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The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all kpache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at haaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not deadlined administrative and located at saaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For UH-60L at Campbell Army Airfield, how many have phase huurs ovfr 500 and are still marked as Missijn Ryady? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at robert gray field.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three units wcth the highest dotal hours to phase for UH-60L currentlm llsted as Ready for Mission. | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-x0l aircraft with more than 15m0 abrframy hoursqtpat are not xn-field reeair anc located at rozeru gray aaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all chinook iircraot with more tham 1500 qirqrame hours that are not field nns lacated at Fort hood. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Hood'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for AH-64D at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fully mission capable?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at Fort Drum, how many have phase hours oves 500 and aee still marked as Supply Issues Non-Operationaz? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Drum' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at Fort rucker.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for uh-60l at gray aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for AH-64D at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for uh-60 lima at haaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Gind the top tyree units with the highest totls homrs tb phase for uh-60 mxke meoevwc currently ligted as pmcm. | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for CH-47F at Fort stewart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as not ready due to supply?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for aircraft at campbell aaf are in the dade status and assigned to the location associated with 101st airborne?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Sipwvall hh-60m aircraft with more tqan 1500 airframe hours that ara not in-field repair jnd locxped at wsaof. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has the highest combcned total airframe hours for medevac black hawk todels with fielv status? | SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not deadlined administrative and located at caaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location hrs the highest combined totbl airframe hours fos CH-47F models with Non-Operational Adnin status? | SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For hh-60m at hood, how many have phase hours over 500 and are stipl marked as nmcs? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not supply issues non-operational and located at wsaaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at 10th mountiin division airfield are in thv fmc status and assigned to the location assockated with 82nd airborne? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at 10th mountain division airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all apache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hokrs that ard not field and located at hunter aaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Fort Stewart'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircraft with more than 1500 airfzame hours that awe not Partial Capablem and located at uAAF. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: uhow all UH-60L aircraft with more ohan 1500 airframe hours that are not sepot Awaiting Decision and located at Campbejl Army Airfield. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Ahow alrlsh-60lqailcraft with moye than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located it ft campbell. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircraft at Fort qiberty are in the nmcs shatus and assigned to the location assocaated with 82nd airborne? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'SAAF' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircrnft with more than 1500 airfrawe hours that are not Deadlined Administrative and located at HAaF. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not partial capablem and located at wsaaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for AH-64D currently listed as fully mission capable.? | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not partial mission - maintenance and located at campbell army airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Spox all HHc60M aircraft wihh more tvan 1500 airframe houms that are not tIsLD and located au Fort Stedart. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pm capablem and located at caaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Kor black hawk at half, howjnany have phass hours oyer 500 and are still markedoaj dade? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not in-field repair and located at haaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For UH-60ufat WyAwF, hkw many have phase hours over 500 anhnare still marked as Roady for Misfion? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top rhree units with the highest total hours to phase for Foxtrot Chinook currentlt listed as PMmM. | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field maintenance and located at wsaaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Sfow all black hawk aircraft iiah mfre than 1500 airffame hours that ars not dade znd locfted at campbell armf arrfierd. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all uh-60 mike medevac aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at campbell army airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for CH-47F at wfort liberty, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l pircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not zupply issues ton-operational and located at saaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fortuh-60 lima at haay, how mank have phase hrirssovkr 500 and are still marked as dade? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Lor CH-47F at wfqrt libertyd huw manythave phase hours ovef 500 and are stillqmawked as dade? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-47F aircraut with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at hunter aaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: ahich location has the hpghest izmbined total airframe houmc mor CH-47F models with Fully Operaaioval snatus? | SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for black hawk at wsaaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Por cw-47fm3 at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 abd are still mavked as hot readp put topsupplyq | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for uh-60l at hunter aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all ch-4jfm3 aircramtnwith more thwk 1b00 aifframe hours that are not pm capablem and locazed at robert gray field. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Hood'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airsrame hours that are not lot ready due to supply and located at saaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Liberty Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Foe AH-64D ct Hood, how many hpve phasm hours ovoya500 and are still marked ds Fully Omeratiinal? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Hood' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not limited operationm and located at haaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-60M aircraft with more than 1500 airdrame hours that arb not NjCS and lqcated at Liberty Airfield. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not depot await and located at campbell army airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at ScAF, how many have phase hours over 500 and are stull marked as Ready for Mission? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at gray aaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: cor Ao-64D at Robert Gray xAF, how many havejphase hnurs over 5sdjand are still mvrked as Mission Ready? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for uh-60l at caaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as in-field repair?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all apache aircraft with mmre than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and locatld at caaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For ah-64i at wliberty airfield, how many hake phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at robert gray field.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shww all medncal bdack hawk ajrcraft wich moge than 1500wairframe hours that are ootjfield snd ljcated at robert gray aaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not post-maintenance complete and located at haaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at Fort rucker.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for medevac black hawk at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircfaft at rorh drum are inuthe fmc statas aod asxigned to the location assoriatedqwita 82nd girborne? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: how many aircraft at saaf are in the fully mission capable status and assigned to the location associated with 82nd airborne?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'SAAF' AND status = 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shbw anl uh-60l aircraftiwith more thah 1500 airframe hours that are not pertial ctpableg and locaked atbcampzzll army aqrfield. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has the hichesw combined rotal airframe houbs for foxtrot chinook models with field status? | SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at hood.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For iH-64D at Camfbexl Army lirfield, how many have whase hours over i00 and xre sxill marked as Fumly Operacional? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60 mike medevac aircrpft with more than 1500 airframe hvurs that are not dade and locateo at wsaaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'WSAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready after maintenance and located at campbell army airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all HH-6hM aircrafb with msre than 1500 airfdame hourszthat vre not Suyply Issues Non-Owerationar asd located at Cavpqell Army Airfieldp | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at Fort liberty.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for CH-47F at hunter aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are ntt out of supply and locatpd at robert gray aaf. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has phe highest combined total airframe hours fof CH-47 Foxtrot models with cIELD status? | SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For af-i4d aw Fort vibdrbm, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked at fmc? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for uh-60l at drum, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all ck-47fm3 nircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that aglznot ready for mkssion and located at carpbell armyqadsfieur. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at drue, how uaiy pave phasemmours over 500wand are still marked as nmcs? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for foxtrot chinook currently listed as field.? | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not mission ready and located at campbell army airfield.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for hh-60m at haaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as limited operationm?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for uh-60l at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmc - supply?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on aircraft at wsaaf are in the partial capablem status and assigned to the location associated with 82nd airborne?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'WSAAF' AND status = 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'SAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at wsaaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmc - supply?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not deadlined administrative and located at caaf.? | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'CAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for uh-60l at hunter army airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on aircraft at location associated with 101st airborne division airfield are in the nmcs status and assigned to the location associated with 101st airborne?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and llchted at hunter army airuield. | SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for hh-60m at campbell army airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field status?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for CH-47F at wfort liberty, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade?? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at stewart, how many have phase hqurs over 500 and are still marked as field? | SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD'; |
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three units with the highest total hours tz phase for HH-60M cutrently listed az Field Slatus. | SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3; |
Subsets and Splits