Return kwargs dict for text
def get_kwargs(self): """Return kwargs dict for text""" kwargs = {} if self.font_face: kwargs["fontname"] = repr(self.font_face) if self.font_size: kwargs["fontsize"] = repr(self.font_size) if self.font_style in self.style_wx2mpl: kwargs["fontstyle"] = repr(self.style_wx2mpl[self.font_style]) if self.font_weight in self.weight_wx2mpl: kwargs["fontweight"] = repr(self.weight_wx2mpl[self.font_weight]) kwargs["color"] = color2code(self.colorselect.GetValue()) code = ", ".join(repr(key) + ": " + kwargs[key] for key in kwargs) code = "{" + code + "}" return code
Sets widget from kwargs string Parameters ---------- code: String \tCode representation of kwargs value
def set_kwargs(self, code): """Sets widget from kwargs string Parameters ---------- code: String \tCode representation of kwargs value """ kwargs = {} kwarglist = list(parse_dict_strings(code[1:-1])) for kwarg, val in zip(kwarglist[::2], kwarglist[1::2]): kwargs[unquote_string(kwarg)] = val for key in kwargs: if key == "color": color = code2color(kwargs[key]) self.colorselect.SetOwnForegroundColour(color) elif key == "fontname": self.font_face = unquote_string(kwargs[key]) if self.chosen_font is None: self.chosen_font = get_default_font() self.chosen_font.SetFaceName(self.font_face) elif key == "fontsize": if kwargs[key]: self.font_size = int(kwargs[key]) else: self.font_size = get_default_font().GetPointSize() if self.chosen_font is None: self.chosen_font = get_default_font() self.chosen_font.SetPointSize(self.font_size) elif key == "fontstyle": self.font_style = \ self.style_mpl2wx[unquote_string(kwargs[key])] if self.chosen_font is None: self.chosen_font = get_default_font() self.chosen_font.SetStyle(self.font_style) elif key == "fontweight": self.font_weight = \ self.weight_mpl2wx[unquote_string(kwargs[key])] if self.chosen_font is None: self.chosen_font = get_default_font() self.chosen_font.SetWeight(self.font_weight)
Check event handler
def OnFont(self, event): """Check event handler""" font_data = wx.FontData() # Disable color chooser on Windows font_data.EnableEffects(False) if self.chosen_font: font_data.SetInitialFont(self.chosen_font) dlg = wx.FontDialog(self, font_data) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: font_data = dlg.GetFontData() font = self.chosen_font = font_data.GetChosenFont() self.font_face = font.GetFaceName() self.font_size = font.GetPointSize() self.font_style = font.GetStyle() self.font_weight = font.GetWeight() dlg.Destroy() post_command_event(self, self.DrawChartMsg)
Binds events to handlers
def __bindings(self): """Binds events to handlers""" self.direction_choicectrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.OnDirectionChoice) self.sec_checkboxctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnSecondaryCheckbox) self.pad_intctrl.Bind(EVT_INT, self.OnPadIntCtrl) self.labelsize_intctrl.Bind(EVT_INT, self.OnLabelSizeIntCtrl)
Return kwargs dict for text
def get_kwargs(self): """Return kwargs dict for text""" kwargs = {} for attr in self.attrs: val = self.attrs[attr] if val is not None: kwargs[attr] = repr(val) code = ", ".join(repr(key) + ": " + kwargs[key] for key in kwargs) code = "{" + code + "}" return code
Direction choice event handler
def OnDirectionChoice(self, event): """Direction choice event handler""" label = self.direction_choicectrl.GetItems()[event.GetSelection()] param = self.choice_label2param[label] self.attrs["direction"] = param post_command_event(self, self.DrawChartMsg)
Top Checkbox event handler
def OnSecondaryCheckbox(self, event): """Top Checkbox event handler""" self.attrs["top"] = event.IsChecked() self.attrs["right"] = event.IsChecked() post_command_event(self, self.DrawChartMsg)
Pad IntCtrl event handler
def OnPadIntCtrl(self, event): """Pad IntCtrl event handler""" self.attrs["pad"] = event.GetValue() post_command_event(self, self.DrawChartMsg)
Label size IntCtrl event handler
def OnLabelSizeIntCtrl(self, event): """Label size IntCtrl event handler""" self.attrs["labelsize"] = event.GetValue() post_command_event(self, self.DrawChartMsg)
Returns code representation of value of widget
def get_code(self): """Returns code representation of value of widget""" selection = self.GetSelection() if selection == wx.NOT_FOUND: selection = 0 # Return code string return self.styles[selection][1]
Sets widget from code string Parameters ---------- code: String \tCode representation of widget value
def set_code(self, code): """Sets widget from code string Parameters ---------- code: String \tCode representation of widget value """ for i, (_, style_code) in enumerate(self.styles): if code == style_code: self.SetSelection(i)
Updates from series data Parameters ---------- * series_data: dict \tKey value pairs for, which correspond to chart attributes
def update(self, series_data): """Updates from series data Parameters ---------- * series_data: dict \tKey value pairs for, which correspond to chart attributes """ for key in series_data: try: data_list = list([key]) data_list[2] = str(series_data[key])[key] = tuple(data_list) except KeyError: pass
Returns current plot_panel
def get_plot_panel(self): """Returns current plot_panel""" plot_type_no = self.chart_type_book.GetSelection() return self.chart_type_book.GetPage(plot_type_no)
Sets plot type
def set_plot_type(self, plot_type): """Sets plot type""" ptypes = [pt["type"] for pt in self.plot_types] self.plot_panel = ptypes.index(plot_type)
Binds events to handlers
def __bindings(self): """Binds events to handlers""" self.Bind(fnb.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnSeriesChanged) self.Bind(fnb.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.OnSeriesDeleted)
Updates widget content from series_list Parameters ---------- series_list: List of dict \tList of dicts with data from all series
def update(self, series_list): """Updates widget content from series_list Parameters ---------- series_list: List of dict \tList of dicts with data from all series """ if not series_list: self.series_notebook.AddPage(wx.Panel(self, -1), _("+")) return self.updating = True # Delete all tabs in the notebook self.series_notebook.DeleteAllPages() # Add as many tabs as there are series in code for page, attrdict in enumerate(series_list): series_panel = SeriesPanel(self.grid, attrdict) name = "Series" self.series_notebook.InsertPage(page, series_panel, name) self.series_notebook.AddPage(wx.Panel(self, -1), _("+")) self.updating = False
FlatNotebook change event handler
def OnSeriesChanged(self, event): """FlatNotebook change event handler""" selection = event.GetSelection() if not self.updating and \ selection == self.series_notebook.GetPageCount() - 1: # Add new series new_panel = SeriesPanel(self, {"type": "plot"}) self.series_notebook.InsertPage(selection, new_panel, _("Series")) event.Skip()
Updates figure on data change Parameters ---------- * figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure \tMatplotlib figure object that is displayed in self
def update(self, figure): """Updates figure on data change Parameters ---------- * figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure \tMatplotlib figure object that is displayed in self """ if hasattr(self, "figure_canvas"): self.figure_canvas.Destroy() self.figure_canvas = self._get_figure_canvas(figure) self.figure_canvas.SetSize(self.GetSize()) figure.subplots_adjust() self.main_sizer.Add(self.figure_canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.FIXED_MINSIZE, 0) self.Layout() self.figure_canvas.draw()
Returns figure from executing code in grid Returns an empty matplotlib figure if code does not eval to a matplotlib figure instance. Parameters ---------- code: Unicode \tUnicode string which contains Python code that should yield a figure
def get_figure(self, code): """Returns figure from executing code in grid Returns an empty matplotlib figure if code does not eval to a matplotlib figure instance. Parameters ---------- code: Unicode \tUnicode string which contains Python code that should yield a figure """ # Caching for fast response if there are no changes if code == self.figure_code_old and self.figure_cache: return self.figure_cache self.figure_code_old = code # key is the current cursor cell of the grid key = self.grid.actions.cursor cell_result = self.grid.code_array._eval_cell(key, code) # If cell_result is matplotlib figure if isinstance(cell_result, matplotlib.pyplot.Figure): # Return it self.figure_cache = cell_result return cell_result else: # Otherwise return empty figure self.figure_cache = charts.ChartFigure() return self.figure_cache
Update widgets from code
def set_code(self, code): """Update widgets from code""" # Get attributes from code attributes = [] strip = lambda s: s.strip('u').strip("'").strip('"') for attr_dict in parse_dict_strings(unicode(code).strip()[19:-1]): attrs = list(strip(s) for s in parse_dict_strings(attr_dict[1:-1])) attributes.append(dict(zip(attrs[::2], attrs[1::2]))) if not attributes: return # Set widgets from attributes # --------------------------- # Figure attributes figure_attributes = attributes[0] for key, widget in self.figure_attributes_panel: try: obj = figure_attributes[key] kwargs_key = key + "_kwargs" if kwargs_key in figure_attributes: widget.set_kwargs(figure_attributes[kwargs_key]) except KeyError: obj = "" widget.code = charts.object2code(key, obj) # Series attributes self.all_series_panel.update(attributes[1:])
Returns code that generates figure from widgets
def get_code(self): """Returns code that generates figure from widgets""" def dict2str(attr_dict): """Returns string with dict content with values as code Code means that string identifiers are removed """ result = u"{" for key in attr_dict: code = attr_dict[key] if key in self.string_keys: code = repr(code) elif code and key in self.tuple_keys and \ not (code[0] in ["[", "("] and code[-1] in ["]", ")"]): code = "(" + code + ")" elif key in ["xscale", "yscale"]: if code: code = '"log"' else: code = '"linear"' elif key in ["legend"]: if code: code = '1' else: code = '0' elif key in ["xtick_params"]: code = '"x"' elif key in ["ytick_params"]: code = '"y"' if not code: if key in self.empty_none_keys: code = "None" else: code = 'u""' result += repr(key) + ": " + code + ", " result = result[:-2] + u"}" return result # cls_name inludes full class name incl. charts cls_name = "charts." + charts.ChartFigure.__name__ attr_dicts = [] # Figure attributes attr_dict = {} # figure_attributes is a dict key2code for key, widget in self.figure_attributes_panel: if key == "type": attr_dict[key] = widget else: attr_dict[key] = widget.code try: attr_dict[key+"_kwargs"] = widget.get_kwargs() except AttributeError: pass attr_dicts.append(attr_dict) # Series_attributes is a list of dicts key2code for series_panel in self.all_series_panel: attr_dict = {} for key, widget in series_panel: if key == "type": attr_dict[key] = widget else: attr_dict[key] = widget.code attr_dicts.append(attr_dict) code = cls_name + "(" for attr_dict in attr_dicts: code += dict2str(attr_dict) + ", " code = code[:-2] + ")" return code
Redraw event handler for the figure panel
def OnUpdateFigurePanel(self, event): """Redraw event handler for the figure panel""" if self.updating: return self.updating = True self.figure_panel.update(self.get_figure(self.code)) self.updating = False
Returns tuple of selection parameters of self (self.block_tl, self.block_br, self.rows, self.cols, self.cells)
def parameters(self): """Returns tuple of selection parameters of self (self.block_tl, self.block_br, self.rows, self.cols, self.cells) """ return self.block_tl, self.block_br, self.rows, self.cols, self.cells
Inserts number of rows/cols/tabs into selection at point on axis Parameters ---------- point: Integer \tAt this point the rows/cols are inserted or deleted number: Integer \tNumber of rows/cols to be inserted, negative number deletes axis: Integer in 0, 1 \tDefines whether rows or cols are affected
def insert(self, point, number, axis): """Inserts number of rows/cols/tabs into selection at point on axis Parameters ---------- point: Integer \tAt this point the rows/cols are inserted or deleted number: Integer \tNumber of rows/cols to be inserted, negative number deletes axis: Integer in 0, 1 \tDefines whether rows or cols are affected """ def build_tuple_list(source_list, point, number, axis): """Returns adjusted tuple list for single cells""" target_list = [] for tl in source_list: tl_list = list(tl) if tl[axis] > point: tl_list[axis] += number target_list.append(tuple(tl_list)) return target_list self.block_tl = build_tuple_list(self.block_tl, point, number, axis) self.block_br = build_tuple_list(self.block_br, point, number, axis) if axis == 0: self.rows = \ [row + number if row > point else row for row in self.rows] elif axis == 1: self.cols = \ [col + number if col > point else col for col in self.cols] else: raise ValueError("Axis not in [0, 1]") self.cells = build_tuple_list(self.cells, point, number, axis)
Returns ((top, left), (bottom, right)) of bounding box A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that contains all selections. Non-specified boundaries are None.
def get_bbox(self): """Returns ((top, left), (bottom, right)) of bounding box A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that contains all selections. Non-specified boundaries are None. """ bb_top, bb_left, bb_bottom, bb_right = [None] * 4 # Block selections for top_left, bottom_right in zip(self.block_tl, self.block_br): top, left = top_left bottom, right = bottom_right if bb_top is None or bb_top > top: bb_top = top if bb_left is None or bb_left > left: bb_left = left if bb_bottom is None or bb_bottom < bottom: bb_bottom = bottom if bb_right is None or bb_right > right: bb_right = right # Row and column selections for row in self.rows: if bb_top is None or bb_top > row: bb_top = row if bb_bottom is None or bb_bottom < row: bb_bottom = row for col in self.cols: if bb_left is None or bb_left > col: bb_left = col if bb_right is None or bb_right < col: bb_right = col # Cell selections for cell in self.cells: cell_row, cell_col = cell if bb_top is None or bb_top > cell_row: bb_top = cell_row if bb_left is None or bb_left > cell_col: bb_left = cell_col if bb_bottom is None or bb_bottom < cell_row: bb_bottom = cell_row if bb_right is None or bb_right < cell_col: bb_right = cell_col if all(val is None for val in [bb_top, bb_left, bb_bottom, bb_right]): return None return ((bb_top, bb_left), (bb_bottom, bb_right))
Returns ((top, left), (bottom, right)) of bounding box A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that contains all selections. Non-specified boundaries are filled i from size. Parameters ---------- shape: 3-Tuple of Integer \tGrid shape
def get_grid_bbox(self, shape): """Returns ((top, left), (bottom, right)) of bounding box A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that contains all selections. Non-specified boundaries are filled i from size. Parameters ---------- shape: 3-Tuple of Integer \tGrid shape """ (bb_top, bb_left), (bb_bottom, bb_right) = self.get_bbox() if bb_top is None: bb_top = 0 if bb_left is None: bb_left = 0 if bb_bottom is None: bb_bottom = shape[0] if bb_right is None: bb_right = shape[1] return ((bb_top, bb_left), (bb_bottom, bb_right))
Returns a string, with which the selection can be accessed Parameters ---------- shape: 3-tuple of Integer \tShape of grid, for which the generated keys are valid table: Integer \tThird component of all returned keys. Must be in dimensions
def get_access_string(self, shape, table): """Returns a string, with which the selection can be accessed Parameters ---------- shape: 3-tuple of Integer \tShape of grid, for which the generated keys are valid table: Integer \tThird component of all returned keys. Must be in dimensions """ rows, columns, tables = shape # Negative dimensions cannot be assert all(dim > 0 for dim in shape) # Current table has to be in dimensions assert 0 <= table < tables string_list = [] # Block selections templ = "[(r, c, {}) for r in xrange({}, {}) for c in xrange({}, {})]" for (top, left), (bottom, right) in izip(self.block_tl, self.block_br): string_list += [templ.format(table, top, bottom + 1, left, right + 1)] # Fully selected rows template = "[({}, c, {}) for c in xrange({})]" for row in self.rows: string_list += [template.format(row, table, columns)] # Fully selected columns template = "[(r, {}, {}) for r in xrange({})]" for column in self.cols: string_list += [template.format(column, table, rows)] # Single cells for row, column in self.cells: string_list += [repr([(row, column, table)])] key_string = " + ".join(string_list) if len(string_list) == 0: return "" elif len(self.cells) == 1 and len(string_list) == 1: return "S[{}]".format(string_list[0][1:-1]) else: template = "[S[key] for key in {} if S[key] is not None]" return template.format(key_string)
Returns a new selection that is shifted by rows and cols. Negative values for rows and cols may result in a selection that addresses negative cells. Parameters ---------- rows: Integer \tNumber of rows that the new selection is shifted down cols: Integer \tNumber of columns that the new selection is shifted right
def shifted(self, rows, cols): """Returns a new selection that is shifted by rows and cols. Negative values for rows and cols may result in a selection that addresses negative cells. Parameters ---------- rows: Integer \tNumber of rows that the new selection is shifted down cols: Integer \tNumber of columns that the new selection is shifted right """ shifted_block_tl = \ [(row + rows, col + cols) for row, col in self.block_tl] shifted_block_br = \ [(row + rows, col + cols) for row, col in self.block_br] shifted_rows = [row + rows for row in self.rows] shifted_cols = [col + cols for col in self.cols] shifted_cells = [(row + rows, col + cols) for row, col in self.cells] return Selection(shifted_block_tl, shifted_block_br, shifted_rows, shifted_cols, shifted_cells)
Selects cells of grid with selection content
def grid_select(self, grid, clear_selection=True): """Selects cells of grid with selection content""" if clear_selection: grid.ClearSelection() for (tl, br) in zip(self.block_tl, self.block_br): grid.SelectBlock(tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1], addToSelected=True) for row in self.rows: grid.SelectRow(row, addToSelected=True) for col in self.cols: grid.SelectCol(col, addToSelected=True) for cell in self.cells: grid.SelectBlock(cell[0], cell[1], cell[0], cell[1], addToSelected=True)
Modify traceback to only include the user code's execution frame Always call in this fashion: e = sys.exc_info() user_tb = get_user_codeframe(e[2]) or e[2] so that you can get the original frame back if you need to (this is necessary because copying traceback objects is tricky and this is a good workaround)
def get_user_codeframe(tb): """Modify traceback to only include the user code's execution frame Always call in this fashion: e = sys.exc_info() user_tb = get_user_codeframe(e[2]) or e[2] so that you can get the original frame back if you need to (this is necessary because copying traceback objects is tricky and this is a good workaround) """ while tb is not None: f = tb.tb_frame co = f.f_code filename = co.co_filename if filename[0] == '<': # This is a meta-descriptor # (probably either "<unknown>" or "<string>") # and is likely the user's code we're executing return tb else: tb = tb.tb_next # We could not find the user's frame. return False
Returns code for widget from dict object
def object2code(key, code): """Returns code for widget from dict object""" if key in ["xscale", "yscale"]: if code == "log": code = True else: code = False else: code = unicode(code) return code
Returns wx.Bitmap from matplotlib chart Parameters ---------- fig: Object \tMatplotlib figure width: Integer \tImage width in pixels height: Integer \tImage height in pixels dpi = Float \tDC resolution
def fig2bmp(figure, width, height, dpi, zoom): """Returns wx.Bitmap from matplotlib chart Parameters ---------- fig: Object \tMatplotlib figure width: Integer \tImage width in pixels height: Integer \tImage height in pixels dpi = Float \tDC resolution """ dpi *= float(zoom) figure.set_figwidth(width / dpi) figure.set_figheight(height / dpi) figure.subplots_adjust() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: # The padding is too small for small sizes. This fixes it. figure.tight_layout(pad=1.0/zoom) except ValueError: pass figure.set_canvas(FigureCanvas(figure)) png_stream = StringIO() figure.savefig(png_stream, format='png', dpi=(dpi)) img = wx.ImageFromStream(png_stream, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) return wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
Returns svg from matplotlib chart
def fig2x(figure, format): """Returns svg from matplotlib chart""" # Save svg to file like object svg_io io = StringIO() figure.savefig(io, format=format) # Rewind the file like object data = io.getvalue() io.close() return data
Sets up axes for drawing chart
def _setup_axes(self, axes_data): """Sets up axes for drawing chart""" self.__axes.clear() key_setter = [ ("title", self.__axes.set_title), ("xlabel", self.__axes.set_xlabel), ("ylabel", self.__axes.set_ylabel), ("xscale", self.__axes.set_xscale), ("yscale", self.__axes.set_yscale), ("xticks", self.__axes.set_xticks), ("xtick_labels", self.__axes.set_xticklabels), ("xtick_params", self.__axes.tick_params), ("yticks", self.__axes.set_yticks), ("ytick_labels", self.__axes.set_yticklabels), ("ytick_params", self.__axes.tick_params), ("xlim", self.__axes.set_xlim), ("ylim", self.__axes.set_ylim), ("xgrid", self.__axes.xaxis.grid), ("ygrid", self.__axes.yaxis.grid), ("xdate_format", self._xdate_setter), ] key2setter = OrderedDict(key_setter) for key in key2setter: if key in axes_data and axes_data[key]: try: kwargs_key = key + "_kwargs" kwargs = axes_data[kwargs_key] except KeyError: kwargs = {} if key == "title": # Shift title up kwargs["y"] = 1.08 key2setter[key](axes_data[key], **kwargs)
Makes x axis a date axis with auto format Parameters ---------- xdate_format: String \tSets date formatting
def _xdate_setter(self, xdate_format='%Y-%m-%d'): """Makes x axis a date axis with auto format Parameters ---------- xdate_format: String \tSets date formatting """ if xdate_format: # We have to validate xdate_format. If wrong then bail out. try: self.autofmt_xdate(), 1, 1).strftime(xdate_format) except ValueError: self.autofmt_xdate() return self.__axes.xaxis_date() formatter = dates.DateFormatter(xdate_format) self.__axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
Plots chart from self.attributes
def draw_chart(self): """Plots chart from self.attributes""" if not hasattr(self, "attributes"): return # The first element is always axes data self._setup_axes(self.attributes[0]) for attribute in self.attributes[1:]: series = copy(attribute) # Extract chart type chart_type_string = series.pop("type") x_str, y_str = self.plot_type_xy_mapping[chart_type_string] # Check xdata length if x_str in series and \ len(series[x_str]) != len(series[y_str]): # Wrong length --> ignore xdata series[x_str] = range(len(series[y_str])) else: # Solve the problem that the series data may contain utf-8 data series_list = list(series[x_str]) series_unicode_list = [] for ele in series_list: if isinstance(ele, types.StringType): try: series_unicode_list.append(ele.decode('utf-8')) except Exception: series_unicode_list.append(ele) else: series_unicode_list.append(ele) series[x_str] = tuple(series_unicode_list) fixed_attrs = [] if chart_type_string in self.plot_type_fixed_attrs: for attr in self.plot_type_fixed_attrs[chart_type_string]: # Remove attr if it is a fixed (non-kwd) attr # If a fixed attr is missing, insert a dummy try: fixed_attrs.append(tuple(series.pop(attr))) except KeyError: fixed_attrs.append(()) # Remove contour chart label info from series cl_attrs = {} for contour_label_attr in self.contour_label_attrs: if contour_label_attr in series: cl_attrs[self.contour_label_attrs[contour_label_attr]] = \ series.pop(contour_label_attr) # Remove contourf attributes from series cf_attrs = {} for contourf_attr in self.contourf_attrs: if contourf_attr in series: cf_attrs[self.contourf_attrs[contourf_attr]] = \ series.pop(contourf_attr) if not fixed_attrs or all(fixed_attrs): # Draw series to axes # Do we have a Sankey plot --> build it if chart_type_string == "Sankey": Sankey(self.__axes, **series).finish() else: chart_method = getattr(self.__axes, chart_type_string) plot = chart_method(*fixed_attrs, **series) # Do we have a filled contour? try: if cf_attrs.pop("contour_fill"): cf_attrs.update(series) if "linewidths" in cf_attrs: cf_attrs.pop("linewidths") if "linestyles" in cf_attrs: cf_attrs.pop("linestyles") if not cf_attrs["hatches"]: cf_attrs.pop("hatches") self.__axes.contourf(plot, **cf_attrs) except KeyError: pass # Do we have a contour chart label? try: if cl_attrs.pop("contour_labels"): self.__axes.clabel(plot, **cl_attrs) except KeyError: pass # The legend has to be set up after all series are drawn self._setup_legend(self.attributes[0])
Return the source string of a cell
def GetSource(self, row, col, table=None): """Return the source string of a cell""" if table is None: table = self.grid.current_table value = self.code_array((row, col, table)) if value is None: return u"" else: return value
Return the result value of a cell, line split if too much data
def GetValue(self, row, col, table=None): """Return the result value of a cell, line split if too much data""" if table is None: table = self.grid.current_table try: cell_code = self.code_array((row, col, table)) except IndexError: cell_code = None # Put EOLs into result if it is too long maxlength = int(config["max_textctrl_length"]) if cell_code is not None and len(cell_code) > maxlength: chunk = 80 cell_code = "\n".join(cell_code[i:i + chunk] for i in xrange(0, len(cell_code), chunk)) return cell_code
Set the value of a cell, merge line breaks
def SetValue(self, row, col, value, refresh=True): """Set the value of a cell, merge line breaks""" # Join code that has been split because of long line issue value = "".join(value.split("\n")) key = row, col, self.grid.current_table old_code = self.grid.code_array(key) if old_code is None: old_code = "" if value != old_code: self.grid.actions.set_code(key, value)
Update all displayed values
def UpdateValues(self): """Update all displayed values""" # This sends an event to the grid table # to update all of the values msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self, wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_REQUEST_VIEW_GET_VALUES) self.grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg)
(Grid) -> Reset the grid view. Call this to update the grid if rows and columns have been added or deleted
def ResetView(self): """ (Grid) -> Reset the grid view. Call this to update the grid if rows and columns have been added or deleted """ grid = self.grid current_rows = self.grid.GetNumberRows() current_cols = self.grid.GetNumberCols() grid.BeginBatch() for current, new, delmsg, addmsg in [ (current_rows, self.GetNumberRows(), wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED), (current_cols, self.GetNumberCols(), wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_DELETED, wx.grid.GRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_COLS_APPENDED)]: if new < current: msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self, delmsg, new, current - new) grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg) elif new > current: msg = wx.grid.GridTableMessage(self, addmsg, new - current) grid.ProcessTableMessage(msg) self.UpdateValues() grid.EndBatch() # Reset cell sizes to standard cell size grid.SetDefaultRowSize(grid.GetDefaultRowSize(), resizeExistingRows=True) grid.SetDefaultColSize(grid.GetDefaultColSize(), resizeExistingCols=True) # Adjust rows row_heights = grid.code_array.row_heights for key in row_heights: if key[1] == grid.current_table and \ key[0] < self.code_array.shape[0]: row = key[0] if row_heights[key] is None: # Default row size grid.SetRowSize(row, grid.GetDefaultRowSize()) else: grid.SetRowSize(row, row_heights[key]) # Adjust columns col_widths = grid.code_array.col_widths for key in col_widths: if key[1] == grid.current_table and \ key[0] < self.code_array.shape[1]: col = key[0] if col_widths[key] is None: # Default row size grid.SetColSize(col, grid.GetDefaultColSize()) else: grid.SetColSize(col, col_widths[key]) # update the scrollbars and the displayed part # of the grid grid.Freeze() grid.AdjustScrollbars() grid.Refresh() grid.Thaw()
Posts command event to main window Command events propagate. Parameters ---------- * msg_cls: class \tMessage class from new_command_event() * kwargs: dict \tMessage arguments
def post_command_event(target, msg_cls, **kwargs): """Posts command event to main window Command events propagate. Parameters ---------- * msg_cls: class \tMessage class from new_command_event() * kwargs: dict \tMessage arguments """ msg = msg_cls(id=-1, **kwargs) wx.PostEvent(target, msg)
Converts data string to iterable. Parameters: ----------- datastring: string, defaults to None \tThe data string to be converted. \tself.get_clipboard() is called if set to None sep: string \tSeparator for columns in datastring
def _convert_clipboard(self, datastring=None, sep='\t'): """Converts data string to iterable. Parameters: ----------- datastring: string, defaults to None \tThe data string to be converted. \tself.get_clipboard() is called if set to None sep: string \tSeparator for columns in datastring """ if datastring is None: datastring = self.get_clipboard() data_it = ((ele for ele in line.split(sep)) for line in datastring.splitlines()) return data_it
Returns the clipboard content If a bitmap is contained then it is returned. Otherwise, the clipboard text is returned.
def get_clipboard(self): """Returns the clipboard content If a bitmap is contained then it is returned. Otherwise, the clipboard text is returned. """ bmpdata = wx.BitmapDataObject() textdata = wx.TextDataObject() if self.clipboard.Open(): is_bmp_present = self.clipboard.GetData(bmpdata) self.clipboard.GetData(textdata) self.clipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox(_("Can't open the clipboard"), _("Error")) if is_bmp_present: return bmpdata.GetBitmap() else: return textdata.GetText()
Writes data to the clipboard Parameters ---------- data: Object \tData object for clipboard datatype: String in ["text", "bitmap"] \tIdentifies datatype to be copied to the clipboard
def set_clipboard(self, data, datatype="text"): """Writes data to the clipboard Parameters ---------- data: Object \tData object for clipboard datatype: String in ["text", "bitmap"] \tIdentifies datatype to be copied to the clipboard """ error_log = [] if datatype == "text": clip_data = wx.TextDataObject(text=data) elif datatype == "bitmap": clip_data = wx.BitmapDataObject(bitmap=data) else: msg = _("Datatype {type} unknown").format(type=datatype) raise ValueError(msg) if self.clipboard.Open(): self.clipboard.SetData(clip_data) self.clipboard.Close() else: wx.MessageBox(_("Can't open the clipboard"), _("Error")) return error_log
Draws a rect
def draw_rect(grid, attr, dc, rect): """Draws a rect""" dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(15, 255, 127), wx.SOLID)) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLUE, 1, wx.SOLID)) dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
Draws bitmap
def draw_bmp(bmp_filepath): """Draws bitmap""" def draw(grid, attr, dc, rect): bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(100, 100) try: dummy = open(bmp_filepath) dummy.close() bmp.LoadFile(bmp_filepath, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0) except: return return draw
Displays progress and returns True if abort Parameters ---------- cycle: Integer \tThe current operation cycle statustext: String \tLeft text in statusbar to be displayed total_elements: Integer: \tThe number of elements that have to be processed freq: Integer, defaults to None \tNo. operations between two abort possibilities, 1000 if None
def _is_aborted(self, cycle, statustext, total_elements=None, freq=None): """Displays progress and returns True if abort Parameters ---------- cycle: Integer \tThe current operation cycle statustext: String \tLeft text in statusbar to be displayed total_elements: Integer: \tThe number of elements that have to be processed freq: Integer, defaults to None \tNo. operations between two abort possibilities, 1000 if None """ if total_elements is None: statustext += _("{nele} elements processed. Press <Esc> to abort.") else: statustext += _("{nele} of {totalele} elements processed. " "Press <Esc> to abort.") if freq is None: show_msg = False freq = 1000 else: show_msg = True # Show progress in statusbar each freq (1000) cells if cycle % freq == 0: if show_msg: text = statustext.format(nele=cycle, totalele=total_elements) try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=text) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass # Now wait for the statusbar update to be written on screen if is_gtk(): try: wx.Yield() except: pass # Abort if we have to if self.need_abort: # We have to abort` return True # Continue return False
Returns True if a valid signature is present for filename
def validate_signature(self, filename): """Returns True if a valid signature is present for filename""" if not GPG_PRESENT: return False sigfilename = filename + '.sig' try: with open(sigfilename): pass except IOError: # Signature file does not exist return False # Check if the sig is valid for the sigfile # TODO: Check for whitespace in filepaths return verify(sigfilename, filename)
Leaves safe mode
def leave_safe_mode(self): """Leaves safe mode""" self.code_array.safe_mode = False # Clear result cache self.code_array.result_cache.clear() # Execute macros self.main_window.actions.execute_macros() post_command_event(self.main_window, self.SafeModeExitMsg)
Sets safe mode if signature missing of invalid
def approve(self, filepath): """Sets safe mode if signature missing of invalid""" try: signature_valid = self.validate_signature(filepath) except ValueError: # GPG is not installed signature_valid = False if signature_valid: self.leave_safe_mode() post_command_event(self.main_window, self.SafeModeExitMsg) statustext = _("Valid signature found. File is trusted.") post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext) else: self.enter_safe_mode() post_command_event(self.main_window, self.SafeModeEntryMsg) statustext = \ _("File is not properly signed. Safe mode " "activated. Select File -> Approve to leave safe mode.") post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext)
Clears globals and reloads modules
def clear_globals_reload_modules(self): """Clears globals and reloads modules""" self.code_array.clear_globals() self.code_array.reload_modules() # Clear result cache self.code_array.result_cache.clear()
Returns infile version string.
def _get_file_version(self, infile): """Returns infile version string.""" # Determine file version for line1 in infile: if line1.strip() != "[Pyspread save file version]": raise ValueError(_("File format unsupported.")) break for line2 in infile: return line2.strip()
Empties grid and sets shape to shape Clears all attributes, row heights, column withs and frozen states. Empties undo/redo list and caches. Empties globals. Properties ---------- shape: 3-tuple of Integer, defaults to None \tTarget shape of grid after clearing all content. \tShape unchanged if None
def clear(self, shape=None): """Empties grid and sets shape to shape Clears all attributes, row heights, column withs and frozen states. Empties undo/redo list and caches. Empties globals. Properties ---------- shape: 3-tuple of Integer, defaults to None \tTarget shape of grid after clearing all content. \tShape unchanged if None """ # Without setting this explicitly, the cursor is set too late self.grid.actions.cursor = 0, 0, 0 self.grid.current_table = 0 post_command_event(self.main_window.grid, self.GotoCellMsg, key=(0, 0, 0)) # Clear cells self.code_array.dict_grid.clear() # Clear attributes del self.code_array.dict_grid.cell_attributes[:] if shape is not None: # Set shape self.code_array.shape = shape # Clear row heights and column widths self.code_array.row_heights.clear() self.code_array.col_widths.clear() # Clear macros self.code_array.macros = "" # Clear caches self.code_array.result_cache.clear() # Clear globals self.code_array.clear_globals() self.code_array.reload_modules()
Opens a file that is specified in event.attr Parameters ---------- event.attr: Dict \tkey filepath contains file path of file to be loaded \tkey filetype contains file type of file to be loaded \tFiletypes can be pys, pysu, xls
def open(self, event): """Opens a file that is specified in event.attr Parameters ---------- event.attr: Dict \tkey filepath contains file path of file to be loaded \tkey filetype contains file type of file to be loaded \tFiletypes can be pys, pysu, xls """ filepath = event.attr["filepath"] try: filetype = event.attr["filetype"] except KeyError: try: file_ext = filepath.strip().split(".")[-1] except: file_ext = None if file_ext in ["pys", "pysu", "xls", "xlsx", "ods"]: filetype = file_ext else: filetype = "pys" type2opener = { "pys": (Bz2AOpen, [filepath, "r"], {"main_window": self.main_window}), "pysu": (AOpen, [filepath, "r"], {"main_window": self.main_window}) } if xlrd is not None: type2opener["xls"] = \ (xlrd.open_workbook, [filepath], {"formatting_info": True}) type2opener["xlsx"] = \ (xlrd.open_workbook, [filepath], {"formatting_info": False}) if odf is not None and Ods is not None: type2opener["ods"] = (open, [filepath, "rb"], {}) # Specify the interface that shall be used opener, op_args, op_kwargs = type2opener[filetype] Interface = self.type2interface[filetype] # Set state for file open self.opening = True try: with opener(*op_args, **op_kwargs) as infile: # Make loading safe self.approve(filepath) if xlrd is None: interface_errors = (ValueError, ) else: interface_errors = (ValueError, xlrd.biffh.XLRDError) try: wx.BeginBusyCursor() self.grid.Disable() self.clear() interface = Interface(self.grid.code_array, infile) interface.to_code_array() self.grid.main_window.macro_panel.codetext_ctrl.SetText( self.grid.code_array.macros) except interface_errors, err: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=str(err)) finally: self.grid.GetTable().ResetView() post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ResizeGridMsg, shape=self.grid.code_array.shape) self.grid.Enable() wx.EndBusyCursor() # Execute macros self.main_window.actions.execute_macros() self.grid.GetTable().ResetView() self.grid.ForceRefresh() # File sucessfully opened. Approve again to show status. self.approve(filepath) # Change current directory to file directory filedir = os.path.dirname(filepath) os.chdir(filedir) except IOError, err: txt = _("Error opening file {filepath}:").format(filepath=filepath) txt += " " + str(err) post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=txt) return False except EOFError: # Normally on empty grids pass finally: # Unset state for file open self.opening = False
Signs file if possible
def sign_file(self, filepath): """Signs file if possible""" if not GPG_PRESENT: return signed_data = sign(filepath) signature = if signature is None or not signature: statustext = _('Error signing file. ') + signed_data.stderr try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass return with open(filepath + '.sig', 'wb') as signfile: signfile.write(signature) # Statustext differs if a save has occurred if self.code_array.safe_mode: statustext = _('File saved and signed') else: statustext = _('File signed') try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass
Sets application save states
def _set_save_states(self): """Sets application save states""" wx.BeginBusyCursor() self.saving = True self.grid.Disable()
Releases application save states
def _release_save_states(self): """Releases application save states""" self.saving = False self.grid.Enable() wx.EndBusyCursor() # Mark content as unchanged try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass
Moves tmpfile over file after saving is finished Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file tmpfilepath: String \tTemporary file file path for xls file
def _move_tmp_file(self, tmpfilepath, filepath): """Moves tmpfile over file after saving is finished Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file tmpfilepath: String \tTemporary file file path for xls file """ try: shutil.move(tmpfilepath, filepath) except OSError, err: # No tmp file present post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err)
Saves file as xls workbook Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file
def _save_xls(self, filepath): """Saves file as xls workbook Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file """ Interface = self.type2interface["xls"] workbook = xlwt.Workbook() interface = Interface(self.grid.code_array, workbook) interface.from_code_array() try: except IOError, err: try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass
Saves file as pys file and returns True if save success Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file
def _save_pys(self, filepath): """Saves file as pys file and returns True if save success Parameters ---------- filepath: String \tTarget file path for xls file """ try: with Bz2AOpen(filepath, "wb", main_window=self.main_window) as outfile: interface = Pys(self.grid.code_array, outfile) interface.from_code_array() except (IOError, ValueError), err: try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err) return except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass return not outfile.aborted
Sign so that the new file may be retrieved without safe mode
def _save_sign(self, filepath): """Sign so that the new file may be retrieved without safe mode""" if self.code_array.safe_mode: msg = _("File saved but not signed because it is unapproved.") try: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=msg) except TypeError: # The main window does not exist any more pass else: try: self.sign_file(filepath) except ValueError, err: msg = "Signing file failed. " + unicode(err) post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=msg)
Saves a file that is specified in event.attr Parameters ---------- event.attr: Dict \tkey filepath contains file path of file to be saved
def save(self, event): """Saves a file that is specified in event.attr Parameters ---------- event.attr: Dict \tkey filepath contains file path of file to be saved """ filepath = event.attr["filepath"] try: filetype = event.attr["filetype"] except KeyError: filetype = "pys" # If saving is already in progress abort if self.saving: return # Use tmpfile to make sure that old save file does not get lost # on abort save __, tmpfilepath = tempfile.mkstemp() if filetype == "xls": self._set_save_states() self._save_xls(tmpfilepath) self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._release_save_states() elif filetype == "pys" or filetype == "all": self._set_save_states() if self._save_pys(tmpfilepath): # Writing was successful self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._save_sign(filepath) self._release_save_states() elif filetype == "pysu": self._set_save_states() if self._save_pysu(tmpfilepath): # Writing was successful self._move_tmp_file(tmpfilepath, filepath) self._save_sign(filepath) self._release_save_states() else: os.remove(tmpfilepath) msg = "Filetype {filetype} unknown.".format(filetype=filetype) raise ValueError(msg) try: os.remove(tmpfilepath) except OSError: pass
Sets row height and marks grid as changed
def set_row_height(self, row, height): """Sets row height and marks grid as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table self.code_array.set_row_height(row, tab, height) self.grid.SetRowSize(row, height)
Adds no_rows rows before row, appends if row > maxrows and marks grid as changed
def insert_rows(self, row, no_rows=1): """Adds no_rows rows before row, appends if row > maxrows and marks grid as changed """ # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table self.code_array.insert(row, no_rows, axis=0, tab=tab)
Deletes no_rows rows and marks grid as changed
def delete_rows(self, row, no_rows=1): """Deletes no_rows rows and marks grid as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table try: self.code_array.delete(row, no_rows, axis=0, tab=tab) except ValueError, err: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err.message)
Sets column width and marks grid as changed
def set_col_width(self, col, width): """Sets column width and marks grid as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table self.code_array.set_col_width(col, tab, width) self.grid.SetColSize(col, width)
Adds no_cols columns before col, appends if col > maxcols and marks grid as changed
def insert_cols(self, col, no_cols=1): """Adds no_cols columns before col, appends if col > maxcols and marks grid as changed """ # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table self.code_array.insert(col, no_cols, axis=1, tab=tab)
Deletes no_cols column and marks grid as changed
def delete_cols(self, col, no_cols=1): """Deletes no_cols column and marks grid as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) tab = self.grid.current_table try: self.code_array.delete(col, no_cols, axis=1, tab=tab) except ValueError, err: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err.message)
Adds no_tabs tabs before table, appends if tab > maxtabs and marks grid as changed
def insert_tabs(self, tab, no_tabs=1): """Adds no_tabs tabs before table, appends if tab > maxtabs and marks grid as changed """ # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) self.code_array.insert(tab, no_tabs, axis=2) # Update TableChoiceIntCtrl shape = self.grid.code_array.shape post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ResizeGridMsg, shape=shape)
Deletes no_tabs tabs and marks grid as changed
def delete_tabs(self, tab, no_tabs=1): """Deletes no_tabs tabs and marks grid as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) try: self.code_array.delete(tab, no_tabs, axis=2) # Update TableChoiceIntCtrl shape = self.grid.code_array.shape post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ResizeGridMsg, shape=shape) except ValueError, err: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=err.message)
Sets abort if pasting and if escape is pressed
def on_key(self, event): """Sets abort if pasting and if escape is pressed""" # If paste is running and Esc is pressed then we need to abort if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_ESCAPE and \ self.pasting or self.grid.actions.saving: self.need_abort = True event.Skip()
Returns full key even if table is omitted
def _get_full_key(self, key): """Returns full key even if table is omitted""" length = len(key) if length == 3: return key elif length == 2: row, col = key tab = self.grid.current_table return row, col, tab else: msg = _("Key length {length} not in (2, 3)").format(length=length) raise ValueError(msg)
Aborts import
def _abort_paste(self): """Aborts import""" statustext = _("Paste aborted.") post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext) self.pasting = False self.need_abort = False
Displays overflow message after import in statusbar
def _show_final_overflow_message(self, row_overflow, col_overflow): """Displays overflow message after import in statusbar""" if row_overflow and col_overflow: overflow_cause = _("rows and columns") elif row_overflow: overflow_cause = _("rows") elif col_overflow: overflow_cause = _("columns") else: raise AssertionError(_("Import cell overflow missing")) statustext = \ _("The imported data did not fit into the grid {cause}. " "It has been truncated. Use a larger grid for full import.").\ format(cause=overflow_cause) post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext)
Show actually pasted number of cells
def _show_final_paste_message(self, tl_key, no_pasted_cells): """Show actually pasted number of cells""" plural = "" if no_pasted_cells == 1 else _("s") statustext = _("{ncells} cell{plural} pasted at cell {topleft}").\ format(ncells=no_pasted_cells, plural=plural, topleft=tl_key) post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext)
Pastes data into grid from top left cell tl_key Parameters ---------- ul_key: Tuple \key of top left cell of paste area data: iterable of iterables where inner iterable returns string \tThe outer iterable represents rows freq: Integer, defaults to None \tStatus message frequency
def paste_to_current_cell(self, tl_key, data, freq=None): """Pastes data into grid from top left cell tl_key Parameters ---------- ul_key: Tuple \key of top left cell of paste area data: iterable of iterables where inner iterable returns string \tThe outer iterable represents rows freq: Integer, defaults to None \tStatus message frequency """ self.pasting = True grid_rows, grid_cols, __ = self.grid.code_array.shape self.need_abort = False tl_row, tl_col, tl_tab = self._get_full_key(tl_key) row_overflow = False col_overflow = False no_pasted_cells = 0 for src_row, row_data in enumerate(data): target_row = tl_row + src_row if self.grid.actions._is_aborted(src_row, _("Pasting cells... "), freq=freq): self._abort_paste() return False # Check if rows fit into grid if target_row >= grid_rows: row_overflow = True break for src_col, cell_data in enumerate(row_data): target_col = tl_col + src_col if target_col >= grid_cols: col_overflow = True break if cell_data is not None: # Is only None if pasting into selection key = target_row, target_col, tl_tab try: CellActions.set_code(self, key, cell_data) no_pasted_cells += 1 except KeyError: pass if row_overflow or col_overflow: self._show_final_overflow_message(row_overflow, col_overflow) else: self._show_final_paste_message(tl_key, no_pasted_cells) self.pasting = False
Generator that yields data for selection paste
def selection_paste_data_gen(self, selection, data, freq=None): """Generator that yields data for selection paste""" (bb_top, bb_left), (bb_bottom, bb_right) = \ selection.get_grid_bbox(self.grid.code_array.shape) bbox_height = bb_bottom - bb_top + 1 bbox_width = bb_right - bb_left + 1 for row, row_data in enumerate(itertools.cycle(data)): # Break if row is not in selection bbox if row >= bbox_height: break # Duplicate row data if selection is wider than row data row_data = list(row_data) duplicated_row_data = row_data * (bbox_width // len(row_data) + 1) duplicated_row_data = duplicated_row_data[:bbox_width] for col in xrange(len(duplicated_row_data)): if (bb_top, bb_left + col) not in selection: duplicated_row_data[col] = None yield duplicated_row_data
Pastes data into grid selection
def paste_to_selection(self, selection, data, freq=None): """Pastes data into grid selection""" (bb_top, bb_left), (bb_bottom, bb_right) = \ selection.get_grid_bbox(self.grid.code_array.shape) adjusted_data = self.selection_paste_data_gen(selection, data) self.paste_to_current_cell((bb_top, bb_left), adjusted_data, freq=freq)
Pastes data into grid, marks grid changed If no selection is present, data is pasted starting with current cell If a selection is present, data is pasted fully if the selection is smaller. If the selection is larger then data is duplicated. Parameters ---------- ul_key: Tuple \key of top left cell of paste area data: iterable of iterables where inner iterable returns string \tThe outer iterable represents rows freq: Integer, defaults to None \tStatus message frequency
def paste(self, tl_key, data, freq=None): """Pastes data into grid, marks grid changed If no selection is present, data is pasted starting with current cell If a selection is present, data is pasted fully if the selection is smaller. If the selection is larger then data is duplicated. Parameters ---------- ul_key: Tuple \key of top left cell of paste area data: iterable of iterables where inner iterable returns string \tThe outer iterable represents rows freq: Integer, defaults to None \tStatus message frequency """ # Get selection bounding box selection = self.get_selection() # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) if selection: # There is a selection. Paste into it self.paste_to_selection(selection, data, freq=freq) else: # There is no selection. Paste from top left cell. self.paste_to_current_cell(tl_key, data, freq=freq)
Grid shape change event handler, marks content as changed
def change_grid_shape(self, shape): """Grid shape change event handler, marks content as changed""" # Mark content as changed post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ContentChangedMsg) self.code_array.shape = shape # Update TableChoiceIntCtrl post_command_event(self.main_window, self.ResizeGridMsg, shape=shape) # Change grid table dimensions self.grid.GetTable().ResetView() # Clear caches self.code_array.result_cache.clear()
Replaces cells in current selection so that they are sorted
def replace_cells(self, key, sorted_row_idxs): """Replaces cells in current selection so that they are sorted""" row, col, tab = key new_keys = {} del_keys = [] selection = self.grid.actions.get_selection() for __row, __col, __tab in self.grid.code_array: if __tab == tab and \ (not selection or (__row, __col) in selection): new_row = sorted_row_idxs.index(__row) if __row != new_row: new_keys[(new_row, __col, __tab)] = \ self.grid.code_array((__row, __col, __tab)) del_keys.append((__row, __col, __tab)) for key in del_keys: self.grid.code_array.pop(key) for key in new_keys: CellActions.set_code(self, key, new_keys[key])
Sorts selection (or grid if none) corresponding to column of key
def sort_ascending(self, key): """Sorts selection (or grid if none) corresponding to column of key""" row, col, tab = key scells = self.grid.code_array[:, col, tab] def sorter(i): sorted_ele = scells[i] return sorted_ele is None, sorted_ele sorted_row_idxs = sorted(xrange(len(scells)), key=sorter) self.replace_cells(key, sorted_row_idxs) self.grid.ForceRefresh()
Sorts inversely selection (or grid if none) corresponding to column of key
def sort_descending(self, key): """Sorts inversely selection (or grid if none) corresponding to column of key """ row, col, tab = key scells = self.grid.code_array[:, col, tab] sorted_row_idxs = sorted(xrange(len(scells)), key=scells.__getitem__) sorted_row_idxs.reverse() self.replace_cells(key, sorted_row_idxs) self.grid.ForceRefresh()
Creates a new spreadsheet. Expects code_array in event.
def new(self, event): """Creates a new spreadsheet. Expects code_array in event.""" # Grid table handles interaction to code_array self.grid.actions.clear(event.shape) _grid_table = GridTable(self.grid, self.grid.code_array) self.grid.SetTable(_grid_table, True) # Update toolbars self.grid.update_entry_line() self.grid.update_attribute_toolbar()
Zooms grid rows
def _zoom_rows(self, zoom): """Zooms grid rows""" self.grid.SetDefaultRowSize(self.grid.std_row_size * zoom, resizeExistingRows=True) self.grid.SetRowLabelSize(self.grid.row_label_size * zoom) for row, tab in self.code_array.row_heights: if tab == self.grid.current_table and \ row < self.grid.code_array.shape[0]: base_row_width = self.code_array.row_heights[(row, tab)] if base_row_width is None: base_row_width = self.grid.GetDefaultRowSize() zoomed_row_size = base_row_width * zoom self.grid.SetRowSize(row, zoomed_row_size)
Zooms grid columns
def _zoom_cols(self, zoom): """Zooms grid columns""" self.grid.SetDefaultColSize(self.grid.std_col_size * zoom, resizeExistingCols=True) self.grid.SetColLabelSize(self.grid.col_label_size * zoom) for col, tab in self.code_array.col_widths: if tab == self.grid.current_table and \ col < self.grid.code_array.shape[1]: base_col_width = self.code_array.col_widths[(col, tab)] if base_col_width is None: base_col_width = self.grid.GetDefaultColSize() zoomed_col_size = base_col_width * zoom self.grid.SetColSize(col, zoomed_col_size)
Adjust grid label font to zoom factor
def _zoom_labels(self, zoom): """Adjust grid label font to zoom factor""" labelfont = self.grid.GetLabelFont() default_fontsize = get_default_font().GetPointSize() labelfont.SetPointSize(max(1, int(round(default_fontsize * zoom)))) self.grid.SetLabelFont(labelfont)
Zooms to zoom factor
def zoom(self, zoom=None): """Zooms to zoom factor""" status = True if zoom is None: zoom = self.grid.grid_renderer.zoom status = False # Zoom factor for grid content self.grid.grid_renderer.zoom = zoom # Zoom grid labels self._zoom_labels(zoom) # Zoom rows and columns self._zoom_rows(zoom) self._zoom_cols(zoom) if self.main_window.IsFullScreen(): # Do not display labels in fullscreen mode self.main_window.handlers.row_label_size = \ self.grid.GetRowLabelSize() self.main_window.handlers.col_label_size = \ self.grid.GetColLabelSize() self.grid.HideRowLabels() self.grid.HideColLabels() self.grid.ForceRefresh() if status: statustext = _(u"Zoomed to {0:.2f}.").format(zoom) post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=statustext)
Zooms in by zoom factor
def zoom_in(self): """Zooms in by zoom factor""" zoom = self.grid.grid_renderer.zoom target_zoom = zoom * (1 + config["zoom_factor"]) if target_zoom < config["maximum_zoom"]: self.zoom(target_zoom)
Zooms out by zoom factor
def zoom_out(self): """Zooms out by zoom factor""" zoom = self.grid.grid_renderer.zoom target_zoom = zoom * (1 - config["zoom_factor"]) if target_zoom > config["minimum_zoom"]: self.zoom(target_zoom)
Returns the total height of all grid rows
def _get_rows_height(self): """Returns the total height of all grid rows""" tab = self.grid.current_table no_rows = self.grid.code_array.shape[0] default_row_height = self.grid.code_array.cell_attributes.\ default_cell_attributes["row-height"] non_standard_row_heights = [] __row_heights = self.grid.code_array.row_heights for __row, __tab in __row_heights: if __tab == tab: non_standard_row_heights.append(__row_heights[(__row, __tab)]) rows_height = sum(non_standard_row_heights) rows_height += \ (no_rows - len(non_standard_row_heights)) * default_row_height return rows_height
Returns the total width of all grid cols
def _get_cols_width(self): """Returns the total width of all grid cols""" tab = self.grid.current_table no_cols = self.grid.code_array.shape[1] default_col_width = self.grid.code_array.cell_attributes.\ default_cell_attributes["column-width"] non_standard_col_widths = [] __col_widths = self.grid.code_array.col_widths for __col, __tab in __col_widths: if __tab == tab: non_standard_col_widths.append(__col_widths[(__col, __tab)]) cols_width = sum(non_standard_col_widths) cols_width += \ (no_cols - len(non_standard_col_widths)) * default_col_width return cols_width
Displays cell code of cell key in status bar
def on_mouse_over(self, key): """Displays cell code of cell key in status bar""" def split_lines(string, line_length=80): """Returns string that is split into lines of length line_length""" result = u"" line = 0 while len(string) > line_length * line: line_start = line * line_length result += string[line_start:line_start+line_length] result += '\n' line += 1 return result[:-1] row, col, tab = key # If the cell is a button cell or a frozen cell then do nothing cell_attributes = self.grid.code_array.cell_attributes if cell_attributes[key]["button_cell"] or \ cell_attributes[key]["frozen"]: return if (row, col) != self.prev_rowcol and row >= 0 and col >= 0: self.prev_rowcol[:] = [row, col] max_result_length = int(config["max_result_length"]) table = self.grid.GetTable() hinttext = table.GetSource(row, col, tab)[:max_result_length] if hinttext is None: hinttext = '' post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg, text=hinttext) cell_res = self.grid.code_array[row, col, tab] if cell_res is None: self.grid.SetToolTip(None) return try: cell_res_str = unicode(cell_res) except UnicodeEncodeError: cell_res_str = unicode(cell_res, encoding='utf-8') if len(cell_res_str) > max_result_length: cell_res_str = cell_res_str[:max_result_length] + ' [...]' self.grid.SetToolTipString(split_lines(cell_res_str))
Zooms the rid to fit the window. Only has an effect if the resulting zoom level is between minimum and maximum zoom level.
def zoom_fit(self): """Zooms the rid to fit the window. Only has an effect if the resulting zoom level is between minimum and maximum zoom level. """ zoom = self.grid.grid_renderer.zoom grid_width, grid_height = self.grid.GetSize() rows_height = self._get_rows_height() + \ (float(self.grid.GetColLabelSize()) / zoom) cols_width = self._get_cols_width() + \ (float(self.grid.GetRowLabelSize()) / zoom) # Check target zoom for rows zoom_height = float(grid_height) / rows_height # Check target zoom for columns zoom_width = float(grid_width) / cols_width # Use the minimum target zoom from rows and column target zooms target_zoom = min(zoom_height, zoom_width) # Zoom only if between min and max if config["minimum_zoom"] < target_zoom < config["maximum_zoom"]: self.zoom(target_zoom)
Returns visible area Format is a tuple of the top left tuple and the lower right tuple
def get_visible_area(self): """Returns visible area Format is a tuple of the top left tuple and the lower right tuple """ grid = self.grid top = grid.YToRow(grid.GetViewStart()[1] * grid.ScrollLineX) left = grid.XToCol(grid.GetViewStart()[0] * grid.ScrollLineY) # Now start at top left for determining the bottom right visible cell bottom, right = top, left while grid.IsVisible(bottom, left, wholeCellVisible=False): bottom += 1 while grid.IsVisible(top, right, wholeCellVisible=False): right += 1 # The derived lower right cell is *NOT* visible bottom -= 1 right -= 1 return (top, left), (bottom, right)
Switches grid to table Parameters ---------- event.newtable: Integer \tTable that the grid is switched to
def switch_to_table(self, event): """Switches grid to table Parameters ---------- event.newtable: Integer \tTable that the grid is switched to """ newtable = event.newtable no_tabs = self.grid.code_array.shape[2] - 1 if 0 <= newtable <= no_tabs: self.grid.current_table = newtable self.grid.SetToolTip(None) # Delete renderer cache self.grid.grid_renderer.cell_cache.clear() # Delete video cells video_cells = self.grid.grid_renderer.video_cells for key in video_cells: video_panel = video_cells[key] video_panel.player.stop() video_panel.player.release() video_panel.Destroy() video_cells.clear() # Hide cell editor cell_editor = self.grid.GetCellEditor(self.grid.GetGridCursorRow(), self.grid.GetGridCursorCol()) try: cell_editor.Reset() except AttributeError: # No cell editor open pass self.grid.HideCellEditControl() # Change value of entry_line and table choice post_command_event(self.main_window, self.TableChangedMsg, table=newtable) # Reset row heights and column widths by zooming self.zoom()
Returns current grid cursor cell (row, col, tab)
def get_cursor(self): """Returns current grid cursor cell (row, col, tab)""" return self.grid.GetGridCursorRow(), self.grid.GetGridCursorCol(), \ self.grid.current_table
Changes the grid cursor cell. Parameters ---------- value: 2-tuple or 3-tuple of String \trow, col, tab or row, col for target cursor position
def set_cursor(self, value): """Changes the grid cursor cell. Parameters ---------- value: 2-tuple or 3-tuple of String \trow, col, tab or row, col for target cursor position """ shape = self.grid.code_array.shape if len(value) == 3: self.grid._last_selected_cell = row, col, tab = value if row < 0 or col < 0 or tab < 0 or \ row >= shape[0] or col >= shape[1] or tab >= shape[2]: raise ValueError("Cell {value} outside of {shape}".format( value=value, shape=shape)) if tab != self.cursor[2]: post_command_event(self.main_window, self.GridActionTableSwitchMsg, newtable=tab) if is_gtk(): try: wx.Yield() except: pass else: row, col = value if row < 0 or col < 0 or row >= shape[0] or col >= shape[1]: raise ValueError("Cell {value} outside of {shape}".format( value=value, shape=shape)) self.grid._last_selected_cell = row, col, self.grid.current_table if not (row is None and col is None): if not self.grid.IsVisible(row, col, wholeCellVisible=True): self.grid.MakeCellVisible(row, col) self.grid.SetGridCursor(row, col)
Returns selected cells in grid as Selection object
def get_selection(self): """Returns selected cells in grid as Selection object""" # GetSelectedCells: individual cells selected by ctrl-clicking # GetSelectedRows: rows selected by clicking on the labels # GetSelectedCols: cols selected by clicking on the labels # GetSelectionBlockTopLeft # GetSelectionBlockBottomRight: For blocks selected by dragging # across the grid cells. block_top_left = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() block_bottom_right = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight() rows = self.grid.GetSelectedRows() cols = self.grid.GetSelectedCols() cells = self.grid.GetSelectedCells() return Selection(block_top_left, block_bottom_right, rows, cols, cells)