Dataset Viewer
audioduration (s) 0.17
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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 35
好 各 位 同 學 大 家 好 | Hello everyone | clips/week1_1-clips/001-week1_1.wav |
我 是 李 宏 毅 | I am Lee Hung Yi | clips/week1_1-clips/002-week1_1.wav |
這 堂 課 呢 是 machine learning ml | This class is Machine Learning ML | clips/week1_1-clips/003-week1_1.wav |
本 學 期 呢 我 們 別 開 生 面 | This semester, we are going to try a new approach | clips/week1_1-clips/004-week1_1.wav |
要 同 步 開 中 文 班 跟 英 文 班 | We are going to run both a Chinese session and an English session | clips/week1_1-clips/005-week1_1.wav |
那 中 文 班 跟 英 文 班 的 上 課 時 間 呢 | The class times for the Chinese and English sessions are | clips/week1_1-clips/006-week1_1.wav |
都 在 禮 拜 五 的 下 午 兩 點 二 十 到 六 點 二 十 | It's always on Fridays from 2:20 p.m. to 6:20 p.m. | clips/week1_1-clips/007-week1_1.wav |
那 你 可 能 會 問 說 老 師 只 有 一 個 人 | Then you may ask, there's only one teacher, | clips/week1_1-clips/008-week1_1.wav |
我 們 是 怎 麼 做 到 同 時 開 中 文 班 跟 英 文 班 的 呢 | How do we manage to run Chinese and English classes at the same time? | clips/week1_1-clips/009-week1_1.wav |
這 就 要 借 助 科 技 的 力 量 | That's where the power of technology comes in. | clips/week1_1-clips/010-week1_1.wav |
那 我 們 上 課 的 時 候 老 師 會 講 中 文 | During class, the teacher speaks Chinese, | clips/week1_1-clips/011-week1_1.wav |
然 後 呢 我 們 用 語 音 辨 識 系 統 | and then we use a voice recognition system. | clips/week1_1-clips/012-week1_1.wav |
把 中 文 呢 | Where is the Chinese? | clips/week1_1-clips/013-week1_1.wav |
把 中 文 的 聲 音 訊 號 轉 成 文 字 | Convert the Chinese audio signal into text | clips/week1_1-clips/014-week1_1.wav |
然 後 接 下 來 我 們 用 機 器 翻 譯 的 技 術 | Then we use machine translation technology | clips/week1_1-clips/015-week1_1.wav |
把 中 文 的 文 字 轉 成 英 文 的 文 字 | Convert the Chinese text into English text | clips/week1_1-clips/016-week1_1.wav |
最 後 呢 我 們 再 用 語 音 合 成 的 技 術 | Finally, we use speech synthesis technology | clips/week1_1-clips/017-week1_1.wav |
把 英 文 的 文 字 轉 成 英 文 的 聲 音 | Turn English text into English sound | clips/week1_1-clips/018-week1_1.wav |
嵌 回 影 片 裡 面 製 造 英 文 的 課 程 | Embed the English course into the video | clips/week1_1-clips/019-week1_1.wav |
那 我 們 本 來 期 待 說 | We originally expected that | clips/week1_1-clips/020-week1_1.wav |
用 這 個 流 程 我 們 就 可 以 | With this process, we can | clips/week1_1-clips/021-week1_1.wav |
把 中 文 的 課 程 變 成 英 文 的 課 程 | Turn the Chinese course into an English course | clips/week1_1-clips/022-week1_1.wav |
但 是 我 們 發 現 今 天 的 技 術 | But we found out that today's technology | clips/week1_1-clips/023-week1_1.wav |
能 力 還 是 有 它 的 極 限 | Still has its limits | clips/week1_1-clips/024-week1_1.wav |
所 以 首 先 呢 這 個 機 器 的 翻 譯 | So first of all, the translations from this machine | clips/week1_1-clips/025-week1_1.wav |
它 不 可 能 是 一 百 % 正 確 的 | They can't be 100% accurate | clips/week1_1-clips/026-week1_1.wav |
一 定 有 很 多 辭 不 達 意 的 地 方 怎 麼 辦 呢 | There will be many instances where meaning is lost, what can we do? | clips/week1_1-clips/027-week1_1.wav |
我 們 請 ta 花 很 多 力 氣 | We ask them to put in a lot of effort | clips/week1_1-clips/028-week1_1.wav |
很 辛 苦 的 去 修 正 機 器 翻 譯 的 結 果 | To painstakingly correct the results of machine translation | clips/week1_1-clips/029-week1_1.wav |
然 後 事 實 上 呢 | And in fact, | clips/week1_1-clips/030-week1_1.wav |
我 們 測 試 了 目 前 可 以 找 到 的 | We tested what's currently available | clips/week1_1-clips/031-week1_1.wav |
商 用 的 語 音 辨 識 系 統 | Commercial voice recognition systems | clips/week1_1-clips/032-week1_1.wav |
發 現 沒 有 一 門 | We didn't find any that | clips/week1_1-clips/033-week1_1.wav |
沒 有 任 何 一 個 語 音 辨 識 系 統 | No voice recognition system | clips/week1_1-clips/034-week1_1.wav |
可 以 準 確 的 辨 識 機 器 學 習 這 門 課 的 內 容 | Could accurately recognize the content of the Machine Learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/035-week1_1.wav |
機 器 學 習 這 門 課 的 內 容 有 太 多 的 專 有 名 詞 | The content of the Machine Learning course contains too many specific terms | clips/week1_1-clips/036-week1_1.wav |
有 太 多 中 英 交 雜 的 地 方 | There are too many places where Chinese and English mix together | clips/week1_1-clips/037-week1_1.wav |
對 今 天 的 商 用 語 音 辨 識 系 統 而 言 太 過 困 難 | It's too challenging for today's commercial speech recognition systems | clips/week1_1-clips/038-week1_1.wav |
沒 有 一 個 商 用 語 音 辨 識 系 統 | There isn't a commercial speech recognition system | clips/week1_1-clips/039-week1_1.wav |
可 以 產 生 我 們 預 期 | That can produce the results we anticipate | clips/week1_1-clips/040-week1_1.wav |
我 們 可 以 接 受 的 正 確 率 | With an accuracy rate we can accept | clips/week1_1-clips/041-week1_1.wav |
所 以 怎 麼 辦 呢 | So what do we do? | clips/week1_1-clips/042-week1_1.wav |
我 們 請 專 家 來 做 聽 打 | We brought in experts to do the transcription | clips/week1_1-clips/043-week1_1.wav |
我 們 是 靠 人 的 力 量 | We are powered by human effort | clips/week1_1-clips/044-week1_1.wav |
把 這 個 聲 音 訊 號 | To convert this audio signal | clips/week1_1-clips/045-week1_1.wav |
把 聲 音 訊 號 變 成 文 字 | To turn the audio signal into text | clips/week1_1-clips/046-week1_1.wav |
所 以 其 實 這 個 過 程 中 呢 | So, actually in this process | clips/week1_1-clips/047-week1_1.wav |
用 了 很 多 的 人 力 | We've used a lot of manpower | clips/week1_1-clips/048-week1_1.wav |
很 多 人 非 常 辛 苦 才 製 造 出 | Many people worked very hard to create | clips/week1_1-clips/049-week1_1.wav |
你 現 在 看 到 的 這 個 英 文 的 影 片 | the English video you see now | clips/week1_1-clips/050-week1_1.wav |
當 然 我 們 同 時 也 在 開 發 語 音 辨 識 的 技 術 | Of course, we are also developing speech recognition technology | clips/week1_1-clips/051-week1_1.wav |
那 期 待 有 一 天 這 整 個 流 程 可 以 被 自 動 化 | We look forward to the day when this whole process can be automated | clips/week1_1-clips/052-week1_1.wav |
不 過 今 天 這 整 個 流 程 中 | However, today, this entire process | clips/week1_1-clips/053-week1_1.wav |
是 需 要 借 助 非 常 多 的 人 力 的 哦 | requires a lot of manpower | clips/week1_1-clips/054-week1_1.wav |
好 那 因 為 中 文 的 影 片 轉 成 英 文 的 影 片 | Alright, because we're translating a Chinese video into an English one | clips/week1_1-clips/055-week1_1.wav |
中 間 需 要 借 助 一 些 人 力 | We need some human assistance during the process | clips/week1_1-clips/056-week1_1.wav |
所 以 我 們 需 要 一 週 的 時 間 | So, we’ll need about a week | clips/week1_1-clips/057-week1_1.wav |
把 中 文 的 內 容 轉 成 英 文 的 內 容 | To convert the Chinese content into English | clips/week1_1-clips/058-week1_1.wav |
所 以 在 上 課 內 容 方 面 呢 | So, regarding the course content | clips/week1_1-clips/059-week1_1.wav |
這 個 英 文 的 課 程 的 上 課 內 容 | The content of this English course | clips/week1_1-clips/060-week1_1.wav |
會 比 中 文 的 課 程 晚 一 週 | The English course will start a week later than the Chinese one | clips/week1_1-clips/061-week1_1.wav |
但 是 英 文 跟 中 文 兩 班 在 規 定 上 | But the English and Chinese classes are on the same schedule | clips/week1_1-clips/062-week1_1.wav |
在 作 業 公 告 的 時 間 | In terms of homework announcement time | clips/week1_1-clips/063-week1_1.wav |
在 作 業 的 deadline 上 完 全 是 一 樣 的 | In terms of the deadline for homework, they are exactly the same | clips/week1_1-clips/064-week1_1.wav |
所 以 中 文 跟 英 文 這 兩 班 | So between the Chinese and English classes | clips/week1_1-clips/065-week1_1.wav |
唯 一 的 不 同 | The only difference is | clips/week1_1-clips/066-week1_1.wav |
只 有 英 文 班 上 課 的 內 容 比 中 文 班 晚 一 週 | The English class covers the same content as the Chinese class but a week later | clips/week1_1-clips/067-week1_1.wav |
但 其 他 部 分 都 完 全 是 一 樣 的 | But, everything else is exactly the same | clips/week1_1-clips/068-week1_1.wav |
好 那 在 這 一 門 課 呢 | All right. So, about this particular course | clips/week1_1-clips/069-week1_1.wav |
你 完 全 可 以 線 上 學 習 | You can completely learn it online | clips/week1_1-clips/070-week1_1.wav |
這 一 門 課 所 有 的 內 容 都 會 錄 下 來 | All the content for this course will be recorded | clips/week1_1-clips/071-week1_1.wav |
所 有 的 作 業 都 可 以 線 上 繳 交 | All the assignments can be submitted online | clips/week1_1-clips/072-week1_1.wav |
這 門 課 也 沒 有 考 試 | This course does not have exams | clips/week1_1-clips/073-week1_1.wav |
所 以 所 有 的 事 情 都 可 以 在 線 上 完 成 | So everything can be completed online | clips/week1_1-clips/074-week1_1.wav |
所 以 假 設 你 因 為 疫 情 的 關 係 | So, assume you are because of the pandemic | clips/week1_1-clips/075-week1_1.wav |
不 想 來 實 體 課 堂 上 上 課 | Don't want to attend the physical class | clips/week1_1-clips/076-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 你 因 為 疫 情 的 關 係 | Perhaps due to the pandemic | clips/week1_1-clips/077-week1_1.wav |
你 根 本 在 國 外 | You are completely overseas, | clips/week1_1-clips/078-week1_1.wav |
你 根 本 沒 有 辦 法 回 台 灣 | You simply can't return to Taiwan | clips/week1_1-clips/079-week1_1.wav |
你 還 是 有 辦 法 修 這 門 課 | You can still take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/080-week1_1.wav |
好 那 這 學 期 呢 | Okay, what about this semester? | clips/week1_1-clips/081-week1_1.wav |
我 們 有 另 外 一 個 過 去 沒 有 的 事 情 就 是 | We have another new feature that we didn't have before, which is | clips/week1_1-clips/082-week1_1.wav |
我 們 沒 有 先 備 能 力 的 測 驗 | We don't have a prerequisite ability test, | clips/week1_1-clips/083-week1_1.wav |
我 們 也 沒 有 設 修 課 人 數 的 上 限 | We have not set a limit on the number of students taking this course | clips/week1_1-clips/084-week1_1.wav |
所 以 每 一 個 人 | So, every person | clips/week1_1-clips/085-week1_1.wav |
只 要 你 想 修 這 門 課 | As long as you want to take it | clips/week1_1-clips/086-week1_1.wav |
你 就 可 以 修 這 門 課 | You can go ahead and take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/087-week1_1.wav |
好 那 我 們 這 學 期 可 以 收 這 麼 多 人 要 感 謝 誰 呢 | Well, who should we thank for being able to accept as many students this semester | clips/week1_1-clips/088-week1_1.wav |
並 不 是 要 感 謝 我 了 | It's not about thanking me | clips/week1_1-clips/089-week1_1.wav |
你 要 感 謝 的 是 台 大 的 教 務 處 | What you need to thank is the Registrar's Office at NTU | clips/week1_1-clips/090-week1_1.wav |
是 因 為 教 務 處 有 支 援 助 教 的 經 費 | It's because the academic affairs office supports teaching assistant funding | clips/week1_1-clips/091-week1_1.wav |
我 們 才 有 辦 法 聘 更 多 的 助 教 | Only then can we hire more teaching assistants | clips/week1_1-clips/092-week1_1.wav |
有 辦 法 聘 更 多 的 助 教 | There's a possibility to hire more assistants | clips/week1_1-clips/093-week1_1.wav |
我 們 才 有 辦 法 收 更 多 修 課 的 同 學 | Only then can we accommodate more students taking the course | clips/week1_1-clips/094-week1_1.wav |
所 以 大 家 要 感 謝 台 大 教 務 處 | So everyone should thank the Registrar's Office of National Taiwan University | clips/week1_1-clips/095-week1_1.wav |
讓 我 們 有 這 門 課 | Let's have this course | clips/week1_1-clips/096-week1_1.wav |
讓 大 家 都 可 以 修 到 機 器 學 習 這 門 課 | Everyone can take the machine learning course. | clips/week1_1-clips/097-week1_1.wav |
雖 然 我 們 沒 有 任 何 的 先 備 能 力 測 驗 | Even though we don't have any prerequisite ability test. | clips/week1_1-clips/098-week1_1.wav |
但 是 我 還 是 需 要 稍 微 講 一 下 | But I still need to talk about it a bit | clips/week1_1-clips/099-week1_1.wav |
假 設 你 想 修 這 門 課 的 話 | If you want to enroll in this course | clips/week1_1-clips/100-week1_1.wav |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
Dataset Card for "ML2021_ASR_ST"
This dataset contains the audio recordings, the transcriptions, and the English translation of the transcriptions of the Machine Learning Course in 2021 at National Taiwan Univeristy. This can be used for domain-specific and code-switching ASR/Speech-to-text translation.
If you find this dataset useful, please consider to cite the following paper:
title={Investigating zero-shot generalizability on mandarin-english code-switched asr and speech-to-text translation of recent foundation models with self-supervision and weak supervision},
author={Yang, Chih-Kai and Huang, Kuan-Po and Lu, Ke-Han and Kuan, Chun-Yi and Hsiao, Chi-Yuan and Lee, Hung-yi},
booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW)},
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