stringlengths 14
| logical_form
stringlengths 30
| __index_level_0__
int64 0
All students learning piano can strike the right notes. | all x1.(_student(x1) -> (exists x2.(_piano(x2) & exists e3.(_learn(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) -> _can(exists x4.(_note(x4) & _right(x4) & exists e5.(_strike(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4)))))) | 602 |
James is either good at chemistry and awarded the Dean's List, or neither good at chemistry nor awarded the Dean's List. | exists x1.(_james(x1) & _good(x1) & (exists x2.(exists x3.(_dean(x3) & Rel(x2,x3)) & _list(x2) & exists e4.(_award(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2) & exists x5.(_chemistry(x5) & _at(e4,x5)))) | (exists x6._good(x6) & all x7.(_good(x7) -> -exists e8.(_award(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & exists x9.(_chemistry(x9) & _at(e8,x9)))))) & exists x10.(exists x11.(_dean(x11) & Rel(x10,x11)) & _list(x10) & exists e12.(_award(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x1) & (Acc(e12) = x10)))) | 603 |
Notable people with the given name include Dagfinn Aarskog, Dagfinn Bakke and Dagfinn Dahl. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & _notable(x1) & exists x2.(exists e3.(_give(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _name(x2)) & exists e4.(_with(e4,x2) & (Subj(e4) = x1))) & exists x5.(_aarskog(x5) & _dagfinn(x5) & exists e6.(_include(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x5))) & exists x7.(_bakke(x7) & _dagfinn(x7) & exists e8.(_include(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x7))) & exists x9.(_dahl(x9) & _dagfinn(x9) & exists e10.(_include(e10) & (Subj(e10) = x1) & (Acc(e10) = x9)))) | 604 |
All humans are animals. | all x1.(_human(x1) -> exists x2.(_animal(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 605 |
All Bengal tigers are tigers. | all x1.((_tiger(x1) & _bengal(x1)) -> exists x2.(_tiger(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 606 |
Animals that enjoy water splash water around. | exists x1.(_animal(x1) & exists x2.(_water(x2) & _splash(x2) & _water(x2) & _around(x2) & exists e3.(_enjoy(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 607 |
People either regularly drink coffee or joke about being addicted to caffeine. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.((_coffee(x2) | _joke(x2)) & exists e3.(_addict(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x2) & AccI(e3,exists e4.(_caffeine(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2)))) & exists e5.(_drink(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2) & _regularly(e5)))) | 608 |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is a Welsh football club. | exists x1.(_f_DOTc_DOT(x1) & _aelwyd(x1) & _rhos(x1) & exists x2.(_club(x2) & _football(x2) & _welsh(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 609 |
One can either be a faculty member or a teacher. | exists x1.(_one(x1) & _can((exists x2.(_member(x2) & _faculty(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_teacher(x3) & (x1 = x3))))) | 610 |
Electric dance music bands are bands. | exists x1.(_band(x1) & _music(x1) & _dance(x1) & _electric(x1) & exists x2.(_band(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 611 |
All juvenile delinquents are maladjusted individuals. | all x1.((_delinquent(x1) & _juvenile(x1)) -> exists x2.(_individual(x2) & _maladjusted(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 612 |
Robert Zimmer is an essayist. | exists x1.(_zimmer(x1) & _robert(x1) & exists x2.(_essayist(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 613 |
The first automobiles built by Carrozzeria Colli were racing cars. | exists x1.(_automobile(x1) & _first(x1) & exists e2.(_build(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_colli(x3) & _carrozzeria(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) & exists x4.(_car(x4) & exists e5.(_race(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4)))) | 614 |
Some books that have won the Hugo Award were written by Cixin Liu. | exists x1.(_book(x1) & exists x2.(_award(x2) & _hugo(x2) & exists e3.(_win(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists e4.(_write(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_liu(x5) & _cixin(x5) & (Subj(e4) = x5)))) | 615 |
If a person coach a football club, the person is a football coach. | exists x1.(_person(x1) & exists x2.(_coach(x2) & _football(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 616 |
For someone who does not own a car to drive somewhere, they must either borrow a car or rent a car. | exists x1.((x1 = _they) & _must((exists x2.(_car(x2) & exists e3.(_borrow(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(-exists x5.(_car(x5) & exists e6.(_drive(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5) & _somewhere(e6)) & exists e7.(_own(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x4) & (Acc(e7) = x5))) & _for(e3,x4)))) | exists x8.(_car(x8) & exists e9.(_rend(e9) & (Subj(e9) = x1) & (Acc(e9) = x8) & exists x10.(-exists x11.(_car(x11) & exists e12.(_drive(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x11) & _somewhere(e12)) & exists e13.(_own(e13) & (Subj(e13) = x10) & (Acc(e13) = x11))) & _for(e9,x10))))))) | 617 |
All CD players are delicate mechanisms. | all x1.((_player(x1) & _cd(x1)) -> exists x2.(_mechanism(x2) & _delicate(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 618 |
The Eiffel Tower is one of the main tourist attractions located in Paris. | exists x1.(_tower(x1) & _eiffel(x1) & exists x2.(_one(x2) & exists x3.(_attraction(x3) & _tourist(x3) & _main(x3) & exists e4.(_locate(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_paris(x5) & _in(e4,x5))) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 619 |
No student who enjoys nature has free time during the weekend. | -exists x1.(_student(x1) & exists x2.(_nature(x2) & exists e3.(_enjoy(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) & exists x4.(_time(x4) & _free(x4) & exists e5.(_have(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_weekend(x6) & _during(e5,x6))))) | 620 |
Every essayist is a writer. | all x1.(_essayist(x1) -> exists x2.(_writer(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 621 |
Effective monetary policy is possible with successful inflation control and a strong national currency. | exists x1.(_policy(x1) & _monetary(x1) & _effective(x1) & _possible(x1)) | 622 |
If people compete in horse dressage shows, then they have invested in high-quality equestrian gear and equipment. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_compete(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_show(x3) & _dressage(x3) & _horse(x3) & _in(e2,x3)))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _they) & exists e5.(_invest(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_equipment(x6) & _gear(x6) & _equestrian(x6) & _high_dash_quality(x6) & _in(e5,x6)) & _then(e5)))) | 623 |
Everything is either big or small. | all x1.(_big(x1) | _small(x1)) | 624 |
A device is either with the company logo or belongs to employees. | exists x1.(_device(x1) & (exists e2.(exists x3.(_logo(x3) & _company(x3) & _with(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1)) | exists e4.(_belong(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_employee(x5) & (Dat(e4) = x5))))) | 625 |
Some sandwiches are bread. | exists x1.(_sandwich(x1) & exists x2.(_bread(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 626 |
Vic DiCara plays guitar and bass. | exists x1.(_dicara(x1) & _vic(x1) & exists x2.(_bass(x2) & _guitar(x2) & exists e3.(_play(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 627 |
All national parks in Vietnam are either managed by the Ministry of Agriculture or by the People's Committee. | (all x1.((_park(x1) & _national(x1)) -> (exists x2.(_vietnam(x2) & exists e3.(_in(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) -> exists e4.(_manage(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_ministry(x5) & exists x6.(_agriculture(x6) & (x5 = x6)) & (Subj(e4) = x5))))) & all x7.((_park(x7) & _national(x7)) -> (exists x8.(_vietnam(x8) & exists e9.(_in(e9,x8) & (Subj(e9) = x7))) -> exists e10.(_manage(e10) & (Acc(e10) = x7) & exists x11.(exists x12.(_people(x12) & Rel(x11,x12)) & _committee(x11) & (Subj(e10) = x11)))))) | 628 |
James watches TV series in cinemas. | exists x1.(_james(x1) & exists x2.(_series(x2) & _tv(x2) & exists x3.(_cinema(x3) & exists e4.(_in(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & exists e5.(_watch(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2)))) | 629 |
Some mechanical watches are automatic. | exists x1.(_watch(x1) & _mechanical(x1) & _automatic(x1)) | 630 |
People either visit a coffee shop at least three times a week or order takeout at least once a day. | (_day(\F1 F2 F3.F2(\x4.True,\x5.F1(\F6 F7.(F7(x5) & _at(x5)),\e8.(_once(e8) & F3(e8)))),\F9 F10.exists x11.(_takeout(x11) & _order(x11) & F9(\x12.True,\x13.exists e14.(_visit(e14) & (Subj(e14) = x11) & (Acc(e14) = x13) & F10(e14)))),\F15 F16.exists x17.(_people(x17) & F15(x17) & F16(x17)),\e18.True) & _week(\F19 F20 F21.F20(\x22.True,\x23.(F19(\F24 F25.(F25(x23) & _three(x23)),\e26.(_time(e26) & F21(e26))) & _at(x23))),\F27 F28.exists x29.(_shop(x29) & _coffee(x29) & F27(\x30.True,\x31.exists e32.(_visit(e32) & (Subj(e32) = x29) & (Acc(e32) = x31) & F28(e32)))),\F33 F34.exists x35.(_people(x35) & F33(x35) & F34(x35)),\e36.True)) | 631 |
If a soccer player can score many goals using right foot, then they can use that foot very efficiently. | (exists x1.(_player(x1) & _soccer(x1) & _can(exists x2.(_goal(x2) & _many(x2) & exists x3.(_foot(x3) & _right(x3) & exists e4.(_use(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3))) & exists e5.(_score(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2))))) -> exists x6.((x6 = _they) & _can((exists x7.(_foot(x7) & exists e8.(_use(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x6) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & _efficiently(e8) & _then(e8))) & _very(x6))))) | 632 |
Eight is the double of four. | exists x1.(_eight(x1) & exists x2.(_double(x2) & exists x3.(_four(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 633 |
Carlos Reyes went to the Olympics. | exists x1.(_reyes(x1) & _carlos(x1) & exists e2.(_go(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_olympics(x3) & _to(e2,x3)))) | 634 |
All Asians are human. | all x1.(_asians(x1) -> _human(x1)) | 635 |
If Benji is neither a person who studies Spanish nor a person that studies French, then Benji is a person who studies Spanish or a person that studies French. | (exists x1.(_benji(x1) & exists x2.(_person(x2) & _neither(x2) & exists x3.(_spanish(x3) & exists e4.(_study(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3))) & exists x5.(_person(x5) & exists x6.(_french(x6) & exists e7.(_study(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x5) & (Acc(e7) = x6))) & exists e8.(_study(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x2) & (Acc(e8) = x5))) & (x1 = x2))) -> exists x9.(_benji(x9) & exists x10.(_person(x10) & (exists x11.(_spanish(x11) & exists e12.(_study(e12) & (Subj(e12) = x10) & (Acc(e12) = x11))) | exists x13.(_person(x13) & exists x14.(_french(x14) & exists e15.(_study(e15) & (Subj(e15) = x13) & (Acc(e15) = x14))) & exists e16.(_study(e16) & (Subj(e16) = x10) & (Acc(e16) = x13)))) & (x9 = x10)))) | 636 |
France is a European country. | exists x1.(_france(x1) & exists x2.(_country(x2) & _european(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 637 |
Superman is not a man. | -exists x1.(_superman(x1) & exists x2.(_man(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 638 |
One of the actors from Hamilton won the best actor award. | exists x1.(_one(x1) & exists x2.(_actor(x2) & exists x3.(_hamilton(x3) & exists e4.(_from(e4,x3) & (Subj(e4) = x2))) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x5.(_award(x5) & _actor(x5) & _best(x5) & exists e6.(_win(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x5)))) | 639 |
A cat named Garfield, which is the main character of the film Garfield, is orange and fat and likes having lasagna. | exists x1.(_cat(x1) & exists x2.(_garfield(x2) & exists x3.(_character(x3) & _main(x3) & exists x4.(_garfield(x4) & _film(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e5.(_name(e5) & (Dat(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2))) & exists x6.(_fat(x6) & _orange(x6) & (x1 = x6)) & exists x7.(_lasagna(x7) & exists e8.(_have(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & _like(e8)))) | 640 |
Cannons can be deployed on artillery fortifications. | exists x1.(_cannon(x1) & _can(exists e2.(_deploy(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_fortification(x3) & _artillery(x3) & _on(e2,x3))))) | 641 |
Luis's dinner party is the first ever dinner party that Allison has attended. | exists x1.(exists x2.(_luis(x2) & Rel(x1,x2)) & _party(x1) & _dinner(x1) & _the(x1) & exists x3.(_party(x3) & _dinner(x3) & exists x4.(_allison(x4) & exists e5.(_attend(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & (Acc(e5) = x3))) & (x1 = x3)) & _ever(x1) & _first(x1)) | 642 |
All products favored by young people are commonly used in China. | all x1.(_product(x1) -> (exists e2.(_favor(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_people(x3) & _young(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) -> exists e4.(_use(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_china(x5) & _in(e4,x5) & _commonly(e4))))) | 643 |
All Yale students are college students. | all x1.((_student(x1) & _yale(x1)) -> exists x2.(_student(x2) & _college(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 644 |
Garfield hates Odie. | exists x1.(_garfield(x1) & exists x2.(_odie(x2) & exists e3.(_hate(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 645 |
In Indonesia, the prosecutor only personally investigates cases of some special crimes. | exists x1.(_prosecutor(x1) & exists x2.(_case(x2) & exists x3.(_crime(x3) & _special(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e4.(_investigate(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x1) & (Acc(e4) = x2) & _personally(e4) & exists x5.(_indonesia(x5) & _in(e4,x5)))) & _only(x1)) | 646 |
If people come to work every day with a positive attitude, then they work well in teams in their workplace. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_come(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1)) & _every(x1) & exists e3.(_work(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & exists x4.(_attitude(x4) & _positive(x4) & _with(e3,x4))) & _day(x1)) -> exists x5.((x5 = _they) & exists e6.(_work(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x5) & _well(e6) & exists x7.(_team(x7) & _in(e6,x7) & exists x8.(_workplace(x8) & _in(e6,x8) & _then(e6)))))) | 647 |
If a song peaked at No.1 at a cetain place, then it was extremely popular. | exists x1.((x1 = _it) & _popular(x1)) | 648 |
One American screenwriter and producer is Maggie Friedman. | exists x1.(_producer(x1) & _screenwriter(x1) & _american(x1) & exists x2.(_friedman(x2) & _maggie(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 649 |
It is not true that some giant language models do not have good performance. | exists x1.((x1 = _it) & exists e2.(-_true(x1,\x3.True) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,-exists x4.(_model(x4) & _language(x4) & _giant(x4) & exists x5.(_performance(x5) & _good(x5) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x4) & (Acc(e6) = x5))))))) | 650 |
If people get a lot of daily mail delivered, then they are very involved with their neighborhood. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.(_lot(x2) & exists x3.(_mail(x3) & _daily(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists e4.(_deliver(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x2)) & exists e5.(_get(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x2)))) -> exists x6.((x6 = _they) & exists e7.(_involve(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x6) & exists x8.(_neighborhood(x8) & _with(e7,x8)) & _very(e7) & _then(e7)))) | 651 |
Roger Federer is not an NBA player or a defender. | -exists x1.(_federer(x1) & _roger(x1) & (exists x2.(_player(x2) & _nba(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_defender(x3) & (x1 = x3)))) | 652 |
Adventures of Rusty is a drama film and children's film. | exists x1.(_adventure(x1) & exists x2.(_rusty(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_film(x3) & _drama(x3) & (x1 = x3)) & exists x4.(exists x5.(_child(x5) & Rel(x4,x5)) & _film(x4) & (x1 = x4))) | 653 |
All monitors equipped in the lab are cheaper than their original prices. | all x1.(_monitor(x1) -> (exists e2.(_equip(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_lab(x3) & _in(e2,x3))) -> _cheaper(x1))) | 654 |
If a monitor is with a resolution of 1080p, then it does not support the type-c port. | (exists x1.(_monitor(x1) & exists e2.(exists x3.(_resolution(x3) & exists x4.(_1080p(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & _with(e2,x3)) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) -> -exists x5.((x5 = _it) & exists x6.(_port(x6) & _type_dash_c(x6) & exists e7.(_support(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x5) & (Acc(e7) = x6) & _then(e7))))) | 655 |
Traffic is outside of my control. | exists x1.(_traffic(x1) & exists x2.(_outside(x2) & exists x3.(_control(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 656 |
The Latent Dirichlet allocation model uses a generalized linear model or a univariate analysis. | exists x1.(_model(x1) & _allocation(x1) & _dirichlet(x1) & _latent(x1) & (exists x2.(_model(x2) & _linear(x2) & _generalized(x2) & exists e3.(_use(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) | exists x4.(_analysis(x4) & _univariate(x4) & exists e5.(_use(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4))))) | 657 |
Stephen Curry is an NBA player. | exists x1.(_curry(x1) & _stephen(x1) & exists x2.(_player(x2) & _nba(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 658 |
An animal is either a cat or a dog. | exists x1.(_animal(x1) & (exists x2.(_cat(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_dog(x3) & (x1 = x3)))) | 659 |
Gasteren is village located in the province of Drenthe. | exists x1.(_gasteren(x1) & exists x2.(_village(x2) & exists e3.(_locate(e3) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_province(x4) & exists x5.(_drenthe(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & _in(e3,x4))) & (x1 = x2))) | 660 |
David Ha'ivri emigrated to the United States from Israel, where he was born to Israeli parents. | exists x1.(_ha'ivri(x1) & _david(x1) & exists e2.(_emigrate(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_states(x3) & _united(x3) & (Dat(e2) = x3)) & exists x4.(_israel(x4) & _from(e2,x4)) & exists x5.((x5 = _he) & exists e6.(_bear(e6) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(_parent(x7) & _israeli(x7) & (Dat(e6) = x7)))))) | 661 |
All folk songs are songs. | all x1.((_song(x1) & _folk(x1)) -> exists x2.(_song(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 662 |
Imagine Dragons is an American pop rock band. | exists x1.(_dragons(x1) & _imagine(x1) & exists x2.(_band(x2) & _rock(x2) & _pop(x2) & _american(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 663 |
All fruits with the color red contain a large amount of vitamin C. | all x1.(_fruit(x1) -> (exists x2.(_red(x2) & _color(x2) & exists e3.(_with(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) -> exists x4.(_amount(x4) & _large(x4) & exists x5.(_c(x5) & _vitamin(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists e6.(_contain(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x4))))) | 664 |
All teams attending the NBA finals have more than thirty years of history. | all x1.(_team(x1) -> (exists x2.(_final(x2) & _nba(x2) & exists e3.(_attend(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) -> exists x4.(_more(x4) & _year(x4) & _thirty(x4) & exists x5.(_history(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists e6.(_have(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x4))))) | 665 |
All clothes are products. | all x1.(_clothes(x1) -> exists x2.(_product(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 666 |
All people who have a horse ranch regularly ride horses for pleasure and sport. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists x2.(_ranch(x2) & _horse(x2) & exists e3.(_have(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2))) -> (exists x4.(_horse(x4) & exists x5.(_pleasure(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & exists e6.(_ride(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x4) & _regularly(e6))) & exists x7.(_sport(x7) & exists e8.(_ride(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x1) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & _regularly(e8)))))) | 667 |
Either someone is a football player or a basketball player. | exists x1.(exists x2.(_player(x2) & _football(x2) & (x1 = x2)) | exists x3.(_player(x3) & _basketball(x3) & (x1 = x3))) | 668 |
If Garry is either evil and ugly or neither evil nor ugly, then Garry is not evil. | (exists x1.(_garry(x1) & ((_evil(x1) & _ugly(x1)) | _evil(x1)) & _ugly(x1)) -> -exists x2.(_garry(x2) & _evil(x2))) | 669 |
No people that are good with pets are scared of animals. | -exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists e2.(_good(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_pet(x3) & _with(e2,x3))) & exists e4.(_scare(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_animal(x5) & _of(e4,x5)))) | 670 |
If people value quality manufacturing and luxury items, then they enjoy shopping for materialistic items in their free time. | (exists x1.(_people(x1) & exists x2.((x2 = _they) & exists x3.(_shopping(x3) & exists e4.(_enjoy(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3) & _then(e4)))) & exists x5.(_item(x5) & _luxury(x5) & _manufacturing(x5) & _quality(x5) & exists e6.(_value(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x5) & exists x7.(_item(x7) & _materialistic(x7) & exists x8.(_time(x8) & _free(x8) & exists e9.(_in(e9,x8) & (Subj(e9) = x7))) & _for(e6,x7))))) -> exists e10.True) | 671 |
All event-related designs are brain image acquisition. | all x1.((_design(x1) & _event_dash_related(x1)) -> exists x2.(_acquisition(x2) & _image(x2) & _brain(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 672 |
At the end of the party, the amount of leftover blueberries was lower than that of cherries. | exists x1.(_amount(x1) & exists x2.(_blueberry(x2) & _leftover(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & _lower(x1)) | 673 |
No grass is food. | -exists x1.(_grass(x1) & exists x2.(_food(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 674 |
Brian Winter was appointed as a referee observer after his retirement. | exists x1.(_winter(x1) & _brian(x1) & exists e2.(_appoint(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_observer(x3) & _referee(x3) & _as(e2,x3)) & exists x4.(_retirement(x4) & _after(e2,x4)))) | 675 |
Maggie Friedman was the showrunner and executive producer of the lifetime television series Witches of East End. | exists x1.(_friedman(x1) & _maggie(x1) & exists x2.(_producer(x2) & _executive(x2) & _showrunner(x2) & exists x3.(_witch(x3) & _series(x3) & _television(x3) & _lifetime(x3) & exists x4.(_end(x4) & _east(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2))) | 676 |
Either Max listens to classical music or Max listens to rap. | (exists x1.((x1 = \x2._max(x2)) & exists e3.(_listen(e3) & (Subj(e3) = \x4._max(x4)) & exists x5.(_music(x5) & _classical(x5) & (Dat(e3) = x5)))) | exists x6.(_max(x6) & exists e7.(_listen(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x6) & AccI(e7,exists e8.(_rap(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x6)))))) | 677 |
Six, seven and eight are real numbers. | exists x1.(_eight(x1) & _seven(x1) & _six(x1) & exists x2.(_number(x2) & _real(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 678 |
Tiffany T. Alston was found guilty of stealing government funds in 2012. | exists x1.(_alston(x1) & _t_DOT(x1) & _tiffany(x1) & exists e2.(_guilty(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & exists x3 x4.(_fund(x4) & _government(x4) & exists e5.(_steal(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x3) & (Acc(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_2012(x6) & _in(e5,x6) & (Subj(e5) = x3) & _of(e2,x3)))) & _find(e2))) | 679 |
All popular things are well-known. | all x1.((_thing(x1) & _popular(x1)) -> _well_dash_known(x1)) | 680 |
Every penguin eats fish they catch themselves. | all x1.(_penguin(x1) -> (exists x2.((x2 = _they) & exists x3.((x3 = _themselves) & exists e4.(_catch(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x2) & (Acc(e4) = x3)))) & exists x5.(_fish(x5) & exists e6.(_eat(e6) & (Subj(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x5))))) | 681 |
All books written by Tomas have sold more than 1 million copies. | all x1.(_book(x1) -> (exists e2.(_write(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_tomas(x3) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) -> exists x4.(_more(x4) & _1(x4) & _copy(x4) & _million(x4) & exists e5.(_sell(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x4))))) | 682 |
People are either fascinated by the history of the Renaissance and other past eras, or are not nostalgic academics who enjoy learning. | exists x1.(_people(x1) & (exists e2.(_fascinate(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_history(x3) & exists x4.(_renaissance(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & exists x5.(_era(x5) & _past(x5) & (x3 = x5)) & (Subj(e2) = x3))) | -exists x6.(_academic(x6) & _nostalgic(x6) & exists e7.(_learn(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x6) & _enjoy(e7)) & (x1 = x6)))) | 683 |
A thing is either alive or dead. | exists x1.(_thing(x1) & (_alive(x1) | _dead(x1))) | 684 |
All Leukemia is blood cancer. | all x1.(_leukemia(x1) -> exists x2.(_cancer(x2) & _blood(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 685 |
All people who once were sentenced for thief stayed in prison for some time. | all x1.(_people(x1) -> (exists e2.(_sentence(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & exists x3.(_thief(x3) & _for(e2,x3)) & _once(e2)) -> exists e4.(_stay(e4) & (Acc(e4) = x1) & exists x5.(_prison(x5) & _in(e4,x5) & exists x6.(_time(x6) & _for(e4,x6)))))) | 686 |
No students are doctors. | -exists x1.(_student(x1) & exists x2.(_doctor(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 687 |
Tiffany T. Alston was a legislator in Maryland's House of Delegates from 2011 to 2013. | exists x1.(_alston(x1) & _t_DOT(x1) & _tiffany(x1) & exists x2.(_legislator(x2) & exists x3.(exists x4.(_maryland(x4) & Rel(x3,x4)) & _house(x3) & exists x5.(_delegates(x5) & (x3 = x5)) & exists e6.(_in(e6,x3) & (Subj(e6) = x2))) & (x1 = x2))) | 688 |
If the air conditioner is running and someone is cooking in the downstairs kitchen, all the smoke travels to the second floor. | ((exists x1.(_conditioner(x1) & _air(x1) & exists e2.(_run(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1))) & exists x3 e4.(_cook(e4) & (Subj(e4) = x3) & exists x5.(_kitchen(x5) & _downstairs(x5) & _in(e4,x5)))) -> all x6.(exists x7.(_smoke(x7) & (x6 = x7)) -> exists e8.(_travel(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x6) & exists x9.(_floor(x9) & _second(x9) & _to(e8,x9))))) | 689 |
If Jess is not miserly and needs to save a large portion of their income, then Jess does not value quality manufacturing and luxury items. | (exists x1.(_jess(x1) & -_miserly(x1) & exists e2.(_need(e2) & (Subj(e2) = x1) & AccI(e2,exists x3.(_portion(x3) & _large(x3) & exists x4.(_income(x4) & (x3 = x4)) & exists e5.(_save(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x1) & (Acc(e5) = x3)))))) -> -exists x6.(_jess(x6) & exists x7.(_item(x7) & _luxury(x7) & _manufacturing(x7) & _quality(x7) & _value(x7) & exists e8.(_do(e8) & (Subj(e8) = x6) & (Acc(e8) = x7) & _then(e8))))) | 690 |
No student good at planning is awarded the Dean's List. | -exists x1.(_good(x1) & _student(x1) & exists x2.(_planning(x2) & exists e3.(_at(e3,x2) & (Subj(e3) = x1))) & exists x4.(exists x5.(_dean(x5) & Rel(x4,x5)) & _list(x4) & exists e6.(_award(e6) & (Dat(e6) = x1) & (Acc(e6) = x4)))) | 691 |
All professional basketball players are athletes. | all x1.((_player(x1) & _basketball(x1) & _professional(x1)) -> exists x2.(_athlete(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 692 |
Deborah Wallace co-produced Gasland. | exists x1.(_wallace(x1) & _deborah(x1) & exists x2.(_gasland(x2) & exists e3.(_co_dash_produce(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2)))) | 693 |
Sanctioned buisnesses are limited. | exists x1.(exists e2.(_sanction(e2) & (Acc(e2) = x1) & _buisness(x1)) & _limit(x1)) | 694 |
P values are thresholds for belief, not metrics of effect. | exists x1.(_value(x1) & _p(x1) & exists x2.(_threshold(x2) & exists x3.(_belief(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & (x1 = x2)) & -exists x4.(_metric(x4) & exists x5.(_effect(x5) & (x4 = x5)) & (x1 = x4))) | 695 |
John is neither an iguana nor a bird. | exists x1.(_john(x1) & exists x2.(_iguana(x2) & _neither(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.(_bird(x3) & _neither(x3) & (x1 = x3))) | 696 |
The Omega Three band made a nationwide tour in 2007. | exists x1.(_band(x1) & _three(x1) & _omega(x1) & exists x2.(_tour(x2) & _nationwide(x2) & exists e3.(_make(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & exists x4.(_2007(x4) & _in(e3,x4))))) | 697 |
Picture memory is either an event-related design and acquiring data or neither an event-related design nor acquiring data. | exists x1.(_memory(x1) & _picture(x1) & exists x2.(_design(x2) & _event_dash_related(x2) & (x1 = x2)) & exists x3.((exists x4.(_datum(x4) & exists e5.(_acquire(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x3) & (Acc(e5) = x4))) | exists x6.(_design(x6) & _event_dash_related(x6) & _neither(x6) & exists e7.(_acquire(e7) & (Subj(e7) = x3) & (Acc(e7) = x6)))) & exists x8.(_datum(x8) & exists e9.(_acquire(e9) & (Subj(e9) = x3) & (Acc(e9) = x8))) & (x1 = x3))) | 698 |
If a student can get the rhythms right, he will start working on coordination between the left and the right hands. | (exists x1.(_student(x1) & _can(exists x2.(_rhythm(x2) & exists e3.(_get(e3) & (Subj(e3) = x1) & (Acc(e3) = x2) & _right(e3))))) -> exists x4.((x4 = _he) & exists e5.(_work(e5) & (Subj(e5) = x4) & exists x6.(_coordination(x6) & exists x7.(_left(x7) & exists e8.(_between(e8,x7) & (Subj(e8) = x6))) & exists x9.(_hand(x9) & _right(x9) & exists e10.(_between(e10,x9) & (Subj(e10) = x6))) & _on(e5,x6)) & _start(e5)))) | 699 |
No soccer players are professional basketball players. | -exists x1.(_player(x1) & _soccer(x1) & exists x2.(_player(x2) & _basketball(x2) & _professional(x2) & (x1 = x2))) | 700 |
Burger is a piece of code and a Mac. | exists x1.(_burger(x1) & exists x2.(_piece(x2) & exists x3.(_code(x3) & (x2 = x3)) & exists x4.(_mac(x4) & (x2 = x4)) & (x1 = x2))) | 701 |