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Re: Sedgefield by-election | I ain't making a case for Thatcher, Jack. but i seriously don't believe she was as bad for the nation as you and some of the others think. A lot happened while she was in power and in the circumstances i think she did as well a Tory could do. If Britian had a Labour Government during those unsettles years Britian would be far furthur up **** creek than it is now. In fact i don't think there would be a Britian or that we would still be using sterling. After the stunt the unions pulled, nearly bringing the nation to it's knees Thatcher had no option to ensure it could never ever be repeated. Any other responsible PM would also have made sure such a situation never again arose. Thatcher chose to destroy both the unions and the mining industry and to be honest i don't see that she had any other sensible option. Extra effort could and should have been made to help out the community's which are now heroin infested, hell holes with massive levels of unemployment. Blair on the other hand was not a responsible PM and through inaction has left our county open to energy problems in the near future. We now rely on imported natural gas, this means other nations can choose to grab us by the balls and turn that supply off in the same way that the unions grabbed us by the balls stopping our supply of coal. There was, is and never will be a good enough excuse for her to have destroyed our mining industry. The unions did need curbing but you don't have to destroy the industry to to reduce the power of the union. It was self evident then that we would be beholden to imported coal and all the problems that would follow on from there. The decimation of whole communities and the lives of those men who went down the mines for us. Industry by industry she destroyed us and left us with so little manufacturing base that I can hardly believe she slept at night. The family silver was sold off under her rule and again whole sections became just an excuse to print money for shareholders. The oil revenue was frittered away to support the ever increasing unemployment bill and she did absolutely nothing to tighten our borders against immigration. She would have had the mandate to do that and was in a strong position to use the laws that we had. Water was privatised and other utilities, and anything more farcical I cannot imagine. None of our country's wealth was used to maintain or, perish the thought, improve our infrastructure and it was easier to sell off water companies and then avoid fixing the ageing pipes. Water pressure was reduced many years ago as the 20% leakage from bad pipes is then reduced slightly and no more money needs to be spent. It is ludicrous to ask us to conserve water and yet the companies themselves do nothing but feather the nest of the CEO and the shareholders. Thatcher started all of that and as far as I can see did absolutely nothing but set an agenda of selfishness and destruction for us British people. Having no pride in our culture and history would pave the way for a divisiveness in our society that could easily channel so many down the multicultural route. Her egotism and lack of any serious intellectual ability and the sheer brutality of her setting police against miners was a very destructive force indeed. |
Re: Sedgefield by-election | Sounds a great campaign and the Best of British to Andrew Spence and all the activists who are involved. :clink |
Re: Frank Butcher's Daughter to Stand for BNP | Well done Angela Reid All the best to you and a big cheer :clink:clink:clink |
Re: I'm upset... | I used to watch Coronation Street in the good old days of Ena Sharples, Bet Lynch, Elsie Tanner etc, but when they introduced the first asian face into the plot that was it for us. It has never been switched on since. As different soaps/dramas fell to political correctness and multiculturalism they were knocked off our viewing list rapidly. So such as The Bill and Casualty have been absent from our living room for years. Eastenders was always a big no and at one point I imagine our children felt quite deprived, as I guess we were the only parents around who censored the kids viewing.:D |
Re: I'm upset... | Thank you Jack Black for the phrase:- 'Desperate Housewives - Addict. (Televisual poetry)' Desperate Housewives...I love every moment of it. :clink |
Re: I'm upset... | I would have thought that what I said in a previous post would have clued you in to the fact that one of the reasons I get along with Neighbours is that it is, comparitively, untainted, PC-wise. As regards your second sentence. We all have ways of unwinding, relaxing. If the implication is that Neighbours et al. may somehow seduce me away from what matters, well you haven't been watching, Archimage. I AM AN ENGLISMAN, BLACKLIST, STUNNING STATISTICS and a pretty substantial contrution to Stormfront debate do not suggest that I'm going to metamorphose into someone the left-wing propagandists could take home to meet their mothers any time soon. One of the reasons why I'm always happy to participate in a thread like this, when I know one or to will be inclined to do the holier-than-thou bit, is that I owe nothing to anyone regarding Nationalism. Another reason would be that I don't have to pretend to be some deep-in-woods, close to nature, live-off-the-land wildman type. I am that anyway. I want those who read what I have to say to know that Nationalism is made up of all sorts. I want people to be who they are and say and think what they want, as long as they are participating and contributing and we're all heading in the same general direction, who cares how they get their kicks? As long as they're not hurting anyone. I get the point, Archimage. But the folks you're patronising are not children. We're all grown up now and doing more than our bit for the cause. When we get our country back, I'll do without Neighbours if it's decided that it's not doing British youth any good. Until then, I guess I'l be having my dinner at the same time and, as I tuck in to the wild boar I strangled in another mode, checking up on what my old pals Lou, Harold and Karl Kennedy are up to. Jack As always Jack, so perfectly put. Your posts are a joy to read and as I have Blacklist and Stunning Statistics you are a man of rare talent. Your commitment, combined with the deep and accurate research you do and then translate it all with such verbal skill, and finally, producing a beautifully bound book is something I have great admiration and respect for. :clink |
Re: Should Scottish Leader Raikes Go Too? | Thanks for the kind words WED. But my friend Ravenser assures me The Scooterist is one of us and that is certainly good enough for me. Me and the Scooterist may have even enjoyed a pint together in those Rights for Whites days, I dunno. Good luck to him and there is probably a simple misunderstanding here. 14 Words. :clink Yes indeed. Scooterist is one of the best. I would want him beside me anytime. So let's get back on track eh? |
Re: Should Scottish Leader Raikes Go Too? | Certainly.:clink Cheers and mine's a pint of stout :clink Only kidding.:eek: |
Jonathan Bowden | I have just read that Jonathon Bowden has died. He will be missed by many. A great man and may he Rest in Peace. |
Re: News about BNP vote | It has just been reported, from I assume someone from the Welsh Assembly count, that the BNP is getting a high vote in Wrexham. :clink Excellent news :clink |
Re: Olympic Closing Ceremony | Its a pity the closing ceremony wasn't held the day after the opening one. LK The day before would have been better still :bat |
Re: Essential Truths | You are obviously miffed by the fact that the moderators and our fellow Stormfronters have not been impressed by the spurious claims you have made and are happy for me to be back on the forum. Obviously, others feel that I make a positive contribution, so ... Eat your heart out, Longhaul! Please do not assume to read my mind. |
Re: Essential Truths | Any objective person reading through this thread will realise the obviously mischievous intent on your part, despite your transparent protestations to the contrary, and if they have a sincere interest in helping Western Spring achieve our political objectives will do as I have repeatedly invited you to do, which is to email me and begin a mutually informative dialogue. I was clearly right not to answer any of your questions as both you and your chums were intent on using any tiny scrap of information as a pretext to dig for more and to to twist and misrepresent with the intention of smearing our organisation. any objective person will upon reading this thread observe that also. That is not how I read John Greenman's posts. I understood him to be asking reasonable questions in a polite manner. |
Re: members | I haven't seen Gloriana for a while. Are you out there, and if you are, please come back? :) |
Re: members | That's what I was wondering. I suggested it yesterday, but no-one was interested. I think nationalists dislike democracy. I think they want a king, or something! :rolleyes: I think you might be right with that lkelly. Shame really, as I thought democracy and freedom of speech was part of what nationalism was all about. :confused: |
Re: GP clinical exam 'is unfair to minorities' | Feel like everyone is against you? Is that chip on your shoulder getting even heavier? Struggling to get qualifications? Promotion? Feel you are being held back? Feel you are better than your results or performance show? Then turn it all around in an instant! Do what millions are doing everyday! A tried and tested way to succeed! Play the Race card! You know you are in trouble when they have professorships in a synthetic subject such as racism. Especially when they are obviously batting for the other side. max Mind if I pinch that card for my sig, max? |
Re: BNP Attacked by National Anarchists: Support Requested. | Get a grip CWW. Oh and just a word in your shell like.....this is Stormfront and not the BNP forum. No more trying to drum up folk to post divisively against other SF posters, if you don't mind. |
Re: BNP Attacked by National Anarchists: Support Requested. | I dont have a clue what this thread is about but once again the likes of Autognome can spread any amount of slurs against the BNP but as soon as someone challenges them it's oi this is not a BNP forum bla bla bla . Well if you don't have a clue what this thread is about why are you posting in it? My response was to CWW and not Autonome. If it needs repeating that this isn't the BNP forum, then it will get repeated whether you approve or not. |
Re: National Front election results | Homosexuals should be prevented from adopting children, the homosexual age of consent should be increased and they should have the sense to keep their activities private in the bedroom where NO British government has the right to act as a 'bedroom police' but apart from that I don't see any real reason why a British government should actively persecute them. Also, Section 28 wasn't as bad a law as its opponents made out but let's be realistic here no party is ever going to be elected to government proposing that the police should waste their time acting as a 'bedroom police' when the police need to devote their time and energies cleaning the streets of muggers attacking old ladies, rapists, drug-dealing vermin ect. In general apart from the circumstances listed above and provided no active harm is done to anybody else what people get-up to in the privacy of their bedrooms is not an appropriate subject for legislation and yes there are some 'quiet' and reserved homosexuals and a larger number of bi-sexuals who do love their country. A person's sexual orientation is no bar to patriotism. And with that post PSOB, although I know there will be many who disagree, this is one area I agree with you completely. |
Re: The Polish Crime Thread | There are strange mods here on BSF. They allow for creation and slandering of other white nations, like it wasnt Stormfront site but some British nationalistic thread. We do not take kindly to you mincing into SF Britain purely to insult us. Any of your posts that take a swipe at us will be deleted. Your posts are hardly designed to help racial unity. So if you are unable to be polite.....then expect more of your ridiculous rubbish to be deleted. :bang2 |
Re: The Polish Crime Thread | Judging after the posts here on BSF I would dare to say that they could have been even members of this forum. That is enough. I will delete every post you make in SFB. |
Re: Leaving London | Its all going full steam ahead. :clink We've accepted an offer on our flat, and our offer on a house Ooop North has been accepted. Its all in the hands of solicitors now :eek: Hubby might even be able to get a transfer from his job too, fingers crossed. I cant wait to get out of this hell hole. I know it sounds a bit defeatist but I cannot stand living here for much longer. Its no good for my health or my sanity All the best to you :clink |
Re: Nick Griffin's 'tribute' to Val Tyndall - Please Give Generously! | Honestly, I think too much is being brought in to this. That line by the look of it is automatically generated. Well it needs to be ungenerated. Pronto. Or it might just look like the BNP nobs at the top are only interested in money. Surely not http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...ell/think3.gif |
Re: Repatriation | Every time I see signs of race-mixing it is invariably a white female proudly displaying her half-chat brat. Seldom, if ever, do I see black women with mixed-race family. Anyone else noticed this? Yes I have noticed, and my theory is that most white guys would find black women unattractive. Whereas black men would find white women attractive, and also maybe a 'trophy'! |
Re: ...I'm sorry. | Sorry to the moderators for creating so much work for them. Shall I just create a new account and assume that we're cool? A banned poster cannot create a new account. Never assume anything. You may be 'cool' but I am not. Thank you. |
Re: ...I'm sorry. | I would ask any other moderator who wanders into this thread to please check out the deleted post following #20. |
Re: Younger Women with Older Men | Someone please posts pictures of very young women starting from 13 years old. Your request here is completely unacceptable and I have referred your behaviour to admin. Meanwhile take a break. This is not the behaviour of a White Nationalist and I am disgusted by your post. |
Re: Harman fights urge to throw up on air | Come on you treasonous communist functionary.Just admit the fact that NuLab is deader than disco. :clink:clink:clink:clink Ha ha That was a cracker. Silly baggage. :clink |
Re: PSOB Account Disabled ! | I support the genuine and honest members of the BNP, the hardworking activists and our local branch. I support the BNP councillors, who work so hard for so little support or reward. I support those ex members of the BNP who have been purged and proscribed. I do not support the leadership, the Arthur Kemp's, the Lee Barnes', The Colletts', Hannams', and Walkers' who embrace the Thrones of Power at the Top of the Heap. |
Re: Morley: Chris Beverley Has Widespread Support Against Balls | Now that is good news. Well done Chris Beverley. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j111/sukell/10782.gif Ed Balls (who has no cojones at all) will look the complete plank that he is. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j111/sukell/10647.gif |
Re: Can an Admin/Moderator please deleat User TGibbs513 | Nasty critter has been given a clout http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1.../bugswatii.gif |
Re: Greyhound bus killer update | We absolutely did not need a photo of the body of the crime victim, a link with a warning would have sufficed. Please don't put such gruesome images in threads where anyone can come across them by accident in the future. We want women and young people using Stormfront. Absolutely right. Be aware when you post and think first. |
Re: Charlie Hebdo: censorship? | It was removed as a 'tinfoil hat conspiracy'. Not by a British mod however. |
Re: Police Oppression | The above is from the BPP womens division blog , so the police in London have no problem with Islamics calling for non muslims to get the old head chopped off treatment and fail to deal with the gangs of feral black youths and their gang crime but go to all this trouble over a few badges that can be bought outside most football grounds every Saturday . I dont believe for one minute the political police thought the BPP were the UVF/UDA they have just used this to try to intimidate racial nationalists going about their business . I'm not BPP but this is an attack on all of us and our freedoms , this must be condemned by ALL nationalists and the pathetic police shown up for what they are . It's a bloody outrage and is there any chance they can sue the Met for 'wrongful arrest'? That is definitely not why we pay the police their wages. They should be working for us and not harassing people going about their lawful business. The over waged, dumb inspector or whoever authorised this, should be named and shamed. I know it won't have the desired effect though. All the best to the BPP who had to put up with this ridiculous level of intimidation. :clink |
Re: Private message from 2011geog | It's banned. ;) Thanks to those who reported it, another mod was on the ball as twere and boomf.....it's gone. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j111/sukell/017-1.gif |
Re: I can't get into my profile? I think I'm accidently accused as being an abuser on the site? | You need to check your e-mails to activate your account. Look to see if it has gone into your junk mail folder. |
Re: where is the bnp going in luton. | now that the bnp failed to get 2 candidates elected in luton i was wondering where they go from here? the 2 boys they put-up as candidates (and they were just boys) had no political experience what so ever? is this the future for the bnp in luton. let's get 2 kids, fresh from school to stand as candidates. should boys be allowed to stand as candidates for any party? both seemed very immature, scruffy and lacked social skills. i admire them for standing but they were never going to be elected. they had courage, they had bottle but lacked wisdom. i think both of them would be more suited to the nf as they looked more like nazi thugs than political candidates. if they are still in the party, then please do not canvas my door again. stick to leafleting and only leaflet in the evening when its dark. do not knock on doors, you both looked like criminal thugs. are there any adult luton candidates for the general election? Would you consider standing 'london calling'? |
Re: where is the bnp going in luton. | Sounds like you know bugger all mate! Good one. :clink |
Re: That's it | Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the arse as you go! :D :rofl:rofl:rofl |
Re: That's it | Is that your pic, AW? Cor blimey, how much?? :rofl:rofl This is aw, Golden Q, but he's a dab hand at metamorphing so beware.:bat http://www.xlgallery.ru/monroe/dracula.jpg |
Re: That's it | you talk black? :confused::confused: |
Re: That's it | Here's another Drac persona for you GQ :bat http://www.sol.no/multimedia/archive...h_2115564a.jpg |
Re: That's it | Arsula Undress from Doctor No. Nearly fifty years gone by and doesn't look a day older! :D Arsula Undress....I thought I'd heard the lot but now I can't stop snickering. It's an occupational hazard you see :rofl Oh and to show our lovely mods we can keep to topic. I'd meander over to the BNP forum poste haste, SaveEngland, as it'll probably be lights out and a cup of cocoa soon. |
Re: Jackson to stand BNP leadership? | The rank and file members of the BNP would not allow these WANNA BE CHAIRMANS back they were nothing but trouble when they were in the BNP:rolleyes: Are you assuming that you speak for ALL 'rank and file members? I really think that it is taking a lot upon yourself to presume to speak for anyone else. |
Re: negro athlete not impressed with London | The comments are good :D |
Re: Green Arrow site now as a forum | I might join it too, just for the free bagels at the meet. I believe Dame Shirley Porter is first lady out of the pens for the Meet and Greet. Wear your best dubs and you may get seconds. |
Re: Green Arrow site now as a forum | She would be greeted with a pork pie and a pint of pigs blood. ;) Now that I want to see. :rofl:clink:rofl |
Re: Asians kill teenager in Cardiff! | Case of mistaken identity ? Were they trying to hit drug dealers houses ? :eek: Just asking cuz I know some people around me that did that and the one that went in didn't leave when he knew he hit the wrong house and sexually raped, traumatized and abuse and old woman and her husband to. I should add, he is a disgrace to our race and the driver that had no knowledge still got 14 years for ascessory. Had he went in, he could have stopped it. DA Haven't you got another forum out in cyberspace where you can post your inane babble? |
Re: I won't be voting again ! | Although I don't live in Scotland, I share your frustration. Please reconsider your decision to never vote again - we can't afford to lose one voice in our struggle against the multiculturalist :( Absolutely. It is frustrating or even depressing but we need to keep pressing on. :clink |
Re: SEARCHLIGHTEXPOSED.COM | I know:eek: I'm off for a bowl of soup :D Mine's a cheesecake in a serviette and a cuppa :D |
Re: SEARCHLIGHTEXPOSED.COM | Duxie's here as well! Hey, Duxie, things have been nice around here since you put on the Sheriff's badge. I mean, is it all down to you, my dearest? Why thank you my good man but I think it is down to all these lovely lovely posters. Those with wit and intelligence. Those who entertain and regale us with tales of derring do. :clink:clink:clink |
Re: SEARCHLIGHTEXPOSED.COM | Well, I'm off to bed, folks. Try to get back on topic, eh? But if you don't, well, I don't give a monkeys, I'm too knackered to care. Night all..... Night night and sleep well. Ok back on topic now....what was it again? Oh yes.....SEARCHLIGHTEXPOSED.COM Any one give me a post here? Do I hear one? Come on now what about two! |
Re: SEARCHLIGHTEXPOSED.COM | Well, at least when you're talking to yourself, you're assured of a good conversation! Hey, Always White! Scooterist! Another Day is a true gentleman! You'd love him! As me and Duxie do! We all love each other don't we?? It's one of those nights I can tell :kiss And Another Day is a brilliant guy and total gentleman. :clink |
Re: Fos4us forum | For fos4us WELFARE SCROUNGING SAVAGE would be more appropriate :rofl Well there speaks the rallying cry to nationalism :( Any women out there fancy being involved in the national politics of the BNP? Just as long as you realise that your hard work and bravery will be tolerated whilst you are obeying the diktats of the Kabbalah. All will be well for you, but be warned. Never question the Cult Leader and his Henchmen. Never ever question the finances. Never query the lack of internal democracy. Never think that Freedom of Speech is an integral part of the BNP. Don't even try to offer genuine and intelligent help. Oh you can leaflet till your feet drop off. You can fund raise and donate and you will be most highly regarded. Just zip your lips and all will be well. If you find that is going against the moral code you hold and you cannot keep quiet any longer then be fully aware of the consequences. You will be maligned. Threatened. Your previously good name will be sullied beyond repair. You will be called names you never thought fellow nationalists would call you. |
Re: Fos4us forum | Quote: Originally Posted by Yorkshire loyal For fos4us WELFARE SCROUNGING SAVAGE would be more appropriate Why try and muddy the waters ? Is she halfcaste ? hence the joking reference to savage . Does she recieve welfare payments ? As a tax payer I feel entitled to call the work shy perminently unemployed scrougers There is very little point in responding to your rudely put questions as you have obviously made your mind up anyway, or your queries would be worded differently. There is no point in going over the same old ground a million times as so many have an agenda they are determined to stick to and no presented facts are taken on board. No one is answerable to you as you have a rude and denigrating manner. If you were courteous and civil it would be different , but that is not what you are about is it, Yorkshire loyal? You prefer to malign and if I prefer to see facts and justice. I prefer honour and common decency. It would appear that any who have crossed the Heap at the Top of the BNP are treated in a similar manner. The onus should be on you to prove your accusations anyway. |
Re: Fos4us forum | Yes, yes, it is. Why do you ask? :rolleyes: Someone had posted it was off line. Do you know why? |
Re: Fos4us forum | Dux90 So what honour is there in you defending this woman who everyone but you seems to know is halfcaste pretending to be white what common decency is there in defending the said halfcaste who used this very forum to grass on a BNP members place of work . If you want to remain in her fan club and like the other losers on fs4us spend all your time attacking the BNP go ahead but dont expect to be treated with anything less than contempt . So let's see if I have this right. If I defend someone who isn't here to defend themselves, then I can expect to be treated with contempt by you. By contempt I understand you to mean abuse and insult, yes? So if I am a coward I would cave in to that threat, yes? But if I don't give in to your threat then I am to be bullied as per your suggestion. Well so be it. |
Re: Fos4us forum | As Sharon Ebanks is no longer in the BNP and as the internet is here for all then why would another forum make any difference. I thought there was such a thing as Freedom of Speech? Why would anyone get all lathered up about a forum? No one is saying it is obligatory to even look at it so why all the fuss? :confused: |
Re: Third Way Party backs Black rather than BNP | Flamin Norah That's HUGE and bloody scary :hide |
Re: For the record. | A sad day, max. You are a man of integrity and loyalty. I count you as a true friend. Your moderating has been of the best and I will miss your input and steady hand. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | Given that you have chosen not to do so, I would assume that you accept the premise - i.e. that the British state is now openly treacherous in the racial sense - Why should people respond to your question? And choosing not to respond does not mean acceptance. You are making a huge leap here and it is based on a false premise. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | Yours was a thoroughly flippant question. You might as well have asked me: In that case, are you taking up morris dancing? Now, I know you'll want to come back to me with: But FOTL has something to do with this whereas morris dancing doesn't. Don't bother. FOTL has nothing to do with anything. It's nonsense and has nothing to do with the issue under discussion. By asking me about it, you demonstrated your flippancy. I'm not going to go over my original question again, but just because a question is premised on something, that does not make it invalid and an attack along the lines of the premise is false doesn't deal with things unless the falsity of the premise can be demonstrated, which in this case it can't. The British state is multi-cultural and multi-racial. My question still stands: given this, why should I show any loyalty? If you don't want to answer it, then don't answer it. If you are responding to my comment re 'false premise' I was referring to your assumptions re Herr Gruber, not the rest of your post. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | So, intellectually, how does the movement of white people around Europe help White Nationalism (i.e. the national community of white people) in any way? It doesn't increase the overall population, it just shifts it about to wherever the work is. And that has the effect of lowering wages for white people, as it's extra competition for jobs by white people from poorer countries, and that causes resentment. Yes. The only people who benefit from the ever shifting movement of White people are the capitalists and greedy politicians. They must be laughing their socks off, all the way to the bank, as people pack their bags to follow the money dangled in front of them. All these Europeans would be better in their own countries, building up and maintaining the infrastructure and looking out for their families. Trying their damndest to keep out the 3rd worlders who will advance upon their countries when the politicians bleat that there are not enough workers. Those who think that importing cheap labour is a good thing are doing the work of the capitalists. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | I don't think any wn would have a problem with your analysis, except when applied blindly. If both your family and your nation were all leftwing anti-whites fighting a war against a foreign nation comprised of white nationalist leaders and citizens, where would your loyalties lie then? Do your racial principles take precedence over your close blood ties and nationalist tribal allegiances? Surely a person's allegiance should first and foremost be to their own principles and their own conscience. The fact is the vast majority of white Britons are not on our side and have little truck with our view. What I think some are experiencing is a conflict of loyalties, where nationalist allegiances are becoming less important and issues like white unity are taking greater priority, which can be forgiven when the white race everywhere is fast approaching its death bed. It strikes me that some around here are falsely using and abusing such terms as 'nationalism' to confuse what those fundamental principles are that we stand for. The purpose of the nation is to propagate the race, and to that end nationalism can work in tandem with a pro-white international perspective too. When the purpose of racial survival is turned on its head (as in 'modern Britain'), then labels like 'nationalist' need more careful consideration without needlessly being made redundant. Reading this forum its becoming ever more apparent that the average UK wn does have a blind unthinking allegiance to nation. And if that applies right across Europe, then I fear that (perversely) nationalism may in fact be the biggest enemy of the white race. It is after all the reason why the we have to suffer the nauseating spectacle of white Englishmen still engaging in the same old petty anti German antics whilst cheering on their non-white 'English' football team.:rolleyes: I understand what you are saying, but how does importing large numbers of other White nationalities into an already overcrowded island help to propagate our race? How does it help the White nation that they are leaving behind? Surely that also opens the floodgates to the hordes of 3rd worlders to stampede into the country who have just waved off a large number of their able bodied youngsters. No one who supports the cause of White Europeans coming to Britain seems to give a damn about the country they leave behind. I have yet to hear how shifting large numbers of people around the globe helps anyone except the capitalists and the greedy politicians. Encouraging this mass movement of those prepared to follow the money and work cheaply is only beneficial to the already wealthy who don't give a damn about those who are uprooted from their families and countries. Surely those workers would be better in their own countries, looking after their own and possible guarding against the swathes of muds who will no doubt be chasing their own sniff of money. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | If, as some of you say, these Eastern Europeans are going to have families here with us, then who is going to populate the countries of Poland or Bulgaria? The 3rd worlders no doubt. And some of you would be happy with that. I have yet to have a reply from the supporters of this immigration to say that the effect on the EE country will be detrimental, but that is of no consequence. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | Please don't go Jack Black. You are one of the best and this place will not be the same without you. You are my friend and on that level alone I will miss you. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | I've noticed that this insult has not been removed by the Moderators, but the Moderators did remove my response to this insult. Interesting how moderation works on Stormfront. Especially when one of the Moderators is listed as a 'Friend' of the person posting insults...:rolleyes: I really could not care less that you have perused my friends list and decided to comment. This thread has been a disaster from start to finish and the vitriol has been flying. If you find a post offensive then report it. No doubt the other post was reported and therefore dealt with, not necessarily by me. What was in your post anyway? |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | And yet you let it go on & go... But, far be it for me to tell you how to do your job :cool: No please don't tell me how to do my job. Better sometimes to lance a boil than let it fester. |
Re: Warning By Trevor Phillips On White Britons 'Retreat' | I've noticed that this insult has not been removed by the Moderators, but the Moderators did remove my response to this insult. Interesting how moderation works on Stormfront. Especially when one of the Moderators is listed as a 'Friend' of the person posting insults...:rolleyes: I have found it and reinstated it. It was my deletion as I deemed it off topic. |
Re: So, I like this guy... What do WN guys look for in a girl? | I think the best advice is SAFETY. Meet in a public place and make sure plenty of your friends or family know where you will be. Daytime would be best. As for the other stuff. Just be yourself. Natural and if you ask him about himself then most people are happy to talk about themselves. Oh .... and good luck :D |
Re: If you knew a red on this site would you out them? | I have been on a shorter time than you english aryan and have more post history than you,whats with that? I have pm'ed my concerns on a red,who i have had genuine concerns about,and thought his motivations for coming on here were suspect. Thats all i have to say on the matter,im sorry i brought this subject up as now everybody is pointing the finger at each other,and its now devolved into a bashing thread. Just to add,im no red,if i was i would be doing very little to draw negative attention to myself,as my main goal would be to infiltrate. You have no evidence to come out and call me a red,so all you are doing is making ill informed accusations english aryan. Who have you pm'd? |
Re: How Active Are You? | I ticked 11. Anyone going to share the cuddly toy with Skean Dubh? :biggrin |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Literary licence, m'dear...... :D :rofl:rofl:rofl Ouff....thank goodness for that...you had me worried there. :p |
Re: SFBritain knees up | I will attend providing no one else does. :rofl:rofl:rofl Fabulous. |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Well it's better to have it out in the open, I've been to lots of nationalist meetings where there has been people with different points of views, doesn't mean there has to be clashes. Anyway it's the mods responsibility to play the inbetweeners ;) in all seriousness i'm looking forward to this, might just have to make a weekender of it:clink Brilliant and you are right there can be different approaches, without falling out over it all. We are all roughly travelling in the same direction and I find that there are more spats on a forum, than when you actually meet in friendly surroundings and just relax and enjoy the company. Look forward to meeting you YOUNG_FRONT. I shall wear my best teeth. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...l/CB009928.jpg Just try not to pick up the wrong glass! |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Surely - after a few jars of loudmouth soup - there'll be a large potential for clashes between the pro-Griffinites and the anti-Griffinites? Not at all, it will be a mass hug in. :clink |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Providing my psychiatrist gives me the all clear to travel, count me in :D :rofl:rofl:rofl There'll be quite a few not able to make it then :D |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Nope, wouldn't happen. Trust me. I'm hoping to attend. I need to check my work shifts before I can give a definate answer. :clink Excellent it will be good to meet you GWS. Hope your shifts are on our side. :clink |
Re: SFBritain knees up | This is SF not the BNP Exactly and it would be good to see you Kommano88 :clink |
Re: SFBritain knees up | I'm coming to can't wait to see everyone! :D:clink Just brilliant :clink |
Re: SFBritain knees up | Sorry everyone, I can't go. :( I have work commitments which I can't get out of. I recently overcome Swine Flu and need to do some catch up. Sorry again. I really wanted to go as I've been dying to meet up with familiar faces again, as well as meeting some new ones. But I really hope everyone who does go has a great time! :clink Thank you for your good wishes GWS and I hope you are well over the Swine Flu. There is always a next time. :clink |
Re: SFBritain knees up | I might be coming see how things pan out.:) I hope so or I might cry into my beer. :D Panning out eh?:cool: |
Re: Polish patriots supporting white Britain | White Pride World Wide! Are you against Australians living here? WPWW doesn't mean they can all come and live on our very crowded island. |
Re: Polish patriots supporting white Britain | I think this opens up an interesting discussion. What do we mean by WPWW? Do we welcome Australians but not Poles? I am sure there are very few Australians here in Britain, so the question is hypothetical. Bottom line. We are full. No room at the inn. Pull up the drawbridge. |
Re: Jet Black British Barbie to be sentenced next week for racist attack | Apparently this is she. Warning she is a glamour model and wearing very little in Yikes...Get me the eye bleach! http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...psc6f5674d.gif |
Re: Is Dr. William Pierce Dead Forever? | There is to be NO promotion of Kevin Strom on Stormfront. Loud and clear enough? |
Re: Is Dr. William Pierce Dead Forever? | Does this include all ADV broadcasts? Some of them may not be from Kevin, and more or less all older are from Dr. Pierce. I'm not too sure and Lycia will be more knowledgeable on that topic. |
Re: Awful leftist ideology Comedy On ITV | No surprise that our resident Searchlight member likes it. :rolleyes: How dare you Eternus? Oh you can't answer that for a while. :rolleyes: Think about your comment, as I could think that YOU are the red, troll or whatever. No one knows you personally do they? NippySweetie is known to many of us personally and you would go a long way to find a better nationalist. You, however, are something else again. |
Re: The Bad Boyz Are Back | Far from intimidating, Jamie looks like he could be knocked out cold with a spatula. Jizz is his nickname, it's also likely his favorite protein drink. ;) http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...8bUXGkgxA0.jpg |
Re: The Bad Boyz Are Back | Now these Scary ...er...Ladies, want to take on the Bad Boyz http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...7213143924.jpg |
Re: The Bad Boyz Are Back | I dont even think he works out, his stomach has slight abs but everything else is skinny why the hell is he flexing!?! He isn't flexing. He's making pecking shadow shapes. ;) Oooh and lookey look, the loo seat is down. Must not stand up like a REAL man:eek: |
Re: The Bad Boyz Are Back | Captain Jamie has had a hard night and is relaxing before tomorrow's Storming of Stormfront. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j1...ting_couch.jpg |
Re: Peter Rushton | Full page spread about Peter Rushton the searchlight agent in the BNP's Pulication IDENTITY:clink There is a lot of material that the BNP leadership likes to publish and vocalise, and a lot that is far from truthful. Just because the leadership spout this stuff doesn't make it true. Why exactly is this in Identity? What purpose does it serve? Why are you letting us know this Richardthelionheart? |
Re: Peter Rushton | If so much of this is way in the past, why is there a need to write an article about Peter Rushton in the BNP's Identity? Who hopes to gain, or limit damage, by printing, this article at this particular time? |
Re: Peter Rushton | The only purpose your infantile 24 hours to expose proved is that you are a crank who tried to defame NG. Silkworm look at their messy website. That is an assumption on your part heidi beddoes that has no proof , although I admit to being curious about the whole 'expose' thread. What website? Why are you concerned about Steve Blake? He is a decent, loyal nationalist and hard worker. But as this thread is about Peter Rushton, I will return to that and ask yet again why is the stuff against him being touted in Identity? :confused: |
Re: Peter Rushton | VUK why don't you turn upto one of the next meetings that Rushton attends, I'm sure you'll be happy to escort him to and from the venue incase anyone tries to give him a slap and I'm sure Pete will appreciate your help? Also if any of those nasty people who pick on Pete turn up you'll be able to tell them off personally and you'll be able to learn first hand who is involved? Its just a thought but I'm sure you'll be there protecting him rather than wasting time on the internet just talking about it? So heres to VUK's transition from internet warrior to actually defending physically something he says he beleives in :clink Slaps and abuse whatever next? |
Re: Peter Rushton | Maybe they've not expelled anyone lately, so being hard up for someone to malign, and to keep up the tradition of slagging off anyone who doesn't think NG is the best thing since sliced bread they pick on Rushton again. That sounds distinctly feasible. While we are at it, what is it with the abuse and the threats in this thread. Apart from the fact that those who appear to support the attack on Peter Rushton have given no reason a) for the attack in Identity b) for the attacks on this tread for merely querying the need for the article. Just because so and so, or so and so, deems someone to be any one of the following (pick your desired foul name) red troll infiltrator vermin scum doesn't mean that is true. In fact the more abusive, insulting and at times plain derisory , the less likely I would be to believe it. In fact I would think that maybe the person on the receiving end is more to be believed. Witness the many decent nationalists very recently who have been either driven out of the BNP, or expelled, usually with a spate of abuse to see them on their way and to try to ensure that they are never taken seriously again. |
Re: Peter Rushton | This shows both the BNP and stormfront to be operating on a very low level - 60 posts about 1 article! No one mentions any thing of imporyance. What did Mr.Griffin write about. The BNP should be above it and the posters here should be discussing serious matters - PLE.s, how do we fight back, the value of other articles. We have no future with mindless fools like these. It is the television celebrity mentality, gossip and tittle tattle. You degenertate trash! And your point is heidi beddoes? I hardly think that coming out with this sort of low order accusations helps anyone do you? And if you think the thread is irrelevant tittle tattle then why do you not just ignore it? Instead you have added to it! I don't really think it is for you to decide what is not to be discussed, but obviously you have other ideas. I am sure you can open any number of topics and interest many posters, but a high handed schoolmarmish approach inspires no one. |
Re: Peter Rushton | Sorry, I have had a long day. To be serious, though the BNP are leaving themselves wide open because this amounts to an incitement to violence as we saw from shove the dove's comments on him getting a slap - if I was Rushton I would take legal advice on this. It puts people off a party when sink this low. I think it is to distract people from the way they are coming apart at the top. Ah I must have misread you, I apologise, and with all of that heidi beddoes I would agree. In fact that is a conclusion that many will be arriving at, as I did some time ago. |
Re: Peter Rushton | Six pages of replys so far, but not one has quoted from the said article :eek: Does nobody on Stormfront - apart from Richardthelionheart - read Identity now :confused: I skim through it occasionally although I use to read it cover to cover. Who is Identity marketed at anyway? Is it to the rank and file members? Or is it supposed to be aimed at the general public? Do editors have any thoughts on this? I see Richardthelionheart has chucked his starting post out here but has not returned to add to it or inform further.:confused: |
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