1 value
The king’s wrath is as “the roaring” of what?
A lion (Pro 19:12)
What was the name of Ruth’s son?
Obed (Ruth 4:17)
According to James, what happens if you break one commandment of the law?
You are guilty of breaking the whole law (Jam 2:10)
“Go to the ____, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” What animal should we take lessons from?
Ant (Pro 6:6)
How did the wise men know that the King of the Jews had been born?
They saw a star in the East (Matt 2:2)
What test did Elijah set the prophets of Baal, which failed, proving their god to be false?
Lighting a fire under the sacrifice on the altar (1 Ki 18:24)
Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus?
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5)
What is Jesus’ final commission to his disciples?
Teach all nations, baptizing them (Matt 28:19)
The Lord said that Jacob and Esau were two what in the womb?
Nations (Gen 25:23)
When a man said to Jesus, “who is my neighbor?” what parable did Jesus reply with?
The good Samaritan (Luke 10:29)
What happens to the man who “puts his hand to the plough and looks back”?
He is not fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62)
What did Samson do to the Philistines’ crops after discovering his bride had been given to someone else?
Burned them (Jdg 15:5)
Who was Jesus talking to when he taught the Lord’s Prayer?
Disciples (Matt 5:1)
Ananias and Sapphira sold some property and secretly kept part of the proceeds for themselves. What happened to them?
They died (Acts 5:1-11)
To the beauty of which plant did Jesus compare to King Solomon?
Lilies (of the field) (Luke 12:27)
What was on top of the Ark of the Covenant?
The mercy seat and two cherubim (Exo 25:22)
Who came to see Jesus by night?
Nicodemus (John 19:39)
For how long was the dragon bound in the bottomless pit?
1,000 years (Rev 20:1-3)
Complete the Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart...”
...for they shall see God. (Matt 5:8)
For how many pieces of silver did Judas betray Christ?
Thirty (Matt 26:15)
Who did Abram marry?
Sarai (Gen 11:29)
What did Jesus say he would leave with the disciples?
Peace (John 14:27)
What did Paul ask Philemon to have ready for him?
A room (Phm 1:22)
In Egypt, what did Joseph accuse his brothers of at their first meeting?
Being spies (Gen 42:9)
Where did Jesus first see Nathanael?
Under the fig tree (John 1:48)
Which disciple was a tax collector?
Matthew (Levi) (Luke 5:27)
Which city was the letter to Philemon written from?
Rome (while under house arrest) (Phm 1:23)
What horrific act did the women do to their children during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem?
Boiled and ate them (Lam 4:10)
What does the name Abraham mean?
Father of a multitude (Gen 17:5)
When the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, what object did he use to answer their question?
A penny (denarius) (Matt 22:19)
When Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch arrive at some water, what does the eunuch say?
What is there to stop me getting baptized? (Acts 8:36)
Who said to Mary, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”?
Elisabeth (Luke 1:41-42)
Seven fat and seven thin of what type of animal appeared to Pharaoh in a dream?
Cattle (or Cows) (Gen 41:1-4)
How old was Sarah when her son Isaac was born?
Ninety (Gen 17:17; 21:5)
About what age was Jesus when he was baptized?
Thirty (Luke 3:23)
Which book comes after the book of Job?
Psalms (Job 42:17 - Ps 1:1)
How many horsemen are there in Revelation chapter 6?
Four (Rev 6:2-8)
What was the first temptation of Christ?
To turn a stone into bread (Matt 4:3)
After the first king of Israel failed God, what was the name of the second man who was anointed king?
David (1 Sam 16:1,13)
What type of tree did Zacchaeus climb to see Jesus?
Sycamore (Luke 19:4)
When Jesus forgave the sins of the sick man let down through the roof to him, to what did the Pharisees object?
They thought only God could forgive sins (Mark 2:7)
What was the name of Abraham’s nephew?
Lot (Gen 12:5)
Israel split into two kingdoms after the reign of King Solomon, with Israel in the north, but what was the name of the southern kingdom?
Judah (1 Ki 11:31-36; 12:20-21)
What did James’ and John’s mother ask of Jesus?
For her sons to sit on Jesus’ right and left hands in the kingdom (Matt 20:21)
What did the dove bring back to Noah?
Olive leaf (Gen 8:11)
How many books are there in the New Testament?
Twenty-seven (Matt 1:1 - Rev 22:21)
Who was appointed to replace Judas Iscariot as a disciple?
Matthias (Acts 1:26)
What did Abraham’s son carry for his sacrifice?
The wood (Gen 22:6)
In which book of the Bible would we find Haman, the son of Hammedatha?
Esther (Est 3:1)
What did Elisha do for the Shunammite’s son?
Raised him back to life (2 Ki 4:32-37)
Which book of the Bible precedes Philemon?
Titus (Tit 3:15 - Phm 1:1)
What were the names of Elimelech’s two sons?
Mahlon & Chilion (Ruth 1:2)
Until when did Jesus remain in Egypt with his parents, when he was a baby?
Until the death of Herod the Great (Matt 2:15)
In the parable of the sower, what does the seed represent?
Word of God (Luke 8:11)
What was the first plague the Lord sent upon Egypt?
Water turned into blood (Exo 7:21)
What did the disciples do when people brought their young children to Jesus?
They rebuked them (Matt 19:13)
Who does Jesus say are the two most important people to love?
God and your neighbor (Luke 10:27)
What happened to Jesus on the 8th day of his life?
He was circumcised (Luke 2:21)
Who looked after the coats of the men who stoned Stephen?
Saul (Acts 7:58)
What profession did Zebedee, father of James and John, have?
Fisherman (Matt 4:21)
Which two sisters married Jacob?
Rachel and Leah (Gen 29:28)
Into which land did God send Abraham to sacrifice his special son, Isaac?
Moriah (Gen 22:2)
In Revelation, what was the wife of the Lamb arrayed in?
Fine white linen (Rev 19:8)
Which Israelite woman had two Moabite daughters-in-law?
Naomi (Ruth 1:4)
When Peter was asked if Jesus paid temple taxes, what animal concealed a coin with which to pay the taxes?
Fish (Matt 17:27)
In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream what did the different metals of the statue represent?
Kingdoms of the world (Dan 2:37-44)
What did God initially give man to eat?
Plants and Fruit (Gen 2:9,16)
Which city did David pray for the peace of?
Jerusalem (Ps 122:6)
What did the crew of the ship Jonah was on do once the storm had ceased?
They made sacrifices to God (Jon 1:16)
How many people were saved in the ark?
Eight (1 Pe 3:20)
What disease did the Lord send upon Miriam?
Leprosy (Num 12:10)
The name of the Lord is like what place of safety?
A strong tower (Pro 18:10)
With what was Jesus’ side pierced?
Spear (John 19:34)
Who wrote the book of Acts?
Luke (Acts 1:1 (cf Luke 1:3))
What did Jesus say when the Pharisees asked why he ate with publicans and sinners?
They that be whole need not a physician,but they that are sick. (Matt 9:11-12)
How did Moses command the Red Sea to divide so the Israelites could cross over?
He lifted up his rod and stretched his hand over the sea (Exo 14:16,21)
Where was Jonah when he prayed to God with the voice of thanksgiving?
In the fish’s belly (Jon 2:9)
What was Noah’s ark made out of?
Gopher (cypress) wood (Gen 6:14)
Who brought Elijah bread and meat to eat during the drought?
Ravens (1 Ki 17:4)
Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal?
(Simon) Peter’s (Matt 8:14-15)
Which bird does Jesus say we have more value than?
Sparrow (Matt 10:31)
In which city was David’s throne over Israel?
Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:5)
How old was Moses when he died?
120 (Deut 34:7)
What event did Peter, James and John witness in a mountain with Jesus?
Transfiguration (Matt 17:1)
Which apostle was a Pharisee?
Paul (Acts 23:6)
The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?
Babylon (Rev 18:2)
Which king in the Old Testament built the first temple in Jerusalem?
Solomon (2 Chr 3:1)
Why did Jesus say we should not “judge people”?
So that we are not judged (Matt 7:1)
What happened to the prison keeper and his family after finding Paul and Silas released from their chains?
They believed and were baptized (Acts 16:33)
How is man “tempted”?
He is enticed by his own lust (Jam 1:14)
What natural disaster happened when Abram and Sarai arrived in the land of Canaan?
A famine (Gen 12:10)
Which disciple did Paul commend for having “the same faith his mother had”?
Timothy (2 Tim 1:5)
What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?
Spread the news about Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:17)
Who went back to Jerusalem after the captivity to encourage the people to build the walls of the city again?
Nehemiah (Neh 2:17)
Who was the first of the apostles to perform a miracle in the name of Jesus?
Peter (Acts 3:6)
How did Korah and his family die after seeking priesthood duties beyond those they already had?
They were swallowed up by the earth (Num 16:1-35)
What was the name of Isaac’s wife?
Rebekah (Gen 24:67)
How does the Bible describe the location of the Garden of Eden?
In the east (Gen 2:8)
In the vision of Jesus in Revelation, what came out of Jesus’ mouth?
A sharp sword (Rev 19:15)
What was Paul’s home town?
Tarsus (Acts 21:39)