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With increasing energy the diamagnetic hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from regular to chaotic classical dynamics, and the closed orbits pass through various cascades of bifurcations. Closed orbit theory allows for the semiclassical calculation of photoabsorption spectra of the diamagnetic hydrogen atom. However, at the bifurcations the closed orbit contributions diverge. The singularities can be removed with the help of uniform semiclassical approximations which are constructed over a wide energy range for different types of codimension one and two catastrophes. Using the uniform approximations and applying the high-resolution harmonic inversion method we calculate fully resolved semiclassical photoabsorption spectra, i.e., individual eigenenergies and transition matrix elements at laboratory magnetic field strengths, and compare them with the results of exact quantum calculations. | Photoabsorption spectra of the diamagnetic hydrogen atom in the transition regime to chaos: Closed orbit theory with bifurcating orbits |
It is shown how a string living in a higher dimensional space can be approximated as a point particle with squared extrinsic curvature. We consider a generalized Howe-Tucker action for such a "rigid particle" and consider its classical equations of motion and constraints. We find that the algebra of the Dirac brackets between the dynamical variables associated with velocity and acceleration contains the spin tensor. After quantization, the corresponding operators can be represented by the Dirac matrices, projected onto the hypersurface that is orthogonal to the direction of momentum. A condition for the consistency of such a representation is that the states must satisfy the Dirac equation with a suitable effective mass. The Pauli-Lubanski vector composed with such projected Dirac matrices is equal to the Pauli-Lubanski vector composed with the usual, non projected, Dirac matrices, and its eigenvalues thus correspond to spin one half states. | Point Particle with Extrinsic Curvature as a Boundary of a Nambu-Goto String: Classical and Quantum Model |
In this paper we proposed two new quasi-boundary value methods for regularizing the ill-posed backward heat conduction problems. With a standard finite difference discretization in space and time, the obtained all-at-once nonsymmetric sparse linear systems have the desired block $\omega$-circulant structure, which can be utilized to design an efficient parallel-in-time (PinT) direct solver that built upon an explicit FFT-based diagonalization of the time discretization matrix. Convergence analysis is presented to justify the optimal choice of the regularization parameter. Numerical examples are reported to validate our analysis and illustrate the superior computational efficiency of our proposed PinT methods. | Fast Parallel-in-Time Quasi-Boundary Value Methods for Backward Heat Conduction Problems |
We solve self-consistently the coupled equations of motion for trapped particles and the field of a one-dimensional optical lattice. Optomechanical coupling creates long-range interaction between the particles, whose nature depends crucially on the relative power of the pump beams. For asymmetric pumping, traveling density wave-like collective oscillations arise in the lattice, even in the overdamped limit. Increasing the lattice size or pump asymmetry these waves can destabilize the lattice. | Collective excitations and instability of an optical lattice due to unbalanced pumping |
The higher-order tensor renormalization group is a tensor-network method providing estimates for the partition function and thermodynamical observables of classical and quantum systems in thermal equilibrium. At every step of the iterative blocking procedure, the coarse-grid tensor is truncated to keep the tensor dimension under control. For a consistent tensor blocking procedure, it is crucial that the forward and backward tensor modes are projected on the same lower dimensional subspaces. In this paper we present two methods, the SuperQ and the iterative SuperQ method, to construct tensor truncations that reduce or even minimize the local approximation errors, while satisfying this constraint. | Improved local truncation schemes for the higher-order tensor renormalization group method |
Goal: This paper presents an algorithm for accurately estimating pelvis, thigh, and shank kinematics during walking using only three wearable inertial sensors. Methods: The algorithm makes novel use of a constrained Kalman filter (CKF). The algorithm iterates through the prediction (kinematic equation), measurement (pelvis position pseudo-measurements, zero velocity update, flat-floor assumption, and covariance limiter), and constraint update (formulation of hinged knee joints and ball-and-socket hip joints). Results: Evaluation of the algorithm using an optical motion capture-based sensor-to-segment calibration on nine participants ($7$ men and $2$ women, weight $63.0 \pm 6.8$ kg, height $1.70 \pm 0.06$ m, age $24.6 \pm 3.9$ years old), with no known gait or lower body biomechanical abnormalities, who walked within a $4 \times 4$ m$^2$ capture area shows that it can track motion relative to the mid-pelvis origin with mean position and orientation (no bias) root-mean-square error (RMSE) of $5.21 \pm 1.3$ cm and $16.1 \pm 3.2^\circ$, respectively. The sagittal knee and hip joint angle RMSEs (no bias) were $10.0 \pm 2.9^\circ$ and $9.9 \pm 3.2^\circ$, respectively, while the corresponding correlation coefficient (CC) values were $0.87 \pm 0.08$ and $0.74 \pm 0.12$. Conclusion: The CKF-based algorithm was able to track the 3D pose of the pelvis, thigh, and shanks using only three inertial sensors worn on the pelvis and shanks. Significance: Due to the Kalman-filter-based algorithm's low computation cost and the relative convenience of using only three wearable sensors, gait parameters can be computed in real-time and remotely for long-term gait monitoring. Furthermore, the system can be used to inform real-time gait assistive devices. | Estimating Lower Limb Kinematics using a Reduced Wearable Sensor Count |
We present results on novel analytic calculations to describe invariant mass distributions of QCD jets with three substructure algorithms: trimming, pruning and the mass-drop taggers. These results not only lead to considerable insight into the behaviour of these tools, but also show how they can be improved. As an example, we discuss the remarkable properties of the modified mass-drop tagger. | QCD calculations for jet substructure |
The unambiguous detection of the Majorana zero mode (MZM), which is essential for future topological quantum computing, has been a challenge in recent condensed matter experiments. The MZM is expected to emerge at the vortex core of topological superconductors as a zero-energy vortex bound state (ZVBS), amenable to detection using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS). However, the typical energy resolution of STM/STS has made it challenging to distinguish the MZM from the low-lying trivial vortex bound states. Here, we review the recent high-energy-resolution STM/STS experiments on the vortex cores of Fe(Se,Te), where the MZM is expected to emerge, and the energy of the lowest trivial bound states is reasonably high. Tunneling spectra taken at the vortex cores exhibit a ZVBS well below any possible trivial state, suggesting its MZM origin. However, it should be noted that ZVBS is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the MZM; a qualitative feature unique to the MZM needs to be explored. We discuss the current status and issues in the pursuit of such Majorananess, namely the level sequence of the vortex bound states and the conductance plateau of the ZVBS. We also argue for future experiments to confirm the Majorananess, such as the detection of the doubling of the shot noise intensity and spin polarization of the MZM. | Searching for Majorana quasiparticles at vortex cores in iron-based superconductors |
In the present paper and the companion paper [8] a probabilistic (statistical mechanical) approach to the study of canonical metrics and measures on a complex algebraic variety X is introduced. On any such variety with positive Kodaira dimension a canonical (birationally invariant) random point processes is defined and shown to converge in probability towards a canonical deterministic measure on X, coinciding with the canonical measure of Song-Tian and Tsuji. The proof is based on new large deviation principle for Gibbs measures with singular Hamiltonians which relies on an asymptotic submean inequality in large dimensions, proved in a companion paper. In the case of a variety X of general type we obtain as a corollary that the (possibly singular) K\"ahler-Einstein metric on X with negative Ricci curvature is the limit of a canonical sequence of quasi-explicit Bergman type metrics. In the opposite setting of a Fano variety X we relate the canonical point processes to a new notion of stability, that we call Gibbs stability, which admits a natural algebro-geometric formulation and which we conjecture is equivalent to the existence of a K\"ahler-Einstein metric on X and hence to K-stability as in the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture. | Kahler-Einstein metrics, canonical random point processes and birational geometry |
In this work we develop a quantum algorithm to simulate the dynamics of the density matrix governed by the von Neumann equation for time-dependent Hamiltoinans. The method relies on the vectorization of the density matrix through the properties of the structure constants of a given Lie algebra. Even though we have used the algebra formed by the Pauli strings, the algorithm can be easily adapted to other algebras. One of the main advantages of this approach is that it yields real density matrix coefficients that are easy to determine through phase kickback. The algorithm is demonstrated using the IBM noisy quantum circuit simulator. | Quantum simulation of the von Neumann equation of time-dependent Hamiltonians |
Most existing unsupervised person re-identification (Re-ID) methods use clustering to generate pseudo labels for model training. Unfortunately, clustering sometimes mixes different true identities together or splits the same identity into two or more sub clusters. Training on these noisy clusters substantially hampers the Re-ID accuracy. Due to the limited samples in each identity, we suppose there may lack some underlying information to well reveal the accurate clusters. To discover these information, we propose an Implicit Sample Extension (\OurWholeMethod) method to generate what we call support samples around the cluster boundaries. Specifically, we generate support samples from actual samples and their neighbouring clusters in the embedding space through a progressive linear interpolation (PLI) strategy. PLI controls the generation with two critical factors, i.e., 1) the direction from the actual sample towards its K-nearest clusters and 2) the degree for mixing up the context information from the K-nearest clusters. Meanwhile, given the support samples, ISE further uses a label-preserving loss to pull them towards their corresponding actual samples, so as to compact each cluster. Consequently, ISE reduces the "sub and mixed" clustering errors, thus improving the Re-ID performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is effective and achieves state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised person Re-ID. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas}. | Implicit Sample Extension for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification |
We describe a calculation of heavy-light decay constants including virtual quark loop effects. We have generated dynamical gauge configurations at three $\beta$ values using two flavors of Kogut-Susskind quarks with a range of masses. These are analyzed with a Wilson valence quark action. Preliminary results based on a ``fat-link'' clover valence quark action are also reported. Results from the two methods differ by 30 to 50 MeV, which is presumably due to significant - but as yet unobserved - lattice spacing dependence in one or both of the approaches. | Heavy-Light Decay Constants with Dynamical Gauge Configurations and Wilson or Improved Valence Quark Action |
This paper is devoted to deriving the Onsager-Machlup action functional for Mckean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations in a class of norms that dominate $L^2([0,1], \mathbb{R}^d)$, such as supremum norm $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}$, H$\mathrm{\ddot{o}}$lder norms $\|\cdot\|_{\alpha}$ with $\alpha<\frac{1}{4}$ and $L^p$-norms with $p>4$ are included. Moreover, the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation for Onsager-Machlup action functional is derived and a example is given. | The Onsager-Machlup action functional for Mckean-Vlasov SDEs |
Fast identification methods of pressure sensors are investigated. With regard to a complete accurate sensor parameter identification two different measurement methods are combined. The approach consists on one hand in performing static measurements - an applied pressure results in a membrane deformation measured interferometrically and the corresponding output voltage. On the other hand optical measurements of the modal responses of the sensor membranes are performed. This information is used in an inverse identification algorithm to identify geometrical and material parameters based on a FE model. The number of parameters to be identified is thereby generally limited only by the number of measurable modal frequencies. A quantitative evaluation of the identification results permits furthermore the classification of processing errors like etching errors. Algorithms and identification results for membrane thickness, intrinsic stress and output voltage will be discussed in this contribution on the basis of the parameter identification of relative pressure sensors. | Parameter Identification of Pressure Sensors by Static and Dynamic Measurements |
We calculate the rate at which dark matter halos merge to form higher mass systems. Two complementary derivations using Press-Schechter theory are given, both of which result in the same equation for the formation rate. First, a derivation using the properties of the Brownian random walks within the framework of Press-Schechter theory is presented. We then use Bayes' theorem to obtain the same result from the standard Press-Schechter mass function. The rate obtained is shown to be in good agreement with results from Monte-Carlo and N-body simulations. We illustrate the usefulness of this formula by calculating the expected cosmological evolution in the rate of star formation that is due to short-lived, merger-induced starbursts. The calculated evolution is well-matched to the observed evolution in ultraviolet luminosity density, in contrast to the lower rates of evolution that are derived from semi-analytic models that do not include a dominant contribution from starbursts. Hence we suggest that the bulk of the observed ultraviolet starlight at z > 1 arises from short-lived, merger-induced starbursts. Finally, we show that a simple merging-halo model can also account for the bulk of the observed evolution in the comoving quasar space density. | Cosmological Evolution & Hierarchical Galaxy Formation |
We obtain the Hausdorff dimension, $h=2-2s$, for particles with fractional spins in the interval, $0\leq s \leq 0.5$, such that the manifold is characterized by a topological invariant given by, ${\cal W}=h+2s-2p$. This object is related to fractal properties of the path swept out by fractional spin particles, the spin of these particles, and the genus (number of anyons) of the manifold. We prove that the anyonic propagator can be put into a path integral representation which gives us a continuous family of Lagrangians in a convenient gauge. The formulas for, $h$ and ${\cal W}$, were obtained taking into account the anyon model as a particle-flux system and by a qualitative inference of the topology. | Topological Invariants and Anyonic Propagators |
Understanding a controller's performance in different scenarios is crucial for robots that are going to be deployed in safety-critical tasks. If we do not have a model of the dynamics of the world, which is often the case in complex domains, we may need to approximate a performance function of the robot based on its interaction with the environment. Such a performance function gives us insights into the behaviour of the robot, allowing us to fine-tune the controller with manual interventions. In high-dimensionality systems, where the actionstate space is large, fine-tuning a controller is non-trivial. To overcome this problem, we propose a performance function whose domain is defined by external features and parameters of the controller. Attainment regions are defined over such a domain defined by feature-parameter pairs, and serve the purpose of enabling prediction of successful execution of the task. The use of the feature-parameter space -in contrast to the action-state space- allows us to adapt, explain and finetune the controller over a simpler (i.e., lower dimensional space). When the robot successfully executes the task, we use the attainment regions to gain insights into the limits of the controller, and its robustness. When the robot fails to execute the task, we use the regions to debug the controller and find adaptive and counterfactual changes to the solutions. Another advantage of this approach is that we can generalise through the use of Gaussian processes regression of the performance function in the high-dimensional space. To test our approach, we demonstrate learning an approximation to the performance function in simulation, with a mobile robot traversing different terrain conditions. Then, with a sample-efficient method, we propagate the attainment regions to a physical robot in a similar environment. | Attainment Regions in Feature-Parameter Space for High-Level Debugging in Autonomous Robots |
A method is proposed for assessing the temporal resolution of Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), by tracking the amplitude of different spatial frequency components over time, and comparing them to a temporally-oscillating ground-truth. This method is used to gain insight into the performance limits of SIM, along with alternative reconstruction techniques (termed 'rolling SIM') that claim to improve temporal resolution. Results show that the temporal resolution of SIM varies considerably between low and high spatial frequencies, and that, despite being used in several high profile papers and commercial microscope software, rolling SIM provides no increase in temporal resolution over conventional SIM. | A method for assessing the spatiotemporal resolution of Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) |
Motivated by the recent progress in solving the large charge sector of conformal field theories, we revisit the mass-charge relation of boson stars asymptotic to global AdS. We construct and classify a large number of electrically charged boson star solutions in a toy model and two supergravity models arising from the $SU(3)$ and $U(1)^4$ truncation of $D=4$ $SO(8)$ gauged maximal supergravity. We find a simple ansatz for the chemical potential that can fit the numerical data in striking accuracy for the full range of charge. Combining with the first law of thermodynamics, we can then evaluate the mass as a function of the charge and obtain the free energy in the fixed charge ensemble. We show that in the toy model, the ground state can be either the extremal RN black hole or the boson stars depending on the parameter region. For the $SU(3)$ truncation, there always exists a boson star that has smaller free energy than the extremal RN black hole, in contrast to the $U(1)^4$ model where the extremal RN black hole is always the ground state. In all models, for boson star solutions with arbitrarily large charge, we show that the large charge expansion of the mass reproduces the same structure exhibited in the CFT side. | Revisiting the AdS Boson Stars: the Mass-Charge Relations |
A model for the simulation of ensembles of laser-driven Rydberg-Rydberg interacting multi-level atoms is discussed. Our hybrid approach combines an exact two-body treatment of nearby atom pairs with an effective approximate treatment for spatially separated pairs. We propose an optimized evolution equation based only on the system steady state, and a time-independent Monte Carlo technique is used to efficiently determine this steady state. The hybrid model predicts features in the pair correlation function arising from multi-atom processes which existing models can only partially reproduce. Our interpretation of these features shows that higher-order correlations are relevant already at low densities. Finally, we analyze the performance of our model in the high-density case. | A hybrid model for Rydberg gases including exact two-body correlations |
The quality of image generation and manipulation is reaching impressive levels, making it increasingly difficult for a human to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. However, deep networks can still pick up on the subtle artifacts in these doctored images. We seek to understand what properties of fake images make them detectable and identify what generalizes across different model architectures, datasets, and variations in training. We use a patch-based classifier with limited receptive fields to visualize which regions of fake images are more easily detectable. We further show a technique to exaggerate these detectable properties and demonstrate that, even when the image generator is adversarially finetuned against a fake image classifier, it is still imperfect and leaves detectable artifacts in certain image patches. Code is available at https://chail.github.io/patch-forensics/. | What makes fake images detectable? Understanding properties that generalize |
In this paper, we study the spatial bandwidth for line-of-sight (LOS) channels with linear large-scale antenna arrays (LSAAs) in 3D space. We provide approximations to the spatial bandwidth at the center of the receiving array, of the form $C R^{-B}$, where $R$ is the radial distance, and $C$ and $B$ are directional-dependent and piecewise constant in $R$. The approximations are valid in the entire radiative region, that is, for $R$ greater than a few wavelengths. When the length of the receiving array is small relative to $R$, the product of the array length and the spatial bandwidth provides an estimate of the available spatial degree-of-freedom (DOF) in the channel. In a case study, we apply these approximations to the evaluation of spatial multiplexing regions under random orientation conditions. The goodness-of-fit of the approximations is demonstrated and some interesting findings about the DOF performance of the channel under 3D and 2D orientation restrictions are obtained, e.g., that, under some conditions, it is better to constrain the receiving array orientation to be uniform over the unit circle in the 2D ground plane rather than uniform over the 3D unit sphere. | Spatial Bandwidth Asymptotic Analysis for 3D Large-Scale Antenna Array Communications |
We consider wavelets as a tool to perform a variety of tasks in the context of analyzing cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. Using Spherical Haar Wavelets we define a position and angular-scale-dependent measure of power that can be used to assess the existence of spatial structure. We apply planar Daubechies wavelets for the identification and removal of points sources from small sections of sky maps. Our technique can successfully identify virtually all point sources which are above 3 sigma and more than 80% of those above 1 sigma. We discuss the trade-offs between the levels of correct and false detections. We denoise and compress a 100,000 pixel CMB map by a factor of about 10 in 5 seconds achieving a noise reduction of about 35%. In contrast to Wiener filtering the compression process is model independent and very fast. We discuss the usefulness of wavelets for power spectrum and cosmological parameter estimation. We conclude that at present wavelet functions are most suitable for identifying localized sources. | Applications of Wavelets to the Analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background Maps |
Let $G$ be a multiplicatively written finite group. We denote by $\mathsf E(G)$ the smallest integer $t$ such that every sequence of $t$ elements in $G$ contains a product-one subsequence of length $|G|$. In 1961, Erd\H{o}s, Ginzburg and Ziv proved that $\mathsf E(G)\leq 2|G|-1$ for every finite solvable group $G$ and this result is well known as the Erd\H{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem. In 2010, Gao and Li improved this result to $\mathsf E(G)\leq\frac{7|G|}{4}-1$ and they conjectured that $\mathsf E(G)\leq \frac{3|G|}{2}$ holds for any finite non-cyclic group. In this paper, we confirm the conjecture for all finite non-cyclic groups of odd order. | On the invariant E(G) for groups of odd order |
The probabilistic characteristics of daily wind speed are not well captured by simple density functions such as Normal or Weibull distribuions as suggested by the existing literature. The unmodeled uncertainties can cause unknown influences on the power system operation. In this paper, we develop a new stochastic scheme for the probabilistic optimal power flow (POPF) problem, which can cope with arbitrarily complex wind speed distributions and also take into account the correlation of different wind farms. A multivariate Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is employed to approximate actual wind speed distributions from multiple wind farms. Furthermore, we propose to adopt the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling technique to deliver wind speed samples as the input of POPF. We also novelly integrate a Sobol-based quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) technique into the MCMC sampling process to obtain a faster convergence rate. The IEEE 14- and 118-bus benchmark systems with additional wind farms are used to examine the effectiveness of the proposed POPF scheme. | Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Considering Correlation of Wind Farms via Markov Chain Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling |
We discuss the properties of the gravitational energy-momentum 3-form within the tetrad formulation of general relativity theory. We derive the covariance properties of the quantities describing the energy-momentum content under Lorentz transformations of the tetrad. As an application, we consider the computation of the total energy (mass) of some exact solutions of Einstein's general relativity theory which describe compact sources with asymptotically flat spacetime geometry. As it is known, depending on the choice of tetrad frame, the formal total integral for such configurations may diverge. We propose a natural regularization method which yields finite values for the total energy-momentum of the system and demonstrate how it works on a number of explicit examples. | Covariance properties and regularization of conserved currents in tetrad gravity |
I present a simple scheme for the treatment of gravitational interactions on galactic scales. In analogy to known mechanisms of quantum field theory, I assume ad hoc that gravitation is mediated by virtual exchange particles - gravitons - with very small but non-zero masses. The resulting density and mass profiles are proportional to the mass of the gravitating body. The mass profile scales with the centripetal acceleration experienced by a test particle orbiting the central mass; this comes at the cost of postulating a universal characteristic acceleration a0 = 4.3*10^{-12} m/s^2 (or 8*pi*a0 = 1.1*10^{-10} m/s^2). The scheme predicts the asymptotic flattening of galactic rotation curves, the Tully-Fisher/Faber-Jackson relations, the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation of galaxies, the surface brightness-acceleration relation of galaxies, the kinematics of galaxy clusters, and "Renzo's rule" correctly; additional (dark) mass components are not required. Given that it is based on various ad-hoc assumptions, and given further limitations, the scheme I present is not yet a consistent theory of gravitation; rather, it is a "toy model" providing a convenient scaling law that simplifies the description of gravity on galactic scales. | A Simplified Treatment of Gravitational Interaction on Galactic Scales |
We study a dynamic version of multi-agent path finding problem (called D-MAPF) where existing agents may leave and new agents may join the team at different times. We introduce a new method to solve D-MAPF based on conflict-resolution. The idea is, when a set of new agents joins the team and there are conflicts, instead of replanning for the whole team, to replan only for a minimal subset of agents whose plans conflict with each other. We utilize answer set programming as part of our method for planning, replanning and identifying minimal set of conflicts. | Dynamic Multi-Agent Path Finding based on Conflict Resolution using Answer Set Programming |
Nonequilibrium stationary states of thermodynamic systems dissipate a positive amount of energy per unit of time. If we consider transformations of such states that are realized by letting the driving depend on time, the amount of energy dissipated in an unbounded time window becomes then infinite. Following the general proposal by Oono and Paniconi and using results of the macroscopic fluctuation theory, we give a natural definition of a renormalized work performed along any given transformation. We then show that the renormalized work satisfies a Clausius inequality and prove that equality is achieved for very slow transformations, that is in the quasi static limit. We finally connect the renormalized work to the quasi potential of the macroscopic fluctuation theory, that gives the probability of fluctuations in the stationary nonequilibrium ensemble. | Clausius inequality and optimality of quasi static transformations for nonequilibrium stationary states |
Studies of magnetic fields in the most evolved massive stars, the Wolf-Rayet stars, are of special importance because they are progenitors of certain types of supernovae. The first detection of a magnetic field of the order of a few hundred Gauss in the WN7 star WR55, based on a few FORS2 low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations, was reported in 2020. In this work we present new FORS2 observations allowing us to detect magnetic and spectroscopic variability with a period of 11.90 h. No significant frequencies were detected in TESS and ASAS-SN photometric observations. Importantly, magnetic field detections are achieved currently only in two Wolf-Rayet stars, WR6 and WR55, both showing the presence of corotating interacting regions. | The magnetic, spectroscopic, and photometric variability of the Wolf-Rayet star WR55 |
Optical nanofibers confine light to subwavelength scales, and are of interest for the design, integration, and interconnection of nanophotonic devices. Here we demonstrate high transmission (> 97%) of the first family of excited modes through a 350 nm radius fiber, by appropriate choice of the fiber and precise control of the taper geometry. We can design the nanofibers so that these modes propagate with most of their energy outside the waist region. We also present an optical setup for selectively launching these modes with less than 1% fundamental mode contamination. Our experimental results are in good agreement with simulations of the propagation. Multimode optical nanofibers expand the photonic toolbox, and may aid in the realization of a fully integrated nanoscale device for communication science, laser science or other sensing applications. | A low-loss photonic silica nanofiber for higher-order modes |
Nonlinear plasma oscillations in an arbitrary mass ratio cold plasma have been studied using 1-D particle-in-cell simulation. In contrast to earlier work for infinitely massive ion plasmas it has been found that the oscillations phase mix away at any amplitude and that the rate at which phase mixing occurs, depends on the mass ratio ($\Delta = m_{-}/m_{+}$) and the amplitude. A perturbation theoretic calculation carried upto third order predicts that the normalized phase mixing time $\omega_{p-} t_{mix}$ depends on the amplitude $A$ and the mass ratio $\Delta$ as $\sim [(A^{2}/24)(\Delta/\sqrt{1 + \Delta})]^{-1/3}$. We have confirmed this scaling in our simulations and conclude that stable non-linear oscillations which never phase mix, exist only for the ideal case with $\Delta = 0.0$ and $A < 0.5$. These cold plasma results may have direct relevance to recent experiments on superintense laser beam plasma interactions with applications to particle acceleration, fast ignitor concept etc. | Phase Mixing of Nonlinear Plasma Oscillations in an Arbitrary Mass Ratio Cold Plasma |
The PHENIX muon trigger upgrade adds Level-1 trigger detectors to existing forward muon spectrometers and will enhance the ability of the experiment to pursue a rich program of spin physics in polarized proton collisions at sqrt(s)=500GeV. The additional muon trigger detectors and Level-1 trigger electronics will allow the experiment to select high momentum muons from the decay of W-bosons and reject both beam-associated and low-momentum collision background, enabling the study of quark and antiquark polarization in the proton. The muon trigger upgrade will add momentum and timing information to the present muon Level-1 trigger, which only makes use of tracking in the PHENIX muon identifier (MuID) panels. Signals from three new resistive plate chambers (RPC's) and re-instrumented planes in the existing muon tracking (MuTr) chambers will provide momentum and timing information for the new Level-1 trigger. An RPC timing resolution of ~2ns will permit rejection of beam related backgrounds. | The PHENIX Muon Trigger Upgrade |
The development of safety-critical systems requires the control of hazards that can potentially cause harm. To this end, safety engineers rely during the development phase on architectural solutions, called safety patterns, such as safety monitors, voters, and watchdogs. The goal of these patterns is to control (identified) faults that can trigger hazards. Safety patterns can control such faults by e.g., increasing the redundancy of the system. Currently, the reasoning of which pattern to use at which part of the target system to control which hazard is documented mostly in textual form or by means of models, such as GSN-models, with limited support for automation. This paper proposes the use of logic programming engines for the automated reasoning about system safety. We propose a domain-specific language for embedded system safety and specify as disjunctive logic programs reasoning principles used by safety engineers to deploy safety patterns, e.g., when to use safety monitors, or watchdogs. Our machinery enables two types of automated safety reasoning: (1) identification of which hazards can be controlled and which ones cannot be controlled by the existing safety patterns; and (2) automated recommendation of which patterns could be used at which place of the system to control potential hazards. Finally, we apply our machinery to two examples taken from the automotive domain: an adaptive cruise control system and a battery management system. | Less Manual Work for Safety Engineers: Towards an Automated Safety Reasoning with Safety Patterns |
One of the most primitive but elusive current-voltage (I-V) responses of a superconductor is when its supercurrent grows steadily after a voltage is first applied. The present work employed a measurement system that could simultaneously track and correlate I(t) and V(t) with sub-nanosecond timing accuracy, resulting in the first clear time-domain measurement of this transient phase where the quantum system displays a Newtonian like response. The technique opens doors for the controlled investigation of other time dependent transport phenomena in condensed-matter systems. | The ballistic acceleration of a supercurrent in a superconductor |
Complex oxides with tunable structures have many fascinating properties, though high-quality complex oxide epitaxy with precisely controlled composition is still out of reach. Here we have successfully developed solution-based single crystalline epitaxy for multiferroic (1-x)BiTi(1-y)/2FeyMg(1-y)/2O3-(x)CaTiO3 (BTFM-CTO) solid solution in large area, confirming its ferroelectricity at atomic-scale with a spontaneous polarization of 79~89uC/cm2. Careful compositional tuning leads to a bulk magnetization of ~0.07uB/Fe at room temperature, enabling magnetically induced polarization switching exhibiting a large magnetoelectric coefficient of 2.7-3.0X10-7s/m. This work demonstrates the great potential of solution processing in large-scale complex oxide epitaxy and establishes novel room-temperature magnetoelectric coupling in epitaxial BTFM-CTO film, making it possible to explore a much wider space of composition, phase, and structure that can be easily scaled up for industrial applications. | Solution Processed Large-scale Multiferroic Complex Oxide Epitaxy with Magnetically Switched Polarization |
We address primary decomposition conjectures for knot concordance groups, which predict direct sum decompositions into primary parts. We show that the smooth concordance group of topologically slice knots has a large subgroup for which the conjectures are true and there are infinitely many primary parts each of which has infinite rank. This supports the conjectures for topologically slice knots. We also prove analogues for the associated graded groups of the bipolar filtration of topologically slice knots. Among ingredients of the proof, we use amenable $L^2$-signatures, Ozsv\'ath-Szab\'o $d$-invariants and N\'emethi's result on Heegaard Floer homology of Seifert 3-manifolds. In an appendix, we present a general formulation of the notion of primary decomposition. | Primary decomposition in the smooth concordance group of topologically slice knots |
We experimentally investigate the Leidenfrost effect at pressures ranging from 1 to 0.05 atmospheric pressure. As a direct consequence of the Clausius-Clapeyron phase diagram of water, the droplet temperature can be at ambient temperature in a non-sophisticated lab environment. Furthermore, the lifetime of the Leidenfrost droplet is significantly increased in this low pressure environment. The temperature and pressure dependance of the evaporation rate are successfully tested against a recently proposed model. These results may pave a way to reach efficient Leidenfrost micro-fluidic and milli-fluidic applications. | Room temperature water Leidenfrost droplets |
We present a sample of 27 GRBs with detailed Swift light curves supplemented by late time Chandra observations. To answer the missing jet-break problem in general, we develop a numerical simulation based model which can be directly fit to the data using Monte Carlo methods. Our numerical model takes into account all the factors that can shape a jet-break: (i) lateral expansion (ii) edge effects and (iii) off-axis effects. Our results provide improved fits to the light curves and constraints on physical parameters. More importantly, our results suggest that off-axis effects are important and must be included in interpretations of GRB jet breaks. | An Analysis of Chandra Deep Follow-up GRBs: Implications for Off-Axis Jets |
Existence of the upper critical dimension d_{c2}=4 for the Anderson transition is a rigorous consequence of the Bogoliubov theorem on renormalizability of \phi^4 theory. For dimensions d\ge 4, one-parameter scaling does not hold, and all existent numerical data should be reinterpreted. These data are exhausted by results for d=4,5 from scaling in quasi-one-dimensional systems, and results for d=4,5,6 from level statistics. All these data are compatible with the theoretical scaling dependencies obtained from self-consistent theory of localization by Vollhardt and Woelfle. The critical discussion is given for a widespread point of view that d_{c2}=\infty. | Interpretation of high-dimensional numerical results for Anderson transition |
The IR- and Raman-active phonon frequencies, as well as the elastic constants of orthorhombic GeSe, were calculatedas a function of hydrostatic pressure using the method of density functional in the ABINIT software package. Comparison with the published results of theoretical calculations and experimental data of the pressure dependence of Raman-active phonons has been carried out. Our calculations show that at a pressure of about 29 GPa the crystal structure of GeSe undergoes a continuous transition from simple orthorhombic to base-centered orthorhombic lattice. | The pressure dependence of the phonon spectra and elastic modulus of orthorhombic : the method of local density functional |
We present an {\it exact} quantum theory for the bound states in the vicinity of an edge or a line of impurities in a $d_{x^2-y^2}$ superconductor. For a (110)-surface we show that a finite dispersion of the one dimensional band of bound states leads to a two peak structure in the density of states (DOS). We study the effect of an applied magnetic field and a subdominant $id_{xy}$ order parameter on the DOS and discuss the implications of our results for tunneling experiments. | One-dimensional Surface Bound States in d-wave Superconductors |
The short period Jupiter family comets (JFCs) are thought to originate in the Kuiper Belt; specifically, a dynamical subclass of the Kuiper Belt known as the `scattered disk' is argued to be the dominant source of JFCs. However, the best estimates from observational surveys indicate that this source may fall short by more than two orders of magnitude the estimates obtained from theoretical models of the dynamical evolution of Kuiper belt objects into JFCs. We re-examine the scattered disk as a source of the JFCs and make a rigorous estimate of the discrepancy. We find that the uncertainties in the dynamical models combined with a change in the size distribution function of the scattered disk at faint magnitudes (small sizes) beyond the current observational limit offer a possible but problematic resolution to the discrepancy. We discuss several other possibilities: that the present population of JFCs is a large fluctuation above their long term average, that larger scattered disk objects tidally break-up into multiple fragments during close planetary encounters as their orbits evolve from the trans-Neptune zone to near Jupiter, or that there are alternative source populations that contribute significantly to the JFCs. Well-characterized observational investigations of the Centaurs, objects that are transitioning between the trans-Neptune Kuiper belt region and the inner solar system, can test the predictions of the non-steady state and the tidal break-up hypotheses. The classical and resonant classes of the Kuiper belt are worth re-consideration as significant additional or alternate sources of the JFCs. | The Scattered Disk as the source of the Jupiter Family comets |
In these proceedings we present the main results for particle-antiparticle mixing and rare decays in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with custodial symmetry. To investigate the strong bound on the Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass scale M_KK>O(20)TeV implied by the measurement of epsilon_K we perform a fine-tuning analysis on the one hand confirms the quoted bound on the KK mass scale but on the other hand reveals that consistence with experiment can still be achieved for small or moderate fine-tuning. In our analysis of rare decays of K and B mesons we find that due to the custodial symmetry the coupling of the Z boson to right handed quarks yields the dominant contribution. This feature of the model leads to distinct patterns and correlations that allow to distinguish the model from other frameworks of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). | Predictions for Flavour Observables in a RS Model with Custodial Symmetry |
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their significant potential to be applied for addressing various application tasks. However, traditional recommender systems continue to face great challenges such as poor interactivity and explainability, which actually also hinder their broad deployment in real-world systems. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel paradigm called Chat-Rec (ChatGPT Augmented Recommender System) that innovatively augments LLMs for building conversational recommender systems by converting user profiles and historical interactions into prompts. Chat-Rec is demonstrated to be effective in learning user preferences and establishing connections between users and products through in-context learning, which also makes the recommendation process more interactive and explainable. What's more, within the Chat-Rec framework, user's preferences can transfer to different products for cross-domain recommendations, and prompt-based injection of information into LLMs can also handle the cold-start scenarios with new items. In our experiments, Chat-Rec effectively improve the results of top-k recommendations and performs better in zero-shot rating prediction task. Chat-Rec offers a novel approach to improving recommender systems and presents new practical scenarios for the implementation of AIGC (AI generated content) in recommender system studies. | Chat-REC: Towards Interactive and Explainable LLMs-Augmented Recommender System |
We give a kernel with $O(k^7)$ vertices for Trivially Perfect Editing, the problem of adding or removing at most $k$ edges in order to make a given graph trivially perfect. This answers in affirmative an open question posed by Nastos and Gao, and by Liu et al. Our general technique implies also the existence of kernels of the same size for the related problems Trivially Perfect Completion and Trivially Perfect Deletion. Whereas for the former an $O(k^3)$ kernel was given by Guo, for the latter no polynomial kernel was known. We complement our study of Trivially Perfect Editing by proving that, contrary to Trivially Perfect Completion, it cannot be solved in time $2^{o(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}$ unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. In this manner we complete the picture of the parameterized and kernelization complexity of the classic edge modification problems for the class of trivially perfect graphs. | A Polynomial Kernel for Trivially Perfect Editing |
We analyze the mixing time of a natural local Markov chain (the Glauber dynamics) on configurations of the solid-on-solid model of statistical physics. This model has been proposed, among other things, as an idealization of the behavior of contours in the Ising model at low temperatures. Our main result is an upper bound on the mixing time of $O~(n^{3.5})$, which is tight within a factor of $O~(sqrt{n})$. (The notation O~ hides factors that are logarithmic in n.) The proof, which in addition gives some insight into the actual evolution of the contours, requires the introduction of a number of novel analytical techniques that we conjecture will have other applications. | Mixing Time for the Solid-on-Solid Model |
A low dimensional nonlinear model based on the basic lighting mechanism of a firefly is proposed. The basic assumption is that the firefly lighting cycle can be thought to be a nonlinear oscillator with a robust periodic cycle. We base our hypothesis on the well known light producing reactions involving enzymes, common to many insect species, including the fireflies. We compare our numerical findings with the available experimental results which correctly predicts the reaction rates of the underlying chemical reactions. Toward the end, a time-delay effect is introduced for possible explanation of appearance of multiple-peak light pulses, especially when the ambient temperature becomes low. | Nonlinear model of the firefly flash |
Traditional cooking recipes follow a structure which can be modelled very well if the rules and semantics of the different sections of the recipe text are analyzed and represented accurately. We propose a structure that can accurately represent the recipe as well as a pipeline to infer the best representation of the recipe in this uniform structure. The Ingredients section in a recipe typically lists down the ingredients required and corresponding attributes such as quantity, temperature, and processing state. This can be modelled by defining these attributes and their values. The physical entities which make up a recipe can be broadly classified into utensils, ingredients and their combinations that are related by cooking techniques. The instruction section lists down a series of events in which a cooking technique or process is applied upon these utensils and ingredients. We model these relationships in the form of tuples. Thus, using a combination of these methods we model cooking recipe in the dataset RecipeDB to show the efficacy of our method. This mined information model can have several applications which include translating recipes between languages, determining similarity between recipes, generation of novel recipes and estimation of the nutritional profile of recipes. For the purpose of recognition of ingredient attributes, we train the Named Entity Relationship (NER) models and analyze the inferences with the help of K-Means clustering. Our model presented with an F1 score of 0.95 across all datasets. We use a similar NER tagging model for labelling cooking techniques (F1 score = 0.88) and utensils (F1 score = 0.90) within the instructions section. Finally, we determine the temporal sequence of relationships between ingredients, utensils and cooking techniques for modeling the instruction steps. | A Named Entity Based Approach to Model Recipes |
We use recently obtained 2-loop string coupling constants to analyze a class of string models based on orbifold compactification. Assuming weak coupling at the string scale and single-scale unification leads to restrictions on the spectrum of massive (between the string scale and the weak scale) matter supermultiplets and/or on the Kac-Moody algebra level. | Analysis of Running Coupling Constant Unification in String Theory |
Let $\mathbb{B}$ be the unit ball of a complex Banach space $X$. In this paper, we will generalize the Bloch-type spaces and the little Bloch-type spaces to the open unit ball $\mathbb{B}$ by using the radial derivative. Next, we define an extended Ces\`{a}ro operator $T_{\varphi}$ with holomorphic symbol $\varphi$ and characterize those $\varphi$ for which $T_{\varphi}$ is bounded between the Bloch-type spaces and the little Bloch-type spaces. We also characterize those $\varphi$ for which $T_{\varphi}$ is compact between the Bloch-type spaces and the little Bloch-type spaces under some additional assumption on the symbol $\varphi$. When $\mathbb{B}$ is the open unit ball of a finite dimensional complex Banach space $X$, this additional assumption is automatically satisfied. | Bloch-type spaces and extended Ces\`{a}ro operators in the unit ball of a complex Banach space |
This study deals with higher-ordered asymptotic equations for the water-waves problem. We considered the higher-order/extended Boussinesq equations over a flat bottom topography in the well-known long wave regime. Providing an existence and uniqueness of solution on a relevant time scale of order $1/\sqrt{\eps}$ and showing that the solution's behavior is close to the solution of the water waves equations with a better precision corresponding to initial data, the asymptotic model is well-posed in the sense of Hadamard. Then we compared several water waves solitary solutions with respect to the numerical solution of our model. At last, we solve explicitly this model and validate the results numerically. | Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis for the higher order Boussinesq system |
The $g$-vector fans play an important role in studying cluster algebras and silting theory. We survey cluster algebras with dense $g$-vector fans and show that a connected acyclic cluster algebra has a dense $g$-vector fan if and only if it is either finite type or affine type. As an application, we classify finite dimensional hereditary algebras with dense $g$-vector fans. | Acyclic cluster algebras with dense $g$-vector fans |
Given a finite graph of relatively hyperbolic groups with its fundamental group relatively hyperbolic and edge groups quasi-isometrically embedded and relatively quasiconvex in vertex groups, we prove that vertex groups are relatively quasiconvex if and only if all the vertex groups have finite relative height in the fundamental group. | Height in Splitting of Relatively Hyperbolic Groups |
The quality of machine translation is rapidly evolving. Today one can find several machine translation systems on the web that provide reasonable translations, although the systems are not perfect. In some specific domains, the quality may decrease. A recently proposed approach to this domain is neural machine translation. It aims at building a jointly-tuned single neural network that maximizes translation performance, a very different approach from traditional statistical machine translation. Recently proposed neural machine translation models often belong to the encoder-decoder family in which a source sentence is encoded into a fixed length vector that is, in turn, decoded to generate a translation. The present research examines the effects of different training methods on a Polish-English Machine Translation system used for medical data. The European Medicines Agency parallel text corpus was used as the basis for training of neural and statistical network-based translation systems. The main machine translation evaluation metrics have also been used in analysis of the systems. A comparison and implementation of a real-time medical translator is the main focus of our experiments. | Neural-based machine translation for medical text domain. Based on European Medicines Agency leaflet texts |
In recent decades qualitative inverse scattering methods with eigenvalues as target signatures received much attention. To understand those methods a knowledge on the properties of the related eigenvalue problems is essential. However, even the existence of eigenvalues for such (nonselfadjoint) problems is a challenging question and existing results for absorbing media are usually established under unrealistic assumptions or a smoothing of the eigenvalue problem. We present a technique to prove the existence of infinitely many eigenvalues for such problems under realistic assumptions. In particular we consider the class of scalar and modified Maxwell nonselfadjoint Steklov eigenvalue problems. In addition, we present stability results for the eigenvalues with respect to changes in the material parameters. In distinction to existing results the analysis of the present article requires only minimal regularity assumptions. By that we mean that the regularity of the domain is not required to be better than Lipschitz, and the material coefficients are only assumed to be piece-wise $W^{1,\infty}$. Also the stability estimates for eigenvalues are obtained solely in $L^p$-norms ($p<\infty$) of the material perturbations. | On the existence and stability of modified Maxwell Steklov eigenvalues |
Using magneto-infrared spectroscopy, we have explored the charge dynamics of (Bi,Sb)$_2$Te$_3$ thin films on InP substrates. From the magneto-transmission data we extracted three distinct cyclotron resonance (CR) energies that are all apparent in the broad band Faraday rotation (FR) spectra. This comprehensive FR-CR data set has allowed us to isolate the response of the bulk states from the intrinsic surface states associated with both the top and bottom surfaces of the film. The FR data uncovered that electron- and hole-type Dirac fermions reside on opposite surfaces of our films, which paves the way for observing many exotic quantum phenomena in topological insulators. | Faraday rotation due to surface states in the topological insulator (Bi$_{1-x}$Sb$_{x}$)$_{2}$Te$_{3}$ |
This study proposes a method for estimating the mechanical parameters of vehicles and bridges and the road unevenness, using only vehicle vibration and position data. In the proposed method, vehicle input and bridge vibration are estimated using randomly assumed vehicle and bridge parameters. Then, the road profiles at the front and rear wheels can be determined from the vehicle input and bridge vibration. The difference between the two road profiles is used as the objective function because they are expected to coincide when synchronized. Using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method, the vehicle and bridge parameters and the road unevenness can be estimated by updating the parameters to minimize the objective function. Numerical experiments also verify the applicability of this method. In the numerical experiments, it is confirmed that the proposed method can estimate the vehicle weight with reasonable accuracy, but the accuracy of other parameters is not sufficient. It is necessary to improve the accuracy of the proposed method in the future. | Application of Particle Swarm Optimization method to On-going Monitoring for estimating vehicle-bridge interaction system |
Learning Games (LGs) are educational environments based on a playful approach to learning. Their use has proven to be promising in many domains, but is at present restricted by the time consuming and costly nature of the developing process. In this paper, we propose a set of quality indicators that can help the conception team to evaluate the quality of their LG during the designing process, and before it is developed. By doing so, the designers can identify and repair problems in the early phases of the conception and therefore reduce the alteration phases, that occur after testing the LG's prototype. These quality indicators have been validated by 6 LG experts that used them to assess the quality of 24 LGs in the process of being designed. They have also proven to be useful as design guidelines for novice LG designers. | Evaluating Learning Games during their Conception |
We present ensmallen, a fast and flexible C++ library for mathematical optimization of arbitrary user-supplied functions, which can be applied to many machine learning problems. Several types of optimizations are supported, including differentiable, separable, constrained, and categorical objective functions. The library provides many pre-built optimizers (including numerous variants of SGD and Quasi-Newton optimizers) as well as a flexible framework for implementing new optimizers and objective functions. Implementation of a new optimizer requires only one method and a new objective function requires typically one or two C++ functions. This can aid in the quick implementation and prototyping of new machine learning algorithms. Due to the use of C++ template metaprogramming, ensmallen is able to support compiler optimizations that provide fast runtimes. Empirical comparisons show that ensmallen is able to outperform other optimization frameworks (like Julia and SciPy), sometimes by large margins. The library is distributed under the BSD license and is ready for use in production environments. | ensmallen: a flexible C++ library for efficient function optimization |
A \emph{defensive} (\emph{offensive}) $k$-\emph{alliance} in $\Gamma=(V,E)$ is a set $S\subseteq V$ such that every $v$ in $S$ (in the boundary of $S$) has at least $k$ more neighbors in $S$ than it has in $V\setminus S$. A set $X\subseteq V$ is \emph{defensive} (\emph{offensive}) $k$-\emph{alliance free,} if for all defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance $S$, $S\setminus X\neq\emptyset$, i.e., $X$ does not contain any defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance as a subset. A set $Y \subseteq V$ is a \emph{defensive} (\emph{offensive}) $k$-\emph{alliance cover}, if for all defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance $S$, $S\cap Y\neq\emptyset$, i.e., $Y$ contains at least one vertex from each defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance of $\Gamma$. In this paper we show several mathematical properties of defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance free sets and defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance cover sets, including tight bounds on the cardinality of defensive (offensive) $k$-alliance free (cover) sets. | Alliance free and alliance cover sets |
Visual grounding is a long-lasting problem in vision-language understanding due to its diversity and complexity. Current practices concentrate mostly on performing visual grounding in still images or well-trimmed video clips. This work, on the other hand, investigates into a more general setting, generic visual grounding, aiming to mine all the objects satisfying the given expression, which is more challenging yet practical in real-world scenarios. Importantly, grounding results are expected to accurately localize targets in both space and time. Whereas, it is tricky to make trade-offs between the appearance and motion features. In real scenarios, model tends to fail in distinguishing distractors with similar attributes. Motivated by these considerations, we propose a simple yet effective approach, named DSTG, which commits to 1) decomposing the spatial and temporal representations to collect all-sided cues for precise grounding; 2) enhancing the discriminativeness from distractors and the temporal consistency with a contrastive learning routing strategy. We further elaborate a new video dataset, GVG, that consists of challenging referring cases with far-ranging videos. Empirical experiments well demonstrate the superiority of DSTG over state-of-the-art on Charades-STA, ActivityNet-Caption and GVG datasets. Code and dataset will be made available. | Decoupled Spatial Temporal Graphs for Generic Visual Grounding |
The recent success of the NIST group in generating abelian gauge field in cold atoms has created opportunities to simulate electronic transports in solids using atomic gases. Very recently, the NIST group has also announced in a DARPA Meeting the creation of non-abelian gauge fields in a pseudo spin-1/2 Bose gas. While there have been considerable theoretical activities in synthetic gauge fields, non-abelian fields have not been generated until now. Here, we show that in a non-abelian gauge field, a spinor condensate will develop a spontaneous stripe structure in each spin component, reflecting a ground state made up of two non-orthogonal dressed states with different momenta. Depending on interactions, this ground state can reduce back to a single dressed state. These momentum carrying stripes are the {\em macroscopic} bosonic counterpart of the spin-orbit phenomena in fermions that are being actively studied in electron physics today. | Bose-Einstein Condensates in Non-abelian Gauge Fields |
We study multiple zeta values and their generalizations from the point of view of Rota--Baxter algebras. We obtain a general framework for this purpose and derive relations on multiple zeta values from relations in Rota--Baxter algebras. | Multiple zeta values and Rota--Baxter algebras |
Catastrophic forgetting is a problem caused by neural networks' inability to learn data in sequence. After learning two tasks in sequence, performance on the first one drops significantly. This is a serious disadvantage that prevents many deep learning applications to real-life problems where not all object classes are known beforehand; or change in data requires adjustments to the model. To reduce this problem we investigate the use of synthetic data, namely we answer a question: Is it possible to generate such data synthetically which learned in sequence does not result in catastrophic forgetting? We propose a method to generate such data in two-step optimisation process via meta-gradients. Our experimental results on Split-MNIST dataset show that training a model on such synthetic data in sequence does not result in catastrophic forgetting. We also show that our method of generating data is robust to different learning scenarios. | Reducing catastrophic forgetting with learning on synthetic data |
Cerium 4f electronic spin dynamics in single crystals of the heavy-fermion system CeFePO is studied by means of ac-susceptibility, specific heat and muon-spin relaxation ($\mu$SR). Short-range static magnetism occurs below the freezing temperature Tg ~ 0.7 K, which prevents the system from accessing the putative ferromagnetic quantum critical point. In the $\mu$SR, the sample-averaged muon asymmetry function is dominated by strongly inhomogeneous spin fluctuations below 10 K and exhibits a characteristic time-field scaling relation expected from glassy spin dynamics, strongly evidencing cooperative and critical spin fluctuations. The overall behavior can be ascribed neither to canonical spin glasses nor other disorder-driven mechanisms. | Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point: Unusual short-range ordered state in CeFePO |
Hypernuclei are convenient laboratory to study the baryon-baryon weak interaction and associated effective Hamiltonian. The strangeness changing process, in which a Lambda hyperon converts to a neutron with a release up to 176 MeV, provides a clear signal for a conversion of an s-quark to a d-quark. We propose to perform a non-mesonic weak decay study of 10Be(Lambda)hypernuclei using the (e,eK) reaction. These investigations will fully utilize the unique parameters of the CEBAF CW electron beam and RF system and are enabled by (1) the use of new detector for alpha particles based on the recently developed RF timing technique with picosecond resolution and (2) the small angle and large acceptance kaon spectrometer-HKS in Hall C. | Experimental Investigation of Weak Non-Mesonic Decay of 10Be(Lambda)Hypernuclei at CEBAF |
We consider the asymptotic limits where certain parameters in the definitions of the Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles diverge. In these limits, Dette, Imhof, and Nagel proved that up to a linear transformation, the joint probability distributions of the ensembles become more and more concentrated around the zeros of the Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials, respectively. In this paper, we improve the convergence rate. Our proofs are similar to those in the original references, but the error analysis is improved and arguably simpler. For the first and second moments of the Jacobi ensemble, we further improve the concentration bounds implied by our aforementioned results. | Improved concentration of Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles |
In this paper we propose a new methodology for decision-making under uncertainty using recent advancements in the areas of nonlinear stochastic optimal control theory, applied mathematics, and machine learning. Grounded on the fundamental relation between certain nonlinear partial differential equations and forward-backward stochastic differential equations, we develop a control framework that is scalable and applicable to general classes of stochastic systems and decision-making problem formulations in robotics and autonomy. The proposed deep neural network architectures for stochastic control consist of recurrent and fully connected layers. The performance and scalability of the aforementioned algorithm are investigated in three non-linear systems in simulation with and without control constraints. We conclude with a discussion on future directions and their implications to robotics. | Learning Deep Stochastic Optimal Control Policies using Forward-Backward SDEs |
Over the solar-activity cycle, there are extended periods where significant discrepancies occur between the spacecraft-observed total (unsigned) open magnetic flux and that determined from coronal models. In this article, the total open heliospheric magnetic flux is computed using two different methods and then compared with results obtained from in-situ interplanetary magnetic-field observations. The first method uses two different types of photospheric magnetic-field maps as input to the Wang Sheeley Arge (WSA) model: i) traditional Carrington or diachronic maps, and ii) Air Force Data Assimilative Photospheric Flux Transport model synchronic maps. The second method uses observationally derived helium and extreme-ultraviolet coronal-hole maps overlaid on the same magnetic-field maps in order to compute total open magnetic flux. The diachronic and synchronic maps are both constructed using magnetograms from the same source, namely the National Solar Observatory Kitt Peak Vacuum Telescope and Vector Spectromagnetograph. The results of this work show that the total open flux obtained from observationally derived coronal holes agrees remarkably well with that derived from WSA, especially near solar minimum. This suggests that, on average, coronal models capture well the observed large-scale coronal-hole structure over most of the solar cycle. Both methods show considerable deviations from total open flux deduced from spacecraft data, especially near solar maximum, pointing to something other than poorly determined coronal-hole area specification as the source of these discrepancies. | Estimating Total Open Heliospheric Magnetic Flux |
We investigate decay constants of P and D-wave heavy-light mesons within the mock-meson approach. Numerical estimates are obtained using the relativistic quark model. We also comment on recent calculations of heavy-light pseudo-scalar and vector decay constants. | Decay constants of P and D-wave heavy-light mesons |
Both experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetic properties of micrographite and nanographite indicate a crucial role of the partial oxidation of graphitic zigzag edges in ferromagnetism. In contrast to total and partial hydrogenation, the oxidation of half of the carbon atoms on the graphite edges transforms the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between graphite planes and over graphite ribbons to the ferromagnetic interaction. The stability of the ferromagnetism is discussed. | Oxygen adsorption effect on magnetic properties of graphite |
A classification of D-branes in Type IIB Op^- orientifolds and orbifolds in terms of Real and equivariant KK-groups is given. We classify D-branes intersecting orientifold planes from which are recovered some special limits as the spectrum for D-branes on top of Type I Op^- orientifold and the bivariant classification of Type I D-branes. The gauge group and transformation properties of the low energy effective field theory living in the corresponding unstable D-brane system are computed by extensive use of Clifford algebras. Some speculations about the existence of other versions of KK-groups, based on physical insights, are proposed. In the orbifold case, some known results concerning D-branes intersecting orbifolds are reproduced and generalized. Finally, the gauge theory of unstable systems in these orbifolds is recovered. | D-Branes in Orientifolds and Orbifolds and Kasparov KK-Theory |
We provide concrete models for generalized morphisms and Morita equivalences of topological 2-groupoids by introducing the notions of crossings and crossed extensions of groupoid crossed modules. A systematic study of these objects is elaborated and an explicit description of how they do yield a groupoid and geometric picture of weak 2-groupoid morphisms is presented. Specifically, we construct a weak 3-category whose objects are crossed modules of topological groupoids and in which weak 1-isomorphisms correspond to Morita equivalences in the "category" of topological 2-groupoids. | Crossed extensions and equivalences of topological 2-groupoids |
Consider the Schr\"odinger operator $-\nabla^2+q$ $ $q$, $q=q(x), x \in \mathbf{R}^3$. Let $A(\beta,\alpha, k)$ be the corresponding scattering amplitude, $k^2$ be the energy, $\alpha \in S^2$ be the incident direction, $\beta \in S^2$ be the direction of scattered wave, $S^2$ be the unit sphere in $\mathbf{R}^3$. Assume that $k=k_0 >0$ is fixed, and $\alpha=\alpha_0$ is fixed. Then the scattering data are $A(\beta)= A(\beta,\alpha_0, k_0)=A_q(\beta)$ is a function on $S^2$. The following invers$ \textit{IP: Given an arbitrary $f \in L^2(S^2)$ and an arbitrary small number $$ $q \in C_0^{\infty}(D)$, where $D \in \mathbf{R}^3$ is an arbitrary fixed domai$ $||A_q(\beta)-f(\beta)||_{L^2(S^2)} < \epsilon$?} A positive answer to this question is given. A method for constructing such a $q$ is proposed. There are infinitely many such $q$, not necessarily real-valued. | Inverse scattering with the data at fixed energy and fixed incident direction |
As a prelude to what might be expected as forthcoming breakthroughs in finding new approaches toward solving three-dimensional lattice models in the twenty-first century, we review the exact solutions of two lattice models in three dimensions obtained using the conventional combinatorial and transfer matrix approaches. | Two exactly soluble lattice models in three dimensions |
Traveling wave tube (TWT) is a powerful vacuum electronic device used to amplify radio-frequency (RF) signals with numerous applications, including radar, television and telephone satellite communications. TWT design in a nutshell comprises of a pencil-like electron beam (e-beam) in vacuum interacting with guiding it slow-wave structure (SWS). In our studies here the e-beam is represented by one-dimensional electron flow and SWS is represented by a transmission line (TL). The interaction between the e-beam and the TL is modeled by an analytic theory that generalizes the well-known Pierce model by taking into account the so-called space-charge effects particularly electron-to-electron repulsion (debunching). Many important aspects of the analytic theory of TWTs have been already analyzed in our monograph on the subject. The focus of the studies here is on degeneracies of the TWT dispersion relations particularly on exceptional points of degeneracy and their applications. The term exceptional point of degeneracy (EPD) refers to the property of the relevant matrix to have nontrivial Jordan block structure. Using special parameterization particularly suited to chosen EPD we derive exact formulas for the relevant Jordan basis including the eigenvectors and the so-called root vector associated with the Jordan block. Based on these studies we develop constructive approach to sensing of small signals. | Exceptional points of degeneracy in traveling wave tubes |
This paper is devoted to change-point detection using only the ordinal structure of a time series. A statistic based on the conditional entropy of ordinal patterns characterizing the local up and down in a time series is introduced and investigated. The statistic requires only minimal a priori information on given data and shows good performance in numerical experiments. | Change-point detection using the conditional entropy of ordinal patterns |
We construct a three-parameter family of non-hyperelliptic and bielliptic plane genus-three curves whose associated Prym variety is two-isogenous to the Jacobian variety of a general hyperelliptic genus-two curve. Our construction is based on the existence of special elliptic fibrations with the section on the associated Kummer surfaces that provide a simple geometric interpretation for the rational double cover induced by the two-isogeny between the abelian surfaces. | On isogenies among certain abelian surfaces |
We argue that in QCD, the Debye mass requires not only a mathematical definition but also a physical one and temporal axial gauge could provide for a physical screening potential for this purpose. Unfortunately, this gauge is spoiled by problem of energy conservation rather than the well known divergence due to the double pole in the longitudinal propagator. We also show that KMS condition is violated in this gauge and is therefore not universally true. | Debye Screening, KMS and Imaginary-Time Formalism of Temporal Axial Gauge |
I present two new methods for exactly summing a set of floating-point numbers, and then correctly rounding to the nearest floating-point number. Higher accuracy than simple summation (rounding after each addition) is important in many applications, such as finding the sample mean of data. Exact summation also guarantees identical results with parallel and serial implementations, since the exact sum is independent of order. The new methods use variations on the concept of a "superaccumulator" - a large fixed-point number that can exactly represent the sum of any reasonable number of floating-point values. One method uses a "small" superaccumulator with sixty-seven 64-bit chunks, each with 32-bit overlap with the next chunk, allowing carry propagation to be done infrequently. The small superaccumulator is used alone when summing a small number of terms. For big summations, a "large" superaccumulator is used as well. It consists of 4096 64-bit chunks, one for every possible combination of exponent bits and sign bit, plus counts of when each chunk needs to be transferred to the small superaccumulator. To add a term to the large superaccumulator, only a single chunk and its associated count need to be updated, which takes very few instructions if carefully implemented. On modern 64-bit processors, exactly summing a large array using this combination of large and small superaccumulators takes less than twice the time of simple, inexact, ordered summation, with a serial implementation. A parallel implementation using a small number of processor cores can be expected to perform exact summation of large arrays at a speed that reaches the limit imposed by memory bandwidth. Some common methods that attempt to improve accuracy without being exact may therefore be pointless, at least for large summations, since they are slower than computing the sum exactly. | Fast exact summation using small and large superaccumulators |
Many physical phenomena occur on domains that grow in time. When the timescales of the phenomena and domain growth are comparable, models must include the dynamics of the domain. A widespread intrinsically slow transport process is subdiffusion. Many models of subdiffusion include a history dependence. This greatly confounds efforts to incorporate domain growth. Here we derive the fractional partial differential equations that govern subdiffusion on a growing domain, based on a Continuous Time Random Walk. This requires the introduction of a new, comoving, fractional derivative. | Generalised fractional diffusion equations for subdiffusion on arbitrarily growing domains |
Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) aims to convert the emotional style of a source speech signal to a target style while preserving its content and speaker identity information. Previous emotional conversion studies do not disentangle emotional information from emotion-independent information that should be preserved, thus transforming it all in a monolithic manner and generating audio of low quality, with linguistic distortions. To address this distortion problem, we propose a novel StarGAN framework along with a two-stage training process that separates emotional features from those independent of emotion by using an autoencoder with two encoders as the generator of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The proposed model achieves favourable results in both the objective evaluation and the subjective evaluation in terms of distortion, which reveals that the proposed model can effectively reduce distortion. Furthermore, in data augmentation experiments for end-to-end speech emotion recognition, the proposed StarGAN model achieves an increase of 2% in Micro-F1 and 5% in Macro-F1 compared to the baseline StarGAN model, which indicates that the proposed model is more valuable for data augmentation. | An Improved StarGAN for Emotional Voice Conversion: Enhancing Voice Quality and Data Augmentation |
We present the final data release of observations of lambda 21-cm emission from Galactic neutral hydrogen over the entire sky, merging the Leiden/Dwingeloo Survey (LDS: Hartmann & Burton, 1997) of the sky north of delta = -30 deg with the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia Survey (IAR: Arnal et al., 2000, and Bajaja et al., 2005) of the sky south of delta = -25 deg. The angular resolution of the combined material is HPBW ~ 0.6 deg. The LSR velocity coverage spans the interval -450 km/s to +400 km/s, at a resolution of 1.3 km/s. The data were corrected for stray radiation at the Institute for Radioastronomy of the University of Bonn, refining the original correction applied to the LDS. The rms brightness-temperature noise of the merged database is 0.07 - 0.09 K. Residual errors in the profile wings due to defects in the correction for stray radiation are for most of the data below a level of 20 - 40 mK. It would be necessary to construct a telescope with a main beam efficiency of eta_{MB} > 99% to achieve the same accuracy. The merged and refined material entering the LAB Survey of Galactic HI is intended to be a general resource useful to a wide range of studies of the physical and structural characteristices of the Galactic interstellar environment. The LAB Survey is the most sensitive Milky Way HI survey to date, with the most extensive coverage both spatially and kinematically. | The Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) Survey of Galactic HI: Final data release of the combined LDS and IAR surveys with improved stray-radiation corrections |
Graph neural networks (GNNs), consisting of a cascade of layers applying a graph convolution followed by a pointwise nonlinearity, have become a powerful architecture to process signals supported on graphs. Graph convolutions (and thus, GNNs), rely heavily on knowledge of the graph for operation. However, in many practical cases the GSO is not known and needs to be estimated, or might change from training time to testing time. In this paper, we are set to study the effect that a change in the underlying graph topology that supports the signal has on the output of a GNN. We prove that graph convolutions with integral Lipschitz filters lead to GNNs whose output change is bounded by the size of the relative change in the topology. Furthermore, we leverage this result to show that the main reason for the success of GNNs is that they are stable architectures capable of discriminating features on high eigenvalues, which is a feat that cannot be achieved by linear graph filters (which are either stable or discriminative, but cannot be both). Finally, we comment on the use of this result to train GNNs with increased stability and run experiments on movie recommendation systems. | Stability of Graph Neural Networks to Relative Perturbations |
The newest generation of radio telescopes are able to survey large areas with high sensitivity and cadence, producing data volumes that require new methods to better understand the transient sky. Here we describe the results from the first citizen science project dedicated to commensal radio transients, using data from the MeerKAT telescope with weekly cadence. Bursts from Space: MeerKAT was launched late in 2021 and received ~89000 classifications from over 1000 volunteers in 3 months. Our volunteers discovered 142 new variable sources which, along with the known transients in our fields, allowed us to estimate that at least 2.1 per cent of radio sources are varying at 1.28 GHz at the sampled cadence and sensitivity, in line with previous work. We provide the full catalogue of these sources, the largest of candidate radio variables to date. Transient sources found with archival counterparts include a pulsar (B1845-01) and an OH maser star (OH 30.1-0.7), in addition to the recovery of known stellar flares and X-ray binary jets in our observations. Data from the MeerLICHT optical telescope, along with estimates of long time-scale variability induced by scintillation, imply that the majority of the new variables are active galactic nuclei. This tells us that citizen scientists can discover phenomena varying on time-scales from weeks to several years. The success both in terms of volunteer engagement and scientific merit warrants the continued development of the project, whilst we use the classifications from volunteers to develop machine learning techniques for finding transients. | Bursts from Space: MeerKAT - The first citizen science project dedicated to commensal radio transients |
Strong electric fields are known to create biased adatom migration on metallic surfaces. We present a Kinetic Monte Carlo model that can simulate adatom migration on a tungsten (W) surface in electric fields. We validate our model by using it to calculate the drift velocity of the adatom at different fields and temperature and comparing the results with experimental data from the literature. We obtain excellent agreement. | Adatom diffusion in high electric fields |
In the orthognathic surgery, dental splints are important and necessary to help the surgeon reposition the maxilla or mandible. However, the traditional methods of manual design of dental splints are difficult and time-consuming. The research on computer-aided design software for dental splints is rarely reported. Our purpose is to develop a novel special software named EasySplint to design the dental splints conveniently and efficiently. The design can be divided into two steps, which are the generation of initial splint base and the Boolean operation between it and the maxilla-mandibular model. The initial splint base is formed by ruled surfaces reconstructed using the manually picked points. Then, a method to accomplish Boolean operation based on the distance filed of two meshes is proposed. The interference elimination can be conducted on the basis of marching cubes algorithm and Boolean operation. The accuracy of the dental splint can be guaranteed since the original mesh is utilized to form the result surface. Using EasySplint, the dental splints can be designed in about 10 minutes and saved as a stereo lithography (STL) file for 3D printing in clinical applications. Three phantom experiments were conducted and the efficiency of our method was demonstrated. | Development of a computer-aided design software for dental splint in orthognathic surgery |
For $a,b\in \mathbb{C}$, the Lie algebra $\mathcal{W}(a,b)$ is the semidirect product of the Witt algebra and a module of the intermediate series. In this paper, all biderivations of $\mathcal{W}(a,b)$ are determined. Surprisingly, these Lie algebras have symmetric (and skewsymmetric) non-inner biderivations. As an applications, commutative post-Lie algebra structures on $\mathcal{W}(a,b)$ are obtained. | Biderivations and commutative post-Lie algebra structures on the Lie algebra W(a,b) |
We consider the quadractic NLS posed on a bidimensional compact Riemannian manifold $(M, g)$ with $ \partial M \neq \emptyset$. Using bilinear and gradient bilinear Strichartz estimates for Schr\"odinger operators in two-dimensional compact manifolds proved by J. Jiang in \cite{JIANG} we deduce a new evolution bilinear estimates. Consequently, using Bourgain's spaces, we obtain a local well-posedness result for given data $u_0\in H^s(M)$ whenever $s> \frac{2}{3}$ in such manifolds. | Local well-posedness for the quadratic Schrodinger equation in two-dimensional compact manifolds with boundary |
The softmax policy gradient (PG) method, which performs gradient ascent under softmax policy parameterization, is arguably one of the de facto implementations of policy optimization in modern reinforcement learning. For $\gamma$-discounted infinite-horizon tabular Markov decision processes (MDPs), remarkable progress has recently been achieved towards establishing global convergence of softmax PG methods in finding a near-optimal policy. However, prior results fall short of delineating clear dependencies of convergence rates on salient parameters such as the cardinality of the state space $\mathcal{S}$ and the effective horizon $\frac{1}{1-\gamma}$, both of which could be excessively large. In this paper, we deliver a pessimistic message regarding the iteration complexity of softmax PG methods, despite assuming access to exact gradient computation. Specifically, we demonstrate that the softmax PG method with stepsize $\eta$ can take \[ \frac{1}{\eta} |\mathcal{S}|^{2^{\Omega\big(\frac{1}{1-\gamma}\big)}} ~\text{iterations} \] to converge, even in the presence of a benign policy initialization and an initial state distribution amenable to exploration (so that the distribution mismatch coefficient is not exceedingly large). This is accomplished by characterizing the algorithmic dynamics over a carefully-constructed MDP containing only three actions. Our exponential lower bound hints at the necessity of carefully adjusting update rules or enforcing proper regularization in accelerating PG methods. | Softmax Policy Gradient Methods Can Take Exponential Time to Converge |
Recent analyses of multifragmentation in terms of Fisher's model and the related construction of a phase diagram brings forth the problem of the true existence of the vapor phase and the meaning of its associated pressure. Our analysis shows that a thermal emission picture is equivalent to a Fisher-like equilibrium description which avoids the problem of the vapor and explains the recently observed Boltzmann-like distribution of the emission times. In this picture a simple Fermi gas thermometric relation is naturally justified. Low energy compound nucleus emission of intermediate mass fragments is shown to scale according to Fisher's formula and can be simultaneously fit with the much higher energy ISiS multifragmentation data. | Liquid-vapor phase transition in nuclei or compound nucleus decay? |
In [18] we have shown that, for $p_{1},p_{2}\in(2,\infty]$, the constants of Bennett's inequality on unimodular bilinear forms on $\ell_{p_{1}}^{n_{1} }\times\ell_{p_{2}}^{n_{2}}$ are asymptotically bounded by $1$. In the present paper we use a different approximation technique to investigate the remaining cases $p_{1},p_{2}\in\lbrack1,\infty].$ This new approach also provides a stronger asymptotic control, in the sense that the constants are "uniformly" asymptotically bounded by $1$, with no dependence on $p_{1},p_{2}.$ | Constants of the Kahane--Salem--Zygmund inequality asymptotically bounded by $1$ II |
We give a new description of the Pieri rule for k-Schur functions using the Bruhat order on the affine type-A Weyl group. In doing so, we prove a new combinatorial formula for representatives of the Schubert classes for the cohomology of affine Grassmannians. We show how new combinatorics involved in our formulas gives the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and discuss how this can be applied to study the transition matrices between Hall-Littlewood and k-Schur functions. | The ABC's of affine Grassmannians and Hall-Littlewood polynomials |
Generative adversarial network (GAN) has greatly improved the quality of unsupervised image generation. Previous GAN-based methods often require a large amount of high-quality training data while producing a small number (e.g., tens) of classes. This work aims to scale up GANs to thousands of classes meanwhile reducing the use of high-quality data in training. We propose an image generation method based on conditional transferring features, which can capture pixel-level semantic changes when transforming low-quality images into high-quality ones. Moreover, self-supervision learning is integrated into our GAN architecture to provide more label-free semantic supervisory information observed from the training data. As such, training our GAN architecture requires much fewer high-quality images with a small number of additional low-quality images. The experiments on CIFAR-10 and STL-10 show that even removing 30% high-quality images from the training set, our method can still outperform previous ones. The scalability on object classes has been experimentally validated: our method with 30% fewer high-quality images obtains the best quality in generating 1,000 ImageNet classes, as well as generating all 3,755 classes of CASIA-HWDB1.0 Chinese handwriting characters. | Conditional Transferring Features: Scaling GANs to Thousands of Classes with 30% Less High-quality Data for Training |
We consider some long multiplets describing bulk massive excitations of M-theory two-branes and IIB string three-branes which correspond to ``non chiral'' primary operators of the boundary OSp(8/4) and SU(2,2/4) superconformal field theories. Examples of such multiplets are the ``radial'' modes on the branes, including up to spin 4 excitations, which may be then considered as prototypes of states which are not described by the K-K spectrum of the corresponding supergravity theories on AdS_4 x S_7 and AdS_5 x S_5 respectively. | ``Non chiral'' primary superfields in the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence |
We study a new class of infinite dimensional Lie algebras, which has important applications to the theory of integrable equations. The construction of these algebras is very similar to the one for automorphic functions and this motivates the name automorphic Lie algebras. For automorphic Lie algebras we present bases in which they are quasigraded and all structure constants can be written out explicitly. These algebras have a useful factorisations on two subalgebras similar to the factorisation of the current algebra on the positive and negative parts. | Reduction Groups and Automorphic Lie Algebras |
The problem of suppressing the scattering from conductive objects is addressed in terms of harmonic contrast reduction. A unique compact closed-form solution for a surface impedance $Z_s(m,kr)$ is found in a straightforward manner and without any approximation as a function of the harmonic index $m$ (scattering mode to suppress) and of the frequency regime $kr$ (product of wavenumber $k$ and radius $r$ of the cloaked system) at any frequency regime. In the quasi-static limit, mantle cloaking is obtained as a particular case for $kr \ll 1$ and $m=0$. In addition, beyond quasi-static regime, impedance coatings for a selected dominant harmonic wave can be designed with proper dispersive behaviour, resulting in improved reduction levels and harmonic filtering capability. | Closed-form Harmonic Contrast Control with Surface Impedance Coatings for Conductive Objects |
The paper is intended to be a survey on some topics within the framework of automorphisms of a relatively free groups of infinite rank. We discuss such properties as tameness, primitivity, small index, Bergman property, and so on. | Automorphism groups of relatively free groups of infinite rank: a survey |
We present ground-based optical and near infrared photometric observations and Hubble Space Telescope COS spectroscopic observations of the old nova V842 Cen (Nova Cen 1986). Analysis of the optical light curves reveals a peak at 56.5 +/- 0.3s with an amplitude of 8.9 +/- 4.2 mma, which is consistent with the rotation of a magnetic white dwarf primary in V842 Cen that was detected earlier by Woudt et al., and led to its classification as an intermediate polar.However, our UV lightcurve created from the COS time-tag spectra does not show this periodicity. Our synthetic spectral analysis of an HST COS spectrum rules out a hot white dwarf photosphere as the source of the FUV flux. The best-fitting model to the COS spectrum is a full optically thick accretion disk with no magnetic truncation, a low disk inclination angle, low accretion rate and a distance less than half the published distance that was determined on the basis of interstellar sodium D line strengths.Truncated accretion disks with truncation radii of 3Rwd and 5Rwd yielded unsatisfactory agreement with the COS data. The accretion rate is unexpectedly low for a classical nova only 24 years after the explosion when the accretion rate is expected to be high and the white dwarf should still be very hot, especially if irradiation of the donor star took place. Our low accretion rate is consistent with low accretion rates derived from X-ray and ground-based optical data. | Multiwavelength Photometry and Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the Old Nova V842 Centaurus |
Subsets and Splits