stringlengths 14
| logical_form
stringlengths 30
| __index_level_0__
int64 0
Larry is a big animal. | exists x1.(_larry(x1) & exists x2.(_animal(x2) & _big(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 0 |
If a album is written by a rock band, then the genre of the album is rock. | (exists x1.(_album(x1) & exists e2.(_write(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_band(x3) & _rock(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3)))) -> exists x4.(_genre(x4) & exists x5.(_album(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists x6.(_rock(x6) & (x4 = x6)))) | 1 |
A laptop is a computer. | exists x1.(_laptop(x1) & exists x2.(_computer(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 2 |
LG34 is equipped in the lab. | exists x1.(_lg34(x1) & exists e2.(_equip(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_lab(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 3 |
No plants are fungi. | -exists x1.(_plant(x1) & exists x2.(_fungus(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 4 |
You can play games on a computer. | exists x1.((x1 = _you) & _can(exists x2.(_game(x2) & exists e3.(_play(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_computer(x4) & _on(e3,x4)))))) | 5 |
If Jack is a human or a flower, then Jack is a human and a flower. | (exists x1.(_jack(x1) & exists x2.(((_flower(x2) & _human(x2)) | (_flower(x2) & _a(x2))) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x3.(_jack(x3) & exists x4.(_flower(x4) & _human(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & exists x5.(_flower(x5) & (x3 = x5)))) | 6 |
If people are historical professors who are passionate about their job and subject, then they are nostalgic academics who enjoy learning. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.(_professor(x2) & _historical(x2) & exists e3.(_passionate(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_job(x4) & _about(e3,x4)) & exists x5.(_subject(x5) & _about(e3,x5))) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x6.((x6 = _they) & exists x7.(_academic(x7) & _nostalgic(x7) & exists e8.(_learn(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x7) & _enjoy(e8)) & (x6 = x7)))) | 7 |
Moonwatch is not a digital watch or an automatic. | -exists x1.(_moonwatch(x1) & (exists x2.(_watch(x2) & _digital(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_automatic(x3) & (x1 = x3)))) | 8 |
Detroit City is a horse. | exists x1.(_city(x1) & _detroit(x1) & exists x2.(_horse(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 9 |
The fictional Mede Empire is where Thick as Thieves is set. | exists x1.(_empire(x1) & _mede(x1) & _fictional(x1) & exists e2.(_be(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,exists x3.(_thick(x3) & exists e4.(_as(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_thieves(x5) & exists e6.(_set(e6) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & (AccE(e4) = e6))) & _where(e4)))))) | 10 |
John doesn't have enough money to buy a 2k monitor. | -exists x1.(_john(x1) & exists x2.(_money(x2) & _enough(x2) & exists x3.(_monitor(x3) & _2k(x3) & exists e4.(_buy(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3))) & exists e5.(_have(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2)))) | 11 |
Asa Hoffmann was born in New York City. | exists x1.(_hoffmann(x1) & _asa(x1) & exists e2.(_bear(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_city(x3) & _york(x3) & _new(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 12 |
A country cannot simultaneously regulate the exchange rate and successfully control inflation. | -exists x1.(_country(x1) & _can((exists x2.(_rate(x2) & _exchange(x2) & exists e3.(_regulate(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _simultaneously(e3))) & exists x4.(_inflation(x4) & exists e5.(_control(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & _successfully(e5) & _simultaneously(e5)))))) | 13 |
All buildings managed by the Yale Housing are located in New Haven. | all x1.(_building(x1) -> (exists e2.(_manage(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_housing(x3) & _yale(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) -> exists e4.(_locate(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_haven(x5) & _new(x5) & _in(e4,x5))))) | 14 |
All people who once stayed in prison for some time have a bad record in the local state. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists e2.(_stay(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_prison(x3) & _in(e2,x3)) & exists x4.(_time(x4) & _for(e2,x4) & _once(e2))) -> exists x5.(_record(x5) & _bad(x5) & exists x6.(_state(x6) & _local(x6) & exists e7.(_in(e7,x6) & (Subj(e7) = x5))) & exists e8.(_have(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x5))))) | 15 |
It stings to step on a stonefish. | exists x1.((x1 = _it) & exists e2.(_sting(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,exists e3.(_step(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & exists x4.(_stonefish(x4) & _on(e3,x4)))))) | 16 |
Callus 4 is a poem that was written by the ancient Roman writer Catullus. | exists x1.(_4(x1) & _callus(x1) & exists x2.(_poem(x2) & exists e3.(_write(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_catullus(x4) & _writer(x4) & _roman(x4) & _ancient(x4) & (Subj(e3) = x4))) & (x1 = x2))) | 17 |
If a customer subscribes to AMC A List, then he/she can watch 3 movies every week without any additional fees. | (exists x1.(_customer(x1) & exists e2.(_subscribe(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_list(x3) & _a(x3) & _amc(x3) & (Dat(e2) = x3)))) -> exists x4.(_he/she(x4) & _can((_every(x4) & exists x5.(_movie(x5) & _3(x5) & exists e6.(_watch(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & all x7.((_fee(x7) & _additional(x7)) -> (_without(e6,x7) & _then(e6))))) & _week(x4))))) | 18 |
All sci-fi movies are movies. | all x1.((_movie(x1) & _sci_dash_fi(x1)) -> exists x2.(_movie(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 19 |
Candace is either a low-scoring player or successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers. | exists x1.(_candace(x1) & (exists x2.(_player(x2) & _low_dash_scoring(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_percentage(x3) & _high(x3) & exists x4.(_3_dash_pointers(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & exists e5.(_shoot(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x3) & _successfully(e5))))) | 20 |
2001 is a book either inspired from Shakespeare or it has sold more than 1 million copies. | (exists x1.(_2001(x1) & exists x2.(_book(x2) & exists e3.(_inspire(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_shakespeare(x4) & _from(e3,x4))) & (x1 = x2))) | exists x5.((x5 = _it) & exists x6.(_more(x6) & _1(x6) & _copy(x6) & _million(x6) & exists e7.(_sell(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x5) & (Acc(e7) = x6))))) | 21 |
Robert either enjoys eating gelato ice cream and loves to travel and vacation often, or he neither enjoys eating gelato ice cream nor loves to travel and vacation often. | (exists x1.(_robert(x1) & exists x2.(_cream(x2) & _ice(x2) & _gelato(x2) & _eating(x2) & exists e3.(_enjoy(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists e4.(_love(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_vacation(x5) & _travel(x5) & (Dat(e4) = x5)) & _often(e4))) | exists x6.((x6 = _he) & exists x7.(_cream(x7) & _ice(x7) & _gelato(x7) & _eating(x7) & exists e8.(_enjoy(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x6) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & _often(e8) & _neither(e8))) & exists x9.(_love(x9) & exists x10.(_vacation(x10) & _travel(x10) & exists e11.(_to(e11,x10) & (Subj(e11) = x9))) & exists e12.(_enjoy(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x6) & (Acc(e12) = x9) & _often(e12) & _neither(e12))))) | 22 |
All rare earth metals can be used for batteries. | all x1.((_metal(x1) & _earth(x1) & _rare(x1)) -> _can(exists e2.(_use(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_battery(x3) & _for(e2,x3))))) | 23 |
All produced in China are labeled. | all x1.(exists e2.(_produce(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_china(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) -> exists e4.(_label(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1))) | 24 |
Camp Davern was established in the year 1946. | exists x1.(_davern(x1) & _camp(x1) & exists e2.(_establish(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_year(x3) & _1946(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 25 |
There is a strong analogy of human aging in the poem Callus 4. | exists x1.(_analogy(x1) & _strong(x1) & exists x2.(_aging(x2) & _human(x2) & exists x3.(_callus(x3) & _poem(x3) & _4(x3) & exists e4.(_in(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & (x1 = x2)) & exists e5.(Subj(e5) = Subj(e5))) | 26 |
All centerbacks are defenders. | all x1.(_centerback(x1) -> exists x2.(_defender(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 27 |
If people practice coding questions, then they are not studying to go to medical school to become a doctor. | (-exists x1.((x1 = _they) & exists x2.(_people(x2) & exists e3.(_study(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _then(e3))) & exists e4.(_go(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_school(x5) & _medical(x5) & _to(e4,x5) & _then(e4))) & exists x6.(_doctor(x6) & exists e7.(_become(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x6) & _then(e7)))) -> exists e8.True) | 28 |
If Mike is not a person who wears flannel shirts every day and has very high energy and is impulsive, then Mike either is very consistent and enjoys sticking to his regular routines or does not like surprises. | (-exists x1.(_mike(x1) & exists x2.(_person(x2) & _every(x2) & exists x3.(_shirt(x3) & _flannel(x3) & exists e4.(_wear(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3))) & _day(x2) & exists x5.(_very(x5) & _energy(x5) & _high(x5) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x2) & (Acc(e6) = x5))) & _impulsive(x2) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x7.(_mike(x7) & _consistent(x7) & (exists x8.(_sticking(x8) & exists e9.(_enjoy(e9) & (Subj(e9) = x7) & (Acc(e9) = x8) & exists x10.(_routine(x10) & _regular(x10) & (Dat(e9) = x10)) & _then(e9))) | -exists x11.(_surprise(x11) & exists e12.(_like(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x7) & (Acc(e12) = x11) & _then(e12)))))) | 29 |
All NBA players are professional basketball players. | all x1.((_player(x1) & _nba(x1)) -> exists x2.(_player(x2) & _basketball(x2) & _professional(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 30 |
TS Leda was the first Norweigian vessel that was built with stabilizers. | exists x1.(_leda(x1) & _ts(x1) & exists x2.(_vessel(x2) & _norweigian(x2) & _first(x2) & exists e3.(_build(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_stabilizer(x4) & _with(e3,x4))) & (x1 = x2))) | 31 |
The USS Salem is a museum ship. | exists x1.(_salem(x1) & _uss(x1) & exists x2.(_ship(x2) & _museum(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 32 |
Asa Hoffman lives in Manhattan. | exists x1.(_hoffman(x1) & _asa(x1) & exists e2.(_live(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_manhattan(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 33 |
Attolia and Sounis are countries near the Mede Empire. | (exists x1.(_attolia(x1) & exists x2.(_country(x2) & exists x3.(_empire(x3) & _mede(x3) & exists e4.(_near(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & (x1 = x2))) & exists x5.(_sounis(x5) & exists x6.(_country(x6) & exists x7.(_empire(x7) & _mede(x7) & exists e8.(_near(e8,x7) & (Subj(e8) = x6))) & (x5 = x6)))) | 34 |
Captain America does not come from DC universe. | -exists x1.(_america(x1) & _captain(x1) & exists e2.(_come(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_universe(x3) & _dc(x3) & _from(e2,x3)))) | 35 |
If Jumbo is a living being, then Jumbo is not an elephant or a mammal. | (exists x1.(_jumbo(x1) & exists x2.(_living(x2) & exists e3.(_be(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2)) & (x1 = x2))) -> -exists x4.(_jumbo(x4) & (exists x5.(_elephant(x5) & (x4 = x5)) | exists x6.(_mammal(x6) & (x4 = x6))))) | 36 |
If a person swears, then he is a student. | (exists x1.(_person(x1) & exists e2.(_swear(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) -> exists x3.((x3 = _he) & exists x4.(_student(x4) & (x3 = x4)))) | 37 |
Some federal districts of Russia were established in 2000. | exists x1.(_district(x1) & _federal(x1) & exists x2.(_russia(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists e3.(_establish(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x1) & exists x4.(_2000(x4) & _in(e3,x4)))) | 38 |
Jack is a cutman. | exists x1.(_jack(x1) & exists x2.(_cutman(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 39 |
Taylor Swift has received three Grammy Album of the Year Awards. | exists x1.(_swift(x1) & _taylor(x1) & exists x2.(_album(x2) & _grammy(x2) & _three(x2) & exists x3.(_award(x3) & _year(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e4.(_receive(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2)))) | 40 |
No professional basketball players are soccer players. | -exists x1.(_player(x1) & _basketball(x1) & _professional(x1) & exists x2.(_player(x2) & _soccer(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 41 |
Show Your Love is a song recorded by the South Korean boy band BtoB 4u. | (exists x1.(_love(x1) & exists x2.(_song(x2) & exists e3.(_record(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_band(x4) & _boy(x4) & _korean(x4) & _south(x4) & _4u(x4) & (Subj(e3) = x4))) & (x1 = x2))) & exists x5._show(x5)) | 42 |
No men have breast cancer. | -exists x1.(_man(x1) & exists x2.(_cancer(x2) & _breast(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 43 |
Video game holding companies are holding companies. | exists x1.(_company(x1) & _holding(x1) & _game(x1) & _video(x1) & exists x2.(_company(x2) & exists e3.(_hold(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 44 |
People either work in the entertainment industry or are highly acclaimed in their profession. | (exists x1._people(x1) & exists x2.(_work(x2) & exists x3.(_industry(x3) & _entertainment(x3) & exists e4.(_in(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2)))) & exists x5.(_work(x5) & exists e6.(_acclaim(e6) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(_profession(x7) & _in(e6,x7) & _highly(e6))))) | 45 |
Wasserburg am Inn is in Germany. | exists x1.(_wasserburg(x1) & exists x2.(_inn(x2) & exists e3.(exists x4.(_germany(x4) & _in(e3,x4)) & (Subj(e3) = x2)) & (x1 = x2))) | 46 |
Ernest Pohl was a Polish football player. | exists x1.(_pohl(x1) & _ernest(x1) & exists x2.(_player(x2) & _football(x2) & _polish(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 47 |
Kings are male. | exists x1.(_king(x1) & _male(x1)) | 48 |
Rosa is the daughter of a Catalan building contractor, Jose. | exists x1.(_rosa(x1) & exists x2.(_daughter(x2) & exists x3.(_contractor(x3) & _building(x3) & _catalan(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists x4.(_jose(x4) & (x2 = x4)) & (x1 = x2))) | 49 |
James does not have class during the weekend. | -exists x1.(_james(x1) & exists x2.(_class(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_weekend(x4) & _during(e3,x4))))) | 50 |
Harry either yells and flies, or neither yells nor flies. | (exists x1.(_harry(x1) & exists e2.(_yell(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1)) & exists e3.(_fly(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) | (exists x4.True & all x5.-(exists e6.(_yell(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5)) & exists e7.(_fly(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x5))))) | 51 |
Lana Wilson directed After Tiller, The Departure, and Miss Americana. | exists x1.(_wilson(x1) & _lana(x1) & exists x2.(_tiller(x2) & _after(x2) & exists e3.(_direct(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists x4.(_departure(x4) & exists e5.(_direct(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4))) & exists x6.(_americana(x6) & _miss(x6) & exists e7.(_direct(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x6)))) | 52 |
All devices that are easy to operate are produced after 2020. | all x1.(_device(x1) -> (exists x2 e3.(_operate(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & (Acc(e3) = x1) & _easy(e3)) -> exists e4.(_produce(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_2020(x5) & _after(e4,x5))))) | 53 |
Elizabeth is a leader | exists x1.(_elizabeth(x1) & exists x2.(_leader(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 54 |
If people do not have regular 9-5 jobs, then they work in the entertainment industry as high-profile celebrities. | (-exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.(_job(x2) & _9_dash_5(x2) & _regular(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _they) & exists e5.(_work(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_industry(x6) & _entertainment(x6) & _in(e5,x6) & exists x7.(_celebrity(x7) & _high_dash_profile(x7) & _as(e5,x7) & _then(e5)))))) | 55 |
All animals breathe. | all x1.(_animal(x1) -> exists e2.(_breathe(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) | 56 |
If you go somewhere by car and meet traffic jam, you will lose time. | (exists x1.((x1 = _you) & exists e2.(_go(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & _somewhere(e2) & exists x3.(_jam(x3) & _traffic(x3) & _meet(x3) & _car(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _you) & exists x5.(_time(x5) & exists e6.(_lose(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5))))) | 57 |
Beasts of Prey Is about a creature known as the Shetani. | exists x1.(_beast(x1) & exists x2.(_prey(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_creature(x3) & exists e4.(_know(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_shetani(x5) & _as(e4,x5))) & _about(x3) & (x1 = x3))) | 58 |
The Harry Potter series consists of 7 distinct works. | exists x1.(_series(x1) & _potter(x1) & _harry(x1) & exists e2.(_consist(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_work(x3) & _distinct(x3) & _7(x3) & _of(e2,x3)))) | 59 |
Some people who live in Manhattan are young working professionals who have regular 9-5 jobs. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_live(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_manhattan(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) & exists x4.(_professional(x4) & exists x5.(_job(x5) & _9_dash_5(x5) & _regular(x5) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5))) & exists e7.(_work(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x4))) & _young(x1)) | 60 |
If something eats, then it is not a plant. | (exists x1 e2.(_eat(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1)) -> -exists x3.((x3 = _it) & exists x4.(_plant(x4) & (x3 = x4)))) | 61 |
Olivia doesn't prefer warm temperature during the day. | -exists x1.(_olivia(x1) & exists x2.(_temperature(x2) & _warm(x2) & exists e3.(_prefer(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_day(x4) & _during(e3,x4))))) | 62 |
People died in the December 1999 earthquake in Luzon. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_die(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_earthquake(x3) & _1999(x3) & _december(x3) & _in(e2,x3) & exists x4.(_luzon(x4) & _in(e2,x4))))) | 63 |
Trouble at the Henhouse is an album by The Tragically Hip. | exists x1.(_trouble(x1) & exists x2.(_henhouse(x2) & exists e3.(_at(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) & exists x4.(_album(x4) & exists x5.(_hip(x5) & _tragically(x5) & exists e6.(_by(e6,x5) & (Subj(e6) = x4))) & (x1 = x4))) | 64 |
Hambleton District is in North Yorkshire. | exists x1.(_district(x1) & _hambleton(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_yorkshire(x3) & _north(x3) & _in(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) | 65 |
No man can run faster than Bolt. | -exists x1.(_man(x1) & _can(exists e2.(_run(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & _faster(e2) & exists x3.(_bolt(x3) & _than(e2,x3))))) | 66 |
Evangelos Eleftheriou is a Greek electrical engineer. | exists x1.(_eleftheriou(x1) & _evangelos(x1) & exists x2.(_engineer(x2) & _electrical(x2) & _greek(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 67 |
If BERT is a giant language model, then GPT-3 is also a giant language model. | (exists x1.(_bert(x1) & exists x2.(_model(x2) & _language(x2) & _giant(x2) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x3.(_gpt_dash_3(x3) & exists x4.(_model(x4) & _language(x4) & _giant(x4) & (x3 = x4)))) | 68 |
Sam is doing a project. | exists x1.(_sam(x1) & exists x2.(_project(x2) & exists e3.(_do(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 69 |
Fort Ticonderoga is the current name for Fort Carillon. | exists x1.(_ticonderoga(x1) & _fort(x1) & exists x2.(_name(x2) & _current(x2) & exists x3.(_carillon(x3) & _fort(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 70 |
Thick as Thieves is a young adult fantasy novel, written by Megan Whalen Turner. | (exists x1 e2.(_thick(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1)) & exists x3.(_thief(x3) & exists x4.(_novel(x4) & _fantasy(x4) & _adult(x4) & _young(x4) & exists e5.(_write(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_turner(x6) & _whalen(x6) & _megan(x6) & (Subj(e5) = x6))) & (x3 = x4)))) | 71 |
Kangaroo is an animal. | exists x1.(_kangaroo(x1) & exists x2.(_animal(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 72 |
Some customers go to cinemas every week | exists x1.(_customer(x1) & _every(x1) & exists e2.(_go(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_cinema(x3) & _to(e2,x3))) & _week(x1)) | 73 |
Every terrifying Halloween scare comes from a creepy haunted house. | all x1.((_scare(x1) & _halloween(x1) & _terrifying(x1)) -> exists e2.(_come(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_house(x3) & _haunted(x3) & _creepy(x3) & _from(e2,x3)))) | 74 |
If people wear flannel shirts every day, then they are very consistent and enjoy sticking to their regular routines. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & _every(x1) & exists x2.(_shirt(x2) & _flannel(x2) & exists e3.(_wear(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & _day(x1)) -> exists x4.((x4 = _they) & _consistent(x4) & exists x5.(exists e6.(_stick(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(_routine(x7) & _regular(x7) & (Dat(e6) = x7))) & exists e8.(_enjoy(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x4) & (Acc(e8) = x5) & _then(e8))))) | 75 |
Ralph Hammerthaler was born in 1965. | exists x1.(_hammerthaler(x1) & _ralph(x1) & exists e2.(_bear(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_1965(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 76 |
All displayed on the homepage are sold in Walmart. | all x1.(exists e2.(_display(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_homepage(x3) & _on(e2,x3))) -> exists e4.(_sell(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_walmart(x5) & _in(e4,x5)))) | 77 |
A building contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site. | exists x1.(_contractor(x1) & _building(x1) & exists e2.(_responsible(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_oversight(x3) & _day_dash_to_dash_day(x3) & exists x4.(_site(x4) & _construction(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & _for(e2,x3)))) | 78 |
Judd Bankert is the only athlete from Guam who has ever competed in the Winter Olympics. | exists x1.(_bankert(x1) & _judd(x1) & exists x2.(_athlete(x2) & _only(x2) & exists x3.(_guam(x3) & exists e4.(_compete(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_olympics(x5) & _winter(x5) & _in(e4,x5) & _ever(e4))) & exists e6.(_from(e6,x3) & (Subj(e6) = x2))) & (x1 = x2))) | 79 |
All invited to join the club are provided with delicious meals. | all x1.(exists e2.(_invite(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,exists x3.(_club(x3) & exists e4.(_join(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x3))))) -> exists e5.(_provide(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x1) & exists x6.(_meal(x6) & _delicious(x6) & _with(e5,x6)))) | 80 |
Planes are either equipped with more than 300 seats or have a capacity of 100 passengers. | exists x1.(_plane(x1) & (exists e2.(_equip(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_more(x3) & _seat(x3) & _300(x3) & _with(e2,x3))) | exists x4.(_capacity(x4) & exists x5.(_passenger(x5) & _100(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x4))))) | 81 |
Cutmen appear in matches such as a boxing, kickboxing or a mixed martial arts bout. | exists x1.(_cutman(x1) & exists e2.(_appear(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_match(x3) & _such(x3) & (exists x4.(_boxing(x4) & exists e5.(_as(e5,x4) & (Subj(e5) = x3))) | exists x6.(_kickbox(x6) & exists e7.(_as(e7,x6) & (Subj(e7) = x3))) | exists x8.(_bout(x8) & _art(x8) & _martial(x8) & _mixed(x8) & exists e9.(_as(e9,x8) & (Subj(e9) = x3)))) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 82 |
Phoenix's album "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" sold over 500,000 copies. | exists x1.(exists x2.(_phoenix(x2) & Rel(x1,x2)) & _phoenix(x1) & _amadeus(x1) & _wolfgang(x1) & _album(x1) & exists e3.(_sell(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x1) & exists x4.(_copy(x4) & _000(x4) & _500(x4) & _over(e3,x4)))) | 83 |
Elephantopus is widespread over much of Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and the Americas. | exists x1.(_elephantopus(x1) & _widespread(x1)) | 84 |
All language models with good performance are used by some researchers. | all x1.((_model(x1) & _language(x1)) -> (exists x2.(_performance(x2) & _good(x2) & exists e3.(_with(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) -> exists e4.(_use(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_researcher(x5) & (Subj(e4) = x5))))) | 85 |
System 7 is a UK-based electronic dance music band. | exists x1.(_system(x1) & _7(x1) & exists x2.(_band(x2) & _music(x2) & _dance(x2) & _electronic(x2) & _uk_dash_based(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 86 |
All people taking classes are students. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists x2.(_class(x2) & exists e3.(_take(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) -> exists x4.(_student(x4) & (x1 = x4)))) | 87 |
Nevertheless, "Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday!" broke Boney M's streak of consecutive German #1 singles. | exists x1.((x1 = _it) & exists x2.(_holi_dash_holiday(x2) & exists x3.(exists x4.(_m(x4) & _boney(x4) & Rel(x3,x4)) & _streak(x3) & exists x5.(_1(x5) & _singles(x5) & _german(x5) & _consecutive(x5) & (x3 = x5)) & exists e6.(_break(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x2) & (Acc(e6) = x3))) & exists e7.(_'s(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x2) & _hooray(e7) & _hooray(e7) & _nevertheless(e7)))) | 88 |
Jason Kramer is an American music supervisor. | exists x1.(_kramer(x1) & _jason(x1) & exists x2.(_supervisor(x2) & _music(x2) & _american(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 89 |
If people have a lot of commitments they voluntarily signed up for, then they are hardworking individuals with high ambitions and goals for the future. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.(_lot(x2) & exists x3.(_commitment(x3) & exists x4.((x4 = _they) & exists e5.(_sign(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & _for(e5,x3) & _up(e5) & _voluntarily(e5))) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x2)))) -> exists x7.((x7 = _they) & exists x8.(_individual(x8) & exists x9.(_goal(x9) & _ambition(x9) & _high(x9) & exists e10.(_with(e10,x9) & (Subj(e10) = x8) & exists x11.(_future(x11) & (x8 = x11)))) & exists e12.(_hardwork(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x7) & (Acc(e12) = x8) & _then(e12))))) | 90 |
There is a teacher. | exists x1.(_teacher(x1) & exists e2.(Subj(e2) = Subj(e2))) | 91 |
If chopsticks are made from metals, then they are not made from plastics. | (exists x1.(_chopstick(x1) & exists e2.(_make(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_metal(x3) & _from(e2,x3)))) -> -exists x4.((x4 = _they) & exists e5.(_make(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_plastic(x6) & _from(e5,x6)) & _then(e5)))) | 92 |
Susan lives in an apartment where the rent covers all utilities. | exists x1.(_susan(x1) & exists e2.(_live(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_apartment(x3) & _in(e2,x3)) & exists x4.(_rent(x4) & all x5.(_utility(x5) -> exists e6.(_cover(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5)))))) | 93 |
Some musicians love music. | exists x1.(_musician(x1) & exists x2.(_music(x2) & exists e3.(_love(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 94 |
If Jack is neither tall nor a basketball player, then Jack is neither tall nor can throw a football. | (exists x1.(_jack(x1) & _tall(x1)) -> exists x2.(_jack(x2) & _tall(x2) & _can(exists x3.(_football(x3) & exists e4.(_throw(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3) & _then(e4)))))) | 95 |
If a person is from a city in a country, the person is from the country. | (exists x1.(_person(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_city(x3) & exists x4.(_country(x4) & exists e5.(_in(e5,x4) & (Subj(e5) = x3))) & _from(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) -> exists x6.(_person(x6) & exists e7.(exists x8.(_country(x8) & _from(e7,x8)) & (Subj(e7) = x6)))) | 96 |
Volunteers work regularly or on an as-needed basis. | (exists x1.(_volunteer(x1) & exists e2.(_work(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & _regularly(e2))) & exists x3.(_volunteer(x3) & exists e4.(_work(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_basis(x5) & _as_dash_needed(x5) & _on(e4,x5))))) | 97 |
A superhero speaks English or Spanish. | exists x1.(_superhero(x1) & exists x2.((_english(x2) | _spanish(x2)) & exists e3.(_speak(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 98 |
All certified public accountants have good business sense. | all x1.((_accountant(x1) & _public(x1) & _certified(x1)) -> exists x2.(_sense(x2) & _business(x2) & _good(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 99 |
Subsets and Splits