stringlengths 758
Story Start,Hrrrrnnngghhh! Kkha shee O da!" Trr'alv cursed under her breath as she doubled over from the pain, gritting her teeth as her stomach gurgled and quaked, her muscles visibly tensing as more amniotic juices squirted out from between her legs, the latest contraction taking hold and urging the little one in her belly further down her birth canal; her cervix finally surrendered, allowing the head of the child to slip deep in to her pelvis, creating an uncomfortable amount of pressure in her hips not long after her water had broken. "It's okay, honey. You're doing great. " A deep, masculine voice softly spoke in to her ear, his warm breath making her quiver and dreamily sigh. His arms draped over hers, their hands overlapped, as they hugged her rotund midriff. Although they had only known each other for the 9 months leading up to this glorious moment, they both fell for one-another near-instantaneously. "There's one more gift I was looking forward to giving you on your birthday, but you'll have to wait 9 months for it. I want to have a baby with you. Would you like that, my love?" These words... These bold words... Spoken by one who was so equally broken... Assured him he had found the one. He once thought Suu'lea to be the one, but after the confrontation back in January, and with a little helpful reassurance from Snowrose & Trr'alv (and even Myra, of all people), it finally dawned on him that Suu'lea had been playing him like a... Well... What the humans & Morphs called a "fiddle"; he had to give her credit for sticking with the farce for 8 years... Then again, maybe it wasn't ALL fake? They were both happy for a long while until one of the worst Summers of Onladas' history. It was only that last miserable year after he saved her life where everything fell apart. Trr'alv... This beautiful woman... She made him feel whole again... And soon... That feeling of completion was once again about to wash over him. The shorter X'hyrok-hh woman trembled, knees knocking together as her stomach visibly began to relax as the contraction waned. "Hoo-hh-hh-hhoooo! MERCIFUL Vhen'ag-arr! That STUNG! Whew! Heh... But I've... Ngh...I've suffered through worse!" She announced with a hearty chuckle as she craned her neck back to look Mar'nakth in the eye, prompting him to join in on the laughter. "As have I, my love," He'd respond with a toothy grin, making him blush when she'd gaze up at him with an impish grin. "What?" "Mmm... Fascinating... You've given birth before? I wasn't aware MEN could become pregnant. " She'd giggle in response, making him blush all the brighter. Mar'nakth's whiskers nervously quivered, his tail twitching, as he stammered out a, "W-w-w-wait, what? I... Err... No, hold on, that's not at all what I meant! Ach!" He sighed in resignation as Trr'alv burst in to hysterical laughter at her dear Denmate's expense, realizing he had unwittingly walked right in to her trap. "You scamp!" He'd chuckle in response before helping Trr'alv in to bed, helping her get comfy. Mar'nakth settled in on his knees behind her and held her hands in his, allowing her to lean back and support herself against her dear one's wall of muscles. Trr'alv's face suddenly contorted and scrunched up, her ears pinning back, whiskers hiking high and trembling, teeth ground together, and her eyes shut tight as her uterine muscles began harshly squeezing inward. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she rolled her back forward and responded to an instinctual demand by her body: "PUSH!!" it was telling her, and push she would! She growled out through gritted teeth as she bore down with the contraction, her tummy visibly tensing and audibly creaking and groaning. Squelching and squishing could be heard from between her legs, and for a little while she felt her efforts were for naught as sweat began to mat her fur down, but after a couple more solid pushes, she would buck her hips, a hefty groan of satisfaction and relief parting her jaw as she could suddenly feel a large mass sluggishly inching down her birth canal. "Oooooggghh! Oh Ffuh... Firstborns alive this... HUUUUNNNGGHH!!" She would growl out in frustration as one more solid push brought their daughter screeching to a halt at her puffy lady flower right before the contraction ended. She grunted heavily as she collapsed against Mar'nakth, her breath labored as she purely focused on summoning air to her lungs. Her nether region felt like it was on fire as her daughter was stretching her wider than she'd ever felt herself stretched before down there. "Yes, my love. That's it. You're doing great. How do you feel right now?" Mar'nakth asked, wincing as Trr'alv would glower up at him. "I feel like I sprinted halfway across the fucking desert... So I'm feeling just peachy, thanks for asking... " She growled up at him before sputtering, resuming with her efforts to shakily breathe again. "Hey, hey, hey... Honey, it's okay. I know it's painful; I only asked because I want you to be comfy whilst you deliver. You can do it, sweetheart. I know you have the strength to pull it off," He reassured her with his calm, soothing, deep voice. He brought one hand to her chin and gently stroked along it, guiding her eyes up to meet his. "From the stories we've shared, I've come to realize you are far stronger than I could ever hope to be, and that is why I love you, my dear sweet Trr'alv-fein. You are my goddess... " His voice trailed off when he noticed her hand frantically waving off to the side right out of his field of vision. Trr'alv nodded, blushing bright, heavily inhaling and exhaling before a nauseous groan began to build in her throat. "Mar'nakth... Mar'nakth... Mar'nakth... " She repeated over and over, DESPERATELY trying to get him to shut up as she could feel the beginning of another contraction. Finally, she began frantically waving her freed hand up toward him; FINALLY that got his attention! "Mar'nakth, I love you and I appreciate what you're saying, but now is NOT THE TIME!!" She'd yowl out as she rolled forward yet again and groaned louder than before as her womb VIOLENTLY squeezed inward, forcing her to push with all her might! She grunted as she felt the head squirt out with an audible "SQUITCH!!", jamming up at the shoulders for a brief few moments before finally sliding out with a loud, lewd, wet slurping sound. Trr'alv, spent from her efforts, finally collapsed against Mar'nakth, weak and unable to stop trembling from her efforts as her stomach started to deflate, the contraction helping her push out the afterbirth before, at long last, giving her reprieve from her task. She couldn't even form words, merely incomplete, cottonmouth babbling as she drunkenly giggled up at Mar'nakth, a droopy dopey grin on her face as she simply said, "She here... Our baby... "Mar'nakth sniffled as he would look between her legs and nod as he would briefly extricate himself from the embrace before reaching down between her legs and lifting up the child born out of their love. "We'll have to have Ilka snip the umbilical cord. Let me go get her-... " He was cut off by Trr'alv pulling him back; despite all evidence to the contrary, she still had enough strength to manage keeping her future hubby close by. Trr'alv dreamily sighed as she brought the little one closer to her chest, allowing the little one her first feed of precious, life-giving milk. The two would gaze lovingly down at their little white angel, born out of their love for one-another. Her fur wasn't ALL white, however, as there were hints of silver stripes lining parts of her fur. "What shall we name her?" Mar'nakth asked. "Ish'va... " Trr'alv quietly murmured as she tenderly stroked up and down their newborn baby girl's back. "Ish'va-fein, it is," Mar'nakth whispered in to Trr'alv's ear before stealing a kiss on the cheek. "I'm proud of you, honey. You did wonderful. "Trr'alv wordlessly nodded before shutting her eyes and affectionately purring. ", |
Story Start,Princess Farah is a bit spoiled, and she is used to mostly getting her way; at least while her father is at the palace in Baku. Princesses sometimes grow up like this. Farah eventually convinced her father to let her serve in the Royal Officers’ Harem though he was very reluctant to grant such a gift to his daughter. Kitsune are troublesome; in that they were bio-engineered by the Creators centuries ago for sex and play, and not for anything really useful. King Alecrast consequently has a larger problem developing, though he is not yet aware of it – Aria is attempting to raise Farah properly, which instruction includes attending state social events. Farah is mostly bored during such times, but even at a young age she manages to overhear this or that attractive noble lady bragging about how she managed to coax the King into her bed for private maneuvers, and how she is now plump with future royal bastards. Lots of Alecrast sired bastards inside the realm (and a fair number outside). Farah is not sure if she wants children of her own, but during her upbringing in Baku she learns well which stud’s seed is the most coveted, and she makes mental note as a possibility for her own future.In 3990 Alecrast leaves Azerbaijan and heads East, towards the high mountains of Asia, to aid the Snow Leopards in their rebellion. In 3993 he returns for additional war material, which he uses portions of his vast wealth to purchase; at that time Alecrast discovers he is minus one Kitsune pleasure slave. In 3997 Alecrast returns again; but this time his goal is to be King no more – he will remain in the East, fighting, for the remainder of his days. His famous sword goes to his son Albrecht, and the realm goes to his daughter Aria to rule. And what of Farah? She is given jewels and gold, like many of her siblings; though by this time she realizes that perhaps her chance to be the mother of her dreams is slipping away. Alecrast denies his daughter’s request for the gift she requests; five times he tells her, “no” and emphasizes she will have to be satisfied with “gifts enough”. A few months pass and her half-sister Aria is crowned Queen; Alecrast begins his final preparations for departure. It takes several months more to gather together all the supplies. When former King goes to bid final farewells Farah is no longer to be found. Farah’s scheme is both complicated and simple; complex in its execution, simple in its trigger mechanism. Farah had long ago noted her father’s fondness for the feminine form, upturned tail and the pleasure slave brand. Gambits require a sacrifice – often the queen in a game of chess. Farah’s gambit will require slave brands burned upon and into her beautiful hips, and the outlay of a decent portion of the small fortune her father just gifted her with. The scheme also requires an accomplice; Farah identifies and communicates her plan to a former school mate she sometimes took a tumble in the hay with. He is to accompany her as bodyguard, supposed Master, and of course he is needed to coax the seed-bearer which Farah desires into her trap. He will also bribe various tradesmen inside chosen slave market; Farah wants the brandings, and she wants the proper entries upon the registers. This art image is of Farah’s trap sprung recently – or more likely, a week or two later after initial springing. This is inside a small, impoverished, slave inn within a cut-off Fenrir enclave far, far to the North of our present day India. Cut-off in that some other Kingdom lies between these Fenrir of the enclave and the Sultanate to which they are supposedly citizens of. Alecrast almost ignores his daughter’s missive when it arrives, but at the last moment he thinks better of it, curses at a world filled with troublesome Kitsune, but follows messenger down out of the high mountains and plateaus. Purchased fertility potions and aphrodisiacs had brought things along admirably, as well as aided Farah’s natural “fuck-me” Kitsune scent. Alecrast almost left as soon as he had arrived, except Farah knows her father too well – a quick sway of transparent cloth so as to display eager young vulpine vulva; a flash of hips to reveal brands only a month old, the markings of a Fenrir-owned slave registered for the purpose of being bred; and the presenting of carefully trimmed-away groin fur, shaved flesh now marked here and there with henna, the known symbol for womb-for-hire. Farah’s ‘Master’handed the young Kitsune’s chain to the weakening Alecrast and pointed him towards available room with food and drink. Sleeping, eating and fucking have occupied most of Alecrast’s time here so far. That and a vow – he is no longer King and is far, far away from the lands he formerly knew and which knew him. By the Goddess, if this canid bitch wants his seed so badly then his seed she will receive!Farah is only four feet seven in height upon this bed; and just twenty-six years of age. It is cold outside this inn, high up in the mountains, hence the bear skin cloak upon Alecrast’s back. Farah no longer notices the coolness; she is fully in her Kitsune heat, and currently taking into her body the royal sperm she so coveted. In seven months’ time she will be mother to the three pups this week’s matings bestow upon her. Two sons with orange hair she is given by the stud currently inside her. But Farah was not the only one to make in-depth study of Fenrir slave-keeping practices. Her companion, bodyguard, and supposed Master also sought instruction at various slave markets in Fenrir lands so as to better understand his part during Farah’s gambit. He will soon make claim to a Master’s right to breed his own chattel, at least for a quarter of this day, until the needs of his loins are satiated. Not like a Kitsune in her season is capable of refusing hardened and seasoned wood; Farah spreads willingly. It will cost this false Master twenty-percent of his eventual reward though, and it will cost Farah additional space within her womb for a third pup; she will walk a bit heavier during the months she is with litter.In a few months’ time Farah will leave the Fenrir enclave with pups inside her, and return to her home country of Azerbaijan, but only for one season. She will eventually depart for the cold northern lands of Europe – the better decision to avoid long drawn-out questioning by Queen Aria as to from where orange-haired bastards were acquired. The Fenrir do not reside in the far North. Perhaps a good thing as Farah is still documented in the Fenrir registers as breeding slave; though her status as such is defunct as her listed Master is nowhere to be found. He took his reward and left on his own adventure; perhaps even to the New World. As to who is the greater scheme-tress, Farah or her mother, it would be difficult to pass judgement. ", |
Story Start,The walls of the modest inn clacked with each bounce of the wooden headboard slamming against them, the pressure of which sent small ripples of vibration up the walls, to the ceiling, and gently shaking the candle-lit chandelier. Two adventurers had retired to a place where they could properly rest after a hard-fought day travelling along the city-state of Tiragarde Sound. However even after her exhaustion in slicing through foes Jessica still had the energy to pleasure her lover. STHAP THACK THMP WHACK THPThe otter mounting Sherri’s frame happily plunged her hips forwards, her pawtoes pressing into the bedsheets as she held tightly onto that cute little mage her squeaked every time her cock tapped against her blue cervix. “Nnh! Sherri!” Jessica panted, her tongue hanging out cutely from her lips as she clutched into Sherri’s body, she could feel the pupper beneath squirming at the vibrations her cock made against those tender walls. “I’m.. I’m..”“Hahh.. Wait.. Wait..” Sherri gulped down her throat, her legs squirming slightly, her body was close to those days that made it incredibly ‘dangerous’ to receive a hot load of potent otter spunk. “Not.. Nnh.. C’mon..” Sherri pleaded, biting down on her lower lip, she was not only close but the rhythmic thrusts and the sheer pleasure she felt from Jessica rutting inside of her body made it difficult to NOT want that hot creamy load inside of her womb. “Jesss.. Jess… Don’t.. Don’t cum in me!”“I.. I.. I gotta..” Jess panted, her body was moving without her control, that fat cock pushing in and out of Sherri’s frame as the pleasure started to overwhelm her body. Her webbed pawtoes pushing against the bedsheets as she attained better leverage, her clawtips squeezing firmly into Sherri’s frame as she rut forwards, her body thrusting in as her cock throbbed its demands. “I’m.. I’m gonna…”Sherri’s eyes widened, she couldn’t stop Jessica’s thrusts and her legs refused to move, the pleasure from Jessica’s cock had a numbing effect on her legs. “No!” Sherri bit down as the cock tapped against her cervix. “You.. You promised! You.. You said..” Sherri’s body continued to bounce against the bed, her breasts jiggling with each powerful thrust. “Ohsssherri..” Jessica whispered as she took a deep inhale, her hips thrusting forwards as she rut her hips in one final push. Her cock mashing against the girl’s cervix and in an instant hot torrents of cum quickly flooded Sherri’s juicy twat, thick rope after rope filled into her womb, slowly seeping out through the flooded cavern, even as Jessica continued to cum. The hot sticky spunk slowly gushing out from Sherri’s snatch and flooding Jessica’s balls with her thick nectar, but the look on the otter’s face proved that she didn’t give a single fuck. “Soohhhgouhhd..” She murmured, almost lost in pleasure as she trembled above Sherri’s form. “Dammit Jess!” Sherri pouted to the barely responsive otter that drooled down her chin. “You were supposed to pull out!”It took a moment before Jessica’s senses returned to her, and she saw Sherri staring upwards with that angry little face. Her body slowly retreated, pulling that fat, now flaccid cock free from Sherri’s gushing pussy. Jessica’s arms tightly wrapped around Sherri’s body, holding the squirming pup close as her tongue extended from her lips and gently licked along her cheek. “You’re so cute when you fuss, you know that?” The otter teased, knowing that with every passing second one of her little swimmers could be rolling along Sherri’s insides and trying to peck its way into her egg. “Besides.. doesn’t it feel warm?”Sherri had to concede that it did indeed feel warm, and pleasant, especially combined with the solace that came with Jessica’s arms holding her in such comfort. “Nnfh.. Still. Now I gotta heat up another bath.” The pup murmured begrudgingly. “Oh yeah? For a fire mage that doesn’t sound like too much of a task, heat up enough water for me and I’ll join you.” She gently nipped at Sherri’s neck. Those sharp fangs always sent a shiver along Sherri’s spine and her pawtoes curled at the idea. “What.. and give you another shot at me while I’m all vulnerable? No way.” Sherri teased and nipped back, this time at her snout. A moment passed and Sherri heard nothing, her eyes opened and she saw Jessica looking down with her lip curled in a pleading pout, those bright emerald eyes staring down at her. It was enough to make the small pupper blush. “Okay fine.. I’ll make us a bath.”In an instant that pout turned into a winning grin. “Good girl!” Jessica teased and released Sherri from her grasp as the doggirl slowly climbed up out of bed, she made a nude saunter on her way to the large wooden walled room that contained an extra large basin for them both to bathe. However Jessica wasn’t focused on that, her eyes were staring lustfully at Sherri’s taut little tush and the small trail of her cum seeping from that juicy pussy and rolling down her thigh. Jessica licked her lips and slowly stirred from the bed, she was ready for round two……It had been a few months since Jessica and Sherri had landed upon the shores of Kul Tiras, and in that time they had thoroughly adapted to the new orders of the world. The gemstones that bestowed them powers and abilities once thought impossible were now well within their control. Sherri may have been a veteran adventurer, but Jess had quickly caught up into her own, and it was on this lovely day at the near end of summer that they ventured into Stormsong Valley. Various tasks were required of powerful adventurers, and of course the reward was coin, supplies for missions, or even priceless heirlooms that townfolk offered in exchange for their mercenary services. Today they were heading towards a particular mark for punishment, a goblin mad inventor had used his scientific, if it could legitimately be called such, to craft a mechanical beast that was harassing the township of Fort Daelin. He had to be stopped. Jessica’s vigor and energy was unmatched, even by other rogues, her excitement for the world was palpable and it showed with how easily she ran along the coastline road. The otter’s senses perked for a second, her partner had lagged behind… again. Jess frowned for a moment, holding her hands on her hips as she tapped her boot against the dirt road. She counted the seconds and looked behind as the sparkled residue of magic drifted to dust a few feet behind her. “C’mon Sherri!” The otter called back as she started to make her way down the road. “You gotta keep up girl!”The poor girls’ legs were about to give out as she trotted along the road, her hands carefully upon her swollen belly that held a litter of mixed dog and otter pups. She finally stopped, her ears folded back as she called out to Jess. “Well this is your fault anyways!”", |
Story Start,Florin the Harem Master attempting to breed his father’s Kitsune pleasure slave. Florin was not given permission to mount and inseminate the Kitsune, but he does not care; he knows his father is exhausted, fast asleep, and has no further use today for his slave. The Fox’s heat is nearing the end of fertility and Florin hopes to make successful use of the final few hours. This is after his father enjoyed the vixen’s flesh over the course of the prior evening. The fertilization taking place of Tamara’s ovum is actually by Jinyssa’s sperm, not by Florin, who has only recently managed to retrieve the Fox from his father’s bedchamber and escort her to this chamber. No glasses of wine needed for Tamara today as she was shipped East years ago and surgically enhanced into the sexual entity the Fenrir call ‘a succubus’. No wine required, nor even a Kikka rose; the sex glands encased in the Kitsune’s horn implants are sufficient to keep her need high, and to entice the vixen into eagerly spreading for the no-longer-young son’s use. This Fenrir, who wants to impregnate the Fox bitch with his own pups, is already upon her; even if such illicitly sired offspring are unlikely to appear upon the pages of Fenrir Slave Register. Tamara has been pleasure slave to clan Kikka and House Jinyssa for twenty years now. Jinyssa wants gold for future bribery to ensure his favorite son (not this one) is made the next chief (Jinyssa is no longer young) of clan Kikka. Tamara does not yet know her master desires to make a profit from her sale; and that (after her pregnancy by him is verified) she is to be sold at market to the highest bidder.It is a convention in Fenrir society for slave-owning Masters to often impregnate soon-to-be sold female slaves with the Master’s own offspring. In Tamara’s case her Master succeeds with two bastards by his seed; and Florin manages to add one of his own to the vixen’s future litter.If it is a goal of these two clan Kikka males to spread their seed far then they are destined to succeed admirably. The Kitsune will whelp not within the Old World as planned, but rather on the west coast of the New; far, far away from the Sultanate and its slave markets. ", |
Story Start,In one of many ways the world was going to hell in a hurry, the pharmaceutical industry had it over a barrel, practically everybody was popping something or other, anything to avoid the dreaded 'default' of their being. While it wasn't exactly a term of endearment, a lab rat could clean up at a time like this, provided she was a good sport about the occasional rash, nausea, or loss of smell. To romance you in the door, they'd talk up your special genes, and why nobody else could be relied on quite like you for clinical research, and it all sounded like a lot of schmoozing that amounted to the fact that you were cheap and rats weren't known to talk much. For Subject 7, as they called her, it was the same old routine. This time it seemed they were testing more fertility stuff, nothing she hadn't done before. Typical spiel, take the pills and then one of the female staff asks all the questions, do you feel hot, yes, mood swings, sometimes, moisture levels, and so forth... Those insta-heat pills weren't really new on the market, popular as they were, so 7 wasn't altogether sure what they were hoping to get out of this, but whatever it was, it was enough for them to stick her in Observation Room 3. Good old OR-3, she spent any number of afternoons in here, for better or for worse. Normally there was something of a functional living space in here but for whatever reason it had been stripped almost bare, the only things left being the bed over on Station A and the stool over at Station B. The latter usually had a desk. In any case they hadn't told her much. She was about to go sit on the bed when their voices came piping through the comm on the other side of the window. "So, Subject 7, we just wanted to talk to you for a moment... The estrus inducing drug given to you by Dr. Kalp isn't exactly what we're testing today, it's more of an accessory to the main study, plus we just thought they might help things go a bit... Well, go over a little smoother. But it's okay, we're doing something very exciting today. We're bringing in another subject from our Eventon lab... Subject 24. You see, he's been injected with a new kind of product that changes his... Well it augments... You see, in the modern age, more and more couples are interspecies, but regrettably cannot have children of their own, an unfortunate by product of all the progress we've made. We feel they shouldn't have to sacrifice their natural desire to raise a fully blood-related family in a loving household. Wouldn't you agree?"A blink. "Well, anyway... So Subject 24 is a raccoon, and he has had his... Well, his seed augmented... Well really, we'd like to think the word is 'enhanced.' These drugs we're developing would be able to alter a male's yield to be able to reproduce with a specific species, depending on the specific solution used. In 24's case... A rat doe. And well you've always been up for just about anything - that's why we like you so much! So we thought maybe you could do us a really big favor and - " "What?" "Ah... Yeah, alright, she's not going for it, might as well just send him in. "7's head snapped toward OR-3's door as it slid open, revealing who she had to assume was Subject 24. That old silly saying, 'wearing nothing but a smile,' rang true, as the bare-bodied ring-tail appeared far too eager to see her for her liking. The door slammed shut behind him. More alarmingly, the light above it when from green to red - she was locked in. "Now Subject 7, just relax... We've asked 24 to be gentle with you and if you jus - oh... Hm. "Well, they couldn't say they didn't anticipate a chase situation, hence the locked door, but as the whitecoats watched Subject 24 stumble over himself to tackle and pin a hollering Subject 7 to Station A, they couldn't help but wish the two had tried to talk it out, or given them more time to convince 7 of the scientific importance of today's research. But, wish in one paw, and so forth, it was irrelevant as 24 was well at work ripping off 7's lab gown. This was precisely why they'd taken almost everything out of the room, Subject 7 had always been a little fiery, everyone knew how those rat girls were... And had things turned out... Exactly as they had, it was easy to imagine her konking him on the head with whatever she could get her paws on. In hindsight they probably should have taken the stool out too, but hell, it really didn't look like she was going to make it that far. And yet, perhaps she would, as the white-furred doe slipped out of the gown and scampered away from her amorous lab partner. She stumbled over to the window, pounding on the glass, demanding to be let out of the room, quite profanely. This wasn't exactly strategically sound for her as roughly two seconds later, her body was pressed hard against the pane and Subject 24. Yes, it was hard for the onlooking researchers not to exchange a look as they watched the scene unfold before them, especially with 24's rigid phallus rubbing up and down the glass before poking around for the female's loins. She was a bit too low for the experiment to progress from here, forcing 24 to lift her off the ground a bit, though still pushed snugly against the window. "Agh... Stop it... Open the door! Fuck, I... Agh... Ogh... " "And....... He's in," the one on the left said with a click of his pen, writing down the procedure's official start time.7 clawed at the window while breathy squeaks escaped her throat. A sound most rats found weak but there wasn't much she could do to help it now. 24's frantic humps repeatedly squished her flatter and flatter against the glass. Unfortunately, thanks to those pills, her body was receptive to mating even if her brain held a somewhat contrasting stance on the matter. Regardless, she wasn't going anywhere, caught between the metaphorical rock and somewhat more literal hard place. Her labored panting fogged up the glass as her face was squished up against it, giving her a good opportunity to glare both desperately and angrily at the eggheads on the other side. The one with the clipboard leaned forward, pressing the comm button again. "Subject 24, would you mind taking Subject 7 back to Station A before continuing? Or perhaps... Station B? ...24, can - can you hear me?"The button was released. A turn. A shrug. "I mean...I guess it'll work just as well right there. " "Yes, but does his... Libido seem at all excessive to you?" "He's certainly eager to help, yes. " "Perhaps it's a side effect of the injection? I mean this could lead to some problems on the market for the users. " "Well who can be sure. When I called Eventon and told them what we wanted to do they said they had 'just a guy.' So... Maybe it's him?" "What if it's both?" "Think about what this drug is for. I mean, if it acts as something as an aphrodisiac... Doesn't that just play right into the intended use?" "Well, yes, but.... " She gestured toward the THUMP-THUMP-THUMPING of 7's body against the glass. "Hey... That's what warning labels are for. " "I suppose...it seems those heat pills didn't lower her inhibitions as much as hoped. " "Yes but, she signed the contract, so...it is what it is. "24 knew he wasn't going to last long. After all, he'd known about this project longer than 7 had, and he was already pretty pent up by the time OR-3's door opened. Subject 7's body shuddered and tingled at the feeling of that big thrust. Then another. The pills had definitely clouded her feminine body's judgment toward having an unwanted penis inside of it, accommodating the thick thing with as much of her natural lubricants as it needed. 24 hadn't said anything close to coherent since this started and even that was now descending into growls and guttural groans. One more thrust, and now Subject 7's incisors bit hard against her lower lip as she felt it, the jerking contractions of his male flesh pulsing against her slick walls. She knew what it was doing to her. She could feel what had happened. Not that she had to feel it to know, had she merely looked down at the glass below her. "That's... Quite a yield. " "You want to maybe... Put in a call to custodial?" "Well they're still finishing up in 1, you know - " "Right, just you know, for when they're done, just... A heads up call. " "Alright, sure. " "Just tell them to bring the glass stuff... Well I guess it's going to be a floor job, too. You know what, just have them bring the cart, that should... Hang on, now he's bringing her to the bed, um...24? That should be sufficient thank you. 24? Twent - hell, we'd better get in there. "It may have been the most humiliating work day of her life, and as of now was still ongoing, but Subject 7 could take solace in what she had done for clinical science that day. Because ultimately, the experiment was a success, and thanks to her hard work and certain sacrifices, interspecies couples everywhere could soon prove their devotion to one another in nature's most profound way. The information gathered during this most pivotal study, and a handful of subsequent ones, would prove to be one of the most consequential in the history of family planning and development, and it was all thanks to the little known yet deeply appreciated heroes known as Subject 7, Subject 24, and a cute little clump of cells known colloquially to laboratory staff as Result 31. ", |
Story Start,Kieran and Murana had been a loving couple for several years now. As expected, due to her influence, Kieran adored her ass and loved fucking it weekly, not that she minded. She was more than able to get off on anal alone and she much preferred it that way. However, the hankering to have another cub or two began to grow more and more every day until she broached the subject of kids to Kieran. He wasn't too keen on the idea and when pressed for the reason, he recalled the time his cousin had interspecies children with another canine not of his kind and the kids, although still beautiful to their parents, were not as expected and were unfortunately the brunt of ridicule amongst their peers in school. Kieran, having been bullied himself when younger, stated he wanted pure wolf cubs to raise and nuture that were just as gorgeous as Murana was and that would have an easier time growing up in a community that still held great prejudice amongst interspecies children. Saddened by his decision, yet understanding of his concern for their cubs' future, she asked if there were other alternatives, like sperm banks and such. Kieran got a naughty glint in his eyes and proposed a threesome. Shocked at his idea, he reasoned, "Well, you did already fantastize about having one and we dirty talk about it all the time in bed. It really gets you off hard whenever I talk about it as I'm fucking you, so why not finally take the plunge and just do it?" "You mean have a threesome with intent to get me pregnant by another wolf?" Murana was hesitant, but she wasn't exactly pulling away from the idea. She did have that fantasy and the notion that her partner was open to the idea brought all sorts of tantalizing images to her mind and feelings to her nether regions. "Why not? I'm okay with it since I know you've been really wanting some new cubs in the house to raise and dote on and I know just the friend in mind whom I trust to do this for us. Besides, this is a way more funner way of getting pregnant than going to some sterile sperm bank!" Kieran grinned. Murana's eyes bulged, "Wait... You already had someone in mind before we even talked about the idea of a threesome?"Kieran laughed, causing Murana's ears to fold. "Don't be upset. You've met him before. His name is Sebastian. He's a good buddy of mine and we go a ways back. I keep telling him how awesome you are and he keeps saying I'm a lucky jackal. I've smelled it on his scent whenever he's around you, he is very interested. "Embarrassed, but not backing down and with the inner instinct and urge to breed rising inside her, she agreed to at least invite Sebastian over and discuss the possibilities of producing new life together. The night of the threesome, it wasn't long until they got relaxed together to where they could strip and get to cuddling. Although extremely nervous, Murana was excited at these two young males fondling, caressing and loving on her body. Rolling back onto the bed and slipping into her ass and casually thrusting to soothe and relax Murana's taut nerves, Kieran whispered into her ear, "Are you ready for this, love?" He smiled as Sebastian licked her raised leg, his eyes only for her. She shakily nodded. She had come this far and she wanted to experience this. "S-sure. I'm ready. "Sebastian glided in, his cock rubbing up against Kieran's inside her. She cried out as she felt stretched from both sides when they began to alternate pumps, one going out as the other was thrusting in. It was unbelievable. She had always dreamed about something like this, but experiencing it and being completely at the mercy of these two strong males pounding her tender holes with wild abandon got her moaning and howling without restraint.It was a long passionate night. Sebastian signaled he was going to cum and Kieran gave Murana a deep kiss. "You want pups, hun?" "Yes, more than ever!" She gasped, tongues locking with his. Sebastian growled with lust as he got the final approval and slammed his knot deeper into her folds, locking himself in as he pumped rope after rope of virile seed into her womb. Murana quivered and shook as she could feel that throbbing cock sending Kieran over the edge as he spent his own load deep into her ass. They all lay there together spent, each dick stuck inside of her, unable to move. Sebastian licked Murana again. "Did you want to try a few more times to ensure you get pregnant?"Dazed, but completely floored by the experience, she gave only one quick glance to Kieran who just smiled. "Yes, please. " ", |
Story Start,The Twins came home from college to spend a little time with Family, but their Parents had stepped out for a bit, and Pepper -being in heat- had some needs. Before this point, the two had never bred when Pepper was in season. So of course Zachary was smart and used a condom. Where he went wrong, is he grabbed normal fox condoms, and he is a fox on the bigger side, so he broke it with ease. Now they are in a huge mess on the Family couch, where there is no way they are getting the smell of fox cum out of that, as well as the mess in Pepper giving them a bigger Family. Maybe it’s good they ruined the couch. They are going to need a larger one with all the pups Pepper is soon to be carrying. Lets hope Mom and Dad really wanted Grandkids!", |
Story Start,Winter sets in and the days grows short. Nothing but a still chilly blackness covers the outside. In the warm shelter a man and his beloved companion finds comfort in each others embrace as love strengthens their bond even farther. He lays down and begins to stroke his cock as he scrolls though some porn. She walks in on him masturbating and looks at him in silence. He stops when he notices her staring and decides to call her up on the bed with him. Dirty thoughts ran round his head which made him harder. She came to him and sniffs his cock and starts licking it ever so tenderly. He reaches behind her and to his surpise a big heavy vulva hung between her legs. It bobs up and down in response to his touch. The two position themselves as sexual energy fills the room with hot breathing and moaning. With each thrust he can feel the orgasm building inside him. Her pussy grabs a hold of his cock as if wanting him to orgasm in her. When he's about to oragsm he feels the condom break. The warm wet secretions touches the head of his penis and stimulates the nerves even more. The pressure was already to much to hold back and it felt to good to stop now. His mind was fixed on cumming in her. Even if he tried to stop the urges took over him. Her pussy squeezing his shaft, begging for his seed in her didn't help him as well. One final thrust deep into her and hot milky cum shoots inside her uterus. The cum oozes out of the tight grasp of her pussy as he holds her close to him and still continuing to unload in her. After the orgasms have subsided for the both of them, they cuddled and slept though the coldness of night together in each others warmth. ", |
Story Start,Haida gasped while he saw Retsuko bringing a small baby cart to the office. He noticed her maternity leave was about to end, giving a stare at the baby Retsuko was carefully carrying out in her arms. “Hi there, Haida.” Retsuko said. Haida gulped, speechless. He was guilty, yes. They both had followed their urges that night a year ago. He then looked away from Retsuko’s eyes. "It’s okay…” Retsuko added. “Your secret is safe with me.”Yes, Haida could see the white fur on the red panda baby boy ears, twitching. He was frightened and guilty to what he caused to Retsuko. He tried to assume his responsibility the moment Retsuko told him she was pregnant, after their short affair, night after night, over and over. But time did fall short, as those few days of passion ended up, not because of Haida, but for Retsuko herself. After their breakup, Haida tried to talk with Retsuko by any means possible, but she refused, every time he tried. As weeks passed by, Haida could look how Retsuko’s belly grew and grew. ‘Something is wrong’ Haida thought, until he realized, like the rumors he heard many months ago, now they had become true, and by his broken and confused heart, not only could the baby inside Retsuko be his, but the frustration at Retsuko’s decline for his help began to crack in his mind. “Retsuko…” Haida broke his silence “I… I…" "Don’t.” Retsuko suddenly replied. “No one must know. I´ve been happy alone as it is. I´m so sorry, Haida. I’m just not ready.” Then Retsuko walked with the young baby in his arms. Haida kept his eyes down, drowned in a mix of rage and sadness. His mind stormed with the same question, a single word “Why?” He could hear the thundering sound of that question over and over, like a torment. Until…“Ho ho ho ho…”That laughter could only come from their only friend and coworker, Fenneko. "Oh, come on, Haida, don’t make us a fool of as all” Fenneko pointed at the hyena. "Huh? Wha…?” Haida dozed off from the dramatic regret he was. "I knew there is only one guy in the entire world that could do that to Retsuko. The evidence is way more than clear!”Fenneko was driven by her gumshoe side “So, Haida, you wanna know it?” Haida shook his head “I’m fine, Fenneko. Besides, I know what you are going to say.” Fenneko laughed with pride “Of course! It’s about Retsuko’s baby! I know who the father is.” Haida took another sigh “Okay… I must confess. " "I knew director Ton was a huge pervert from the…” Fenneko continued, ignoring Haida’s words for a second. “Wait. What?” Haida twitched his eyes at Fenneko “Are you kidding me?”Both Haida and Fenneko stayed quiet, almost frozen. "So… you are… Retsy´s…” Fenneko tried to finish her sentence, then Haida nodded. "I can’t believe it!” Fenneko yelled “How could… how could you…" "Yeah, I know. I am a monster.” Haida looked away from Fenneko. "How could you ended up doing you know what with Retsuko!? That baby is so cute! Oh my… How could I be so blind! And we were friends! Your secret is so safe with me! I promise!” Fenneko continued in almost a state of frenzy. "Fenneko… calm down…” Haida replied, as Fenneko’s speech began to turn into gibberish. "I wish I had one from you!” Fenneko said. "What, now!?” Haida opened his eyes wide. "A baby. From you. Now… I mean… you are not Retsuko’s girlfriend or anything… right?”Fenneko tilted her head to a side, while Haida was shocked at the sudden offer from what was the major gossip in the entire office. Fenneko kept her conspiracy theorist levels of banter going on, while Haida was drown again in his own thoughts. He would keep falling on that endless pitch-black darkness if he kept thinking on Retsuko anymore. He knew she didn’t understand his feelings for her, why then kept pushing all those attempts and tries for them to be a couple in the first place? Yes, he could find solace and a reason when he saw that red panda friend every day, going to work. He was still confused to why she had kept their baby, taking all the responsibilities for her, and only for her though. Somehow, that was a call, a sign for him to move on. He had better things to do. “Okay…” Haida replied. Haida’s answer might feel quite awkward, but the moment he uttered it, he was driven by nothing but male pride, the call to breed. He knew he was a successful male by breeding with Retsuko, and he had to do it again after watching Fenneko’s impulses expressing her need to also become a mother. He could feel that same fiery heat running across his body, the same feel when he spent those passionate days with Retsuko before. He felt the chance as all or nothing, eager to know what kind of offspring could result between the desert fox and a beast like him. His heart was pounding faster, his breath felt heavier. There was a need he had to fulfill, to persist, to stay alive. He had no other choice: It was mating time. ", |
Story Start,For once, Shikabane had left the building and followed Haida, tugged away, both blushing, looking aside. After walking a couple of minutes, Haida had stopped. Shikabane gazed upon a brass plaque, discreet, on the left wall next to the door. A love hotel. A new experience for her. Haida got the keys. She felt nervous. That proposal in the middle of the gaming session felt sudden, unexpected, even less from someone shy and bashful as Haida. But despite her faint shaking, she felt something deep inside going inside her. A slow fire, broiling inside her. Her heart, racing more as they walked across the small corridor, seemed to keep that warmth. She crossed the door, unsure at first, but she grasped at the knob and slammed the door in less than a blink. Haida turned around, and saw how Shikabane was getting rid of her clothes. "Whoa!!!" the poor hyena opened his eyes like never before. He could see Shikabane's purple fur shining under the glow of the love hotel room lights. Shikabane, while nervous, began to wrap her mouth on Haida's lips. Her hands grazed over Haida's shirt as she was blindingly guided by her now fiery heart. Haida could only twist his tongue over the skunk's intentions. He began to think if his past experiences of fathering both Retsuko and Fenneko, his own coworkers, the company he was now fired from, all that past of happiness and friendship left behind, was love at all. But as he realized he gave the first step for their run to the love hotel, he sure found the answer at that same instant. It was instinct. Nothing more, nothing else. Could be his fate? To fulfill one of the most basic functions of life? To bring new life forms to this world? Sure, all those things had turned into rumors. Tales of exaggerated magnitude. Was he choosing the females? Were they choosing him out of his traits? Nevertheless, that didn't deter the Hyena male to get rid of his clothes, and let the whims of his own instincts to fulfill. He was going to be a father, again. And no doubt, worry nor complication was enough to trump such decisions. ", |
Story Start,“Guess what day it is…” said Alex as she snuck up behind her horse boyfriend and slipped her soft hands over his face. Tashi almost jumped out of his chair in surprise when the tigress’s soft fingers slid over his eyes and blocked him from the video that he was watching on his computer screen; some video recipe for batter-fried bananas that looked mighty tasty. “Hm…” Tashi let out a noise in between the soft snorts he made once he realized he wasn’t in any danger. “Thursday, September 16th?” he replied, a smile slowly stretching across his face as he let his eyes rest a bit now that they were shielded from the harmful lights of his monitor. Alex rolled her eyes at his response before she pressed herself up against the back of his computer chair some more, purring as she came closer to him. “Noooooo… I mean, yes, but do you know what’s oh so special about today?” she asked as she slowly let those hands that covered his eyes slip from his face and fall into a gentle embrace with her arms draped over his shoulders and her chin on the back of his chair. The equine decided to play along with her some more. “Noooo? I have no idea what today is. Just another working Thursday for horse.” He said in a rather convincing defeated tone that he followed up with a heavy sigh. The tigress behind him went quiet for a few seconds and a small little “aw” slipped from her lips when she heard how sad her boyfriend sounded. “Well, good thing I know what day it is today….” She purred and turned her head to the side just enough for her muzzle to be pointed right at her boyfriend’s ear. “It’s your birthday.” She whispered, “And I see you’re looking up how to make those bananas I said I really liked… No, no, no… Today is all about you, so close that video right now… Because I have a surprise for you.”Tashi raised his brow and nodded along to his little tiger as she acted out the little play that she had prepared for his birthday. “Oh yes, you are right, I was born on this day… How could I think that it was just an ordinary Thursday, silly me. What would I have done without my little tiger reminding me?” he chuckled. When she instructed him to close out of the fried banana recipe he had open, he quickly dragged his cursor over to do just that and turned his head just a tad to look at his girlfriend with a soft smile. “I thought we agreed on no scheming?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and slightly flared nostrils. “Well, yes. We did agree on no scheming, but we didn’t say anything about surprises!” Alex cooed and pressed her muzzle into the horse’s cheek as he turned his face around to look at her. “I think those are two of the same thing, Alex.” Tashi chuckled. “But I will allow this loophole, but only because it’s my birthday, and I can’t be upset on my birthday.” He snorted happily, nudged at the tiger’s arms that were wrapped around him so that she would let go, and spun himself around in his chair a full 180 degrees. Alex watched him as he spun around with her hands at her hips and a smug grin plastered all over her face; her surprise was about to start in three, two, one…Once the horse was facing the tigress, he saw that she had been standing there naked, the whole time. His eyes widened and his gaze quickly fell from her face down to her bare chest, then back up to her face just as fast. He was used to seeing his girlfriend around the house bottomless, but completely naked only meant a few things; either they skipped out on laundry day that week and were out of clothes to wear, or the tigress wanted to lead the horse somewhere. It was likely the latter since the tigress did do their laundry just a few days prior. With his eyes wide and his heart thumping loudly in his chest as excitement (and blood) rushed through his veins, he smiled shyly at his girlfriend. “Is this my surprise?”Alex did a few poses as her boyfriend stared at her; she even playfully gestured her hands down towards her crotch to try and redirect his gaze to her pussy. The soft white fur of her front contrasted with her orange so much that it was hard to not look, which was an advantage that the tigress sure did use a lot, especially with her boyfriend. She slowly dragged her hands up her sides, following her curves along the way, and brought both her hands to cup her own breasts. She squeezed and played with them as she looked at her boyfriend. “It is part of it, yes! So, if you would just be so kind as to follow me to the rest of your birthday surprise,” Tashi’s eyes weren’t going anywhere now that Alex started playing with her tits. His two sightseers locked to the tigress’s big and pink areolas, where he noticed that she had black tape crossed into an X over both her nipples. His eyes widened and he felt his hips buck forward involuntarily. Nipple tape was one of his biggest kinks, he really should have expected the tigress to pull out all the stops for his birthday, but for some reason, this particular possibility slipped his mind and he didn’t even notice it when he first turned around! He struggled to peel his eyes away from the tiger’s breasts as she squeezed and toyed with them, and when she turned around to start walking away from, there was not a muscle in his body that stopped him from following her like a well-trained puppy. If he were actually a canine, his tail would have been wagging up the wazoo!The tigress started walking out of the horse’s home office one step at a time. When she took one step, the horse did the same and followed her toward the door and out of his workspace. The equine even traced his girlfriend’s steps to perfection, whether that was intentional or not was up for debate, since his eyes weren’t exactly paying attention to where her paws were going. “That’s it…” Alex purred once they left the room and walked through the hallway to their bedroom where the surprise that she had prepared was waiting for them. Alex used her back to push open the door to their bedroom and stepped inside. Tashi followed her right inside, but the gaze he had locked to her breasts broke off once she diverged off-path to go and close the door behind the distracted equine. But the tigress didn’t waste too much time, and once the bedroom door was closed, she walked right up behind her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around him. With a soft purr that rumbled through her chest into the horse’s lower back, she toyed around with Tashi’s shirt and kissed along the horse’s big back. “Are you ready?” Alex asked with a slightly muffled voice from having her lips against his back. Tashi was looking at the bed in the middle of their bedroom, the royal burgundy sheets, white pillows, and a peculiar purple silicone tube standing rather ominously next to a bottle of KY jelly lubricant. After a few seconds of looking at the two items on the bed, it clicked; Alex had bought him a fleshlight as a present. Once he realized that, it wasn’t hard for him to put two and two together and come to another realization; that Alex was going to use it on him. The thought alone made his heart thump in his chest, His tail flickered and brushed up against Alex’s exposed pussy and got her to bite down on her lower lip. “D-Do you see the little present I got you?” Alex fought back a moan as the thick hairs on the equine’s tail brushed against her clit and labia and sent a tingle in all the right places. “Yes, I see it. How did you know I needed a new one?” Tashi let out a soft chuckle as he looked at the bumpy silicone toy that stood menacingly on the bed. His ears flickered to the sound of his girlfriend’s muffled chuckling that came from behind him. “I found your old one all broken in the trash.” She cooed and rubbed her face into her boyfriend’s back some more. The tigress’s hands that were toying with the horse’s shirt slowly started to slide under the fabric and up along the equine’s torso. Her sharp claws combed through his short brown fur as her hands moved from his abs up to his big and firm pecs. This got the horse to start huffing softly as he continued to stare at the toy and a soft red hue spread under his eyes as his nostrils flared from his huffy snorts. ", |
Story Start,Aris’s screaming turned into a desperate whimper as he realised what it all meant. He had completely failed as a man…so Pirate was now turning him into yet another one of his bitches. Kira walked in witnessing the scene…Aris turned his eyes towards her, pleading quietly to stop Pirate from doing this to him, but she simply blushed and smiled at the sight: “Oh my, Pirate, you really did do it. Never thought you would but…looks like I might have competition soon~”She came over and felt the orbs on his chest, now quickly growing by the second into real breasts. “Look at theeeese, why are you crying, my love? Any girl would kill to have a pair like this. And it’s bigger than anything you’d ever have as a man…”Aris felt a finger touching his cock…or what was left of it. Now, to his horror, he realised it had regressed into a little clitoris, topping a brand new opening… the injection was so strong that somehow it had shrunk down his already-pitiful manhood into a vagina. And even worse was that as Kira played with his…her new hole, she could feel it getting slick and wet, as Aris somehow felt a hormonal urge flood her new body. Kira moved her attention back to the pheagle’s cock, lovingly sucking him off as she moaned and looked into his eyes…Aris silently pleaded with Pirate to reverse it, to somehow turn her back into a man, but Pirate rolled his eyes, smiled, and told her to shut up and wait…her turn would be “next.”Pirate went for round two with the whimpering wolfess’ wife, pounding away as the final stages of the transformation took over Aris’ body. It was taking over her mind, too, as she slowly felt her emotions turn from horror and shock to a strange kind of urge…all those hormones rushing around her new body, the smell of sex in the air, watching a real alpha breeder at work, her broken brain started to imagine herself there in her wife’s place. In fact that thought was always in the back of her mind…even before this injection there was a subtle, subliminal thought of what it would feel like to have Pirate’s cock slamming that rear. No wonder the injection turned her into her true self…always a bitch, but now she was HIS bitch. Just like “her wife” is. It took Pirate hours to finish up…but that was ample time for the wolfess’ craving to grow into a fever pitch. By the point Pirate finished up, she was openly begging to be next, needing to feel that cock pulsing inside of her. Having the binds finally released, her first action was to get off the chair, now sticky with her own wetness slicking the surface, and kneel on all fours. She presented her pussy, openly begging with the shame rushing as hard as the pleasure through her body. She needed that cock, and even if she was ashamed, she didn’t care. Once Pirate’s cock entered her newly-formed cunt, there were no other thoughts. Not up until she felt that bird dump his fertile load deep inside her did she start to think about anything else at all…once the pleasure finally went down, the invasive thoughts came in. If she…has a pussy, does this mean she could also…?She got her answer just a few weeks later as her belly started to swell, along with her former wife’s. Now wearing Pirate’s collar, a proud sign of his ownership, and with a belly full of wolf-eagle gryphon chicks, she was humiliated…more the fact that she’d never been this turned on before than anything else. Her new life as Pirate’s breeding bitch. Forever. And though she may wince on the outside, her dribbling pussy as she feels those gryphons kick inside her tells how she really feels", |
Story Start,Rayna Bence was young, athletic, and well-to-do half-elf girl who had everything she wanted. As a half-elf, Rayna was an oddity these lands. Born from a diplomatic union between a powerful human lord and a royal elven princess, her wealthy upbringing ensured she grew up without a care in the world. As is with many wealthy brats, Rayna's sterile livelihood was a bore, and the restless girl found herself making her own fun. Joining with a gang of street rats, Rayna's half-elf body was well suited for clamoring up pallets and jumping between rooftops. As she aged, her parents were distraught that she did not outgrow her hooligan habits, and rumors of her escapades made her the black sheep of the family. Petty thievery and pick-pocketing no longer thrilled Rayna. The young half-elf felt she needed to do something big, something that would cement her name in the underworld. Her friends spoke of a witch in the woods west of the city who provided ointments, medicines, and cures for a steep fee. The reason for the high prices came from the high cost of the ingredients. The Thieves Guild would pay a small ransom for just a small satchel of her wares, but nobody would take the contract due to the risk. It's been said that if the Witch caught you, you would meet a punishment worse than death. Scoffing at the warnings from her Street-Rat friends, Rayna set off in the cover of night to scout her target. The witch's home was scarcely lit, and from what she could see from the windows, nobody was home. "Perfect. " She muttered to herself with a grin. "In-and-out. This will be a synch. " Unfortunately for the 20-year-old half-elf, the Witch had just finished her work in the cellar laboratory, and when she pushed open the trap door in her living room, she confronted the careless thief. Rayna screamed and ran out the door, but not before being zapped by a searing bolt of magic. Rayna groaned in agony as the dark energy coursed through her lithe body, making muscles, organs, tissue, and bone warp, swell, and stretch to obscene proportions. Watching her nose and mouth push from her face, Rayna grabbed her new muzzle and shrieked at the feeling of her fingers fusing into hooves. Screaming, sobbing, and howling alone in the middle of the dark forest, the half-elf's torturous transformation molded her body into a beast of burden... a mare. Rayna couldn't believe what she was experiencing. Stumbling on unfamiliar legs, the former half-elf female made her way back into the city. Rayna couldn't tell anyone what happened to her; she wouldn't survive the humiliation of the city knowing that the richest, most powerful family's daughter had been turned into a simple beast. The poor wretch spent her days trotting to alchemy and magic shops, disguising her identity and pleading with the mages for a cure, but to no avail. The magic she'd been cursed with was more potent than anything they'd ever seen, and the latent energy signatures in her transformed flesh told them who did this. Nobody would waste the resources to uncurse such a potent spell, least of all a spell cast by a Witch as powerful and infamous as the one Rayna tangled with. To cure her would be to court the Witch's ire, and they too might find themselves in a similar fate. One magic shop did have a potion that would uncurse the mare, but they refused to sell to her. Kicked out of the store, Rayna paced back and forth in the street, muttering and fuming to herself as she desperately tried to devise a plan to get that potion. With a body as bulky and massive as hers, it would be impossible for her to break in and steal the potion, especially considering she didn't have any hands to grasp anything. Suddenly she felt a poke at her flank, and she whirled around and bared her teeth to growl at the person who dared touch her hind quarters. To her befuddlement, it was a fox: an anthro white fox to be precise. Smiling with a sincere grin, he introduced himself as Crytrauv, and he offered to purchase the potion for her in exchange for some help. Crytrauv explained that the potion would cost a small fortune, but he would be willing to part with the coin if she agreed to carry him for his travels for a year. Flummoxed, Rayna Bence angrily rejected his proposal. Her? A wealthy heir?! To be a common mount for a lowly anthro?! It was so insulting that Rayna nearly charged the Fox to trample him to death. Crytrauv shrugged, smiled, and said, "Oh well... " Watching him walk off into the crowd, the former young half-elf clenched her eyes in frustration, stamped her hoof, and shouted, "FINE!" The fox turned back and patted the mare on the nose, his eyes glinting with the faintest hint of predatory glee. As she watched the white fox purchase the potion through the shop window, Rayna couldn't help but feel the slightest twinge of dread for what she had agreed to. Tying the small vial around his neck for safe-keeping, Crytrauv walked Rayna to the stables to get her saddled up, chastising the transformed half-elf for walking so awkwardly. It wasn't her fault, of course. Having only existed in this cursed equine body for 2 days, her half-elf brain was ill suited to move about on all fours. The transformed heiress snapped back, inadvertently revealing her true identity to the fox in an effort to intimidate him. The revelation only seemed to embolden the sly fox, and Crytrauv teased threateningly about how fun it would be to reveal to her family what had happened to her. Rayna was aghast! They couldn't know! The city must never know that she was walking around naked, on all fours, with her rump displayed for all to see. Her family had a reputation to keep, so she begrudgingly submitted to the Fox's whim... for now. Thinking it better to remain silent to conceal her identity, Rayna trotted into the city stables and acted natural... as natural as an unusually clumsy mare could. The former half-elf winced as the stable master and fox ran their hands all over her body, sizing her up, measuring her, and examining her health like she was a common beast of burden… which she was. During the fitting, Rayna nervously shuffled and clopped as Crytrauv dipped his head beneath her frame to run the saddle strap under her round torso, and what happened next shocked her to her core. The fox lifted his head between her legs and planted his furry face into her soft dugs, eliciting an involuntary whinny at the sensation of that cold black nose touching her feral mammaries. She barely controlled the urge to screech out in her human voice, but she managed to hold her disguise lest the stable master find out her identity. No living creature had ever touched her breasts before, let alone her degrading crotch boobs, and the indecent, violating molestation made her want to kick the bastards head clean off his shoulders. Obedient and barely restrained, Rayna Bence played dumb mare, suffering through the fitting without any protest. Strapped and saddled, Rayna trotted out of the stable with the white fox atop her. She almost marveled at the ease with which her back carried him, her mind still not accustomed to the sheer power of her massive, muscular body. The straps wrapped around her body in uncomfortable ways, running up the seam between her flanks and torso, as well as hobbling her legs to prevent her from kicking. The former half-elf was already having a difficult time controlling her unfamiliar body, and the saddle and restraints weren’t certainly weren’t helping. The two traveled for days inland of Rayna’s home city, during which Crytrauv would scold and chide his mount for her slow and awkward stride. “C’mon mare!” He commanded. “You’re my mount now! Act like it!” Ms. Bence had had enough of the bastard’s jeers. “I’m not your MARE! D-Don’t you DARE call me that!” She howled, she tried to buck the white fox off her back. Crytrauv pulled on the restraints to hobble her legs before deftly jumping off yanking her long face towards his. Staring eye-to-eye, Rayna stamped her feet and bared her teeth, seething, “I’m the heir to the Bence Family Fortune! You shall treat me with res-**NEEIGH!**” The white fox yanked on the restraints, causing the heavy equine to fall on her side with a heavy thump. Tying her hooves in leather straps, Crytrauv spoke with a wicked grin, “You’re a fussy, clumsy mare, aren’t you?” The former half-elf woman groaned and whinnied as she struggled to upright herself, threatening, “You insolent, vile, furry little nothing! How dare you speak to me like this! When I… I…” Rayna saw the fox’s red cock spilling out of his fuzzy white sheath, and the sight of it was so alarming that it held her breath in her throat. “W-What are you doing?!” She stammered as she watched her captor kneel behind the curve of her rump. “Just enjoying what’s mine.” He responded simply. “After all, you’re my property, Mare. And I can do with you as I please.” Rayna gasped as she felt his hands rub over her feral privates; those canine paw-pads pressing at the clenched, wrinkled folds of her leathery equine sex, and his thumb squishing into the donut pucker of her charcoal-grey ass.‘So is wasn’t an accident!’ She thought to herself as she remembered how that bastard had molested her crotch-boobs during the fitting of her harness. Unable to kick or struggle from her bindings, the bound mare tried to clench herself closed to keep those furry digits from probing in her most sensitive and vulnerable place, her voice cracking as she warned, “D-Don’t you DARE touch me, Crytrauv! I swear, if you don’t stop, I’ll… I’ll…” The former 20-year-old half-elf was so worked up that she was on the verge of crying. Not only was she not used to being in control, but she’d never been touched in such a way. Her family would overlook her rambunctious, thieving ways on the condition that she “maintain her purity.” It was among the only orders she followed from her father, and she did so reluctantly. Rayna wished she had been born a male; the concept of chastity as a condition for her inheritance infuriated and confounded her. She cringed at the realization that as a half-elf, her family might sell her like livestock; only for her to experience that reality in the most ironic of ways. “G-u-UUGH! **NEIGH!**” Rayna cried out and whinnied at the intrusion of that disgusting canine cock into her clenched, tear-drop shaped sex. “I… I hate you!” She sobbed out as Crytrauv took her. “You… *sob*… you furry piece of shit! **Bur-hrr-hrr!** I’ll fucking… Nnng!... I’ll skin you alive and wear you as a shawl! You… *Sob*… You won’t get away with this!” The lecherous white fox grabbed her reigns and pulled her head towards his grinning face, his teeth bared in a cruel smile as he thrusted and ground into her equine pussy. The former half-elf brat was overcome with a deluge of emotions. Her first real sexual experience with a partner wasn’t supposed to be like this! It was so wrong! As if being raped by low-rung, insolent furry wasn’t bad enough, he was a horse-fucker no less! ‘But I’m not a horse!’ She cringed in her mind. Crytrauv took his time with his mare, forcing her body to shamefully climax on his cock before he sped up and finished in her warm depths. He cleaned his canine cock by wiping it on her left flank, letting his seed dry cake in her fur so that everyone could see how she was used. “I… I hate you! *sniff* You’ll… *Brr-hrr-hrr*… You’ll pay for this… I swear.” She huffed and sniffled as the bastard rapist undid the bindings on her hooves and forced her to stand. He was on her back before she could struggle again, and his ankles dug into her sides to urge her forward. “I doubt that, Mare.” He said confidently. “Unless you want to live the rest of your life on all fours, you’ll do exactly as I say. Remember our deal: you’re mine for a year.” The former half-elf grumbled, staying her threats as she reluctantly but obediently hobbled forward. Rayna would endure this humiliation if it meant her freedom. And as long as she kept her mouth shut, nobody would know she was anything other than a common mare. All she had to do was hold out a year…The white bastard-fox rode Rayna far from her family’s territory, taking her to the lands in the West where the Bence family name was more than unwelcome. In these parts, if the citizens found out who she was, beheading would be the most merciful fate she would encounter. During the day, Crytrauv used her like a common horse, forcing her to carry the anthro fox for his errands and ferry cargo from the warehouses to ports. Time dragged on at a snail’s pace, with Crytrauv violating her in every conceivable way. Though she had mastered control of her cursed feral body over the months, the former half-elf had learned that even her swiftest, best-placed kicks were no match for the speed and deftness of his canine physique. By the sixth month, she stopped trying to struggle during their encounters, standing still and lifting her tail to let him have his way. “Just fin- *nnnngh*-ish, you bastard!” Rayna seethed with hatred as he licked and probed her feral nethers with his disgusting canine tongue. Crytrauv, that cruel-hearted trickster, seemed to love bringing her into an unwanted orgasm just as much as he loved to spend himself in her; a kind of mean torment that etched away at the bratty half-elf’s defiant nature. Still, the high-born half-elf held onto her dignity, knowing that as long as nobody knew of her temporary and miserable existence as a mare slave, she could live her life as if it didn’t happen when she changed back. For Crytrauv though, she dreamed of what she would do to him once she had her body back. By the 8th month of indentured servitude, Rayna Bence noticed a bothersome change in her physiology. Her lower belly and dugs were agitated and bubbly with the slightest movements of her back legs, and most embarrassingly, her feral cunny was hot, swollen, and perpetually wet. The former half-elf knew enough about animals to know what was happening, and though it pained her to admit it, she realized that she had gone into an annual heat. “Uh-ho! Looks like someone is particularly eager to see me today.” Crytrauv chided as he performed his end-of-the-day ritual on his animal property. “S-Shut up!” Rayna huffed. “I… Nnng… it’s not my fault!” The lecherous white fox did not finish himself in his slave tonight, which was quite unusual. Instead, he tied a spreader bar between her ankles and sinched her back legs to her bridle. “What are you doing?” Rayna asked with a huff. “I fucking told you already that I won’t kick! Just do your vile business and be done with me!” Crytrauv pet the mare’s long muzzle and peered into her eyes with those snake-like slotted pupils, saying, “You know, I’ve been hoping you’d gone into heat before our contract expired. You’ve been a lousy steed, but you’ve had your…” He paused to pinch at her engorged and wrinkled equine muff. “…uses. But I know another way you can be productive.”Rayna frowned as she watched Crytrauv walk to the far end of the barn, and her heart jumped when she heard the throaty, deep whinny of another horse. “What? What do you mean by that?!” The naïve mare-slave shouted as she heard heavy hooves clopping towards her. With her back legs bound and her bridle tied to a beam, she hobbled sideways and saw what Crytrauv was bringing. It was another horse. But not just any horse, it was a Clydesdale Stallion. He was absolutely massive! He must have weighed almost twice as much as Rayna’s mare body. The Clydesdale was so large, in fact, that the bottom of the beast’s torso was nearly at the height of her equine back. To call this creature a mere horse would be like calling a dragon a lizard. And the Clydesdale was obviously male! Rayna’s green eyes opened with shock and horror at the sight of the Stallions mottled pink and black cock. The mare-slave’s heat had infiltrated his nostrils, making his cock spill out of his leathery sheath and slap against his belly with every twitch and flex of his groin muscles. “C-Crytrauv… you… you can’t mean to…?” Rayna stuttered anxiously with here eyes locked on that monstrous, flopping cock. Despite living in the body of a horse for almost 9 months, Rayna still hated the smell of horses, but her traitorous equine nethers had other ideas. The stallion’s musk wafted into her flared nostrils, making her heat addled, tear drop-shaped sex clench and gape like a hungry, wet maw. The beast lowered his enormous muzzle into her flanks, and Rayna clasped her tail over her privates to defend herself. “Don’t worry about her, boy. She’s just shy.” Crytrauv said as he tied Rayna’s bothersome tail to a rope and forcefully held it to the side, giving the Clydesdale free access to his unwilling mate. “Ugh… F-fuck! Crytrauv!” The bound mare screamed in aghast anger as she hobbled and shifted, trying her hardest to get the stallions mouth out of her flanks. The beasts enormous, hot, wet tongue pressed and wiped over her trembling, clenching, heat-addled girl parts, filling her brain with a mixture of revulsion and unwanted arousal. It now dawned on the frazzled mare what Crytrauv meant when he said, “productive.” “You can’t! Crytrauv! NNG! This is W-W-WRONG!” The former half-elf trembled and shrieked at the bastard-fox. “No Crytrauv! T-This isn’t what I agreed to! Don’t you dare! Don’t you fucking da-**NEEEIGH!**” Rayna whinnied with shock as the weight of the stallion’s chest pressed on top of her rump. Hobbling forward and clenching her sides with his front hooves, the Clydesdale Stallion mounted the mare, shuffling forward to bring that enormous cock to her untested cunny. “Get him off! Get him the fuck **OFF!**” Ryan howled in a desperate, rage-filled voice at the sensation of stallions hot, heavy shaft slapping and poking against her hard flanks and her soft dugs while it attempted to find her sex. The former half-elf’s mind was on the cusp of a full-blown panic attack, and despite her equine strength, her powerful heat kept her legs locked in place, preventing her from shimmying away or bucking the beast off her. The white fox just stood there holding the rope-bound tail away, smiling at his mare slave as she struggled uselessly to away. “G-Get that disgusting barnyard cock away from me, Crytrauv! You… you have to be joking, right?! Crytrauv! S-stop fucking smiling at me and answer--**GASP!**” Rayna’s pleas broke into a gasp at the sensation of that flared, flat-headed equine shaft pressing against her sex. She clenched as hard as she could to keep him out, but her poor groin muscles were no match for the rigidity of that cock, and the strength of the stallion’s hips. Her dark, puffy, wrinkled folds pulled inward with the sudden intrusion of the flared head, and Rayna’s mouth held open into a wide, soundless scream. Her breath pulled in with rapid, trembling gasps, and she shrieked out in a cry that delved from humanoid to feral. “IIIAAAAAA-**NEIIIGGGH!** Get him out! GET HIM OUT! FUUH-HUUUCK! Crytrauv! He’s too big! He’s too FUCKING BIG!” Having only ever had Crytrauv’s red canine cock in her comparatively larger equine pussy, and having previously been unexperienced with penetrative sex, Rayna’s psyche was not at all prepared for the sensation of being speared by a fully-sized equine cock. Considering the size difference between her and this hulking workhorse, even a naturally born mare would be trilling at the large insertion. It hurt! It hurt so much that the mare’s vision wavered and she could see stars. The stallion’s cock was larger than her thigh half-elf thigh, and the diameter of the shaft pulled all the wrinkles out of her equine labia and forced her girl-parts into a wide O. The transformed half-elf clenched her eyes, shook her head, and wailed in misery and despair as the stallion’s cock pushed onward, breaking her untested, quivering depths like an ice-breaker pushing through a frozen sea. “Ow! Ow-ow-ow! Fuck! FUU-HUU-HUUUCK! Get him off! Get him AAAAW-HAAAA-HAAAA-OFF!” She begged as he kept inching into her, pushing his medial ring past her widely stretched lips and forcing her body to respond. Despite her utter revulsion and hatred for what was happening to her, that treasonous cunt dripped rivulets of lubricating arousal, and her vaginal muscles seemed to instinctually clench and suckle at the male’s shaft. Rayna Bence kept screaming and howling indignantly until the puffy glands at the head of the stallion’s cock kissed the tight pucker of her equine cervix, and she opened her eyes to see Crytrauv leering at her, his hand stroking that familiar red cock. “You…You piece of shit!” She hissed through clenched teeth. “You’re getting off to this?! Oh… Oh you’re sick! When I get out of this body, I’m gonna - **UGH!** Oh-my-God… oh-my-God…” The former half-elf’s disgust and rage were cut off at the sensation of the stallion sawing into her depth. It had taken 120 excruciating seconds to cram himself inside the unwilling mare, but now that he’d bottomed out, it was time for the real rutting to commence. The stinging, agonizing pain of the initial intrusion was fading into a warm, tingling arousal, but those new feelings were not at all appreciated or welcome. Rayna’s eyes and cheeks were wet with tears, and plaintive grunts, moans, and whinnies came unbidden from her throat, furthering this demeaning, horrifying experience. The dumb beast’s cock was playing her Judas-Body like an instrument, and she was so close to climaxing that her eye lids were fluttering and her mouth was contorting in a very ungraceful way. The beast’s humping was picking up so feverishly that his grapefruit-sized balls were clapping against her slick, pillowy dugs, and the Rayna knew enough from the bastard white fox’s behavior what that meant. “C-Cr-Crytrauv!” She sobbed out pleadingly, “H-he’s almost finished! G-Get him off! *Whimper* It’s… NnnG! I-i-it’s n-not too late! P-Please! I don’t… I don’t want this! I don’t want to be a M-M-Mommy!” The cruel trickster did not respond, he only stroked himself faster at the sound of his slave’s grunts, moans, sobs, and pleas. “Stop this m-madness, Crytrauv!” She pleaded one last time, her voice wobbling with the rapid churning of that enormous cock. “Please! I-it’s n-not to late! You can…” Rayna held her breath in her throat as the stallion planted himself deep inside of her, and she could feel his balls tensing against the back of her feral breasts. **SPFFT-SPFFFT-SPFFT** With an audible squelching sound, the mare could both hear and feel the workhorse spurting his virile load inside her depth. The puffy glands on the end of his cock kissed against her cervix so tightly that it made a seal, and glob after horrible glob of hot, steaming equine spunk pressurized into her womb. “**NOOOOOO-HOOOO-HOOO!**” Rayna Bence howled out in a tearful, mournful cry before her voice trilled out in a desperate, feral whinny. Her hormonal-saturated body--that mutinous, degrading form--climaxed in kind, causing her vaginal muscles to rhythmically clench and suckle on that horse cock. The former half-elf had never experienced a climax so powerful, yet so disgraceful at the same time. If it weren’t for her brown and white fur, her face would show beet-red with shame. The anguished cry of his slave’s trembling voice was enough to push him over the edge, and the bastard fox blew his load over her long face, catching her in the right eye to make her wince in disgust. The two sweaty, and steaming animals stayed coupled together, with Rayna shivering and panting in exhaustion beneath. The formerly young half-elf choked back her sobs, trying to keep herself together to save face in front of her captor, but her sniffling and tear-soaked faced betrayed her. “Fuck you Crytrauv…” Her shakey, hoarse voice seethed in a haggard whisper. “I’ll… I swear on my life… I’ll make you pay for this.” Wiping his spent cock over her wincing nostrils, Crytrauv grinned wickedly as he replied, “We shall see, Mare. Remember, I have this.” The white fox fondled the reversal potion tied around his neck. “I’ve just extended your stay by 11 months; the time it takes to bake a foal in your belly. And by the size of the sire, I’d say your first born is going to be massive.” Rayna gasped, and clenched her mouth to stay her rage. “Get some rest, Mare; you’re going to need it. I’m going to breed you twice a day for the next week to ensure you catch. If you behave, maybe I’ll make this your only foaling… maybe.” Crytrauv’s voice trailed off as he led the monstrous stallion off her back. With the flared head popping out of her gaping sex, Rayna gasped at the sensation of cups of warm spunk pouring out of her abused cunny. She could feel the Stallion’s virile barnyard seed steaming on her flanks and dripping down her equine dugs, and she shivered as the cool air tickled at the quivering, aching insides of her gaping sex. In the cool air of the barn, her massive back was steaming with sweat, and she could already feel the feral spunk drying on her massive butt. Without arms, the former half-elf was left to attempt to clean herself by rubbing her backside on the wood post, making her gag and cringe at the degrading act. With her breath and heart rate coming under control, she realized it wasn’t just her sex that was sore, she hurt everywhere. The stallion had left bite marks on her neck, and scrapes on her sides where he gripped into her belly with his hooves. The muscles in her four legs ached, having spent the last 45 minutes holding the weight of a dumb brute that weighed almost twice as much as her. Laying down in a pile of hay, the frazzled 20-year-old, cursed half-elf couldn’t believe what had just transpired. Her, Heiress to the Bence Family Fortune, had just been force-bred by a common workhorse. She knew that the White Fox was a sadistic, vile creature, but she never imagined that he would take it this far. “That… *sob*… That fucking liar… *whimper*… that vile bastard… Nnng!” She sniffled to herself. “I’ll… *Brr-hrr-hrr*… I’ll make him pay for this… I swear on my life, I’ll make him pay.” Rayna fell into a fitful slumber, hoping against all hope that she would wake up and this would all be a dream. ", |
Story Start,Meriwah's hips wiggled excitedly as she happily hummed. She had spotted Wyatt returning home from his recent hunting trip, and had ran all the way home to make sure that he had a special welcome. Layla, her wolf mate, was now bound in front of her, whimpering and squirming like the good little bitch she became every time she was tied up. Both of their heats had started while Wyatt was away, and so both were more than ready for his return. The lynx's own breaths were heavy between her little bouts of humming, her own lower lips as ready for her lover's large knot as the whimpering wolf in front of her. Meriwah tenderly stroked the wolf's face as her whining grew louder, her hips squirming harder as she no doubt was feeling every bit of her heat and incapable of doing anything to alleviate it. "Don't worry, my heart. Wyatt is nearly home. " The lynx coo'd. Layla's eyes widened, giving the cat the largest puppy eyes that she could. Meriwah couldn't help but giggle. "Don't worry, he'll breed you first. That's why I got you gift wrapped for him. "The wolf let out a little happy squirm as she processed the words, while the lynx laid her head down onto the pup's sensitive nipples to suckle on them, causing the wolf to let out a high pitched, keening whine. "Did I miss a letter?"The low voice and following chuckle made Meriwah sit up straight and look back with a surprised gaze. Layla tried to follow suite, but with her bonds, she only fell back to the floor with a muffled grunt. "Wyatt!" Meriwah squealed, leaping up to hug the shaggy furred hovawart dog. Her breasts squished against his chest, and the lynx purred loudly as her nipples squished against the firm muscles beneath her lover's long fur coat. The dog quickly wrapped his arms around his lynx, greedily holding her close while burying his muzzle into her short hair. The lynx smile widened into a coy grin as she heard her lover inhale deeply, and his following breaths quickly grew heavier and heavier. Meriway slipped her hand into Wyatt's trousers, and giggled as she found that his length was already mostly out of his sheath. "We missed you, love. " She purred in his floppy ears, sliding her hand along his length. "The last few nights have been sooo long. Both of us in heat without your knot to tie us with. No amount of making each other cum helped. " She teased his length as she spoke, and smiled as she felt his knot slide free of the sheath, throbbing against her hand. "I see…" Wyatt almost moaned out, his words choking as Meriwah squeezed the fat red bulb of his knot. Meriwah nuzzled into Wyatt's throat, grinding her breasts against him as she did, her actions earning a little jerk from his hips as his breathing hitched again. He was so cute when he got flustered. With a sigh, and a small moan to tease her lover, she nuzzled up beneath the fuzzy flap of his ear, making sure he could hear every word with absolute clarity. "So what is holding you back, love? Layla is so very ready for you. " She whispered with all the desire of a pent up succubus. Wyatt almost shook at the words, his body stilling as he processed exactly what he was being told. Meriwah took advantage of the moment, sliding down his body, her hands dragging his trousers down, stripping her lover before pressing her muzzle into the crook of his cock. Her own need was begging her to take every inch right then and there, but she had promised. She instead ran her tongue and mouth briefly over the excited member, slickening him up before pulling her lips off of him with a plop. "Go get her, love. " She commanded gently. "Don't hold back on her. "Layla's tail thumped against the floor as Meriwah spoke, giving a little whimper of confirmation as she rolled herself onto her back, spreading her legs for their lover. Her center dripped with anticipation, already ready for the dog. Her tail only wagged harder as the lovers' eyes met. Meriwah smiled. They were such a cute couple. She gently pushed Wyatt towards her, finally getting the dog to move.It was the final straw of prompting that unleashed the dog. He dove in like a starving man, a glint of madness in his eyes as he grabbed Layla's legs, pulling the bound wolf up onto his cock with a bark. Layla responded by squealing loudly against her muzzle, her eyes rolling back as Wyatt thrust every inch above his knot into her with a greedy smack. The pup didn't get a break. Every bit of pent up need that Wyatt had was seemingly unleashed in a torrent of rough fucking that bounced the wailing wolf up and down his length with each motion. Wyatt leaned over her, barking loudly with each inward thrust, burying each inch of his length into her again and again. sweat beaded on his brow, his tail swishing wildly behind him, his nutsack hanging low with the pent up load. Meriwah licked her lips at the sight of the full orbs bouncing against her wolf. She sank down onto her knees, crawling towards the pair of howling pups, grinning as she watched the two people that she loved most in the world pleasure each other. Her own heat was almost overbearing, but right now she needed to focus on her pups. Her pleasure would come soon enough. The lynx pressed herself up against Wyatt's side, giving herself a perfect view of the couple. The fat red bulbous knot of her Wyatt was struggling to fit inside Layla, and the wolf thrashed about in her binds as she clenched up around the cock inside her, cumming again and again as she was fucked silly. Wyatt was every bit in as much heaven as his bound lover. His eyes were starting to roll back into his head, his tongue rolling out of his mouth as he kept barking with each heaving thrust. His body shook uncontrollably, his arms looking almost like they'd collapse out from beneath him. Meriwah gave a needy mewl as she nuzzled the sweet pup, sneaking one of her hands around him to play with his full balls, gently massaging them as he buried his cock deeper into the little wolf beneath him, each thrust threatening to tie the two as his knot swelled out her upper lips, only stopping because the fattest part of the bulb couldn't quite fit inside her yet. The lynx's other paw went to the bouncing tits of the wailing wolf, pulling and tugging on the sensitive nubs as they bounced. Another keening cry was let loose from Layla's lips, her body shivering uncontrollably as it began to tense up and relax in spasming waves. She was about to hit the peak of her orgasms, and Meriwah knew exactly what the two needed. "Bury your knot in her, Wyatt," Meriwah gently commanded. "She wants your pups. " Wyatt's eyes briefly refocused on Meriwah, the oncoming blankness showing just how close he was. Layla, for her part, emphatically nodded to the lynx's words. Meriwah gently made her dog look at her wolf, showing him how she was begging for his seed. "See? She wants you to impregnate her. If you knot her, there is no way that she won't get pregnant. " She continued teasing. Wyatt let out a needy whine, redoubling his efforts to knot the wolf. His thrusts lifted her off the floor, curling the wolf up beneath him, but still he couldn't quite get his knot inside her. He let out a frustrated whine, his body desperately shaking. He couldn't make it much longer. Meriwah quietly just moved behind Wyatt, grabbing Layla's hips as she put her weight behind Wyatt, pulling them together as his knot strained against Layla's needy cunt. The lynx smiled as she watched the fattest part of the bulb budge, and then slowly slip inside, untill the widest point breached the tight entrance, at which the entire bulb slammed inside with a loud plop. Meriwah then leaned back, and watched the fireworks. Layla's belly bulged as the cock throbbed inside her, her pussy lips stretched around the knot that locked the lovers together. only her head and shoulders rested on the floor as Wyatt curled her up beneath him, his hands clawing at the floor as his face scrunched up at the sudden tightness around his most sensitive spots. The two shook, their entire bodies clenching up as they hit their peaks and teetered on the edge. Wyatt's balls throbbed visibly against Layla, readying quite the load for the little wolf. Meriwah bit down on her lip, watching the moment as the two remained frozen together, like a bow pulled to full taut. Then the release hit, and Meriwah's eyes brightened as she watched the two tumble into orgasmic bliss together. They suddenly jerked together, and then both started jerking. Wyatt bucked his hips madly as he emptied his load inside the wolf. It was hefty enough that Meriwah could swear that she could hear each wave of seed unleashed into her fertile wolf. Meriwah thrashed and tried to howl, but with the muzzle on, all she could do was make a screaming whine, her arms pulling at the ropes that held her captive. Her body jerked, pulling on the knot that locked the two together, causing Wyatt to buck and cum, which would in turn make Layla squeeze and jerk again. Wyatt howled to the world, letting anyone who could hear know that he was breeding his wolf. Meriwah watched as the two kept bucking and grinding, even when the howling died down. Soon enough, Layla laid her head back, happily whining as she let her body get tugged back and forth by the bucking motions of Wyatt. Wyatt's howl died down, leaving the pup with a pleasant blankness in his stare, his eyes rolled slightly back as his tongue hung freely from his lips. Meriwah snuggled back in against her pup, her hand moving to his large floppy ear to give him some scritches. Her other hand gently pet the trembling wolf. "Such good pups…" She purred, sweetly caressing the two. Wyatt's tail began to wag lazily back and forth, while Layla's thumped against the ground, the two panting loudly. "Once you can get your knot out of her, you can breed me," She promised Wyatt, smiling sweetly, "but until then, just concentrate on knocking her up. Don't hold back any seed, love. "Wyatt was too far gone to give much acknowledgement, but he leaned into her, letting her know that he was listening. Meriwah was glad for that, because she was intensely aware of her heat, and she needed that cock inside her. Her legs clenched together as her hips swayed. It wouldn't be long before both she and Layla were carrying Wyatt's pups. Exactly as she planned it. ", |
Story Start,The morning started out just like it always had. 9am, the morning alarm beeped loudly, waking our sleeping folf from his deep slumber. He hits the alarm, a yawn escaping from Forests throat before getting up and stretching. He looks to the side. His glass of water he had drank earlier no where to be found. Roy had probably put it away before going to work he thinks to himself. With the house to himself, he walks out of his bedroom towards the bathroom in his birthday suit. Noticing he has a bit more room between his legs. He passed a small mirror. Taking note of his soft fur, perked ears, round breasts... He stops, rushing to the mirror to check that he wasn't seeing things. His once flat chest now had two large bulbs of flesh. He pressed them, surprised by the tingling sensation that traveled down his body. The feeling between his legs came to mind again, he looked down, his once white sheath and plump balls now replaced by a smooth crotch and warm cave. He prodded, feeling his fingers push past the newly formed lips and sending strong sensations of pleasure through him. Panick started to grow as he wraps his head around his new form. But with it is a growing curiosity. The more he pokes, gropes, and fingers, the more feelings flood his body. They became stronger and more defined the more he keeps at it, beggining to pant and shiver with pleasure. He feels so close, his fingers becoming wet, if only he could.... *Knock knock, click, creaaaak*The bathroom door opens, his friend Roy stands there with a grin on his face. Shocked, Forest pushes himself against the wall while doing his best to cover up. He stampers out questions, blushing and embarrassed Roy had seen him like this. It isn't long till he realizes Roy isn't wearing any clothes. And on top of that, has a big hard boner to show.In an instant, Roy pressed himself against Forest. He whispers into his ear. His fingers fondling his breast. Forest squirms, moaning as Roy's fingers find their way into his cave. He feels himself approaching climax. It feels too good, his mind swims, he can't see straight. He feels Roy's fingers push deep into him, driving him over the edge as his inner walls clamp onto Roy's fingers. He screams a lustfilled moan, juices spilling onto the floor as he experiences one of the most intense climaxes ever. He has no time to recover however. As soon as his climax subsides he's turned onto his hands and knees. He feels Roy mount him from behind, and before he can protest, a warm hard cock slides into him. He lets out another howl of pleasure. His heated moans battling against Roy's heated breaths. He can feel Roy pulsating inside him, getting close. With a big push, he feels Roy's knot pop inside, flooding him with load after load of seed. His vision lights up, seeing stars and colors. He sinks down, cum leaking onto the floor and soaking his fur. Not thinking about the consequences to such actions. Though not much can be blamed due to unforseen transformations. ", |
Story Start,Never in her life had Nata felt so hot and flush as she did in that moment, not even during the worst fever in her youth, as Korval took her as he had so many times before. The heat made her as hazy and dizzy as did the sheer pleasure of her mate's mighty shaft sawing into her. The young heroine could do little more than to clutch the sheets beneath her and gaze upon Korval's magnificent, chiseled form through hazy, half-lidded eyes as he bedded her. The gathered crowd had been at the forefront of her thoughts and woes throughout the entire ceremony, but only now, in the main event, had Nata been able to slowly drown them out. Her mind felt increasingly foggy, awash with delight and ecstasy as he plunged ever deeper into her, faster and harder. All the anxiety she felt was slowly fucked out of her, and the sounds that escaped her lips grew increasingly enthusiastic in kind. Soft, restrained pants and squeals gave way to joyous moans and lewd whimpers - sounds she would be utterly mortified to make before such a crowd were she not so dizzy with pleasure. But nothing else mattered besides Korval, besides this moment, as he consummated their marriage before the eyes of the gathered tribes. His thrusts soon grew sharper and shorter, the bull grunting deeply as he repeatedly, furiously bottomed out inside her. Her cries rose steadily in pitch as she felt her peak - and his - rapidly approaching, until she screamed at the top of her lungs as she came... and brought her bull with her. The hunter tossed his head back as his nuts twitched and pulsed, shooting out a stream of thick, copious ropes into his mate's womb. The show moved to a standstill as Nata writhed and squirmed on her mate's shaft, eyelids fluttering open and shut as she rode out what appeared to the audience as the most wonderful, blissful orgasm she had ever felt. All while Korval stood tall, triumphant, grinding his hips against Nata as his eyes proudly scanned the crowd's reaction, in which he saw a mix of jealousy, pride, fascination and awe. Before long however, Nata drew her mate's attention back to her as she lovingly, reverently called to him. "K-Korval... " she said softly, her pert chest heaving as she continued to pant for breath, with a thoroughly satisfied, pleasured look etched into her lovely face. Just as she had never felt so hot in her life, neither had she felt so spent, so good, so loved. Still impaled on that wonderful shaft of his, his warm, gooey seed pooling in her womb, she slowly succumbed to the exhaustion wrought by her mate's lovemaking.It was with the image of her husband's warm smile, and the relief of knowing that she had overcome this trial, that she drifted into unconsciousness... surely to awake in his arms, or at his side, to do it all over again. ", |
Story Start,It was a calm night, Rex decided to take a walk into the local woods, he already knew the trail, but something wasn't right, he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way, he didn't recognized, the trees seemed twisted, and the vegetation alien to him, he tried for a while to find his way back to the right path to no success, resting on nearby branch he would get startled by the sounds of something approaching. When he turned, a massive looking anthro, horned and muscular, standing just there, in one his hands a golden angular collar with reddish runes faintly pulsing, watching him, before he could speak, the creature asked if he was lost, he said yes, the beast smirked and said he could show the fox a way out, but only if he would get right the beast's riddle, if he wins, the way out would be show to him, if he loses, he would have to wear the collar in the beast's hands. What the worse that could happen? Why not the fox thought, so the creature asked 'What's in the end of the path?', stumped, the fox said, 'the path has no end!' wrong. Before he could notice, the collar was already around his neck, a snug fit, warmth travelled from there to the rest of his body, he grabbed on the thing and the creature asked, 'Want to try again? Same question, same bet' now a bracelet in his hands, 'no! That's a trick question you beast' said the fox, which turned around and started walking down the path, he would discover what was in the end of it. The collar wouldn't stop radiating with a funny feeling, it almost felt good, when the fox took a break to catch his breath, he noticed it, the tent between his legs and a nice wet spot in it, he must have been so distracted by going down that path he must not have noticed it earlier, he should have worried about it, but the warmth just felt so nice, 'Fine i want to try again!' he shouted in the direction of the nearby trees, when he turned, there it was, the beast, no closer than the first time, waiting patiently, the fox considered carefully and said 'there is just more path', wrong. His wrist felt heavier, so did his mind, looking down, both wrist sporting now bracelets similar to his collar, it hit in a instant, he felt to his knees, it was maddening the sensation of his dick rubbing against his pants, he fumbled to take them off ignoring everything else, lust consuming him, it took every single cell of his body to resist his newfound lust, the beast no longer there, leaving him alone with his urges. the now clothless fox pressed on, doing his best to resist, leaving a trail of pre behind and stifling moans, he would walk for a bit, he could swear the beast was lurking him, after a while he would reach the end of the path, a opening in the dense woods, in the middle a massive stone, sounds of running water around and the faint exquisite bird chirping around him, on top of the rock, sat the beast, his legs nice and far apart from each other, displaying his fat balls and plump sheath, the fox stared at it way longer than intended, too him a while to notice what was sitting just in front of it, a bottle with a pinkish glowing liquid inside. 'I want to try again!!' said the fox, lightheaded and eyes tracking down back between the beast's legs, 'The rules have changed, the bet is now another, drink this potion and I will lead you out.' the fox, focused in not giving him to the hellish curse coursing thought his body, didn't thought much and accepted, taking slow steps towards the rock, something in the back of his mind shouted it was a bad idea, but it felt so good... He didn't realized was already in front of the massive beast, towering his form, sitting on top the rock, the fox slowly bought one paw to the weird potion, as he did he saw it, the tip of the beast dick poking out it's sheath, a single bead of pre cum on it, the smell alone made the fox quiver, his mind just a lusty haze, looking up potion in his paws, he started considering again, 'Drink.' his thought stopped fast by the creature words, without hesitation he did so, it felt good, tasted better, his junk now boiling from lust, he would feel it's size getting smaller and smaller. both paws going there, just for the fox to realize he had now a pussy, it was hot and wet, he was needy , so needy in fact he completely forgot about getting out, what he needed was just in front of him anyways. The fox would spend awhile being breed over and over again, till one day he would simply wake up back into the trail where he first got lost, all he knew is that he would surely be getting down that path again~", |
Story Start,After Tarja's last attempt to raid some human farmsteads for an unguarded chicken coop or rabbit hutch ended with her spending an intense night in a horse stable, she's starting a new attempt this night! Not that the night in the stable wasn't delightfully filling and left her pleasantly sore and with a stomach full of a very special kind of warm, slippery protein. But this night she wants to fill her stomach with tender chicken or juicy rabbit meat!... How could she have known that the farmer was breeding such ridiculously huge rabbits?! No wonder the hutch was unguarded, a Flemish Giant buck that size could defend himself pretty well against hungry foxes. Or a surprised coyote bitch whose nightly plans quickly changed as soon as the big buck scruffed her and demonstrated where the 'fuck like a rabbit' saying came from! Well, the buck respected at least some of her intentions and goes to great lengths to make sure the heated yote leaves his hutch with a belly full of rabbits. Damn, this is going to be a hell of a walk of shame for the cheeky bitch and an absolute embarrassment to carry the kits to term. But in that moment, an energetic buck biting into her neck fur and fucking her into submission with all his big bunny thrusting power... yeah... totaly worth it. ", |
Story Start, Hmnmhmm.. " Lyra would Purr strandling her brother, a whole day,no days of flirting secretly in public having driven both of them mad with need to see who would break first, and honestly it was hard to tell who won sense both of them fell in to each others paws the moment slightest bit of privacy presented itself. softly guiding her brother down on his back, Lyra would walk over him, strandling his lap, feeling his already hard cock grinding to her heated need , leaning down nose to nose as she would grind, coaxing a grunt and purr out of her brother. She was so much like their Mother Shads would think, graceful, ladylike, seductive, all traits of a queen in making, but not as refined, like right now, panting with need and lust for her brother. Leaning down to her brothers face looking in to each others eyes, the last moment of sibling rivalry made itself know, nether could resist making the others admit they lost to the lust. "You think your man would approve of this?" Shads would grin, pointing out his dear sisters adultery behavior as he would grind his own breeding tool to her own flower, sending a shiver down her spine with a light whine, before she smiled locking eyes with her brother once more. "You think Dad would?" And with that her brother lost, with a loud lustful growl he would grab her rear with his paws and with one hard thrust slam half of himself deep inside his sister as they both would moan in Unison of forbidden lust and need. Ever sense she caught him with their Mother things have been different, she loved her mate dearly, and she cant deny her Father, but there is just something special about her little brother. Watching him grow, from her little baby Brother needing all of her love and protection to deal with the world, to this young virile stud she just could not get enough of just filled her with such pride and joy. "Oh .. Ah.. Shads... Gods.. when.. Did you .. Ah.. " she bounced up and down on her Brother, gods was he always this big, this good?" Heh, yeah, you love your unhgff.. Brothers fat cock dont you!?" And there it is, that unfiltered, pure lust , it made her chuckle none of her family besides thier dear Mother possessed that fine regal tint that is expected of royalty"Yes..i ah... Love my Brothers fat cock " and she herself falters on that sometimes too. Shads would tighten his grip on his sister, starting to thrust hard, deep and fast now, driven wilder by his sisters words, watching her whine , moan and bounce on his cock in addition to feeling her clasp around him, he could not just hold back anymore. "Mmhgmff.. Fuck yes.. Unhgg!" "Ahh.. Shads.. Yes.. Mmrhff!"they would moan in unison, Lyra could feel herself slipping away her Brothers cock , this situation just being too much to handle, she could not keep up her royal act any more , hold herself back for even a moment. " Ahh- yes... Unhgff.. Gods I love you so much" She would moan, and whine , everything blending together... Her little baby Brother.. Her stud grown man, the need to protect him, the need to please him, All blended in to one.. "unhgg.. Sis.. F.. Fuck ah.. Unhg , love you too!" "Yes, little brother .. Ahh.. Please breed me.. Mhm..i want your cubs, breed your sister ahh ahh, yes!" she could not hold back anymore as she pushed her lips to his, both sharing in a deep wild sloppy passionate kiss, this dumb little brat could never possibly understand how much she loved him. The Kiss was deep, passionate, wild and messy, both now lost in a purple haze of lust and need, moaning whining drooling, the sounds of her brother slamming balls deep in to her echoing throughout the jungle, the kiss breaking if nothing else to catch air only to kiss him again, moaning in between" Unhghff!.. Yeah.. Get pregnant!, take my cubs, Faaawk!" - ahh please.. Yes i need .. Ahh.. Ahhh!!!" she could not hold herself back, the pleasure overwhelming her so, all the lust, physical need and emotions overwhelming her , hitting her climax as she could feel her brother cum!feeling him breed her...impregnating her... Her little boy, big and strong making her his she couldnt resist she knew it was wrong... She knew it be impossible to hide her pregnancy... But none of that mattered now... She needed him and she could not wait to walk around big and heavy with his cubs... ", |
Story Start,The teacher finished passing out a condom to each of the sixth graders and returned to the front of the room. "Now, I hope none of you kids are active yet, but the School Board finally listened to our complaints about some of your older peers who started early and decided to enact a few precautions. I shouldn't have to tell you what these are on your desks, since we've already covered that a few weeks ago in Chapter One... " The students laughed awkwardly, a few of them jostling each other in their desks. "Yes, yes... Unfortunately, we're out of time today, so I can't show you the material instructing you how to properly put them on. Just... Those of you who are active... Please make sure you use them - or that your partners do. "He looked at the clock and saw he had just enough time to give them their assignment. "Okay, between the midterm break and the holiday on Monday, you lot have a long weekend ahead of you, so your homework for Tuesday is to bring me a five-paragraph essay covering what you know about estrus cycles and safe practices. I'd also like you to read the next chapter in your textbooks so we can go over the questions in class without the usual nonsense. Class dismissed!" The bell rang just as he finished saying this, and the students all hurried to grab their books and rush for their lockers. Thankfully for his sanity, they all took the foil-wrapped rubber 'gloves' with them - none of them wanted to deal with the embarrassment if he had to hunt them down and return the sensitive materials. He slumped over the desk, resting his forehead on some papers and wishing the windows in this room opened. "Just two more hours, and then I can take these plugs out and breathe again... Why did I ever agree to this job?" He massaged his snout, careful to avoid dislodging the device the district required all staff to wear who were most directly surrounded by the pheromones of horny kids first experiencing heat and rut.----Parfait ran from the sex-ed classroom with a furious blush, shoving her books into her bag and the offending item into the front zippered pocket as soon as she had her locker open. She was looking forward to the weekend. With any luck she'd be able to find a couple of good raves to attend even without her brother's help. The big jerk was gonna be out of town with some friends. The young beaver girl squirmed as she swung the backpack over her shoulders. Her panties had been itching and chafing oddly since a few minutes into last period, and it had only gotten worse once they started going over the day's lesson. The material soaking through did not make it more comfortable. Hopefully, her brother would be ready to take her home when he got out, because she really needed to change clothes. Parfait dodged and skipped around her peers as she ran through the halls, out the door and off the school's property. It took her only a few minutes to reach her older brother's school, and she couldn't help but smile as she recognized the strains of Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites when she entered the courtyard. Her smile grew wider when she saw someone dancing to it.----Claws Canidae was enjoying himself in the warm, bright weather. While he found the paperwork and lecture aspects of high school as boring as everyone else did, he had found several benefits to the more 'modern' worlds where he got stuck attending as a student. A constant social life with people who were still mostly vibrant in personality, easy access to books and gyms, fewer apocalyptic encounters.... Best of all, when he had a younger body (the current world had molded him and his local history so he was sixteen), nobody looked at him too oddly or derisively for carrying a backpack everywhere or for losing himself in the flow of some freshman's or senior's latest attempt at making a dance mix. Which is what he was doing now. No matter the world, it was always hard to find a remix for any song that both did the original justice and got him moving freely. His last class of the day had been canceled when the teacher got called away at the last minute, and one of his classmates had given him a copy and asked for his opinion. The remix ended and Claws stretched, bowed to the small group watching him from the tables and walked over to his classmate. "Hey, man. I'd say it's pretty good. You kind of jarred me when you changed styles for a few seconds right in the middle there, but I like it. " "Thanks; I'll take a look at it this weekend and see if I can't fix that. Peace, out, dude!" "Ha! Rock on, man. Rock on. " Claws glanced around the courtyard. Leaning against a tree was a cute beaver girl with brown and pink hair in shorts and a striped hoodie. She was staring at him with a smile, but seemed a bit zoned out, so he went over to join her. "Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?"----Parfait watched in awe as the blue-furred canid with the silver streaks in his hair danced to the music like he was opening the floor at a rave party. The wind ruffled his hair as he spun and arced, and carried his scent to her nose, making her shiver in response. As her mind strayed, she found herself imagining what he looked like under those clothes that the exertion plastered to his form. Her thighs clenched as her arousal built up, and she cursed her sex-ed teacher for filling her with these thoughts at the end of the day. When Parfait came back to herself, she was breathing heavily and found the boy walking toward her. Her lips and mouth suddenly seemed very dry, except for her tongue, so she licked her lips and swallowed. "Hey. I'm Claws. You okay?" "P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home. "----"P-Parfait. I'm just waiting for my brother to come out and take me home. " "Oh, cool. Nice to meet you Parfait. Did you like the show?" "That was amazing! Can you teach me to dance like that?" Claws grinned as Parfait gushed, watching her eyes go wide in joyful hope. "Why not? Though you should know that the best way to learn to dance like that is to learn a strip dance. " She had quite the attractive blush, he decided then. Her laughter was nice, as well. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?"A sudden shift in the wind brought Parfait's scent to Claws' nose, and he caught a hint of arousal and spice. With his blood still surging from the earlier activity, he responded to her apparent joke without thinking it through. "Yeah, sure!"----"... Learn a strip dance. " Parfait could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Her earlier daydreams mixed with thoughts of stripping naked in front of this older boy. She sent him a teasing grin to hide her body's reactions and giggled. "Are you gonna teach me to dance on your pole, too?" As soon as she said that, her eyes shot wide and she slapped her paws in front of her maw, shocked at herself. "Yeah, sure!" Even though she realized he was joking along, Parfait nearly walked away right there from nerves. Then she thought of the thing in her bag, how she probably wouldn't be able to find any good raves without her brother and how he always kept an eye on her when she went to one, and she steeled her determination. "Okay. How's this weekend?"----"How's this weekend?" Claws thought about it for a moment, then nodded and took a pen and some scratch paper from his pocket. "This weekend should work. Lemme give you my info. " "That's alright. " Parfait reached into her hoodie and pulled out an ipod. "Okay, I'm ready. "----"-1122. "He recognized that giggle. His sister was already here and waiting for him. Again. "That should be easy for me to remember...it's my birthday!"He let the door close behind him and looked around the courtyard. "Alright. Just give me a call when you're ready for me to help. Looks like your brother's here. "There she was, talking to that guy who sometimes danced out here when people brought out their tunes. Of course. "Okay! See you later, Claws! And thanks!" "Hey, Fay. Ready to go home?" "Am I ever! I really--Ew! What happened to you?" "Someone set off a stink bomb in class a couple periods ago. None of us can smell anything anymore, but the science teacher says that should wear off by tonight. Is it still that bad?" "Seriously, Bro. You stink worse than usual. " "Brat. "----"Bye, Bro! Have fun this weekend!" Parfait waved at her brother from the driveway as he drove off to meet his friends, having packed everything before school. As soon as he was out of sight, she wrinkled her nose and ran inside. Boys. He should have at least come in and showered first - but he was in too much of a hurry. Out of habit, she picked up the phone on her way to her room and dialed a familiar number. "Your call has been forwarde--" Parfait rolled her eyes and hit a couple more buttons to skip the greeting. "Hi Mom. Made it home okay. Bro already left for his... Whatever. I'm gonna spend the weekend celebrating with a friend from school. See you when I get ba--" The voicemail beeped at her, telling her that there was no more space to record. She sighed in exasperation and hung up after confirming that what did get recorded was saved. Up in her room, Parfait dumped the books out of her bag. Since she had been hoping to go out raving, the only class she wasn't ahead in was the one still making her uncomfortable - and that was only because the teacher kept assigning essays for the weekends and only telling them the topic on Friday - or Wednesday, this time. "Who the hell teaches with essays anymore?" Putting the unneeded books on her desk, she put the sex ed text back in her bag with a notebook and pencils, then grabbed some clothes and threw them in. "Ugh. Stupid panties keep chafing...I'm never wearing this pair again!" Taking off her shoes, Parfait threw her pants and her shorts in the hamper, wrinkling her nose as she did so. Then she sighed. "I better take a shower before I go. " At a naughty thought, she giggled to herself. "Oh, he'd never get here that quick... And I'm kinda afraid we'd get caught if he did. "Staring at the phone with a blush for a moment, Parfait looked to either side as if feeling guilty, then picked up the phone and dialed the number Claws gave her.----Claws looked up from what he was reading as his phone rang. He didn't recognize the number, but it had a local area code. "Hello?" "Claws?" "Oh, hi Parfait. That was quick. " "I was wondering if I can come by tonight? Can you pick me up?" "What about your brother?" "He left as soon as he dropped me at home. Some weekend party with his friends. " "Sure, I'll be right over. " "Can you make it half an hour? I want to shower first... " "Alright, see you then, Parfait. " "Bye, Claws. "----"-oh~... "Parfait panted as the shower rained water down around her. She removed her paw slowly from between her legs...~beepbeepbeep... Beepbeepbeep... Beepbeepbeep~Parfait jumped as she was startled by the alarm on her ipod. "Oh, shit!" Frantically, she finished rinsing off and turned off the shower head, then started toweling herself dry as she grabbed her ipod and ran back to her room. She grabbed a clean pair of shorts and threw them on the bed, then opened her underwear drawer. "Oh, God... Really?" Shaking her head and blushing furiously, she pulled out the only remaining contents and pulled them up her legs. "You don't buy black underwear unless you want somebody to see it... Why did I ever listen to that movie...?"Looking over before she stood back up, Parfait saw that the condom had fallen out of her backpack and reached for it. The doorbell rang. "He's here!"Foregoing a shirt, Parfait grabbed her favorite hoodie and shoved the ipod and condom into a pocket before pulling it on and zipping it closed. Then she picked up her bag and ran to answer the front door. "Hey, Fay. Ready to go? You look a bit breathless... " "I'm... Fine... Just lost track of time. Let's go. "----"First you have to feel the song. Close your eyes and listen. Find a pattern in it that speaks to you. "They were in his room. In his bedroom. Parfait hadn't quite expected that... And the whole room smelled just like him. "You're too tense. Relax. I'm gonna start the music. "She closed her eyes and breathed in through her nose. Bad idea. She locked her jaw and choked back a whimper as her thighs quivered. Then she heard the opening notes of a familiar happy hardcore song and felt her pulse race even higher. "Listen. "She listened. She listened, and she smelled, and... "Good. Now move. "His paws were on her hips and they both moved, taking a step to the left. Swaying to the right. More steps. More swaying. Now bowing, and her spinning with his paws on her arms... "Open your eyes. " His face was right in front of hers, and her breath caught for a moment. Then his hair swept across her muzzle in a caress and he leaned back in time with the bass. "Keep moving. "Soon Parfait was lost in the music again, bending over and teasing her shorts down her hips, then back up and spinning away as Claws bumped against her, grinding into her tail. In return she saw him spin in place, flashing the hems of his pants and underpants down low in front with his tail concealing everything. She rolled forward, slipping off her shorts, and threw them past Claws' head as she stood back up. He caught them at the edge of his reach and made a show of whipping them past his face. His tail caressed her face and Parfait followed its path with her nose, drawing down the zipper on her hoodie and baring her flat breasts and midriff. Claws fell to his hands and crawled up to her, then somersaulted backward and kipped to his feet. Parfait gripped the waistband of her panties as he leaned on the bed and raised his shirt hem to his chest. He leaned in as if to kiss her, then dodged back as she did the same, letting her fall to the floor. She rolled over and found his shirt fluttering down to cover her face. As Parfait rose back up after pulling off her drenched black panties, she found Claws laying on his side, bare but for a grin and kept decent only by the fluff of his tail. In the same movement, she slung the sodden article at his face and mooned him just as the song finished playing.----"Parfait, you're a natural at this. " Claws reached up to pull the panties from across his eyes. "A bit more practice and... you... " He trailed off in surprise. Parfait stood there blushing, with the collar of her hoodie fallen past her shoulders, one paw nervously holding the other arm above the elbow. In her other paw she held up a condom, still in its foil wrapper. His nose flared and he sat up, his face covered in her scent from the thrown and drenched panties. "...I thought you were joking about that!" "I... please... I want this. I'll never get to otherwise; my brother always stops me from doing any of the really fun stuff at the raves. " "... Come here. " Claws waited until Parfait was next to him on the bed, then he pulled her close in a hug. "No girl should lose her virginity without being kissed first. " With that said, he placed his paw on the back of her head and kissed her deeply, directly on her maw.----Parfait startled and moaned as Claws pulled her into a kiss and onto his lap. Their every breath was filled with each other’s breath and scent as the music drove their passion higher. Falling back into the rhythm’s spell as she melted into his arms, Parfait rolled her hips, rocking back and forth against Claws, rubbing her lips against the length of his cock. The feel of her smooth, silken fur and supple flesh grinding against his hard, stiffening member and squeezing it against his stomach set Claws on edge as he caressed her tail and kneaded her rump. Parfait moaned louder, arching into his searing sheath as he bucked against her middle, dribbling a sticky trail of precum across his lower abdomen. He broke the kiss and grabbed Parfait by the hips, holding her in place as he caught his breath, his thick, meaty cock twitching in place. “Damn, Fay,” he moaned. “You’ve got some good moves already, kid. Almost made me cream right there!”Parfait was still entranced by the music, but felt a spike of glee at the compliment, blushing at the crude finish. A sudden tug at her nipples initiated another high, the beaver letting loose a high pitched shriek of pleasure as the canid nibbled her perky areolae. Claws once again had to hold her still for a moment so that her energetic response to the little love bite wouldn’t cut her open on his teeth. Gently he began to suck the budding beaver’s left breast, circling the tip of his tongue around her areola and flicking it across her nipple. Claws kneaded Parfait’s right breast, rolling it between the pads on his dew finger and index before tugging it roughly between them. “Y-you’re not gonna get any-- ah! --any milk from th-there,” she responded coyly between gasps and moans, recalling what her sex ed class said about the purpose of breasts. She felt she was able to understand the things her teacher taught about, even though the class always made her feel awkward. As her thoughts briefly turned to those lessons, she realized the itch she had mistaken for chafing earlier had grown to a dull burning of indefinable need. Claws didn’t mind the dearth of dairy coming from within the childish chest, simply enjoying the music the girl added to that around them as he massaged her mammaries with lips, tongue and paw. Noticing Parfait’s growing awareness in her verbal response and as she slipped in and out of her memories and thoughts, Claws decided to go lower, savoring her scent as he sniffed her form, laying her across the bed as he leaned over her. Biting her lip, the young beaver girl moaned as she began anticipating what Claws would do to her as he reached her sensitive spots. Reaching the apex of her legs, Claws breathed deeply of her arousal, gently rubbing her thighs as she tried to close them in embarrassment without pulling her legs from where they had remained wrapped around him since he pulled her into his lap. His next act elicited a needful whimper from her throat as he slid his paws up, spreading her between his dewclaws, and began to lick the lolita’s lovely lips, finding the flavor worthy to be labeled delicious. Parfait moaned as she felt Claws’ long tongue prod and probe her sensitive nethers. The music’s trance fell back over her, rendering her unable to speak more than unintelligible utterances that were nearly all drowned out by the deep bass of the new track. Claws could feel the tremors coming from her body as she locked her legs around his head, smothering him in the nubile beaver’s other beaver. He responded to the unspoken invitation by shifting his snout upward to her clit, gently nipping and tugging it around. She cried out, almost sobbing as tears of exertion welled in her eyes, crying not in agony of pain, but in ecstasy of pleasure. Thus forewarned, Claws quickly pulled her legs from his head and withdrew his snout from the girl’s snatch in time to watch a stream of clear, semi-viscous liquid erupt forth and flood his sheets. He sat back and released her legs, about to say something until she waved her paw in tired dismissal. Parfait clenched her legs together, concealing her treasure as her body twitched and spasmed the way Claws’ cock had done when he shot his pre-load earlier. “I-I’m f-fine…” she gasped out, still cumming and oozing sensuality from her nethers. Claws murred a little, a seductive undertone to accent their actions. “You want me to continue, Fay?” he asked, wiping some of her fem-cum from his wet nose and licking it erotically. “Judging from the mess you’re making on my bed, you want more.” Parfait only nodded as she spread herself open, the furious blush seeming by now to be a permanent feature on her face. “Ah, ah, ah, my naughty Fay… There’s something else I want to do with you first.”Claws picked up the little beaver, shifted himself underneath her and turned her rump to his face. “There’s something I’d love for you to take care of for me…” he said, tickling her ass with a heart-shaped swipe along her firm cheeks. “If you can do this dance, I’ll be sure to reward you again.” Parfait nodded. “Do you know what to do, Fay?” Parfait turned her face to look at Claws’, shaking her head as her beautiful brown butt wiggled with excitement. Claws cleared his throat and swallowed, licking his suddenly-dry lips as he tried obviously to avert his attention from Parfait’s distracting derriere. “J-just take my rod in your mouth and suck it. You know the way you suck a lollipop or a push pop.”“Oh, I just bite into them after three licks and a suck…” Parfait said in a playful tone. Claws shivered at her words. “Eep!” Parfait squeaked, jumping as Claws suddenly swatted her rump. Claws murred again and bit his lower lip at the sight of her ass reddening in response. She stared a moment, then grabbed the ready rocket and took it in her mouth, the cock protruding into her cheek as it went in, avoiding her buck teeth. “HMOWF MHF ISH?” Parfait mumbled, her voice muffled as she shifted the cock around in her mouth. “You’re doing good, Fay,” Claws said. “Now just keep sucking like a good girl.” Parfait mumbled an agreement, trying to suck the raging rod like a Capri-Sun straw. “Mm... Move your head up and down, too. Stroke me if it’s too much to take in.” She complied, bobbing her head up and down the shaft rhythmically as the music continued to play. She tried not to go too far as she felt a small gag reflex the deeper she went. “That’s it, Fay.” Claws murred a bit louder as he started eating her cunny out again. That feeling of electricity shot through her body as he resumed licking her clit and fingered her pussy, teasing her tailhole with the other paw after wiping up some of her juices. That itch, the one from Sex Ed that afternoon which had developed into a burning just a short while ago, had abated slightly when Claws made Parfait cum, but now returned with a vengeance. Parfait kept rocking her rear toward the canid male, trying to get Claws to finger her deeper and relieve her of the powerful feeling. She began to shift his meat to the center of her maw and suck harder, the increased pressure and the scraping of her buck-teeth against Claws’ flesh almost sending him over the edge. Parfait pulled away from Claws’ cock, panting heavily as he deliberately avoided plunging any deeper inside Parfait’s holes with his fingers. “What’s wrong,” Claws asked. “I can tell you want it in... Don’t you?”Parfait nodded, lust-fogged eyes slowly gaining focus, presenting her rear toward Claws as he shifted himself from underneath the young girl. “W-wait!” Parfait said as she looked around frantically, her ass wiggling enticingly as she searched, quickly finding the condom she had gotten from her Sex Ed class and dropped during the excitement. “I want you to wear this... To be safe.”“Put it on me.” Claws prodded Parfait with his erection, then backed away slightly. “I assume you know how…?”Parfait nodded - a lie, but it seemed simple enough. She tore open the wrapper with her two front teeth and began to roll the rubber around his shaft. Claws chuckled silently, concealing an amused smirk, as he noticed she forgot to leave a gap at the tip so the condom wouldn’t break. He didn’t mind - the task of filling this beaver was the only goal her scent and his lust would allow him since he saw her standing demurely with the condom in her hand just after stripping for him. To Parfait’s naive and innocent eyes, the condom looked like a fun little balloon that one would find in a circus when she finally finished rolling it onto his penis. “Th-there,” she said, more loudly than necessary.”“Thatta Girl, Fay.” Claws gave a more open smirk as he started to enter the girl. “This’ll hurt, only a little, but it’ll feel much better later.” Parfait gulped, anticipating the pain, and Claws couldn’t help but to notice. “Hey... Fay,” he said. “We’re going into the next part of our lesson. You ready?” She nodded and Claws picked her up and held her against his stomach, his member in close proximity to her cunny. Parfait was very nervous. All she could think about was bearing the upcoming pain, and so she was caught off guard when Claws’ lips again met her own.--------Startled by the latest kiss, with her mind stuck on the thought of Claws filling her and preparing herself for the pain he had warned her about, Parfait accidentally jerked loose from Claws’ grasp. Not expecting the sudden return to her own freedom of movement, she felt her knees give out and her hips drop down, sending her back into his lap. This time was different, however, in that she had just allowed her dance partner to lift her directly over his head, so that as she fell, he slide right inside her. “AH!”“Hnngh!” The momentum with which Parfait fell and the slickness within her tight tunnel sent the wolf-like male’s pride plunging quickly through her hymen, the resistance from her virgin barrier all the more apparent in the brief instant before it snapped with the lack of resistance from her ready pussy. Claws instinctively bucked in response, aborting the motion as he saw her discomfort and wrapping his arms around her again to hold her in place, brushing away her tears with his lips. “Shh... You’re okay, Fay... Just hold still…”Claws moved his paws to Parfait’s hips and slowly lowered her further, entering her deeper as her cries of pain subsided. The penile digging felt more or less uncomfortable for Parfait, making her flail her legs about. “Calm down, now,” he said, stilling one of her legs as he continued, keeping her from falling again with the other. “Ah!” Parfait cried out as the tip of his glans touched her cervix. He was a tad bit disappointed that he couldn’t hilt inside the loli’s beaver, but her tight cavern made up for it. “I’m all the way in, Fay. Does it hurt?” Claws whispered in Parfait’s ear as he took one hand off her leg and pulled her petite form to his chest. She shook her head slowly, as her body felt more uncomfortable as her virgin terrain was being stretched open by his hard probe. “L-Let me stay like this,” she said, clenching her legs around his lower back. The canid nodded, playing with her button a little as her insides adjusted themselves to his thick, long penis. “I’ll let you take the lead,” he said as rather erotic song blasted through the speakers. The way the rhythm sounded seemed appropriate for what was about to happen. Parfait moved about, burying her heels against Claws’ tail and cheeks to support her weight. Wet slurping sounds echoed faintly through the room’s air, a mix of her deflowered blood and some feminine nectar being the cause as her vaginal vacuum left no room for air inside. Claws murred as Parfait’s vestibular glands secreted a rather heady scent that made his sense of smell go ballistic. Parfait started grinding herself in short clockwise and counterclockwise motions, trying to scratch that itch she felt inside of her. As a sense of relief in her sex helped her come to her senses, she couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Claws’ lolling tongue. It was then she knew she got the rhythm Claws mentioned. She listened to the music more, the frequency of the bass drops and sensual drum beats matched with Parfait’s suspended twerking and grinding along Claws’ stiff cock. Parfait moaned as the tingling warmth diffused throughout her body as if ants were crawling on her skin. It felt good, the bass drops felt like waves of sound pounding her body in all the right places. Her motion changed as the building aural hype faded out into a new series of drums, bass, and sample sounds played in the background. The up-and-down motion set Claws on edge as Parfait kept moving her firm ass along his shaft. He howled but held back his load, together with the sound of the second sequential series of bass drops. “Awrr?” Claws uttered a feral sound as he felt the rawness of her meaty cervix. The fleshy ring literally wrapped around the tip of his glans sucking in the area around his urethra as more pre leaked out of his johnson. He panted, lolling his tongue to the side thinking of how he almost lost it just then. Parfait, on the other hand, lost all sense of awareness. She kept grinding her ass along his shaft as she neared her climax. “HIIIII!” Parfait writhed, losing her foothold along Claws’ ass. He quickly grabbed her by her little back. Parfait locked her legs stiff as she twitched about. Her inner walls contracted in a wavy motion toward her uterine opening, trying to milk Claws of all the seed he could muster. A sudden poke at her tailhole caused the little beaver to squeak. “Did I say you were done?” Claws said sternly-the way a coach would interrogate his players. “N-no sir.” Parfait said, a bit intimidated from the commanding tone. “Good girl, because I’ll have to punish this hole if you don't keep dancing.” Claws replied, wiggling his index digit inside her taint teasingly. Parfait squealed at the odd sensation. The next song played, and Parfait felt a little rusty as she kept grinding her slick beaver up and down Claws’ long and still aroused wood. The particular deadmau5 song that was currently playing didn’t catch her attention like the previous erotic song had. Claws could tell her focus was off when her grinding seemed slow and lighter than before. Claws grabbed Parfait by her firm little rump, groping it and massaging it firmly. His left middle finger reached inside her tailhiole and she made yet another peep. Why is Claws doing this? she thought to herself as she writhed against his shaft. It was very uncomfortable; worse than the way she felt when he first entered her earlier. Claws tried wiggling around her again, making her squeak more with the rising discomfort. “Dammit Claws!” Parfait screamed. “Stop playing with my butt!” Parfait huffed in frustration. He continued more frequently and even went deeper inside her. Now she was mad-and Hell hath no fury like a loli teased. A little puff of her cheeks and she grasped Claws’ by his breasts, angrily grinding his member at a faster and rougher pace than she did at the last song. Her thumbs pressed against his nipples like a joystick, making them harder from her stimulation. A soft canine whimper emerged from his lips, saiting the angry beaver’s desire for payback. A malicious giggle set Parfait in a rather good mood as she felt aroused once again. She had learned something Claws never taught her directly: she can create her own rhythm and her own dance, regardless of any music that was playing. The sound of Claws’ moans seemed like music to her ears as she continued to grind him. And pretty soon the finger in her taint reached all the way in, but she didn’t mind, as the lightheadedness and sensual tingling showered her body yet again. Her inner walls contracted inwards like a lubricated conveyor belt to a factory, making Claws buck more and more inside of her. Parfait moaned as his member went inside her, stretching her partially as he made one final buck to tie his knot inside her. Claws panted again , his tongue lolling to the side of his mouth with a small drop of drool trickling down to the floor below. Parfait wasn’t done, as she kept making circular grinding motions against his knot. She felt in control as he was fully hilted in her. He couldn’t let go, or loosen himself as the young beaver constantly sucked him in, compressing his insides with fierce pressure. Claws let out a vociferous, pained, labored yelp as he erupted, finally ruining the cheap condom and painting Parfait’s inner canvas sticky white. With his tailhole twitching and his knees buckling, Claws fell back on the bed clumsily. His knot kept them both tied together at the base as his seed continued to jet into Parfait at regular intervals. The sixth-grader herself sat on him wariza style, her knees digging into the sides of his stomach and her heels against his thighs as she rode him to another gushing orgasm of her own before collapsing.----Claws withdrew from their embrace and pulled out of her, then looked down. "Oops. "Still dazed from the pleasure, Parfait sat up with a sore wince. "What's wrong?" "I've got good news or bad news. "She pouted up at him. "The condom broke. " "Huh?" Parfait looked down and dipped her paw into the sticky mess between her thighs and held it up to inspect it, curiously sniffing and tasting the mingled fluids. "Mmm... "Claws licked his lips hungrily at the display, his slowly wilting erection rapidly hardening again as he cocks his head and sniffs. "You're not wearing perfume... Are you?" It came out as more of a statement, his earlier suspicions all but confirmed. Her eyes were closed as she savored their flavor, but fluttered open at the question. "Perfume? No, why?" "You're in heat, Fay. " He placed a kiss on her nose. She crossed her eyes to stare at him as he came close and kissed her nose, then as he backed away, before continuing to lick her paw clean. "Mmm... Okay. " "You're gonna get pregnant. "Her eyes went wide. "Oh. I- I see... " She bit her lip in worry, then shivered and moaned as she was distracted from her thoughts by the return of that itchy warmth deep inside. She swallowed thickly as she saw his cock standing tall again and reached for it, her head swimming in his musky scent, stronger now than it was before their activities. Claws raised an eyebrow as the young beaver girl removed the used and useless condom, then smiled as Parfait gave him a sultry smirk and spoke. "I told my mother I'd be here all weekend. Let's not waste it. " ", |
Story Start,Noire had just walked through the door, shutting it behind her as she entered the house. “Noire is that you? Thought you wouldn’t be home till next week!” Her father called from the kitchen. Noire made her way into the kitchen and saw her father just finishing a meal of what she thought was salmon. Gris looked as leisurely as ever, leaned back in his chair in the nude. “Oh you know, the unpredictability of a magic school, one botched summon and everyone needs to leave while it’s taken care of, decided to start our break early. Couldn’t have happened at a better time, heat started early this month.” Noire exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. She strode over to sit by her father glancing at the sunset as she passed the window. “How about you dad, you’re home from the shop rather early.” Her dad nodded, his blue eyes shining. He had a somewhat mischievous grin on his face. “Finished up all weapons that have been ordered, your mother needs to do the finishing touches. We are out of material for the enchantments so she had to go on a bit of an expedition these last few days, been a bit pent up with her gone. Wanna help each other? Bet it’ll help your heat.~” Gris said cheerily. Noire met her father's eyes and bit her lip. Her hands twitched. She was pretty sure she should say no, her heat meant it’s very likely she’s become pregnant if she did. But her crotch burned with yearning, and toys didn’t quite do it at times like this. “I-I suppose... But you better pull out! I don’t wanna deal with a litter!” Noire mumbled. Her fathers grin widened as his eyes fell into a seductive gaze. “Of course! I’d never think to do something so brazen.” Gris cooed to her. He put his hand under Noires and ushered her to stand. She looked somewhat hesitant, glancing out the window for a moment at the setting sun, but she soon relented and stood meeting his gaze. She took a step closer to him and put a hand on his soft shoulder as he slid off Noires loincloth. Tossing it to the ground and shortly after grabbing her strapless top to take it off, her breasts pressing pulled up against the fabric as it was taken off, bouncing out, soft and perky. Tossing her daughters top to the side, he then wrapped his arm around her bum grabbing her upper thigh. With the other arm wrapping it around her back to support her as he lifted her into his arms. His slowly erecting member began to twitch the somewhat hard, but still soft, spikes near his tip bristling. It rubbed against her moist cunny. “You ready?” He inquired tohis daughter. “Y-yeah...” Noire murmured. Her slit moistened as his cock brushed against it, the gentle warmths emanating from both their genitals adding to her arousal. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed up against him. Gris pulled back the arm around her back raised to grab her shoulder. Pulling back his hips Gris aligned his tip with the entrance to her most sacred bits, he pressed against them, pushing her lips aside as his member slid inside her; he could feel her warm breath along his back as he entered her. He pushed deeper, his cock snuggly fit inside, as he began a slow rhythmic thrusting. Each thrust sending waves of pleasure within them. The spikes along the length of his penis itching the yearning deep inside Noire. The walls of her vagina lubricating to ease the sex, which in turn led to Gris picking up pace. Gris gritted his teeth, he already felt so great from the mix of taboo of their relations and the feeling from the each thrust inside her velvety walls, but he wasn’t going to orgasm so early, after all her pleasure was one of his top priorities right now. He gripped her shoulder and thigh with a little more force, but with this position it was tricky for him to pick up speed. He stepped forward toward the table and gently lower waist down till her bum was supported by the table. Noire then drew back an arm she had wrapped around the back of his neck and gently caressed his check, and drew him in for a kiss. Closing their eyes, their lips interlocked. Noires tongue sliding into his mouth and intertwining with her fathers tongue, as his rhythmic thrusting increased up in tempo. His warm, heavy balls slapping against her, creating a plap sound each time they hit against her steamy slit. “Dad... What the hell I said not inside. There’s so much how am I suppose to NOT get pregnant from all that?” Noire exclaimed with a hint of exasperation. She had a feeling she’d already been impregnated by all of it, the warm ooze sloshing about inside her with each twitch. She didn’t mind as much as she probably should, it felt so good, the warm mess inside her, and his cock, still twitching every now and then with another little bit of his fresh seed. But even then he was so brazen as to lean down and lock lips with her once again, she accepted it however even intertwining her tongue with his for the long moment they kissed. Until he pulled away and met her faltering stern gaze. “Sorry sweetie, I just couldn’t resist. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Gris promised. Her gaze faltered more, she couldn’t stay upset at him. She was almost ready to ask him to finish inside anyway but she wasn’t quite able to catch her breath to say it before he came. “If it’s any consolation I think you look great like this.” He praised as he pulled out, cum gushing out of her as he stepped back to admire his handiwork. “Leave it to you to admire your own daughter leaking with your cum after doing the deed.” She mocked. “It’s fine I suppose, not much that can be done now.” She sighed. Shortly after a grin returning to her face. “You know-“ she started, recomposing herself. She reached down to her used cunt and spread it with two of her fingers. “The damage is already done, might as well go for round two~” she chirped. “With pleasure~” Gris approved. ", |
Story Start,Valencia was surprised, she didn’t get horny very often. It was never this bad before either, her slit felt like it was hovering just over fire. It was a nearly unbearable itch, she was in the bathroom just a few minutes ago and had massaged her sensitive parts until she felt relief but this time it was very short lived relief. After only a few minutes of sitting on the couch it was burning up all over again. Is this what being in heat feels like? Mom really has to go through this every month? It’s unbearable how does she deal with it? She reflected to herself. She hadn’t had to deal with being in heat before even though most of her friends have had to deal with one before, and she couldn’t just do what they did and spend a night with whoever they were dating, she didn’t have a boyfriend and she hadn’t even had sex before. She couldn’t just go out and put herself out either, that would be too embarrassing!In the doorway behind her she heard a grunt. She turned around, it was her dad Nemorus shirtless and in his shorts, a big tall mean looking dark deathclaw with a scar over one eye he kept closed. Really though he was a big softy, at least to her and her mother Noire. He sniffed the air and his nostril flared. When she looked down she saw… Well, an impressively sizable bulge in his shorts. She quickly returned her eyes to his, embarrassed to have been lingering on his crotch for any time at all. “Where’s Noire? I think she uhh…” he sniffed again. “Could probably use my help about now.” He finished with a slightly confused look. Embarrassed, she quickly realized he was smelling. The pheromones she was giving off from her heat. She put her hands over her crotch, her face flushed. “I ummm.. I think she went to spend the day with grandpa and grandma. She wanted to help them with a big order their shop got. I don’t think she’ll be home till later.” She murmured, avoiding making eye contact. She saw Nemorus rubbing the back of his head, his erection still as prevalent. She couldn’t help but linger her attention on his dick. Why is it so big? Why do I want to see it so badly? She thought. Her father walked beside her by the couch and sat next to her. “Well, I maybe thought it was Noire I was smelling but. If ya want to I can still maybe help you. Yer an adult now after all and ya got needs.” Nemorus offered. Valencia then heard him snickered to himself. “Plus well that smell kinda has me hard wired now, even though it smells a bit different coming from you. Think I might need some help too.” He finished. Valencia’s face flushed even more, she was pretty sure she would decline but he smelt so nice, and his bulge was so… big. She could already see a spot the pre was dampening his shorts. “I- um..” she stammered, glancing between her crotch and his multiple times. Her crotch was burning more and more with each passing second. Even if she wanted to, she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to say no at a time like this. “It would umm- It would be my first time I wouldn’t know what to do dad. But- but I can try.” Valencia stammered. Nemorus raised an eyebrow at her. “Girl pretty as ya? No way ya haven’t popped yer cherry.” Her dad said with doubt. He got up from the couch and positioned himself in front of her. He towered over her, even when he kneeled in front of her she felt small in comparison. He put his claws on hers and moved them to her side. He then gingerly removed his daughter's pants followed shortly by her panties. To assist him she removed her shirt. With some hesitation she reached to her back, unclasping her bra and set it to the side. Her breasts falling to rest, perky and supple. She now sat naked before her father and out of instinct she looked to the side and closed her legs tight from embarrassment. Nem reassuringly put his hands on hers. “Don’t worry I’ll be slow for ya, in the beginning at least.” He said with a smirk. Valencia looked back at him and nodded, spreading her legs for him. Her snatch was swollen from the heat; she was sure he could feel the warmth emanating from it. “Huh still there just as you said. Guess I’ll need to make sure yer well lubricated then. I’ll try and stretch it gentle like.” She saw him lick his maw with his long tongue as he lined up his maw with her entrance and closed his eyes. “Dad I- ooh! ahh!” She was abruptly cut off as he licked his tongue along pussy, sending shivers up her body. Lapping at her entrance repeatedly before slowly working his tongue inside her vagina. She could feel it inside her, slowly pushing its way in, each little bit aiding to the pleasure. She could feel him getting close to her deepest regions already with just his tongue. This is just his tongue! I already feel like I’m being stretched inside and this is just his tongue! What’s it gonna feel like when he.. her thoughts trailed off as she looked at the bulge in his pants again with anticipation. With a jolt of sensation bringing her attention back to her fathers head between her legs she felt his tongue prod her cervix. Thankfully not going any further once he realized what he poked, he swirled his tongue around her cervix. “Ahh~ slow down please nothings gone that deep before.” She moaned. After a moment she felt her father gingerly retract his tongue back into his mouth and let her juices linger on his tongue for a while. Opening his eyes he met her gaze. “Heh, just like yer smell from the heat, similar with a little twist. Now I gotta ya mostly lubed up but I’ll need a little help for the next part.” Nemorus teased. Valencia watched as her father stood up and removed his pants, he didn’t need to remove his underwear as it seemed he already didn’t have any. Well he was never one for wearing clothes half the time anyway, he was originally a feral deathclaw spending most his time naked after all. But now she saw it without the pants hiding it, erect only a few inches front of her face, not like any she’d seen in porn before he has a knot and a smaller bulb kinda like a knot at his tip and the bulb up top was covered in spikes and all alone the bottom of the shaft there were ridges. Not just that though it smelt wonderful but.. This seemed a little big for her first time; it was basically the girth of her arm! “Gonna need you to add some of yer ‘lube’ on that so it’ll go in easier, after all ya were clenching on just my tongue.” He said, making a gesture to his mouth. Valencia gulped. “I can’t fit that into my mouth! I’m not sure how it’ll fit in my pussy!” She insisted. His member twitched in front of her and she leaned forward nonetheless his cock basically on top of her maw, taking a slow deep huff. “Don’t need to put it in yer mouth” her father answered. “Just give it enough licks that it’ll.. go in a little easier.” he assured. Valencia looked up at him, then back to his throbbing warm member. She put one of her claws gently on his knot at the base of his crotch then closed her eyes. She licked along the ridges on the underside of his cock up all the way to his tip, where she licked up some of his precum. Slightly salty, and just a little sweet. She put the tip in her mouth, up to about half way down the spiked bulbes. The spikes were not really hard, more soft and made to give texture she imagined. As she sucked on the bulge every little twitch she felt some pre cum drop down onto her tongue. Swallowing each little drop. She felt his large claws rest softly on her head, slowly caressing her. Slowly and with a little hesitance she took his member out of her mouth. Beginning to lap at the places where she hadn’t coated her fathers cock in her saliva. Without even realizing it she began massaging her clitoris as she did, licking all the way down until she felt her tongue against his scaled balls. She momentarily paused and sniffed, it was strangely comforting and arousing at the same time. She pulled away and opened her eyes meeting Nemorus’s gaze. He rubbed the back of her head once more then moved beside her and sat down on the couch and rather unexpectedly picked her up with more each then she expected and placed her in his lap. Her back against his warm chest, the top of her just under his chin. She felt his cock between her legs and twitching against her belly, large enough that the tip sat level between her breast. “Ya ready? Gonna lift ya on top of it then set ya down slowly once ya say.” He asked her with reassurance in his voice. She looked up even though she couldn’t see his eyes when his head was above her. She reached up and stroked the side of his check high her claws, he in return rested a little of his head's weight in her claws. After a brief pause Valencia confirmed to Nemorus she was ready. He moved his hands under her legs and lifted her up, positioning her just above his dick as he aligned his tip with her entrance. Slowly he lowered her down. The tip gently, with small twitches, making its way inside. “Ah- you don’t have to go that slow, you can actually go inside.” She assured. And with a grunt in reply he slowly moved her hips down as his bulb made its way inside with a pop sound. As she thought it felt big but she had a lot left to go, and it felt so good relieving that seemingly insatiable itch as it prodded its way inside. She let out hot labored breaths with each inch she was lowed, but she could feel Nemorus’s warm breath on her back which felt comforting to her. Up until she could feel the knot against her entrance and tip his member pressed against her cervix. They lingered in the position for a moment before he lifted her back up again to repeat the motion, now with a more speed as she’s grown a little more accustom to his size, tho her vaginal walls felt quite spread. Slowly he thrust his member inside her repeatedly picking up just a little speed with each trust until he found a slow rhythm to his thrusts. She let out some stifled moans as she felt his bulb move up and down along her walls, the spikes on it massaging her inside. “Ready for me to pick up the pace?” Nemorus grunted. She gave him a nod of approval and with that he picked up to a quicker pace. The friction was wonderful. She loved every second. She could feel her vagina twitch in response with each twitch from him, her already tight snatch tightening around him. For a brief moment from the tensing, her father slowed down from the resistance, using more effort and force to try and keep you up the pace as She reached her first orgasm. Shivers of pleasure wracked up her body as she let out a loud moan. She squirted on his dick which only aided to lubricate him as his thrusts picked up in speed. “Heh, sorry but I’m not done yet.” Nemorus said between labored breaths. He stood up now and leaned her back against him as he supported her legs by hoisting his arms under knees and pulling them back to his chest. She had soaked his cock. Occasionally he paused the thrusting, pressing his knot against her and gyrating it trying to lubricate it enough to push it inside. Each time his knot gets a little closer to making its way inside. “Ah- ha~ I-I don’t think it will- ah~ fit.” Valencia struggled to say. Each time he tried she felt his tip press just a little past her cervix, getting further in each time. She could see her stomach bulge each time. Seems he ignored her though as he persisted, each time getting a little closer to getting his knot inside her. She felt like she was being split in half in the best way possible. Finally, with a loud pop and a final aggressive trust her father’s knot found her way inside her. It made her wince, it hurt a bit at first. But after a few moments of him being knotted inside she grew accustomed to it. She felt a tugging at the entrance to her pussy as he attempted to pull it out. With another loud pop he did so, returning to thrusting as he was before. The pace increased and occasionally he’d pop his knot inside her only to pull it out to return to the thrusting until eventually, she had gotten his member so drenched he could now include his knot inside her with each thrust. She was close again, on the edge, and she felt her father was too with how often his cock was twitching inside her. She looked up and saw her father had closed his eyes and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. With one final thrust he pushed his entire length in her. She felt his tip push into her womb, and she could feel his bulb and the spike on it against her cervix, her vagina tensed as her father came. His balls pressed tight against her pussy, she could feel them pulsing as his dick shot ropes of hot cum directly into her womb. Impressively he just kept cumming, she watched in awe as her belly expanded along side the wonderful feeling of her womb being filled with his warm seed, so full in fact she felt it start to escape past her cervix and filling the rest of her vagina, kept tight inside for now by his knot. After a few moments the cumming slowed and she felt the tugging at her entrance again as he pulled out his knot, with a squelching sound it popped out, a large amount of cum escaping even as he still twitched shooting the last few loads of his potent seed inside her. Valencia looked down with a concerned expression at her bloated belly, and below that, her messy vagina dripping with her fathers cum. “Oh wow. That felt wonderful but- h-how are we gonna explain this to mom?” Valencia asked and looked up to her father. He chuckled and gave the tip of her nose a lick. “If yer mom was here she probably would have wanted to record it. If anything she’ll be mad she wasn’t here for it.” He replied while sitting back on the couch with her still on his dick. He looked down and appraised her bloated belly. “Not bad for only one dick, pretty full.” Nemorus commented, her daughter looked up at him with curiosity. “Only one?” She question. “I got a second one where that came from, yer mother takes both in one hole. Maybe you can too sometime but for yer first I think one was enough.” He told her. After a few moments, her father removed his member from her, a fresh wave of cum escaping from her. He then placed her back in his lap just behind his half erect cock, still twitching now and then with a little bit of cum escaping. two of them? I can barely fit one she thought. “I’d like to try that sometime if that’s ok with you.” She asked “Sure thing VV, just let me know and we can try it then.” He responded gingerly as he looked down and rubbed noses with her. ", |
Story Start,Viviana entered one of her heat cycles again and as much as she loves her father and the children he has given her sometimes a young lady wants to go a season without having pups and dealing with the whole pregnancy thing. But every male that lives in the home would certainly get her knocked up, but how is she going to get relief? She remembered some feral stallions that her father keeps for riding and as long as they are gentle she should be okay I mean horses and foxes dont mix right? she must have thought that as she snuck into the stable and found the stallion that she was looking for. Vivi entered his stall naked as to not get her clothes dirty, the stallion startled at her approach was calmed quickly by the realization of the scent hitting his nostrils and the image of a vixen flagging her tail to him. Viviana was met with his tongue running up and down her mottled spade she started to gasp and moan as the eager male took in her scent. She soon started to hear a soft plap of his member slapping against his belly with that she new that he was ready so she laid herself down on a hay bale awaiting her stallion to ride her. He wasted no time in rearing up and steadying his body on a fence of the stall, his first few thrusts missed but gave vivi a lovely view of the large shaft about to be planted deep in her. On his fourth thrust he found home as the head of his cock spread the lips of her wet and ready spade he thrust in hard and deep to be sure that he wasnt sliding out anytime soon. Vivi winced a little at the speed and size that filled her but as her body adjusted and she started to move her hips in tune with his bucking into her all that was heard was feral grunting and panting from the both of them lost fully in the act of their mating. Sadly for Vivi horses tend to not last all that long just two minutes in she felt him make one huge thrust inside her followed by a self satisfied neigh! as his flare mushroomed right at the base of her cervix his urethra entering just inside as her shot stream after stream of warm cum directly into her womb. Vivi's body tensed as she was sent to orgasm again and again her vaginal canal squeezing and gripping the horsecock embedded inside milking him of all the seed he has. Spent the stallion cock softens and with a wet "plop" he pulls the now smaller flare out of vivi's spade leaving quite the mess. Where as the little vixen more than satisfied with her decision relaxes on the hay rubbing her sides and belly riding out the afterglow of the intercourse. "Oh yeah I am coming back to have him mount me for the rest of this heat. " she thought to herself none the wiser of the stallions seed inside stampeding towards her eggs. Best of luck little vixen it looks like horses and this fox do mix and you will be carrying some foals in you. ", |
Story Start,Perdita barked, showing her teeth at those horrible men who had just kidnapped them. Pongo had escaped along with some of the cubs but the rest hadn't had that luck and she had stayed to protect them.- Leave them alone, sick, psychopaths- she screamed with tears in her eyes while those men caged her little ones after classifying them. One of the men approached her cage and muzzled her, forcing her to shut her mouth.- Well, only those four remain, let's see what we have here...-The man turned his back on Perdita, approaching the four cubs that remained trembling on the ground, terrified. the man's hand grabbed one by the neck, knocking him face up, and spread his legs with the other, groping to discover his genitals. He repeated the process with the other three and caged the only female in a separate enclosure from the other puppies. Both men left, turning off the lights in the department store and leaving the puppies alone whimpering and calling for Perdita.- Mommy! - the scared puppy screeched, looking through the cracks of the wooden cage that imprisoned her. She didn't get an answer, she sighed and sat at the bottom of the cage to whimper along with the rest of the puppies that were on both sides. She didn't remember her when she had fallen asleep but she was woken up by a strange licking that she felt all over her body and that put her on alert. The cub tried to stand up but a large paw pined her to the ground, immobilizing her. Above her was a large light brown Dalmatian who was inspecting her body with its light blue eyes.-Sir...?- asked the puppy, a little relieved to have company in that terrifying place. The big dog didn't respond, however he began to lick the dog's crotch, moistening her intimate part and starting to excite her.-Ohh…sir, what are you doing under my tail?- she asked after a slight moan. The big dog raised his head to stare at the pup and said to her.- I am going to do my job, I am a mount dog, of the purest Dalmatian breed, and I have to make you puppies...- the puppy did not understand how she was going to make puppies for her, she was still very small and Perdita had not taught her nothing about reproduction. The dog kept licking her vulva, it felt good down there so she made his job easier by separating her hind legs letting herself be carried away by that pleasure that he had never felt before.- Arghhh... that hurts a bit- said the young puppy when she felt how the dog's tongue made its way inside her vagina, twisting inside her.-If you don't stay still, it will hurt more, young lady.- The dog had his erection under the puppy's head, and she noticed that and asked.- Hey, what's wrong with your thing? and what's your name? my name is Rosie- You ask a lot of questions puppy, hasn't your mother taught you anything about how puppies are made?-now the dog was looking at the little girl, who shook her head. The older one gave another lick on the young puppy’s vulva, who was throbbing anxiously due to the stimulation she received and said.- well the penis of dogs gets like this when they have to put puppies inside the mother's womb, and my name is Limoncello, since I'm going to be your teacher I think you need to know, now spread your legs a little more.- The big Dalmatian ordered, licking his lips while separating the little girl's buttocks with his paws. The cub obeyed and opened her hind legs letting a little of her fluids fall through her crotch. The big dog supported her belly on top of her back, staying above her and looked for the best position to penetrate her.- Ohh.. One thing, you're wrong, I'm not mommy, mommy is in that cage below, it would make me very happy to have new little siblings but I'm small, it's better that you tell the men.-- There is no mistake- said the big dog with the tip of his member in the sliding vulva of the puppy.- I have been told that I have to ride the females, and you, although small, are still a female. - Finally, with a hip blow, he forced his erection through the different layers of the puppy's vagina until he stopped inside her.- Ahhhhhh! let me go! get your dick out of me! - She felt like a pang of pain ran through her entire body. the puppy writhed trying to get the big dog's penis out of her vagina to escape from him. Limoncello snorted a bit annoyed and began to move inside the girl, brutally penetrating the entrance while she cried and screamed desperately as she felt that huge cock destroy her little vulva.- Mommy! Help me ! mommy! - she screamed with all her might and through the crack of that cage she could only see her mother's head leaning out, with that muzzle on and crying, begging for her daughter. -Limoncello increased the rate of his thrusts, that cub was so tight that in a few moments he would cum inside her, emptying her balls inside her little uterus. He didn't know if she was old enough to get pregnant but he was trained to mount any type of female and he had been doing that for the last year.- hmmm ufff... hey relax your belly a bit, think that you are at home with your parents, and…-The little girl began to moan, feeling how among those waves of pain were hidden pieces of pleasure and with each thrust she could feel it stronger. She felt his big erection between her thighs growing wet and throbbing, she rode her hard while Limonchello moved her hips quickly, her tongue sticking out of her. No matter how hard she tried, the young woman couldn't get away from the heavy animal, she didn't want to have puppies or be raped until she was pregnant, but she was too small to do anything about it. She looking at nothing, she endured the pushes that her mate made with her whole body to bury his cock in the deepest part of her being, taking her body at his will. With a strong hip thrust, he fully entered the penis, leaving both knotted by their genitals.- Noohh..! Rosie screamed desperately as she felt Limoncello’s hot discharge running through her entire interior, with his penis still inside her. The young puppy’s belly widened from the amount of semen inside her and Limoncello kept moving his penis inside her to make sure he cummed as much as possible in her swollen pussy. ", |
Story Start,Located under the large chandelier, the grand piano sat, the same piano that Hex played night after night. His familiarity with the grooves, curves and keys of the piano was only rivalled by his familiarity with the angel of music whom he played alongside, Kineta. The voice of an angel was captured within her striking orange and white fur, the black dress contrasting with bright fur. Every night the mood lighting would activate and the beams of light would reflect off of every single sequin on Kineta’s dress, her dancing and singing would attract all eyes, even if it were only for momentary glances, just as her voice sounded alike to a siren, hypnotic and mesmerising. After the night’s show, Kineta would be walked home and offered the finest of wines, for most nights she would decline, yet not this night. Maybe it was the longer hours, maybe it was the new spot lights, something made her act different, less reclusive and more willing to accept Hex’s advancements. Only the finest of wine for the finest of ladies, a half glass to start with, transitioned to a full glass, then to two glasses, then more. There was little in the way of conversation between them, as they had worked together enough to know that there was little in common between them. Hex just continued to play his music, hoping to get Kineta into the mood. “If I submitted to your lascivious desires, what would you do with me? Answer me honestly.” Kineta asked. A question to break the silence of the room. A question which stopped the music dead in its tracks. Hex looked at Kineta with slight surprise “Honestly. I would make a mother out of you. For giving you a child is the only way I know how to express my love to you.” Hex responded“Just like you expressed your love to a lot of other women?” Kineta returned the question“Yes. I give them a part of me that they can mould and love unconditionally.” Hex replied, trying to gauge Kineta’s response. Kineta got to her feet and walked over to Hex, untying the dress ties around her neck and back, letting the dress drop to her feet, revealing no underwear under it. “What would you do once you have me pregnant with your pups?” Kineta then continued to ask as she sat herself on Hex’s lap“I would love you for as long as I could. Until I get called away again” Hex continued as his hands began to stroke and caress Kineta’s body. Kineta lifted Hex’s head up to look at her “I knew it was never going to be a good romance with you.” Kineta said with almost disappointment, enough to make Hex’s ears fall back“What are you waiting for? Make me a mother. Give me your pups.” Kineta added, causing Hex’s ears to spring back up. Hex gently laid Kineta back on the sheep rug in-front of the fireplace, once all of his own clothes were gone, Hex’s head went straight in-between Kineta’s thighs. Kineta laid her hands on Hex’s head while he orally pleasured her with his long, talented tongue. Kineta stroked and caressed Hex’s long ears while he diligently continued with his tongue. Kineta pushed Hex’s head back away from her “Enough foreplay, show me if you’re as talented with your cock as you are with your fingers.” Kineta commanded with a lustful imperative. With no hesitation, Hex slid his member inside of Kineta, getting eye to eye with her as he began his lustful thrusts. With his arms either side of Kineta’s head, Hex was thrusting in and out, savouring each thrust. Kineta could see the lust in Hex’s eyes, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. Once Hex was at his edge, Kineta pulled him in completely with her legs, forcing him to knot her “Let it all out. My body is yours. Give me your love” Kineta moaned into Hex’s ears, making his climax stronger. Once the primal lust was out of Hex’s system, he looked Kineta in eyes “You have the voice of an angel but the words of a devil.” Hex said before sliding his tongue into Kineta’s mouth and locking lips with her. Another night, one later in that month, after having been escorted home, Hex was allowed in for a single drink. A drink he enjoyed while fingering the piano. Kineta emerged from the bathroom which she had excused herself to, in her hand she had a pregnancy test. Kineta placed the positive pregnancy test before Hex “There you go, a gift for you. Knowing your reputation, you probably collect them.” Kineta comment with a slight snark. “I don’t normally, but I will make an exception with this one.” Hex replied with full seriousness. Having sat down with her wine, it was time for Kineta to have a serious talk with Hex “Listen, I can get away with two months before that dress doesn’t fit anymore. I expect you to cover me for the months after that.” Kineta explained with a serious tone. Nodding along acceptingly, Hex replies “Plus some extra for your troubles.”. Seven months into the pregnancy and it was clear that Kineta was going to have more than she bargained for as she was now expecting twins, not just a single pup. Her desire and needs were being met however, both sexually and normally. At least until Hex was called away by desire once more. A life driven by primal lust with no rest or reprieve from the beast he released. There was one night left together, one night left of passion, of carnal displays and delights. Hex was knotted to Kineta as his figure loomed over hers, both on their hands and knees. Hex reached his hand under and placed it upon Kineta’s swollen pregnant belly, his hand rested there, feeling his restless twins to be. He felt his eyes starting to tear, but he did all in his power to disguise his weakness. “One day, when I have conquered this beast inside of me, I will return, I promise that to you.” Hex spoke softly into Kineta’s ear, a promise or a cry for help, she did not know nor believe. “I would have to be mad to believe you. To believe that you would leave a twin-bearing woman you claim to love, then return later…” Kineta commented with passive aggressive ire“But I do believe. Come what may, we will see who the fool is.” Kineta added while placing her hand on top of Hex’s as it rested on her pregnant stomach. ", |
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