When the logger is configured for debug mode, messages are logged... In the event that no onclick events were found within the component. Thus, no action is taken. In the event that an element being inspected has no tag name. To report the type of element being made compliant. To report the type of element that is already found to be compliant. Label The label helper adds an aria-label to the form element found within the component. This helper only inspects elements that can be found via the component's fieldTag selector and is consdered a "best effort" approach. This helper will only work on View.Field components since it is extremely unlikely for the fieldTag selector forView.Layout or View.View components to match form elements. A form element is considered to be compliant if the aria-label attribute is already present or if its tag is not one that requires a label. These elements include: button input
button input select textarea This helper adds aria-label="{label}" to the element that needs to be made compliant. View.Field.label is the label that is assigned to the attribute. The component must be a View.Component. Plain jQuery DOM elements are not sufficient since they do not include alabel property. API SUGAR.accessibility.init() Initializes the accessibility module to execute all accessibility helpers on components as they are rendered. This is called by the application during bootstrapping. Loads the accessibility helpers that are to be run and executes them on the component. Arguments Name Type Required Description component View.Component/jQuery true The element to test for accessibility compliance. helper String/Array false One or more names of specified helpers to run. All registered helpers will be run if undefined.
One or more names of specified helpers to run. All registered helpers will be run if undefined. Returns Void SUGAR.accessibility.whichHelpers() Get the helpers registered on a specific element. Name Type Required Description helper String/Array true One or more names of specified helpers to run. Returns Array - The accessibility helpers that were requested. Filters out any named helpers that are not registered. All registered helpers are returned if no helper names are provided as a parameter. SUGAR.accessibility.getElementTag() Generates a human-readable string for identifying an element. For example,  a[name="link"][class="btn btn-link"][href=""]. Primarily used for logging purposes, this method is useful for debugging. Arguments Name Type Required Description
Arguments Name Type Required Description $el jQuery true The element for which the tag should be generated. Returns String - A string representing an element's tag, with all attributes. The element's selector, if one exists, is returned when a representation cannot be reasonably generated. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
SugarPDF Overview An overview of SugarPDF and how it relates to TCPDF. As of version 6.7.x, Sugar includes a Smarty template engine called PDF Manager that is accessible by navigating to Admin > PDF Manager. The PDF Manager allows administrators to create and manage templates for deployed modules without having to write custom code.  The following sections are only specific to developers looking to create their own custom TCPDF templates using PHP. PDF Classes The various classes used in generating PDFs within Sugar. TCPDF Sugar uses the TCPDF 4.6.013 library, located in ./vendor/tcpdf/, as the core engine to generate PDFs. This library is extended by Sugarpdf which is used by the core application to generate PDFs.  Sugarpdf
Sugarpdf The Sugarpdf class, located in ./include/Sugarpdf/Sugarpdf.php, extends the TCPDF class. Within this class, we have overridden certain functions to integrate sugar features. Some key methods that were overridden are listed below:  Method Description Header Overridden to enable custom logos. SetFont Overridden to allow for the loading of custom fonts. The custom fonts direction is defined by the K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS var. By default, this value is set to ./custom/vendor/tcpdf/fonts/ Cell Overridden to apply the prepare_string() function. This allows for the ability to clean the string before sending to PDF.   Some key additional methods that were added are listed below: Method Description predisplay
Some key additional methods that were added are listed below: Method Description predisplay Preprocessing before the display method is called. Is intended to setup general PDF document properties like margin, footer, header, etc. display Performs the actual PDF content generation. This is where the logic to display output to the PDF should be placed. process Calls predisplay and display. writeCellTable Method to print a table using the cell print method of TCPDF writeHTMLTable Method to print a table using the writeHTML print method of TCPDF Custom PDF classes that extend Sugarpdf can be located in the following directories: ./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php ./modules/<module>/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php
./custom/modules/<module>/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php PDF Manager classes that extend Sugarpdf are located in the following directories: ./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.smarty.php ./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.pdfmanager.php ./custom/include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.pdfmanager.php Each extended class will define a specific PDF view that is accessible with the following URL parameters: module=<module> action=sugarpdf sugarpdf=<pdf view>
action=sugarpdf sugarpdf=<pdf view> Within each custom PDF class, the display method will need to be redefined. If you would like, It is also possible to override other methods like Header. The process method of this class will be called from ViewSugarpdf. When a PDF is being generated, the most relevant sugarpdf.<pdf action>.pdf class is determined by the SugarpdfFactory. ViewSugarpdf The ViewSugarpdf class, located in ./include/MVC/View/views/view.sugarpdf.php, is used to create the SugarViews that generate PDFs. These views can be found and/or created in one of the following directory paths: ./modules/<module>/views/view.sugarpdf.php ./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.sugarpdf.php
./custom/modules/<module>/views/view.sugarpdf.php SugarViews can be called by navigating to a URL in the format of: http://<url>/index.php?module=<module>&action=sugarpdf&sugarpdf=<pdf action> As of 6.7, PDFs are mainly generated using the PDF Manager templating system. To generate the PDF stored in the PDF Manager, you would call a URL in the format of: http://<url>/index.php?module<module>&record=<record id>&action=sugarpdf&sugarpdf=pdfmanager&pdf_template_id=<template id>   SugarpdfFactory
SugarpdfFactory The ViewSugarpdf class uses the SugarpdfFactory class, located in ./include/Sugarpdf/SugarpdfFactory.php, to find the most relevant sugarpdf.<pdf action>.pdf class which generates the PDF document for a given PDF view and module. If one is not found, then the core Sugarpdf class is used. The SugarpdfFactory class loads the first class found for the specified PDF action as determined by the following order: ./custom/modules/<module>/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php ./modules/<module>/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php ./custom/include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php
./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php ./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf.php SugarpdfHelper The SugarpdfHelper, located in ./include/Sugarpdf/SugarpdfHelper.php, is included by Sugarpdf. This is a utility file that contains many of the functions we use to generate PDFs. Available functions are: wrapTag, wrapTD, wrapTable, etc. : These functions help to create an HTML code. prepare_string : This function prepare a string to be ready for the PDF printing. format_number_sugarpdf : This function is a copy of format_number() from currency with a fix for sugarpdf. PdfManagerHelper
PdfManagerHelper The PdfManagerHelper, located in ./modules/PdfManager/PdfManagerHelper.php, is primarily utilized by the pdfmanager Sugarpdf view. This class file contains methods useful for accessing PDF Manager templates. Some of the primary methods are: getAvailableModules : Returns an array of available modules for use with PdfManager. getFields : Takes an module name and returns a list of fields and links available for this module in PdfManager. getPublishedTemplatesForModule : Returns an array of the available templates for a specific module. FontManager The FontManagerclass, located in ./include/Sugarpdf/FontManager.php, is a stand-alone class that manages all the fonts for TCPDF. More information can be found in the PDF Fonts section below. Functionality:
Functionality: List all the available fonts from the OOB font directory and the custom font directory (it can create a well-formatted list for select tag). Get the details of each listed font (Type, size, encoding,...) by reading the font php file. Add a new font to the custom font directory from a font file and a metric file. Delete a font from the custom font directory. Generating a PDF To generate a custom PDF in Sugar, you will need to create a PDF view that extends the Sugarpdf class. To accomplish this, create the file:  ./custom/modules/<module>/sugarpdf/sugarpdf.<pdf view>.php <?php if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); require_once('include/Sugarpdf/Sugarpdf.php');
require_once('include/Sugarpdf/Sugarpdf.php'); class <module>Sugarpdf<pdf view> extends Sugarpdf { /** * Override */ function process(){ $this->preDisplay(); $this->display(); $this->buildFileName(); } /** * Custom header */ public function Header() { $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, 'B', 16); $this->MultiCell(0, 0, 'TCPDF Header',0,'C'); $this->drawLine(); } /** * Custom header */ public function Footer() { $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', 8);
$this->MultiCell(0,0,'TCPDF Footer', 0, 'C'); } /** * Predisplay content */ function preDisplay() { //Adds a predisplay page $this->AddPage(); $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN,'',PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN); $this->Ln(); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Predisplay Content',0,'C'); } /** * Main content */ function display() { //add a display page $this->AddPage(); $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN,'',PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN); $this->Ln();
$this->Ln(); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Display Content',0,'C'); } /** * Build filename */ function buildFileName() { $this->fileName = 'example.pdf'; } /** * This method draw an horizontal line with a specific style. */ protected function drawLine() { $this->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.85 / $this->getScaleFactor(), 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(220, 220, 220))); $this->MultiCell(0, 0, '', 'T', 0, 'C'); } }
} } This file will contain the markup for the PDF. The main things to note are the Header(), Footer() and display() methods as they contain most of the styling and display logic. The method buildFileName() will generate the document's name when downloaded by the user. Once in place, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The PDF will now be accessible by navigating to the following url in your browser: http://{sugar url}/index.php?module=<module>&action=sugarpdf&sugarpdf=<pdf action> PDF Settings This section will outline how to configure the PDF settings. These settings determine the widths, heights, images, pdf metadata, and the UI configurations found in: Admin > PDF Manager > Edit Report PDF Template Settings
Admin > PDF Manager > Edit Report PDF Template Settings The default PDF settings for TCPDF can be found in ./include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf_default.php. You can add additional custom settings by creating the following file: ./custom/include/Sugarpdf/sugarpdf_default.php <?php $sugarpdf_default["PDF_NEW_SETTING"] = "Value"; You should note that values specified here will be the default values. Once edited, the updated values are stored in the database config table under the category "sugarpdf" and a name matching the setting name. category: sugarpdf name: pdf_new_setting value: Value Displaying and Editing Settings A select set of settings can be edited within the Sugar UI by navigating to: Admin > PDF Manager > Edit Report PDF Template
Admin > PDF Manager > Edit Report PDF Template The settings here are managed in the file ./modules/Configurator/metadata/SugarpdfSettingsdefs.php. A brief description of the settings parameters are listed below: label : This is the display label for the setting. info_label : Hover info text for the display label. value : The PDF Setting. class : Determines which panel the setting resides in. Possible values are 'basic' and 'logo'. 'advanced' is not currently an available value. type : Determines the settings display widget. Possible values are: 'image', 'text', 'percent', 'multiselect', 'bool', 'password', and 'file'. Custom settings can be added to this page by creating ./custom/modules/Configurator/metadata/SugarpdfSettingsdefs.php and specifying a new setting index. An example is below:
./custom/modules/Configurator/metadata/SugarpdfSettingsdefs.php <?php //Retrieve setting info from db defineFromConfig("PDF_NEW_SETTING", $sugarpdf_default["PDF_NEW_SETTING"]); //Add setting display $SugarpdfSettings['sugarpdf_pdf_new_setting'] = array( "label" => $mod_strings["LBL_PDF_NEW_SETTING_TITLE"], "info_label" => $mod_strings["LBL_PDF_NEW_SETTING_INFO"], "value" => PDF_NEW_SETTING, "class" => "basic", "type" => "text", );
"type" => "text", ); You should note that the $SugarpdfSettings index should following the format sugarpdf_pdf_<setting name>. If your setting does not follow this format, it will not be saved or retrieved from the database correctly. Once the setting is defined, you will need to define the display text for the UI setting. ./custom/modules/Configurator/language/en_us.lang.php Once finished, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. This will rebuild the language files for your display text. PDF Fonts The stock fonts for TCPDF are stored in the directory ./vendor/tcpdf/fonts/. If you would like to add additional fonts to the system, they should be added to the ./custom/vendor/tcpdf/fonts/ directory. Font Cache
Font Cache The font list is built by the font manager with the listFontFiles() or getSelectFontList() methods. The list is then saved in the cache as ./cache/Sugarpdf/cachedFontList.php. This caching process prevents unnecessary parsing of the fonts folder. The font cache is automatically cleared when the delete() or add() methods are used. When you create a module loader package to install fonts you will have to call the clearCachedFile() method in a post_execute and post_uninstall action in the manifest.php to clear the font cache. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Module Loader Module Loader is used when installing customizations, plugins,language packs, and hotfixes, and other customizations into a Sugar instance in the form of a Module Loadable Package. This documentation covers the basics and best practices for creating module loadable packages for a Sugar installation. Note: Sugar Sell Essentials customers do not have the ability to upload custom file packages to Sugar using Module Loader.
TopicsIntroduction to the ManifestModule loadable packages rely on a manifest.php file to define the basic properties and installation steps for the package. This documentation explains the various components that make up the manifest file.Module Loader RestrictionsSugarCRM's hosting objective is to maintain the integrity of the standard Sugar functionality when we upgrade a customer instance and limit any negative impact our upgrade has on the customer's modifications. All instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service have package scanner enabled by default. This setting is not configurable and all packages must pass the package scan for installation on Sugar's cloud environment. This includes passing all health checks.Module Loader Restriction AlternativesThis article provides workarounds for commonly used functions that are denylisted by Sugar for Sugar's cloud environment.Sugar Exchange Package GuidelinesSugar Module Loadable Package development guidelines for apps listed on Sugar Exchange. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Module Loader Restrictions Overview SugarCRM's hosting objective is to maintain the integrity of the standard Sugar functionality when we upgrade a customer instance and limit any negative impact our upgrade has on the customer's modifications. All instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service have package scanner enabled by default. This setting is not configurable and all packages must pass the package scan for installation on Sugar's cloud environment. This includes passing all health checks. Note: Sugar Sell Essentials customers do not have the ability to upload custom file packages to Sugar using Module Loader. Access Controls The Module Loader includes a Module Scanner, which grants system administrators the control they need to determine the precise set of actions that they are willing to offer in their hosting environment. This feature is available in all Sugar products. Anyone who is hosting Sugar products can take advantage of this feature, as well. Enabling Package Scan
Enabling Package Scan Scanning is disabled in default installations of Sugar and can be enabled through a configuration setting. This setting is added to ./config.php or ./config_override.php, and is not available to Administrator users to modify through the Sugar interface. Please note that this setting can only be managed on an on-site deployment and cannot be disabled for Sugar's cloud environment. To enable Package Scan and its associated scans, add this setting to ./config_override.php: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['packageScan'] = true; There are two categories of access control in the Package Scan: File Scan Module Loader Actions Enabling File Scan
File Scan Module Loader Actions Enabling File Scan By enabling Package Scan, File Scan will be performed on all files in the package uploaded through Module Loader. File Scan will be performed when a Sugar administrator attempts to install the package. Please note that these settings can only be managed on an on-site deployment. These settings are not permitted to be modified when hosted on Sugar's cloud service. File Scan performs three checks: File extensions must be in the approved list of valid extension types. Files must not contain any suspicious classes. Files must not contain any suspicious function calls. Please refer to the next three sections which outline the default requirements for the File Scan checks.  Valid Extension Types File extensions must be in the approved list of valid extension types. The following extension types are valid by default: css gif hbs htm html jpg js md5 pdf php png
hbs htm html jpg js md5 pdf php png tpl txt xml Denylisted Classes Files must not contain any of the following classes that are considered suspicious by File Scan.  All variable classes (i.e., $class()) are prohibited by default. The following classes are denylisted by default: lua pclzip reflection reflectionclass reflectionexception reflectionextension reflectionfunction reflectionfunctionabstract reflectionmethod reflectionobject reflectionparameter reflectionproperty reflectionzendextension reflector splfileinfo splfileobject ziparchive Denylisted Function Calls Files must not contain any of the following function calls that are considered suspicious by File Scan. Variable functions (i.e., $func()) are prohibited by default.
Variable functions (i.e., $func()) are prohibited by default. Backticks (`) are prohibited by File Scan. The following PHP functions are denylisted by default: addfunction addserver array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_filter array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_map array_reduce array_udiff array_udiff_assoc array_udiff_uassoc array_uintersect array_uintersect_assoc array_uintersect_uassoc array_walk array_walk_recursive call_user_func call_user_func call_user_func_array call_user_func_array chdir chgrp chmod chroot chwown clearstatcache
chgrp chmod chroot chwown clearstatcache construct consume consumerhandler copy copy_recursive create_cache_directory create_custom_directory create_function curl_copy_handle curl_exec curl_file_create curl_init curl_multi_add_handle curl_multi_exec curl_multi_getcontent curl_multi_info_read curl_multi_init curl_multi_remove_handle curl_multi_select curl_multi_setopt curl_setopt_array curl_setopt curl_share_init curl_share_setopt curl_share_strerror dir disk_free_space disk_total_space diskfreespace eio_busy
disk_total_space diskfreespace eio_busy eio_chmod eio_chown eio_close eio_custom eio_dup2 eio_fallocate eio_fchmod eio_fchown eio_fdatasync eio_fstat eio_fstatvfs eio_fsync eio_ftruncate eio_futime eio_grp eio_link eio_lstat eio_mkdir eio_mknod eio_nop eio_open eio_read eio_readahead eio_readdir eio_readlink eio_realpath eio_rename eio_rmdir eio_sendfile
eio_rename eio_rmdir eio_sendfile eio_stat eio_statvfs eio_symlink eio_sync eio_sync_file_range eio_syncfs eio_truncate eio_unlink eio_utime eio_write error_log escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd eval exec fclose fdf_enum_values feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype flock fnmatch fopen forward_static_call
filetype flock fnmatch fopen forward_static_call forward_static_call_array fpassthru fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fstat ftell ftruncate fwrite get getbykey getdelayed getdelayedbykey getfunctionvalue getimagesize glob header_register_callback ibase_set_event_handler ini_set is_callable is_dir is_executable is_file is_link is_readable is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable iterator_apply lchgrp lchown ldap_set_rebind_proc libxml_set_external_entity_loader link linkinfo lstat
libxml_set_external_entity_loader link linkinfo lstat mailparse_msg_extract_part mailparse_msg_extract_part_file mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_file mk_temp_dir mkdir mkdir_recursive move_uploaded_file newt_entry_set_filter newt_set_suspend_callback ob_start open opendir parse_ini_file parse_ini_string passthru passthru pathinfo pclose pcntl_signal popen preg_replace_callback proc_close proc_get_status proc_nice proc_open readdir readfile readline_callback_handler_install readline_completion_function readlink realpath
readline_completion_function readlink realpath realpath_cache_get realpath_cache_size register_shutdown_function register_tick_function rename rewind rmdir rmdir_recursive session_set_save_handler set_error_handler set_exception_handler set_file_buffer set_local_infile_handler set_time_limit setclientcallback setcompletecallback setdatacallback setexceptioncallback setfailcallback setserverparams setstatuscallback setwarningcallback setworkloadcallback shell_exec simplexml_load_file simplexml_load_string socket_accept socket_addrinfo_bind socket_addrinfo_connect socket_addrinfo_explain socket_addrinfo_lookup socket_bind
socket_addrinfo_explain socket_addrinfo_lookup socket_bind socket_clear_error socket_close socket_cmsg_space socket_connect socket_create_listen socket_create_pair socket_create socket_export_stream socket_get_option socket_getopt socket_getpeername socket_getsockname socket_import_stream socket_last_error socket_listen socket_read socket_recv socket_recvfrom socket_recvmsg socket_select socket_send socket_sendmsg socket_sendto socket_set_block socket_set_nonblock socket_set_option socket_setopt socket_shutdown socket_write fsockopen spl_autoload_register sqlite_create_aggregate
fsockopen spl_autoload_register sqlite_create_aggregate sqlite_create_function sqlitecreateaggregate sqlitecreatefunction stat stream_bucket_append stream_bucket_make_writeable stream_bucket_new stream_bucket_prepend stream_context_create stream_context_get_default stream_context_get_options stream_context_get_params stream_context_set_default stream_context_set_option stream_context_set_params stream_copy_to_stream stream_filter_append stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_register stream_filter_remove stream_get_contents stream_get_filters stream_get_line stream_get_meta_data stream_get_transports
stream_get_meta_data stream_get_transports stream_get_wrappers stream_is_local stream_isatty stream_notification_callback stream_register_wrapper stream_resolve_include_path stream_select stream_set_blocking stream_set_chunk_size stream_set_read_buffer stream_set_timeout stream_set_write_buffer stream_socket_accept stream_socket_client stream_socket_enable_crypto stream_socket_get_name stream_socket_pair stream_socket_recvfrom stream_socket_sendto stream_socket_server stream_socket_shutdown stream_supports_lock stream_wrapper_register stream_wrapper_restore stream_wrapper_unregister sugar_chgrp sugar_chmod
stream_wrapper_unregister sugar_chgrp sugar_chmod sugar_chown sugar_file_put_contents sugar_file_put_contents_atomic sugar_fopen sugar_mkdir sugar_rename sugar_touch sybase_set_message_handler symlink system tempnam timestampnoncehandler tmpfile tokenhandler touch uasort uksort umask unlink unzip unzip_file usort write_array_to_file write_array_to_file_as_key_value_pair write_encoded_file xml_set_character_data_handler xml_set_default_handler xml_set_element_handler xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler
xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler xml_set_notation_decl_handler xml_set_processing_instruction_handler xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler The following class functions are denylisted by default: All variable functions (i.e., $func()) are prohibited by default.  SugarLogger::setLevel SugarAutoLoader::put SugarAutoLoader::unlink Health Check Packages must pass all health checks in order to pass through the package scanner. For more information on troubleshooting Health Check output, see the collection of help articles in Troubleshooting Health Check Output. Disabling File Scan Note: Disabling File Scan is prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service.
Note: Disabling File Scan is prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service. To disable File Scan, add the following configuration setting to config_override.php: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['disableFileScan'] = false; Extending the List of Valid Extension Types Note: Modifying the valid extensions list is prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service. To add more file extensions to the approved list of valid extension types, add the file extensions to the validExt array. The example below adds a .log file extension and .htaccess to the valid extension type list in config_override.php: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['validExt'] = array( 'log', 'htaccess' ); Denylisting Additional Function Calls
'htaccess' ); Denylisting Additional Function Calls Note: Denylist modifications are prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service. To add additional function calls to the denylist, add the function calls to the blackList array. The example below blocks the strlen() and strtolower() functions from being included in the package: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['blackList'] = array( 'strlen', 'strtolower' ); Overriding Denylisted Function Calls Note: Denylist modifications are prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service. To override the denylist and allow a specific function to be included in packages, add the function call to the blackListExempt array. The example below removes the restriction for the file_put_contents() function, allowing it to be included in the package:
$sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['blackListExempt'] = array( 'file_put_contents' ); Disabling Restricted Copy To ensure upgrade-safe customizations, System Administrators must restrict the copy action to prevent modifying the existing Sugar source code files. New files may be added anywhere (to allow new modules to be added), but core Sugar source code files must not be overwritten. This is enabled by default when you enable Package Scan. Note: Disabling Restricted Copy is prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service. To disable Restricted Copy, use this configuration setting: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['disableRestrictedCopy'] = true; Module Loader Actions
Module Loader Actions Module loader actions, defined in ./ModuleInstall/ModuleScanner.php, are identifiers that map to the installation definitions used in the $installdefs of a manifest. Action $installdef Actions Description install_administration administration Installs an administration section into the Admin page install_connectors connectors Installs SugarCloud Connectors install_copy copy Installs files or directories install_dashlets dashlets Installs dashlets into the Sugar application install_images image_dir Install images into the custom directory install_languages language Installs language files install_layoutdefs layoutdefs Installs layouts install_layoutfields layoutfields Installs custom fields install_logichooks logic_hooks Installs logic hooks install_relationships
logic_hooks Installs logic hooks install_relationships relationships Installs relationships install_userpage user_page Installs a section to the User record page install_vardefs vardefs Installs vardefs post_execute post_execute Called after a package is installed pre_execute pre_execute Called before a package is installed Disabling Module Loader Actions Certain Module Loader actions may be considered less desirable than others by a System Administrator. A System Administrator may want to allow some Module Loader actions, but disable specific actions that could impact the upgrade-safe integrity of the Sugar instance. Note: Disabling Module Loader actions is prohibited for instances on Sugar's cloud service.
By default, all Module Loader actions are allowed. Enabling Package Scan does not affect the Module Loader actions. To disable specific Module Loader actions, add the action to the disableActions array. The example below restricts the pre_execute and post_execute actions: $sugar_config['moduleInstaller']['disableActions'] = array( 'pre_execute', 'post_execute' ); Disabling Upgrade Wizard If you are hosting Sugar and wish to lock down the upgrade wizard, you can set disable_uw_upload to 'true' in the config_override. This is intended for hosting providers to prevent unwanted upgrades. $sugar_config['disable_uw_upload'] = true; Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Module Loader Restriction Alternatives Overview This article provides workarounds for commonly used functions that are denylisted by Sugar for Sugar's cloud environment. Denylisted Functions $variable() Variable functions are sometimes used when trying to dynamically call a function. This is commonly used to retrieve a new bean object. Restricted use: $module = "Account"; $id = "6468238c-da75-fd9a-406b-50199fe6b5f8"; //creating a new bean $focus = new $module() //retrieving a specific record $focus->retrieve($id); As of 6.3.0, we have implemented newBean and getBean which can be found in the BeanFactory. Below is the recommended approach to create or fetch a bean: $module = "Accounts";
$module = "Accounts"; $id = "6468238c-da75-fd9a-406b-50199fe6b5f8"; //creating a new bean $focus = BeanFactory::newBean($module); //or creating a new bean and retrieving a specific record $focus = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $id); array_filter() The array_filter filters elements of an array using a callback function. It is restricted from use on Sugar's cloud service due to its ability to call other restricted functions. Restricted use: /** * Returns whether the input integer is odd * @param $var * @return int */ function odd($var) { return($var & 1); } $myArray = array( "a"=>1, "b"=>2,
"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4, "e"=>5 ); $filteredArray = array_filter($myArray, "odd"); An alternative to using array_filter is to use a foreach loop. $filteredArray = array(); $myArray = array( "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "d"=>4, "e"=>5 ); foreach ($myArray as $key => $value) { // check whether the input integer is odd if($value & 1) { $filteredArray[$key] = $value; } } copy()
} } copy() The copy method is sometimes used by developers when duplicating files in the uploads directory. Restricted use: $result = copy($oldFile, $newFile);  An alternative to using copy is the duplicate_file method found in the UploadFile class. require_once 'include/upload_file.php'; $uploadFile = new UploadFile(); $result = $uploadFile->duplicate_file($oldFileId, $newFileId); file_exists() The file_exists method is used by developers to determine if a file exists. Restricted use: if(file_exists($file_path)) { require_once($file); }
require_once($file); } An alternative to using file_exists is the fileExists method found in the SugarAutoLoader class. $file = 'include/utils.php'; if (SugarAutoloader::fileExists($file)) { require_once($file); } file_get_contents() The file_get_contents method is used to retrieve the contents of a file. Restricted use: $file_contents = file_get_contents('file.txt'); An alternative to using file_get_contents and sugar_file_get_contents is the get_file_contents method found in the UploadFile class. require_once('include/upload_file.php'); $uploadFile = new UploadFile(); //get the file location
$uploadFile = new UploadFile(); //get the file location $uploadFile->temp_file_location = UploadFile::get_upload_path($file_id); $file_contents = $uploadFile->get_file_contents(); fwrite() The fwrite method is a function used to write content to a file. As there isn't currently a direct alternative for this function, you may find one of the following a good solution to what you are trying to achieve. Adding/Removing Logic Hooks
Adding/Removing Logic Hooks When working with logic hooks, it is very common for a developer to need to modify ./custom/modules/<module>/logic_hooks.php. When creating module loadable packages, developers will sometimes use fwrite to modify this file upon installation to include their additional hooks. As of Sugar 6.3, Logic Hook Extensions were implemented to allow a developer to append custom hooks. If you would prefer to edit the logic_hooks.php file, you will need to use the check_logic_hook_file method as described below: //Adding a logic hook require_once("include/utils.php"); $my_hook = Array( 999, 'Example Logic Hook', 'custom/modules/<module>/my_hook.php',
'custom/modules/<module>/my_hook.php', 'my_hook_class', 'my_hook_function' ); check_logic_hook_file("Accounts", "before_save", $my_hook); Removing a logic hook can be done by using remove_logic_hook: //Removing a logic hook require_once("include/utils.php"); $my_hook = Array( 999, 'Example Logic Hook', 'custom/modules/<module>/my_hook.php', 'my_hook_class', 'my_hook_function' ); remove_logic_hook("Accounts", "before_save", $my_hook); getimagesize() The getimagesize method is used to retrieve information about an image file.
The getimagesize method is used to retrieve information about an image file. Restricted use: $img_size = getimagesize($path); If you are looking to verify an image is .png or .jpeg, you can use the verify_uploaded_image method: require_once('include/utils.php'); if (verify_uploaded_image($path)) { //logic } If you are looking to get the mime type of an image, you can use the get_file_mime_type method: $mime_type = get_file_mime_type($path); Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Sugar Exchange Package Guidelines Overview The Sugar® platform is open and flexible. Developers can customize any feature or integrate any system with Sugar using a Sugar Module Loadable Package. This flexibility requires guidelines so that SugarExchange customers can rest assured that all package offerings adhere to consistent quality standards and will not interfere with existing customizations or prevent software upgrades. This guide outlines the minimum standards we expect from any Sugar Developer writing code for the Sugar platform. From the development of Sugar packages to security, user interface, encapsulation, and performance considerations, SugarCRM takes the safety and integrity of the Sugar application and its community very seriously. Compliance with these guidelines is a requirement for any package installed into Sugar's cloud service. Failure to follow these guidelines is grounds for having your package removed from Sugar's cloud service and de-listed from SugarExchange.
SugarCRM reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time. Please send any questions or feedback on these guidelines to [email protected]. Best Practices These best practice guidelines have been curated based on years of collective experience working with Sugar Packages that get used by Sugar customers every day. Use a consistent coding style
Use a consistent coding style For all PHP code, the style standard that SugarCRM uses is PSR-2. For JavaScript code, we use the applicable PSR-2 conventions as well. For JavaScript code, we emphasize readability which means we make use of utilities like Underscore.js and avoid nested callbacks. All functions, methods, classes in our code are required to have PHPDoc and JSDoc. While not all the code in the Sugar code base currently complies with these standards, we do enforce it as the standard on new code. Using a consistent code style increases the readability and maintainability of application code for those that come after you. Invest in unit testing during development
Invest in unit testing during development For all JavaScript and PHP code, we strongly recommend the creation of unit tests. For PHP, we use PHPUnit and have developed a framework (to be shared) for testing Sugar server-side code using this framework. For JavaScript code, we use Jasmine and have also developed a framework (to be shared) there to bootstrap Sidecar metadata so that Jasmine tests can run without dependency on a Sugar server. We recommend running unit tests frequently during the development process. We suggest developers run tests before each commit and as part of an automated continuous integration process. Running tests often means you catch failures sooner which makes them easier and cheaper to fix. Use Sugar REST APIs
Use Sugar REST APIs The easiest way to integrate with a Sugar instance is not to install anything into Sugar at all. For Sugar 7, we have a full client REST API that is used to drive our web interface, our mobile client, and our plug-ins. If you can do it from our user interface, you can use our REST API separately to do it as well. If the REST API doesn't do everything you need it to do, it is very easily extensible. You can easily write code that adds your custom API endpoints in a minimally invasive way. Use Module Builder when possible
Use Module Builder when possible Many integrations can be accomplished with the help of Module Builder and the Sugar REST API. Module Builder allows you to quickly design new modules for Sugar that match concepts that you want to add to a Sugar instance. These custom modules can then be installed and populated via the REST API, making it a powerful integration mechanism that doesn't require writing a line of Sugar code. Using custom modules will prevent conflicts with other customizations, as well. For more information, please refer to the Module Builder documentation. Use Extension framework and Dashlets for Sugar code customizations The Extension framework is the way to add server-side changes to a Sugar instance in a loosely coupled way. Dashlets are the best way to add new, custom user interface components to a Sugar instance that gives users maximum flexibility in how they use your app. These mechanisms also avoid conflicts with other customizations since Extensions are additive and do not replace core files. Security Guidelines
Security Guidelines Protecting and controlling access to CRM data is of paramount importance. It is important that Sugar Packages are good stewards of CRM data and access control. Use TLS/SSL for web services calls Just as we don't recommend running Sugar in production without TLS/SSL, all web-services calls that are initiated from a Sugar Package should also use SSL. The concern is the exposure of user credentials, OAuth/session tokens, or sensitive CRM data via plaintext transmission that would otherwise be handled securely. Do not hardcode sensitive information
Do not hardcode sensitive information You also should not hardcode any credentials, API keys, tokens, etc, within a Sugar Package. Sugar Packages and Sugar application code is never encrypted so there is always a risk that an attacker could discover these things and abuse them. Usernames and passwords, OAuth tokens, and similar credentials for accessing 3rd party systems should be stored in the database (for example, on the config table). The Sugar platform also provides encryption utilities that allow information to be stored in an encrypted form. These settings could then be changeable by the Administrator via the Administration panel or some other end-user input. User Interface Guidelines Sugar packages can be used to add new user interface components or front-end customizations to Sugar. It is important to consider the impact that these changes have on the user experience and the look and feel of the Sugar application. Use the Sugar 7 Styleguide
Use the Sugar 7 Styleguide In Sugar 7, we have doubled down on our emphasis on creating the best possible user experience. While other applications may use different usage patterns than the ones used in Sugar 7, it is important to think about how new functionality or integrations that you build in Sugar 7 fits within the overall Sugar 7 user experience. Users do not tolerate an inconsistent experience within a given tool - it makes it harder to learn to use, which lowers adoption of Sugar as well as your application. We want to make it easier for you to build applications within Sugar that use a consistent theme and user experience patterns, so we have included a styleguide for the Sugar application. You can find a link to the styleguide from the Sugar Administration page. There you can find all the information you need to leverage Sugar 7's styling including our CSS framework. Don't use incompatible UI frameworks or external CSS libraries
Don't use incompatible UI frameworks or external CSS libraries Mixing outside user interface frameworks into the Sugar application via a Sugar Package can easily break many different parts of the application. Please only include as much CSS as you need and make sure that it is properly formed so that it doesn't affect other parts of the Sugar application. At the very least, using different frameworks or themes within your application will create a disjointed experience for the end user. While your package may be installed into Sugar, the user experience will not be seamless. Encapsulation Guidelines An important aspect of the quality of a Sugar Package is how well encapsulated and loosely coupled it is. A well encapsulated and loosely coupled package will encounter the fewest issues during upgrades, fewer breakages due to core code changes or due to interactions with other installed packages, as well minimizing bugs or problems that end users encounter. Use Extensions framework and Custom Modules as much as possible
Use Extensions framework and Custom Modules as much as possible A well-encapsulated package prefers the use of Custom Modules over customizing and repurposing existing Sugar Modules. A loosely coupled package uses Extensions framework for customizing and connecting with the core Sugar application. Only override the behavior of core Sugar application files as a last resort. Avoid customizations to core Sugar application files
Avoid customizations to core Sugar application files Developers are strongly discouraged from overriding core Sugar Modules or Sugar framework code. In many cases, a cleaner approach for accomplishing the same goal exists. For example, using a logic hook to extend the behavior of a SugarBean instead of overriding the SugarBean itself. Every core customization is a barrier to successful upgrades that creates recurring development costs over time. This is exacerbated in heavily customized Sugar instances as other customizations may exist on these files. Anytime there is a conflict then manual intervention by a Sugar Developer is required which is not only inconvenient but costly for everyone involved. If you do make core Sugar customizations then keeping track of such changes is very important to get in front of potential conflicts with other packages and upgrades. Use Package Scanner to ensure your Sugar Package is ready for SugarCloud
Use Package Scanner to ensure your Sugar Package is ready for SugarCloud Sugar Packages should be designed with Sugar's cloud service in mind, as many Sugar customers choose this hosting option over hosting on-site or through a Sugar partner. Code that gets loaded into Sugar's cloud service must pass the Package Scanner utility and must not adversely impact the SugarCRM infrastructure. This stipulation is outlined in the SugarCloud Policy Guide. Package Scanner can be enabled on any Sugar instance via the Sugar Administration panel which allows this to be tested easily. You should also educate yourself in some alternatives to denylisted functions. Performance Guidelines Sugar is primarily a database application however with the introduction of Sugar 7, more and more business logic is executed within the user's web browser. It is best to avoid pre-optimization and use tools to properly identify the root causes of performance issues that users could encounter.
Sugar 7 has instrumentation built into it for New Relic APM, which can monitor browser and server performance simultaneously, as well as XHprof for Sugar PHP profiling. Slow query logging can also be enabled via the Sugar Administration panel under System Settings. For more information, refer to the System documentation. The Sugar Engineering team typically uses Chrome DevTools for JavaScript profiling. Index for large frequently used queries The most common performance bottleneck for Sugar is the database. Using slow query logging makes it possible to identify bottlenecks and correct them. One way to address query bottlenecks is to extend vardefs to add indices during package install to improve the performance of those queries. Add scheduled jobs to prune large database tables
Add scheduled jobs to prune large database tables If your Package adds database tables that can tend to grow very large over time, it is a best practice to include scheduled jobs in your package that can be used to prune the size of this database over time. For Sugar, these background tasks can be created and managed using the Job Queue framework. At the very least, you'll want to create a Custom Job that Sugar Administrators can then run as needed. This will allow the package to remain in tip-top shape for your users over time. Especially if they are running on Sugar's cloud service because direct access to the underlying SQL database to do manual tuning and cleanup is not permitted. Ensure your application does not block user interface during long running processes
Ensure your application does not block user interface during long running processes If your application prevents the user from getting feedback or using the interface while it is running a long process, this will impact the perceived performance of the application. Users typically expect some UI feedback within half a second. If you have transactions that will take longer than that, it is best to use the Job Queue framework to defer them for later or move them into a scheduled Custom Job. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Introduction to the Manifest Overview Module loadable packages rely on a manifest.php file to define the basic properties and installation steps for the package. This documentation explains the various components that make up the manifest file. Note: Sugar Sell Essentials customers do not have the ability to upload custom file packages to Sugar using Module Loader. Manifest Definitions Inside of the manifest.php file, there is a $manifest variable that defines the basic properties of the module loadable package. The various manifest properties are outlined below: Name Type Displayed in Module Loader Description key String No A unique identifier for the package$manifest['key'] = '32837'; name String Yes The name of the package$manifest['name'] = 'Example Package'; description String Yes The description of the package$manifest['description'] = 'Example Package Description';
Yes The description of the package$manifest['description'] = 'Example Package Description'; built_in_version String No The version of Sugar that the package was designed for$manifest['built_in_version'] = '13.0.0'; Note: Some packages designed for 6.x versions of Sugar are not compatible with 13.0 and should not be installed. version String Yes The version of the package, i.e. "1.0.0" $manifest['version'] = '1.0.0'; Note: The version string should be formatting according to  the Semantic Versioning 2.0 standard. acceptable_sugar_versions Array No The Sugar versions that a package can be installed to$manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions'] = array( 'exact_matches' => array(
'exact_matches' => array( '13.0.0', ), //or 'regex_matches' => array( '13.0.*', ), ); Note: You can define exact versions and/or use a regex formula to define a range. Exact versions will be specified using the exact_matches index and will contain an array of exact version strings (i.e. '13.0.0'). Regex formulas will be specified using the regex_matches index and will contain an array of regular expressions designed to match a group of versions (i.e. '13.0.*'). acceptable_sugar_flavors Array No The Sugar products that the package can be installed to$manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'] = array( 'PRO', 'ENT',
'PRO', 'ENT', 'ULT' ); author String No The author of the package (i.e. "SugarCRM")$manifest['author'] = 'SugarCRM'; readme String No The optional path to a readme document to be displayed to the user during installation $manifest['readme'] = 'README.txt'; icon String No The optional path (within the package ZIP file) to an icon image to be displayed during installation (e.g. ./patch_directory/icon.gif and ./patch_directory/images/theme.gif)$manifest['icon'] = ''; is_uninstallable Boolean No Whether or not the package can be uninstalledAcceptable values: 'true' will allow a Sugar administrator to uninstall the package 'false' will disable the uninstall feature
'false' will disable the uninstall feature $manifest['is_uninstallable'] = true; published_date String No The date the package was published$manifest['published_date'] = '2018-04-09 00:00:00'; remove_tables String No Whether or not tables generated by the $installdefs['beans'] index should be removed from an installed module (acceptable values: empty or 'prompt')$manifest['remove_tables'] = 'prompt'; type String No Acceptable 'type' values:module : Use this type if you are installing a module or developing a plugin that should install via the Module Loader.
langpack : Use this type to install a language pack via the Module Loader. Any languages installed will automatically be added to the available languages on the Sugar login screen. For an example of a module loadable language pack, refer to the Language Framework page. theme : Use this type to install a Sugar theme via the Upgrade Wizard. Themes are only supported in Sugar 6.x, and will be added to the "Theme" drop-down on the Sugar Login screen. patch : Use this type to install a patch via the Upgrade Wizard. dependencies Array No Required dependency packages: $manifest['dependencies'] = array( array( 'id_name' => 'PackageName', 'version' => '1.0.0' ) ); uninstall_before_upgrade Boolean No
) ); uninstall_before_upgrade Boolean No This will allow Module Loader to ensure all traces of previously installed package versions (including packages that have been upgraded multiple times) have been removed. $manifest['uninstall_before_upgrade'] = true; Manifest Example An example of a manifest is shown below: $manifest = array( 'key' => 1397052912, 'name' => 'My manifest', 'description' => 'My description', 'author' => 'SugarCRM', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'is_uninstallable' => true, 'published_date' => '04/07/2023 14:15:12', 'type' => 'module', 'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array(
'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array( 'exact_matches' => array( '13.0.0' ), //or 'regex_matches' => array( '13.0.*' //any 13.0 release ), ), 'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array( 'PRO', 'ENT', 'ULT' ), 'readme' => '', 'icon' => '', 'remove_tables' => '', 'uninstall_before_upgrade' => false, ); Installation Definitions
'uninstall_before_upgrade' => false, ); Installation Definitions The following section outlines the indexes specified in the $installdefs array contained in the ./manifest.php file. The $installdefs array indexes are used by the Module Loader to determine the actual installation steps that need to be taken to install the package. $installdef Actions Name Type Description action_file_map Array  ActionFileMap is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. action_remap  Array ActionReMap is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. action_view_map  Array
action_view_map  Array ActionViewMap is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. administration  Array Administration is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. appscheduledefs  Array Application ScheduledTasks is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. beans  Array Modules is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. connectors Array An array containing Connector definitions as outlined in the Connector documentation. $installdefs['connectors'] = array ( array ( 'connector' => '<basepath>/example/source',
'connector' => '<basepath>/example/source', 'formatter' => '<basepath>/example/formatter', 'name' => 'ext_rest_example', ), ); copy Array An array detailing the files and folders to be copied to SugarRequired parameters for each file in the array: from (string) : The location of the file in the module loadable package$installdefs['copy'][0]['from'] = '<basepath>/Files/custom/modules/Accounts/accounts_save.php'; to (string) : The destination directory relative to the Sugar root$installdefs['copy'][0]['to'] = 'custom/modules/Accounts/accounts_save.php'; Example: $installdefs['copy'] = array(
Example: $installdefs['copy'] = array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/modules/Accounts/accounts_save.php', 'to' => 'custom/modules/Accounts/accounts_save.php', ), ); csp Array CSP directives needed for proper operation of the package should be represented as an associative arraywhere keys are directive names and values are corresponding trusted sources.Example: $installdefs = array( ... 'csp' => [ 'default-src' => '*', 'img-src' => 'http: https:' ... ] ... );
... ] ... ); This parameter takes a space-delimited string of domains - just like the admin module. Setting the value of the default-src via MLP is an append operation. The values you put into the csp parameter of your manifest will be added to the CSP list in the admin module. Note that uninstall DOES NOT remove a value. custom_fields Array An array of custom fields to be installed for the new moduleRequired sub-directives for each custom field formatted as: $installdefs['custom_fields'][0]['<attribute>'] = <value>; name (String) : The internal name of the custom fieldNote: The suffix "_c" is appended to all custom field names (e.g. fieldname_c). label (String) : The display label for the custom field
label (String) : The display label for the custom field type (String) : The type of custom field (e.g. varchar, text, textarea, double, float, int, date, bool, enum, relate) max_size (Integer) : The custom field's maximum character storage size require_option (String) : Defines whether fields are 'required' or 'optional' default_value (String) : The default value for the custom field ext1 (String) : Used to specify a drop-down name for enum and multienum type fields ext2 (String) : Not used ext3 (String) : Not used audited (Boolean) : Denotes whether or not the custom field should be audited module (String) : The module where the custom field will be added Example: $installdefs['custom_fields'] = array((
Example: $installdefs['custom_fields'] = array(( array(( 'name' => 'text_c', 'label' => 'LBL_TEXT_C', 'type' => 'varchar', 'max_size' => 255, 'require_option' => 'optional', 'default_value' => '', 'ext1' => '', 'ext2' => '', 'ext3' => '', 'audited' => true, 'module' => 'Accounts', ), ); console Array Console is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. dashlets Array An array containing the Dashlet definition. Required parameters for each file in the array:
An array containing the Dashlet definition. Required parameters for each file in the array: name (string) : The name of the dashlet. Used for the folder name where the Dashlet files will be stored in Sugar file system. from (string) : The location of the dashlet files in the module loadable package. $installdefs['dashlets'] = array( array( 'name' => 'MyDashlet', 'from' => '<basepath>/MyDashlet' ) ); dependencies  Array Dependencies is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. entrypoints  Array EntryPointRegistry is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. extensions
extensions  Array Extensions is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. file_access  Array FileAccessControlMap is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. hookdefs  Array LogicHooks is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. id String A unique id for the installdef definition$installdefs['id'] = 'unique_name'; image_dir String The directory that contains the icons for the module$installdefs['image_dir'] = '<basepath>/icons'; jsgroups  Array
jsgroups  Array JSGroupings is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. language  Array Language is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. layoutdefs  Array Layoutdefs is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. layoutfields Array An array of custom fields to be added to the edit and detail views of the target modules' existing layouts logic_hooks  Array  An array containing full logic Hook definitions, as outlined in the LogicHook documentation. $installdefs['logic_hooks'] = array( array( 'module' => 'Accounts', 'hook' => 'before_save',
'hook' => 'before_save', 'order' => 99, 'description' => 'Example Logic Hook - Logs account name', 'file' => 'custom/modules/Accounts/accounts_save.php', 'class' => 'Accounts_Save', 'function' => 'before_save', ), ); LogicHooks defined for install using the $installdefs['logic_hooks'] index, will be added to the module or application folder in the custom directory, in the logic_hooks.php file. Examples: ./custom/modules/Accounts/logic_hooks.php ./custom/application/logic_hooks.php Note: You will still need to utilize a $installdefs['copy'] index to move the LogicHook class file into the system.
platforms Array Platforms is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. pre_execute Array Executes logic from a file (or set of files) before a package is installedExample:$installdefs['pre_execute'] = array( '<basepath>/pre_execute.php', ); Where the content of <basepath>/pre_execute.php is: <?php //pre_execute logic echo 'pre_execute script<br>'; post_execute Array Executes logic from a file (or set of files) after a package is installedExample:$installdefs['post_execute'] = array( '<basepath>/post_execute.php', );
'<basepath>/post_execute.php', ); Where the content of <basepath>/post_execute.php is:<?php //post_execute logic echo 'post_execute script<br>'; pre_uninstall Array Executes logic from a file (or set of files) before a package is uninstalledExample:$installdefs['pre_uninstall'] = array( '<basepath>/pre_uninstall.php', ); Where the content of <basepath>/pre_uninstall.php is:<?php //pre_uninstall logic echo 'pre_uninstall script<br>'; post_uninstall Array Executes logic from a file (or set of files) after a package is uninstalled Example:$installdefs['post_uninstall'] = array(
'<basepath>/post_uninstall.php' ); Where the content of <basepath>/post_uninstall.php is:<?php //post_uninstall logic echo 'post_uninstall script<br>'; relationships Array An array of relationship files used to link the new modules to existing modulesNote: A metadata path must be defined using meta_data (string): $installdefs['relationships'][0]['meta_data'] = '<basepath>/SugarModules/relationships/relationships/my_module_accountsMetaData.php'; Where the content of my_module_accountsMetaData.php is:<?php $dictionary['my_module_accounts'] = array ( 'true_relationship_type' => 'many-to-many',
'true_relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'relationships' => array(( 'my_module_accounts' => array(( 'lhs_module' => 'my_Module', 'lhs_table' => 'my_module', 'lhs_key' => 'id', 'rhs_module' => 'Accounts', 'rhs_table' => 'accounts', 'rhs_key' => 'id', 'relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'join_table' => 'my_module_accounts_c', 'join_key_lhs' => 'my_module_accountsmy_module_ida',
'join_key_rhs' => 'my_module_accountsaccounts_idb', ), ), 'table' => 'my_module_accounts_c', 'fields' => array(( 0 => array(( 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'varchar', 'len' => 36, ), 1 => array(( 'name' => 'date_modified', 'type' => 'datetime', ), 2 => array(( 'name' => 'deleted', 'type' => 'bool', 'len' => '1', 'default' => '0', 'required' => true, ), 3 => array((
'required' => true, ), 3 => array(( 'name' => 'my_module_accountsmy_module_ida', 'type' => 'varchar', 'len' => 36, ), 4 => array(( 'name' => 'my_module_accountsaccounts_idb', 'type' => 'varchar', 'len' => 36, ), ), 'indices' => array(( 0 => array(( 'name' => 'my_module_accountsspk', 'type' => 'primary', 'fields' => array(( 0 => 'id', ), ), 1 => array((
), ), 1 => array(( 'name' => 'my_module_accounts_alt', 'type' => 'alternate_key', 'fields' => array(( 0 => 'my_module_accountsmy_module_ida', 1 => 'my_module_accountsaccounts_idb', ), ), ), ); scheduledefs  Array ScheduledTasks is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. sidecar  Array Sidecar is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. tinymce  Array
tinymce  Array TinyMCE is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. user_page  Array UserPage is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. utils  Array Utils is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. vardefs  Array Vardefs is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. wireless_modules  Array WirelessModuleRegistery is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. wireless_subpanels  Array
wireless_subpanels  Array WirelessLayoutDefs is part of the Extension Framework. More detail can be found in the Extension Framework documentation. Note: Anything printed to the screen in the pre_execute, post_execute, pre_uninstall, or post_uninstall scripts will be displayed when clicking on the Display Log link. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03