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May Day riots by leftists. | May Day celebrations in Germany have been marred by violence in some of the countrys major cities. Sixteen police officers and 25 protesters were injured in Berlins Hellersdorf district during a large rally organised by the National Democratic Party (NPD). About 1,000 demonstrators with signs demanding work for Germans first listened to speakers calling for foreigners to be expelled. Police intervened when the NPD briefly clashed with anti-fascists who held their own counter-demonstration at the same location. The NPD demonstration was authorised by a German court, which lifted a police ban, but left-wing counter-demonstrations were forbidden. The courts said that the leftists were more likely to cause trouble. According to Berlin police spokesman Michael Kokert, 140 leftists were arrested or detained citywide as a result of the disturbances. Earlier, over 100 people were arrested and 16 police officers were hurt in an overnight riot by far-leftists in Hamburg. Police used water cannons and armored vehicles to disperse the rioters who threw stones at banks, broke shop windows and set fire to cars in the city centre. In Dresden, counter-demonstrators threw stones and firecrackers at a gathering of about 450 NPD supporters, and 12 of them were detained. In Ludwigshafen, in the south-west of Germany, 400 counter-demonstrators disrupted a march by 300 NPD supporters. The NPD also demonstrated in Grimma, in the east. Police are bracing for more violence in Berlin where they deployed more than 6,000 officers. Reinforcements were guarding government buildings in the city centre. |
Re: Faits divers en bref | Version américaine : http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/5809/greasezt1.jpg Olivia Newton-John et John Travolta Version française : http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4153/grease2ui0.jpg Cécilia Cara et Djamel Mehnane [ame=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=1wors6cQD1A]YouTube - Grease - Reportage 2[/ame] http://cie.alternez.free.fr/Images/C..._fondjaune.jpg |
Re: Italia vs Francia ( Africa ), Forza Italia | Scotland vs France ( Africa ) [ame=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijb14KQYlNM]YouTube - Scotland vs France ( Africa ) ! Thank You Scotland[/ame] France ( Africa ) vs Scotland [ame=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=VnzwkYPUw3U]YouTube - France ( Africa ) vs Scotland - Thanks Scotland[/ame] Grazie Scotland:cool: |
Re: Italia vs Francia ( Africa ), Forza Italia | Owen, remember me from YouTube? I knew you were one of us :clink Joe C. My new space video;) http://www.livevideo.com/0wen Owen |
Re: Antifahahah, Communiste et autres Clowns du genre | http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/3...leimageix5.png |
Re: Antifahahah, Communiste et autres Clowns du genre | [ame=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=akFHybyRHAA]YouTube - Le nouveau son de Morsay (CGB Remix)[/ame] |
Re: Colonisation | WAKE UP - lugdunum :rolleyes: http://www.futura-sciences.com/tag_maladie_mentale_skizophrene.php |
Re: Wallpapers | http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5517/ns8bo9.png http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3394/ns9gk3.png http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4037/ns10qm8.png |
You point of view. | Hi, I am a 16 yr old white female. I am doing a report about the Holocaust/racism and I'd like to hear some of your points of view of: What REALLY happened in the Holocaust, what made you become a nationalist or nazi, what are your feelings towards other races and why you have this hatred towards them. Detailed explanations are greatly appreciated. Thank you, :kiss xoxo ENGEL xoxo :kiss |
Re: Forced into early reloading | Here's a checklist I've seen on the internet. http://thegunwiki.com/Gunwiki/RefReloadingStartup Everybody should have a Lee hand press and the appropriate dies at a bare minimum. If you get into progressive machines though, you need to go Dillon or go back to single stage. A machine that breaks a part once every few months is going to be useless in short order post-SHTF. By the way - decapping pins. Everyone SHOULD keep a good supply of those, as they do break fairly readily. |
Re: I'm a wimp | is there a way to be able to take pain better Karate, as well as most other martial arts. You'll spend time toughening up with a partner, basically punching or kicking each other with full contact. At least, you will if you're in a halfway traditional dojo. |
Re: What are you doing to prepare? | I'm surprised no one has mentioned a large number of those very nice modern LED flashlights. I'm a big fan of the Coast Cutlery ones... $40 from Home Depot (I know, don't get me started on the undocumented immigrants outside looking for work) and a ridiculous number of lumens... daylight visible. Power source is AAA batteries x3. Couple that with a solar charger for NiMH AAA batteries and you'll pretty much have light forever. |
Re: Restaurants in Arizona that prohibit CCW holders | What's funny is that of the chains on that list here in CA, none of them that I've noticed have had signs up prohibiting weapons. Of course, CA has nothing in the law giving special weight to an establishment saying you can't carry either, so it's just a hey, leave or we'll call it trespassing thing. Pretty toothless. Just like no shirt or shoes, no service - which doesn't get enforced near the beach (unless you're fat, that is). |
Re: Steele: GOP Must Take Steps to Court Black Voters | The avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote. Libertarian party in 2012... |
Re: Steele: GOP Must Take Steps to Court Black Voters | Libertarians? Hah.. there's no way I would vote for that stupid asshole Bob Barr. Every political party is anti-White. Even the constitution party installed some negroid in IDAHO who took it upon his nappy little head to reject Edgar Steele. The interests of the majority are simply spat upon in the USA. :mad: They still beat both of the other major parties, for all their drawbacks. They're also small enough still that they could be steered in a more useful direction if enough of us joined. I'm more of a Ron Paul Libertarian, although he tried for the R ticket last time. |
Re: Why Does No One Ever Talk About Looting | The time for community building is now, when 'the SHTF' its time to start taking charge of the White civilians. There going to need feeding Have you got enough food to feed a few thousand people for weeks even months? I can just about assure you that you don't want to try to feed a few thousand people. Himmler had it right - everyone will know one good Jew, and by Jew here I mean non-white of some sort. Get a group of a few thousand Americans (at least... don't know about elsewhere) to join a White group, and in very short order you'll have some heroes overthrow your rule in short order to turn it into a multi-racial support group. |
Re: Why Does No One Ever Talk About Looting | So your solution is what, deliberately keep any movement to below a few thousand people? :cool: Movement, no. Post-SHTF group, yes. Smaller groups should associate with other like-minded groups. It's when you get into large, monolithic groups that everyone starts getting more egalitarian. |
Re: Smith & Wesson Introduces New Gun for Liberal Democrats: | are you sure its a smith? im not seeing the sellout lock that they put on all their guns.:rofl S&W was sold again, you know. This time, it was bought by non-losers. Now they make plenty of politically incorrect weapons - the 500S&W was their first post-buyout piece, and the M&P 15 AR-15 line is another post-buyout weapon. I'm no fan of the old S&W, but can't really hold it against the new owners. |
Re: Movies that you think are part of the programming of America | Pretty much all of the 1980s martial arts movies had to have some big black guy with less skill than the white lead, but enough strength and hit points to make him roughly equal. See the American Ninja series, most of Van Damme's 80s/90s movies, etc. For that matter, when they cast Worf as a black guy, that was another nod in that direction. However, nowadays TV is the worst in offense. The new Dr. Who pushes race at us a lot (although it's refreshing compared to most other series - it spins this nice fairy tale that everyone really can have around the same intelligence, and treat each other as equals, regardless of skin color... I wish that were possible but it isn't). Then, of course, there's that Dora the Explorer crap... |
Re: Movies that you think are part of the programming of America | I'll tell you a Hollywood movie that WASN'T even slightly diversified, was Outlander. Doesn't get any more white than spaceman (who speaks ancient Norse) meeting up with Vikings to fight a dragon. FROM SPACE! I will however say that the torture horror currently in vogue disgusts me. I mean, I am a big horror fan, and Hostel was innovative, but I miss the old creature movies where folks ran... they fought... and sure, they probably died. But they died like human beings, for the most part. Any given Freddy or Jason movie has far more class than the entire Saw franchise, in my opinion. Most movies nowadays are just ok, yep now the person is knocked out, ok now the chair comes out... yep, you can't just kill people, you've gotta see 'em tortured in a chair or table or some other bondage apparatus! setups. |
Re: Italy terrrified could be invaded by Muslims | Race War! The winner will be whoever has more children. Winner take all! *boggle* In my version of war, more children who can't competently use guns are just more targets for the ones who can. |
Re: Infant thrown from car dies | Egads. Reading things like the last post (not the SF poster, but the quoted crap) lead me to believe that the Internet needs a linguistic cleansing policy. Anything written in incoherent gibberish like that should simply be rejected when the user attempts to post it. Seriously. We had Grammatik V back in the 1990s, and it could run on a 286 IIRC. Computationally, it shouldn't be difficult to insert it as a filter to automatically reject any myspace, facebook, etc posting which fails to parse as even a precursor to English. |
Re: Glock and 1911 Carbine Conversions | They're decent enough, but I'd rather grab an HK USC in the same caliber. |
Re: Who welds? | I... uh, can make metal stick together. Sometimes. Seriously though, I've got a half-way decent amateur Lincoln Electric mig (at least it's not Harbor Freight). I'm hoping to do enough projects around the house to feel confident to try the welds on a G3-pattern rifle within a reasonable amount of time. Purportedly they're not hard to get right. |
Re: Are you wrecking your brain pictures | Heh, and here I thought people who DIDN'T smoke, drink, or do drugs were considered ABNORMAL. :) Here, we have a pic of our brains next to 'normal'. |
Re: obama says too late to close border | Hey, I agree with him for a change. It is indeed too late for a fence. What we need now is a free fire zone and an open year-round season... no bag limit. Ever been on the border? Even Hispanic border patrol agents are sick of being shot at, and I've been told in as many damn words that if I shot somebody coming north, no questions would be asked. |
Re: obama says too late to close border | I kind of have to go with this. I never agreed with a fence. What I thought was if we brought our troops home from the middle east, they could work and back up the border patrol plugging holes in our borders. Hell, we are paying them weather it be peace time or war anyhow, and to me this is like a war. While that would work admirably, I do disagree with the idea of taking our military off of practice and such. Moreover, we'd end up creating dangerous precedents of using the military for a traditionally law enforcement role. However, I'm all up for blanket authorization to fire on anyone south of the fence, and letting a bunch of cranky retired guys (and the rest of us of course, although most of us would probably just do the weekends) have a free-fire zone all day long. Can you imagine the 60-year-old 50cal guys keeping score over walkie talkies? :) |
Re: The Gun Everyone Loves To Sneer At | I don't sneer at the M1 Carbine, just at M1 Carbine fanboys. To qualify as a fanboy, you must utterly disregard physics, sound tactics, and common sense. Any detractions against the rifle for a specific role can be explained away (human wave attacks scared them so they never hit), and wild-eyed stories of shooting cherries at 800 yards are taken as gospel. That's fanboyism. I personally own an M1 Carbine, and would consider using it for specific things - but there are far better rifles for most roles one would want to try with it. Not to say that the M1 doesn't have its own niche, though. It seems that every board has some guy who's read enough of the M1 Carbine circle jerk posts out there and gets all worked up, thinking it's the bestest 1000 yard super assault sniper tactical weapon ever built. Max Brooks, author of World War Z, is a notable one. For what it is, the M1C is not a bad little gun. Of particular interest to reloaders is the fact that its straight-walled cartridge will handle being reloaded a lot more than bottle-neck cartridges. However, don't insult the gun and delude yourselves by trying to believe the rifle is something that it isn't. |
Re: Hospitals forced to pick up slack when uninsured patients cannot afford to pay | But if I was the supreme ruler of America, I would ban all illegals from medical care regardless of their situation. There would be no charity cases for them and I think that'd help save a few billion dollars. This shows you're not thinking clearly here. Why should we continue to spend money on apes and pigs to perform experimental procedures on? Illegals should be able to get care in American hospitals - but only to provide practice in order for American medical students to graduate into doctors, or to work out procedures which will later be applied to Americans. I must say, however, that trying to nationalize health care is the dumbest thing we could do. Wanna fix medical care? Reform the stupid malpractice laws! |
Re: all the loss here on stormfront... | SF has gone through a number of evolutions over the years, and has become far more mainstream. As someone who's followed SF since '02 or so, it's barely even the same site. I suggest that the older posters are leaving because the new SF isn't to their liking. However, for the cause the new SF is a far superior site to the old one. I'll take a strong SF with a wide-spread message over one with few members, most of them unable to communicate effectively with anyone outside of WN circles. Anyone who's upset about the new, mainstream nature of SF has probably found themselves moving to sites where the topics are much like the ones I used to laugh at 5-6 years ago. I wasn't an anti by any stretch, but the old ('02 or so) SF's population contained a LOT of jingoistic because we're white we'll prevail even without planning type people who were really only good for laughs. On the other hand, with the '09 vintage SF, I don't have to grit my teeth before showing it to prospective WN's. |
Re: Should you standardize on NATO calibers when building a self defense strategy? | In the event of SHTF, what theory are you operating under? Do you think NATO countries are going to helicopter-drop ammunition on camps of white nationalists? I hate to tell you this, we won't be considered allies. At best, we will be considered potentially useful but expendable cannon fodder. You don't want that supply-dropped ammo if its price must be paid in your blood, and that of your group. Make no mistake, they would HAPPILY spend the lives of WN's in suicide attacks in order to eliminate us from any future society. What's the other scenario? I'll be able to buy these NATO calibers in the store because the manufacturers make more? I hope that folks paid attention to gun store shelves during the run on ammo when Obama was elected. Sticking to the standard rounds is the same damned philospophy 90% of the REST of gun owners are following! In emergencies, the shelves are going to be bare of all the standard rounds and calibers. But I've seen a fair amount of .270 and .243 on the shelves, because maybe 2% of the gun owners need it. I am far from advocating that people standardize on weird hunting calibers, but I do believe everyone should have a few off calibers. Way down the line, the only calibers available will be the weird ones. The winning solution... make sure you have enough ammunition for yourself and any others you may bring into your group post-SHTF. If you figure on taking 4-5 into your house post-SHTF, make sure you have enough ammunition to train them, and enough for them to shoot. 10k ammunition per soldier position in any given caliber should be enough. Note that I say position, not soldier... liberals, even if they're awakening are expendable compared to educated and prepared WN's. Your job is to train soldiers and manage the group, not to be on the front lines. Next up, you shouldn't waste your ammunition on unarmed opponents. If they see your group is armed, chances are that unarmed opponents aren't going to attack. So... if most of the folks you spend ammunition on HAVE ammunition and a gun to use it with, then chances are you will operate under a 'net profit' for ammunition. So, final analysis: figure out how many people you intend to have in your group, and YOU SECURE 10k rounds per person. Don't tell people bring your ammo and meet up at my farm, their wives will make them leave it behind for more water and diapers, etc etc. Or let folks buy in SHTF slots at your place; they buy 10k rounds and it gets stored, untouched, in your basement. Whatever... just make sure there's 10k rounds person. And, pick up a bunch of rifles in a variety of calibers. Hakims for 8mm Mauser, AR-10's for 308 (different uppers on those should let you shoot a few other calibers... I think 270 and 243, if not both), 50 BMG, etc. Revolver rounds seem to do fairly well at staying available too; 357/38 and 44 weren't even close to as scarce as 9mm and 45ACP. Of semi-auto handgun rounds, 40S&W actually stayed fairly available for a while, compared with those too. As for 9mm, forget it. Everyone and their brother has at least one 9mm gun and tries to stock up on it during the slightest hint of an emergency. |
Re: Should you standardize on NATO calibers when building a self defense strategy? | Things to consider when choosing a caliber: Is it commonly available? If so, this will mean that a lot of people will want it, and therefore it will be valuable for trade, but also, a lot of people will have it, and it will be easier to get. In a Mad Max scenario, ammo will become a form of money, and oddball rounds will have no value, and will be harder to resupply. The rounds on their own? Not a whole lot, which is why you'll be able to get a virtual monopoly on them whenever they're found. The rounds plus a lot of spare rifles that shoot it? Congratulations, you have secured a perfect position for yourself post-SHTF. That guy you just handed a Steyr M95 and 20 8x56R rounds to, will have to bring you plenty of goodies to coax the next 20 rounds out of you, won't he? After all, you can't just get the ammo for it from a tree somewhere... |
Re: Repo man gets tased | Tasers are indeed pretty decent options for folks who can't get concealed carry permits. As for the old guy going to jail... use of force is interesting here in CA. You can't ever assault someone in order to protect property, only life. You pretty much have to let people steal your car while you sit there on the phone with the police, because if you go out threatening the thief, you're the first one escalating the situation to violence. You COULD go out and order him to leave, or you could pop out and take a flash photo of them. Provides the police with some evidence to come after the guys, and the criminal's likely to run OR come after you; make sure you close and lock the door. Now, if he comes in... you CAN shoot someone who's broken into your HOUSE in CA all you want. You don't enjoy immunity from civil suits, but you are in the clear from CRIMINAL suits in your home as long as there was a threat to your life. So, if the guy has both hands full with your TV, you're going in for murder, and chances are that if you shot him in the back on the way out your door, it's the same. However, if the guy kicks in your front door, you have no obligation to assume it's in order to share a candy bar with you. |
Re: Repo man gets tased | That's not really true, you can place someone under citizen's arrest. You can, sure. However, practically speaking if you're performing a citizen's arrest without using force, he's pretty much free to flip the bird at you and walk away. If you chase him down and restrain him, you're almost definitely getting assault charges if you're just a regular citizen... mall cops and such probably get additional courtesy. At least, that's how I understand it works in metro areas. Some further research indicates that CA citizen's arrests are only applicable to felonies, and given that most simple theft is a misdemeanor, we probably can't arrest for it: http://www.criminalattorney.com/page...ens_arrest.htm If, however, the prosecutor doesn't file charges, or even if he does, you could still be sued for false arrest, or if you don't have enough evidence, charges could be filed against you. It's not an issue of it being illegal, just highly inadvisable. True, there is that too. For my reason above, I more or less forget about citizen's arrest as an option, unless you're in a position where you're close to or at the point of being able to justify lethal force. |
Re: Looking to get body armor | Kind of depends on what you're doing, but here's one consideration - if you're planning to keep it in a vehicle or somewhere it might get tossed around, consider getting steel plates. Yes, they're heavier but they won't crack under abuse like ceramic will and they're considerably cheaper. I've got multi-hit-rated IV ceramic plates but keep meaning to pick up a set of steel plates for different applications. BTW, always keep in mind that you may need to ditch your armor in a hurry. Current-issue PASGT vests and Blackhawk STRIKE carriers have quick disconnects which can let you drop all your gear fast. So fast, in fact, that you could sprint into a building wearing armor and a trenchcoat or duster, pop off your gear, and walk back out unarmed and let 'em keep looking for the armored combatant while you casually stroll away from the scene. |
Re: Michelle Obama eats 1575 calorie meal while on another vacation | So what's next? A Jersey Shore thread? Come on folks. Who gives a ripe darn what this First Negress is eating? Completely agreed. Besides, this isn't even being inconsistent on a combat obesity front if she's actually going skiing afterwards. That can burn a ton of calories. There are plenty of things to be upset about with in our government, but this meal isn't one of them. |
Re: Asgardian Heimdall to be played by a black man... | Just like Storm in Xmen was originally drawn out, as a blonde pale white woman, now shes a black with grey hair in the films. (yeah yeah jew written but still) Not that I'm not offended at Heimdall's casting, but when was Storm ever white? I've been reading scans of the comics from the 70's and it seems that she was always black, just a lighter black. Of course, if you look at Blade, he wasn't that dark either - I suspect it had more to do with their printing press tech at the time. Trying to print them as dark as they do now probably would've resulted in Rorschach ink blots for characters (and I'm not talking about Watchmen). |
Re: Saiga 12 owners, avoid shell deformation | Fascinating. You could always go back to WW2 and start using brass shells of course, but otherwise this is an interesting adjustment. |
Re: California Family Moving To Kentucky or ? | Make sure you spin your story right. 1. You didn't leave CA because of taxes and such, you left it because you got tired of being around all the butt-pirates. 2. You also left CA because you couldn't find a good Southern Baptist church in the State of the Fallen. 3. You didn't want your kids to grow up speaking Spanish, unless it's because they feel like visiting Spain. Just remember, they'll have sympathy for someone who was fed up with CA and left it for the same reasons they don't like it. |
Re: No, You DON'T Need a Class 3 For That! | If it was manufactured and imported between 1994 and 2004, you can't legally put a bayonet on it unless you put 10 other U.S. made parts on it. If it wasn't imported in that time period, you should be good to go. I have never heard of ATF agents checking serial numbers on SKS's in the field to determine import date. Afraid you've got it backwards there, friend. 922(r) dictates that your weapon may have no more than 10 foreign parts if it's not an importable configuration. No more than 10 foreign parts is a lot different from you must put 10 US parts on it. Side detour: One exception to 922(r) is (for military C&R's) the original, historically relevant military configuration (hence what folks are worked up about when discussing C&R status). This is why Russian, Yugoslavian, etc SKS'es tend to have their bayonets installed and functional without breaking any laws - leaving it on is absolutely legal for a C&R weapon using its original gear. Back to the subject: For ANY rifle, there's no Federal reason (your state's laws may vary, but not even CA cares about bayonets!) that you can't put a bayonet on a weapon if it has 10 or fewer counted foreign parts . I've seen people at gun shows act like idiots because Cletus at the range told 'em they can just replace five screws to take care of their compliance parts. Don't be like them; 922(r) has a specific list of ... 18 or 21, I think, components which may or may not be a part of any given rifle design. Examples from the list... operating rods, gas pistons, trigger, hammer, disconnector... sling swivels and screws don't count. Anyway, for the SKS... even if your rifle has more than 10 foreign parts, if it was imported with the bayonet it should be legal to keep the bayonet on it. However, if you were to get your parts count down to 10 or lower, you'll absolutely be out of any kind of bayonet-related Federal hot water you may care about. When it has 10 or fewer foreign parts, it is considered a domestic gun and it's not subject to questions of importability. |
Re: No, You DON'T Need a Class 3 For That! | If you are building a weapon, you may use no more than ten of the following compliance parts made outside of the States. What I was trying, perhaps clumsily, to say, was that if he was going to alter the condition of the weapon to that of a pre-ban, he needs to alter ten of the compliance parts to be inline with 922r. That would mean adding ten more U.S. made parts. Ah, I see where you're going here. The thing is, no rifle I'm aware of actually has all 20 of those counted parts. The AK, for instance, has 16 counted parts so you'd only need to replace 6. A FAL, on the other hand, has 17 and thus you'd have to replace 7. The SKS is a bit easier to manage, with 15 counted parts. Hence why it's more precise to talk about no more than 10 imported parts, rather than trying to talk about replacing X parts since it varies with the weapon system. The SKS, for example, has no barrel extension, mounting block, operating rod (as far as ATF is concerned, even though it has a rod we tend to call an operating rod!) , pistol grip, or magazine floorplate as part of its design in its normal available configurations. Of course, if you had a Chinese SKS-D or SKS-M (which takes AK mags), the magazine floorplates would become an issue. |
Re: No, You DON'T Need a Class 3 For That! | The synthetic stock thing applies to standard SKSs that have fixed mags. To use a detachable mag on them, you must use the synthetic stock. As for the bayonets, even if they come in the box, it is illegal to mount them, whether they are single-bladed or triangular. This applies to SKSs only; it's one of the entrapment snares the ATF put out there to confuse people. The only exception is for C&Rs. You're getting wrapped around the axle of trying to use shortcuts to understand 922(r). You need to stop trying to use the shortcuts and just read 922(r) - once you do, all these thoughts that the material in a stock is somehow special, will vanish rapidly. In order to have a detachable magazine, you must have no more than 10 imported parts on the rifle. The stock is one of the more commonly replaced foreign parts - and there aren't a lot of WOODEN domestically produced stocks. Most of them are synthetic. That's where this understanding came from. This site is pretty good on this matter - Gunwiki: 922(r) Worksheet for SKS Builds Years ago, you just plain could not get a lot of the compliance parts you can get now. It used to be that you could get US-made gas pistons, stocks, magazines, and not much else. But now you can get fire control group parts too, which opens a lot of other options for 922r compliance. |
Re: No, You DON'T Need a Class 3 For That! | All this says, is that the stock is one of the permissable components to change. When it gets to the pistol grip, it's listed as N/A. WTF?!~ That's the biggest part used today! Want a folding stock? Replace your grip with this this cheap US-made one and you're legal. This needs a lot of review before it's taken cut and dry. What you don't understand is that the only parts which COUNT are the IMPORTED parts - i.e. the foreign-made parts which originally came on the weapon. You can have NO MORE THAN 10 IMPORTED PARTS on your weapon. The SKS is has never been imported with a pistol grip - all the pistol gripped SKSes are using domestically produced pistol grips. So - any pistol grip ON your SKS is going to be a US-made one already. If you're replacing a US made grip with a US made grip, it doesn't affect your imported parts count one bit. Take a couple of steps back and read up on 922(r) until you understand it. Don't get all butt-hurt here - you honestly don't understand 922(r) at this point and need to do some more reading. |
Re: About your views on Muslims... | Suggestion for you: Tell 'em you don't mind Chaldeans (which are more or less a flavor of Arabic Christian, so you score 'Oh, he doesn't hate Arabs' points), you just hate Islam. They'll get into a what're they? bit, then you explain about the religious persecution they faced in the Middle East, etc. At the hands of Muslim arabs! That tends to derail their white-self-loathing train and give you basis to reshape the discussion. |
Re: 45 Gap - The Modern 45 | Primary point behind 45 GAP is ease in manufacturing. It's basically the same reason it's so much easier to introduce a 40 S&W variant of a pistol, than a 10mm version. See, most modern semi-auto frames' magwells are made for the overall length of the 9mm round. This includes every 40 S&W and 45 GAP frame. Different overall lengths (10mm, 45 ACP) require different magwell dimensions and different lengths of action, etc etc. For a history lesson, 40S&W took off like a bullet because someone figured out that the case capacity actually NEEDED for the down-loaded 10mm FBI loads could actually fit into a .40 case that was short enough to fit into a 9mm magwell. In no time, most of the major manufacturers were putting out 40S&W handguns because it didn't require as much design change as, say, 10mm would have. 45GAP is a similar experiment; it's a .45 wide bullet and a cartridge overall length around that of a 9mm. This allows manufacturers to use the same frame dimensions, and just change the slide geometry to accommodate the 45 GAP. More common parts -> lower cost of supporting the new caliber -> life is good. For those who don't recall though, .50GI is a 50cal upsizing of 45ACP. It never really took off, probably because 50cal shooters expect at least the punch of a Desert Eagle if a handgun's going to have the balls to call itself a 50cal. Of course, when it comes to ease of manufacturing, the 357 Sig actually has some advantages over 45 GAP. Considering that the base of the cartridge is dimensionally equivalent to 40S&W, the only thing that must be changed to put 357 Sig through a 40S&W pistol is the barrel. This has enabled, and will continue to enable, the 357 Sig to survive as long as there are 40S&W handguns out there in quantity enough to interest third-party barrel makers. If you can name a relatively popular pistol in 40S&W, chances are that there's a drop-in 357 Sig barrel available for it. Converting a 40S&W to 45 GAP however, would require a different bolt face and extractor geometry IIRC. So, 45 GAP's future is more contingent upon direct manufacturer support. Of course, most of Cor-Bon's oddball calibers have similar one drop-in barrel away claims to fame as the 357 Sig. They never were as popular though, because they never had direct enthusiastic support by a manufacturer with big law enforcement inroads (Sig, Beretta, Glock, etc). In-house calibers, on the other hand, see more support. Random ramblings... |
Re: Mixed kids -identity crisis? | I'm a mix of a number of random European countries. Other than fond recounting of the Scottish heritage on a grandparent's side, the only thing that was pushed on me was that we're pure Americans. I've got no one ancestral heritage, and never thought much about my pre-American identity since it's nowhere close to unified... hence, no crisis for me. What I did latch onto was that my ancestors have hung out on this continent for a century or two, and made a life of it shooting folks who had it coming. My ancestry is pretty much nothing but ranchers/cowboys and military. |
Re: Mixed kids -identity crisis? | Evolution shows that in the long run, if the superior mixes with the inferior, the product is halfway between, and inferior to what you started with in the original superior group - in other words, mongrelized. George Lincoln Rockwell I don't think you were really paying attention. The kid is the mix of two white nationalities and is totally white. What are you, a white-but-only-from-the-one-country supremacist? Tell me - is it the German, English, Scots-Irish, or the Norwegian that you are calling inferior ? |
Re: bug out bag | Just enough in my vehicle to get me home. Pre-packed bag at home to handle what's necessary. Go suit in a closet - vest, armor plates, etc, all ready to be tossed on in layers according to the situation. And a trenchcoat that can cover it all. |
Re: bug out bag | Sit it out for a couple months. Roads will be useless, and it's better to let the idiots who think they can handle it on the roads kill each other off before setting out for anywhere better. |
Re: Dream Dogs | What happened here? Did someone feed a greyhound a steady diet of steroids from puppyhood on? It looks strangely intriguing though, dunno what it is. As for huskies - I've dealt with several, but to be honest every male huskie I've had dealings with has been a complete idiot. I have, however, seen perfectly reasonable (if spirited) conduct out of female huskies. |
Re: Second Amendment Rights/Gun Control and White Nationalism | Long as regulated only means each man has at least one rifle in the standard caliber which takes the standard magazines (e.g. AR-15 or other STANAG mag compatible weapon), you don't bring grenades to militia practice unless you're certified for their use (sucks if one idiot frags his platoon!), and possibly you get a snazzy uniform, that's fine with me. I believe that's what the founding fathers meant. |
Re: Second Amendment Rights/Gun Control and White Nationalism | It's interesting to see how many people have voted for unrestricted weapons but regulated militias. The Founding Fathers intended regulated - but all they meant was competent and properly equipped. They just didn't want guys showing up with half-arsed gear and a rifle of questionable quality and dragging down unit reliability. |
Re: Second Amendment Rights/Gun Control and White Nationalism | yes, exactly. How many of you are actual members of the GOA and/or the NRA? I read something recently about how the GOA was the only gun organization to fight the Brady bill. Apparentl NOT the NRA, which surprises me Always look at the money. GOA's money, just like JPFO's, comes from people who think the NRA isn't doing enough. As a result, they make their bread and butter from contrasting themselves with the NRA. The NRA fights on the front, the back rooms, and the sides. GOA is much like the organization that brought San Francisco's handgun ban into the forefront of a big fight (claiming the NRA was doing nothing) and forcing the issue after the NRA had made a back-room deal to let it die quietly . The result was that they backed San Fran into a corner and the NRA's deal was off, since it'd been brought into the spotlight. Never fail to scrutinize the objectives and money sources of all the organizations involved here. NRA's a big org which gets money from campaigning, etc. The other orgs are small orgs which make their money by pissing people off at the NRA. When was the last time you heard of a GOA grassroots event? |
Re: Second Amendment Rights/Gun Control and White Nationalism | how exactly are we to know about back room deals in progress? We must do what we can based on what we know, not what we hope they work out in secrecy. democracies can't function that way for long. YOU wouldn't know. But the organization in question was made aware of the deal and continued to push so they could get press coverage and donations . All they had to do was not raise the rally cry, but they saw money in it. This is politics and lobbying - openness and transparency only work so far. It's the reality we live in. |
Re: Second Amendment Rights/Gun Control and White Nationalism | Every white nation should have the first and second amendments. Ideally, the substance of those amendments should be in the first draft of their constitution, as opposed to in an amendment after the fact. :) |
Re: The Arab: Obama. American's Must Learn Spanish | Everyone should speak more than one language. German is a very good choice for the WN movement. But don't under-estimate the value of the asian or Spanish languages. Japanese can be the key to high paying jobs, Chinese can make you indispensable as things progress onwards, and Spanish lets you know what certain criminal elements may be saying about you. This is about intelligence gathering and tactical awareness, not subservience. Do not confuse the former with the latter. There's no reason to get hung up on knowing only English - in fact, an insistence upon not learning any secondary language is just shooting yourself (or your kids) in the foot. I would also say that if you're only going to speak one language, then one had damned well better be an expert in it, with impeccable grammar and spelling. |
Re: The Arab: Obama. American's Must Learn Spanish | English was voted as the official language all ready. Why does he start by stating that people are saying we SHOULD make it law. It all ready is. Citation, please. While I really, really wish it WERE the official language of the USA, we officially have no official language on a national level. We do, however, have English as an official language in CA as of '86, but that was a feel-good measure with no teeth. Just like every other step in the right direction this state takes (yes, I live here too). Furthermore, that means that all imigants HAVE to learn to read, write, and speak ENGLISH. Unfortunately, the INS can't enforce this because they're a federal, not state, organization. And CA will never enforce this because they're too wimpy for it. |
Re: The Arab: Obama. American's Must Learn Spanish | Latin, Russian or Japanese is fine.....there is nothing wrong with learning a second language. But I will not learn Spanish because of the political agenda behind it. Amen. I refuse to spend any effort whatsoever learning Spanish. That having been said, I think anyone with an IQ above room temperature living in a Spanish-heavy state (CA in my case) can't help but learn enough of it along the way to understand what's being said in most contexts. |
Re: IWI Tavor TAR-21 now available in Canada | Seems to me the FS2000 should be cheaper, and it also takes AR mags. Not sure if it's on Restricted or not, though. Americans with the Tavor itch may be interested to note that I read a while back, Charles Daly is going to be making 'em here in the US too. |
Re: IWI Tavor TAR-21 now available in Canada | The bullpup is such a flawed design. Too complicated to reload under stress. Why wouldn't you just want a rifle where you press a button and the mag drops RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU? M-16 ftmfw It's just a matter of what you train with. The FN bullpups are fairly easy to reload under stress. |
Re: IWI Tavor TAR-21 now available in Canada | Are you referring to the FS2000? That, and the PS90. The one annoying thing about the FS2000 is the lack of a drop-free magazine, but that's just because of a rubber collar up in the magwell. Take that out, and it drops free like an AR. |
Re: For you Californians: here's an official letter about assualt weapons | Excellent. The letter looks about like the standard copy/paste response they send on this matter now. I think they're largely done with trying to tell folks non-truths and hoping it'll stop them. |
Re: For you Californians: here's an official letter about assualt weapons | Single shot, breech-loading, barrel over 16, no collapsible stock. The muzzle brake could be a problem, but it doesn't suppress flash much, so... The only problem here is that it's an NFA-regulated weapon, as it has a barrel over 50 caliber. That makes it a Destructive Device. That having been said, I hear it's actually possible to get DD permits here. Yep, I think you can own one of these in California. But you have to get it with a micro-stamping firing pin, a fingerprint pad, and a safety lock. What you're naming off there is just for handguns. The fingerprint pad legislation hasn't been passed yet, however. They keep trying... |
Re: For you Californians: here's an official letter about assualt weapons | Well, it doesn't have a stock, so if you can carry it, it's a handgun. [Note to gentle readers: a sense of satire and the sardonic is essential on this forum] You may be jesting here, but you would be surprised to know that the 50 BMG RIFLE ban is why it is actually legal to have a belt-fed M2 here. Just as long as you don't have a shoulder stock on it. |
Re: Note to Whoever is forging Posts by Me | I call them as I see them. If you moderators were more on the ball, you'd filter this crap out before it reaches the forum. Not that I'm a moderator here, but how do you expect the moderator staff to tell whether you're you or not? I mean, it's not like you've submitted an all-inclusive list of IP addresses that you will post from, so that they can be sure it's not just you posting from home and work, for instance. |
Re: Which rifle should I get? | First thing - if you have friends with guns, start off buying ammo and taking them out shooting. Shoot your ammo through their guns, clean their guns afterwards, and KEEP A DIARY of what you liked about which weapons. If you have a range with long guns for rent, then that's another option. I'd seriously try to get into a Mosin-Nagant or SKS at first; keep it original and don't mess with those fancy stocks trying to turn it into something it isn't. Use that to work on your skill, then save up for an AK or AR-15... whatever you find you shoot best with. |
Re: Jammuniton | Indain ammo has been known to turn rifles into blown up pieces of scrap. Sell it off to non-whites and don't shoot it. Fixed it for you. BTW, Wolf 308 has been known to blow up FALs... and not just one. I would avoid Wolf too, in any gun you care about. It's sorta ok for 7.62x39mm, as it's about the only caliber they seem to be able to get right. |
Re: Jammuniton | I've used lots of Wolf in my Mosin-Nagants and .303 Lee-Enfelds with no problems at all. The issue doesn't lie with Wolf's standard power level, but rather the lack of quality control at their factory, which introduces variances in powder charge. In the batch that blew up my friend's FAL, the powder for that one round was way out of kilter. They had a lot of 308 kB's at the time (didn't even ask for PICS of his rifle when he called, just asked him what gunsmith he wanted it sent to). There are similar stories as well... any manufacturer that ships bad ammo that often, loses my trust. Another source of overpressure is easy to confirm on Wolf. Notice the seal around the bullet? That's a thin bit of lacquer, which is used to keep the bullet attached to the case just a fraction of a second longer, to ensure that more pressure builds up using less gunpowder. That's not a horrible thing in and of itself, but what is horrible is what can happen if there's too much of it and it doesn't just increase the pressure by the amount they want it to. Personally, I just don't mess with Wolf if I can avoid it. I just don't view any of my rifles as expendable enough, particularly if situations were dire enough that I needed to dip into my non-reloaded ammo. Aren't FALs made with aluminum lower receivers but steel uppers? Steel may weigh a bit more, but one would think it's infinitely preferable for a receiver. I know tests were done with some kind of fancy upper made from aluminum and failed miserably. To be honest, I'm not sure personally. |
Re: Breaking down national barriers | The act was committed in Sweden. What about that don't you understand. Going by your logic, Germany can issue an arrest warrant for any poster on this site. No, the offense happened on servers located on US soil. If a country has extradition treaties with the US, then any of their citizens who commit offences against the US are subject to extradition. If the Swedish citizen were hacking Swedish computers, the US wouldn't care. Nor if they were Russian computers, although the Russians might if they have extradition treaties. BTW, Germany would certainly be able to do something against Stormfront IF the servers were located in Germany. Otherwise, the only folks they can go after will be any Germans who may be posting here. |
Re: Breaking down national barriers | You just don't get it, do you? Perhaps you would care to quote your credentials for understanding international criminal law? To me, you're the one who just doesn't get it. And if the US is in the process of extraditing the guy, then apparently the laws of Sweden and the US both disagree with your analysis of the situation. |
Re: Breaking down national barriers | Maybe you should re-examine the title of the post and the facts of the article. A Swede, in Sweden, hacked a US server. US law was violated not Sweden's. Do you understand they are two sovereign nations? Can you not see how that is part of the breaking down of national barriers? I may be looking into it too much but it didn't mention any charges he faced in Sweden, so I assume there are none. I read the title and the facts. What you're not getting is that with treaties in place, the countries can do what they wish. For an example, do you think it's legal to stand on the US side of the Canadian border and shoot at Canadians? No crime is happening in the US, so it's ok right? If you think the US won't extradite you for it, you're dead wrong. How can a nation subject the whole world to it's laws? It's part of the Republic not an Empire line of thinking, that, I guess, you don't understand. It works because Sweden wants to be able to also prosecute folks in the US who have commited crimes against Sweden. Do you think you can hack into Swedish computers from the US? Not without the risk of criminal and/or civil action. It cuts both ways. It's noteworthy here that some countries (such as Romania) have NO extradition and NO willingness to work with US authorities on cyber crime issues. This is why you run into so many professional Romanian spammer operations. I dealt with this on a professional basis a few years back, so I understand just a little bit here about why a country would or wouldn't be willing to extradite criminals. |
Re: Officers reassure Muslim community leaders they will deal with any anti-terror backlash | All I can say here is that I long for them to finally start with the jihad they speak of with such glee. Choosing to cross the line and become combatants en masse is the single dumbest thing they can possibly do on American soil. Regrettably, I fear they will probably be smart enough not to do it. But if they're dumb enough to start it, then we'll finish it. |
Re: How many rounds do you carry? | 2x 12rds in 40S&W when open carrying. If we had loaded open carry in CA, I'd have 36rds from one in the gun. If I were to go concealed, I'd probably do 10 or 20 rounds of 40S&W with a different gun. |
Re: How many rounds do you carry? | There is one California Law Man that I have seen on TV who said he walks up to a stopped vehicle with his hand in his pocket, rather than on his open carry handgun. The folks in the car would not realize that his hand in his pocket is on his pocket pistol which he claims he can draw faster than his open carry handgun in the holster. Good point, however you can't get permits out here in most of the areas where you'd need them. There are guys starting to carry in locked pouches on their hips though... it's legal as long as it's unloaded, and some of 'em are trying to get real creative with how locked it has to be. Some of them are getting TOO creative and doing things that couldn't really be considered locks though. |
Re: How many rounds do you carry? | Not true. I carry mine in a simple BladeTech OWB holster. No locking mechanisms or the likes at all, simple friction and a pinch on the trigger guard. It does not have to be locked to carry open in California. The only stipulation to the person and weapon beyond unpermittable areas of carry is that the weapon itself must be dry, no cartridges inside or attached to the weapon. So I carry condition 3 with an empty mag. and are two great places to get further information on this. I started OCing around here on my own, then ran into a couple of these guys at a gun shop while carrying. I went to one of their get togethers, not my gig. I carry whenever off duty regardless of where I go, I just avoid schools and other restricted areas, and I carry alone(for now). Oh, what I said was true all right, but not for OC - for LUCC. The web is sparse on LUCC information but here's the one page I found on it: http://thegunwiki.com/Gunwiki/RefLegalCaLUCC Otherwise to get that info, you have to read 3-4 threads with a few hundred posts apiece over on Calguns. Overall, LUCC is a win because law enforcement doesn't get onto you and you never get asked to leave anywhere. And you won't gain a higher radar profile from 12031(e) checks. AND you won't ever get just the wrong LEO who knows a home schooler in the area and gets a district attorney to go after you. Probably not a big deal in rural areas, but it's worth concern in urban areas. |
Re: How many rounds do you carry? | Interesting. Never heard of LUCC before. Not necessarily something I would consider though as it takes my under a second to go from holstered and dry to condition 1 on target when OUC'ing. One of my main purposes with UOC'ing everywhere I go off duty is to warm up the locals and local LEOs with nonLEO's(can't say civilian as I'm not) carrying outside of their property. The Chief of Police for each department has the authority to issue a CCL, but often just tosses them up to the County Sheriff as they don't want to deal with them. Once the local PD is good and ready, I'll get my CCL and carry condition 1 at all times. UOC definitely does have speed on its side. LUCC has a different set of risks and rewards from UOC; both are imperfect answers to the CA problem. LUCC's advantage lies mostly in immunity from school zones, as it's a locked container and thus perfectly legitimate to take as long as you aren't ON school property. :) |
Re: Was attacked after not falling for a racism scam | Out of curiosity, how do they react if you ask them HOW the money is supposed to fight racism? I'd probably just smart off with, I think that running around like a slave boy asking massa for a handout is promoting racism, don't you? |
Re: Was attacked after not falling for a racism scam | Just a word of caution to folks living in nanny states - California has a law against these kinds of gloves (look up sap gloves in penal code), and other similar states may follow suit. In CA it's a felony to possess these. Just trying to keep folks safe. You know the law will take a bite out of any white defending himself against a poor underprivileged minority with a felony-possible weapon. |
Re: Was attacked after not falling for a racism scam | Then use a roll of nickels or quarters. That will put a little more weight behind the punch. The N!ggers will feel that. Certainly not a bad idea, but I find that a keychain with a mid-sized Leatherman attached produces much the same effect... plus there's just something about whipping open the pliers and wielding them with a mad look in your eye. I have NO IDEA what he's going to do to me with that, but it's probably gonna hurt a LOT more than I expect... :) |
Re: Was attacked after not falling for a racism scam | [QUOTE=bcneuf;7694325As far as their overly hard heads again the abbo's up here seem to have that too I believe it is due to lack of brain cells.[/QUOTE] Never underestimate the amount of liquor they may have running around in their system at any given time. A slight buzz will reduce the pain they feel. And who knows what other stuff they may be on. |
Re: Why Immigrant Workers Will Fill the Streets This May Day | You may or may not recall that last year the illegals all held a day without a Mexican day. I don't know a single person - and I am the only person I know on Stormfront - who didn't wish they'd do that every day. We had less traffic and no big issues. Of course, my buddy and I (taking a road trip that day) had a pair of AR-15's in my vehicle in the event of things getting aggressive. No problems, at least where we were driving. I will say that there were some tear-jerking articles about how the illegals are slouching south across the border, because they're just not getting work like they used to. I say GOOD RIDDANCE! |
Re: Black actors 'white up' at the National Theatre | What a good idea!:) Years ago, I went to see a play in London, starring Rudolph Walker (the black guy from the 1970's 'Love Thy Neighbour' TV series.) So, here we had a black actor, wearing dark clothing, with the stage floor painted black, and a similar dull backdrop. I couldn't see a bloody thing.:( If he'd done a Michael Jackson, it would have been quite different.:rolleyes: If this guy had been in a TV series in the 1970s, then I assure you, he couldn't do Michael Jackson. Mikey likes 'em young... |
Re: Holster? If you carry... | I have my .357 on my chest and my .40 mm on my ankle.:D .40mm eh? Is that the new sub-micro round? Just giving you a hard time there. Uncle Mike's Gun Pak for concealed carry, Blackhawk Serpa for open. Picked up a Safariland too to try out recently, real cheap. |
Re: Handguns and Ammo | Totally agree on 40 S&W. However, I find the Sig and CZ platforms more appealing personally. I know a lot of XD nuts, but I'm not personally one of them. |
Re: CA: Governor Signs Ammunition Bill | 1. The law actually has a number of procedural mistakes and such. It's likely that it cannot be enacted because, among other issues, it's actually interfering with interstate commerce in interesting ways that other laws don't. 2. The enactment time is far enough out that we can look forward to it being challenged before going live. 3. It's pushing Whites in California to buy reloading gear and stockpile ammo. It's almost as good for preparedness and our capacity to make ammunition, as the Obama sales rush on guns and ammo was a while back. I personally three separate whites who are now getting into reloading as a result of this. Personally, I think this is going to work out in our favor long-term, particularly with point #3. |
Re: And another good white man that turned out NOT to be! | Just one more thing I have to start screening for right away! Gotta find the right way to ask. Oh, you're divorced? Have any kids? They pure Europeans? Easiest of all... Oh, you have kids? Show me a picture! I don't know any parents who wouldn't jump at the chance to show pics of their kids... |
Re: And another good white man that turned out NOT to be! | Just for the record there are White Mexicans. Yeah, although if they aren't all about La Raza, they're just Spaniards from Mexico... there's a difference. |
Re: US Army's New Lightweight Helmets Can't Stand Up to Actual Bullets | Ask yourself why the rest of the ENTIRE world uses some form of the 7.62, yet we use the inferior 5.56 You do realize that Russians are amused we like 7.62x39mm AK's so much, since they use 5.45x39mm now? ...which is basically 5.56mm. I'm not a huge fan of 5.56, but it's far from the entire world using 7.62. As for bulletproof helmets, there's one little problem here: generally, a helmet that can stop a bullet isn't going to stop the kinetic energy, just the penetration. On a lot of rounds, the kinetic energy is enough to snap your neck. So for many cases, it doesn't matter whether or not there's a hole in your head, because the alternative is dying from a broken neck. Of course, high collars on body armor does serve to reduce the amount of neck snap you can get, but at a cost of visibility. |
Re: Wiggers and Wiggerism : White Degeneracy | I wouldn't say that negro culture = hip-hop culture. Hip-hop culture is just the lowest degeneration they've figured out so far. I would consider it modern negro culture, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it presently represents the culture of all negroes. Probably just about all of the younger generation, though. Remember, negro culture USED to be a shadow of more civilized culture, and there are probably still some crotchety older folks who keep their blues records going and don't like the youngster racket. However, within 30 years I fully expect that hip-hop culture will be negro culture, unless they come up with something even worse in the meantime. |
Re: SKS Accesories | Hey guys, I am looking to buy a new stock with an adjustable butt, pistol grip I wouldn't personally mess with these, but I've had pretty good luck with the ATI Monte Carlo stock. ATF has issued a statement that Monte Carlo stocks are a sporting modification and acceptable, thus not triggering 922(r). To the SKS purists... I consider the Monte Carlo acceptable because there are no permanent mods. If the owner wants to ensure that the original stock can sit safely at home while the synthetic stock gets dinged up bumping around in a trunk or on the trail, then the owner is actually acting in the greater interests of preservation by using that as the beater stock. I also need some scope mounts for my scope. Whatever you do, do not mess with those stupid dust cover replacement scope mounts with the weaver rails on top. They don't hold zero at all - when installed, they'll shift. It's ok for a CQB mod with a red dot, but worthless for any form of magnifying scope. The scout mount style (replaces the rear sight) is considered the best, however the gas tube replacement style holds some potential promise too. I would just keep the iron sights, myself. I plan on buying a 20-rd magazine or two as well. Can you guys recommend a good place to buy this? I am not looking to break the bank either. Tapco is about the only good name in town for these. |
Re: A black man | The politicians in the cities create laws which prohibit them. In the small towns and rural areas we have our guns, and you don't see this sort of thing. The negroes know if they try and mug someone in a small White town, their goose is cooked. Sad thing is that these laws were originally written to keep guns out of non-whites' hands. If the people who drafted those laws had any clue what their laws would turn into over time, I believe most of them would've torn up the paper their laws were written on immediately. |
Re: Bodyarmor! | Hit bulletproofme.com for some of the best explaination/writeup stuff I've seen. You want some concealable level 3A, plus you want an outer plate carrier you can throw on over it. For a higher-end solution, start looking at manufacturers' websites - they have some neat full-body solutions that the vendors (bulletproofme, etc) tend not to carry. Some of 'em don't want to sell to anyone other than police/military however. |
Re: Bodyarmor! | For home-brewed armor, you're going to need to go hardened tool steel, and fairly thick. Heat-treating it the same way you heat-treat an AK's receiver might be a good choice, as it's really hard but has a degree of spring to it. Covering it with something to reduce fragmentation isn't a bad idea, but I wouldn't use wood. Carpet squares would do a better job of catching fragments, and you can get the adhesive variety. Not sure how well that'll stand up, but it'd be worth trying out at least. |
Re: Bodyarmor! | Eh, I wouldn't buy into the Dragonskin hype. The stuff is wicked heavy and failed numerous tests under various conditions. Plus it's impossible to buy the stuff unless you're Military or LEO. There's a dealer at the Costa Mesa gun show in CA that has dragonskin armor for sale. Either their prices are so high no one's bought it, or they've got multiple vests available. |
Re: SHTF...if i may | Also, would it really hurt to travel some time without any boots at all? This is a good idea, but do it BEFORE SHTF. It'll toughen up your feet, which is never a bad thing. However, you may get bits of glass, wood, etc in your feet if barefoot, even if you're walking on roads or sidewalks. Post-SHTF you probably shouldn't do it except as a last resort, but pre-SHTF it can be useful conditioning. |
Re: What are your firearm pet peeves? | 1. The weenies who think women can't handle a 45, and think 9mm is the most they can handle. 2. The size doesn't matter because I can make head shots every time idiots. Yes, I really want to live in the same neighborhood while you dump a full 9mm mag at a guy's head. I'll leave one or two 40 or 45's SOMEWHERE in his chest, thank you, I don't have video game fantasies of head shots on moving targets under stress. 3. The birdshot will absolutely destroy anything it touches idiots. I want criminals dead, I don't want to pay hundreds of thousands of my tax dollars for their cosmetic reconstructive surgery from those nasty skin wounds, thanks. |
Re: 5 most underrated guns | Neat - didn't know the P-01 was available in 40 now! |
Re: 7.62x39 Rationing | If that is the case, SAIGA rifles and Mosin Nagant's won't be coming in anymore either. Do you have any proof of this ? Mosins... well, we're probably starting to run low on supplies of them from the armories over there. Now Saigas are interesting - I'm told there hasn't been a new shipment of Saigas into the US for over a year now. Ever wondered why the prices on these were steadily climbing up, even prior to the election buying frenzy? |
Re: The futility of it all | Why do you white or black racialists seek to preserve a form of humanity that in reality is temporary in the larger scheme of things ? ...because our chicks are hotter, and we'd rather have children with them? And our men are smarter and more successful? Just some basic reasons why we'd do so on a genetic level, you understand... |
Re: The 21 foot rule | A throat or arterial slash will still allow the opponent enough time to shoot you, unless you were to use your weak hand to force his pistol against his chest just prior to slashing the neck. Think more in terms of where the arms are weaker. Try to crush the guy's gun up against his chest, and it's going to be a LOT harder to accomplish than pointing it up (the arm is weak trying to pull down, typically). Failing that, get it to go across his body (the arm is harder to pull back out than in). Try to pin his arm in such a way that your weak hand is going to be able to pin his string hand, leaving you free to end the threat in whichever way you see fit. |
Subsets and Splits