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But once the sensation passes, and the politicians say "Oh! See how we listen to you?" They just sneak it through anyhow. | walkaway |
For example: Decades back, my city's school division wanted to include homosexual materials for kindergarten reading lists. 8 books on the 'mandatory' list for all classrooms. There was an uproar, there were fake "townhalls" and politicians attacked anyone opposing it, but the backlash was severe so it didn't pass. | walkaway |
Next year? 3 of the books were on the "suggested" list. The year after that 3 more... no votes, no uproar, no one could stop it. 6 of the 8 were in classrooms for 6 year olds to read. 😟 | walkaway |
Of course they were MILD compared to the outright p0rnography they teachers push on little kids these days: thin edge, eh? | walkaway |
Haven't heard of them since the 80's. | walkaway |
In Canada we had 'Consumers Distributing', that place was great! | walkaway |
I haven't worked there since around that time, too, so... LoL | walkaway |
Yep, I was a Service Merchandise warehouse monkey, grabbing the tickets for your purchase, putting the item in the cardboard tray, and sending it down the conveyor belt. Worst thing we ever had to deal with? Frickin' Power Rangers, it got so bad and we ran out of some so fast we sometimes had to send 3-4-5 of the same color Ranger to people because it was ALL WE HAD LEFT! | walkaway |
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Does anyone remember the Twitter megathread where someone asked what people's job in the commune would be and a shocking number of people unironically said their contribution would be fucking tarot readings | walkaway |
Useful idiots are always surprised when they are buried in the same hole as their intended victims. | walkaway |
A lot of the people who think that socialism will make life better really don't know what they're getting themselves into. | walkaway |
Also, I love the Reddit symbol on the guy's shirt. | walkaway |
The yellow teeth. 😂 | walkaway |
This gets posted every so often with a different "planned on being a...", but it is never not funny and always true to life. I especially love the detail of the slacked jawed, low testosterone look a lot of leftist men have. | walkaway |
Ah, the [Original Position Fallacy]( in action! | walkaway |
I got you [fam] ( | walkaway |
The revolution will be replete with librarians, dog walkers, puppy kindergarten teachers, and cooks. | walkaway |
I remember someone saying "tending to my garden", to which someone immediately replied "*your* garden?". | walkaway |
Reading tarot cards for a living in a capitalist society = viable (if you're good at it) | walkaway |
Reading tarot cards in any other system = nah. | walkaway |
They'll gladly dig the grave trench, then be shocked to be ordered into it... but like sheep they'll walk in, bleating all the way to the end. | walkaway |
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Remain in Mexico seems a better compromise... | walkaway |
Sorry but no. And fuck the Feds for fucking the States. | walkaway |
Good luck enforcing that shit. States rights. Supreme Court would knock that case out in a half hour plus commercials. | walkaway |
Force illegal aliens to remain in Texas? That sounds vastly unconstitutional... | walkaway |
Now we know what the goal of the Biden administration is: turn Texas into a Democrat hellscape. | walkaway |
As time goes on, these illegals are more conservative than people think. If majority actually were able to vote, we would be surprised. These people are coming from countries that are more left than Democrats; they may not like the policies the countries they are fleeing from. We should educate them. ;D | walkaway |
How are they going to keep them in Texas? Are they going to enforce checkpoints at the state border? | walkaway |
Why not just give Texas to Mexico and call it good? | walkaway |
If Texas secedes, I'm on their team. | walkaway |
Counter offer. Remain in Mexico. | walkaway |
Most immigrants, specially from central and South America end up being conservative. | walkaway |
Is it time? | walkaway |
Okay, then let them vote. FAFO. | walkaway |
How do they enforce this? 🙄 Maybe they aren't migrants anymore once they leave Texas? Asking for a friend. | walkaway |
Send them to Delaware, Biden’s lawn preferably | walkaway |
So does this mean Biden is going to build a border wall in texas? Or maybe border checkpoints? | walkaway |
Das rayycist | walkaway |
Too bad AG Ken Paxton is tied up in an impeachment trial, where the initial accuser just admitted they filed the complaint with zero evidence. | walkaway |
I feel like the timing of this policy isn’t just a coincidence. | walkaway |
We’ve always known. But the longer Biden goes without impeachment, the bolder he’s being with his plan. | walkaway |
Not conservative in the ways that make national level impacts. | walkaway |
Gay marriage? against. Abortion? Against. | walkaway |
Government hand outs, free healthcare, title 9 housing, universal basic income - all hardcore leftist priorities…..the illegal immigrant would gladly take and support the party that pushes it. | walkaway |
The illegals that want to assimilate into Americans are good people. The ones that I’ve personally met that are taking advantage of the system. Don’t care about this country and there’s a lot of them here. | walkaway |
Immigrants are trained to vote Democrat by their handlers. | walkaway |
>Why not just give Texas to Mexico and call it good? | walkaway |
Which is the same as giving Texas its independence. | walkaway |
Article says equip them with GPS monitoring devices such as ankle monitors and implement curfews. | walkaway |
It’s sounds….really idk, weird? Like, catch ‘em….tag ‘em….release and watch. Don’t we do that for researching wildlife? | walkaway |
No they don’t. Maybe socially, but they will vote Democrat for the free handouts. | walkaway |
They are fleeing horrible left wing countries, however, much like those fleeing CA they will continue to vote left wing whether through fraud or that the left will give them free stuff with our money | walkaway |
Right now illegal immigrants are getting more per month than our homeless vets. You think they will vote against that if the left promises to give them more? | walkaway |
I don’t know about that. I work in the restaurant industry and there are a lot of Mexicans and other Latinos in this industry. They are some of the hardest workers I know. And they actually take pride in their work unlike a majority of American’s I know. | walkaway |
And i say that as a conservative myself. | walkaway |
You omit that most Hispanics are deeply religious. If you stump abortion, they will follow. | walkaway |
>The illegals that want to assimilate into Americans are good people. The ones that I’ve personally .... Don’t care about this country | walkaway |
Which is it? | walkaway |
Remember, CA used to be Republican, until an activist judge said it was unconstitutional that voters passed a proposition to exclude illegal immigrants from welfare. | walkaway |
They’re trying to repeat that in Texas, obviously. | walkaway |
Mexico would like a word | walkaway |
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That aside, I love seeing the government being told “No”. | walkaway |
It’s a private company lol | walkaway |
I guess if the governments of the United States and Ukraine don’t like a company having this much input into how they wage a war they should be coming up with an alternative. | walkaway |
They’ve had enough time to figure something out. It’s been clear Elon isn’t excited about starlink being used in war for a while now. Figure your shit out. | walkaway |
Yes, good for Elon. Do not support this war or any war | walkaway |
Good for Elon. Do not support this war. | walkaway |
Congrats on Elon for not supporting the war. | walkaway |
It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Biden regime will do anything to stay in power including a hot war with Russia. They will use the rally around the president psyop during wartime to steal another election | walkaway |
Fuck the government - they're trying to outsource war just like they've outsourced censorship. | walkaway |
I really don't understand people. WHY should a private company be involved in war at all? Even weapons manufacturers aren't involved in war like this, they simply make the weapons and sell them to the US government who then gives them to Ukraine, they sure as shit aren't actually getting directly involved in the war. | walkaway |
Why is the US government even asking a private company to do all of this? Surely the US government can provide whatever assistance SpaceX would have provided here. | walkaway |
I was told another guy was going to push us into ww3. | walkaway |
So is Elon Musk admitting to having Space Weapons? | walkaway |
Remember back when hippies used to be against government wars? Now you're a traitor if you don't love war. | walkaway |
Gets me wet | walkaway |
Star link would not exist without governmental help/money/tax breaks. | walkaway |
You'd be surprised how much war private companies fight already. Food, MWR, commo, transport - it's mostly private companies. | walkaway |
Even security gets outsourced. | walkaway |
Your point? Tax breaks do not suddenly turn a private business into an arm of the government. | walkaway |
So? | walkaway |
Well it’s an egg or chicken question sometimes, do companies turn compliant towards government after getting breaks or do the companies that are compliant get breaks? | walkaway |
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Of course not, Graham is a two faced liar. I'll never forget him on Tucker, begging for people to vote for his reelection. Soon as he's in office, he's back to uniparty garbage. He loves sending money to Ukraine. | walkaway |
Graham is nothing but one of many, opportunistic quislings for the Bolshevik thugs occupying our systems and institutions. | walkaway |
Ironic that the witches are now doing the witchhunting in Georgia. | walkaway |
This is seriously crazy. Once the party in power starts arresting the opposition party it’s game over. They are using Jan. 6 as an excuse to arrest whomever they want | walkaway |
He’s safe. He is helping the neocons launder the cash in Ukraine. | walkaway |
Lindsey should ask zelensky for some money back | walkaway |
My favorite Lindsey Graham comment recently is calling for the assassination of Putin on Hannity and telling the Hannity viewers to send donations to him so he can send them to trump. The guy is a snake through and through | walkaway |
no one is safe as Stalin has proven. There is only those that thought they were safe and those that think they still are safe but their turn hasn't come yet | walkaway |
yep. There's a reason why democrats treat him, Romney, etc with kid gloves. | walkaway |
Also, lets not forget what the republicans are up to: | walkaway |
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