stringlengths 14
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stringlengths 30
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int64 0
Participating in natural disaster response is an example of volunteers working in groups on an as-needed basis. | exists x1.(exists e2.(_participate(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_response(x3) & _disaster(x3) & _natural(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) & exists x4.(_example(x4) & exists x5.(_volunteer(x5) & exists e6.(_work(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(True & _in(e6,x7) & exists x8.(_basis(x8) & _as_dash_needed(x8) & _on(e6,x8)))) & (x4 = x5)) & (x1 = x4))) | 100 |
ETS administers international tests including the TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE and subject tests in more than 180 countries. | exists x1.(_test(x1) & _international(x1) & _administer(x1) & _et(x1) & exists x2.(_toefl(x2) & exists e3.(_include(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) & exists x4.(_toeic(x4) & exists e5.(_include(e5,x4) & (Subj(e5) = x1))) & exists x6.(_gre(x6) & exists e7.(_include(e7,x6) & (Subj(e7) = x1))) & exists x8.(_test(x8) & _subject(x8) & exists x9.(_more(x9) & _country(x9) & _180(x9) & exists e10.(_in(e10,x9) & (Subj(e10) = x8))) & exists e11.(_include(e11,x8) & (Subj(e11) = x1)))) | 101 |
Every person born in Germany is German. | all x1.(_person(x1) -> (exists e2.(_bear(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_germany(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) -> _german(x1))) | 102 |
All slippers are shoes. | all x1.(_slipper(x1) -> exists x2.(_shoe(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 103 |
All people who enjoy eating gelato ice cream would enjoy a vacation to Italy. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists x2.(_cream(x2) & _ice(x2) & _gelato(x2) & exists e3.(_eat(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _enjoy(e3))) -> _would(exists x4.(_vacation(x4) & exists x5.(_italy(x5) & exists e6.(_to(e6,x5) & (Subj(e6) = x4))) & exists e7.(_enjoy(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x4)))))) | 104 |
Andy Chang is from Hong Kong. | exists x1.(_chang(x1) & _andy(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_kong(x3) & _hong(x3) & _from(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) | 105 |
All students good at chemistry enjoy conducting experiments. | all x1.(_student(x1) -> (_good(x1) -> exists x2.(_experiment(x2) & exists e3.(_conduct(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _enjoy(e3))))) | 106 |
Fort Carillon was located in New France. | exists x1.(_carillon(x1) & _fort(x1) & exists e2.(_locate(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_france(x3) & _new(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 107 |
Roads made of asphalt are smoother than roads made of concrete. | exists x1.(_road(x1) & exists e2.(_make(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_asphalt(x3) & _of(e2,x3))) & _smoother(x1)) | 108 |
IBM is a company. | exists x1.(_ibm(x1) & exists x2.(_company(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 109 |
EndGame was set in Washington. | exists x1.(_endgame(x1) & exists e2.(_set(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_washington(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 110 |
Guam has participated in the Winter Olympics. | exists x1.(_guam(x1) & exists e2.(_participate(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_olympics(x3) & _winter(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 111 |
Hugh Vanstone is one of the world's leading lighting designers. | exists x1.(_vanstone(x1) & _hugh(x1) & exists x2.(_one(x2) & exists x3.(exists x4.(_world(x4) & Rel(x3,x4)) & _designer(x3) & _lighting(x3) & _lead(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 112 |
The Premier Division was won in 2005–06 by a team from Ponciau. | exists x1.(_division(x1) & _premier(x1) & exists e2.(_win(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_2005–06(x3) & _in(e2,x3) & exists x4.(_team(x4) & (Subj(e2) = x4) & exists x5.(_ponciau(x5) & _from(e2,x5)))))) | 113 |
If there is a dog on the roof something went wrong. | (exists x1.(_dog(x1) & exists x2.(_roof(x2) & exists e3.(_on(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) & exists e4.(Subj(e4) = Subj(e4))) -> exists x5._wrong(x5)) | 114 |
If something is a sloth, then it is lazy. | (exists x1 x2.(_sloth(x2) & (x1 = x2)) -> exists x3.((x3 = _it) & _lazy(x3))) | 115 |
If a Leetcode problem is at the easy level, then its AC rate is lower than 20 percent. | (exists x1.(_problem(x1) & _leetcode(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_level(x3) & _easy(x3) & _at(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) -> exists x4.(_rate(x4) & _ac(x4) & _lower(x4))) | 116 |
All flowers are plants. | all x1.(_flower(x1) -> exists x2.(_plant(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 117 |
All skirts are dresses. | all x1.(_skirt(x1) -> exists x2.(_dress(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 118 |
The Far Eastern federal district has the largest area among all federal districts in Russia. | exists x1.(_district(x1) & _federal(x1) & _eastern(x1) & _far(x1) & exists x2.(_area(x2) & _largest(x2) & all x3.((_district(x3) & _federal(x3)) -> exists e4.(_among(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & exists x5.(_russia(x5) & exists e6.(_in(e6,x5) & (Subj(e6) = x2))))) & exists e7.(_have(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x2)))) | 119 |
If violence is good, it is justified. | (exists x1.(_violence(x1) & _good(x1)) -> exists x2.((x2 = _it) & _justified(x2))) | 120 |
A song that peaks below #1 on the german charts is also a song that is not the #1 single | exists x1.(_song(x1) & exists e2.(_peak(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_1(x3) & _#(x3) & exists x4.(_chart(x4) & _german(x4) & exists e5.(_on(e5,x4) & (Subj(e5) = x3))) & _below(e2,x3))) & exists x6.(_song(x6) & -exists x7.(_1(x7) & _#(x7) & exists e8.(_single(e8) & (Acc(e8) = x7)) & (x6 = x7)) & (x1 = x6))) | 121 |
John Nash designed Oxford Circus. | exists x1.(_nash(x1) & _john(x1) & exists x2.(_circus(x2) & _oxford(x2) & exists e3.(_design(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 122 |
To treat stonefish stings, apply heat to the affected area or use an antivenom. | exists x1.(exists x2.(_sting(x2) & _stonefish(x2) & exists e3.(_treat(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & (exists x4.(_heat(x4) & exists e5.(_apply(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_area(x6) & _affected(x6) & (Dat(e5) = x6)))) | exists x7.(_antivenom(x7) & exists e8.(_use(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x7))))) | 123 |
If Prius is neither a sports car nor a loud car, then Prius is a Maranello-made car or a loud car. | (exists x1.(_prius(x1) & exists x2.(_car(x2) & _sport(x2) & _neither(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_car(x3) & _loud(x3) & _neither(x3) & (x1 = x3))) -> exists x4.(_prius(x4) & (exists x5.(_car(x5) & _maranello_dash_made(x5) & (x4 = x5)) | exists x6.(_car(x6) & _loud(x6) & (x4 = x6))))) | 124 |
Each player begins at the red stage. | all x1.(_player(x1) -> exists e2.(_begin(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_stage(x3) & _red(x3) & _at(e2,x3)))) | 125 |
Fiedler eigenvalue is the second smallest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian. | exists x1.(_eigenvalue(x1) & _fiedler(x1) & exists x2.(_smallest(x2) & _eigenvalue(x2) & _second(x2) & exists x3.(_laplacian(x3) & _graph(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 126 |
The actor playing Thomas Jefferson won the best actor award. | exists x1.(_actor(x1) & exists x2.(_jefferson(x2) & _thomas(x2) & exists e3.(_play(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists x4.(_award(x4) & _actor(x4) & _best(x4) & exists e5.(_win(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4)))) | 127 |
A project is written either in C++ or in Python. | exists x1.(_project(x1) & exists e2.(_write(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_c++(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) & _either(x1) & exists e4.(_write(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_python(x5) & _in(e4,x5))) & _either(x1)) | 128 |
Lana Wilson is from Kirkland. | exists x1.(_wilson(x1) & _lana(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_kirkland(x3) & _from(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) | 129 |
Aberdeen and Rangers are different teams. | (exists x1.(_aberdeen(x1) & exists x2.(_team(x2) & _different(x2) & (x1 = x2))) & exists x3.(_rangers(x3) & exists x4.(_team(x4) & _different(x4) & (x3 = x4)))) | 130 |
"Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday!" was a big hit all over Europe. | exists x1.((x1 = _it) & exists x2.(_holi_dash_holiday(x2) & exists x3.(_hit(x3) & _big(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & _all(x2) & exists e4.(_'s(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2) & _hooray(e4) & _hooray(e4)))) | 131 |
No payment cards issued by Russian banks can be used with ApplePay. | -exists x1.(_card(x1) & _payment(x1) & exists e2.(_issue(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_bank(x3) & _russian(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) & _can(exists e4.(_use(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_applepay(x5) & _with(e4,x5))))) | 132 |
Either disposable chopsticks or reusable chopsticks. | exists x1.((_chopstick(x1) | (_chopstick(x1) & _reusable(x1))) & _disposable(x1)) | 133 |
Tower A is managed by the Yale Housing. | exists x1.(_a(x1) & _tower(x1) & exists e2.(_manage(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_housing(x3) & _yale(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3)))) | 134 |
After being injured, Brian Winter retired in 2012. | exists x1.(_winter(x1) & _brian(x1) & exists e2.(_retire(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_2012(x3) & _in(e2,x3) & _after(e2) & exists x4 e5.(_injure(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & (Subj(e5) = Subj(e2)))))) | 135 |
All provided with delicious meals are invited to take a photo with the audience. | all x1.(exists e2.(_provide(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_meal(x3) & _delicious(x3) & _with(e2,x3))) -> exists e4.(_invite(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & AccI(e4,exists x5.(_photo(x5) & exists x6.(_audience(x6) & exists e7.(_with(e7,x6) & (Subj(e7) = x5))) & exists e8.(_take(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x5)))))) | 136 |
All engineers are workers. | all x1.(_engineer(x1) -> exists x2.(_worker(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 137 |
Dominique does not live in Europe. | -exists x1.(_dominique(x1) & exists e2.(_live(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_europe(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 138 |
All players who successfully shoot a high percentage of 3-pointers are solid at shooting 2-pointers. | all x1.(_player(x1) -> (exists x2.(_percentage(x2) & _high(x2) & exists x3.(_3_dash_pointers(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e4.(_shoot(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2) & _successfully(e4))) -> _solid(x1))) | 139 |
All blood cancers are rare diseases. | all x1.((_cancer(x1) & _blood(x1)) -> exists x2.(_disease(x2) & _rare(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 140 |
Show Your Love contains a hopeful message. | exists x1 x2.(_love(x2) & exists x3.(_message(x3) & _hopeful(x3) & exists e4.(_contain(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3))) & exists e5.(_show(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2))) | 141 |
All singers are musicians. | all x1.(_singer(x1) -> exists x2.(_musician(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 142 |
Only the Playstation Camera is compatible with more than one system. | all x1.(exists x2.(_camera(x2) & _playstation(x2) & (x1 = x2) & exists e3.(_compatible(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_more(x4) & _system(x4) & _with(e3,x4)))) -> True) | 143 |
Zaha Hadid was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq. | exists x1.(_hadid(x1) & _zaha(x1) & _october(x1) & exists e2.(_bear(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_31(x3) & _on(e2,x3) & exists x4.(_baghdad(x4) & _in(e2,x4)) & exists x5.(_iraq(x5) & _in(e2,x5)))) & _1950(x1)) | 144 |
If something is convenient, then it is popular. | (exists x1._convenient(x1) -> exists x2.((x2 = _it) & _popular(x2))) | 145 |
All lawyers are gentlemen. | all x1.(_lawyer(x1) -> exists x2.(_gentleman(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 146 |
If Carol is not both a pre-teen or other young child and attends weddings, then Carol is not getting married or has friends who are getting married. | (exists x1.(_carol(x1) & -exists x2.(((_child(x2) & _young(x2) & _pre_dash_teen(x2)) | (_child(x2) & _young(x2))) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_wedding(x3) & exists e4.(_attend(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x3)))) -> exists x5.(_carol(x5) & (-_married(x5) | exists x6.(_friend(x6) & exists e7.(_marry(e7) & (Acc(e7) = x6) & _get(e7)) & exists e8.(_have(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x5) & (Acc(e8) = x6) & _then(e8)))))) | 147 |
Whitney Museum of American Art includes American art. | exists x1.(_museum(x1) & _whitney(x1) & exists x2.(_art(x2) & _american(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_art(x3) & _american(x3) & exists e4.(_include(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x3)))) | 148 |
A thing is either a plant or animal. | exists x1.(_thing(x1) & exists x2.((_plant(x2) | _animal(x2)) & (x1 = x2))) | 149 |
People are either miserly and need to save a large portion of their income, or people that frivolously spend a lot of money every time they go out. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & _miserly(x1)) & (exists x2.(_need(x2) & exists x3.(_portion(x3) & _large(x3) & exists x4.(_income(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & exists e5.(_save(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x2) & (Acc(e5) = x3)))) | (exists x6.((x6 = _they) & exists e7.(_go(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x6) & _out(e7))) & exists x8.(_people(x8) & _every(x8) & exists x9.(_lot(x9) & exists x10.(_money(x10) & (x9 = x10)) & exists e11.(_spend(e11) & (Subj(e11) = x8) & (Acc(e11) = x9) & _frivolously(e11))) & _time(x8))))) | 150 |
Kat is either both a person who works well in teams in their workplace and is always tired every morning, or she neither works well in teams in their workplace nor is always tired every morning. | (exists x1.(_kat(x1) & exists x2.(_person(x2) & exists e3.(_work(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & _well(e3) & exists x4.(_team(x4) & exists x5.(_workplace(x5) & exists e6.(_in(e6,x5) & (Subj(e6) = x4))) & _in(e3,x4))) & _every(x2) & _tired(x2) & _morning(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | exists x7.((x7 = _she) & exists e8.(_work(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x7) & exists x9.(_team(x9) & exists x10.(_workplace(x10) & exists e11.(_in(e11,x10) & (Subj(e11) = x9))) & _in(e8,x9)) & _well(e8) & _neither(e8)) & _every(x7) & _tired(x7) & _morning(x7))) | 151 |
Walter Folger Brown graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelors of Arts. | exists x1.(_brown(x1) & _folger(x1) & _walter(x1) & exists e2.(_graduate(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_university(x3) & _harvard(x3) & _from(e2,x3)) & exists x4.(_bachelor(x4) & exists x5.(_art(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & _with(e2,x4)))) | 152 |
The Golden State Warriors are a team from San Francisco. | exists x1.(_warrior(x1) & _state(x1) & _golden(x1) & exists x2.(_team(x2) & exists x3.(_francisco(x3) & _san(x3) & exists e4.(_from(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & (x1 = x2))) | 153 |
Adam Buska is a European football player. | exists x1.(_buska(x1) & _adam(x1) & exists x2.(_player(x2) & _football(x2) & _european(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 154 |
All snakes are reptiles. | all x1.(_snake(x1) -> exists x2.(_reptile(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 155 |
Any choral conductor is a musician. | all x1.((_conductor(x1) & _choral(x1)) -> exists x2.(_musician(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 156 |
All dogs bark. | all x1.(_dog(x1) -> exists e2.(_bark(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) | 157 |
Platypuses are not hyrax. | -exists x1.(_platypus(x1) & _hyrax(x1)) | 158 |
Wu's English score is lower than 90. | exists x1.(exists x2.(_wu(x2) & Rel(x1,x2)) & _score(x1) & _english(x1) & _lower(x1)) | 159 |
Iron man is on. | exists x1.(_man(x1) & _iron(x1) & _on(x1)) | 160 |
Bobby Flynn was born in Queensland. | exists x1.(_flynn(x1) & _bobby(x1) & exists e2.(_bear(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_queensland(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) | 161 |
If people make their own matcha teas every morning with ceremonial-grade matcha powder, then they do not wake up late and start their schedules past noon regularly. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & _every(x1) & exists x2.(_tea(x2) & _matcha(x2) & _own(x2) & exists e3.(_make(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_powder(x4) & _matcha(x4) & _ceremonial_dash_grade(x4) & _with(e3,x4)))) & _morning(x1)) -> exists x5.((x5 = _they) & -exists x6.(_wake(x6) & _late(x6) & exists e7.(_do(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x5) & (Acc(e7) = x6) & _then(e7))) & exists x8.(_schedule(x8) & _past(x8) & exists e9.(_start(e9) & (Subj(e9) = x5) & (Acc(e9) = x8) & _regularly(e9) & _then(e9))))) | 162 |
If a sea eel is either an eel or a plant, then a sea eel is an eel or an animal. | (exists x1.(_eel(x1) & _sea(x1) & (exists x2.(_eel(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_plant(x3) & (x1 = x3)))) -> exists x4.(_eel(x4) & _sea(x4) & (exists x5.(_eel(x5) & (x4 = x5)) | exists x6.(_animal(x6) & (x4 = x6))))) | 163 |
Shafaq-Asiman is a large complex of offshore geological structures in the Caspian Sea. | exists x1.(_shafaq_dash_asiman(x1) & exists x2.(_complex(x2) & _large(x2) & exists x3.(_structure(x3) & _geological(x3) & _offshore(x3) & exists x4.(_sea(x4) & _caspian(x4) & exists e5.(_in(e5,x4) & (Subj(e5) = x3))) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 164 |
Hares are small game. | exists x1.(_hare(x1) & exists x2.(_game(x2) & _small(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 165 |
If a person has a pet, they care for that pet. | (exists x1.(_person(x1) & exists x2.(_pet(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _they) & exists e5.(_care(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_pet(x6) & _for(e5,x6))))) | 166 |
Germans speak English or German. | exists x1.(_german(x1) & (_english(x1) | _german(x1))) | 167 |
Peter was invited to play piano at the concert hall. | exists x1.(_peter(x1) & exists e2.(_invite(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,exists x3.(_piano(x3) & exists e4.(_play(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_hall(x5) & _concert(x5) & _at(e4,x5))))))) | 168 |
All coffee supplied by the company is sold in Walmart. | all x1.(_coffee(x1) -> (exists e2.(_supply(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_company(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) -> exists e4.(_sell(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_walmart(x5) & _in(e4,x5))))) | 169 |
If a superhero is American, he speaks English. | (exists x1.(_superhero(x1) & exists x2.(_american(x2) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x3.((x3 = _he) & exists x4.(_english(x4) & exists e5.(_speak(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x3) & (Acc(e5) = x4))))) | 170 |
No disposable products can help slow down global warming. | -exists x1.(_product(x1) & _disposable(x1) & _can(_help(exists x2.(_warming(x2) & _global(x2) & exists e3.(_slow(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _down(e3)))))) | 171 |
No type of cancer is without a tumor. | -exists x1.(_type(x1) & exists x2.(_cancer(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists e3.(exists x4.(_tumor(x4) & _without(e3,x4)) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) | 172 |
No animals are plants. | -exists x1.(_animal(x1) & exists x2.(_plant(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 173 |
All buildings with the Bloomberg logo are buildings owned by Bloomberg. | all x1.(_building(x1) -> (exists x2.(_logo(x2) & _bloomberg(x2) & exists e3.(_with(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) -> exists x4.(_building(x4) & exists e5.(_own(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_bloomberg(x6) & (Subj(e5) = x6))) & (x1 = x4)))) | 174 |
The SAT was originally designed not to be aligned with high school curricula. | exists x1.(_sat(x1) & exists e2.(_design(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,-exists e3.(_align(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x1) & exists x4.(_curriculum(x4) & _school(x4) & _high(x4) & _with(e3,x4)))) & _originally(e2))) | 175 |
The only style of music Vic DiCara plays is punk music. | exists x1.(_style(x1) & _only(x1) & exists x2.(_dicara(x2) & _vic(x2) & _music(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists e3.(_play(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1)) & exists x4.(_music(x4) & _punk(x4) & (x1 = x4))) | 176 |
Bananas are grass or fruit. | exists x1.(_bananas(x1) & exists x2.(_or(\x3._fruit(x3),x2) & _grass(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 177 |
Marvin Minsky is recognized by his contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. | exists x1.(_minsky(x1) & _marvin(x1) & exists e2.(_recognize(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_field(x3) & exists x4.(_intelligence(x4) & _artificial(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & (Dat(e2) = x3)) & exists x5.(_contribution(x5) & (Subj(e2) = x5)))) | 178 |
Either breast cancer or non-breast cancer. | (exists x1.(x1 = \x2.(_cancer(x2) & _breast(x2))) | exists x3.(_cancer(x3) & _non_dash_breast(x3))) | 179 |
St Johnstone is part of the Scottish Premiership. | exists x1.(_johnstone(x1) & _st(x1) & exists x2.(_part(x2) & exists x3.(_premiership(x3) & _scottish(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 180 |
If something can go underwater, then it enjoys water. | (exists x1._can(exists x2.(_underwater(x2) & exists e3.(_go(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _it) & exists x5.(_water(x5) & exists e6.(_enjoy(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & _then(e6))))) | 181 |
T10 is either a Boeing-737 plane and in Delta, or neither a Boeing-737 plane nor in Delta. | \F1 F2 F3.(exists x4.(_t10(x4) & exists x5.(_plane(x5) & _boeing_dash_737(x5) & (x4 = x5))) & F3(F3,F3) & F3(F3,F3)) | 182 |
Jason Kramer hosted a show on a public radio station. | exists x1.(_kramer(x1) & _jason(x1) & exists x2.(_show(x2) & exists x3.(_station(x3) & _radio(x3) & _public(x3) & exists e4.(_on(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & exists e5.(_host(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2)))) | 183 |
Ordinary is located northwest of Sandy Hook. | exists x1.(_ordinary(x1) & exists x2.(_northwest(x2) & exists x3.(_hook(x3) & _sandy(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e4.(_locate(e4) & (Dat(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2)))) | 184 |
Some people who aren’t chefs can cook. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.(_chef(x2) & exists e3.(_aren’t(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & _can(exists e4.(_cook(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1)))) | 185 |
Musoke fought Yakovlev at UFC Fight Night. | exists x1.(_musoke(x1) & exists x2.(_yakovlev(x2) & exists e3.(_fight(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_night(x4) & _fight(x4) & _ufc(x4) & _at(e3,x4))))) | 186 |
If A precedes B and B preceds C, than A preceds C. | (exists x1.(_a(x1) & exists x2.(_b(x2) & exists e3.(_precede(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists x4.(_c(x4) & _preceds(x4) & _b(x4) & exists x5.(_c(x5) & _preced(x5) & exists e6.(_than(e6,x5) & (Subj(e6) = x4))) & exists e7.(_precede(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x1) & (Acc(e7) = x4)))) -> exists e8.True) | 187 |
All disposable chopsticks are made from trees. | all x1.((_chopstick(x1) & _disposable(x1)) -> exists e2.(_make(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_tree(x3) & _from(e2,x3)))) | 188 |
Located within Elliot County, Ordinary is on Kentucky Route 32. | exists x1.(_ordinary(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_32(x3) & _route(x3) & _kentucky(x3) & _on(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x4.(exists e5.(_locate(e5) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_county(x6) & _elliot(x6) & _within(e5,x6))) & (Dat(e2) = x4)))) | 189 |
The PlayStation EyeToy is a camera accessory for the Playstation 2. | exists x1.(_eyetoy(x1) & _playstation(x1) & exists x2.(_accessory(x2) & _camera(x2) & exists x3.(_playstation(x3) & _2(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 190 |
Hadid was a visiting professor of Architectural Design at the Yale School of Architecture. | exists x1.(_hadid(x1) & exists x2.(_professor(x2) & _visit(x2) & exists x3.(_design(x3) & _architectural(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists x4.(_school(x4) & _yale(x4) & exists x5.(_architecture(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists e6.(_at(e6,x4) & (Subj(e6) = x2))) & (x1 = x2))) | 191 |
A god is not a destroyer and a destroyer is not a god. | (-exists x1.(_god(x1) & exists x2.(_destroyer(x2) & (x1 = x2))) & -exists x3.(_destroyer(x3) & exists x4.(_god(x4) & (x3 = x4)))) | 192 |
Daveed Diggs played two roles in the musical Hamilton. | exists x1.(_diggs(x1) & _daveed(x1) & exists x2.(_role(x2) & _two(x2) & exists x3.(_hamilton(x3) & _musical(x3) & exists e4.(_in(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & exists e5.(_play(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2)))) | 193 |
If people are conscious about the environment or their health, then they do not go to fast food places often. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_conscious(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & (exists x3.(_environment(x3) & _about(e2,x3)) | exists x4.(_health(x4) & _about(e2,x4))))) -> -exists x5.((x5 = _they) & exists e6.(_go(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(_place(x7) & _food(x7) & _fast(x7) & _to(e6,x7) & _often(e6) & _then(e6))))) | 194 |
All people who are vegetarian are conscious of the environment or their health. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists x2.(_vegetarian(x2) & (x1 = x2)) -> exists e3.(_conscious(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (exists x4.(_environment(x4) & _of(e3,x4)) | exists x5.(_health(x5) & _of(e3,x5)))))) | 195 |
Video Gag airs on the French broadcast channel TF1. | exists x1.(_gag(x1) & _video(x1) & exists e2.(_air(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_channel(x3) & _broadcast(x3) & _french(x3) & _tf1(x3) & _on(e2,x3)))) | 196 |
Roads are made of either concrete or asphalt. | exists x1.(_road(x1) & exists e2.(_make(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.((_concrete(x3) | _asphalt(x3)) & _of(e2,x3)))) | 197 |
The Mona Lisa is a portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci. | exists x1.(_lisa(x1) & _mona(x1) & exists x2.(_portrait(x2) & exists e3.(_paint(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_vinci(x4) & _da(x4) & _leonardo(x4) & (Subj(e3) = x4))) & (x1 = x2))) | 198 |
If the game has sold more than 1 million copies, then it is on the Best Seller list. | (exists x1.(_game(x1) & exists x2.(_more(x2) & _1(x2) & _copy(x2) & _million(x2) & exists e3.(_sell(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _it) & exists e5.(exists x6.(_list(x6) & _seller(x6) & _best(x6) & _on(e5,x6)) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & _then(e5)))) | 199 |