimed.
He was right, not a single number or symbol.
"So, who are they?" I asked myself.
"Sir, we've got a situation here!" one of the soldiers shouted while firing his gun.
We turned around to see an entire horde of those 'walkers', as Malone calls them, stumbling toward us.
"Ah, crap!" the other soldier exclaimed as his gun jammed.
He was quickly overtaken and ripped to shreds as the walkers advanced on our position.
"Retreat!" Malone shouted. "We need to get to the coast."
Without asking why, I jumped back in the truck and we sped away from the horde. Rika looked back and barked at the stumbling shapes.
To be continued...
End file.
| The Vita Nova Incident by jmanus707 | Zombie Survival Guide |
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