10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Bianca: How do I look? Kat: Shallow.
(happy) Thank you!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Kat: What do you want? Patrick: What you mean? Kat: I mean... Do you wanna deal me drugs? or steal my car? or harvest my organs? - Why are people scared of you? Patrick: Why are people scared of you? Kat: People are not scared of me...
[smiling] : Sure they are. That's why I find you interesting [he goes away in his motorcycle]
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Bianca: [to Kat] You've ruined my chances of being popular! Kat: I'm sorry, but that girl sucks. She's a teen-aged Kim Jong II. Bianca: Speak English, you show-off!
Kim Jong II, the dictator of North Korea!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Kat: [to Patrick] Why are people scared of you? Patrick: Why are people scared of you? Kat: People are not scared of me.
Sure they are. That's why I find you interesting.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Chastity: My neck is sore. Kat: That's probably from flipping your hair too much. Kat: Dad, you realize we know where babies come from, right? Walter: Do you realize where they come out? Trust me. Not pretty.
Kat and Bianca
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Walter: What's wrong with being popular? I loved it. I loved being captain of the football team... president of the Student Council. Any girl I wanted. Kat: Dad, that was Uncle Jimmy.
So, it was.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
(Kat confronting Chastity in the locker room) Kat: I'm here to talk about my sister.
Oh, what a coincidence! I was just about to send her to social Siberia.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Bianca: Great speech. Very inspiring.
Yeah, but no one cried.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Pilot [1.01]
Kat: We are going to high school, not the Academy Awards.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Michael: Cameron, how's it going?
Not so good. I feel weird. Ever since Bianca got here, my head has been filled with rainbows and Enya.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Bianca: Kat, I need your help.
Finally. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The next step is making you a brunette again.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Larry: You girls are late. Where were you?
We were having sex with the soccer team. It took longer than expected.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Kat: [after Walter suggests to Bianca to have a car wash for a fund raiser] Great idea, Dad! Half-naked cheerleaders, wet and soapy, standing on a street asking for money. Dr. Walter Stratford: No car wash. Bianca: Daddy.
Dr. Walter Stratford
No car wash!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Mandella: So you're not hoping to get a carnation? Not even a little tiny bit?
From who? Every guy here has the depth of an inflatable kiddy pool.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Bianca: Mail me to another family. Delivery Lady: Okay, but first, here's your dad's package.
I don't wanna think about my dad's package.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Charlie: ': (after leaving a carnation on Kat's desk) I showed you my flower. Now show me yours.
Leave... me... alone!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Kat: I just have one thing to say to you. I'm not that girl. Patrick: What girl? Kat: The girl who's turned on by the spat boy crap. I'm not skipping home to scribble in my journal that maybe you're a vampire.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
I Want You to Want Me [1.02]
Bianca: (about Chastity) Kat was right. For a popular girl, she is a teenage Long Duk Dong. Cameron: I'm sorry, who?
The dictator of North Korea.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Won't Get Fooled Again [1.03]
Patrick: [to Kat] Looking for me.
Yes, if you were the ladies' room.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Won't Get Fooled Again [1.03]
Kat: So, you snuck out of the house to go to a party, but you had the wrong address. How does that humiliation taste?
Like your stupid soy burgers.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Won't Get Fooled Again [1.03]
Walter Stratford: Bianca, calm down. I'll take you to the party... and I'll just wait for you in the car outside.
Sure, Dad, why don't you carry me in a BabyBjorn?
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Won't Get Fooled Again [1.03]
Kat Stratford: [referring to Bianca] If she is your little flower, what am I? Walter Stratford: You're my big, tough cactus!
Kat Stratford
Green, spiny and phallic. That's great, Dad.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Won't Get Fooled Again [1.03]
Bianca Stratford: When I go out, I have to file the flight plans with the FAA. But she gets to go out without questions asked? Walter Stratford: [to Kat] Gonna drink? Kat Stratford: No. Walter Stratford: Drugs? Kat Stratford: No. Walter Stratford: Sex? Kat Stratford: Gross.
Walter Stratford
[to Bianca] Satisfied?
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation [1.04]
Patrick: I think I finally figured you out. Drop trash on me, drag we in a detention, steal my backpack; you're obsessed with me.
Hmm. What can I say? We and me in this sexy vests, picking up trash, this sweet scent of garbage in the air... Welcome to my dream date.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation [1.04]
Patrick Verona: You can go. Kat Stratford: No. no, no ,no. I'm not gonna go.
Patrick Verona
Because you're obsessed with me.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation [1.04]
Bianca Stratford: I have a big fat favour to ask. Chastity Church: Uh - I don't respond to fat.
Bianca Stratford
Okay, small skinny favour then.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give Up [1.05]
(Walter arrives at the school auto shop to discover that Kat has disassembled many pieces from her car) Walter: Why didn't you call me earlier?
This is a car, not a uterus.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give Up [1.05]
Cameron: (referring to Bianca) You know what? I don't want to get over her. I want to be the guy in the movie who never gives up and eventually gets the girl.
Yeah. I don't watch those movies... unless there's nudity.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give Up [1.05]
Joey: I got to go tell the coach before he gives my jersey away. Bianca: Um, don't worry. It has your name on it.
I know, which is why I don't want him to give it away! Duh?
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give Up [1.05]
Walter: Kat, I'm sure somewhere on the Internet, there's a manual on how to deliver a baby. But it doesn't mean you know your way around a uterus.
Why can't my dad just be an accountant?
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Give Up [1.05]
Walter: So, what's distracting you from setting the table? Kat: I'm turning my giant carbon footprint into a cute little baby foot - by converting my car into a biodiesel. Walter: Huh, by yourself? Kat: You think a woman can't do it? Walter: Sure she can if she's a mechanic. You do realize that this is your only car and if you destroy it I'm not getting you another one.
Relax, Dad, I printed a comprehensive instruction manual off the Internet. It got nine out of ten stars.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
You Can't Always Get What You Want [1.06]
Cameron: (talking to Bianca about the soda) Sometimes they take a while to drop.
So do your testicles.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
You Can't Always Get What You Want [1.06]
Bianca: Speaking of inflation, can I get an advance on my allowance?
Stop being a capitalist. I'm not an ATM. You can't just push my buttons and get cash.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
You Can't Always Get What You Want [1.06]
Cameron: Yeah, maybe I can do that this afternoon while I'm setting up her online commerce. Patrick: Yeah, you can protect her from all that unwanted spam.
I can be her anti-virus software.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
You Can't Always Get What You Want [1.06]
Bianca: [to Dawn]: Why can't Brad and Angie adopt us?
At least I've got a shot. I'm Asian.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Bianca: I feel like a poodle at a dessert buffet. What I wouldn't do for a flat iron right about now. Kat: People could be losing their homes right now and you're worried about your hair. Ugh, you're worse than Anderson Cooper (looks around). Bianca: Ooh, you're looking for Patrick. You like him. Kat: No I don't. Bianca: You want to kiss him. Kat: Really? Are you five? Bianca: I'm just excited to know that you're capable of physical attraction. Now, maybe I won't have to suffer the burden of caring for you and your cats when you're old. Kat: Sorry, can't take you seriously with your hair like this (twirls Bianca's curls). Chastity: Bianca!
(Turns Kat around the opposite way) Face forward and don't say anything or I'll tell Patrick you want to have his babies.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Kat: Look, I'm off duty. Fire's over. Old Lady: Oh, so I guess I don't have to show you what your boyfriend left for you. Kat: He's not my boyfriend. Old Lady: (points) Over there. Missy, lighten up - I know a lot of cat ladies who started out like you. (smiles and walks away while Kat goes to see what Patrick left her - her mom's vinyl albums) Bianca: (while Kat flips through her albums in disbelief that Patrick was thoughtful enough to bring them) I am so happy we can go home. This evacuation has been nothing but drama. Walter: The fire is out, the house is safe and no babies were born in the gym. We may all return to our lives. (he gestures to his daughters) come here, come here. Life is great (he kisses Bianca's forehead and puts an arm around each of them) Kat: Are you drunk? Walter: Only on life, my darling. And five hundred dollars worth of wine.
I'm driving.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Kat: (finds Patrick sitting on a ledge on the roof of the school) Don't jump. Patrick: Oh, I don't have to, you're here now. Kat: Okay jump. Patrick: I'm only three stories up. All I'd do is break a leg. Kat: It'd still be worth it. Patrick: (points to fire burning in the distance) Come check this out. It's really beautiful. Kat: If you don't think about all the homes being destroyed. Patrick: (leans closer and points) Look over there. UGH! (pretends to be slipping off the edge. Kat cries out and reaches for him) Aah! Kat: Oh! (walks away from the ledge, Patrick follows) Patrick: See, you don't want me to jump. Kat: You're such a jerk. Patrick: Now, I can tell you what I wanted to tell you. Kat: Ooh, I'm on pins and needles. Let me it the same thing you wanted to tell the girl downstairs? Patrick: Oh, I like it when you're jealous. Kat: I'm not jealous, I'm appalled- there's a difference. Patrick: Look, I was going to tell her that she should stop stalking me. Kat: Hmm..big words from the guy who shows up unannounced in my bedroom window at eleven O'clock at night. That's way past visiting hours. Patrick: You talk a lot. (takes her head in his hands ands kisses her, they continue on for several moments) Kat: (pulls back, happy) Is that what you wanted to tell me? Patrick: Sure (smiles and leans in to kiss her again) Kat: (breaking away quicker this time) No, seriously. Patrick: Oh, seriously? Okay, I realized why I find you interesting. Kat: tell. Patrick: (cupping her face with one hand) You're different from other girls. You have a mind of your own. Kat: That must be a refreshing change for you. Patrick: It is, you're not all clingy and...needy. We can just make-out and it doesn't have to be this whole big thing. (leans in to kiss her but Kat pulls away) Kat: Right. (moves away) Right, because I'm a total slut. But I have a mind of my own. Patrick: No that's not what I meant. Kat: Well, what did you mean? Patrick: I meant you're not living some fairy-tale where I'm your prince charming. Kat: Trust me. No one would mistake you for prince charming. Prince Charles maybe. Patrick: Aah! And we were having such a nice time. Kat: Unbelievable! I'm worried about losing my home all of my stuff, every memory and you just want to hook up. Patrick: Why do you have to make everything so difficult?
What can I say, I'm not easy. (Leaves the rooftop)
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Old Lady: Go after him already. Seize the moment. Life is short, trust me - I know. Kat: You're old, I get it. (walks around her again)
Old Lady
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Bianca: Do you have keys to any of the classrooms? I NEED you to open one. Kat: Chastity needs more room for her ego? Bianca: Someone brought a family into our room and she's a bit territorial. Kat: Too bad. Tell Gangus Chastity that there's a fire going on and we all need to pull together. Bianca: Yeah, yeah, yeah- we are the world I get it. Can't you just open a door please? Kat: Not a chance. Bianca: Why can't you just help me once? Why does everything you do have to be about principles? Kat': Why does everything you do have to be about Chastity? It's pathetic.
Fine, I guess you'd rather be handing out water bottles to old ladies than making out with Patrick Verona but you're right I'm the one who's pathetic!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Cameron: (spots Patrick and follows behind him) Have you ever done something you've regretted? Patrick: Giving you advice because you keep coming back. Cameron: Okay, but have you ever done something you're really sorry about? Patrick: (spins around and looks at him) What did you do? Cameron: I think I started the fire. Patrick: Okay, let me guess you set off a model rocket? Cameron: How'd you know? Patrick: Well it was either that or you were setting your farts on fire. So, what's the problem? Cameron: The problem is the guilt is eating me alive. I'm thinking of confessing. Patrick: Well, it's not like you did it on purpose. Cameron: You're right. That's it I'll tell them what happened, that it was an accident and I'm really sorry.
Yeah, worse case scenario you get 5, 10 years but you can handle prison. And with a face like yours you'll have a husband in no time. (walks away)
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Kat: (handing a bar of some kind to an old lady) Here you go ma'am. Old Lady': Does this have seeds in it? I have diverticulitis. Kat: I'm not sure actually. (looks at packet to see ingredients, looks up and spots Patrick walking down the hall) Old Lady: Oh, who's that you're undressing with your eyes? Your boyfriend? Kat: Ugh, no. Just this guy I know. Old Lady: Oh, missy I wasn't born yesterday. Kat: I can see that. Kat: So you made it, where's your family? Patrick: I killed them all. (laughs) They were slowing me down. Kat: Natural disasters do bring out the best in people. So what was your big epiphany? Girl: (runs up to Patrick's side and puts a hand on his shoulder) You're okay! Did you get my messages? I sent you like a million texts. When are we going to talk? You said you needed to tell me something? (clings to his arm) Patrick: (looks at Kat and struggles to explain) Ugh, it's not like that.
Sure its not. Enjoy your chat. (walks away)
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Cameron: Homemade pyrotechnics? Michael: Yeah, like fireworks, flares... Cameron: Or model rockets. Michael that model rocket we launched yesterday in my never came down! Think we started the fire? Michael: There's no way. All we did was push a button. Cameron: That shot a vessel of highly flammable balsa wood containing gunpowder! (looks around) Into bone-dry brush igniting a gigantic conflagration.
Uh oh
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Light My Fire [1.07]
Kat': That treats me like a laaad-eek! Sweet mother (opens window) What the hell are you doing here? It is eleven o'clock at night! (realises her music is still playing and goes to turn it off, also removing her plate while her back is turned to him) Patrick: Isn't it obvious? I'm a vampire I need permission to enter. Kat: Permission NOT granted. Patrick: Good thing I'm not really a vampire. Patrick: Vinyl? How old school. Kat: I keep it real. Patrick: I've never seen this beatles album. Kat: It was only released in the UK. Those were my mom's she was a real purist. Patrick: She sounds cool. Kat: She was. So again, what is with the breaking and entering? Patrick: (spins and around and steps closer to Kat) I had something I wanted to tell you. Bianca: Can I borrow your- (Patrick and Kat turn to look at her) A male in your bedroom and he's cute! Am I sleepwalking again? (Patrick smirks while Kat pulls into the room and closes her door, shushing ) Kat: (Patrick sits down while freaks out) Dad is going to hear you. Walter: Girls! Kat: Oh my god! Crap! Crap! Crap! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! (pulls Patrick up from her chair and pushes him towards the window) Just a second Dad I'm...indecent! Bianca: And in so much trouble. I'm loving this. Walter: I'm coming in!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Patrick Verona: We takin' my Bike? Walter Stratford: Please tell me he's talking about his ten speed.
Kat Stratford
Don't worry we're taking my car.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Walter: Why don't you wear that nice one you wore to last year's school play? Bianca: It was my costume. I was playing Helen Keller.
It was very flattering. Even she could see that.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Walter: (showing images from laptop) This is the baby crowning. Ooh, this is what placenta looks like. Here is the father cutting the cord. Of course, that's only symbolic because he's responsible for that baby for the rest of his life.
Got it. Sex makes babies.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Bianca: I didn't get to show off this dress. I didn't get to slow-dance. I didn't get my first kiss. Beau is such a jerk!
He's king of the jerks! He rules Jerklandia!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Kat: I'd hardly call this dancing. These kids are just dry-humping to music.
In that case, care to dance? [edit]
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Dance Little Sister [1.08]
Kat: You know, Dad warns us everyday about getting pregnant. Bianca: You're lucky. He warns me twice a day. Kat: Yeah, well, he never mentions all the other ways a guy can screw you.
Amen, sister.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Bianca: But you're gay! Cameron: I'm not gay! At all! In fact, you're gayer than I am because you kissed a girl. Bianca: That was for money.
See, I could never kiss a guy for money, except for Johnny Depp.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Kat: Oh, I see. When you said, 'wait here' at the dance... you really meant for, like, six days. Patrick: If you ever returned a phone call, you'd know I didn't bail on you. I got arrested.
Oh, and here I thought you were just a jerk. Turns out you're also a criminal.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Dawn: Oh, my God, guys. Don't drop me. Bianca: Thank God I wore my good underwear tonight.
Thank God I wore underwear!
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Cheerleader #1: So before a game, I spray a tiny bit of hair spray on my butt, so my leotard won't ride up.
Cheerleader #2
Unless we're trying to distract the other team, and then we skip the hair spray.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Bianca: (sees Kat's shirt all wet) Look at you. Maybe you should change your shirt.
(drunk) Maybe you should change your face! (laughs)
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Kat: We should sing one of the songs with the two people when they do it together. Bianca: A duet?
Oh... I don't say this often enough, Bianca, but you're so smart... and prettiful. I love you i hope we stay sisters forevver
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Cameron: Bianca, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. And if it turns out we have afterlives, I wanna spend those together, too. Bianca: Cameron--
Think about it. We could have a really cool moniker, like Biameron or Camianca. You pick.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Fight for Your Right [1.09]
Kat: Oh, I know what you're up to. I've seen those crappy teen movies. Chastity: Oh, me too. But aren't you supposed to show up much later ... wearing a hockey mask.
And you'll be the first to go.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Joey': (holding a newspaper) Good news, baby. The war in Azerbijackistan is over.
(to Bianca) Okay, his behavior's becoming so erratic. He's like my grandma before we put her on meds.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Walter: Oh, my God! Do you mean to tell me the students have to leave their Uzis and heroin at home? Kat: Dad, this isn't a joke.
How about knives and crack?
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Michael: 'You're my best friend'? First, you already got a best friend. (points to himself) And second, she's just not that into you.
Hey, she's still transitioning into seeing me as a viable heterosexual.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Cameron: Haven't you ever known something deep in your heart?
I'm 15. I know things deep in my pants.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Joey: I don't even know if she ever loved me. Not the real me. I was just this gorgeous status accessory, like Paris Hilton's poodle. Bianca: Girls like Chastity don't like other girls playing with their poodles... even if they've given their poodles away. And Chastity can be really mean.
That's why I'm ready to be with someone really sweet, like you. Take you, for example.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Leave Me This Way [1.10]
Walter: I don't get this, Kat. You always wanted to go to an Ivy League school. Kat: They'll appreciate my social conscience.
No. They'll label you a problem student. You know how competitive it is. They'll look for some reason to reject you. It's like enlisting in the army and writing down, 'Oh, by the way, I'm gay.'
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Da Repercussions [1.11]
Walter: (As punishment) You're painting the living room tomorrow. Just in case you don't get into college, you'll have a skill to make a living. Walter: So let me get this straight, you're going to punish my daughter for trying to get a good grade?
Principal Holland
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to reward her for breaching out costly yet apparently crap security system. ... Kat's in my office more often than that boy who randomly bites peoples necks damn this vampire craze.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Da Repercussions [1.11]
Kat: [Patrick], you cannot come in. If my dad sees you here, his head will explode and I'll have to repaint. Patrick: Your dad's at work, how's he going to see me hidden cameras? Kat': (Serious) Yes. Patrick: Come on, I'll help you paint. It's the least I can do, I mean, you did get suspended for me.
Don't flatter yourself. I got suspended for my principles. I just fled the scene with you.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Trust Me [1.12]
Kat: [talking about her dad] Now he wants you come to dinner. Patrick: I'll pass. Kat: I told it was stupid, but he's affraid you're bad influence on me
Huh [he touches her chin] I wonder why [smiling]
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Don't Trust Me [1.12]
Walter: Oh. Hi, honey. How was your day? Did you invite the man-boy to- Kat: (about Patrick) He's not coming to dinner. He didn't want to summit to the inquisition. Are you happy now? Walter: Of course I'm not happy. Kat, if this boy really liked you, he'd make the effort.
Thank you for saying that out loud, dad. That really makes me feel so much better
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Great Expectations [1.13]
Walter: (Noting that Bianca's date obviously didn't go well) Please tell me what Joey did to you. Bianca: Can you just leave me in peace with my ice cream and Sex in the City marathon, please. Walter: Did he try to have sex in your city?
Ugh! I don't want to talk about it right now, dad. Why didn't they make you with an "off" switch.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Great Expectations [1.13]
Patrick: (Deciding where to eat) How 'bout Hell's Steakhouse, I'm dying for a rib-eye. Kat: You know I don't eat anything with a face. Patrick: They usually cut that part off before they serve it to you. Kat: You don't say? How 'bout Vegan Nirvana? Patrick: No thanks, I'll just chew on a tree and save twenty bucks.
You know what... I'll just drive, we'll find something
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Too Much Information [1.16]
Patrick: Can I just crash here? I got kicked out. Kat: What happened? Patrick: I wet the bed. Kat: Patrick, seriously. Patrick: If you're gonna keep talking all night, I'll just sleep in the park.
No, stay. If you were horrifically murdered, it would really ruin my day.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Revolution [1.20]
Kat: You see? This is what the world needs: more sex, less war.
Now, if that would be you campaign slogan you would've won.
10 Things I Hate About You (TV series)
Revolution [1.20]
Kat: Can I ask you a favour? Patrick: Huh Kat: Don't break my heart, OK?
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
David Palmer: All right, "On this historic occasion..."
Patty Brooks
Well, it is a historic occasion, sir.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Kim: So, is she still giving you the cold shoulder? Jack: If by "she" you're referring to your mother, I'd appreciate if you called her by her name. Mom. And no, she's just busy.
She's busy a lot.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Vincent O'Brien: Hello? Jack: Vincent, Bauer. You planning on seeing Kimberly tonight? Vincent O'Brien: No way, man. We broke up, you know that. Jack: I just wanted to make sure you knew that. Vincent: Snuck out on you, huh? Jack: Don't screw with me, Vincent. Vincent O'Brien: Chill, man. I don't know where she is. You've got my word.
That's a real comfort, Vincent, knowing I've got your word.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Jamey Farrell: How long is this going to take? Nina: Why, are we interrupting your social life? Jamey Farrell: At least I have one.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Jack: Tony. I need detailed background on everyone on Senator Palmer's staff now. Tony: Why? Jack: Because I think this is about him and I want us to be prepared. Tony: If it leaks out that we're screening Senator Palmer, people might think it's because he's black.
Well, it is because he's black. It makes him the most likely target.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Richard Walsh: How are you doing? Jack: I can't complain.
Richard Walsh
Can't or won't?
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Nina: You're lying.
Yes I am. But you're still going to have to trust me.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Jack: I was thinking we should try to remember what it was like when we were kids. Teri Bauer: It's a different world now, Jack.
Yeah, I know.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Jack: George. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to call your boss so I can get clearance on the identification of the source. George Mason: I thought we just agreed that it didn't matter. Jack: Yeah, but I still have to call Walsh and tell him I did everything I could. I would like to cover my own ass.
George Mason
Jack, you're finally learning how to play the game.
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
Nina: Tony, I need you to do something for me.
For you or for Jack?
24 (TV series)
12:00am - 1:00am [1.01]
George Mason: You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
Why don't you explain it to me. You've got five seconds.
24 (TV series)
2:00am - 3:00am [1.03]
Ira Gaines: The job is on summer. Are you in? Mandy: Yes.
Ira Gaines
[to Jonathon, who just killed Bridgit]: You're done here.
24 (TV series)
2:00am - 3:00am [1.03]
Tony: You mind telling me what's going on around here tonight? Jack: What's going on? You mean besides a 747 falling out of the sky and a threat on a presidential candidate's life?
Yeah, besides that.
24 (TV series)
4:00am - 5:00am [1.05]
Dan: (Referring to Janet York) Well, err, maybe she wasn't quite dead. Ira Gaines: Well, let me tell you Dan; You're either dead, or you're not dead. There's no such thing as 'sort of dead'. Here, let me show you. (Shoots Dan in the chest) Ira Gaines: (To Rick) You've just been promoted, congratulations. Ira Gaines: (referring to Dan's dead body): Bury your friend. Rick: Where?
Ira Gaines
(annoyed) In the ground
24 (TV series)
7:00am - 8:00am [1.08]
Tony: How could you do this? Betray your country, be responsible for the deaths of people you work with? Jamey Farrell: I told you, I didn't know any of that was going to happen.
Oh, that's right. You're just tappin' on your keyboard, right?
24 (TV series)
12:00pm - 1:00pm [1.13]
Rick: (Suffering from a bullet wound and running through the woods) I can't! Jack: Shut up! You can and you will! Rick: But I'm slowing you down.
Yes you are, so you'd better start speeding up!
24 (TV series)
1:00pm - 2:00pm [1.14]
Milo Pressman: What do you think they're going to do to Jack?
Not going to name a street after him.
24 (TV series)
5:00pm - 6:00pm [1.18]
George Mason: Hey! Almeida. I'm on your side. Nina oughta be here right now, what does Jack need her for? You're busting your ass without any resources because she felt like taking a ride with him. If that works for you, great...
You know what works for me? You keeping out of my personal business, that works for me!
24 (TV series)
7:00pm - 8:00pm [1.20]
Teri Bauer: [hysterical, talking about Kim] What do you mean you don't know where she is? Tony: After the safehouse, she didn't trust us and I don't blame her. Get in! Teri Bauer: We have to find her, Tony! We have to find her!
Believe me, we're looking. Teri, GET IN THE CAR!
24 (TV series)
8:00am - 9:00am [2.01]
Jack: You are Marshall Goren? Marshall: Yeah. Jack: Eight counts, kidnapping a minor. Two counts, child pornography. First-degree murder. Marshall: Yeah, uh-huh. Hey, look: I already made my deal, and I don't need to hear this noise. All I've gotta do is testify against Wald, and I walk. [smirks] [Jack regards Marshall for a moment, then draws his weapon and shoots him in the heart] George: Oh, my God, Jack! What are you thinking?! Jack: I need a helicopter and a backup team ready to leave here in fifteen minutes. George: Are you out of your mind? Jack: You want to find this bomb? This is what it's gonna take. George: Killing a witness?
That's the problem with people like you, George. You want results, but you never want to get your hands dirty. I'd start rolling up your sleeves... I'm gonna need a hacksaw.
24 (TV series)
8:00am - 9:00am [2.01]
Paula Schaeffer: I didn't know how you liked intel presented impromptu. Whether you like it sorted chronologically with an alphabetical key or if you just like separate folders with access tabs...
Uhh...I don't really care.
24 (TV series)
11.00 am - 12.00 pm [2.04]
Mason: Send somebody else. I need you here.
To do what, watch Paula die?
24 (TV series)
1:00pm - 2:00pm [2.06]
Jack: Did you pick this area for a reason? Or would anywhere outside the blast zone work? Nina: My contact is in Visalia. I'm not gonna tell you who it is 'til we get there. Jack: Fine. Then we can just sit here and wait for the blast to hit. Nina: Stop wasting time. I'm sitting here looking at the President's signature. Jack: I'm here. He's not. And I'm not gonna make a move until I believe you're credible. Nina: I'll only get the pardon if I help stop the bomb. Why wouldn't I do everything I can? Jack: Because you're worse than a traitor, Nina. You don't even have a cause. You don't believe in anything. You would sell anyone and everything out to the highest bidder. So, ( overturns the table between them) stop wasting my time! Give me a name! Nina: Don't even bother, Jack. You lay a hand on me, you'll be taken off the case. You're just gonna have to follow my lead.
You are gonna tell me everything I want to know, or I swear to God--I will hurt you before I kill you. And no one will stop me, do you understand that?
24 (TV series)
2:00pm - 3:00pm [2.07]
Nina: He is gonna put a bullet in my head before I can say 'hello' and then he's going to turn the gun on himself.
We'll make sure he doesn't turn the gun on himself.
24 (TV series)
2:00pm - 3:00pm [2.07]
Michelle: I just got off the phone with Ed Mueller. George Mason: How is it going with Jack and Nina. Michelle: He doesn't know. Apparently, Jack drugged him and got on the plane without him. George Mason: Please tell me you're kidding. Michelle: (Shakes her head) What do you want me to do?
George Mason
He is on a plane to Vasailla. There is nothing anyone can do...
24 (TV series)
3:00pm - 4:00pm [2.08]
[Recalling Teri talking with an old woman the Sunday before her death] Jack: The Sunday before you killed my wife... Teri and I went to the boardwalk in Venice just watching all the roller-bladers and musicians, laughing at the crazy people, spending time together. And Teri sees this sno-cone stand. She giggles like a kid. She takes off running, she wants to get in line, she wants one. I remember I was watching her, I was just... I couldn't help myself. When I look up at her she's talking to this old lady in line behind her and the two of them are laughing, and I'm thinking to myself, how the hell does she do that. How does she strike up a conversation with an absolute stranger? And they just start laughing. Like they'd been friends forever. That's a GIFT. I remember thinking, God, I wish I could do that. But I can't. That was Teri. My wife. That's what you took from this world, Nina. That's what you took from me, and my daughter. I just wanted you to know that. [Nina stares impassively]
I just wanted you to know that.
24 (TV series)
3:00pm - 4:00pm [2.08]
Tony: Hey, your neck's bleeding here. Michelle: [after feeling it] It's somebody else's blood.
Look, Michelle. Why don't you take a few minutes, get cleaned up and change. You'll feel better. [whispers] We're gonna survive this day, all right?
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other


🤖 This README was written by GPT-4. 🤖


This dataset, gathered from, contains a comprehensive collection of quotes, actions, and conversations from various television shows. The dataset is particularly useful for training language models, offering a rich source of dialogues and narrative structures.


  • Parse Functionality: Extracts quotes and actions from the HTML content of pages.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes shows across a wide range of genres and time periods.
  • Customizable: Flexible to be used for a variety of NLP tasks and research.


The dataset may be useful for:

  • Natural Language Understanding: Understanding context, humor, and character dynamics in conversations.
  • Language Modeling: Training models to generate dialogues or predict next lines in conversations.
  • Cultural Analysis: Studying trends and themes across various television shows.


This dataset and the accompanying code are released under the MIT License. The contents of the data are collected from as per the repo code, and no ownership or rights are claimed over the data.


This dataset is intended for research and educational purposes.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests on the HuggingFace repository.

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