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Are SDL, CBT, and SOJT familiar acronyms to you? If so, do you use them appropriately to facilitate human learning? This Pathway explains these acronyms and gives you a few pointers for their workplace applications. Self-Directed Learning (SDL) has been around since the 1950’s with the birth of teaching machines and programmed instruction. SDL traditionally happens without an instructor and is a way to create training where learners master instructionally designed packaged material and are free to do so at their own pace and in a way where they may be able to utilize some of their own unique learning styles. Some examples of SDL include web-based e-learning, computer based training (CBT) courses, video, printed workbooks, study guides, and structured on the job training. In addition to other benefits, SDL offers many time and cost advantages. Today, organizations are continuing to choose this instructional method over traditional classroom based training. To work effectively, SDL has to fit the learning requirements. In one situation, I worked with the material services group of an automotive manufacturer. They contracted with me to create a CBT program to teach their newly hired tow motor drivers how to drive a tow motor in the manufacturing plant. Once the learner completed the tow motor computer based training course, the learner’s driver’s license would print and this was in a sense the “certificate” of course completion. The material services group wanted this training to decrease costs associated with tow motor accidents and injuries. They thought that CBT, which offered consistency and the ability to handle large numbers of new hires at any given time, was the perfect solution. But using CBT alone was more likely to double or triple their current costs associated with tow motor accidents. A key consideration this group was overlooking was the importance of Structured On the Job Training (SOJT). Using CBT alone to teach a new hire how to drive a tow motor was not an option. CBT did not allow the learner any supervised time operating the actual tow motor. CBT was a perfect instructional format for the informational parts of the cognitive objective, but using CBT alone would not allow the learner to put the knowledge to work or to achieve the psychomotor objectives required to master driving the tow motor. So CBT and SOJT would have to be used in tandem to achieve the desired results. Next week, I’ll share with you a model used in schools and corporate organizations called Facilitated Self Directed Learning. Coaching questions: How could SDL benefit your organization? What is your experience as a learner with SDL? Does the training provided by your organization fully support mastery of the learning objectives? How do you best learn? What’s your unique learning style? To reply to this Pathway, use our Feedback Form. If you are interested in learning more about how you can partner with a LifeTrek coach to enhance your resilience, please Email Christina or use the Contact Form to arrange for a complimentary coaching session. May you be filled with goodness, peace, and joy. U.S.A. Resilience Pathway #105: Facilitated Self-Directed Learning Resilience Pathway #103: Let’s Get Engaged!
The Bradford Rattlers welcomed back Sylvain Cloutier who has signed on for another campaign with the Junior 'A' Hockey Club. Sylvain was hired in the 2014/15 Off-Season as the Head Coach & GM. Cloutier, 41, comes with an accomplished playing and coaching career. Sylvain's playing career was highlighted by his 21 years of professional hockey. He was a Centerman from Mont-Laurier, Quebec. Sylvain began his career with the Guelph Storm OHL, where after Captaining a 116 point OHL season, he was drafted to the Detroit Red Wings Round 2 in the 1992 NHL Entry Draft. Cloutier's NHL debut was in 1999 with the Chicago Blackhawks. Through 600 AHL games and 382 AHL points before taking his talents to Europe. In 2008, Sylvain began his coaching career in professional hockey in the U.K. Sylvain's younger brother is Dan Cloutier, who was the long-time goaltender of the Vancouver Canucks and LA Kings. With Bradford in his first season, Sylvain headed the team to an impressive 31-11-0 record. Cloutier will be welcoming a strong group of returning players from last year's roster. He has already began recruiting and added some high profile Europeans from Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Russia and Germany. A handful of junior experienced Canadians will be joining the team and in addition to some college bound American players. Stay tuned as the GMHL Entry Draft takes place in May where the Rattlers have 10 round selections. Copyright (c) Bradford Rattlers 2017. All rights reserved.
*Hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple. Use the above form to search my database and display information about my things. All the items found in the database, unless otherwise stated I own. Please be aware Matsushita Electric sold the same model VCRs in different countries under different brand names National, Panasonic or both. So if you are looking for specific models search both brands. Specify some search conditions and press Find to get started. In most cases where there is more than one of the same model I will only add images for the first entry. Please let me know if you come across any problems on this site. If you would like to contact me, please use the Contact Me link near the top of the page. None of the items in my collection are for sale. Page Generated 2019-04-20, 02:57:14 pm NZ Time - oldvcr.tv oldvcr.com - Paul Seeley © 2019. All rights reserved.
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Since the iPhone�s launch in 2007, each year has brought a new crop of smartphones with least one device dubbed an �iPhone killer.� The idea is nonsense because nothing short of Apple�s own intransigence will kill the iPhone. (Stay tuned on that point.) However, the concept underscores the perceived market position of the iPhone. Any manufacturer that has sought to �kill� the iPhone has been approaching the problem the wrong way. Many boast better specifications � a larger screen, bigger battery, faster processor � while others tout the openness of Android. Both of those things mean little to the average smartphone shopper. Most want a phone that is attractive and is easy to use, and for a long time Android phones were neither. Instead of trying to kill the iPhone, manufacturers should have been trying to emulate the things that make the iPhone the first choice for novice and long-time smartphone owners: its beauty, simplicity and ease of use. There have been imitators, but they were missing another key point: Apple controls the hardware and the software and refuses to let wireless carriers add their own software to the phone, making the iPhone experience a singular one. The importance of this cannot be overstated. When you get an iPhone, you know what you�re getting, and that includes prompt software updates (generally for devices made in the past two years) and a consistent user experience. With Android, your phone will have different software depending on your carrier, and it might or might not get a software update over the lifespan of your two-year contract. To its credit, Google has released a pure Android �Nexus� device each year since 2010, but these devices generally were available for full price and marketed to technically savvy users. With the Moto X, Motorola and Google have taken a page from Apple and created a smooth smartphone that is worthy of being held up as the epitome of Android. It offers a nearly pure Android experience, while also catering to the general smartphone consumer with its ease of use and helpful features such as Active Display, Motorola Assist and Trusted Devices. It�s even fun to design on Moto Maker, a site that is simple and clean � just like Apple�s. The Moto X is not an iPhone killer, but it is iPhone-like, and it is the smartphone that I believe Google has wanted � and needed � to build all along. Choose the plan that's right for you. Digital access or digital and print delivery. Original content available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, except where noted. Choose the plan that’s right for you. Digital access or digital and print delivery.
If this is your first time here please read our FAQ and Rules pages. They have some useful information that will get us all off on the right foot. More details on our policies, especially our Own the Source rule are available here. If you do not understand any of these rules send a private message to one of our staff for further details. Registered User! Hello all, I'm on the outlook for a good MAC DVD ripper... free if possible or at least not too expensive... is there any solution? I had a pretty good one last year but I can't remember which one it was... This is how I rip a Macintosh apple. Have you looked at https://www.videohelp.com/ or done a Google search? Registered User! These are both listed as Mac OS and freeware on videohelp. Registered User! I have a Mac but I paid around $50 for the software I use. I believe that Make MKV is free to rip dvds but you have to pay for a premium version to rip Blu-ray. That may have changed since I did it but I just wanted to let you know. ITW- Weapon X (X-Men Origins: Wolverine edit), Halloween 2007 (The 1978 cut), A Final Scream (Scream 4 edit), Jaws: Megalodon, Boondock Saints II: The PC edit. Registered User! Thanks for the info, Ryantology. That wouldn't be a problem since I don't plan to work with Blu-rays... all is rest to do is to discover! (06-17-2018, 05:23 PM)Canon Editor Wrote: Thanks for the info, Ryantology. That wouldn't be a problem since I don't plan to work with Blu-rays... all is rest to do is to discover! Right on! Well if you ever need any fanediting help from one Mac user to another, hit me up. ITW- Weapon X (X-Men Origins: Wolverine edit), Halloween 2007 (The 1978 cut), A Final Scream (Scream 4 edit), Jaws: Megalodon, Boondock Saints II: The PC edit. pavtube for ripping blu-rays and DVDs to lossless prores files. when on sale, pavtube can be fairly inexpensive. search the technical subforum for more info. be warned: after I installed makemkv, my mac started crashing like crazy. could have been an unrelated software glitch, could have been makemkv. Space Jesus. Registered User! Shoot… thans for the warning, ssj. I will check the other program out. Copyright © 2019 Fanedit.org. All Rights Reserved.
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What is GameWorks? We are introducing the VK_NVX_device_generated_commands (DGC) Vulkan extension, which allows the GPU to generate the most frequent rendering commands on its own. Vulkan, therefore, now has functionality similar to DirectX12’s ExecuteIndirect, however we added the ability to change shaders (pipelines) on the GPU as well. This means for the first time an open graphics API provides functionality to create compact command buffer streams on the device avoiding the worst-case state setup of previous indirect drawing methods. With the general advances in programmable shading, the GPU can take over an ever increasing set of responsibilities for rendering, by computing supplemental data and allowing a greater variety in rendering algorithms to be implemented. However, when it came to setting up the state for draw or compute calls, the decisions mostly had to be made on the CPU. Therefore, explicit synchronization or working from past frame’s results was necessary. With device-generated commands this added latency can be removed and existing inefficiencies overcome. Occlusion culling: Use custom shader-based culling techniques to allow greater accuracy with easy access to the latest depth-buffer information. Object sorting: In forward shading limited scenarios, sort the objects front to back to achieve a greater performance. Level-of-detail: Influence the shaders or geometry used for an object, depending on its screen-space footprint. Work distribution for improved efficiency: Bucket arbitrary workloads for improved coherency in their resource usage, for example by using more specialized shaders that have compile-time optimizations applied or binding an appropriate uniform buffer. The development of these extensions follows a trend in recent years to increase the capability for the GPU to generate its own work. The first such capability was Draw Indirect, where just the basic parameters for a draw call (number of primitives, instances, etc.) could be sourced from GPU memory. Next came the very popular Multi Draw Indirect (MDI) feature that is practical for both CPU time reasons as well as GPU culling or level-of-detail algorithms. Following this, our own OpenGL GL_NV_command_list extension added the ability to do basic state changes (e.g. vertex/index/uniform-buffers) via tokens stored in regular GPU buffers, which could be manipulated through shaders just like MDI. Similar functionality was later exposed in DirectX 12 as Execute Indirect, and is now available in Vulkan. However, there are issues with existing approaches to GPU work creation. For example, command buffers have to be prepared for a worst-case scenario on the CPU, and then rely on empty draw or dispatch indirect commands to skip GPU work. This can cause inefficiencies in the GPU’s command processor, as it may not detect state setup which is later deemed superfluous. It may also cause over-fetching command data that is not ultimately required. Therefore in this extension, we have added further improvements, such as the ability to switch pipelines. VkObjectTableNVX: The object table makes the resources/bindings accessible for the device generated commands. We cannot use the CPU pointers for the various objects as “function arguments” on the device, so instead we use the combination of the table and a uint32_t index into the table. The developer provides the table size for each resource type. VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNVX: The layout encodes the sequence of commands that will be generated. In addition to the command tokens and their functional arguments that need to be known at layout-creation time (binding sets, usage of dynamic offsets, etc.), additional usage flags that affect the generation can also be provided. Make resource bindings (VkBuffer, vkPipeline, VkDescriptorSet…) accessible for the device by registering them in an VkObjectTableNVX at an arbitrary, user managed index. Define the sequence of commands which should be generated, as well as some of their arguments (e.g. binding set, dynamic offset usage etc.), through the VkIndirectCommandsLayout object. Fill one or more VkBuffer with the appropriate content that gets interpreted by VkIndirectCommandsLayout (for bindings, the object table indices are used, and one can also provide dynamic buffer offsets as uint32_t values). Reserve command space via vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX in a secondary VkCommandBuffer where the generated commands will be recorded. Generate the actual commands via vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX, passing in all required data. The command buffer that runs the processing can be different from the target command buffer. Execute the commands by passing the target command buffer to vkCmdExecuteCommands. Use the VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMMAND_PROCESS_BIT_NVX barrier to ensure the command buffer space is available for writing or reading. It is recommended that the number of resources registered in the object table be minimized, and that dynamic offsets be static instead, if possible. Separated Generation from Execution: This extension separates generation of commands from their execution. While the generating command can behave similar to ExecuteIndirect and execute directly as well, it also allows the commands to be stored into the reserved space of a different target command buffer. Explicit Command Space Reservation: The reservation of space is explicitly handled and behaves like a traditional rendering command, that means the existing rendering state up through the reservation command (render pass, etc.) is inherited. Re-useable Generated Command Buffers: A generated command buffer behaves like a CPU recorded secondary command buffer and can be executed multiple times. Furthermore, its space can be reused for new command generation, as long as certain criteria concerning its allocation are met. Stateless Command Sequences: While the new design also uses flexible command tokens, they define a stateless sequence. The GL_NV_command_list extension encoded a completely serial token stream, which allowed for the developer to resolve redundant state setup and create compact streams, however it is not as portable or parallel-processing friendly as the traditional stateless design of MDI or ExecuteIndirect. Not all command types need to be generated, although stateful commands must be defined prior to the work provoking ones. Input Data as Structure of Arrays (SoA): Previous approaches used a single input buffer stream. MDI and ExecuteIndirect are designed as array of structures (AoS) and made partial updates less cache efficient and did not allow for separating dynamic from static content, or re-using the latter easily. DGC uses structure of arrays, so each command token input can be stored in its own buffer as compact cache-friendly stream. Variable Input Divisor: One benefit of using SoA is that each input array can be indexed at a different rate: buffer[ i / divisor]. This way several draw calls can reference the same data more easily. Custom Sequence Ordering: By default all sequences are processed in the order they are provided. The developer is given the option to relax the ordering requirement to be non-coherent, i.e.implementation dependent. Alternatively, the ordering can be provided through another buffer. Sequence Count & Index Buffer: The number of sequences as well as the subset can be provided by additional buffers containing uint32_t values. This allows for easy sorting of draw calls without having to sort the input data. What Is the Catch? No feature is free of trade-offs. The device generation approach means that some driver-side optimizations may not apply. Furthermore, the generation process will add to the frame time, whilst the CPU is able to record commands without affecting the GPU time. Last but not least, making the resource bindings available on the GPU, as well as reserving the command buffer space for worst-case execution, does require additional GPU memory. In summary, the goal of this extension is primarily reducing the amount of actual work done on the GPU, and not off-loading command generation to the GPU in general. The extension is purposefully labeled as experimental (NVX, not NV) in order to gather early feedback from developers and researchers who want to play with these new features. We hope to eventually follow-up with a refined extension that could also be supported by other vendors. Being experimental and very new, there will be TDRagons! Show Me the Code! The threaded CAD scene DesignWorks sample was updated to provide a basic look into how the extension works. Stay tuned for further updates on this extension and its availability. Special thanks to Mathias Schott, Daniel Koch, James Helferty and Markus Tavenrath who contributed to this article.
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For transgressions against God, the Day of Atonement atones; but for transgressions of one human being against another, the Day of Atonement does not atone until they have made peace with one another. Transgressions against God....transgressions of one human being against another.... But what about God? How does God ask MY forgiveness for the most horrible of transgressions against me and my family and my loved ones? How do I forgive God for what has happened? I don't know that I can. I'm not ready. I'm not even interested in being ready. The Jewish month of Elul, which precedes the High Holy Days, is traditionally a time of renewal and reflection. It offers a chance for spiritual preparation for the Days of Awe. It is traditional to begin one’s preparation for the High Holy Days during this month with the Selichot, the prayers of forgiveness. We look to begin the year with a clean slate, starting anew, refreshed. All month, along with others, I'll be blogging a thought or two for each day to help with the month of preparation... I will be blogging here, and sharing #Elulgram photos on the same themes at imabima.tumblr.com. Follow me on twitter @imabima for all the #BlogElul posts, not only mine but others' as well! Read more about #BlogElul here. Subscribe by Email! What's an Ima? What's a Bima? Bima is the platform from which a Jewish prayer service is led. Rabbis typically stand on the bima to lead services. I'm a rabbi and mama...sometimes I'm up on the bima and sometimes I'm not... Want to hear the other guy's perspective? Check out my husband, the Abba Sababa. Follow me on GoodReads to see what I'm reading in 2017. What Did I Say???? All this stuff is copyright Rabbi Phyllis A. Sommer. Picture Window theme. Theme images by konradlew. Powered by Blogger.
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Some raw feed waters contain suspended particulate material. This material is commonly sand, iron oxides, clay or elemental sulfur. Introduction of such materials into the membrane system can cause the development of excessive system differential pressure (dP), or even complete blockage of the brine channels with the resultant reduction of permeate flow. It can also cause physical damage to the membranes themselves. This usually results in a decrease of permeate quality and reduction of membrane life. Cartridge filtration is normally a simple and cost-effective way to reduce the amount of particulate matter reaching the membrane surface. How to Calculate Percent Recovery and What Affects it in a Membrane Treatment System? It is important to check on the level of semi-colloidal suspended solids in the feedwater to RO systems. The level can be estimated (not measured absolutely) by the Silt Density Index or SDI test which measures the blocking rate of a 0.45 micron filter pad under controlled pressure conditions. Unlike standard membrane equipment that attempts to accommodate a broad range of applications, Harn’s membrane treatment equipment is custom-designed for the specific application. Harn is renowned for their emphasis on quality. Their membrane equipment is manufactured in-house controlling the quality and delivery. Harn has earned a reputation for excellence over 40 years. Areas of expertise: Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) membrane treatment systems, Microfiltrations (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane treatment systems, Pilot Systems for industrial and municipal application, Seawater membrane systems, membrane services such as membrane cleaning, membrane replacement, and water treatment plant maintenance. Harn R/O Systems, Inc.
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As you may remember from our blog last June, we reported on our joint field investigation with Temple University at the Nesquehoning site (36Cr142). The site is located in Lehigh Gorge State Park and was being looted by local pot-hunters. We conducted a week long investigation to determine the extent of the destruction and to promote site preservation with local avocational archaeologists. It was determined that the upper levels, dating to the Transitional Period, had been destroyed but the Middle and Early Archaic levels were largely preserved and there was also a potential for a Paleoindian occupation. Dr. R. Michael Stewart, professor of anthropology at Temple University and graduate student, Jeremy Koch, decided to organize a field school to conduct additional investigations at the site in 2010. Mr. Koch continued working at the site throughout the summer and fall of 2009, assisted by several avocational archaeologists, notably Dell Beck and Tom Davies. During this time, they were able to get a pretty good handle on the geomorphology. For a site of this stratigraphic complexity, this is an incredibly important aspect of the research and a necessity prior to the actual excavation. One of the most spectacular findings was a carbon 14 date associated with a cluster of jasper flakes recovered from just above the cobbles. Dr. Stewart and Gary Stinchcomb (graduate student, Baylor University) personally funded an AMS (Accelerated Mass Spectrometry) date which assessed at 9940+50 BP. This places the site within the Paleoindian Period and increases its significance in terms of both its research potential and its need for protection. The field school began on May 17th and is being co-directed by Dr. Stewart and Mr. Koch. The first week was hampered by rain but by the end of the second they were excavating the upper portions of the undisturbed prehistoric strata. They have established a 15 foot by 15 foot unit for excavation. The location of this unit was chosen because it is adjacent to the unit from last year that produced the jasper flakes below the Early Archaic levels and the carbon 14 date. In addition, this block is largely intact and has not been heavily looted. The block is divided into nine 5 foot by 5 foot squares and these will be excavated by two person teams over the next four weeks. The goal is to get to the bottom, six feet in depth and encompassing seven cultural occupations, within this time frame. This is a formidable task, considering their methodology. All artifacts and features will be three dimensionally mapped. One large fire-cracked-rock feature seems to be evident already and there will probably be more. Mapping these features and the surrounding artifacts is incredibly important to their interpretation but very time consuming. The size of this block should provide a good window into the various occupations of the site and allow for behavioral interpretations. The Nesquehoning site is incredibly important for a variety of reasons. It is stratified and potentially covers the Paleoindian through Transitional Periods. Many of these occupations are confined to single soil horizons and therefore clearly separated from one another. Buried and undisturbed Paleoindian, Early Archaic and especially Middle Archaic occupations are very rare in the Northeast and their excavation, using precise techniques will certainly enhance our understanding of these time periods. Many of the sites that have been excavated from this period were relatively small excavations conducted prior to state and federal construction projects. A long term excavation at Nesquehoning could result in thousands of square feet of Paleoindian and Archaic living floors. This is unprecedented in the Northeast. Finally, the few large excavations that have been conducted on sites from this time period have been conducted on the main stem of the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers. This site is well up the Lehigh River and will offer a different ecological look at these adaptations. Mr. Koch is working on his doctorate and will focus on the evolution of lithic technology at this site. We will publish an update on the excavations once the 2010 field school is completed at the end of June. Our intern this summer, Amanda Phatdouang, crossing the cable bridge to get to the Nesquehoning site - the most Indiana Jones-like entrance to any site we know of . For more information, visit PAarchaeology.state.pa.us or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania . It’s late May, and the fishing season here in Pennsylvania and elsewhere is in full swing. It’s also convenient inspiration for the featured artifact in this week’s entry, the carved bone fish hook. Perhaps the most essential tool in an angler’s kit, the fishing hook has been around for centuries. A limited search through the State Museum’s holdings reveal numerous examples of carved bone hooks from prehistoric sites in at least a half a dozen counties across the state including Greene, Centre and Fayette, among others. In the technology section of the State Museum’s Anthropology and Archaeology gallery, a portion of the animial products exhibit showcases the progression of the carving process involved in fashioning a deer phalange, or toe, into a hook suitable for fishing. The five specimens on display and seen here were all excavated from the Schultz site (36La7) in Lancaster County. In rare instances where a high degree of organic preservation has taken place, fragments of cordage used to make fishing nets have been recovered, such as those from Sheep Rockshelter in Huntington County, which unfortunately is now submerged under Raystown Lake, itself a destination for modern sport fishing enthusiasts. While fish stories both new and old abound, it’s no fish tale to say these surviving artifacts and others, like the more commonly found chipped stone net sinker, speak to the longstanding and influential role riverine and aquatic resources have played in shaping subsistence strategies, settlement patterns, and more broadly, aspects of cultural identity. For more information, visit PAarchaeology.state.pa.us or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania . Despite the recent cool weather, many of us have turned to our gardens this spring. Gardening has played an essential role in societies for thousands of years. From the development of agriculture during the Woodland Culture time period to the recent surge in backyard vegetable gardens the desire to cultivate and grow foods has been necessary for survival. Gardening has also evolved to include domesticated trees and flowers, leading to the development of formal gardens. These gardens are present at such significant historic sites as Pennsbury Manor, home of William Penn and Graeme Park, residence of Provincial Governor Sir William Kieth. Archaeology conducted at both sites has aided in recreating the colonial gardens of these 17th and 18th century residents. Archaeologists view historic landscapes, which include gardens, as cultural artifacts which can yield much information about the societies that produced them. Recent investigations at Old Economy Village, a Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission site, revealed important information for future interpretation at this historic site. Old Economy Village was the home of the nineteenth century Christian communal group, the Harmony Society. Established in 1824, under the leadership of George Rapp, Economy was known worldwide for its piety and industrial prosperity. Members of the society followed Rapp from Germany seeking religious and economic freedoms. A central philosophy of the society was the expectation of Christ’s return in the Millennium and their desire for a “divine economy”. Both of these concepts are reflected in the layout of Old Economy Village and the gardens established by the society. The Harmonists were recognized for their successes in manufacturing, particularly in the production of wools, cotton and silk. The formal garden, referred to as the Great House Garden, was created by George Rapp as early as 1824 and designed in four sections. These sections consisted of vineyards, a Grotto (a stone structure for meditation and retreat), fruit trees, flower beds and the central area for a pond and pavilion with fountain. Symbolic elements incorporated in the design by Rapp reflect the millennial ideals of this community. Elements include the orientation to cardinal compass points, the central pond or fountain, circular paths and the vineyard mount. Fountains and water have always played a significant role in church traditions and the role of water in Baptism. Influenced by German traditions and religious imagery the gardens were viewed as an expression of both social and economic position by visitors to Old Economy. Rapp’s original garden has been restored and altered several times since its creation, but key elements were always retained. Extensive research of historic documentation and the recent archaeology have provided valuable information for restoration of the garden. Archaeologists were able to identify planting methods for vineyards, concentric planting patterns for the gardens as well as historic paths. Archaeology was able to determine that the vineyard had undergone at least four planting schemes. The original pattern of concentric beds was changed to a radiating pattern sometime between 1858 and 1891. In 1922 the vineyard was replanted and slightly reconfigured from the radiating pattern and one more replanting occurred in the mid-twentieth century. Posts and vines were replaced as necessary, either in existing holes or in new ones. The archaeological remains of these planting holes, trellis posts and planting beds survive to mark these episodes. Archaeology is able to paint a picture into the past that we often can not find in written documentation. It also allows us to connect to our heritage in even the simplest of pleasures, gardening. So the next time you put your shovel in the ground or you turn on the fountain in your garden, think about the role that gardens have played in your heritage. For more information, visit PAarchaeology.state.pa.us or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania . This week staff from the Section of Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania, part of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, assisted with a simulated archaeology excavation. Ms. Evans, a teacher at Susquehanna Township High School, Harrisburg, is teaching a lesson on Forensic Anthropology in her three Forensic Science classes. The 100 square meter excavation site is an open, dirt covered, area outside the high school building. Prior to the arrival of students the area is “seeded” by Ms. Evans with artifacts which would indicate a crime scene. The planted or “seeded” artifacts included deer bone, car parts and various personal effects. Students were unaware of where these artifacts were buried and it was their task to excavate the evidence. This was an opportunity to expose students to proper archaeological excavation methods and the process of recording evidence from a crime scene. The skeletal remains were placed in the site with related “artifacts”, that when uncovered and mapped, will “tell the story” of what happened in the deaths of two deer. Forensics students used archaeological techniques, methods and theory in their investigation into the deaths of the two deer. The deer skeletal remains are being “recycled” from the classes’ labs on Forensic Entomology at the high school and were donated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Approximately 100 high school 11th and 12th grade students worked at the death scene under the supervision of Ms. Evans and staff archaeologists. Forensic Science students first set up a measurement grid for the excavation. Archaeologists record their findings based on the location of artifacts within defined units. Students then walked across the surface of the site identifying the location of bones and related artifacts (potential evidence) which could be observed on the surface. Students then mapped these surface artifacts, carefully measuring and recording their location. The goal of this activity was to decide the best locations to excavate. Based on this surface collection strategy, student teams picked the square meter of the excavation in which they wanted to search for more evidence. They returned on Friday with trowel in hand to uncover the bones buried in the ground. On the second day of the investigation, the Forensics Science students worked in teams to excavate a single unit at the site. Under the supervision of State Museum archaeologists, the investigators mapped, bagged and labeled the artifacts found on the surface of their unit. Units are 1 square meter areas on the 100 square meter site. The units have been named using an alphanumeric system. Once the surface artifacts were removed, the investigators used trowels, brushes and dust pans to remove the soil. After uncovering the buried artifacts, investigators were instructed to map the location of the artifacts using tape measures and record this measurement on graph paper. Toward the end of the day, investigators observed a pattern starting to emerge that would "tell the story" of what happened at 36Da235. For more information, visit PAarchaeology.state.pa.us or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania . Temple University Archaeological Field School at t... The views contained within do not necessarily reflect those of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) as a whole, nor the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.Comments and discussion are encouraged. However, posts that are deemed inappropriate or offensive will be removed. Users will not be notified when content is removed. Copyright ©2010 The State Museum of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Please contact us at [email protected] . Simple theme. Theme images by naphtalina. Powered by Blogger.
Dosukoi ! Let me introduce to you the strong "Rikishi" of Sumo, the Japanese national sport! The Meanings Behind Traditional Japanese Patterns That Even Japanese People Don't Know!? [Things to do in Tenjin, Fukuoka]The first large grocery store in Fukuoka!The first encounter with [INCUBE]-- the treasure trove. [Things to do in Tenjin, Fukuoka] From lunch to a few drinks, we will introduce three charms of Parakomatsu to you! Dosukoi ! Let me introduce to you the strong "Rikishi" of Sumo, the Japanese national sport! The Meanings Behind Traditional Japanese Patterns That Even Japanese People Don't Know!? [Things to do in Tenjin, Fukuoka]The first large grocery store in Fukuoka!The first encounter with [INCUBE]-- the treasure trove. [Things to do in Tenjin, Fukuoka] From lunch to a few drinks, we will introduce three charms of Parakomatsu to you! © 2017 Manga de Japan. All rights reserved.
A high resolution image of the Jovian mid-latitudes taken by Voyager 1 on March 2, 1979, shows distinctly differing characteristics of the planet's meteorology. The well defined pale orange line running from southwest to northeast (North is at the top) marks the high speed north temperate current with wind speeds of about 120 meters per second. These high winds produce a cleaner flow pattern in the surrounding clouds. Toward the top of the picture, a weaker jet of approximately 30 meters per second is characterized by wave patterns and cloud features which have been observed to rotate in a clockwise manner at these latitudes of about 35 North. These clouds have been observed to have lifetimes of about one to two years. The picture was taken from a distance of 4 million kilometers (2.5 million miles). The Voyager Project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Later on, I managed to earn more money from Walmart.com as an affiliate and joined commission junction and other affiliate networks to earn more money in affiliate marketing. the one part I really find challenging is creating rich content for my site every day or every other day. This is when I focus on other things such as YouTube video marketing, writing periodicals online, and so on. But nevertheless, joining a multiple affiliate networks is good for anyone to do because you want to create diversify sources of income. Just be mindful that when you join multiple affiliate networks you’re not only keeping in touch regularly with the affiliate managers you partner with through those specific affiliate programs, assure also asking them questions often about how to create effective affiliate landing pages,, informative YouTube videos with your affiliate link in them, as well as asking your affiliate manager to offer any other kind of promotional tactics you can use to increase your affiliate commission potential. I am sick and tired of hearing some people say they never earn one dime in affiliate marketing. That’s absolutely nonsense because they’re lazy and don’t bother to do the extra work. If you’re building relationships with your target audience and affiliate managers, creating content for your site and engaging YouTube videos daily or every other day, and staying active with other marketers in the affiliate marketing community, there’s no reason for you to fail.. Simple as that! In order to meet the requirements, website visitors must be made aware of data processing activities in your website. A cookie is data processing. HubSpot uses cookies to track visitors as they click through your site. That's how we gain insights into visitor behaviour, as well as lead intelligence around such activities as form fills, pages viewed, time on page and the like. Most of the stuff I see sold on the report is not stuff I’ve recommended. What this has taught me is that you want people to click on an Amazon link because you have a high chance that they will buy something within the next 24 hours that will get credited to you. So your goal is for people to click on your links and not necessarily to buy what you’re recommending. Another reason why you need a blog is that a blog-less website is mostly stale – there’s minimal update, not much new information, and not much interaction from the customers. A blog will make your website more customer and reader-friendly. It will also make your website more Google-friendly. Google loves new information. New articles = new information = Google love. Simple, right? The Market Health Affiliate Program allows you to market and promote the world’s leading health and beauty offers online. We offer the highest paying affiliate program and best tracking software in our industry. If you have a web site and are interested in making money off the explosive sales in the health and beauty industry, then MarketHealth.com is perfect for you. Offers include products in the health, beauty, supplement, weight loss, and skin care industries. A huge mistake beginners make is thinking they need to do everything alone. Focus your energy on the most vital areas of your business; the areas that encourage growth and will help you reach your goals faster. If you work on too many projects at once you will find your progress is slow and hindered by many barriers. You can’t be an expert in every discipline, so outsource work where you can. Set aside a budget for delegating work to third parties that prevent you from paying attention to more important areas of your business. Taking on more and more work yourself will see you bogged down unnecessarily in tasks that will significantly slow your progress. Outsourcing will also allow you to have more valuable time away from your computer. LinkConnector imposes a very rigorous and lengthy screening process, so you’ll need to prove that you have a high-quality website and established audience before being accepted. Despite its somewhat schizophrenic approach, LinkConnector does have some very happy long-term affiliates. And their “naked links” allow for direct connection to the merchant website without having to be rerouted via LinkConnector, which will give your website an SEO boost. Great article and I don’t think there’s too much that you have covered in this informative article about optimizing your site with proper SEO and numerous other ways to popularize your site and increase long term traffic. I myself have used many of the ways including PPC and Blogs but wasn’t really aware of how much I haven’t done to increase my web traffic. One thing I would add is that if you don’t have the knowledge to SEO properly, it is well worth the investment to pay someone who does. Again, great article and helpful advice. LinkConnector is something of a mixed bag, so it’s probably best for experienced affiliates who have become disillusioned with other networks and are looking to expand. LinkConnector’s bizarre mix of high-quality products and a low-quality dashboard make it hard to truly assess its viability, but their exclusive deals with some vendors can make it a true home run for publishers working in certain niches. Building trust with your audience is paramount in affiliate marketing, and the quickest way to lose trust is to recommend products either you haven’t used before or that aren’t a good fit for your audience. Also make sure you never tell anyone to directly buy a product, you are simply recommending the product. The more helpful you are and the more you make quality recommendations, the more likely your web visitors will come back for your expertise. Google Analytics is our favorite program. Don’t just look at hits – look at unique visitors, referrers, exit and entry pages, time spent on site, and keyword combinations used to arrive at your site and goals. Not sure how to set up goals or events, we can help. Any site that can measure a conversion (a sign-up, a purchase, an action) should truly analyze traffic patterns, keywords and pay per click programs with a good tool. Not sure how to track conversions, ask Mannix Marketing, we have lots of options for you! I first discovered Sharpe years ago online. His story was one of the most sincere and intriguing tales that any one individual could convey. It was real. It was heartfelt. It was passionate. And it was a story of rockbottom failure. It encompassed a journey that mentally, emotionally and spiritually crippled him in the early years of his life. As someone who left home at the age of 14, had a child at 16, became addicted to heroin at 20 and clean four long years later, the cards were definitely stacked up against him. Creating new content is an important engine of branding your business and delivering value. Still, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with ten articles on the same subject. As you build a social and email following, odds are good that many of your followers haven’t seen your old content yet. As long as it’s still accurate and relevant, don’t hesitate to send it out again. Leadpages claims that its affiliate program is not exclusively for affiliate marketers, which is true, but the narrow focus of this niche means that only professionals affiliate marketers will ever be able to earn significant income from the program. Leadpages’s affiliate program does offer quite a lot of different options (webinars, videos, blog posts, free marketing courses, etc.) to send referrals to, which can lead to higher conversion rates if done correctly. No matter how good your marketing skills are, you’ll make less money on a bad product than you will on a valuable one. Take the time to study the demand for a product before promoting it. Make sure to research the seller with care before teaming up. Your time is worth a lot, and you want to be sure you’re spending it on a product that is profitable and a seller you can believe in. Always disclose your affiliate relationship. Most visitors will probably understand that graphic ads will lead to your getting paid, but if you write a review or use an in-text link as a recommendation, you want your readers to know that may lead to compensation as well. This ensures you retain transparency and trust with your readers, but also, it's required by the FTC's endorsement rules. Starting out in a new venture can quickly overwhelm your senses. First, you’re excited about the new idea but you quickly get bombarded with info and start floundering around. Charles Ngo’s blog is focused on building systems and automizing the processes involved in affiliate marketing. This helps clear things up and allows you to build some structure into your everyday actions so you don’t lose sight of the end goal. His weekly email is full of business advice and affiliate marketing tips and provide a good perspective of what it’s like being an affiliate marketer. Although there are some new trends to attach your domain names with some extravagant endings such as .blog; .live; .guru; .nyc; or .marketing… I would advise you to stick the old school “.com” - not only because it is the most recognized and most accessible TLD but also because it possesses the greatest ranking power in comparison to other extensions. ClickBank allows you to join for free, and the approval process is virtually automatic, so it’s a great choice for people entering the affiliated game for the first time. ClickBank has a ton of information, including FAQs, walk-throughs, and videos available, so the barrier to entry is quite low. There’s also a (paid) program called ClickBank University with courses and assistance from experienced marketers. Your thoughts are astute, down to earth and important also. I think you’ve recently given such authoritative rundown of thoughts to utilize in your advertising business. I truly like this substance! . You’ve recorded such supportive, compelling thoughts to incorporate into your promoting procedure, From social advertising up to the substance showcasing. A debt of gratitude is in order for the common learning! This is an epic article. As digital marketing continues to grow and develop, brands take great advantage of using technology and the Internet as a successful way to communicate with its clients and allows them to increase the reach of who they can interact with and how they go about doing so,.[2] There are however disadvantages that are not commonly looked into due to how much a business relies on it. It is important for marketers to take into consideration both advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing when considering their marketing strategy and business goals. There are a number of different ways a blogger can drive sales through their affiliate links. The most common is text links in blog posts themselves. When writing content about a product you want to promote, place text links in the product titles to send traffic to the merchant’s website. Each merchant also has a specific cookie duration, so you can get credit for a sale 30, 60, or even 90 days after the click takes place. I am friends with several small- and medium-size-business owners operating in service-providing industries. One of them, Lyuda Ksenych, CEO of H2H Movers, a moving company located in Chicago, attributes a large portion of their recent growth to small yet effective changes to the company’s online marketing efforts. Here are five online marketing tips, some of which can be done at no cost, that helped Ksenych’s business and can also help you thrive in competitive industries. If you don’t know what Google Analytics is, on a surface level it’s an automated way to gather data on your potential customers. It will help you answer questions like “How long are customers spending on my site?” or “Why did they get all the way to the checkout page and not make a purchase?” Google Analytics has the power to track every movement on your website that a customer makes. Finally, it’s critical you spend time and resources on your business’s website design. When these aforementioned customers find your website, they’ll likely feel deterred from trusting your brand and purchasing your product if they find your site confusing or unhelpful. For this reason, it’s important you take the time to create a user-friendly (and mobile-friendly) website. In the BigCommerce affiliate program, you receive a 200% bounty per referral and $1,500 per Enterprise referral, with no cap on commissions. Plus, the more referrals you drive through the program, the higher your commission tier will go. BigCommerce uses an industry leading 90-day cookie, so you will receive credit for up to three months for the referrals you generate. Also, there are no obligations or minimum commitments to join the program. Online marketing can be risky yet it's worth your time and investments in order to make your business a success. Whether you own a small business or a large corporate project, you shouldn't ignore using online digital marketing. Creating a perfect mix of offline and online marketing techniques will multiply the chances that your brand becomes more noticeable and profitable. Are there any other online marketing tips that are worth a mention? Spease speak up in comments. The combination of charisma, charm and intellect has helped catapult Sharpe to the top of the heap. In a recent conversation with him, I wanted to learn what it truly took to become an expert digital marketer. And one of the most important takeaways from that phone call was that if he could do it, anyone could do it. For someone who failed so devastatingly very early on in life, to rise from the ashes like a phoenix was no easy feat. While the HelpScout blog’s overall focus is on customer satisfaction, it includes a lot of posts that will be helpful to digital marketers. Posts that cover topics like how to understand your customers and communicate with them effectively are just as important to marketers as customer service reps, making this a good blog for digital marketers to watch. Always disclose your affiliate relationship. Most visitors will probably understand that graphic ads will lead to your getting paid, but if you write a review or use an in-text link as a recommendation, you want your readers to know that may lead to compensation as well. This ensures you retain transparency and trust with your readers, but also, it's required by the FTC's endorsement rules.
Your cart is empty! What’s New? This Mini Maker Tube includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Robot. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will show off their... This Mini Maker Tube includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will show off... This Mini Maker Tube includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Stegosaurus. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will show off their... This Mini Maker Tube includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Triceratops. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will show off their... This Mini Maker Tube includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Pteranodon. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will show off their... This Mini Maker Tube from our North American series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Bald Eagle. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their... This Mini Maker Tube from our North American series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Red Fox. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant... This Mini Maker Tube from our North American series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Black Bear. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their... This Mini Maker Tube from our North American series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Gray Wolf. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their... This Mini Maker Tube from our Farm series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Horse. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will... This Mini Maker Tube from our Farm series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Cow. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will... This Mini Maker Tube from our Farm series includes step-by-step instructions and all the pieces you need to build a Pig. Or, use your imagination and create your own design!Whether for young kids, tweens or 'kidults', everyone will love using their imaginations with Plus-Plus Tube mixes. Just one simple shape will give them endless possibilities and hours of fun. Plus-Plus bricks are precision crafted in Denmark and are BPA-free and phthalate-free european plastic. Their vibrant colors will... What’s New? Plus-Plus USA is the exclusive distributor of Plus-Plus toys in the United States. Made in Denmark, Plus-Plus is a unique construction toy with one shape and endless possibilities!
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But what is there to do after break ends? Hang on for a minute...we're trying to find some more stories you might like. While spring break on the horizon makes it difficult to think about much else besides sleep and travel, there are things that are going on the week after we get back which are more than worth keeping in mind while you’re on your much-needed vacation. The Green Film Series is a series of movies regarding climate change, environmental issues as well as other discussions of the ways these things affect people and cultures. The films range from 80 to 44 minutes in length with coffee, dessert and discussion provided. On March 20 and 26 the movie shown is Marathon for Justice which explores the ways people of color have been exposed to toxic chemicals in the air, land and water far more than other people. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about communities around the country who have experienced the detrimental effects of pollution and degradation of their lands as well as how these communities are trying to fix these things. The film will be shown at 7 p.m. on both days and there will be an opportunity to see other films on the third Wednesday of each month through May. To see the film line-up, please visit https://blogs.mtu.edu/cseo/2019/01/10/green-film-series-carbon-nation/. Also following spring break, the MUB board is sponsoring a laser tag event in the SDC wood gym on March 23. The event will run from 6-10 p.m. and is hosted by Respawn Tactical Laser Tag, which is now permanently located in the Copper Country Mall. Respawn has regularly provided interesting and exhilarating games for amateurs all the way up to avid players and normally games cost $20 per person or $15 per person for groups of 10 or more, but for this event, students will be able to participate for free. Sign-ups are at the door so be sure to bring your friends and come for a great game! The Modern Language Film Series will also be back the week we return with Les Cowboys, a French film about a sixteen-year-old who elopes with her Muslim boyfriend and disappears, prompting Alain, the young girl’s father, and her brother to go on a journey to find her and bring her back. This film is rated R for a brief image of violence and a scene of drug use. The film will be shown on Thursday, March 21 at 7 p.m. in Walker 134. This event is free for all. Saturday, March 23 will feature a spectacle called AIR PLAY. This is a circus-style show that features flying umbrellas, massive balloons and giant kites floating over the audience and takes the attendees to a magical land, transforming our everyday surroundings into something amazing. This show will be in the Rozsa Center and begins at 7:30 p.m. This event is $16 for adults, $6 for youth and free for students with the Experience Tech fee. If you want a picture to show with your comment, go get a gravatar. Feminist agenda versus fun superheroes: What do the audiences actually want? Hang on for a minute...we're trying to find some more stories you might like. But what is there to do after break ends?
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Egyptian authorities put up a heavy security cordon early Thursday around the main Coptic cathedral in Cairo hours before Christmas Eve Mass, hoping to prevent another attack like the New Year's suicide bombing of a church that killed 21 people. Al-Qaeda in Iraq had threatened Christians in Iraq and Egypt in the weeks leading up to the holidays, and militant websites have even posted online lists of churches in Egypt to target with their addresses. Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, which makes up 10 per cent of Egypt's 80 million people, celebrates Christmas on Jan. 7. Some Christians have said they will skip Christmas Eve services for fear that there will be more attacks. Across the country, police were preventing vehicles from parking near churches. They also planned to check identity cards of those entering churches and ban people from bringing in bags and purses. Outside the Coptic cathedral in downtown Cairo, security officers with walkie-talkies fanned out across the surrounding streets to keep an eye out for suspicious activity. In the southern province of Minya, a worker at a church found a small explosive device packed with nails and fireworks planted under the building's stairs, a security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media. Several daily newspapers reported that Egypt's Interior Ministry has asked church officials to prevent crowds from gathering in front of churches after Mass. The request appeared aimed at avoiding the same sort of target hit in the Jan. 1 bombing in Alexandria — worshippers lingering outside of a church after a midnight service. Six days after the bombing, Egyptian authorities appear to have made little headway in their investigation. The perceived lack of progress has fanned fears among many Christians of possible repeat attacks. Those concerns have grown since several Coptic websites circulated statements allegedly posted on Islamic militant websites listing more than 40 other churches in Egypt and abroad as possible targets. The Importance of The Passion Week - The Passion Week or the Holy Pascha (Passover) is the most important period in the year and the richest spiritually. It is a week full of Holy memories... احد السامرية - القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي - *لقدس الاب الموقر - القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي * *مجيئه إلى السامرة* *"وكان لا بد له أن يجتاز السامرة". [4]كان لا بُد أن يجتاز السامرة، لأنها تقع شمال ال... قوة التوبة - *السقوط في ذاته ليس بالأمر الخطير، بل يكمن الخطر في البقاء منطرحًا بعد السقوط، وعدم القيام مرة أخرى لهؤلاء ينطق النبي في حيرة.. هل يسقطون ولا يقومون، أ... نكتة القلقاس - البابا شنودة الثالث - Post by ‎Australian Copts أقباط استراليا‎. Sunday, January 2, 2011 - Funeral Prayers for the ... Egyptian police fear repeat of new year's bombing ...
Is Trump really that rich? Really … ? Happy Earth Day! This is the third Earth Day we have noted since Donald Trump became president. Yes, the two elements are related. There used to be a time when presidents of both parties would salute efforts to save our planet from ourselves. Donald Trump took office in January 2017 and immediately began dismantling environmental regulations and removing this country from a key worldwide environmental initiative. He pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord. Then he knocked aside rules and regulations limiting carbon emissions; he has sought to open up public land to fossil fuel exploration; he has downplayed the exploration of alternative energy sources; Trump dismisses openly the effects of climate change. Despite all of that, the sun rose this morning. It will set tonight. The cycle will continue. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the president continues to ignore the cause of climate change/global warming. He calls it a “hoax.” It is no such thing. It’s real. It needs to be dealt with seriously. We need presidential leadership to take command. It was on the watch of President Nixon, a Republican, that the nation formed the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. Republicans and Democrats for most of the time since then have embraced the EPA’s mission. Is this the end of life as we know it? No. However, we need to pay attention to what’s happening out there. Earth’s temperatures are rising; the polar ice caps at both ends of the planet are shrinking; polar habitat is endangered; storms are becoming more frequent and more ferocious; human beings who live along our coasts are imperiled. We have to care for this planet. It’s only one we have. Happy Earth Day . . . even to you, Mr. President. Like Loading... SEA RIM STATE PARK, Texas — Dang it, anyhow! I missed the chance today to visit with volunteers who flocked to this part of the Texas Gulf Coast to take part in an annual beach cleanup event. My wife and I had a brunch date with friends. When we returned to our RV camp site, the Gulf of Mexico was at high tide, splashing all the way to the beach grass bordering the sand. The volunteers were gone. But I want to offer a good word to the Texas General Land Office for continuing the program that began in 1986. “The Adopt-a-Beach annual spring cleanup is always an amazing turnout for Texans to join together and volunteer their time to keep our Texas beaches beautiful. What better way to serve our great state than by spending the day at the beach? It is because of our wonderful volunteers that our annual spring cleanup provides the Texas coast with the care it deserves. The dedication of our fellow Texans to help keep our coast in pristine condition never ceases to amazes me,” said Land Commissioner George P. Bush. I recall when the cleanup program began under the watch of one of Bush’s predecessors at the General Land Office. Garry Mauro had a vision and a drive to protect our state’s fragile coastline. He made coastal protection against erosion a top priority during his time as land commissioner. The cleanup was part of his overall strategy to emphasize coastal issues. I was a vocal and enthusiastic supporter of Mauro’s effort during my time as editorial page editor of the Beaumont Enterprise. This policy matters to coastal states such as Texas. I am delighted to see Mauro’s initiative continue through successive land commissioners. Mauro’s public life as a politician ended in 1998 when he got thumped by George P. Bush’s uncle, George W. Bush, who cruised to re-election as Texas governor over Mauro. The effort to care for the state’s coastline remains one of Garry Mauro’s enduring legacies. Like Loading... SEA RIM STATE PARK, Texas — We have just been advised that we are living for a couple of days among one of God’s more fearsome creatures. A Texas Parks & Wildlife ranger informs us that this state park, right on the Gulf of Mexico, is home to at least one alligator. She described him as a 5-footer — with three legs. “Do you suppose he lost his leg in a fight with another gator?” I asked. She didn’t know. It doesn’t matter. I am going to presume the gator still gets around just fine. He inhabits a certain RV campsite, No. 10. “He’s there sometimes,” said the TP&W ranger. Good to know. So, with that I’ll inform you — and we’ve already told Toby the Puppy — that we ain’t going anywhere near the site. We’ll stay close to our fifth wheel for the time we’re here. The gimpy gator — and those who park their RV there — can have it all to themselves. Like Loading... There’s fate . . . and then you have this! I believe I have just read what could be the most dramatic demonstration karma imaginable. South African wildlife authorities say they have recovered the remains of a man suspected of poaching rhinoceroses, one of Africa’s most endangered great beasts. But get a load of this . . . they believe the guy was killed by an elephant and his corpse was devoured by a pride of lions. Check out the story here. To be brutally candid, I don’t know how I’m supposed to react to this kind of story. I have heard about how some African governments have issued shoot-on-sight orders to park personnel who witness individuals killing wildlife illegally. Given that I am a devoted wild animal lover, I have cheered those reports. Should I feel badly for this guy’s family? I suppose so. Park officials have offered their condolences, which is appropriate. This development, if it turns out to be true, would buttress the old commercial jingle that over the years has turned into something of a cliché: It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. Like Loading... Wind turbines cause cancer? Gosh! Who knew? I have heard the complaints and criticism of wind energy. It’s too expensive to produce wind-powered KWH. The turbines are a “blight” on our landscape. They get in the way of migrating birds. Those criticisms are understandable. Donald Trump has actually referred to the fowl casualties that the turbines inflict. However, the president said in a campaign rally speech that the turbine noise causes cancer. Yes. He said it with a straight face. I am left to presume that he believes what he said. He is wrong. Of course! No surprise there. I won’t accuse him of uttering another bald-faced lie. He well might not actually know of what he speaks. Ignorance of a topic is one way to excuse someone of actually lying. So I’ll give him (sort of) a pass on the lying part. However, when the president purports to know about something that flies out of his mouth, he actually ought to know it. Thus, the Ignoramus in Chief doesn’t know anything about wind energy. Such as what he said about its unreliability. Why? Because the wind doesn’t always blow. What he failed to acknowledge is that wind producers store excess energy generated by wind turbines to use on those days when the wind doesn’t blow sufficiently to produce more electricity. Then again, that’s just his ignorance showing itself. The cancer-causing element is pretty damn serious. Donald Trump should know better than to say something about which he knows nothing. He excuses himself, I am going to presume, because he’s the president of the United States. I guess that entitles him to say whatever he feels like saying. If so, I feel the need to remind the commander in chief that his position as the world’s most powerful politician requires him to at least give more than a smidgen of thought before popping off. Like Loading... Now he’s done it. Donald Trump popped off about wind energy, disparaging it and in the process he pis*** off a key Senate sponsor of wind energy tax credits. Did I mention that Sen. Chuck Grassley is a Republican, just like the president? Grassley, from Iowa, disliked Trump’s comments running down wind power as an alternative energy source. He made some stupid remark about wind turbine noise causing cancer. Again, Sen. Grassley took umbrage. Don’t fret it, Sen. Grassley. Many of us take umbrage damn near daily at things that fly out of the president’s mouth. Keep the faith. If you can. Like Loading... The story that is playing out in the Midwest is one that we see and hear about constantly. Human beings seek to employ all their technological skill, know-how and expertise to corral Mother Nature. So, what happens when levees burst? What happens when Mother Nature tells us in a voice so powerful that we cannot comprehend it? We experience tragedy, misery, mayhem. Many of us scratch our heads and wonder: How did this happen and what can we do to prevent it? Look, I have no answer to any of that. I don’t farm the land. I don’t raise livestock. I do not seek ways to keep my land dry or to avoid the kind of flooding pictured in the photo attached to this blog post. I simply am left to marvel at humankind’s continued effort to subdue forces that we cannot control, no matter how smart or knowledgeable we think we are. Sure, we can count some successes in that effort. They built a seawall along Galveston Island in response to a 1900 hurricane that destroyed the growing town along the Gulf Coast of Texas. The seawall has essentially done its job. Yet we hear about other attempts that fail. In recent years we have watched the Missouri River spill over levees in the Dakotas, destroying thousands of acres of agricultural production land. Then as now, it was the result of our meager effort to control the flow of a mighty river. The lesson here? The river is going to go where the Almighty intended for it to go, no matter what we do to prevent it. It’s just good to keep our human power in its proper perspective. Like Loading... Just about the time you think Donald Trump cannot demonstrate any greater degree of ignorance on important matters, he pops off to one of his right-wing fanatics. The president of the United States is insisting that wind energy is a waste of money, it doesn’t work when the wind doesn’t blow and that he intends to continue to push for revival of the coal industry. He and Fox News’ Sean Hannity exchanged ignorant rants this week about wind power, which Trump has detested for years. I believe the president needs to acquaint himself with the secretary of energy, Rick Perry. I would bet real money that the former Texas governor might have a markedly different view of the value of wind power than the man who nominated him to the Cabinet post. It was on Perry’s watch as Texas governor that the state became a leading producer of wind-generated electricity. Perry signed off on legislation allowing for the construction of wind turbines all across West Texas. Yep, they turn constantly out there on the High Plains, the South Plains, along the Trans-Pecos. Trump isn’t sold. He continues to foment the canard about the hazard the turbines pose for migrating birds. Yes, some birds are injured or killed when they fly into the turbines. The Energy Department says the numbers are insignificant and that wind turbines pose less of a threat to fowl than buildings. According to IJR Blue’s website: Wind turbines do present a threat to birds, but the Energy Department points out that these deaths are rare and that habitat destruction and development of infrastructures such as roads and powerlines poses a much greater threat. Trump’s shallowness reminds me of the time U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, a noted climate change denier, brought a snowball to the Senate floor one winter to say that because it was cold outside that day in Washington that Earth’s changing climate poses no threat to anyone or anything. Yep. We are being governed by an ignoramus. Like Loading... I’ll be candid. I never have considered Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to be much of an environmental watchdog, let alone an activist. So, what does the top state Republican legal eagle do? He files a lawsuit against a Houston company that owns a storage terminal that erupted in flames, pouring tons of chemicals into the air. Intercontinental Terminals has been slapped with a lawsuit over the fires that detonated at its suburban Deer Park storage units. It has closed the Houston Ship Channel, one of the world’s busiest international shipping waterways. The fires have contaminated the air, pouring clouds filled with cancer-causing benzine. The suit was filed on behalf of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. It alleges that Intercontinental Terminals has filed the Texas Clean Air Act. The company faces the possibility of stiff fines if the AG wins his lawsuit. Environmental groups are cheering the attorney general on. I want to join them, even though it does surprise me. Paxton was a GOP legislator from Collin County before he got elected as AG in 2014. He was re-elected to a second term in 2018. He’s had a bit of legal trouble, facing a probable trial on securities fraud later this year. But that’s another story. I find his lawsuit to be a fairly refreshing and pleasant surprise. The Deer Park fires have been buggers to extinguish. They have blackened the sky along the Gulf Coast. They have put thousands of Texans’ health at risk. I stand with AG Ken Paxton in seeking justice. Like Loading... We awoke this morning, flipped on the TV and watched the Metroplex weather forecasters going apoplectic over the wind, rain, thunder and lightning that tore through the region. Our lights in Princeton flickered off for about 20 seconds, then came back on. That was it. Yeah, it was a frightening time this morning before dawn. The storm raced across the region, which turned out to be a bit of a blessing. It wouldn’t linger long and tear the daylights out of people’s homes, motor vehicles and assorted other structures. Then we got word of the wind that roared across our former home in the Texas Panhandle. Sustained blasts of 50 mph, with gusts of 80 mph. But here’s where my heart breaks. A lot of trees blew over. The wind ripped them out of the ground by their roots. They fell into houses, onto motor vehicles, were laying on street surfaces. The good news is that I haven’t heard of any human casualties. For that we all should be grateful. The heartbreak occurs because if you’ve seen the High Plains region of Texas, you know it lacks trees. They cherish their trees in that part of the world. There was the time, for instance, when the Texas Department of Transportation proposed culling some trees along U.S. 60 in Hemphill County; you would have thought TxDOT had hired the devil himself. The outrage was ferocious; TxDOT backed down. Yes, I know you can plant new trees. They’ll grow and replace the flora that’s been destroyed by Mother Nature’s fury. Still, I hate hearing about the loss. Keep the faith, everyone. Like Loading... Career journalist, husband, father, grandfather, Army veteran, blogger. Blocking testimony would be ‘obstruction’? Jared Kushner is 100 percent wrong! Imagine that! Prisoners have right to vote? Hardly! What about all those other important matters, Mr. POTUS? Career journalist, husband, father, grandfather, Army veteran, blogger. Blocking testimony would be ‘obstruction’? Jared Kushner is 100 percent wrong! Imagine that! Prisoners have right to vote? Hardly! What about all those other important matters, Mr. POTUS?
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UK: When Is A Decision To Declare An Interim Dividend A Decision? It is often common practice for small businesses to structure payments to a director (who is also a shareholder) through a combination of dividend payments and salary, in order to minimize PAYE liabilities and reduce tax. Consequently, rather than be paid a salary, a director is "remunerated" by dividend payments. This works when the company declaring the dividend has sufficient distributable reserves � but when it does not, those payments are unlawful and can be clawed back under s847 of the Companies Act 2006. It is also often the case that a director is paid by monthly interim dividend payments, albeit that at the time of payment it is not yet known whether there will be sufficient distributable reserves to justify the payment. If at the end of the financial year it turns out that the company did not have sufficient distributable reserves, the payment is re-characterised as salary and PAYE will be accounted for at that point. This payment structure can work (although the original payment to the director is illegal), but what happens where there is an intervening insolvency that occurs before the payments are reversed? The above is effectively what happened in the case of Global Corporate Limited � v � Hale. Here, the director and sole shareholder, acting on the advice of his accountant, received payment for his services by salary and interim dividend payments, with the latter being reversed at the end of the accounting period if the company did not have sufficient distributable reserves. The director did not knowingly do anything wrong and acted upon his accountant's advice. But, when the company entered liquidation, it transpired that the dividend payments had been paid at a time when the company did not have sufficient distributable reserves. (b) there was no valid or definitive decision to pay the money as a dividend at the time of payment because at that point it was not known whether there would be distributable reserves. A new defence to s847 claims? The decision opened the door for a director to defend a claim for repayment of unlawful dividends on the basis that the interim dividend payment was not a dividend payment at all. Instead, a director could argue that the decision to pay an interim dividend was only a decision in principle until determined at the end of the financial year or at some future point. Unsurprisingly, the first instance decision was appealed. At what point do you determine whether a payment is a dividend payment? The Court of Appeal overturned Judge Matthews' decision, instead finding that the point at which the legality of an interim dividend payment is assessed is the point at which payment is made, not by reference to a future act. Officeholders will be pleased that certainty has been restored, clearing up any questions over whether interim dividend payments made are indeed dividend payments! It is now clear that a payment declared in accordance with s830 of the Companies Act 2006 is vulnerable to attack under s847 if there are insufficient distributable reserves available at the time to make the payment lawfully. We doubt that the judgment will alter the practice of paying director/shareholders by way of dividend and salary to maximize tax savings, albeit that the Court did not sanction the practice of paying a director/shareholder in this manner. In fact, the Court noted that if a company subsequently realises that a distribution should not have been made and it should have been treated as remuneration this does not "cure the illegality of the original payment". Importantly the Court said that: "The most [a company] can do [when realising that there are insufficient distributable reserves] is allow the monies to be notionally repaid and then re-applied in a way which does not contravene the provisions of s830 and is otherwise a lawful application of the assets of the Company". It is therefore clear that until an interim dividend payment (declared in accordance with s830) is reversed, reclassified or notionally repaid, it is an illegal payment and therefore unlawful from the point of payment, if at that time there were insufficient distributable reserves. But, I relied on my accountant's advice! Whilst the director in this case said "he paid his accountant to deal with these things", a director still has to apply that advice and understand the risks. It is not clear whether he was advised of the risk of challenge if the company entered an insolvency process, and if he had been, would he have structured things differently? Who knows. However, this decision highlights not only the importance of taking professional advice but also considering and applying it. Paying for someone else to "deal with" things is not always enough. At a time when corporate governance and director and shareholder accountability is under review and set for change, this decision gives more reason for directors to ensure that they understand not only their s172 obligations and duties as directors but understand the implications of relying solely on advice without applying their own mind to it. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. 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A crazy couple's epic quest for awesomeness! Schools, the hub of education has taught us what to learn. But has surprisingly never taught us ‘how to learn’. So often kids with different learning requirements are labelled ‘slow’ than find compatible teaching methods. No wonder Einstein, Edison, Graham Bell were all labelled ‘learning challenged’. How do you react to failure? You are driving through a busy street in a city and now you need to park your vehicle. You find a spot that’s perfect to parallel-park your car. So finally, your tiring drive can end. But while backing your car into the spot, you graze your car’s rear into a light pole. This is the side of the car to which you are blind-sided and can’t see all the way, but can only use judgement. There is an ugly scratch and a dent. After a few more twists and turns, you finally park the car properly. But you have the dent and the scratch to contend with. To put it subtly, your parking attempt was a failure. You can take this failure either as a loser or as a person who looks at it as something learnt. Continue reading How do you react to failure? Posted on November 7, 2017 November 6, 2017 Author Harikrishna NatrajanCategories Life Hacks & Learning, Self-DevelopmentTags failure, learning, learning from failure, loser2 Comments on How do you react to failure?
This year I wanted to do something a little different for my daughter's back-to-school photo. Her handwriting and drawing skills evolved so much during her first year of kindergarten and I'm sure she'll grow in leaps and bounds this year. To document this in her back-to-school photo, I asked my super talented friend Nat for help. Nat runs @littlechestnuts and makes the most amazing, hand-lettered signs (and at the same time raises money for charity). She made the cutest sign with space for your child's favourite activity, dream of what they want to be when they grow up and a self portrait. You can download a copy of the back-to-school sign here. My daughter loved the chance to colour and I got a cute keepsake. Win-win! What makes a great black and white photograph? There are many factors that come into play when deciding if a picture will be a strong black and white image. Photos with strong contrast - the difference in brightness between the darkest darks and lightest whites and all the shades in between - can make compelling black and white pictures. Also converting an image with shadows or texture to black and white can add dramatic and moody effect. Also taking away the colour from a photograph can sometimes help to simply the image and minimize distractions (I've used this trick many times when my house is a bit of mess!). But it's not always so black and white. Sometimes a photograph looks amazing in both colour and black and white, so it can be hard to decide which one is best. And "best" is often subjective anyways. The good news is that with all my photography sessions you don't have to decide. I provide my clients both the colour and a black and white versions of each image. I love the diversity that this provides. My photography style is generally bright and airy but by converting to black and white, I'm able to give a totally different feel to the exact same photo. Often a black and white photo conveys more of a moody, emotional and raw feel to the photograph. Here are some favourites from an in-home newborn portait session in the east end of Toronto. So you can decide which do you prefer: Colour or black & white? I've found a couple different tricks that work with kids but mostly they boil down to encouraging the child to play a game, tell a little story, or do something that really engages them...and then catch a real, true candid smile right after the activity. That's why I often use little prompts during my family photography sessions to encourage laughter and natural expressions. Here are a couple of activities I used at a recent lifestyle session - give them a try with your own kids! 2) Look at the person who is THE craziest (or funniest...)? 3) What is the silliest thing about your brother? But truthfully there wasn't really any work involved with getting this family to smile naturally since they were so fun loving. Here are a couple more of my favourites from the session. A couple of nights ago, the kids and I headed down to the beach for an impromptu visit. We live less than 10 minutes from Lake Ontario, but we don’t go there nearly enough. Plus, my absolute favourite place to take pictures is at the beach, at twilight (so of course, I brought my camera). Why do I love it so much? Light, light, light – During the hour before sunset, the light is a photographer’s dream and has almost magical qualities. It is soft and super flattering. Beach tones – I am a sucker for the muted colours (blues, greys, tan, pastels) of the beach at dusk. It’s quieter – On this beautiful weekday night, there were just a handful of other people there. The kids love it (the most important reason!) – At the beach, there are so many things to do. Throw rocks, splash in the water, play in the sand. My kids are far happier playing while I snap a couple pictures, instead of posing for portraits. Reach out to me if you're interested in booking a twilight beach session! 1) Include favourite back-to-school items – Take close up shots of any special things that help to tell the story of back-to-school, whether it be your child's very first “big kid” backpack, a new special outfit or their current favourite book. 2) Hold a cute sign – There are lots of free back-to-school templates online (like this one) for you print. This can also be a great idea for creating an annual series of photos where you update the sign's contents each year. 3) At the school yard – Take a look around the school yard for interesting backgrounds. The colourful mural below added a splash of colour to the picture, but simple brick walls are also great option. Or have your child play in the jungle gym to take some fun action shots! 5) Ask your child for ideas - Kids can sometimes be reluctant to pose for photos, so it's a great idea to include them in the process. My niece wanted a silly photo wearing her mom's glasses to complete the "school teacher" look. Final tip! Don’t stress about taking photos on the actual first day of school if you find it’s too hectic. The idea is to capture the beginning of the school year (not necessarily the actual day itself), so taking photos just before or after the first day is totally fine. My daughter’s first year of kindergarten is flying by. She’s grown in leaps and bounds in terms of her writing, numbers and drawing. One thing that’s a constant reminder of everything she is learning is the pile of school projects that keeps growing, and growing…and growing. While I love the idea of keeping these adorable mementos, I am a bit of a clutter-phobe. So this weekend I start looking into how to archive my daughter's art. First, I sorted through the art to find the best pieces. Next I took pictures of my favourite art (I used my digital SLR camera but you can easily use your smartphone instead). It is helpful to take the pictures on a surface with even lighting for best results (i.e. you do not want to take them in a spot that is half sun/half shade). This is my favourite solution: it allows you to have a physical memento of your kid's art, while keeping it an organized. If you are taking photos on your smart phone Chatbooks is a basic and inexpensive option that you literally can do in minutes. But of course there are so, so, so many photo book options if you want something fancier or more customized. Another option is to create a collage and frame it - this is great as it allows you to display many images all at once without it taking up your whole wall! You can switch it up with new versions each year. I made the collage below using befunky and I'll print it to frame in my daughter's room. There are lots of art apps available like Artkive, Cansvly and Keepy. They allow you to organize your kid's art in an easy, user friendly manner and share with family and friends. While I love the user interfaces of these and how convenient they are, there is one important caveat to remember here. Some have a subsription fee once you save above a certain number of images (which may increase over time) and/or there is a risk that the digital provider may not be around 10 or 20 years from now. So if you like this solution it's probably also best to have a plan b. After doing this, I feel a little less guilty discarding most of the pieces but I'm still going to keep a a couple pieces around in a shoe box to show her when she grows up. Sign up for MY NEWSLETTER to learn more tips to use photography in your everyday life. Jul 31, 2018 What makes a great black and white photograph? Jun 23, 2018 Toronto newborn photography: at home vs. in a studio? Apr 13, 2018 What to expect in an in-home newborn photography session? Jun 30, 2017 When is the best age to take newborn photos? Jul 31, 2018 What makes a great black and white photograph? Kira Noel is a family, newborn & maternity photographer, based in Toronto. Her portrait style is natural and artistic, offering Toronto families the very best in lifestyle photography. Ready to book?
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Today I felt like my life is a holding pattern. I see the lights on the runway but they are a flickering blue. The man with the ping-pong bats shakes his head. No chance of taking off today. The rain isn't falling outside, it's slamming. It has a weight heavier than water. My phone is already filling up with texts from the ex about unpaid bills. The same ones, month on month. Surely being ground down has never felt more numb? Comfortably so and those bills don't go away. They slowly wind down to the dank place of no return.Take me to the river, drop me in the water. It's a Saturday but I have to work two jobs. The mountains seem a long way away. The sink is clogged again. Two jobs on a Saturday to pay the bills for the thing that's spiralling down anyway. By the time I'm on the road, I'm less agitated. Dead kids are being pulled out from rubble in Aleppo at the same time as we pull into Dunkin Doughnuts. They point at peanut butter pumpkin doughnuts. Pumpkin is the way of the world now. It's October and October is alway orange. When did we get so pumpkin obsessed? I doubt if there will be much trick or treating in Aleppo this Halloween. The pastor tells me he has a serious disorder. Think sickle cell. Like being trapped in a cell. Held to ransom by those red blood cells. Why's he so animated? His joy has infected his whole core. It's addictive but makes me back off. Maybe there's something in this God business anyhow. I think of the book I failed to finish this summer. A trashy novel from the thrift store but some interesting material about Shakespeare. Worship from the wrong book and they cut you apart with red hot pincers. Throw in a hangman and the man with the tools for disembowelment. Why did disembowelment and the church go hand in hand? Think the Bishop of Hereford with the red hot poker used to kill Edward II. To think I saw the pit in the middle of the room. And it didn't look so bad. Back to the holding pattern. There we go again - good and evil, hot and cold. Our inability to soar beyond our baseness. Leering at the screen. The sins of the flesh. The barrel bombs fall. I once wrote about it, a highway art program that nobody noticed on a wide suburban road in Ilford. I stopped the car, I walked two blocks and there it was beyond - blue beyond the blue exhaust fumes. Holding Pattern with its cold sapphire lights twinkling on iron poles, unlovely and unnoticed by the angry cars on the asphalt road to London. Many years earlier I thought of Ilford in a different way. Left behind after class with Mr. G as we pulled out the black and white Ilford films and processed them in the dark room. The heavy and ripe smell of the chemicals and the anticipation as the ghostly images took shape in the negatives. I thought of the trees flitting by on the long drive home. The silence of my parents in the front seat, lulled half into a sleep and imagining the glades in darkness outside the window. I wondered about Mr. G. His daughter, the annoying woman who tags me in Facebook posts of her holidays. It wouldn't take much to ask but what do I ask. And would connecting two worlds be too much for me? Too much time and space and the teen me no longer recognizable. Another place, another country. But not the privileged place of blazers and crests and houses. Just downbeat uninspirational suburbia. Looking out at the hammering rain I wonder if much has changed. In a holding pattern still after all this time. This used to be my least favourite times - when I felt I was floating - existing instead of living. Life often seems to keep us in a holding pattern. Better than crashing horribly I suppose. Some haunting images and contrasts in this post. May we display your header on our new site directory. As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com. Load more... Time to tackle the Good Friday newsquiz ... What Happened to the First Two Months? Words. Quote: Everything has its season. Pearl, Why You Little... Scottish Festival and a bit of poetry... Was it me? It was wasn't it? Surely it must be... Big Announcement - Stay tuned! Hurricane?! I know, right? Anxiety about my anxiety... The last few days.....
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An ongoing strategic priority for APNA’s board and management is to ensure APNA is represented nationally within all national forums impacting on primary health care in Australia. On a regular basis we will request your feedback and opinions on a variety of national issues or visions and I urge you to respond whenever you can. On occasion in the interest of having a national voice, APNA must respond with expediency and provide comment based on previous membership feedback. Recently we provided a submission to Medicines Australia about transparency between companies and health care professionals. This will impact on primary health care nurses and APNA. As part of their Code of Conduct review Medicines Australia established a Transparency Working Group who developed a model for introducing greater transparency about payments and transfers of value between companies and healthcare professionals. The model is informed by the Principles for Transparency, which the Working Group developed to guide its development of a model. The Transparency Model was released for consultation and discussion with all interested stakeholders. This model will impact on primary health care nurses and APNA. APNA’s submission can be found here. APNA’s conference committee is busy planning APNA’s sixth exciting National Conference Thriving through Change in beautiful Sydney 29-31 May 2014. I urge you to put this in your calendar now and start thinking about submitting your abstract to share your experience and learnings in primary health care nursing. This conference once again promises to be a plethora of knowledge and skills; sharing and learnings from national nurse leaders and international colleagues. Most importantly it will be an opportunity for primary health care nurses nationwide to gather and network and for APNA to hear from its membership of the issues and concerns, wins and rewards we see in our daily working lives. Click here to stay tuned. Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to reset your password via email. Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Daniela by Christopher Crouch.
What Type of Widow Are You? In high school I loved getting “Sassy” magazine so I could take their fun quizzes. Maybe it was “What kind of girlfriend are you?” or “What type of friend are you?” or “What’s your back-to-school style?” Do you remember those? What if there was a quiz for “What kind of widow are you?”–can you imagine?! You answer 10 questions and, boom, there’s your answer. But as a widow, I know that my “type” would change daily, like a mood ring. Ready to play? The Pessimistic Widow: He is not alive, and it will only get worse every day that I am left here alive. The Sarcastic Widow: Unlike us, he walks on streets of gold and hangs with Jesus. The Optimistic Widow: He passed away, but he worked hard as a banker. The Realistic Widow: I am a widow who lost my husband. It is not easy but I am coping. The Pessimistic Widow: By God stealing him from me because God must be mad at me. The Sarcastic Widow: I didn’t kill him, though we had some disagreements along the way. Maybe I almost killed him with kindness. How do you think your husband will die some day? The Optimistic Widow: His death was unexpected, but so many others have started coming to church after his funeral, which is so wonderful. The Realistic Widow: It’s wild that we are all going to die. It was hard to know he suffered but it is unchangeable. The Pessimistic Widow: Well I know I will never rest again, and let me tell you, he sure was no angel on earth. The Sarcastic Widow: I didn’t realize angels rested, but that sounds like a dream gig for sure. The Optimistic Widow: I bet he is enjoying his well-deserved rest and I am so happy for him. The Realistic Widow: Thanks for your kind words. I’m not convinced he is an angel but I am glad he feels no pain. The Pessimistic Widow: I can’t handle even sipping from my half-empty cup. There’s no telling what God will make me handle next. The Sarcastic Widow: I’m pretty freaking amazing. It’s hard to contain my awesomeness and God knows it. Maybe He’ll give me even more soon. The Optimistic Widow: I know that many opportunities lie ahead and I am excited to see what is in store for my future. The Realistic Widow: God is very good, even when He allows us to suffer. He actually has given me more than I can handle, but I can do all things through Christ. So what kind of widow do you think you are (at least for this HOUR)? Aren’t you relieved there is no “right” or “wrong” answer? You have endured much and it’s okay to be a little sweet and even a little sour too! Debbie is a mom to 4 boys (Paul, Brad, Andrew, and Joshua, or “PBAndJ” for short). Unexpectedly widowed in 2012, Debbie’s world was turned upside down. Clinging to God, her stay-at-home mom days in suburbia now demanded a paying job. Instead of returning to the classroom, she decided that Chapter 2 of life meant pursuing her passion of all things fitness and nutrition. She enjoys helping women look and feel their best. Debbie remarried in 2014 and lives in North Carolina. Stories from the heart of every home. You have Successfully Subscribed! Write for Her! Become a part of the team. We’re always welcoming new writers. April 3rd ~ the date that changed our lives…forever. © 2018 Her View From Home - All Rights Reserved. Find our privacy policy here. Want more stories of love, family, and faith from the heart of every home, delivered straight to you? SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
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The Horses at Agriturismo Villa Stabbia - Agriturismo Azienda Agricola Biologico Villa Stabbia di Massa e Cozzile, Pistoia, Toscana, Italia! Pippo was the first horse to move in at Villa Stabbia, and still remains the one with the strongest character. Although still young-ish, he has retired and is a full time pensioner. This being due to the arthritis in his hind legs, which on most days are unnoticeable, though from time to time makes him walk a bit stiff. Pippo was an extremely well trained western horse, a particularly experienced trekking horse and could be mounted by adults as well as children. His very smooth gait and so easy to control made him suitable for riders of all ages and abilities. Pippo is very playful and needs constant mental stimulation, hence he has by now a rather large selection of his own toys, which he has taught Zazu to use as well. His absolute favourite is a strong green sack filled with plastic bottles. It makes a wonderful noise and when finally Zazu gets involved in the game – the sack just gets torn to pieces. Great Fun! Other favourite toys are footballs, sticks, robes, cameras.... more or less anything will do. Pippo is the group’s male leader, which means his responsibility is security. He does not easily tolerate being approached by strangers - a proper introduction is needed. He will then decide if he likes the person or not; and if the person is allowed to touch him. A real character. Although bought after Pippo, Zazu arrived together with him in July 2004 and they quickly formed a strong friendship. Zazu comes from the stables around Siena, where they breed Anglo-Arabs for the Palio race, however he did not have the right temperament for it and was trained western (very well trained actually) though used for mainly trail rides. So when arriving here he was re-trained for dressage and today he is the most versatile horse. A very experienced and reliable trekking horse, loves jumping, good for western and does dressage as well. He is not too keen on playing the “push-button” pony for kids, but does it for a while when asked nicely. He is by nature very serene, gentle and LOVES a good cuddle. He is open for anything or anybody new. This can actually be a bit of a problem on treks, since everything has to be checked out - and he has to say hello to every dog, cat, horse, donkey ... person that he meets along the way. However this also means that he is not afraid of anything - at all. Being so open and accepting everybody new, he is the horse that welcomes every newcomer to the group. Zazu showed Zurina around the place and spent many months by her side when she first arrived, then looked after Pioggia. He was totally open mouthed over the beauty of Barizja and even spent many hours cuddling with Lisa. Ghibli was given a hug and some food was shared with Spiky. However no other horse has caught his heart as Paquita - he was the only male to be allowed near Paquita by her mum when she was just born and has been the perfect uncle for her ever since. A true lady, who demands respect and gets it. Zurina (Spanish girls name meaning white) was born and trained in Spain and did not arrive here in Italy until February 2006. Actually the very next day we bought her …. She was just so cute that she immediately stole our hearts. With the intent to be used for mainly children, but still strong enough to carry an adult, she quickly showed us that the children part would have to wait for a while, as she had just too much energy. On treks she will be in front rushing ahead or right behind the guide-horse, constantly pushing him/her to go faster; though today she has slowed down considerably and has become the perfect horse for children as well as adults. Her training from Spain was rather basic and there are various hints that might suggest that she was mainly used for pulling carts. It was also obvious that she had never been on treks in a terrain like Tuscany, however she learned quickly. It also became apparent that she had not spent much time in an arena - she learned very quickly and then when it was time to introduce her to jumping.... It was obvious that she had never tried to jump before in her life nor did she have a natural talent. But Zurina liked jumping - and via her enthusiasm she even got good at it - though not that quickly. She is the leading female of the group and keeps the others under control plus constant supervision. Recently however she has had some problems with the younger mares in the group; Barizja wants to take over the leader role, but does not like the responsibility. Lisa it trying by showing her strength, but lacks experience. However together with her right "hand" in the group, Pioggia, she is still in control, which is apparent when decisions have to be made. Plus Pippo only takes orders from her. A very long-legged Spanish lady indeed – Pioggia means rain in Italian. Although her story is unknown, it has been possible to piece together some bits and pieces of information and most likely she worked with bulls in Spain for quite some years. As she has sign of a baddish injury on her hind legs, she may have been wounded and then sold off, as she most definitely went through a very rough period thereafter, changing owners frequently. When she came to Villa Stabbia, she was extremely skinny and her hooves shoved that she had been malnourished for at least 6 months - if not more. In addition she has scars showing bad treatment. It took Pioggia a couple of weeks to realise that she was going to stay here at Villa Stabbia - but then she bloomed – and became our lovely playful and happy teenager. Miss Ever-Happy. Piogga is always in a wonderful mood and charms everyone with her warm, gentle and kind nature. A true princess. Usually she serves as Zurina’s maid and bodyguard, but when off-duty she loves to spend time with her girl-friends Lisa and Barizja. Due to her previous work, Pioggia is well schooled for dressage, but loves a good long trek. Especially if it involves some speeeed! Though it is not her favourite, she has a really good technique in jumping. Pioggia gave birth to Paquita the 11th of July 2013 - her first foal, and also the first foal born here at Villa Stabbia. Barizja was for a long period the youngest in the group and at times it seems she still behaves like it. Barizja is from Poland and came to Villa Stabbia July 2008. A strong horse was needed and as the preference here at Villa Stabbia is for mares, that was what we were looking for. She was chosen from the simple fact that she was the mare with the biggest behind. That she turned out to be the most sweet and kind horse - well that might also have been one of the reasons she moved in. She was first introduced to western, however only on a base level. During the summer of 2011 she was re-trained for dressage and can perform this at a much higher level. In 2012 she started jumping lessons - and as it turned out it is by far her favourite of all the disciplines. She is the strongest of our horses and can carry experienced riders up to 85 kg. She is the only one of our horses that are only ridden by adults. Barizja has an un-obtainable dream – she wishes she was a miniature horse. This way she could rest in our arms and get lots of cuddles all day. Weighing towards 600 kg this will always just remain a dream - but she still tries. No other horse loves cuddles as much as her – well maybe Lisa … and Zazu … and Paquita … and …. She quickly formed a strong friendship with Zazu, who still remains one of her most trusted friends. Of the mares, she prefer to spend time with Lisa, and should Lisa be in one of her playful moods, Barizja will most definitely join her. Though born the same year as Barizja, she is 4 months older than her dear friend. With the many children at the riding centre a pony was needed. It was rumoured that a really nice haflinger was for sale not too far away - up in the mountains. She totally took us by surprise with her independence yet forthcoming nature. Full of energy yet sweet and calm when close to people. Lisa spent 2 years as a therapeutic horse at Dynamo Camp near Pistoia - the first summer camp in Italy to be structured specifically for children with serious or chronic illnesses who are currently in therapy or in post-hospitalization convalescence. Hence she is wonderful with children and seeks their company (and cuddles) at every opportunity. However Lisa was never ridden that much, hence her training started from zero. She is steady and fast on treks and are currently used for lessons for riders with some experience or for what she prefers - small treks around the fields with children. Lisa is pretty easy going when in the group. She goes along with all the other horses and although her friendship with Barizja is stronger, she often spends time with Pioggia, Zazu and even Zurina. Her obsession is however food. She eats everything. Eatable or not - down it goes. Which is why nobody leaves anything unattended within her reach - as she will start chewing away. Like she did with several pairs of reins, a saddle, girths, jackets, whips, brushes, sponges ........ Ghibli - a then 4 year old stallion - came to Villa Stabbia September 2013. Having searched for a long time for a strong horse, Ghibli appeared out of the blue. He was everything we had been looking for - tall, strong built, Spanish PRE, young .... only slight problem was that he was skinny, undernourished, lacking muscles, after having spent his last three years in a field with not that much food. However, after vaccinations, castration, lots and lots of food and some ground work, he soon started to show his potential. Ghibli is a Pura Raza Española, born on the 8th of April 2009 in Cortona, Arezzo - Tuscany. He is rather tall for his breed, 166 cm when he came in October 2013, 170 cm in February 2014, and still growing. His mum was part of a group of PRE horses imported from Spain, where the intention was to start a breeding program of horses for mainly shows. However after a year or two - the idea was abandoned and the horses were more or less forgotten. Until they were all sold off - lucky for us. Gibli's real name is L Uno M Silver - but Ghibli fits him so much better. Ghibli is one big warm heart, kind and calm is the best way to describe him. His true soul-mate is Spiky. They arrived together and have been inseparable since. Spiky caught of course our attention first of all due to his beautiful and unique colouring. However he totally captivated us with his trusty, curious and calm character. Very light on his feet and quick to move away if anything seems slightly scary - but he is also incredibly curious - so will return almost immediately to check out, what could possible be so scary. Spiky had just arrived in Italy from Holland, where he was born. His full name is Spiky van Pippi's Farm. Spiky's mum is appaloos and his father - well very pretty according to his mum as Spiky was not planned. His dad is a Dutch Warmblood though. Spiky arrived here at Villa Stabbia together with Ghibli - and they have become inseparably friends. Like his best mate, Spiky had never worn a saddle, hence his training started as soon as he arrived. Spiky was born April the 26th 2009 and at birth palomino coloured. With time he has become a palomino leopard appaloosa colour; whitish with palomino spots all over. After 11 long months, Pioggia's long awaited foal was finally born - in our own garden. Paquita di Villa Stabbia, the first foal to be born here, and Pioggia's first as well. At birth, Paquita resembled much more her father Edil VII, a bay PRE - Pura Raza Española, having his colour and star though not his hind white sock, however she slowly started to change colour to dark grey and has become the much wanted mini-copy of Pioggia. Not surprisingly, Paquita is very spoiled and accustomed to be handled and cuddled. Actually she seems to think it is our duty to spend most of the day just telling her how pretty she is and scratch her all over. She spends most days out in the field, getting used to the hilly terrain and just enjoying life. Pioggia herself chose the two horses she trusted enough to spend time with Paquita. Zurina was an obvious choice, also since Zurina immediately assumed the aunt role. The trust that Pioggia placed in Zazu was however a surprise. He fell totally in love with Paquita the very moment he saw her, and has since spent many hours grazing by her side or running up and down the hills with her just having great fun. Imperatore or just Impe amongst friends. An Arab/Maremmana/English Thoroughbred gelding also born in 2007. He moved in at Villa Stabbia in June 2013 and was especially liked by all the mares, but as soon as Ghibli and Spiky came to the farm, the three young guys formed a true gang. These days however he shares the paddock with Wince - those two guys spend ages playing together. Best way to describe Impe is - very tolerant and open to all, horses or humans. Impe is chest-nut coloured with a long white blaze and two white socks. Wince Ro or just Wince arrived in December 2013. A very young Haflinger from 2011 with so much to learn. Though young, he has a strong character and does not happily concede to the older horses, but being full of energy - Wince is constantly looking for someone to play with. Luckily he shares the paddock with Impe. Giana is a Brandenburger mare from 1995. Giana was for many years a broodmare before being used for mainly treks and some jumping. Being 175 cm tall, she is the tallest of all the horses, besides being the oldest. Giana's strong mother instinct means she is the perfect "grandmother" for Impe and Wince. Tolerant yet always in control. Giana is an extremely sweet, calm and gently horse, that goes along with every horse in the group. Giana is chest-nut coloured with a long white blaze and three white socks. Asso is totally black, with black mane and tail. Nabiria was only three years old when she came to Villa Stabbia in January 2005, but being a Maremmana mare, ever so strong willed. She was slowly introduced to dressage, which she seemed quite adapted for, though her strength was trail rides. Nabiria was incredible secure on her feet and with an energy that left most other horses trail behind. Unknown to us when buying her, she had shown tendencies for sweet itch, an allergy towards mites that makes the horse scratch and scratch. During the summer this allergy intensified and although it became manageable during the winter, we did not want her to go though another summer suffering due to her allergy. Nabiria moved away from Villa Stabbia in April 2006. Today she lives in a mountainous area of Emilia Romagna, where she is used for trail riding competitions by time. Nabiria (Maremmana mare) was born in 2002 and is dark bay without any marking. Dukakis was already an elder gentleman, when he arrived here at Villa Stabbia in October 2006. He had a strong but ever so sweet and gentle character and managed to stand his ground against the others in the group, despite being quite a bit shorter and slight in build. Dukakis was at first accepted by all except Zurina. She refused to have him in the group, however after working his charm on her for a week, she allowed him to stay. In fact - they were often seen grazing close together, Dukakis admiring the beauty of Zurina and her tolerating him...... Unfortunately Dukakis had quite a few injuries the last years he stayed at Villa Stabbia, all obtained when playing in the group. The last one, a broken jaw, caused us to rethink what was best for him. At the age of 24, his hearing was failing and he didn't always notice when the mares warned him, hence he was often pushed around by them. Dukakis moved away from Villa Stabbia in September 2013. Today he stays at a sheep farm, where he, together with another chest-nut coloured arab (even same age), spends his time eating the grass, looking pretty and being available for cuddles whenever one of the residents of the farm have time. Dukakis (arab gelding) was born in 1989 and is chest-nut coloured with a long white blaze and a white sock.
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related portals: New Jersey. See also Phillipsburg, New Jersey on Wikipedia; and our 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica disclaimer. PHILLIPSBURG, a town of Warren county, New Jersey, U.S.A., on the Delaware river, opposite Easton, Pennsylvania, and about 51 m. N.N.W. of Trenton, N.J. Pop. (1900) 10,052, of whom 990 were foreign-born; (1910 U.S. census) 13,903. Served by the Central of New Jersey and other railways, the town is situated in the river bottom and on a bluff which commands beautiful views. The river is spanned here by several bridges. The town has railway shops and various manufactures. In 1905 the value of the factory products was $6,684,173 (45.8% more than in 1900). Phillipsburg was settled about 1750. It was only a straggling village when the Morris Banking and Canal Company was chartered in 1824, but its growth was accelerated by the canal (no longer used), by the establishment in 1848 of an iron furnace, and by the completion of the Central Railroad of New Jersey to this point in 1852; the town was incorporated in 1861. This page was last edited on 26 February 2019, at 17:42. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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“Over my dead body will a wall be built” said Verlon Jose, the tribal chairman for the Tohono O’odham, after President Trump signed an executive order in January, 2017 to move ahead with plans to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Throughout history, the Tohono O’odham and other tribes native to the U.S.-Mexico borderlands like the Kickapoo, Yaqui, and Lipan Apache, have been systemically uprooted, divided and displaced by Anglo colonization and international diplomacy and politics. This history of oppression continues today as border militarization has had major consequences for the everyday life and the cultural traditions of binational tribes across the southwest. The Tohono O’odham are an indigenous tribe in the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona. Their reservation spans along the international borderline for 62 miles, with 2,000 of its 34,000 tribal members living in Mexico. Federal policy and militarization in the region have caused a variety of problems for the O’odham, from separating family members, to interrupting cultural and religious events and even forcing drug smuggling and human trafficking onto their indigenous lands. Tribes have also had to deal with racial profiling, customs harassment and heavily armed law enforcement patrolling on their reservation land. Such issues exist not only at the U.S. border with Mexico, but with Canada as well. As the border and immigration enforcement has traveled to other parts of the country, so have injustices and occupation of indigenous lands. The Mohawk tribe on the border with Canada have reported having to deal with similar issues with Customs and Border Enforcement. While state governments across North America have always neglected the rights of native peoples, since 9/11 heightened border militarization and securitization has led to many injustices against Indians in the borderlands. In this chapter, we hope to call attention to the consequences that U.S. border policy has had on indigenous communities in the U.S. Mexico borderlands and across the country. Or, return to the Border Militarization Resource Guide main page. SAN MANUEL, Mexico — Jesús Manuel Casares Figueroa needs a catheter or he will die. His bloated chest pressed against his blue jacket as he sat in a wheelchair in front of his uncle’s modest concrete-block home, one of a handful in this traditional village of the O’odham in the Sonoran desert. His mother touched a gold-colored earring that dangled from Jesús Manuel’s left ear. Her son was born with spina bifida, she explained, and a chronic kidney infection has complicated his condition. In February, the doctor said Jesús Manuel urgently needed the operation. His family didn’t have the money then, and they don’t have it now. So in a few hours mother and son will go door to door asking for donations in the neighboring O’odham village, about 60 miles south of Nogales. After the Mexican-American War, the international boundary between the U.S. and Mexico was drawn at the Gila River, just north of the O’odham ancestral lands. But the Gadsden Purchase in 1854 redrew the border right through O’odham territory. The O’odham were never consulted. SELLS, Ariz. – The Tohono O’odham Nation has released a video, “There’s No O’odham Word for Wall,” detailing its opposition to the fortified border wall proposed by President Trump’s recent Executive Order. The video also reiterates the Nation’s commitment to continue working with federal, state and local agencies on border security measures with a proven record of success. The current international border was drawn through the Nation’s traditional lands in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, which the Tohono O’odham have inhabited since time immemorial. Today, the Nation’s reservation includes 75 miles of the US‐Mexico border, with tribal members residing on both sides of the border. As such, the Tohono O’odham Nation has substantial experience in border security efforts. In recent years the Nation’s Legislative Council has passed over 20 resolutions supporting border enforcement efforts and opposing a fortified wall. On Feb. 7, 2017 the Nation’s Legislative Council passed a Resolution restating this opposition. The Inter Tribal Association of Arizona, National Congress of American Indians and other organizations have formally supported this Resolution. The video highlights how the proposed wall would further split the Nation in half and have dramatic cultural and environmental impacts. It would also face severe geographic challenges in the rough desert terrain. A wall would also be easily bypassed in remote regions with the same tunnel and ladder tactics that undocumented immigrants already use to overcome barriers even in more populated areas. Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, and the formation of the Department of Homeland Security, a simple T-shirt began appearing at reservation flea markets, tourist shops, and tribal college campuses. The shirt depicts a photograph taken in 1886 of the Apache leader Geronimo—known for rebelling, with his band of Apache warriors, against Mexican and American encroachment and invasion of their territory—standing with armed family members. The slogan on the shirt reads, “Fighting Terrorism Since 1492.” This simple yet powerful message resonated with Native and non-Native people alike, calling attention to the fact that the land we now call the United States was already occupied by and forcefully taken from Indigenous nations. The attack on the World Trade Towers initiated drastic changes in U.S. policy on securing its borders. It was the catalyst for the formation of the Department of Homeland Security, which combined 40 different agencies charged with securing the nation in various capacities. U.S. borders came under intense scrutiny and new immigration laws and policies were enacted with far-reaching consequences. How did these policy changes affect the welfare and sovereign rights of tribal nations, especially those whose traditional homelands span the modern borders of the United States, Canada, and Mexico? The United States is a wealthy country by any standard, and each year attracts thousands of immigrants, documented or otherwise, who seek employment, political asylum, and the chance to pursue a better life. With the goal of preventing terrorism after 9/11 and controlling unauthorized immigration and smuggling, the U.S. has spent billions of dollars on tightening borders and monitoring foreigners in the country—with mixed results. Approximately 39.9 million foreign-born individuals reside in the United States, 11.2 million of whom are said to be unauthorized. About half of these unauthorized immigrants are from Mexico (Passal and Cohn, 2014). In an effort to control unauthorized immigration across the southern border, Congress passed the controversial Secure Fence Act of 2006 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008, which mandated construction of 670 miles of fence along the 2,000-mile border between the United States and Mexico (University of Texas at Austin School of Law, n.d.). Currently 651 miles of fencing has been completed, at a cost of about $2.4 billion (Department of Homeland Security, 2013; Sais, 2013). There are additional plans to cover a total of 900 miles by 2016, with an assortment of U.S. Border Patrol agents and technology, including surveillance towers, drones, ground sensors, mobile spy systems, and remote video cameras (Preston, 2014). More than 18,500 U.S. agents patrol the southern border, a historically high number (Department of Homeland Security, 2013). The fence has become unpopular with many borderline communities and local governments, who have formed coalitions and adopted formal statements against it. They attest that it disrupts everyday living yet is easily breached by undocumented immigrants and smugglers. Soon after the border fence was constructed, people began breaching segments with torches, hacksaws, and ladders. Certain sections need continual, almost daily repair. Some parts have settled and gaps between the posts are forming where people can squeeze through. Additional complaints include private property owners whose lands have been divided. Farmers and businessmen along the Texas border in the Rio Grande valley have opposed construction of the fence because it blocks their access to the river and hurts companies that conduct legal commerce across the border (Villanueva, 2008). Say No to Media Lies on Venezuela! Take the Pledge of Resistance for Venezuela! Take Action to Free Honduran Political Prisoners! Interested in Fiscal Sponsorship? Copyright © 2013 Alliance for Global Justice. All Rights Reserved. Magazine Premium created by c.bavota. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
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Discussion in 'Tech/Mech General' started by martyn, Jan 26, 2008. Que? You can't have a rainbow without rain! Or you could try one of those gadgets that are supposed to help you pick a bolt out of the oil sump - a long flexible metal wire 'thingy' with a plunger at one end which operates a three legged 'grab' at the other end. Used to be able to pick them up quite cheaply at most motor spares stockists. What make/model is your loo? Hiya Champ,it's not the bolt i'm worried about.It's what might happen if things get clogged up down there,you know what i mean? I know you provide a fantastic service, what size are your hands? Hiya Champ,it's not the bolt i'm worried about.It's what might happen if things get clogged up down there,you know what i mean? I know you provide a fantastic service, what size are your hands? Click to expand... Ain't got a dog or a macerator,think i'll let wifey sort this one out.She was the one that broke the bog in the first place. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but magnets only pick up ferrous metals and your brass bolt is non ferrous so no chance I'm afraid. The lump of grease on the end of a piece of wire is a good trick and been used succesfully many times, make sure its a really thick black grease. Don't wait for your ship to come in, Swim out and meet the thing. Do you think it will pass through - in the natural way of thinking? Shouldn't try the macerator for a while, if I was you. Yeah right, it's about 8ft. from the valve to the tank,do you think they will give me an arm extension,in hospital next week,if i ask them nicely? Don't get me started where have i heard that before? You're only jealous coz the little voices are not talking to you!! :Eek! Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Forgot your password? Sign up now! Forum software by XenForo™ © 2010-2018 XenForo Ltd. Certain add-ons by AVForums ©2016 M2N Ltd. Some XenForo functionality crafted by ThemeHouse. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Accept Learn More...
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The Government delegate, Diego Conesa, has expressed this morning the unequivocal will of the Government of Spain to meet the objectives, the schedule and the actions foreseen in the Bay of Portman regeneration project, taking into account two fundamental circumstances such as the total security for the neighbors in relation to the works that must be done, especially those of the short, and excellence in the execution of the works. "I think there is a lot of disinformation about this and that until now there has been little transparency, an element that has to come to stay and that forces us to inform not only the political leaders present in the commissions and the organs. the convocation of a meeting of the Head of the State Coastal Demarcation with the representatives of all the regional political formations to inform them about the situation of Portmán and not to speak with ear, "said the delegate of the Government, who also announced an immediate meeting with all the residents of Portman and La Union and any citizen who wants to explain in detail the evolution of the work in the last year and what will be done in the next two. The delegate of the Government has chaired a new meeting of the Follow-up Commission of the Collaboration Agreement for the recovery and environmental adaptation of Portman Bay, where he was accompanied by the General Director of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, Ana María Oñoro, and which has been attended by the Minister of Development, Patricio Valverde, the mayor of La Union, Pedro López Milán, and neighborhood representatives. Oñoro has reiterated the commitment of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition with the execution of this project, so important, he said, for the Region of Murcia. "My commitment is not only with the execution of the project, but with the execution of the same, fulfilling the parameters of maximum quality, excellence in the result and the parameters required by the provision of a large, important, expensive work , expensive and complex with which my ministerial department is absolutely committed, "said Oñoro, who has expressed his commitment that the works are executed in the 46 months planned in the contracting of the project from October 16, 2016, date in which the works began. Este sitio web utiliza cookies para facilitar y mejorar la navegación. Si continúas navegando, consideramos que aceptas su uso.
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST! Lia volunteered to be my model for this Lil Red Riding Rudolph, my latest tutorial. This is a Rudolph the red nose reindeer inspired design and it’s a perfect face painting design for boys or girls around the Holidays. I will show you how to create this design step-by-step in my video tutorial below. Thank you all for watching! I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Leave a comment below and tell me what kind of face painting designs you would like to see in future videos! This entry was posted in Videos & Tutorials and tagged christmas, Face Paint, Face Painting, How To Face Paint, rudolph, Tutorial, video. Bookmark the permalink. You must be logged in to post a comment.
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I am working on linking information from the public YFull tree. This branch is not linked yet. Note: This information does not imply an endorcement of YFull or their methods. It is provided at the request of readers. Coming soon... This data is derived from the The National Geographic Society’s Genographic Project — the DAR. The Hg ID is specific to this site and is used to protect the identities of those who take part in Genographic research. Birth Country, Father's Birth Country, and Paternal Grandmother's Birth Country have been normalized from DAR database fields. The Paternal Origin is determined based on the three previous fields. National Geographic data is not available for this branch. This branch is defined by the Y-Haplotree at Family Tree DNA as L-Y97424. There, it is the child of the L-Y6258 branch. I am working on linking information from the public YFull tree. This branch is not linked yet. Coming soon... Peer reviewed sources have not been added for this branch yet. If you know of one I have missed, please link to it in the comments. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. The opinions expressed on this site are strictly those of the site owner and author. They may or may not be shared with any given company or person mentioned either through posts or affiliateships. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. That means I may get a small amount of the money if you buy something after clicking on a link. All such money earned goes to support the Y-DNA Q-M242 Project. Join our mailing lists for the latest news!
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