Dataset Preview
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The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'id', 'topic'})

This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/kdawoud91/dialouge_sum_preprocessed/test.csv (at revision 6074d3146df901fa49bb434384c719afaaf15ae3)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              id: string
              dialogue: string
              summary: string
              topic: string
              -- schema metadata --
              pandas: '{"index_columns": [{"kind": "range", "name": null, "start": 0, "' + 705
              {'dialogue': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'summary': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'id', 'topic'})
              This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/kdawoud91/dialouge_sum_preprocessed/test.csv (at revision 6074d3146df901fa49bb434384c719afaaf15ae3)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

person1 hi mr smith im doctor hawkin today person2 found would good idea get checkup person1 ye well havent one 5 year one everi year person2 know figur long noth wrong go see doctor person1 well best way avoid seriou ill find earli tri come least year good person2 ok person1 let see eye ear look fine take deep breath pleas smoke mr smith person2 ye person1 smoke lead caus lung cancer heart diseas know realli quit person2 ive tri hundr time cant seem kick habit person1 well class medic might help ill give inform leav person2 ok thank doctor
Mr. Smith's getting a check-up, and Doctor Hawkins advises him to have one every year. Hawkins'll give some information about their classes and medications to help Mr. Smith quit smoking.
person1 hello mr parker person2 hello dr peter fine thank ricki vaccin person1 well let see accord vaccin record ricki receiv polio tetanu hepat b shot 14 month old due hepat chickenpox measl shot person2 rubella mump person1 well give coupl week administ rest person2 ok great doctor think also may need tetanu booster last time got mayb fifteen year ago person1 check record ill nurs administ booster well pleas hold ricki arm tight may sting littl
Mrs Parker takes Ricky for his vaccines. Dr. Peters checks the record and then gives Ricky a vaccine.
person1 excus see set key person2 kind key person1 five key small foot ornament person2 shame didnt see person1 well help look that first time person2 sure pleasur id like help look miss key person1 kind person2 big dealhey found person1 oh thank god dont know thank guy person2 your welcom
#Person1#'s looking for a set of keys and asks for #Person2#'s help to find them.
person1 didnt tell girlfriend person2 sorri thought knew person1 tell love person2 didnt person1 know didnt person2 well tell person1 ye might told person2 didnt think would interest person1 cant seriou dare tell go marri person2 sorri didnt think matter person1 oh men
#Person1#'s angry because #Person2# didn't tell #Person1# that #Person2# had a girlfriend and would marry her.
person1 watsup ladi yll lookingfin tonight may danc person2 he cute look like tiger wood cant danc person1 good ill show right move name malik person2 nice meet im wen nikki person1 feel vista mind take friendround danc floor person2 doesnt mind dont mind get feet step person1 right cool let go
Malik invites Nikki to dance. Nikki agrees if Malik doesn't mind getting his feet stepped on.
person1 happi birthday aim person2 thank lisa person1 present hope like person2 oh great love know ive expect long time person1 im glad hear person2 come let introduc friend
Lisa gives Aims a birthday present and Aims loves it.
person1 come person2 thank what fare person1 10 person2 person1 well rate two dollar first two kilomet twenti cent addit two hundr meter person2 see thank drive
#Person1# tells #Person2# the fare of taking a taxi.
person1 help person2 ye sent resum end last week im appli account assist posit person1 may name pleas person2 name judi liao that spell l person1 alright specif question applic person2 realli neighborhood want stop see receiv resum person1 oh that problem give moment check judi liao let see ye judi liao receiv resum person2 thank person1 anyth els help person2 ye mayb ad newspap said want resum cover letter two letter recommend includ thing envelop anyth els send person1 need thing includ suffici person2 know start set interview job person1 im realli sure know still receiv resum mayb week two start call applic person2 see well thank much help help person1 question call time person2 thank person1 thank goodby
Judy Liao's applying for the accounts assistant position. She asks #Person1# whether they have received her resume, and #Person1# helps her check. #Person1# tells Judy there's nothing else she should send, and after a week or two they may start calling applicants.
person1 good basic comput packag got good cpu 256 megabyt ram dvd player person2 come modem person1 ye builtin modem plug phone line back comput person2 monitor person1 15 inch monitor includ deal want switch 17 inch monitor littl money person2 that okay 15 inch good enough right ill take
#Person1# shows a basic computer package to #Person2#. #Person2# thinks it's good and will take it.
person1 excus know visa offic person2 ye ill walk person1 thank person2 appli studi work abroad person1 want studi abroad person2 want studi person1 hope studi english literatur person2 got visa yet person1 yet interview visa offici today person2 see first interview person1 ive alreadi 3 interview
#Person1# has an interview with a visa official. #Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the visa office.
person1 could favor person2 sure person1 could run store need thing person2 right want get person1 well could pick sugar person2 okay much person1 small bag guess also need orang person2 mani person1 oh let see six person2 anyth els person1 ye milk person2 okay much want get gallon person1 think half gallon enough person2 person1 think got person2 ye that small bag sugar four orang half gallon milk person1 enough money person2 think person1 thank much appreci
#Person1# asks #Person2# to do a favor. #Person2# agrees and helps buy a small bag of sugar, six oranges, and a half-gallon of milk.
person1 look pictur mom cap gown person2 isnt love that got master degre miami univers person1 ye proud person2 oh that nice one togeth neg may copi person1 sure ill one made want print person2 id like slide new projector person1 id like see person2 wallet size print made person1 certainli
#Person2# thinks the picture is lovely and asks #Person1# to give a slide and a wallet-size print.
person1 bean send dirti joke look person2 creep phoni good luck email one thing sexual harass cross line person1 wonder ask address firsth want harass person2 could tri use spam filter reject stuff that obvious pornograph anyth els dont want
#Person2# suggests #Person1# use a spam filter to reject Bean's pornographic stuff.
person1 old keith person2 he 21 old jame person1 he year older keith look younger person2 how father person1 he fine retir last week turn go life relax enjoy retir person2 spend time grandchildren person1 oh dont think want want travel sever differ countri around world person2 want activ retir good idea person1 want spend old age person2 way probabl
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about their families' ages. #Person2#'s father wants to travel around the world after retirement.
person1 kind music like listen person2 like music fast beat live like danc music know go disco almost everi week sometim loud though prefer classic music dont person1 ye find relax often listen mozart bach even hard day work person2 must admit like sever piec classic music certainli sophist modern danc music person1 classic music suppos good brain research suggest make brain activ student listen classic music studi perform better person2 realli perhap listen classic music often heard listen classic music help reduc stress person1 ye that listen even usual play background music im cook housework person2 ive got classic music cd follow lead increas brian power person1 find plenti record internet listen sampl buy cheapli like person2 that good idea music might find someth like classic music might make clever danc might make liveli happier person1 that true there clear evid peopl listen live music live peopl music influenc person feel charact
#Person2# likes dance music while #Person1# prefers classical music. #Person1# suggests #Person2# listen to more classical music because it can make the brain more active and reduce stress. #Person2# tells #Person1# classical music makes #Person2# clever, but dance makes #Person1# livelier and happier.
person1 confus said person2 say person1 dont know want want help scold person2 think littl think mean well bottom heart
#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s confused by the man's words.
person1 tell someth valentin day person2 ok day boy usual give rose sweet heart girl give chocol return person1 romant young peopl must lot fun person2 yeah holiday isnt
#Person2# tells #Person1# their Valentine's Day. #Person1# feels it's romantic.
person1 triplet theyr beauti ive seen babi noth skin bone age know theyr absolut ident john plan person2 bite tongu im alreadi end rope night dont sleep john manag sleep like log even babi scream top lung person1 well tell labor deliveri person2 wouldnt say time life least everyth went without hitch person1 well hang twenti year youll fell well worth
#Person1# asks #Person2# whether she plans on having more babies. #Person2# refuses because #Person2# even has no time to sleep when they're screaming.
person1 whoa look ice cream choic person2 ye lot choic favorit person1 love anyth chocol best person2 like chocol person1 kind ice cream dont like person2 realli dont like ice cream nut person1 havent ever care person2 ever garlic ice cream person1 sound absolut disgust person2 let stick regular choic today though
#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about different choices of ice cream. They decide to choose regular ones.
person1 come work us person2 use green pad write admir note person1 well negoti possibl person2 miss dont person1 dont push luck dave person2 ok im start person1 soon get well wait
#Person1# invites Dave to work together, and Dave agrees.
person1 put seat back know lever somewher person2 person1 im get dress look like person2 look like get dress forget car road person1 im good nobodi see anyth person2 kid your go caus accid peopl gawk person1 right pull servic station ill dress ladiesroom person2 pleasur
#Person1#'s getting dressed in the car, and #Person2# warns her not. #Person1#'ll get dressed at the service station.
person1 suppos check air china counter 30 minut takeoff joe person2 ye know board time ticket say 1705 1615 guess plenti time person1 need show id card check person2 ye essenti person1 luggag person2 check hand carri small bag open inspect person1 go frisk passeng person2 think certainli dont want hijack happen plane today
#Person1# asks #Person2# what they need to do when they check in at the Air China's counter.
person1 ive heard provid good servic need mover call guy first person2 thank lot call us could tell need us person1 oh see 8th floor move 6th floor anoth build 15 kilomet get person2 ok cost depend floor move distanc two place amount furnitur move person1 much cost case person2 oh let see fit second standard rate look contract pleas person1 charg divid two part payment advanc rest thought pay move person2 firstli sign contract pay 50 cost rest finish move person1 damag compens item confus could give explan person2 ok articl damag move may make claim compens depart
#Person1# calls #Person2# because #Person1# needs a mover. #Person1# tells #Person2# what needs them to do and asks for the cost. #Person2# shows the contract and explains the cost and compensation.
person1 hi mike havent seen how cathi person2 see person1 happen break person2 yeah got sick tire nag time person1 oh sorri mayb emot moment think guy get back togeth person2 dont know there plenti fish sea person1 oh dog
Mike broke up with Cathy. #Person1# feels sorry, but Mike doesn't want to get back.
person1 everi movi youv seen one favorit person2 im go say superbad best movi ever person1 think come person2 well superbad super funni person1 your lie found movi absolut hilari person2 didnt know saw superbad person1 made sure line see first day came person2 couldnt keep laugh throughout whole movi person1 laugh hyster whole time stomach muscl hurt afterward person2 that exactli felt person1 got movi came dvd want come person2 would love
Both #Person1# and #Person2# think Superbad is funny. They can't stop laughing when they watch it. #Person1# invites #Person2# to see it together.
person1 what secur check jimmi mean bar may danger place person2 cours case noth worri dont also china person1 dont know mayb actual first time bar person2 oh honor see youv curiou bar stuff like place person1 sure love place especi decor tast person2 yeah real featur excel drink ticket person1 alreadi person2 well ticket get free drink would like orang juic person1 ye orang juic fine get drink crowd around counter bare move person2 ill show bar tender know whose turn also snap finger catch attent person1 cool thank
It is the first time for #Person1# to come to the bar. #Person1# loves the tasteful decoration. Jimmy asks #Person1# to give him the ticket so that he can get a free drink for #Person1#.
person1 excus go central park person2 ye right bu person1 could pleas tell get central park person2 dont worri ill call stop person1 minut later get next stop person2 dont worri ill get get person1 long ride person2 long two stop youll get sir person1 ok know thank person2
#Person1# takes a bus to Central Park. #Person2# tells #Person1# when to get off.
person1 mr white would like give notic leav compani effect begin next month person2 jessica sorri hear leav person1 ive offer anoth job higher salari also give opportun promot person2 oh talk first would given rais person1 realli good employ mr white lucki good boss like new job field interest train someth alway want person2 ok good luck jessica way ever need letter recommend would happi write one
Jessica tells Mr. White she'll be leaving because she's been offered another job. Mr. White feels sorry but is willing to write a recommendation letter for her.
person1 experi sale work person2 ye fact work foreign trade compani nearli two year establish busi tie sever firm person1 exactli compani person2 visit custom dispatch consign thing like person1 like work person2 ye person1 leav compani person2 left two month ago didnt think could learn much mani opportun selfdevelop person1 see choos compani person2 ive inform mani opportun develop compani besid grew citi northeast lot acquaint region might help push sale
#Person1# is interviewing #Person2# and asks #Person2# several questions, including experience with sales work, the work at the previous company, and why #Person2# left there.
person1 sunday today person2 ye know person1 think hous clean today what opinion person2 oh last week person1 come want wash cloth clean hous person2 id rather wash cloth person1 okay laundri person2 oh god much person1 dont worri ill help later
#Person1# suggests having a house cleaning, and #Person2# chooses to wash clothes.
person1 may take order person2 havent decid yet could give us littl longer person1 ye take time pleas person2 get someth drink want two bottl beer person1 fine person2 could tell us special today person1 special today steak person2 well take steak dinner person1 would like go steak person2 pea carrot person1 see would like dessert person2 icecream pleas
#Person1# serves #Person2# to order two bottles of beer, a steak dinner, and ice cream.
person1 help person2 want leather jacket person1 size pleas person2 size 40 person1 color would prefer person2 let see think brown one person1 well brown one beauti inde think black one suit better person2 realli pleas get person1 anyth els person2 dress made pure silk person1 ye brilliant person2 washabl person1 ye care person2 much pleas person1 350 yuan person2 right wrap person1 ok
#Person2# buys a leather jacket and a dress made of pure silk with #Person1#'s recommendation.
person1 place ive heard much lo angel climat pretti good yearround flower yearround swim like person2 well beach beauti peopl terribl annoy dirti air mean combin fog smoke automobil exhaust enough wind blow away
#Person2# tells #Person1# people are annoyed by the dirty air in Los Angeles.
person1 sir youv use onlin catalogu quit anyth help person2 well ive got write paper hollywood 30 40 im realli struggl hundr book dont know begin person1 topic sound pretti big dont narrow someth like uh histori studio time person2 know think 30 book came type movi studio person1 could cut even list specif year want tri ad 1930 1940 mayb golden age person2 golden age good idea let type hey look 6 book time that lot better person1 oh anoth thing might consid tri look magazin newspap articl person2 ive search book person1 well look magazin articl reader guid period literatur person2 okay think ill get start book ill go magazin person1 need help ill refer desk person2 great thank lot
#Person2# is struggling to choose the books about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s. #Person1# suggests he narrow the topic down by listing the specific years he wants. #Person1# tells #Person2# he can look up magazine articles.
person1 vacat went pari didnt person2 yeah parent got back saturday wonder person1 sight visit person2 well saw famou place eiffel tower notr dame cathedr interest person1 take tour person2 one boat tour sein river person1 wow sound fantast person2 yeah great way see citi person1 go famou art museum person2 yeah parent love art spent hour museum pretti bore im interest paint person1 els person2 well guess favorit thing sit cafe watch peopl realli relax french coffe terrif person1 sound like great vacat work hand hope ill one day
#Person1# asks #Person2# what #Person2# did during the vocation to Paris. #Person2# saw all the most famous places and enjoyed sitting in cafes most. #Person1#'s looking forward to a vacation.
person1 im tire watch televis let go cinema night person2 right want go downtown good movi neighborhood person1 id rather spend lot money pa per say neighborhood theater person2 here list page column 6 where rialto there perfect movi person1 that far away hard find place park person2 well grand theater gone wind person1 saw year ago couldnt wait see moreov long wouldnt get home midnight person2 center horror film wouldnt want see person1 inde wouldnt abl sleep tonight person2 that ell unless chang decis go downtown person1 cant pay must someth els havent seen person2 look cant find anyth els person1 look person2 person1 televis timet there basebal game televis tonight person2 wasnt look tv program look movi ad person1 know happen notic new york play boston person2 must good wouldnt mind watch person1 ok let stay home go cinema friday
#Person1#'s tired of watching television, so #Person1# and #Person2# search on the paper to choose a movie to watch. But they don't decide a suitable one. #Person1# finds there will be a baseball game tonight, so they decide to stay at home.
person1 say lisa watch person2 japanes film im go spend next year japan id better get know cultur person1 mean accept program person2 sure person1 that wonder must excit person2 excit nervou know must work basic convers skill person1 much japanes understand person2 littl ill attend special languag class next month person1 wish clever foreign languag id love studi abroad person2 dont school lot program dont requir masteri foreign languag kind person get use new environ fast person1 thought program requir one know foreign languag thank let know
Lisa's accepted into the program and will go to Japan next year. She encourages #Person1# to have a program that doesn't require the mastery of a foreign language.
person1 morn sue enjoy holiday countri person2 ye thank great time friend went us person1 stay hotel person2 camp mountain near snowdon cook meal open fire person1 sound wonder weather good person2 sun shone nearli everi day didnt rain person1 like peopl person2 ye great met farmer tea hous person1 get back last night person2 morn youll think mad got 430 left 5 arriv 9 im tire good weekend person1 ye didnt much stay home weather terribl
Sue had a great holiday in the country, and the weather was good. #Person1# just stayed at home at the weekend because of the terrible weather.
person1 didnt tell girlfriend person2 sorri thought knew person1 told love person2 didnt person1 know didnt person2 well im tell person1 ye might told person2 didnt think youd interest person1 cant seriou dare tell go marri person2 sorri didnt think matter person1 oh men your
#Person1# is angry because #Person2# didn't tell #Person1# that #Person2# had a girlfriend and would marry her.
person1 pleas make home let take coat dinner almost readi hope brought appetit person2 hous love armand interest decor gothic person3 think amaz good tast armand im think redecor hous mayb could give pointer person1 would pleasur pleas seat offer glass wine person3 would love person1 special merlot brought directli home countri uniqu ingredi give pleasant aroma superior flavor person3 mmm delici person2 bit bitter tast almost tast like like person3 ellen ellen okay person1 pass person3 yeah person1 hope didnt poison drink much youll ruin meal
Ellen and #Person3# visit Armand's house, and they have dinner together. The glass of wine provided by Armand is a bit bitter for Ellen, and she passes out.
person1 bought new dress think person2 look realli great go job interview parti person1 invit give talk school person2 much pay person1 pay 70 save 30 person2 that realli bargain person1 your right well shop person2 watch tv read wasnt interest book read page took shower person1 thought said go see mike person2 ill go visit home tomorrow hell return home tomorrow morn person1 im glad final return home accid
While #Person1# made a bargain to buy a new dress, #Person2# watched TV, read a boring book, and took a shower at home.
person1 hi olivia pleas person2 im sorri she lunch want leav messag person1 ye harri could tell olivia ill wait box offic cinema 710 person2 sure harri youll wait box offic 10 person1 710 person2 oh sorri 710 ill tell olyvia person1 thank
Harris calls Olivia, but Olivia's out. #Person2# asks him to leave a message.
person1 hello doctor smith offic person2 ye may help person1 ye id like speak doctor smith pleas person2 doctor smith went home afternoon may ask call person1 jim white person2 oh ye mister white doctor smith ask give home phone number person1 moment pleas ye what number person2 number 77231059 person1 thank much person2 that right
Jim calls Doctor Smith, but he isn't available. #Person2# asks Jim for his number.
person1 excit edward anyth happi person2 cours happi also meaning took subway school morn iin subway station saw one novel lie seat anoth near elev person1 realli must put someon share person2 ye curiou red one good way kill time way plan put book share person1 great pleas place proper place dont bother traffic person2 ok
Edward is excited because he thinks it's a good way to put books on the subway for people to kill time.
person1 next week birthday parti excit want birthday person2 well car like would fantast person1 hmmmayb car yet your turn 9 know doll person2 mom im boy boy dont play stupid doll machin gun would ok person1 well time mayb could get nice dress littl purs son mayb person2 mayb chang name mari sinc seem want daughter badli
#Person2# wants a cool birthday present, but his mom wants to give him a sissy present.
person1 still watch soap opera nanci person2 yeah cant take eye person1 appeal person2 well cast opera isnt strong stori isnt impress main actor act realli outstand handsom person1 shall think need break right footbal match channel eight person2 oh stop talk stupid match realli dont understand certain peopl run one ball person1 choos program id rather watch documentari kind soap opera realli bore person2 everyon tast ever heard say one man meat anoth poison person1 front tv almost 5 hour even dinner time say selfish person ever seen person2 well well watch channel
Nancy's watching a soap opera, but #Person1# wants to watch a football match. Nancy refuses to have a break, so #Person1# says she is selfish.
person1 mister ewe said show confer center 4 oclock right person2 ye special ask us late peopl east york branch offic come want make good impress get person1 think take car think im go take underground construct highway person2 ill take underground well dont go togeth ive confer center im sure find way around
To get to the conference centre early, #Person1# and #Person2# decide to take the underground, and #Person2# proposes to go there together.
person1 what accommod like london ahm person2 well bit difficult thousand oversea student know person1 would better stay hotel share flat stay famili person2 would probabl better stay famili begin carla person1 wouldnt recommend share flat person2 wouldnt move flat wont get much studi done flat youll spend half time cook clean person1 find famili take student person2 there list student union build campu peopl student union abl help find famili stay
#Person2# recommends Carla to stay with a family because living in a flat will take much time to cook and clean.
person1 excus airport person2 um pretti far away show map smart phone person1 oh sorri meant get person2 well depend want get quickli cheapli person1 probabl latter would better person2 right go one block take left youll see number 12 subway station take number 12 way grove street transfer airport express train person1 know chang train person2 announc train im sure also lot peopl big suitcas follow
#Person1# asks #Person2# a cheap way to get to the airport. #Person2# guides #Person1# to take the subway and then transfer to the airport express's train.
person1 leader colleg person2 ye propaganda depart minist univers person1 get honor award univers person2 piti person1 involv club activ univers person2 ye member basketbal societi like play basketbal person1 extracurricular activ usual take part colleg person2 sometim play basketbal sometim play footbal
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# was Propaganda department minister and played basketball in college.
person1 right remain silent anyth say use court law right attorney present question afford attorney one appoint understand person2 ye person1 what name person2 name jame person1 what nation person2 american person1 what relationship victim person2 dont know person1 attack victim person2 beat first tri stop grab bag run away person1 mani time stab victim person2 stab belli three time person1 know action might caus serou injuri death person2 knew couldnt control person1 intent kill victim person2 didnt kill purpos madam caus incid need see attorney person1 ok give number well contact
#Person1# stabbed the victim because he beat #Person1# first and tried to grab #Person1#'s bag. #Person1# says he didn't kill him on purpose.
person1 kind job intend person2 want manag job sinc threeyear work histori person1 plan hire person2 would appli specialti experi job gradual move manag level compani
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s ideal job and the job plan if hired.
person1 hello luci jing call lincoln bank may speak mr pleas person2 speak person1 ah hello mr im call new credit card arriv us either come collect send person2 send wont necessari im actual come meet person banker afternoon person1 perfect time person2 inde anyth need collect person1 realli recommend read term condit sign card case someth arent happi person2 im sure itll fine pin number person1 sent within 2 work day start use new card person2 great ill later today thank call bye
Lucie Jing phones for Mr. Was to talk about his new credit card. Mr. Was wants to collect it himself, and Lucie recommends him to read through the documents again before signing the card.
person1 thank lend book person2 sure difficult one need dictionari elbow person1 im use look everi new word im read novel look necessari one
#Person1# borrows a book from #Person2# and will only look up the most necessary words.
person1 let start discuss question payment term person2 suppos know well requir irrevoc letter credit payabl present ship document person1 fulli understand posit irrevoc letter credit ensur seller get paid time hand would add buy cost weve trade partner 3 year know us well cant give us p person2 im afraid practic far insist payment l c person1 part govern reluct approv l c payment import licens problem person2 understand still im posit help mayb could someth later larger deal togeth
#Person1# requests #Person2# to give them D / A or D / P but #Person2# insists on payment by L / C, so the business isn't done.
person1 hello person2 um hello would like open account person1 ok kind account want open person2 want open current account person1 open right person2 what minimum deposit open current account person1 10 yuan much money want deposit person2 well here 3 000 yuan person1 pleas write name address amount deposit pleas choos passcod six number confirm person2 ok person1 thank pleas confirm inform sign name blank person2 done els person1 that here bank card here certif deposit bring bank card everi time come deposit withdraw money person2 ok thank goodby person1 bye
#Person1# helps #Person2# open a current account, deposit 3,000 yuan, set the passcode and confirm all the information.
person1 think act two main actor film person2 consid hero act inferior heroin dont agre person1 well im afraid think hero much believ
#Person2# considers the hero's acting inferior to that of the heroine's while #Person1# thinks the opposite.
person1 want spend summer day mountain villag person2 think mountain villag splendid person1 dont agre small live person2 fresh air nicer big town person1 disagre big town live person2 like small mountain villag big town noisi charm walk along hill person1 well alright agre still prefer big town
#Person2# thinks spending summer days in a mountain village is splendid while #Person1# prefers a big town.
person1 go cant get car ditch im stuck person2 im worri tom havent seen car almost hour person1 know terribl snow doesnt stop fall person2 told stay town today weather report said 100 percent chanc snow want come person1 want show cabin anoth halfhour go person2 well stuck person1 dont know person2 ive heard happen import save energi person1 mean person2 strand tom may long time need conserv ga car car energi keep us warm person1 plenti ga person2 ye ga batteri stay work cant let car run run die soon well freez person1 person2 turn light run car heater fifteen minut everi hour conserv heat long possibl person1 alright that good idea person2 wish hadnt come well probabl day person1 day person2 ye happen happen big snowstorm peopl get strand day person1 oh god good food person2 probabl well surviv turn car fortyf minut well turn person1 okay ill follow advic
Tom and #Person2#'s car is stranded in the ditch in a big snowstorm. They are anxious at first, then #Person2# suggests turning the lights off and running the car and the heater once in a while to save energy. Tom will follow #Person2#'s advice.
person1 philip realli glad hear award congratul person2 thank denis actual realli surpris mean lot qualifi peopl person1 sure work realli except definit deserv person2 thank lot expect see name nomin pretti soon youv great work
Denise congratulates Philip on his winning the award and admires his work. Philip thanks Denise and wishes him nominated soon.
person1 jenni good time person2 ye cours realli wonder parti interest peopl great food person1 im glad enjoy person2 thank invit person1 pleasur get anoth glass champagn person2 ye id love anoth glass your wonder host thank everyth person1 pleasur
Jenny had a good time at #Person1#'s party and she thanks #Person1#.
person1 oh linda must excit go studi america person2 oh ye alway want go state love meet new peopl make new friend person1 well sure person2 well one thing person1 matter person2 littl worri host famili know agreement cook person1 ye person2 well afraid wont like chines way cook person1 oh listen youll soon learn sure explain like get prepar person2 oh let hope
Linda is excited about studying in America but she's also worried about cooking for her host family. #Person1# convinces her that she'll learn quickly.
person1 would talk take one dr miller class person2 ye ever one class person1 im think take class next semest person2 easi teacher think take class person1 im sure realli need learn someth also worri grade person2 grade import dont think gain knowledg import person1 realli need learn stuff person2 made everyth interest time flew know mean person1 ye sound right person2 know came last year 10 year militari person1 yeah alreadi knew could good thing person2 think know make best decis enjoy year
#Person1# is considering taking Dr. Miller's class but worries about grades. #Person2# tells #Person1# Dr. Miller was an easy and interesting teacher and gaining knowledge is as important as grades.
person1 welcom back movi lover anoth premier movi review name richard clark join today erudit david watson person2 thank dick today go talk movi lion king tell dave impress film person1 well think film simpli fabl depict man etern greed power opinion fine film even despit accus plagiar tradit folk tale countri music score amaz anim well done stori simpli enchant person2 think otherwis even though anim technic strong say score song perform elton john great film lack certain origin lack heart would dare say predict person1 predict come dick grate movi kid thriller person2 well that dramat intens scene exampl mufas die dark grim portray scar even film linear mufas die simba run away think fault fall love return retak right clich person1 clich fabl tell timehonour stori movi make point hunger power lead corrupt teach children valu respect life love person2 alway soft dave person1 open heart dick dont shut us person2 anyway that today folk join us next time talk quot lose guy 10 day quot im sure youll love one dave
Richard Clarke and David Watson discuss Lion King on Premier Movie Review. Richard thinks it's a fine movie as it has strong animation, great score and songs, and an enchanting story, while David thinks the movie lacks a certain originality and was too predictable.
person1 go danc even jane find night life citi interest person2 good idea good nightclub nearbi isnt person1 ye danc hall nice variou style music person2 club look peopl danc floor crazi person1 that rock roll fast tempo person2 like slow danc good rumba waltz person1 take easi time slow danc middl part parti person2 let find quiet seat sit beverag person1 ok follow person2 listen waltz like eleg step old style person1 may person2 sure person1 danc danc grace
#Person1# invites Jane to go dancing this evening. Jane likes slow dance so they wait until it is the waltz, and they enjoy themselves in the nightclub.
person1 let move apart small person2 agre ill look paper person1 hous would great could plant garden could use garag workshop person2 here interest ad person1 much rent person2 ad say 325 plu deposit person1 place avail person2 avail got good locat wont far work
#Person1# and #Person2# plan to move, and they find a satisfying house in the paper.
person1 good morn mainten depart person2 hello im problem air condition person1 air condition person2 one bedroom person1 seem problem person2 there cold air come person1 may room number pleas person2 512 person1 ok well send someon check person2 im go right that right come ive gone person1 fine housekeep open door stay room repairmen
#Person2# phones Maintenance Department because the air conditioner went wrong. #Person1# answers the phone and will send the repairmen.
person1 look jim man fell person2 better see he k person1 sir sir right sir person2 he answer youd better check puls breath person1 oh he breath there puls call 911 person2 hello ye someon pass connecticut ave 1st st isnt breath puls ye friend perform cpr ok thank theyr send ambul let help
#Person1# and Jim find a man who fell and is unconscious. #Person1# performs CPR and Jim calls 911.
person1 excus time next train london leav person2 1030 person1 direct train london person2 ye person1 ok two ticket london pleas person2 singl return person1 singl pleas much total person2 10 pound person1 platform go wait train person2 platform 5 person1 ok thank person2 welcom
#Person1# buys two train tickets to London with #Person2#'s assistance.
person1 hi custom servic help person2 hi bought one vacuum spendwart broken person1 warranti person2 think bought four month ago person1 ye still cover warranti tell mode number vacuum pleas person2 okay model number 6594 c person1 what address name phone number person2 906 ottawa street name david yang phone number 7137860234 person1 okay two custom servic offic area nearest one chadwick hack applianc person2 could tell offic locat person1 sure 878 fennel south person2 oh know place two minut drive person1 call offic first person2 right thank much help person1 pleasur
#Person2# phones the Customer Service because #Person2#'s vacuum's broken. #Person1# answers the phone, asks for more details, and tells #Person1# the location of the nearest Customer Service Office.
person1 mr phoeb let talk deliveri arrang good person2 sure what date deliveri person1 inform compani told first five thousand end month person2 balanc order also arriv compani quickli person1 deliv balanc price alreadi quot 10 day person2 deliv earlier person1 afraid would will sign annual contract basi discuss person2 possibl subject qualiti deliveri guarante person1 cours well case could offer 5 discount confirm monthli order next 12 month person2 look forward someth bit substanti know longtim cooper person1 im afraid that far could go wed alreadi stretch limit person2 well let shake draw detail contract
#Person1# and Mrs. Phoebe talk about the delivery arrangement for the goods. #Person1# offers a 5% discount for a confirmed monthly order and they finally reach an agreement since they have long-time cooperation.
person1 hello reserv desk help person2 ye id like book duplex suit person1 day would like reserv suit sir person2 next friday person1 im sorri sir cant accept reserv next friday due book may suggest anoth hotel sir person2 oh thank much person1 pleas hold line ill see duplex suit avail day minut later sir holiday inn avail need person2 contact person1 ill give phone number 601 789 5634
#Person2# phones to book a duplex suite but #Person1#'s hotel isn't available. #Person1# finds Holiday Inn has available rooms and offers its phone number.
person1 think need xxxxxxxxxx finish time person2 sorri tom say last bit pleas didnt get person1 oh ok said xxxxxxxxxx time person2 sorri tom problem hear bit hissi hear us person1 xxxxxxxxxx person2 hello person1 xxxxxxxxxx dont think hear us xxxxxxxxxx hello xxxxxxxxxx person2 tom hear think weve lost there problem line let tri well call person1 xxxxxxxxxx ok xxxxxxxxxx
Tom tells #Person2# to finish something on time. #Person2# can't hear clearly because there's a problem with the line.
person1 hello person2 hello luci john could favor ive tri phone wife six time cant get line busi time could possibl go next door give messag person1 sure want tell mari person2 could say ive met old friend im stay im offic ill give ring later person1 sure ill go right person2 thank lot luci
#Person2# requests Lucy to give a message to his wife because the line's always busy.
person1 hello im jack person2 hello well see fulli furnish youv got tvcabl tv broadband internet includ rent kitchenett thereal fulli fittednic new fridg cooker kettl toaster microwaveal modcon bathroom therebox shower unitsinkal new bq there nice view park window person1 hmmit smaller thought much rent person2 250 week plu cours your respons fee includ ga water electr person1 said 200 ad person2 yeah small room upstair that alreadi gone person1 well 250 bit much person2 well london placegood locat near tube person1 looki stretch 200 weeki cant afford 250 plu bill person2 right one month rent advanc plu month deposit thatll 400 cash contractread initi page sign bottom person1 ok
#Person2# persuades Jack to rent the house in a good location but Jack thinks 250 a week isn't affordable. Finally, #Person2# compromise to 200 and Jack will sign the contract.
person1 mother feel day person2 much better thank shell back home day person1 that wonder back job person2 think need week take care clean come home person1 dont hire someon case job also free time person2 ye know im realli worri mother 72 year old person1 your kind thought man admir much person2 im normal son
#Person2# thinks his mother is much better and refuses to hire someone to take care of her. #Person1# admires his kindness and thoughtfulness.
person1 oh im suppos meet seven sharp time person2 six thirti person1 id better get readi person2 go person1 havent made mind yet mayb restaur perhap movi first person2 dont go see citizen kane classic film festiv suppos great person1 oh mayb psycho also play ive heard realli good person2 like horror film lot blood person dont well realli go want go swim tomorrow person1 id glad might go studio work let know first thing morn person2 sure thatll fine person1 oh there phone must traci person2 well id better go good time tonight person1 thank ill talk tomorrow
#Person1#'s going on a date but hasn't decided where to go. #Person2# suggests watching Citizen Kane. #Person1# and #Person2# decide to go swimming tomorrow.
person1 new babi must keep hour night person2 she pretti good sinc mother move she sleep longer time night thought mother keep awak night
#Person2# says since her mother moved in, her baby's been pretty good.
person1 exactli look person2 look collect 19th centuri european paint person1 book left one yellow cover person2 let see yeah want thank lot
#Person1# helps #Person2# find a collection of the 19th century European paintings.
person1 bob im sure know secondhand smoke person2 cours person1 heard thirdhand smoke person2 thirdhand smoke im afraid person1 well today paper parent may think protect children secondhand smoke smoke outsid home children research warn call thirdhand smoke smoke danger matter cigarett get hair cloth babi weakest come babi pass babi increas chanc diseas babi person2 case say never get close babi person1 that right actual smoke parent better give complet
#Person1# tells Bob about the danger of third-hand smoke and concludes smoking parents should never get close to a baby or better give up smoking.
person1 hey man what person2 ah first put buck vend machin seventyf cent candi bar thing got stuck machin press chang button ah man noth happen wow noth came dumb thing still owe quarter person1 well talk man snack bar see could refund money person2 yeah tri said didnt machin id call phone number machin person1 bummer person2 hey idea dont rock machin back forth candi bar fall person1 noth dont want respons break thing besid someon might call cop person2 ah dont worri ive done oh well hey hey tough luck hey take candi bar mean yeah machin hit earlier today
#Person2# tells #Person1# he put a buck in the vending machine but the thing got stuck. After hitting the machine, #Person2# gets the candy bar.
person1 im paul adam branch manag person2 kati thoma pleas meet person1 take your look temporari offic work person2 that right person1 old kati person2 im eighteen person1 that rather young experi person2 well ive left school actual im look job go colleg person1 doesnt sound though help kati see client demand especi come new offic technolog person2 oh that problem took extra class offic skill school person1 oh perhap youd like outlin youv person2 start learn keyboard skill went learn word process person1 good seem qualifi technic point view
Paul Adams interviews Katie Thomas who's looking for temporary office work and he thinks she's qualified for she has learnt keyboard skills and word processing.
person1 teacher criticis myra front whole class person2 myra cheat exam spoke back rude person1 dont think myra spoken rude teacher know angri that still excus rude
Myra was criticised by the teacher for cheating on exams and talked back rudely.
person1 may order person2 wed regular dinner cours pleas person1 cours regular dinner fish salad appet steak main cours chocol cake dessert person2 right well person1 today mutton chop good would like main cours person2 that good idea dessert well appl pie wed like coffe afterward person1 good herer appet dinner readi five minut
#Person2# orders mutton chop, apple pie, and coffee for #Person2#'s meal instead of regular dinner under #Person1#'s recommendation.
person1 what special today person2 allyoucaneat dinner special person1 dont like person2 care seafood person1 ye im fond seafood person2 seafood prefer person1 id like red cook sea cucumb person2 anyth els would like person1 bring assort cold dish pleas person2 would care beverag person1 thank im fine person2 would like drink person1 bottl champagn
#Person1# orders seafood, cold dishes, and champagne with #Person2#'s assistance.
person1 hi taxi could take financi street pleas person2 pardon sir person1 want go financi stree person2 right hop pleas person1 excus long take get person2 usual take half hour person1 oh realli long way go person2 ye moreov sinc street heavi traffic time day im sure make way press time person1 im drive slowli care person2 ok person1 skill driver person2 thank person1 way fair distanc person2 vari accord distanc read meter person1 oh see
#Person1# takes a taxi to the financial street. #Person2# reminds him of the long time due to the distance and the heavy traffic, and the fair varies according to the distance.
person1 tomorrow read page 12 20 exercis one ten page 21 person2 type homework person1 write report person2 anyth els person1 dont calcul get one person2 allow use calcul class person1 ye way review today note even may small quiz tomorrow
#Person1# gives #Person2# home assignments and asks students to get a calculator and review today's notes.
person1 tell good deal produc person2 mango sale today person1 exactli mango person2 yellowish red skin fruit one big seed person1 seed edibl person2 mayb parrot wouldnt recommend person1 much mango cost person2 normal theyr 2 today theyr 1 person1 mayb wont like tast person2 hard describ theyr sweet also sort citrusi person1 tell differ ripe one unrip one person2 theyr similar avocado outsid feel soft theyr ripe person1 come person2 mexico
#Person2# tells #Person1# the mangoes are on sale today and then #Person2# introduces mangoes to #Person1# in detail.
person1 seem someth pray heavi what matter person2 got father goat last night person1 get goat person2 ask treat like sister jump throat took tell thought
#Person2# is unhappy because #Person2# got #Person2#'s father's goat.
person1 mr smith lili im call thank wonder dinner yesterday enjoy much person2 your welcom id like join us dinner sometim person1 thank mr smith im return china today person2 today person1 ye appreci help particular time youv spent account stay person2 dont mention pleas help person1 there anyth help futur pleas let know person2 ill thank safe trip home
Lili phones Mr. Smith to tell him she's returning to China today and expresses her gratitude for the dinner and his help.
person1 daniel ever heard wildlif sanctuari person2 differ kind zoo person1 ye cours person2 tell person1 lot wild anim place also special rule visit person2 special rule person1 two way visit person2 detail person1 bu car wont allow get bu reach special region person2 person1 danger get car bu imagin fierc wild anim person2 make sens sound interest one beij person1 ye person2 prefer go next time person1 yeah sure wont disappoint
#Person1# tells Daniel about the wildlife sanctuary and the two sole ways to visit wild animals. Daniel gets interested and wants to visit the one in Beijing.
person1 hello bob nanci speak im glad ive got hold last person2 tri get touch im home usual reach club person1 that good know listen bob ive got news person2 person1 sister ami come back state person2 that great come back person1 next weekend person2 next weekend ok let get togeth tonight plan parti person1 right
Nancy phones Bob to tell him her sister Amy is coming back from the states next weekend. Bob suggests giving a party for Amy.
person1 sunshin hotel good morn barbara speak person2 hello id like make book pleas im busi trip need singl room person1 ok name pleas person2 john griffin that johngriffin person1 ok ive got wait minut alreadi name youv havent must someon name person2 ive stay twice person1 ok let see card confirm pleas tell im wrong john griffin sydney passport number 87637489 right person2 that right person1 ok time expect tonight mr griffin person2 plane land 915 pm one pick place 1000 restaur still open time person1 im afraid organ snack left room person2 ye would great chees sandwich person1 problem sir ill see
John Griffin phones Sunshine Hotel to book a single room. #Person1# answers the phone, confirms his passport number and takes the reservation.
person1 hello barbara welcom back look great person2 rod love see person1 trip person2 fine tire milan interest bigger expect noisier dirtier person1 florenc think florenc person2 well didnt go person1 ive never itali id realli like go rome well car car park suitcas person2 ye suitcas heavi person1 barbara what book stone person2 20 pair shoe
Barbara tells Rod her trip to Milan is fine but tiring, and her suitcase is very heavy due to 20 pairs of shoes inside.
person1 excus watch stop run sure what wrong person2 well let look seem need new batteri person1 oh realli got water last week afraid might ruin watch much new batteri person2 5 chang batteri also guarante year watch clean guarante addit 3 month person1 sound like good deal ill get batteri readi person2 usual right away im repair lot watch leav watch 500 pm person1 ok see
#Person1#'s watch stopped running. #Person2# checks it and tells #Person1# it needs a new battery. #Person2# introduces their service and #Person1#'ll get the battery here.
person1 let plan dinner end year person2 ive talk kid class quit want go pizza restaur person1 um think ive enough pizza eat least twice week good someth differ person2 well there chines restaur bamboo hous person1 close next week month theyr go build new kitchen someth rememb go someplac singer guitarist great person2 least 20 us noisi wont hear music person1 your right hey havent thought cost peopl want go cheap place other afford somewher expens person2 dont fix amount first ask restaur provid meal price person1 that good idea make list place think best get rest class choos one
#Person1# and #Person2# are planning the class dinner for the end of the year. They discuss the place and the cost, and decide to fix the amount first and ask a restaurant to provide a meal for that price.
person1 hello martin long time see heard went franc studi person2 year took year travel around europ person1 go person2 went switzerland first germani austria plan end trip itali didnt work person1 oh well good back person2 cours im return franc finish degre fouryear program person1 oh your back beij visit famili person2 yeah im anoth 2 month person1 plan person2 juli mother turn 70 well someth special next month go drive coast back franc septemb first person1 good think could fit busi schedul person2 ha alway make time friend tonight person1 deal
Martin tells #Person1# about his experience in Europe. Martin is back in Beijing to visit his family and will return to France to finish his degree. #Person1# and Martin decide to meet tonight.
person1 excus minut work star bookstor survey peopl read habit want ask coupl question person2 ye alright would like know person1 well kind book prefer read person2 hmm absolut love adventur stori best also interest histor novel recent ive read sever biographi person1 ok buy book store internet person2 23 book bought onlin bookstor sometim go bookstor see someth interest window also borrow book friend librari person1 great thank time nice day person2 problem good day
#Person1# surveys #Person2# about #Person2#'s reading habits. #Person2# loves adventure stories and about 2/3 of #Person2#'s books are bought from online bookstores.
person1 kind place shall rent person2 close univers neither us good get morn closer later get person1 absolut that import thing take consider im worri size flat person2 neither small place ok well get bigger one expens mind noisi area person1 dont mind im light sleeper quieter better studi home person2 good point ok let go estat agent see offer us person1 ye lucki well find someth next day think good idea start flat hunt earli person2 much think rent person1 ask peopl alreadi live place near univers said would cost one hundr pound month
#Person1# and #Person2# want a place near the university and it's better to be quiet. They decide to go to the estate agent to see the houses.
person1 hello help person2 today wife birthday want buy bouquet person1 kind flower want person2 idea person1 rose suitabl one lover person2 rose common person1 well violet mean etern beauti person2 look good pack bouquet violet pleas
#Person2# buys a bouquet of violet for #Person2#'s wife's birthday according to #Person1#'s suggestion.
End of preview.

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