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Mathew: Do you fancy a pizza? Ann: I would prefer some salad. Mathew: Ok, Mathew: Let's meet in the hall.
Ann and Mathew are going to meet in the hall and go eat something.
John: have a nice time at the beach? Anna: let me tell you John: ok hahah Anna: it was amazing weather water ahh amazing but there was one thing John: yeah what's that? Anna: so you know my friend Emma? John: yes I do Anna: she brought her boyfriend and he is the most annoying person ever hahah John: really? why? what he do Anna: everything we do he complain, if we went to the beach he want to go the pool at the pool the beach he want to go John: I hate people like this Anna: and if we went to eat he alwaysss complain were we would go John: id tell him to just shut up and deal with it haha Anna: I told Emma! I was like I can't take it you have to say something to him John: and what she say? Anna: she told me I should grow up John: wowwww
Anna enjoyed the beach but didn't like Emma's boyfriend, who complained a lot.
Harry: I'm really sorry Poppy Harry: I'm not coming tonight :( Poppy: oh no! Why? :( Harry: well I broke my arm, I'm in the hospital right now Poppy: what? How did it happen? Harry: silly situation, I was walking Bart in the park Harry: the path was a bit slippery so at some point I lost my balance Poppy: I'm so sorry, we will miss you at the party! Poppy: <file_gif> Harry: thanks :)
Harry is at hospital because he broke his arm on a slippery path when he was walking Bart in the park . He won't be able to come to Poppy's party tonight.
Henry: <file_video> Henry: wanna show me something for the keyboard? Hector: :D Hector: what do you want to learn? amelie? :D Henry: -.-
Henry wants Hector to show him how to play something on keyboard. Hector is enthusiastic about showing Henry how to play amelie, but Henry does not like this idea.
Sebastian: <file_other> Sarah: looool :D :D :D Sarah: love memes with bad luck brian Sebastian: me too :D Sarah: have you seen this video with bad luck brian and overly attached girlfriend? Sebastian: yeah, but i didn't like it, i just feel like it's too, hmm, earthy Sebastian: it just kills these memes Sarah: i agree!!! it wasn't funny at all, especially this scene in which brian poops his pants :/ Sebastian: yeah, it was just disgusting
Sarah and Sebastian are fans of Bad Luck Brian meme but they didn't enjoy the video of him and Overly Attached Girlfriend.
Henry: I'm slowly loosing faith in humanity... Luke: not a start of a conversation I'd expect but go on :P Henry: Well it is a justified exaggeration. Luke: let me be the judge of that Henry: I just read some "interesting" articles about the new Rise of the Shield Hero anime Luke: oh great, they are at it again? Henry: Goblin Slayer part 2 Luke: what's the problem this time? Henry: Depiction of women and slavery Luke: I can see the part with slavery but why depiction of woman? Henry: Well you know, how the girl falsely accused the main hero and made him look like a scumbag Luke: well she kinda did that, so what's the problem? Henry: Giving a bad image to women I guess Henry: I don't really understand Luke: you're not the only one Henry: Or maybe I don't want to understand Henry: Because if I do, my first statement will definitely be true Luke: they fail to see some major things Luke: it's fiction Luke: going on a crusade against an anime just damages the things they fighting for Luke: honestly it's borderline ridicule Henry: You don't need to tell me that Henry: And they just won't listen Luke: let them be Luke: I don't think their "crusades" will change anything Luke: and we'll just keep watching what we enjoy Henry: True Henry: Just needed to get that out of my chest
Luke and Henry are unhappy about people being on a crusade against the anime, this time the Rise of the Shield Hero.
Michelle: Did you made the reservation already? Jennifer: Not yet. Was going to do it when I'm back home. Why? Michelle: Lisa just called me and she wants to go as well. Jennifer: Shouldn't be a problem. I'll just add one person to the reservation. Michelle: Great! I'll let her know.
Jennifer hasn't made the reservation yet. Lisa wants to go as well. Jennifer will add her to the reservation.
Matthew: Booked the tickets! Mary: Thanks! Jay: Thank you Matthew! Matthew: <file_other>
Matthew booked the tickets for Mary, Jay and himself.
Teddy: Are you going to be here on Feb 6? Ann: possibly Ann: I haven't bought a ticket yet Miriam: I'll be "here", you mean Pisa? Teddy: of course Sean: yes, I'm in Pisa as well Teddy: Laura is going to visit Teddy: I'm renting a car and we're going to Saturnia Ann: to the hot springs? Teddy: at least this is the plan Ann: how nice Miriam: but what day? Teddy: we want to avoid crowds Teddy: so I was thinking about Tuesday Teddy: what do you think? Sean: this is a very nice idea Teddy: you want to join? Sean: very much, I have to ask my boss first though Ann: I'll let you know as soon as I've bought the ticket Miriam: I can't :(
Laura is going to visit Pisa. Teddy is renting a car and they're going to Saturnia, probably on Tuesday. Sean wants to join but he must ask his boss first.
Mary: still at school? Jane: no, only 2 days a week Mary: so you're working in your workshop? Jane: i'm on a sofa. Mary: not too hard? Jane: it is, but the result would be great. Look Jane: <file_photo> Mary: i love the fabric. I want the same for my armchair Jane: i found it at Montmartre Mary: you'd tell me when you'll be ready to do mine Jane: i'm quite busy and not ready yet. Mary: i'm sure you are. And I want my curtains too Jane: later.. Mary: but when? My living room is crying from despair! Jane: come on. You're not coming before june Mary: that's why. I'll have to wait another all year Jane: Send me the measures Mary: You know that i don't even know how to measure them Jane: so you have to wait for me to come. Mary: i can't Jane: You will
Jane works on a sofa. Mary wants Jane to help her with redecorating her living room.
Donna: What time are you arriving? Kimberley: we should be there around 16.55 Brenda: but I think we will be late Brenda: we're still in Connecticut Paul: Are you traveling with mega? Brenda: yes, we are Donna: what station will you arrive at? Kimberley: South Station Donna: Perfect, it won't take you more than 30 min to get to our place Donna: just use the app moveit, do you have it? Kimberley: I do Donna: Do you have the address Kimberley: Sure, see you soon Donna: see you!
Kimberley should arrive at South Station around 16:55.
Phillip: good morning, how's my beautiful sister? Elizabeth: what do you want? you're never this nice to me. >:-( Phillip: can i borrow your car? Elizabeth: what for? Phillip: that's not important lol Phillip: can i borrow it? Elizabeth: you're insane!!! hahaha Elizabeth: you're not asking to borrow a pencil, it's a car!!! Phillip: i met this girl and i'd like to take her out and i want to impress her Phillip: come on sis, come on! I'll owe you one Elizabeth: you are aware that if you guys hit it off she'll know the car is not yours right? Elizabeth: lol Elizabeth: i have the dumbest brother ever Phillip: don't call me dumb! lol Phillip: so what should i do, thake the bus? Elizabeth: YES!!! Elizabeth: you should take the bus if you don't have a car, like a normal person Phillip: you're so cruel Phillip: that's why i'm mom and dad's favorite Elizabeth: oh shut up Elizabeth: text me after the date and let me know how it goes Elizabeth: good luck!!!!!!!
Phillip met a girl. He will take her out. Elizabeth won't lend him her car.
Victoria: What time do you finish today? Chris: I don't, hahahaha Victoria: Wait, what? :D Chris: My PM went mad and he swamped us with work. I'll probably be here until the end of time. Victoria: Oh geez... Have new projects, clients? Chris: Well, yeah. We have five new clients, old projects going and new coming. It's good, but at the same time I wouldn't mind some help. Victoria: I guess. But are they planning to recruit new people? Chris: hahaha, no, what for ;) Victoria: Of course :D It seems like our companies have a lot in common. Chris: Again, I'm happy that the business's booming, we have work, money, etc. I wouldn't mind also having life to spend all this fortune. Victoria: Tell me about it. Same thing happened here last year. They don't want to hire new people, because what if projects end? Chris: I get that, but I know plenty of people happy to help temporarily. I've talked with my manager already, no luck though. Victoria: I tried that as well. I honestly don't get this kind of policy. How many projects do you have now? Chris: Supervising two, cooperating on five and three that I'm working on on my own. So ten in total. Victoria: Shit, that's quite a lot. Chris: You think? The PM begs to differ... Victoria: But how are you supposed to fulfil your duties the best you can with such a workload? It's ridiculous :/ Chris: I know, right? But who cares. I bet they're assigning new ones as we speak. Victoria: I'm so sorry :( It'll pass, you'll see. It's always tough at this time of the year. Chris: Yeah, I know, but I like this job and it bothers me that I'm not able to do my best. It's the first time that I'm really close to not giving a single fuck about this. Victoria: It doesn't sound good. I would try talking with your manager once more. You know how it is, they're people as well, they need to be told they're doing something incredibly stupid sometimes. Chris: Maybe your boss, mine is absolutely infallible :D
Chris is overwhelmed with work as he is involved in ten projects at the same time. The management at his company refuses to hire any new employees despite the growing workload. The situation is similar in the case of Victoria.
Jordan: and so do you have time for me? Savannah: it was a nice meeting but i think that's not what i'm looking for... Jordan: ok so what are you looking for? Savannah: it's just not what i want Jordan: ok just tell me what you want. I know it is not me Savannah: why u asking about that? Jordan: i just want to know. that is all Savannah: no need for that. that's just not what i want...
Savannah had a nice meeting with Jordan but she's looking for something else.
Kirk: this is crazy!! Kirk: i have two front row tickets for the basketball game tonight and i can't give them away Kirk: either they don't want them or they can't go Edward: WHAT?!!?!?!?! Edward: FRONT ROW TICKETS!!!! Edward: I'LL TAKE THEM!!!!! Kirk: really? Kirk: i'm so glad they're not going to waste Kirk: i didn't know you liked basketball!! Kirk: otherwise you would've been first on my list Edward: i love basketaball! it's my favorite sport Edward: and i really wanted to go to this game!!! Edward: i'm so stoked Kirk: who are you taking with you? Edward: my friend tony :-) Edward: he's really into basketball too
Kirk has front row tickets to give away for the basketball game tonight. Edward is willing to go, and he will take his friend Tony, who is into basketball too.
Zoe: what time is your bus back to New York? Mia: about 11.30 Jasmine: about? Mia: I would have to check, 11.35 maybe Jasmine: please, check it, I don't want us to be late Mia: ok, give me 10 min Zoe: I'll wait for you at 7th Ave and 27th St Mia: thank you very much! Jasmine: so nice of you!
Mia has a bus back to New York at about 11.30. Zoe will wait for Mia at 7th Ave and 27th St.
Isaac: Hey, we still up for our ritual gift swapping this year? Caroline: Of course ;) It wouldn't be a ritual otherwise Isaac: So have you thought of what you want, or am I to get you the latest Nicholas Sparks novel? ;) Caroline: Well you know I never say no to Mr Sparks, but I actually need a purse this year Isaac: Okay, I'll see what I can do - any particular colour?
Caroline and Isaac will be exchanging gifts soon. Caroline likes books by Nicholas Sparks but she'd rather get a purse this time.
Pauline: Hi, what are we doing thing weekend? John: Dunno, wanna go somewhere? Pauline: Why not, but where? John: We could visit my cousin in Bethesda. Pauline: The one who's a fireman? John: Yeah, he would like some company. He's just split up with his girlfriend. Pauline: Oh, too bad, won't he mind, though? John: No, he's very sociable. I'll call him and ask him what he thinks. Pauline: OK, but if he says no, don't push it, we'll think of something else. John: Sure, maybe camping? Pauline: Yeah, right, me and camping, good one, John! John: I think you'd like it. You just have to try... Pauline: I'm good, thanks :D John: Do as you will. OK, I'll let you know what he says. Brb.
John suggests he and Pauline go to visit his cousin who has just split up with his girlfriend. She agrees although she implies the cousin might not be too enthusiastic about guests. Another suggestion of John, which is going camping, is rejected by Pauline.
Tessa: Hello Daria, Just had 3 weeks away staying with my children. I feel soooo good! Daria: Hello, my dear! Glad to here that. Was it J'burg or Pretoria? Tessa: This time Jburg. Daria: And how are your kids? Tessa: Well... Maya still out of work but coping. Tim, her hubby, does earn pots. And the twins ARE heavenly! Daria: Is Tim in publishing? or was it journalism?? Tessa: No, it is Anton who's a publisher in Cape Town. Tim is, as they call it, Vermögensberater and is currently in Frankfurt, in Germany. Daria: Oh dear! That sound serious. Tessa: ;)) Tessa: Anyway I'm back home and love it. And anything new your end? Daria: Not really. The same old soup but I prefer it this way. Tessa: Good. Then we meet on Monday as usual? Daria: I should think so. Unless you'll want to pop in? Tessa: Actually I'd love to. Will Sat. midday suit you? Daria: Perfect. Tessa: Till Sat.then around 11! Daria: CU
Tessa was 3 weeks in J'burg with her family. They're fine: Maya makes ends meet, Tim earns good salary in Germany, Anton is a publisher. The grandchildren are wonderful. Daria is living a regular life. Tessa will pop in on Saturday at 11 am.
Bernie: No! No wives! No girlfriends! Just a guys' night out! Marty: Yeah, Chris, what were u thinking? Chris: Well, it's either this or the exhibition. Marty: So, what exhibition are you going to see? Chris: Don't be like that! I promise she won't say a word. Bernie: That's not the point! I don't want to think about not saying this or that, 'cause your wife's there. Chris: Oh she's cool with everything. Marty: Like with the time you told her you had to pull an all-nighter but went drinking with us? Chris: Maybe not that. Bernie: Or the time when you met up with your ex-girlfriend and didn't tell her? Chris: Okay. I see your point. I'll talk to her. Bernie: You do that.
Chris wanted to take his wife on the guys' night out. Marty and Bernie are against it.
Shelby: Does anybody know how to arrive to the place? Cole: She sent us some pics, right? Shelby: they are not very readable, at least I don't get it how to get there :P Tristan: Where are you know? Tristan: I know the way, I'm driving my car so you could just follow me Shelby: <file_other> Tristan: right, stay there at the patrol station, I'll be there in about 15-20 min and we can go together Shelby: perfect! thx!
She sent some pictures how to arrive, but they are not readable. Tristan is going there by car. He will join Shelby in 15-20 minutes at the petrol station and show her the way.
Alex: Listen to this: I got offered a part time job at the pub, but... they want me to do two full "training" shifts at the weekend. Unpaid. Lu: What? I thought you already had a " training shift"? Alex: Yeah, this is after I already completed a 3 hour trial shift. Is it me of is it a bit weird? Lu: Don't do it. Free labour. Alex: That's what I thought tbh Lu: After the weekend they will tell you you didnt pass. So you've worked your ass off for 2 days for free Alex: Right?? Lu: Sounds shady to me... but what do I know XD Alex: No, you're right, this is exactly what's going to happen. Lu: Too easy to take advantage of desperate students trying to find a job Alex: True. I found several threads on student forums discussing this exact issue
Alex got offered a part time job at the pub, but he has to work for two unpaid shifts at the weekend as training. Alex has already worked 3 unpaid hours. Lu thinks Alex shouldn't agree to that.
Samantha: Did you have a nice Christmas? Barbara: Yes. I spent it with my family. As always. Samantha: Cool. So you went back to Poland. Barbara: Yes. This year there weren't many of us coming. Barbara: Normally, Christmas is a big deal in Poland. Barbara: And the whole family tries to be together. Samantha: In the UK too. Barbara: Each year all my uncles, aunts and cousins come to my grandma's place Barbara: But this year many of them didn't come Barbara: My sister in travelling in Latin America. Barbara: Two cousins are in Turkey. Barbara: One part of the family didn't come at all. Samantha: For me it's always me and my parents. Samantha: But did you enjoy it? Barbara: Yes, it was really nice. Samantha: Are you still in Poland? Barbara: Yes. I'll come back only after the New Year. Barbara: I will go to Warsaw for the New Year. Barbara: I have some friends there. Samantha: Cool.
Barbara spent Christmas in Poland. This year there weren't so many people at her grandma's place. Samantha spent Christmas with her parents. Barbara is going to spend the New Year in Warsaw and then come back to the UK.
Pete: Babe Pete: Should I water plants? Lily: Better not Lily: I will be back in two days Lily: They will be fine 😊 Pete: I'll try to hold on too 😊 Lily: See you soon honey Pete: See you love
Pete does not have to water Lily's plants because she will be back in two days. They will see each other then.
Finn: Hey did you get the notes from class today? Sarah: Yeah would you like me to send them to you? Finn: Yes please! I was so sick today and couldn't make it to class Sarah: Oh no! are you feeling any better ? Finn: ehhh a little but I'm worried about the test Sarah: Yeah me too, but I think we will be fine if we just study hhah :)
Sarah got the notes from the class today. She will send them to Finn. He is worried about the test.
Arnold: Did you put some pub options on our One Note page for the weekend? Gina: I sure did! There are tons right around where we're staying. We won't starve! Arnold: Plus we have a kitchen! LOL! Gina: That's a thing; should we get breakfast stuff? Arnold: Maybe some bread and coffee? Gina: Yeah, that would tide us over until we can make it out. Arnold: Probably for lunch! LOL! Gina: That's how we roll! Arnold: LOL! Gina: I'm ready for the gym tonight, though. Arnold: Yes, yes, sure, why not... Gina: Less than excited? Arnold: Well... Gina: Come on, we've been slacking all week. We're going to eat and drink this weekend! Arnold: True. Gina: We have to pay, that's how it works. Arnold: I know, I know. Gina: Just think about the bbq place tomorrow night. Arnold: MEAT! Gina: Exactly!
Gina and Arnold are going to the gym before going away for the weekend. They will have breakfasts at their place and drink and dine in pubs. Arnold likes meat very much.
Susan: Hello William! I forgot to ask you yesterday: I've been trying to track down this biography of Droste by Karschunov. They don't seem to have a copy at the college library and I don't fancy buying it. Could I borrow it from you? William: Hello Susan, but I'm not sure I have it. What's the title? Susan: "Das Spiegelbild" William: Rings a bell. Let me check and I'll get back to you, Susan. Susan: Thank you William. William: Yes, I have a copy. A bit bashed but readable :) If it's urgent, I can send it to you. Susan: Great that you have it. No, it isn't urgent at all. Droste is just on my list and I'll tackle her in due time. I just have to remember about the book before we meet next time. William: Isn't it pretty soon? Hasn't Rita arranged for some meal together these days? Susan: True! St Martin's Goose on the 10th! It is this coming Friday. Will you be as kind and bring the book with you? William: But of course! Pleasure. William: And you can keep it. I don't think I'll be reading it again. Susan: Thank you! Lucky me. So see you and Rita on Friday. William: Looking forward to. Give my regards to Harry please. Susan: I will. Thank you.
Susan will borrow "Das Spiegelbild" book from William. William will bring the book to their meeting together with Rita on Friday 10th. Susan will pass regards to Harry from William.
Ian: I just looked at some Ariana's pictures from Marrakech Keegan: You mean Ariana Smiths? Ian: Ye Ian: She just got back from Morrocco Ian: Should we place Morrocco on our bucket list? Jane: I just saw her pictures on Instagram Jane: Theyre cute! Jane: Shes a good photographer Jane: I would like to go there someday so sure Ian: :) Keegan: Ye Keegan: It looks nice Keegan: Pretty sure we would have lots of fun Jane: Very exotic Jane: I don't think it should be that expensive you guys know Ian: Yeah there are direct flights from Montreal to Casablanca Jane: Casablanca sounds great too Ian: Casablanca is more like an urban city Jane: Haha I see Jane: I just got the name from that old movie Ian: xd
Ian, Keegan and Jane appreciate Ariana's pictures from Marrakech. Ian, Keegan and Jane are thinking of going there too. They also consider Casablanca.
Bartek: Did you know that Vikings are coming back at the end of Nov? Filip: You serious? Bartek: Yeah, their fanpage on FB says so Bartek: Can't wait, I've been dying to see the next episodes Filip: Maan for me it felt like a minute Filip: Time's going so fast lately... Filip: The older I am the faster the live seems to be slipping away Bartek: You're too busy, need to chill a little, bro :) Filip: I got no time not to be busy :D Work's filling every spare moment of my life Filip: But I'm sure I'll find some time for the Vikings! Thanks for reminding me Bartek: Good for you!
New episodes of the Vikings will be aired at the end of November. Filip and Bartek can't wait.
Ethan: man, that song is dope af! Henry: what are you talking about? Ethan: <file_other> Ethan: did you forgot about their comeback? Henry: shit! Henry: I was sure it is tomorrow Ethan: you fucked it up! Henry: happens to the best of us Ethan: sure Ethan: whatever you say :P Ethan: just watch it Henry: doing it Ethan: and? Henry: well, your first statement was quite correct :P Henry: honestly they keep surprising me with every comeback Ethan: can't argue with that Henry: did you check the rest of the album? Ethan: listened to every song at least once Henry: and? Ethan: you'll enjoy it Ethan: especially track number 3 Henry: can't wait Ethan: I'll leave you to it Ethan: we can talk more after you listen to everything Henry: I will Henry: I'll catch you later Ethan: cya
Henry and Ethan will catch up later to discuss the new album of the band they both like.
Brandon: Wanna see a flick Sat? New Queen movie is out. Let me no… Sheila: Who else is going? Brandon: Only asked you so far… Sheila: Like a date? Brandon: NO! Sheila: Geez. Brandon: I don’t mean it like that! Calm Down!!! Sheila: J/K! Brandon: Really? Sheila: Maybe! Brandon: Can you go or not? Sheila: Yeah, if it’s a group. Brandon: Why? Sheila: Mom won’t freak if it’s not a date! Brandon: LOL! Sheila: Serious! Brandon: Your mom’s a freak! Sheila: I no… Brandon: I mean, you’re old enough to do what you want! Sheila: I no! Brandon: I’ll ask Kayla and Brent, will that work? Sheila: Def. Brandon: Kthxbai Sheila: LOL!
Brandon and Sheila want to see New Queen movie. Sheila wants to go out as a group to prevent her mum freaking out. Brandon will ask Kayla and Brent to join them.
Tim: Hi sis, hi bro, here's some pics of my trip to Albania Tom: Cool! Tim: <file_photo> Tom: Is that really you? Hahaha! Tam: Is that some kind of traditional dress? Tim: Yep Tam: Nice! Tim: <file_photo> Tam: Ok, that's you and Jackie. And who's the other girl? Tim: Ilva, an Albanian girl we met at the hotel Tam: Ok. Tom: Pretty cute ;)
Tim shows Tom and Tam his pics of his trip to Albania.
Carl: could anyone lend me 10bucks till friday? Newt: not this week bud Carl: oops. Rosie? Rosie: yeah lazy ass. send me your acc numbah Carl: youre the best <3
Rosie is going to lend Carl 10 dollars.
Kyle: ok Ive had it Stan: what? what did i do Kyle: not you I just have to change jobs Stan: ok... Stan: sooo what happened Kyle: doesn't matter I'm changing jobs asap Stan: ok I'll let you know if we're looking for anyone Kyle: ok thanks
Kyle needs to change the job immediately. Stan will let him know if they have vacant positions.
Esme: <file_photo> Esme: <file_photo> Bella: ooohh you finally finished it! Esme: Yes :) Bella: i think John will like it :) Esme: I certainly hope so! Ivy: he definitely will! Ivy: you really put a lot of work into that Esme: Yeah it took me much longer than I had anticipated... Esme: But I'm really really happy with the result :) Bella: proud of you, too ;) Ivy: it was worth it :)) Esme: Thanks a lot for the kind words! :) Esme: Matters a lot to me. :)
Esme has finished something she was working on for a long time.
Martha: Guys, I can't find you Tom: We are at the rare! Peter: Martha, stay at the entrance, I'm on the way to pick you up. Martha: 😍 Thanks
Martha, Tom and Peter are meeting up. Peter is picking her up.
Charles: <file_other> Charles: It seems that the govt decided to fuck us even harder Charles: Every year prices go up Charles: Maybe raising taxes is a source of pleasure for those so called 'politicians'? Mike: Dude... Mike: I don't mind people interested in kinky stuff Mike: But have never expected such political perversion in my own country Charles: Neither have I. It makes me think Charles: That wouldn't be a big deal if only the earnings would go up as well Charles: No wonder people resort to going abroad Mike: Actually I've been considering working somewhere abroad lately Mike: I've been looking for a job since May here and there's a few offers available Mike: Mainly physical, hard work... Charles: This system sucks! Charles: You're wasting the best years of your life on education, then it turns out there's no job for you in your profession... Mike: Yeah, it's true. But complaining rarely changes anything Mike: It's better to take some action Mike: Going abroad is not that bad, I think I'll give it a try. Wanna join me? Charles: And where would you like to go? Mike: The Netherlands for starters, the perspectives are decent and it'd be a chance to visit Amsterdam, the city of freedom! :D Charles: Damn, you're pulling me in! Charles: And actually... besides earning some money it can serve as a good adventure Mike: So? R U in? Charles: Give me a few days, I'll ask around and let you know soon Mike: Fine, remember that I'm going anyway :p Charles: Sure, I feel I've already decided too! :D Charles: Talk to you soon Mike: All right
Mike and Charles complain about the government and understand young people that leave the country for work. Mike is going to work abroad himself. Charles is still thinking.
Ron: Omg I've just eaten the biggest bag of gummy bears that's ever been produced Angelina: that does not sound to smart Ron: no Ron: I'm expecting sugar coma any minute now Angelina: haha Angelina: drink some dark tea Angelina: it will counter the sweetness Ron: if I can get up from the sofa Angelina: go Ron!! go Ron!! Ron: and I'm up Ron: How are things? Angelina: well I haven't eaten a kilogram of sugar Angelina: so not bad :D
Ron has eaten a huge bag of gummy bears.
Debra: cool initiative <file_other> Angelica: cool, good to hear there some zero-waste initiatives in the area Heather: yeah, nice Debra: what do you say we have a little decluttering party at my house? You gals, could help me part with some of my stuff and we could take it there together later. Angelica: great idea, someone will surely find use for your things. Debra: One man's trash is another man's treasure ;) Shall we say Friday? Angelica: sounds good Heather: can do Debra: great see you then!
Debra will have a little decluttering party on Friday at her house. Angelica and Heather will help Debra with some of her stuff to get rid of it.
Poly: Should we order some food today? Sina: yeah, I'm too lazy to cook Wera: I'm not sure, I have some pasta still... Wera: but also kinda lazy John: but what would you like to order? I may join you John: not really into pizza though Poly: maybe some burgers? Sina: Burger King? Poly: this is really trash Sina: I know! But I want sth really unhealthy today :P Poly: I'm just afraid that it won't be good, but also cold before arrives John: it's true John: what about this American restaurant that we visited last week? John: They had amazing American French fires Wera: what is American French fries? John: you know, like with cheese etc Wera: you make me hungry, I think I'll odder with you Poly: perfect, so we won't pay for the delivery Poly: could you just come to my room and we'll decide here? Wera: ok
Poly, Wera, John and Sina will order some food from the American restaurant that they visited last week.
Rob: 40 minutes to go Robert: I am so bored Robert: Should we just leave now Alex: He's gonna talk about the exam Alex: Don't leave! Rob: I would probably just stay then Rob: You're right Alex Rob: And he's gonna give us back our second midterm Robert: Lol I probably failed it Alex: I hope not Alex: They probably curved our marks hahaha Robert: Probably curved down 🤣🤣 Rob: Bro Rob: haha no shit Alex: That girl is talking way to o much Robert: Shes got angels voice Alex: I wouldn't say so... Alex: lolz Rob: because she's his daughter! Alex: What heck? Rob: No kidding Rob: Sierra told me Robert: He probably curved up the marks then Alex: XD
Robert and Rob want to leave the classroom, but Alex convinces them to stay. Robert, Rob and Alex want to find out what they should learn before the exam, and they wonder if the teacher will curve up the marks. According to Sierra, the girl talking in the classroom is a teacher's daughter.
Gus: Where are u? I'm waiting for u? Nina: Sorry, I have problems with car. I've got a flat tire. Gus: I see…ask somebody for help Nina: I called for my father, he is on his way...
Nina's car has a flat tire. She called her father for help.
Trina: It's so cold outside Lars: yes, but maybe it'll snowing Trina: <3
Trina feels it's really cold outside. Lars hopes it might snow.
Finn: I heard that Britney got expelled. Terry: why? Oswald: what for? Finn: you know her general behavior Oswald: and she's absent a lot Finn: so yeah, that accumulated kinda, but now she's been accused of making that blue graffiti that popped up 3 days ago Terry: I was wondering if this might have anything to do with that graffiti Finn: apparently it does Oswald: you think she did it? Finn: who knows? She certainly likes to draw Terry: maybe they just needed an excuse to finally kick her out Finn: maybe Oswald: too bad, though, I kinda liked her Finn: liked her liked her? ;) Oswald: no, ofc not, but she's pretty cool Finn: true that
Britney got expelled because of accumulated absences and vandalism. She reputedly made that blue graffiti 3 days ago. Oswald thinks it's a shame because he likes Britney.
Meghan: R u a True Blue? Lily: Yep! I'm from Sydney but I used to live out woop woop ;) Meghan: I'm from NYC Lily: <gif> Meghan: <gif>
Lily is from Sydney and Meghan is from NYC.
Claire: Anyone home now? Kitty: I'll be there soon, why? Claire: I have a package delivery set up in half an hour Kitty: Might not make it sorry Claire: How about you Tom? Tom: I am just making my last turn and I'll be there in 5 Claire: Gosh you're gonna save my ass picking it up Tom: hahaah like always ladies, like always Claire: Oh come on, not true, I helped you out too once Tom: Once, I've picked up dozens of clothes you ordered lol Kitty: But never did that for me, huh?:D Tom: True! I guess you don't order for home Kitty: Sure I do, just when I know I'm home Claire: Or when you know I'm home:D Kitty: I did that maybe just once:D Tom: Ok,ok I got you both covered if anything Kitty: thanks<3 Claire: You home? Is package there? Tom: just walked through the door, nobody even rang
Tom was going to pick up Claire's parcel but it was not delivered. Tom is happy to help Kitty and Claire picking up their parcels.
Magda: Hi :* Abby: Hi honey how are you? Magda: Question: can I stay at your place for one night? Abby: Sure! When??? Magda: 28 Feb Abby: Just one night? Magda: Yes I have a long flight the day after and don't want to miss it ;) Abby: Where are you going? Magda: Australia <3 Abby: Woooow!!! Abby: Your dream coming true??? Magda: <file_gif> Abby: Omg I'm so happy for you! Abby: Are you going with Andy? Magda: No, with a friend, Maggie Magda: You know, I think it's middle age crisis LOL
Magda will stay at Abby's house on 28 February. Magda is flying to Australia the day after with her friend Maggie.
Anna: Have you seen the last Superman? Gina: The Universe? Anna: Yeah Gina: Not yet, but I'd love to :) Anna: Is Wednesday ok? Gina: Wednesday after 5 sounds all right
Gina and Anna will see the last Superman, The Universe, after 5 on Wednesday.
Jenny: i saw Alec from afar this morning Jenny: he looked MISERABLE :-( Jenny: do you know what's up with him? Cameron: his dog is missing Cameron: he told me that yesterday he came back from the supermarket Cameron: and as soon as he opened the door the dog ran out of the house Jenny: noo wayyyyy Jenny: poor Alec :-( Cameron: yeah that dog had been with him for 5 years Jenny: is he putting out posters or stuff like that? Cameron: i don't think so Cameron: i think he just gave up without even starting a search Jenny: i'll walk around his block tonight Jenny: maybe i'll find the dog!!! Cameron: alec would love you forever if you did
Alec's dog is missing, so he's very upset. Jenny will look for Alec's dog tonight.
Lilly: Have you taken your kid to the cinema recently? Jake: Yes, we've watched How to train your dragon Jake: An awesome picture! Lilly: I want to watch it too with Will Lilly: BTW Rotten Tomatoes isn't very optimistic about this movie
Jake saw How to Train Your Dragon at the cinema with his child. Lilly wants to see the same film with Will.
Ted: Are you feeling any better? Caroline: Not much, I hope the painkillers I just took will help. Ted: Can I do something? Caroline: No, thank you, sweetie, I have to get through the night and it will get better. Ted: Ok, if you need anything, just tell me. Caroline: Sure, honey. <3 Love you to the moon and back
Caroline is not feeling well and has just taken painkillers. Caroline will tell Ted if she needs anything.
Maddie: Hello! How are you and the family? Jess: Good! Ollie is in nursery every morning, he loves it! Russell is ok too. Maddie: Do you want me to babysit at all, I'm home for the holidays, need a bit of money! Jess: Yes, that would be great, to be honest we were actually looking for a bit more than a babysitter! I have just got a job for 3 mornings a week, so I need someone to take Ollie to nursery, pick him up and look after him for an hour on those days, you interested? Maddie: Well, I'd love to, he's such a cutie, but I go back at the end of September to Uni. Jess: Oh, of course, could you just do it for the rest of this term, then, 2 months or so, I think? I can sort out a childminder or something for afterwards. Maddie: That would be great, we could offer you £60 for about 6 hours work, would that be ok? Jess: Yes, that's great, I could even pick up a couple of shifts of bar work or something on the weekends as well. Maddie: Well, that's sorted then! How about you come round tonight to see Ollie again, I'm sure he'll remember you from Eastertime. Jess: Lovely! What sort of time? Maddie: Oh, about 4.30 would be great. Jess: Can we make it 5.30? I've got something on. Maddie: No problem, see you then!
Maddie wants to babysit Jess's children during the holidays. Jess thinks it's a great idea, and offered Maddie £60 for 6 hours of work. Maddie will babysit Ollie tonight at 5.30pm.
Jayda: How good of a dancer are you? Rowan: I have never danced :/ Jayda: damn :/ Rowan: Why are you asking? Jayda: I need a partner for prom night Rowan: I would manage some one dont worry Jayda: K :)
Jayda needs a partner for prom night, but Rowan can't dance.
Wyatt: hey sarah, could you teach me how to sew please? Sarah: that's a random request :-/ Wyatt: lol i know Sarah: why do you want to learn? Wyatt: i want to surprise my girlfriend Sarah: what do you mean? Wyatt: for her birthday, instead of buying something i'd like to make her a scarf Sarah: mmm, why? Wyatt: isn't it romantic? i'm learning a new skill and doing something for her with my own hands Sarah: lol, no. dinner and a movie would be more romantic than a scarf Wyatt: come on, can you teach me? Sarah: i'm very busy this week Wyatt: i can wait, i don't mind, i really want to learn Sarah: if you say so... Wyatt: THANKS!!!
Wyatt wants to surprise his girlfriend, so he asked Sarah to teach him how to sew a scarf. Sarah doesn't think it's a great idea, but she will help Wyatt.
Monty: can u give me yours father number? Kurt: why? Monty: I need to ask him about sth Kurt: ok, I just tell him that u'll cal and send u the number Monty: ok, thanks
Monty needs the number of Kurt's father to ask him about something. Kurt will give Monty the number.
Peter: Did you hear? The Rolling Stones are coming? Gabe: Yeah june 6th Gabe: wonder how much tickets will be Peter: a fortune, but come on it could their last! Gabe: HA doubt it knowing them! Peter: yeah but come on we have to go Gabe: you got anyone with some insider info? Peter: ? Gabe: about the tickets? Peter: well my cousin work at ticket master Gabe: Great! can he help out? Peter: don't know have to ask Gabe: well then ask Peter: fine I will Gabe: so? Peter: so he knows the exact time the tickets will be for sale Gabe: how is that helpful? Gabe: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Peter: If we find someone with some IT skills it will be a lot of help Gabe: explain Peter: well we get someone to set up a bot that will be able to get us tickets online Gabe: you know anyone like that Peter: no Gabe: again HOW IS THIS HELPFUL!
Peter and Gabe want to go to The Rolling Stones' concert on June 6th. Peter's cousin works at the ticket master but he cannot help them with getting the tickets.
Mary: <file_photo> Mary: me all my entire life Jane: xDDDD I just died Suzan: goddamit, I just spit out the entire tea on the floor xD Mary: hahaha that's the spirit Jane: just breath XD Mary: <file_photo> Jane: saw it yesterday xDD Suzan: jesus christ im trying to breath, plz stahp xddd Jane: do it then xd hey, maybe we'll go somewhere tomorrow? Mary: sounds cool, I'm definitely in Suzan: I'm also in, if I get my breathing back xd
Jane, Mary and Suzan are going somewhere tomorrow.
Anders: Now it's shit just to stay in the apartment Anders: I just woke up and nobody is here Miya: Mm Miya: Yeah Miya: I can imagine Miya: You have to get fine Miya: However yeah. . The weather is good Anders: Yea I know Anders: I see it from the window 😭😭😭 Anders: I mean I can go but other people will get sick Miya: Yeah Miya: :( Miya: Is it still itching a lot? Anders: Nothing at all Anders: I just wait for these things to disappear Miya: Oh so that's cool Miya: Mhm Miya: Hopefully, it will be fast Anders: I hope so as well...
Anders is ill and has to stay in the apartment, otherwise he can infect other people. His skin is not itching, but he's waiting for these things to disappear.
Keith: Im not doin this anymore Fritz: what? Keith: Hayley, its done Fritz: Duuuude great Fritz: I mean im sorry, yea, but shes a bitch xd Keith: she is, ya were all right Fritz: you see, dudes will always tell ya what to do Keith: XD i had to get to this point Keith: when youre absolutely done Fritz: good for ya! Fritz: so when will our king come to one of our parties Keith: Ya still on everyday? Fritz: almost xd Keith: ah yea I missed it Fritz: squad is what matters bro! Keith: hell yea!! Fritz: so how was it Keith: what Fritz: breakup how did u do it Keith: Emmm i just told her… its not gonna work Fritz: aaand what did she say? Keith: that im an asshole and ill regret it 8) Fritz: haha you will, after getting wasted tonight!! Keith: looooool :D
Keith broke up with Hayley.
Leo: When are you coming back? Lin: In about an hour. Why? Leo: You took my home keys. Hurry!
Lin is coming back in about an hour. Lin took Leo's home keys.
Kimberly: and then he opened the door for me Frank: what? Kimberly: sorry, that wasn't for you lol Frank: lol, at least you weren't talking about me Kimberly: no i wasn't! lol
Kimberly mistakenly messaged Frank.
Henry: have you finished this book? Andrew: not yet Henry: is it boring? Andrew: no, it's great, i just was busy Henry: let me know when you're finished Andrew: do you want to borrow it? Henry: that was my evil plan :)
Henry will borrow the book when Andrew is done reading.
Ben: What should we buy? Liam: We already have some basics. Do you want something particular? Ben: I prefer just typical pizza Ellie: same here. I think u can just help us with preparing pizza Ben: sure! Ellie: so c you toonight Ben: see you at 8ish
Ellie and Liam are seeing Ben tonight at 8ish. Ben will be preparing pizza with them.
Charlotte: can I borrow your skateboard? Max: what? Charlotte: my friends are going to the park after school and I want to go with them Max: do you even know how to skate? Charlotte: I can always learn Max: you know that mom will kill me if something happens to you on my skateboard Charlotte: no worries, I'm not going to do anything stupid Charlotte: so can I borrow it? Max: okay, okay, just take the old one (black with red dragon on it) Max: it should be easier for you with that one and I don't want my new one to get damaged Max: and if something happens to you, I knew nothing about it! Charlotte: like she'll believe that but sure!
Charlotte will borrow a skateboard from Max. She's going with friends to the park after school. She doesn't know how to ride on a skateboard.
Meg: Girls, I’m so depressed Alexandra: What happened? Suzan: ? Meg: John broke up with me yesterday ☹ Alexandra: You’re kidding! Why?? Meg: He didn’t want to say why… Suzan: Son of a bitch Alexandra: Fucking asshole Meg: I know that he has a friend, Kate, maybe he wants to hang with her Alexandra: No way! I know her. That’s impossible! Meg: Wanna meet? Alexandra: Sure! Suzan: Yes!
John broke up with Meg yesterday without giving reason. Meg is going to meet up with Alexandra and Suzan.
Ben: Could you send me your recipes pls? I need new ideas. Joy: slice of fresh salmon plus sesame oil and soya sauce and honey Ben: so quick ...very efficient Joy: cod fillet, lime juice, olive oil and fresh coriander Ben: thanks a lot. Is the weather bad in Warsaw? Joy: i try to put some sun in it... Joy: chicken with peanuts butter and coconut cream. Delicious with rice Ben: super Joy: i've got some more.. Ben: that's good for now. thanks
Ben needs new recipe ideas from Joy. She suggests salmon with sesame oil and soy sauce and honey, cod with lime juice, olive oil, and coriander, and chicken with peanut butter, coconut cream, and rice. Joy is now in Warsaw. The weather is not very pleasant.
Constance: Did you remember to pay the bills? Sheldon: What bills? Constance: Electricity. I paid for water and internet. Sheldon: Oh! I forgot. Sorry! Constance: Do this ASAP! Sheldon: Sure, will wire transfer it RN. Constance: Good. Sheldon: Thanks for the reminder! Constance: Reminder? You were supposed to do this a week ago! Sheldon: Ik. Sorry. Will write it down next time. Constance: That's what you always say. Sheldon: Well... This time's different.
Constance paid for water and Internet, but Sheldon forgot to pay for electricity, but he'll wire transfer the money right now.
Joey: <file_gif> Heather: hahahaha Betty: I've seen it :D Jodie: L O L Dennis: hahaha made my day
Joey sent a funny gif.
Damon: you feel like helping me out with some crafting later in the afternoon? Laurie: What are you making? Marilyn: Why not. Damon: an armor from WoW Marilyn: Impressive. What character Damon: Anduin, so there's a lot of lion faces to carve ;P Laurie: count me in. Carving lion faces is my thing :P Damon: cool, 5 PM? Laurie: fine Marilyn: I'll come by later, got some errands to run Damon: cool cool
Laurie will help Damon to make an Anduin armor tomorrow at 5 pm. She is good at carving lion faces. Marilyn will drop by after she runs her errands.
Laura: Thanks for help today. Anette: Don’t mention. Did you do well? Laura: I guess so. Exam passed. Anette: Good news. Laura: true. I really hate maths Anette: I know. I guess I just understand it better. Laura: you bet! you explained all in 5 mins! Anette: glad to help :) Laura: guess I could help u with sth as well Anette: art project? Laura: aw Anette: what? Laura: I'm more into English and French, history and stuff u know Anette: so arts is no good? Laura: we can try together 4 sure im no expert tho Anette: its for groups of 3 right Laura: true. lets ask Maria to join Anette: oh yeah she's good at art right Laura: need to check if I have her number Anette: or I can talk her 2moro Laura: you have classes 2gether? Anette: yeah. 8.30 Laura: cool then Anette: yeah. Talk to you then
Laura passed a maths exams mainly because Anette helped her to prepare to it. Now they are going to work on an art project and they hope Maria will join them. Anette is going to talk to Maria tomorrow morning.
Nathanael: I will move back to the student dormitory Uriah: Really? Nathanael: No choice
Nathanael has to move back in the dorm.
Sasha: How about getting your father a new wallet, it's his birthday George, comeon! George: sounds like a great How much is that wallet? Sasha: which type? George: The black one. like the one you sold to drake.. Sasha: Oh. It's only for 200 box George: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one? Sasha: Hmm. How about a brown leather one? George: Umm.... I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put ID card. How much is it anyway? Sasha: It's for 150 dollars only George: Hmm. I don't have much money. Sasha: Okay. How much do you have to spend? George: I'm not sure. Probably about 100 or 120 . Sasha: Okay then, bring 120 George: cool, ill send it to you then you'll come with it in the evening Sasha: sure thing.
George will bring Sasha 120 dollars to pay for a wallet of his choice.
Nick: Please listen to this and let me know what you think! Nick: <file_other> Julia: That's great song! Julia: Thank you! Julia: You've just made my day a lot better! Nick: No problem. I'm glad I could share it with you!
Nick sends Julia a song to ask for her opinion and she really likes it.
Thomas: Sarah! It's already Tuesday! I'm so afraid of this exam on Friday :( Sarah: No worries Tom! We studied a lot, nothing will surprise us! Thomas: You're so positive because Mr Fincher likes you! Sarah: Why do you say so? He doesn't like me more than you :D Thomas: That's why I'm stressed! I don't want to look bad in the end… Sarah: Just stop moaning, it'll be fine Thomas: But I'm so oddly stressed, I can't explain it Sarah: I can ensure you that this will pass soon XD
Thomas is stressed out about their exam on Friday. Sarah is positive as they studied a lot.
Edward: So when's your last day at work? Pete: This Thursday. Edward: And how do you feel about it? Pete: I'm so happy! Pete: I still can hardly believe it! Edward: I'm so happy for you! :) Pete: It feels it's like someone else's story when I tell it to people. Edward: Because it kinda is so! Edward: And how's the flat? When are you going to collect the keys? Pete: I'm going there on Sunday. Pete: On Monday I'll collect the keys and I'll stay for 3-4 days to fixs the formal stuff, you know, institutions etc. Pete: And afterwards I'll go to my parents' place. Edward: Sure thing! Pete: And then I'll be in Poznan for a week or so. Edward: We need to throw you a big farewell party! You'll be so badly missed! Pete: I hope we'll celebrate it as if there's no tomorrow! Edward: Don't tell me twice! Pete: I'll maybe book some place and invite lots of people. Edward: If you need help with the arrangements, I'm here for you!
Pete is moving. He plans to organise a farewell party.
Wes: Hi, bro! Shaun: Hello. Wes: Have you seen the fixtures? Shaun: No. Anything interesting? Wes: A home game on Sat. Wanna come with me? Shaun: Sure. I haven't been there for a long time. Wes: That is exacltly why I'm writing to you. You'll soon forget what football is all about. Shaun: Kids... Wes: I don't get it. There's Meggie. Shaun: I can't leave them with her too much. We have a compromise. Either my workouts Mon-Fri or weekend fun. Wes: You're lost, bro Wes: <file_photo> Shaun: It's not that bad. Wes: <file_photo> Wes: See you at the entrance? Shaun: No, I'll come to your place and we'll walk together. Wes: Great! See you.
Shaun and Wes are going to a football game on Saturday. Shaun hasn't been to a game in a long time, because he has to take care of the kids. Shaun will come to Wes' place and they will walk to the game together.
Linda: Babes... you were looking gorgeous last night. Sarah: Thanks love you were looking lovely too. Linda: babe i was totally in love with your lip color.. which one was it? Sarah: it was mac i dont remember the shade i will see and let you know. Linda: oh dont worry when ever you get time just take a picture and send me. Sarah: Sure. Linda: can i ask you something? if you dont mind. Sarah: go ahead Linda: it has only 2 months to your marriage.. why harry doesnt accompany you in family events? is everything ok? Sarah: yes every thing is alright... Linda: you can tell me, may be i can help. Sarah: its just that we have different choices opinions likes and dislike Linda: so? Sarah: so we arent really getting along well... Linda: this is so sad! but you knew him for 3 years... and you guys were madly in love :( i dont believe this. Sarah: we always had different personalities, it was i dont know what that kept us in love ... which i dont think is there anymore.. Linda: oh ho! dont say that... it has only been 2 months.. dont take decision give your relationship some time. Sarah: Decision? its been a month we havnt seen each other... Linda: what? are you serious... guys have gone crazy.... i am going to speak to him .. i dont believe this .. this is crazy man Sarah: Linda... i told you everything but i want you to stay away from it. dont mind.. but i havnt allowed anyone to speak between us, we will sort out Linda: but its just that i care for you... Sarah: i understand but please i dont mean to offend you. Linda: ok but i wish everything gets sorted and you guys live together happily and i am sorry for whatever your going through.. Sarah: oh dont worry i am perfectly fine. Linda: love u babe Sarah: love u tooo
Linda loves Sarah's lipstick. Sarah doesn't get along well with her fiancé, and she thinks she's not in love anymore. Sarah doesn't want Linda to interfere in her relationship.
Ray: Did ya watch the game today? Kale: Yea, I did, wish I didn’t ;/ Ray: I don’t get it, whats goin on Kale: They are in crisis, but whyyy Ray: Heard sth about the money, sponsor withdrew after the scandal with Diego Kale: Yea, what was that about? Ray: Somebody claimed they saw him doing drugs after the game, there was an article in Football Observer Kale: Was it true? Ray: Probably not, at least no pictures were published but supposedly the case went to court Kale: So why did they go away Ray: The sponsors? Kale: Yupp Ray: You know, even false accusations may fuck people up and destroy reputation Kale: Sickkkk
Ray and Kale watched the game today. The game was bad and the team are in financial crisis. Their sponsor withdrew after the scandal with Diego who supposedly did drugs after the game, which was covered in Football Observer. Probably it wasn't true, but it damaged their reputation.
Mason: <file_other> Mason: I'm wondering when all these idiots will come to the conclusion that children do need to be vaccinated... Daniel: It always astonishes me that some people consider themselves to specialize in absolutely everything. Daniel: In medicine, economy, politics and so on. Daniel: When a doctor tells you: "You have to vaccinate your kid otherwise they can die", you just do it. Daniel: It's not that hard, Jesus. Mason: Real renaissance people. :D Mason: They know everything on everything, you're just jealous. :D Daniel: Yeah :D Daniel: They might have had an epiphany as well, we'll never know. :p Mason: Living in a society sometimes gets frustrating, isn't it? Daniel: It does, especially when you have to deal with such morons like antivaccinators Mason: I think that unvaccinated kids should be kicked out of their schools. Mason: They put at risk other children and it's not fair. Of course it's not their fault, but maybe it would be a wake-up call for their parents. Daniel: I think they are, at least in several cities. Mason: Great, finally someone has come to their senses.
Mason and Daniel both agree that kids should be vaccinated.
Anita: I'm at the station in Bologna Jenny: No problems so far? Anita: no, everything's going smoothly Tomy: good!
Anita is at Bologna station.
James: i feel like talking to sb James: can either of you come? Joshua: sth wrong? Jazmine: now? James: not feeling too sexy James: asap... Joshua: i can be there straight after work, 5pm Joshua: just need to call Ash Jazmine: i'll be there in 20 Jazmine: Josh you can come later, then i'll go Joshua: ok James: tx guys ur the best
Joshua will meet with James after work at 5 PM. Jazmine will meet with James in 20 minutes.
Polly: Hi Moles, what's up? Molly: nothing much, I'm just working on my resume Polly: so you haven' found work yet? Molly: I got busy with my studies and kept postponing it Molly: and now reality hit me with double force :D Polly: how bad? Molly: I am just finishing the last of my savings... Polly: but you have Dan Molly: Yeah but I don't want to be that girlfriend who takes money from her boyfriend all the time Polly: Sure but you these things happen Molly: You'll see, my resume will kick ass and I will find a job in no time Polly: you go girl!! Polly: that's the spirit! Molly: And what's up with you?? Polly: well Molly: you missed 2 of our last meetings! Polly: I know but I wanted to tell you... Molly: ???????? Polly: Mark proposed!!! Molly: OMG congratulations!!
Polly is looking for job. She is nearly out of money. She didn't come to last two meetings. Mark proposed.
Mike: meet me at the front gate Mike: where the dog is barking Dan: ok, on my way
Dan will meet Mike at the front gate where the dog is barking.
Olivia: Where are you? Thomas: 4th floor, behind the Christmas tree Callum: why there? Thomas: I'm charging my phone here
Thomas is charging his phone behind the Christmas tree on the 4th floor.
Carly: so tell me about yr holidays....drunk and debauched or lazy? xx Andy: A bit of both, it was all inclusive so I might have drank a bit too much. I was good though and only ate healthy meals lol x Carly: The food on the cruise was out if this world seriously..Proper fine dining or buffet whatever you wanted xx Andy: Wow sounds great, I do like a good buffet lol xx Carly: And the entertainment was brilliant.. saw Grease the musical..that was fab xx Andy: I'm getting very interested in a cruise now x x Carly: I'll come with you if you want.. you can get the taster ones for 3 or 5 days leave Southampton, the one I went on with Mum had a shopping mall in the centre of the ship.. it was amazing.. x Andy: Looks great we could have a great laugh together😂😂 you will have to come with me to show me the ropes x x Carly: I'd love too.. let me know your holidays and I'll see what's about.. the taster ones can be done on a long weekend mind xx Andy: I've got 15 days left this year I think its pretty free for when I can take them x x Carly: I'm flexible with my work too so we may find a decent cheap on.. we paid 400 each for that one we were on xx Andy: We need a balcony suite for def xx Carly: Defo, no point in going on a cruse if you cant see the sea from your bed :) Andy: Hello you 😊I had a look online last night but it's a bit of a cruise minefield to be honest lol x x Carly: Yes it is a bit.. there's a 3 day taster to Bruges in Sept 300 ish each from Southampton .. no point in booking for longer unless you know you will like it... you could be green hanging over the side all week lol xxx Andy: If it sounds like it's a good deal and it's the right accommodation then I think we should book us a little getaway then x x Carly: Yes definitely be good.. I'll send you details tomorrow xxx Andy: Send me the dates and I will book the holiday with work Carly: Ok will do xxx I'm excited xx Andy: So am I. We are going on a cruise 😊😊x x Carly: There is an 80's special for 5 days but it's about 500 and we would probably end up drunk and disorderly Andy: Well I thought we would end up drunk and disorderly anyway lol. How do you feel about that one or are you wanting just a bit less mayhem 😊x x Carly: No it would be fab I expect I'll find out more and see how much I can afford lol xx How about Southampton to Bruges back to Southampton on 5th Oct for 3 nights.. 366pp.. balcony suite.. Andy: Sounds good, I'll come over this weekend and we can look together xx Carly: Ok Babe see you Friday xx
Andy was on holiday. Carly suggests that they should go together for a cruise holiday. They want to take a balcony suite. Andy and Carly arranged a meeting on Friday to discuss their holiday.
Jay: where did you get this tea from babe? Mike: do you not like it? Jay: I really like it! Mike: it's from Tea Nepal in the mall Jay: it's really nice, I think my mum will like it too Jay: do they have gift packs or anything? Mike: yeah they do hamper type of baskets Jay: oh nice, I'll get one for my mum's birthday then Mike: cool, maybe one for Lindsay as well? Jay: why is that? Mike: it's her birthday next Tuesday Jay: ok, good idea Mike: laters Jay: see ya!
Jay likes the tea Mike got from Tea Nepal in the mall. Jay decides to get the tea in a gift pack for her mom's birthday. Mike suggests Jay to get another such present also for Lindsay as the next Tuesday is her birthday.
Niamh: Buba, do you still want us to visit you in Berlin? George: we can come at the beginning of February Buba: <3 <3 <3 Buba: Sure! :) Niamh: perfect! George: we thought about spending two nights in Berlin Buba: I work on Friday but I usually finish early, at 4 p.m. Niamh: if you miss French food or anything we could bring you sth Buba: Friday and Saturday nights are fine by me Buba: but you have to book the tickets asap George: should we bring anything to sleep on? Buba: bring me sth from regional French cuisine <3 Buba: I'll ask Rupert if you could sleep in his room Buba: he usually spends weekends at his girlfriend's place Niamh: wow great George: so tipical cheese from Bretagne would be good for you? Buba: YES PLEASE Niamh: can't wait to visit you Buba: Berlin's great George: ok so today we'll look for tickets Buba: great so I'll text Rupert about his plans for the first weekend of February Niamh: <file_gif>
Niamh and George will visit Buba the first weekend of February. They will probably sleep in Rupert's room. Buba will ask his permission. Buba finishes at 4 p.m. on Friday. Niamh and George will buy tickets today.
Aurora: God Aurora: Remember how I went to that cousin’s wedding last February Aurora: And fought with another cousin there Aurora: I can’t remember if I told you about my spectacular fall there but now I find out it’s been recorded forever in a photo… welp Aurora: <file_photo> Aurora: Lovely xD Isabela: Omg why did someone make a picture of that xD Isabela: Instead of helping you up lmao Isabela: Also why do you look happy laying there xD Aurora: That’s how this world works lol Aurora: Ikr Isabela: Or is it an angry smile? Aurora: I mean this wedding was pretty awful for me and this kind of made it better Aurora: No, I really found it hilarious lol Isabela: Hahaha Isabela: Well tbh it's always better to laugh with it Isabela: Was the floor that slippy? Aurora: It was pretty slippery and I was wearing heels and had to run Isabela: R.I.P. Isabela: Honestly you could have hurt yourself extremely bad Aurora: I know, it’s a good thing nothing happened
Aurora told Isabela that her fall on a slippery floor at her cousin's wedding last February was immortalized on a photo. As she didn't really enjoy the wedding, the accident made it more fun, but overall she is happy that nothing particularly serious happened to her.
Terry: we have to discuss our presentation this week Kim: Coudn't we postpone it till Monday? We've so much work in our department right now Terry: there is nothing more important than this presentation Bill: I'm afraid Terry is right Kim: gosh, then we have to do it I guess Terry: Yes Kim, you should know that it can get the company the biggest investment in our history Terry: so nobody will remember the little tasks of the HR department in even a week, but this may get you a whole new position in the company Kim: sorry, I didn't know it's so important Terry: come over to my office today, I'll show you some unbelievable data Bill: hmm, I thought Kim was better informed about it than anybody Terry: no, they don't care about the HR people, which is super stupid of Jeffrey Bill: yes, he is fucking up everything now Terry: that's why we have to keep our own agenda and don't let him drag us down with him Kim: I'll be there in 10min, sounds too good
Kim will be in Terry's office in 10 minutes to discuss their presentation.
Brooklynne: Hey Brooklynne: We're watching Harry Potter Brooklynne: Anyone wants to join in? Kevin: No thanks Tatiana: Like 6? Brooklynne: Yess!! Brooklynne: How did you know Tatiana: You watched it a lot of times Tatiana: haha Brooklynne: Its my favorite! Tatiana: Not a huge fan of the 6 but Tatiana: Good for you! Brooklynne: I will ask others if they wanna join then
Brooklynne is watching Harry Potter 6 again, Kevin won't join and neither will Tatiana as she's not a huge fan of HP 6.
Hannah: Guys, I’ve been thinking. Frank: Now that’s something new :D Hannah: Ha ha very funny. So I’ve been thinking about the New Year’s Eve. Let’s go somewhere! Ryan: Me like it Frank: You have anything specific in mind? We were planning on spending it in our PJs :) Hannah: How about PJs + marshmallow hot chocolate + board games? Ryan: Boooring! Vodka anyone? Irene: I love it! The PJ chocolate part, no vodka for me this time. Ryan: U pregnant or sth? Oh come on guys! How about a traditional drinking party? Frank: That’s what we do literally every weekend, buddy :D Let’s try something new! Ryan: Ok, so let’s paint each other’s nails too, Frankie. Frank: hahaahhahahaahahahhahahah Hannah: Ryan, delivering terrible jokes since 1992. Irene: I’m crying :D :D :D Ryan: OK, I’ll approve under one condition. Hannah: Shoot Ryan: Marshmallows are stuffed with pot :D
Hannah wants to go somewhere with her friends for the New Year’s Eve. Ryan wants a traditional drinking party. Frank wants something new.
Ariel: what do you eat for breakfast when you avoid bread? Muriel: some kind of flakes with milk I guess Rachel: scrambled eggs or sth like that Ariel: I hate oatmeal and I'm running out of ideas Muriel: try rice with fruits Rachel: can't help u, I don't do breakfasts Muriel: I always go for sth with fruits Ariel: ok thx
Ariel wants to avoid bread for breakfast. Muriel and Rachel propose flakes with milk, scrambled eggs and fruits.
David: I have to share my unpopular opinion with you David: Newborn kids are ugly. Don't argue since there's no point. David: Newborn kids are ugly af and people showng off their ugly babies on social media are mentally disabled people. Jack: Hahaha. I've got your back. Jack: I totally agree. Jack: Social media exhibitionism has gone too far in my opinion. David: I agree, but that's not the point. David: Little kittens - cute David: Puppies - cute David: Little Panda - cute as fuck David: But a human child is extremely ugly David: Looking like a gnome leaving a mud cave David: And I totally don't understand parents who post pictures of these creatures. Jack: ROFL Jack: You made me laugh so hard i peed myself David: hahahaha
David and Jack think newborn babies are ugly. They dislike the fact that parents so often share their babies' pictures via social media.
Daniel: Have you used Uber recently? Simone: No, I try not to use it Caesar: why? it's such a great app Simone: I don't like how they treat people, drivers etc. I think it's a wrong way of progress Caesar: oh, you're exaggerating like all lefties Simone: and you just don't have empathy, like all "righties" Daniel: LOL. I only wanted to ask if your app work, because I can't open mine Daniel: I didn't intend to start a third world war between the left and right Simone: haha, ask the capitalist, I haven't used it for a while, but yes - I can open it Caesar: works perfectly, I use it everyday Caesar: try to uninstall and instal it again Caesar: Maybe there is a bug, so it's worth to check for updates Daniel: it's helped! thanks
Daniel can't open the Uber app. Installing it again solved the problem.
Jane: Thank you for contacting custommer support Jane: how can I help you? Irene: Hello Irene: I wanted to talk to you about my order Jane: yes ofcourse Jane: how can I help you Irene: I'm missing an item Jane: Im sorry to hear that Jane: Which item is missing? Irene: the vanilla hand cream Jane: Would you like me to ship a replacement or would you prefer a refund? Irene: a replace ment please Jane: Ok, would you please give me your shipping info Irene: Irene Chelsea, 675 ave. Chicago IL Jane: Ok Someone will contact you with hte shipping details as soon as they are available Irene: Thank you!
A vanilla hand cream is missing from Irene's shipped order. She contacted customer support about it. They will send her a replacement.
Nicholas: Sweetie~~❤️ Nicholas: Where are you?❤️❤️ Starr: I’m talking with my friends :( Nicholas: It’s already late. What if bad wolves should take you? O_O O_O O_O Starr: NO......DAD.....T_T..Nobody would take me. Starr: Only you think I am pretty....(-_-;) Nicholas: Sorry, my daughter...I mistook your mum as the prettiest princess.. (sigh) Starr: I was made by you. (*°∀°)=3 Starr: Both you and mum sowed the seed XD XD XD An onion will not produce a rose XD :) It is you who is the onion Starr: This is fun! I will capture this message and show it to mum! -3- Nicholas: .....No way......😱😱
Starr is talking to her friends. Nicholas is worried about her being out so late.
Janet: Are you home, son? Andrew: Accidently, yes?ヽ(´ー`)ノ Janet: I am gonna get some chitterlings fried with vegetables. Wanna drink with me? Andrew: Mum..I’ve just come back home after drinking like hell with my friends. Andrew: No space to drink alcohol more in my stomach Σ(゜д゜;) Janet: I have no memory I grew my son that weak. Andrew: Okay then. Janet: (´∀`)I'm going Son!
Janet is going to eat fried chitterlings with vegetables. Andrew spent last night drinking with friends. Andrew and Janet will drink together.
Cheryl: karaoke tonight? Cheryl: i haven't see you in ages Lucia: who else is going? Cheryl: me, you and candace Lucia: count me out Cheryl: why?!?!?! Cheryl: you love karaoke Lucia: but i have candace Lucia: she always gets on stage and won't let anyone else sing Lucia: she thinks she's a superstar lol Cheryl: come on, she's nice, you like her Lucia: used to like her Lucia: i find her annoying now Cheryl: is there anything i can do i can change your mind? Lucia: no Lucia: have fun!!!!!!!
Lucia doesn't want to go to karaoke with Candace, because she hates her.
Emma: How did the meeting go? Julia: Not very well :( We kept fighting over details and wound up doing half the work we planned to be done with :/ Julia: So I have a never ending file of things to do this week Julia: on top of my personal drama of course Emma: Mike still hasn't called? Julia: No and he keeps posting stuff on fb Emma: that's just mean :/ Julia: I know. He's out with friends here and getting drunk there, traveling having fun Emma: fuck him Jules! This is not okay. Julia: he's coming home Friday we'll see then Emma: be strong :* Julia: thanks <3 Emma: call me with anything!
Julia's meeting has not had the required outcome and has left her with more work to do. Mike still hasn't called.
Peter: How is your day going? Peter: Hmm? Jess: Ah Peter, I'm sorry but I can't really talk right now. Maybe some other time. Peter: Ok.
Jess cannot talk right now.

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