Is Life Insurance Vatable?
If you mean is there a value added tax on life insurance , the answer currently is , no . Insurance particularly life insurance is a program for social good and as a result has long enjoyed preferential tax treatment . Society recognizes that it is good that people care for their loved ones on the occassion of their death . They also recognize that if there is an auto collision , it is good if someone can pay the damages .
First , let me say I am not an accountant or tax expert at all . This questions would be best answered by a Certified Public Account or other tax pro . I can only speak to my personal situation . For years we did n't have a group plan through my company and I had individual/familycoverage that I paid for out of pocket . I also have family members who have some health issues that included specialists , a lot of RX drugs , etc. . Simply due to the cost of the health coverage , we had to go with a high deductible health plan as well . So , over the course of a year we would have our health premiums , high deductibles , plus a bunch of specialist costs that were not even covered by our insurance . This generated a ton of dollars that came out of my pocket personally . There is a threshold for medical expences -LRB- I do n't remember what it is -RRB- where anything over an above that figure is deductible on your tax return . I have been well over that figure every year for the last 5 or 6 , so I have been able to deduct a good amount of my out of pocket expence . This is just my personal situation and again , I am not a tax professional of any sort . All this was done on the advice of my personal accountant . I would highly recomend you contact a tax professional and discuss your individual situation with them .
How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need In South Carolina?
South Carolina Homeowners Insurance is similar to home insurance in any other State . You will need to have a good insurance policy to cover your home , personal belongings and personal liability coverage to protect you from legal action due to negligence . The home -LRB- dwelling -RRB- should be covered for the value to reconstruct the home following a total loss . Most insurance companies will simply ask you a few characteristic questions about your home and calculated the estimated reconstruction value of the home . Please note , the reconstruction value of the home is not relative to the current market sales price of the property which could fluctuate in differing market conditions and also includes the value of the land -LRB- which remains uninsured -RRB- . There is a link providing an online format to obtain a quote and buy home insurance online in multiple States ; may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services -LRB- CMS -RRB- made the regulation to NOT cover hospital acquired infections in 2008 . This was done in an attempt to encourage hospitals to `` clean up '' procedures and the physical environment in their facilities so that fewer infections would occurred as the result of poor practices .
How Long Does Health Insurance Last After Being Fired?
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 -LRB- COBRA -RRB- stipulates that generally one can continue group health insurance benefits for 18 months . There are certain circumstances that may allow an individual to extend this period . Generally this would be a disability certified by the Social Security Administration . If one is eligible for extended benefits beyond 18 months , the extended time period is up to 11 months and the insurer can increase premiums to 150 % of the original premiums charged during the extension .
It can take from days to months to receive the benefits of a life insurance claim . Part of it depends on how thoroughly the death claim paperwork is completed . Each states 's insurance regulators monitor claim payment times and will give the insurance companies a bad mark if they take too long to pay out the life insurance benefit .
Who Invented Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical Illness Insurance covers specified major illnesses . Typically , it pays a lump sum -LRB- sometimes different -RRB- payment to the insured . The first Critical Illness policy was issued in 1983 in South Africa . They have grown in popularity since that time . A full-time broker -LRB- not a part-timer , a media person or someone not fully-licensed -RRB- will be your best resource for quotes and information .
Short answer : certainly . However this answer will vary from state to state and even company to company . But most of the time , 6 months is the standard length of time for an auto policy . 12 month policies are also very common , and the standard in some states . Many companies will even give you the choice between having a 6 month policy or 12 months .
Who Invented Critical Illness Insurance?
The brother to the physician who performed the first human to human heart transplant , Dr. Christian Barnard , is the person who invented critical illness insurance . Like his brother , Dr. Marius Barnard was also a cardiac surgeon in Cape Town , South Africa . He saw that he could heal people 's bodies but he could not heal the financial toll that their illness and treatment took on the lives of them and their families . Dr. Marius Barnard created Critical Illness Insurance to offset that . the first policy was issued in South African in 1983 .
Jim is right . You have to buy the coverage as an add-on to your current policy . If you are eligible to buy from USAA , contact them and tell them you want to add earthquake coverage to your policy . Or if you are signed up to their mobile platform , you can add the coverage to your policy yourself . Unless you live in a high earthquake zone , the premium will be very reasonable .
When Did The Medicare Payroll Tax Start?
The Medicare payroll tax started in 1966 for private or corporate employers , their employees and people who were self employed at that time . In 1983 , federal employees started paying Medicare taxes . Newly hired state and local governmental employees started having Medicare payroll taxes withheld from their paychecks in 1986 .
Pre tax payroll contributions used to fund your 401K reduce the amount of income reported on your W2 . Your Adjusted Gross Income -LRB- AGI -RRB- is your gross income minus adjustments . Since pre tax elections reduce reported income , it also reduces AGI . Your AGI is used to determine the amount of qualified medical expenses you can deduct , and may apply to other tax trigger amounts .
How Do I Register For Medicare Online?
You can sign up to receive Medicare benefits on the social security administration website , . I believe you can click on `` Medicare '' under the benefits tab . There should be some easy instructions there that will walk you through the sign up process . Signing up online is preferable for those applying during their initial enrollment period -LRB- 3 months before age 65 , the month you turn 65 , and the 3 months after you turn age 65 -RRB- . If you 're applying under special enrollment , I recommend going down to your local social security office to get your paperwork processed .
Shopping for health insurance rates in any state is pretty much the same . You can look for a health insurance agent in the yellow pages or look them up on the Internet . Your premiums are going to be based on your age , health history , smoking status , gender , other family members to be covered and also how much you will accept for deductibles and co-pays .
What Does Medicare Suffix T Mean?
We get this question a lot here at The Medigap Market . Your medicare number will always consist of you or your spouses social security number with a letter at the end indicating any number of different statuses . If you have a letter T -LRB- Temporary -RRB- in your medicare number it means that you are not currently drawing social security payments . If and when you do begin drawing social security payments the T will be replaced by a letter A indicating you are the primary beneficiary drawing benefits under your social security number . In case you did n't already know , if you are not drawing social security your medicare part B premium will be billed to you quarterly and if you are drawing social security your Part B premium will be deducted automatically from your check every month .
Most people receive Medicare Part A premium-free because they have been paying Medicare taxes during their working life and met the 40 quarters requirement -LRB- equates to 10 years of working life -RRB- . Anyone who does not meet the qualifications for premium-free Medicare Part A would have to buy the coverage - the premium for Part A is $ 426 per month . The premium-free Part A requirements are : 1 -RRB- You 're 65 or older and you 're receiving social security retirement benefits -LRB- or are eligible for receiving them , but have n't elected to take them yet -RRB- , or you or your spouse had Medicare-covered employment through the government . 2 -RRB- If you 're under 65 and have been receiving social security disability benefits for 24 months or have ESRD -LRB- end-stage renal disease -RRB- and meet certain requirements . So if you do not meet these any of those items , you 'll have to pay for the coverage . If you 're subject to paying the Part A premium and are under 65 , you may want to look at an individual health insurance plan on the health insurance exchanges instead . If you 're signed up for Part A , you 're likely signed up for Part B as well -LRB- Part B requires a monthly premium -RRB- . If so , I would suggest adding a Medicare supplement plan to cover the gaps in Part A & Part B. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medicare supplement programs and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is 25/50/10 Automobile Insurance Coverage?
25/50/10 is a recipe for disaster . You must be very careful to only collide with fit people driving cheap cars . Since you rarely have the opportunity to decide who the other party will be in a collision , I would suggest you secure realistic limits . The last number should be an indicator as few cars are priced below that number .
Geico does not underwrite Health Insurance.Many large carriers offer free online quotes . Speaking with or emailing a experienced Healthcare Broker will give you more details regarding a plan or plans that best suit your particular needs . Ask if you qualify for a Federal tax subsidy for your State Health Exchange ...
What Is 25/50/10 Automobile Insurance Coverage?
That refers to a combination of liability options provided in a car insurance policy . in order , `` 25 '' means that you would have up to $ 25,000 in Bodily Injury coverage for an indivual hurt in an accident that you cause . `` 50 '' means that you would have up to $ 50,000 for all persons injured in an accident that you cause . If say 2 people were injured they would be entitled to up to $ 25,000 each . Finally , `` 10 '' is for property damage liability and means that you would have up to $ 10,000 to cover property that you damage as a result of an at fault accident .
Term life insurance can have a couple of different guarantees . The first guarantee is the premiums are guaranteed level for the term purchased . For example , a 20 year term life insurance policy has guaranteed level premiums for 20 years regardless of change in health , location or occupation . The second type of guarantee is the renewability of the term policy . You may purchase the above mentioned 20 year term policy with level premiums for 20 years , but the policy may be guaranteed until age 85 , of course for a much higher premium .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Wedding Rings?
Yes it does , but talk to your Insurance Professional because usually the coverage is somewhat limited . Many policies provide basic coverage for `` unscheduled '' jewelry items . It is is usually limited to a particular dollar amount which can be less than the value of the piece and it is subject to your deductible . You may want to consider providing your Insurance Professional with an appraisal of the ring and asking that it be insured specifically to that appraised value . This can be done either as a rider on your Renters Policy or by a separate policy , whichever you prefer . That is the better way to go because then the piece is more fully protected , even if yo loose it -LRB- which is not covered under a renter 's policy -RRB- and in most cases , there is no deductible .
You must have Medicare Part A and Part B to be eligible for a Medigap plan . But eligibility alone does not guarantee coverage . If you apply during your initial enrollment period you can apply for any plan with any carrier and coverage is guaranteed . After that you must submit evidence of insurability unless you are applying during a guaranteed issue period .
Who Underwrites Hsbc Life Insurance?
HSBC Life Insurance is sold through HSBC Insurance -LRB- Asia-Pacific -RRB- Holdings Limited , which is part of the HSBC Group . The HSBC Group is wholly owned by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited . The company is based in Hong Kong and has four underwriting companies : HSBC Insurance -LRB- Asia -RRB- Limited , HSBC Life -LRB- International -RRB- Limited , HSBC Insurance -LRB- Singapore -RRB- Pte Limited , and HSBC Amanah Takaful -LRB- Malaysia -RRB- Sdn Bhd. .
Boat Insurance is allot like auto insurance . In order quote you a rate we would need to know who the operators are and year make and model of the boat including it 's value . A bass boat in itself really is not much of any different then any recreational boat . One thing to consider on a bass boat are extras that may be installed like depth finders or fishing gear .
Is Homeowners Insurance Paid By Escrow?
This will depend on the type of loan and/or your preference when your loan funded . If you see part your mortgage payment contribution sent to an escrow account thenit can be either used for taxes only , insurance only , or a combination of both . It is best to contact your lender if you are unsure on the escrow assignments . Switching your home insurance means replacing the prior policy details with a new one for payment from your account . It also means that your escrow contributions will be recalculated , therefor either lowering or increasing your mortgage payment .
Many think that having a higher deductible example $ 1000 on comprehensive and $ 1000 on collision is better and keeps your rates lower However not many people have $ 1000 they can afford to pay for the repair before the insurance company pays the rest of the damage after the 1st $ 1000 . So that windshield claim the insurance company will never end up paying for as it is rare that a windshield would cost $ 1000 Now on the flipside I recommend $ 100 on comprehensive and $ 500 on collision In Many cases it on average is $ 10 more a month for your insurance rates but it is much easier to come up with $ 100 or $ 500 for the deductible in the event of a loss and many repair shops will work with you in payments on a lower deductible depending on your area . I would talk to your local agent and find out just how much of a difference it is with the lower deductible the monthly might be higher but is sure would be easier then coming up with a bigger chunk of money in the event of a claim
Is Homeowners Insurance Paid By Escrow?
It can be and these days many mortgage companies require it . You will be notified by your lender if they do or not . Normally , if you are paying your insurance premiums directly to your insurance provider , the only time that might change is if you refinance and it then becomes required .
Yes , Medicare will pay for a duodenal switch if there is evidence that the weight loss surgery is medically necessary . Among other things , the patient 's BMI must be 35 or more and there must be a health condition that will be alleviated or cured by losing a lot of weight .
Am I Able To Get Life Insurance On My Brother?
I 'm almost afraid to answer this question but I will anyway . I can understand how you could feel that you 're owed something for all the time , money , and heartache you 've invested in your brother . Would money really make all that better ? It seems every family has one member who takes care of everyone else and it sounds like you 're that person in your family . I also believe that , eventually , you 'll be rewarded for it and it 'll probably be with something worth more than money . While you ca n't put insurance on your brother , he can surely buy some of his own and name you as the beneficiary . You can even pay the premiums if you 'd like but he has to make the decision and go through the process .
To claim water damage with your homeowner 's insurance , simply contact your company and explain to them that you have water damage and that you would like to file a claim . But one thing to keep in mind is that not every type of loss associated with water is covered by a homeowner 's policy . Most water losses that are covered happen suddenly -LRB- burst pipe , washing machine overflow , etc. -RRB- and are not from slowly developing things -LRB- slow dripping pipe -RRB- . Things like floods and tidal water are not covered under a homeowner 's policy and require coverage from a separate flood insurance policy . The best thing you can do for a loss related to water is mitigate the damages as quickly as possible , and prevent any further damages from occurring . Thanks for asking !
Am I Able To Get Life Insurance On My Brother?
The short answer is YES , you are able to purchase life insurance on the life of your brother . The basic rule ormeasure in determining the legality of purchasing life insurance on another is `` Insurable Interest '' , in other words , ` Do you have an interest in the continuation of the insured 's life ? ' . The blanket explanation of insurable interest is a relationship through love , blood and business . Therefore , you could not go out and purchase a policy on a stranger as that would be considered a wagering contract . Secondly , after meeting insurable interest requirements , the next guideline is that you are limited in the amount of coverage you can purchase based upon the insured 's net worth . Simply put , if you brother does not have two pennies to rub together , you may have a difficult time purchasing coverage on his life . Specifically to your situation , it seems that you have met the basic requirements to purchase coverage on his life . However , in order to do so , you will need his permission meaning that he will need to co-sign the application for insurance . With the sensitive nature of your current relationship , the best way to present the need for insurance to your brother is that you wish to have enough coverage on his life to prepare for `` final expenses '' . This would include funeral expenses , probate expenses if he has any assets and any other unresolved , secured debt that could be passed on to his estate . Do not feel guilty for your thought process , it is a very wise way to consider and utilize such a valuable asset to protect yourself against the financial burden that our loved ones sometimes create .
Getting your own health insurance is relatively easy and determining your cost does not take long . Your rate is based on your age , zip code , existing health conditions -LRB- if any -RRB- and what type of coverage you want . A young person may pay as little as $ 25 - $ 100 per month while a family of four may pay $ 150 - $ 800 per month -LRB- or more -RRB- . The best and quickest way to get a quick quote is to work with an experienced broker or visit their website . Often you will get an instant online quote that allows you to apply online directly to the carrier . No fees and no hassle ! Starting with October Open Enrollments , no medical information will be needed .
Does Suze Orman Hate Whole Life Insurance?
Suze Orman usually does not recommend Whole Life Insurance because she feels that Life Insurance is not needed in Retirement . In reality , most retirees have a need for at least a basic amount Life Insurance , if not more . And Term Insurance will eventually become unaffordable because of age . So most people at least have a small need for Whole Life Insurance , or some other type of Permanent Life Insurance .
First , the Reduced Paid Up feature of your policy allows you to stop making premium payments and accept a reduced paid up option for whatever the reduced face amount is at the time you utilize the option . For example if your 20 year old $ 20,000 policy has a Reduced Paid Up of $ 12,000 and you utilize the option you would have a paid up policy of $ 12,000 with no further premium payments required . If the amount of the reduced paid up insurance is sufficient for your personal needs , you could use the money you paid for your policy and pay premiums on a policy for your daughter . This is not complicated at all and replacement is not an issue since you are keeping your policy . The Reduced Paid Up option does not allow for any up front cash however other than the money you save on premiums . Some Mutual companies that pay dividends . You could take the dividends in cash and use them to help pay for a policy if you have a policy that pays dividends . You could take a loan on the cash value of your policy but I really do not recommend doing that since the loan will reduce your death benefit or you could cash surrender a couple of policies if you do not need the insurance .
Does Suze Orman Hate Whole Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is a specific product for a specific need . Unlike various forms of permanent life insurance , term is designed to expire before you do . Term life insurance may be perfect for needs with a defined time limit . You can use it to cover debts such as a mortgage that is to be paid off in a specified number of years such as 15 or 30 years . Term life insurance could be used to satisfy a divorce decree where child support or even alimony -LRB- with a time limit -RRB- is required . Some business obligations are also situations where a term life insurance policy might be a good idea . But if you have a permanent need , such as for estate planning purposes -LRB- including estate liquidity -RRB- , term life insurance may not be your best choice . Suze Orman is not an agent , does not know you or your circumstances . She has no idea how much life insurance you should have any more than Jay Leno would . Suze Orman is not accountable by any means for poor advice she may offer regarding your insurance needs .
As my colleagues have said , it is safe to say that car insurance is now mandatory throughout all 50 states . However , it is important to note that each state has the authority to set it 's own requirement for minimum amounts of coverage . Connecticut , for example , has set a minimum liability requirememt of $ 20,000 per person / $ 40,000 per accident for boidily injury and $ 10,000 for property damage . Also required is uninsured/under insured motorist coverage with a minimum that matches the bodily injury amount . In other states , the minimums may be different . Talk to your Insurance Professional about your state 's requirements but more importantly about what coverage amount best meets your protection needs .
Does Suze Orman Hate Whole Life Insurance?
If you watch Suzie 's show , she does n't recommend buying whole-life insurance but if someone already has it she often recommends keeping it or using the cash value when they are in financial trouble . Often their whole-life policy bails them out of trouble . Suzie is a big believer in term life insurance when you are young -LRB- just in case -RRB- and no life insurance when you get older . Suzie is entertaining and you can learn some things watching her show . But no one should use generic advice from a TV show , Radio program or even a book as an end all solution for you . Everyone has different goals , needs and different levels of wealth .
Great question . This happens more often then you 'd think . First thing you want to do is get busy finding a new policy to protect your investment especially if you have a mortgage . Mortgage companies will charge you for what 's called `` A Forced Placed Policy '' . This is a policy that covers their interest , you have no coverage for your self , your personal property or to rebuild your home in the event of a total loss . Without scaring you understand this type of policy will cost thousands of dollars and does nothing for you except raise your monthly mortgage payments . You also want to know why they cancelled your policy . Was it a roof replacement ? Tornado ? Fire ? Small claims can add up as well prompting a cancellation . We want to think about the claims we file before we file them . If it 's something you can handle without filing a claim do so , remember your future rates are at stake . 1 . Get on the phone and call your insurance company . Ask them why they cancelled you . You 'll need to know this before you call around for rates . 2 . Call insurance agencies that work with multiple insurance companies . -LRB- One company may take you with no claims and another may have guidelines of a limit of a number of claims where some may not take fire or water damage claims -RRB- 3 . If all else fails and you ca n't find coverage due to claims then call Farmers Insurance , they have a company `` Foremost '' -LRB- also some independent agencies have them as well -RRB- they take risks with a high number of claims . Shop around , it should n't take you more then a few hours to find a company that will take your home .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Lightning Strikes And Broken TVs?
In most cases yes , if the broken TV is a result of a lightning strike or other covered peril . The key here would be your deductible . If you have a $ 500 deductible and it will cost $ 600 to replace your TV why turn it in ? Your insurance rates may go up and you end up losing money . Any time you have a question regarding coverage always call your agent first . He can help you decide if it is worth turning in .
what will void a life insurance policy ? Basically any deciet given during the application process will void a policy if found out within the first two policy years . After that , in most cases contestability by an insurance carrier has ended . Except some states have modified contestibility laws sometimes in the insurance company 's favor . In my state , concerning lying about smoking on the application , there is no limit for an insurance company to contest . The state considers the policy null and void . Other states may have something similar .
Can I Use My Medicare Overseas?
Original Medicare -LRB- Part A and Part B -RRB- does not normally cover medical expenses while you are traveling overseas . Some Medicare Supplement plans can be used during overseas trips . There are also some instances where Medicare will cover foreign travel , e.g. travel through Canada on the way to Alaska .
If you have a family history of any of the illnesses covered by Critical Illness Insurance , and if paying the premium for the policy is not a problem for you , getting Critical Illness Insurance could be a good move . We all know people who have developed cancer , stroke , etc and their Critical Illness policy has pulled through for them with extra cash at a very traumatic time . When those diseases run in the family , having this coverage can also supply peace of mind .
Who Bought National Life Insurance?
To my knowledge , no other company has purchased National Life Insurance Company . National Life was established in Vermont in 1848 . Life of the Southwest was purchased by National Life in , and they also own Equity and Sentinel . However , National Life is the flagship enterprise of all those companies , and is not owned by another company .
AARP is a politically active lobbying organization and marketing entity , not an insurance carrier . They currently endorse Medigap -LRB- Medicare supplement -RRB- plan underwritten and administered by United Healthcare . Medigap plans are designed to cover the `` gaps '' in Medicare created by deductibles and coinsurance . All Medigap plans are standardized and vary -LRB- within the same letter -RRB- only by price .
Which Retirement Plan Is Best?
Which retirement plan is best ? The one that you actually do . It is more about the habit of saving than anything else . Developing a savings habit will aide anyone in retirement . Waiting for the optimal plan `` before '' you start saving is sort of an excuse I hear many times from people who are n't savers . They fail to set aside funds for the future in any form because it is n't of value to them yet . There are many retirement plan choices , there is no `` best '' as putting zero dollars aside ends up with zero saved . The `` best '' plan is the one where you decide to save and contribute money to .
Insurable interest is necessary in order to obtain a life insurance policy . The dependent must show they would suffer financial loss due to the death of the insured person . This may be a spouse or business partner for example . A person just can not take a policy out on any person just because the want to if they can not show any insurable interest or financial loss due to the passing of the individual .
Which Retirement Plan Is Best?
The best retirement plan is one that someone else paid the cost . It is even better if it meets you needs . It is even better if it is inflation adjusted to meet with changing needs in the future . This question should probably be , What is second best ? Second best is a plan established by your employer to which the employer contributes money and you can contribute money on a tax deferred basis . That means that you dont pay income tax today on the money you put into the plan .
Great question ! Renters Insurance covers your personal belongings in case of a fire in the rental unit or theft . There will also be a coverage for Loss of Use and Personal Liability . Loss of Use will pay for your needs to live somewhere else for a short period of time if the rental is not livable after a covered incident . Thanks !
Can Undocumented Immigrants Get Medicare?
The basic rules of Medicare make this difficult . One has to have 40 quarters of `` covered employement '' to qualify for Part A . Then you get into the questions `` are you the spouse of a U. S. citizen '' that is covered under the social security program . As you can see the issues that are raised by your question makes it very difficult to say it is impossible
SBLI or Savings Bank Life Insurance company is an A + rated carrier . Their term policy is some of the most affordable term life insurance on the market . I have personally represented them for years and use them frequently with my clients who need term life insurance to cover a situation for a certain period of time .
I Have Health Insurance Do I Need Medicare?
If you have group coverage you may not need to pick up Medicare part B right away depending on the size of your group . Medicare coordinates with your health insurance . For smaller groups it will be primary , for larger groups it would be secondary . Primary means that Medicare pays first and your health insurance would act like a supplement . Secondary means that your insurance pays first and Medicare would just help pay any deductibles and copay 's . You do not need a Medicare supplement if you have group health insurance in most cases . If you have prescriptions covered at work do not pick up a Medicare Advantage plan or prescription drug plan without discussing it with your HR rep. You could get knocked off your group coverage and not be able to get it back .
Death is an inevitability not a probability . For that reason companies issue permanent life insurance policies . These are policies that will be in force on the day that you die as long as you pay the premium . The way that the companies keep this promise is to collect more money than is necessary to meet the cost of insuring a person for the coming year and hold that in reserve . As the reserve increases the need to purchase insurance decreases . There are permanent policies which may accept less in the early years but will require more to remain permanent in later years .
Does Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
If it is a type of Uhaul that you drive then no . But if it is a type of uhaul that you are pulling the liability portion would come from your auto policy but it would not repair the trailer . There are some carriers that will cover the driving type Uhaul under a personal policy depending on how big it is . Many cases they will not . But Uhaul usually has insurance that you can purchase from them which would better for you in the long run in the event of an accident . Talk to an agent who is in your area they should be able to help you with this matter or talk to the uhaul business as I am sure they would have some good recommendations .
A single person has debt and financial obligations and someone has to pay when they die . You will not leave a load of debt on loved once to pay . It better to die in dignity . Get life insurance . How will you expect your remain to be disposed of if you have no life insurance .
Does Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
Typically , your personal car insurance policy does not extend coverage to the U-Haul trailer and contents . However , if you have full coverage and you are transporting your car , you may have coverage on the car itself . If you rent a truck -LRB- this applies to commercial vehicles as well -RRB- , there 's a good chance the coverage did not extend to the U-Haul . Purchasing any coverage they offer may not be a bad idea .
The reasons that an `` expecting parent '' should implement Life Insurance are the same as for anyone who wants to leave an inheritance to an heir . Whole Life Insurance , in my opinion , is the only type of policy one should consider in that case and one of the main reasons is because Whole Life truly does create an estate for the benefit of heirs of the insured . Additionally Whole Life can also supplement Retirement income for the owner while also providing a cash benefit to the heirs . Another reason for getting a whole life policy when expecting a family is to be able to provide money for the children 's higher education ie tuition . And there are many other reasons as well ! If you would like more information and advise please contact me !
Does Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
In almost all cases your personal auto insurance will not cover you if you rent a U haul truck . The U Haul truck will fall out of the bounds of personal auto used for pleasure and also the weight category put the vehicle is the commercial range which is 10,000 lbs or higher . I highly recommend you discuss this with your current insurance company for clarity on your particular policy .
It is the single most important form of insurance and everyone regardless of single , married , kids , age , etc should have it . Think of it like this . You have auto insurance to protect a car , home insurance for a home , etc , but why would anyone not protect the only thing you really own and the loved ones that care about you with life insurance ? You can easily replace a car or a home with another , but how do you replace a life and the financial burden placed on the ones you love ? Life insurance allows you to do that and if you do n't have it I recommend contacting your local independent agent .
Does Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
It may or may not depending on the company that insures you . Talk to your Insurance Professional about the terms and conditions of your coverage to be sure . In many cases , liability and physical damage coverage -LRB- Comprehensive and Collision -RRB- will extend over onto another private passanger vehicle that you are using while it temporarily replaces your own . This extension , however , does not generally apply to commercial vehicles like Uhauls and the like .
A homeowners insurance policy will not typically cover for a claim cause by bed bugs . Bed bugs would be considered a vermin which is normally excluded from coverage within a homeowners policy . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that may be contained within .
Does Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
Your car insurance will cover you for liability but it may not cover damage to the Uhaul if you are in an accident or damage the truck . Check with your local agent or company to be sure that your policy covers the truck and to what extent . It only costs about $ 14 to purchase the extra insurance from Uhaul and it will cover any damage you do the truck with just a couple exceptions .
Part A covers hospitalization . Part B covers most things out of the hospital , such as doctor visits and testing . Part A & B come from the government . Part B covers 80 % , so in order to cover the other 20 % , most people purchase a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan . Additionally , Part A & B do not cover drugs - so you 'll purchase drug coverage separately . So to summarize , A & B comes from the government - and you can work with a broker to get a Medicare Supplement and Drug Coverage .
Is Whole Life Insurance For Me?
Five reasons Whole Life Insurance may be for you : 1 -RRB- You want to buy your life insurance one time in your life and never have to worry about it again . 2 -RRB- You want a policy that will have cash value so you can `` borrow from yourself '' in the future . 3 -RRB- You want to be sure your policy will be in effect when you die , even if you live to a ripe old age . 4 -RRB- You want a policy that you can have paid off by the time your retire . 5 -RRB- You want a policy that will give you something back if you decide to drop it later in life . Five reasons Whole Life may not be for you : 1 -RRB- You ca n't afford it at this point in time -LRB- you could get Term now and buy Whole Life later -RRB- . 2 -RRB- You have a temporary need and will not need life insurance after that is over . 3 -RRB- You are young and want a vehicle to aggressively save for retirement -LRB- an indexed or variable policy could work better -RRB- . 4 -RRB- You want a permanent policy but do n't care about cash value -LRB- a guaranteed UL may be cheaper -RRB- . 5 -RRB- You have all your financial bases covered in other ways .
Generally life insurance proceeds are paid to the policy beneficiaries tax free . There are exceptions to this general statement . The policy proceeds could be includable in the policy owners estate and the estate is greater than the undefined credit or state exemptions . The policy proceeds could be taxed in some business scenarios as well .
Is Whole Life Insurance For Me?
When people that you love will suffer when you die , you need life insurance . If that need will remain for many years , perhaps even until the day that you die , you need permanent insurance . The most popular form of permanent insurance is whole life insurance . It provides that the company will pay fixed amount when you die , regardless of when that occurs . In exchange you are required to pay a premium that is also fixed and does not change even as you grow older and the risk of death increases dramatically . There are alternative forms of permanent insurance in which you give up guarantees for flexibility .
If the face amount of the life insurance exceeds $ 1,500 at the time of Medicaid is being applied for , they could count the cash value of the policy . The face value is the amount beneficiaries would be paid in the event of the applicant 's death . Death proceeds go to the beneficiaries of the life insurance policy based on the death insured not the policy owner . Consult an attorney before relying on any information dealing with Medicaid .
Is Whole Life Insurance For Me?
There are a variety of types of whole life insurance . Some better than others . This is the most costly type of life insurance , but the absolutely surest one in many folks minds . I used to work for a carrier that sold this as their flagship product . They would n't let me sell the type I now highly recommend . I strongly prefer the cash value life insurance which will tie to the market , but never go down , and only go up . That is Equity Indexed Universal Life . Meeting the requirements , you can be assured you are in an outstanding investment , yes investment , because the market is likely to go up but even if it goes down , you will NOT lose . I recommend Premier Financial Alliance 's EIUL Flex Life , with full living benefits , you do not have to die to get paid with . See you agent . GARY LANE , [email protected] . 714 422 9616 . Thank you .
In California home insurance rates do not appear to be increasing . The reason that insurance rates increase is that claims and expenses are higher than premium income . At that point the insurance company petitions the insurance commissioner for a rate increase . In some states that is a laborious process as the commissioner is obliged to protect the interests of the citizens . Once the commissioner approves a rate change , the homeowners rate increases or decreases .
Is Whole Life Insurance For Me?
That is a great question ! It may be , if this is what you are looking for : A policy that you ca n't outlive ; one that will have the same price every month ; one that can provide you with money in an emergency ; and one that you can buy , set up on automatic drafts and forget about . If you want the security of knowing that it is handled , this is the policy type for you . Thank you for asking !
The best life insurance in Michigan depends on the person applying for it . There are some companies that specialize in life insurance for people with health conditions such as diabetes or MS. There are others that have very good rates for those who are overweight or obese . Some have great prices for Term while others offer exceptional Permanent products . To find the best life insurance for you , go to a website that offers life insurance in Michigan and give them your details . By shopping from multiple companies you will have your best chance at finding your best rate .
What Does Health Insurance Cost An Employer?
Good question . Normally an employer has to pay at least 25 % of the premium and sometimes they pay up to 100 % , that 's up to them . So if the plan is $ 300 for you alone , if they pay 50 % -LRB- which many employers do -RRB- they would be paying $ 150 and you would probably pay $ 75 per 2 weeks which of course equals $ 150 monthly .
Vacancy is a gray area . Having said that , a homeowners insurance policy is designed to be owner occupied . Most of these policies will have a clause for vacancy . Generally , it is 60 days . If you do not occupy the home for 60 days or more , and have a claim , the company will have the right to deny it based on the contract . Many times it becomes tough for the homeowners insurance carrier to prove the last time you stayed at the home and some clients truly do n't remember . Each company can have different vacancy clauses - I advise reading yours very closely if you will not be occupying the home .
Does Medicare Pay For Hip Replacement Surgery?
As a general rule , surgery that Medicare considers medically necessary is a covered expense under original Medicare . Joint replacement surgery -LRB- including hips -RRB- is relatively common among Medicare beneficiaries . This type of surgery is handled on an inpatient basis which should be covered by Medicare Part A . The surgeon 's charge is Part B .
It seems to me that you are looking to maximize value . That is best done by carefully selecting the agent with whom you can work . The agent should listen carefully , offer sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and with the insurance company . The agent will determine the length of time that you require coverage . The agent will determine what your personal risk tolerance level . The agent will determine what amount of insurance you need now and at different periods of your life . The agent will select a company that can do what you want done at a price you can afford .
Does Medicare Pay For Hip Replacement Surgery?
Hip replacement surgery is covered under Medicare Part A because you will be admitted into the hospital for that type of surgery . When you leave the hospital Part B of Medicare will cover your follow up doctor 's visits and any physical therapy the doctor wants you to have . If you have a Medicare Supplement to go along with your Original Medicare your out of pocket cost for hip replacement surgery should be very low .
You can use a new health insurance plan on and after the effective date of the coverage . For example , if you have a July 1 , 2014 effective date , you can use your new coverage beginning on July 1 , 2014 and each day thereafter as long as the policy is in force . If you have purchased a policy with a future effective date and are still covered under an old plan , that policy would be providing your coverage until you reach the effective date of the new plan -LRB- and assuming you are terminating the other plan -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Does Insurance Cover A Tree Parked In The Street Crushed By A Falling Tree?
If no one heard it fall did it make a sound when the tree crushed your car . OK , could not help myself . Your automobile comprehensive coverage would cover the damage from a falling limb . As for going after a homeowner , it 's almost impossible to prove negligence unless the homeowner had been warned both verbally and in writing that his or her tree presented a hazard . Otherwise it 's simply an act of God and the property owner is not liable . This happens allot actually . My best advise is to avoid parking under trees . If the limbs do n't get you the sap and birds will .
Yes . Corporations can own life insurance on its key employees under whats known as `` key man insurance '' . Most companies will not purchase individual life insurance on just any employee . In addition corporations can get group insurance policies for all of their employees . These policies extend coverage to eligible employees and is owned by the corporation .
Does Insurance Cover A Tree Parked In The Street Crushed By A Falling Tree?
I am going to go out on a limb here -LRB- sorry about that -RRB- and guess you mean a CAR crushed by a falling tree . IF the auto insurance policy has `` comprehensive '' coverage the damage will be covered by the auto policy . IF the property owner on which the tree stands was negligent in maintaining the tree , i.e. the tree was dead and likely to come down at any time , coverage may be provided under the liability portion of the property insurance policy . However a healthy , maintained tree brought down in a windstorm is not the result of negligence on the part of the property owner .
That is a great question ! The only way that a beneficiary can get any money out of a policy is when the insured passes away . At that point , the beneficiary needs to contact the insurance company and file a claim . There will be forms to fill out and send in , and the death certificate will need to be sent also . Once all of the details are sorted out , the insurance company writes the check , and it is issued . Thanks for asking !
Does Insurance Cover A Tree Parked In The Street Crushed By A Falling Tree?
Falling objects whether they are trees , airplane parts , stones from a gravel truck or something else are covered under comprehensive . Comprehensive covers the physical damage of your vehicle for everything except collision . Fire , theft , vandalism , as well as chipped windshields are a typical comprehensive claim . Comprehensive which is an optional coverage since it covers your vehicle usually has a deductible . Once you satisfy the deductible the insurance company pays the rest . It can be frustrating to pay the deductible when you have n't done anything wrong . If the damage was caused by someone who was negligent , let your insurance company know so that they can subrogate for your deductible as well as what they paid out . The age of the tree does n't matter , but the condition might especially if you have proof that the owner knew .
The short answer is when you are young and in good health . Both are key elements that determine pricing . Consider as well , when you have a financial obligation that needs protecting - a car loan , a mortgage , a business loan etc. as these are all natural moments when the consideration of Life Insurance makes sense .
Does Insurance Cover A Tree Parked In The Street Crushed By A Falling Tree?
Great question ! If the tree fell due to negligence -LRB- it was dead , or had significant rot and was a hazard that was n't fixed -RRB- then whomever 's property it sat on may be liable for the damage to your car . If it was your tree , then your comprehensive coverage clause in your auto insurance policy should cover it . If it was a healthy tree that was felled by `` an act of God '' , you may have a rougher time collecting . If you have more questions , feel free to contact me , I 'd be happy to help ! Thanks for asking !
In some cases , Aetna health insurance plans will cover lap band surgery and other forms of bariatric intervention . Your doctor must indicate you are morbidly obese , other forms of weight loss have not been successful and you have related health issues such as type II diabetes , high blood pressure and high cholesterol .
How To Cancel Allstate Life Insurance?
Before you cancel any life insurance policy , you should talk to your agent to make sure it 's the right move for you . One of the things that most people do n't think about is their insurability , especially when they have an existing plan . They may have preferred rates at the time they got it , but now have a medical history and may be looking at standard or substandard rates on a new plan if they decided to get coverage again later on . If you 're looking at securing new coverage / replacing the old policy , you should compare the two structures and make sure it 's the most favorable course of action for you . Third , if you 're cancelling it because of premium affordability , you may have an option to simply reduce the face amount or term period of the coverage to reduce the premiums . After all proper considerations are done and you still want to cancel the policy , you can do one of two things : 1 -RRB- simply stop paying the premiums and the policy will just lapse on its own 2 -RRB- call the carrier and tell them to terminate the coverage -LRB- if you have a permanent policy with cash value , you can request to receive the cash value proceeds -LRB- less any surrender charges or loan fees -RRB- , if applicable/available . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
There is no such thing as who has the lowest auto insurance rates . Each person and/or family is unique . There are many factors that vary such as age , marital status , type of vehicles , driving history , in some states credit , occupation and so on . So the best option is to contact an independent agent who can look at your situation and shop for the best coverage 's and rates that meet your specific needs .
What Is The Enrollment Period For Medicare Part B?
Generally , it is 3 months prior to turning 65 , the month you turn 65 and 3 months after you turn 65 . However , some people who have a group plan through their employer delay Part B until they leave the group plan . If this is the case you can enroll in Medicare Part B when you are getting ready to leave the group plan . People who are on a group plan should compare the benefits they have with what they could get with a Medicare Supplement along with Medicare Part A & B. Often times you can save money and get equal to or more comprehensive benefits .
It does n't really take that long at all these days . Whether you are working with your Insurance Professional or an on line source , certain questions will need to be answered and information provided . This would include your full name and address , date of birth , drivers ' license number and in many cases your social security number as well . The particulars about the car including the year , make model and vehicle identification number will be needed as well . Next , the coverage is chosen and the price determined . The proposal can be taken to application in a matter of minutes , the premium paid and the coverage bound . All in all , provided all of the required information is provided , this can beaccomplished in well under a half an hour allowing time for questions .
Does Medicare A Cover Emergency Room?
Emergency rooms are considered outpatient care . It does not matter if they are attached to or affiliated with an acute care hospital , the ER is still outpatient . Even if you are admitted to the hospital via the ER , any bills accumulated as an ER patient are tabulated as outpatient . Medically necessary ER claims are covered under Medicare Part B .
You can normally make your auto insurance premium go down by combining coverages with one company , decreasing your coverage levels , or removing coverages . Combining your coverage with one company if possible is the best way tolower your premium as most off multi-policy discounts.This really is a coversation best held with your local agent . They can best direct you on the reprocusions of doing any the things mentioned .
How To Read A Car Insurance Quote?
A car insurance quote is very easy to read . Naturally , the cost is the rate that you pay . It will typically be shown in monthly or semi-annual formats . The deductibles are referring to collision and comprehensive benefits and the liability limits are the bodily injury and property damage figures . If you need help , contact us !
Generally speaking , a qualified retirement plan is one legislated by the government with tax advantaged features to attract American workers to save for retirement . One example is The Employee Retirement Income Security act of 1974 -LRB- ERISA -RRB- that addresses defined benefit and defined contribution plans . And one of the most popular employer sponsored defined contribution retirement plans is a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- . Plan participants can make pretax contributions that accumulate tax deferred and some employers match a portion of the employee 's contribution . Of course distributions at retirement are taxed as ordinary income and there are penalties for distributions before age 59 1/2 .
Can My Boyfriend Add Me To His Car Insurance?
If you are living in the same household then he should put you on the list of drivers . The insurance follows the car and that is linked to a household . The person buying the insurance is in the household and can loan the car to whoever he wishes . The insurance covers the automobile . If you are not living together there wouldnt be anything gained by putting you on the policy .
Aetna does offer Life Insurance . However , on their website , Aetna states that the Life insurance coverage that they offer is available through employer-provided plans only . Their life insurance policies are not available to individuals for private sales . Aetna life insurance plans are called group term insurance or group coverage .
Does Life Insurance Have PPI?
No , life insurance does not have PPI added into the premium . Payment Protection Insurance is popular in Europe -LRB- especially in the United Kingdom -RRB- and Australia , but has been the source of some scrutiny when added to loan repayments without the borrower knowing it , or when consumers have been coerced into purchasing it .
When life insurance is paid up , it simply means that no further premiums are required to keep the policy in force . The policy may have been set up to where you only needed to pay a single premium in a lump sum . Or it may have required that you paid premiums for a certain number of years , and then it became paid up . In any event , you owe no more premiums and your beneficiary would receive the full face amount or more , if you passed . Or you may have decided to quit paying on the policy early , and were given theoption to take it as a reduced paid up policy . In this case , the face amount will be less than what you originally applied for , but the reduced face amount will stay in effect without you paying any more premiums .
Who Is Exempt From Buying Health Insurance?
Individuals who qualify for their states Medicaid program , and those who are covered by a family members policy . Medicaid is a federal program that is managed and implemented on the state level , it has been traditionally provided to low-income individuals who fall below the poverty line . However it looks as though it will be expanded by PPACA to include those who fall below 200 % of the Federal Poverty Line -LRB- however there is quite a bit of time between current guidelines and January 1st . 2015 -RRB- . The only other way that you can be exempt is if you are listed as a dependent on someone elses policy .
No , Life Insurance is normally exempt from income tax . If the policy is a group policy , only the first $ 50,000 is tax free . If there is cash value above the face amount , that excess may be taxed as income ; or if you take the life insurance in installments , the interest may be taxed . If you surrender a policy , the amount of cash value in excess of the premiums you paid in might be taxed . If your policy is a modified endowment contract , loans and withdrawals will be taxed . There may be a few other legalities , but by and large , when someone is named the beneficiary on a life insurance policy and when the insured person dies , the beneficiary will not have to pay any income taxes on the death benefit received .
Can I Claim Back Critical Illness Insurance?
I am going to assume you are asking about back payments -LRB- retroactive -RRB- rather than benefits for illness or injury to your back -LRB- which may or may not be covered under your critical illness plan -RRB- . Most policies have a time limit for filing a claim , usually 6 months but your policy may have a longer or shorter time frame .
What is the amount for a modified endowment contract for the 2014 tax year ? Unfortunately , you are mixing your investment or plan up . There is no annual guideline for a Modified Endowment Contract . You are thinking of qualified money contributions and confusing the two . Determination of a modified contract is something that can occur at any time if the extra monies applied to a policy trigger a formula known as the 7 pay test . When extra money is suggested to be added to a policy , the insurance company performs the 7 pay test on those funds and determines if the addition of those funds will trigger a MEC , before the funds are applied . More often than not , a deposit of extra funds triggers a MEC at some future date . If that 's the case , the policy does not become aMEC until that date . So money could sit and grow for several years , even decades without becoming a MEC . As the policy draws closer to the MEC date , simply taking money out of the policy can eliminate the MEC . There are several other ways to eliminate the MEC classification as well .
Can I Claim Back Critical Illness Insurance?
If you have a return of premium rider on your critical illness insurance policy , you can claim back critical illness insurance premiums , minus any claims that were paid . Some companies integrate this feature into their policy , so that a policy that is cancelled after a certain length of time will have its premiums are paid back to the policyholder .
The letters at the end of your Medicare number are used as designations that describe how you qualified for Medicare . The letter A means you were a Social Security wage earner . The letter W means you are a widower of an eligible spouse , W1 a widower . Letter M is someone who is covered under Part A only .
Who Is The Medicare Carrier For Ohio?
Medicare is a Federal run program administered by the Center For Medicare and Medicaid Services . An individual who qualifies for Medicare can also select a Medicare Advantage Plan . Medicare Advantage is under the oversight of the CMMS , however the plans are administered by private insurers . These plans are available in certain areas . You can find what is available at Medicare.Gov or an agent knowledgable in Medicare Advantage Plans can help you find a plan in your area . The most common in Ohio are United Healthcare , Anthem , Humana , and Aetna.There are also some smaller local plans such a SUMMA , and AultCare in the Akron Canton area .
-- > Normal 0 Of course , the most important issue to consider before selecting any insurance company is be certain they are financially sound and able to back up the promises they make in their insurance policies . Beyond that , for a homeowners policy consider what you are looking for . Why even consider any agent or insurance company if they are unwilling or unable to offer the coverage you want and need ? So , what do you want your home policy to do ? Rebuild your home if it is destroyed ? Pay you to replace your personal property if it is damaged or destroyed ? Defend you and pay a judgment if you are sued for injuring someone or damaging his or her property ? If so , Id suggest looking for an insurer that offers : Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage on your home . Many companies dont . Most insurance companies will pay you to rebuild your house but they will stop paying when you limit is reached . Following a major storm , wild fire or other disaster , building materials and available labor become scarce . Prices increase and consumers find they may not have enough insurance . Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage automatically increases your limit to whatever you need to rebuild your home , even if it is double or triple the amount of insurance you carry . Replacement Cost and Special Coverage on your personal property . Most homeowners policies limit coverage on your personal property to a number of specific named perils . Look for insurers who offer Special Coverage , often referred to as all - risk , replacement cost coverage not only on your home but your personal property as well . Personal Liability coverage is an important yet often overlooked part of your homeowners policy . Many families include high limit Personal Umbrella coverage as part of their insurance program . Personal Umbrellas are often considered the least expensive way to purchase high personal liability limits . In addition , these policies should have broader insuring agreements with fewer exclusions and limitations than standard home and auto policies . If these features are available , I would then consider the annual premium and possibly the availability of a local agent who is committed to assisting you should you have a problem .
Who Is The Medicare Carrier For Ohio?
Medicare Part A and Part B is provided by the Social Security Administration for every state , including Ohio . To apply for Medicare in Ohio , you can call the Social Security Administration at 800-663-4227 -LRB- 800-MEDICARE -RRB- . If you are looking for Medicare Supplemental Insurance , there are a number of companies that sell this type of coverage in Ohio . You may be able to get a quote through your own health insurance provider .
Yes , you can cash in a universal life policy . Discuss the ramifications of your decision with your agent , first . If you do cash it in , you can roll the cash value over into a new permanent policy without paying taxes on the cash . To cash it in , you call the company through which it was issued .
How Much Does Medicare Cost A Retiree?
Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital stays , care in a skilled nursing facility , hospice care , and some home health care . If you have paid Social Security taxes for at least 40 quarters -LRB- 10 years -RRB- this coverage is free . Part B of Medicare covers doctor office visits , preventive care , diagnostic tests , physical therapy , hospital outpatient services , radiation and chemotherapy treatments , kidney dialysis , durable medical equipment , ambulance services and some home health care . You pay a monthly premium to the Federal government for this coverage .
The proceeds from life insurance that has no beneficiary -LRB- or no living beneficiary -RRB- listed on the policy , will go the estate of the policy owner when the insured person dies . There it will be subject to probate costs that could have been avoided had a beneficiary been listed on the policy .
How Much Does Medicare Cost A Retiree?
Most eligible retirees do not pay a premium for Medicare Part A . Once you have accumulated 40 Social Security credits -LRB- that means you have paid Social Security employment taxes for 40 or more quarters -RRB- you do not have to pay a Medicare Part A premium . Most eligible retirees pay a monthly premium of $ 104.90 for Medicare Part B for 2014 . This premium is however more for higher income individuals/couples . A premium chart is available on . A typical stand alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plan will cost around $ 30 per month . Each of these parts of Medicare -LRB- A , B , and D -RRB- have deductibles and co-payments/co-insurance ; all details are available on . Retirees often purchase a Medicare supplement insurance policy for an additional premium to provide coverage for Medicare Part A and B deductibles and co-insurance , or enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan -LRB- Part C -RRB- to package and control costs of Medicare coverage . The average annual out of pocket cost per Medicare beneficiary per the most recent data is $ 4,600 per year . Any individual 's `` cost '' of Medicare will ultimately vary based upon their unique attributes and circumstances ; but to understand the variables and get some control over costs it isadvisableto meet with alicensed insurance agent/advisor who specializes in the senior/Medicare market .
The value of annuities is tied to the federal management of the money supply . When the objective of the government is low or no interest , the life insurance companies that write annuities have very little choice because there arent suitable investments available . Incidentally , it is precisely this policy that is creating a dilemma in some pension plans .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?
Yes you can . The rate will depend on age of onset and degree of control . You will probably pay a higher rate but you can get insurance . A good independent life insurance agent or broker can look at your individual situation and find a company that is affordable for you .
If you are disabled , you can get Medicare 2 years after starting to receive Social Security Disability benefits . If you have end stage renal disease or ALS , you can start receiving Medicare after meeting the criteria set forth for those illnesses . Otherwise , you can get Medicare at age 65 .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?
Certainly ! With the increasing number of Diabetes diagnoses , insurance companies must offer more products to accommodate this disease if they want to compete in the marketplace . Of course , your premium -LRB- payment -RRB- will be higher than a person who has n't been diagnosed because it could potentially be life threatening . The best thing to do is make sure your Diabetes is under control , whether you take medications or not . That is the key . Less control = higher premiums !
It can be difficult to find out which doctors take Medicare . Therefore , Medicare has created a website where you can access a feature called `` Physician Compare '' . It will show you the names , addresses , phone numbers , specialties and genders of the physicians that are enrolled in Medicare in your area . Go to to find this information .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?
Can you get life insurance if you have diabetes ? Decades ago the answer was only `` no '' . As treatment for diabetes has improved and the wide range of how well diabetic manage their condition the prospects have changed . Depending on your level of control the possibility of aquiring a policy have improved greatly .
The Old Age , Survivors , and Disability Insurance programis another name for Social Security . Itwas set up by Congress as part of the Social Security Act in 1935 . It is funded by Social Security taxes and provides benefits to persons over age 65 , the disabled , and survivors of eligible persons .
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?
Most people with diabetes can get life insurance , and if you have had a history of good control -LRB- low A1C 's , no protein in urine , no neuropathy -RRB- you can get any type of medically underwritten policy at reasonable rates . Even if you have had some recent periods of poor control or have some side effects of diabetes , there are policies available . This is true even with the combination of diabetes and heart disease , which used to be pretty much uninsurable . There are a few groups who can have a difficult time finding coverage . Children with type 1 diabetes will most likely need to wait until they are adults to qualify for a policy . Persons under age 50 who have very serious side effects -LRB- amputation , kidney dialysis , blindness -RRB- may need to wait until they are older until they can get a guaranteed issue policy . To get your most affordable diabetes life insurance rate , contact an agency that specializes in that and share your health details . There is something out there for nearly every person with diabetes , and by shopping with a broker who carries many options , you can lock in your lowest price based on your particular health details .
An assignment means that you forfeit your rights , at least temporarily , to property . In this case you are talking about an insurance policy . The person to whom the rights have been assigned can change the provisions of the policy , and access the values of the policy . This is an effective way to move life insurance completely out of your estate .
How Much Money Do You Get From Life Insurance?
It depends on the face amount originally issued plus any after issue adjustments . The policy may be a whole life policy that pays dividends . Those dividends can create additional benefits as time goes by . If the policy is a universal life policy , it may be an increasing death benefit type , where the death benefit is the base amount plus accumulated cash value .
You can drop life insurance whenever you like . However , in many cases , the life insurance becomes more valuable the longer you have it . E.g. . If you purchase a 30 year term policy , the premium is averaged out over the 30 years . While you are younger , you are paying more than the actual cost of insurance for someone your age -LRB- that is why shorter term insurance costs less -RRB- . But once you get toward the end of the term , you are usually paying much less than the normal cost per thousand at your age . Unless you no longer need life insurance , or if the premiums have started to go up to an unreasonable amount , or if you had an improvement in health or weight or smoking status that will help you get a better rate with a new policy , consult your agent to be sure you are doing the right thing in dropping your policy .
When Should An Individual Have Renters Insurance?
Although I have answered similar questions of this nature previously , it is such an important coverage that I will repeat it . While I obviously do not know your particular situation and whether or not your landlord requires you to maintain renters insurance , I can tell you the following that might help you see the value of some of the coverages provided . Renters ' insurance policies provide a considerable amount of coverage for a relatively small premium . For starters , it is extremely valuable coverage in the event of a loss to your personal property from perils such as fire , smoke , theft and others . It also provides some coverage for liability which can be of significant value . Other desired coverages can be economically added . From a personal standpoint , I saw the value first-hand when my Sons had a severe kitchen fire in their apartment in Raleigh , NC a few years ago . No one was hurt but the apartment became uninhabitable as a result of the fire and smoke damage . Because my Sons were astute enough to have purchased a renters policy , they were reimbursed for all of their burned and smoke-damaged possessions and they received reimbursement for living expenses elsewhere while restoration was being completed . Additionally , the landlord sued them for negligence related to the cause of the fire ... which was quickly thrown-out in court ... but the insurance carrier provided them a defense for the negligence allegation . That alone would have cost them heavy legal fees . All-in-all , it cost my Sons their very affordable premium and a small loss deductible to get back to their lives . Without the renters policy , they would have been ` hurting ' for a long time .
Most everyone is required to have an approved health insurance plan under Obamacare provisions , but there are exceptions to the mandate . Churches and religious institutions are exempt from the employer mandate . Illegal immigrants , those who are in prison and members of Native American -LRB- American Indian -RRB- tribes are also exempt from the mandate .
When Should An Individual Have Renters Insurance?
If you are renting or leasing a premise then you should have renters insurance to be properly protected . Each individual living in the rented or leased premise should also have their own renters insurance policy if they are not immediate family of the insured to be properly protected . Please contact a local agent to find out more about availability and pricing in your area .
Primerica sells only term life insurance . They are a big promoter of buy term and invest the difference . If you invest wisely , once your term runs out , you will have plenty of money and no longer need life insurance . This plan works for many people but it works even better if you shop around a little more on your term insurance . Primerica is not known to have very good prices on term life insurance . You can usually find it at a lower price and have more to invest .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?
The correct answer here is `` it depends '' . Normally any water that enters from the outside will not trigger coverage . If the roof just plain leaked , then the building owner is responsible for any losses that happen . They have a duty to maintain their property . Their failure to maintain their property makes them responsible for any damage caused by the leaky roof . If , however , the roof leaked as a direct result of damage from a storm , it may be covered . The key words here are `` sudden and accidental '' . A leaky roof certainly is n't sudden , it 's a maintenance issue . My advice would be to contact the building owner and tell them what was damaged . I do n't know how your lease is written , but they are responsible for upkeep of the building . Therefore they should be responsible for any damage to your stuff if it was damaged because of the roof . They may not agree easily .
Yes ! In fact , deductions for employer sponsored health insurance is the top tax `` expenditure '' in the tax code , representing more lost tax revenue than deductions for IRA / Pension contributions -LRB- 2nd largest -RRB- and deductions for mortgage interest -LRB- 3rd largest -RRB- ; it costs five times more lost revenue than for deductions for charitable donations . Whether the employer pays 100 % of the health insurance premium or just some of the premium , the employer deducts whatever premiums it pays and the employee does not have to recognize the premiums paid on his or her behalf as taxable income .
What Could Easily Get You Dropped From Your Car Insurance?
Attempting to turn in fraudulent claims would be the first thing that comes to mind . If you do no provide accurate information when applying for coverage or when turning in a claim with a carrier they will more than likely not want to keep you on as a client .
Many retirement plans share that acronym . There are two basic types of retirement plans . The first is a defined benefit plan . A defined benefit plan computes the retirement benefit based upon a formula published in the plan . It normally takes into consideration years of service , highest income and age . If employees contribute the contribution is normally a percentage of their income . The second is a defined contribution plan . This plan normally allows the employee to contribute to their own retirement program . The employer may make an annual contribution to the plan or may match employee contributions to a certain limit . The benefit is then computed based upon the value of the fund at the time of retirement or may often be taken in a lump sum .
What Could Easily Get You Dropped From Your Car Insurance?
Great question ! The easiest ways are to falsify your application or claim ; stop paying it ; Start having multiple accidents , dui 's etc. . I ca n't say any of these are really good things to do , and I would ask why you would want to get dropped . Doing so typically has bad results for you on subsequent attempts to get insured , and driving without insurance is even worse . If you want out of your contract , just call them , and tell them you 'd like to cancel the policy.Thanks for asking !
This could be a few different things , but generally speaking it 's a life insurance policy with a non-forfeiture benefit -LRB- aka an ability to accumulate a cash value that can be redeemed upon policy surrender or used to provide for a degree of policy benefits if the policy holder decides he or she no longer wishes to pay the premium due on the original policy -RRB- .
Does Credit Score Affect Auto Insurance Rates?
It all depends on the carrier and in some cases the state you live in , but generally speaking - Yes - your credit worthyness can impact your auto insurance rates . With carriers who use credit scoring as part of their underwriting process , those with better credit get better rates . Speak with your local independant agent to get a more specific explanation of the use of credit scoring in your area and with the carriers they represent .
You can switch Medigap policies at any time , but it is important to understand potential obstacles . If you are outside of your Medigap open enrollment period -LRB- the 6-month period that begins on the first day of the month in which you 're 65 or older and enrolled in Part B -RRB- , then you will likely have to go through health underwriting to switch to a new plan or insurance company . Some companies do allow you to change your Medigap Plan if you remain with them , e.g. going from a Plan F to a Plan G , without new health underwriting ; but if you change insurance companies you will have to answer all health questions on the application . A new insurance company may deny you coverage based upon evaluation of your current health , so you may not be able to switch your Medigap policy to a new company . It is important to work with a licensed and experienced agent who can place you with a reputable company for the long term when you are in your Medigap open enrollment period .
What Is The Cost Of Whole Life Insurance?
There are two distinct ways to answer this question . If you want to know the premium for a particular policy today , you will find that depending upon your age that it will be a multiple of a one year term policy of the same amount . If you are looking at how much you will pay over an extended period of time , the whole life policy will normally be much less expensive than the term policy . So the answer is , more than term now , less than term over the long haul .
Yes , you 'll have to sign a HIPPA form when applying for disability insurance -- even if you apply for simplified underwriting . They have to be able to order your medical records should anything pop up on a script check . They might also ask you to sign a release form for any psychiatric notes if you 've ever seen a counselor or therapist .
What Is The Cost Of Whole Life Insurance?
What is the cost of whole life insurance ? The cost is determined by several factors , but the main aspects of pricing are the applicant 's age , height , weight , tobacco use , health history and current health including labs . The cost will vary by classification , what you might pay for coverage will depend on what classification you best fit .
Dave Ramsey recommends term life insurance . Dave is a buy term and invest the difference proponent . He believes in eliminating all debt and that over the years your investment in the stock marketing will accumulate enough money to fund a retirement account debt free . So , the need for permanent life insurance is unnecessary .
Does Medicare Cover Sleep Apnea?
People who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea can be eligible for three months of CPAP -LRB- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure -RRB- if that is determined medically necessary . If the CPAP therapy is helpful , Medicare may extend the length of time that the machine rental and purchase of related supplies -LRB- mask , tubing -RRB- is covered .
A urinalysis costs approximately $ 35 - $ 60 , depending where you live and what facility is used to conduct the test . Typically , it is part of a routine examination or annual physical . Many items are checked with this type of testincludingyour liver and glucose . If you have existing medical coverage and the test is considered preventive , the insurer may pay for the entire cost .
What Is An Old Life Insurance Policy Worth?
An old life insurance policy is worth the stated cash surrender value or the death benefit of the policy if the insured dies . Value is somewhat dependent on what specifically you are looking at .
When does whole life make sense ? While I would like to say `` anytime '' , I ca n't . Whole life makes sense when it has time to work . 20 + years and a whole life is an excellent product , probably the best you can do long term . However , when you have limited your time by waiting till later in life to purchase life insurance , the cost of whole life can be prohibitive . Then a GUL -LRB- guaranteed universal life -RRB- starts to make more sense as it can provide lifetime protection at a set stable cost that would be less than Whole life . Whole life still could be a possibility , but usually the cost is up there .
What Is An Old Life Insurance Policy Worth?
To determine what an old life insurance policy is worth , you need to determine if the policy is still in effect . If it was a term policy and no one is paying any premiums on it , the policy will have lapsed and not have any value . If it is a permanent policy , you can call the insurance company to determine if the policy is in effect and ask what you would get if you cashed the policy in .
Here is a life hack : 1 . Check with your credit card provider . Many of them offer liability coverage automatically included as long as you pay for the rental with this card . 2 . If you have business insurance , but no business auto , add Hired/Non-Owned coverage . For pennies a day -LRB- $ 100 - $ 200 a year -RRB- it will provide you with auto liability insurance for cars you rent or borrow for your business needs . It also covers your employees ' and your personal auto that was used in a course of business . For example , you are asking your employee to drop off office keys . The employee gets into the accident . You have liability coverage provided . 3 . Some insurance carrier also offer hired car property damage . This is the coverage for the car you rented/hired/borrowed .
What Is An Old Life Insurance Policy Worth?
If you have your last annual statement review the surrender and/or cash value account and death benefit . If you do n't have a statement , contact the company 's costumer service for an in force ledger . Depending upon the type of cash value life insurance you have and how old it is , it may contain higher credited interest rates . That could be a reason to keep it . And depending upon how old you are , you may receive more money from the life settlement than the cash surrender value .
A jumbo life insurance policy is a life insurance policy with a face amount so large that one insurance company can not take all of the risk to pay the claim . There are several large reinsurance companies that insure the insurance company to cover that large claim . The most recent case involves a world record policy written in California to a Tech Billionaire for a face amount of $ 201 million that actually used 19 different insurance companies so no one company had more than $ 20 million in risk .
Can I Get Car Insurance With An International License?
Yes . There are many companies who will insure a driver with an international drivers license . However , many companies will add a surcharge due to not having a way to pull up your driving record . So keep two things in mind that can help save you money : 1 . if possible , providing a recent copy of your driving record from your old country will get you a break on the surcharge with some companies . 2 . it 's very important to shop around with multiple companies when you have a foreign drivers license because companies vary considerably on how they are rated .
The answer to your question has many parts to the final answer . Let 's assume I just got married and my phone has been ringing incessantly with insurance agents pedaling their life insurance policies . My wife and I know it just makes good sense to have life insurance-my policy covering her and vice versa . The question is given my occupation and I do not want her to work how do I plan `` how much '' life insurance ? My employer can provide $ 50,000 for me and I am not taxed as long as I stay at or below $ 50,000 . So from a cost standpoint that $ 50,000 is a given . I hope to have two children to keep my wife happy and raising kids . We know it takes a huge amount to just raise the kids much less educate them . We also know if I am smart at some point in my life I will be smart to have saved enough money to get out of the life insurance market and have savings to pay any funeral costs that may arise . So on today 's date I know my `` insurance needs '' is at the highest point it will ever be assuming the two children are born and then we can avoid the `` steamy ` Saturday and be careless and now the third is here . So if I assume the first child will be born in two years that means in year 20 I have to have `` college expense '' funds '' . Is it a better investment to use life insurance or it better to open a mutual fund aggressive growth and invest a $ 100 pewr month for the next 20 years ? Let 's assume the second child in born in our fourth year of marriage . Now the same decision outlined above is with me again . What is often overlooked is the assumption is I will remain healthy and my income will increase each year . What happens if I become ill and diabled for two years ? What disablity insurance plans do I have ? Do they cover my `` own occupation '' or if I can flip hamburgers I am not considered disabled . In order to make an informed decisions you have to consider all the options . Is it best for me to take a Gerber Life insurance policy on each child for $ 20,000 , which then doubles , at their age 18 ? If I am confident that I can save sufficiently for the next 30 years I may decide to take a $ 1,000,000 30 year term policy but if I am not confident of my ability to save then I am sure going to use the `` dollar cost averging '' advantages of having a `` cash value '' policy and a mutual fund in the aggressive growth and invest $ 100 per month . I ho ; pe this helps you to see the complexity of your question .
How Long Does It Take To Get Home Insurance?
Pending extenuating circumstances a typical homeowners policy can be written as quickly as hours . If you have all of the information necessary for the agent to get you pricing , you are able to pay the premium , and there are not any risk associated with yourself or the property that carrier is not willing to accept then you could conceivably be covered the same day you apply . I would plan on a couple of days to a week though under most circumstances .
Borrowing from a cash value life insurance can give you access to cash value life insurance policy loans of gain . Policy loans incur interest charges and every policy charges differently : zero net cost loans , wash loans , spread loans , direct recognition loans and participation loans . There are rules to withdrawals of basic that govern the first 15 years of a life insurance policy , so be aware of it before withdrawing . Withdrawals of basis may be tax free as are loans provided the contract is kept in force for the life of the insured . You may want to withdraw no cost basis rather than incur a policy loan interest charge .
Where Can I Find Cheap Auto Insurance In Connecticut?
We are all pretty familiar with the expression `` you get what you pay for '' . This is pretty rtue for car insurance . There are many carriers who offer low rates for insurance . In Connecticut , like in many states , we have regulations managed by the Department of Motor Vehicles that require car insurance in order to register a car . The minimum coverage is Liability at $ 20,000 per person / $ 40,000 per accident with matched coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorist . That generally will be the least expensive -LRB- though not necessarily because some companies surcharge for lower limits -RRB- . But remember , that wo n't protect the car you just worked so hard to buy . If that is totalled or stolen or bursts into flames or whatever , your cheap insurance wo n't help you .
A life insurance company 's purpose is to offer products which offer some for of benefit in the event of death . Most Life Insurance company 's have portfolios that include term coverage as well as permanent plans which may provide some cash value as the policy ages . Some companies depend on brokers and agents to market their products while others allow you to work with direct .
Where Can I Find Cheap Auto Insurance In Connecticut?
Cheap auto insurance in Connecticut can be found online through experienced brokers and their websites . You can easily compare the best prices and apply online to get affordable auto insurance from the top-rated companies . Typically , there is no obligation and no cost to view your best options . It only takes a few minutes .
If you have family history with a disposition for chronic illness or disease before age 50 , you should consider long term care insurance -LRB- LTCI -RRB- . You should start seriously reviewing the half dozen LTC contracts at age 50 and purchase LTCi while youre healthy and the premiums are inexpensive . But dont delay to purchase LTCi beyond age 62 .
Where Can I Find Cheap Auto Insurance In Connecticut?
`` Cheap auto insurance '' can mean acceptance of low liability limits , to keep the price down . The possible repercussions need to be considered seriously in any State . Think about the exposure you have when you drive , especially if and when you have an accident that is your fault . For example , you -LRB- or a family member -RRB- could have an at-fault accident that damage a very expensive vehicle or vehicles and also causes an injury to the other driver and maybe one or more of the passengers . If you have purchased low -LRB- cheap ? -RRB- limits of liability and you are sued , you could be facing the loss of personal assets , if a sizable judgement is assessed against you . Talk to several agents about this .
There are many reasons to purchase a whole life policy . The first reason is the first intended purpose of a whole life policy is if you feel you want to leave money to loved ones at any age then whole life is for you . It is a life insurance policy designed to last your entire or whole life . Also , whole life is the Swiss Army knife of life insurance policies . It 's funds can be used for retirement , children 's college , critical illness and much more .
How Does Peachtree Annuities Work?
Peachtree is a company that buys out annuities and other structured payments from recipients . They offer the recipient a lump sum cash benefit to then have the payment assigned over to them . Depending on the lump sum cash needs of the individual `` selling '' their annuity payment , this may or may not be in their best interest .
Please check with your accountant . Normally the surrender value of the policy is subject to income tax only to the extent that it exceeds the premiums paid for it . The company will issue a form 1099 to show the disbursement and report that to the IRS .
Can You Cancel Car Insurance Over The Phone?
Depending on your carrier and your state laws . I have many carriers and most of them you can process over the phone . But I do have one carrier that requires a signed request form along with proof that coverage has been placed with another carrier . If you are canceling because your car is not running there are many things you can do to get a refund and still have insurance that covers you if you are driving another car . Talk to an Agent or a carrier and they can do what is best for you .
First , while no one likes to contemplate the passing of a young person , death has no respect for age . The cost of a funeral for an 8 year old is n't going to be any different than for an 80 year old . So , reason number 1 would be to protect you and your family from that unexpected expense . Life insurance rates are based upon life expectancy among other factors . Obviously the life expectancy for a normal child is expected to be several more decades which translates into many years for the life insurance company to invest those premium dollars before they eventually pay the death claim -LRB- assuming the policy is kept in force , sadly it 's not unusual for a child to become an adult and take over the policy and discontinue paying the premiums -RRB- . On a more positive note , a properly structured whole life insurance policy builds up cash value . The cash value accumulation of a whole life insurance policy from someone 's childhood until they reach retirement age can amount to a sizable asset depending upon the face value -LRB- death benefit amount -RRB- of the policy . In the ideal scenario you will leave your child with a paid up life insurance policy and a financial asset for their golden years . Decades from now your child probably wo n't remember many Christmas or birthday gifts they received from you but a good whole life insurance policy can truly be the gift that keeps on giving .
Can You Cancel Car Insurance Over The Phone?
You could call your agent or carrier and express your wish to cancel coverage over the phone , but they will more than likely require that the conversation be recorded so that they can keep it on file -LRB- if they have this capability -RRB- or they will require a form be signed and brought or mailed or faxed to them for your file . Without this your request may not be honored .
Medicare Part A & B covers less than 80 % of your healthcare expenses . The remaining 20 % + does not have a limit . You can imagine how quickly that bill can add up with surgery or a ongoing illness that you need care for . Medicare Part A & B along with a Medicare Supplemental plan is great health insurance . Depending on which plan you pick you will have little to no out of pocket costs . The flexibility is also another key . There is no network so you can see any doctor or hospital in any state you like . If they take Medicare they will take the Medicare Supplement regardless of the carrier . The policy will also help protect you against further cuts to Medicare . The benefits to a Medicare Supplement policy can not change .
How Many Kinds Of Annuities Are There?
There are annuity policies that are designed for almost every conceivable situation . Basically they differ in the way that the payout is computed -LRB- guaranteed vs. non-guaranteed -RRB- and the way the money is accumulated -LRB- guaranteed and non-guaranteed . -RRB- Within the non-guaranteed plans there is a range of options from separate funds and indexed funds to specific investments .
Most people will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B at age 65 . If you meet the definition of Social Security disability you can enroll in Medicare younger than age 65 . When you enroll in Medicare you will need to decide if you want original Medicare and a supplement or an Advantage plan .
How Many Kinds Of Annuities Are There?
That is a great question ! There are a couple of different types of annuities . There are fixed annuities , that pay a certain amount of interest for a designated time ; There are variable annuities that pay an interest rate that changes from time to time ; and there are indexed annuities , that credit an interest that varies depending upon the performance of the specific indexthat they are tied to . There are a great many options available in the annuities of each type . To find the one that is best for you , talk to a qualified agent . If you 'd like help , please inbox me , okay ? Thanks for asking !
When does a life insurance policy lapse ? When there is a failure to make timely payment or when if cash values are involved , when there is no longer sufficient cash values to pay the premiums . A lapsed policy can be reinstated anywhere from 30 days to 6 months depending on what your state has established .
How Many Kinds Of Annuities Are There?
There are two categories of non-qualified annuities are : tax deferred and immediate . Tax deferred annuities have three basic crediting methods : fixed interest rates , domestic/foreign indices and separate subaccounts using equity and bond instruments . Immediate annuities offer various distribution periods like 10 or 20 years certain and lifetime income on the annuitant .
There could be several reasons why your homeowners insurance has gone up . One could be the amount of coverage has increased due to rising costs of construction . One could be your home is getting older . If you had a newer home you were afforded discounts that may be diminishing . Did you have a claim would be another reason . Or it just could be losses in your area have increased and this effects the whole . I would review your policy with your agent to make sure you are maximizing all available discounts .
How Many Kinds Of Annuities Are There?
Simply put , there are just a few . Fixed Annuities which provide a fixed interest rate , Indexed Annuities which provide an interest rate based on Stock Index performance , and Variable Annuities which are more firmly based on market performance . These can be divided into two basic sub-categories , immediate , meaning they begin payout immediately and deferred , meaning payout will begin at a later date . Any of these can be qualified , meaning they meet certain tax qualifications to be considered retirement vehicles , and non-qualified . Each company will then have some variation of these basic forms of annuities .
In Canada , annuities issued by life insurance companies can bypass probate if the beneficiary of the policy is named and it is not the estate . This would include : 1 . Guaranteed Investment Annuities -LRB- GIAs -RRB- that are similar to Guaranteed Investment Certificates GICs -RRB- 2 . Guaranteed Investment Funds -LRB- GIFs -RRB- also referred to as segregated funds that are similar to mutual funds 3 . The guaranteed portion of a term certain or a life payout annuity . Avoiding probate and any other fees is one benefit of bypassing the estate another is privacy . You can find additional information at , if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask .
Do I Need Car Insurance On A Rental?
If you have a personal auto coverage and you rent a car your existing auto policy will cover you in the rental car , but if you have an accident you will have to pay your normal deductible . The rental car companies make a LOT of money from selling really overpriced insurance and in general it 's a good idea to just say no as long as you do have a personal auto policy . If you do n't have a personal auto policy then you do need to get the rental insurance to at least have the legally required liability coverage . Many credit cards also provide you some rental car insurance for free , so check with your credit card company too .
A good . amount of Life insurance will depend on a determination upon an analysis for future financial needs . That determines what will be needed for the benefits to pay for like funeral cost , mortgages unpaid , children 's college or all around support . Life insurance is designed to benefit the family in the event of a unfortunate mishap to the family in which death camp . occur suddenly or natural causes . The person who wanf to buy may also make that decision on how much life insurance to purchase for multiple purposes and even to create an estate maximum amounts so far are 20 Million dollars .
Do I Need Car Insurance On A Rental?
When you rent a car you are responsible for any accident you might have with the car and are also responsible to return the car to the agency in the same condition as when you rented it . While the insurance offered by the rental company may be overpriced they do not do any of the underwriting and investigation of the driver that a normal insurance company will do . That makes their selection process less critical and their prices higher . The advantage of the insurance that they offer is that you can return the automobile or tell the company where the automobile is located and the insurance that you purchased from them will complete your contract with the rental company -LRB- that is not a legal opinion , just an observation . -RRB- The coverage on your current automobile extends to a car that you have rented . If you have inadequate coverage on your private automobile you will have inadequate coverage on the rental car . If you are involved in an accident the rental company will try to keep the meter running on the rental agreement if you dont have their insurance .
That is a great question ! An auto insurance company will generally total your car when the cost of the repairs is near to , or exceeds , the approximate retail -LRB- Sometimes referred to as the `` Blue Book '' -RRB- value of the car . As the retail value is much lower in cars that are several years old , these cars are more likely to be totaled . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Why Is Term Life Insurance Better?
The only way Term insurance is `` better '' is that it is cheaper than permanent insurance . But then again if the insured does n't die before the term ends you 've just given your money to the insurance company and you and your beneficiary get nothing . So is that better ? The only good thing I can say about term insurance is that it can provide some `` piece of mind '' for a little while until you can afford to convert it to Whole Life and then get not only piece of mind for the rest of your life , but also use the policy for a number of wealth growing strategies and benefit from them while you are still living - and still pass on a nice financial legacy - tax-free . Now THAT 's Better !
In our society everyone should have health insurance to some degree . But after January I , 2014 you must have health coverage or pay a penalty . Millions of Americans will pay nothing based on means testing . Some Americans will pay little based on allowable credits under Obamacare . In 2014 , we will all have coverage , but not all will have to pay for it .
Why Is Term Life Insurance Better?
Short answer ? It 's cheap . The longer answer has to do with your intended need for the policy , and for the length of that need . It does n't make financial sense to pay more money for a whole life policy to cover a 4 year need , for example , any more than it makes sense for someone to buy a 5 year term policy and intend for it to cover their funeral expenses when they pass somewhere far down the road . Term policies are great for some things , and not so great for others . Please contact me , and I 'll give you a fuller answer . Thanks for asking !
That is a really good question . It is going to be difficult , and may depend upon what your felony was . If it had to do with a car and there were intoxicants , or deaths , you may not find a company that will insure you . If your felony involved something that did n't involve a motor vehicle , and is deemed `` low risk '' , -LRB- mind you , it 's still a felony , and thus a high risk by any measure -RRB- then there may be a very high priced policy out there for you . Best bet ? Find an independent agent that is willing to look around for you . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Why Is Term Life Insurance Better?
Term life insurance can be a better solution depending on what problem you are trying to solve . If the problem is short term then a term solution may be appropriate . If the problem is permanent then the solution should be permanent . There are of course other factors not the least of which is affordability . For example if you want to cover the cost of a loan , term insurance might be your best solution . If you want to leave a legacy then permanent insurance that is in force when you die not if you die before the term insurance expires or before the renewal is too expensive for you . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
The question assumes that your financial liabilities , future obligations , and any philanthropy have a limited time certain horizon . If youre under age 50 you can secure up to 30 year , a period that coincides with a 30 year mortgage as an example . If you over age 50 the length of term coverage becomes shorter .
Why Is Term Life Insurance Better?
Term life insurance is n't necessarily better than permanent life insurance - each has their own pros and cons . In short , it depends on what you need the coverage for -LRB- e.g. covering a mortgage vs. estate planning -RRB- . The big advantage of term insurance is you 're getting more `` bang for your buck '' so-to-speak - meaning the rate per $ 1,000 of coverage that you 're paying is much less than permanent coverage , however , the trade-off is that you only get to pay that rate for a short amount of time -LRB- 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- whereas your rates can be locked in for life with a permanent insurance policy . Once the initial period of premium guarantee expires , the policy changes to either annual renewable term insurance with premiums increasing each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- or the premiums remain the same and the death benefit decreases each year -LRB- this structure can be seen on term insurance that is featured on a universal life chassis -RRB- . There is no cash value build-up in term insurance . Permanent life insurance is designed to provide coverage for the rest of the insured 's life and build cash value . Under a guaranteed universal life -LRB- GUL -RRB- program , the policy can be structured to keep premiums level and provide coverage up to a specified age -LRB- e.g. to age 90 , to age 100 , or even up to age 121 -RRB- under the `` dial down '' process . Whole life features level premiums and death benefits and builds cash value at a faster rate -LRB- participating WL policies may pay dividends that can be used to increase the death benefit or decrease the premiums over time - non-participating WL policies do not feature this ability -RRB- - the trade off between this and guaranteed universal life is that to increase the cash value faster , the premiums will generally be substantially higher . For both GUL and WL , the carrier takes back the cash value upon the death of the insured , and pays out the death benefit proceeds . Therefore , GUL policies allow you to maximize your death benefit and minimize your premium dollars that you pay for the coverage . I highly recommend consulting with an independent insurance agent/broker to determine what policy benefit structure will best serve your needs , review quotes , and help you through the application and underwriting processes . You can send me a private message by clicking on the `` contact me '' button if you would like assistance with your program .
Rate tables exist to age 80 at most insurers . In some cases , age 85 is available and in a few insurance companies , age 90 . Assuming the proposed insured is insurable the standard rates may apply or there may be substandard extra premiums or table ratings depending on insurability . The premium rates are quite high but they may still be acceptable depending on the need and means of the applicant . Declines are common at these ages .
Can I Have Multiple Life Insurance Policies?
Absolutely ! You can have several policies . But you must report the existing policies usually when you place an new application for an additional one . This is to ensure that you are realistic in the total amount of insurance you will have . For example , if you are earning $ 30K per year , you can not buy life insurance which would as a group of policies , total $ 50 million . It would sound like you are planning to make your family rich by committing suicide in a few years . Other than such absurd extremes , you can get several policies . I know several folks who have 8 policies . Thank you . GARY LANE
An IRA -LRB- individual retirement arrangements -RRB- is a qualified plan under ERISA . IRAs are tax deductible , accumulate tax deferred and distribute taxable income at ordinary income tax rates . Distributions before age 59 could trigger a 10 % penalty in addition to the ordinary income taxes . Traditional investments like mutual funds and annuities can be placed inside an IRA . Life insurance in an IRA is prohibited .
Can I Have Multiple Life Insurance Policies?
Yes , you can have any number of policies , as long as the total does not exceed the amount for which you are financially qualified . Sometimes having several types of policies works best for the different types of needs you are trying to cover . Some people just feel safer having their coverage spread between several different companies . It is perfectly acceptable , and sometimes preferable , to have multiple life insurance policies .
Most homeowners insurance policies provide some coverage for loss assessments due to a covered loss . If your homeowners association community charges you an assessment for damage that would be covered by homeowners insurance then you can submit a claim for reimbursement . For example , a community here in Richmond , Virgina recently assessed all homeowners $ 3,000 for damage to the pool house due to a fallen tree . My client 's home policy provided loss assessment coverage up to $ 5,000 and since this type of loss is covered on his homeowners insurance he was fully reimbursed less his deductible . Loss assessment coverage does NOT reimburse homeowners for maintenance fees . If your association board votes to paint a build or do any kind of maintenance work this cost is not covered .
Can I Have Multiple Life Insurance Policies?
Great question ! Many people will have a policy , and then have a second one that is part of their benefit package at work . It is entirely possible to have several policies , but the insurance companies will limit the amount that you can be insured for . They will not allow you to insure yourself for the purpose of making your beneficiaries rich , but will tie your amount of coverage to your income , and their losses when you pass . I myself have several policies , as my parents bought small policies at separate times for me when I was very young . If you have more questions , please feel free to contact me . Thanks for asking !
There are different kinds of joint life insurance policies , but most share similar streets . Joint life policies issue coverage to two or more individuals under one life insurance policy . The typical arrangement is a husband and wife , but there are also business applications as well . Most joint life insurance plans pay a death benefit on the first to die but second to die policies are quite common in estate planning situations .
Can I Have Multiple Life Insurance Policies?
Yes - the total face amount of coverage is what carriers are looking at . You can technically have as many policies as you want - this is commonly referred to as stacking policies . Insurance companies have guidelines for the total amount of coverage they will approve for someone though - generally about 20x income . Some companies may allow up to 25x or 30x income . It 's commonly seen when someone wants to create a combination of benefits or they ` relookingtosecure more coverage than the maximum face amount available under a single plan -LRB- generally seen with non-medical term insurance or final expense coverage -RRB- . If you 're applying for fully underwritten coverage -LRB- taking an exam -RRB- , you can secure a substantially higher amount of coverage under a single policy -LRB- up to the maximum allowed for your income per the company 's guidelines -RRB- .
The answer is n't as simple as you might think . Each Insurance Company has different guidelines for the coverage you are looking for . The more complicated your history , the more underwriting necessary the longer it might take . Underwritting includes not just medical but financial as well if the face amount is high enough . Be sure to talk with your agent or broker about why you need the coverage and how much your needing .
How Does Renters Insurance Claims Work?
Typically you contact your renters insurance carrier 's claims department directly or contact your local agent , they will gather the information necessary to process your claim based on your policy 's coverage . This process is typically quick and relatively painless . It may involve a representative from your insurance carrier coming to your premise to take pictures or gather other information as needed to process your claim .
Anyone that does not wish to make certain that their family members will be able to take care of debts left behind and leave them struggling to make up for the income loss besides having to deal with the emotional burden of their loss . Everyone should purchase life insurance if they are capable and purchase it at as young an age as they can . Contact a local agent to discuss policy types , coverages , and pricing .
Can You Get Renters Insurance For A Dorm Room?
I havent done it before ; however , I think it would be possible . Dorm rooms are normally furnished , so your personal property in a dorm room wouldnt be too great . Having said that flat screen TVs , sound systems , books and clothes can add up quickly . You might want to estimate the cost of replacing everything and then remember that if there is a loss there is also a deductible so you will not recover everything that you lose . It might be a good idea .
Yes , you can take out a life insurance on your father if your father consents to it and if the amount is considered financially justifiable . Your father will need to sign the application as the Insured even if you own the policy . If he owns the policy , he can get as much life insurance as his income supports . If you own the policy , you can get as much as is needed for his final expenses . If you want to purchase more than that on your father , you will most likely need to show that you receive some financial support from your father that would be lost if he were to pass , or that you contribute to his support and would get some of that back through life insurance .
Can You Get Renters Insurance For A Dorm Room?
You can certainly get renters insurance to cover belongings in a dorm room , but you probably do n't need it . Most college students would be covered by their parents homeowners policy when they leave for college , so renters insurance would n't be necessary . I would recommend you have your parents check with their agent and make sure , but nearly every homeowners policy would have this coverage .
An SR22 is n't insurance . It is a state filing that attaches onto an auto insurance policy . an sr22 is a guarantee that you are carrying at least the state minimum auto insurance liability coverage . thus the cost of an sr22 can vary greatly , because it is highly dependent of your auto insurance rate . Things such as what vehicle you are driving , what coverages you need , your driving record , your age , and other things all go into that rating .
Is An Annuity A Good Investment?
Video Transcript : Hello , everyone . I 'm Steve Savant , Syndicated Financial Columnist and host of the weekly online talk show , Steve Savant 's Money : The Name of the Game . I 'm answering questions from , and today 's question is : is an annuity a good investment ? Well , remember there are several types of annuities . And depending upon which annuity we 're talking about , they 're all deferred annuities that we 're talking about ; and it could be fixed , it could be indexed , it could be variable . Fixed rates would be generally interest rates that are depended on the Treasuries . Most carriers buy Government debentures , and indexing is based on indices both foreign and domestic . And the good thing about that is , is that you have upside potential without any downside risk . Just keep in mind that you do have policy expenses to pay for . Variable annuities are more market-driven and they have exposure to risk , and you could lose your principle . You need to take a risk tolerance test before you get into it . But all three have their place . You have to find out , is this an investment for you ? Well , that 's our consumer question for today . If you have any questions , just submit them to .
Can health insurance be sold across state lines ? Yes , it is done everyday and has been sold that way for years . That said , the policy sold MUST comply with state laws on the sale of insurance . The State line issue is sort of a Strawman issue . Pricing for insurance like health , or home or auto is based on the cost of services provided within that state , county or zip code . That is how insurance works , without the government involvement . No insurance company in their right mind is going to undervalue their premium in an overvalued cost area . That just does n't happen . So if you were to buy health insurance from a company in Utah , expecting Salt Lake City rates for your coverage in San Francisco , you 'd be wrong . The Utah company would price your policy for the cost of care in San Fran , not Salt Lake .
What Should I Do With Life Insurance Money?
The best thing to do with life insurance proceeds is to sit with a trusted advisor . If you do n't know one personally , start with friends , family and co workers for their experiences . Absolutely debt should be repaid but also the money will need to be properly invested in order to use it as a steady stream of income to replace your loved one . I am sorry for your loss .
Assuming your pool is installed correctly , properly maintained with adequate safeguards in place , installing a pool should have little to no effect on your premium . Most policies limits on appurtenant structures -LRB- in-ground pools -RRB- or personal property -LRB- above ground pools -RRB- are more than adequate . In rare cases , when these limits must be increased , the additional premium should not be more than $ 50-100 a year . Diving boards , water slides and other accessories presenting unusual hazards may cause a problem . Some insurers simply refuse to write or renew policies with this type of exposure . In these cases , you could see a significant increase in premium coupled with more restrictive coverage . Checking with your insurance company or agent is something I would do prior to installing a pool . If you are not comfortable with the answer , get other opinions . There is no one size , fits all .
What Should I Do With Life Insurance Money?
The first thing that advisers recommend is to pay off all outstanding debt . The second is to fund future obligations like college tuition for your children and retirement . The third is spend a little on yourself and your favorite charity . Since youre a recipient of life insurance , make sure you have life insurance on yourself to pass on the blessing to your family .
There are seven homeowners forms in current use . Some of the forms are rarely used . The HO-3 form is the most commonly used . The differences between the forms has to do with the list of insured perils -LRB- fire , wind , lightning etc. -RRB- and the method the company will use to adjust the claim -LRB- actual cash value , or depreciated value , and replacement cost . -RRB- The price for the various forms varies . Lenders may demand that a specific form be used .