2 values
Would Michael J Fox qualify for the Army Rangers?
What must you do to qualify for the Army Rangers. What condition does Michael J Fox have
Did Jay-Z ever collaborate with Louis Armstrong?
What year did Jay-Z make his first recording. When did Louis Armstrong die
Would Iggy Pop travel with Justin Bieber?
What genre of music does Iggy Pop play. What genre of music does Justin Beiber play
Did Larry King sign the Magna Carta?
When was Larry King born. When was the Magna Carta signed
Did Jackie Kennedy wear Dolce & Gabbana to her husband's inauguration?
Who was Jackie Kennedy married to. When was Dolce & Gabbana founded
Was the Eiffel tower used as a symbol of the French Revolution?
When was the French Revolution. When was the Eiffel Tower built
Will Al Pacino and Margaret Qualley score same amount of Bacon Number points?
What is Al Pacino's Bacon Number. What is Margaret Qualley's Bacon Number
Would Carolina Reaper decrease sales if added to all US salsa?
On average, what level of spice do Americans prefer for their salsa. Compared to other peppers, how hot is the Carolina Reaper
Can you hide a pet macaque under your desk?
How tall is a macaque. How tall is a typical desk
Does horseradish have a fetlock?
What kingdom is horseradish in. Where is a fetlock found
Can a diamond float on water?
What is the density of a diamond. What is the density of water
Could Reza Shah be related to Queen Elizabeth I?
Where are Queen Elizabeth I's parents from. Where is Reza Shah's family from
Was Anthony Quinn more prolific at making children than J.D. Salinger?
How many children did J D Salinger have. How many children did Anthony Quinn have
Do people celebrate Earth Day with a ceremonial tire fire?
What is the major focus/purpose of the Earth Day holiday. What are the environmental implications of tire fire
Did Northwest Airlines' longevity surpass Betty White?
How many years was Northwest Airlines in business. How old is Betty White
Could you windsurf in Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria?
What wind speed did Hurricane Maria reach. Above what wind speed is windsurf extremely dangerous
Were muskets used in the Pacific War?
When was the Pacific War. When did muskets become obsolete
Would a Durian be dangerous if it fell on your head?
How much does a durian usually weigh. What is the rind of a durian covered with
Did the Coen brothers ever collaborate with the Brothers Grimm?
In what century were the Coen brothers born. In what century did the Brothers Grimm die
Did Christopher Columbus sail representing a different country than his original home?
What country was Christopher Columbus born in. What country did Christopher Columbus sail for
Are rainbows devoid of color made by mixing yin and yang colors?
What colors do the 'yin and yang' concept represent. What are the colors of the rainbow
Could all of the famous Apollo's hypothetically defeat all of the famous D'Artagnan's?
Who were the famous D'artagnan. Who were the famous Apollos
Can Family of Barack Obama ride comfortably in 2020 Jaguar F Type?
How many people are in Barack Obama's immediate family. How many people can sit in a 2020 Jaguar F Type
Do Elementary School students typically need graphing calculators?
What grades are part of elementary schools. What topics in math require students to use graphing calculators
Would King Leonidas have succeeded with an army the size of Mozart's compositions?
How many compositions did Mozart write. How many soldiers did King Leonidas lead
Did the leader of Heaven's Gate consider himself a prophet?
Who was the leader of Heaven's Gate. What is the definition of a prophet
Phileas Fogg's around the world would be difficult to achieve during Pope John Paul I's reign?
How long did it take Phileas Fogg to go around the world. How long did Pope John Paul I reign
Did Jon Brower Minnoch suffer from anorexia nervosa?
What are characteristics of anorexia nervosa. How much did Jon Brower Minnoch weigh
Was Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff in 2009 baptised?
Who was Hilary Clinton's deputy chief of staff in 2009. What religion practices baptism
Can Roman numerals fill the normal number of Sudoku box options?
How many symbols are used in the Roman numeral system. How many numbers are employed in Sudoku
Does being good at guitar hero make you a good guitarist?
How is a guitar played. How is Guitar Hero played
Did any citizen of San Antonio vote for Boris Johnson?
Is San Antonio a city in the UK. Is Boris Johnson the Prime Minister of the UK. Are American citizens allowed to vote in the UK elections
Will Justin Bieber take over Mike Pence's position in 2020?
What is Mike Pence's present position. What is Justin Bieber's age/nationality by 2020
Was Mozart accused of stealing from Richard Wagner?
When did Mozart die. When was Richard Wagner born
Do seven McDonald's hamburgers exceed USDA recommended fat allowance?
How much fat is in a McDonald's hamburger. How many grams of fat per day does the USDA recommend for the average person
Could you drive from New England to a Sainsbury's?
What country is Sainsbury located on. What country is New England in
Is H's most common two letter pair partner a freebie in Wheel of Fortune bonus round?
What letter forms the most common two letter pair in English along with the letter H. What free letters does the Wheel of Fortune bonus round give players
Can Curiosity take samples of rocks from Lacus Temporis?
Which planet is Curiosity on. Where is Lacus Temporis located
Would P. G. Wodehouse be taught in second grade?
How old are typical second graders. What age group is P G Wodehouse works intended for
Can Tame Impala's studio band play a proper game of Hot Potato?
How many studio members are in Tame Impala's band. What is the minimum number of people that can play hot potato
Can a cell fit inside of a shoebox?
How big is a cell. How big is a shoebox
Is nickel a better payout than mercury if given a dollar per atomic number?
What is nickel's atomic number. What is Mercury's atomic number
Could all the unemployed people due to 1933 Great Depression fit in Tiger Stadium?
How many people became unemployed due to 1933 Great Depression. What is the seating capacity of Tiger Stadium
Could all of the people who pass through 30th Street Station every day fit in Dorton Arena?
How many people can sit in J S Dorton Arena. How many people passed through the 30th Street Station daily in 2013
Did any of the amazons on Xena: Warrior Princess star on later shows?
Who played the roles of Amazons on Xena: Warrior Princess. Did Melinda Clarke do any other shows after Xena" Warrior Princess
Can you purchase General Motors products at a movie theater?
What kinds of products does General Motors sell. What kinds of products are sold in movie theaters
Can an adult male stand on top Donatello's bronze David and touch the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
How tall is Donatello's bronze David statue. How tall is the tallest person to ever live. How tall is the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Did Alice's Adventures in Wonderland inspire Macbeth?
When was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland first published. When was Macbeth first performed
Can you see the moon in Wembley Arena?
What is Wembley Arena. Where is the moon located
Does open heart surgery finish before entirety of American Ballet Theatre's Swan Lake?
How long is a performance of Swan Lake. How long does it take to perform a coronary artery bypass
Are pirate lieutenants like navy lieutenants?
What are the duties of a pirate lieutenant. What are the duties of a navy lieutenant
Is Rand Paul guilty of catch-phrase used to attack John Kerry in 2004?
What catch-phrase was used against John Kerry in 2004. What policy changes has Rand Paul expressed
Does Robert De Niro use a microscope at work?
What general profession uses a microscope. What is Robert De Niro's profession
Did Melania Trump have same profession as Olga Kurylenko?
What professions has Melania Trump had. What professions has Olga Kurylenko had
Is it possible to binge entire EastEnders series without water?
How many days can a human last without water. How many episodes are there in the EastEnders series
Did Francois Mitterrand ever meet Barak Obama while they both held the position of President?
When was Mitterand's final year as President of France. When was Obama's first year as President of the United States
Was Jackson Pollock trained by Leonardo da Vinci?
When did Leonardo da Vinci die. When was Jackson Pollock born
Is the Mona Lisa in the same museum as the Venus de Milo?
What museum stores the Mona Lisa. What museum stores the Venus de Milo
Did Confederate States Army influence West Point fashion?
What were the main features of the Confederate States Army uniforms. What are the most notable features of West Point uniforms
Is it possible for biologist Rachel Carson to have flown to the moon?
When did Rachel Carson die. When did humans first land on the moon
Can 1980 United States presidential election result be considered a photo finish?
Who ran for the Democrats in the 1980 US presidential election. Who ran for the Republicans in the 1980 US presidential election
Could a monolingual American read Lenovo's native name?
What is Lenovo's native name. What language does a monolingual American speak
Would most grand masters know what the French Defense is?
What is the French Defence. What is a Grandmaster
Will Gremlins sequels tie number of Matrix sequels?
How many sequels did The Matrix have. How many sequels did Gremlins have. How many Gremlins movies are currently being worked on
Can Kate Gosselin's household fill out a Bandy team?
How many players make up a Bandy team. How many people are in Kate Gosselin's household
Is Michael Vick on People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals's hypothetical blacklist?
What do the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals advocate for. What crime has Michael Vick done time for
Was dynamite used during Middle Ages warfare?
When was dynamite invented. When did the Middle Ages warfare take place
Would Downton Abbey finale viewership defeat every Kazakhstan citizen in tug of war?
How many people watched Downton Abbey finale. How many people are Kazakh citizens
Is MIX a word and a roman numeral?
What does Mix mean in english language. Is Mix a number in Roman numerals
Could Little Women have been a book read by veterans of the civil war?
When was the book Little Women written. When did the civil war take place
Would a Gray Whale fit easily in an above ground pool?
What is the average size of an above ground pool. What is the size of average gray whale
Did Holy Saturday 2019 have special significance to pot smokers?
What date was Holy Saturday in 2019. What date is an unofficial holiday for pop smokers
Did people in Korea under Japanese Rule watch a lot of Iron Chef?
During what years was Korea under the rule of the Japanese. In what year did Iron Chef first appear on television
In a hypothetical race between a Swallow and an American Woodcock, would the Swallow win?
How quickly can a swallow fly. How quickly can an American woodcock fly
Can Stone Cold Steve Austin apply his finisher to a mule deer?
What activity is involved in Stone Cold Steve Austin's finisher. How much does a mule deer weigh
Did President William Howard Taft read DC Comics?
When was DC Comics founded. When did President William Howard Taft die
Did Barack Obama participate in the Reformation?
When did the Reformation take place. When was Barack Obama born
Could you watch a new Seinfeld episode every day for a year?
How many days are there in a year. How many Seinfeld episodes are there
Did Al Pacino act in a movie during World War II?
When did World War II end. When did Al Pacino first have a movie role
Are honey badgers and hyenas anatomically dissimilar? ?
What are the features of the anal sacs of the Honey Badgers. What are the features of the Hyenas' anal sacs
If Martin Luther did one theses a day would he run out in half a year?
How many theses did Martin Luther publish in a list. How many days are in a year
Did earth complete at least one orbit around the sun during the Napoleonic Wars?
How long is the orbit of the earth around the sun. How long were the Napoleonic Wars
Is the Gujarati script the same category of script as Kanji?
What type of script is the Gujarati script. What type of script is Kanji
Would a Dodo hypothetically tower over Ma Petite?
How tall were dodos. Who played the role of Ma Petite
Can you find Depala's race in World of Warcraft?
What are the different races found in World of Warcraft. What race is Depala
Did Klingons appear in the movie The Last Jedi?
Which fictional universe do the Klingons exist in. Which fictional universe is The Last Jedi movie set in
Would a triples tandem bike support Apollo 15 crew?
How many people were on the Apollo 15 mission. How many people can ride a triple tandem bike
Would a spider wasp be more effective than a bullet ant to stop a criminal?
What is the Schmidt sting pain index of the spider wasp's sting. What is the Schmidt sting pain index of the bullet ant's sting
Would Library of Alexandria need less shelf space than Library of Congress?
What is the number of books (and other materials) housed in the Library of Congress. What was the number of books (and other materials) housed in the Library of Alexandria
Are all cucumbers the same texture?
What texture do kirby cucumbers have. What texture do English cucumbers have
Do calico cat patterns cover every drain fly color variety?
What colors do drain flies come in. What colors are seen on calico cats
Can you fit every resident of Auburn, New York, in Tropicana Field?
What is the capacity of Tropicana Field. What is the population of Auburn, NY
Would a Beaver's teeth rival that of a Smilodon?
How long is a beaver's tooth. How long was a Smilodon's tooth
Can an Arvanite Greek understand some of the Albanian Declaration of Independence?
What languages is the Albanian Declaration of Independence written in. What language do Arvanite Greeks speak
Does Pantheon in Paris have a unique name?
What is referred to as the Pantheon in Paris. What other concepts are named Pantheon
Is cow methane safer for environment than cars?
How much methane is produced by cars annually. How much methane is produced by cows annually
Would a vegan eat a traditional Paella dish?
What kind of products are forbidden in a vegan diet. What are the main ingredients of Paella
Can Burundi's communicate with citizens of New Brunswick?
What are the official languages of New Brunswick, Canada. What are the official languages of Burundi
Can Michael Bloomberg fund the debt of Micronesia for a decade?
What is Micheal Bloomberg's worth. What is the annual expense for Micronesia
Could Ryan Crouser throw a bengal fox with ease?
What sport is Ryan Crouser a professional in. How much does a Bengal fox weigh