20 values
20 values
Didn't they lose 6 games in a row? Just because you're close for some of the games doesn't mean that you're not a lot weaker than that team. I love Arkansas razorbacks football. 2 years (i think) we lost to Alabama and LSU by a field goal that we missed from less than 40 yards. This year we lost to Alabam 52-0. Our team isnt' young and we we're ranked 8. Our quarterback did get injured against UL monroe, but that doesn't make up 49 points.
just because you're close "at times" doesn't mean you didn't get stomped in a best of 5 that you lost 6 games in.
And that is, hands down, the coolest aspect of the game. It rewards creativity, careful planning, and experimenting with unconventional ideas. There is no optimum build or gear allocation. You can do things that the designers never even dreamed of and come up with a very effective build that might be unlike anything that anyone else does.
Play balance is for wimps. Welcome to the deep end of the pool.
She's been honest with you the entire time. And it's all about the drugs. You have to admit that you do like to use a lot. We all like drugs and the feelings but anything in moderation ya know? What are your goals besides drugs? Why can't you be happy with yourself and not rely on a pill and a high to make you happy? Why not take up a sport, running or even skydiving? You know, something that actually accomplishes life and you can share your experience with anyone anywhere? You'd really impress her if you cut most of those out. Why should she invest in you if you end up getting thrown in jail, overdose on something, or ruin your health. She definitely cares about you more than you know, and that's kinda hot. But you're not seeing it. You could have an amazing future with this beautiful girl and you're willing to throw it away for some "high" with your friends. You have a lot to be thankful for with her, and I don't think the pills are worth it.
create your own natural highs. Gym - get a physical goal. Drugs are the lazy, trashy, and tacky way to be something you're not.
You love yourself more than her. That's not inherently wrong, at your age this is natural. You should probably leave her though because you will hurt her in the end. I won't advocate changing yourself to her expectations because I think her expectations do not take you into account either. I think both of you would be better off with more compatible people. I use drugs a lot like you do. I'm not opposed to a bump of coke or two a couple times a year when it's around, I'll eat some mushrooms on a camping trip in the woods every couple years or so for a good cerebral dump and wipe, I smoke marijuana fairly regularly it's a good way to unwind with a beer at the end of the day, I drink beer and have begun brewing my own because it's a fun hobby, and I enjoy smoking cigars with my dad or my uncles when we have time to visit. My girlfriend and I live together and I've never pushed anything on her. She is aware of how I take my pleasure by the dose sometimes. She enjoys beer, and has taken an interest in brewing so we have a shared hobby, and the occasional toke, but has no interest in other drugs. I don't need her to take drugs to validate myself, and she doesn't require me to abstain to appease her own self-interest. We are compatible and sensible with each other. This is how we are and I wouldn't change her, and she doesn't need to change me. However I have a problem with your story. Why do you feel the need to validate yourself by pressuring her to use these substances the way you do? It's obvious she has no interest. On the other hand she is asking the same of you from a different perspective, that you abstain like her. It's obvious you have no interest to change either. There's your answer, staring you right in the face. If you have experienced such incompatibility on such regular intervals over the same issue which neither of you have an interest in changing, then stop beating yourself up. Give up on this rollercoaster because it is emotionally draining and hurtful for both of you. You are young, probably intelligent, and have a lot of time ahead of you. Learn from this and be yourself. You are yourself, she is herself, and if either has to change to fit the other's expectations, when these expectations are unreal, then be yourself by yourself and not what she wants you to be. I don't think you're going to be able to compromise with your current attitude about drugs. You need to find somebody less hung up on your drug use, and you also need to reexamine why you need her so badly to "try before you say no" to validate your own use. You yourself validate your own actions, no one else. Own that and get yourself out of this relationship before you damage yourselves even further. There are millions of other girls out there who could make a better match for you. Probably an older you, because I think I've been you and I think you still have some growing up to do before you commit to long term relationships especially ones as emotionally draining as this one. You're only 23 and you've been with her since 18? I've seen this happen in my own friends' relationships and it's usually an impediment to adulthood. Think about it, you've been together since you were children. You've become emotionally dependent on each other even though you're both growing up into very different adults. Time to move on and into your own adulthood and stop holding each other back. It can be an amicable break, time shared in love is very meaningful and will stay with you both forever, but every good thing must come to an end and you've postponed that point for too long now.
Stop getting back together when it doesn't work out.
If this Plan B is the same as the "morning after pill" I was prescribed 10 years ago (it wasn't OTC then, and going to get it from a furious hospital doctor [because doctor's offices were closed on a Saturday] who almost kicked me out because I didn't have a regular gyno, which meant she had to do a bunch of other checks on me as well was rather traumatic to me - for almost a year I turned sheet white at the notion of having to see a gyno), I'd have to agree. It screwed up my periods completely (I got them every 2 weeks for months, and even prescribing me the regular BC pill didn't fix it). Edit: So my
is I'm all for it being somewhat more easily accessible than it was then, but if it's the same pill, it's definitely a hormonal whopper with side effects. Second edit: Thanks to everyone who actually sent me thoughtful replies instead of going "no she's wrong, downvote herp derp".
Because spinning axe is a massive damage buff(percent based damage buff that applies his passive dot), even at rank one. Because he can use the spell once and keep the buff for an extended amount of time, and even re-apply. Because asking for a massive damage increase that can't be countered and doesn't expire after a set time is like asking for Corki's rockets to home in on the nearest low heath champion and deal true damage.
quit whining. figure out the difference between a good axe and a bad one. don't chase bad axes.
Question: I'm a Canadian and came home from university to find our internet connection was no longer secured. My mom said it just randomly happened. Tried to log-on to my modem and add a security but it wouldn't let me in. Called the support line posted on cisco's (my modem company) website. I went through a very similar process that was explained by this guy but on my mac. He showed me the console and the error messages gained control of my computer, etc, etc. charged me around $170 to resecure the network and wipe the viruses of the 4 macs that were connected to the modem.
Did i get scammed by Cisco?
I got a few of these calls a few months ago. One time when I had nothing better to do, I played along. When he said the errors were caused by viruses, I told him that I knew about the viruses and I liked them. He said they were bad viruses, and he wanted to help me remove them. I explained that I didn't want to remove them, because they are my pets, and I want them to grow up big and strong. My goal was to train them and enter into the Johto Virus Battle Championship. He got angry, told me I was wasting his time and hung up.
I told a scammer that computer viruses are my pets, and I raise them like pokemon.
I did this exact thing when they called me - I was bored and had played around for about 45 minutes. Originally he had got me to the eventviewer by spelling it out, e for egg, v for vision etc. I started having 'issues' and started spellling out the errors to him - f for foxtrot, u for uniform, c for charlie etc. I told him to suck my dick, eat my ass in the same way before he passed me off to his manager. His manager hung up fairly quickly. The kicker? The first guy who was too thick to pick up on what i was doing FUCKING CALLED BACK TO ABUSE ME! I shit you not. I remained calm and told him how much fun I had with him, he asked me to suck his dick, I said I'd love that because he sounds like a pretty boy. He was fucking furious, it was beautiful. I love the nerve of the asshole, calling back a potential target for wasting his precious time.
scammer calls back to abuse me for wasting his time
Every basic ecology class teaches this. The idea situation would be to harvest and maintain the population when they are at K/2 (half the carrying capacity). This would mean they are experiencing the highest rate of increase. If you keep a population very low (which is usually as, as seen in this article), there will be an large number of small or juvenile fish that aren't participating in reproduction, and there is also a chance of local extinction. Additionally, if you keep the population high (although this never really happens), the rate of increase is greatly reduced due to the population being close to it's carrying capacity - basically wasting potential fish.
We need to stop being such selfish bastards
i was thinking about exactly this just yesterday and my thought was, how is it even possible that we are out-fishing the seas? i'm not doubting it's happening just that there is enough food for everyone (if evenly distributed) and we are not over-harvesting our crops or over-slaughtering our cattle. there might be cases of over-hunting but that is usually not for food. why is there so few fish-farms? 70% of earth is water, and no one lives there! super much room for farms. of course there is some engineering and ecologic difficulties but really, we went to the moon 50 years ago! today we have robots that can learn and are able to see peoples thoughts, we built a 828 meter high tower. surely we should be able to build fishfarms. this should have been happening long ago, i feel traditions and conservationism is to blame here.
why are the fishfarm industry so small scale?
On the face of it, yeah, 700 grams is a lot. But I don't think it's necessarily as bad as you might think. In fact, if you're offended by drug related crime, you should probably be in favor of casual users stock piling around that much... See, if you smoke on the regular, that much weed is still going to run out. You're not going to use 700 grams all at once, so that volume has to be judged by consumption rate and accessibility of resupply. That resin might be his absolute primo stash that he dips into on rare occasion, and if he can only resupply every 3 years.... Basically, for some smokers (all day, erry day, amiright?), 700 grams can be 'just enough' and then they are totally satisfied in terms of drug transactions for a long while. Which brings me back to crime: since we can't keep even drugs out of super max prisons, let's work under the assumption that people are still going to be able to score on occasion. Do we want lots of drug transactions with lots of hard to prosecute interactions, easy cash flow, and low costs of entry to the market combined with high investigatory costs? Or do we want an industry that requires deep pockets to play around in (providing legal surface area and related assets), is continually dealing in significant volumes (minimizing the number of players), and with a minimum number of targets to legislate, investigate, and regulate all while having a more predictable supply to minimize market opportunity to new entrants? Smokers going out and scoring here and there keeps the drug war broad and wide, and punishes responsible users who get hit with disproportionate penalties for living their lives in a more law abiding manner. And the only upside is more drug dealers who exist in an easier, more profitable, market. Home or regional growers supplying large volumes of nationally grown weed to residential users for personal use (through the mail for example), would be indistinguishable from our current drug use situation, but would give us a fighting chance to eliminate the violent crime aspect of prohibition. It also provides a reasonable framework for full taxation and national price competition (putting unsustainable cost pressure on illegal dealers), and can even be extended (through NAFTA), to deny billions of dollars every year to central and south american crime syndicates.
middle aged white dudes who aren't sketching around in back alleys but blaze like a motherfucker when they come back from the office are gonna be prone to stockpile. And that helps keep the suburbs lookin like suburbs, and the ghetto still and always the place to score a dime bag...
She is not the most important thing in your world. You are, and you are performing a massive disservice by staying on this withered relationship. She doesn't want to try with you, she wants to try with this other guy. What's more, she's cheating on the other guy with you. Remember that when you're talking about getting over your betrayal; she is continuing to betray both of your trusts. You seem like a great guy, but you gotta walk away from this. It will be difficult, and you will be tempted to talk to your ex repeatedly. That's why there are a lot of jokes about drunks calling up their exes at night. But you'll see that it gets better over time. If you're looking for advice on handling the breakup, I would suggest hobbies, friends, and positive atmospheres. Also, it's normal to feel pathetic now, but you can't turn on yourself. You did everything you could, and your ex decided to take advantage of your kindness.
Fuck that bitch, she doesn't deserve you.
Go play Guild Wars 2, step into World vs World and watch what happens when your 100 players runs into the enemy group of 100 players. Spoiler: You get killed by invisible enemy players and AOE because they aren't loaded up on your screen before they kill you. The massive battles that take place in EVE would be able to take place if it was an FPS twitch combat game.
Don't expect to see battles anywhere near the scale you see in EVE.
If your opponent's policies are bad for the country, inform the public as to how and why this is the case, and let said public remove him on the next election cycle if they see fit. That is how democracy works: obeying the will of the people. The politicians in Washington are supposed to be public servants, not public tyrants. By doing otherwise, the Republicans prove that they are not acting in the best interests of America. They further prove that they are acting in a way that is fundamentally anti-democratic, and thus, anti-American.
Republicans are traitors to the United States.
I agree, and feel like TRM...may or may not get a lot of unnecessary hate on Reddit a lot of the time (not that everyone doesn't, but still). He wears his emotions on his sleeve like a lot of people do, Oce is a good example, and is another of the players either loved of hated on a every other day basis. Being emotional isn't always a bad thing either, and there are people like that in every part of life. NBA fans either else love or hate Kevin Garnett, a very vocal emotional player who is generally liked by everyone on his team...and not so much by his opponents. But he has won a MVP and lead teams to titles regardless.
Wearing your emotions on your sleeve is alright, I do the ramblings
I kinda of have issue with putting blame on just one party. Yes, I agree 154.37 (repeating, of course) % that Riot should have had booths (or at least some sort of method blocking the minimap). They offer so many positive benefits that its almost a necessity. Hell, given the chance I'd argue this with Carmac, who is against the idea of booths (just look at any IEM). BUT looking behind you is against the rules that Riot set in place before the tournament began. And rules is rules. You don't see guys running up and down a court in basketball not dribbling the ball because it is easier and faster that way. You don't see American Footballers making horse-collar tackles because its a good place to get a grip - and if they do, they get penalized. For those saying riot is just using frost as a fall guy: Redbeard posted this, and might have been skipped over, in the rulings post: "In hindsight, the potential visibility of minimap screens for players was a mistake. Despite on-site referees, close monitoring of player cams backstage, and stage design that ensured players would have to turn more than 90 degrees to be able to catch a glimpse of the minimaps, even the possibility of unfair play was simply unacceptable. We’re taking steps to ensure the minimap screens are not visible to players."
Riot should have had booths, but at the same time Frost did break the rules
Well, I suppose you are getting great color reproduction and screen response time but... DAT RESOLUTION. CRTs (typically) don't go higher than 480p, or 640x480, which is ~307,000 pixels, while 1080p is 1920x1080 which is 2,073,600 pixels. 1080p is 6.75 as many pixels at 480p. You can get 1080p monitors for, on the low end, about [$120]( That's the 22" stuff, nice 23" are about $150. I'm a big fan of the [VH236H]( which has HDMI, 2ms response time and currently is going for $140.
You're a monster for taking 3 seconds to write that note, Mr. or Ms. atrocious penmanship.
There's nothing wrong with being turned off by some ideas; everyone has their limits. But you must realize that the scenes in porn create unrealistic expectations. They're a dramatization and nothing like most people's experiences. Even people's personal stories are often embellished to make them appear more interesting than the actual truth. Stop watching that stuff. It's doing nothing to help you. If you must consume erotic media (man's gotta eat ), try tasteful art for a change. When you meet a girl whose company you enjoy and for whom you care, your feelings for her won't just go away when you get into bed. In fact, these feelings are often required for some people to feel comfortable enough to open up both literally and figuratively. I think the reason you are having a hard time reconciling your feelings is because your ideas about sex are separate from your ideas of friendship when they are in fact very closely related. My personal definition of romantic love is friendship plus mutual attraction.
Focus on forming real friendships with people and let nature take it course.
i got cha... i'm going to try and get out of it, what should I tell my ex? she did nothing wrong and she was planning on meeting up asthe only thing to do on her one night here
How can I nicely cancel the plans with my ex?
i got cha... i'm going to try and get out of it, what should I tell my ex? she did nothing wrong and she was planning on meeting up asthe only thing to do on her one night here
How can I nicely cancel the plans with my ex?
True story: Raiding back in wotlk, (Naxx 25), and before we pull the 2nd boss in Plague quarter our holy priest says 'Can you guys wait 2-4 minutes', Our leader asked him why, and his response was 'Bit of confusion at the next platform and I want to pay attention. Shouldn't take too long'. It was at that moment we understood why he couldn't use teamspeak.
Our priest healer in wotlk was a Train driver.
tbh, I haven't seen one change the guys done that I've liked. While pulsefire might not've been his fault I didn't like it and I was gosh darn lucky to have the rp saved for months waiting for pfe to come out and they had him half price, it was cool when I got it but tbh it's like my other 5 legendaries they're really cool and I don't regret buying them but tbh pfe wasn't worth 3k rp for, 1860 rp is where he should've gone. Kog' Maw's been out for 2 years now same with anivia and corki. Kog'maw should've been 3150 ip alongside corki. Anivia is a high skill champ then put her down to 4800 ip so super newbie's don't just get her and get destroyed. I mean reducing the rp costs by less than a dollar on champions that have been out SINCE BETA! I could see if this was a champ released early this year, but...beta champs? champs we can get the digital pack for 30 bucks as a newbie and get about 45 bucks worth of champs for plus 2 skins? This guy apperently doesn't know his crap if he's experimenting with prices. You go by history, and history has shown that nobody gives a hoodah about the spread of what you get in a champ bundle, kha'zix's bundle is the same price...fine but tbh, that skin is no more different any recent 975 skin, sure it has new models and crap but so does jayce he has 2 models, udyr has 4! their skins are still 975! and people don't generally buy champs with rp unless it's the bundle or if it's on sale...yes preadopters are good they've always sold many a bundle on release I've bought a good many of them, but I don't wanna see the new guys face that gets to play this kha' zix guy on a free week 2 weeks after his bundle is gone and say "wait why does his skin cost more than the one that has the same level of detail on other champions" ppl just won't buy it and you lose people's interest in your product. It's probably why black ops 2's elite is gonna be free, NOBODY CARED TO BUY IT LAST TIME.
this ecommerce guy is a joke imho and he needs to stop experimenting and look at history not just his experiments.
Please point me to which provision removed regulation on credit default swaps, which would have prevented the crisis. First, are you really arguing that deregulation of derivatives didnt play a role in the crisis? And um, credit default swaps caused the crisis? Do you even know what a credit default swap is? Its almost like youre just throwing words together in an attempt to arrive at a coherent sounding argument. Because it should be obvious that credit defaults swaps didnt cause the crisis, just by the definition of the term. Credit default swaps are what sank AIG. But they didnt cause the crisis. A credit default swap is essentially insurance on a financial security. If the issuer of the bond thats insured defaults, you get paid by the agency that you insured it with (probably AIG). CDS's didnt cause the crisis. I mean, just ask yourself, why did the insured securities default in the first place?? That, the reason why the default happened, is what caused the crisis. And the failure to regulate derivatives directly ties in with CDS. In the derivative market, where people are making bets on the value of a MBS without actually owning it, any number of people can take out a credit default swap on an MBS. Its like your neighbor taking insurance out on your house and then burning it down. There was no regulation there when common sense overwhelmingly indicated that there should be. >Blah, blah, blah. This isn't why people in my town bought multiple condos for $400,000 a piece, when they could only rent then out for $15,000/yr. Anybody settling for a <4% yield (especially when risk-free 10yr treasuries were offering close to 5%) is asking for disaster. This is just bullshit. Of course in your mind the crisis was just driven by poor people that took out mortgages they shouldnt have. In reality Gramm Leach Bliley ended the separation between investment and commercial banking. Your local bank could give you a mortgage, package it together with others, and sell it off. It ended really any correlation between the quality of the mortgage and the amount of money the bank issuing it made. You can say an individual shouldnt have taken out that mortgage, but basic economic theory should tell you that if banks make it easier to get mortgages, more people will take out mortgages. Pretending that the repeal of glass steagal didnt enable the root cause of the crisis is just naive. >Bush didn't hold a gun to their head and force them to sign their mortgages. Obviously not. But you're basically acting like housing policy and financial regulation had nothing to do with the crisis, and thats just wrong. Just because bush didnt hold a gun to someones head and make them take out a mortgages doesnt mean his policies and the policies of his party didnt cause it. >Without this, it's impossible for any of the other shit to have happened. Remember, cause, not symptom. You should really be telling yourself that, Mr. Credit-Default-Swaps-Cause-the-Crisis. Exactly what do you think I've got backwards? >The number of regulators at the SEC grew substantially under Bush. I can't find the chart now. Will look for it. I dont know the number youre referring to, you could be right considering government employment surged under bush. but thats not my argument. Sure there might have been more regulators, they just werent doing their job. And thats exactly what i said. >Sure, it doesn't help when the Democrat spawned agencies continue to create a market for subprime mortgages by buying them on the secondary market. Maybe it wasn't a huge amount, but still encouraged banks to continue to make risky loans. How did they make the market more risky when [default rates on fannie and freddie mortages were between 4 - 5.5 percent at their worst,]( while [default rates on mortgages issued by commercial banks reached more than 11%?]( This one is really important, it goes directly to your point that fannie and freddie (and the community reinvestment act that concerned them) made the market more risky. [Loans by banks regulated by the CRA had lower default rates]( Furthermore, [the vast majority of loans issued during the crisis were issued by private banks]( So no, fannie and freddie and the CRA did not increase risk. In fact their default rates pretty conclusively prove that they were some of the safest institutions in the market. >The recovery is meager at best. Look at how much cash corporations are sitting on. The recovery is dependent on deleveraging. It could all have happened at once, or gradually. Maybe the stimulus helped soften the fall. But it's a natural cycle, that had to take its course either way. Speaking of deleveraging, this is another place where obama has overseen a [tremendous recovery.]( How exactly is this recovery meager at best?? Private employment and GDP are both growing at the same pace they grew during the recovery in bush's first term. Corporate profits are at record highs. The dow has doubled. Manufacturing hasnt grown this much in decades. And even if it has been meager, which it hasnt, the american jobs act would have created 1.4 million jobs and your party blocked it! Not to mention all of the austerity and layoffs at the state level decreasing aggregate demand and increasing unemployment Its quite obvious that you've reached your own conclusion about how you think the world works without first looking at the facts. Usually people, at least smart people, look at the facts and then make their opinions based on those facts. But you, not you. You've obviously made your decision based on your inherent biases. And then you went out and tried to find data that backs up your bias, and ignored any data that contradicted it.
You dont seem to know what a credit default swap is. Refusal to regulate derivatives along with the repeal of glass steagal both played significant roles in the crisis. Fannie and freddie were among the safest institutions in the market. The recovery has actually been fairly robust, and the reason its not stronger is mostly because of republicans in congress and in state and local legislatures.
Yeah, stupid story is stupid. I didn't bother with the second or third pages (I know, I'm lazy), but I would be surprised if the article ever noted the fact that human saliva tends to kill very nearly all of that stuff. As I understand it, human saliva should kill all of that stuff, such that NFL players' ailments due to mouthpiece goo is probably no more frequent than the average person's ailments due to chewing on a pen or not washing one's hands often enough. Add to this the fact that NFL players are often taking vitamins and supplements at a much higher rate than the average person, and the actual incidents of ailment as a result of a soiled mouthpiece are most likely much less than those in the general population.
If I don't get sick from chewing on my pen, after having scratched my ass or balls with my writing hand a few times, then probably NFL players will be just fine. Saliva kills shit.
Long-term CM player here.. started out playing CM 92-93 on the Amiga, CM Italia 93-94 on the Atari.. then 96-97, 97-98, 01-02 before eventually moving onto FM 05, 06, 08 & 10. I haven't played any others since then but have put a fair amount of hours into FM10.. probably more than is healthy. Anyway, I digress as this post isn't about that. I went back to play 97-98 recently purely for nostalgic reasons and it was so simple. Very simple. Three subs on the bench in the Scottish league and one of those had to be a keeper. Hah, changed days! What I missed most from that is being involved with the running of the club. I love being able to take charge of training sessions, get board requests, send the scouts to foreign countries, develop youth players and everything else that 10 did. What I hate most about it is the press conferences. No, I like them... but what I actually hate is that you say one thing or even if you don't comment on it, and it picks that up as the main story which in turn upsets the entire squad or a player that goes in the huff. I sincerely hope that this has been fixed for '13. What I'm really looking forward to is the challenges. The ones where you're bottom of the table at Christmas and have to save the club from relegation. This has the potential to be an excellent feature and I sincerely hope that it is.
I ramble my previous experiences with FM and I'm looking for updates for how good/in-depth this version is to know whether I want to get involved with another FM campaign.
A few months ago: "Brand is SO good but his ult is too unreliable! But he would be so broken if his ult prioritized champions!" Still isn't played. Now he needs a MS buff because he has no escapes? Anivia, Galio, Karthus, Ryze, Twisted Fate, and Zyra would like to have a word with you.
Brand is fine
I really get where you're coming from with wanting to date people you know well. Some people will tell you not to wait that long, but I know from personal experience you can't just change your methods like that. That comment tells me you're more about the personality than the looks. Of course you want a cute girl, too, but a girl can become cute to you if she's interesting enough. That's how it is for me, at least. If that doesn't apply to you read someone else's advice, instead, I guess. What I'd recommend in that case is an online dating profile. Online dating is all about personality. You make a profile, answer some compatibility questions, and then see profiles that would be a good fit for you. You get to know girls before you even have to talk to them. And for the most part everyone on these sites is looking for dates so you both know what you're after. (Also, I personally really like OKCupid. There's lots of cool people on there and it's free. This has not been a paid endorsement haha.) As for the virgin thing and the girlfriend dry spell, you can't think about it too much. You can't let it consume you and become desperate. Desperate is not sexy. You have to own who you are. Own it and be awesome about it. You don't have a girlfriend? You don't suck, you've just been waiting until you find a girl that is awesome enough for you. You're overweight? Fuck that, you're the right weight, everyone else is too damn skinny. And there are girls out there that go crazy for a little extra. Just ask my girlfriend. No matter who you are, what you like, what you look like, there are girls out there that want some of that. Find them.
Go online, find a girl that matches you, date that girl, own who you are, impress that girl with your you-ness, and then have sex with that girl, if she wants to have sex with you.
I'm so confused. I really am. On one hand I think, "Well fuck that ACORN shit, those dicks made a mountain out of a molehill." And I think, "I'm glad that I support a party that doesn't play like that." And then I see all of the ELECTION fraud wierdness, all of the turdplay that the other side that puts our entire system at risk and I wonder, "Are Democrats simply lazy? Or that fearful of confrontation?" And..I honestly don't know if I want us to become more like them. Sometimes I'm glad that Obama has Biden as his pitbull. Sometimes I wish he had a pack of them. And then, I worry that if he did, we'd become a party of dirty tricks. And that would gross me out.
Circular ramblings of an incoherent mind. Yay Ambien. I should go night night now.
It is okay to date multiple guys at a time, absolutely. I'm 28 and male. I date regularly. I'm cycling through women pretty much constantly. I'm not a player. I'm actually seeking a relationship. I just haven't found the right girl. Until the girl I'm dating and I sit down and decide that we want to exclusively date each other and evolve our dating into a relationship boyfriend/girlfriend thing I will date as many people as I feel like. This being said I generally know after about 4-6 dates whether it is going to work or not, so I'm not exactly leading them on either.
Date as many people as you want till you find the one you want to settle down with.
i know that feel bro but once in a while u will get such offers and u can actually take it... u just have to make silly-sounding offers to the peoples where they think they will win... I once had a guy that had no clue of the game and flamed me like hell and i told him that he simply doesnt have the mindset nor the skillset to call me a bad player and i simply told him that i could crash him even if i play soraka against any champ he wants. Since i was pretty sure he isnt good enogh to know about counters and stuff. SO he agreed to soraka and picked xin in his 1v1 and i smashed his face to the ground over and over again and at the end of the game he came and said: "Okay, gg, you are a good player and i am just too bad to notice it. exactly what u said earlier on" I was crying to see such awesome behaviour even if the most stupid players would rage and say it was luck.
I got my 1v1 once as Soraka vs Xin and owned him. Afterwards he said: u were right
Honestly im tired of the norv turner and aj smith bullshit. Sure norv calls some questionable plays, so a bit of the poor performances can be placed on him, but when the team gets to the other half of the field and players are droppin passses or throwin picks, how is that his fault? Also, almost everyone i talked to at the beginning of the season was excited about all of the talent the charers had, and how this might be our year. 3 losses in a row and now everyone thinks AJ fucked up on something, even though everyone was with him 2 months ago.
Norv and AJ should be fired"
You sound like you need to read this: "Not fun isn't the same as anti-fun - it's an interesting distinction actually. Think of it in positive, negative and zero terms. Fun is clearly positive. Not fun is Zero. Anti-fun is negative on that scale. Skills that fail the fun vs. anti-fun test is when one player's fun isn't really counterbalanced by the negative on the other player - And the important thing is this isn't zero-sum, suprisingly. The subjectivity of this comes where you set your zero-point for things. However, there are lots of things that simply aren't fun from a player perspective that is negative fun for the opponent - If for example, I made a button that lets you physically beat someone with a chair on the other side of the screen - that's not enjoyable for me - and it's very very negative for you. That's an example of a non zero-sum scenario. As to the concern that 'anti-fun principles are hindering creativity' - well.. I'm not sure about that - you may want to ask yourself whether or not creative uniqueness is a priority for designs or not - Solid gameplay, for example, is a great goal to strive for, even if it's unoriginal. Even though I tinker with crazy stuff all the time, I would always trade something that is solid to play rather than original/unique and mediocre." " Do you not understand that the people doing the stunlocking and bursting are also having fun? That statement kind of leads to the thought that having an infinite combo in a game is good design because it supposedly lets one player have an infinite amount of gratification. Again, the measure is fun vs. anti-fun a lot of the time - Anivia's wall creates many more awesome moments than bad ones for your team - It's about ratios - And like I said before, it's a subjective point on where your zero point is. Anti-fun is typically embodied by lock-down, shut down, or obscure-counter mechanics - They almost universally restrict and control the opponent's range of options - leading to less play overall simply because your opponent reacts less. Yes, while there will always be people who find pleasure in fighting helpless opponents who simply sit there and do nothing at all (see above, for the infinite case), I don't think this is gameplay we should encourage. Chair-Beating You're telling me that you would willingly play a game, where every so often, the opponent gets to beat you senseless with a chair? That's kind of a scary thought."
Giving one player the absolute most fun possible isn't the design goal for good game designers.
This all day long, i was on with my brother last night, it was his first PVP game after learning the maps and controls and such like against AI, we told everyone before hand he was new and he went Ashe, i took Pantheon and we said we were going top lane. Soon as we start two other guys went top and we got barrated with things like "little noobs go bottom" "GG guys lost already got a noob", now i'd like to state im level 15 now, and even though these guys claimed to be on Smurf accounts and were going to boss the game, they fed and the lane collapsed and they blamed it on us for being noobs even though our lane stayed strong and i ganked mid a couple of times to help out.
People on Smurf accounts or who CLAIM to be on Smurf accounts but actually just suck....STFU P.S. be helpful to nooblets, not condescending dickshits.
c6wp04n is currently one of the best sites to get trusty (is this how you say it ? :> ) information. Don't go to MOBAfire, it is quite unreliable but on Solomid, Guides need to be approved by the Solomid-team + TSM (a pro team) makes guides themselves. I know that when I started playing a year ago and found out the recommended items sucked, I'd pick my champion go to a site and look up my build. You don't need to memorize it, when you need to buy something you "Alt+Tb", pick your browser screen and look what items are viable on your champion. You can follow the standard build if you don't feel confident enough yet or you can pick more Magic resists/armor/damage (depends on if you are losing/winning lane) in the items that are selected as 'good' for your chosen champion. Either way is better than following recommended and if you do just follow the standard builds, don't worry. The longer you play, the more confident you'll get in picking what items are the best in what situation.
Don't follow recommended, look up your champion on, follow build if you don't feel confident, change build order fo what you need if you do feel confident. PS: Don't rush ranked when you hit 30, you'll maybe lose and people in ranked flame way harder than in normals when losing (or even winning).
Dude i have a smurf as well, and I dislike those lvl 30 being rude and stuff to you real noobs (nothing offending) Theyre like OMG noob stop feeding while the guy's just got 50 games max. Hate that cause you can't learn from that. And actually I found out that most lvl 10-15 players I play with are lvl 30 smurfs, and that shocks me. Ofcourse i'm trollin people at those game, getting strange picks, AP ashe and stuff, and I still carry cause I know the mechanics, but i'm sick of people here to rape noobs, and raging flaming at their teamates.
when i play on my smurf I dont give a fuck, i troll and carry, and i dont rage at my mates. I'm having fun after maybe a lose streak or something but I dont shit on other's game
I just want to say that: I just made a new smurf account so that I could get a new account to try ranked with, without tainting my main. When I chose the initial skill level, I selected the easiest one because I figured that would match me against the most people. What I have found is that 7 out of 10 people in my matches (myself included) are all smurfing. People are building double GP10, warding, using shurelya's, randuins and aegis. I must say that there are a few people that have been absofuckinglutely retarded, but most people that aren't smurfing seem to be picking up the game a lot faster than I did because of people being helpful for honor points. That being said, if you're a new player and your teammate explains last-hitting, build advice, and the point that boots are a must-have item, and you do not listen, you are going to be in for a rough time.
My experience smurfing has been largely positive, but for a rare few
Yeah, but at least they are absolutely terrible. You'll catch up eventually, just ignore them. Real smurfs are only there to play with their friends, and will rarely rage at you because they actually know what they are doing and will not rely on team mates to do the same. They feel bad when they stomp too hard, and will usually apologize or try hard not to rub it in people's faces or go out of their way to steal kills from team mates Bad smurfs will get angry at every mistake you do, use terms like "meta" or "counter jungle" to try to confuse you and to make themselves look cool, and then get angry when you couldn't tryhard as hard as them. They will get angry at team mates saying "gg noob team" at end of the game. They will usually lose because they are unable to adapt to lower level playstyles and will get stomped because they try to conform to "high elo play tactics" while playing againts level 5's.
all those people calling you bad are bad. Just keep playing, and keep ignoring players. Just remember, if they get matched up with you, they are just as bad, if not worse than you, due to them getting matchmaked with you.
although i may be a rare case, i do get flamed at quite often for being a smurf on my level 16 account because i rage at people for not doing things that are very simple like freezing the lane and farming, although this is my main account. I do enjoy having smurfs in my team, even if they rage, because at least what they are saying holds value and they are actually helping the team win instead of simply complaining that the jungler or players nearby that doesnt save you and blame your death on them when it is your fault in the first place for running across half the map for that kill
smurfs may rage but at least they dont do or say thing that make you facepalm, although noobs that are open to suggestions are just as good
Don't sweat it, man. I'm a fairly decent player and recently made a new account on BR server for ping reasons. You would not believe the amount of flame I get even though I always score positive. Assholes People smurfing believe they're incredibly good even though they probably don't get a good grasp on the game yet. Yes, that includes me and almost every smurf, that's why I never flame and nor should anyone. Try to give constructive advice and just enjoy the game. [
Carry team 90% of the time, still get flamed](
The companies are doing just fine [digital music report 2012]( What we're finally seeing is an industry that realises it has to change its business model. The pressure for this change was brought by piracy. Where the industry has changed it has done extremely well.
You're making shit up.
Overall music sales have fallen Cite your source please. As far as I'm aware profits overall are up. Physical sales are down because people now want to obtain their media online. This is a desire the media industry was fighting because they could inflate prices on physical media... Something that got them into very deep water with the EU.
I'm talking about the only part of the picture that matters any more.
It was a poll by a biased party using dubious methodology, asking highly biased rhetorical questions. Does it really surprise you that the results show what they wanted it to show? Also see a [previous comment]( of mine about that poll.
Even the pro-Palestinian organization supposedly behind the poll were distancing themselves from having any relation to it. There is indeed a whiff of confirmation bias here, but I don't think I'm the one who smells...
As an Iranian, I'm tired of reading this narrative by other Iranians. This is dishonest not only to non-Iranians but a self delusional explanation for the dire state of Iran. Not only do I think it's foolish to compare Iranians to Israelis culturally, a lot of Iranians tend to say the mullahs are different than the people and that their policies is not a reflection of everyday Iranians. This is simply not true. The Islamic Republic has a strong support in Iran among merchants, rural residents, low-mid income families and the religious elite. And although some of its social values are not shared among the young educated Iranians, its culture of oppression and "king like rule" is still relevant even among them. Iranians may set up rave parties in their basements or have bottles of whiskey in their homes, but culturally they're not ready for democracy. The idea of freedom of speech or questioning authority is something that has not settled well in Persian culture. For example the father figure still has the last word on most family matters and the idea of younger people speaking their minds is usually frowned upon. These are traditions that have defined Persian people for generation, and until they're overcome at the micro level, you can't expect a regime like the Islamic Republic becoming irrelevant at the macro level. That was just one example, but there many more like it that demonstrate a lack of readiness by Iranian for true democracy. However, I don't believe it's all bad news. I believe out of all islamic/arab countries in the middle east, Iran is by far the most progressive. For example in recent years there has been a progressive push in sexual openness and family planning. However, like I said there is still a long way to go.
The idea that the Iranian people are not the same as their government is dishonest and self delusional. Iranian culture is still fairly traditional which in turn continues to make the Islamic Republic relevant.
As a Persian-American, I understand what you mean. I used to have this notion that all Iranians are crazy and insane, but my grandfather who somehow managed to visit without getting killed (he's Jewish and has been to Israel) keeps telling me that people in Tehran and other cities are hospitable and generous, even though they know he is a Jew. However, he did tell say that the rural people support the idiots that are the Mullah. And the entire government is run by monkeys and the brilliant politician that is Ahmedinajad (I do not like him, nor do I approve of his actions, but he is a very charismatic and manipulative puppet--the perfect politician).
urban Iranians aren't insane terrorists that run on nuclear "energy", but the Mullah needs to die. Also, Ahmedinajad looks like a monkey.
can we get some
action here
Bringing down a buffalo is much different than hunting a Bear. One is a glorified cow, the other is an apex predator.
Packers suck.
There will be a PC port, there has not been a single GTA that hasn't been on PC. Anyway, here is why: When Microsoft sees that console sales go up when a particular game comes out, they have successful done their job. Microsoft realizes that as long as they set up some sort of early release before PC, or some sort of content exclusivity deal, they stand to earn a lot more money because people are willing to spend an additional $200 on a console. Or PC gamers that also own and XBOX will buy it on XBOX so tey don't have to wait. Then, when the game comes out on PC, users like you won't buy it because you have already played it 6 months ago and then the games industry points fingers and says "See, I told you people don't game on PC anymore". Meanwhile, some of the butthurt fans that didn't get the PC version on the same day as the console version, feel betrayed so they decide not to purchase the game or support that 'evil' company by pirating the game instead. As mature PC gamers, it is kind of our responsibility to tell the companies that we aren't happy being treated differently. It is also kind of our responsibility to buy the games when they do come out to support the company and let them know that we do exist and that we are a major part of their income. A lot of these companies also need to start putting fans slightly before overall income. The more you love your fans, the better your fans will treat you. As much as some people don't like to hear it, piracy can be nearly eliminated by putting the game on Steam. The amount of money Valve earns from this deal is far less than the amount Rockstar would lose from piracy on the internet.
PC gamers need to show the companies what platform we prefer and that we aren't willing to make a sacrifice.
The reason DoTa could easily implement duplicates is because it started from Warcraft and the champs were units in Warcraft which could be duplicated and thus code had to be in place to account for this. Since LoL has had the assumption of unique champs on a team from the beginning the process of allowing multiples would require a code review of essentially the entire game.
Duplicates = too much work. Not gonna happen.
That's what would happen if the Covenant were smart. In halo lore, the reason the Covies lost was because their idea of combat was a sort of close-ranged, honor-based system. To humans, massive hammers or glowing sword were just sorta outdated after gunpowder become more accurate over long distances, but the Elites and Brutes saw them as par-for-the-course, and their tech reflects that. Why build a tanks with a short-range, slow-moving mortar when you could have a tank with a faster, more damaging shell? When you want to thin up the enemy right behind this wall so that your swordsmen can focus on the infantry out front. In addition, the Covanent saw Forerunner tech a sacrosanct, and updating was a sin. Thus, human tech, while technically more simple, could be more effective when employed intellegently. The problem faced by the UNSC was how to fight them in space. Human ships were generally more frail, and packed less firepower. For instance, the MAC guns on UNSC frigates required about a minute to fully charge up, and needed to be pointed in the right direction. For a slower moving ship facing a faster-moving ship, using the MAC guns would have been suicidal without extensive preperation.
Covenant were shitty ground troops, but space superiority gave them the upper hand.
I really think people need to calm down calling this change a horrible/stupid mistake on riot's end. I feel this is a change that will work out better in the long run. Honestly, they want to make the game less farm oriented for laners but more about having choices. I wanna see more people roaming and getting kills and taking advantage of that AFK farming Karthus/Anivia/Zyra. I hate seeing pure farm lanes. This will also allow more interaction between the lanes and greater emphasis on dragon control, and with a lot of the new jungler items we could see a lot more crazy things coming out from teams b/c of a change in gold income for laners.
Don't hate on something we have yet to see go live.
there's no way to verify that somebody creating an account is a minor or not, plain and simple. Despite the fact that I disagree with this policy, it wouldn't be possible to enforce it or check it. I can't remember if a date of birth was asked when creating a LoL account (it's been a long time since I created mine) but even so, whoever's below 18 (assuming that this policy is in place) would just change his year of birth.
Even if it was a good policy (which it isn't), change year of birth = gg
My friend lent me a box of condoms when I got my first girlfriend. They didn't fit, so we just awkwardly 69'd my "first time". I immediately went out and bought new condoms (and I called my friend "midget dick" for a week). After an actual go at it, I actually lasted a fair while - because I couldn't feel anything. My girlfriend switched to being on top of me, and I guess it was the weight of her or something but something activated Two-Pump Chump mode. I couldn't feel anything through a condom (and never did) and pretty much had a shitty time all around. On the upside, I found out my friend's girlfriend bought those small-ish condoms for him. They didn't fit him, so he gave them to me. I gave him hell for a month thanks to that shit.
been there, bro.
Don't lose heart! First times are usually a bit rough, and an experienced partner will--or at least should--be understanding of any fumbles you make because they've most likely been there themselves, in one way or another. Less-than-excellent performance the first time (or several times) is not merely okay, it's to be expected. Don't equate yourself with your performance the first time you have sex. As for the lack of protection thing, my general sense is that's generally an unwise thing to do outside of a monogamous relationship, even if she is, or claims to be, on the pill. So I'd say avoid doing it in the future, though the odds are you'll get away with doing it just once. (They do make larger condoms if endowment's the issue there.) If you're still preoccupied by the risk, getting tested is probably the best way to set your mind at rest. As for this nonsense in the other comments, at least if my own experience is any guide, you'd have to be fapping a lot more than once a day for it to impact your sex life negatively. I suspect the problem with being able to get it up was more "performance anxiety" than anything else--which, as I said, is normal and to be expected.
Don't worry about it, it's normal; get tested if it'll set your mind at ease; keep fapping if you like it Edit: I see GatorChomp beat me to the punch. What he said.
It's always better. My first time was when I was 19 and with a 24-year-old. It was all going good for a minute give or take until I started going numb and then...nothing. She tried using her hands and mouth to bring it back to no avail. I tried going in the bathroom and jerking it back to life, but nothing. I was pretty depressed and frustrated about it for a few weeks and eventually stopped seeing that woman. The next year I was 20 and got with this hooott 18-year-old with a ton of experience and sure enough, it was fantastic! For 45 seconds. But then we cuddled for a bit and she guided my hands to her vagina and sure enough I got hard again...and went for about 75 minutes (I kept looking at the digital clock by my bed). Luckily, at that age you have two things going for you: If they it's your first time you're almost expected to cum quickly. Your recovery time is almost superhero-like. As long as you know your inexperience will lead to a quick first time (nobody ever told me), there's no need to freak out about it--just switch in to girl-pleasuring mode until you get hard again.
First time is bad for most guys; I literally had almost the same situation as you. Don't get depressed, just try it again. You'll probably cum quick, but if you keep at it during the same session you'll more than likely have great sex.
The only way you're going to have a chance at being correct in this is if time have no bearing on this...starting from the corner gives you a more consistent, but far inferior on average, start. Starting from the corner gives you 5/8 of the squares bomb-free, but only 1/4 of the area to expand stupid to make the arguement that 62.5% less bombs is worth a drop in 75% expansion. Further proof still (they also make the arguement that corner is SAFER, but NOT BETTER): ...if that's not convincing enough, go watch any "pro" or fast minesweeper video and I can guarantee they start around the middle. They're going to be hovering the F2 key to restart a new game and just spam middle clicks and F2 until they get a good start...while I was more of a casual player and never used this "try hard" method, it is by far the most efficient way to drop times in your games after switching to double-click (though, double-click is really only helpful in expert and sometimes in intermediate) EDIT: I've actually started a lot of games from the top/bottom edges and that seems to be a very good concession of the two.
You're math isn't necessarily wrong, you're just looking at it the wrong way...if you want to play a game like minesweeper (that usually requires guessing/chance to complete) for completion percentages go right ahead...I just don't see the point in playing that way...if I'm going for accuracy/completion then I set something like "I want to see how many I can complete "in under 100 seconds" since a percentage of games completed isn't a proper attribute of skill.
i tried to close the window by hitting the 'x'
im dumb.
I'm glad you're seeing the light XD ...I'm not sure that giving you a free square when the chances are already low matters enough to make an impact: 30x16 array makes 480 squares and 99 bombs gives you a 79.375% chance of hitting an empty square on the first click...making that 100% isn't really making much of a difference Now, that becomes even less important when you consider that someone going for a record/fast time isn't going to continue until they hit a large expanse...something that very rarely happens on the first try and usually takes numerous clicks...say 3 clicks and the total percentage is (forgive me for not making lazy stats) 35% vs 49% which is only 14% difference -- meaning you'd have to spend roughly 1/8th more time before getting a good start at 3 clicks and that figure is only going to dwindle as the number of clicks are increased. when I would go for a personal best time, I wouldn't start playing unless I had an expanse of roughly 1/5 of the board showing--whether that be one huge expanse or multiple small ones Further more, the "free click" versions of Minesweeper (post-XP) aren't even legal for competition and official scores. ...not trying to be pretentious in this last bit (or any of my posts...full intent is to make other people better players) but a serious player just isn't going to use the windows version at all...there is a special "official" version. I remember that it kept track of stats that shown the amount of skill for any given game (taking into consideration the empty spaces and the amount of work needed to pass the level) and it might have even have a feature which records games for playback. Edit: Here's the site for "official minesweeper records" -- the download section has the "hard-core version of minesweeper if anybody wants to try it out:
Just trying to help people get better and middle is still best...sorry if I came off abrasive at all...I've got an obsession with providing sources/examples when I try to convince people of something, hence the long posts. Check out if you're interested in the serious side of the game XD
There are equal chances that a corner will contain a bomb as any other square...yet clicking he corner only provides insight on up to 3 neighboring squares compared to 8 if starting from the middle. After that first click you have only 3 moves to follow up with...if any if those has a bomb you have no "free" moves...if going from he middle you have options under the same circumstances.
Corner is the worst possible first move...sometimes natural instincts aren't helpful at all.
This is for a 2 month relationship? Your 19 you don't need this, and you clearly don't work together. She sounds immature and loves drama - although she's young so maybe she will grow out of it. But just like whatever she wants you to change, it won't happen in 5 days.
this is in no way worth it.
I agree, I think splitting checks is tacky. As a female, however, I always feels slightly awkward when the bill comes on a first date. I much prefer when the guy smoothly has his credit card/cash out and just hands it to the server. So then there is no awkward moment when we're both staring at the check. Then I will proceed to thank him for dinner and offer to buy drinks after dinner. This also leads to extended date time :). After the 3rd or 4th date is when I will start alternating paying for dinners, tickets etc.. And for the guys, if she does not start buying a few drinks, dinners etc by the 3rd or 4th date, she is probably high maintenance and you should run far far away.
Guys should just pay the bill without her noticing on the first few dates. If she doesn't return the favor after 3 dates, move on.
Although this (like most things) might differ from man to man, here is my opinion: I think it's a nice gesture, since not offering to pay any of it seems as if you expected him to pay the bill in the first place. Normally, if he has manners he would insist at least once on paying it after your suggestion. Then let him. If you enjoyed your time together you could add something like "Ok, I'll pick it up the next time ;)" which gives him a positive feedback and steers him towards not having any doubts about "should I ask her out again?". Furthermore it gives you feedback as well. If he enjoyed it as well he won't be able to not smile on that comment. The worst that could happen: There won't be a second date but the first one didn't cost you anything but your time. Last but not least a scenario like that would at least take a little weight off of that awkward moment at the end, since it just became more clear for both of you that you (both) had a great time!
I think it's not threatening at all, it shows manners... do it but let him pay anyway ;)
It really comes down to your teammates. Do they have the patience to wait out a Katarina that sits on top of ward? If so, push that tower to the ground. If they're getting upset or playing recklessly, you're going to want to follow and try to turn the fight around. Or prevent it all together. If for instance your mid laner roams top and your top lane is wardless, ping and call MIA, but you're going to want to follow just in case.
Depends on the skill/awareness/patience of your team.
I don't really see a problem. It is just a surrender box with colours. All you are doing is jumping on the season 3 patch hate train.
Downvote me plz
I agree with you in most of what you said. The problem I see is that football players now that they will get "banned" for doing shit and behaving like douches. We dont know if IWDominate knew that he can get banned from professional gaming. He knew that his account may get permabanned but that is his personal problem. Imho its right to ban players from professional games if they act like IWDominate did but you should get a warning like: "Hey IWDominate change your behaviour or we will ban you from the professional scene".
Ban justified, correct way to handle the situation from Riot? Imo no!
It's definately a good step to "clean up" in high elo territory for once, especially when players get money from Riot to be a professional gamer and represent their game. On the other hand though, the times I've seen IWD on streams he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. There's joking trash talking in almost all games and since the introduction of the Tribunal everybody has grown really thin-skinned. Now I don't say that what he did was right but a year long ban is also a grave punishment for somebody who relies on tournament earnings (aka pro players). Being probably 10 years above the age of the average league player I don't really get upset about flaming (which seems to be what IWD has been banned for); everyone has bad games/days every now and then and of course, you only hear about the bad ones on the Tribunal. On the other hand you have players like Dyrus who troll and feed on purpose (on a stream with 10k viewers no less) or just afk/ragequit games. As a player I'd rather have somebody on my team who's raging at me for making a mistake (nobody rages at somebody for no reason to be honest) than somebody who's actively working for the other team to win. Of course, we won't see any punishment for Dyrus though because Riot loves TSM for some reason (also inb4 fanboy downvotes).
If Riot really wants punishment this harsh for the pro players that made their game famous in the first place they should hold all pro players to the same standards. Also stop getting upset about words, people.
I will start by stating I have been a Riot supporter since day 1, starting with beta and introducing many many people to the game. I truly have believed in what riot's mission has been thus far. However, Riot did destroy his league career. You think LoL will be around as the most competitive game for another 5 years? Think again, this year is the single most important year to date, and will determine whether this is a feasible approach to eSports professional gaming. Of which IWD has put in substantial time and effort in helping develop the pro scene to this point as he has been a part of it for an extensive amount of time. Gaming has, and always will be full of gamers. Since the beginning of gaming, people get hyped/emotional/jabber mouthed/etc. when things do not go as intended. This ranges from a 2 year old to a 50 year old. I have not been punished by the tribunal on any of my accounts, ever. However from the start of tribunal being implemented in the way it is, it started off being a GREAT idea, and quickly was realized that not all god ideas are implemented properly. This was the start, since first time since playing this game over 3 years ago that I have been disappointed with Riot. And this very harsh implementation only leaves me with a taste in my mouth that riot is pushing more towards catering to its masses (not top 20% elo) players, just as WoW did in its beginning after Blackwing lair I believe it was called. They made everything easy mode and more accessible to the casual gamer and continued to do so from what I've been told. I see this game doing the same thing in a different way, punishing players by perma-banning is already excessive considering the amount of time and money put in by the individual. This in itself is trying to change the nature of online gaming, competitive gamers as I stated above have historically had a raging nature. That is why they are playing a PURELY PVP based game. The root disruption of the game in my opinion is not typing ragers, you have plenty of options if your feelings are hurt by keystrokes. The biggest problem is people who do not communicate in team select/afk-ragequitter's. This disrupts the game the most, I have had plenty of ragers in my games and there is a mute button for each player in the game that any moron can figure out. If your feelings are hurt so much in a competitive environment I suggest you stick to candyland because regardless of Riot's stance on this, this behavior towards less skilled players will be in EVERY competitive style game til the end of gaming. The best players, want to win.
Poor decision by riot trying to make a purely competitive pvp style game into happy joy land style game that appeals to the majority (masses), as this will never be successful d/t the nature of the most competitive players. This may be their focus in this game and people will adapt at that level for now, however this will be the nature of all very high competitive players forever.
I've been having a helluva lot of fun with this game since I bought it. Tight gun play, challenging/rewarding system with capturing camps and turning on cell towers. good sneak mechanics, nice graphics. It has all the game I could ever want. Oh and one giant island to explore? oh why ubisoft I thought you would never ask! YES YES THAT IS WHAT I WANT. MORE OF THIS GAME.
damn fine game, worth the 60 bucks(well 65 with tax). (I hear the multiplayer is good too, just haven't played it yet)
End it. I'm not a woman but I've been in exactly your situation. Eventually it was her lies that were the last straw - finding out that she'd been binge eating and hiding it from me for years was kinda a break of trust. But that aside, you're not happy. And it's not fair to string someone along who you don't really want to be with. I stayed with my ex for a good couple of years because I loved her and I just wanted her to change back into the girl I used to be attracted to. All that time I thought she would and had hope, but even with her (fake) efforts (and binge eating), she just kept getting bigger. I tried encouraging us both to be healthier, and eventually I told her the truth about how I felt. That didn't help either and shortly after we broke up... and I am so much happier for it! I don't have all that stuff hanging over me all the time, I'm not thinking about it when I'm with her, I don't feel like crap every time I get horny, and I'm not wondering what she's stuffing in her face while I'm at work. As far as I know she hasn't changed her habits, a year on. If she's happy like that then good for her, but I just couldn't share my life with someone like that.
break it off, for the good of both of you. Unless you honestly believe she'll change and want to change.
By "your place" and "her place" do you mean that you each live indecently of parents? I think this makes moving in together more fun , don't you? But seriously, don't move in together until both of you have a clear understanding of each other's home habits: How clean is she? What will she tolerate? How much does she nag when she doesn't toolerate something? What chores does she despise? Toilet paper over or under? Pets? How much clutter will she bring/generate? How prompt is she with her rent?
give yourself enough time to determine whether she's a good roommate.
Harken all to my tale of dream pissing, for I have been further down the rabbit hole than you could possibly have imagined. Disclaimer, as impossible as this is to prove it did actually happen as stated. You'll just have to take my word on it. Now, I've been there, done that with the 'dream-pissing-into-real-life-pissing' and so when I was about 8 I had a dream where I was pissing. Suddenly realizing it was a dream, I forced myself awake, mortified that I had wet the bed. Luckily, I hadn't, so I went to the bathroom to really piss. But as I stood over the toilet, I realized I was yet still dreaming! I awoke to discover that the bed had been wet, and was furious with myself, only to realize I was in yet another dream--so I forced myself awake one last time, to actual reality, where the bed was dry, and pissed in the toilet.
For those keeping count, I had a dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream, and it was very confusing when I actually woke up.
Yep. Their policies were given an excellent chance for success as a result of the Bush administration. The results have been economic disaster and a loss of regard for the US internationally. People can be fooled by propaganda for a while and some people will buy a story until the day they die. Eventually, though, the smart ones will no longer be able to deny their own experiences and observations and won't buy the bullshit from the right wing media. Most people in the US right now have realized that this worship of "job creators" is utter bullshit and doesn't work for either the economy or the majority of Americans. The public is getting tired of being nickel and dimed on stagnant wages while companies have record profits and their candidate for president is ridiculously wealthy but wants a tax break. The "GOP is best on national security" has been shown to be a lie from things like the fallout of the idiocy that was the Iraq war and Obama getting Bin Laden after Bush admitted that Bin Laden wasn't a priority. Latino voters are no longer a "religion and we hate Cuba" voting bloc and the immigration positions of the GOP have been almost designed to piss Latino voters off.
Yeah, time for new policies
I feel like I grew up in crazy town. I'm 30 and my parents are in their late 60s and have been making 500k+ combined for decades. They always have been democrats and voted for their taxes to go up when it was up to them to vote. Until I got to college I didn't realize how many selfish well-to-do people there were. Until I went to college I also never realized how many more non-well-to-do-people there were. My parents always distilled in me something to the matter of "we are very, very, lucky to live like this" and also "never spend more than you have unless it is absolutely necessary." If anyone is interested I make about 50k a year but I live in San Francisco so 50k isn't 50k in most places.
My parents are baby boomers but they know what is up. Might come from the fact that their parents were in a variety of concentration camps during the holocaust. They have a good idea of what real oppression is. Not this I CANT TEACH CREATIONISM IN SCHOOL "oppression."
According to these that is not the case. Under Clinton, Revenue increased by an average of 6% per year while Spending increased by an average of 1%. Under Bush, Revenue increased by an average of .4% per year while Spending increased by an average of 4%. So while you are absolutely correct that as a whole Spending has increased at a faster rate than Revenue has, that figure is skewed significantly by the fact that Revenue was slashed under Bush while Spending continued to increase. Had the 6% increase in Revenue been adhered to under Bush, then on average Revenue would have increased 2% faster than Spending. So while you could theoretically argue that the drastic increase in the rate of Spending under Bush was due to an unsustainable precedent set by Clinton, had Bush maintained the increase in revenue set forth by Clinton, he would have maintained the surplus that he inherited . In fact, that surplus would, today, have grown by nearly $1.4T. And that's accounting for a $500B+ increase in spending (under Obama) that arguably would not have been necessary had the increase in revenue been maintained. I'm not an economist so I'm more than happy to be proven wrong if I'm mistaken.
You're right, spending increased faster than revenue. But only if you ignore the deep cuts to revenue made under Bush.
There is most certainly inflation, but not as measured by CPI. When we talk about inflation we simply think of it as consumer price stuff, buying bread and milk at the shops kind of stuff. The 10 years leading up to the GFC, the Fed increased total money supply by about 85% and CPI only rose by about 35%. There is a 50% difference here, any guesses as to where it went? Remember, money just doesn't disappear. The housing price bubble was nothing more than inflation in the price of assets, hence the term Asset Price Inflation (API). We had the GFC because the Fed kept money supply too loose leading up to it and when you added in a few other factors, it all kinda blew up. Anyway, that term API isn't even acknowledged by the Fed or for that matter any other reserve bank around the world. Currently QE is leading to inflation, just not CPI (which has had it's definition changed last year to reduce, lower CPI -> lower gov. payments linked to CPI) but it is turning up in API. Bond prices are currently inflated beyond belief, as well as current stock prices, precious metals and commodities. QE doesn't work, never worked in Japan and it never will in the US. The current problem is a structural issue that can only be addressed by the government, not something that can be fixed with the one tool the Fed knows how to use.
There IS big inflation, just not as measured by CPI (which the gov changes the definition of anyway to manufacture a lower number) but in assets Stagflation bitchezz
China holds about 8% of all US bonds. The majority of US bonds are held by the federal government in trust funds, the federal reserve and private citizens. The "what if China dumped" is a non-issue. Short term reactions would include a slightly weaker dollar, which would result in some minor pain for private citizens purchasing imports that would be difficult to replace domestically (like oil) but the weaker dollar would also drive US manufacturing since it would make the US more competitive internationally. Overall, this would translate into an inconvenience for the average American, not a tragedy. What amuses me when I hear about this threat is the fact that China tries to keep the yuan pinned just below the dollar. So any shock that devalues the dollar will smash their economy. Let me explain: China relies heavily on iron and coal imports from Australia and Brazil to keep their factories running. If they leave the yuan below the dollar the price of those necessary imports will skyrocket and they'll be forced to eat the cost and with their severely low labor prices the additional costs will have to be rolled into their product prices, removing a huge part of their trade advantage internationally. If China unpins the Yuan from the dollar the US's desire for China's cheap goods will dry up, because they will cease to be cheap (this holds true for most of China's export markets). Without a buyer for their exports, China's economy will stall out and fail. Xinhua is toeing the national party line in the above quote. His statement has more to do with politics than anything else. They know dumping the bonds would be cutting off their nose to spite their face, they won't do it. What China will do is talk about the size of the debt and potentially dumping the bonds as a soft political tool.
If China dumps US bonds, US gas prices go up a bit, we get more manufacturing jobs and China's economy implodes.
Anecdotal Story: I had sex with my first boyfriend because I felt like if I didn't I would be a bad girlfriend. He was patient enough to say he would wait for as long as necessary and I still felt pressured into it. After the sex I also felt slutty and disgusting. It eventually ruined our relationship after two years. He was very patient and when I explained how I felt he said he'd rather wait than make me do something I didn't want to do. But I kept on having sex with him because I knew he wanted it; I'd even initiate because I thought it would make him happy. In the end I didn't even want him to touch me because if we were together (LDR) it seemed to lead to sex. That was even when my partner said he would wait, never said anything like "not being interested in a relationship that never leads to sex". So I can only imagine what your girlfriend is feeling right now; and what she needs is help and therapy, not more pressure. She may one day get more comfortable. But this could be years from now, so if you aren't willing to wait that long I would recommend backing out sooner rather than later. This doesn't sound like something that's going to go away quickly. There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. If you really can't see yourself able to go years without sex then this may not be the right relationship for you or her.
Which do you care about more: sex or being with her?
Wow, could they be any more vague reporting the cosmic ray thing? Perhaps the reason the IPCC is now more certain of AGW than they used to be is because all the dissenters have left this purely political organization that touts itself as a scientific one. On the cosmic rays: Greenhouse AGW says the lower atmosphere is where we should see the most warming but this is the part of the atmosphere where we see the least warming. Instead, the heat is accumulating in the upper atmosphere most strongly. I do not see any evidence implicating cosmic rays in the warming but this is a poorly understood area of physics. Since cosmic rays are co-located with the strongest warming it is certainly a valid idea that deserves attention. Personally, I think the upper atmosphere warming could be attributed to Mach's principle which has to do with the aether. Scientists are "99% sure there is no aether" but there is strong evidence that the aether exists. But I digest... we do not know anything about the aether. What we do know a little about is lightning and red sprites and blue jets These three things -- lightning, sprites and jets -- are atmospheric phenomena that we do not understand; however, the IPCC ignores this ignorance. Instead, they represent that physical processes in the atmosphere are well understood. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Firstly, there is no known physical model that can explain the large scale accumulation of charge that leads to lightning. Then in the upper atmosphere above lightning (where the strongest warming is seen) we have these sprites and jets that move faster than 10% of the speed of light. Why are there crazy relativistic effects associated with lightning? We can't even begin to address that since we haven't been able to come with a model for atmospheric lightning. Then beyond the mystery of lightning, we have the deeper mystery of jets and sprites occurring in the same part of the atmosphere as the strongest warming. Indeed, red sprites live in the thermosphere so it is not far fetched that this process is related to temperature.
We don't understand the physical processes in the atmosphere very well but IPCC represents like we have a good grasp on things. The IPCC should emphasize the scientific community's ignorance, not its unwarranted certainty.
There is some misinformation in that article. The soldier simply said he wore the uniform in Vietnam. As most people know, when you change duty stations, you remove your old patches and add the new ones from your new assignment. It is very possible that the soldier served in both Vietnam and later on the DMZ in South Korea. It is very likely that the uniform could have been worn in Vietnam. To actually disprove the claim that the uniform was worn in Vietnam, you have to prove somehow that the uniform wasn't made until after the conflict, if that is possible. Simply looking at the patches tells us nothing other then where else the uniform has likely been. Edit: The article is a good read so you get an upvote from me for adding to the discussion and pointing me towards something I haven't read before. Thanks :)
Using a patch to say where a uniform hasn't been is like seeing a Texas license plate on a car and proclaiming it has never been to California.
Woah dude, she's freaking about a damn movie? It sounds like she may be a bit immature and you're definitely taking things too harsh. If you can't resolve a simple issue like this, she's going to take you for a lot more money down the road.
Don't be pussy whipped by her jealousy.
Link]( TIFU by combining magnets with my urethra [NSFW] I am the luckiest dumbass ever to live. So I had the weekend at home to myself. My flatmate had gone away, a little me-time was scheduled. Now, I like to experiment. I'd heard about sounding (sticking things into the urethra) and thought I'd give it a go. Initial experiments were unsuccessful- chopsticks were a little large for my virgin pee-hole. No big deal, I'm sure I can find something else. Now, a little history. Do you know what Buckyballs are? They are a type of office toy, really popular a couple of years back. They are small, spherical, strong magnets. Pretty neat, they can be combined into all sorts of cool shapes. Also, they form into a lovely string. Can you see where this is going? Well, wouldn't you know it, a string of buckyballs slides up the urethra just perfectly. Like it was made for it. It's a beautiful thing. I pass away a happy afternoon plumbing the depths; these things can go a long way! And the further they go, believe me, the better it feels. Readers. Readers who have owned Buckyballs. Do you see my error? Do you see how this delicate chain of balls, so exquisitely suited to its purpose, holds my doom? So, evening rolls around. I decide on one last plunge. This cop is a day from retirement. This space miner has discovered a nest of funny-looking eggs. This hitchhiker is rolling up to the Bates Motel. And this is one last plunge. In they go. Ten, twenty, thirty beads. More. Forty? Fifty? I don't count. I don't care. It feels good. I feel at this point I must explain a little more about buckyballs. I have described them as a chain; this is not so. Each ball is separate, only held to the next by its magnetism. And what do magnets love to do? They love to stick together. Remember this. I did not. My last plunge, my final dive continues. Soon, better than half a metre of magnets is inside me. I am through the prostate, through the sphincter, in the bladder. I push on. I hit the top of the bladder. I am possessed. I push on. The buckyballs, the magnets, start to bend and curve back towards themselves. Still, I push on. -click- I hear a sound from deep within me. The sound of two magnets meeting and mating. Suddenly my beautiful chain of balls is a tangled magnetized lump. In my bladder. This is the worst possible thing. But now I have lengthened my tale overlong. Panic stations were activated, rationality and sobrerity returned, and I started to pull. Gently, oh so gently I pulled. This chain, this thin chain of balls was still held together only by magnetism and hope, and now there was resistance. At any moment the chain could break, would break, was certain to break. And if it did, there would be no hope. Nothing short of surgery would remove them. Still the chain held. All the way down, right down to the penis. Did you know, the smallest diameter part of the whole system is the end of the penis? I do. Oh, I do. It stuck. A magnetic lump of steel, a centimetre wide, stuck an inch from freedom. Locked behind my penile gates. The chain broke. Many times, the chain broke. But the blockage was so close to the end that, with care, it could be reattached. Only to break again. Of note here is the pinching. I hope you do not know the pain of a thin layer of penile skin being pinched repeatedly between two powerful magnets. There was blood. Even now it throbs. The end, however, was in sight. The magnet clump was out of the danger zone, the operation zone; it was in my penis. I could control it. I could win. And, with the help of a knife and a ballpoint pen lid, I did.
I'm not sure I'd advise sticking 74 magnets up your dick.
Link]( TIFU by falling asleep while watching porn. This happened 2 days ago, but I digress. And throwaway because the involved person in this story is a redditor and I would like them to never think or read about this scenario ever again. 2 nights ago I get home from work and ask my roommate if she wants to go for a drive to pick up some groceries. I'm pretty tired so I tell her I'm going to nap for an hour and then we can go, and she agrees. While I'm nestled into my bed, nature calls and I decide to grab my laptop in order to fulfill my animalistic desires. I find some good porn and begin to fap (or shlick? whatever girl fapping is). I finish happily, and I'm super exhausted. The porn is still going on but I say fuck it and just close my eyes.. I wake up to the sound of someone opening my bedroom door, and I'm so shocked by the fact that my bare ass is facing the door and I have lesbian fetish porn on my laptop a foot away from my face, that the only thing I can do is just pretend to still be sleeping. I hear my roommate gasp and say "SHIT" and closes the door really quietly. I wait a long ass minute before getting up and collecting myself at the situation that has just occurred. I then went upstairs and acted like I didn't know it happened, and so did she.
I fell asleep after masturbating to porn and my roommate came to wake me up, catching a full view of my bare ass and vagina as well as fetish lesbian porn on the laptop next to my face. We are pretending it didn't happen.
Link]( TIFU. Dutch-ovened myself, puked. Last night, I decided to go out for ice cream. I'm lactose intolerant, but my stomach hasn't been acting up lately, so I thought I'd have a treat. I had a cone and I felt fine, other than a little rumbling in my stomach before bed. That night, I had a strange dream, where I was being chased by a monster through a jungle. I kept running, and pulling down leaves, in hopes that I'd trip up the beast. I could feel it getting closer, and I found myself being overcome by waves of nausea as its rancid breath washed over me. I shrieked, as my leg caught on a vine and I went sprawling across the jungle floor, the beast's breath filling my lungs and making me cough and choke... And then I woke up, still coughing, and realized that I'd pulled all of my blankets over my head, trapping in a night's worth of half-digested milkfarts. The smell was so powerful that I barfed in my mouth, splattering specks of puke willy-nilly as I wrestled my way out of the stanky blankies. Then I took a shower and did one of those things where you slide down the wall and cry, as the realization that I farted so bad that it gave me a nightmare fully sank in.
Dutch ovened myself, barfed. I'm also probably never going to go to the jungle or eat ice cream again.
Link]( TIFU while peeing. Just happened. I'm wearing gym shorts. You know, elastic waistband? So I'm doing my business when my thumb slips off the waistband, causing it to shoot up into my exposed gentlemen vegetables. This resulted in a rather spectacular stream of homemade lemonade covering the side of the bowl, the floor next to it, the shower curtain and parts of the bathtub.
Thumb slipped, junk whipped, everything dripped.
Link]( TIFU my tongue. So today, I fucked up my tongue. I was helping a customer look for something in the grocery store I work at, and the item wasn't on the shelf. It was a certain brand of frozen ravioli that we sell. I told her I'd go in to the walk-in freezer and take a look around. So far, fairly normal. No problem. I go to the walk-in, open it up and go inside. I look around and don't see any boxes with that company's logo. Then I see the big, metal wheeled carts that we stack the bags of ice and other frozen products on. They're bare metal, and about 6' tall. I see the bare metal, and in a moment of infinite genius, I think to myself: " I wonder if my tongue would get stuck to that like in the movies ". (I live in an area that experiences no snow or ice in the winter, so I honestly would have no way of knowing) Well, in another moment of my infinite genius, my brain decides " Let's not just wonder... let's find out! Experiment time! " Tongue comes out, touches metal, and the shock of the cold causes me to jerk my head back. I feel resistance as I jerk back. Then I taste blood. Then I see, on the cart, a small little patch of tongue that used to belong to me. Luckily the damage I inflicted on myself wasn't too bad. IT stopped bleeding after a couple of minutes and it doesn't hurt any more than a moderate food burn would.
I'm a fucking moron
When i began maining ADCs i played vayne, because when you've mastered here, shes more rewarding then any ADC. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that Vayne is bad in all-in situtations if she doesnt have ult (Pre 6). You can do amazing plays with her (1 sec invis op in TFs), also she is a "hypercarry" (Means that she will carry way better then most carrys, because of her absurd damage.) Cait however is quite the opposite. She is really good early game because of her long range (650, most ranged ADs have 550) therefor its easy to snowball early on. However i believe she has the lowest damage lategame, someone calculated that.
If you want to play aggro early on get Caitlyn, if you want to play passive and farm play vayne.
You're leaving out the other side. She wasn't like, "hows the weather" and he replied "how many orgasms?" She was unhappy with her relationship with her husband and was confiding in her boss her frustrations with the lack of intimacy in her own marriage. Thats where the Lamborghini comment came from. She was bitching that her husband never put out which he replied with "thats like having a Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it".
The assistant was crossing the line just as much as he was.
Maybe I'm missing a big point, but if I may propose some follow-up questions: How is this different from the inflammation caused by strength training? When correlations are made between mood and exercise, it often seems the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are happier. Is this more for aerobic? Does the decreased inflammation throughout the entire healthy body outweigh the inflammation caused by exercise? Is there correlation between resistance training, where there can be a substantial inflammatory response, and depression? I realize /r/science and there may not be much more than speculation out there at this point, but just fuel for discussion/thoughts.
Exercise causes inflammation too, how is this different (or is it) from chronic inflammatory responses that may affect mood?
Why do you automatically assume they went off meds on their own? I don't. I consider it a possibility. a very major one as anyone with an ounce of sense would. hence why I asked. >Noncompliance with medication is a very common feature among bipolar patients. Rates of poor compliance may reach 64% for bipolar disorders, and noncompliance is the most frequent cause of recurrence. I also wanted to be clear in case any poor unfortunate read his post and did something monumentally stupid and suicidal as a result because with the limited information he gave someone could actually get hurt. as in real people. really dead. >We conclude that noncompliance with medication is associated with suicidal ideation. Encouraging people with serious mental health issues to go off their meds or to self medicate is a very bad idea. there's a lot of "alternative" scammers who do just that telling them that their problems can be solved with magic water or vitamin tablets and well meaning dupes repeat it thinking they're helping people.
piss off. You're not adding to the discussion, you're not being insightful.
Something must be redirecting you. I'm running Google Chrome / adblock, and it's fine here. [See included picture]( Also I scanned the latest windows binary, no viruses.
I am serious when I post links. I will never post something misleading or that contains viruses. *Edit: Damn your username!
If you ever need anything searched, PM me. That was not a challenge, but honestly I've been on the net since 96; I love a challenge, have not came up empty yet. (Not withstanding impossible searches like: (pink elephants with blue dildos having sex with albino midgets.)
I have a twisted mind, can find most anything.
I actually had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) so I have been "masturbating" for as long as I could remember. As a young child I would actually lay on a chair or similar object and the pressure on my clit would bring me to orgasm. There was sometimes a bit of humping involved, but not really. It's hard to explain. I never understood why I got in trouble for doing it so I would do it behind closed doors and do everything I could not to get caught. It felt good and my parents never told me why it was bad so I did it anyway. I also enjoyed riding in the small seat/shelf in shopping carts for the same reason. As a female I was able to press against the metal bar that went between my legs and it felt good. My parents didn't know I was doing anything bad -- which I liked -- but it took longer to reach orgasm and sometimes didn't work at all -- which I didn't like. It wasn't until I was much older (and even a bit after my "birds & the bees" talk) that I realized I was actually masturbating and that I understood why my parents would yell at me for doing it. I felt so stupid and it felt so wrong. Even after this discovery, however, I continued to masturbate in the same way because I didn't know any different. Eventually I learned "normal" ways of masturbating and have only gone back to "chair humping" once when I couldn't orgasm after over an hour and was very frustrated. I was able to orgasm with my old method but it wasn't very satisfying.
Had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) and have been masturbating for as long as I can remember.
I'm not entirely sure this is a serious question. Your average gym membership is $40/mo. That breaks down into roughly $10/week or $2 per weekday (most people don't hit the gym on the weekend, but we need this number later, so it ends up being roughly $1.43/day). In order to recoup your losses to the gym, you need to be able to make back $1.43 while at the gym every weekday. I suggest investing into a medium-risk mutual fund. I had success with the T.Rowe Price mutuals before with returns on average around 6% (beating out the national average when banks were giving decent interest rates on savings accounts by a whopping 3-4%). Therefore, in order to make (on average) the $1.43 required, you would need to have almost $8,500 invested to "get swole off the interest". EDIT: In fact, you wouldn't need that much since I ballparked; a more accurate daily-cost would be that $40/mo * 12 / 356 (which is $1.35). If we assume that down years drop to 2% return, and that would be a really down year for a medium-risk investment [casual aside, during the housing market crisis I had a medium-risk investment with T.Rowe Price and it returned 4%, so we're being pretty cautious here], then you would need $24,000 invested to cover the cost in earned. Also, and this does warrant being brought up, but these are dividends and therefore are taxable. You will have to look to your own tax bracket to determine exactly how much you will end up paying to the government, but you can usually assume that 30% will cover it; so take whatever investment is required, and we'll use that $24,000 for our example, and add an additional 30% to cover the taxes lost (though these are not strictly linearly related, we can basically treat them that way for small amounts).
invest $31,200 into a medium-risk mutual fund and use the dividends earned to pay for your gym membership.
The place I work at has a pretty old guy for an administrator/janitor-manager, who generally just annoys me a little by saying hello to me and when I say it back, he doesn't hear me and complains that I lack politeness. But one day, he uttered something that was hard to believe. We had a problem with the janitor who didn't clean as often as needed and called the administrator to solve the situation. He then proceeded to wonder what is the problem, because 'we had a room full of women - very good for cleaning and mopping floors'. From then on, I do not bother to make sure he hears the 'Hello' in the morgnings. Tit for tat or in this case, lack of respect for lack of respect.
Old administrator still believes that if a janitor isn't doing his/her job, the women should pick up the slack.
In a products liability tort action involving a manufacturing defect, all the middlemen may be joined in the suit and found strictly liable (meaning they may be found liable without proof of careless or fault). The reasoning is that although they did not cause the defect, they nonetheless sold a product that was defective. Most jurisdictions impose joint and several liability, which means each of the defendants is liable for the entire amount of the damages though the plaintiff may only collect up to the amount of the injury (to clarify, if one of the defendants is insolvent or has no insurance, the other defendants bear the load so that the victim's collection is not reduced). There are two major schools of view in tort law, there is the non-instrumentalist view as nuttybuddy mentioned, that the purpose of tort law is to redistribute injury to compensate the victim because the corporations have deeper pockets and can more reasonably handle the damages. The instrumentalist view, which is more of an economical approach, is that the purpose of tort law is to discourage non-efficient behavior, making everybody better off as a whole.
google products liability, manufacturing defects
Pretty weak argument. I'll grant you there are two baseball teams, but the Cubs are way more popular than the Sox. I understand Chicago demographics...North side Cubs fans are the douchebag rich white people while the south side is lower class, more minorities and Sox fans. I'm generalizing here. The suburbs, the rest of Illinois and Iowa are Cubs fans for the most part. So it's safe to say that the MAJORITY of Bears fans are Cubs fans as well. Or at least, the Cubs are the most popular team among Bears fans. And yes, generally speaking, people from a city are fans of every team of that city. A transplant to Chicago will still cheer for his hometown team. A FIB who moves elsewhere will continue to cheer for the Chicago team. So saying someone will adopt the Cubs but not the Bears is pretty silly. Maybe as a fairweather Cubs fans...well, that doesn't make sense...maybe as a douchebag who goes to games because it's the thing to do, but not a TRUE Cubs fan.
FIBs cheer for the Bears and Cubs. Yes, there are exceptions, but there is a high enough correlation among the two fan bases to accurately say "they have pretty much the same fan base"
Baseball is different from any other sport, very different. For instance, in most sports you score points or goals; in baseball you score runs. In most sports the ball, or object, is put in play by the offensive team; in baseball the defensive team puts the ball in play, and only the defense is allowed to touch the ball. In fact, in baseball if an offensive player touches the ball intentionally, he's out; sometimes unintentionally, he's out. Also: in football,basketball, soccer, volleyball, and all sports played with a ball, you score with the ball and in baseball the ball prevents you from scoring. In most sports the team is run by a coach; in baseball the team is run by a manager. And only in baseball does the manager or coach wear the same clothing the players do. If you'd ever seen John Madden in his Oakland Raiders uniform,you'd know the reason for this custom. Now, I've mentioned football. Baseball & football are the two most popular spectator sports in this country. And as such, it seems they ought to be able to tell us something about ourselves and our values. I enjoy comparing baseball and football: Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game. Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle. Baseball is played on a diamond, in a park.The baseball park! Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium. Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying. In football you wear a helmet. In baseball you wear a cap. Football is concerned with downs - what down is it? Baseball is concerned with ups - who's up? In football you receive a penalty. In baseball you make an error. In football the specialist comes in to kick. In baseball the specialist comes in to relieve somebody. Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness. Baseball has the sacrifice. Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog... In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play. Baseball has the seventh inning stretch. Football has the two minute warning. Baseball has no time limit: we don't know when it's gonna end - might have extra innings. Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we've got to go to sudden death. In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness. In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being. And finally, the objectives of the two games are completely different: In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line. In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! - I hope I'll be safe at home!
You're comparing apples to oranges, speaking of something you know little about and are making a jackass of yourself. Generalizing anything makes you look like a retard. That extra chromosome must run in your family...
Well look. It's obvious why she didn't want you to know. She was worried about this exact thing happening. You're paranoid that something went down and that she's just trying to play cover up. While it is wrong of her to try to be secretive of it, my gut tells me she's doing it on good intentions. She thought more drama would come of telling you than of you never finding out about a non-eventful night. The other week, my best friend slept in the same bed as my then recently ex-gf... And since things were ugly near the end, she even made a threatening suggestion that something would happen when he visited. But alas that was just a front. And she later admitted that when he came over she had to clear the air about that cuz she thought I may have mentioned it to him (i didn't). At which point he completely agreed that nothing was going to happen. On a sidenote however, years before I dated this girl. The same two had hung out secretly and at some instance drunkenly hooked up... And whether it was a different time period entirely or they were legitimately trying to cover up, they made it explicitly clear that nothing happened. Since I found out about it so long after the fact, I couldn't piece together the actual time frame from when it happened and when they were telling me nothing was going on.
from my experience I can say 99% sure nothing happened because you're in a relationship and friends respect that. She's just trying to protect you from your own anxiety... But I may be wrong, so talk it out with her.
i had some sort of food poisoning, and in about 4 hours from when it started, I had to go to the hospital. I think I had 2 bags of fluids. My roomate came home and I was fine and he said the word food, and I ran for the bathroom. But this time I realized I was starting to pass out. (I passed out once before) I couldn't really hear anymore, and knew I couldnt stand up past a hunch and it became hard to see. He dropped me off at the door to the ER where I wabbled in, and basically passed out at check in.
It's amazing how fast you can get dehydrated.
My fiance got hit by it for about 3 ish days of hard core vomit and shit. I was hit with EXTREME symptoms but only for about a day. I was in such intense stomach pain that when I had my first bout of diarrhea it induced vomiting which splashed out of the pot I had onto the floor. Where I lay for about 10 mins before the pain subsided slightly and I managed to clean everything.
it can be short and terrible or long and slightly less terrible.

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