Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions, compiling your customization into ./custom/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration/administration.ext.php, and the new panel will appear in the Administration section. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, use the $installdefs['administration'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed
Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Administration file to the system. If you are utilizing a Language file, as recommended above, you must use the $installdefs['language'] index to install the Language definition. Using the $installdefs['administration'] index will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Administration Links in the system. <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'administration_example', 'administration' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration/<file>.php' )
) ), 'language' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/custom/Extensions/modules/Administration/Ext/Language/en_us.<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'Administration', 'language' =>'en_us' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may also choose to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the Administration Link Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run a repair action such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Application Schedulers Overview Application Scheduler extensions add custom functions that can be used by scheduler jobs. Note: This Extension is a duplicate of the ScheduledTasks extension, which typically places Scheduled Tasks in the Schedulers directory. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $job_strings Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['appscheduledefs'] Implementation The following sections illustrates the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrates the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/ to add a new Scheduler Task to the system. The following example will create a new Scheduler Task 'example_job': ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/<file>.php <?php $job_strings[] = 'exampleJob'; function exampleJob() { //logic here //return true for completed return true; } Next create the Language file for the Scheduler, so that the Job properly displays in Admin > Schedulers section: ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/Language/<language>.<file>.php <?php
<?php //Label will be LBL_[upper case function name] $mod_strings['LBL_EXAMPLEJOB'] = 'Example Job'; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and the customizations will be compiled into ./custom/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['appscheduledefs'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed.
Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed. The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the custom Scheduler definition file to the system. You should note that, when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new scheduler in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'appScheduledTasks_example', 'appscheduledefs' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/ScheduledTasks/<file>.php', ) ), 'language' => array( array(
) ), 'language' => array( array( 'from' =>'<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/Language/<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'Schedulers', 'language' => 'en_us' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the Scheduled Task Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run a repair action such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information about the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Utils Overview The Utils extension adds functions to the global utility function list. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Utils/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/Utils/custom_utils.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['utils'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Utils/ to map a new action in the system. The following example will create a new function called 'exampleUtilFunction' that can be used throughout the system:
./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Utils/<file>.php <?php function exampleUtilFunction() ' { //logic } Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and your customizations will be compiled into ./custom/application/Ext/Utils/custom_utils.ext.php . Alternatively, functions can also be added by creating ./custom/include/custom_utils.php. This method of creating utils is still compatible but is not recommended from a best practices standpoint. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['utils'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed
Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the utils to the system. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new utils in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'utils_Example', 'utils' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/Utils/<file>.php', ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. WirelessLayoutdefs Overview The WirelessLayoutdefs extension adds additional subpanels to wireless views. This extension is only applicable to modules running in backward compatibility mode. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $layout_defs Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/wireless.subpaneldefs.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['wireless_subpanels'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance.
Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/ to add a subpanel to a module in the system. The following example will add a new subpanel to a specified module: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/<file>.php <?php $layout_defs['<module>']['subpanel_setup']['<subpanel module>'] = array( 'order' => 10, 'module' => '<subpanel module>', 'get_subpanel_data' => '<subpanel name>', 'title_key' => 'LBL_SUBPANEL_TITLE',
); Navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/wireless.subpaneldefs.ext.php. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['wireless_subpanels'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed
to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed The example below will demonstrate the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the subpanel file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the subpanel in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'wirelessLayoutdefs_Example', 'wireless_subpanels' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/WirelessLayoutdefs/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Language Overview The Language extension adds or overrides language strings. This extension is applicable to both the application and module framework. For more information, please refer to the Language Framework page. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope All - Application & Module Sugar Variables If adding language files to application:$app_strings / $app_list_strings  If adding language files to <module>:$mod_strings Extension Directory Application: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/ Module: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/ Compiled Extension File Application: ./custom/application/Ext/Language/<language_key>.lang.ext.php
Module: ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/<language_key>.lang.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['language']   Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System Creating New Application Label When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/ to add Labels for languages to the system. The following example will add a new Label 'LBL_EXAMPLE_LABEL' to the system:  ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/<language>.<file>.php <?php $app_strings['LBL_EXAMPLE_LABEL'] = 'Example Application Label';
Navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into./custom/application/Ext/Language/<language>.lang.ext.php Creating New Module Label When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/ to add Labels for languages to a particular module. The following example will add a new Label 'LBL_EXAMPLE_MODULE_LABEL' to a module: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/<language>.<file>.php <?php $mod_strings['LBL_EXAMPLE_MODULE_LABEL'] = 'Example Module Label';
Navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/<language>.lang.ext.php Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['language'] index to install the extension file.  Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The basepath of the file to be installed.  to_module String The key of the module the file is to be installed to. language String The key of the language the file is to be installed to.
language String The key of the language the file is to be installed to. The example below will demonstrate the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add the Language Extension file to the system. You should note that when using this approach Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Labels in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'language_Example', 'language' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language/<language>.lang.ext.php', 'to_module' => 'application', 'language' => '<language>' ) )
'language' => '<language>' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Vardefs Overview The Vardefs extension adds or overrides system vardefs, which provide the Sugar application with information about SugarBeans. For more information on vardefs in Sugar, please refer to the Vardefs documentation . Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $dictionary Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['vardefs'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/ to edit or add vardefs to a module in the system. The most common use of the Vardef extension is to alter the attributes of an existing vardef. To do this,avoid redefining the entire vardef and instead update the specific index you want to change. The following example updates the Required property on the Name field in a module: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/<file>.php $dictionary['<module>']['fields']['name']['required'] = false;
Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and your customizations will be compiled into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/vardefs.ext.php . Notice  Never specify vardefs for a module under another module's extension path. For example, do not specify $dictionary['Accounts']['fields']['name']['required'] = false under ./custom/Extension/modules/Contacts/Ext/Vardefs/. Doing so will result in unexpected behavior within the system. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['vardefs'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed to_module String
from String The base path of the file to be installed to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Vardefs file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the vardef changes in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'vardefs_Example', 'vardefs' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Vardefs/<file>.php',
'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Creating Custom Fields
Creating Custom Fields If your goal is to manually create a custom field on an instance, you should be using the Module Installer to create the field. This can be used both for an installer package and programmatically. An example of creating a field from a module loadable package can be found under Package Examples in the article, Creating an Installable Package that Creates New Fields. An example of programmatically creating a field can be found in the Manually Creating Custom Fields section of the Module Vardefs documentation. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
EntryPointRegistry Overview The EntryPointRegistry extension maps additional entry points to the system. Please note that entry points will soon be deprecated. Developers should move custom logic to endpoints. For more information, please refer to the Entry Points page. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $entry_point_registry Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/entry_point_registry.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['entrypoints'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/ to map a new entry point in the system. The following example will create a new entry point called exampleEntryPoint that will display the text, "Hello World": ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/<file>.php <?php $entry_point_registry['exampleEntryPoint'] = array( 'file' => 'custom/exampleEntryPoint.php', 'auth' => true ); Next, create the file that will contain the entry point logic. This file can be located anywhere you choose, but we recommend putting it in the custom directory. More information on custom entry points can be found on the Creating Custom Entry Points page.
./custom/exampleEntryPoint.php <?php if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); echo "Hello World!"; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild.The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/entry_point_registry.ext.php  Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['entrypoints'] index to install the extension file.  Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed.Â
Description from String The base path of the file to be installed.  The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add the Entry Point Extension file to the system. You should note that when using this approach, you still need to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the entry point's logic file, however Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Entry Point in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'entryPoint_Example', 'entrypoints' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/EntryPointRegistry/<file>.php' )
) ), 'copy' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/exampleEntryPoint.php', 'to' => 'custom/exampleEntryPoint.php' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the Entry Point Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Sidecar Overview The Sidecar extension installs metadata files to their appropriate directories. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $viewdefs Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/<client>/<type>/<subtype>/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/<module>/Ext/clients/<client>/<type>/<subtype>/<subtype>.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['sidecar'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/<client>/<type>/<subtype>/ to append the metadata extensions. The example below demonstrates how to add a new subpanel to a specific module: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/<file>.php <?php $viewdefs['<module>']['base']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][] = array( 'layout' => 'subpanel', 'label' => 'LBL_RELATIONSHIP_TITLE', 'context' => array(
'context' => array( 'link' => '<link_name>', ) ); Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/subpanels.ext.php Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['sidecar'] index to install the metadata file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed Note: When adding the file to a module loadable package, its 'from' path must be formatted as clients/<client>/<type>/<subtype>/<file>.php for Sugar to recognize the installation location. to_module
to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed If not populated, 'application' is used The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the metadata file to a specific module. When using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions and Metadata Rebuild to reflect your changes in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array ( 'id' => 'sidecar_example', 'sidecar' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/<module>/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ),
'to_module' => '<module>', ), ), ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Dependencies Overview Dependencies create dependent actions for fields and forms that can leverage more complicated logic. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $dependencies Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/deps.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['dependencies'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/<file>.php to map a new dependency in the system. The following example will create a new required field dependency on a module that is evaluated upon editing a record: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/<file>.php <?php $dependencies['<module>']['<unique name>'] = array( 'hooks' => array("edit"), //Trigger formula for the dependency. Defaults to 'true'. 'trigger' => 'true', 'triggerFields' => array('<trigger field>'), 'onload' => true,
'onload' => true, //Actions is a list of actions to fire when the trigger is true 'actions' => array( array( 'name' => 'SetRequired', //Action type //The parameters passed in depend on the action type 'params' => array( 'target' => '<field>', 'label' => '<field label>', //normally <field>_label 'value' => 'equal($<trigger field>, "Closed")', //Formula ), ), ), ); Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions, compiling your customization into./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/deps.ext.php, and the dependency will be in place. Module Loadable Package
Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['dependencies'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Dependency file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Dependency in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'dependency_example', 'dependencies' => array( array(
'dependencies' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Dependencies/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the Dependency Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run a repair action such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. FileAccessControlMap Overview The FileAccessControlMap extension restricts specific view actions from users of the system. Note: This is only applicable to modules running in backward compatibility mode. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $file_access_control_map Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/file_access_control_map.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['file_access'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance.
Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/ to restrict a view of a module. The following example will create a new restriction for the detail view: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/<file>.php <?php $file_access_control_map['modules']['<lowercase module>']['actions'] = array( 'detailview', ); Navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/file_access_control_map.ext.php Module Loadable Package
Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['file_access'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed to_module String The key of the module the file is to be installed to The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add the File Access Control Map file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Action in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'ActionRemap_Example',
'id' => 'ActionRemap_Example', 'file_access' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/FileAccessControlMap/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the File Access Control Map Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
ScheduledTasks Overview The ScheduledTasks extension adds custom functions that can be used by scheduler jobs. For more information about schedulers in Sugar, please refer to the Schedulers documentation. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module: Schedulers Sugar Variable $job_strings Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['scheduledefs'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/ to add a new Scheduler Task to the system. The following example will create a new Scheduler Task 'example_job': ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/<file>.php <?php $job_strings[] = 'exampleJob'; function exampleJob() { //logic here //return true for completed return true; } Next, create the Language file for the scheduler so that the job properly displays in Admin > Schedulers: ./custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/Language/<language>.<file>.php <?php //Label will be LBL_[upper case function name]
<?php //Label will be LBL_[upper case function name] $mod_strings['LBL_EXAMPLEJOB'] = 'Example Job'; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and the customizations will be compiled into ./custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['scheduledefs'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The basepath of the file to be installed
Type Description from String The basepath of the file to be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the custom Scheduler definition file to the system. When using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Scheduler in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'actionView_example', 'scheduledefs' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/Scheduler/Ext/ScheduledTasks/<file>.php', ) ), 'language' => array( array(
) ), 'language' => array( array( 'from' =>'<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/Schedulers/Ext/Language/<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'Schedulers', 'language' => 'en_us' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. WirelessModuleRegistry Overview The WirelessModuleRegistry extension adds modules to the available modules for mobile. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $wireless_module_registry Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/wireless_module_registry.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['wireless_modules'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/ to add modules to the list of available modules for mobile. The following example will add a new module, 'cust_module', to the list of available modules for mobile: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/<file>.php <?php $wireless_module_registry['cust_module'] = array( //enables/disables record creation 'disable_create' => false, );
'disable_create' => false, ); Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/wireless_module_registry.ext.php. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['wireless_modules'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed. to_module String The key of the module the file is to be installed to.
to_module String The key of the module the file is to be installed to. The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Wireless Module Registry file to the system. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new module in the mobile application. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'wirelessModules_Example', 'wireless_modules' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/WirelessModuleRegistry/<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'application', ) ) );
'to_module' => 'application', ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
LogicHooks Overview The LogicHooks extension adds actions to specific events such as, for example, before saving a bean. For more information on logic hooks in Sugar, please refer to the Logic Hooks documentation. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope All - Application & Module Sugar Variable $hook_array Extension Directory Application - ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/ Module - ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/LogicHooks/ Compiled Extension File Application - ./custom/application/Ext/LogicHooks/logichooks.ext.php Module - ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/LogicHooks/logichooks.ext.php
Manifest Installdef $installdefs['hookdefs'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/ to add a new logic hook to the application. The following example will create a new before_save logic hook that executes for all modules: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/<file>.php <?php $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array( 1, 'Custom Logic', 'custom/application_hook.php', 'ApplicationHookConsumer', 'before_method' ); Next, create the hook class: ./custom/application_hook.php
); Next, create the hook class: ./custom/application_hook.php <?php if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); class ApplicationHookConsumer { function before_method($bean, $event, $arguments) { //logic } } ?> Finally, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and the customizations will be compiled into ./custom/application/Ext/LogicHooks/logichooks.ext.php. Your logic hook will run before saving records in any module. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['hookdefs'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description
Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The basepath of the file to be installed. to_module String The key of the module the file is to be installed to. The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Action View Map file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach, you still need to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the hook class file, however Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new logic hook in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'actionView_example', 'hookdefs' => array( array(
'hookdefs' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'application', ) ), 'copy' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/application_hook.php', 'to' => 'custom/application_hook.php', ), ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page.
Alternative Installdef Although not recommended, you could utilize the $installdefs['logic_hooks'] index to deploy a logic hook to the system. Please note that there are a couple caveats to this installation method: The $installdefs['logic_hooks'] index method only works for module-based logic hooks. The $installdefs['logic_hooks'] index method installs to ./custom/modules/<module>/logic_hooks.php, which is not part of the Extension framework. Properties Name Type Description module String The key of the module for the logic hook to be installed to. hook String The type of logic hook to be installed. order Integer The number in which the logic hook should run. description String A description of the logic hook to be installed. file String
description String A description of the logic hook to be installed. file String The file path which contains the logic hook class. class String The class which houses the logic hook functionality. function String The function the logic hook will execute. The example below will demonstrate the $installdefs['logic_hooks'] index in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add an after save logic hook to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach, you still need to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the hook class file. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'actionView_example', 'logic_hooks' => array( array(
'logic_hooks' => array( array( 'module' => '<module>', 'hook' => 'after_save', 'order' => 1, 'description' => 'Example After Save LogicHook', 'file' => 'custom/modules/<module>/module_hook.php', 'class' => '<module>HookConsumer' 'function' => 'after' ) ), 'copy' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/modules/<module>/module_hook.php', 'to' => 'custom/modules/<module>/module_hook.php', ), ) ); Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Modules Overview The Modules extension maps additional modules in the system, typically when Module Builder deploys a module. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $beanList, $beanFiles, $moduleList Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['beans'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ to register a new module in the system. This extension is normally used when deploying custom modules. The example below shows what this file will look like after a module is deployed: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/<file>.php <?php $beanList['cust_module'] = 'cust_module'; $beanFiles['cust_module'] = 'modules/cust_module/cust_module.php'; $moduleList[] = 'cust_module';
$moduleList[] = 'cust_module'; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['beans'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description module String The key of the module to be installed class String The class name of the module to be installed path String The path to the module's class tab Boolean Whether or not the module will have a navigation tab (defaults to false)
Boolean Whether or not the module will have a navigation tab (defaults to false) The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add a custom module to the system. When using this approach, you still need to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for Module directory, however, Sugar will automatically execute the database table creation process, relationship table creation process, as well as Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Module in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'Beans_Example', 'beans' => array( array( 'module' => 'cust_Module', 'class' => 'cust_Module',
'class' => 'cust_Module', 'path' => 'modules/cust_Module/cust_Module.php', 'tab' => true ) ), 'copy' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/modules/cust_Module', 'to' => 'modules/cust_Module' ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for copying the Modules definition file into the ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ directory. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Include Overview The Modules extension maps additional modules in the system, typically when Module Builder deploys a module. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $beanList, $beanFiles, $moduleList Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['beans'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ to register a new module in the system. This extension is normally used when deploying custom modules. The example below shows what this file will look like after a module is deployed: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/<file>.php <?php $beanList['cust_module'] = 'cust_module'; $beanFiles['cust_module'] = 'modules/cust_module/cust_module.php'; $moduleList[] = 'cust_module';
$moduleList[] = 'cust_module'; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['beans'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description module String The key of the module to be installed class String The class name of the module to be installed path String The path to the module's class tab Boolean Whether or not the module will have a navigation tab (defaults to false)
Boolean Whether or not the module will have a navigation tab (defaults to false) The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add a custom module to the system. When using this approach, you still need to use the $installdefs['copy'] index for Module directory, however, Sugar will automatically execute the database table creation process, relationship table creation process, as well as Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Module in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'Beans_Example', 'beans' => array( array( 'module' => 'cust_Module', 'class' => 'cust_Module',
'class' => 'cust_Module', 'path' => 'modules/cust_Module/cust_Module.php', 'tab' => true ) ), 'copy' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/modules/cust_Module', 'to' => 'modules/cust_Module' ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for copying the Modules definition file into the ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/ directory. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. Layoutdefs Overview The Layoutdefs extension adds or overrides subpanel definitions. Note: This extension is only applicable to modules running in backward compatibility mode. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $layout_defs Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['layoutdefs'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/ to add Layout Definition files to the system. The following example will add a subpanel definition for a module relationship: ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/<file>.php <?php $layout_defs["<module>"]["subpanel_setup"]['<subpanel key>'] = array ( 'order' => 100, 'module' => '<related module>', 'subpanel_name' => 'default', 'sort_order' => 'asc', 'sort_by' => 'id',
'sort_by' => 'id', 'title_key' => 'LBL_SUBPANEL_TITLE', 'get_subpanel_data' => '<subpanel key>', 'top_buttons' => array ( array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate', ), array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopSelectButton', 'mode' => 'MultiSelect', ), ), ); Please note that, if you are attempting to override parts of an existing subpanel definition, you should specify the exact index rather than redefining the entire array. An example of overriding the subpanel top_buttons index is shown below: <?php
<?php $layout_defs["<module>"]["subpanel_setup"]["<subpanel key>"]["top_buttons"] = array( array( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate', ), ); Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customizations to ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php . Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['layoutdefs'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed
to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Layout Definition Extension file to the system. When using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the customizations added with the Layout definition. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'layoutdefs_Example', 'layoutdefs' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. TinyMCE Overview The TinyMCE extension affects the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor's configuration for backward compatible modules such as PDF Manager and Campaign Email Templates. To review the default configuration for TinyMCE, please refer to the code in ./include/SugarTinyMCE.php. Sidecar's TinyMCE configuration can be edited using the Sidecar Framework and editing the htmleditable_tinymce field. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $defaultConfig, $buttonConfigs, $pluginsConfig Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/TinyMCE/ Compiled Extension File
Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/TinyMCE/tinymce.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['tinymce'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/TinyMCE/ to customize the TinyMCE configuration. The following example will increase the height of the TinyMCE window, remove buttons, and remove plugins from the WYSIWYG Editor: ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/TinyMCE/<file>.php <?php $defaultConfig['height'] = '1000'; $buttonConfigs['default'] = array(
$buttonConfigs['default'] = array( 'buttonConfig' => "bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,bullist,numlist", 'buttonConfig2' => "justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull", 'buttonConfig3' => "fontselect,fontsizeselect", ); $pluginsConfig['default'] = 'advhr,preview,paste,directionality'; Navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/TinyMCE/tinymce.ext.php Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['tinymce'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description
Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file, in order to add the UserPage file to the system. You should note that when using this approach Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the changes to TinyMCE in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'tinyMCE_Example', 'tinymce' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/TinyMCE/<file>.php', 'to_module' => 'application' ) ) );
'to_module' => 'application' ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index to copy the file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
Extensions Overview This extension allows for developers to create custom extensions within the framework. Custom extensions are used alongside the extensions found in ./ModuleInstaller/extensions.php. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Application Sugar Variable $extensions Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Extensions/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/application/Ext/Extensions/extensions.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['extensions'] Parameters section : Section name in the manifest file extdir : The directory containing the extension files file : The name of the file where extension files are compiled into module : Determines how the framework will interpret the extension (optional)
module : Determines how the framework will interpret the extension (optional) <Empty> : Will enable the extension for all modules Ext : ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/<Custom Extension>/ Ext File : ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/<Extension Name>.ext.php <Specific Module> : Will enable the extension for the specified module Ext Directory : ./custom/Extension/modules/<Specific Module>/Ext/<Custom Extension>/ Ext File : ./custom/modules/<Specific Module>/Ext/<Extension Name>.ext.php Application : enables the extension for application only Ext Directory : ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/<Custom Extension>/ Ext File : ./custom/application/Ext/<Custom Extension>/<Extension Name>.ext.php Implementation
Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System When working directly with the filesystem, you can create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Extensions/ to map a new extension in the system. The following example will create a new extension called "example", which is only enabled for "application": ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Extensions/<file>.php <?php $extensions['example'] = array( 'section' => 'example', 'extdir' => 'Example', 'file' => 'example.ext.php', 'module' => 'application' //optional paramater );
'module' => 'application' //optional paramater ); Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/application/Ext/Extensions/extensions.ext.php. Then you will be able to add your own extension files in  ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Example/. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['extensions'] index to install the extension file. Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed
Name Type Description from String The base path of the file to be installed The example below will demonstrate the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Extension file to the system. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect the new Extension in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'customExtension_Example', 'extensions' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/application/Ext/Extensions/<file>.php' ) ) );
) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index for the Extension file. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
This page refers to content that is only available in modules running in backward compatibility mode. ActionReMap Overview The ActionReMap extension maps new actions to existing actions. This extension is only applicable to modules running in backward compatibility mode. Properties The following extension properties are available. For more information, please refer to the Extension Property documentation. Property Value Extension Scope Module Sugar Variable $action_remap Extension Directory ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/ Compiled Extension File ./custom/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/action_remap.ext.php Manifest Installdef $installdefs['action_remap'] Implementation The following sections illustrate the various ways to implement a customization to a Sugar instance. File System
File System When working directly with the file system, you can create a file in  ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/ to map an action to another defined action. The following example will map the action 'example' to 'detailview': ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/<file>.php <?php $action_remap['example'] = 'detailview'; Next, navigate to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild. The system will then rebuild the extensions and compile your customization into ./custom/modules/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/action_remap.ext.php. Module Loadable Package When building a module loadable package, you can use the $installdefs['action_remap'] index to install the extension file.Â
Installdef Properties Name Type Description from String The basepath of the file to be installed to_module String The key for the module where the file will be installed The example below demonstrates the proper install definition that should be used in the ./manifest.php file in order to add the Action Remap file to a specific module. You should note that when using this approach, Sugar will automatically execute Rebuild Extensions to reflect your changes in the system. ./manifest.php <?php $manifest = array( ... ); $installdefs = array( 'id' => 'ActionRemap_Example', 'action_remap' => array( array(
'action_remap' => array( array( 'from' => '<basepath>/Files/custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/ActionReMap/<file>.php', 'to_module' => '<module>', ) ) ); Alternatively, you may use the $installdefs['copy'] index. When using this approach, you may need to manually run repair actions such as a Quick Repair and Rebuild. For more information on the $installdefs['copy'] index and module-loadable packages, please refer to the Introduction to the Manifest page. Last modified: 2023-02-03 21:04:03
JSGroupings Overview The JSGroupings extension allows for additional JavaScript grouping files to be created or added to existing groupings within the system. JSGroupings are file packages containing one or more minified JavaScript libraries. The groupings enhance system performance by reducing the number of JavaScript files that need to be downloaded for a given page. Some examples of JSGroupings in Sugar are sugar_sidecar.min.js, which contains the Sidecar JavaScript files, and sugar_grp1.js, which contains the base JavaScript files. You can find all of the groups listed in ./jssource/JSGroupings.php. Each group is loaded only when needed by a direct call (e.g., from a TPL file). For example, sugar_grp1.js is loaded for almost all Sugar functions, while sugar_grp_yui_widgets.js will usually be loaded for just record views.