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358 values
#en-punctuation ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z { | } ~ ! #fullwidth ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ ⦅ ⦆ 。 「 」 、 ・ #cn-punctuation 、 。 〃 〄 々 〆 〇 〈 〉 《 》 「 」 『 』 【 】 〒 〓 〔 〕 〖 〗 〘 〙 〚 〛 〜 〝 〞 〟 #中文 的 吗 不 我 们 起 就 最 在 人 有 是 为 以 于 上 他 而 后 之 来 由 及 了 下 可 到 这 与 也 因 此 但 并 个 其 已 无 小 今 去 再 好 只 又 或 很 亦 某 把 那 你 乃 它 吧 被 比 别 趁 当 从 到 得 打 凡 儿 尔 该 各 给 跟 和 何 还 即 几 既 看 据 距 靠 啦 了 另 么 每 们 嘛 拿 哪 那 您 凭 且 却 让 仍 啥 如 若 使 谁 虽 随 同 所 她 哇 嗡 往 哪 些 向 沿 哟 用 于 咱 则 怎 曾 至 致 着 诸 自 啊 #英文 to can could dare do did does may might would should must will ought shall need is a am are about according after against all almost also although among an and another any anything approximately as asked at back because before besides between both but by call called currently despite did do dr during each earlier eight even eventually every everything five for four from he her here his how however i if in indeed instead it its just last like major many may maybe meanwhile more moreover most mr mrs ms much my neither net never nevertheless nine no none not nothing now of on once one only or other our over partly perhaps prior regarding separately seven several she should similarly since six so some somehow still such ten that the their then there therefore these they this those though three to two under unless unlike until volume we what whatever whats when where which while why with without yesterday yet you your aboard about above according to across afore after against agin along alongside amid amidst among amongst anent around as aslant astride at athwart bar because of before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by circa despite down during due to ere except for from in inside into less like mid midst minus near next nigh nigher nighest notwithstanding of off on on to onto out out of outside over past pending per plus qua re round sans save since through throughout thru till to toward towards under underneath unlike until unto up upon versus via vice with within without he her herself hers him himself his I it its itself me mine my myself ours she their theirs them themselves they us we our ourselves you your yours yourselves yourself this that these those a about above across after afterwards again against all almost alone along already also although always am among amongst amoungst amount an and another any anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere are around as at back be became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand behind being below beside besides between beyond bill both bottom but by call can cannot cant co computer con could couldnt cry de describe detail do done down due during each eg eight either eleven else elsewhere empty enough etc even ever every everyone everything everywhere except few fifteen fify fill find fire first five for former formerly forty found four from front full further get give go had has hasnt have he hence her here hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself him himself his how however hundred i ie if in inc indeed interest into is it its itself keep last latter latterly least less ltd made many may me meanwhile might mill mine more moreover most mostly move much must my myself name namely neither never nevertheless next nine no nobody none noone nor not nothing now nowhere of off often on once one only onto or other others otherwise our ours ourselves out over own part per perhaps please put rather re same see seem seemed seeming seems serious several she should show side since sincere six sixty so some somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere still such take ten than that the their them themselves then thence there thereafter thereby therefore therein thereupon these they thick thin third this those though three through throughout thru thus to together too top toward towards twelve twenty two un under until up upon us very via was we well were what whatever when whence whenever where whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who whoever whole whom whose why will with within without would yet you your yours yourself yourselves #other number
[ "MIT", "Ruby", "Apache-2.0", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
- attributes("title") = "Scalatra: a tiny, Sinatra-like web framework for Scala" - attributes("headline") = "Welcome to Scalatra" Hello, Scalate!
[ "MIT" ]
<%def name="tip()"> <% from import Tips text, url = Tips.get_tip() %> % if user.settings.show_tips: <div class="alert alert-info hidden-phone"> <strong>tips:</strong> ${text|n} % if url: <a href="${url}">Try it</a> % endif </div> % endif </%def>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
--TEST-- Bug #79846 (8c67c166996 broke simple regexp) --FILE-- <?php $item = "component_phase_1"; preg_match("/([a-z]+_[a-z]+_*[a-z]+)_?(\d+)?/", $item, $match); var_dump($match); ?> --EXPECT-- array(3) { [0]=> string(17) "component_phase_1" [1]=> string(15) "component_phase" [2]=> string(1) "1" }
[ "PHP-3.01" ]
dr Dr itd itn št #NUMERIC_ONLY# Št #NUMERIC_ONLY# d jan Jan feb Feb mar Mar apr Apr jun Jun jul Jul avg Avg sept Sept sep Sep okt Okt nov Nov dec Dec tj Tj npr Npr sl Sl op Op gl Gl oz Oz prev dipl ing prim Prim cf Cf gl Gl A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <base href="../../../" /> <script src="page.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="page.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>[name]</h1> <p class="desc"> この記事ではhtree.jsを[link: node.js]環境で実行する方法について説明します。 node環境で実行すると、自動テストを実行できるようになります。 テストはコマンドラインから実行可能で、[link: Travis]のような自動のCIツールからも実行できます。 </p> <h2>The short version(概略)</h2> <p> npmとnodeについて詳しい方は以下のコマンドを実行し <code> $ npm install three --save-dev </code> それから以下のコードをテストに追加してください <code> const THREE = require('three'); </code> </p> <h2>一からテスト可能なプロジェクトを作成する</h2> <p> If you're not familiar with these tools, here's a quick guide (for linux, the installation process will be slightly different using windows, but the NPM commands are identical). もしツールについて詳しくないようであれば、簡単な説明があります(linuxでは、windowsとインストールのやり方が大きく異なります。しかしNPMコマンドはそれとは関係ありません)。 </p> <h3>Basic setup(基本的な設定)</h3> <div> <ol> <li> [link: npm]とnodejsをインストールします。 もっとも早い方法は、一般的に以下のように行うことです。 <code> $ sudo apt-get install -y npm nodejs-legacy # fix any problems with SSL in the default registry URL $ npm config set registry </code> </li> <li> 新しいプロジェクトのディレクトリを作成します。 <code> $ mkdir test-example; cd test-example </code> </li> <li> npmに新しいプロジェクトfileを作成させます。 <code> $ npm init </code> すべてのプロンプトでEnterを押すと全てデフォルトの設定になります。 こうすることでpackage.jsonが作成されます。 </li><br /> <li> 以下のようにしてテスト機能を起動してみてください <code> $ npm test </code> おそらくですが、これは失敗します。 package.jsonの中の、テスト用のスクリプトの定義はこのようになっています。 <code> "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" </code> </li> </ol> </div> <h2>Add mocha(mochaの追加)</h2> <div> [link: mocha]を使用していきます。 <ol> <li> 以下のようにしてmochaをインストールします。 <code> $ npm install mocha --save-dev </code> node_modulesディレクトリが作られていて、依存関係がそこに示されていることが分かるかと思います。 また、package.jsonが更新されていることも分かるでしょう。 devDependencies プロパティは、--save-dev の使用により追加・更新されます。 </li><br /> <li> テストでmochaを使うためにpackage.jsonを編集してください。 これはtestが呼ばれた時に、mochaを実行して詳細をどこに報告するかを決めるためです。 デフォルトでは、testディレクトリにあるものはなんでも実行されます。(もしtestディレクトリがない場合npm ERRが発生する可能性があります。その場合はmkdir testを実行し、ディレクトリを作成してください) <code> "test": "mocha --reporter list" </code> </li> <li> 以下のコマンドでテストをもう一度実行してみてください <code> $ npm test </code> 今度はうまくいくはずです。0 passing (1ms)などと報告されるでしょう。 </li> </ol> </div> <h2>three.jsを追加する</h2> <div> <ol> <li> three.jsを依存ファイルに加えましょう。 <code> $ npm install three --save-dev </code> <ul> <li> もし違うバージョンのthreeが必要な場合は次のコマンドを使ってください。 <code> $ npm show three versions </code> こうすると使用可能なバージョンが分かります。npmに使用したいバージョンを伝えましょう。 <code> $ npm install [email protected] --save </code> (この例では0.84.0をインストールしています)。--saveは、これをdevの依存関係ではなく、このプロジェクトの依存関係にします。詳しくは、ドキュメント([link: here])をご覧ください。 </li> </ul> </li> <li> Mochaはtestディレクトリの中でテストを探します。それではtestディレクトリを作成しましょう。 <code> $ mkdir test </code> </li> <li> 最終的には、実際に実行するJSのテストが必要です。 three.jsのオブジェクトが利用可能で動いていることを確かめるための簡単なテストを追加してみましょう。 以下のコードが書かれたtest/verify-three.jsを作成します。 <code> const THREE = require('three'); const assert = require('assert'); describe('The THREE object', function() { it('should have a defined BasicShadowMap constant', function() { assert.notEqual('undefined', THREE.BasicShadowMap); }), it('should be able to construct a Vector3 with default of x=0', function() { const vec3 = new THREE.Vector3(); assert.equal(0, vec3.x); }) }) </code> </li> <li> 最後に$npm testでもう一度testを行いましょう。上のテストが実行されて成功するはずで、結果は以下のようになるでしょう。 <code> The THREE object should have a defined BasicShadowMap constant: 0ms The THREE object should be able to construct a Vector3 with default of x=0: 0ms 2 passing (8ms) </code> </li> </ol> </div> <h2>自分のコードを追加する</h2> <div> 3つのことをやる必要があります。 <ol> <li> 自分のコードに期待される動作についてテストを書き、それをtest/の下に置いてください。 ここ([link: Here])に実際のプロジェクトの例を置いておきます。 </li> <li> nodejsが機能的なコードを見られるようにエクスポートして、requireと組み合わせて使用します。こちら([link: here])をご覧ください。 </li> <li> 上記のサンプルコードでrequire('three')を行なったのと同じ方法で、 テストコードに、あなたが作成したコードをインポートする必要があります。 </li> </ol> <p> 2と3の項目は、コードの管理方法によって異なります。上記のPhysics.jsの例では、exportの部分は最後の方にあります。 module.exportsにオブジェクトを割り当てています。 </p> <code> //============================================================================= // make available in nodejs //============================================================================= if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = Physics; } </code> </div> <h2>Dealing with dependencies(依存関係に対処する)</h2> <div> <p> もしすでに、require.jsやborwserifyといった賢いツールを使っているようなら、この章は飛ばしてください。 </p> <p> three.jsのプロジェクトはブラウザで実行するのが一般的です。そのため、モジュールのロードはブラウザによって行われ、たくさんのscriptタグが実行されます。一つのファイルであれば依存関係の心配をする必要はありません。 しかしながら、nodejsでは他の全てのものと結びつけられているindex.htmlがないので、 明示的にそうする必要があります。 </p> <p> 他のファイルに依存するモジュールをexportする場合、nodeにそのファイルをロードするように伝えなくてはなりません。 以下に1つのアプローチを示します。 </p> <ol> <li> モジュールを始める時に、nodejs環境であるかを確かめます。 </li> <li> もしそうであれば、依存関係を明示的に宣言します。 </li> <li> もしnodejs環境でないならおそらくブラウザ環境ですので、特に他のことはしなくても良いです。 </li> </ol> Physics.jsからのサンプルコードを示しておきます。 <code> //============================================================================= // setup for server-side testing //============================================================================= if (typeof require === 'function') // test for nodejs environment { const THREE = require('three'); const MY3 = require('./MY3.js'); } </code> </div> </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
module audiostreamerscrobbler.maintypes.Player let PLAYERTYPE_ID_BLUOS = "BluOS" let PLAYERTYPE_ID_HEOS = "HEOS" let PLAYERTYPE_ID_MUSICCAST = "MusicCast" union PlayerTypes = { BluOs Heos MusicCast } augment PlayerTypes { function playerTypeId = |this| -> getPlayerTypeID(this) } function getAllPlayerTypes = { return [PlayerTypes.BluOs(), PlayerTypes.Heos(), PlayerTypes.MusicCast()] } function createPlayer = |playerImpl| { let playerTypeId = getPlayerTypeID(playerImpl: playerType()) let playerId = createPlayerId(playerTypeId, playerImpl: name()) let player = DynamicObject("PlayerProxy"): define("impl", playerImpl): define("id", playerId): define("playerTypeId", getPlayerTypeID(playerImpl: playerType())): fallback(DynamicObject.delegate(playerImpl)) return player } function createPlayerId = |playerTypeId, playerName| { return playerTypeId + "/" + playerName } function getPlayerType = |playerTypeId| { case { when playerTypeId == PLAYERTYPE_ID_BLUOS { return PlayerTypes.BluOs() } when playerTypeId == PLAYERTYPE_ID_HEOS { return PlayerTypes.Heos() } when playerTypeId == PLAYERTYPE_ID_MUSICCAST { return PlayerTypes.MusicCast() } otherwise { raise("Internal error: unknown player type ID '" + playerTypeId + "'") } } } function getPlayerTypeID = |playerType| { case { when playerType: isBluOs() { return PLAYERTYPE_ID_BLUOS } when playerType: isHeos() { return PLAYERTYPE_ID_HEOS } when playerType: isMusicCast() { return PLAYERTYPE_ID_MUSICCAST } otherwise { raise("Internal error: unknown player type '" + playerType + "'") } } }
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env io // example of implementing control structures myif := method(condition, index := if(condition, 1, 2) call evalArgAt(index) ) myif(19 > 5, writeln("19 > 5. Correct.") , writeln("19 > 5. Incorrect.") )
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
<%args> title items user </%args> <head> <title><% title %></title> </head> <&|base.myt:wrap &> <div><& base.myt:greeting, name=user &></div> <div><& base.myt:greeting, name="me"&></div> <div><& base.myt:greeting, name="world" &></div> <h2>Loop</h2> %if items: <ul> % for item in items: <li><% item %></li> % </ul> % </&>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
implementation module StdPointer import StdOverloaded, StdClass, StdArray, StdInt, StdChar, StdString readInt :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readInt_64 pointer offset) (readInt_32 pointer offset) readInt_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt_64 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%rbx,%rax,1),%rax instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 3 } readInt_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt_32 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%ebx,%eax,1),%eax instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 3 } readIntP :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntP pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readIntP_64 pointer offset) (readIntP_32 pointer offset) readIntP_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntP_64 pointer offset = code { | mov (%rbx,%rax,1),%rcx instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 3 | mov %rbx,%rax instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 195 | mov %rcx,%rbx instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 217 } readIntP_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntP_32 pointer offset = code { | mov (%ebx,%eax,1),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 3 | mov %ebx,%eax instruction 139 instruction 195 | mov %ecx,%ebx instruction 139 instruction 217 } readIntElemOffset :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readIntElemOffset pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readIntElemOffset_64 pointer offset) (readIntElemOffset_32 pointer offset) readIntElemOffset_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readIntElemOffset_64 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%rbx,%rax,8),%rax instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 195 } readIntElemOffset_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readIntElemOffset_32 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%ebx,%eax,4),%eax instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 131 } readIntElemOffsetP :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntElemOffsetP pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readIntElemOffsetP_64 pointer offset) (readIntElemOffsetP_32 pointer offset) readIntElemOffsetP_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntElemOffsetP_64 pointer offset = code { | mov (%rbx,%rax,8),%rcx instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 195 | mov %rbx,%rax instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 195 | mov %rcx,%rbx instruction 72 instruction 139 instruction 217 } readIntElemOffsetP_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> (!Int,!Pointer) readIntElemOffsetP_32 pointer offset = code { | mov (%ebx,%eax,4),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 131 | mov %ebx,%eax instruction 139 instruction 195 | mov %ecx,%ebx instruction 139 instruction 217 } readInt32Z :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt32Z pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt32S :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt32S pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readInt32S_64 pointer offset) (readInt32S_32 pointer offset) readInt32S_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt32S_64 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movsxd rax,dword ptr [rbx+rax] instruction 72 instruction 99 instruction 4 instruction 3 } readInt32S_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt32S_32 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | mov (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 139 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt16Z :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt16Z pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movzwl (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 15 instruction 183 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt16S :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt16S pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readInt16S_64 pointer offset) (readInt16S_32 pointer offset) readInt16S_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt16S_64 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movswl (%rax,%rbx,1),%rax instruction 72 instruction 15 instruction 191 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt16S_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt16S_32 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movswl (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 15 instruction 191 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt8Z :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt8Z pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movzbl (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 15 instruction 182 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt8S :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt8S pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readInt8S_64 pointer offset) (readInt8S_32 pointer offset) readInt8S_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt8S_64 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movsbl (%rax,%rbx,1),%rax instruction 72 instruction 15 instruction 190 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readInt8S_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Int readInt8S_32 pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movsbl (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 15 instruction 190 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readChar :: !Pointer !Offset -> Char readChar pointer offset = code { pop_b 1 | movzbl (%eax,%ebx,1),%eax instruction 15 instruction 182 instruction 4 instruction 24 } readReal64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal64 pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readReal64_64 pointer offset) (readReal64_32 pointer offset) readReal64_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal64_64 pointer offset = code { pushR 0.0 updatepop_b 0 2 jmp read_f8_p_64 :read_f8_p_64 | movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rbx+rax] instruction 242 instruction 15 instruction 16 instruction 4 instruction 3 } readReal64_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal64_32 pointer offset = code { pushR 0.0 update_b 1 3 updatepop_b 0 2 jmp read_f8_p_32 :read_f8_p_32 | fldl (%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 221 instruction 4 instruction 24 | fstp %st(1) instruction 221 instruction 217 } readReal32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal32 pointer offset = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (readReal32_64 pointer offset) (readReal32_32 pointer offset) readReal32_64 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal32_64 pointer offset = code { pushR 0.0 updatepop_b 0 2 jmp read_f4_p_64 :read_f4_p_64 | cvtss2sd xmm0,dword ptr [rbx+rax] instruction 243 instruction 15 instruction 90 instruction 4 instruction 3 } readReal32_32 :: !Pointer !Offset -> Real readReal32_32 pointer offset = code { pushR 0.0 update_b 1 3 updatepop_b 0 2 jmp read_f4_p_32 :read_f4_p_32 | flds (%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 217 instruction 4 instruction 24 | fstp %st(1) instruction 221 instruction 217 } writeInt :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeInt_64 pointer offset i) (writeInt_32 pointer offset i) writeInt_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov qword ptr [rbx+r10],rax instruction 74 instruction 137 instruction 4 instruction 19 } writeInt_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movl %ecx,(%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 137 instruction 12 instruction 24 } writeIntElemOffset :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeIntElemOffset pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeIntElemOffset_64 pointer offset i) (writeIntElemOffset_32 pointer offset i) writeIntElemOffset_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeIntElemOffset_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov qword ptr [r10+rbx*8],rax instruction 73 instruction 137 instruction 4 instruction 218 } writeIntElemOffset_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeIntElemOffset_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movl %ecx,(%ebx,%eax,4) instruction 137 instruction 12 instruction 131 } writeInt32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt32 pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeInt32_64 pointer offset i) (writeInt32_32 pointer offset i) writeInt32_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt32_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov dword ptr [rbx+r10],eax instruction 66 instruction 137 instruction 4 instruction 19 } writeInt32_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt32_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movl %ecx,(%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 137 instruction 12 instruction 24 } writeInt16 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt16 pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeInt16_64 pointer offset i) (writeInt16_32 pointer offset i) writeInt16_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt16_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov word ptr [rbx+r10],ax instruction 102 instruction 66 instruction 137 instruction 4 instruction 19 } writeInt16_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt16_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movw %cx,(%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 102 instruction 137 instruction 12 instruction 24 } writeInt8 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt8 pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeInt8_64 pointer offset i) (writeInt8_32 pointer offset i) writeInt8_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt8_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov byte ptr [rbx+r10],al instruction 66 instruction 136 instruction 4 instruction 19 } writeInt8_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Int -> Pointer writeInt8_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movl %cl,(%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 136 instruction 12 instruction 24 } writeChar :: !Pointer !Offset !Char -> Pointer writeChar pointer offset i = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeChar_64 pointer offset i) (writeChar_32 pointer offset i) writeChar_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Char -> Pointer writeChar_64 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov byte ptr [rbx+r10],al instruction 66 instruction 136 instruction 4 instruction 19 } writeChar_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Char -> Pointer writeChar_32 pointer offset i = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | mov (%esp),%ecx instruction 139 instruction 12 instruction 36 | movl %cl,(%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 136 instruction 12 instruction 24 } writeReal64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal64 pointer offset double = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeReal64_64 pointer offset double) (writeReal64_32 pointer offset double) writeReal64_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal64_64 pointer offset double = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | movsd mmword ptr [rbx+rax],xmm0 instruction 242 instruction 15 instruction 17 instruction 4 instruction 3 } writeReal64_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal64_32 pointer offset double = code { updatepop_b 0 3 | fstl (%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 221 instruction 20 instruction 24 } writeReal32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal32 pointer offset double = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (writeReal32_64 pointer offset double) (writeReal32_32 pointer offset double) writeReal32_64 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal32_64 pointer offset double = code { updatepop_b 0 2 | cvtsd2ss xmm0,xmm0 instruction 242 instruction 15 instruction 90 instruction 192 | movss dword ptr [rbx+rax],xmm0 instruction 243 instruction 15 instruction 17 instruction 4 instruction 3 } writeReal32_32 :: !Pointer !Offset !Real -> Pointer writeReal32_32 pointer offset double = code { updatepop_b 0 3 | fsts (%eax,%ebx,1) instruction 217 instruction 20 instruction 24 } derefInt :: !Pointer -> Int derefInt ptr = code { load_i 0 } derefString :: !Pointer -> String derefString ptr = copy ptr 0 (createArray len '\0') where len = skip_to_zero ptr - ptr skip_to_zero ptr | load_char ptr <> '\0' = skip_to_zero (ptr+1) = ptr copy :: !Pointer !Offset *{#Char} -> *{#Char} copy ptr off arr # char = load_char (ptr+off) | char <> '\0' = copy ptr (off + 1) {arr & [off] = char} = arr derefCharArray :: !Pointer !Int -> {#Char} derefCharArray ptr len = copy 0 (createArray len '\0') where copy :: !Offset *{#Char} -> *{#Char} copy off arr # char = load_char (ptr+off) | off < len = copy (inc off) {arr & [off] = char} = arr load_char :: !Pointer -> Char load_char ptr = code inline { load_ui8 0 } writeCharArray :: !Pointer !{#Char} -> Pointer writeCharArray ptr array = copy ptr 0 where len = size array copy :: !Pointer !Offset -> Pointer copy ptr off # char = array.[off] | off < len = copy (writeChar ptr off char) (inc off) = ptr packInt :: !Int -> {#Int} packInt i = {i} packString :: !String -> {#Char} packString s = s +++ "\0" unpackString :: !{#Char} -> String unpackString s = unpack 0 where unpack :: Int -> String unpack off | s.[off] == '\0' = s % (0, off - 1) | otherwise = unpack (off + 1) unpackInt16Z :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Int unpackInt16Z s off = (toInt s.[off]) bitor (toInt s.[off + 1] << 8) unpackInt16S :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Int unpackInt16S s off = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (((unpackInt16Z s off) << 48) >> 48) (((unpackInt16Z s off) << 16) >> 16) unpackInt32Z :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Int unpackInt32Z s off = (toInt s.[off]) bitor (toInt s.[off + 1] << 8) bitor (toInt s.[off + 2] << 16) bitor (toInt s.[off + 3] << 24) unpackInt32S :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Int unpackInt32S s off = IF_INT_64_OR_32 (((unpackInt32Z s off) << 32) >> 32) (unpackInt32Z s off) unpackInt64 :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Int unpackInt64 s off = (toInt s.[off]) bitor (toInt s.[off + 1] << 8) bitor (toInt s.[off + 2] << 16) bitor (toInt s.[off + 3] << 24) bitor (toInt s.[off + 4] << 32) bitor (toInt s.[off + 5] << 40) bitor (toInt s.[off + 6] << 48) bitor (toInt s.[off + 7] << 56) unpackBool :: !{#Char} !Offset -> Bool unpackBool s off = unpackInt32Z s off <> 0 forceEval :: !a !*env -> *env forceEval _ world = world forceEvalPointer :: !Pointer !*env -> *env forceEvalPointer _ world = world global_argc :: Pointer global_argc = code { pushLc global_argc } global_argv :: Pointer global_argv = code { pushLc global_argv }
[ "MIT" ]
PUT /stuff/here?foo=bar HTTP/1.0\r\n CONTENT-LENGTH: -1\r\n \r\n {"test": "-1}
[ "MIT" ]
# This is the python script # import sys # for i in range(0, 16): # for j in range(0, 16): # code = str(i * 16 + j) # sys.stdout.write(u"\u001b[38;5;" + code + "m " + code.ljust(4)) # print u"\u001b[0m" # Foreground Colors echo 0..16 | each { |col| let row = (echo 0..16 | each { |row| let code = ($col * 16 + $row) if $code < 256 { $"(ansi -e '38;5;')($code | into string)m($code | into string | str lpad -l 4 -c ' ')(ansi reset)" } {} # Do nothing in the else } | str collect) $"($row)(char newline)" } | str collect # Background Colors echo 0..16 | each { |col| let row = (echo 0..16 | each { |row| let code = ($col * 16 + $row) if $code < 256 { $"(ansi -e '48;5;')($code | into string)m($code | into string | str lpad -l 4 -c ' ')(ansi reset)" } {} # do nothing in the else } | str collect) $"($row)(char newline)" } | str collect
[ "MIT" ]
// @target: es6 // @filename: asyncawait.ts export function async<T>(...args: any[]): any { } export function await(...args: any[]): any { } // @filename: a.ts import { async, await } from 'asyncawait'; export default async(() => await(Promise.resolve(1))); // @filename: b.ts export default async () => { return 0; }; // @filename: c.ts import { async, await } from 'asyncawait'; export default async<number>(); // @filename: d.ts import { async, await } from 'asyncawait'; export default async; // @filename: e.ts import { async, await } from 'asyncawait'; export default async export function foo() { }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0 import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0 Rectangle { QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: enabled } width: 100 height: 100 color: "#e43f3f" // palette.text }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
## recursive implementation fibonacci_rec := function( n ) if n = 1 or n = 2 then return 1; fi; return fibonacci_rec( n - 1 ) + fibonacci_rec( n - 2 ); end; ## iterative implementation fibonacci_iterative := function( n ) local prev, prev2, curr_fib; if n = 1 or n = 2 then return 1; fi; prev := 1; prev2 := 1; while n > 2 do curr_fib := prev + prev2; prev2 := prev; prev := curr_fib; n := n - 1; od; return curr_fib; end; ## using the internal function fibonacci_internal := i -> Fibonacci( i ); ## fibonacci iterator fibonacci_iterator := function( ) local previous_list; previous_list := [ 1, 1 ]; return function( ) local ret_val, tmp_val; ret_val := previous_list[ 1 ]; tmp_val := previous_list[ 1 ] + previous_list[ 2 ]; previous_list[ 1 ] := previous_list[ 2 ]; previous_list[ 2 ] := tmp_val; return ret_val; end; end;
[ "MIT" ]
.. Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. BARThez ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The BARThez model was proposed in `BARThez: a Skilled Pretrained French Sequence-to-Sequence Model <>`__ by Moussa Kamal Eddine, Antoine J.-P. Tixier, Michalis Vazirgiannis on 23 Oct, 2020. The abstract of the paper: *Inductive transfer learning, enabled by self-supervised learning, have taken the entire Natural Language Processing (NLP) field by storm, with models such as BERT and BART setting new state of the art on countless natural language understanding tasks. While there are some notable exceptions, most of the available models and research have been conducted for the English language. In this work, we introduce BARThez, the first BART model for the French language (to the best of our knowledge). BARThez was pretrained on a very large monolingual French corpus from past research that we adapted to suit BART's perturbation schemes. Unlike already existing BERT-based French language models such as CamemBERT and FlauBERT, BARThez is particularly well-suited for generative tasks, since not only its encoder but also its decoder is pretrained. In addition to discriminative tasks from the FLUE benchmark, we evaluate BARThez on a novel summarization dataset, OrangeSum, that we release with this paper. We also continue the pretraining of an already pretrained multilingual BART on BARThez's corpus, and we show that the resulting model, which we call mBARTHez, provides a significant boost over vanilla BARThez, and is on par with or outperforms CamemBERT and FlauBERT.* This model was contributed by `moussakam <>`__. The Authors' code can be found `here <>`__. Examples _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - BARThez can be fine-tuned on sequence-to-sequence tasks in a similar way as BART, check: :prefix_link:`examples/pytorch/summarization/ <examples/pytorch/summarization/>`. BarthezTokenizer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.BarthezTokenizer :members: BarthezTokenizerFast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.BarthezTokenizerFast :members:
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "MIT" ]
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title>body</title> </head> <body> <div id="qunit-fixture"></div> <script src="../../dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="iframeTest.js"></script> <script> var i, input, elem, tags, policy, results = [], inputs = [ [ "<div></div>", "<div class='test'></div>", [ "div" ] ], [ "<div></div>", "<div class='test'></div><span class='test'></span>", [ "div", "span" ] ], [ "<table></table>", "<td class='test'></td>", [ "td" ] ], [ "<select></select>", "<option class='test'></option>", [ "option" ] ] ]; function runTests( messagePrefix, getHtmlWrapper ) { for ( i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) { input = inputs[ i ]; elem = jQuery( getHtmlWrapper( input[ 0 ] ) ); elem.append( getHtmlWrapper( input[ 1 ] ) ); tags = elem.find( ".test" ).toArray().map( function( node ) { return node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } ); results.push( { actual: tags, expected: input[ 2 ], message: messagePrefix + ": " + input[ 2 ].join( ", " ) } ); } elem = jQuery( getHtmlWrapper( "<div></div>" ) ); elem.append( getHtmlWrapper( "text content" ) ); results.push( { actual: elem.html(), expected: "text content", message: messagePrefix + ": text content properly appended" } ); } if ( typeof trustedTypes !== "undefined" ) { policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy( "jquery-test-policy", { createHTML: function( html ) { return html; } } ); runTests( "TrustedHTML", function wrapInTrustedHtml( input ) { return policy.createHTML( input ); } ); } else { // No TrustedHTML support so let's at least run tests with object wrappers // with a proper `toString` function. This also shows that jQuery support // of TrustedHTML is generic and would work with similar APIs out of the box // as well. Ideally, we'd run these tests in browsers with TrustedHTML support // as well but due to the CSP TrustedHTML enforcement these tests would fail. runTests( "Object wrapper", function( input ) { return { toString: function toString() { return input; } }; } ); } startIframeTest( results ); </script> </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
; Script Name : eventlog_security.au3 ; Author : Craig Richards ; Created : 3rd February 2012 ; Last Modified : ; Version : 1.0 ; Modifications : ; Description : This will show you the last failed login attempt, it then outputs all failed login attempts to a file, then clears all the Security part of the event log #Include <EventLog.au3> ; Include the Eventlog header file #Include <String.au3> ; Include the String header file #Include <Array.au3> ; Include the Array header file #Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ; Include the GUIConstantsEx header file #Include <Date.au3> ; Include the Date header file #Include <File.au3> ; Include the File header file Global $iMemo ; Set the Global Variable iMemo _Main() ; Call the Function _Main Func _Main() ; Start of the Main function Local $hEventLog, $aEvent ; Set some Local variables GUICreate("EventLog", 400, 300) ; Create a Window to display the last record $iMemo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 2, 2, 396, 300, 0) GUICtrlSetFont($iMemo, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New") GUISetState() $hEventLog = _EventLog__Open( "", "Security") ; Create the variable hEventLog, this opens the Security Event Log $x=_EventLog__Count ($hEventLog) ; Get a count of all the records MsgBox(4096,"Security events", "You Have " & $x & " events, displaying the last failure event") ; Display the Count of events For $i=0 To $x ; For all events $aEvent = _EventLog__Read($hEventLog, True, False) ; Display just the last event if $aEvent[6] = "529" then ; If the Error code is 529 ; Display all the information MemoWrite("Result ............: " & $aEvent[ 0]) MemoWrite("Record number .....: " & $aEvent[ 1]) MemoWrite("Submitted .........: " & $aEvent[ 2] & " " & $aEvent[ 3]) MemoWrite("Generated .........: " & $aEvent[ 4] & " " & $aEvent[ 5]) MemoWrite("Event ID ..........: " & $aEvent[ 6]) MemoWrite("Type ..............: " & $aEvent[ 8]) MemoWrite("Category ..........: " & $aEvent[ 9]) MemoWrite("Source ............: " & $aEvent[10]) MemoWrite("Computer ..........: " & $aEvent[11]) MemoWrite("Username ..........: " & $aEvent[12]) MemoWrite("Description .......: " & $aEvent[13]) ; Write out all the records to a log file and date stamp the file _FileWriteLog(@UserProfileDir & "\login_failure_attempts.log." & StringReplace(_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(),2), "/", "-"), $aEvent[10] & " " & $aEvent[11] & " " & $aEvent[12] & " " & $aEvent[13] & " " & $aEvent[4] & " " & $aEvent[5]) endif ; End of the loop Next _EventLog__Backup($hEventLog, "C:\Security_EventLog.bak." & StringReplace(_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(),2), "/", "-")) ; Backup the Security Event log _EventLog__Clear($hEventLog, "") ; Clear the event log _EventLog__Close($hEventLog) ; Close the event log Do Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE EndFunc ; End of the Main Function Func MemoWrite($sMessage) ; Start of the Memowrite Function, to display the messages GUICtrlSetData($iMemo, $sMessage & @CRLF, 1) ; Display the messages EndFunc ;==>MemoWrite ; End of the Function
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
<table> <tr> <td></td> <td>Previous is empty</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Next is empty</td> <td></td> </tr> </table>
[ "MIT" ]
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This file will be overwritten when re-running go-raml. @0x81df9e172c8504b4; struct Cat { kind @0 :Text; }
Cap'n Proto
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
'reach 0.1'; export const main = Reach.App( {}, [Participant('A', {})], (A) => { const a = parallelReduce(null); });
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import { G } from "./subdir/g.ts"; import { H } from "./subdir/h.ts"; console.log(new G(true), new H(true));
[ "MIT" ]
<GameProjectFile> <PropertyGroup Type="Node" Name="cat_queen" ID="a216914d-c0d7-49f6-8da3-6a19dd0dc55f" Version="" /> <Content ctype="GameProjectContent"> <Content> <Animation Duration="54" Speed="0.3333333"> <Timeline ActionTag="115142900" FrameType="VisibleFrame"> <BoolFrame FrameIndex="0" Value="False" /> <BoolFrame FrameIndex="35" Value="True" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142900" FrameType="AnchorPointFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="0.5009375" Y="0.4984375" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="37" X="0.500625" Y="0.499375" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="39" X="0.5003125" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="41" X="0.500625" Y="0.499375" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="43" X="0.500625" Y="0.499375" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="45" X="0.5009375" Y="0.49875" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="47" X="0.5003125" Y="0.499375" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" X="0.5003125" Y="0.499375" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142899" FrameType="PositionFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="31.7" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="37" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="39" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="41" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="43" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="45" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="47" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" Tween="False" X="31.8" Y="139.85" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142899" FrameType="ScaleFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="0.160965" Y="0.160965" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="37" X="0.5396881" Y="0.5396881" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="39" X="0.5398712" Y="0.5398712" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="41" X="0.5397491" Y="0.5397491" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="43" X="0.5405579" Y="0.5405579" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="45" X="0.5402527" Y="0.5402527" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="47" X="0.5405884" Y="0.5405884" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" Tween="False" X="0.5405884" Y="0.5405884" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142899" FrameType="RotationSkewFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="95.75595" Y="95.75595" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="37" X="-45.1248" Y="-45.1248" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="39" X="26.30077" Y="26.30077" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="41" X="-31.8221" Y="-31.8221" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="43" X="-0.7972717" Y="-0.7972717" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="45" X="-11.0085" Y="-11.0085" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="47" X="0" Y="0" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" Tween="False" X="0" Y="0" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142899" FrameType="EventFrame"> <StringFrame FrameIndex="54" Value="player5_end" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142902" FrameType="VisibleFrame"> <BoolFrame FrameIndex="0" Value="True" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142902" FrameType="AnchorPointFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="0" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="6" X="0.500813" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="13" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="14" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="15" X="0.500813" Y="0.4972603" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="16" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="18" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="20" X="0.500813" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="21" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="22" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="23" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="24" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="25" X="0.5012195" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="27" X="0.498374" Y="0.4958904" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="29" X="0.5012195" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="30" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4993151" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="31" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="32" X="0.500813" Y="0.4972603" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="33" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="48" X="0.5" Y="0.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="51" X="0.500813" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="52" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4979452" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" X="0.5004065" Y="0.4986301" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142901" FrameType="PositionFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="0" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="6" X="-21.8" Y="16.05" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="13" Tween="False" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="14" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="15" X="-21.75" Y="15.9" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="16" X="-16.95" Y="12.15" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="18" X="-16.95" Y="12.15" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="20" X="-21.8" Y="16.35" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="21" X="-21.25" Y="15.35" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="22" Tween="False" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="23" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="24" X="-21.4" Y="15.45" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="25" Tween="False" X="-20.6" Y="13.85" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="27" Tween="False" X="-21.05" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="29" Tween="False" X="-21.35" Y="16.55" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="30" Tween="False" X="-21.45" Y="17.35" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="31" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="32" X="-21.75" Y="15.9" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="33" X="-17.55" Y="12.5" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="35" X="-16.95" Y="12.15" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="48" X="-16.95" Y="12.15" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="51" X="-21.8" Y="16.35" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="52" X="-21.25" Y="15.35" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="54" Tween="False" X="-21.35" Y="15.2" /> </Timeline> <Timeline ActionTag="115142901" FrameType="ScaleFrame"> <PointFrame FrameIndex="0" X="0.248642" Y="0.248642" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="6" X="0.2485657" Y="0.2485657" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="13" Tween="False" X="0.248642" Y="0.248642" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="14" X="0.248642" Y="0.248642" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="15" X="0.2485962" Y="0.2485962" /> <PointFrame FrameIndex="16" X="0.248291" Y="0.248291" /> <PointFrame 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[ "MIT" ]
package com.baeldung.retrofit.basic; import java.util.List; import com.baeldung.retrofit.models.Contributor; import com.baeldung.retrofit.models.Repository; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.http.GET; import retrofit2.http.Path; public interface GitHubBasicApi { /** * List GitHub repositories of user * @param user GitHub Account * @return GitHub repositories */ @GET("users/{user}/repos") Call<List<Repository>> listRepos(@Path("user") String user); /** * List Contributors of a GitHub Repository * @param user GitHub Account * @param repo GitHub Repository * @return GitHub Repository Contributors */ @GET("repos/{user}/{repo}/contributors") Call<List<Contributor>> listRepoContributors(@Path("user") String user, @Path("repo") String repo); }
[ "MIT" ]
62*1+v>01p001>+v>\:02p\:02gv 0 ^ < . :p " .1 v 0," "<0 " >1g12-+:| , @ >^ # playfield cells can't store values over 255 as I designed it
Imperfect Languages/fib.befunge
[ "Unlicense" ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Code Knowledge Value Evaluation Dataset

This dataset is created by evaluating the knowledge value of code sourced from the bigcode/the-stack repository. It is designed to assess the educational and knowledge potential of different code samples.

Dataset Overview

The dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets with the following number of samples:

  • Training set: 22,786 samples
  • Validation set: 4,555 samples
  • Test set: 18,232 samples


This dataset can be used to train and evaluate models that assess the knowledge value of code, potentially aiding in tasks such as automated code review, educational feedback, and curriculum development.


The dataset is based on the code from bigcode/the-stack, which provides a comprehensive collection of open-source code across various programming languages.


Please ensure that you comply with the license of the original bigcode/the-stack repository when using this dataset.

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