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Kuaipedia is developed by KwaiKEG, collaborating with HIT and HKUST. It is the world's first large-scale multi-modal short-video encyclopedia where the primitive units are items, aspects, and short videos.


  • Items is a set of entities and concepts, such as Shiba Inu, Moon and Galileo Galilei, which can be edited at one Wikipedia page. An item may have a title, a subtitle, a summary, attributes, and other detailed information of the item.
  • Aspects is a set of keywords or keyphrases attached to items. Those keywords are used to describe specific aspects of the item. For example, "selection", "food-protecting", "color" of item Shiba Inu, or "formation", "surface conditions", "how-to-draw" of item Moon.
  • Videos is a set of short-videos whose duration may not exceed 5 minutes. In this paper, we only focus on knowledge videos we detected, Where we follow OECD to define knowledge as:
    • Know-what refers to knowledge about facts. E.g. How many people live in New York?
    • Know-why refers to scientific knowledge of the principles and laws of nature. E.g. Why does the earth revolve around the sun?
    • Know-how refers to skills or the capability to do something. E.g. How to cook bacon in the oven.

Please refer to the paper for more details.

Kuaipedia: a Large-scale Multi-modal Short-video Encyclopedia [Manuscript]



Full Dump Subset Dump
#Items > 26 million 51,702
#Aspects > 2.5 million 1,074,539
#Videos > 200 million 769,096

The comparative results with the baseline models are as follows:

Model Item P Item R Item-Aspect P Item-Aspect R
Random 87.7 49.8 36.4 49.6
LR 90.4 68.3 55.1 2.7
T5-small 93.7 76.1 79.3 58.5
BERT-base 94.3 77.8 81.5 62.7
GPT-3.5 90.5 86.4 41.8 95.7
Ours 94.7 79.7 83.0 65.7

Feel free to explore and utilize this valuable dataset for your research and projects.


  author    = {Haojie Pan and
               Zepeng Zhai and
               Yuzhou Zhang and
               Ruiji Fu and
               Ming Liu and
               Yangqiu Song and
               Zhongyuan Wang and
               Bing Qin
  title     = {{Kuaipedia:} a Large-scale Multi-modal Short-video Encyclopedia},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2211.00732},
  year      = {2022}