translation | text
stringlengths 0
"en": "Resumption of the session",
"es": "Reanudaci贸n del per铆odo de sesiones"
} | resumption of the session |
"en": "I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Friday 17 December 1999, and I would like once again to wish you a happy new year in the hope that you enjoyed a pleasant festive period.",
"es": "Declaro reanudado el per铆odo de sesiones del Parlamento Europeo, interrumpido el viernes 17 de diciembre pasado, y reitero a Sus Se帽or铆as mi deseo de que hayan tenido unas buenas vacaciones."
} | i declare resumed the session of the european parliament adjourned on friday 17 december 1999 and i would like once again to wish you a happy new year in the hope that you enjoyed a pleasant festive period |
"en": "Although, as you will have seen, the dreaded 'millennium bug' failed to materialise, still the people in a number of countries suffered a series of natural disasters that truly were dreadful.",
"es": "Como todos han podido comprobar, el gran \"efecto del a帽o 2000\" no se ha producido. En cambio, los ciudadanos de varios de nuestros pa铆ses han sido v铆ctimas de cat谩strofes naturales verdaderamente terribles."
} | although as you will have seen the dreaded millennium bug failed to materialise still the people in a number of countries suffered a series of natural disasters that truly were dreadful |
"en": "You have requested a debate on this subject in the course of the next few days, during this part-session.",
"es": "Sus Se帽or铆as han solicitado un debate sobre el tema para los pr贸ximos d铆as, en el curso de este per铆odo de sesiones."
} | you have requested a debate on this subject in the course of the next few days during this partsession |
"en": "In the meantime, I should like to observe a minute' s silence, as a number of Members have requested, on behalf of all the victims concerned, particularly those of the terrible storms, in the various countries of the European Union.",
"es": "A la espera de que se produzca, de acuerdo con muchos colegas que me lo han pedido, pido que hagamos un minuto de silencio en memoria de todas las v铆ctimas de las tormentas, en los distintos pa铆ses de la Uni贸n Europea afectados."
} | in the meantime i should like to observe a minute s silence as a number of members have requested on behalf of all the victims concerned particularly those of the terrible storms in the various countries of the european union |
"en": "Please rise, then, for this minute' s silence.",
"es": "Invito a todos a que nos pongamos de pie para guardar un minuto de silencio."
} | please rise then for this minute s silence |
"en": "(The House rose and observed a minute' s silence)",
"es": "(El Parlamento, de pie, guarda un minuto de silencio)"
} | (the house rose and observed a minute s silence) |
"en": "Madam President, on a point of order.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, una cuesti贸n de procedimiento."
} | madam president on a point of order |
"en": "You will be aware from the press and television that there have been a number of bomb explosions and killings in Sri Lanka.",
"es": "Sabr谩 usted por la prensa y la televisi贸n que se han producido una serie de explosiones y asesinatos en Sri Lanka."
} | you will be aware from the press and television that there have been a number of bomb explosions and killings in sri lanka |
"en": "One of the people assassinated very recently in Sri Lanka was Mr Kumar Ponnambalam, who had visited the European Parliament just a few months ago.",
"es": "Una de las personas que recientemente han asesinado en Sri Lanka ha sido al Sr. Kumar Ponnambalam, quien hace pocos meses visit贸 el Parlamento Europeo."
} | one of the people assassinated very recently in sri lanka was mr kumar ponnambalam who had visited the european parliament just a few months ago |
"en": "Would it be appropriate for you, Madam President, to write a letter to the Sri Lankan President expressing Parliament's regret at his and the other violent deaths in Sri Lanka and urging her to do everything she possibly can to seek a peaceful reconciliation to a very difficult situation?",
"es": "驴Ser铆a apropiado que usted, Se帽ora Presidenta, escribiese una carta al Presidente de Sri Lanka expresando las condolencias del Parlamento por esa y otras muertes violentas, pidi茅ndole que haga todo lo posible para encontrar una reconciliaci贸n pac铆fica ante la extremadamente dif铆cil situaci贸n que est谩 viviendo su pa铆s?"
} | would it be appropriate for you madam president to write a letter to the sri lankan president expressing parliaments regret at his and the other violent deaths in sri lanka and urging her to do everything she possibly can to seek a peaceful reconciliation to a very difficult situation |
"en": "Yes, Mr Evans, I feel an initiative of the type you have just suggested would be entirely appropriate.",
"es": "S铆, se帽or Evans, pienso que una iniciativa como la que usted acaba de sugerir ser铆a muy adecuada."
} | yes mr evans i feel an initiative of the type you have just suggested would be entirely appropriate |
"en": "If the House agrees, I shall do as Mr Evans has suggested.",
"es": "Si la Asamblea est谩 de acuerdo, har茅 lo que el se帽or Evans acaba de sugerir."
} | if the house agrees i shall do as mr evans has suggested |
"en": "Madam President, on a point of order.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, una cuesti贸n de procedimiento."
} | madam president on a point of order |
"en": "I would like your advice about Rule 143 concerning inadmissibility.",
"es": "Me gustar铆a que me asesorara sobre el Art铆culo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad."
} | i would like your advice about rule 143 concerning inadmissibility |
"en": "My question relates to something that will come up on Thursday and which I will then raise again.",
"es": "Mi pregunta se refiere a un asunto del que se hablar谩 el jueves, d铆a que en volver茅 a plantearla."
} | my question relates to something that will come up on thursday and which i will then raise again |
"en": "The Cunha report on multiannual guidance programmes comes before Parliament on Thursday and contains a proposal in paragraph 6 that a form of quota penalties should be introduced for countries which fail to meet their fleet reduction targets annually.",
"es": "El informe Cunha sobre los programas de direcci贸n plurianual se presenta al Parlamento el jueves y contiene una propuesta en el apartado 6 en torno a una forma de penalizaciones basada en cuotas que debe aplicarse a los pa铆ses que no cumplan anualmente sus objetivos de reducci贸n de flota."
} | the cunha report on multiannual guidance programmes comes before parliament on thursday and contains a proposal in paragraph 6 that a form of quota penalties should be introduced for countries which fail to meet their fleet reduction targets annually |
"en": "It says that this should be done despite the principle of relative stability.",
"es": "El informe estipula que se debe aplicarse a pesar del principio de estabilidad relativa."
} | it says that this should be done despite the principle of relative stability |
"en": "I believe that the principle of relative stability is a fundamental legal principle of the common fisheries policy and a proposal to subvert it would be legally inadmissible.",
"es": "Creo que el principio de estabilidad relativa es un principio legal fundamental de las pol铆ticas pesqueras comunitarias, por lo que una propuesta que lo subvierta es legalmente inadmisible."
} | i believe that the principle of relative stability is a fundamental legal principle of the common fisheries policy and a proposal to subvert it would be legally inadmissible |
"en": "I want to know whether one can raise an objection of that kind to what is merely a report, not a legislative proposal, and whether that is something I can competently do on Thursday.",
"es": "Quiero saber si se puede hacer este tipo de objeci贸n a lo que s贸lo es un informe, no una propuesta legislativa, y si es algo que puedo plantear el jueves."
} | i want to know whether one can raise an objection of that kind to what is merely a report not a legislative proposal and whether that is something i can competently do on thursday |
"en": "That is precisely the time when you may, if you wish, raise this question, i.e. on Thursday prior to the start of the presentation of the report.",
"es": "Su Se帽or铆a, si as铆 lo desea, podr谩 plantear esta cuesti贸n en ese momento, es decir, el jueves antes de que se presente el informe."
} | that is precisely the time when you may if you wish raise this question ie on thursday prior to the start of the presentation of the report |
"en": "Madam President, coinciding with this year' s first part-session of the European Parliament, a date has been set, unfortunately for next Thursday, in Texas in America, for the execution of a young 34 year-old man who has been sentenced to death. We shall call him Mr Hicks.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, coincidiendo con el primer per铆odo parcial de sesiones de este a帽o del Parlamento Europeo, lamentablemente, en los Estados Unidos, en Texas, se ha fijado para el pr贸ximo jueves la ejecuci贸n de un condenado a la pena capital, un joven de 34 a帽os que llamaremos con el nombre de Hicks."
} | madam president coinciding with this year s first partsession of the european parliament a date has been set unfortunately for next thursday in texas in america for the execution of a young 34 yearold man who has been sentenced to death we shall call him mr hicks |
"en": "At the request of a French Member, Mr Zimeray, a petition has already been presented, which many people signed, including myself. However, I would ask you, in accordance with the line which is now constantly followed by the European Parliament and by the whole of the European Community, to make representations, using the weight of your prestigious office and the institution you represent, to the President and to the Governor of Texas, Mr Bush, who has the power to order a stay of execution and to reprieve the condemned person.",
"es": "A petici贸n de un diputado franc茅s, el Sr. Zimeray, se ha presentado una solicitud, cuyos firmantes han sido numerosos y entre los cuales me cuento, sin embargo, de conformidad con la posici贸n constantemente expresada por el Parlamento Europeo y por toda la Comunidad europea, le pido que intervenga con el prestigio de su cargo y de la Instituci贸n que representa ante el Presidente y el Gobernador del Estado de Texas, Sr. Bush, que tiene la facultad de suspender la condena a muerte y de indultar al condenado."
} | at the request of a french member mr zimeray a petition has already been presented which many people signed including myself however i would ask you in accordance with the line which is now constantly followed by the european parliament and by the whole of the european community to make representations using the weight of your prestigious office and the institution you represent to the president and to the governor of texas mr bush who has the power to order a stay of execution and to reprieve the condemned person |
"en": "This is all in accordance with the principles that we have always upheld.",
"es": "Todo ello, de conformidad con los principios que siempre hemos apoyado."
} | this is all in accordance with the principles that we have always upheld |
"en": "Thank you, Mr Segni, I shall do so gladly.",
"es": "Gracias, se帽or Segni, lo har茅 de muy buen grado."
} | thank you mr segni i shall do so gladly |
"en": "Indeed, it is quite in keeping with the positions this House has always adopted.",
"es": "Est谩, sin duda, dentro de la l铆nea de las posiciones que nuestro Parlamento siempre ha adoptado."
} | indeed it is quite in keeping with the positions this house has always adopted |
"en": "Madam President, I should like to draw your attention to a case in which this Parliament has consistently shown an interest.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, quisiera llamar la atenci贸n de usted acerca de un caso del que se ha ocupado una y otra vez este Parlamento."
} | madam president i should like to draw your attention to a case in which this parliament has consistently shown an interest |
"en": "It is the case of Alexander Nikitin.",
"es": "Es el caso de Alexander Nikitin."
} | it is the case of alexander nikitin |
"en": "All of us here are pleased that the courts have acquitted him and made it clear that in Russia, too, access to environmental information is a constitutional right.",
"es": "Todos celebramos aqu铆 que el tribunal le haya declarado inocente y que haya puesto de manifiesto que tambi茅n en Rusia el acceso a la informaci贸n sobre el medio ambiente es un derecho constitucional."
} | all of us here are pleased that the courts have acquitted him and made it clear that in russia too access to environmental information is a constitutional right |
"en": "Now, however, he is to go before the courts once more because the public prosecutor is appealing.",
"es": "Sin embargo, sucede que va a ser acusado de nuevo, pues el fiscal interpondr谩 un recurso."
} | now however he is to go before the courts once more because the public prosecutor is appealing |
"en": "We know, and we have stated as much in very many resolutions indeed, including specifically during the last plenary part-session of last year, that this is not solely a legal case and that it is wrong for Alexander Nikitin to be accused of criminal activity and treason because of our involvement as the beneficiaries of his findings.",
"es": "Sabemos y lo hemos afirmado realmente en muchas resoluciones -precisamente en la 煤ltima sesi贸n plenaria del a帽o pasado- que 茅ste no es solamente un caso jur铆dico y que es un error acusar a Alexander Nikitin de conducta criminal y de traici贸n, porque nosotros, como afectados por sus resultados, obtengamos provecho de ella."
} | we know and we have stated as much in very many resolutions indeed including specifically during the last plenary partsession of last year that this is not solely a legal case and that it is wrong for alexander nikitin to be accused of criminal activity and treason because of our involvement as the beneficiaries of his findings |
"en": "These findings form the basis of the European programmes to protect the Barents Sea, and that is why I would ask you to examine a draft letter setting out the most important facts and to make Parliament's position, as expressed in the resolutions which it has adopted, clear as far as Russia is concerned.",
"es": "Esos resultados constituyen la base de los programas europeos del mar de Barent y, por ello, le pido que estudie un borrador de carta que le describe los hechos m谩s relevantes y que haga patente a Rusia esta posici贸n que es acorde con las decisiones del Parlamento."
} | these findings form the basis of the european programmes to protect the barents sea and that is why i would ask you to examine a draft letter setting out the most important facts and to make parliaments position as expressed in the resolutions which it has adopted clear as far as russia is concerned |
"en": "Yes, Mrs Schroedter, I shall be pleased to look into the facts of this case when I have received your letter.",
"es": "S铆, se帽ora Schroedter, de buena gana voy a examinar los hechos relacionados con este tema en cuanto reciba su carta."
} | yes mrs schroedter i shall be pleased to look into the facts of this case when i have received your letter |
"en": "Madam President, I would firstly like to compliment you on the fact that you have kept your word and that, during this first part-session of the new year, the number of television channels in our offices has indeed increased considerably.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, en primer lugar me gustar铆a felicitarla por haber cumplido con su promesa ya que efectivamente en este primer periodo de sesiones del a帽o nuevo se ha ampliado dr谩sticamente el n煤mero de canales en nuestros despachos."
} | madam president i would firstly like to compliment you on the fact that you have kept your word and that during this first partsession of the new year the number of television channels in our offices has indeed increased considerably |
"en": "But, Madam President, my personal request has not been met.",
"es": "Sin embargo, se帽ora Presidenta, no se ha hecho lo que yo hab铆a pedido."
} | but madam president my personal request has not been met |
"en": "Although there are now two Finnish channels and one Portuguese one, there is still no Dutch channel, which is what I had requested because Dutch people here like to be able to follow the news too when we are sent to this place of exile every month.",
"es": "Bien es verdad que ahora hay dos canales finlandeses y uno portugu茅s, pero a煤n no hay ninguno neerland茅s y yo le hab铆a pedido un canal neerland茅s, porque tambi茅n los neerlandeses quisi茅ramos escuchar las noticias cada mes, cuando nos mandan a este exilio."
} | although there are now two finnish channels and one portuguese one there is still no dutch channel which is what i had requested because dutch people here like to be able to follow the news too when we are sent to this place of exile every month |
"en": "I would therefore once more ask you to ensure that we get a Dutch channel as well.",
"es": "Por lo tanto quisiera pedirle nuevamente que se encargue de que podamos ver tambi茅n un canal neerland茅s."
} | i would therefore once more ask you to ensure that we get a dutch channel as well |
"en": "Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel, I can tell you that this matter is on the agenda for the Quaestors' meeting on Wednesday.",
"es": "Se帽ora Plooij-van Gorsel, puedo decirle que esa cuesti贸n est谩 en el orden del d铆a de la reuni贸n de cuestores fijada para el mi茅rcoles."
} | mrs plooijvan gorsel i can tell you that this matter is on the agenda for the quaestors meeting on wednesday |
"en": "It will, I hope, be examined in a positive light.",
"es": "Espero que se examine con un esp铆ritu positivo."
} | it will i hope be examined in a positive light |
"en": "Madam President, can you tell me why this Parliament does not adhere to the health and safety legislation that it actually passes?",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, 驴podr铆a decirme por qu茅 este Parlamento no cumple la legislaci贸n de sanidad y seguridad que en realidad ha aprobado?"
} | madam president can you tell me why this parliament does not adhere to the health and safety legislation that it actually passes |
"en": "Why has no air quality test been done on this particular building since we were elected?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no se ha hecho ninguna prueba de calidad del aire de este edificio desde que hemos sido elegidos?"
} | why has no air quality test been done on this particular building since we were elected |
"en": "Why has there been no Health and Safety Committee meeting since 1998?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no se ha celebrado ninguna reuni贸n del Comit茅 de Sanidad y Seguridad desde 1998?"
} | why has there been no health and safety committee meeting since 1998 |
"en": "Why has there been no fire drill, either in the Brussels Parliament buildings or the Strasbourg Parliament buildings?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no hemos tenido simulacros de incendio ni en los edificios del Parlamento de Bruselas ni en los del Parlamento de Estrasburgo?"
} | why has there been no fire drill either in the brussels parliament buildings or the strasbourg parliament buildings |
"en": "Why are there no fire instructions?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no hay instrucciones en caso de incendio?"
} | why are there no fire instructions |
"en": "Why have the staircases not been improved since my accident?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no se han mejorado las escaleras desde mi accidente?"
} | why have the staircases not been improved since my accident |
"en": "Why are no-smoking areas not enforced?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 no se respetan las 谩reas de no fumadores?"
} | why are nosmoking areas not enforced |
"en": "It seems absolutely disgraceful that we pass legislation and do not adhere to it ourselves.",
"es": "Es totalmente vergonzoso que aprobemos una legislaci贸n y no la cumplamos ni nosotros mismos."
} | it seems absolutely disgraceful that we pass legislation and do not adhere to it ourselves |
"en": "Mrs Lynne, you are quite right and I shall check whether this has actually not been done.",
"es": "Se帽ora Lynne, tiene toda la raz贸n del mundo, y verificar茅 si estas cosas no se han hecho de verdad."
} | mrs lynne you are quite right and i shall check whether this has actually not been done |
"en": "I shall also refer the matter to the College of Quaestors, and I am certain that they will be keen to ensure that we comply with the regulations we ourselves vote on.",
"es": "Tambi茅n someter茅 el problema a la Junta de Cuestores, y estoy segura de que los cuestores har谩n lo debido para que respetemos las normas que, efectivamente, nosotros mismos votamos."
} | i shall also refer the matter to the college of quaestors and i am certain that they will be keen to ensure that we comply with the regulations we ourselves vote on |
"en": "Madam President, Mrs D铆ez Gonz谩lez and I had tabled questions on certain opinions of the Vice-President, Mrs de Palacio, which appeared in a Spanish newspaper.",
"es": "Sra. Presidenta, la Sra. D铆ez Gonz谩lez y yo mismo hab铆amos presentado unas preguntas sobre determinadas opiniones, reproducidas en un diario espa帽ol, de la Vicepresidenta, Sra. de Palacio."
} | madam president mrs d铆ez gonz谩lez and i had tabled questions on certain opinions of the vicepresident mrs de palacio which appeared in a spanish newspaper |
"en": "The competent services have not included them in the agenda on the grounds that they had been answered in a previous part-session.",
"es": "Los servicios competentes no las han incluido en el orden del d铆a por considerar que ya hab铆an sido contestadas en una sesi贸n anterior."
} | the competent services have not included them in the agenda on the grounds that they had been answered in a previous partsession |
"en": "I would ask that they reconsider, since this is not the case.",
"es": "Ruego que se reconsidere esta decisi贸n porque esto no es as铆."
} | i would ask that they reconsider since this is not the case |
"en": "The questions answered previously referred to Mrs de Palacio' s intervention, on another occasion, and not to these comments which appeared in the ABC newspaper on 18 November.",
"es": "Las preguntas contestadas con anterioridad se refer铆an a la intervenci贸n, en determinado expediente, de la Sra. de Palacio, no a esas declaraciones aparecidas en el diario ABC el 18 de noviembre pasado."
} | the questions answered previously referred to mrs de palacio s intervention on another occasion and not to these comments which appeared in the abc newspaper on 18 november |
"en": "Mr Berenguer Fuster, we shall check all this.",
"es": "Se帽or铆a, vamos a verificar todo esto."
} | mr berenguer fuster we shall check all this |
"en": "I admit that, at present, the matter seems to be somewhat confused.",
"es": "Le confieso que, de momento, las cosas me parecen un tanto confusas."
} | i admit that at present the matter seems to be somewhat confused |
"en": "We shall therefore look into it properly to ensure that everything is as it should be.",
"es": "Por consiguiente, vamos a revisarlas con seriedad para que todo est茅 en orden."
} | we shall therefore look into it properly to ensure that everything is as it should be |
"en": "Madam President, I should like to know if there will be a clear message going out from Parliament this week about our discontent over today's decision refusing to renew the arms embargo on Indonesia, considering that the vast majority in this Parliament have endorsed the arms embargo in Indonesia in the past?",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, me gustar铆a saber si el Parlamento emitir谩 esta semana un comunicado claro sobre el descontento por la decisi贸n de hoy de no renovar el embargo de armas a Indonesia, considerando que la inmensa mayor铆a de este Parlamento apoy贸 en el pasado el embargo de armas a Indonesia."
} | madam president i should like to know if there will be a clear message going out from parliament this week about our discontent over todays decision refusing to renew the arms embargo on indonesia considering that the vast majority in this parliament have endorsed the arms embargo in indonesia in the past |
"en": "Today's decision not to renew the embargo is extremely dangerous considering the situation there.",
"es": "La decisi贸n de hoy de no renovar el embargo es extremadamente peligrosa teniendo en cuenta la situaci贸n de ese pa铆s."
} | todays decision not to renew the embargo is extremely dangerous considering the situation there |
"en": "So Parliament should send a message, since that is the wish of the vast majority.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, el Parlamento debe enviar un mensaje, ya que 茅se es el deseo de la inmensa mayor铆a."
} | so parliament should send a message since that is the wish of the vast majority |
"en": "It is irresponsible of EU Member States to refuse to renew the embargo.",
"es": "Es irresponsable por parte de los Estados Miembros de la UE negarse a renovar el embargo."
} | it is irresponsible of eu member states to refuse to renew the embargo |
"en": "As people have said, the situation there is extremely volatile.",
"es": "Como ha dicho la gente, la situaci贸n all铆 es extremadamente precaria."
} | as people have said the situation there is extremely volatile |
"en": "There is, in fact, a risk of a military coup in the future.",
"es": "De hecho, existe el riesgo de un golpe militar en el futuro."
} | there is in fact a risk of a military coup in the future |
"en": "We do not know what is happening.",
"es": "No sabemos lo que est谩 ocurriendo all铆."
} | we do not know what is happening |
"en": "So why should EU arms producers profit at the expense of innocent people?",
"es": "驴Por qu茅 tienen que beneficiarse los productores de armas de la UE a expensas de gente inocente?"
} | so why should eu arms producers profit at the expense of innocent people |
"en": "In any event, this question is not presently included among the requests for topical and urgent debate on Thursday.",
"es": "En cualquier caso, este tema no figura ahora mismo entre las demandas de urgencia para el jueves pr贸ximo."
} | in any event this question is not presently included among the requests for topical and urgent debate on thursday |
"en": "Agenda",
"es": "Orden de los trabajos"
} | agenda |
"en": "The next item is the verification of the final version of the draft agenda as drawn up by the Conference of Presidents at its meeting of 13 January pursuant to Rule 110 of the Rules of Procedure.",
"es": "De conformidad con el orden del d铆a, se procede a examinar el proyecto definitivo de orden del d铆a, establecido de conformidad con el art铆culo 110 del Reglamento en la Conferencia de Presidentes, el jueves 13 de enero."
} | the next item is the verification of the final version of the draft agenda as drawn up by the conference of presidents at its meeting of 13 january pursuant to rule 110 of the rules of procedure |
"en": "No amendments have been proposed relating to Monday and Tuesday.",
"es": "En lo relativo al lunes y al martes, no hay modificaciones."
} | no amendments have been proposed relating to monday and tuesday |
"en": "Relating to Wednesday:",
"es": "Mi茅rcoles :"
} | relating to wednesday |
"en": "The Group of the Party of European Socialists requests that a Commission statement be included on its strategic objectives for the next five years and on the administrative reform of the Commission.",
"es": "El Grupo del Partido de los Socialistas Europeos solicita que se incluya una declaraci贸n de la Comisi贸n sobre sus objetivos estrat茅gicos para los pr贸ximos cinco a帽os, as铆 como sobre la reforma administrativa de la Comisi贸n."
} | the group of the party of european socialists requests that a commission statement be included on its strategic objectives for the next five years and on the administrative reform of the commission |
"en": "I would like Mr Bar贸n Crespo, who made the request, to speak to propose it. That is, if he so wishes, of course.",
"es": "Desear铆a que el Sr. Bar贸n Crespo, autor de la petici贸n, interviniera para justificarla, si a 茅l le parece adecuado, por supuesto."
} | i would like mr bar贸n crespo who made the request to speak to propose it that is if he so wishes of course |
"en": "Then we shall follow the usual procedure, hearing one speaker in favour and one against.",
"es": "Como siempre, escucharemos a un orador a favor y a otro en contra."
} | then we shall follow the usual procedure hearing one speaker in favour and one against |
"en": "Madam President, the presentation of the Prodi Commission' s political programme for the whole legislature was initially a proposal by the Group of the Party of European Socialists which was unanimously approved by the Conference of Presidents in September and which was also explicitly accepted by President Prodi, who reiterated his commitment in his inaugural speech.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, la presentaci贸n del programa pol铆tico de la Comisi贸n Prodi para toda la legislatura fue inicialmente una propuesta del Grupo del Partido de los Socialistas Europeos que logr贸 la unanimidad de la Conferencia de Presidentes en septiembre y tambi茅n la aceptaci贸n expl铆cita del Presidente Prodi, que reiter贸 su compromiso en su discurso de investidura."
} | madam president the presentation of the prodi commission s political programme for the whole legislature was initially a proposal by the group of the party of european socialists which was unanimously approved by the conference of presidents in september and which was also explicitly accepted by president prodi who reiterated his commitment in his inaugural speech |
"en": "This commitment is important because the Commission is a body with a monopoly of initiative in accordance with the Treaties and, therefore, basically dictates this Parliament' s political and legislative activity for the next five years.",
"es": "Tiene importancia este compromiso en la medida en que la Comisi贸n es un organismo que tiene el monopolio de la iniciativa de acuerdo con los Tratados y, por lo tanto, configura b谩sicamente lo que va a ser la actividad pol铆tica y legislativa de este Parlamento en los pr贸ximos cincos a帽os."
} | this commitment is important because the commission is a body with a monopoly of initiative in accordance with the treaties and therefore basically dictates this parliament s political and legislative activity for the next five years |
"en": "I would also like to point out, Madam President, that this Parliament voted to express its confidence in President Prodi during the previous legislature. It did so again during this legislature, in July, and then, in September, it voted once more to approve the whole Commission.",
"es": "Recuerdo adem谩s, se帽ora Presidenta, que este Parlamento vot贸 en dos ocasiones en la anterior legislatura su confianza en el Presidente Prodi; en esta legislatura la vot贸 de nuevo en julio y despu茅s, con la nueva Comisi贸n en funciones, volvi贸 en septiembre a darle un voto de confianza a toda la Comisi贸n."
} | i would also like to point out madam president that this parliament voted to express its confidence in president prodi during the previous legislature it did so again during this legislature in july and then in september it voted once more to approve the whole commission |
"en": "There has therefore been enough time for the Commission to prepare its programme and for us to become familiar with it and explain it to our citizens.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, ya ha habido tiempo suficiente para que la Comisi贸n prepare su programa y para que nosotros lo podamos conocer y podamos explic谩rselo a los ciudadanos."
} | there has therefore been enough time for the commission to prepare its programme and for us to become familiar with it and explain it to our citizens |
"en": "To this end, I would like to remind you of the resolution of 15 September, which recommended that the proposal be presented as soon as possible.",
"es": "En este sentido recuerdo la resoluci贸n del 15 de septiembre, en la que se recomendaba que se presentara la propuesta en el plazo m谩s breve posible."
} | to this end i would like to remind you of the resolution of 15 september which recommended that the proposal be presented as soon as possible |
"en": "The events of last week - which originated outside the Conference of Presidents, that Conference being used simply to corroborate and ratify decisions taken elsewhere - present us with a dilemma. Either the Commission is not ready to present this programme, in which case it should clarify it.",
"es": "Los hechos ocurridos la semana pasada -que se han originado al margen de la Conferencia de Presidentes y utiliz谩ndola s贸lo para corroborar y ratificar decisiones tomadas fuera de ella- plantean un dilema: o bien la Comisi贸n no est谩 en condiciones de presentar ese programa (en ese caso convendr铆a que lo aclarara."
} | the events of last week which originated outside the conference of presidents that conference being used simply to corroborate and ratify decisions taken elsewhere present us with a dilemma either the commission is not ready to present this programme in which case it should clarify it |
"en": "According to its President, it is in a position to do so.",
"es": "Seg煤n palabras de su Presidente, est谩 en condiciones de hacerlo."
} | according to its president it is in a position to do so |
"en": "Given that the Commission is represented by Vice-President de Palacio, I believe that, before voting, it would help if the Commission could let us know how ready it is to present this programme, as agreed. Alternatively, Parliament is not ready to examine this programme, as some appear to be suggesting.",
"es": "Dado que la Comisi贸n est谩 representada por la Vicepresidenta, Sra. de Palacio, creo que antes de votar ser铆a conveniente conocer la situaci贸n de la Comisi贸n en relaci贸n con su disponibilidad para presentar el programa, tal como se hab铆a convenido); o bien el Parlamento no est谩 en condiciones de examinar este programa, como parece que pretenden algunos."
} | given that the commission is represented by vicepresident de palacio i believe that before voting it would help if the commission could let us know how ready it is to present this programme as agreed alternatively parliament is not ready to examine this programme as some appear to be suggesting |
"en": "In my opinion, this second hypothesis would imply the failure of Parliament in its duty as a Parliament, as well as introducing an original thesis, an unknown method which consists of making political groups aware, in writing, of a speech concerning the Commission' s programme a week earlier - and not a day earlier, as had been agreed - bearing in mind that the legislative programme will be discussed in February, so we could forego the debate, since on the next day our citizens will hear about it in the press and on the Internet and Parliament will no longer have to worry about it.",
"es": "En mi opini贸n, esta segunda hip贸tesis significar铆a hacer dejaci贸n de nuestras responsabilidades como Parlamento, adem谩s de introducir una tesis original, un m茅todo desconocido consistente en dar a conocer a los grupos pol铆ticos por escrito el discurso program谩tico de la Comisi贸n una semana antes -y no el d铆a antes, como se hab铆a convenido-, teniendo en cuenta que el programa legislativo se discutir谩 en febrero, de tal manera que podr铆amos prescindir del debate, porque al d铆a siguiente la prensa e Internet lo habr铆an dado a conocer a todos los ciudadanos y el Parlamento no tendr铆a ya por qu茅 ocuparse del asunto."
} | in my opinion this second hypothesis would imply the failure of parliament in its duty as a parliament as well as introducing an original thesis an unknown method which consists of making political groups aware in writing of a speech concerning the commission s programme a week earlier and not a day earlier as had been agreed bearing in mind that the legislative programme will be discussed in february so we could forego the debate since on the next day our citizens will hear about it in the press and on the internet and parliament will no longer have to worry about it |
"en": "My Group believes that since a parliament is meant to listen, debate and reflect, there can be no justification whatsoever for this delay and we believe that, if the Commission is ready to do so, we still have time to re-establish the original agreement between Parliament and the Commission and proceed in a manner which fulfils our duty to our fellow citizens.",
"es": "Como mi Grupo opina que un Parlamento est谩 hecho para escuchar, para debatir y para reflexionar, pensamos que no hay raz贸n alguna que justifique este aplazamiento y creemos que si, la Comisi贸n est谩 en condiciones de hacerlo, estamos perfectamente a tiempo para poder restablecer el acuerdo original entre el Parlamento y la Comisi贸n y proceder con responsabilidad ante nuestras conciudadanas y nuestros conciudadanos."
} | my group believes that since a parliament is meant to listen debate and reflect there can be no justification whatsoever for this delay and we believe that if the commission is ready to do so we still have time to reestablish the original agreement between parliament and the commission and proceed in a manner which fulfils our duty to our fellow citizens |
"en": "Therefore, the proposal of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, and which you have mentioned, is that the Prodi Commission present its legislative programme on Wednesday, including its proposed administrative reform, because, otherwise, we could find ourselves in a paradoxical situation: on the pretext that there is no text, on the one hand, the President of the Commission would be denied his right to speak in this Parliament and, on the other hand, there would be a debate on a reform when Parliament had no prior knowledge of the texts on which it is based.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, la propuesta que hace el Grupo del Partido de los Socialistas Europeos y que su Se帽or铆a ha mencionado es que el mi茅rcoles se mantenga la presentaci贸n del programa de legislatura de la Comisi贸n Prodi, incluyendo dentro de este programa tambi茅n el proyecto de reforma administrativa porque, de no ser as铆, nos podemos encontrar con una situaci贸n parad贸jica: con la excusa de que no hay texto, se niega por una parte el derecho al Presidente de la Comisi贸n a hablar en este Parlamento y, por otra parte, que tenga lugar un debate sobre la reforma sin que este Parlamento conozca previamente los textos en que se basa."
} | therefore the proposal of the group of the party of european socialists and which you have mentioned is that the prodi commission present its legislative programme on wednesday including its proposed administrative reform because otherwise we could find ourselves in a paradoxical situation on the pretext that there is no text on the one hand the president of the commission would be denied his right to speak in this parliament and on the other hand there would be a debate on a reform when parliament had no prior knowledge of the texts on which it is based |
"en": "Therefore, Madam President, I would ask you to request that the Commission express its opinion on this issue and that we then proceed to the vote.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, le ruego, se帽ora Presidenta, que pida a la Comisi贸n que se manifieste en este momento y despu茅s que se proceda al voto."
} | therefore madam president i would ask you to request that the commission express its opinion on this issue and that we then proceed to the vote |
"en": "(Applause from the PSE Group)",
"es": "(Aplausos del grupo PSE)"
} | (applause from the pse group) |
"en": "Madam President, I would like to make it very clear that, above all, the Commission has absolute respect for the decisions of this Parliament and, amongst those, the decision establishing its agenda.",
"es": ". Se帽ora Presidenta, quiero dejar muy claro que, ante todo, la Comisi贸n tiene el m谩ximo respeto por las decisiones de este Parlamento y, entre ellas, la de establecer su orden del d铆a."
} | madam president i would like to make it very clear that above all the commission has absolute respect for the decisions of this parliament and amongst those the decision establishing its agenda |
"en": "We therefore respect whatever Parliament may decide.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, nosotros respetamos lo que en este sentido pueda decidir el Parlamento."
} | we therefore respect whatever parliament may decide |
"en": "But I would also like to make it very clear that President Prodi made a commitment to this Parliament to introduce a new debate, as Mr Bar贸n Crespo has reminded us, which would be in addition to the annual debate on the Commission' s legislative programme, on the broad areas of action for the next five years, that is to say, for this legislature.",
"es": "Pero quiero dejar tambi茅n muy claro que el Presidente Prodi se comprometi贸 con el Parlamento a incorporar un nuevo debate, como ha recordado el Sr. Bar贸n, que se a帽ade al debate anual sobre el programa legislativo de la Comisi贸n, sobre las grandes l铆neas de actuaci贸n para el pr贸ximo per铆odo de cinco a帽os, es decir, para esta legislatura."
} | but i would also like to make it very clear that president prodi made a commitment to this parliament to introduce a new debate as mr bar贸n crespo has reminded us which would be in addition to the annual debate on the commission s legislative programme on the broad areas of action for the next five years that is to say for this legislature |
"en": "Madam President, I would like to say that the agreement reached in September distinguished this debate from the annual presentation of the Commission' s legislative programme.",
"es": "Quiero decir, se帽ora Presidenta, que este debate se distingu铆a, en el acuerdo al que se lleg贸 en el mes de septiembre, de lo que es la presentaci贸n anual del programa legislativo de la Comisi贸n."
} | madam president i would like to say that the agreement reached in september distinguished this debate from the annual presentation of the commission s legislative programme |
"en": "I would also like to say that the Commission is prepared and ready to hold this debate whenever it is convenient and that we were ready to do so this week as we had agreed originally, on the basis that it would be presented the day before in a speech to parliamentary groups.",
"es": "Y quiero decir, se帽ora Presidenta, que, por parte de la Comisi贸n, estamos preparados y dispuestos a tener ese debate cuando convenga, que est谩bamos preparados para desarrollarlo esta semana, como en principio se hab铆a acordado, partiendo de la base de que se presentaba la v铆spera en un discurso a los grupos parlamentarios."
} | i would also like to say that the commission is prepared and ready to hold this debate whenever it is convenient and that we were ready to do so this week as we had agreed originally on the basis that it would be presented the day before in a speech to parliamentary groups |
"en": "Therefore, Madam President, I would like to repeat that the Commission has debated the action plan for the next five years and, when Parliament decides, - this week if that is the decision - we are prepared to come and explain the programme for the next five years and, next month, the programme for 2000, which is what we fully agreed upon.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, se帽ora Presidenta, quiero reiterar que, por nuestra parte, hemos debatido el programa de actuaci贸n para los pr贸ximos cinco a帽os y que estamos preparados para, cuando as铆 lo decida el Parlamento, -esta misma semana si 茅sa es la decisi贸n- venir a exponer el programa para los pr贸ximos cinco a帽os y, el mes que viene, el programa para el a帽o 2000, que era lo que estaba perfectamente acordado."
} | therefore madam president i would like to repeat that the commission has debated the action plan for the next five years and when parliament decides this week if that is the decision we are prepared to come and explain the programme for the next five years and next month the programme for 2000 which is what we fully agreed upon |
"en": "I propose that we vote on the request of the Group of the Party of European Socialists that the Commission statement on its strategic objectives should be reinstated.",
"es": "Propongo que votemos la petici贸n del Grupo del Partido de los Socialistas Europeos para volver a incluir la declaraci贸n de la Comisi贸n sobre sus objetivos estrat茅gicos."
} | i propose that we vote on the request of the group of the party of european socialists that the commission statement on its strategic objectives should be reinstated |
"en": "(Parliament rejected the request) President.",
"es": "(El Parlamento rechaza la petici贸n) El Presidente."
} | (parliament rejected the request) president |
"en": "Still on the subject of Wednesday' s sitting, I have another proposal regarding the oral question on capital tax.",
"es": "Sobre el tema del mi茅rcoles, tengo otra propuesta relativa a la pregunta oral sobre el impuesto al capital."
} | still on the subject of wednesday s sitting i have another proposal regarding the oral question on capital tax |
"en": "The PPE-DE Group is requesting that this item be taken off the agenda.",
"es": "El grupo PPE-DE solicita que se retire este punto del orden del d铆a."
} | the ppede group is requesting that this item be taken off the agenda |
"en": "Is there a member who wishes to speak on behalf of this Group to propose this?",
"es": "驴Alg煤n colega tomar谩 la palabra en nombre del grupo para justificar esta petici贸n?"
} | is there a member who wishes to speak on behalf of this group to propose this |
"en": "Madam President, I can hear a ripple of laughter from the Socialists.",
"es": "Se帽ora Presidenta, escucho algunas risas entre los socialistas."
} | madam president i can hear a ripple of laughter from the socialists |
"en": "I was told that large sections of the Socialist Group were also keen to have this item taken off the agenda, because at the vote in the Conference of Presidents no vote was received from the working group of Members of the Socialist Group responsible for this matter.",
"es": "Me han dicho que tambi茅n amplios c铆rculos del Grupo Socialista ven de buen grado la supresi贸n de este punto del orden del d铆a, ya que en la votaci贸n habida en la Conferencia de Presidentes falt贸 el voto del grupo de trabajo competente para ello de nuestros colegas del Grupo Socialista."
} | i was told that large sections of the socialist group were also keen to have this item taken off the agenda because at the vote in the conference of presidents no vote was received from the working group of members of the socialist group responsible for this matter |
"en": "I do not know whether this information is correct, but the PPE-DE Group would, in any case, be grateful if this item were removed because Parliament has addressed this issue several times already.",
"es": "Ignoro si esta informaci贸n es correcta, pero nosotros como Grupo del PPE/DE agradecer铆amos en cualquier caso que se suprimiera este punto, ya que el Parlamento se ha ocupado ya numerosas veces de esta cuesti贸n."
} | i do not know whether this information is correct but the ppede group would in any case be grateful if this item were removed because parliament has addressed this issue several times already |
"en": "Decisions have also been adopted against a tax of this kind.",
"es": "Tambi茅n existen acuerdos contra semejante impuesto."
} | decisions have also been adopted against a tax of this kind |
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