a group of people that are standing in front of a island
[ [ "is there boats", "no, it's a kitchen island" ], [ "oh, is there a stove", "i can't see 1" ], [ "how many people", "5" ], [ "is the island just countertop", "yes" ], [ "are they holding anything", "no" ], [ "are there dishes around", "yes" ], [ "is there food on the dishes", "no" ], [ "is there a bowl", "no" ], [ "how many are males", "2" ], [ "is there a window", "no" ] ]
a bird that is on top of a rock
[ [ "is this daytime", "yes" ], [ "is the bird yellow", "no it's brown and white" ], [ "is this in a forest", "yes" ], [ "is the rock grey", "yes" ], [ "is there people", "no" ], [ "is there a lake", "no" ], [ "is there a mountain", "no" ], [ "is there another animal", "no" ], [ "is there a pond", "no" ], [ "is there clouds", "no" ] ]
sign on the side of a building in stockholm
[ [ "is this in color", "no" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "is the sign in english", "no" ], [ "do you see any other signs", "no" ], [ "how many buildings do you see", "2" ], [ "are they tall buildings", "can't tell" ], [ "do they look like office buildings", "yes" ], [ "are there lots of windows", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "probably" ], [ "is the photo well lit", "yes" ] ]
a pair of young women ride horses on the beach by the water
[ [ "do you see just 2 horses", "yes" ], [ "what color are they", "1 is black and other is brown" ], [ "are they running on beach sand", "yes" ], [ "do they have saddles on", "yes i they do" ], [ "what color saddles", "i can't tell" ], [ "is sand sandy color", "haha, yes it is" ], [ "can you see water", "i can see water" ], [ "is it ocean", "hard to say, but probably" ], [ "can you see trees", "i can't see trees" ], [ "how weather", "beautiful and sunny" ] ]
the delivery truck has colorful bottles on the side of it
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "about how big is the truck", "it is probably a 20 foot delivery truck" ], [ "does it look like it is parked or driving currently", "it is definitely parked" ], [ "are there any other vehicles in the photo", "yes" ], [ "does it look like a large commercial parking area", "not really there is 1 other delivery truck and 1 car a small brewery maybe" ], [ "can you see any building", "maybe the side of 1 behind the tree" ], [ "what color is the delivery truck", "the cab is white the box has advertisement on it for the company" ], [ "can you tell the name of the company advertised", "abita brewing company" ], [ "at there any pictures of beers or alcohol on the side of the truck", "yes there are pictures of 3 bottles on the side and 3 mugs on the back" ], [ "can you tell if the back of the truck is open", "it is closed" ] ]
3 boys playing a soccer game on a green soccer field
[ [ "how old are the boys", "looks like teenagers" ], [ "are they all white", "'yes" ], [ "are they wearing uniforms", "yes" ], [ "do they look happy", "yes" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ], [ "summer", "yes" ], [ "are there people watching the game", "no" ], [ "can you see the ball", "yes" ], [ "is in on the ground", "yes" ], [ "is someone about to kick it", "yes" ] ]
a zoo giraffe enjoys a treat from a hanging basket
[ [ "what kind of treat is the giraffe enjoying", "some type of leaves in a hanging basket" ], [ "is this a full grown giraffe or a youngster", "full grown" ], [ "is the giraffe facing the camera", "1 is" ], [ "how many giraffes are there", "4" ], [ "are any other animals present", "looks like the hind end of a hippo" ], [ "are all the giraffes about the same size", "yes" ], [ "are any people present", "no" ], [ "can a fence or enclosure be seen", "yes" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ] ]
a woman holding a tennis racquet on a tennis court
[ [ "does the woman appear to be a professional", "no" ], [ "how old is the woman", "around her 40s" ], [ "what color is her hair", "blonde" ], [ "is she wearing a jacket", "no" ], [ "is she wearing a short sleeve shirt", "yes" ], [ "what color is her shirt", "blue" ], [ "is she wearing shorts", "yes" ], [ "what color are the shorts", "black" ], [ "what color are her shoes", "white" ], [ "what color is her racquet", "blue and white" ] ]
a big commercial plane flying in the sky over a wire
[ [ "is it jet", "yes" ], [ "passenger jet", "it looks like it, it's far away" ], [ "does it appear to be landing", "no, it's definitely in flight" ], [ "what color is plane", "it's dark color" ], [ "can you see any writing on it", "no, it's too far away" ], [ "is it well above power lines", "yes it is" ], [ "are lines suspended by wooden poles", "only lines are visible in picture" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes, it is fairly clear day" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "yes, small thing clouds" ], [ "how about birds", "there are no birds" ] ]
a close up of many different kinds of doughnuts
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a professional photo", "could be" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "is it indoors", "yes" ], [ "can you tell if it's daytime", "no" ], [ "how many doughnuts", "4" ], [ "do they look homemade", "no" ], [ "any chocolate covered", "yes, 1" ], [ "any sprinkles", "yes, 1" ], [ "any white", "no" ] ]
a train stopped on the train tracks outside
[ [ "how many tracks", "2" ], [ "is the train a passenger train", "yes" ], [ "is there a conductor", "yes" ], [ "indoor or outdoor station", "outdoor" ], [ "is there a bridge", "no" ], [ "are there many lines", "no" ], [ "are the doors open", "no" ], [ "what pigment is the train", "red" ], [ "how’s the weather", "sunny" ], [ "is the train old new", "old" ] ]
friends playing frisbee on a dry grass field in the afternoon
[ [ "how many friends are there", "2" ], [ "are they playing ultimate frisbee or just tossing it around", "they are tossing it around" ], [ "what are their genders", "they look like both males" ], [ "are they having fun", "they look like it" ], [ "are they wearing shorts", "yes" ], [ "do they have on any special frisbee gloves", "no" ], [ "are they wearing collared shirts", "i can't tell" ], [ "do they have hats on", "1 does" ], [ "how old are they approximately", "probably around 20" ], [ "are they wearing shoes", "yes" ] ]
a group of used toilets next to a wall
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how many toilets", "14 sinks" ], [ "oh so no toilets", "yeah no toilets" ], [ "does this look like a showroom", "no" ], [ "what color are the sinks", "white or a bide" ], [ "what color wall", "brick" ], [ "is it indoors", "no" ], [ "can you see the sky", "no" ], [ "what are these sinks being used at", "on floor" ], [ "what else can you tell me about the photo", "yes" ] ]
a man that is walking around on a baseball field
[ [ "what color is the man hair", "can't see it" ], [ "how tall is the man", "he looks close to 6 feet" ], [ "do the man have something on his head", "a baseball cap" ], [ "what color is his shirt", "white and blue" ], [ "what color is his pants", "the same color" ], [ "is the man exercising", "no" ], [ "do you see grass", "some" ], [ "do you see dirt", "a bit" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "do you see anymore people", "yes" ] ]
a white an blue fire hydrant on grassy yard next to sidewalk
[ [ "is there a house associated with the yard", "yes" ], [ "is this daytime", "yes" ], [ "what color is the house", "brown brick" ], [ "is the hydrant near a road", "yes" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see any vehicles", "no" ], [ "are there trees in the yard", "yes" ], [ "is the hydrant in good repair or is it chipped", "good from what i can see" ], [ "is there a curb near the hydrant", "yes" ], [ "is there a swing set or any children's toys in the yard", "no" ] ]
2 cruller donuts, 1 half dipped in chocolate and the other in strawberry, on a plate
[ [ "is this closeup just on donuts", "yes" ], [ "can you see counter", "yes" ], [ "can you see person", "no" ], [ "is strawberry donut cut open", "no" ], [ "is chocolate donut untouched", "no" ], [ "did someone take bite", "no" ], [ "are there canisters", "no" ], [ "can you see window", "no" ], [ "are donuts same size", "yes" ], [ "are walls blue", "no" ] ]
people walking through street with tents outside and rain
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how many people", "many!" ], [ "are they all the same color", "no" ], [ "is anybody wearing a hat", "no" ], [ "is there any vehicles", "no" ], [ "how many tents", "3" ], [ "is this a function of some sort", "cannot tell" ], [ "is there any street signs", "no" ], [ "any children", "no" ], [ "is the grass visible", "no" ] ]
a blue bicycle parked next to a fire hydrant
[ [ "what color is the hydrant", "red" ], [ "are any cars present", "yes a few" ], [ "what color is 1 of the cars", "tan" ], [ "can you see a sidewalk", "yes" ], [ "are any people on the sidewalk", "no" ], [ "is anyone on the bike", "no" ], [ "any street signs", "no" ], [ "is this during day hours", "yes" ], [ "any buildings present", "yes" ], [ "can you see any windows", "yes" ] ]
a black and white clock on a black clock post and some lights
[ [ "is the picture in color", "no" ], [ "what time does the clock say", "8:35" ], [ "is it a digital clock", "no" ], [ "do you think the clock is black and white for real", "i think so" ], [ "are there any people in the picture", "yes a few" ], [ "what are the people doing", "they're eating at a cafe" ], [ "i assume this is outside", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what they are eating", "not, too far away" ], [ "can you tell if they are male or female", "looks like some of both genders" ], [ "would you say it is 8:35 am or pm", "am" ] ]
many different kites flying in the sky
[ [ "is this picture in color", "sure is!" ], [ "are the kites different shapes", "i think so, can barely see them" ], [ "can you guess the number of kites", "9" ], [ "is this in a park", "looks more like a desert beach" ], [ "can you see any people", "i think i barely see 1" ], [ "are there any children", "not that i can see" ], [ "can you see any water", "yes" ], [ "can you see any grass", "maybe a lot of dead grass" ], [ "can you see any trees", "nope" ], [ "is it a nice day to fly a kite", "sort of" ] ]
white ornate seat in nicely decorated room with television
[ [ "can you any people in the picture", "no, there are not people in the room" ], [ "is the television on", "yes it is on" ], [ "how many couches are there", "there is only the 1" ], [ "how many chairs are in the picture", "sorry, there is only the 1 chair, but it has large cushions like a couch" ], [ "can you tell what show is on tv", "yes i can!" ], [ "what color is the chair just all white", "it is completely white" ], [ "what show is on", "it is nfl football" ], [ "can you tell what teams are playing", "i can see only one, and yes i can tell what team it is" ], [ "what team can you see", "the indianapolis colts" ], [ "fun! is the room clean", "yes, it is very tidy" ] ]
a couple of crows, sitting on a branch, in a forest
[ [ "how many crows", "couple" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is the forest dense", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "what time of year it is", "spring" ], [ "is there any other animals", "no" ], [ "are there feet black", "yes" ], [ "are their beaks black", "yes" ], [ "are the looking at the camera", "no" ], [ "are they facing right", "yes" ] ]
a group of young elephants roam through a grassy field together
[ [ "how many elephants are there", "4" ], [ "is this in the wild", "yes" ], [ "are there trees around", "no" ], [ "is there a pond or any other water source", "no" ], [ "are there flowers in the field", "no" ], [ "are the elephants all the same size", "3 are" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "can't see the sky" ], [ "are there any other animals around", "no" ], [ "are there any rocks on the ground", "no" ], [ "is the largest elephant in the front", "they are the same size except for 1" ] ]
a green jeep with a flag on a pole
[ [ "is it a rag top jeep", "no" ], [ "what color is the flag", "white red and blue" ], [ "is it an american flag", "yes" ], [ "is the pole long", "yes" ], [ "are there any other vehicles", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "yes" ], [ "how many people", "10" ], [ "is the jeep on pavement", "yes" ], [ "are any of the people in the jeep", "no" ], [ "is the pavement a street", "yes" ] ]
a parking lot with many large purple buses
[ [ "about how many buses", "8" ], [ "do you see any people", "no i do not" ], [ "are the buses in good shape", "yes" ], [ "are they solid purple or do they have any writing on them", "purple and black" ], [ "are they city buses", "don’t appear to be" ], [ "any writing on the buses", "yes" ], [ "are the windows tinted", "somewhat" ], [ "what does the writing say", "can't tell" ], [ "are all the buses the same size", "ye" ], [ "how is the day", "it is sunny and nice out" ] ]
a table top with a giant remote control on it
[ [ "what color is keyboard", "black" ], [ "is it backlit", "i can't tell" ], [ "can you see computer its attached to", "no" ], [ "is there only 1 book", "yes" ], [ "what color is desk", "grayish in color" ], [ "is it messy or neat", "i would say neat" ], [ "do you see chair", "no" ], [ "what color is wall", "i can't see wall" ], [ "do you see any windows", "i can't see any windows" ], [ "is room bright", "it doesn't look like it" ] ]
a man gets ready to launch a colorful kite on the beach
[ [ "is the man alone", "yes" ], [ "is there anyone else in the distance", "no" ], [ "do you see any animals", "no" ], [ "is the kite still in his hands", "yes" ], [ "what colors are on the kite", "blue, green, pink" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see anything out in the water", "i don't see water" ], [ "how old is the man", "maybe 40s" ], [ "do you see anything on the beach", "just brown sand and a little grass" ], [ "does he looks like he is having fun", "yes" ] ]
a pug dog is looking away from its image in the mirror
[ [ "is this a color image", "yes" ], [ "is this a puppy or dog", "a pug dog" ], [ "full grown though", "yes" ], [ "does the dog have a collar on", "yes, it has a yellow collar on" ], [ "is the dog on the floor", "yes" ], [ "what is the flooring", "white carpet" ], [ "can you tell what room this is", "i can only see a mirror with the pug's reflection, the flooring and the leg of a chair davenport" ], [ "what color are the walls", "white" ], [ "is the chair davenport upholstered", "i can only see its leg" ], [ "is the leg wood or metal", "wood" ] ]
this image is of a man snowboarding down a hill
[ [ "is man in a snowsuit", "yes" ], [ "what color is his coat", "camo" ], [ "what color is his pants", "black" ], [ "what color are his boots", "black" ], [ "does he have helmet on", "yes" ], [ "does he have glasses", "yes, he does" ], [ "is slope big", "i can't tell background is completely white and there is nothing that would indicate how is slope" ], [ "are there any trees", "no trees" ], [ "what color is helmet", "black with monster energy drink logo" ], [ "what color are his glasses", "yellow" ] ]
a man riding a skateboard with his dog
[ [ "does the dog have its own skateboard", "no" ], [ "how old is the man", "20's" ], [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is it day time", "yes" ], [ "how's the weather", "sunny" ], [ "can you see the guys face", "yes part of it" ], [ "do you know what type of dog it is", "husky" ], [ "any other people in the photo", "no" ], [ "any other animals", "no" ], [ "is the dog on a leash", "yes" ] ]
the monkeys are eating bananas near the car
[ [ "what color are monkeys", "light brown" ], [ "are fruit yellow", "yes" ], [ "trees", "1 in background" ], [ "sunny", "yes" ], [ "any birds flying by", "no" ], [ "any planes overhead", "no planes" ], [ "any other animals in shot", "no just monkeys" ], [ "any people there", "no" ], [ "what else do you see", "white car" ], [ "what color", "white" ] ]
2 skiers taking in the view of the mountain range on a cloudy day
[ [ "gender of skiers", "can't tell" ], [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "do they have helmets on", "yes" ], [ "what color is the helmets", "dark" ], [ "what color is their ski suits", "grey and red, both" ], [ "can you see the skies", "not really" ], [ "do you see their poles", "yes" ], [ "what color are the poles", "silver and yellow" ], [ "are the mountains pretty and snow covered", "fairly" ], [ "is there dark clouds in the sky", "yes" ] ]
a man holds his baby while using his laptop
[ [ "how old is the man", "i'd estimate late 20s" ], [ "how old does the baby look", "newborn, maybe a few weeks old" ], [ "are they sitting in a rocker", "no" ], [ "are they at a desk", "they are, yes" ], [ "what color is the desk", "it's a light brown" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "a grayish button down shirt" ], [ "is the desk wooden", "it is" ], [ "does the man have a burp cloth", "he does not" ], [ "is the baby awake", "the baby looks to be falling asleep" ], [ "does the baby have a bottle", "no bottle" ] ]
a couple of oranges are on a bowl
[ [ "what color is the bowl", "white" ], [ "are there more than 2 oranges", "only 1" ], [ "are there any apples", "1" ], [ "is the bowl on a table", "correct" ], [ "are there any bananas", "0" ], [ "what color is the table", "light brown" ], [ "can you see any chairs", "no" ], [ "are there any utensils on the table", "0" ], [ "are there any grapes", "0" ], [ "is this in a kitchen", "no" ] ]
a woman is crossing the street with an umbrella
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "what color is the umbrella", "green" ], [ "are there cars on the street", "lots" ], [ "is it raining", "yes" ], [ "are there buildings", "lots" ], [ "is the crossing the street at a crosswalk", "no" ], [ "are there signs", "no" ], [ "are there other people", "no" ], [ "can you see a stop light", "no" ], [ "is she crossing at an intersection", "no" ] ]
the man in a red hat is listening on his cell phone
[ [ "is it outdoor", "yes" ], [ "how old is he", "35-40" ], [ "what is he wearing", "a red cap and black shirt an upper body image" ], [ "is he sitting", "no" ], [ "does he look worried", "no" ], [ "is he white", "yes" ], [ "long hair", "no" ], [ "is there any tree", "no" ], [ "any animal", "no" ], [ "is he standing", "yes" ] ]
a bed room with a bed with a canopy
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is there any people", "no" ], [ "is this at a hotel", "yes" ], [ "what color bed frame", "wooden" ], [ "is there a widow", "no" ], [ "is there pillows", "2" ], [ "any mirrors", "1" ], [ "what color pillows", "red" ], [ "is there a sofa", "no" ], [ "is the mirror round", "no" ] ]
baby elephant walking in a zoo enclosure
[ [ "are there any other elephants", "no" ], [ "is there water", "no" ], [ "can you see people", "no" ], [ "is there any buildings", "no" ], [ "is it a nice day", "yes" ], [ "can you see trees", "yes" ], [ "is it a metal fence", "yes" ], [ "are there any other type of animals", "zno" ], [ "does it look healthy", "yes" ], [ "is there a food bowl", "no" ] ]
a hand holding a donut that been partially eaten
[ [ "what kind of donut is it", "glazed" ], [ "which hand is holding it", "left" ], [ "is it chocolate glaze", "no" ], [ "does the hand have any rings on it", "no" ], [ "is it a female hand", "it's too hard to tell" ], [ "is the floor visible", "yes" ], [ "is the person in a donut shop", "no" ], [ "what is in the background", "the ground with a few feet" ], [ "are there sprinkles", "no" ], [ "was the photo taken indoors", "no" ] ]
a snow boarder ramping a small snow mound
[ [ "what gender is the snowboarder", "hard to tell but i am guessing male" ], [ "is it snowing now", "no" ], [ "can you see other people", "no" ], [ "can you see a ski lift", "no" ], [ "can you see buildings", "yes in the distance" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it blue", "yes" ], [ "are there clouds", "yes" ], [ "can you see trees", "yes" ], [ "what color is the person's jacket", "black" ] ]
a airplane parked on a runway getting loaded up by another truck
[ [ "is it a passenger jet", "yes it is" ], [ "what color is the plane", "white" ], [ "any writing", "not on the plane" ], [ "any emblems on the plane", "not that i can see, and actually there is writing, i just can't see it clearly" ], [ "are there people visible", "no there's not" ], [ "is there only 1 plane visible", "yes" ], [ "can you see the airport", "no i cannot" ], [ "what's in the background distance", "some trucks, loading equipment, sky etc " ], [ "any birds in the sky", "i see no birds" ], [ "is it a large or medium sized plane", "a large plane" ] ]
2 men handle luggage in the parking garage of an airport
[ [ "is this a color picture", "yes it is" ], [ "is it daytime", "i cannot tell as it is an inside garage" ], [ "can you see the men's faces", "yes" ], [ "what color are the walls", "white and gray" ], [ "do any of them have facial hair", "no" ], [ "are they wearing hats", "no" ], [ "do they have on eyeglasses", "no" ], [ "can you see their hair", "yes" ], [ "what color is 1 man's hair", "light brown" ], [ "is it a lot of luggage they are handling", "yes,2 carts filled" ] ]
a residential house next to some trees and a field
[ [ "is train very long", "no" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "are there any signs around", "no" ], [ "what about people are there any out there", "yes in field" ], [ "is it sunny or dim out", "sunny" ], [ "are their houses around", "yes" ], [ "how many homes can you see", "1" ], [ "any children", "yes" ], [ "how many children", "2" ], [ "does train seem to be moving fast", "no" ] ]
woman laying head on pillow with a cat on it
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "how many people do you see", "1" ], [ "how old does she look", "thirties" ], [ "is she on a bed", "yes" ], [ "is the bed a queen sized bed", "i can't tell" ], [ "is the bed made", "yes" ], [ "how many pillows", "1" ], [ "what color pillow cover", "blue and white" ], [ "what color is the cat", "black" ], [ "is the photo well lit", "yes" ] ]
a subway zooming by the camera with people with view of a man sitting inside
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "are there a lot of people", "no" ], [ "how old does the man look", "can't tell" ], [ "what is he wearing", "black jacket" ], [ "what color is his hair", "black" ], [ "do you see a train", "yes" ], [ "what color is the train", "yellow" ], [ "is it a passenger train", "yes" ], [ "do you see any people", "yes" ], [ "how many", "2" ] ]
some cows graze in the grass near a mountain
[ [ "what color are the cows", "1 is light brown and 1 is dark brown" ], [ "how many cows are there", "2" ], [ "are there any buildings", "no" ], [ "is there snow on top of the mountain", "no" ], [ "is there a fence", "no, there is a river" ], [ "are there many trees", "just some small bushes" ], [ "do the cows have bells on", "no i don't think so" ], [ "are they both female", "i have no idea" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes it is" ], [ "are there flowers in the grass", "no" ] ]
there is a man that is in the bus putting a ribbon on the bus
[ [ "is man alone", "no, there is another person there" ], [ "are they male or female", "they appear female" ], [ "are they young or old", "they're probably young" ], [ "what color is bow", "it is red" ], [ "what color is vehicle", "it is gray and red" ], [ "where is it parked", "somewhere outside" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "it looks like it" ], [ "does car look new", "yes" ], [ "are there other cars in picture", "no" ] ]
a beautiful young woman sitting at a table with a plate of food
[ [ "is this image in color", "yes" ], [ "how old does this woman appear to be", "early 20s" ], [ "what color hair does the woman have", "dark brown" ], [ "is this picture taken outside or inside", "inside" ], [ "what kind of food is on her plate", "pasta with broccoli" ], [ "are there any other people visible in this image", "no" ], [ "does the woman have a beverage", "no" ], [ "does the woman have long or short hair", "long" ], [ "what color is the table", "beige" ], [ "is the woman eating", "appear to be" ] ]
a bunch of clocks and some pictures on a table of some sort
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "does it look like a professional photo", "no" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "how many clocks", "5 clocks" ], [ "are the clocks digital", "no" ], [ "are they all analog", "yes all are analog" ], [ "are they old clocks", "yes all are old clocks" ], [ "does it look like this is someone's collection", "yes maybe" ], [ "how many pictures", "1" ], [ "are the pictures framed", "yes" ] ]
plates and bowls of food on a wooden table
[ [ "is it a color image", "yes" ], [ "is it a kitchen", "i cannot tell" ], [ "is it day", "i cannot tell" ], [ "is it well lit does the table have a table cloth", "no" ], [ "is the food cooked", "yes" ], [ "what color plates", "white" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "anything else seen", "no" ], [ "can you see the floor", "no" ], [ "can you see the walls", "no" ] ]
a couple of dogs laying on the floor of a room
[ [ "are they big dogs or small dogs", "big and small" ], [ "do they have collars", "yes" ], [ "are they awake or asleep", "awaked" ], [ "what color is the big dog", "cream and dark brown" ], [ "what color is the small dog", "light brown and cream" ], [ "what kind of room are they laying in", "maybe living room" ], [ "does the room have carpet", "rug" ], [ "is there furniture in the room", "not visible" ], [ "what color is the rug", "green" ], [ "are there people in the room", "no they are not" ] ]
a ruined oven out in the field with a girl spraying it
[ [ "is this on a farm", "not sure" ], [ "how old is the girl", "around 20 years" ], [ "is this daytime", "no, night time" ], [ "does it look like the oven was on fire", "they are playing with it, i guess" ], [ "what is she spraying it with", "water i guess, as the sprayer is like a children water spraying gun" ], [ "do you see any other people besides the girl", "yes, there is a boy" ], [ "how old is the boy", "boy is also 20 years" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no except the oven & people all are black" ], [ "is there grass or trees", "i see some grass and flowers behind the oven" ], [ "what color flowers are they", "yellow flowers" ] ]
a bus drives down a road in a city
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo a closeup", "np" ], [ "can you see the driver", "no" ], [ "what color is the bus", "white" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is traffic heavy", "no" ], [ "how is the weather", "sunny" ], [ "can you see other cars", "no" ], [ "are there large buildings", "yes" ], [ "is this a large city", "yes" ] ]
a large white cat laying next to a closet and black shoes
[ [ "is the cat wake", "yes" ], [ "is it night", "it's inside, i don't know" ], [ "can, t you see a tv", "no" ], [ "there any people", "no" ], [ "any other shoes", "no" ], [ "what color is the floor", "white carpet" ], [ "there any bed", "no a stool, basket and other items" ], [ "there any chair", "yes a yellow wooden chair" ], [ "is any picture on the wall", "no" ], [ "what color is the wall", "white" ] ]
small pouches are arranged next to the open luggage bag
[ [ "what color are the pouches", "black, blue, gray" ], [ "what color is the luggage", "purple" ], [ "do you see people", "no" ], [ "is this indoors", "yes" ], [ "do you see furniture", "a gray chair and a brown desk" ], [ "what color is the floor", "black" ], [ "is there a window", "i see curtains, so it might be" ], [ "is the chair a recliner", "no it's a swivel chair" ], [ "do you see an lamps", "no" ], [ "is there stuff packed in the luggage, you don't have to list it all, just in general", "no the luggage is empty" ] ]
a man holding a tie next to a counter with lots of ties
[ [ "is this a store", "looks like a guy selling ties out of a food truck" ], [ "is this outside", "maybe" ], [ "does it look sunny", "can only see the window" ], [ "what main color is the tie he's holding", "it is a white board full of different ties" ], [ "is the man old or young", "30s" ], [ "what color is the truck", "white, red and green" ], [ "what color is the counter", "stainless steel" ], [ "are there prices for the tie", "no" ], [ "are the ties stylish", "ack i don't think so" ], [ "is the man wearing a suit", "no" ] ]
a man a young girl playing video games
[ [ "is it her father maybe", "probably" ], [ "what color is his shirt", "grey" ], [ "is she wearing pants", "can't see below her shirt" ], [ "can you see tv", "no" ], [ "is game exercise", "can't see game" ], [ "do you see any food", "no" ], [ "do you see sofa", "no" ], [ "are they standing", "yes both are" ], [ "is her hair long", "sorta, its up in ponytails" ], [ "is he smiling", "yes" ] ]
2 people riding on mopeds in a parking lot
[ [ "are the mopeds parked", "no" ], [ "what gender are the people", "1 appears to be male and the other a female" ], [ "how old do they look", "hard to tell but i would say maybe their 30s" ], [ "are they wearing helmets", "1 is" ], [ "does it look like a parking lot next to a store", "yes it's a parking lot but can't tell if there is a store" ], [ "can you tell what race they are", "they appear to be white" ], [ "are there many vehicles parked", "yes in the background" ], [ "does it look like it's fall", "no the lone tree i see is still green" ], [ "what is that couple wearing", "looks like black jackets and black pants" ], [ "is there anyone else around", "no" ] ]
a colorful bus parked in a lot beside a tall building with many windows
[ [ "is this a school bus", "no" ], [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a touring bus", "yes" ], [ "any people on the bus", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "can you see the name of the building", "no" ], [ "is the bus full", "no" ], [ "can you tell where the bus is going", "it's parked" ], [ "is it at a bus stop", "no" ] ]
people walking in the park in the rain
[ [ "how many women", "several" ], [ "do you see animals", "no" ], [ "do you see kids", "a couple" ], [ "is it raining hard", "no, but it is raining" ], [ "are there umbrellas", "yes, many" ], [ "do you see benches", "no" ], [ "it is many people", "yes" ], [ "do you see people sitting down", "no, all are walking" ], [ "can you spot any trees", "yes a lot of trees" ], [ "are people under any of the trees", "yes" ] ]
a city bus parked next to a crowd of people
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes, it is a color photo" ], [ "how many people do you see", "around 12" ], [ "how many are females", "i see 2 here" ], [ "any children", "not that i see" ], [ "can you see the bus driver", "no, somewhat blurry" ], [ "what color is the bus", "bus is off white with blue lines" ], [ "can you see a destination on the bus", "subway shuttle" ], [ "do you see buildings", "no" ], [ "do you see other vehicles", "could not see" ], [ "is it day or night", "daytime" ] ]
a party decoration containing flowers, flags, and candles
[ [ "is there a theme", "not really" ], [ "are there balloons", "no" ], [ "is there a color theme", "yes" ], [ "what are the flowers", "pink and yellow ones" ], [ "what type of flags", "small ones" ], [ "what color are the candles", "yellow" ], [ "are the candles lit", "no" ], [ "is there a cake", "yes" ], [ "is there something to drink", "no" ], [ "is there a tablecloth", "no" ] ]
a cat in a bathroom with a tub and a toilet
[ [ "what color is the cat", "orange" ], [ "is there more than 1 cat", "no" ], [ "is the bathroom bright", "yes" ], [ "is the cat in the tub", "no beside the tub" ], [ "is the toilet closed", "yes" ], [ "can you see the floor", "yes" ], [ "any people present", "no" ], [ "is the floor tile", "yes white" ], [ "is there a rug", "no" ], [ "is the cat happy", "yes" ] ]
a large cow stairs across the snowy fields
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "what color is the cow", "tan, but it's actually a sheep not a cow" ], [ "is it snowing", "no" ], [ "do you see any other animals", "no" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "not really, it looks cloudy" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "yes" ], [ "do you see any signs", "no" ], [ "do you see any cars", "no" ] ]
a desk with 2 computer monitor and a keyboard sitting on it
[ [ "is this in a office or home", "home office" ], [ "are the monitors on", "yes" ], [ "is anyone in the photo", "no" ], [ "does it look tidy", "sort of" ], [ "what is displayed on the monitors", "not sure" ], [ "what color is the desk", "yellow brown" ], [ "do you see a cell phone", "yes" ], [ "can you see the chair", "no" ], [ "is there a window", "yes" ], [ "does it appear to be daytime", "yes" ] ]
a refrigerator door is crammed with sauces, milk and hotdogs
[ [ "can you see any of the kitchen", "no" ], [ "what brand are the hot dogs", "i cannot see the labels" ], [ "what kind of milk is it", "i cannot see the label" ], [ "do you see ketchup", "no" ], [ "do you see mustard", "yes" ], [ "mayo", "no" ], [ "bbq sauce", "not sure, all i see are the tops maybe" ], [ "can you see any cheese", "no" ], [ "are the tops plastic or metal", "plastic" ], [ "are the hot dogs opened", "no" ] ]
a clock face on the front of a brick church
[ [ "is wall inside or outside", "outside" ], [ "is it sunny", "it looks like it's mostly cloudy" ], [ "is it raining", "no" ], [ "how big is clock", "really big maybe 10-20 feet across" ], [ "what color is it", "black with white tick marks" ], [ "is it working", "i can't tell it doesn't look damaged" ], [ "what shape is it", "round" ], [ "how high is wall", "i can't see whole wall in this shot it looks like big building so at least 30 feet" ], [ "does clock have pendulum", "no" ], [ "is it wooden clock", "no" ] ]
a woman is holding a camcorder in her hands
[ [ "how old is she", "30s" ], [ "is it day", "no" ], [ "is it inside", "i think so" ], [ "any other people", "yes" ], [ "anything else visible", "some signs and a window" ], [ "how many people", "2" ], [ "what is written on signs", "food & drinks" ], [ "what brand is the camcorder", "i can't tell" ], [ "any other things visible", "some sticks on the window" ], [ "is the window big", "stickers* yes it is big" ] ]
some motorcycles are parked together outside next to a bus
[ [ "is this photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how many motorcycles are there", "4" ], [ "is there any people", "yes" ], [ "are there any other vehicles", "yes" ], [ "can you see any helmets", "no" ], [ "is the bus a school bus", "can't tell" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no" ], [ "is this daytime", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what time of year it is", "fall" ], [ "what color is 1 of the motorcycles", "grey" ] ]
a woman with a surfboard in the water
[ [ "is the woman standing on the board", "no she is beside it" ], [ "how much of her is in the water", "up to her midsection" ], [ "what color is the board", "yellow" ], [ "is she wearing sunglasses", "no" ], [ "what about a wetsuit", "no she has on a bikini top" ], [ "what color is the top", "orange and white" ], [ "can you see any other surfers", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "the sky isn't visible but it appears to be a nice day" ], [ "can you see any palm trees", "no" ], [ "what about mountains", "no" ] ]
a large building with people gathered in front
[ [ "is it old style", "yes" ], [ "what color", "white" ], [ "is there any statue around", "no" ], [ "any words on it", "no" ], [ "is it official place", "yes" ], [ "how many people", "about 10" ], [ "are all men", "no men and women" ], [ "do they look professional", "no" ], [ "how many men", "about 2 in the front" ], [ "what are they doing", "walking outside" ] ]
a giraffe stands out in the dried out field alone
[ [ "has he eaten tree", "all trees are bare" ], [ "are there more than 1", "no" ], [ "is it in savannah", "looks to be, africa, not georgia" ], [ "can you see horizon", "yes, hazy" ], [ "is it midday", "yes" ], [ "can you see any other animal shapes", "no" ], [ "is there grass or only dirt", "very sparse, small spots of green, not sure if grass" ], [ "is giraffe straight up", "yes" ], [ "is it looking forward", "no towards its left" ], [ "are there any trees that way", "can't' see" ] ]
a park bench with 2 stones piled on top of each other
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is this in a park", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "what color are the stones", "tan - typical stone color" ], [ "is it raining", "no" ], [ "is there grass", "can't really tell very close up" ], [ "is it sunny out", "appears like it" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no" ], [ "is the photo well lit", "yes" ] ]
a close up of food being cooked in a pan
[ [ "what type of food", "veggies" ], [ "is there any people do you see", "0" ], [ "do you see the stove", "no" ], [ "is the pan hot", "yes" ], [ "do you see any oil", "yes" ], [ "do you see any raw vegetable", "all are half raw" ], [ "what vegetables do you see", "beans, carrots, potatoes, and a root veggie of some kind" ], [ "do you see a tap", "tapas in sink no" ], [ "is it in kitchen", "it is just the pan" ], [ "do you see the floor", "no" ] ]
small personal sized cake with many multicolored candles
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is there any people", "no" ], [ "how many layers is the cake", "1" ], [ "how many candles", "5" ], [ "is there icing on the cake", "yes white" ], [ "is this indoors or outdoors", "inside" ], [ "is the scene well lit", "yes" ], [ "are the walls visible", "no" ], [ "is the cake on a table", "yes" ], [ "is there a knife", "no" ] ]
a little girl is running on the grass with a kite
[ [ "it is picture color", "yes" ], [ "can you see any peoples", "yes" ], [ "what color kite it is", "colorful" ], [ "how old girl", "7" ], [ "what wearing the girl", "jeans and t shirt" ], [ "it is green grass", "yes" ], [ "girl wearing shoes", "yes" ], [ "it is daytime", "yes" ], [ "can you see any trees", "no" ], [ "can you see sky", "no" ] ]
a bunch of doughnuts that are on a conveyor belt
[ [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "are there any people visible", "no people" ], [ "are they all the same kind of doughnuts", "yes" ], [ "is the conveyor belt dirty looking", "yes" ], [ "re the doughnuts fresh looking", "the donuts are fresh" ], [ "is this inside a store or a warehouse", "it looks like a warehouse" ], [ "can you see the floor", "not really, it's up close" ], [ "does the belt on the conveyor system look newish", "no, the belt has a lot of old grease on it" ], [ "can you tell if it is day or night", "i can't tell, it's inside" ], [ "thank you is it well-lit", "yes, it's well-lit" ] ]
child is carrying a skateboard on a sidewalk
[ [ "is this a color picture", "yes" ], [ "is the child male or female", "male" ], [ "how old does the boy look", "4" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "black and white" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "no" ], [ "is he wearing knee pads", "no" ], [ "is there other people around", "no" ], [ "is he in a skate park", "no" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "no" ], [ "is it daytime in the picture", "yes" ] ]
girl on a couch with her computer on a table
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how old is the girl", "20s" ], [ "what color hair", "light brown" ], [ "can you see her eyes", "yes" ], [ "what color", "can't tell" ], [ "what color computer", "silver and black" ], [ "is the computer open", "yes" ], [ "what color table", "brown" ], [ "can you see the color of the couch", "yes" ], [ "what else do you see", "pile of magazines next to the couch" ] ]
a man walking his elephant down a busy city street
[ [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is the elephant grown", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "sort of" ], [ "what race is the man", "there are a few" ], [ "did the elephant poop in the street", "not yet" ], [ "is this an american street", "no" ], [ "are they in a circus", "no" ], [ "are there children near", "no" ], [ "do you see a bus", "no" ], [ "are the man and elephant facing the camera", "yes" ] ]
people are riding electric scooters down the road
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "no" ], [ "how many people", "4" ], [ "what color are the scooters", "orange and black" ], [ "do you see anyone else", "no" ], [ "do you see other vehicles", "no" ], [ "is this in the daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "no" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "no" ] ]
a brick wall with man teddy bears stuck to it
[ [ "how many teddy bears", "there are a lot" ], [ "any idea why they are there", "no, it's very strange" ], [ "what color is the wall", "it's a brick wall" ], [ "are there any people in the image", "no people seen" ], [ "are all the bricks the same color", "yes they are" ], [ "what is keeping the teddy bears stuck to the wall any idea", "no idea" ], [ "are the bears all the same color", "no, they are different colors" ], [ "are they different sizes also", "yes" ], [ "are any of them wearing clothing", "no" ], [ "do they look new", "for the most part" ] ]
a white table topped with a pizza and a pan of food
[ [ "what kind of food is in the pan", "fruit pizza" ], [ "is pizza the only food on the table", "no- there are some churros also" ], [ "are there strawberries on the pizza", "yes" ], [ "is it a big pizza", "no- medium sized" ], [ "are there any people present", "no" ], [ "is it outside or inside", "inside" ], [ "is it in the kitchen", "no" ], [ "is the table clean", "yes" ], [ "does the pizza have pineapple on it", "no" ], [ "does the pizza look like a dessert", "yes" ] ]
a man blowing out candles on a cake
[ [ "is this photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is this inside or outdoors", "indoors" ], [ "are there other people around", "i see part of someone's hand" ], [ "what color is the cake", "brown" ], [ "how old does the man look to be", "in his 20's" ], [ "what is he wearing", "a plaid shirt" ], [ "does he wear glasses", "no" ], [ "what colors are his plaid shirt", "light blue and light green" ], [ "how many candles are on his cake", "22" ], [ "can you see any furniture", "no, just cupboards" ] ]
a man holding onto a pipe with his hand out in a parking lot
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the man by himself", "yes" ], [ "are there any other people in the photo", "no" ], [ "is the man in a car", "no, there are no cars in the parking lot" ], [ "is the parking lot paved", "yes" ], [ "is the pipe a smoking pipe", "no, it's a railing" ], [ "is it made of metal", "yes" ], [ "is the man looking at the camera", "no, his back is turned from the camera" ], [ "is he swinging the pipe", "no, he's holding onto it" ], [ "is the weather sunny", "overcast" ] ]
a young boy playing in a living room with a large window
[ [ "how old is the boy", "toddler around 2" ], [ "how is he dressed", "long sleeve shirt and diaper" ], [ "is he sitting on the floor", "no walking" ], [ "what is he playing with", "nothing, just learning to walk it seems" ], [ "is there an adult in the scene", "no" ], [ "what expression is on the child's face", "smile" ], [ "what furniture is in the room", "couches cabinets , chest" ], [ "are there curtains on the window", "yes" ], [ "can you see outside", "yes, thru the window" ], [ "what's out there", "street, houses, branches" ] ]
a smiling bearded man is wearing a suit and tie
[ [ "what color is the man's hair and beard", "blonde" ], [ "what color is his shoes", "i don’t know" ], [ "what color is his suit", "grey" ], [ "is the man sitting or standing", "sitting" ], [ "is the man at a office", "no" ], [ "is the man wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is there a book in front of the man", "no" ], [ "is the man a teacher", "no" ], [ "is the man at a job training", "no" ], [ "is the man smiling", "yes" ] ]
there are refrigerators lined up to be trashed
[ [ "is this outside", "yes" ], [ "is the picture in colors", "yes" ], [ "what color is the refrigerators", "some are white and some are black" ], [ "how many", "i see 5 in total" ], [ "is it day time", "yes" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "are the items used", "yes" ], [ "is there any furniture", "no" ], [ "any building", "no" ], [ "any cars", "no" ] ]
a slice of cake that's colored like the rainbow is missing a piece
[ [ "is this a black and white photo", "no" ], [ "is this a birthday cake", "it might be" ], [ "is it a white cake", "no its colorful" ], [ "is the cake on a plate", "no on a gray board" ], [ "is the frosting colorful", "no it's white" ], [ "are there people present", "no" ], [ "are there any utensils", "there is a fork" ], [ "are there napkins", "no" ], [ "is it a large cake", "yes" ], [ "has the whole cake been sliced", "yes" ] ]
this very long room holds many interesting things
[ [ "do you see any doors", "no" ], [ "do you see any pictures", "yes" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see a table", "yes" ], [ "what about chairs", "yes" ], [ "do you see any lighting", "yes" ], [ "do you see any dishes", "no" ], [ "do you see a rug", "yes" ], [ "is this indoors", "yes" ], [ "what color is the rug", "white" ] ]
a pitcher winding up to throw a fastball
[ [ "is he from a pro team", "i'm guessing college or minor leagues" ], [ "is his number visible", "yes it is" ], [ "does he have long hair", "no looks somewhat short" ], [ "what color is his jersey", "it is white and red" ], [ "what hand does he pitch with", "he is a right hander" ], [ "are other players visible", "no just an umpire" ], [ "how many people are there", "other than the pitcher and umpire there are 3 fans visible" ], [ "are the fans the same gender", "yes they are" ], [ "are they men", "they are yes" ], [ "is the sky visible", "no it is not" ] ]
part of a dining room with a china hutch
[ [ "what color is the china hutch", "brown" ], [ "is there chairs", "no" ], [ "is there a table", "yes" ], [ "is their dishes in the china hutch", "yes" ], [ "what color is the table", "no idea covered by white tablecloth" ], [ "what color are the dishes", "white" ], [ "is there dishes on the table", "no" ], [ "is there people", "no" ], [ "can you see silverware", "no" ], [ "what color are the walls", "painted blue and white" ] ]
several people are riding horses on the beach
[ [ "are people old", "too far away to tell" ], [ "is beach water dirty", "it's too far away to tell, but it might be" ], [ "does it look like it's about to rain", "yes it does" ], [ "what color are horses", "too dark to say, but mostly brown" ], [ "are horses big", "yes they are full size riding horses" ], [ "are there any other people around", "no just riders" ], [ "do you see any grass", "no grass visible" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no trees visible" ], [ "what color is sky", "grey clouds" ], [ "do people look comfortable riding horses", "yes" ] ]
a woman in a cowboy hat opening a truck door
[ [ "is this a color image", "yes" ], [ "how old is the woman", "20s" ], [ "what is she wearing", "tank top jeans hat" ], [ "does she have cowboy boots on", "can't see" ], [ "is the woman getting out of the driver's door", "going in" ], [ "what color is the truck", "gray" ], [ "do you see other people", "no" ], [ "can you tell where this is", "no" ], [ "do you see any buildings", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
a display rack of assorted kinds of donuts
[ [ "is this outdoors", "no inside dunkin doughnuts" ], [ "can you see people", "o you cannot" ], [ "can you see register", "no i can only see pastry shelf" ], [ "are pastries inside case", "yes on racks" ], [ "is shelf glass", "no sheet trays" ], [ "how many racks", "24 racks" ], [ "can you see chocolate donuts", "yes few" ], [ "can you see bear claws", "i cannot" ], [ "can you see filled donuts", "yes many" ], [ "can you see walls", "barely" ] ]
a small boat unattended in a bay near a sailboat
[ [ "is there anyone inside the small boat", "no" ], [ "is the small boat looks like a fishing boat", "yes" ], [ "what color is the small boat", "white and black" ], [ "is there near the docket", "no" ], [ "is there any other boats around", "no" ], [ "is there any logo or sign on the small boat", "no" ], [ "how big is the sailboat", "medium size, it is far" ], [ "can you tell what color is the sailboat", "i think white" ], [ "is the small boat look new or used", "new" ], [ "is it sunny day", "yes" ] ]
black and white photograph of a person windsurfing
[ [ "is there only 1 person", "yes" ], [ "what gender is the person", "male" ], [ "does he have long or short hair", "short" ], [ "what position is he in", "standing up" ], [ "does it look really windy", "not too windy" ], [ "can you see any big waves", "no, just small ones" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "do you think it's nice weather", "it looks a bit cloudy" ], [ "is there anything interesting in the background", "no, just the sky" ], [ "can you see his face", "no" ] ]
a photo of a person being taken in this picture
[ [ "is it in color", "yes" ], [ "is it a man or a woman", "man" ], [ "what are they doing", "holding frisbees" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "t shirt and a hat" ], [ "how many frisbees", "4" ], [ "what color is the shirt", "white" ], [ "what colors are the frisbee", "yellow orange blue green" ], [ "what color is the hat", "gray" ], [ "do they look like professional frisbee", "yes" ], [ "is anything written on the t shirt", "no" ] ]
a dog leads the way for 2 crosscountry skiers
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "what color is the dog", "white" ], [ "is the dog a large or small breed", "medium sized breed" ], [ "what breed is the dog", "it might be an akita or akita mix" ], [ "what gender are the skiers", "1 man and 1 woman" ], [ "what color jackets are they wearing", "the man is wearing a black and blue jacket and the woman is wearing a red and black jacket" ], [ "is it sunny or cloudy out", "it is sunny" ], [ "can you see their skis", "barely" ], [ "do they have poles", "yes" ], [ "what color hair does the girl have", "too hard to tell, the woman is wearing a hat" ] ]
an old boat docked in the marina with other ships
[ [ "are boats at dock", "yes" ], [ "are boats on lake", "they are in water not sure if its lake" ], [ "what color are boats", "teal, brown, and light blue" ], [ "are boats tied to pier", "yes" ], [ "are buildings tall", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny day", "it appears so" ], [ "are there any people", "0" ], [ "do you see any mountains", "0" ], [ "are there many trees", "0 just plants" ], [ "is water calm", "yes" ] ]