
Parse a stream and return the syntax tree .
Normalizes the columns of this matrix to length of 1 . 0 .
Generate the Header attributes
box returns the chart bounds as a box .
Try to match squences of TeX hyphenation exceptions .
Generate the fully qualified method name . This matches the name
Start listening to global focus - related events
Get an array of kernelResources objects for the host environment This matches the Jupyter notebook API for kernelspecs exactly
Helper function to parse query data .
This function reduces the dimensions of an array until it is no longer of length 1 .
Generate SSO link for configured project and user
this . in defined in SRTInputStream
Reads from a erb file and renders the content with context
Generate image and sourcelist filenames for single - exposure products
Allows modification of a single translation of an entry
Used internally by QCubed Query to get an individual where clause for a given condition Mostly used for conditional joins .
checks to see if list is equal everywhere to a value
shut down network device
line NULL NULL There is no filled line
This gets called when the timer event triggers
renderTerminal returns a string representation of a fully rendered table drawn out for display with embedded newlines .
Parses the output from the Lambda Container
Create a data item in the library from an ndarray .
ExistingFileOrDir sets the parser to one that requires and returns an existing file OR directory .
Initialize the FC link
Return all the comments attached to the specified token
Prints all information associated to the breakpoint
Resolve service from authentication request service .
Poisson returns a random number of possion distribution
Initializer method .
Get new Query Model
Gets the generic table columns .
Convert x y values in dim x dim - grid coordinate system into lng lat values .
Set the disbursement account for a user .
BatchInterval sets the maximum duration we will buffer traces before emitting them to the collector . The default batch interval is 1 second .
Tests whether the text matches at the offset . If so returns the end of the longest substring that it matches . If not returns - 1 .
setTPStatus set s the frame status to the provided status . The status is concurrently updated by the kernel as a result we must use atomic operations to prevent races .
Recursively build sets of tables read and index names used .
Sanitize a domain - like string for more level comparison .
Returns a feature set with the class label of previous position .
Put the bindings into the list .
Return a boolean if the docker link is set or not and is a valid looking docker link value .
make sure user has one translation per key per lang
Searches the input file for an override . If none is found then _MT is added to the class name .
Ensure method has the same signature matching method on parent interface .
Read options from a config file
Get the field class name .
Wraps a callable f in a function that warns that the function is deprecated .
Represents a group of games .
Boots a server for the app if it isn t already booted .
Get the custom arguments for a given class . Either directly from how the extension was defined or lookup the translatable_fields static variable
Modelled after Linux lib ratelimit c by Dave Young hidave darkstar
Gets the value of a given key from the given . env
Use the MPC file that has been built up in processing this work unit to generate another workunit .
Output the API response to client then exit .
Transforms a Bootstrap button into an anchor .
Gather a list of all patch resolvers from all enabled Composer plugins .
Add groups for given group parent item .
Update a profile profile by id
Remove all Twitter Card tags set manually .
mark each leaf with an area bounded by C_AREAPORTAL
Note WTX means Waiting Time Extension
compilePathExpression ensures that the path is compiled into a RegEx for those routers that need it .
Rename group .
Registers JS .
Format input into a human - friendly string for display
IsActive returns whether the autopilot agent is currently active .
Create id token
Adds text immediately to the left abut the form field
ListRequest builds the ListEvents request
Returns the position of the old top of stack after expansion
ns1ChangesByZone separates a multi - zone change into a single change per zone .
Creates a new facet .
Safely get the string to print out try the configured outputter then fall back to nested and then to raw
Is flag in column_value on?
Use this API to fetch statistics of transformpolicy_stats resource of given name .
Create a writer builder for com . helger . genericode . v10 . CodeListDocument .
Debug routine that prints out what we ve received from the remote
Processes the client - side payload and transforms the client - side callback function signal to an actual callback function
in case the configuration for a specific type is set to true translate this to the complete array in order not to get in trouble when deregistering properties
This is simplified analog for the UniqueEntity validator
return length of latest Finished message we sent copy to buf
Formats object names in a pretty fashion
Get an attribute from the Model . This will first check for Model properties before checking the Model s internal attributes map .
Return the number of holes in a Polygon or MultiPolygon
Restricts the binary file size if necessary
Adds file translations to the JLanguage catalogue .
Get a list of the actors from the URL
NameFromKey extracts the name from a key id
EnumName returns the Nth enum in the shapes Enum list
Sets the alternates + alts + is the Array of String paths representing the alternates
Deletes the configured OpenFlow controller address .
Emit x86 64 prologue code for BPF program and check its size
Return a sections list containing sorted lists of namedtuples .
On x86 some firmwares use a low non native resolution for the display when they have shown some text messages
Returns delivery states .
do the actual iteration
Get the event Manager
EncodeSQL encodes the value into an SQL statement . Can be binary .
Get a Bib object from a holdings ID .