Sighting ID
Beautiful day with the bluest of blue sky and white puffy clouds. Looked and saw a black object hovering. Beautiful day with the bluest of blue sky and white puffy clouds. Looked and saw a black object hovering. Beautiful day while attending a car show. Looked up and thought I saw a bird, then ruled it to be a drone but the more I watched it. It was perfectly still. No wavering or draft adjusting. I was miffed and kinda in a trance as I watched. It was black and had a vertical rectangular shape but also seemed to have an upper section that tapered in and I could see that it had a slight metallic soft sheen to it that was like a very dark amber color in that section. I took my phone out to record and it was dead. I then asked the guys with me sitting with their backs to it. If they could see it. They looked and asked where was I looking and I said look northwest at about the 11 O’clock position. Of the two who were really looking, one didn’t see it as I was pointing to it and the other said he saw something but wasn’t sure what it was as when he started to focus in on it, it went further up slowly into the clouds. It was the damndest thing I’ve seen during the day. It had to be about 1k to 2k in elevation at least and no sound, no contrail, no nothing. Just a black box hovering and oddly enough disappeared when I was trying to point it out. I’m former military and a retired 42yr veteran of the Indiana State Police. I know what I saw and this would be my second experience of this nature with my first being an age 9, and now at 67 years old. Also after the object ascended into the clouds, at least two jets came into the area flying in a northeasterly direction, each within a couple of minutes of each other and just a few minutes before the object ascended. The jets didn’t appear to be military but hard to say as they were much higher and moving fast!
Two triangular craft. At jet altitude, below clouds. Hovering over Canadian side of the Lake Two triangular craft. At jet altitude, below clouds. Hovering over Canadian side of the Lake A friend and I were out night fishing in Lake Erie, NY out of the Buffalo Small Boat harbor. My friend was constantly looking for meteor showers, because they were expected. Somewhere around 9:45 - 10:00pm. While I was looking at my fish finder, my friend said, “I’m trying to understand what I am looking at, here”. Before I even turned around to see what he was talking about, I immediately thought “Star-link”… but when I turned around, I was almost in shock. There were red lights surrounding a white light (The red lights pulsated while ‘tracing’ the perimeter of the craft) - completely stationary, hovering in the sky 45 degrees from where we were, over the Canadian shore line.??The entire event was around 10 minutes of not taking our eyes off of the crafts.?The craft closest to us made some crazy, jarring, geometric moves. First, it moved around half mile to a mile down 45 degrees from its initial stationary point. Then horizontally in the opposite direction then back to its initial point. Then fell like a leaf from that point. And stopped dead in its tracks - hovering below. Then back to its original position again. All over these maneuvers took a fraction of a second to accomplish. There was no evidence of acceleration, just stop or go.??After this show of agility, the craft furthest from us, took off straight into Canada and the other craft crossed the Lake and went into the US, at a steady fast speed. We watched until the craft was out of site.
Seen sky open and craft appeared Seen sky open and craft appeared Fall of 2015 Pekin Illinois 12th and Royal Craft over tree backyard 30 foot 50 ft up 20 yards away
Saw something very high, circular, fly across the sky Saw something very high, circular, fly across the sky Was photoing garden. Notice something way up in the sky. Thought maybe an eagle. Kept staring thinking it was pretty high. No bird like motions. Couldn’t make out what it was. Filmed the sky with my phone. Couldn’t see it on the screen. Zoomed the film in and can see a small circular object fly soundlessly across the sky. Straight. No odd movements. Seemed clearly to be heading east in a straight pattern
Constellation dancing in the sky of Portugal. Constellation dancing in the sky of Portugal. I was waiting for the bus to pass, chatting with my friend and holding her sleeping baby in my arms. She was standing in front of me while I sat at the bus stop. Behind her, in the sky, I saw lights—many lights that I initially thought were stars. My first thought was, "The sky is clear tonight, the stars are shining." But I quickly realized they were moving, and I asked my friend to turn around and look too. In front, there were hundreds of lights moving in a peculiar way; they were very close to each other but didn't collide. It seemed like several of these lights were coming together to form a pointed shape. Behind all these lights, which appeared to be moving in waves, there was a slightly larger light, more whitish in color. I thought about filming it but figured it would end quickly; however, it lasted a few more minutes, so I asked her to record it with my phone. But I knew the camera was terrible, and nothing would be visible. They continued to move in their dance until they disappeared over the horizon. Original report in Portuguese: Constelação dança no céu de Portugal Estava a esperar o autocarro passar, conversando com minha amiga e segurando o bebe dela ao colo adormecido. Ela estava em pé, na minha frente e eu sentada na paragem. Por trás dela no céu vi luzes, muitas luzes que de inicio imaginei serem estrelas. Meu pensamento foi "o céu está limpo hoje, as estralas estão a brilhar." Mas rapidamente percebi que elas estavam a se mover e pedi para minha amiga virar e observar também. Na frente iam centenas de luzes em uma movimentação peculiar, estavam muito próximas mas não colidiam. Parecia que várias dessas luzes se uniam para formar uma forma pontuda. Atrás de todas essas luzes que pareciam se mover em forma de ondas, vinha uma luz um pouco maior e mais para a cor branca. Pensei em filmar mas imaginei que acabaria rápido e por acaso ainda durou alguns minutos e pedi pra ela gravar com meu celular. Mas eu sabia que a camera era pessima, não se veria nada. Eles continuaram a se mover em sua dança, até sumir no horizonte.
OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM THE US ARMY AIR DEFENSE. OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM THE US ARMY AIR DEFENSE. THIS IS A US ARMY AIR DEFENSE POST. On January 5, 1995 at 2105hr a carrier aircraft/saucer ship landed in woods near the town of Sumner,Washington. The next 25 days many people reported to the police and the news medias that they were seeing small ships craft left ALL IS WELL. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appointment of a Ambassador to Earths Neighbors. The Ambassador will do public relations for the people they must stay calm. Patrick Brooks Senior Field Agent Military Intelligence Branch US Army Air Defense. Lack of knowledge breeds stupidity. Watching stupid movies makes you stereo typecast Earths Neighbors they were peaceful. We as a people must move forward and take that first step. The Brick walls that keep popping up in front of me will be torn down. The people will be told they must be told.
I got a video of a blue object from the night sky I got a video of a blue object from the night sky I took a video of a bad storm and all of a sudden a blue object came from the sky and hovered for 19 seconds before going at a great speed making a woosh noise straight up into the night sky?
Three orbs of light like dog fighting in the sky ,circling each other at erratic speeds. Three orbs of light like dog fighting in the sky ,circling each other at erratic speeds. We saw UFOs dancing around in the sky high above us near southern Illinois while we were at 35,000 feet, we were on our way to Cincinnati/ Kentucky airport at night. My Co-pilot , a former U.S. airforce B1 Bomber pilot and I pointed them out to me .......we saw three UFOs . I tried to take a picture and a video but they would fade in and out and disappear at times. One of them shot straight up and down erratically and then disappeared. I could not get a good picture or video as they would suddenly disappear and just reappear flying around in circles around each other,like playing around or dog fighting. They were not fighter jets at that altitude according to my Co-pilot they must have been at 60,000 feet or so according to our estimates over southern Illinois. There were thunderstorms in the area at the time. These lights were bright! We saw three of them .
1 1 Sitting outside house and taking pictures of the moon because it was very bright that night. Next day I went through the camera roll and noticed UFO. Something I cannot explain it was an unusual pictures.
Park picture Park picture Sitting at park and seen glowing green light and looks like a bubble around the picture. Very hard to explain. One of them outside my house.
Sky video Sky video Outside my aunts house and taking pictures and videos of moon.
My Co-pilot a former Airforce pilot pointed out 3 objects to my attention. My Co-pilot a former Airforce pilot pointed out 3 objects to my attention. We saw UFOs dancing around in the night sky above us near southern Illinois while we were at 35,000 feet, we were on our way to Cincinnati/ Kentucky airport from Austin Texas. My Co-pilot , a former U.S. Airforce B1 Bomber Pilot pointed them out to me .......we saw three UFOs . I tried to take a picture and a video but they would fade in and out and disappear at times. One of them shot straight up and down erratically and then disappeared. I could not get a good picture or video as they would suddenly disappear and just reappear flying around in circles around each other,like playing around or dog fighting. They were not fighter jets, at that altitude according to my Co-pilot they must have been at 60,000 feet or so according to our estimates over southern Illinois and jets simply cannot fly that high. There were thunderstorms in the area at the time…. These lights were bright! We saw three of them.
A object I thought was a star in the daytime rotating in place for several min A object I thought was a star in the daytime rotating in place for several min I was at work and noticed a whole bunch of vultures like hundreds of them flying above me that is abnormal as I was looking at those I looked to my right and there was a star in the middle of the day and it was rotating you could see it was spinning but it wasn't getting closer it wasn't going further it was not an airplane I sat there and I filmed it for 2 minutes two different times and when you slow down the film and go frame by frame ,you can see it change its form as well as disappear then reappear at a different spot a little distance away... this was an amazing experience and I went and got one of my Chefs to come see and as soon as he comes out to look it disappeared.. just poof gone. I included the video of the birds flying that caught my attention.. I've never seen that many all at once like that.
Glowing ball that hovered and then suddenly shot upwards and disappeared Glowing ball that hovered and then suddenly shot upwards and disappeared Was traveling westbound on US-12 about 5 -10 miles from I-94 about 6:15 am so there was enough light that there were no stars. i noticed a stationary glowing orb slightly above the horizon and figured it was possibly a planet or plane although it wasn't blinking. I stopped watching it as it didn't move for at least 5-10 minutes and then all of a sudden it shoots straight up what I can only figure as thousands of feet straight above and left a tail behind it like a meteor and then just disappeared completely.
Seen perfect transparent square in the sky. Seen perfect transparent square in the sky. I was riding my motorcycle west on 9mile rd. near I 75 when I looked up to my right and saw a perfect outline of a square in the sky maybe a little bigger than 2 football fields next to each other hard to tell how high it was. It was lower than the clouds. It almost looked like a huge mirror, but I could see the clouds behind it like it was see through or transparent. I tried to pull over to take a picture but when I cleared some trees that blocked my view, I could no longer see it.
Moved erratically Moved erratically Looked out bedroom window & saw a bright white light moving up & down, left to right, zigzagging slowly, off in the distance. Eventually, it just blinked out.
Semi-Transparent Rectangular or Diamond Shaped Craft Descended in a Circular Pattern Semi-Transparent Rectangular or Diamond Shaped Craft Descended in a Circular Pattern While patiently waiting for breakfast in the world's longest drive-thru line, I observed a rectangular or diamond shaped craft descend from the sky in a corkscrew maneuver. The craft appeared to be semi-transparent (barely visible against the bright sky) and there was an odd hazy distortion in the air around it. It looked like a lightly-tinted pane of glass flying in a horizontal orientation. The surfaces were perfectly flat with no hint of curvature that I could see. In hindsight, it seemed like I might actually have viewed the shadow of a craft that was trying to remain invisible. The object continued to descend in a perfect circle until it became obscured beyond the treeline. This lasted only about one minute from the time I noticed it. In fact, if the drive-thru line had been moving at a normal speed, I never would have noticed it. You really had to focus on that region of the sky to see the contrast of the object and the distortion around it as it moved. I was wearing polarized sunglasses at the time, and wonder if they might have helped me to pick up on the contrast in the bright morning sun. In the days that followed, I tried to rationalize what I had seen as something conventional. However, to this day I am unable to explain it in conventional terms. What's even more bizarre, is that in the months that followed the sighting, I experienced (3) sleep paralysis incidents with accompanying high-strangeness phenomena. I won't go into all of the details here, but the end result was an insatiable appetite to explore the nature of consciousness which persisted for more than a year, and a series of odd synchronicities which seemed to parallel a structured learning process.
I honestly need alot more room to explain everything. I honestly need alot more room to explain everything. There's been what look like triangle shaped crafts with red, green & white lights, bright white large orbs that just disappear, some that look round with bright white lights. Two different larger crafts, one I cant even explain.
Something moving slowly across the night sky. Then it suddenly it went dark. Noticed on film it took off at a not normal speed. Something moving slowly across the night sky. Then it suddenly it went dark. Noticed on film it took off at a not normal speed. Got home from a dinner and my spouse took the dogs out back in our yard to go the bathroom. He came inside and said "you gotta come see this -- what is this?" (we live in the desert and often see strange things in the sky.) I went out and looked up to see a strangely figured "stealth bomber" looking light was traveling at a slow speed moving east. We also live near an airport and see many planes coming and going daily. This was not the shape of a plane or the speed of a plane. Then suddenly it went dark. That was weird enough and we went inside knowing we just saw something that wasn't normal. Then next morning, I was watching the video on my phone and noticed that after it randomly went dark, it shot across the sky at a completely different angle that it was traveling! And at an insane speed beyond anything earth-like.
Unusual maneuvering and incredible speeding objects Unusual maneuvering and incredible speeding objects I was observing and recording possible flashing "drone" (I am not sure what it is, assuming it is a large drone because the army base is nearby). Suddenly, a white sphere-like object appeared, flew in a curving motion from a higher altitude to a lower altitude, and disappeared. The second object was more glowing than the first, a white sphere-like object suddenly appeared above the “military drone”, flying but suddenly stopped, and flew away fast in a curve. The third object rose from a lower altitude to a higher altitude at incredible fast speed. The fourth object suddenly appeared far above the “drone,” flew in a curving, falling motion, and appeared to approach the “drone” rapidly and it looked like almost collide with it, but then flew to a lower altitude, bending and turning as it went. These three unusual maneuvering objects was not visible to the naked eye at the recording except the second (I thought a bug flying), but I later noticed them for the first time on video at slow speed. Opinion: It looks as if they were interested in the drone-like flying object or was flying to investigate it or disturbing it.
Very large object lower then the altitude of a small aircraft Very large object lower then the altitude of a small aircraft I’ve never forgotten the date and time. My husband and I were fishing in Greenwhich Bay off the rocks and I had my back to him putting bait on the hook. All of a sudden I hear him say loudly “what the f* is that?!!” I turn around to see a very low object with 10 yellowish white lights running down the length of it. It looked like a cigar shape, but it could have been at a certain angle. He had his phone in his hands, but we literally couldn’t take our eyes off it.. I think we were in shock by the sudden realization that UFO’s actually do exist. It was moving very slow and in a straight line for 15 seconds, then all of a sudden it was gone.
Stationary fireball that disappeared and reappeared as black eye shaped object Stationary fireball that disappeared and reappeared as black eye shaped object While walking our dogs my wife and I saw a stationary fireball that appeared out of nowhere about 200 feet high and the size of what a basketball would look like in perspective to the rooftop that it hovered over. That size lasted about 20 seconds before it shrank down to a tennis ball size which lasted another 25 seconds and then vanished. I looked to the right of the rooftop it seemed to drift towards and saw a black, eye shaped object about 100 feet high hovering in 1 spot for about 7 seconds. It then seemed to collapse on itself horizontally into what looked like a very thin black perpendicular line in the sky and then it was gone. The size of this object in perspective to the rooftop was like the size of what a jumbo football might look like. My wife did get a video of the fireball after it had already shrunk since we were both mesmerized by what we were seeing and didn’t think of recording. The picture I have included is NOT from the incident but shows exactly what I saw including the size and height. The video IS actual footage of the fireball
Clear starry night, UFO activity is tremendous! Objects were moving quickly in all directions, sometimes disappearing. Clear starry night, UFO activity is tremendous! Objects were moving quickly in all directions, sometimes disappearing. 1 enormous craft with white lights around. Also, several crafts coming in and out of sky, moving rapidly, sometimes just hover. The lights were multi colored, flashing.
Watching shooting stars, a friend and I saw a very large rectangular-type craft moving fast that was camouflaged perfectly with the sky Watching shooting stars, a friend and I saw a very large rectangular-type craft moving fast that was camouflaged perfectly with the sky Was watching shooting stars all night, then noticed a large section of the sky start moving fast as a body It looked as though it had all the the cosmos reflected on it, like it was camophlouged. Iy moved very fast, then changed driections seeming going downard.
Bizarre prism, broken glass surface area in and around UAP/object Bizarre prism, broken glass surface area in and around UAP/object One week ago this past Sunday it was when the skies above Spokane were littered with mostly static clouds slowly moving across the area. Not much to see really. But, wait!? There's something moving quite a bit quicker up there too. A cloud yet moving in a trajectory, from the south to the west that's not obvious but perceived, felt entirely noticed. By me at least. I see this formation doing this and I take up observation of it. It has many many sharp right angles! by observation and 'clouds' that end, cease and directly behind this are clouds doing something else entirely and the sharp angles are obvious IMO. Like looking at pieces of a broken mirror or glass with blue sky and clouds. A faint faint edge would shine briefly in the bright sunlight. Very very faint, odder to be sure. I was aware at the time, this was presenting in front of me at a lower altitude, say 1200ft, of past reports of UAP's utilizing clouds and formations of clouds as camouflage in their operations up there. This was not the only observable sharp! right angle formation observed by me while sitting outside enjoying the decent weather. I'd say as of this writing there were no less than 6-7 of these curious cloud formation(s) with established sharp! right angles. Yes, they are IMO hard to discern in real-time as they do not remain static at all, in comparison to the other observable clouds and formations of those that are naturally occurring. They do display maneuvers that are typical seemingly normal with clouds that are not UAP's utilizing cloud cover as multi-layered camouflage and that display a broken mirror, glass-like surface that might be reflecting the surrounding airspace around their craft. On the photos here. Photo number one shows the four pieces used to display the event that presented on, approx. 8-11-2024 @ 11:59hrs Photo two shows the representation of the odd moving, broken mirror glass-like surface seen as one semi solid UAP or object moving rapidly from the S to the W. Behaving not at all IMO as authentic atmospheric things. - end
Driving and noticed a large white ball Driving and noticed a large white ball Driving and saw a white ball at a fast rate of speed. I kept my eye on it trying to figure out what it was. As I watched it blinked twice and turned translucent. At that point it went into a cloud. Then all of the sudden a jet flew from the southern side flew into same cloud very close. I couldn’t watch anymore due to driving.
Found something in the sky while taking pictures Found something in the sky while taking pictures I was taking pictures of the sunset on the way home. When I reviewed the pictures at home I saw the object in the sky.
Initially we thought this was a meteor but it moved slowly across the sky. Initially we thought this was a meteor but it moved slowly across the sky. Initially all we saw was a puff of smoke about the size of the moon directly above and in-front of us along the highway. At the bottom of the puff was an intensely bright white dot. At first it was about the size of the moon and by the time we got the truck stopped and I could dig out my camera it had dipped behind the clouds. My husband had a small spotting scope and we could see flames coming from 3 or 4 portions. I photographed it as it moved across the sky. As it moved more laterally away from the highway you can see on the photos that there is a black flat portion of the object sticking out front of the flames. We watched it for probably 20 minutes, possibly longer as we continued to drive along the highway and could see it for quite a while. I captured 5 minutes of still frames of its movement across the sky while I could focus on it with the camera. I have never seen a meteor fall so slowly and gradually (we did not see it hit the ground) or be able to watch one for this extended period of time. We live in the bush and have no lights in our yard - we see meteors all the time but they are always only split seconds in duration. This time we had enough time to pullover, stop the truck, dug out the camera and spotting scope, watch and photograph it for over 5 minutes, then drive on and continue to watch it for several minutes after this. I have 20 pictures of it (the photos attached here ~5 minutes apart).
Saw white light went to see about it and 36 hours later I was aware again. Saw white light went to see about it and 36 hours later I was aware again. I know this sounds weird, and I have been reluctant to even discuss it. I was called liar, weird etc. and have harbored this for 40 plus years. Well here goes, please do not ridicule me, I was heading to meet up with my friend about 7 p.m. in early may 1982. Yes, 1982. I saw this bright light in the north eastern sky and followed it as it seemed to go behind trees in an area of fields about 2 miles away. I went driving the back road and saw a bright, glowing light about 400 yards across a field, knowing the area well , I took a dirt road as far as I could and parked. I could see a blue white , Hot White Light, glow and followed on foot then, well this is where it gets weird, I think I remember a calm feeling as if being assured all is okay, no sound though, all was quiet, I feel as if I am being mindfully assured to come forward and well the next thing I remember is being back by the car and it was 36 hours or so later , when I tried to explain to my friend later that day , he said I don't know who she was but I would not tell people that story it might get you locked up. I am shaking now and feel it all coming back. I am now almost 65 and in my early 20's then.
High intensity bright white light traveling at high velocity from southwest to northeast - low in sky (not a satellite or shooting star High intensity bright white light traveling at high velocity from southwest to northeast - low in sky (not a satellite or shooting star This morning , August 18, 2024 at or about 6:00am, I saw a High intensity bright white light traveling at high velocity from southwest to northeast - low in sky (not a satellite, shooting star, plane, or helicopter). There was no aircraft sound. It moved incredibly fast. A very bright light orb.
Taking photo of moon I collected capture Taking photo of moon I collected capture Why taking pictures of the moon I captured motion picture on my phone I have posted to social media
Hovering for a long time more than 45 minutes every day at nights at 7:00 pm and early mornings at 4:15 am. Hovering for a long time more than 45 minutes every day at nights at 7:00 pm and early mornings at 4:15 am. I and my close friends have noticed it. Infact may of my schoolmates noticed them. But people were unaware of them that what they exactly were. We continued to do our business like we had study hours at night in the school. And at times when there were unusual powercuts, our principal asked we students to suspend the night study hour classes and have dinner and goto bed. But there were really strange sightings which actually hovered that appeared less than 1500 ft above ground. There was a figure also I noticed skinny and quiet tall like some 6'5" or 7' tall itseems. Staring at our school campus from an adjacent hill. On the top. Fortunately none of them have caused us harm to the students nor abducted any humans. Except for the chickens besides in the farm belonging to a farmer. Other than that nothing harm to people. Maybe these aliens were doing some areal surveillance or something like that.
Spotted traveling south at high rate of speed, no noise, did not match any aircraft on flightradar24, anomalous effect on the area Spotted traveling south at high rate of speed, no noise, did not match any aircraft on flightradar24, anomalous effect on the area I was laying down on my bed, having just closed an application on my computer and wanting to check my notifications. I didn’t react for a bit but I had begun to notice that the crickets outside went dead silent. I thought it was a bit strange but I didn’t pay it any mind. I then noticed out of my window a fairly bright amber light, and upon observing it properly noticed it was actually a formation of lights on an object (though I couldn’t make out the exact shape, I am more than positive it was a solid craft). It made no noise as it passed over, and it was traveling far faster than any aircraft that typically occupy the space above my house, I estimate it to have been flying at at least mach 1, if not faster, though there was no sonic boom. I also noted that the sky was slightly brighter as it passed, almost like twilight, which went back to darkness as soon as it was out of my line of sight. I’m not a trained observer but I am an amateur plane watcher and general aviation enthusiast, and I am more than positive it was not any commercial nor military aircraft that I know of. Additionally, I double-checked Flightradar24, an open-source public aircraft tracking site, and the only nearby flight was a private Learjet 45 which, while in the same direction as the object, was not on a route where I would have been able to see it. Ultimately, I cannot draw any conclusions, and while I’d like to say I saw an alien spaceship (because that’d be a hell of a story to tell!), that would be jumping to conclusions and I just want to know if what I saw can be explained. Thanks for your time.
It was disc shaped with two heads inside It was disc shaped with two heads inside It was very strange black flying saucer with two head inside waving at me
It was something different. Triangle shape with lots of light and was at a height where even drones can't reach. It was something different. Triangle shape with lots of light and was at a height where even drones can't reach. It was having blinking lights. It's shape was like triangle.It was steady at a place and was having around 3 major black dots like thrusters of spaceship. We thought it was a drone but we live in a town where only normal drones are present that cannot reach such heights. It was at a huge height. The sky was clear and only moon and one star was visible so that object was not a star. I never saw such a thing in my area.
The sighting is on a video uploaded to the X Platform, and then shown in an article in Business Insider The sighting is on a video uploaded to the X Platform, and then shown in an article in Business Insider Please look at the link to the Video below. Watch the part where the drone films the Bradley pick up the soldiers. The UAP zooms in from the upper right at a high speed and makes a b-line for the Bradley. Then it appears to head right into the line of fire towards the Russians soldiers at the wood line. The orb is also visible in the beginning of the video as well. It comes low across the field from right to left at a high rate of speed. Https://
Extremely Large Quiet Craft moving slow N/E direction with Static Electric Feeling watched for 3 to 5 minutes Extremely Large Quiet Craft moving slow N/E direction with Static Electric Feeling watched for 3 to 5 minutes Late July of 1983 exact date unknown but had to choose one above was seen about 9:30PM or so by me. I was on my way home while riding My bicycle and when I got to the top of the hill at the entrance of Van Orden Lane, I stopped to tie My laces on My sneeker which came undone. When I got to the top of the hill to tie My laces, I had noticed that all the sounds had stopped. No wind, no animals, no crickets, no leaves, just total silence. Also at the same time I had felt like there was a lot of static electricity in the air and a very sudden and strong taste of aluminum in my mouth. Something I was feeling said to look up and I looked up and saw a very large craft moving very slowly overhead that was blocking out the stars where the Craft was and where the edge of the Craft wasn't, I was able to see the stars. The Craft was dark grey to black and moved at a constant speed heading North East. I had watched it for about 3 to 5 minutes constantly keeping My eyes on it. I knew that it was late and I had to get home so I rode My bicycle to the house. Once I got in the house, the taste of aluminum went away immediately. I didn't know then what I had saw just a few moments before and didn't speak about it to anyone once I had realized what I had seen, I didn't want anyone thinking I was crazy and sort of just put in the back of My mind until recently when the News broke in 2017 about UFO/UAP in the News. I have only told just a Very few people still out of being looked at negatively. That's why I'm reporting it here just to have it documented and not be ridiculed for telling UFORC what I saw. My Name can be given to an Investigator but Not released to the Public since I don't want and ridicule or issues from My Employer or coworkers if My Name is released. Maybe after Total Disclosure has been done, but not now at all.
2 UAPs sighted travelling from left to right at unknown speed (hyperlapse) Unseen by naked eye (observed) 2 UAPs sighted travelling from left to right at unknown speed (hyperlapse) Unseen by naked eye (observed) During a Hyperlapse filming from my garden using a tripod an a Gimble pointed at the blood red moon. I observed an anomally on my Samsung S24 Ultra screen (this would turn out to be the second UAP ) Having watched live this occurance I checked the sky (naked eye) but could not see anything. This could only be viewed from the phone camera. I waited a couple of minutes after the sighting as I wanted to run the myperlapse video for around 10 minutes using the Samsung standard hyperlapse settings which produced a 15 second video. This unmodified video was then copied (not to disturb evidence or authenticity) of which I slowed down the video to 1/4 a section or sections. The preliminary capture submitted is from a screen grab when diusplaying on a 4k screen., but the original is unchanged. from the copy I did a screen capture on my phone whilst zoomed in on the phone to enhance the size of the result. Again the original can be scrutinised seperately if required. Also created a control video and subsequent screen capture of a visible planse close to the same location around and height. I compared the images from the plane and the UAPs. I can confirm I could not hear any propulsion sound from the UAPs at the time of the second UAP and don't think I can prove this as the hyperlapse video does not record sound or at least I have not been able to produce any thus far. The weather was clear and I continued filming after the even after reviewing the footage. but could not detect any further instances. There were other aeroplanes observed in the sky but none of them following the exact flight path. During the even the tripod gimble and phone were not moved. There were light winds but not sufficient to cause any camera shake for the tripod mount. I will release only first video on this form (copy) (original video around 86Mb which would not upload) Note Pictures are screen grabs from video
Eratic Moving "Stars" Eratic Moving "Stars" My wife and I thought we'd see if we could observe the Perseid meteor shower and drove out to a "dark sky" area to observe. Unfortunately the moon was bright and it was a bit early (before midnight) for best viewing. We watched the sky looking at the stars and at about 2315, my wife, Brenda, mentioned one of the stars was moving and asked me if could be a satellite. After a few moments I spotted it. Having worked in Air Force space ops I'm familiar in satellite trajectories and this was not consistent with satellite travel (or orbital mechanics). She asked if it could be an aircraft or drone (I have an aviation background too). It could have been, but not likely. The object was at what appeared to be an extremely high altitude (above thin, high altitude cirrus clouds) looked like a star. It moved in an undiscernable pattern within the confines of approximately 10-15 degrees: sometimes straight lines, u-turns, ... random travel (a drunk pilot). The object was overhead, approximatley 10 degrees to the West (left from out vantage point...we were facing northeast). Occasionally there was a very faint, red "halo" (possibly a reflection from the thin cirrus clouds). After about 20 minutes, Brenda spotted another one. This was directly overhead and was doing essentially the same thing. We observed these "movements" from about 2315-0010 (when we could no longer stand the neck strain). During this time, it did occur to me that it could be an optical illusion so I attempted to juxtapose what I was observing with a static object, the car roof, and the object moved relative to the roof. I also asked Brenda - several times - what direction she was seeing the object move to ensure we were observing the same thing. Contact me if you have any follow-up questions.
it seemed to be shining. they made a circle.flies.I saw it twice in two months. I hope I’ll see thi tomorrow too, I wanna make a video it seemed to be shining. they made a circle.flies.I saw it twice in two months. I hope I’ll see it tomorrow too, I wanna make a video At 18 June was two it was clearly visible. They made a circle, but not together. One object makes half of the circle while the second object makes the remaining half of the circle and they complement each other at the same moment. They're flying. The white wings are big. At night the sky was cloudy.they were flying under the clouds . They were flying between the clouds. Today there was only one object without stopping flying made a circle duration :2 hours. Then vaporized I don't know .I couldn't find it in the sky.. I live in this city since birth. In this place already like 4-5 years. In this area in this city there are no species of birds. Only pigeons and crowns. In June 18 my family and I were sitting on a bench at night noticed an unknown thing that flies from the sky around our house making a certain circle forward then backwards it flies. I am sure it is very big and pure white and the wings are impossibly big. Then me and my brother went out the roof of a 9 storey house and took a video from the roof. Yesterday this white flying thing appeared. My mom and I were watching from the balcony. Date August 19, time:23:30pm It flew for about 2 hours and then it disappeared. I assure you it's not a bird. We thought it might be an angel at first. But I don't know why .
Clear skies. Saw two regular airplanes. WAY ABOVE THEM was a bright orb heading South East. 60 seconds. Maybe less. Then gone. Clear skies. Saw two regular airplanes. WAY ABOVE THEM was a bright orb heading South East. 60 seconds. Maybe less. Then gone. Bright orb well above normal aircraft that were flying by at that precise time. Heading South East. It was moving VERY quickly.
Every one at traffic light took pictures Every one at traffic light took pictures Was in the air
Fast moving tic tac looking thing crossing the sky Fast moving tic tac looking thing crossing the sky I looked up from my deck and saw this in the sky. I initially thought it was a far away plane then realized there was no sound and no wings. I pulled out the camera and when I zoomed in, it looked like a cylindrical bubble. In all, it was less than 30 seconds and then it was out of sight.
Hovering in the sky above Ft Jackson. From our home it aligned with star Vega according to an app. It is not moving with wind or chang Hovering in the sky above Ft Jackson. From our home it aligned with star Vega according to an app. It is not moving with wind or chang
I watched this flying cylinder-shaped object flying through the sky. I watched this flying cylinder-shaped object flying through the sky. This Disc Was Moving Fast . 1st It Was FLYING South @ Around 9:59AM. Heading Towards Sarasota, FL. Then It Apparently Turned Around, & @ 10:04 AM, FLYING Towards North, Going Fast Behind A Row Of Trees, Coming Back Where It Started, But In A Matter Of Seconds, It Vanished!!!! Strange But True!
It was going in slow.!option then went zig zag up n down fast then disappeared It was going in slow.!option then went zig zag up n down fast then disappeared I was outside saw a very red circle object by the moon it moved very slowly at first then it went zig zag then up n down fast I went to go get my tablet to record it but it had disappeared
Looking into sky for satellites and shooting stars Looking into sky for satellites and shooting stars Watching the sky as there was some shooting star activity. As I was scanning and looking towards what I think was east in the twilight. I kept looking for the “seven”sisters telling my friend theres seven stars in the constellation. Suddenly a bright light caught my eye. Brighter than any star in the sky, then I saw another bright light (orb) directly underneath it and half the size. They simply astonished me while trying to form words or thoughts trying to figure out what was going on I barely had the chance to tell my friend to look. While stupefied I witnessed the larger orb and smaller underneath it move in what seemed a uniform symbiotic fashion. The orbs seemed to move on a lateral direction then in a forward (away) motion. The orbs got very bright by the time my friend saw what I was seeing and confirmed it to me. I thought I was losing my mind. Seriously…. The simply faded out into the darkness … My friend and I tried to explain it to our group shortly after … I said it must have been an exploding star for it to get so bright and fade away like that. But not two of them at the same time … my friend came up with the theory they orbs or lights faded away when the ship hit its light speed thrusters. I waited a while to post this trying to se if there were any similar sightings or stories.. none yet. In Minnesota around that time
I watched it for about 45 minutes then when back inside multiple objects flying in the sky they change direction I watched it for about 45 minutes then when back inside multiple objects flying in the sky they change direction Multiple objects flying in the sky I watched for 45 minutes then went back inside the objects where at different height they show up and disappear I didn't see the line of star link and what I seen was in just 1 spot it was a clear sky they were white and gold color also have video of a helicopter flying with the light disappearing then coming back the helicopter was much higher than the objects and phone camera kept shutting off putting me back to my home screen
Saw a circle shaped UFO with 6 bright green lights Saw a circle shaped UFO with 6 bright green lights I was leaving somewhere, when I took my vehicle out, The shopkeepers near my house was looking up at the sky, so I looked up and saw it, It was very far but still was very bright. As the green light was very bright couldn't see any other details of the UFO
Two lights spotted out of nowhere started heading directions. Of the coast. Two lights spotted out of nowhere started heading directions. Of the coast. Watchin the skies. Out of no where 2 bright lights start moving. One that was heading south. Another that started north. I lost the one going north. The one going south was moving in a way that I havent seen our crafts move. When trying to point it out. The craft moved south west.
Circle orange ring in sky craft came out then went back in Circle orange ring in sky craft came out then went back in I was watching the skys. I look up the sun is up. I see the moon then. A huge orange ring of fire appeared. Watching a ring of fire in the sky during the day. A craft came out of the ring then went back in to it. The ring disappeared.
Seen a huge green fireball that came out of no where looked like it was heading toward the mountains Seen a huge green fireball that came out of no where looked like it was heading toward the mountains Green fire ball shot across the sky
A silver sphere that emitted an electric blue reflection or force field maybe. A silver sphere that emitted an electric blue reflection or force field maybe. Driving down the road with my now wife, we both spotted this craft to our left over the river. We always look along the river for Eagles on our rides past this spot. As soon as we realized what we were seeing it dropped from the sky at such a rate of speed we couldn't determine where it went. As it was above the river, we assumed it had to have dropped into the river. We had witnessed the same exact craft maybe 2 weeks prior over the paper mill in Old Town from an adjacent trailer park entrance. Also above the same river a few miles down stream. We were not the only ones to witness these craft in our area at that time. Many people saw them at different times all with the same description. A silver sphere that emitted some weird blue light or something around it as it just remained in place. I can only estimate its size based on the normal air traffic that flies at that level thru the area preparing to land at the local airfield. But it was the size of any single engine plane that flies around here. But just a ball in the sky. Never flying around, always just hovering over the river maybe 1000 feet up. The dropping of it seemed propelled somehow though. Much faster than gravity works. Never saw it again after this sighting. It was what made me believe there is much more to this than we know about. Seeing is believing in this case. Never have I been able to figure out what it is since, and have only seen maybe 1 or 2 images from others that are similar to it in the last 20+ years. Reported it to mufon and spoke with an investigator. Unfortunately it was nearly 15 years later then so it's just a report. No real looking into it.
Sightings stay in one spot sometimes goes over my head Sightings stay in one spot sometimes goes over my head Objects with bright lights usually stay in one spot, sometimes slowly fly over my head and stays in one circular motion. There's usually two or three. They appear on clear nights around 11:00 PM until around 4:00 AM always in the Channingway Ct. area.
Strange object with 3 or 4 lights moving steady in sky and then slowly dimming it's lights and disappearing. Strange object with 3 or 4 lights moving steady in sky and then slowly dimming it's lights and disappearing. Seen near the city of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the naked eye, it looked like a single light, but upon zooming in, I realized it was three or possibly four lights. It flew like this for about a minute before slowly dimming its lights until it was barely visible in the sky.
Was taking pictures of aurora's then noticed two lights Was taking pictures of aurora's then noticed two lights Was taking pictures and noticed two motionless lights hovering in place and thought nothing of it at first but that faded quickly because they were dissappearing and reappearing (not in the same positions). Took a few pics and noticed the lights were not just lights but that they had some structure to them. Im using a S23 Ultra on 100x zoom.
There is a white sphere that appears to reflect light hovering over my location. There is a white sphere that appears to reflect light hovering over my location. There is a white sphere that appears to reflect light hovering high above our current location. It appears to reflect light. There are currently no records of a weather balloon near my area.
Playing in back yard looking up at sky and observed linear shadow. Took close up photo and Live Photo at distance Playing in back yard looking up at sky and observed linear shadow. Took close up photo and Live Photo at distance After looking at photos later looked like cloud casting shadow but when blown up other features were observed. Also many other clouds in sky not casting shadows. Can provide photos.
Sitting outside brewing I saw an object flying very slowly, at maybe 10k feet elevation (plus or minus 2k feet), travelling slowly Sitting outside brewing I saw an object flying very slowly, at maybe 8-10k feet elevation travelling about 1/6 the speed of a normal plane at that elevation. It also seemed to be shifting 90 degrees/on its side several times. Kept a steady, slow, straight path.
Trail camera picture low over my field. Trail camera picture low over my field. Trail camera picture.20°
Saw cube Saw cube I saw a cube
Voom in at top on left side you will see it Voom in at top on left side you will see it This light in sky flew over the army national building and the pge building in Gresham Oregon. It's hovered for 2 mins, it looks like something comes out of the top of it, then it moves out of camera view.
Seen a green strip of something in the corner of my eye Seen a green strip of something in the corner of my eye It was almost kinda like a lighting flash but kinda not it’s hard to explain I can’t recall that I heard anything at the time of it happening it’s like I felt everything seemed to be like in a horror movie where the whole town is quiet like nothing moving an it only you like waking up to no one being around kinda thing
Working in my yard and noticed two craft quite close to each other. One moved off and disappeared before I could get my phone. Working in my yard and noticed two craft quite close to each other. One moved off and disappeared before I could get my phone. I’m doing some work in my yard. Saw these sparkling spinning objects. One was smaller than the other. Grabbed my phone after I saw a second object move to the right and disappear. The object in the video moved slowly to the left and then disappeared. It’s not a normal flying object. We have a flight path to LAX overhead but this was not a plane or copter.
It was gliding at a slow surveilling like speed and was box-like but flat when it turned sideways heading due North over the Sound It was gliding at a slow surveilling like speed and was box-like but flat when it turned sideways heading due North over the Sound I first noticed this object moving due Northeast from Hempstead Long Island area over LI Sound towards Hart Island. It was under the clouds and any would be planes (which there were none at the time) but the sky was quiet. It was large square dark and shaped like a ‘pizza box’ when it turned sideways moving slowly heading NE towards New Rochelle and soon disappeared from sight!
I was observing the moving object and have drawn a photo of the encounter I was observing the moving object and have drawn a photo of the encounter I was on a dock reading when the dark box-like object it moved across the hazy sky moving slowly towards the NE over Long Island Sound…. As it headed Northeast from Hart Island (Potters Field) I could see the shape was narrow like a pizza box; square on one side and box-like and then narrow like a pizza box…black in color.
I noticed a planes smoke trail across the sky, when I looked for the plane, I noticed a bright orb looping around the plane flying. I noticed a planes smoke trail across the sky, when I looked for the plane, I noticed a bright orb looping around the plane flying. I noticed a planes smoke trail across the sky, when I looked for the plane, I noticed a bright orb looping around the plane flying over and under, it made a pattern around the airplane like the protons in a atom image. I just bought my iPhone and I thought I was video taping it but it only snapped a picture. I didn’t know how to use the options. As soon as I started pointing the phone in its direction, the orb drifted along side like it was falling in formation. Then zipped off…
I noticed a black dot in the sky and it was not moving at all. I think I also saw a red light. I noticed a black dot in the sky and it was not moving at all. I think I also saw a red light. The dot seemed very far from where I was
Orange light moving across sky slowly ascending then hovering still and disappearing behind some clouds Orange light moving across sky slowly ascending then hovering still and disappearing behind some clouds I was out back at my mom’s house smoking a cigarette when and saw an orange light slowly ascend hover still and disappear behind the clouds. I recorded it but second guessed myself and stopped but I started recording again because the light stood still in the sky. I wrote it off for awhile but after rewatching the videos I figured why not report it
Object appeared, no sound, changed shape in air, and vanished without moving Object appeared, no sound, changed shape in air, and vanished without moving I noticed an object in the sky, it was hovering. I snapped photos of it, it vanished without moving. No sound, after enlarging the photos I realized it was changing shapes as it was hovering in the sky
when I was diving down the road i saw the cafts and then was scared. so i report it. then I When I was diving down the road i saw the cafts and then was scared. so i report it. Then I saw them.
Flying Jellyfish like object Flying Jellyfish like object Wife and I were driving home on a main road consisting of low traffic. As I am driving, my wife screams "WHAT IS THAT?" while pointing out of the front window. I immediately focus my gaze towards her side of the front windshield and almost at the exact same time, the object flies past the car towards a tree in someone's front yard. My eyes locked onto the object which was about the size of a standard carry-on duffle bag in length and watched it fly over the car windshield, with tentacle like extremities trailing behind towards a tree. The object does a 90 degree turn and go STRAIGHT up into the air without hitting the tree. It was at that moment I knew it was not a plastic bag or bird. My wife confirms that it was not a bird or bag or anything like that. She say she clearly saw something flying towards her and it shocked her that she didn't recognize what she was seeing. I am not sure if it was strictly the wind or the object but it made the tree branches and some leaves fell from the tree.
Strange shiny metallic disk hovering low in the sky in my front yard Last night, I was up late studying for an exam when I happened to glance out the window at around 3 am. But then, I saw a strange shiny metallic disk hovering low in the sky in my front yard. I was like "what the fuck how did this happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I thought it might be some kind of drone or aircraft, but it was completely silent and moved with incredibly smooth, fluid motions. The disk seemed to have multicolored lights flashing around its edges, and it appeared to be much larger than any drone I've ever seen. I watched in fricken awe for several minutes before it suddenly shot off into the night sky at an unbelievable speed. The whole experience was truly surreal, and I can't shake the feeling that what I saw was unlike anything I've ever fricken witnessed before.
Went outside for a smoke looked up saw a very bright blue white object it then commenced to move right ran inside and filmed it Went outside for a smoke looked up saw a very bright blue white object it then commenced to move right ran inside and filmed it. On the 23rd August at 12.30am midnight I went outside for a smoke. I looked up at the clear sky and saw directly above my home about 1-2 thousand feet up a very bright blue white object shining like a diamond not flashing about 10 times the size of a star. It then commenced to move right at that point I ran inside and got my video camera. I filmed it for 3 minutes at distance and close up as it moved slowly right. It was a circular disc not flashing at all but when it got to the trees behind my home it commenced to go on and off in a bizarre manner about 4 times. I continued filming as it went and descended behind the trees in my backyard, I saw it descend between trees over the horizon, I also filmed my lit garage studio door for context then filmed it for a total of 3 minutes. As it was descended between the tree line near the end it took a sharp incredible manouver to the right
2 large bright white circles flying side by side 2 large bright white circles flying side by side While having a smoke and looking up at the sky. Roughly 5:00 am I saw 2 bright white circles flying side by side. I say circles because I am seeing the bottom of the objects. They were traveling very fast north ward and was completely silent. I observed them for 4 to 5 seconds before they faded from my site. Side note, there was a plane in the far distance and the sky was clear.
Unknown large object heading to earth Unknown large object heading to earth I was driving from Missouri to Tennessee on highway 79 Northbound when I observed to my right side, a teardrop shape light resembling some kind of meteor or unknown flying object as it was crashing into earth.
Large bright blue/white lights shined down right on top of us. I told my friend from Louisille to check herself for burns lonight Large bright blue/white lights shined down right on top of us. I told my friend from Louisille to check herself for burns lonight My friend and I decided to drive out to Becks Mill on a leisurely drive after we went out to eat. We were leaving the mill heading back to Salem. I had my right arm and face outside the Window looking up when this object was right over top of us dropping an intense light like a gigantic flash light right on top of us. I'm still pretty scared typing this. When the light went off I saw a triagular black shape.. Maria stopped the car hit the flashers on a very dangerous road at that time of night but we hopped out. I was screaming. So we were freaked out and got back in the car and drove to West Hackberry Street. She dropped me off at my home and she went on to her place in Louisville, Ky. I put my cell down and went to the bathroom.. when I got to my phone Maria told me over 80 people were reporting seeing "Something" at 9:45 and I remember we definitenly didn't see it til 9:48. Now, I've contacted 2 meteorologists and people are saying it was absolutely a meteor. Maybe it entered like a meteor - I know what we saw. Is it possible a craft could enter like a meteorite? We had an intense beam of white/blue light right on top of us.. Like close encounters but the light was blue and white. It was too intense and sustained.. Meteors flash across the sky not hover above on one spot. I'm telling you.. If they try to say it was just a meteor than there was something else using it as cover. We saw what we saw. I know what I've seen is more than a meteor.
Blue light, Zipping Blue light, Zipping Saw a white light. Assumed plane. Dismissed. Then noticed a bright blue light in the north horizon. I went out to look. It fell like a meteor and then stopped and moved backwards. It would "zip" around the horizon. Go behind the horizon. It came back three times. It flew over the top of me and almost looked identifiable like two blue lights in brown housing. Mabs drone? Pearl Jam is playing at the university. "Zipping." It came back in the western horizon and made a frisbee type drop to what i assume was a landing.
it was 3 white lights in a triangle with one red in the middle. shot out a blueish white beam It was 3 white lights in a triangle with one red in the middle. shot out a blueish white beam My memory isn't great but I remember this thing pretty well. we were driving home from Tennessee, roughly about in independence Kentucky. I was just staring out the window when i noticed some lights hovering over a field. I thought it was a helicopter at first. it shot a blueish white beam down from the red light in the middle then turned it off like a flashlight, then another beam turned on from the white front light and shot straight ahead. It seemed kind of small but it could have been far away. It wasn't moving as far as i could tell.I didn't know anything about ufos/uaps at the time. I felt really calm and okay with it like it wasn't weird to see, and I keep wishing I could see it again.
I woke up from the noises on the street and saw it and my son saw it too and my husband I woke up from the noises on the street and saw it and my son saw it too and my husband
3 bright sputter flashes maybe explosions of craft or satellite falling 3 bright sputter flashes maybe explosions of craft or satellite falling Standing outside employee entrance of Ho-Chunk casino Madison, looking north in line with interstate 94. Spotted ship/satellite combust downward.
Large round light moving across the sky. Then 3 red flares come out of back of it. No sound. The up n disappeared. Large round light moving across the sky. Then 3 red flares come out of back of it. No sound. The up n disappeared. Large bright round light moving across clear sky. Prob mile away. Was big. The 3 flares come out of back of it one by one. Then it completely disappeared. Poof
I saw 3 bright white lights in a triangle above the tree line at the field across from my house I saw 3 bright white lights in a triangle above the tree line at the field across from my house I was leaving for work and as always I looked at the sky and if it’s clear I wait to leave a while and watch the stars. Monday morning there were 3 very bright white unblinking lights above the tree line across the street. The tree line is about 350-400 yards away. The lights were strange to me because I couldn’t seem to get any depth perception on them. Something about them made me feel very confident they weren’t stars, so I stared a while longer and they didn’t move or blink or flicker. I said out loud “well that’s fuckin cool” and as soon as I said that the lower left light of the formation moved away from the others. Previous to this I had watched them for at least 2 minutes. I know this because I walked out of my house at exactly 5:45. I went to grab my phone out of my pocket thinking I should get an video and saw it was 5:48. I never opened the camera app because I just watched that light move steadily away. It moved at what appeared to be down and away from both the formation and me. It didn’t move fast. The next weird thing was that it never got less bright, and it never altered from the exact straight line that it appeared to travel. I kept watching until it seemed it was below the tree line and my field of view. I then kept watching the other two lights but decided I did not have time to keep watching. I backed out of my driveway and looked out of the windshield and the other two lights were gone. I never felt uneasy, just very excited and had a lot of anxious energy. I don’t know if it’s related but both my wife and I have had GI issues all week that have just now gotten better. We both had nausea and vomiting and fatigue
White circle hovering in the same place despite winds and altitude. White circle hovering in the same place despite winds and altitude. Breezy day, wind out of east. White circle hovering in the same place almost straight skyward from gps coordinates: 43.3429, -104.11985. Hasn’t moved in 20minutes.
Odd object in the sky We were in a movie and our son texted with his friends saying there's a odd object in the sky pretty freaked out we left the movie and started taking photos of the object I've heard from several friends who also seen it it was clearly visible for over an hour. We have photos it looks like a ring of fire.